#what is this cosmic delinquent
ace-with--a-mace · 11 months
buddy why would you say that to my girl fionna
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ms-nesbit · 5 days
Title: cosmic (a jason todd x reader fic)
Chapter III of ???
Rating: 18+ (eventual smut, language, violence i guess, and mention of past abuse)
Tw: abuse, violence, and smut.
y/n meets dick and barbara, who try to set y/n up with dick’s big little brother.
“Perfect! Before you go, y/n, I have someone I’d like for you to meet.” Barbara smiled from ear to ear, somewhat different from her cheeky tone. “Y/n, this is Jason, Dick’s brother.” Y/n turned around to greet the man, only to find herself in the same predicament she was in a few minutes prior: her eyes at his chest. “And Jason, this is y/n. She just left New York with a degree in criminology and a distaste for the Gotham Police.” Barbara finished her sentence in a husher tone, attempting to avoid unwanted attention from the enforcement officers surrounding them.
“Ah!” Jason’s face beamed. “Pleasure to meet you, y/n. Have we met before?” His hazel eyes slowly scanned y/n’s outfit, causing her skin to flush. He took y/n’s hand and pressed it against his pink lips, his gaze never leaving y/n’s.
“Don’t be intimidated by the stature. Underneath the meathead look, he’s a decent guy.” Dick detailed, half-teasingly.
“Meathead? Don’t blame me because Wayne blessed me with his height.” Jason retorted, crossing his arms around his chest.
“We’re not even blood related!” Dick erupted in disbelief, drawing attention from a few folks around them. He ran his fingers through his gelled hair as he cooled off.
“If you’ll excuse us, we’ll be talking with the chief about some infrastructure planning for the coming parade next month.” Barbara stated, pulling the upset Dick by the arm as they fled the scene.
“So…” Jason began, stepping closer to y/n. “Have you gotten a tour of the zoo? Or just this area in particular?”
Y/n cocked her head. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, because I’ve lived here for a few years with Bruce, so I can give you a pretty well-informed tour of the place, if you’re interested, of course.”
“Oh!” y/n realized what Jason was doing, and nodded. “You only lived here for a few years? How much of an expert could you really be?”
Jason flashed her a toothy smile. “Did I mention that those few years were my teenage years, when I was at my most delinquent and distant from abiding by Bruce's rules?”
“Okay, fine.” Y/n rolled her eyes, caving in to Jason’s adorable attempt at enchantment. 
Offering his elbow for y/n to take, the pair left the gala, heading toward a set of stairs toward the second floor. On their way, y/n took a chance to look up at the artwork on the ceiling, gawking at the intricate artistry. Jason, on the other hand, kept his eyes on y/n, unaware of the grin forming on his face.
“So what brings you here?” Jason finally breaks the silence as they make their way to the top of the staircase, helping y/n onto the second floor. Y/n placed her hand back on his arm, this time holding his large bicep. She felt the contour of the muscle through the blazer.
“Barbara and Dick invited me to the gala to meet-”
“No, not the gala, y/n,” Jason replied. “To Gotham. Why leave New York for Gotham ?”
Y/n hadn’t been honest with anyone about her departure from New York, and she wasn’t sure if this was the right time to start. She bit her bottom lip, unsure of how to answer. Before the anxiety engulfed her, Jason placed his hand over hers, gently rubbing the skin. “It’s okay if you can’t talk about it. We all have our skeletons.” He looked at her warmly, this time more emerald than stormy gray, and y/n felt the sun through the clouds in his irises.
“This building was constructed in the 1800s, if you were wondering.” He started, still caressing y/n’s hand that was placed on his bicep. “At least that’s what Alfred told me when I first came here.”
“He took care of you?” Y/n asked, turning to look up at Jason, who nodded.
“Yeah, he is more family than Bruce, honestly. But that’s neither here nor there. Shall we?” Jason extended his free arm toward a single door that was marked ‘Do Not Enter!’ in bright red letters, its modern lettering standing out from the old decor of the door and trim. Letting go of y/n’s hand, Jason stepped toward the door, lifting the door slightly before turning the handle and opening the door with a click. “Right this way.” He nudged, grinning mischievously as he held the door open for y/n.
“Are we allowed in here?” y/n asked nervously as she stepped into the room, looking around at the posters hanging on the walls.
“Whose room do you think this is?” Jason scoffed. “Besides, what are Bruce and Dick gonna do if we’re in this room, kick us out?” He took a seat on the computer chair, lifting his feet onto the desk beside it, and interlocking his fingers behind his head. Y/n stood awkwardly, deciding on taking a seat on Jason’s old bed, which gave a rather rude creak when she sat on it. “See? Isn’t this a little bit better?”
Y/n wanted to disagree, given how little she’s known about this man, and how he is alone with her in a place where nobody else knows her - if she goes missing, there wouldn’t be any leads. In any other circumstance, y/n would have made an excuse to flee, pulled the red string to sound the alarm, anything;
Yet this wasn’t any other circumstance. For some reason, she trusts Jason, and is willing to yank the walls down to allow for his entry. After years of contempt for the opposite sex, y/n felt as comfortable as she was prior to…
“I feel okay.” y/n replied curtly. “But if this was your room, what are all these posters doing up?”
“What do you mean?” Jason rested his hands on his lap now, sitting up.
“ Movements? Tigers Jaw? The Misfits? Someone had a very angsty teenhood, if you ask me.” Y/n propped herself up on her arms, which were placed behind her. She crossed her legs, the fabric of the pencil skirt hiking up a bit. Jason withheld the temptation of glancing at her legs, heat rising to his cheeks as she spoke.
Instead, he tempted her, shimmying off the blazer to present his frame through his red button-up top. “You a fan?”
“Being from Ohio, I’m a fan of Midwestern Emo,” y/n started, “and The Misfits are just classic, but what I am a bigger fan of is the fact that you have some Stevie Nicks albums hiding under your PC cabinet there.” She pointed her chin at the lowest shelf of the desk, where two albums were discreetly hidden away from plain sight. While Jason reached over to retrieve the items, y/n caught a glimpse of his shoulders, muscles teasing her through the thin fabric. If she wasn’t so scared of vulnerability, she would have torn it off so see what was underneath the cotton blend.
“Hm.” He smirked at y/n, his gray streaks falling past his forehead and onto his eyes. “Pretty woman has brains and good eyes. What’s your deal?”
Y/n couldn’t help but blush at the remark, but played it off with a shrug. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours first.”
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bozzowl · 19 days
hey can i request for headcannons for a scarab x higher up reader and how he is such a simp for them
Alrighty! Higher up YN x Scarab HEADCANNONS! :D
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Ok, so I’m assuming that YN is higher than Scarab’s position and might be in the disciplinary department so…
Higher up YN:
• as a YN, their position or role can vary depending on the request.
• Possible job positions: a member of the Judgement Hall, could be an Attorney, or Orbo’s right hand (or Big Boss’s right hand?). Could also be a parole officer, Lieutenant, detective, or one of the Big Boss’s Agents. YN could be the person Scarab has to hand over the Egged individuals to for processing…
- I’m not entirely sure of the hierarchy, but YN could be any position, even a Cosmic FBI of sorts. It depends on what you guys request.
• Like Scarab’s Crystal, you guys get a winged orb that functions similarly.
• you guys can use the pendant for more complex disguises
• depending on how you want YN, they could either be a friend of Orbo’s or Orbo could fear them due to him bending the rules (like for Prismo or threatening Scarab for example)
• You guys are basically seen as super cool and can go on James Bond level missions for more major crimes and investigations.
• YN could possibly be undercover to find out if the gods are bending cosmic rules and could act on it depending on the intentions and severity
•or YN can be more laid back like Orbo and just keeps track of Scarab’s missions, could also be the person who sends him the missions directly.
Scarab X YN Higher up:
• relationship could be kept secret due to work related reasons or it could be open, depending on the request.
• Scarab likes to meet up with YN on the way to the judgement hall to talk about his missions. May even show who he has egged and share gossip about the reason behind the misdemeanors
• Scarab likes to stop by your office EVERY TIME he comes by to drop off delinquents for Judgement
• Sometimes you are tasked with joining Scarab in missions depending on the violation. (Sometimes he exaggerates a little in hopes that they send you… and specifically asks for you…)
• you end up with flirty E-mails from him, often sent as an attachment to the report he gives you. You could be responsible for reviewing the reports for record and court purposes.
• your favorite snack on your desk, every day.
• if you’re on your day off, wherever you hangout at, Scarab would find excuses to be there too. Pretending he happens to be going that way specially just so he can see you and talk to you
• investigations together
• will act more professional than usual around you, even going as far as to check his breath and outfit to make sure he looks good when seeing you.
• Scarab wears cologne around you, might even try on your favorite scent if you like it
• even when he’s busy, he texts you
• insists on having a picture of you and him together, each pic with a different form of his. His reason being that he can “pretend you’re his spouse for mission purposes” for “cover stories” to make his disguise more believable. When it’s actually just so he can get away with looking at pictures of you two together without blowing his cover during missions.
• Scarab will arrange candle lit dinners for YN
• Scarab could bring YN flowers, usually red roses. YN may occasionally come home to a rose petal trail to their bedroom… 👀
• YN can get involved to help Scarab when he’s in too deep and needs help
• YN puts a good word in for Scarab after the Fiona and Cake incident
• even after the incident, YN visits Scarab and they read fan fiction together. Where Scarab writes them either as two warrior knights who fall in love after many dark souls-like quests together… OR he writes you as the person in distress and he comes to rescue you in the most dramatic way. (May or may not be Shakespeare inspired…)
• scarab would rescue you if you needed it
• He shows YN his face more often, feels more comfortable and himself around YN
• He will ask YN to join him for a Steak out. Could be legit or an excuse to sit alone in a car with you… 👀
• He speaks highly of you, even defending you behind your back
• He shivers and makes bug noises when he thinks of you, like when a person gets goosebumps a shiver down your spine in a good way kind of way.
• only you can dance with him, especially if dancing in bug terms can be used for courtship
• he brings you a dung ball every spring (for obvious reasons…)
• he will fight for you and gets pissed if someone hurts his precious YN
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fangbangerghoul · 5 months
♥ WIP Game ♥
Rules: make a new post and share 1-2 sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
I have been tagged by @crystal-overdrive which I appreciate so much! This works out because I did not get to write as much as I wanted to last night. Plus, it's a little different than what I normally do for WIP Wednesdays, and thats cool tbh.
His disastrous ragtag of delinquents and discarded citizens were capable enough if led with a strong fist. He had promised himself a long time ago that before he was forced to leave this world, he would bring them the victory they all deserved.
Tagging: @bearlytolerant @order-of-the-eye @a-cosmic-elf @atonalginger @staticpallour
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disassociationdive · 1 month
Tokyo Debunker Card Titles & Groups
Sorted by house and character. Names of the groups followed by who else is in the group in parenthesis.
I'll have sister posts that break it down by character and including a picture of the card.
The Order of Frostheim (Tohma, Lucas, Kaito)
Icebound Tyrant
Frostheim Flanchetto (Tohma, Lucas, Kaito)
The King's Gambit
Grasped Illusions (Haku, Sho)
Winter Melts (Wedding)
Ringing Bells (Lucas, Haku, Subaru, Zenji)
Winter Melts (Wedding)
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
Varied Battles (Lucas/Kaito, Leo/Sho)
Bow Before The King
Tyrannical Trio (Leo, Taiga)
Icebound Tyrant
The Order of Frostheim (Jin, Lucas, Kaito)
Contrived Smile
Frostheim Flanchetto (Jin, Lucas, Kaito)
Watchful Shadow
Shadowed Smiles (Lucas, Subaru)
Contrived Smile
Faces in the Crowd (Leo, Towa)
Perfect Mirror
Gentlemen with Purpose (Ritsu, Lucas)
Perfect Mirror
Varied Agendas (Haku, Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
Varied Fingertips (Alan)
Refined Respite
Varied Roles (Taiga, Jiro, Kaito)
Refined Respite
The Order of Frostheim (Jin, Tohma, Kaito)
Scattered Radiance
Shadowed Smiles (Subaru, Tohma)
Ringing Bells (Jin, Haku, Subaru, Zenji)
Gentlemen with Purpose (Tohma, Ritsu)
Scattered Radiance
Frostheim Flanchetto (Jin, Tohma, Kaito)
One Winter's Day
Varied Battles (Lucas/Kaito, Jin, Leo/Sho)
Ready for Action
Chaos Combo (Kaito)
Casual Style
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Crepe Caper
The Order of Frostheim (Jin, Tohma, Lucas)
Thrift-Shop Aristocrat
Frostheim Flanchetto (Jin, Tohma, Lucas)
Lively Academia
Beyond Our Mistakes (Alan, Ed)
Thrift Shop Aristocrat
Varied Misunderstandings (Jiro)
New Guy
Varied Battles (Lucas/Kaito, Jin, Leo/Sho)
Ready For Action
Varied Roles (Taiga, Jiro, Tohma)
New Guy
Chaos Combo (Lucas)
Casual Style
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Crepe Caper
The Vagabonds of Vagastrom (Leo, Sho)
Wrested Truth
Vagastrom Riot (Leo, Sho)
Hungry Afternoon
Beyond Our Mistakes (Ed, Kaito)
Dark Horizon
Quiet Maelstrom (Subaru, Lyca)
Wrested Truth
Words Unspoken (Ren, Subaru)
Dark Horizon
Varied Agendas (Haku, Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Jin, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
Varied Fingertips (Tohma)
You Okay?
Varied Natures (Ren, Towa)
You Okay?
The Vagabonds of Vagastrom (Alan, Leo)
Delinquent Chill
Vagastrom Riot (Alan, Leo)
Unconventional Seasoning
Grasped Illusions (Jin, Haku)
Delinquent Chill
Varied Battles (Lucas/Kaito, Jin, Leo/Sho)
Devilish Deeds
The Vagabonds of Vagastrom (Alan, Sho)
Diabolic Influencer
Vagastrom Riot (Alan, Sho)
The Walls Have Ears
Faces in the Crowd (Towa, Tohma)
Neon Nights
Bubbles and Butlers (Towa, Romeo)
Diabolic Influencer
Varied Agendas (Haku, Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
Varied Battles (Lucas/Kaito, Jin, Leo/Sho)
Devilish Deeds
Tyrannical Trio (Taiga, Jin)
Neon Nights
Menagerie Of Jabberwock (Towa, Ren)
Vibrant Safari
Jabberwock Jamboree (Towa, Ren)
Fun In The Sun
Terminal Happiness (Haku, Zenji)
Vibrant Safari
Ying and Yang (Ren, Rui, Ed)
Pop Culture
Varied Agendas (Haku, Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
What Choice Do I Have?
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Jin, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
Menagerie Of Jabberwock (Towa, Ren)
Vibrant Safari
Jabberwock Jamboree (Towa, Ren)
Fun In The Sun
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Cabybus Breakdown
Menagerie Of Jabberwock (Towa, Ren)
Vibrant Safari
Jabberwock Jamboree (Towa, Ren)
In The Wind
Longing for Normal (Ren, Rui)
Evanescent Words
Faces in the Crowd (Leo, Tohma)
Cosmic Carnation
Bubbles and Bullets (Romeo, Leo)
Cosmic Carnation
Varied Madness (Taiga, Subaru)
Bubbles In The Wind
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Capybus Breakdown
Varied Oddities (Ren)
Varied Natures (Alan, Ren)
Menagerie Of Jabberwock (Haru, Towa)
The Worst
Jabberwock Jamboree (Haru, Towa)
Peaceful Afternoon
Longing for Normal (Rui, Towa)
Melancholic Misfit
Words Unspoken (Alan, Subaru)
Melancholic Misfit
Ying and Yang (Haru, Rui, Ed)
The Worst
Varied Agendas (Haku, Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
What Choice Do I Have?
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Capybus Breakdown
Varied Oddities (Towa)
False Sense Of Security
Varied Natures (Alan, Towa)
False Sense Of Security
The Mafioso Of Sinostra (Romeo, Ritsu)
Notorious Visionary
Sinostra Depravity (Romeo, Ritsu)
Thrills And Spills
Varied Agendas (Haku, Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
Ghoulish Entrance
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Jin, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
Varied Madness (Towa, Subaru)
Varied Roles (Jiro, Kaito, Tohma)
Ghoulish Entrance
Tyrannical Trio (Leo, Jin)
Notorious Visionary
The Mafioso Of Sinostra (Taiga, Ritsu)
Cutthroat Opulence
Sinostra Depravity (Taiga, Ritsu)
Hide and Seek
Bubbles and Bullets (Towa, Leo)
Cutthroat Opulence
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Wistful Gaze
The Mafioso Of Sinostra (Taiga, Romeo)
Amoral Attorney
Sinostra Depravity (Taiga, Romeo)
Unforeseen Expense
Gentlemen with Purpose (Tohma, Lucas)
Amoral Attorney
Hotarubi Heartsease (Haku, Zenji)
Secluded Serenity
The Artists of Hotarubi (Haku, Zenji)
Hazy Spectacle
Shadowed Smiles (Lucas, Tohma)
Hazy Spectacle
Ringing Bells (Lucas, Jin, Haru, Zenji)
Graceful Greeting
Varied Proximity (Zenji, Rui, Ed)
Graceful Greeting
The Artists of Hotarubi (Haku, Zenji)
Hazy Spectacle
Words Unspoken (Alan, Ren)
Curious Fortune
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Jin, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
Varied Madness (Towa, Taiga)
Wisteria Rain
Hotarubi Heartsease (Subaru, Zenji)
Casual Companionship
The Artists of Hotarubi (Subaru, Zenji)
Witty Priest
Grasped Illusions (Jin, Sho)
Witty Priest
Terminal Happiness (Zenji, Haru)
Ordinary Happiness (Wedding)
Ringing Bells (Lucas, Jin, Subaru, Zenji)
Ordinary Happiness
Varied Agendas (Alan/Leo/Tohma, Ren/Haru, Taiga)
Into the Galaxy
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Ame Ni Mo Makezu
Hotarubi Heartsease (Subaru, Haku)
Zenji on Stage
The Artists of Hotarubi (Subaru, Haku)
Unearthly Bohemian
Terminal Happiness (Haku, Haru)
Unearthly Bohemian
Ringing Bells (Lucas, Jin, Haru, Subaru)
Vision of Genius
Varied Proximity (Subaru, Rui, Ed)
Vision of Geniu
Varied Adversity (Lucas/Kaito, Ren/Haru/Towa, Romeo, Haku/Zenji)
Ame Ni Mo Makezu
The Dark Parade of Obscuary (Ed, Lyca)
Shinigami's Favor
Obscuary Oddities (Ed, Lyca)
A Good Listener
Varied Proximity (Subaru, Zenji, Ed)
Woodland Playboy
Longing for Normal (Ren, Towa)
Shinigami's Favor
Ying and Yang (Haru, Ren, Ed)
Woodland Playboy
A Theory Of Life And Death (Yuri, Jiro)
Ephemeral Bouquet
The Dark Parade of Obscuary (Rui, Lyca)
Dark Prince
Obscuary Oddities (Rui, Lyca)
Varied Proximity (Subaru, Zenji, Rui)
Caught Unaware
Beyond Our Mistakes (Alan, Kaito)
Dark Prince
Ying and Yang (Haru, Ren, Ed)
Caught Unaware
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Jin, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
Obscuary Oddities (Ed, Rui)
What's Under The Hood?
The Dark Parade of Obscuary (Ed, Rui)
Wayward Wolf
Quiet Maelstrom (Subaru, Alan)
Wayward Wolf
The Masterminds of Mortkranken (Jiro)
Maverick Doctor
Mortkranken Mavericks (Yuri)
Dr. Isami's Experiement
Blessing Of The Seven Houses (Subaru, Ed, Yuri, Alan, Haru, Jin, Taiga)
Seven Pact Makers
A Theory Of Life And Death (Rui, Jiro)
Maverick Doctor
The Masterminds of Mortkranken (Yuri)
Reanimanted Monster
Mortkranken Mavericks (Jiro)
Shared Silence
Varied Misunderstandings (Kaito)
Morning Visit
Varied Roles (Taiga, Kaito, Tohma)
Morning Visit
A Theory Of Life And Death (Rui, Yuri)
Reanimated Monster
Benevolent Mentors (Hyde)
Passionate Mentors
Benevolent Mentors (Dante)
Passionate Mentors
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mezzy-1 · 1 year
Valorant Agents and their Comic Books (Headcanons)
A buncha headcanons and comics based on this one illustration.  I wanna make it clear that these are the ALPHA AGENTS’ books.  I got something else planned for the other comics from Omega.  Below is the summary on the back of each imagined book and the headcanons below.  Enjoy!
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(Comic Title ->, Back of Comic Summary ->, Headcanons)
Solar Strike: Series X
A young teen, Sol, struggles to control their powers, generated from the ancient evil called the Demonheart, while fighting against evil forces that threaten their world.  Their team of friends battle against aliens using Chi powers learned from a ninja master’s scroll.  The Demonheart threatens to overtake Sol, can they stave it off and prevent it from costing them their friends?  Find out what happens next in this new chapter!
Let’s be clear, this is what Neon is reading in the illustration and yeah it’s probably her fav
She likes the fights and the protag, she kinda relates to it now more because of the whole controlling powers subtext
Neon’s definitely a fan and loves the flashy action and inner turmoil the character has bearing a lot of unstable powers
Her, Jett, Phoenix, Yoru, and Gekko have watch parties for the anime adaptation.  They also lowkey want to cosplay at a con when given the opportunity
During training, Neon called some duelists over and did the famous Kami Blast move using her lighting as a joke
It was pretty funny but Reyna walked in and commented on how effective it was, not hearing Neon beforehand
That’s how Neon started using the finger gun to aim her powers
The series has been going nearly forever, and is peak shonen in terms of being milked by the publishers but it still maintains a strong fanbase
Sova used to read them at his babushka’s when he was a little, and was confused when he saw that it had continued for 10+ years.  He’s so behind he isn’t even gonna try to pick it back up
Astra likes the comic too, mostly because of the cosmic level threats are so laughable to her but also because she likes how fun it is and maybe relatable because of her own responsibility
Private middle schools are prestigious, but the Blue Ribbon Boarding School is the most high class of all.  Anya is a delinquent who won a lottery to go, but has no manners or aspirations.  Still, she goes to the school to dominate the sports and because she may be developing a slight crush on almost all of the students.
Jett reads this religiously, and debates with Neon over if it’s better than Neon’s fav
Anya’s take no shit attitude and general punk nature is something Jett got into as a teen which helped to be more assertive
The MC being bisexual was pretty much what made Jett realize her own sexuality, but for the longest time she thought she was just really into the character’s story
The drama is for sure complex, and Jett, Neon, Raze, Killjoy, and for some reason Sage will speculate on who will get with who 
Recapping all of the relationship tension as well as the results of sports events or festivals is like a never ending net of betrayals and broken hearts
Reading is guaranteed to result in gasps of surprise, and the author is great at making twists and turns to keep readers engaged
Reyna will occasionally borrow a copy from Jett to read to Lucia
Compound Fracture
A man with an incredible debt is forced into fights against other indebted people in underground fights.  Bloody combat against a bracket of trained killers and martial artists is inevitable, but each kill is a step closer to freedom.  Will he die in debt or survive and become the world’s most dangerous man?  
Yoru loves this manga, mostly because he likes to see how brutal the fights can get and the Yakuza stuff inside it
It may also have something to do with the fact that the artist is also from his province too and because he gets them in the original Japanese
Sova and Sage also got a little into it, mostly because Sage likes that real martial arts terms are incorporates and Sova just likes the story
A copy somehow made its way to Breach and he got pretty into it, mostly because he liked how it really went crazy with the violence and how it was about getting free of restrictions
Jorgio’s Strangest Battles (On Part 19, Land of Luck)
A family with ties to an ancient power fights for humanity against hordes of clever villains using wits and supernatural beings summoned from their fighting spirit.  Each member has a journey that pits them against pure evil, but their resolve to bring justice to the wicked is unbreakable.  This week, the crew in Hawaii faces off against an onslaught of mythical felines attempting to steal a precious piece of lava rock!  TO BE CONTINUED!
Breach loves this manga, as does Harbor and Skye.  Buff people like this series because of the art and poses are *fabulously majestic*
The three will strike a pose from time to time or reference a line, the references are a little much but usually result in a small laugh
Breach once pointed out that Deadlock’s wire was similar to a protag’s (from the 6th part) and she had no idea what he meant
Then she read up on it and completely agrees
Chamber also likes it because of the references to classic Western art and the high fashion design.  Pure fabulosity
Each fight is absolute rollercoaster of back and forth outsmarting, but for whatever reason Deadlock can guess the next move
Hearts in the Heat of Battle
The nations of Nauz and Phrena war with each other, each using armies and mages to destroy each other.  Unbeknownst to the feuding states, their generals have met at a masquerade dance and fallen for each other.   If lovers continue, they may be executed but it may be the only chance for love they have. Love may make things complicated, but it may be the only route to peace.
Killjoy and Phoenix follow this one pretty closely, and is common ground for each of them.  The theatre kid loves the dramatic stuff and the nerd likes the fantasy (and romance between two gals)
Cypher has a few copies stored at an old safehouse near Rabat, he still likes to hear about the series doing well
It was his daughter’s favorite
Jett loves the series and is beyond invested at this point, but supports the exact opposite ships as Killjoy and they have very serious debates over this
Reyna loathes this series, mostly because ‘Estas chicas necesitan besar y seguir sus vidas’  She’s in support of the main relationship but not the delay in getting there
Written by talented author Stephanie Queen and illustrated by a randomly selected artist, Horrorscope is a monthly anthology of stories that chill to the bone.  Beware reader, for the contents within will leave you changed and for some, twisted.  Enjoy what lurks in the dark…
Reyna reads through it from time to time if she’s bored, same with Viper.  Viper likes Queen’s writing and has bookshelf at home full of Queen’s novels.
Fade will look one over when she can, but mostly because horror is kind of her territory and she likes the art
Astra follows it from time to time and loves the more messed up stories that have really campy horror tropes.  She enjoys how over the top some of them go but Harbor cannot do horror at all
Omen tried to get into them but just found them entertaining rather than scary, the man’s a living shadow of a man so horror doesn’t work as well on him
Deadlock has read a few and it was one of the few times her ‘unshakable’ nature was actually tested a bit. It got to her
Stargunner Crosshair
A bounty hunter and a criminal with a massive bounty on them have to team up to avoid the criminal having their bounty claimed by a mob boss.  Set in a space-faring world, the duo have to navigate other bounty hunters, hitmen, and wild planets.  The greatest danger?  The two are beginning to enjoy each other’s company!
All the younger agents love this series
Fade tried to get into it because Phoenix thought ‘hey bounty hunter, here’s a story about your job’ and she gave it a try
The next day she told him that it wasn’t for her and that she’ll probably stick to reading from her bookshelf
Neon got into it though, and it didn’t help that the bounty hunter character looks like Fade but a little older and with a futuristic gun
Most of the older agents don’t mind it too much and glance over the pages if someone nearby is reading it
Neon got bored one day and styled her hair like the criminal protag and Fade caught her doing it
She decided to stay and help and the two talked about the comic for a while
Fade still denies she reads it, but in her room there is a number of those comics on her bookshelf that she exclusively lends to Neon
They’re both fans, and read it together and is one of Fade's secrets now
Titanic Drop
A crew of soldiers in giant mechs try to get home after being stranded far behind enemy lines in a deadly solar system.  Fighting giant space beasts called Leviathans, other hostile Mechas, and weathering deadly planets is their only way out.  Return or die, these mech pilots won’t stop until they destroy every obstacle in their way.  
Killjoy loves this and has loved it since she was a kid.  It may have helped inspire a few of the early designs she made
She tried to convince Kayo to allow a few modifications based on the comic, mainly the Mega Sword thing that she wanted to emulate by extending his ZERO//point  knife
It was a no, but Kayo will scan through the comic just to see what KJ is planning to ask next
Brimstone has seen a few pages of it and doesn’t really vibe with it but does think the mechs look cool
Gekko, Neon, and Raze bought some models from a comic store to build and paint.  They spent a few hours on it while Sage and Omen occasionally helped out
By the end, Raze’s was absolutely covered in stickers and spray paint patterns.  Not really canon but still striking
The Dark Crusader
Mortham City has fallen from grace.  Filth clogs the streets and gangs of supervillains prowl the streets looking for an easy mark.  The superhero known as Captain Quasar lost his powers long ago, allowing corruption to take hold.  Now, he returns to Mortham as Nocturne, a man with no powers but a lifetime of knowhow in fighting villains.  Evil will learn to fear the dark.
Brimstone used to read the old Captain Quasar comic back when it was popular, when he was a still a kid
It was all of the generic superhero comics but it had charm and a main character that had some decent moments
The Dark Crusader was a reboot after the Quasar was ‘killed’ saving the world from a doomsday weapon
When Gekko and Phoenix told him about the reboot, Brim was skeptical
Turns out the writers knew what they were doing and created a grizzled character that still managed to be interesting without being overly edgy
Brim doesn’t read up a lot on the comic, but Phoenix, Yoru, and Gekko are all over it and even rented a copy of the movie to watch with him
Dead to Rites
Emerging from the grave after being booted from the Underworld, an ex-detective, Victor, finds himself on the other side of life.  Able to solve supernatural crimes now, Vic seeks to find out the mystery of his own death while investigating strange crimes.  Demons, spirits, and undead are as sinister as the living, but Vic’s keen eye leaves no tombstone unturned.
Omen has a stack of these in his room, he got them because he thought it looked cool but he kind of fell in love with the story
Viper has read through Omen’s stash just so she can make conversation, but was surprised at how well the mysteries could be laid out
Also the Frankenstein homages are Viper’s favorite because she loved that book as a kid 
Fade thinks the writing isn’t as good as her books at times, but at least likes all of the mythology incorporated into the stories
Cypher pages through the books if nobody is going to play chess with him, along with whatever else he can read when he’s in the common room
(I spoofed a lot of comics like Hellboy and Dragon Ball Z to come up with these, I’m guessing you lot can figure out which is which.  Genre spoofing is the best :)
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the-everqueen · 1 year
look. this fic started as crack taken seriously except now it's getting longer than a one-shot and we haven't even reached the crack yet. so i'm posting a snippet to like. encourage myself to finish it.
One thing has proven consistent in Matthew’s life, both as a human and as a raven to Dream of the Endless: changes in management are never smooth. It doesn’t matter how much you plan in advance, it doesn’t matter whether the new boss is qualified—things are gonna go sideways, at least until everyone adjusts.
Don’t get him wrong, Matthew doesn’t doubt that Morpheus did everything he could to ensure the Dreaming’s wellbeing before the Kindly Ones came for him. But jeez. Daniel Hall was a toddler just a few months ago and now he’s the next Dream King. Which Lucienne keeps telling Matthew isn’t quite right: the boss isn’t gone, the Endless are their functions, in some cosmic-fate sense Daniel was always already going to be Dream, yada yada.
Matthew doesn’t buy it. He went to the wake. He gave his tribute.
The kid is all right. But Matthew can’t shake the memory of him clutching the emerald at his throat, the echo of that familiar deep voice cracked down the middle. I am afraid. Hard to hold anything against him—he couldn’t have known what he was signing up for, and this ain’t exactly the kind of job that attracts volunteers. Still…the newness is unsettling. The realm feels like it’s on edge, waiting with bated breath to see what happens.
Which is how Matthew finds himself in search of a delinquent Nightmare.
The Corinthian, Dream tells him, has not shown up to work for the past several days. Dream doesn’t use those words, says failed to perform his function with a kind of detached precision like he’s reading from a script. It makes Matthew feel a little sick, though he’s ashamed to admit it: Morpheus’ words in an unfamiliar mouth.
He ignores that for the more pressing question: “He’s back in the Waking World?”
“No, he has not departed the Dreaming.” Dream’s brow furrows in transparent concern. Weird weird weird to see an identifiable emotion on that face—at least, one that isn’t annoyance or resignation. “I would know what he is doing, if not attending to dreamers.”
“Can’t you—I dunno—check in? You’re the boss.”
What Matthew doesn’t say is, that bastard promised me a reprisal. What he doesn’t say is, I heard Lucienne say he was supposed to be your masterpiece, but he gives me the creeps.
Morpheus would have heard these unspoken protests and said, You don’t need to like him to fulfill your duty to me. This Dream frowns and says quietly, “I don’t know that he would welcome my intervention.”
And that’s new, Dream taking into account someone else’s feelings, particularly one of his creations whose past incarnation—pardon the French—royally fucked him over. Then again, Daniel would have known the Corinthian as a protector of sorts. Maybe he’s feeling a residual fondness, that kernel of humanity come back to haunt the rest of them.
The thought makes Matthew sad. He ruffles his wings. “Yeah. Yeah, all right. I’ll fly around, see whether I can find him.”
Dream doesn’t give him any hints about direction, but Matthew figures it can’t hurt to swing by the Corinthian’s house. Well, “house” is a generous term for the architectural Kleenex box where the nightmare chooses to reside, as close to the shoreline as Dream would tolerate. Matthew wasn’t around to know whether it’s a relic of the first Corinthian, but he thinks it’s an eyesore regardless.
He swoops in through an open skylight. The place is too fucking massive for just one person, in his opinion, so it might take him awhile to search—
“Hey, birdie.”
Matthew lets out a croak of surprise and banks to land on something that might be a side table, might be a piece of driftwood enlisted for Aesthetic Purposes™. The Corinthian is sitting cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by skeins of colorful thread. Instead of a knife, he’s got a needle pinched between his fingers, which he’s stabbing into…surprisingly not a body, but a piece of fabric stretched across some kind of wooden hoop.
“Man, what the fuck,” says Matthew.
“You’re the one who came here uninvited,” the Corinthian says with a shrug. He resumes the stabbing. Matthew can make out the vague outline of something that might be a duck, embroidered in grey and orange thread. It’s got a knife in its beak. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“Delivering an HR report.”
“That’s a lie, Lucienne wouldn’t talk to me even through a middleman.”
“It’s from our mutual boss.”
“The Dream King?” The Corinthian frowns. “What’s he want?”
“For you to do your job, apparently.”
“I’ve been doing my job.”
“Uh, no, you haven’t. Not in the past week or two.”
If the Corinthian were a normal human being, Matthew would say the expression that passes over his face is guilt. The fine lines around his mouth(s) tighten, his eye teeth grind together in a gesture that might be glancing from side to side. But then the Corinthian refocuses on his embroidery project. “Well, tell him not to get his panties in a twist. I’ll be on the clock tonight.”
“If you want PTO—“
“—we don’t actually get paid—“
“—you gotta talk to Lucienne—“
“—I know, I know, submit the requisite forms, blah blah blah—“
“—and not just fuck off on your own, I mean, you of all people should know that.”
The Corinthian tilts his head. Something about the motion makes Matthew’s feathers stand on end. “Me of all people?”
“Well. Yeah.”
“No, no, birdie, why don’t you say what you mean.” The Corinthian flips the needle over his fingers and it transforms into knife. “Tell me how I’m special.”
Matthew lets out a nervous kraw, spreading his wings. “Man, you’re on thin fucking ice, you think Dream is gonna be chill about you killing another one of his ravens?”
“Alex Burgess shot Jessamy.”
“Because you made sure she was cut off from the Dreaming.”
“That wasn’t me.”
“Close enough.”
“Really? You think the current Dream King is close enough to Morpheus?”
Matthew shuffles from one foot to the other. He ought to take flight, tell Dream that he found the Corinthian and his lord’s former masterpiece has taken up arts and crafts. Let Dream decide what the punishment for that offense is. But he feels the need to protest, to prove his loyalty. Maybe because he’s the New Guy (if not as new as the latest incarnation of the boss). Maybe because the Corinthian doesn’t get to question his commitment to the job.
He says, slowly, “He’s Dream of the Endless. That’s all there is.”
The Corinthian barks out a surprised laugh. “Guess you’ll stick around,” he murmurs cryptically, and the knife is a needle again. He lowers that awful not-gaze back to his embroidery hoop. “You can tell our Lord Shaper that his renegade hammer will be back to pounding nails tonight.”
“Was that an innuendo? It felt like it wanted to be an innuendo.”
“What doesn’t?” The Corinthian’s smile is all teeth.
Matthew ignores that. “So is this what you’ve been doing while AWOL? Making home decor?”
“What’s it to you, birdie?”
“I dunno, seems out of character. Shouldn’t you be plotting murder?”
“Maybe I’ve been slipping into the Waking World.”
“Nah, you aren’t stupid. You wouldn’t be that obvious about it.” Matthew pauses. “Besides, Dream said you hadn’t left the Dreaming.”
“So he is keeping tabs on me.”
“You’re dreamkin.”
“Yeah, veritable tracking chip built right in.” The duck is gaining feet, bright flashes of color making a pantomime of long strides. “Like knowing where your right hand is.”
“Does it bother you?”
“Would it bother you?”
“Not really. I mean, it doesn’t. When the boss rides along. Uses my eyes or whatever. Feels weird, but that’s what I’m here for.”
Matthew looks around the room. It’s organized like a human apartment, albeit one of those fancy places in Architectural Digest: sleek white sofa and matching chairs, glass coffee table that doubles as modern art, hardwood floors so gleaming Matthew can see his reflection in them. He’d assume it was for show except for details like the discarded books and the blood-spattered “Home Sweet Home” cross-stitch framed on the opposite wall.
“Are you…bored?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Taking up new hobbies, skipping out on work.” Matthew gestures at him with a wing. “I dunno, feels like burnout.”
“And what do you care?”
“Well, the last time you got dissatisfied with your job, a lot of people died—caw, fucking shit!”
He takes flight just in time to dodge the wicked blade that comes at him with eerie accuracy. It sticks in the table with a thunk, before it dissolves into sand.
The Corinthian snarls in triplicate, “That. Wasn’t. Me.”
“Okay! Okay, sorry, fuck.” Matthew circles in the air a few times before landing on the back of a chair. “You could just say so, don’t gotta get all murderous about it.”
“S’my nature,” the Corinthian says, mulish. His fingers sort restlessly through the rainbow of thread. It’s a minute before he chooses a sprig of green and starts threading it into his needle. Sunglasses materialize on his face, hiding his terrible eyes. “What are you hangin’ around for? Don’t you have a report to deliver?”
You don’t have friends, huh. Matthew is smart enough not to speak his observation out loud this time. Makes sense, though. The Corinthian is a Nightmare, and in the narratives he inhabits, all his overtures end in murder. Probably other dreams don’t want to get too close, even if this incarnation is supposedly collared and muzzled. Hell, Matthew didn’t want to come here just to see what the fucker was up to. In hindsight, he assumed something nasty. Not…whatever the fuck this is.
He thinks about what it might have been like, being Morpheus’ favorite. He thinks about Dream saying, I don’t know that he would welcome me.
He thinks maybe the Corinthian is lonely.
“I’m not a messenger pigeon,” Matthew says, ruffling his feathers in mock outrage. “Besides, Dream asked me to check out what you’re doing. You really want me to tell him you got distracted making home decor? Won’t that tarnish your image or something?”
The Corinthian frowns at his wobbly duck.
“He already caught me slacking on the job,” he says.
“Look, I’m just saying—if you want me to tell him you got distracted by some cute nightmare, I’ve got your back.”
The Corinthian curls his lip like a dog. “Why? You think I’m gonna forget about you ditching me back in Svartalfheim? I know you don’t fucking like me.”
“What, I can’t do a favor for a coworker?” The Corinthian’s fingers twitch, and Matthew croaks. “Fine, fine, sure, if it makes you feel better. I cover for your ass and you stop threatening to kebab me, how does that sound?”
The Corinthian stitches a whole patch of grass before he says, “All right. You got a deal.”
“Cool.” Matthew tries not to dwell on how it feels worse than if he’d made a pact with the literal Devil. Okay, no, that’s an exaggeration, Matthew went to Hell the once and he’s not keen on having another interaction with Their Unholiness anytime soon. But keeping a secret for the Corinthian feels a lot like betraying Dream, even if it’s harmless.
At least, he thinks it’s harmless.
Man, he’s going to feel so stupid if it turns out the embroidery is part of some scheme.
He mantles his wings, preparing to take off.
“You got anything you want me to tell the boss?” he asks.
“Thought you said you weren’t a messenger pigeon.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t pass a word along. As a favor.”
The Corinthian doesn’t respond for a long minute. Matthew starts to think that’s his answer, but then he says, all lazy cheer, “Nah. I got nothing to say to him.”
And Matthew thinks that’s the biggest lie he’s ever heard but it’s not his job to argue, so he heads back to the palace.
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azuremliam · 11 months
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Liam's forms when they finally become a cosmic entity! Everyone calls them Azure, but they prefer their friends to call them Liam still because it gives them a nice warm feeling.
Their "full" name is Azure M. Liam (/Tried to have it be play on AzureMblem and the M. is a joke between me and a friend, it being Mofun aka Mother Fucker Unlimited lol)
Gave them three pharyngeal jaws cause more monster designs need that tbh.
More infodumping under the readmore :)
Their ranking and role amongst the entities hasn't been officiated just yet, but considering what they used to be eons past, The Boss allows them the same authority as Orbo.
Their memories of being human and their other past life are extremely fuzzy. This was done on purpose by the higher ups because they said "things could get REALLY messy REALLY fast if they knew what they used to be."
But that doesn't stop them from being very fond of Scarab and Prismo.
Eventually its decided be The Boss that they take over what was essentially the Citadel's purpose of sealing away (and very rarely occasionally devouring and completely absorbing their essence erasing them from existence) really rancid cosmic entities. With a side of judging whether or not they really need to be imprisoned, with them having the permission and the power to release them.
This leads to Orbo forking over the management of Scarab to them to "skip the middle man ya know?"
Also leads to Azure giving Scarab some new guidelines and rules when it comes to imprisoning his fellow cosmic entities.
Like: "No egging when your coworker annoys you."
"even if they're extremely annoying?" "Scarab."
"This time you've imprisoned them for stealing office supplies, please Scarab, that isn't a major cosmic crime."
"But its not allowed!"
"If they do it again give them a warning, and if that doesn't work THEN they get a time out egg- but don't bring them hear to get judged."
"That sounds reasonable."
He calms down a lot more when they're the one in charge much to his fellow entities relief. Mainly because they actually listen to what he has to say and doesn't shine him off, and them working out compromises with each other. Also because they're his partner both romance wise and dealing with "cosmic delinquents".
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Their centipede like "crown" is a remnant of an old form of theirs. They have a tendency of freaking people out with it unintentionally (and sometimes intentionally) by looking at people upsidedown.
Also, any (rare visits) of Finns and Jakes even if they weren't from their universe are met with an over joyous and helpful entity.
The misty memories doesn't stop them from eventually regaining their memories of their original two lives. In fact in encourages them to WANT to remember. And to all their associates surprise, once they do reclaim all their memories, they continue to just being chill.
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thespacewolfseries · 4 months
At long last, I can finally achieve my vision:
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I’ve had quite a lot fun the past few weeks figuring out the proficiency of this new tablet, to see just how much I could do with it. So, what better way than to debut the gallery of intergalactic misfits part of my convoluted, multi-year, secret story project (one of many) known as Space Wolf!
What is it about?
In the year 2225, An interstellar motley crew have adventures across the galaxy while a cosmic plot brews under the surface. They deal with their collective pasts and their roles as fugitives, outcasts, and monsters. Basically they each have some trauma relating to their lives on their homeworlds, either being hunted down by said governments, being rejected by their society, or being outright refugees. 
They face off with bounty hunters, assassins, galactic governments, market dealers, space monsters, the IRS, etc. It’s creatively titled “Space Wolf” because 1) that’s all I could come up with, for the same reason that Star Wars is also dumb name but still works. and 2) they are essentially like a pack being lead by the “Space Wolf,” Captain Cade Thasar, an alien werewolf man.
Characters/Protagonists: In the simplest description possible, they consist of:
Cade Thasar- a werewolf space captain, Audrey Heilman- a former secret-service agent now fugitive from the United States government, Tullusk “Tully” Brabanbras- a cyborg orc warrior, Taisa Andros- an alien witch and excellent chef, Norman Kane- Space Academy dropout, Rob Mauka- Delinquent teenage elf soft boy, and PP-1N “Pippin”- John Mulaney robot
I’ll eventually break these characters down into individual posts so you can learn more about them, and there will be more characters to talk about, but until then, I hope you guys like the concept and maybe stick around to hear more about it? Maybe? It’s been festering in my brain for…. years…. many years… 🙃
Also please check out the main Space Wolf side blog for all of my past posts and future updates!
Bonus: here’s a police line up in detail ⬇️
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v3joker · 9 months
[Game of Dice] Joker Skills
*Originally made to post to my YouTube community as each week I put something about Game of Dice there. This is also posted here, to Tumblr, to archive it.
Almost every Joker character (character with a hidden skill) has their skill based on an existing skill. Some just exist on that Joker skill, not as a regular skill. I usually explain new Jokers' skills by saying the name of the existing skill rather than explain what the skill does, since it's easier to say the name of the skill. :)
Anyway here's a list of all the Jokers with what skill it's based on cause I love having random knowledge for this game. Even the ones not based on skills.
Phantom (Puppet/Chaotic City): Big Fish
Prince (Prince's Dignity/Insight): Color Finale
Wintry (Heaven's Blessings): Celebrity's Visit
Phantom Thief (Phantom Thief's Trick/Phantom Thief's Fancy Trick): no exact skill, but could be based on Knife in the Dark without JOY steal
Halloween (Candy/Halloween Magic): Smashing
Deadly Bunny (This Way, Please/Your Table is Ready): Exceptional Choice
Black Rose
Wintry (Speed UP/Can't Follow Me): High Jump
Card Queen (Greetings from a Magic Cat): Birthday Party
Bosun (Oppress/Overwhelm): n/a
Tora (& Tori)
Onmyouji (Onmyodo: Confuse/Exhaustion): Shiver Me Timbers!
Rudolph (Surprise Entry/Gift): Home for Newlyweds
Rockstar (Rica's Dimension Shift/Rica's Teleport): Dimension Shift
Goddess of Love (Love Melody/Serenade): Yikes! Crocodile, but upgraded
Beast (True/Forever Love): Skydive, w/ double summon
Baseball Girl (Swing/Full Swing): Nano Warp Machine
Cosmic Girl (Space Travel/Exploration): Strange Pipette, w/ summon
Rabbit Hacker (Keylogger/Dropper): Gotcha!
Undercover (Emergency Custody/Violent Criminal Arrested): Mirror Mirror
Mechanic (Sharon's Calculation/Victory Formula): Let's Count (Hello Kitty collab skill)
Archaeologist (Relic Thief/Power): Interception
Unicorn (Unicorn Gravitation/Magic): Retribution Reverse
Noble (Isabelle's Day/Isabelle's Special Day): Come Over Here
Gothic (Ghostly Greetings/Touch): Touch of Succubus
Sailor (Sympathy/Special Sympathy): Song of Mermaid
Queen of Hearts (Heart Beam/Queen's Heart Beam): Critical Hit, w/ summon
Space Pirate: no exact skill but could be based on Strange Pipette and/or Home Run
Guardian (Judgement/Divine Judgement): Gravity Field
Honor Student (Wisdom/Experience Drain): Life Drain
Demon (Skill/Power Drain): n/a
9-Tailed (Ready to Feed On/Bon Appetit): Invisible Hand, w/ Stop!
Mouse King Lucy (Building Mouse Village/Kingdom): Spartan Training
Mad Hatter (Teatime/Sweet Teatime): Divine Protection
Delinquent (Focus/Man-to-Man Block): Spotlight
Cheer Leader (Lucky Cheering): Master Navigator
Tomboy (Full/Pinpoint Dash): Hidden Quest
Hong Kong (Awakened Alice!): Symbol of Wealth
Hong Kong II (Happy/Sweet Snack Time): Counterattack
Beautiful (Splendid/Shining Beauty): Don't Stand in Front
Ling Ling
Goal Keeper (Nothing get pass me/Nothing can pass me): Knife in the Dark
Sky Warrior (Warrior Stance/Victory Pose): Excellent Choice
Magical Girl (Magical Awakening/True Power of Magic): Critical Magic Show
Dr. X
Original (Gravity UP): Yikes! Crocodile!
Lightning God (God's Wrath/Punishment): n/a
Captain (Rear/Surrounding Pursuit): Mischief of Spirits
Original (Counterattack): Counterattack, w/ can't takeover
Detained (Mental Interference/Control): No Escape
Soldier (Doll Escort/Protection): Music Start
Original (Rapid Growth/Data Manipulation): Rapid Growth, w/ can't takeover (whole game installation)
Darkened (Spreading Darkness/Crawling Chaos): Broken Brake
Original (Ninjutsu: Slow/Onmyodo: Blizzard): Slow
Yukata (Take This/Taste This): Switch, w/ Steal Prop *Blizzard is supposed to have Ninjutsu as the prefix, but it has never been fixed. So it has Onmyodo like Onmyouji Tora
Original (Climax/Encore): Leave it to Fate (Climax), targets up to 3 cities at higher grades
Fairy Queen (Blooming Dream/Dream in Full Bloom): Christmas Miracle
Original (Checkmate/Golden Checkmate): Curse (Checkmate), Girl Crush
Pool Party (Come on In/Come Here): n/a
Devil Reapercy (Rogue/Outlaw): Solitude
Original (City Shooter/Sniper): Steal Prop, w/ summon
Space Police (Police Officer/Investigator): Every Inspiration
Original (Wolf Summon/Big Game Hunting): Retribution
Puppeteer (Trap Hole/Endless Trap Hole): Maelstrom
Original (Fan Meeting): Doll Fishing
Sea Fairy (Let's Play/Have Fun in the Water!): Domino
Magical Girl (Magical Refraction/Reflection): Time Rewind, no Panda installation
Fairy Dancer (Fairy Dance/Eye Catching Fairy Dance): The Solitude of Glamor
Original (Meditation/P.T): Power Up!
Magic Cat (Spell of Destruction/Apocalypse): Ch.1 Renaissance/Ch. 2 Destruction
Original (Sharp/Harsh Lash): Charming Rainbow
Devil (Bewitch/Beckon): Charming Rainbow, but upgraded
Sun Knight (Sword of Victory/Sword of Promised Victory): n/a
Original (Joyful/Blessed March): Speedster
Angel (Song/Blessing of Angel): Color Sync
Moon Archer (Piercing Arrow/Mirage Piercing Arrow): Curse of Clown
Ballet (Attitude/Arabesque): Poisoned
Original (Butterfly Dance/Blue Butterfly Dance): Push
Christmas (Yura's Gift/Sincerity): Sweet Trap
Gothic (Flutter/Crystal Light Butterfly): Psychokinesis
Original (i love cakes/I love anything sweet): Charming Bubble
Winter Festival (Baker's/Pierre's Gift): Santa's Gift
Agent (Good Will/Samaritan): Give and Take
Original (I Got You!/Don't Move!): Girl Crush
Seaside (Hydro Pump/Cannon): Self-Defense
Saint (Authority/Splendor): Girl Crush, but it also decreases character & dice abilities (Energy Drink [Goods])
Original (Locating the Target/Target Located): Come With Me
Seaside (Hang out with me!/Let's play!): Thief Target Area
Witch Trainee (Scary Prank/Dangerous Prank): Signal
Original (Secret in the Hoodie/Weapon in the Hoodie): Hexcraft
Young Master (Young Master's Mischief/Weapon): Demon Invasion
Villain (Breakdown/Wide Breakdown): Ocean Party
Fairy Knight (Impressive/Flashy Swordsmanship): Event for You
Original (Warning Shot/Suppressive Fire): The Art of Theft
Great Witch (Magic Concentration/Discharge): First Place Dash
Original (Black Hole/Super Black Hole): Besiege
Circus Master (Continuing Show/Express Night): Double Trap
Original (Hero Power/Just Power): Guardian of Justice
Original (Give me strength!): Symbol of Wealth
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papirouge · 2 years
Hi!! sorry for the late response, you answered my ask about jpop idols, thannk you so much for such a thoughtful answer!!!
Honestly when i was younger i was really into mostly hello!proyect, so i know that they had literally child groups with berryz and cute, whose younger member was 8 years old! It was pretty creepy how they would make those photobooks with them posing on bikinis as soon as they turned 13 or 14.
I also really loved perfume, it used to be my favorite group, but like you said nakata got lazy and started prioritizing other acts around the level 3 era, and it really got cemented with cosmic explorer, which is when i started to lose interest in them. Their costumes also used to be so good, creative, and designed thoughtfully for each girl, but now its always the same costume except achan gets the longer skirt, kashiyuka the shorter skirt, and nocchi gets the shorts. Even the fabric is visibly cheaper. I feel like the only one who still cares is mikiko as her choreographies are still good.
But i dont know who that artist you mentioned is, but i'm interested in hearing the story 🍵
Japan is EXTREMELY problematic when it comes to child sexualization and the fact that rightoids who are constantly blaming the left for entertaining sexuality degeneracy....have no problem sporting anime pfp/watch anime is everything you need to know about how much of clowns those people are 🥴 They don't care about child abuse, they just pretend they do to dunk of their political opponents.
They try to cope saying it's "cultural" but Japan is currently recording an increase of sexual crimes, so...why would they defend a culture suspected of increasing sexual assault coming from a country struggling to contain their own sexual predator? 🤔 Also why the "it's cultural" argument shouldn't be used for honor killing and child marriage then ? Oh my bad, it's Muslims so this time we can finally admit it's a problem 🤡
To be fair with Perfume, they've been around since ~20 years now, so it makes sense their concepts are starting to become more rehashed. Nakata is a VERY derivative artist (even when he tried something new after he discovered future bass, he shoved this sound in everything he made around that time, whether it was on his own album 'Digital Native' or Perfume song "If you Wanna" lol.
The concept of them having distinctive outfits (as you said, longer dress/skirt for A-chan it's said that's bc she has wider hips which aren't considered a good feature in Japan, shorter dress/skirt for Kashiyuka, and shorts for Nocchi) goes back to their debut, and I think it's incredible they sticked to it for so long (especially since they also have respective hairstyle code - Nocchi has never been able to have hair longer than her chin for most of her life.... 🥲), but yeah, after so many years.... it's starting to get old. But they're basically idols I don't think doing an イメチェン (= drastic change of style) would be well received...
In the era of streaming, the lowering of budget for music videos is global. Perfume last outstanding MV (great costume + set design + extras on set) was "Cling Cling"... which was released almost 10 years ago🥴 but other Japanese artists had a drastic drop in MV quality, included Ayu Hamasaki (the artist I talked about in my first reply).
She is Japan best selling artist of all times and her "Jewel" MV has been for a while listed in the most expensive music video of all times🥶💎
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Ayu story is quite endearing because her dad abandoned her when she was a child and was edging on delinquency before being scouted in a karaoke. She's from an era when random girls were being scouted and producers propelled them into stardom, tho very few of them made it beyond one single (which was initiall the case of Ayu who started... making rap and flopped miserably LOL) but by an odd turn of events, she got another chance where this time she did pop and things eventually took off. What's interesting with Ayu is that despite being marketed as an idol when she debuted, she from the start decided to take control over her music/image/artistry : she wrote all her lyrics, displayed her own (very distinctive) personal style, etc. By her sophomore album, LOVEppears, she endorsed a more daring image and in the following one, Duty, she dropped the cutesy idol thing to become more diva like and confident ...
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That's also around the time she started pulling out very disturbing music videos. There are A LOT of them, but I'd say "Ladies Night" is the one who stuck the most with me (which is weird bc the song is pretty positive : celebrating girlhood support)...but the MV is just unnecessary creepy and dark. It starts off cute & goofy...only to become more and more scary & nightmarish 😰 WHY??
Her '(miss) understood' album era is pretty dark tbh ALL the MV of this album have this dark, gloomy energy... Excellent album musically, but with a very dark energy
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Thankfully there is "Fairyland" (which was also one of the most expensive MV of that time) to brighten up that energy (but even the MV ends up in some sort of downturn with the photo burning up?)
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- Her 'Duty' and 'Party Queen' album booklet + SURREAL MV features full on sex kitten programming (it's interesting that "SURREAL" has subliminals about her -then- hidden relationship with Tomoya Nagase (another popular male entertainer/idol of that time) and has a frenetic vibe which is very reminiscent of hypnosis/trance state. I hate that it's one of my favorite MV of her 😓(the scenery is just soooo pretty). There's a LOT of symbolism here.
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- dissociation in "RAINBOW" and "Don't look back" MV
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- mind control in "Alterna" and "Marionette"
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- "Free & Easy" MV is a gigantic nod to Joan of Arc and apostolic martydom
- transhumanism in "Real Me" MV
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Now that music videos don't have the same budget as they did 15-20 years ago, Ayu's MV aren't anywhere near as elaborated as they were before (also her music has gone down to the toilets - she should've retire after her 10 years best of). But it's obvious she sold out to achieve this level of fame and success, therefore she had to shove all these twisted messages in her MV.
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s-talking · 2 years
" where. . . " so does our serpent speak, mused by the single prospect of the young man bound before him. a bastard child to a practitioner no longer amongst the living. envy, as many call him, is unfortunately bound by a plethora of snakes. alas, orochi plants a single finger under his prized interest's jawline, tilts it skywards so their eyes can meet. " did you think you could go? you belong to no other, much of that has been made clear. " before the captive could even speak, the serpent's lips planted a tender, if not hypnotic, kiss. one which would not cease 'till breathing became difficult.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄     than  having  your  freedom  stolen.  it's  like  a  gaping  wound  that  never  closes,   &   orochi  couldn't  have  possibly  made  it  any  bigger.  if  he  were  just  a  mortal  man,  a  mere,  human  being,  envy  wouldn't  have  surrendered  the  way  he  did  today  ──  utterly  vulnerable   &   exposed  ──  so  helplessly  bound  before  the  other  like  some  petty  delinquent  held  firm  before  the  eyes  of  the  jury.  after  all,  he  was  once  a  truly  wild,  indomitable  thing,  a  ravenous  storm  capable  of  overtaking,  controlling,   &   smothering  anyone  who  even  dared  to  look  his  way  but,  now?  now  he  lowers  his  head,  the  tar  black  eyes  no  longer  motivated  to  dissect  orochi  nor  the  current  predicament  almost  as  if  every  answer  in  mind  is  going  to  be  all  just  the  same;     hopeless.   absolutely,  undeniably   hopeless.
           the  fallen  god  has  him  completely  stripped  from  purpose  in  life.
at  first,  it  was  the  execution  of  his  father,  then  the  five  taoists,   &   now  even  his  dearest  grandmother  is  nowhere  to  be  seen  as  the  hard-earned  freedom,  the  very  breath  of  it,  no  longer  exists,  leaving  envy  with  nothing  more  but  the  divine  monster.   how...   tragic.   he  would  have  sincerely  laughed  if  there  were  any  bitter  feelings  left  but  there  aren’t,  so  the  youth  merely  smiles  instead   &   without  any  struggle,  let's  orochi  simply  do  as  he  pleases;     a  gentle  tilt  of  the  head,  followed  by  eye-contact   &   a  deep,  most  unexpected   kiss.   ❝  . . . . .  ❞   envy  freezes  up  for  a  moment,  unable  to  comprehend  the  warmth  of  those  lavender  lips  nor  the  very  notion  hidden  behind  their  cosmic  touch.  it's  just  too  overwhelming.  nobody,  nobody  at  all  has  ever  desired  him  that  way,   &   yet...
❝  mnh...  ❞   closing  away  the  dark  eyes,  envy  slowly  slips  into  a  plethora  of  scattered  thoughts   &   senses  as  their  moist  lips  smear  together  in  a  chain  of  passionate  presses   &   heated  breaths,  nigh  mimicking  the  movement  of  coiling  serpents  down  below.  it’s...  it’s  getting  hard  to   breathe.   to   think.   his  thin  brows  crook  upwards  all  the  while  black-nailed  fingers  dig  deep  into  palms,  only  for  the  head  itself  to  suddenly  turn  away  as  soon  as  that  devilish  tongue  is  felt.   ❝  tsk...  ❞   bastard.   the  young  serial  killer  catches  his  breath   &   after  what  seems  like  a  long  time,  slowly  glances  back  at  the  fallen  god  with  renewed  defiance.  a  strange  heat  spreading  throughout  his  ivory  cheeks  now  quite  prominent  to  them  both.  ohh,  whoever  knew  that  a  mere  kiss  could  serve  as  poison... ?
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seemingly  aiming  for  the  body  instead  of  such  wretched  heart  or  its  transient  feelings,  orochi  successfully  prompts  for  the  colourless  lips  to  part   &   speak,  at  long  last  muttering  to  him  in  a  low,  velvety  tone,   ❝  does  it  upset  you  that  the  love  you  so  dearly  seek...   will  never....  truly  reach  me... ?  ❞   the  once  small  smile  slowly  widens,  turning  as  cold   &   callous  as  those  dark,  empty  eyes;     ❝  that  i  am  simply...  hollow?  ❞
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legofanguy1999 · 4 days
Masks: A New Generation characters
These are characters that I come up with using the playbooks of the tabletop game Masks: A New Generation.
Blue Champion, a supehero and grandson of famous superhero Victory Star. Real name: John. Superpowers: Due to a machine by his grandfather's friend The Builder, John was given superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, senses, and durability, as well wind breath and flight, just like his grandfather. Character type: The legacy.
Major COD, a gamer whose turn into a real soldier by a freak lightingstorm and become a superhero. Real name: Phill. Superpowers: Turn into a top skill solider for 12 hours when he tap into his powers, but Phill must rechanged for one hour and a half after using his powers. Character type: The Delinquent.
The Builder, top superhero genius whose end up turning himself back into a teenage by accident. Real name: Sid. Superpowers: Cosmic hammer that he can use to build what he can imagine. Character type: The brain.
Robotia, superhero and robot daughter of the Builder. Superpowers: Robotia can use a holograph to make herself look like a normal teenage girl and she has superhuman strength and durability and eye beams. Character type: The newborn.
Captain Kidd, a young boy whose take on a pirate identity with his parrot sidekick to fight crime. Real name: Robert. Superpowers: Robert has a magical sword that allow him to be a great fighter, and he is just a regular boy in a pirate costume without it. Character type: The beacon.
Ball-Striker, a reborn Golden Age superheroine living a double life while fighting crime. Real name: In her past life, she was Lucy Tablebed, and she is currently teenage Emma Frogsong in her new life. Superpowers: None, but Emma is a good baseball player due to memories of her past life and she use a metal baseball and a bag of baseballs in her crime fighting. Character type: The janus.
Burnout, a star from another galaxy in humanoid form being a superhero. Superpowers: Solar powers, flight, and use fireballs. Character type: The nova and the outsider.
Rampage, a former villian whose become a superhero and a mentor to Blue Champion when he discover that he has a daughter. Real name: Arnold Crashwheel. Superpowers: Superhuman strength and durability. Character type: The reformed and the bull.
Major Stripes, a arrogant celebrity superhero whose trying to be the next Victory Story, whose he believe is his grandfather. Superpowers: He wears a special suit that allow him to have superhuman strength and flight. Character type: The star.
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astradella · 2 years
My thoughts on Solar Opposites season 3!!
Wow I loved this season! Plenty of funky family hijinx, that’s why I watch it!
Speaking of family, I liked how they addressed that stuff a lot more, like Jesse calling Yumyulack her brother, Terry and Korvo referring to each other as their husband, and even the pupa being a delinquent teenager
I’ll keep saying it; having a funny family-centric show where the parents are two men and nobody makes it a big deal ever IS IMPORTANT!!
The line episode was perfect, especially the bit with the intro
The Wall was a pretty good side plot, as always. Pezlie was really cute, I feel bad about what happened to her and Cherie
Also, I hope Halk isn’t actually dead. I can’t remember if it showed his dead ass corpse or what, but I actually liked him unlike a lot of other wall characters
I’m a little disappointed that the bulk of the wall subplot turned out to be a dream, but also, fuck Tim, he didn’t deserve forgiveness anyway
My favorite episode was probably the mountain lodge episode, I couldn’t figure out the ending at all. I was so scared that the twist would be that the government was going to capture them or something like that. Any time a show w monsters or aliens does that it’s always a bummer (Kid Cosmic, TAZ Amnesty, etc)
On that note, the Silver Cops thing was so dumb, I hated every second of that. I don’t care about these cops we saw once in the schlorpian ships episode, or the asshole who’s car Terry bumped into, and that plot line just turned out to be gross and weird anyway. Boo.
The finale was great, I really love how the Pupa is talking in full sentences now. And he’s got a cute voice, I like how he sounds like a real kid now and not a baby anymore. That episode was a good commentary on parenting and how your actions affect your kids more than you think.
It ended kind of depressing though, I hope that they can find a good way to balance their earth and sci-fi life stuff, instead of going all in on one or the other. I’m glad the pupa is happy, though. He’s living his best iPad kid life
Rating the subplots this season:
Terry and Korvo: 10/10 so happy for their marriage, and the fact that they have sex a lot, I guess??
Jesse and Yummy: 7/10 nothing really stood out to be except maybe Jesse’s crush on the back of the guy’s head
The Wall: 6/10 would be higher for Pezlie but the dream part threw me off too much
Silver Cops: 1/10, nasty and weird
Pupa: 8/10, their boy is growing up and the con-man segment was hilarious, it reminded me of season 1 a lot
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kidlawexchange2021 · 2 years
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KidLaw Exchange 2020 Masterlist
Apparently all the links in the original masterlist for the 2020 exchange don’t work anymore, so here’s a new one! (The 2020 collection on ao3)
Thanks to @cerezasp and @chromatic-lamina who compiled the original masterlists ♡
☆ Art ☆
Gift from @hualify to @majoraop
Gift  from @cerezasp to @eloha
Gift from @codedredalert to @godims0tired
Gift from @sorellaerba to @cerezasp
Gift from @generaldevi to @sootbird
Gift from @godims0tired to @codedredalert
Gift from @radish01 to @hualify
Gift from @novice-comics to @radish01
Gift from @sootbird to @pandamega
Gift from @sootbird to @novice-comics
Gift from @glooumnastas to @these-emo-thoughts
by smilinsunnyseas here
by @op-sheepy here
by @majoraop here
☆ Fic ☆
maudlin by @tellmewhatyouc for @chromatic-lamina (Harmonica_Smile) (1158 words)
“While recovering from surgery, Kid shows Law his tender side.“
The Dork and the Delinquent by @these-emo-thoughts for @onehyperboi (10,817 words)
 “Snippets of important moments in the lives of Kid and Law from the first time they met as children to their high-school years.”
Finding Home by @cucuxumusu for @op-sheepy��� (10,497)
“Trafalgar Law, assasin at the service of the crown, has crossed a cursed wasteland where no one has set foot for centuries, to kill Kidd, the last King of the Fae. However, to achieve his purpose he must use all his inteligence and cunning to avoid falling into the traps and games of the Fae. Will the King believe his tricks? What will happen when ancient traditions and legends resurface?”
D.E.A.T.H. Walks Golden in My Dreams by @quiet-or-die for @doublejoint
“Kid is just trying to find One Piece. Unfortunately he keeps getting shoved into “The Worst Generation” even though those losers have lower bounties than his and he’s obviously the only one who knows how to be a proper pirate. And then he enters the New World and everything goes wrong.”
Photo album by @onehyperboi for @lojowrites  (1819 words)
Meet the Family by @lojowrites for @glooumnastas (4809 words)
“A meet the family fic with the added bonus of Kid being stabbed and Law having a terrible bedside manner.”
Bridges and train tracks hem in a town by @chromatic-lamina (Harmonica_Smile on AO3) for @quiet-or-die (5227 words)
“Sixteen-year-old Law wanders down the bush track away from everything at home, just for a little while, needing to be alone. Kid follows, not wanting to be alone.”
untitled by @majoraop​ for @mer-meladraws​  (224 words)
“Law asks a hesitant Kidd to wear something he made with his own hands.”
Halogen Heart by @chokefriends​ (Ossicle on AO3) for @sorellaerba (23,690 words)
“Kidd and Law know exactly how fate works for those on the bottom spoke, and both agree: soulmates are bullshit. They make a pact to cut the soul cord before it can lead them to their other halves, hoping to escape the cosmic trap they know is coming.”
bulletproof by lgbys for @tellmewhatyouc (2008 words)
“I’m fine,” Kid murmurs. “I just miss you. Always. Gets boring around here too.”
“Few more years, love. I’m getting out of there.”
All the Cold Roads by doublejoint for lgbys (4255 words)
“Law hates winter, and Kid fixes things.”
vivid reflection on sheer pavement by @eloha​ for @sneakend (1902 words)
“Kid thinks Law is prettiest like this, when he sheds his submission and it’s nothing but those glorious fingers plush against Kid’s pulsing point, bringing him to the edge of ecstasy over and over again.”
The Right Touch by @pandamega for @cucuxumusu (4949 words)
“Trafalgar Law is cursed. Touch starved and isolated, he wanders into the night looking for trouble and finds just that. What kind of person is immune to his cursed hands? Nothing good can come of this and yet he’s helpless to resist.”
Tell the hours by @sneakend (**Heed the tags and warnings**) for @generaldevi (14,286 words)
“Kaido's henchmen introduce Kid to the true meaning of defeat.”
Not rated
From Scream To Smile by @op-sheepy for @chokefriends (Ossicle) (6059 words)
“The monsters at the SMILE Factory (née SCREAM Corp) learn how to be funny.
Law and Kid may be having some difficulties adjusting.”
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a-typical · 2 years
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Personal qualities, whether pleasant or unpleasant, form no part of the deist god of Voltaire and Thomas Paine. Compared with the Old Testament's psychotic delinquent, the deist God of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment is an altogether grander being: worthy of his cosmic creation, loftily unconcerned with human affairs, sublimely aloof from our private thoughts and hopes, caring nothing for our messy sins or mumbled contritions. The deist God is a physicist to end all physics, the alpha and omega of mathematicians, the apotheosis of designers; a hyper-engineer who set up the laws and constants of the universe, fine-tuned them with exquisite precision and foreknowledge, detonated what we would now call the hot big bang, retired and was never heard from again.  (The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins)
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