#what makes them tick
deluweil · 5 days
I feel like the characters of Buck and Eddie's specifically are so underdeveloped it borders on crime at this point.
Because Buck has traveled all over the world, he was a so called sex addict, and sought (still seeks) attention from every breathing relatively human form he comes across.
He was a bartender and his communication skills are limited to flirting mode (see 911 LS hold the line) - It's like right there where TK from LS felt the need to tell Buck that he has a boyfriend - and you're telling me he never experimented?? Never been kissed by a drunken man?
He has gay friends, has he never been to a gay club??
And Eddie! The man was in the army, he was never in love with Shannon, he loved her - sure - she was the mother of his child, they had sexual chemistry but there was nothing there emotion wise.
Also often they'd have sex after they were reunited to avoid actually talking to each other.
Eddie went and reenlisted to a job he knew there was a fair chance he may not return home alive from, to avoid actually having to deal with the realization of Christopher's diagnosis and not being able to adjust and not wanting to be a husband to Shannon.
He didn't want to get married, he did that because he knocked her up not because he wanted to get married - his way of running was enlisting. - It was his personal suicide mission. - Like he said in 5X14 - his friends are gone and he's still here - "not sure why." - it wasn't just survivor's guilt, he never planned to live in the first place.
And you're telling me that with all his time spent with soldiers most of them men, not thinking about his wife, just his son - because when he was in a dire situation it wasn't a picture of Shannon and Christopher, it was just Christopher.
And in 3X15, He does see Christopher but he also sees BUCK! ALOT!
Are you telling me that in this very intimate connection he has with Buck, that he seems so comfortable in - there was nothing similar that preceded that? Eddie broke down when he found out all his friends from the army were dead, was there something more there? Other than failing to save them from themselves and bad luck?
I feel like 7 seasons later and all I know of Buck and Eddie from before can be summarized in one paragraph each and nothing more - I can write articles about what I deduced watching them with each other the past 7 seasons, but nothing that explains that intense, intimate, tension underneath the surface between them.
I want to know where it's buried. Give me less LIs and chemistry-less relationships - And give me a history that can connect me to the here and now, that explains what made Buck and Eddie, almost instantly, BuckandEddie - buddie.
I want them to be developed characters, and not just the scratch the surface we got so far.
I have so many questions!!!
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mixedbag-o-beans · 7 months
so my dead best friend had the weirdest fucking cooking habits. she could make curry like a god and cut up bell peppers in one piece like she was on chopped. but she was also known to eat moldy food and open any old canned food, heat it up, and just eat it straight out of the pan. i’m not talking soup, deadass a can of tomatoes, no seasoning or anything, just down the hatch. this happened several times.
last night we had a little memorial for the anniversary of her passing and i decided i was gonna eat a can of tomatoes straight out of the pan in her honor. tell me why it genuinely SLAPPED. i’ve been giving her shit for this for years and it’s actually good as fuck
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littlebitofdnd · 2 months
Sandra-Lynn and Sklonda are having a "What Do We Do About Kristen" phone call as we speak
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
Something that is an example of good character writing in Princess Tutu is how Fakir and Duck have little incompatibilities in their personalities (you know. Beyond the obvious). It makes it a little harder for them to get along and understand one another but you get the sense that they’re both putting the effort in. It’s sweet and it makes the relationship feel all the more real.
Fakir is serious, blunt, and he doesn’t sugarcoat things. His words often come across as harsh, even when there’s real care behind them. As a result, Duck—who reads his tone but not always the intentions behind it—doesn’t always pick up on when he’s doing something nice for her. For example, when Duck starts to tell Mytho she’s Princess Tutu, Fakir startles her to interrupt her, causing her to turn back into a duck. She takes offense and only later realizes he did it so she wouldn’t reveal her identity to mytho before she was ready (and even then I don’t think she picks up on the full extent of it). There’s another scene where he tells her point blank if she doesn’t want to fight the raven she needs to stop being princess tutu. It comes across as quite harsh and seems to visibly sadden Duck, though he cares about her deeply and is only trying to keep her safe.
The other “incompatibility” that comes to mind is how Fakir is sensitive and easily offended while Duck tends to blurt out whatever’s on her mind. While there are many scenes where he does get upset (take the scene in the Wandering Knight where he takes her request to stop getting in fights as an attack on his character), there are just as many where he doesn’t take the bait. Watch the show a few times and you’ll notice Fakir has a habit of going silent when Duck says something insensitive. He waits for her to finish speaking and he either ignores her or moves on. In those moments, you can feel the conscious effort he’s making to not lash out. Duck’s earnest naïveté is part of why draws him to her but at the same time it causes friction between then when she’s overly hopeful about something delicate to him, like his writing.
Anyways tldr; Fakir tends to hide what he’s feeling and thinking behind a deadpan demeanor, which sometimes obscures his true intentions from Duck. Meanwhile Duck tends to trample over the things Fakir is sensitive about in conversation, and he often has to stop himself from getting upset. In these moments you see how these characters may not completely understand each other but they care about each other a lot and actively work to smooth out their differences. Also it’s very cute when Duck realizes after the fact Fakir did something nice for her and her face lights up.
These little quirks make room for natural misunderstandings between the characters. Honestly, I like how Princess Tutu doesn’t smooth out compatibility issues or completely rewrite Fakir’s character when he and Duck become friends. The same flaws and tendencies are present, we just see the characters taking more active, conscious steps towards getting along.
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tanglepelt · 6 months
Dp x dc idea 167
The trio are out on the run. Trying to make there way to Jazz who was at college in metropolis.
Phantom was framed for a massive crime that everyone it town believed he did. Phantom lost the support of everyone else.
Danny is revealed and calls for his head happened. Sam and tucker had to free Danny. From the once mentioned dungeon in FentonWorks. He is injured as they flee.
Sam’s grandma and of course Mr.Lancer help the three.
Clark really started paying attention to the three teens getting medical supplies after he heard the girl say they were lucky to get their friend out of his parents dungeon before he was experimented on.
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aaandbackstabbed · 4 days
Daisy: if I fall…
Donald: I’ll be there to catch you
Scrooge: *watches interaction*
Scrooge: and if I fall-
Goldie: I’ll be the one to have pushed you
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catmask · 2 months
Sammy from 4ever Celebi reminds me of your ‘sona. Thots?
thats professor oak! sammy (samuel oak) is one of my favorite characters in the pokemon anime. i think he has a lot of interesting underlying character thats sprinkled throughout information we get from other characters, and thats always been the sort of character i enjoy.
i like learning about someone from the people who knew them, admire them or had rivalries with them. i think that learning about someone you can never meet the former version of is cool! and most of all i think professor oak is a nice old man so yeahg
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jq37 · 22 days
You know not to keep harping on this but like if Kipperlilly wanted a mystery that's close to home it didn't have to be her parents, ya know? Like her party Wizard's grandma was paling around with Kalvaxus and her party cleric/best friend? is a descendant of a clan that was subjugated by followers of a god the Barbarian teacher is trying to revive, there was so much going on girl. If what she wants is a big exciting adventure then that's a skill issue, frankly. And it wouldn't have even helped her grades
You're right and you should say it.
Like, no idea if Oisin was flaunting that info from the jump but if she was down to hack her parents' emails I can't imagine she's above getting into her party's private business.
I really would like to pick her brain about what is it exactly that she wants because it's not like there was a lack of adventuring opportunities in the general vicinity. There were shenanigans happening in her party as you stated. A dragon crashed the prom that everyone was invited to. The sun went dark for a summer--did she try to do anything about that? This is Spyre. Things are CONSTANTLY happening.
And it's not like her party doesn't have advantages. She's being all, "There's a flaw in the system >:(" while she has Oisin on staff to supply the party with as many revivify diamonds and spell components as they need. I'm sure not every party has that advantage but you don't see her campaigning about that.
The thing about Kipperlilly that's been stuck in my head since we learned it is the fact that SHE came up with the High 5 Heroes name and was upset when it was changed. That's a name that makes me think of cheesy Saturday Morning Cartoons where things follow a certain formula and the good guys are best friends who always get along and all that (think Super Friends). Is that what she was expecting? Is that what she thinks she's being deprived of? Did she resent their name getting changed to the (arguably much more fitting as far as we know) Rat Grinders because she was holding on to the hope that they could still be that tight knit group of adventurers that she always wanted to be a part of? Like, she obviously has a major case of Main Character Syndrome and the fact that her life isn't conforming to that is what's driving some of her actions but I also have to wonder.
Is Kipperlilly more jealous of Riz's dead dad or his friends?
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
I love the idea of Sith Obi-Wan being just as affable as Jedi Obi-Wan. He still banters with his opponents and his allies, he's still on a first name basis with everyone at the restaurants he frequents, he's still very well mannered, and animals still love him. You'd almost be able to forget he's a Sith, if not for the leonine eyes.
But occasionally he'll do something horrific, something measured and calculated to be as cruel as possible, but he'll still be ever so charming and polite. He might even reassure his victims that it's not personal, even if it's too perfectly tailored to what hurts them to be meant for anyone else.
And the thing is, it would be so easy to forget how dangerous he is, when he's so pleasant otherwise. He's nice right up until he's not, but by then it's too late to escape.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
I am very 👀👀👀👀 at the fire engine (can’t tell 100% but I think it’s the engine not the truck) in the back ground of both the Bobby&Eddie still and the Buck&Eddie stills. Suggests the two conversations are going to happen in shortish succession.
Looking under the hood?? Working on the engine - on the thing that makes you who you are. I see you and I think I like the analogy and symbolism you’re going for 911!!!!
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strange-daughter · 1 month
hi! i just want the internet to know I get the hype about the goth space lesbians now and im stoked to finally understand the memes
ok that’s all, bye
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ladyluscinia · 7 months
Very few people bothered to find out what S1 Izzy / complex Edward enjoyers were interpreting differently than the "Izzy is Kylo Ren / Ed's his victim" crowd that made us like him in the first place, so it figures that now very few people are bothering to understand what a lot of us are criticizing in S2 while the - shockingly - exact same crowd leads the discussion on how it was a beautiful season and Izzy enjoyers are just incapable of decentering their problematic fave.
And it's once again leading to a barrage of posts lecturing us about why the takes they imagine we hold are wrong and supporting the same toxic fandom atmosphere that aimed to harass us all out for a year and a half. Cool. Glad to see no lessons were learned whatsoever.
Only difference is now we actually might leave, on account of you don't generally put up with extended harassment to support a show you don't even think is being written well. 🤷‍♀️
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nil-elk · 2 months
Being an assistant manager has been...something. Managing the people, both customer and employee, is what's most tiring.
I do it well enough I guess, but it's just... 🫠
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Wondering how Tarn and the Nurse's story would go if they shared a world with Fusian Cannon Wedding Megatron.
The idea of fusion Cannon Wedding Megatron!AU is that the senate reserved the right to take any sparkling from unconjuxed parents ostensibly to be put in a worthy home while simultaneously making it cost prohibitive for all but the elite. Even for the upper middle caste it was incredibly burdensome. But if you could get an audience with a priest of the 13 they could interview a couple deem them worthy and chose to wave the fee.
Megatron, the agnostic, due to Gladiatorial WWE-esque Theme Shenanigans actualy ends a priest of Megatronus because he refused to be a fake priest in such a way that the last Priest of Megatronus decided "welp this is my best bet as a secuessor." Megatron ever the political activist used this to perform legally binding weddings for any sparked couples he came across.
Cue the Revolution and the risk of Deceticon newsparks being stolen increases. But there are treaties to return kiddos to their parents or next of kin. So if con, bot, neutral, or implausiblely compatible alien sparks up or is sparked up by one of his Decepticons, they are kidnapped and brought to the alrer at gunpoint for now High Priest Megatron to Marry them off "for the children's sake." The DJD has brought runaway 'juxes to the alter.
Now the DJD still has the Doner Cause because it's a way of protecting the bitties. Megatron initaly gets wind of the situation of with the Nurse and is relatively chill. Right up untill he realizes that the nurse was never married to the sire. Nevermind their Caimen with very diffrent rules and cultural norms. (Also their the mentee of a very scary Healer). Kaon doesn't even have to pull a witnessed act shenanigans to help his ship set sail. He just has to include a question in his routine report that Tarn is continuing providing doner support as outlined in the Doner clause. "As the cowardly tratitor abandoned his lover the moment he found out she sparked we did not find out he had sparked her after he was dead. Is it possible to posthumously conjux them for the security of the sparklings?" Kaon knows damn well posthumous conjuxing isn't a thing.
Shenanigans are about to ensue.
This is great because Megatron's manifesto would have revisions about religion, so instead of an atheist society, he more likely written about freedom of religion for anyone to practice. Just as a final Fuck You to the Senate with their harsh stance.
And because of the wild shenanigans, I think the Decepticons would have strong civil and family court proceedings.
Deadzone and Nurse were (ex) fiances, so Megatron could be chill with that.
But not with Tarn also sparking up the Camien. Now that's a whole-ass security risk!
Megatron wouldn't need to demand Tarn to return. The Peaceful Tyranny bulleted itself to the main flagship, ignoring everything else to get it situated after the consequences of too much excitement at the "fake" resort wedding.
A poor, sleep-deprived and absolutely exhausted Nurse would have been scooped up and thrown into the shower and polished to high-hell. You were vaguely aware of quick, sure servos working your back and sensory panels, and Helex was hogging the dryer.
This was no dignified walk. The entire Justice Division burned rubber and left scorch marks on their stampede to the Altar. Every other 'con jumped out of the way and booked it elsewhere because no one wanted to be in the vicinity that had the D.J.D. that hyperfocused.
Shockwaves rippled across the base that it wasn't a gruesome execution but a wedding.
Out of all the mechs, Tarn's.
The gossip mill was set aflame. Information between truth and rumors clashing, especially when the newlywedded mech was spotted with strange, blue Energon painted bright on his chassis.
The reality of it was far less fantastical.
You were a sack of photon-potatoes over Tarn's shoulder as he carried the cradle-pod of newsparks under his opposite arm.
At the daunting reveal that Megatron the bomb of Megatronus Prime's ordained lineage with the markings and proven insignia, you took a short break in the private sideroom (with proper permission from the High Priest) to freak out over your own lack of preparations and courtesies for said High Priest.
You did invoke part of an old bonding custom from Caminus' initial vorns when the Titan carried the survivors of the Tribal wars composed of different peoples.
You and Tarn get married with each other’s Energon painted upon the chassis.
Not only Megatron officiated the ceremony, but allowed a generous honeymoon package of timeoff and a few gifts.
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namari-hime-moved · 5 months
me and magical girl genre deconstructions are at war
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dennisboobs · 6 months
plain and simple i am not going to be able to remain in this fandom long-term if i have to keep putting disclaimers on every single one of my posts that say i don't condone dennis' bad, bad actions and that i am in fact aware he's got a history of sexual assault and dubious/nonconsent. the entire gang has done heinous shit. why is dennis the only one who needs to be treated like this? if some rando wants to post about how dennis is pookie pie that doesn't automatically mean they're blind to his crimes. every single member of the gang is a piece of shit. that's kind of the point.
draw dennis with cat ears who give a shit
#ada speaks#i'm not vagueing this is a constant thing ive experienced#i still have angry anons sitting in my askbox mad that i didn't explicitly condemn him last time i got into this#i'm really not a fan of the tension in the fandom the last few days#and like. i know its a hot button issue rn. everyone's going back and forth abt mac and dennis' SA#but this fandom genuinely does have an issue SPECIFICALLY MENTIONING things mac does to dennis and uwu-ifying them#when they are explicitly classified as SA in canon (which is an actual present issue i think needs to be addressed)#rather than like. just the mere MENTION of dennis outside of his SA is somehow condoning his actions#im sorry but i really do not feel the need to constantly talk about him assaulting women#everyone knows. everyone sees it. just bc i am dissecting other parts of his character does not mean i forgot he's a horrible person#it just means im trying to understand where he's coming from (which obviously does not change the facts.)#viewing dennis as a person with unresolved trauma stemming from elsewhere doesn't negate the damage he is doing to other people#he's not a real person where humanizing him does tangible damage#so i am going to continue to look into shit. when i talk about the CSA he went through it's not a justification.#but it does explain his actions in a character motivation type way which is what i am interested in#seeing what makes him tick#i think most people who follow me understand this by now. but i also don't think shit we see him do constantly in canon needs bringing up.#it's the subtle stuff that ties everything together and i want to put it all together to solve a puzzle
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