#what quality does youtube music stream
chronicbeans · 1 year
Hey There! How would the puppets say react to more "modern" stuff (given that they're from the 60-70s, and we now have more advanced tech, VR, electric cars, Alexa, etc)
OMG this sounds so cute!
Welcome Home Cast Reacting to Modern Technology:
TW: None
📺 Wally would be super excited, asking about absolutely everything. It would be especially exciting for him to learn about how phone's have changed. They are now tiny slabs that you carry everywhere with you! He's probably going to end up sitting on your couch, playing art games on your phone.
📺 Poppy would be both enthusiastic and weary of checking out the kitchen of your home. She was already a little anxious about getting injured in her own kitchen, so now she is extra anxious, due to all of this new technology. Once you teach her what everything does, however, she is happy to get back to baking and to try out all of these new gadgets.
📺 Eddie would be interested in learning how the new mail system works. That, and learning about electric cars. He's always had a passing interest in transportation, mostly due to him transporting mail, so learning about how cars have changed is very interesting! Same with trains, too!
📺 Frank would have an interest in everything, much like Wally, but he has a particular interest in e-books. People can now keep books on their phones? He believes it doesn't hold a candle to physically owning the book, but does seem how useful it could be if you cannot get your hands on it.
📺 Sally is astonished by the television. It is so flat, like paper! It also has a better quality image on the screen? How can it do that when it is so flat? You could watch so many shows, too! What is a "streaming service"?
📺 Julie really likes the internet. You can talk to so many people in so many ways! There are these games, too, that you call "MMOs". So many people in one place! Then there is this "YouTube" that you can watch videos on, made by people. She especially loves the makeup videos, finding it satisfying to watch others put it on and see how their faces change.
📺 Howdy is a bit conflicted. He liked things the way they were before, however, change doesn't necessarily mean bad. He'll try out the new gadgets and technology. Online shopping is where he gets especially spooked, though. He can't really understand why someone would want to buy things without physically holding them, first! He... he CAN understand shopping online for things that are not available in your area or country... but didn't you say that there was that Wal-Mart down the street? Why would you buy things from an online Wal-Mart when you can just go to the physical one?
📺 Barnaby is mostly interested in using this new technology for his jokes. If you have any sort of soundboard, be it a physical one or on your phone, he will love it. If you teach him about memes, he will practically fall in love with them. Put a few sounds associated with memes on a soundboard, leave him be, then he will be entertained for about three hours as he makes jokes. Just be warned that he will want all of you to listen to every single one. He's proud of his work.
📺 If you somehow have Home in your... well... home, then it's probably a miniature version of Home. So, if you have Home, and are able to show it all the new gadgets you have in your time period, it will be most interested in Alexa. She can turn your lights on and off with just a small command! It can play music, look up stuff, basically anything! Is it especially interested in the ways Alexa can do things around the home.
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realisticfanfictions · 9 months
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕤/𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕤
There's not a lot of strawhats-in-the-real-world AUs, so I'm here to fill that void! This has been on my mind for a hot minute now, so let's talk about the characters in One Piece if they were youtubers!
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Click to reveal!
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Luffy - Travel Vlogger
Subscriber Count: 7 Million.
Luffy would 100% be the unintentionally annoying vlogger who just streams and records everything. He's more likely to shove a camera in your face by accident, but he's also the guy who makes really engaging content and does more unique things than your average vlogger. He'd actually be a pretty big name in the vlogging sphere I'd imagine, and while vlogging channels tend to have lower subcounts, I think that 7m would be a good number for him to have. Luffy would also be down to record with other people (regardless of their sub count), and wouldn't mind traveling halfway across the world to do a one-off collab (especially if you agree to feed him).
His content: His content would revolve around travel, food, everyday living, and funny anecdotes. The editing would be very fast-paced with lots of graphics, and sound effects. He'd need to have an editor, and that poor editor would just be swamped with hours upon hours of random footage of him eating, or picking his nose. Lots of B-roll potential!
BIGGEST SLIDE in the WORLD! | Brazil Adventures!
Monkeys STOLE my $2000 CAMERA! (ft. Nami) | Bali Adventures!
I almost DIED!! | Climbing Mount Everest Day #3!
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Zoro - Fitness Guru/Vlogger.
Channel: Roronoa Zoro
Subscriber Count: 3 Million.
It's a no-brainer that Zoro would be a fitness influencer. He would never have thought of becoming an influencer, but Luffy probably recorded him working out in some of his early vlogs, and convinced him to start his own channel. He wouldn't be as into vlogging as Luffy, and definitely wouldn't put much of his personal life out there, but he'd still show what he did and make it somewhat entertaining. Zoro would have fangirls up the wazoo! Especially since he trains without his shirt on, and always shows himself working out. I don't think he'd do collabs on his channel, but he'd always accept being in one of Luffy's vlogs, or even guest starring on Sanji's show (more on that later--).
Content: I think his content would be focused on posting his daily schedule, what he ate, how he worked out, etc. as well as a weekly weigh-in. He'd occasionally post his kendo tournaments and would encourage people to try it out, and make tutorials on all things kendo. I have a feeling he'd probably have the most sponsorship offers, but he'd turn down the vast majority of them (since a lot of them are scams). I don't think he'd have an editor since he seems like the kind of guy to just slap it together with some music behind it and post it to YT or Insta. I can even imagine him getting quite decent at editing and filming, and using Brook's music (with permission ofc). I think he'd also talk about stuff about the gym, what he likes vs. doesn't like, and sometimes talk while he works out.
Don't do this at the gym.
I hate gym memberships.
Kendo Tournament 2023.
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Sanji - Cooking Show
Channel: Devil's Kitchen with Sanji
Subscriber Count: 3 Million.
I don't think I need to explain why Sanji would have a cooking show, but I imagine it more like Binging with Babish with fun challenges, instead of straight up Kitchen Nightmares/reality TV. He'd have the highest production value out of the strawhats with a cameraman and 2-3 editors, and he'd probably be the only one to actually get a show on cable (separate from his YT). Sanji would be more likely to bring guests onto his show, and I can see Zoro being a frequent guest. Would not be surprised if they start a podcast tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if they also lived together
His content would be a lot less 'indie' feeling and more high quality. Lots of cool camera angles and editing. His stuff would end up on Food P*rn I'd imagine. Like, all the time. Sanji would probably be asked to collab with other people, and he'd take a lot more sponsorships too. Soy Sauce wants to sponsor him? Hell yeah, he'd do it! Bang Energy Drink? Well, no. He still has standards. I can imagine him doing a lot of 'How-to' videos and diet-focused videos, like "How to Cook for Vegans", or "Best Gluten-Free Recipes". He'd probably be in and out of relationships quite a lot too, maybe some controversies? (Lemme know if ya'll want some headcannons for that.)
Chocolate Kisses for Valentine | Cooking with Sanji.
Professional Chef vs Home Cook (ft. My Dumb Roommate.)
Tricking Meat-Eaters with Vegan Alternatives (Beyond Meat.)
^^ That one is 100% sponsored btw.
And that's the end of that! Lemme know if you guys want to see more, or have any suggestions!
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
Breaking My Silence
bts sajaegi issue
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Firstly I would like to apologise to my followers! I'm really sorry you all had to see me lash out and use such vulgar language, that was really embarrassing to be honest, which is why I edited my posts lol! I genuinely believe I only reacted like that because I was scared of losing this blog and I was really offended by that one ARMY, so I decided to just cuss her out because I could not imagine losing my one and only blog over a tarot post. Now back to why I have written this post, we all are aware of the BTS Sajaegi issue all over social media right now and from my tarot reading you can tell that it was in fact true. To be honest, I really do not understand K-Pop stan's obsession with Payola/Sajaegi, saying who paved/paid the way and all that ruckus. I need K-Pop stans to understand that ALL these companies pay for streams, sales, youtube views and etc. They need to understand that this K-Pop industry is hella competitive as hell, I mean we literally saw BSH wanting to step on AESPA, SM buying people to study NEWJEANS concept, SM staff listening to popular K-Pop songs to study the popular songs and see how they can replicate them, BSH debuting Sakura and Chaewon to compete with IVE and soooo many more instances. ARMY are all over social media posting concert photos of BTS tours, trying to prove that they did not use sajaegi does not make any sense to me?!
I really do not know how to explain this in words but different K-Pop groups have luck in being the "it" factor making it easy for them to pull fully dedicated fans this does not mean other groups that do not have that factor or fewer streams are not as talented compared to the groups at the top. I mean look at BTS, BLACKPINK, LE SSERAFIM, NEWJEANS & TWICE, they have that "it" factor to pull crowds both domestically and internationally, and I am certain they use sajaegi but does this sajaegi thing affect their quality of music, talents, etc?! NO! So why on earth are people taking this to heart specifically ARMY? I am currently listening to BTS as I am typing this and I will repeat this once again! The sajaegi thing really does not affect their talent and producing abilities, all of their discographies are honestly the best... so why would you cry and whine about how BTS paid for streams and awards. That is NOT what you guys should be looking at, the boy's music and talent because that is what matters the most. If newjeans were to come out and say they use sajaegi for streams, I would not be crying because why should I? I love new jeans but them buying streams will not affect my school fees payments and stationery money so... why are I-ARMY having a full-blown meltdown over things that will not affect them in their everyday lives?! THIS IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO DETACH! PLEASE I BEG! So I need ARMY to stop attacking people for sharing their opinions and thoughts on this situation ANDD stop attacking other groups for the same thing right after this drama dies down soon! Attacking "rival" groups is not going to help in this current situation, and saying BUNNIES are not part of the "HYBE Family" because we agree with Min Hee Jin who tried to "bewitch" BTS? and also because we saying we do not want her to leave?! look... newjeans is where they are because of her, Min Hee Jin, they all worked together and became successful so why would we want that main person who created all of this to just pack her bags and leave? not saying we agree with her past actions, right now newjeans art and music are what we are worried about, and this is the main reason why we do not want her to go. anyways... I have a class in 5 minutes! later everyone!!
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BPP I love Jimin but the autotune is bad. 😔 I don't know how to feel about it. I wish Jimin did a song like Promise or Serendipity it wld be better for more people right? I hate how pdogg ruined Jimin's debut. We should admit it. Nobody is even streaming it on youtube. Armys are pretending it's a good song but kpop fans are right BPP, the song is bad.
Ask 2:
I hope you are well.
I have read and continue to read your blog. You seem to think so highly of the rap line which is wonderful. My post isn't about them but I do like them more than the vocal line. Please note I am not trying to be negative with my question below. I am more curious because this has been observation lately..
I am not trying to be negative but I was wondering if you could help me understand this. Being in K-pop for a while, I knew I would come across BTS at one stage in my life. I have always known they are popular. I would have to be living under the rock to think otherwise. But one thing I have always heard is a discourse around Jimins popularity. Even before I got into BTS, I would hear Jimins name thrown here and there. I knew BTS had a guy named Jimin but recently I have been thinking that perhaps he isn't as popular as I had assumed. I would have thought his music video would garner million and millions of views easily but it's not even at 15 mil. How could that be? Similarly, people aren't purchasing his songs on iTunes. I see people begging them to buy the songs on twitter. My understanding was that he is the most popular member of BTS but looking at his views compared to the rest of the members, I am thinking he is on the lower side of popularity. I am surprised to be honest. I know popularity doesn't mean everything but wouldn't he need that to be a successful artist outside of BTS?
I am also not sure if the new song is good. The autotune feels too jarring. The video is nice but the song in itself doesn't do it for me. I would have really liked to minimise autotune. It would have also been nicer if his song was more on the lines of lie. I feel there is too much focus on visual representation rather than the quality of the song. People will listen to the song more than watch the video so it's disappointing. It's also not doing that well. I mean Taylor's re-released songs are beating him already. I am worried his album won't be successful. I was hoping they would use this solo era to gather more fans but I don't see how Jimin could possibly garner more fans with a song thats so jarring to listen to.
Sigh, y'all should never say I didn't allow room for other perspectives in this space because I'm humoring this talking point far longer than I honestly care for. Not trying to be rude, just honest.
Hi Anon(s),
So... um, let's see. Please remember y'all are talking to someone who thinks UGH is the best song in BTS's discography. My playlist order for Set Me Free Pt 2 is:
Arson -> SMF Pt 2 -> UGH -> What Do You Think? -> SMF Pt 2
I mix it up with As I Am by JB and Khalid, Indigo, NewJeans, On The Street, and Smoke Sprite. For playlist switches I rotate between rock albums, hiphop, and lofi.
So, that's my taste. Usually.
What do you notice in all the songs in the first sequence? Think about it for a sec. With the exception of What Do You Think? to some degree, they all use autotune. A disgusting amount of it, and I love those songs so hard I would fuck them if I could.
I'm not sure if people understand what I mean when I say I'm a fan of BTS's music, that I'm an ARMY. I mean I actually love their sound and have reached this conclusion recently after following them since 2014. So PDogg's stylistic choices are ones I like most times.
Yoongi and Jimin are very similar. In my opinion. And there is no member who embraces autotune and pitch distortion more than Yoongi. He is also the only member who blatantly and unapologetically displays his alter-ego in his music - in Agust D - and that's not a coincidence. Jimin does the same thing or at least tries to create the same effect in SMF Pt 2 by using autotune. Pitch distortion is the easiest way to other yourself in a song, to create a secondary personality. Tyler Joseph does this a lot with a shadow personality within himself that he calls Blurryface in his music. Jimin in SMF Pt 2 is done playing games. That man has rage buried inside of him and somehow, he has transcended it. Yet he expresses that rage in his first song as a solo artist, through a secondary voice. The one that voices the animal in him. That Jimin is telling y'all to come correct or fuck off. And he calls out his opps. Yeah, his opps. It's Aave and yes it's sometimes unfortunate when k-pop idols use it, but sometimes it's not. Think of 'finna'. And none of the people up in arms about Jimin using that word give a rats ass that XG, a rookie group, have used it more often than Jimin to no issue, but yeah it's impossible for the idol so targeted by death threats the Texas police got involved, to say he's got opps. But I don't really care either way.
I digress. My point is the audacious and offensive use of autotune is the point in the song. It's aggressive. It's supposed to annoy you and if you happen to be a weirdo like me, it's supposed to tickle your brain. Like, this song seriously has me fucked up. I like it a lot and it's just a testament to years of discipline that I'm not looping it on Spotify.
Anon in ask 1, it's possible Jimin would reach a wider audience with a ballad, pop track like Promise/Serendipity, or a more conventional hiphop song. I'm sure he thinks so too, maybe. And yet that's not how he wanted to express himself. He chose the harsh autotune and I happen to think he sounds incredible with it.
Now Anon in ask 2, Jimin is one of the most popular members in BTS, and BTS is of course still popular. We both know that. But it's also true BTS has become less popular within k-pop spaces in general, but that's predictable given how the industry runs, and it's possible that was all you were experiencing Anon - an environment where BTS and by extension Jimin, just isn't that popular.
If that were even possible. Because like, this is Park Jimin we're talking about here.
For the people apparently begging others to buy the album, I guess they are simply people who strongly want Jimin to do well on the charts and are trying everything in their power to make it happen. I'm yet to see any of that personally though on my side of ARMY twt, what I'm seeing is organized and spontaneous purchases done out of love for the artist and his art.
You both mention YouTube views/streams so let me just say something on it. Personally, I don't care. I mean I care enough that we at least try to meet the goals and I genuinely love the video so I've watched it multiple times today, but not really beyond that. All this to express the extent of my interest in this matter. But even I know YouTube changed their view-counting algorithm in 2021 to increase a migration of users to their paid platform, YouTube Premium. Views today are harder to count and so one way k-pop agencies have worked around to gaining views, is to buy ads on YouTube. Perhaps it would be great if BigHit was as involved as other agencies in helping that way, but they haven't been so far except for the Pandemic English Trilogy (PET), and ARMY has more reason to stay engaged. All this to say, the views we currently have are one of the best records the fandom has ever achieved for BTS, no matter how it stacks up to the others because there are too many people who love SMF Pt 2, are talking about it, re-watching it, too many of them to not be significant enough. For YouTube we're doing fine and enjoying it at our pace.
Also I don't know what y'all want me to say about how a white American woman performs on US charts, relative to BTS members. I'm curious, did you check for their relative performance on Korean charts? Since you're so interested in the question.
You don't need to be worried about Jimin's album not being successful. It already is.
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hyohaehyuk · 10 months
Note: The video is just a cut of the live. i think this was a paid content in some app so to see the full thing you will need to pay :(
i also found this really small cut on twitter (via RakKenshin) and on bilibili (with better quality)
"Today is the 3rd live PF stream, and Taka’s first time to host one of these. They’re doing the stream from a radio studio. Even if they do a stream with all the members, Taka is usually the one who ends up talking the entire time, so this time they’re trying something new.
The theme is Taka and having a guest Taka wants to talk with. For the first guest, it has to be Taka’s bestie Satoh Takeru
Taka’s brother has been on TV a lot lately, and it would seem like Taka’s family is good at talking
When Taka jacked Miura Shouhei’s YouTube stream, they ended up talking a lot about things they shouldn’t have talked about. They can’t talk about the same things and need to be more serious for this stream. …Cuz they’re paying Takeru 🤣 By more serious. I mean they need to really think about what they talk about
They’re not going to talk about how Takeru saw OOR at a culture festival and became a fan that way
They thougth about talking about love, and Takeru asked Taka if he’s ever had a one-sided love. Taka said he has, which surprised Takeru a lot (Note: this is in the video above)
Takeru’s explaining to Taka what a one-sided love is, like thinking about the girl when going to sleep, wondering how they feel about you, etc, and now Taka says he’s never felt that way. 😅
Taka hasn’t dated in a while so he doesn’t know the feeling. In Taka’s case, he feels like, instead of confessing to someone and starting to go out that way, he just hangs out with them a lot and naturally they end up dating. Taka isn’t the type to come out and announce to everyone around him that he’s seeing someone.
This is hilarious. Takeru is like a love master here 😂 Taka doesn’t really have any stories about love and is wanting to change the topic haha. Takeru’s hanging on
Taka does like someone who is has a good head on their shoulders
What is Takeru’s favorite OOR song?
That’s hard to answer. The Kenshin songs are special to him. He likes Kanjou Effect, and probably likes rock ballads. Taka hasn’t had a song that made him go “this is it” since “The Beginning”. Not including Kenshin songs, Takeru likes “Living Dolls”
*talks about wherever you are*
Taka: what are we talking about? wasn't it your fave song? we didn't even talk on living dolls
Takeru has seen a lot of different concerts at Zepp, but OOR is the only band he feels where the Zepp might have come crashing down
It was tough for Taka performing without an audience.
During “Liar,” Takeru’s like, “Oh noooo!! He’s (Taka’s) dying! He might not be able to continue singing after this!” 😂
Back in the day, even if Taka gives it his all and doesn’t think about the next day, once the tour is over, he can rest, but now when they tour, the tours are so long that it’s hard to sing carelessly like that
From Takeru’s POV, he feels even foreigners can feel OOR’s passion
Taka feels they have to perform this year overseas. Takeru thinks an acoustic live might be good since it would be quieter and people wouldn’t be shouting.
Taka is pretty over covid now 😅 It’s pretty clear that he wants to perform in front of an audience
Taka is wondering about how some people in the audience are doing nowadays. There’s one person who is always diving. Taka remembers their face cuz they’re endlessly rolling up to the front 😂😂😂 Takeru’s like, “They’re not listening to the music.” This fan bumped into Taka on the street once, and they were totally different than at concerts when they’re diving. Taka is curious about how people like this are doing where the only place they can relieve stress is at concerts.
Taka is asking Takeru what he thinks the entertainment industry is missing. Takeru says that Hollywood is in the English-speaking world so it’s hard to make something that compares to that, but he feels they should be able to make something comparable to what Korea puts out. Korea is also in Asia like Japan, so he feels they should be able to make something comparable, and he’s thankful to Korea for making the Western world look at Asia
The Koreans are really serious and passionate, and that’s why they’re able to make their mark even in America. Takeru says the Koreans are blazing the path and that Asia/Japan and learn from them
Takeru feels Japan can’t completely copy Korea right away. What they come up with now is like what Korea was putting out 10 years ago. They need to build up the foundation and work from there. Takeru says what Japan needs is a star. It’s humans who tell the story, afterall, so Japan needs someone that the world can recognize. The people that Japanese people consider a star might be seen differently by foreigners. Taka suggests viewers check out Katsu Shintaro. He considers him a star
Taka: takeru is like bae yong-joon.
It isn’t about copying the people you want to be though, but finding yourself and making a place for yourself
Takeru just called Taka “Takapin.” 😂 Takeru wants everyone to try Taka’s curry. “Wanna sell Takapin Curry?” 😂
Takeru thinks that when Taka is in his 70s or 80s, he’ll be running a restaurant 🤣 They’ll be out eating yakiniku, and all of a sudden Taka will be making sushi. Taka has a lot of connections so he’ll probably have the best ingredients. Taka says maybe when he can’t sing anymore he’ll consider it 😅
Takeru is going to ask Taka something everyone probably wants to hear. He asked which artist Taka has his eyes on right now. Taka has no interest right now in people who make their way up the traditional way. He’s currently interested in those who become known via social etc Taka’s watching a lot of TikTok, Instagram, etc. nowadays. He wants people to give him suggestions of who to check out
Takeru said that there hasn’t been an artist like OOR to come out recently. Taka says it’s a cycle and one comes out every x years. Last artist that made Taka feel that way was Hosomi Takeshi and ELLEGARDEN. Orange Range also comes to mind
They’re talking about who to have as guest next, and a name was mentioned but it was right when the stream skipped a bit so I missed who they said. Oh, looking through the chat log, it looks like they were talking about Yonezu Kenshi?? Maybe we’ll see him on the next live stream?
Taka is promoting the new Primal Footmark. Ooh, it has photos from the acoustic live and recording in the studio"
credit: crosswithyou and subject10969
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goldensunset · 1 month
this is gonna sound like a really stupid question but bear with me: what does certain kh tracks being "available for streaming" entail, exactly? I thought that the soundtracks were already online; I was able to upload twewy + kh music to my MP3 player in the past by ripping it from youtube. did music streaming sites just... not have it somehow?
they were online unofficially! unlike nintendo, square enix doesn’t seem to care in the slightest if fans upload their stuff on youtube lol. this just means that official kh-related sources have finally properly released their soundtracks and therefore now they’re on commercial streaming sites like spotify. as opposed to just being some 10 year old youtube video from absolutely no one. if you’ve got some means of making youtube work for you as a convenient music app (whether illegally or legally including what you’re doing lol) then this really doesn’t matter at all. it’s like a convenience thing to have it on proper streaming services in official high-quality formats. but who knows someday in the future square might decide to become awful and take down unofficial uploads so it’s just a good sign that they are actually officially uploading them at all. unlike nintendo. but to answer your question no they were never on streaming services previously
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
My game-plan going forward...
So Jimin didn't make Hot 100 Top 10. We will have to wait until tomorrow to see where he lands on the charts.
I recommend we emotionally prepare for the possibility that he will break Taylor Swift's free fall record and chart lower than #38, especially if they culled more than 60% of his sales and YouTube and radio are at a near stand-still.
It is extremely obvious this was sabotage. And while that is BULLSHIT and you're entitled to your feelings, remember that Taylor Swift's career and music are doing just fine. These charts need super stars on them--not the other way around.
My game-plan going forward is to focus primarily on quality streaming on every platform and every device, including my smart TVs.
I had one remaining $25 pre-paid VISA gift card that I got from my local grocery store.
I created a brand new email address.
I got my best friend's permission to use her name, address, and cell phone.
I input all those details into the BTS US Store and pre-ordered Yoongi's digital title track and digital album, and I also bought all 5 of Jimin's Like Crazy digitals plus one version of Face digital album.
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The best I can do going forward is finish up using a few prepaid gift cards to get Yoongi's 1 digital title track on my extra iTunes accounts.
Then I will be out of resources--both financial and mental. I will have to jockey all my premium free trial streaming accounts until they run out, then keep going with free versions.
But others who have energy and a network of non-ARMY who can help (I imagine at most they might need to tell you a cell phone confirmation text code), please reach out to funding accounts and work with everyone you can to buy for both this and next week.
If at all possible, it's important we try to ease Jimin down on the charts gently within 30 days of debut.
I recommend you don't just rely on a new email address. Make yourself a "new person" this week. Don't steal identities, obviously. But switch up your info and payment methods with folks you trust, enough to look brand new, because we have no idea what BB is tracking to count as a single sale, it's all guesswork right now.
We can work hard. We can work smart. We're ARMY.
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And they should be scared.
Because the truth is--radio stations, golden statues, and ranks on a list are not a true gauge of good music.
Fans showing up consistently no matter what is the hallmark of good music.
I strongly urge you to leave encouraging and supportive messages using #To_Jimin on WeVerse today to let him know that no matter what the US Music Industry does, we love his work and are with him all the way.
This is so far from the last we will see of Park Jimin and BTS!
Love, Roo
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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who still remembers and loves CDs. Vinyl records have made a comeback and are now considered cool among certain varieties of hipster and audiophile, but CDs haven't had the same treatment.
And like, to some extent, I kinda understand that. CDs aren't cool. Records are cool. They're big and textured and elegant and they're objectively old enough to feel vintage rather than dated. They're not exactly durable but they make up for their fragility with their other positive qualities, and you could certainly argue that warping and scratches add exactly the kind of character to a record that we've lost with digital music and therefore crave from physical media. A slightly damaged CD pretty much always just becomes totally unplayable.
So I get it. And I'll readily admit that the biggest reason why I like CDs is simply that I grew up with them and have fond memories of them. But I do also think it's objectively true that there are certain positive features unique to CDs. I will never tire of the experience of giving and receiving mix CDs. You can't do that with a record. (I mean, I don't think you can? Not easily, at any rate.) And it's not the same as a playlist! It's not the same. When you make a mix CD, you not only curate the music for the recipient, you burn the disc, you decorate it, you make the sleeve or pick the jewel case and make the paper insert for it, figure out how to wrap/package it. I mean, obviously you don't have to do all of these things, but the opportunity is there for a lot of creativity and love. And in the end the person gets both the physical object as well as being able to make digital copies of the songs on their computer (which also allows them to use those songs in their future mix CDs, continuing the cycle!).
The mix CD is just so unpretentious, wholesome, and kind. It gave the average person unprecedented power over how music was curated and shared. (I mean, of course mix tapes did something similar, and maybe they deserve more credit than I give them, simply because they're from before my time; but I kind of have to assume that CD mixing is a much simpler and more efficient process.) The mix CD creates a loving context for experiencing music. Here, I made this! Special from me, for you! I think context is one of the things which we most desperately miss in this modern age, where we're fed our newest songs by the goddamn algorithm (whether that's Spotify, TikTok, YouTube, or whatever). The mix CD is personal, human, earnest and sweet.
(And yes, to some extent, playlists do this as well, and they have their own advantages. But I think the shareability of playlists, while making it possible for many more people to experience your creation, has ended up discouraging the intimate act of making something just for one other person and instead promotes the idea that what is most desirable is to have your work seen by the greatest possible number of people.)
I started thinking about this because I saw another post talking about the removal of CD/DVD drives from computers and it really does make me sad thinking that this may be the final nail in the coffin of the mix CD. I've had to depend on external disc drives to make my mixes, and I'm sure that for most people, CDs have passed totally out of their awareness.
I'm not saying the mix CD is the end all be all of sharing music. There are already lots of other ways to share music and I would quite like to think that we will continue to invent new ways. But I do find it very sad that the art of the mix CD is dying, and while the mix CD itself may be doomed, I really hope that we don't forget its virtues, and find a way to keep the spirit of the thing alive. Physical object as well as digital copies that can be shared with others, permanent ownership of the music (rather than just streaming/renting), the burning and reading of this object being cheap and accessible, personal touch/high customizability (not being limited simply to song order, a single cover image, and a short description), intimacy. These are what I don't want to lose.
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endercasts · 1 year
once again I have been reminded how fleeting the canon in this fandom is. that stream you’re watching? doesn’t have a vod. if it does, it will expire in one, two or four weeks. if it’s uploaded to youtube it will either not have any music or might get deleted because copyright. or it’s only highlights. if it’s a riot organized tournament you might get the games, but not the full vod with analyst desk and pre-day or post-day segments. Or there is some incident and riot just straight up deletes the vod, like that one lec day where there was player audio audible on broadcast
and that’s just streams! The reddit thread where someone made a joke, that funny tweet, this team announcement or that riot blog post can all be gone in just one click. Often is already gone or impossible to find.
just like that that reference in your fic or thing you are referring to in your tumblr post is just gone to the wind. preserved only in your memories and your mention of it, if even that
thinking about my one jamada fic which references a stream moment of a stream with no vod. so like what 20 people saw that stream? likely none of the people reading my fic watched that stream
do you understand
I have a hard time putting this into words (and I write kekw) but is this the realisation of everything being finite? and sometimes finite means it only existed in the moment. yet I want to be a fan of the moments. but how can I be a fan of something already gone? already altered by my memories? what does it mean to write transformative works when the original work only exists in the memory of 20 stream viewers and one streamer. when the original work barely existed in the first place
the clips I made and uploaded? just seconds or minutes from hours of streams, completely divorced from context and twitch chat. those gifs and the flickr photos? just small parts of so much. the moments we cared about, but what about those we missed, what about those someone else would have cared about. what about those we weren't there for
and I already know what it's like to be in a fandom with this kind of canon after years. after a decade. there is no way to introduce new people to it because the canon is gone. how do you explain the jokes, the references. how do you invite someone to build a house when the foundation is gone. and that's just the tangibles. what about the intangibles - the community around it, the context of the wider world when the canon was created. the friends that I made, our skype groups and voice calls with crappy quality. the chat messages in the games we played together. all gone, nothing but memories.
maybe this is just a sign of me getting older, realizing that so much is in the past and will never be the same. that I will never be able to share that with someone else, that any attempt to recreate it is futile. somehow that seems fine because I am still here and I am shaped by the past. yet in the context of my fanworks, my fandoms, it's so different, it's all static. because what right to exist is there for headcanons without canon. what point is there in my poems, in my rants, in the dialogue, in the prose when the subject doesn't exist anymore. doesn't it just lose all meaning?
or does it create its own?
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dteamain · 1 year
when has consistency ever been an expected part of being a YouTuber? Like genuinely, the biggest ccs I know and watch don't have a regular schedule and just post their largescale projects as they finish them? Idk how everyone missed the point in youtuber history where daily/weekly uploads became an unreasonable ask for most, not to mention how much it dilutes the market to post all the time, like if dteam posted a ten-minute video every day do you think they'd be pulling huge numbers? NO, not to mention it'd become Mr beastified, because that's what pumping out content at a consistent rate requires. Longform content takes LONGER, especially when it's so polished, you guys seem to forget back before they had Snapchat, and we would NEVER hear from them because they were (and continue to be) busy as fuck, meaning they can't post or stream every day, or even every week. Like i dunno guys! talking about content output is strange because you are implying that its not horribly time consuming to brainstorm, record, and edit longform content. Even IF they hire an editor, it would still take time to edit. And streaming is longform content! you stream for a long fucking time! 5 hours of full on nonstop being in front of a camera and trying to remain entertaining is also not easy! not to mention, DTEAM ARE YOUTUBERS NOT STREAMERS LMAO
Heres an Example on youtube content: Defunctland and JCS both make longform content that comes out sporadically. HOWEVER! The quality of the content means they maintain very large fanbases. There isn't a time limit on fans of content, not unless you DECIDE to get pissed when they don't post enough. Most people do other stuff till a new upload comes out. Dteam make MORE content than Defunctland and JCS in the form of snaps, occasional streams, maintaining their own merch store, making music, going to awards ceremonies and conventions. Like I'm telling you guys, it takes a lot more time than you think it does!
Enjoy my ramblings, I just think all talk about dteam and their work ethic is flawed because most people don't know how much time and effort goes into content creation, or want to compare the amount of content they make now to the amount of content they made in 2020 when the world was shut down and there was nothing else to do. I think criticism is a good thing, but its just not as simple as people want to think it is.
lime essays go fucking brrrrrrrr 🙌
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pikidotexe-ask · 7 months
Dear English fans,
Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki are NOT siblings!
Here’s what I mean:
(I just discovered this misinformation spread because of an old talkloid shitpost on YouTube and I’m responding to this from the perspective of the Japanese fandom. These two are not well known overseas but on Nico Nico Douga, 9 times out of 10, they’re often shipped together. Gobou-P and Mahiruno-P are great examples. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with it; it’s a cute headcannon for them to be brother and sister, but it’s typically unusual. Allow me to explain for the sake of my talkloid series and in general.)
Yes, Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki were owned initially by the same company called HEARTFAST back in 2008-2009. This company went bankrupt and the site no longer exists. That much is true.
Miku and Luka are siblings in the sense that they’re both from Crypton and were also originally meant to be counterparts, but those two are completely different and are not “blood related”.
Miki’s quality took a hit from the lack of funding hence her infamous pitching (ta, wa, etc.) and volume issues (soft a, i, loud o, e), even though at the time she had a wider range than Miku and was among one of the most realistic banks. I think Miki tuners should take pride; because if you can tune her, then it’s very worth it and it makes using newer banks feel like cakewalk.
Piko got luckier with quality but he also suffers some phoneme clipping issues, like the N\ squeak or his dampened “da” and “ga”.
It was an awful shame they got split up and overshadowed by other releases. I don’t know if we could petition AHS to purchase Piko from Sony today but we could try. His provider is still active and well, and survived a kidney transplant thanks to his mother.
The Voice Providers:
Miki Furukawa from the band Supercar and later LAMA is from Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture. (That’s in northern Japan just under the shores of Hokkaido.) She was born February 19th, 1979. Her signature bass guitar is the rare Yamaha SBV-800MF (SB-5a/7a and SBV-550) in blue.
Piko, on the other hand, is from Kobe, in the Kansai region just south of Tokyo (yes, he has the accent!). He was born March 11th, 1988. His start to fame was covering classic vocaloid songs since supecell’s “Love is War” on Nico Nico Douga and the amazing fact that he could sing as both genders with his best friend Sekihan (who has his own band). He’s physically very attractive and is still mistaken for a girl in short glimpses (to his amusement), but he has made it clear he is not gay and likes women (in fact, he’s very quick to remove a heavy wig). If he does “drag” then I’ve noticed it’s usually in a funny trolling sense or as a talent.
I’ve been listening these two practically my whole life along with Yuri Masada and Fukase from Sekai no Owari, because I’m a music junky, and they’re absolutely worth looking into.
Piko and Miki are almost a decade and half a nation apart, they were only under the same music label Ki/oon Records for a while. They’ve most likely never even met.
If they have met, I’ve rarely if ever heard Piko speak of his bank, let alone Miki. I know he has a copy of his own bank, and he's made music with Miku, Gumi, Rin and Len before (Chuutoro-P). Piko is still doing music work, streams, and YouTube now. Miki’s getting her SynthV release in December 2024 and she is doing quiet live shows and fashion work.
(In my series I decided to make them 1 year apart similar to their release dates.)
Their Designs:
While they are counterparts, no part of them is essentially “blood related”.
Piko’s iconic hair is the same as his mother’s to honour her, Utatane’s cowlick is just to differentiate.
Vocaloid Miki was about to have the similar short hair as in real life. I know this because I bought her artbook with KYMG’s concept designs. Supercar made a lot of laid back rock and almost meditative, space-like/romantic songs you could groove out/fall asleep to, hence her space theme. Furukawa has a cover of Saihate so you could tell she enjoyed Miku’s kz/Livetune era with songs like “Light Song” and “Packaged” (2008).
Piko’s entire design is specifically based on the discontinued (sigh) Yamaha RGX-A2 electric guitar in aircraft grey (other colours red, black, and dark blue), the aux jack to usb tail on the hem of his outfit falls with the computer instrument metaphor. It makes sense the two would be guitar and bass, since Miki is primarily a bassist who can sing and use a keyboard.
These two also have the same robotic joint markings, Piko’s are just harder to see because of his black sleeves and because his legs are covered, but people forget the elbow areas on the sleeves are actually transparent.
In conclusion:
Yamaha (I believe) wanted to launch an “Artist Edition” series at the time based on real musicians. The voices were Miki (Furukawa), Piko, Gakupo Kamui (Gakt), and Lily (Yuri Masada). If there were others, I don’t remember, but the “development code” thing was likely Heartfast’s idea pertaining to this theme by giving the two prototype sci-fi joints.
If the western fandom’s definition of “siblings” is by same company umbrella, then I accept that. Otherwise, I personally ship them very hard here because they’re totally unrelated and my goal is to give them the love they deserved and spread the word.
I hope this rant was educational.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I started watching Beyond Evil after seeing your enthusiasm for it, and I’ve noticed the music often seems at odds with the tone of speech/ actions. For example, at the end of episode 2, they play Feeling Good (big band jazz) while the chief gives a serious speech and again while they show the new victim and Dong-sik’s grief.
Do you know why that is? Like, is there a cultural gap or different genre expectations in Korean dramas? Or is it an issue of the tone not being accurately portrayed by the English subtitles? Or just bad scoring?
Scoring is my favorite aspect of cinematography to analyze, and when it’s well done it adds so much, often without being noticed, but I just can’t figure out some of the choices they make.
Favorite aspect of cinematography? ;)
Interesting question. I remember thinking the scoring of Beyond Evil was brilliant. I don't think I noticed it not matching the tone.
I've found that some Asian dramas score in really bananas ways that don't work for me (Kei x Yaku, I'm looking at you and your dreadful song It's a Bop that plays all over all the serious moments for no reason.) But this kind of serious Korean drama usually feels to me like it's operating on the same aesthetic principles as a lot of Western stuff.
If I'm understanding which parts you mean, the song that plays during them is The Night by Choi Baek Ho. It's jazz, yes, but it certainly does not strike me as a happy song, neither in the sound of the instrumentals nor in the vocal quality.
(Unless they re-scored it for some locations? That's always possible on streaming services.)
I assume they decided on some jazz for Beyond Evil because it's a genre that has that same world-weary quality as Lee Dong Sik. It definitely worked for me tonally, though more at the end of the episode than during the chief's speech. The singer's voice feels to me like it matches Dong Sik.
As for why this particular song is under the chief's speech... I'm thinking it might be because of the lyrics. Now that I look them up, they seem melancholy, paranoid, and highly relevant. I think the song may have been written for the show, actually.
Here's the translation from that youtube video written out:
I've been looking for you anxiously. Was it in my dream last night that I passed by you? In the middle of the night, I'm asking you again and again but you're laughing at me. Would that be you?
This dawn when no one is awake I'm walking alone in the thick fog The unfamiliar shadow appears somewhere in the middle of the night. Would that be you?
The faint stalks of that falling flame stuck in the smoke Will I know you before you go away? Why can't you answer me before it's too late? I'm asking you again today.
A black night when no one is awake May the morning when the darkness is cleared never come. In the middle of the night, the one person who wants to be Who is that? Breathe out. In the middle of the night, it's gone far away. In the middle of the night, I don't know if that was you.
I've seen a few other translations that vary slightly, but it's something in this vein.
They actually don't play it under Dong Sik's grief unless we watched different versions.
The music starts with a sting on HJW noticing the body parts. Then tension music starts and plays over HJW watching LDS cry. Fairly standard score builds under the two of them having their realizations or coming to decisions ending with a sting. (Okay, maybe it's a bit heavy on the electric guitars. It didn't bother me though.)
Then there's naturalistic sound during the flashback to the mysterious figure who put the body parts there. The music only starts at the end of what he's doing as the camera starts to swing around with a big crescendo on his closeup.
In other words, this somewhat bombastic song is there for the "Dun dun DUNNNN" twist that is that face reveal and then carries us into the credits.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The Writers Guild of America (WGA) is striking against studios in pursuit of a new contract that lets writers participate more fully in the industry. The central disagreements are about economics, but the issue that has captured the most public attention is the threat posed by so-called artificial intelligence—products like ChatGPT—to the livelihood of creative professionals, including writers.
ChatGPT is a generative AI program that has been trained on a massive corpus of text to predict the word or words that should follow a text prompt or word string. It is not intelligent, though its user interface has been designed to create that illusion.
Studios perceive that generative AI is a tool they can use against writers. Some kinds of programming can be formulaic—awards shows and sitcoms, for example—which encourages writers to mimic scripts that have been successful in the past. In theory, a well-constructed generative AI could provide a first draft of such a script. But studio executives have gone one step further, imagining that products like ChatGPT will transform the writing process for everything from awards shows to feature films. Studios see this as both a potential cost savings and a way to convert script writing from copyrightable work to work for hire.
It is almost certain that they will embrace generative AI, even if it produces nothing but junk, which is what they will get. They have drunk the Kool-Aid poured by Silicon Valley’s hype merchants.
My experience working in Hollywood—as a consultant on Silicon Valley for five seasons and through involvement in documentaries like The Facebook Dilemma, The Social Dilemma, and The Great Hack—has led me to believe that if studios are smart, they will understand that their interests are aligned with those of writers, directors, and all creative people. Silicon Valley is coming for their profit margin.
CEOs believe that generative AI will reduce their labor costs. What they are missing is that Silicon Valley plans to use AI to do to Hollywood what it did to news and music. Silicon Valley’s bait-and-switch tactics follow a pattern that Cory Doctorow, writing about social media, refers to as “enshittification.” Social media platforms offer benefits to users until they are hooked, then they “enshittify” the product to appeal to advertisers. Once advertisers are on board, platforms “enshittify” their experience, as well as that of users, to extract maximum value. They perfected the game plan at Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, and TikTok and are now extending it outside of social media.
We see this in video streaming technology, the first step in a siege against Hollywood. As Big Tech always does, it baited the trap with short-term benefits, such as an increased investment in programming, which emerged in the form of a golden age of high-quality, limited run series. Streaming caused an explosion in the number of shows, but each show had many fewer episodes, which meant writers would only be employed for eight or 10 weeks at a time. In addition, streaming undercut television syndication, which had been a big source of income for writers. Streaming’s touted benefits have eroded rapidly over the past two years as studios have entered the streaming market, saturating consumer demand and forcing all involved to cut costs.
Now, generative AI is the potential kill shot, the one that could cause copyright owners to surrender their library of scripts, created over decades, in exchange for promised benefits that will never arrive.
When it comes to generative AI and video, Silicon Valley only needs to hook one constituency— Hollywood executives. Once studios buy in, they will be at the mercy of the purveyors of that technology. It happened in journalism. It happened in music. Silicon Valley did not kill those industries, but it gained control of the audience and extracted a huge percentage of the potential profits. For studio executives, generative AI is an intelligence test.
The best path forward is for studios and writers to acknowledge four realities.
First, generative AI will eventually be a valuable tool in some creative realms, potentially including script writing, but only if the AI has been built from the ground up for that task.
Second, the flaws of today’s generative AIs make them unsuitable for serious work, especially in creative fields. General purpose AIs, like ChatGPT, are trained on whatever content the creator can steal on the internet, which means their output often consists of nonsense dressed up to appear authoritative. The best they can do is imitate their training set. These AIs will never be any good at creating draft scripts—even of the most formulaic programming—unless their training set includes a giant library of Hollywood scripts.
Third, Silicon Valley is the common enemy of studios and writers. It is an illusion that studios can partner with AI companies to squeeze writers without being harmed themselves. Silicon Valley is using a potential reduction in writer compensation as the bait in a trap where the target is studio profits.
Fourth, there is no reason Hollywood cannot create its own generative AI to compete with ChatGPT. Studios and writers control the intellectual property needed to make a great AI. A generative AI that is trained on every script contributed by a single studio or collection of studios would produce wildly better scripts than ChatGPT. Would it produce the next Casablanca? No. But it could produce an excellent first draft of an Emmy Awards show script. And it would safeguard the business model of Hollywood for the next generation.
If studios work separately or together to create AI they control, the future of Hollywood will be much brighter. Central to this fourth point is a legal strategy of copyright infringement litigation against the major players in generative AI. If copyright is to mean anything at all, Hollywood must challenge Silicon Valley’s assertion of the right to “permissionless innovation,” which has become a safe harbor for law-breaking in domains ranging from consumer safety to public health to copyright.
Some might say that Hollywood does not have the ability to “do technology.” That is ridiculous. Pixar, Weta Digital, and the CGI special effects industry demonstrate that Hollywood can not only master technology, but also innovate in it.
There are many open source architectures for generative AI. Studios and the WGA can license them cheaply and hire a handful of engineers to train their own AI. It will take many years, but copyright litigation will buy the industry the time it needs, and it may even become a giant profit center.
There are serious issues to be resolved between the writers and studios. AI is part of the negotiation, but it is substantively different from the other issues on the table. The tech industry wants to use generative AI to extract profits from film and television, just as it has done in other categories of media. The question is whether studios will repeat the mistakes of journalism and music.
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gooboogy · 1 year
It's Music Monday!
I want to start a thing where on Mondays I talk about music; my own, music I like, music to recommend to me, ask about, etc. Music Monday! Please feel free to send me music related asks!
As my musics are now live on various streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube music, etc.) Today I wanna talk about one of my personal favorites, gluck!
(aka the water level)
I enjoy this one a lot, a lot of my songs are ones you can put as background music to work or zone out to and this one does a really good job with that. I sometimes like to look at like jungle brutalism pictures or watery themed liminal space/empty mall type of things to this one. Just both earbuds in, volume up, sitting in it. It has such a quality about it that's so calm yet adventurous I just enjoy it so so much. The parts later on when it really gets into its loop and there's that big wind down guy every 8 measures or so and there's the drums in the back oh my gosh it's so good like it really comes into its own. Such a stim. It feels like hanging out at the bottom of the pool to diving around to racing. Like finding an underground city that was flooded. Exploring ruins and finding life. Looking up at an underwater city there's like mermaids swimming past tall skyscrapers. Like it's so good 😩🙌
Oh yeah the title is gluck as in "good luck" like "good luck on the water level". A lot of these titles have very little thought put into them and are adjacent to what I mean, like instead of calling it "good luck on the water level" it's called gluck.
If you listen to it, let me know what you think! If you have any music related questions or thoughts, send me an ask!
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millierollsaseven · 1 year
I would love to send you links! (Apologies for the length of this ask btw. I get excited about music).
So this is actually one of my favorite sets of their's on youtube because the sound quality isn't ass and the first vid has a shot from the side so you can see Joe's hands
Unforch, they didn't film the whole set so The Ringleader is absent. Which is a bummer cause there's a part of the song that Joe always plays by jumping onto, and then steping on, his keyboard (and then he would fall over)
If you wanna get into TVF, I would recomend listening the second half of their first album first (which sounds weird but like, it's a concept piece that flows together)
Then here's the last song they ever released, it's not on Spotify and it's one of my faves
As for getting into AVE, I think it's worth giving their album listen through at least once. It's got some fun tracts. However, it's.... I mean Will, Mario, and Jon were 19, 18, and 17 respectively when it came out. It sounds very good considering, but they've all grown as musicians since then. (Also should be noted, none of them get money for any of the spotify streams or bandcamp sales)
hi oh my god i am so so sorry for taking forever to answer this. but i do have a fun little surprise for you!
yeah the venetia fair is one of my favourite bands ever now, and i have to attribute it to you. i probably would've listened to them eventually, but you gave me the push i needed to start. otherwise i would've ended up discovering them a year later, or even further on.
after i received this ask, i listened to ESDTWGIOB and got absolutely obsessed. i have never found an artist that speaks to me as truly has tvf does. i sat on that for a few months (very bad at getting into music).
a few weeks ago, i decided to finally listen to the circus, because with the way my tvf interest was headed, i could not put it off any longer. i put it on, got overwhelmed (as you do), and listened to the whole thing.
it's one of my favourite albums now. my favourite currently, for sure. i literally cannot go a day without listening to it.
so i have a loooooot to thank you for. thank you for the links, thank you for the recs, and thank you for helping me find one of my favourite bands!
oh fuck i gotta talk about death is the poor man's doctor HOLY SHITTTTTT you were right that song is INCREDIBLE. i am so pissed that it's not on spotify. it makes me wonder the direction tvf could've taken if they followed through with the genre that song promised. it's whatever!! im fine about it. what matters is that i love the song and it's so special to me.
also never apologise for the length of the ask! i know it took me so long to answer, but that's my personal brain block talking. i love music so much and i love when people talk about their passions.
one last thank you, and a plea for us to be friends; i don't have many (if any) friends into tvf and you seem like you know a lot and have been around for a while. mutuals? <3
thank you for everything!
p.s. maybe one day i'll get into AVE. i'm working my way up to it.
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I posted 4,343 times in 2022
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4,295 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 330 of my posts in 2022
#for future reference - 17 posts
#the blogger rambles - 16 posts
#the blogger watches - 15 posts
#kinnporsche - 14 posts
#about the blogger - 9 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 8 posts
#the untamed - 6 posts
#anyway - 6 posts
#jeff satur - 5 posts
#wow - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#anyway my mom’s thing makes me twitchy because i mostly just try to remember to eat enough in a day and don’t fuss about the contents
My Top Posts in 2022:
The streaming session of the KinnPorsche world tour I was participating in kinda fell off the rails during the English version of Why Don’t You Stay, which was very sad. Hopefully it turns out okay for the rest of it tomorrow.
My thoughts in no particular order:
Dang, Slot Machine is awesome and I should go look them up. (We amazed a random discord member who randomly wandered into the stream about Mile having previously been just a filthy wealthy dude that played the guitar)
Oh my goodness, Jeff!!! Said multiple times, by multiple people.
The VegasPete scene was chef’s kiss. Gonna wax dance show critic here but Bible has some amazing physicality and charisma. Like I’m pretty darn ace and I still can tell that he’s hot and does amazing work as Vegas. I’m in the middle of episode 10, so I haven’t fallen headlong for Pete/Build yet…but it’ll probably happen.
So highly amused that Barcode made up for the clothing deficit amongst everyone else singlehandedly. Pretty sure I missed the main brouhaha about the song he performed to, but nobody mentioned it was a cover of a Blackpink song! I love Blackpink!!!
The chat punched the air when Tay slapped Time. It’s possible to do polyamory ethically. Whatever Time’s deal is…isn’t it. On a sidenote: more Tay centric fics please.
I was highly amused that the mom got a sarong for her little thing with Chay/Barcode. The subtitles were on a horrendous delay, so I don’t actually know what all went on, but it’s cute that she was momming him.
As for the KimChay…I don’t quite see how that ending was horrible? Slightly more open ended than it could have been. But the flipside of forgetting the bad times is remembering the good ones. Obviously there were some good times or else Chay would not have been devastated by Kim’s betrayal. And…then there were technical difficulties and we had to stop the stream in the middle of Jeff’s performance. So that was lame. But Jeff did a good job before technology decided to pitch a hissy fit.
I concur with the person that said they hoped Jeff had gotten cleared to sing by a doctor. I’ve only listened to a few of his live performances and I could tell his range was a little rough. Don’t let them force you back into singing before your vocal cords have healed!!! That’d be awful if you permanently damaged them.
Anyway. Looking forward to the final half and all the Magic Mike bits.
14 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
I’d like to give Jackson Wang and whoever else is on his creative team congrats for having an excellent track record on music videos. I just watched the one for Cruel and my gosh that was neat. I like the through line of vapory lifeforce from Blow. That was cool.
My writing fingers might be slightly inspired…so who knows what’ll come.
17 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Finished the second half of KPWT!!!! Once again in no particular order.
Would it have killed them to fix the subtitles before releasing the rerun tickets??? Like seriously, I thought youtube subs could be iffy, but these were…special. They could have held off on letting people do the rerun viewings long enough for them to fix the timing and the quality. Yeah, live subtitling is super labor intensive…but afterwards…you get to pause and rewind to make sure you’ve got it correctly.
Anyway. The Minor family thing was entertaining. I would probably strain something in my back if I had to do flips in the air. It’d be fun…but yeah…I’m not nearly as athletic as Bible.
Build playing the saxophone amused me to no end.
I’m excited for the MileApo flick and hopefully they plunk it on iqiyi or something so I can support BOC with my watching.
I’m very impressed at how many parents were there…because if mine were at such an event…I’d change my name and move to the Southern hemisphere.
I must give JJ’s arms and shoulders an honorable mention because he has obviously worked hard on them. I certainly would not want to get tackled by him.
I snickered when I saw how tall the heels on Jeff’s boots were during the final…clubbing moment…or whatever we are calling it. Finale of some sort. Anyway…Jeff is tiny and Barcode is definitely taller than him and I am delighted. I say this as if Jeff isn’t possibly taller than me by a couple inches. Crap. I’m gonna have to look that up. Anyway, Jeff is all the gender in a pint sized package. Except for where he’s still probably above average height.
Ahem. Lovely experience, would watch again if they fixed the subtitles.
22 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Oh dear lord, if the infantilization of Apo that’s going on on twitter by some people also has a side of ableism…I will riot.
I haven’t exactly watched a lot of interviews with him but the ones I have watched screamed possible adhd. He could just be very energetic. But if he does have adhd…infantilizing the grown man is doubly aggravating.
Anyway, glad I don’t go searching for stuff on twitter.
24 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wish I remembered who wrote the fic with Kinn comparing his accent in English to Vegas’ and lamenting the fact that nobody was gonna send a second son to an international school and that’s why there’s a difference. Because it lives in my brain rent free and I wish I’d made a note of the fic.
26 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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