#what type of noodles doesn't have a sauce or a soup to it
keepontalking · 2 years
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fficway · 2 years
I love how you write Donnie!!! PLEASE GIVE US MORE!!!
Thank you so much! I originally had this idea for a Leo fic, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would work better for Donnie, so here you go!
Synopsis: One of Donnie's inventions ends up on a rampage and you have to think of a creative way to get Donnie to quiet down so that he doesn't reveal where you're hiding.
ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader insert. (No gender specified). Age is irrelevant in this fic and not specified so age them to the show or up, however fits you best.
[This is actually angst before the fluff. I don't usually write angst because I really don't enjoy it but I need more practice writing drama and resolution. It's not like dramatic life or death angst, just heart break before the resolution. I also re-wrote the ending a few times and still don't love it (I think it's a little rushed and cheesy lol) but I hope you all enjoy it at least!]
"Shut up, Donnie"
"Feast ye eyes, brethren, on my newest invention: the Pizza Maker 9000! Patent pending, state of the art, trademark, magnificent pizzas at the ready with a mere touch of a button, and voice activation!" Donnie pulled a cloth from atop of a new machine he had created. The light sparkled off of the neatly polished silver appliance. "Allow me to demonstrate-"
"What's the 9,000 for? Did you try to make 8,999 of these before this one?" Raph questioned from his seat on the couch with his brother's. Leo sitting at his side and Mikey leaning from behind over Raph's shoulder.
"No, the 9,000 stands for the 9,000 possible combinations of pizza this baby can make! Well technically it would be over 7.7 million!" Donnie emphasized proudly, "But 9000 sounded cooler. Now, allow me to-"
"But I thought I was the designated pizza chef!" Mikey whined, "You guys love my pizzas!"
"Yes, Angelo, we did. Up until your adventurous, for lack of a more insensitive word, endeavors you've been concocting lately." Donnie replied flatly.
"What's wrong with Pizza Milkshakes? We all love Pizza, and we all love Milkshakes! Obviously combining them would be delicious! And Pizza noodle soup! And pizza with brussel sprout toppings! And-" Mikey's argument was interrupted by Leo.*
"Everything! Everything is wrong with those combinations!" Mikey pouted at Leo's words.
"However, segway! This Patent Pending Donnie Tech Pizza Maker™ does make delicious pizza combinations!" He pressed a button to turn on the machine so that it would make a pizza in front of their eyes as he continued his speech. "With over 100 types of dough, 1,800 types of cheeses, 43 types of tomatoes, and an infinite possibility of toppings, gentleman, I give you: the perfect pizza." The machine finished with a *ding* and a pizza came out of the front.
"Uuuugh, Hawaiian? Ugh I knew I should have removed pineapple from the ingredients list!" Donnie rubbed his hand over his face in frustration as Leo and Raph laughed at him.
"Ahhh yes, the most rare of unlimited possible pizza combinations: the Hawaiian!" Leo howled with laughter.
"I could've made that." Mikey crossed his arms, still pouting.
"Alright, so it made a pizza that we could just order. But how does it taste?" Raph walked up to grab a slice.
"Oooor I could make it! We don't have to order one!" Mikey whined again, his arms flailing in frustration.
"Come and see for yourself. And by 'see' I mean 'taste' of course." Donnie stepped aside for Raph, confident in his invention. "Even though there is pineapple on that pizza, the cheese, sauce, and dough are all chosen to be the best possible combination to compliment the fruit topping."
Leo walked up as well to take a slice. Raph and Leo shrugged at each other with grins before biting into their slices. Hey, free pizza is free pizza!
Donnie and Mikey watched with held breaths for their reactions.
"O-ho-hoooo boy this is some good pizza!" Leo crumbled to his knees with the half eaten sliced raised to the sky as if he was worshiping it. Then he quickly finished off his slice and took two more in his hands.
Raph mumbled through a full mouth, "Great jub Dunnie! Now we'll nuver huve to ordur out again!"
"We haven't ordered out anymore anyway because I've already been making us delicious pizzas!" Mikey yelled in protest.
Donnie stood straighter with his hands proudly on his hips, "Relishing. And I am relishing. And I am still relishing." Mikey huffed at Donnie's smugness.
"Say," Leo paused in his pizza eating to take a breath when a thought occurred to him. "This isn't going to turn evil and attack us later like your other inventions is it?"
"Please, 'Nardo, you place such a ridiculous hypothesis upon me with very little statistics to support your claim." Donnie scoffed, his proud stance not wavering a bit.
"U-huh, yeah, because when have your inventions ever tried to get us killed." Leo rolled his eyes sarcastically to himself as he continued with another slice of pizza.
"Not including Albearto's, S.h.e.l.d.o.n, the defense bed-" Mikey mumbled, listing off a few on his three fingers before Donnie interrupted to correct him.
"The Personal Slumber Defensive Device did not try to kill us, it did exactly as programed and defended the sleeper, a.k.a. Pa-pa."
A noise from the entrance made everyone look over to see you and April entering the lair.
"Hey guys! What's going on?" April asked. It looked like you both had interrupted something.
"I smell pizza but don't see any! Did Raph and Mikey already scarf it down?" You asked half joking.
"No. I refuse to touch something so devoid of artistic flavor and love!" Mikey crossed his arms in a huff.
"Oh no. Mikey used big words like 'devoid.' That means he's upset." You looked at April.
"My guess? It's another one of Donnie's inventions." April looked from you to the three turtles gathered around the machine, solidifying her guess.
"It's the Patent Pending Donnie Tech Pizza Maker 9000™ AKA the PM9000™!" Donnie gestured dramatically to his shiny new machine that was currently making a second pizza of random order for an excited Leo and bouncing Raph.
"That's great! Another invention that will later try to kill us." You chuckled sarcastically.
"That's what I'm saying!" Leo agreed before stuffing his face with a fresh slice from the newest pizza, this one with olives.
"It will do no such thing! It is programmed only to concoct the highest of quality pizzas! Allow me to demonstrate since you guys missed it the first time!" Donnie rushed through the last sentence excited to show you and April his genius.
"Hmmm, I sure am hungry for a pizza!" Donnie annunciation his words clearly with a finger in the air in the center of the room. Everyone stared at him expectantly in silence as nothing happened. You and April shared an impassive glance. A light flashed from the Robot as it started up again, and everyone 'ooh-ed' as it spoke back.
"One Perfect Pizza™ at the ready." It's robotic voice sounded as a mechanical arm stretched out towards Donnie and reconstructed into a conveyor-belt. The third, and newest pizza arrived in front of Donnie, steaming hot. (The pizza too.)
"It will deliver your pizza to you anywhere in the Lair!" Donnie said proudly, taking a slice out of his own pizza now.
"Oh so it responds to us just talking about pizza? What if I say that I'm going to cook a pizza?" Mikey protested. The machine flashed again and a new conveyor-belt transformed in front of Mikey, a new pizza coming his way.
"One Perfect Pizza™ at the ready."
"Is it really going to say "trademark" every time?" April asked.
"Nuh-uh! No way! If you think I'm going to betray the years of hard work I've slaved away in the kitchen learning how to make my perfect pizza, you can think again baby! I'm the Pizza chef around here! It's either me, or another being with a heart that will be making the pizzas for us! A machine can't recreate the love that goes into cooking!" Mikey had slapped away the pizza and was now dramatically spieling. You started to realize that Mikey really was actually offended, and you felt bad for him. You know how much Mikey loves cooking, but you also know how much Donnie loves his inventions, and they both do their crafts as their own way to help their brothers out and do nice things for each other. This was complicated, and you knew this had to be settled between the turtles, so you watched on. Leo and Raph will surely step in if it gets out of hand.
"I don't know, this tastes like love to me!" Leo said between mouthfuls of pizza.
Ok... surely Raph will step in if it gets out of hand.
"Yeah, and Donnie's pizzas are cooked faster than yours Mikey, so I say for the Lair pizzas, Donnie's machine is best." Raph was already ordering a third pizza now.
Oh boy...
"Boom! Hahaha! Technology is the future of civilization, there is nothing that can beat it!" Donnie was proud that two of his brothers had liked his invention, and his words were insensitive to Mikey, however, and you winced. You're sure that he doesn't mean to rub it in Mikey's face-
"In you're face Michelangelo!" Donnie laughed while pointing.
-Ok, the universe is apparently going out of it's way to prove you wrong on everything today. You know Donnie doesn't mean to be mean to Mikey, he's just being immature right now. But honestly? This'll help you to convince yourself that he isn't perfect.
You've known the turtles for a while now, and had originally developed a crush on the intelligent and passionate Donatello. However your crush has recently begun to fade. Yeah, you could always just tell him how you feel, and take whatever answer he gives you. You could handle it (you think), and you're positive that Donnie wouldn't treat you differently just because of a one-sided crush. However, you decided there was no benefit in telling him regardless. The reason being was because of said one-sided crush.
You know that it's one sided because Donnie is very forward about himself. He's choosy on what emotions he shares with people, sure, but you've seen how he lights up when talking about his childhood idol and crush Atomic Lass, as well as when he fights villains like Cheery Tomato at Albearto's. He has a type and is not shy in his advances when faced with those caricatures, so you're certain that if he did have an interest in you, you would have noticed by now. Therefore, if confessing to him of a one-sided relationship would make no difference in your friendship, then not confessing to him would ultimately bring the same result, so you've concluded that keeping it to yourself and willing yourself to get over him is the best course of action.
This was a good opportunity to tell yourself "See? He's not perfect! He can have immature moments too! You can get over him!" But your heart chose to make excuses for him. Not to excuse his behavior at Mikey as ok, but to understand that he doesn't mean it that way. At any rate, you decided to step in to mediate now, and tried to stay impartial.
"Donnie, I think you've had the floor to talk about your invention long enough." You approached Mikey and put a hand on his shoulder. "I, for one, would love a home-made Mikey Pizza Special." You smiled at Mikey's gleeful expression. You told yourself that you weren't siding against Donnie as a selfish way to push away from him. This was fair! Donnie had two people on his side, so its only fair that Mikey gets one person on his team!
"One Perfect Pizza™ at the ready." The robot's voice sounded as a pizza was delivered in front of you. Mikey slapped it away again while pointing triumphantly at Donnie.
"At least someone here has a refined palate, knowing exactly who here is the better pizza maker!"
"What is your order?" The Pizza Maker responded to the words its named after.
"How could you choose Mikey over me?" Donnie was looking at you shocked and betrayed. You were sure that it was because of his pride in his inventions.
"I didn't choose anyone over-" You were interrupted by Mikey.
"Maybe because your not-so-perfect pizza machine is so-not-perfect enough to compete with me and my so-perfect artistry!" Mikey issued the challenge to Donnie.
"You're suggesting that art somehow bests science? Oh sweet 'Angelo, if it's a challenge you want, it's a challenge you shall receive!" Donnie and Mikey were quite literally butting heads.
"Somehow, I think I might have made this worse." You mumbled defeatedly.
It was decided that Mikey and Donnie('s invention) would go toe-to-toe in a pizza making contest. The judges being you, Splinter, and April. Leo and Raph were not allowed to intervene other than to host the event with a microphone and referee. Splinter and April were chosen as neutral third parties, but you were still unsure why you were a judge considering that you had only asked for Mikey's pizza. You didn't want to chose a better pizza. It was irrelevant! You just wanted a normal pizza made by Mikey to help him feel better. Yet somehow you were roped into not only being a judge, but your vote counted three times as much as Splinter and April's vote!
"Then why add other judges if your votes don't count?" You asked April on your walk back to April's apartment. You were going to be sleeping over at her place anyway, you both had just decided to stop by and see the boys on the way home (which you were now regretting.)
"I have some ideas in mind, but the short of it is? Because you intervened." April poked you with her joking response. She seemed to have some reason to find all of this funny. You on the other hand were dreading what was going to happen tomorrow.
The competition had been postponed to the following day as Donnie declared that he wanted to make some last minute upgrades on his tech. When Mikey had taunted that it was because Donnie knew that his machine would lose, Donnie had laughed off the remark, and replied with his own. Something about proving something and making things right again? You assumed that it was "proving Mikey wrong" and "making [the tech] right again." That's the only combinations that made sense to you.
After April and you had dinner (pizza was off the table since you'll most likely be getting your fill tomorrow), you settled in for the night after a movie.
April was on her phone a few times throughout the movie. You assumed she was texting Sunita.
"Uh, hey! I gotta step out for a quick sec! It'll only be a minute but feel free to crash if you get tired!" April kinda rushed to the door. You sat up, now anxious.
"What's going on? Is there trouble? Should I come too?" You questioned her.
"NO! Uh, no! The boys just had a mission alarm go off, but it's just a petty thief! No biggie! Only two of them are going to check it out, all of us aren't needed!" She waved her hand a few times to emphasize that it wasn't a big deal.
"Then why are you going?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Uhhh, be..cause it's at the new shop I work at! I gotta check it out as, you know, an employee and all! Psssh you know how it is!" She crossed her arms casually.
"You got a new job already? Where?" April's phone dinged as you spoke.
"Uh, I'll answer all of that when I get back! Gotta go!" She ran out of the door in a hurry, leaving you swimming with questions. You could see she was acting suspiciously, but you've had a lot of your assumptions proven wrong tonight so you decided to just drop it for now. You'll have her explain what's up tomorrow. Yawning, you settled down after a frankly exhausting day.
"There you guys are!" April panted catching up to Raph and Donnie.
"Alright, show me to the scene of the crime stat! I still have to finish my modifications before tomorrow's competition and I don't trust Mikey being back at the Lair so close to my tech without me." Donnie was looking around the empty street as he spoke, "Why did he and Leo get to stay home while I got dragged by Raph out of my lab? If the thief isn't that big of a deal then why not let Leo handle it?" Donnie's brain was still in overdrive since he had been freshly pulled from his lab.
"Donnie, there is no thief. We needed to talk to you and knew you wouldn't listen if you were still in your lab." April explained.
"What? Why? What is there to talk about? If you're going to convince me to go easy on Mikey I will have to decline! He will gain nothing from us going easy on him! And by "us" I do of course mean "me and my tech"." Donnie crossed his arms.
"Donnie, you know who this is about." Raph crossed his arms as well.
April had been the one Donnie confided in when he realized he had begun to have feelings for you so long ago, but out of fear that you would not reciprocate, he pushed those feelings way down. April had been the only one to notice and weasel it out of him. Raph, however, had overheard, and therefore was sworn to secrecy.
Which apparently did not include secrecy from Leo and Mikey because Raph told them within the hour. April, who Donnie had dubbed responsible for the entire "Donnie's Secret Crush in Now a Lair Known Fact " fiasco, agreed to do everything in Donnie's best interest when it came to you. Whether it be keeping you from finding out his feelings for you or helping him to get to spend more time with you. April had been frustrated for months because of Donnie's contradictions. He wanted to spend more time with you yet didn't want you ever finding out how he feels! So the long and short of it was, there would be no end to his ridiculous antics while pining after you.
Donnie had even gone as far as to create secret phrases and code words with April and his brother's so that he could communicate emergency protocols. There was no real use to this because Donnie kept flipping between code "help me get an opportunity for us to be alone," and code "abort! The truth must not be revealed!" And quite Franky, while his family found his rare moments of panicking endearing, they were getting quite sick of it.
So after the events that happened today, Leo, Raph, and April had decided to get Donnie out of the lab, away from his work, to give April the opportunity to convince Donnie to fess up to you. Since Mikey and Donnie are in the middle of a feud, Leo agreed to stay home with Mikey to give them the space Donnie needs to calm down and think rationally. And who knows? Mikey could've ended up using this as a way to rile up Donnie! Emotions were high between the brothers so it was best to play it safe.
"Dee, you saw how you acted today. You know that it's time." April tried to gently persuade Donnie. "You can't keep letting your emotions get the better of you and drag others into your situations. Especially not the person you've got such a crush on."
Donnie sighed. "I know but, but to choose Mikey over me like that! I just feel so frustrated! I can't say anything now! It'll look like an excuse, or a way to cheat the contest, or-"
"Just confess after the contest then." Raph suggested. "Regardless of who wins the pizza contest, it has nothing to do with you. Your feelings are-"
"It has everything to do with me!" Donnie sighed. "If my tech that can be upgraded and evolved beyond human, yokai, and mutant abilities isn't good enough, then how can I think that I am?"
An explosion from a couple blocks over interrupted April and Raph from the rare moment of Donnie being vulnerable and honest.
An explosion woke you up. You jumped up and scrambled to the window to look for what was going on. There was a light from the next block over that looked like it was the light of a large fire. You grabbed your weapon and ran down the fire escape to head to the scene.
As you approached you saw Mikey jumping around a couple roof tops. "Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh!" He sounded panicked.
"Mikey! You ok? Where's the others? Did the thief do this?" You had so many questions and Mikey shouted back a rushed answer.
"Thief? What thief? I mean- yeah! A thief totally stole Donnie's tech and messed with its wiring! We need to stop it!"
You got to the scene of the fire finally to see Donnie's Perfect Pizza Maker™ wreaking havoc, shooting flames all over the place and slicing through walls with giant pizza cutting saws and giant kitchen knives.
"How did a thief get to Donnie's tech if he was working on it? He wouldn't have taken his eyes off of it long enough to-" Mikey jumped down and cut you off.
"That doesn't matter now! We have to stop this thing before Donnie finds out!"
"What do you mean 'finds out?' Mikey, what did you do?!" You didn't get an answer as you both jumped in different directions to avoid the blades swinging down at you.
"I'll explain everything later! Just please don't be mad!" Mikey yelled from across a rooftop, jumping to dodge a fire blast.
"It's a little late for that!" You yelled back, ducking a blast from a pepperoni pistol that shot at your head. "Where are the others?"
"Raph and Donnie went out earlier! I don't know where they went!" Mikey attacked at a mechanical arm. "It was just Leo and me at the Lair!"
"Then where's Leo?" You were panting now. Between the yelling and fighting, you were having a hard time catching your breath.
"He's uh... a little tied up at the moment!" Mikey answered with a lower volume this time but you still heard him, and it was only then that you noticed Mikey fighting with only one nunchaku.
"Mikey, I swear, if I live through this you are in so much trouble!" You blocked another knife attack.
A few purple missiles shot past the building you were fighting on top of accompanied by a shout: "Phalange Sandwich!"
"Donnie! Up here!" You shouted down.
"No no no! We're ok! Nothing to see here!" Mikey shouted back.
"Is that, is that my PM9000?" Donnie asked when he jumped up onto the rooftops near you guys. The machine had been knocked through a parking lot and slammed into the mall. "But, how? I mean I know I wasn't finished with the upgrade, and sure I maybe went a little overboard with the modifications-"
"A little?" You shouted back to him as you ran towards the mall. The fight isn't over. Not until you made sure the tech was destroyed or shut down.
"Ok, maybe a little more than I should have but even in the midst of the upgrades it doesn't make sense for it to be going crazy like this!" Donnie, Mikey, and you landed inside of the mall to find a crater in the floor where the Pizza Maker had landed... yet no Pizza Maker in sight.
"Where did it go?" You asked aloud, looking around.
"What does it matter Donnie? You could add every upgrade under the sun and it still couldn't beat me and my pizzas!" Mikey apparently was still heated from earlier that day as he threw a quip at Donnie.
"Oh, I didn't need to add anything to beat you, I just wanted to make sure to not go easy on you. A growing boy needs his life lessons, Michael," Donnie sarcastically quipped back.
"Ugh, can both of you just drop it? We need to find the pizza-" You were interrupted by a red light shining down on all of you. Looking up you all started sweating at the sight of the undamaged Pizza Maker.
"Pizzaaaaa." It glitched out the word in an elongated, chilling robotic voice before lunging down at you three. All of you jumped out of the way, scrambling to defend against the mechanical arms that attacked with blades and flames.
"This way!" You yelled at the two turtles as you ducked and ran towards a store in the mall. The turtles batted away the mechanical arms and ran after you. You jumped and ducked down behind a counter, and the two joined you.
"Oh look Donnie! Another one of your inventions trying to kill us!" Mikey whisper shouted at Donnie.
"I know my engineering better than anyone! There's no way this could have happened!" Donnie retorted before a realization hit him, "Unless you messed with the circuitry! You did, didn't you!"
"You guys, now is not the time!" You hissed at them, watching as the machine scanned the store. It turned and started back towards the doors and you sighed in a relief that proved to only be temporary.
"You have no proof of that! What if I decided that my artistic squills and love was what was missing from your boring pizza maker?" Mikey crossed his arms.
"I knew it!" Donnie shouted as the counter you three were hiding behind exploded. You ran out with the turtles hot on your heels.
"How is it tracking us? It's scanners didn't notice us! Can it hear us?" You yelled back at Donnie.
"Of course! I created it to pick up key words like 'food,' 'pizza,' 'hungry,' and more! Even going as far as to include hearing the sounds of a rumbling tummy!" Donnie explained, still running, yet sounding proud of himself.
"Are you kidding me?" You shouted exasperated.
"See Donnie? This is your fault! If you wouldn't have tried to replace me as the pizza chef of the lair then none if this would have happened!" Mikey shouted.
"My fault? You're the one who messed with the Pizza Maker's circuitry and made him into this killing machine!" Donnie yelled back.
"Are you guys forgetting the part where this thing can hear you?!" You tried to shout over their bantering but a burst of flame hit the ground just behind you. Donnie turned around and blocked a blade with his tech bo before it reached you. You dodged just in time as another blade cut down at you.
Flames burst from one side as two blades cut from the other. The three of you dodged and parried the attacks. You were keeping up, but getting tired fast. These attacks were too quick and relentless! Finally, Mikey wrapped a chain around one of the metal arms and jerked it, pulling the Robot up into the air and throwing it across to crash into a store.
"Split up!" You shouted at the first opportunity. Mikey and Donnie are still too heated over the pizza thing to stop arguing or using the key words that the robot is drawn to. You're no strategist, nor their leader. The best thing to do was to split up and stall until backup arrived.
As you all took off in different directions, a metal arm with a blade on the end slammed down in front of the direction you were running, cutting off your route. You turned and ran the opposite way, being met with a wall of flames. Donnie slid to a stop. His battle shell transformed into jets and he quickly shot from one side of the hall to the other, picking you up in his arms as he zoomed past.
You both crashed and rolled into another shop. You rolled to a stop, but upon glancing back at the hall at the machine getting up, you pushed over Donnie to roll you both a few more times to hide behind yet another counter.
"I can't believe he messed with my tech's circuitry! That means he went into my lab too! Ugh! I thought we all learned from this after the incident with S.h.e.l.l.d.o.n!" You looked down to shush Donnie but blushed at noticing your position atop of him. He apparently hadn't noticed yet.
'Or if he did, then it probably doesn't phase him.' You thought sorely to yourself.
"Donnie, now's not the ti-"
"I knew it couldn't have been my programming! Oh! That's right! It's my programming! Maybe I can still hack his data-frame!" Donnie interrupted you, reaching for the screen on his forearm.
"No!" You slammed down his wrists so he couldn't reach the electronic cuff. The pizza maker entered the store. The last thing you need is a new way to lure it to your hiding place! "Donnie, the only thing you need to do now is be qu-"
"But if Mikey hasn't touched the mother chip processor, then I can still shut it down using my override protocol!" Donnie protested. The Pizza Maker started scanning the store as it grew closer.
"Donnie, it can hear-"
"I mean, that is a big 'if' considering he went as far as to ruin a perfect invention of mine!" Donnie kept going.
"Donnie don't-!"
"All over something as silly as piz-" Donnie didn't get to finish saying the key word.
Your lips were on his. You panicked! You had been holding down his arms to prevent him for reaching for his electronic cuff, and he wasn't listening to your attempts to shush him! You had to cover his mouth and you panicked!
You can't complain really. You've always wanted to do this. To kiss Donatello. Not in this way however, and you had hoped you'd be a couple by the time you'd kiss him at least, but if you're putting away your feelings for him anyway, at least you've gotten this chance.
His eyes were wide as he stared up at you for a moment of shock. Your eyes were squeezed shut. Your lips were so soft. It felt amazing! Being kissed wasn't at all as bad as he had feared it to be, being the over-thinking science man that he is. In fact, it was euphoric! He felt fireworks in his heart and butterflies dancing in his belly! He closed his eyes.
You stayed lip-locked with Donnie as you cracked open your eyes to look over towards the machine that was finishing its scan of the store and turning to leave. You startled when you felt Donnie's lips move against yours and snapped your eyes, wide with shock, back to his face. He was kissing you back!
You were so confused. Was it possible that he liked you back? You wanted to melt into the feeling of him kissing you back! You wanted to kiss him for real! But now wasn't the time for that. You looked back over to the pizza maker as it finally vanished around the corner.
You pushed off and away from Donnie and sat back in shock once there was a little bit of space between you, but you didn't go far enough to reveal yourself from behind the counter. Donnie raised up on his elbows, his eyes were half lidded and he had a silly half smile splayed across his lips.
"Did you just kiss me?" You asked. You didn't mean for it to sound so accusational. You were still panicked from all that just happened within this past 30 seconds. You tried to calm your beating heart.
"Correction. You kissed me!" Donnie sat up fully now, wearing his usual confident smile now, his eyes still half lidded as he looked at you. His heart beat was finally calming down and the full realization that you both had kissed was putting him on cloud nine
"But you weren't supposed to kiss me back!" You were anxious and in denial of what just happened. None of this made sense, and none of it was supposed to play out this way! Your face was still hot.
Donnie's smile faded. He began to look unsure of himself. "But, I thought that's how kissing worked? You put your lips on mine, and it wasn't in a life saving maneuver such as CPR so I assumed.."
You groaned in embarrassment, your hands coming up to cover your face. "Donnie, think about it! Why would I kiss you?"
At the look of hurt that crossed his face you immediately regretted your word choice. You meant it to mean "why would you kiss him now in not-so-suitable conditions like in the middle of hiding from a foe after shushing him constantly!" Not "why would you kiss him!"
"Oh.. Right. But of course." He stood up. "I'm.. sorry for the awkward assumption." He said 'sorry' and you winced. He rarely says sorry, but here in this context it made your heart break.
"Donnie, that's not what I meant, I swear!" You stood and reached for his arm, desperate to clear up this misunderstanding, but a new explosion went off, this one finally triggering the sprinkler system in the building.
You could see electricity crackling through the mall. You heard a loud "bang" and then cheers from outside. It seems like the others had arrived in time to take out the Robot.
You looked back at Donnie, the sprinklers making it as if you both were now in the rain. You couldn't see his face, but he wasn't standing as straight as usual. He shoulders were shrugged up a bit, and his hand around his tech bo looked tight. There's no way... he's upset? Because you retracted the kiss? Does that mean..?
You didn't get a chance to talk to Donnie before Leo and the others were walking into the destroyed store you two were still in.
"There you guys are! You missed out on Donnie's invention trying to kill us again! Hmm, gee, I wonder who could have seen this coming?" Leo stopped talking when Raph gave him a rough nudge. Raph shrugged his head towards Donnie, and Leo notices Donnie's expression.
"Uh, I mean, Donnie! It's too bad about your awesome invention! Maybe, uh, you should make another one?" Leo tried to perk up the mood.
"Yeah! You still haven't gotten to do your contest remember? We can postpone it until you get the new one up and running! Right Mikey?" Raph turns to Mikey, who is looking really guilty now.
"Well, actually you guys," Mikey starts to confess, "I kinda... cheated. So I think the win should go to Donnie."
"No, don't worry about it." Donnie finally spoke up. He still didn't face anyone. "It's not important anymore."
You made eye contact with everyone as they turned to look at you at his words. You looked to April pleadingly.
"Dee?" April walked up and put her hand on his shoulder and looked at his face.
"I'm uh, going to head back first. My battle shell is water resistant, but, you know, it's uh, best to keep it dry." April had a slight surprise, then looked sad and backed up. Donnie's jets came out of his battle shell and lifted him out of the store through a hole in the roof.
Once he was gone the sprinklers finally shut off. Everyone looked at you. You immediately hugged April, tears in your your eyes.
"Woah, hey! It's ok! Calm down. Just tell us what happened?" April's hands were on your shoulders to pull you away from her enough to look at your face. The remaining brothers gathered around.
"Is he that upset about me messing with his tech? He usually gets angry. I didn't think he'd get... like this." Mikey looked down and his fidgeting hands, feeling guilty. Raph put a hand on his shoulder. The look on his face telling Mikey that it was ok, but he also should properly apologize to Donnie later.
"I think I messed up big" You told April, the tears in your eyes were threatening to fall now.
"It's ok. I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. Now you just have to fix it." April said with a soft tone. She looked at Leo.
"Way ahead of you." Leo put on a rare game face and sliced up a portal. You looked between him and April.
"What if I mess up again? Every time I've assumed one thing today, I've been proven wrong in the worst way." Today had been one bad choice after another for you. The fear of making it any worse was almost paralyzing.
"Then stop assuming and just communicate! Knowing Donnie, he'll want this patched up just as much as you do, m'kay? There's nothing to worry about." Leo smiled and stepped back towards Raph and Mikey.
April smiled at you, "I'm just a call away if you need me! We'll hang back a bit to give you both some space."
You looked around at them and gave a small smile. They were helping you to fix this. You have to take advantage of this opportunity. You took a deep breath and stepped through.
Donnie flew to the sewer entrance. He felt so heart broken. He didn't even get a chance to confess, which at this point sounded silly to have put the inevitable off for so long. Heck, even confessing and getting rejected the normal way would have been a lot less painful and humiliating than what just happened.
"Why would I kiss you?" He shrunk in on himself at the echo of your voice in his head. He pressed his hands to the sides of his head with a groan in an attempt to forget about it. He began his dissent into the sewer now, trying to ignore the broken record that played in his head.
Why did you kiss him? He wondered as he reached the bottom of the ladder. He played over the scenario in his head a few times. The realization finally hit him that it was simply to shut him up. Every time you had spoken during the entire fight it was to try to get him and Mikey to stop luring the robot over with the key words he had programmed the robot to pick up, and you had obviously been exhausted by  the fight. He had put you in danger repeatedly during the duration of the fight. What a cruel and even more humiliating realization to come to. He slapped his hand over his face, his eyes glued shut. Maybe if he did this long enough, he'd wake up in bed, all of this being nothing more than a bad dream.
Donnie ran his hand down his face and stopped walking when his fingers brushed his lips.
He could still feel the warmth from your own. He felt tears prick the corners of his eyes but squeezed his eyes tightly shut again in an attempt to keep them at bay.
"I really do have a type," he sighed out with a choked chuckle, "cute and... mean."
He took a deep breath, forcing his brain to do a mental reboot, closing the many open tabs about you in his brain, and continued to the entrance to the lair. He was sure that the others would already be back by now and wanted to at least appear normal until he can escape to the privacy of his room or lab. However when he walked into the lair he heard silence. Minus the muffled snores coming from Splinter's room.
Donnie sighed, grateful for the chance to slink away and shut himself inside his lab. He didn't feel like socializing. Much less talk about the events from tonight.
He disengaged his battle shell on his wall, put up his tech bo, and grabbed a couple tools to work on literally anything to distract himself. He sat down and rummaged through blue prints on his table. Nothing seemed to peak his interest. Not even the bust of himself.
He remembered that there was a simple yet time consuming experiment that he had been meaning to conduct for a while on some mystic material he bought in the Hidden City! That would be the best thing to use to shut himself away in his lab as it required a controlled chemical environment and could take up to a couple days, so he could have uninterrupted time to himself to process everything. He looked around for his notes and the main pieces for the project.
"Oxygen and Magnesium!" Donnie startled and turned around to find you standing in the doorway.
"Sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you could hear me walk in." You rubbed your arm awkwardly. Donnie was a ninja, the fact he was too distracted to notice you approach was probably a bad sign.
"No, I uh, hadn't." He turned back around and tried to keep his posture nonchalant as he continued gathering his notes, but his eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment. "So are the others back yet? Would you give this to Raph for me? I need to start on this experiment now and it's going to take me-"
"Donnie, can we talk?" Your voice sounded soft, almost meek. It cut Donnie off from his rambling excuses. He really didn't feel like talking about this right now. He wanted time to process it. To think out every possible conversational route with you and to pick the safest responses. He wanted to hide his embarrassment from you for just a little longer. He turned to give you another excuse and to dismiss you from his lab, but when he saw your face his resolution crumbled. Like a sandcastle to a wave.
Donnie collapsed into his seat. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry about tonight. I had gotten so frustrated at Mikey that I just kept going on and on and put you in danger, and I really should have stopped when you shushed me the first time. I realize now that it was all my fault."
"Woah, Donnie, nothing's your fault-" You started to cut in.
"No, but it is! The competition, making Mikey mad at me enough to tamper with my tech's circuitry, dragging you into this out of jealousy, putting you into danger, and the.. misunderstanding from you just trying to get me to stop luring the PM9000 with the key words." He looked down when he said the word "misunderstanding" and looked hurt.
"Jealousy?" You asked. You had heard him correctly, but now you were starting to become more sure about how Donnie feels about you. Actually sure. However you were going to take Leo's advice and communicate instead of jumping to assumptions again.
"I, yes," He sighed, embarrassed. "I really didn't mean to put you in an awkward position from you having to do what was necessary to get me to stop jeopardizing the mission and stop talking. I was just.. I don't know.. surprised. Well, surprised isn't the right word. In fact, that's a lie. I don't know, I was making things worse during that fight, and I feel like I'm making things worse now-"
"Donnie if you don't stop talking I'm going to kiss you again." You interrupted him before he started spiraling.
"I mean if I had-" Donnie short-circuited, his head snapping towards you with his face red. "What?"
You had gained a little confidence and were attempting to take advantage of it for as long as it lasted. Or until you both got everything out into the open. "Everything I did today went so wrong. I kept making one bad call after another, assuming that the situation was one way instead of communicating, and ended up hurting you because of my own bias against you."
"Bias? Against me?" Donnie looked hurt, but more-so confused.
"I..." you sighed, face red, and avoided his eyes. "I was trying to get over my feelings for you."
"What? 'Get over?' But- But that implies that you had feelings for me in the first place, that doesn't make sense! Since when? How long?"
"Dee, I've had feelings for you for over a year now." Your face was hot but it was time for this conversation. No matter which way it goes.
"What, but that.." His heart was beating so fast now and he could feel how hot his face was. "Then why did you say that earlier? Why did you ask why you'd ever kiss me?"
"Oh, Donnie, no, I didn't mean it like that! Honestly!" You finally had a chance to clear this up! "I asked that to have you realize that I was just trying to get you to be quiet so the robot wouldn't find us! I'm sorry Donnie, I really could have handled all of that a much better way. I should have! I really didn't mean it like that. I.. kissed you in that moment more from.. panic or impulse. Honestly I think I mostly did it because I just really wanted to." You couldn't meet his eyes admitting this.
"But, your actions contradict your words? You're saying that you're getting over me, but why?" He was confused, and you didn't blame him. You were one big contradiction tonight, acting selfishly then pushing him away and hurting him before he even can react to save yourself from the possibility of getting hurt.
"As for why I've been trying to get over you, I just didn't think you felt the same. You're just always so bold with your advances on your mascot crushes, and since you had never been so bold or forward like that with me, I just assumed.. You know, that you weren't interested." You looked away from him again awkwardly with a shrug. You were only barely sure now that he reciprocates your feelings by how he had been acting tonight, but you couldn't help but to still feel shy and insecure putting your feelings out in the open like this. Especially with everything that you were admitting to.
"Well, yeah. Sure I can be bold about my advances with mascot characters, it's just living out a fantasy! I don't know who's in those costumes, and they don't know me! They reject me and it's just a mutant turtle they're rejecting! But you.. you know me. If you were to reject me- I mean.. I couldn't be that bold or forward with you because you make me feel... I care too much about what you think, and therefore was too scared to find out." Donnie trailed off. "I just kept running from the risk of scaring you away and ruining what I already have with you by confessing my feelings for you." His heart was beating so fast now saying it all out loud. "I wanted to be selfish and.. cowardly."
"So you do have feelings for me?" You asked, hopeful. It was the question you've been dying to hear the answer to for so long.
"I do.. Have feelings for you that is." He clarified.
You both were staring at each other, blushing hard. Shy smiles started to appear on your faces.
"So, am I.. too late?" Donnie asked, uncertain, referring to your mention of trying to get over him.
You smiled, "Well I mean you aren't the only one who's acted selfishly, Dee." You confessed, "Like I said, I honestly could have let go of your hands to cover your mouth earlier."
Donnie raised an eyebrow at your comment, a smile sneaking onto his own face. "That's right. 'Impulse' you had said?"
"I mean, if I'm being honest here, it's not like it was the first time I have ever had an urge to kiss you." You tried to push on with the confidence you were feeling. Everything else was already out in the open, might as well ride the wave!
He was over the moon to hear this. Sure, you haven't answered his question directly yet, but he took this as a green light to test the waters. You had mentioned that you wanted bold and forward, flirty Donnie?
"Not the first time, you say? Pray-tell, how often have you thought of kissing me?" He questioned back, causing you to blush. You felt butterflies at the confidence that started to overtake him. Just that was enough to make you feel all shy again? Hoo-boy.
"Hmm, it depends. Are you asking for the number of time from this past year? Or just the amount of times I've thought of kissing you during my futile attempt to get over you?" You questioned back.
He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "'Futile,' huh?" He quoted back to you. He stood up and crossed his arms. "So you're saying that you've wanted to kiss me? Or rather, would it be more correct to use present tense: you want to kiss me?"
You were now embarrassed. You didn't want to humor his smugness with an answer.
But on second thought, maybe this is an opportunity you can take advantage of to see more of this side of Donnie.
You crossed over to him. "What if I say that is correct? I do want to kiss you?" Bold flirting isn't easy, but you couldn't miss this opportunity.
Donnie's smirk grew, his eyelids lowered as he looked at you approach. He pretended to think, "Hmmm, 'why would I kiss you?'" He smugly echoed your question from earlier that night back to you.
You grabbed his face in your hands, smiling at him, "Shut up, Donnie." You kissed him. Properly this time.
You felt his lips move against your own as his arms wrapped around you to keep you in place. You're not going anywhere this time. You both had apparently been taking turns to be selfish, so now it was his turn.
He leaned his weight against his desk behind him to prop himself up and lean you more into him. He'd never admit it, but his legs felt weak. If he had felt fireworks earlier, now he was feeling the stars. You were like a supernova, so bright and pulling him in. The idea of floating among nebulas paled in comparison of feeling you in his arms. When you moved one arm around his neck, he quickly placed one of his hands atop yours that was still on his face, keeping it there to relish in your touch a little longer.
When you broke apart, you didn't separate too far. He moved your hand to his lips to kiss your fingers, before moving it to his plastron. You could feel how fast his heart was beating. Or was that your own? You pecked his lips again, both of you smiling too much to give a proper kiss again. You leaned your forehead to his and you couldn't help but to giggle.
"Donnie, are you in here? Mikey wanted to- Oh! Oh, sorry guys! Uh, hold on! Let me just-" Raph had walked in and immediately shuffled awkwardly right back out of the room. He loudly cleared his throat before enunciating every word, "Donnie! Knock. Knock! May I come in?"
You and Donnie had already pulled apart when Raph had walked in but you still took a quick second to compose yourselves. Donnie's attempt to act natural was to examine his bust of himself while you pretended to hand him random tools... like a saw...? You were flustered, ok?
Donnie cleared his throat as well before calling back to Raph nonchalantly, "Yes, yes, come in!" Raph stiffly shuffled back into the threshold of the lab. He didn't know if it was appropriate to say anything about the development between you two. Should he congratulate you? Fist bump? Cheer?
No, that can wait until later when you both are ready to tell the family. After Raph tells Leo, Mikey, and April first of course.
"Mikey wanted to talk to you if, uh, you have a second. But no rush! In fact, take your time! I'll just be on my way now that I've relayed the message!" Raph pointed towards the living room as he squeezed back behind the wall as he started sneaking away. "You know, to let Mikey know that you'll come and talk to him!" Raph took off down the hallway.
"Oh no you don't loud mouth! Get back here!" Donnie yelled as he urgently chased after Raph.
You looked at your fingers that Donnie had kissed and moved them to touch your lips, blushing deeply. The sounds of the lair muffled around you as you relived the moment that had just happened between you and Donnie a little longer. You'll need to find more excuses for Donnie to be quiet in the future!
*Reference to the 2012 TMNT series. (I like that all of the TMNT series reference each other so I wanted to do that too)
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Welp that was a failed ask on the thicc y/n, soooo.
What is the favorite instant noodles of every character (like Goo favorite is instant Yakisoba with Korean BBQ)
Hi anon! I'm so sorry I did have a think and I literally googled what ara ara means and I still don't know.
Oh my, this is specific though. I can't believe reading Lookism led me to researching ramen.
Before we jump into this.. erm why TF does Crystal need to calorie count and restrict for her second body but Daniel can eat whatever he wants with his second body and it stays the same!!
Lookism Fave... Ramen
Daniel: something like shin noodles with eggs. It reminds him of his momma cooking for him.
Jay: I know it's super popular in South Korea... But instant ramen? Sorry what's that? I always gets mine freshly prepared. But Daniel what instant ramen are you eating? Can I take a bite? (Waits for Daniel to feed him)
Zack: something with stronger flavours like cheese so he can mix in protein powder and it'll help to mask it. Man that sounds gross.
Vasco: this guy has the vibes of trying to cook and burning the house down so something as easy as possible. Instant tteokbokki in a cup.
Brekdak introduces him to some Thai flavours though, and he enjoys Tom Yum.
Johan: beggars can't be choosers. Whatever is on clearance
Crystal: The ottogi low calorie ramen for second body, full army stew in her original body
Mira: not really instant but she loves rose noodles
Zoe: one of those fancier nissin tonkotsu noodles type (piggy ♥️... Wait)
Vin Jin: he tells everyone that it's the 3x buldak noodle.. "yeah I like them... Bit bland though". This is a lie. He can't take heat at all
Mary Kim: legit the 3x buldak noodle with extra chillies on top
Jake: he hates noodles. He doesn't eat them all the time because he likes them, it's cheap and hits his calorie needs so it means more money for Big Deal. Bibimmen/cold noodles if he really has to pick though (cos the man's too hooooot ba-dum-tss)
Jerry: can't take spice at all either. Something like teriyaki soba with some fried eggs
Sinu: jjajangmyeon! With extra pickled radish
Samuel: also jjajangmyeon but he'll only eat it when he's feeling extra nostalgic and willing to open those floodgates
Gun: the fancy Japanese ones that are developed by Michelin star chefs - Nakiryu Dan Dan
Goo: keeping the instant yakisoba with Korean BBQ, this guy is obnoxious as fuck though. Yeah you're supposed to slurp your noodles, but he is the loudest messiest guy ever. Noodles flicking everywhere, soup or sauce getting all over his glasses and anyone within splattering range (Gun. It's always Gun)
Eugene: kimchi shin. He gives me huge kimchi vibes, not sure why. Eats more ramen than you'd expect with his crazy busy work
Eli: he didn't used to like these as much but something like instant tempura udon, non spicy cos Yenna would always want a bite. Otherwise he prefers to make a proper japchae so she will eat her veggies
DG: sorry but this man is soggy no flavoured noodles in room temperature water to me ☠️
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Sebek Zigvolt Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Master Chef – Sebek Version ~Let’s Make Chicken Noodle Soup 2~
[chop, chop, chop... chop]
Sebek: ―Right. With this, all the ingredients have been prepped.
Sebek: I would like to practice the movements a little longer so it becomes second nature, but... I do have the judging after this.
Sebek: I should finish the dish first. Chef, what is the next step?
Ghost Chef: Next we'll cook the ingredients. First, we'll lightly fry them, then add water to the bot and let it simmer.
Sebek: I understand. So I should put all the vegetables I've just sliced into the frying pan?
Ghost Chef: No, no. First, you want to sauté the garlic in olive oil.
Sebek: Garlic... Ah, that's right, you explained that at the beginning. So this is when we add that fragrance, I see.
Sebek: There is a lot of protocol in cooking...
Ghost Chef: The more you practice, the more natural it will be come. Now, throw the garlic into the frying pan with the olive oil!
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Sebek: Ack...! I was taking the utmost care while frying it, yet the onion has become burnt.
Ghost Chef: We can forgive a little bit of color. It looks like everything is mostly cooked through, so let's add water.
Sebek: Forgivable, is it...? Urk, then it still merits a penalty, then.
Sebek: The burnt parts are where I had cut too thin earlier. So this is what you meant when you said there would be a difference in how fast they would cook.
Ghost Chef: That's right, it looks like you're learning from experience, even without me explaining to you.
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Sebek: Chef, I've finished seasoning the soup.
Sebek: This granulated consommé is an amazing creation. Just by adding salt and pepper, the flavor of the soup has grown greater.
Ghost Chef: Right? The cooked ingredients are also adding to the flavor as well.
Ghost Chef: Okay, then finally, we've gotten to the main ingredient.
Sebek: Is that... short pasta in that bag there?
Sebek: You said "noodle," so I assumed we would be using that thin, long pasta that can be wrapped around a fork.
Ghost Chef: Yes, as you say, there are times that long pasta would be used for this soup.
Ghost Chef: However, this time, we're making a dish that would be good for a late-night meal, so I chose the easy-to-eat short pasta.
Sebek: I see. So different pasta would be used for different situations. I'll take a note of that.
Ghost Chef: Fufu... You have such a desire to learn, Sebek-kun. It's refreshing.
Sebek: The bag here says that this pasta can be added to the pasta in its dried state... Is that truly alright?
Ghost Chef: Yep. If you allow it to cook in the soup, it doesn't take any extra time, and the pasta will become more flavorful. It is definitely more than alright.
Sebek: Hmph, makes sense.
Ghost Chef: The boiling method and time can differ based on the product, so make sure you always read the instructions like you just did.
Sebek: ...The time it takes for this pasta to boil is 10 minutes. I need to use 100 grams, which seems to be the whole bag.
[slides pasta into the pot]
Ghost Chef: To make sure the pasta doesn't stick to the pot, stir it occasionally. Oh but, if you stir it too much, you can break apart the ingredients, so pay careful attention.
Sebek: I understand, I'll be careful.
Sebek: Now that I think of it, I know that there is also such a thing as fresh pasta... How is that different from the dried pasta we just used?
Ghost Chef: Probably its ingredients and ease of preservation... Well, I could give many examples, but from the perspective of the person eating the dish, most likely they would say there's a difference in texture.
Ghost Chef: You look like a strong lad, so maybe once you get a little more used to cooking, you can give using fresh pasta a try.
Sebek: I wonder which type of pasta Malleus-sama would like...
Ghost Chef: It all comes down to people's preferences, after all~ Of course, as a chef, I can change the flavor by using different seasonings or sauces, too.
Sebek: Hm... So essentially, as long as I use the right pasta for the dish, I'll be able to please Malleus-sama greatly.
Sebek: I thank you for that valuable information. I must learn more about how to use the different types of pasta.
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Sebek: Pour it into the bowl... Alright, the dish is complete, but...
Ghost Chef: Come on, Sebek-kun. Hurry and bring the dish to the judge!
Sebek: R-Right...
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Sebek: So, I see you're my judge, Jack.
Jack: Sebek...!? I never expected you to take the Master Chef course.
Sebek: I simply thought that I would need training in aspects other than martial arts to be the perfect attendant.
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Sebek: So therefore, this is the Chicken Noodle Soup that I made.
Sebek: I'll warn you now, I think this is― No, I won't say any more.
Sebek: Jack, give me your honest opinion.
Jack: [sniff, sniff] ...It doesn't smell terrible. Right, so, I'll dig in...
[bite, chew, chew, chew...]
Sebek: How is it...?
Jack: How...? It's neither amazingly delicious, nor so terrible that I'd feel the need to spit it out.
Jack: It's just a super ordinary noodle soup.
Sebek: This chicken noodle soup is normal, you say...?
Jack: Huh!? I don't get you. I gave you a passing grade, so why're you complaining?
Jack: This soup is without a doubt "ordinary." Accept your judge's evaluation, Sebek.
Sebek: Grrr...! For you to call something like this passing... I cannot understand!
Ghost Chef: Ahaha... It's good of you to have high expectations.
Sebek: Honestly, I still don't comprehend it, but... The assessment will stand as is. I shall accept it earnestly.
Sebek: I know where I still need to improve. Next time, I will create the perfect dish that I will be able to proudly serve to Malleus-sama!
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(Part 1) Part 2
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acourtofladydeath · 4 months
22, 26, 29 I think those answers will allow me to see what type of human you are
Hello lovely! So great to hear from you. Thank you for sending in these questions. 🥰
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
Yes. She's a teal hydroflask and she's been through the ringer but I love here. I also have a stickered up nalgene but id doesn't have a straw so i don't use it as much.
26. how's your spice tolerance?
I love spice. I keep some kind of pickled hot pepper in the house at all time and use red pepper flakes and hot sauce a lot. I'd love to eat more spicy food. BUT I do usually pair it with yogurt of sour cream so I can keep going back for more. I love spice though, and I love trying different flavors of spice.
29. preferred pasta noodle?
It depends on the dish!! There is no one size fits all pasta, you choose the pasta for the sauce. I prefer shells for mac and cheese, elbows for mac salad, ditallini for soups, tagliatelle for most pasta sauces (including my fave, frutta di mare). Is it obvious I'm Italian yet?
I hope these answers mean I'm the good kind of human 👀
I'm here and ready to share my dirty little secrets, if you'd like to join the game you can see the original list of questions here!
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all the food & drinks questions for klara please >:^)
yayyyyyy thank u!!!! 🥹🤍
oc emoji asks
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Klara rarely ever eats actual breakfast, she either buys something on her way to the office (small take-away yoghurt or a pastry), eats some leftover food from yesterday (apparently pizza is one of her faves?) or just skips it and only drinks coffee.
As for actual comfort breakfast that makes her feel good? She makes very good pancakes and always tends to make them on slow mornings <3
She also sometimes orders breakfast from a nearby cafe on weekends bc they have an amazing breakfast menu.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
February 14th :^) She usually throws a small party for her close friends in the early evening that's just drinks, snacks and fun games. After that she & Tobias have a nice cozy dinner at their apartment <3
She used to throw bigger parties back when she was studying since she was one of the only people in their friend group who actually had a rented apartment instead of a dorm room. She'd always pick a fun theme for the party and there was one important rule: nothing pink or heart-related.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
She likes strawberry pie and apple pie! And also strawberry ice cream. Her favorite ice cream flavor is actually baked apple & cinnamon but it appears very rarely so she doesn't really get to eat it that often :')
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Klara orders food 80% of the time if not more skdkfkfkfk she doesn't like cooking and she also is kinda bad at it. Whenever she actually decides to cook it's either a nice salad or a soup :^) She makes nice mushroom pasta too though.
What she orders depends on the day, if she's feeling a bit bad then she orders tikka masala or something like it bc it makes her feel much better. Another one is salmon with marinated vegetables + potatoes + sauce bc her mother used to make it very often :) Other times it's some kind of pasta or noodles tbh
She might order something fancier every now and then when she feels like it, like some take away meal from an expensive restaurant when she has something to celebrate etc.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
It depends! Usually she'd prefer hot drinks in the morning and cold drinks after noon :-)
Her favorite drinks are black coffee, strawberry-banana smoothie and piña colada.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Yeah!!! She tends to go with vegetarian foods most of the time, though she's not strictly a vegetarian and basically eats whatever she feels like eating. Klara loves salads simply bc of how easy they are to make and often eats it for lunch at work (she also puts pesto pasta there. :3)
She likes tomatoes and cucumbers a lot, and also apples, grapes and beetroot.
Her ultimate favs are definitely strawberries though :^)
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
The most basic carrot cake or cheesecake tbh. She dislikes fancy or over-decorated cakes, and the ones that have too much whipped cream.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Her necklace with a bird charm! Klara got it when she was five and it's been with her forever, she rarely ever takes it off. It's a custom design, a flying snowy plover. One of her favorite birds, she loved watching them when she was a child <3
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
👉👈 Another… Hunting Dog… ask… 🍲,🎤 & ❄️?~
hehe~ as you wish! I've been having fun ^~^ ~From This Ask Game~ Under cut because I'm writing an essay-
~~ Key ~~ 🍲: What do they like to eat while they’re sick? Do they like soup, or would they prefer something that isn’t “sick person food”? Do they lose their appetite when they’re sick, or are they hungrier than usual? 🎤: How does their voice change when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them? Does their voice get lower? Scratchy? Raspy? Can you hear any congestion in their voice or do they hide it well? Do they avoid speaking too much because of a sore throat and coughing, or do they try to talk through those things? ❄️: Would it be more unusual to see this character sick during the winter or during the summer? Do they typically go down during cold and flu season, or do they usually get summer colds?
Fukuchi: 🍲 Basically whatever he eats when he's not sick. Not the type to eat differently, if anything he'd just skip meals if he's not hungry, but generally unless it's bad, it's not an issue. 🎤 If he knows it's noticeable, he'll avoid talking. Generally he gets a mild congested sound that he can't quite hide, and maybe a little scratch to his voice if it's a throat related illness. ❄️ During the summer. He doesn't get sick often, so when he does, it's usually when everyone else is coming down with things all around him, which happens more often in winter.
Tetchou: 🍲 Something ridiculous, I think. Like, he has specific meals that don't make any sense, and drive people (mostly Jouno) absolutely mad. Something like boiled eggs and noodles with some spicy sauce on them both. (to clear his sinuses <3) Appetite levels don't change, just cravings/comfort foods.
🎤 His voice gets deeper and raspier, he's at risk of losing it constantly if he overuses it, mixed with definite stuffiness that's audible in his words, but also in his breathing. Despite this, he doesn't actually talk less, even when he's coughing and in pain. Just powers through, and clears his throat a lot, which only makes it worse, poor thing~
❄️ Bit of a cheaty answer, but neither would be unusual. He gets sick pretty often, so him coming to work with a mild illness is nothing new. Though, it's more common to see him deeply ill in the summer, as he gets fevers from working too hard, and the heat messes him up.
Tachihara: 🍲 Most typical comfort/illness foods, soup, rice, noodles, etc. He's not super picky, and doesn't really care about making himself comfort foods, but he does aim for more simple meals when ill.
🎤 His voice gets lower, and you will know it. He loves talking when it's deeper because he likes the way it sounds, and he's pretty good at hiding his congestion and suppressing coughs, though the wince when he speaks is hard to ignore.
❄️ More unusual to see him sick in winter. Cold and flu season does put him on edge, and he's not immune to it's grasp, but he's usually more on alert, and keeps away from people when he can. However in summer, despite knowing he always gets ill, he lets his guard down. (Plus, the heat is not good for him, especially in his fluffy coat-)
Jouno: 🍲 The type to not eat, like at all. He'll drink tea, but generally his throat hurts too much to eat a lot, and he's just honestly so overwhelmed from being sick that eating feels like a chore. People (his fellow HDs) tend to notice, and try to find soft foods that aren't too flavourful to avoid overstimulating him.
🎤 Raspy, congested, he sounds awful. Though, that won't be what tips you off that he's sick. What will tip you off is that he's completely silent. Partially because of the pain, partially because his own voice starts to overwhelm him, but mostly because he sounds awful and knows it </3
❄️ Again with a slightly cheat answer, but neither is really unusual. He doesn't have a particular season he gets sick, he doesn't actually get sick all that often. At least, not to the degree where it's severely noticeable. However he does tend to pick up illnesses from others, so cold/flu season might be a bit rougher for him.
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40sandfabulousaf · 5 months
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大家好! I've wanted to visit a new restaurant for some time but didn't get the chance to do so. Over the weekend, I finally stepped into the Malaysian dining establishment. Their decor is inspired by Qing Dynasty noodle houses, and features traditional Chinese paintings as well as wooden tables and stools. A wooden shelf in the centre of the restaurant neatly houses jars of Chinese wine. Their menu showcases a wide variety of Jiangxi province style noodles with different toppings for diners to select, as well as Malaysian pan mee.
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I decided to try their sliced fish noodle soup. Just before serving, the waitress poured a small amount of hua diao jiu (Chinese rice wine) into the piping hot broth. This step added depth, flavour and fragrance to the soup. OMG it was divine! Thick, succulent and fresh slices of batang (spanish mackerel), nai bai (a type of bak choy) as well as Chinese parsley were perfectly complemented by QQ, highly slurpable thick bee hoon (rice vermicelli). Not a single strand of noodles was left; I finished it all. Definitely returning to try their other menu items.
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I also revisited the local Western-style food stall selling seafood spaghetti. This time, I tried their spaghetti with mutton chops. $15.90 got me 3 decent sized, thick pieces of meat and a good amount of pasta. After finishing the mutton, I tossed the spaghetti with the tomato sauce and brown gravy and cleaned out the plate. I might try more local Western-style meals since they tend to be less overpriced. Mutton is tender and tastes just as good as lamb, so why pay premium? 3 lamb cutlets average about $36 - $48 here, more than double the price of my tasty meal!
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Time for another hawker delight, lesser known amongst tourists but very popular with locals. There're 2 versions - oyster omelette and oyster egg. Flour is added to the oyster omelette for a lightly crispy finish, whilst oyster egg doesn't contain flour, so it's more fragrant and eggy. I prefer the latter and ordered it for lunch. Tearing apart the golden goodness revealed fresh plump molluscs, which, when paired with thick pieces of fluffy egg and dipped into the tangy chilli sauce, instantly transported my taste buds to paradise. This large, very filling plate was $6.
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Lastly, we had rainy days lately, perfect for mee soto (Muslim chicken noodle soup) so that was what I had, with added chicken. Crunchy bean sprouts interspersed with noodles and a spicy, robust broth made this dish a killer combo. It was so delicious, after the meal, I complimented the stall owner and told him I'll be back, which made him nod and smile broadly. This mighty bowl of yum is priced at $4, to which I added $1 extra of chicken. Meanwhile, the situation still remains grim in Gaza. Their hospitals have been decimated by Israeli attacks, leaving them unable to treat patients. I'll continue to pray for a permanent ceasefire and two-state solution. There needs to be peace already. 下次见!
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
You know those days when your old injuries are acting up and you don't have the energy to cook, but you're still really hungry and need to eat so you just throw something together with minimal Actual Cooking involved, some people call it a Low Spoon Day, but like. What's some meals from around tamriel for days like that
Even as a chef (perhaps especially as a chef), I am generally quite lazy when preparing food for myself. That doesn't mean living off boiled lentils and bacon, thanks to my jaunts around Tamriel teaching me a few culinary tricks for when you just can't be bothered.
Salad. Grab yourself a salad, and maybe a flatbread. This doesn't have to be drab at all, throw vegetables in with whatever you've got around to make a tasty salad! Think iceberg lettuce with lots shaved pecorino, yesterday's bread, baby plum tomatoes, thick balsamic vinegar and fresh basil. It's a good incentive to keep healthy ingredients around the house (and it's delightfully easy to grow your own basil at home too)!
Always prepare your meals in advance, Argonians taught me, being the masters of "cook for a week in one sitting". Fried fish or chicken over coconut rice with steamed vegetables, cold noodles with saltrice shoyu and fishcake, and grilled seafood with pea stew are just some of the dishes you may encounter with Argonian meal-prep.
All you need is a fire and some water. I wrote some time ago about how the Bosmer make pemmican, a type of dried meat puck that can be chewed or boiled in water to make soup. If you're not Green Pact adherent, throw in some millet, noodles, and vegetables to add some flavour and texture.
It's not a Breton kitchen unless there's a loaf of bread lying about. Assuming you have one, be sure to thoroughly raid your pantry for stuff to smear on it. Butter and jam, liver pate and cucumber slices, tomato and provolone...the possibilities are endless. If you've got the energy, you can even grill or toast it!
The problem with Dunmeri food is that it's all quite troublesome to make, and almost all dishes require hours of preparation. Unless, of course, you throw an ash yam on a coal grill (or straight onto the fire- those things could survive a volcano). Come back in 15 minutes, peel your ash yam, sprinkle with salt or sugar, and behold, a treat. Also works well for regular yams and sweet potatoes.
Pre-made ravioli with fillings like beef ragu or spinach and ricotta can be found in many pantries across Cyrodiil. Just toss a handful in boiling water and leave for five minutes, before topping with a jar of store-bought tomato or cream sauce. You can even go so far as to season it, if you wish.
You could just chew on a stick of moon sugar cane or go to a street vendor in Elsweyr, but I would advise against doing that in the long run. If you're able to cook at home, there's nothing like miso soup. Miso comes in powders or as paste jars, and it's as simple as adding hot water and stirring. If you can, add some tofu, mushrooms and seaweed for a little bit of nutrition!
Whether it's crispbread or flatbread, a Nord is bound to have some lying around. These crispbreads (more akin to crackers) are perfect for spreading your favourite toppings on- whether it's salty caviar paste or goats cream cheese and snowberry jam. They also keep forever!
Like the Argonians, the Orsimer are fans of having pre-cooked meals available and ready, kept in sealed trays and vessels in coldhouses or cellars. Beef and root vegetable stew, for example, is easy to reheat in a cauldron, even if it's a week old (the cold keeps the food fresh). Simply chill or freeze food in advance, and throw it in the fire when you're hungry!
Cous-cous, a type of dish made from semolina, is easy to cook and takes no time at all. Simply throw in a cup of stock, boil until fluffy, and you're ready to go! Eat it plain with butter, or add spices and raw vegetables for a healthy warm salad.
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leoneliterary · 3 years
What are the ROs favorite foods and treats? 😋
Btw, welcome back!!! It’s perfectly fine to take things slowly, making slow yet steady progress on a big project is a lot better than attempting to cram everything together in a short amount of time and experiencing burnouts! I think writing smoothly requires a lot of imagination, and it takes time to fully develop scenes from your head into readable and vivid descriptions. Writing rushingly would not only exhaust the body, but also exhaust the mind! >< Make sure to take necessary breaks, drink lots of water, and eat good! I’m sure we’ll all still be here nonetheless! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much for the welcome and the kind words! I was trying to do a lot, both writing wise and in general and you're right, rushing it was wearing me down. But now I've made a lot of progress and I've been having a great time fiddling with the character customization!!
Thank you again for the kind words and support!!! Now onto the ROs fav foods and treats!
He loves fish, especially fried fish and would go and catch it himself if he had time. He doesn't eat it as much as he would like because he's picky about seasoning and the type.
Her taste is not picky and not that healthy either. Honestly she'll eat something that's gone bad or that's been on the ground without batting an eye. She really likes the sour fruit tarts they sell in the market however. (Likes the same tarts as Laverna, and neither of them know that they're competing with each other for the last batch at least once a week.)
Fruit and vegetables. She LOVES fresh fruits and vegetables and grows her own. Her favorite thing to do is pickle the vegetables and make jams out of the fruit. (Likes the same tarts as Desma, and neither of them know that they're competing with each other for the last batch at least once a week.)
He loves sweets, but is only really good at cooking savory dishes. Specifically their is this doughy bun baked with honey, nuts, and cinnamon that they sell in the market and he gets it at least once a week.
Cheese on bread and plums. Not together, but she loves to melt some cheese on some freshly baked bread and have plums for a light and sweet dessert. Also likes pomegranate but thinks it's too much work.
She really loves spicy food. Her all time favorites would be the spicy chicken her mother makes and spicy beef noodle soup. She's terrible at gaging if something is too hot because the burn doesn't even phase her.
He snacks on nuts when no one is looking. Salted or honey glazed, it doesn't matter. He has some in his room and used to hide them in his sleeves when he listened to the advisors speak.
He's technically not supposed to have a favorite food and is supposed to be grateful for the gift of every meal...but he does and it's carrot and duck buns with a spicy sauce. Might be tempted to break a fast if they're available.
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swarmkeepers · 2 years
happy sleepover Saturday! have you cooked anything recently you would like to share about? or any thing you’re looking forward to making? i love hearing you talk about food! what meal do you most like sharing?
ooh honestly i haven't cooked much for the last two weeks (haven't had access to a kitchen)! i do really want to cook more in the future though and make the most of the summer before i'm back in the dorms--eric kim has this roast chicken with fish sauce butter (!!!) recipe that i really want to make again, and i want to try to bake something like foccacia soon. also i've promised to make banh bot loc with my parents so i'll be doing that (neither of them are the type to make it from scratch so it's one of the few things i can cook for them). and i've got to think a bit more about it but maybe this winter when it's citrus season i will seriously think about making chanh muoi (salted pickled lemon vietnamese-style) because i've been wanting to get into homemade preserves and that's a fairly safe one because of the acidity! honestly i so rarely cook to share--my parents are both terrifyingly efficient so they cook for the whole family faster than i could, and my roommate doesn't eat a lot of the dishes i like. BUT i would love to host a big noodle soup meal, like pho or ramen or bun bo hue (spicy tomato noodles, central vietnamese style)--i think it's so fun when you can make a huge batch and people can build their own bowls to their taste.
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pattern-recognition · 3 years
How does the stuff you make look so tasty? Makes me jealous.. I can cook basic stuff if barely (Stew, soup rice etc.) but even if I season it just doesn't hit
for the record all of my cooking is still really amateurish and there's nothing that I can tell you that couldn't be explained much more thoroughly by a chef with actual experience. That being said, here’s my novice opinions:
By “doesn’t hit” I feel like you’re probably not layering flavors very thoroughly. You can make a lot of really basic stuff hit completely different by riffing a bit with each component. For example, one of my staple foods is just a bowl of buckwheat or rice noodles, usually like a 15 minute or less meal but with countless ways to deepen flavor. You could start by making your own stock the day before, stock is the source of all good food, and already in the first ingredient you have a near infinite number of methods to make it rich and deep with flavor. From there you could make a homemade chili oil, perhaps some picked vegetables. You could choose what type of noodle you want, cook an egg in one of its dozens of forms, garnish with fragrant aromatics, ground (in a mortar and pestle and toasted beforehand, of course) spices, and fresh herbs. You could also incorporate many different premise condiments, like soy sauce, cooking wine, or black vinegar, into the final dish. Within every one of these components there lays the possibility to find flavors that compliment each other well, purposefully contrast in a satisfying way, or, perhaps most importantly, using the same ingredient in multiple incarnations to reveal its various shades. Garlic, for instance, is fantastic for this. Fried garlic tastes distinct from boiled garlic, and thus fresh, grated, pickled, aged, and roasted garlic as well. Many dishes will use multiple adaptations to reiterate one specific sensation from a variety of angles. Just like in every other art form, nuance is everything. It’s the subtext, the way the themes intermingle, the chords you can barely here under the bass and chorus that are what really culminate into an interesting whole.
Mucho texto aside though, use more butter. Seriously, restaurants use butter in fucking everything and way more than you think. Also, add a pinch more salt, most home chefs significantly under salt their food. Never be afraid of MSG, either, glutamates are what make everything taste good.
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dohwanyc · 3 years
Coriander Substitutes
Coriander seeds are mildly flavorful and therefore you must apply them sparingly. They are great with garlic, chili and lamb. The seeds can be used whole for pickling, in drinks, or grind coriander for soups. They also provide a flavor like the rubbed caraway and sage.
Coriander seeds make a potent spice that can be used in a variety of ways. While it's hard to find a substitute of them hacks may assist. Coriander seeds are described as sweet, spicy lemony and sweet and nutty. Here are some great coriander substitutes in case you don't make use of them.
What exactly is Coriander?
Let's find out more about coriander prior to we look into alternatives to coriander.
Coriander could be used in any food to impart a citrus flavor and aroma. Chefs and home cooks also employ coriander as a flavor or herb to enhance the flavor. Coriander is a spice that many people don't enjoy and are able to detect it as very soapy. The natural compounds and chemicals found in coriander contribute to the flavor.
Coriander belongs to the Apiaceae family. Other food items in this popular family include celery, carrots and parsley. The family also contains many well-known spices, including anise and dill.
The entire plant is known as coriander in many countries. The seeds, however, are known as "coriander seeds" in North America. They are merely called coriander.
This article will focus to replacing coriander seeds with spices in dishes. But, we'll also provide a few quick guidelines about how to substitute cilantro. Coriander seeds possess an mildly tart, earthy and sweet flavor, as well as the scent of flowers. While it's difficult to replicate, it is not impossible to reproduce the flavor.
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Coriander vs Cilantro
It is very common to mix cilantro with coriander. The stems and leaves are referred to as "cilantro" throughout the United States, while the dried seeds are known as "coriander".
The herb's fresh flavor is known for its coriander flavor in the UK as well as other countries. In addition, it is known as cilantro by Spain. Coriander and cilantro could be used interchangeably, but that's not the case. To clarify, "coriander" is the name given to both the leaves and stem from the plants. Dry seeds are also known as "coriander seeds".
While the names might be interchangeable, each ingredient has an individual purpose when cooking. Chefs and home cooks alike make use of coriander seeds as an ingredient in their cooking. But, cilantro or coriander leaves can also be used to garnish dishes.
Coriander Substitutes
1. Cumin
Cumin is the most suitable substitute for ground coriander, and you shouldn't overlook it. The popularity of it and the similar taste makes it my top option. Cumin is a very popular spice that can be found in a variety of dishes like stews, meats, soups and stews. It is derived from the dried seeds that are part of the Cuminum Cyminum plant.
Both cumin and coriander are both earthy however, the cumin is more hot and spicy. To preserve the flavour, replace the coriander by 3/4 with cumin. Black cumin is an excellent option for a more sweet scent.
2. Caraway Seeds
Caraway seeds are a great alternative to ground coriander. Caraway also offers the same earthy taste like coriander. It is part of the same family of herbs. This spice is an excellent alternative to cumin when cooking because of its similar flavor and family roots.
The spice is commonly employed in potato salads and other recipes. It is a substitute with coriander using ground or dried coriander. If there is no cilantro available, caraway seeds are a good alternative for their nutty and spicy taste.
While it is similar to coriander, getting this herb is challenging. Caraway isn't quite as well-known as cumin, and is more expensive. Caraway is more sweet than coriander. If you want to replace coriander, begin by adding a small amount of it and then increase it as needed.
3. Parsley
A lot of people across the world believe that coriander is the same as parsley, due to the fact that they share the same appearance and flavor. Both are high in calcium, iron, along with vitamin C. Additionally, they contain anti-inflammatory properties.
There are two kinds of parsley: flat-leaf as well as curly-leaf. They can both be utilized as excellent substitutes for coriander in your favourite dishes.
Parsley can be used in a variety of ways, such as for an ingredient in salads. It is also a great ingredient with garlic to make an aromatic flavor that can be used to create garlic butter bread as well as other sauces. Tabbouleh salad is an excellent recipe which makes use of parsley. It also has bulgur, lemon, tomato Wheat and green onions as well as other ingredients.
4. Garam Masala
Garam masala, frequently utilized in Indian dishes such as Indian Chicken Curry and Indian Chicken Curry, in reality includes an assortment of spices. It is mostly composed of coriander, cumin and cloves.
Garam masala is a good substitute for coriander due to its coriander. The mixture could have more flavor due to the spice addition. The strength of the mixture could also be its weak point. Other spices in garam masala can be the difference between an entire dish. Garam masala is also a source of turmeric, which can cause the dish appear yellow. If garam masala is substituted for coriander that has been dried, it is recommended to use very little.
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5. Chervil
Chervil is the other herb that could be employed to serve as substitute for coriander replacement. Chervil is described as a smaller, more feathery form of parsley. The leaves of the chervil plant are smaller. It has a sweet, mild taste.
There are numerous uses for this herb in traditional medicine, for example, treating hiccups, digestive aid or to lower blood pressure. The herb is commonly utilized in butter sauces, soups, fish, and eggs. The peas with Chervil are a tasty and easy way to serve grill chicken or fish at a dinner party. They can also be used to garnish numerous dishes.
6. Eryngium Foetidum
Coriander substitutes can be prepared using Eryngium Foetidum
This herb can be referred to as the long coriander (recao) culantro, culantro, or culantro. It's almost the same pronunciation in the same way as cilantro seeds (coriander). It is also a rich source of calcium, vitamin C B. A, iron and the mineral phosphorus.
Coriander has a more pronounced scent and harder leaves than. It is therefore referred to as less strong version of culantro. It's an alternative to coriander to make Asian curries, soups and noodles. It's also based off the most well-known Puerto Rican cooking recipe, sofrito which contains onion, garlic and chili.
7. Mint -- Aromatic Herb
Mint leaves are a great alternative to parsley and coriander in the event that you do not want to include them in your food items. There are about 13-18 varieties of mint, however there's no way to distinguish between the two. Many people associate mint with its spicy and aromatic taste.
8. Curry powder
It is a mix of spices, not one spice. Most curries include spices and herbs, such as chili powder, turmeric as well as garam masala. All recipes that require coriander like this chickpea curry or vegetable coconut curry can be spiced with a tiny bit of it.
9. Basil
Basil may alter the flavor of certain dishes , however it can also be used as a alternative to cilantro in some instances. If you're looking for a substitute for cilantro there are a variety of basil.
Thai basil can be described as a kind of basil that has a distinct flavor. It's sometimes referred to as spicy or similar to licorice. Thai basil is a great substitute of cilantro and add some flavor to certain dishes , such as curries. Chop basil is a great option to use as a garnish that can give your dish a vibrant and fresh appearance that won't sacrifice taste.
10. Oregano
Oregano belongs to the mint family of mint. The dried leaves are distinct from the coriander seed with regard to their flavor, but they contain certain components that are not present in other varieties. It's both hot and sweet, and has distinct aromas. Mixing equal quantities of cumin and oregano can aid in capturing the complex flavor that coriander seeds offer.
Coriander is a great ingredient in a myriad of delicious dishes however, it doesn't mean that you can't eat delicious meals without using it. You can create a fantastic dish using any of these spices. You could substitute for coriander for any other spice and be willing to experiment with new ingredients when cooking.
There are many options for coriander and cilantro that one can locate and utilize. The fresh cilantro is able to be substituted by other herbs, and there are spices for powdered (ground) and seeds forms coriander. Based on the type of dish being prepared various kinds of spices and herbs will be utilized.
View more: https://www.dohwanyc.com/coriander-substitutes/
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noodletimebabey · 4 years
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Name: Tapatio Ramen Noodle Soup Original flavor
Type: instant ramen
Price: $1.18
Location I bought it: Walmart
Rating: 8/10
Spiciness: 2.5/5
Review: This bowl had the brick of noodles and a seasoning packet. The noodles are very much just your standard ramen noodle, very unremarkable. They would have had a worse texture if I had used boiling water instead of the microwave.There are cabbage, carrot, and what I think are leeks. This would be better if there were some more of the vegetables in it. I have absolutely no idea what flavor this is supposed to be, but it's definitely tomato-y. It might taste similar to their hot sauce, but I haven't tasted it before. It is definitely pretty good, much better than I expected from a brand that I've only seen hot sauce from. The broth is good, but doesn't really feel very much like ramen. I enjoyed this a lot. It would be rated higher if the noodle quality was better, and if the vegetables were either bigger or just there were more of them. I keep forgetting to take pictures of the prepared noodles because I have noodles when I am hungry and also have ADHD.
Buy Again? Honestly, yeah I probably will.
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mkilleen2 · 5 years
Taipei, Taiwan
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It wasn't quite the scheduled 15 hours and 15 minutes later that David and I arrived in Taipei. It's safe to say that the city has surprised me in many ways, although partially because I did so little research before arriving. In general the city is quite modern, safe and the people are extremely friendly; no one is trying to flog you things and people go out of their way to be helpful. There's quite a lot to explore here, just people watching and eating can keep you going but there's loads more too, much we didn't get to aswell.
Markets and Food
Two of my favourite things at the worst of times! The night markets, which are famous here, are an attack on the senses, with endless options for food and goods for sale, although that stinky tofu smell seemed to get more pungent in our noses as the days went by. Our favourites were Shilin and Roahe but we also spent a god bit of time around Ximending as it was close to where we were staying. It's a huge shopping area, not technically a night market but has lots of late night options. We got a couple of ideas from random blogs like Nick Kembels - Thanks Nick lol!
One of our main aims on this trip was to taste and enjoy lots of food, which we succeeded with in Taipei! Half the things we had, we didn't know what they were called or what was inside but I'll try to describe what to look out for.
Sticky rice hot dog - no idea what it should be called but the lady sliced a "roll" of rice down the middle, added two full spoons of garlic sauce (this taste lasted for hours!), some salad veg and some sort of sausage. Delicious!
Mango shaved ice- almost like shaved sorbet with fresh fruit and ice cream- they have loads of different flavours but mango is the original I believe.
Breakfast pancake type roll - we tried a few from an old lady's market stall, chopped up and thrown into a plastic bag. Some mix of egg, ham, spring onion with soy sort of flavours too, yum.
Chicken fried chicken steak - who doesn't love eating a wedge of chicken from a paper bag with a can of beer on a public bench ☺️
Pork intestine noodles - sounds bad, tastes good! Cheap and comforting.
Dumplings (Xiao long nap) - Kao-Chi on YongKang stret was excellent - lots of other restaurants/vendors in this area too.
Chicken cartilage - tasty, David was a fan but I just wasn't loving the texture
Spicy squid - Serving the full tail (Is it a tail?), tasty to share, one would be a bit much for me
Meat bun thing - we got one at one end of the Raohe night market, but saw versions of them a couple of places, basically a bun stuffed with some meat, maybe pork and some veg.
Some kind of fish balls with octopus pieces- They are cooked in a tray and the chef keeps rotating so that the outside is lightly crisp and the inside is hot and gooey. They are quite rich though, two was enough for me.
There were a few dodgey looking things we avoided like the sort of rice soup which I had a version of on the plane and I wasn't a fan but maybe some in the city would have been better. Lots of crazy things to try if you are adventurous!
I genuinely don't think I've ever seen so many shops in my life. So many streets are lined with them, one after the next, often selling similar wares, and mostly with no customers inside! There was one street where almost all the shops were selling a vast array of dried fruits and/or nuts. In our stroll of this 500m or so stretch I don't think anything was being purchased! I mean it's just mad and also, how do these people make a living?! We also visited the 12 storey digital mall, a dream for gaming/tech fans I'd imagine. We messed around with a couple of games and massage chairs for an hour taking shelter from the rain.
On that topic, I can say in our short 5 days we experienced many types of rain, mostly thanks to the incoming Typhoon, Mitag.
Lovely slow rain - the drops are only about one per second and in the steamy heat of Taipei these were welcomed on our sweaty heads!
Umbrella rain - actually falls straight and you can stay dry under an umbrella. It's also warm so shorts and tee-shirts are preferred or else you will roast! We had about two days of this.
Irish rain - cold and windy, jacket required and only umbrellas of the highest quality stand a chance.
Biblical rain - Noting will keep you dry, the rivers that you are walking through will wet your legs and soak your shoes for two days.
Top tip: spare socks or shower shoes
The metro was excellent, it was super clean, air conditioned and there are toilets at every stop, incuding family/assistance one. Very handy when you've been wandering around markets for hours eating and drinking. We took the 1819 bus from the airport to Taipei main station on the way in which was quick at 5am but took the MRT back to avoid any traffic- cost 150 local each and took 35mins.
We were staying near Lungshan Temple - the area is a bit run down or authentic/traditional according to guide books. It was good to explore but quite different to some of the built up areas around Taipei 101, which is very modern. From our hotel we could walk to some of the nearby sights- Peace park, Botanical Gardens and Liberty Square - which we later discovered is one of the main attractions in the city, featuring purple and orange roof tiles and a homage to Chaing Kai-Shek. (Later in the hotel I watched a great video explaining a short history of Taiwan/China and why the "country" status is so confusing!)
We also spent an afternoon at the Beitou hot springs . We went to the public ones which are cheap but David had to buy swim trunks on entry as they don't allow beach shorts. So bring your Speedos or similar! Nice place to relax a bit, not sure if everyone's cup of tea, but we enjoyed the experience and the thermal valley is quite nice also.
On our final night we did the elephant hike, which is basically a load of steps to viewing points. I'd definitely recommend this for the views of the city in darkness. But be warned, I got a few of bites in spite of repellant and pants being worn! Also something tickling my sandal clad foot turned out to be some GIANT cockraoch type being! I ran away so fast and I didn't even want to know but there were other tourists taking photos of it after I left so I don't think it was your average beetle! Ugh!
We didn't really get any chance to go further into the countryside as the weather wasn't great and we were so jet lagged but it sounds like there are loads of nice places to hike/beaches etc. not too far from the city.
Overall a great experience, lots of food, good value and plenty of places to explore and people watch. Thanks Taipei!
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