#what’s your ascendant
thepenguisalive7 · 8 months
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Falling :D clip
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Begging, begging, begging people to stop associating aging and femininity in men/masculine people as Wrong and Predatory. Femininity has no age limit.
To any feminine man, masculine person, or really, anybody who needs to hear this: Your femininity deserves to be recognized and celebrated. Aging is a natural and unique part of life, and you don't have to sacrifice your femininity for fear of being "too old" to be accepted or seen as charming. You are already charming.
There is no limit to being who you are. No matter what you're told, you still deserve to completely claim yourself.
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furiosophie · 8 months
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chiangyorange · 1 month
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This place is a message…and part of a system of messages…pay attention to it!
isles echoes so much of s1 that it felt like a show play. theres something harrowing as an unknown entity. nothing primordial like the light and dark, or maybe it is. isles wasnt a True universe in the way that mianite seasons 1 and 2 were. it was called mianitian isles. something close, something similar, but not quite the same as the others
it wants to be adored by silly little mortals who will devote themselves to its cause. it wants to be human, but only the shape of one. it wants to be greater than mere mortal beings. it wants to be indescribable.
sounds kind of like it wants to be a god
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weirdtakoyaki · 6 months
So obvious how some people are still ragging on Astarions secondary, nonbianary writer (for writing parts they didn’t like or “being unprofessional”) but never level the same ire towards his cis male writer. As if the two of them weren’t likely working in tandem and approving eachothers contributions along the way. It’s just very interesting!! To me that you guys have chosen to single the nb gnc person out! I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything significant about your internal biases . 🙂
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eepybogboy · 4 months
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same energy
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autismmydearwatson · 7 months
Reading Thrawn Ascendancy: what a nice young man :) surely he isn't still marked by a giant hole in his soul that affects his ability to process or even acknowledge his own inherent loneliness. World's funniest delivery of war crimes.
Watching Rebels: BEAT HIS ASS EZRA
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Just went to my first concert in 8 years & I'm so honored that it was Sleep Token. The crowd around me/in my section was awful, but Sleep Token were INCREDIBLE.
I haven't felt this alive or cried so much in a long time...thank you so very much Vessel, II, III, IV, & Espera 🖤
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ineed-to-sleep · 7 months
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Hate that I found this scene kinda hot
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bananasfosterparent · 25 days
Y'know, while I love to argue (I'm an Aries sun, leave me alone lmao) and try to do so in a fair and respectful manner and it rarely affects me in a irl negative way, I think the circular arguments from anti-aa people just going on and on and on without any actual logic or critical thought toward creative freedom and just basic respect has really affected morale. Just in general. It's like you block three people and four more show up with the exact same argument.
Like I want to just indulge in my hyperfixation and have fun and enjoy my time here... morale is so low, I can't even get hardcore in to the drawing thing I usually do when I'm neck-deep in a fandom. I want to change that. I'm so tired of feeling mopey about it.
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noones-untruly · 1 month
Your bitch is watching the second season of Blood of Zeus and lemme tell you, I don't like it. At least the very first 10 minutes. As I did previously, imma put here all of my thoughts regarding each episode as I watch, so beware of MASSIVE SPOILERS.
Also, small disclaimer: I'm not a professional writer, nor a movie critic. So everything here is my pure humble opinion so if you don't like it - don't read it.
So without further ado:
Episode 1:
Gods, it's been 10 minutes and half of the visuals (if not more) are just parts of the final episode of the first season. And also the plot didn't really moved past the point "yeah, Hades is the bbeg. Again." Although I sense some bits that it's more like "oh he's a misunderstood guy who did it all for love and whatnot" but the line of "Hera and Zeus made us fools and now we get to have our revenge" is already pissing me off. 10 minutes of almost nothing but being cliché. Not a good start, but imma give it a shot.
Another thing that irritates me is the "romantic" tension between Alexia and Heron. First of all, I don't get it how Heron is so good at fighting despite the fact that he lived with his mother and never really had to fight anyone with a sword. Like I get the arrows and such (tho hunting an animal in a forest and shooting a moving fucking warrior on a bloody battlefield seem kinda different, but aight, I'll let it slide). But how in the fuck after a few days-weeks of training with Zeus he manages to be so fucking op in the battle that it impresses an Amazonian Fucking Warrior Lady that spent at least half her life perfecting her martial skills?? This guy was not a warrior to begin with, how is he so good at killing people and demons?? He was BULLIED AND HAD NO ONE TO TEACH HIM KICK BALLS! So anyways, I don't like that it's implied that Alexia is falling in love with Heron. No, she's a powerful ass Amazonian, she's supposed to be COOL AND NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS WIBBLY WOBBLY HERON THAT HADN'T EVEN LIVED FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS!!! Like, c'mon, how old is he? 17? 18? He maybe has a body of a perfect athlete, but he's a fucking baby... And don't tell me Alexia is below 20, she's in her late 20's AT LEAST, cuz ain't no way a 20 year old is commanding an elite squad in ancient Greece. So no to Heron×Alexia. Not on my watch.
Also, what the fuck is elusinian stone and why are we supposed to care whether Hades gets it not?
What the fuck did they do to Hestia's and Athena's designs?? Like what the honest fuck is this bullshit?? Who do winged dead eating demons look more interesting that obviously very important characters?? Also, the scream Hestia lets out burning the demons away from her 💀💀💀
Why does Gaia look like she stepped out of a marvel movie...?
Episode 2:
Alexia, girl, why are you sleeping in full armour?? Also what happened to your face??
Heron, what happened to your face?? Did they ever give proper character references to the animators??
Also, why is Heron having a mental breakdown over some noname bro that killed their mother??
Bro, why are you so suddenly questioning gods?? (Ye, he should question who the fuck these gods are to rule over humanity, but it's smth he was supposed to do in the previous season, not now when he beat the shit out of his step brother in the name of gods)
Yay, my babygirl Seraphim is still here, serving cunt as usual 💖 And fuck yeah, eternal judgement >> serving gods!! Slay babe! (I am kinda ashamed for this passage, but I won't apologise for it)
Ok, I understand the lack of colours for Hades, he is kinda gothic, but why is Persephone such a goth chick?? She's the goddess of spring and such no?? Why'd she wear black fucking lipstick and look like a depressed teen??
What in the Hades the game is this?? Listen, I didn't want to bring the game into this discussion, but you did it yourself, netflix. Y'all are not ready to be compared to the supergiants' masterpiece. Don't drag Zag and Melinoë into this, y'all are not on the same level of deepness into the greek mythology to have them here.
Seriously? The same punishment as Loki? Y'all ain't even creative. Don't tell me this bitch lover of Sera is gonna stay there with a cup to "help with the pain"
Bro, stop it already with y'all's "well I've always tried to help you, I'm not like the others" it's not gonna cut it anymore
So like, Hades was very hot and you redesigned him into edge lord? Ok.
Ah, so now you explain us about the elusinian stone and why it's so important, at the end of the 2nd episode? Thanks, cool.
Episode 3
Apollo is still serving. By now you should see the pattern of what men I like.
Drop it with the love interest for Seraphim already. I don't believe that a murder machine like him is able to fall for a simple mortal woman. Like this fuck would even care for anything else than his revenge. Well, tbh I didn't believe that he'd care for his biological mother either, so... I just don't like how they portrait him as a weak for love bud. Isn't that a bit unrealistic for a mass murderer with no empathy? Like ain't one supposed to be empathetic to love? Ain't one supposed to feel nothing when killing a shit load of people with no remorse whatsoever? Isn't there some psychological repercussions? No? Ok.
Lmao, suicidal Hades is something new.
Yeah, ofc, let's make Hades seem like a creep again...
Is that weird that I'm more attracted to the demon Seraphim more than to his human form?
Honestly, I'm so tired of media portraying Hera and Demeter as hysterical bitches that know no boundaries. Like come up with something new.
Lol, Hades just made my man enter into an invisible wall to make the wall disappear a second after.
Aren't you supposed to win over his trust? For now you're just venting about your shit ass family to a man that has no family at all. Not very kind tbh
"Look at her! Look at how she suffers!" Meanwhile the girl is just sitting on the ground bumboozeled that the god of the dead and some hot demon guy are looking at her talking some nonsense.
Why, of course she's not gonna suffer ugly like the other wraiths, she's the main hero's love interest, so that's why she looks like she's on some heavy tranquilizers
Yes, of course the prideful demon Seraphim, the murderer of guilty and innocent, the vengeful spirit will succumb to be a pawn in god's hands once again, only to alleviate the suffering of the soul of his beloved! What a bunch of horseshit, guys... I may be delusional enough to be attracted to that man and call him babygirl, but even I understand that this fuck is incapable of love. This isn't his character, it was done to just make him into the "good guy that was just too miserable so he caused a lot of pain to the others". Let's be fair for a sec here, he's a mass murderer, he deserves no forgiveness. Yes, he can be redeemed, but it's a long fucking process, that doesn't always include forgiveness, but a shit load of work and reflection. And therapy. Hades could've "tempt" him to join forces by manipulating his pride and desire to be free, to be above gods. Not love. Love can be ugly, love can be beautiful, love can be an instrument to redeem someone, but by gods, stop using it on every Joe to make him into hero, it's just stupid.
Sera, why are you so easy to manipulate??
Episode 4:
Off topic, but wasn't heron impaled in the middle of his chest? Why's the scar on his tit?
I can't, Aphrodite clinging to Ares's arm 😭😭😭 Stop with itttt!
Okok, one good thing: I like how in the games Heron is drawn to always be in Ares's shadow. A bit on the nose, but I appreciate the symbolism.
Apollo's refusing to compete with Ares?? Apollo?! You're making me laugh.
There's this background god with blueish skin and black wings and I cannot, who are they?? I have to know whom I'm falling for. Is that Thanatos??
Hm, so half the season is wasted on some weird intro to the story itself? Cool. Wow. Never seen that happen.
Episode 5:
You serious? The mighty Zeus, the king of gods, is judged by mere mortals? The pure-blood god, not a bastard child ascended to godhood, but the child of Rhea and Kronos, is judged by some mortal and has to go through the same path as any other human?? Y'all aren't serious. I can't. This is idiotic.
Hera, I don't believe you, that now, all of the sudden you're changing your mind and vouching for Zeus, that he's not that bad. Girl, you unleashed a whole ass box of giants to kill that man just a few weeks ago, why such sudden change of mind??
Zeus, how in the fuck you managed to build a whole ass knowledge bunker under that shabby house of your son without anyone noticing?? Please, share the secret, I also want to be capable of that
Greatest quote of the greatest man in these series, Evios: "Look, I'm alive for two reasons: I was born and I hadn't died yet."
Oke, I can understand why Sera might've fallen for the priestess in a normal situation (if he hadn't been fucked up beyond repair, that is). She's smart, she's beautiful, she's compassionate. A perfect woman, if she had any character to her. But my man is, unfortunately, beyond salvation of any kind, when he met her, he wasn't recovering from the hatred, he was driven by it. How can one love another, when one is fueled by hatred and anger? How can one love, when one had long forgotten what is it to be loved? How can one love, when one is no longer feeling?
Episode 6:
I suddenly like the Heron's arc. Is he gaining some depth to his character? Wow.
Lmao, Sera, you fell from gods know what height and you're still in one piece and not smushed into the ground and around? You are a solid rock of a man.
Ok, maybe Sera is slay in his human form. It's just that he needs to be dressed appropriately. Stop walking around with tits out in and wearing this stupid furry mini skirt and he's looking like a decent man.
Icarus?? Sera, choose another pseudonym, this ain't a good one.
Honestly, I'm kinda digging all that "Demeter, the great mastermind " vibe. Slay queen! Love it for her. She's a bitch in this scenario, but damn she's good at it.
Episode 7:
Y'all, I'm in love with Demeter. This bitch? The bitchiest of them all. Slay 💅
Alexia, girl, how did you survive Talos exploding?? You demigod too? And that big fella who's name wasn't mentioned once this season is he also the same or just explosion-proof?
Ah, yes, his name is Kofi. Could've guessed.
Bruh, you've already done Alexia wrong in this season, why open her character like that in under a minute?? 😭 Opened and immediately closed. Feels like "That's rough, buddy" from Zuko but make it lvl 99 of idgf
And now you're Nobody?? Babe, you decided to fuck with mythology, didn't you? Bad idea.
Also, hadn't Kronos had another design in the beginning, no? Then who was that cosmos looking titan in the beginning?
Wait a moment. Does Sera classify as a demigod? Like, he is partially giant, cuz he ate flesh of one. And he possesses a ton of demigod-like qualities. Could it be that he's the prophecy demigod? Meh, I'm too lazy to look for the prophecy to compare it and actually find out. Will see in a moment what happens.
Episode 8 (finally):
Sera is getting sexier with each challenge.
Heron, surprisingly, is too, getting more attractive.
I absolutely hate Gaia's design. Disgusting.
Lmao, I was right, there's a possibility for Sera to be the prophecy child.
Oh my, are you serious, Hera is a pacifist now?? Y'all are crazy.
This is just a massive slaughter house at this point, gods, what the fuck.
Aw, the brothers are helping eachother in this butchery, how cute.
Heron, chill your ass, you're about to explode.
Btw, where's Evios? And that interesting associate of his.
So, what's that terrible horrible monster whose name we do not say?
Oops, someone pissed off the primordial Gaia. Y'all are fucked. Btw his name's Typhoon. Meh.
In conclusion:
The majority of the script is shite. Some (almost all) of the arcs can be done so much better. Designs suck an ass too. But did I enjoy watching it? Yes. Is it because of Seraphim? Primarily so. But will I wait for the 3rd season? Absolutely yes.
So I loved and hated the show at the same time. The main line is quite interesting nevertheless, so see y'all when the 3rd season is out.
I have a shit load of stuff to say on addition, but this post is long enough in it self, so maybe later.
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geeta1726 · 2 months
What are the remedies of the moon in astrology?
In astrology, the Moon represents emotions, mind, instincts, habits, and nurturing qualities. When the Moon is afflicted or challenged in a birth chart, it can lead to various emotional and psychological issues. Remedies are suggested to mitigate the negative effects and enhance the positive attributes associated with the Moon. Here are some common remedies for a afflicted Moon:
Worship and Offerings: Performing regular prayers, chants, or rituals dedicated to the Moon can help appease its energies. Offerings such as milk, white flowers, rice, and sandalwood are considered auspicious for the Moon.
Gemstone Therapy: Wearing a natural pearl (associated gemstone of the Moon) can strengthen the Moon's positive influence. The pearl should be of good quality and worn after consulting with an astrologer.
Charity and Donations: Making donations to charities or feeding the needy on Mondays (the day associated with the Moon) can help alleviate negative karma associated with the Moon. Donations of white or silver items are considered beneficial.
Fasting: Observing fasts on Mondays, particularly during the waxing phase of the Moon (Shukla Paksha), is believed to pacify the Moon and bring emotional stability. Fasting can involve consuming only milk, fruits, or vegetarian meals.
Yoga and Meditation: Practices such as yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation can help calm the mind and enhance emotional balance. Moon-related yoga poses, such as the Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) or Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation), can be particularly beneficial.
Mantra Recitation: Chanting the mantra associated with the Moon, such as the "Om Chandraya Namah" mantra, can be beneficial. Reciting this mantra regularly, especially during the lunar hours of Monday, can help strengthen the positive qualities of the Moon.
Vastu Remedies: Making adjustments to the home or workplace according to Vastu principles can harmonize the energies associated with the Moon. This may include using soothing colors like white or silver, incorporating lunar symbols, or placing objects associated with the Moon in the northeast direction.
Seeking Guidance: Consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer or spiritual advisor can provide personalized remedies and guidance based on the specific placement and condition of the Moon in the birth chart.
It is important to remember that treatments are not meant to dominate karma, but to facilitate personal growth, healing and spiritual development. Practicing healing with honesty, trust, and consistency can help individuals deal with the challenges posed by an afflicted Moon and live a more balanced and fulfilling life. For more information you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software and contact us for accurate information. 8595675042
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wetcatspellcaster · 5 months
Hi miss Wetcat!
How do you picture Astarion's and Rose's relationship if Astarion's dream came true and he turned Rose into a vampire?
Hello, Ser Chunkymonkey,
it is.... bad.
In a more serious answer, I do see a glimmer of a better timeline in there. Rosalie is very lonely (lol see previous ask) and so having the excuse to remove her choice and morals from the equation entirely might in some ways be freeing. She could indulge in just being loved and looked after, etc., without moral complicity in the wider picture being an issue.
But in truth, that relies on the Ascendent never wanting anything more once he has her, and my characterisation of him doesn't accommodate that reading [for REDACTED reasons that will become clear in due course. For now, you simply hear 'Satisfied' from Hamilton playing in the far distance].
Once he has Rosalie, what does he want next? It's probably not another lover... is it the evil world domination plan? A smaller version of it, where they take over the Gate? Does he just want to be allowed to start killing people? Does he simply want her to be happier, so he wants to start turning her friends into spawn too, so she's not so lonely all the time? Whatever he desires next, requires Rosalie to compromise herself further, in a slow and steady descent into something increasingly unpleasant.
If what the Ascendent is trying to preserve is Rosalie 'as is' (or as she is in his mind, a paragon of virtue, etc.) then it is always going to end badly. In my version of this story, he doesn't want a 'we make each other worse' arc, necessarily (I think he'd take pride in it, if he made her worse it would be a victory, but then he'd just have a 'worse' version of her... so um... that doesn't go well for them either). He wants the moral compass and the perfect angel to redeem him, while making her like him so they're both suffering through the same experience together and he's no longer alone in it. What he wants is simply unfeasible and impossible for Rose to achieve.
As such, I do think that the Ascendency and Consort timeline ends in complete and utter tragedy. Either Rosalie kills herself, kills him, kills them both...
idk, maybe there's a fun sapphic reading in there where her and Hemlock conspire together to overthrow the Ascendent somehow. They might be clever enough to achieve that together. But there's no version of events where Ascended!Astarion gets what he wants, and then never tries to push his luck a second, third, fourth, fifth time...
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dullahanblorboposting · 7 months
Hmmm I do enjoy the large amounts of feral toxic and obsessive violence flavors of durgetash around but its not my preference, like. I crave the 'horrible awful worst people youve ever met are soft for (ONLY) eachother' dynamic. What if, given the opportunity, they really WOULD rule together side by side, and they really do secretly and shamefully yearn for that comfort together. What if they almost indulge in it sometimes. AAAAAAAAAA
I really love the star-crossed lovers, forbidden romance, mutual yearning, tragedy of the only person to ever know you, and even openly like you being a temporary co-conspirator but ultimately your sworn enemy you you know you must kill.
Maybe it's just circumstantial. Maybe in another life you really would have hated him, or worse, had no feeling towards him either way at all, but that's not your reality. Your reality is that he's the ONLY ONE that offers you a painful glimpse of normalcy. Or as close to normal as someone like YOU could get. And it's so tempting (comforting even? Is that comfort?) That you can't ignore it. No matter how much guilt and shame it brings, no matter how much fear you hold towards your Father. You can control your urges, but not this? This feeling, this longing is stronger than even your deepest nature as child of Bhaal, so much so that you can't control it. So you ask for forgiveness instead. With promises that in the end, the result will be the same. You will kill him all the same. He will die at your hand, before only you, yourself.
You justify it this way. To the temple. To Father. To yourself.
Death is the only way this could end anyway. Because could you really go on living the way it was before? Before being known, accepted, liked as you were?
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isekyaaa · 6 months
I don't care what anyone says, Sylvester is my boy. I love him very much.
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fauvester · 5 months
tgcf as a long rambling bedtime story shang qinghua tells xuejiao (because story time is one of the few times his little half-demon whelp will cuddle with him) intended to teach a spoiled ass ice prince the value of humility and goodness and dedication to the people. it backfires horrifically because XJ thinks that xie lian is extremely cringe and in true airplane fashion the epic bloodthirsty demon antagonist ends up being a supreme simp househusband. how does this keep happening to SQH
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