#what's the hip thing to tag this with??
tridentrans · 6 months
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welcome to my twisted HEV suit indulgence drawings
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lavenoon · 11 months
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This started out as cat mirroring and fluff but unfortunately for Eclipse a lot of my trapcards have their origin in the first half of the 20th century and I'd like words.
@naffeclipse someone save him
*self insert Aster is not a girl (he/ she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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coquelicoq · 7 days
was telling a friend about the double today and got to the part where jiang li stops xue fangfei from killing herself by saying she has to live because she can't get revenge if she's dead. and my friend was like wait what french novel does this remind me of? and i was like babe. it reminds you of the count of monte cristo. the double is better though.
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fidgetspringer-art · 2 months
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The Shimmer Shields - Uniform design
#digital art#illustration#artists on tumblr#art#dungeons and dragons#dnd#ttrpg#homebrew#concept art#original characters#ocs#my ocs#Fen tag#Alowin tag#Setting: Heim#I was gonna do this rendered all pretty and stuff#but i've already spent too much time fiddling with this so flats will have to do#i really wanted to get the Shields uniform down on paper#as well as two of my silly little guys#Fen is wearing the standard officer uniform that people would commonly see on the streets of Novo-Mellior#Alowin is wearing the private hire uniform since he gets assigned to Tethry after a failed attempt on his life#The private hire uniform comes with a cape meant to cover the sword at their hip during formal events.#also anyone who ends up on private hire is ribbed pretty heavily by the rest of the soldiers since#that often means they get assigned either to some arrogant noble or an important caster (like an archmage)#and with the way that Shields and casters don't get along very well you'll get bullied for babysitting one.#The Shields value their uniforms and gear very highly since to a lot of them it's the only thing of significance that they own.#Their bracers and shields (not pictured cause idk what i want to do for them yet) are tiled with flail snail shell#which allows them to both block and reflect any spells cast at them back on the caster#it's also where the name of their order comes from cause shiny#I had big plans for this piece but at the end of the day it's just a design sheet
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idlenight · 11 months
Julia (joking): What are you, twelve?
River (without thinking, fully serious): I’m technically six actually.
River: (oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck-)
Julia: Wha-
Anathema: You’re a leap year baby?
River: YES (thank you thank you thank you)
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featherlouise · 9 months
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Also I am never drawing in that style again holy fuck I forgot how much I hate drawing lineless
Brief rundown of his backstory under the cut (bc it’s changed a fair amount)
(For context) The Order of the Old Flame (OOF) is a cult that originated from a small group of moths who left Hallownest when PK took over, they fled to a small village MILES away in a tundra, and over the course of a few thousand years, dug their claws into the very foundations of the kingdom that became of it.
Signs of their reverence of the Radiance are everywhere, but most notably architecture, which are emblazoned with suns and clouds and dream catchers (this will be important later)
Eóghan’s mother grew up in OOF, and is the older sister of the Seer (the leader, aka the one who’s seen as the most ‘in touch’ with the Radiance (all moths possess some type of dream magic, some stronger than others))
She met his father, a man living outside of the city in a small cottage with his mother
Etc etc they fell in love, had Eóghan, all was right with the world
Until OOF finds them, they have spies everywhere after all. The Seer and some OOF members resolve to eradicate the traitor and the one who has poisoned her mind, setting the cottage on fire in the middle of the night, with all but the old woman inside (who is staying in the city overnight, having been held back and forced to book a hotel)
Before setting the house alight, the Seer finds Eóghan, barely a year old, and decides to “save” him, raising him as her own.
Years later, miles away, a vessel destroys the dream goddess in her own realm, and the very foundations of the kingdom shake with her screams. The death of a god is something that every living being can feel, even if it’s just through a pervasive feeling of wrongness.
A disillusioned Eóghan takes the commotion as an opportunity to escape, almost being stopped by a dagger to the hand from his aunt, who is one of the most effected by Radi’s death, barely able to stay on her feet.
Eóghan manages to escape out into the cold, but with only a thin shirt, trousers and leather boots to protect from the cold, coupled with a steadily bleeding knife wound, he’s not long outside of the city before he collapses.
CONVENIENTLY on the road where a certain old lady is going into the city to sell some goods from her farm.
Long story short bc this is getting long!!! Old lady nurses him back to health, and he repays her by helping her round her farm. Eóghan is a VERY angry boy after realising that not only was his entire life and belief system built on a lie, but his auntie, basically his MOTHER, cares more about her faith than her son, would rather try to kill him than let him leave, or goddess forbid go with him. SO. Old lady teaches him how to be a healthy, mostly emotionally stable person!!!
A few years later, she passes away, but not before telling Eóghan that she would be so proud to have him as a grandson. He never does find out the truth. But as far as he’s concerned?? That’s his nana, blood relative or not.
Even more years later!! (Reminder that they meet about 8 years after Holly nerfs the Radiance) Hollow is kidnapped by a combination of PHFTT (PK’s killers in case u forgot) and OOF, and they manage to escape by the skin of their teeth, being injured and draining their magic in the process (they’re not difficult to kill, per say, but there are a LOT of them, and killing people is kinda hard when ur tied up with a concussion)
Eóghan, seeing this VERY interesting looking person passed out in the snow, decides “AGH fuck it!!” And takes them in
Queue meet cute!!! (meet ugly?? I wouldn’t class waking up in a strangers house after a near death experience a meet cute)
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iamthepulta · 10 days
The best thing about Italy and Europe is that linen just- exists here. I can go buy a shitty cheap 100% linen dress like I would go to Fry's and buy a shitty cheap 100% polyester dress in America. Absolutely revolutionary for my wardrobe. I can't actually buy wardrobe enhancements because I have a carry-on suitcase, but the fact I still have the option is amazing.
#I can't wear polyester because something about my sweat clings to the fibers. I can only wear >60% natural fibers. I've slowly been#weaning all poly out of my wardrobe. The restriction helps a lot preventing impulse buys; but here my impulse buy is only restricted by $$#i am absolutely not crying over the $350 linen women's suit jacket I saw :( UGH it was GORGEOUS and GREEN. I want a linen suit so bad#but honestly it's the kind of thing I should just spend a thousand on and get bespoke I think. It'd look better and feel classier#if you're spending that much money on a thick linen knit in the first place.#Okay tag essay: but can we talk about linen knit fabrics? I've seen so many beautiful linen weaves this weekend I'm losing my mind.#I think there was a kind of Tricot or Bird's Eye knit linen simple-curve dress that blew me away. The amount of work you can do with#two colors and a fashionable knit is insane. Then you wear a jacket over it and the linen is still light enough to wick away sweat but#heavy enough to look fashionable and stay flat. There's really this talented balance of texture that shines in linen. I love linen so much#Anyway! I should've made another post for this but none of these ramblings are important lol#I'm really tired after Anacapri. and dinner. Dinner was kind of dumb. There was confusion about what I wanted. We just wanted#appetizers to share but they gave me a whole plate of octopus. Which I feel bad about eating and don't like the texture after 10 bites.#So I had to give it to dad. Long story short I didn't want to eat anything at all; I wanted to WRITE. But I didn't write. I ate.#I'm already like 10 pounds heavier than when I left lmfao. It's starting to pack on my hips. Damn you Italy!#ptxt
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navnae · 1 year
When it comes to celebrating their birthdays, Steve and Eddie give each other their undivided attention. Growing up they never got to experience decent birthdays where the day wasn’t dedicated to them even though it was supposed to be. Eddie spent majority of his birthday on the other side of town with his friends causing trouble and hoping that his parents would somewhat care about him not being home but when he returned home both of them would be asleep in bed as if their son wasn’t missing for almost five hours. Any form of affection that Eddie desperately wanted from his parents was never received as long as they lived under their roof, when he moved in with Wayne all of that changed and he finally got celebrate his birthday even if he was getting a little to old to go all out for it.
Steve always had the biggest parties but none them felt like it was for him but it was supposed make his parents look like good human beings which wasn’t true and Steve knew that behind closed doors every gift that belonged to him always disappeared in the middle of the night without an explanation. If he complained Steve would have to live with the consequences of his father. The older Steve got he understood why his parents took his gifts, they had their suspicions about his sexuality for awhile since he stopped dating for a long time which he thought was ridiculous because that simply wasn’t true or at least during that time it wasn’t. Fast forward to now, Steve came out to his parents and they weren’t exactly happy about their son not ending up with girl next door type. Instead he introduced them to Eddie who was a better choice than what his parents had in mind, Steve couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend to spend the rest of his life with.
It was obvious that Steve’s parents were not going to accept both of them even though they were just two people in love like everyone else in town there was nothing different about them. Eddie told him that there was no point in trying to convince them to change their minds, if they truly cared about him they would love him unconditionally and that was a hard pill for Steve to swallow. Overtime both of them were able to stop seeing their birthdays as a terrible thing and made it into a day that surrounded them spending quality time together. Just them exchanging cute little gifts for each other and cuddling in Eddie’s bed while they talk about how their going to grow old together. Eddie thinks he’d look awful with grey hair but Steve would absolutely rock it, Steve disagrees though because with Eddie’s hair being so long he thinks he would look like a Greek god. That made both of them laugh and they kissed each other softly as they wrapped their arms tighter around each other. Now that they were together they loved celebrating their birthdays as long as they were by each other’s side.
Aren’t they cute! And i wrote this because it’s my birthday 🥳
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mortellanarts · 15 days
Crazy part about being an animator trying to write is that I always imagine extremely minute detail to character gestures that are impossible to convey without ruining the pacing or making it a really awkward turn of phrase qwq
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strawberryscorp · 8 months
albus comes home after having a bad day and collapses into scorpius's arms
scorpius could be doing anything but he'd pause and play with albus's hair while letting him rant about his day
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snailtrain · 1 year
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I’ve been ABSOLUTELY CONSUMED by Transfem Sonic lately. Largely thanks to the After an Empire series by GerudoMaskReplica over on Ao3. It’s such a good idea it’s SUCH a good AU foundation ♥
This is my interpretation of one of the pictures GMR has hanging up in Sonic and Shadow’s house! hehe~
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autisticlee · 2 months
having some sort of chronic pain and tiredness issue and joint problems and whatnot but not knowing exactly what the problem is is really good at leading you feeling like you're faking it or making a big deal out of nothing or making it up. especially if there's a good day where it's not as bad and you can walk straight without limping for the first time in a year. but then you can wake up the next day and can barely walk and wonder why you can't just walk normal. it's hard to not guilt trip yourself into dealing with pain by trying to ignore it and force yourself to walk "normal" all the time
#chronic pain#chronic exhaustion#idk what else to tag#another day of why was lee walking normal and barely pain at work yesterday but then today so much pain and exhausted#wish i knew what was exactly the problem. was diagnosed with “generalized hypermobility” but doesnt do much#not a real diagnosis. basically just a thing to tell me “theres nothing wrong. exercise more” but how???? i keep trying but hurt myself#my job is physical labor and therefore exercise. it hurts. is exhausting. no energy to do more. walking is exhausting#have to focus so much energy on not popping hips out of place and twisting knees and ankles and falling. never hurts less#still think about how failed the heds test by 1 point but had several people with heds or who have close friends/family with it who told me#they think i have it and should go het diagnosed or just ask me if i have it because they recognize the symptoms#and every time i tell them the doctor i saw about my joint issues and stuff denied it they get super confused and tell me to try#another doctor. unfortunately i have to go through my designated health system and they dont have multiple doctors of each specialty#and i in general have no clue how to navigate health stuff or how to advocate for myself and have no help or support system at all so 🤷#anyway. it makes me wonder if i *do* have that or if my floppy bendy joints are just similarly bad and exercise will cure me#and im just bad at it because i have no clue what is right and wrong movement unless someone watches me and corrects me the whole time#and no i wont learn or get better. im so disconnected from this body that i will never learn what feels right and wrong.#still cant even tell when im hungry until i almost pass out!!!!!!! of thirsty!! or even have to pee until its emergency level piss!!!!!!#so no way to tell when hypermobiling joints when exercising or when form is slipping and not correct anymore.#been trying things to get better at that but still hasnt improved at all#what was i talking about......right. dont think ill ever get heds diagnosis since cant pass the test for that. so cant get much support/help#am on my own with youtube tutorials and hoping i dont keep hurting myself wishing exercise will cure me and “good days” become permanent#also why are video tutorials SO HARD TO FOLLOW AND LEARN FROM. im sk bad at it yet everyone tells me its the best and only way to learn but#its SO HARD FOR ME 😭😭😭😭😭 MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED AND UPSET
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imaginarycircus · 1 year
The Wooster cat is getting a bit senile and hard of hearing. Sometimes he leans over his little water fountain and with his face almost touching the water and screams and screams.
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gibbearish · 7 months
so like i want to talk more abt what suicidal means but the problem is "suicidal ideation presents in two general forms, active and passive. the thing most people think of as suicidal is the active version, where the person *actively* desires to be dead and/or is making a plan to get there. the passive form however gets almost no attention in media so many people experiencing it are unaware they are even depressed, much less passively suicidal. some examples: not wanting to experience death but feeling like you wouldn't mind if you didn't wake up tomorrow or just stopped existing; feeling deeply exhausted with just the entire concept of being alive; even feeling like you want to run away, change your name, and start a whole new life; none of these look like suicidal ideation to most people because they don't involve actively doing anything to get from point a to point b, especially the more abstract ones like the start a new life thing - but remember that in order to truly start a whole new life, you have to destroy your current one. it's not suicidal as in wanting to actually DIE die, it's just. wanting something close enough to scratch the itch. but just because you haven't booked the ticket doesn't mean you don't still revisit the 'vacation activities at point b' tab occasionally to daydream, yknow?" is i think very informative and specific, but its also quite long and run on-y so people are v likely to tap out like a third of the way through it, whereas "suicidal doesnt necessarily mean wanting to die" is way shorter and therefore catchier, but is also the kind of nonspecific phrasing that gets you a thousand angry anons about how you said all suicidal people are just pretending they actually want to die or some dumb shit. so it's a fun line to toe
#especially when youre far too lazy to dig up sources however if u google passive suicidal theres a lot of info#pretty front and center altho you will get jumpscared by the size 1000 font suicide hotline number#or maybe you wont but i sure was. why was it so big#in this house we simply post both as part of another hashtag relatable post in the hopes that the two for one bargain#will entice viewers to read the whole thing and go 'wait but /i/ feel like that what do you mean'#and then make a meta joke about it in the tags so the viewers think we're hip and cool#nah but seriously i see ppl not knowing abt this . so much and every time im like !!!!!!! no youre not crazy youre not supposed#to feel like this!!!!#so its one of the things where im like nah idc if im being annoying abt this as long as i hit the one (1) todays lucky 10000 who needs it#this one i dont remember seeing on any articles but id like to propose also that having trouble imagining your future can count too#and like obviously all of these have exceptions right like. ppl can just want to start a whole new life for non suicidal reasons#but if theres a pattern of these things or you find yourself being drawn back to one over and over again thats#when you should start being like ok somethings afoot#like the imagining ur future one you could easily have trouble visualizing things or even just Not Be Especially Imaginative#...or... it could be that deep down you dont feel like you /have/ one so your brain just. steers away from the subject entirely#and ykno. knowing which one it is is usually pretty helpful LOL#anyways. sorry theres no paragraph breaks i could not for the life of me figure out a good spot for them#/suicide#/suicide mention#/suicidal ideation#/depression#/death mention#and of course i think also like a lot of things this is more of a spectrum than a binary like obviously 'run away and#start a new life' is def a bit less active than 'id be ok w it if i didnt wake up tomorrow' but theyre still both on the lassive side#passive*#eugh im rambling now and not even in the slightly contained way the post itself is#im hitting post without rereading for the 40th time otherwise ill remember another tangent so if theres#any errors left my apologies
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babygirlgeralt · 1 year
dw bro bad dad jokes ARE sexy. one liners that don't land are a v different situation. imagine uh. quoting marv3l movie dialogue levels of ??$?!&?#(_+& in a strap situation. yeah
the worst ive ever done is miss hole and go "Ruh roh". Yknow like scooby doo. seemed like the appropriate thing to do at the time.
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If someone is prefers their partners be smaller/skinnier than them, and they’re talking about why they’re attracted to someone or what they enjoy about those partners, they’re probably going to talk about picking that person up, or when that person wears their oversized clothes, or how easy it is to put their arms completely around that person. That isn’t inherently fetishizing or dehumanizing, it’s how physical attraction works.
If someone prefers their partners be notably muscular, and they’re talking about why they’re attracted to someone or what they enjoy about those partners, they’re probably going to talk about that person’s physical capability, and bear hugs, and being picked up or moved around. That isn’t inherently fetishizing or dehumanizing, it’s how physical attraction works.
If someone prefers their partners be fat, and they’re talking about why they’re attracted to someone or what they enjoy about those partners, they’re probably going to talk about the fact that that person is fat. They are going to talk about soft tummies and soft thighs. They are going to talk about cuddles, and the soft squishy body, and the characteristics that come from being fat. That isn’t inherently fetishizing or dehumanizing, it’s how physical attraction works.
If we’re talking about some rando leaving graphic comments on stranger’s pictures or whatever, then yeah, that’s weird regardless of body type or appearance, but getting twisted into knots about people expressing attraction to plus-sized bodies in a way that is unique to the attraction to plus-sized bodies is... wild.
Fetishization specifically refers to the reduction of a human being to a selection of assumed characteristics they may or may not possess. It is the act of treating a human being like a trope. Saying that a fat person looks like they give nice hugs isn’t fetishizing, it’s attraction, and it’s normal.
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