#whatever i ❤️ GAY PEOPLE 5 EVER
mashmouths · 6 months
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
tw mdzs spoilers oh btw idk if this is welcome news or whatever but I didn’t know who else to tell . yesterday I picked up mdzs book five (finally) and uhmmmm JGYS ENDING?!?!? YOU CANT TELL ME HE WASNT GAY AS SHIT . oh my god. the art made me feral I felt like I was going to cry . jgy in agony and also shocked, lxc . also in agony.
I really felt that.
anyway sorry about this ❤️ hopya have a nice day
just in case anyone else hasn't seen the official art of that moment from book 5, I'm going to force everyone else to look at it right now. because you're right, and if I have to suffer, so do all my pals
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anyway if you need me I'll just be over here crying about this for the rest of my life, nbd
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jennylaufeyson · 2 months
Another ted talk by yours truly
I have so mucn beef wiith myself about this whole larry denial . Let me tell you something. I've been in this random since 2012. That one random time Harry tweeted, and it was like a before and after of a pic of Louis, i was there for that. I was there for them being besties and then acting like they didnt fucking know each other. And i thinks thats what made Larry real for me. Becuase why? Why live with each other and literally have this bromance that had so mucb spotlight and then have to act like you hate each other? The only other reason that i can come up with for having to do that is that they got into a fight, and again thats a murky reasoning. These boys were literally on top of each other. How do you go from that to never even looking at each other. That's crazy to me. Now, I've been a hardcore Larry shipper for years, but i keep it to myself. I see shit online. I've been there for the gfs and all that, and i just mind my business. Why? Because their personal lives are theirs. Would i like to know whether I've been delusional or not all these years? Yes, of course , but they do not owe me that. Lou said the other day in an interview that the only people that understand what they went through are only them 5, and i honestly agree. Who knows what kind of fucked up shit they had to go through? I mean, Zayn left the band and has been mia ever since, apart from releasing music until now, where it looks like he's finally reached a point to be out in public. The truth is we dont know what happened behind closed doors, and maybe we never will, but i think part of being in this fandom is supporting our boys because of their music and talent. Lou should not have to go on stage and talk about how people questioning his son irritates him because, yeah, of course it does. That is a child who one day will have access to all of this and forget the fact that it says their dad is gay it also questions whether its his actual dad or not. Dont you think he has it rough already? His parents aren't together, and his dad is a world-famous singer who im sure can't see him as much as he would like.
I get asked whether I actually still believe in Larry. The truth? I would like to. But i dont know, i think at this point its like a comfort blanket. Its all ive known and its brings ME comfort. I have no idea if one day itll come out that we were right all this time, in the end all i want is for the boys to be happy and healthy and successful. I love both Harry and Lou and i think fandoms all over need to realize that our idols dont owe us shit about their lives. Their famous because of their talent and personality not because of who they date. And it should be enough. All this and i choose to believe in Larry and let it bring me comfort in private while supporting them publicly in whatever that requires. As always ,love my boys ❤️
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amtrak12 · 1 month
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Yes, fun! :D Thank you!!
Okay, I went fictional characters with this because I just don't really get obsessed with RL people outside of like a 5 year period between 2005-2010 where I followed select actors around to other shows. Also, there's only three ladies who I can confirm fit both 'obsessed' and 'ever of all time', so I've trudged through my entire childhood for every fictional lady who's helped shape my personality to round out the list.
In Chronological Order (to me not by air date):
Margaret Houlihan (M*A*S*H) -- Oh MASH reruns on the Hallmark channel, my beloved 💚 Now, I'm primarily talking about the juicy middle seasons after Potter took over command and Loretta Swit was able to wrestle some better storylines for Margaret, but there's some gems in the early years too. I've been drawn back to MASH three times as an adult and each time I get sucked deeper and deeper into both the real life history of the Korean War and the fictional character of Margaret. Do I have a thousand and one headcanons for how she handles life after the war? Yes. Am I obsessed with whatever platonic/sexual relationship she's got going on with Hawkeye? Yes. Have I plotted out what her D&D character might look like? YEP! She's a paladin :P I also believe if you examined her character through a queer lens, you'd find a trans man rather than a queer woman, but your mileage may vary.
AndrAIa (ReBoot) -- Yeah, yeah, yeah it's a cartoon, but bb 11 year old me was absolutely OBSESSED with this show, and AndrAIa was a big part of that. Look at her little capital AI in her name! 😭 25 years before corporate greed ruined the acronym, that AI was adorable!! And very clever given that she was an NPC game sprite who decided to leave her game and live as a real sprite. Her whole existence and vibe was very formative for me. I love her.
Harley Davidson Cooper (Guiding Light) -- Yes, her full name is absolutely necessary, even if no one ever used it. So, I was SUUUCH a CBS soap girlie back around 2000-2002, and I've been very nostalgic for it in the last few years. As the World Turns was my primary soap, so I figured one of my regular blorbos like Rose or Katie or Romana would be the one I miss most. But then Harley's actress Beth Ehlers popped up during my Law & Order SVU watch and I LOST MY MIND!!!!! Her face and voice instantly filled my soul with joy! So Harley gets the trophy. Even if she didn't have any stand out storylines during that era (apart from her and Gus being Very Hot), she was always my favorite character from GL.
Piper Halliwell (Charmed, original flavor) -- Technically, I had Turtle Wexler from the book The Westing Game on this list instead because I didn't remember Piper until after I'd drafted all ten slots :S But listen! That's because health problems have made my memory shitty! It is not because Piper doesn't stand up to the test of time! Ugh, I remember the show never treated Piper like she was the fan favorite and I hadn't discovered online TV forums yet so I felt so alone in my love for her :( But being on lesbian millennial Tumblr makes 14 year old me feel SO validated, because Piper is the only Halliwell sister anyone ever talks about on my dash. 💜 Congrats everyone. We were right all along.
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) -- Yeeeaaah.. we've hit the Big Three that I alluded to earlier. I was very, very gay for Lorelai (and Lauren Graham) in the latter half of my high school years, and I did not realize that until way later. She taught me how to be quicker with the comebacks and, more importantly, to marry someone who could cook instead of learning how to feed yourself. And I really took that to heart. My spouse is a fantastic cook! :) (Don't get scared for me guys! I do actually know how to cook three (3) entire meals now that I'm in my 30s :P lol)
Rose Tyler/Billie Piper (Doctor Who) -- I will list the actress here, because my love for Rose Tyler is probably split 50/50 between the character herself, and Billie Piper's charisma and hotness. She's gorgeous!!! 😍 That seemingly common question in the mid-2000s of 'Who would you kiss if you were gay?' always left me stumped until New Who aired in the states. Then, I was finally able to answer 'Billie Piper' and actually mean it. Because that's what you were supposed to do with that question, right? Take it seriously and not treat it like hyperbole? #totallystraightbehavior #swearsies Alas, it would take me two more girl crushes and interacting with genuine queer women in a femslash fandom before I recognized my feelings for what they were. But Rose was still a very significant step forward!
Myka Bering (Warehouse 13) -- MY GIRL!!! My Lady of all Ladies. I would die for her. I would kill for her. I would kneel and raise my sword and swear fealty to her. MYKA FUCKING BERING, EVERYONE! 👏👏👏👏 Watching her fall in love with Helena made me realize all my girl crushes were real crushes and that I was bi. Bless her. Bless Joanne Kelly. And bless the incomparable Bering and Wells fandom. *kisses everyone on the mouth, sloppy style*
Erin Gilbert (Ghostbusters 2016) -- Look, I know that I can never get away with pretending that Erin isn't my favorite ghostbuster, but I do usually think about her in the context of her relationships! Like 8 times out of 10, when I'm headcanoning, I'm thinking about her and Abby's relationship. And if I'm not, there's a not-so-small chance I'm thinking about her relationship with Patty instead. (RIP to Holtzy who I virtually never think about outside of the foursome. Her fanbase just ruined it for me :S) But um... yeah, Erin's my favorite. I even have Pokemon parties picked out for them all. And their daemons.
Eve (Lucifer) -- Okay so I know it hasn't even been a full high school (aka 4 years) since I met Eve, so I can't really say she's someone I'll stay obsessed with forever and ever and ever. You probably don't even believe I'm obsessed with her at all given the bulk of my Lucifer talk is about Lucifer/Chloe -- but that's just cause that's where the storyline is! Trust me, Eve is my favorite character, even if she was in the least amount of episodes (RIP me). When she pops up in the background of a Deckerstar fanvid, I'm instantly distracted and have to marathon every Maze/Eve vid in my collection. I decided to use a fandom name in the first time, like, ever, when creating my Lucifer-specific Twitter account and I made it Eve themed. She's my favorite, bestest girl who can do no wrong and -- YES! -- that does include accidentally-definitely-on-purpose starting a demon mutiny that led to newborn Charlie's kidnapping. She had never been dumped before okay? First woman to ever exist and she'd never been dumped. Did you handle your first break-up well? No! I didn't think so :P
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU) -- I've only know Cabot for four months, but if anything happens to her, I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself -- OH WAIT! She already left me. 😭 I am in S17 now, which is like ten seasons past when she went into witness protection and barely ever came back, yet there's not an episode that goes by where I don't think about her. So, I say that counts as longevity and am sticking her on the list. This woman has Issues. Plural. Period. She makes me say shit like 'I want to dig into her brain with a fork' and it's actually an accurate metaphor for what I feel. I love her your honor... now who can I sue for emotional damages?
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redcorvid · 1 year
Hello! I’m Goro Akechi! (or Crow, or Prince) (he/him)
Please read before following!
— Is this a roleplay blog?
No. It’s a personal blog, where I post my thoughts and reblog things which interest me. If you come here expecting me to be rigorously “in character” you’ll be disappointed.
— How can you possibly be Goro Akechi?
I am what’s called an “alter” in a multiple system, AKA (in our case) an occurrence of OSDD-1b (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder). One feature of this is that the brain may use a work of fiction to base a new alter on - this is what happened in my case.
I would note that despite my neutrality on the word “alter” and my acknowledgement of the disorder aspect of this existence, not everyone in our system appreciates being referred to that way. I use the term “headmate” as well. Also, because it unfortunately has to be said out loud these days: I support all systems, not just those caused by trauma. If you disagree, fuck off ❤️
—So you’re a copy of a fictional character?
Don’t get me wrong - I acknowledge the medical/mental health aspect of this situation, but I also believe wholeheartedly that somehow, through some means inaccessible to me now, I was plucked from another world and I am now here. It happened for mental health reasons in this world, but I am real, and I will not accept being treated otherwise.
— There are two versions of Persona 5 (at least). Which one are you from?
I arrived here in 2017 from the original version of Persona 5, so it’s that version’s events that I remember. As much as I appreciate the extent to which Royal improves the writing significantly especially in regards to myself, it’s sadly not the “me” which exists here and now. I do appreciate it however, and I enjoy projecting myself onto it.
—Do you still act like Goro Akechi?
Of course! I act like myself.
If you want a better answer than that, however: keep in mind that I have existed in this world for at least 5 years. A lot has changed in my life - for better and for worse. Just as well, I think I probably am a bit ‘sweeter’ than how I used to be... but perhaps I’m simply less stressed out now.
That’s not to say I’m always an amicable “pleasant boy”. If I sill had the powers I had in the world I come from it would be over for you all for some people who are assholes ❤️
I simply contain multitudes. The me who is kind and charming and the me who is angry and vicious are both me. And while I exist in a plural system on an overall level, these aspects of me are not separate selves... they're all me. Take it or leave it.
—Can I talk to you about Persona 5? Can I talk to you about (ship things)?
Sure. I like discussing my memories and the world I come from. I just ask that you respect that while I am Goro Akechi, I am not an empty doll for you to project things onto. Treat me like a person, and I'll be happy to take your questions.
And yes; I am gay. I like Joker.
—How do you feel about talking to others from your source or with "doubles"?
No problem at all. If you're fine with me, then I'm fine with you. Let's do our best to get along.
Persona 5
Chainsaw Man
Kingdom Hearts
Kamen Rider
...And other things as well.
—Blog Warnings:
I often post about sex, trauma, and mental illness. I am a sexual person (and an adult) and I don't need to justify myself to you. I suggest leaving now if that's offputting.
I try, but I do not always post content warnings.
I cannot care less about whatever discourse is happening. Especially fandom discourse. I will not debate you.
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( sources: x/x/x )
—Favorite Pokemon ❤️ Mimikyu // Cubone // Rowlet // Corviknight Zorua // Rockruff // Bisharp // Silvally // Scorbunny
—Other: Call them "kintypes" or whatever you might, but I have some level of connection to: Silver (Pokemon G/S) // Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts) // Angel (Chainsaw Man) // Chara (Undertale) Crows/corvids // hares // dolls/machines // armor // haunted things // tengu // cockatrices ...and perhaps others if I ever feel like listing them in detail.
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squareshapedboop · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
OH BOY! I love lists.
1. Sitting in grass
Not a huge fan of outside as a concept but when it’s early spring and the sun is shining, boy howdy do I get a hell of a rush sitting in grass. Even better if I have a peach or something to eat. Pure uncut serotonin
2. Spending time with my partner
We’ve been married for 10 years and can confirm That if you’re with the right person the “honeymoon phase” never ends. He’s been with me throughout my transition and is the most supportive person in my life
3. Star Trek
I was a kid raised by the babysitter (television) so many a day was spent parked in the living room watching whatever my dad had on and nine times out of ten it was either TOS or TNG. As I’ve gotten older my love of those shows has not only stuck around but has gotten deeper. Those little gay weirdos consume my every waking thought
4. Collecting
A brief list of the things I collect are
Skeletor merchandise, Transformers (mostly Starscream and Dinobots), TMNT Figures, plushies of all kinds, ceramic Garfield statues, horror movies figures and novelty masks, enamel pins, Star Trek figures, and books. I have a lot of books. Several copies of books I love
5. Dracula
I saw Nosferatu on SpongeBob as a kid and asked my mom about it so she showed me the 1922 movie and I’ve had a Dracula/Vampire hyperfixation ever since. I currently own 6 copies of various editions and love participating in Dracula-Daily every year
I hope this was at all coherent! ❤️
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
No context musical theatre quotes bc they’re living rent free in my brain
“BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH funny funny funny funny”
“Oh god, what a bitch”
“There’s a moment you know…. You’re fucked”
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw”
“What an ass. What a bitch. What a cuuuuuuuuuck”
“Fuck the tie”
“It seems like everyone is mesmerized by ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’” “well I am”
“please god give me consumption and take these sticky dreams away from me”
“I’m more of a man than you’ll ever be and more of a woman than you’ll ever get <3”
“I’ve been EXECUTIZED!”
“I guess he just really liked my head… A- 5-6-7-8!!”
“The only thing you need to know about musicians is that we keep them in a PIT! and it’s for a good reason.”
*rhythmic farting competition*
“There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit and it’s filled with people who are filled with shit-”
“It justifies the beans!”
“Sex is fine but I’d rather be sailing”
“Comments on style should not be made by those who have none.”
“✨No✨, ✨fuck✨ ✨you✨, ✨you✨ don’t know what ✨you’re✨ talking about!”
“This is piss, piss with ale”
“And every show we do, like, a ton of coke here. The whole *obnoxious snort* being dead thing”
“He was too busy FUCKING his SLUT-”
“I also play the lyre” “oh, so you’re a liar and a player”
“Keep it positive!! As you pull her hair and call her whore!!”
“What did I ever do to him?” “Welllll…. You were born.”
“I’m Bat Wayne- FUCK!”
“Bitch, I don’t know your life”
“In your direction we all faaaaaart!”
“Once in every shooooow, there comes a song like ✨this✨”
“I love my dead gay son”
“This man is gay AND European!”
“What? He was already dead.”
“how DAAAARE you, you evil woman how DAAAAAAREE YOUUUUU”
“that explains why you have such a … little D” “it’s so small :(“
“the duck is loooooord”
“it’s fireproof and waterproof and even improves libido!” “Really?” “No❤️”
“Ah, well, back to my wiiiiiiiiife”
“Uhhh do whatever you want, I’m super dead”
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edward-little · 2 years
Hodgson & Irving for the character ask thing to get a complete lieutenant set
-breaks hands- alrighty
First impression
did not know who he was until ep 9 where he's eating his boot. i think i thought he was a weird little man. kind of off-putting.
Impression now
the other day nicky said hodge would play bassoon and now i'm embarrassed to be a musician!
Favorite moment
i am restraining myself from saying "the copypapista," not because it's my favorite moment, but because i think copypapista is a funny word. anyway favorite moment is in ep 5 when he says "i need your help, lads." that whole scene where he's physically separated from the other lieuts but has his shit entirely together is like..... extremely juicy to me.
Idea for a story
i'm planning on writing a fic where hodgson is the last survivor instead of crozier. i think that would be an interesting writing experience because in ep 7 he says "i'm not a captain, i'm not made of that," to which hickey says "you can be whatever you need to be now. survival is a nasty piece of business." hand-wave the rescue entirely, timeskip to when hodge is back in england and people invite him to parties just to gawk at what's become of him; he lets them, because he's always assured music and voices and a full plate, and in those moments the relief is louder than the shame.
Unpopular opinion
what are the popular opinions on hodge. he has hair like cotton candy and eyes like a doll's. his lines have no middle ground between inanity and the gnarliest shit you've ever heard. i don't trust anyone who can play the piano.
idk i think that in terms of interpersonal ability he's the most competent of the terror lieutenants? he says weird shit but he's also got the "i need your help, lads" moment, and the mutineers sought him out over little and irving for a reason (though that may have been process of elimination, or picking the one they estimated was the weakest link).
Favorite relationship
wrt ships i have to say hondy. but in general i think....... idk i'm very interested in his interactions with the mutineers, both individually and collectively.
Favorite headcanon
as mentioned earlier, nicky told me the list of instruments hodge plays in one of their fics and it not only fucked but also slapped.
First impression
did not like
Impression now
I Don't Care For Irving ❤️
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
i had fun writing for eliza's draft dodger au!! i think i'd want to write more for that. maybe where irving and little are in san francisco for a couple of days (because they both think the other thinks this is a roadtrip) and irving catches little sneaking out at night and he's like Are You Engaging In Homosexual Activities and they have some kind of altercation over it but ultimately just kind of. pretend nothing happened. except irving is very conflicted, because he's irving. also i really want them to be on irving st at some point.
also shoutout to the musicology au i'll never write where irving's area of work is ecclesiastical music and he meets gore through a choir whose practices he attends first to study the relationship between counterpoint and architecture and then starts attending on the regular. slowburn ~30k.
Unpopular opinion
look i know the whole religious guilt thing is relatable and stuff. but like. hmm it's very difficult to articulate but maybe it's because my own particular religious hang-ups aren't related to being gay? idk i think that if i found him more relatable in that respect then i would dislike the things i dislike about him less.
Favorite relationship
terror lieutenantcule my beloved
Favorite headcanon
so the thing is. i might have a headcanon for irving if i thought about him much. but as it is i have nothing and i'm very sorry.
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Good afternoon, could you please do 1, 5 and 11 for the salty ask game? Thank you and did you catch that partial eclipse? Hope you're having a lovely day so far!
Good afternoon! ☺️ thank you so much for asks, making my day much easier to cope 😊 There was na eclipse?! Damn I must have missed it! 😄 Hope your having a lovely day as well ❤️
1.) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Oh there are quite a few I don’t understand so here are the ones that bother me the most 😄
1.) Obitine: Sorry guys but I’ve never gotten the hype for this one. The Clone Wars has made it pretty clear that their relationship was a catch 22 in that both parties would have to sacrifice who they are as people in order to make their relationship work which would be so unfair to both Satine and Obi-wan. Obi-wan is a Jedi through and through and Satine’s place is with her people. I think had Obi-wan decided to leave for her or vice versa, both of them would wind up miserable in the long run. They would both feel that there’s something missing is in their lives. Also doesn’t Obi-wan deserve to be with someone who wouldn’t make his hairs go grey for once? The man is surrounded by chaos all the damn time, give him a break! Furthermore, hot take folks, your first love isn’t always the right love for you nor does anyone need to be with anyone to feel fulfilled in life. I accept their relationship for what it was, two young kids who crushed over the other and that’s that. Obi-wan felt plenty of love from his Jedi family and that’s that.
2.) Codywan: For similar reasons to the above, I never understood the fascination with this pairing. First off, don’t burn me because this is coming from a gay person, but Obi-wan doesn’t come off gay to me? Second, the interactions we see between Obi-wan and Cody are very professional. They admire each other sure and I can see them being friends, but I just have a hard time seeing them in bed together, but hey I’m not a hater and each to their own.
3.) Literally any straight pairing involving Ahsoka and Barriss: These two are gay goddamnit and dont get me started on L*x B*nteri 😡 The way he treats Ahsoka is so not okay for so many reasons.
5.) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Anidala I think; I don’t hate the pairing by any means but the amount of excuses people will make to justify Anakin and Padme’s choices when it comes to each other are interesting to say the least. Anidala was sweet in the beginning but it did turn toxic as seen in the later Clone Wars episodes and in ROTS.
11.)Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I’m gonna have to go with my girl Barriss 💙 Barriss (along with her Master) is a severely misunderstood character that deserves so much more than the fandom is giving her. First off, if you’ve ever read the Legends books “The Approaching Storm” or the “Medstar” duelogy, you would come to find out what an absolute sweetheart Barriss is. She’s the OG Force healer and she cares and feels so deeply for others. She’s still a sweetie in Clone Wars until Feloni and the gang decided to take a racist turn with her and assassinate the character George created with the temple bombing. People love to forget that the poor girl was RIGHT about the Republic and the Clone Wars and it doesn’t take a psychology expert to figure that a teenage girl with PTSD (from being forced into being a child solider like Ahsoka) whose apart from her mother figure and loved ones often would be vulnerable to making a choice 😔 A choice that she clearly regrets mind you if you pay attention to her facial expressions and voice. There’s actually a deleted scene of her apologizing to Ahsoka, thus that’s proof that she never wanted Ahsoka hurt or involved. Also I’m pretty sure Barriss got screwed in whatever deal she had going on with Letta and I’m positive no one was supposed to die. We’re talking about the same character who was perfectly content with dying by suffocation or parasite here for God’s sake in the name of saving others. Barriss deserves better and she deserves so much love and happiness and I hate that she and Luminara are so disrespected by the fandom and canon itself. Where is she Feloni? Is Barriss safe? Is Barriss alright? I love her 💙🥺
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Someone give her a hug damn it 💙😭
Original Salty Asks Here
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nextstopparis · 4 years
💜🌱💙 get-to-know-your-mutuals tag 💜🌱💙
Rules: When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done and if you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
thank u for tagging me @queerofthedagger 🥺❤️
be prepared folks, i am, what one might call, an ~✨oversharer✨~
1) i love writing in diaries. i love love love it. i think i have around seven ongoing diary-like things that im writing in whenever. they all have a different vibe in terms of what aspect of my life i write in them. (i also sometimes write essays for myself, but only because i need a way to organize my thoughts in full. it rlly helps.)
2) i taught myself how to raise my left eyebrow. idk if thats thrilling or out of the ordinary at all, but when i was younger i really wanted to be able to raise one eyebrow at a time, so i decided on my left eyebrow and managed it. unfortunately, later on i learned that i could just naturally do my right eyebrow, but it was too late by then😔 its not easy being the dumbest bitch around but someones gotta do it, i guess. and! at least now i can raise both eyebrows individually, so who’s really the clown?
3) for some reason, for one/two days every year i suddenly get this urge to?? watch as many documentaries about ocean creatures as possible??? its so fucking weird because its been happening for the past? 7 years? where i just wake up and crave learning about sharks/octopuses/whatever. and then the next day its gone as if it never happened. this occurs EVERY YEAR its so off-putting considering nothing i ever do coincides with it at all????
4) i was not made for reading. i can read fanfic most of the time - but almost nothing else. this is kind of a new thing, and its despicable, i know, but i can not bring myself to sit still or focus for long enough. i literally read 2 sentences and have to check 4 social media sites, watch 18 videos, drink 6 cups of tea and then do that again after the next 2 lines. my friends clown me when i say watching tv is easier than reading, but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5) ive had white hair (strands, obvs sksnsk) since elementary and a piece of my soul dies every time one comes into view.
(im not paying mind to the mutual part sksks just gonna tag ppl): @stevethesteveharrington @once-and-future-dawn @once-and-future-gay @merthurlooks @witchmd13 if u want to do it and anyone else that sees this n wants to:) srry if uve been tagged already!
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