#whatever i'll just swallow it down like i always do its fine
muppetesque · 2 years
i hate this time of year so much haha my post traumatics really are stressing my disorders lads
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
can we get more Fratbro!Darling interaction with creep!yan? it was amazing
They don't belong here.
Why did they even come.
The ice in their cup has melted from the heat of their skin, but the punch's still too strong to drink. With how shakey their hands are, they'd likely spill it if they tried. People are watching them now - probably wondering who let the freak in. They've been in this situation before. Invited to places because it'd be too awkward to invite everyone in the group but them while most of them pray they'll just stay home. Maybe they should have. The whispers are starting again and they're getting closer. Here it comes-
"Oh, hey! There you are! I've been looking for you since I heard you were here. You got a minute?"
Someone pulls them from the obscurity of the crowd - dragging them into the spotlight on wobbly legs. A strong arm holds them steady as the uncomfortable gaze of their peers swallows them, a gentle squeeze to their bicep negating their rising fears.
"This is the person I was telling you guys about - the one that drew that picture you saw on my lockscreen. I'm telling you, Mickey has crazy talent. I'm glad so we met at that gas station a few weeks back... Would you believe they live right across the street?"
It's pretty obvious that nobody really cares, but enthusiasm is an infectious disease. They do their best to answer half-hearted questions and try even harder to smile. It's hard to fake emotions when your attention is elsewhere. Mickey stares at you, arm still locked around their shoulder, like the beacon of light you are. How did you manage to be so different? When you first met they thought you were just another fake. Someone who pretended to be their friend for whatever benefit it gave. You cared. You tried to get them to be more social and showed up at their apartment when they'd be absent for days. You showed genuine interest in their quirky little hobbies and always laughed with them instead of at them. You even wore the crow skull necklace they made for you. It's like you were already dating.
Your grin falters as you look over at your friend, the clacking of their teeth and goosebumps on their skin catching your attention. "Hey, Mick... Everything okay? You're shaking."
Mickey hides their face in the collar of their jacket. "Yeah.... fine. Don't worry about me."
They jump as your palm touches their forehead.
"Nah, dude - you're like really sweaty. I'll walk you home in the morning, but you should lie down for now."
Mickey starts to protest, but as you weave through the crowd, heading for the stairs - their lips are sealed. They always forget you live with this meatheads despite standing beneath your bedroom window every night. Where you taking then to your room? They can feel stares on them even now, but they feel almost... jealous. Mickey likes that feeling. They squeeze your hand tighter - heart stopping as you approach the door with your name taped to it.
Opening the door just a crack, you make sure no one is inside before leading Mickey in. You take their cup as you guide them to the bed. Your bed. They giggle to themselves as you walk away with their cup, pouring its contents down the sink in the bathroom and filling it with fresh water from the tap. You really were the kindest person they've ever met on campus - like any good spouse would be.
"How much did they give you to drink?.... Just drink this water and relax. Remote's in the bottom drawer if you get bored. I'll be back to check on you in a bit. Don't worry about falling asleep I'll just sleep on the floor or the couch."
Mickey blushes as your fingers graze theirs as you past them the cup, and the image of the two of you cuddled up in your bed. They take a few tiny sips before setting the cup on the table.
"T... thank you... I wouldn't mind if you slept with me. It's your bed afterall."
"True, but I wouldn't want you to be comfortable. Relax, we'll talk about it more when I come check on you. Be back in a few!"
Mickey watches as the door closes behind you. They wait for your steps to fade down the stairs, finger on their zipper as they disappear. Mickey unzips and throws off their jacket like it was restricting their air flow. They drop it to the floor along with their shoes as they crawl beneath your blankets - planting their head face deep in your pillows and sheets. They smell just like the conditioner you use. Mickey makes a mental note to raid your bathroom, but there's so much they want to do in such little time.
Your dirty clothes. Your closest. Your dressers. So many places - so little time. What should they do? What should they do- Steal the fragrances you wear so their room always smells like you? Take your toothbrush or a water bottle you've drank from for their first indirect kiss? Steal a shirt or maybe even your underwear to.... now's not the time for that, Mickey - your window of opportunity is getting shorted with every breath.
Mind racing, Mickey decides the best thing to do now is to claim their new territory. Mark your room as theirs just as their entire apartment has been overtaken by pictures of you and the things you've thrown out. They fish through their jeans for their keys - picking the hidden knife discreetly disguised as a key. Having overprotective parents had its perks - such as items of self defense they'd otherwise be put on a list for buying themselves.
They climb out of bed, crouching to the floor. The gap beneath your bed has just enough room for them to wiggle into. Compared to lockers they'd been shoved into it was like a luxury apartment. They lay flat on their back, dragging themselves below the bedframe - knife in hand. Eyes adjusting to the darkness, their hands search for the boards supporting your mattress and drives their knife into the first place plank their nails catch on - drawing the curve of a heart into the wood. Light bleeds into the room as they complete the second arch and angle their blades for the first letter of their initials, followed by startled gasps and halted flirts at the odd sight of feet beneath your bed.
"Is this room already occupied?"
Mickey clutches their key ring tighter.
Mickey shrieks in laughter at the sound of slamming doors and footsteps racing down the hall. They've never raised their voice at anyone like that before. Love is a crazy drug. They carve their initials and yours beneath your bed, slithering from the opening and up onto your bed between the sheets for the best night of sleep they've had since they were young.
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reasaph · 1 month
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"I don't believe in God, but I believe that your my savior.
Soshiro Hoshina x Suicidal Fem reader!
Summary: (name) a person who has no beliefs, no reason and no will to live gets hospitalized after another attempt. There, she meets Soshiro Hoshina and looked forward to waking another morning ever since.
Authors note: THIS FEELS SO RUSHED AHHH. I don't like how reader likes him at first meeting :((, I'll try to do better next chapter.
TW: Suicide, self-destructive behavior, cussing, reader gets attracted a lil to fast, Injury, mention of drugging, the angst lessens at the end.
The title is from the song "Sailor song" by Gigi Perez!
Part 1
You oh so desperately wanna fuck with death. You wonder if The reaper is gentle when leading you to its chambers. The thought crosses the cocoon of your brain every time you gamble with your life on edge.
Every time a noose is slipped past the crown of your head and on the way to envelope your neck in the most lovingly way its ever been craddled. Every time you swallow those intoxicating pills which you found and deemed adorable because of its miniature size, theyre so small, perfect for the way they kill you off slowly (atleast was supposed to).
In every attempt, you wonder, will death be as beautiful as you imagined?
This time is no different.
The breeze felt nice, it was cool against your skin. The sun was shining brightly, much to your predicament. Its as if it was mocking you, screaming at your presence 'the day will not mourn you, go ahead and jump but not a soul will bat an eye or shed a tear'. Your feet carey you to the very edge, step by step. As odd as it may be, you dont wanna die on such a lovely day. It opposes the idea of your ideal and perfect suicide. You want the skies to feel as you feel. You want the clouds to heave and the horizon to dim. Your plan seems to be soiled by the tilt of earths axis just for today.
"I'll try tomorrow."
All of a sudden, the realization of how close you actually were to the edge hit you like a truck. It made you wobble and lose balance. Again, the world had other plans for you. It always does, never in your years of living has life been cooperative and actually side with you for fucking once. You learned to not care anymore, Embracing the wind as you fall, enjoying the nice breeze before your head cracks. It was warm when you hit the ground and it was oddly comforting. You could feel your eyes already dropping so you let them. You let your consciousness get taken away, you have no reason to fight anymore. You let yourself get lost, not bothering the sirens echoing in the background.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You thought there was no next day for you. You were wrong, utterly wrong. You wake up in a hospital room. It was blindingly white, and the light on the ceiling only added to it. You had a hard time adjusting to the flashing hue's of the room. You could here the rhythmic beating of the machine beside you, lines drewn on the screen. It means your heart is still beating, it means your still alive. You could only sigh at that. A few couple minutes passes before a doctor came in, accompanied by a nurse. They checked your vitals and gave you fresh doses of whatever medicine. You dont care what they put inside your body, you'd just prefer if it was an some kind of sedative that could kill you.
"Every thing seems fine, no bad reactions and readings. Although for a few broken bones. Your lucky your fall was short, another floor high and your Skull wouldve cracked." he informs you. He doesn't even try to cover the grimace soaking his voice. Hes disgusted by you, Of course he is. You wish you could unsee the final glance he gave you as he exited the room, the nurse following in suit.
As soon as the door slides, It was only you again. Your thought's look back to replay he said, Lucky? You dont deem life precious enough to think that surviving is lucky. The next few hours were agonizingly painful. Like any other day, you just sat down on a matress and stared at the pristine marble on the floor or the peeling paint of the walls. It was only a Matter of time before you bang Your head repeatedly as a form of entertainment. You couldn't take it anymore, your mouth felt as dry as a dessert and your legs are aching to move.
You put on your slippers and the next minute you find yourself roaming the Labrynth of these hospital walls. You force yourself to walk even if your legs still hurt, in result you just limp. You were pretty sure you looked like a corpse in others eyes right now, dragging your feet and breathing as if you were just being forced to, not to mention the hospital gown your wearing. If you dont find a vending machine in the next counting Seconds, you were sure your gonna trip. A few more given minutes adventuring through hallways and dragging the weight of your body with your damaged leg and your perseverance was graced with the finding of the cafeteria.
There was tons of food to fill a plate with, but you only came here for a drink. Besides, you dont like the feeling of being full. It was always uncomfortable to you every time your stomach filled to the brim, you always vomit a lil after a full meal. You make your way to the lined up vending machines, entertained by the numerous colorful hues on the labels of the drinks. There are a variety to choose from; coffee probably for stressed out doctors, flavoured juice probably for children and lots more to choose from. You look at the prices and grimace, a bottle of water here costs twice more than a bottle of water outside. You could guess the reason why, yet still find it unbelievable. Companies are shit.
Patting the depths of your pockets to grab your wallet. Your eyes widen when you don't feel its shape bulging through the fabric. You shoved your hand in the pit and grieve the fact that no solid matter was occupying its space. You honestly felt like sobbing. You dragged yourself all the way here and it'll result to nothing. Theres no one to blame but yourself, really. You were always told that you never used your brain for common sense, if someone could see you right now, they'd laugh at your idiocity for sure. And no, you didn't feel the presence approaching you from behind.
"Uh can i use it now—?"
You've never whipped your head so fast that you swear you heard something crack. But you dont care about that, the only thing that you poured all your utmost attention is the man in front of you, staring directly at his face and him reciprocating. The first thing you took notice of is his hair, a mesmerizing blob of purple. You never thought once in life you'd find a bowl cut plesantly aesthetic to look at.
"Mam, ya ok? Yer staring at me like ya'v seen a ghost." He has a dialect, ok, thats added to the list.
"No, uh. I forgot my wallet, my bad. I'll be on my way now." You said you were going yet you havent moved a muscle. You still havent moved away from blocking the vending machine and you curse yourself for it. You could only blame it on your leg, but theres something else holding you back. He'll probably shove you away, wont he? You hope he would, so you'd snap out of your weird episode and get going.
"Ya look like you've been dragged here. Move, I'll treat you."
That was unexpected. You never thought those were the bunch of words that would come out of his mouth. He's smilling to, revealing the fang thats been covered. Does he actually mean it? No, thats not the question you need to ask. Does he have as much interest in you as you have with him? Or is he just this friendly by nature?
"Really? Thank you very much.. Sir?"
"Hoshina, Soshiro Hoshina. And ya dont need to call me sir. "His laugh made you stagger, it was melodic. A tune rivalling the most beautiful songbirds. You drag yourself to a bench and sit down as he drops coins down the slot. You look at him the entire time, drinking every detail about him you can possibly take in. The fact that he has bandages all over his figuer A the hospital gown, the scarlet of his pupils that reveals itself everytime he opens his eyelids, the way his hands were bruised and calloused with seemingly really old scars. All of it, you wanted to learn as much as you can.
" here, hope ya like coffee." He has that huge smile on his face again, maybe thats what intrigued you so much. How he smiles like he's never been unfortunate since his day of birth. It pissed you off but also made you extremely envious.
"Thanks, I'll make it up to you next time." You dont know what you meant by that. What next time were you talking about? No way, you actually want to see him again. No way, because never have you ever looked forward to anything despite your last breath. So why were you making excuses just to spend eVen a second more in his presence?
"Next time, huh? Sounds great, although You dont really hafta."
"I want to. Breakfast tomorrow at 8?"
"Oho, really straightforward aint ya, lil miss?"
You wonder if you've said anything wrong because of the evident look of confusion on his face. Immediately, you try to redeem yourself.
"I've never mentioned my name. "
That worked, you thought, because Of the way he let out an Exgerrated 'ohh' as if the clogs in his brain started functioning again.
"Then, nice to meet ya, (name)!"
And then one thing lead to another. The conversation between you two kept going on, from one topic to another. The topics ranging from 'dont you think the cafeteria nuggets are fire?' to talks about the theories of shows you two happen to both watch. No personal questions were asked yet between the two of you. But you oh so badly want to ask the reaskn hes hospitalized right now and covered in bandages. Of course you dont utter a word about it, not wanting burst the bubble that created a comfortable atmosphere between the two of you. Here, On the bench with him. Its the most joyous you've been in months. If you could be greedy, you'd just stay here with him. But thats not gonna happen, no way life had given him to you for a good reason. But for now, you'll bask in every moment you spend with him.
You'll have a reason to wake up next morning.
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sisconlover · 3 months
(sorry if this is rough I threw it together in record time)
Okay blowjob advice for the little sister? Why not sounds fun!
First off, mind your teeth! Cocks are super vulnerable to teeth. No biting the girlcock. Don't drag your teeth across it either, grazing the ridge on the head is super bad too. Sadly that one comes from personal experience. The head is super sensitive but it's not really like an erogenous zone? At least not for me.
Moving on, giving a blowjob tends to pair well with a handjob. Here, put your hand around it. Slide it around in your hand and just get a feel for it. God that feels good sis~ if they haven't gotten hard yet this is a good way to get them there, and either way it feels really nice. Alright so you see how you can get your hand all the way down and there is still cock poking out of your hand? That's why jacking someone off goes really well with this. You can suck that much dick way easier than the entire thing. Speaking of, time for the blowjob lesson proper, get between my legs.
Alright, time for the main event. Sucking cock is pretty straightforward, put it in your mouth and suck right? But you can do so much more than that and your partner will love it. Anyway a good place to start is licking it. Run your tongue up and down the entire thing. Fuck, yeah like that. Get it nice and slick with your spit. If you can, try and maintain eye contact. Seeing your little sister looking you in the eye while praying to your dick is amazing. Keep stroking it and lick around the head too. See how wet you made me? Your tongue is soft enough you can lick the head without it being too intense, swirl it around there too.
Okay, better move along while I can. Time to suck some cock sis. Open your mouth and slide it down the tip. Don't forget to keep your teeth away. Fuck fuck fuck, that's so nice already! God I needed this so much and I didn't even know. Once it's in, you have options. Suck on it gently and move your head up and down. Feel how it's twitching in your mouth now? That's a good sign, keep doing what you're doing. You can keep using your hand and jack me off, or if you think you can take more you can reach down and very gently cup your big sisters balls. Yes, that feels so nice~ some people don't like them being touched, some do, it depends. Regardless just be gentle and you should be fine.
So you think you can take more of your big sisters cock? In my experience, the more you take the better. Don't choke yourself out on it, unless that's something you are super into. If it is, you probably want to practice before you try it. Either way, don't neglect your tongue. Swirl it around whatever it's on. Wanna know a secret? There's a spot on my cock that feels super super good. And its pretty common. Here, come back up and suck on the tip. Okay, now swirl your tongue around the underside, a little bit under the head. Oh my god oh my god oh shit stop stop stop I can't hold it! I said stop! Fuck your gonna get a mouthful! 
Fuck, oh fuck I'm so sorry! I haven't in so long, I thought I could hold it in a little longer. God I came so fucking good though. I hope you didn't mind swallowing my cum, I know it isn't for everyone. If you like it or you can handle it enough to give your big sis a better orgasm it really does feel amazing to cum in someone's mouth though. Anyway, you get a passing grade in sucking cock from me. Let me know if you need any more practice okay, I'll always be here to help out my sweet little sister *kiss*
thanks big sister i feel alot more confident now :3
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mylovelies-docx · 11 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 14 (END)
Thank you all so much for sticking around for this story! I'll admit I lost steam during my hiatus, but I'm glad I finally found the time to finish this for you guys.
This story took so many twists and turns that I was not expecting - I honestly had nothing after the first few chapters planned, I just let my brain run with whatever it came up with. And it FINALLY wormed its way to a in my opinion satisfactory conclusion.
Hope you all enjoy :)
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
Word Count: 2,470
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You wake to the feeling of Bucky’s hand gently shaking your shoulder.
“Do you still want a bath? You can always take one tomorrow,” he murmurs to you. 
You hum and nod your head, still determined to wash yourself before crawling under the covers of your bed that you’ve missed oh so much over the last year.
Woah, you think, it’s been a whole year since I left?
You look up into Bucky’s eyes as he hovers over you. There are dark shadows under his eyes now and his hair is shorter than it was this time last year, even if it has grown out in these last few months. His face is weary, tired from his lack of restful sleep, but his eyes are soft as he looks at you. You can see something in his gaze that wasn’t there in all your intimate moments prior to this: there’s something soft, tender, where there used to be only lust.
Your heart beats a staccato rhythm, excited and hopeful at what you think – what you believe – that look means. You reach up, placing one hand on his jaw and swiping your thumb across his cheek.
“Help me?” you ask tentatively.
Bucky’s eyes widen a fraction, and you see his throat bob as he swallows hard. His face crumbles slightly as he looks down at you. “I can get one of the nurses?” he proposes instead. “Or Wanda and Natasha if you’d like.”
You shake your head softly and continue to look into his eyes. “I want you.”
He sucks in a breath before taking you by the hands and gently pulling you to sit up. He slides down onto his knees in front of you and holds your hands tightly between his own, as if he’s afraid that you’ll take them away.
“I…” he starts. “I know there are still some things you don’t remember. People, and places, and events that are missin'. There’s… there’s somethin’ that happened between us – there’s somethin’ I did to us.” His eyes had been on you while saying this, but now he looks down at your clasped hands and starts fiddling with your fingers in nervousness. “I’ve said things to you that I never should have – hurt you in a way that you didn’t deserve. You don’t ever deserve to be hurt. ‘Specially not by me, not by things I say.”
Bucky blows out a breath and looks back up to your eyes. “We were… together. Last year. I asked you for somethin’ that I never should have because I was selfish. And you are so good, such a good person, and you agreed even when it was a bad idea.” 
At this point, you retract one of your hands from Bucky’s grasp, feeling him tighten his hold before letting you go. You place that hand back on Bucky’s cheek, cupping his jaw and feeling the movement as he speaks.
“Then you told me that you liked me,” he breathes. “You told me somethin’ so amazin’ and sweet and somethin’ I should have cherished, but I didn’t. I got mad and I pushed you away – pushed you so far away that you weren’t even on the same continent, doll.” Bucky’s breathing is ragged, but he still looks into your eyes, begging you to see the truth and feelings behind his words. 
“When you came back, I told you I was sorry. But I didn’t get to finish what I’d been plannin’ to say because then you-'' a breath, “then you told me you didn’t love me anymore - that you realized you had never liked me in that way, just got caught up in what we were doin’.” He reaches one hand up and holds onto your wrist. “I was gonna tell you that I felt the same way you did – that I liked you and wanted to try again. But after you said you didn’t have feelin’s for me, I realized I couldn’t do that to you – couldn’t put you through my shit again.”
“Bucky,” you whisper, but he doesn’t let you finish.
“So we went back to bein’ friends and I was just happy to have you back in my life again. Glad that we could talk and hang out like we used to. Then we met Petre on the mission and I – I got jealous.” Bucky bites his lip and shakes his head in agitation at himself, his actions. “I got jealous because you were always with him, because he got to be with you and talk to you. You kept laughin’ at everythin’ he said, smiled at ‘im. And I said more stupid shit, more hurtful things to you. And then…”
Bucky pauses for a moment before moving both his hands to your waist, gripping your hips with one thumb swiping over the part of your shirt that hides the scar on your stomach. “Then you got hurt and I wasn’t there. I wasn’t there to protect you and I almost lost you.” Tears well along his lower lashes, but don’t fall.
“You died,” he whispers. “I had to give you CPR ‘til the rest of the team showed up. Then I just watched you lay there in the jet on the way back. Then your surgeries. Then as you were in and out of a coma for two months. I couldn’t let you out of my sight,” he sighs out. 
Bucky’s arms slide from your waist and go around your back before lowering his head down until his forehead rests on your chest. He continues, words muffled by your body. “I was so afraid you’d disappear again. That you’d leave me and not come back and I could never tell you how sorry I was or how much I love you.”
You circle your arms around him and lean over his body where he’s wrapped around you, heart hurting at the pain you both have been dealing with.
“I know,” you whisper into his hair. “I remember.”
Bucky leans back, looking into your eyes once again. “And you’ve let me do this?” he questions. “Dealt with me not leavin’ you alone and smotherin’ you?”
“You’re not smothering me,” you console, pushing his hair away from his forehead and scratching his scalp. “I missed you so, so much. I just wanted you to hold me like you used to, even if you still didn’t feel the way I do.”
“What do you mean?” he wonders, eyes darting between your own, searching for an answer before you give it.
“I lied,” you say. “I lied when I came back. I just thought it’d be easier on the both of us if I told you what you wanted to hear – that I didn’t like you and that we could go back to being friends.” You smooth the lines that appear on Bucky’s brow as his eyebrows furrow. “I knew I loved you last year. And I still love you – I think I always will.”
You smile at the hope in Bucky’s eyes. “Yeah.”
“I love you too, darlin’ – always will,” Bucky mutters as he slowly closes the distance between your faces. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”
You shake your head and continue to smile at him. “You’re worth the wait, Buck.”
Bucky’s lips connect with yours; tentative at first, trying to remember the rhythm the two of you used to have. It comes back quickly, muscle memory working and getting you both reacquainted with one another’s kiss.
You feel Bucky’s hands slide up from your back, caressing your arms, shoulders, neck, before holding onto your face, keeping you in place as he slides his tongue against your lips before slipping it inside your mouth.
You hum at the familiarity of the action. You spread your fingers against Bucky’s chest, feeling his heart beat hard against your touch.
Bucky rises, lips still on yours, and pushes you further onto the bed. He guides you backwards until you’re lying under him, one of his legs between your own. He snakes a hand under your shirt, massaging your breast. You gasp into his mouth when he gives a quick pinch of your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Needing to feel more of you, Bucky removes your shirt and bra so that he can lavish kisses onto your breasts, sucking your nipples into his mouth and tugging gently.
You slide your hands down, down, down his abdomen, hooking your fingers into the waistband of his jeans. You run your index finger against his skin behind the metal button before popping it open and pulling the zipper down. You tug Bucky’s pants until his cock springs free, already hard and hot. You grasp it in your hand, slowly stroking him.
Bucky groans into your mouth, kissing you harder. Without warning, he backs off of the bed. You start to protest at the loss of him, but he just grabs your hips and pulls your leggings and panties off your body in one motion. Cool air caresses your moist folds as Bucky pulls your legs apart. He settles himself between your thighs, mouth leaving a trail of kisses from your knee and down, down, down to your core. He breathes you in before licking a quick swipe up your crease.
You twitch at the sensation, not having been touched by anyone in so long. Your hands grasp Bucky’s hair, pulling him further into you. He uses his fingers to part your folds, delving his tongue into you. You pant helplessly as he works you quickly toward the edge. He remembers exactly how to make you come, and it seems he’s on a mission to make it happen as quickly as possible.
Wetness collects under Bucky’s tongue, dribbling down onto the sheets below you. Before you reach your peak, you try to push Bucky’s face away.
“Bucky - unh,” you cry. “I want you.”
“I’m right here, doll,” he mutters into your core, continuing to lick and thrust his tongue. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“No,” you say. “No, I want you inside me. Please, Bucky.”
Bucky moans into you before leaving one last kiss and crawling up your body. He tugs his shirt over his head and kicks his pants completely off, pulling your legs so that the inside of your knees rest against his hips. He begins to lay down on you, his elbows resting beside your head and chest coming flush with yours, but you wince.
“Gentle, baby,” you plead. “My ribs are still a little sore.”
Bucky immediately rises up and places a soft kiss on your lips. “Of course. I’m sorry, Doll.”
You shake your head and pull his lips back to yours. “Don’t be sorry.” You circle your hands around his waist and tug his hips closer to yours. “Just go easy on me.”
Bucky lines himself up with your entrance and slowly pushes inside, watching your face as your body acclimates to his after so long apart. Your lips part and your breaths come in pants as you slowly open up around Bucky’s girth.
He caresses your face, smoothing your hair back so he can see your face clearly. You catch his eyes as he looks down at you and you give him a happy smile. “I’ve missed you,” you whisper, massaging the back of his neck. 
Bucky slots his lips against yours and kisses you deeply. “I’ve missed you more,” he replies. You both smile into the kiss while you adjust. After a few moments, Bucky pulls away to ask, “are you ready?”
You nod your head and plant your feet more firmly against the mattress, knees still resting against Bucky’s hips. He slowly pulls out inch by inch until the head of his cock is all that’s left. Then, he pushes back into you, the rigid head and veins sliding against your walls and sending pleasure through you. You sigh in content, relishing the feeling of having Bucky inside you again.
Bucky takes his metal arm and pulls one of your hands away from his neck to place it on the mattress, twining your fingers together as he continues to pump slowly in and out of you, making sure to angle himself just right so that he drags against your walls where you need. 
You make love slow and gentle, neither of you in a rush. You take your time touching each other’s bodies again, exploring the places your hands and mouths still remember. Bucky kisses your jaw and down the side of your neck, suckling on the tender spot just above your collarbone. 
You arch your neck backwards to give him more room, but he takes the opportunity to untwine your fingers and move his metal hand between your bodies, cool thumb making circles around your clit. You release a whine, your body stiffening up as the coil inside you tightens and then dissolves, sending waves of pleasure tingling along your nerves. Your walls flutter and pulse around Bucky’s shaft and he grunts softly at the pressure, the vibration of the noise tickling your neck where his lips still rest.
You grab his face in both hands and bring him back up to you. You pepper his face with languid kisses – his forehead, cheeks, nose, eyelids, and finally his lips. You lick the inside of his mouth, your tongues sliding against one another. 
Bucky gently bites your lower lip and sucks it into his mouth to soothe it. He continues to thrust into you, your body still tingling from your first orgasm and swiftly approaching the next. You start to quake in Bucky’s arm from the overstimulation, but you still yearn for him. You begin to gasp and whimper, the noise rising involuntarily from you. 
Bucky kisses you one more time and moves his hand to the small of your back, raising your hips up to meet his. You keen at the new angle, toes starting to curl.
“You got one more for me, doll?” Bucky gasps. “Come on, pretty girl. Come for me.”
Your body heeds Bucky’s command, shivering around his cock once more. Feeling your pussy gripping him so tight, Bucky comes with you, his warm seed coating your walls and seeping out of you.
You lie together for long moments, staring into each other’s eyes and breathing deeply, lips connecting every few seconds for more kisses. Bucky lifts you up, cock still buried inside you, and turns so that you’re lying on top of him. Your legs straddle his waist and your head rests on his chest, listening to the thud of his heart. 
You lay there until you’re almost asleep, but Bucky kisses your head and picks you up to carry you to the ensuite, where he re-runs the bath with hot water and another lavender bath bomb. He places you down into the steaming water and climbs in behind you, where he takes his time lathering you up and washing your hair. You lean into him and surrender to the affection.
After you’re clean, he dries you off and slips his t-shirt over your head. He carries you back to bed and pulls the blanket over your body before sliding in beside you and pulling you on top of him once again. He places one hand in your hair to massage your scalp while the other smoothes over your back. 
You both lay together in a contented, blissful quiet. You fall asleep with the knowledge that whatever comes your way, you and Bucky will work through it.
Tag list: @jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 months
Hi, could you please write a little something about george looking after his girlfriend while she's ill? Xx
i am such a sucker for soft boyfriend looking after ill girlfriend :')
whatever he had planned, it was dropped.
except he never told her that he cancelled his work schedule or any of his upcoming video shoots that he was due to film because he knows her like the back of his hand. he knew, deep down, how much she was going hate being the reason that he stopped working just to take care of her when, really, she could do it herself.
'i need to cancel our dinner date with max and andrew tonight, not well at all. don't come and see me as i'm just gonna sleep all day and look like a mess. love you. <33'
george cancels on her behalf. informing max that they could move the date to another night and that he wasn't sure what was wrong with her but that it must have been something terribly bad if she was cancelling plans and had added on that she didn't want to see her boyfriend in the state she was in.
except, george doesn't always listen.
and its time like when she was sick where he was thankful he had a key to her flat amongst the keys on his keyring. arriving at her door with an abundance of bags filled with tablets and medicines, dry crackers and packs of biscuits, and whatever trinkets he could grab from the tiny supermarket shop at the entrance of her flat complex so he was prepared for any kind of sickness.
"i know you asked not to see me but i wasn't doing anything today in regards to work and i couldn't leave you here by yourself," his voice fills the quiet space of her home and he waits for her to make herself known before he unpacks the bags for her, "babe?"
when she doesn't appear after a couple of minutes, he feels guilt low in his stomach - he forgot she may have been trying to sleep off whatever had struck her and he was suddenly more aware of how loud he had been upon his entrance. he toes off his trainers and sets them beside her front door, sets the keys down quietly on the side table and leaves the bags in her kitchen before he goes on a look for her around her home.
she wasn't on the sofa; her living room hadn't seemed to be touched and her tv remotes were left where she would normally leave them the previous night, the blanket was still draped over the back of the sofa and there was no dip in the cushions to signify that someone had been sat there recently.
she wasn't in her office; he wasn't expecting her to be working, at all, but it was a much cooler room in her home since it was facing away from the sunshine and she had a fairly comfortable sofa to lounge on.
she wasn't in her bedroom; except he could tell she had taken refuge there for the majority of the day because her sheets were still messy and ruffled and her pillows looked laid upon, a glass of water on her bedside table and a mop bucket down by her side of the bed which she must have kept there in case she couldn't make it from the bed.
his next guess was her en-suite and as he poked his head around the doorframe, he was met with her eyes closed and leaning against the side of the bathtub with a sheen of sweat clinging to her skin. his t-shirt, which he had given to her when she first stayed the night at his place, loose on her figure and it swallowed her up and he just wanted to scoop her up and put her to bed so she was more comfortable.
"i know you're looking at me," she grumbles lowly, cracking an eye open and staring at him through one eye, "i said not to come over. i don't know if this is a contagious thing or not."
"i'll be fine," he waves his hand in her direction as if he was brushing off the comment and he steps into the room, reaching over to flush the toilet from the contents inside, "how long have you been here for?"
she shrugs before taking a deep inhale, exhaling slowly, and she stretches out her legs to rid the pins and needles feeling tingling at her toes. she feels george sit down beside her and she can't help but lean towards the body heat radiating off his body, his arm sneaking around her shoulder and pulling her into his side.
"just feeling sick?"
"just feeling a bit icky. woke up feeling weird, breakfast didn't stay too long in my belly, can't really keep anything down."
"maybe it's a viral thing?" george wonders and he reaches for a wet flannel to dab across her forehead and to clear her face a little, "chris went down with something a couple of weeks ago, seen a lot of stuff saying people are going down with a sickness bug."
"just my luck to get it."
george laughs softly and sets the flannel down on the side of the tub, removing his arm from her shoulder and standing to his feet, holding his hands out for her to take and pulling her slowly to her feet. letting her get some stability before he lead her back to the bedroom so she could get comfortable in bed.
"i brought some crackers and biscuits if you're hungry and want to try and eat something," george suggested and she shook her head, settling herself down in bed and pulling the duvet over her body, "i'll leave them in the kitchen for you, okay? they're there if you want them."
"thank you," she smiles softly and he climbs onto the bed, careful not to jostle her too much, laying down beside her and cosying under the covers, "love you."
"i would kiss you but," he looks her and she rolls her eyes, "i love you too. get some sleep. i'll be here when you wake up." xx
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
Baby, don’t be crazy
Jos Cleary-Lopez x fem! reader(married au)
Warnings: mentions and descriptions of sickness, coarse language, Jos gets angry/annoyed at reader, mentions/slight descriptions of age regression from past trauma
“Fine. I don’t get why you always have to be so stubborn.”
6pm, Jos gets home from work. Excited to see you after a busy, busy shift. She doesn’t see you in the living room so she walked to the bedroom— the one you and Jos shared, but nope. You weren’t there either. Then she notices that the door to the guest room was left ajar, Jos found it strange since it was always closed.
She pushes the door open and saw you sleeping in the bed. “Hey.”
You stirred in your sleep, eyes peeling open. “Oh.” You murmured.
“Why are you sleeping in here?” Jos asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Get away from me.” You replied, “I’m sick.”
Jos squints, “y/n…”
“Go away.” You swallowed painfully, voice shaky as you spoke, “Don’t want to get you sick.”
“Come on.” Jos scoffs, “I don’t care and you know that.”
You simply turned away from her and faced the wall instead. She sighs. “Baby, don’t be crazy, come on. Let me—”
“Jos, please just leave me alone.”
Both defeated and annoyed, Jos leaves the room, “Fine. I don’t get why you always have to be so stubborn.”
Jos then goes to take a shower to freshen up while you tried to sleep off your cold, or whatever the hell it was that’s decided to knock you on your ass. You simply didn’t want to risk getting her sick too so that at least one of you could work. But Jos, she was worried and sometimes had a terrible way of showing it. Her annoyance was probably due to the fact that she was tired after working all day, so you knew not to take it to heart. However, it still stung, especially since you were always extra sensitive while sick. You didn't see her again for awhile— since you were in the guest room and she was anywhere but there. Just like you'd wanted her to be. No, actually, you so wanted to have her hold you but like Jos had said, you were a stubborn one.
You managed to drift off to sleep but was awoken by the sound of someone walking into the room. You didn't open your eyes, but a nasty coughing fit had you gagging. It got so uncomfortable for you to even just lay there so you sat up as quickly as you could. "Great, you're in here again."
"How bad is your fever?"
"Not that bad."
"Your voice is as good as gone, y/n." Jos points out, "Your throat's swollen, isn't it?"
"Wouldn't be the first time." You sniffled.
"Would you just let me take you to go see a doctor?"
"Why not?"
You winced in pain swallowing your spit, "Because, I know they'll give me antibiotics and that makes me throw up. I don't want—"
Jos sat down in front of you, exhaling harshly while looking at you and raising her brows, "Open your mouth, let me take a look at what we're dealing with here."
You didn't budge. "y/n." She warns, "Please?"
Since the room was dark, she has you close your eyes then used the flashlight from her phone to look at your throat. "Babe, your tonsils are crazy red and swollen. I don't think that's gonna go away on its own if you're not sure how you got this in the first place." Jos' gaze softens, studying your face with worried eyes as she felt your forehead with the back of her hand. "Let's go, okay? Come on."
You were 100% right. Well, technically, so was Jos because you definitely needed the medication for it to improve. Finally back home almost two hours later, you tossed the face mask in the trash and trudged upstairs to get ready for a shower. "Just hop in the shower, I'll get the stuff ready for you when you get out." Jos says while you walked up the stairs. "Okay." You answered simply.
"Do you want me to help you?"
While you freshened up, she got your clothes ready and went to make you a cup of soup just so you had a little something in your stomach before consuming the medication. Also while waiting for you, Jos got started on laundry after changing out of her current outfit.
After a short while, you were out of the shower and she tells you to eat the soup. You complied, having no energy to argue. Of course, she was relieved you were eating, but still visibly worried, maybe even annoyed to you. "Sorry." You mumbled.
Jos locked eyes with you. But, she doesn't say a thing. “Jos…”
“You know what? Just— don’t talk right now and focus on finishing your food.” She says hurriedly, with that, she was removing your meds from the little plastic bag that the pharmacy had put them in. Even just looking at them made your stomach churn. You shifted uncomfortably on your seat, somehow feeling that she was upset with you. You could just feel the vibe and she looked pissed off.
You ate in silence until you couldn’t take it anymore. Tears just spilled from your eyes after being reminded of how things were like whenever you fell ill when you were younger. Always, whoever was taking care of you would always be annoyed that they had to take care of you. It was like a freaking switch just went off it your head and you automatically burst into tears.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, putting down your spoon, “‘m sorry.”
You hear Jos turning around, the stool creaked. “Hey, what’s the matter?” She asks
“Please don’t be mad at me, ‘m sorry.” You repeated, sniffling.
“I’m not mad at you.” She says softly.
“But you are.” You insisted, voice quivering.
Shit. Jos felt terrible that she’d made you cry.
“Baby, I’m not mad at you, I promise. I’m just having some very bad cramps so I’m quite irritated by that. Not you.” She explained. And when you didn’t stop crying, alarm bells literally went off in her head. It was something else, something more serious than her own behaviour. She was stumped by your current behaviour for a good minute until she’d finally thought of something. The fact that you were still sobbing the way you were after what must’ve been nearly three minutes. You’ve never been like this— not with her, at least.
“I want you to look at me, baby.” Her voice softens further, her hand goes up your cheek and you melt into it. You followed suit, once again abandoning your spoon. “I’m not mad at you, alright? I’m just not in a good mood because work wasn’t very good today and I shouldn’t have been taking it out on you like this.”
You looked right at her with big, glossy eyes of your own as you blinked, “Okay.”
You nodded, “I’m sorry you didn’t have a good day at work.”
Jos paid close attention to how you were talking, and judging by the fact that you could feed yourself, you couldn’t have regressed to that much earlier of a state of mind. For whatever reason, curiosity got the best of her and she decides to ask, “Hey. Your birthday’s coming up.”
You nodded, blinking profusely to get rid of the tears.
“How old are you gonna be?”
“You know it, Josie.”
She hasn’t heard that nickname since you two were —
“Fourteen.” You chuckled, amused by her pondering face.
That’s it. She got her answer, and was relieved you were okay, and it wasn’t entirely her fault. She knew what went on at home for you whenever you fell sick. Age regression wasn’t something that Jos really knew much about, she understood what it was and why some people experience it but never has to deal with it firsthand. Anyway, whatever questions she still had about it was quickly shoved aside so she could get you to take your meds and into bed for the night. First, you had a probiotic to take, to help with the sick feeling that could come later after the antibiotics. Then, it was the latter. “Ready for bed?” She asks after you’d taken the fever reducer as well.
“Mhm.” You nodded.
“Go brush your teeth then I’ll be in for cuddles.” She smiled, smooching you on the cheek.
She washed the dishes pretty quickly, then was with you within the next two or so minutes. You were still you, but it was clear as day to her that you had no idea you’d regressed. She also had no idea how you’d ‘come out’ of a quote-unquote episode.
“How’s your tummy?”
“It’s okay.” You sighed softly, snuggling up against her chest, fingertips tracing random shapes it.
“Remember there’s a trashcan on your side of the bed if you need it, okay?” Jos reminded you, “Don’t make yourself hold it. If you need me, wake me up and I’ll be right here with you, my love. Hm?”
“‘mkay…” You mumbled incoherently, “You’ll stay right here with me?”
“Yes I will.” Jos promised you wholeheartedly.
You slurred, eyes drooping shut, unable to fight the sleepiness, “Thank you…”
“No need to thank me.” She presses a kiss to the side of your head, “Sleep tight, y/n.”
“Night, Josie.” You said back, smiling to yourself as you drifted off to sleep.
“Good night, baby. I love you.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: It’s 1:17am so I haven’t proofread this, but here is a fic (finally), as promised. Excuse the shitty spacing this oneshot had. Honestly putting it anywhere else didn’t make sense so I just left it.
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syn4k · 1 year
an impassioned debate about the validity of sand as a spice
It was a cloudy Saturday night, and a well-worn but well-kept car pulled out of the parking lot of a bar. Switching its headlights on, it turned east, headed down the dark and empty stretch of road that it inhabited to brighter and gentler habitation somewhere beyond.
In the car sat four people. Three were various levels of drunk. The fourth was driving silently.
"Man, those burritos tasted like sand," sighed Jimmy, jammed into a corner in the backseat with his head tilted towards the ceiling of the car. "Crunched like sand too."
"The burritos were great," said Fwhip, sitting next to him. "Your taste buds are just malformed."
"That's it," said Jimmy, sitting bolt upright with sudden fervor. He held out one slightly sweaty palm. "Give me that twenty dollars back. I'm revoking the fact that I paid for your drinks."
"No way in hell I'm letting your sweaty mitts get onto my precious tender," said Fwhip, leaning away from him. "Calm down, dude."
"Do you want to go?" demanded Jimmy. "Do you want to fight? Because I can fight you."
"Dude, you know the rules. If anyone starts a fight in here, they get kicked out of the car."
"Then I'll fight'em too!"
"Don't. Your drunk ass would not make it out of there alive."
Joel, riding shotgun, sat up a little straighter and rubbed his eyes blearily. "If you can eat sand," he mumbled, "then does that make it count as a spice?"
"What?" asked Jimmy incredulously, all thoughts of violence pushed out of his mind by the question. "Dude. You can't eat sand."
"Yes, you can," said Joel. "That makes it edible."
"I've eaten sand before," added Fwhip helpfully. "And I'd do it again for a bet. It has a nice crunch to it. Also, Joel's right. Everything's edible technically because if it fits into your mouth and you swallow it then you ate it."
"What if you die, though?" said Jimmy.
"That's just a casualty."
"Sand is edible and you can sprinkle it onto things, which makes it a spice, right?" asked Joel. He cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes again with a groan. "Holy god. I am so going to regret this tomorrow."
"You're going to regret this right now if you keep talking," said Jimmy. "Sand isn't meant to be eaten, so it's not a spice."
"Sand is basically tiny rocks," said Joel, turning around to look him in the eye. "So is salt."
"Your point is?" asked Jimmy, arms defensively crossed.
"You assume that sand isn't meant to be eaten," said Joel. He pointed at him. "But if I pick it up with the intent to put it into my mouth and then eat it, that makes that argument completely null, innit?"
"You always get so philosophical when you're drunk," said Jimmy with an eye-roll. "Go back to sleep, Joel. Sand isn't a spice."
"It could be used as one, though, for sure," said Fwhip with a shrug. "Like, I have no idea why you'd want sand as a seasoning for your steak or whatever, but it can definitely be done. Wait, hold on. I kind of want to try that now."
"Fwhip, you'll die," said Jimmy, deadpan.
"Will not," said Fwhip. "I've eaten this stuff before, remember? I'll be fine. Wait, hold that thought, we're like hours away from the nearest ocean. Nevermind. Where's the closest lake?"
"Fuck if I know," muttered Joel from the front. Jimmy shrugged assent.
"Wait," said Jimmy, sitting up again after a brief period of silence. "Joel, you're not driving right? Please tell me you're not driving."
"Nope," said Fwhip. "You're visiting the States, remember? The steering wheel's on the other side here. You're fine, buddy."
"Jim got so drunk that he teleported to another country," said Joel with a snort. "No, I'm not driving. We'd all be dead right now if I was driving."
"But wait, hold on," said Jimmy, a note of panic entering his voice, "if I'm not driving and Fwhip's not driving and Joel's not driving, then who's driving the car??"
"Pixl is," said Fwhip patiently. "He agreed to just drink water tonight so that we didn't have to pull an Uber. We figured it out beforehand and everything."
"Okay," said Jimmy. "I forgot. Sorry Pixl."
"You're fine," said Pix from the driver's seat.
"Wait, hold on. Pix, you know stuff about like, earth and rocks and shit, right?" asked Joel.
"You could say that, yes," said Pix, still not taking his eyes off of the road.
"You are the one sober person in this car right now. Oh my gods, I should have just asked you this but whatever. Is sand a spice?"
"Spices are made from plants, if I remember correctly," said Pix, looking behind him briefly. "Sand is rocks. So no, whether you intend to eat it or not, sand is not in fact a spice."
"Here's the real question," said Fwhip. "Sand's not a spice, we've established that. However, technically, it could be a seasoning if you do it right." He said it like a statement, but it was really a question.
Pix just shrugged. "I'm an archaeology major, not a culinary arts major. Not my area of expertise. No idea about that one, chief, you'll have to decide for yourself."
"Okay, then," started Fwhip with a shit-eating grin.
"Please, let's not," begged Jimmy. "Please. Just don't."
"If you don't like the discussion, just stay out of it," said Fwhip with a shrug. "Anyways, Joel-"
"Nope, you keep me out of this one," said Joel with a yawn. "I'm going back to sleep. Someone shake me when we get back to the hotel."
"Pix?" asked Fwhip, slightly desperate. Pixl did not respond. "Okay, then. Guess I'm just going to be having these really cool and philosophical thoughts all by myself, then."
"Then perish," mumbled Joel from the front seat.
The car was quiet the rest of the way back.
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starfall-spirit · 2 months
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Read on Ao3 // Masterlist
Pairings: Bodhi Durran/Sloane Mairi, Violet Sorrengail/Xaden Riorson
Summary: Liam and Sloane Mairi have spent the past seven years caught between a rock and a hard place trying to put together what could have made their parents choose to side with Navarre in the apostasy. Since that day that twisted their fate so completely they've stood in silent grief of the home and friends they lost.At last their reckoning has arrived as the people they once called friends set foot on Navarrian soil to strike a bargain.
Happy Gifting Day, @hoeelliexx! This is far from the fluffy three or four part story I originally planned, but writer's block just had to shove it's way in. Thus a new concept was born. Don't worry, you'll still get your fluff and forced proximity, though.
Very short chapter, but I'll be posting what was supposed to be the rest of chapter one in the next few days. Hope you like it!
Chapter One
“They’re here. The Tyrrish delegation just landed on the flight field.” 
Violet swallowed hard, setting down her pen before the ink could expose her nervous energy to her classmates. Still, they knew her well, and Rhi was already giving her an odd look. “Hand cramped,” she muttered, rubbing where her thumb joined her palm.
“Violet.” She closed her eyes, blowing out a defeated sigh when Dain called her from the doorway of her room. 
“Also, it seems it's time to discover what great role I’ve been assigned when dealing with the Tyrrish delegation. They’ve just landed.”
“Want some backup?”
Her eyes slid to Liam, and though he held her stare, she saw the pain behind it—saw the clench of his jaw and the curl of his fist as he offered to stand beside her and face the people he once called family. Friends he was forced to leave behind because of his mother’s shift in loyalty during the secession. If it wasn’t for Colonel Mairi’s actions, he may be standing beside them now. He and Sloane both. Once the girl earned her dragon and flight leathers, that is. 
“An invitation was not extended to you, Cadet Mairi.” 
Violet rolled her eyes. “Oh high and mighty Wingleader,” she grumbled. “Thanks, Liam. I’ll be fine. And Tairn will be there if things go south for whatever reason.” She lowered her voice again. “I’ll fill you in when I get back.”
“Don’t lose your shit on Riorson,” Ridoc shouted after her. “On second thought, the guy could probably use a bloody nose.”
“He certainly could,” Dain grumbled beside her, setting a brisk pace down the hall, only slowing when they approached the door to the meeting room, raising his fist to knock a sharp pattern at its center. “Alright, Vi?”
“I don’t need you hovering. We’ve talked about this.”
The door swung open before he had a chance to respond, revealing his father who looked far too nervous for her to feel any better about the conversation that was about to be had. “Dain, you may return to your afternoon duties.”
“I—but Violet—”
“Violet has all the company and protection she needs. Any information you’re due as her wingleader has yet to be determined.” Violet clasped her hands behind her back, doing her best not to shuffle awkwardly between them. Dain had always been closer to his father than she had to her mother. Seeing them in any sort of standoff was just plain awkward. “You’re dismissed, Wingleader.” His jaw feathered, but after giving her shoulder a light squeeze, Dain turned on his heel. “If you’re done chatting,” a new voice drawled, “the rest of us would like to resume this meeting.”
Taking a deep breath, Violet stepped around Colonel Aetos to at last lay eyes on the guests Navarre had received in the moments before her arrival. To her surprise, it wasn’t the full council waiting for her on either side. Instead she found only King Tauri, King Riorson, a single representative to his right—presumably his second in-command—and her own mother.
The young king was her focus. Only a few years older than her, she could help but admit the man was attractive. Her type, even, with the dark hair and muscular form his flight leathers only flattered. There was a great many things that put Violet apart from her fellow cadets, be they a physical weakness or a mental strength. But putting those differences aside, she was a woman before all else. And King Riorson was a very attractive man, more than capable of handling the steel at his side, she was sure.
“Violet Sorrengail,” he drawled, seeming to take her in with a genuine curiousity. “I heard the rumors. I had assumed when you bonded Tairn that they were exaggerated.”  She just kept from grinding her teeth, lacing her knuckes tightly to keep her hands from balling into fists. “I didn’t realize Tyrrish intelligence relied on the gossip mill alone. How disappointing.” King Tauri coughed into his fist. “Cadet Sorrengail, please make yourself comfortable.”
And close your mouth, his eyes seemed to say. She’d never seen the man so anxious. “Thank you. Is someone willing to explain why I’ve been summoned, now?”
“Of course,” Riorson said, lips curving into a smirk. “You’re here so we can discuss the fine points of the deal your mother and king have proposed.” She narrowed her eyes, trying to suppress the growing nervousness tightening her stomach and throat. “Or did they not tell you about the trade on the table?” His chuckle told her the answer was all over her face. “You’ve been traded, darling. A week from today you’ll be saying your vows. There are consequences to bonding a mated dragon, you know.”
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snail-eggs · 7 months
for the ask meme: holding the other’s jaw, xixi and johnny <3
pairing: Johnny Gat/Xixi Rosario (F!OC)
warnings: we dive into nsfw territory here. not explicitly but like, there’s an almost-blowjob but that's it. Also some implied/referenced drug use.
divider by @/saradika
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He's watching her intently as her lips leave his neck, hands sliding down his thighs. As she parts his knees and kneels down between them. There are three dead Vice Kings in the room with them, blood seeping into the cracks in the concrete.
It smells vile.
There's this certain haziness about her. In her eyes---like she's not all there. Gat watches, a little longer than he should, sinking into the tattered, almost moldy couch in the VK hideout as she fumbles with his belt. She's always a little gone, always, but not when they get close like this. No, not once.
For once he's actually skeeved out by it. Doesn't want this. Doesn't want what's about to happen.
Johnny takes her jaw in his hand, angles her face up to look at him. "You straight?" the words don't feel right; not nearly tender enough for this but he's never been one for words and he isn't delusional enough to pretend to be now.
He can see it in her face how hard she's thinking. Like the words need to make more of an effort to reach her. His stomach lurches. Christ, Xixi's more than gone right now. Johnny rubs his thumb against the soft skin of her cheek, her jaw still resting in his palm. And he nods over to the space next to him. Its almost funny---all this tenderness from Johnny Gat of all people. If Xixi were really here, really present, the irony would have her in stitches.
She uses his thighs for leverage as she gets up off her knees, her movements slow. Hazy. Whatever she took is hitting her like a fucking truck now.
Xixi blinks, "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? You're high as shit. That's what's wrong." She only shrugs him off. "What'd you take?"
"Nothing you need to worry about."
"That's not what I fuckin' asked though, is it?"
"Gat, I'm fine. I'll sleep it off---always do." and she sinks into the deteriorating couch like she's begging it to swallow her whole. Xixi brings her hands up to her face. "'So stupid."
Nudging her shoulder with his, he glances over at the bodies. Almost forgot about them. They need to get gone soon or they'll end up with another fight on their hands. He takes her wrist lightly in his grasp, tries to pull it down away from her face. His way of saying you can talk to me without actually having to say the words.
It feels like it'd kill him to say it.
She shoves him away rougher than she means to, he thinks. Shoots up off the couch and sets her gun in the waistband of her jeans. "I'm going home." its so quiet, the way she says it. Makes something in his chest ache a little. He doesn't like it one bit.
Instead of saying anything, Gat watches as she leaves through the door, listens to the roar of her car's engine. He knows she's in no state to get anywhere, knows he should run out and stop her. Offer to drive her home. But he lets her go. Sits there a while, just him and the bodies.
He buckles his belt. Gets the hell out of dodge.
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kzhnyas · 2 years
| Artem Wing x Male reader
originally uploaded onto ao3 on 09/11/21
ao3 account
this is OLD. but still one of my favorites
[ bottom artem, cock warming, office sex, uniforms, orgasm denial ]
NSFW under the cut
Opening the office door without warning, you strolled in with a suitcase in hand. Hearing pens and pencils clash against the desk, you chuckle. "Celeste let me in."
Whiping his head up, Artem rose a brow. "You could have knocked." He stated, picking up the cups that he had accidentally hit with his elbow.
"It's past midnight, who else would be here?"
"I don't know... Celestine?" Sighing, he shuffeled a few papers on his desk, setting them to the side. Taking a sip from his freshly brewed coffee, he took a look at the clock. "But- ahh.. You're here a bit early.."
You deadpanned, rolling your eyes and putting the suitcase down in a chair near the door. "Early? Artem, it's two in the morning." Leaning over the desk, you noticed the dark bags under his eyes and how messy his hair had become. "Let me drive you home..."
For a second he thought about it.
Then, of course, he shook his head. "I still have work to do.. Just wait a bit, okay?" Frowning, he put a hand against your cheek, a gentle smile forming on his tired exhausted face. "I promise I'll be done in.. Lets see," Clicking through a few things on his laptop, he pulled a tab up. "Thirty minutes."
Half an hour, that isn't as bad as you thought.
"..Fine." It was just thirty minutes. Taking a mental note of that, you shuffled over next to him.
You were bored out of your mind, but you could wait half an hour. All you had to do was watch whatever the attorney was doing- which was.. Files.
Rosa told you all about how tired her partner looked, so you couldn't help but lay around and try to think how to reenergize him. Coffee helps, but all that caffeine can't be healthy..
He dislikes alcohol, so offering him wine wouldn't do anything either. Nonetheless, he can't even handle it.
Standing up and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you leaned in and buried your face into his neck. His cologne was still thick on him, the scent you missed having on yourself everytime you two were to meet.
Thumbs pressed into his shoulder blades, circling around the soft skin. He's been here all day since sunrise, he deserves a nice massage.
"Sadly I can't lay you down," Whispering into his ear, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. "but I can at least give you a quick shoulder rub, right?"
Placing a hand on the base of his neck, you felt him swallow hard, a small smirk forming on your face. "Th.. Thank you, love.." A small stutter had made its way into his sentence, his composure starting to fall.
You had to kill time somehow. That, and you've been pent up for a while with how Artem has been staying back at work much longer than you had liked.
Reaching over, you loosened up his tie. "It must be suffocating wearing it that tight all day, huh?" Leaving small chaste kisses on his neck, he remained quiet, focusing on the reports he had to fill out.
A loud gasp left his mouth, the mouse in his hand dropping onto the table when you had harshly bit down on his delicate skin.
He's always been so sensitive on every inch of his body, it was no wonder that he was starting to get so worked up over a bit of kissing and biting. You found it quite cute, fun to toy with him.
"What is it?" A deep mark was left on his neck, your hands gliding down to unbutton a few of the buttons near his chest. "Focus on your work, darling.You wouldn't want me to wait more than thirty minutes, would you?"
Artem's breath hitched, his hands shaking and his mind fogged. Biting his lip, he nodded, typing away on his laptop.
But, with the way his heart rate fastened at every touch, and with how he would shift in his seat everytime your hands would make contact on his exposed skin, its become clear that... He most likely won't be able to take much more of this.
Five buttons popped open as you let your warm hands heat up his cold body. Your fingers made its way down to his chest, flicking and gently pulling at the small buds that were hardening.
Small muffled whimpers were heard through his bitten lip, his brows furrowing as he found it hard to type on the keyboard in front of him. Squeezing his legs together, he tried his hardest to not pay attention to how his body was being pleasured by you.
Then you pulled away.
"Mmh?" Looking up, he saw your smug smirk. "W-Why'd you..." Averting your gaze, he felt his face start to heat up.
Artem knew he should just do his work and then go home with you, but god did you know how to use your hands on his body. It was addicting to feel your soft nibbles on his neck.
Ignoring him, you made your way to the suitcase you had set down a bit ago. Flipping it open, he simply assumed that you had your own things to finish at your job.
All of that tension for you to do nothing to him? While he wasn't expecting a lot to happen in his office, he at least wanted something more than just a bit of biting.
It wasn't like he was about to complain, but now he's all pent up and his boxers were uncomfortably tight.
Sighing, he was about to wipe off the saliva and button back up his shirt— until you stopped his hand.
"Huh?" Tilting your head like a puppy, you gave Artem a quick innocent angelic smile. One that could fool anyone, including him. "Who said I was done with you?"
He was ashamed to admit this, but he did want you to do even more with his body.
The sight of Artem getting excited over you playing around with him made images flash through your mind. What else could you do to him— to make him shake in pleasure?
Oh, the possibilities are endless... With how adorably sensitive he is to everything, it would be easy.
Perhaps you should tease him the entire night? Use your fingers and thrust them into his tight hole?
Or, better yet..
"Stand up for a second for me, Artem." Hiding your hands behind your back, he simply complied, leaning over the desk so that he could still at least do a bit of work.
He had no idea what you wanted him to stand up, but with all the things you were doing to him, it must... Be something, right?
The sound of the chairs rollers squeaking against the carpet underneath perked his ears up. A loud metal clink was heard across the room, he figured you threw something there.
A hand made its way around his waist, caressing his hips. Another was on his thigh, a thumb in his inner. Slowly, it hooked around his belt and pulling it off, dropping to the ground in a final swoop.
This should be humiliating, he should be ashamed of himself for doing this in his own office at work. But god, did it feel so good.
"Come here~" Gently being pulled down, he loudly gasped and his eyes widened when he felt something hit his back. Your cock was out, against his bottom and dripping.
Unzipping his pants, he squeaked when your hand palmed against his hard erection that had formed.
Your grip on his waist tightened when he unconsciously rubbed himself up against you.
Gulping loudly, his whimpers growing when you lowered down his slacks and boxers. "Please, please.." Backing up against your member, he rubbed his ass against it, his hand holding it in place.
"Patience, darling." Opening up a bottle, the cap popped off and you dripped the liquid down into your palm.
Realization set in when he recognized the sound from the numerous nights before this. "How do you... Have lube..."
"I get bored at work."
"Thats so unprofessional of y—!!" His words were cut off when your pointer finger slid into him with ease, a small moan replacing the sentence instead.
Balling his pants up from the intrusion, he whined when a hand enveloped his member tightly. The sensations made his brain turn into jelly, barely even noticing the fact that you were leaving dark purple hickeys on him.
"Get back to work, Artem." He jerked his hips back into you, mouth open as he breathed heavily. "You still have emails to reply to~" Reminding him, he bit his lip and nodded.
Another finger was inserted, his eyes starting to grow blurry and cloudy with lust.
So good, it felt so good.
He should be at home doing this in the bed you two sleep in together.
But here he is, the attorney getting pleasured inside of his office.
The emails, right. He has to reply to five more and then finish up the report he was writing.
His tight walls gripped around your fingers, the small whimpers filling up the room. "You're doing so well for me~.." Lifting his shirt up, you placed light kisses on his back.
"Haa.. ha... ♡ " A third finger penetrated him, his mind dissolving into dust. The fast clicks on his keyboard slowed down and he struggled to even move his mouse.
your fingers curled up inside of him, eyes rolling back into his head. You made sure to remind him everyday of this moment by leaving small little love bites all over his shoulders and back.
"Whats your color?" Wrapping his waist with your arms, you leaned in and rested your chin on his shoulder.
Heavy breaths left him as he placed a hand over yours. "Green, green... Please give me more.."
With your cock in your hand, you gave it a few rubs before slapping it on his back. "You ready?"
Artem nodded, impatiently clawing at your leg to urge you to move. All the teasing was starting to get to him, the tip of his sex red and swollen.
Grabbing his hips, you lifted them up and slowly guided him down onto your member. "Mnn..♡ " Biting his shoulder to mask any sounds you were making, he let out soft whimpers as it went into him.
Putting your hands on his stomach, you caressed the sides, comforting Artem as he tried to adjust to your length.
Moonlight shined down through the window, the only other light source being the small lamp on his desk. He looked beautiful on your lap, the light hitting his skin in all the right ways.
Tapping your hand, he was ready for you to move.
Chuckling you shook your head a left a small kiss on his jaw. "Sorry, sweetheart," With a single finger, you dragged it up from the base of his cock up to the tip. Electricity shot through his body, whining when your thumb and finger wouldn't stop massaging the tip. "but you still have to do your work."
Holding him down, you were sure he wouldn't be able to move around with your grip on him.
Shakey hands made its way to the keyboard, red lines appearing under words as he tried his best to reply to a client. Gulping, his eyes looked down to see your hand completely wrapped around his sex.
How can he focus like this?
Every small movements you made your cock would slightly thrust into him, causing him to moan out. Trying to get some sort of pleasure, he started backing up into you.
Shushing him, you balled his hair up and gently pulled him back. "Don't move, darling." Yelping when he felt your hand harshly pinch his nipple, he nodded, but not without complaining.
"You're s-so..." Pushing his head to the side to have access to his neck, you bit down to leave a painful red mark. "—Nng..!! —c-cruel..."
He accidentally pressed one too many buttons while typing feeling your hand roughly squeeze his cock. "Says you. Youre the one whos been staying back here after closing hours." Suddenly thrusting up, Artem cried out and arched his back, your finger running down his spine.
"Hnn.. ♡" Wrapping your arms around his slender waist, you grinned when you noticed the brunettes frustrated pout.
The pulsating cock deep inside of his ass made him swallow hard, the fullness becoming more prominent by the second. His feet weren't even touching the ground, they were dangling since he was sitting so snuggly on your lap.
He felt ruined from doing this inside of his office, but he loved every second of it.
Beads of sweat slicked his back and dripped down his forehead. It felt as if his skin was on fire, burning to the touch.
The documents were typed with obvious typos and extra letters that weren't suppose to be in the word. Everytime you would lean in to kiss his neck, your waist would unknowingly shift and the cock inside of him with grind up.
Gripping the mouse in his hand, Artem's sweat slicked forehead had hair sticking to it. His cock twitched in excitement when feeling a hand wrap around it once more.
Light feather touches dusted against his thighs, the sensation causing him to buck up against you.
He hung his head low, mouth agape to take in heavy deep breaths. Holding your wrists that were wrapped around him in his hands, he squeezed them. "Sir, sir... Pl.. —ease..." Looking back with pleading eyes, there were tears starting to form in them.
"Don't you want to finish up your work?" goosebumps rose on his skin and he shuddered when he felt you pull your arms away and pour cold lube onto his bottom.
"Y-Yes.. But..."
"Then focus on that." You ordered, gripping his chin to make it face the bright white computer screen that illuminated his face. "Either way, you look so pretty like this." Mumbling low enough so that Artem could just barely hear, you groped his inner thigh.
It was covered in precum, his stomach was as well with a few drops. Such a beautiful sight for you, and only you to see.
The fullness inside of him, it was unbearable. Clenching his legs and rubbing his knees together, he ached for some type of pleasure.
Now, the room was spinning with how drunk on lust he was all over a little bit of teasing from you.
Artem, he was slowly going brainless- his mind turning into mush from your cock buried deep in him and the constant edging you had been doing.
Taking a quick peak on the screen, you notice that he only had one more email to reply to. Your hot breath tickled his neck, making hairs stand up on his body.
"Okay, I can't do this anymore." Grabbing his hips, your fingers gripped them harshly. He shot his head up, surprised by the sudden touch. "I need you right now." Biting down on his shoulder, you pulled out and slammed right back into him, causing him to cry out in pleasure.
"Hnn! W-Wait- Warning first!" Whining on your cock, he had his hands on the edge of his desk, knuckles turning white with how he had to hold himself up.
Holding his ass in one hand, in your other you were pulling back his hair, his neck straining.
Lewd squelches were heard in the room, Artem's moans echoing. "Ha—! Mnnn~—!!!!" Digging his nails into the wood, they were sure to leave pale marks into the table.
Important documents and files started falling off of the desk as you pulled on his soft brunette locks, making him arch his back further.
Artem's eyes widened- then rolled back into his head when feeling one of your hands tightly grip his hips. His legs shook in delight, drool seeping down and coating his swollen bottom lip.
With your thumb rubbing the head of his sex, you held his hips in place as he bounced on your lap. He was about to explode, his cock pulsating in your hands and his bottom rutting against you.
Needy pleads and moans echoed throughout his office, clawing at your leg and urging for you to pleasure him. That was all he could think about— pleasure.
You let out a moan while your member pulsed inside of him, not exactly expecting Artem to act like this. Who were you to complain though?
"Love, you're so close aren't you?" Teasing him, you stayed deep inside, grinding against him and consantly rubbing that little spot that sent shockwaves throughout his entire body.
Nipping at his neck you felt him try to pick himself up and create some type of movement. He was so desperate to climax that he would do anything at all to reach it.
"S-..So c-..lose....." Breathy sighs left him and a loud squeal erupted throughout the office when you held his hair tightly, pulling him back into your chest. Putting his head into your neck, you made him lean backwards and tried to adjust the position enough to make him still feel comfortable.
Holding up his legs and spreading them to have just a bit more room, you saw his cock twitch in anticipation. Slick was already starting to drip down, he was so close to bursting.
' cant think - cant think — ' Gritting his teeth, his vision blurred and hips bucked. Pushing his knees together with your hands right underneath them to keep him in place, he found it hard to do remotely anything other than moan and cry out your name.
Your hand back on his member, you started rapidly jerking your wrist. His body trembled and shook as he covered his mouth, unable to contain the loud moans.
"Ple—ase-" With a high pitch whimper, his eyes nearly looked starstruck with pleasure. "Let me cum—!" Panting, Artem felt you nod against his neck.
You were just as breathless as he was. The foreplay you were doing earlier really made your mind fog up with lust, all the lewd scenarios involving Artem clouding your thoughts.
"Please cum on my back—" His voice was shaky and small light tears were starting to drip down his rosy cheeks. "-need to feel it.. o-on m— haa- ♡ !" Digging your nails into his hips, he jerked up and whipped his head back.
Your thrusts grew sloppy as you had difficulty keeping up, your breaths hitching everytime Artem would slightly shift to the side or clench around you. Burying your head into the crook of his neck, you squeezed your eyes shut while moaning.
He was stuffed- full of your hard erection that was hitting all the right spots within him. He felt like he was in heaven.
You leaned him down into his desk, putting all of your weight onto his body. Shoving the keyboard to the side - as well as other irrelevant items that were there- you could feel him quiver from his soon to come high.
With a loud high pitched moan, you lifted his button up shirt up and shot your seed all over his back. His arousal shot skyward when feeling you spill yourself all over his back- painting him in white.
Leaving marks into the desk, his knees buckeled and he started losing his balance when the heat in his sex grew.
Rubbing his hips gently, you nipped at his neck leaving small little bruises. Purring into his ears, your grip around him tightened every now and then- much like a pulse. "You're doing so well for me, darling." You whispered, giggling when all he could do is whine.
Arching his back, his mind completely went blank for a split second and his vision was white. His eyes rolling back, Artem shot his load into your hand.
"♡♡♡!!!" His eyes shot open when he felt your tongue glide across his back, the wet sensation making him tremble in delight. Licking your lips, you chuckeled. You couldn't leave too much of a mess in his office after all.
With heavy deep breaths, you fell back into the chair with Artem still on your lap. Holding him close, you breathed in his scent while savoring his warmth in the cold office.
You two stayed still for a moment, overcoming the climax first before doing anything else. You still couldn't feel your legs with how intense that was.
His hand went atop of yours, tracing little shapes into the back of it. "Let me get aaaa—" Reaching inside the white coat you had flung to the side next to you, you pulled out a small packet of wet wipes.
Sighing, Artem narrowed his eyes. "Do i even want to know why you have this..?"
"Honestly? No, you don't." You stated honestly, grinning after seeing him sigh in disappointment. Placing a quick peck on his cheek, you gestured for him to lift his bottom up.
Wiping him down with a few wipes, you started cleaning yourself up as he tried his best to tidy himself up and dust off anything on his work clothes.
Just before he could shimmy himself away from the desk, you grabbed him by the tie to give him a gentle kiss on his soft lips.
Flustered, he pulled away once it was over and cleared his throat, face beat red once more.
Sighing, he stared at his legs. "You tore a hole in my pants.."
Raising a brow, you threw all the dirty wiped into his trash can. "Wasn't that you? You were gripping your pants pretty tightly."
"What? No..." He stopped midway buckeling his belt, trying to think back. "Well ...? Maybe?"
Hooking a arm around his waist, you kissed over the marks you left on his neck. "Its fine~ I'll stitch them up for you."
Nodding, he yawned into his hand, peering up at the clock. "Hey, can we go home now? I'm tired.." Leaning back into your touch, he crooned his cheek into your hand went you went to caress him. "You did offer to drive me home after all."
"I completely forgot that I was suppose to be driving you home." Chaste pecks covered his face as he tried to hide his embarrassment. "Alright, lets go home now, okay love?
"Yeah.. Lets go home.."
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cheapsweets · 8 months
The self-sacrificing Rubkawat
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My response to this week’s BestiaryPosting challenge, from @maniculum (thanks again for running these!)
Initial pencil sketch, then lines in Pental brush pen, and colours with Derwent inktense paint. The brush pen is really fun to use, and you can produce some interesting effects and lovely transitions between thin and thick lines... I think I need some more practice! 😅 I would have loved to get in some more fine details on the chicks, but I've enjoyed getting to grips with the pen a bit more, even if a lot of that is learning what I still have to get better at! On the plus side, it proved to be completely waterfast (particularly compared to my fountain pen inks), which worked nicely with the concept I had.
You can also see where I started painting the water a slightly deeper colour, then changed my mind and watered down the paint a lot more. We'll just say that bit's deeper or something, right? 😉
Reasoning below the cut...
"The Rubkawat is a bird of Egypt, living in the wilderness of the River Nile, from which it gets its name. It is devoted to its young. When it gives birth and the young begin to grow, they strike their parents in the face. But their parents, striking back, kill them. On the third day, however, the mother-bird, with a blow to her flank, opens up her side and lies on her young and lets her blood pour over the bodies of the dead, and so raises them from the dead."
Okay, so I'm pretty much 100% sure that I know what this creature is (I'll be very surprised if I'm wrong, that is some pretty specific behavious described there), so I was trying really hard not to let that knowledge influence my drawing. We know it's a water bird (I also read the description similar to @silverhart-makes-art and wondered whether it gave live birth, but wasn't sure how to represent this short of having no broken eggshells in the nest). As such, we've again got a generic-ish looking water bird, went with a white colour partially to proovide contrast with the other main colour, and partially because I associate Egypt with white birds (Egyptian vulture, ibis...), as well as a lot of water birds such as egrets.
We have a pointy but reasonably broad beak because we need something that can do some damage 😟 and I gave it some eyebrows/tufts of feather above its eyes as a bit of little egret swag - there were originally only meant to be two tufts, but after I drew them in with the brush pen I realised the perspective was off, so I added two more to even it out :D
The nest is partially surrounded by water, and we have some reeds to reflect that the Rubkawat is probably nesting in the marshes of the river Nile.
So, we have a red patch on the mother's cheek where the chicks pecked at her three days earlier, on her beak where she's opened up her side, and... well, I didn't want to go too realisitic, hence the blood flowing from the wound and filling up the whole of the inside of the nest, covering the chicks (apart from their eyes).
Most of my chicks from previous challenges have been at more of a distance - as noted above, I would have liked to reliably get some finer lines in there, but we do have some more detail. Now, @coolest-capybara mentioned to me that she thought my chicks reminded her of Woodstock from the Peanuts comics, and this isn't something that had ever occurred to me, but it's also nothing I can deny! 😆 We have some small, fuzzy (and if we're honest, probably quite wet and sticky now...) chicks clambering to their feet, flopping around and yelling now they've been resurrected.
"It is also a characteristic of this bird, they say, that it always suffers from thinness, and that whatever it swallows, it digests immediately, because its stomach has no separate pocket in which to retain food. Food does not fatten its body, therefore, but only sustains it and gives it strength."
Slightly tricky one given than 90% of a bird is floof and feathers... If the creature is the one I suspect it is, I can see how this particular myth originated, but we're not going there! I probably could have made the mother bird a bit thinner, but I think I was focused more on the other aspects of the description and of making her bird-shaped. Things to consider for the future 🙂
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Kinda wondering if you’ve done any Pokémon trainer eating Pokémon stuff- human trainer devouring Pokémon, either in pokeballs or not, by whatever means has always been a favorite of mine >>
Could have one trainer defeat another in battle and gulp the loser’s team, or just a Pokémon hunter…
Oh yeah, I've done this kinda stuff before and it's still really good! Maybe I'll treat this as an excuse to write for some more guys I like in the series.
L.arry lets out a sickly groan, stuck on the floor after the stool he'd been using broke under him. He had been trying a new dish from his favorite restaurant...after enough goading, of course. It had seemed fine at first, just some dumplings that he was told to swallow down whole, which he managed even if he found it strange. Turns out they were "P.okemon Surprise Dumplings" with the surprise being...well, whatever P.okemon happened to be the in P.okeball that was baked into them. L.arry didn't find that out until the first one cracked open and his gut had suddenly expanded. Once the confused P.okemon found himself curled up tight in some stranger's gut, the squirming began, and it didn't take long for the rest of them to pop out. The salaryman can't move at all now, pinned to the floor with a stuffed gut in his lap, the P.okemon inside thrashing around wildly in some vain attempt to escape his guts. A thick belch rumbles out of the man, sending a P.okeball flying from his jaws and clattering to the floor. No one else is paying him any mind, as if it were entirely normal for him to be stuck like this with such a full gut. It's not as though L.arry minds such a filling meal, either, but he can't exactly do his job if he's stuck sitting here trying to digest all of this live meat. His belly is complaining about it all a bit, too, with the way it gurgles and groans intensely over his live meals. He just knows he's going to be here for a while trying to process all of this. He's sure the chef has a pretty smug look on his face seeing him like this, too. L.arry lets out a defeated sigh and slumps back to lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He really can't catch a break even at his favorite restaurant. He looks at his gut and taps the bulging snout of something trying to shove its face around. "You're lucky, honestly. You have an easy job in there. I'm the one who has to lug you guys around for the rest of the day." There's no way he's going to digest all of this before his break is over, either. He'll be lucky if they've even stopped moving by then. He should really start using his vacation days...
D.rayden crosses his arms and stands tall as he slurps down the thrashing tail hanging from his jaws. He maintains eye contact with the shivering trainer as the last Pokemon disappears down his gullet, a thick belch ringing out shortly after. His shirt is open, stomach surging forth with the trainer's entire team packed into it. The dragon tamer won't say he takes any pleasure in snuffing out a trainer's career like this...but he won't say he dislikes it, either. "If that's the last of them, then you can go," the gym leader says. "Your team is forfeit as my food now. That's how it works around here." Training D.ragon types is a difficult job. It requires a lot of strength as well as authority. D.rayden masters that by being merciless in battles of any kind, always devouring the P.okemon that lose to him. D.ragon types respect that type of power and authority and are more willing to fall in line because of it. As a result, though, there's rarely a battle in this gym that doesn't result in at least one trainer's Pokemon disappearing down the hatch. His body usually burns it all away after so many years of practiced devouring. It merely becomes raw energy for him or, if he takes the time, some muscle mass with the right regimen. Already his stomach is burbling and gurgling loudly, the weak and defeated Pokemon an easy meal for his powerful gut. They likely won't last the hour. He's certain that first one he devoured is already becoming soup in him. The trainer stayed in front of D.rayden, though, clearly left in shock over such a devastating and permanent loss. "If you stay, then I'll have to send you in after them," the gym leader explains. "And I'm sure you'd rather avoid that." It was a bit cruel, maybe, to not at least let the trainer be there for his team's final moments. But he tried not to devour trainers if he could help it--at least, so long as their losing team can sate him. He watches the trainer scurry off in an instant, leaving the gym leader alone with his team. Another harsh belch rumbles from deep within D.rayden and he closes his eyes. He can already feel the P.okemon softening up in his stomach, their battle making them too weak to resist such intense digestion. Before long, they'll be gone, and D.rayden will be facing a new trainer with a flat, growling stomach waiting for its next defeat. He's a patient man, at least. He'll be ready.
"Yeah, now that's some protein!" C.rasher W.ake calls out with a big grin. His stomach bounces and sloshes around, some wailing from the P.okemon lost inside. He always loves getting some good meals in his off time and this is definitely one of them. He might've snuck some P.okemon away from some strong trainers but who could blame him? Powerful trainers means powerful P.okemon, and that means big gains for him! His stomach flexes once and the P.okemon inside is broken down in an instant, a roaring belch coming from the gym leader. He laughs and lazily tosses another P.okeball into his maw, gulping it down like a piece of candy. Once it drops into his gut, it opens, and he has another thrashing beast filling his tank out. "That's right, give me all you've got! Show me how much you'll add to my muscle!" He pats his gut a few times, making the P.okemon inside roar out in frustration at being teased. W.ake didn't pay it much mind. All it takes is a flex of his gut and that P.okemon is reduced to a thick slush in his stomach. He lets loose another monstrous belch, followed by some jovial laughter. Several more P.okemon disappear down the hatch the same way, reduced to a thick slurry in his guts that was steadily being absorbed into his body. It made the wrestler bulk out, his muscles getting thicker and his gut becoming softer. he belches deeply again, patting his gut as it polishes off the last of the P.okemon he snagged. He's sure no one will really miss them, and even if they do, those P.okemon went to a good cause! The wrestler flexes his arms, laughing to himself. "That's what I'm talking about! Nothing does the body better than some prime P.okemon meat!" He'll definitely be ready for his next big battle now. He's certain of it.
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elliesw1ft · 1 year
4ever🏹 E. W.
loser!ellie x reader
"is it every gonna change? am i gonna feel this way forever?" -4ever / clairo
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•warnings bae!: smut, f1ngering, kissing, begging, swearing, just ellie eatin u out<3
•notesies: please reblog would mean so much 2 me!! fic by @elliesw1ft only on tumblr!
"yeah, cya tomorrow dee!"
you wave at dina as your leave the campus. The sky was dark, cloudy, and you know its about to rain. You were planning on walking to your apartment since its not that far. Just a small 10 minutes walk. Maybe you'll take a taxi? That sounded like a better option than walking in the rain and getting sick tomorrow
You called a taxi and hopped on. All the way to the apartement you just stared through the window admiring the rainy downtown streets.
"Thank you"
You said to the driver while handing out a $20 bill. You rushed to the lobby entrance and went inside the elevator only to meet.... ugh... Ellie Williams. Not only does she go to the same campus as you, she is also you next door neighboor. Just great. You always had find her anoyying. But secretly, you kinda do have a crush on her. you see her, alot. Considering she is your neighboor after all.
Ellie looked like she was about to exit the elavator. But oddly, when you entered she didnt. She instead stayed there and went back to the 5th floor with you. You tried avoiding eye contact with her but Ellie did, she looks at you with a smile. "Hey y/n, where you've been pretty?" Ellie has always been a little... fruity? "Hey. Ellie. Got back from campus." Ellie just smirks and got closer to you making her hand touch your bare thighs making you..... nervous? What?
The elevator stop, you and Ellie exits the elevator together. "come over won't ya, pretty?" She asks you whilst smiling. "And what makes you think i will?" You asked with an annoyed face.
"Just think about helping out your neighboor not feeling so lonely."
"Is that a yes?"
"Fine. Whatever."
Okay, okay, you secretly want to come over. Your just a little shy?
You followed Ellie to her room like a lost puppy. Instead of going in to 508, like usual. You go in 509. Ellie's room. As you entered, you put you bag down and looked at ellie's room. Let's just say her room was very 'ellie'. Poster's of bands, hoodies and basic tops everywhere. On her bed. Even the floor. She's pretty messy.
"Sorry, bit messy."
A bit? It was a masive ship wreck.
You sat down on ellie's bed. You couldn't help to notice that the bed smells just like ellie. Ellie sits next to you. She carresess her fingers on your thighs. You swallow your own spit and looks everywhere but ellie.
"Why aren't you sayying anything? You like getting touched huh?"
"Maybe i do"
"Do you want me to continue?"
You swiftly nod. "Lay down babe" she demands. You lay down on ellie's warm bed. Ellie pins you down to her bed and whispers into your ears.
"I wanna taste you."
"Please do."
"How about you beg first babe"
"Please? Ellie?"
"Please what babe?"
"Please make me cum. Pleaseeeeeepleaseeee!"
"Since you asked sooooo nicely..."
Ellie kisses you on the lips and pulls down your shorts. She plays with your underwear before slipping in your wet cunt. "So wet already?" You just nod trying not to moan as her fingers slip in. You bite your lower lips and roll back your eyes.
She kept fingering you harder and harder making you moan louder. You swear the neighboors could hear you. But you didn't care.
"mgonna c-cum els"
"go on you little slut"
You made an absoloute mess on her bed. Ellie could care less honestly.
"Do you want me to clean you up babe?"
"Y-yeah su-sure"
"I'll make it quick"
"If you insist."
Ellie stops fingering you and starts kissing your wet dippy cunt. She starts licking it like a little kitten. You put your fingers in your mouth as she tounge fucked you. "I fucking love you els" you said to her. She got closer to your face and makes out with you.
She continues eating you out. You swear you could pass out any moment. But you didn't want her to stop anytime soon. Moans escaped from your mouth over and over. Weren't you tired? Yes. Do you want her to stop? Absoloutely not.
You know you've been wanting this since forever. You know, after you broke up with your ex. It was a long story. You couldn't think about it right now while ellie's tounge was inside of you as you breathe heavily.
"Your mine. Forever."
hiyyaa! Another short smut! Hope u liked it!! More soon<3<3<3 love yall babes
Lotsa lotsa loveeee from urs truly,
#elliewilliams #wlw #elliewilliamssmut #elliewilliamsxreader #elliewilliamsxyou
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Onewe&Oneus Golden retriever Hybrid!Deongmyeong x reader ft. Golden retriever Hybrid!Dungju & reader's Brother
Adopted chaper 2
Onewe masterlist
Chapter 1.
"Sooo what do you want?" I gave him my phone. His eyes widden "wait we don't have to choose between something specific?" I shook my head "why should I do that?" He shurged "I'm just used to only be able to pick from something that's given from our previous owners" I looked at him "you don't have to worry about that anymore." I laughed "as long as you don't run a 100$ bill it's fine, you can choose everything you want" his eyes began to sparkle even more and he started looking through the options.
After sometime he handed me the phone back, he had picked out burgers for himself and pizza for his brother. And 2 cokes. After that I picked Pizza for my brother and for me some burgers with fries. Also both of us with coke.
"Good that'll take about 45minutes. What do you want to do in the meantime? " I looked at him. We both still stood in the kitchen "Can we watch a movie or something?" I nodded "of couse" we went to the livingroom area and sat down on the couch. "Here you can look through the options because I really don't know what to watch" I already putted Netflix on the TV and handed him the remote.
But he hesitated at first "they didn't let you do anything could that be?"
His eyes still on the remote but he nodded. I sighted. "How I hate people like that...." I mumbled to myself.... but apparently he heard it because he now looked at me weirdly. I leaned my head slightly to the side confused "did I say something wrong?" He still stared at me. But shook his head soon after. And he finally grabbed the remote and began to look trought the movies. He found one and gave me the remote back. I started it, placed the remote on the table and leaned back.. //I really should have been taking the whole day of not just half of it...// I felt him shift around "You good?" I still had one eye closed but looked at him with the other. "Not really you are really tensed and distressed.. and I don't know how to help you..." He kept shifting around till grabbed his wrist gently and pulled him half on top of me in a hug. "Relax..." I mumbled, his first tense body began to relax again and he made himself comfortable and positioned himself to be able to keep watching the movie.
After sometime the doorbell ringed which made him jump slightly and move away from me. "It's ok just wait I'll get the food." With that I left and got the food. I sat down everything on the table the movie paused. "Could you get the others? I need to get plates and that stuff so we can eat" He nodded and ran up the stairs.
I got everything ready and sat back down. I heard footsteps and looked up to see all three of them coming to the livingroom. Dongmyeong jumped back to his place next to me which made all of us laugh. His brother sat down next to him and B/N on the couchchair next to him. I started the movie again and we began to eat. "Y/N ?" I looked at Dongju and nodded, signaling him that I'm listening, since I didn't wanted to talk with food in my mouth "Dongmyeong said you let him pick whatever he wanted for both of us without you first deciding on thing that he could choose from.. why?" I swallowed the last bit of food "why not? I mean we can choose too so it be unfair if you guys wouldn't be allowed to do the same." He nodded "And I mean as long as it's not a 100$ bill I don't care" I laughed which made Dongju relax a bit. "Thank you" me and my brother looked at them confused "Why do you guys always thank us for the most normal things?" B/N asked. They changed lookes and as I was about to explain it to my brother Dongju interrupted me. "It's ok, I know Dongmyeong already told you. I'll explain everything." With that he began to explain why they acted the way they did.
After that we had finished dinner and I gathered everything to put it into the dishwasher and trash.
"Can we help you?" I looked up "no its ok." I smiled at them and took everything to the kitchen. B/N putted everything into the dishwasher and I threw the trash away.
As we came back B/N announced he would go back to play video games. Dongju stood unsure in the middle of the room but my brother turned back "Your allowed to do whatever you want and if you want you can come and we play together again" That was what took Dongju to follow my brother back to his room. I planted myself back on the couch. This time laying down, I noticed Dongmyeong watching me and I opened my arms as an invitation for him to come cuddle. He was first surprised but his tail began to swing happily and he took the invitation and cuddled up to me. I putted my arms around him and began to pat his head and run my fingers trough his hair //Damn he has soft hair// he seemed to become more and more relaxed and soon fell asleep in my arms. I smiled down at him, soon closing my eyes to letting sleep take over me.
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falcqns · 3 years
Pairing: Dad!Henry Cavill x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: Henry meets his daughter for the first time.
Warnings: fluff, slight angst. Dad!Henry
A/N: I don't know why I'm a sucker for these types of stories but I am. Hope you enjoy!
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It's been two years and two days exactly since you and Henry had broken up.
It had been one year, one month, and two weeks exactly since you had given birth to his daughter, the daughter he had no idea existed.
It hadn't been a particularly nasty break up or anything, but both of you were hurting. You both wanted the relationship to work out, and when it didn't, you were both too heartbroken to even remain friends.
You had moved away from London not long after the breakup, deciding to live in Manchester, which was closer to your family. When you found out you were pregnant, you had tried to call him, but he had blocked your number. You had no way of contacting him other than through instagram, but he had unfollowed you and you knew your message would get lost in the thousands he received a day if you tried that.
You had no way of contacting his family either. You didn't know what to do. You had told your family, and they were insanely happy for you, even though you were going to be a single mother. When your mom had sat down and told you her and your father would do anything to help and support you through whatever decision you made, you knew the answer.
You were going to be a single mother.
When your daughter Aurorra Enola Cavill was born nine months later, you knew you made the right choice. Being a single mother may not have been what you were planning in life, but holding your blue eyed and brown curly haired baby in your arms for the first time, you knew it was what you were meant to do.
Aurorra had become your little bestie. She was such a well behaved baby. She rarely cried, slept through the night not long after she turned a week old, and was always full of smiles that were clearly from her father. There was never any doubt in your mind that she was Henry's, and every time you looked at her and saw her blue eyes, brown hair, and her cuddly chunky body, it only solidified that fact.
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Aurorra had just turned 13 months old, and your job transferred you back to London, so you and Aurorra had just made the big move back.
You had opted to move back to the same neighbourhood both because of the safety of it, and because you knew you'd have a good chance of running into Henry. You had thought about it for months on end, and knew he couldn't be kept in the dark any more.
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You had just finished unpacking the last box in the bedroom, when Aurorra woke up from her afternoon nap. You changed her and the two of you headed out to ASDA to get some groceries.
You pulled in the driveway and saw car that looked similar to Henry's BMW, but you didn't think anything of it. You parked and got a less than happy Aurorra out of her carseat and strapped her into the cart before heading on your shopping journey.
You had made it through the fruits and vegetables, and was heading to the freezer section to grab frozen fruit for the growing 13 month old, when you saw a familiar back in the same aisle.
It was Henry. There was no doubt about that. He was wearing a white knitted cardigan, with faded blue jeans, and running shoes. From the top of his cardigan you saw a dark blue t shirt poking out. His hair was slightly messy, but still curly. He was reading the nutrition information on the back of a frozen energy bowl, and you quietly opened the fridge, hoping to grab what you needed from this aisle and escape without him noticing you.
You had gone over seeing him again a million times in your head, and in no way did you plan on it being in the grocery store with other people around.
But, 13 month olds have a mind of their own. At that moment, Aurorra saw a popsicle package with the characters from her favourite show, Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, and proceeded to squeal and call your attention.
"Mama!" She squealed and pointed a chunky hand at the popsicles. "Bug!" You glanced up and Henry and watched as he did a double take back at you. His eye brow furrowed, but you ignored him, instead turning to your baby.
"Yes, that is Ladybug. Would you like them?" You asked, and she nodded eagerly. You smiled and grabbed them out of the freezer once you noticed they were organic. "Say thank you," You prompted, and she brought the same chunky hand up to her chin and then down flat towards you. It wasn't the most perfect sign, but she was still learning.
You saw Henry walk up to you and had to steel yourself for the coming conversation. "Y/N?" He asked, and you turned around to face him.
"Hi, Henry." You said, placing the popsicles in the cart with the rest of your groceries. He smiled at you, and then glanced at Aurorra. She smiled and cooed at him and he smiled back, and stroked her cheek. "Hows everything," you asked, trying to avoid the question you knew was about to come.
"Everything's good. Kal misses you. Still sleeps with the teddy you got him," He said, his eyes locked on your daughter. You smiled.
"Well, tell him I miss him too. Now, if you'll excuse me, we're running a little late. I have to get home and get her fed." You said, but before you could move the cart Henry asked you the question.
"I-is she mine?" He asked, and you nodded, trying to swallow the lump that had been forming in your throat, to no avail.
"Y-Yes." You stuttered, and seconds later, Henry's arms enveloped you. "I-Im sorry," You whimpered, and Henry shushed you.
"Its okay. Let's not talk about it here. How about I meet you at your place once were both done?" He suggested, and you agreed, before giving him your address.
"Okay. I'll see you there." he said, giving you another hug, and pressing a kiss to the top of Aurorra's hand that had curled around his pointer finger. He stroked her cheek once more, before giving you both a smile, and heading off. He grabbed his cart with groceries, and made his way towards the checkout.
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By the time you had finished shopping and made it home, Henry was parked in the driveway. You took a deep breath, and got out, giving him a smile. He returned it, and got out of his car before walking over to help you.
He grabbed the groceries, leaving you to grab Aurorra, who squealed at the sight of Henry. Henry chuckled, and blew her a kiss. He followed the two of you inside. You set Aurorra down, who stumbled on her own feet before stabilizing, her empty bottle in the right hand.
"Go put your baba in the kitchen please," You said, and she babbled to herself as she walked off, ignoring you and Henry.
"She's absolutely adorable," Henry said, and you smiled. "Well, she is your daughter," You said. Henry threw his head back and laughed before following you into the kitchen.
You set the bags down on the ground and turned to put away the ones Henry set on the counter. You two made small talk while putting away the groceries, mainly about work. You heard ruffling behind you but didn't think anything of it, as Aurorra usually liked to help put away the soup cans.
"Mama?" You heard a little voice ask and you turned around to face Aurorra. She was holding the box of popsicles out to you in one hand, while her other hand made a clockwise motion on her chest, signing please.
You smiled and took the box from her.
"After dinner, okay?" You said, and she didn't like that very much. She plopped on her butt and began to cry.
Her arms reached up to where the popsicles were and sobbed her little heart out. Henry's heart melted and scooped her up. "It's okay baby girl," He said, bouncing her. She sniffled, but calmed down and laid her head on his shoulder. He smiled in happiness, and pressed a kiss to her curly head.
He turned to you. "I just realized, I don't know her name," he said, and you smacked your head.
"Shit sorry, I completely forgot to mention that. Her names Aurorra Enola Cavill. I made sure she got your last name, and that you're on the birth certificate." You said, running your hands through her curly hair.
"Enola? Like Enola Holmes?" He asked, as Aurorra cuddled closer, her chunky arms wrapping around his neck. You nodded.
"Yeah. I couldn't think of a middle name for her, and I was watching Enola Holmes just before she was born. It was the scene where Sherlock and Mycroft see Enola on the train platform and you say her name. I knew then it was perfect." You said, and Henry smiled.
"It's a beautiful name," he said, wrapping his free arm around you. The three of you stood there for a few minutes, before Aurorra shook her hands at you, and tried to wiggle out of Henry's arms.
"Ah dun, Mama." She said. Henry pressed a kiss to her chunky cheek, and let her onto the floor. She scurried away seconds later, towards her bedroom.
"Is she okay wandering by herself?" He asked, watching her little body fall to her hands and knees, but get up and brush it off before continuing on her mission.
"Yeah she'll be fine. She's just going to play." You said, and Henry nodded before pulling you into his arms fully.
"I really am sorry I didn't tell you about her. I couldn't contact you or anyone in your family, and I didn't have the energy during my pregnancy or after to make the journey to London. I promise I didn't plan on hiding her forever." You said, and Henry squeezed you even tighter.
"It's okay. I know you'd never do something like that on purpose. You've done an amazing job raising her. I just wish I had witnessed it."
"You'll get to see her grow. You might have missed her start life, but I have everything recorded. Her first breath, her first steps, her first words, all of it. I know it's not the sam-" You said, but were cut off by his lips.
His hand travelled up to cup your face, before he pulled away. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just- You amaze me, you know that?" He said and you giggled.
"How so?" You questioned.
He rested his forehead on yours before continuing. "You thought to record everything. You made sure she has my last name and that I'm on the birth certificate. You didn't have to do that, but you did. I've missed you so much, and I didn't know just how much until I saw you in ASDA. I never should have left. I never should have blocked you." He said, a tear falling from his blue eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that alone. Thats never what I wanted. But, I promise to be the best dad to her, whether we're together or not."
"I know you will be," You said, and pulled Henry in for another kiss.
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The groceries were put away a few minutes later and you told Henry to go and play with Aurorra while you cooked, which he happily did.
He walked down the hallway to her bedroom, and smiled lovingly when he saw his daughter sitting on the ground playing with blocks, a stuffed Akita just like Kal secure under her arm. She was babbling to a Mickey Mouse toy that sat in the corner of the room, and was stacking blocks.
Henry began to walk in the room when she stopped babbling let out a sneeze and a sigh. He grabbed a Kleenex from the change table and sat down next to her.
"Hey sweetheart, can I wipe your nose?" Henry asked, seeing the snot coming from her nose due to the sneeze. She looked up at him and giggled, which Henry took as a yes, and he wiped her nose quickly before disposing of it in the garbage can.
She began babbling again, and pushed the Akita stuffy into his hands. "Goggy," She said, and clapped, which made Henry smile.
"It is a doggy. I have a doggy like your stuffy, wanna see?" He asked, and she nodded and clapped.
Henry pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of Kal. Aurorra stood up and clambered into his lap, which Henry welcomed. When she saw the picture of Kal, she started bouncing and clapping again.
"Goggy! Goggy wun!" She exclaimed when he showed her a video of him running.
"Thats right, he is running. He's really good at it too, believe me." Henry said and put his phone away. Aurorra stood up and reached out her arm for him, opening and closing her fist. Henry stood up, and let her take his big hand in her tiny one, and lead him out of the room, and towards the back door that led to the backyard, babbling the entire way.
"Hold on, honey, we gotta tell Mama we're going outside, okay?" He said and she nodded before running to the kitchen shouting Mama.
Henry watched as she stood in the doorway and babbled before pointing at the door. She held her hand in front of her face and moved it out, closing it into a fist.
"You're going outside?" You asked, and she nodded. Henry saw you bend down and whisper something into her ear with a smile on your face and Aurorra giggle but didn't think much of it, before his little girl was running towards him and squealing.
He scooped her up and carried her out the door. She pointed at the toy box in the corner of the yard and Henry carried her over. He sat her down and opened it, before letting her pick what she wanted to play with. She grabbed a bucket with shovels and molds before running over to the lady bug sandbox and patting the lid. Henry chuckled and pulled the lid off.
"You wanna play in the sand?" He asked, and she nodded before climbing in.
Henry sat down next to her, and a shovel was thrust into his hand seconds later. She had a bright yellow one in her own hand and was digging a hole. Henry followed suit and helped her dig the hole.
A few minutes later she handed Henry a elephant mold.
"Put, Dada." She said, and Henry's breath caught in his throat, the mold falling from his hand.
"Did you say Dada?" He asked her, tears clouding his vision, and he saw her smile and point at the house.
"Mama, say." she said, picking up the elephant mold again.
"Mama told you I'm your Dada?"
She nodded and shook the mold in his face, practically begging him to take it. Henry smiled and pulled her out of the sand box, into his arms.
"I am your Dada, and I promise you I will love you forever." He said, and kissed her cheeks. She giggled before pointing at the sand box and doing grabby hands. Henry chuckled but put her back where she was. He picked up the mold and began to fill it with sand before she got upset.
"I apologize for interrupting your playtime," He said. "Now, lets make some animals."
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Later that night, when Aurorra had been fed and put to bed, Henry pressed another kiss to your lips.
"She called me Dada when we were playing outside." He confessed and your eyes lit up.
"Really? I told her before she went out with you that you were her Dada, I wasn't expecting her to say it so soon!" You exclaimed. Henry chuckled, and pulled you into his lap.
"I'm so happy she did. Thank you for giving me her." He said, pressing his lips to yours before you could respond.
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