#whatever yoh make of it really
surpriserose · 2 years
Finished the dark beyond the stars 🫡🫡🫡 get ready for the next book poll maybe with actual titles this time 😳
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vickyyoon · 8 months
Pretty boy
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Genre : smut, fluff
C/w: smut, roommate hyunjin, pervy! Hyunjin, jerking off, sub!Hyunjin, softdom! Reader, fluffy smut, unprotected sex ( don't do it guys), masturbating
Paring : sub!hyunjin x fem!reader
Synopsis : you moved in with that pretty boy who you liked for a long time only to find out he has the same feelings for you.
He caught your eyes the first day you saw him at the party. You were really never a party person but when you do go there, you're always the life of the party, until him.
Your friends knew him and you got in contact with him through other friends. You two never really hung out and he never really seemed to be sincere with you, he would just act like he knew you.
Up until university you realize the distance from home and uni is alot more, you couldn't afford to wake up 5 in the morning just to travel there by 8 am so your friends set you up with hyunjin.
He rented an apartment and since he had trouble paying the rent, he decided to split it with someone. There you were moving in with him. Your room right next to his.
By this time yoh already realized he was never gonna be yours, such a pretty boy, so out of your league so you gave up trying to catch his attention. Keeping the distance and just being a good roommate to him.
He often kept the house clean and you were pretty surprised, he was heard working too, always reaching home from work shifts and studying late until he fell asleep.
You realised he cant make time to take take of himself. So with out directly telling him you would do small things for him like make breakfast and his lunch. Often taking care of his house dog kkami.
He did notice and you could tell he it got much easier for him. He started to open up to him, you would listen to him ranting on and on, he loved talking and was more extroverted than you thought he was. He would always tell you his problems.
" sometimes it's just great to have someone to tell these things about."
You too started seeing him nothing more than just a friend, and as time flew by you two were like best friends. He would hang out with you most of the time. Going on dates, planning things with you, ordering for you, anything he thinks you'll like or want he'll get it for you. Whatever he receives he saves some for you.
Suddenly you became his ideal person, his everything, and he was growing alot on you. His heart burns when hes near you and it feels so good. Just to be with you, just to have you next to him. He's lucky he gets to see you everyday.
When ever you two get in to arguments which is rare he'll immediately apologize when he realizes you're getting mad. But on days when you would lock yourself up from him he would be crushed, he didn't know why you mattered so much when you were just his roommate and someone he's never really cared for before.
Whenever you would go out for holidays, he would call you and if you don't pick up he'll be upset the rest of the day, he just misses you so much.
This little innocent love of his turned into obsession. When you were gone he would steal you underwear and jerk off to them.
He would often 'borrow' your hoodies and never return them, only wearing it every wear and smelling you. Until the smell is gone he won't give it back to you.
He was getting alot more clingy, always asking for hugs and holding onto your arm where ever you went out. Alot of people tell you that you two make a cute couple but you would correct them.
He was just so afraid to confess his feelings for you, that you won't feel the same way about him and push him away so his only resort was this.
And soon enough you noticed it too.
You would often wonder where you new pair of underwear went or how your favorite shirt you put in the laundry just dissappear or how you lost a whole goddamn pillow.
Things from your room suddenly just went missing and no trace of them would be found, you never suspected him because he didn't seem like that type of person.
One day you came home from work a bit early when you notice your newly bought shirt missing, you were about to ask hyunjin for it but you thought he was busy with something important so instead of harshly shouting his name, you slowly peeped through his door to see what he was busy with.
There he was on his bed, head on the head board, sweating.
You looked down to see him rubbing your shirt against his cock, smelling it. His eyes rolling to the back of his head in immense pleasure. He was jerking off with your shirt?
" hnng- please p-please y/n"
Did you hear that right? Did he really just say your name?
His head was spinning thinking about you riding him. He has the best orgasms thinking about you. Whimpers and pants escaping from mouth. The way he sugar coats your name everytime he says it.
He was about to cum, chanting your name over and over again. Face red and sweaty.
That's when you barged in, "is that my shirt?"
He froze covering his lower half with the blanket beside him, his orgasm was pushed far away now. His was embarrassed and fearful of what you would think of him now.
" I-it's not what it seems like, y/n plea-"
" I saw everything hyunjin, no need to hide it anymore."
He was shaking at the verge of crying, you pitied the boy, dispite him being much bigger than you, he looked so small and red now. He looked so pretty
You sat on his bed facing him.
" so thats where all my underwear and shirts going?"
You said looking at the peeping shirt you lost in his drawer. That had him even more embarrassed. You sat down in the edge of the bed. Tugging the black strand of hair behind his ear taking him by surprise as he gazed up at you.
His chest and face so red at the moment, what were you trying to do?
" I never knew you liked me that way. You could've just asked me out and I would've said yes."
" but I thought maybe you don't feel the same way and you'll leave me when you find out."
" what? Leave you? Why would I leave you? I mean you're such a pretty boy who would say no to you? Wouldn't everyone want to be with you?"
" p-pretty?" he asked asked confused and embarrassed, everyone's called him manly and tough but no one's ever seen him so soft and called him pretty.
" mhmm. So do you still want to jerk off with my shirt or let me help you?" you asked breaking his daydream.
" y-you"
His flushed red face tried to stare at you through his lust filled eyes and hooded lids trying it's best to take in what he's seeing.
You in his dick eyes rolled to the back of your head and back at him with the same expression on his face. Soft whimpers and moans leaving the both of you. Wet sloppy sounds echoing in his bedroom walls.
" mhmm."
" what are you saying? Use your words."
" k-kiss, can I please get a kiss?"
You smirked at his babyish whiny tone filled with desperation, you leaned down over him enveloping his lips into yours as he moans out so loud as you swallow them. Only stopping when you're breathless.
" S-so ahhng sweet"
" my lips?"
"mhmm, I've always wondered how they t-tasted ."
You smiled kissing the tip of his nose. Melting him with all your love, it was so overwhelming. He's been waiting to have you for such a long time. It feels so good to have you in his arms.
" what else do you think about me when I'm gone?"
" S-sometimes I think it would be great to wake up next to you every day but I wasn't even your boyfriend."
Your hands guide his under your shirt, letting him grope your boobs.
"S-so warm"
"my boobs or my pussy?"
You leaned down on him practically hugging him softly pecking his cheeks, taking your pace up a notch. Having him moan uncontrollably almost screaming in pure pleasure.
"c-can I get kiss? P-please?"
You smirked at him from the side. Kissing him intently, swallowing his moans and whimpers.
His hands on your hip pretending to be in control when he can't keep up with your pace.
Gosh you hadn't realized how submissive he really was behind that dominating cover.
"m'gonna cum. Can I please cum?"
He asked so politely you couldn't help but agree and both of you came crashing. Both panting mess.
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mustainegf · 1 month
Can yoh do a dave fluff where dave has wronged you some way and both of yall are like teens. He's in grade 12 and your in grade 11 so like 17 and 16. And dave never comes to prom but when u were there you spot him outta the corny of your eye and he's sad/crying holding a bouquet of flowers hoping for forgiveness.and when u go up to him and forgiv you just dance and hold eachother. While he's just all "I missed you I'm sorry" ect
THIS IS SO CUTE I love dave so much so I spent a lot of time on this one
Wrote this listening to nutshell—Alice in chains cuz it felt fitting
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The end of the school year was always this sort of meld of excitement for the summer break, nostalgia for the last few months, and a bit of sadness knowing that it was all ending. This year though, it was different. With the upcoming prom looming in the Future, the thought of saying goodbye to friends… particularly Dave, because he would be graduating had me feeling very off balance. This should have been a time for celebration, but somehow the wave length between us had shifted, and I wasn't exactly sure how to fix it.
Dave and I had been inseparable since middle school. The best friend who was always there to make me laugh, to understand my weird sense of humor, and who knew all my secrets. We were different in lots of ways, he was so loud and confident, the guy everybody wanted to know, and I was quieter, more comfortable in the shadows, but with him, I always felt seen.
But lately, something had changed. I wasn't even sure when it began. Perhaps it was back during one of those late night hangouts that got more complicated every year, or maybe it was just the way life makes its own way as you grow up. Whatever it was, it had forged a gulf between us.
The last time we spoke, really spoke, was weeks ago. I had asked him about prom, half teasingly asking him who he would ask. He just shrugged off, saying he wasn't going.
I hadn't been surprised at that, prom didn't seem like his scene. What had surprised me was the way he'd brushed me off, like he couldn't even really be bothered to talk about it. And when I kept pushing, trying to get him to open up, he snapped. He told me to back off, that I should stop acting like I knew what was good for him.
His words stung more than I really wanted to admit. I snapped back, telling him that maybe I didn't know what was best for him, but at least I cared.
That was the last time we spoke. Since then, he'd been avoiding me, and I was too stubborn, maybe too hurt, to reach out.
So, prom night came, still not a sound from him. Perhaps foolishly, I had held onto the hope that he'd at least call or toss a rock at my bedroom window late at night like he always did. But it was all nothing.
I wasn't completely convinced that I even wanted to go to prom after the whole thing with Dave, but my friends were really pressuring me. They bugged me about it, saying I should go, to stop moping around, that it was going to be fun. So, I let them drag me along, dressed in the pale blue gown my mom had insisted on buying, with my hair done up in curls that felt too formal, too unlike me.
The gym looked unrecognizable, twinkling lights falling from the ceiling in threads, a dance floor made hastily, shimmering tables draped in white cloths, roses and candles bunched together in the middle of each one.
Everybody looked great, having dressed up and wearing a wonderfully exciting glow on their faces. However, it just didn’t feel complete, no matter how much laughter and music filled the air.
Deep down I longed for his familiar sleep of leather and cigarettes, that hint of coffee. To see his fiery curls bounce as he laughed at something immature.
I danced for the first hour, trying to have some fun. My friends dragged me onto the dance floor, I wore a smile, although it wasn’t really from my heart. I'd keep looking around, scanning the room, although I knew very well that Dave wouldn't show up. He had said so himself, and I had taken him at his word. Still, I couldn't help looking, hoping.
The night was slipping away, so I began the fight to slip away for some air. I managed to fight my way free to the edge of the room, the shadows deeper, the music less loud. That was when I saw him.
Dave was by the door, almost merged with the shadows, awkwardly clutching a bouquet of flowers. He stood there, completely out of place in his handsome black suit, with nearly lost eyes, looking soft now when his usual attitude of rebellion was replaced.
His hair was a bit disheveled, as though he had run his hands through it in a state of nervousness, and his eyes… his hazel eyes were reddened, like he had been crying.
I stared for a moment, hesitation in my mind about whether or not this was him. Then our eyes met, and his sadness almost took my breath like a blow in the chest. He was here. He really was here, and he looked so broken.
I approached him step by step, without thinking further. Each step seemed like a year, and his eyes never left mine.
Up close, I could see the stress in his jaw and the way his hands were shaking with the flowers. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like he wanted to say something but couldn't really find any words.
Finally, he whispered, "I'm sorry.”
Two words, only two, yet they carried the weight of all that had preceded them. I wanted to cry, but I blinked away the hot sting.
"Dave…" My voice broke, and it took a swallow before I could continue. "What are you doing here?"
His shoulders slumped as the weight of the world finally came to rest upon them. "I told myself I wouldn't but… I had to see you."
I looked down at a bouquet in his hands. A messy mixture of flowers, which didn't really agree with each other but somehow made sense in his palm. They were beautiful in one way, wild and untamed, just like him.
"Are these for me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice still and vigilant.
Nodding, he gazed down at the floor. "I was gonna take 'em to your place. I know it sounds stupid, but… I guess I was hopin' you might forgive me. For being a dick."
This was what I had always seen in Dave, the duality of nature, who could be so strong and fierce, yet very soft and so unsure of himself, who cared but didn’t for the life of him know how to show it.
"Why not just talk to me?" I whispered faintly.
He lifted his face then, and the raw emotion swimming in his eyes nearly undid me. "I don't know. I thought… you were better off without my ass."
"Dave," I said, stepping close, close enough to feel the warmth of his body through his suit. "You're my best friend. You could never drag me down. I've missed you so much. And I love you."
He drew in a breath, his shaking hand holding out the flowers. "I don't really deserve your forgiveness, but I'm asking for it anyway. Because I love you too…”
The earnestness in his voice, the way his eyes shone with tears he repeatedly blinked away, broke through the last of my defenses. I took the bouquet from his hands, my fingers brushed against his.
"I forgive you," I said, meaning every word. "I just want things to be okay between us again. I've missed you so much, Dave."
HIs breath caught, and suddenly he was tugging me into his arms, squeezing me tight. It was the first time he’d ever hugged me.
I wound my arms tight around him, pressing my face into his chest, inhaling the scent of him. Faint leather, and the usual faint musk of cigarettes was replaced with cologne.
"I missed you too," he whispered against my hair.
Finally, he pulled back far enough to see me. His eyes were still red, but the depression in them had been mellowed and replaced by something warmer, something that made my heart skip a beat.
"Will you dance with me?" he whispered, he was afraid of breaking the spell.
I nodded, feeling that I couldn't trust my voice. He took my hand and led me off to the edge of the dance floor, where it was dark and the music wasn't so loud. He took me in his arms and something about this felt right, being this intimate.
As we began to dance, he held me, his hands firm on my hips. I laid my head against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. It was all so familiar, despite it being my first time hearing it.
"I was afraid of losing you," he admitted. "Afraid I'd already lost you. That's why I thought if I pushed away, it wouldn't hurt as bad that way.”
I grabbed him harder, feeling my heart break for the amount of pain he'd been lugging around. "You never lost me, and you never will."
He breathed shakily as he continued. "You’re the best thing in my life, and I’ve been a prick.”
"Yeah," I teased, looking up through my lashes at him, with a little smile. "You kind of have been."
He chuckled, the movement rumbling in his chest. "I deserve that.”
"But I'm glad you're here now," I added. “Please, don’t leave me again.”
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gojos-fr-bae · 5 months
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Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Warnings: Angst to fluff. Cussing. Shouting. Levi is kinda ooc ig, not proofread
Word Count: 821
A/N: YOH, this was kinda draining to write. idk why but recently I've not been feeling my writing, I still hope you enjoy
(Requests open)
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It had been almost an entire month since Levi did so much as speak to you. He had been cooped up in his office doing God knows what and you couldn’t help but feel neglected. Everytime you would bring for him a meal or cup of tea he wouldn’t even bother to look up from his work and you were sick of it.
“Levi, honey please, take even a small break.” you said in worry. No response.
“Levi, please stop ignoring me. I’m worried about you. You barely eat, you haven’t been sleeping and you’ve been completely ignoring me. Enough is enough.”
He was starting to get annoyed. Why couldn’t you just leave him be?
“Please Y/N, let me just do my work, you're only distracting me.” he said coldly, not looking up from whatever it was he was doing.
“Sweety, this isn’t healthy, It wouldn’t hurt to even take one break.”
“Y/N I beg of you-”
“No Levi, I’m not going to take no for an answer”
“Y/N ju-”
“No, I won’t allow you to sit here and watch you push yourself to the edge!”
“Stop interrup-”
“Levi I’m just trying to care for you and you but-”
“OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, SHUT UP YOU INSOLENT BITCH!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, standing up and slamming his hands down on the table.
He regrets you huh? Well that fucking stings.
You could tell from his face that what he said just dawned on him and he was beginning to regret it. But then again, he also regrets you so what does it matter?
You stormed out of his office and made a beeline to your room. The one you shared with Levi in which you shared so many fond memories with. You no longer cared though, rushing to your bed and burying yourself in your blanket before releasing the floodgates. And so you cried, and cried and cried. 
Completely and utterly helpless.
He fucked up. He completely and undoubtedly fucked up. He knew that, and he was freaking out. But, rather than going after you and risking snapping at you. He just sat back down and went back to burying himself neck deep in his work, trying to block out the negative thoughts running rampant through his mind. But he couldn’t push the thoughts away forever. He was going crazy thinking about what happened and he couldn’t take it anymore.
He rushed off to your shared room and took a few calming breaths before entering. He made his way to your bedroom (ik I called it a room but it’s more like a mini house. Allow it.)
He stared at your disgruntled figure. Your face was just barely visible from under the blanket and he looked into your swollen eyes. He was so guilty he felt like he would throw up. He climbed onto the bed, getting under the sheets and wrapping his arms around your waist before pulling you up against him.
“Y/N?” he whispered into your neck, but you just ignored him. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond.
“Sweetheart, I apologise…I lost myself and said things that I didn’t mean and I am truly sorry for that.” 
“I thought you regretted me..” you replied, voice cracking slightly.
“Darling, I didn’t mean a word of what I said. You are the light of my life, the reason I wake up each morning. It saddens me to think that I made you believe otherwise. I promise that if you give me a chance, I'll do anything to make it up to you.”
You heard what he was saying, and as much as what he said hurt, you still loved him more than anything. You didn’t want to let go, not just yet.
“Will we be okay?” Levi questioned, placing a gentle kiss on your neck.
“Are you really sorry?”
“Then yeah…we’ll be okay.”
“Thank you darling.”
“Uh huh” you said, turning to face him, “But if you making it up to me isn’t you saying sorry one thousand times, I love you four thousand times, and dinner, then I’m sorry but this won’t work. I also want flowers, breakfast in bed, and you have to do whatever I say for a month. Oh, and infinite kisses.”
“You’re really going to milk this aren’t you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you said you’ll do anything.” “And I will.”
“Good” you replied, smiling brightly and giving him a quick peck on his lips.
“Woman, you will be the death of me” he said before pulling you into a deep and passionate kiss. 
You’ll be okay
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@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
I Always mix up liar tags and normal tags, sry if that's the case rn.
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universaln0b0dy · 10 months
A dozen roses. (Twisted wonderland first years x reader
《Characters》 Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel and Sebek
《Summary》: You and him had a fight. For whatever reason and the other would only be forgiven if they would be brought a dozen Roses, handpicked.
《Note》: This was requested by @cyn-write , it's the second part to the housewarden one! Hope you enjoy! established relationship. Also romance. (And maybe it's a bit ooc)
Ace Trappola:
Ace could be a bit of an asshole and not just a slight bit, sometimes his whole personality seemed to just exist to make him an asshole and that's exactly what you said after he dared to pull a prank on you that got all your clothes wet and your homework ruined.
He even had the nerve to laugh when other students started to point at you and whisper, telling you that you should calm down, but you simply walked out of the room telling him that he shouldn't talk to you unless he brought you a dozen of Rose's and slammed the door shut.
To say Ace was baffled was an understatement, he was shocked and littarly sat through the whole history lesson mouth open, trying to process just what had happened.
During lunchtime you refused to sit on his table, rather sitting down with Floyd instead. Ace was baffled and Deuce confused.
"Did you two break up or something?" Deuce asks worried, but Ace shakes his head, explaining to Deuce what had happened.
Deuce sighs. "Well Ace, you have a mission!" Deuce jokingly says, watching Aces fall...
Its officially been a week and Ace hasn't brought you any flowers, not even a single one. You sigh, maybe you should have looked over that prank like you always did. You sigh, leaning back hearing a knock on the Ramshackle door. You walk towards it and open it, only to see Ace hold a bouquet of flowers into your face.
"I really want to apologise prefect. I really behaved like an ass the past few weeks, I hope you can forgive me." Ace mutters and you smile prying the flowers out of his grasp.
"Thank you, I really appreciate your apology!" Yoh mutter giving Ace a kiss on his cheek.
Deuce Spade:
You messed up big time. You knew that Deuce was sensitive about his past and you still teased him about it. Maybe Deuce wouldn't have reacted that way if he hadn't been stressed out before by Riddle, but well it was your fault and blaming someone else would not help you or Deuce.
You sigh starting to walk around NRC thinking about what to do as an apology, since you didn't want to just say: "hey I apologise for teasing you that day!" No that didn't feel right nor correct, Deuce deserved a very good and nice apology.
Deuce on the other hand was thinking about everything being his fault, he walked up and dow the dorm, annoying Ace. Deuce wanted to be a top student and a better person than he was in middle school and the first thing he did was snap at you.
He looked at Ace suddenly grabbing both of his shoulders and shaking him. "ACE, HOW DO YOU APOLOGISE TO YOUR PARTNER?"
Its officially been a week and both of you had been spending time to prepare the perfect apology, anxiously asking yourself if the other would not like the apology and in the worst case scenario break up!
You decide to catch Deuce on his way to class and he planned the same time and as the both of you came to a halt in front of eachother both of you yelled: "I AM SORRY!" And held out the Rose's to the other.
You look at Deuce in confusion. "What are you sorry about? You didn't do anything wrong!" You mutter while Deuce sighs.
"I shouldn't have snapped at you..." He muttered his shoulders slumping. You place your hand on his cheek with a soft smile, causing him to look up at you.
"No Deuce, you haven't done anything wrong! You had every right to snap, I shouldn't have teased you the way I did." You exclaim and Deuce started to chuckle, the flowers pointing towards the floor.
"Ace was right, we both are truly over complicating things!"
Jack Howl:
You felt horrible. You shouldn't have annoyed Jack, causing him to loose focus during training, having him end up in the infirmary. You felt really horrible, he wouldn't be able to take part in the game he had trained for so long all because you had to come annoy him.
You sigh, sitting in Ramshackle looking around to find ideas that would help apologise but no avail and you really didn't want to go to him without a proper apology.
Jack on the other hand was a bit confused on why you didn't come visit until he remembered you were you. He knew you would beat yourself up over everything thinking that everything was your fault and he was angry.
Well he was angry but not at you, the other student had send a disk flying his way that knocked him out almost, that was against the rules!
He was bed bound for now and he really wanted to see you. He watched the clock, asking himself just how long it would take you to talk to him.
It was now the end of the week and Jack hasn't been able to talk to you. He was allowed out of the infirmary a while ago and had been actively trying to search for you, but you were for some reason avoiding him.
He was sad and his ears and tail pointed downwards, his whole demeanor showing that he really felt sad. Until he sees you running towards him with a bunch of flowers, your hands slightly bruised from picking them.
"I am really sorry Jack! I shouldn't have come to the training and-and now you can't take part in the game you trained really hard for...." You can't continue because Jack had already started to hug you, his tail waving around.
"You don't have anything to apologise for, the other student shouldn't have thrown the disk that hard."
Epel Felmier:
Vil looked af Epel in confusion, usually the lavender haired male would complain about everything, but Epel just sat there with empty eyes, lost in thought.
Rook chimes in with a shocked face. "You have problems with monsior/mademoiselle trickster?" Vil sighs, that explained quite a lot, of course only his partner could make Epel look so sad.
Epel didn't want to be the bigger person! You and him had thought about the fact he got into a fight for you and you were mad at him for that, after all he could have gotten seriously injured. But what did you take him for? Some fragile flower?
He sighed, now he realized that he was in the wrong. You didn't even once say that he was weak, or frail. No, you were genuinely worried because he fought so recklessly.
Epel thought about how to apologise, remembering what his grandmother once told him: "The best apology I was ever given was when my husband brought me a dozen of handpicked roses. Picking flowers, especially taking the time to pick many of them is something everyone should appreciate!"
Epel nodded, he knew now how to apologise to you. With a dozen of handpicked roses, it wouldn't even matter if he pricked his hands, because he could handle a few scratches.
A week later you heard a knock on the Ramshackle door and you littarly run towards it, managing to trip and fall flat onto the floor, before standing up again and running towards the door.
Opening it you see Epel, holding flowers in his hands. Je scratched his neck akwardly before looking at you.
"I wanted to apologise for being so rude that day, I shouldn't have acted that way!" He mutters and holds the flowers out towards you. You take said flowers with a smile.
"I also wanted to say sorry, Epel. I completely forgot to thank you!"
Sebek Zigvolt:
Sebek was sad and everyone could tell. He had gotten into a fight with you about his devotion for Malleus, simply because you told him that he could leave him alone for a few minutes.
After that Sebek said some stuff that he couldn't take back, like calling you a weak and useless human. He felt horrible, especially after seeing the way you had looked at him, tears in your eyes, before running away from him.
Lillia noticed Sebeks mood immediately, the fae having known the boy for a long time. Like the father he was hs asked what was wrong trying his best to comfort Sebek, who was trying his best not to cry.
Lillia hadn't seen him like that often and the way Sebek looked right now, full with anxiety of accidentally ended the relationship he felt his heart throb.
Sebek had been so happy about getting together with you that he even turned his volume down once in a while, or talked about something other when Malleus. Lillia was set on helping Sebek apologise....
Its been a week and you still hadn't heard anything from Sebek. You had kinda hoped he would apologise to what he said, but maybe he didn't even care.
You sigh letting yourself plop into the grass before noticing someone walking towards you. It's Sebek!
"I really apologise for what I have said last week human. You aren't useless nor weak! You are someone that needs to be respected!" He loudly says and you smile taking the flowers, hugging Sebek out of the blue.
"Thank you and I apologise for getting frustrated. I know how important Malleus is to your country and you. So continue to do your best protecting him!"
(Finished! I hope you will enjoy this!)
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implied-divinity · 4 months
Hey, @hyperi-cum here - since it's a secondary account I can't use it for asks so, thank you tumblr... Been scrolling on your delicious blog for pfewww... quite a time now and oh do I relate with the embarrassing fauxcest interest x) I'm a big bro irl but hmmm the thought of an older brother taking care of me... Like yeah big bro whatever you want, I'm yours after all ! Oh ? Want me to get my face between your strong thighs ? Eat your whole fucking tcock in complete despair ? Delight into the taste of your flesh as you tell me how much of a good boy I am ? Oh, now you want me to suck your tits ? Of course, that's what a lil bro is for uh ? Did I accidentally call you mommy ? No no bro I swear it wasn't me !
call me mommy one more time bro, i swear i'll be the crap out of you. fuck- thats it baby yeah im your FUCKING mommy. yeah. now get on your knees. you were made for me bitch. see how hard and throbbing yoh made me? its your fault im like this, being all cute and seductive. you know you want to be treated as my toy, you slut.
isnt this embarrassing for you, little brother? what would you do if anyone found out? what if they found out you liked it when your big brother abused your holes? youre getting really wet now, baby, come sit on my lap.
wow my fingers fit in so easily. now back to my tits i know you like them slut. there you go, theres a good boy. youre gonna make me cum from that. harder sweetie. yes ill be your mommy and your brother its okay. fuck.
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pinkiepie20000 · 8 months
Tje amount of men I see on this app making Arlecchino into their submissive waifu or whatever is genuinely baffling like PLEASE look at this woman and tell me she's not a lesbian. I'm SICK and TIRED 💔‼️‼️
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Arlecchino kisses women end of discussion 🫶
you are literally so right 😔😔 nit only does she kiss women, she kisses ME. that woman looks like she makes the look of disappointment that your mom gives you in the store after yoh start actin up. like how can anyone look at her and go "heh.. yeah.. that's my little soft uwu waifu rught there 🤓!" like does she not kill people... is she not called insane by other harbingers.... like wdym "she definitely gives the best head!" if she were to give you head it'd be the decapitated head of your grandpa?? like im SICK and TIRED. of seeinv people mischaracterize EVERY SINGLE ONE of the female characters in ANY anime, game, or literally anything?? like raiden, even if she does pull a swordnout from her tits, i still think its pretty weird people call her booba sword like SHUT UPPPP your parents DONT love you AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! like her lore is something i love considering how it is and the fact people ignore the fact the raiden ei hadn't seen the world jn over 500 years, so obviously everything is going to be different, so of course she'd be oblivious to the current world, they make her seem like some clueless waifu or some shit, and i hate the word waifu because of these people, like why not just say wife? do you have to say waifu? do you have to be weird? theres so many characters they always water down and i dont get why?
like eula, she's a genuine knight, she technically kills people, and she has a deep history with her familys past, so i just wished people would focus on what the characters good traits are, like not their boobs, ass, thighs, or basically all of that, j wish they could focus on how her childhood was and how it lead her to be the way she is now? people hate her because of her family
and shenhe too, she's actually really good lore wise. i think the fact the only thing holding her back from slaughtering someone are those red ropes is really cool, and the fact her dad treated her like that and how he thought she was curse or something, but NOOOOOO. FAN SERVICE. it ruins everything.
i could go on abt this and i WILL.
not only them, lisa too, the fact her vision is fake and she doesn't even get to live her full life is cool? like wtf?
CLORINIDE OR WTV. isnt she like a cop or smt idk but either way its crazy how she actually does a lot of near death shit and people still think she's not who she is
nit only is that an issue with women, its an issue with men too.
most of the time its ALWAYS. sterotypes, like big men, they get turned into these big, possessive, sex hungry dudes when in reality its fucking NEUVILLETTE. like no he wouldn't make you ride it till gr back breaks hed braid yr hair or some shit then go talk with melusines or wtv? same with wriothesley, hes a cool guy, he owns a prison and hes nice to the prisoners
i sound like a fucking nerd rn wtf
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heretherebedork · 5 months
Curious to know your feels about the 1000 Years Old finale. You didn't post much about it. Maybe that's a commentary in and of itself LOL.
Part of the answer is that I struggle with watching things out of my usual schedule and had a very busy weekend so I'm just getting around to actually watching the finale episode after knowing all kinds of spoilers. I am actively writing this response as I watch the episode. So enjoy my live thoughts on your ask.
And, so far, my entire reaction is that they crammed way too much here in the end. They needed to spread this out more than they did and I get parts of it, I like having the soulmates reveal only at the very end...
But there's a lot of plot and seriousness that they just didn't touch on enough and that I think including in the rest of the show would have improved it greatly as well as helping with the pacing struggling most people had.
If more of the Janja plot had been genuinely spread through the show and more of these serious moments and the understanding of their agreement and relationship had started earlier I might care more about this. But I don't care about Janja at all! I just don't! I wasn't given reasons to care until the very end and that's not enough for me.
Also, having Yoh not fight for any of it really did disappoint me but the director of this show, as seen in multiple other shows they've done, seems to have a thing for one very passive character in the main relationship who will just Allow Things To Happen To Them without ever fighting back. And I never like that, frankly.
Yes, they dropped a few hints here and there but it just isn't enough to tie it all together in this show itself.
It's not a bad finale, it's not the worst, but the end of the show feels so rushed compared to the rest and us not getting all the fluffy times together only to be shown a single scene at the end of a long happy life instead of the time together that I want to see.
I like domesticity, not the end of domesticity.
I get why people liked this ending. I see how people who rewatch things, especially, will enjoy the recontextualization of the show.
But for me? It made everything feel rushed and the rest of the show feel almost empty and slightly worse in comparison. Either we needed more plot or less episodes for this to work.
(Every time I see Somchai I am sad we did not get Somchai and Shin. Every single time. Come on. You crammed this much into the final episode, you could have given me more of them somewhere else!)
Also, I love his random bodyguards, whoever they are. Love them.
Also, this year long time skip is stupid.
Seriously, I am deeply frustrated by Yoh literally finding out they're soulmates and then just... completely abandoning Pun and leaving entirely. It's not interesting to see him just give up and it makes him the most passive character ever. Which we also had in I Will Knock You and, frankly, in 2gether. That's just The Style.
JANJA LITERALLY TOLD YOH SHE WAS GIVING HIM PUN BECAUSE PUN WILL NEVER LOVE ANYONE ELSE. Whatever, at least the confession and whole thing is done and now they can be soulmates together.
9 minutes of happy ending is not enough. Absolutely not enough. Yes, it was cute. Yes, it was a happy ending. But it's just not enough and it leaves me wanting more and wishing that the show were paced differently.
(Still sad we couldn't get any more Somchai and Shin, we deserved more.)
Edit Okay, I didn't mention this originally but I actually hate that the soulmate/reincarnation line takes away the power of Yoh's gift to Pun being his first birthday present. It really bothers me because that moment was one of the my favorite moments and the finale just made it not matter at all and turned it into something much less important and takes away a lot of the importance away of Pun wearing the cross and it BOTHERS ME A LOT.
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
Do you ever get like. Anger impostor syndrome. "Should I really be angry?" "Am I being irrational?" "But doesn't the other side make sense?" "Are you REALLY sure you have the right to be angry if so and so and whatever" and honestly, sometimes this questioning is helpful, I'll give yoh that. Reevaluating your beliefs every now and then is good for you. It's worth a shot, I tell you.
But other times it's just. We've rehearsed this dude. We've already thought this over multiple times and reached the same conclusion over and over again. Can we not.
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loveinamystery · 1 year
I think about this scene a lot and now I'm going to talk about it.
Reposting this from my Twitter Tomb
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This moment really hit me when I first watched the 2021 anime adaption. Why? Because it was one of those rare moments with Anna showing herself being vulnerable.
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Now, you could take this as 'If you don't get stronger Yoh, another man will take me and make me his wife' type of thing. Especially as this happens after Anna's run in with Hao. Hao drops a couple of comments about Anna being such a good choice for an Asakura bride, so this could definitely be it.
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Anna knows Hao is strong. She plays it cool, but still understands what a threat he is. She isn't stupid.
Personally, I feel like Anna was intimidated by him, even if just for a moment. She was caught off guard when he caught her hand, something no one had done.
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That's why I put in another option here. A mixture to the feelings Anna must have been feeling.
I feel like it could also have been Anna showing that she was worried Hao could 'take her' and use her. And I'm not referring to a romantic way. I mean to just use Anna for her power in order to get what he wants.
I say this as a Haona enjoyer too but we have fanfics for that.
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If Yoh doesn't get stronger, then Hao could easily defeat him, take Anna and use her power for himself. Hao is so driven to achieve his goal to become Shaman King that he will do whatever it takes. He will use whoever it takes.
Look, I am a Hao fan. I love Hao, and I will forgive him for whatever, but I know what he would do in order to finally reach that goal of becoming Shaman King.
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We know Anna is super strong and a badass. We love her for it. But in Osorezan Revoir, we saw the Oh-Oni take her and take advantage of her/her power. What if she was worried it could happen all over again?
And I mean not with Oh-Oni or other Oni's resurfacing. I mean being used again as a source of power.
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I think a lot of us in the fandom can agree there is a lot more to Anna than what we saw during her fight with Hao.
Anna is Anna. But who is Anna? Takei, please show us one day
I feel like Anna knows it too, that there is so much more to her, and that is what is so terrifying. What if she is taken and used again like the Oh-Oni did? But this time it isn't on a snowy mountain away from the population, it is the whole world.
All those feelings; worry, sadness, guilt.
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So when Anna says 'someone else might take me', I feel like it comes from an anxious and worried place. Like she needs Yoh to be stronger, she needs him to be there.
Anna needs him, she needs Yoh.
And there are some thoughts. If you made it through the long read, thank you.
These are only my head rambles so feel free to add your own points. All respectful please :)
P.S. The way the English dub f**ked this whole scene over and did Anna dirty, is my villian origin story.
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What if the first curry Yoh made was a pork curry and that’s why Segasaki got disappointed when he asked for curry and Yoh made a seafood one because all he said was that he wanted curry for dinner? Like, he wants Yoh to make him the thing that made him fall in love with him and to him, that’s the most important curry. But Yoh doesn’t know that so he just makes curry out of whatever they have or whatever the store has and then gets (rightly) upset when Segasaki is disappointed that it’s not pork curry.
The baby is bad at communication dude!! You gotta spell it out for him, and then say it real slow, and then maybe use some pictures and diagrams to really drive the point home. Baby Yoh can and will dodge your brick of feelings because all he sees is a brick.
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censorious-asshat · 1 year
↳ ❝¡BORED❞
Minho x gn reader
Genre - angst
Word count - 0.4k
Warning - fake dating breakup. Unrequited feelings. Pretty angsty
An - had this idea for a while. Inspired by the song bored by ari abdul. Just wrote this ehole thing on my phone. Hope you guys like it. Please reblog if you like it.
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"What do you mean you dont like me back. Did these past few months mean nothing to you? " minho said, staring at you with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes. You would have felt pity for him, but it was his fault.
"Arent you the one who said that going out on dates, spending time with others, and kissing was just for fun." Minho looked like a kicked puppy, but you continued. " You told me not to fall in love. So it's kind of stupid how you did"
You were fresh out of a relationship with a toxic partner and were really bored. You wanted the feeling of being in a relationship without having to put in the effort of falling in love. Luckily for you, minho was in need of a fake partner to get rid of a plethora of exs.
His one condition for both of you to date was that you wouldn't fall in love and that you would know that this relationship would include all regular relationship things, but it was just to make someone jealous. You accepted cause you viewed minho as just a random person who had the solution to your boredom
Tou spent the next few months in a fake relationship. You spent more than one night waking up in his arms, on the couch with him, holding you tight. His cold eyes that used to be unerving when he kissed you were warm now. His empty sentences carried so much meaning now. You were still the same. Putting the same amount of interest that you did when you started.
It took you a while, but you realized that he was the one falling in love with you. You couldn't afford to be tied down in a relationship with the person you didn't even really like, so you decided to break it off. You went to his place in the morning. He pouted for a kiss but instead heard the line. "Whatever was between us is over now."
"But I love you." Guess what? i dont"
"Yoh were the one who was agaisnt the idea of falling in love. And i never wanted to really daye you in the first place. I only did cause i wanted to know what it was like." He stared at you for a minute before saying,"So you used me." "It was both ways if you dont remember it"
"I will be leaving tomorrow. I get that you love me or something, and that's why i can't continue this." And you walked out of his front door.
Minho was shocked at the whole situation. But sitting alone in his house after you walked out hit him with the realization that this was not a book. It wasn't one of those fake dating stories, and he just lost his love. And they were never his to begin with
Taglist - @karma1289 @jaerisdiction @sunoooism @linocvpid @amethyistheart @very-gay-stay (Send and ask or fill this to join th taglist)
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l-pandamatic-l · 2 years
includes: Raph, Mikey, Leo, and Donnie hi, felt like writing some Rise! Turtles x reader fluff. Enjoy. ————————————- The big flirt himself LEO :
Honestly he’d flirt with a rock if he thought it was funny enough
but for whatever reason when he flirted with you
It felt different. Like his stomach was twisting
He didn’t know what to do about it
so he flirted even more, even threw in the dad jokes to settle it
but nothing worked
he eventually ran to his beloved twin to ask for help
Donnie just laughed and sent him Raph’s way
but Raph just shrugged and sent him to Mikey
by that point he felt hopeless.
eventually he just gave up and told you about it.
He would never forget how red you got, or how you smiled an nervous and jittery.
he will always complain that he couldn’t get a picture of it. ——————————————— The big softie RAPH :
This guy is so scared at first
physical affection is his main way of communicating feelings… at all.
but to him you just are so soft and delicate compared to him
It makes him nervous
you start to think that he just doesn’t want to touch you like he does with everyone else
he sets that straight real quick
he hugs you like he’s hugging glass and never wants to let go
you don’t hate it but you make sure to let him know you won’t break
From then on he will cuddle and hug you just like everyone else. Just a Little bit more carefully. Just in case.————————————————— The baby boi MIKEY :
He treats you like a best friend
but for some reason he’s a lot more clingy towards you
and that’s saying something
he just constantly wants to spend time with you
doing literally ANYTHING with you makes his day 100 times better
especially when you get all competitive during games, or emotional during movies.
You two are just peas in a pod and spend a lot of time together
yoh almost never fight. You just can’t get mad at him for long
he sees you as a muse
puts you on a pedestal higher than you could ever guess
you never do anything wrong in his eyes
just perfect
and he has made it clear he will fight anyone who doesn’t think the same thing
Even you.
Especially you ————————————————— Othello Von Ryan :
at this point, the only thing that isn’t a competition is your breathing
and you wouldn’t be surprised if it was a competition eventually.
He really just likes knowing he’s the best at everything
its something that makes sure you like him as much as he hopes you do
even though you never fail to assure him about how amazing you think he is
like, ALL the time.
you guys build and talk until late afternoon the next day
and you want to curse him for ruining your sleep schedule
bjt you don’t really care anymore
especially since you get to hang out with him as much as you do
his brothers are confused at the least when you just waltz into his lab unannounced
they kind of started planning your funeral when you did
bur were crying at your feet when you came back out groggy and sleepy
at least they didn’t notice you wearing Donnie’s too-big pajamas.
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notfreetoday · 11 months
Hi! I read your post about amae recently and I wondered something in regards to Segasaki and Yoh (MPW).
(Spoiler ep 8!)
Segasaki asks Yoh to wait at the door and greet him when he gets home from work. Though Yoh is confused he recognizes that it's something that would make Segasaki happy. He then takes the initiative to say the greetings in the kitchen, giving his anwer to the request. Is this Yoh recognizing Segasaki's amae?
Hello! Thank you for reading my post 😁 And yes it is! Specifically, asking Yoh to come to the door regardless of what he is doing, is the amae part (plus, the way Segasaki says it). Standard greetings like okaeri and tadaima (see Ep 3's post for more) are what make coming home feel like, well coming home. They're a very common part of everyday life - but Segasaki doesn't say "I'm back". Yoh has said "welcome back" before - but only after Segasaki comes to look for him.
Ep 8 is when Yoh finally recognizes Segasaki's amae - In fact, Yoh specifically uses the word "amae" when he does realize it, though I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the subtitles (I haven't fully watched the subtitled version of EP 8 yet).
Since it'll take me awhile to get to Ep 8, I'll just do this part first, because it looks like the subtitles make it a little harder to tell that he's amae-ing.
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S: その代わり S: 俺が帰ったら通話中だろうが何だろうが S: 玄関まで来い S: んで* おかえりっていえ Y: そんなこと** してほしかったの? S: 悪いかよ?*** Y: 別に悪くない S: Instead of that, S: When I come back, whether you're in the middle of a call or doing whatever else S: Come to the front door S: and then*, say "welcome back" Y: Is that something... you've wanted me to do?** S: (You mean) I can't (want that)?*** Y: No... there's nothing wrong (with that)...
*Segasaki uses a shortened, informal version of "and then" here, and together with his muttering, and his unwillingness to look at Yoh, he sounds like he really doesn't want to have to admit this (though, he still sticks to his rough speech 🤣).
**Yoh's phrasing here makes it sound like he's genuinely surprised that Segasaki wants this, because, like I said earlier, it really is something very simple that most people would take for granted.
***悪いかよ - Literally "Is it wrong?", with an ending particle that indicates this line is a challenge, except for the fact that he says it so tentatively.
Y: 本当よく分かんないやつ* Y: そんなことでうれしいの? Y: おかえり Y: お仕事 お疲れ様** Y: 玄関じゃないけど Y: Really... such a difficult to understand guy* Y: Would something like that... really make him happy? Y: Welcome back Y: You've worked hard at the office** Y: Well, it's not at the door though
*Yoh uses the informal word やつ (yatsu) to refer to Segasaki here, which he's never used before. Depending on the context, it can be considered rude, though is often used casually amongst male friends. In this context here, it's used to express affection mixed with mild exasperation.
**お疲れ様 (otsukaresama) - standard greeting; full version "otsukaresama desu/deshita". Literally means "you're tired/you've worked hard" and is an acknowledgement of the effort someone has put in for the day, more than it is some sort of praise or commendation. For eg, Yoh says this to his lousy editor in Ep 5 😅
That said, the way Yoh says it here is very sweet, adding the honorific prefix "O" to the word "shigoto (work/job)", and then tacking on the polite version of this phrase, "otsukaresama". Remember when I talked about the different definitions of sunao in the amae post as well? I mostly talked about Yoh not being able to be honest/straightforward with his own feelings, but the other definition of sunao describes an attitude/behaviour towards other people. That definition is usually translated along the lines of "cooperative/obedient/deferential" (note that these words sometimes carry a negative connotation in English, which is not so in this particular usage of the word in Japanese here). This is Yoh being the very picture of sunao here. It's adorable and sweet and it's no wonder Segasaki jumps right on him 😂
Thank you for your question! I'm really happy to know that amae is starting to be a little more understood, since it is quite a common phenomenon in many JBLs :))
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halliescomut · 11 months
My Personal Weatherman EP. 8- No subs watch
It's the last one!!!! (sobbing) But I shall carry on and provide you with the best (unlikely) post you've ever seen on MPW. Again, if you've never seen this before this is me watching a sneaky link to the new ep of MPW, but my friend speaks Japanese and I don"t so there's no subtitles so I must go off of poorly remember Japanese based on badly subbed 90's anime.
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-I mean, I knew we were starting where we left off but....ooooh- and the straight to the opening credits?!? Bold
-I swear this is the most we've ever heard Mizuki talk at once and also the strength of tone!!! Oh it's making my heart beat fast.
-Say it out loud Yoh!!! Whatever it is say it fucking out LOUD!!!
-Not gomen!!!! I know that word!!!(sobbing)
-This camera choice of only seeing Mizuki's back is very affecting and also really making this difficult.
-Such soft kisses!!!! (I am using so many exclamation points, sorry)
-Shy Yoh...so cute. But also thank you Mizuki for not letting him hide.
-I'm dying!!! Poor Yoh. The rain made him sick and now no D for him....so sad.
-I don't know what his argument was but Mizuki sure folded fast on that. haha
-Is he telling him about the manga??????
-Poor Man-san didn't get her Meterologist Mizuki fix.
-Aww...we love caregiver Mizuki, he's just so gentle.
-Man-san's reaction to Segasaki....oh I love her so much.
-I wonder if we have those cooling patches in the US. They seem refreshing.
-Is he reading the manga??? Awwww!!!!!! (I'm pretty sure for part of this he's reading the dialogue in the manga, so I'm fully lost. That's an interesting reaction to whatever Yoh said though. I think Yoh accidentally ruined the moment.)
-Man-san!!! God I still love her styling.
-So he texted what he wanted for dinner maybe? And something else, because a meal request I don't think would get that smile from Yoh.
-Daddy's home!!! I really do mean it that way, I don't know why I ever pretend I don't.
-"My name's Mizuki and I love warm hugs." (Tell me I'm wrong!)
-Sneaky hands sir, very sneaky.
-These motherfuckers only being honest when they're not looking at each other is killing me!!!
-Yoh is a fully grown man and also so smol. I love him
-So based on my keen observation skills, he made the curry again. And it's not crunchy this time. Yay!
-I'm pretty sure that last second is just Atsuki and Kouhei.
Ohhhhhhh, this was so good!!! It was so cute, and sweet, and so MUCH TALKING which was SO NECESSARY!!!!!! I can't wait to watch it all over again this weekend!!!
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But also Season Two when?!?!?! I need a solid 3 hours of them in domestic bliss! Please!!!!
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💬 Continuation to Eugene's text one if you can please.... also i decided tht can the sender be like a close, really close friend of eugene and yuseing that goes to the same school and knows what shit he does (i am trying so hard to not make an actual story for this seriously, i feel like i will and ship this y/n and eugene hard🥲)
》Oi foureyes! I have some spare so tell me!
》please damnit! Tell me...
》 Even tho i have known you for ages you only eat/ drink things me or yuseong choose
》 you never tell us your preferences! Like 'just choose whatever yoh want I'll payand eat whatever it is' and you actually eat even the shittiest of combo i could come up with!
》 Also you know i met this guy in our school named yeonwoo and he might be your tripket y'know, you might know him he is good looking, smart, on top of his classes, wears glasses like you and is actually quite famous, a newtuber.
》 I think i like him... he also has a good personality unlike someone... he is really nice as well
》actually you know what if you don't wanna hang out this weekend should i ask him out for a date?
》 before you say anything like 'go get him a gift and leave me alone'
》 i already did and bitc* please you knew what you were getting yourself into when you became my friend now deal with it.
》 You have to deal with it. No other options
》 also can i get that hot guy's no. Who is always with you, the one with the nice personality, the 3rd and 4th affiliate prez i think?
》 oh, and that weird mask one whose hair are blond and is always with neko
[Eugene will be grumbling about his phone notifs going off cause of this and that is what y/n wants]
(Can i have a jealous eugene and yuseong....? And you can decide whether eugene likes the reader or not, or whether yuseong likes her or not)
[a/n: omg if u do end up writing a story please tag me !! i would love to read it <3]
"That's funny. President Eugene always lectures us about keeping our phones on silent mode and yet his phone isn't."
After turning said silent mode on in his phone, Eugene slowly turned his head to smile at Eli. "Yes, well, this is a one time mistake. Why don't you try to remember to keep your remarks to yourself?"
The sharp tension stayed in the room even as the meeting continued, so when the meeting ended, it left Eugene in a somewhat bitter mood.
He decided to check who was texting him so much earlier, only to see it was you.
"What nonsense are they texting me now...?" As he read through the texts, he was originally amused but then began to feel... well, he refused to acknowledge the j-word. It was a childish emotion to him.
Softly exhaling, he texted back:
I have a nutritionist and whatnot on hand, I swear to you I eat well. You don't have to worry and my preferences mean little because often you and Yuseong pick things I like. Just continue what you're doing.
And about that boy... we may be similar in many ways but I've paid no attention to him. Also, no need for snarky remarks, I've had enough for the day.
You must know me so well if you knew I was going to reply, "Get him a gift and leave me alone." Just go on that date.
I'm glad we're such good friends you're happy to be insufferable towards me. And no, I'm not giving you the numbers of any of my subordinates.
Before Eugene closed out of his conversation with you, he felt a tap on his shoulder and just noticed Yuseong, who apparently had been quietly peering over his shoulder this whole time.
"What is it?" he asked his twin, who just frowned. It didn't take him long to realize why, and oddly enough he felt the slightest tinge of that j-word again. "Oh. If you're sad about our friend going on that date, feel free to make plans with them so they can't go. I can get you time off, if that's what you want."
Upon hearing his words, Yuseong eagerly nodded and Eugene took a mental note of it. Maybe he should hang out with you, too... but he didn't want to interrupt Yuseong, and he still had work to do. Another day, he supposed.
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