#wheee so happy to draw them again!
daisyscottage · 7 months
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cringe ew who is tgat(I love them very much)
valentines art!!!! ik this is late I just forgot to post! I’m actually pretty proud of this I think I like the colors
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greenhousethree · 1 year
11, 20 and 26 for Ginny....
26 with respect to Lily Potter...?
Thanks for the questions, anon! (Wheee more procrastination for meee...) Ask game here.
11. Faceclaim for the role of Ginny:
This'll be disappointing but I don't really picture a particular person for Ginny; she has a face and disposition in my head that I haven't seen and don't have the skills to artistically render. Closest would probably be, you guessed it, Luca Hollestelle. I think there's a reason she's so widely accepted as Ginny's face claim.
20. Scars:
Most of Ginny's physical scars come from growing up with six older brothers. I've mentioned the one above her belly-button from Ron's wooden sword in this fic, and I think there might be several other little ones, a few of which become bittersweet reminders of Fred (he knocked her down two flights of stairs with a flying trunk, ffs). Her first time falling off Charlie's broomstick earned her a pretty banged-up knee, too; she was so eager to climb back on that her mum didn't get around to healing it until it had scarred over. You can still see a few of those jagged lines, if you know where to look.
Ginny's lucky to not have many lasting scars from the war. She broke an ankle in the Department of Mysteries, but only needed a bit of Skele-Grow. And while she was pretty battered and bruised after the Battle of Hogwarts, most of that was temporary, too.
The big one I'll mention, I guess, is less of a surface scar and more a minor disfigurement as the result of an injury, which again is described in this fic and alluded to in Chasing. For me, it was important to represent the Carrows' physical violence that Neville references, in addition to spells and curses that can sometimes be hard to relate to as a reader, particularly at a point in the series when the Unforgivables are thrown around so callously. Magic isn't the only thing that hurts, and magic can't fix everything.
26. What would Ginny do if stuck in an elevator with Lily Potter?
Not sure what circumstances have led to this situation, but we're rolling with it...
First thing's first, Ginny's trying everything she can think of to get the lift moving again. She's not scared so much as annoyed; she stopped by the Ministry on her way to meet a friend for coffee and now she's running late, trapped between two sets of metal grills and surrounded by anti-Apparition wards.
I'm imagining Lily is some sort of spectral presence here, a la the Resurrection Stone (my toxic trait is my inability to synthesize anything AU). Still, it doesn't take Ginny long to realize who she is. Thoughts of later plans vanish, and she quits trying to transfigure the lift's ceiling into a trapdoor as she recognizes Harry's eyes.
And they talk.
Ginny asks questions, of course. The first ones that come to mind, because naturally she draws a blank about anything she's ever wondered up till now. No one expects to be caught in an elevator with their fiancé's dead mother. Do you know who I am? Do you get to watch over Harry, or something? Did you always know he'd be okay, or were you still worried about the prophecy? He still doesn't talk much about his parents. Now's her chance.
The harder part comes with Lily's questions. Is her son happy? Overall, yeah, I think. Does he take enough time for himself? Er... sort of. Does he make you happy? Do you two want kids?
They talk a bit about Teddy (Remus sends his gratitude), and then Ginny stares at her boots as Lily thanks her and bestows her resounding approval, which feels a bit odd coming from someone nearly Ginny's own age.
She promises to pass on Lily's apology for not being there, at the wedding. As if that day will really even matter, as if there haven't already been a million birthdays and holidays and Sunday afternoons Ginny would rather him have with them instead.
Magical Maintenance doesn't take too long to arrive on the scene, and by the time the lift is clattering back to the atrium Lily's gone and Ginny's wondering if she's gone funny in the head. She spends the rest of the afternoon walking along the river, bypassing the coffeeshop where she's due and wondering how she'll talk to him about it, whether he'll even believe her.
She'll regret it later, not asking about Severus or James.
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New Glee Fanfiction Friday prompt!
September Prompt #2: Person A: Aww... I cut my finger. Person B, running: Wheee Ooooo, Wheee Ooooo, Wheee Ooooo! Person A: What? Person B stops and puts a bandage on A’s finger then runs away again: Wheee Ooooo, Wheee Ooooo! Person A: ...?
Don’t forget that you can write, draw, or otherwise create anything about any Glee characters you’d like; you’re not limited! Do you have suggestions that would make it more likely for you to participate? Send them our way! We’re always open to advice and suggestions. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing what everyone creates! Don’t forget to tag us so we can be sure to reblog your story and include it on the Masterpost at the end of the week! Happy creating!
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suckerforsmylex · 4 years
I Think I Made You Up Inside My Head - Pt. 6
“I should have loved a thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes, they roar back again. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. (I think I made you up inside my head.) “- Sylvia Plath, Mad Girls Love Song
The phone buzzes again, waking you out of your stunned stupor. Joker’s message blinks again, reminding you that his eyes are on you somehow and you suddenly realize that you’ve been shirtless this entire time and grab a button up and throw it on.  The thought that he may have been admiring your tits from afar makes you blush and you think to yourself, how is it that I am angry and turned on at the same time?
Closing the closet doors and sitting down on the bed again, you look around for a hint of how he may be able to observe you.  You search for cameras and bugs as if you were in a spy flick, but after about ten minutes, you realize that you don’t have time to investigate.  It’s much more important to try to recall who you got yourself into this mess in the first place.  The knife he dropped when he cut through your baby doll top, is still on the floor so you reach down to retrieve it and examine it closely.  
It is entirely made of gold and very sharp with a beautifully ornate handle.  It’s apparent that this knife is a specially made killing apparatus.  You indulge a strange urge to put the knife to your tongue and begin grinning again but you don’t know why. The confusion you feel is simultaneously exhilarating and frightening and suddenly it feels like an intense headache is coming on as another involuntary memory flashes back to you uncontrollably.
The Joker had just been committed after a plea of “not guilty, by reason of insanity.”  The sentence seemed appropriate as he was clearly insane. Throughout the trial, he tormented his own lawyer to the point where he resigned and The Joker had to be represented by a public defender.  When the sentence came down that he would be committed to the loony bin that is Arkham asylum, he smirked, winked at you and stroked the bulge in his pants.
By now, you had grown used to his vulgar displays of affection in the court room and you secretly enjoyed them.  Mid-trial he had to be restrained because during a court recess your earring came off, and when you bent down to get it, he tried to lunge and bite at you while spouting off all kinds of filthy things.  They put him in a muzzle and you became so stirred by the public display, that you had to excuse yourself to the restroom to “relieve yourself.” As you touched yourself, you thought of his eyes on you and how intense his glare was.
When they took him from the court room, you knew that there was a chance that you would never see him again and you decided at the last minute that you would actually take the nutty blonde up on her offer. Yes, you had gone out for a smoke earlier, after a particularly disturbing testimonial from a witness to a Joker murder. You didn’t smoke regularly but did under periods when you were stressed out.  You were sitting on a bench when she approached.  She was a bizarre girl and you couldn’t stop looking over as she was making her way up the court house steps.  She was singing a strange tune as she made her way up, skipping over and introducing herself abruptly.  “Hiyah!  Are you Y/N?”
You nodded suspiciously and she grabbed the cigarette from you, took a drag and then threw it behind her head which pissed you off because you had just lit it. “Hey! I just lit that!”  She suddenly stuck her hand out to shake yours.  “Harley Quinn. Pleased to meetcha’! Wow, Mistah J said you were cute and boy, was he right!”  A slight pout came across her face, but she quickly replaced it with a huge grin.  “I’m gonna’ make you an offer you can’t refuse honey bun.” The smiling blonde was freaking you out and you decided you would walk back into the court room after all.  Harley screamed out in desperation.  "Face it, you’re just like me!  A certified nutso and hopelessly in love with a murderous, psychopathic clown. Tell me you don’t want to break him out of the joint?”  
You spun around on your good leather heels.  “Are you talking about The Joker?”  You looked into Harley’s wild eyes and she smiled a crazed smile.   “Mistah J, sugar or Puddin.”  But you have to earn that last one! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”  A slow smile spread across your face and Harley clasped her hands in delight. “Show me what I have to do,” you squealed.  Harley’s excitement was rubbing off on you.  That and the lack of your medication.  You’d stopped taking it during the trial.  The Joker’s madness made you feel liberated and you decided that you would just live that way, without any help from medication to balance you out.  It was the freest you’d felt in a long time. “Meet me tonight and wear this. We’ll meet about a block from your apartment.  I’m so happy to have a girlfriend to go shopping with!”  
Harley tossed a silky red fabric at you.  It was a hood.  You’d heard of the Red Hood Gang, but only just then realized that you’d joined it.  No one knew how the Red Hood robbed all the banks they did, but you realized that it was a collective of criminals, of varying importance, all pledging their allegiance to The Joker. Harley was his second in command and you were proving yourself as a suitable number 3 with your sights on learning more as her apprentice.  
Harley had her heart set on robbing Nordies, the expensive department store with the beautiful Christmas displays every year, so you went in as a sort of a test to your commitment to her and the Joker mafia. You came out with the Gucci dresses she asked for and a couple of extras for yourself.  “Naughty, Naughty! Wheee!  Wahoo! You are amazing, girly,” Harley exclaimed.  You handed her the bags and kept one for yourself:  A tight black jumpsuit, black heels and a cologne you picked out just for J.            
In that very moment, you decided that you were going to break The Joker out of his cell.  Harley was still hatching a plan but you wanted to go without her. She loved him but you wanted him to know that you loved him more.  You baked him a cake with a phone in it for his birthday and sent it in to the Asylum and The Joker texted you back to let you know when Arkham was at its best to break him out. You took the keys to the purple Lambo and left the apartment to break The Joker out of the crazy house. After parking and posing as one of the guard’s wives who was in to visit and bring him his lunch, you put the men to sleep with a solution The Joker had given you the recipe for.  
The Joker came out of his cell and strolled right over to you with his straight jacket still on. He planted a rough kiss on you and you presented him with the cologne. He smirked, growled in your ear, and then you released him and you both fled to rob a jewelry store later in the night. This is where you remembered the knife from.  This is where you remembered the diamonds and the gold jewelry from.  You realize that you are hiding the entire stash in your closet for him.
You decide to dial Frost.  He answers and he’s all business as you figured he would be.  “What do you need?  Mister J said you might be calling for something.”  You’re bubbly when you answer. Something about his stoic reactions draws the silly out if you. “Hi, Frosty!   Where’s J,” You rasp out. Frost is un-phased.  “He’s taking care of something. Do me a favor. Only call me if there’s an issue,” he responds and hangs up abruptly. You look at your phone again and start scrolling through your contacts again.  HQ.  HQ! It doesn’t stand for Headquarters! It’s Harley Quinn!  You decide to call the number.  “
How’s my favorite little squirrel? Still trying to get that nut,” Harley answers with a giggle.  “Is this Harley,” you ask tentatively. She’s silent for a moment and then she answers in a rising chuckle. “Wow, Mistah J was right doll, you’re really a mess!  Yeah, dummy, it’s Harl!  No fair!  You broke Mistah J out of the clink without telling me. I don’t know whether to kick your ass or kiss ya’, but I’m in big trouble and he’s here to help so I guess I’ll have to deal with you later.  Mistah J is helping me clean up a mess ova’ here, but hold tight honey, he’s on his way back to you.”
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X10 Heaven and Hell
hey isn't this one important
boy I sure can't wait to find out how
Uriel why are you so happy about this
Cas: no ur right we're heartless" ??CAS?
Uriel: beats up Dean for Funsies
Cas: just *go sleepy bye* Sam
ah they stick her in Bobby's panic room
Ruby and Dean being civil is kinda fun tbh
Dean Eldest Daughter Syndromes it up: yeah no we're all good
"confusing reality with porn again" WHAT WAS THAT FACE
"nice job watching her" "I'm watching her" pffttt ahaha
I'm glad Pam's doing...ok? after Castiel blinded her?
Dean just got YEETED
the light thing was cool though
aw she was their leader
Fallen Angel HELL YEAH
Dean not a single word you just said made sense
ah the meteorite set up
hey wait how the HELL does Ruby know all the references
Dean: WHY AM I H E R E
heheh the "why would you be human" question ohoho
look I don't get chemistry, but I do get like...Sad Connection?
hey look angels don't feel...HEY W A I T IS THIS WHERE HE GOT THAT IDEA
Dean: I would like to Never Feel Again
Believe or Die
this feels like two soldiers who went through Different Shit talking to each other
wheee absent father parallels
again, I don't get chemistry, it's jUST SAD
grace being pure creation is Neat tho
well this is a severely awkward car ride
"it's like an opening to a bad joke" look he IS right, that's an angel and a demon
I really appreciate how much fucking shorter the girls are compared to the guys, gotta love the Masculinity
ooo the light flickering is a nice touch
the fucking panic on his face about going back to hell oh NOOO
"maybe I don't deserve to be saved" nooo that's the trigger
ah she knows what he did in hell
poor Dean oof
"last night on earth" *deep deep beleaguered sigh*
no seriously people were right, there's no chemistry??
ahhh yes impala sex scene I heard about that one
I...don't know what notes I'm supposed to take from this
aw she at least...tries to protect them both
oop poor Ruby
"he has this weakness....he likes you" AHHHH
~free will
It's so fun how he calls people's bluff though
Dean...Dean damn ur pretty good at lying but you're TERRIFIED
oh good the Girl Torture Scene, how could I forget
....look I don't like that she's naked or being tortured,...but gen is like also very attractive
"Hello Anna" and the smile WAIT NO THAT MAKES ME SAD
of course the demons
what the hell is the hierarchy, who's where, what's happening?
oh good Anna's back
and she killed everyone!
heh according to plan, not bad Sam, not bad
I love the Knowing look Ruby and Dean exchanged
and told him it would stop if he tortured...oh no he said no for thirty yeaRS OH MY GOD
ah the Fear
boy he's REALLY good at repressing things
hey at least he gets to cry, thank god for that cuz JESUS
"I wish I couldn't feel anything" so he didn't have to deal with the pain, ok this makes...a lot of sense
someone please give him a hug
i...wrap up:
2. Yeah I see where the fear comes from. Like Dean messes with fear and showing it, but that's because he feels he has to. Like he's keeping a LOT locked up
and also he thinks he's Tainted and Bad because of what he did in hell, so when anyone knows he Freaks out or does the intimacy or-
Seriously was I NOT Supposed to read it as that? WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO READ IT AS?
3. It was a lot of fun having Sam's plan just be "yeah go FI GHT"
and they played it convincingly too
and having girls around was fun! please keep them around more!!
Also I like how tall the guys are compared to the girls it's so funny
4. I see what people mean when they say Dean and Anna have no chemistry. They have like...a sad bond, but not chemistry
unlike a certain some-[gunshot]
5. Boy this was a lot
0 notes
hypnoticharlequin · 7 years
alliter-prompt: Comic clown causes cute crossdressing catastrophe
"Oh what a day to be an elephant," sung Pancake as she went about her work. She had a skip in her step, it was a beautiful day and it was a whole new city to perform in. She pulled the suitcases out of the truck and piled them up. The other clowns would be so happy that she had brought them their clothes!
"Because if I was an elephant my trunk would be forty stories tall," continued Pancake as she carried the five cases towards the changing tent. However, as she walked into the tent she felt something catch her foot and before she knew it, she was falling forwards, the boxes scattering out of her hands and to the floor. Pancake looked aghast as the cases exploded open, throwing clothes everywhere.
She quickly scrambled to her feet, looking at the mess of clothes. "Oh no, no no," blabbered Pancake as she scrambled around trying to work out which clothes went in which case.
"Pancake!" Screamed Candy as she walked into the tent, jumping over the cable that had tripped the other clown seconds before. "Did you get my suitcase?" She said before seeing the mess on the floor. "What did you do?!"
"I'm sorry!" Shouted Pancake, trying to get the clothes together, but totally unsure what was what. As she scrambled about on the floor, trying to work out how to start to clean this mess the other clowns walked in.
"What is all the commotion?" Asked Flutter as he entered. Velvet, Minstrel, and Dumpling all gasped as they saw the mess and ran over to the pile of clothes.
"Our clothes!" Shouted Dumpling. "It is going to take hours to sort our things out now! Be more careful Pancake!" She chastised, looking up at the still upset Pancake.
"I can fix it! I can fix it!" Insisted Pancake as she looked around desperately.
"I'm not sure how you can," added Velvet. "There were so many bits in my case alone!"
"I can! I can!" Insisted Pancake as she looked around. "Everyone line up and I'll sort your clothes into your hands!" She said, nodding her head furiously.
"This is going to take forever," muttered Dumpling as she moved to the other clowns.
"Give her a chance, she might surprise us," added Flutter, his voice taking on almost parental tone.
"Fine," said Dumpling rolling her eyes.
Pancake scrambled through the clothes, trying to find what belonged to who and to untangle the rest of it all. Suddenly an idea hit Pancake, it was slightly silly but things couldn't get much worse for her, could they?
Pancake jumped in front of the line and started wiggling her hands quickly. "Look at my fingers, wheeee, wheeeee," she said, as she waved her hands around, waving them past the eyes of the other clowns. "Round and round and round they go, wheeee," sang Pancake, her voice rising as she wiggled her fingers faster and faster.
"What are you doing?" Asked Candy, her eyes trying to follow the fingers as the zoomed past her face repeatedly.
"This isn't," started Flutter, only to be distracted by a hand dashing past his eyes.
"Just watch the fingers, watch them all, dashing around like a rollercoaster," continued Pancake, doing her best to suppress her nerves as she continued with this silly plan. "Like a rollercoaster, spinning and moving, until they fall down!" Shouted Pancake as she snapped her fingers and waved her hands down, watching as everyone's eyes followed her fingers, before rolling back up into their heads.
Pancake took a breath, looking, waiting for someone to tell her off, but no one did. Had she done it? Had that book actually paid off? "Can you hear me?" Asked Pancake excitedly.
"We hear you," mumbled the other clowns, their voices sounding drowsy and carefree. Pancake jumped up and down, she had done it, she had hypnotized them! Now to fix this problem.
"So I'm going to pass you clothes, any clothes I pass you are yours, you don't mind, you know I'm right, hold your hands out if you agree with me!" Smiled Pancake, watching as each clown extended their hands. Pancake got to work, quickly pulling out clothes, and throwing them into hands at random, desperate to clear up the mess.
Soon, Pancake had cleared up the clothes, just as she was congratulating herself on her work she heard a loud bell ring out. "Crap, dress rehearsal time!" She shouted. "Okay, okay," she said looking towards the mesmerized clowns. "When I snap my fingers you will all wake up and change into your clothes as these are totally your clothes!" She said with a smile before snapping her fingers.
The clowns gently shook themselves awake, smiling as they saw the clothes in their hands.
"Well done Pancake," smiled Minstrel as he admired his pile. "You did a great job."
"Yeah, I owe you an apology," smiled Dumpling as she started to strip off in front of everyone else. Pancake blushed and covered her eyes, realizing she had forgotten to tell them to go to their changing rooms and thus she was now going to have to endure seeing all her tope naked.
However, after a few moments Pancake spread her fingers, it was right in front of her after all and no one seemed to mind her enjoying the view. She watched as the clowns pulled on their clothes only to realize her mistake.
Dumpling was clad in a suit several sizes too large, her derby hat almost covering her eyes due to how big it was. Candy was dressed in a suit as well, but hers hung tight to her breast, making her chest even more obvious than it usually was.
Minstrel looked a picture in his bright pink tutu and oversized ballet slippers, the skirt hardly covering the bright polka-dot panties he wore to cover his circus peanut. His short hair was covered in bows, one of which tried to form a ponytail with the short strands on the back of his head.
Flutter was in a bright pink skirt the made a half-dome around his hips and a what was designed to be a crop top, but here it acted more as a loose covering for his top half, showing off his admittedly toned abs, his pretty sequin encrusted gloves drawing, even more, attention to him.
"Right, let's go!" Smiled Velvet, her outfit just a mess of random mismatched parts. Pancake face-palmed and realized she had to do something, she dived in front of the group and started waving her hands again.
"Rollercoaster, wheeeee!" She shouted, watching as their eyes followed her fingers, while silently thanking the part of the book that said people under a suggestion were easier to hypnotize. "Rollercoaster down! Wheee!" She shouted as she snapped and dropped her hands, watching the others slump back into a trance. She rubbed her chin, there was no way she would be able to sort their outfits in time, but then an idea hit her.
"Everyone listen!" She shouted. "You are now going to act like the costume you are wearing," she said nodding to herself. "This is a prank and it is very funny, you are all in on the joke as we are playing it on everyone else!" She said with a smile, hearing several drowsy giggles from the other clowns. She went down the line and tapped people on their shoulders, "Flutter, you are Dumpling, Minstrel you are Velvet," she said as she tapped the two boys, watching their body language change as they took on their new roles.
"Dumpling, you are Flutter," continued Pancake, "And Candy you are Minstrel!" Smiled Pancake before coming to Velvet and trying to work out what to do. "And Velvet you are Pancake!" She said with a nod. "Now wake up, wake up!" She shouted.
All the clowns shook awake once more. "Come on, let's get to rehearsal!" Said Dumpling, her voice much lower than normal, her impression of the masculine Flutter pretty much spot on.
"Yay!" Cheered Minstrel, doing a bit pirouette on his one foot, before he dived and hugged Flutter tight, both of them smiling and bouncing a little, just like the overly excited girls did before a show.
Pancake let out a sigh of relief as she watched the clowns walk out. However as they all wandered out, Velvet tripped over a cable, doing several large tumbles before childishly huffing on the floor. "No fair! Silly cable in my way!" She said as she tried to bounce up only to fall over again.
Pancake looked confused for a few moments until she realized who she had made Velvet play. "Hey!" She shouted as she chased the others out, hoping everyone would buy their story.
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Queen for Seven Days | Seven Day Queen | 7일의 왕비
Who Can I Trust Anymore??
[Spoilers through Ep. 12]
After finishing last week’s Episodes 11 & 12, I was left emotionally drained and speechless. I’m not exaggerating even slightly. At the end of Episode 12, I was like, “What did I just watch?”  It took me a couple days to even process everything. Well played, kdrama, well played.
One thing is for dead sure - I am DONE with the King! Not that I was on his side anyway, but from this point on he gets not ONE DROP of sympathy from me! I don’t care how emotionally wounded he was as a child, or how much he wants (’wants’, not ‘loves’ - there’s a difference) Chae Gyung, he is OUT!  HE KILLED SEO NOH’S FATHER!!  Are you joking me??!!  He didn’t even order someone to do it, like Kings often do. He tortured and killed this sweet old man with his own bare hands!  And he ENJOYED it! He relished it like a hunter making a kill. He had the blood lust. With pure evil in his eyes. He can brood and sulk and pine for love all he wants - he’ll get no sympathy from me. No forgiveness.
[EP 11]
Right at the start we’re off and running, with the King asking Chae Gyung to spy on Yeok for him. He offers her a dagger that she may need to use on Yeok if he turns out to be a traitor. They have no idea that Yeok is actually overhearing the entire thing because - see how cleverly hidden (not) Yeok is as he watches and listens? Somehow they manage not to notice him at all.
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But Chae Gyung is all, “Yeah, keep it pal.”
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Why? Because she believes Yeok is sincere and loyal and she’s going to prove it to the King. Yay Chae!
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But . . .
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She tells him that she will then accept the blade and take her own life. Not exactly what the King was expecting nor wanted to hear.
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Hmm . . . maybe he took this a little too far? Not only does this leave him feeling rejected again as she reaffirms her love and devotion to Yeok, but he finds out that she’s prepared to die over it and he’s just provided her with the means. Yeah . . . that wasn’t how that was supposed to go at all. He’s so saddened that he looks like he’s about the cry. Gee, I wonder what he’s going to do with all that disappointment and jealousy?
Next day the King has a little surprise for the happy couple. A lavish new house! Wheee!  Full of spies -- err -- servants! They try to graciously refuse, but that’s not really an option. Yeok has a look around and . . . well what do you know . . .
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Behind every . . .
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Outside the front door, Yeok encounters a man who seems to be the sort of head spy. He asks his name and the man tells him he is Eunuch Song.
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Yeok turns and for a brief instant, Eunuch Song looks up to meet his eye. Oh boy is that bad form! This guy is bad news. Was he trying to brazenly let Yeok know that he was watching him closely? He’s clearly not to be trusted.
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And yet . . . and here’s the thing about this drama . . . I’m never 100% sure what to think. And I love that. Call me crazy but there’s a grain of me that thinks Eunuch Song might actually play a role in protecting Yeok. Don’t ask me why. A gut feeling. I have nothing else to go on. But there’s a grain of me that suspects he may not be what he appears on the surface.
That night Yeok reflects on his conversation with Chae Gyung earlier. The normal pre-wedding nerves are getting to both of them, on top of all these secrets and suspicions. He remembers what she said to him . . .
“In times like these, you should say I love you many times. You should embrace me and be nice to me.”
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Whenever our Yeok is alone and not otherwise occupied with wedding plans or plotting to overthrow the government, he is thinking of Chae Gyung. This solidifies for me that he loves her very deeply. He wants to be honest with her, but he feels there is too much risk in this moment. He feels he can’t be sure of anything until his plan is achieved.
But, sweet Prince, if you wait too long, it may be too late. You may lose her faith and trust in you while you are being so very careful. This whole dynamic makes me so sad. I want them to be partners. Even partners in crime. I want her to be in on and part of his plan. But I understand why she can’t be. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating.
Still. I want him to tell her something. Some secret that will make her feel that they are partners. He doesn’t have to tell her his whole plan, but I wish he would tell her something like, “There’s a reason I can’t tell you everything now. I want to, and I will in time. Please trust me and stand beside me until then.” Something along those lines. Something to reassure her that’s he’s trying to protect her and to have faith.
Say something, dude!
I’m aching for romance!
Pssst....Chae Gyung...it’s me...
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Yeok stops by to say goodnight and to offer her one last final, final, final option out of this marriage. Well, not really.
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Oh Yeok you scamp. I know what you’re really here for. Chae Gyung is as smitten as any girl could be and immediately gives her answer in the most adorable, childlike way, much like she would have when they were young. She gives him a few fast, innocent pecks on the lips.
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She is so amused and happy and in love with him. She’s cuter than cute and bursting with giggles. Ugh, I just adore her here, I can’t stand it. Instead of giggling with her, Yeok gazes back at her like this.
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Damn he loves her. He loves her to his core. He loves her so much he can do nothing but take her in for a moment.
And then . . . he pulls her in closer and . . .
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*Sigh*  Let’s just stay here like this all day. Let the world disappear.
But when you live in the palace, happiness doesn’t last long.
Morning comes and it’s wedding day! Yay! The King hasn’t slept at all so he ought to be in a very pleasant mood. He starts his day with a little chat with the Queen Dowager.
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Uh boy. I used to like the Queen Dowager, but - like a lot of things - I’m not so sure anymore. I’m thinking she shouldn’t have said that. This only confirms to the king that she has indeed been plotting. Will he take her word for it that Yeok truly loves Chae Gyung and this is a marriage of love? Sure. Sure he will.
Yeok is on his way to the wedding with Seo Noh at his side. Taking a moment in his thoughts, guess who he’s thinking about?
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See? Just as I thought. He’s keeping secrets for now to protect her. It’s really all he wants to do besides becoming King. But 5 seconds of happiness is all he is allowed.
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Oh no . . .
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Yeok recognizes what’s going on immediately.
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How does he know?
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At which point, Seo Noh is all, “What the . . . what??  Something you wanna tell me dude??”
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What’s this? Yeok even hides things from Seo Noh? Apparently so. 
There’s no time to even have it out as it seems Yeok feels the need to head to the scene himself and deal with things. He can’t just send a message back that it’s a trap and they should get out of there. Nope. He bolts before entering the gates, leaving Chae Gyung to wait . . . and wait.
Upon arriving at the scene of said trap, who do we see but the King himself. One of his men says that he could just send word. But no, the King wants to be there himself. They draw arrows upon each other, and though they can’t see clearly, they know in their hearts each is aiming at his own brother.
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This whole situation actually concerns me for Yeok’s future. Both men can’t seem to trust those under them - they are very ‘hands on.’ In order to be a good leader, you must trust your soldiers and officers to be able to carry things out on their own now and then and take orders. Both brothers seem to have a lot of trouble delegating duties. Such a compulsion can lead to a King’s undoing.
They engage in one of the most heart-stopping bow and arrow battles I’ve seen in a kdrama. Very real feeling. It’s short and everyone lives, the brothers scratching each other up a bit.
Crisis averted, Yeok races back to the wedding. Finally! It’s wedding time. Yay! Chae Gyung enters and after bowing, she sneaks a peek at her beloved. She is so happy and just captivating.
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But there’s a problem. Her attention is caught by blood streaming onto Yeok’s hand. And eerily enough, RIGHT to her promise ring! Yeok was grazed by one of the King’s arrows, but of course she doesn’t know that.
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Her beautiful smile turns to sadness and tears begin to stream from her eyes. She remembers the words of the King, warning her how she will soon start to doubt Yeok. What should be the happiest moment of her life is full of sadness, worry and suspicion.
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You were hoping for a happy wedding? I sure was. But it’s nothing but sad faces. And then it’s over. I was pretty disappointed about that. I was looking forward to the grand ceremony. *sigh*
While Chae is visiting with the Queen Dowager and getting her physical, Yeok passes by.
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More secrets. Ok groomie. It’s only your wedding day, but whatever.  Meanwhile, Seo Noh is finally reunited with his Dad. This really makes me cry tears of happiness. These two, sweet, honest fellows, bless them.
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Back at the palace, heavy is the head that wears the crown.
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She waits patiently for Yeok for the traditional removal of her crown and headdress, but she’s clearly getting fatigued. Nanny steps in awesomely and tells her it’s not a big deal if she takes it off instead of him. Then she adds . . .
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Haha!   I freaking LOVE Nanny!  Soon the King shows up to check in. Chae notices the wound on his face.
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He reminds her of her agreement to spy for him and sews more seeds of suspicion. He tells her about the curious events at the pawn shop and asks if she wants to know . . .
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The day passes and eventually Yeok returns. It’s evening and he’s been much longer than expected. He makes an effort to charm his way in with flowers.
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She is not impressed.
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She then tells him that the king has dropped by with some healing herbs.
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And she asks him . . .
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He answers . . .
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Yet he’s touching his arm right where he’s wounded. Chae Gyung is clearly very disappointed to hear this. She knows he is injured. She saw the blood. Why is he lying to her?  Again I’m yelling, “TELL HER!!!” She’s confused and hurt. She steps outside, thinks things over, then comes back with the most brilliant way of handling this situation.
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Without a word she walks back in, sits down next to him, rolls up his sleeve and starts applying the herbs. She doesn’t say a word.
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His guilt bothers him and he makes some feeble attempt at explaining it as a wound from back when they were being pursued.
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She’s no dummy. She knows a fresh wound when she sees one. But she says nothing about it and treats him. She explains that she will trust whatever he says. This is not so much in adoration but with a mood of resignation. This is who she is an she can’t change it. It’s like she’s cursed to have to believe him. She tells him that she’d rather he not come home injured.
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This touches him deeply.
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He gazes at her for a moment then leans in for a kiss.
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But they are interrupted by Nanny who has dinner for them. Another sweet moment spoiled!
Outside, Eunuch Song is sneaking around. Nanny gives him the bum’s rush.
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Haha!  This woman is GOLD!
Meanwhile, the King’s henchmen have found Seo Noh’s father and the King is in full crazy mode. He tortures this sweet old man with the burning hot iron.
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Dad resists but the King continues to freak out. He needs to know why his father left a document that would remove him from the throne. But it feels more like a betrayal. Basically, why didn’t his father love him, is what he wants to know.
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Seo Noh’s father finally yields due to the torture and tells him that it was a decision made as a king, not as a father. He also tells him that the Secret Order is tattooed on a woman’s body. The King is satisfied with this and rewards Seo Noh’s father by driving a sword right through his heart. Not only does he have no hesitation about it, he actually enjoys it.
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Look at that!  You evil King!  I can’t wait for you to lose your throne! But through his final breaths . . .
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Oooo zing!
Poor Seo Noh’s dad. 
He doesn’t deserve this at all.
Back at the palace, Nanny tries to get the juicy details from the wedding night, but all she gets is a big letdown.
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So she sets about teaching Chae Gyung how to seduce her man.

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Ooo Nanny knows a lot!  I love her. Chae catches on. She asks her for all their best liquor.

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LOL!  Nanny you are the best.  But Chae has other ideas.
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Get the boys drunk and learn their secrets!  Whee! Party time!  It’s not long before the boys are drunk. She pretends to drink along and pretends to pass out, too. Her play-acting is so good that Yeok thinks she really has passed out and sneaks out of the pawn shop. While he’s gone and the boys are sleeping it off, she pokes around. It’s not long before she stops and realizes what she’s doing and regrets her actions.

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She stops immediately and runs to the door to leave. But when she opens it . . .
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Yeok is standing there and he heard her. Is he upset? Is he disappointed in her snooping?

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Just the opposite. He is touched by her trust and pulls her in for a sweet, loving hug. She breaks into tears and says about the smartest thing that either of them has said up until now.

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I’m with you Chae Gyung! Let’s run away with Yeok and leave all this craziness behind. She just wants to love him and make a life with him. Choking back his tears, he whispers his full agreement. 

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Oh Yeok, we love you so much. 

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He is so touched by her, and in his heart would love to run away with her. But it’s just a dream. He has a duty to his people. But for now, their thoughts drift off to a sweet place where they are free.
That night Chae comes to his room and says she will stay with him no matter what the Queen Dowager says about how they can only be together on certain nights for optimal baby making. She wants to be with her man! Again he is very moved by her. I so love the effect she has on him. Ahh look at them. This is such a lovely moment.

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She is so beautiful. But all at once there is a commotion at the door.

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*sigh* Her gorgeous face. Why must everyone and everything keep disturbing them? She barely got a chance to hear his heartbeat, if at all. Stupid world. Go away. Someone is calling Yeok. They step outside together.

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OMG!  Noooo!  Yeok is shocked and heartbroken, but keeps their conversation a safe distance from Chae.

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And then . . .

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AGAIN??? He runs off into the night without her. I am yelling at him once again, “TELL HER!!!”  Seo Noh is her friend. She should know about this. This really bothers me that he doesn’t include her this time. I understand his reasons, but geez. Now in order to protect his secrets, she can’t be there for Seo Noh when she would certainly want to be. This is really too much. I’m pretty pissed at him now. And sad. 

During the night the friends bury Seo Noh’s father. Seo Noh is overcome with grief. So am I. This is horrible. And Chae Gyung should be there. She would want to comfort him and support him, and he would want her there, too. This is heartbreaking on so many levels. 

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Poor Seo Noh. His father finally comes back after 5 years and he only gets to see him for a few minutes before he’s dead. This is so wrong. I can’t stand it.
It’s morning now and Yeok never came home. Chae Gyung waited up all night for him. Now she is worried and sets out to find him. When she gets to the pawn shop she sees a lot of blood on the stairs.
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OMG! What has happened? She is now stricken with worry. Where is he? She breaks off the lock and goes inside. More blood! On the floor and on the door! What else can she think but that he’s been injured? Where is he? Is he alive?? 
 She goes through the door and finds their secret planning room. It’s filled with curiosities, but all she wants is to find her Yeok.

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But she finds something else instead.

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It’s the entire royal hierarchy! What the heck is going on? Some people, including her father, are noted as important. What is this? He’s planning something, but what? Was the King right? Is he a traitor? She is beyond horrified and can’t even process what she’s looking at . . .

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And right here is where they leave us. Exhausted and an emotional mess on the floor. OMG what a cruel cliffhanger! 

What will happen now? Will Yeok come back and find her in there and flip out, thinking that she was poking around and didn’t trust him? Even though she was only motivated by love and wanted to find out what happened to him. Will she no longer trust him and work more diligently for the King as his spy? Can she ever trust him now, knowing he is planning something and didn’t tell her? I’m completely racked with questions, curiosity, disappointments, confusion, heartache and anger. I am left with my original question:
Who can I trust?
I don’t trust Yeok. And I must say, this is a new one. When have you ever had a hero that you can’t trust? I can’t even trust my sweet Chae Gyungie. I definitely don’t trust the King - but then I never did. Can’t trust the Queen Dowager. I’m not sure how I feel about Chae Gyung’s father. When push comes to shove, will he side with the king or his daughter and the Prince?
Nope. Can’t trust any of y’all. 

You know who I trust??
Nanny and Seo Noh! That’s it. They are pure and honest. Their motivations are clear and simple. The rest of you all are tearing my heart into tiny pieces. 

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toodamnloyal · 7 years
Freshman Watches Phantom
1. The Freshman 2. @crosscalypso 3. Me
3. Remember this is about 30 years prior. 1. Okay. 2. The empire doesn’t really exist. 3. It doesn’t exist at all. 2. -a look-
(our blockade is perfectly legal, we’re happy to receive ambassadors) 1. A trap.
1. Obi-Wan and Anakin? 2. Obi-Wan and his master
1. -whispers at Darth Sidious- I don’t like you. Sparky-sparky boom-man.
(this is impossible) 2. Not even a little bit. 2,3: -discussing how unconventional and powerful Qui-Gon is- 2. He’s almost a Grey Jedi 1. There’s more?! Come on. 3. Jedi, Sith, Dark Jedi, Grey Jedi....
(Jar-Jar arrives) 2. Ahhh. Guuuuh. 
1. Are they just made to be annoying? 2,3. Yes 1. Yeesh. Star Wars: let's make you even more angry
1. ‘okieday’? I hate him.
1. Woah that’s cool! Can I have walls like that? Oh. Are there more Jar-Jars here? 2. No only one is as obnoxious as Jar-Jar. 1. Jar-Jar himself. If they weren’t so annoying I’d call them Atlantians.
1. I have no idea what he’s talking about.
1. (jar jar talking) What? 
(Qui-Gon uses Force to put Jar-Jar to sleep) 1. Yay! I approve. What the actual heck is wrong with this place? 2. It created Jar-Jar Binks, it’s literally the worst place. 1. What place is this?  3. Naboo. 1. Yeah-no.
1. Can you make a Jedi in Pathfinder? It’d be a monk. 
1. Jar-Jar stop talking.
3. I love how in the book, Qui-Gon’s internal dialogue is always being annoyed by the one snarky handmaiden who has too much influence 1. There's a snarky handmaiden? So the’s the Artoo? 2. Yes! She’s the swiss pocket knife of handmaidens.
1. Artoo! Yes, Artoo-Detoo! Is that Artoo? 3. Yes. 1. Yay! The snarky one!
(Darth Maul arrives) 1. Oh my gosh! Who the heck are you?!
(tiny Anakin) 1. Is that an important kid?  3. -nod-
1. I have no idea what you’re saying Jar-Jar....
1. So no-one notices that he sabotaged the thing? 2. Nope 1,2. That or those who notice just don’t care.
(Jaba the Hutt arrives) 1. OH YOU. And another. And the albino mindflayer!
1. In my heart, I wanna believe that the part he broke was just a prop. Not important. Just a tiny thing. 3. But the camera focused on it. 1. The camera focused on it and this is Star Wars.
1. How the heck does the kid know how to do this?
3. The hardest freaking level on Lego Star Wars!
1. This kid, he has already accomplished so much more than me in life. 2. Well, his midichlorians... 1. I have midichlorians too I just don’t know how to use them.
1. It’s one thing to fly one of these things. But to fly it, while it’s broken and you’re racing and keep it under control - just let Ani win! I keep forgetting this kid becomes Darth Vader.
1. He’s like, what’s his name? The Saboteur?  3. Sabulba 1. He’s like the guy with a Toyota with the 50 inch rims.
2. The face he makes reminds me of Gillette’s stink face. ( @undauntedloyalty tagging you bc reasons) I’ll never be able to unsee it all because of Gillette and his stink face.
(careful ani, careful ani) 2. Shut up Jar-Jar, shut up Jar-Jar.
(you’ve brought hope to so many who have none) 3. And then he becomes Darth Vader 2. I give hope to other men and keep none for myself.
2. Aslan has freed you.
(we’re a democracy) 1. With a Queen. 3. The Queen is elected 1. But its not a democracy 3. By definition it is! 1. It makes no sense! 2. Shhhh
1. Please don’t tell me that girl is Luke’s mom 3. What? 1. Please don’t tell me that is Luke’s mom. 3. What? 2. Don’t tell you what? 1. It’s building up their relationship in this platonic way but I’m afraid it’s gonna be more, and I just can’t handle that. She’s so much older and, just - no. 2. He’s 9 or 10, she’s 14 but yeah I’m not telling you who Luke’s mom is.
(Papaltine comes in announcing bid for Chancellor) 1. I don’t like this guy. Right away I don’t like him. There’s something off with this guy. What’s wrong with him?
(I dont wanna be a problem. You wont be) 2. Literally becomes the biggest problem in the galaxy. 
2. The one character you spend three movies going ‘please die, please die, please die’ 1. And the ones you like they die! Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin when he became good again.
1. What can Jar-Jar do? 3. Wesa has a grand army! 1. -headdesk-
3. You said Anakin is the biggest problem in the galaxy. Jar-Jar.
1. Mesa want you to shut up. 2. Yousa be wishing that for long time.
2. Do you notice the way her face changes for are you just oblivious? 1. Face changes? 2. Oblivious.
2. Literally the their biggest problem was thinking they’re better. Now she’s begging and he’s like yes be friends!
1. (Maul onscreen) You terrify me.
1. Thank you for speaking normally.
2. Oh my God he’s Charles Lee! I’m a General Wheee!
1. Its a future version of facetime. 2. Holotime. Holotime all the time. iphone eleven. More like iphone elevenhundred. 3. iphone 66 (has no idea what she just said) 2,3. -ded-
1. Oh thats, thats how you bring an army. I want one.
1. DIY build your own army.
3. Why is Jar-Jar anywhere near there?! 2. Why was Charles Lee in the army, questions we may never know.
(Stay in that cockpit) 1. Okay.
1. What are you doing? 2. You spend the entire movie asking that. And you keep on going cos he never goes away.
2. 11 year old in the body of a 9 year old because he’s a slave and wasn’t fed well, flipping dog fighting going “this is tense!” 1. He’s a good pilot but I draw the line!
1. He dies tho 2. I dont wanna talk about it 3. Nobody wants to talk about it.
3. blatant CGI 1. Awful
2. Uh-oh big boomers lemme just open the door and ya know lemme run with them instead of run away from them 1. takes out half the army, gets commended...
3. -gleefuly destroys 2 over Qui-Gons death and that in the book, Obi-Wan hears Luke’s voice screaming with him over his own death-
2. Just imagine how grieved Qui-Gons force ghost is when he becomes who he becomes. I am destroyed.
(I’ll be watching your career with great interest) 1. And then great fear. 2. -via text- Or delight
3. AU where Qui-Gon doesn’t die and Anakin is kept under control 2. Doubtful 1. What makes him go out of control? 2,3. Ha.
0 notes
bestforlessmove · 8 years
5 Stages We All Suffer Through When Hunting for Apartments
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Getting a new apartment can be invigorating-everything is so shiny and full of possibilities! Finding a new apartment? Not so much. If you're renting in a hot market, near a college, or you're not a Trump (and yes, we're counting Tiffany), finding a place that's both affordable and available isn't usually easy.
The proof is in the numbers: In the third quarter of 2016, the average nationwide vacancy rate was 6.8%-down from the same time the year before, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. To make matters worse, rent prices are still sky-high. A recent report by GoBankingRates found the national average for rent is hovering around $1,234 a month for a 678-square-foot, one-bedroom apartment. And experts say rent prices aren't going down any time soon. Wheee!
This unholy combo creates a sort of special supply-and-demand hell that only renters understand. If you're apartment hunting soon, you might as well prepare yourself now for that unique cycle of heartache and despair that's about to play out. With apologies to Kübler-Ross, we're here to help guide you through the five stages of grief-err, apartment hunting.
Stage 1: Denial
We've all done it. As soon as we pop open the laptop to start our apartment search, we expect to find a ton of awesome listings just ready and waiting. And then we don't.
We keep the listings tab open all day on our browsers, refreshing every 20 minutes, and wait for Mr. Dream Rental to pop up, all the while growing more and more desperate. Wait, I thought you said this was going to be fun?
How to cope: The solution might be simple, if startling: Get offline.
Take a drive (or walk) around the hood and check for rental signs. We know it's shocking in this digital age, but not everything is posted on rental listing sites. Sometimes you'll have to dig a little deeper. As you scour the neighborhood, write down names of apartment complexes you want to look into, and then look them up online-they should have floor plans, pricing, and even availability on their respective websites.
Still nothing? Try a Realtor® or a rental broker.
“As a renter, a broker can be extremely useful, especially if you're not that familiar with the neighborhood,” says Moshe Goykhman, director of leasing for Dreamtown Realty in Chicago. “Their knowledge of the renting market and the neighborhoods can be very helpful in uncovering a hidden gem.”
Stage 2: Anger
Once you're knee-deep in your apartment search, you suddenly remember why you hate renting. Every. Single. Place. seems to have at least one enormous downside. You get only one parking spot. Or your washer and dryer are outside on the patio (true story). Or maybe the landlord won't take your (perfectly behaved) Great Dane. Agh!
How to cope: Don't lose hope just yet. Take a deep breath, and try to change your approach: Remind yourself of the upsides to renting-such as free maintenance and cheaper insurance. Stop focusing on the smaller issues and instead focus on the bigger ones: Find a couple of places that meet your immediate needs and then narrow them down by the biggest factor of all: location.
“If everything else is equal, then you should go with the preferred locale,” Goykhman says. “You can change almost everything else. But the location is staying the same.”
Stage 3: Bargaining
You've done all your homework, viewed a few apartments, and narrowed it down to three or four places that will meet your needs-at least for now.
And then the reality starts to sink in: This is going to be expensive. Really expensive. Suddenly, you feel desperate. Maybe you can make a deal with the landlord? Maybe there's a special promotion you don't know about?
How to cope: Don't count on any discounts. Yep, it's time for the tough talk. You might get lucky and score a deal, but here's what you need to remember: The national rental market is tight right now, and there are plenty of other renters out there happy to fork over the cash. If affording a particular place is going to be a squeeze, you might have to readjust your plan.
“Apartment hunting is all about expectations and being realistic,” Goykhman says. “If a renter is having trouble finding something that they can afford, then they may need to sacrifice in some manner.”
It won't be fun, but start trimming that wish list again. As you cut out “must-haves,” you'll find cheaper apartments that fit the bill.
Stage 4: Depression
And then, just when you finally find a good, affordable spot, some smooth-talking renter just waltzes in, plops down the deposit, and steals your apartment. It might be the single most depressing thing apartment hunters go through, but you can deal.
How to cope: Start by finding out what else the landlord might have available soon. If you have a broker, this will be easy.
“It's very possible the broker may have dealt with the landlord before or he may have colleagues who have and can get you the inside scoop,” Goykhman says.
If you don't have a broker, just go ahead and make the call yourself-and ask the landlord if he can knock some dollars off the rent to help mend your broken heart.
Stage 5: Acceptance
The landlord doesn't have anything else available, and Mr. Perfectly Fine Apartment is really gone? You're going to have to go back to the drawing board, but that's OK!
How to cope: This time you know what you can afford, you've scouted the good locations, and you don't need to waste any more time. You can do this. Win that perfectly average apartment!
The post 5 Stages We All Suffer Through When Hunting for Apartments appeared first on Real Estate News & Advice | realtor.com®.
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survivorarabia · 8 years
EPISODE 8 “Pissy Omg That Is Me” - Issy
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“Recap: Nicole went rogue, two idols were played and one was flushed (thanks to yours truly), Alex is a cat with 9 lives, I lost an extremely loyal ally, and now both sides are evenly split 5-5. Ruthie and Nicole are way closer than I thought, a little too close for my liking. I’m pretty sure Nicole would never play an idol on me, she voted with the other side, and she tried to use the fake information I gave her to play an idol on someone she thought I was voting out. Hell to the naw.”
I'm honestly just really, really sick of being viewed as a goat in this game. Ya'know, returning after that damn Catastrosicily (Catastrophe + Sicily ya dumb schmuck), all I wanted to do in this damn game was redeem myself -- play a game to be proud of. But... But... *begins tearing up; sad Survivor music begins playing* nobody likes me!! AND NOBODY RESPECTS MY GAME! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! WAH WAH WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! 
so i put all 500 on the sealed envelope because yeah. anyway so ruthie just said this in my alliance chat w/ herself myself and richie and alex: "I wonder if he is really 14, he could be a Survivor vet in disguise." about aren..... and i'm shook. I'M a survivor vet in disguise but how am i a vet when i got 6th and then got FIRST BOOT like honestly im a mess but somehow i made it to the jury?????? somehow. anyway its so hard to not tell anyone this but i'm literally going to the finale pre-party and after-parties of the s33 finale in los angeles last month and i just found out today?????? LIKE???????? LOOKS LIKE LENA IS GOING ON ANOTHER CAMPING TRIP HUH................................. jk i'm going to be going to a family reunion in another state. which state?IDK YET. but i'll get there.
It's beginning to seem like I've made alliances with a bunch of fucking idiots here Aren wants to flip, Emmott wants to flip, nobody seems fucking concerned that Khiana is only growing in strength & numbers at every passing tribal FUCK ME Aren just said he's going to flip & I fucking BET Emmott will too I think it's come time to break my alliance with them already, fuck If I flip, I'm absolutely on the bottom of a Khiana alliance, like fuck I know this game is changing and Jay is a threat but NOT RIGHT FUCKING NOW I JUST WANT ONE OF THEM GONE! ONE OF THEM! So they don't have fucking twice the numbers we do because we've been picking each other off! 
“Alex’s arrogance is seeping wet in a ball of moistness since he just idol’d out Roxy and he is not trying to hide it at all. I wanna see him suffer in this game and for all of his allies to get voted out because he is being handed the win on a silver platter. I will avenge Roxy and her elimination will not be in vain if I have any say in it. I’m trying to keep my mouth shut though because I know that these people don’t like problematic.”
OKay that last confessional was a bit much but I'm so fucking done with this Aren, 10:12 pm Sorry, are you angry at me? askakskksa YES yes I am fucking angry, god damn it issy, 10:15 pm no lol it's fine Fuck me, fuck this, I want Alex and Ruthie out pronto or Alex is going to win this whole bloody thing, I'm calling it now I should never have voted out Shay, I should never have voted Roxy, I fucked up and I don't know how to fix this because it's starting to feel like I've very much already lost But POSITIVITY!! Am I right? <3 <3 <3 Fuck I'm so bitter today oops
wheee videos
I'm feeling really good about this stick I just spent $480, I HOPE THAT IT HAS MY NAME ON IT!  Also I'm hoping everyone else skips over the Mac and Cheese and I mean, I have no idea but I'm guessing everyone will be going for the covered items and the mystery stuff but hey look at that stick it looks like there might be a secret hole at the end.  I just really hope that Nicole, Alex, Lena, Richie and myself get by another week. <3 
“I have an issue with Nicole’s comment about being lied to. I did lie to her and say that my side was planning to vote out Ruthie, but you weren’t voting with us so you shouldn’t be surprised that you were lied to. If someone tells you who they’re voting out and you idol that same person, do you really think you should be let in on the plan? Get it together gurl… This is why I don’t really see her as an ally to me anymore. I guess if anything went right last tribal council, it would be that Nicole’s idol was flushed and Alex played his which means there are less idols to worry about!”
Call me crazy. Call me wild. Call me stupid. Call me CHAOTIC AS ALL FUCK!!! But my name is Aren, and I'm here to flip this game on it's fat ass and create chaos and make huge fucking moves. That is why Jay is hopefully going to be going home at this next tribal-council. :) IssyFuck me, this game is falling to pieces Touchy subjects! My all time favourite challenge! (not) I'm mentally preparing myself to win all of the shitty ones because I'm sure Alex, Ruthie, Lena & co are still going to be bitter It's certainly going to be interesting, always good to find out what people really think of you Ugh I still can't believe Aren actually seriously wants to flip here, he fucking brought it up again I was good to just pretend it never happened in the first place I'm being so pissy lately, like I just went off at him which is never good gameplay & I'm pretty sure Emmott hates me too 'pissy' omg that is me
“These people don’t know how to play Survivor and it’s really starting to frustrate me. Everyone is either too egotistical, conniving, or artificial and it’s just so blatant. The only person I would consider normal is Ruthie and I don’t even talk to her that much lmao. Note: Start talking to the other side and make sure you’re not their target.”
“I believe that Aren slipped up earlier today and he inferred that he, Emmott and Issy are a tight trio. Which is funny because that would mean they’re keeping me out the loop, hmm. Aren said that he’s worried about Jay because apparently he’s been making final 3 chats with different combinations of people and smoked everyone in Tetris which all implies that he wants Jay out. This is funny because I realized Jay has become a threat too, but it’s too soon to turn on each other because it’s 5-5 and OG Fawz needs to stick together. We can take out Jay at a later time when we have the numbers.”
Okay, lets get caught up again. Not sure what I covered in my last one so this may overlap a bit. On Hazima tribe, I made a #BigMove. Alex and Lena were assuring me that I am safe and that Issy was the target. Issy was allied with some of my original Fawz allies as well, so saving her would be better than letting the other side keep an extra number. I used my idol and the vote was a split 2 Issy - 2 Alex. Because I used my Idol, I was not eligible for drawing rocks, so only Lena would be in danger from another tie. After it was revealed, I told Lena that I am voting for Alex and if she does not as well, then her game is over. Of course, she voted Alex. I felt bad really, he's a nice guy. But luckily for Alex, he had a godamn Phoenix idol that brought him right back into the game. A bit anticlimactic, but at least I nullified his Phoenix Idol and prevented him from bringing back another number on their side. The tribes merge and Alex comes back, shit. After the merge, I started an alliance with most of the original Fawz members, Me, Aren, Ci'ere, Kat, Roxy $ Issy, only Emmott had to be excluded, because of Roxy's mistrust of him. I still thought he could be a good ally, so I kept him close, but outside the alliance. Meanwhile: I'm still a part of the mostly-Khiana alliance 'Unnamed Icons', which I only joined to gather more intel and keep my people safe. Members: Nicole, Richie, Lena & Me. First immunity challenge is Tetris! YEESSS! THIS IS MY GAME! I love Tetris with a passion and I still have my original Gameboy Cartridge for it. I played for a couple hours and got what I hoped would be a respectable score. But apparently everyone else sucks at Tetris because I scored nearly double what 2nd place submitted. Looking at the numbers, the OG Fawz alliance should have this vote easily, and we decided to target Alex, but to tell everyone that we are targeting Ruthie instead. (To draw out any possible Idols and maybe split the vote further) This plan worked well, too well. Two idols were played, one on Ruthie and one on Alex. Well shit. The votes came out 5-7, so everyone I told to vote Alex followed through, but the rest flipped on me, I guess my connection to the Unnamed Icons has been severed. Because of the double Idol play, we lost Roxy. Sad to see her go, but I still had Emmott waiting in the wings. Nobody objected so I added him to the group. I'm sure he's not happy about being the last added, but I hope he'll realize that it was only because of Roxy. (I honestly did want him in to begin with) Surprisingly, Richie and I had a conversation, apparently he feels very much on the outs with his original Khiana people. (It seems like Alex, Lena, Ruthie & Nicole are all very tight) I told him that I didn't intend to betray him, I was just doing what I had to do to stay alive in the game and that I had ties to Fawz people from the beginning, so I was honoring my promises to them. He said he respects that and that he still wants to work with me. Awesome! If Richie was being honest, then that means we can easily control the votes and boot the remaining Khiana people, one by one. I told him that I would let him know how we are voting when the time comes, and that if he votes our way then I'll do what I can to bring him in to the alliance. Auction time! My plan was to bid decently high on two items that I want a lot, and then a lot of little bids in the hopes that I get something nobody else put any cash on. This worked out well, as I expected several people bid everything on one item and there were a few instances of more than one person bidding a large amount on the same item. I managed to score 3 great items! 1 Vote Nullifier 1 Extra Vote & 2 Idol Clues. These will definitely be handy later on...
So I'm waiting for the results COMPLETELY on edge because knowing Jay his lucky ass has also won individual immunity along with all his other goodies that he got at the auction.  If somehow Jay doesn't win I hope Alex does because I have a better chance at staying than he does, either way I'm terrified about the result and I hope Alex, Richie, Lena and myself figure out a way to pull out another win and keep the four of us solid.  I'm SO sad that Nicole exiled herself but I totally get why she did it, I just hate the entire situation, PLEASE Survivor Gods let one of us win individual immunity. <3 
“I have not gotten anything from a freaking reward and I’m jmhnbv mnjhnbgv”
LMAO my drunk as shit answers, I don't remember any of that. anyway im playing pokemon moon so this game is cancelled for the next 36 hours while i die playing this game
“Who would you trust with your life?
None of these snitches.”
Me @ the people that gave me really nawsty answers in Touchy Subjects: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. But fo' reals THESE FUCKERS don't know what the fUCK they're talking about because BOY am I giving them a fucking aSS SPANKING in this game rn like they need to beg their momma to save em at this point ArenSo, I might be sick as all fuck, but this does NOT mean that I've stopped playing the game. Hehehehe, I have a sneaky-sneaky plan! So, I still want Jay out, and I'm gonna make SURE he goes. Therefor... *rubs hands together* I'm gonna fabricate some friendly ole' conversations! FAKE CONVERSATION #1 - GOAL: MAKE ISSY VOTE FOR JAY. So, when Emmott and I have spoken enough, I'm gonna copy + paste our conversation to Issy but I'm gonna change our sentences to make it look like Emmott's now gunning for Jay. Issy, as she trusts me so damn much, is gonna believe me and is gonna get super paranoid and probably vote for Jay! That's already a 6-4 vote! But lets make this bad boy 7-3... FAKE CONVERSATION #2 - GOAL: MAKE EMMOTT ALSO VOTE FOR JAY. When Jay finally gets back to me and we get the opportunity to chat, I'm gonna also copy + paste our conversation to Emmott to make Emmott thing that Jay's gunning for him. Since Emmott's so fucking paranoid, he's gonna listen and want to vote Jay out with me. Splendid! Fucking splendid! A 7-3 blindside on Jay, MMM.��
“The Touchy Subject results are revealed and it turns out that I was only answered twice out of 140 possible times. I’m not sure if I’m playing a strong under the radar game or if I’m just irrelevant, but it means that I’m not on anyone’s radar lmao. I wasn’t even answered for any of the negative ones either, I’m here for this yas chile~”
[13:00:56] Jay: Yo [13:01:01] Aren: Sup man! [13:01:11] Jay: Hey, what's up? [13:01:19] Aren: Not much!! Just chilling, playing Counter-Strike haha. You? [13:01:24] Jay: I'm just relaxing, just finished eating takeaway and watching a movie with my wife. I've played that game too a few times it's pretty good [13:01:27] Aren: Yeah man lol definitely [13:02:04] Jay: So, this is what I wanted to message you about. I havent asked anyone about this yet so I just want to consult you before I try to actually make a big flip. I know that we're planning to gun for Lena, but I honestly want to flip the vote to Emott. I understand that you might be against this but he's a complete middle man and I feel like he could be playing both sides which is super dangerous. I just wanted to get your input honestly [13:02:12] Aren: Wowah [13:02:29] Aren: I dunno honestly, I think it might be a better idea just to stick with our original plan for now?? [13:02:37] Jay: I'd honestly just rather get Emmott out but I understand. [13:03:02] Aren: I mean I dunno dude I'm pretty sure he's with us [13:03:17] Jay: Alright, well, perhaps we could take Lena out now and do Emmott later?? I just don't want to let him make it further than, like, the final eight honestly. He's a very dangerous player. [13:03:26] Aren: Alright man, I understand. I'll think about it, okay? [13:03:17] Jay: (y) ... And this fake conversation built upon Aren's anvil of prickiness is going straight into Emmott's inbox! Oops! Time to switch this vote the fuck up and send Jay the fuck home!!!
“Kat, whom I forgot was still in the game, was medevac’d and no offense but I knew she would just be a waste of a spot for someone that would have actually played the game. It really sucks because she seems cool and she was a number for my side s m h.”
this game is a mess!!!!!!!  i've been talking to everyone on the fawz tribe like im a fucking IDIOT lmao i'm literally acting like i'm the most pathetic baby deer clueless to whats going on just looking for someone to trust bc im so alone and i just want to be given a chance to play this game :( :( :( :( and its working out for me now because i have the family alliance with alex/lena/ruthie but the fawz people see them a threesome and i keep playing it up that i'm on the outside of that group and i'm going to all the fawz ppl just putting my fragile little heart in their hands hoping for some sort of strain of trust and hope <3 in the long run this could be harmful because people might see me doing this and think that i was actually a useless floater but like i'm getting tea from everyone i'm just taking notes and making connections... also i have alex ruthie and lena who are going to get taken out before me like if i start trying to make BIG MOVES right now then my name gets moved to the top of that list so its just not smart for me to put myself out there yknooooooowwww?! but whatevz i can deal with all that later for now this vote is looking to be another "fun" one... jay told me to vote ruthie, aren told me that jay is lying to me and that he wants me to vote for ruthie while the rest of them vote lena so its a 5-3-1 with me as the 1, aren wants to blinside jay which IM ALL FOR THAT MF CAN GOOOOOO but he won three (3) things in the auction which fucking terrrrrrrifies me so im hesitant to try and blindside him right now but i'm not in a position where i can take the reins on this vote bc if i start causing chaos the original fawz alliance can decide to come together and vote me out 5-4 so for this vote i need to try my best to suppress my  need to be in control at all times, shut up, go with this plan, and hope for the best because if it works GREAT jay's gone and if it doesn't then lena or ruthie go WHICH SUCKS but im still in the game and the khiana numbers wouldnt be intimidating to the fawz people anymore so they would be more likely to want to make a move next week..... UGHHHHHHH I JUST WANT TO BE IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING I HATE THAT IM IN THIS POSITION WHERE I HAVE TO SHUT UP AND PRETEND IM WEAK AND STUPID I JUST WANT TO BE CHAOTIC EVILLLLLLLL :( :( :(
I WON IMMUNITY, SUCKERS, TAKE THAT I KNEW THAT MACARONI AND CHEESE WOULD PAY OFF! So this round has just been....a rollercoaster of emotions.  First, at the auction, Jay wins a whole bunch of shit, and Nicole pops off to Exile.  First of all, fuck you Nicole, we NEEDED you this round.  But second of all, that puts us down 6-4, and that blows.  Now my brilliant “lie to everybody” plan doesn't work and we're p. fucked. But then, Immunity comes around, and not only do I win (again: heck yes!) but Kat is bounced out of the game.  Presumably, she was DEVASTATED by the loss of her only ally, Julia, that she got sick and died.  So now, lucky us, the numbers are back on our side! Except of course they're not, because, as we must remember, Aren and Emmott are liars, proven liars.  Fuck them so hard. Anyway.  Theoretically, we have Aren's vote against Jay (which we do not), and equally theoretically, Aren's fake chatlog of Jay wanting to take Emmott out has convinced Emmott to vote for Jay as well (it did not).  And all this has theoretically made Issy realize that it's a done deal, and she's gonna vote Jay too (she will not). So, in theory, we have the votes to take out Jay, or to do my initial plan of removing Ci'ere while telling everyone to vote Jay (we do not, and we will not).  But the thing is that on top of all these liars supposedly telling us the truth (they are not), I've checked, and there's no way that the chatlogs Aren's sent me were anything but fake.  The timestamps don't come out like that in a real chatlog unless he's running Linux or something.  So, in short, we're pretty fucked this tribal. Do I need to tell the rest of the group this?  No, of course not.  They don't need to know how hopeless it is, and considering I have Immunity and thus am not on the chopping block, I'm tryna shut up and let them decide what plan they wanna run. But anyway, we're fucked this tribal, what fun.
“I mention that Ruthie was voted ‘Most Trustworthy & Most Heroic’ so she’s a threat and maybe we should target her. Everyone in my alliance immediately shoots down that idea and they’re seriously against it. They would rather go after Lena who was voted ‘Most Needs a Wake Up Call & Never Talk to Again’ like...WHAT?? Ruthie has made solid bonds and my own alliance proved that themselves. At this point, alliances are probably shifting and things are actually starting to get kind of blurred.”
So, tribal is in an hour and I'm not as nervous 
as I was last week and I'm coming to the terms that I'm going to be the one going home.  I'm so glad to have made it to jury, and I really hope that Alex, Lena and Richie work with Nicole next time and that they send one of the others to jury next!  Emmott and Aren are such snakes for doing what they are going to do, and I don't trust them AT ALL.  I would rather them go than Jay go at this point, everything is such a mess and I wonder who is telling the truth and who isn't and being on the bottom sure does suck.   If I am the one that goes I am excited about my speech, mayyyyybe that willl cause a bit of chaos and it'll get the others someone new to work with. 
I have NO IDEA what is about to happen here I think the craziest thing that could happen would be for our plan to go off without a hitch, really.
0 notes