#when I was stressed (which is very logical for me) but it's such a weird issue
feralnumberfive · 1 year
Good morning to every organ in my body except my stomach. Get your shit together
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lilgynt · 3 months
my friends like invite him to go clubbing with us! i’m gonna club my brain in.
#personal#one i invited someone else already so im not gonna be like hey single friend lemme go off with whatever this dude is and leave you with#my friend you don’t know with her boyfriend#then that’s such a weird driving situation#like do we stick with the original game plan of having friends bf drive and then have that dude meet up or#do i have him pick me up and go pick up friend which insane to ask second hang out#ah!!!#and then it’s like well you’re only considering the second possibility bc you enjoy his company and wouldn’t mind him driving you home#which leads into like well. what is this.#cause yes we’ve been talking for like a few weeks#had a very nice date#talked about getting TESTED#is it like. are we. just talking are we hitting and quitting are we gonna be 🫣#which is like what do *i* want#which crazy enough! i actually really like this dude so i wouldn’t mind a relationship#but then it’s like okay. what if he doesn’t like me. or only wants sex. hnnnn#and now i’m embarrassed about everything like damn he fr saw me spam my insta im gonna kill my self#what’s the appropriate amount of time to respond to a message- not what’s the appropriate#to ignore than respond but what makes it seem like i’m not waiting by the phone#which novel experience outside of friendship#and i’m trying to logic myself out of it like hey. good experience whichever way this goes#you got some talking practice went on a proper date that wasn’t dennys that you half paid for after they explained their whole books plots#I CAN TALK MY LEGITMENT POLITICS AND BELIEFS.#experience. which great. doesn’t do anything the whole im fumbling feeling like at alll#this is mortifying and i hate it. like i cannot exaggerate it’s a little disgusting#oh and then okay he has the time and does go clubbing#I CSNT FUCKING DANCE.#and the WORST bit. is im kicking my feet and giggling when we’re talking like die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i’m getting butterfly’s listening to the playlist he made me#regardless how this goes i am not doing this again this is way too stressful
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xxsabitoxx · 11 months
My Personal Hashira 🍆 Size Ranking
Warning: if it ain’t obvious, this contains smut lmao — therefore Muichiro is 100% not included in this. We’re talking about 🍆, length, girth, all the fun stuff. So if PPs make you uncomfortable keep on scrolling babes </3
A/N: these low key stress me out cause I feel like people can get pretty defensive over these types of Headcanons. Especially if my own thought differs from yours. Regardless, these are just my personal takes/HCs. My word is not law so do not be upset if my HC does not match yours / don’t feel the need to change how you HC these things to fit my POV. This is why I refrain from describing size in my fics, I want y’all to imagine it in a way that you like lololol
Lastly, idgaf if you see some of this as unrealistic, these are fake, fictional drawings of men, if I wanna give Gyomei a 44ft long 🍆, I can and will (I didn’t but you get the point.) Anyways enjoy my personal thoughts on this matter
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1. Himejima Gyomei
Is anyone fucking shocked that this 7’2 (220cm) man is packing the biggest schlong among the male Hashira?
I mean let’s be logical real quick, his dick is as big as the rest of him. This man’s dick is dragging on the floor.
Soft: 11.2
Hard: 12.3
Call it unrealistic idgaf this man is LONG
Girthy too, he’s fucking beefy all over
This man’s dick will feel like he’s shoving his wrist up in there ong bro
It curves downward slightly when hard, I mean shit that thing is heavy, it stands no chance against gravity
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2. Uzui Tengen
Again, the man is 6’6 (198cm).
Height comes into play when it comes to our two tank Hashira
Therefore none of you should be surprised that they are the top two
Soft: 9
Hard: 10.3
Your guts are getting rearranged, he knows the length he has but often underestimates how far he can go…
He’s long but doesn’t have a crazy girth to him, which thank fuck it doesn’t take as much prep to take him
He’s pretty straight when hard and manages to flex it and keep it up (he totally does dick tricks & you can’t convince me otherwise)
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3. Tomioka Giyu
I’m standing by my “big dick Giyu” head canon. I just know this man is packing a weapon down there
What’s crazy is he wasn’t even aware of how good he had it until he overheard other corps members chatting
Soft: 6.3
Hard: 7.4
He’s got a decent girth and as weird as it may sound, it’s pretty, like really pretty to look at
When hard, it curves upwards and stands at attention which makes him a bit embarrassed
He knows how to use it, because of that he’s pretty confident in that aspect which is wild for him
He will also rearrange your guts unintentionally (or intentionally hehe)
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4. Shinazugawa Sanemi
I don’t wanna hear one PEEP from any of you that Sanemi should be above Giyu.
My man is forth on the list but that ain’t mean shit, he’s still got a lot going on down there
Soft: 6
Hard: 7
He’s girthy, will tear you up girth, needs thirty minutes of prep minimum because of how wildly he fucks girth
He sticks straight out, no curve in sight and honestly looks like he defies gravity.
He’s like Tengen, can do dick tricks. But unlike Tengen he doesn’t make that known / show you lmao.
He’ll break your back, he may even hurt you (fully unintentional) if he gets too into it. That thing is fr a weapon
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5. Rengoku Kyojuro
He’s fifth on the list but trust me he’s not lacking
He’s second smallest, but he’s not small, if you get what I mean. It’s kinda like how we rank the Hashira weakest to strongest but regardless they are still the strongest in the corps… that make sense?
Soft: 5.8
Hard: 6.8
He curves upwards, very prominent veins running along his shaft (heh, shaft)
Girth wise, he’s about normal. Not too intimidating but def offers you a good stretch, forgoing prep is real bold tbh
He’s a quick learner so he quickly masters how to fuck you
He will strive to go as far as your body will let him, so expect to be bruised / sore
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6. Iguro Obanai
My king. He may be “smallest” among the Hashira men, but that doesn’t mean shit.
He’s not self conscious of his dick, he knows how to use it. He’s also pretty content with it’s size
Soft: 5.6
Hard: 6.5
See? You can’t come for me cause he ain’t even SMALL
Obanai’s dick is pretty, too. It curves upwards slightly, since he’s pretty pale, his veins are prominent
He’s got an average girth, he doesn’t need to prep you forever to get you ready. Which works in his favor cause he likes to “punish” you with no prep & going in raw
He can and will abuse your cunt, he’s not satisfied until you genuinely can’t walk without limping for a few days
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 5 months
I like that your art looks like a reheated pizza that was put in the microwave for too long so its all bubbly and melty and such
The analogy makes sense and that's an observation I can really appreciate. As a pizza fanatic however please use a toaster oven if you have one. I only reheat my pizza in a toaster oven, using specific settings that ensure bread is made crispy and the cheese melts again, but without much bubbling or the bread charring (There are settings on mine that switch between "Warm" to "Bake" to "Toast" to "Broil", etc, and what I do is set it to Warm, then the temperature knob to 400+, and then the timer to 8 minutes for one slice, 10 for two, and 11 at most three. Depending on your tastes, the type and quality of the pizza's dough you're working with, along with the type of toaster you yourself use of course, you're likely going to have to experiment to achieve optimal results.). But seriously like I need you to understand you're speaking to someone with "eccentric Jojo side-character" levels of specificity when it comes to reheating pizza and I needed to physically withhold myself from responding with "IN THE MICROWAVE?? FOR TOO LONG?? WHO" which is somewhat hypocritical since I also used to use the microwave before I figured out toaster ovens, and reheating food with the microwave can be very difficult to get right, if possible at all. And it's also presumptuous of me to even assume your own practices since you're just giving an example, and not stating specifically how you individually reheat pizza. A weaker Hydro would take this as an insult but I want to stress that I do know what you mean. I know i also sound insane but there's so much context behind my response and I feel a compulsion to write out this response to its fullest for you to understand the weird places and leaps in logic my brain just went through My brushes definitely have a blobby look to them, especially when viewed close up, so I totally see what you mean. I also think people should reheat food however way they want and there's definitely no wrong way to do it
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comicaurora · 10 months
One thing I noticed is ever since MAWSM came out is how people in discussions have been decreasingly calling Clark "Superman" and now almost exclusively refer to him with his real name. Yeah, of course. He is Clark first and foremost. The farmboy from Smallville, Kansas; reporter at the Daily Planet. Superman is an extension of Clark. He's not like the other dude whose hero persona is his core identity. He's just a normal guy at heart who happens to be indestructible. He's just... Clark.
I think it's because until My Adventures With Superman, his primary cartoon presence was in series that were overtly superhero shows with threat-of-the-week formats, where Clark's life was the two-minute framing sequence around Superman getting to do the good stuff. Even the original Fleischer superman cartoon was ten-minute shorts that couldn't afford to go slice-of-life when they could be animating Superman punching a hole in a jet.
There have been little moments that hinted at this in other series - the Justice League episode Comfort and Joy springs to mind, being one of the only downtime episodes the team gets, where J'onn sees Clark back home on the farm with Ma and Pa Kent and is surprised at how relaxed and genuine he is when he isn't "working", aka "being superman." But for the most part Clark doesn't get that kind of personal focus, and the seasons that center on him are entirely about Superman's villains and the risk of Superman becoming a despot like his Justice Lord counterpart.
Live-action shows have been a little better about this, if only because of the SFX requirements of superman meaning it's cheaper and simpler to lean into Hometown Hero Clark Kent, exemplified in the series Smallville, which had an actual development policy that Clark was never allowed to put on the cape or costume. It started as teen drama where the protagonist just happened to have superpowers and a weird allergy to green rocks, and for a while it even had a similar gimmick to MAWS, where every other episode he developed a new power or discovered a new trait of his physiology that the audience was already expected to know about. But the problem there is that the audience also has the biggest point of dramatic irony hanging over their heads for the entire show - we know Clark's destiny is to become Superman. So while the show is ABOUT Clark, there's this tonal undercurrent that most of the messy things that make him Clark are things he'll eventually outgrow.
I think what's making My Adventures With Superman work is that it's (a) deeply sincere and (b) centered on the thesis that Clark is an emotional, vulnerable person AND ALSO a flying invulnerable brick with laser eyes, and his stress over his powers isn't just "aw it's tough to be a god now put on the tights already" but it's the very reasonable "I don't know why I'm like this, I don't understand what it means or if it's dangerous, I can't stop breaking the things I touch but I don't want to be alone."
Clark's isolation has always been something other characters muse about privately (usually Batman) or a bit of fridge logic he turns into a cool boast (the World of Cardboard speech reframing every fight he's ever been in by telling the audience he is 100% pulling his punches ALL THE TIME) but to my knowledge it's never been played for this deeply impactful and HIGHLY resonant "there is Something Wrong With Me that I don't have a name for but I will regardless find a way to live with myself and the people I love."
When Superman is framed as Clark's inevitable destiny, we lose sight of the fact that Clark is, by necessity, the kind of person who would create Superman.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
I would love to hear your thoughts about the fucked-up turtle (Terapagos)
"Now let's talk about the turtle. Can we talk about the turtle please, Mac? I've been dying to talk about the turtle with you all day."
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Ok so. Short Answer Re: Thoughts About Terapagos:
Long Answer Re: Thoughts About Terapagos [SPOILERS FOR THE SCARVIO DLC naturally. i havent seen Horizons so i dont rly know whats goin on with this little guy in the anime, just what we've got in the games]:
When the last little batch of new Pokemon in Indigo Disk leaked, about 12 hours or so-ish before the DLC dropped, I was at dinner with my bestie and we were looking at our phones like we were reading breaking world news. And I was looking at this tiny ass png of Terapagos's full Tera (Stellar) form.
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And I immediately blurted out "holy SHIT it's turtles all the way down."
If you're not familiar with the phrase, check out its wikipedia page; here it's most relevant as a saying thrown around with regards to the philosophical concept of infinite regress, i.e. a series of elements (or questions begging an explanation) that that goes on infinitely with each member producing the next. So let's say the world rests on the back of a giant turtle--well, then, what does that turtle stand on to keep it from falling into the void? Why, another, bigger turtle, of course! But what about that turtle? Well, you're not gonna believe this, but it's turtles all the way down.
And here's the other thing about infinite regress: it's a logical fallacy, it's circular reasoning--honestly it's a little bit of a cousin to the "which came first?" chicken and egg argument. The question in these cases never truly gets answered, it just goes on and on forever. Bigger turtles on top of even bigger turtles.
It's a paradox. :)
So Stellar Terapagos, just look at that thing. Even its dex entries talk about how it looks like a planet, how it resembles "the world as the ancients saw it"--it's very much not only trying to evoke the World Turtle concept, but the symbolism of a classic paradoxical saying. So we've already got that going on with it, that already makes me bonkers. AND THAT'S JUST THE SURFACE LEVEL.
Cuz when we look at how Terapagos behaves, things start to go from "well isnt this guy a little weird" to "oh. oh this thing is kind of fucked up and terrifying, hello, what the hell is wrong with it" REAL FAST. Its two most stressed features we see in Indigo Disk are A.) its crystalline nature and how its the progenitor of Terastalization, but also B.) it is ferociously powerful and borderline uncontrollable. It's violent. It bursts out of a Master Ball and almost kills Kieran for daring to try and control it. Heath's illustration of its Stellar form in the Scarlet/Violet Book looks so otherworldly and almost cosmically horrifying. It has Weird Fucking Powers the game does NOT elaborate on (but I will; see more below.)
And also, hey, yeah, its Stellar Form looks like a stack of world turtles, but why the FUCK does its Terastal form also look like a goddamn dream catcher.
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Personally I've been a big fan of the 'imagination theory' re: the Professors and the Paradox Pokemon and Area Zero, and folks have been arguing that Indigo Disk debunks that, but honestly I feel like we're loitering around some untold explanation that's even more bizarre. Terapagos is at least on some level tied to dreams and existentialism, and I really feel like there's more to Tera Crystals and Terapagos's relationship with them than what we've been told. Hell, its cry is even the noise we hear all game when we Terastalize our Pokemon, which produces its own myriad of questions (Are the Crystals some degree of alive? The Tera Crowns all do have Terapago's little turtle head at their base, too--does Terapagos physically or spiritually connect with a Terastalizing Pokemon? And what about that weird crystalizing the AI Professor does during its big boss fight? MUCH TO THINK ABOUT.)
Oh, speaking of Crystals--yeah. I can't NOT talk about the Indigo Disk Crystal Pool Postgame Secret when talking about Terapagos. ONE MORE SPOILER WARNING FOR THAT--SERIOUSLY GO TO THE CRYSTAL POOL AFTER GETTING THE DLC CREDITS. IT WILL BLAST YOU TO BITS. anyway.
Yeah so that's what I mean with Why Did It [Terapagos] Do That. The fact that you dont even need to have it in your party for the postgame Crystal Pool cutscene to trigger and for Terapagos to just pop out of the PC boxes on its own accord and warp space and time (and maybe even reality itself) to irreversible consequence, implying once again some great and uncontrollable power within this beast. Crazy Ass Moments in Pokemon History for CERTAIN.
And the thing that makes me most insane, thinking about Terapagos twisting time to allow you to meet the Professor, the Real Live Professor, to swap notes with them so to speak, the way it facilitates all of that, is the position it now puts the player and Scarvio itself in. If the Professor's research rests on the back of a white book given to them by a child, then what does the research of that white book rest upon? Ah, well, the expedition of Area Zero spurred forth by the fallout of the Professor's research. And what did THAT research rest upon, again...?
Turtles. The whole way down. Chickens and eggs and a paradox you're now responsible for. At the hands of a Normal Type Pokemon that tried to kill a 14 year old.
Terapagos scares the shit out of me. I love it so much. Why Did They Make It Like That <3
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vinillain · 25 days
Great wave spoilers//
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I love these two and the newly weds paralleling each other. Maybe I’m reaching but they literally look like genderbend Amalia and Yugo (THE SAME PONYTAIL??) I also feel absolutely awful for them because considering the high tensions and that they are the first official now married Elia-Sadida couple besides their king and queen they have a TON of pressure on them that rides on their relationship.
(I saw a hc that they met on the battle field which is soooo cute… the war is tearing both sides apart but it brought them together 🥺)
I feel so bad though, this poor Eliatrope who’s lost her parents in a war, been stuck in a timeless dimension for 10k+ years- gets out to be apart of this elite squad and then loses her family AGAIN+ all the younger siblings she spent so much time with. Falls in love and gets to be happy but has to represent her people and the ties, I imagine she has a lot of weight on her shoulders. (side eyes Yugo)
And on top of that she watches her king who she and the few of her people that are left rely on get poisoned, likely by the very same people she has to live among every day. Next to her husband 😭😭😭 I LOVE that last shot with them at the other end of the table paralleling Amalia and Yugo. I feel soooooo bad for her. Just when things were going smoothly too :(
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Also this is weird but I genuinely like Aurora?? She’s a total b*tch but her crazy jumps in logic and genuine narcissism and insanity infatuate me. While I’m sure she might have some sympathetic traits she works a lot better as an antagonist when you aren’t trying to look for a sympathetic villain. She looked at this wedding and immediately made it about herself. “Armand wouldn’t have” BABE… Armand might not have but he would not be acting the way you are 😭😭Honestly I like this direction?? Maybe that’s just me but it’s fun to see her character get explored and not just be… there. Sitting next to her husband forever and not being allowed to speak.
I actively want to see her downfall but I hope it’s really fun. She’s so self centered but it works so well. A but like Azula from avatar, I feel like she’s going to grow worse over time and do crazier and crazier things until she’s completely lost it. And I am so here for it.
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It seems like the pregnancy is genuine. There’s always a possibility she’s lying or there’s another factor we won’t see until later. But until now it does seem somewhat real. And I don’t think they (or at least Aurora) had a hand in poisoning Yugo. Since Osa says “Let them enjoy this last party.” But that could also have been a last as in “I’m going to kill them-take them out” it’s been said but it’s likely Amalia will accuse Aurora since she’s the “outsider” and the most suspicious at the moment. And Aur might be hurt by this since she lost her husband too. Etc.
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“Wow maybe royal duties aren’t always so b-“ and then he immediately throws up blood.
Poor Yu 😭😭 I’m wondering if Amalia’s drink was poisoned too. She didn’t sniff it or anything, maybe she just got the feeling something was wrong? (Sheram Sham intuition) I feel soooo awful for her. I honestly can’t blame her for immedietly freaking out, she’s lost so much. All of her family is gone and after a long stressful day with Yugo’s nightmare, the arguments, Aurora showing up and having to manage an entire very important wedding with high tensions, seeing the love of her life and really her only family get sick with a possibility of death right before her eyes is terrifying.
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These two really can’t catch a break (and this all happened in ONE day)
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Anyway considering how slow the last few chapters have been the build off is definitely paying off. On the edge of my seat for next week (hoping for some Yumalia comfort :,)
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Wip for a piece “to Poison a god” ;)
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
Hello, my lovely followers. I know a lot of you are "states" girls or hard-core followers of Neville and if you are, please skip this post. Love you guys still though <3
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Okay so for my girls who are left, I wanted to share a few things that helped me in my void journey that I think can help you.
1. Using the Law in a Way that You Actually Believe Works for You:
One of my friends (@junkyutueme) opened up to me about a lot of their struggles and how they were kind of having a very toxic mindset trying to force themselves to occupy the state of someone who already enters the void and we talked about it and then we discovered that they didn't really believe in states and I advised them to just manifest in a way they actually believe so which is something that sometimes seems "wrong" on loa tumblr.
I've been in the void community for a long time and so exposure to the loa community is inevitable and I've seen it go through so many trends. I remember the days when SATs was THAT thing, yk? Like people would not stop talking about STATs and there were so many success stories. Then, there was a slight shift to Joseph Murphy and how his ideas aligned with Neville and that was a thing and people were succeeding everywhere. Then, we got affirm and persist. Like I know we all remember the 10k challenge. Now, we're on states. I remember the community being obsessed with Sammy Ingram, then went to Electrasoul, now we're on Edward Art.
I'm not saying these methods don't work. They do. They literally become trends because people succeed with them. The problem is that sometimes the loa community thinks that the trend is the only way to manifest. It is not. So are we going to go and tell all those success stories who just affirmed like a robot for the void that they manifested wrong? What about everyone who just used subliminals and got in?
What you assume to be true is true.
If you really don't understand how a method could work or you're trying to do a method but have doubts, it's not going to work. All you're doing is wasting your time.
This isn't to say the law is a waste of time. Please take advantage of the law 😭 It is so real and so powerful and you cannot see all these picture results with subliminals and so many celebrities talking about it and not realize this. I swear almost every successful person has manifested their success, like it's so weird to me when I'm randomnly watching a youtuber or celebrity interview and they reveal a manifestation method that worked for them and they don't even realize that they were manifesting.
But the problem arises when you enter a community that thinks manifesting is whatever is trending at the moment and maybe you're lucky and the trend is compatible with you. But if it's not, you're just wasting your time.
Take some time to read Neville. Personally I like Joseph Dispenza more because I'm a bit more logical. Please remember that these 2 dudes are also not gods or anything, don't adopt their limiting beliefs, just read to understand how they view the law and what works for them. Then, think about yourself. What is a way you have manifested before? If you don't have a way, think about all the methods and explanations and what acctually makes sense to you and do that and only that.
I always stress compatibility on my blog and that applies to the law and manifesting as well. Manifesting in a way compatible to you will guarantee your results, I promise.
2. EFT Tapping
I've talked about this before, I feel like it was a micro trend and then died out but EFT tapping is so powerful and I swear anyone who has acctually tried it will back me up on this.
I use EFT tapping a lot when I'm feeling sad. I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here but I feel like a lot of people think that once you can enter your void, you're just going to be happy forever. The thing is you're still human and you still have feelings. I didn't revise my past or wipe my memory of it and I went through a lot of trauma which is something that I'm dealing with now and EFT has honestly helped me a lot when I'm feeling down and can't pinpoint why or when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
But going back on track, here is a great EFT track I recommend to help you manifest entering the void:
3. This is just a subliminal that I recommend everyone to add to their playlist. I recommend listening to 30 minutes but just listen how much ever you want to:
If you're in or were in the subliminal community, you know this subliminal but for those who aren't, back when I was in the subliminal community and hadn't entered the void, this subliminal blew up and everyone was getting such great results. I was someone who got a few results but I never really got my main ones including when I used void subliminals but I still tried this and I swear my days improved a lot. So I definetly recommend adding this to your playlist.
You've got this and I truly believe in you 💗
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leothil · 7 months
fic recs: archive edition 11
Merry December everyone, I hope a good month lies ahead and wish the least amount of stress possible for everyone! We're slowly inching towards the end of the summer between S4 and S5, which makes me very excited because there are some good fics up ahead for the autumn of 5A!
As always, previous posts in this series can be found here!
always a space in my heart (for you) by @alasse9 While in the SEALs training, Buck meets Eddie at a special forces conference, and they stay friends and penpals through the years that follow, having each other's backs long before they both end up in LA. 28.9k words, rated T
I have not wanted syllables by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) Five times Buck and Eddie don't say I love you out loud, and one time they do. Established relationship softness! 3.4k words, rated M
The Truth of Love (Amas Veritas) by allyasavedtheday (@littlespoonevan) When Buck was young, he cast a spell to make sure the person he'd fall in love would need to possess such a weird combination of traits that they don't exist. But weird things start happening when he meets the detective investigating Maddie's husband's disappearance. Do I have a special love for the book Practical Magic? Maybe. That won't stop me from recommending this AU regardless of whether you've read the book or seen the film or not! 20.4k words, rated T
keep your eyes on the road by iriswests (@fcntasmas) Glimpses into Buck and Eddie's relationship through scenes happening when they stop at a traffic light. 3.9k words, rated M
what you're looking for has been here the whole time by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) In which Buck comes to the logical conclusion that the reason Eddie keeps looking annoyed when he talks about Taylor or looks longingly at him and Taylor together is because Eddie is in love with Taylor. I still crack up every time I think about this concept! 1.7k words, rated T
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misciaspossessed · 8 months
How to Properly Self-Diagnose (Mental Illness)
Find the diagnostic criteria, don't look up symptoms (search eg. adhd diagnostic criteria).
a. Make sure you know what illness you mean before searching (eg. you may search for the bpd (borderline personality disorder) criteria when you meant bd (bipolar disorder), do some research of what they are first in case you have it wrong, I recommend Verywell's List Of Psychological Disorders to go over several examples at once with links to extended descriptions (not an exhaustive list, for others, use Mayo Clinic or simply look at the criteria of specific disorders)).
b. Be aware of names like SAD and ASD, both mean (1) seasonal affective disorder and social anxiety disorder, (2) autism spectrum disorder and acute stress disorder. (Tell me if I missed any others)
2. Pay attention to the diagnosis instructions (don't think you need to meet all points, or again, not enough points) (eg. must meet at least 5 of the following 9 symptoms).
3. If you're confused, want to take extra precaution measures, or have questions/I missed something (which I probably did) contact me on Instagram (I won't see my Tumblr messages) (not a professional, just educated myself very much and have good discretion and logic skills (for most)).
a. Though I don't have perfect knowledge either, I have the ability to know and admit that I don't know 100% what I'm talking about if so (which some don't) and can give you instructions on what to do instead or help you go over the data personally instead of trying to translate an article just giving information, I could look at your symptoms specifically and help decode them.
b. If you said f that, I advise against asking a professional or medically diagnosed person, honestly, because it's unbelievable how often doctors don't know what they're talking about, and I wouldn't immediately ask other self diagnosed people either because of how ridiculous it can get (plenty stray far from these instructions), it's best to use good reasoning and know how to research topics, do as much research as possible, use several different sources and try to get the best answer.
4. If you don't know what you have but think you do have something you can message me directly also and I can tell you what your symptoms sound like and anything it could be.
Formatting was kinda weird but it works, hope this helps, don't hesitate to ask further or correct me.
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bwbawa · 7 months
hello, so I'm questioning if I'm autistic so i can reach out for a diagnosis maybe, and i saw another person do this so i wanted to try it out
i wrote a list of some of the things i think that are autistic traits about me and if anyone would like to please read them and tell me if they could be autism or maybe smth else? lol, just as a big favour really. I'll give more context if any is needed, thanks so much!!
also please reblog for reach if you want to, thank you
ts bellow the cut :]
- stimming ( twirling and braiding hair, used to suck on my own hair as a kid, rocking back and forth, doing ??? weird stuff with ny mouth and fingers lol, moving legs a lot)
- echolalia; internal, repeating phrases and songs on my head, but also doing sounds with my mouth
- always feeling like an outsider. This wasn't bad for me as a kid since i was very into creepypastas and media related to being an outcast, i never related it to something bad until adolescence which im still in, and I'm more insecure now about it.
- also, very extroverted as a kid, didn't get social cues and was offensive sometimes
- couldn't and still can't control my strength very well ( sometimes things fall out of my hands or i touch someone harder than i wanted to)
- sensitive skin, to heat cold and pain
- very talkative, as a baby was LITERALLY born babbling
- not good at eye contact, either do way too much or way too little
- terrible at maths (jst not logical to me??? dk how people find them logical )
- kinda restrictive interests but no special interests
- very picky as a child, fav foods were salted noodles with ketchup or by themselves. ( still can't stand some foods and mixing some foods together )
- horrible coordination and balance: didn't learn to tie my shoes correctly, how to ride a bike or how to swim, i bought wheelies and cant use them because my balance is horrible, i run weird (like a baby kind of) and I'm always stumbling on my own feet
- again, didn't learn some stuff until grown: didn't know how to shower correctly or make my bed ( could be due to being very taken care of as a kid, aka my mom didn't let me do stuff by myself )
- terrible spacial awareness: again, stumbling with my own feet, waddling like a penguin when i walk with my friends lol
- bad perception of time
- got upset when things didn't go my way
- ran away when kids were being too loud but didn't mind big performances loud spaces
loud THUDS or sudden noises however startle me, scare me and stress me out: was and still am kind of afraid of balloons, shouting people and loud thuds. As a baby i cried when someone spoke too loudly
- lately I'm much more sensitive to stimuli than i was, could be due to heightened stress in my life: badly done beds make me want to cry, crumbs on the bed feel like hell, heat and sweating are hell, some months ago i cried because my sunglasses and headphones weren't working and there were too many sounds, my head it hurted and everything felt wrong, sent me into a kind of crisis.
- don't think I'm overly empathetic, but i have a strong sense of justice and get very upset and ill about injustices.
related to that, movies and shows that require a lot of stress i don't like, they make me feel ill and i prefer spoilers when it's like that, i get too nervous.
- socially awkward and don't know how to keep conversations going, at least small talk.
- although i used to talk a lot, nowadays i prefer to stay quiet sometimes.
- i get VERY angry and frustrated but it goes away kind of quickly?
-i used to be very loud and I still dont know how to control my tone of voice ( how loud or quiet i am) and i spoke in a very high pitched voice as a child
- i used to read a lot, went to the library in the recess instead of hanging out all the time with kids and used some complicated words that my parents didn't know i knew
- all my life i only had one close friend ( not the same, but always one)
- i think i had a specific routine of morning
- i have a hard time concentrating and being organized
- i make plans for myself in the night and get upset when OTHERS interrupt it but not when i do
- hard time knowing when to pee and when to eat
- again sensory issues, some foods make me want to puke, and wet, sticky or extremely dry hands are disgusting. Also, light touches feel like anger.
- as a kid I repeatedly watched stuff, ended up boring my family because i only wanted to watch that multiple times
- sensory seeker as a kid kind of, slept with my feet up, danced a lot (stimming?)
-i get irritated easily and can hurt people verbally
- don't know if related but i sometimes very anxious, get upset about not saying goodbye correctly to certain people, as a kid i used to cry and didnt want to go to school because of a "bad feeling" that smth bad was gonna happen, could be anxiety.
i absolutely sure there's more, but I don't wanna keep typing
just to finish, most of my circle is neurodivergent. And family wise, my sister is audhd, one cousin and uncle are autistic, my mom has adhd and two of my cousins are suspected autistic.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Hello hello! I finally caught up on DFF a few days ago and have been reading a bunch of meta ever since, but there are some things I can’t follow. Maybe you can help me?
First off, we keep talking about there being a Final Girl, but why is everyone so sure that there will be one? I could see more people surviving or the story going in a different direction entirely. Where does this conviction come from?
Then, I’m on board with the idea of hallucinations, but one thing that always bothers me is the question of how you could make sure that they all hallucinate the very same thing? I don’t know how hallucination-inducing drugs work, but that seems kind of weird to me.
Also, who is Tan and who is Perth again? This is such a dumb question, but I’m terrible with names and faces, and I know most of the characters now, but I keep mixing up these two.
Thank you so much for your time!
Anon, let me answer your last question first:
This is Mio who plays Tan in the series. Tan is part of the friend group but came along after Non disappeared.
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This is Perth but it is unknown who he is playing in the series. He was only in the background of this scene in the dark jacket with the grey shirt.
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As for the other questions, unfortunately, I cannot help you because unlike the rest of these perfectly normal people watching Dead Friend Forever, I'm crazy.
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And because I'm crazy, I do NOT care about "reasoning" when it comes to my wack-a-doodle-doo theories. Therefore, White will be the Final Gay simply because I want him to be, and because none of these other motherf*ckers deserve to live.
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Yeah, Fluke hasn't actively done anything, but he knew all of this was happening and turned a blind eye, so if Por is dead, why not just kill all of them? Well, expect for the actual killers, Tan and Phi, and the Final Gay White.
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Por's death could have just been an accident, and everyone else will get out of this alive, but . . . I don't want it. I want Fluke to shoot Top, Tee to wrestle the gun away from Fluke only for it to go off and kill Fluke, White to kill Tee and run off scared, Tan to "die" because of an asthma attack (but he won't be dead), which will leave Jin and Phi as the only survivors, only for Jin to be stabbed by Phi right before White shows up with help.
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Do you feel the crazy? Do you see what I was saying about myself? You cannot ask me logical questions because I am not using deductive skills. I'm operating off of vibes and vibes alone, which is why I felt Phi was sus in episode one. It's also why I don't like Jin. It's a vibe.
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Which brings me to your drugs question - The vibes are off!
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I think that Non is still alive and running around scaring them all, so not everything is because of the drugs, but if the energy isn't right, if the mood isn't chill, if the vibe isn't good, the drugs are going to hit different. The figurative trip will be bad. So if the literal trip involves the boys talking about Non and seeing videos of Non while they run through the woods for their lives, whatever drugs are in their system aren't going to be happy in a body with that amount of stress, and their brain will focus on Non and the masked killer. In fact, a common side effect of most party drugs is paranoia.
Hell, even some known prescriptions for depression and anxiety can cause these side effects.
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Then again, I just do drugs. I don't know the actual science behind them, but I do know if the vibes ain't right, you're not gonna have a good night.
And these boys seem to be having a really shitty night.
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But also, the boys haven't all seen the same thing. Fluke saw Por's eyes bleeding and attacking him. White saw a rash on his skin. Jin saw Mr. Keng. Top saw the masked killer trying to axe him (I think part of this was real) and thought he saw a masked killer in the road, so he scared Tee going on about it. Top also might be having a reaction to it which is why he was seizing.
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PSA: Test your drugs, kids. Even Amazon, which I think is the devil, sells drug testing kits.
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In case you have no idea what this image is about, the joint in her hand is laced with cocaine and was probably one of the reasons her ass was going through endless time loops, so don't do coke. Or things laced with it. Unless you wanna go into other dimensions and DIE every single time. Okay? M'kay!
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So to wrap up my special brand of crazy:
White will be the Final Gay because like the Backstreet Boys, "I want it that way."
Everyone deserves to die because Phi is a cop's kid, and if the cops are good for anything, it's covering up the truth, so let this work in our favor for once.
Drugs be drugging, and sometimes people will think of the boy they tried to kill when under the influence, but it's a toss up. Who can predict what a person will see? So, like, don't betray people and you won't hallucinate being stalked by your own guilt *cough* Judas *cough*
Oh, and always test your drugs.
I hope this helped you, but it probably didn't. Either way, I'll see you in the tags in a few hours after Non finally loses his shit.
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Slay, Non, slay!
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madcatlad · 2 months
I just came to a angst realization....
(Thank you to @shirazens for allowing me to use their comment)
I literally just came to this conclusion in a comment threat under my "Aaron Needs Friends" post with @shirazens .
In summary Aarmau comes off as unnatural
I think the main issue is how rushed and force the relationship was in the series, and the fact that it change key elements in the story to make a place for itself.
The Aarmau agenda also had to down other characters to build itself up, which sucks. A lot of character assassination stem from Aarmau. Including the way Aphmau interacts with her support. But I'd like to focus on how unnatural (and frankly problematic) this relationship comes across if you actually pay attention to how they interact with eachother.
And their relationship is certainly off.
THIS is why I've always disliked his character, he felt so disconnected.
also he continues to constantly mourn his past wife WHILE getting closer to aphmau which feels like to me he was just using her if that makes sense?
Their relationahip has always come across as strange.
In my former post I address a portion of this problem with Aaron not having any relationships outside of Aphmau. It is odd.
Aaron- despite being so closed off and mysterious and (quite rude in some instances), CONTINUED to follow her group around for months...but NEVER take an interest in ANYONE??? Except Aph. That is mad weird. If you like her so much to risk your life for her consistently why avoid her Support System so adamantly???
It makes the relationship seem very strange. Almost like Aaron is isolating Aphmau from her friends when building their relationship. They only really talked about his trauma or her stress-
Aaron and Aphmau are TRAUMA BONDING...
It hit me like a train! It isn't romance, it isn't a love story. It is codependency!
Aph ONLY goes to Aaron when she is stressed about her responsibilities. "Because he understands". And in turn Aaron's only personality trait is trauma- and he only really opens up to (or talks at all) to Aphmau. Think about it, this man is FOLLOWING her- for seemingly NO REASON by time the Post-Irene-Dimension arc roles around! "Having nothing" isn't really a logical reason anymore. He had NO motive to be present. He's made no connections, no character growth, no earthly ties, so WHY are you following the 🎆"magical friendship woman"🎆 if you don't want to make friends???
And I think this is great writing potential. This makes sense for the storyline in season two, as Aph was extremely overwhelmed, and the steaks had just risen from village quarrels to Armageddon. And I definitely can see where @shirazens was going with the how Aaron saw Aphmau, as a stand in or familiarity to his wife, or that he was using Aphmau to get a semblance of his late wife, Lily.
Personally I'm not amongst the re-write clan of aph-fans, (I prefer to progess with the shit show we were given). But this is a juicy narrative to explore for both, especially if you don't want to throw out Aarmau all together.
If you want to get angsty, you could argue that Aaron being so distant to Aph's support group was to isolate her from them. Again, this fits, and I am well aware Jesson did not intend this BUT Aphmau DID become a lot more distant to her companions for Aaron's sake. She became dismissive of their concerns, argued with their suspicions, and lowkey berated them because "she trusted him" and expected everyone to follow suit (fr a lot of them were so real for that, homie was acting up- ahem- Laurence- ahem- Katelyn). She put Aaron on a pedestal out of nowhere, and vouched for him undeservingly. You could argue that this was a result of isolating her, you could argue that this was just Aph blindness to Aaron's faults.
And this also really REALLY fits well with the Irene VS Shad motif and how that entire mess went down between them. I can totally see those two being codepent with one another as well with their similar struggles and pain. I can see them relying on one another too heavily. I can see that leading to suck strong feelings of betrayal. Especially if Shad was as isolated as Aaron. In fact I'd say Irene and Shad damn near prove this idea.
Fun right?
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11/13/2023: Everyone, please meet Camilla Hect!
Camilla here was originally Just Like You #62. I was absolutely dead-set on finding this exact doll for Cam because of the following logic: I personally use the actress Ariela Barer as a drawing reference for Cam. Ariela Barer, coincidentally, played Sonali in the American Girl movie Chrissa Stands Strong. While the Sonali mold is used by a variety of dolls, #62 is much closer to Ariela Barer's actual skin tone (and the skin tone a lot of fan art uses for Camilla) than the Sonali doll proper (and Sonali is extremely hard to find for prices I'd pay, especially for a doll I'm modding). #62 also has what are described as "amber-brown" eyes, but look passably grey-brown in person, so I'm not going to have to eye-swap her!
#62, however, came with some beautiful, glossy, very un-Camilla hair.
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Lovely, right? But very not her.
(Also, look at her face, she is so cute. All of the dolls are cute, but I am particularly delighted by the Sonali mold dolls, I think because that was one of the molds that wasn't released until after my original childhood dolls phase so it's new to me.)
Luckily, this provided a very convenient solution for another problem here at Saint Alecto's: Abigail's poor coiffure.
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As you can see, the hair our dear Lady Pent came to us with has seen better days. To say nothing of the frizziness (which we would gladly treat if that were the only problem!) there's that inconvenient case of back-of-head bangs she had going there.
As I have done several times now, I set about removing the girls' wigs. (I get my advice, as I'm sure many of us do, from @desertdollranch's rewigging post.) This is a significantly more stressful process when you're trying to maintain the integrity of one of the wigs you're working with! (And okay, Gideon's wig actually came on Harrow's doll so I have reused before... but it didn't matter if Gideon's hair got a little messed up in the process. It adds character.)
My beloved wife and fellow... uh, guardian (I guess? God, we're not their moms, that would be so weird!) of the dolls @incomprehensiblelentils was, as often she is, ready with the Magic Eraser for sudden trouble spots; she also provided support (literally: holding the girls as I worked) and company.
And lo and behold!
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Abigail Pent now has a beautiful new hairdo! (And I am more convinced than ever that she's going to need some lipstick. Nothing crazy, just a bit of color. That's for another day.)
More importantly, Camilla now has her trademark bob, as seen above. It's the Hoshi in chocolate brown by PurplePlumWigs (and yes, it is kind of gay* that Cam and Dulcie's wigs came from the same shop! This is part of why we can't be their moms: so many of these kids are in lesbians* with each other!) Her overalls are by StarBriteDoll on Etsy; the boots and tank top are harvested from eBay outfits.
(Abigail's outfit is also from eBay: glasses, sweater, skirt, shoes.)
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Pairings: NONE 
Synopsis: In which Aizawa decides to take matters into his own hands to try and ease his stress a little more, but what starts as something fun and interesting when he stumbles across a hypnosis video catered to stronger orgasms turns into a BIG problem when he finds himself unable to break away from the hold his new addiction has on him. (Request Fill for @princeasimdiya12)
Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS BEGONE), Hypnosis (both consensual and non-consensual), Dubcon, Public Stripping, Public Masturbation, Exhibitionism, Edging, Trigger Word for Hypnosis, Heat-like Symptoms, Hints of Dacryphilia, Degradation, Getting Caught, Aizawa in Heat, Comedy 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you! 
Writer’s Note: Thank you so much to @princeasimdiya12 for sending me my very first request! I really hope you enjoy it! And yes, I do requests so I'll be uploading something for it later in the month. Stay safe, y'all! -Jazz
Usually, in the type of activity Aizawa was indulging in tonight, this word would be something he shouted in the sweet privacy and darkness of his bedroom in the late of the night when the dorms were all quiet for the night.
It is that one word that encompasses all the sheer pleasure he feels as he finally, finally, reaches the peak and spurts his cum all over his stomach and hand gripping his fat, veiny cock before the sweet ache of a good orgasm sedates him. 
But tonight, as it has been for the past month, that word does nothing but voice his frustration and peaking anger. Aizawa is not at all pleased for tonight and it’s all because of the stupid stress this month has settled onto his broad shoulders that he can’t escape from. 
Irked, he takes his hand away from his still-achingly hard dick shiny and slick with coconut oil, the head bubbling with precum. He pauses the video on his laptop, the screen depicting the xVideos website where a very gorgeous woman is living her best life as a rope bunny. She dangles from the ceiling, arms, and legs tied, where a very naked and muscular man is fucking her stupid. 
It’s a good video and one of many Aizawa finds himself coming back to. Usually, it hits every single time, but now? It barely does anything to make him burst. He knows that logically it isn’t the porn. It’s him. He’s the problem. 
This has been happening for over a month now. And it’s fucking kill him. Whenever he has the time to finally relax and wind down over a long day of teaching, grading papers, and yelling at the little snots he calls his students, he can never relax or wind down at all. No amount of masturbation is working for him anymore, including his favorite genres of porn. 
Being able to have this time to himself usually fills Aizawa with joy. Call it ridiculous or weird, but to sit back and allow his mind to go to naughtier places as his hand strokes his cock is a form of self-care to him. He doesn’t fuck with drugs or alcohol. A good orgasm is all the addiction he’ll allow himself. For a moment, he doesn’t have to think about training or if his students will pass the next exam and if they’ll ever move past their insecurities to be the best damn pro heroes they can be. All he has to think about is cumming. 
But that hasn’t been the case this month. He hasn’t had a successful orgasm in weeks, and he knows that it’s because of stress. Unfortunately, this has taken its toll on him. He’s been noticing he’s way more hostile at work, snapping at his students more than usual and ready to tear anyone a new one.
Not to mention his appearance–while he’s primarily known for looking like he hasn’t slept in ten years, the dark circles under his eyes have been more prominent lately. Maybe it’s because he’s been staying up all night trying to bust a nut, knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep properly without one. 
Even his good friend Hizashi Yamada, aka Present Mic, has taken notice of his friend’s appearance and change in personality. A week ago during their lunch break, he sat down with Aizawa to chat with him. “Yo, ‘Zawa!” he greeted him, usually being way louder but softening his voice to not startle Aizawa. He appreciated that because he was sure he would’ve had Hizashi’s head. 
“What?” he grumbled, slurping down his ramen and holding the cup with the force of a thousand men. Earlier that morning, he attempted to grip his dick the same way and get a quick cum before he was due for classes. 
As you can guess, that didn’t work. 
“You been feelin’ alright?” Hizashi asked, concern evident on his face, his thin eyebrows furrowed at Aizawa. The dark-haired pro looked at his blonde friend, noodles in his mouth. “Yeah?” he replied, but it sounded more like a question. “Why?” 
Hizashi looked a bit nervous as he crossed his legs over each other, his own lunch forgotten. “Well,” he began with a huff, “you just seem tired. And it just seems like you’ve been…well, a bit of a dick lately.” 
Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him, prompting for more of an explanation. Hizashi sighed, twiddling the end of his mustache. “I’m only sayin’ this because you’re my good friend and I hate to see you in this predicament.” 
“The hell are you talkin’ about?” Aizawa asked, annoyed. 
“You clearly haven’t been sleeping,” Hizashi explained quickly so as to not piss off his friend more. “Those bags under your eyes get any darker and you’ll have raccoon eyes. And now, some of the students and staff are noticing your behavior. You’re flying off the handles more than usual.” 
Aizawa slowly chewed his noodles and swallowed, but a lump in his throat appeared. ‘Fuck,’ he thought, upset that everyone has been noticing too. Shit, did Principal Nezu notice it? What if he got pulled into the office? 
“You’re not gonna get pulled into Nezu’s office, man,” Hizashi said. Aizawa blanched, realizing he voiced his own humiliating thoughts aloud. “That lil’ mouse loves you! No one’s gonna whip those kids into shape like you do.” He nudged Aizawa’s arm with his elbow. “That’s why I’m here to put an end to this tragedy! So, have you been cumming lately?” 
Aizawa nearly choked on the broth he had in his throat. He had to gulp down tons of water to stop himself from coughing. “What?” he demanded, gawking at Hizashi. 
“Have you been cumming lately?” the blonde repeated simply. “Orgasming. Has that been happening for you lately?” 
Aizawa was at a loss for words. Was his friend really asking him this? “Why the fuck do you care?” he growled lowly. “My bodily functions are none of your business. And plus…hello? We’re in a school?” 
“Oh, come on!” Hizashi scoffed. “There’s no one in here! And we’re friends! We’re supposed to share this kind of stuff with each other, especially if it’s fuckin’ with our daily routine.” He quirked an expectant eyebrow at Aizawa. “So, have you?” 
Aizawa flushed underneath his scarf. How did Hizashi know? Was it all over his face like a book cover? Slowly, he nodded. “Mmm-hmm!” Hizashi hummed, pleased. “I knew it! It’s the same with me–whenever I can’t give myself a good nut, I become a total beast.” 
He leaned in, planting an elbow on the table as he regarded his poor friend. “Is it stress?” he asked. 
Again, Aizawa nodded. “It’s been messing with me,” he sighed, at least glad to have an ear to talk about this to. “All the teaching, the papers, constantly worrying about a villain attack…” He leaned his head in his hands. “I don’t know what to do. It’s like I’m stuck in limbo.” 
Hizashi patted his friend’s back comfortingly. “There, there, my friend. I have a solution to this problem!” 
Aizawa glanced at him. That quick, huh? “So what do you suggest I do?” he grumbled, already knowing it’ll be a bullshit idea. 
But Hizashi looked more than happy with this idea. “You usually go for the video porn, yes?” he asked. Aizawa hesitantly nodded. He never really talked about porn like that with Hizashi. “And I’m sure you watch it often.” 
Aizawa nodded again but quickly grew irritated. Where was he going with this? “Then that’s just it!” Hizashi laughed. “You have to think outside the box, my friend! You might be getting tired of the same old shit, and you’re becoming desensitized to it. When you’re stressed it only compounds it, adding to your lackluster orgasms.” 
Aizawa blinked at his friend, never thinking of it that way. “Have you ever tried audio porn?” Hizashi asked. “It’s all the rage these days. Sometimes, all you really need is to hear something rather than see it. Personally, I always go for the masturbation audios aka ramble faps. They get me every time. Something about stimuli.” 
Hizashi then took out his phone and texted Aizawa something that made his phone buzz. “Try it out for yourself and see if you like it,” he said. “I just sent you a link to my favorite website for audio porn. If this works then you owe me a free ramen dinner.” 
Aizawa didn’t agree or disagree with that. He only picked up his phone and stared down at the link leading to the website. “But be warned, my friend,” Hizashi added, his voice dipping into a warning. His eyes grew serious, and Aizawa knew better than to tune his friend out. “Some of this shit can be  become addictive real fast, so watch yourself. After all, it is porn. Just don’t go over your head.” 
Aizawa now glances at his semi-hard dick. Already, the arousal he felt is leaving him, but that need for release is still settled in his core. “Need a shower,” he grumbles to himself, hoping that will ease the tension and hopefully relax him enough to sleep. 
When he gets in the shower, he first sprays himself with cold water to stop the blood from flowing to his cock. Once he’s flacid, he raises the temperature and takes a quick shower with his favorite soap, allowing the water to wash his sins down the drain. Once he’s done, he steps out of the steam, pops on a black hoodie and some sweats without underwear, and settles back down at his computer desk once he’s pack in his living room. 
But even the shower wasn’t enough to get rid of the urge to explode. He glances at the time on his laptop: 12:15 PM. He’ll have to be up in at least 5 hours. “Ugh!” he groans, frustrated and quickly reaching the tipping point of desperation. He runs his hands down his tired face. 
How is supposed to sleep like this? Trick question. He can’t. There is no way in hell he’ll be able to get a good night’s rest if he can’t watch or listen to some good stimuli. 
Hizashi’s advice comes flooding back to him and immediately, he goes into his messages on his laptop where, sure enough, the link Hizashi sent him is still there, untouched and unread. He stares at it for a moment, weighing his options. For one, he’s never listened to straight audio porn before. Sure, sounds help, but he’s always been a visual type of guy. 
And the second thing that makes him hesitate is Hizashi’s warning: “Some of this shit can become addictive real fast, so watch yourself. Don’t go over your head.” 
As fast as the thought comes, it’s gone as Aizawa scoffs to himself. “Yeah, right,” he chuckles incredulously. He’s been watching porn since his teens and he hasn’t become addicted to it. Plus, if audio porn is so addictive, why even send it to him? Hizashi probably said that just to scare him or be dramatic. 
So, with that being in mind, he first connects his AirPods to his laptop (which Hizashi also advised for him to do for a better experience) and then clicks on the link. The link takes him to a website by the name of “Ear Sex” where a set of red, sensual lips are settled between two muffs of a headset as a logo. Below are dozens of audio recordings, either as links or videos, with different choices for genres and tags to search by. 
Aizawa scrolls for a bit, impressed with what the site has to offer. It seems like a big community with many followers and contributors on it. Curious, he decides to scroll through the random collection of the top audios celebrated from 2022. The audio that earned its spot at number one is a video titled “Hypno Sex” with an audio link attached at the bottom for those who prefer links. 
Aizawa clicks on the video and reads the small bio written by the creator “Earwave”: If you decided to click on this audio, thank you, and welcome to my world. Please listen to this at your own discretion with the knowledge that there is a trigger word and know that this audio is only made for the intention of kink. Thank you. 
“Kink, huh?” Aizawa mumbles. Despite his better judgment and figuring it’s just for dramatization, he clicks on the video. It shows nothing but a black screen for a moment, only the sound of someone’s very soothing and sensual voice heard in his AirPods. 
“Thank you for clicking on this video or audio link,” the voice says, “and welcome to my world. In a moment, you will be transported to a world very different from the one we occupy. It will be one of complete nothingness. Nothing but bliss and submission. A loss of control that you will give to me in exchange for utter and complete pleasure.” 
Aizawa sits back in his seat, getting comfortable, and places his hands on his toned stomach. No shame in giving this a try. And if he hates it, he’ll make sure to tell Hizashi exactly how he feels and that he gets no kind of ramen lunch at all. 
“First I would like to disclose that this audio does deal with hypnosis and a trigger word,” the voice announces, her voice still soft and soothing. “If this makes you uncomfortable or turns you off in any way, please exit this audio now. If you’re still here, allow me to take you away from the stress and mundane that may currently be in your life right now for the time being.” 
Aizawa’s brows furrow at the mention of hypnosis. That’s a kink now? Fuck, is this what the kids are into these days? He can’t see how this would have any effect on him though, especially when it’s just an audio recording. 
“Before we start, I’d like you to first relax completely,” the voice gently orders. “Get comfortable, close your eyes, and slowly breathe in and out…” 
Aizawa does as the voice tells him, figuring relaxing would put him right to sleep. The voice keeps telling him breathe in and out and he does so, his chest falling and rising evenly. With every breath, he can feel his stress start to melt away. Maybe he should’ve been doing this instead of watching porn to relax himself. 
“Good,” the voice coos. “Now open your eyes.” 
Aizawa opens them and is suddenly face to face with a swirl of colors: reds, oranges, pinks, blues, yellows. They all swirl and collide like a kaleidoscope on his screen. He is transfixed by it, unable to look away, and he isn’t sure why. 
“The next step is to put you under,” the voice explains, still sensual and soft. “I’m going to give you a trigger word now. The very first time you hear the word, you will immediately start stripping every article of clothing off of you. Socks, underwear, all of it off. I want you completely…naked.” 
Aizawa sharply inhales, gripping the arms of his chair at the seductive whisper in his ears. 
“Then, after you are finally ready for me, I want you to cum all over yourself until you can barely think. Then, and only then, will you finally break the trance you’re in. If you don’t cum, you’re stuck giving all of your control to me. Is that clear?” 
“Y-Yes,” Aizawa whispers into the darkness of his dorm, not sure why that came out. Is this shit really taking effect this quickly? In a fucking audio porn recording? 
“Now let’s begin,” the voice coos. “In three…two…one…mind.” 
In that split second, something happens to Aizawa. Something that has never happened to him in his life. As soon as he hears that word, first, he feels warm. Hot even. He feels suffocated under his hoodie and in his sweats, skin flushed and cock suddenly hard now. 
Then all the control he had over his body previously is gone. It feels as if something, or someone, is controlling him. Like he is inside of himself looking out as he suddenly strips off his hoodie and tosses it somewhere on the floor. Then off goes his sweats until he is sitting completely naked in his desk chair again, the audio still playing. 
“That’s it, honey,” the voice purrs. “Strip for me.” 
If Aizawa had any other clothes on his body, he certainly would. But he doesn’t. He is completely nude, sitting in the semi-darkness of his dorm as the moonlight peeks through the curtains. The light coats his toned abs and pecs in silver, illuminating the hard peaks of his nipples and making the precum coating his cockhead glisten. He is panting, wanton mess, waiting for the voice to give him the next order. ‘What’s happening to me?’ he thinks. 
“If you’re naked now, go ahead and start,” the voice giggles as if the person behind the screen knows exactly how he feels and what they’re doing to him. “Make yourself cum for me, baby.” 
That’s all Aizawa needed to hear. He takes his swollen, hard dick in his hands and immediately starts stroking. He doesn’t go too fast at first–just trying to get a good rhythm going. He is shocked to find himself completely slick and wet with his own precum that must’ve dribbled down his shaft and balls without him noticing. No lube or oil is even needed. 
That’s how Aizawa knows this shit is really working because there’s no way he’s able to lube himself up naturally without some help. ‘Holy shit,’ he thinks. A shocked yet pleased chuckle leaves his lips, quickly turning into a moan as he hits that sweet spot located right at the base of his dick. 
“Good boy,” the voice croons. “You’re doing so well. I just know you’re close to exploding all over yourself, aren’t you?” 
Aizawa lets out a strained grunt that he attempts to muffle by biting his lip. He begins to stroke a little harder and faster as he feels his balls begin to swell. That familiar feeling of release begins to rise, egging him on. He wants desperately to cum. Wants to feel his cream spurting into his hand and his stomach. Strings of moans and curses leave his lips as his hand grips his cock tighter, pumping faster. He doesn’t give a fuck who hears. He just wants to fucking cum. 
“Close,” he grunts to no one in particular. “I’m so, so close!” 
As if hearing him, the voice urges him to finally release. “Come on now, baby,” it teases. “Don’t disappoint me. Cum all over yourself. Cum for me.” 
And sure enough, Aizawa does just that. The feeling tightens in his heavy balls and shoots up into his cock, spurting all over himself. “Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck me!” he whispers fervently, followed by a string of moans and groans of pleasure that would make anyone blush if they heard them. His nut spurts all over his hand and splashes onto his stomach, naked thighs, and (embarrassingly) his laptop screen. 
But he isn’t done yet. The satisfaction that comes from a good orgasm and makes him tired doesn’t settle into his bones. The aftermath of a very strong, insane orgasm has him curling his toes and clenching his muscles, feeling those aftershocks that rock him. His hand continues to stroke his dick, tinier spurts of cum still shooting out. 
“F-fuck!” Aizawa gasps, seeing stars despite his eyes still being open and staring at the screen. He can’t remember the last time he had an orgasm this strong. It nearly knocks him out of his seat. 
“Thank you, baby,” the voice purrs. “You did so well for me. Now that you’ve cum, you should be coming back to your body soon.” 
The aftershocks finally fade after what feels like forever and Aizawa finally slumps in his seat, eyes closed and breathing heavy. When he blinks, he is briefly startled to find himself sitting completely nude in his chair in the dark. His cum-covered hand is on his flacid dick and his laptop screen is now completely black. 
“What the fuck?” he whispers, confused. How long has he been sitting here? Obviously, he knows he was rubbing one out and whatever he was watching worked, but what exactly was he watching before? Why does his mind feel so fuzzy? 
Now in control of his body again, with his free hand not stained in his nut, he moves the mouse on his laptop. Seeing the hypnosis video he was just listening to jogs his foggy memories. ‘So the damn thing worked,’ he thinks to himself, in awe at how quickly it happened. All it took was a trigger word. 
Aizawa smirks to himself, finally feeling less stressed and more than relaxed. He sits back in his chair, smiling. Unfortunately, he’ll have to treat Hizashi to some dinner eventually because now he has the perfect remedy to his problem. 
The class bell signaling the next period of the day finally rings. Music to Aizawa’s ears. 
After an hour of lectures, his class finally begins to pack up for the day to transition to the next class. “Not repeating this, so listen up,” he says, not even having to scream because his voice has a natural bass. “Exams are next Monday, so make sure you come in here prepared ‘cause I’m not giving any retakes. And next Friday you train with me, at 12 PM sharp. Stretch between classes.” 
“Thank you, Aizawa-sensei!” Mina Ashido hollers as she exits the class, always the bubbliest one in his class. Some other students do the same while others rush out the door, hurrying either to lunch or to their next class. 
Once his classroom is finally empty and the next student shuts the door behind him, Aizawa leans against the wall behind him and exhales in relief. “Finally,” he whispers to himself. Lunchtime. Which means alone time. 
Which means he can finally get his second nut of the day before nightfall where he’ll probably have about three or four until bedtime. For the past two weeks, he’s been able to finally relax and rid himself of the stress of his work through the joyous moments of stroking his dick, uninterrupted by the troubles of his daily life. He’s never felt better! He’s less hostile to his students, wakes each morning ready for the day, and has been getting the best sleep he’s had in months. 
All because of that Earwave hypnosis audio. He listens to it religiously: day, afternoon, evening, and night. Any time he can score himself a moment of silence and privacy, he races for his earbuds, turns on the audio, and allows himself to submit completely to the creator and their trigger word. It’s crazy how it works every single time! No matter how many times he listens and cums, the orgasms and the effects are stronger than ever. After listening to it the first time, curiosity got the best of him, and did some research on hypnosis being used as erotic or kink play. From what he found, erotic hypnosis can increase arousal, create or enhance sexual pleasure, cause hands-free orgasms, and produce new sensations. ‘That explains the intense orgasms,’ he thought to himself as he read through the articles he found. 
He then found himself going to videos where erotic hypnosis was taking place. Most of them involved hypnotizing partners for hands-free orgasms or stimulating them in bondage. Aizawa hadn’t been so fascinated with research since his days in school. He’ll have to find the time to practice having a hands-free orgasm one day, but for now, he has his little piece of heaven which he downloaded into his phone for easier access. 
Call him a junkie, but he has inducted nutting to this audio into his daily routine. He listens to it when he wakes up, during his morning and evening showers, on his breaks during work, before he goes off to sleep…okay, yes, he’s a junkie. But he considers masturbation the healthiest drug and form of relaxation out there. Better than alcohol and drugs, definitely. Plus, it increases stamina. So a little too much isn’t really too much, is it? 
Aizawa keeps doing these mental gymnastics as he moves to his desk and rummages around in his messenger bag for his earbud case. His dick is already hardening in anticipation for this time alone. He looks in every pocket until he can’t look anymore. Then he pats himself down, wondering if he forgot that he stuffed his earbuds inside his clothes. Nothing. 
Then he remembers he left them plugged up to his laptop this morning on his desk. “Fuck me!” he growls, irritated. How did he forget to grab them? How the fuck is he supposed to enjoy his alone time now? 
He realizes seconds later that his alone time was never in the cards for him because, still unbeknownst to him, his kids have decided to want to fuck around and find out in the hallway. “Bakugou, what the hell did you do?!” he hears Mina shriek from down the hallway. Knowing Mina is usually the one to be bright and upbeat, Aizawa realizes this is some deep shit. 
With a huff and now feeling his hardened dick softening from the interruptions, he makes his way outside and down the hallway where he sees Mina alongside Bakugou, Denki, Sero, and Kirishima. Bakugou is up against the wall, his fists clenched. Aizawa doesn’t need to look closer he knows he used his quirk. 
“Damn extra was laughin’ at me!” he angrily growls, glaring at Denki.  “He should’ve known better than to try to fuck with me! You should be mad at him!” 
“Bakugou, you just put a hole in the wall!” Mina shrieks, looking like she’s about to have a heart attack. “What if we get in trouble? I can’t get kicked out!” 
“We?” Sero scoffs. “Shit, who’s ‘we’?” He jabs a finger at Bakugou. “He’s the one who decided to use his quirk out in the halls and break the rules; not me!” Bakugou goes to snap at his friend, but at the sight of Aizawa looming over them, each one of them buttons their lip. 
“The hell is going on here?” he grumbles, glaring at each of his students. “Why aren’t you four in class?” 
They all advert their eyes, except for Kirishima who stands at attention. “Aizawa-sensei!” he exclaims hurriedly. “I was walking to class and saw Bakugou and Denki fighting. I tried to split them up, but then Bakugou pushed Denki against the wall and tried to use his quirk. Sero pulled Denki out of the way just in time, but…” 
He nods over at Bakugou who is standing with his arms crossed, eyes adverted from Aizawa’s. However, Aizawa can see the damage his student is trying to hide: a big ass hole in the wall. “Aw, fuck,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Katsuki, you know the rules: no using quirks for violence OR destroying property.” 
“He started talkin’ shit!” Bakugou yells, snarling at Denki. “I had to teach him a lesson!” Aizawa closes his eyes, feeling a headache coming on. So much for the effects of the audio. 
“Yeah,” Mina scoffs, “and almost kill Denki AND destroy school property so we all get the boot.” She runs a hand through her unruly, pink curls. “Like are you out of your mind, Katsuki?!” 
The two begin to argue, and soon the rest of the friend group jump in to add to the fire. However, all of their yelling seems muffled to Aizawa all of the sudden, like they’re all under water. Then he notices his body seizes and his skin becomes overheated, his clothes suddenly too much for him. 
When he notices how swollen and hard his cock becomes in his slacks, almost like it has a mind of its own, he realizes what just happened. Mina said the trigger word. Mind. ‘Oh, shit,’ he thinks in a panic. ‘Oh, shit, no, no, no, no!’ 
He cannot stop his mind from immediately going blank, his conscious taking the backseat. How is this happening? How is this possible? His fingers begin to itch with anticipation as he goes for his scarf, clutching it in one hand. Mina notices this and blinks at him. “Aizawa-sensei?” she questions. “Are you okay? You look flushed.” 
The others look at him too, confused and startled at their professor’s sudden change in attitude. “Are you feeling sick?” Sero asks, quirking a brow at him. “Should we walk you to Recovery Girl’s office?” 
“Uh…” Aizawa struggles to come up with a lie as his body temperature reaches new heights, making him feel flush with heat. “N-no, just…just…gotta get this shit off!” He wrenches his scarf off and flings it on the floor, revealing his bobbing Adam’s Apple as he swallows harshly. The kids continue to stare at him, shocked. “All of you get to class now or you’re spending lunch with me,” he growls. “We’re done here for now.” 
He abruptly turns away and practically runs down the hallway, hurrying back to his classroom. “What the hell?” Bakugou grumbles from behind him. 
“Aizawa-sensei, wait!” Kirishima shouts. “Your scarf!” But Aizawa is too damn horny to even look. He can’t even think straight. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeatedly huffs with each hurried step he takes, his cock painfully hard and his body in need of release. 
When he finally makes it to his classroom though, he is highly disappointed and enraged to find Izuku Midoriya standing by his door. He turns when he hears Aizawa’s footsteps, his emerald eyes widening. “Aizawa-sensei, there you are!” He immediately bows apologetically. “Sir, I’m sorry to bother you, but I was hoping I could talk to you about next Friday’s training session.” 
Aizawa is practically bouncing on his heels, the anxiety of stripping in public and whipping his dick out making him hyper. Not to mention how painfully erect he is. He’s never been this hard in his life. His dick is aching, pulsing, desperate to be freed from the clutches of his briefs which he’s sure are soaked in precum by now. “Fuck, Midoriya, can it wait till later?” he sharply inhales. “I-I’m kinda busy right now.” 
His hand immediately goes for the doorknob to his classroom door, clutching it with the strength of God. Izuku looks even more sorry. “Oh, are you?” he gasps, pink coating his cheeks out of embarrassment. “Sorry, sir! Uh, maybe I could email you about it or…” 
The boy’s voice seems to float into the background as Aizawa’s state gets worse and worse. He knows he couldn’t possibly relieve himself with his student standing outside. No…he’ll have to go somewhere else. But first… 
Quickly, he rids himself of his shoes, the urge to strip reaching tenfold. Izuku stares at him in confusion. “Uh, sir? W-Why are you taking off your shoes?” 
“‘Cause they fuckin’ hurt,” Aizawa growls, kicking his shoes off. He’ll remember to scoop them back up later. “Listen, just email me, okay? I-I’ve gotta go.” Before Izuku can even take a breath, Aizawa is quickly running around the corner to find the nearest empty room. Maybe a classroom or a breakroom. Shit, he’d take a broom closet at this point. 
As he’s zooming down the hall like the cops are after him, he barely notices Hizashi standing against the wall on his phone until he nearly knocks him over. “Whoa, Shouta!” he calls after him. “What’s the fire?” 
Aizawa says nothing, too strung out to apologize or even acknowledge him. Finally, when he makes it to a point in the hall where there is no one to be found, he looks from right to left. As if God was answering his prayers, he sees an empty classroom, completely dark and chairs hung on the desks for sweeping. Like a madman, Aizawa hurries to the door and finds the door unlocked. Quickly, he rushes into the room and locks the door from the inside, internally thanking Principal Nezu for his insistence on doors that lock from the inside. 
Once he knows he is alone, he can finally relax. Immediately, he starts to strip. Jumpsuit unzips and comes down to his ankles, revealing his muscled body, toned thighs, and stomach sinewy with black hair. Briefs come off, freeing his aching cock dripping in precum that his happy trail leads down to. Even his socks are pulled off until he is completely and utterly nude. 
Now that that problem is out of the way, he can focus on the bigger issue that is only getting bigger as we speak. Like muscle memory, his hand immediately moves to his aching cock and grips the base the way he likes. With his shaft being so slick, he has no need for lubrication. He begins fucking his hand immediately, slowly at first, allowing himself time to build up the tempo. 
The feeling is euphoric to Aizawa. His head drops back immediately, eyes fluttering closed. “Oh, fuck,” he moans softly. “Fuck me.” 
He bends his knees a bit and thrusts into his hand a little bit faster, the urge to explode quickly building. He can feel that familiar knot in his stomach tightening, warmth in his stomach spreading to his toes and fingertips. “Goddamn,” he whispers into the darkness. The only sounds are of his hushed moans and the wet, slick sounds of his hand stroking his dick. At this rate, he’ll cum. 
“Yoshimada-sensei!” Aizawa’s heart lurches into his throat at the sound of Kirishima’s voice coming from outside the classroom. His quickened stroking gets slower, but he never stops. “Did Aizawa-sensei go run by here? We have his scarf.” 
“Really?” Hizashi is outside too. Aizawa can see his silhouette standing in front of the classroom door. He scuttles back farther away from the door, biting his lip to keep his sounds at bay. “Seesh, he never goes without this. Must’ve been in a hurry.” 
“He seemed like he was ill.” Mina enters into view in the classroom window too. “I wanted to talk to him, but he said he was pretty busy.” 
“Oh, was he now?” Hizashi hums, sounding suspicious. Aizawa inches farther and farther into the darkness, not wanting to be seen through the window. “Thank you, children!” Hizashi cheerfully says. “I’m sure he’d be very happy to know you have his precious scarf back.” 
Aizawa turns to hurry to the back of the classroom to avoid being exposed, but doesn’t count on knocking into a desk. The sound of the desk’s legs scidding across the floor makes fear surge into his stomach. ‘Fuck!’ he thinks. He is sure to get caught now. But the fucked thing about it is that it doesn’t turn him off at all. In fact, his cock gets harder and his balls get fuller at the idea of being found in here–a naked, desperate mess. 
He’s a fucking pervert, he realizes. 
“The hell was that?” he hears Bakugou grumble, confused. With his eyes set dead on the door, he begins to grow closer to reaching his limit, just as he sees Hizashi get closer to the door, no doubt reaching for the doorknob. 
Aizawa begins to sweat all over as he hears the door click. His hand doesn’t stop, and neither does the urge to cum. It’s rising, building, threatening to spill over his hand and expose him. He bites his bottom lip to keep from shouting, even tries to think of anything that will turn him off. ‘God, please, no,’ he thinks, panic settling in his chest. ‘Don’t cum, don’t cum!’ 
Fortunately for him, the bell ending the current period cuts through the silence. Hizashi’s shadow moves away from the door. “Oh, there’s the bell!” he announces. “You kids should be heading off to your next class. See you later this afternoon!” 
Aizawa can’t hear anything else he and the kids say afterwards because he’s too busy cumming his brains out. It ascends on him in a rush that has his ears ringing and his cells on fucking fire. “Fuck!” he groans, biting his lip to keep his volume to a minimum as he finally releases into his hand. He feels his cum spurt onto his hand and lower stomach, all warm and creamy. Whimpers and grunts leave his lips as his toes curl against the tiled classroom floor, lost in the abyss. 
When he finally is released from his state, it doesn’t take long for him to realize what happened. Quickly, before someone comes in for class, he takes a few tissues from the teacher’s desk and wipes himself off. Then he’s hurrying back into his clothes (minus his shoes and scarf) and composing himself as he walks to the classroom door. 
He peeks his head outside to make sure no one is around before he slowly exits the classroom and shuts the door behind him. He goes to sneak off to his classroom, trying to seem as discreet as possible. So far, so good. The sound of someone clearing his throat stops him short. He turns, finding Hizashi leaning against the wall with Aizawa’s scarf in his crossed arms. “Your kids left you this.” 
He tosses Aizawa his scarf who catches it and clutches it to his chest. Hizashi pushes himself off the wall, eyeing Aizawa down. “I was wondering where you were at lunch. Why were you in there?” He nods at the empty classroom, suspicious. 
Aizawa feels himself flush as he thinks of a good lie to get his friend off his dick. “Phone call,” he grumbles, and that is all he responds with as he heads back to his room to start the next class, leaving Hizashi with a confused and skeptical look on his face. 
One thing he knows for sure: he’ll have to surely wear earmuffs from now on. 
To say Aizawa is losing it is an understatement. 
He sits on his couch in total silence, the TV cut off and his phone untouched. He sits shirtless, only in his jeans that sag below his narrow hips and V-line. He doesn’t feel bad for walking around like this all day due to it being a Saturday afternoon, but instead of relaxing and taking the load off for the weekend, he is cooped up in his dorm, slowly going insane and living in total isolation. 
He’s been living like this for almost three weeks since his incident at UA High. Since then, the hypno audio he’s come to love has taken the back burner and he’s been very, very careful about existing in the outside world. In between classes, whether he’s walking the halls or eating his lunch in the breakroom, he puts in earplugs to block out the sounds of background conversations, afraid of hearing his trigger. 
He did this for about a week until he bought himself some earmuffs and explained to his students that he had eardrum surgery. “I’m sensitive to loud noises,” he had lied through his teeth. “So do me a favor and keep it the hell down.” He glanced at Bakugou who sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. It seemed to work on the kids, but his friends were a whole other story. Hizashi and Nemuri aka Ms. Midnight were all over him, asking him what happened and how long he’d been stuck like this. 
‘As long as it takes me to shake this shit,’ Aizawa thinks to himself now, staring up at the ceiling. His laptop sits on his coffee table open, revealing multiple tabs of research to undo hypnosis and un-trigger certain words. He hasn’t found much yet. 
He runs his hands down his face, frustrated. He hates living like this: avoiding his friends because of his bad choice. He’s been doing a good job at it too. Sure, he’s an introvert, but he doesn’t mind a good dinner with his closest friends to unwind after a day of teaching and training. 
But he’s been avoiding that too, going so far as to head straight to his dorm and order takeout after work is through. He’s been avoiding people altogether, so afraid of hearing that word and humiliating himself in public. This is better than stripping himself naked in front of people and whipping his dick out, he tells himself. He won’t give up though. Not until he’s free of this trap, no matter how earth-shattering the orgasms are. He’ll just have to find another way to cum. Maybe he can buy himself one of those prostrate vibrators or– 
The sound of his doorbell buzzing makes him jump. “Helloooo?” Nemuri’s voice like tinkling bells drifts through his door. “Shouta, you up? It’s your friends!” 
Aizawa huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose hard. “Oh, fuck,” he laments. He should’ve known they’d visit him, especially today. After all, it’s a special occasion. Sighing, he rises from his couch and makes the short stride to his door to open it, revealing Nemuri and Hizashi dressed to the nines. “What?” he grumbles. 
Hizashi, in his black tux with a red rose tucked in his coat pocket, leans against the door. “Hello to you, too, friend,” he greets with a grin. “Where’s your fit at? The Pros’ Gala is in, like, fifteen minutes!” 
The Pros’ Gala, specifically in Japan, happens every year to celebrate the accomplishments of pro heroes and to meet others that are up and coming. Not to be confused with the Heroes’ Gala which happens all over the globe to celebrate heroes, both pros and those still in school, in different countries and doesn’t happen until the end of the year. Though specifically thrown in Japan, Pros’ Gala is still one of the most highly publicized events in the nation. 
Aizawa remembers getting an invite (as he usually does) a month ago. He also remembers getting a reminder for it two weeks ago and ignoring it. He didn’t plan on attending, especially in his state. There would be nothing worse than to hear his trigger, strip off his suit, and jack off in front of his peers and those cameras. He huffs, rolling his eyes. “I told you I wasn’t going, alright? I’m busy with grading exams and plus, I don’t even have a suit.” 
“Good thing we brought back-up.” Hizashi grins cheekily as he presents Aizawa with an Armani suit, still in the plastic, that he hid behind his back. “Aren’t we such good friends?” Nemuri giggles, looking dashing in her burgundy dress and matching heels. Aizawa shakes his head. “Thanks but no thanks.” 
“Shouta, what’s going on with you?” Nemuri asks, frowning at him. “You always make an effort to come out for the Gala!” She leans in, lowering her voice an octave. “And not only that: we’ve been noticing you seem…off, lately.” 
Aizawa’s heart picks up speed. They noticed. Of course, they noticed. “Off?” he parrots. 
Nemuri looks at Hizashi who nods, giving her the go. “You barely socialize with us anymore,” she pouts. “Sure, you’re an introvert, but you come out when you want to. But we haven’t seen you in almost three weeks! Not to mention how you rush off to your dorms whenever school finishes.” 
“And then there are the earmuffs,” Hizashi adds. “You told the kids you had eardrum surgery, which we know is BS, now they think you’re going deaf and started blaming Bakugou for his constant screaming.” 
Aizawa flushes with embarrassment and shame. He hates lying to his friends, but they’d never understand his situation. They’d ask too many questions and even look at him like a perv. “We’re just worried about you,” Hizashi says, concern in his eyes. 
“There’s nothing to worry about,” Aizawa reassures him. “I’m just…” He tries to think of a good lie, but nothing comes to mind. He’s exhausted all of his resources for something to stop his peers from worrying. 
But at the sight of his friends’ concerned stares and the Armani suit they paid for with their own money for him, he knows he can’t refuse anymore. Dammit. “Alright,” he groans, defeated. “Alright, fine, I’ll go.” 
Nemuri shrieks with happiness while Hizashi pumps his fist. “But,” Aizawa adds, cutting into their celebration, “I only go for two hours and if there’s no alcohol, it’s one.” 
“Deal!” Nemuri squeals excitedly. She shoves the suit at Aizawa. “Now go get dressed before the car gets here. Ooooh, this is gonna be so much fun!” 
But it’s not fun for Aizawa, at all. While he’s in the backseat of the car with Hizashi who sings at the top of his lungs to the radio with Nemuri, he puts his earmuffs on to one, avoid Hizahi’s ear-piercing voice (even without his quirk) and two, avoid being triggered into his hypnotic state. He doesn’t calm down–he grips the leather seat underneath him so hard that he can feel his nails digging into the plush seat. His body wound tighter than a drum, and his muscles seize as if bracing for that word. 
He doesn’t get any better when he finally arrives at the Gala with Hizashi and Nemuri. He doesn’t pose for pictures on the red carpet nor stay to converse with his peers, only giving some a nod, but then again, they’re used to his introverted, socially awkward behavior. When inside the Gala building and goes into the ballroom, he is sat at a table with Nemuri, Hizashi, and Emi Fukukado aka Ms. Joke who makes it her mission to flirt and crack bad jokes that he can barely hear after switching his earmuffs with his earplugs. 
Half an hour passes, and though nothing happens, he still can’t calm down. He’s full of two glasses of champagne at this point, but nothing is soothing him. He is on edge, his eyes jetting from the jazz band playing next to the main stage to the mouths of the guests moving as they chat and laugh among each other. The main ballroom is packed with pros of all ages and statuses, most he knows. But he can’t bring himself to say hi. He’s just too damn scared. 
Someone taps his arm and he turns, finding Hizashi looking concerned. Aizawa takes a plug out of his ear and leans toward him to hear his friend better. “Man, are you okay?” he murmurs. “You look like you’re ready for someone to shoot up the place.” 
“Don’t joke about that,” Aizawa hisses as Hizashi chuckles, sipping on his third glass of champagne. “And yeah, I’m good. Just wondering when these paparazzi are gonna take a hint.” He glares at the camera lens he clearly sees peeking out of some potted plants along the wall for decoration. Of course, they’d be here. 
“Least they’ll get your good side,” Hizashi jokes, clinking his glass with Aizawa’s. 
This manages to make Aizawa crack a smile until the band’s rendition of a popular jazz song fades and the sound of a mic turning on makes him grip the tablecloth. All attention is now on one of the hosts standing on stage. “Attention, ladies and gentlemen!” he cheerfully says. “We’d like to begin tonight by giving you all a generous welcome and a thank you for coming together tonight. Invited to the stage now is someone who isn’t just better with words, but with bringing others together in dire times of need. Please give me a hand in welcoming the symbol of peace, All Might!” 
Applause fills the air as Toshinori Yagi aka All Might takes the stage, shaking the hand of the host. He isn’t in his All Might form–he has decided to take his real form for tonight; all skinny and lanky. Though he still has a considerable amount of muscle mass, it’s nothing compared to his buff All Might form. He is dressed in a nice gray suit as he moves to the podium with some cue cards. 
The ballroom falls silent, ready to listen in on his speech. “Thank you,” he says into the mic, “and good evening. I decided to not take the stage in my usual form tonight. I wanted to be real in front of you people.” He stands tall and proud of his form, which Aizawa respects most about him. “I stand before you tonight as not the symbol of peace, not the number one pro hero, but as a man who only wishes to protect others.” 
He glances down at his card before continuing, eyeing the entire ballroom. “Together, we sit here as people who share the same dreams of protecting others from harm. We share the same heart. The same soul. The same mind.” 
Like a drug taking over his system, the trigger is immediate. Aizawa’s body and mind react before he can even process what’s happening. His mind immediately goes blank and a switch is flipped that instantly has him panting, sweating, and hard as a rock. ‘No!’ he thinks, panicking. ‘No, no, no, not here!’ 
He grips the table with so much force that his knuckles turn white. He grits his teeth as he feels his cock push against his pants, aching and desperate for release. Oh, God, it hurts. He can feel his eyes prick with tears at the ache in his pants, wanting, needing to be touched. He begins to feel hot in his suit, his collar too tight and the fabric uncomfortable on his skin. “Oh, fuck,” he whimpers quietly to himself. 
Nemuri suddenly turns to glance at him. “Hm?” she hums, her eyes worried. “Shouta, are you alright, honey?” 
Aizawa doesn’t notice his hand on his tie until he’s undoing it and tossing it aside. “Y-Yeah,” he softly stutters. “J-Just feelin’ hot.” He goes for his suit jacket next, stripping himself as Nemuri watches, confused at his change in behavior. He tries to focus on Toshinori’s speech, but he can’t. The urge to strip himself and get his hands on his dick is too much. 
Now Emi is staring at him too, along with Hizashi. “Hey, what’s the matter, Easerhead? Champagne got your tongue?” Emi snickers at her own joke, but no one else is. They’re too busy staring at Aizawa as he pops a couple buttons to his crisp button-down shirt. ‘No!’ he tells himself. He can’t do this here. He refuses! 
Quickly, he rises from his seat. He does it so fast that he nearly knocks over his glass of champagne. The sound of the chair squeaking across the floor causes several people to stare up at him curiously. “Shouta, what’s up?” Hizashi questions, a confused scowl on his face. 
Aizawa backs away, leaving his tie and suit jacket at the table. The heat of his body grows, desperate to be free of his clothes. “Excuse me, but I-I’ve gotta get out of here,” he gasps. “I need air!” He turns around and hurries out of the ballroom, heading right towards the hall leading to the bathrooms and emergency exits. 
“Wait, Shouta!” Hizashi calls behind him, but Aizawa doesn’t turn around. He can’t. He knows if he stops he’ll strip himself naked and cum in front of everybody. He’ll never be able to live it down. So he ventures out of the ballroom’s double doors into the hallway. He knows from being here dozens of times that the nearest bathroom is right next to the ballroom, meaning he’ll definitely be found and heard. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he shouts, rushing down the hallway. Luckily, it’s empty so no one sees him acting crazy as he looks from left to right, up and down the hall. When he turns a right corner, he comes to another ballroom with unlocked double doors. 
Slowly, he walks towards them and peeks inside, finding the entire room to be dark and empty. He could cry with happiness. “Thank you,” he whispers to the ceiling, promising to go back to saying grace before he eats for this gift. 
Quickly, he rushes inside and shuts the door behind him. When he is sure that he is alone, standing in the pure black of the dark room, he gives into the trigger. “Last time,” he whispers hoarsely as he strips himself completely of his clothes. “Last fuckin’ time.” 
The rest of his Armani suit comes flying off of him, the articles of clothing lying discarded on the floor. This includes the dress shoes that he kicks off and socks. He now stands in the warm, dark room, feeling completely and utterly relaxed. He looks down, finding his cock to be unbelievably hard, twitching, and dripping in precum. “Jesus,” he whispers. 
He gently brushes the base of his dick and shivers as the warm yet rough pads of his calloused fingertips graze the sensitive skin. He grips his cock and immediately begins to slowly pump up and down. He twitches and throbs in response to the tight grip on his dick, causing him to begin to slowly fuck his hand now wet with his precum. “Fuck,” he softly moans. “Oh, fuck!” 
His head falls back and his eyes flutter closed, falling into the bliss of being completely out of control of his situation. His hips begin to move on their own, pumping and thrusting faster into his hand which strokes in time. Wet, slick sounds of his hand stroking his cock fill the air along with the soft moans and grunts that leave his lips. His balls, heavy with cum, begin to swell, signaling that he’s ready to reach the point of no return. 
His mind is blank, only filled with the urge to cum. That warm feeling he has come to love fills his core as he pumps his hips faster and faster. Tears pool in his eyes, threatening to fall down his face. “Gonna cum,” he whimpers. “Gonna…gonna…” His eyes squeeze tight and his arm begins to ache from how fast he’s stroking his dick, but he doesn’t care. He just wants to cum. 
‘Cum all over yourself, baby,’ he hears the voice of Earwave coo in his head. ‘Cum for me.’ 
Finally, he does. The pleasure he feels reaches heavenly heights, causing him to curl his toes. “Fuck!” he shouts, throwing his head back to the tiled ceiling as tears of relief drip down his handsome face. He doesn’t try to keep his voice down as he cums all over himself–his hand, his stomach, his thighs. Cum spurts onto the floor at his feet and some onto his toned abs, load after load dripping down his cock. He keeps stroking, his mouth open in a silent O at the pleasure. 
He goes and goes until he can’t anymore. Until his balls are empty and he is sure he’s overstimulating himself. The fog of his hypnotized state vaporizes and he finds himself naked and standing in the aftermath in the dark. His body loosens and he heaves a sigh, feeling normal finally. He expects to find himself in his situation so he doesn’t even try to get dressed too quickly. 
What he doesn’t expect, however, is to be suddenly washed in a bright light that penetrates the cloak of darkness he once stood in. He also doesn’t expect to see the number of people standing in the room with him, staring at him with wide eyes as if they can’t believe they’re seeing a pro hero with his dick in his hand. 
On his left stands a group of waiters in their uniforms setting up for the next course, trays and glasses in hand. On his right stands a camera crew testing their cameras for pictures and footage from the Gala. 
And behind him are by far the worst group of people who could’ve seen him like this: Hizashi, Nemuri, and Ms. Joke stand on the threshold of the ballroom, mouths open and eyes wide at the sight of their friend and colleague in some predicament. Two security guards stand behind him too, equally as shocked and disturbed. 
“Oh, shit,” he utters. 
The silence is tense and thick; you couldn’t cut it with a knife. You’d need a damn chainsaw. Aizawa feels like a zoo animal being gawked at from behind a cage. He is frozen to the spot, not able to process words or movement as he stays stuck to his spot, humiliated and embarrassed. 
Hizashi is the first one to speak and cut through the deafening silence. “U-Uh,” he cuts into the silence. He abruptly turns towards the two guards behind him. “Sorry about this, fellas! Looks like Eraserhead isn’t hurt. Just…preoccupied.” He glances at Aizawa who does his best to cover his now-flaccid dick. 
Hizashi steps into the room, arms raised. “Don’t worry, folks! He just needed some time alone. Everyone gets socially awkward now and again. I know I do.” He chuckles nervously before waving everyone out of the room. “If everyone could please give us some privacy? I need some time to chat with my friend here.” 
The waiters and camera crew waste no time doing so. Each one hurries out the door, one at a time, walking past Aizawa with adverted gazes. Hizashi stands by the door, waving everyone out. “Everything’s cool, everything’s fine, don’t worry, thanks!” he hurriedly says with a wide, false grin on his face. He nods at Nemuri and Emi who stand there, cheeks pink and all nervous smiles. “You ladies, too.” 
Nemuri does her best to hide her smile as she turns to leave. “Oh, my,” she giggles, a hand on her mouth. Emi is still staring at Aizawa’s physique as Hizashi shuttles her out the door. “I’m glad to know that foot size thing isn’t a myth,” she purrs, making Nemuri cackle. Aizawa blushes, quickly moving to put on his briefs. 
Once the room is empty, Hizashi shuts the door. With a huff, he crosses his arms and saunters up to Aizawa. He is neither mad nor disappointed. If anything, he looks sorry for Aizawa. “Well, my friend, you’ve got some explainin’ to do,” he hums. “And not just to me. You’ve got Nemuri, Ms. Joke, the poor staff you violated by jacking it in front of ‘em, and the security guards we had search for you alongside us in a panic after you left the room.” 
Aizawa flushes with embarrassment and guilt. “Hizashi, I–” 
“And the poor souls behind that security camera,” Hizashi continues, nodding up at the top right corner of the ceiling. Aizawa’s eyes widen in horror. “Behind the what?” he snaps. 
He turns, finding the obvious lens of a camera stuck to the top right corner of the tiled ceiling. There’s no doubt whoever is behind it saw him and his dick. “Fuck!” he shouts, running his hands through his hair. “I’m screwed. I’m gonna lose my license and my job and–” 
“Oh, hush!” Hizashi scoffs, patting him on the shoulder. “Principal Nezu adores you; someone has to be hard on those kids and it can’t be me. Plus, you’re Eraserhead! You’d have to do way more to lose your license as a pro hero than simply beating your meat.” 
Aizawa cringes at the term, but then again, that’s what the fuck he was doing. He sighs in defeat, standing in his briefs with his very supportive friend. “So I take it I was right then?” Hizashi asks, a hand on his narrow hip. 
Aizawa doesn’t speak, his pride enabling him not to admit it. But Hizashi knows better. He chuckles pridefully as he wraps an arm around his friend, winking at him. “How ‘bout that ramen dinner, hm?” 
Aizawa has no choice but to do so. After getting dressed and sneaking out one of the exits, they ditch the Gala, call an Uber, and head straight for the nearest ramen place. An hour into dinner, they sit at a private booth in front of two steaming bowls of ramen (one spicy with extra pork, one not) and several empty glasses of beer that Aizawa definitely needed after the night he’s had. 
Hizashi eyes him from under the warm glow of the lantern above them. He stripped himself of his suit before coming in to reveal the Plus Ultra tee underneath. “You didn’t heed my warning, did you?” he sighs. “You got caught up in that site, didn’t you?” Aizawa doesn’t respond, slurping down his noodles to avoid admitting to his sins. “Which audio was it?” Hizashi pushes, raising an eyebrow. 
Aizawa glances nervously at him from over his bowl. With a sigh, he lowers his chopsticks. “It was a hypnosis audio,” he mumbles. “I got curious, listened to it, and…” He leans back into his seat, his body shivering at the thought of the many good nuts he’s had because of that one audio. “It gave me the strongest orgasm of my life,” he sighs. “Fuck, Hizashi…I’ve never felt that good. My stress was no longer a problem!” He balls a hand under his chin, rubbing at his scruff in thought. “Except there was a trigger word.” 
“Oooh, yeaaah,” Hizashi hisses through his teeth. “That’ll do it. I’m not gonna ask about the word, so don’t worry, but what happens to you when you hear it?” 
“I always get the undying urge to strip and cum on the spot,” Aizawa confesses. “Doesn’t matter where I am. I’m immediately hypnotized.” 
Hizashi makes a noise between a wheeze and a gasp. “Well, that explains a lot!” he shouts. “Shit, Shouta! Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve told you those erotic hypno audios aren’t to be fucked around with. You have to be very careful.”  
“I didn’t think about it, alright?” Aizawa grumbles, flushing under the lantern light. “Even when I did the research, I didn’t stop listening to it. I-I couldn’t!” He feels like a perverted loser even explaining this to Hizashi. Giving up everything else important to him in his life for a good orgasm? He’ll never be able to live this down. 
“So you only made it worse,” Hizashi huffs. “Well, I hope you learned your lesson, ‘Zawa.” 
Aizawa slowly nods as he takes a sip of his fourth beer. “Have I,” he grumbles. “No more audios for me, at least not for a while. And though erotic hypno is nice, that might have to take the back shelf too.” He’d find another way to ease his stress. Maybe a nice trip to a sauna or a sex toy. Plus, he’s sure his body and his cock won’t be desensitized to porn anymore after so much time without it. So maybe there are some silver linings. 
Hizashi nods, agreeing with him. “Yeah, that would probably be in your right mind to do so.” 
At the same time Aizawa’s eyes widen as he stares daggers at his friend, his body goes rigid, his mind blank, and his cock hard. Hizashi’s eyes widen in astonishment as he watches his friend’s demeanor change right at the flip of a switch. Aizawa grips the table and he begins to kick off his shoes. “You son of a bitch,” he snarls. 
Hizashi caws like a bird with laughter as he claps his hands. “Oh, shit!” he cackles. “That actually fucking worked!” 
Aizawa stands so fast that the beer glasses clank together. “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you!” he growls, enraged, but he can only think about getting himself out of his clothes and blowing another load into his hand. Promising to murder his friend later, he quickly moves away from the table and practically races to the bathroom, not caring if anyone is in there or not. 
Hizashi stays put, giggling at his friend’s pain as their cute waitress comes back with a pitcher of beer. “More beer, fellas?” she chirps, then frowns when she sees Aizawa’s empty seat. 
“He’ll take two, please,” Hizashi says with a wink. He snickers as he watches Aizawa disappear into the bathroom, leaving his shoes outside the door. “Believe me; he’ll need ‘em after this.” 
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coyoteprince · 3 months
Would you like to share what happened in Savannah? After my own paranormal experience I am fond of listening to/reading other people's!
For general public disclaimer, I'm aware this is woo-woo, but I have had a life-long relationship with death and many ghosts experiences, despite not looking for them. My Savannah experience is... well, my own, and my partner who was there at my side didn't see or feel anything. Don't go to a "haunted" place with intention of seeing a ghost, you'll probably just be disappointed or make yourself anxious for no reason.
Contains Foley House, the black shuck, and a raw record written the night of the Sorrel Weed house absolutely wrecking my ass:
Foley House:
We stayed in room 403, but I'm not aware of any historical significance other than it being one of the original rooms of the house.
I highly recommend this place to stay and the room felt outright "welcoming" in a strange way, as if I was always meant to be There, specifically, but that might be the special interest euphoria. I'd been aching to sleep in an old Victorian room again.
The first moment of displeasure was when I was having breakfast with my partner in one of the corner windows. We were pleasantly chatting when I suddenly went silent, thrown onto a freeze state with my blood running cold and my nerves shot. I saw nothing, but I could feel "someone" suddenly enter the room, simply observe us by standing in the middle of the rug in front of the bed, then turn and walk out. My blood warmed quickly after they left, my limbs shaking. I logically didn't see them as a threat- I've had this happen before- but my body reacted to the environment being very abruptly "Wrong" on a primal level all the same.
Another night- the night coming back from Sorrel- in that room I was jolted awake by a deafening blood curdling scream which certainly kept me awake for a long time. Every time I tried to sleep that night I'd have very disturbed visions that'd jolt me back awake. You can write this off as my intense experience influencing me as I do have a history of "exploding head syndrome" and sleep paralysis, though I haven't experienced it in a long time until that night and haven't experienced it again since. Thought I'd include it anyway.
On the street:
I see black dogs as a divine messenger and protector in my spirituality, and boy did I kept running into them in Savannah to the point that it felt on the nose. It was a sign that I'd achieved something, that I'm where I need to be, and that it was time for another huge (metaphorical) death in my life so that I can secure my future- and in the most hopeful but absolutely weary way possible, boy am I going through it right now haha. The third night of the Savannah trip was when I suddenly came to terms that I'm literally working myself to death and need to change how I view and care for myself before it's too late.
If anyone is looking for the huge antique Baskervilles Hound painting that I ran into, it's at Six Pence Pub.
Sorrel Weed
Following is what I wrote for myself the immediate night of getting back from Sorrel, so this is a very fresh, rattled, and stream of consciousness record. I normally don't really like posting something like this, but always feel something intuitive and fresh like this is the most genuine way to relay paranormal experiences. TL:DR: Saw weird thing in courtyard. Got sick a lot very suddenly. Met a very nice skull person. Got fucked up on spooky couch. Got even more fucked up from body reacting to the stress after leaving.
"I accidentally missed the normal historical architecture tour for the Sorrel Weed house and had to take a late night ghost-focused one. Wanted the normal tour but we leave tomorrow so its this or nothing. Didn't go into it expecting anything and was excited to take lots of reference photos for Widderwood, as usual.
Saw something in the garden and knew immediately things were going to be weird tonight. White flash, person height, within courtyard and in front of street entrance. Actually really funny in the moment because I Did Not Want That Thing To Have Just Happened but I'm so used to experiencing the woo-woo that I just mentally went "oh god dammit" defeated.
Felt fine, excited for architecture, then passed the threshold and... my flight response suddenly goes off. Hard. Right into the master of the house office and I get supremely bad vertigo. Got annoyed because I was trying to listen to the history of the place, but vertigo kept rising which made me wobble on my cane. I came here mainly to collect art reference but I knew then and there that I did Not want a single photo of this place on my phone. I don't know why, even- just in the moment I couldn't stand the idea of keeping photos of this place.
I kept getting sick and vertigo, but only in Very specific locations. Mostly stayed at the back and tried to hide my discomfort to not influence anyone in the tour group. Downstairs, servant's quarters, I could feel a busy "echo" in the catch-all work room where cooking and various chores would have been done- I'm not sure how to explain but it was like a vibration that unsettled me a bit? Just very weird.
Funny, I felt the safest in the near-black basement grain room, which saw civil war trauma surgery and acted as a morgue for a few years. An antique wheelchair was to the side of the gurney (special interest euphoria, hello). To the other side of the room, a female skull that was sourced from a denture manufacturer. She was beautiful- so, so beautiful that I kept coming back to look her in the face with a very comforted smile on my own. Absolutely radiant energy. In the same room to another corner, a couch that we are allowed to sit upon and may feel someone sit next to us. Well, I certainly needed a rest from standing, and I didn't feel anyone, but I sure did have such a strong, sudden vertigo that I made a surprised noise and slumped back for a few minutes close to fainting. The second I got some wind back I got off the couch and mentally went "haha, No". Wooziness is nothing new to me, but I felt trapped and heavy for a solid few minutes- never had that happen before, genuinely startling.
Our very kind tour guide could tell something was up with me, keeping an eye on my reactions. I was trying to not be too vocal about what I was experiencing, just manage my symptoms as normal, but it's obvious she knew I was Going Thru It. In private we discussed my connection to death, she showed us her Victorian mourning jewelry, and agreed the ossified woman in the doctor's case was beautiful. The tour guide told me the skull's name in life- Zarina- and though I'm doubtful of her original acquirement post-death and what she expected of her remains, it still felt sacred to be allowed to know her name and look upon her. Other people in the group kept making "eww creepy" comments toward her and I get it, I Do, but I wish I could have figured out what to say to gently suggest to see her as a person rather than a scary death item. I am glad I met Zarina. The other ghost tales- like the chair in the for some reason scary red lighted hall (why tho)- I did hover around but didn't experience anything.
Leaving the property, I felt a bit numb but my nausea and vertigo lifted over a few blocks. Our walk to our room was short, followed by... my body going into minor shock as soon as we got back to our room. I shook for at least an hour, I think its taken me most of the night just to get my body's responses to level.
I feel so energetically drained, different from my normal disability related fatigue, yet the entire time I was mentally calm. My body has felt this before, there is a difference. Chronic stress disorder and autism make me incredibly sensitive to the environment around me but it's been a minute since my body has reacted so... violently to atmosphere without obvious cause. The strongest since experiencing that fucked up abandoned house in Ohio over a decade ago. I didn't expect to taste such heavy air like that again, least of all when I was mostly hoping to take reference.
Sorrel Weed offers proper ghost investigations, which seemed like a fun thought to try in the future. I walked in excited for historical reference, but walked out somewhat harrowed instead. Now, I'm certain that I cannot entertain the idea of ghost hunting or else I will be at very real risk of a full medical episode... at least in that house."
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