#when baby girl decides she's had enough and SNAPS
faellain · 3 days
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
Snippet 1
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erik's chest is heaving as he arrives at the door step almost stumbling to the already in need of a clean mansion. he frowns. charles had been so fastidious about keeping the place clean once they arrived. perhaps he wasn't home.
one of the children, the whitish-silver haired one- oh, yes, pietro that was it, tugs on his sleeve, "is this an orphanage?" the names of these children still didn't seem real to him. everything felt like a nightmare.
"it's a school," he corrects, "an old friend of mind runs it."
"is it a boarding school?" the girl (wanda, he reminds himself, wanda. his daughter. not just a girl. not just any child.) asks.
"of a sort," he replies and knocks again, louder this time, tempted to just throw open the door.
pietro stamps his foot, "you're gonna leave us here aren't you?" before erik can respond, his young son slams his heel on erik's toes, "fucker!"
erik hisses, "pietro-"
"peter. i don't like pietro. it's a stupid name!"
pietro had been the name he picked out when magda had once teased the idea of having children. it had been his grandfather's name. wanda was the once she had chosen, a name she had always been fond of since she was a girl. now those children were real and one was yelling at him.
erik begins to raise his voice again when the door cracks open. from the crack, he sees hank's eyes and nose peak out. a second later, he's opened the door a bit more, keeping his body between the inside and erik.
"what are you doing here?" he snaps, "who are they?"
"why aren't you blue?" erik asks, genuinely, "how did you reverse-?"
"i'm asking the questions," hank growls and erik watches a ripple of blue skin and yellow eyes appear. ah. not so reversed then.
"i need to see charles," erik explains, "to talk about them."
"there's no school. charles closed it. he can't help them," hank replies, "go somewhere else."
"hank, they're my children."
hank blinks in surprise and looks at the two of them, pietro trying desperately to tug away from his father's hold on his wrist while wanda stands next to him with her chin high. he sighs, "what do you expect charles to do?"
"i- i don't know," he admits, hating the glare pietro gave him at the words, "their mother is gone. i don't know how to raise children. i didn't know where else to go."
hanks shakes his head, "charles won't be of any help."
At that exact moment, pietro decides to vibrate his hand so fast, he burns erik's palm causing him to hiss and let go. normally, he's prepared for this trick. it's one of his son's favorites . being caught up in the conversation with hank took just enough attention away from erik to not prepare himself for the burn.
his son is about to bolt when wanda placidly says, "i've got him."
with a single lift of her hand, pietro freezes and falls face first in the grass, wriggling there like an earthworm. wanda was in an agreeable mood then. that was good. hank stared at them with a slightly stunned expression. erik gave him a withering look.
finally, he steps aside, "you're not gonna like what you see." a pit of dread grows in erik's stomach as he picks up pietro like an american football to carry him inside.
american football... he remembers better days. he remembers sean and alex always teasing him for calling it that. for calling "soccer" any number of colorful variants of football: football, piłka nożna, fussball. it was almost a game in it of itself. this place had far too many tainted memories.
"is he in his study?" he asks.
"he's barely gone in there in over a year. he's probably in his bedroom."
"is he asleep? it's two in the afternoon." charles only slept in when he was hungover. and it was tuesday.
"i don't know," hank shrugs, activating no small amount of annoyance.
"well if he isn't alseep, then he would know i'm here by now. he probably needs help," erik tries not to wince, memories of the beach still fresh as he recalls pulling the bullet out of charles' spine, "go fetch him."
hank gives him a tired glance that's partially pity and partially screaming, i'm not a butler.
"hank?" he hears the call from upstairs, "is someone here?"
hank winces as erik immediately bounds up the stairs with only a terse 'wait' to his children. both promptly ignore him, the boy zipping to catch up and the girl bounding along as best she could. he sighs, rushing after them. maybe he can bribe them with cookies he bought. they're just from the grocery store bakery, but kids hardly cared about such things.
erik flings open charles' door, feeling like a man possessed. charles was so close. he could fix this— or at least help erik. this man adored children far more than he ever could. not to mention, his old friend lived a much safer life. he could only go so long ignoring contacts from azazel, emma, and mystique before they came to investigate his sudden no-contact. charles always had answers. charles had started a school. charles—
looks like a mess.
the charles of erik's mind, when not the nightmare of a man in pain on a beach, was polished and coiffed to perfection. his fluffy hair was always styled, always dressed to the casual nines (or just the nines), oceanic blue eyes brightened by his clothes, two perfect ruddy lips that dipped into a heart shape at the top.
this was not the charles of his mind. before him stands a haggard man, eyes dull, lips pale, wearing nothing more than dirty sweats and a dirtier robe. he smells, reeks even. days old sweat, vomit, and the distinct, overbearing scent of alcohol wafts off charles. his hair hangs long in greasy strands. those pale lips quiver.
and then he is being punched. faster than he can comprehend, a fist connects with his cheek, sending him careening back into the wall until he hit it. unable to get his balance, he falls rather unceremoniously onto his ass, grasping at his chin. pietro’s chorus of mocking laughter shrieks directly into his ear.
"he got decked!!!" the child squeals in delight, "good hit!"
erik rubs his chin, "pietro, i told you to wait."
"you're not the boss of me."
"i," erik grimaces as he tries to ease his aching jaw. he didn't know charles could punch that hard. by the sight of charles shaking his hand out, he suspects charles didn't either, "i very much am."
"you shouldn't be here," snarls charles but his attention is clearly caught by pietro who is rocking back and forth on his heels.
"good to see you too, old friend," erik grunts out and then watches as charles steps towards and bends get a better look at pietro, "and walking."
charles snaps his head toward him, glaring, "no thanks to you."
truer words had never been spoken. erik attempts to brace himself against the wall. all his thoughts jumble in his mind worse than normal, fighting a brain fog from charles' outburst.
wanda's little hands clutch his arm as she tries with futility to help him up. a very agreeable mood then. good. keeping wanda agreeable was top priority. her eyes narrow at charles, though, which make erik cup her face gently.
"i'm fine. my friend was just surprised to see me," erik assures her. red sparks at her clenched fists, "wanda, deep breaths."
his daughter nods and does so, with no small amount of panic on erik's part. this is why he needed charles. he was a calm in a storm. usually.
hank finally catches up to them, "why don't you two come with me to the kitchen to get some cookies and leave your dad and professor xavier to talk?"
"cookies?" asks pietro before taking off, leaving both charles' and wanda's hair swinging in the breeze he left.
hank sighes and looks to wanda. wanda looks instead to erik with big pleading eyes. he nods at her as she moves, taking hank's hand, smiling at him.
"what kind of cookies?" she asks, rather sweetly as hank leads her down to the kitchen.
erik looks at charles, "we need to talk."
"my study, then."
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
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hannieehaee · 1 month
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!seungcheol, afab reader, smut, continuation of my previous two loser!cheol fics, mentions of fwb relationship, confession, penetrative sex, etc.
part 1, part 2, part 3
wc: 2017
a/n: im creating the loser cinematic universe
"so, are you guys dating now?", jeonghan asked one day as a few of the other frat members hung around the kitchen after a rowdy night partying.
"oh, uh, i'm not sure," was seungcheol's response.
it was the truth.
after only a few weeks of knowing each other, – and you jumping his bones every time you saw him – seungcheol still had no idea what label he was supposed to use when referring to you.
you were quite sweet to him any time the two of you got down to unseemly activities, but you were yet to mention anything about being exclusive, much less about officially being his girlfriend.
still, when jeonghan asked, seungcheol felt slightly embarrassed answering.
he wanted to proudly claim you as his; to have his fellow frat brothers look at him in envy when he brought you around, knowing you had picked him out of everyone else; that despite having the reputation of being a loser and a smartass, he had scored the prettiest and sweetest girl on campus.
sadly, he could only daydream about such a thing. he fid not have the balls to actually ask you out, something that jeonghan apparently caught sight of when seungcheol gave him his answer.
"dude, just ask her out," he practically scolded, "she clearly likes you. just make the first move and tell her you wanna be official."
"it's not that easy," he grumbled.
except it was.
what seungcheol didn't seem to realize was that you and jeonghan weren't just mere acquaintances. you were actually friends, which meant that he was pretty well informed on the current status of your relationship. while seungcheol remained unaware of what you sought out of the relationship, jeonghan had been made privy of that information by you directly.
your current hope was for seungcheol to ask you out himself. you knew he was shy and introverted, – and entirely inexperienced when it came to relationships – but you wanted him to want you so bad that his want for you bypassed all those barriers. being asked to be official by the pretty nerd from your friend's frat house was something you simply felt was a must. refusing to make the first move, you waited for him to grow frustrated enough to snap and beg you to be his.
meanwhile, seungcheol was disheartened at the thought of you being so nonchalant about it all, believing that if you were really interested, you wouldve already asked him to be yours.
"girls like to feel wanted. all you have to do is ask her out to a movie or something. easy," shrugged jeonghan.
"easy for you to say. i've never done it before," complained seungcheol, deflated.
"when's the next time you're seeing each other?"
"she asked to come over tonight, why?"
"great," smirked jeonghan, "i have a plan."
even as socially inept and inexperienced as seungcheol was, he knew this was the cheesiest thing he could've possibly done.
however, jeonghan had been right about setting him up with you in the first place, even having orchestrated the perfect plan to do so in such a seamless way that it landed seungcheol the prettiest fuck buddy, so he decided to blindly trust jeonghan's expertise yet again.
and now he stood in his room, staring down at the bed covered in red rose petals as what jeonghan described to be 'baby-making music' played. the lights were dimmed and the entire aura was nothing short of suggestive.
after having confirmed for you to come over, – all while jeonghan dictated the text seungcheol was meant to send you – he prepared his room for 'a night of romance,' as jeonghan had called it. the plan was to welcome you in, somehow work his way into a confession, and then 'make love' to you (jeonghan's words, not seungcheol's). as much as cheol wanted to actually make love to you and make you officially his, his anxiety was through the roof. he had never had a girlfriend before. you were his first everything, and he was terrified of scaring you away by being too forward. maybe all you wanted was something casual – which would break his heart, but he'd respect it.
it was, however, too late to back down, as you were supposed to arrive within minutes. in fact, he could already hear the door being opened, accompanied by muffled speech, coming from the entrance of the frat.
upon hearing a quiet knock on his door, he went to open it, offering you a sheepish smile as you walked in and took in the sight.
you giggled in disbelief, "cheol, what's all this?"
"uh, i, uhm, i wanted to make tonight a little extra special, that's all."
— 'tell her you coward!', he could hear jeonghan's voice playing in the back of his head.
"yeah? that's all?", you asked, nearing him with a purpose.
"well, no, i- i actually wanted to ask you something."
"mhm?," you smiled, placing your hands on his shoulders.
he was visibly sweating by now, gulping after every sentence and his eyes fleeting from your own down to his shoes.
"just, uh, i wanted to, f-fuck- it's kinda difficult when you- when you do that," he stammered when your hands made their way to the back of his neck, playing softly with the hair there, drawing goosebumps in the process.
"it's okay, cheollie, just tell me. i can get a lot more distracting," you practically warned, not halting your soft touches and now invading all his personal space.
without even thinking of it, his hands had wrapped around your waist, a place that was now natural for him to hold, albeit always in a shy manner.
"y-yeah, okay, uh, i just- just wanted to know if you ... if you'd like to- to, uh, maybe go out sometime," he gulped and cringed at how not-smoothly it had gone over. he hadn't even asked you out how he meant to, how he had rehearsed with han.
"go out? but, cheollie, we already hang out so much. what do you mean by 'go out'?", you tilted your head in fake confusion, clearly acting obtuse on purpose to further mess with an already nervous seungcheol.
nevertheless, cheol was not planning on backing down. not even when you leaned in and began pressing hot kisses to the skin of his neck. not even when your tongue came out to lick at the splotches you'd begun leaving behind. and specially not when your teeth went up to softly nibble at his earlobe.
"b-be my girlfriend, fuck, please? i ...", he whined all at once, hands tightening into your hips.
seungcheol could not be blamed for being such a weak man, falling to your seduction so easily. you were always in control whenever it came to the bedroom. this was something seungcheol absolutely adored. maybe it made him feel weak and a little bit pathetic at times, but it sure made his dick insanely hard, just like at this same moment.
"yes, cheollie," you sighed with a smile as your lips remained attached to his skin, "i'll be your girlfriend, angel."
"y-you will?", he managed to let out a gasp when your hands joined in on the fun, reaching under his shirt and feeling up his chest and abdomen.
"of course, baby. like you so much ... just wanted you to ask me out first," you revealed between kisses on his neck, reaching to his cheek and then finally landing on his lips.
"mmm," he hummed against your lips, hands tightening around your waist as he instinctively pulled you into himself, "god, wanted to ask you out since the day we met."
"i know, cheollie," you giggled, "you're just a little shy, huh?"
"you just make me so nervous," he groaned, letting himself fall limp to your touches, molding to your body and letting you guide him to bed with zero complaints.
"me? but i like you so much," you stress the words as you undress him, with him numbly following along to all your wordless commands.
"like you more ..." he breathed out once he was completely undressed and your hands reached down to toy with his cock through his boxers, "l-like you so much, you have no idea ..."
"can't believe such a pretty boy likes me so much," you went back to his lips, pulling his head back by his hair in order to force his mouth open for your tongue to make an entrance. you breathed in his gasps, making love to his tongue with your own.
"y-you're pretty. so pretty, you- fuck, can't believe you even looked my way," he kept mirroring your compliments, feeling an innate need to let you know how much more into you he was than you could ever understand.
"yeah? let me show you how much i like you, then?" you smiled against his lips, whining at how he seemed unable to disconnect your lips, chasing after your own with a huff.
nodding feverishly, he helped you out of your clothes, groaning any time your hand would go back down to make contact with his cock, eventually pulling it out of his boxers.
"m gonna fuck you now, okay, baby? gonna fuck you just how you like," you promised once undressed, sitting on his lap as his breath accelerated.
he felt a cold sweat rush through his body at the thought of you sitting on him. he'd gotten the privilege of fucking you many times in the pas, but he was always unprepared for the feeling of your cunt wrapped around him. the sight of your nude body in front of him was already enough to make him lose the ability to think coherently.
"f-fuck, oh, fuck, thank you," he groaned when you finally sat down on him, eyes rolling back and fingers digging into your hips.
"cheollie ... fuck, always feel so good for me," you breathed, arching your back and wrapping your arms around his shoulders for support, "such a good boy ..."
the praise made his hips cant upwards, beginning to fuck into you with a complete lack of rhythm, yet still making you let out those high-pitched moans that always made him lose his mind.
"it's so fucking tight ... fuck, love it so much. l-like you so fucking much. so perfect for me ..."
"can't believe you're mine ... please tell me you're mine. please ..."
"need you every day. can't live without your cunt. fuck, you ruined me ..."
uncharacteristically, his words were endless, wanting to let you know how much he liked you and how badly he needed to have you day after day. he needed to make you feel as wanted as you always did him. after every single one of his confessions, you'd respond with a reciprocation, making him even more desperate for you.
"'m gonna cum for you, cheollie," you eventually whined, "cum with me , angel. please? show me how m-much you like me?"
how could he deny you when you played that card? when all he wanted was to give you anything your heart desired? he had no ability to resist you, always following your every request without question.
there was no need for him to hold back his orgasm, as he could practically cum on command if you so much as looked at him a certain way. he just liked you so fucking much, having no control of himself any time you touched him.
his hips accelerated when your orgasm hit you, pistoning into you at punishing speed due to the way your cunt wrapped around him all of the sudden. despite already being used to your cunt, he could not resist its warm embrace any time your orgasm would rob you of your senses. predictably, his own orgasm followed yours almost immediately.
"t-thank you. fuck, thank you. like you so much, fuck. baby, l-like you so fucking much," there was a mantra of thank you's and confessions through the entirety of his orgasm, sounding entirely too pathetic but not caring for it as he expressed his truth for you.
"such a good boy, cheollie," you whispered into his ear once both your orgasms subsided. your hands played softly with his hair, pressing him against your skin in a comforting manner.
seungcheol could die happily in this moment. how could things be better than now? he had the prettiest girl holding him in her arms after the best orgasm of his life, having found out that his feelings were mutual. no more words were needed as the two of you softly loved on one another, eventually laying in bed and napping together, only to wake back up again and express the same sentiments over and over again.
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starlost97 · 5 months
— roman empire.
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summary: You decided to playfully call Oscar a "pretty boy".
keywords: fluff, Oscar Piastri is in fact a pretty boy, Lando Norris is a nuisance (in a funny way), f!reader.
characters: Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris.
warnings: two uses of Y/N. I'm so sorry.
a/n: I just love writing Lando and Oscar rambling to each other about their crushes is so fun :)) also, next one will be a Jenson Button one and after that I'll post another Oscar Piastri one :) AND THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED ON THE POLL!
word count: 355.
requested?: yes! by a friend.
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Oscar felt like any time he felt happy before the current moment was a farce.
He believed that nothing that had ever happened to him could ever match the feeling of being called “baby” by you.
“No, and she said it so nicely too? Like, it was so natural.” Oscar said as he rambled about the moment with Lando. “I just gave her my jacket and she said ‘thank you, baby’ like it was the most normal thing ever”
“I mean, it’s not like she could guess that this would become your Roman Empire, right?” Lando said, laughing a bit.
“It’s not my Roman Empire. Don’t exaggerate it.” Oscar mumbled, and Lando raised his eyebrows.
“Oscar, you’ve been talking nonstop about it since midday. It’s almost four o’clock.” Lando said, crossing his arms. “At this point…”
Oscar didn’t hear what Lando said. It was probably some mockery, but it didn’t matter when you entered his line of sight.
“How can she look so good in red? Such a pretty girl.” He muttered, making Lando frown. He followed Oscar’s eyes and found you, that wore a red sweater over a black skirt.
“Hey, Y/N! Come here!” Lando called, receiving a light punch in the arm by Oscar.
“What are you doing?” He asked, whispering.
“Y/N, Oscar loved your sweater. He was just telling me all about it! What were your words…” Lando said, snapping his fingers, acting as if he was trying to remember it. “You called her something, what was it, Oscar?”
Oscar felt his whole face reddening, but still, somehow, he mustered up the courage to say it.
“Pretty girl.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled, tilting your head and leaning towards Oscar, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you, pretty boy.” You said, almost whispering the last part, winking to Oscar before walking away.
The silence settled in between the two McLaren drivers, and Lando was clearly holding back his laughter, waiting until you were far enough away so you wouldn’t hear them.
“I’m sorry, I was a bit ahead of myself. This is your Roman Empire.”
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turquoisenintendo64 · 2 months
Love Comes to Everyone !
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in which: a daughter of aphrodite is camp half-blood’s matchmaker, but can’t seem to find someone for herself.
percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite!reader
part 2
inspired by “Love Comes to Everyone” by George Harrison :)
warnings: use of y/n, there is no such thing as forbidden children, percy has a little half-sister, pipabeth implied
a/n: part 1 of the song inspired blurbs!! i’ll make more for my babies ehehehe, will probably make this a two shot. also this is terrible but anyway kinda cute
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“the date went fantastic!” daliah, a girl from the demeter cabin, told you, while you were eating some strawberries she brought you.
“i’m glad,” you smiled.
before the end of the week, you have set up two couples: daliah and fred, a boy from the hephaestus cabin, and emma and sasha, two unclaimed girls.
you really hoped emma and sasha weren’t sisters, that would be quite unfortunate.
“i’m sure all of your relationships went really well.”
and here we go again.
since you are a daughter of the goddess of love, people tend to assume you are a heartbreaker, maneater, and many other words not as friendly.
but the truth is you aren’t. in fact, you’ve never had a real boyfriend.
only boys who had invited you to their cabins to hangout, but you never ended up liking them enough to date them.
“oh, yeah! super well,” you lied.
you hated to admit it, but there was nothing you wanted more than to be loved. to have someone to be completely enamoured by you, admire you, listen to you, be someone’s priority. but you could never seem to find it.
some of your sisters tell you to just charm-speak your way into some boy’s heart, but that’s not real love, and you want real love.
you had love in your life, though. you loved your friends, and they loved you just as much.
“it takes time,” you heard a masculine voice next to you.
you snapped back to reality and found percy sitting next to you. when did daliah leave?
“love,” he said.
to be honest, you were a little bit surprised by him talking to you all of a sudden.
you and percy aren’t exactly friends; he is best friends with annabeth, and you are too, sonit was inevitable for you two to meet and have a conversation once or twice.
“yeah, i know.” you nodded. “it sucks though, being able to set up a lot of people but not being able to do that for myself.”
“we all have someone, you just have to find it,” he got up, and after a sigh, he said “and who knows? maybe he is closer than you think.” and walked away.
trust me, if he was close, i’d know, you thought, but… maybe you wouldn’t know.
you knocked the door of the athena cabin, being greeted by a smiling annabeth.
then her smile faded.
“you are late, miss y/l/n.”
you asked her for help with something, yet you were late.
“i know, i know, i’m sorry. i got distracted.” you said, walking inside.
“by what?” she asked, sitting crisscrossed in her bed.
“daliah,” you said, sitting in her bed. “oh and percy.”
she smiled.
“interesting…” she narrowed her eyes, with her smile still intact.
“interesting? why would it be interesting?”
“nothing. he just never talks to you.” she opened her ancient greek book you asked for, still smiling.
she was an incredibly bad liar, but you decided to ignore that and move on to your study session.
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“so you got sick in the matter of… three hours?” you asked annabeth.
“yes, and it’s” cough cough “really bad.”
you crossed your arms.
will had called you after your study session with annabeth, telling you she went to the infirmary claiming to have the flu.
“if you have it, i probably have it too, then.”
“no. you are totally fine.” she said. you raised an eyebrow.
“right… i will go help my sisters with the decorations in case the new camper is a daughter of aphrodite.”
“wait!” she called. “i promised percy to help him show the new camper around camp.” she explained.
“well if you have the flu, you can’t do that.”
“i know. could you do it for me?” she asked you, with a grin.
you stayed silent for a few seconds. as you weren’t answering, she faked a cough to make her indisposition more believable.
“sure, i’ll help percy.” her grin widened even more.
“thank you so much,” she kissed you in the cheek.
“if i get sick because of you, i will haunt you in your sleep.”
“yeah, yeah, now leave.” she pushed you out of the bed.
you walked out of the infirmary, not before telling will to call you at any minor inconvenience. you didn’t believe annabeth had the flu, but just in case it was true, you wanted to be with her if she got worse.
you saw percy with a little girl holding his hand.
she looked scared, and he was knelt next to her, whispering in her ear.
the little girl smiled and giggled.
“hey,” you greeted.
“hey. mary, this is y/n,” percy introduced you to the little girl, who shyly waved to you. she looked seven or so.
“hello mary, how are you?” you asked, kneeling in front of her, just like percy.
“i miss my mommy,” she confessed, tear stains on her cheeks.
“don’t worry, we’ll take care of you,” percy said, stroking her back.
percy got on his feet again, still holding mary’s hand.
he sounded like a tour guide, explaining everything as you walked around camp, adding anecdotes to entertain mary.
“that is the ares cabin,” he pointed to cabin 5, “but don’t get too close; they might bite you.” mary chuckled as percy tickled her.
he was good with kids.
gods, he was good with kids.
this guy was perfect and you didn’t even notice.
“this is y/n’s cabin, the aphrodite cabin,” he explained. he glanced at you before speaking again. “goddess of love and beauty. it’s not hard to believe she is y/n’s mom, right?”
you blushed. he was good with kids and lowkey bad at flirting. all you could ever ask for in a man.
“your mom is the goddess of beauty?” mary asked you, eyes shining with curiosity and innocence.
you nodded, “you can come to my cabin whenever you want, and i can dress you like a princess.” you told her, smiling.
“yes! i want to be a princess!”
you and percy laughed. he looked at you, but you didn’t notice.
now, he explained the hardest part. the whole ‘you could wait your whole life to be claimed’ thing. mary’s lower lip shivered, and it made you want to cry in the spot.
“so you don’t know who my dad is?” she asked. you and percy shared a concerned look.
“no. but i’m sure he will claim you soon, and when he does, we will introduce you to your brothers and sisters, okay?” you told her, reassuringly caressing her cheek.
“okay,” she said, smiling again, “you are my new best friends.”
you walked her to the hermes cabin, and stayed with her until she was comfortable with the other campers that resided there.
it was quite late, almost dinner time, exactly.
percy walked you to your cabin, and you stayed in the doorway a few minutes talking about mary.
“maybe she’s a daughter of apollo,” he suggested. “she’s really energetic.”
“well, duh, we all are. ADHD.”
“right,” he chuckled. “demeter, maybe? she seemed really interested in the strawberry fields.”
“well, she screamed when she saw a ladybug so i don’t think so.”
you heard someone calling for percy, and you cursed mentally.
“i have to… uh… leave.” he said, almost hesitantly.
he walked down the stairs of the cabin’s porch, facing you.
“i’ll see you at the campfire,” he said, with an awkward smile.
you smiled and waved. for some reason, you couldn’t let out any words.
you walked in your cabin, and threw yourself in your bed.
you didn’t notice annabeth and your sister piper in piper’s bed next to yours.
“how was your night, lovergirl?” annabeth asked you.
“didn’t you have the flu?” you asked, face buried in your pillows.
“i’m better.”
“i hope will gave you the plague,” she rolled her eyes.
you sat down in your bed, looking at them.
“percy is a good friend.”
“we know.”
“he’s kind.”
“we know.”
“he’s funny.”
“we know.”
“he’s kinda smart.”
“kinda. we know.”
“super bad at flirting.”
“we know.”
“good with kids.”
“we know.”
“and handsome. dare i say hot.”
“we prefer women, but we know,” annabeth said. piper giggled.
“do you guys think he could-“
“he does like you, y/n.” piper said.
“don’t know,” you turned around, laying down.
you heard annabeth and piper’s giggles, then, you heard a whisper.
“i think our lovergirl has found her loverboy.”
“shut up!” you whispered back.
and they laughed harder.
but maybe, just maybe, they were right.
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hyewka · 6 months
Okay okay!
Imagine walking in on long time bestfriend Kai using a pussy pocket on himself! Like...he's whimpering and moaning, edging himself and bullying his pretty dick with it.
And reader is like standing there not knowing what to do in a situation like this except feel the heat pool between her legs until Kai loudly chants reader's name while he's cumming...moaning and whining as he drains himself of everything he's got.
(+ he has such a sweet, reddened face, all sweaty and breathy but his arms are all veiny, wrapped around his huge cock!!....???!!)
From your new freaky deeky anon that loves you so much!!
- 🩰
warnings. assumed kai stole mc’s panties, perv!kai, pocket pussy, sub!kai, childhood best friends, not proofread i got a little excited over this ask lol
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when your parents decided to take up the chance of renting a summer vacation home with kai’s family tagging along, practically tight knit family friends because of you and kai’s inseparability since childhood, you agreed in a heartbeat. though you basically see hueningkai enough as it is, you haven’t seen his parents and sisters in forever.
it’s all cheerful and relaxing, getting pulled into a tight, all too familiar hug by kai’s mom when they finally arrive a few hours after you guys settled in, on about how much she missed you and playfully scolding you for not catching up with her that often. “any boyfriend yet?” she teases with a tilt to her voice.
you groan, cheeks hurting with the smile permanent on your face. “not yet aunty, still single.”
“but you’re such a pretty young lady!” Her flattery always has you feeling giddy because you know she means it every time. “stop it” you mutter, carrying her bag for her.
“you know he’s available right?” she gestures towards kai who was unloading the suitcases from the trunk. you unintentionally hone in the bead of sweat that drips down his face, the sun blazing hot shining on him. damn. you snap out of it when she speaks up again. “when you guys get married, i’m owed a thousand.”
you chuckle when he snaps his head to you guys as if his ears are trained to pick up on a conversation that had to do with marriage when it comes out of his mother’s mouth. this is such a typical interaction, always reminding you that you and kai might as well just get married already with like, five kids—you’re almost unfazed. “mom, stop!” he whines, the tips of his ears red.
“hey, this is a girl’s conversation you’re not allowed to join in.” she shoos and you almost double over in laughter at his facial expression as he immediately drops it, going in the house dragging two suitcases loaded with a duffel bag. he always pouts whenever he’s frustrated and its the funniest thing ever.
“he’s such a baby, jesus.” she sighs. “but he’s lovable.” it comes from a motherly place, but it still feels almost like she’s giving you a nudging.
he’s lovable.
but you know that. he is your best friend after all. So you laugh it off.
you feel like such a pervert. you’ve been standing here for an entire five minutes without a single movement of a muscle. but between the two of you, who was the nastier one?
the one peeking through the already halfway opened door coincidentally or the one having a pair of lace underwear pressed under their nose…while deliriously jacking off. well, okay, you’re kind of at fault for being glued to your spot and not just shutting the door for his privacy but jesus christ. kai was using an entire sex toy in a house full of family? you know the walls were pretty sound proof but your paranoia would dispel any reason for you to act on any sexual urges, so jesus christ.
was he that horny? well he looked it seeing that his legs were entirely spread on his bed. and were those his girlfriend’s panties? but his mom said he was available? so whose-
you’re scared shitless when you notice kai’s clouded, glazed over eyes firmly on you, no longer shut—your hand on the door knob shake. but once again you’re frozen in place, no matter how much your brain tells you to move, you can’t and even crazier, he doesn’t stop even when theres a flash of panic in his features getting rid of the panties pressed to his nose, no—in fact his hand almost blurs as he slides the pocket pussy up and down on his glistening cock. god, his cock. it’s pretty. holy shit it’s pretty. like every part of him, somehow he manages to make an organ that resembles a fucking overcooked hotdog look good. you feel your throat dry, because even more than it not standing weird or bending in directions, it was fucking huge.
you jolt a little when you hear creaking of stairs, immedietely entering inside hueningkai’s room and shutting the door behind you in panic. you lock it.
“fuck.” you breathe. you think you might’ve lost your mind. you really do. because in normal circumstances you would probably unintentionally cockblock him, or at least say something. anything. but you’re fucking enamored at the way his brows furrow, the way he hisses low curses, his broad chest unrhythmic as it falls up and down, heaving.
you’ve always had a hint of his size the few times you’ve caught what you assumed to be accidental boners, but you didn’t know it was this big. It’s almost intimidating. and it has you rubbing your thighs pathetically.
the squelching sounds of the terribly gracious amount of lube and what you assume to be his precum barely does the job of drowning out his pathetic mewls and whining.
all color drains from your face when he calls out to you. it almost felt like you were watching a camboy for a second there. “Y/N, fuck-fuck fuck, are you-” he chokes, the sweat making his face practically glow under the dim light of his room. “do you like this?” he pants, eyes wet and big—the most vulnerable you’ve seen them.
you find yourself dumbly nodding, like you were under some sort of spell, unable to get out words as his moan strains with a final breath, bucking his hip up with the pocket pussy firmly pressed down in his entire length. It looks straight out of a porno the way his mouth falls open, your name out of his lips sinfully once again as he tenses, orgasming.
your instinct is to immediately go to cover his mouth, because for a moment there, he was too goddamn loud! but, god was that a mistake. Because you get a closer look of the drenched panties peeking from under him and your breath hitches.
then your eyes slowly trail back to kai’s that were just completely fucked out. the sheets being covered with dried semen has you guessing that hes been going at it for hours.
was that why his texts to you to shut the bathroom lights were so weirdly full of misspellings? did he…leave the door open on purpose?
his whimper against your palm sends jolts, and your eyes widen at seeing he had his hand on his cock again, pain etched on his eyes, clearly from the overstimulation but he tugs until its growing hard in his hand again, all while holding his eyes on your face. you gulp.
this was going to be a long week.
note. i love childhood best friends sub!kai like theres somethinggg about him
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Jason with baby reader whose very affectionate with him but a total menace with everyone else?
Platonic Yandere Batfam x reader
Yesss obviously 💖💖💖 okay but like imagine something with me:
Reader being the youngest addition to the batfam, could be Bruce's bio kid or not, doesn't really matter. The only reason she even ended up at the Wayne Manor was because perhaps Gordon kinda begged Bruce to take you in because he doesn't want you to end in the horrible foster system of Gotham, just asking Bruce to look after you for a couple of months until Gordon can find a good home and adopt you himself.
Anyways, that doesn't happen because Gordon dies. So what was supposed to be a few months, ended up being an indefinite stay.
Okay usually this would be the point when their yandere tendencies start to show but let's say this time- it don't happen.
Look Bruce and the batfam are like super busy with that crime fighting life, believe it or not, vigilant-y life takes a lot of their time. When their not busy saving Gotham, they're either at home resting and recovering, or at work/school. They simply do not have time for family bonding.
Or so you thought.
You've seen the boys going to the "secret" batcave (u found out soon about their hero identities, cause you're smart like that.) and they spend a lot of time training, so they're definitely bonding. While you don't reveal that you already know about their identities and continue to play the fool, it still kinda... hurts to be surrounded by so many people who are supposed to be "family" yet don't treat you as such. Damian snaps at you anytime you ask if you could join him and the others on anything theire doing- even something as simple as just playing video games.
(And then i found out about Damian and Dick being each others fav siblings) Dick tries to be amicable but even he'd turn down hanging with you in favour of taking Damian out to the carnival, saying something along the lines of "Oh Y/n, its just- I haven't seen Damian in a looong time, and it'd be unfair to him if I brought you along because he's just been lookin forward to this outing for so long. Maybe we can do something next time?" But next time doesn't come around, with Dick always prioritising Damian over you.
You thought that Tim would be easier to spend time with, since he's home a lot more than others, but he's a workaholic to the core, and even of you did swing by with a coffee, just to check up on him, he'd plain out tell you to leave, to bother someone else because he just doesn't have the time. And yet there he was, talking for hours on the phone with Conner.
Jason was nice to you even though you initially thought he'd hate you like he hated Damian and well... his other brothers and Bruce as well. But surprisingly, you got along with him. Probably because he thought of you as this sweet kid who didn't know any better about the world, who just needs to be shielded by Gotham and more importantly- Bruce. Maybe that's why Jason talked to you- you're the only one in the house who's not a hero. Maybe that's what he needed: a healthy relationship with someone normal. And it would've been great if he actually hung around more than an hour. No, he was far too busy with ending criminals, or as he liked to tell you "my job doesn't allow me any holidays. Also, I hate Bruce and would swallow a cactus than stay in his home." But at least he brought you souvenirs from the around the world! His "job" had him travelling the world.
Perhaps the boys are just too busy, or don't like spending time with girls, so you decided to go to Bruce. But he's always busy, either with work or with Gotham, or with one of his sons. He is aware of your presence, he just doesn't exactly know what to do about it. With you not being a vigilante or exhibiting any qualities that he would deem extraordinary or impressive, he doesn't know what to do with you. Sure, he's set you an account where he's given you more than enough money to cover all your expenses and everything else, but that's all he gives. Just financing you until you're independent. He doesn't check in with you, not really interested in your average life, and he won't say it out loud but sometimes, he may have even forgotten about you. A few times, he may have taken you along with him to some galas with his sons, and when you're alone with him, you can sense that he's not... pleased? Content? Happy? Sure, he puts an arm around your shoulder and smiles for the cameras, but you can see the way his eyes wander around the room to find something more interesting, more worthy of his attention. The way he taps his fingers with unease, giving you curt replies and dismissive smiles when you tried to talk about schoo or anything, it all made you realise that you are not a child in his eyes.
You are a burden.
No. No, that couldn't possibly be the case. I mean, he took you in. Bruce wouldn't do that if he didn't care about you, right?
Still, to test that theory, you left the gala, alone and without informing anyone. Surely, he or one of the boys would notice your absence. Surely.
They didn't, even as the gala ended, they all left in their own cars, no one even thought to stop and wonder if you were riding with any of them. Hurt and depressed, you made the stupid decision of walking home in your fancy gown. Of course you'd be pulled in the alleyway and be mugged. The low lives decided that they wanted more than just your money, and when you realised their vile intentions, you began thrashing in their arms to break free, resulting in one of them punching your face repeatedly. Just when you thought all was lost, suddenly those pervs were thrown off you and were shot dead. You looked up and were surprised to find out who was your saviour-
Red Hood.
"Y/n? I mean, who?" Jason was shocked to see you here, more so when you recognised it was him under the mask.
You rolled your eyes. "You can drop the act, Jay. I've known for a while." You groaned in pain as he helped you up. "Shit, you okay?" He asked, helping you walk towards a nearby bench. "Yeah. I mean I got mugged, but yeah..."
"Wait, what are you even doing out here this late?" You told him about the gala. "Soooo... why didn't you go home with them?"
You shrugged. "Just needed to confirm something."
"Yeah? And what's that?"
You remained silent, not wanting to discuss the topic further. Jason sighed before pulling out his phone. "I'm gonna call, Alfred. Have him send a car so pick you up." You grabbed his hand before he could dial.
"I cant- I don't want to go home." He raised a brow. "Why? What's wrong? Did Bruce do something? I swear to god I'll beat-" you shook your head. "No, Jay- look, I just need a break. If it's not too much to ask, can I spend the night with you? Or you can lend me some money and I'll stay at a hotel or something. Promise I'll go back home tomorrow."
Jason stared at you, trying to figure what's bothering you, but he also didn't want to push you by asking. So he nodded. "Of course, you can stay with me tonight. But only if you promise to make me your delicious chocolate chip cookies tomorrow." You smiled, nodding.
Jason took you to his apartment, cleaned up your wounds, cooked you dinner, cracked some jokes and then tucked you in bed. He actually tucked you in bed. He'd never know, but that simple gesture had you crying until you finally fell asleep.
When you returned home the next day, you weren't really surprised that no one had noticed you didn't return home last night.
No one in that house even knew how you were almost rap-
"Miss Y/n?" Alfred called from the kitchen, eyes wide as he took in your bruised face. "What happened? Are you alright?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I fell on the concrete pavement, someone pushed me accidentally-"
"Alfred?!" Bruce called from the dining room.
"You better go. And Alfred-" He stopped. "-don't mention this to him. I don't want him to worry over nothing."
Alfred nodded, leaving to serve Bruce and the boys breakfast. You don't think he'd tell Bruce and even if he did, you don't think he'd actually worry-
"Y/n?" Bruce was standing at your door, eyes narrowing at your face. "Alfred told me you fell?" He walked upto you, inspecting your face. Wait, did he actually came to check up on-
"How many times did you fell? Face first? Because that's a lot of bruises."
"It was a concrete pavement."
"We don't have concrete pavements in the house."
"I was out leaving from a cafe when I fell. Just wanted to eat some bagels." You continued to lie.
Bruce narrowed his eye at you before sighing. "Look, I don't have time for this. If you're in trouble, just tell me."
"I'm not."
"Then do you really expect me to believe that you fell? Is this a desperate cry for attention?" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "If you really did fall in public, "multiple times" as you claim, did you at least get a cab? I don't want anyone taking pictures of you like this and make headlines tomorrow about one of the Wayne kids being abused. I won't have you tarnish the family name."
What? Did he just- did he really say that?
"No. Its not-" you were interrupted by his phone ringing, and Bruce left you to take the call.
You sat there on your bed, dumbfounded and even more heartbroken than before, mind replaying the words over and over again, trying to make sense, make EXCUSES for him, that perhaps you misunderstood him.
But you didn't.
That day, you had finally given up on the batfam. You refused to make a fool of yourself any longer by hoping that one day they'd accept you. You were and always will be an outsider to them. You won't depend on him any longer, even for your finances.
Years went by and you worked hard on yourself to get admission in a highly prestigious college with a fully funded scholarship, all while you worked to handle your expenses. When you got your admission letter, you didn't even bother telling anyone at home about it. Instead, you went out for lunch with Jason to celebrate (who had been dropping by more regularly ever since that night you were mugged), who was more than overjoyed, ruffling your hair and telling you how proud he was of "the only sibling smart enough to bust him out of jail and retirement homes." Jason truly did want this for you- to be normal and go to college like other normal people.
You moved out of the Wayne Manor quietly and moved into your college dorms in a different city, where you found an even better job on the side. The job that now helped you save up enough money to start paying Bruce back for all the years he had to spend housing, clothing and feeding you.
After a couple of months, you were able to wrote your first cheque to Bruce. And if it weren't for the large sum of money and your name attached to it, Bruce wouldn't have realised that he hadn't talked or even seen you for a while. He didn't allow himself to feel guilty for thinking that he may have forgotten about your existence for quite some time.
Picking up the phone, he called you and asked you about the cheque.
"I'm paying you back." Bruce was a little surprised to hear the monotonous tone.
"The money you spent on me all these years?"
"Why? And how are you even paying?"
"I've got a job." What? When did this happen? "Look, I gotta go. I have class." You cut the call, and what class? As far as he remembers, Alfred had said something about attending your high-school graduation earlier this year.
Were you in college?
No, no. If you were attending college, he would know. Surely, you'd tell him. And even if you didn't or he forgot, he would remember paying for your tuition. Or maybe he already was, from the account in your name where he sent monthly payments.
Curious, he called the bank, only to be informed that you haven't used the account in years! They did inform him that you opened a separate account, and since Bruce owned the bank, they let him see the account and what you've using it for.
That's how he found out about your college.
You were just leaving your class to go home when you spotted him leaving the Dean's office. Apparently you were not the only one who spotted him, as your classmates all started talking about the famous Bruce Wayne. As Bruce's eyes met yours, you immediately turned and walked the opposite way until you had left the campus, and you went home.
You weren't surprised to see his car outside your apartment. But you were a little surprised to see him in sitting inside your apartment, sitting on the couch with an unamused expression.
"What do you want?" You asked, dropping your bag.
Bruce raised a brow at you. "What? No, hello?" He sighed. "Why did you leave the campus after seeing me?"
"I don't want to be associated with you."
His gaze turned stern. "Why? Are you embarrassed?"
No, I hate you. "No one will take me seriously if they knew I was related to you. I just want to be-"
"-independent? Is that why you sent me this cheque?" Bruce pulled out the piece of paper and dropped it on your coffee table. "Why are you doing this?"
"I told you, I just wanted to pay you off."
"You don't need to. You're family."
Only on paper. You thought.
You shrugged. "Doesnt matter. I'm paying you back every cent."
Bruce stood up, walking right in front of you and it was just then that he realised how much you'd grown up. You looked nothing like the scared little kid who was always peeking from around corners. You had matured, far too much for your age. He could see the little bags under your eyes, the wrinkles on your forehead, the disdain in your eyes.
"Why are you trying to cut me out of your life?" Before you could argue, he put a hand up. "I saw the documents. You didn't list "Wayne" as a surname on your college documents. You're trying to distance yourself from the Wayne name? Are you in trouble? Have you done something... dishonourable?"
You scoffed. All these years and all he cares about is his public image.
"Dont worry, I haven't done anything to bring down your family name." You spat. "Look, just take the cheque and leave. You'll never hear from me again, either in the media or otherwise."
Bruce glared at you, clearly slighted. "You're being difficult for no reason." You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from going off on him.
He turned around to leave, not bothering to pick up the cheque.
"How'd you get inside?" You asked when he opened the door. You wanted to know, especially since you took all the right measures Jason taught you to stop anyone from breaking in.
He looked over his shoulder and smiled.
"I bought the building."
You moved to a new place the next day, after you found out that the landlord refused to accept payments from you, since "your father owns the building. You don't need to pay rent." You wish it was easier to change schools though because apparently the everyone now knows you're Bruce Wayne's kid, which everyone figured out when someone called "Y/n WAYNE, please report to the Dean's office", who showed you that he had the college administration fix the little mess up of "forgetting to add Wayne to your name in all the documents" and then told you that he's very grateful to your father for his very generous donation to the college.
Bruce didn't bother you much after that interaction, except for monthly cheques and cash he'd send you, but you're never using cashing them. He also sends you regular invites to galas and social gatherings or even family dinner at home. You don't go to Wayne Manor anymore, not unless absolutely necessary.
Like today, when Bruce called you to come home for a "family portrait" for a magazine or something because the article is covering about all the Wayne kids.
You could already feel your throat closing up as the Manor came into view. You were greeted at the door by Alfred, the man saying he missed your presence at the manor. You just smiled and nodded.
"No luggage?" He inquired, noting that you only brought backpack.
"No. I won't be staying long."
You started making your way towards your room when you passed Damian's room.
"Y/n?" Dick called out, surprised to see you after so long. Or at all? You'd wonder.
"Hey." You said, eyes darting from him to the room where Tim and Damian were, both just as stunned to see you there.
"So, um... how are you?" Dick asked, unsure how to proceed this conversation.
"Great." You replied before turning around and walking to your room, leaving the boys befuddled.
Luckily, the photographer came soon and started with the shoot, and if it weren't for the photographer continuing to tell you to scoot closer to your brothers until Dick just pulled you and you ended up being squished in between them. Had Jason been here, things would be way more comfortable. But since he's been declared dead to the world, he can't be a part of the family portrait.
And later on, its time for dinner and reader is leaving but Bruce calls her back, telling her to at least stay for dinner if not for the night, and you tell him "I can't, exams are coming up." And he replies "really? The schedule your Dean sent me doesn't show any exams coming up." And after some back and forth, you finally sit down at the dinner table, chewing your food silently while the others talked. You were almost finished and this miserable reunion was coming to an end when one of them started to talk about something that triggered you.
It could be anything, from badmouthing Jason to even telling you to get off your high horse and stop thinking that you're better than them just because you've been living on your own and shit.
That's when you just couldn't hold back your anger and went off on them. Everything you'd experienced, all the emotional abuse and neglect you'd been subjected to from them, you told it all.
With tears in your eyes, you left the manor, only to be kidnapped by the Joker. Bruce and his sons didnt say anything to each other that night, except for replaying your words over and over again, simmering in their own guilt silently. Well, that was until-
"She wouldn't know the sacrifices we had to make to keep her blissfully unaware and ignorant of all the crime outside!" Damian yelled. "Just to keep her wrapped up in this bubble, outside of which is a world where she wouldn't ever truly survive if it wasn't for us!"
"Damian-" Dick sighed frustratedly. "-she never asked us to do this all. We chose this life, long before she came along. It's unfair."
"Unfair??? Then how could she claim she didn't feel "protected" when all we've done is slave over making this hellhole safe! How can she say that from the comfort of this home? She's nothing but ungrateful to us and to father! I'm telling you Grayson, if the tables were turned, she wouldn't ever make the sacrifices to save us!" Damian yelled before slamming the door on his way out.
Dick pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he asked Tim. "Do you... think we've failed her?"
Tim was staring at the ceiling, keeping his thoughts to himself. He definitely felt guilty, he remembers the way he would dismiss you.
Tim's silence was enough answer for Dick, though the two didn't know what to do next.
Thankfully, Alfred did.
"Miss Y/n forgot her phone here last night. Should I parcel it-"
Tim was already out of his seat, grabbing it. "No, I'll take it to her." Turning around, he saw Dick also standing.
"We'll take it to her. Thanks Alfred."
10 hours later, the two brothers stood outside your apartment. They knocked, but you didn't answer.
"Maybe she's at college?" Dick wondered. "Wanna wait here or go- Tim, wait for me!" His younger brother was already down the stairs when they saw Jason outside.
"What are you two dimwits doing here?" Jason asked, actually surprised to see them there.
"Y/n forgot her phone." Tim said, pulling out your phone. "She's not home. We're going to her college."
Jason's brows furrowed. "Why? She doesn't have classes today. We were supposed to meet for breakfast."
Dick couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of your relationship with Jason. Were you always this close to him? And why Jason, he was home far less than any of them.
Jason moved past them to your apartment, a spare key in his hand. "Maybe she just doesn't want to see you two."
Again, Dick couldn't help the envy that creeped up on him at the sight of Jason using a spare key to let himself in, the feeling only intensifying when he spotted many frames with pictures of you and Jason together.
After checking the whole place, you weren't there. Now, it was time for Jason to start panicking, as he asked them what happened at the manor, and he blew up at them as well for pissing you off like that.
When they had confirmed that you weren't in college or had ever returned to the city yesterday, they all went into panic mode as they informed Bruce about you going missing.
They all rushed back to Gotham, where Bruce had already pulled up CCTV footage of the place where you were last seen, hearts dropping when they saw someone come up from behind and knock you out, before kidnapping you. But no matter how much they searched for you, how many goons they beat up, they couldn't find you.
It is during this time that their yandere tendencies start to develop.
And it wasn't until a week later when they received a hint about your whereabouts, and they finally found you, in a warehouse, chained to the ceiling, a shock collar around your neck, all bruised and beaten because come on, Joker ain't gonna go easy on you.
The torture he subjected you to, it was almost comparable to the one Jason had to suffer. You were unnervingly still, and they couldn't help but wonder whether you were... dead.
That was until the shock collar went off and you screamed as your body jolted, Joker's manically laughing in the shadows.
"She's a tough one, much better than the wannabe Robin! I've been shocking her, waterboarding her, whipping her all week but she refused to tell me your real identities! I was starting to believe her when she said she didn't know, but it's just fun seeing her writhe in pain-!"
They beat Joker up, while one of them takes the collar and chains off you. You'd passed out from pain and exhaustion, and when you woke up, you were back in your room at the manor. While you were unconscious, Jason did end up revealing about how you actually did know about them being vigilantes, further intensifying their guilt and increasing their yandere tendencies, after all they do realise how they've failed to protect you.
So the story from here progresses on to when reader is actually forced by the family to stay in the manor to heal, all while their need to protect you increases the more you refuse their help.
When your injuries have healed and you're ready to leave, but they don't let you. Bruce tries to approach you, gently telling you that you need to be at home with your family, where you're safe. He wants one more chance at righting all his wrongs, he won't shy away- he admits he's made mistakes in the past with you. You back away when he tries to come closer to you.
"You don't get to choose to make up for your mistakes when you feel guilty, not when I had to spend all those years learning to live with your horrible parenting."
Tim spoke up next, telling you to just listen to what he has to say, but you cut him off with a dismissive hand.
"This is how you used to brush me away whenever I came to you, like I was some sort of fly, always too busy, too much of a hassle to even reply to a simple hello. So, why should I give you my time of the day now?"
Dick tries the comforting approach too, surely you don't hate him as much since he wasn't even around that much in the first place to cause you any hurt, promising you that he will do better this time. But you shut him down quickly too.
"I was never a priority for you then. I used to sit on these stairs, waiting for you day and night to finally be able to spend time with you. I know better by now than to trust your false promises."
Damian had a melt down next because you insulted his favourite brother. He went off on you that you never had to suffer through the same trauma as he or any of them did. How it's unfair that you don't give them another chance, how you don't understand that the Wayne's aren't a perfect family because of all the horrible things they've had to and still do go through on a daily basis.
You stared at him for a few moments before replying.
"I was almost r*ped."
The room went deadly silent, Bruce's mouth agape, Damian's eyes widening, while Dick and Tim turned pale.
"The night we went to that gala, you guys all left without me. I was pulled in an alley, mugged and almost r*ped if it weren't for Jason." You chuckled dryly. "What's worse is that none of you even bothered to call me, or even noticed that I hadn't returned home that night. I could've been dead in a ditch and none of you would've noticed for months, if not years." You wiped the tear that escaped your eye. "None of you attended my graduation, none of you noticed I had left for college, not until I sent a cheque to Bruce. I've buried you all in my past, and if it helps you sleep at night, I have forgiven you as well but I will never forget."
You looked at Damian. "And just because you've gone through some shit Damian, doesn't mean I'm undeserving of love and respect. I've experienced traumatising incidents too but the difference between you and me is that I don't use them an excuse to be a fucking dickhead."
You heard a car honk from outside. "Jason's here to drive me home- my home."
But before you could take another step, Tim had injected you with something. You jumped back, holding the puncture wound on your neck.
"W-what did you do?!" You yelled at him, and Tim only shrugged. "What's necessary."
You heard another honk, and this time, you opened your mouth to yell for Jason, only to have a hand slap over your mouth, muffling your screams for help. It was Dick, as he quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest, dragging you away from the door as Bruce ordered Tim to put the whole house on lock down mode (essentially an impenetrable fortress), while Damian went outside to release his anger on Jason, both for failing as a brother to you (not that he'd ever admit it) and for Jason being clearly your favourite.
And from here on, you're being constantly coddled by the batfam (except for Jason since he does actually want to save u from the batfam). Bruce is always the first one to greet you every morning, and if you're still asleep when he comes, he might get away with patting your hair without you flinching away. He'd greet you, tell you he's expecting you to join him downstairs for breakfast. You simply turn your back to him, pulling the covers over your head, not bothering to reply to him, hoping to catch a break in this goddamn house.
You're only able to spare yourself for a few moments before the covers are yanked off you and you're greeted by the cheery voice of Dick. "Good morning, baby bird!" He'd yell before pulling you up and of the bed by your arms, and then to his chest, spinning you around as you try to escape his crushing grip. He's not fazed at all, mostly because he views you as a tiny little feral kitten who just needs a lot of love and snuggles. He drags you down for breakfast, everyone else already seated. You're seated between Dick and Bruce so that you can't run away, and also because Bruce makes it a habit of talking to you on various topics, usually about the book he'd leave on your bed. You would talk to him at first, but after a few weeks, you got bored with the silent treatment.
If its Dick's day with you, he spends most of the time trying to do anything and everything. No activity is off the table. Baking? Hell yes, but he's the only one who laughs after he intentionally throws flour at your face and fails at starting a food fight when you just leave. You wanna play board games? He's pulled out every board game in history and he very obviously let's you win. Movie night? He's build a fort (that he claims you two built together. You didn't, you just stood there while he built it.) And has all the classic films, pulls you close so that he can nuzzle his cheek with yours (again, not fazed by you trying to scratch his face off). Sometimes, he'd even bring you to the gymnasium (because Bruce can afford to build one in his house), where he lowkey forces you to learn about gymnastics, but at least he's a good spotter, cause you never get hurt.
If its Tim's day with you, he makes you spend the whole day just... with him. Look he's sleep deprived, he's lanky, he doesn't have a lot of energy like Dick or Damian, but what he does have is... perseverance. Tim will literally handcuff you to him if it means making sure you stay by his side. If he's getting coffee, youre getting coffee with him (he makes you a cup). If he's sleeping, you're right there, either get comfy and sleep next to him, or stay up and be bored because he's dead asleep. If he's in the batcave reviewing CCTV footage, you're there with him all day and even nights. He just wants to the remorse of dismissing you before to go, almost like he's trying to make up for all the time he wasn't there when you needed him, to now being in your business every second of the day.
If its Damian's turn with you, he's... weird. He doesn't actively make you do anything with him, it's more like having you observe him. He'd have you sit on the side and watch him train for hours on the end, rudely refusing to let you go do something else, or even train with him. He's playing with Titus? You're supposed to be watching him teach Titus tricks. He's going for a walk? No, you're the one who's walking while he's running laps past you. It's like he's trying to impress you to make up for his shitty words and behaviour.
As for Bruce, he likes to spend his time with you on a schedule. Have breakfast with him, then go on a jog around the estate, then accompany him to his home office where he works while you do college work (because obv, he shifted you to online education), and he definitely annoys you by standing over you while you study, not helping you until you ask for it but also not leaving so you feel intimidated under his stare and continue to make mistakes. Then have lunch at noon, followed by him giving you a puzzle or one of those fake crime files to solve, he likes to stimulate your brain and see how it works. This activity takes time so by the time you're done, Alfred has prepared supper. You both have dinner and then you both go to the library to read, because he wants to something less stimulating to the mind as your bedtime nears. Then he tucks you in bed, sits by your side and gives you a lot of positive affirmations (which he picked up from the parenting books in his library), before kissing the top of your head and leaving.
As for Jason, since he still insists on "saving" you, he's not allowed to see you. He can try breaking in all he want, he can't outsmart the Batman.
Or can he?
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I had to type this on mobile with henna on my hands.
Yall better be grateful.
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agendabymooner · 4 months
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summary: for fernando and jenson, nothing is ever 'too much.' perhaps that's why they insisted that the necklace they bought her was worth it. (possible part two of something spoiled)
content warning: smut below the cut (minors dni), explicit language, dom!sugar daddies!jenson and fernando x sub!sb!reader, mfm threesome, overstimulation, dumbification + degradation, anal play, titfucking, double penetration, mentions creampie (pls don't do that)
💌re:moony's planner request: "hey i was wondering if you’d write a smut with jensen button x fernando alonso x reader maybe with one being mean and overstim and dumbification pretty please"
note: just pulling this out of my ass because i want to write something before i decide to get up at 3am to do my school work. enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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since becoming fernando’s sugar baby, she tried to get herself out of the habit of being extremely humble and indulged in one of his displays of affection. 
she was quite there, if she was being honest. but then, fernando’s ex-teammate jenson button came barreling into her life. no wait, scratch that— the british man came to her and fernando’s shared space for dinner and hadn’t even hidden the way he eyefucked her. 
so now, it was like her life involved an angel and a devil. one of them made her want to ask for more while the other made her feel so meek and shy. 
but both men had every intention to have her ask for more. they were not about to let her quiet down when expressing her wants and needs. especially since she got out of her way to meet their needs and desires.
it’s been a year since jenson joined the two, half a year since he moved in with them in a larger place, and as fernando’s season started - she became more occupied at home than she used to be. 
jenson was retired, thus he provided her with the company she sought whenever fernando wasn’t around. of course, fernando hadn’t minded - as long as he was getting videos or even pictures of their girl being fucked by the british while he was gone. 
having a lover who was retired gave fernando more opportunity to make the girl feel more lenient about being spoiled whilst gone. 
fernando would often send messages to or even call jenson whenever the aston martin driver saw something online that would look nice on her, and jenson would immediately take her shopping.
and it would often lead jenson to fuck her senselessly when they get back from shopping, after she would give him a private fashion show.
now here she was, insisting that she really didn’t want the glimmering necklace from bulgari as jenson tutted her.
the british man gave her a smug smile as she continued to eye the diamond encrusted necklace, the emerald in the middle just as big as her baffled eyes. she said she didn’t want it, yet she was ogling the necklace and its pairing earrings. 
“we’ll take it,” jenson nodded to the associate in front of them, with her snapping her head towards his direction. 
“does it come with a bracelet, too?” jenson grinned widely. 
the fucking piece of shit wasn’t even listening to her protests. jenson couldn’t find himself to listen at the moment, knowing that she would look so beautiful with the parure on occasions that he and fernando would attend with her.
once they made it back to their place and jenson had put everything down, she pursed her lips at the sight of the bulgari bag as she said, “that was too much.” 
jenson turned around, his expression softening at the sight of her pout as he approached her with a reassuring smile. “nothing is ever ‘too much’ for me and fernando, baby,” he kissed her lips and mumbled, “and that means nothing should ever be enough for you too. hm?” 
“where would i even wear that whole… thing?” she mumbled back, shying away from jenson. “i know you and nando will like it but where would i even wear that?” 
jenson’s soft smile turned into a wide smirk as he nipped her skin, earning a moan from her. jenson then said, “don’t worry sweetheart. when he gets back tonight, you’ll find a reason to wear that pretty necklace and earrings of yours. maybe we’ll even get to see the bracelet, too.”
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so here she was, her cunt clenching around jenson’s throbbing cock as the british man fucked her from behind. the emerald necklace dangled on her neck, shining under the chandelier while her tits were glistening. fernando’s cock pistoned in between her tits as she squeezed them. 
“mm, fuck, bonita,” fernando growled lowly, thrusting his hips up as she let out a loud moan. “even without the necklace, your tits are just as beautiful as ever,” he muttered, “fucking missed these tits of yours. i missed fucking them and i missed playing with them.”
jenson smirked as he continued to fuck her from behind, his fingers collecting her wetness and spreading it across her other hole before he began to thrust his fingers into it. 
“oh, fuck,” she moaned loudly, unable to utter anymore words as she tried to keep her composure. her elbows dug into fernando’s thighs and her palms squeezed her breast together, watching the way the tip of fernando’s cock disappear then reappear in between her pair of tits.
“you’re so tight in both holes, baby,” jenson crooned mockingly as he continued to prod his fingers in her backhole and his cock in her already overstimulated cunt. “you cummin’ again?” 
her incoherent words were music to the men’s ears. nothing felt more arousing than hearing their girl cry for them like she needed them. at least for once, she wasn’t shying away from what she wanted.
she babbled, “j- nando- ‘m- hah~ fuck…” 
fernando’s hand reached down to slap her face lightly and he mocked her, “mmm… you’re getting too dumb, princesa? is it too much? come on, tell us.”
“‘s too much,” she whined pitifully. “too much.”
“but you love it, don’t you?” fernando continued with a laugh, watching her nod eagerly. god, she was so fucked out already and she hadn’t even been fucked by both yet. “yes? you love cumming too much? you love jenson’s cock inside of you like a dumb little whore you are?” 
“yes, yes,” she nodded once more and cried out loudly when jenson added another finger. “oh fuck! hah! god, jenson!” 
“ease up, baby,” jenson murmured. “you’re doin’ so good. ‘m just prepping you, that’s all.”
“‘m gonna cum again, fuck!” she screamed silently. 
fernando and jenson both chuckled darkly, unable to keep their amusement to themselves as both of them finally pulled away once she reached her fifth orgasm.
the two older men switched places, with jenson lying on the bed and fernando moving around to get something. jenson patted his bare thigh and ordered her, “up on my cock, sweets. c’mon.” 
she couldn’t think anymore, panting heavily while she knelt on the mattress. it seemed like she was unable to process her british lover’s words, because her spanish one had to drag her lightly towards jenson’s lap before she even sunk down on his cock once more. 
a sigh escaped her lips, her cunt still throbbing after her intense orgasm. 
fernando finally moved behind her and entered her slowly, eliciting a whine from her as she murmured about how good it was… or at least, she tried to tell them but she was just incredibly fucked out. 
“mierda,” fernando cursed as he and jenson began to move inside her. his hands gripped her hips as he continued to fuck her. “you’re so tight, bonita.”
“mm— nando,” she cried out, her back arching against fernando’s chest as the emerald necklace glimmered once more.
“so fuckin’ divine, baby,” jenson groaned, watching her tits above him bounce against the jewelry she wore. “look at you- so beautiful looking so fucked out with that necklace on your neck.”
“even better when she’s begging without even knowing what she wants,” fernando added from behind her. “she’s pretty even when she’s dumb for our cocks.”
their hips began to snap against hers, earning loud mewls from her. both men groaned loudly and gradually increased their pace as they chased their highs and hers.
“oh, fuuuuuck,” jenson groaned loudly, his thumb toying with her clit. “‘m gonna cum baby. gonna cum inside this pretty pussy of yours.”
“fuck,” fernando whispered heatedly, his movements now rougher and slower as he reached his orgasm and painted her walls white. 
she whined as she reached her orgasm as well, her eyes rolling back at the feeling of fullness and her climax. 
jenson came inside her as well, thrusting up into her slowly as he let out a guttural moan.
panting heavily, both men pulled out of her and lied her down in between them. they hadn’t even minded their cums leaking out of her holes as they brought her close to them. 
she seemed content, like she actually had her wishes fulfilled. like she actually told them what she wanted rather than shying away from it. 
both jenson and fernando, however, knew that she should start speaking up about what she wanted outside of the bedroom too. because she was their girl, and she deserved the universe and more. 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129 @maxillness
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drudyslut · 5 months
Rafe x Reader who does like OF!? BUT rafe doesn’t know she does it. Like I can so see topper and rafe hanging out and she goes live bc she’s finaly able to be alone and top like being a subscriber to her and telling rafe about her and stuff yk? U can decide what happens from there but😭
warnings: smut! 18+ OF, aggressive!rafe, bimbo!reader, face fucking (i love this shit if u can’t tell), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, sex on a livestream, reader calls rafe daddy once, degrading. i think that’s all?
note: this got kinda long and i feel like i’ve been working on it for months (only a lil over a month lmao) but enjoy! remember: likes, comments and reblogs are very appreciated!
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The sound of your soft moans coming from Topper’s phone had caught Rafe’s attention. He quickly makes his way toward his best friend, his mind going a thousand miles an hour at what Topper could have came across. His eyes go wide when he sees your body, dressed in the red lace lingerie set he’d bought you last week displayed on the screen.
“Yo, what the fuck are you on? That’s Y/N” Rafe snaps, his eyes narrowed into slits as he stares at his best friend, a wide smile spread across his lips.
Topper’s smile fades, a look of fear taking over his face when he notices the anger emitting from his best friend.
“Wh-What?! This is… This is Y/N?” Topper says lowly, eyes darting between his phone screen and Rafe.
Rafe shakes his head slowly, letting out a deep exhale before grabbing the phone from Topper’s hand. He clicks on your profile, seeing an array of pictures and videos. Your face was never shown, but Rafe knew your body, he knew about the birth mark you had on your inner thigh, he knew this was you.
“You- You’re fucking subscribed to my girlfriend? What the fuck Top!”
“Dude I swear, I didn’t know it was Y/N..” Topper replies, voice shaky as his eyes stay on his angry best friend.
Rafe exits the screen, tossing Topper’s phone onto the table before quickly making his way toward the front door, completely ignoring the apologies his best friend was shouting at him.
Rafe was furious. How could you not tell him you were on OnlyFans? Why were you on OnlyFans? He had more money than he knew what to do with, he could support you, so why were you selling your body online? Letting people see his girl?!
He was in his truck before he could even think a plan through, his mind only set on getting to your house and confronting the situation head on.
You’re mid livestream when you hear your front door open followed by a loud slam that made your heart sink into your stomach.
Rafe pushes your bedroom door open, his jaw tense and fists balled at his sides, he was breathing heavily, and you could sense from the tension in the air that he’d found out.
“Hey baby, what’re you-” You begin but Rafe stops you when he tightly wraps his fingers around your throat, squeezing so hard your vision blurred, tears filling your eyes as he continued to cut off your oxygen.
“Why the fuck are you on OnlyFans? Hmm? Am I not enough for you? Need to be a fucking whore online for the world? You like that type of attention?”
You tried to speak but all that came out were strangled gasps, your hand clawing at his as you tried to rip his hand from your throat.
“I’m gonna fuck you for this livestream, let all these fucking people know who you fucking belong to, got it?”
You trail your eyes up to his, nodding your head as best you could.
Rafe releases the grip on your throat, pushing you back in the process. You begin gasping for air as tears streamed harshly down your face. You glance down at your computer, noticing the hundreds of comments flooding in before glancing back up at Rafe who had stripped himself down to nothing.
You bite down at your bottom lip, sitting yourself onto your knees. Rafe takes a long stride toward you, his hard cock grasped firmly in his hands as he slowly stroked himself.
“Set that up somewhere else, gotta let ‘em see how good I fuck your throat”
You quickly jump from your bed, setting your computer up on your dresser, giving a perfect view of your bed and rushing back to Rafe. You spit into your palm, quickly pushing his hand off himself and replacing it with your own.
Rafe groans, his head thrown back in pleasure as you slowly worked him. “Fuck, can’t wait to feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock”
You place a soft kiss onto his tip before pushing it into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around his swollen head, the taste of his precum hitting your tongue and pulling a low moan from you.
Rafe gathers your hair into his hand, pulling at it harshly before he shoves your head down. You gag around him when his head hits the back of your throat. He begins to thrust himself in and out of your mouth, hair tightly grasped in his hand, “Fuck, so fucking good. Let ‘em see how well you take my cock baby”
He continues thrusting himself into your mouth, tears flowing quickly down your face with each push and pull. You place both hands on his thighs, trying to steady yourself but Rafe uses his free hand to slap your hands away.
You feel his thrusts growing sloppy, hips stuttering, before he pulls you off of him.
You whine, “Rafe, wanna taste you. Please”
Rafe tsks, shaking his head as his darkened over eyes find yours, “Don’t think so baby, when I cum, it’s gonna be in that pretty pussy”
He situates himself on your bed, snapping his fingers and signaling for you to sit yourself on his lap with your back to him. You glance up to look into your webcam, watching as the many comments continue to fill the screen.
Rafe runs a large hand up your sides, large palms finding your bra covered chest and cupping at your tits harshly. You throw your head back, resting it on his shoulder as he continues to massage at your flesh, pinching your hardened nipples between his fingers.
He runs one hand back down your side, gripping at your thigh and harshly spreading your legs. His fingers tug at the waistband of your lacy panties, ripping them off your body and tossing the torn fabric to your bedroom floor.
His eyes flicker up to the screen of your laptop, a smirk taking over his face when he sees your glistening cunt on display, his long fingers toying at your clit and wet folds.
“Such a pretty pussy, and it’s all mine”
You whimper out a weak response, Rafe’s lips attacking your neck with kisses, teeth nipping at your sensitive skin and leaving deep purple bruises in their wake.
You let out a loud gasp when you feel two fingers plunged inside your aching core, his harsh upward thrusts making your hips jerk forward. He quickly grabs at your hip with his free hand, forcing you back down onto his lap as he continues to harshly push his fingers inside of you.
He places a hot, open mouthed kiss to your shoulder before sinking his teeth into the skin. He curves his fingers up, finding that spot inside you that has your brain short circuiting, toes curling as you sink your teeth into your bottom lip.
“God, you’re such a fucking slut. Getting off on me using you on camera for hundreds of people watching”
A low groan falls from your lips, “Rafe, fuck feels so fucking good” You sob out, tears pricking at your eyes, threatening to spill with each harsh thrust of his fingers.
Rafe tuts, slowing his fingers down to a painfully slow pace, “I dunno. I don’t think I should let you cum. I mean, you were out here selling your body, my body, when I can give you whatever you want”
You feel yourself clenching around his fingers, orgasm fluttering, ready to rush from you at any moment, “Rafe, please! ‘M so sorry! Let me cum, please!”
Rafe chuckles darkly, “Fucking beg for it then. Beg me to let you cum”
You choke out a sob, tears flowing down your cheeks. “Please! Please let me cum daddy! Promise i’ll be a good girl, won’t ever do anything bad again”
“So goddamn pathetic” Rafe laughs out, his fingers picking up in pace again, repeatedly hitting at your gspot, forcing your orgasm from you in body shaking euphoria.
He helps you ride out your high before harshly pulling his fingers from you, bringing them into his mouth and sucking your juices from them. “Always taste so good baby”
Rafe quickly lifts you from his lap, tossing you onto your bed. “On your stomach” He demands, and you quickly obey.
You’re flat on your stomach, hands under your head as your eyes find your computer screen for what felt like the millionth time. A small squeal escapes you when Rafe’s large hands grip at your hips and lifts your ass up.
The bed dips in behind you, Rafe’s knees hitting the mattress as he kneels behind you. He lands a harsh slap to your ass with one hand while the other firmly grips at his cock, slowly pumping himself and teasing at your entrance with his swollen head.
“Rafe, please!”
He harshly thrusts himself inside, his tip hitting at your sweet spot and pulling loud moans from you. His fingertips dig into your sides, surely bruising the skin, his hips slamming into your backside roughly.
“Fuck, always feel so good f’me, so fucking wet and tight! Keep squeezin’ me like that baby, takin’ me so good, so deep”
You arch your back more, letting him thrust himself as deep as he could into your sore cunt. The sounds of your squelching pussy and Rafe’s loud groans bounce off the walls of your room, your inner walls clenching uncontrollably around Rafe’s cock, trying to squeeze out every last drop he had to give.
“R-Rafe! Gonna fuckin’ cum, holy shit, feels so goddamn good!”
Rafe slides a hand up the length of your back, reaching the back of your head and gripping at your hair. He pulls your neck backward, tears forming in your eyes from the uncomfortable position your neck was in along with the brutal thrusts of his cock. He uses the hand in your hair to keep your body steady, his free hand making its way to your face, fingers pushing past your lips and down your throat.
“Look toward the camera baby, show them how fuckin’ good I make you feel. Wanna cum? Wanna be a good fuckin’ girl and soak my cock?”
You turn your head as best you can, eyes looking directly into the camera. Your cheeks are stained with mascara, drool running down the sides of your face as Rafe’s fingers stay lodged in your mouth. You had a completely fucked out look on your face, your tits bouncing with each thrust of his hips.
You pathetically whimper when Rafe slowly pulls himself from inside you, slamming himself back inside without warning. “Go on, say it. Only I can make you feel this good. I fucking own this pussy, yeah? Say it!”
You choke out a sob, “You- You own me Rafe! You own my pussy! Only- Only you make me feel this good”
Rafe lets out a low and raspy groan, his dick twitching inside you, his warm cum spilling into your pussy.
He fucks himself into you a few more times, helping you reach your own high. He strokes the head of his cock against your gspot, making you clamp around him, your body going limp as your orgasm rushes through you, soaking his cock and your bedsheets.
He slowly pulls himself from you, his fingers falling from your mouth and letting your body fall flat onto the mattress. He softly lifts you up, turning your arousal soaked pussy toward the camera and letting your viewers watch his cum drip from your cunt.
He slowly walks toward your computer, ending the livestream without any hesitation. He walks you back to your bed, dropping your weak body down, his tall frame towering over your body.
“I want that account deleted tomorrow, and don’t ever let me catch you doing that stupid shit again, got it?”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @ivy-34 @rafeism @thelomlisrafecameron @rafegirly @f4ll-for-you @drewstarkeyslut @starkeypankowsbae @lizcameron @m-1234 @dilvcv @thewitchesofart @rafesgfxo @unsaidjaelinrose @abbybarnesstuff @itsmytimetoodream @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @r1vrsefx @alexisbaumann2004 @yourfavborderhopper @moremaybank @mel119g @rafetopia @rafemotherfuckingcameron @jade-is-jaded @jjmaybankisbae @lexasaurs634 @lyndys @softlilacarrest @fayerite @exhaustedbutelated @urmyslxt @sierraluvz @presleyanswrites @carma-fanficaddict @rafescokenostril @madzzz0797 @slytherhoes @jscameron @jjsmarijuana @ijustwanttoreadlols @luversgirl @sugarcoatedstarkey @skyesthebomb @nirvanaissogood @stvrkey @vhour @emma77645 @rafeinterlude @inluvwithmorales @superlegend216 @mannstarkey @digitaldiary111 @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @crgirlsworld @personalfavsthatarerandom @urbestieboo @carolinaxvz @maybankslover @bigslay86 @buckyisveryhot @cantstoptherecs
rafe cameron masterlist | taglist form | all requests
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thebearer · 11 months
wait, carm accidentally snapping at teddy. maybe she’s extra clingy to you guys after willow is born and she’s been passed between sugar and richie for the past few days and she’s like “stay with you dada” and she’s crying and not putting on her shoes or something. and he’s like “Dammit Dorothea, you need to listen” and she’s screaming even more
"Teddy, please." Carmen huffed, he was balancing a clinging toddler that only wanted to climb his legs, be held and cradled all the time. He knew it was because Willow was being held all the time, the three year old didn't comprehend that babies had to be held. She just knew that she wasn't being held, and there was a tiny flare of jealousy with that.
"Up!" Teddy huffed, foot stomping on the ground. Little ballet shoes against the hardwood. Carmen had managed to wrangle her into the tights and leotard before they had to leave for her Twinkle Toes Class, but his patience was gone.
Willow had started to whimper, waking up and hungry, lips smacking and face scrunching in irritation. Carmen cursed, turning to coo at the baby. "It's alright, Wills. C'mere, sweet girl." He cradled the baby, Teddy scowling at him at the lack of attention.
Carmen fished the bottle out of the fridge, bouncing the baby while he put it in the bottle warmer. You were in the shower. He wanted to give you a moment of peace, to be able to shower for the day. You were only a month and a half postpartum, still balancing trying to heal, be a mother of two, and sleep and eat somewhere in the middle. Carmen was great, he was, always trying to stretch himself thin for you, for the girls, for the restaurant.
"Daddy," Teddy huffed, tiny lips pouting- she looked just like you. Carmen would have melted if he wasn't so frazzled already.
"What, Teddy?" Carmen huffed back, a short breath leaving his nostrils, shushing Willow's tiny gummy cries.
"Daddy!" Teddy screamed, her voice teetering from a whine to a cry- on the cusps of a breakdown.
"Dorothea," Carmen snapped, eyes cutting to her. "Don't start."
That only made Teddy cry, a wail of a cry that had your ears perking, drying off in your bathroom down the hall. Slipping on your shorts, Carmen's shirt, you padded down to the kitchen, stopping at the entrance at the sight.
Teddy was on the ground, plopped down, red faced with fury and wailing, tears streaming down her tiny cheeks. Willow decided to join her sister, a much softer cry than the three year old, but the pitiful baby gasp cry that always had your heart splitting- your boobs leaking instinctively.
Carmen looked beyond frustrated, brows furrowed, eyes darting from Teddy to Willow to the bottle, all around the kitchen. His chest heaving, teeth grit.
"Dorothea! Enough! Ok? Enough! Stop crying and go sit by the door!" Carmen roared, vein protruding out of his neck when he looked down at her.
Teddy stilled, a hiccuping, fearful gasp, looking back up at Carmen with rounded, teary eyes. Her lip wobbled, chest stuttering- Carmen never yelled at her. You gawked at him, stunned from the doorway.
"Carmen," You hissed, mouth fallen in shock.
Carmen's eyes were wide- with realization or being caught, you weren't sure. At that point, you didn't care. You knew he was on the brink of lashing out, his hands shaking and mouth stuttering. Teddy ran towards you, barreling into your legs, rubbing her wet face into your legs with loud sobs that racked her whole body. Willow wailed, jostled, upset, and still hungry.
Carmen's heart was going a million miles a minute, he felt like he might go into cardiac arrest, head spinning and stomach lurching. Your face- fuck, Teddy's face. The way her little face fell with fear. Carmen could feel spit filling his mouth, bile rising.
"Step out." You grit, stern and a little hurt. Carmen wanted to sob.
"No, just let me-"
"Carmen." You snapped, hoisting a still sobbing Teddy on your hip, cradling her head into your neck. "Step out. Now."
Carmen's hands shook, putting Willow on the nursing pillow on the couch, grabbing the bottle to hand to you, eyes already brimming with tears- angry, hurt, frustrated, furious with himself. "Teddy, please, I-I didn't mean-"
"Carmen." You voice was softer this time, eyes still hard. "You need to cool down, so do we. Step out. Go on a walk."
Carmen knew you were right, stepping out of the house. He stepped onto the busy neighborhood street, seeing happy couples with their babies in strollers, dads running after their toddlers, holding them on their shoulders. Carmen felt his stomach turn, pivoting to the bushes and throwing up.
Four cigarettes and a blubbering call to Richie later, Carmen came back in. Red rimmed eyes, running nose, but there was no crying. Teddy sniffled besides you, lying on your lap while you burped Willow, her body still stuttering with tears. Carmen tilted his head back, trying to keep his own emotions in.
You turned your head, tracking him as he came over to the couch. Your own heart broke, seeing him like that. You knew Carmen was a good dad, you would never had kids with him if he wouldn't. It was an adjustment for him too. It was easier for you, you carried them, birthed them, spent all your time with them, but you still had your moments. Moments where you locked yourself in the bathroom to cry while Teddy screamed and Willow sobbed, when you wanted to pull your hair out and scream too, but you couldn't.
"Teddy Bear," Carmen cooed lightly, catching her attention. He tried to choke back the sob that clawed out of his throat when she whimpered, a pitiful sniffle, curling into your lap.
You ran a soothing hand down her hair, watching them carefully. Carmen crouched in front of her, eye to eye. "Teddy, I-I'm sorry I yelled." Carmen shuddered. "I should not have ever yelled at you like that. That was very mean of me."
"Yeah." Teddy agreed, sniffling into your leg, face still half concealed. "You hurted my heart."
You watched Carmen's face crumble, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder lightly. He ran a hand down his face, hiding behind it, while he tried to regain his composure. "I know." Carmen nodded, clearing his throat lightly. "That wasn't good of me to do, at all. And I'm very sorry."
Teddy hesitated for a moment, turning up to you. "Sometimes, Mommy and Daddy yell when we're hurt too. When our brains hurt." You explained simply. "That's not ok, but just like you yell, we yell too. And we shouldn't. Should we?"
"No." Teddy agreed, pushing up on your thigh. You tried not to groan at the tiny hands prodding into your flesh. "Not 'sposed to yell at friends." She looked at Carmen pointedly, repeating some Ms. Rachel or Sesame Street episode.
"You're right, Teddy." Carmen nodded, running a hand down her cheek gently, chest loosening when she didn't flinch or pull back. "I'm very sorry, baby."
You gave Teddy a look, soft but pointed. She was stubborn, a terrible trait she inherited from Carmen, and even at three, she was his carbon copy. "What do you say, hm?" You said softly.
"'s ok." Teddy sighed heavy, dramatic. You fought an eye roll, catching Carmen's tiny smile.
"Can I have a hug?" Carmen asked, arms stretching out, nearly falling back when she launched herself in them. The little shit, Carmen thought, but he held her close, rocking her longer than he should have.
He looked over her head at you, your soft smile while you rocked Willow in your arms. "We're gonna be a little late for dance." Carmen looked at the clock. "Do you still want to go today, Teddy, or-"
"Yes!" Teddy squealed, squirming out of his arms and bounding towards the door.
Carmen stood, leaning over to kiss you, sweet, an apology. You let his forehead rest against yours. his hand on Willow's back, grounding himself for a moment. He needed it, needed it to feel forgiven for himself.
You stood, watching them leave out the door. "You need anything?" Carmen asked, patting his pockets for his wallet and keys.
You shook your head. "No. Have fun, Teddy. Dance pretty. Point your toes." You cooed.
Teddy spun for you, dramatic and nearly walloping Carmen's crotch which made you laugh, his eyes bulging and nearly missing the hit. "Be back later. Text me if you need anything." Carmen muttered, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"Daddy, can we get ice cream after?" Teddy asked, spinning around Carmen's hand down the cobbled steps.
"Carmen." You warned, eyeing him. You knew he'd give in. He always did.
"We'll see. If you dance good, then we might get yogurt." Carmen responded, winking at you before shutting the door.
You pretended to be irritated, huffing at him lightly when Teddy came home with chocolate around her mouth, a dribble on her leotard, but even then you couldn't be too mad. She had him wrapped around her finger, all his girls did.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 5 months
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18+MNDI (degradation, brat taming, dom/sub dynamics, pillow riding, facial, handjobs. Listen idk what happened… this stemmed from a thot I had bc of one of the nsfw asks @bimbobaggins69 sent me and my brain spiraled…)
“Look at her Stevie, look how pathetic she looks.” Eddie groans, the feeling of Steve’s large spit slick hand jerking his cock nearly sends his eyes into the back of his head. But he resists, keeping them on you.
“Oh she’s so fucking desperate… is that drool? Are you fucking drooling over our cocks right now baby?” Steve’s voice is condescending and there’s a lop sided smirk painted across his lips while he continues to fuck Eddie’s cock with his fist. His hips thrust in time with the other man’s hand on his own cock, his eyes also glued to you.
They have you sitting on the bed, straddling one of your satin pillow case covered pillows. Your body is completely bare while you desperately rub your wet pussy against the soft material. They’re standing directly in front of you, also fully bare, while they stroke each other’s cocks. Their hands run down each others bodies and they occasionally places kisses on each others lips, necks, shoulders. You want so badly to touch them, for them to touch you. Your eyes can’t decide where to look but they keep landing on their lips, and their cocks. You want them inside you so bad.
“Please.” You whimper, your hips continuing to thrust against the pillow. The soft material feels nice against your clit, but it’s not enough. You need your boys.
“Awww you hear that, Eds? She’s begging now. That’s cute.”
“Sooo cute, Stevie. It would be so much cuter if she wasn’t a fucking brat all day. Maybe then we would actually help her cum.” The long haired man taunts you.
“Right? She could be getting fucked by both of us right now but instead she has to watch and fuck her pillow like a desperate little slut.” Steve moans when Eddie picks up the pace of his strokes on his cock. A bead of precum leaks from his tip and you want nothing more than to lick it up.
“Too bad, her mouth looks so good right now. You really are drooling, huh? Just our dumb drooly little girl, so desperate to get off?” Eddie juts his bottom lip out, mock pouting at you.
“Yes, please, I’ll be such a good girl, please?” You’re so desperately turned on that you aren’t above begging, you’ll take anything they’ll give you at this point.
“Mmm… I don’t think so, princess. If you wanna cum, you know what to do.” Eddie snaps the fingers on his free hand, pointing at the pillow underneath you. His hips thrust into Steve’s hand, a moan you want to fucking swallow leaving his plush lips. “Oh fuck, that’s so good Steve. I’m so fucking close.”
You whimper as your hips pick up speed, subconsciously matching the pace of your boyfriend’s hands as they jerk each other off. Steve leans his head down so he can spit on Eddie’s already slick cock, you watch as he uses his thumb to mix it with the pearly white precum leaking from his lip. You weren’t sure before if you could cum like this or not, but how hot they look and they way they’re talking is quickly changing your mind.
“God, me too babe, fuck. Don’t stop.”
They’re so fucking hot. The way their forearms flex while they work each other with their hands, the beads of sweat collecting on their skin. Steve’s chest hair glistens and the hastily done bun Eddie threw his hair in is barely hanging on for dear life. You grab onto the end of the pillow, pulling it tighter between your legs, this new angle has the silk of the case hitting your clit in a new, more delicious way.
“Open your fucking mouth, baby girl. Stick your tongue out.” Eddie’s voice is strained, breathy grunts leaving his lips. You oblige, sticking your tongue out as far as it can go and looking up at them through your lashes. Your hips continue their assault on the pillow and you feel yourself getting close to the edge.
“Oh, good fucking girl, look at you. You’re so desperate. Just want us to paint you with our cum, huh? You’re so needy you’re gonna cum just from humping your pillow and watching us get off? You’re so pathetic baby.” Steve’s practically babbling now, his entire body shaking with pleasure. Eddie feels so good and you look so fucking sexy and it’s all too much. “I’m gonna fucking cum.”
“Fuck, me too.” Eddie moans.
You watch as their hands speed up, their bare chests heaving. Steve lets out a guttural groan and his body tenses as ropes of his cum shoot out onto your tongue and chin. Eddie follows suit, his own cum painting your tits. The sight of them coming undone for each other and the sounds they’re making combined with the taste and feeling of their cum sends you over the edge right with them. Your eyes roll back as your legs clamp shut around the pillow and a pornographic moan rips through you.
“Fuck. That’s so fucking hot. I’m about to get hard again just from watching that I swear.” Eddie swipes his thumb across your chin, collecting some of the combined juices and your eyes snap open just in time to see him licking the cum off of his digit.
“Dude. When are you not hard? Seriously. Baby, how are you doing? Wanna get cleaned up? I can make us all a nice bath.” Steve grabs your face in his hands, his eyes searching yours. He was always so gentle with you after you played like this.
“Mmm… that sounds nice and all Stevie… but I think I like Eddie’s idea of getting hard again a little more… then maybe a bath after?” You bite your lip as you look up at him eagerly. You still want them so bad.
“Fuck. Yes. What do you say, Steveeee? I think our girl deserves a little reward after she took her punishment so well…”
“You two are insatiable.. You’re going to be the death of me, I swear…..”
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deadend-artist · 11 months
Her Dumb Girl
A/N: @lonelyfooryouonly I HOPE YOU LIKE !!! I'm not the best at writing smut, but it's always enjoyable for me so I hope this is alright and similar to what you had in mind!
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Pairing: Santa Barbara!Ellie Williams x Reader
Word Count: 1,656
Category: Smut
Grammar Checked? Yes.
Description: Ellie gets mean sometimes and you're the perfect person to take her anger out on.
Warnings: NSFW MDNI: degradation, mean!Ellie, knife play, spanking, manhandling, small mention of choking, oral (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), strap (r!receiving)
You’re sitting in the building you and Ellie had dedicated home when the door slams shut. A glowering Ellie stomps inside and huffs, sliding off her jacket. 
“No luck?” You ask. 
“No,” She replies coldly. 
You can’t help but be frustrated with her. You didn’t have to come to Santa Barbara with her. You didn’t have to help her avenge Joel, yet here you are sitting in a shitty hideout for her. You sigh heavily. 
“What’s your problem?” She snaps, the anger getting the best of her. 
“You,” you mumble low enough that Ellie can barely hear you. 
“What did you fucking say?” Anger laces her tone as she stalks over to you. 
“You. I said you’re my problem, Ellie.” 
It’s almost as if a dark cloud is cast over her. She glares down at you as she stands over you. Still, you continue to look up at her defiantly from where you sit. This act alone seems to be enough to really set her off. Ellie’s rough hand wraps around your chin, gripping you tightly. “You better fucking apologize, pretty girl.” 
“Yeah? And what if I don’t?” You sass. 
Ellie’s eyes seem to light up and she grips you a little bit tighter. Her gaze hardens and she looks directly into your eyes as she leans close. “You’re so dumb, baby, pissing me off on purpose,” She coos. A harshness creeps into her voice as her breath fans your face. 
Ellie lets go of your face and huffs. Her hands quickly reach for your shirt, pulling it off in one swift motion before unclasping your bra and throwing it to the side. She wastes no time unbuttoning your jeans and sliding them down, along with your underwear, leaving you completely bare in front of a fully clothed Ellie. 
Her hand comes back to your face before she smashes her lips against yours roughly. She doesn’t have the time, patience, or energy to tease you now. Her tongue invades your mouth as she pushes you to lie down. Her hand slides from your chin to your neck, squeezing it as she continues to suffocate you with her kiss. 
When she pulls away from your mouth, she finds herself immediately kissing down your jaw and settling at your neck. She nips and bites at you, soothing the feeling with her tongue before doing it again. You’re laying under her breathing heavily and whimpering each time her teeth tug at your skin. “Is this what you needed, dumb thing? You just needed me to fuck you dumb?” She asks. 
You look up at her and nod, deciding it’s better to submit to her now than later. Besides, you’ve already managed to piss her off enough for one night. Whatever she has in store is sure to leave you begging and crying for her. 
She laughs menacingly as she returns to your neck. Her mouth finds your pulse point and she sucks harshly, grinning against you as you moan. She continues to suck at and bite your neck until she’s sure you’ll be covered in marks from her tomorrow. 
“Ellie,” you whine. 
“Aw, I know, baby girl, I’m just soooo mean,” She mocks as her hand slides up your stomach. Her hand roughly cups your boob, squeezing harshly before pinching your nipple in between her fingers. She relishes the way that you arch your back and whine beneath her, impatient for more. She laughs against your skin before taking your other nipple into your mouth. Her teeth graze over it and she watches as your squirm. The power you give her as she touches you makes her feel like she could do anything. “You better stop squirming before I do something about it,” She threatens. 
You do your best to stay still, but not being able to her she continues to mark up your skin. When you squirm again beneath her she releases from you completely, looking down at you with a stern look. “What did I say?” 
“St-stop squirming…” 
“And you didn’t listen,” She tuts. Her hand reaches into the back pocket of her jeans, pulling out her switchblade and flipping it open. She sees your eyes flicker to the knife, and she grins. “This is what you get when you don’t listen, my little whore.” 
Ellie presses the knife against your throat just enough to put pressure, but not enough to cut you. “You gonna be a good girl, or am I gonna have to make sure you listen to me?” 
“I’ll-I’ll be a good girl,” You stutter. 
Ellie hums, running the knife down your chest, leaving a sharp white line behind. When she hears your shaky breaths she can’t help herself. She presses the knife a little bit harder in between the valley of your breasts, drawing a bit of blood. You gasp at the sharp feeling, tears welling in your eyes. 
“My dumb girl, you’re crying already?” She chuckles. Her green eyes sparkle with excitement as she moves lower. Ellie forcefully parts your thighs, her gaze meeting yours as she kisses and nips so close to where you need, but not close enough. “Sometimes I feel like I need to remind you you’re mine by carving my name into you.” 
Your wide eyes meet hers, twinkling with curiosity. “Does my slut like that idea? Turn you on, poor thing…” 
“Els…” You whisper. 
She grins and continues suckling at your inner thigh, bringing the knife up to the other as she does. She gently presses it against, you writing a big ‘E’ on your thigh. Part of her wanted to keep going, wanted to write the ‘W’, too, but her hunger got the best of her and she finds herself tossing the knife aside and licking slowly up your cunt. Her strong hands pushing your thighs apart, keeping you still for her. She gives you another long, slow lick and you buck your hips up against her. 
Her forearm comes down on your hips, holding you in place. “Quit. Fucking. Moving,” She growls. 
Her tongue swirls around your clit slowly, enjoying putting you through the torture. Her lips wrap around your clit, suckling gently, barely giving you any kind of stimulation. 
“Please,” you beg, “Need more.” 
Ellie squints at you before giving in and beginning to eat you out as if she were starved. Her long, slim fingers join the mix. She teases your hole with them before roughly shoving two fingers into your pussy, grinning as you practically scream for her. 
She doesn’t stop, her mouth and fingers abusing you until you’re twitching and moaning. “Els- ah- fuck!” Ellie fucks you through your orgasm and doesn’t stop. 
Instead, she adds a third finger and sucks harshly on your clit, watching as you squirm and try to get away from the touch. “Oh, my pretty girl, you thought we were done?” She teases. 
You can’t find it in yourself to respond as she continues her rough movements. She pulls her fingers out of you and then maneuvers her hands to your hips, flipping you over quickly. Her hand comes down quickly on your ass, laughing as you jolt forward at the action. “Mmm.” 
Ellie’s hand raises again, this time falling on your cunt. You drop your head down, leaving your ass in the air, fully exposed for Ellie. 
“Aw, pretty girl, I know you’re just so dumb when I fuck you like this, but I know you love it.” 
“I do, I love it,” You respond. 
Ellie laughs, loving your compliance with her. She leans forward and kisses down your spine, smiling the entire time. “Stay put,” She demands, leaning up and away from you. You can hear the sound of her clothes rustling as she sheds them from her body. Then there’s the sound of Ellie pulling on her strap, and you squirm a bit in anticipation of what’s to come. 
Ellie comes back up behind you, her hand rubbing over your ass and squeezing the fatty flesh. She drags the tip of her strap across your clit before teasing your hole with it. “Tell me you want it.” There’s another resounding smack as she spanks you. “Beg for it. Beg for my cock.” 
“Pl..ease… Ellie, please, fuck me. Need it so bad.” 
 “Mmm… I don’t think that’s good enough, slut.” 
You beg harder, and Ellie finally relents, pushing the tip of the strap into you slowly. Before you have time to think, her hands grip your hips harshly and she slams you down on the strap, pulling out and pushing back in at a bruising pace. Ellie grunts and groans as you take her. She watches the way that you suck her strap in and she’s mesmerized. She continues to fuck into you. Her hand finds your hair and she pulls your head up, leaning over you to whisper in your ear. “You gonna cum on my cock? Hm?” 
“Ye-yes! Yes! Please lemme cum, please.” Ellie nips at your ear, slowing her thrusts a little bit. You whine, trying to push back into her for more. 
“Be good and I’ll let you cum.” 
You still and Ellie continues to fuck you slowly before speeding up quickly, pushing you right back to the edge. “Ellie,” you whine. 
“C’mon, my whore, cum for me,” She rasps. 
Her hand tugs tighter in your hair as she fucks into you, making sure to prolong your orgasm for as long as possible before slowing her thrusts and pulling out of you, breathing heavily. 
Ellie flips you over and admires your hazy eyes and fucked out face. Your chest is still rising and falling in heavy breaths. You look up at her and hum. “You’re so pretty, Els…” 
“You’re so pretty, baby,” She says back, her hand gently cupping your face. You lean into the touch and kiss her palm. She chuckles, pulling you into her arms. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” She whispers to you. 
“Love you too, Els.” 
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Small Surprises Pt. 2
Moon Knight System (Marc, Steven, Jake) x Single Mother!Reader
TW/CW: None! Well, maybe Marc and Jake being shameless flirts and a little innuendo/implied sexy times but nothing is detailed!
A/N: The amount of love I've gotten for the first part just blew my mind. I'm so happy you guys loved it so much! Have this gift for the holidays!
Taglist: @katitakenway @winniethewife @thisismiku @justafandomgvrl @chrishy973 @stardream14 @moonkxit @kult6 @blackqueengold @bellaramseysbitch @kimmib13 @skarrkiie @thespookywookies @becca-rebel38 @capsiclesworldsblog @phantom-wizard @idkimherebutidk @call-me-cherrry @bluesophia @ilovepurple31 @queerponcho @dahehow @peachyrue-777 @thevintagevictorian @lemongirl5910 @howellatme @giulscomix @kinglokisqueen4ever @katitakenway
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That night, to say you were freaked out to see a nine foot tall bird guy standing in your baby girl's bedroom at almost 9pm was an understatement.
You had immediately grabbed your trusty straw broom and promptly went to beat the shit out of whatever-he-was.
Yeah, you did it mostly because he was a literal god stranger in your daughter's bedroom; but you also were partly venting the frustrations you felt at the things the boys told you Khonshu forced them to do, at times.
And damn, did it feel good. You hadn't snapped like that since you left your ex.
Once Marc recovered enough from dying of laughter at the sight of such a diminutive human wailing on a god with a fucking broom, he grabbed you and convinced you to stop before you had a stroke.
Victoria didn't seem to understand, so the two of you had to explain that Khonshu was a "friend" (In very very loose terms). That's when Marc explained what exactly Khonshu was, and...
To his credit--and despite his reputation--Khonshu was... good with Victoria. Sometimes he would loiter in your flat, and Victoria would practically glue herself to him when the boys weren't around (namely when Steven was working or Jake was busy driving others around in his car) and pester him endlessly about what Egypt was like way back when.
And he literally was a living witness to that history, so she would stare enraptured at him as he would inform her and tell her everything the experts got wrong (you figured he probably got an ego boost to have someone so enthralled in what he had to say, and hanging on his every word).
Despite the things Khonshu had forced the boys to do, despite the things he was capable of, you came to trust him with your precious baby. When you were busy working at your computer or on the phone for your work, Khonshu would keep Victoria occupied, either listening to her chatter like an excitable little squirrel over her toys and games, or she would listen to him tell her stories. You even peeked into her room and saw Khonshu (albeit half-assedly) playing with her toys with her.
You did some research into what the ancient Egyptians believed Khonshu to be, and the whole justice and protection thing checked out, but what surprised you was his association with fertility. On crescent moons it was said that Khonshu blessed, and women could conceive. So maybe him being able to connect with Victoria was in relation to that aspect of his divinity. After all, you can't make a baby without conceiving one first, right?
You had half a mind to ask if, maybe somehow Khonshu had a hand in your pregnancy (or any other god, really) but you decided to let it lie. After all, what's done is done and you had your wonderful daughter to hold and love, what did it matter if a god blessed you to get pregnant in the first place?
The boys didn't like Khonshu being so close to Victoria, fearing that maybe Khonshu was grooming her in some way, perhaps to be a follower, or even a future Moon Knight.
You however, didn't get that feeling from him. Perhaps Victoria's innocence was refreshing to him? Perhaps he merely enjoyed the absolute wonder and curiosity of a child? As long as Khonshu didn't hurt her, you felt at least comfortable with him being around her so much.
If anything, it gave a teeny bit more security to know that in addition to the boys, she had a literal god watching over her.
But the boys on the other hand were incredibly protective (and jealous) of Victoria. Khonshu as well, thankfully knew when to step back and allow the boys their time with her, without his presence. After all, he was sick of arguing with them over simple jobs and targets, and perhaps granting them this sense of normalcy would make them more compliant in the future.
Once Victoria started to call Marc daddy, Jake and Steven were then adamant about getting her to call them a similar title, but unique to themselves.
So, Jake was afterwords known as Apá, and Steven was simply Papa, or rarely "Stevie" (thanks to overhearing Donna call him that.) However, Steven began to like the nickname only when the two of you called him that, because where the two of you used it as a term of endearment, Donna often only used it to irk and annoy him.
Yeah, your newfound family was strange... But you wouldn't trade them for anything. Old bird man included (though you made it pointedly clear he was on very thin ice).
Yeah... Life was strange.
It had been one whole year since you guys were official. And in February it would be one whole year since Victoria had appointed Marc (and of course Steven and Jake) as daddy.
At some point, you had given the boys your full consent to move in. Or at least mostly. You and Victoria had your own stuff, but when you saw just how much stuff the boys had, Marc sheepishly chuckled and told you they can still help with your bills and afford their flat just fine.
After all, with Steven's income and Jake's, it was relatively easy. Not to mention the money Marc had hidden away in case of emergencies.
But the consecutive days Victoria awoke to find your boys there? Oh, it was like Christmas morning every single time.
Speaking of holidays, learning about the ones that Marc, Steven, and Jake acknowledged was... interesting. (As was Steven's veganism, but that was a whole other tale)
One night, you had just finished sending some spreadsheets to your boss when you decided to call it quits for the night, your eyes exhausted and dry from staring at the screen for too long.
You'd closed your laptop and stood, rubbing your dried eyes while you pushed your chair from the desk. Your fingers ached and your tendons were sore from using them for so long, and you were internally groaning at the time and how dark it had become outside.
But honestly, it all melted away when you walked out of your room to see Marc holding Victoria in his arms, telling her about Hanukkah, and why they were lighting the first candle on the menorah.
He had her small tiny hand wrapped in his as they held the longest candle over the first wick, and Victoria blinked, wide-eyed as the candle flickered to life, the light shining out of your window for all who looked up to see.
You were stealthy enough to snap a few photos and snag a video of Marc having this sweet moment with your daughter, his smile illuminated by the light of the menorah; the corners of his eyes crinkled and his eyes glowing as Victoria asked him this and that, why the candle was shaped funny, why they needed to light eight other candles with the biggest one, why it was celebrated to begin with...
All three men had adapted to her curiosity remarkably quickly. Marc enjoyed teaching her things, doing things with her that he wished his parents did with him after the death of his brother.
Even his father stopped including him in special moments like these after a while. Whenever the menorah was lit, Marc remembered sitting in the pitch blackness of his room, looking out onto the streets below, seeing couples and happy families go about their holiday plans, play, and simply enjoy being around one another.
All the things Marc could no longer enjoy without his mother tainting them with her alcoholism and abuse. His father kept promising to get her help, to make her "better" but he never did.
Marc would always come home from school (or running away for a few hours or days) to the sound of a cracking belt, feeling the welts, the bruises, and even the occasional burns from cigarettes his mother never smoked. No, she wouldn't smoke them recreationally, they were merely another tool to vent her anger and abuse on poor little Marc (and of course Steven and Jake).
And his father still sat by, pretending he didn't hear the snaps, the sound of leather on skin or the crying of his now-only son, and the cruel, hateful words of his wife.
If you buried your head in the sand, you could pretend it wasn't happening at all.
Which is how his poor young mind fractured in the first place...
But no. Marc wouldn't focus on those times, not around Victoria, not with her. Marc vowed that he would be everything he never had as a child, that he would give her his all. Steven and Jake made the same oath; one they took more seriously even than their servitude to Khonshu.
Love could be stronger than fear, if you let it. And your boys were letting it be stronger, for the first time in their lives.
Love and safety.
"So... You celebrate Christmas but don't celebrate it?" Jake had asked you curiously as he watched you fight to untangle the multi-colored lights you pulled down from the hall closet.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." You say awkwardly, looking at him with a smile on your lips. "I've never attached religious significance to most holidays, honestly. They're just... special days to celebrate for me. And it's a bit more fair to Victoria, because it's hard for her to understand that other people celebrate Christmas or--until recently anyways--Hanukkah."
Jake leaned over, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked down, "Hmmh. So you just celebrate it for the sake of it?"
"Yeah, plus Victoria loves decorating the tree every year." You sigh, reaching up to comb your fingers through his hair, earning a content hum from him.
He'd decided not to grow out a mustache this time, staying clean-shaven for the time being.
He slipped his arms around your waist, his thumbs brushing your stomach idly as he watched you battle with the stubborn cables.
"...I say we toss those damn things and get new ones." He snorted. "Saves the trouble."
"I know, but Victoria loves this colour, and I can't find them anywhere else in stores this late in the season." You sigh.
"C'mon, amor, sit on the couch and I'll help undo them."
"God, what would I do without you guys?" You groan while you turn your head to kiss his cheek.
He'd pulled you around and tipped your head back to capture your lips with his, of course. Jake was a very adamant kisser; he put his lips and tongue into each second of every kiss.
Marc was gentle, content to give a long kiss comprised of the dancing of lips; Steven was a bit more chaste, he was happy to litter your entire face in sweet, soft kisses.
Your lips broke apart and you leaned in to bite his bottom lip for a moment, tugging as you pulled away in reprimand.
"C'mon, you horny devil. I want these undone before she wakes up from her nap."
Jake grinned widely as you twisted free of his hands, sauntering over to the couch with exaggerated sways of your hips.
Jake would have to ensure that Victoria was deep in sleep, tonight, for sure.
Thankfully you got the lights untangled in time for her to jump to her little feet and rush into Jake's lap--even going so far as to dart between your legs just to get to him faster!
You snickered and feigned a broken heart, sequestering yourself to the kitchen to prep lunch in mock-sadness.
You were busy wrapping the hot dogs in the doughy wrap for Victoria's lunch, and you paused your hands as you lined the tray when you heard Jake talk to Victoria; holding her up in his strong hands as he walked her around the tree, letting her wrap it in the pretty yellow lights.
That's when you heard it: he was singing to her.
It was a song you knew intimately by now: La Vida Es Luna. After she'd watched that Puss in Boots movie, she would play it on her tablet on repeat. Thanks to Jake's knowledge, he was slowly teaching her to flawlessly sing it in Spanish, like he was right now.
Their voices conjoined were sweet, even if Victoria was a little tone-deaf at some parts, and your heart throbbed as Jake would laugh with her and gently correct her pronunciations.
Love and joy.
Steven had to work hard to earn a favor from Donna, and one of the other managers, but he'd managed to snag permission to bring Victoria to work with him as an early Christmas/Hanukkah present for her.
She was thrilled. Steven thought she was going to vibrate out of her seat on the bus with excitement.
Even if she knew that he would be working most of the time, and they were both stuck in the gift shop, Victoria was just happy to spend time with Steven and talk about their mutual obsession with ancient Egypt.
Donna at first didn't believe Steven when he told her that he was dating a single mother, she even laughed at him and said she'd get off his back if he produced said child.
And boy, seeing the look of horror and recognition on her face as he came in with a little girl dangling off his arm?
"Papa." Victoria asked Steven as he was stocking the front counter.
"What is it, poppet?" Steven smiled at her.
"Why does 'Shu only got the birdy skull?"
Steven always had to suppress the urge to laugh when she called him that. Khonshu wasn't one for nicknames and oh, did it bring him joy to hear him merely be demoted to "'Shu" in the eyes of a child.
"Cause in my books he's got feathers n stuffs, or sometimes he's got blue skin or somefin'."
"I don't rightly know, m'love." Steven said sweetly, booping her nose. "Maybe he thinks it makes him look cooler? Spooky, certainly."
"Mebbe." She sighed, pouting in thought. "But I 'fink it's just cause he's so old." She replied. "Cause he's older than my mommy and you."
Steven finally couldn't hold it in, and busted out into laughter, having to sit on his haunches and hold his gut as his muscles ached from his fit. Victoria tilted her head at him curiously as his laughter died down into choked gasps and he wiped away a small tear from his cheek.
"Oh, oh I just have to tell your mother that." He sighed, looking at her with a grin.
Victoria tilted her head to the other side, her lips pursing. "But papa, I'm serious."
"I know, love." He chuckled, pulling her close to kiss her forehead. "It's just so funny to hear you compare us to that bloody ol' pigeon."
"But he's not a pigeon!"
Steven snickered again as he went back to work.
It was about thirty minutes later when a group of secondary school students came pouring in from their field trip to the museum.
The girls chattering obnoxiously about some topic or another online, the boys being rambunctious. All the sudden loud noises had Steven wanting to chew his nails off, but he resisted the urge hardcore not to do it. He was succeeding, but didn't need much more effort when he looked over and saw Victoria start to squirm from her little box fort behind the counter, frowning and lip wobbling as the students so callously destroyed the organized shop Steven had painstakingly arranged (with her help, in some parts!) and made such a ruckus.
Steven could see she was close to melting down, by how her little hands reached up, one gripping at her hair and the other smacking her leg as she made little noises.
Steven immediately forgot his own discomfort and knelt down in front of her, pulling her hand gently from where it was fisted in her hair and holding it in his larger one, bringing her in to brush his nose against hers a couple of times as she whimpered.
He smiled gingerly and placed her little headphones on her head (the new ones that had stickers of toys called Squishmallows that Victoria had introduced him to. He had even started his own tiny collection of them because of how soft and adorable they were).
He grabbed her tablet and played her usual list of music. It soothed her somewhat as all sound from outside the muffs were bled out thanks to the tunes, but she was still upset at all the people suddenly being around her like buzzing insects.
As ironic as it was, Steven despised large influxes of people. Before, he was too tired to pay them any mind. After he found out about Marc and Jake and they all arranged a better fronting schedule, Steven was given more time to rest as a result and only became far more aware of how large gatherings made him uncomfortable and twitchy.
But right now Victoria was more important than himself, so he scooped her up and held her against him. He knew he could do his job of ringing up customers with one hand while the other held Victoria to comfort her. After all, his body was fit and strong and she was a tiny little thing.
He wagered he's held boxes of stuffed animals heavier than her, before.
Of course, being an attractive man with such a sweet disposition and adorable little girl on his hip... he had become a blip on the radar of the women and teen girls flitting about the shop.
Apparently having good looks and the outward appearance of a man who loved children was attractive to many.
He was mostly clueless to under-the-radar flirting, but right now two of the girls were being positively shameless in how they hung on his every word.
Their voices started to blur together as they took turns speaking, their teacher (whom talked loudly about her divorce to emphasize the fact she was indeed, single) would cut in, tapping her nails on the counter as she leaned in, smiling with her obnoxiously bright scarlet lipstick and batting her heavy mascara'd eyelashes at him.
However, these girls and women seemed to entirely disregard how uncomfortable Victoria was, or how upset she was as she sniffled and rubbed her face on his soft shirt. All that did was earn sweet coos from them as they noted how "affectionate" she was.
He gritted his teeth, wanting so badly to run away from this awkward conversation with Victoria in tow, but his need for this job kept his feet rooted to the ground. That, and his own bubbling upset that was beginning to simmer within him. He could even feel Jake's consciousness begin to float to the surface to see what was happening.
"So, you must be divorced, right?" The teacher laughed as she shoo'd away the younger girls, wanting to circle this kill for herself.
His brow twitched as he reached up to pat Victoria on her back to soothe her with his free hand. "Well, actually--"
"It must be so hard to handle her on your own!" She sighed, finally taking note of the child's discomfort.
"Did her mom leave her? Because she's special?"
Steven felt his eye twinge a bit, and his jaw clenched. "Well, no. Her mom is--"
"Oh, did she cheat or something? I can't help but notice that little thing on your hip doesn't bear any resemblance to you." She interrupted once more.
"No, Victoria isn't mine. Her mother--"
"So she did cheat?! How horrible!" The woman gasped, drawing her own conclusions as she clutched her imaginary pearls.
"I would never do that to a child! If I was her mother--"
No. Nope. That was it. Her first comment about Victoria was enough to bring his rarely seen anger to the surface, but now she was insulting the both of you. That was enough to make the tips of his ears burn.
All because she wanted to flirt with him? No, his family was off limits in any regard.
"Victoria isn't "special" as you mean her to be. She's autistic, like me." Steven huffed, frowning deeply.
The woman clapped her obnoxiously made-up lips shut as Steven continued.
"And Victoria doesn't look like me because she isn't mine. Biologically." He informed, adjusting his hold on her as she continued to rub her face on him.
"Victoria's father abandoned her and her mother before she was born. I am currently dating her mother."
The way this woman deflated filled him with such an ego boost, he finally knew how Jake felt when he'd won an argument over Khonshu. The rush was just that good.
It seemed she wasn't expecting that.
"Oh, so her mother is..."
"Dating me and happily committed." He said with a jerk of his head downwards. "Now, ma'am, do you intend to make a purchase, or do you intend to hold up the line building behind you for this till and cost me my job?"
Her face flushed scarlet and she began to sputter, scowling at Steven as he politely told her to buzz off.
"Have a nice day!" Steven called out as she walked away, her horrible perfume following alongside her.
Steven felt victorious as he gave the little girl in his arms a kiss to her forehead.
Love and loyalty.
Victoria was happily tucked into her bed, fast asleep thanks to Khonshu regaling her with a story of one of his previous Fists fighting evil doers in the sands of the desert.
He omitted the violence, thankfully, and merely settled for a cliché "the hero scared the villain into being good" trope for the ending, as per your wishes.
He did not want that broom lodged in his eye socket again.
"So... Did Steven tell you some woman tried to hit on him?" Marc asked you as you brushed your teeth, your wonderful skin still dewy from the shower, your body clad only in a fluffy pink and blue striped towel. Christmas day was in the morning and you wanted to look somewhat presentable when you recorded the gift opening when the sun came up.
You almost choked on your toothpaste as you yanked the brush free.
"Yeah, some teacher." Marc grinned at you as he ruffled his own damp hair from the towel. He knew your legs were still shaky from your previous romp in the steamy bathroom, but you stood strong until that subject came up.
"What did she say."
"Honestly? From what he said she was being rude. About you, about Victoria, not letting him get a word in..." Marc scoffed as he dropped his towel into his lap.
You spit out the toothpaste and aggressively rinse your mouth out, a pang of jealousy sweeping into you.
"Steven actually told this lady off."
"He did? I have a hard time believing Steven can do that..." You murmured, looking at your reflection in the foggy mirror.
"Yeah, but he was insanely passive aggressive with it." Marc laughed, stretching his arms above his head. "Her face got soooo damn red."
You grin as he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, fingers toying with the knot in your towel.
"Hah! Serves her right for talking about my baby." You say triumphantly.
"Serves that woman right for automatically assuming we were into toxic, divorced, Holiday Barbie-looking bimbos." Marc scoffed.
You giggle as he placed kisses to your shoulder, his teeth grazing your damp skin.
"Marc Spector, you are insatiable." You sigh, raking your nails through his damp curls.
"Hey, it's Christmas Eve, don't I get to open a present early?" He murmured into your pulse.
"You're Jewish."
"And I do the work of an Egyptian god and you celebrate Christmas without the religious part." He grinned, tugging on the fluffy towel around you.
"So... do I get to unwrap my present or not?"
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redwlf843 · 2 months
Brat taming
Abby Anderson x fem reader
Summary: you’ve decided to be a brat today, your girlfriend decides to fix that.
Warning: smut, mean dom Abby, cunnilingus, strap on referred to as cock, anal, double penetration, slapping, degradation, spanking, cursing
You were being a brat all day, you knew you were in for it when Abby was officially done with work for the day. But for the time time being you were having a blast teasing her (and technically yourself) as you sent her another photo of your 3 fingers deep inside your soaked cunt. You knew you were playing with fire sending things like that to Abby while she was just in the next room on a business call. She’s sent you multiple texts demanding that you stop, now she’s just left you on read. She only had about 45 minutes left of her supposed to be three hour business call. And you weren’t that much of a brat, you knew the rules you weren’t cumming. Just having a little fun.
You were in the middle of snapping another photo of your cunt when the bedroom door slammed open, an angry no a pissed Abby Anderson standing in the doorway
“What the fuck is your problem” she seethes as she grabs you by your throat and pins you against the wall. You drop your phone when she grabs you and clatters to the floor. Your back was pressed against the wall, and her hand was around your throat, not hard enough to restrict breathing but just enough to feel the pressure. “I’m in the middle of Important fucking shit but you want to distract me by being a little whore” she sneers her face inches from yours.
“I’m sor-“ smack your apology was interrupted with a smack to your cheek.
“Apologies will get you no where brat” Abby growls
“You’ve already done it now you have to deal with your punishment.”
“You wanna act like a slut then I’ll just use you like one.” Abby whispers in your ear and she sounded dangerously calm. You were in for it tonight.
This is how you found yourself being bent over the bed while Abby tied your hands behind your back.
“Not too tight?” She asked finishing the knot
You shook you head ‘no’ but that wasn’t what she wanted smack
You jump and yelp and the hard slap she delivers to your ass cheek
“Use your fucking words.” She orders
“Not too tight” you quickly breathe out, still feeling the sting from her strong hand.
“Good girl” she praises
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen” Abby starts as she opens the bottom bedside drawer “this plug is gonna go in that pretty little ass” she continues, slowly sliding the plug between your ass cheeks, grazing your hole but not going in. “Then you’re gonna suck my clit till I cum then maybe I’ll fuck you like the whore you are.” Abby said with a faux softness
You hear Abby open a bottle of lube and squirt it on her fingers. One hand grabs the globe of your ass while you feel her pointer finger prod at your asshole, she slowly pushes in. She fucks you with one finger, then two, and then three slowly stretching your ass. You hear Abby getting more lube and then you feel the cold metal of the plug against your ass “deep breath baby” Abby gently coaxes as she pushes the plug into you, groaning as it disappears into your ass. She gives it a pull and you whimper
“Mmh good girl, now on your knees” Abby demands with a smacks to your ass.
Abby helps you up by pulling you up by your restraints and you get onto your knees and look up at her “oh now you fucking listen” she growls “where was this 15 minutes ago when I in my meeting” she asks gripping your chin.
You open your mouth to apologize but you once again are quickly cut off.
“No. Don’t give me meaningless fucking apologies. Put that mouth to use Abby orders as she pulls down her sweatpants and boxers. She stands right in front of you with her legs spread and you are just centimeters from her soaked cunt.
“Go on whore, you heard me. Use that fucking mouth.” Abby demands looking down you expectantly.
You lean up and lick up her slit, you moan at the taste of her while she groans at the feeling of your tongue. You give little kitten licks to her clit. “Mmh you really think you’re in a position to tease me right now?” She asks you and she grips your hair and pulls your face closer to her cunt. “Fucking do it right or you won’t get to cum”
Your tongue laps at Abby’s cunt, moaning at the taste of her. Your vibrates against her and she tilts her head back with a groan.
You flick your tongue against Abby’s clit before wrapping your lips around it, sucking it. “Fuck, good girl. Use that fucking mouth.” Abby praises, her grip tightening on your hair to the point where it is just starting to sting but not enough to hurt.
You circle your tongue around her clit, and you can tell she’s getting close. Her breathing is coming out in short pants and her muscular thighs that were on either side of your were tensing. Her hips bucked against your tongue as she came with a groan. You lapped up her juices before she took a shaky step away from you.
She looks down at you, panting. She picks you up as if you weigh nothing and tosses you down on the bed. She pushes down on your back so you’re being pressed into the sheets beneath you. “Don’t fucking move.”
You here her opening draws behind you and you hear the sound of clasps and you know exactly what she’s doing. She’s putting the strap on. You feel the tip of her cock brush against your entrance and you know immediately that this is the new one she just got, the big one she was working you up to take.
She glides the tip through your slit gathering the slick, she rubbed it down her cock. Once it was lubed up with your juices she teases your hole with the tip. She watched the way your hole fluttered when the tip rubbed against it. “Mmm look at that cunt just begging to have my cock.” She slaps her cock against your clit making you writhe beneath her. “Please.” You beg, you were so incredibly worked up from touching yourself and her punishment. Your pussy was just absolutely drooling you could feel it throbbing just begging Abby to do something.
She tsked “you’re in know position to be begging right now. But since you asked so nicely” you didn’t like the tone of her voice, she was up to something. Your train of thought was completely gone as soon as Abby’s cock started pushing into you, she usually eases you into it pushing inch by inch letting you adjust. Not this time no she completely bottomed out in the same thrust. You hissed as the the toy stretched you out. Abby grabbed your restrained hands, you knew what she was doing her hand was in reach of your fingers. If you needed to stop you squeeze her fingers three times. This was her checking in she was giving you an opportunity to end it if you needed.
You felt so full between the cock stuffed in your cunt and the plug in your ass. You were being stretched in both holes and it felt absolutely amazing, once Abby gathered you wanted to continue she gave a rough thrust of her hips and your eyes instantly rolled back. You let out a pathetic whimper and you hear her chuckle behind you.
“Needy fucking slut. Not happy till both holes are filled huh?” She asks as she starts thrusting into from behind. Every thrust she watched as your ass jiggled around the black jewel of the plug at the impact, she watched as her disappeared into your cunt a white ring already forming at the base. “God you’re just fucking sucking me in. So fucking needy. You just needed to be filled huh baby? Is that why you were acting out? For my fucking attention.” She growls
“Y-yes” you stammer “you were so busy and I needed you.” She set a merciless pace as she smacked your ass hard “next time you be a good fucking whore and wait till I’m done working” she smacks your ass again on the other cheek this time and you can feel the sting on both cheeks and you know that she’s left a red hand print. “That was an important meeting and I couldn’t concentrate on a goddamn word because of you.” two smacks this time, “maybe after this you’ll fucking behave.” She smacks your ass hard with both hand this time and you let out a choked sob and you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes from the intense sting.
“You gonna pull that fucking shit again” she asks you her hands gripping your hips as she pistons into you. You shake your head ‘no’ she grabs your hair “what did I tell you about using your fucking words?” “I won’t do it again I promise” you quickly say with a broken moan as the tip of her cock kisses your cervix.
“Good girl” she releases your hair and both hands grab your hips, her fingers digging in surely leaving bruises. You were getting close you could feel the pressure building. “A-Abby ‘m gonna cum” you moan out not wanting to add onto your punishment for not telling her you were getting close. “You cum when I say I get to cum.” She tells you and she makes her thrusts deeper, the base of the strap rubbing against her clit. She was going to cum she could feel it and you knew she was going to by the way her breath came out in short pants and the way her thrusts were becoming erratic and less rhythmic.
She grunted with every thrust “gonna use you like the fucking whore you are, gonna fucking fill you.” She growls as she fucks you. “Fucking take it whore.” She thrusts into you roughly cumming with a groan. Her body tenses and her hips slow to an eventual stop.
“Now you can cum” she pants out as she reaches between you and the bed, her fingers find your clit and start rubbing it at a bruising pace. She thrusts her hips again the base against her clit making her feel overstimulated but she didn’t care about that right now, she was going to make you cum on her cock.
You were so painfully close that it wasn’t going to take much. As Abby fucked into while rubbing your clit you could feel the coils tighten. Your body tenses as you cum with a wail around Abby’s cock completely drenching it with your juices. You see white and you hear ringing in your ears. You body thrums with pleasure and you take a gasping breath.
You go boneless against the sheets, feeling how soaked the fabric beneath your thighs is. You whimper as Abby slowly pulls out of your cunt watching as your juices drool out onto the sheets beneath you. She slowly pulls the plug out which makes you whimper again. “You did so good baby” she tells you as she kisses your shoulder.
She puts the toys in the bathroom sink to be washed later and grabs a warm was cloth. She gently wipes between your thighs. You whimper and try to close your legs but she hold the open, “ssh it’s okay baby girl I’m just cleaning you up” she says as she kisses the back of your thighs.
She tosses the wash cloth in the dirty hamper and she unties the belt that kept your hands behind your back. She tosses the belt to the floor and rubs your back. “You were so good for me baby, such a good girl. You doing okay?” You nod your head and she kisses your other shoulder. “Why don’t I go run you a bath and throw these sheets in the wash. Does that sound good?” She asks and it’s a complete 180 compared to how she was just moments ago, she was being so loving and gentle towards you. How she always is towards you. Except when you’re a brat.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 6 months
In too deep- Wizarding world.
Summary: It’s the end of a pretty rough session and you’re stuck in subspace, the boys decide enough is enough and pull you back.
Warnings: Sub!reader, Doms!Sirius, Remus and James, crude language, smut, degradation (minor), praise, thumb sucking, sub space, Crying, use of 'Daddy', cum play (if you squint).
Pairing: Poly!Marauders x fem!reader.
Word count: 1,252.
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"Good girl." Remmy swept my hair back from my face as I came down from my 4th high of the day, James' thrusting coming to a stop as he emptied his load inside me, making me whine at the feeling of all three loads of cum mixed and sliding out of me. "That's it Bunny, y'did so well for us." I glanced up at him with a small smile, lips parted as I panted. Another broken moan was forced from me as James pulled out of me, my body extremely sensitive from the three of them sharing me.
"Look Pads, she's clenching around air." James grinned as he sat between my legs, face level with my pussy. "The little cock slut." Sirius shifted across the bed to join him, chuckling at the sight as their cum began to slip out of me towards the sheets below us. "Poor dumb Bunny, all fucked out," I whined, bottom lip trembling as I clutched at Remus, pulling him down to kiss me. He was gentle with me as he kissed back, rubbing small circles onto my stomach as the two continued to stare, transfixed at the sight. I huffed out a sigh at how soft he was being and forced my lips against his a little harder to try and get him to do the same. It didn't work and he pulled away as I whined, desperately wanting to give them more.
"I love how she twitches when she's all cockdrunk and making no sense," Sirius all but growled out, thumb moving to push the cum back into me. I gasped, back arching as my eyes fluttered shut with a shattered moan. "Poor baby." He kissed my thigh gently before moving to the head of the bed and pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth as I stared at him with bleary eyes. "You're so out of it, spacing away, can see it in your eyes Poppet."
"Think that's enough for today Bunny," Remus commented, snapping James out of his trance as he pushed my legs together. "Let's get all clean," I whined in protest, letting my legs fall back open as my head lolled to one side to watch Sirius. His gaze was soft as he sighed, hands reaching out to take one of my own.
"C'mon Poppet, time to come back to us." He muttered against my cheek as he tried to coax me out of my headspace. I shook my head lazily, wanting to give them more. "Yes Bunny, enough for now."
"Don't wanna Daddy, Want more." I whimpered, "I can make y'feel good, m'gonna be good for my daddies." I snaked my hand to take hold of his semi-hard cock, running my hand up and down. I smiled in exhausted delight at the hiss he made from the sensitivity, biting back his moans. Tears filled my eyes as he pulled my hand away from him even though he was almost fully hard. He didn't want me. I turned to look at James who looked down at me sympathetically, shaking his head when I opened my mouth for him to use. The tears flooded over onto my cheeks so quickly and the boys looked heartbroken as I whimpered, trying to hold back a sob. I wasn't entirely sure why I was crying, what the feeling I had was or why they didn't seem to want me but I knew it was agony.
"Daddies don't want me anymore?" I cried, "Have I been a bad girl?" They scrambled to correct me, each blurting out that I'd been perfect for them.
"Bunny, of course, we still want you. We always want you, you've just had enough for today, you're a bit too fuzzy now." James cooed, thumb rubbing over my cheek, wiping tears away though more fell in their place. "You're always our good girl, we just need to take care of you now."
"It's not Daddy anymore either Bunny," Remus added, pulling me up the bed so he was lying against the headboard with my back against his chest. "It's Remmy, Jamesie and Siri 'member." He began to pepper soft kisses against my collarbone as Sirius disappeared to the bathroom making me whine loudly, tears springing up again.
"But Daddy can use my mouth and throat again, make him feel good." I nodded, holding my mouth open and sticking out my tongue.
"Daddy has had enough for today too, Do you need something to suck on?" I gazed up at Remmy and nodded quickly, mouth still open. Just then, Sirius returned from the bathroom with a damp cloth in his hand and a fresh pair of boxers on. "Okay Bunny, we'll clean you up and then I'll give you something." Although I was disappointed I couldn't have his cock now, I waited patiently. Wincing as James held my legs open for Sirius to clean my sore, used pussy. I cried at the oversensitivity as the cloth ran over my clit, wiping away all their cum and my own, James managing to keep my legs open though they twitched and fought against his grip.
Once he was done, I twisted my head up to look at Moony again, opening my mouth and trying to get out of his grip and slide down to get to his cock. I pouted, confused, when he didn't loosen up his grip but instead held his thumb to my lips and pressed into my mouth.
"There you go Bunny, suck on Remmy's thumb and come back to us." I looked at Jamsie and nodded, eyes feeling heavy as I started to suck at Remmy's thumb whilst his other hand rubbed my ribs gently. Siri and James worked together to slide me into a pair of underwear before pulling a blanket from another bed to drape over me. Though my head was still fuzzy, I was slowly beginning to come to, exhausted from the events.
"Hey Poppet, how you feeling?" Pads whispered, sitting by my thighs as his thumb rubbed over my skin.
"M'feeling a little better now," I mumbled, fighting to stay awake. "Jus' tired Siri." The boy in question smiled at me as I used his name, noticing I was drifting back, slowly.
"Atta girl Bunny, when you're a bit more back you need to have some water before you sleep okay?" Remmy spoke, chest rumbling under my chest which soothed me.
"Jamesie, can I have your jumper please?" I held back a shiver as he scrambled off the bed, rifling in his trunk to find his quidditch jumper before bringing it over, and helping me slip it on. "Thank you." I kissed his cheek gently before laying back down with a yawn. I hummed, rubbing my eyes with closed fists as exhaustion set in quicker than expected.
"Here Bun, let's drink first, don't want you t'get ill do we?" With half-open eyes, I pulled the straw into my mouth and sipped at the cold water slowly so I didn't upset my stomach before pulling away. After putting it down, the other two boys, came to join us on the bed, one on either side of Remus and me as I twisted in his grip to lay face down on his chest and get comfortable. As I drifted out of it, the three pressed a kiss to my head and wrapped the blanket around us before I dozed off entirely, cocooned in the scent of the three of them and a warm feeling in my chest.
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leaentries · 6 months
claim | nico hischier
summary: when a girl’s night gone wrong ends with nico’s girl getting a tattoo, he realizes how much he loves claiming her.
warnings: a bit of possessive nico, grinding, marking, fingering, slight breeding kink, unprotected sex, creampie, swearing
wc: 2k+
a/n: posting this at 3am, so enjoy, cause i definitely did.
p.s: nico is so daddy that it hurts
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This was probably stupid. No, scratch that. You knew it was stupid. As it pans out, a bottle of pink whitney and truth or dare during girl's night, never ends well. 
But, as you lay in the chair with that familiar buzzing next to your ear, you contemplated your life choices and how you ended up here in the first place. Cursing your best friend, you hiss as the tattoo gun hits the area behind your ear. 
“Holy shit!” You groan in pain, “You absolutely suck, Bry.” 
She giggles, tossing her raven hair behind her, “Listen, in my defense, you were the one who said we needed to up the anty during girl’s night.” 
If it weren't for the surging pain spreading through your upper body, you’d probably slap her. Bryan was never one to back out of a little competition, which is one of the reasons you guys clicked so well. Only this time, your normal competitiveness was biting you in the ass.
“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. What’s Nico gonna say? He’s probably gonna think I’m nuts and break up with me.” 
Bryan scoffed, “Oh please, Nico doesn’t know how to breathe without you by his side. He’s not gonna break up with you.” She glanced over your head as the artist pulled away. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he proposes the second he sees it.” 
After the artist finished cleaning you up, he handed you a mirror so you could see. Gleaming back at you, in all its glory, was a dainty “13” written in black ink. It was small enough to be covered with your hair but big enough to be seen when your hair was up. 
Bryan smirked at you through the small mirror, “Nico is one lucky man, babe.”
Nerves pulsed through your body as the time ticked down. Nico was gonna be home any minute from his team meeting. He sent you a quick text while you were still at the tattoo place, letting you know he’d be home late. You let out a deep breath, staring at your new marking in the bathroom mirror. You played with your hair, indecisive on how you wanted to wear it when Nico arrived. 
Eventually, you decided to keep it down, opting to let Nico discover your body's new addition on his own. You settled yourself in the kitchen, perching yourself on the chair closest to the door. You had made dinner earlier since you knew it was very unlikely that Nico had remembered to eat. Just as you began to take out your phone to check where Nico was, you heard keys jingling against the door. 
Your heart rate picked up with each passing second. Worry plagued your mind in fear he wouldn’t approve of the tattoo.
The door creaked open, as a tired-looking Nico walked in. His eyes immediately found yours and a loving smile took home over his features. 
“Hi, schatzi.” He strode over to you, bending to press a sweet kiss on your head, “Did you have a good girl's night?” 
You nodded, standing so you could wrap your arms around his torso. Leaning up with a pout, Nico chuckled. He planted a quick peck on your lips, drawing a whine from you. 
“Neeks, stop teasing.” 
He sent you a dimpled smile, before kissing your cheek and walking to where you had set out his dinner. Nico was quick to pour himself a glass of wine, turning to bring you one as well. He sat down next to you, taking a sip. You tucked your hair behind your ear, temporarily forgetting about the special ink. 
Your eyes snapped to Nico as he choked on his wine, “Jeez, Nico. You okay?” 
Once he got over his coughing fit, he shook his head no. His eyes darkened as he moved the glass away from the edge. “What was that behind your ear?” 
You smiled sheepishly, looking away from him. 
“Y/n, baby. Look at me,” You let your gaze meet his, “Pull your hair up.” 
The demand was soft, but enough to spread a pleasurable heat through your body. Grabbing the hairband that lives on your wrist, you quickly put your hair back, the ink now on full display for Nico’s hungry eyes. 
“Fuck, schatzi,” Nico mumbled as he inspected the tattoo. Seeing his number permanently on your skin was enough to have his cock straining against the confinements of his sweats. His mind went hazy as he stared at you. 
“Do you like it?” Hearing the hesitation in your voice, he tilted your face towards him. 
It was then you noticed his appearance. Chest heavy with lustful gasps, eyes almost black as he took in your body. Nico was turned on. You confirmed your theory as your eyes wandered down to his painful-looking erection. 
You swallowed thickly. 
“Like it? Christ, baby. I fucking love it.” Nico never realized how much he could love seeing something that represented him on you. Of course, his heart soared every time you wore his jersey and he got to see his name sprawled across your back. But this? This was different. It was more than just a representation, it was a claim.
A claim to the rest of the world that you were his. And boy did his dick like the sound of that. Nico bit his lip as thoughts of claiming you further filled his mind. Unable to control himself any longer, he leaned over pulling your jaw to crash your lips together. A moan escaped your throat at the intensity of the kiss. 
Nico’s hands moved to your thighs, helping you to sit on the table. He settled in between your legs, pulling your aching core to press against his throbbing cock. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking marks into any bit of skin his mouth could touch.
“Gonna mark ya up, baby,” He licked a stripe from the base of your neck all the way to where your tattoo lay, “Gotta make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” 
His hands gripped your thighs harshly, angling his hips upwards to create more friction. You moaned as his bulge dragged deliciously along your clothed clit. Nico continued his assault on your neck, bringing one hand to ghost over where your perked nipples showed through your top. 
He brought his head out of your neck, panting, “Need to feel you, schatzi. Need it so bad.” You eagerly agreed, helping to strip off the little clothing that you wore. Once Nico had removed your panties, his fingers quickly traced circles on your mound. You tilted your head back, the much-needed stimulation spreading ecstasy through your veins. 
“Fuck, Neeks. Feels so good.” You whimpered into the air. 
His desperate gaze drowned in your body. Nico dipped in one finger, before slowly dragging it back out. 
“So wet, f’me,” He brought his finger to his lips, sucking off your juices, “Who makes you this wet, baby?” 
“You, only you, Nico.” You whined. Nico wasted no time before plunging two fingers in your weeping hole, setting a brutal pace. A scream nearly left your mouth as searing pleasure took over your senses. 
“Shit!” Your nails dug into his biceps in an attempt to ground yourself. Nico caught your lips, swallowing the moans and whimpers that escaped. The sweet drag of his fingers had your velvet walls clenching rapidly. You knew you weren’t gonna last much longer, having been worked through already with Nico’s grinding. 
You pulled away, dropping your head onto his shoulder, “M’ not gonna last, Neeks” 
“I know, schatzi. Cum on my fingers, baby. Make a mess.” 
His words were enough to coax your first orgasm, blinding white covering your vision as your body convulsed into Nico’s. His fingers didn’t let up until he worked you completely through your high. You whimpered as overstimulation began to set in.
“Too much,” You cried. 
Nico slowly came to a stop, pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his mouth for a second time. “Mmm.” He hummed at the taste, “Always so sweet f’me, beautiful.” 
Despite having just orgasmed, the sight of his tongue swirling around his fingers, sucking off your arousal had your pussy clenching around nothing. Nico looked down to where his fingers just were, slightly pulling open your cunt with his thumb. 
“Such a pretty pussy, all mine.” He seemed to be muttering more to himself than you, relishing in your body and how you were his. 
Nico looked back to your eyes, helping you off the table and taking you back to the shared bedroom. He plopped you on the bed, shedding his remaining clothes, before crawling to hover above you. 
“Wanna be my good girl?” You nodded, “Open those pretty legs for me.”
You obeyed, welcoming his thick muscled body onto yours. His cock stood proud against his abdomen, the tip red and already leaking precum. You brought a hand to wrap around the top, swiping your thumb along his slit, a line of precum connecting to your digit as you pulled away. 
A deep whine left his throat, “Fuck, schatzi. Too sensitive for that right now, wanna cum inside.” 
“Please, Neeks. Need you in me, please.” Your mind was reduced to nothing but the thought of his cock drilling you into the mattress. 
“Yeah? Want me to fill ya up? Fuck, you’d look so pretty all swollen with my babies.” Nico dragged his cock between your slick folds, “No one would have to ask who you belong to.” 
You whimpered, “Quit stalling Neeks, need you to fuck me.” You brought your hands to wrap around his back. 
Nico brought his hand down to guide his cock to your entrance, easing in slowly. You both let out a moan as he bottomed out. He sat for a moment, letting you adjust to his size, the stretch always taking you by surprise.
You bucked your hips slightly, signaling that he could move. 
“Give me just a second, saw your tattoo again and almost busted.” Even though he wasn’t trying, his crude words sent fire to your core causing your pussy to convulse around his still dick. 
After a few moments, Nico slowly brought his cock out till just the tip remained. He plunged back in, doing the same motion a few more times. His deep thrusts racked your entire body with tingles. He started to speed up, but still keeping deep inside your cunt. 
“Nico!” You cried as he prodded at your g-spot. 
“That’s right, baby,” He grunted out, “Scream my name, let everyone know who makes you feel this good” 
His thrusts began to quicken as your muscles started to spasm around him. With each glide of his cock, pleasure soared through your body, reaching all the way to your toes. You were completely consumed by Nico. 
He buried his head in your neck, tilting slightly to press a gentle kiss against his number. A sweet gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you. Hands gripping at his back, you dragged your nails down the course muscle, leaving angry red trails that he was surely gonna get hell for in the locker room. Nico began to get sloppy as you both neared the peak. His uneven thrusts, paired with the hand that found its way to your clit had you reeling. 
“That’s it, schatzi. I know you got one more in ya, cum f’me baby.” 
Your back arched into him, eyes shutting tightly as the coil in your stomach snapped. Your pussy clamped tightly around Nico, sending him over the edge. He continued to pump his cock in and out, painting the deepest parts of your cunt with hot ropes of cum. Your mouth hung in a silent moan, voice gone from the previous activities. 
When you regained your senses, you noticed Nico’s weight had collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving. You brought a hand up to lazily stoke his hair, “If this is what I get every time I get a tattoo, then I’m gonna be covered.” 
He smiled, placing a kiss on your tattoo, “Only if they’re about me.” 
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