#when buying software for the office
eightyonekilograms · 4 months
I went to the Apple Store yesterday to try the scripted demo of their VR headset. My overall impression is that it's the best possible execution of what might be a fundamentally flawed idea.
The passthrough video is pretty incredible. It's somewhat dimmer than reality, and the color accuracy is just OK, but it's more than good enough to feel like you're looking through clear displays at the real world. I'm told the passthrough on the Quest 3 is even better, but haven't tried that and can't comment. One thing is that there is a weird motion blur effect when you turn your head, I'm not sure if that's a display tech limitation or introduced deliberately by the software as a workaround for a different display tech limitation.
The resolution is 4K per eye, which, as mentioned, is more than enough for a powerful sense of presence in the real world. One of the nifty bits of the demo was when you turn the dial to tune out the world and suddenly you're sitting by a mountain lake, and the feeling of actually being there is overwhelming. The dystopian implications of needing a VR headset to sit at a mountain lake aside, it would be cool to have one just to have your office be anywhere you can imagine. Not $3500-before-tax cool, but cool.
Wow sports leagues are going to love this thing. I don't give a shit about sports and even I was thinking, "If the NBA put a stereoscopic camera courtside and sold you games for $50 a pop, I'd absolutely buy that"
But 4K per eye is not enough to do work, not even close. The experience of using normal computer-y applications on this was not unlike plugging your laptop in to a TV that's at the normal TV distance. You can do it, it works, but it's not anyone's preferred way of working. Text is amazingly legible, but only at sizes that are equivalent to having a single webpage take up your entire 4K monitor at normal monitor distance.
It is not particularly comfortable. Part of this might be that the store demo makes you use the "catcher's mitt" strap, which only goes around the back of your head and so gravity has to be countered only by the pressure of the thing against your face. Reviewers have said that if you use the other band that goes over your head the situation is better, but still.
A lot of early comments were making fun of Apple for having the battery be an external thing you put in your pocket and attach with a wire, but I think that's just fine: we all walk around with giant batteries in our pockets anyway, and anything you can do to have less weight on your head is a Good Thing. But then Apple took all those weight savings and spent them on making the stupid thing out of metal and glass instead of polycarbonate. It's nuts! It's like if you made a car that was 500kg lighter because you invented magical tech for keeping the engine somewhere else, and then went "great! with all the weight savings now we can build the body out of lead". Apple, you don't need to fear plastic. Plastic is good! Plastic built modern civilization.
You control it with a combination of eye tracking and pinch gestures. This is the main piece of evidence of my "best version of a bad idea" thesis: it works really, really well; so well that I can tell this is probably an evolutionary dead end. It's just fine— miraculous, even— for dragging windows around and doing the basic stuff the in-store demo has you do. It's amazing that you can more or less have your hands anywhere, including on your lap, and the recognition works perfectly (by contrast with the HoloLens I tried 5 or so years ago where the gesture recognition was total crap). But it's immediately obvious that you can never do serious manipulation of your computing environment with this.
The takeaway is that it's incredible for passive consumption of specifically-made media, assuming that ever exists at scale. But it will be a long time before we're gogged in like Hiro Protagonist to do our office jobs this way.
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dduane · 2 months
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So it came to my attention a couple of weeks back that the version of Stealing the Elf-King's Roses that until recently was available over at Ebooks Direct had somehow managed to evade being updated using the cutting-edge Vellum ebook software, when we were doing all the other books in the store.
I have no idea how this happened. Anyway, I've been taking care of that update, and the book will be available again in a day or three.
Meanwhile I'm having the usual conniptions over new cover art and font choices. Fantasy covers these days need to have one or another of a group of very specific looks. So do SF covers. And when you have a novel that splits the difference between the genres (or bashes them together...) the way this one does—as STEKR is an alternate-Earth police procedural—it can seem impossible to get it right. You don't want to leave people who're buying-at-a glance feeling, later on, that they thought they were getting one thing and were sold something else.
The art above is okay enough to go forward with. (Though I'd feel better if I could get Lee something a little more like her judicial robes and less like a "little black [cocktail] dress".) The real problem right now, though, is the font choice.
After some consideration I grabbed the one above from Derek Murphy's fabulous DIY cover site. (Simply because how could I not try a font called The Princess And The Frog?...) But I'm going to go back tomorrow or the next day and try using a much more SF-looking font, and see how that comes out. Who knows... maybe when it's in the store again, we'll offer both cover versions and see what people prefer.
Anyway, this is just an early warning for those of you here who may have picked up the book earlier (possibly as part of our whole store bundle*). When the updated book goes live, you're entitled to be updated to the new version of STEKR, with its improved graphics on the inside as well as the outside, if you feel like it. Just drop a note to the store's support email address, quoting your order number, and we'll refresh your download links when the book's back up in the store.
Meanwhile, for those who may not know anything about this novel: look under the cut for the description.
*Which, along with all our other bundles, is on sale at 20% off right now.
It's CSI, Jim, but not as you know it...!
Psychoforensics specialist and freelance prosecutor Lee Enfield works with the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office as a lanthanomancer—a magic-worker trained in Seeing and revealing the truth.  When she and her fayhound partner Gelert are brought in to do discovery for the investigation into the murder of an Elf named Omren dil’Sorden, at first it seems an ordinary homicide: just one more hate crime in a city and culture where violence against the immensely wealthy, uncannily beautiful Alfen is becoming more and more commonplace.
But Lee and Gelert discover that there's more to this Elf's murder than meets the eye. When political pressure from above the DA's office pushes the two partners out of the investigation, Lee's unwillingness to drop the case gets her and Gelert drafted into a mission to the heart of the forbidden realm of Alfheim. Their involvement makes them targets of a shadowy conspiracy involving powerful multinationals and governments of the Eleven Worlds, intent on taking the secret of the Elves' power for themselves. Drawn into an ambivalent and potentially deadly alliance with the shadowy and much-feared Elf-King, and with the fates of entire worlds on the line, does Lee dare trust her Sight to reveal his true motives—and can the Elf-King be trusted to be on anyone's side but his own?...
This stand-alone fantasy police/legal-procedural novel by DD, originally published in 2002, is reissued exclusively here in a new edition -- revised and updated, with an afterword about the project's genesis and an appendix featuring never-before-published background material on the Eleven Worlds.
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nyaagolor · 8 months
The software I use at work is Not Working and I have an hour to kill before I can go home so here’s some HCs about assorted characters’ living situations bc I wanted to make notes for myself for fic purposes:
Phoenix: Used to live in a regular apartment, but moved into the apartment above Wright and Co Law offices with Trucy after his disbarment. Edgeworth paid off the building’s mortgage after Turnabout Goodbyes so Phoenix doesn’t have to worry about rent
Edgeworth: Owns a penthouse in LA. He rents hotel penthouse suites while in Europe but doesn’t have a permanent one anywhere other than LA because he thinks it’s a hassle. There’s a locked room in the LA penthouse filled with Steel Samurai merch
Gumshoe: Rents the shittiest basement studio you have ever seen. Does not own a bed. Genuinely questionable if the building is up to code (it’s prolly not)
Maya: Lived in Kurain Village until Mia’s death, then moved into the apartment above the office. After BttT she moves back to Kurain
Pearl: Lived in Kurain until her mother’s incarceration, then moved in with Maya in the upstairs apartment, then back to Kurain with Maya after BttT
Mia: Lived in Kurain Village until she founded Fey and Co law offices with Diego, at which point they moved into the apartment upstairs together until her death
Diego: Lived in a regular LA apartment until he founded Fey and Co with Mia. They moved into the upstairs apartment together until his coma. When he wakes from the coma he spends about half a year recovering in the hospital, then throughout AA3 just loiters around the courthouse because he refuses to speak to Phoenix. After BttT he goes to prison and moves in with Maya and Pearl in Kurain Village after his release
Franziska: Technically lives in the von Karma estate with her mother and sister, but is so busy traveling that she mostly stays in hotels. She used to spend holidays there, but Edgeworth has taken to inviting her to stay with him because she's not very close with the rest of her family, so now her room is mostly just storage.
Ema: Her and Lana lived in their parents’ house together until Lana’s imprisonment, during which Ema moves to Europe with an exchange family. When Ema returns from Europe, she moves back into the house with Lana joining her when she’s released
Apollo: He lived on the road with Thalassa and Jove until the latter’s death, then with Dhurke in the countryside, then in an American orphanage until he was 18, at which point I imagine he crashes on Clay’s couch for most of law school because he is technically an orphaned illegal immigrant with absolutely no money or credit. The internship with Kristoph and his job with the WAA gets him enough money to actually rent a place, but his lack of documentation and student loans mean he’s in the cheapest possible apartment. He keeps it extremely neat but there's only so much one can do. He and gumshoe can commiserate about it.
Trucy: Lived mostly on the road / in the tourbus + hotels with her dad and the troupe until she was adopted by Phoenix, at which point she moved into the apartment above the WAA
Klavier: Lived in his parents’ mansion with Kristoph until going to Themis. When he moved back he had enough money from gigging / his band to buy a fancy ass house and still lives there. It’s a little lonely by himself but when he let Daryan throw parties there it was POPPIN
Kristoph: Lived in his parents’ mansion his entire life. He got ownership of it when they died and raised Klavier in it, and continued to live there until he got arrested. Now he’s cushy in solitary cell 13
Athena: Lived in the space center then was shipped off to European relatives when her mom died. When she moved back to the states she got a decent apartment bc her WAA income was supplemented by those rich as hell European relatives
Simon: Lived in a small apartment with his sister growing up, which he continued to live in after she moved to the Space Center. It was sold when he was incarcerated. After his release he moved in with Athena briefly (no one thought it was a good idea for him to live alone) then to a small but nice apartment, which Edgeworth paid for until he could get back on his feet financially
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xxmrs-waynexx · 6 months
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Gloss & Glasses: Chapter One (940 words)
Pairing: Clark Kent x reader
Warnings: none for this chapter
The people wanted to know. That’s what you told yourself as you walked through Arkham Asylum. You were being escorted by two armed guards and trying not to make eye contact with anyone in the cells. You had heard of Gotham’s crazies but you’d never come face to face with any. But the criminals around you weren’t who you were worried about. 
Last week, you paced your father’s office venting to him about how boring your magazine seemed. You were running out of shocking fashion trends and celebrity scandals to report on. So, as your heels clicked back and forth and you reapplied your lipgloss anxiously for the third time, your father sighed.
“Why don’t you try reporting on crime? And real important events?” He suggested, as he always did. Perry White was so proud when his daughter told him she was going to college for journalism. However, after she graduated, and showed no interest in newspapers, crime, or anything of the sort, he was very disappointed.
“What billionaires are up to is important. The people wanna know. And besides-” you were cut off by one of your dad’s reporters.
He poked his head in, “Harley Quinn’s been arrested again. Sent to Arkham.”
“Bill, if you have to say again in a tone like that, do you really think it’s news?” Perry looked at him, unamused.
Bill said nothing, simply nodded, and stepped out again. 
“What were you saying?” your dad brought his attention back to you.
“I just had an idea…”
So, here you were, sitting across the glass from the infamous Harley Quinn. She sat criss-cross on the ground on her side of the glass and smiled eerily at you.
“I love all the pink,” she told you, motioning to your outfit. You could most commonly be seen wearing pink and/or preppy clothes. Though your father worked for everything your family had, you very much dressed in the old money style mixed with a bit of Mean Girls. You’ve even been compared to Elle Woods. 
You smiled back at her, though yours was much less ‘I’m-going-to-kill-you’ and more genuine. “Thank you. Mind if I record?” You showed her your audio recorder. 
Harley tightened her pigtails one by one and grinned, “Go for it, kiddo. I gotta say… No one’s ever come here to ask me about my style before.”
As you hit record, you chuckled, “Yeah, and I think that is so unfair. I mean, come on, you even made your jumpsuit look cute. You’ve got to be one of the top three best-dressed criminals.”
After an hour of chatting, the interview turned into a casual conversation. You’d actually gotten to know Harley Quinn and the evolution of her costumes pretty well. And after another hour, you were ready to write up a whole two-pager all about her and her style. 
“Thank you so much for the interview. I promise I’ll get you a copy- I’m allowed to do that, right?” you stood, looking back at one of the guards who had escorted you. He gave a simple nod and that was enough.
“Ah! I’m so excited! Thank you for the girl talk. It’s been too long since anyone tried to talk to me like a person,” Harley also stood, walking backward to sit on her bed.
The day you returned to Metropolis was a Sunday. You silently cursed yourself for telling your dad you’d be in the office Monday. Though you didn’t work for him, he did let you take up office space at the Daily Planet and use his software (as well as your own, of course) all for free. 
Out of habit, before bed, you looked out your window to see if you could catch a glimpse of Superman. He was a new hero in Metropolis and you, along with most cityfolk, were very eager to see what he could do. 
With no sign of him this time around, you decided to start up your skincare. The routine you had was incredible. You knew you had an addiction to buying creams, face masks, and new things to keep yourself looking good, but who cared? Your skin was clear, and your heart was happy.
As soon as you put on the same mask you usually wear to bed, you heard car alarms down below your apartment. Rushing to grab your camera, you raced to your back porch and looked down. You fumbled with the camera, trying your best to capture what you could see. Of course it would fall ten stories down.
“No!” You tried to grab it but it was just out of your reach.
Then, the exact thing you were trying to photograph flew your camera up to you. “Drop something, miss?” he had a kind and very handsome voice. It was deep and confident.
“Suh- Suh- Suh-” You slowly took your camera from his hand while he hovered just above the ground.
“Hi, I’m Superman.”
The next day, you rushed into work eager to tell your father who you met. But when you walked into (more barged into) his office, he had a young man with glasses sitting at the desk.
“Oh, Clark, this is (Y/N), my daughter. Her office is that obnoxiously decorated one next door. (Y/N), this is Clark, my newest reporter.”
As the two of you were introduced, you couldn’t help but feel he seemed familiar to you somehow.
He politely waved at you with an awkward and shy smile, “Hi, there. Good to meet you.” His voice had a sweetness to it, and a midwestern accent. However, he looked at you like he already knew you.
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dazz-linglight · 8 months
Miss Independent
(inspired by Ne-yo's song)
(GirlBoss!Reader x Personal Assistant! Hongjoong) (Colleagues to lovers) (fluffy romance) (reader is afraid of storms) (short office romance) (possibly there will be a part 2 with smut)
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In the bustling halls of a cutting-edge technology company in a very busy commercial building, you, a remarkable business woman and Vice President of this company, got known for your determination and relentless focus on achieving a successful career, betting all of your efforts on growing this company scratch with your best friend. You learned over time that you needed to be tough to progress, since this area was widely controlled by men and there's always someone trying to discredit women. So you made it a personal mission to get your company to be a safe place and be the best professional you could be.
You're an admirable leader, but your personal life took a backseat. You always worked endless hours and overtime, focusing solely on doing business. The company kept rising well, then came a problem: your assistant decided to resign to go work for your competitor. Now you have to go over interviews to find a new assistant, so you did. You participate actively in the process, since whoever gets hired would work directly with you, so you felt the need to be sure they would be capable enough.
You didn't make it easy for anybody, you made specific questions and a few of the candidates didn't know how to answer or started stuttering, others weren't as qualified and you were getting tired. It lasted four days until you met Hongjoong one morning doing an interview for this job. A young and talented software developer, that didn't show any fear and aswered your questions perfectly well, looking in your eyes without any fear. After 40 minutes you told him to stay and gave him a few tasks to see how he would go. Hongjoong showed himself to be smart, quick witted, committed to work and serious about it. At the end of the day you called him to your office to give the final answer. He entered bringing a cappuccino and placed it in front of you in your desk.
"This is for you, Miss." He said and you tilted your head, letting out a very light smile at the action.
"Thanks, Hongjoong. You can sit down." You offered the seat in front of you and he did as told while you took a sip of the coffee.
"Well, I have to say you impressed me in a good way. None of the other candidates caught my attention like you did today." You started and Hongjoong visibly relaxed at your feedback.
"I did my best, I'm glad to hear that from you, Miss."
"I'm sure you'll be even more glad to hear that you will be hired. You can bring your documents to the HR department tomorrow at 8 in the morning and sign our contract." You got up from your seat and Hongjoong did the same, bowing to you and you raised a hand to greet him, which he took and shook your hand.
"Thank you Miss ______, I will not disappoint you." Hongjoong smiled widely and you let his hand go, switching off your computer and getting your bag to leave, dismissing Hongjoong to go home.
|•••••Time skip•••••|
The first six months of working together were a challenge. You resisted any form of distraction, maintaining a strictly professional relationship with Hongjoong. Everyday he came to your office to report and receive new tasks, he brought your lunch and coffee and as days passed and you worked side by side, he started making a few little efforts to make the barriers give way. One afternoon, you were reviewing an important document in your office when Hongjoong walked in. He noticed the tired look on your face and suggested you take a break. You resisted with a frown at first, but Hongjoong someway succeeded at convincing you to go the snack bar on the first floor of the building.
The snack bar was peaceful at this hour and made a good break from the stressful office atmosphere. You felt at ease with Hongjoong's presence and he offered to buy donuts. You both sat down, ate and talked about trivial things and sharing laughs here and there. You found yourself truly relaxing for the first time in years.
After that day, you and Hongjoong began sharing more and more moments outside of work. Having lunch together became a routine and when you worked overtime he occasionally invited you to dinner together. He opened doors for you, drives you off, treated you like a princess. You both didn't talk clearly about it, but you were beginning to feel something that had long since receded from your mind: the spark of romance. However, you struggled with those feelings. It seemed so wrong, he is your assistant and you're the boss. You felt afraid of mixing love and business, worried about the consequences a relationship could have for the company you had worked so hard to build. But every time you're together, the chemistry between you becomes impossible to ignore. It started making you mad.
One day, you left your office because you needed a document that was with Hongjoong, but as soon as you saw him you noticed something and frowned. Yujin, a beautiful co-worker, was approaching him a little more intimately than usual. They seemed to be having a lively conversation and Yujin didn't hide her interest, touching his arm unnecessarily. You, feeling a pang of jealousy, tried not to act affected, but you couldn't avoid the stress of seeing the scene. Your mind created several unpleasant scenarios. "Is he interested in her? Is he flirting back?"
"Kim Hongjoong." You spoke in a firm and serious tone, catching the attention of the two who were talking.
"Yes, miss? Do you need anything?" Hongjoong stood up and responded, no longer paying attention to Yujin.
"Come to my office and bring the project presentation I asked you this morning. Quickly." You said sharply and looked at Yujin from the corner of your eye, who soon got up and left the place.
"Yes, ma'am." He spoke and you turned around and walked back to your office as Hongjoong saved the presentation file you asked for. You slammed the door angrily and headed towards your table, a minute later Hongjoong entered and came over to you.
"Here's the presentation, Miss ______." He gave you the pendrive and you sighed, connecting it on your computer to open the file. You inspected it and pointed things out for Hongjoong to add since you thought it wasn't enough yet.
"You're staying overtime today, we need this presentation ready for the meeting we'll have with our client tomorrow morning." You told looking back at him and he nodded.
"All right, I'll bring my laptop here." He left the room and came back a minute later with his laptop, sitting down and placing the laptop in front of him and started guiding him specifically on what to add to the presentation. An hour passed and all the employees began leaving since work time was officially over.
It's mid summer and it was very hot during the day, but as the night came many clouds could be seen in the floor-to-ceiling window behind you. Hongjoong finished the details on the presentation and saved it as a sudden storm started. You looked at the window and the lights went out, the fear started creeping out on you but Hongjoong didn't notice yet as he got his phone to activate the flashlight amidst the darkness and the sound of rain outside. Hongjoong placed his phone in a way it illuminated both of you and he finally could see your face again, now noticing your pained expression and your heavy breathing.
"Are you okay, Miss ______?" He questioned with a frown and you shook your head no as a thunder sound out loud and you covered your ears. Hongjoong got worried about you, wanting to keep you safe, so he got up and closed the curtains of your window, coming behind you to cover your shoulders with his blazer.
You've always had a paralyzing fear of thunder, and that night, the storm was fierce, growing stronger and stronger. As he touched your shoulders he felt your whole body shaking with fear and then he crouched to your level and brought up inside his arms in a warm hug, whispering words of comfort. "Don't worry, I'm here with you. You're safe. The storm will pass soon." You looked into his eyes hugging his waist carefully, grateful for his presence.
"I hate storms, they make me so nervous, Hongjoong." Your eyes had tears on the edge of falling down, while you and Hongjoong shared an intense look, full of repressed emotions. This was the first time you were truly showing vulnerability to him and he was astonished, all he ever wanted was to take care of you. He pulled your head to his chest and you could listen to his heart beating fast just like yours.
"I don't know if this is really the right time to say this, but.. but I can't deny how I feel anymore. I'm in love with you, ______." His words echoed in the empty office as he broke the silence and confessed his feelings. You were shocked. You didn't expect that he felt the same way you did all this time. Your heart jumped now, not anymore because of fear but from happiness.
"I'm in love with you too, Hongjoong. I tried not to, but it's stronger than me." You squeezed Hongjoong as tight as you could and he kissed the side of your head softly. You looked up and offered your lips to him, which he understood and closed the little distance, sealing the beginning of a long-awaited romance. The storm outside seemed to symbolize the change in your lives and the relationship from boss and assistant to lovers.
"I want to be with you and take care of you through all the storms, will you let me?"
"Of course, Hongjoong." You smile widely and he cupped your face, caressing your cheeks as he smiled as well. "Will you take me home?"
"As long as you wish, my darling."
Over the next months, your relationship with Hongjoong blossomed into a great love. You chose to main discretion at work, avoiding any favoritism or conflict of interest and not letting the coworkers know you are together. They only knew Hongjoong is in a relationship but he never told them with who. You realized that by making room for love in your life, you weren't weakening your career, but actually strengthening it. Hongjoong supported you in every aspect, becoming a partner in all areas of your life and you become his.
Together, you faced new challenges and business opportunities while the company prospered even more. You found balance between personal and professional life, discovering that you can be a successful leader and at the same time share a loving relationship, that success in business didn't have to mean sacrificing love and personal happiness.
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Cho Miyeon and Jeon Soyeon X Male Reader
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For the last three days you didn't do much except for working and sleeping. Once you finally got to London, you were working without a break to solve the problems that could ruin your company. It started from important briefings and making decisions on a management level, to even working on the projects yourself.
The company located in London is a programming company. It's clients are other firms, which need their own technology for computers and equipment and stuff.
You don't know as much about writing code and programming as you would like. But you can write in two languages and you aren't that bad.
Because the company doesn't have a lot of employees since it's only a small one, you started helping out fixing the messed up code. For some reason, parts of the software you sold a couple of months ago didn't function properly.
It took several days to finally get rid of the most important problems. You leave the smaller ones to the employees, not wanting to neglect your other business for too long.
"And then, you are done for today."
"Are you sure?"
One of your assistants is walking with you. Or at least she is trying to. You always walk pretty fast, since you are always busy. And her wearing high heels makes her walk slower.
"Yes, sir. After the dinner meeting your schedule is clear."
"Thank you, Kate. I will see you tomorrow in the office."
"Have a great night, sir."
You get in your car, putting the address she gave you earlier into the GPS.
While driving through the streets of London, you try to relax yourself a little. This is the little alone time you have during your stay here.
Usually, there is always someone who wants to call you, someone who wants a business meeting, or an employee is having issues. And even if all of the above isn't the case, Kate is pretty much always there.
She really is a great assistant and you regret that you haven't been able to convince her to move to Korea yet. But you are sure that you are slowly getting there.
Once you arrive at the restaurant, you park your car and get in. It's a really nice one, you didn't expect anything less for the upcoming meeting. Walking past the occupied tables, you glance at the other customers. Everyone here is decently wealthy. That's why you are surprised, when you see five young women chatting away over dinner. You are even more surprised, when you find out that they are speaking Korean.
Either way you walk to the back, entering one of the private rooms.
"Mr. (L/n). Please have a seat."
"All of you are here already. Did I get the wrong time?"
"No don't worry. You are never late."
You wink at the man on the opposite side of the table.
It's true. You try to always be as early as possible. Your father once told you: early is on time and on time is late.
"I think we can all agree on this being the most profitable solution for all of us."
Looking around the table, you try to see how many of the six men you convinced. Sometimes it's hard to tell.
"Please don't be offended by my forwardness..."
You mentally roll your eyes. Why do people say this stuff. Either just say it and offend me, or shut up.
"But your company had trouble over the last week. And I'm not sure if you are the best person to partner with. At least right now."
You force yourself to smile.
"Well, that was only one of my companies and we already solved the problem completely. Even now my smaller company generates more profit than your big one."
The older guy looks like he is about to walk out. You honestly don't really care. You don't need all six to help you buy a whole airline. Two or three should be more than enough.
"I also have more than one company!"
"Of course you do. But I make triple the amount of money."
"That's enough! I'm leaving! You came here to ask us for help! And now you are insulting us?"
The other guys are watching the two of you. You don't care if he leaves, but you don't want them all to think that you want to exploit them.
"I'm not insulting anyone. You made fun of my company and I simply pointed out that it makes more money than yours."
"Fuck you!"
You raise your eyebrow as he storms out of the room.
Not paying anymore attention to him, you look at the others.
"I didn't ask you to come for help. I'm just offering a business proposal. Korean Air is doing average right now and I got a pretty good offer. If we invest together, we can make the airline even better. Generate more profit."
Honestly, you don't even need these men. You could buy Korean Air almost on your own. But you don't want to take the risk. If you do it like this, you will only get a third of the profits, but you will only lose a third if it goes South.
You try to keep yourself under control as you go through your emails. The rejection you got was surprising. You didn't expect them all to decline. The offer wasn't bad, so you wonder why they didn't go through with it. Why waste your time and meet them, when they are going to say no anyways?
Your focus falls on something else, when you read the next email. Another big problem with a program. You were sure that everything got fixed. Programs are usually quite forward and predictable. That's why you like them. But sometimes, it feels like their magical. In a bad way. Sometimes there is a problem, but you just can't understand why.
Just like right now.
"May I refill your glass, sir?"
You look up from your laptop.
Currently sitting in the lounge of the hotel you are staying at, you ordered a scotch earlier. You were tired and just trying to get over the failed dinner.
"No thanks. You got some tea?"
You need to concentrate now. And alcohol usually doesn't help with that.
After working around the clock for the last years, you made a habit out of not working in your living space. That includes your bedroom at home and also your hotel room. You always work in the lounge. It helps you concentrate and usually it's not that loud.
"We should've run more tests."
You mumble to yourself, while you open the problematic part of the code on your second laptop. There is a reason why you use a second laptop for coding. You learned the hard way, that it's not a good idea to write code on a computer where you have a lot of important data stored. If something goes horribly wrong, everything is lost. Making your operating system fail due to your code is never a good idea.
"Excuse me?"
Looking up from your laptop, you look at the woman standing in front of you.
"Can we sit here? The rest is all occupied."
You look around the room, only realizing it now.
You scoot over to one side of the couch. The woman and her friends sit down next to you and order something to drink. They look somewhat familiar. Have you met them before? You think about it for a second.
Maybe not.
You return your attention to your work. It's a little harder now, since the five women are talking right next you. Only a couple of minutes later you realize that they are speaking Korean. Now you recognize them. They are the same women, who were eating at the restaurant.
Looking at them for a moment longer, you realize how pretty they all actually are. One of them looks unbelievably cute and-
Stop it. You have to concentrate.
"Here is your tea, sir."
"Thank you."
You put your laptop onto the glass surface of the coffee table, before taking the cup of tea. Leaning back, you relax a little, still staring at your screen.
The woman with the light brown hair laughs at a joke. You can't help but glance at her, as her hand covers her mouth in an elegant way while she laughs. Her white dress with flowers on it makes her look very innocent and cute. Her face looks like one of a princess.
Suddenly the two of you lock eyes and you see her smile at you sweetly. You smile back politely, hoping you didn't get caught staring.
The black haired woman next to you thanks the waiter, when he brings their drinks. Her voice sounds somewhat deep and sultry. You like it.
Trying to concentrate again, you focus back on your laptop. The space you are sitting in is made out of two leather couches, forming an "L". You are sitting on the smaller side with two of the five girls. It's a little tight, but you don't mind.
The shoulder of the woman next to you keeps touching yours from time to time. You don't pay much attention to it, until her hand rests on her thigh.
One of her fingers carefully reaches out to you, touching your thigh. At first you think it's an accident, just like her shoulder, but then a second finger joins.
You are not sure what to make of this. Although you are trying to work, you can't deny that she looks pretty and it's not like you are uninterested.
When three of the girls go to the bathroom, only two remain. The black haired woman next to you and the woman with the light brown hair, who is sitting on the other couch.
The younger woman squeezes your thigh now, her nails slightly digging into your flesh.
"I'm sorry. I can't help it."
She whispers, without looking at you. Her friend doesn't seem to notice.
When she takes her drink and a napkin from the table, she lets go of the napkin. It couldn't have been more obvious, as it falls onto the ground between your legs. She reaches downwards, her hand brushing against your crotch.
"Soyeon, what are you doing?"
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The older woman looks at Soyeon in confusion.
"Getting my napkin."
She smiles innocently while her hand brushes against your crotch again.
This time, her friend caught it. You could see it on her face. A hint of red appears on her beautiful features.
She doesn't say anything though.
Soyeon sees it too.
"Are you being shy? Come on. We have done this before."
You are not sure what is happening right now.
"He does look handsome."
Her cheeks are still slightly flushed, but she smiles cutely at you.
"There you go, unnie. Let's have some fun."
It feels like she isn't even asking for your opinion.
"Come here, princess."
You are surprised by the sudden name calling, but the brunette woman does what Soyeon says.
She gets up from the couch and walks over, standing in front of you.
"Hi, I'm Miyeon. Do you mind if I sit on your lap?"
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The high level of confusion you are experiencing right now must be evident on your face.
"Of course he doesn't."
Soyeon answers for you.
Miyeon gives you a peck on the forehead, before sitting down on you. Her back facing you.
Not sure what to do, you admire her body from behind. Her naked shoulders seem to be created by an angel. Or maybe she is an angel? Her face and her outfit suggest that.
But her actions don't. Although her hands are placed on her thighs, you feel Miyeon slowly moving on top of you.
"You know what?"
Soyeon whispers in your ear and you are barely able to shake your head.
"Our little princess has been a naughty girl."
Miyeon looks over her shoulder at you.
"Please punish me."
You really want to. But you are sitting in a public space.
"But you aren't done with work. Are you, sweetie?"
The younger woman's voice seems to radiate pure lust.
"Please, daddy. Punish your little princess."
Miyeon does a little aegyeo, trying to convince you.
"How about we split the work? I write on the laptop the stuff you dictate and you punish this naughty girl."
Soyeon kisses your cheek before grabbing your laptop.
You are still conflicted, but Miyeon lifting her skirt makes you decide very quickly. She exposes her naked butt, revealing her panties. They are matching with her dress. White. With flowers on them.
You can't do much else but watch as the woman on top of you slowly pulls the fabric to the side. Meanwhile Soyeon is opening your pants, fishing out your cock.
You are already hard at the sight of Miyeon and the younger woman's smirk shows that she is satisfied.
"Put your arms around her. She needs a lot of care when she is getting punished."
You do as she says, wrapping your arms around the brunette's waist.
Soyeon strokes your shaft slowly, before guiding it towards Miyeon's entrance.
The older woman sighs in pleasure as Soyeon teases her folds with your cock.
You are still very much aware that you are in public. But it seems to matter less and less.
Slightly lifting herself off you, Miyeon enables Soyeon to line up your tip with her entrance.
"Be a good princess and take daddy's cock well."
"Yes, mistress."
Miyeon moans quietly, when she lowers herself onto you. Your head falls back as you are almost unable to take it. Miyeon is by far the tightest you have ever had. It's almost painful to even enter her. Her walls clench around your cock tightly, squeezing it with all her strength.
You can't see yourself entering her because Miyeon let her dress fall down again. It looks as if she is just sitting on your lap. But both of your faces show, what is actually happening. You feel like it takes ages for Miyeon to completely slide down your shaft. You wonder if you could ever leave her again.
"Come one, sweetie. You have to get your work done."
Half of your attention moves back to Soyeon. It's like she is almost torturing you.
You can barely speak as Miyeon slowly begins her journey upwards.
"Int ETC = 5."
Soyeon types what you say.
"Int ETD = 9."
You are very glad that you are almost done with the code, so it isn't that hard. But Miyeon does her best to distract you. She lowers herself back onto you again.
You are still not entirely sure how you ended up in this situation. But Miyeon's tight snatch makes it hard concentrate on much else.
"Right_Coordinates( Program_C, 15, 70)."
Soyeon does as you say. You watch her typing in the code.
It's like she doesn't even care that you are buried inside of Miyeon to the hilt. The brunette leans against you as her pleasure begins to increase. Although she is going slowly, the situation makes her horny. She never did this in public. Her pussy clenches around you as the thought of getting caught flashes through her mind.
You still hold Miyeon's waist, controlling her pace. It takes immense amount of self-control to not just fuck her brains out right now. She makes you go crazy with her pussy, tempting you to do more. Tempting you to tighten your grip. To make her bounce up and down your cock.
But you stay still. Trying to get out of this without getting caught.
Soyeon is mocking you. She must know exactly what you are fighting through right now, but she is still making you work. It's as if the two are punishing you.
"If (ETC > XXX)
You are glad that you are getting closer to the end of the code.
"Daddy, can you play with your princesses clit, please?"
Miyeon's begging makes you focus all of your attention back to her.
"Do you want me to?"
"Yes, daddy."
"But aren't you supposed to be punished?"
You can feel the disappointment coming from Miyeon.
"But... But I need it."
Her cute voice tries to convince you to give in.
"How much do you need it?"
You know how to play this game. You are very good at it. And you attempt to punish the brunette really bad.
"I feel like I can't live without you. I can't live without daddy's cock."
Pretending not to listen, you dictate the next couple of lines.
"Daddy needs to pay attention to his princess. Or she will become really naughty."
"Is that a threat?"
Miyeon keeps gliding along the length of your shaft without rest.
"It's a prediction. Princess would never threaten daddy."
Her usage of the pet names makes you grow even harder inside of her. You are sure the brunette feels it.
Soyeon nudges you with her elbow.
"Return DDW."
She does as you say.
But Miyeon really does become impatient. In an instant she grabs your knees instead of her thighs. Raising her hips again, she impales herself on your cock.
"Add a semicolon and-Fuck."
You moan as Miyeon reaches your base with a new speed. It feels like she has become tighter. It feels like you are even deeper inside of her now. Before you can stop her, Miyeon raises and falls one more time. You see stars. Tightening your grip on her waist, you hold her in place. You are still buried inside her, while she is unable to move.
"I told you I will become naughty."
You quietly agree.
"You should bring me to your room. Just tear this dress off me and bend me over."
Being a great business man, your self-control is very high. But Miyeon almost makes you break. You want to bend her over right now. But you can't. Instead, you move your mouth to her skin. Sucking on it, you shut her up for a moment. She feels smooth and flawless. A cute moan leaves her lips, as she feels yours on her skin.
But she recovers too quickly from your attack.
"You should spank me really hard. Because I was so naughty. Because I was craving daddy's cock."
Her words and her appearance are just not matching. She looks like a princess, she sounds like a princess, but she speaks like a little brat.
"I'm going to give you the punishment you deserve."
"Yes, daddy. Please."
Miyeon leans her head back, letting it rest on your shoulder.
"Use my body how you want."
"I will."
You whisper into her ear. Hands still on her waist, you begin to make her move again. Miyeon happily complies.
Glancing at the computer, you read the last line.
"Return DDW; Fuck!"
"Don't write that. Delete the last words."
"Are you sure?"
Soyeon looks at you innocently.
"Yes. I am."
You watch her deleting the last word.
"Okay. Now you need to go the main function."
"What? How?"
You growl in disbelief. Miyeon's movements make you very impatient. And you should have predicted that Soyeon doesn't know much about writing code.
"Go the last line of the whole code."
While she does it, you feel Miyeon sneakily taking one of your hands in hers. Slowly, she guides it towards her core.
"Now what?"
You are distracted by Soyeon.
"System_FG(motion, 50, 70, 6)"
In that moment you feel your hand move under Miyeon's dress.
You scold her, making the brunette stop.
"But daddy. Don't you want to make me cum?"
"I do. But not here."
You don't even think about it. You know you want to. From the moment she sat in your lap you wanted to.
While your hand joins the other again, you look at the screen.
"If( ETD < SGH)
Return Exit_Failure
Return SGH."
You lean your head back, once Soyeon put in the last semicolon. You honestly don't know if it's compilable, but you decide that it's an unimportant detail for now.
"It's finished."
"You did so well."
You sigh in relief, while Soyeon puts down your laptop. Miyeon smiles at you over her shoulder.
"Now daddy can punish his princess properly."
In that moment you remember their friends.
"Wait. What about the others?"
"Don't worry. They are out."
Soyeon turns towards you. Her elbow on the armrest and her chin on her hand.
"How about you show us your room?"
It took you longer than expected to leave Miyeon. You didn't really want to, although you knew you could fuck her soon enough. But her tightness was almost traumatizing. When you finally did leave her pussy, you almost forgot to take your laptops with you. The cause of that was Soyeon, whispering dirty words into your ear.
She is unable to do it now though, since her mouth is occupied. Pressing her against the wall of the elevator, you make out with Soyeon passionately.
Although it probably takes you only five to ten minutes to your room, Miyeon's need for your touch can't wait. That's why your hand is under her dress, while your tongue is in Soyeon's mouth.
After what you did in the lounge, the fear of getting caught vanished. You guide the two women to your room, or your suite rather.
Once you are inside, you are already occupying Soyeon's lips once more. You feel Miyeon pressing her body against yours from behind.
"Daddy. Give me some attention."
Her cute voice enters your ear from behind. Her hands roam your body, occasionally touching your crotch in the process.
"It's my turn, slut."
Soyeon mumbles into your mouth, while she undoes you tie. Your tongue explores her mouth, while your hands wander over her figure.
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You feel the naked skin of her back. You feel her thigh, when you drop your hand lower. Her body seems to be made for you to touch. And the way Soyeon moans into your mouth shows that she thinks the same.
When you are about to undo the strings of fabric on her back, Soyeon pushes you away a little. Taking the loose tie, which is now dangling around your neck, into her hands, she looks past you at Miyeon.
"Time for your punishment, princess."
Her tone is lustful and deep. The brunette looks excited and curious at the same time. In an instant, Soyeon has wrapped your tie around her wrists, tying them together.
"You have been such an impatient and naughty princess this whole time. Now you have to watch me getting fucked."
Miyeon's expression changes from excitement to horror.
"No. Please. I need daddy's cock."
"Silence. Just watch."
With that, Soyeon pushes Miyeon, making her fall onto the bed behind her. Because her hands are behind her back, she can't get up. She can't touch you. She can't even touch herself.
Her cry for help falls on deaf ears, as you watch Soyeon turn towards you.
"You are mine now."
Like a hungry lion, Soyeon jumps you. Quite literally. Because she is kinda short, she had to stay on her toes during making out. Now she jumps into your arms, making you hold her like this. Your hands are squeezing her naked thighs as Soyeon crashes her lips into yours.
You keep ignoring her while you kiss Soyeon deeply. Her lips still taste like the drink she had. Something sweet. Her hands hold onto your neck, not letting you go.
Once she has had enough, Soyeon whispers into your ear.
"Fuck me. Fuck me so hard that Miyeon cums from just watching. Without touching herself. Begging for your dick."
Without a word, you turn Soyeon around and push her. She lands on the bed too. Her head at Miyeon's feet. Finally having her where you want her, you undo the strings of her top, exposing her fully naked back. Your tongue starts its journey from her neck. Slowly traveling over to her shoulders. Then her back. You kiss and lick her skin while holding her in place.
Soyeon moans at your touch, unable to predict what spot you focus on next. Her eyes rest on Miyeon. The brunette has managed to sit up, leaning against the headboard. The lust in her eyes makes them dark pools of desire as she watches you worship Soyeon's perfect skin.
Her begging has been reduced to a pitiful whine. Finally making eye contact with her, you see her smile. Hoping for you to change your mind. Hoping that she got punished enough.
Instead you reach down, moving your hand underneath Soyeon's skirt. Pulling her thong to the side, you slip one finger into the young woman. You are surprised at her wetness. Seems like the foreplay in the lounge got her off more than you thought. You finger her slowly, while keeping eye contact with Miyeon.
The brunette's cheeks are flushed as she watches you. She bites her quivering lip, needing release. A small part of her mind wonders, if she can actually cum without getting touched. But most of her focus is on you as you drop to your knees.
Soyeon is still bend over the bed, her knees on the floor. With one long lick, you taste her pussy from the bottom to the top.
Soyeon curses as you start to eat her out. Your hands hold her ass cheeks, kneading them, while your tongue pleasures her. The younger woman's moans make Miyeon want to get eaten out, too. The way her body moves when you hit the right spot. The way her glassy eyes look up at the brunette. The way her hands hold onto the bed sheets.
Miyeon feels her own pleasure rising. She imagines that she is the one bend over the bed. That she is the one that has your tongue in her pussy. That she is the one that moans in ecstasy.
"Daddy. I'm so sorry for being a naughty girl."
Her sobs make you look up for just a moment. Miyeon's cheeks are now bright red. A small trickle of blood is leaving her lower lip, where she bit to hard on it. She keeps trying to get the tie off her wrists, but her efforts become weaker.
"Daddy. I want to be a good princess."
"You will be."
It's a short answer. But it's the only one she is getting. At least for now. You pull Soyeon further onto the bed, positioning her on all fours.
"Yes. Fuck me good. Show that little slut what she is missing."
You push Soyeon's back further down, her ass moving higher in the process. Your tip brushes against her folds and she lets out another moan.
"Pound me."
It's a simple order. A good one. You do as she says.
Sliding inside of her, you feel Soyeon getting pushed forward. Her hair now falling onto Miyeon's naked feet. She took her shoes off when she entered your room. Now her hair is tickling her feet. Miyeon certainly is getting punished. There is no doubt about it.
You start to fuck Soyeon in front of the young brunette. Her pussy is wetter than Miyeon's, but not as tight. You can't help but compare the two of them.
Soyeon moans as you move in and out of her. Her wet walls let you glide easier through her. Reaching forward, you grab her hair, wrapping it around your fingers. It makes her raise her head, looking straight at Miyeon. The two of them lock eyes.
The brunette whines as she watches her friend getting fucked like this. She keeps imagining that it's her. But just watching isn't quite the same. Miyeon needs more. She needs more friction. She needs touching. Moving around a little, she tries to slip out of your tie, but to no prevail. Soyeon knows how to tie a tie.
Unable to move much, she has to watch. She doesn't want to look away from the scene in front of her. She can't.
Soyeon's glassy eyes as you fuck her from behind. Her black hair wrapped around your hand, while you pull her head up. Soyeon scratching at the sheets, as you hit the right spot in her pussy. Your hand at her waist, holding her tight. Your shirt that got unbuttoned, showing off your muscles. Sweat slowly forming on your chest.
All of it she takes in. Miyeon starts to feel hotter. And when you fuck Soyeon harder, she feels like you are doing her harder. The brunette experiences your and Soyeon's act of sin as if she is participating. She smells your and Soyeon's scent. The sweat. The smell of sex. All of it.
And with that, Miyeon grinds on your pillow. She doesn't even realize it at first. But the pleasure in her body and in her mind starts to build up. Like waves. Like waves that are about to crash onto the rocks.
Hearing Miyeon whimper louder, you look up. You have been paying attention to Soyeon, but the sight of the brunette like this is a rare moment to witness. Her teary eyes begging you to touch her. She grinds on your pillow, showering it with her scent and probably with her juices soon as well.
Seeing her like this only makes you fuck Soyeon harder. And faster. Your hand leaves her hair and both of them reach for her shoulders. With new found strength, you give it to her hard. Pulling her towards you, while you push forward. With every thrust. You can't see her face, but Miyeon's makes up for it.
"Oh god!"
Soyeon moans louder as you fuck her as hard as you can. Miyeon looks like she is dying of thirst. Sexual thirst.
"Yes! Harder!"
Soyeon becomes more vocal. She starts to speak more, as you feel her hot cavern tighten around you.
"Daddy. Please fuck me after you make her cum."
Miyeon is begging once more as she feels the waves of pleasure in her body building up. Higher and higher. Her anticipation grows, wanting to see how Soyeon cums around your cock.
And the black haired woman does her that favour only a few moments later. Her moans become longer. Her breathing heavier. Her walls tighter. Her pussy wetter.
And then she cums. You stop moving as you are forced out of her by her juices. They spill onto your sheets and onto your legs, dripping down onto the floor. A long drawn out moan escapes Soyeon's mouth. It feels like it's going on for hours, until she finally falls flat onto the bed. You honestly have to say that you are dead tired as well. But there is still someone else in the room. One down (quite literally) and one more to go.
Looking at Miyeon, you are surprised, when you see her shaking slightly. Her eyes are shut tight, her teeth digging into her lips. Her hands twisting behind her back, while she trembles on top of the pillow. You realize that she is cumming, too. Not as hard as Soyeon, but hard enough that it rocks her body. The build up waves finally crash onto her. Drowning her in pleasure and arousal. Making her gasp for air.
Catching your breath, you wait a minute for Miyeon to calm down. When her eyelids flatter open, her eyes focus on you.
You slowly walk towards her, while using her pet name. She looks up at you. Desire and hope glistening in her dark orbs.
"Do you think you have been punished enough?"
"Yes, daddy."
Miyeon nods immediately. There is no way she can hold on for much longer. Her hunger for you slowly consuming her small body.
"Turn around."
It's not easy for her to do so. But her eagerness helps her. Once her back is facing you, you see her move her fingers.
"Is daddy going to get these off?"
You reach out to stroke her hair. She seems to relax a little at your touch. Once your hand reaches the back of her head, you suddenly hold her. In one motion you push her forward. You shove Miyeon head first into the mattress. Hearing her squeal in surprise turns you on even more. Your hand rests on her naked back, making it impossible for her to get out of this situation.
Teasing her labia with your cock, you bend down towards her ear.
"You fucked me without asking earlier. Now it's my turn."
You can't understand her response. Her voice muffled by your sheets. But the moan that escapes her lips is too loud to be soaked up by the sheets. As you push into her, you feel Miyeon squirm underneath you.
This is what she has been longing for, for the past thirty minutes. Since the moment you slipped out of her pussy. The feeling of your cock as deep as it would go inside her tight snatch.
Like the first time, bottoming out inside of Miyeon makes your head spin. Her tightness is unmatched.
"If princess cums like a good girl, I will untie her."
No answer. Only a lewd moan as you withdraw your cock almost entirely. You start out with slow and deep strokes. Similar to the way Miyeon was riding you earlier. Enough friction for the both of you to feel unbelievable pleasure. But at the same time too slow to satisfy your desires.
Miyeon's smooth walls clench onto your cock as you give her deep thrusts from behind. After a while you loosened your grip on her head, enabling the brunette to move it a little. Now her mouth isn't muffled by the sheets anymore.
"Daddy! Harder! Faster!"
It seems like those are the only words in her vocabulary right now. She repeats them over and over again. As if she is chanting a spell. With every trust you deliver, you fuck her harder. And with every word of hers, you fuck her faster.
Soon you are pounding Miyeon head first into the mattress. You know she loves it by the way her body twists in front of you. Sweat is making her bare back and shoulders sparkle in the light. Her brown hair starting to stick to her skin.
It's what Miyeon has been dreaming about, since you started to fuck Soyeon in front of her. To get used like a toy. To be a good princess. To take your cock like a good girl.
Putting one foot on the bed, you start to thrust harder.
"Oh my god!"
This way you somehow reach further into her depths. If you had to describe infinite pleasure, you would mention Miyeon's face. Her features are twisted. Her eyes rolling. Her mouth open, drooling onto your sheets. The princess like aura that you thought she had in the beginning has been washed away by the waves of pleasure. They hit her body over and over again.
Miyeon's high voice almost makes you lose your hearing. When she cums, her pussy almost squeezes the life out of you. You have to stop moving, afraid you are going to hurt her or yourself. It's almost painful as her tight snatch contracts around you. It feels wonderful at the same time. You can't help but groan as Miyeon shakes in front of you.
When she finally calms down from her high. You are still not moving. The brunette breaths heavily. Beats of sweat dropping from her cute nose onto the sheets.
"I think you have to let him go, princess."
You didn't even realize that Soyeon is now sitting next to Miyeon. You were too focused on punishing her. It seems like Soyeon's exhaustion is gone after she watched you rail her friend into oblivion.
"My turn."
Soyeon slowly helps you to retreat out of Miyeon's snatch. She is still too tight to move at a normal pace, so it takes a moment until you leave her. Her freshly fucked pussy looks delicious and you can't help yourself but give it a deep kiss. Miyeon moans into the sheets as she feels your tongue.
In that moment you feel Soyeon's tongue on your cock.
"Wow. Princess, you taste really good."
You can only agree as you push your tongue a little deeper into her tight cavern.
Unfortunately, you find yourself getting closer at Soyeon's work. Her skillful tongue playing with the tip of your cock, while her lips are wrapped around you.
"Wanna ride you."
No question. Not asking for permission. This girl is really something. Letting go off your cock, Soyeon moves aside so that you can lie down on the bed. She straddles your lap and a second later, you are inside of Soyeon once more.
"Oh gosh!"
She throws her head back as she rides you fast from the start. You can't do much else but hold her waist. To your surprise, you see a pair of quivering thighs enter your vision.
"Please daddy."
Miyeon keeps crawling backwards, until her pussy is right over your face. Moving your hands, you grab her butt, forcing her lower. Miyeon sits up straight, while she lowers herself onto your mouth. You give her a long lick up and down, before you focus your attention on her clit.
Her curse is interrupted by Soyeon's loud moaning behind her.
While you eat out Miyeon, Soyeon keeps riding you. The two women moaning in tandem, as they both take pleasure from you. Soyeon's wet entrance coats your cock with her juices as she bounces on you. The brunette's hips buck against your face, desperate for more friction.
At one point, it feels like both of them are riding you at almost the same pace. You have to hold Miyeon down with her thighs, trying to make her cum. You feel her getting out of rhythm already. Because she still has her dress on, you can't see much of what's going on, but what you feel is more than enough. Your orgasm seems to be approaching. Slowly but steady.
Soyeon's work makes you groan into Miyeon's pussy, making the woman on your face finally cum again. She tugs at your hair desperately as more and more waves crash onto her small frame.
You grab her thighs harder, trying to prevent yourself from cumming in this moment. You might be leaving red marks on her creamy skin, but at this point the three of you are too far gone anyway. Soyeon impales herself over and over again with your cock. She spits out horrible curses as you feel her pussy getting wetter again.
You love the contrast between the two women. Soyeon is extremely wet and doesn't care what she says while she rides you. She only takes what she wants, not asking for your pleasure. Then there is Miyeon. She is unbelievably tight. Her cute face at odds with the filth that comes out of her mouth, when she is desperate. She is truly needy. Ready to do anything so that you keep pleasuring her.
Both of them are using your body. You don't complain as you feel yourself slowly trembling towards the edge.
"I'm gonna a cum."
You hiss into Miyeon's snatch, making her climax one more time. You don't know if its because you are eating her out, or the prospect of making you cum. Either way, she shakes on top of you.
Soyeon begins to slow down, breathing heavily. You only met the two of them about two hours ago, but you are sure that your climax doesn't mark the end of this activity.
As Miyeon collapses over your body again, Soyeon gets off your cock. Suddenly feeling her lips, you close your eyes.
"Come here, princess. You deserve a drop."
Miyeon acts surprisingly fast. In one motion, she turns around, still sitting on your face. You start to lick her folds again, hearing her moan deliciously. Then, you feel a second pair of lips on your cock. The two of them are making out with your cock from both sides. Their tongues twisting and playing.
At one point you are unable to keep pleasuring Miyeon. The only thing you can do is just lie there. It only takes a couple of moments.
Feeling your cock twitch, Soyeon takes you into her mouth, while Miyeon keeps working your shaft. You groan as you finally cum. Soyeon keeps sucking you as you shoot your cum into her mouth. She moans in satisfaction. When your head finally stops spinning, you hear the two of them kiss. It sounds like Soyeon is sharing some of your cum with Miyeon.
"Don't drop it."
It's the only thing she says and you are disappointed that you are unable to watch. Soyeon's hand at your base indicates that the two of them aren't done, though.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
in the melting pot au: Ingrid does give CEO vibes but maybe like ceo of a fashion brand or fashion magazine? cfo frido too
caro works in either data analytics or software something that involves a lot of screen time so she self-prescribes mandated time outdoors and was reading in the park when she met conejita
frida works in something super specialized and local to the area to justify her having to live apart from emma and squish so maybe nature or animal conservancy it's mainly frida who teaches squish on how to forage ethically and without disturbing the local ecosystem
one time while emma is visiting, she sees that the couple running the local bakery frida always takes them to is retiring and ends up taking over when they finally move in with frida. alexia's restaurants source their bread from Emma's bakery and once a week, emma offers a specialty pastry baked with ingredients they foraged near their home
just emma and frida and squish living their best cottagecore life as they should 😌
Okay, more Melting Pot infodumps because this little au makes me feel very happy
Ingrid definitely gives fashion ceo vibes. She's probably got like a fashion empire and is earning so much money that she can keep her pack of kids and her golden retriever girlfriend afloat on just a monthly salary alone.
Frido's the best friend that she met at uni and they're just such good friends and they adopted IT Head!Caro into their friend group when they were at university. Caro runs the IT department and she works in a little office that she keeps really dark and just hunches over her computer all day.
Frido and Ingrid keep telling her to take a break and go out for once. Caro thinks they're both being stupid but the first time she actually does, she meets Marta and Conejita and Frido and Ingrid never let her live it down.
Frida working on the nearby nature reserve and she loves taking Squish to work with her on the weekends. Some of Squish's favourite things is parent day at the school when all the parents come in to talk about their jobs and everyone gets to hear about all the cool conservation things Frida does.
Emma in the bakery using the berries she and Squish foraged at the weekend in her muffins and suddenly the bakery is booming again. Bambi forcing Alexia inside because Squish's mummy runs the bakery and Alexia literally just buying a sandwich for herself and a slice of cake for each of her girls but then being really impressed and suddenly Alexia's restaurants are getting their bread and cakes from Emma's bakery.
Emma and Frida are definitely living their cottage core fantasy with Squish.
The school takes the kids out to the nature reserve Frida works at for trips sometimes and Squish counts down the days every month
But also thinking about how Magda and Frido probably went to university together so they knew each other from back then. Magda probably didn't interact much with Caro or Ingrid but knows them enough to have a chat with them out in the street. Also thinking about how Magda did a year abroad where she went to Denmark and met Pernille.
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goldsasa · 1 year
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Dear Sirs!
(or have some ladies also signed?)
A few days ago, you, Mr Musk, together with Mr Wozniak, Mr Mostaque and other signatories, published an open letter demanding a compulsory pause of at least six months for the development of the most powerful AI models worldwide.
This is the only way to ensure that the AI models contribute to the welfare of all humanity, you claim. As a small part of the whole of humanity, I would like to thank you very much for wanting to protect me. How kind! 🙏🏻
Allow me to make a few comments and ask a few questions in this context:
My first question that immediately came to mind:
Where was your open letter when research for the purpose of warfare started and weapon systems based on AI were developed, leading to unpredictable and uncontrollable conflicts?
AI-based threats have already been used in wars for some time, e.g. in the Ukraine war and Turkey. Speaking of the US, they are upgrading their MQ-9 combat drones with AI and have already used them to kill in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.
The victims of these attacks - don't they count as humanity threatened by AI?
I am confused! Please explain to me, when did the (general) welfare of humanity exist, which is now threatened and needs to be protected by you? I mean the good of humanity - outside your "super rich white old nerds Silicon Valley" filter bubble? And I have one more question:
Where was your open letter when Facebook's algorithms led to the spread of hate speech and misinformation about the genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar?
Didn't the right to human welfare also apply to this population group? Why do you continue to remain silent on the inaction and non-transparent algorithms of Meta and Mr Zuckerberg? Why do you continue to allow hatred and agitation in the social media, which (at least initially) belonged to you without exception?
My further doubt relates to your person and your biography itself, dear Mr Musk.
You, known as a wealthy man with Asperger's syndrome and a penchant for interplanetary affairs, have commendably repeatedly expressed concern about the potentially destructive effects of AI robots in the past. I thank you for trying to save me from such a future. It really is a horrible idea!
And yet, Mr Musk, you yourself were not considered one of the great AI developers of Silicon Valley for a long time.
Your commitment to the field of artificial intelligence was initially rather poor. Your Tesla Autopilot is a remarkable AI software, but it was developed for a rather niche market.
I assume that you, Mr Musk, wanted to change that when you bought 73.5 million of Twitter's shares for almost $2.9 billion in April?
After all, to be able to play along with the AI development of the giants, you lacked one thing above all: access to a broad-based AI that is not limited to specific applications, as well as a comprehensive data set.
The way to access such a dataset was to own a large social network that collects information about the consumption patterns, leisure activities and communication patterns of its users, including their social interactions and political preferences.
Such collections about the behaviour of the rest of humanity are popular in your circles, aren't they?
By buying Twitter stock, you can give your undoubtedly fine AI professionals access to a valuable treasure trove of data and establish yourself as one of Silicon Valley's leading AI players.
Congratulations on your stock purchase and I hope my data is in good hands with you.
Speaking of your professionals, I'm interested to know why your employees have to work so hard when you are so concerned about the well-being of people?
I'm also surprised that after the pandemic your staff were no longer allowed to work in their home offices. Is working at home also detrimental to the well-being of humanity?
In the meantime, you have taken the Twitter platform off the stock market.
It was never about money for you, right? No, you're not like that. I believe you!
But maybe it was about data? These are often referred to as the "oil of our time". The data of a social network is like the ticket to be one of the most important AI developers in the AI market of the future.
At this point, I would like to thank you for releasing parts of Twitter's code for algorithmic timeline control as open source. Thanks to this transparency, I now also know that the Twitter algorithm has a preference for your Elon Musk posts. What an enrichment of my knowledge horizon!
And now, barely a year later, this is happening: OpenAi, a hitherto comparatively small company in which you have only been active as a donor and advisor since your exit in 2018, not only has enormous sources of money, but also the AI gamechanger par excellence - Chat GPT. And virtually overnight becomes one of the most important players in the race for the digital future. It was rumoured that your exit at the time was with the intention that they would take over the business? Is that true at all?
After all I have said, I am sure you understand why I have these questions for you, don't you?
I would like to know what a successful future looks like in your opinion? I'm afraid I'm not one of those people who can afford a $100,000 ticket to join you in colonising Mars. I will probably stay on Earth.
So far I have heard little, actually nothing, about your investments in climate projects and the preservation of the Earth.
That is why I ask you, as an advocate of all humanity, to work for the preservation of the Earth - with all the means at your disposal, that would certainly help.
If you don't want to do that, I would very much appreciate it if you would simply stop worrying about us, the rest of humanity. Perhaps we can manage to protect the world from marauding robots and a powerful artificial intelligence without you, your ambitions and your friends?
I have always been interested in people. That's why I studied social sciences and why today I ask people what they long for. Maybe I'm naive, but I think it's a good idea to ask the people themselves what they want before advocating for them.
The rest of the world - that is, the 99,9 percent - who are not billionaires like you, also have visions!
With the respect you deserve,
Susanne Gold
(just one of the remaining 99% percent whose welfare you care about).
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
Karasu as a dad!!
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a/n: omg that sounds so cute??? he'd be such a good dad.
➤ dad!karasu | headcanons
0.4k words | gn!reader | mostly sfw
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As soon as you decide you want to raise a family with him, he's already planning what upgrades or renovations are needed to make his nest home safe and comfortable for you and a little one. (If you want more than one child, it'll be easier just to build or buy a bigger home later on.)
If you haven't discussed finances in great detail yet, his accumulation of wealth might surprise you. He's not cheap or thrifty, but he leads a simple life and his job pays extremely well.
Do you want to be a stay at home parent? Do you want to keep working or enhance your education? He's ready to support all your dreams because he can provide for your family so money isn't an issue for you.
He renovates his home office so it has space for a secondary nursery/playroom. He can work from home easily enough so you get plenty of time for your own self-care and daily routine/hobbies.
If his child is related to him biologically, they'll inherit his eyes and wings.
He likes to nap on the couch with your kid when they're young. Karasu wraps his wings around both of them—it's the cutest thing.
The child's D.D.D. (of course they'll have their own) will have a modified version of the AI software. "Hey KARASU" will trigger the bot as usual, but "Hey Dad" will open a direct link to his personal device.
He's a hands-on parent. He goes to all the school events, he volunteers to help with their extra-curriculars, and he becomes more active in the community. He's still a bit awkward and shy.
He thrives when his family grows. It gives him purpose and motivates him.
You think being a parent would interfere with your romantic relationship? Not nearly as much as you'd expect. Karasu discovers that being a parent is a very attractive look for you and it doesn't take him much to get riled up. He likes to shower you with love and affection throughout the day with little gifts and gestures. He likes to show you his appreciation intimately too, on his knees or his back—it's a good thing he opted to soundproof the master bedroom, he's still a little loud.
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luthsthings · 11 months
A Sims 4 Horse Ranch* review, by a Simmer who's not all that into horses
* Software not final. Sponsored by EA.
First, many thanks to EA/Maxis for the early access! This was a treat for me, to get access to an early build to try out for a while, as I'm not exactly a high-profile streamer. Or a streamer at all. Or even a creator (though I'll upload a household I came to love to the Gallery when I get a chance!). But I do love this game! And I love that I can help more of you play it the way you want to. Anyway, the review…
What I liked!
The great range of build/buy! I'll get LOTS of use out of this. It complements some other packs well too.
There are lots of helpful rooms in build mode for fast stables and nectar-related spaces! As a non-builder who sometimes tries to build, I was really happy to have a premade horse stall for my lot.
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[image: a pre-built stable room in Build mode]
There's lots of Teen–Elder clothing and hair, and I love the dirty clothes swatches. I'll get LOTS of use out of this pack's CAS! And it will go well with styles from some other packs, too.
The new Afro-textured hairs are a welcome recognition that the cowboy culture of the Old West was not a White culture — there were lots of Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous cowboys and entrepreneurial women in the Old West!
I deeply appreciate the Indigenous content in build/buy, recipes, and CAS — I could see lots there in CAS, for example, that the Navajo people I saw and met in Utah and northern New Mexico (which is a part of the world I really want to go back to) wore IRL.
Lots range from fairly small (15 x 20) to quite large. I appreciate the range as someone who isn't a fan of building on large lots when I do build. There are horse practice areas in the land around some small lots, so you can still keep a horse there.
For Strangerville owners who love that landscape (which I do!), there's now somewhere for that valley, with its smaller population, to be "near". I can imagine that you'd drive up into a range from the new world and drop down into hidden Strangerville. Driving the other direction might take you to Oasis Springs.
The horse-riding and other horse animations are really detailed and fluid. They interact a lot with each other, too. I felt like parent and child horses recognized their relationship even.
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[image: a mare lovingly nuzzling her foal]
The sheep and goats are endlessly adorable. Plus profitable! :D And they can sleep in your house!
The rabbithole adventure location out in the countryside has a very different gameplay than previous ones! And it has great sound effects -- play it with the volume up! It's hard to find, though. But it was nice to not need other tricks to get access. (I still have not done the secret places in Oasis Springs or the Outdoor Retreat pack!)
What I didn't like:
No new fridge, stove, bathtub, or toilet (I do like getting more of those!)
Very little boys' children's clothes. And no chaps for Children, even though they can ride and even though Toddlers got some
I would have liked a higher-tech/automated version of a nectar maker. However, this isn't a feature I care about much anyway.
You can't breed the mini goats and sheep, and there aren't even smaller baby ones. I'd have liked to have a full-on sheep farm. I like sheep. (I can practically see my husband glaring about how much I like sheep, even though he's waaaaay far away at the office right now.)
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[image: a smiling, leaping mini-sheep, with a spotted goat behind it]
I definitely would never have found the countryside rabbithole without help, but maybe you will? If I could figure out how to do spoilers here, I would...
The horse-toy balls are a little… glowy? for my taste. They also weren't where I looked for them in the catalog, so you'll want to use search for them.
Cross-pack things?
I'd have liked to check out these before now, but with the pre-patch builds, that's not an option, and I'm always kind of busy when patches come out! For example ...
How do cats and dogs interact with horses, sheep, and goats?
Can horses be familiars for spellcasters?
Are there new Milestones?
Are there new Lifestyles?
Are there new Club rules, and are there enough of those?
This Simmer needs to know! (And eventually will.)
Neat things to know!
There's a rabbithole building in town where you can change or plan outfits like a dresser! And just off the main road in town there's a rabbithole building where you can buy goats, sheep, and groceries and other useful things, like horse age-up treats. I liked having an alternative way to buy these things and a whole new way to plan outfits. I'd be happy for more of that. If I can't go into a building, I might as well at least be able to pretend I can. As long as they don't end up being worlds stuffed with rabbitholes in place of gameplay (actually watching horse competition would have been nice!).
You can use a Community Board in town (or from B/B if you want one on your lot) to take local one-off jobs for money. Most need you to own a Horse or some sheep or goats. There are lots of ways to make money as a rancher without needing someone in the household to have a job. My relatives who are farmers will be seriously jealous.
Get to know that Crinkletop guy! He's very useful.
Bugs? Bugs!
Things to watch out for that were issues for me in the early-access build, which is NOT the release build, so hopefully it's a bit better:
Ranch dancing is EXTREMELY popular. You might want to not keep a radio at home until the new dancing has a mod to … moderate it. Or is tuned down by the devs. But I do like it when I'm in control!
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[image: five Sims ranch dancing (line dancing) as a group, including two Don Lothario and Eliza Pancakes]
The beautiful stone fireplace was also very, very popular, and of course potentially deadly. Watch out for that.
Ranch hands are NOT reliable. They might stay really, really late. They might stop showing up after a couple days. They might forget the things you instructed them NOT to do the day before. They might be super into kicking the garbage bin over. Keep an eye on your ranch hand. At least until the day, someday, when they get fixed. I'm hoping this is also moddable for those of us on PC.
At one point I had a weird bug where my Sim decided she would NOT eat. The rest of the household could eat. Guests could eat. They could eat HER food. It was fixed by going to the world map and back into the household, so I didn't find out if she was going to just starve to death.
I couldn't find some of the new CAS at first because some men's outfits were under "jumpsuit" for no apparent reason. So, if you're looking for some cool outerwear, try "jumpsuits." Hopefully it was recategorized for the release build!
And that's it! I'm happy to answer questions!
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isilrina · 3 months
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Welcome to the fantastic world of the Astra 'Santa' Militarum!
Let me tell you a bit more about myself; I'm somewhat of a novice in the vast Warhammer 40K universe. I heard about the franchise's name during my high school years when passing by a 'Games Workshop' store while buying my D&D dice and books. At that time, Warhammer seemed like an impenetrable fortress, especially for a girl, and the cost was very high. I didn't suspect the richness of the lore and narratives it held.
Fast forward about fifteen years to my encounter with the man who became my husband, a hobbyist in modeling and painting miniature figurines, including those of 40K. His passion for the lore and the way he talked about it triggered my curiosity, sparking my ADHD into high gear.
As he rekindled his interest in Warhammer and resumed collecting figurines after a 15-year hiatus, I was drawn to the Adepta Sororitas, particularly their saint, Celestine. This admiration led to my own detachment of the Adepta Sororitas, patiently waiting for me to free up some time to paint it.
Now, let's delve into the genesis of this specific artwork. One day, during a conversation with my husband about his Astra Militarum's tank division, the initial idea of an entire battalion of Christmas-decorated tanks emerged (unfortunately, I don't recall the exact conversation.) This whimsical idea lingered in my 'To Draw List' until now, waiting for the right moment to come to life. And here it finally is: a Leman Russ tank adorned with festive lights, steered by an officer dressed in a Santa uniform, a joyful fusion between Warhammer warfare and holiday magic!
Behold the Astra 'Santa' Militarum! In the dark and distant future reality, even the mighty Leman Russ tank joins the festive frenzy. Decked out with twinkling Christmas lights and steered by an officer clad in a Santa uniform, this festive spectacle brings a cheerful touch to the battlefield. Every bolt meticulously inked and painted, this tank is armed not only with firepower but also with a joyful merriment.
Software used: Clip Studio Paint.
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Lying awake, intently tuning in on you If I was young, it didn't stop you coming through [Marley's Ghost]
TW: tw: body horror, freaky tech stuff
A/N: We can't rewind, we've gone too far/Pictures came and broke your heart/Put the blame on VCR...
AKA the entirety of the Marley's Ghost scene from my project, a_christmas_carol.exe! Happy Halloween!
The rain only increased as Scrooge made her way home from the office. This Christmas Eve had dawned gray and seemed determined to end black. The wind blew with all the fury of a cyclone. The rain lashed at her face, as sharp as glass. More than once Scrooge had to stop to clear her glasses, and the chill that set in from lack of motion was enough to chill even her blood. Smoke hissed out of potholes as she passed, adding an uneasy fog to the night air that whispered and shifted with each drop, cold meeting hot with an unholy hiss.
The doors to Scrooge’s apartment building were remarkably high-tech. Sealed shut from any trespassers, any tenants had to have the door unlocked via face recognition software. For a particularly unsociable woman, it suited Scrooge well. But it was notoriously finicky, and this cold evening Scrooge had no desire to be locked out. She pulled the hood of her rain jacket down, glowering into the camera.
“Good evening!” Came the automated response. “Please look into the camera!”
“I am.” Scrooge responded, although she knew it’d have no effect.
“I’m sorry! I can’t seem to get a clear image of your face. Could you please try again.”
“It’s I, you damned thing. Let me in!”
The computer gave no response. The camera focused on her, and she heard an audible click. And then, in that chipper tone, it spoke:
“Good evening, Mr. Marley! We’ve not seen you these past two-thousand, five-hundred and fifty-five days! We’ve not seen you these past five-five-five-five-five-five-.”
Scrooge jolted back, mouth agape. For a moment, she was at a loss for words.
“Good evening, Ms. Scrooge! Welcome back!”
The doors unlocked.
For a moment she simply stared at the monitor. She blinked, and adjusted her glasses. And then:
She pushed her way through the door. Scrooge told herself the hairs on the back of her neck were only standing up from the cold.
It wasn’t in Scrooge’s nature to drink. Drunkenness led to foolishness, and Scrooge was not a fool. At most she would have a glass of the cheapest vintage offered when pressed by a business associate. Even then, she drank only because social mores required it of her, not from any pleasure.
But the incident at the door had rattled her nerves more than she’d admit to herself. As she slipped off her jacket and slipped on her house-shoes, the desire for a stiff drink to calm herself came over her.
The apartment Scrooge lived in had once belonged to her partner. Her partner had been more inclined to drink than she was, for what little that was. Marley had a taste for vodka. The cheap stuff, of course, but the bottles that remained in her apartment would serve well enough. She found one of the bottles under the television stand. She’d never redecorated after she moved in. Marley’s furniture suited her needs fine, and anything of his that was not useful was either shoved into a closet or into boxes. Not that he had many things that weren’t of use. The two, Marley and Scrooge, were birds of a feather.
The burn of the cheap vodka made her wrinkle her nose in distaste, but she poured it into a chipped glass. Scrooge moved through the apartment, one hand holding the glass while the other unbuttoned the first few buttons on her blouse. She sat down on her couch, idly reaching for her laptop while she raised the glass to her mouth. She took a single sip and then spat it back out into the glass.
“God damn you, Jacob Marley,” She gasped.The vodka tasted of blood. “What the fuck kind of shit did you buy!?”
Her laptop let out a strange noise before the screen turned an electric blue. Scrooge groaned. “Fabulous. Just what I need.” She held down the start button, putting aside the vodka in disgust.
The computer turned off and then after a moment turned off again. She didn’t think she’d pressed the start button, but she supposed she must have. The login screen loaded, and Ellen quickly typed her credentials.
ACCESS DENIED, The screen blared.
“What!?” Ellen growled. She entered the information again. Still, she was locked out.
The hairs on the back of Scrooge’s neck stood up. Suddenly, the apartment seemed very quiet indeed.
She stared at it for a moment before slamming the screen shut. “Stupid fucking thing.” She muttered. It was broken, clearly. It had to be.
As she put aside the laptop, she must have pressed the television remote. She had to have. Because it suddenly lit up, shocking Scrooge enough to make her jolt.
“The BBC reports that hunger, poverty, and wealth inequality is at a level high this Christmas-.” A clipped voice rang out.
Scrooge jabbed the remote. The screen went dark. She gave a jerking nod, satisfied. That would put an end to this. Ellen leaned against the couch and closed her eyes. After a moment she allowed herself to lean over, curling up on the uncomfortable cushions. Despite inheriting many pieces of furniture from her late partner, Ellen Scrooge always slept on the couch. Taking up the whole bed was a waste. Besides, she didn’t feel she’d particularly earned a good night’s sleep. Not with the fuss of today.
Silence hung in the room like a garland. Darkness stood conquering like a warhero, and Scrooge began to drift off into an uneasy sleep.
The soft sound of static shivered through the room, stirring her just enough to awaken. Scrooge opened her eyes as the room was filled with light. She jolted.
The television had turned on. A newscaster, dressed in the most garish of suits, grinned at Scrooge with a rictus smile.
“Some say that the end is nigh? Is it truly?” The host asked, smiling all the while. The image flickered, but the smile stayed bright.
“The end is nigh?” He repeated. The screen glitched. Scrooge leaned forward.
“What the…?”
The screen went bright white. The image vanished. Scrooge jolted back, eyes screwed up from the brightness. Through slitted eyes, she saw the outline of a body on the screen. There was a horrible sound, like liquid squelching through the mud.
And then, reader, the first of four miracles happened.
A hand appeared on the inside of the glass, pressed up against the screen. And then it pushed it’s way through, literally bursting through the television set like a bug bursting from a membrane. Scrooge screamed, falling into her couch and scrambling to escape. Another hand burst through, reaching out to pull itself forward. A head and torso emerged behind it, and then legs, and then…
Then wires.
The thing floated above the television set. It was a sinewy figure, the angles of its once-well cut suit jutting starkly against its thin flesh. The darkness of its clothing was contrasted by the palor of its face. It seemed like a creature that existed only in black and white, like some Universal Movie monster. It was bound in electrical wires, some buried into its flesh, some simply wrapped around its frame, but they held the figure tight. Some trailed off into the air, but others remained tethered to the television set. As if the creature was bound to it.
It moved through the air, lowering itself to hover just in front of her. Its face faced her own, but its expression was totally blank.
“Who are you?” Scrooge whispered. It gave no reply.
“What are you?”
The TV flashed, and the creature shrieked. The wires sparked, shocking the thing’s entire form. The thing’s eyes opened, as if electricity had powered it up. It wailed, and Scrooge nearly screamed in turn. This thing was in agony, and she could almost feel it. Its eyes stared out in undisguised misery. They stared into her own, and as Scrooge watched in horror, they began to weep. Liquid like the RGB feed from a television dripped from its eyes. It poured down their face, dripping off and vanishing into the air like static.
It tilted its head at Scrooge, looking at her with those awful, awful eyes. When it spoke, its voice sounded as if it were coming through the television set, like some half-garbled recording of a long forgotten program. “Ask me who I was.”
The creature’s voice was warped by pain and static, but Scrooge knew it. She knew it as well as she knew her own, even though she’d not heard it these seven years.
Jacob Marley had been her partner. She’d known him for ages, had known him as she knew herself. He’d not been inclined to numbers as she was, so he handled the advertising. The technology. The man was a worshiper of television. He had no greater god than what could be sold in a few soundbites. There’d been no man alive who understood the art of technology in their business.
“Impossible…” She murmured even as she pulled herself to her feet. Impossible, but she saw it now. Marley was warped by his terrible form, but she could see him under it. The cut of the suit, the frame of the body and face. Marley stared at her, eyes filled with purpose even through his tears. Indeed he seemed to pay the dripping of his eyes no attention as he glided forward, drawing ever closer to her.
Impossible, but there was nobody else it could be. Even after seven years, even after death, she could see traces of the man that was in this thing. The line of a jaw, the set of a mouth.
Jacob Marley. Dead these past seven years. Dead of a stroke that killed him in their offices. As dead as a doornail.
But here all the same.
“…Can you sit down?” Stupid. She wasn’t even sure why she said that. But what else did you say when your dead partner crawled out of your TV set. Marley didn’t seem offended in any case. Though he gave no response, Marley pulled one of the cords around his shoulder and tossed it. The force moved him forward and he glided towards the armchair. For a second Scrooge fancied he might collapse right through it, but the spirit fell heavily into the seat. It seemed to relish the relief. Electricity sparked along its wrists, digging painfully into the flesh, but he didn’t seem to notice.
The two of them stared at each other for a moment. An eternity of words went unsaid, unfelt. For a moment Scrooge felt something. But she quickly stifled it, shoving it down into the locked chest she kept her memories of Marley.
“This isn’t happening.” She said flatly.
Marley didn’t look surprised as she rose to her feet and turned away. “This isn’t happening.” She repeated. “This is a dream. A hallucination. This…this is not happening to me.”
“You don’t believe in me.” Marley replied. His voice was like a radio stuck between stations. She heard echoes of other words, other voices, but they were too faint to make out.
“Fuck no.”
“Why not?”
“…I don’t know.” She admitted.
“Then why doubt at all?” He asked. A thread of electric current ran along his forehead, throbbing like a vein might have in life.
“Because this could be anything. I’ve not checked my carbon monoxide detector in…ever.” As she listed explanations, Scrooge’s bravery grew. “Yes. Yes. The alcohol. All bottled after Chernobyl. This could be a cocktail of monoxide and radiation. Yes. Yes.” She leaned forward, fairly spitting her words at Marley. “Yes. Yes! That’s what you are! All a trick of the mind! All style, no substance!”
Marley rose up, the electricity along his wires flashing with a fury. He dug his fingers into his face, clawing at his cheek as he howled in anguish. His spectral nails drew more of his technicolor blood, the magenta and cyan of his grief sharp against his skin. His shriek seemed to bring with it the grief of ten-thousand lives, his blood the pain of ten-thousand bodies. Marley wailed and bled, and Scrooge felt her very soul falter.
“Stop it! Stop it!”
“DO YOU BELIEVE IN ME OR NOT!” Marley shrieked.
“I do! I do! Stop it!” She begged.
With one final howl Marley ceased to scream, but the gashes from his nails continued to bleed, mixing with his ever-flowing tears. Scrooge could not remember ever seeing Marley cry, but it seemed in death he could not help but weep. Something wet dripped down her own face, and she wiped it away.
“Jacob,” A name reserved for moments of something that had barely existed. “Marley.” She corrected. “Why are you here? Why are you like this?”
“Because I earned it.” Marley replied, voice dripping with pain and regret. A line of current twitched over his heart.
“All mankind is asked to do in life is to help. To go among our fellow man, and do what little we can do. I did nothing. My spirit never went beyond in life, so I go in death.” Marley let out a small wail, a noise half-static and half-misery.
“How could I have been so blind! So STUPID!” He roared. The wires flashed again and he screamed again, this time in pure agony. Scrooge pressed herself further against the couch.
“You are bound in wires, why!?”
“I earned these wires, ounce by ounce and yard by yard. I earned this damnation every day of my life.” Marley took one in hand, and thrust it towards her. “Do you know it, Ellen Scrooge? Yours were as long as mine seven christmas eves ago. Oh, you are an industrious soul, Ellen Scrooge. You have worked on yours.”
“No more, no more. You…" Scrooge began weakly. "You cannot be- Damned? Why should you be damned? You were a good man- of business."
The television set blasted to life, the light blinding in its fury. Marley rose again, and the scream he let out was worse than the first. He howled at her, his wordless expression of rage cutting her to her soul. She tried to jump up, tried to flee, but suddenly his hands were in her shirt and he was pulling her to face him.
His eyes, her partner's eyes, saw her and they hated.
"MANKIND WAS MY BUSINESS. THE COMMON WELL-FARE WAS MY BUSINESS. MERCY. CHARITY. KINDNESS. ALL MY BUSINESS." His voice grew more warped by static as he screamed, to the point she could barely understand him. Ellen managed to pull herself free, the burning sensation of static still lingering in her skin. She scampered over the other side of the couch, desperate to put as much space between Marley and her as she could. This was not her Marley. This was not her Marley.
For a moment, the ghost seemed to reach for her again. Scrooge flinched away, raising an arm in defense. He stared at her, and then looked at its hands. While the fury was still there, it was fading into something else. Something like regret. I’m afraid of him, she realizes with a shudder. I’m afraid of him. How can I be afraid of him?
"Do you have any idea what this is like, Elle?" He asked. For a moment, it sounded like his own voice. His living voice. “Do you have any idea how much this hurts, Elle? Have you any idea of the length of your own chain? It was as long as this seven Christmas Eves ago, when you burned me all alone, Elle."
His words struck her to the core. She’d have preferred he go back to yelling rather than say that. “I…it was the best choice. The economical choice.” She said weakly, trying to defend something she did not believe herself. “I thought it’d be what you wanted…”
“I was all alone, Elle.” He said. His voice had always been what she admired most about Marley. He had been gifted with a gilded tongue. The man could sell ice water in the Arctic with his tenor. And now it was so small. So pathetic. “I was all alone. You left me, all alone. You put me in there, all alone. Why did you do that?”
His sincerity struck her like a knife in her back. She forced herself to rally. “I will not be judged. You’re the one who went and died. Not me. Have you any idea the chaos you left behind?” She moved forward, stepping towards the ghost with all the rage she could muster. It did not flinch back. “You died, in the middle of the last Quarter, in our fucking OFFICE. There was an inquiry, Marley! The police had eyes all over the building. It was weeks before anything could be done. You left, and you have the nerve to yell about things not done?! You wanted attention!? Goddamn your attention! You ruined everything! Be thankful I didn’t throw you in the Thames!”
The venom she spat her last words with surprised even Ellen. It certainly seemed to surprise Marley. His expression flickered, something like grief passing through his face. But she was in no mood to coddle a roaming spirit. She turned furiously, looking out the window. Her arms crossed over her chest, a habit she had while thinking. “What do you want?”
The spirit stayed where she left it. “I have obtained for you a deal. A chance at avoiding my fate.”
“How touching. Would I get my own wires too, or shall we share?” She laughs humorlessly. “But, thank you, Jacob.” She spat his name scornfully. “You always did have an eye for a bargain.”
“The price paid for redemption is not a cheap one.”
“Naturally, if you arranged it. What’s the cut for you, hm?” She said turning around.
“Nothing.” He replied.
“You get the whole price?”
“I get nothing,” He said with all the finality of the grave. “It is too late for me, Ellen.”
Despite her rage, despite her disbelief, and despite her coldness, something in his tone of simple, grieved acceptance chilled her to the bone.
“You have three more appointments for tonight,” He said. “I suggest you prepare yourself.”
“Oh, with who? Let me guess. A psychologist who shall ask me all the ways my father was cruel to me? A lawyer who will read me my rights as I walk into hell?”
“You will be visited,” Marley said. “By three ghosts.”
“…Ghosts?” Ellen asked.
“And is that the chance of salvation?”
“It is.”
“…Keep it. I’ve had enough of ghosts.”
She turned her back on him again. But this time, Marley was not so daunted. The second he was out of sight, she felt his presence at her back. With an electric hiss, a wire snaked over her chest. She gasped in pain as it fell with a weight on her body, on her heart, on her soul. Heavy. So heavy.
Another sought to bind her. And then another. And then another. And then-.
“Stop it!” She begged, ducking under his arm.
Marley looked as if he was about to chase after her. But he stopped. His head tilted as he seemed to listen to something. Ellen couldn’t hear anything but the whine of electricity.
“What is it?” She asked, unable to hide the fear in her voice.
“I can hear it.” He said.
“Hear what?”
“Everything.” He whispered. “Everything. Every bit of misery on television. Every piece of horror broadcasted on the air. Watching. Always watching. All we ever do is watch, Elle. We see, but we are blind. We hear, but we are deaf. All we do is consume.”
Marley shuddered. His appearance seemed jagged around the edges, like a fading image on a television screen.
“I don’t hear anything.” Scrooge said.
Marley looked at her. He glared behind his tears.
“Then listen.”
The air was suddenly alive with grief.
Ellen Scrooge fell to her knees, hands clasped over her ears, as the sound of countless souls filled the room. She could not see them, but their voices rang out in misery. She could not make out a single word, but somehow she knew exactly what was being said. It was the voices of the damned. It was the voices of those who, like Marley could have done something, but never did.
Marley’s hand buried in her shirt and he pulled her up. The light of the television set flickered behind him like the light of God.
“T H E N L I S T E N!” He wailed. Marley was angry. Marley was furious. Marley was afraid.
The television set seemed to let out a terrible shriek of pain. Every light in her apartment turned on at once, blinding her with their glow. The wails of the dead increased into one horrible din.
And then every light went out. Ellen fell on her face. The room was as silent as the tomb.
Marley was gone.
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elinaline · 3 months
Tbh I think "tech literacy is decreasing" is a fallacy. Computers haven't existed under a stable form long enough to define what literacy of their use is. Like ffs my parents were the very first generation to use PC for work for their entire career ! "Tech literacy" in the 90s, the 00s and the 10s do not mean the same, and they don't even mean the same thing between different groups. Do you need to know how the software and the hardware communicate to be tech literate ? Do you need to know how the basics of memory allocation work ? Do you need to know of the myriads of way data can be stored and shared and organized across networks or locally ? Do you need to know about encryption ? Do you need to master the use of an operating system ? Which one ? Do you need to know how to use office softwares ? Which ones ? Do you need to know how to code in a language ? Which language ? To code what ? Python is completely different if you use it to create a software, to model stuff, to analyze tables, or to plot data. Are you still literate if nothing is retro compatible ? LabVIEW 2019 does not allow to open vi from LabVIEW 2013, does that mean thousands of people are now illiterate again ?
No I truly think tech literacy is a non issue and a weird think to wrack your brain on when the real issue is the increasing lack of accessibility and control for the users, not just on computers, macro or micro, but really on everything. Recently I had to buy a new coffee grinder because grinders are not mechanical anymore, they're a small plastic tower with a blade inside, and if you open the plastic case you discover inside there was a tiny stick that pushed a button that is impossible to put back in place anymore. Your sewing machine whose casing used to be cast iron is now plastic with little clips that are made to break when you open it, so you cannot fix it or improve it yourself if you want to keep the warrantee or a functioning machine. Furniture is now delivered pre built with components that are made to break if you try to unscrew them to fix a broken ball bearing drawer tray. Even your fucking pens are now made to be thrown and re bought instead of refilled or fixed. This, imo, is the same issue as software becoming more and more smoothed out with less and less control from the user.
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sweetswesf · 5 months
After receiving the offer, I jumped into high gear to prepare for my new role. They were requiring me to be in the office in Silicon Valley. My prayers to move out of San Francisco had been answered. My whole reason for moving from New York to get to Silicon Valley that I initially dreamed at 21 had come true at 30. Although SF and my last company and becoming a software engineer was a goal that I accomplished in 2019, being a software engineer in Silicon Valley at this type of company was the initial goal. I found a church QUICKLY that seems to be everything I want: diverse, full of happy, friendly, and genuine people, but especially Black people. So many people of all races have welcomed me and asked for my number and check in on me and save me seats and invite me to lunches and hikes and game nights. I’m getting paid more than double what I was making at my last company. I have a quiet apartment with counter space in my bathroom and kitchen. I have a short commute and can walk 10 minutes to the shuttle stop that takes me to campus in a WiFi bus. This place has so much documentation. Services are stable and work. Setting up my laptop, schedule, goals, etc have been great. My team has been so welcoming. They constantly remind me to take my time and that I can hop in when I’m ready. There are 2 other Black women on my team. They invest a lot into their employees and brand. I have a great relationship with my parents and grandparents. My mom calls em everyday. My Mom continued to send me $1000 a month every month until I got my pay check. I didn’t get my paycheck until the end of my 2nd week, but she still sent money my first week of work. I had to move from the first place I moved in because the insulation was so poor that I heard EVERY footstep and thank God I followed what I believe to be His voice to look at my lease to see that they had a 30 day guarantee where I could break my lease no questions asked. I’m in a better place. I have a Costco membership. I get to buy clothes that fit that I enjoy wearing. I still need to be a good steward of the blessings God has given me. I learned how to trim my hair, so I’m truly independent with my hair care. I was freaking out about not knowing Java before I started my new role, but my manager planned before I got there to give me time to ramp up on the language but give me tasks in a language I already know so I could start delivering on the team. He is giving me space while allowing me to feel productive. I’ve received great feedback so far. I know what I’m being asked to do in my role. Things are clear. I feel more responsible. I be tired, but the office is a great temperature! Most of my team is scattered across the country and only me and another colleague come in the office, but we don’t even sit right next to each other so there’s no pressure to show up a certain way. She’s such a sweetheart. Upon meeting me, she asked if she could hug me. It felt like God was hugging me through her. Like, “You made it child.” I’m trying my best to remember where I came from, maintain in relationship with God, keep praying as I did when I really needed God to come through, expect only the best and not let my past or past bad habits haunt me. I went through what I went through for a reason. I’m more patient, responsible, happy, grateful, calm, trusting. When I learned my destination was closed when I got dropped off, my Uber driver said, “You took that pretty well. Most people would be mad.” I’ve come a long way to hear this. This was such a compliment. I’ve learned to chill. I practiced this before getting what I prayed for because I knew God would grant me it.
I know I will face challenges, but I know that I don’t need to worry. Before all these blessings, I thanked God for making it happen, because I knew He would. All while I got to stay true to myself and just focus on doing my best. I have prayers for my life, my career, a marriage, my finances, my health, my family, the world, and I know God is capable. I know things are going to turn out better than I expect.
I had been wanting to share God’s love with y’all for a while, I just needed time to settle in to all the newness. God did exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ask or think. And He can do the same for you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit. God bless you, reader. Whatever you’re going through, I know God can get you through.
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poetzproblem · 5 months
Sorry poetz, but I have to go back to the sex location list because I'm going to need you to expound on something: "Also the baby grand piano that goes into their house in Riverdale." Did Rachel trick Quinn into getting it by saying it was for her singing practice, when in reality she's always had a piano sex fantasy? Or did Quinn gift it to Rachel for her music when in reality Quinn had a piano sex fantasy? Love all you do poetz!
Can it be…
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Both is good.
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One of the perks of buying a house is the many extra rooms, of course, affording Quinn the opportunity to have a full-sized office with space for multiple bookshelves for the first time and Rachel with the opportunity for an actual music room.  Up until this point, her songwriting has been done with a serviceable electronic keyboard that can be easily stored in a closet, audio software on her laptop, and Quinn’s borrowed office whenever she needed a little privacy. Now she gets to have a whole, entire room - and one little electronic keyboard will just not cut it. She obviously needs a real piano for both function and aesthetics. 
“Imagine how elegant a grand piano will look here,” Rachel muses, doing a little spin in the center of the empty room she’s claimed for herself.  
The house is officially theirs as of eleven forty-eight this morning when they’d signed the last paper at the closing. Now they only need to fill it with all of their possessions and all the new possessions that they’ve always wanted but could never cram into their tiny Manhattan apartments. 
Quinn raises a singular eyebrow at her wife’s antics. “Rach, sweetie, I know this room looks big now, but there’s no way we’re fitting a grand piano in here along with your awards case and the keyboard and that pink guitar your dads still have packed away in their closet for you.”
The grin disappears from Rachel’s face. “A baby grand then,” she amends on the fly. “There are a few high quality ones out there.” And with what they’d just spent on this house and what they’ll still be spending for a car that they now need, it's probably best not to sink the full cost of a second summer house into one piano. 
“There are high quality uprights too,” Quinn points out with a critical gaze roaming around the room in obvious contemplation of its dimensions.  
Pursing her lips in determination, Rachel steps closer to Quinn with a sway of her hips and slips her arms around her waist. “Quinn, baby,” she purrs, batting her eyelashes. “An upright isn’t nearly…sturdy enough for our needs.”
Hazel eyes meet hers in mild bemusement. ”Why would…?” she begins but abruptly bites off her own question, eyes suddenly sparkling with understanding. 
A slow, wolfish grin slants across her mouth, and Rachel knows that her wife is remembering a very particular fantasy that she’d once related to Rachel - one that Rachel had really had no way to safely fulfill in a way that wouldn't potentially get them arrested for public indecency. “Yes, sturdy would be better…for reasons.” 
Rachel hums in agreement, hands drifting lower to the curve of Quinn’s ass. “I knew you’d see it my way.” 
“You know, Teresa did tell us there was no hurry to pick up the girls today,” Quinn reminds her in that raspy, suggestive tone that never fails to resonate right down Rachel’s spine.  “We should take this time to review all of your many needs for this room.” Soft, skilled fingertips sneak a little farther underneath Rachel’s blouse with every word. 
Rachel closes her eyes on a sigh, leaning into her wife’s warm body. “If we were ten years younger, I’d let you have me on this hardwood floor right here and now.” 
Quinn chuckles huskily, her lips already sliding down to Rachel’s pulse point. “Oh sweetheart, don’t you know by now how creative I can be?” 
Heat sizzles through Rachel’s body when that talented mouth connects to her skin with intent, and she tips her head back, giving in just enough - just for a moment - to indulge in the impossible fantasy. Quinn takes the invitation without any hesitation, and before Rachel even realizes what’s happening, her back is hitting the nearest wall and her very professional black skirt is unzipped.  
“Quinn,” she gasps out in surprise, eyes flying open. 
“We should test out how sturdy this wall is, don’t you think?” Quinn asks, far from innocently. One palm is flat against that wall while the fingertips of her other are already dancing under the loose waistband of Rachel’s skirt. “It’s where your awards case is going after all.” 
And it is, of course. Quinn knows her too well. It’s the best place for the light of the window to reflect off her many statuettes in a way that will make them positively sparkle. 
Rachel’s eyes dart to that same open window, and then to the still open door of the otherwise empty room, and then she remembers that this is their house and they’re the only ones with the keys to the front door (that they did remember to lock behind them) and their precious, precocious daughters are safe in Manhattan, and Quinn is already doing very pleasant things to her body that she really doesn’t have any desire to put a stop to. 
“You’d better not throw out your back,” she warns, but her body is already giving in - hands pulling Quinn closer and thighs parting enough to give her more room to work. 
Quinn laughs, teasing, “So sexy in your old age, Mrs. Fabray.”  
Rachel’s fingers twist into blonde locks. “I’m merely protecting a long term investment, Quinn.” Her lips curve into an impish grin. “I still need you to help me shop for that piano.”  Quinn’s fingers sink deeper in blissful retaliation, and Rachel moans breathlessly. “Among other things.” 
“I’ll show you other things.” 
And she does. 
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morn1e · 1 month
6 flames so 6 unpopular opinions😁
ppl who follow celebrities&check up their social media daily r sad as hell. why do u care abt what some rich guy is up 2?
smoked salmon is. not that good.
ppl who buy legal software like microsoft office or windows os should Not b trusted. learn how 2 pirate.
that baby voice that ppl use when talking 2 infants or animals should b like not fucking allowed. why r u giving some1 special treatment? do u think they r worth less&should b thought of as being stupid enough they should hear u talk a moron bcuz only then they will understand u? use ur normal voice.
chihuahuas r not demons that ppl make them out 2 b. they r just little fellows. treat them with respect. treat them holy.
gel pens fucking suck they should b banned across all continents
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