#when creation and art is the very embodiment of humanity
discoshhtick · 7 months
Only very close to crying thinking about how it seems like all the fucking websites are thinking of launching some type of system to feed all the images uploaded onto them to an AI learning system. It's so beyond fucked that this is what artists today have to fight against, just to be seen we risk getting our shit stolen by greedy capitalist machines
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furicookiebndz · 8 months
Lucifer x !FemReader : My old friend
Hello everyone, it is my first time writing this, i hope it will be good enough, have fun! This fan art isn't mine. Full credits to the amazingly talented artist/creator.
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It has been thousands of years since evil began.
Lucifer, whose pride blinded him, attempted to dethrone the creator, only to ultimately fail and be banished from Paradise.
Lilith, who refused to submit to Adam, in turn fled from this magical place, but which hides many facades.
Yet few people know that with them, a third person flew out of Paradise. And even rarer are people who know the cause, 3 to be precise.
However, behind this unusual act lie very dark secrets, seen as…
-Can you stop, Vag'? You're giving me a headache.
The young woman turned her head towards the source of this execrable voice, a spider who was visibly lying carefree on the sofa, arms behind her head, a bored expression on her face.
Refraining from answering him, she continued:
Tragic, some thought it was another rebellious woman, others a fallen angel because of a serious crime, but that wasn't logical, what's worse than to confront the creator?"
-That doesn't help all of us, the young woman noted, running her hand through her hair, frustrated.
-It would be beneficial to have her on our side, especially if she has such a significant influence on the world of the living and beyond, Charlie concluded thoughtfully.
-But she hid from the world, living as a hermit. Many think it's a myth, but given what's been happening lately, I believe it's much more present than sinners think.
Vaggie rubbed her temples, trying to come up with an idea.
-Who the hell are you talking about? I hate it when you pretend to be Sherlock and leave me like the old cookie in the back of the cupboard.
-Are you interested in what we do? retorted Vaggie sarcastically
-No, more about why you were busting my balls, joked Angel.
-You don't even have one, asshole, mumbled quietly Husk, taking a sip of his cheap booze.
-Want to check~? It is free for you kitty cat.
-Not even for a thousand balls, growled quietly Husk, who was beginning to lose his patient.
-Ouuh finally a price there is progress, Daddy, the spider sent him a kiss
Alastor, who was reading a book by the fireplace, decided to speak
-Charlie, Darling, you seem concerned about this person Let me see…
He seemed surprised for a moment, before smiling more, if possible.
-My my, what a terrible coincidence. The person you are looking for is one of the most sought after. Didn't Lucifer tell you about Lady (Y/N)?
-Um… We're not exactly talking about all that-
“Daddy issues,” Husk muttered.
Alastor continued:
-As reported in this document, she flew away shortly after your parents. She was a person living in Heaven, she was not human, but not an angel entirely though, she had two pairs of wings, although she is the appearance of a mortal, yet she had her own power, not to be underestimated. She embodied humor, justice and determination. In short, all these things that are way too boring-
-Cut it short, Alastor, Vaggie said, snapping her fingers.
-But when Lucifer challenged God, she did not follow him, not because she had to beat him, but because he knew just as well as she did that what he was doing was wrong. For the first time in her life she felt an immense disappointment in the love he had once inspired in her, and the semblance of a relationship that was perhaps tending to end disappeared with the appearance of the first demon, your father, Charlie.
However, you are aware that shortly after the creation of Lilith, she quickly became friends with your mother, and when she flew away from Paradise, and she learned the cause, she entered in a black anger, so black that Gabriel had difficulty in containing it, Until then, she had always been obedient, never contesting the decisions, which were of infallible Justice, but this departure had torn away part of her herself. She confronted the lord, she tried to rally the others to her cause, but nothing changed. Disappointed, she left that place, and no one ever saw her again.
There was a heavy silence for a moment, before Angel said:
-So…Is she still a virgin?
Vaggie rolled her eyes before Charlie had an idea:
I'm sure she's not that far away. Maybe I should ask my father to contact her again. She must care about him, at least I hope so, and if I convince her, Gabriel won't be able to object!
Vaggie refrained from adding a comment, she knew it was too good to be able to do it, but in front of her girlfriend's adorable face, she couldn't refuse anything.
-No, Lucifer said firmly, before Charlie could even finish his idea.
-But dad-
-End of discussion, I don't want to hear anything, he turned around and mechanically squeezed the rubber duck in his hand, like an anti-stress ball.
Lucifer seemed elsewhere, deep in thought. His friend, his old friend…
“Luciferrrrr!” A burst of joy appeared as she walked towards him, a smile on her lips, a book in her hands.
Lucifer as usual had a lyre in his hands. He looked up at Y/N and smiled.
One discussion led to another, he shared his ideas about the mortal world, while she agreed with some and shared her opinion on others. They would sometimes just stay silent, or she would read aloud from a book, and he would then accompany her with his lyre.
Such a beautiful memory…
Why Lucifer?! Why did you do this?
This same friend was there with her eyes filled with tears, disappointed in him.
Lucifer looked down. One mistake, just one mistake, had caused him to lose those he considered family, and his closest friend.
He wanted to tell her that it was just a misunderstanding, that it was for the best, but the damage was already done.
He took Lilith's hand and without a word, left for their new home.
The young woman, in tears, could only watch them leave, the man she loved and her friend, without being able to do anything, because her principles prevented her. Gabriel placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and said nothing. If she knew, he couldn't imagine how she would have reacted
Lucifer seemed to come out of his thoughts and focused on a family portrait. Lilith was already gone, after their separation he only had his daughter left, and after a second of thought he sighed and said:
-I'll see what I can do…
-It's true? Oh thank you Dad, thank you thank you thank you!, cried Charlie enthusiastically.
She took him in her arms, and Lucifer said to himself that finally, if having a hug from his daughter meant having to seek the 7 rings of Hell and even the beyond, he would do it without complaining.
Now all that remained was to find it, the most complicated part…
Lucifer, Charlie and the hotel members thought for several days, using all their knowledge and powers to find her. If she was neither in Hell, nor in Heaven, or even in the mortal world, she must be between the latter options-
Lucifer suddenly had an idea, remembering a conversation they had shared long ago, and he cast an incantation, which opened a portal to a world- no, a unique place, so messy and blurry, and yet so… familiar, as if he were…
“In the middle of a dream,” Charlie whispered softly. The rest of the team followed her, looking around curiously. Lucifer asked himself so many questions, was it a place where souls rested between life and death? He did not know it. After all, the soul left the body for a while when it slept, that would explain the place.
-Who are you? I sense human souls, but something else…
They saw several women advancing, of great beauty, similar to fairies, but armed, ready to defend themselves, if it was not for another who stopped them by raising her hand, she advanced slowly, and Lucifer recognized her completely. right now.
-(Y/N)..Lucifer seemed upset to see her, and tried to pull himself together by talking to himself. "Ok, Ok. It's going to be okay buddy, you can do it, you can do it", When he met her gaze, he lost all his courage and hid behind Charlie.
-What? I-I'm just covering your back Charlie.
-At least what I thought of you is true, you're just a sissy Lucifer, Alastor sneered.
You looked at him for a moment, the man you had loved for thousands of years, it was..strange. You didn't know whether you should greet him or hit him.
-Lucifer, what is the honor of this visit worth to me? In 10,000 years you have never had the decency to come visit me.
Sarcasm. Something unusual about you, he couldn't help but admire you. Your two pairs of wings were now grey, but your eyes were still this soft (e/c) shade, but now full of resentment, and perhaps.. mockery?
-And you, you must be his daughter, mhh?
You moved closer to her and observed her suspiciously, while she was sweating profusely, and Vaggie seemed on the edge on attacking you, and to her surprise, you smiled widely and took her in your arms, with surprising strength.
-My lord you are his carbon copy, so pretty~, you squish her cheek cheeks and gush about her, while she laughs awkwardly.
Everyone was stunned by how fast the tension dissipates, and the women behind you giggle, seemingly aware by how fast your emotions tend to change. Lucifer smiles, maybe he still had a chance..
-But you seem so polite, unlike some, you cast a dark look at Lucifer, and greeted the others with a sympathetic and curious look, their offering to sit down for a while to talk.
...maybe not finally.
-If I understood everything, you created a hotel to rehabilitate sinners… and are trying to convince Heaven, is that right?
She nodded and Lucifer tried to add something, but you stopped him:
-I don't speak with traitors and liars, especially if they forget to send me a life message for eons.
Lucifer doesn't say anything wanting to make anything worse. He knew he was wrong, and sighed heavily.
(Y/N)-1 Lucifer-0.
-Damn, this girl is awesome, Angel whispered excitedly.
Vaggie continued:
-Lady (Y/N), you still have decent relationship with heaven.Could you try talking to some highers-up about it? Like Gabrie-
-No, this thing is no longer part of my circle of close friends, I can still try to talk about it again with Sera and Emily, but I can't do anything with the other weirdo.
Charlie felt hopeless, and she took your hands and looked at you with a miserable expression.
-I beg you, you must speak to him, my people are dying every year at the hands of the exorcists, and I-I cannot stand by and do nothing. Can you try..?
At his beaten puppy look, you widened your eyes, it was exactly-
Please don't tell them where I was, Lucifer pleaded with adorable eyes. You sighed but smiled, nodding your head.
-Well, i will. But I'm not promising anything though-
-Thank you thank you thank you, she hugged you, and you hugged her back with a smile.
Lucifer felt his heart beat faster, these two women who are precious to him have finally met, and got along better than he expected.
Now all he had to do was sort out one last problem.
Explanations were made. You listened patiently, and after a while you answered:
-Why Lucifer, didn't you tell me before? I-I thought I was your friend.
Lucifer held her gaze, and for the first time in millennia he took his courage in both hands and took hers:
-I didn't want to see your disappointed look, I know I made a mistake, but I only thought about doing the right thing. And I-
-You got scared?
He nodded, and you sighed:
-I don't blame you, at least not anymore.
He raised his eyes, feeling a bit of hope, and feeling Charlie's encouraging look, he continued:
-So, can we try again? I mean our relationship- Well our friendship!
He blushed slightly and you chuckled softly:
-Yes, always Lucifer.
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monstersdownthepath · 3 months
Herald of Brigh: Latten Mechanism
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CR 15
Neutral Large Construct
Adventure Path: Iron Gods: Lords of Rust, pg. 84~85
One of the few Heralds to exist outside of Inner Sea Gods, much like Courage Heart before it, Latten Mechanism* got some serious mileage out of being allowed to stretch across two entire pages, having complete art, lore, a personality, and a kit more complex than most Heralds’! And just LOOK at how adorable that art is! Of course, when you see what it can do to any hostiles it encounters, you may not find it as cute as I do.
*Note: not “The” Latten Mechanism, mind; first name Latten, last name Mechanism, though it’s not opposed to having a “The.” To preserve my sanity, I’ll be shortening it to Latten or Mechanism from here on out unless I feel like being dramatic.
This gigantic machine is a direct creation of Brigh, Goddess of Invention, and dutifully serves her as a siege engine and destroyer of all impediments of mankind’s progress... despite having a personality akin to a loving parent towards more or less every Construct it meets, an a excitable engineer when encountering a mechanism it has never seen before, and an enthusiastic mentor towards any inventor or craftsman it meets. Embodying ALL aspects of Brigh, Latten is also a master engineer, its Master of Crafting and Integrated Crafting Tools allowing it to perform ANY feat of crafting it desires, the former allowing to reallocate its 18 ranks of Craft between any Craft medium(s) it can envision with just 10 minutes of work, the latter allowing it to fabricate masterwork tools for any Craft skill it has without limit or restriction. If speed is needed, it’s got Fabricate at 3/day to cheat on its Craft checks, though it prefers the slow and methodical approach.
But it’s not JUST the act of creation, it’s defending what has already been made. It has several spell-likes which exclusively affect items, structures, and Constructs (such as Make Whole, Rapid Repair, and Unbreakable Construct) to shield its precious “children” and creations from being destroyed, or even harmed. Even further than its spell-likes, Latten has all the abilities of a Lyre of Building, a magic item that can shield all structures within 300ft from all forms of damage for 30 entire minutes AND rapidly craft entirely new structures and pathways as if it were a team of 100 humans working without pause for three entire days... but should it need to, it deals Double Damage Against Objects, an ability which does exactly what you think it does, letting it easily dismantle any device it encounters if that’s what its goddess wills. 
Latten Mechanism is capable of razing or raising entire towns in an hour of work, and all this is before we get to talking about what it can do against player characters directly!
Before we get to its offense, let’s take a look at its defenses first, because the first thing you should check with any Construct is if it can hold its own without crumbling to its component parts with a slight brush. To start off, Latten has DR 10/Adamantine and Magic, except not really; remember Unbreakable Construct? THAT lovely little spell is one it can cast on itself, raising its DR by 5 points to a total of 15. If you don’t have a proper weapon to bypass its reinforced DR, you’re not likely to be outpacing its Fast Healing 10, its body swiftly rebuilding itself right before your very eyes in a manner I think would be fun to watch.
In addition to the standard 26 Spell Resistance possessed by many Heralds, it’s got Cold and Fire Resistance 30 and is outright immune to Acid damage. You would THINK a giant clockwork bug would have the same Vulnerability to Electricity as most Clockwork monsters, but Latten Mechanism has no such weakness. It’s got no resistance to Electricity, mind, but it’s not especially damaged by it, something savvy players may be counting on if they find themselves face-to-faceface with the Herald. Bringing lightning against it might see the bolts bouncing back, in fact, as Latten can cast Lightning Bolt 3/day for a literally shocking bit of ranged burst damage.
That’s not its only ranged attack, and it’s not even the most damaging! Once every 1d4 rounds, the Mechanism can blast a 120ft line with 12d6 Acid OR Electricity damage, showering an area with dramatic bolts or corrosive gas. Able to swap freely back and forth between both damage types, Latten can remove both enemies and obstacles alike, the Electricity damage also giving it unique power against both Clockworks and Robots, two foes it relishes in battling. Not because it enjoys killing “rival” machines, but because it enjoys observing how they function in battle; Latten prefers to not destroy any Construct if it can avoid doing so and especially views killing an intelligent Construct as an unforgivable sin, preferring to incapacitate and reason with them instead. If normal words won’t work, Latten can use Soothe Construct (at-will) or Control Construct (3/day) to pacify such foes once it feels as though it has observed them enough.
Against living or Undead foes, Latten grants quarter only to those who relent first, making it uniquely merciful among the Neutral Heralds. The Mechanism doesn’t attack any creature that stays out of its way, even going as far as to warn anyone nearby that it’s about to muck with the local topography with Move Earth (which it can cast at-will!) or that it’s about to spear straight through a structure like a sapient bulldozer, granting people enough time to get out of its way or evacuate. If they don’t (or can’t), that’s on them. Once it revs its jaws up, whatever its goddess has marked is sure to be destroyed.
Latten Mechanism possesses only one natural attack, but it’s a doozy, dealing 6d8+13 damage PLUS 6d8 Acid or Electricity damage on top of that. Anything struck is in danger of being Grabbed by the mechanical jaws, at which point the mechanisms within the Mechanism’s head sprout out and swiftly grind through the captured foe, dealing an additional 6d8 bludgeoning damage AND 6d8 Acid or Electricity damage. Not breaking the Latten Mechanism’s grapple means taking 12d8+13 + 12d8 Acid/Electricity damage a round (average damage ~130), often enough to shred anything it’s got grabbed... but if it encounters something or someone it either cannot or does not want to chew through, it can instead regurgitate iron cables from its mouth to Entrap any creature it’s grabbed, forcing them to make a DC 19 Fortitude save (which Constructs struggle with) or be entangled for 1d10 rounds, and rendered entirely helpless if they fail a second save before the Entrap wears off.
If you think a monster with only one big attack is less threatening than a lot of little ones, you’re mostly right, but the Mechanism has ways around that. Not only does it have Cleave to hit two people a round with one attack, it can cast both Haste AND Slow 3/day each, the former giving it an additional bite during a Full-Attack, while the latter may mire the party to prevent them from keeping up with its Fast Healing... but the Haste is even more powerful than it first seems, because the Mechanism has an army at its beck and call. Once per day, it can instantly snap four Clockwork Soldiers together from a storage of parts in its body, the machines individually posing little threat to a party, but when working together and supported by the Mechanism’s spell-likes and Entrap, can swiftly dispatch a party whose individual members are far above their own meager CR 6. 
Hey, do you remember Double Damage Against Objects? Do you know what Clockwork Soldiers are really, really good at? Disarming people. And then throwing the weapons they’ve stolen directly into the grinding jaws of the Latten Mechanism, where they’ll take an average of over a hundred damage, likely destroying them utterly even if they’re enchanted adamantine! Hope that wasn’t the only weapon you had that could pierce the Herald’s DR... Also, these Soldiers remain animated for only one hour before collapsing into their component parts, which I assume Latten recycles each time, but the adorable mental image occurs to me of the Herald summoning its soldiers for an engineer to study... and when they collapse, the challenge for that engineer becomes “put them back together perfectly.”
Already this article is so much longer than most! That’s the benefit of getting to grow across two different pages! Which reminds me--the Mechanism is capable of adjusting its size at will, shrinking down to Medium or growing to Huge as it sees fit with a single standard action. In addition to letting it calmly walk around workshops without risking damage to them, this gives it quite the surprise round; what you thought was just a small, amusing clockwork automaton suddenly ballooning in size until it’s tall as a house and biting 40 hitpoints out of you during the surprise round. If you thought being in melee with a critter with a considerable Cleave was bad when its reach was just 10x10, just wait to see how bad it gets at 15x15! And did I mention the Walls of Iron it can call up...?
There’s at least some good news here: so long as the party isn’t threatening some one-of-a-kind miracle machine or trying to set civilization back by a few decades by destroying a revolutionary invention, they’ll probably never be caught in the Latten Mechanism’s warpath. It’s more likely the party will be seeking the Mechanism’s assistance in creating or analyzing some work of artifice; that IS its specialty, after all!
You can read more about it here.
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velvet-vox · 4 months
The dark side of Steampunk: Nox (Part 1)
There is this video made by the Youtuber schnee about Hazbin Hotel, and how its grimsical art style serves the purpose of forming the setting and dictating every writing decision through the usage of its thematic connotations.
It's a pretty interesting video to watch if you are a fan of that series, but I'm not here to talk about that.
No, I'm here to talk about a specific part of that video.
There's a certain timestamp in the video where schnee all of a sudden starts to talk about a movie named "Aeronauts", and how it perfectly nails the Steampunk aesthetic through its understanding of the themes of Steampunk and the historic/social connotations of his it's existence. Here:
For the purposes of his argument, schnee explains to us what Steampunk is all about and compares it to grim dark. While this was fascinating and all, after I've learned the meaning behind the Steampunk aesthetic I couldn't help to think about Noximilliem Coxen the Watchmaker from Wakfu, and how the show writers and character designers twisted the positive vibes of the style to create a more impactful and terrifying antagonist that swims confidently in his own aesthetic.
Today, I'm going to break down how Nox's story uses and twists the meaning of Steampunk to help him stand out.
There's going to be multiple parts to this analysis, so expect me to add their link in the future, but for now, I'm going to focus my attention entirely on the OVA episode and I'll tackle the main series at a later date.
The OVA:
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Noximilien is a brilliant inventor specialized in the creation of clocks. His over excitement at the prospect of being the one to find the next big thing is very reminiscent of the classic Victorian scientist present in many stories, usually on the protagonist's side: at the start of his character arc, Milien is the embodiment of the optimism native of the XIX century from which Steampunk stories often take place.
Characterised by the industrial boom, Steampunk (Nox) seeks out to revolutionise the rigid lifestyle of the Victorian era through the wonders of machinery and science. This right here seems like the classic setup for any story of the genre, surely it can't vary more than this?
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Unfortunately for our Watchmaker, this is the part where another genre of storytelling is introduced into the mix: the Eldritch horror.
Stories of Eldritch Horror are often characterised by the fear of the unknown: humans going insane trying to understand things that were never intended to be understood, some light ho######ia and ra###m sprinkled here and there, but you can't blame Lovecraft for being a bigot when he was so much worse than that.
Nox finds a mysterious object coming from outer space, it acts weird and suspicious, and he can't understand it, so he takes it back home where he can study it. (I don't know what the bubbles emitted from the cube and the following psychosis are meant to entail, but I think it's up to interpretation).
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Immediately, Milien sees the cube as an exciting new discovery, already picking apart its effects on his clock and quickly brushing aside how it affected Igôle. It's honestly not that uncommon in stories of this genre, the inventor tends to be pretty self centered and not particularly emotionally intelligent, it's a flaw that tends to go undeveloped, but it's usually never a problem for these people (Unless they are the villain 🌚).
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But here, it's where unfortunately the rift between his family and his desires starts to form: at the beginning of the episode, Galanthe was nothing but supportive of her husband's passion for his inventions and the future, but here, when she asks her husband to let go of his current hyper fixation, she, quite literally, puts a stop to the Industrial dream, one of the cores of this genre; basically rejecting Nox himself, whose the personification of Steampunk.
Naturally, Milien is at fault here, he shouldn't be taking her response too dramatically, but this is going to be the base to his later turn towards the obsession.
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While we're here, I might as well mention the beggar and the puppet show.
They're not all that important to Noximilien's character arc (aside from the money problem giving him a ticking clock to all of his actions🌚🌚), but they do provide important pieces of character building and themes for our analysis, so I'm going to briefly touch on them.
The beggar and the puppet show serve to better establish and build up our Steampunk narrative before it can later be destroyed by the Eliacube.
The beggar, is our representation of society. More specifically, Victorian society. He's naturally unimpressed by Milien's creativity and ingenuity, and only seeks to get his part of the bargain. He's strict, rigid, and he's clearly intended to be the obstacle in this situation.
The conflict between the beggar and Milien parallels the conflict between the Victorian society and the positivity of modern science; said tension is the bread and butter of Steampunk and the reason why this aesthetic gained so much popularity in the first place.
The puppet show, created by our inventor, is, again, another establishing piece for our setting, it's the original direction Nox's character was supposed to take, becoming someone who uses their brilliance and generosity to better the world and brighten their family's lives.
If only Milien stayed in bed that night instead of going to temper with the Eliacube, who knows what could have happened.
Maybe, he wouldn't have found the Cube to be all that shiny when he woke up the next morning......
Next part>>>>
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Hi, do you have any recommendations for someone who wants something silly? Or maybe something inspired by platformers like Mario, Sonic, Banjo-Kazooie, Crash, etc.?
THEME: Silly Games
Two platformers and two silly games, coming right up! These are all pretty rules-light recs, which I wasn't super surprised about, considering "silly little guys" is a theme that pops into most TTRPG designers' heads at one point or another - and then by that point you just want to get the game out there.
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Dream Allies, by Quest Friends!
Wishland is under attack! This sleepy magical world has a BIG problem, and the only person who can save it is shaped like a friend.
Dream Allies is a bite-sized tabletop roleplaying game for 2+ players inspired by the Kirby games. Work together to create a friend and help them save Wishland from one of 16 problems, but be careful! Without your help, these problems might be too big for even your friend to chew.
A two-page game with three stats and some very cute character fluff, Dream Allies will all work together to fix a Very Big Problem. In this game, each player creates a character who acts as an ally to the hero, while the hero is created and shared by everyone at the table. As a result, this game works as a GM-less game. There’s interesting enemies, little dances, and a big villain who was there all along.
Spindash, by MadLobotanist.
Spindash is a One-Page RPG inspired by a Certain Blue Hedgehog. It's designed to tell stories about Saving the Day and Beating the Bad Guys. Its simple character creation that leaves room to make all sorts of different characters.
This game is similar to Dream Allies in that it is quick, one page, and has only three stats to worry about. However, each player embodies an equally heroic character, with the Game Master embodying the rest of the scene. There’s a small table of inspiration to get you started - after a few minutes of set-up, you’re ready to go!
Secret Science Sewer Siblings, by Cloven Pine Games.
You and your siblings are sewer animals mutated into bipedal beings with bodies and minds similar to human adolescents. You've also been trained in ancient martial arts. Go rescue your mentor and learn to share pizza with your siblings!
A simple tabletop RPG in the vein of Lasers & Feelings. Perfect for onboarding interested newcomers into the world of roleplaying games.
Unlike many popular Lasers & Feelings games, this game has four Stats, rather than two: Teenager, Mutant, Ninja and Cryptid. You’ll still assign a number to each one, but in this case, the highest stat is always the best one, and a low roll is always good. This game also has one of the most comprehensive GM page for a Lasers & Feelings kind of game that I’ve seen before - there’s advice on keeping the game in the right genre-space, some good fallbacks when figuring out where to start or what to do next, and a “Team Pie” that works like Forged in the Dark clocks! This game isn’t an ENnie nominee for nothing!
Mouse Cult - by MintRabbit (me!)
You are mice, and you are in a cult.
You may be small, but your dreams are larger than life. Sniff, Squeak, Supplicate and Squeeze your way to increasing your deity's magical power, rolling a number of different polyhedral dice in the process. 
This game is 2 pages, designed for brochure layout. It has information about Mouse stats and powers, as well as a few obstacles for the Game Mouse to present to their players.
This game is meant to be short and silly, and uses 4 different kind of dice. It’s also free!
Other games I’ve recommended in the past
Clown Helsing, by Planarian.
Cephalopod Squad, by The Mirage Company.
Slugblaster, by Wilkie’s Candy Lab.
Jellyfish Felonies, by Penguins King Games.
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ink-flavored · 6 months
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Heaven and Angels
BTS Series: ⬅ Table of Contents - Hell and Demons➡ Also available on Neocities! P&J Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection @auroblaze@zeenimf @vacantgodling @foxys-fantasy-tales Banner art by @auroblaze
For any story that contains magic, it’s important to have a good idea of how it works and what its limitations are, even if the mechanics of the magic are never explored in the story. I like to have a full idea of what magic can and cannot do in my work, so that it doesn’t feel like a cheap cop-out.
In Pride & Justice, both angels and demons have similar but conflicting magic powers. In this post, I’ll be discussing the angels, and how Heaven functions!
The Structure of Heaven
The Kingdom of Heaven is not a castle in the clouds. It’s not a castle at all, nor any sort of physical place someone might be able to reach. Heaven is one patch in a marvelous quilt of creation, stitched by the One and Only God. Like that same quilt folded into halves, Heaven rests over Earth, a dimension far beyond the stretch of outer space.
Humans, once called back to God after their deaths, can never return to Earth, merely able to peek over the edge and glimpse the world they left. Intentionally so—they were never meant to grasp the power that Heaven might grant, built for Earth and Earth alone. Angels, however, are created in Heaven and able to make use of their higher position, They can slip easily through the gaps in the stitching, hopping from one quilt-square to another. Most of the time, however, angels are working in Heaven, carrying out tasks they’re given by the Almighty to keep Heaven running.
Where the humans stay and where the angels work are separate. Paradise is a walled garden—while there may not be a castle, the gates are decidedly real. Those worthy of Heaven are escorted to the innermost sanctum of Heaven to begin their eternal rest, and on the way, they might pass thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of God’s soldiers. Angels defend Heaven tirelessly, ensuring that worthy souls can enjoy their well-earned peace.
And, as always, preparing for Judgement Day with a hand on their swords.
The soldiers and servants of God, created by Him to serve the interests of Heaven. They are made to be righteous, born with all capacity for good, compelled to aid humanity, and serve God wherever they go. They operate on a strict hierarchy, like any army should, and prioritize following orders to the letter.
After all, what could be more righteous than carrying out God’s Word?
When angels are born, they have no names, nor a solid form. The flaming wheels, hundreds of eyes, dozens of wings, animal heads, and so on are a manifestation of their raw power, beautiful in its own way, but unfocused. Instead of being given a domain to watch over explicitly, God gives them a hidden purpose, a virtue to follow, and the free will to discover it for themselves.
The Nameless angels might take centuries to discover what they were made for. In that time they study under their fellow angels, contemplate God’s Word, and get sent to Earth to work miracles and observe humanity outside of paradise.
Once the Nameless discover the purpose God gave them, they are celebrated, named, and become Realized.
A Realized angel is one who has embodied their virtue so completely that it reshapes them. This can be any virtue in God’s Kingdom—there are angels of honesty, passion, charity, justice, faith, and so on. Each of the Realized are named for their given virtue and are permitted to choose a secondary form: a form resembling humanity, built in God’s own image.
Angels can choose the ins and outs of their new forms, down to the very minuscule details. Some even choose to keep some of their Nameless features—multiple heads, sets of wings, limbs, and so on. Importantly, though, once an angel has chosen their Realized form, their state is permanent. Realizing the purpose God created them for can only happen once, obviously, and the resulting change is a blessing. Not to be questioned or challenged. In times of great need, they can revert to their Nameless forms for a less concentrated but extremely powerful blast of holy energy.
Once Realized, angels are given more concrete tasks to perform around Heaven. Many are still sent to Earth, and studying under God and each other is an eternal practice, but now they can be equipped as the soldiers they were born to be.
Virtues like justice, diligence, and fortitude join the ranks as Heaven’s army. For organization, honesty, prudence, and temperance maintain the structure of Heaven and keep God’s Word at the forefront. The gentler virtues, like kindness, charity, hope, and faith remain steadfast protectors of humanity and help keep the hardened soldiers in check. The remainder—virtues like patience, humility, love, and passion—are the main force that fly down to Earth to bless humanity, though they play a role in Heaven too. Even their fellow angels need occasional reminders of what they’re fighting for.
If all of Heaven is an army, the Archangels are its generals, bringing orders from God down to the ordinary rank-and-file. They rarely go to Earth, and even their fellow angels don’t see much of them. They’re hardly seen outside the few moments when orders are delivered, only carrying out the highest caliber of tasks themselves. All of them sit very close to the Throne of God, a place no other angel is permitted to tread… anymore.
Lately, the orders from the archangels, supposedly the Word of God Himself, have grown erratic and contradicting. Some might even call them paranoid, trying to fix problems that don’t exist, or that would cause a great deal more of them. Since the change, the Archangels have ordered on God’s behalf to tighten ranks, monitor the gates, scrutinize every last soul seeking refuge in the Kingdom of Heaven. Having no choice, the Kingdom of Heaven agreed.
Things are tense among the ordinary angels. God hasn’t been seen outside His throne room for centuries. The Archangels don’t seem to understand the orders they’re giving either. To quell the confusion, they insist that everyone trust in God’s Word and carry out His mission. When the Day of Judgement comes, they’ll all be thankful they did.
In Heaven, an angel’s power is negligible. They serve God, they live eternally, they protect Heaven, but they’re only as powerful as each other. The laws of their realm are not easily persuaded by any but God Himself. It’s when they travel to Earth that their power becomes awesome indeed, able to bend and warp reality almost by mistake.
An angel at their full capacity for power will be able to perform miracles, grant blessings, and heal any wound they touch, but it’s unsustainable to all but the most powerful archangels to remain at their full capacity for long. Without a regular connection to Heaven—the dimension that is the source of their power—an angel’s abilities will begin to wane and become less potent. Eventually, their inherent gifts might drain so far that they become stuck on Earth, trapped as a human with no way to return.
Most rank-and-file angels visiting Earth for short periods use almost all their power in one burst to perform a single miracle, and then immediately retreat to avoid this fate. As all angels can feel the emotional and physical pain of the humans nearest to them, with a very wide range, this makes it easy to find places where miracles are needed. This is especially true of the Nameless, who find it difficult to maintain a presence on Earth for very long anyway. Once Realized, they’re able to focus their miracles to the pain that would best be served by their virtue, aiding humanity in more specific ways.
A minority of Realized angels wander with their powers hidden from the world around them, existing as perfectly average humans until they find an opportunity that suits them best. This is something taken up by angels that have existed for centuries upon centuries, who know their limits well, and have spent time among humans in paradise and on Earth enough to know how to blend in. Although, blending in isn’t always necessary.
When an angel spreads their wings on Earth, usually in preparation to use their power, humans stop seeing them. A being that exists between planes of existence is incalculable for the human brain to process, so their vision is simply edited not to see them. The only ones that perceive the angel are the ones that the angel directs their power to. Once the angel is gone, however, the memory is quickly edited again. Some are left wondering if what they saw was real, some forget it entirely. Either way, a miracle occurs.
So! That was the world-building I have set up so far. What do you think? I hope I got across the domino cascade that leads to the story, and why it starts as soon as Justice breaks the rules—or at least part of it. Because next time, we’re talking about Hell!
Thanks for your generous support, as always!
— Annika
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khrused-archived · 5 months
ok  so  hera  was  originally  meant  to  be  a  muse,  right?  she  was  meant  to  inspire  art  and  beautiful  things  into  the  world  but  got  corrupted.  but  either  way,  art  is  in  her  foundation...   but  i  always  considered  it  lost  (until  later  in  her  life  when  she  decides  to  go  back  to  school  and  get  her  GED  and  BA  in  art  history)  i'm  just  now  kinda  realizing  how  important  art  has  been  throughout  her  story??  and  i  totally  didn't  do  these  on  purpose,  but  i  wonder  if  subconsciously,  i  did?  idk  but  look  what  i  just  realized: 
-alex,  although  a  lawyer  and  not  an  artist,  is  an  avid  an  art  collector.  hera  was  surrounded  by  art  throughout  her  captivity  and  actually  looked  forward  to  when  the  art  would  change.  (he  would  change  it  up  often) 
-and  actually!!  (bonus  lore  reveal)  bailey's  birth  was  inspired  by  art  and  she  is  actually  meant  to  encompass  the  themes  of  renaissance  art.  hera  was  fascinated  by  one  of  the  paintings  in  alex's  home  that  actually  happened  to  be  from  that  period  (stolen?  most  likely...)  but  the  beauty  in  the  painting,  the  peace  she  found  in  its  depiction  of  nature  and  humanity.  the  gods,  witnessing  their  creation's  struggle,  took  pity  on  hera  and  decided  to  bestow  another  blessing  upon  her.  unknown  to  hera,  she's  pregnant,  and  together  the  gods  gift  her  developing  child  several  blessings:  first,  from  aphrodi'te's  son  eros,  the  god  of  requited  love;  second,  from  the  goddess  artemis,  the  protector  of  children;  and  lastly,  hestia,  the  virgin  goddess  who  considered  hera's  pain  a  worthy  sacrifice...  the  blessings  include:  protection,  an  otherworldly  bond  and  unrequited  love  with  hera,  and  the  adaption/embodiment  of  the  very  painting  hera  fell  in  love  with.  a  painting  that  promoted  nature,  beauty,  innocence,  and  the  existence  of  light  despite  the  darkest  of  places...
-then,  hera  actually  tries  to  murder  alex  with  a  piece  of  art.  the  iron  statue  she  picks  up  is  a  little  statue  he  had  just  added  to  his  collection.  it  was  near  by  and  accessible.  looked  heavy  enough  to  do  some  damage,  so...she  used  it.
-and  not  to  mention  performing  arts  --  dance,  even  if  stripping,  is  still  a  dance  she  really  leans  into  and  uses  as  a  form  of  expression. 
so  idk  i  think  im  secretly  rly  smart  lol 
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
Wang Yibo's New Year's Eve Stage "Like the Sunshine"|Visual Effect Concept Analysis
shared by kinoi studio
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"Sunlight breaks through the clouds, awakening thousands of creatures, let's meet each other..."
On December 31, Wang Yibo's new song "Like the Sunshine" made a surprise appearance at Dragon TV's New Year's Eve concert. Who was surprised by the young man dressed in white? The stage was conceptually designed and choreographed by young dancer Chen Zihao, and KINOi Yang Qian Studio was responsible for the overall visual image creation and production.
"Like the Sunshine" is the second stage designed by KINOi after "Twenty Nine" using two-dimensional hand-painted animation. The stage is a new story scene created with the theme of "hope, encounter, sunshine". Through the integration of dance and new media visual art, the whole performance space is very romantic and freehand.
According to the temperament of the overall stage, we use black and white as the main color tone in image design, and use the art style of illustrations to describe a familiar dream of life; use scene elements such as raindrops, waves, forests, and seas of clouds to convey the concept of the earth's ecology and environmental protection. concept. In terms of stage design, we use a U-shaped line screen as the visual background of the overall stage. Through the cooperation of lighting and images, the performers are completely integrated into the animation space of the two-dimensional stage. When performing, performers can freely shuttle inside and outside the line screen, and the whole stage picture is full of fairy-tale sense of drama, substituting the audience into a different sensory world.
//encounter, hope//
Encounter wipes out hope, and hope ignites the light of the world. A rain, the beginning of an adventure.
" I was enjoying the sunshine in the quiet afternoon. However, a sudden heavy rain brought me into an incredible fantasy journey. "
The room is the inner embodiment of a teenager, simple and transparent.
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" Raindrops with fingerprints fell, and soon the house was flooded. The roof turned into a drifting boat, and we were forced to wander. "
The raindrop is both tribulation and hope, and it also represents thousands of us. As humans, we protect nature and destroy it at the same time.
"The waves led me into a forest, where all the little animals I met seemed to have known me for a long time. "
The three elephants are like a family, and it is a wonderful childhood memory when we were with our parents when we were young . The tall deer represents us when we grow up. Without the protection of our parents, we need to face, judge and decide many things by ourselves.
"The antlers turned into a big tree with a ladder leading to the clouds, so I started to climb up the tree, and I climbed into the clouds. "
The ladder tree is a symbol of dreams. Even if the ladder is high and the dream is far away, as long as you climb up, there will always be a day when you reach the clouds and realize your dream.
" Above the sea of ​​clouds, whales are swimming among the waves, and jellyfish are playing with each other. I am curiously looking at everything around me. "
The whales, elephants, and jellyfish in the image are constantly moving forward and swimming, just like our life. Only by running forward can we see the strange scenery that others cannot see.
" When the dream is over, I carry the hut on my back and embark on a journey to a distant place. The dream is big, and I am willing to move forward with a heavy burden. When the sun shines on the earth, let's exchange stories."
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"Like the Sunshine" is not only a fusion of dance and art, but also a heart-to-heart emotional exchange. He connects hopes, encounters, life, and dreams together, and uses extreme body language to describe the boy's fantasy journey and his inner world.
The direction of the heart is the sunshine, and the fearlessness is the distance. Let's meet, let's dance, at the corner of that winter, embrace the warmth, embrace life, and bloom the light of your own life.
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morelorethenthereseem · 8 months
Braymourne is The land that the heart of creation lays, All around the heart of creation impenetrable walls and barriers were formed, except for north, there the mountains did the job. it’s not inhabited by elves or humans. But There are very very rare exceptions, those who made it in, and had children too.
The Braymourne collective (also called the old Gods faithful or “the order”) are Those who still grieve the gods of old. The Organization acts both as religion and government and was formed to preserve the ideals and rules of the gods after their deaths, Each of these were dubbed virtues, and as the gods embodied aspects of reality, certain individuals Embodied the Principles and ideals of the gods.
There are 19 virtues, but 8 were lost the time, here are the remaining 11 that are still known of today:
2 Creation, to create, make the world a better and fuller place. This covers art, architecture, cultural advancement, unfortunately, such a core value basically makes abortion illegal under this government, despite the other principles.
3 Protection, To protect, to protect yourself, and to protect others, To protect the order and protect the land, and to protect the heart of creation too.
4 Perseverance, to follow through and go on, To live. To continue. To never quit, a simple principle. perseverance is to walk through hell and arrive on the other side, A fortitude and inner strength
5 Allowance, to be allowed, to let one make Their decisions. Although this seems like a good tenant at first, it’s underlying implication. Is that something being allowed is not the default, you are allowing them to be allowed to do something, so to speak, but at least it’s encouraging people to do so, “within reason”
7 Understanding, to be empathetic, to put yourself in anothers shoes, the capacity to acknowledge and accept, the ability to understand, Or to agree, or to agree to disagree. Or simply just knowing what someone’s talking about.
8 Preservation, to maintain, to stop the towers from crumbling to dust, To keep your body clean. To keep the world alive, and to help those who cannot.
9 Reflection, The ability to reflect, introspect, contemplate. Ponder, to *think* about yourself, and you role in the world, And the worlds role in you.
10 justice, to see wrongs righted, they have the crooked be set right, To ensure recompense paid and wrongdoers punished,
11 cooperation, to comply, to collaborate, to obey and get along and not kill each other, To do what you were told when you need to and to work together to achieve something great.
13 wonder, to imagine, to see the world with a fresh perspective, To see the strange in the mundane, to search for the wonders of the world, to think of how miracles could be made.
14 transcendentality, to be more than you are, and to know that you are not forever, To leave behind you a better path than you had walked, to be great.
And 19 volition. To pray, to grieve, to trial your will, to test it, or to measure it, the will of the individual, and will as a force of reality. That is why each and every member of the order prays every single day. To grant meaning to the meaningless. May it raise the gods.
Here are the ranks and their structure:
Morner: a general faithful, without any obligations or authority within the order, except for under investigative compliance.
above the Morner are the disciples, those under direct control and care of the witnesses, usually serving as a custodians, or assistant.
Above disciple is the Witness: the lowest real position that holds any sort of power, usually residing over a local area, on the low end, they can take care of a single building all the way up to a few cities in some cases. Their obligations are mostly informative, keeping the organization up-to-date with local affairs, and keeping the people informed about the organization, spreading the word
Above the witness is the Guide: The guides are agents of the inner order, they hold executive power over any witness, however, such actions of a guide over a witness, must be filed under record and can be vetoed at any time, although, generally, the guides are only above the witnesses in certain scenarios they do command much more power, witnesses if required also double as internal affairs officers and investigators, however the power to act with such authority can only be granted by those above the virtues, but once granted, they maintain this power as long as they’re set task is complete, but, their every move is watched.
Above the guide is the overseer: overseer is actually a blanket roll with multiple levels of station. An overseer is usually assigned to a certain person of asymmetric rank, this can range form a witness to above a virtue, commonly the job of an overseer is to watch over and control a number of guards or sentinels, and is the only other rank able to issue direct commands to soldiers besides wardens. Overseers usually command units on their own, but sometimes they’re forced to cooperate with other overseers. Although some overseers do you have authority over others, to request the assistance of another overseer they need to file an admission of aid, but once the request has been approved the higher placing has complete authority over the other.
(Here is each level:
Officer (4-1) officers usually assigned to a witness, usually has control over a singular unit of guards ranging from 8 to 30, Although some 1st and 2nd overseer officers are known to be put in the assistance of a guide.
Lieutenant (4-1) lieutenants have authority over officers and are usually tasked with looking over a large number of troops, ranging from 100 and 300. They can, and usually do request the assistance of 3 to 1 officers. They can also make requests for aid from one of the elite inner units, and in extremely extenuating circumstances, they could even be given direct control over one.
Captain (4-1) captains have the capacity to command the elite inner units although this is rare, and only usually happens temporarily well a division overseer is busy. Captains have authority over lieutenants and officers as well as all of their previous privileges. Division overseer: a division overseer is someone who has the authority and capacity to completely oversee and command, captains, lieutenants and officers as well as multiple elite inner units,
division overseas, commonly work with the virtues, as each virtue has their own elite squad. Although a virtue technically has authority over a division overseer, it is fairly common for those above the virtues to give a division overseer extra special privileges, authority and command, making them ostensibly equal.)
Keeper: keepers are archivists and filers, where other ranks might collect information keepers Maintain it, they keep records. Keepers are permitted authority to ask for any information from any rank below division overseer, they also have authority to command guides to perform an internal investigation.
Guard: the way in which the rank of guard is positioned within the order is a tricky one, the only people who have direct authority over them are the overseers, the virtues and above, but they can be stationed anywhere from under a 4th overseer officer in the single prayer house of whatever witness there assigned to being directly under a virtue, if the circumstances permit.
Sentinel: these are the troops that make up the elite inner units that can range anywhere from a shadowless infiltration to the personal bodyguards of a virtue, to a juggernaut massacre. Only overseer captains, division overseers and virtues have command over them.
Virtue: virtue is the highest rank known to the public and lower ranks (with previously specified exceptions) each one aims to embody one of the 12 remaining core ideals, additionally, each virtue has their own inner elite unit, virtues have authority over keepers, witnesses, overseers, guides and sentinels and guards.
Devotee: “the secret hunters,” “the silent breaths,” “the whisper men.” “The utility knives of the order” Loan agents who can be sent out by lieutenants, captains, division overseers as well as virtues, guides, and wardens. The devotees fill a wide spectrum of roles with some overlap with the inner elite units, only on a strictly individual level. These guys are heavy hitters However They don’t like violence and they don’t have experience in battle, despite their power. They sometimes work as scouts, assassin’s investigators, etc. they are highly skilled in many areas and they do what they are told.
Warden: the judicial position among the order, they often work in tandem with guides who they are of equal rank to, and witnesses, keepers and even devotees who there above. although guides are responsible for internal investigation, the virtues can still veto their searches, as such guides often go to wardens who have special authority over the virtues. The wardens are to everyone else what the guides are to the order. There are the cops and the courtroom.
Enchanter: after an assassination attempt on the virtue of perseverance enchantment in Braymourne was made illegal to everyone but the government or those the government permits, an enchanter is someone permitted and paid by the government to enchant legally.
Affiliate merchant: merchants partnered with the order, They give a cut of their earnings to the order in return for certain negotiated things.
Founder: although not an official rank, it isn’t uncommon to know that there are those above the virtues, and logic would follow there Has to be somebody at the top of the order, so it was that rumours spread and common belief became that the founders whoever they may be, witnessed The Fall, and are still living to this day, a council that runs the order.
(order command structure.)
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But no matter there rank All in the order still pray for the dead gods, it’s a test of will, or a measure of it, the will of the individual, and how weak will as become as a force of reality.
(Also of note This is only one of many organizations that worship the dead Gods, but it’s the only one that really knows more than nothing.)
So why do I tell you this all to you? Well, A Devotee Of the Braymourne collective known as “of the black bones virtue” was sent north from the heart of creation alone with an enchanted lantern to investigate the Many MANY claims That a few of the old gods are back standing in the land of life, So to speak.
Normally such claims would be ignored because of their absurdity but not this time, this time, it was too many…
The following is the section of the devotee’s journal that was written just after crossing out of the Ule ruins:
“It was seen.
Over the mountains, thousands of years ago.
There was talk of a great kingdom, And then there was the talk of the end of a great kingdom, after so long, I had assumed the peril would’ve died down a notch only to discover that now in our time as I am passing through it is worse than I ever imagine the peak of the chaos to be, I shutter to think what horror it would have been, to be here in the destructions prime.
Would it Have killed me not to think the mountains were the hard part?”
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Not to be creepy but your right to compaigne for us as a (Swfitie) society to give up on The One Muse One Song frame work, like a, every love song has been sung to whoever she was loving at that moment (affectionately) and b, at this point most of her songs can apply to mutiple situations. High Infidelity / Fresh Outta The Slammer (Tom-Joe, Joe-Matty), Some people think Joe was giving Jake when their relationship was on its death bed. WCS/Ivy being for Matty and John theorectically. I could go on. Your right and you should say it.
Yeah i agree! I guess to me it just feels sooo reductive to believe that Taylor, the human woman, is only capable of comprehending one muse/set of experiences at a time when writing, recording, and performing a song. I think the way that the majority of swifties approach this framework is a symptom of the lingering undercurrents of sexism that we all carry around with us that encourage us to flatten her humanity. “Watch out, she’ll write a song about you” haunts swiftie discourse in really subtle ways, I think. She is an artist! She writes about complex feelings! Has nobody else ever had an experience that made them reflect back on other times you’ve felt that same way? And like… I think there IS value in “paternity testing” (for lack of a better phrase) but we tend to get bogged down in the almost crime scene investigation framework, rather than looking at patterns and story arcs that are full of meaning. One of the most interesting things to me about Taylor’s work is that a song written in a moment of time contains within it the seeds of entire patterns and psychological analysis, and bc we are so lucky to be let in on her life for all these years, we get to see her grow and change and experience the patterns and learn from them and then recontextualize them as she goes! Her art is very much living and breathing and she relates to it in a lot of the same ways that fans do, but also in a 100% unique way bc her art is her own creation and she embodies it at every stage! Ivy/WCS is a great example, and I’m so glad you brought it up- the conception of Ivy feels like it unlocked something in her brain around shame and secrecy and lust and danger and relationships as self harm. That is to say, WCS could not exist without Ivy. And that whole process mirrors so well what I experience in my own brain of cycling through memories and understanding them differently every time something gets triggered for me. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived is a good example too, I think, of a song being about a string of specific muses/experiences but only crystallized as an emotional entity because of a specific recent experience that triggered all the other stuff.
Idk man!!! Thank u for validating this for me! I feel like it should not be a swiftie crime punishable by vague posting if you happen to pick up on threads that implicate stuff about the real people involved in these stories. But that can’t be where the conversation ends- how do all the stories fold into each other? How does the art re-imagine itself as time goes on? The window we get into her thought process from these mashups is truly mind boggling to me. Like! What a cool way to play with her own art and use it not just as a coping tool, but as a re-processing tool! It’s fascinating to me!!
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Saw someone recategorizing Legendary Pokémon and thought I might give it a try myself.  Obviously this is long-ish, there are a lot of Pokémon to cover, but I’ve already committed to this bit where I care deeply about Legendary classification so what the hell.
Arceus: It’s fucking Arceus what more do I need to say -Arceus
Mythologically Significant: They have specific legends associated with them and are usually thought of as gods. -Kyogre -Groudon -Rayquaza -Uxie -Mesprit -Azelf -Dialga -Palkia -Giratina -Tornadus: I’m not entirely sure with the Forces of Nature, but PLA really reinforces them as incarnations of the seasons so I’ll put them here. -Thundurus -Landorus -Enamorus -Xerneas: Debatable?  It controls life energy but probably isn’t the source of all life energy…still, my gut says it goes here. -Yveltal: Also debatable, don’t think it’s in charge of all death, but this placement feels right. -Zygarde: Governs the balance of the ecosystem, role-wise it has more in common with the Weather Trio than Xerneas and Yveltal.
Mew: So like.  I wouldn’t say Mew is exactly tied to mythology?  It’s definitely significant, but I don’t know if I’d directly link it to culture either; it’s, like, ecologically or genetically significant, I guess.  Also it has a fixed encounter in BDSP so I’m not going to count it as Mythical. -Mew
Culturally Significant: Specific legends, considered a big deal in certain regions and/or have had a direct impact on human culture. -Raikou -Entei -Suicune -Lugia -Ho-Oh -Celebi: Fixed encounter in Virtual Console Crystal…buuut that’s no longer available for purchase, so this could also still be considered Mythical.  I’m going to put it here since the method does exist, and it’s honored as the guardian of Ilex Forest. -Regigigas: Ancient civilization sealed away the Regis after worshipping them, apparently, and Regigigas is said to have moved continents.  Still, none of these feel as important to the world as a whole when compared to the Weather Trio or the Creation Trio.  Also there seem to be several specimens of the original three Regis so they might belong in Super Rare Pokémon?  For simplicity’s sake, I’ve split the difference and the whole family is placed here. -Regirock -Registeel -Regice -Regieleki -Regidrago -Jirachi: Fixed encounter in BDSP, so that rules out Mythical.  Hard to say for sure, the lore is limited and doesn’t really tie into much.  Honestly I’m mainly counting this as culturally significant due to its real world association with Tanabata. -Cobalion: I don’t know that I’d say the Swords of Justice have much cultural significance, but there are specific legends about them so I think this is the best fit. -Terrakion -Virizion -Keldeo: Fixed encounter in Crown Tundra, no longer Mythical. -Reshiram: While the Unova dragons represent Truth and Ideals and…emptiness?  They don’t embody those concepts in quite the same way as other trios.  So I think their significance is more cultural than mythological. -Zekrom -Kyurem -Meloetta: Fixed encounter in Indigo Disk so no longer qualifies as Mythical.  While a bit obscure, its association with the arts makes me feel like it should be considered culturally significant. -Tapu Koko: The Tapu are regarded as deities so could be moved to Mythologically Significant, but they’re linked more to Alola and its people than anything else; their cultural significance is what’s most important. -Tapu Lele -Tapu Bulu -Tapu Fini -Zacian -Zamazenta -Eternatus -Glastrier -Spectrier -Calyrex -Wo-Chien: The Treasures of Ruin…might not have quite as much significance, per se, but they seem to be unique and have a very specific legend passed down in Paldea, so I think this is the best spot for them. -Chien-Pao -Ting-Lu -Chi-Yu -Okidogi -Munkidori -Fezandipiti -Pecharunt: I struggle with this one.  Officially, it’s a Mythical.  But it has a fixed encounter in the DLC.  There is an event item you need to trigger it.  But I think the item’s available indefinitely?  Meh, I’m just going to say it’s non-Mythical, and while we did get that cool video explaining its legend, I don’t know there’s anyone who would be telling that legend in-universe?  Still, it’s the reason why the Loyal Three came to Kitakami in the first place, so I’ll consider it culturally significant for now. -Ogerpon -Terapagos: Meeeeehh…I mean it’s only rare because it was thought to be extinct, and the only “legend” about it was in Heath’s book and was so heavily obscured no one even knew its name.  The Terastal Phenomenon derived from it has made a huge impact on Paldean culture, though.  It’ll go here for now.
Mythical Pokémon: It’s a sub-group and you can’t tell me otherwise.  I’m being a little strict here and only including Pokémon that are entirely exclusive to events, so a lot of Pokémon introduced as Mythicals aren’t listed here because there are now fixed, repeatable ways of obtaining them.  I don’t really have a good in-universe metric for this category, you see. -Victini -Diancie: I guess?  Lore-wise she’s a mutant Carbink so I want to say this is just an evolution we haven’t fully figured out yet, but at the moment you can only get her through events so I kinda have to put her here. -Hoopa -Volcanion -Marshadow -Zeraora -Zarude
The Folly of Man: Artificial Pokémon that yeah I guess can still be counted as Legendary, y’all would crucify me if I said Mewtwo wasn’t actually a Legendary. -Mewtwo -Genesect: Also qualifies as a Mythical but I think this category is the better thematic fit. -Type: Null/Silvally -Magearna: Fixed encounter through the QR scanner in Sun and Moon, so not Mythical.  Artificially constructed, though it doesn’t quite have the same “crime against nature” vibe as the above three.
Ultra Beasts: Pokémon who access our world exclusively through Ultra Space/Wormholes.  These ARE Legendary Pokémon, I don’t care what anyone says, they’re strong and weird and are involved in legends; also including the Cosmog family and Necrozma here for simplicity’s sake. -Cosmog/Cosmoem/Solgaleo/Lunala -Necrozma -Nihilego -Buzzwole -Pheromosa -Xurkitree -Celesteela -Kartana -Guzzlord -Poipole/Naganadel -Stakataka -Blacephalon
Paradox Pokémon: Pokémon brought to our present time (world?) by Sada/Turo’s time machine.  Whether or not these are Legendaries is a debate worth having, but I’d personally count them as such. -Great Tusk -Scream Tail -Brute Bonnet -Flutter Mane -Slither Wing -Sandy Shocks -Roaring Moon -Koraidon -Walking Wake -Gouging Fire -Raging Bolt -Iron Treads -Iron Bundle -Iron Hands -Iron Jugulis -Iron Moth -Iron Thorns -Iron Valiant -Miraidon -Iron Leaves -Iron Boulder -Iron Crown
Super Rare Species: Rare?  Yes.  Powerful?  Yes.  But there are a comparatively large number of these buggers running around, and I don’t think they even have any specific legends associated with them aside from just being rare.  So I don’t think I’d call these Legendary after all. -Articuno -Zapdos -Moltres -Latias -Latios -Deoxys: Fixed encounter in ORAS, no longer Mythical. -Heatran -Cresselia -Darkrai: Fixed encounter in PLA, so no longer Mythical.  I can’t justify it as mythologically significant, and the lore surrounding it feels on par with standard Pokédex lore.  Sorry buddy. -Manaphy/Phione: Fixed encounter(s) in PLA.  These two have always been in a weird spot, I’m just gonna leave them here. -Shaymin: Fixed encounter in PLA.  The most specific legend I can think of is it creating a field of flowers, which is extremely tame when it comes to Pokémon. -Meltan/Melmetal: Repeatable so long as you have Go and Let’s Go, non-Mythical. -Kubfu/Urshifu
Borderline: You could probably make a case either way for these?  For now I’m going to categorize them as non-Legendary. -Unown: Rare, mysterious, featured in a movie, shown to have some kind of connection with Arceus, can’t breed.  But probably not Legendaries themselves?  My own personal theory is that the Unown are part of Arceus in a similar vein to how Zygarde works, but take that as you will. -Larvesta/Volcarona: I feel like we mainly accepted Volcarona wasn’t a Legendary was because it evolves and breeds, but all conditions are out the window at this point so I think we need to re-evaluate.  Volcarona definitely felt Legendary when it was introduced, but now it’s much easier to find Larvesta, so…maybe not. -Gimmighoul/Gholdengo: All over the hecking place…but, can’t breed, have a ridiculous evolution method and a busted Ability, and their Shinies are event-locked for some reason.  Also special due to Gholdengo being Pokémon #1000.  How we feeling about this one?
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its-captain-sir · 6 months
Oh we doing Chicago Style lore I Gotta get in on this. 6, 15, 21, 22, 76, 78 AND special bonus you pick a question you wanna answer if you'd like heheh
6. Is there a battle nexus? Is it a respected facility or operated by criminals?
Oh man I haven't really thought of the battle nexus before...... tbh if I include it I'd like it to be a part of their space arc maybe, so leaning towards it being more of a respected facility, or at the very least an institution that is very clear about how it operates even if some of the rules aren't great
15. Is the Hamato clan history relevant? How did the clan originate?
It's SUPER relevant, much of the plot stems from the story of the Hamato clan. The clan originated from a much larger clan actually that was set to be inherited by two twin brothers. They disagreed on how to run the clan so they split it into two, one called the Hamato and one called the Foot. I don't want to go too much into the specifics of the rest of the history of the clans since I'm planning on a little art piece involving that soon, but basically the two do become enemies and even more important, the Hamato clan are designated as the liaisons between the human and mystic worlds. When Saki defects to the Foot and Yoshi seems to be shirking his duties, a bunch of yokai leaders commission for the turtles to be created to continue to have protectors of the Hamato bloodline. So yeah big effects on the story even just beyond the later fighting with Saki and the Foot over the Shredder armor hakdhskdh
21. Do the turtles time travel?
I know I definitely want them to cause that's a classic tmnt trope at this point but I don't know what that would entail. I really am a sucker for the stuff that loops, like whatever they did in the past affects their existence in the present and because they exist in the present they're able to go back and do those actions in the past, it was always destined to happen, etc. So it'd probably be something along the lines of that + just some fun stuff like always :)
22. If there is a battle nexus, who fights in it?
If I go with it being attached to the space arc, I think all the turtles might end up fighting in it, either on purpose or accidentally. I'm really attached to battle nexus champion Mikey so if they fight he's definitely winning the whole thing hakdhskdhsk 16 years old and champion of the universe(multiverse??) <3
76. Who is your favourite character?
HMMM THIS IS A HARD ONE..... it's like an even split between Leo and Raph, they're so compelling to me..... gives them problems forever and forever.
78. Tell us something you want to share about your au/iteration!
I think of the story for this iteration as split up into 4 main arcs! Each arc is based around a specific turtle and has a major conflict associated with it as the focus, though obviously all plots and character development continue to varying degrees throughout the course of the story. But anyways, in order they are:
Raph - conflict is Foot/Shredder based, deals with the past catching up to them and the cycles of past vs present. Big focus on Raph and Leo's strained relationship and the lengths Raph is driven to for his family, culminating in [REDACTED]
Donnie - conflict centered around the hidden city, marked by delving into mystics even more than before and uncovering secrets of the yokai world and their creation. Donnie's efforts start to unveil the larger webs
Mikey - conflict based on the Krang and associated space adventures (certain time related shenanigans also come to a head), involves truly stepping into the larger world and universe and continuing to follow the threads. Mikey reflects a final coming of age and shaking off forces seeking to control them
Leo - conflict with the pantheon (hello idw fans <3), embodies the final culmination of taking their lives into their own hands and refusing to be used as pawns. Addressing the issue of their influence is the last step Leo needs to take as a leader.
As for a bonus question, I'll answer:
39. Is there a Karai/Miwa?
Honestly? Maybe both! Karai for sure exists in this au, she's the turtles' cousin and ends up on their side of the Foot/Hamato conflict after a while, but I might also have Miwa in there as a person totally removed from most of the plot as Tang Shen's daughter. Not quite sure on that yet though
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fremedon · 2 years
No one asked for Les Amis as lesser Maiar, for good reason, because making them beings of any inherent power beyond the common measure of humanity fundamentally doesn’t work; LM is fundamentally a story about the Second-Born.
But I’ve been reading and rereading Silmarilion fic all week so here, have Les Amis as lesser Maiar.
(This got long.)
(And I am not coming up with their Quenya names or it would get longer.)
(That’s a lie, there will totally be Quenya names at some point.)
Enjolras: I was really taken by a couple of asides in @thearrogantemu’s fic, characterizing Olórin (Gandalf) as originally a Maia of Melkor, before he came to Irmo’s service, and characterizing Melkor’s original domain before he became Morgoth as transformation--that because of his fall, the Children have never known change without loss; and because of his banishment, change comes now unwilled by any Power.
You see where I’m going with this.
Enjolras is a spirit of transformation who joined in the Second Theme early and enthusiastically, because hell yes every creature should have a right to partake fully in shaping creation. And he did not repudiate him immediately: he saw the dissonance of the Second Theme as necessary to bring about the harmony of the Third, and as of the descent into Arda he was still Melkor’s creature to the extent that he was anyone’s.
When it became clear that Melkor had set himself as the enemy not merely of Manwë, but of creation, he left his service and attached himself to Manwë. In some ways it’s not a great fit. In substance he is a Valarauka, or close to one, a creature not of air but of fire; in temperament, he is the spirit of the sovereignty of the will over itself--the Maiar inherently serve the natures and functions of the greater powers, but his service is very much to the function and not the being that embodies it. He will take direction from Manwë, as the embodiment of legitimate authority rightfully wielded, but his nature is still that of transformation, and Manwë knows he will always serve the spirit of the law over the letter and conscience over authority.
Still, fire and air can collaborate well, and like his cousin Arien who draws the Sun, he accustoms himself to his new realm. He enjoys, more than anything, the long view from the crest of the Pelóri and the lower reaches of Ilmen, but his usual realm is far below that, in the spark of lightning, or as the breath that stirs the banked ember to sudden flame; or, among the nations of the Second-Born, as the voice that stirs oppressed spirits to remember that they are sovereign, and they are strong.  
He appears in form sometimes as an eagle, but most often as a Man with a high forehead, like a horizon with much sky.
Combeferre: So in every possible Les Amis as system, Combeferre is a mess who doesn’t really fit anywhere. He has some affinity with Estë the Healer, obviously, and some with Aulë the Maker, but I’m going to put him in the domain of Irmo, Lórien, Lord of Dreams and the spouse of Estë, whose gardens flow into his own. He is the spirit of chimeras, invention, what is not but that yet may be. He treasures all the Children but loves especially the Dwarves and the Noldor, and shares with them many designs they must look to Aulë to realize; and for this he is also a friend to Aulë, for in this way the Maker is driven to expand and perfect the scope of his Art.
Prouvaire: And for Jehan, while Irmo would have been an obvious choice, I’m going to go with Nienna, the Lady of Tears, who grieves for all in the world that sorrows or is marred. By day he weeps for the world that is, and he weeps with the passage of time for the worlds that are no more and for those that will never be; and by night he walks in the gardens of Lórien and imagines the world that still might be, and he smiles.
Feuilly: While he also has some affinity for Aulë the Maker, who was so eager for others to teach what he knew that he created a whole nation of people, Feuilly is obviously a Maia of Vairë, the Weaver, who sees and understands all of history and translates it into the medium of decorative art.
Courfeyrac: Courfeyrac is a servant of Vána, the Lady of Spring, who governs birds and flowers and also all things that are young and full of potential. There is great friendship between him and Enjolras, as has often puzzled the dwellers in Aman, for Enjolras takes no notice of flowers, or birds, or springtime; but they walk often together in Arda, by themselves or in company with Combeferre, and where they go the spirits of the young are moved to the thought of new struggles.
Bahorel: Bahorel’s friendly belligerence could have gone a lot of ways--Tulkas, obviously, or I could see him as one of Ulmo’s, a cousin to Osse--but ultimately I think he belongs with Oromë, who along with Ulmo never entirely forsook Middle-Earth or the Children of Ilúvatar, and who is always ready to throw down with Morgoth’s servants. Sometimes he rides in his train in the shape of a great wolf, but more often he wanders through the cities of the Second-Born, and where he walks the paving-stones remember the mountains, and the fountains the rivers, and Men remember that they too are wild creatures.
Bossuet: So Bossuet is the reason that I wrote this up in the first place, because what he’s associated with, alone among the Amis, is luck. Which is to say, Fate. And fate and free will--and laws and contracts, and also curses--are all very firmly in the domain of Námo, Mandos, the judge of the Dead.
Which is hilarious.
So, yes, Bossuet is the happiest servant of the Doomsman of the Valar! If his master’s domain is that which is, and Irmo’s is that which could be, and Nienna’s that which now can never be, Bossuet dwells in that which could be worse, and helps--in what measure he can, for his power is not great--to ensure it is not.
(On the plain of Araman, during the Flight of the Noldor, while Mandos pronounced his Doom, Bossuet, unseen, slipped through the host untying shoelaces and breaking the buckles on luggage. The extra minutes of consideration granted to several would-be Exiles while they got their gear in order were instrumental in their choices to turn back with Finarfin.)
Joly: Like Bossuet, Joly is a minor servant of one of the greatest Powers--Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits. He finds and mends the errata in creation, helping to ensure that every living thing has something to eat, and something to eat it, if only in its decay. Fungi, especially, are his interest, and everything that lives and sprouts anew from death; but he appears most often in form as one of the Children, cheerful and pleasant to look upon.
Grantaire: I initially thought Grantaire would be hard to place--wine is Yavanna’s domain and art is Aulë’s, and depression is Nienna’s and Estë’s, and verbal shitposting doesn’t seem to have an obvious patron. But then I looked at his name, and who else’s could grande aire be but Manwë’s? Spirit of fog and vapor--the cloud that obscures, or seems to be other than it is; pipe-smoke and the wisp of the dying candle.
Grantaire maintains that it was he who introduced pipe-smoking to the Halflings and the Halflings to Olórin; this is almost certainly untrue, but Olórin has never denied it.
Manwë has never really known what to do with him, but Varda is fond of him. Her husband finds this unaccountable; to everyone who doesn’t have to work with him it’s clear enough why the Kindler, whose greatest work requires darkness for its greatest effect, might find mist a comfortable companion. Grantaire is dazzled by her--as he is by Arien, by Enjolras, by all bright spirits. Varda doesn’t encourage it; but when she retires her old and dying stars, those too weak to blaze out all at once, she will set a few of their embers aside for lamps, and in their light Grantaire’s vapors make brief but haunting shapes, and even Enjolras, who has no eye for beauty, cannot look away.
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cipherwrites · 10 months
Sugar & Spice, Chapter 1: Luck & Misfortune
Next Chapter ->
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a normal girl with a normal life! She’s clumsy, a romantic at heart, and she has a true passion for fashion design. The 16-year-old is moving into her second year of Lycee, but as this new school year begins, so too does chaos from an ancient magic unveiled, a responsibility to protect her city, and quite literally falling head-over-heels in love with the boy just one year elder that’s been kind to her…
That’s right. Both of them.
A few things you should know about this fic before we get into it:
-A personal pet peeve of mine is putting kids in dangerous situations! Even when it comes to magic, I would much prefer that adults held that kinda power. However, since a good deal of the series revolves around school drama, I’ve decided to put our main cast in Lycee and make them all young adults.
-According to my research (which could be wrong or outdated so please don’t judge me I am not from france), age of adulthood is 18 and full legal capacity comes at 16. I also found reference that the age of consent is 15, but that won’t really come into play in this fic.
-I will try to refer to French things as well as I can, such as “Lycee” instead of “High School.” For those that don’t know, Lycee is the three-year education system that comes after College (which isn’t University).
-Our main cast is in their second year of Lycee! Lycees are typically ages 15-18, so our main cast is ages 16-17 when the series begins. Specifically, Marinette and Adrien are 16, and Adrien will of course turn 17 during ‘Bubbler’
-I will be making new Miraculous lore! I will be both ignoring old lore and building off existing lore at intervals I deem appropriate.
-I’ll be changing a few Miraculous abilities, including giving them all a significant nerf/upgrade that comes from another fic series I wrote.
-I will also be changing character designs slightly, including costumes, but I have no talent in art so when I describe them simply use your imagination.
-I’ll be writing this like it’s a proper reboot, so I’ll be alluding to things that we all already know and pretend Hawkmoth’s identity is a secret until “Season 2”
-Felix and Adrien are sentimonsters. They are the only “human” sentimonsters that will be in this fic series. I have nothing against Sentimonster Kagami, but it’s just not for me in this story.
-On that note, this series will have Lukadrigaminette (gosh that’s hard to type)! Again, nothing against Feligami, but the story I’m building needs him to be a lonely boy for now.
With all of that said, please enjoy!
In the millennia before humans could even fathom recording their history, a powerful Mage made contact with an ephemeral being. The being was lonely, for it was everything that ever was and would ever be. It was all, yet it was nothing. A cosmic confusion that it could never understand. Its attempts to help humanity only brought fear and terror, and the being grew to loathe humans. However, the Mage pleaded with the eternal being that humanity just needed a new perspective. The cosmic nothing came to see reason, and split itself into two halves: Creation and Destruction. The embodiments of these concepts came to be bound by jewels the Mage forged, and he went onward to bind the aspects of humanity, the very concepts of the universe themselves, into these many jewels. In due time, these nineteen pieces of jewelry would be known as the Miraculous.
The first two Miraculous remained more powerful than the others: the Ladybug of Creation and the Black Cat of Destruction. The Ladybug could create anything and restore order and balance. The Black Cat could destroy anything and bring disorder to the world around it. The legend says that uniting these two will allow them to reconverge into the original Cosmic Nothing, and they will do as they always have: consider the wish of their wielder, and grant it in the only way they know how: destroy the very universe, and recreate it in a way where the wish is granted. The Cosmic Nothing cannot comprehend the horrors of its own actions, and so it was declared that these Miraculous could never be united…
“I want that wish, Nooroo.” a malicious man says in the shadows, three long months after a woman’s disappearance. The boy is kept calm and complacent by means he could never understand, but the man has no such freedom of ignorance. “I must have those Miraculous!”
“But Master, I was separated long ago!” the tiny purple kwami exclaims, “I don’t know where the Miraculous are anymore. No one does!”
“I found you though, my little Nooroo.” the man grins. “Your Miraculous…remind me of its powers again.”
“The Miraculous of the Butterfly allows you to swath someone in need in comforting shadow and give them the power to achieve victory with their inner potential.” Nooroo recites.
“Throughout history, the Miraculous have been used by those that have gone down in history as heroes. When it comes to luring in heroes, what could be better than creating villains?” the man suggests with glee.
“But…but you can’t! Master, the Miraculous cannot be used for evil purposes!” Nooroo warns in fear.
“I must have that cosmic wish!” the man orders, pointing at the helpless kwami. “Your Miraculous is in my control! I am your master, and you must obey me.”
“Yes…master.” Nooroo obeys sadly.
“Nooroo,” the man affixes the brooch to his attire, “Dark Wings Rise!” He orders, transforming through the power of the Miraculous. “From now on, I shall be known as…Hawkmoth.” he laughs maliciously.
“Marinette!” a voice calls, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng gasps awake to the sound of her alarm going off. “Your alarm’s been going off for fifteen minutes! You’re going to be late!”
“Oh, no, no, no!” the sixteen-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng panics. “Coming, Maman!” she calls down, swiftly changing clothes and getting everything together.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a petite girl with black hair that she dyes into a light shade of blue. She wears her hair in a pair of pigtails and a nice mix of colors in her homemade clothes, primarily her favorite color pink. However, the main thing people notice about Marinette is the bandages. Marinette is immensely clumsy, so she often wears a large number of bandages to cover the bruises and cuts she gets from merely existing day after day. Rushing to get her school bag together, she packs a box of bandaids with cute designs, because chances are she’s gonna have a new mark on her face by the end of the day.
As Marinette rushes out of her room, she takes one last look to make sure she isn’t forgetting anything, scanning her room in half a second. Marinette’s room is chaotic in some portions but also ridiculously organized in others. Marinette has several crafts projects beyond her personal clothing designs, plenty of empty binders and books for when she inevitably takes an extracurricular, and walls that have been bare of photos for four long years…well, that ends today! She’s gonna make friends, take pictures, and fill this room with life again!
Marinette barrels into her Family’s kitchen, practically running into the table to try and hurriedly stuff her face.
“Remember to chew, dear,” Sabine says calmly to her daughter. “And please sit down.”
Marinette mumbles a bit between her bites as she sits at the table, swallowing a handful of food at once. “Sorry, Maman.” she sighs. “I’m a little nervous, I gotta admit…Chloe’s probably gonna be in most of my classes again.”
“Four years in a row of this, is that even possible?” Sabine asks.
“You know me, the picture of luck!” Marinette chuckles nervously.
“Oh, don’t say that!” Sabine scolds, frowning at her daughter’s self-deprecation. “It’s the start of a new school year! Everything will be fine.”
As Marinette considers her Mother’s words, it’s as though on cue she drops the spoon in her hand, hitting another object and hitting many others like a Rube Goldberg machine of chaos and misfortune. Marinette just groans, tempted to just fall to the ground and let the earth take her. Before Marinette can spiral any further into her doubts, her Dad walks in, humming to himself as he places a Boulangerie Patisserie box full of macarons down in front of his beloved daughter. Marinette sees the treats in the box she has requested her Dad make for her new class, and her eyes light up in renewed triumph.
“Papa, these are so awesome!” Marinette hugs her Dad.
“Glad you like them,” Tom smiles warmly.
“My class will love them, Papa. You’re the best!” Marinette hugs him, and after Tom catches the dropped box and hands it to her, she kisses her parents on the cheek before rushing out. “See you tonight!” she calls back, aiming to get to school quickly.
Marinette rushes out of her home clutching the box of sweets as she slings her backpack onto her back. She manages to avoid tripping over herself as she reaches the intersection, but as she breathes a sigh of relief, her eyes widen as she sees a little old man crossing the street slowly, struggling with his cane…as a car is fast approaching! Everyone around her is on their phones- only she can see him! Gasping in fear, she rushes forward, using every ounce of strength in her tiny body to tackle the old man on the other side of the street! The two of them groan, and Marinette feels her heart fall as she sees her box dropped in front of her, the macarons spilling out and in pieces. Marinette just hangs her head as the old man gets up.
“Oh, my! Young lady, thank you…young lady?” he seems concerned, but she pulls herself together.
“Oh! No, it’s fine, it’s…” She watches helplessly as someone on their phone walks by, stepping on one of the dropped macarons. She just hangs her head, her gaze blurring with frustrated tears before she wipes them away. “It’s fine!” she wipes the tears away. “I’m no stranger to disaster. There are even a few left! I might be able to dust some dirt off of these ones…”
The old man picks up one of the broken pieces from the ground, dusting it off and trying it.
“Well, they still taste delicious to me.” the old man smiles kindly, and Marinette smiles.
“Thank you, sir.” Marinette shuts the box and suddenly, she hears the school bell in the distance! “Oh, no, I’m gonna be late! Ah, have a nice day sir! Be careful of traffic!” she shouts as she rushes off.
As the old man walks into an alleyway, he takes a deep breath and slumps against a wall.
“Reality,” he mutters, dispelling the illusion of the speeding car that has since pulled into an alleyway and the illusion around himself. “Trixx, Orikko, divide.” He says, the two kwamis emerging from the Miraculous.
“Master, this was incredibly dangerous!” the fox kwami warns.
“I have to agree! You shouldn’t be wielding a Miraculous at your age, much less unifying them!” the rooster agrees.
“It’s just for today.” the old man explains as he feeds the kwamis some macaron crumbs he picked up. “I need to be sure the people are worthy. I need the Fox to set up the situations, and the Rooster to give me the power of empathic reading. That way, I’ll be able to tell if those I choose are right.”
“Was she right, Master?” the Fox asks.
“I believe so, Trixx.” the old man smiles and slips on some glasses. “Now, for the final part before moving forward. Kaalki, Full Gallop!”
Barreling through the doors of Mme. Bustier’s classroom at top speed is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, barely able to catch herself as she stumbles into the room with what many classmates would refer to as “three left feet” with how fast and bumbling she is. Marinette can see many familiar faces and a few new ones. 
Mme. Bustier was the primary teacher this year…again. Caline Bustier is a decent teacher, and through her own skills and the positive enforcement of her students and their families, she went from a Junior Secondary teacher to a Senior Secondary teacher in just a few years!
Maybe she advanced a bit too quickly, that quiet, rude corner of Marinette’s mind said.
I just need some faith. She wouldn’t have gotten the position if she didn’t deserve it! The rest of Marinette reasoned.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” a shrill voice says her name like it’s an accusation, interrupting her train of thought. Marinette takes a deep breath, having only just sat down.
Here we go again…
“That’s my seat.” Chloe Bourgeois herself, self-appointed Queen Bee of the school, almost universally despised, and daughter of Mayor Andre Bourgeois.
“Chloe, it’s the first day of school! Seats are being assigned right now, and you came in after me for once!” Marinette complains.
“Not anymore!” Sabrina proclaims. “New year, new seats!”
“You refuse to know your place, so I have to put you in your place.” Chloe grins, looming over the sitting and diminutive form of Marinette. “Why don’t you go sit by the new girl?” she gestures to the Creole girl a row away reading a comic book, whose attention has been caught by the situation. “Adrien’s arriving today, and since he’s going to sit there, I’m going to sit here.”
“Adrien…Agreste?” Marinette blinks. “But- the Agrestes are shut-ins!”
“Not anymore!” Chloe smirks. “Oh, does the little fashion wannabe actually wanna meet an Agreste?”
“I- you- but-” Marinette stammers as Chloe grins cruelly over her.
“Maybe if you finally put yourself in your proper place, I’ll consider letting you meet him. The only place you belong is-” Chloe begins, but suddenly, they’re interrupted.
“Hey! Who elected you Queen of Seats?” the Creole girl accuses, having stood up and coming up with her comic book rolled up.
“Oh, look, Sabrina! We’ve got a little do-gooder in our class this year.” Chloe chortles. “What, another superhero nerd? What are you gonna do, shoot beams at me with your glasses?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Alya scowls and leads Marinette by the hand, “Come on, you can sit with me and away from those two.”
As she leads Marinette, the shorter girl gasps as she trips, once more spilling her macarons until only one remains in the box.
“Sorry! Sorry. I’m sorry…” Marinette whimpers.
“Hey, it’s okay, girl!” Marinette’s new seat neighbor gathers the dropped sweets and tosses them into the trash. “No biggie.”
“I wish I could handle Chloe the way you do…” Marinette mutters.
“You mean the way Majestia does it,” the girl explains, rolling out the comic again. “She says that ‘all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing’.” She then points at Chloe. “Well, that girl over there is evil, and we are the good people. We can’t let her get away with it,” she explains like it’s a simple fact.
Chloe isn’t evil…she’s not perfect, but she’s not EVIL. I hope.
“Well, that’s easier said than done,” Marinette says instead. “She likes to make my life miserable…”
“That’s cause you let her, girl! Get some confidence!” the girl grins, and Marinette can’t help but smile at the sentiment.
“I’m Marinette,” Marinette says, handing Alya the last macaron.
“Alya.” the girl smiles, taking and eating it with a smile on her face.
“Alright, class, let’s get started!” Mme. Bustier smiles.
“Where is he…?” Marinette can barely hear Chloe mutter.
Adrien has just helped an old man from tripping and falling into the street, turning back with a sight to see the two people he knew would drag him away from the steps of Francoise Dupont Lycee. Nathalie Sanceour, archaeologist-turned-assistant, and Placide I.T., a gorilla-like American bodyguard that hardly understands a word of French, much less speak it.
“I just want to go to school like anyone else. What’s so wrong with that?” Adrien protests.
“Let’s go home, Adrien,” Nathalie says, and the Bodyguard opens the door of the car.
“... please don’t tell my Father about this,” Adrien mutters as he steps into the car.
The Butterfly Miraculous allows one to tap into truly empathic abilities, allowing one to read emotions and surface thoughts for many miles while in a meditative state. There is negativity all across the so-called “City of Love,” but it is one emotion picked up on. Anger, Sadness, Resentment, and Regret all together at once! A shy boy hiding his anger, pent up with rage with a want to express his love, but how could he ever?
“This is perfect.” Hawkmoth grins. He holds his cane up, and the head opens. A butterfly lands on it, and the head closes. Dark energy pulses through the head of the cane, corrupting the harmless butterfly into something more potent. “Burn a hole into his heart, my horrible akuma!” the head of the cane opens, and the cracking purple-black butterfly emerges, fluttering out of the window with a target in mind. “Fly now, and akumatize him!”
When the akuma closes in, he can feel the anger spike. Scorned by the Principal, who should be protecting these youths. The akuma finds its way into the object with the most emotional attachment: a crumpled-up piece of paper, a failed confession.
“Stoneheart, I am Hawkmoth.” Hawkmoth declares, his influence driven into the boy’s mind like a knife. Proclaiming his new name, so that he has no chance to deny that Stoneheart is his identity. “The world hurts, doesn’t it? I can give you the power to shut out all pain. However, in return, there is something you need to do for me…”
“Whatever it is, you’ve got a deal, Hawkmoth.” the weak-willed young man agrees, and the horrible shadow covers him, mutating him into something so much more.
“Make some noise, Stoneheart.” Hawkmoth orders. “Grab Paris’ attention.”
Marinette and Alya were in the library, when the ground suddenly shook. Marinette fell to the ground- not actually her fault, this time!- and plastered across every news screen was that of a monstrous golem-like creature tearing through the school.
“KIM!” the monster roars in anger, and Marinette can see the monster’s fist tighten around something in his hand.
“Ivan?” Marinette mutters, blinking in surprise.
“Hello? This is the police?” Damocles exclaims, talking on his phone as he rushes through the library, trying to hide. “Get me the army!”
“Whoa, a real-life supervillain!” Alya rushes to her bag, swiping through her phone. “GPS, synced. Battery, charged. I am so ready for this!” she starts to rush out the door…towards the danger?!
“Hey! Where are you going?!” Marinette exclaims.
“Supervillains mean Superheroes, and Paris hasn’t had either in years!” Alya grins. “There’s no way I’m missing this!”
Marinette sees the news on another student’s phone and just how…destructive this monster Ivan has become is. She winces, and she thinks hard.
My new friend has a death wish! I have to help her!
What can I even do? I’d just get in the way…or worse, my clumsiness could get her hurt!
I can’t just do NOTHING, can I?
There’s another boom from outside.
I should…leave this to the Police.
Adrien, ever-bored, waits patiently as he answers each of Nathalie’s questions easily. Suddenly, the door to Adrien’s room opens.
“Give us a moment, would you, Nathalie?” Gabriel Agreste himself requests, and Nathalie steps out. He then turns to Adrien, holding his hands behind his back. “You are not going to school. I already told you.”
“But, Father-” Adrien protests.
“Quiet.” Gabriel orders, and Adrien promptly shuts up. “Everything you need is right here where I can keep an eye on you. I will not have you outside in that dangerous world.”
It’s not dangerous, Adrien thinks to himself. Why can’t I just go to school like everyone else…?
Gabriel walks to the door, opening it for Nathalie. “Continue,” he orders, and Adrien walks to the door as he walks away, and Nathalie looks into the room.
“We can leave it there for today if you-” Nathalie begins, and Adrien promptly shuts the door in her face.
Adrien groans, laying on his bed. He hears thumping and…explosions? He rushes to the TV and turns it on, seeing a monster literally absorbing gunfire into its body, growing bigger!
“As incredible as it seems,” Nadja Chamack reports, “it’s been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a supervillain! The Police have been struggling to keep the situation under control.”
“First day back at school…and a supervillain attacks.” Marinette faceplants into her chaise. “This is a new low.”
Marinette looks up at the monitor, her eyes squinting as she sees a small box she doesn’t recognize next to it. “Huh…?”
Adrien stares at the screen in disbelief, then notices something on one of his darker shelves he hasn’t noticed until now…something that definitely wasn’t there before.
“What’s this doing here?” Adrien picks up the box with the intricate design and opens it up, and a bright glow emanates from within!
“AAGH!” Marinette falls back, seeing the creature that emerged from the box. “Help! Giant bug- mouse- bug-mouse!”
“Everything’s okay, don’t be scared!” the creature tries to comfort her.
“AAGH IT TALKS!” Marinette panics.
“I’m Plagg, nice to meetchya.” the creature grins in front of Adrien before promptly starting to destroy his room, looking at anything shiny and possibly edible.
“Hey, hold on-!” Adrien protests.
Marinette slams a jar over the creature.
“Okay, if that makes you feel safer, Marinette…” the creature says.
“What are you and how do you know my name?!” Marinette exclaims.
“I am a kwami, and my name is Tikki. Now, just let me explain-” she begins.
“-I grant powers,” Plagg explains simply from the grip of Adrien’s hands. “Yours is the power of destruction, got it?”
“Not even a little,” Adrien says honestly, prompting Plagg to roll his eyes.
“Good enough for me!” he phases out from the hands, causing Adrien to shudder as both his hands feel like they’ve fallen asleep. “You got anything to eat? I’m starving.”
“This can’t be real,” Adrien says, shaking his hands. “I’d assume someone was pranking me, but I’m the only one in this house with a sense of humor…”
“No one must know I exist!” Plagg suddenly gets in Adrien’s face.
“I’m your friend, please trust me! You’re the only one who can stop Stoneheart!” Tikki pleads, having phased out of the jar to stop Marinette from getting her parents.
“This has to be a mistake! The only superpower I could have is how abysmal I am at literally everything I do…I know!” Marinette looks up at the kwami. “Alya would know! That’s my friend! Well, I think she is…and I think she would…she loves superheroes, and knows way more than me about being a hero! You should totally go see her, instead!”
“Marinette, you were chosen!” Tikki insists.
“I’m a pretty crummy choice,” Adrien admits. “I’m stuck here! I’m not even allowed to go to school! What good is a superhero stuck in his own house?”
“No good at all.” Plagg grins mischievously. “That’s why that’s all going to change soon. If you’re willing to use my power to break the chains that keep you here.” Plagg lounges on the open box, gesturing to the black ring tantalizingly. 
“Okay, break the object, capture the thing! What’s the…charm thing again?” Marinette asks.
“I can’t say it, but part of the transformation involves knowledge. You’ll know it when you transform!” Tikki explains. “It will create an object that will help you deal with one threat! Once the threat is neutralized, you can release the energy of the object back into the universe, restoring the balance and fixing any damage the threat has done!”
“This is going…very fast, Tikki, I…I can’t do this!” Marinette whimpers.
“Trust yourself, Marinette! You have the potential inside of you!” Tikki smiles. “The transformation phrase is ‘Spots On’.”
“Spots on?” Marinette questions, and her eyes widen as Tikki is drawn into the earrings, and the transformation curls across her body!
Her eyes become a deeper blue and segmented like compound eyes, her hair becomes longer, the ribbons curling off her back. A shoulder-length cape with a Ladybug pattern around her neck is worn, and beautiful reds and blacks make up the Ladybug pattern of her attire, including a yoyo at her waist! There is a pitch-black pattern on her suit that makes a pair of gloves, with the black going along the underside of her forearms, and her boots have a similar pattern.
“Plagg, Claws Out!” Adrien declares, more ready for this than anything else in his life.
“No, wait! I haven't finished explaining-!” Plagg shrieks as he’s pulled into the ring, and Adrien transforms.
Adrien’s heroic form is fashionable leather, catlike eyes, and his hair has become wild and longer. A tail-like belt and a golden bell completes the look, and his clawed gloves are a wonderful touch, and he grins with a toothy, somewhat fanged grin. At his waist sports a collapsible staff that can become as compact as a palm-sized disc.
“This is gonna be so cool!” Adrien laughs excitedly.
Marinette looks down at her hands, gazing at her transformed visage.
I feel…weird. Out of my element.
“Tikki, can I get my old clothes back? Tikki…? You there…?” Marinette mutters to herself, and she feels the earth shake again, and she looks at the monitor worriedly.
“The monster, which calls itself ‘Stoneheart’, is heading toward the Montparnasse tower! The monster seems to be unstoppable!” Nadja reports.
Marinette sees Alya rushing toward the scene from the news feed, and her eyes widen in fear for the safety of her only friend.
I have to help her, no matter how weird this magic stuff feels!
“Marinette!” Sabine calls from downstairs, and Marinette’s eyes widen in fear. Tikki was very clear about keeping her identity a secret. “Marinette, sweetie, are you home? Are you okay?!”
Marinette knows that if she responds, she’d have to confront her Mere, and they’d want her to hide with her and Papa. Climbing up to her balcony quickly and silently, she feels guilt spike into her as she hears her Mere worried about the lack of her daughter in the house.
Okay, I have powers or something! And a magic yoyo.
Marinette feels the magic of the suit gives her the instincts to use the yoyo to swing. Her reflexes have been improved, but her hand-eye coordination is still pretty bad. The powers seem to enhance her existing abilities, not replace them.
The wind in my face, this new strength, I feel better than ever!
I still feel a bit weird.
…no, not weird. I feel powerful.
Adrien can’t help but laugh and whoop as he launches himself throughout the city he’s never had a chance to see! Every building, a new opportunity at vaulting himself onward! Adrien was already pretty skilled and physically fit, but the Miraculous has increased all of that tenfold (well, maybe not tenfold, but it still feels great!)!
He’s walking across a gap between two buildings using his staff at a tightrope- his model poise and the Black Cat’s instincts making it practically impossible for him to fall- when he hears a shriek from above. Looking up, he sees a blur of red slam into him, yoyo strings tying them together as they hang upside-down.
“Well, hey there.” Adrien smiles, happy that he was able to find his apparent partner so easily. “Nice of you to drop in!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” the blue-eyed bug girl proclaims nervously. “I didn’t mean to- this wasn’t on purpose!” she stammers slightly, and in a few moments, the two of them are able to free themselves and reclaim their weapons.
“So, you’re the partner my kwami told me about?” Adrien asks, and the girl nervously nods. “Well, you can call me…” Adrien taps his chin, grinning. He’d been thinking about this all the while he was vaulting across Paris. Something short and sweet, rolls off the tongue, but makes sense and tells people everything they need to know about him. “Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir!” the new hero grins. “And you?”
“I’m Ma- er, uh-” the girl scrambles with her yoyo wildly, and winds up tossing it up and it hits her on the head before she catches it. “...Madly clumsy. I am so clumsy.”
“No sweat, Clumsybug!” Chat Noir sidles up to her, putting his arm around his maybe-sidekick’s shoulder. “I’m still learning the ropes, too!”
The ground shakes again- another indicator of the Stoneheart fight! Chat Noir grins and starts sprinting towards the fight, seeing where the dust is kicked up!
“H-hey! Where are you going?!” Clumsybug exclaims.
“To save Paris!” Chat laughs heartily as he takes his staff, vaulting upward once more!
The students of Lycee Francoise Dupont have the unique privilege of using the Parc des Princes as their school’s P.E. grounds. The students are packing up early, unaware the mysterious quakes are anything more than just that…until the monstrous and massive form of Stoneheart bursts through the entrance and walls!
“KIM!” Stoneheart roars, looming over the student. “Who’s the wuss now?” he is about to slam his fist down upon Kim, who’s tripped over, but suddenly a black blur gets Kim out of the way before brandishing his staff as though it were a blade, pointing it at Stoneheart!
“Hey, maybe you should pick on someone your own size!” the wielder of the Black Cat proclaims.
“Just as expected,” Hawkmoth smirks, looking through his Akuma’s eyes. “The Miraculous of the Ladybug and the Black Cat have been activated! Here they come to save the day, only to be destroyed by my machinations.”
“Where are you, partner?” Chat mutters as he is thrown back by an even bigger Stoneheart- every hit of his staff makes the villain grow! Chat tries to throw one of the football nets at Stoneheart, hoping to tangle him and render him immobile, but instead, Stoneheart just throws it away- and is about to hit a girl recording everything! Chat Noir is able to save her, but she pays no mind to him, looking up at Clumsybug, who seems to be frozen with fear from atop the stadium’s bowl.
“What are you waiting for, Super Redbug? The world is watching you!” the recorder eggs on.
I can’t do this. I’m not a superhero! Look at the size of that thing! How can I fight that?
Marinette can hear Alya, and she sees Chat Noir fighting alone, against all odds.
He’s fighting. I could try and be like him.
What if I get in his way? What if I tie us together again? What if I-
What if nothing, I can’t just stand by and do nothing!
Marinette resolves herself, leaping down and brandishing her yoyo.
Never again.
She throws her yoyo forward, doing the best thing she can- let it go wild! It ties around Stoneheart’s torso, and she yanks, pulling herself towards him! She lands on his head and kicks off, snapping her fingers to make the yoyo’s strings loosen, allowing her to pull it back to her side, pulling the string together like a mechanical tape measure’s retraction.
“Animal cruelty, Stoneheart? How shameful.” Marinette quips, trying to emulate Chat Noir’s boldness. “Sorry it took so long, Chat Noir.”
“It’s cool, Wonderbug.” Chat Noir says, coming to her side. “Let’s kick his rocky rear!”
“We can’t just rush in brazenly when our attacks will only make him bigger and stronger!” Marinette reasons. “We have to do something different…”
“Alright, I’ll bite. Different how?” Chat Noir asks.
“I…don’t know.” Marinette hangs her head.
“Well, I do. What do you say we test out our powers?” Chat Noir smiles, and Marinette nods a little bit.
“Cataclysm!” Chat Noir holds his hand forward, but…nothing happens. “Huh, what the heck?”
“Tikki said they use our weapons. Like, mine is the Lucky Charm-” Marinette says, holding her yoyo in her hand, and the yoyo glows and thrums with power! She shrieks a little as the light pours out of it, conjuring a spandex suit that resembles her own. “Ugh…” she falls back from the disorientation. “I should probably throw that away from me whenever I do that from now on…”
“Oh! So it’d be like this…?” Chat Noir compacts his staff into a palm-sized disc, palming it into his ring hand. “Cataclysm!” he declares again, and this time, the dark power thrums through his hand and the disc! “Alright! Apparently, I destroy whatever I though. What’s yours do?”
“It’s supposed to help us win, somehow. We only have 5 minutes now until we turn back…” Marinette mumbles.
“Ah…probably should have listened to my kwami.” Chat Noir chuckles. “Any other tips?” he asks, leaning against a goal that starts to disintegrate.
“...our powers are only single use,” Marinette says softly, and Chat Noir looks back at the destroyed goal.
“...oops.” Chat Noir says, embarrassed.
They hear a roar from Stoneheart, who is starting to charge towards them!
“His right hand is always closed…it must be where that whatchamacallit is hiding, the…the akuma!” Marinette reasons.
“So, uh, what’s the plan?” Chat Noir asks nervously, seeing the monstrous villain charging.
“The plan, it’s…it’s…” Marinette looks around wildly, soon locating precisely what she needs. “I’ve got it!” she swiftly ties a nearby hose to the suit, then ties Chat Noir with her yoyo. “Okay, uh, don’t resist, I need you to trust me.”
“Oh god, she’s crazy.” Chat Noir says as she picks him up! “How are you so strong?!” he exclaims,
“Why are you so light?!” Marinette exclaims, genuinely thinking she was gonna have a harder time with his plan (and honestly a little concerned with how little he weighs). Regardless, she throws him like a shotput.
The plan goes pretty well. Chat Noir is captured, then so is Ladybug, then the Lucky Charm’s use goes well and they’re able to destroy the object!
“Wow…that was awesome.” Chat Noir declares, laughing as he lies in the grass, looking at the sky. “She’s awesome.”
“What’s going on? Why am I here?” Ivan exclaims, worried, and Marinette’s heart bleeds. He doesn’t even remember what happened to him.
“Well, you did it Super…Clumsy…Bug Lady.” Chat Noir laughs, still clearly unsure of what to call her. “You were great!”
“We got there in the end, didn’t we?” Marinette smiles and holds up her fist. “Partner.”
The look of elation on Chat Noir’s face was perhaps the purest joy Marinette had ever seen.
“Pound it!” Chat Noir says as they fist bump, and Marinette laughs.
“What was that?” she smiles.
“What? It’s fun!” he grins goofily, and notices his beeping ring. “Ah, we should probably get going.”
“Right! Identities gotta be secret.” Marinette nods.
“Farewell, M’lady bug!” Chat Noir winks with one last nickname and vaults away on his staff. “Let’s do this again soon, okay?”
Not too soon, I hope… Marinette thinks to herself as the adrenaline starts to wear off. She walks over to look at the paper the object was in, and she reads it, and she frowns as she realizes what Kim has done.
What he always does, with those twisted attempts at jokes.
“There’s no shame in telling someone you love them,” Marinette says to Ivan, and he looks away, ashamed as the paramedics come in to try and get the scope of the situation.
“Uncanny, amazing, spectacular!” Alya suddenly interrupts. “Are you gonna be protecting Paris from now on? How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive Ladybug? Oh, I've got a ton of questions to ask you, uh, miss... uhh…” She trails off, as though trying to decide which of Chat Noir’s many names could be her moniker.
And honestly, while it was a bit plain and simple, Marinette liked his last one the most.
“Ladybug. You can call me Ladybug.” She smiles wide.
“Ladybug! Super awesome!” Alya exclaims, recording the scene as ‘Ladybug’ swings away.
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Is It SUPER Weird To Want To Ship Scratch x Glamrock-Chica...?
[Note: Mature Reader Audience Only....also reading this is optional, also this will talk about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss ships and Crossover ships besides Scratch x Glamrock-Chica. and yeah it does get a bit off topic as well.]
not sure if many thought about this Crossover ship idea, that involves Scratch, the Robot Rooster who in a Sonic Cartoon and who is like the Older Brother of Grounder, and was made by Doctor Robotnik...
and Glamrock Chica from FNAF Security Breach, being ship together.
does it count as a crack-ship...?
I kind of want to Crossover OTP ship them, well maybe sometime I will draw a fan art with those two being ship together.
even if it might be the weirdest ship yet, but I'm weird and I'm way better when I'm weird and not when I get really mad or sad...
and a Crossover ship between Scratch The Robot Rooster and Glamrock Chica The Chicken, is just some idea that pop into my head and the chances of others ending up doing fan art of that crossover ship is possibly very small and not likely to happen very much.
but yeah, is it super weird that I want to ship Scratch from Sonic The Hedgehog with Glamrock-Chica from FNAF Security Breach...? XD
well I have seen other unsuspected and surprising ships,
like Charlie's Dad and Angel's Dad from Hazbin Hotel, being ship together....and as weird as it might be, I can't help but like their ship.
and I'm still gonna view that Mamtella name that I started to call Stella x Mammon's ship name (who are from Helluva Boss) as something that reminds me of food and yeah as weird as it sounds when I was talking about the ship name before, it ended up making me hungry. I wouldn't be surprise if others think that ship name kind of sounds like something you put on toast...
even if that ship never becomes canon, I can't help but love the idea of those two being together in the fanon.
I am the embodiment of weirdness who at times on certain days falls under the influence of the 8th sin, which I may have had before during those two depressions I had before if that counts.
[feel free to skip to the part where it goes back to talking about ships, Scratch x Glamrock-Chica will be in bold.]
also it might not be really all that easy for some to get back to being super happy like they were before and they have to make due with the happiness they can feel even after going through a depression in 2015 and then a year or so later ending up in another one...which I can't remember if that second depression ended up first starting in 2016 or 2017, but I know it lasted way longer than the first one and at some point after getting better from it, I got sick and started throwing up and my first cat was you know, leaving us...
and if my second cat wasn't taken to the vet on time, I would of ended up losing them too, and I refuse to lose them...
and if it were possible, I would go Feral Earth Angel on Archangel Samael. also maybe there can be no real proof that he is Cain's Dad...
and yes, Cain and Seth are both my and other humans own ancestors (and apparently I'm in the bloodline that has both Seth and Cain as Ancestors...which makes them both Grandpas and Grunkles), and even if it does turn out to be true that Samael is technically Cain's Dad...he still ain't the boss of me.
anyway the other thing that stinks, was that Covid-19 that happen...
hopefully things will become better, and certain Masculine ones will stop scapegoating all humankind, even if only half of them were involved in that mess...
and well I can talk about that kind of messed up thing another time, which I don't think it is even good at all, I mean where is the freaking justice in that...?
anyway maybe sometime I will talk about how I believe that human evolution and creation are correct and well even if those who are religious and some who are more into the explaining of how we got here through science would end up disagreeing with each other but they will have come to the idea that both of them are right.
as well as the whole possibility that Eve and Lilith share descendants that would be like the Evalith Bloodline, so jokes on Lilith if she tries to harm Eve and Adams descendants, because some of them are hers as well.
and back to talking about shipping Scratch x Glamrock-Chica...
if I'm able to, I will try to draw a fan art of those two...might not end up doing that many ship drawings of them but I will try to get around to working on the first one when I'm able to.
I also wouldn't mind shipping TFA-Blitzwing with Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipsedrop which I think their ship name would be Blitzdrop.
I think it be funny if Moondrop scares Bumblebee, like Moony could tell Bumblebee to "take your nap." in a scary way.
and just picture Moondrop and Random-Blitzwing working together to try to make Bumblebee go and take a nap...
I think Blitzwing would enjoy that too much, well the Random side of him at least would really enjoy that.
and in a Crossover ship that is a mix of TFA, Hazbin Hotel and FNAF....if you add Husk, which by the way I still love Blitzhusk and it has become one of my favorite fanon crossover ships.
but hypothetically if Husk was ship with Blitzwing and Sunny/Moony/Eclipsey, would that count as a poly relationship or Husk having a Harem, since Sunny/Moony/Eclipsey while being different personalities that share the same body but also are their own person and could end up talking with each other even when they switch places when they have to take care of the kids in the daycare.
it could be possible that Moondrop and Alastor might get along a bit too well...even if it is in a fanon timeline.
and I guess Husk having Blitzwing and Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipsedrop ship with him could count as both a poly relationship and Harem....maybe.
and it is possible that only some poly relationships can work, but not everyone has to do a poly and might feel more into a relationship when it's just two people.
and if I had to ship Grounder with anyone, I would probably ship him with Map-Bot from FNAF Security Breach....then again maybe I will have that as a maybe ship.
I'm still gonna OTP ship Scratch x Glamrock-Chica, even if it is a weird ship that maybe not everyone will ship, and it being possibly a crack-ship, it still seems interesting and seems like the good kind of weird type of ship. I'm weird and if I have weird ship ideas, than my wanting to ship Scratch with Glamrock-Chica is gonna be one of them.
and if I want to ship Husk with Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipsedrop, then I might actually do that to.
picture Lockdown looking at Blitzwing and Sunny/Moony/Eclipsey and how they switch between their different personalities and Lockdown could be all like "oh no....there's two of them now!" XD
and even if I ask if wanting to ship Scratch and Glamrock-Chica together is super weird, I guess even without others telling me that it's super weird, I know it is but I like the idea of them being ship together even if it isn't canon. some of the best crossover ships are fanon only. :)
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marshmallowsqoosh · 1 year
[Ghost (Band) | Creation]
Fandom: Ghost (Band) Title (AO3 link): Creation Rating: Light teen CW: no major warnings apply Lesser Warnings: Light violence, fictional science, magick science, Ghouls are Generational not Inherited, author uses Sodo instead of Dew, author uses Stratus instead of Sunshine, Phantom and Aurora used, Summary: Normally it’s Swiss and Stratus that do diplomatic jobs. Aether’s confused... and maybe a little worried about how Sodo’s going to handle meeting new Ghouls on such short notice. ♠ Some small Aether/Sodo towards the end ♥
Extras: Status: complete! Word Count: 5546 A/N: The new Ghoul/Ghoulette are adorable af and I love them, but I'm also a ho that must immediately finangle it into existing lore, even if it's my own lmao.
Inspiration kinda taken from this hexin cute art by @dipendancesld  (link goes to artist's tumblr!), in that I hadn't considered Phantom being Aether's "brother" until that very moment and then things went twenty ways from Tuesday but also I just want to bring attention to Phantom being cute off stage, while radiating pure Sodo Chaos Energy on stage. (kinda like Sodo himself is super polite/awkward off stage lol)
Might do more with this after I finish Era Three/Pro Memoria? I have a lot of headcanon about Ghoul summoning metas whoops.Anyways, as usual, not beta read so if you spot typos/weird spots, lemme know ♥
The Ghouls are working through pre-tour jitters—all gathered in the commons area, talking over each other in an attempt to talk to each other—when Copia leans into the room, rapping against the door frame to get their attention without needing to raise his voice. It doesn't work; but, it does get Mountain's attention and he gestures for the human to cover his ears before he gives a sharp whistle that makes the rest of the band hiss and recoil from him.
He just smiles and gestures towards Copia.
"Wonderful, Mountain, thank you. I only needed Aether and Stratus' attention." The man laughs and gestures, "Sister wanted to speak with you. I believe she mentioned the summoning chamber. Be quick about it."
Aether blinks, slowly, and turns a confused look back on the Ghoulette. The confusion turns exasperated for a moment, when he finds her sitting on Sodo and Rain, "Stratus…"
"What? I didn't do anything! … This ti—oh, you meant these two." She jumps up and laughs, dusting her pants down as she does. "C'mon, let's go see what's what before all the snacks are gone!"
He sees Cirrus slap Rain and Sodo, both, on their hands when they make to try hoarding the snacks in question and gives her a passing look of gratitude before he's quickly following at Stratus' heel.
In passing, he sees Swiss looking more confused than anyone else in the room; but, maybe he imagined it. He waits until they're a few doors away—hopefully out of everyone's hearing range—to finally speak up, "Even if you didn't do anything… don't suppose you know what this is about?"
"Mmm… might have an idea…? But normally they call me with Swiss." She pulls on one of her longer curls and twists it around a claw. "We go on jobs for other branches, sometimes. Branches that don't… y'know, quite have a grasp on rituals and stuff? Or need help introducing new congregation members to Ghouls! And… other stuff!"
"Oh… so… what Bell and Special did?" He doesn't bother inquiring what other stuff could be. He's got… a pretty good idea of it. But, Stratus just stares at him for a stretch of silence. It's not until they get to the elevator that he actually remembers she wouldn't know them. "Oh—they're… it's… it's not important. But… diplomatic shit, basically?"
"More or less! … Still weird they're sending you, though, if it's that… I mean… you and Swiss are basically the same, right? Just… you're better at the… shadow… thingy?"
He knows not to be offended, at least, by the question. They're still not really sure what Multis embody and Swiss being part Quintessence just makes it a bigger mess to figure out. He just shrugs as the elevator lets them out and rolls his shoulders a few times to try working the nervous tension out.
"More or less... I know Om… the… Quintessence before me, from Era Three, he could shadow walk pretty far… I wonder if they think I can do the same…?" Not that he's… tried. But it would maybe explain some of the expectations. "Would save on travel expenses, I suppose… but Swiss should be able to get to all the immediate branches…"
Stratus shrugs; but, she doesn't bother elaborating any when he pulls the pulls the summoning chamber doors open. Imperator regards them for barely half a second and things are just… a lot more confusing than they were a second ago. Aether stares. He feels Stratus shrinking next to him and trying to edge closer; he steps in front of her, instinctively, even when he… doesn't quite feel threatened.
Two Ghouls peek around the woman. Two he doesn't recognise and… honestly, the most alarming part is that he doesn't feel any sort of presence from them. That makes him nervous, but he doesn't feel… threatened, at least.
"Marvelous timing, both of you. I just finished debriefing your new understudies."
"Our new… beg pardon?" Aether's ears twitch as he tilts his head, trying to look at the pair again. The Ghoul looks… about Sodo's size. Bright purple eyes stare back at him, unblinking, even as he clearly struggles not to start squirming. The Ghoulette next to him gives a polite tip of her head, white eyes shining just as brightly, though most of her attention is on trying to see Stratus from around Aether's arm.
"Ghouls, introductions, if you would."
"I'm Phantom." The Ghoul gestures to the other, "And this is Aurora."
"We're delighted to meet you both."
It's hard to focus with Stratus feeling threatened right behind him. Aether forces himself to ignore it, offering her the comfort of his tail coiled with hers to try calming her down a little. "The tour is just over a month away, Sister… this seems—for lack of a better word—inadvisable? Why do we need understudies on such short notice—why us?"
"Those details are need to know and, at the moment, the only thing you need to know is that you will be taking care of them until the next string of Rituals begin. Or before, depending on how things play out." Imperator doesn't bother elaborating any further, true to her point. Just offers a smile that does make Aether feel threatened for a brief moment. "Consider them… your younger siblings. That seems the most appropriate analogy here."
"Siblings—? Ghouls… don't… generally have… siblings?" Stratus finally comes out from behind Aether, brows still furrowed and her lips pursed as she tries to wrap her head around the entire thing. "It's… lovely to meet both of you, but…? I'm with Aether, this is such short notice—"
"Then you should be getting to work. Run along now, they have quite a bit to learn, don't they?"
Aether quickly unwinds his tail from Stratus' and the two hastily get out of the woman's way as she exits the room—brisk paced, not another word on where either new Ghoul came from or… whatever else they were supposed to be summoned for. He turns a slow look on Stratus, "I'm going to guess this isn't normally why you're called away?"
She shakes her head, slowly edging forward until she's close enough to reach out and tap the other Ghoulette on the shoulder. Aurora simply blinks at her, "Is… this a greeting among your batch…?"
"Uh… batch? You mean… group…? Of… friends? I mean—it's—no, it's not, I just… you two… weren't… summoned?"
"Stratus!" Aether hisses at her, "Manners!"
Even so, he feels it, too. There is no residual magick in the chamber. There's nothing warm left, saying a patron was here at some point, to deliver new Ghouls. Moreover… the fact there's a Quintessence Ghoul standing in front of him is… unsettling, at best. Summoners couldn't—to his knowledge—summon more than one. He and Swiss were… exceptions, perhaps, but were also summoned together. Along with Sodo.
Regardless, Copia didn't summon Phantom and he's starting to wager he didn't summon Aurora, either. He wonders if the man's even aware of the substitutions.
"Summoned?" Phantom blinks at her and Aether, in turn, spares him a confused look. "We were… brought here to see you, yes? Is that not a summons?"
"I think she means, who summoned you to… the Ministry? Are you from a different branch?"
"Oh! You mean the creators, then?"
Aether doesn't want to know anymore. Judging by the fact Stratus keeps her mouth shut, he's certain she's ready to move on, too. He shakes his head and just offers a smile as he moves around the pair to put a hand on each of their shoulders. "We'll talk about that later. Right now, we should… get the hard part out of the way so we can start teaching, yeah?"
The pair exchange confused looks and Stratus snaps out of her own uncertainties in favour of chewing on her lip, "Uh… should you do that alone, maybe…? Like… give'm a heads up or… y'know, just… not near the rest of us? Or… anything super flammable like furniture or carpets or plants or—"
"Thank you, Stratus… you've made your point. But, I am also really hoping he'll be a little more amicable if he's around the others. So let's not give these two the wrong idea and just introduce them? It'll be fine."
If either of them are put off, it doesn't show. Aurora happily takes Stratus' hand in her own so she can be lead—Aether finally notices she doesn't appear to be able to retract her claws and, at a glance, neither can Phantom; not as long, but still sharp. Hopefully features that will either glamour with their masks or simply look like nails to Ritual attendees.
Stratus relaxes, gradually, as they get closer to the commons. She actually strikes up conversation with Aurora and Aether keeps a cautious eye on Phantom. He doesn't make conversation; but, he's clearly observing everything—even stopping at some intervals to look down a hallway and Aether just barely manages not to run into his back, when he does. He always offers a sheepish smile and quickly catches up to Aurora and Stratus.
They don't need to make an announcement when they get back to the commons. Swiss standing gets everyone's attention and the room goes dead silent in a second. Stratus offers a nervous laugh as she moves to the front—the two newer Ghouls immediately huddle up behind her—and puts her hands up to try showing things are okay.
It's… a little odd, perhaps, when they hadn't felt the need to cower from Imperator or either of them, but… this is a lot of people.
"Heyyy, guys—so! Uh… guess what!"
Aurora pushes her way under Phantom's arm so she can peek around Stratus, attention fixed intently on the rest of the Ghouls. "These are your friends, sister?"
"They are! Guys, this is Aurora!" Stratus pulls her around—Phantom hastily backs up so he's behind Aether instead and avoids getting presented—and hugs around her shoulders to show things are okay. "She's super cute, huh? So you guys be nice to her!"
"Okay, I'm very offended you're looking at me when you say that." Swiss huffs; but, it does seem to help dispense some of the tension, even as he tilts his head towards Aether. "And this is…?"
Aether reaches back, turning enough he can offer a reassuring smile while still keeping Phantom shielded, "It's okay, I promise. C'mon around, yeah?"
He lets the smaller Ghoul shuffle out from behind him, lets him wave at the group, and just puts both hands on the narrow shoulders, "This is… my little brother. Phantom. Try to be nice to him—wait." Aether stands up a bit straighter and he feels Phantom tensing up when he does. A quick headcount and he just barely resists the urge to groan, "Oh for Lucifer's—Sodo, don't you dare—!"
He probably should have accounted for the fact Sodo wasn't sitting with Rain—somewhere he could be contained if he reacted poorly—and doesn't realise he's across the room from everyone until his horns and tail have caught fire.
Panic. Anxiety. Fear. Aether doesn't get a chance to try calming him down before he gets spooked further by Swiss trying to get close to calm him down—or at least put the fires out—and Aether pulls Phantom out of the way when the fire bursts outward. The sprinkler system will kick in, if he does hit anything, and Rain is right there—
But, that isn't what happens.
Phantom squeaks when he's pulled out of the way and recoils back into Aether when the fire gets too close and then it's just… gone. Swiss manages to get a hold on Sodo so Rain can extinguish him—verified by the anguished screech from the Fire Ghoul and Rain and Swiss both trying to calm him down—but Aether just looks down at Phantom.
"Did… did you do that?"
"Uh… maybe—?" He squeaks again and wrenches himself out of Aether's grip to hide behind Stratus instead when Sodo finally kicks back and gets Swiss in the knee so he gets dropped. But, he just runs out the opposite side of the commons, specifically avoiding the new Ghouls. Swiss is biting out a magnificent spiel of curses that all slur together—lost in Ghoulish and English, with a few Italian swears thrown in—even as he carefully rights himself and lets Rain check his knee to ensure his void is fixing itself.
"Sodo! Sorry, Swiss—sorry, keep Phantom here, I'll get him—uh… Phantom, Swiss; Swiss, Phantom—Swiss can introduce you to everyone." He gestures between them, quickly, putting both hands on Phantom's shoulders again to try calming him down. He curses, quietly, to himself when he remembers he… isn't Copia's but… oddly enough, it does seem to be working. Phantom's breathing levels out and he starts to relax. Just a little, but enough to help Aether take a breath and slow down, too. "You're okay. Just… stay with Swiss and the others, okay? I'll deal with Sodo, he's just… he's really bad with meeting new people. This isn't your fault, alright? Either of you."
"Aeth, maybe you should let him blow off steam first? He nearly combusted." Rain points out, "Or at least take me with you—?"
"The fewer of us, the better, Rainy. I can handle him. … Thank you, though. Stratus, you can fill them in?"
She gives a lazy, two fingered salute, even as she's trying to assure Aurora things are okay. Swiss catches his shoulder before he can get by, voice down to keep from attracting any more attention. "Aether… this isn't a good thing…"
"It'll be fine. We will all be fine. Do not make this harder for him, Swiss." The warning comes out as more of a growl than he means for it to. Swiss looks surprised, briefly; but, it fades just as quickly and he sighs, shaking off and ruffling a hand back through his hair.
"Hope you're right... hope you get that through to Sodo…"
Aether keeps a small scowl on his back until he finally makes it over to Stratus and Phantom, introducing himself easily. Phantom shuffles a little bit closer to Stratus; but, he doesn't try to hide, at least. Aether lets his attention go back to Sodo.
It's easy enough to track him—the anxiety hasn't ebbed any and there's a few scorch marks in the carpet that they're definitely going to get in trouble for later. But, it doesn't take him long to find the other Ghoul, huddled up in the garden on the ground floor, squeezed into one of the statue alcoves and tucked in on himself as tight as he can get.
It's finally recovering from the destruction left from Alpha's death five years ago. Most everything's still dead but… there's a few patches that are trying to regrow, at least, and the horrible smell of sulphur is finally aired out completely. He's… not surprised this is where Sodo went; but, he's still careful as crosses the garden, kneeling down a safe distance away. Far enough Sodo's tail can't reach him, but close enough he doesn't have to speak too loud. Close enough that if Sodo decides violence is the answer… he's going to get knocked over and he's not in a great position to defend himself from the claws and fangs if it happens.
"Sodo… c'mon, they're both harmless." He tries not to tense when Sodo looks up, over the way his arms are curled tight around his knees, eyes glowing a violent orange against his void and the tips of his hair starting to go soot black as the fire spreads through him and starts showing up as veins. "Talk to me, firefly. I know you don't like new people, but that was a bit much, even for you—"
"New people aren't replacements!" Sodo snaps at him, tail lashing out, angrily. It only hits the statue of Lucifer he's hiding behind; but it still leaves a scorch mark in its wake and he simply curls in tighter on himself, breathing harder as he reaches up to grip both horns. The right one starts to heat up his grip; the left one starts to bleed lava from the broken off tip.
Aether quickly loses interest in his own safety and closes the distance to grab Sodo's wrists, trying to pry his grip loose without hurting him worse, "Sodo—Sodo, stop—it's okay… everything's okay, I promise."
It's still an effort to get him to let go; but, he at least tries to pull his powers back under control so he doesn't burn Aether. His tail puts itself out and there's soon simply smoke emitting from both horns and his hands. His entire body heaves with the efforts to calm down.
"Why are you okay with this!?"
Aether blinks, slowly releasing his wrists so he can work on pulling Sodo out of the alcove. It takes… a little more effort than he's expecting—he's impressed by how well Sodo managed to squeeze himself into the space—but he soon has the Fire Ghoul in his lap, running a reassuring claw through his hair, while the other hand runs up and down his back, tracing gentle patterns with his claws to help him relax faster.
"Okay with what?"
"Okay with—with what? With being replaced!"
"I'm not being replaced. Not permanently." Aether doesn't react to the fluctuating temperatures—the bursts of Sodo being too warm and suddenly too cold—just does his best to stay calm so Sodo will… hopefully calm down on his own. "It's only for a little bit… which means I need you to take care of him on stage. Please?"
Sodo chooses then to start squirming and trying to get free of the hold. Aether doesn't fight him on it; just makes sure his claws aren't tangled up in Sodo's hair and lets him get away on his own. He doesn't try to run again., at least… but he's still poised like an agitated cat, arched and coiled tight to himself in the process, tail still lashing out in irritation.
"That's what they told the others, isn't it? What they told Era Three? And why the fuck did you call him your little brother? Ghouls don't have siblings, you don't think that's a red flag?"
A yellow flag, at best… because he knows Sodo isn't wrong. They weren't supposed to be permanent. They weren't supposed to be replacements. Temporary aid, until the upper clergy was appeased to give Terzo his own Ghouls back. Just to prove he was successful and not being elevated by his Ghouls. That he could succeed with any Ghouls.
"Because Papa isn't being tested. Not like… not like the last one was." There's still some tension. Everyone's waiting for something to happen. Saltarian being around is terrifying to those that remember. Stratus doesn't know to be afraid of the man, yet; but, everyone else… they remember. "Sodo… he's scared enough without us putting more pressure on him. And even if we were being replaced, we promised not to do this, remember? You said you didn't want to react like Alpha did."
That, thankfully, does give him pause. It makes him relax enough that he slowly comes out of the arched position and settles to sitting with his legs folded criss-cross and his arms crossed tight to his stomach. "I don't. That's why I ran. I—if we are being changed out why didn't Papa say anything? Why just you two? When do the rest of us get changed—?"
"Papa didn't summon them." Aether blinks, pointing to his eyes, like it should have been obvious, but… maybe Sodo really hadn't noticed in the sudden spike of anxiety? But he knows Aether's being substituted, so he had to have noticed, surely? "Phantom's a Quintessence. Same as me. Papa's amazing but I don't think the clergy would let him summon two of us. Not when they don't understand why Swiss came along with us."
Sodo doesn't look convinced. He doesn't argue; but, he still lets his attention go off to the side, like he's trying to figure out how to explain himself better.
"He's not Quintessence." Aether just stares and, when Sodo looks up to meet his eye, he flusters a little, angry but… not at Aether. "He's not. I don't know what he is—what either of them are but… but they aren't Quintessence or Air. Not… not like you or Cirrus or Cumulus. But… not like Swiss or Stratus, either. I can't figure it out; but, something's wrong about them."
Stratus had seemed to think so, too. She's calmed down, but… he thinks that might be more just… her than anything else. Wary but willing to give people a chance. Still on guard but open to being wrong. She doesn't know to be afraid. Not like the rest of them do. Not like Sodo does, having replaced Mist and Ifrit, both, so quickly.
"Wrong or no, that was no reason to attack them. I was hoping being around the others would've made it easier for you, but… that really wasn't necessary, was it?"
"I didn't… mean to. I mean. I'm still mad, but… that off thing? It was really loud when you introduced him. When he just… made the flames vanish. … I don't like it, Aeth. How do you know it's temporary? What if it isn't? Why replace you and Stratus, why not all of us, why now—?"
"Shh—shh, shh, shh. Come here, before you twist yourself into kindle." Aether opens his arms and is grateful Sodo takes the opening to immediately crawl back into his lap, even as he simply tucks himself into a ball instead of latching on. "Slow down, firefly… we're still okay. Everything's going to be okay. I know it's weird. But the best way we make it less weird is helping them so Papa can focus on the Rituals, yeah? 'Cause to be honest… don't think Papa knows, yet, either. He'd have said something, right?"
He sees Sodo's brow furrow, clearly thinking on it, himself; Aether just smiles and pets his hair back, gently. As long as he stays calm… the others should, too. As long as Aether can stay calm… things can be fine.
"Are you gonna let me answer, now?" He thinks the grumble is supposed to be an affirmative and Aether lets his head rest on Sodo's. "You know how Stratus and Swiss go help the other branches of the church? We're just doing something like that… it's super hush and shush right now, but if they're willing to push this right before a tour starts, I have to believe it's important." He needs to tell himself that. He needs to have faith this isn't going to blow up in their faces. Not like… not like it did for the era before them. "I don't know why I'm going, instead of Swiss. But we'll figure it out, okay? Everything is going to be okay."
It has to be.
Sodo finally nods after a bit longer of staying quiet and slowly starts to uncurl himself. "… Can I try again? Just… just us. Not the others. Just you and… and the new one."
"Phantom." Sodo wrinkles his nose and Aether rolls his eyes a little. Fondly, but still a bit exasperated. "Promise you'll at least give him a chance?"
"... Won't promise somethin' I can't guarantee. But I'll try."
He purrs, the smallest bit, when Aether gives his right horn a kiss and nuzzles at him, "That's all I'm asking for. Do you want to come inside or me bring him out here?"
"... Out here. … Don't shadow walk. Just—you can go back upstairs that way but… don't bring him that way. I… I need a minute."
Aether nods and lets Sodo stand on his own, lets him figure out where his stability is. He only watches for a few seconds before letting out a slow breath and a quick I'll be back soon as a warning before he fades into the shadows. He shakes off as soon as he steps out into the commons and is more than a little relieved to find everything in one piece. Aurora's sitting on Cumulus' lap, on the couch, watching Stratus try to teach her how to braid hair with Cirrus as their test subject. She doesn't look pleased by it; but, she also doesn't shoo the Ghoulette away. Phantom's perched on the arm of the couch, opposite of the Ghoulettes, attention shifting between them and watching where Swiss and Mountain have dissolved into… a game of poker. Rain's watching for cheating—or helping them cheat, he isn't really sure—but it's… still a relief.
Phantom notices him first, ears perking up and his attention immediately going to Aether—followed quickly by Swiss looking over his shoulder and soon everyone else—and it's in that moment that Aether… almost understands what Stratus and Sodo reacted to. It's still a blank stare, but it feels… almost predatory. Not quite danger levels, but… the same as when Sodo zeroed in on stalking before he went into ambush mode.
Aether manages to shake it off and smiles; he's relieved when Phantom relaxes and smiles back; hopeful, if not a bit anxious.
"See? Everything's fine. Phantom, wanna try again? Bit more open space so Sodo doesn't feel as trapped?"
Phantom blinks, "Trapped? This is a very open room—?"
Rain looks wary of the idea; but, he still offers an encouraging smile and stands to give the other Ghoul a gentle pat on the shoulder as encouragement to leave his perch, "It is. But there's a lot of people and Sodo gets overstimulated pretty easy. Sometimes we help make things less, sometimes we make it worse. Guess today it was worse…"
He still looks confused; but, he follows the urging and slowly climbs down from the arm of the couch and crosses over to Aether, looking up curiously, "How did you do that? Coming out of nowhere?"
"I'll show you later," Aether promises, putting a hand between his shoulders in a gentle motion to lead him. It doesn't take much for the Ghoul to fall into step with him, thankfully. "It'll be better if we walk and take the elevator down. Shadow walking is… kind of alarming and Sodo's still a little bit high strung. Just be slow with him, okay? Let him make the first move."
Phantom nods and Aether's… actually feeling a little confident about this. Or, hopeful, at least.
When they get down to the ground floor, he sees Phantom trying to look into the garden windows, ears twitching and tail flickering in slow intervals as he absorbs the damage that never quite healed.
"... This was where Era Three…?"
Aether frowns a little, but still nods. "Yeah. … You heard about that already?"
"Sister mentioned it… to be wary that… that we don't end up like them. If we fail."
"... This… this happened because of what happened to their summoner. She can't hurt you like this without your summoner… but you two… haven't told us who summoned you?"
Phantom stares at him. Aether actually jumps when Sodo leans in from the gardens, clearly confused why they're just standing at the windows. He still freezes up when he's closer to Phantom; but, he doesn't bolt and he doesn't catch fire which is… promising. Aether tries to laugh it off.
"Sorry, I uh… got distracted. We were talking—"
"About Alpha. And a summoner. … Who did summon you? I always thought Quintessence was… only for the upper clergy…?"
Phantom looks between them, slowly, clearly confused. "The… the sister did. With the lab teams…?"
This time it's Aether looking back at Sodo, slowly, just to see if he understands; Sodo looks more confused than he did a second ago and Aether can tell his anxiety is starting to climb again. Although… that might be Aether's own rare manifestation of anxiety trying to twist his chest into knots. He hopes it isn't. If it is, he hopes Copia doesn't feel it.
"Sodo… we can do this another day if you need to; but, right now, I need you to calm down, firefly."
"You weren't summoned. That's why you don't feel right." Sodo finally comes out of the gardens. He stops before he gets too close, clearly struggling with his own anxiety of meeting new people and wanting answers before he finally closes the rest of the distance and puts a hand against Phantom's shoulder. A light, fleeting touch at first; like he's making sure the Ghoul actually is there. When he doesn't vanish, he tries again, pressing his hand a little harder.
Phantom doesn't fight the touch. He just blinks a few times, looking between them like Aether has answers to what's going on. He doesn't seem aware there's smoke coming from his void until Aether yanks Sodo backwards; but, the smoke isn't coming from Sodo. He's not the one generating heat. For the briefest moment Phantom's eyes change to Fire Ghoul orange before they're purple again.
Sodo pulls his left sleeve back and then yanks on Aether's arm—Aether swears as he's snapped out of his own distracted, morbidly curious thoughts—to shove his right sleeve back. He points at his own arm, forcing his patron seal to show up—the Leviathan cross. Aether slowly lets his own seal show up, when he finally stops staring at Sodo's. He can't remember the last time either of them actually made their seals visible. Phantom looks even more confused by the symbols.
"You don't have one. Do you?" No accusation. Anxiety. Aether feels it twisting his insides and it's a concentrated effort not to react.
"Do you or don't you?"
"I… I don't know what that is, so I'm going to say no…?" He starts to reach for Sodo's, like he wants to touch it; Aether's still too shocked, himself, to try warning him until Sodo bares his fangs with a violent snarl. Phantom immediately pulls his hand back to himself, apologising, hastily. "I—I didn’t mean to—"
"Sodo." Sodo finally calms down a little, shoving his sleeve back down and crossing his arms, tight to his body for security, mostly using it to hide his arm, even when the seal is protected under his void again. Aether sighs and lets his own melt back into his void, turning the look on Phantom. "Aurora doesn't have one, either, does she?"
"I don't… believe so, no."
"He wasn't supposed to replace you." Sodo mumbles, pulling the attention to himself. His tail flickers and he refuses to look up. "They tried to copy Swiss. That's why it feels wrong. Because it's you… but I'm there, too. She has it, too. Air and Fire. Air controls fire, though; and Quintessence trumps everything. Stratus could probably tell. But they just feel normal to you, don't they?"
Normal isn't the word Aether would use. But he still thinks on it. "… They feel empty. But that isn't their faults—"
"I'm not blaming them." Sodo finally looks calm. Now that he has… some kind of answer, he looks calmer. Feels calmer. He finally meets Phantom's eye. "… You're really not here to replace Aeth?"
Phantom blinks and looks between them, "I—? No? We're here to help. I don't know what they're doing, but… we're supposed to help. … I want to. They showed us your past Rituals." He finally smiles—Aether relaxes and he feels Sodo relaxing, gradually—and looks a little more confident, "You're all amazing. Papa's amazing. I want to see it for myself. But I need to learn, to do that, right? You'll teach me?"
"It's… a lot to shove into a month, but yeah. Absolutely. And you'll have the others on stage to help." He tilts his head a little, regarding Phantom, "Do you remember how we got down here? Can you get back to the commons by yourself?"
"I can! I can… kinda feel 'Rora… will I be able to walk like you? And find the others, too?"
He's not sure who taught him that, but Aether offers a small smile, "Maybe. We'll figure it out. You go ahead, I need to talk to Sodo." Phantom nods and offers a bow—too proper, definitely taught by the clergy, not socialised enough with others—and takes off for the stairs. Aether waits until he's well out of sight—hopes he actually is—and finally turns his attention down to Sodo. " … Think you can handle being around the others, firefly?"
"... Yeah. Maybe. … Broth, first." Sodo lets out a slow breath, attention still fixed on the floor. "… Are we going to tell the others?"
"That they weren't summoned?"
"That they're manufactured. I—it feels… wrong. But they don't deserve that… not having a patron to protect them…"
Aether hums a little, putting his hand against the small of Sodo's back to get him to walk. "Well… we'll protect them, then. Yeah? We couldn't do anything for Era Three but… maybe those two, we can."
That seems to help. Sodo finally raises his head, finally walks with a bit more of his usual confidence.
"Yeah. Yeah, I like that a lot more."
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