#what Im supposed to fight for my life again for a chance to get to study animation? while this is all going down?
vodika-vibes · 2 days
😌 idk if my first request for a fox x reader went through but i’ve been reading a lot (ofc whats new) and uh uh I found I really love fics with CX-2 (Clone Assassin) aND SO, to my favorite SW writer I ask;
How bout a soulmate au with CX-2 (?) Could be a bit of angst with a happy ending, and everyone is just wondering how reader could be with him after all the things he’s done (uh im getting sunshine!reader x grumpy character vibes)
dont have to write this! i just would love to see some more cx-2 fics after reading one just now lol also im down the rabbit hole again that its cx-2!tech whose been reconditioned, do what you feel is best but i just love that theory bc I’m a firm believer too that tech never died 😌
Summary: For a long time, your parents feared that you didn’t have a soulmate. Until, one morning, you woke up and found a wild dog curled up next to you on your bed. You named him Noir, and the people around you quickly learned that he was fiercely protective of you. However, after Noir kills an Imperial Officer after he threatens, you have no choice but to go on the run.
Pairing: CX-2 x F!Reader, background Tech x Phee
Word Count: 2799
Warnings: None
Prompt: Soulmate AU - soulmates have spirit animals representing each other.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So I wasn't able to get the angst to work, largely because I wasn't in an angsty mood. Also, as much as I love the CX-2 being Tech idea, I had a different idea for this fic, so I hope you like it!
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“What d’ya have there, Noir?” You ask as you return to the small hut that has been your home for the last three months and crouch in front of your oldest companion.
Noir’s tail wags rapidly as he nudges something in your direction.
You gently rub his head, then carefully pick up his offering, “Oh, it’s a fish. Did you find dinner for us, pal?”
Noir releases a happy yip, and you laugh softly, “Good job, Noir.” You stand and carry the fish over to the rough kitchen to divvy up the portions. Most of the fish will go to Noir, while you’ll prepare your portion with some seasoning that the Wookies traded with you.
Three months ago, Noir slaughtered an Imperial Officer who threatened your life. You’ve always known that he is fiercely protective of you, and you knew that there was a chance that he would kill again if you were threatened.
The first time it happened you had still been a child. Your uncle tried to kidnap you, and Noir reacted violently. 
That time, the authorities just nodded and said it made sense, that your uncle had bad intentions. Neither you, nor Noir, were punished for the death of your uncle.
The Empire is much less understanding.
You had no choice but to take Noir and flee from Coruscant.
The pair of you bounced from planet to planet for several months and then were offered a safe house on Kashyyyk, in the Shadowlands far below the treetop homes of the Wookie people.
It’s not easy.
You are, at your heart, a city girl. Hunting and survival skills do not come naturally to you. Luckily, you have Noir. He really is the greatest equalizer.
If not for him, you’d have died several times since you moved into the small hut.
The biggest downside to this whole situation is the knowledge that you’re not likely to ever meet your soul mate.
Well, unless your soulmate is a Wookie, you suppose.
Carefully, you fillet the fish on your cutting board and toss the large majority into Noir’s bowl, the rest is set in a bowl of marinade and shoved into the fridge. 
At least you have electricity. 
Sure, you don’t have a holo, but you do have a radio that allows you to keep up to date on the current events, and, much more importantly, listen to books while you fight to keep the Shadowlands from reclaiming the hut.
You’re about to flip the radio on, when Noir releases a low growl.
A growl low enough that your hair stands on end.
You turn your gaze to Noir and see that his ears are flat against his head and his teeth are bared. Spooked, you reach for your belt and grab your blaster, and then you nudge the door open.
Noir slinks out of the hut and, cautiously, you follow him.
The forest is silent. Eerily silent. 
You scan the forest around you, not that you expect to be able to see or hear anything. It’s enough that Noir is still growling as though he’s on the verge of attacking.
There’s a rustle in a bush, and you lift your blaster, only to lower it as a small, curious-looking creature ambles out. It’s red, black, and white, and you’d almost think it was a raccoon if not for the colors.
Noir is still growling like there’s a threat, but he’s ignoring the small creature, which is still ambling towards you. It stops at your feet and raises on its hind legs, and you crouch to get a better look at it.
When Noir first appeared in your bedroom all those years ago, no one was sure what kind of animal he was. Not even the zoologists at the local university were able to determine a species.
So you spent a lot of time as a child flipping through various animal encyclopedias. And, while you’d never claim that you had a perfect memory, this little creature does look familiar.
“You’re a Red Panda, aren’t you?” You murmur as you lightly stroke the soft fur on top of her head, “Your kind isn’t native to Kashyyyk, how did you get here?” What’s more is that she’s soft, as though someone’s been taking care of her, though based on the scarring around her ankles, she’s been chained up a lot. “Are you someone’s pet?”
The red panda climbs into your arms and promptly falls asleep, nuzzling her face into your neck. “Well, you’ve clearly been socialized. Maybe I can do something about the scarring.”
Your head snaps up as there’s more rustling and Noir’s growl lowers.
Five Stormtroopers stumble into the clearing, “There it is!” One of them says as he points at the Red Panda in your arms, “Get it!”
You stumble backward as they lift their blasters and Noir launches himself at the Stormtroopers. 
You’ve always known that Noir was quick. Quick and with a strong bite, but the last time you’ve seen him move this quickly was when you were a child. He manages to kill three of the Stormtroopers before they recognize that he’s a threat.
The fourth and fifth, however, turn their blasters on him.
And, for a moment, you think that you’re going to watch Noir die. 
You only think that for a moment, as another man emerges from the forest. He’s clad in black armor, much unlike the stark white armor of the Stormtroopers. And you watch as he uses a blade to kill one of the Stormtroopers from behind. 
You watch as he and Noir work in concert to kill the last of the Stormtroopers.
And then you watch as Noir jumps up on the man, his tail wagging faster than you’ve ever seen before. The armored man seems surprised at how friendly Noir is, and, to be honest, you are too.
He’s so friendly with the armored man, in fact, that you can’t help but think that Noir is the representation of said armored man.
“Noir,” You say, drawing the attention of both the wild dog and the armored man, “His name is Noir.”
It’s kind of hard to read him, seeing as he’s wearing a helmet, but you’re pretty sure that he’s staring at you. “Ka’ra.” He gestures to the red panda in your arms, “She’s been a prisoner her whole life.”
“That explains the scarring,” You walk over to him and pass him his spirit animal, a small smile crossing your face as Noir drops to his paws and bounces around you. “I have some medical stuff, to wrap her scars if you want.”
He’s quiet for a long time, and then nods once, “I’d appreciate that.”
You lead him into the hut, and motion for him to take a seat anywhere while you dig around for the first aid kit.
Once you find it, you set it on the table and open it to dig through what you have left. “You know, you don’t have to leave your helmet on.” You note lightly, “This is a pretty safe place.”
The man hesitates for a moment, then he nods once and reaches up to pull off his helmet. 
You’re genuinely surprised to see that he’s a clone. He looks like every other clone you’ve ever seen, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin…though he does have some nasty scarring along the side of his face.
He’s handsome, you decide as you focus back on your medkit. He kind of looks like Noir, if you squint.
Though, now you have to wonder if you look like his Ka’ra.
“Ah, here we go!” You pull several rolls of bandages from the bottom of the kit and some scar powder. “If I remember correctly, this needs to be added to water, and then the bandages need to soak in it for a bit before we apply them—” You mumble under your breath as you flip the bottle and squint at the instructions.
“What’s your name?” The man asks.
You glance at him and introduce yourself absently, before you squint at the directions again, “What’s yours?”
You pause, “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve never actually met another person with a soul animal before.”
“It’s rare, then?”
“One of the rarest soul bonds.” You agree, “The only one that’s more rare is the teleportation one.” You stand to grab a clean bowl and fill it with water before placing it on the table.
“I have a brother with the teleportation soul bond. He vanished one day, never saw him again.” CX replies as he watches you.
“Well, there are a lot of you.” You reply as you add some of the powder to the water and stir it in.
He doesn’t answer for a moment, “What is a human doing on Kashyyyk?”
“Ah…well.” You pause, “Noir killed an Imperial Officer who threatened me.”
CX stares at you for a long time, and then his lips curl up into an amused smile, “Good.”
You shoot him a puzzled look.
“He’s as protective of you as I would be.”
“Yeah, well…he is representative of you, right?” You reply with a small shrug.
“I didn’t expect you to be so calm about it,” CX notes, “You do realize that I’m an assassin, right?”
You start unrolling a roll of bandages, “When I was about eleven years old,” You say quietly, “My uncle tried to kidnap me from my bedroom. Noir,” You nod at the wild dog who is gnawing on a bone, “ripped his throat out before he got me out of the living room.” You look at him, “Why should I be afraid of you?”
CX looks startled for a moment, and then a quiet laugh falls from his lips, “I suppose you have good reason to not be afraid.”
You shrug, “I would prefer it if you didn’t assassinate people anymore, but I’d also prefer to not live in a hut on Kashyyyk, so—” You shrug again, and finally drop the bandages into the water.
“What would you have me do instead?”
“Mm, you can join the Rebellion?”
A laugh falls from you, “I mean when the Republic was still standing, I never had to worry about Republic Officers threatening me. Within a month of the Republic turning into an Empire, I was threatened by an Imperial Officer.”
“...I suppose that it fair.”
“I’m not going to make you do anything,” You say lightly, “We can stay here if you prefer.”
“Well, I assume that you want to stay with me?”
CX gazes at you silently, “I want you safe. So staying does make the most sense.”
You meet his gaze evenly, “I’ll definitely be safer with you, compared to away from you.” You agree.
CX is silent for a long moment, “Mandalore.”
“Beg pardon?”
“There’s a group of former Commandos who have a compound on Mandalore. They’re housing clones and their families.” He explains, “We’ll be safe there.”
“How do you know that?”
“All of the Clones know it.” He says, “Well, save for Alpha Prime, I suppose.”
“How are we supposed to get there?” You ask with a tilt of your head.
“I have a ship.”
You grin at him, and then pull the bandages out of the water, “I think it’s a great idea.”
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It takes three weeks for you and CX to get to Mandalore, and it takes even longer for CX to prove that he’s not an active threat to his brothers. You’re not able to help with that, but watching him interact with you does a lot to earn him some goodwill.
You like your new home, it’s not Coruscant, but there is plenty of room for Noir to run around and get spoiled, and he does get spoiled. Not quite as much as CX’s Ka’ra, but pretty close. 
Surprisingly, CX is somewhat clingy. When he’s in the same area as you, his arms are around you, or his hand is in yours. You kind of have the feeling that he’s a little touch starved, so you don’t mind it.
On this particular day, you’re lounging in the sun, watching Noir and Ka’ra play together, while CX is sparring with Ordo (only the Nulls aren’t hesitant about sparring with CX, which is sad, but understandable).
You enjoy watching him spar largely because he tends to spar shirtless.
You’re allowed to be a simple woman when it comes to your soulmate, right?
“Watching them again?” A familiar voice pulls you out of your musing, and you tilt your head back to look up at the familiar man approaching you. “You could join them.”
“Hardly, if Ordo so much as scratched me, both Noir and CX would rip him to shreds.” You pat the ground next to you, “Have a seat, Tech. No need to hover.”
“He still wishes to be called CX?” Tech asks as he sinks to the ground next to you.
“It’s his choice.” You reply easily, “How was your physical therapy?”
“Painful,” Tech replies, matter-of-factly, “However, my healer believes that I am getting to the point where I will no longer need to see them.”
“That’s something. Are you thinking of reaching out to your brothers? Or your soulmate?”
“I am…unsure.”
“I died.” He says bluntly, wincing as CX manages to flip Ordo onto his back, “I died, and my soul bond is weaker than it was before.”
“I assume your doctor has an opinion on that.”
“Of course. He says that I just need to reach out to Phee.”
“Why haven’t you?”
Tech anxiously adjusts his glasses, “What if she has found someone else?”
“Do you really think that she would?”
“...she is a beautiful and clever woman. Any man would be lucky to have her—” Tech starts.
“You’re borrowing trouble, Tech. You need to call her.”
Tech opens his mouth to reply but stops as CX jogs over.
You smile up at him adoringly, and offer him his water bottle, “Having fun, love?”
He smirks, “Ordo is bitching because I managed to flip him. So we’re having a round two.”
“Of course you are.”
He flashes a tiny grin at you and crouches so he’s able to kiss you quickly before he jogs back over to the sparring ring. His training was so different from his brothers, you can tell based on the scars covering his body, and based on the fact that he’s not quite as solid as Ordo and the other Nulls.
Not that any of that matters to you.
You love him as he is.
“It does not make sense to me how someone as kind as you ended up with someone like him,” Tech admits, “He intimidates everyone, and lashes out when pushed.”
“I’ve never been afraid of him.” You reply with a small grin, “Even when he killed someone in front of me, even when he loses his temper.”
Tech shakes his head, “I believe I understand.”
You tilt your head curiously.
“You are just as insane as he is.”
You aren’t able to help that laughter that bursts from your lips, “I suppose,” You say through your giggles, “that’s one way to view it.”
Tech flashes a crooked smile at you, and then gets back to his feet, “I am going to go send Phee a message, and hope that she forgives me. Enjoy your ogling.”
You fling a handful of grass at him but don’t deny his accusations. 
The spar ends an hour later after it gets too hot for them to continue, and CX makes his way to your side, dropping onto the ground next to you. Immediately his arms slide around your waist and he presses his face against your neck.
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you card your fingers through his curls. 
He hums in response, his arms tightening around you, “I’m glad that you don’t mind coming to these.”
“I enjoy watching you spar.”
He pulls his face away from your neck, “You enjoy watching me do anything.” 
“You are ridiculously handsome.” You shift in his grip slightly so you’re able to press your hands against his cheeks, “I’m a lucky lady.”
“Mm, is that right?” CX asks as he leans in and presses his forehead against yours.
“You’re all sweaty,” You whisper to him. 
“So maybe we should go home,” He offers with an arched brow, “You can wash my hair for me.”
A giggle falls from your lips, “Deal.”
CX grins at you, and crashes his lips against yours, knocking you back onto the grass.
Everything isn’t perfect, CX still needs gene therapy to remove the enhanced aging, not to mention regular therapy to help deal with all of his issues. But so long as you’re together, everything will be fine.
You won’t allow for anything else.
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discoshhtick · 4 months
Only very close to crying thinking about how it seems like all the fucking websites are thinking of launching some type of system to feed all the images uploaded onto them to an AI learning system. It's so beyond fucked that this is what artists today have to fight against, just to be seen we risk getting our shit stolen by greedy capitalist machines
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visenyaism · 13 days
jaehaerys administration dashboard simulator
🫧maidenpooled Follow
listen i know all kingsguard are bastards but jonquil darke put a cigarette out on me. i think i huave shivers
ok bootlicker. you know what she did
🫧maidenpooled Follow
boots not the only thing id lick
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🌸queencrowned Follow
this could literally be me and my brother if it weren't for my bitch mom trying to send me to the other side of the fucking continent
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doctrine of exceptionalism meatriders when someone asks them why 75% of dragonstone is blonde and me and half of flea bottom have gleaming amethyst eyes and/or beautiful delicate cheekbones
🥀maegorwife Follow
that's different...targaryens are literally divinely ordained by the seven to rule because they're stronger and better than us...that's why they have the dragons it is in their sanctified valyrian blood
cannot stand this fucking website. spending my last silver stag on tyroshi blue hair dye im not going to be associated with you people.
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oh so when maegor has seven wives he’s “aegon’s true son” and “cool” but when i have three boyfriends suddenly im a “whore”
🫀lustywench Follow
op i support you but they did call him “the cruel” for that it was a very important part of the story that he was in fact maegor “the cruel”
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doing all of this with a FAITH OF THE SEVEN URL...girl you better pick a hell and start hoping
#bring back the faith militant
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hey isn’t it weird that so many of the king’s children have suddenly and mysteriously died lately. under the care of the maesters. what if they’re planning something…,
ugh i wish🙄 speed that shit up fr
likes charge reblog cast
me when im in a being dead combination and my opponents are jaehaerys' whole army of childraeyn of the corn
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yoooooooo theyre quarrelling again.
alysanne targaryen if you're reading this i could change your life just give me one chance let me hit
there are gold cloaks outside of my house
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⚔️errantmaid Follow
kingsguard dick is good as fuck when you don't have a motherfucker in your ear saying it violates a sacred vow made in the eyes of the king and the seven😜
⚔️errantmaid Follow
the king chopped it off and sent him to the wall i fucking hate this place can't have SHIT in king's landing
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hey has anyone seen princess gael. it's been literal months and she seems to have up and disappeared with no official announcement from the palace? would be the third female relative to go missing in the king's custody after aerea and saera....
🐝beeeeeeeeeeeeesbury Follow
damn that's crazy. im sure shes fine though anyways i'm a big fan of this new road the king built theres a lot of nice new roads does anyone else like the roads
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🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow
day 18262 of not fighting the brackens. this is boring as fuckkkkk what am i supposed to do. pretend to care about the triarchy?
kill yourself
🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow doxxed. get your dumbfuck horse breeder knights ready because our strongest and noblest raven warriors are on the way to your nasty ass keep right now bitch
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a-hazbin-soul · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some angst with the hazbin hotel characters? Like we get into an argument and they yell and notice we went silent, looking as if we were gonna break down into tears, IM SORRY I JUST LIVE FOR ANGST AHHH
Hazbin Hotel characters making their S/O cry
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He was preparing for tomorrow night's broadcast when he heard the door open.
He had been working on his radio broadcast and hotel things for the whole day. He was under so much stress and took it out on you.
"Darling, you know I've been in here all day. Is it that difficult to knock?! You know these things are important! Why must you interrupt me?!"
He didn't get an answer. You just slammed the door and ran out.
He felt terrible as soon as he saw sadness in your eyes.
He ran after you and hugged you, rubbing circles on your back and telling you how sorry he was.
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He was very pissed at how much Alastor and Charlie got along.
He was working on his rubber ducks, not hearing you walk in.
He didn't know you were in the room until you hugged him from behind.
"What? What is it now?!" He shouted, dropping his rubber duck to the floor.
"Could you leave me alone for five minutes when you know I'm busy?!"
"Wow, fuck you!" You said before slamming the door and using your powers to get to the hotel.
Alastor opened the door to see you crying and brought you to the couch, giving you a hug.
You barely got the chance to finish telling Alastor what happened before Lucifer ran to you, crying and apologizing.
You were able to talk things out and agreed to be more open about feelings.
Sir Pentious
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Pentious was working on a new invention. But, since he was trying to get redeemed, it couldn't be for evil.
He was trying to build things to help with the hotel. Right now, he was making something to lift Niffty up around the hotel.
You were trying to help while also keeping the egg bois under control, not realizing you were distracting him.
"Will you please stop already! You're supposed to be watching them, but you're just as annoying!!"
You had tears in your eyes as soon as you turned around.
"Fine!" You yelled before running off.
"That wasn't very nice, boss. You should apologize."
When Pentious saw you, you were sitting on the couch by the TV with Charlie hugging you.
"Y/N, may I speak with you? I would like to apologize."
You silently nodded, standing up next to him.
"I'm sorry, my dearest, can you ever forgive me?"
"As long as you promise to tell me what's wrong and how to properly help in the future."
He pulled you into a hug and wrapped his tail around you.
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The bar was open way later than usual because Charlie decided to have an open house for the hotel.
Free drinks were pretty much a necessity when you're trying to lure in sinners.
Husk seemed fine/ his usual brand of grumpy.... Until he saw you talking and laughing with some guy and pulled you into an empty hallway.
"What the fuck was that? Did you really think I would be too busy to see you flirting like a whore?"
Even with tears in your eyes, you could tell he's been drinking vodka straight.
You pushed him away from you.
"That's my cousin, you asshole! He was asking me about the hotel."
You ran away, going right to the room you shared with Husk and trying to go to sleep.
Husk spent the rest of the party drinking water and eating a few snacks to fight the future hangover.
When you woke up, Husk had his wings and arms wrapped around you. He didn't even bother trying to sleep.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was such an idiot and I hurt the best person who's ever been in my life. I freaked out about seeing you with someone else..... because I know I don't deserve you, and I don't want to lose you."
He was crying into your shoulder, and you pulled him into a hug.
"You couldn't lose me if you wanted to. Just remember, I love you more than anything, and I'd rather die again than lose you.
(A/N : This sucks ass and I'm sorry this took me so long. I hope you like it, though. )
Requests open
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
Part 2 of MK1 men pushing the reader to a wall while kissing them, please? 😊
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i mean i GUESS i can do that 🤭 since you asked so nicely! part one here
how liu kang, reiko, sub-zero, havik, johnny cage, scorpion, and geras go about pushing reader to the wall while kissing them
just know it may not show the long pauses i took while writing this but know IT HAPPENED!! THE THINGS I DO FOR YALL🫵🏾don't say i never did none😫
havik's regeneration mentioned. i've also been told havik looks like that on purpose so like, let's act like he can make his face go back to where it was for the sake of shits, giggles, and pandering XD
tags: @luna18night20 @momopad
warnings: suggestive, fluff elements, sphinx tried her best, there will not be a part 3 im sorry y'all 💔
Liu Kang
Liu Kang was rarely ever rough with you. In fact, the only way he'd do it is if you either verbally say it's fine, or if he knows you're poking the bear just to get a reaction. And when you get a reaction...there's no going back. You've kissed with your back to the wall several times, and every time was gentle and loving and laced with care. However, if you've presented that you were that desperate for him to give you the attention you deserve, he will gladly be a little rougher in pushing you back with his lips on yours. Just be prepared for him to leave some handprints on your waist.
Reiko is a warrior. Hardened by battle and discipline, so the way he kisses you usually starts off that way. He can't help it. Not only is it the way he was raised and what he was told a man is "supposed to be", but it also came with how his partners were to be treated. When it came to you his sense of duty and protection spiked every single time. So here you were, well within his unintentional bear hug as your back was against the wall. His kisses always started off like he was going away to war/fight (because he usually was) but he would eventually melt and become smoother because you're by his side.
Bi-Han, a truly complex character. I believe that whoever captures his heart will be the main obsession in his life. In this case, it is you. He constantly needs to be on you, around you, see you, hear you, you name it. He can't get enough of your lips and this is especially apparent the way he's almost always pushing you to the wall while kissing you. Can we blame him? He's a tall hunk of touch-starved and the only thing that will satiate that hunger is roughly making out with you every chance he gets all while still knowing how to treat you like a porcelain antique.
Havik...this guy. Even though I'm pretty sure it's not canon I still feel like he'd regenerate and degenerate for fun and for different purposes/occasions. For the sake of my sanity I can say I found him fine as hell before his face got fucked up, and so did you. But you don't mind him either way because you love his crazy ass. Allow me to set the scene: You say something snappy to get his attention and boom...he regenerates his facial wounds just to back you against the wall and shut you up with pure smugness and arrogance behind his kiss. But, this is what you wanted, nonetheless. And you'd do it again!
Johnny Cage
Who's to say Johnny Cage wouldn't try to get you in one of his films just so he could keep getting takes of him backing you to a wall and kissing you? For Elder God's sakes, he's the one who wrote the script! And of course it's something dramatic like him being a villain that captures the hero and tries to convince them to ditch their position to be with him. Dude would totally think he's Loki (did i say that bc i think it would be hot if Loki did that to me? ..don't worry about it!) He's for sure fucking up his takes on purpose and you know this, but you only pretend to be irritated and maybe even fuck up a few yourself.
Kuai Liang, the romantic this man is. Like Liu Kang, he's never rough with you. Except it would take a little more convincing to let him know it's fine for him to act on his feelings when he wants to. With him, his kisses are slow and gentle. They will always start off like that even if he has a hard day. All he wants is to hold you, but it's like whenever your back hits the wall a gear starts turning in his brain. The idea of you having nowhere to go and enjoying it? Not even an Elder God is pulling him from your embrace. He gets handsy and a lot more affectionate around this time; he's kissing your face, neck, and shoulders too, because why the hell not?
Geras is a special case. He's an immortal who has never experienced romantic love before. So naturally you will have to teach him some things and even point out things he has observed that can be taken as romantic love. But he's still a man who has seen a lot, so this guy knows what kissing is and how to kiss. Surely you didn't think this giant fine ass immortal being didn't know how to treat his partner? Crazy talk! Understand that when you introduce the classic wall kiss by showing him what to do, he's leaning in to kiss you as he lifts you in his arms with no effort to be found and there won't be kissing going on much longer!
a/n: thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed! collapses onto the ground
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 7: setting it off
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -NSFW-TW: mentions of rape
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your POV:
"cmon relax I can make you enjoy my company in more ways then one~" with the snap of his finger the girls that were once at his side were gone, and it was me, him, and the background noise of the club "so what is a cutie like you doing here alone" "I-I was with angel..." "angel is here? well ill deal with that later, for now~" snaking one of hands on my thighs he inches closer under my dress, using his other hand to take a puff of his pipe, he blows the pink smoke in my face, drool dripping on the corners of his mouth "how about we have some fun yes~?" "wait-" my words are trailed off as I start to feel dizzy, I feel light like I could be blown away by the slightest breath, my body begins to feel hot, really hot "w-what did you do to me...." "oh nothing you wont enjoy" being laid down on the seat my head spins and his hands lift my dress "no- stop!" "don't fight it I know you want to~" no I'm not going to let this happed, come on y/n snap out of it!!, grabbing his hands I push him off "No I wont" frustrated he yanks me forward pinning me, my chest pressed against the seat "damn you stubborn bitch!" "NO get off of me!!!" after a while of struggling somebody pulls me up, everything went silent, no people just music. opening my eyes there's a hand around my waist, looking up its Alastor?! what the hell is he doing here!!
Alastors POV:
when my shadow informed me that valentino was at the club and with her I rushed there, were the fuck was angel, why isn't he with her!!! barging in the club everybody moves out of my way as I storm past the crowd seeing valentino on her. I rush to grab her up pulling her dress back down "valentino, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this short" "alastor, what are you doing here!" valentino said through gritted teeth, I tried my best not rip all four of his arms off right then and now, maybe later...."I'm afraid your messing with something that's mine" "uh huh ho does this little conejita have a contract with you" "no but that doesn't give you permission to touch her without permission!" "if she doesn't belong to you, then she free game~" "you wont dare if you value your life!" by now my patients is running thin "I'm taking her and if you ever lay a finger on her you will never see that finger again!!" picking her up I walk of with her in my arms, the poor thing was shaking and she smells of alcohol, surly drunk "this isn't over Alastor I will get her eventually!!!!" ignoring Valentinos yelling I head out of the club, outside was a very panicked angel.
your POV:
I have a terrible headache, I'm cold and I cant think straight what the fuck is happening, being carried I look up at Alastor he looked pissed, angry, the static radiating off of him was loud but he was gentle, like he was holding a piece of glass. angel ran over "Y/N!! there you are, iv been looking every wear for ya!! what happened" as angel reached out to touch me Alastor pulled back "angel you said valentino wasn't supposed to be there" "he wasn't h-he was supposed to be filming with the others back at-" "well he wasn't, and because of your carelessness valentino got his hands on y/n" angel turning his attention to me "he didn't hurt ya did he, y/n are you alright!?" "no angel I'm-" "he almost did, I'm taking her back, this will never happen again"
back at the hotel we walked through he doors, Charlie and vaggie waiting for us "Y/N!!! oh my Satan are you ok, we saw Al running out of the doors in a hurry" how did he know I was in trouble..."I'm alright Charlie I promise" "what happened!" "unfortunately valentino was at the club and angel lacking in supervision lost her, letting valentino take his chance" "Voy a matarlo! (im gonna fucking kill him)" "I got there just in time" "thankfully she's ok, you guys are ok..." "I'm gonna...I'm gonna go change"
walking out of the lobby Alastor follows close behind me "what are you doing.." "making sure you get back to your room" "why" "do I need a reason?" "no but can you explain how the hell you knew I was in trouble!" he pauses for a moment stopping in the hallways by my door "I was watching you.." "why are you stalking me" "because angel is carless and I was just being cautious!" "ok but you didn't have to be so mean to angel he was just-" "just what!?, explain to me my dear what do you think would have happened if I wasn't watching you, angel couldn't saved you because he was to busy fooling around" "why do you care!" "what do you mean why do I care" "the radio demon a mercy less overlord who was known for his broadcasted carnage over hell, heartless, and terrifying so why... why are you so concerned for me, I mean nothing to you, you follow me around give me weird looks, vaggie told me about you, told me to stay away..." "I don't know, I don't understand why..." looking up his smile is almost none existent, his eyes are dark as he look at me, the radio static in his voice was gone, just his plane old voice "I though my interest was just playful amusement, to toy around a bit, but the more I know about you, your smile your laugh that dress, it irks me, this feeling... I-I don't know what you did!" "Alastor-" "I would kill a demon for even looking at you funny!, I never cared about some lowly sinner...but I care about you, you have me rapped around your little finger and you don't even know it" all this time I though he wanted to kill me, even eat me or something but I never realized "Alastor.." I huff out a small laugh "what's so funny..." "I didn't put a spell on you, or curse you, or anything" grabbing his hand "this is all you and its completely normal" bringing my hand up to cup his cheek he leans in to the touch "don't look at me like that, you did something and I know it.." he mutters as I lean in closer, hunching over he leans in breaking the distance into a soft kiss pulling me closer. once I pulled away, looking at him I smile "I don't think I will ever understand this feeling but...I will try my best to show you how I feel" bringing my hand to his lips he places a soft kiss "goodnight my dear and get some much needed rest~" "goodnight Alastor"
I hope you enjoyed and I love you guys so much for the love and support have a wonderful day/night!!!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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flynnriderishot · 5 months
scandals pt.4 - c.s
a/n: thank you so much 😭
warning: i suck at writing out apologies 😬
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morning, baby :)
we got some donuts if you want some
matt tried to take your favorite again but i had to fight him off for it
i miss you
you sighed softly as you read the last text.
you hated to admit it, but you missed him too.
while you guys were still technically together, the longest you went without his affection was when he was on tour and even then, nick and matt surprised him with your presence half way through it.
you knew it was wrong to brush him off for as long as you’ve been doing, but your feelings were genuinely hurt.
how could he believe that you would cheat on him? were you efforts to prove how much you truly loved him just ignored?
it’s been two years and he was ready to just give it up like that? without asking you the facts first? it was like he was just waiting for the excuse.
it was heart wrenching to think about.
and you no longer wanted to think about it. you wanted answers, you wanted forgiveness, you wanted to forgive him and move past it.
baby 🩷🩷👩‍❤️‍👨
come over?
give me 10
the excessive knocking on your door was enough for you to know that chris was here.
if that wasn’t enough, matt’s honking was.
as you opened the door, you were greeted with chris standing there with a box on donuts in his hand and a small smile on his face.
you stepped back to let him in, waving at matt who didn’t leave until his brother safely made it inside.
“hi, chris.”
“i got you donuts.” his voice was soft, almost hesitant to speak.
“thank you.” you nodded, watching him place the treat on your counter, “i actually wanted to talk. about us.”
his shoulders dropped, voice cracking slightly as he turned to look at you, “are you breaking up with me?”
“what? no. i wanted to apologize for being so hard on you.” you were shocked that he assumed you were breaking up with him, but you could understand why he thought that.
“it was wrong of me to completely blow you off, even when you were trying so hard to make it right.”
“no, no. i’m supposed to be apologizing to you.” he stopped your rant, taking your hand and moving so you were both sat on the couch,
“i accused you of cheating on me. i let one small thing almost ruin our relationship so quickly when i should have asked you first instead of cursing and blocking you before you had the chance to defend yourself.”
“i love you and i’m sorry for making you think that i didn’t trust you.”
“i love you and i’m sorry for refusing to speak to you when you were trying to explain yourself.”
chris let of a breath of relief, smiling sweetly in your direction, “can i kiss you?”
your eyes creased as you smiled. you put your hands on his cheeks, pulling him forward to press a small kiss to his lips.
though it wasn’t enough, chris didn’t complain, “i’ll take what i can get.” he leaned forward, putting his body over yours, wrapping his arms around your body,
“i missed you so much.” his voice was muffled against your hair.
“i missed you more, baby.”
christophersturniolo made a post !
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sturnsbabylove YESSSSSS
ynxchris tears are streaming down my face rn 😭👏
>>> lovelysturn literally me
matthew.sturniolo safe to say bro cried three times a week for her forgiveness
liked by yn.ln and 37,493 others
>>> christophersturniolo (creator) bro shut up 😭
nicksgiraffehat y’all thought they broke up 💀
nickssecretbf back with the couples content
>>> christophersturniolo (creator) yessir 🫡
yn.ln ❤️❤️
>>> christophersturniolo (creator) ^ love of my life fr 😔❤️
liked by yn.ln and 72,485 others
>> sturnnniolosbae they’re too cute 😭
nicolassturniolo i can confirm that they “ball”
>>> yn.ln this is so millennial of you
>>> nicolassturniolo thanks bae 😌
sturnsbabe THEYRE BACK ‼️‼️
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sturniolodrama made a post !
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sturnslover bro… @/christophersturniolo @/yn.ln
letstripbaby oh my god 💀😭 @/yn.ln
nicolassturniolo 💀
>>> secretlynicksturn lmaooo 😭
yn.ln wtf did i say about tagging me in this shit 😐
liked by matthew.sturniolo and 32,586 others
chrisyn I CANNOT 😌🤦‍♀️
christophersturniolo has blocked sturniolodrama
matthew.sturniolo has blocked sturniolodrama
yn.ln has blocked sturniolodrama
nicolassturniolo has blocked sturniolodrama
*edit* sturniolodrama (creator) they blocked me guys…
>>> sturnswife good💀
liked by lovelysturn and 135,846 others
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taglist: @creamoncreamoncream2 @strnlsblog @emssturniolo @noirpxrker @seobiiezs @sleepysturnss @junnniiieee07 @1201pm @dancemomsfanee @bri4nnaaaa @stinkytinkywinky @leah-loves-lilies @p1xieswrld @sturniolopepsi @chrissturniolosbitch
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yayyyy 💕 then can i ask for a scenario in which the reader, who’s a trans guy, volunteering to be the bride in the ghost groom scenario and threatening to stab anyone who says anything about him looking like a girl with platonic feng xin + mu qing and romantic hualian? (or just xie lian, since technically hua cheng is only there for like, .5 seconds lol)
(💥 anon)
Masculine Bride?
HuaLian x ftm(?)reader
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☀️Feng Xin didn't want to be in this ridiculous mission at all. He has to deal with Mu Qing in disguise and he has to see Xie Lian who was once his best friend. So it feels a little awkward to him but he gets to see you too! So he's quite happy to see you and Xie Lian again
☀️When he finds out that the plan is to disguise as a bride he immediately says Nuh uh. No way he's doing that, Mu Qing would never live it down.
☀️But when you offer to disguise as the bride, since you do looke somewhat androgynous he's like great!
☀️He doesn't have to do it and he can protect you if you all get in harms way
☀️Honestly he's surprised you volunteered so quickly. Feng Xin knows you'd rather stay in your male form and he knows you don't like appearing feminine much these days. Gods do it all the time so Feng Xin doesn't mind. Have you seen Shi Qingxuan?
☀️So everything was going great, they got you dressed and the one village girl did your makeup so you didn't look like a clown. But then they ran into those annoying men again.
☀️ They were congratulating Xie Lian, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin for finding a pretty bride and even wanted to join up, but they all knew the men just wanted to eat off their success.
☀️So when you laughed and explained you did make a good bride even though you're a man, No one really laughed. The men had genuinely thought you were a woman sooo they try to call your bluff.
☀️You did in fact change forms to look more like a bride but it doesn't feel good to have every single feminine feature to be pointed out. You're used to it so you weren't going to say anything but the group of men freeze and their skin pales when you hear a crack behind you
☀️Feng Xin may or may not have broken a pillar. May or may not have damaged his own temple. . .
☀️it succeeds in shutting the men up because what man is able to just break a God's pillar?!
☀️Feng Xin has to admit he's pretty irritable, but hearing the group of men bully you just pisses him off. He knows he's supposed to be in disguise and not gain your attention but he can't stand by and watch you be passive about it.
☀️ When the men practically evacuate the area you only laugh softly and link arms with him saying, "I found my guard!" You already know it's Feng Xin🙄
🌕Mu Qing was also your best friend and you never really gave him the chance to distance himself from you like he distanced himself from Xie Lian.
🌕Mu Qing has been with you a long time and he knows you're more comfortable identifying as a man. He has no issue with it. It took some time getting used to but he doesn't care as long as you're happy.
🌕so hearing the group of men start pointing you out so blatantly ticks him off. He knows he can't harm mortals but he sure wishes he could.
🌕It's not against the rules to threaten them though, so when he threatened to cut off their hand because it's rude to point isn't against the rules either.
🌕You were surprised honestly, Mu Qing doesn't care about a lot of things and doesn't usually get violent unless it's with Feng Xin.
🌕but you laugh when the group of men run off and you lean on Mu Qing. Saying you're so happy to have your own personal protector
🪷Xie Lian doesn't really fight. It's not that he can't he just doesn't see a point to do so.
🪷but that doesn't mean he'll let people bully you either
🪷 You've stuck with him for awhile so you're used to just taking mean words in stride. Xie Lian has never let them get away with it though.
🪷So it comes as a Surprise to you all when Xie Lian uses rou'ye to tie the group of men up together and he "advised them to go away before something unfortunate happens"
🪷You smiles and kiss his cheek, linking arms with him with a smile.
🪷"You're cute when you're protective"
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Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Y/N
Word Count: mmmmm I forgot to check and I’m lazy
Notes: Lets see if I actually write this!! I’m literally in the middle of Strawberries and Cream rn, it’s 5/15/24 (now) and I’m just…. Testing the waters with releasing the first chapter P.S I DID NOT EDIT THIS BEFORE POSTING I HATE MYSELF IM DOING IT RN
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Chapter 1: Eddie is a Traitor
It was just supposed to be a normal Thursday. Go to work, fight some fires, harass Eddie, go home. Do it all over again the next day. That’s how it was every day and he liked it. Especially the people he worked with, that was his family. 
He’s putting on a different work shirt when he looks up, a girl is standing there with her back to him holding a helmet in her hands. It’s sleek and pink. It’s got the most adorable cat ears on it too. He’s gotta take another look at it. As he walks she turns around, her hair flying over her shoulder. 
It’s like he can hear wedding bells going off in his brain. He shortcircuits immediately as she starts walking towards him. He can hear the soft thud of her shoes, he’s surprised he thought angels had wings. She smiles pleasantly at him, the California sun creating a little halo behind her. Or he’s having a stroke he can’t tell. 
“Hi I’m-” He sticks his hand out and Bobby suddenly steps in front of him 
“No, you aren’t” 
He knew that look. “Come on honey, I’ll introduce you to the others” you waved shyly at Buck as Bobby turned you around by your shoulders and steered you upstairs
Buck stood there, his hand still out as he watched Bobby march you up to Hen and Chimney. You giggled a little at the top of the stairs when you saw him still staring, a dumb look on his face
“You good?” Eddie gave him a high five as he walked by and Buck blinked slowly 
“I think I’m in love” 
Eddie snorted and bumped his side, pushing him out of the way so he could get to his locker 
“Isn’t that like the fourth time this month you’ve said that? Who was it this time” 
He melted on the spot, sighing dreamily and tilting his head to the side 
Eddie looked at him expectantly 
“It’s uh…”
Eddie put his head against his locker, snickering into the metal 
“You don’t remember?”
“I don’t think she said. I don’t think she had the chance” 
“Why wouldn’t she have had the chance?” 
“Bobby took her upstairs” 
Eddie turned to look at him again. “Are you talking about a girl, about this tall” he holds his hand up midway to his chest “curly pink hair? Skin tanned to the gods” 
“That’s my angel”
“Dude. That’s Athena’s niece” 
It’s like he gets hit by a train and his entire world comes crashing down and really what even was the point in living anymore if he couldn’t have you? He might as well do a sweet flip off a cliff. At least he could go out in a cool way 
“You do know how to backflip,” Eddie says as he shuts his locker 
“Huh?” Buck looks at him now, a little dazed. A weird look on his face
“You were spiraling right? Because you think your life is over now” 
“My life is over now!” 
“No, it’s not.” He takes him by the arm and jogs upstairs, tapping the railing when they get up there. It catches your attention and you turn your head, your hands clasped sweetly in front of you.
Honestly, everything about you was sweet. From your soft pink hair, down to the white platform boots you had on. He liked the purple plaid skirt you had on. With a little purple beret and the matching purple cardigan. You looked like a doll, a very sweet, very cute, doll. God, you were too sweet for him 
“Oh my god. Evan!” His name is shouted at him and he flinches back. Your hand is out towards him, and Eddie is standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders. Bobby has his arms crossed over his chest and Hen and Chim are looking at each other 
“I said this is Y/N” Eddie sounds stressed and that makes Buck blush. He’d gotten lost in you all over again. 
“Oh-oh. Uh Hi I’m, Bevan- no shit Barkley no-no god. Buck. I’m- my name is Evan I- I go by Buck. Hi.”
You’re giggling as he stumbles over his words and god he wishes you wouldn’t do that, it just sounds so cute and you’re making him flustered. Fuck usually he’s so smooth and flirty, what the hell gives??
“Hi Evan” You smile up at him and he swears he’s never seen anything or anyone so pretty 
“You have pretty teeth,” He says dreamily as he’s shaking your hand. Eddie curses under his breath and you laugh, still shaking his hand 
“T-thank you? Um. I brush twice a day!” 
“Oh it shows!! it- it shows. You know that you uh-you take care of yourself and I mean- I could have said I liked your nail polish cause I do!!…it matches your clothes but no! No… I had to- I had to say your teeth” 
You cover your mouth, trying to keep from laughing any harder. He’s so flustered and his cheeks are so pink and you feel a little bad. And he’s literally still shaking your hand. Eddie pulls your hand from his and slaps Buck’s down, giving him a “wtf” look over your head. Buck clears his throat and shoves his hands in his pockets 
“Well! I gotta go fill the truck! You know gotta make it all nice and full of stuff that we need I’m just. I’m gonna go” He points down the stairs and goes running, you wave awkwardly at his retreating figure with a little smile on your face 
“Uh bye! It was nice meeting you!!”
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Buck walks out of the station, dumping the bucket of water out onto the pavement. He hadn’t seen you for most of the day and he was glad. 
Okay not that glad, he wanted to stare at you all day, but at least he wasn’t acting like a dumbass anymore 
“Sabrina Carpenter was right. I cannot find my chill. God her teeth?! Seriously??” He mutters to himself as he watches the water soak into the ground. 
“Talking to yourself?” 
You ask as you walk towards him, he spins around watching you walk over. God, even the way you walked, with all the confidence in the world was sexy as hell. 
“Yeah” his voice cracks and you giggle when he lets his head fall back in embarrassment. Fuck was he actually 15 again 
“Whatcha talkin' about?” He notices you’ve got a white mini backpack. It’s cute. God of course it matches your outfit
“Oh you know, your teeth” He visibly cringes and you slap your hand over your mouth trying to control your laughter 
“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad” 
“Yes. Yes, it was. You’re just being nice” 
“I think it was a genuine compliment!” you protest as you stop in front of him. You’re so much shorter than he is, he just wants to put his hand on your head and ruffle your hair. He bets you’d hate that, but god it would be cute 
“It was. A stupid one, but you know, you do have pretty teeth…and nails!” He smiles at you, his cheeks are pink and he’s flustered again but he’s outside and the sun is shining down on you and you’re glowing 
“You have pretty teeth too,” You tell him, smiling and giving him a little wink “and a cute butt!” 
His mouth drops as you walk past him with a smug little smirk “There! Now we both said something embarrassing!” 
He watches you walk over to a pink motorcycle. It’s sexy and sleek and clearly customized. He watches you climb on and start to put on your helmet 
“That’s yours?!” He asks as he jogs over. It’s a little big for you, but you obviously know what you’re doing 
“Of course it is, what do you think?”
“Uh I think I want to be a passenger Princess one day that’s for damn sure” He gives your helmet a little tap with his knuckles 
“Hope you have two of those” 
You giggle and pick a couple pieces of fuzz from the inside of it and toss them aside 
“Actually my white one is coming in today! Maybe I can come pick you up from work sometime and we can mess around” 
“Really? That sounds so cool! He says, he’s forgotten a lot of his nerves now. Now you’re just a pretty girl on a pretty bike 
“Yeah here, gimme your phone!” 
He takes his phone from his pocket and you add your number, you hand it back and flip your hair over your shoulder 
“Here, take a contact photo of me while I look cool” 
He laughs and takes a few steps back while you put your helmet on and do a cute little pose, your head tilted with peace signs 
He snaps the photo and sets it, and then he secretly sets it as his wallpaper too. He gives you a thumbs up and you make a call me sign. He fumbles his phone for a second before calling you 
“You look so freaking cool” He says as soon as you answer, his cheeks flushing again.
“Why thank you”you giggle “Send me a picture of you later so I can have a contact photo for you!” 
“Oh yeah okay sure! Uh-yeah” 
“Can you do me one more favor?” 
“Anything” He says it way too fast 
“I forgot to get Eddie’s number, he invited me for drinks tonight but Uncle Bobby pulled me away too fast to get his number” you’re rolling your eyes at Bobby as Buck’s heart is shattering 
“Uh. Yeah. Yeah sure I can do that. I’ll send it now…I gotta go finish mopping, I’ll see you whenever I suppose. Uh- Bye”
He hangs up before you can say anything and he awkwardly waves bye before running back into the station. He can hear your bike start up, he doesn’t stop hiding behind the doors until he hears you leave. 
He’s not sending that number. 
Okay yes he is because he said he’d do anything but he’s gonna kill Eddie first so you two can’t go out. 
He mopes all the way upstairs, stomping his feet until he gets over to the comfy chairs and flops down in it. He sinks down far into the seat and crossing his arms over his chest. He’s not talking to Eddie for as long as he lives 
“Hey man you got a second” 
He turns away and curls up his legs. He barely fits in the chair anymore and Eddie chuckles 
“You poutin’?” Eddie pokes at his thigh
“Okay. Anyway have you seen Y/N I need to talk to her”
Eddie raises an eyebrow, walking over to stand in front of Buck 
“Hey what’s goin on buddy?” His voice is softer this time, worried that something happened to him. 
Buck tries to curl up even tighter but this chair was not built for a man his size throwing a tantrum 
“Buck come on just tell me what’s going on, please?”
“Leave me alone, Judas” 
Eddie’s mouth pops open and he whacks his legs “What did I do?!” 
“I said I didn’t wanna talk about it!” He snaps and Eddie rolls his eyes, he pulls Bucks legs and they fall easily. Now he’s just weirdly slumped and still not moving 
“Buck. Just talk to me, you big fat baby” 
“Why? So you can call your girlfriend?!” He gives him double middle fingers 
“What girlfriend?!” Eddie asks, his eyes squinting 
“Y/N! She wanted me to send her your number!” 
“And have you?”
“No,, I hate you”
“Can you just do it?” 
“Can your mom just do it” 
“Okay you know what-“ Eddie attacks Buck, tickling his sides and Buck shrieks, falling off the chair and laughing as he and Eddie tumble to the floor, Eddie rips his phone from his pocket and opens it
“Oh my god does she know you made her your screensaver?”
He pins Buck and sends you his number, Buck fights his way from Eddie’s hold and punches him in the side, it’s not hard at all but knocks him off 
“How dare you tickle attack me Edmundo Diaz! I thought we were friends”
“You called me Judas!”
“Because you are!!” 
“No I'm not! Asshat! You didn’t even let me talk you just hated me!”
“Yeah because you asked my girl on a date!”
“She’s literally not your girl?? And also it’s not a date dumbass! I was going to ask you if you could come and if not reschedule with her! So you could have some time with her, and I could cover for you sounding like an idiot” 
Buck gasps and slaps his cheeks, his eyes huge 
“Eddieee” he whines and Eddie rolls his eyes, getting off the floor, Buck stands up with him and jumps on him, wrapping his arms and legs around him like a koala. He nearly knocks them over again
“You did that for meee?” 
“I will drop your ass over the railing” 
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Buck isn’t sure what to wear so he brings a small mountain of clothes over to Eddie’s house in the form of a large suitcase. He heaves it onto Eddie’s bed and it pops open easily when he unzips it 
“Do you know what she’s wearing?” Buck asks as he watches Eddie go through the suitcase 
“No…” he mumbles distractedly as he sets aside a couple of shirts “But I can call her” 
“Does she know I’m coming?” He twiddles his thumbs nervously, chewing his bottom lip. Eddie flicks his cheek and he stops, frowning at him 
“Yeah she knows. But if you call her it’ll seem like you want to match”
“But if you call her it’ll seem like I asked you to ask for me” 
“Damn you’ve got a point” Eddie sighs, holding the edge of the suitcase 
“Is it just the three of us tonight?” 
“Yeah…but I’ve got an idea” Eddie grabs his phone and texts Hen. He and Buck spend a few minutes going through the suitcase and organizing it before she calls 
“Let me get this straight,” She says on speaker “You want me to pretend like I’m coming for drinks tonight, to find out what color Y/N is wearing so Buck can match her? And then I say oh Karen wanted to go on a date instead whoops can’t make it”
“Yes,” They say in unison 
“...I’ll call you back” 
Buck fist pumps and Eddie chuckles at him 
“You really wanna impress her huh?”
“You know she said I could ride on her motorcycle?” Buck falls back on the bed, holding a pillow tightly to his chest
“Oh god she was so sexy when she got on that bike Eddie, I swear to god I nearly creamed my pants”
“She looked so, so badass. Which is crazy considering what she was wearing because at first I thought she looked like a doll you know-“
“Buck?” Eddie stares at his phone 
“-And she still looked like a doll even on the bike but she went from a super cute doll to a-
“Buck” he looks up at him, waving his phone in front of his face
“-Super sexy doll. You know what I mean? God, she’s so versatile”
His phone pings and he picks it up “I wonder what she’s gonna-” He stares at the picture Eddie just sent him. You’re standing in front of a mirror with your little peace sign. You’ve got a black mini skirt on with a high slit on the thigh, a black strappy tank top with a corset front and a set of black platform boots. There’s a leather jacket hanging over your arm and a black heart shaped purse. 
“Hen says she said she’s just gotta accessorize and then she’s done” Eddie’s voice is quiet, his jaw would still be on the floor if Buck’s wasn’t already. He starts going through the suitcase, trying to find something. Buck has good options. It’s just hard to be on your level. But they’re both gonna damn well try. 
“I- I think I-“ 
“Buck I swear to god if you creamed your pants I’m gonna throw up”
They show up “fashionably late” to the bar. But really it’s just because after Buck finally recovered he changed at least seven times before they finally decided on the right outfit. He’s wearing a tight fitting black button down with a few of the buttons undone, because Eddie says it showcases his muscles the best and because having the sleeves quartered drives the ladies crazy. He’s got dark black jeans on and his work shoes, which are shined to the gods because in his rush to grab clothes he did not grab shoes. 
They walk in together, with Eddie purposely wearing a little bit of a loser fitting and more relaxed kind of outfit, nice blue jeans, and a flannel. He wore his work shoes so it looks like they rushed but also didn’t rush. Effortlessly putting together a flawless outfit. 
Nailed it. 
“You think she’ll be mad we’re late” Buck’s voice cracks again and Eddie snorts 
“No, she seemed perfectly fine. She’s over there” He points to the booth where you’re sitting, sipping on a fruity-looking drink. 
He leads Buck over, they practiced this so Buck could sort of be revealed. It made sense when they did it at home 
“Hey Y/N! Sorry we’re late” Eddie slides in on the opposite side of the booth and takes off his coat, putting it next to him so Buck is forced to sit by you…oh yeah it’s all going to plan 
“Oh it’s okay! I was a little late myself so it all worked out!” You scoot over a little, patting the bench next to you. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes roll over his body, you bite your lip a little and look away, feeling your cheeks get hot 
“You guys picked a cool place” you clear your throat as Buck sits next to you, putting his arm on the back of the booth to get comfy. He smells good, like the ocean and summer and a little smokey and god does he look good too. 
“Actually it was Bucks's idea. You know what I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna order our drinks at the bar and bring them over” Eddie excuses himself, and the two of you are left alone. You turn your body to face Buck’s, and now it’s his turn for his eyes to roam over your body. You looked stunning in the picture but in person? That was a whole other ball game. 
“You uh- you look pretty Y/N. It’s a really different style from earlier” 
Your cheeks flush and you smile at him a bit shyly “Thanks, I like to wear a lot of different styles actually! It’s fun!” You scoot a little closer to him now, your knees touching 
“You look super good to you know, you um-you clean up pretty well” 
His heart is practically beating out of his chest as he watches you reach for your drink, taking a long slow sip. He notices your hands trembling and frowns 
“Hey, are you okay?” He takes your hands, holding them gently “You’re shaking”
“Uh- I’m, I’m good I’m- I’m so” you pull your hands away quickly and reach for your drink again, he pushes it away a little and hooks your chin with his finger, making you look up at him. He’s staring into your eyes, but he looks worried as his firefighter's brain turns on 
“Have you eaten anything? Your drink seems a little strong for an empty stomach, maybe I should go order you something”
You put your hands on his chest to make him sit back down “No! No that’s okay I’m fine! Uh- I’m- okay” you take a deep breath “Can I be honest with you?” 
“You can tell me anything Y/N. I’m here for you” he turns your palms and kisses them before holding them to his chest to warm them up. 
“Y-you’re making me nervous” you gulp and his eyes widen, his cheeks flush and he lets go of your hands 
You cringe and he chuckles, scooting closer to you and putting his arm over your shoulders. His scent is intoxicating as it washes over you, the close proximity not helping the tiny buzz you’re getting. 
“So what you’re saying is…I have pretty teeth” 
You laugh loudly, your head falling back against his arm and you smack your hand over your mouth. He leans into your neck laughing with you and giving you a sweet kiss on your cheek 
“Maybe I’ll make you flustered now” He winks and you roll your eyes, the light blush on your cheeks giving you away. 
“You made me flustered when I met you this afternoon. You were just too in your head to notice. I could barely talk to you” 
“I wish you’d made me shy like you were. But instead, you just make me stupid” 
You giggle and lean into him “Sorry about that” 
“S’okay doll, we ended up here together anyway right?” 
Eddie comes back over with a tray, he’s got two drinks and a basket of cheese curds
“Hope you’re not lactose intolerant” he jokes and hands Buck his drink 
“No actually, couldn’t keep me away from cheese even if I was though. Especially fried cheese” 
Buck takes one from the basket and holds it up to your lips
“Let’s soak up some of that alcohol” he watches the way your lips part and your tongue comes out to accept the bite…he can just imagine it wrapped around something else other than a delicious cheese curd. He grunts and turns his head away when he feels Eddie kick him under the table for staring. He knows Eddie knows exactly what he was thinking 
The rest of the night carries on wonderfully, you get to know both men as they tell stories about each other, trying to one up the other and it’s funny as hell. You’re hanging off of Buck by the end of the night just trying to keep yourself from getting kicked from the bar for how loudly you’re laughing. Eddie is laid on the seat, snorting into his coat and Buck is holding onto you tightly as he makes no sounds, trying to start breathing again. 
Eventually you all catch your breath, and just lay there for a bit, still giggling. It’s amazing you’re the only one that’s slightly tipsy, the other two are just idiots and that makes you giggle more. Especially Eddie who was the designated driver. Buck gets up from the booth, helping you up. He catches you as you stumble into his chest, his cheeks burn red when you look up at him, a playful little look in your eyes. He can practically see the little devil horns on your head 
Actually. He can. 
“Have you been wearing these all night??” He pats the little headband and Eddie falls back in his seat laughing again. You crash into Bucks's chest, your face smooshed against the soft material of his shirt as you laugh
“Buck that’s the 6th time you’ve asked that. They came with her drink, the specialty of the month. Devil MAY care?? Remember the one the bartender came up with” 
Buck and Eddie drop you off at Athena’s house and Buck walks you up to the door with his arm around you. He takes the keys from your hand and unlocks it for you before dropping them back in your open palm. He takes a few steps back and puts his hands in his pockets, you turn to look up at him, your hands clasped behind your back 
“I had so much fun tonight. Maybe we can do something else this week? If you’re not busy”
“With just me?” He teases “I’ll see if Eddie is free! Maybe we can go bowling or something” 
“If he’s not that’s okay- I mean. I wouldn’t mind being alone with you,” 
Oh Eddie is definitely not coming. 
“Alright Doll, sounds fun to me. I’ll call you and we can plan something with or without him” he wiggles his eyebrows as you giggle, and the way you giggle makes him want to kiss you. But he knows for a fact Athena’s got cameras. 
“Well, I uh- I should go…Eddie is probably gettin' tired. You know him, big ole sleepy guy” 
You shake your head, smiling at him “Yeah okay… I’ll see you soon?” 
“Yup…soon” He walks backward carefully, watching you stand there “Go on, get inside cutie”
Hopefully, the cameras didn’t have sound. 
You blush and give him that little wave of yours before turning around and going in 
“Night Buck..”
“Night Doll” 
He’s about to turn around when the door opens and you come running back out again, you pull him down to your height and kiss him on the cheek. 
He was stunned, to say the least. He melts for you, his body going all jellied and limp. He hurries down the walkway as soon as you’re in the house safe and sound. He’s definitely got a skip in his step as he dances his way back to the car. 
The next morning he’s just as happy as he was when he went to bed, he’s humming as he pours everyone a cup of coffee. Setting them all out on the table with the breakfast Eddie is setting out too. He’s just putting the silverware down when Bobby comes up the stairs, narrowing his eyes at him. 
“Did you call my niece “cutie”
Okay, so the cameras did have sound. 
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anzulvr · 5 months
OMG YOUR WORKS ARE SO AWOOGA I CANT STOP 😭 can I request karma x reader too with a s/o that cries with a straight face and cries whenever they're seething in anger, if I tried to say smth while I'm sad then the straight face just dissolves into a mess 🤠 maybe a part where Karma makes them cry im both ways and another part someone in class makes them cry, ty if you can (> <)!!
Karma x Reader who cries out of Anger. Sorry for being late (again!!), Ily your typing is so fun😭 thank you for requesting!ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM SPOILERS ꒱
Karma is too straightforward, he makes insensitive jokes, he isn’t the most emotionally mature person and he can be pushier than most. So when you’re sitting beside him, holding back tears, he doesn’t know which one of his traits drove you to this point.
The worst part is you refuse to answer when he asks, instead opting for looking the other direction or giving him a scowled expression. He racked his brain, you guys went to school, were perfectly fine, came back and now you’re angry.
“[Name] why have you been mad at me all day? And don’t say you’re not, you keep a straight face whenever you are.”
He pries and pries until you finally blow up on him.
“So you can just throw yourself off a mountain for an assassination attempt without a second thought and expect me not to care?”
“I’m fine aren’t I? That was the best idea I could come up with, I don’t know how I could top it.” He says like he’s disappointed in the fact it failed.
“You don’t see the problem? Seriously?”
“If somebody doesn’t kill him, everyone is going to die- you’re gonna die, did you expect me to not try my ideas??”
“I didn’t expect you to try to off yourself in the process.”
“It’s not about my life it’s about yours, I’m not letting you die.”
“How am I supposed to live if you’re dead?!” Your voice only gets louder.
“How am I supposed to live if you die because I was too scared to try something?!” Karma replies matching your tone.
“Tell me you won’t try anything like that again.”
He looks at the floor not wanting to face you.
You press further “If you die over this, I’ll die with you.”
The tears stream down your face, you do your best to keep your blank expression.
He can’t be the reason you get hurt, he knows you know that much. “It won’t come to that, we’ll assassinate him together.”
If the reason for your tears is someone else the way Karma reacts is a unique depending on the person.
If Teraska makes you cry Karma going to instigate until Terasaka gets pissed off enough to fight him.
“Making [Name] cry? No wonder you’ve gotten rejected by every girl you’ve shown interest in.”
“Ya don’t know anything- stop shoving your head in other peoples business.”
“[Names] business is mine too, if you don’t like that you can fight me over it.”
“Tch..” Terasaka looks away in annoyance
“What? You scared?” Karma isn’t giving up until Terasaka throws a punch and looses.
If Maehara and Okajima are the culprits, Karmas exposing their embarrassing secrets to the class.
“I know you two aren’t the brightest… but I’d think you’d know not to bother [Name].”
Unlike Terasaka they’re not willing to take their chances against Karma, they know it’s too late making you cry is a death wish.
“Hear us out- we weren’t trying to offend anyone we just-”
Karma doesn’t let them finish their sentence before he says “You know what I think is so funny, I found this crazy video of you guys.”
“Wait huh?”
“It’s not loading right now, I’ll post it on my story later so you two know what I’m talking about!”
“Please don’t! What even is it?!”
It’s a video of the time they tried a contemporary dance class to impress some girls and ended up tripping on each other and fighting, they kept slipping with every punch, needless to say they’re prohibited from going back.
If Korosenseis work load is what’s making you upset he’s going to guilt trip him until he agrees to excuse your assignments, “You call yourself a teacher? Poor [Name] is stressed out and you don’t care.”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to pressure anyone that’s the opposite of what I want to do!! [Name] I’ll give you an extension.”
“Just an extension after what you did? [Name] is humiliated after crying infront of everyone and that’s the solution?”
“It wasn’t that bad…” You felt better and you tried talking yourself out of it but he kept going.
“I say you excuse the assignment and let [name] rest. You’re so cruel… making your student hate school.” He knows exactly where to hit, Korosensei is sensitive enough to make that easy, he would never forgive himself if he burnt out his students.
“Okay [Name] you’re excused for the project. Please, forgive me!” Korosensei is the one crying now, but at least you don’t have to worry about the assignment anymore. The rest of the class starts complaining about it too in hopes to get it excused themselves.
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reshiox · 5 months
no because anakin was never dealt with a winning anything, my dude spent years as a slave’s kid working in the junk shop building droids as a form of fun.
i always enjoy the whole “Anakin just expected Obi-wan and Padmé to trust and listen to him?? Asshole” discourse because like… yeah??
not trying to self insert here but as a mentally I’ll individual 🫡 who in a fit of mania sometimes believes they are absolutely, 100% right and has the irrational thinking of; “im right, and you love me, you’re the person I love most, you should get it” & is totally irrationally emotional when they DONT, yeah… I GET THAT SIR!!
Even if it’s completely understandable, deep down I know they’re not at fault for not getting my own emotions, I’m in control of those — not others. I know this. Still, when my partner says something that goes against me it’s like nails against chalkboards sometimes
Again, when looking at Anakin he had nothing. He was a slave all his life, just to a different master each time. on Tatooine, to the Jedi/code, Palpatine and even to the Darth vader suit, he is never of his own free will. It was Qui-gon’s choice to win Anakin, to take him from his mother and home to what he thought would be a better life. granted it is, but he also finds himself isolated from what is imo what is supposed to be his “placeholder family”
MORE IMPORTANTLY Padmé is the love of his life, telling him that what he thinks they need, what he’s done for her and their family etc to be at peace/alive was actually WRONG!! BAD!! All meanwhile he doesn’t have any of his support at his side; Rex is off with ahsoka, obi-wan is fighting grievous on utpau meanwhile Palpatine has puppy Anakin at his every whim and call ((lets not forget that Palpatine had to have been grooming Anakin from a relatively young age)) They don’t get it, they didn’t see Padmé die before their very eyes, they don’t know what’s waiting them. Anakin is trying to save his family. Obi-Wan going against him is salt in the wound, even if Anakin himself knows it’s wrong and against the code and just completely evil.
I mean, Padmé FORGAVE him for the whole tusken massacre smh is it such a stretch to believe she would stand by his side as he waged war against the galaxy? i mean… isn’t that what love is…..? selfish, passionate, narcissistic, messy? she herself is a politician who often prioritized Anakin over her own duties I bet my man expected some “if you have a body in your trunk I’ll bring the shovel” type beat which also, i reiterate, WHY WOULDN’T HE when his wife forgave him for mass genocide, children included?,
he is emotionally/mentally fragile, he just recently slew younglings and killed Mace — you think this mf is thinking logically? Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt; he was a mess throughout the series, not once did he ever have his feet on the ground. He isn’t suddenly going to make the “right” decision, especially if it means sacrificing his loved ones. He’s an extremely flawed character, stop expecting him to make the right call.
The blocks of Anakin’s character have been set up to fall, Obi-Wan and Padmé are two of his most beloved relationships aside from his MOTHER that are completely dogging on his only hope of SAVING THEM. Anakin was never simply, “you have to do what I say or else I’ll get upset!” that’s a disrespect to his character — he can think logically. He isn’t a child. He is strategic, effective, in tcw he is the most efficient victorious warrior making Palpatine’s efforts look even better as leader of the republic. He builds droids from the time he is a young child all throughout his formative - adult years to the extent where knows how to understand their bleep bloops.
Anakin is flawed deeply, he was doomed from the get-go, never had a chance. His feelings are complex and deep and he questions the faith he swore to follow/protect. His character is so interesting to me and I have such a difficult time depicting the raw duality of man he wears on his shoulders everyday. Our desire to do good, yet to be evil; our desire to be unselfish, yet we are selfish.
This beautiful, scarred, monstrous mosaic of a man who from the very beginning, had a huge amount of pressure on him was meant to be so horribly dismantled. What other choice did he have? He is the chosen one, how could he be wrong? How could his idea of saving his family be any less honourable than the Jedi of the Galaxy?
He isn’t simply angry at them for not agreeing with him/falling with him, he feels betrayed. Personally. Obi-Wan and Padmé are pieces of Anakin, people that he loved so fiercely he labeled them as his enemies once they hurt him, he is too far gone to give them any semblance of second chances
anyways yep happy Thursday guys
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hii!! Im kinda nervous sending this cause its my first time if u don't mind can i request kurapika x reader when the reader gets injured badly? :D
Its fine if you don't want to btw!!!
lifeless eyes (kurapika x reader)
description: you're mortally wounded during a surprise attack and kurapika thinks he's about to lose the last person he loves in the world...
authors note: okay so this has been sitting in the inbox for a whiilleee so i'm so sorry about that anon! it's a really great request so i hope it's worth the wait! another love was the only song i listened to while writing this tbqh (it hits different at 1am)
warnings: mentions of death, angst with comfort at the end, sad kurapika </3
word count: 1.5k
requests are open!
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You looked down with abject shock at the knife impaling your chest. Your attacker ripped the knife out again, grinning as he licked the blade clean. 
You couldn’t feel your wound at first, though you assumed that was the adrenaline. Deciding that this was probably going to be your last fight, you took advantage of the adrenaline rush and fought back, subduing the bastard as efficiently as you possibly could.
The blood was pouring down your chest, feeling as if someone had placed you under a running tap of thick, hot water. Your ears were pounding and an awful wave of nausea hit you as you looked down at your wound. 
Kurapika was going to kill you, that is if you didn’t die. Though your chances weren’t looking good. A small part of you worried that Kurapika wouldn't find you in time, that you wouldn’t even get to say goodbye. Another part of you felt guilty that you were leaving him alone.
Your wound was really starting to hurt now, and your body was very rapidly losing energy. Thankfully, you heard a car arrive nearby and a familiar voice call your name. A small mercy, you supposed. You’d be able to say goodbye now.
You could tell the exact moment Kurapika found you, and saw the state you were in. Clinging to life in a dingy alleyway, front caked in blood and leaning against the wall for support.
Kurapika screamed your name, over and over, as if it was the only word he could say. As if it was the only word he knew.
He reached you in nanoseconds, helping you to the ground as the last of your energy left you. Your head was cradled in his lap and you looked up into his brilliant scarlet eyes. You smiled, at least you got to see that one last time too.
“What happened?” He fought to get the words out, unable to comprehend the events that took place in the short time he was parted from you.
Your laugh came out in a chesty wheeze. Breathing was almost becoming like a chore. You had to forcibly drag each breath in and out again, your body refusing to accept the air.
“That’s a good question.” It was a struggle to reply, but you did so nonetheless. “I was caught by surprise.”
“I should’ve been here.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Leorio is on the way.” Your lover tried to reassure you, although it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. “He’ll help. He can save you.”
You couldn’t tell whether it was you shaking or the boy holding you. “He’ll help you.” He whispered repeatedly, eyes scrunching shut. “Please, please hold on.”
“I don’t know if I can,” It was so hard to breathe, you couldn’t get the air in. “But I’ll try.”
“Please try. Please…” His voice trailed off, as if something within him was breaking. “Don’t go. Not you too.”
You knew you were the one dying and yet, Kurapika’s eyes were lifeless. Such brilliant eyes, too beautiful to look as dull as they did. You wanted to reach out, to see his eyes filled with life again but all your energy was spent trying to swallow one breath after the next.
You noticed Kurapika’s lips were moving however the sound fell on deaf ears, in fact everything grew eerily quiet aside from a light ringing. The Kurta seemed to be looking back and forth between you and the entrance to the alleyway with frantic yet controlled desperation, inaudibly speaking to whoever had arrived. You thought you could see a familiar head of spiky black hair in your peripheral vision but you couldn’t be certain as your eyes were losing focus.
The desire to close your eyes was growing stronger but as if someone knew, there was a hand slapping you back into consciousness. You were vaguely aware of your body being transported from the ground, to a car, to a building. The only thing holding you to your body was that hand that seemed to know when you were fading. 
Time was lost to you and you were unsure of how many hours had passed with you in this state. 
However, at some point you must’ve been allowed to sleep as the next thing you knew, your eyes flew open and miraculously, your vision was mostly clear. 
Letting out a gasp of surprise, you quickly gathered that you were lying in a hospital bed. You looked down, gazing at your chest which was now wrapped in bandages. It still hurt but the relief of being alive dulled the pain slightly.
“Y/n.” Someone whispered your name from beside you, an unmistakable voice. One you loved very much. Turning your head, your blonde lover was sitting beside your bed, looking for all the world as if his prayers had been answered. Upon closer inspection, you realised he was holding your hand.
“I’m alive.” You couldn’t believe it. Meeting Kurapika’s gaze once more, your lips stretched into a grin. “I’m alive.”
“You almost died. Another minute and it would’ve been too late.”
“But it wasn’t too late. Leorio got there in time.” Laughing, you thought about the debt you now owed that eccentric doctor. “I literally owe him my life.”
Kurapika was silent, but the thumb gently rubbing the back of your hand spoke volumes. Some time passed like this, neither of you wanting to break the fragile ecstasy that you were both alive and together. Memories of the life threatening event ran through your mind, one aspect in particular stuck out.
“I felt a hand.” You fought the urge to whisper, looking down at where your fingers were intertwined.
“A hand?” His voice was equally soft.
“Yeah.” You cleared your throat, unable to recall much while you were on death’s door.  “Whenever I felt I was slipping away, a hand would tap me back into consciousness.”
“That was me.” The Kurta moved to sit on your bed, obviously the chair he was sitting on wasn’t cutting it in terms of being close enough. “Leorio told me that it was imperative to keep you awake.”
Kurapika seemed guarded, as if at any second your heart would stop and he would be alone.
“I’m okay.” You confirmed for him, watching his eyes go from wary to cautiously optimistic. “I’m going to live.”
Your lover let out a breath, and then another. You wondered how long you were out for, knowing that Kurapika wouldn’t have allowed himself to rest until he knew you were okay. 
You shuddered to think of the despaired state he must’ve been in when you were still in critical condition. Wanting to comfort him and ease some of his pain, you reached out towards him as much as your wound would allow.
“Don’t move, you’ll agitate it.” Kurapika soothed, guiding your arms back down to your sides.
“Then come here so I don’t have to.” You grinned and a hint of a smile etched its way onto his face. Success. “My left side is fine.”
“You’re still injured.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“You’re so stubborn.” He huffed, smiling despite himself.
“Yes, so now we can skip the part where we go back and forth until you eventually give up.” You motioned once more for him to join you. “Get your pretty ass over here.”
Laughing lightly, Kurapika gently settled himself next to you, very carefully avoiding your injury. He placed his head on your left shoulder and sighed.
“Much better.” You commented, resting your head on top of his. Kurapika’s hand found yours once more, fingers intertwining with your own.
Silence settled in the room once more, the sound of both of your breathing filling the quiet air. With no prompt, you suddenly felt Kurapika tense beside you.
“I was scared.” He whispered after a moment of hesitation, as if he didn’t want to speak this into existence. “When I saw you in that alleyway, it felt like someone had pulled the world out from under my feet.”
You took a minute to reply. “I actually felt relieved when I saw you.”
“Relieved?” Kurapika didn’t try to hide his confused tone. “I couldn’t do anything to save you, so why?”
“Because I thought I was going to die anyway, so I was relieved I could see you one last time.”
You could hear his sharp intake of breath at your words but he didn’t reply. He didn’t need to, you could guess his thoughts. Kurapika was most likely thinking how you should’ve been hoping for a doctor, that you shouldn’t accept death that readily. You weren’t going to tell your lover that a doctor was far from your mind, that in that moment, he was your only thought.
“I love you, Kurapika.” You mumbled into his hair, thumb gliding across his knuckles. He looked up at you then, eyes brimming with joyous relief. Remembering how lifeless his eyes were upon seeing your dying body, you secretly rejoiced that that wasn’t your last moment.
“I love you too, y/n.” He leaned up to kiss your cheek before settling back down onto your shoulder. “I always will.”
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
A/N: this might be bad im so sorry in advance but it was helpful to get that motivation to write something again!!!
Word count: 931
Warnings: angst (none)
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It’s been so long, way too long since you last saw him, a mass murderer to them but just Itachi for you. Despite the awful words put on his name and rumors you heard in the village you still couldn’t see him as anything but a gentle and caring man, it was difficult for you to fathom, his hands, the ones that once had such a soft feel against you skin, the same ones that held you with so much love that you could even sense his fear of breaking you if he wasn’t careful enough. It was hard for you to believe those hands, were stained.
You still remembered him, daily. Your mind often wondering if he was taking care of himself, if he was eating well, if he was still alive, you would be lying if you said those thoughts hadn’t kept you awake more times that they should’ve, but you couldn’t help it. They can’t blame you for having this thoughts, right?you knew an Itachi they didn’t, you knew him better than anyone. He was your first love, your first everything. Yes, he broke your heart by leaving so suddenly, but a piece of you also left with him that night, a piece that you hoped he still carried with him everywhere he went.
[Fast forward]
You are part of the ANBU and were assigned a mission that was apparently easy, you were ambushed and were now fighting against a member of Akatsuki, as you were fighting you sensed a presence hiding somewhere, making you feel kind of uneasy but somehow you where not threatened by it.
Your peripheral vision percieved a shadow moving from one tree to another your reflex was to throw a kunai at it’s direction landing on the tree trunk right by their face. “Still the best shinobi in Konoha I see.” The sudden so familiar voice making you freeze in place allowing your opponent to attempt to attack you, but the attack never got to you, ‘how is it possible? I didn’t even move’ you thought, a shadow was towering before you, their body stopping the ninjutsu technique that was supposed to be aimed at you. “What are you doing Itachi? Let me finish her.” It hit you like a wave out of the sudden you realized, the presence you felt, the familiar voice, the man towering you, it was.. him. “You touch her, I’ll kill you.” He was protecting you, like he always did.
“‘tachi?” Your voice coming out small, mirroring how you felt at that moment, suddenly you were back at the time he walked you home that night clueless that was going to be the last time that you were going to see his face, back at when he kissed you like he always did before you got though your door, a kiss that lasted a few more seconds than usual, you didn’t know why at the time but later on you knew. He was saying goodbye.
His shoulders tensing at the nickname you always called him, at your voice, the voice he hasn’t had the pleasure to hear in over two years now, the voice that he tried so hard not to forget. “Why did you leave me?” You bravely asked him, you had thought before what would you say to him if you had the chance to see him again, wondering if you would be angry, happy, upset. But deep down what you wanted to know was this, why he left you.
“I’m sorry, I had to.” He couldn’t dare to turn around just yet, in fear of breaking down at the sight of your face. “You could’ve taken me with you, you know?” A bare whisper was all your voice allowed you in this moment. “I ruined my life I didn’t want to ruin yours. I couldn’t do that to you. It would’ve been selfish of me to take you with me, y/n. Force you to become a rogue ninja.. you had a bright future ahead, I didn’t want to take that away from you.” his voice starting to break after saying your name out loud for the first time after all these years. It pained him because he know you felt abandoned, he knew that he broke you. “You wouldn’t be forcing me if it’s my own decision. I had you on my mind every day for the past few years, I never sopped loving you, I never once felt hatred against you for leaving, please look at me, Itachi.” Your pleading eyes were now staring at the black ones you only had the chance to see in your dreams, fuck, you missed him.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, he couldn’t look away from you, his hand reaching slowly in fear that you would evaporate if he touched you, scared that his mind was playing a toll on him. Finally, he cupped the side of your face, you were very much real, engraving in his mind the sight and feeling of you subconsciously leaning against his warm touch closing your eyes at the sensation of his skin finally being against yours. “I love you, y/n. Always have and always will.” The warm feeling on your cheek was now replaced by a cold breeze, pulling you put of the trance his whispering voice had you on, your eyes slowly opened in hopes that he was still there but you were met with the spot he was standing on seconds ago being empty. Not his eyes, not him. He left, once again. You can’t blame him, can you?
“‘Til we meet again, ‘tachi.”
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 11 months
Battle of the Larynx I
Miguel O’Hara x afab!reader
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
Synopsis: Having Spider-Man as a boyfriend was becoming increasingly more difficult, and his reoccurring absence is tearing you apart
A/N: hi y’all! ik ive been so MIA with my stories lately. if im being honest sometimes i just don’t have ideas for new chapters or how to continue in progress stories, but hopefully i can get some more done soon! but for now enjoy this quick Miguel O’Hara story cuz i am OBSESSED with this man atm
Inspired by Battle of the Larynx by Melanie Martinez!
Warning: smut (fingering), toxic relationship, ANGST (yk i fucking live that shit), neglectful Miguel, LONG ASS CHAPTERS
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You knew what you were getting yourself into when he told you. You knew the nights that laid ahead for both of you filled with his crying and screaming after a failed mission led to a loss of innocent life. You knew the days would consist of hours holding your breath wondering if he was alive or not, and finally exhaling when he arrived there at your doorstep; battered and bloody but still, he was there. That was really the only promised you asked Miguel to keep— be there. You could handle him leaving randomly and not coming home until 2 in the morning, it was his obligation as a hero and that came before anything else. But he also took an obligation as your partner to be present when it mattered most, and according to him he cherished that concept with his life. So if that was the case why wasn’t he here now?
Miguel had been gone for 5 days now, longer than he’s ever been gone for. Five days of nothing, no calls, texts, emails, even an owl with a note would’ve sufficed at this point but he chose to leave you in the dark yet again. You touched up your mascara in the shiny elevator door reflection as you prepped yourself for the celebration party you and your art school classmates planned after you all landed the animation internship. What was supposed to be a chance for your friends to finally get to know Miguel was clearly turning into yet another evening third wheeling other couples. Another night of watching girls curl up with their lovers while you downed a spiked lemonade to forget about yours. This was the 26th time Miguel had abandoned an important event with no notice whatsoever (yes you’ve been keeping track). It started with simple things like picnic dates or small get togethers, then his absence gradually became more impactful. Missed family dinner’s, birthdays…anniversaries. Disappearing for days on end with no check ins, it was becoming torture. It was becoming increasingly obvious that people started to question whether or not you even had a boyfriend, and slowly you did too…
To Miggy 🧸:
please tell me you’re coming tonight, you know this means a lot to me Miguel
can you just call me and let me know youre alive at least????
i hope youre chaffing in your suit asshole
The elevator door opened letting you onto the top floor of Alchamex, it was pointless checking but you always did anyways. You crept your way into his office hoping to see his usual tired figure slumped over in his chair, ready for you to nag him like you usually do to take a break and eat something, but the only thing occupying the space was scattered papers. You looked through his window that towered over the Nueva York city streets trying desperately to hold back the tears that were fighting their way out.
Y/N: “Jess! Im- Im really sorry.” You turned your head only slightly so she couldn’t see your puffy eyes.
Jess: “Y/N, you’re part of reception you know you can get in a lot of trouble being up here without authorization.”
Y/N: “I know I know I just…I thought Miguel be here.” You mumbled between hiccups that came up from you failing to hide your sobs. Jess wasn’t stupid, it didnt take a genius to know what you were upset about, or who you were upset about, “If you um… if you see him can you just ask him to come home please.” Working through your sniffles, you wiped your face with your sleeve and made your way out of the office before she even had time to respond
Jess sighed feeling a twitch of anger brew inside her towards the young man, she scowled and muttered obscenities under her breath as she dialed Miguels number…
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The next week came and you missed the party entirely, the calls from all your friends and colleagues went unanswered. Honestly, your self esteem couldn’t take another embarrassing, lonely entrance into an event that Miguel was supposed to accompany you too. Another endless night of sympathetic looks and pity hugs. 
The clock read 7:48 pm when you arrived home from work, another day of taking calls and booking meetings for a man that wasn’t even there half of the time. With a heavy sigh you set the bags of groceries you had in hand down in order to get your keys out of your back pocket. The space was dark and cold when you walked in, it had been for the last week. You stocked the fridge with your new groceries then before taking a quick shower and finishing your nightly routine. You were in the middle of applying your night cream when you heard a loud thud causing you to finally leave the bathroom. In the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of a tall dark figure emerging from the window. You let out a shriek managing to fumble everything in hand as you scrambled to find your pepper spray.
Miguel: “Woah woah! Relax it’s just me! it’s me Y/N!” Usually you’d be used to Miguel’s late night window entrances but it had been so long since you last saw him you forgot he even did it. He turned on the living room light revealing his tired and bruised figure. He was still dressed in his spider suit, the suit you excitedly spent hours on your ipad drawing and redrawing to get the perfect design; now you hated the sight of that thing.
Y/N: “Miguel?”, seeing him gave you relief knowing it wasn’t an intruder, but the anger that’s been stirring in you for the last 2 weeks slapped you back to reality. Silence filled the space between you two, neither of you taking the initiative to speak first. It took 2 weeks for him to come back and you weren’t going to wait another second waiting for him to find the balls to say something.
Miguel: “Y/N please wait!…” he pleaded when you turned away and slammed the bedroom door behind you. You plopped down onto your mattress, you were exhausted and couldn’t stand to look at his face anymore, but you felt the empty bed space behind you dip with his weight.
Miguel: “Congratulations on your internship cariño, I knew you’d get it…” No response. “I…I got this for you. Y/N?” If you turned around you’d see the small gift wrapped box he held in his hand but you were motionless. This new silence terrified him. The possibility of you finally giving up on him made his heart sink a little
Miguel: “Y/N I’m really really sor—
Y/N: “Just shut up Miguel, shut up already…” you finally spoke through gritted teeth, “You’ve never cared about a single thing that I care about, if you did then you would’ve been there like you said you would but you weren’t! SO JUST FUCKING SHUT UP!” you sobbed and curled your legs closer to your chest
Miguel: “I know you’re angry at me… but Y/N I really am sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t call you or text you. I’m sorry it took Jess calling me to make me realize how terrible I was being. I should’ve been there to take you to your friends party, like I promised I would. I wanna be someone you can count on and trust but I’m screwing it all up.”
At this point Miguel had already stood up from the bed, you could feel the floor thump as he paced back and forth trying to find the right words to say to you. You couldn’t help but peek over at him, he looked horrible with his head in his hands and blood and dirt still caked on his suit. Regardless of how angry you felt towards Miguel you always took pity on the poor man. He loved you with everything he was and everything he wasn’t, all he wanted was to be everything you ever needed, but you were the first woman he had ever been with since Dana and Gabriella passed. You knew loving you was like learning to walk again.
You called his name in your soft voice. His head shot up, you were finally facing him with your arms open inviting him in for a hug. Miguel practically jumped from his seat and into your arms. Words couldn’t describe how good it felt to feel your touch and even though he smelled like ash and rubble you felt exactly the same, practically crying as you melted into his hold
Y/N: “I thought you were dead Miggy, you can’t keep putting me through this I can’t take it.” He settled deeper into your embrace and rested his head into the crook of your neck
Miguel: “I know, I’ll be better for you…” You felt his lips latch onto your neck and pepper you in small kisses, “I love you Y/N. I love you so much.” He groaned against you, pushing his stiffened member against your groan and pulling out a desperate moan from your lips
Y/N: “I…I love you too Miggy…fuck!” You screamed has he drove his thick fingers into your already soaking cunt. Every curl and thrust against your plush walls pushed you closer and closer to your edge.
You cried against his shoulders. There were times when the space that was wedged between you two felt infinite then dwindled every time he came back home to you.
It was euphoria, to feel him with you again.
But every high has to come down at some point.
The sound of arguing pulled you from your sleep. It was 2 in the morning when you rolled over to see a space where Miguel was originally sleeping beside you. It wasn’t unusual for Miguel to wake up in the middle of the night to work at the kitchen table or yell to Jess about some other spider variant that messed up a mission; one named Peter seemed to come up very frequently. However it seemed like this specific conversation went on for a fairly long time, you could even begin to here Miguel’s voice shake with whoever he was speaking to.
You slipped on a new t shirt from Miguel’s drawer since the clothes you previously had on had been ripped to shreds. His voice became more and more clear as you made your way down the hall
Miguel: “Do you already have an idea on who it could be?…Fuck. Okay, I’ll *sigh* I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and pinched the bridge of his nose in a mixture of frustration and disappointment.
Y/N: “Youre leaving again aren’t you?” Your voice startled him out of his sulk.
Miguel: “…Jess suspects there’s a spider variant that’s purposely letting anomalies run loose in other dimensions. I have to handle this Y/N...”
7 hours, it took 7 hours to fall into the same old routine. It was honestly amusing at this point, all you could do was laugh. How stupid you were to think things could be any different. How stupid you were to think that HE could be any different.
Y/N: “Are you fucking serious?!” You shouted
Miguel: “Y/N Stop it, not right now please. I need you to just go back to bed and let me—
Y/N: “Let you what?! Let you leave me and come back anytime you find it convenient? How long are you gonna be gone this time Miguel, a month this time? Do you even care about the promise you kept to me? Or do I even cross your mind when you’re out there dimensions away from home playing hero for everyone else but me? This isn’t a hotel Miguel, this is our home! At least that what it fucking used to be!” You fumed. He towered above you but that didn’t stop from getting in his face, “It’s not fair Miguel! You don’t get to leave me alone for weeks and come back and fuck me thinking that’ll make it all better! You have to be better!”
Miguel: “You need to stop acting like you’re the only person in my world that needs my attention! I’m not a monster for putting the safety of the multiverse first. Im sorry I can’t be here to rock you to bed and give you a kiss goodnight all the time. Sometimes we have to put personal matters on the back burner Y/N, it’s called responsibility!” He gathered his phone and the rest of his belongings off the kitchen table
Miguel: “I have enough to worry about as it is, having you and Jess blowing up my phone to go to some party with people I don’t even know doesn’t he—
Y/N: “What?” Your tone was softer and started to become laced with hurt, it was evident in the way your voice started to shake, “Jess called you that night and it took you a week to come back?”
Realization of what he just said settles in and it makes his brows furrow in frustration and both himself and you. When he looks over at you with that same stupid emotionless face he always has you can’t help but boil with anger. His nonchalance towards your problems made you curl your fist until your knuckles turned white
Y/N: “No you’re not a monster, but you are an ASSHOLE for making me believe you could balance work and me! Why are you even with me if you can’t—
Miguel: “This conversation is over, I have a job to do and youre keeping me from doing it.” He cut you off harshly, dismissing your concerns yet again.
Y/N: “I never asked you to sacrifice your obligations! I said from the beginning that being a hero comes first, just make some goddamn time for me now and then! Why Miguel? Why do I have to beg you to see my family at Christmas?! Why do I have to beg you to meet my friends or give me an ounce of attention?! Why do I have to ask you to care about me?!”, This was frustrating him too much, your lack of understanding was infuriating. Miguel had to leave before he said something he might regret. He turned away from you and your manic sobbing and made his way to the window seal without another word, afraid that he might damage things worse than they already were by speaking
Y/N: “If we switched places I wouldn’t DARE treat you as terribly as you treat me—
Miguels eyes widened and his rampage instantly stopped. You couldn’t believe the words that had just left his mouth, and honestly he couldn’t either. He didn’t mean it at all, he wanted to take back those words as soon as the left his mouth, he just wanted to leave. Why didn’t you just let him leave? He wouldve been right back. The air was thick and uncomfortable, your combined heavy breathing was the only thing filled the space between the two of you.
Miguel: “I…I’ll be right back.” There was a shakiness in his voice and in his movement when he stepped out onto the fire escape.
Y/N: “Dont come back. If you leave tonight…don’t come back Miguel.” You spoke in a tone barely above a whisper
Miguel: “We’ve said things we don’t mean…I’ll be back later to fix things.” His suit integrated onto his body and he leapt off of the building ledge. A blur of blue and red was the only trace he left behind.
The truth was out now, how Miguel really felt towards you. You were never a first priority or even a second or third, you were nothing but a soul to fill the space where something else was missing. His wife, his daughter, you never tried to stand in their place or become what they were to him, but now you knew that’s the only reason Miguel kept you around. You were his vice
Your heavy cries carried throughout the apartment as you laid in bed cradling the maroon cardigan that was in the gift box Miguel got you.
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The spider society headquarters was empty and calm, but the office at the top floor was anything but. Miguel sat atop of his hovering platform brooding in silence in front of his computer monitors, It’d been like this since he arrived. Miguel was always stern and reserved, he never held a conversation with anyone other than Jess or Lyla so him being fairly quiet was normal. But for Miguel to not say anything at all was strange, and it didn’t take long for others to take notice of his behavior shift since leaving your apartment
Margo, Peter, and Jess were the last people at headquarters, after a long day of interrogating potential rogue variants the crew was finally successful and able to apprehend Spiderman on Earth-3360. What will happen to the young man wasn’t decided yet but catching him was a cause for celebration. The group sat around the cafeteria table sharing empanadas and Soju for a few minutes before they went back to their own universes
Margo: “Yeah Ive been in his office all day with him and Lyla and he’s barely said 2 sentences, he wasn’t even mean during interrogation. It’s like he didn’t have it in him to yell. I think he’s depressed or something.”
Peter: “I thought he was always depressed, that’s like his thing isn’t it? That’s why he’s not funny.” He joked and finished off the last empanada
Jess: “I don’t know but I need to get home, my back is killing me and I can’t deal with The Grinch any longer.” She said taking letters hand to help her up from the chair.
The group said goodnight to each other, Margo logged off and Jess went home to some much needed rest, honestly this line of work seems too dangerous for a pregnant woman. Peter made his way up to Miguel’s office, who he knew could hear the entire conversation thanks to his enhanced hearing.
Peter: “You know they’re right Miguel…” he shouted up to Miguel who was brooding on his platform
Miguel: “About what?” he asked in a condescending tone
Peter: “About you, you don’t think we’ve noticed you moping around all day. Do you wanna tell me what the deal is so you can stop pouting?” he swung onto the platform and took a seat next to Miguel, crossing his arms and sitting firm in place waiting for Miguel’s response but he was met with silence, “Is it the rogue variant? Cuz we’re not gonna let this happen again…”
Miguel: “No.”
Peter: “Miles? Gwen? Ben?”
Miguel: “No it’s none of them.” He turned his attention away from him and focused on organizing the handful of papers on his desk
Peter: “Then what is it? Is it Y/N?”
Miguel: “Did I say anything about Y/N?! Why even bring her up?!” He snapped, it was exhausting having to work and act like every terrible thing he said wasn’t weighing on his mind. Miguel couldn’t even interrogate the variant with losing focus, having to have Jess switch him out is gonna remain one of the most embarrassing points in his Spider-Man career. Peter was never a first choice for a sounding board, but it was only going to get worse for Miguel if he didn’t turn to someone for advice, because Lord knows he was terrible at handling relationship problems on his own
Miguel: “I said something bad, really really bad Peter…” he confessed. He took a seat in the chair next to him
Peter: “Do you wanna be more specific?”
Miguel: “I told her that her career was a joke. Then I called her…a replacement.” Peters eyes widened, he knew Miguel was capable of harsh words, he’d seen it first hand with Miles but this was unexpected. Especially with you, the girl he fawned over and practically stalked at work until you made the first move.
Peter: “Shit, Miguel. That’s really messed up…Did you mean it?” He asked
Miguel: “No of course not! I didn’t mean any of it, I was just frustrated. I’m not the bad guy for prioritizing my duties! She just wasn’t listening Peter, she wasn’t understanding any of what I was saying or where I was coming from. I didn’t mean what I said.”
Peter: “So why did you say it?!” Peter exclaimed
Miguel: “I DONT KNOW!”, He slouched over in his chair and cradled his head in his hands, his own words made him sick to his stomach. How he urged to tell you how guilty he was for what he said, for never being there, for making you feel like you didn’t mean anything, “I just wanted her to be quiet, everything she was saying was right but it made me feel guilty and awful. I wanted to make her feel worse than I felt. God I’m so fucking dumb…”
Peter: “You know I’m not good with this, it wasn’t long ago that I was a sad piece of shit too with a partner at home who basically couldn’t stand me. That being said, I also know that when it feels like nothing you say can make up for everything you said, and you said A LOT, maybe too much. I would never say something like that, that was insane…”
Miguel: “Peter…” he said through gritted teeth
Peter: “Sorry sorry, that being said when it feels like there’s nothing you can say that could make up for everything you said, a simple apology means more than you think it does. A real apology Miguel.” Peter looked at him, he didn’t need words to know that Peter was basically tell him to finally get his shit together.
Miguel: “What if she doesn’t accept it?”
Peter: “She will if you mean it…”
Passing buildings were a blur to Miguel, he was racing home so fast he couldn’t even focus on anything around him. While he swung from structure to structure he planned out every single thing he’d say to you, how he’s sorry for failing you in this relationship and he’d change for the both of you. He even tried to remember if there was still cinnamon in the spice cabinet so he could make you your favorite comfort drink, champurrado.
Miguel soon landed on the fire escape outside your apartment, you made a habit of leaving the curtains open for him so he could see if you were up or not and now it was an involuntary part of your routine. He peeked inside and saw you sleeping peacefully on your bed, hoping to come join you he tried to open the window but it wasn’t budging.
‘Had you locked it on purpose?’ He thought to himself, no you couldn’t have, you always left in unlocked for him. But when he saw the book you had used to block the window from being moved he panicked. Miguel knocked on your window, frantic and desperate
Miguel: “Y/N! Y/N! Unlock the window!” He pleaded. His knocking stirred you out of your sleep and you sat up in your bed, your puffy eyes on full display. When you finally looked over at him you were emotionless just as he was to you, it terrified him seeing you look at him with no longing or affection
Miguel: “Let me in…please cariño”, he begged
You were so tired, you were so tired of wondering why your boyfriend left you to question his love for you and now after tonight you know why. You stood face to face with him, the window still a barrier between you and him. It ate away at you but you couldn’t stand another night asking yourself why you weren’t getting the love you deserved. You had your answer and you didn’t need Miguel around anymore, not if you were going to be another substitute for what was missing.
Miguel: “Y/N…Y/N please wait!—
You closed the curtain in his face and went back to bed but it didn’t stop his knocking and pleading, begging for you to let him in and mend what he broke. It continued for an hour until you were convinced he eventually gave up and left. Him being gone finally gave you a chance to break down once again into your sheets, but Miguel sat on the fire escape listening to every choked out sob and hiccup you let out. Every painful cry the he caused you and now he wondered if he’d ever be able to fix it.
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xoxoxoz · 7 months
hiii how are you? :) i hope you’re doing welll ! ngl but im missing your updates a lot :( hope to hear from u again !
— jeemin anon :D
Omgggg hi Jeemin anon😭🫶🏼
I’m so sorry, I was stacked with studies the past week because of my exams.
Here’s a draft I kept. Just for you🩷🩷
Bang Jeemin x F!Reader
📝: Jeemin broke up with you the night before prom after a terrible argument, and your new prom date stood you up. You deemed it was the worst moment of your life, but Jeemin decided to return in order to fix what she started.
⚠️: lovers to strangers to lovers, a bit angsty, happy ending
You looked up from your cup for the nth time and looked at the opened gymnasium doors with hope, thinking Sunghoon would be come running in.
Yet it wasn’t.
Your heart grew heavier by the minute and your friends came to check on you again after spending a few minutes with their own prom dates. Moka held Chanelle’s hand while she rubbed your shoulder.
“Y/n, he’s not coming” Moka whispered.
You fiddled with the empty red cup in your hands and sighed knowing that she was right.
“He wasn’t worth it anyways. You look like an absolute 10 tonight” Chanelle commented to cheer you up but all you could give was a half smile.
“I knew he’d bail. He’s a dickhead” Yunah scowled which earned her a nudge from Jiwoo.
“Watch your language, Noh Yunah”
“But I’m serious! I’ve warned him to not hurt Y/n and he did anyways. I’m giving him a piece of my mind later”
You turned around to face them, tears already streaming down your face. “I’ll be okay…”
“I’m sorry about Jeemin, Y/n…” Jiwoo sighed.
The name alone gave you terrible flashbacks from the previous night when Jeemin decided to end the relationship after a disagreement she had with you. She had opened up that she received a scholarship to leave Seoul and pursue her Uni studies in Australia but you weren’t willing to accept a long distant relationship. Jeemin even insisted on having you move with her but leaving your hometown just like that didn’t seem so easy.
That’s when Sunghoon decided to step in as your prom date but he didn’t even pick you up, let alone arrive at the event. It felt like your world was falling apart.
“This night couldn’t get any worse, could it?” You sniffled and accepted the tissue Jiwoo prepared.
Moka looked up and her eyes suddenly widened, shaking Chanelle’s hand to gain her attention on the same thing. “No way..”
Yunah looked too and a smile slowly crept up her lips.
You finished wiping you tears, in hopes that it didn’t totally ruin your makeup. But then a heart warming voice filled your ears.
“You look so beautiful, Princess”
You spun around so fast, it almost gave you whiplash. Jeemin stood in front of you, wearing a black dress that matched your white one and her smile made your ears turn red. “Jeemin?”
Jiwoo signalled for the others to leave with her, allowing you to have some privacy with the taller girl.
“What are you doing here?” You asked in a tone of anger. “Aren’t you supposed to be catching your flight to Australia or something?”
Jeemin looked down with shame. “I cancelled it.”
Her eyes returned to you. “Look, I know you’re still mad at me and you have every right to. That night we argued, I thought you’d be happier for me that I even received that scholarship because I’ve told you about my dream so many times. Then once I got home, I realised how stupid I was for focusing so much on my own happiness that I forgot to prioritise our relationship first”
You crossed your arms and looked away but Jeemin was quick to grab your chin and face her again. “Please look at me, pretty girl. I’m so sorry for fighting. I should’ve thought about your feelings first, and I promise I won’t let this happen again in the future. Give me that chance to love you properly and keep you as mine”
Jeemin’s hand moved from your chin to your cheek and you immediately leaned into her warm touch as more of your tears began to fall.
“Don’t cry please, Y/n”
“No I should be sorry, Jee. You’ve been dreaming of this for so long, why should I stop you from achieving it? I was just so worried about what would happen to us and I keep predicting the worst” you cried into her arms.
Jeemin held you close and stroked your hair like she usually did to comfort you. “If dropping this scholarship means being with you forever, then so be it. My happiness is always with you and I wouldn’t have it any other way”
“No Jeemin, I have a better idea” you said and looked up at her. “Take the scholarship and I’ll go with you”
“Y/n you don’t have to do that”
“No I mean it. It’ll be a big step for me to make the sudden decision but as long as I’m by your side, I know everything will work out in the end”
The taller suddenly captured your lips, her hands resting on your sides lovingly. You were quick to accept her kiss and it felt like forever since you last tasted them but you were happy to know that your night got better.
You got your girl back and you weren’t going to let her slip away.
Jeemin pulled away and rested her forehead against yours. “Be mine again, Y/n. We’ll be okay this time, I swear it”
“You’re the only person I want Bang Jeemin. My future pharmacist” You giggled as you touched noses.
“And you’re my one and only…future nurse” She replied sweetly.
“Wait but how about your flight? Won’t you miss it?”
Jeemin shook her head. “I’ll email them and ask if we can fly over next week instead. I have my ways, baby”
You allowed her to rest her chin in your head. “Alright I trust you. My night was going crappy”
“Oh I know. The moment I cancelled my flight, I drove to your house to talk but Yunah called me to say that some dude stood you up at the prom so I got dresssed and came here as soon as I could”
“Thanks for saving me—“
“Yo you’re just gonna steal my date like that?” Sunghoon appeared, grabbing your waist to pull you into his arms.
“Get your hands off my girlfriend”
“Yeah right. She wouldn’t have accepted my promposal if you were”
Jeemin clenched her fists. “You stood her up anyways, dickhead. You may have been her prom date, but she’s been my girl for 4 years, so back off”
“Tsk, let’s get away from this chick, Y/n” Sunghoon scoffed.
You surprised him with a hard punch to the jaw, making him fall on his ass. You dusted off your dress before returning into Jeemin’s arms. “There’s a lot of things wrong with you Sunghoon. Go fix it before trying to woo another girl. You messed with the wrong one”
“That’s my girl” Jeemin smirked and kissed your temple. “Let’s enjoy our night, Princess”
As you and Jeemin walked away, Sunghoon was still processing the punch as he touched his bleeding lip. Yunah, Jiwoo, Chanelle, and Moka reappeared around him like a cage, staring him down like a prey.
Sunghoon looked around cautiously, fear evident in his eyes. “U-Uh…”
“While our little Y/n-ie goes to enjoy her night, we’re gonna give you a lesson for ruining it in the first place” Moka chuckled sarcastically and cracked her knuckles.
“You promised me you wouldn’t hurt her, Sunghoon” Yunah growled, scaring the boy even more.
“W-Wait a second”
They in fact did not wait a second.
And spent the remainder of the night beating his ass.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Oh, what about some Riven wedding/ married life headcanons? Or Riven when girlfriend / wife is sick or tired but doesn't want to sleep?
okay yes I can but the thing is I'm way better at drabbles so um im just gonna. just gonna-
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"It's midnight", he groaned, his voice hoarse from just waking up after he'd dozed off - on accident, you supposed.
"So?", you said, putting the tissue away that you'd just snorted into. A heap of them had slowly built on top of your beside table, courtesy of you not getting up and putting them into the bin ever since you'd changed into your pj's.
"So", Riven went on, sitting up now, letting himself slump against the back of the bed, "It's midnight and you're sick. You should be getting sleep."
"Should, would, could, blah blah blah." You waved a hand at him, dismissing his concern. Who needed sleep? Not you.
He ran his hand over his face and then through his hair, looking at you for a second, desperate, almost. You stared right back, eyebrows raised. If the two of you had learnt anything in the time you had been together, it was that neither of you ever won those 'staring contests'. So instead he leant over and held a hand to your forehead.
You were well aware that it was burning hot.
"You need sleep", he repeated. But you just scrunched up your nose and pulled away from him.
"No thank you", you said, turning to your bedside table and reaching for the tv remote. You weren't tired in the slightest. Plus, you'd been having weird dreams lately and you didn't particularly feel in the mood for one of those.
Riven let out a breath and before your fingertips could touch the remote even slightly, he had wrapped his arms around you, pulled you flush against his chest and down onto the mattress. You squealed as he settled, straining to get out of his grip.
"Riven!", you shrieked. "Let go of me, ass!"
The thing was this: Even on a good day, you weren't able to escape his hugs. And now that your body was this weak? Yeah, you were stuck.
"Not a chance", he chuckled into your ear, pulling you even closer.
You kept fighting for a minute. Half a minute, maybe. Okay, like two seconds, and then you gave up.
"I'm gonna get you back for this the moment I can move my legs again", you muttered, trying and failing to conceal a yawn.
"Sure", he laughed, brushing his hands up and down your arms. "Will love to see you try."
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