#when hes oswalds chief of staff)
Chapter 4 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at (An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic)
<-previous chapter
Chapter 4: Not Completely Heartless Plans and the Lack of a Corpse
Additional warnings for this chapter: Ed thinking about the possibility of Oswald killing the reader (he doesn't seriously think Oswald would harm you), mention of canonical alcohol problems (Oswald), self-deprecating thoughts (by Oswald)
Word count: 2784
Author's note: After me being busy and then ill, the new chapter's finally finished. Enter Barbara Kean & Tabitha Galavan 🤗
Thanks go to @gabriella-aesthetic for commenting on the last chapter & making me do the finishing touches on this one sooner. I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤
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Wow, a cover for this chapter too? Yes!
Ed's eyes were fixed on the entrance to Gotham City Hall. Oswald still hadn't stormed out of the building like he'd imagined.
Ed looked away to Mr. Van Dahl's remains as well as Oswald's dead chief of staff in the trunk of the car, then turned to the shapeshifter he had met in Indian Hill, "A very good job."
Basil Karlo, aka Clayface, took off his contacts and removed his wig. "He bought it."
Ed smirked. "Hook, line and sinker."
"The voice wasn't quite right but, uh, you know." He heard stilettos on the paving stone and stepped back.
"Bravo, boys." Barbara Kean approached them with Tabitha Galavan close behind. "Penguin lost his mind on national TV. Just like you said he would."
"It's all about the power of suggestion." Ed was proud of his knowledge about the mayor. "And whispering in the right ears."
Tabitha wasn't as impressed, "Why don't you just leave these bodies for the cops? Have him arrested."
"That's too easy, Tabitha." He had much better plans, "I want this to be a slow, painful death. One of a thousand deep cuts. First we take away his mind-
Barbara interruped him, "Then - the part I like - we destroy his empire and take it for ourselves."
"And then when this bird is broken and alone, we do the humane thing...and put him out of his misery."
The blonde heiress pouted playfully, then giggled, and Ed smiled with her. He had this planned out to the-
"Why hasn't he left the building yet?"
Ed suppressed a glare at Tabitha.
"I don't know," he responded, folding his phone open to dial one of the contacts he still had from being Oswald's chief of staff. "Perhaps it's because-"
Two (2) messages from y/f/n y/l/n.
Oswald really needs me. He hasn't been feeling well since you left. I hope we can talk about it.
Reading your message made Ed ask himself whether his plan was really as fool-proof as he'd assumed it was. "He's late because he wasn't alone", he explained, then continued reading, Hopefully you don't think I'm ditching you for Oswald. I just had to be there for him, this day is extremely important.
He has an interview with Margaret Hearst, can you believe that?
Of course you'd support your friend when he had an interview with a star journalist. A star journalist Ed had secretely nudged towards Oswald.
He didn't listen, being too focused on your texts:
I hope we can still meet :) When do you have time to spare? Just a quick heads-up: I don't know how the interview will go and if it doesn't Oswald, might need someone to be there for him, and well, we know how much trust he puts in other people, right xD?
Despite the guilt he felt at you worrying about Oswald, your words almost placated him, making him smile ever so slightly and feel transported to when you had all been friends, to that evening when Oswald had laughed so hard that-
"Hello?" Earth to Ed."
Barbara. Barbara was waving her hand in front of his face.
"Are you lost? What did you find out?"
"Y/n", he said, "y/n accompanied Oswald. It must be the reason why he's so late."
"Y/n got in the way, huh?" Barbara stalked towards the brown-haired man and began to circle him. "Do you want us to do something about that?" She halted in front oh him, "A little kidnapping maybe?"
Ed tensed, more than he had when talking about his plans for revenge. "No!" It came out aggressive, as if they were on opposite sides but he didn't care. "No one must hurt y/n!"
Barbara held up her manicured hands in a conciliatory way, "Okay! Geez, Ed, it's alright. Your friend's safe from us. Right, Tabby?"
"Make sure that Butch, no, everyone, knows not to harm y/n."
Tabitha's scoff was overshadowed by Barbara's confident smile. "Consider it done. As long as your friend doesn't interfere, she thought.
Tabitha stepped towards them, "So you are friends?"
"Of course!" Ed said full of indignation.
She looked to Barbara and raised an eyebrow before he gained her attention back with his irritated tone, "Why wouldn't we be? What are you alluding to?"
After a nod from Barbara, the long-haired woman looked Ed straight in the face and asked, "I mean don't you feel guilty for letting your friend worry about Penguin's misery?"
Ed was taken aback. Of course he did.
How could he be at a loss for words after boasting about his schemes seconds ago?
The voice inside his head answered promptly, Easy: You're not as heartless as you pretend to be. Don't lose sight of who you love, Eddie.
While Barbara and Tabitha looked at him expectantly, he gave a quick response, That's what I'm doing! Focusing on Oswald and on y/n! We texted quite often over the past weeks.
"Yes!" He straightened his jacket, "What is it?"
Barbara patted his arm, "I think you're doing great!" She gave Tabitha a subtle look indicating that she knew he wasn't, "Look at you, protecting your friend from someone as dangerous and selfish as Oswald."
Hearing her put it like that...Perhaps he was protecting you from Oswald. The thought hadn't crossed his mind. While Ed believed that Oswald would never harm you, he hadn't suspected him to be Isabella's murderer either.
The thought of Oswald killing you seemed ridiculous but that didn't mean that Barbara's words had no impact.
He had loved Isabella and he loved you, at least as much as-at least a lot.
What if things had been different and Oswald had been jealous of you?
Ed pictured the scene: your lifeless body in the GCPD, a car accident report, Oswald telling him to move on when he was still mourning!
"You still with us, Ed? Cause you shouldn't-"
His telephone rang. 'Oswald Cobblepot'. "Speaking of the devil, who seems to have called...eight times, wow" he was glad to see they were now looking at him as if he was capable despite the zoning out, "he can suffer for a little longer." He clapped the device shut. "You were saying?"
Barbara was pleased that Ed was ignoring the probably miserable mayor, "I was saying...that you needn't feel bad about getting your revenge on Penguin. Just continue doing what you're doing and our plans will be a piece of cake." She laughed.
Oswald was anything but laughing. He stood on shaky legs, panting from walking quickly after finally...well, not getting rid of you but assuring you he'd be fine. Oh god, had he made you worry too much? He hoped not.
He looked back as if you might appear at any moment, then moved back to the door. It was best that you didn't disturb him. If his father's skeleton wasn't real, he'd look insane. He closed the door and locked it. Even if his father's remains were in the same place: you didn't need to see a corpse, beleagured enough as you already were.
He hadn't meant to alarm you. You suspected that he had harmed himself, for God's sake! Oswald limped to the place where he had last seen his father's body, determined to wash away the blood and show you how alright he was. At least physically...
The disheveled mayor opened the office cupboard and gasped in shock. It was empty and what was worse, the traces to Elijah's presence were gone.
"No!" Oswald clutched a hand in front of his mouth. "No no no no no, please don't let this be...please let it have been real... I need you, father! I need your advice. Come back to me!"
He closed the cupboard and looked around the room. Not a single trace of his father. Had he vanished...or never been there to begin with, a hallucination? Oswald was sleep-deprived.
Ed! Oswald was spurred into action. He pulled out his phone and called his number.
"This is Edward."
It normally didn't take this short for the voice message to start. Ed had declined the call.
"Leave a message. Or don't."
Right. There was the audible reminder of the sadness Oswald had caused the man he loved.
"Doesn't really matter."
Oswald rubbed his temples.
Perhaps Ed was busy. Or still not over it. Over receiving a love confession after making one of the oddest business proposals Oswald had ever witnessed. It was almost as if - he steadied himself on a table... It was a level of dumbness almost completely uncharacteristic for Ed.
Oswald took shaky breaths. Coming to rash conclusions wouldn't serve him well. He needed to approach this calmly, at least as calmly as he could.
He breathed in and made sure to let out enough air as well, as Ed has taught him. Taught me with a hand on my stomach to show my where best to breathe from, he thought puzzled, then remembered that the brown-haired man had done the same with you.
Suddenly Oswald had a thought. Could it be that Ed was in love with you both, that this was his reason for distancing himself from him? It would make sense, wouldn't it: Ed, still grieving Isabella, wouldn't want to confirm being in love with Oswald if it meant making you think he didn't like you, but he wouldn't want to confess to you either in fear of losing his other best friend.
Oswald knew the feeling. Right now he wished he had never said the words to Ed. He would to anything to have him back, even if as nothing more than a friend.
Thinking back brought Oswald's mood further down. Ed had been so shocked, his body averted from Oswald's as if the mere idea of the black-haired man as someone worth having romantic interest in displeased him.
Oh, Oswald wished to have him back, to prove that his affection was nothing to be afraid of, that Ed had no reason to tense up and shield himself.
Oswald would keep his feelings to himself. He could do that, yes, he'd let Ed dictate how close they got, so that things could go back to how they'd been.
Now if he could just solve the mystery of his father!
For a moment he considered calling Ed again, then he debated texting him and gave up on that as well. What would he even write? 'Hey, Ed, first of all: don't be afraid, I'm no danger to you. I know you haven't wanted to hear from me for weeks, but I think I might be hallucinating, so I thought I'd call the next insane person I know.'
No, that would simply be ridiculous. Not only that but there was a safety issue as well: Oswald couldn't afford the public questioning his sanity because of one thoughtless text falling into the wrong hands.
He pocketed his phone to keep from making a mistake, and actually went toward the bathroom, where he'd told you he'd be.
Despite everything, there was still hope. You neither knew about the situation with Ed nor about his possibly damaged psychological state, and as long as you stayed with him, he'd manage. He'd bottle up his emotions over the day and find a way to let them out when you weren't there. After today he couldn't afford to be seen by you in such a miserable state again.
That day in the library, Ed had promised not to speak a word of the love confession to you, telling Oswald that he deserved it, that it was completely rational, no, the best decision even: to keep it a secret. He had almost been eager to assure him. Maybe Oswald's theory was true and Ed was planning on eventually getting together with him and you. Yet he had been so shocked. Oswald gasped for breath. Could it be that...could it be that Ed was only in love with you?
With all that had happened it certainly wasn't implausible: the way Ed acted around you, looked at you, cared for you, all of it was filled with love, of whichever type that may be. In Oswald's dreams, all three of you had been in love with each other, never just with one, but knowing what Ed had told him...it might be true!
Oswald collided with the door to the private bathrooms. "Ow!" Rubbing his face, he turned around to make sure no one had heard him. The way there on his shaky legs had taken him long enough and he lacked the energy to look for a new place.
He hastily locked the door and turned to the big mirror.
"Oh God!"
He looked horrible!
Strands of hair had dropped and clung to his sweaty skin, his dark circles were reinforced by the mascara he thought he'd removed sometime yesterday in between glasses of alcohol, and his expression was utterly pathetic.
How could Ed love someone like this? How could you? Had Oswald only made himself look this bad after finding his father's remains missing?
In any case: you had wanted to know whether he'd self-harmed or worse, tried to kill himself, so he couldn't have looked alright.
God, his whole existence was a mess: losing bis best friend because the thought of Oswald loving him was too much for the tall brown-haired genius, losing the public because his father who might just be a hallucination was asking things of him, and now looking like this! His eyes watered again. Of course Ed wouldn't settle for him!
He approached the sink and poured the first wave of water onto his face.
Whether he was handsome in general or not, he was unsightly today. Possibly this week. Hopefully it didn't go back to since Ed had left.
He poured another handful of water over his face.
Of course Ed doesn't love me.
He attempted to wash the make-up smudges away.
And why would you love him?
He began to rub at the mascara remains on his eyelids.
Why did you still care for him?
The mascara didn't budge.
What was keeping you from going to Ed, genius, tall and handsome Ed?
Maybe you would soon.
What would Oswald do then?!
He wouldn't kill you, that was out of the question. Just thinking about how concerned you already were made him feel guilty.
No, he wouldn't harm you, wouldn't even think about manipulating your relationship with Ed. He'd be your friend, watch as Ed got back the love Oswald had stolen from him, and as your concern for Oswald was washed away by Ed's love.
Finally seeing you happy would have to be compensation enough.
Only that you'd probably still worry about him, wouldn't you? Try and ask what's wrong, then support your friend without ever being entrusted with his secret problem, that's what you'd do, and God, it would make things ten times more heartbreaking for Oswald! He couldn't fall out of love with you! If he still loved Ed, who'd broken off all contact, then how would he be able to let go of much more innocent you, how would he endure seing the two people he loved daily?
Surely Ed would come back to the Van Dahl estate if he became your boyfriend...or would living with his friend be too weird if he was in a relationship? Ed had brought Isabella to the mansion but maybe he'd prefer to settle down in his own house, move in with you and leave Oswald alone?
That would be horrible! Except...maybe he'd need the distraction, the time for himself to cry without making either of you worry.
At the thought a next wave of tears spilled from his eyes.
I'd live with it somehow, he told himself. I love them too much to break off contact, he thought, even as sobs shook his body.
Ed's phone rang again. He made a show out of ignoring it but as soon as Barbara looked away to "Tabby", he threw a look at it. It was you.
"I need to answer this." His fingers were already itching to press the button.
"You do that," Barbara saw your name on the screen, then lowered her voice, "and don't forget: you need to protect the last person you love. Oswald doesn't care about the people - as he so elegantly told the whole city - or those he loves. But I don't need to tell you that."
She padded his shoulder and tugged Tabitha along, and after Basil Karlo had left the three alone, only Ed remained, who hastily took the call.
Author's note: I'm back again! I've gotta be careful that I don't overwork myself with this fic. These last weeks it was kind of difficult to continue not just because I was busy & then ill but cause I felt like publishing it didn't pay off (both tumblr & A03 formatting takes more time than I'd like & writing for a niche couple in an old fandom doesn't help with getting comments either 🥲 But don't worry, I get that not everyone has the energy to comment :))
Next chapter->
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arabriddler · 8 months
Gotham Fic rec list
A Modicum of humanity makes everything harder
Fic AO3 description :
Bruce Wayne first donned the cowl ten years ago, vowing to protect Gotham's citizens from crime, but who protects him?
Jim Gordon is called upon by an unlikely set of people to find Bruce Wayne aka Batman, solve the case he was working on before he disappeared, and find him before Gotham gets wind that its caped protector is missing.
my notes :
this is an incomplete series of stories set post-canon. It’s great because it offers a variety of characters and interactions. Tbh I only read up to Evol Love but it’s very fun. Ties gotham and comic Batman together nicely ! I personally consider it canon.
The Edcubus
Fic AO3 description:
Edward Nygma attempts to live his life well under the guise as a normal, human forensic pathologist. He just likes human souls as a side dish now and then. It's what an Incubus does.  So when he sees a dapper looking fellow at a club, and how well they hit it off together, a soul seems guaranteed.
my notes:
This fic made me laugh and cry and giggle and smile and cry again and it’s just. A journey. It’s sort of a Gotham rewrite but with a twist ( Ed is an incubus ). Ed’s DID is written very well here as well as Oswald’s disability and the way his mind works and runs Gotham. The relationships are very light and the dialogue seems very authentic and the highlight of the fic is Zsasz. I loved hims so much here. Also, Tabitha is written so well here. I loved her
The Fox and The Scorpion
Fic AO3 description:
Ed and Lucius both think they can help each other, and maybe in doing so help themselves along the way. But the more time they spend together, the more the line between help and harm begins to blur.
My notes :
If you know me you know that I constantly talk about this fic. It’s just. So good. Had to stare at the wall after it for such a long time. The way Ed and Lucius mirror each other? Their conversations and interactions ? The plot twists? Moreover, Lucius is underrated across all Batman media. This fic really gets in depth when it comes to him and I appreciate that.
4 am
Fic AO3 description:
Oswald Cobblepot works in the campus cafe of Gotham University where he meets Edward Nygma, a student looking for a quiet place to study.
my notes:
college AU! That’s also a coffe shop AU! It’s so cute. Oswald and Ivy are sort of siblings here and I love that so much. Ed is adorable, and I loved the way Jim’s written here ( we have Ed and Jim as roommates ! ) I’ve reread it so many times.
On the corners of neibolt and Waterbury
Fic AO3 description:
There were many stories about the monsters that lived beneath Gotham. People always assumed that they were harmless stories, but the children of Gotham knew better.
my notes:
IT AU!! It’s set in Gotham verse BUT it’s also an IT AU I don’t know how to explain it but it’s so fun. We also have Ed and Oswald and Jim as childhood friends and it’s adorable. Made me want to read my IT book gathering dust on the bookshelf
Fic AO3 description:
Oswald Cobblepot is the proud captain of the pirate ship Iceberg. He crosses paths with the surgeon Ed Nygma.
my notes:
pirates AU with supernatural elements. Complicated Ed Oswald relationship we just love to see it. The writing is so good It makes you picture everything in your mind. There is a laviathan and a kraken.
Fic AO3 description:
After Oswald saves Edward on the pier he tells him that he's going to take Martin with him and leave Gotham forever. Shocked by this sudden turn of events, Ed finds himself unable to let Oswald go... So he decides to go with them.
my notes:
road-trip with Ed, Oswald, and Martin. It’s simply wholesome.
Seizing My Guts ( he Floats me with dread )
AO3 fic description:
Oswald awakes from a coma with a bullet hole in his stomach and no recollection of how it got there. With his sight impaired, the task of finding his would-be killer seems to be impossible. Luckily for Oswald, Ed Nygma, his Chief of Staff, is there to lend a hand.
my notes :
went through so many emotions reading this. Complex nygmobblepot vaguely toxic ? Perfect.
Love is a four-legged word
fic AO3 description:
"It's a Maltese Shih Tzu," Ed says. "If there's a dog in the house, it shouldn't be a breed that generates puddles of drool."
"I thought you didn't like dogs," Oswald says, still cradling the ball of fluff.
"I don't," Ed agrees. "You do."
my notes :
a one shot that has it all! Dogs! Growing old! Post canon! Insane amount of fluff! This is such a comfort read I’ve re-read it so many times
Unexpected Visitor
fic AO3 description:
Oswald and Ed receive an unexpected late-night visitor.
my notes:
Oswald and Ed being uncles and it’s so wholesome I just love it. It’s part of a series which I recommend reading it all ( this is the second story ) I read it a long time ago so I can’t remember it well but I remember this part because it was so wholesome
I’d want to be felled by you
Fic AO3 description:
"We would be stronger together. No one could stop us."
They’re in love with each other, and he’s the only one that knows.
My notes:
Set after the season 5 knife hug, a very wholesome one shot with a hint of angst and lots of feelings. Ed nurses Oswald’s eye and they talk
We should be a settled argument
AO3 fic description:
Who would have thought Blackgate Prison and No Man's Land would have so much in common? Restricted food choices, unreliable air conditioning, and surrounded by gangs that can easily be bought, albeit for cigarettes rather than bullets. It's the same posturing and negotiating, and Oswald could do it in his sleep. It's almost relaxing, if you ignore the bounty on his head from the Russians and the grumbling from the Irish.
my notes:
I’ve read this so many times, it’s set post No-Man’s land and catches up with the finale, it’s basically the ten year period where Oswald’s in prison and his handling of black gate is written in such an Interesting way, and Ed and Oswald’s interactions are perfect and fun to read.
Russian Roulette
AO3 fic description:
Edward and Oswald find themselves captured by the Court of Owls. It will take the two of them working together to escape, but not all is as it seems. Escaping their prisons is only the beginning and survival depends on their all too fragile truce. In the end, will it be enough to save either one of them? And are they even capable of maintaining it?
my notes: this is the kind of fic that makes you bite your fingernails and stay up reading it and walk around in circles because it drives you insane. It also has lots of horror and tense elements that make it captivating
Point D’ Amour
AO3 fic description:
Oswald and Edward finally accepted their love for each other. Edward is the happiest he's ever been. Until an incident at a warehouse sends him spiraling. He loves Oswald, so why does he want to hurt him?
my notes: I received this fic as a gift and it’s so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 makes me insane !! Was reading it like :0
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intruality-overlord · 2 months
Wanted to share a thought [and it basically turned into a drabble]
An idea l've had floating around my head for a while now is what if Oswald got a sip of that spiked drink and got infected with the tetch virus? Cause the show teased us but didn't explore any villains getting infected only used it as a device to explore hidden depths in good characters. There is so much untapped potential in this though idk about other ships but I haven't seen a gobblepot fic that explores this yet. I'd love to hear other people's takes on this but this is what I was thinking:
Oswald obviously has already embraced his darkness, so what is left for the virus to enhance? His obsession with Jim of course!
He gets infected with the original form of the virus so it sets in slowly. He get more irritable and if he was just a mob boss that would be fine, but he's mayor he needs to have some control. Luckily, he's had a lifetime of practicing patience when he needs it so Oswald is able to mostly hide his symptoms. And then the strength kicks in and one day he notices his leg... it's working like it used to? It's not pain free, but he can walk on it normally again, run even. He can't let on anything's changed now, what if they try to cure him? He puts a bottlecap in his shoe and walks like always. And then theres the core internal struggle.
Jim. Jim. Jim.
His chief of staff is doing so much for him, being so kind to him, but he hardly notices. Maybe Ed would be better for him, but the virus in him seeks his self destruction. He only has one person on his mind no matter how much he tries not to think about the traitorous detective. Jim Jim Jim. He can't get him out of his head. Why was he so mad at him again? He loves Jim. Jim will love him too, he just hasn't realised it yet. He will realise any day now they are meant to be together. If he waits long enough he will be his. Mine. Mine mine mine.
Oswald manages to hide his symptoms until Captain Barnes is out of the picture, and he can't hold it in anymore. Why should he? He's drunk on the feeling. His heart roars in his ears like thunder, and he’s blushing so dark the black veins popping out his skin are boiling with blood. The only thing holding him back is himself, and Jim will leap into his arms when he sees him.
Oswald doesn't even remember the first thing on the schedule what's his face made for today. He spends hours of the early morning, having woken up in sweat at the hour of 3am, picking through his closet. It has to be perfect. He has to be perfect for him. Look presentable, nice, friendly. Rather than picking out his sharpest suit, he goes for something that softens his edges. It’s hidden deep in his closet, and the colour doesn’t hide the speckled bloodstains as well as his black jackets, but the hoodie is soft, indigo, faded. Jim will be mine. Jim will be mine. He has his shower in the crack of dawn, combs his hair in the mirror as a slice of morning light bounces off his mirror. Combs it, shakes his head, and pushes it to the side in favour of erasing the harsh lines. Jim will be mine. The voids in his sockets stare back at him, black spiderwebs on fire, spreading. Eyelids slipping closed, he breathes in deep, feels the warmth retreat into his heart where it burns like a hearth in winter. When his eyes open, they’re eyes again. Jim will be so happy to see him.
He tips the cap out of his shoe. He won’t be slowed down. He has somewhere to be.
[Part one?]
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chrism02 · 8 months
i have been loving your stories for almost 2 years and counting. i never get tired of knowing and reading more about your take on each character 🤗💗
sooo i'm curious 👀🙈 how would the following characters react if they were called by their first name or complete name by their S/O based on this tiktok (https://youtu.be/3gdQpenb3YA?si=ld-prZHpL_3d89DP)
characters: (your versions of) Maxim Horvath, Oswald Cobblepot, Comic!Otto Octavius, Sheik Amar, Bob Aldrich, Harding Hooten
Some of them are here:
These 3 have no clue about the implications of using their full name.
Oswald Cobblepot (This one again because I wish to add something) – When he hears you utter “Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot!” again he informs you that he doesn’t use it for obvious reasons. You peck his lips and tell him (quoting @omgbrainstorming) that “He’s named like a sofa because you can sit on him so nicely.” 😏
Sheik Amar – When you shout “Amar Arbutus!” the name rings through the palace halls. He merely comes to you, grinning from ear to ear “If you want to shout my name, I can give you a reason to.” And then he swiftly carries you to the bedroom to do just that.
Harding Hooten – “Harding Leonidas Hooten!” that is the only thing you manage to say coherently since his eyes darken instantly and you are faced with the Chief's of Staff “lion’s” roar in the bedroom.
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unitedstatesofsimp · 6 months
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Edward Nygma head-canons
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve watched Gotham in its entirety but I’ve seen it many times so I hope I’m remembering him properly.(my brain may be rotted from all the fan fiction I’ve read since then)
This Ed is based on him in early season 3 before he meets Isabela and everything that went down after….the incident.
He has gone through the change from his previously nerdy and awkward self in season 1 to his more confident self as chief of staff, but he hasn’t had his full transition into his riddler personality yet so he’s still somewhat questioning his identity still.
I can see him being at an impasse of him wanting to do right by his friend Oswald and him wanting to make a name just for himself in the criminal underworld.
I also think he still has hallucinations of his other self and in addition Kristen because of the guilt he would still struggle with.
He’s still probably a little awkward at gatherings and is more confident when he’s just an advisor to Oswald at events and not stuck trying to suck up to rich society people and politicians he has no interest in talking to.
With that I see him preferring to be more of a wallflower or just not attending some events at all if not necessary.(and if Oswald isn’t bugging him to go with him)
I see him spending most of his free time in the manor either looking into things for Oswald,reading,playing video games or listening to music on a record player in one of the various rooms around the house.
He still probably enjoys to cook for himself and Oswald when Olga allows him to, I can also see him waking up extra early and beating Olga to the kitchen before she arrives for her shift in the morning’s.(probably worsening Oswald crush on him in the process)(I can’t blame him)
(More of an Ozzy head-canon here) Oswald definitely goes with him to get their suits fitted together, and has little details like his umbrella stitched into the seams of Edward’s and his shirts.
He definitely gives the NASTIEST stink eye to people he doesn’t like, cough cough Butch.
He can’t dance at clubs for shit definitely does the white man shuffle I don’t make the rules 🙌
This doesn’t mean he can’t dance at all he can, he dances predominantly the Foxtrot and swing but I can see him interested in learning more.
This is my first time writing so pls be nice and I’m just doing it to help with my craving for more Gotham content.
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nygmobblepot-trash · 2 years
Gordon and Bullock led by Oswald's chief of staff stroll into Oswald's library.
Oswald hearing his peace disturbed looks up at the 3 men and makes a big dramatic show of tossing the book he was reading while rolling his eyes. "Oh boy here comes my favorite game!" He exclaims quite sarcastically.
"Listen. I dream of the day I never see your sorry ass again." Harvey Bullock quips back.
"This isn't a game. Harvey, stop encouraging him." Gordon demands in his usual annoyed tone."
Oswald narrows his eyes. "Oh, but it is a game. You invade my space then have me help fix whatever stupid mess you got yourselves in. Then once you get all the credit for my hard work you come in and arrest me anyways. Haven't you heard you have to give something to get something?"
Gordon taunts Oswald with a smile. "Or I could just arrest you now."
Oswald relaxes back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and stretching out his legs. "Be my guest. But know when my lawyers are done with you I'm holding another press conference about the incompetent GCPD."
Harvey bursts out laughing. "Oh no please don't make the general public hate us even more than they already do."
"...you sound proud," Oswald says slowly in utter disbelief.
"Where's Edward Nygma?" Gordon pushes the topic back on track.
Now it's Oswald's turn to laugh, "Christ! This again? I. Don't. Know. And I'm not even saying that to protect him. My days all blend now. I can't remember."
"Please we all know you're practically Ed's handler." Bullock shot back.
Oswald grabs his book and tosses it at Harvey with the might of a pro league baseball pitcher.
"That's it! I'm arresting this jackass!" Harvey screams.
Gordon grabs Harvey's shoulder to prevent him from reaching Oswald.
"Ed doesn't even know where he is half the time!" Oswald shouts.
"Excuses." Harvey presses.
Oswald smirks at Harvey. "Okay what did you have for lunch today?"
Harvey squints his eyes in thought as everyone waits in silence as he thinks.
A full minute passes by.
"Shit." Harvey finally replies in a defeated tone.
Gordon frowns. "We ate 45 mins ago, Harv. You even packed your lunch today."
"Shut up. When you get old you'll understand." Harvey finally shrugs off Gordon's hand.
Suddenly a voice echoes through the library. "THIS IS EXACTLY WHY NOTHING EVER GETS DONE. YOU SPEND ALL YOUR TIME WASTING AIR AND BICKERING WHILE SOMEONE ELSE DOES THE WORK!" Edward Nygma pops put behind a bookshelf carrying an impressive amount of books for someone with arms that are practically just skin and bone.
Oswald nonchalantly jerks his thumb towards Ed. "Found him," he answers in a tired tone then picks up a different book from his table and begins reading.
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Talking About The Isabella Arc part 2
We know about Oswald's issues. We see the way he is underestimated and mocked by people who don’t know what he’s capable of. We see his codependent relationship with his mom. We see the way he tries to befriend Jim.
We know Oswald desperately wants deep and authentic companionship (romantic and platonic) because he feels extremely rejected by the world, and after his mother's death, I assume that his mother being kidnapped, tortured and killed feels to Oswald as if it is punishment for ever thinking he could be loved.
The one person who ever loved him truly was killed in such a cruel way. To Oswald's heart, he probably rationalizes that that is exactly the reason why she was killed. I’d imagine that Oswald feels even more insecure than he was before. Two hundredfold more after his father's murder.
Oswald falls in love with Ed. It makes sense. He and Ed are very similar, they have great chemistry, and Ed supports him.
I understand this. I do not however understand how one-sided the Isabella arc is. It seems purposefully written, at times, just to make Ed look irrational, and I really do not understand why.
I feel as though the audience is supposed to be on Oswald's side, and feel for him, while feeling that Ed is overreacting. Why? I don’t see what the point of it is, and it does both Oswald and Ed's characters a great disservice, I feel.
With my shipper goggles on, Ed's continued rejection of Oswald didn’t make any sense to me. They seemed very well suited to each other. Ed's reasons for never being romantically interested in Oswald seemed mostly non-existent.
And with how deeply he obviously cares for Oswald, it’s very easy for someone to be frustrated at him for not reciprocating Oswald's feelings. But when I take the goggles off, I realize how kind of offensive that perspective is.
When I try to put myself in Ed's shoes, I understand completely. Ed, like Oswald, desires deep companionship. The first girl who ever dated him (which he worked very hard to woo, he even killed a guy for her) fulfilled this need when he felt very alone and rejected in his life, but he accidentally killed her.
Ed finds a friend who gives him allyship, power and understanding. He works as Oswald's chief of staff, spending all his days doing things about him and for him.
He is given a second chance to redeem the relationship he ruined, and this time, she is even more fit for him. The problems with his relationship with Kristen are amended: Kristen still didn’t really appreciate Ed's quirks, and she (for good reason) distrusted him about Tom's disappearance.
Isabella likes his quirks and his riddles, and she completely trusts him to not harm her, even when knowing everything about his murders. (Yes, Isabella is sinister for quite a few reasons, but this is from Ed's perspective)
But that friend who is also his boss tries to scare Isabella away. And he tries to manipulate him into thinking he will kill Isabella.
(I personally feel that part in particular is really fucked up. If someone tried to convince me of something like that, I would flip out. I have OCD so it’s very harmful to convince me that I have no control over my actions.)
His friend then kills his girlfriend. Not only did he kill his second chance at love and redemption, but Oswald shows that to him, Ed is as much a pawn as anyone else in his life. From Ed's perspective, Ed is not special to him, he is only an object to be manipulated into doing what Oswald wants.
Oswald did that to this man who saved his life when he nursed him back to health, who went up against Butch to prove Oswald was loved, and again went up against Butch to prove to Oswald how much he means to him. He works for him day in and day out, and this is what Oswald does to him? All the sacrifices Ed made wasn’t enough, he had to take his girlfriend too? He had to plant doubt in Ed's head that he can’t be with a woman because he’d kill her?
Not only that, but Oswald's motives are romantic. He didn’t just treat Ed like his loved one didn’t matter, that his choices in life don’t matter, but he did it because he, supposedly, 'lOoOoOves' Ed. What a sick joke. What an absolutely dehumanizing insult.
I thought that Ed's accusations of selfishness were random and hypocritical, but even if they are hypocritical, I understand now.
Ed thought he was special to Oswald. He thought that he would not be subject to Oswald's cruelty like the rest of Oswald's goons, he thought that Oswald cared for him, was his true friend. But it turns out, (in Ed's mind) Oswald doesn’t care about Ed's feelings either. There is nothing Ed could do to make Oswald care enough about him to not kill the people closest to him for his own personal desires.
The person he tirelessly worked to befriend, who he fell in love with (platonic or romantic) is in fact a chasmous void that is not capable of reciprocating true caring.
And Oswald thought it would work. He thought he could just manipulate Ed and kill Isabella, and Ed would be his. He thought that he could just treat him like his true emotions didn’t matter and that would work. He REALLY thinks that poorly of him. He thinks it’s okay to use the person he 'loves' like that as long as Ed wouldn’t find out.
And imagine, just imagine how angry Ed must feel, how stupid he must feel that he really thought this cold blooded crimelord would care for him special. Imagine how regretful he feels that he did all this for Oswald, only to be used like he’s not even a human being, just a pretty thing for Oswald to play with.
And Oswald thinks saying he loves him makes it all better? He thinks that that doesn’t make Ed feel even more disrespected and objectified? Really? The fact that he doesn’t see how that makes it worse just goes to solidify in Ed's mind that Oswald is too selfish to ever truly care for him.
And as he’s about to be killed, he goes and tells Ed he 'made' him, same as when Fish told him? That he was nothing until she made him someone? It’s so shamelessly slimy.
If I was Ed, I would be livid. I would be heartbroken.
God, I wish we could have seen more of Ed's internal thought process. All we saw was one-dimensional anger, and it was so not fair. That’s so much more boring. There are so many things that could have been done to show Ed's side a bit more, and I’m disappointed that it didn’t happen.
Again, it’s easy to look at Ed's behavior and berate him for his internalized homophobia and repression, but let's face it: Even if Ed were in love with Oswald (which I think he was), he doesn’t owe Oswald anything at all. It’s completely his choice. Just because Oswald is a sad lonely little uwu gay baby doesn’t mean he needs to reciprocate.
No one, no matter how in love and desperate they are, and how bad they need to be accepted, is owed your love. That’s true of anyone.
If Ed was a woman, and Oswald killed Isabella to have Ed all to himself, it would be a VERY different story. There’s no way anyone could not see Oswald's predatory behavior if the genders were different. You see what I’m saying?
This is not at all a nygmobblepot hate post, if you try to say that, I will block you. I wouldn’t care so much if I didn’t love nygmobblepot with all my heart. It’s why I would want their chemistry to really shine.
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unphasedwriter · 1 year
"-I am aware of that, but considering the situation at hand, and the much more unpleasant alternatives, I suggest you-"
Oswald, the newly appointed mayor of Gotham, loved a lot of things about his chief of staff.
From his riddles and puns to his odd habits and unique ways to express himself, Edward had endeared himself to Oswald over time and had become his closest (and only) friend.
Another thing the kingpin liked about Ed, was his intelligence. He was more often than not left gaping when his dear friend would demonstrate knowledge Oswald hadn't know he'd possessed before. This was one of those times.
"Herr Weber! Genau der Mann den ich sprechen wollte. Hören Sie, die letzte Lieferung von 'Büromaterialen' scheint nicht angekommen zu sein-"
It was interesting to watch Ed switch from one language to another, depending on the person on the other end of the call. He was fluent in the way he spoke, confident, never stuttering or doubting the meaning of his words. He knew what he was doing, that was made abundantly clear when Oswald once asked him a while ago if it was a better idea to hire a translator.
"Oswald, trust me. I know what I'm doing."
Edward then proceeded to have a lengthy conversation with a French mobster about shipments and whatnot. (Oswald wasn't fluent and therefore could only pick up bits and pieces from the conversation, not that he'd told Ed that.)
"Vielen Dank, einen schönen Tag noch."
The taller hung up with a sigh of apprehension.
Oswald, snapping out of his musings, reached out to put a hand on Ed's shoulder.
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jokerz-dozen · 2 years
Ed definitely made a kid cry when he was working as Oswald’s chief of staff
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televisionenjoyer · 1 year
Sorry for spamming you but anyways I feel like I need to tell you beforehand because I kept waiting and was disappointed but anyways. The show is never going to address what was up with Isabella because. That’s so weird. there is a popular fan theory about it. I think you might have suspected it but yeah anyways. think about it. Oswald is the king of gotham, and not only that, he’s the mayor. The thing about him is that he likes to be on top. The king of all kings. That in itself is a threat to The Owl Court. They need someone they can control. They can’t do that with Oswald. On another hand, Ed is basically a genius. Not only that, he likes solving mysteries. He was already very curious about who runs Wayne enterprises. Besides, being the chief of staff gets him closer to uncovering them. a guy you can’t control and a guy who solves mysteries are two of a secret organization’s biggest threats. so , they need to figure that out.
enter. The face cradle. It happened in a public party with lots of press. The owl court already has eyes everywhere and they wouldn’t miss this. There was jackpot right there. The mayor was in love with his chief of staff. Enter a love rival and they’re done for. heck, even Oswald’s invitation for dinner was in a public place with press around, and Isabella showed up on the same day.
anyways, they need a fool proof plan. We already know they can make clones. ( but Indian hills is closed down. When it comes to that, I think they made a clone of Kristen very early on since they already recognized Ed as a threat and had a plan for him ). Not only is she a clone, she is also the perfect girlfriend for Ed. She feeds into his Kristen trauma and loves his riddles. She kept fighting so they won’t break up. Even going too far with dressing up as Kristen…
another theory is that it can just be homophobia and they wanted to shut it down. It’s all very Interesting though ( I have another reading of it I’ll tag you in it )
Not gonna lie my brain was going in an opposite direction like. Isn't it weird that it's all going down where there's a plastic surgeon who steals people's faces. But then again he probably needs them fresh not fucking rotten 😭 either way that would have been so funny of falcone but it was just so petty. Like oh heard you're running Gotham again anyways i have a buddy of mine who can do something sooo incredibly funny.
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philosopherking1887 · 7 months
First lines game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
Thanks for the tag, @illwynd! I think I did one of these not that long ago, but it's always fun to see how my most recent fics have changed the pattern.
1. A Match Made in Hell (Gotham, Ed/Oswald, POV Barbara) After Reunification, the mood in Gotham was jubilant. Nowhere was this truer than at the celebration being held in City Hall for the city’s defenders. Champagne, newly imported from the mainland, flowed freely, and the buffet tables offered a greater variety of ingredients and flavors than most of the attendees had enjoyed in over a year.
2. Strange Bedfellows (Gotham, endgame Ed/Oswald, temporary but substantial Jim/Oswald) Oswald Cobblepot waltzed straight through the GCPD (almost literally, with his characteristic three-count step) as if he owned the place (which, in truth, he had before, and probably would again) and barged into the captain’s office without so much as knocking, then slammed it dramatically behind him.
3. A Question of Time (Gotham, Ed/Oswald) Mayor Oswald Cobblepot and his chief of staff, Edward Nygma (who could still hardly believe that those titles applied to them), had just finished dinner at the Van Dahl mansion, mainly spent discussing policy initiatives and how they interacted with Oswald’s interests in the underworld.
4. Introductions: Take Two (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Jake/Ziyal, drabble for prompt "New Beginnings," dialogue only) “Hey, Ziyal. Can I sit?”
5. A Penguin By Any Other Name (Gotham, pre-Nygmobblepot) “Oswald Cobblepot,” Ed said thoughtfully, rolling the syllables around his mouth as if he were tasting an unfamiliar wine.
6. The Honest Man's Lie (DS9, Garak/Bashir) When Garak approached the Replimat, Bashir was already standing outside it, looking toward Garak’s shop and bouncing on the balls of his feet—with excitement rather than anxiety, judging from the grin that spread across his face when he caught sight of his lunch companion.
7. A Simple Request (DS9, Garak/Bashir, dialogue only) “Oh, I think it’s safe to say Julian Bashir, secret agent, will return. Computer, end program. Now, we need to get you to the infirmary to treat that neck wound…”
8. Never Too Late (DS9, Garak/Bashir, drabble for prompt "Late") Garak’s eyes widened with shock, quickly masked. “Doctor Bashir! It’s late for social calls…”
9. Biting Commentary (DS9, Garak/Bashir, drabble for prompt "Fruity," dialogue only) “…then the kid grabbed Garak’s hand and bit it, so hard he was millimeters away from hitting bone.”
10. Contrapasso (DS9, gen, Garak POV, drabble for prompt "Curse") In his brief stint on Bajor, Garak learned to ignore Bajoran curses, spat at him by Resistance detainees, muttered by old codgers who thought he couldn’t hear, or painted on the walls of his lodgings.
Patterns... well, either it's a short-ish line of dialogue, or a longer scene-setting sentence. Though sometimes it describes a specific event (2, 3, 6), and sometimes it's a generalization about a relevant place and time (1, 10).
Tagging: @incredifishface, @kaelio, @cardassiangoodreads, @gottaread2, @thesoullessfuck (but only if you want to, of course!!)
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guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years
Um. When I'm oswalds chief of staff when he's mayor he'd ask me to do a lot of stuff to him and I'd say 'yes sir!' to him sometimes. And I think he'd get flustered by that. So I'd start staying it more to watch him squirm >:]
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murderbirds · 2 years
Thought of writing a few one shots of my Gotham X SCP AU during halloween this year. Hope y'all enjoy!
Pairing: Penguin X Riddler
A man stood in front of a window, watching the city below with a cigarette in his lips. He observed as the creatures, half human half nightmares walked on the worn asphalt, just trying to carry out with their days and lives while the outsiders believed them to be monsters, thirsting for blood and to destroy the world of the light, as if they were at fault for existing. 
They were all victims of a man as mad as the organization that hired him, someone who believed he could control the uncontrollable, tame every anomaly to ever exist by giving them a face. Now, 50 years after the good doctor's disappearance the police came to the dark city, his city, demanding they just lay down and die after not even considering them for decades. In truth, Oswald was glad they didn't, because if they had been found back then the mayor had no doubt they would have put every individual in the city in a labeled box like they were nothing more than failed experiences. Maybe, in a way, they were, at least back then. Now however, they were more, so much more and Oswald Cobblepot was their mayor, tasked with keeping them safe and controlled. 
The short, black haired man let a cloud of smoke escape his lips. His green eyes watched as it disappeared in the eternal night. Yes. He hated the foundation and everything they stood for and yes, he envied them with every bone of his building. That much power and control was something he longed for ever since he was a boy, a child unfortunate enough to be born on the streets of that hellscape. They provided him with benefits, both material and not, that he would never have otherwise. Oswald constantly told himself that all he did, all the choices he made were for the betterment of the city, but deep down the pale freckled man knew he was accepting their terms for himself. He had been mayor for six years after all, what would be of him once those eight years were finished? He refused to be a nobody again, even if that meant betraying everything and everyone that he ever met. 
As he sulked, a pair of familiar shoes tapped closer to him, making him smile. "Ah. Edward and Riddler, how can I help you today?"
His wing-like appendages in his back contorted slightly in a defensive stance. There was a time when Ed was the one person he wouldn't have raised them to, after their last meeting though, he wasn't sure how things would go.
"What is black and white and red all over?" Oswald heard the Riddler's metallic voice ask and took a deep breath. A threat. He expected as much, not that it hurt any less. They had been very close in the past, mayor and chief of staff, but after political disagreements, Edward abandoned his position and joined Oswald's main opposition. 
"If you are going to try to kill me I warn you-" he started turning around only to be met with a white Lily being offered to him. His heart skipped a beat and the man in power felt all of his defenses disappear.
"A blushing penguin is the answer." Edward answered. Both the man and the screen attached to his spine smiled as Oswald became red. 
Oswald's claws moved to cover his face while his tail curled around his leg. He had always thought of himself as an intelligent man and yet, he was anything but before the man and his terribly gorgeous smile. "Why are you here, Edward?" 
"Don't tell me you forgot, little bird~" Oswald listened as he stepped closer, warm hands moved to his appendages and moved them down to make the shorter man look up. "It's our anniversary."
No. He hadn't forgotten. It was the main reason for his melancholy and exaggerated smoking. Ed knew this. His pouting was little more than a mocking. Any feelings Oswald still had were buried under a cold façade, "is it now? I thought you had broken up with me, shot me, stolen my car and killed one of my guards."
"You forgot blowing up your office," Edward tipped Oswald's chin up, "that is right though. I left you for being a selfish, loveless and arrogant rat that only cares about yourself." Ed pressed his lips into the smaller man's and the mayor nearly melted in his mouth.
Instead, he ended the kiss by slapping Edward, causing the taller, thinner man in green to stumble back, laughing. "I'm trying to do what is best for this city, Nygma, not that you can understand it!"
Edward licked the blood in his lips, "hm, you dare question my intelligence, Oswald? Perhaps you do want an early grave."
"And who will put me in it? You?" Oswald scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"We put your guards in theirs. How difficult could you be?"
One of his appendages pressed its sharp end against Edward's throat. "Try it." 
Edward looked at the appendage and the man for a moment longer before smirking and yanking Oswald closer by his claw. "I don't have to." The scientist pushed the smaller against a wall, "you already belong to me." 
Oswald was trying very hard not to blush. "No." 
"Yes. We might not be together anymore," Edward intertwined their fingers and put Oswald against the wall, "but your heart is still mine."
"I hate you." The short man snarled.
Once again, Edward pressed their lips together, this time Oswald had nowhere to escape. Nowhere to run. Perhaps due to the half mechanical part of Ed's body, but he felt sparks rushing all around his body. This time, he wasn't strong enough to fight back. He lost himself in want and desire, the city and the foundation be damned. 
By the time they parted away, Oswald was panting with blown eyes. Edward wasn't much better, but his lips were curled upwards. "How about I give you a bit of an anniversary gift, for old times sake," Ed stroked his cheek, "and in exchange you let me borrow some of the things the foundation let you keep." 
Oswald knew it was a bad idea. Edward was a drug worse than the cigarette, laying now forgotten on the floor beneath his feet. At least the cigarette would just kill him. "For you, Edward, Anything." 
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riddl3r · 2 years
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Full name:  Edward Nashton Nygma Nickname:   Riddler, Eddie Gender:   Male Height:  1.85m Age: 25 in s1, around a year older per season Zodiac:  Aries Spoken languages:  English, French, German, Spanish, Mandarine, Russian, Hebrew, Greek, Ancient Greek, Latin, Dutch, Hungarian (not fluent yet).
Hair colour:    very dark brown Eye colour:  light brown Skin tone:  Fair complexion Body type:  slim Accent:  American Dominant hand:  Favors the right Posture:   good, composed Tattoos:  verse dependent (none in s1-s3. he gets a small question mark on his arm in s4. in some verses he gets a full arm tattoo) Most noticeable feature: verse dependent/his suits/his glasses
Place of birth:  Chicago, Illinois  Hometown:  Gotham Manner of birth:  Natural First words:  he doesn’t know Siblings:  None Parents:   Evan and Nadia Nashton Parental involvement:  both of his parents had a negative impact on him, being abusive assholes
Occupation: verse dependent (forensic analyst, chief of staff, owner of riddle factory etc) Current residence:  verse dependent  Close friends:   verse dependent. Oswald Cobblepot, Lee Thomkins, Lucius Fox Relationship status:   verse dependent. single Financial status:   comfortable/verse dependent  Driver’s license:   yes Criminal record:  Yes
Sexual orientation:   demisexual  Romantic orientation:   Homoromantic  preferred emotional role:   Submissive  | Dominant  |  Switch  |  Unknown Preferred sexual role:   Submissive  |  Dominant  |  Switch  |  Sex repulsed Libido: non-existent with people he doesn’t know well, medium with people that he is into Turn ons:   intelligence, cunning  Turn off’s:   stupid, boring people Love language:    small and big gestures, physical affection, going to extremes for people Relationship tendencies:  he tends to let love rule over logic when he is in love, despite of what he might tells you. he is willing to sacrifice everything for that person. he likes to take care of his partner, to make them feel loved too.
Character’s theme song:  Ghost in the wind by Birdie (in second half of s3 & s4).   Hobbies to pass the time:  building escape rooms, puzzles, quantum computers, astrophysics, biochemistry experiment, cooking,  Mental illnesses:   OCD, ASD, (&DID) Physical illness:  none Left or right brained:   Left brained Fears:  not being understood, being alone Self-confidence level:  it depends on what. he is confident about his intelligence, he is not confident about...well, everything else. Vulnerabilities:  his obsessive compulsions to do things in a certain way, his constant need for intellectual stimuli
Tagged by: Nobody Tagging: @lnsania​ @fantasywritten​ @librarywent​ @nickgoodc​ @lxvefrxmthextherside​ and you!
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fancoloredglasses · 7 months
The Day of the Doctor (They couldn't convince Paul McGann to return?), Part 1
[All images are owned by the BBC. Please don’t sue or EXTERMINATE! me]
(Thanks to BBC)
Now, I’m not saying the only reason I reviewed New Who was so I could review Day of the Doctor. After all, there are a LOT of “iconic” episodes. I could rattle off a half dozen between the ninth and eleventh Doctors’ tenures alone! (The introductions of the Weeping Angels, the Silence, Jack Harkness, and River Song, the re-introductions of the Daleks and the Master, the regeneration episodes…) However, getting a chance to revisit this milestone event during the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who is a pretty big incentive!
The original plan was to get the three Doctors from the current series together for this historic event. There was only one small issue: Christopher Eccelston’s departure was due to tensions between Eccelston and then-showrunner Russel T. Davies, and the BBC announcing his departure before the season ended, claiming he was “tired” rather than the actual reason. While Davies was replaced by Steven Moffat, the BBC would not apologize for the way his departure was handled (additionally, he’s not a fan of stories that feature multiple Doctors, as he sees them as nothing more than ratings grabs (he’s not wrong, since everyone tunes in to see their “favorite” Doctor again)) Therefore, he refused to return. This necessitated making a slight retcon in the Doctor’s history.
Now, a bit of history…
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The Doctor is in his eleventh incarnation (played by Matt Smith) and carries the weight of the universe on his shoulders, often coming across as weary of his 1200 year journey.
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His companion is Clara Oswald, a former nanny who appeared in multiple time periods. She began traveling with the Doctor to unravel how this was possible. Following these events, she has (for now) returned to Earth.
Now, on with the show! If you would like to watch the episode, it’s available through your favorite paywall.
We open with Clara teaching a class when one of the staff comes in and says she has a phone call from her Doctor. With that, Clara climbs on her motorcycle and rushes off.
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…and makes a hell of an entrance into the TARDIS. However, her happy reunion with the Doctor is short-lived as the TARDIS suddenly takes off!
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…though not under its own power. A helicopter has TARDIS-jacked the Doctor and Clara!
Meanwhile at the Tower of London (the current HQ for UNIT)…
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The commander of UNIT, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, and her aide Petronella Osgood (two callbacks in one shot! Kate is the Brigadier’s daughter, and…well, Osgood’s scarf could only be inspired by one person!) get a phone call from the Doctor. She had ordered the retrieval of the TARDIS, but didn’t know he was inside (so she was planning on hijacking the TARDIS and making him come to her then?)
The Doctor then falls from the TARDIS and is hanging on for dear life as the opening credits roll! He eventually finds his way to solid ground.
It turns out Kate was acting on orders from Queen Elizabeth…the First! The Doctor and Clara enter the National Gallery to get to the bottom of this as the credits wrap up.
After a brief explanation of UNIT (and the fact that the Doctor technically is still their Chief Scientific Advisor), the Doctor and Clara are brought to…
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…a painting of Gallifrey during the last days of the Time War (known as “No More” or “Gallifrey Falls”). Now how did that get there? And how did Queen Elizabeth I know about it? And how is an oil painting in 3D?! (For that last question: “Because Time Lords”, naturally) This gives the Doctor a flashback about the one incarnation he’s tried to forget…
(Thanks to Sub2RichieReviews)
And with the Time Lord version of Skynet, the Doctor set out to destroy the Daleks, the Time Lords, and Gallifrey.
[A quick note on the new ninth incarnation of the Doctor (what is now known as the “War Doctor”), played by John Hurt (who is best known for having a xenomorph burst from his chest): when Eccelston refused to return, the writers had to make a quick rewrite to the script and Who lore. Eccelston has since said he thinks the finisjed product works better than the script he was originally presented with…so there’s that at least. However, that technically means that Eccelston’s, Tennant’s, and Smith’s Doctors should be one higher in the count, though fans retain the original numberings. Isn’t retconning fun?]
However, once the Doctor found a suitable location to commit two counts of genocide…
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…he hears a noise outside and goes to investigate (why? There might be a Dalek out there!) when he returns, he finds…
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The Moment has awakened and has a holographic interface only he can interact with (played by Billie Piper, who was also Rose Tyler) and calls itself…
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[FUN FACT: At the end of the ninth Doctor’s tenure, Rose was possessed by the spirit of the TARDIS and referred to herself as “Bad Wolf”]
The Moment (sorry, not calling her Rose or Bad Wolf) tries to talk the Doctor out of using her to end the Time War with finality, saying that there will be consequences. The Doctor is not expecting to live past this act.
The Moment tells him he would have to live with what he had done. One day he will count the innocent children who will burn alongside the Daleks and the Time Lords. The Moment wants the Doctor to see what that will turn him into.
So, the Moment opened a portal and what should come through?
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Yep, a fez. Isn’t that cool?
With that, the flashback ends and we’re back in the National Gallery. The Doctor reads the letter from over five centuries ago, that names him curator of the gallery under the National Archives, which holds a great danger to England. Kate brings them to the “Under-Gallery”.
As they leave, one of the UNIT soldiers gets a phone call. He looks confused at who’s on the other side and the orders he’s given.
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Meanwhile, in the Under-Gallery, the Doctor sees a painting of Elizabeth I and a familiar-looking man next to her.
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This triggers another flashback…
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…in which he romanced Queen Elizabeth. Careful Doctor, “Mad Queen Bess” was known to decapitate those who fell out of favor with her!
As it turns out, the proposal was a ploy by the Doctor, who believed “Elizabeth” wasn’t who she said she was, accusing her of being a Zygon!
 [FUN FACT: Zygons made their debut in the fourth Doctor’s tenure, never to be seen again until now.]
The Doctor then insulted “Elizabeth” about how ugly the Zygons are. Just one issue…
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Elizabeth wasn’t the Zygon. Her horse was! Oops…
The Doctor tells his new fiancée (apparently) to run while he deals with the Zygon. Unfortunately…
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Then a portal similar to the one the Moment created opened above the trio and what should pop out?
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Okay then…
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With that, the flashback ends and they enter the Under-Gallery proper, where Elizabeth I kept art she deemed dangerous. As they walk, the Doctor sees they’re walking through “stone dust” (most would call that “sand”) He then tells Osgood to analyze it, since why would there be sand stone dust on a gallery floor? As they walk through the displays, the Doctor sees a fez on display and takes it (after all, fezzes are cool!)
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With that, we get to the crux of why UNIT hijacked the TARDIS to summon the Doctor (remember that?)
(Thanks to Doctor Who)
Kate calls one of her subordinates to look up some report from the Brigadier’s era
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…as an oddly shaped shadow looms.
Meanwhile, the Doctor argues with himself about what to do about the portal when…
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The Doctors are NOT happy to see the Doctor’s appearance. The Doctor tells the other two he’s looking for the Doctor, as these two goofs couldn’t possibly be him!
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Well, this is awkward…
Even more awkward, several royal guards surround the Doctors and demand to know which is the Doctor, as the Queen is not herself.
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Back at the National Galley, Clara figures out that there are 3 Doctors on the other side of the portal.
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Indeed there is!
The Doctor claims Clara is a witch and tells them to leave before she gets angry.
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Then Elizabeth (or is it “Elizabeth”?) shows up.
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Whoops! The Doctor (the current one) demands to be locked in the Tower along with the other Doctors. In the present, Kate drags Clara away upon hearing that.
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Once the Doctors are locked in a single cell in the Tower, the Doctor (the current one) begins carving something into a column while the War Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to scan the door. Then the Tenth (no, I’m not calling him the “eleventh”, deal!) Doctor asks the important question about their “reunion”…
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Meanwhile back at the National Gallery, Osgood finds of the “stone dust” was ordinary marble and granite; the type of stone used in statues. Suddenly, she realizes the figures in the paintings smashed the statues.
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With that, the tarps covering the “statues” are pulled aside and the Zygons beneath attack! Osgood’s aide is killed as she cowers in the corner. Then a Zygon approaches and changes form into…
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However, Osgood manages to trip “Osgood” on “her” scarf and escapes.
Meanwhile, in the Tower of London, home to UNIT’s Black Archive (a vault that’s so secure it’s TARDIS-proofed and the staff have their memories erased daily. That’s some MIB-level shit right there!), Kate reveals to Clara a time vortex manipulator.
The Doctor, naturally, knows UNIT has it, but kept the activation code to himself to keep it from being misused (that explains what he’s inscribing on that column) One of Kate’s people finds the inscription and sends it, allowing Kate to activate the device (you of course know he’s going to change the code when he returns, right?)
Then Osgood and her assistant enter the Black Archive, which raises a few questions from Clara. Kate decides to answer them.
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…or should I say “Kate”.
Unfortunately for the Zygons, Clara grabs the device and inputs the code from Kate’s phone, escaping into the past.
WILL Clara save the Doctor from the Zygons?
WILL the Doctor save the Earth from the Zygons?
WILL The War Doctor die by a Xenomorph to the chest?
These questions and more will be answered in the conclusion of this review!
0 notes
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Girouard Wrote to Draper Offering To Give Self Up,” Toronto Star. March 16, 1933. Page 1 & 3. ---- George Willing to Surrender If Leniency Promised. His Brother ---- HOLD-UP 'WENT SOUR' ---- Special to The Star Kingston, March 16.- Laughing and jesting until the cold, gray penitentiary walls came in sight, the two Girouard brothers, whose devotion to each other has landed them both behind the bars, made the trip to Kingston yesterday, where Theodore will serve ten years and George eight. When that is all over, and the wounds from the lashes, which are part of their sentence, have healed, they hope the world will be so adjusted that a couple of licensed aviators will be able to earn a decent living by flying and won't have to rob banks and shoot at policemen. 
"If the going isn't any easier by then, we'll both hit it off for the friendly old bush again," said George, striking a manacled fist against the palm of his free hand. 
 Theodore, who figured in a gun- fight with Constable Oswald Brown, was not handcuffed to either of the sheriff's officers who accompanied the prisoners. His right arm - his shooting arm - was stuck out in front of him, still encased in a heavy plaster cast. 
"Irons would be ironical," he punned, "with my shooting arm in this condition." 
Despite the apparently gay and resigned spirit of the two gunmen who, on Feb. 3, lined up the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada, Church and Wellesley Sts., and scooped up nearly $3,000, prison officials were taking no chances.. Breaking all precedent, they took their prisoners on the noon train, instead of the early morning one, smuggling them aboard at Danforth station, instead of the Union, as had been expected. 
"Mounties Don't Miss" George was asked why, after escaping with the loot, he had not headed for the north, with which he was familiar, instead of for the densely populated United States. 
"I figured that in the north there. were the Mounted Police," he explained. "And beside, both of us are known in that country. But it was mostly because of the Mounties. They don't miss up very often. "You," he said, indicating one of the sheriff's officers, "were once in the mounties, so I guess we'd better not start anything on the trip down, eh?" 
The brotherly love which has so characterized the case throughout, lasted until they disappeared behind the prison gates of the penitentiary. On the train they shared chocolate bars, lit each other's cigarettes, and joked, each obviously striving to keep high the spirits of his brother. 
The chocolate bars were ten cents each or three for a quarter. George wanted to buy three.
"What's the use of that? You'll only have to give them up at the pen," cautioned Theodore. "And what's left over won't be much good after eight years." 
Hoped to Aid Brother George, who surrendered himself in New York after a three-week chase, was asked why he had apparently been so ready to give himself up. 
"Well, after I'd left my brother shooting it out with the cops, I read that he'd been wounded and caught," he said. "That kind of took the spirit out of me. 
"I knew that he'd take the rap. You know how you'd feel. You see, we've always kind of palled around together. The whole thing went sour on me then. We'd wanted the dough to buy an aeroplane together. We've both got our license."
"What did you want an aeroplane for?" 
"We wanted to fly back and forth to Bear Lake, where we've got some claims staked in Radium country. 
"I wrote to Chief Draper after I saw that in the papers about Theodore, and told him if he would guarantee that my brother got a light sentence, I'd give myself up. I asked him to put an ad. in the classified columns of The Toronto Star if that was o.k. But he didn't do a thing about it. 
"Then my lawyer, from Nashua, New Hampshire, got in touch with me through personal columns in the papers. I wrote to him and told him I was ready to quit.. In the States they often let a captured man down easy if his pal will surrender. I guess you don't do t: at here." 
Plan to Study "You mean your sentences were heavier than you expected?" "No, we're not kicking against the sentences. We're going to study while we're in there. They say the courses up there are great. I heard of one guy who couldn't read or write when he went in, and when he came out he had his high school en- trance. They got him again for something, and the last I saw of him he was aiming to get his junior matriculation. That's what we're going to do, something like that. 
"Maybe when we come out, things will be fixed so's we can make a living out of flying," said Theodore. "Flying will be away advanced by that time. Now what there is of it is all sewed up by the big companies." 
Then, with apparent satisfaction: "We'll have a clear conscience then, and nothing against us. We'll be able to go ahead like anybody else." 
"And if we can't." added George, "we can always make a.living in the bush if we get enough money to start right. Theodore can knock the head off a partridge at 30 yards." 
"But not a policeman?" suggested one of his companions. 
"Don't kid yourself," laughed George. "He's a crack shot, and could have-well, we'd arranged for him to do the shooting if we got in ro a scrap. That's how good he is, and that's why he jumped out of in the car to mix it with the cop. But in we didn't want to pull off any murder." 
"Through With Rough Stuff" The two asked the officers details of prison life. Did they get cigarettes? Who went to Collins Bay? Was it true they could get books now? 
Yes, they got their choice of fine cut or pipe tobacco, replied the officer. They had as much right inasmuch as they were first offenders, as anybody else to go to Collins Bay, if the warden saw fit. And they were allowed certain books. 
"But a lot depends on how you have yourself," the guard added.
"Oh sure, we're both through with rough stuff," replied George. 
Both men liked to talk about th northern Canada and the open spaces. That was the country they liked, flies and all, they said. Theodore, looking woefully at his crippled arm, wondered if his hunting arm had been spoilt by the wound. 
"I'd keep that cast on as long as possible," suggested one of the officers. "It will get you out of a lot the  of work." 
"That's just what I don't want," shot back the prisoner, “you're locked up all day. work is a relief. It prevents you from thinking about things. Sitting and stewing over things will break me down more quickly than the lash." 
The young men lost some of their nonchalance when Kingston reached, but were gay enough to wave a cheery goodbye as the Limestone portico swallowed them up.
GIROUARD BROTHERS LEAVE FOR PENITENTIARY Here is shown George (right) and Theodore (left) Girouard as they left, manacled and in charge officers, from the Danforth railway station, for Kingston penitentiary yesterday for armed robbery at the Royal Bank, Wellesley and Church Sts. branch, Toronto. Theodore will serve 10 years and receive 15 lashes, George 8 years and 10 lashes. Theodore was captured after a gun duel with a police officer at St. George and Bloor Sts., immediately after the robbery. George was arrested in New York.  Theodore’s arm is seen still in the cast, a souvenir of a police bullet.
[AL: Theodore was convict #2984 at Kingston Penitentiary, and worked mostly in the blacksmith shop at the prison. His health was poor due to the injury to his arm, and he never received his lashes due to this health concern. He was deported in October 1938. George was #2983 and worked as a machinist in the quarry, servicing the stone crusher. He did receive his lashes. He was deported May 1938.  Both men were first timers, French Canadian immigrants to the United States, who had come to Canada in 1922. They had no criminal records, and they were good conduct prisoners inside - with only four reports between the two of them over 5 years in the penitentiary.]
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