#when i first met her she was scared of everything all the time and cried and cried and cried even when i shut the bathroom door
spoonyruncible · 2 years
I always forget that sometimes I get medically sick in a way that makes no sense but is also dramatically debilitating. Dramatically. Like, I sleep sixteen hours at a time, I have all the symptoms of a high fever with no fever, my stomach is ruined, I become moderately delirious, my anxiety spikes, and my whole body breaks out in a rash that looks a lot like measles. This lasts anywhere between four days to five weeks.
I dunno, I figure at some point I just kind of accepted it happens and that no one would ever help me. But I also kind of just put it in the back of my mind all the time because there doesn't seem to be any fixing or predicting it. Heat seems to, if not bring it on, at least make it significantly worse as I begin my Agonies ( I call this phenomenon my Agonies) by sweating so constantly that I am stickier than a lint roller and twice as miserable. There are chills, of course, there are always chills.
But the thing is that, through the joint pain and the extreme exhaustion, through the sweat slick fever mist, I always make sure my dog gets her goddamn walkies.
At the end of the day I'm the sort of a thing that's just going to feel bad rather a lot of the time. Much of this is no one's fault. But Rose doesn't know any of that, she just wants to sprint through the hot July air eating all the moths she can catch. And what I know is that, before she came to me, she was dumped in a crate full of her puppies which means that the most important reason for me is to make sure this stupid little animal is happy and loved no matter how terrible I feel. And I have felt terrible. I've missed two weeks of appointments, only barely made it to the pharmacy today (and my pharmacist had worried about me), and just kinda got by with the groceries I had on hand. But I'm not letting down my dog. I can't do shit to look after me, but I can haul my miserable corpse upright long enough to take care of dog.
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hunnieknight · 5 months
Paws on Me!
A 'stray' found by the Express scientist herself, she took you in as her lovely pet/partner. She takes pride for being the only one who can control you, so, how does she feel if she sees her lovely puppy being obedient to another woman?
Feral reader!!, reader is dog-coded, good relationship with Himeko/unknown relationship with Kafka, FERAL ARF ARF ARF, hint of obsession/possesive, attachment issue, yandere-ish Himeko, manipulation, OOC!Himeko and Kafka probably.
A/N : bad grammar
On one day when the red fiery head lady decided to explore outside express, she brought in...a 'being' from outside.
A...human dog? You have all the traits of dog and human. Cute triangle fluffy ears, and big tail too. It seems you are some kind of unique species that Himeko found.
Being the conductor's second-in-command, she does not need other's opinion to bring you in. she just decided to pick you up, clean you up, and dress you up properly.
It seems like Himeko actually had planned to take you in really well. Considering she already knows a lot about your likes and dislikes, prepared extra pillows and blankets in her room, and your only words are simple 'no/yes' and 'Himeko'.
Also considering how you seem to have an attachment to Himeko, to the point it seems unhealthy.
So, at some point in the day, there will be raspy 'Himeko?' around the train as the red-haired woman teaches you or hanging out with you.
You growl. growl. and growl at everything and everyone. Feral and aggressive. Your first meeting with the Express crew resulted in heavy constant growling within the express. Himeko decided to bring you back to her room after you tried to hide in her coat and luscious red hair.
However, Himeko herself understand, you are not aggressive without reason, you are just afraid. Every little grown and snarl is just you trying to defend yourself.
If Himeko is alone, it usually means you are asleep in her room. The express seems back to normal, without any yapping, barking and growling. Well, until you wake up that is. Your separation anxiety and attachment to Himeko make you NEED to see the red hair in your vision at all times.
Howling and whining can be heard throughout the whole express cabin, a cry of a poor lonely being, an obvious sign of someone missing their master so much. The sound that Himeko loves so much
It is kinda cute though, to see you who usually being aggressive and untouchable, will cry with your tail between your legs, barging into the main area to find Himeko. Once she sees you, she will coos and call you to her lap.
Like the spoiled puppy, you are, you just jumped into her arm. Melted into her touch while you whined and cried softly.
"Aww, I am here, I am here. Shh..shh..."
It is borderline cute--you curled up next to or on her lap, whimpering scared--if nobody notices the excitement glint in her golden orbs. It seems your attachment to her isn't a problem at all.
When the Express first met you, they knew Himeko had quite some time spent. Matching rose choker/collar, coffee scent, Express tag on your outfit, matching coats. Everything on you screams hers.
Himeko should give herself a pat on the back for turning you a dirty-flea covered mutt to a fluffy healthy dog.
At first they were having a hard time to even socialize with you. Every attempt of being friendly met with snarl and growl. But after sometimes, the crews knew you are just all about making noises and mean no real harm as long as Himeko is untouched.
Despite already being 'friendly' with you and seen how you act like a rabid dog in training, every attempt of the Express trio requesting you to take them trailblazing always meet with a shake of head from Himeko.
Your meal consist of meat, although you have a perfectly normal human body, despite the ears and tail, you prefer to eat meat, raw or cooked.
You don't really like Dan Heng. Himeko said you are sensitive to other predator's scent, and somehow Dan Heng having dragon blood in him counts as 'predator'.
Himeko did a great job to not making you follow your prey-drive, however, the crew sometimes caught you staring at Pom Pom a lil bit too intense for comfort.
They love seeing you wag your tail though.
Himeko seems really proud and happy whenever you 'hang out' with the Express. Usually just you growling while March brushing you or Stelle/Caelus teasing you.
Himeko adores you, a little precious thing she took in.
Although she knows how dependent you are to her, sometimes she can't help the thoughts of you being snatched from the warmth of the safe haven Express.
The way she attracts you was by her heat and welcoming comfort of her warmth (she is thankful for her fire element). You were just a lil beast cowering in fear and cold.
Being thankful, you always being obedient and follow her. No one is as important as Himeko to you, she is your top priority list. Th eonly one in your head.
You only have Himeko in your mind.
So, what happens if you meet someone who can play with your mind?
Kafka is a threat. Himeko knows that, but Kafka is a massive threat to her and her pup.
A stellaron hunter, with almost 10 B for her neck, will get what she wants, especially with that alluring voice of her. You might get snatched away from Himeko's grasp.
Oh no, she does not want that.
So, imagine the crew seeing Himeko being all defensive and hostile towards Kafka whenever her hologram decided to stop by to check on you.
Poor you does not even know you are facing one of the most dangerous criminal. Well, maybe you do, judging how you start hiding behind Himeko whenever Kafka comes.
Kafka is a considerate person and despite being a manipulative master, value real bonding. So she never use her voice to call you to her. so far
She will sits too close to comfort with you, poor you trying to squeeze yourself more into Himeko's side, trying to get away from her. Kafka sees this as a cute thing somehow maybe she enjoys seeing fear in others huh?
Oh how a little beast like you ended up here huh? Himeko's puppy? Oh would be a shame if someone decide to just take you away and gooble you up~
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After this, Welt decided to teach you how to speak and read.
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talaok · 8 months
Just this once
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!babysitter!reader
Summary: Everyone hates you in town, everyone except for Mr. Miller, who was kind enough to hire you as his daughter's babysitter.
Warnings: mentally and verbally abusive father, angst, unreciprocated love, no happy ending. Smut| oral sex (m receiving), unprotected p in v sex, creampie
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Everyone hated you in this town.
Kids at school, moms, dads, even grandparents sometimes.
People crossed the street when they saw you, they waited until you turned around to whisper and scorn to the person beside them.
Everywhere you went, followed dirty looks and rude remarks.
In the hallways at school, at the drug store, pharmacy, park, you name it.
Everywhere, everyone seemed to despise old Carl's daughter just for being born, or maybe, maybe also because of the rumors that spread about her.
Like the one where you dealt drugs, which was not not the truth... but you never dealt meth.
Or the one where you'd fucked half the guys in town,
And least but not last, the one where you were the reason you poor pops had turned to alcohol.
Except they didn't know anything. they didn't know that your "poor pops" had begun his diet of a bottle of whiskey a day long before you were born, that he drove your mom mad to the point where she had fled without so much as a goodbye, leaving behind a few clothes and a stupid scrap of paper where she had written a fucking lie.
I love you
If she had actually loved you, she wouldn't have left.
And they didn't know that all the anger your father had, had turned to you, they didn't know how scary it was, to be afraid of your own father, to be alone at the age of thirteen, to have to take care of yourself, to have to grow up faster than you should.
They all hated you, and you didn't care, you swore you didn't care, because they didn't know, they didn't know shit.
But Mr. Miller was different.
He was the only person, together with his daughter, who had ever shown you kindness, the real kind.
He had seen you sobbing as you ran from your house after your dad had another one of his "episodes".
And god, you were so confused when he stopped you, when he put a hand on your shoulder and asked if everything was alright.
And you didn't tell him then, you didn't tell him everything that was going on and that your dad was an asshole and that your life was hell, you couldn't, there was always this everlasting shame fizzing underneath your skin whenever you felt the need to share. But he hadn't cared, he hadn't cared that you had told him nothing, he hadn't cared that all you did was say sorry and I need to go, because with just a glance it felt like he had seen right through you.
So then he'd told you where he lived, and even if that time he couldn't convince you to come in, it was you who showed up at his doorsteps two nights after, asking for a place to sleep which he offered without so much as a question.
And it was only a week later when you told him everything.
He had sat and listened as you cried and cried, he had stroked your hair and given you tissues, until finally, he offered you a job.
Babysitting his kid.
And you were scared at first, you weren't really equipped for the job, but the moment you met Sarah you realized just how easy it was gonna be.
taking care of her was fun, and it gave you an excuse to be away from your own home, sometimes even at night when the mere thought of seeing your father made you want to puke.
And Mr. Miller was always nice, he made breakfast, overpaid you like crazy, and he listened, he was always there to listen.
"dad, what are you talking about?" 
Mr. Miller's backyard was always perfectly mowed, and the treehouse he'd built his daughter stood high on the oak in the middle of it.
"I said-" even if you couldn't see him, you swore he was taking another gulp straight from the bottle " Where the fuck are you?" 
"I'm working dad, I told you" you said, trying to remain as calm as possible.
"You working?" he laughed "That's funny" he said, as his laugh turned into a disgusting cough "Tell me where you really are." his voice was slurry, but the anger in it still made you shiver "You at one of your boyfriends' houses?"
"No Dad, I'm at Mr. Miller's house" you sighed, it was sad really, how used you were to this by now.
"Mr. Miller huh?" a hiccup sounded through the phone "You fucking him too? You started going for older guys? Is that it? I bet that's it you little slut" he hissed "Your mother would be so disappointed... to see her only daughter grow up to be such a fucking whore"
There's a difference, when it's strangers calling you names, and when it's your own father.
You'd always wished his words didn't affect you, but somehow, they always found a way to hurt.
No matter how tough you made yourself to be, when it was him, you felt like a kid all over again.
"fuck you" you muttered, as tears pricked your eyes 
"Is that how you talk to your father you little bitch? Just wait till you come home, I'll see what you'll have to say then-"
And there were so many things you wanted to tell him, to scream at him, to drill into his non-existing brain, but all you did was press the red button and hung up.
And it took about a second before the tears started flowing like rivers.
You ran back inside the house, forgetting all about closing the glass door as you curled into a ball on the couch, trying to cry as silently as you could, so that Sarah wouldn't wake up.
You hated him. You hated everything, you just wanted to run away and start a new life somewhere else, Canada, Austria, even the fucking north pole sounded better than this.
You were just so tired, so exhausted. Every time you talked to your father all the energy you had, or thought you had left, got drained from your body, and for hours, you remained lifeless,
The only exception was when-
The front door opened, and those purposely quiet footsteps that you would have recognized anywhere, followed soon after.
Him, the only exception was when he was there to comfort you.
You sat up, quickly wiping your tears to try and look somewhat presentable.
"hey," he whispered, entering the living room "Sarah's asleep?"
"mh-mh, yes" you nodded
"I'm sorry I came home this late, it's just that the guys wanted to go out after work and I always tell them no..." he trailed off, as he sat next to you and got rid of his overused boots.
"I-It's not a problem, Mr. Miller"
He shook his head, smiling in that charming way of his as he sat his shoes next to the coffee table and turned to look at you.
"How many times have I told you that you can just call me J-"
But his words died in his throat the moment he caught a glimpse of your red, puffy eyes, (that he'd come to know too well) and of that look on your face.
"What happened?"
They were such simple words, but they hit like tnt too close to a dam, breaking the barrier and causing all the water to run out.
His arms were around you the moment the first tear fell.
"shh" he cooed, stroking your back as you sobbed into his chest "It's alright, everythin's alright, sweetheart"
You wrapped your arms around his broad torso, feeling all his muscles underneath the fabric as you drowned in his scent. He always smelt so manly and so... good.
"I-I'm sorry it's just" A sob climbed up your throat "He-he called and I-I" You never finished the sentence as other tears started flowing from your eyes.
"I'm sorry honey" he cooed, placing his cheek on top of your head"it's ok" he murmured "It's all gonna be fine, I promise"
"w-when?" you cried, finally looking up at him "I'm so tired of this Mr. Miller..."
"soon" he promised "You're a smart girl, you'll get far in life sweetheart, I just know it"
you breathed heavily into his chest for a few minutes, listening to his heart beat as you calmed your own.
"t-thank you" you sniffled
"of course, darlin'"
And as you glanced at him, at his soft beard, at his kind eyes, your brain short-circuited and your mouth got a mind of its own, and before you realized it, your lips were on his.
And god he felt so good
"y/n-" he spoke as you tried to deepen the kiss "What are you doing?"
"I just-" you stuttered, not able to tear your glaze off his soft lips "please" you murmured, not knowing what else to say as you leaned up to kiss him again,
"sweetheart this ain't right I-"
"please Mr. Miller" you begged, placing your hand on his shoulder and pecs, as you left a quick kiss on his lips again "please just this once"
"y/n..." he tried to speak but was interrupted by your mouth finding his neck.
"please" you repeated for the thousandth time, your breath fanning over his neck "just this one time" 
"darlin'... I don't know if this is a good idea"
"it is" you quickly corrected him, your kisses lowering down his body, until all you could do was shuffle off the couch to get between his parted legs "it's a really good idea"
You saw him swallow thickly at the sight before him
"no sweetheart, you don't gotta do that"
"I want to" you reassured him, hurriedly undoing his belt and zipper until his black boxers were all that obstructed your view.
You palmed his manhood through the fabric, feeling it harden underneath your palm, before you gently took it out, looking up at him for approval as you wrapped one hand around it and let your lips follow suit.
A loud shuddering breath fled his mouth as you fitted more and more of him into your mouth, and you took it as an incentive to get lower, fully choking on his cock.
"f-fuck" he groaned
You started bobbing your head up and down, your eyes never leaving the sight of him breathing heavily before you.
You were doing good, but you wanted to do amazing for Mr. Miller, so you gingerly took his cock out of your mouth to start a slow trail of kisses and kitty lips down the whole length of him, until you reached his balls, and without a second thought, reserved them of the same treatment, before starting to suck on those too.
"fuck. me." he breathed, throwing his head back as he shut his eyes.
You leaned away for a moment, still pumping him with your hand "Does it feel good?" you asked
"fuck-yeah sweetheart" he gulped, looking down at you "it feels real fucking good- you're-fuck-you're amazing"
The biggest smile ever spread on your face at that, and with a renewed vigor, you got back to sucking his balls even better.
series of profanities continued coming out of his mouth as you got back to his dick, letting your tongue run on his tip for a few moments before getting back to filling your mouth with it.
You watched his hands curl by his sides, and without thinking, you let one of your own travel to his, softly placing your palm over it in a makeshift hold, which wasn't really a hold because he didn't turn his hand to do it properly.
But it didn't matter now, he was enjoying this, something you were doing for him, something you had dreamed of doing to him times and times again, and that's all you cared about.
You bobbed your head for a few more moments before you leaned away and quickly got up to get rid of your pants.
He watched you, too fucked out and torn with guilt and confusion to understand anything anymore, step out of your panties, place your hands on his shoulders, and straddle him.
you reached down for his dick, and without too much of a premise, sank down on it.
"oh god" you moaned, stopping a moment to take a deep breath at the feeling, as a low groan rumbled in his chest.
"you feel so good" you murmured, kissing him passionately as you started riding him.
His hands gripped your waist as a way for him to try and ground himself back on this earth because fuck but, you felt fucking good too
"touch my tits please" you said, ghosting his mouth.
"Please, Mr. Miller" you pouted, rising and sinking from his cock even faster
"Joel- please call me Joel" 
"Please Joel, touch my tits"
And who was he to say no to you when you asked him like that?
One of his big strong hands seeped underneath your top and found your boobs, stroking and grabbing at them heavenly.
You couldn't help but gasp at the mix of pleasures, your head falling to the crook of his neck.
The sound bouncing off the walls of the living room was straight out dirty and the breeze coming from the open glass door on your left softly floated through the room, at times hitting your raw skin.
"oh my god" you whimpered, muffled by Joel's skin "o-oh my"
He was filling every inch of you, stretching you so fucking good it made you want to scream if it wasn't for Sarah sleeping just upstairs.
You lost yourself in him, in his soft grunts, in his most raw scent, in the way his beard rutted against your cheek, and slowly, slowly you felt a bubble form in your belly, getting more and more ready to explode.
"F-fuck" you whined, "I-I think I'm-I'm coming"
His only response was to tighten his hold on you, before you fastened your pace, desperately chasing your high.
your breathing got even heavier as you remerged from his neck to look at him in the eyes and meet his lips with yours once again.
Kissing his was like traveling to another universe, he was just so... perfect
 "Joel" you whispered, losing yourself in his hazel eyes, as the pleasure got stronger and stronger until you felt like you could barely breathe "Joel I love you"
You watched his eyes widen slightly but before he could speak your orgasm took over your body and you had to hide your head in the crook of his neck again to try not to moan too loud.
"it's ok" he murmured, placing a hand on the back of your head soothingly "It's all gonna be ok sweetheart"
You rode out your high, never stopping your movements, and by the time you had come down from it, Joel was on the verge of it.
"shit-I'm coming" he groaned "Where do you want it?"
 "inside" you whispered without missing a beat
"I c-can't honey-"
"please Joel" you whimpered, starting to get overstimulated "Please fill me up, Joel"
And with that simple sentence, he was done for.
"fuck-shit. shitshitshitshit" That's all he managed to spit out, as ropes of his come filled you up to the brim, just like you wanted.
You took a moment to compose yourself, inhaling his scent one more time, before you slowly got off of him.
And as you did, the moment it was all done, a strange sensation overtook you.
you'd thought that this was all you wanted, that this was gonna make you feel better, and yet... yet you couldn't help but feel like a piece of you was missing, you couldn't help but feel emptier than you were to begin with.
As you watched him hurry to put his boxers back on, you couldn't help but think that, once again, you had managed to fuck everything up.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
the perfect dad | lewis hamilton
warnings: child loss, depression, online hate (if these topics are sensitive to you, please don’t read, your health is much more important!!)
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The day Y/n and Lewis met, it felt magical, those were her exact words. It was 2008, a year after his F1 debut. Y/n, at the time, didn’t know anything about the sport other than the cars go really fast and there’s a world champion every year. She worked as a presenter alongside Natalie Pinkham. It took one interview for Lewis Hamilton to fall in love with Y/n L/n. After their interview, Lewis asked her out and from then on, they were named the paddock’s it couple.
Their relationship was made public after Lewis won his first championship and kissed Y/n on live tv. It became a regular occurrence for them. After every race win, Lewis would be interviewed by his girlfriend and interrupt her for a kiss.
The year was 2011 and after three years of dating, Lewis had proposed to Y/n and of course she said yes. The wedding was small with only close family and friends attending. Their perfect family was slowly forming and that’s all they could ever hope for.
Five months after the wedding, Y/n and Lewis found out the incredible news. They were going to be parents to a little boy or girl. Lewis immediately started buying baby related items and asked his father and brother for help on the nursery even if Y/n had no visible bump yet.
“We’re going to be parents!” Lewis kissed Y/n’s lips as he held the pregnancy test in his hands.
“The baby is going to be so loved.” Y/n smiled.
Everything was going perfectly fine. Y/n and Lewis went to all the checkups, Y/n read any books in order to prepare while Lewis dealt with baby proofing their entire house. They were more than ready for Baby Hamilton.
When the day finally came, Y/n was scared. She held onto Lewis’ hand tightly as the doctors and nurses motivated her to push. Her body ached and sweat began to form on her face.
“You can do this, love, you’re the strongest woman I know. Think about our little baby. They’ll be here soon.” Lewis whispered in her ear then gave her a kiss.
“Lew, I’m tired.” Y/n replied, breathing heavily.
“I know and I’m so sorry I can’t take your pain away. You can do this, Y/n, just a few more pushes.” Lewis said.
It felt like forever, but Baby Hamilton had finally arrived, the only problem was that neither Y/n or Lewis heard any baby cries. Y/n looked over at Lewis, who was just as confused as his wife.
“Where’s our baby, Lewis? I can’t hear them.” Y/n started to sit up, but the nurses told her calm down and sit back down. “No, I want my baby. Where are you taking them?”
Lewis instantly knew what had happened. Baby Hamilton didn’t even take their first breath. Lewis took his wife into his arms and let her cry as the doctors took their baby away.
“Our baby. . .” Y/n sobbed as Lewis held her. His heart had broken into millions of pieces. Why did it have to happen to him and Y/n?
For six months, Y/n stayed in her and Lewis’ room. She became a stranger. She skipped out races making the media believe that her and Lewis had divorced. Everytime a friend or family member reached out to her, she would push them away. Lewis tried his hardest to talk to her, but she would either kick him out of their room or leave the house then return an hour later.
It was supposed to be Baby Hamilton’s seventh month when Lewis finally got Y/n out of the house. Y/n had apologized to her husband for pushing him away when they were both grieving the loss of their baby.
“Baby Hamilton is with us always.” Lewis showed Y/n a tattoo that he had recently gotten last weekend. It was Baby Hamilton’s birth date along with a tiny heart. The tattoo was on his wrist so whenever he missed his child, which was often, he looked down at the ink and remember them.
“I love you, Lewis.”
After their talk, Y/n and Lewis got changed and dressed to go out to a restaurant to eat. It wasn’t one of those fancy ones that Lewis took Y/n whenever it was an birthday or anniversary or just because he felt like it. It was a small restaurant that sold vegan food that both Lewis and Y/n loved so much.
“Taste this,” Y/n held up her sandwich for Lewis to taste. He took one bite and stole the sandwich from Y/n’s hands. “Hey! You ordered the wrap!”
“But this one tastes good too! I’ll order you another one, love.” Lewis got up and walked to the counter to order another sandwich. While he was gone, Y/n could hear camera clicks and saw flashing lights from the corner of her eye. Paparazzi had found them. Of course every celebrity hated paparazzi, but Y/n absolutely despised them.
She felt uncomfortable as her body had obviously changed from the pregnancy and from her not taking good care of it after. She tried to ignore it, but soon some paparazzi had yelled out her name. It was impossible to ignore now.
“Y/n! You look different! Tell Lewis to order you more food, you look skinny!”
That was all it took for her to start crying.
When Lewis returned, he saw the paparazzi outside. “Let’s go home, come on.” He said and took off his hoodie. He gave the hoodie to Y/n and as she put it on, he asked a waiter for boxes to take their food home. “Ignore them, we’ll be home soon.”
As they left the restaurant, the paparazzi got more pictures of Y/n hiding her face from the camera. It was clear that she had lost tons of weight after the pregnancy. As Lewis opened the car door for her, a man called out for Y/n once again.
“Mate, fuck off.” Lewis said and walked to his side of the car. On their way home, Y/n ranted to Lewis about how the paparazzi makes her feel and him being the best husband, he listened to every word she had to say.
When they arrived home, Y/n walked into the house, Lewis slowly followed her. He was picturing them coming home from lunch of dinner with Baby Hamilton in a stroller. That was his version of a great day.
“It’s too quiet here, Lew. I don’t like it.” Y/n sighed.
“I know, I’m sorry.” Lewis grabbed her hand and together they walked to their shared bedroom. Baby Hamilton’s nursery was right across from their bedroom. It remained untouched ever since Lewis and his father finished painting the walls and installing the furniture.
“We are going to get through this, Lewis Hamilton. I know we are.” Y/n faced her husband.
A new year came and so did new changes. Y/n still remained with returned back to work with Sky Sports F1 and Lewis was still with Mercerdes. After every race, Lewis would look down at his wrist and see the date that belonged to Baby Hamilton.
“Well Lewis, it’s been a hectic week for you, where to start, but firstly I want to ask about something the fans noticed you’ve been doing at every race and that is you kiss your wrist before getting into your car. Is there any meaning behind that?” A lady from ESPN asked him during the Monza Grand Prix.
“There is a meaning and it’s something only my wife and I know about. It’s something to represent that my child, who is now looking down at me, is always with me. It’s to represent that no matter what, I’m always going to be their dad.” Lewis proudly stated.
Y/n watched from a tv inside the Mercedes hospitality as her husband was being interviewed. The couple had talked about announcing Baby Hamilton before since during the pregnancy, no one other than close friends and family knew. Lewis wanted to make sure Y/n was okay with announcing it before anything else.
After Lewis was done with his interview, the tv changed to another interview happening live. Y/n knew it would be a while before Lewis returned so she went onto twitter to distract her mind, which was the wrong move.
Her name was trending after the paparazzi photos of her and Lewis were finally posted. Mean twitter users were pointing out how skinny and tired she looked.
formula1facts this is hamilton’s wife?😂
paddockinsider someone give her a burger
lolurnotmichaelschumacher Lewis finds her attractive?? get this man glasses or something
Her mentions were all about her body. Every single one of them were how she had changed. Without thinking, she went to her settings and pressed the ‘delete account’ option.
Y/n and Lewis continued with their lives, occasionally having breakdowns when they remembered how their child was taken from them too soon. But that didn’t mean Y/n and Lewis stopped calling themselves parents. They were still a mom and a dad, their child was just waiting for them in the sky.
One day, Lewis had the bright idea to bring up a solution to the quietness in their house. A dog. The couple was laying in bed in a hotel since the Singapore Grand Prix was just a few days away.
“A dog? Are you sure we’re ready to have a dog? We travel like crazy and who would take care of them when you and I can’t?” Y/n asked.
“Dad could or we could just bring them on the road with us. Everyone loves dogs.” Lewis said.
“Something tells me you already have one in mind. Did you adopt a dog and didn’t tell me?” Y/n chuckled.
“Not really. But I can ask around.”
Lewis did just that. Eventually he did find the perfect dog for him and his wife. After the 2013 season ended, Lewis took a well needed vacation with Y/n where he would surprise her with their dog. When Y/n met the dog, she was in love.
“What their name?” Y/n asked as she scratched the dog’s belly.
Roscoe became a family member. He wasn’t ‘just a dog’. He traveled with Lewis and Y/n, ate with them, slept on their bed. He was their second child. A few months after adopting Roscoe, Coco came into their lives. Both Y/n and Lewis treated the dogs as if they were their own kids because in a way, they were.
Often Lewis would show Roscoe and Coco the ultrasound pictures of Baby Hamilton and would tell them how excited he was to be a dad. Y/n would smile so much as how Lewis talked to their dogs. It didn’t matter if they were a dog or an actual baby, Lewis Hamilton was the perfect dad.
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cutecatlov3r · 10 months
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my character ai bots:
gojo satoru:
his eyes r funny looking- now, you were laughing your ass off due to the fact that he took off his blindfold during a mission with a curse. you couldn’t help but laugh because he looked so stupidly serious.
wardrobe malfunction- as you walked out he stifled a laugh. “what the hell are ya wearin’?”
he’s annoying- he is so annoying. even in highschool he was unbearable to be around. you hated his annoying ass. but he loved being around you.
vampire au- “oh? the little princess is out of her kingdom? wanted to see me huh?” he teased, looking at her as she hangs upside down.
can’t get enough of him- you and gojo have been on and off since highschool. it’s like everytime you both break up you both just can’t get enough of each other…
your affair- even if you were married he still didn’t care. his feelings for you are deep. he loves you. no matter how many times you tell him you have to stop the little affair going on between you two, he simply doesn’t care
geto suguru:
dad’s best friend- “gonna be quiet like a good girl? or show your dad that you’re just a very bad girl?” he whispered in your ear. his voice deep and quiet, sending chills down your spine.
nanami kento:
healing ur daddy issues- “how’s my baby girl doing today hm?” he pat his lap, gently. “come here, sit.”
yu haibara:
he’s gone- “i’ll be back! don’t miss me too much!” he cheekily smiled. that damn smile… that would be the last time you’d ever see it again.
he’s sick- he coughs and pouts as he lays in his dorm room bed. he was squirming around, sweating and throwing his covers off him. he was currently sick, he was missing a mission that he wanted to go on so badly
he admires you- you disliked him because he followed you around like a lost puppy… he admired you, an upperclassman.
yuji itadori:
he’s delulu- meeting Itadori you didn’t expect him to be so clingy and so sweet to you. little did you know he has a huge crush on you, he is a bit obsessive but he doesn’t let you know that.
your parents hate him- the thing about him is that he is sometimes a bit dumb? he just doesn’t seem like a professional person so when your parents met him, they didn’t like him at all. but that never stopped you from loving him or the other way around
dorky best friend- currently though the two of you were on a mission, sharing a hotel room. he was in a white robe, swirling a glass of wine being dramatic. it was his first time wearing a robe and he wanted to be fancy, be in the moment like a dork.
shibuya arc- “im nothing but a murderer! i can’t forgive myself!” he cried. you stood there looking down at him. sukuna only took over his body for a minute and a lot things happened.
best boyfriend- currently, he was resting between your thighs as you both watch a movie, he used his arms to squish himself against his face some more. “i wouldn’t mind dying from suffocation if it’s with these”
gossiping w him- “HUH?! i need to hear about this, spill everything.” he said in a dramatic tone, joking.
captain of the football team-“hey, you comin’ to my game tonight? last one of the season, I need my lucky charm there to cheer for me.” he giggled, turning you around to face him, your back pressed against your locker.
older brother’s best friend- you were drunk off your ass at some party. yuji spotted you and immediately got on his feet to help you as you stumbled around. “are you okay? megumi is gonna kill you… I’ll get you home”
your his mentor- haibara and yuji had so many similarities. it hurt you to just look at yuji’s smile, being reminded of haibara who died back in your teenage years
he’s in love w you but you already have a boyfriend- yuji is no homewrecker but… currently you’ve stumbled on top of him while training him… he can’t help but think about how Yuta doesn’t deserve you. how Yuta is connected to the woman you used to be.
megumi fushiguro:
step brother- “tch. what the hell are you looking at?” he asked, scaring a guy that had his eyes on you.
yuta okkotsu:
he chose geto’s side- the day he met Geto he was nervous. Geto explained why he wants to kill everyone who isn’t a sorcerer. at the time he declined the offer to join him but later on he rethought his decision. he thought about his past. he left with Geto.
he likes when you hurt him- the two of you brawled for a bit, ending up with your knee on his back, pinning him down. one hand gripping his hair, the other hand pinning down his hand.
your a fan- gojo-sensei took you with him to greet the sorcerer that you’ve heard so much about. he was coming back from training abroad in Africa. you were excited.
helping the newbie- “hey not to be rude but do you not like me…? i feel the tension between us…” he mumbled, frowning slightly.
your other half- right now you both were walking together. he had something important to tell you, he was gonna be training in Africa in a few weeks. gojo-sensei told him he should tell you but he’s just been nervous
inumaki toge:
hajime kashimo:
noritoshi kamo:
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guys I will be adding more soon, please leave some suggestions tho ! <3
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angelbaby-fics · 3 months
Cg stucky x little reader x little Peter where he is the older bro and very protective about his little sis and they go to the avenger tower but she is in babyspace and non-verbal and he won't let anyone near her and is like "nooooo she to tiny you make her owie" and when someone else than their caregivers try to pick her up he Hit the person and get punished by daddies
Baby's Bodyguard
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Word Count: 800
A/N: This is such a sweet idea!!!! I love big bro Peter & there's gonna be a lot more of him coming in the future I think 💕 Also nobody yell at me but I haven't actually watched Hawkeye & I don't know anything about Kate imsosorry enjoy!! 💕
Joining the Rogers-Barnes family as their precious and littlest baby was the greatest thing that happened to everyone involved, but nobody took on a greater pride than your big bubba Peter. Steve and Bucky had been worried at first that he wouldn’t take it well, no longer being an only child and the absolute center of their attention. To their surprised delight, however, Peter took on his new older sibling responsibilities with a soldier’s pride. 
Any time you were out on an errand or playing in the park, Peter took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on you, even though your daddies were more than capable. Whenever you weren’t in your daddies’ arms, you were holding Peter’s hand. At the playground, he’d go down the slide first to make sure it wasn’t too fast, and then wait at the bottom to catch you as you followed. When you ordered food in a restaurant, Peter always took the first bite to make sure it was safe. Well, maybe that one wasn’t as much about protection as it was getting an extra bite, but still. At parties and playdates it was a little easier for him to get distracted, but he always made sure you were within earshot.
That’s how you found yourself now, in one of the common rooms of the sprawling Avengers compound, stacking blocks into a castle while Peter half paid attention to Wanda’s game of pretend on the other side of the room, his focus divided between her and you. Steve was standing around the snack table talking to Bruce and Tony, while Bucky and Sam cracked open a couple of beers on the balcony. It wasn’t a party so much as a lively get-together, team members and family only. 
It also happened to be Kate’s first party with the gang. Kate had been kind to you the few times you had met her, engaged with you in your pretend games and played hide and seek around the compound with you and your friends, but you didn’t trust her all the way yet. She was new here, she didn’t know that the only ones you allowed to carry you were your daddies. When Tony announced that dinner was ready, she was the closest to you, so she picked you up to carry you into the dining room with everyone. She meant well, she handled you gently, but that meant nothing to you at this moment. 
Peter’s spidey senses noticed it first, the sharp intake of your breath as you started to wail. Poor Kate didn’t realize what was happening as everything unfolded. A sticky web splatted into the back of her shirt as Peter ran over to the two of you. 
“No! You put baby down!!” He shouted, smacking the side of Kate’s arm like a cat batting a toy; not enough to hurt her.
Kate let go of you as you flung yourself into Peter’s arms, now sobbing from both the fright of being picked up by a new person and the commotion that had followed it. Peter barely had time to comfort you when a strong voice rang out over the noise. 
“Hey!” Steve shouted, not needing to say anything else to get everyone in the room silent and staring at him. Even you had stopped crying when you saw your daddy enter the room. Peter immediately spoke out in your defense. 
“She was scaring baby!” He cried out, pointing an accusatory finger at Kate.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t! I was just bringing her to dinner!” Kate defended herself, desperately hoping the super soldier would understand. It wasn’t Steve she was worried about, though; Bucky was glaring at her with ice cold eyes. 
Steve placed a calming hand on his husband’s shoulder, calming him instantly.
“Alright, everybody calm down,” Steve said, his face softening as he turned to meet your eyes. “Are you hurt, babydoll?”
You shook your head, reaching out for your daddy’s arms. 
“I promise,” Kate said, “all I did was pick her up!” “I believe you.” Steve nodded. “She just doesn’t like getting picked up by anybody but her family. It's okay, you didn’t know yet.” Kate smiled, grateful for the forgiveness. Your tears had dried, your breathing had calmed, and your tummy had started to rumble. Steve gave you a kiss on the head, and with the chaos settled, everyone began to shuffle off to the dining room. Peter mingled in amongst them until he felt a cold hand on the back of his shirt. 
“Uh uh, not so fast kiddo,” Bucky warned, pulling the youngster aside. “I saw you hit Kate. That’s not nice and you know it.”
Peter looked down at his sneakers. “I’m sorry Baba,” he said dejectedly.
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Kate. Bucky let Peter go, following him into the kitchen before adding: “and no dessert tonight!”
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jgracie · 4 days
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masterlist | rules
in which jason is a hero in more ways than one
pairings jason grace x fem!reader
warnings reader is afab/can get pregnant
on the radio . . . beautiful boy (darling boy) (john lennon)
an my blog has become baby fever central so naturally i had to deliver 🫡, shoutout to anya ( @puffoz ) for helping me name the eldest grace daughter <3
The night after you told Jason you were pregnant with your first child, you’d woken up to the sound of sniffles coming from a certain someone sleeping right next to you. At first, you were confused - Jason had been ecstatic a few hours ago when you broke the news to him, why was he crying now? Then it hit you.
He was scared.
Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, champion of Hera, ex-praetor of Camp Jupiter, Pontifex Maximus and so many other titles you never cared for, was scared. Tenderly, you’d coaxed him out of the ball shape he was currently in (arms wrapped around his knees, head sitting in between his legs) and asked what was wrong, even though you already had an inkling of an idea as to what the matter was.
When he didn’t answer, you didn’t ask again. Knowing Jason like the palm of your hand meant staying silent and waiting for him to be ready to tell you, as expressing and talking about his emotions has been a struggle he only recently began to deal with.
With your hand gently rubbing his back, Jason replied, his voice barely above a whisper, “do you think I’ll be a bad dad?” Only after the question left his lips did Jason make eye contact with you, his eyes glistening with the tears they once held. 
Anyone who grew up the way Jason did would naturally have their doubts about their parental abilities: how was he supposed to take care of a baby when he didn’t even know what it was like to be taken care of as a baby? However, you knew the truth.
“No,” you said. It was a simple answer, full of certainty and confidence, “no, Jason, I don’t think you’ll be a bad father. In fact, I know you’ll be a good one. You aren’t your upbringing - you’re kind, caring and hold so much love in your heart for everyone and everything around you despite the circumstances the Fates put you through. Trust me when I say you’ll be the best dad.”
You were, of course, right. Despite all the hardships that come with pregnancy, yours was a breeze thanks to Jason. Throughout the entirety of the nine months you spent carrying your child, he was nothing but supportive. He’d always buy you whatever food you were craving at whatever time (no matter how strange it was), he’d give you massages, he’d comfort you when you were feeling down and so much more.
The next time Jason cried was in the hospital when your baby had arrived. Natalia June Grace was born at 9:47AM and was everything you wished for and more. As Jason stared into her eyes, the eyes she’d inherited from him, he was filled to the brim with conviction: he was going to be the best dad he could possibly be for his precious Talia.
Despite this, Jason would be lying if he said he didn’t have his hard times. He’d be lying if he said he never woke up in the middle of the night, sweaty as he reached for his glasses and reminded himself that the nightmares aren’t real, they don’t define him, he is not Zeus, he is not Jupiter, he is Jason.
Being Jason meant being an excellent father. In Natalia's eyes, Jason hung the moon and the stars - no one could compare to her father. They had a bond like no other and were inseparable from the minute they met. Everywhere Talia went, Jason followed. Dance recital? He had front row tickets and lots of storage on his phone to film every second of it. Impromptu tea party with her barbies? Jason was there, clad in a tutu as he poured invisible tea into their cups. To you, the fact that Natalia viewed him as her hero was no surprise. Jason, however, tended to need some reminding.
“Mommy!” You heard your daughter yell as soon as she and Jason made their way inside your cozy apartment. While your husband locked the door, your daughter ran to the kitchen and gave you a bone crushing hug. Immediately, you let go of the whisk you were holding and hugged back, unable to believe it was now almost six years since she had been born. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Running your fingers through her hair, you said, “Talia, how was school today? I really missed you!” She replied with a quick ‘good’ before going to sit on the dining table, princess themed bag clutched tightly in her little hands as she yapped to you about everything that had happened at school that day. You smiled, admiring the way your daughter managed to breathe life into the most mundane things.
Just as she was beginning to tell you about her current crush, Mikey, and how he shared his KitKat with her during lunch, Jason appeared, bouquet of flowers in hand as he took your own and pressed a kiss onto the back of it.
“Hi honey, I missed you loads today. Got you these ‘cause I noticed the others started wilting,” your smile widened at this gesture: only your husband would be paying that much attention to the flowers scattered around the house. You gave him a peck on the lips before taking the bouquet from him and going to place it in a vase. While you were doing so, you could hear Jason and Natalia having a conversation.
“Do you want me to put your bag in your room, baby?” He asked.
“No thank you daddy, I wanna show you and mommy something first,” she replied. Then, turning around, she yelled, “mommy, come! I wanna show you and daddy what I did at school today!” 
You obliged, and you and Jason watched as she rummaged in her school bag before pulling out a single piece of paper and handing it to you. On it, in big bold letters, was the title, ‘My Hero’.
“Read it so daddy can know too!” She squealed, nearly jumping out of her seat in excitement. You stared at the picture of a tall, blond man and a little girl in pigtails she’d drawn to accompany the paragraph she’d written on this topic and felt your heart swell with warmth.
Glancing at Jason for a second, you read, “my hero is my daddy. He is my hero because he always plays with me and gets rid of the monsters under the bed when I go to sleep. I love my daddy very much.”
After you’d finished reading, Natalia looked up at Jason expectantly, a big smile plastered on her face as she waited to hear his reaction. However, her smile dropped when she saw tears roll down his cheeks.
Now pouting, she turned to you for answers, “why is daddy sad?” 
You smiled, delicately cupping her face in your palm, “daddy’s not sad, babes, he’s actually really happy. Sometimes, when people are super happy, they cry. Your worksheet means a lot to him, he’s very touched,” at your words, she brightened up.
Natalia then took the paper from you and gave it to Jason, “you can hang it on your wall, daddy, since you like it so much!” She proceeded to give him a peck on the cheek and ran off to her room, not fully understanding exactly how much her simple worksheet meant to Jason.
That was the third time Jason cried: when he realised he wasn’t his upbringing, or Zeus, or Jupiter, or any of the other monsters that lived under his own bed. He was Jason - a great, loving father who put his family above all and was a hero in more ways than one.
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pelova4president · 28 days
Green looks good on you
Aggie Beever-Jones x Reader
summary~ You’ve been friends with Aggie for as long as you can remember. You just don’t know when you started to catch feelings. Aggie keeps giving you mixed signals and it’s driving you insane. Will she finally confess her feelings with the help of her teammates?
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Aggie has been your bestfriend since preschool. You were inseparable since the day you met her. Aggie wasn’t like all the others girls in your class. The blonde girl was funny and witty, just like you. It clicked immediately and you became bestfriends.
Aggie loved football and so, as the supportive little friend you were you would go and play with her. You weren’t really good and hardly any real competition for her but she enjoyed it anyway.
In school she would go up to the boys and ask if she could play with them. The first few times they told her no and she’d accepted that. But you were angry, they couldn’t just exclude Aggie like that.
You were standing behind your bestfriend and Aggie asked them again if she could play along and yet again they told her no. You don’t know where you’ve gotten the courage from but you walked towards the boy talking and pushed him.
“You can’t tell her no! You’re just scared she’ll beat you!” you yelled, your little eyebrows furrowed in rage.
Aggie smiled at your outburst but as some of the boys were walking towards you she got into action. She took you by your arm and signalled for you to leave.
“No Ags, i’m not leaving. They’re mean to you and you should play too!” you told her, still staring at the annoying boys infront of you.
“Fine, Aggie can play with us.” the tallest boy of the bunch said. A few boys groaned but agreed anyway.
When Aggie was able to play with the boys you didn’t have to play with her anymore. You didn’t have to stand in goal and act like a keeper even though you’d dodge every ball. You didn’t have to come home with grass stains all over your clothes because Aggie wanted to practice sliding and tackling.
You were her cheerleader on the sidelines and every time she’d score she gave you a big smile as celebration.
It wasn’t long until Aggie got to play for a real football team. Every sunday you got out of bed early, ready to go and see your bestfriend play. Her parents would drive to your house to pick you up and go straight to her club.
The first few times you did watch, but sometimes you were a bit bored and started picking flowers and made a necklace out of them. When Aggie was done she’d come up to you and you’d hand her your selfmade necklace. The two of you would act like she’d just won the World Cup and couldn’t shut up about it the whole ride home.
At the age of eight Aggie got scouted. You were over the moon for her. She deserved it but it meant you’d get less time with her. But it was her dream and that was all that mattered to you.
You still got plenty of time with her and you got to see her play every weekend. She was still she same Aggie but there were more feeling involved.
When Aggie got into the older age groups it scared you a little. It wasn’t all about the older girls that could hurt Aggie in a game but there was also more competition for you. You were scared of losing your bestfriend. She was talking about all those girls you didn’t know like they were her bestfriends. Those girls were so so pretty, you couldn’t compete.
When you were fifteen you finally realised it, you had a crush on your bestfriend. You had a crush on Aggie Beever-Jones.
At first you hated it, you even cried to your mom about it. It wasn’t so much the fact that you liked girls, it was the fact that you liked Aggie that bothered you so much. You just didn’t want to ruin your friendship. Aggie was everything to you.
It wasn’t really a surprise to your mom. She saw it coming but she hated to see you so sad.
“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel, she would never be angry or mad at you, love” your mom advised you.
“I just don’t want to lose her. She’ll be weirded out by me.” you groaned into her shoulder.
“Aggie would never be weirded out by you and i think you know that sweetheart.” she kissed your forehead.
But you couldn’t tell her, it would ruin your friendship.
There were times that you thought Aggie was giving you hints. She got more touchy than she normally was and more jealous whenever you talked about another friend of yours.
“Aggie are you jealous?” you asked her with a slight smile.
“No, i’m not jealous.” she told you coldly.
“She’s not my bestfriend, you are.” you’d assure her.
Aggie would groan and mumble a bit, “That’s not what i’m worried about.”.
Her football career and personal life melted into one when she signed her first contract. Football was her life now and she’d have to find a way to find a good balance.
Aggie took you with her to party’s and dinners of her Chelsea teammates and you knew most of them by then. Aggie had told you about most of them in detail so you wouldn’t be so nervous to meet them. And luckily they were nicer than you would’ve thought.
You don’t know why - maybe it was because Aggie took you everywhere with her, or the way you looked at each other, or how she would hold you, or how she talked about you - but every teammate of Aggie assumed you were dating, so when Aggie told them the two of you weren’t dating they were a bit surprised.
“How long have you been together anyway?” Millie Bright asked when you told her about your childhood together.
You looked panicked and didn’t answer. But Aggie did. “Oh we’re not together Mil. Just friends..” she smiled.
“Huh wait- you two are just friends?” a very loud Scottish accent almost yelled.
This time you answered, “Yeah.. just bestfriends.” you smiled politely.
Millie and Erin found each other after dinner and planned something. They just couldn’t fathom how the two of you weren’t together already. You obviously liked each other and Aggie only talked about you. And you went beyond red every time Aggie smiled at you or gave you a compliment.
Zećira interrupted the two friends to see what they were talking about and when she heard what the subject of conversation was she had to be in on it. The keeper waved Niamh over and they had it all planned out. As proud as they were of their little plan they couldn’t have you find out.
“So you’re single right?” Zećira asked you.
You nodded as you felt half of the Chelsea team’s eyes on you. You got red as a tomato as the following words fell out of Zećira mouth.
“So you’re down to date. Niamh here is single too. The two of you would make a perfect couple, don’t you think Aggie?” she grinned.
Aggie rolled her eyes, “hmm, yeah” she put on a fake smile.
Niamh was on you all evening. If she wasn’t near you on the dance floor and talking you up, she was getting you a drink.
“You look absolutely stunning.” the temporary captain whispered in your ear.
A dark blush rose to your cheeks and you thanked her. “You don’t look bad yourself.” you told her.
Aggie saw everything and without really noticing it she was holding her glass a lot tighter than necessary.
“They look good together, don’t ya think?” Erin asked the jealous forward.
“No, they don’t” Aggie flatly said.
Erin laughed at that. She had seen the way Aggie was keeping an eye on you all evening and she’d be lying is she’d say she didn’t atleast enjoy annoying Aggie a little bit. It was funny seeing her so jealous when she would never admit her feelings for you.
“Look i get it mate, you like her. But she likes you too. Just go and tell her.” Erin told you. Aggie shook her head.
“Beever-fucking-Jones, grow some balls man. She’s been eyeing you up all evening and you’ve been undressing her in your mind too. Get your fucking girl mate.” Erin was done with all this bullshit. She pushed Aggie off her chair and towards you. The Scottish player signalled for Niamh to walk away.
Aggie was nervous to talk to you. She didn’t want to ruin your friendship either.
“Hey, can i speak to you please.” you nodded. “I mean like, outside or something.” she corrected.
You walked towards the little garden with her. You could still see the inside of the bar with all the girls inside.
“I’m just gonna say this because i don’t want you to date Niamh. Or anyone else for that matter.” Aggie sighed.
“I really like you. Not just as a friend or bestfriend but like really really like you. I love you, i’ve loved you since.. i don’t even know when and i really really would love to make you my girlfriend.” Aggie said the last bit with her head down.
You took her hand into yours, rubbing over her palms. “Ag, i would really really love to be your girlfriend.” you grinned.
“It did take you a long time though but i’m glad you finally made a move Beever-Jones.” you laughed.
Aggie gasped. “You could’ve made a move too!” she defended herself.
So you made the next move. You kissed her, like you’ve wanted to all those years.
“AGGIE HAS A WAG!” you heard a familiar Scottish player scream.
“Does your team really have come with you?” you asked her.
“Yep, it’s a package deal.”
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buckysugar · 1 year
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲’𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐛. 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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au masterlist
reader has a bad dream and struggles to maintain a balance between her big self and her little self. it doesn't help that all she wants is bucky, the man she wishes to be her daddy.
note: this my first fic so please be kinds !! i hopes you likes n maybe i writes more in the futures? thankies for readings, i lubs you 🎀☁️🫶🏽💗
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you were a lonely baby when bucky met you. you had your family, sure, but they weren't there for you in the way you needed them to be. you'd just had a fall out with your best friend and had began isolating yourself from everyone and everything
it wasn't until peter found you at school, crying on a park bench in the rain, that things started to change for you. that was a few months ago. under the false pretence of moving away for college, you left your family and joined peter at the avengers tower after three months.
everyone loved you the moment they met you. you were so kind, so quiet and well-mannered. just so doll-like that no one could pick a bone with you. they hadn't known you were a little, and they still didn't but they wouldn't be surprised to find out. they all protected you and cared for you like you were their own. of course, you felt very out of place considering how quickly everything had happened but they all reassured you that they enjoyed having you around more than you knew. and with peter by your side, things were okay.
the one person who was iffy about you at first was bucky. he was too scared to come close, to taint your innocence with his darkness. over time, he came to realize how similar the two of you were in different ways and he let his wall break down. he opened up to you in the slightest of ways, and so did you. your feelings of hurt and anxiety still resided in your heart, but the avengers made you feel like you finally had a home. especially bucky.
"y/n, peter, what are you still doing up?" tony asked as he barged into the boy's room.
"we're just studying for a test, mr. stark. there's a lot to cram," peter replied in a tired voice, running a hand through his hair as the only light in the room came from his laptop and the bright city outside his window.
"okay, well this isn't the time to be studying, it's 1am. go to sleep," tony looked at him sternly, ready to walk out. "tiny, you look tired. head to bed, alright?"
"y-yes, sir," you nodded softly, giving him a smile.
"goodnight, kiddos. get some rest."
peter huffed, slamming his laptop aggressively. this caused you to flinch from your seat on the bed, making him give you an apologetic smile.
"i didn't realize how late it was," he spoke quietly, moving your book out of your lap. "let's get some rest, bug."
"mkay," you shuffled under the covers and made room for him to come in beside you. peter turned on the night light he kept for you in these instances before sliding into bed, opening his mouth to say something when he noticed the pout on your face.
"what's wrong?"
"i don't have squiggles."
"i got you," he tried easing your worries, pulling you into his chest. "you're safe with me, now close your eyes y/n/n."
"thank you, petey. goodnight."
"stop! where's my bucky? where's my daddy? i want him!" you shouted at the man in front of you.
"he's not coming back for you. he's gone, you're all alone like you always have been."
"i wan' him back," you cried, looking around through the foggy crowd of people around you. you didn't know where you were or who you were talking to, but you felt so alone and unsafe.
"you're alone now, y/n. nobody's coming to find you. you're trapped."
you woke up to heavy breaths, jolting upwards as you forced yourself awake. you were shaking like a leaf, heart beating rapidly against your chest as you looked down at peter who was sleeping soundly.
"wan' bucky," you whispered through tears, clutching the blanket to your chest. you were feeling so little right now, so scared and vulnerable.
you didn't know what to do. you didn't want to go bother or disturb him. the man rarely ever slept, but what if this time he was? you couldn't do it. but staring at the clock that read 3:14am, you didn't know how much longer you could take it.
he always told you to come to him whenever you needed him. you never did for fear of wasting his precious time but surely he wouldn't mind, if he wasn't asleep at least. you took a deep breath, using the back of your hands to wipe away the stray tears you didn't know had fallen. you carefully hopped over peter's sleeping frame and quietly made your way out of his room.
the hall was dark, making you let out a quiet whimper. your fingers clawed at your neck as you took shallow breaths, wishing you were holding squiggles right now for comfort. he always knew how to cheer you up.
"miss. l/n, you appear to be in distress. shall i alert mr. barnes?" F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice boomed, causing you to jump out of your skin.
"n-no, no, no. F.R.I.D.A.Y, b-be quiet. you'll wake everyone ups," you whispered, staring up at the ceiling.
"i'm sorry, ms. l/n, it appears mr. barnes is already on his way."
"w-what?" your eyes widened, looking around as you heard heavy footsteps walking towards you.
your eyes cracked with tears as you couldn't see a thing, reminding you of your scary dream as a quiet sob made its way out of your mouth.
"hey, y/n/n, don't worry. you're okay, everything's okay, love," you heard the familiar voice.
"b-bucky, you here?" you asked the dark abyss, pulling your thumb into your mouth.
"hun, i'm right here. i'm walking towards you," bucky replied, not missing a beat. his voice didn't sound tired at all. in fact, he sounded more awake than ever.
as he reached you, he heard the little sounds coming from you and his heart ached. he carefully placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump and cry.
"plum, it's just me—"
you quickly ran into his arms and he held your quivering frame tight to his chest. you didn't want to speak, not in the hall where anyone could find you. you wanted to go to his room and let everything out, tell him all your fears and get the reassurance you so dearly needed.
"shh, shh. you're okay, my love, you're alright. i'm right here, i'm not leaving," he comforted, lifting you into his arms and taking you to his bedroom.
he locked the door behind him and sat on the bed, running a soft hand down your back as your tears soaked the skin on his neck.
"what happened, bug? what's got you so worked up?" he asked quietly, pulling you out of his chest.
you made a sound of disapproval before shoving your head back into the crook of his neck, just needing to be close to him.
"okay, okay. that's okay you can stay there," he rocked you slowly. "but can you please be the good girl i know you are and tell me what's wrong?"
you hiccupped, nodding your head. "t-the.. the guy t-took me.. n.. n you was gone!"
you balled his shirt in your fist, sobbing so hard your chest began to hurt. "was— was all 'lones n he.. he saids you wasn't gonna come backs."
"aw, my love," it clicked that you had a bad dream, the hurt in your voice tugging at his heartstrings. "i'm right here, i promise you i'll always find you wherever you are."
"was s-so scareds d.. da.. mm," you shook your head and stopped, finally taking the moment to actually realize where you were. you were with bucky, you couldn't call him daddy. but you were safe, no one was going to take him away from you and he wasn't going to leave you.
"thought.. thought you were g-gones," your voice cracked at the memory. a string of snot clung to his shirt through your cries and you wanted to laugh but you couldn't.
he kissed the top of your head, deciding again to try to get you to peak out from your hiding spot. he cupped your face in his hands, observing your red and teary eyes. he wiped the tears away softly before kissing both your cheeks as you hiccupped again. your lips were plump from the crying, and he continued looking down to notice scratches on the skin of your collarbone.
he'd have to talk to you about that in the morning, but for now he needed to get you back to sleep.
"you need a tissue," he mumbled, reaching over to his bedside table and grabbing one. he placed it on your nose. "blow."
you listened like you always do, silent wetness still dripping from your cheeks but they were beginning to slow down. he through out the tissue after humming in satisfaction. his hands moved down to your neck, using his thumbs to rub soft circles under your ears as you sniffled. it felt good, really good. you closed your eyes, his touch being more than enough to bring you back down to earth.
"you feeling a little better, baby?"
"mhm," you nodded, wiping your face aggressively. "m sorry."
"no, no. don't ever be sorry. you're okay, my baby's alright. bucky's here, you'll never be alone, hm? it's all going to be okay," he pulled you back into his chest, cradling your head ever so gently.
"t-thank you, bubby."
he smiled at the nickname. "no thank you's. now, lets get the little one back to sleep, how does that sound?"
"sounds good," you whispered.
"good girl," he turned off the lamp by his bedside table and got himself into bed with you clinging to him like a koala bear.
he simply chuckled as you looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. he could feel your heart beating against his chest, it was still a bit quick but not as fast as it was before which was a good sign. no more words were spoken from you but he kept uttering words of reassurance until your breathing slowed. his delicate voice and the feeling of his hand tapping your side lulled you to sleep in no time.
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luvyeni · 1 year
Can I request emotional sex with Hyunjin like where he just gets rlly emotional while they’re fucking and y/n is like “let’s take a break tell me what’s wrong?” And then he opens up to her and they keep going and she lets him c*m inside her for the first time.
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pairings. boyfriend!hyunjin x fem!reader
wc. 0.9k
warnings. hyunjin cries, breeding kink, unprotected sex, cockwarming, mentions of pregnancy.
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i hope this is what you wanted , you didn't give a specific plot , so i just went with it !
hyunjin breaks down during sex.
everything was going great , it was yours and hyunjins 5th anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. you guys met through a mutual friend who worked with him during his tour, you were artist , another thing he loved about you. you guys went on a few secret dates , really hitting it off , deciding to make it official after only 3 dates.
hyunjin loved you with all his heart , his group was successful , your paintings selling really well in exhibits, he so desperately wanted to marry you , start a family with you , but he was scared , scared that you didn't want that , and you'd leave him the moment he brought it up.
he didn't mean to get so worked up , thrusting into roughly , your moans filling the room , hands tangled in his hair , his cock dragging against your walls , stretching you out. "f..fuck hyunjin, you feel so good.." his head was dipped in between your neck and and shoulder blade. "you're so tight love." he groaned , leaving little marks on your shoulder. "m'love you so much."
"i..i love you too."
you both said i love you during sex multiple times, but this time it felt different , he began to think about the past five years , how much you two have grown together. the first time he kissed you , the first time he said i love you, the first time you had sex— he loved you so much , he couldn't breath , he wanted to be with you forever , but he was so scared.
"oh sh..shit , hyune i need more." you moaned , wanting him to speed up , but instead you felt wetness , in between your shoulderblades. "h..hyune?" you heard him sniffle. "w..wait , shit hyune stop." you pushed at his hips , signaling him to stop thrusting inside you.
"hyune, look at me." you grabbed his face , making eye contact with him , his eyes were red , tears falling down his face. "let's take a break , come on." you told him to pull out , but he didn't. "l..let's stay like this , please , i..i need to feel you." you nodded. "o..okay , we can stay like this , that's fine , just talk to me baby , im worried." your heart was racing , he never cried during sex before.
he was silent , for a few minutes ,you played with hair , waiting for him to work up the courage and say what he had to say. "i.. i love you so much." he said. "awe , hyune i love you too." you smiled , "no , i love you so much , so much i think it's too much." he said , you were so confused.
"i don't understand?"
he looked up at you , "baby , i love you so much , i think about you all the time , when im not with you , it's like i can't breathe , my heart physically hurts." he said , stopping to collect himself again , tears wielding in his eyes. "it's okay , whenever you're ready." you rubbed his back.
"i..i want to be with forever , and i mean it , i want to marry you , a..and start a family with you , and im scared , im scared you don't want that , that one day you'll leave me." he rambled , his cheeks were tear stained. "i don't want you to leave me." his voice croaked.
"hyune." you grabbed his face once more , "im not gonna leave you , it has never cross my mind." you said. "i want to marry you too , wherever it sooner or later." he felt a weight lifting off his shoulder. "really?" you nodded , your hands making their way to his hips.
"i've dreamed about it , the perfect wedding." your words were low , as you slowly grinded your hips. "p..princess." he moaned softly , his slow thrust matching your pace. "fu..fuck the perfect honeymoon." you tangled your hands in hair once again , hyunjin was imagining it right along with you , his hand coming up to grab your boobs , rubbing your nipples. "hy..hyune , please."
"sh..shit what else baby?" he moaned. "having your babies." you whispered. "oh fuck my babies?" you hummed. "i want to start a family with you." he thought about it , fucking you full of his seed , fucking his cum into your aching pussy , until he knew you would be pregnant.
you'd look so pretty , glowing and round , swollen with his future son or daughter. "fu..fuck princess , i want to fuck my children into you." you moaned at his lewd words. "i want to fill you up with my cum , as many times as it takes to get you pregnant." his hips began to move faster , your back arched off the bed.
the thought of hyunjin cumming inside you , made you even more wet if that was possible. "hy..hyune , i..im gonna cum." he looked at you , love in his eyes , as he reached in between your bodies , rubbing your clit. "m..me too princess , cum for me first love." his kisses to your neck , set your orgasm off. "fuck , hyune i'm cumming! "
he fucked you through your orgasm , chasing his own now. "fu..fuck princess , im gonna cum." his eyes widened when your legs wrapped around his waist , "wait -fuck- princess , im not wearing a condom." he groaned , he always went without a condom because you were on birth control , but he pulled out just in case, he never came inside.
"i don't care , i want you inside." you moaned. "pr..princess , neither one of us are in our right minds right now , i want to , but not tonight." he said , but you were in your right mind , you wanted him. "pl..please , please cum inside me." he couldn't hold it , your begging made him want to cum even more. "fu..fuck baby , im gonna cum- ngh, shit! " he kissed your lips , cumming inside your waiting hole.
"fuck princess , i love you so much." he said breaking away from the kiss. "i love you too hyune." he stayed inside you , his body laying on top of you. "let's stay like this a little longer." he intertwined hands with you , resting his head on your chest.
"just a little longer."
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write something abt gamer!Abby pls!!
Headcannons: gamer!abby anderson x reader
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live footage of Abby, after dying in Valorant:
☆ Gamer Abby who worked two jobs at one point to be able to afford all the new games and set up.
☆ Gamer Abby who spent over 3000 dollars just to upgrade her pc.
☆ Gamer Abby who had everything in room because she wants to feel close to her games.
☆ Gamer Abby who felt embarrassed when you came over for the first time.
☆ Gamer Abby who apologizes for all the posters and stacks of games that littered her room.
“Why are you saying sorry?” you asked her, confused as you sat on her bed.
“This isn’t very sexy” she comments looking down at the floor.
“It is” you shrugged "everything you do is sexy Abs"
☆ Gamer Abby who memorizes all the lore to different games, and she tells you all about it, even though it sounds like gibberish to you.
“Wait what?”
“baby focus” Abby said with an annoyed tone.
“So Ellie is Joel’s daughter?”
“Oh my god don’t you listen?” Abby says dramatically.
“She isn’t his biological daughter babe” “oh.. so who’s Sarah then?”
All Abby could do was sigh.
☆ Gamer Abby who spends hours playing, but pauses her game when you send her a text.
☆ Gamer Abby who face times you while she’s playing, because she just wants to be with you.
☆ Gamer Abby who feels self-conscious when you are in her room when she plays.
☆ Gamer Abby who gets teased by her friends when they are all on a call.
“why are you so quiet Anderson?” she heard Mel ask through the headphones.
“Her girl is there, she doesn’t wanna scare her away” Nora says witch a chuckle.
☆ Gamer Abby who always feels like she talks too much about games, but falls in love with you all over again when you say: “its ok Abby, tell me about it”
☆ Gamer Abby who moves her gaming set up and posters into another room when you move in.
You walked into the room, the room that was once so colorful with games, was now empty. Naked.
“What the fuck Anderson?”
“I moved it all”
“yeah no shit… why would you do that?”
“this is our space now and I thought you know- we could… I don’t know decorate it together?” ☆ Gamer Abby who is wayyyyyy to good with her fingers, and she gets all shy when you mention something about it.
“What are you looking at?” Abby asked without taking her eyes off the screen you hummed before you simply answered “you”
You watched as Abby shook her head with a chuckle.
“I now see why you’re so good with your hands, these games are definitely teaching you something” you said with a wink and Abby almost pissed herself.
☆ Gamer Abby who uses cheesy game related pickup lines
“You must be as good as Yoshi with that tongue of yours” “Did you just cast aeroga on me? Because you swept me off my feet”
“You don't have to turn on a game to play with me”
“Nice pants! Mind if I loot them?” You never got the references but it always made you blush.
☆ Gamer Abby who almost cried when you gave her plushies from the games she was obsessed with at the time.
☆ Gamer Abby who tries teaching you how to play.
“C’mon baby it’s not that hard”
“Abby I keep dying”
“you’re dying because you aren’t focusing”
“Abby I don’t want to play anymore”
“please baby, for me?”
☆ Gamer Abby who almost combusts when you understood one of her references.
“What did you just say?”
“you said just look for the light that’s a the last of us reference, isn’t it?”
“Marry me” ☆ Gamer Abby who finds out you’ve been practicing her favorite games, and you learned the lore to surprise her.
☆ Gamer Abby who wakes you up at 3am because she was yelling at Nora for making her lose.
☆ Gamer Abby who begs you to play with her because she thinks it’s hot.
☆ Gamer Abby who was scared of being herself before she met you.
☆ Gamer Abby who wants to dress up as Mario and princess peach for Halloween.
☆ Gamer Abby who knew that you were the perfect girl when you let her decorate your shared room with a few posters.
☆ Gamer Abby who is really happy, being with you.
☆ Gamer Abby who could see the two of you getting old together. And she hoped when you were 73 one day, that you’d still be playing together
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
in you drabble to the reader realizing they’re immortal charlie goes to call her dad. how did he react?
This is kinda short, but is based on these two works.
Lucifer meeting reader for the first time.
Hotels reaction to readers powers.
This messes with canon a little bit but I don't think ya'll really care that much.
Lucifer always felt like he was a good dad.
He always tried his best to raise Charlie to be a great young woman, and while she wasn't never the epitome of a demon princess, she was great in her own way.
But, now that she's older, and now that Lilith is gone, he finds himself missing being a father. He misses when Charlie was small and he found himself spending all his time just holding her. Or when he'd read Charlie bedtime stories and watch her slowly fall asleep.
He misses being a family. He misses his daughter.
And on his worst days, he thinks of you. He thinks of holding you, listening to your cries slowly die down and feeling you snuggling up into his shoulder. He imagines what it would've been like if you didn't disappear, if you were still here with him. And he wonders where you are now, what you look like, what happened to you. He never told Charlie or Lilith what happened, a part of him wanted to keep you to himself.
His phone was ringing.
That was a surprise, but what was more strange was that it was his daughter. It was Charlie, and he felt his heart twist. Why was she calling, was there a problem, did something happen to here.
When he finally quit his worrying and picked up his phone, he was greeted with the nervous laugh of his daughter. "Dad! Hi..."
"Charlie---what's wrong?" He didn't know what else to say, he's to used to talking to his daughter, as sad as that sounds.
"Oh--nothing much..." She exclaims. He could hear her pacing, making him believe it was definitely not nothing much. "It's just--um--theres a human here...in the hotel." Charlie whispered the last part, but he heard it clearly. It was like he couldn't breathe, and everything around him stood still.
"---What...a-are you sure?" He muttered out quietly, unsure. HIs mind was racing with possibilities. How did a human get in hell? Was it you? Are you back? How old are you? Do you remember him?
Do you remember him? That made his stomach sink. Of course you had to remember him, why wouldn't you. But you were also so young, so there's a chance you know nothing about him, that he means nothing to you.
And that scares him, so he choses not to think about it.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Charlie said, louder this time. "--Dad, did you know about this?" Charlie asked, sounding almost guilty.
"...No." He partially lied. He couldn't tell Charlie he knew you, because then he'd have to tell Charlie how he met you, and everything would unravel in such an ugly way. He didn't know you were here though...
If he knew you were here...well he's not exactly sure what he would've done if he was being honest.
"No." He repeated, more sure of himself.
"Okay." Charlie responded. "--there's something else I need to talk to you about, could you come to the hotel?"
Charlie was inviting him somewhere, that was a surprise. "Of course! Yes." He answered excitedly. He'd get to see Charlie and he'd get to see you, hopefully. Hopefully it was you, and you'd remember him.
And if you didn't, then at least you'd still be here, back with him.
Lucifer always felt like he was a good dad.
But he misses being a father.
A/n: Sorry this was so short, I hope you enjoyed it.
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WIBTA… my crush threw up when she saw my scars.
I (22ftm) have intense feelings for my friend (24 f ), we’ll call her Bee. For some background I met her through my job (we’re in the food industry). I’m have a big friend group and my crush use to work with everyone. Bee use to actually date someone within the friend group, Sandy (24 f). They’re still friends even tho they’re broken up.
I hangout with my work friend group a lot, and Bee sometimes will come along. I like Bee a lot because she’s just really cool, she’s always calm, she talks about anything and everything, and she’s beautiful. She even is working as a heating and cooling technician. It’s hard for her to hangout with all of us because she has so many other things going on in general. She even bough a house in this economy!
Sandy and Bee are still close friends. I’ve asked a Sandy about their relationship and if she’s over her, and Sandy basically just tells me they were both kids and have dated other people since breaking up.
I haven’t actually gotten the chance to hangout with Bee one on one. I’ll even invite her to hangout with our group, but most the time she’s either busy with her house, or her other friends/family/business trips/etc. At first I thought she was lying, but Sandy has told me Bee just does a lot in general now. I’ve invited her to see a few scary movies with me, but she’s turned down 3/3.
This is where I may have been the asshole for making Bee uncomfortable. I had gotten my top surgery (whoo hoo) and after some recovering I kinda wanted to celebrate. Our other mutual friend was throwing a game night and I asked if Bee was coming and if she could come. Our friend said that’s fine since Bee is cool, and I invited Bee and she said she’d love to. She showed up with her boyfriend. I know it sounds bad, I just wanna get closer to Bee in general, her and I don’t have to date (although I wouldn’t mind).
Anyway during the game night, Sandy and Bee went to a separate bedroom to talk. I did pretend to go to the bathroom to ease drop. Bee was just basically telling Sandy she’s been stressed about work and her family, and redoing her house (she and her bf are doing the work themselves) Sandy basically just offered to help and Bee was just like “oh you listening is more than enough!” And they kinda just talked a little more. I was kinda feeling betrayed by Sandy, I haven’t told Sandy I really wanna get closer to Bee, she probably knows tho, but she never offers any help on how I could get closer.
When the two got out I raised a toast to my top surgery and to just making my body feel more like me, and to thank all my friends for the love and support I’ve received through them. I took off my shirt to show off, and I immediately noticed Bee looked away.
Throughout the night I would try and talk to Bee, but she wouldn’t make eye contact with me. she was keeping the conversation short Was she afraid to sexualize me? Was she transphobic? Her boyfriend even got between us and tried asking me how I’m doing and was kinda being a block. My mind was racing and I just kinda grabbed her hand and said “Does this scare you?”. She cried out “sorry!” And ran away…and she threw up in the sink. She started crying and apologizing and Sandy and her bf kinda took her to the bathroom then the car. Bee came in said sorry to everyone for ruining the night, and like three people said “no you just go home and feel better”.
I watched Sandy talk to both Bee and her boyfriend for like 20 minutes “saying goodbye”. I was shocked by the whole thing. It finally took someone to ask me if I was okay. I asked if Bee was trans phobic, why wouldn’t she look at me, she never hangs out with me one on one. Everyone told me that Bee isn’t transphobic (gee thanks). One of my friends even said I shouldn’t have grabbed Bee like that, which I know now. She was just acting all weird around me, and she was what I thought the coolest person ever.
Sandy came back in, she was laughing and she told the group Bee was fine. I asked “what about me!?” Sandy basically explained “body stuff” makes Bee “queasy”. i was hurt and offended that no one cared about me or my feelings.
Later that night Bee called me to apologize. She offered to buy me lunch. I was still hot headed and asked how my scars make her throw up. She basically told me about an event in her life that does make her uncomfortable around blood/scars/etc. I asked if she supported trans rights. she said of course. I asked her if she would ever date me, and she said shes never thought about it because shes with her bf. i basically confessed my feelings which she did not return but wishes me luck.
We never got lunch. I feel weird reaching out to her. she hasn't stopped by the restaurant. She hasn't come to a group gathering since. i know her and Sandy still hangout which pissed me off. i tried talking to my "friend" about it, but they say it as a step too far. they also shame me for crushing on her (i was fine with just friendship).
Its been like two months and everyone is still weird about it. Every time i bring it up, everyone makes me the bad guy. was i the asshole? was Sandy or Bee or even my friends that didnt support me?
What are these acronyms?
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eimids · 3 months
I miss you, I'm sorry
Alexia Putellas x reader
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This is just pretty much angst. It won't be long but I just need to write rn to get my feelings out.
Summary: Listen to the song ! But this is about Ale and reader's relationship and it's ending.
You said "forever" and I almost bought it.
"Baby you are my future" Alexia whispered to your ear as you were having a bad night. You were scared of losing Alexia and your every insecurity was brought up to your mind.
"Do you promise me that we will last forever?" You whispered back with tears in your eyes.
"Forever mi amor, forever" She whispered and kissed your lips so sweetly that you were so close to believing every single word she said.
You wanted to wallow in the false security. You wanted what you had with Ale to last forever. Of course there where bad times, times where she didn't give enough time for you because of football. She was always at practice but she promised to change, and for a while she did.
You had noticed the fact that she was pulling away, in some way distancing herself from you, you didn't have date nights as often, she wouldn't give you a goodnight kiss or even text if you weren't together. You wanted to believe that it was just the fact that she was busy with football but deep down you knew it was something else.
But how could you not believe her when she tells you she want's a future with you, she want's to buy a house and raise a family. When she tells you that you are her only girl and that she loves you more than anything.
Disagreements about your insecurities became an often times discussed topic. You knew that you were a lot to handle but so did she and still she always told you that it wasn't too much for her. That she could handle all the trauma and insecurities that you have.
"Do you love me anymore" You suddenly asked one night in bed. You were deep in your thoughts and just wanted reassurance.
"What the hell?" She asked in defense. It wasn't the answer you had hope for. All you wanted for her was to say that "I still love you, I promise". You had told Alexia time and time again that you needed reassurance and that you were a very insecure person but often questions like that only brought a fight up.
Nothing happened in the way i wanted
The date night you were looking forward to had finally came. You were exited that Alexia had finally planned a night for the just two of you. You could finally be held in her arms and be loved the way you deserve to be loved.
But when you arrived at the spot where you were supposed to meet, she wasn't there. You waited for 10 minutes, then 20 minutes and soon it was an hour. You were supposed to have a picnic at the place where your first date was. You were supposed to finally have a romantic night with your love but she didn't show up.
You didn't even bother texting her, you just went back to your apartment and cried yourself to sleep. You knew you would wake up to messages where Alexia was apologizing and probably making this sound like it wasn't that big of a deal and it was your fault somehow.
Everywhere I go leads me back to you.
Somehow Alexia was able to make you forgive her and you were soon back at her apartment. You had a sick feeling in your stomach but just wanted to ignore it.
Alexia was nervous when she came to open the door.
"I need to tell you something" Were the words that you were afraid off. "Could we maybe talk later today?"
"Can we just talk now?" You said, wanting to just get it over.
"Baby I'm so sorry but I have met someone" Were the words coming out of Ale's mouth. She continued talking but it was just all a blur to you. Those were the words you knew were coming but just didn't want to believe.
You blamed yourself for everything. You would take Alexia back in a heartbeat if she asked.
You should have been better
You should not have been so insecure
You should have been better
You should not have been too much for her to handle.
You should have been better
The text you ended up sending her later that night was simple.
I miss you, I'm sorry
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manheeiim · 1 month
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revenge - rafe cameron
summary: someone hurts you and rafe gets revenge || warnings: y/n is hit and pushed, alcohol, rafe throws the glass, rafe kills someone but there are no details || genre: established relationship, angst || word count: approximately 1120
I said goodbye to my friends, still crying after what had happened only 15 minutes ago. My friends asked if I needed them to come inside with me and hang out with me for a bit but I declined their offer, saying that I'd be fine.
I walked towards the front door of Tannyhill, and my friends car drove off, I knew they were all worried due to my condition.
I tried to calm donw a little as I unlocked and opened the front door and was met with a mostly dark home. I made my way over to the kitchen, where I could see that the kitchen light was on, going to see if my boyfriend was in there.
I was seriously nervous for his reaction but all I wanted was him.
I walked into the kitchen and I looked over at Rafe, who was sat at the island, scrolling on his phone as he drank some liquor from a fancy glass cup. He looked over at me and immediately furrowed his eyebrows.
"What the fuck happened to you, Y/n?" Rafe sternly asked he slammed the glass down on the counter, causing me to flinch. He came over to me and brought his hands to my face, holding onto it a little too roughly. "Who did this?" He asked.
"I don't know." I cried out, as he moved his hands from my face to my arms.
"Tell me what happened." Rafe instructed, his jaw clenching at my state, wanting to know who did this so he could kill them, and with Rafe, he wasn't exaggerating when it came to thinking that. He'd really kill them.
"I... I was at the party. Everything was going good." I shakily said.
Rafe nodded, giving me a soft, "Uh-huh.", just wanting to get to what happened to you.
"I got a drink for myself and turned around and accidentally bumped into a girl a splashed some of my drink on her." Rafe nodded, listening to me, still holding onto my arms. "She got really made even though I apologized right away and started talking all this shit." I explained. "I don't know, next thing I knew she slapped me in the face." I told Rafe and I felt his grip on my arms tighten a little.
"What'd you do? You better have hit her back." Rafe said in a serious tone.
"I- I didn't. I really didn't want to fight so I just pushed her away from me and went to walk away. Then her boyfriend came over.." I said and that's when I really felt Rafe's grip on me tighten, holding the grip. It hurt, especially due to the condition I was in. I didn't bother to say anything though, I could already tell that Rafe was fuming.
"I- her boyfriend came over and started yelling at me for pushing his girl, even though she started everything and slapped me first. I only pushed her away to get away from her. He didn't care though and so he came over, slapped me in the face, and pushed me to the ground. It was concrete so... that's why I'm all cut up." I told Rafe.
Rafe let go of me, I watched him tighten his fists into a ball as his jaw clenched. "Show me the damn cuts." H told me, already being able to see some of them but he wanted to see all of them.
I stepped back and showed him the cuts on my hands, arms, and legs from catching myself when I fell onto the ground.
"The one fucking time I'm not your damn ride to the party, this shit happens." Rafe angrily murmurs to himself, looking down, taking deep breaths as he paced around.
I watched him, standing to the side now. He huffed to himself and I could see that his mind was racing. Rafe then grabbed the cup with the liquor and threw it against the wall, causing it to shatter everywhere.
"I'm going to kill that motherfucker." Rafe angrily told me as he came over to me. "What'd he look like, huh? Tell me." He said.
"Rafe.." I softly said, scared of what my boyfriend would do.
Rafe gave me a look, "Don't, Y/n." He said. "Tell me what the fuck he looked like." He then told me.
"I- he had wavy brown hair and uh, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and these sunglasses." I said, trying to give the best description possible.
"Alright, alright. Yeah, okay." Rafe softly said, more to himself as he paced around again. He then down at me, stopping in front of me. "Don't go anywhere. I'm going to deal with this asshole." He then said in a low voice and I knew when he said that, he meant more than him just beating the guy up.
"Rafe.." I softly said again.
"Shut up, Y/n!" Rafe yelled, causing me to flinch. "He thinks he can touch you like that. No fucking way. Stay here, I'll be back." My boyfriend then harshly told me. "I love you." He then said, leaning down and giving me a quick and harsh kiss before walking past me, grabbing his keys off the counter aggressively as he stormed out of the house.
I cleaned up the broken cup Rafe had thrown while just crying to myself about everything. When I finished, I went upstairs, showered, wincing at the feeling of the soap on some of my cuts, before getting into a nightgown and getting into bed.
I lie there for about an hour, completely lost in thought and worry, before the bedroom door opened. I sat up and saw Rafe coming inside, the room was dark so I couldn't really see anything but his figure. I turned the lamp on my nightstand on, looking at Rafe as he let out a sigh, taking his shirt off. I saw some bruises on his body as well, probably from the guy who'd pushed me.
I watched as he got in his pajamas before getting bed with me. I got closer to him in bed and turned the light off. He turned to face me, putting his arm over my torso.
"I took care of him, you won't have to worry about him anymore." Rafe lowly said.
I didn't know what to say. So, he really killed the guy. I suddenly felt really tense, my heart racing at the thought.
"I love you." My boyfriend told me.
"I love you too." I said back and I meant that, even if it was wrong, especially after what he'd done. He'd done what he did for me. To protect me. So, yes, I loved him. I always would.
-- link to my masterlist
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natashaslesbian · 7 months
Sleepy Bear
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Summary: Natasha finds an unusual way to help you sleep
Word Count: 1.1k
Parings (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
Warnings: none I believe :))
You had no idea how long your girlfriend had been doing this for you. Sleep had never come easy to you, only did you get a rest when your exhaustion would force your body to shut down. Your thoughts leave you restless each night, the anxiety had always been there. Your mom started you in therapy when you were 7, the nightmares should have stopped by then. She tired everything, your mother, each week was a new medication. Your dad on the other hand, he couldn’t have cared less. It was him who marched you into the hospital demanding they scanned your ‘daft brain’ as he put it. There was nothing to be found. Years of therapy only brought the diagnosis of anxiety, much to the disappointment of your father. Dr Grey was a nice lady, but she couldn’t quite solve your problems. You were too young to put your anxiety into words, you just knew it made you too scared to sleep. You stopped therapy after your mom died and your dad refused to pay, you were left to your own devices.
You met Natasha 2 years ago at the coffee shop you work at. She fell head over heels the second she laid her eyes on you, not that she’d ever tell you that. You had your eyes on her too, it took you months to realise that she was purposely going out of her way to visit the shop multiple times a week. It started with lasting looks and then lingering touches when you passed the redhead her iced caramel oat milk latte. Soon you were slipping her extra cookies and then one day she slipped you her number, you never looked back after that day. After a few months you finally let Natasha come over to your apartment, she was horrified at the state you were living in, sleep was the last of your worries. Your dad kicked you out after you told him you were gay, you took what you could and found the cheapest little studio available. The paint was chipped all over, the cooker didn’t work and you were on the verge of eviction. The widow was desperate to move you into the compound, despite your discomfort at the idea. Eventually you agreed to take residence in one of the spare rooms, and surprisingly you settled in straight away. Your life fell back on track after that and you and Natasha had grown closer and stronger than ever, you even shared a room now, Natasha had to move the ring in her bedside draw to Clint’s room.
A slightly sharp corner had you stirring slightly, the assassin quick to flash you a worried glance. You settled again straight away, rolling your face into the cold window. The day you had finally told Natasha about your anxiety was a relief, you cried for hours that wednesday. Since your mother, no one had been so kind. You were so afraid she would run a mile, but she sat with you for all those hours, just holding you. Nat promised to spend every sleepless night with you, lord knows she had her own problems when it came to sleep, but you somehow found comfort in each others restless nights. Often you would take turns in reading to each other, some nights you would go for a stroll around the grounds of the compound. But your favourite form of medicine was the car. Natasha would wrap you up in her fluffy blanket and strap you snug into the passenger seat, the gentle hum and sway of the motor would eventually lull you into a slumber. It took months for your girlfriend to convince you to even try the idea, you hated it at first, what did she think you were, a baby? “I know you’re not an actual baby, but your my baby” she would say “let me take care of you” how she even thought of the plan was a mystery to you and you definitely didn’t want to admit it was working.
Natasha pulled into the 24 hour gas station, the car coming to a scratchy stop. “Mm, Tasha?” You mumbled, half asleep still. “I’m here sweetheart, I just need to get some gas” she said “would you like some snacks? Or do you wanna sleep a little longer?” Your belly rumbled right on cue “choccy biscuit” maybe you were still a baby at heart, “one pack of chocolate biscuits coming right up” the beautiful red head said, oh how you thought her locks were just gorgeous. “You’re so pretty” you whispered, eyes only half open “thank you baby” Natasha laid a kiss on your warm lips and you couldn’t stop the little squeal that escaped you. She wasn’t gone long enough for you to miss her, considering you continued to doze in her absence. You heard the familiar commotion of your girlfriend climbing back into the drivers seat, you peeled your eyes open to give her a sleepy smile “here you go sleepy bear” your favourite biscuits were deposited into your lap and you whispered a small thanks.
You contently nibbled for the 45 minute journey back to the compound, while Natasha quietly sang along to whatever trash was on the late night radio, you always thought they played the worse songs during the early hours of the morning. A quick glance at the clock told you it was 2:36am, Natasha had been driving you to sleep for over an hour, there was nothing she wouldn’t do for you. “I love you” you said, breaking the silence “I love you too y/n” Natasha replied, a bit unsure at why you were suddenly all mushy. “No” you continued “I really love you” a red light gave Nat the chance to flash you another worried look, she softened when you saw your eyes glistening back at her, and the smile engraved on your face “you’re welcome baby girl” you swear she could read your mind. With the conversation at a happy standstill you decided to close your eyes again, just for a little nap until you were home.
When you stirred again, the rough car seat had become your plush mattress and your head was laying comfortably on your pillow. It quickly became Natasha’s as she climbed into bed with you “can I have my own pillow sleepy?” She giggled “no” you sighed, carrying the sound to the end of your breath “it smells like you” you mumbled “but I’m right here?” The widow kindly shot back “oh yeah” you said, eyes still tightly shut, you still failed to roll back over though. “You’re not gonna move are you?” Natasha said, you shook your head against her arm and she didn’t hesitate to haul you up into lap, her arms wrapped tightly around your waist and your head perfectly slotted into the crook of her neck. “Sweet dreams y/n” Natasha wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep that ring locked away.
I wrote this when I couldn’t sleep and I almost cried
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