#when i say i have been pushing myself hard to get this next chapter out
bellestarot · 2 months
Pick a Pile
What's Next in Life?💐
♡ Take your time to choose
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Pile I
You're about to level up emotionally. I see you moving from getting hurt easily to someone who can handle emotions in a better way. Maybe it was hard for you in the past, but I see some major emotional glow-ups happening.
You're also going to get braver. Life's going to throw some challenges your way that'll help you grow.
Your adventurous side is coming out to play. You'll be at peace exploring and discovering more about yourself. I see you traveling and visiting new places, but you're doing it for yourself, not for anyone else.
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You'll be surrounded by awesome people. True and genuine friendships are on their way to you in the next chapter of your life. If you had trouble with friends before, that’s about to change. Great people are coming, and the universe has your back.
You’ve been through a lot, but now you can finally trust in the situation and these new friends. I see so much happiness coming your way!
Pile II
I see success and happiness in something you’ve put a lot of work and effort into for a long time. This could be related to academics, work, or something personal. You’ve worked really hard, staying up late, feeling anxious and tired, but you kept pushing through. There were many moments when you thought about giving up, but you didn’t. Now, I see a lot of abundance coming your way in the next chapters of your life.
People will be congratulating you and happy for you because you achieved what you wanted.
I also see some family issues. This won't apply to everyone who chose Pile 2, but some of you might relate to what I’m saying. Maybe some of you have issues with your mom or a strong female figure in the family.
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There might be problems related to money or how money is used in the family, causing feelings of sadness. These are more emotional issues rather than health-related ones.
I see some disappointment with the family in certain areas. However, any conflict you might have with a female figure in the family will get resolved. Having this kind of relationship can hurt a lot, but I see it ending and getting better. So, for some of you, this might be a message of support and positivity regarding a connection that's not going well right now, and I can say it will definitely improve in the next chapters.
Pile III
I see you getting savvier about other people. In the past, you might have been too nice, always wanting to help others, but when you needed help, no one was there for you. I see you starting to notice this around you and saying, "No, I don’t want that for myself." You’re becoming smarter about what you share with others and what you post online.
You’ll start realizing that everything is energy and that sometimes people don’t have good vibes or thoughts for you. This will lead you to protect your energy more.
You’re going to become very spiritual. (You’re already spiritual since you’re reading tarot), but I see you diving even deeper. You’ll get more interested in this world, studying more, listening to others, and connecting more with nature.
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This will bring you closer to your truth and who you are, and I see that’s what you’re looking for—getting to know yourself better, discovering more about you, praying, and protecting yourself. I see you becoming a very spiritual person in the next chapters of your life.
You used to listen more than you spoke, but now I see you speaking up, sharing your opinions. There might have been some hesitation, wondering if people will like what you say or if it makes sense. But I see you finding the courage to express yourself and your thoughts. You’re super smart and interested in things that others might not be paying attention to.
I see you getting into these topics and being able to talk about them in an engaging and well-expressed way.
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wereallydobevibing · 5 months
Too Young | John Price x Reader
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I used to post my stories on tiktok under the username @codlover but I figured since tiktok might get banned I should delete that account and post it here. Here’s one of the stories.
Feel free to use my work as a prompt/inspiration. Better yet, feel free to write your ideal part 2 just MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT AND TAG ME.
“Welcome home, Captain.”
As he falls back in his seat, his gaze lifts to meet yours - his little muse behind a marble counter, his favorite bartender at his favorite bar. 
“That’s John to you, sweetheart,” He says, and he watches with satisfaction as you wordlessly pour out his usual drink without even having to ask what he was having.
You were a young girl, early twenties, working towards your bachelors at the nearest university, but before that, you’d gone to trade school. You were a hard worker; doing hair in the morning, attending classes in the noon, closing the bar at night, studying any minute that was free. 
I’ll breathe when I have everything I want, you told him one night, when he noticed how your shoulders seemed to be heavy with the weight of your profusion of responsibilities. He wished he could help you carry some of them, or at least blow some air into those lungs that seemed to collapse whenever finals came around. 
John admired you – sweet, smart, and focused. He would’ve liked to have you on his Taskforce if that’d been that path that you chose, but, for the sake of flirting, perhaps bartending was the better option. 
He’ll miss you when you graduate and go off to start a new chapter in your life. 
You set the drink down on the counter, pushing it forwards and leaning your weight on your elbows. It was a slow night, but you figured now that John Price was here to pay you his company, time would tick faster than you wanted it to. 
The first hour and a half of his visit is a basic conversation – how was deployment, how does it feel to be home, how long before his next call in? He talks a little about his team – you’ve heard about “Soap” and “Ghost” and “Gaz” many times before, Price only ever allows you to know them by their callsigns, though, for privacy's sake, and only tells you very minor details. But after one or two glasses, Price allows himself to be free of his professional nature. His 141 men know 
“How come you never bring your boys around here, Captain?” 
“John,” You’re leaning so closely, he’s able to flick your nose as he corrects you. Not too hard, but very much playful. “And if I brought my boys around here, they’d never leave. Soap might steal my favorite girl.”
“Your favorite girl is too busy to be stolen, John,” You remind him, and you don’t say I’m too busy trying to give myself to you.  
Closing time comes all too quickly, as you figured it would. On a Monday night, there are generally very few customers, and you’re able to start your side work at exactly eleven o’clock. John sticks around as you clean up and count the register, offering his company. Being that he was such a regular, he even knows where to find the broom and shortens your to-do list by sweeping the floor. 
This is your favorite part, when you lock up the door and begin your walk home with Captain John Price at your side, allowing you to hook your arm through his. Like a gentleman, he’s always happy to walk you home. 
“No boyfriend, yet, [Y/N]?” He says, lighting a cigar, “No one to tell me off for walking so close to their girl?”
You giggle, “No boyfriend. If I did, though, I don’t think you’d be one to be worried about it. Unless it was that guy you mentioned earlier – Soap? Maybe you could introduce us?”
“He’s too much fun, I think,” John sniggered.
“Are you saying I’m too serious?”
“Serious enough, fun enough. Soap is too much fun.”
 “Aww,” You feign a pout, “You don’t want me to like him, do you?”
As you finally approach your apartment door, John lightly shoves you toward it. He pulls the cigar away from his lips, leaning against the wall with a smirk. 
“You can have that one if you want, love,” he says, “Don’t come bothering me when you’re with him, though. Can’t have both.”
“No, I couldn’t,” You agree, you gesture to your apartment, “You won’t let me let you in.”
He hums, watching you unlock and push open the door. You lift your eyes to gaze up at him through your lashes, a small smile pulling at the corners of your lips. 
“Come have a glass with me, John, I can bartend for you here, too.”
The back of his hand reached out, stroking the subtle skin of your cheek. He would love to come inside and know the structure of your home, and the decorations that would be a complimentary extension of your personality. When it came to you, he was Pandora and you were his box. 
You were a beautiful girl, and the thought of having your company outside of your work hours was enticing. He wanted to know you like the back of his own hand, he wanted to see what was inside this box, but John knew better than to cross this line – that line being your doorway. 
Oh, how he wished he was at least ten years younger. 
“You know I can only go so far with you, love,” He says, taking another draw from his cigar. “Your doormat is the limit.”
It’s not the first time you heard that, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. As mentioned earlier, you were an ambitious girl; you were often berated in your early childhood by your mother for trying to get away with the same stuff over and over and over again until you finally learned the secret to getting away with your innocent little crimes successfully.
As you said once before, you’ll breathe when you have everything you ever wanted. 
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writeonwhiskey · 2 months
the skz house: ch 23 (chan pov)
a/n: thank you @bahablastplz for editing! i really loved writing from chan's pov. i hope you all enjoy this one!!
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[ read chapter 22 here ]
Chapter Twenty-Three: Of You
You haven’t spoken to me in days.
A few months ago, this wouldn’t have bothered me at all. I would have been fine with it. I would have preferred it. Here I am now, silently pleading with you at the table to look at me. But you don’t. And it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said those things to you the other night. I shouldn’t have fucked you like that.
Seeing you hurt as a direct result of my actions has never been easy to accept. In the beginning I brushed it off as being necessary. After you bulldozed through the walls I had up, though, it felt impossible to reassemble them. I’m Humpty fucking Dumpty over here.  
Should I have sent you away when you showed up at our house? Lee Know was in charge of the applicants, so I was floored seeing you walk in behind Seungmin that day. If I’d seen you amongst the candidates beforehand, I would have rejected it...maybe. I would have at least been able to spare you of the bullshit I put you through then, and again now. It’s unfair to you. I know it is.
But once you were here, I didn’t want you to leave. I pushed you away because I needed you to make the choice to go—I’m too selfish when it comes to you, I learned that quickly. I’ve never felt this way about anything before and I honestly don’t know how to cope with it. I feel whole when I’m with you in general, I feel invincible when I’m fucking you…how can this possibly be wrong?
Now I’m left hanging on to the tiniest of threads that connect us and I’m trying not to cling too hard for fear that it will snap from all the weight I bear in this. The thought of losing you terrifies me. And I know it’s inevitable.
I attempt to talk to you after dinner when I see you in the hallway. I want to apologize for my actions, but you cut me off.
“Don’t be. You’re right. We should want to do this and I’m going to give it a try.”
I feel consumed with rage at your words. I want to lash out and scream or punch a hole through the goddamn wall. But I don’t. I let you go.
I have to let you go.  
On Sunday when you come to my room to grab your sheets, you don’t say anything. I deserve it though, don’t I? If I hadn’t taken that trip with you my father wouldn’t have grown suspicious. I wouldn’t have to give you up for the next two weeks when I already have so little time left with you. If I hadn’t opened up to you, this wouldn’t be so hard on both of us. And on top of all that, I’m the one who told you we should be open to this first. I’m reaping what I’ve sown.
Allie comes in a little while later to put her sheets on your bed. The sight of them there doesn’t look right. Neither does she.
I watch as she moves around my room, oblivious to my mood and making small talk. I’m responsive…I think.  I will myself to feel some kind of emotion while looking at her—even if it’s just lust. She’s pretty, I could be attracted to her. If I call her over to my bed right now, she’d come. I could fuck her…but I don’t want to.
My ears perk up when she says she wants to spend the first night with me. As much as I want to object, I don’t. I can’t, really.
After dinner, I quickly shower and get into my own bed with the lights off before she returns. I can’t fall asleep, though. I’m thinking about you. Who are you staying with tonight? Are you sleeping in their bed?
I’m still wide awake when she comes back in, wearing just a towel. I can’t even be bothered to take a gander.
It disturbs me.
She shouldn’t be here. 
“Chan? Are you asleep?” she calls out into the darkness.
I remain silent and still. I hear her change into her pajamas and climb in her—your—bed, and finally feel relaxed enough to actually try falling asleep.
She stays with Hyunjin for the next three days and it feels like a relief. I’d rather be alone. But…being alone, with my thoughts does little to help me. I can’t stop thinking about you. What are you doing? Is Seungmin being good to you?
As fucked up as my mental and emotional state are, on Jeongin’s birthday I can’t keep being a recluse. He’ll be offended if I don’t show up for a little while, at least. So, I join the others in the basement for drinks and karaoke. Drinking to drown my sorrows is not something I enjoy, but tonight I want to. Especially since Allie will be in my room. I don’t want to do anything I might regret—but have you?
I’m one drink deep by the time you come in with Changbin. You seem happy. He offers to get you a drink, which I don’t mind. Then he calls you his girl. Which I do mind.
At that, I finish what’s left in my cup and give myself another heavy-handed pour of whiskey to replenish it. Have you fucked him? I wonder. The thought makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t help but feel selfish. In this fucked up situation, I know none of these guys would do anything to intentionally harm you. I know you’re in good hands, but…fuck. I don’t want anyone else on this entire planet to have you.
As the night carries on, everyone’s having a good time and I’m sulking in the corner like a toddler that’s been forced to share his favorite toy. I don’t know how else to feel right now. I am used to seeing you be flirtatious with Hyunjin. Seeing you cuddled up to Changbin on the couch, though, makes me want to snatch you away from him and claim you in front of everyone. But I can’t.
I can’t even be mad at him. He means well. And when he gets up to perform, I’m left smiling at his antics. I couldn’t seriously hate any of them, even if you are involved. I’ve known them for too long. These are my brothers. At the end of everything, they’re the ones who will be with me the rest of my life. Not you.
I’m ripped form my confuddled thoughts when Jeongin says my name. I immediately shake my head—I’m not in the mood.
“For my birthday,” he adds. “Stop being boring and old.”
I frown at that.
Then Lee Know is marching towards me, grabbing me by the arm, and pulling me to the other room. I don’t put up too much of a fight—I’m old and boring, after all.
“For your birthday,” I look pointedly at Jeongin to which he beams back at me. “What do you wanna hear?”
“That new song you were finishing up last week,” he says.
“No, not that,” I shake my head.
For my music production minor, I’ve been spending more time in the studio than usual. There’s no better way to get my feelings and frustrations out than through music. Tortured artist and all that.
“Yes, that. It’s my birthday.”
He’s really milking this birthday thing. He connects his phone to the speaker, and I silently curse myself for having sent him the song. Everything I’ve done lately has come back to slap me in the face.
The melody starts to play, and I let out a sigh, trying to shake my troublesome thoughts and get into performance mode. I turn to face the TV; I can’t look at you while I sing this.
“Got so many questions, you seek information. No need to be desperate, we’re just getting started.”
I started writing this song before we even took our trip, but only just booked the studio time to record it. The lyrics cut deeper now than when I originally wrote them. They reveal the way I’ve felt about you. The way I still feel about you.
This is bad, isn’t it?
Do you hate it?
Are you repulsed after the way I treated you?
As I continue singing, I turn around to face everyone. My eyes find you first. You seem taken aback—it’s understandable.
“Locked in sight, we’re in trouble. A lock and a key making rumbles. I know you want me, don’t crumble.”
I avert my gaze before the next lyrics. Looking at you and singing them will make me crumble. But I mean every single word. I never thought I’d meet someone that feels so perfect for me. Why did it have to be like this?
When the song is over, I pass the mic to Rhiannon and retreat back to the bar. You’re performing now. You’re smiling and happy…all the things I wish I could make you. But I can’t. I’m not allowed to. Not for real anyways.
My eyes are so focused on you that I don’t notice Allie until she’s snapping her fingers in front of my face.
“Earth to Chan—you okay?” she places a hand on my shoulder.
“I’m good,” I say, sitting up straight and drinking from my cup.
She’s standing between my legs. Again, I will myself to feel something…anything. Maybe not unbridled attraction, but at least a desire to fuck her. It doesn’t happen. I raise a hand to her waist to test it out, but it doesn’t feel right. I could kiss her right now, get it over with.
“I have class at 8 so I’m gonna head up. You coming?”
I shrug, dropping my hand from her waist.
“Come on,” she says, sliding her hand down my arm to my wrist.
I let her pull me off the chair and up the stairs with her. I guess I could go to my room with her. I probably should.
So, I do. I follow her up the steps, her hand still holding my wrist. We get to my room, and she shuts the door behind us.
“I’m gonna shower first,” I say, in hopes the steam will clear my mind up.
She releases my wrist and I retreat to my bathroom.
I should fuck her. I really should. Even though I don’t feel physically attracted to her, I can think of you to make my dick hard. Then I can fuck her and get you out of my head. I can end this turmoil.
The shower does little to make me feel better. Nothing can make me feel better.
Except you.
I spend far longer than necessary in there and when I get out, I’ve lost all conviction to sleep with her. As I re-enter my room, I’m hoping and praying that she has fallen asleep.
She hasn’t.
“Get some rest…I’m gonna go make a snack.”
“I can make you something,” she offers, pushing the sheets back.
“No, it’s okay—thank you, though. Go to sleep.”
She nods and pulls the blankets back over her.
Downstairs, I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on. I’m not even hungry. I just didn’t want to be in my room with her. I’ve never felt so hung up on someone before, it leaves me at a loss of what to do. If I fuck her, it would only be to help myself move on from you. I’m just not convinced it would work. And I’d hate myself after for it. But have you already moved on? The thought keeps plaguing me.
I remain in place, rooted to the couch, as the others start to file out of the basement. First Han and Charlotte, then Lee Know, then comes Changbin…and you.
He’s drunk. He has one arm slung over your shoulder, and both of yours are wrapped around his waist to support him. You help him up the stairs without so much as a glance in my direction. What are you going to do up there? I want to go up there after you, but I can’t.
The sounds coming from the TV start to annoy me. I mute it and stare blankly at the moving images. I don’t know how much time passes in silence. My attention is drawn to the stairs at the sound of footsteps coming down.
It’s you.
You immediately look away from me and proceed into the kitchen. I shouldn’t follow you. But I’m up and off the couch before I can stop myself. I’m drawn to wherever you are. I’m a magnet and you’re my true north.
With every step I take towards you the voice in my head—my father’s voice—is telling me to stop and turn around and I hate it. I hate that voice. I hate that it wants to steal the one piece of unadulterated happiness I’ve felt in years. You feel like bliss. You feel like hope.
He threatened to make you leave. I swear to God I nearly fucking broke right then and there. He can yell and berate me all he wants, but to threaten to take you away before our time is up? Out of the question. I put up a front, acted nonchalant about you.
‘She doesn’t mean anything, Appa.’
You mean everything.
When I enter the kitchen, you’re grabbing water bottles from the pantry. I don’t have a plan, but I know I need to be near you, so I walk over to the pantry and wait for you to turn around.
The second your eyes land on me, all traces of feeling confused and lost leave my body. I’m found. My body is filled with the purest warmth, and I have to touch you to get more of it. I have to have you. You avert your eyes to the water bottles in your hand and I feel a pain in my chest.
“Why are you doing this to me?” I ask, placing a hand on your waist and pulling you towards me.
It’s an unfair question. You don’t know this inward battle I’ve been fighting since you showed up here. But I don’t know what else to say. It’s less of a question and more of a plea, really.
“I’m not doing anything,” you say softly. “I’m just…existing.”
“That’s all it takes, honestly,” I reply.  
“Chan,” you whisper, shaking your head, eyes still on the water bottles.
You won’t look up at me. Why won’t you look at me? I need you to look at me.
I take a few steps back from the pantry and bring you with me. This is the most I’ve touched you in a week. I’m not letting you go. I hold your waist with one hand and use the other to grab the water bottles, two by two, from your hand and set them on the counter before returning my attention to you.
“I feel like I’m in shambles when I’m away from you,” I admit, hooking a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at me.
“You’re drunk,” you say, trying to push me away.
I hold on to you tighter, standing my ground.
“I miss you.”
You close your eyes and sigh, shaking your head again. You don’t believe me?
“You can’t.”
“But I do.” I say, bending down to nuzzle my face into your neck.
If you push me away again, I’ll take that as a sign. If you’ve made up your mind, I’ll have to live with it.
I wait for it, but it doesn’t happen.
Instead, you wrap your arms around my neck and pull me closer to you. I take in a deep breath and feel the stars align as the familiar smell of your skin ensnares my senses.
My hand leaves your waist and trails up your back, into your hair. I grab a handful of it and tug back on it. You look up at me with those soft fucking doe eyes that make my insides melt. The complete and utter trust you have in me. I can see it.
I smash my lips against yours, maybe too hard, but I don’t care. I want you. I fucking miss you.
You don’t hesitate to kiss me back, just as passionately. Do you miss me too?
I grab you by the waist and hoist you up on the counter as we kiss. My hands fumble at the waistband of your pajama bottoms. I want you so bad. Why am I nervous? And then, you’re helping me, leaning back and lifting your hips to push them down. I pull them off and toss them on the floor beside us. I scoot you to the edge of the counter and lower myself to my knees.
You tangle your hands in my hair as I rub my nose along your slit, inhaling my favorite scent. You smell so good, baby girl. I use my tongue on you next, needing to have you with all my senses. You throw your head back and let out a quiet whimper as I continue to fill myself with what I’ve been deprived of. What I don’t want to go without.
My hands grip your thighs and as I’m licking, lapping, fucking you with my tongue, the emotions I so desperately willed myself to experience earlier surface. And I know then. I know I’m done for. How can I willingly give this up?
I stand from my knees and pull you off the counter, covering your mouth with mine again.
Do you like the way you taste on me? Your moan says yes.
“My cock throbs every time I see you, y/n,” I tell you, breaking the kiss as I turn you around, groping your breasts over your t-shirt. Your head falls back against my shoulder and litter the side of your neck with kisses. I pull you against me and press my hips against yours. I want you to feel how hard I am. How hard you make me. I could come in my pants right now, without even fucking you.
I’m helpless when it comes to you. Can’t you see that?
“Tell me to stop,” I plead, resting my cheek on yours and thrusting my hips against you again.
You shake your head and lean over on the counter, poking your ass out at me. You’re such a good fucking girl. I slap your ass with the palm of my hand, watching as it jiggles in the dimly lit kitchen. I grab a hand full of it, squeezing tightly.
I push my shorts and boxers down and grab my cock with one hand, holding your hips steady with the other. I rub my cock up and down your slit, groaning at how wet you are. Your pussy is always so wet and ready for me. Do you need me just as much as I need you?
“Every time before I fuck you,” I say, teasing your opening as you moan, “I tell myself I can live without it.”
I ease myself inside of you and we both let out the biggest sigh of relief at the same time.
“But I can’t,” I continue, slowly withdrawing. “I fucking can’t.”
I thrust myself back inside of you with as much force as I can and all hell breaks loose.
I realize the precarious situation we’re in. In the kitchen. But I could not care any less. My cock is home inside of you. This is where I’m supposed to be. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.  
I keep thrusting into you and you fuck me back. You want me just as much as I want you, don’t you? But do you need me like I need you? I can’t ask you that, so I just fuck you harder instead. It’s not healthy to communicate this way, but I can’t bring myself to say these desperate words to you. You take each thrust of my hips without running away and I love it. I fucking love—
No. No. I can’t.
The sound of your hushed moans, combined with the knowledge that we could be caught at any second, have all of my nerves standing at attention. You grip the edges of the counter as I grip your waist, pulling you back against me as hard as I can.
Right now, I don’t care if you’ve fucked Seungmin or Changbin or both. They can’t hold a candle to what we have when we’re together like this. That much I’m certain of.
You’re mine, y/n.
You stand on your tiptoes and arch your back. I grit my teeth, and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to shake off my release. I need more. But even with my eyes closed, I can picture how you look in front of me. I have every curve of your body memorized; do you know that? The dimples on your back that I love pressing my thumbs into when I grip your hips. The thought makes me growl as I pummel into you harder and faster.
You’re perfect. I need you to know that. With every thrust, every grunt, every moan. I need you to know.
“Chan,” I hear you say and my eyes snap open.
I see your hand buried between your legs, rubbing your clit and working yourself to an orgasm.
Yes. Please, baby girl. Come on my cock.
I feel your pussy, my pussy, clench around my cock as your legs start to shake and I let myself go too; thrusting into you with reckless abandon as I come.
I’m convinced there’s no better feeling in the world.
I’m glad you stayed.
I’m glad I didn’t see your name on the list before you showed up.
Your legs continue to quiver as I lay myself across your back, leaving my cock inside of you.
I don’t want to move.
I don’t want you to leave me.
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[ read chapter 24 here ]
a/n: HOW ARE WE FEELING, MY LOVES? poor baby chan is stuck between a rock and a (constantly) hard place. i am so so so excited to hear your thoughts.
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itskattkm · 9 months
Day & Night III
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Mabel (finestkind) x G!P Reader
Warnings: a bit smut, fluff, slight injuries, bruises, the greatest showman spoilers, bad translation?
A/N: new chapter :) I like where this is going to be honest. I’m surprised myself what I’m writing spontaneous. Let’s see how this all will end
Part 1, Part 2
Then again there was this wet but also soft feeling on my cheek. I moved my head to the side to see Mabel smiling while caressing my waist with the hand she had slowly and carefully slid around my figure. I was sort of confused but also half asleep, my mind wasn't working yet.
"Some part of you was already awake... I was waiting for you to fully wake up" she whispered before kissing my cheek very slow. My eyes closed because of the sensation I was receiving. The clicking sound of her lips on my cheek made me shiver over and over again. I felt like falling asleep right away.
Her hand slid carefully above my figure, passing my hurt ribs before moving her hand back to the center of my stomach.
"How you feeling y/n?" She whispered between kisses.
I didn't managed to open my eyes. I felt so secure and warm and didn't wanted to lose that feeling. In a sonorous way a sound left the back of my throat. I could feel Mabel smiling against my cheek when hushed she said "I meant your pain...".
Another wave of goosebumps went through my body when I managed to say with a dry voice "it's hurting...". Mabel sighed slight before I felt her body leaning over mine and I felt the weight taking out the air of my lungs. I quietly whined in pain and squeezed my eyes "sorry!" Mabel said with a lilting tone seeming to be worried for a sec.
I opened my eyes to see she was reaching for my night table. In the next moment the weight of her left my upper body and she supported herself on her arm as she held a glass of water in one hand and a pill in the other.
My eyes were half lidded when she gently put her finger tip on my lower lip and tried to make me open my mouth. My lip tingles when I slowly parted my lips "drink that" said Mabel still in a quiet way before putting the pill between my lips and holding the glass of water onto my lips. I raised my head slightly and swallowed it down with a few sips of water.
I let my head fall back into the pillow and sighed exhausted when Mabel had put the glass away. Her hand found her way back to my body where she slowly caressed my lower stomach while pushing my shirt slightly up.
In that moment I realized that I had been sleeping in the same clothes from yesterday. How would I even get changed? I asked my self but my thoughts were interrupted by another wet touch of Mabel's lips on my cheek. She moved her body closer to mine, almost snuggled herself up on my right side. I could feel the heat of her body and feel her pulse pounding slight against my arm. She began to kiss my cheek in a way more sensual way than before while her hand slipped suddenly into my pants, slightly brushing over my hard dick.
I breathed heavier, that was her signal to go further. So she began to kiss my neck and opened my pants properly before putting her hand in my boxers and getting a hold of my dick. I had goosebumps all over my body when my eyes fell shut again.
"You like me right?" Whispered Mabel against the skin of my neck. I swallowed hard and then her grip began to tighten around me. In a slow pace she began to move her hand up and down while putting pressure on different parts. I gasped slight and my head turned to the side making it easy for Mabel to crash her lips onto mine.
The kiss was gently and soft. Her tongue waiting for access. Her movements began to fasten and I breathed heavier through my mouth, which gave her the access to put her tongue into my mouth. I moaned muffled while she kept brushing her lips above mine, giving me the best handjob i could have imagined.
Everytime her hand reached my tip she tightened her grip around it. Slowly caressing the tip with her thumb when pre cum left me. Her kiss getting even more sensual before she whispered into my ear “relax...” I shivered and buckled my hip up in need for more, feeling myself getting close.
I felt Mabel's grin on my neck when she began to move faster. I arched my back and winced in pain. "Wow... keep it slow y/n" she whispered teasing and began to use even more pressure. I gasped for air feeling myself coming any second now, Mabel seemed to notice because she slowed her movements down and used a constant tight grip around my dick that made me moan in pleasure. Her lips finding her way to my neck when I came right in her hand. I was panting now, feeling satisfied and overwhelmed. I felt Mabel's fingertips touching my sensitive tip, wiping the cum around and massaging me.
"How you feeling now?" She whispered with a grin I could feel. My chest was still rising up and down pretty fast when I tried to water my dry mouth before speaking "good...".
Mabel's touch left my dick and suddenly she moved carefully on top of me making sure to not hurt me "only good?" She whispered against my lips. I opened my eyes and was met with her dark ones again. The light of the lamp reflected in them so beautifully that I had put my hand slightly around her head, holding her face and caressing her cheek while looking at her with admiring and dreamy eyes.
“You're so beautiful...” I began to think loud. I said it almost audible... Mabel for sure heard it. She smiled, there was always something about her smile I couldn't quite assign to. Was it warm? Caring? Flirty? Seductive? Or even happy and loving?
She leaned down before kissing me deep and long, stealing the rest of air from my lungs.
Later Mabel was gone. Said something about getting some groceries and doing something for college. I was a bit confused by that but tried to not think so much about it. When I looked at the clock, it was almost 5pm. Slowly I got up from my bed. Every muscle and for sure my rips still hurted.
The idea for not being able to do something heavy for at least 6 weeks was killing me. Slowly I took of my clothes as good as I could. Thanks to Mabel I only had to take off my sweatshirt and boxers.
Very slowly and carefully I went to the shower. I had a chest bandage on to keep my rips steady. I didn't cared about that. All I wanted was a warm shower now.
So I stepped slowly into the shower and leaned on the wall when I turned it on and waited for the water to get warm. As soon as I felt the steam rising around my naked body I turned the shower head and closed my eyes. Enjoying the warm water hitting my tense muscles. I breathed steady through my mouth. Turning my back to the water so it would hit me at the right places.
After showering I had put on my lounge wear. Some cozy joggers from puma. Somehow I had pretty many clothes like that but never wore them since I always walked around in jeans or a bit overdressed general. But with my injuries I guess I had a reason to wear them now. I was sitting on the edge of my bed trying to put on an oversized sweater I had. When I suddenly heard keys entering my lock i looked confused and slightly scared to the living room through my bedroom door hoping to see who it was and to somehow react.
The door fell shut, keys were sliding over a table and I heard the rumbling of Paper?
I kept looking through the crack when I suddenly recognized Mabel figure opening the door to my bedroom properly.
I looked at her even more confused and asked "how did you get in here?" Mable had a smirk on lips when she walked towards me and moved her fingers through my slight wet hair saying "I took your keys before leaving".
Why did she do that? And why was she back... so fast?
I kept looking at her confused as hell while wearing my sweater with only one arm in the sleeve. Mabel chuckled "couldn't you wait till I was back? You could have hurt yourself" carefully she helped me to put my left arm through the sleeve.
"Go dry your hair I'll cook something meanwhile" she said softly caressing my bruised cheek before leaving the bedroom.
I looked after her
"O- okay...?" I whispered to myself and carefully went to the bathroom to dry my hair. After drying it I made my way to the living room that was attached to the kitchen. The TV was on and the greatest showman was playing quietly while Mabel was in the kitchen and doing whatever. I looked around and saw my keys lying on my desk, beside them were a laptop and some college stuff. Not mine so I assumed it was Mabel's? When I turned and looked to the kitchen counter I saw that there was a bag on the couch.
Bag with clothes? Mabel's clothes?
I tried to look over the counter to see what Mabel was cooking but I didn't managed to do that. I saw a few paper bags on the other side of the kitchen. Looked like groceries. What was going on? I asked myself and began to look around even more confused. A chuckle brought me back and my eyes met Mabel's. She had her hair together in a messy bun “you're looking a bit lost over there...” she said and kept cooking. The smell of the food reached my nose and it reminded me of the smell of bolognese.
"Sit down... food is almost done" she said.
I decided to ask no questions and sat down on the couch instead of the table so I could watch the movie. It was in the middle of the summer why was it even playing? For me was the greatest showman something like a Christmas movie. I watched totally focused the scene where Hugh Jackman's character began to sing "a million dreams" on top of rooftops with his family.
"Can you believe that I haven't seen the movie so yet?" Chuckled Mabel when she climbed over the couch, sat down beside me with two plates of Spagetti in her hands.
"Well I mean... it's not a type of movie you watch" I began while Mabel gave me my plate, already eating from her own. After swallowing the noddles down she laughed and covered her mouth with her hand.
"You're right... but I used to find Zac Efron pretty attractive... and hey Zendaya is in it."
I couldn't help but laughed and looked back to the tv. After a few seconds I looked at the plate in my hand and began to eat the noddles carefully. When the song was almost finished Mabel said "I think I knew that song..." I chuckled and looked at her, her sparkling pitch black eyes meeting mine "what?" She asked and shrugged her shoulders.
"The songs were trending all over the Internet and playing in the radios... you'll know a few... trust me" I said and she nudged slight my shoulder before turning the attention back to the tv. So we kept watching the movie and I had the pleasure to listen to every comment Mabel made. The movie surprised and shocked her at so many ways that it was just adorable. And everytime they began to sing in the movie Mabel said "I know that one!" It was already the third time she said that and I couldn't help but laugh. I ate the last piece on my plate and put the now empty plate on the coffee table right beside Mabel.
"Thank you" I said quite to appreciate Mabel for cooking. Without looking at her I wiped the corner of my mouth "your welcome" she said softly and I felt her staring at me so I looked a bit shy at her and then she reached out with her hand and wiped my chin "there was some more sauce" she said, her eyes piercing mine before she let go of my chin smiling cute.
I looked down shyly and said almost in a whisper “thank you...” I looked back to the tv while Mabel whispered “you're welcome...”
It was quiet for a moment and my eyes widened in excitement "you will love this one... I get goosebumps hearing that every time!". The scene where Rebecca Ferguson performed "never enough" as her character came on.
I leaned back to get a bit comfortable and watched the scene in awe. Listening to the scene, seeing the emotions and tension. The way all characters were totally taking by the performance. "You'll see P.T the circus director falling so hard for her performance, it's so beautiful... first you'll think it's love, Attraction and you will think he'll cheat on his wife later but! He won't... he loves his wife. He was just with his heart fully in her performance... and I just spoiled you like hell....shit” I said totally in excitement. I tried to calm down “anyway just watch it...” I said then with a wide smile and watched the scene in full awe.
What y/n didn't saw was the way Mabel watched her in full admiration watching the scene she just had described to her. While watching y/n and hearing the song lyrics
All the shine of a thousand spotlights. All the stars we steal from the night sky. Will never be enough. Never be enough. Towers of gold are still too little. These hands could hold the world but it'll. Never be enough. Never be enough.For me. Never, never. Never, never. Never, for me. For me. Never enough. Never enough. Never enough. For me. For me. For me
Mabel indeed understood what you meant. But she understood it in the perspective of the director while watching you. She had goosebumps all over her body and looked almost scared, shocked of the things she felt towards you when the realization hit her.
She looked to the screen and saw it herself. It was playing in front of her like a movie how she felt for you… even tho the lyrics had no romantic meaning but the way it was performed it made her spine shiver and heart beat faster. She felt the heat rising in her cheeks watching the woman almost crying while singing. The director watching her in full awe and admiration while his wife watched him, scared to lose him. And then Mabel realized she wasn’t the director… she was the wife… the wife who watched the love of her life instead of the performer during that song.
After the scene finished I looked at Mabel with a wide grin. Surprised to see her eyes all shiny and wet? I chuckled "did I promise to much?" Mabel sniffed slight and tried to look away while chuckling "no... no you didn't".
“And there's more to come...” I said and looked back to the tv. Mabel suddenly moved closer and snuggled herself up on me, her head lying on my shoulder while watching the movie with me.
A gentle smile was on my lips when I nudged her head gently with my nose before looking back to the movie.
Never enough... yeah. I would never... have enough of you I though in my head
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kittyscupcakeandbunny · 10 months
Crazy Over You x Min Yoongi
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Bitter taste, Jealousy and bites.
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior.
Word count: 8.5k
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
< Previously Next Chapter >
Everything went smoothly afterwards, by that would mean nothing eventful happened but things still needed more time to heal. I took Yoongi back to his mating room once the exams were done, after that he seemed tired and didn’t question much once we were there. I never seen him so exhausted before, the entire time he was going under the exams he looked nervous and I worried that it might have something to do with his past. He didn’t say anything till we got to his room and even after that he kept quiet.
I didn’t know what would happen to him now that he was free from Jin’s father, but it was a relief to know he wouldn’t have to put up with extreme tests anymore, he deserved that freedom and i knew he would have more rest from now on. Although i was happy for Yoongi i also couldn’t help but worry about the new hybrid Jin mentioned before, I was afraid he might end up like Yoongi did on his fathers hand, even now that Yoongi was some what free from him I couldn’t help but feel like things weren’t completely over.
I dedicated so many years of my life to this clinic, believing in Jin’s father as the director of this sanctuary a place were hybrids had a chance to make the rest of their lives better, a place where they could heal from their past and recover from their traumas. When I heard about Yoongis past I felt the ground under me fall, at first I couldn’t believe such happened here out of all places and everything we’ve done to help the hybrids. The truth was much harsh then I wanted to believe and I couldn’t help but worry more and more for the hybrids at the clinic, what if it Yoongi wasn’t the only one? What if there were more cases like this still happening?
I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if this carry on happening, I’ve taken care of hybrids for so many years they are beings just like us and deserve to be treated fairly. Yet things like this still happen, it wasn’t of my nature to simply let things go as much as I have to focus on Yoongis situation for now, I wouldn’t let things slide that easily. Jin’s father doesn’t deserve to be the director of the clinic, I understand Jin and how hard it must be for him now especially since his own father it’s solid problem here but that doesn’t mean his dad can make those decisions without being held accountable for it, we manage to free Yoongi only because coincidentally another hybrid was there to take his place, what Yoongi went through could still happen to another hybrid and that wasn’t something i wanted to happen and I wouldn’t let it happen.
I made sure Yoongi was left resting and seeing as he went straight to sleep after getting in his room I knew I could leave and he would be fine for now. This week has been very stressful for Yoongi and I kept thinking if rushing with the exams on him wasn’t pushing him too much at this point, from the outside one seemed to be doing much better now but looks could lie when it came to your health and I worried for him more and more. All this time hes been under experiments cold have done some real damage to his body and we had to make sure he was fine - I had to know if he was fine.
Once I got in the small computer room I’m meet with Jin’s figure standing beside one of the assistants who sat on the chair while showing Jin the exams results, this would be my last stop for tonight it was already way past my work time and I had been in the clinic for the entire day to make sure Yoongi was fine after everything that happened. So much had happen today and my body was begging to go home now. I could feel the tiredness at every muscle.
- y/n come look at this - said Jin, once he notice my presence as I approached them.
As I stood beside him I looked up at the exams shown on the screens in front of me, there were two screens in which one showed Yoongis vitals in the moment the exam were taken and the other was a full body image scan from his internal structure and every muscle on his body.
- how is he? - I asked checking the screens.
- he is fine from what we can tell from the results - said the assistant whose name on the badge on his coat said “Jake” while looking up at me and Jin - he does not have any fractures or internal bruises.
- that’s good to know…
- although y/n, i think you should talk to him - Jin added, his eyes stared into mine with worry in that moment.
- why? - i asked noticing the look he shared with the assistant.
- tell her what you said to me - Jin leaned against the table crossing his arms over his chest.
Something seemed to be wrong and I knew it in that moment when Jin turned his gaze away from mine, worry began to boil over every cell on my body. Yoongi didn’t seemed to be okay the whole time during the exam and now that Jin has been acting strangely, I felt even more uneasy.
- well, if you look here y/n… - the assistant Jake said, pointing at the screen in front of him showing Yoongis body scan - you see this red waves of light on his body?
The screen showed Yoongis thermal image scan, commonly used to detect any differences or slight changes on the hybrids health since infrared emissions from a body are directly related to their temperature. From the looks of it his body seems to be emitting more heat then a normal hybrids should, I’ve never seen anything like that before.
- his body temperature seems pretty high, could it be fever? - I asked.
- in this case not exactly, you see the hints of pink around him? - i only nodded to him as he continued explaining, still not understanding what he meant with all that - this kind of waves are hormones and from the looks of it they kept coming back and forth bigger, in this scale it means the hybrid is under heat.
- what? - I exclaimed.
- i felt skeptical at first too, since you mentioned that he has no heat - Jin added, turning to look at me - but the exams tell otherwise.
- behavior exams would have to be taken if you want to make sure of it but, it is very clear in the scan that he is in heat - the assistant Jake affirmed.
- I understand… its just, why would he lie about it? - i held my forehead in contemplation, walking to the other side of the room I didn’t know what to do in this moment and as i turned to Jin feeling as lost as he seemed i knew were complicated now.
- maybe he.. he was trying to delay the mating process - Jin muttered.
I didn’t know how to feel in that moment, it was much clear that Yoongi has been lying this entire time about his heat and I couldn’t deny any of it. I was disappointed to know he’s been hiding that from me all this time, i felt a little betrayed even but I couldn’t blame him for hiding it from me as much as i hated to admit, Yoongi has been through a lot is natural that he wouldn’t trust so easily. The fact that he has been hiding his thought meant we couldn’t hold the proper care for him, he could be in much discomfort if not taken care of too.
I kept thinking about Jin’s words for the rest of the night, Yoongi had good reason for trying to delay the procedures since he’s been through much worst and i wondered if he thought it wasn’t just a get away to hurt him and for that reason he tried to delay the process, It was great to know that Yoongi was perfectly fine after all that hes been through but the fact that he was hiding from me his heat this whole time made me uneasy. It meant i was completely wrong this whole time about him, I couldn’t help but feel like a failed to notice something so crucial this whole time. I should’ve know it before anyone since i was the closest to him and now his actions so far had a complete different meaning especially since i knew the truth now.
Later as me and Jin were exiting the clinic he made sure to assure me he would be taking care of Yoongi tomorrow since i wasn’t going to be present, while telling me to rest for the big day on Monday we said our goodbyes.
My body was completely exhausted, once i got home all i could do was fall over the sofa tiredly and contemplate todays events even though all I wanted was to rest different from my body my mind simply couldn’t turn off. I couldn’t stop thinking about Yoongi, replying all of his behaviors in my head collecting every piece to put together the puzzle I didn’t when i was with him in the clinic. The more i thought about it the more guilty i felt, it was clear from the moment i saw him for the first time and yet it went right past me. I had been working with hybrids for so long that something like this shouldn’t go unnoticed by a doctor, i simply ignored all of the signals. Feeling even more embarrassed i had let myself wonder to the point i let him bite me and do even more after - why on earth would he do that if not from being under heat? - Yoongi wasn’t heaving bad side effects from the heat stimulants when he acted out and attacked someone, it was clear to me since he was actually in heat but I couldn’t picture why he acted that way to someone, if the heat stimulants were effecting him this whole time it would explain why he felt attracted to me - i still couldn’t understand why he would attack someone and i kept rethinking again and everything but nothing came to mind.
What was i suppose to do with this information now? Yoongi could be lying about more things to me and I wouldn’t even know. Jin did advise me into talking to him about it but how can I believe now?
As angry as i was with him now, i know he didn’t do it on purpose. He must have a reason for hiding things about himself, as Jin mentioned he must be trying to delay the mating process but I couldn’t help thinking there was more to it then it shows. I can’t blame him for that even if it makes me angry, i too am lying and hiding things from him - after all he was the victim here not me.
I still can’t believe how messy my emotions have become ever since i meet him, the more time i spent with him the more he captivated me in ways i never thought were possible. I never once felt this way about a hybrid before, it was never a problem treating them until a meet Yoongi. The snake hybrid i never even though to meet once was now under my care, more then that i manage to break the rules of the clinic because of him and the more I told myself I wouldn’t cross those lines again i simple failed miserably.
Looking back now i don’t really know what about him that makes my body burn in the best way possible but every time i was with him it felt like every cell on my body wanted to be close to him. I didn’t wanted to cross that line again if it meant hurting him.
i just had to do the right thing for now.
For the both of us.
Sunday went by so fast I didn’t really got much rest. I bearly had any sleep last night, kept thinking about Yoongi and an unsettling feeling was boiling up inside me the more i thought about today. Meeting Yoongi today shouldn’t be so hard after all i was his doctor but we crossed that line so many times our relationship was anything but a normal doctor and patient type of relationship anymore. I didn’t know were to stand in this i know i didn’t stoped myself from going over the lines and that led to the moment i was most afraid of, my emotions were everywhere torn into pieces and spread all over the floor. It felt like i was sinking alone in a boat. All my fear were washed away from my mind as soon as it as with Yoongi, everything made sense to me but as soon as i left his room I’m once again alone in that boat.
Trying to ignore those feelings were useless now, I can’t hide from him how i feel. I’ve been trying miserably to do that and it only got us both hurt, i wanted to tell him everything but that meant Alison telling him the truth about this whole process to begin with. It was selfish of me to think of that, what would he think of me once i tell him? I certainly don’t expect a hug from him, he would probably hate me. After everything i felt like I owed him the truth, he must think I’m playing with his feelings and since he is in heat all his senses were in a much higher frequency. To distract myself from the nervous feeling that runs down my whole body, i tried to think about my tasks for the day ahead of me useless as his lies were still stuck in my head.
The whole night i kept rethinking about the incident that led him into bitting another coworker at the clinic, I was afraid he hurt someone without a reason now that i knew he was hiding his heat and more than anything i feared it was because of me.
Hybrids in heat can get very dangerous sometimes, their instincts are at maximum speed going beyond any rational thought. If taken too lightly it can end up very messy - i took it much lightly that time by ignoring clear sings of heat all because it came from Yoongi - all this time I’ve been so caught up in my feelings for him I didn’t notice how much that would cost me. I’ve never had that problem before but Yoongi just had that hypnotic aura around him I didn’t even notice when it was too late. Questioning even more my capabilities as his doctor, maybe it was best if i took some time out of this.
I keep getting distracted by him every time I’m with him and that is costing us too much, maybe I’m not the right person to do this as Jin had believed. Certainly falling in love with his patient didn’t include in that faith.
The more that creeped into my mind the more stressed i felt, since today was the first step for the mating process i was already making my way to Yoongis mating room to encounter Jin there and from then carry on a quick check up on Yoongi before anything happens, the hybrids would meet for the first time today and all i could think about was the unsettling feeling inside my stomach.
While being free from the directors claws Yoongi would still proceed with the mating since Jin decided that carry on the mating process would be more beneficial for the hybrids as they would be able to meet someone just like themselves for the first time and have the opportunity to engage on their journey together. Now that we found out about Yoongis heat as well Jin thought it would be much better for him since things were escalating faster then he thought.
Hybrids have the natural need of a mate, it is more then sexual desire but a connection they can count on and protect. Hybrids without a mate often end up in severe depression and in very rare cases they might die of loneliness.
The importance of the mating process goes beyond continuing the species.
As I’m making my way through the white corridors of the seventh floor to Yoongis mating room I find Jin also going in the same direction, his attention fully on the papers he had at hands. I quickly matched up with him finally getting his reaction to my presence.
He gave me a small smile before turning to look ahead of us as we got closer to Yoongis room.
- how are you feeling about today? - he asks.
- nervous but.. excited for Yoongi - i tell him, trying my best to ignore the bitterness under my tongue.
- me too, i truly hope this goes well for him - he added, before signaling towards the door for Yoongis room.
I quickly made my way to opened for us inserting the code for it on the digital screen beside the door, it made a sound before opening completely and i walked in before Jin.
The lights were on a warmer tone then usual and the room temperature seemed more humid this time, aware of Yoongis presence lying down on his bed almost fully covered on the messy sheets of his nest if not for his dark hair you could bearly tell he was there, at out noisy entire he slowly began to get up. The view of his full figured instantly making my heart beat faster from both nervous and eagerness at the same time. Once I heard the sound of the door closing behind me as Jin took place beside me giving me a small smile of encouragement and I took a few breaths before approaching Yoongi on his bed as he slowly sit up staring at both Jin and i.
- hey Yoongi, i came to check your skin today, mind if i do? - i ask him softly, his eyes went from Jin to me before tiredly nodding.
It felt much different seeing him now I didn’t want to make this uncomfortable but something already felt wrong when i saw him today. It just seemed like the Yoongi i knew before wasn’t here anymore, i know it was him right there but something about him was different. Maybe it was just me and my point of view from him had changed since the exams came proving about his heat, all my internal monologues about his behavior and the fact that there was much more that he was hiding.
I can’t just make him tell me everything and that wasn’t what I wanted, what I wanted was for him to trust me but that wasn’t something you could force. It just bothers me how he didn’t trust me yet when I had all those feelings for him boiling inside me to the point i could feel the bitterness at the tip of my throat.
I watched as Yoongi got up not saying anything as he unbuttoned his white shirt to expose his scales, walking closer to me stopping a feet away in front of me while he did so. Aware of how he kept looking behind me at Jin, i could only wonder why he seemed to be so concerned about his presence every time he was around but, now that i know the truth about Jin’s father i can only assume is because he knows Jin’s the son of the men who did this to him.
Once he was done I started by examining the scales on his neck carefully moving the shirt away to enough uncover more of his skin, i was glad to see his neck scales seemed fine now moving on to the scales on his ribs the last time I checked them he had some deep scratches on them but now it seemed it had healed much more, Yoongi was recovering pretty fast that was good news at least.
I moved around him to check his back sliding the shirt down to expose the skin for my eyes, his back was the part we’re the most damage was done but now the marks of scratching were almost completely healed.
- your skin is in much better condition - i comment walking around to stand in front of him.
- that’s good to hear - Jin added, a smile on his face walking over to us to hand me Yoongis medicine.
- thanks Jin - i took the small container from his hands, ignoring the small mint our finger slightly brushed over each others.
Looking up to Yoongi as he seemed to sand daggers through his eyes at Jin, the tension was set in the room way before I had stared but now it was even thicker. Cleaning my throat to get his attention which worked as he now started into my eyes with his dark eye dark glossy ones.
- here this are supplements, you’ll take them for a while - i tell him while handing him the pills - since you just started eating again you’ll need this to help balance your diet.
He nodded taking the pills from my hand and swallowing them all at once.
- I’ll get you some water… - before i could take one step away from him he held my arm back, pulling me towards him.
- don’t need it - he murmured over my face, eyes looking for mine as I nervously looked anywhere but him.
It wasn’t too much but a single act could spike a different thought on Jin, i worried he would get things wrong or not so since it wasn’t a lie something was going on between me and Yoongi but now it wasn’t the time for that. His grip over my arm wasn’t too hard and that wasn’t what was making me even more nervous now, the fact that Jin was present there was. Usually Yoongi doesn’t go too far in front of someone else and it made me anxious that he had pulled me too close, the last thing i wanted was for anyone to find out about us. More especially, Jin.
- ok.. - i pushed him slightly away.
I didn’t know how to act in that moment, forcing myself to look up at Jin who just stood there looking at us questioning, he didn’t comment but I knew he catched something the moment our eyes met.
- just got a message from Namjoon he’s ready now, can we carry on? - Jin said.
I was thankful for the change of subject, if he would ask about it later I wasn’t so sure. Jin was more invested on Yoongis case now and from everything that has happened he wanted to get all the details from him to make sure we could treat him with anything he might need.
If Yoongi was showing signs of discomfort with someone we must separate them immediately and it is the opposite we need to know why to ensure his recovery. Being closed to people when you need to be taken care of is not the best scenario. I didn’t know if Jin was catching on it but I couldn’t bet on it to find out.
Yoongi was showing more signs of heat as his need for closure was growing more by now, i didn’t wanted to test how territorial he could get with Jin’s presence.
- oh, yes - I turned back to Yoongi - today is the first step of the mating process, we’ll introduce you to your… partner, soon she will be brought here is that okay with you?
We had everything set up already but asking him first was a safety measure, if one of the hybrids didn’t felt like they can go on to meet we need to cancel it immediately and then make sure they are able to carry on later.
He sighted loudly and then nodded, closing the buttons of his shirt impatiently.
It seemed I wasn’t the only bitter one about this. He wasn’t much happy about the mating from the moment he heard about it, I still didn’t know why thought. Yoongi was the first male hybrids I’ve ever treated who didn’t seem to want to mate, although the signs he needed that were clear and he could bearly hide them anymore, he kept his guard. In that thought I remember how he’s been lying about it, we still had much to talk about that but there wasn’t the right time for it so for now we just had to get over the first step of the mating process.
A grip on my hand made me stop on my tracks as I had turned to leave already, I looked over my shoulder seeing as Yoongi was standing right behind me. Turning completely to look at his face, his mouth opened and closed a few times and he looked down still holding my hand.
- are you going to watch this? - he murmured only for me to hear, his question catches me off guard, dark eyes looking behind me and I didn’t need to turn to know he was looking at the mirrored glass wall.
- I have to, is part of the process - i tell him honestly.
He nodded understanding, letting go of my hand. I give him a small smile before turning to leave.
Nothing much then both hybrids being introduced and having a time for themselves alone to get to know each other would happen now, although we didn’t know how Yoongi would react since his heat had already started. We don’t usually put hybrids in heat to mate but let them get to know each other before that happens to ensure their safety, since his case was very delicate we had no choice but to continue with the process.
Jin and I left his room as he massage Namjoon to confirm he could bring the female hybrid to the mating room, for the first steps of the mating process as their doctors we must watch over them as they meet for the first time and ensure they are okay while doing so. Anything could happen in that moment from good to worst case we should still be ready and prepared to assist the hybrids.
For that a small room was designed right beside his separate by the window, he couldn’t see us here only his own reflection.
Me and Jin quickly took our place there waiting for Namjoon to come, i could see Yoongi in the room through the glass window as he just stood there in the middle of his room were I had left him waiting.
Jin was walking from side to side looking at his phone from time to time he seemed nervous but excited at the same time, i wish i could share the same feeling but the more i waited for what was to happen the more bitterness seems to grow at the tip of my throat making me swallow hard multiple times.
It was so selfish of me to feel this way - I couldn’t only think of that - getting attached to a hybrid on this level wasn’t right especially for my position. I could only get hurt in the end. Yet here i stood, feeling my heart beating faster and faster as the minutes passed, stomach doing flips inside me.
The was the muffled sound of the door in the room opening but i didn’t look up, I was afraid to even look at it. Anxiously staring at floor instead, Jin moved beside me to get closer to the mirrored window thankfully not noticing my face. The sound of Namjoons voice on the other side of the wall filled the small room I was in as he entered the mating room with the female hybrid.
That was it, my heart clenches in my chest. Looking up finally to see his back turned to us as he faces Yoongi a few feet away from him and the presence of the female snake hybrid right beside Joon.
My eyes immediately turned to the female hybrid, it was the first time I saw her too the only thing I knew about here was that she wasn’t a black mamba like Yoongi but a python. No one knew if breeding two different snake species would work in their favor but snake hybrids were already difficult to find and there wasn’t much choice.
I could only see her from the back but I could tell she was much smaller then him, maybe a few inches shorter then me, she had long black hair that went down her hips and from the looks she had a very petit figure wearing the usual gray uniform from the clinic.
Namjoons voice filled my ears as he quickly introduced them to one another, none of the hybrids moving forward or saying anything as he speaks only. The introduction didn’t took much longer for my displeasure and once he was done with his he left the room, leaving both hybrids alone.
It seemed like the moment he closed that door to leave my insides were doing a roll back and forth like a roller coaster, all the air in my lungs were gone completely as i watched both hybrids through the glass wall, bottom lip harshly pressed against my teeth as if it would stop my stomach from doing flips.
They couldn’t see us here and i was glad, for once i felt like I would be able to hold my facial expressions as my whole world seemed to be falling apart. Voices deep down in my mind screaming even more, louder each time.
‘’you should be happy for him’’
‘’you don’t deserve him’’
‘’stop acting so selfish’’
I knew he would forget me completely once he meet the female hybrid, someone who’s just like him. She would be better to him then me, hybrids were made for each other not for humans. We were here to help them not use them, that hybrid would be able to complete him in a way I could never and can share with him the connection he needs. I should’ve knew better before, hybrids act on instinct completely when it comes to their heat. I should’ve know better before letting he take me in the bathtub, before he kissed me. I should’ve had set the lines between us, now is too late.
Watching as he was the first one to make a move and walk up to the female hybrid, heart clenching in my chest as he closed the distance between them completely, grabbing the female hybrids face to turn to the other side.
The air was punched out of my lungs at the sight of them, i wished i could just brushed it off and forget it already. But the sight of in front of me was the hard pill I had to swallow, specially once Yoongi leaves a lick over her cheek.
At that i found the strength to turn around, lucky for me no one notice my displeasure as i did so.
My bottom lip burned from biting to hard into it, the taste of blood wasn’t enough to cover the bitterness though. I didn’t wanted to look at it anymore, focusing on the white wall instead - so this is what is like to have your heart broken?
How can it even feel this bad?
From that point things happen much faster, like a rushed dream. I stared over Namjoon in front of me who was now watching both hybrids with a hard expression on his face, I couldn’t tell why as I didn’t have the strength to watch anymore.
- get out of here.
Yoongis mufled voice on the other side of the wall filled my ears, I felt a cold chill down my spine at the words. His voice was bitter full of displeasure, something I never heard before even when he clearly showed dislike towards the other doctor.
In that second Namjoons eyes turned to mine worried.
- we need to hurry there.
He didn’t have to say twice. I only nodded in agreement fallowing him out of the small room and rushing towards the mating room, something seemed to have desperately wrong while they were there. This was the reason why we had to stay by, anything can happen to the hybrids when they are alone.
The weight in my chest still present as i entered the mating room behind Namjoon and he didn’t hesitate to approach the female hybrid carefully, leading her out of there while muttering words of assurance to her.
I didn’t move at all, my feet wouldn’t let me and every time I looked at him that image popped in my mind but I shouldn’t just stand there this wasn’t the time to let my feelings get in the middle.
I waited until i was sure Namjoon had left with the female before saying anything, something had gone wrong between them already even though they didn’t share a single word, Yoongi had rejected the female hybrid.
- Yoongi, you okay? - i carefully walked to him.
- no… - he said, he had his back turned to me the whole time - i dont wanna do this…
I sighted looking at the floor. He never wanted in the first place, we only did what we thought was going to be the best for him due to the circumstances but it completely slipped out of my mind we had been ignoring his displeasure with the whole process.
- I know… and I’m sorry for not respecting your feelings against it - I muttered, walking towards him till I was close enough to his figure.
I didn’t know what to do, what would be safe to do in that moment. He had shown anger before and I didn’t know if he wouldn’t do the same to me but something about how his tone was lower now gave me the confidence to carefully i hold his hand in mine feeling his cold fingers intertwined with mine, my heart was instantly filled with relief. Watching as he turned around slowly to face me, I looked up into his dark eyes as with his other hand he reached to hold my chin between his fingers so carefully like a touch of feathers.
- i want you y/n, no one else - he whispered his confession over my lips - just you.
- Yoongi…
The words were completely stolen away from me just like my breath.
- please… - he took another step forward making me take another backwards - have my heat with me.
His words were making me feel dizzy, he continued to walk making me nervously take steps back. All air in my lungs were punched out of me.
Why would he say such thing right now?
Why would he make me so flustered after licking someone else’s face?
I was completely unable of forming a single same thought in that moment, the heat rising up to my checks as he continued with that game until his words repeated so much in my head all I could think about was;
- you lied to me.
It came out breathlessly through my bloody lips, enough to stop him in his tracks once he had me caged between his body and his bad. Dark eyes locked into mine, the back of my knees touching the edge of the bed and in a breath of moment he simply pushed me over the it and a gasp left my lips, I look up at him now sitting in front of him as his lowers himself down between my legs on his knees.
- i did.. - he confesses, hands slowly reaching up to rest over my thighs - you lied too.
I wasn’t surprised to hear that, I knew he was aware of it.
- i don’t wanna lie anymore - i sighted, his hand held my chin to look at him - the truth is…
My words stopped him from leaning forward, he looked up from my lips to my eyes clearly not expecting me to continue but I had to. This conversation had to continue, I can’t hide things from him anymore.
-the person responsible for hurting you all this years set this process up, they wanted to take you down but not before…. - I paused, taking another breath before continuing looking down from his face to my hands over my lap - to make you reproduce another of your specie.
I don’t lie how much relief I felt after telling him, like a weight had left my chest. But no relief was enough to cover the pain of telling him the truth, the fear of losing him once he knows everything.
- I see… well, I expected that - he spat bitterly, getting up to leave.
That fear creeping inside my chest once again, I desperately held his hand before he could take another step.
- I couldn’t let them do that to you… - I tried to explain - that’s why I’ve been…
- that’s why you’ve been so kind to me? - he scoffed, pulling away from me - no wonder you’ve always been so against us being together.
- Yoongi…
- why don’t you go back to that Jin guy you like so much? - he spat.
When he took the first step away was filled by a an unsettling fear, I could no longer take this. I’ve been miserably trying to hide my feelings thinking this was the right the thing to do for him but now, after everything and seeing him go like that I couldn’t keep failing him.
- i said no more lies - I murmured holding his hand before he could walk away, pulling him closer till he was at the same height as my eyes - i.. i want to be with you too…
The words left my lips breathlessly, in that exact moment with him I realized I could no longer hide my feelings for him. I didn’t wanted to hurt him and keeping things from Yoongi all this time was the worst decision I made. So I took another deep breath as he kneeled down in font of me again, before I continued.
- the truth is, this whole time i was afraid - i tell him honestly - I didn’t know if any of this was right, when i first heard about your case I immediately knew i had to save you and now that i know everything i just… i dont wanna lose you Yoongi. I want you too.
At this point i was biting into my lower lip so hard to stop the tears from falling, looking anywhere but him right now. My face burned with shyness at my confession, it was too late to hide anything, too late to stop what we created when clearly none of us wants to.
I felt his hold on my chin again one arm closing around my waist as he pulled me in a hug. I held him tightly only realizing in that moment how badly I needed that, feeling his warm body against mine, all the bitterness from before completely melted away. As he pulled away from me enough only to look into my eyes, his lips brushing softly over my cheek i could feel a small smile forming over his lips.
- took you long enough… - he murmured against my cheek.
-Yoongi… - i groaned, feeling my eyes burn.
With those little words from him I knew everything was gonna be fine, as I rested my forehead against his feeling all the worries wash away from my mind as he softly caressed my jaw.
- mate with me y/n… - he murmured against my face softly - please, my whole body is burning for you if i don’t take you now I’m gonna go insane.
- but I’m human… I can’t - i said, nervously but he quickly cuts me off.
- that don’t mean anything to me, if you dont mind me as I’m - he said breathlessly, holding my chin to look into his dark glossy eyes.
- i don’t mind you at all…
- then… - he brushed his fingers softly over my jaw down my neck, pulling my shirt slightly down show more of the skin.
From the look in his eyes i knew exactly what he meant by that, i knew this was not the best choice to make in this moment but i didn’t wanted to stop him. I wanted him just as bad.
- you can bite me now….
I had no intention to deny it anymore how much I longed for Yoongi. All this time I’ve been helplessly trying to suppress my feelings for him, they only grew stronger. Now I can’t do that anymore, I don’t think I can ever see him again with someone else who isn’t me.
The words that left my lips seemed to initiate a fire in his dark eyes, I never seen before and just like a touch of a switch in a second he was a complete different him, burning desire under those glossy eyes stared right into mine before he finally claimed my lips between his.
A groan of pleasure raised from his chest vibrating through his whole body, pushing me back into the bed as he kneeled between my legs one hand beside my head to support his upper body.
He pulled away gently as he draws over my jaw with his fingers, my hands rested at my sides feeling my whole body melting at his touch. Eyes locked over his wet lips, he seemed to notice his effect over me chuckling softly before taking my bottom lip between his again this time sucking deliciously hard on it then pulling away once again, teasing me to his own pleasure.
- i taste blood on your lips…. - he murmured, I looked up to his eyes as he caressed said bottom lip.
- oh, sorry?
- why did you hurt yourself? - he asked, tracing down my jaw to my neck then sliding over my collar bones trespassing my shirt.
- I was…. nervous a guess… when I watched you guys…- my cheeks burned under his eyes, I could bearly form any sentences with his finger trailing down my chest.
- don’t do that again - he said, holding my chin up to look at his eyes - don’t hurt yourself because of me again.
- I won’t… i mean… no-
He cuts me off immediately with leaning down my lips to lick over my bottom lip, feeling his wet tongue over my lips were the end of me. All self control I thought I had were gone in that instant and pulling him even more closer to kiss him, finger closing between the back of his hair.
My own moan was engulfed by his groan against my lips as I claimed his tongue, kissing him hungrily.
I didn’t wanted that moment to end ever, to feel his hands rushing all over my body as our bodies bun with desire the need to feel each other growing at every second. In that moment nothing else mattered, it was just the two of us intertwined with each other, loving each other desperately how we’ve been yearning for.
I had no thoughts of a tomorrow, all I wanted was in this present moment. It never matter that he was a hybrid, I was attracted to him the moment my eyes fell over him. Knowing he was different, knowing everything and that he lied I still loved him. I still want him, for who he is no matter what.
Pulling his hair harder the moment he left my lips to leave kisses over my jaw, not trying to be careful anymore as he continued to leave love bite’s trailing down my neck.
- you’re mine.. - he whispers, kissing softly under my ear.
I closed my eyes harder feeling my whole body melt under him, holding into him tightly draining my face on his neck feeling his scales at the tip of my nose. A shaky breath leaving his lips in that moment and my entire body tingled at the knew erogenous spot I found on him, burning with excitement i begin to kiss softly over the scales on his neck feeling his breathing fastening above my skin.
A sentiment of accomplishment filled me encouraging me to be bolder and I carefully bit into his ear lobe, I didn’t know what I was doing and was immediately surprised when he held my arms above my head in a second after i bit him.
Looking up into his eyes as he leaned his forehead against mine completely breathless, cheeks red and sweat beginning to form on his skin. He seemed just as surprised.
- sorry… - I managed to mumble.
- no… I’ve never been bitten before, it’s so good… - he confessed.
- does it mean more to you? - I asked, still confused and hot under him.
He only nodded over me a smirk forming on his lips. My cheeks instantly turned red.
- means the same for when I bite you… - he murmured - you’re mating with me… you’re accepting me.
- Yoongi… - I free from his hold over my hands to close my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me - I’ll always accept you.
Claiming his lips with mine again, this time i could feel all his body melt above mine with all his worries washing off of him in that moment.
If only I could froze this moment with him and stay in here forever, maybe then I wouldn’t have to worry about tomorrow so much. If we would ever be able to be together like again.
Bold of me to assume this wouldn’t have any consequences, bold of me to let myself cross that line again today of all days.
The moment I heard the sound of the door opening I knew it was my doom and I didn’t think twice before pushing Yoongi away, quickly getting up into a sitting position as he reluctantly stood right there here not letting me go.
The mixed feelings I had in that moment would never be enough to describe how desperate I felt the second my eyes leaned over Jin’s figure standing right there.
No one said a single word for the longest second of my life, Jin looked at us then turned to the side showing his profile. Keeping his composure before speaking.
- I see what happened here, for now I need to speak in private with y/n - he said.
I couldn’t decipher what emotions exactly were crossing his eyes in that moment, I’ve never seen that side of him in all years of my career.
Looking up at Yoongi again pushing him by the chest slightly to get up this time he moved away for me, reluctantly but still. Before I could even take a step on Jin’s direction Yoongi held me back by the waist, turning to look at him now only to find his gaze staring back at Jin.
I could feel his whole body tensed up beside me and I knew he was ready to take matter in his own hands against Jin if he need to, this was not the best moment for such thing to happen Yoongi clearly took Jin’s words as a confrontation, a challenge against him over me.
- shit, Jin… I… - I breathed out shakily.
Noticing how I felt Yoongi instantly held my waist tighter.
- i don’t intend on making things more difficult than they have to be - Jin said, yes looking over Yoongi.
- really? Doesn’t look like - Yoongi spat at him, taking front of me protectively.
- no, Yoongi is fine… I should talk with him - i said, gently holding his arm.
He kept his gaze over Jin’s figure before slowly looking back at me.
- you’re leaving me… - it wasn’t a question.
- I’m not… ever - I murmured back to him, holding his face between my hands as i softly caressed his ear lobe the same I had bitten into before - I’m yours and you’re mine.
He closed his eyes leaning over my touch before slowly nodding.
- i’ll be right back okay? - at my words he opened his eyes, looking at Jin before turning back to me.
- ok.
I didn’t wanted to.
But I had to go now and fix things with Jin or else things my go down pretty badly especially since Yoongi feels like his territory has just been invaded, he was still under heat and could act out at Jin. I would hate to happen because of me, I must clear this out now. That is if I can even do that, i knew this would happen sooner or later I just hoped it could’ve at least wait until tomorrow.
With one last look at Yoongi taking a picture of his beautiful face right now to look back whenever I wanted to, I didn’t know how things would go from now or if I would ever get another chance to see him. I could only hope for.
I turned around to leave fallowing as Jin exists the room leaving the door opened for me, i don’t look back if I did I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to leave.
In my head I couldn’t even complain about my own stupidity, feeling like a child that was going to be lectured by her parents for not fallowing the rules. I didn’t meet Jin’s gaze once we were out of Yoongis room, being embraced by the cold air the corridors of the seventh floor. I felt even smaller under his gaze.
He stood there in front of me not saying anything and I could only feel my anxiousness grow, bitting into my bottom lip I feared now would be the last time I’d see Yoongi.
- y/n…
- shit, Jin! - I interrupted him, helplessly feeling like my whole world has coming to an end. Eye burning with tears.
- y/n let me begin… - he said, hands holding my shoulders to make me look at him and I did.
I expected to see anger on his eyes, disgust even disappointment but I didn’t. He still had the same softness in his features as he always had.
- i understand, okay? - he softly said - i… know it might sound crazy but, is okay.
Is okay?
- what? Why?
- you… you’re just like my mom - he sighted, a small smile forming on his lips.
I was completely at loss for words, just what was happening right now?
I felt like I was getting dizzy at this point, I couldn’t understand a single word that came out of his mouth. I know Jin was a kind soul but this doesn’t make any sense to me, he shouldn’t be okay with this. What is happening?
All the years I spent working with Jin brought us closer to the point I knew, the more I looked into his eyes I knew something wasn’t right, he was hiding something from me in that moment and i wants sure if I truly wanted to hear it now.
- I’m so sorry to throw this at you now, I’ll explain everything later - he said, and I begin to feel even more anxious - all you need to now now is that, Yoongi is… he’s my brother.
Then the ground underneath me opened and swallowed me whole.
Shit, Jin.
Note: Jin watching the drama unfolds in the other room like 👁️👄👁️. Finally heeeeeereeeee god this was a ride. I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I liked (and stressed over it) to write. WHAT THEY BROTHERS??!
See you guys on the next one!!! It’s not too long but I think is good. Sorry for any grammatical errors! Love you all!!
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Beastmaster Bond IV (NSFW) Ft Chaehyun
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Author’s note: A bit of an interlude. I saw the dress and thought. I absolutely have to do a Gala Chapter. You all can blame @somicutie08 for the intro
"I don't know Tiger I am just worried ya know," I said to Chaehyun as she wrapped her tongue around my cock. I groan at her excellent skills, as she massages my balls after a deep gag. She always seems to hit that one spot on my scrotum that makes me cum buckets every time she gives me a blow job. She looked at me with her sad pout and my heart softened because I couldn't ever tell her no.
"Rexy you just hatched a Deviljho single-handedly while everyone was stuck out of town, Facing your peers in a Gala should be easy," Chaehyun said.
I wince because she's right but dealing with people it's not the move man.
"I know I should be but that crowd is not my crowd," I responded. Chaehyun smiled and said,
"That's why you need to show up beside me, You wouldn't leave me alone would you,"
My eyes narrowed at my paramour, and her eyes widened with arousal. she loved playing into my possessive nature as it always served to get her so wet and typically gave into whatever demand she had
"I'd never," I growled. Chaehyun smiled and then said
"Great so we fly out in two and a half weeks. We will need to get you a suit here." she smiled at me knowing she had trapped me so elegantly.
“Oh, tiger before I forget I need to talk to you about something important,” I say and before I finish I feel Chaehyun’s anxiety spike. She looks at me with her scared puppy dog eyes and she does the thing she always does when she's anxious she fucks me feral until both of us black out and pass out.
The next day I woke up before her and I stared at her. She looked so peaceful but also so sexy. I caress her side as she rests and watch as she turns over to look at me with a sultry look that sets my loins on a blaze.
“Hey Rex you ready for the next round,” she says seductively.
“While I would love nothing more than to lock you in a mating press right now I think we should talk. I want to preface this by saying upfront. Nothing is wrong with us. It's just that something has happened to me and I want…no think you should know.
Chaehyun stiffens her erect nipples and stares at me as she does and she begins the lewdest display yet. She opens her legs and begins to play with herself in front of me.
"Okay Rexy but after you fill me up," she says seductively.
Tired of this game I respond with, "No I need to talk to you!"
Chaehyun looks into my eyes and moves towards me.
"Please Rexy right after my worthless pussy needs you. Aren't you gonna fill your worthless barren cumdump?" she asks. Her choice of words is concerning because I know she has been super sensitive about being barren recently.
"Chaehyun look it's not about that I..." Was all I could get out before she was on me like a predator cornering its prey. She was kissing me and pushing all my erogenous zones hoping I would discard my concerns. What she didn't count on (and to be honest neither did I. Was my lust and protectiveness combining.)
"Listen here you slut. You are a dirty slut, but you are so much more than just a cumdump. You are my mate, mine to abuse, but you do not get to talk down to yourself as only some worthless sex object. Now you are going to listen to what I have to say then I am going to breed your pretty pusy do I make myself clear slut?" I growl and command. Chaehyun's mewls as she submits to me. My Lust and protectiveness still lead me to continue. "Do you understand Slut?" I growl in a low tone, "Or will I have to leave you untouched." That sent Chaehyun out of her stupor as she nodded.
"Good. now observe." I said as I showed her the flame wisps. Her eyes went wide when she saw them, but before either of us could talk I flipped her and bent her over taking my hard cock and plunging it deep into her pussy. it was sodden and dripping a puddle under her which made entry easy because this was the most molded and fit to my dick she has ever been. I grab her pillowy tits and begin slow and power thrusts into her cunt.
"Good Girl," I cooed as ravaged her. Her moans are an excellent motivator.
"Wait, Dino. We need to talk about..." Chaehyun began. I quickly cut her off.
"You wanted me to fuck you first, you got me all riled up and I am finishing. I am breeding you and you are going to bear me children." I growled as I continued to piston into her pleasant pussy. her slick drenched my cock as I claimed her. I felt her body tense, any time I mention breeding her, her body goes into this weird but sexy catatonic state where her body milks me for all I am worth. growing tired of doggy I pull out lift her tiny body onto the bed pin her legs up above her ears and put her into mating press.
"Oh God, Breed me," Chaehyun moans. I continue to piston as her cavern squelches and tightens around me. her lower lips drool for me in a lewd mirror of the upper ones as I feel something change about this time. I can't think about it too long as I get caught up in the moment and lose control exploding into her pussy. My orgasm is violent and long as I feel like I am cumming in her for hours (it was 7 or so minutes) but I keep pounding into her. My only thought was filling her with my seed. Chaehyun moans as she climaxes calms down and climaxes again through my orgasm as I just continue to dump rope after rope after rope of cum inside her. My brain is both clear and mush at the same time when the haze of lust finally clears. Chaehyun looks at me satiated and full.
"What happened to you? You never do that?" she said
"You did that. You talking bad about yourself made me angry and horny."
"Well, maybe I should degrade myself more often because fuck, you have never cum this much." I shake my head and get back to the bed to hold her close by spooning her. She looks at my face her eyes widen.
"Oh that changed you, I changed you," she said. she grabs her phone and opens the camera and my eyes have this intense teal sclera that permeates around them. Chaehyun giggled, before saying, "Okay enough cuddles we have work we need to do." I nod and get ready for the day.
over the next week, we prepare for the Gala and I start noticing things about Chaehyun. her energy is sapped a lot easier. she is a lot more aggressive with others and snippy including with me, but also her need to fuck is increased as well, she is almost always demanding more sex. I've had to now spend entire lunch breaks just to satisfy her in addition to our morning and night rituals, and I am worried. thankfully though it doesn't cloud her judgment as she has been excellent in handling the zoo with me and making sure everything is running smoothly, and as we approach the time of the Gala her focus diverts to that.
she's taking the spearhead on most of it so I just stay in the background letting her do her thing. On one of the nights, I managed to get some time and talk to Tony.
"Hey little bro," I greet him after the zoo closes.
Tony "smiles" as he greets me but his head tilts.
"You're mate where is she?"
"She is getting things ready for an event she wants us to go to, so I figured I talk to you as she has been consuming my time a lot lately,"
"Is that wise because she is with child?" Amaterasu (She was also there cuddling with Tony.) I blink repeatedly processing what I just heard
"Oh and how do you know this?" I ask my two Magnamalo friends.
"She is going through the shift," Tony clearly says, "As have you," he adds.
I nod and then say, "Okay then I will go address that right now."
For those unaware megafauna *who only pair-bond once* (specifically females) go through a shift when they become pregnant the first time. Essentially the hormones that promote breeding triple in and their bodies become a baby-making factory for 4 cycles of gestation. this means that typically for those 3-5 years of gestation, all they want to do is breed and nurse their babies and breed again. they become hostile to any nonmale that is a non-mate or familial tie, and other females. (More so to other females) I never considered this though because she was missing the key symptom. lactation
I arrive home to tell her the news and when I arrive and open the door I smell her before I see her. I also smell the smell of cookies but more so the scent of her arousal. to me, it smells like what my brain associates comfort which is smores. her scent drives me wild I feel my cock strain in my pants as I quickly close the door. the sound of squelching in the distance is all I hear along with banshee-level moans.
"Tiger," I call out slightly frightened as to what could be waiting for me in our apartment. the response is bone-chilling.
I hear a growl and the scent begins to become even more intense.
"Rexy left me all alone, and now he's back. Rexy is going to be a good boy and let his tiger ride him right?" her voice takes on a tone I have never heard. somewhere between sultry and wildly deranged. it's as sexy as it is tense. Her eyes have the same teal sclera as mine and she radiates this intense sexual aura that is intense, to say the least. my body gives in to her demands as she approaches. My cock becomes painfully hard and starts to dump arousal into my blood. my mind begins to cloud but I try to fight it.
"Hey Tiger is everything okay?" I ask meekly.
"Yeah. I just was making cookies with ice cream because I have been having all these random cravings and just this desire for my man hit me. I couldn't help it. I have been fucking myself for hours but I can't cum. So I am going to need you and that dick of yours to finish me off." I look behind her to see a trail of her slick on the floor. She brings her hands to my head and lowers my head to be even with hers. she looks me in the eyes, and I see her eyes have become slits her pupils a dark crimson color.
"Don't worry Rexy Mommy will take good care of you," she whispers. I feel my body starting to burn arousal too. I had something I needed to tell her something important, but my memory was fading fast.
"My Rexy is trying so hard to think right now," she says as she strokes my cock. (Wait when did I get naked, when did she get on top of me? When did we get to our bedroom?)
as if hearing my thoughts Chaehyun said, "Rexy don't fight it. Mommy just wants to help her, so please give in." her words sent me over the edge and I blacked out.
The next day I woke up with my collar covered in hickeys and my back with scratch marks. My dick is still rock hard though as I look down at it I scold it.
"Can you go down would you?" but it remains hard nonetheless. I smell bacon and other breakfast foods as I get up and put some boxers on. I walk to the kitchen where Chaehyun only has an apron on, while she cooks breakfast.
"Hey, Daddy. thanks for last night you were an animal." Chaehyun said.
"I groaned and replied, "Well at least you remembered it and enjoyed it. I don't remember anything." Chaehyun smiled before saying
"You came in me four times and passed out after the fifth, but I need another round." she cooed. at that point, the brain fog cleared and I was able to tell Chae.
"Um, Tiger I think you're going through the shift," I state calmly. Chae looks at me and licks her lips
"Um, I don't think so. I am not lactating, and my sex drive hasn't increased. we fuck the same amount." She said as she was actively looking at my crotch and licking her lips. I let that slide and go for a different approach because I know if I press the issue it's going to awaken both of our prey drives and it will evolve into an argument and lead to us fucking for hours on end. We had stuff to do today and I couldn't afford to get behind. Our flight to Korea was tonight. Containing her would be exceptionally difficult. So I play her game
"Okay, do you need any help?"
"Oh thanks, Rexy but no I am pretty much done."
"Okay, I will start the dishes then."
Chaehyun smiles. She knows I hate doing them so she's pleasantly surprised I decide to. As I do the dishes Chaehyun comes from behind and lowers my boxers. My hard cock is quickly caressed by her soft hands.
"Chaehyun, please. We need to pack."
"No we need to fuck then we can pack," she says as she caresses me with her other hand.
"My marks are still present good. that will let them know you're mine," she says luridly. I groan as one of my major verbal pleasure points is her claiming me as hers.
"God yes!" I moan. "I am yours and yours alone," I affirm. Chaehyun tightens her grip on me.
"Good boy I am glad you know your place. by my side, or in me." she cooed while stroking me.
Her arousal is beginning to overwhelm my brain again. I can't afford to black out here but I want nothing more than just to breed her again and again and again. I feel her take off the apron and feel her soft body press into mine.
“Stop fighting it, join me. I know you feel the need as much as I do. Your rationality just makes you fight it. Give in to your instincts and let the animal out,” my mate whispers as she strokes me slowly. “Please I want you with me not the repressed blackout you. I want my intelligent and savage mate to ravage me. not my arousal-drunk partner,” she whispers and her hands wrap around my body, I try to stay focused but it's hard.
“Rexy embrace it stop fighting it please let it take you. You need it.” Chaehyun encourages and I start to feel my body heat up uncontrollably. I see the wisps begin to float around me.
“That's it babe be at peace with an animal inside don't fight it. Let your mind clear and your instincts guide you.” Chaehyun encourages I feel my mind breaking as this weird combination of ideas spill and proliferate through my mind
“Stop fighting give in,” Chaehyun cooed as her voice and hands got braver. My breathing hitches as I feel her envelope me,
“Don't black out stay with me Rexy embrace your instincts,” Chaehyun says as she has me nearing the edge, but before I can freefall she stops touching me. I turn and scowl at her. She smiles as she eats her breakfast. My throbbing cock is dripping precum as I stare at her enticing body. My brain is left overwhelmed by the myriad of thoughts and emotions I feel.
Chaehyun smirks at my discomfort as she takes another bite of her food she says, “We aren't leaving until you fuck me. Not your body, not your mind, not your dick. I'm not leaving until you give me all of you. I know it is hard to bear oneself to another but I need my mate to stop hiding. Show me who you truly are. I won't run.” her lurid whispers echo her words deep into my mind and psyche as aspects of my personality resonate in an almost supernatural hum. Chaehyun finished her plate and sauntered over to me. She caresses my face and gazes into my eyes,
“Come on Rexy aren't you tired of holding back,” and the mental barricade between my primal self and rational self breaks. I kiss her fervently as I lift one of her legs so that I can get a better angle on plowing her pussy and she wraps it around my torso. She smiles
“There he is,” she moans as I impale her on my cock. Her greedy pussy happily accepts though as she drips. She moans sweetly as I slowly plunge deeper and deeper inside. Her hands dig into my back as she tries to anchor herself from the intense pleasure building inside of her.
“You like that? You like how my cock owns your pussy so much that you have to tear me apart,” I groan as I finally bottom out inside of her. She smiles and says,
“Yes, more than anything now fill me with your cum!” I start thrusting into her deeper and harder than I ever have before and I watch her just lose herself to the pleasure. I smirk at her convulsing body as she spasms around my cock.
“You like it,” I ask smugly
“Yes, yes, yes. I can feel you hitting my womb,” she answers. I grin madly as I flood her insides with my seed and she moans overwhelmed. After our little session, we shower together and pack. Throughout the day we mate some more as Chaehyun insists on prancing around nude because she can't get enough of me, but alas we have to stop so we can catch our plane. It sucks because I was balls deep inside of her when my alarm went off.
Chaehyun glares at me as I pull out but I merely say, “Look you wanted to go on this trip. I didn't. I'm more than happy to cancel and fuck you till you're stuffed like a turkey.” I see Chaehyun’s mind fight her body as she is super enticed by the idea. I see her moan as she considers it but her mind wins out and we grab a ride to the airport.
“Ugh, why can't I say no to you,” I groan to Chaehyun who smiles before saying,
“I don't know why you thought you could beat a girl from Busan,” I laugh and kiss her cheek as we settle into the bed on the plane.
Chaehyun smiled and demanded another kiss and another and additional after that before taking my face and smashing our lips together. When she breaks it I see a familiar glint in her eye.
“No, we are not doing that I say before turning over and going to sleep next to her. Chaehyun groans annoyed.
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justkending · 4 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 5/7)
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Mini-Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader (Enemies to Lovers) (Fake Marriage Trope)
A/N: I think we are staying on track for this to wrap up within two more chapters, but again, we are both in the dark if that's the case😂 Thank you guys for the love! If you are wanting to be tagged, please send me an ask. It's a lot easier for me to keep track of who's been added and who hasn't :)
Y/N’s POV:
Okay, so maybe I blew up a little more than necessary, but I tried to chill out before he started chasing me, ordering that I didn’t walk away and talk to him. Let a girl try to get a hold of her emotions for a second big guy.
I’ve been anxious all day, waiting to talk to him about some deep seeded trauma, and then he comes and screws up all of it with a simple exception to an invitation. I know he didn’t mean harm by it, but he’s a trained professional. That was not a trained professional response. Plus, stepping out of my normal routine of being a bitch to him to keep him at a distance wasn’t just a switch I could flip.
Again, I could have handled that better, but now my brain is in mission mode, trying to reprogram what this night has set up for us. Considering the invitation was for tonight, it gave me little to no time to prepare.
“What time did she say dinner was?” I shouted from my bedroom, where I was going through our small, hidden arsenal of gadgets Tony had made for us.
“Six,” Bucky replied from his room down the hall.
Great, that was forty-five minutes from now… “Ok, I can do this.” Deciding it was best to keep some bugs on hand in case we could plant them in the house, and we would be planting them, I needed to consider sizes and placements.
“Should we bring over some wine or something?” Bucky’s voice was now in the doorway to my room, but I kept my back to him as I sifted through our tools.
“I made a pie earlier today. We can take that,” I answered absentmindedly.
“Why’d you make a pie?”
“Felt like it,” I shrugged and walked out of the closet with three small wires/ bugs in hand. When I looked up, I saw he had changed into a nicer button-up and was tightening a tie around his collar he hadn't been wearing earlier. “Why are you wearing a tie?” I examined him.
“Same reason you’re wearing a nicer dress. I want to make a good impression,” he shrugged, straightening pieces of his outfit.
“I’m wearing this because we were going to our ‘anniversary dinner,’” I made sure to put the lie in hand quotes. “I had a story that went with it, but this can pass as casual, too,” I motioned to my dress and moved toward him, placing the wires on the bed. “This looks like you’re about to give a sales pitch.”
Without thinking, I pop his collar up and loosen the tie to get rid of it. The whole time I’m focusing on untying it, I ramble about what the plan is for the night.
“I’m going to give you a wire to put wherever you see fit, and I’ll do the other two. I’ll excuse myself to use the bathroom and sneak it where it’s needed. I feel it’s important we look for cameras already in the house in case it’s a setup. We don’t need them having hard proof that we bugged their place. We want to come off as simple yet good assets if we want them to bring us on board for their work,” I struggle with a certain spot on the tie he somehow fixed in an efficient way I’d never seen. “Jesus, were you a sailor in another life? Might as well have knotted it.”
He doesn’t respond, but I get it off in the next two seconds and look at him to see he had been studying me intently as I invaded his space. I see my slip-up, push the tie into his chest, and take a step back.
“No problem,” he answers rather calmly, and I look at his eyes, seeing patience there. Always that damn patience. How did he still have it with me even with how I’ve treated him? “Listen-”
“About last night,” I say at the same time, and he seems shocked but gives a single nod to tell me to continue. “I want to say I’m sorry for being all over the place recently. From last night to thirty minutes ago.”
He seems frozen by my apology, and I became anxious enough that I start to word vomit.
“I took some time to think after last night and spent the day stressing, thinking how I was going to talk to you about it because I do want to. I want to get what I can out on the table if you’d be ok with that,” I look up through my lashes, and I see the most subtle turn of his lip as he watches me attentively.
“Are you hinting that there’s a chance I’ll get to see the side of you others are lucky enough to see?” he retorts, grin growing and taking a step closer to me.
His use of the word ‘lucky’ shortcircuits my brain, and all I can do is nod once, slowly, as my answer. He takes another step, and I match it with one back. I feel more vulnrable than I was expecting to.
“You can understand now why having our plans for the night changed made me slightly temperamental.”
“I think slightly may be an understatement.”
“I think you still should choose your words carefully,” I say, tightening my smile. However, it doesn’t shut him down like normal. Instead, he laughs under his breath, and the doorbell rings.
Both of our heads shoot toward the noise, and solemnity takes over the room.
“You don’t think that’s,” Bucky pauses as he turns back to me.
“How often am I wrong?” I take a deep breath in and smooth my dress out as I walk over, pausing beside him. “Hide the wires. I already did a sweep of the house while you were getting ready to make sure we didn’t have anything out of place. I’ll tell them you’re getting ready.”
I don’t need to open the door to know who it is, but when I do, the urge to yell, “I told you so!” in Bucky’s face is strong.
“Bethanne!” I smile kindly and immediately notice the dish in her hand. Reggie is behind her, holding two others, looking like he just got off work and had been dragged over here. “Did Beau tell me wrong? Are we not eating at y’all’s house tonight?”
She scrunches her face in a practiced motion and lifts the ceramic bowl up as she explains.
“I hate to ask this of you, but our oven is still the old rickety one. The new one had some faulty design, and we had to ship it back. Needless to say, it decided to give out on us today of all days,” she raised her shoulders. “I know we sprung the dinner on you suddenly, but would you two be willing to host if we provide the food?”
Not on the money of what I guessed, but pretty fucking close to the money if you ask me.
“Who is it, Doll?” Bucky’s voice carries from the hallway he’s now emerging from. The first three buttons on his dress shirt are undone, and he’s messing with the cuffs on the sleeves. “Hey, Bauers,” he smiles yet still holds shock in his features by the neighbor's appearance. “Did we get the time wrong?” he asks, looking at his watch before coming to my side, where I've now moved and am letting themselves in.
“No, no, no,” Bethanne shakes her head and hands off one of the pots to me as she takes one from Reggie, who looks more bothered to be here than happy. Long day human trafficking, asshole? “We had some appliance issues thanks to some of the renovations we were doing. I was just asking your wife if we can use your house as tonight's setting and possibly use your oven while here.”
Without hesitance, Bucky takes the dish from my hands and the dish Bethanne had swapped for and nods for Reggie to follow him.
“No problem at all. Let me help you ladies with that. Char," A nickname he had never used for my character before, but it seemed to work fluently. "Would you like to get some wine for the two of you while I get this organized in the kitchen?” he asks me, placing a kiss on the side of my head while his hands are full as he walks towards the other room.
I don’t know how he’s learned to play his role so well, but it’s convincing, even to me.
“Uh, yeah,” I almost stutter in my response as I motion for Bethanne to follow me to the wine cooler out in the garage. “Red or white with tonight's dish?”
"Do you have any more husbands like that in the back I can steal? What a gentleman," she coos, shoulder-bumping me.
Half an hour of baking the food and getting it plated, and our conversation continued with questions mostly strictly about us, which would have been fine if not for the reason behind such invasive intentions.
They started off simple. How’d you guys meet? Who made the first move? What did we love about the town so far? What kind of hobbies and adventures did we take on before moving here? All questions we had prepared for, and if not, could easily improvise.
So far. No slip-ups. If anything, we sold the scheme far better than I’d imagined we would even when they became more personal. And our discussion on being the ‘prude couple’ last night seemed to affect Bucky’s actions a lot more than I was expecting.
An obvious hand on my thigh under the table and an arm thrown over my seat in a slightly possessive manner seemed to catch the eye of Reggie, who mimicked some of the moves as if it were a competition.
In addition, Bucky kept making small compliments about how I looked and how smart I was when they asked about my job. Dropping little comments about things I did (not my character) that he loved and appreciated.
“She’s always doing things like that. I almost never have to worry about making coffee in the morning because she has it all set up just to hit a button and go.”
“You should ask Charlotte about that! She’s the reason our house looks like a home. I’m sure she could give some advice on the kitchen backsplash.”
“She may not know how to boil an egg correctly, but her baking skills are unmatched. I've put on a few pounds now that we have a nice kitchen to spend time in."
I did my best not to act shocked every time he dropped a compliment, but the fact he could have made shit up for my character and used those details as conversation pieces, yet he went the honest way (although more convincing, of course), shocked me.
“Speaking of baking skills,” Reggie nodded his head back to the kitchen counter behind us and smiled at me. “I spied a pie on the counter. Any chance we can have that to finish off this dinner?”
I was still staring at Bucky from his last form of appreciation when I blinked out of my distraction and returned to our neighbor.
“Oh, of course! I was just about to offer,” I smiled, standing up, and Bucky quickly stood next to me, pulling my chair out. “Thank you.” I smiled at him and placed a hand on his arm as I moved around to the counter.
“How sweet. Oh, Charlotte, would you mind telling me where the bathroom is?” Bethanne asked, standing and giving her husband a look for not showing the same chivalry as Bucky.
I watched her, knowing that I would have used the same excuse to do what we planned to at their house. But I was two steps ahead of her.
“Of course! Beau, do me a favor and get some plates out for dessert. I’m going to show Beth-”
“Oh, I’m sure I can find it,” she waved off, coming around the table and moving to the hall promptly.
Yeah… Not without a chauffeur, honey.
“No problem,” I waved off, moving with her casually. “I need to grab some floss from my bathroom before dessert. I’ll show you to it.”
I can see the most subtle glaze of annoyance at my insistence, but she smiles and walks a step ahead of me.
I show her to the bathroom and make it seem I’m going into the master down the hall while she’s in there. And I do, but I keep an eye to make sure she isn’t snooping in any other room besides the one. We’ll have to survey it after they leave, but better that and the dining room than the whole house.
Once we’re back with the boys, no wandering to be done, Bucky helps me plate a slice of chocolate pie for each of us, and I offer to move the conversation to the porch. Any kind of redirection from the comfort of the inside of our home is welcome.
“I love how you’ve decorated your porch. It’s so cozy,” Bethanne notices, pointing out the colorful decorative pillows, hanging swing the size of a daybed, and loads of plants and decor that make the space more intimate. She and Reggie are sat on the two rocking chairs facing the front yard, and Bucky and I are sat close together on the swing, where he’s controlling the tempo we sway in.
“I always wanted a spot outside to escape. We didn’t really have that at our last home, and it was important for me to have this time around,” I replied.
My answer is actually very true. I loved being outside, especially when it was something as simple as sitting in the backyard or swinging on a porch. I had one requirement about this mission, one I’m not even sure Bucky knew about. But I asked Tony to supply a nice budget for the porch.
Call it cheesy, but growing up in such an unnatural and dehumanizing way, you crave a small part of that normalcy you see on the movie screens. For some reason, a porch I could escape on but still be within the comfort of my own home was a dream. And because it was, I thought I’d make this situation a little more bearable by granting that small wish I always had.
“Well, I may have to start budgeting for a new kind of renovation,” she patted Reggie’s back, and he gave her a tight-lip smile. "What do you say, Reg? Do you think we can get a swing like that one?” She smiled over at us just as Bucky pulled me into his side, his arm going around my waist and his hand resting on my hip bone.
“I have a feeling we might as well have built a home from scratch by the time you’re happy with the renovations we’ve taken on,” Reggie answered with a nod before taking a swig from his beer. “Get that recipe for the pie from Charlotte, and I’ll consider buying you a new porch,” he winked my way and turned back to the front of our lawn.
I instantly found Bucky’s hand tightening, and his thumb started rubbing in an up-and-down pattern along my hip. When I turned to him slightly, his gaze stayed on Reggie.
Before finishing cleaning up for the night, we said goodbye to our guests, and just when we thought we hadn’t made any headway in our conversation about work (mind you, we had dropped hints and notices about it all night, but neither of the two seemed to take the bait), Reggie stopped on the last step to our porch and turned to Bucky.
“You mentioned working in transportation, and by the sounds of your new job up here, if you’re interested in a more innovative place, I may have some ins for you,” he shook Bucky’s hand. “I have some coworkers around the states that could use some employees like you on their route.”
“I may take you up on that offer. It all depends on how this week rolls out,” Bucky answered perfectly. The Bauers said their goodbyes, and we watched them walk home before turning to each other.
In a silent celebration, we grinned at the invitation and then sent wordless glances to tread carefully when we got in before scoping the place for bugs…
Bucky’s POV:
I’m not surprised that the blonde sole cycle instructor of a neighbor was able to get a wire in our bathroom, but neither Y/N nor I were in the mood to remove it right away and give away our knowledge of it, so we each grabbed another drink for the night and debriefed subtly on the porch where the only bugs we had to mind were the crickets chirping their music for the night.
Bethanne was right. Our porch was nicely done, and I hadn’t even noticed Y/N had hung lights out here until she plugged them in.
“I feel like this spot is more put together than the rest of the house.” I noticed the details when we were out here earlier. Now, we both have taken up spots in the rocking chairs our neighbors had vacated.
“I may have focused more of my attention on this spot than the others,” she smiled as she brought a tumbler glass up to her lips. She had drank wine while Bethanne was here, but as soon as they were gone, the whiskey I had made a glass for myself was stolen out of my hand before I could take a sip. Now, we had each of our own.
“Was what you said about the porch a real thing? I mean, we have balconies at the compound,” I looked at her as I sat my drink on the small table between us.
“Balconies and porches aren’t the same. At least in my head, they aren’t,” she nodded, taking a deep sigh and resting her glass in her lap. “Did you mean what you said when you were complimenting me all night?” She lulled her head to the side to look at me.
I had been making compliments. It felt easier to use the ones I had picked up on than the ones I made up. Yet again, I think anyone should get the recognition they deserve when they excel in something. Y/N just tended to excel in more than I think she was aware of. And I was learning she didn’t seem to be used to people taking note of those things.
“Why lie?” I shrugged, starting to rock in a steady pattern.
“Because that’s this whole gig. A lie,” she answered, taking another pull of the hard liquor.
I considered her perspective and shook my head, looking out to the lights on the other side of the street. “I guess it gets tiring at points. Don’t really feel like doing it if the truth can be just as usable.”
She didn’t answer for quite a few seconds, and when I turned back to her, she was staring at me like she was waiting for another shoe to drop.
“How are you so patient? Seriously, is it a drug Tony made you before you had to deal with me on this mission? I don’t get it,” she laughs, but I can hear the genuine confusion in it as she sits forward and turns her body to me.
Honesty. I’m in a mood to be 100% honest.
“Want me to be real with you?” I asked, turning my own body.
“It’d be preferred,” she nods and rests both her arms on the armrest.
“I don’t know anything about your past, but I know most people have a reason for acting the way they do. It took years and a ton of patience before I felt like I was even close to who I used to be. I still struggle to come to terms with the fact I’ll never be who I was before the train incident,” I sigh and rest my head back against the chair as I look at her. “I guess I have understanding more than patience. I understand that you have a history of your own that I don’t know, and I can’t blame you for a lot of the things you do.”
“But you should. I’m an asshole to you,” she says, and the admission is kinda nice to hear, even if it is sad.
“Yeah, and I was hoping you’d be willing to share why that is,” I reply calmly.
She tenses some and sits back in her chair, pulling her legs under her to sit crisscrossed, the chair rocking with her movement and her dress overflowing past her knees.
“I guess now is as good a time as ever…” She looked at me sidelong before finding comfort in the view in front of her instead. “I didn’t really have a chance to develop a personality of my own because of my time in this lifestyle,” she motions around her, “started as soon as I could walk. So I had no identity to fall back on since I had to find it after I escaped.”
I had questions, but I found it best just to listen. Clearly, what she was talking about wasn’t something she brought up lightly, and being an ear to listen was what she needed right now.
“I was left behind by whichever no-good parent gave me up, and Adonis Hummel took me as his own and decided he’d try to recreate the famous assassin, The Winter Solider, from birth practically.”
The name drop came quickly and struck home. I didn’t know her whole story, but I had enough imagination and experience to believe where she was going.
“Wait, Hummel?” I started because the name sounded familiar, but…
“He was a low-level scientist who worked for Hydra when they were still using you under Pierce. He thought he had the brains and resources to create his own version of you. A version that would be more undetectable as a woman and a version he could tweak however he wanted,” she rolled her shoulders. “Lucky for him, I didn’t have to be brainwashed since I knew nothing besides the life of abuse, experimentation, and a shit ton of conditioning... " 
"To clarify, I say that for context, not sympathy,” she straightened, and I could see her shifting back to her unbothered disposition, but the truth was shining through the cracks. She may not have wanted sympathy, but something about the vulnerability seemed to lighten the load on her shoulders.
“As for why I may have built a wall around you, an unhealthy and senile wall, I felt as though…” She gulped as if the next part was harder for her to say than the abuse of her past. “I felt as though you had been my competition my whole life, and a part of me, a young and in-need-of-therapy part of me, thought it was best to keep you as far away as possible and hold onto that anger instead of work through it. It felt easier than facing the fear that I didn’t actually equate to you in any way. So that’s another reason why I felt everything with you was to prove a point.” She lets out a short breath after using all the air in her lungs in one swift swoop.
It’s a lot to take in…
She doesn’t move her head back towards me after her confession, and I can’t seem to break my stare from her.
“This is where you say something like, ‘Well, it’s your lucky day. I’m actually an asshole either way, so we can go on hating each other for completely understandable reasons!’ or I don’t know? Anything but silence would be preferred, though…”
Her hand is gripping the arm rest unconsciously like an anchor keeping her on earth.
On instinct, I reach across and pull her hand into mine, keeping my stare heavy, enticing her to look at me.
She closes her eyes at first and takes another short breath before turning.
“I’m sorry if I ever made you feel unworthy of being on the team.” I feel like I personally am the reason for her suffering, even if I had no correlation with her before I joined the team. "You are more than an asset to the team and are your own kind of weapon. It's incomparable."
“Ugh,” she sniffles and rubs an eye with the heel of her free hand as if to disguise a possible tear as allergies. “This would be so much easier if you were a piece of shit misogynistic asshole, but you're part of the few good ones out there. Steve, Sam, and Clint included, not Tony,” she noted.
I smiled, thinking about how I’d make a team like that even if she had me believe otherwise for so long.
“What I’m trying to get at, B, is you’re not the one I should be blaming for my past. You’re just as much a victim as I am, but I took the easy way out of making it more manageable for me, and I only made it harder for us both in the end. And for that,” she turned and stared into my eyes fully, the hand she held squeezing my own. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve an ounce of the kind of cruelness I tried to bury you in. You are the opposite of what they tried to make you, and you’re genuine in proving that to anyone who meets you. I've been envious of the strength you have, and I can say confidently that I deeply regret ever blaming you for that.”
I once again have to process yet another collection of words I’d never thought I hear. From her. Ever. A part of me believed this was a dream, but the part that Y/N had a grip on was practically pinching me into reality.
Without hesitating, I stood up, pulled her arm up with me, and yanked her into my body in a crushing hug.
She froze at first… The motion was quick and surprising, but slowly, she unhooked our hands, brought both of hers tightly around my waist, and laid into me. I rested my head on top of hers and pulled her shoulders in with my arms, wrapping both of my own tightly around her.
I wasn’t going to let go until she did, and by the looks of it… She wasn’t letting go anytime soon.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies Forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series:
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki @learisa @bxckybxrnes24 @lillianacristina @selella @heletsmelovehim @lovelybaka @heletsmelovehim @bubblegumbeautyqueen @mostlymarvelgirl @that-d-bitch @rabbitrabbit12321
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jrswritings · 16 days
Tingles and Giggles - Chapter Nine - Tyler Owens x Reader
Get caught up with Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, and Chapter Eight! Masterlist :)
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Chapter Nine - It's Called Dopamine
While your body swayed, your mind was blank. This gorgeous man asked to kiss you, and you haven’t answered him. Your heart was pushing you to go for it, screaming at you ‘What are you waiting for?’ Meanwhile, your head was cautious and throwing red flags left and right. You took a deeper breath and pushed your lips to his, his warmth immediately embodying you fully. It felt like how the movies described it. The sparks, fireworks, tingles, electricity, or whatever you wanted to call it were very much alive and going absolutely crazy inside you; time standing still as you and Tyler lost yourselves in the moment. He let go of your hand and wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you closer to deepen the kiss even more. 
As if it had lasted forever, it was over before it really started as he pulled away leaving you both breathless and emotions running wild. That kiss was what you needed to solidify your feelings for the crazy wrangler and his very addictive lips. 
“I could get used to those,” you sighed softly, resting your head on his chest. 
He chuckled, holding you close as the song faded out and some random commercial started, “Oh really now?” 
You hummed in response, letting the last 30 seconds sink into your mind as a core memory since this was the beginning of what you hoped to be a beautiful relationship. 
“What happened to us doing a few of these date things and then deciding?” He asked softly, resting his chin on the top of your head. 
“Your lips make a very good argument,” you said, slipping your hands under the back of his shirt to feel goosebumps, “What are these for?” 
“I can’t help myself, you make me happy, and doesn’t that release some sort of happy chemical in the brain?” He asked. 
“It’s called dopamine,” you said, rubbing his lower back gently, “And yes, when you do something that feels good your brain releases a rush of dopamine. Naturally, the human mind then seeks more of that good feeling by repeating the behavior.”
“Okay, Mrs.WebMD,” he chuckled, kissing your head. 
The vibrations of his chest resonated off of you and reignited the fireworks inside of you. It was something you couldn’t explain, starting the week with disliking him and his posse of fans following him to now falling hard for him. 
“Next on our 90s country segment for this gorgeous Saturday afternoon,” the woman on the radio said, “Toby Keith’s Should’ve Been A Cowboy. How many out there wish they could be a cowboy? Are you one? Let us know what dreams you had or have of being a cowboy, or girl, on the 74.3 app.” 
“This song was my jam when I was doing rodeos,” he said, smirking. 
“That smirk tells me it still is your jam,” you laughed, pulling away from him and taking a drink of your beer on the table. 
“What if it is?” He asked, grabbing his beer and pushing in one of the chairs at the table to make more room on the now make-shift dance floor. 
“I’d say it was cute, but you know you are a cowboy, right?” You asked, your hips swaying gently. 
“What’s a cowboy without his Miss Kitty?” He asked referencing the song, putting his hat on your head and holding his hand out towards you. 
“A lonesome one,” you said, taking his hand and going under his arm as he twirled you. 
“I should’ve been a cowboy!” He sang proudly, “I should’ve learned to rope and ride!”
“Wearin’ my six-shooter, ridin’ my pony on a cattle drive,” you sang after him, the two of you dancing around the little shack together, “Stealin’ a young girl’s heart, just like Gene and Roy.” 
“Singin’ those campfire songs, oh, I should’ve been a cowboy!” You both sang, laughing and clinking your bottles together gently. 
“You know, cowboy,” you said. 
“I know a lot of things, sweetheart,” he said, dancing around in a circle by himself. 
“I’m surprised you’re still on the market after all these years,” you said, plopping down on the couch. 
“No one caught my eye until you did, honey,” he said, sitting on the other side of the couch and propping his boots on the coffee table. 
“Even out of all the people you’ve seen in your days of chasing and being in rodeos?” You asked, starting to pick at the label on the bottle.
“There’s always pretty women out there, but none I ever felt pulled to,” he said, taking a drink, “That was until I saw you out at Cyclone Gas and Go when you first started officially chasin’.” 
You started to laugh, “That was such a horrible day for me.” 
“I mean it couldn’t have been that bad when your van at the time wouldn’t start and me and Ol Red had to jump it,” he said, winking at you. 
“It wasn’t just that,” you said, curling your legs up, “After the van was barely running, all the computers froze. Jade and Tristan were nowhere to be found, and later we find out that they were shacking up and figured the van wasn’t going to start so they left.”
“That ain’t good, darlin’,” he chuckled, shaking his head.
“And on top of all of that,” you said, “I was hormonal from it being that time of the month. I was absolutely miserable.” 
“But here you are, still standing and chasing,” he said, putting his arms on the back of the couch and leaning his head back, “And now you’re part of the wranglers so the team is now the best in the area.” 
“Eh, I wouldn’t push it,” you said, “What I bring is counteracted by Finn and Asher.” 
“They can’t be that bad,” he said, looking over at you with a worried expression, “Right?” 
“You’ll find out soon enough,” you said, finishing off your beer and setting it on the coffee table. 
“If anything they can just help out in the aftermath of the storms,” he said, “Help find missing dogs and stuff.” 
“They’re good at that!” You said excitedly, “They’re always the first out of the van.”
“Good, that means the rest of us can focus on other things,” he said, looking over at you with a smile.
“They could help with handing out food, too,” you said, taking his hat off and putting it back on his head. 
“Darlin’, this looks better on you,” he said, taking it off and putting it back on you.
“But it’s yours,” you said, taking it off and just looking at it in your hands. Even though it had been through countless storms, it was still in great condition and still quite white. 
“I can get another one, I’ve been trying to wear ball caps while out chasin’ now anyway,” he said, running his hands through his hair. 
“I’ve noticed,” you said softly, putting the hat back on.
“I’m gonna head out and start buildin’ that fire for tonight, you’re welcome to stay in here where it’s a little cooler,” he said, standing up, “Make yourself at home.” 
“I’m just going to run out to your truck and grab my phone to see if my team replied,” you said, getting up and heading towards the door. 
“Sounds good, sugar,” he said, giving you a wink, and headed out the back door. 
While you walked out the front door you noticed a carving of ‘T+’ in a nearby tree. It made you smile slightly as you could tell it had been there for a while. Opening the back door of the truck you grabbed your phone, his flannel shirt, and the flowers from this morning. As you walked back to the door, you stopped and let the breeze blow against your face. Even though it was a warm breeze, it felt nice. You took a deep breath and walked inside, tossing the shirt to the couch. 
After looking through a couple of cupboards you found a larger mason jar for the flowers, then opened the fridge to see a bottle of water shoved to the back behind the case of beer. You cracked it open and dumped it into the jar, then put the flowers in as you were sure they were thirsty. You grabbed another beer, twisted the top, and sat back down on the couch with your phone. 
Three missed calls from Finn, two from Asher, four texts in the group chat, and then a text from your mom. You sighed, opening your messages up. 
Tristan sent; ‘Jade and I appreciate everything Storm Riders has done for us and our relationship, but we will be gone by the morning.’
Asher sent; ‘Joining Tornado Wranglers sounds fun! Let’s do it!’ 
Finn sent; ‘(Y/n), you okay?! We haven’t heard from you and you’re still not back!’ 
Jade sent; ‘Why would she talk to her team who’s abandoning her?’
Finn replied; ‘Count me in as a Wrangler!!!’
You sighed and went to the text your mother sent you. 
‘Baby, now that the season is over, when are you coming back to see everyone??? Your dad and I miss you SO much!!! Waylon and Willie miss you, too! They wait by the door every night. We hardly hear from you. What’s new? Any new boys in your life?’
Want more? Here's Chapter Ten!
Taglist: @fanboyswhore9 @faith719
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whimsyfinny · 8 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: None (Yet) in chapters to come there will be smut (and lots of it) and possible violence/blood/gore
Chapter Word Count: 1566
A/N: My first Supernatural fic so I hope it doesn’t suck ass. Only proof read by myself, so pls let me know of any errors so I can correct! Also I know at this point in the series Dean is more serious, however I love pre-Hell Dean so imma bring some of those vibes in here. This is also posted on my AO3.
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Please Read the below first:
Chapter 1
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 2
The journey to the bunker was pretty uneventful, with Sam and Charlie chatting amongst themselves in the front of the car whilst both myself and Dean sat miserably next to each other in the back like a couple of criminals who’d been arrested. The chains on my handcuffs jangled as I rubbed my sore knuckles; the skin raw, bruised and red from either my own blood or - most likely - Deans. As I did, I could feel a red hot glare burning into the side of my face from the older Winchester, as though he was in disbelief that I even had the audacity to feel any pain or discomfort right now as dark red scabs formed on his nose and cheek. We pulled up next to the bunker, and I didn’t get much chance to look at the surrounding scenery as the moment we were parked, the golden retriever duo up front hopped out, slammed their doors shut and threw ours open, Sam gently yet firmly grasping my elbow and pulling me to my feet whilst Charlie did the same for Dean. We were marched into the building and we soon arrived in what I assumed to be the kitchen. Sam pushed gently on my shoulder, urging me to take a seat at the table to which I obliged with Dean following suit and taking a seat opposite me. We stared each other down from across the table for a few moments, the atmosphere growing thicker by the second as his brilliant green eyes pierced mine.
“Enough the pair of you!” Charlie exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “Look, I’ve got some things to say before we release you both back into the wild. It won’t take long,” she sighed and rubbed her temples. “I wanted to introduce you guys to (Y/n) because I thought you would get along! With your shared interest in hunting, bootcut jeans, rock music and most importantly - pie.”
Dean and I shot each other a quick glance before looking away again. Charlie continued.
“You’ve had one disagreement, and even though I was impressed by the performance it definitely didn’t warrant the carnage. You’re both adults, so act like it and stop bickering like children. You’re going to be living and working together now so you’re both just going to have to suck it up and move on.”
Sam stepped forward; “I agree with Charlie. (Y/n) you have no idea how much of a help you being here is going to be. We’ve been going around in circles for months and we really need a fresh pair of eyes. Plus you get free food and board, if that helps,” he grinned slightly trying to lighten the mood. I humoured him and softened my eyes, raising my eyebrows in acknowledgment to the pros of staying here.
“Right,” he clapped his hands together, “we’re going to remove the tape and you’re both going to be civilised. You promise?”
I gave Dean one final long, hard stare before nodding.
”Good,” Sams soft cool fingers grazed my cheek as he pulled up the corner of the tape, gently peeling it back until it was removed and I could finally take a deep breath. Meanwhile, Charlie approached Dean and in one swift movement ripped the tape from his mouth in under a second.
“FUCK!” He cried out as he tenderly touched his now extra sore swollen lips. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“Right, I’m going to go and get (Y/n)s belongings from the motel room she’s staying in and check her out then I’ll be right back with all her stuff. I’ll see you guys later!” And before I could even protest for her to take me with her, she’d turned on her heel and hightailed it out of the bunker, leaving Sam to undo our cuffs and set us free.
“That bitch,” I sighed, huffing a strand of hair out of my face. Sam knelt before me, that kind look in his eye ever twinkling.
“(Y/n) I promise you that you're safe here. It’s warded to the teeth and full of everything we need to survive. We’ve got you,” he patted my knee before taking my hands in his, using a small key to finally undo the cuffs right before they clattered to the floor. I leant down to pick them up, and by the time I’d sat back up to place them on the kitchen table, he was already beside Dean doing the same for him. His own cuffs removed and rubbing his wrists, he stood, looking from me to Sam a few times before speaking.
“Well I’ve already suffered enough today so I’m going to spend time coming up with a better excuse as to why I look like this,” he gestured to his beaten face and turned to leave, mumbling a quick ‘see ya later’ to Sam before leaving the kitchen. Sam stood awkwardly for a second, before declaring that he was going to get some lunch for everyone and also scurried away, leaving me completely alone in alien territory. I was still sat at the table as I began to look around.
This place was a dump.
How did these grown ass men live in conditions like this? The dirty dishes were piled so high that it was a surprise they hadn’t toppled over yet. Empty beer bottles cluttered the table and countertops, the bin was overflowing with bulging bin bags dumped right next to it without being taken outside and the smell was starting to make me feel a little nauseous. How does Sam expect us all to eat and live together in conditions like this? It was like living with a couple of wild animals. After a few silent moments to myself I released a breath I’d been holding whilst I pondered. I ran my hands through my hair and laughed at myself in disbelief. I’m gonna have to clean the fucking kitchen. Without giving it a second thought and running the risk that I’d change my mind, I scooped my hair into a high ponytail using the bobble on my wrist and pushed up my sleeves, finding a pair of rubber gloves under the sink. Let’s clean this bitch.
In the space of about an hour and a half (a gruelling hour and a half), I’d washed and dried the dishes, putting them away in their respective places, taken out all the trash and lined the bin with a fresh bag, scrubbed and disinfected every surface and had even mopped the floors. The smell of rotting trash was dissipating and the urge to claw off my own skin had gone. I’d propped the mop against the wall and stepped back to admire my hard labour when I heard a door open and close, the entering footsteps heading my way. Sam emerged into the kitchen, a stunned look on his face as he walked to the table slowly, placing about 6 bags of ‘groceries’ on its surface. His mouth opened and closed a few times like he was searching for the right things to say.
“You’re welcome,” I cut in, hoping to help him find his words.
“Yeah, thank you! I’m sorry, I didn't know what to say - you really didn’t have to do this. It’s embarrassing that you were even put in a situation where you felt you had to,” he grimaced a little, only now realising what a horror show it was that they were living in. “But seriously thank you, I really appreciate it,” he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Sam was sweet and easy to like - unlike his Neanderthal brother. I felt like I could trust him.
I peeled my gloves off, threw them in the bin and approached the kitchen table where Sam was pulling out a case of beer.
“Here, you deserve one of these,” he said, handing me one. The bottle was nice and cool on my hot fingertips, my warm skin instantly relishing the coldness.
“Thank you,” I smiled before popping the cap and taking a long, well deserved drink. I savoured the moment, genuinely appreciating Sam’s gesture. Although all nice moments comes to an end, and soon Dean was striding into the room bold as brass, seating himself at the table and helping himself to a beer without so much as a hello. It wasn’t until he’d drained half the bottle in one gulp that he realised the kitchen was clean. He grinned and looked at his brother.
“Hey, nice job Sammy! It looks great in here, I owe you one,” he raised his bottle as if making a small toast whilst Sam’s eyes flicked to mine.
“Uh, Dean… this wasn’t me. You need to thank (Y/n) for that,” Deans grin faulted slightly as he looked between the two of us before it returned. I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows in suspicion. His forest green eyes pierced into mine as he almost purred his next sentence.
“Well, Sammy, it looks like we’ve bagged ourselves a maid. Does she cook too?”
I slammed my bottle on the table, much like I did earlier. Only Sam flinched.
“I’m not your fucking maid,” I snarled, resenting that shit-eating grin on the older Winchesters lips. He chuckled, the sound coming deep from within his chest as he rose to his feet.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33
Up Next:
Chapter 3
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 1 month
Pretty P.A. Chapter 7
Summary: Y/N has been the personal assistant to the most influential and famous fashion modeling agency director in the industry for the past 13 years.  They’ve decided to retire, and are leaving the agency in the hands of their protege and former model, Bucky Barnes.  He seems plenty qualified, and Y/N is excited for a chance to work with him.  Change always takes time,  but the new insanely hot boss is distrustful and hesitant towards her.  **curvy reader** **Y/N/N = Your nickname ** Warnings: mentions of sexual assault (not from Bucky), some violence, blood, smut
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Y/N knew she needed to talk to Bucky, but couldn’t get the courage to do it.  Two weeks later Olympus was reached out to by Vogue, wanting to do a story about Bucky being a supermodel turned agency director.  He agreed and they found themselves being flown to Lake Como in Italy for a photoshoot.  Bucky looked pristine in his all-white outfit, getting doused with water to look like he’d just come out of the lake, his long hair meticulously placed as they wetted it.  Y/N smirked at how handsome he looked.  He’d promised her a fancy dinner that night, and she couldn’t wait to get him to bed with the cool spring air and the amazing views of the area.  
“God, he’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” one of the other assistants on the shoot, Yelena, said as she walked up to her.
Y/N huffed a laugh as they watched him once again pull himself onto the dock, the camera going off a million times.  He stood and pushed his hair back.  “Yes,” she agreed.
“You’re so lucky to get to work for that,” Yelena whispered, gesturing towards Bucky’s body and giving Y/N a suggestive nudge to her arm.  Y/N just smiled.  She was very lucky.  “Is he, uh, seeing anyone?” Yelena asked, licking her lips.
Y/N silently sighed.  This was a constant question she had to shield every time they went somewhere for work.  She wanted to scream, to stomp her feet, make a scene, but she merely shook her head.  “He’s very private about those kinds of things, so I wouldn’t know,” Y/N said noncommittally.  
Yelena hummed and shrugged.  “Well, I’ll just have to figure it out myself,” she winked at Y/N and started walking down the pier towards Bucky and the team behind the camera.
Y/N subtly glared at Yelena as she approached Bucky and fixed his hair again, her fingers lingering along his jaw before she turned and talked to one of the other assistants.  Bucky gave Yelena a quizzical look but focused back on the camera as they caught a few more shots.  Y/N waited until they called it quits, but Yelena stayed back and talked with Bucky for a few minutes.  He was being polite and friendly, as he was with everyone, but she kept touching his arm, pushing his hair back again as it dripped water, and laughing excessively at whatever he said.  Y/N’s jaw ticked, aching with how hard she was clenching it.  Yelena was beautiful, short like Y/N but slender.  She and Bucky weren’t exclusive, but she felt the jealousy and frustration rage inside her as he dismissed himself but she followed him up the pier.  Y/N tried to keep her face neutral as he walked up to her and smiled.  “Hey babes,” he greeted her.
Y/N’s eyes widened at the pet name he reserved for private times, and Yelena blinked in surprise.  “Hey,” Y/N said, pulling out his water bottle and handing it to him.  “Did they give the all clear?”
“Yep, we’re finished,” Bucky said, gulping down the water before handing it back to her.  “I’m just gonna get cleaned up then we’ll go to dinner.”  Y/N nodded with a side smile.  He turned to Yelena.  “Thank you for your help today.  I look forward to seeing the final product in a couple of months.”
Yelena looked a little put out but nodded politely.  “Of course, thank you for coming.”
Bucky quickly linked his arm with Y/N and led her towards the beach house that they were staying in just a short walk away from the pier.  They didn’t say anything to each other on the way, and when they finally reached the door Bucky led her inside then locked it behind them soundly.  He suddenly grabbed Y/N and pinned her to the door, his head dipping down to start kissing at her neck while his hands wandered around her body.  “Jealous, babes?” he muttered.
Y/N squirmed and pushed him away, but he kept smirking at her.  “No,” Y/N said.  She dodged his arms and walked around him, leading the way to the bedroom.
“Oh come on, Y/N, it’s okay,” Bucky chuckled as he followed her.
Y/N kept walking, ignoring him as she went to the bathroom and turned on the shower for him.  “Clean up,” she instructed him before turning to leave.
“Woah, babes,” Bucky said, suddenly serious.  He grabbed her by the shoulders and made her face him.  “Hey, I was just teasing.”
“It’s fine,” Y/N said, keeping her gaze at his chest.  “We never specified if we were exclusive.  You’re free to do whatever, or whoever, you want.”
Bucky scoffed and let go of her shoulders.  “Are you seeing other people?” he asked with a bitter tone.
“No,” Y/N said, glancing at him.
“Neither am I,” he said, stepping toward her and pinning her against the sink.  “Look at me, babes.”  Y/N sighed heavily then met his gaze.  He watched her for a moment, the shower making the bathroom start to steam up.  “I don’t want to be with anyone else.  Only you.  I don’t want you with anyone else.  Only me.  And I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear before,” he leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.  “We were just…happy.  I didn’t think I’d need to.”
“Well you do,” Y/N said quietly.  
Bucky sighed this time, his smirk coming back.  “You’re mine.  I’m yours.  We belong to each other.  Exclusively.  You wanna be my girlfriend?  Great.  You’re my girlfriend.  Though that seems like a pale description of what you mean to me.”
Y/N frowned.  “What do you mean?”
Bucky smiled fully at her question.  “What words could possibly do you justice?  You are my everything.  My center.  My sun.  You are the greatest thing that has happened to me.  My greatest achievement.  Not because I conquered you in any way, but because I somehow won your heart, and it's my most prized possession.”  Y/N could feel her eyes fill with tears.  “I told you that first night.  All I want is you, babes.  Whether that means as my girlfriend, my fiance, my wife, though none of those words will fully express what it is you mean to me.”
Y/N’s tears finally fell and Bucky quickly wiped them away.  She had never cried in front of him before, so it felt very vulnerable, but she smiled up at him.  “I think that’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me,” she whispered.
Bucky’s smile widened.  “I mean it.  Every word.”
“I love you,” Y/N confessed.
Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut and he leaned his forehead against her forehead.  “God that feels so good to hear,” he whispered.  He opened his eyes and gazed at her.  “I love you.”  Y/N cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down to kiss her.  He happily reciprocated, his arms winding around her waist and holding her tight to him as he deepened the kiss.  They stayed there, almost swaying as they kissed, until he chuckled against her lips.  “Now you’re all wet,” he said, looking down at his wet clothes soaking up her outfit.
“Looks like we’re both going to need to clean up,” Y/N smirked suggestively.
Bucky groaned at her tone, quickly stripping them both and leading her to the shower.
@calwitch @hzdhrtss
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Nine
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Cussing and a mild mention of killing vampires
Notes: This chapter is… the longest one yet and definitely my fav so far - I love me some protective men, enjoy!! [FYI: Y/m/n is your middle name]
Word Count: 5096
Series Masterlist
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• March 12th, 2005 • Forks, WA •
I pull my motorcycle to a stop at an outlook over the Olympic Forest just outside of town, not wanting to go far for her first ride, but also wanting to get her alone and just be. I reach a hand behind me for her to take as she climbs off before I pop out the kickstand and get off myself. She’s handing me my protective gear as I turn to see what’s got her eager to leave my side and I’m met with the second most gorgeous view, the first being the girl before me.
The deep green of the forest clashes against the oranges, pinks, and purples of the descending sun to make for a spectacular sunset. To make it even better, I can see the reflection of it in her eyes - the duality of beauty rendering me speechless for longer than I’d like to admit.
This gorgeous creature, this kind and beautiful soul before me is meant to be mine. My singer, the greatest temptation a vampire could ever experience and I have found her. How on earth a monster like me is supposed to be an equal for an angel like her, I might never know.
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He’s staring at me in such a way that I feel completely alive. It’s causing my face to heat, but I could care less about being embarrassed-this beautiful sunset and the vampire next to me have snatched all rational thought.
I turn to meet his eyes and I can tell a million things are running through his mind by the slightly unfocused look. The hint of a grin on his perfect lips bring a smile to my own, “Penny for your thoughts?” I ask.
“You’d have millions.” He jokes, but I’m slightly lost and tilt my head. “My thoughts are nothing but you, darlin’. You’d have millions if you had a penny for each one.”
My mouth gapes like a fish for a few seconds, for someone so stoic usually, he sure can make a girl swoon. So instead of replying, I turn my gaze to his hands, running my fingers over them and up his wrist. Before they could ascend any further though, one of his hands reaches up to stop me. Fearing that I’ve unknowingly pushed a boundary, I glance up in alarm.
“There is a reason I wear sleeves, sweetheart.” He explains quietly with a sad half-smile.
“If you think any part of you could scare me, you’re wrong Hale.” I mean it and I know he can sense the truth of my words.
“I’ve done things, horrible things for a horrible person, and I did them without question-“
“So tell me and let me prove that none of that matters now.” I lift a brow daring him to defy me.
In response he pushes the sleeves of his shirt up to reveal scarred forearms. Not just typical scarring, but bite marks. I let out a gasp at the hard ridges and pits that penetrate his skin, there must be hundreds and they have to have been painful to permanently damage the skin of a vampire. My wide eyes meet his and I can tell he’s holding his breath for what I might say.
“Who-what could do this to you? Why? How?” Questions begin tumbling from my lips as my fingers float across his damaged skin, anguish beginning to seep into my bones as his explanation begins.
“I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary, evacuating women and children from the battlefield when I… came across three women that I thought required assistance. Being the gentleman and soldier I was, I offered them aid and it cost me my life.” He inhaled a deep breath before continuing, still watching my hands explore his skin. “Their leader Maria, was the one that changed me with the intention to use me as a general for her own army. An army of newly turned vampires, impossible for anyone, human or vampire, to beat. I was…” A heavy pause, “Also in charge of dispatching them once they outlived her usefulness for her.”
I meet his eyes as he struggles through that last sentence. Unbelievable. This man? This kind, gentle, sweet, considerate man was used to train and then kill other people for a woman clearly not strong enough to do it herself? I’m in shock at the audacity.
“If you’re waiting for me to run screaming, you’ll have to try harder.” I whisper, afraid I might scream in frustration should I speak any louder.
He puffs out a breath at my words and shakes his head. “You amaze me at every turn, you know that?” One hand pulls away from my touch to run fingers across my cheekbone in a tender gesture, drastically contrasting the story his skin tells.
“You think you can scare me, but I’m still here.” I’m here because I’m a magnet drawn to you and I don’t ever want to be pulled away, but I keep those words from slipping out with the rest.
“I’m a monster that has killed more people than I can remember, and that’s okay with you?” He asks honestly and bluntly, eyes searching mine.
“You did what was asked of you by someone that manipulated you, that is not on you and it does not make you a monster, Jasper.” The conviction in my voice is strong.
“You feel so strongly for my past and my demons, but you won’t let me in that pretty little mind of yours, why is that?” He taps on my temple gently, questioning my very being.
“Who said you aren’t already in here?” It’s my turn to tap my own temple, but my words and actions are a little more harsh now that my own demons are rushing to the surface. “You are in every single thought night and day, Hale-“
“Then why do you play this game - one moment you’re all in and the next you’re scared-“
“Because someone like you don’t waste their time with someone like me!” The quiet is deafening for a few beats following my confession. “You are gorgeous, and-and mysterious, and everything a girl could dream to have-“ but he interrupts my ramble with hands cradling my face.
“And utterly taken by you. You, darlin’. Never have I felt so alive, so seen by someone. Someone that is so incredible she caught me off guard with a door and a simple look, me-a vampire!” His words are frantic.
“I’m just a plain ‘ole regular girl like everyone else, the one you date before the real one comes along and-”
“No.” One word, one syllable and yet it holds so much weight. “Do not diminish yourself because of the value you’ve placed upon me, I will not allow it.”
What do I even say to that? Before I could articulate a response, his face lowers and his forehead rests on mine. “You are everything I need and I want you to understand that I’m not going anywhere and no other will ever take me away from you or catch my eye if you’re worried about something like that.”
A rumble in the distance reminds us of our surroundings again, darkness having moved in and a storm notifying us that it’s on the way.
“Let me get you home, sweetheart.” A kiss is delicately placed high on my cheekbone, tender and cool to soothe the heat that might be permanently settled there.
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• March 13th, 2005 • Home •
The outing with Jasper yesterday has had my mind in a spin since he dropped me off at home. I can’t believe he not only indulged my request, but that I got to essentially be a human backpack for an insanely hot vampire. And our conversation… I can’t even - he flipped my world around and stole my breath away.
I’m still breathless. And looking for my stupid hat.
“Mom, have you seen my Cubs baseball hat?” I yell from the top of the stairs.
“No sweetie, did you check the bottom of the hall closet? Maybe it fell in there!” She yelled back from her spot fixing lunch in the kitchen.
I huff and run to the closet, swinging the door open and spotting the blue hat tossed haphazardly on top of our snowshoes. Great, now I’ll smell like feet. I hurry to the bathroom and grab the fabric spray from under the sink as the front doorbell rings.
Shit-shit-shit, he’s early! I finish tying my shoes to prevent myself from tripping down the stairs in my haste. As I reach the top, I hear my mother beat me to the front door to invite Jasper in, swinging the door wide in her excitement at a boy standing on our front porch.
“Good afternoon, ma’am.” He drawls in his southern accent, he offers his hand out to shake my mother’s, “Jasper Hale.” His eyes flicking up to meet mine as I descend the stairs, my mother accepting the gentlemanly gesture.
“Oh good afternoon dear!” My mother turns to me, “I made lunch in the kitchen if you two are hungry.”
“No thanks mom, we’ll just get going!” I tell her breathlessly, popping a kiss to her cheek as I brush past, “Love you!”
She sputters a second, trying to catch up, “Love you too dear, just be home at a reasonable time!” She yells after me, standing in the doorway to our home.
“I won’t keep her too late, ma’am.” Jasper flashes her a smile, “Promise I’ll keep her safe, to the best of my ability.” Finally he gives in to my tug of his jacket sleeve to follow me down the front steps.
My mother continues to stand on the porch, watching us like a hawk as Jasper opens the passenger door for me to Edward’s Volvo. He throws a wink at me before shutting the door and walking around to the driver’s side, waving goodbye to my mother who returns it.
“In a hurry, doll?” He asks, placing his right hand on my headrest as he leans over to back out of my drive.
I can’t think straight when he invades my space like this, “I just spared you from the third degree my mother was about to lay on you back there. You’re welcome, Hale.” I huff, trying to not let his proximity affect me.
He chuckles, for what I’m not entirely sure: my increasing heart rate or the comment about my mother.
“I think I can handle your mom.” He eventually responds, hands now having returned to safe territory on the steering wheel.
“Oh of that I have no doubt, but she would’ve kept us entirely too long and I’m not about to let you keep me from watching the most interesting game of baseball I’ve ever witnessed.” I responded.
Lord knows my mother would’ve embarrassed me by asking what his intentions were and we don’t need that kind of talk. We don’t need it yet, anyways.
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• March 13th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
Jasper parked the car in the garage of his massive home, if a work of architecture could be called ‘home’. He speeds around to the passenger side to open my door before I even got the chance to reach for the handle.
“I can open my own door, you know?” I mention as I stand from the car.
“Where I’m from, a lady should never have to open a door for herself.” He states matter-of-factly, shutting the door and moving past me to lead the way, arm brushing my shoulder and creating goosebumps in its wake.
Flustered by his chivalry, I follow him silently inside.
“Where is everyone?” I ask, taking in the view of the forest from the large windows.
It takes him a minute to respond, having disappeared somewhere momentarily just to return with a jacket draped over his arm and a warm-looking scarf in hand.
“Edward is picking up Isabella and should be here any moment to get us. The rest of my family is in the clearing warming up.” He answers, draping the scarf around my neck with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
Before I could comment on the look, Edward honked impatiently from the driveway.
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A little part of me wishes I just ran to the clearing while Y/n rode with Edward and Bella, just to clear my head from her scent. The rest of me is happy to have a few more moments in her presence, even if for just a little while.
I make eye contact with my brother in the rear view mirror, knowing he can read my thoughts. He gives a small dip of his chin in acknowledgment, as if to say he understands the internal conflict of wanting to be close to her while knowing it’s also torture to do so.
“Are you warm enough?” I ask, catching her rubbing her hands together in her lap.
“Oh I’ll be fine, I’m just excited is all.” She responds, I can tell she isn’t entirely telling the truth the way the little white lie taints her emotions. Unfortunately I can’t tell if it’s about the temperature or her excitement at the prospect of watching a vampire baseball game. I chuckle and glance out my window, now I know how Edward feels not being able to read Isabella’s thoughts.
My brother lets out a small laugh himself causing the women to turn on us, “What?” They ask in sync.
“Edward finds my thoughts amusing is all, nothing to worry about darlin’.” I tell Y/n. I notice her face blanche and immediately realize I never told her of Edward’s power.
“He-he what?” She stutters, clearly worrying over the invasion of privacy she was never warned about and I kick myself for not having this conversation beforehand.
“Edward can read the thoughts of those in his vicinity. He’s respectful with his power though, he wouldn’t invade your privacy like that.” I reassure her, using a portion of my power to round out some of her nerves.
“I can hear you, but it sort of passes through.” Edward hesitates, “It’s like sitting in a room full of people conversing, but not really paying attention even though you can hear them talking all at once. I’m used to communicating with Jasper this way, I apologize for not prefacing my abilities sooner.” He finishes, glancing back to look over his shoulder with a sad smile.
“Thank you Edward, I appreciate that very much.” Y/n sighs, “I think it’s actually a pretty amazing power to have.” She tells him with a smile.
“Sometimes it is,” Edward glances to Bella, “Sometimes it isn’t.”
“Why did we have to wait for a thunderstorm to play baseball?” She turns to ask me innocently after a beat of silence.
“Oh you’re about to see.” I tell her with a grin as Edward pulls the Jeep to a stop at the edge of a clearing, the rest of my family gathered not far away.
As I help her out of Emmett’s Wrangler, I remove my jacket to place around her shoulders.
“Before you say anything, I don’t need it. Keep it warm for me.” I can’t resist placing a kiss to the crown of her head, her scent mingling with mine making for a heady mixture. I turn and lead her to where everyone is gathered, Emmett sending a pointed look my way at the interaction he just witnessed. I shrug as a way of answering, trying not to make it a big deal since he’s always been worried about my loneliness the last few decades.
“Alright let’s pick teams!” Carlisle announces, attempting to wrangle our rowdy bunch.
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As the Cullen’s separate into their teams, I follow Esme as she tugs Bella and I over to home plate explaining the game. Carlisle and Rosalie play-flight over who gets to go first, but my eye is on Jasper as he warms up with a few test-swings with a bat.
“We could use a few impartial opinions.” Esme smiles at us, shifting Bella and I to stand behind her as she assumes the ‘catcher’ position.
Rose is up to bat first, Jasper and Carlisle on her team while Emmett, Edward, and Alice make up the opposition. The latter taking up her place at the pitcher’s mound - she nods her head and announces, “It’s time.”
First pitch from Alice and Rose absolutely smashes it, the thunder cracking in time with the strike of the bat.
“Okay, now I see why you need the thunder.” Bella says, impressed. “That’s gotta be a home run, right?”
Rosalie rounds second and heads for third, a blonde blur on the field. “Edward is fast.” Esme tells her with confidence.
Right when I think there’s no possible way Edward could get his sister out before she slides home, a baseball rockets it’s way out of the woods and straight into Esme’s hands. Tagging her adoptive daughter with the ball, she looks over her shoulder at us for confirmation.
“You’re out!” Bella motions a thumb over her shoulder at a very not happy Rose.
I turn to look at Jasper, completely blown away by what transpired, but I’m distracted in the way he idly spins his baseball bat. My emotions must catch his attention, because he doesn’t stop as he makes eye contact. Who knew something so basic as flipping a bat could be so attractive?
“Babe, c’mon! It’s just a game!” Emmett yells from across the field, garnering my attention from his brother.
Rosalie brushes past Bella to intimidate her umpire call as Carlisle takes his place at home plate. Another beautiful pitch by Alice and powerful swing by the doctor, the ball heads straight for the middle ground between the two brothers in the outfield. Colliding together, they miss the ball and their dad claims second base.
Next up is Jasper and I’m positively vibrating with excitement to see him in action. Showing off again with his idle bat tossing, he settles in and sends Alice’s next ball into orbit, but Emmett manages to snag it out of thin air.
“My monkey man.” Rose says proudly from her spot next to me, I huff in aggravation at Jasper getting out so early.
Just as Rosalie takes her second turn and is running for first base, Alice yells out a warning, “Stop!”
After a few seconds and hearing something that clearly Bella and I fail to pick up with our human ears, the family not gathered around us returns to our sides in a hurry.
“They were leaving and then they heard us-“
“Let’s go.” Edward cuts off Alice to grab for Bella, but Carlisle stops his son.
“It’s too late.”
Jasper is at my side as the rest of his family shuffled around us, “What’s happening?” I ask him worriedly.
“Vampires, they heard us playing and are on their way here.” He answers me completely serious, zipping up his jacket that I’m wearing. “Stay behind me, don’t move and don’t attract their attention.”
“No one touches you.” He meets my eyes as his words send ice through my veins, will it come to that?
I will my heart to calm as I get shuffled to stand behind him and Emmett, I rest a hand on Jasper’s back to anchor myself.
I can’t see them from my hiding spot, but I hear one with a slight accent, “I believe this belongs to you?”
“Thank you.” Carlisle replies curtly.
“I am Laraunt, this is Victoria and James.”
“I’m Carlisle, this is my family.” I feel Jasper tense under my hand like he’s concentrating. Readying for a fight? What do I do if this turns into a vampire brawl?
I turn to look at Edward over my shoulder but he doesn’t meet my gaze and Bella has her head turned down. Hiding her eyes I realize - her human eyes, acting shy in the face of new vampires so that they might not be interested in her.
Carlisle and the one speaking for the group, Laraunt, continue their efficient conversation as I step closer to Jasper. From this position I can see all three strangers and fear begins to worm it’s way into my chest. I’ve become so comfortable with the Cullens’ that I’ve forgotten they’re vampires. Vampires as dangerous as the ones before me look, minus the red eyes.
The tall one missing a shirt, James presumably since Laraunt and Carlisle are still conversing, seems to lock in on Bella and Edward. The grip I have on Jasper tightens and he reaches a hand back to pat the outside of my thigh in reassurance at his earlier statement.
“So, could you use three more players?” My heart almost stops, how do we get out of this? “Come on, just one game?”
Seemingly reading my mind, Carlisle plays along with a little chuckle, “Sure, why not. A few of us were leaving, you could take their place.” I feel Jasper’s arm nudge me in the direction of Edward and Bella, a sign to join their departure.
“We’ll bat first.” Carlisle announces, throwing the ball to the newcomers as our group begins to separate.
“I’m the one with the wicked curve ball.” The female, Victoria taunts in a low voice.
Jasper let’s out a low laugh, “Well I think we can handle that.”
As everyone begins to take their new places and I make my way towards Bella, I notice that one of the new males seems zoned-in on Edward, or rather, Bella. Next thing I know, a breeze shifts Bella’s hair and my heart shudders in my chest - the wind, our scent-
“You brought a snack?” James threatens as he leans into a crouch. Snapping his gaze to me as I let out a gasp, “Two snacks?”
Jasper let’s out a deep growl as he lunges in front of me, the rest of his family surrounding Bella and I in a protective stance.
“The girls are with us.” Carlisle asserts, “I think it best if you leave.”
“I can see the game is over, we’ll go now.” The one in charge tries to placate the tense situation. “James.”
As the new vampires turn to leave, Carlisle urges Edward and Jasper, “Get Bella and Y/n out of here, go!”
The four of us jog back to Emmett’s Jeep, Jasper keeping me from stumbling in the mud.
“Okay I’ve got it-I’ve got it, I’m alright!” Bella yells at Edward while he tries to buckle her in. “What, n-now he’s coming after me? Us?”
“Listen to me-James is a tracker, the hunt is his obsession. I read his mind, our reaction on the field set him off. We just made this his most exciting game ever, he’s never going to stop.” Edward explains, frantic in his words and his driving.
“So what do we do?” Bella panics.
“We kill him-“ Jasper starts.
“Rip him apart and burn the pieces.” Edward finishes.
“Where are we going?”
“Away from Forks. We’ll get a ferry to Vancouver.”
“I have to go home, now. You have to take me home.” Bella orders him.
“You can’t go home, he’s just going to trace your scent there-it’s the first place he’s going to look.”
My chest constricts, my mom. Jasper grabs my hand, no doubt feeling my growing fear. “My mom.” I whisper to him as his eyes bounce between mine searching for what to say.
“My dad is there!-“
“It doesn’t matter!”
“Yes it does! He could get killed because of us! What about Y/n’s mom?!”
“Just let me get you out of here first, alright? Neither one of you are safe.”
“It’s my dad, we have to go back!” She argues back, exasperated. “We’ll figure out a way to lead the tracker away somehow-I don’t know, but we have to do something!”
“Jasper, you have to take me home.” I plead with him while squeezing his hand.
“Darlin’, I-“
“I’ll go anywhere you want me to, I just need to make sure she’s okay! If I disappear, she’ll hunt me down.” I try to reason with him, short of panicking myself.
Pulling up at Bella’s house, both her and Edward leap out of their seats and for the door. Just as Bella slams the front door in his face putting on a show, Jasper hops in the driver’s seat and peels out of the driveway in the direction of my house.
“You go inside, make up a reason to leave tonight. I’ll wait in the car, but if you aren’t out in five minutes, I’m coming in to get you.” He orders me and I nod.
“Thank you, I can’t leave her without saying anything… Thank you, Jasper.”
“Don’t thank me yet, I’m taking you far from here until this is settled.” His voice steady even though my life is turning upside down as we speak.
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As the large vehicle rumbles to a stop just in front of my porch, I leap from my seat. The light above the door flicking on, my mother swings it open before my fingers could grab the handle.
“Everything alri-“
“No, mom.” I brush past her to ascend the stairs. “Bella is leaving for her mom’s tonight, I need to go with her!”
“Sweetheart, it’s too late for a drive like that!” She says, chasing me.
“She can’t drive by herself, she needs me mom! I can make sure she’s safe and keep you updated.” I plead with her as I throw random articles of clothing in my empty gym bag.
“Y/n, you can’t-“
“Mom,” I turn to her, dead serious, “I’m going whether you let me or not. She’s my best friend and she needs to leave. I can at least make sure she’s okay and gets to her mom’s. I’ll turn around and come right back afterwards!”
“Your phone stays on and charged.” She says with her hands on her hips, “I call, you better answer after the first ring. Anything - and I mean anything happens, you call me and Chief Swan immediately, Y/n Y/m/n.”
“Yes ma’am.” I snatch my bag and give her a hug as I rush out of my room. “I love you.” I murmur into her shoulder.
“You’re my world, sweetheart. Please be careful?” I nod, “I love you too.”
After a peck to my head, I race down the stairs and back out to the Jeep.
“It’s going to be alright.” Jasper tries to soothe me, both with his words and an artificial wave of calm.
“Don’t.” I bristle, “Nothing about this is alright.”
Immediately the foreign feeling vacates me and a coldness slides into my chest. I know he was only trying to help me, but I can’t take it, I can’t take the easy way out right now. So I glance out my window as the trees rush past on our way to his house.
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• March 13th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
This day-this whole thing is fucked. And not at all how I saw this weekend going. I promised her mother I would keep her safe and now a fucking group of nomadic vampires is hunting her and Isabella.
Three vampires aren’t really much when it comes to my family of seven, but seeing as I’m the only one trained to… deal with the dispatching of vampires besides Carlisle, the odds aren’t great that we all come out of this unscathed.
And Y/n. This fragile human that already means so much to me is caught in the middle, caught up in my dangerous world. I told her that nothing and no one touches her and I meant it. If I can be sure of one thing, I know I can do this for her.
Slamming on the breaks as the Jeep slides into the garage, I grab Y/n’s hand as she meets me behind the vehicle. I tried to soothe her worry after we left her house, but I obeyed her request to stop. I almost feel useless - not being allowed to do what I do best and fix emotions, but I know her sense of autonomy shouldn’t be infringed upon if I want her to let me in. I slam the button to shut the garage door to shield us from potential prying eyes and make my way across the enclosed space.
“What now?” Y/n asks me as I throw her bag in the trunk of Carlisle’s Mercedes.
“I stay with you, no matter what. You and Isabella, I can protect the both of you.” I turn and meet her gaze, resting a hand on her cheek in reassurance. “You are mine to protect and I take that charge very seriously.” My words snatch her breath, so I give her a half-smile.
“After… everything, you’re not opposed to violence, Hale?”
“For you? Violence is my middle name, darlin’.” Before I could comment on the shudder the wracks through her and the arousal trickling into her scent and emotions, my family rejoins us in the garage.
Snatching the keys to the Mercedes Emmett tosses my way, I seperate myself from Y/n.
“I’ve had to fight our kind before,” I hesitate choosing my words, glancing at Y/n, “We’re not easy to kill.”
“But not impossible.” My brother responds.
“I don’t relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James.” Carlisle laments.
“What if he kills one of us first?” Rose questions harshly from her seat on the counter.
“I’m going to run Bella south and lead the tracker away from here-“ but Carlisle stops Edward before he could finish.
“No, Edward. James knows you’d never leave Bella. He’ll follow you.” My adoptive father glances at me, “Jasper-“
“I’m not leaving her.” I level my gaze on Carlisle and boost my words with my power, “None of you are trained like me, I stay with what he wants - the girls.”
“I’ll go with them, Jasper and I will drive them south.” Alice pipes up, “I’ll keep her safe, Edward.”
“Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?” I can feel Alice’s hesitation in what I feel is her confidence in the outcome of all this.
I will that emotion away immediately, nothing will hinder a positive outcome in this scenario. Y/n and Isabella will make it through this unscathed and James will die, end of story. Nothing threatens what’s mine or my family’s and lives, nothing.
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435 notes · View notes
scarisd3ad · 3 months
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Chapter - one (trouble on my left, trouble on my right)
Pairing(s) - stu macher x reader, billy loomis x reader
Summary - ‘trouble on my left, trouble on my right I’ve been facing trouble almost all my life.’
(A/N) - I know its early June, and I promised this by late may, but got real busy.
Warnings - mentions of murder, mentions of blood, regular scream warnings, infidelity, cursing, violent language
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I leaned myself against my counter as I listened to Stu and Billy go on, and on about killing Casey Becker, my next-door neighbor, and Stu's ex-girlfriend.
"So, what's the plan again?" I ask.
Both boys turn their heads towards me. "We break in and kill'er duh," Stu says, rolling his eyes. He was a complete idiot. I don't even know why I like him sometimes. "We need a plan, dumbass. You're gonna get your ass locked up if we do that," I say with an eye roll. Billy stands up from his spot and walks over to me. He wraps an arm around my waist. "I'm gonna call, mess with her a bit. You're gonna be hiding in the house, and Stu will be outside. Stu will kill Steve, and you try to get her outside for Stu," he explains, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "What're you gonna do?" I ask as I wiggle out of his grip. "I already told you I'm doing the calling. " I roll my eyes, walk over to Stu, and plop myself into his lap. Stu has a grin on his face as he wraps his arms around my waist. Stu was the clingier one out of the two boys, and I didn't hate it. 
Stu presses kisses to my neck as I say, "Why do we have to do all the hard work?" Billy rolls his eyes; he's fed up with the two of us already. "I'll do the hard work next time with Sid, alright?" I nod with a smile. I turn towards Stu, press my lips to his, and wrap my arms around his neck. Stu always immediately goes all in, with tongue and everything.
Billy groans. "Can you guys not do that shit?" I roll my eyes as I pull away from Stu. "you can join in Billy" Stu says with a laugh. Billy shakes his head. "gotta date with Sid. I'll see you guys later," Billy says, pressing a kiss to my lips and smacking Stu in the back of the head. Once my front door slams shut, Stu's lips are immediately on mine. I kiss him back, but only for a few seconds before I push him away.
He looks like I had just kicked his puppy. His brows furrowed and his head cocked to the side. "So, when are we doin' this shit?" I ask, arms wrapping around his neck affectionately. "tomorrow" he replies before immediately pressing his lips back to mine.
When Billy and Stu had first proposed the idea of going on a killing spree, I was absolutely against it. Hell, I thought they were fucking crazy and really questioned why I was sneaking around with the two assholes, but when they brought up the fact that they were planning on killing both of their girlfriends, I was in. 
I have been secretly seeing Stu since the beginning of the school year. It all began with a drunken kiss, which then led to us sneaking around behind his girlfriend's back. Eventually, I found myself completely in love with him. About 2 months ago, Billy joined us. He caught us together one night at Stu's house, and since then we've formed a very unusual and insane trio.
Most would think I was absolutely insane to go to the lengths of killing the girlfriends of the two men I was sneaking around with, and well so do I. Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy for hating Tatum and Sid, but at the same time, I can justify it. I've fallen so in love with Billy and Stu, that I've just hung onto the idea that I'd have them all to myself once they were gone. By now, I crave the day I get to slaughter both of them bitches. I hate having to go behind everyone's backs. I hate having to pretend I like both of them. I hate that our relations stay in the confines of Billy, Stu, and I's houses while Sid and Tatum get them everywhere.
I pull away panting before saying, "You leaving too?" he chuckles softly, probably hearing the saltiness in my voice. "Nah rather say here with you" I giggle as he presses his lips to mine once again. 
Wednesday is excruciating, as always. I almost have a perfect schedule now, be friendly with Tatum and Sid, go to English class, make out with Stu in the back seat of his car during math class, go to Spanish class, make out with Stu under the bleachers in the gym, go to gym class, have lunch outside with Billy Stu, randy, Tatum, and Sid, make out with Stu, leave early with Stu and Billy during 7th period so no one sees us. I'm surprised no one has caught on to our affair, seeing that Stu always wants to make out with someone, and if it's not me (which it usually is), it's Tatum.
Tatum presses herself against the locker next to mine. I can't say I hate Tatum, cause she's a nice girl, and so is Sid. if we were in any other situation, we'd be not only friends but best friends, but I can't like her. I can't bring myself to look at her without envisioning myself killing her in the near future. "Hey," I mutter as I pull my English notebook out of my locker.
"Casey said she saw Stu and Billy at your house... what did you guys do?" I can hear a hint of jealousy in her voice as she says it. I stared at her for a few seconds as I conjured up a lie. "They were hanging out with my brother. I think they might have watched some movies or something. "It wasn't a terrible lie. Billy and Stu did hang out with my brother Austin often. it was just that this specific weekend Austin was out with his girlfriend, so I had to make sure to get to Austin before Tatum did. "Oh..." she nods before turning around and walking off.
When Tatum is out of sight, I immediately bolt toward Austin's locker. Luckily, he's there, sorting through the items inside to find the ones he needs for his first period. "What?" he asks as he turns his towards me, pushing his hair back as he does so. "If Tatum asks, can you say you were hanging out with Billy and Stu this weekend?" his brows furrow before a grin erupts onto his face. "Why?" I roll my eyes, already knowing what he was thinking. "Because I had them over this weekend, and I don't want her knowing they were hanging out with me. "Somehow his smirk grows wider, "Why? Are you still fucking her boyfriend?" I let out a little groan as I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, please Austin?"
He lets out a begrudging sigh before mumbling a quiet "Fine but you owe me" I smile, "Thanks Austin!" I say before walking away. The only reason Austin knows anything about Stu and I is because he had accidentally walked in on Stu and I a few months back. It took two entire weeks of convincing to get Austin to keep our secret. 
Stu, Billy, and I sneak off of campus at around 2:30, and we make it to my house at around three. A few weeks ago, I convinced my brother to stay with his girlfriend today, and my parents were out on a business trip, so we had the house to ourselves as we got ready for tonight.
We're up in my room just talking. We weren't going to go into action until at least 9:30, so we had some time to kill. Stu and I were lying on my bed, with his arm wrapped around me, while Billy sat in the swivel chair I had. Stu's head occasionally dipped down into the crevice of my neck to press kisses. "Tatum asked about you being over here yesterday, said Casey told her," I say, as Stu sucks a chunk of my skin into his mouth. He hums against my neck as Billy asks, "What'd you say?"
"Said you were hanging out with Austin," I say, leaning into Stu's body. "Made sure Austin would say the same, too." Stu nods against my skin, muttering "good" against my skin. "So, you got the shit we need to use?" I ask as I push Stu away from me so that the already developing hickey won't get any darker or bigger than it already is. I wasn't there when Billy and Stu killed Sid's mom. I was clueless as to what they were doing. They waited until well after the funeral to ask me to join them. "Yeah, got it in that duffle bag I brought in, got the knives and the costumes," he says as he leans back in the chair.
I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch Billy spin around in the chair, in an unusual act of childlike behavior. Stu's left-hand travels to my hip as he leans in and presses a kiss to my lips. I roll my eyes as he goes in for another. If I had to choose one of us to say is the absolute horniest, it would be Stu. Stu wasn't only fucking me, but he was also doing Tatum at the same time. It's like all he thought about was having a tight hole for his dick. Unlike Billy, who was only fucking around with me, and not Sid because Sid hasn't felt like it since her mom died. "God, can you guys stay off of each other for one second?" Billy says, rolling his eyes.
Stu and I pull apart, and he grins. "You're just jealous," Stu says with a laugh as he tries pulling me in for another kiss. I oblige, but only press my lips against his for less than a second before pulling away and throwing my legs over the side of my bed, so they dangled off the side. I pushed myself back up to my feet before walking over to Billy, who sat in my swivel chair, making sure to strut over as sexily as I could. I straddle Billy and trail kisses up his neck, starting down towards his collarbone. Once I make it to his ear, I whisper "You coulda just asked we woulda let you join Bill" he tries his best to roll his eyes and mutter "Don't call me that" under his breath but before I know it, he's got both his hands pressed tightly against my cheeks in a bruising grip and his tongue shoved in my mouth. 
"Holy shit," Stu whispers, with a light chuckle as Billy and I pull apart. Both of us are panting, and his hands are still pressing tightly against my cheeks. Billy grins as my cheeks heat up. "A-anyway....what are we supposed to do after we....y'know, kill her?" I ask. I'm still hesitant about killing Casey. she didn't do anything to me, we were practically best friends growing up. Casey was just so that everyone in town would be weary. So that we had a better chance of getting everyone we needed at our party. Safety's better in numbers. She was the opening kill, a kill that would make everyone stop and stare. That kill could have been anyone, but Stu decided to sign Casey and her new boyfriend Steve up for it because he was still bitter about how Casey broke up with him.
"I'm goin' to Sid's. so, I can have an alibi you two can do whatever the hell you guys want." if Stu decided to leave too, I'd be the main suspect, there'd be no one to vouch for me because we needed the house empty for us to execute our plan. I swing my legs over and my body around so I'm now facing Stu. "You up to stayin' here tonight, Stu?" I ask, a faux innocent grin on my face. He matches mine with a similar yet less innocent-like grin. "Fuck yeah."
Billy reaches around tapping my thigh before whispering, "Need to go downstairs, get the bag so we can get ready, babe. " I nod as he presses a kiss to my cheek. I get up and trot back over to my bed as Billy exits my room. I sit on my bed, sliding the ring that sat on my middle finger on and off anxiously. I didn't know if I was ready, or if I wanted to take part in the murder of Casey, anyway. I had hyped myself up for Sid and Tatum's, but Casey's? I tried my best to put that one to the side. I awaited Sid's and Tatum's deaths like it was my birthday. I craved the feeling of the knife between my hands as I plunged the knife in and out of their bodies. but Caseys, I awaited it like the first day of school after Christmas break, my hand jittered for the last 3 days as I thought about it and I just wished more days would appear between the day I was on, and the day I was supposed to help kill Casey. I just wanted it to be over.
"You, okay?" Stu asks, scooting towards me. "I Dunno if I'm ready. " His eyes roll as he places his left hand on my thigh, rubbing small circles into the supple skin with his thumb. "you're fucking ready." he says, for the past month or so they've been helping me 'practice'. they showed me the right way to hold the knife and then helped me practice 'stabbing' a pillow. So logically I'd be ready, but I still can't push away the guilty feeling that sat in my chest. I shrug "I Dunno, I-I'm just scared" he laughs loudly, throwing his head back in amusement. I furrow my eyebrows, a pout forming on my lips. His laughter dies down into just a little smirk as he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. "Don't be scared. I'll be with you the whole time," he says, pulling away. He shrugs. "and besides, you're not even killin' her. You just gotta scare her."
Billy bursts into the room, a large black duffle bag in one hand. He takes a seat back in the chair before unzipping it and pulling one large knife. The blade glistens in the light as he turns it, showing it off. My mouth is gaping open, staring at the freshly sharpened blade. All of my anxieties instantly wash away as I take the knife in my hand. "Nice, isn't it?" he smirks as my pointer finger lightly brushes over the sharp tip. suddenly I'm ready, it's like all the worry that was just filling my mind was instantly wiped away, and all I could think about was how nice the knife felt in my hands.
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psychovigilantewrites · 8 months
Sunshine's Shadow
Pairing: Jason Todd/Reader, Dick Grayson/Reader Genre: Slow burn smut? Porn with plot? Like eventually??? Word Count: 7,600 Read on Ao3 Part 1 of 2. Summary: You had powers of darkness that made you feel unwanted your whole life. Jason Todd was the first person to convince you that your darkness was sunshine. After his death, you went to Dick for comfort and started a relationship with him. And then, Jason came back. A/N:
I'm practicing writing again to prepare myself for the last chapter of Red Who? I'm not too happy with how I wrote this, but I'm hoping to start improving again along the way as I write and learn all over again. Also, I am not familiar with Titans! I know Jason never really joined? I just winged it I'm so sorry. I also aged up Jason's death here. I think the timeline is a bit messy pls forgive me.
Jason knocked on your door.
“Come in,” he heard your soft, muffled voice.
You were sitting on your bed, scrolling through your phone. You had soft instrumental music playing in your room. The table lamp was switched on on your bedside table, but the room was still dark.
“We’re getting ready for a spooky movie tonight,” Jason said, closing the door behind him and approaching you. “Care to join us this time?”
Your eyes darted from your phone to his, and you pursed your lips in hesitation.
“No thank you, I’m fine here,” you said and brought your attention back to your phone.
Jason sighed loudly and sat on the edge of your bed.
“Why don’t you ever join us?” he asked, “We’re the Teen Titans. We’re a team. You should join us for more team stuff besides official missions.”
You simply stared at Jason. He sensed that you had more to say but was hesitating opening up. So he got up and sat next to you. “You can tell me.”
“The room is dark, isn’t it?” you asked.
The question surprised Jason. “I mean, I guess? So what?”
“That’s me, Jason. You know how my powers work. This- this curse. The shadow I emit makes everything dark and gloomy, even if it’s a sunny day outside. And no one likes someone who brings darkness in a room,” you avoided his eyes and started picking at a hangnail on your finger.
“That’s why you won’t hang out with us?” he couldn’t help but laugh. “I thought you hated us or something.”
“What?” you looked at him incredulously, “How could I? I was afraid that you all hate me for being so depressing.”
“Has anyone told you that before?” Jason asked. He didn’t know much about where you came from, but he knew that you went to a lot of different schools and orphanages. An outsider, not unlike himself.
“The kids were always scared of me,” you confessed quietly, “They refused to play with me. That was fine, but then soon after they would bully me. Make fun of me, push me down, kick me. Reminded me again and again that I was a freak.”
For some reason, Jason always had the urge to protect you, even though you were slightly older than he was. Now that urge was stronger and he wanted to hurt anyone who hurt you, to shield you from all that negativity.
“Well,” he began, “I don’t know about those assholes, but whenever I see you, I never saw darkness.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Really!” he insisted, “I see a girl who likes to read, and who likes music. I see you smile whenever Roy and Jackson bicker. And when Wally does that thing where he starts vibrating when he eats? And on the field? The way you protect everyone, the way we can all trust that you have our backs.”
Jason held your eyes. “I don’t see any darkness. In fact, I see sunshine! Because whenever you’re around, it makes us all feel warm and safe.”
He saw the way you were trying hard to not let the tears brimming your eyes fall. “You’re not lying.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
“Of course I’m not,” he confirmed. “Have I ever lied to you?”
“I guess not,” you sniffled, “I can tell when people lie. And you have never lied to me.”
“What do you mean you can tell when people lie?”
“I don’t know. It’s sort of always been a thing I could do,” you shrugged, “I don’t join in conversations, so I just observe people, and I can sort of tell what they’re thinking or when they’re lying.”
“Ah, I think I know a thing or two about that,” Jason smiled fondly.
“Thank you, Jason,” you expressed.
“No problem, Sunny,” he grinned, “I’ll call you that from now on. To remind you.”
Jason thought that he saw you blush in the dim light. “So what do you think? Wanna join us for spooky night? I mean, your shadow would even be helpful. It’ll create the spooky ambience we’re all looking for.”
“Is there popcorn?” you grinned.
You dumbass, you thought.
The rain had you soaked and shivering.
Jason Todd, you absolute asshole.
The smell of wet dirt was overpowering. Your team stood with you despite your shadow engulfing them in darkness. Roy had his hand on your shoulder.
The white petals stuck to the polished wooden casket as it was lowered into the ground. Your heart had already broke, and you had gone through the stages of breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably, not being able to sleep for a week after they told you the news. Right now, you felt nothing but emptiness.
The casket hit the ground with a dull thud, and you heard the wet footsteps of others leaving the grave. You looked up at the crowd. Dressed in black, you saw some familiar faces. Clark Kent and Diana Prince were with Bruce Wayne, standing in solidarity. A fiery red color caught your eyes, and you saw whom you knew as Starfire. Tall, confident, and radiating with a soft warm glow- everything that you wished you were. She was next to Dick Grayson, and your eyes made contact with blue ones, ones that reminded you of Jason.
Dick gave you a sad smile.
“I heard you’re not going to continue with the Titans anymore,” Dick broke the silence. The rain was still pouring, pounding on the glass window of the car. “Where do I drop you off?”
“East End, along Murphy Avenue,” you replied. You watched two droplets on the window fall down, racing against each other. “I have some boxes left in the Tower, but I don’t feel like seeing them today.”
“Are you going to be okay on your own? You’re not even 18 yet.”
“I’m turning 18 in three months,” you rolled your eyes. “And I already got a job.”
“Oh? That was quick. What job?”
“Private investigator,” you responded, “Lot’s of scandals in Gotham. It’s quite easy to get a job if you’re half decent.”
“Pay well?”
“Well enough.”
Silence again. Dick made a turn.
No word was said until he stopped in front of the apartment complex. Unknown to you, Dick made a mental note to check the apartment out.
“Thanks, Dick.” Something stopped you from leaving the car. Something warm. Ah, it was Dick’s hand on yours.
You looked over and stared into his bright blue eyes. “I’m here for you. Anytime of the day or night. Text me, call me, whatever. You’re not alone.”
It was his expression. The pain and grief and sincerity in his eyes. A hint of desperation, even. By now, your talent for reading people had developed, and you could tell more than just basic emotions. Dick didn’t want you to leave him alone.
Your pulse quickened.
“Would you… Like to come in?” you asked.
Dick was surprised. His eyes darted downwards in a look of… guilt? And then- “No, it’s alright. You said you wanted some alone time. Go settle down first, then maybe you can give me a house tour sometime.”
Then he gave you the grin. Dick Grayson’s charming, heart-stopping grin.
You left the car.
You spent your birthday alone, ignoring the invitations from your ex team members. They all wished you happy birthday, and sent you voice notes of them singing. They said they wished you were there with them, and that they hoped you were well. You replied with a simple thank you.
The apartment you made yours was bare. The walls had no art, and the TV was unplugged. What was the point? Your darkness would have made the art on the walls difficult to see and it was not like you were planning to invite anyone over.
A couple of case files sat neatly on the dining room table, where you did your work. Your name had spread by word of mouth after your first client three months ago, and now you occasionally received texts from unknown numbers, asking for discretion and offering a few hundred dollars a day for a week of work.
Your phone buzzed. It wasn’t an unknown number this time.
Dick had sent you a text. Happy Birthday! Still waiting for that house tour.
You sent a quick thank you and ignored the rest of the message.
SIX MONTHS after the death of Jason Todd
You arrived late on purpose. “Sorry I’m late.”
You sat down in the booth seat opposite Dick and saw the way his eyes lit up when you announced your arrival.
“No worries,” he brushed it off. “Thanks for coming.”
“Yeah,” you grabbed the dirty menu from the table. Anything to fill up the awkwardness you were expecting. “What do you usually have here?”
“Waffles with ice cream.”
“For dinner?”
“Why not?”
Dick Grayson gave you his Dick Grayson Grin.
You told the aging waitress your order- “I’ll have what he’s having.”
“So how have you been doing? You seem quite busy now, since this dinner was postponed to two months later,” he teased.
“My work isn’t exactly nine to five, five days a week,” you replied curtly. You had avoided this dinner on purpose.
“No, no, I get it. Mine is the same,” he said. “It’s good that you have been getting lots of clients lately. You seem to be high in demand now.”
“Yeah, I am, actually,” you smiled softly to yourself, “I didn’t expect for business to move this fast. I’m mostly investigating cheating spouses and party daughters now, though. Hoping to move on to the more serious stuff.”
“Careful,” Dick warned you, frowning slightly, “Try not to get involved with the politics here. It’s messy, and dangerous.”
“I can take care of myself, Dick,” you assured him.
He paused. “Yeah, I noticed,” his expression quickly changed, “You’ve been controlling your shadow.”
Indeed, you have been working on pulling in your shadow while you were out in public, making it seem as normal as possible so you don’t engulf rooms with darkness, especially with your current state of mind.
Soon after Jason died, you found out that your shadow had grown larger and larger, directly linked to your moods. Then you noticed that it shrank when you were concentrating on your cases, leaving the room bright. So you meditated and practiced, day and night, to keep your shadow and your emotions in check. However, it was tiring to constantly shrink it for long periods of time.
“Practice makes perfect,” you replied bitterly.
“Jason used to talk about you all the time, you know?” he suddenly brought up.
This came as a surprise for you.
“Really?” you cocked your head to the side, “What about?”
“Lots of stuff,” Dick elaborated, “But mainly about how to make you feel more welcomed. How to get you to open up. What stuff to talk to you about. He considered you his best-friend.”
You had considered Jason the same. He was the first person you had truly bonded with, but you never knew that Jason had communicated with Dick about you. True enough, he always tried his best to make sure you never felt left out. You felt your throat tightened and gulped.
Your waffles arrived, and Dick immediately dug in.
“He said that he called you something,” he continued in between bites, “Sunny, right? Said it was short for Sunshine.”
You hadn’t heard that in six months.
Dick looked up at you and panic took over his face. “Shit- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry.”
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your eyes this time. You quickly wiped them away and stabbed the waffle with your fork.
“No- no, it’s fine,” you insisted, “I just hadn’t heard that name in a while. And I didn’t know he talked to you about me.”
Dick looked at you with concern. “Pretty sure he had a crush on you, with the way he was always talking about you.”
You were pretty sure, too. You could read people well after all.
“What made you choose this diner?” you asked, changing the subject. “We used to come here all the time.”
“Yeah, I haven’t stepped in here since that day,” he avoided saying Jason’s name now.
For the first time since you sat down, you actually studied him, beyond the basic emotions that you instinctively saw in everyone. The slight frown, the dark circles under his eyes, the short chewed up nails, the five o’ clock shadow that was rare for Dick Grayson.
He was grieving alone.
“Whenever Jason faced a problem when he was with us, out in the field, or anything, he would always ask himself- ‘What would Dick Grayson do?’” you told him.
His eyes softened, and you could see tears start to well up too.
“He really looked up to you,” you went on, wanting to give Dick the same comfort he gave you. “His older brother. Though, he kept it quiet. He didn’t want people to notice how much he cared. You know, the whole tough guy act.”
Dick chuckled at that. “But you noticed, of course.”
“Of course,” you smiled fondly at the memory. When asked if his injuries hurt, Jason would always reply with Only when I laugh.
But he accepted the cold compresses and paracetamol you gave him.
The camera shutter clicked. You checked the quality of the photo on your digital SLR. Even from across the street and in the darkness of the night, your camera caught the couple entering the motel, hand-in-hand, perfectly. This would be sufficient evidence for your client. The classic case of Cheating Spouse was going to earn you a couple thousand dollars. Frankly, you had considered rejecting the case. You only went for high-profile scandals now. But the client was desperate, and offered a large sum of money for something so easy and simple. It was difficult to refuse.
You contemplated on whether you should go the extra mile to catch them in the act. Or maybe you should just stake out in your car and catch them coming out of the motel. You took pride in how detailed your reports always were, and that was how you managed to build your clientele.
You took a sip of the bad, black coffee, already gone cold.
Peering through the zoom lens, you angled the camera up to the rooms facing the street. The movement you caught, however, was not the lights of a room switching on. Instead, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a shadow hanging about the fire-escape in the narrow alley next to the building. You zoomed in more, and saw a familiar blue and black spandex, white eyes, and a familiar grin.
“Fuck,” you swore to yourself. Of all the places to bump into him.
You had gotten close to him since that dinner. The both of you had been texting regularly, getting to know each other and sharing stories about Jason. It helped you with your grief, and you knew it helped him too. You found out that Dick Grayson was voluntarily very expressive with his emotions, unlike his late younger brother who always needed an extra nudge.
Despite all that, you had been trying your best to avoid Dick for the past few weeks and had been giving him the excuse that you were busy. The truth was, you were scared. You knew how close you were getting to him, and right now you were lonely. So lonely that you were afraid of doing something you would both regret.
Knock, knock, knock. The glass rapped three times.
You looked over at the passenger side and saw that grin. Sighing, you unlocked the door.
“What a nice surprise,” Dick greeted you as he shut the door. “Didn’t think I would see a beautiful lady when I left home tonight.”
You rolled your eyes at his usual flirting. “I’m on a job, Dick.”
“I can see that,” he shamelessly went through your case file that was sitting on the passenger seat before he entered. “I thought you don’t take these cases anymore?”
“The poor guy was desperate, and he offered a lot of money for a simple, menial task,” you explained. “I don’t get why he doesn’t ask someone cheaper. Literally anyone could do this.”
“But they can’t do it as well as you do,” Dick booped your nose with his gloved finger.
“What about you? What brings you to this side of town?”
“Tim needed help with some training. And patrol brings me everywhere, sweetheart,” he smirked.
You noticed that your body had subconsciously turned towards him. His eyes were not visible then, covered by the whites of his mask. He was slightly damp due to the drizzle outside.
You cleared your throat. “I’m going to stake out here until they come out. Note how long they were together.”
“That could be until the sun rises.”
“Need company?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I thought you needed to patrol, and help Tim.”
“Ah, you’re right,” he sighed dramatically, “I’d much rather be in this steamy car with you, though.”
“Go and help your Robin, Dick,” you chuckled, unable to resist him. “Your mentee needs his mentor, Gotham needs its hero and you’re here cozying up with a PI.”
“How irresponsible of me,” he muttered. You hadn’t realized that both of you had moved closer.
You risked a quick glance to his slightly parted lips before tearing your eyes away. He was right, it had suddenly got steamy in the car.
“Text me when you’re back? It’s dangerous to be alone at this hour,” he said before stepping out and flying off in the most flamboyant, Dick Grayson way.
I can take care of myself.
You took deep breaths to calm down and slow your heartbeat.
Maybe you were scared that you were so lonely. But a part of you knew that starting something with Dick wouldn’t be too bad.
You were just scared of being judged by Dick’s dead, younger brother.
The next weekend, you found yourself on your balcony. It was 3 AM, and you were slightly tipsy from the cocktail you made yourself. You closed your eyes and listened to the sound of the wind, the cars, the occasional police siren. You made your decision.
Need you. you texted Dick, knowing he was out on patrol.
15 minutes. he replied.
Jason was dead. There was no one else who understood and accepted you almost as well as Dick did.
You waited out there in the cold for his arrival. When he did land straight on your balcony, his hair was a mess and he was panting slightly. You grabbed his face and kissed him roughly.
It didn’t matter anymore because Jason was dead.
It was more difficult to control your shadow, but you tried your best. Moving in with Dick helped a bit more as compared to when you were alone, but you were constantly on edge.
He was alive, and what would he think of this? You and Dick? Would he see it as a betrayal?
Dick was having sleepless nights and was gone most of the time to help Bruce with Jason’s tantrum. Six months since Jason had appeared alive, and God knows how long before he crawled out of his grave, but he had not contacted you even once.
And you knew, you knew he was angry at you. That this whole villain arc had at least something to do with you. Even though it didn’t make sense, that you were never together, that you were nothing more than just best friends.
Somehow you felt that the rage and destruction was directed towards you.
For as long as you got together with Dick two years ago, and a whole year of playing cat and mouse with him ever since that kiss, you never had radio silence from him for this long. Two or three days was the maximum, and he would reassure you that everything was fine while you continued on with your PI business. A week long was unheard of.
Then, your phone buzzed.
I’m fine. He’s fine. Everyone’s fine.
You let out a breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Is he back? you asked.
He’s gonna take some time off. Need to go. See you soon.
And so you didn’t sleep until Dick came back home the next morning.
“He’s so… broken,” Dick whispered above your head as he hugged you tightly.
You frowned. You didn’t like that word used to describe Jason. A person couldn’t be broken. People weren’t objects. You knew what Dick meant, that Jason was traumatized- but it didn’t mean that he was broken. Broken meant that you needed to be fixed before someone accepted you, that you needed to be functional or useful.
Broken meant that there was a state where people were whole, and you knew too well that there’s no such thing as a whole person. People just existed in different states, and each state was just as important as the other.
Jason told you all of that when you opened up to him about your past. One day many years ago, you fucked up during a mission. Your shadow had hurt someone a little too badly.
“I don’t even know how it works, Jay,” you had cried, “Sometimes it has a mind of its own and it just reacts outside of my control.”
“You saved me in the end,” Jason tried comforting you, putting his arm around your shoulder as you sat on the carpet of the empty living room.
“But I could have hurt you too,” you argued, “It could have attacked your shadow and killed you, the same way I killed my parents.”
You hadn’t told anyone about that. Only the Justice League knew.
“It was an accident,” Jason insisted.
“I’m just a broken person,” you choked. “No one should be near me.”
That was when he took his arm away and held your shoulders in both his hands, forcing you to face him, to stare into his piercing, fierce gaze.
“Don’t ever let me hear you say that about yourself ever again, got it?” he scolded you, “You are not broken. You’re like- like water. Or air. You exist in different states of matter, and each state you’re in is no less broken than the rest. You’re not broken, okay? You’re Sunny, you’re sunshine. You’re just sunshine…”
“Cheating spouse, undercover at Harvard, cheating spouse again…” you muttered to yourself as you browsed your cases in the living room, illuminated by a single warm light above your head. Dick would complain about the mess in the morning when he eats his cereal.
If he even comes back by tomorrow. you finished your own thought.
The blackmail material requests sounded interesting, but you always hesitated to accept the morally gray ones. You usually would go for missing or runaway children, the evidence of corruption, and the occasional journalist request for an inside scoop.
In fact, your eyes caught one such request. An anonymous journalist from the Gotham Gazelle. You received a text from a disposable two days ago, detailing a locker combination and an address. The contents of the locker were documents within a crisp and new light brown folder- a typical case file, along with a thousand dollars in cash and a promise of another two thousand after completion.
Journalists were not usually this cautious, but if they were investigating someone high profile, it was better to remain anonymous. Especially in Gotham.
You took a sip of your dark roast Arabica coffee, engrossed by what your anonymous client wanted you to get. It was already 11 PM.
Then, you heard the bell ring.
You frowned. Dick wouldn’t ring the bell to his own apartment.
Concentrating on pulling your shadow back, you walked barefoot to the door and looked through the peephole.
Your heartbeat quickened at who you saw standing on the other side of the door.
Calm down, calm down, calm down. Deep breaths.
The door clicked when you unlocked it, and creaked when you pulled it open.
You couldn’t remember when you had stopped counting the amount of days since you saw those piercing blue eyes that were so similar, yet so different from Dicks’. Now they were even more different from what you remembered. They were like battleworn armor standing in an enclosed case.
“There’s my sunshine,” Jason smiled weakly at you.
There was no chance of stopping your tears from falling down your face, so you didn’t even try. You let them flow freely as you speechlessly embraced him and felt his warm arms snake around you. The warmth of an embrace you thought you were never going to feel ever again.
He grew much taller than you. He was 16 when he died, and you were just turning 18. You had stopped growing a year or two before that, but boys kept on growing, didn’t they? He was the same height as you were the last time you saw him, but now he was at least a couple of feet taller. Did that mean he was back long before he started going as Red Hood? What did he do for two and a half years? Who-
“Don’t mean to be rude, but can I come in? I’m freezing my tits off out here,” he said. Even his voice was much, much deeper.
You chuckled and nodded, taking a step away to let him in.
You closed the door behind Jason and watched as he walked in slowly, looking around at Dick’s apartment. You noticed he paused at the dining table where you were working, and then strided to the sofa in the living room before taking a seat. You followed suit and sat next to him, not yet trusting your voice to make a sound.
“So,” he began, “You and Grayson, huh?”
Looking so intently, taking him all in, you almost missed the question.
“You’re bigger than him,” you blurted, before widening your eyes in horror at what you were implying.
Jason raised a scarred eyebrow.
“I mean- you- your build,” you quickly explained, “Your frame. Shoulders. Length. Big.”
“Length?” he smirked.
“Height!” you almost yelled.
Jason leaned closer to you and frowned. “Am I making you nervous?”
You couldn’t bear his piercing eyes, so you looked down at your hands.
“I thought maybe you never wanted to see me again,” you confessed, “I thought maybe you were angry at me, and hated me.”
“I was,” he simply stated.
You looked at him in question.
“Angry at you. For a bit,” he sighed and leaned back against the couch, “But I was angry at everyone. You were no exception. I was just mad everyone had forgotten me. Especially those I cared about.”
“I never forgot you, Jason,” you vowed, “How could I ever?”
“Then why did you-” he cut himself off, “Nevermind. I just wanted to say that I’m not mad anymore. I get it. I was dead, and everyone moved on.”
He crossed his arms and again, you noticed how large his arms were. His face was more mature, jawline more defined and square, eyes now more deep set with extra dark circles underneath them. As if your body had a mind of its own, you reached out to his face and caressed the scar across his cheek.
Jason jumped slightly in surprise at the sudden contact, but then closed his eyes and leaned into your touch.
“You have more scars now,” you pointed out, “What happened?”
You felt his breath down your wrist.
“Another story for another day,” he smiled and opened his eyes. You took your hand away, blushing at how intimate that must have seemed to an onlooker. “Where’s Boy Wonder?”
“No idea,” you shrugged. “You want something to drink? Tea? Coffee?”
“Aw, come on, Sunny!” he got up and walked to the kitchen, “It’s a Welcome Back, Jason party. Where are the fun drinks?”
He started opening your cabinets.
“Wow, make yourself at home, why don’t you?” you shook your head and went to join him.
“Mi casa es su casa,” he sang, “At least, that’s what Grayson told me when he gave me the address. Aha!”
He found the cabinet of liquors. “Wow, I’m quite impressed by his collection.”
“That’s my collection,” you corrected him, “Dick couldn’t tell the difference between tequila and rum even if his life depended on it. I have a variety. What do you feel like?”
“You’re the bartender,” he teased, “Surprise me.”
You nodded and proceeded to make him a drink. Jason sat down at the dining table and nosily looked through your files. That was one thing he and Dick had in common, at least.
You set down a whisky sour for him and yourself before clearing your paperwork to the side, giving him the side eye as you snatched a folder from his hands.
Taking a seat across from him, the both of you dinked glasses together and took a sip.
“Strong,” he commented, “That’s good.”
You accepted the compliment silently.
“So, you don’t know where Grayson’s at?” he inquired.
“Nope,” you replied, “I know he has missions sometimes. Helps out here and there. He’s gone for two or three days before he comes back home with a new bruise or cut. I don’t ask for details unless he starts to tell me about it.”
Your chest made an involuntary squeeze that you tried to hide. There were times when you had asked Dick, and he lied to you. You had arguments over where he was, and who he was with before.
Jason studied your poker face intently, and for a second, you felt as though he was interrogating you.
He took another sip.
“How’s business going?” he changed the subject, “I heard you never went back to the team.”
“I couldn’t,” you answered simply.
“Why not?”
“Everything reminded me of you. It hurt too much.”
A deafening silence. A look of guilt. A looming darkness that grew.
“Business is great, actually,” you went on. “And I enjoy the slower-paced nature of the work.”
“Ugh, even stake outs?” he made a face, not commenting on how your shadow became slightly bigger.
“Stake outs can be nice sometimes,” you argued, “Crank down the window, put the radio on, snack on some fries. Sometimes I read, as well. I’m used to spending long hours by myself.”
“Sounds like you haven’t changed much,” he smiled endearingly at you.
“Not even physically?” you pouted, “I’ve been going to the gym.”
He laughed at that. “Yes, I’ve noticed. You look much more… Mature?”
“Are you saying I look old, Todd?” you huffed.
“So fucking old. A hag.”
You stuck out your tongue at him and laughed together, as if nothing ever changed. As if he never died, as if you never grieved for him and longed for him.
“I’m kidding,” he conceded, “You look good. Really good. Dick’s a lucky guy.”
You frowned at the last comment. “It doesn’t bother you, does it? Me and Dick?”
Another pause. “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Jason knew you well, so he knew how to answer you. His statement wasn’t a lie.
You heard the jingle of keys in the distance.
“Speak of the fucking devil,” Jason whispered into his drink before taking a big gulp.
“Honey, I’m ho- oh. Jason, I didn’t expect to find you here,” Dick stood in the doorway, stunned.
“Welcome back, babe,” you walked over and greeted your boyfriend with a kiss. For the first time, Dick looked slightly uncomfortable with your display of affection.
“You guys have been hanging out without me!” Dick whined, his child-like persona immediately taking over.
That was how Dick was. You noticed it after a few times with him, how he would mask his emotions or awkwardness with his happy, warm personality. He was a people person, charming his way anywhere and everywhere regardless of any situation.
Yet, you could see through it all. The grief, the aching fatigue, and the countless battle scars.
“Was just leaving,” Jason announced curtly.
“Ngaw, don’t be like that,” Dick tried to persuade him, “Stay a little while. We can catch up.”
“There’s nothing to catch up on,” Jason insisted, “Bye.”
He glanced once at you, and then left without saying a word.
There was a stark difference between the way he was with you and the way he was with Dick. In the short future, you would come to realize that it wasn’t that he was different with everyone else. Jason treated everyone else with the cold, rough demeanor you witnessed- but never you. You were the only one who knew him as though that Jason never died.
You saw Dick’s shoulders slump in disappointment. “How long was he here for?”
“About an hour?” you answered nonchalantly, going back to your case files.
“He has never spoken to me for more than 15 minutes,” Dick informed you, “Even then he would give non-committal answers.”
“Really?” you asked, frowning to yourself. It took just a little while for the both of you to go back to how things used to be. “Maybe he’s more upset at you since you’re his brother.”
“Nah, don’t think that’s it,” Dick came up behind you and nuzzled his face in your neck. “You smell good. Missed you.”
“Missed you too,” you hummed, “How was… Your mission?”
“Tiring,” he complained, “You choose a case already?”
“Maybe,” you replied, “Who was there?”
You heard Dick gulp. “Donna. Kon. Wally.”
You felt your chest tighten again. “Okay. I’m tired too. I think I’ll go to bed now.”
“You just drank coffee,” he pointed out, “You’re going to sleep now?”
“Or just lie in bed,” you responded, “Seeing Jason was… emotional.”
“Yeah, I get it,” he ran a hand through his dark, wavy hair.
“You coming?”
“I have to patrol,” he looked at you guiltily.
“But you just got back,” you argued.
“They can cover more ground when I’m around,” he explained. “Sorry. I’ll spend time with you tomorrow, okay?”
You smiled at him and reached a hand to press on his chest. He was so committed, and that’s what you loved about him. He really, truly cared.
“Just stay safe,” you gave him a deep kiss, tasting the cola chapstick he stole from you months ago.
“I’ll see you in the morning, darling,” he breathed.
That night you lay awake in bed, staring at darkness. You let your shadow go at night, allowing it to take over the room. A buzz came from your phone all of a sudden. Another unknown number.
You tapped it open.
This is my number if you need me. J.
It had been a while since you smiled whenever you lay alone, unable to sleep.
And how did you get mine?
You didn’t actually care. You were just so happy to be texting your best friend again.
I’m just a genius, Sunny. You staying up late to work?
You contemplated your answer.
No. Just couldn’t sleep. What do you do now, anyway? Do you patrol with the rest?
Sometimes. I mostly do my own thing now.
What thing?
Another story for another time, sunshine.
I’m glad you’re back, Jay. Thank you for seeing me today. Can we hang out soon?
We can hang out whenever you want.
You were typing a reply, but was interrupted by another message from him.
I missed you lots.
I missed you too, Jason. We have to get caught up with all the slumber parties we missed.
Don’t think Grayson would be too happy with that though.
My best friend is back from the dead. He can suck it up.
I’ll see you soon then?
You contemplated again.
What are you doing tomorrow? I got an interesting case. Wanna tag along?
Jason’s heart broke when he found out that you were with Dick. It was a large reason why he was so angry, and why he became so destructive. But he tried to stay angry at you, tried to hate you, but he just couldn’t bring himself to. The years without you were lonely, and he tried to fill up the emptiness with rage.
It took him so long after Bruce brought him back to his senses to finally see you because he was practicing. He knew he couldn’t bear to look at you and Dick while you were together, so he practiced controlling his emotions so he wouldn’t snap and scare you away.
But when you opened the door and he saw your face for the first time in years, everything dissipated. He didn’t need to control any anger because all he felt was longing. It didn’t matter if you were in love with Dick, all that mattered was that you were there next to him.
“Okay, so,” you began as you pulled the car to a stop in a street at Diamond District. “Rupert Thorne.”
“The guy who is running for mayor?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed, browsing through the documents, “He allegedly backed Hill in the previous elections, but now he is running against Hill. My client wants me to find evidence of corruption and find out who his sponsors are.”
Jason saw the way your brows stitched together as you read through the file.
It was difficult to be in the same car as you. Even though he was in the passenger seat, he felt like it was a small closet, being suffocated by your demanding presence.
“Why doesn’t he sponsor himself? Isn’t he some sort of closeted crime lord too?” Jason asked.
“I guess that’s the mystery,” you hummed, “He must have been promised something, or he must have promised something- if he wins.”
You smelled like warm cinnamon and vanilla. All Jason wanted to do was to bury his face in your neck and breathe you in. The pull he felt towards you was almost physical. He needed to stop himself from touching you, from claiming you.
“So what’s the first step?” he tried to focus on the case.
“He works in that building there,” you looked outside across the street to the tall mirrored tower. “COO of Trident Shipping Company. He’s doing quite well in popularity lately… Articles say he is modest and humble, charming, thoughtful, charitable… The list goes on. Must have a great PR team.”
Jason smiled to himself. You were starting to think out loud, a habit of yours he noticed one night during a strategy meeting with the team. So many years ago.
“Anyway, we want to see where he goes, who he meets, what he does-”
“Oh no,” Jason groaned, “You scammed me into a stakeout!”
He really didn’t mind if it meant spending long hours with you in your cozy car.
“It’ll be fun!” you tried to convince him, “We can catch up in the meantime! Plus, I do also need to bug his phone. Might need your help with that. I also have some metka, so maybe we can pollinate some lead suspects once we narrow them down and-”
“Woah, woah, woah, hold up,” Jason started chuckling in disbelief, “First of all- one step at a time, please. Let’s make a structured flowchart first before you start rambling off fifty-seven steps ahead. Second of all- metka, are you fucking with me right now? How did you get your hands on Soviet Cold War tech?”
Metka or spy dust- chemically known as nitrophenyl pentadienal or NPPD- was an old and outdated, yet still effective, Russian method of marking or tagging suspected CIA agents during the Cold War by the KGB. It was a discreet powder that stuck to everything. They would tag the agents at the airport, and then anything the agent touched would have traces of the dust. Including Russian assets- spies or informants working for the CIA. They would be able to identify the traitors.
“I’m a PI,” you said smugly, “I’m resourceful.”
Yes, you were. Jason beamed proudly at you. But he said, “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, how about the bug?”
“I have this-” you rummaged through your messenger bag and took out a small silver card the size of a hotel matchbox. It had the Bat sigil.
“So I assume you have Batman’s NFC card because you’re resourceful?” Jason teased. He knew the gadget well. The near field communication device allowed hijacking into another electronic device with NFC just by near contact. It could allow for cloning the device, or installing spyware.
You stuck your tongue at him childishly.
“I wonder what Batman would think of you stealing his gadgets for personal use,” Jason jested.
“Okay, I borrowed it from DIck, and it’s not like I’m using it for personal reasons. This is a highly professional operation,” you huffed, “Anyway, if you could let me finish telling you my plan. It says that Thorne is into French girls and he usually comes out for a smoke break around this time.”
“I will be bumping into him. The NFC needs about 30 seconds of contact. I’ll slip the card in the pocket where he keeps his phone. But in case I can’t stick around to take it out, you will have to come walking behind me to pickpocket it from him.”
“Sounds good. What if he’s using his phone?”
“I’ll bump it out of his hand and apologize profusely,” you grinned. “Okay I need to get ready.”
You unbuttoned your weathered leather jacket to reveal a white top with a low neckline, giving Jason a good view of your cleavage.
“Uhhh,” he started awkwardly.
You ignored him and looked in the mirror, smearing lipstick on your lips and smacking them. Then, you ruffled your hair to give it more volume before turning to face him with a “How do I look?”
The red you chose for your lipstick matched your skin tone perfectly. And he never noticed you had a tiny cute mole on the top of your left breast. The way your hair was effortlessly messy made Jason imagine that was how you would look like in the mornings, or when he takes a handful of it while kissing you rough-
“G-great,” he complimented weakly.
If he hadn’t already died, then you were going to be the death of him.
“Oh shit, there he is,” you opened the car. “Quick, hang around a few feet behind me.”
Jason saw you strut as you approached Thorne. He was tall and handsome, and looked good for a man his age. Jason could tell that his suit was expensive. His coat was probably cashmere. He could see why Thorne was so popular. He definitely looked the part. He was talking on his phone, and he was now curious as to what you had in mind.
From down the block and in the crowd, Jason saw you pretend to talk on your phone in perfect French, rushing somewhere unknown. He didn’t notice the cup you were carrying before.
“Ah, putain! I am zo zorr’y, Monsieur!” you bumped hard into Thorne, spilling liquid all over his coat and yourself.
Thorne looked surprised, and then pocketed his phone in his coat. “It’s quite alright.”
“No, no, pleez. Let me ‘elp you,” you made a fuss. You took out a handkerchief from your bag and simultaneously shrugged off your jacket. Jason smirked to himself. No hot-blooded male would be able to resist the sight of you in a wet white low neckline t-shirt.
“Let me pay for your dry cleaning,” you worried, “Oh, putain it speeled down here too.”
You got on your knees and started dabbing the hem of his coat.
“You really don’t have to do that,” Thorne smiled and held your shoulder in a gesture to help you up.
“I am really zo zorr’y,” you looked up at him.
A flash of lust sparked Thornes’ eyes, and Jason knew you were batting your eyelashes at him from that angle. It made him want to punch Thorne square in the jaw.
“It’s really alright, madam,” he insisted, “It was my fault for standing in the middle of a busy pedestrian walkway.”
“I should ‘ave watched where I was walking,” you bit your lip and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Well, let’s just both move on from this. Please don’t worry, I can get my assistants to get me another coat,” he rested his hand on your lower back as he walked you towards the street. “Here is my business card. Feel free to contact me if you need any help navigating the city. I would love to show you all the fine restaurants in Gotham.”
“Monsieur, you are too kind,” you pouted.
“I should thank you for bumping into me,” he winked, “It’s not everyday I get to see a beautiful lady.”
You pretended to blush.
“I have to go now,” he announced, “Please give me a call.”
And with that, he entered the building.
You walked towards Jason with the look of a kid who scored his first goal.
But then, facing him now, Jason swore under his breath. No wonder you managed to bewitch Thorne so easily.
Your shirt was practically see through, and everyone was turning their heads at you. He could see your black lacy bra, and how your tits bounced as you jogged towards him.
“Hells to the yes!” you celebrated, “That was more than thirty seconds. I got the card back and- what are you doing?”
Jason had grabbed your jacket and forcefully put it over your shoulders. “Let’s hurry back to the car.”
Yeah, you were going to be the death of him.
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dira333 · 2 months
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Bakugo x Reader, 6 parts, Timeskip AU
Not everyone is born with a Soulmark. But even if you are, it doesn't make things easier.
Warnings: None, Angst to Fluff.
Chapters are going to be posted daily - Masterlist
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Part 4
“Be nice!” A woman chides loudly from the kitchen. Her skin and hair are pink, her eyes mesmerizingly dark. “Hey! Nice to meet you, I’m Mina. These idiots here are Kaminari and Shinsou and you’ll soon meet the rest of the Gang! Bakugo, can you help me with the Snacks?”
“Already on it,” Katsuki grunts next to you, finally managing to push Kirishima away. 
“What do you want to drink?” He asks, leaving for the kitchen as Kirishima leads you over to the Couch.
“Sooo!” Kaminari leans into your space the minute you’re sitting. “Do you just want to watch the tournament or participate?”
“Participate, of course.” You tell him. “Do you think I’m passing a chance to smoke Katsuki?”
Kaminari’s surprised, but only for a second, before he grins just as wide as Kirishima.
“Good luck,” Shinsou tells you in his smokey, deep voice. “They’re all competitive.”
“That’s the thing,” you joke as Kirishima pushes a controller in your hands for a first warm-up round of Mario Kart. “You make more mistakes when you can’t afford to lose.”
The apartment fills up fast.
Soon enough you’re pressed into Katsuki’s side, Kaminari leaning heavily into you on your left, not yet getting the hang of the fact that he just needs to move the controller and not his body too.
“And Kaminari’s out!” Iida declares, ever the referee. He did participate, although he lost the first round.
“Man!” Kaminari leans further into you. “That sucks.”
“Yeah,” you agree easily, trying to push him off. “And I need to pee.”
“Oh!” He grins. “Sucks to be you then. You’re not getting up.”
“Let her get up!” Katsuki snarls. “You’re not a child!”
“But I just lost!” Kaminari defends himself before his eyes light up. “I have an idea-”
“No!” Mina yells through the room. “Don’t you dare! You said she has to work late today!”
But whatever she’s trying to do fails as Kaminari stretches out his hands with a grin, eyes closed as if he’s focusing until, in a flash of bright light, a woman appears in his arms.
She doesn’t look amused, yet not surprised either.
“I could have been on the toilet,” she argues as Kaminari all but drapes himself over her, lips pressed against her temple.
She sighs, waving half-heartedly. “He lost, didn’t he?”
You must have been looking a little out of it because Katsuki leans closer, breath ghosting over the shell of your ear when he speaks.
“She’s his girlfriend. The one I mentioned.”
“Oh, so he’s Duncef-” Her eyes cut to you, hard and questioning. “Kaminari,” you correct yourself with an apologetic smile and her frown loosens.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Mina claps her hand, pulling your focus away. “Toiletbreak now if you need one.”
You get up, taking your and Katsuki’s empty glasses with you. He moves to stop you but you throw him a look that has him stay where he is. Someone whistles low but you choose to ignore it.
You stop cold when you return to the kitchen, not expecting the head of green hair or the warm smile.
“Oh, hi!” His smile turns a little sheepish. “What’s your name again?”
“Oh, you… you don’t know me yet. I live- I’m Katsuki’s… roommate.” You bite your tongue at the awkward self-introduction, try to busy yourself with refilling your drinks.
“Ah,” he says, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. “They don’t know I’m in here, right?”
You laugh, startled yet again. “I don’t know, I just came from the toilet. Why?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he tries to wave you off, but you’ve already spotted the dirty bandage around his left hand.
“Did you hurt yourself?” You ask, stepping closer.
“Shh!” He tries to silence you, flushing when you move to grab his hand.
“You’re totally hurt,” you call out. “And that’s not even a fresh bandage.”
“I know, I know,” he pulls away. “I just need a minute to gather myself before I step in there.”
“Fine,” you huff, realizing with a start that it’s none of your business. Or should it be? 
You move back to the drinks you’ve been preparing, now much too aware of his presence.
How do other people do this? Just ask about Soulmates and Soulmarks as if it means nothing? 
“Do you…” You bite your tongue but the worlds have already slipped out.
You turn to get a better look at his face, your back turned to the door.
“Do you have a Soulmate, Izuku?”
His surprise is evident, his face flushing adorably. Did Mitsuki already call him? Would she do such a thing? Is this-
“Why do you want to know?” Katsuki’s voice runs like ice down your back.
His face is void of emotion as you turn toward him, though his brows have furrowed again. You don’t dare to smooth it out this time, not with how cold his eyes are.
“Just making Smalltalk,” you reply, cringing at how shallow it sounds.
If he heard it, he doesn’t answer, because his eyes zero in on the dirty bandage around Izuku’s hand.
“You idiot,” he snarls. “Did you get hurt again? Let me see!”
You flee the kitchen as the brothers squabble, not at all ashamed to slide into the open space between Shinsou and Ojiro.
Shinsou’s eyes lock onto yours and you swallow tight.
“Izuku just came in,” you say, taking a sip of your drink. “I thought I’d give my place to him.”
“How nice of you,” Shinsou drawls and you know he doesn’t believe you, not the least bit.
- x - 
“Asshole,” Katsuki snarls as he pulls Izuku into the living room. It takes him only a second to notice that you’ve switched places but he bites his tongue and takes his seat, pushing his knee into Izuku’s side when the other guy can’t get comfortable right away.
“Does everyone have his drinks?” Mina asks, eyeing him with a knowing grin. He bites down on his tongue again. Great.
Now everyone thinks that you and him have something going on. And it’s not like that, he wants to tell them. Not because he’s not interested - god, if only he wasn’t - but because you’re clearly not.
He’d be a fool not to notice your interest in Izuku.
It used to be different, he thinks with no little amount of guilt. People used to fawn over him, discarding Izuku. But the tables have turned.
“Let’s start the next round, Izuku, are you play- oh, of course.” Mina rolls her eyes as he waves his freshly bandaged hand. “I should have known.”
Katsuki almost misses the signal, too distracted by the whole situation. 
He can see Shinsou leaning over to whisper in your ear from time to time, his grip hardening around the controller every time. 
But everyone would make fun of him if he lost this soon into the tournament and what excuse would he have? That he’s jealous?
You’re good too, never risking too much, playing it safe where needed.
And maybe you’d have made it to the finale round if the door hadn’t opened, Momo stepping in with an exhausted wave.
He sees the way you flinch at her sight because he’s got one eye on you instead of the screen - he’s almost through the Finish Line anyway - but he misses what that Flinch causes. 
Your Princess Peach knocks into his Bowser, pushing the two of you so far off course that the rest of the Party races past.
He’s too surprised to even curse, watches as he’s put back on the road only to realize that if he lets you win now everyone will know that he cares. They will know and they will pity him when the truth eventually comes out because it always comes out.
Katsuki’s never been the emotionally smartest guy in the world, he can admit that to himself. Still, he feels guilty as he pushes his Kart past yours over the Finish Line.
You lose this round and thereby drop off the roster.
“Well,” you laugh and Katsuki wonders if he’s the only one who hears how forced it sounds. “I did get a few of you, at least.”
“You did good,” Ojiro congratulates you, rubbing a hand over your hair. 
“Yeah, that was a sick move, trying to knock Bakugo out of the game,” Kaminari cries, face buried in his girlfriend's hair. It’s almost impossible to tell where she ends and he begins, but so far that’s nothing new.
“Whatever,” Katsuki grunts, putting his controller down to take a sip. His back is aching from how tense he is. Kirishima throws him a look that he ignores. Shinsou’s lazy smirk is harder to ignore. No one knows what that bastard is thinking at any time of the day. Honestly, he’s surprised no one’s dragging him for the fact that he almost lost. Or the fact that he’s so calm about his near loss.
“Oh,” Momo’s voice cuts through the noise like a velvet-covered knife. “Izuku. You’re hurt?”
Izuku blushes a red so vibrant Kirishima’s hair pales in comparison.
“It’s- uh, it’s nothing, Yao- Momo. Just a cut.”
“I treated it,” Katsuki hears himself say, voice gruff. “He’s fine.”
Momo’s eyes flicker up to him and then back to Izuku.
“Do you have a moment?” She asks, back stiff. “Or are you playing?”
“N-no, I-I’m fine.” Izuku almost swallows his tongue trying to answer, tripping over himself as he gets up. “Go ahead.”
“It’s just work stuff,” she promises with a smile though Iida is probably the only one who’d believe such a blatant lie. And even Iida’s eyes darken with sympathy.
“Well,” Mina claps her hands, trying to get everyone’s attention. “Next round? We still need to get rid of a few of you if we wanna have a winner. Or is anyone defecting? Ojiro, looking at you this time!”
“Not carsick yet!” He claims with a laugh. “I promise!”
And Katsuki could win this, he knows. He’s done it before.
Though it’s hard to focus with his mind elsewhere. You, awkwardly squished between Shinsou and Ojiro. Izuku and Momo in the other room and all that drama that comes with that. His own role in this, whatever it is. You. You again.
He manages to outdrive Shinsou but Ojiro beats him in the next race. 
“Did you see that?” He asks, almost pushing you off the Couch in his excitement. “Did you see that?”
“I wasn’t focusing,” Katsuki grunts and you lean in, worry in your eyes.
“Headache?” You ask and he nods, embarrassed that you’re seeing through him this easily. “Told you you should have gotten that frown off your face,” you tease him and he can almost forget that moment in the kitchen or how your eyes followed Izuku out of the room.
That is until Izuku comes back.
“I’m sorry you didn’t win,” you tell him later in the car. You’re sitting much too close for comfort, he can smell the fruitiness of your drink on your breath when you speak, but he can’t very well ask you to sit in the back.
“It’s fine,” he huffs, turning the corner. 
“Is it?” You ask. “I thought you were very competitive.”
“I am,” he insists, before swallowing harshly. “I mean, I don’t have to be, all the time.”
“But you are, right?” You ask again. “That’s what you are. Competitive. Aiming for the top.”
“What if?” He asks, voice coming out harsher than intended.
“I’m just…” You fall silent for a second. “I’m trying to get to know you better, Katsuki. Is it hard for you to be Number 2?”
He presses the brake so hard that the safety belt cuts into his shoulder. There’s a gurgled gasp from your side that tells him you’ve suffered a worse fate.
“Cat!” He breathes out, swallowing again. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” your voice is raspy. “Shit. Did you hit it?”
“Hit what?” 
“The cat, Katsuki!” Your eyes are like flashlights now, lighting up parts of him he doesn’t want to see.
“I’ll check,” you unbuckle your seatbelt but his hand’s holding you back.
“I’ll do it,” he says, stepping out of the car for nothing at all. There is no cat and he wants to throw up.
“Let’s get home,” he says as soon as he’s back in the car. 
If you can hear how unstable he’s feeling, you’re not addressing it. But you’re also not picking up the conversation where he left it, and he’s thankful for that.
His mind is too full and too empty all at once. 
He barely registers your smile as you bid him goodnight, though he feels the touch of your hand as you brush past him like a branding iron.
Sleep’s not coming soon, he realizes a few minutes into lying down.
Instead, he thinks of Izuku.
Katsuki can still remember his Soulmark, the intricate pattern of it almost dancing over the pale, freckled skin of his friend’s shoulder.
Izuku had been so proud of it, too, he remembers. Born without a Quirk, but born with a Soulmate. 
How often had he asked Katsuki to paint it for him so he could memorize it. How often did he pull his shirt off in the middle of the Bakugo’s living room, asking “Aunty Mitsuki” and “Uncle Masaru” to check if it was still there.
He lost it during the war. 
And it’s Izuku, so of course he pretended to be okay about it.
“I have all those pictures, Kacchan,” he’d said, like it was nothing.
But it wasn’t nothing.
The mark on Katsuki’s left buttcheek burns like fire and he has no doubt this fire is fueled by guilt.
And maybe it would have been okay, in a way, to lose that Soulmark. If his Soulmate hadn’t been Momo too.
Katsuki sits up, tries to breathe.
It’s unfair, all of it. And it’s not even happening to him, though he wants to scream at the Universe with all the anger he’s ever felt.
What good is it to win a war, to come out alive out of this hell, to find love only to lose it like that?
Because Momo and Shoto had been dating, a tentative love strengthened by the horror they went through together, when the first Fake Soulmarks appeared.
More often than not Shoto spent the night at his place, trying to find reprieve from the madness.
Was he allowed to love Momo when a Soulmate existed? 
Was he allowed to still love Momo when they had already ended what hadn’t even gotten the chance to fully bloom? When he’d broken it off only for his Soulmate to turn out fake?
And then, to fully hit home the realization that Soulmate’s are more a curse than anything else, Izuku and Momo had realized that, lost or not, her Soulmark matched his.
Katsuki can’t help but think about his own mark, his own person attached to it.
Are they in a relationship already? Are they waiting for him or building their own life, convinced he’s never going to show up?
And what if he dares to- what if he’d dare to… love you?
It doesn’t matter, he tells himself, trying to find a comfortable position. You’re not into him.
He’s resting on his back now, cold sweat pooling at his hairline.
His heart is racing, no matter how slow he’s trying to breathe.
In and out. In and out. In and out.
Katsuki tries to think about you, safe in the other room. Probably sleeping curled up like a kitten, a sight he’s only caught twice so far.
Usually, that thought calms him down, though tonight it doesn’t work.
His breath is coming in sharp inhales now, almost gasping for air.
His heart, racing like he’s running for his life, has started hurting.
Is he… Is he having a panic attack? Or is this something worse, his borrowed heart finally running out of time?
He gasps your name, breathless, raspy, trying to get out of bed.
His phone tumbles out of his grip and his knees hit the floor hard. He’s dizzy and the darkness isn’t helping. Where’s the door again?
“Katsuki?!” Your voice is panicked too, but maybe he’s imagining it. Maybe this is just a dream.
Dream… Yeah, dreaming would be nice. Katsuki closes his eyes, letting the darkness swallow him.
You’re not usually one to dream in vivid detail. And despite trying to explain it multiple times, you can’t really find words for the difference there is between your usual dreams and those trying to lead you toward your Soulmate.
More often than not it’s just this pull, nothing else, that stays with you well into your waking hours.
Tonight though, with your mind reeling, you can’t help but push back.
What good do these dreams do? They just remind you of something you don’t have and maybe never will.
And even… And even if Izuku is your Soulmate, does it matter?
You’d rather not accept this bond and stay where you are, a friend, nothing more, but at Katsuki’s side.
So you push against this pull, take one step, two steps, three steps into the other direction.
It strains your heart in a way you hadn’t known, to the point you feel breathless with agony.
And then you wake up, gasping for air, dizzy, your chest heaving.
Did you just reject your Soulmate? Or did you just buy yourself a little more time?
You climb out of your bed, aiming for the kitchen for a sip of water, when you hear your name.
You stumble through his door, his hair glowing in the dim light falling in from the hallway.
“Katsuki?!” You catch him as he falls into you, his heavy body tackling you to the ground as he goes slack.
Panicking, you try to remember all those First-Aid Courses you had to get through.
First, recovery position. Somehow you manage to get him onto his side.
He’s heavy and warm, his shoulders so unbelievably wide. 
“Come on, come on!” You beg him, “Wake up!”
You can barely see him through your tears, but you can feel it, the first deep breath he takes, shuddering and shaking.
Then another. And another.
“Katsuki?” You ask, face pressed against his chest, curling into him. “Are you alive?”
“What else would I be?” He asks, voice gruff, though you can hear the fear still coating his words.
“I’m taking you to the Hospital, okay?” You tell him, though not yet moving, too afraid he’ll pass out again any second.
“What happened, anyway?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he explains, his hand now curling heavy around your body. “Felt like a panic attack at first. Might have been a heart attack instead.”
“You’ve got those often?”
“No. But that’s not my first heart, so I’m no expert on it.”
“Not your first- Katsuki!” You whine, tears leaking into your words. “What?!”
“Long story.” He huffs out a breath. “You good?”
“Yeah.” You pull up your nose. “Yeah, I’m good. Don’t worry about me, just freaking out about you.”
The ride to the hospital is silent, Katsuki’s left hand heavy on your knee. You put it there, glared at him when he argued.
“I need to be sure that you’re still alive, okay?!”
“Okay.” He falls silent, huffing out a cough every time you squeeze his hand.
You follow him inside this time, always two steps behind him until it’s time for his examination.
“I’ll wait outside,” you tell him, squeezing his hand one last time.
It probably only takes them half an hour, tops, but the time just won’t pass.
You’ve got half a mind to call his parents, not just because of this health scare but because they’d know, right? They could tell you who your Soulmate is and get this mess sorted out.
Katsuki looks pale when he walks out, paler than he was walking in.
“Everything okay?” You ask and he nods, though you don’t really believe him.
“Hungry?” You ask once you’ve made it out, the coldness of the night finally settling in.
He laughs. “Not really.”
“Exhausted. But I’m not going to be able to sleep anyway.”
“What did they say?”
He swallows tightly. You know because your eyes are focused on his Adam’s apple.
“My heart’s fine,” he huffs out. “Well, as good as it can be, second-hand. I was freaking out about some stuff, so it’s probably a panic attack. It could also be-” He trails off, hands clenching into the fabric of his trousers. “Well, whatever it is, I’ve got some drugs that I need to take now.”
“What kind?”
“Oh, just some antidepressants.” He laughs but it doesn’t sound amused.
“Katsuki…” He turns his head, though his eyes avoid yours. “What do you need right now?”
His breath comes shaky. He doesn’t say it, but you can read it in his eyes, so you wrap your arms around him and squeeze as hard as you can.
His head sinks heavy onto your shoulder.
Does it look stupid, to hug in your sleepwear in the dark parking lot of a 24-hour clinic? If so, you don’t care. There’s no place you’d rather be right now. Not when Katsuki needs you.
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galacticgraffiti · 1 year
Sugar (I've developed a taste for you)
❁ 2 ❁
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!!! NSFW ⋆ 18+ ⋆ Minors DNI !!!
Summary: A favour for a favour - Astarion's world has worked like that for centuries. Except- you don't know that yet.
Rating: Mature Wordcount: 3.3k Descriptors: I try to keep my reader-inserts fairly neutral, but let me know if anything slips through the cracks! Still debating how to go about C3... CW: nicknames, flirting, lusting after the pale man, blood, blood play, talks about biting, feelings talk
« Chapter 1 ⋆✦⋆ Main Masterlist ⋆✦⋆ If you prefer AO3 ⋆✦
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Chapter 2: I'm a Winged Insect, You're a Funeral Pyre
You wake up wrapped in your bedroll, barely able to open your eyes. You feel exhausted - drained.
You sit up, your hand flying up to your neck to feel for the wound Astarion’s fangs must have  left there. They are small, barely tangible, but you can feel the small holes nonetheless.
You breathe out slowly, trying to gain some control over your feelings. The world blurs before your eyes as you recall last night.
This really happened. You let him do that to you. You gave your blood, willingly - and you found out Astarion’s big secret. Not just an elf, but a vampire. You knew he was hiding something, but something this big? May the gods have mercy on your soul because you have certainly sinned.
You shiver when the memories of last night push to the forefront of your mind - Astarion’s hand in your hair, his lips on your neck - his teeth in you. How it felt to be drunk from, how easy it was to give in and let him have what he wanted.
You don’t remember passing out, but you must have, because you have no recollection of making your way back to the campfire.
Carefully, you stretch out your sore muscles, bones and joints cracking.
“Good morning, darling.”
Astarion’s voice makes your head whip around. He is sitting there, on the thick stump of a tree right next to where you always sleep, watching you with concerned eyes.
“Good morning.” Your voice is scratchy, your throat drier than the seventh circle of the hells.
Astarion’s tongue peeks out from between pink lips, and you notice that he looks… invigorated.
“How are you feeling, sweet thing?” He sounds genuinely worried, and your heart flutters. “There was a moment last night- I thought I may have taken too much, but then you stirred in my arms… I am sorry, my dear, you just make me… hungry.”
The way his voice drops on the last word makes your heart flutter. If this is how he acts after you do him this favour, it may well have been worth it.
“Mhm.” You nod slowly, trying to focus your mind. You are not nearly as angry as you probably should be. “May have been a bit much. I’m feeling sort of woozy.”
“Oh, sweetheart, I do apologise. I promise I’ll be more careful next time.” He saunters over, kneeling next to you, his finger stroking your cheek. 
“Next time?” You laugh weakly. “You sound very certain there will be a next time.”
His eyes darken.
“Well, won’t there be?”
Your neck cracks when you stretch, then exhaustion makes you sink back into your little nest of warmth again.
“Mhh. I’ll have to think about it.”
“But- but I thought you liked it.” Astarion’s voice sounds vaguely distressed, his hand pulling away from your cheek. “I could taste it on you- I could feel it-”
“I- Gods, I’m not saying I didn’t… enjoy myself,” you clarify, though your cloudy thoughts are making it hard to put into words what exactly it is that you are feeling. “I’m just- you said it yourself, just a taste, but now you admit you lost control-”
“-I’ll get better at it with time, who was ever perfect the first time they did something?”
That shuts you right up. What in the hells does that mean?
Astarion’s face is guarded when he looks at you.
“It was… the first time I did not drink from an animal,” he explains quietly. “You were my first, and you were perfect. Better than anything I could have ever dreamed of, simply divine. A delectable treat that I was not in the least prepared for. I am sorry if I got a bit wrapped up in the moment, my love.”
Your cheeks flush at his words. Never in a million years would you have thought you might enjoy being called a ‘treat’, and yet, here you are.
Astarion pats your blanket, gently pushing you back down until you give in and roll up in your blanket once more. His voice is soft and gentle when he regards you.
“Now, now, my pet. Rest some more; it seems you need it. And… thank you.”
You can barely keep your eyes open, and the small smile on his face is the last thing you see before you slip off to sleep again.
It becomes a regular occurrence after that. You know it shouldn’t, you know it is a stupid risk each and every time. You know you have less strength the next day, your head swimming and your throat aching. But, oh, to watch Astarion fight fuelled by your blood is a delight you never expected.
He is stronger, much more powerful than you ever saw him before - and happier. His behaviour does not change, exactly, but every once in a while, you now catch him trying to take care of you in small, nearly imperceptible ways. It astounds you, it surprised you - but you can’t help feeling flattered by his attentions.
Each time he drinks from you, the pain grows less and the odd ecstasy that accompanies it takes over more and more. It is intoxicating, to feel him so close to you, to witness the noises that escape him, and feel the bobbing of his throat when he swallows what your body provides. You start to look forward to the nights where he finds you.
Each time feels more intimate than the last: From the beginning of it all in that stream, to a secluded place in the woods by the campsite, to his lavish encampment, then yours, then his again, and finally, against a column in a forgotten crypt, when you two stay behind to loot the place while the rest of the party moves on.
It’s getting harder to separate your body’s reaction to something so visceral from feeling aroused by the power that comes with it. To look into Astarion’s blood-red eyes and know they are shining only because of you has an odd effect on you.
And while he whispers sweet nothings, while he groans and whimpers as he drinks you down, you always try to keep up some semblance of control: After that first time in the river, no noise ever escapes you, even though your jaw hurts from clenching.
You wonder vaguely if it is sick that you derive pleasure from this arrangement - but then again, so does he. It is all worth it to see how happy he is, though he waves Gale and Karlach’s comments of his improved mood off like bothersome flies.
Astarion keeps his promise - he never drains you as much as he did the first time, even though you can see in his eyes that he would keep going every time if he thought you might survive it. He never asks for seconds again, and you are grateful. If he did, you are not sure you could deny him.
It has been a while since he last came to you - a few days, no more, but you have gotten so used to your little ritual that it feels like an eternity.
You have moved camp since the last time you got to spend time together; deeper into the forest, on your search for the druid Halsin. You try not to think too much about the fact that Astarion has not sought you out. Trying to keep all this a secret has turned out to be harder than either of you thought. No opportunity has presented itself for a while now, and you have to be rational about the arrangement. It’s not in either of your best interest for the group to find out what you two have been up to. You would rather bear the lewd comments in quiet dignity, thank you very much.
Astarion consumes - well, not your every waking thought, but you find yourself thinking much more about him than you should. It’s not just his fangs that you daydream about either - his lips have snuck into your dreams, his hands, his voice. It’s just not fair.
Thus, tonight, you are determined to find a quiet place for the two of you. The urge that grows inside you must be satisfied. You tell yourself that you do this to make Astarion stronger - you have seen him weaken throughout the week, trying to survive off of animals the way he used to. But it’s not the same.
Now that you have seen what Astarion can do, you want to see him like that all the time: powerful, striking down enemies quicker than you can draw your weapon sometimes. And it’s not just for selfish purposes, either: You want him to feel like that all the time.
And so, you concoct a plan - simple yet effective.
After dinner - Karlach cooked, so it was actually quite enjoyable - you excuse yourself to go explore the surrounding woods. You tell your companions that you want to find another source of water, under the pretence of needing to wash your clothing. Actually, it may not be all pretence - you do smell. So do your companions, which is why no one has complained yet. But you may as well use the time exploring the forest for something helpful aside from just luring Astarion away.
When you catch the way Astarion’s head pricks up when you say that you are looking for a quiet place with water, you know that he has caught on. He is too smart for his own good sometimes, but this time, you are glad about it.
Anxiety grips your  stomach as you wander through the darkness below the thick trees and hope that he might follow you.
What if he doesn’t? What if you happen upon a wild animal before he finds you? Maybe he has lost his taste for you, or-
“There you are, darling.” His voice has become so familiar in the last few days, quiet and demanding at the same time. You wish you didn’t like it so much.
You turn around to find Astarion much closer to you than you had anticipated. He is always so quiet.
“Here I am.” You cock your head. “Was there something I could help you with?”
“Oh, don’t play coy with me now, sweet thing.” He steps closer, cupping your face in his hands. “You knew exactly what you were doing when you left camp. You were hoping I would come find you, were you not?”
“Maybe.” You try not to give in, but he feels too good- too warm, too comforting. His teeth shine in the moonlight when he laughs and your belly tightens.
“Ah, I knew it. You missed me.”
You raise a brow and stare at him defiantly: “You have lacked in battle recently. I thought you might need to be… replenished.”
“And that was the only reason, was it?” As he leans closer to you, you step back, one, two, three steps until your back is pressed up against a tall fir tree. “You were worried about my… performance?”
“Yes,” you whisper. His lips are so close to yours you can feel his breath on your face. Your eyes flutter shut as you let your head fall to the side to expose your neck.
“Liar.” Astarion sounds amused by your weak attempts to defy him. “You missed me- you missed the way I make you feel.”
His lips descend onto your neck in a way that feels nearly like worship. You suppress a sigh at the sensation - gods, you have missed this more than you should have. He smells so good, despite the rough days you have been having, and the way his hands pull at you makes you shiver all over, tiny fire of desire exploding on your bare skin where he touches you.
“I was thinking…” he mumbles. “Your neck seems a bit… sore. Maybe we should grant you some reprieve.”
“I’m fine.” Your answer is too fast, and Astarion’s chuckle makes your heart beat faster.
“Of course you are, little pet. I’ve kept my promise after all, haven’t I?” His tongue flicks at the tiny scars his teeth have left in your neck and you bite your lip to cut off a moan. Your body quivers, though, your back arching for a split-second before you regain control. Astarion’s smile is audible in his voice. “Even if you don’t want to admit it, your body has missed me, my love. I think it’s time we stopped pretending, don’t you?”
“Stopped pretending what?” Your voice is breathless, and all you can do is hope that he might mean what you so desperately hope he means.
Astarion’s lips lift from the sensitive skin of your neck.
“Why, pretend you don’t want me, of course.” He says it like it is the most obvious thing in the world. And maybe, it is. “Pretend like you don’t need me just as much as I need you. Did you think you could hide how your pulse quickens when I touch you? The flush in your cheeks, your little breaths… Your body betrays you, little pet. You have been careful, my darling, but not as careful as you might think you have been. All those small noises you thought I couldn’t hear… tsk.”
He shakes his head. You chew on your lower lip, anxiously waiting for his reaction to your not so secret secret. A coppery taste floods your mouth and you realise you must have broken the skin of your lip by worrying it.
You raise your finger to wipe away the drop of blood, but your hand is caught by a pale one. Astarion inhales sharply, his body pressing up against you, his thigh slotting between yours as easily as if it had always belonged there. The rough bark of the tree presses into your back and you become acutely aware how trapped you are by Astarion’s arms in a way that turns the spark of arousal in your belly into a full blown fire.
Astarion’s thumb paints circles on the back of your hand as he stares at the drop of blood on your lip intently, hypnotised by the dark red sliver of pain against your skin.
His voice is gravelly in a way you have never heard before, and you shiver when he raises his hand to smear the blood until it covers your lips.
“Mhh.” He cocks his head. “That’s better, my love. Perfect rosy lips for my perfect little pet. Oh- don't look at me like that, darling, it’s alright. Does it hurt? Let me help you with that…”
It’s not a kiss, not really. His mouth meets yours desperately, licking at the small wound where your lip split. You tell yourself it’s not a kiss, but your body reacts like it is anyways. Your nerve endings light up in a fiery cascade of pleasure, and your hands fly up to Astarion’s waist, pulling him closer into you.
His tongue licks at you and your lips part easily, but he does not take the opportunity. Instead, he laughs quietly as he pulls back.
“Oh, you liked that, didn’t you?” He sounds content with himself in a way that would infuriate you if you were not so turned on right now.
You ashamedly stare down at your boots. And you nod.
Astarion’s finger tilts your chin up gently until you have to raise your head and look him in the eye.
“Don’t look away, my darling.” He strokes your cheek. “There is no need to be ashamed. You should have told me earlier that this was what you really wanted… mixing pleasure and pain is always a good idea, sweet thing.”
“I wasn’t- I mean, I didn’t-”
“Didn’t what? Don’t lie to me now, little pet. You know I can always tell.” His lips are so close to yours it feels like you can taste him already, his eyes dark and fiery even in the dim light of dusk. “What do you want? Be honest with me now.”
Your hands bury in his hair almost of their own volition, soft silver curls tangling between your fingers.
“Kiss me,” you whisper. “Please.”
You sound desperate, but you cannot bring yourself to care. Not as Astarion exhales, and closes the distance between you. His lips taste of your blood, bitter and coppery, but his tongue in your mouth is the sweetest honey. By the gods, he is good at what he does - soft noises falling from his mouth, his hard body pressing against you. His thumb rests against the pulse point of your neck, right where he left you scarred, and you feel like you are floating.
When he finally pulls back, you are both out of breath. His lips shimmer red from the blood on your own, and you can feel his desire - he looks at you like you are the most delicious meal he has ever seen after starving for years.
Maybe you are.
“Why did you bring me here?” he asks, his voice quiet and commanding. “What is it that you really desire, sweet thing?”
“I want you,” you admit, hating how your voice breaks even between those two words. “You may… need me, but I have come to realise I need you too. It’s not… you- I mean…”
“What is it, my darling? Use your words.” The gentle encouragement mixed with just the vaguest tint of mockery goes straight to your core and you curse your body for being so weak.
“I… I know this began as a favour,” you start, unsure of how to phrase what has been growing between you in such a short time. “But I… you know, it’s not just that anymore. Not for me. I… I like it.”
Your confession makes heat rise to your cheeks, and you bite your lip. Astarion stares at you, uncharacteristically lost for words, so you drone on.
“I like doing this for you- I like knowing I am helping you, I like knowing that you feel better- that you have become stronger because of me. I like seeing that your hands don’t shake so much anymore, and I like seeing you smile across the battlefield. It makes me happy- you make me happy. And you know, the pain fades after a while. I actually find it… quite… well, enjoyable. The way I feel when you drink from me… gods, Astarion, it’s indescribable.”
The flood of words spills from your lips like you have been holding it in for months, not days. Astarion still just stares at you, dumbfounded by your confession. Finally, he clears his throat.
“You… like it?” It sounds more like a question.
Gently, you take his hand into yours.
“Yes,” you confirm, smiling at him softly. “I’ve loved seeing you happy.”
“You- oh.” A plethora of emotions plays out on Astarion’s face in mere fractions of a second. You watch him intently. Finally, he clears his throat. “Well, I… I really don’t know how to respond to this. You, my love, are simply… incredible.”
Your smile grows broader.
“Why, thank you. I’m glad you finally noticed.”
A small smile appears on Astarion’s face at your teasing remark.
“I have been happier, haven’t I,” he muses. “I haven’t really… been happy in so long, I never noticed until you pointed it out.”
You worry your lip, but decide not to press him about it.
“I’m glad I can give you something,” you simply say. 
Astarion’s hand holds yours a little tighter.
“You give me more than I have ever dreamed of,” he murmurs. A devilish smile darkens his features as his eyes wander up and down your body. “I think it’s about time I give something back, don’t you think, my darling?”
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Hmmmm he is consuming my brain (much like the tadpole hshsh get it) ANYWAYS I am way too emotionally invested in him I support his evil. He has actively made me worse and I love him for it.
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
|Chapter Eleven|
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The hotel was restored, practically better than before. Y/n stayed to help out where she was needed, and shared the pride of a job well done along with the others. Charlie seemed happier than before, marveling at the new look of her hotel.
She thanked everyone over and over for their hard work. And of course, she thanked Y/n for saving her during the battle. As much as Y/n told her she didn’t mind, Charlie just could help but express her gratitude.
She really was a nice person. Her friends weren’t too bad either. Flawed, sure. But who isn’t? A part of her was going to miss them. But there was no doubt that she would miss Lucifer the most.
Before she left, she asked if Lucifer could talk in private, which he agreed to.
“So…I guess this is goodbye.” Y/n starts, already feel her heart breaking. “It was so nice to see you again Lucifer. I’m…I’m really going to miss you.” She says, voice breaking.
Lucifer’s expression fell. “Yeah. I’m going to miss you too…” Lucifer, with arms outstretched, started to move towards her, but hesitated. Y/n met him half way and pulled him into a tight hug.
Lucifer wrapped his arms around her, feeling the tremble in her shoulders. He shut his eyes tightly, taking in this moment as much as he could. After a while, the two parted.
Y/n wiped away a tear, and forced a smile. “Take care of yourself. Ok?”
Lucifer nods. “I’ll try my best.”
Y/n stared at him for a second before turning away and reaching her arms out. She exhaled, and within seconds, the portal back to Heaven opened up.
Y/n looked back to Lucifer, and she waved her hand with a small smile. Lucifer waved his as well, trying his best to return the grin.
Y/n turned back and walked through the portal. She could hear it close behind her as she stepped further into her home. She wasn’t here even a minute, and already she was longing to be with Lucifer again.
Deep down, she wanted so badly to go back. She wanted to go back and stay with Lucifer, never to leave him again. She would be in Hell, but at least she would be in Hell with him.
Y/n was alerted by the sound of knocking. She looked ahead, at her front door. It sounded urgent. Y/n hurried to the door and opened it.
It was Michael, and he looked very distraught. Before Y/n could get a word out, Michael pulled her close to him in an embrace. “There you are! Where have you been!?” He pulls back slightly to look at her.
“I was looking everywhere for you! I felt horrible after our last talk, and I came here to try and make things right, but you weren’t here! You weren’t anywhere!” He goes on. “I didn’t think you’d just disappear like that! I was worried sick!”
“Micheal.” Y/n holds his hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry like that. I just…” She trailed off. “Needed some time alone.”
Michael sighed heavily. “Oh, Y/n. I’m so sorry. I never meant to upset you.” Y/n was reminded of their last talk. She was upset. She still is. But not with Michael.
She shook her head. “It’s alright. You didn’t upset me, Michael. The decision that was made, upset me.”
Michael felt guilty, but he pushed it back as he asked his next question. “Where were you? I looked in every possible place, and you weren’t there. It’s like you vanished into thin air.”
Y/n froze, she had to say something. She hated to lie, but if she were to tell him the truth. Where she had been, what she was doing, who she had been with…
It would not end well...
“I went to Earth for a while.” She finally said. “No humans saw me, I promise. Like I said, I just needed some time alone.”
Michael sighed. “Y/n.”
“I know. You wanted to be there with me. But I told you, I can take care of myself.” Y/n tried to reassure him. When in reality, she couldn’t be further off. She nearly got herself killed just hours ago.
But Michael didn’t have to know that. He didn’t have to know about any of it, and neither did anyone else. Y/n knew she could never breath a word about what she had done to anyone.
However, telling from how angry Lute was…Y/n might not be able to keep this secret for much longer.
“I’ll make sure you know when I do it next time.” Said Y/n.
“Good. I’d hate for something bad happen to you because I wasn't there. Seriously, Y/n, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Angels can’t have heart attacks.” Y/n teases. Michael raised an eyebrow, clearly unamused. “Ok, ok.” Y/n giggles. “Sorry. Message received.” Michael sighed and pulled her into a hug again.
"Lute reported back. Adam is dead."
Y/n waited for more, but Michael remained silent. Which confused Y/n. Wouldn't Lute tell everyone that she was there in Hell? Not only that, but defending Lucifer and his daughter.
"I-I know." Y/n murmurs. She decided not to say much more after that. "What will happen now?"
"Well, for starters, this news can not reach the civilians of Heaven." Michael began. "If they knew that Lucifer killed him, it would only spark panic. So, for now, no one can know about his demise."
Y/n was tempted to tell Michael that it wasn't Lucifer who killed him, but instead, a tiny demon who only wielded a simple blade. However that would lead to questions Y/n could not answer, unless she wanted to land herself into deep trouble.
Y/n pulled away. "Do you really wish for these exterminations to continue, even after what's happened?"
"Y/n, I don't wish for it to happen. It is out of my control." Michael tries. "But we do have to think of Heaven's safety, and the safety of the people who inhabit it. Especially now that Lucifer is involved." Michael's brows furrowed.
"He's been uninterested before. But now I suppose after his daughter's life was at risk, he would step in. Stronger forces will be needed to assure another loss like Adam is prevented."
"I still don't believe this is the right course of action." Y/n tells him. She knew it was out of her control. She was there to speak of the future, but the decisions made to alter or allow the future to pass, was not hers to make.
There were many people above her, and if she could not convince one of them, she would never convince all of them.
And she has yet to speak to God. If she could only talk to him for just a minute. Maybe she can get him to change his mind. Then finally all of this bloodshed will come to an end.
And the future that leads to war, will never exist.
"Like I said, it's out of my control." Said Michael.
"And you are certain I can not speak to God?" Y/n asks. "It will be tough." Michael shakes his head. "Especially after what happened to Adam."
Y/n sighs. "Then, I suppose there is nothing I can do but wait."
But the future would not wait, Y/n knew that better than anyone. She couldn't allow herself to do nothing while war grew closer and closer with every passing day.
There had to be something she could do. And she would not rest until she finds out what.
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Y/n stood in her living room, staring at the wall as her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Her stomach twisted with anxiety and no matter how many times she wiped her hands, her palms were still moist with sweat.
She exhaled shakily as she considered what she was about to do.
Y/n looked into the future, but not for an important or dangerous event. Instead, she looked for when the person she needed to see most would be completely alone. Where they'd be, how long they'd be alone, how much time she'd have to speak to them.
This evening, God would finally have some alone time to think about recent events. It was the chance Y/n needed. And thankfully, she'd have more than enough time to speak to him.
An uneven exhale left Y/n, the twisting feeling intensifying.
However, she would be intruding and risk irritating God with her questioning. But the future was steadily moving onward, war was upon Heaven and Hell. Y/n could not be swayed by upsetting someone, even if it was God.
Y/n raises her arms, and outstretches them in front of her. It was now or never.
The portal swirled to life, Y/n braced herself as she walked through. And just like that, she was inside of God's throne room. The air was thick with silence, as Y/n stared across the room. God had his back turned to her as he faced the window that looked down upon his kingdom.
Y/n opened her mouth to let herself be known, but God spoke first.
"I had a feeling you'd come here." Y/n tensed at the sound of his voice. His tone was unreadable, calm and clear, and yet she could not tell what emotion lay within his voice. "Even when others tried to keep you away."
Y/n clenched her fists tightly. "Your heavenly grace...I've had a vision of the future. One very grim, one that could alter life for Heaven and Hell as we know it." She says firmly. "I do apologize for intruding. But I could not wait any longer."
God, still not facing her, motions his hand for her to continue.
"I see war in our future."
"War? Do tell, what causes this war you speak of?" Asked God.
Y/n sighs. "I'm sure you know Adam was killed during the recent extermination. Lucifer's daughter defended herself and her friends with angelic weaponry, provided by Carmilla Carmine, one of Hell's Overlords. You would have called for an attack on Carmilla in attempts to cease production of angelic weapons. The attack is...successful and Carmilla will be killed. The other Overlords will see that as a threat, and will fight back. Eventually, it will become an all out war."
"I see...Do you know whether Heaven or Hell will be victorious?"
"I...I do not." Y/n mutters. "Do not lie to me, Y/n." God said firmly. Y/n looks downward, closing her eyes and waiting a few moments. What she saw nearly took her breath away.
"Heaven..." Y/n says shakily.
But there was so much bloodshed. Unnecessary bloodshed. So many angels were killed along with demons. Even some civilians were caught up in the middle. How was that a victory?
God hums.
"B-But! There will be deaths will be from both sides! We will loose so many of our angels! Civilians lives will be at risk! And Michael...he..." Y/n felt as if her chest would break open upon saying that last part. The idea that Michael will be killed...it made her sick to think about.
"Please!" Y/n clasps her hands together. "I beg of you, do not allow this future to come true! There must be another way!"
God finally turned to face her, she could still not tell what or how he was feeling. "I will not risk anymore death, than there already has been. Adam's death will spark panic throughout Heaven. I will not have another important figure die next to cause more fear. And I will most certainly not have my own son's life taken away..." God's voice broke slightly. But he inhaled, calming himself.
"But, how do you suppose we should deal with demons using our own weapons against us?"
"I-I assumed they started making them because of the exterminations. To defend themselves..." Y/n answers. "I am in no position to tell you what to do, but, if we call the exterminations off, maybe they will feel less threatened."
"And if there is an uprising?"
"I will let you know." Y/n answers. "But for now, there will be no uprising."
God stares at her for a moment before turning around to face the window once again. "Then so be it." Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her. "There will be no more exterminations. However, if those demons decide to get bold...I will do everything in my power to keep my kingdom and my people safe."
This was a start. The future of war has now been altered. The exterminations are over and done with.
Heaven was safe once more.
Y/n nods. "Understood."
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