#when in doubt i ask my husband XD the doctor
Boredom is a silent killer.
A person could sit in a bed for hours doing nothing, withering away as the seconds go by, and nothing would be done about it. They would simply be left to their own devices, forgotten by the world while they disappeared.
“You’re being dramatic,” Kakashi commented, barely even looking up from the paperwork that Tsunade-sama had brought into the room to keep him busy while he was by Gai’s side. “It’s not that bad.”
“Easy for you to say,” Gai huffed. “You at least have something to do.”
“I could give you my paperwork.”
Gai regretted his words instantly. “No, I think I’m good,” Boredom was enough to do him in. He didn’t need to be killed faster by paperwork that wasn’t even his. “Why are you doing that anyways? Isn’t it supposed to be signed by the Hokage?”
“She is signing it,” Kakashi objected. “She just asked that I look through it and sort out what she should sign and what she should just put in the trash.”
“And you agreed to this because?”
“Because it was the only way I could convince her to let me take time off of missions so I could be here with you,” finally he dragged his eyes away from the report he was reading, an unimpressed expression on his face as he stared at Gai. “I could leave if you’d like.”
Gai wanted to jump up and stop Kakashi. To physically hold him in place so he wouldn’t move, but his chest ached at the mere thought of moving so he continued to sit there. Bored and buzzing with the energy he couldn’t burn.
“I could just do a few-”
“No.” Kakashi returned his focus to the report. 
“If I only do-”
“Zero,” his partner responded without looking up. “You will do zero.”
“But I’m bored!” He couldn’t even flop back against the bed dramatically since Shizune had lifted the bed in order for him to sit up. “I want to do something, Rival.”
“And your solution to that is to work out?” 
“Well, I do like working out…”
Sighing, Kakashi set the report back on top of the pile that Tsunade had placed beside him and turned towards Gai. “You just had top surgery,” he reminded him as if Gai could forget. As if he’d just miss placed that information when he’d been looking forward to this day for months.
No, years.
“I’m bored.”
“You’re recovering,” Kakashi placed a hand over Gai’s. A comforting gesture that did little to ease Gai’s anxieties. “What do you always tell me when I end up in the hospital because of Chakra exhaustion?”
“Rest is just as important as training,” he muttered his mantra under his breath, insulted that Kakashi would sit and throw it back at him. “But-”
A finger pressed against his lips, sealing in the words he was trying to say.
“No buts,” Kakashi whispered. “Shizune said you’ll be here for three to six days recovering. The more you overextend yourself, the longer your stay will be.”
Three to six days. If it were Kakashi in this bed the time would fly by. Gai would have an endless list of ideas for things they could do together that wouldn’t overextend his partner and earn him a longer stay.
When it was him stuck in bed, though, he couldn’t think of a single thing to do. 
Not one idea came to him no matter how hard he tried.
“How about a game?” Kakashi suggested suddenly, earning him a confused look from Gai. “I can go get a board game from your apartment. One of the ones we played last time I was stuck in here.”
A board game.
“How did I fail to think of that?” Gai scolded himself, immediately earning himself a flick to the forehead. “Ow! Kakashi!”
“You’re recovering,” He stated as if Gai had somehow magically forgotten that. “Give yourself a break Gai.”
“Sorry, I forgot that I was expecting to lose some of my ability to think when I got rid of my chest.”
“Well, you did always think with your dick and you still don’t have one of those yet.”
Kakashi’s response blindsided him. Never, in all the years he’d known the other man, had he thought he was capable of using such cutthroat words against him of all people. The elders, yes. Naruto, maybe. Iruka-Sensei, absolutely
But him?
Maito Gai?
That was taking things a step too far. Thankfully, Gai had the perfect comeback prepared within seconds. 
"Is this why you don't want bottom surgery?” He asked, a smirk tugging at the edge of his lips when Kakashi narrowed his eyes. “You have enough dick in your personality to make up for the lack of one down there?"
There was an honest effort made on Kakashi’s part to keep his cool. A deep breath, the scrunching of his eyes. All done in an attempt to keep his composure and not give in to the weight of Gai’s words.
It all failed, though.
Not even five seconds after Gai had uttered those words, Kakashi was curling into himself laughing. It wasn’t his usual chuckle either, but a full belly laugh that filled the entire room.
“Ok,” Kakashi wheezed. “For that one, I’ll pick up Dango on the way back.”
A board game with his best friend, his favourite treat, and a chance to hear more of that sweet laughter his rival kept so carefully hidden from the rest of the world. Recovery didn’t seem so bad when Gai had all of those things to look forward to.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Heyy bestiee I hope you well! But I was hoping maybe you could do a little thing for roosters brood? Like obviously there daughter is roosters little princess and could do no wrong in his eyes because she’s his only girl but I was wondering if you could like maybe do a little something when the reader and rooster find out that they are having a girl and youse are so shocked in the doctors and the doctors like is something wrong and the reader is like definitely not we have 7 boys im the only woman in the house just some daddy rooster fluff 😍
Aww what a cute request! Since we're in a Rooster's Brood mood, let's do one more XD
Princess Bradshaw
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Pregnant Wife!Reader
Summary: Rooster and his wife find out they're finally having a girl!
CW: pregnancy, ultrasound, fluff, part of the Rooster's Brood universe so....lots of kids
Rooster's Brood | Masterlist
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You glance at your husband anxiously and he gives you a calm smile. It says that, no matter what gender the ultrasound shows, he will be the happiest man in the world. You should be happy too; the anatomy scan has indicated that your baby is healthy and growing as expected, and that’s all you could ask for.
But when the sonographer asks you again whether you’d like to know the sex of your eighth child, you hesitate. Bradley is standing near the examination table with his hand on your foot. He gives you a reassuring squeeze.
You nod at Bradley. “We’d like to know.”
The ultrasound technician presses the scanner into your belly and you wince trying to hold in the liter of water you’d been instructed to drink before your appointment. You feel Bradley’s hands close around both your feet as you close your eyes in discomfort.
“Well,” the tech says. “I don’t see a boy.”
Your eyes fly open and, before even looking at Bradley, you whip your head around to look at the sonographer. “What? What does that mean?”
She shrugs, looking at the monitor. “It means it’s a girl.”
You let out a sharp sigh – a sigh of disbelief – and then look back at your husband. Bradley is looking at the screen in shock, as if there is something on it that he could decipher. You watch him slowly bring a hand to his face, covering his mouth. Then, his other hand goes up and suddenly he’s got both hands over his cheeks and a dumbfounded expression on his face. A moment later, his large hands are hiding his face entirely and he’s turning away. He takes a few steps away from the table.
“Bradley?” you say gently.
“Is everything okay?” the tech asks with concern.
“We have seven boys,” you say quietly, not sure how else to relay the significance of this moment.
“Ah,” the tech replies as Bradley finally turns back around.
Even in the darkness of the room, you can see that his eyes are glistening. He sniffs, running a hand under his nose, and then he swallows, watching you with tears in his eyes.
“I’ll give you two a moment,” the tech says, rising from her seat and heading for the door.
The moment she’s gone, Bradley takes two giant steps toward the table and, just as you’re trying to peel your back from its surface, he takes your face in his hands and kisses you so fiercely you almost forget how badly you have to pee.
“A girl, baby,” he whispers, still clutching your face between his palms. “A girl,” he repeats, a slight crack in his voice.
You pull back slightly to meet his gaze. His eyes are still on the wet side as he smiles broadly. “She’s a little troublemaker too,” you say. “Kept bouncing off the walls of my uterus to get away from the scanner. My bladder feels like it’s going to burst.”
Bradley watches you wistfully. “She’ll fit right in, then.”
You smirk back at him. “I have no doubt.”
Bradley puts a hand on your belly just as you finish wiping the gel off. His thumb strokes your abdomen while he gazes lovingly into your eyes. “Thank you,” he says, his eyes filling with tears again. “Thank you for giving me the world.”
You give him a hug and he wraps his arms around you. “Uh, Bradley, I still have to pee.”
Bradley kisses your cheek and says, “Just one more thing.” He helps you off the table and squats down before you have a chance to pull down your shirt, taking a hold of your hips to plant a gentle kiss on your stomach. He looks up at you with a mischievous squint. “One more,” he says, kissing you again.
“Bradley!” you yelp, even though the soft brush of his lips over your bare skin is giving you goosebumps.
“Okay, okay.” Bradley chuckles, standing up.
You rush out of the room with a squeal. When you come out of the bathroom, Bradley is standing outside the door, waiting for you.
“Alright, sweetheart,” he says. “Let’s get you home so I could give you a nice backrub. Unless you want a different kind of massage.” You give him a pointed look while he smirks at you mischievously. When you roll your eyes with a smile and walk ahead of him, he calls out, “What? I meant a foot massage, obviously!”
You glance over your shoulder as he catches up to you. “Well, that’s disappointing.”
He laughs, taking you by the waist and bringing his head down to your face. “Baby, the last thing I want to do is disappoint you.”
Rooster Tag List:
Please feel free to let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my Rooster fics <3
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kumeko · 1 year
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A/N: For the Of Mews and Men zine! I couldn’t resist writing about my og FE husband, Chrom. Even in an AU, all he knows is suffering XD
As I am sure you are all aware, it is election time in Ylisse. It might be impossible to forget that fact, considering how many ads and signs are around. People with even the smallest stake in our country’s politics are popped out of the woodwork, all ready to throw their hat in the ring. You can’t even go for a walk without being bombarded by posters.
Especially that poster. I am sure you know the one I’m talking about. The one featuring front-runner Chrom in, shall we say, a delicate situation. Everyone has questions and I am here to get some answers. After all, it’s the Mews and Men way, though I must say, most politicians never want a tabloid like ours covering them.
Fortunately, Chrom doesn’t have such qualms with our magazine and has allowed me to interview him in his campaign’s headquarters. It’s the same location where his sister ran for office, time and time again, before the incident. I am sure it has a lot of symbolic meaning to him. We are seated in his office, just out of earshot for the hundreds of staffers outside. I recognize some faces from his sister’s cabinet—the well-prepared Frederick, the genius Cordelia, and even the wise Phila are organizing this campaign. They were the pillars of Emmeryn’s campaign. No doubt, it will end in victory if they are on board.
I set the recorder on the table between us. The room is rather sparsely decorated, with only our plastic chairs and his thrifty wooden table. It matches what I heard about Chrom’s frugal living and how little he spends on perks. His campaign money sticks to his needs: advertising and outreach.
Chrom looks stiff. It’s not a surprise, considering that he had never been in the limelight before. When I ask, he rubs his neck sheepishly and laughs. “Is it that obvious? I led as a soldier, but that’s really different than this.”
I can imagine. He had been a decent platoon leader in the army, thriving in the more physical and to the point environment of the Ylissean military. There had been a few rumours about property destruction, but most of it had been swept under the rug. That was also where he met his right-hand and best friend, the tactical genius Robin. Chrom’s expression softens as he recalls those days. “I thought we’d fight together forever. I’ve never really been one to look to the future. That’s changed now.”
And the reason for this change? Well, the obvious: his sister’s hospitalization. His eyes darken as he recalls those memories. “The day I received that call…I’ll never forget it. I think I actually stopped breathing until Robin shook me out of it. I’m just glad she’s alive.”
It had been an assassination attempt by the neighbouring country, Plegia. Not that anyone has stepped forward to claim the attack, though President Gangrel hasn’t hidden his anger over the failure. Whoever the assassin was, they’d just narrowly missed their target, and what would have been a fatal blow had become a survivable one. The entire country had mourned the loss of Emmeryn. She had been a popular leader and many of her ideals would have pushed Ylisse to a better place.
Fortunately, while she won’t be the same, she still lives. The country now lives for her journey through physical therapy, celebrating all of her milestones.
“Emmeryn’s walking again. Lissa always hovers nearby, worried, but she doesn’t need more than her walking stick now.” Chrom’s expression brightens as he talks about his sisters. Clearly, family is very important to him. “The doctors said it won’t be long before she can talk again.”
Emmeryn has already made a few appearances at campaign rallies, garnering support for Chrom and his sympathetic cause. While she can’t implement them herself, her ideals live on in her brother and many of her supporters naturally flock to him. As Chrom puts it, “when I saw that Emmeryn’s work would disappear, I couldn’t let that happen.”
It is an admirable sentiment. A brother championing his sister’s peaceful views, even after her assassination and the people’s cries for vengeance. He’s swayed the public’s opinion from war back to peace.
“I couldn’t do it without everyone’s help, though.” Another one of Chrom’s charming traits is how humble he is. “Robin knows exactly what to do, Cordelia and Frederick make it happen, Maribelle has all the connections—it’s a team effort, more than anything.”
Speaking of things that he can’t do alone, I see my chance and I take it. As fun as it is talking to him, I am here on a mission, after all. “Is there anyone you work with better than the others?”
“Oh, that’s easy.” He smiles brightly as he talks about his two main aides, Robin and Frederick. “Robin plans everything, and Frederick just makes it happen!”
It’s not really a surprise he picked those two—Frederick and Chrom have been friends since childhood, while Chrom and Robin have been inseparable since they first met. While most of the campaign is made up of an assortment of long-time friends, those two are the closest.
Either of them could even potentially be his mysterious lover. I try a different tact to weasel the information out of him. “How about out of the office?”
“Well, for the door-to-door stuff, our outreach heads have been really helpful there. There’s no one who knows the country better than Gaius and Panne is great at keeping things on track.”  It’s no surprise Chrom left those two in charge of his grassroot level promoting. While Gaius’s image has cleaned up recently, it isn’t that long ago that when someone thought of Ylisse’s shadowy side, they thought of a certain red-haired ex-thief.
Of course, Gaius has changed now. He no longer works on the black market for one. There have even been pictures of him at orphanages distributing candy. There’s been a lot of speculation on why Gaius reformed, but nothing concrete.
Perhaps love is the reason?
“How about outside the campaign itself?” I ask, digging for more candidates.
It isn’t a surprise when he talks about his sisters again. I imagine he’ll make a great father, the way he gushes over them. “Lissa’s actually stopped pranking these days! I thought maybe it was because Robin out-tricked her, but it’s because she wants to help Emmeryn.”
He definitely has the vibe of a man who would pull out a wallet full of photos of kids and grandkids if anyone asked about his family.
It is adorable and utterly useless.
“How about you?” With Chrom, the best tact is straightforwardness. I raise my pen, ready for the answer. “Are you dating anyone?”
Chrom flushes. “What?”
I’m sure all of our readers at Of Mews and Men are all aware of the rumours. Chrom is dating his mysterious aid Robin. Or perhaps he was caught kissing the long-adoring Cordelia. Or heading to a hotel with the dedicated Frederick. A steamy romance with the foreign Olivia or Lon’qu. Every tabloid has scrutinized Chrom’s photos with his associates, trying to figure out just which one is behind the poster that’s been posted on every street corner. No one’s had this kind of front row seat to ask. Not until now.
“Are you dating anyone?” I repeat firmly. I owe our readers a duty and I will not let him weasel out of this.
Chrom resembles a tomato as he shakes his head. Entirely too flustered, he denies every allegation, his hands up as though to ward off the rumours. “No one! I, that—this is a professional environment. I would never do that here.”
His wording is interesting to say the least, so I press him. “Does that mean there is someone you’re thinking of? Or maybe that you were with before the campaign?”
He is still full of denials. I feel like I am bullying a teenage boy, but journalistic integrity pushes me to pull out my phone and show him a picture of the infamous posters. It’s benign, as far as scandalous photos are, just an image of a shirtless Chrom surrounded by cats. Yet, the usually composed Chrom looked utterly relaxed as he smiled at the camera, and it didn’t take long for everyone to speculate he was with his lover.
It also didn’t take long for the poster to become a thirst trap. Whenever one’s on a wall, it’s immediately stolen. I can’t blame anyone. Have you seen the abs on this man? Clearly his time with the military was well spent; even with his busy campaign schedule, Chrom keeps himself in shape.
Whoever this mystery person is, they were very lucky. Maybe the poster is their way of bragging.
Chrom shakes with embarrassment and anger as he grabs my phone. I can hear a crack. I hope he doesn’t break it by accident. “Who—when—wait, that’s the local shelter’s cats…Lissa.” His jaw drops. “She’s pranking me.”
Well, that explains a lot. His sister is a known prankster, appearing on a lot of comedy shows as she promotes her brother. It is a disappointing, normal answer. On the bright side, there won’t be any broken hearts over it. Chrom is still available, after all. We can still fantasize that he’ll appear at our doors, sweeping us off our feet.
When I get the phone back, there is a noticeable crack on it. Chrom apologizes profusely, the gentleman he is, and asks me to send the replacement bill to his office. This isn’t the first time he’s accidentally destroyed property, it seems—he is remarkably clumsy for such a strong man.
The interview ends all too soon. His grip as he shakes my hand is overly careful. I wonder what it feels like when he lets loose, what else those hands of his can do.
He’s still single, perhaps I stand a chance to find out one day.
While there sadly is no scoop, I do have a consolation prize. Just as I leave the office, Frederick pulls me to the side and offers me a scrolled-up poster. A gift, he claims. To help promote the campaign.
It’s a pristine version of the cat poster. When I question, Frederick explains. “A campaign is always in need of funding and promotion. So, why not do both at the same time?”
This amazing campaign strategy had come from Robin’s devious mind. There is even a store where you can buy these posters, so no one needs to tear a used one off a fence anymore. It gets better: they have mugs, shirts, and even mousepads.
“It’s been doing so well, we actually have a second collection out,” Frederick adds as he hands me a box full of goodies. I obviously accept: there’s just something relaxing about Chrom’s smile. I have to smile back, no matter how crappy my day is. Even if you don’t vote for him, you should check out the store.
The election is in a month. I hope this piece helps you with deciding your vote. I know where mine’s going in next week’s early voting.
I even circled the date on the Chrom calendar, so I won’t forget.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
After Doctor Emu has checked up on the baby sentai minific.
Kadoya: So, Hojo, how was meeting the baby sentai for you?
Emu: 1st off, I would like to have another word with the Rainbow Line. Hidari-san, Philip-san, can we arrange that again?
Emu: Secondly, What is with semi-sentient transformation trinkets choosing children?!
Emu: Thirdly, there's nothing to worry about them.
Shinnosuke: So you finally met, Sakuma Kotaro-kun?
Emu: And the ToQgers.
Emu: Apparently, the Zangyack Army and the Jark Matter shogunate made an alliance and it took the baby riders to save everyone.
Emu: The one thing that kept me from ranting was the fact that there are sane people within Sentai as well.
Shinnosuke: I see, can I ask who they are?
Emu: Its Igasaki-san - Akaninger, and Kazakiri-san - Zyuoh Eagle.
Takeru: Aaah! Kazakiri Yamato-san!
Takeru: He had helped me on two occassions.
Shinnosuke: Takaharu?! Takaharu is among the sane ones?! Akaninger is?! Are you pulling my leg Emu?!
Emu: I'm not?
Kadoya: Oi, Tomari, what is with the reaction?
Shinnosuke: He's like the most reckless person I know, and that's including every Rider.
Shinnosuke: We even had him arrested because we thought he was in cahoots with the Roidmude.
Shinnosuke: And you're telling me, he's one of the sane ones?
Kiriko: I have to agree with my husband.
Kiriko: And I fear he's one of those, actions now think never kind of people.
Emu: It probably has to do with him having a son.
Shinnosuke: He's married and has a son?!
Kiriko: I guess, even he would have some reservations if he's a father himself.
Hidari: I don't think we can, regarding the Rainbow Line.
Hidari: Last time, we had the kids themselves with us, who graciously let us borrow their passes.
Hidari: And we dont have that anymore.
Kazuraba: I can help with that.
Kazuraba: I still have the pass that Narutaki gave me.
Kazuraba: I can probably make copies of it.
Emu: That'd be pretty help, thank you Kazuraba-san.
Kazuraba: I would like to have a word with them as well.
trololol Shinnosuke having no faith in Takaharu actually makes sense. Guy probably aged Shin and Kiriko by a couple of years from his antics alone XD
Also, yes to everyone ganging up on the BS that the Rainbow Line pulled. Seriously, when I heard their reasoning for picking kids I was so unimpressed that I was like... really. REALLY. I doubt the Riders would react any differently.
Fruit Jesus using his Fruit Jesus powers AND his head for once XD I'm sorry but... Kouta isn't always the sharpest sword in the shed, space god powers be damned
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greatcheesiness · 4 years
Pairing: Ex-Husband!Atsumu x reader
Genre: Angst, sad
Words: 1.3k (pretty short)
Warnings: NSF- nah i’m just kidding xd, mentions of death
Completed: 20/10/2020 01:56
A/n: Umm, this is my first story on tumblr. So bear with me if it’s bad. I’ll try my best to improve in the future. Needed to vent so I wrote this for my favorite character Atsumu (that many seem to dislike 0.0) I hope you enjoy the story tho! It’s a bit short and it’s like almost two in the morning. I wish I could go into more detail on Miya’s perspective *smiles cheerfully*
Your eyes fluttered opened and the constant beep of the heart monitor continued. You lifted your trembling arms to your face. The crustiness from excess mucus, dried tears and exfoliated skin were irritating your vision. You blinked a couple of times to feel the comfort of opening your eyes again. 
Suddenly, a light knock was heard before someone gained entry into your bleached scent room. It was a young nurse who took care of you for the past couple of months. Such a delightful lady taking her job as if it came natural to her. “Good morning Mrs Miya. How are you feeling today?” she asked as she pushed a tray filled with medications and medical equipment. We’re doing this again aren’t we?
“I woke up just now so I don’t know how I’m feeling right now…”.The nurse’s eyes softened at your response. Silence set between the both of you verbally and only the sound of the nurse handling little boxes of pills was heard. Your orbs lingered at the lady. She faced you and ambled towards you with a cup of water in hand as well two pills.
“It’s time to take your medication Mrs Miya” she smiled caringly. You sighed as you received them. You popped the pills into your mouth and drank the cup of water. She waited patiently. After you finished, both of ye did a few things after. It was the same old thing scheduled almost every day. A typical day of an old woman with a heart disease.
Now you were left alone in your box-shaped room. There was no presence besides yourself. You felt so isolated and no doubt, an emotion of loneliness lingered in the chambers of your heart. That didn’t help your heart condition you admit. You exhaled. You could still taste the remaining of the med. Tasted bitter as the bitter life you had. You could endure it. No problem.
People say, if you go to the hospital, you’ll get better and better as days pass by. If only it could apply the same to you. You weren’t getting better. You just felt constant. Even worse, you felt as if your chances of living were decreasing as each day passed. You smirked. The wrinkles formed around your eyes and lips. After all, you’re just a test subject. You only realized that what the nurse gave was a placebo.
Suddenly, you started to cough. Your weak bony arms stabilized your upper body as you kept expelling sudden air from your weak lungs. Your eyes were closed shut and little tears threatened to spill out. “It hurts. It hurts a lot…” you managed to mutter. You clenched your hands and lightly tapped the left side of your chest. It seemed like you were trying to reassure his heart. His heart…
You gripped onto your cyan hospital shirt, scrunching the material. You tried your best to live the healthiest life and you did, to some extent. You took care of your heart as if it was your most prized possession. Of course. Without it, you wouldn’t be living… But this heart you have belongs to him. Atsumu’s…
You could feel a striking pain at your source of life. Was he also hurting just as much as you? Salty essence dropped onto the knitted blanket. You quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the night stand and dowsed your dry itchy throat to moisture. Your red swollen eyes stared at your left.
I’m so sorry
You cried as your twenty five year old self sat on the hospital bed. You didn’t want to die. You were too scared of death. You didn’t want to die this early. You have so much to experience in life. You just got married…
Someone held your hand for support as you sobbed for ages. His hands felt warm and that provided a small bit of comfort. He tightened his grip. He gently wiped the tears off of your puffy under eye. You sniffed due to congestion from endless crying.
Finally, you calmed down. You couldn’t create anymore. Atsumu brushed the hairs away to get a clear look at your face. He stared into your eyes. You did the same to him, not realizing you made a pout with your lips. His hazel eyes were bottomless and soulful. His eyes tells a lot of stories and just by gazing into them, you know what he’s thinking.
He’s telling you that it’s alright. You will live. Promise.
After a minute of not saying anything, he leaned and gave you a deep kiss. As cliche as it sounds, you melted into his. You almost forgot about your mental breakdown you had just a minute ago. He needed you to let go of that sadness. Don’t be like that when he’s here. He wants to make you happy. Cheer you up.
His lips left yours and he rested his forehead onto yours. Both of ye didn’t care of the sweat that formed. Your throbbing heart subsided. All thanks to him.
Every day after practicing with division 1 team, he would visit you. The two of ye would have talks about whatever that sparks your attention. He was the epitome of delectation and happiness for you. You guessed happiness was the only medication that worked wonders for you. All thanks to Atsumu…
Until one day.
He came in to your room as usual. You closed the book in your hand as all your focus was on him. A smile etched on your face. But then, your smile faded. “Atsumu… Is something wrong??” you asked. You were worried. Why was he wearing that kind of face? Did came in contact with the doctor? If he did, what did the doctor say?
At last, his eyes landed on you. You continued to look at him for an answer. He smiled softly at you and said “Someone’s willing to give you a heart”
Your eyes widened. You were happy for at least sixteen seconds until the seventeen second began. Atsumu handed you a letter. You were to read it after the surgery. Your brows scrunched.
Why did you feel like you were going to regret this?
Little did you know, the regret burned you slowly like flowing lava once you woke up with stitches on the left side of your chest and no Atsumu by your side anymore.
Time really went by. Thirty years had passed until this present moment. You felt cold and shivers ran up your protruding spine. It was night time already. You gently laid your back on the hard pillow provided by the nurse. A white celestial being imprinted on the night sky.
“The moon looks beautiful, Atsumu” You said huskily. It was meant to be said indirectly. There was no response. Of course there wouldn’t. He’s dead.
You let the tranquility calm you down as you shut your eyes. You were no longer scared of death. You had everything ticked off your bucket list. But you haven’t fulfilled some. Especially when they included your deceased husband.
While your eyes were closed, you could imagine him waiting for you in the afterlife. You began to feel numb and your heart rate was decreasing. You grinned as you see him in his MSBY jersey and shorts with a volleyball in his hands. Finally, you could see him clearly.
“I can’t wait to be with you again…”
You felt yourself being reversed in time for youth. You were young again. Your legs dragged you towards him in a rush. Your soul left your body.
This time you died. You took care of his heart for thirty years. He was always with you without you even noticing. He gave you his heart because he couldn’t live without you. But now that didn’t matter. Both of you are together again.
This time in a different world where there’s no heartbreaks...
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bisexualterror · 4 years
noor: i'm very curious, very interested, bc like i haven't started the series it's on my to-see list 👀 and what little i read was hargreeves oc's who got paired with a sibling and that kinda weirded me out of watching it yet 😬 absorbs light hmm she's her own lil sun? her siblings lil sun? 🥺
nova: i love her, gimme more witches stories on the tvd verse khsjdjfb i can't wait to see her when the plot really starts to kick in, another win for the bennett coven who the actual series didn't seem to give a sh*t about 😤 and i saw an ask about sheila living i could cry hhhHHhHh all the adults dying, someone give this kids therapy 😶
marsilia: i lover her already, it's the first time i see a zabini oc, pls spare more mars lore 🤲 ksjsjdjf also love the nickname, mars, it's cute 💖 we also get to see more about blaise as character too! ALSO you know that whole can't remember if it was canon or fanon blaise's mom being a "black widow" or a this totally fanon mafia donna so yes can't wait to see this zabini family 😌 aAnNdD oh. my. stars. my brain just caught up she's gonna be same year with astoria, luna and ginny KSHDJSKDHD
altheia: omg 🥺🥺🥺 a doctor who oc 💖 who isn't linked with the doctor from the beginning kaksksldj like i love him but give me more oc's with their own backgrounds who don't immediately drop everything to be with him and stuff pls & tenk u 😔 lsjhskfif i thot u were gonna say theia IS missy's childe omg who is she? are her family or/and the master's important to be arranging marriages to each other? or will that be just a gallifreyan thing? what happens to her when looking into the untempered schism? how does she fare during the war? will she live to be around during the new who timeline orrrr?? ajlajshdofn sorry it's just omg 😭
OOOok sdndskjd so
noor: that’s vv fair, it’s probably because of the whole allison and luther sibling thing is canon in the show, they don’t do anything really romantic imo, it doesn’t go anywhere and honestly it seems like they just latched onto each other platonically as kids and might have misinterpreted as romantic cause they were isolated from other kids and didn’t have anyone other than each other n their other siblings??? anyway that’s how i watched it, but i 100% understand why it would put you off. but still i love these chaotic siblings svm and YES omg her siblings sun 😭😭
nova: mood, it’s part of why i created her, i love witches so much :D also ME TOO, i wanna write season three so BADly, i have so many plans for her you’re hopefully gonna love. and yeah, honestly i could rant on the injustice they gave the bennett coven but the one i hated the most was that most of them were used by other people and to further the plot and then died 😔 ND tell me about it!! we never saw bonnie’s home life but we can all take a guess and say that grams was the one who was there for her and ELENA LOST TWO SETS OF PARENTS AND THEN ALARIC FOR A BIT.  they need milk, cookies and therapy. (but also like bitch, me too tf)
djsjkjlkds ok so the main reason why i created marsilia was because i wanted to write more on blaise’s mom but lol i just had to make an oc too. there was def rumors in canon i THink of her killing all of her husbands cause they kept dying without any explanation and i wanna have fun with that, so yeah, thats gonna be fun :D also YES, i honestly just wanted to not have to rewrite every book/movie so i had her a year younger than blaise lisjlksjs but yes, she’s gonna be friends with both greengrass sisters, luna and eventually ginny (though she has a rocky start with everyone but luna XD)
altheia:  i love him too, A LOt, like so much, but yeah.....i prefer to know who my ocs are outside of their SO, esp with characters like the doctor, who can kinda be all encompassing. kjhkjdhkhsd thats what i thought it was gonna sound like after i wrote it LMAO but ye theia stays on gallifrey with her daughter when the master and the doctor leave. (damn did i just give ANOther oc my abandonment issues??)
just for a few decades so her daughter, cosima, can finish her education and then al says peace out, leaves in the dead of night to steal a tardis and travels with her daughter on her own for a few more decades that will probably pass by in like two chapters.
cosima is an odd mix of her parents, very intelligent and sweet but also super scary when angry skljslakjaslk their families are kind of important, at least they think so, but also it’s just a thing i wrote that’s normal for gallifrey.
ok so it’s kind in the WORks cause i need to figure out the side affects and the HOW part but when baby altheia looks into the schism, an alternate older version of herself, fresh from war, gets dragged into her conscience. IWONDEr WHO IT Was THAT DID THat? (it was the time lords, breaking their rules so they could groom altheia to help them in the war)
she has.... a rough time in the war, looses pretty much all of her family (cosima is ok though!!), might bring her brother abacus back cause i... can’t bare to kill him off permanently...  she WILL before around new who, i haven’t finished watching the classics so this is how i have her arks planned out:
first i’m gonna focus on gallifrey era for maybe 25 chapters and then i’m going to do like maybe four adventures of her with her daughter spanning those decades, the war i’m going to skip completely other then how she gets out of it, and then she’ll... be alone for half a chapter before reuniting with the ninth doctor (he thinks she’s dead... ) and from there i’ll probably just write her into the episodes i want, skipping some that i don’t want to rewrite, and stop whenever i get tired i guess (i do have an end in mind i just don’t know which season it’s gonna be in) cause i doubt this show is ever gonna end lsjalkLMAO
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nymphl · 5 years
Lie to Me - Hux x Reader x Ch. 7: Up & Down
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A/N: Hi xD I know I promised to update every Friday, but I was bedridden last week/weekend and couldn’t post chapter 7. But here it is. Since my doctor gave me this week off, I’ll do my best to update chapter 22 of Lie to Me on AO3. I won’t promise though, because I do have to write at least a little bit of my thesis hehe Anyways, here it goes... I hope you like it xD   
Story Summary: Falling for the enemy… That’s probably the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. Letting him live… for he should be dead. And you should’ve been the one to kill him. You had him, right there… and you let it escape through yours fingers. He lived. And now only the time could tell if you made the right decision — more likely wrong — by saving the amnesiac General of the First Order and telling him he was your husband. [Hux x Reader - Hux x You]
Warnings for the entire story: Will contain at times; graphic violence, sex, drugs and manipulation, coarse language and OOCness.
AO3 Tags: from enemies to lovers; eventual romance; memory loss; fake marriage; fake marriage becomes real marriage; rebellion; married couple; canon divergence; slow burn romance; politics; rebel alliance; resistance; first order; OOCness; eventual smut; eventual sex; power play; power dynamics; syndicate; lies; you lie; Hux lies; Hux backstory; manipulation; political alliances; political betrayals; secret organizations.
Wordcount: 3641
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It was official. You. Kriffing. Hated. Him.
Your body was about to give up, but you did as he said — commanded, whatever, he was in full General mood and you were never so sure in your life as you were right now that you could not take any more of it — and positioned yourself for one more push-up. Your arms trembled; you knew you were about to fall on your face if you did not stop right now, but he was merciless.
That… or he was very pissed off with you.
“Again,” he said once more, his voice clear and unwavering.
Definitely pissed off.
You huffed.
I can’t, you would have said, if you could open your mouth. You just pressed your lips together and inhaled sharply through your nostrils. Maker, you just wanted this to end quickly.
He wanted you to ask for his mercy. He wanted you to beg him to stop.
It was clear that in spite of the fact he expressed gratitude for your honesty five nights ago, he was far from happy — or grateful. He seemed one to hold a grudge for — like forever seemed a fitting definition — a long time. And he would never forgive you for being honest with him — he would not forgive you if you had lied either. He would not forgive you. Period.
You bit your bottom lip and forced yourself up and down. If your body resisted for a few more push-ups — it had to —, you would be done with it and he would have to swallow his pride and compliment you for your effort. After all, he was the one to start the day by saying — mocking, actually — he was eager to know if your training skills had improved after training with him for four days — or how far you could go before your face hit the floor and you completely gave up — just like you did the last few days.       
But he was in for a great ride if he thought you would just give up like that.
You were tired of being mocked, tired of his silent treatment. Whenever you were at home, which was very little time — because you, too, were avoiding him —, he would shift all this attention to the blasted datapad and refuse to talk to you. It was driving you mad! Why couldn’t he just say he was angry — hurt? — that you said you loved Aquilla instead of him?   
He was just insufferable!
Sweat tickled down your face and gathered at your chin. The fact that it was a very hot day did not help you the tiniest bit. With great effort, you breathed through your nose and let the air escape your mouth. There was a reason why you always hated exercises and the weather in Dantooine did not help in the least.
“Stop,” he said and at his command — how you hated it — your body fell limply on the ground.
You placed both hands under your face, using them as a pillow. You would gladly die in this very moment. A contented sigh left your lips as you closed your eyes. Every single bone and muscle in your body sang at the sensation of not being pushed to its limits anymore.
He cleared his throat. The sound made you snap your eyes open and stare at a tree nearby. 
“Are we done for today?” you asked; your tone betrayed yourself. No matter how angry you were with him, you simply could not take it anymore. Hopefully, he would leave you be.
Please, tell me we are done.
“One hundred sit ups. Now.”
The words just escaped your mouth before you could control yourself. You knew how much he disliked when you questioned him, but you could not help yourself. 
He did not give you an answer, but the way he moved to place his feet on each side of you, a few centimeters apart from your hips, made you realize he was not joking. Did he ever joke? Did he know the meaning of such word?
You doubted.
“Give me a break,” you begged, not really caring about keeping your composure anymore. You still had to work and how were you supposed to perform your duties if your body complained at every movement?
“Two hundred sit ups.”
“You can’t be serious!” You rolled on your back and faced him. His eyes were still that icy blue, but the corner of his lips, slightly curved upwards, made it clear he was having fun at your expense.
“How I hate you,” you muttered in Ryl, forgetting for a moment that although not fluent, he, too, could speak the language.
He narrowed his eyes. His lips now pursed into a thin line.  
“Would you like to do three hundred sit ups, Mrs. Hux?”
You did not give him an answer — you doubted he would appreciate any apology coming from you — and instead positioned yourself the way he wanted, very careful not to touch any part of his body — even his clothing. He made sure you understood how of a merciless trainer he could be. If any of your movements came out slightly wrong, he would make you start anew. And you could not have any more of that. Two hundred sit ups were too much as it was.
“I asked you a question, Mrs. Hux.”
“No…” you replied, begrudgingly. “Please, no…” And realizing he would only be satisfied if you addressed him properly, you added, “General.”
You were not sure if this time you saw the commissures of his lips tilting upwards or if your mind was just playing tricks on you.   
“On my mark… Three, two, one, go.”
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Apart from the first day of that rigorous training with him, in which you thought you were going to die, you have never felt this tired. You thought that maybe it was the combination of physical fatigue, little sleep and emotional distress.
Despite the fact he asked you to be truthful and actually thanked you for your honesty, he could simply not deal with your answers. And now you felt guilty for saying what was in your heart.    
It seemed that whatever little advancement the two of you had made in the last few days was now all gone to waste. Your relationship was full of ups and downs and you were not sure you could take any more of it.
Unintentionally, you found another difference between Aquilla and the General. Contrary to your husband, Armitage Hux did not know how to voice his feelings — but he knew very well how to voice his anger, even if not how you would expect.
You knew that if any conversation between the two of you were to take place you would have to force it. He would not come to you willingly. But you knew it would not happen tonight.
Tonight, all you wanted — needed — after you were done with your shift at the Hospital, was a relaxing bath and your bed. For the first time, you expected he would have made dinner, so it would be one less task to do. And if he did not, you would go to bed hungry. You just needed some rest.
It did not help that for the past few days you could barely sleep. He would not join you in the bed — you bet he slept even less than you did, if the state of the bed indicated something… — and the only time he did, he stood as far away as possible as the small bed allowed. Neither of you slept that night.
Both of you lay with your backs to each other and when you shifted positions, you lay on your back, hands over your stomach, facing the ceiling — not for the first time you thought that perhaps you should fix the roof, for as soon as the rainy season started the house would suffer with leaks —, you could hear his breathing and feel his warmth, but you did not dare reach out to him. What would you do or say if you did?
You adjusted your bag at your shoulder and rested your head against the door of the changing room. You could always sleep at the Hospital… Meaning… you would be able to evade him and his training next morning…           
The idea was tempting and although you still resented him for forcing your body that much, you needed to come back home. The odd stares you received the whole day and the sensation of being closely followed made you uneasy. Even if he was not the most welcoming of companies, you felt safe at his side — even when he pushed your body to the brink of exhaustion.
At first, you thought that maybe they knew what happened. They knew you killed a guy — although you were not the one to pull the trigger, his blood lay on your hands as much as his —, they had to know. Or maybe it was just another member of his faction following you…
The very thought made you shudder.
You hugged your frame as you climbed down the stairs; the night breeze caught you by surprise. Days were usually hot in Dantooine and nights could either be equally hot or chilly. It was definitely the second — that or he put you in too much strain and you were getting sick.
Not for the first time you caught yourself thinking how much you hated him.
And not for the first time either you admitted to yourself — willingly — that if this rift between you were to be mended, you would have to take the first step. He would not do it himself.
You wondered if he had been in a relationship before, because it certainly seemed otherwise. He would know that his behavior would lead nowhere — and yours too, to be honest. And to think you told him the two of you had been married for three years and half… As if… You could barely look at each other’s face after a minor disagreement — or whatever it could be called — and not even a month of companionship. 
Oh, for the maker!
You shook your head, decided to leave such matters for when you got home. You were not that sure anymore if you would go straight to bed or have that conversation today. You looked around, scanning your surroundings carefully.
That nagging sensation returned. You felt followed.
Biting your bottom lip, you removed his blaster from the holder in your hip — you were not even sure why you were carrying it around; perhaps you were still afraid he would kill a civilian? You simply could not let him light the spark of a Civil War in Dantooine — and hid on a dead-end alley.
You held your breath and started counting. You were not sure if you should attack first or wait; you simply had no idea how to act. You thought about Aquilla — he would certainly attack first and ask later; he would never kill someone, but he was not against injuring his enemies — and the General — would he attack or wait? He was just too difficult to read.
Your heart was beating so madly and quickly in your chest you had to strain your hearing to notice the approaching steps.
Not giving it much thought, you pointed the blaster towards the figure and fired. You prayed you missed any vital points. The very thought of killing or badly hurting someone — even if an enemy — was too unbearable.
It was impossible to see if you hit your target or not, for the lights chose that moment to flicker out, leaving everything in the dark.
You held your breath and put your finger on the trigger again. If your assaulter moved, you would fire again.
A landspeeder Gian V-44 nearby highlighted the entire alley and relief flooded you as you recognized your stalker.
A sigh left your lips.
“Oh, it’s you!”
The relief was short lived though. For as soon as you were left in the dark once more, you felt him attacking you. First the blaster was knocked out of your hands, then both of your arms were put behind your back and he pushed you against the wall; his chest glued to your frame, one of his hands on your throat — what was with him and enclosing his hand around your throat? — and his breath tickling your skin.
“What did I say about letting your enemy know your weakness?”
You pursed your lips in a thin line.
“You are my husband,” you replied, not even trying to remove yourself from his grip. Even if he was your enemy — he is! you corrected yourself. As soon as he knew you were lying to him, you had no doubts he would have no problem killing you, with or without that talk of you being his weakness — it was impossible to hide your aversion to taking a life.  
The streetlights flickered in again. He turned you to face him. The movement was so fast you felt your vision darkening for a second.
“You are the nagging sensation,” you said, looking at him in the eye. A sigh of relief left your lips as you brought your fingers to his face.
He had shaved.
You thought that was a pity. You rather enjoyed the feeling of his growing beard against your skin whenever you kissed, or he decided to put you against the wall and press his face over your neck and jaw.
But what struck out the most in his appearance was his raised eyebrows. It was clear he had no idea what you were talking about.
“You were not…” you trailed off. Kriffing hell! It could only be someone of the faction. You shook your head and decided to change topics, “What are you doing here?”
He did not give you any answer. He continued to stare at you as he removed a strand of hair from your face.
“You were followed,” he stated, icy eyes focused on you, daring you to lie. His fingers still around your throat; they traced windpipe slightly and moved to your clavicle.
You would have to ask some day what was with him and keeping a hand on your throat. It was clear he enjoyed having power over you, but he seemed simply fascinated with that area of your body.
When you felt him placing the blaster back on your holder, you gasped. Not because of his act — well, also because of that, but mainly because of the meaning of it —, but because you realized he was touching you again.
Did it mean he was no longer angry with you? Was he willing to finally talk to you?
Instead of relief, you found yourself getting mad at him. He had no reasons to be angry with you in the first place. And you simply hated how much — and how contradictorily — he made you feel.  
“What did you do about it?”
“What?” You furrowed your brows. His question caught you off guard. What did he want you to do? “Nothing, what was I supposed to do?”
“For starters, trust your instincts and fire without fear,” he whispered close to your ear. His tone was nonchalant, but his fingers digging in your hip and his jaw brushing against your face had you gasping.               
“I could have hurt you,” you replied, breathing deeply trough your nose. He either had no idea what he was doing to you or he knew exactly what he was doing.
He snorted against your ear, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. You trembled in his arms. When his lips trailed your neck and his hand inched slightly up, you could not help but moan.  
“You are so easily distracted,” he said, his lips on yours, hovering, but quite not touching. He pressed you against the wall; you could feel every single detail of his body. When you moved both hands along his arms to his neck, you could not help but notice he was wrapped with different fabric than your husband’s clothes. There was no time to dwell in this, for he continued, “It’s no surprise you could be so easily stalked.”
You felt highly offended by his words, but once again you had no time to express your thoughts, for as soon as the lights went down again, he finally kissed you.
It was brief, almost chaste. A mere brush of lips in a leisure rhythm that had you eager for more. With your fingers entwined in his hair, you tried to deepen the kiss, but he held your wrists between his hands and broke apart. It was as if he never meant to kiss you for real, he was merely trying to prove his point…
…which he did.  
With a sigh, you pressed your face against his shoulder, trying futilely to hide your embarrassment.
A minute or so went by in silence. All you could hear was the calming sound of your breaths and the other noises the city had to offer. In spite of the situation, it was a peaceful moment. You tightened your arms around him, bringing him even closer to you. He embraced you back a little awkwardly — as if it was a foreign situation to him.
There, in his arms, you saw your previous anger and chagrin with his actions — his refusal to talk to you about his feelings — dissipate. You realized how much you missed him…
…which was very dangerous in itself.
It was not like you missed a close friend — he was your enemy. You had to remember this. He was not your ally. And you were a fool for think otherwise.
A fool for missing him.
A fool for being angry — hurt even — at his silent treatment.
A fool for feeling your heart clench at the mere thought of losing him forever.  
You tightened your arms around him a little bit more and tried not to dwell on this. All in due time. But it was difficult not to feel so divided… Part of you thought that it was only natural to feel something for him, right? He was the only consistent company you had for the last few years. It was to be expected that you got attached to him. But part of you considered your actions foolish and negligent. You knew better than that.
“Are you still pissed off with me?” Before you could control your tongue, you saw yourself asking. Even if his answer was not what you expected, you had to know. It was killing you to think that he only touched you or decided to talk to you because he wanted to prove his point.  
There was no answer. He kept his words to himself, but you did not let it discourage you. In the darkness, it was easier to be honest with him.
“Because I said I…” You took a deep breath. “Because of my feelings for Aquilla.”
He did not say anything, and you feared you did something horrible. Perhaps that was not the best way to approach the subject. You tried to move away from him, but he did not allow you to, his nose buried in your hair.    
“I am sorry.”
There was silence for a few more seconds. He did not move. He did not speak. You thought that maybe you should either nudge him gently towards your home, where you could talk with more privacy or change the subject. Perhaps ask where he got those clothes… They were so very different from the clothes your husband usually wore…     
“I hated Aquilla. I have always hated him,” he admitted, his voice low. He moved away from you, keeping you still within his reach. He surprised you, for you did not expect him to be so open about a topic he evaded for almost a week. “At first, for his popularity in the Senate, then because he had you.”
I was not his property, I am no one’s property, you felt like saying, but it was not always that he spoke so frankly; you were afraid he would stop altogether if you gave voice to your thoughts right now. You swallowed your pride and nodded.  
“He became my first enemy.”
His words had you shuddering. Does it mean he considered you his enemy as well? It should make you happier — if he saw yourself as such, you had no reason to keep lying and you could move on with your life, far away from him and all the problems you were certain he would bring to you and upon Dantooine — but it made you miserable.
After some minutes passed in silence, you bit your bottom lip. Perhaps you should clarify the matter further. You opened your mouth, but the words to leave you were quite different from what you planned.     
“Just because I said I loved him doesn’t mean I hate you or don’t feel anything for you.”
You expected him to stay quiet as usual, instead, he urged you on with the most impertinent of the questions, “And what do you feel for me?”
You bit your bottom lip. If he made you sweat with such simple — although unwanted — question, you could only imagine how it felt to be interrogated by him as an enemy. The very thought sent a chilly shiver up your spine.
Your eyes moved from his to the floor — their blue color as intense as ever — as you looked for some sort of getaway. You never wanted an interruption so much before.
It’s impossible to know who were more shocked when the words — a soft, confused murmur — left your lips. For in that moment you realized how screwed up you were.   
“I-I don’t know…”
…But I do feel something for you.
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A/N - And that’s it! I gotta say I didn’t know tumblr messed up with long texts posts, so I decided to put these FO lines to mark the end of each scene. It’s easy for small chapters like this one... I’m afraid about BB and ITGB chapters hehe. I also changed my theme... if you’re reading using a non-mobile device, I hope you like it as well xD Also, I’ll do my best to update chapter 22 this week and chapter 08 will be updated this Friday. See you xD 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Seven: Blogging ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
She has no one to blame but herself, really. While Hinata wouldn’t describe herself as a klutz, per se...she has her clumsy moments. Clambering up atop the roof isn’t something she’d typically do, but when the neighbor kids got their frisbee stuck, she thought she’d be a good neighbor and fetch it for them.
The wobbly ladder should have been warning enough. But, she made it up after a careful struggle. With frisbee in hand, she gave them a grin, and then...made the biggest mistake of the year.
She threw it.
Which, by itself, was harmless. But on a steep roof with slick tin, the momentum was just enough to make her lose her footing, landing on her backside and swiftly sliding down the slope and into the bushes below.
That, at least, helped cushion her fall...but not quite enough. As soon as she landed, the sharp pain in her left lower leg was telling.
...she just broke a bone, didn’t she?
Thankfully the kids called for help, and the neighbor rushed over to check on her. Trying to hobble out, she attempted to wave him off, but...it was obvious she needed to get to a doctor.
Her husband was so going to kill her…
Calling him as her good samaritan neighbor drove her to the doc’s, she flinched as he shouted. He wasn’t angry at her, per se...well, maybe a little. She was being foolish. But mostly he was just angry his wife was hurt.
A few xrays later, and it was confirmed: she had a (thankfully) clean break in her tibia. And while the doctor can’t given an exact recovery time, they tell her it will be at least four months until she’ll be considered healed...and even then, the bone will still be vulnerable for several more.
Outfitted with a cast (purple, of course), Hinata’s allowed to head home, a prescription for some painkillers to be filled and a pair of crutches in the back seat. “I can’t believe this...I’m such an i-idiot…”
Having met them there, Sasuke gives her a glance as he drives. “...accidents happen.”
“That’s you agreeing with me, isn’t it? That I’m an idiot?”
“...maybe a little bit.”
She just sticks her tongue out at him.
“So,” he asks as they pull into the driveway. “...how are you going to pass the next four months with a bum leg?”
“...I have no idea,” she admits with a sigh. “I doubt it’s wise to do any yard work...my poor flower beds are going to go wild with weeds.”
“I can help you. Anything that needs doing, I can handle for a while.”
“Thank you…”
“Mostly I’m just not sure what you’re going to do to keep from going out of your mind with boredom.”
She mulls that over as he parks, heading around to grab her crutches for her and open the door. A bit wobbly at first, she manages to swing-hop her way to the front door, carefully navigating the steps to the porch. “Well...I guess I can get back into knitting. I’ve been too busy for it lately.”
“True. You still owe me a new hat.”
A pause, and then a snort. Ah, right...the hat that was lost when Naruto pushed him into the lake… “I’ll have to do that, yeah.”
“In four months, our entire house will be full of knitted things,” Sasuke sighs as he has Hinata sit at the kitchen table. “There won’t even be any room for us.”
“Or Bowtie,” she giggles, referring to their new cat. “Ooh! I should knit her a onesie...think she’d like it?”
“Knowing cats, she’d tear it to shreds.”
“...maybe you could set up one of those online shops and sell the stuff you knit. People go gaga over that stuff.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, sure. You just gotta build a following to bring people to it,” Sasuke explains as he starts preparing lunch.
“But...how do I do that…?”
“I think a lot of those kinds of people blog. Make a website, and just...talk about the stuff. People get hooked because of the info, and just...following someone they find interesting.”
Hinata’s nose wrinkles. “...I’m not interesting.”
“Sure you are. You just have to...play it right. Maybe look at some other blogs and get a feel for it. People who look for knitting then find it, read it, follow it...and maybe order some of your stuff. If you get popular enough, you might even get sponsorships. Maybe some big woll company will pay you to plug their yarn.”
“Hm...maybe. I guess that would give me something else to do, too.”
“Sure. You can make it all cute and stuff. I bet it’d be right up your alley.”
Hinata muses over that as they eat. Truth be told, she peruses a number of blogs herself, but she’s never thought about making her own. Is she really someone anyone else would consider reading about, or following?
Well...only one way to find out.
Thankfully it doesn’t take much to set up. Lying atop the bed, she keeps her laptop atop her thighs, finding a decent free blogging site. Fiddling around with it for a while, she manages to get a basic blog made that doesn’t look too terrible. She makes a mental note to look up ways to...personalize it a bit. Until then, it’s a start.
Hm...I could put pictures of things I’ve done…
Digging through a bin where she keeps all of her past projects that aren’t actively used, she manages to set up a little table with a cloth draped over a box for a backdrop. The only camera she really has is her phone, but...well, it should work well enough.
Now...to set up the store.
She hits a roadblock at the first step: it needs a name.
Something...unique. Simple, memorable, and summing up what she wants to accomplish with it.
Asking Sasuke, he too seems a little stumped.
“...how about...Pins and Needles Knitting Shop!”
He blinks. “...sounds good to me.”
Beaming at her clever title, she goes on, setting up the shop. Of course...she has nothing to sell quite yet, but best to be prepared in advance! Besides, it might be a bit pointless to have anything listed until people find her blog…
She spends the whole day fiddling with all the little details, easily engrossed until Sasuke reminds her it’s time for dinner. Looking up with a blink, a glance to a window shows it’s almost dark! “...oh!”
Sasuke just finds himself amused at how taken she is with it all already. “Having fun?”
“Mhm! Gosh, it’s so easy to get lost in customizing things...I could spend all d-day just fiddling with how everything looks!”
“Good. Even if things don’t take off, it’s still giving you something to do, at the very least.”
“True...but I hope at least something comes of it…”
“I guess we’ll have to see. Just keep up with it - consistency is usually what keeps blogs afloat. And in the meantime, knit your little heart out.”
“Oh, I plan to!”
     ...well, this is mostly just random fluff, but uh...wasn't sure what else to do with it xD      Not gonna lie, I think this turned out pretty cute lol - and it features the kitty from day 155, Bowtie! Who I might make a staple in the modern ones - most aren't really connected, but I think she's adorable x3      Anyway, not...much to say about this? I think Hinata would run the CUTEST lil knitting blog. She'd have it all done up with pastels and cute pictures of her stuff. Who knows? Maybe she'd do pretty well with it!      Buuut on that note, this nerd needs to get some sleep - thanks for reading!
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bemused-writer · 5 years
The Cain Saga Vol. 2 - The Sound of a Boy Hatching
Note: Warning for spoilers and for the content of the manga series itself. It is rated “explicit” for its themes.
Volume 2 really gets off to a much more solid start than volume 1 primarily because it's actually focusing on our main characters, their backstories, and what makes them tick. I'm very excited to see Mary Weather once more; she's Cain's half sister and she excels at fortune telling. Upon meeting Cain, she tells his fortune. She says: "This card [The Hanged Man] refers to a man who will bring sorrow and suffering into your life. I also see that there will be... three victims. And this is your fate card. It's death. [...] You're going to die soon."
Cain’s reaction to this is kind of great but Riff’s is especially perfect:
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No, not generally considered funny at all.
Now, I have to say, Mary Weather appears to interpret tarot cards very differently from me. XD Or maybe Japan just has different associations in general but The Hanged Man isn't necessarily a negative card and neither is Death. Fiction often does a poor job portraying tarot, though... 
The Hanged Man usually means something along the lines of a perspective shift (because he's upside down), going down the less beaten path, etc. while Death shows the end of one thing and the beginning of something new. In other words, an intense change of some kind. Now, I don't know what spread Mary Weather was doing (and it obviously wasn't considered important to the plot) but I would love to know where she's getting some of this from. I mean, she could just be genuinely psychic and the cards are just for show. That might actually be what's happening; it's been too long and I can't quite recall. But if I had to hazard a guess (and I'm going to because I find this fascinating) I would say the first card was "what is around you" while the second card, as she says, is his fate card. If I'd been doing the interpreting I would have assumed something more along the lines of The Hanged Man represents someone around Cain who will make him reevaluate how he views things/force him to alter his habits (could easily be any number of the villains that constantly plague him) and as for the fate card , Death, I would have said that he had to let something go (most likely his past) in order to make peace with the present. He's holding something back, change is on the horizon, etc. ...I guess what I'm saying is that if you're going to bring tarot into a story be prepared for anyone who actually uses tarot to judge your interpretations of the cards. XD Anyway, as far as the story itself is concerned, Mary Weather is right on the money. Three people die in this short story (including her friend) and as for Cain's fate card... well, it remains to be seen. Either way, he decides to take care of Mary Weather and brings her back with him. Also, it's a relatively minor detail, but we learn that his father had affairs. We learn a lot more about his father in the very next chapter and it appears that his having affairs was the least alarming thing about him.
There’s also one more thing about Mary Weather’s prediction that I want to point out:
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It would be easy to say this was referencing this chapter only but that’s not the case and Mary Weather’s prediction will only become more pertinent as the series goes on.
But before that, the final section of this chapter drives home a point that the previous volume was trying to make as well: self-sacrifice is the truest expression of love. As far as this series is concerned, if you love someone, you'll prove it by dying for them. 
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The second chapter is the one that really gets to the heart of the series as a whole: Cain, his father, Alexis Hargreaves, and Riff. It's really weird seeing Riff and Alexis speaking with one another amicably and it only gets stranger as Riff learns how cruel Alexis really is. Up to this point, we haven't really had a reason to think much of Riff; he seems loyal to Cain and he seems to be a good butler. That's literally all we know about him. But knowing how loyal he is to Cain only makes it more surreal as he stands by as Alexis whips his child's back. Riff is horrified, of course, but he doesn't really do anything aside from wonder why Cain still thinks his father loves him.
Honestly, I know whipping a child was a far more common punishment at this point in time but considering he's being whipped hard enough it's leaving scars on his back, reminiscent of how brutal a slave's punishment might be around this time period, you'd think Riff would be a little more concerned, especially since we just learned Riff was at one point training to be a doctor. Of course, there's a possible reason for why he isn't but I'll get back to that around when we get into Godchild.... Anyway, the reason Cain trusts Riff is pretty straightforward: Riff was kind to him when he was a child (he was 12 in this chapter, which would put Riff at 23), he acknowledged his presence when other servants wouldn't, and he swears to stay at his side, always. Cain has no reason not to trust Riff when he's done more for him than any other adult in his life has. I will point out, that while I'm going to assume this changes at some point, as a child Cain seemed to view Riff a bit like a possession, which is a decidedly aristocratic opinion. Riff doesn't do anything to dissuade him of this notion, which seems to indicate they're both very much of their time and status. Also, Riff was told Cain was somewhat strange by Alexis. When he finally meets Cain, he acts very strangely ("You can see me?") and promptly faints in his arms but this is what he thinks:
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You don’t find this strange? XD Twenty-three-year-old Riff wasn’t as with it as present-day Riff....
Now, why does Riff stay with Cain? He's intrigued by him, that much we know for sure, and he wants to care for someone who has been so badly mistreated. Both of these reasons make sense but there is a final statement made by Riff that raises some questions:
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You only exist to serve him? You’ve only met him!
But if you combine it with what Alexis said earlier in this panel here:
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It’s all looking pretty sinister. 
At the end of the chapter, Riff accidentally draws a tarot card from Mary Weather's deck. We don't see which one it is (and I can't remember if it's ever revealed) but considering what I do remember about the series I would guess he drew something like The Tower (chaos, destruction, shaken beliefs, etc.) or possibly The Moon (the shadow self, hidden depths, etc.) but that would be with my interpretations of the cards and, as we saw earlier, those do not match up with the manga's. 8D Now, Cain's father appears to die in this chapter but he, along with Cain's mother, are used as an explanation for why Cain's life is so cursed. In short, Alexis had a wife but the only woman he ever "loved" was his sister, Augusta. He forced himself on her and so she had Cain. The whole ordeal drove her mad and Cain only met her twice in his life at the asylum. The second time she saw Cain drove her to kill herself by jumping through a window because he looked like Alexis. On her deathbed she finally recognized him for who he actually was and she warned him to get away from Alexis, that her death would only make him worse. This is also when Cain realizes the truth of his heritage, which was hinted at pretty strongly this whole chapter:
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And this isn't the first time a woman went mad around young Cain. The woman he thought was his mother (Alexis's actual wife) blamed him for his father's distant attitude toward her and she tried to kill him with a scythe. Where did she find a scythe, you ask? I have no idea. Maybe this is the kind of thing people just had on hand back then for the occasional head-lopping. (And yes, I know farmers use them to cut wheat but ... they weren't farmers.)
Present day Cain sometimes sounds a little sexist ("Why do girls love to do such impractical things?") but considering that's about as bad as it ever gets with him and considering how easily his perceptions would have been influenced by his past... I'd say we're doing pretty good. Now, when Alexis tries to kill Cain for "murdering" Augusta, he makes an interesting remark: "You took the only person I loved from me. Now you'll see what that feels like, Cain!" He's pointing the gun at Riff, the person he mentioned earlier was the only person who could "tame" Cain. It's pretty early in the series and his words could be meaningless but we already know Cain trusts Riff, so there could be some truth there. His father also says, "You'll go through life unloved and die alone." I suppose we'll see if that turns out to be true or not. But now we've gotten to see why Cain trusts Riff and, to a lesser degree, why Riff stays at his side despite how dangerous that actually is and we have some very good reasons to dislike Alexis. The third chapter is ... well, it tells us a little something about Cain, I suppose but it's largely just a murder mystery. Cain is meeting up with another friend (I honestly don't remember him having this many friends. So far they've all ended up dead or insane, though, so maybe that's why...). This one is named Professor Lambert and his wife dislikes Cain, which seems to just be a common attitude towards Cain as we saw in volume 1. In this case, her issue with him is that his main hobby is the use of poisons, and I guess that is kind of a weird hobby. He's also kind of rude to her to boot, so... Anyway, her husband, Lambert, makes a comment early on that already had me disliking him:
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He's awfully cavalier about the fact that the second Cain comes to visit a girl dies. His inquiry about Riff also strikes me as odd; aristocrats did not much care about servants and I doubt they would have been asking about them. This goes to show that Riff is at Cain's side so constantly that to see him without is odd (Riff is largely absent in this chapter). He also asks about Mary Weather. It's noteworthy that Cain doesn't answer any of his questions whatsoever and simply discusses his wife's disliking of him. Anyway, the theme of this chapter is, once again, perverted love. In this case, Professor Lambert is a pedophile and he's the one who killed the girl at the beginning of the chapter, Elsie. Cain kills him using poison as he explains how he deduced everything and that the only reason he came was because he was hoping Mary Weather could meet Elsie. Apparently, they were friends at some point. So, Mary Weather now has two dead friends (she doesn't know about this one though) and all of Cain's acquaintances are bad. I'm also not sure how I felt about Elsie's portrayal in this story. Lambert killing her is being framed as definitely bad but their relationship itself is kind of just ... acknowledged, which seems like a weird way of handling something like that.
So, the main thing we’ve learned regarding Cain is he just wants to spoil Mary Weather. He wanted to find her a friend, failed, bought her some kind of present instead. I guess that's nice...? 
Also, Cain smokes:
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We see more of indulgent/protective big brother Cain in the next chapter. When Mary Weather admits knowledge of a grisly murder and says a servant told her, this is his reaction:
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Riff is clearly exasperated; he probably knows Mary Weather is going to find this stuff out regardless, but he'll do as Cain asks. It also begs the question: how many people have been fired for this sort of thing?
As for Cain, he apparently wants to preserve Mary Weather's innocence. Considering his own childhood, I think I understand why. I think it might be too late, though, judging by the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes she shares with Cain when he admits no one taught him any (and, you know, the time she spent having to live on her own).
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That is the face of a man who is only now realizing children’s stories are deranged.
I feel like Cain is behaving out of character compared to what we saw of him before at the actual ball, though. 
There's a woman at the ball he goes to named Gladys who is married. She didn't go to the ball with her husband, so everyone things she's available. Cain knows she's married, she hits on him, and the two go upstairs for some "activities" but she suddenly stops them.
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I suppose Cain isn't really protesting exactly; possibly he's trying to warn her about the ignoble nature of other men, but it seems odd to have this after we see how much he didn't push Bibi despite literally paying her for her services:
I don't have a problem with Cain being promiscuous or anything but I think there could have been a better way of demonstrating the fact. This kind of tone is such a typical trope of shoujo manga from the era that I’m not sure if we’re supposed to be reading this deeply into it, however...
But Gladys does explain her behavior regardless and I just ... I'm not sure this is sound logic. XD
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I understand wanting to confirm whether you're a sleepwalking murderer, but seducing other men to do it seems like quite the extra mile.
I should probably clarify that the whole dilemma of this chapter is that she does, in fact, think she’s a sleepwalking murderer due to how she keeps hearing a nursery song and then someone winds up dead while she sleeps. Regardless, Cain gets caught up in the whole thing and gets to know both Gladys and her husband, Radcliff.
...And Cain has gone from seducing the wife to hitting on the husband.
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I don't think he's prepared for that, Cain... Also, Kuroshitsuji has been compared to this series before (and quite understandably) but this panel really drives home the similarities to me:
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A young(er) aristocrat, lounging about, as the servant reads off some details about a murder mystery, and they solve it together? The aristocrat comes from a cursed family? The butler is weirdly good at everything? I mean...? Toboso must have read this. The main difference is that while Toboso dances around the dark subjects in her manga (for the most part; certain arcs are more blatant) Kaori Yuki will just flat out tell you all the horrible things happening. I think this story has the most sympathetic characters so far, though. Gladys and her husband, Radcliff, are both a bit ditzy and a lot of fun because of it. But seeing as this is The Cain Saga no one can remain happy for long. In short, Radcliff was actually the murderer and he did it because he was being confronted by noblemen who had used him in his youth (it's kept somewhat vague but it was almost certain sexual abuse). Gladys is shocked that her husband would kill anyone and because of that short shock/rejection, he kills himself. I think this is the first time we see Cain actually regret getting involved in a case. He says to Riff: "Everyone has scars that they would rather die than let their loved ones see." 
He's speaking of Radcliff's physical scars, of course, but also the emotional ones left from abuse. He is also referring to the exact same duality in himself. He has physical scars but it's the emotional ones he really doesn't want anyone to know about. He understands the pain Radcliff was going through all too well and can see himself in him. He never meant for Gladys to wind up a widow either. He was trying to solve a murder mystery but in this case the men being targeted deserved to die. I think this is also the first time we see Cain dealing with people that aren't related to him or a previous acquaintance in any way. The last chapter of this volume is pretty short but it shows us how Cain's extended family dealt with Alexis's death and the fact someone needed to take care of Cain. In short, they dealt with it badly! One of Cain's cousins, Andrew, attempted to kill him the previous night. It came about because Cain overheard he embezzles from the Hargreaves treasury. However, it turns out it wasn't Cain who died but an unnamed friend of his he'd switched clothes with beforehand.
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This raises so many questions and no answers are offered. Did he intend for this friend to die? Did he intend to take him from the orphanage and adopt him...? And why is this "first friend" never mentioned again? How did they even meet? But the woman who killed him is given justice; Cain kills her in turn. ...The aristocracy is unpleasant. And that wraps up volume 2! I really enjoyed this one. The stories are a lot stronger overall and they all focus on Cain in some way, which makes for a much more consistent tone.
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My experience meeting the one and only Darren Hayes
What a wild ride was the last weekend for me, but now in my home I can recap and share with you all my experience and photos meeting the one and the most beautiful: Darren Hayes. What an experience oh my God! Without knowing him more than through the social media and the times I have been able to talk to him (once on the phone and several on Twitter and Fb) I felt like I was seeing an old friend again, zero insecurity or shyness, well that’s my personality ;)
He is  the most handsome in person, the most attentive, before our hug he kissed my hand, thanked me very much for attended and throughout the night that we spoke several times, he told me 3 times that I looked very beautiful (OMG :O :O)
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In the next picture you can see the big smile we both have and it is because at that moment of turning to pose, we both said in perfect sync 'OMG!' which we found it very funny XD. I gave him a gift and a letter from my son, at that moment he saw it and he loved it.
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Because we took a little bit longer in our greeting, a professional photographer of the place took us 2 pictures together too, I think I was to the only fan with whom they took a picture like that :D I'm going to look for them to have them. 
Another incredible part of this trip were the fans I met, I add a picture (that I borrowed) with all of them, moments after it was taken, I called Darren who was very close to me, to be added to the photo with all the fans <3 I will also look for that photo because it was taken by another photographer from the place <3
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Before going to dinner I asked a photo to his husband Richard Cullen, a great guy and very nice with his beautiful British accent, when I asked him to take the picture with me he says to me genuinely flattered 'oh my God they never ask me for pictures, what an honor' XD I introduced myself to him and told him I was coming from Mexico City, he answered me 'oh I visited Mexico but Chihuahua and Real de 14, but I did not go to Mexico City, I would like to go' <3
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The dinner was spectacular, as well as the champagne, and the great awards ceremony which recognize different doctors for their contribution to the Ava's Heart organization that provides assistance and help to patients who received an organ transplant. A very elegant and glamorous event, I also add photos <3
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It was time to hear Darren Hayes sing, what an epic moment! he still has his beautiful voice as always, I would say better than in his days with Savage Garden. He sang first "I Knew I Loved You" in a brilliant acoustic version, and he sang too "Ray Of Light" doing an incredible cover of the Madonna’s song 💜💜 I recorded it all of course, you can see my videos touching the song names ;)
At the end of his presentation I had another excuse to get closer to him because I took with me 2 CDs with the intention that he could sign them, when I approached to him, he says to me like old friends, 'oh my God, I was so nervous' - I said - 'but if you were amazing', - he replies - 'thank you but I am very nervous' (Oh god how sweet) then I asked him 'it would be possible if you sign my CD's?', he says 'of course' and asked me how to write my name correctly. He signed the 2 of them, the compilation of Savage Garden ‘The Singles’  and his last solo album which is my favorite 'Secret Codes and Battleships'. While he signed my CDs he said - I'm finishing my musical and hope to release it very soon, I'm so excited' I answered him - of course I'll be there on Broadway when you release it' - ‘thank you so much’ - he replies. After me, several fans came to ask for an autograph and he signed them in the programs of the event.
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We the fans sorrounded him again and it was another opportunity to continue talking with him. I asked him if he could send a message to Mexico and Latin America and he did it with great pleasure, the video is beautiful, l also share it here. He handed me my last CD that he still had, and after a while of being with him with all the fans, I said goodbye to him with another hug and a kiss, he thanked me again for my attendance and the effort of having gone, he said 'I know it was not cheap but I'm so happy to meet you' I answered that I was so happy to meet him too and he finally said, 'well, we’ll keep in touch on social media right?’, 'of course’ was my answer :D:D
The place was getting empty, Darren was still there and there were only very few people, of all the fans, 5 girls we had a great chemistry and friendship and we continue adoring Darren and exchanging impressions in a bar near which we went to have a drink more ;)
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That night in my hotel I checked all my photos and videos and obviously I almost could not sleep, I'm still in the clouds and I'll stay that way for days or weeks more. The dreams do come true and I have proven it many times in my life so, it is worth to keep dreaming but you have to put a date and a time to make it happen <3<3
Yesterday Darren retweet and replied my message saying “Loved meeting you too, Maru. xxx” <3 I have no doubt that I’m a damn lucky lady and I’m very spoiled by him ;P
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Hi sorry about not being very specific, opps, sorry I don't do this often. How about what if Noya's pregnant s/o was worried that her due date had been miscalculated since she was starting to show really early to then find out during their first ultrasound that there's not 1, not 2 but 3 babies. Noya of course being like I HAVE SUPER SPERM and his s/o wondering if their house would survive 3 little Noyas running around XD
Camp NaNoWrimo Day Seven Request Complete!
i made this so stupid for the sake of bad wordplay from noya, i’m so sorry
if you like what i do and want to show your support, consider supporting me on ko-fi! money is tight right now, and i could use the help!
- admin rachel lauren
This whole time you were preparing for one baby. You were stuck in the mindset that you were statistically mostly likely to have one child at a time. So when the ultrasound technician shows you not one, not two, but three babies developing inside of you your mind goes blank.
There’s no doubt that you’ll love these children to death. But their delivery is going to be, well,  less than fun and if they end up being anything like their father as time goes on, you might just age at twice the rate of the average person. The gray hairs might be growing already.
Nishinoya, on the other hand, looks like he just won the lottery. He says, “I always knew my seed was powerful.”
“Yuu, what did you do to me?” you ask between clenched teeth.
If you could, you might have grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and given him a little shake too. The technician snorts at your reaction: you can’t help but wonder if she’s used to this display, and if so, what the hell is happening with all of the other soon-to-be parents that this is a common occurrence. Regardless, she begins to wipe the gel off of you.
“You said you wanted three kids,” he says dumbfounded.
“Yes, but not at all once!”
“Well, it’s not like we had any control over that. Besides, one and done, right?”
The technician clears her throat and stands.
“Perhaps you two need a moment to talk on your own. I’ll let the doctor know that you need a little time before she comes in.”
You silently watch her walk out before turning back to Nishinoya. He’s more serious now and has taken your hand. You’re not sure if you’re more unnerved when he’s celebratory about this or when he’s gone stern.
“____, I get it. Three mini-me’s is going to be a lot to handle,” he says. His smile returns quickly and that manages to calm you down more than it did before. “But I was a good kid, I promise. I only ran around the outside of the house.”
He gives your hand a squeeze and you laugh at his words.
The first time you met his parents, his mom wouldn’t stop gushing about how cute he was as a child. Even if she was trying to really sell her son, you’d doubt she’d purposefully leave out the more difficult moments there were in raising him. Besides, Nishinoya is as dependable as he is boisterous. You could count on him to be the dad the kids would need, and the husband who you could rely on.
“Well, one of them is going to have to take after me. They can’t all be like you. There’s no way in hell they’re spending nine months in me to only be like their daddy,” you tease. Now it’s his turn to laugh.
“You’re a rockstar, you know that? You’re going to be the coolest mom.”
“And you’re going to be the coolest dad.”
He presses his lips to your forehead and then to your hands, earning a giggle from you. This whole thing is less scary when you remember you have Nishinoya as your partner in crime.
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robbinsarizonas · 7 years
Rupture (Part 3)
Here is part three of Rupture for all those anons in my ask :D Apparently I’m in a fic mood today, so expect more coming not too long after this xD
Part 1 | Part 2
“Ow…” Amelia said, screwing up her face and squeezing her hands into fists. “Yeah, maybe don’t do that?” She continued, trying not to move as Owen pressed his hands on her abdomen.
“I have to check your incision site.”
“Have you heard of being gentle?”
“I’m barely pressing.”
“Barely pressing? I have eyes you know, that is not barely pressing. Are you like this with patients? I'm surprised we don't get more complaints.” Amelia teased, flinching a little more as Owen moved his hands away.
"Someone's feeling better." Owen commented. The sarcasm, the teasing, that was his Amelia for sure. 
"Your incision is healing as we'd expect." He smiled, sitting himself back down in the chair beside her bed. 
"So what about getting out of here?" Amelia asked, adjusting her position in the bed and trying to pull at the pillow behind her, while still resting against it. 
"You'll have to ask your doctor." Owen said, a little grin on his face as he spoke. 
"You're not my doctor?" Amelia said, in a tone of mock confusion. 
"I'm your husband." Owen said, reaching a hand out and taking Amelia's closest hand in his, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.
"But you are a doctor. I doubt they'd let me sign my own discharge papers." She didn't think he was going to actually do anything. He wasn't that easy to convince, and she had read her chart, he really wasn't her doctor. “Plus, why do you care about my incision site if you’re not my doctor.” She threw in one last tease, just for the fun of it.
"I'll go see if I can find out when you can go home." Owen smiled, getting up and walking towards the door. "And I'm taking the tablet." He said, picking it up from a nearby table before heading out of the door. His wife wasn't a doctor today, even if she wanted to be. 
"Crap." Owen heard right before the door closed, causing his mouth to twitch into another smile. Clearly, he knew his wife too well.
 "Mommy mommy mommy!!!" Derek screamed, running up to his mother's bed and climbing up onto it, sitting himself on the edge, leaving his legs to dangle. 
"Derek..." Owen sighed. "What did I say about being careful?" He asked, waiting for Derek to repeat it back to him. 
"Don't touch mommy's tummy." He said, pointing his finger and acting like an authority figure. 
"And?" Owen prompted, folding his arms and giving Derek a serious, but not mad, look. 
"Be gentle." Derek repeated, a soft voice this time, looking down at his mommy's stomach and wondering a million different things, all at the same time, all about surgery. "So what did you doctors do to mommy?" He asked, feeling his mommy's hand on top of his. 
"The doctors had to take out mommy's appendix." Owen explained, perching on the arm of the chair next to the bed. "Sometimes the appendix gets really hot, and it hurts a lot. That means it needs to come out." Owen tried his best to explain in a way his 5 year old son could understand. 
"And mommy's okay now? She didn't need her appendix?" Derek asked, because his mommy didn't look okay. She was in a hospital bed and there was a needle in her arm. Needles were bad news. 
"You don't need your appendix." Amelia answered this time, giving her son's hand a good rub. 
"So you can come home now? Because grandma doesn't read the characters properly." Derek pointed out, causing laughter from both of his parents. 
"I hope you didn't say that to grandma." Amelia grinned, sure Owen's mom wouldn't have exactly been bothered since Derek was just a kid, but it was just a tad hurtful all the same. 
"I want to stay here with mommy if she's not coming home." Derek said, completely moving on from the whole reading thing as if he had never said anything in the first place. 
"She's coming home, we're working on it." Owen assured him. The cogs just needed to roll into the correct places, and then they'd be all good to go. 
"Okay." Derek nodded, looking around the room at the pictures on the wall. They weren't very exciting. Flowers on white backgrounds. He didn't like flowers. If they had been planets though, it would have been an entirely different story. 
"They need better pictures in here." He said, his face still looking like he was completely lost in thought. 
"Maybe we'll suggest that bud." Owen stifled a laugh, not because it was funny or anything, just because he really loved that kid. 
"Can we get some picture for the baby room?" Derek asked. "But not of flowers." He quickly continued, because flowers were a no go. 
"How about animals?" Amelia suggested, since she had been watching these great simplistic animal painting's in a nearby store window for quite some time now, and this might just be the push that made her actually go in and buy them. 
"Animals are good." Derek nodded. "Lots of pictures so babies don't get bored." He said, figuring lots of stuff to look at was good for babies because apparently they couldn't do much else. 
"Animals it is then." Owen said, looking over at their little and soon to be expanding family. They had done something right there, they had done something so right.
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Terrible Things (Dick Grayson X Reader)
 Song story for “Terrible Things” By: Mayday Parade
Schninner: Okay guys, first song imagine thing, so I apologize if this is no good. This is also not requested, I listened to the song and I thought, “How can I make this even more heartbreaking?” XD
Tagging @the-singing-canary​ and the angst queen @maruthor​ as well as @preppygothica​  @angstytodd​ @batlog​ @cuddles-for-cassie​
(The “reader” is female)
Key: [F/F] Favorite Flower [N/N] Nick name [H/T] Hair type
Warnings: swearing, angst, and deathlyness
Word count: 2492
Master List
By the time I was your age, I'd give anything To fall in love truly, was all I could think That's when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams The most beautiful woman, that I'd ever seen
Dick Grayson let his eyes wander across the cafe as he waited for his coffee. His rubbed his sleep deprived blue eyes and let out a loud yawn, running his fingers through his dirty raven black hair. He was a hot mess, with his greasy hair, messy and ripped jeans, and wearing a shirt that was two sizes too large.
He groggily scratched his stubbled chin as he quickly observed each new and unfamiliar face, and froze when he saw yours. You were seated at a booth, a cup of coffee in one hand, and your other dancing across the keyboard of your laptop. Your [H/C] hair was tied up in a messy bun with your [E/C] eyes staring intensely at your screen. His breath hitched as he took in your appearance. You were perfect.
He watched you as you leaned back in your seat, rubbing your own bags from under your eyes and bringing the coffee to your lips, and raising your eyes to meet his.  He quickly turned around, his cheeks flushed to a bright crimson, while his heart thumped quickly. He swore softly under his breath.
How long had he been staring?
That’s when he felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turned around, only to find himself in the presence of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
She said, "Boy, can I tell you a wonderful thing? I can't help but notice, you're staring at me. I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe, I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me." Now, son, I'm only telling you this Because life can do terrible things.
You had an atmosphere of confidence around you, with a sly smile on your face, you stuck your hand out for him to shake.
“[F/N] [L/N], now, it’s been wonderful having someone good looking as your self-checking me out, but what if we got to know each other a little better?”
His eyes widened as he became all too aware of how much of a mess he was. But he managed to talk in semi-complete sentences.
“Richard- err- Dick Grayson, and I, um, you know, there's a possibility, err- I’m interested. “
Your smile only seemed to grow larger at his flustered behavior.
“Great! Can I see your phone?”
“My… Phone…?” he questioned slowly pulling out his cellular device
You rolled your eyes, “For my number? So we can, ya know, make a date?”
“Right! Of course!” he said a bit to eagerly. He silently cursed himself as he watched you punched your number in his phone. You handed it back to him, “Great! Well, I’ll be talking to you soon ‘Dick Grayson.’”
His eyes trailed after you, observing your every movement at you picked up you bag and walked out of the coffee.
There wasn’t a doubt in his mind, never in his whole life had he been so sure, that he was in love.
Now, most of the time we'd have too much to drink And we'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything Too young to notice, and too dumb to care Love was a story that couldn't compare.
The night was cool and crisp, the summer breeze kissing your cheeks as cries of laughter silenced the singing crickets.
“Dick!” You shrieked, squirming in your boyfriend’s arms. “Unhand me you fiend!”
You kicked your legs in the air, giggling uncontrollably.
Dick nuzzled his face into your [H/T] [H/C] his deep and jovial voice ringing in your ear, “Now, why would I do that?”
His warm arms hugging your elevated body even closer to him.
You dramatically puffed your cheeks out into a childish pout, sending a chuckle to escape Dick’s lips.
“Well, if you don’t put me down, I’ll-”
Dick lost balance, falling to the ground, and rolling down the hill with you still in his arms. Down you two went, descending on the gently sloping grassy hill until you both van to a stop at the bottom. Dick’s arms still wrapped protectively around you.
The only sound heard was your heavy breathing, that is until you filled the silence with amused laughter.
You rolled off of your boyfriend, clutching your stomach as the fits of giggles continued.
“Great job there Romeo!” you managed to tell him between breaths.
Dick blushed bright pink, and laughed along.
Hours passed by, you two laughing, pointing at the stars, and making up constellations. peaceful silence settled on both of you, when you decide to Roll over on top of your boyfriend.
His eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't shake you off. He watched as your eyebrows furrowed in thought as you gently began to play with the ends of his raven black hair.
“Everything alright [F/N]?” he asked, concern filling his voice.
“Yes, it’s just that- I kinda - you know- what I’m trying to say is-” you heaved a large and anxious sigh, hesitantly pulling your hand away from his hair.
“I love you. I love you Dick Grayson.”
Dick’s eyes grew in shock at the sudden confession, he your words sink in, warming him up from head to toe, before answering with a cocky grin on his face.
“Well, that's good,” he stated, gaining a raised eyebrow from you.
He quickly lifted his head, sealing your lips with his in a long breathless kiss.
“Cause I love you too.”
I said, "Girl, can I tell you a wonderful thing? I made you a present with paper and string. Open with care now, I'm asking you, please. You know that I love you, will you marry me?"
It had been several years since you and Dick had started seeing each other, every year having its ups and downs, but you two had always managed to make things right again.
This, to say the least, was probably not one of your highest points.
Dick had angrily left your shared apartment, with you cursing his name, sending bitter words his way.
That night you saw him on the news, watched as he, as Nightwing, took on several assailants at once, leaving him broken and scarred, but he would not back down.
You held your breathe, and sobbed as you watched as he was tossed aside like a rag doll, cursing your sf for being so harsh to him before.
Batman and Robin, along with Red Robin and Red Hood showed up at the scene before any mortal injury could be done to your Night wing.
You turned the TV off and waited with baited breatge1, watching the front door for any sign of movement. Several hours passed before the door opened up to Dick in his civilian clothes. With his arm in a sling and several cuts and bruises across his face.
In a heartbeat, without thinking, you leapt up and ran to him, embracing your boyfriend tightly while sobbing.
“Ow ow ow ow! Broken Ribs! Broken Ribs!” he groaned, inhaling sharply at the sudden burst of pain.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, loosening your hold on the vigilante, but still keeping him in your arms, “I’m so sorry Dick, I didn’t mean what I said, and when you were out their fighting today, I thought- I thought…”
You trailed off, with new sobs reaching your throat.
Dick hushed you, while stroking your [H/C] hair with his good hand. “Hey, it’s okay! I’m alive and breathing! Besides, you can't get rid of me that easily.”
You looked up from his chest to those azure eyes that you loved oh so much.
“I love you.” you told him, your eyes wet and puffy from crying.
“I love you to [F/N],” he said, a sudden look of hesitation flashed in his eyes, as if he were debating something.
“Ahh, what the hell.” he said, carefully breaking the embrace and kneeling to the ground.
“Dick, what are you-” You gasped once you saw what he was awkwardly fumbling for. A small black box.
“Oh my gosh!” you breathlessly exclaimed, holding your hands up to you face as Dick managed to open up the box with his only available hand. A gold ring with pale [F/C] diamonds sat on a red cushion.
“[F/N], I love you, and can’t imagine my life without you in it, so,” he swallowed hard, beads of nervous sweat appeared on his brow, “I guess what I’m trying to ask you, is… Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” you said, kneeling down in front of him so he wouldn’t strain himself more than he already had. Tears of joy streamed down your face as you held his in your hands, pulling him into many breathless kisses.
Now, son, I'm only telling you this Because life can do terrible things You'll learn, one day, I'll hope and I'll pray, That God shows you differently.
Several more years passed by in a blink of an eye. You were now Mr. and Mrs. Grayson, with a quaint, but nice condo with plans to start a family of your very own. And that’s when the migraines came. They started off as small headaches, but gradually became more frequent and painful. You had dismissed them, not bothering to tell Dick, no need for him to get worried over nothing, right?
Dick had noticed your frequent use of ibuprofen and the constant rubbing of your temples with an agonized expression.
He sat next to you on your couch, where you had sat to save yourself from passing out, the pain was just that unbearable. He gently wrapped his large arms around your body, hugging you close to him. You melted into his embrace, burrowing your head into the crook of his arm.
“Your hurting, aren’t you?” He softly said into your hair.
You nodded your head slowly with your eyes still closed, letting out a quite whimper, “yes.”
“It’s okay,” He said kissing your head, “We’re going to go get help, bring you to a doctor, and they’re going to fix you right up.”
You opened your eyes and smiled at your husband, nodding your head, “Your right, I’ll be as good as new.”
But of course, you were both wrong.
She said, "Boy, can I tell you a terrible thing? It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks. Please, don't be sad now, I really believe, You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
A Brain tumor.
That’s what the doctor had said you nearly 7 months ago. Surgery was out of the question; it was much too large for that. They had told you that the only thing they could do for you, was give you medication for the pain.
“Two more weeks”
The dreadful words bounced through Dick’s mind. You two had gone in for your monthly check up, only to find that the tumor was growing at alarming rate, so much so, that you only had about 1 or 2 weeks at best, until you were gone.
“I’ll let you two talk it out, please, take all the time you need.” The doctor said with gentle kindness, leaving the room to you and your husband.
Two weeks.
Tears shot into Dick’s eyes, as he pulled you into a bear hug. Two weeks was not enough, you two were supposed to grow old together, start a family, you were supposed to live together. But all of that was gone.
“Hey, it’ okay.” You said, rubbing his back with one hand while stroking his hair with the other. “We’ll make it through this, just like we always do.”
“How?!” Dick exclaimed, anger suddenly raising in his voice, “You heard what the doctor said, 1 week, two at best. And then all of this,” he gestured to their surroundings “it’s all over! It’s almost as if it were for nothing!”
He was pissed, not at you, but at the world, at fate, at himself because he couldn't do a damn thing to help you! All he could do was sit and watch as you slowly whither away.
“Hey,” you calmly said, placing your palms on either side of his face, “don’t say that, don’t say that we were meant for nothing.” your voice cracking as your calm and collective mask disappearing and large tears welling in your eyes. “This was no mistake. Because You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes, “the only thing I regret is putting you through all this.”
New tears emerged to replace the old ones. “I’m sorry Dick!”
Dick’s heart sunk, in his chest as he watched the tears stream down your face, he reached out and brushed the ears from your face, before pulling you close.
“No [F/N], I’m sorry.” He squeezed you tightly, breathing in your scent, “I never regret meeting you, or falling in love with you, you made my life worth living.”
“I love you,” You heaved into his chest, clutching tightly to his biceps.
Tears fell from his eyes onto your hair, “I love you too.”
Slow, so slow I fell to the ground on my knees.
The cool crisp fall air caressed Dick’s cheek as he stood in front of your headstone.  
Just like that.
Barely made it a week before you drifted off in your sleep.
“Hey, [N/N], I-I brought you something.” His voice cracking with emotion.
“They’re [F/F],” He said shakily, “Your favorite, and I cleaned out the house to today.” HIs hand shook as he reached into his pocket, “I found-” He sniffed and let out a short chuckle, unfolding the photograph. “It’s a picture of us on our wedding day,” tears were streaming down his face as new sobs raked through his body, he pointed a cold finger at the image of you, you two were shoving cake into each other’s face.
“Y-you had smeared it all in my hair, I was washing frosting out for nearly a week-” a cry escaped his lips, shaking his body and sending him crashing to the cold ground. He clawed at the ground, his chest heaved and filled with sorrow.
“I can’t!” he wailed.
“I can’t do this anymore!’
So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose If you're given the choice, then I beg you to choose To walk away, walk away, don't let her get you. I can't bear to see the same happen to you.
“I need you here, with me. I can’t go on without you!” Tears splattered to the ground.
“Please [F/N], I miss you.”
Now, son, I'm only telling you this Because life can do terrible things
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Why am I not surprised by this request? XD
Thank you for the ask, @mllecomtessedelafere. I also included another Morfran/Aleksandra prompt here because somehow, it ended up working:
Also, Morfran/Aleksandra and “that’s not supposed to bend that way”
Enjoy! :D
Aleksandra tried to be so nervous or affrighted when Fenrir and a few more of Morfran’s ravens came fluttering into their home, squawking up a storm. He was due to return from his assignment any moment now and since some of his ravens came back before him, seemingly in a tizzy, their arrival was unwelcoming, morbid omen. After all, Morfran’s work was dangerous but he always came home. 
But what if today was the day he didn’t?
Aleksandra squashed that unwonted musing aside, focusing her attention on Fenrir, who hopped about and nearly screeched to communicate with her. “Fenrir–is Morfran alive? Is my husband safe?” Terror cleaved to her words, her tone high and hysterical. 
Fenrir gave his a head a little bob, a motion she knew for certain was a “yes”. Whatever caused his ravens or him alarm to send a group of his trusted birds back to her, at least Morfran lived to fight another day. Still, he was trying to deliver her a message but she couldn’t decipher the ravens’ jerky, strange movements.
Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait too long for answers. About half an hour since some of her husband’s raven regiment returned home, the rest of them arrived, followed by the door banging open, displaying a disheveled, bruised, and bloodied Morfran, who limped into the foyer. Aleksandra’s heart lept to her throat.   
“Morfran!” she cried out, rushing to the Elementist blade-for-hire, who collapsed on the sofa nearby His left leg was torn and besmirched, dried blood poking out from the shredded legpants of his trousers. It was then she noticed the odd angle of his ankle and the makeshift splint enclosed around his foot and calf. “Oh my God! Your leg…that’s not suppose to bed that way!”
“You think?” groused Morfran, gold eyes momentarily closed as she shrugged off his coat, grimacing as he slowly peeled off his boots. “Sorry if Fenrir and the others worried. I was afraid I wouldn’t make it home in time so I sent them ahead of me to warn you.”
“It wasn’t them that gave me a fright but their frantic, concerned antics,” she informed him, inwardly wincing at all the lacerations littering his legs and torso. “Morfran, how long have you been like this? I thought the assignment was a bodyguard job, not an assassination!” 
“It was, until the opposing man who my employer was worried about decided to kill rather than parley, revealing himself to be a rogue werewolf. Had a few loyal lycans I had to kill before escaping with my life. My client, it turned out, knew of the man’s true nature and desired this gift of lycanthropy. So he only hired me as fodder for those wretches.” His timbre was so toneless and indifferent, like the betrayal didn’t faze him at all. Since his own family members ruined his childhood and life as well as returned his bloody services with more treachery, Aleksandra doubted a stranger’s attempt to sell him out would provoke the slightest bit of rage inside her husband.  
“Do any of them live?”
He shook his head, a satisfied sneer forming on his chapped lips. “None. They became food for my ravens.”
“Good.” She glanced back at his injuries, not needing to examine them herself to know how serious several of them were. “I’m going to ring for a physician–you need to have that leg and ankle checked at!”
“Duly noted.” Morfran tore off the remnants of his shirt, frowning at the sordid ordor deriving from his tattered clothing and dirty physique. He hadn’t had a chance to bathe since the ambush, for he spent most of his time trying to get home and to his wife, wounded ankle or leg be damned. Besides, the splint he created helped and he was able to hail a carriage on the way home. He was fortunate. “God, I need a bath. A new pair of clothes.”
“You can say that again,” chimed in his wife, the worry on her fair, beautiful features relaxing a little. He loathed to give her such cause for concern. 
Much to his chagrin, Aleksandra had to help to get into the bath due to his likely broken ankle. She wanted to stay and help wash the excess grime and blood yet that was a task Morfran craved for himself. But he didn’t mind the company so she stayed in the bathing chamber, just in case. 
Once he was properly washed and didn’t smell like death, the two of them went o the bedroom for a fresh pair of clean clothes. However, he wasn’t expecting his wife to pull out that godawful Christmas sweater her uncle got him last year, partly because she told his uncle-in-law she believed he’d look “cute” in one. Even though the temperature outside was decreasing and becoming chilly in Italy during Christmastime, he still would not wear that abomination again. He glowered at the offending article of clothing. “I am not wearing that. It’s hideous.” 
Aleksandra resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “That’s the point of them–they’re suppose to be fun and ugly. Besides, I think you pull off this sweater quite well.” Morfran skeptically eyed the over-sized, vibrant green Christmas tree in the center of the sweater, littered with variously colored ornaments and fuzzy garland encircling the tree itself. The star on top lit up and the alarmingly bright red background color of the sweater simply made everything worse. The assassin also did not care for the striped candy cane patterns along the long sleeves. 
“I fail to see why I have to wear that. I have other shirts that are more than enough to keep me warm.”
“Yes, but you only wore this sweater once and since Alexsei will be visiting us soon to check on your injuries after the town physician  is through with you, he’d be thrilled to see you wearing his last year’s Christmas present.”
“The one you told him I would like,” the Elementist grumbled, begrudgingly taking the horrid sweater from a now beaming Aleksandra’s hands once she witnessed his capitulation. He was too weary to argue with her anyway. Thus, he slipped on the Christmas sweater and refrained from grimacing. “Happy now?”  
“Yes. Positively ecstatic.” She kissed his brow, still smiling. “Now rest, Morfran. I’ll let you know when the doctor gets here.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice. Sleep was already calling my name even when I got here.” Returning the kiss by pecking her cheek, Morfran limped towards their chambers, his wife close behind in case he should stumble or trip and wound his already inflicted ankle and leg even more so. When they reached the bedroom, he cut her a reassuring half-smile as he sat down on the bed. “I’ll be fine now, Aleksandra. I’ll take it easy and get some rest. You don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
The blonde werewolf shot him an amused look. “Morfran, I always worry, even if it’s just a little bit. I know you feel the same regarding me.” She placed a consoling, gentle hand on his shoulder and in an instant, his shoulders began to relax, the tension leaving his muscles. She was right, he would never stop being concerned, and her uncle was the same way. After all, it was normal. 
“All right, but I’m fine now.” he said, easing himself under the covers while ruthlessly tugging at his ugly Christmas sweater--God, he couldn’t wait ti take it off before the physician arrived! “Everything will be fine.”
Even though his wife appeared slightly unsure--no doubt fretting how badly damaged he was from the werewolf battle--, she nodded her head and wished him a deep rest, kissing him one more time prior she quitted the chamber. Morfran’s amber eyes finally closed when he heard the door was firmly shut behind her. Despite all the hellish days he went through from that most recent assignment, the agony was worth it, now that he was home and Aleksandra continued to be safe and sound. She was worth everything.    
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philosophiums · 8 years
I'LL FUCKJN FIGHT THE UNIVERSE MYSELF TO GET IT TO START LETTING GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO THESE BOYS (20 fic continuation with 45 or 71 with "the best case scenario")
-Okay so I too am always a slut for angst, but I’m also a major softie so I’d die without happy endings. Pretty please do a part II of the #20 prompt??? Bonus points for Neil being a little shit about catching Andrew getting all mother-hen over him.
-Will you do a sequel to the Neil coma fic?
-I feel like reading your angst is like me asking you to step on my heart with stilettos on (but like in a good way?? somehow??) It’s like these boys suffered so much in canon that I feel bad wanting them to suffer more but like… the angst tho… But then again I’m always a sucker for a happy ending… So could you continue your prompt 20 post using prompt 59??
lmaoooo okay okay xD here’s the original post. I could only fit 45 and 71 in, but hopefully this is alright for everyone
#45 “What are you looking at?”#71 “You don’t get to pick and choose. You’re stuck with me.”
Neil regains consciousness in increments, and it’s nothing like waking up. He feels like he’s floating, and then he feels heavy, and he’s aware that he’s in a bed but he’s not sure of anything else. He’s sure he’s forgetting about something, like there’s a scrap of information at the back of his mind but it’s hidden behind heavy boxes that won’t budge. He would need Andrew to move all of that baggage.
Neil becomes aware of someone talking to him, but it’s not Andrew. He knows that; it’s the only thing he’s certain of. 
He opens his eyes because he needs to know if Andrew is nearby. The first person he sees is a middle-aged woman smiling at him. Beside her stands a twenty-something man in polkadot scrubs. Neil frowns and turns his head the other way. Andrew’s eyes lock with his, and Neil feels less like there’s a stack of cinderblocks on his chest. HIs breath falls heavy from his parted lips, and for a moment he allows his eyes to close, knowing that Andrew is there to keep him safe.
“Neil,” the woman says, trying to get his attention. He wants none of it. He wants her to go away. But when he tries his voice to tell her to fuck off, nothing happens. He parts his lips, but there’s a heavy silence between his brain and his vocal chords. “Neil,” she tries again. Neil can feel panic settling in, and as it takes hold of him, he becomes more and more aware of the disconnect between his brain and his body.
He remembers the impact of the other player, the collision against the wall. He hit his head. Neil’s instant fear is paralyzation.
“Stop it,” Andrew says. Neil watches Andrew’s mouth move, takes note of the hard cast to his eyes. Andrew’s weight is heavy and welcome on the edge of the bed. “Stop panicking. Breathe.”
Neil tries. He breathes. He leans into the fingers Andrew presses to the pulse on his neck and relies on that to keep his heartbeat in check, despite the very audible heart monitor to his left. Neil works his throat again, parts his lips, and says, “Hi.”
“I think I deserve a bit more than a ‘hi,’” Andrew says. Neil has no doubt that, to the nurse and the doctor, Andrew sounds bored or even annoyed, somehow detached from the situation. But to Neil, who has had over a decade to figure out how Andrew works, he sounds downright relieved. 
Neil wants to ask how long he’s been unconscious, how bad he’s hurt, why Andrew looks so rough around the edges, why his eyes feel so heavy, fuck. But he can’t get his mouth to work fast enough to keep up with his thoughts. In the end he wraps his fingers around Andrew’s wrist, tugging Andrew’s hand away from his neck and winding their fingers together. Andrew’s hand is solid, and Neil feels tethered in an otherwise brutal storm.
The slight head tilt Andrew gives him feels like a conceded point.
“Neil,” the doctor says, trying once more to get his attention. 
Maybe Andrew sees the exhaustion on Neil’s face, maybe Andrew is getting annoyed with the doctor too, but regardless he turns around and levels a glare at her. “Why are you still here?” Neil doesn’t for a second move his eyes from Andrew’s face, but he hears the doctor make an offended noise. Andrew plows on ahead. “We know. Take it slow. Don’t rush. ‘You’ve been unconscious for a long time’ etcetera.”
“Excuse me?”
Andrew stands up. The set to his shoulders is defensive. He’s willing to fight for this. Neil makes a grab for him, but Andrew pulls away. “Leave.”
The doctor wises up and, instead of arguing, actually goes away, taking the nurse with her. Neil wants to reprimand Andrew for being rude, but he can’t deny the panic that eases from his chest now that it’s just them in the room. He can’t deny the urge he felt to pull a knife on the doctor and her nurse, to incapacitate them and then run and run until his past is no longer in his peripheral.
It’s hard convincing himself that that’s not the life he lives anymore. 
Andrew sits down slowly, body tense. Neil is all too familiar with how long it’s been since he’s caused Andrew to react so much.
“What are you looking at?” Andrew snaps, his eyes still on the door.
Neil’s sigh is slow and tired. “My husband.”
Andrew snorts, unamused. “Not for much longer. We’re forever paying off your hospital bills.”
“You don’t get to pick and choose,” Neil says, but he’s smiling. He understands; he heard the ‘we’ and he knows what it means. “You’re stuck with me.”
Feeling slowly creeps back into Neil’s limbs. He’s a bit confused on what day it is, can’t really remember the exact circumstances surrounding his injuries, isn’t sure why he’s been unconscious or for how long. He picks up Andrew’s hand and presses rough knuckles to his lips. He is sure of the soft edge to Andrew’s gaze, and, as far as Neil’s concerned, that’s all he needs to know.
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treflev-old · 8 years
Les mis 1992 cartoon (part 3)
So complaining about out of context stuff is what I enjoy doing the most, but I can’t keep spamming my sister with it, so if anyone’s interested, here you go. I’ve watched 23 episodes out of 26, I’ll make another post about the End™.
The interesting part - they have a serious problem with kings. Continuity, accuracy, and even existence because I‘ fairly certain Charles XVII never existed. - “All I want now is to one day be called Cosette Valjean“ - Valjean had to take care of his sick mother, not sister and her kids - more general, but I wish they’d mention Cosette’s real name sometimes - Marius thinks she’s Constance instead of Ursula, because… reasons. Why is there a C on the tissu I will never understand. - Marius has 0 motivation here, and I mean it in a „he’s okay but not a good character“ way. He has no real reason to be on the barricade. Also, I think now is the time to mention that he acts like the leader of the ABC. - Cosette is “the official mascot of the ABC“ - Gavroche does use some kind of non-french, not sure if it’s proper argot but it’s good - Cosette and Valjean disguise themselves to avoid Javert for a while (she looks rather good with blck hair) - Cosette almost drowned and the fact I was happy shows just how bad she is. Also, the cliffhanger at the end of the episode was wonderful. - Cosette calls out les Amis for "being kids that do a lot of talking but never act"
And now the fun and petty part, under the cut
- there’s one scene where Azelma, Eponine, Gavroche and Cosette „fight“, that one’s pretty good
- why is Gavroche’s voice done by a woman *sigh*
- “they don’t always have food“ she sings happily in the opening
- “golden pig, the highest reward“
- I would just like to remind once again how bad their way of recognizing Valjean is. He’s strong and knows that someone has a tattoo!! How could anyone know that this guy has a tattoo!! Wow!
- the wikipedia page is fuckd up and lies about the book (but good) (just fucked up) (like “Gavroche never meets Cosette nor Valjean“)
- but at least in this cartoon they see the Strengh more than once
- her priorities are great. Mini-Cosette can give you a full description of Paris and probably draw an accurate map of it, but all she remembers about her mom is „she used to hug me“
- why is Cosette so hated in her school, does the jealousy serve any purpose
- the maid tried shipping Valjean with Cosette’s teacher
- the flashbacks are terrible, they’re sometimes not even related to the scene and they’re entirely too long
- mini-Cosette is annoying too. Huh. I guess the only Cosette I don’t entirely hate is the one living with the Thénardiers.
- “Amazing, princess!“ *applause* -> they litterylly just said they were going to their room, I think their mom needs higher standards if she’s proud of that
- “she looks mysterious“ oh no, you must be confused. Male teenagers are supposed to be confused, not ten year old girls.
- she gets mad because he doesn’t know where Gavroche is. Of course. How dare Valjean, who never even met Gavroche, not know where he is.
- her nightmares are… so not good
- Cosette has a talent as an actress apparently, for no reason but whatever
- while we’re at it: they explain too much, like, I know kids are stupid, but in the first seven episodes they explain way too much even knowing their target audience
- “I have to be honest: it’s serious“ doctor of the year XD Like, she just almost drowned (don’t worry she’s totally fine) and he comes to her dad and says this, lets him panic, and then adds „oh no physically she’s fine but mentally she’s not, you should tell her the truth“. 1) not reassuring 2) she’s unconscious, what do you know about her mental state 3) what the heck do you know about Valjean’s secret
- Cosette just seductively waved at a bull
- was it really that hard to make Gavroche sneak in the palace instead of getting the permission? It dosn’t really make sense
- Fantine is litterally paid for threading beads, like, the thing kids do for fun?
- Contradictions About The Time Fantine Was Supposed To Spend In Prison, the mystery persists
- no miss, I highly doubt Madelaine would’ve fired the woman that fired Fantine, even if he knew
- continuity errors™. Like when Cosette gets into a fight with another little girls and the girl’s hair miraculously fixs itself in two seconds.
- the only music ever used: the opening theme (I’m barely even kidding)
- why does Cosette even own pants?
- “what are we doing here?“ woman, if you follow your husband on a ship, for a planned trip, at least ask why
- why is she sitting between the couple? Like, they’re on the train, and she doesn’t know these people there’s no reason to impose herself like that
- she just learned how to speak English in two hours apparently (not shown on screen but when she arrives she knows nothing and in the next sequence she’s practically fluent)
- oh, yeah, the steam ship racing with the sailing one, when they’re almost out of wood, how responsible.
- “knock on the door, we’ll feed you!“ Valjean does not knock, he enters Myriel’s house just like that
- he broke a stick! How strong! I’m impressed and scared!
- “The barricades“ okay I know there were a lot, but in the book, one only matters
- they keep mixing up Epi and Zelma’s name. Don’t try to confuse me. I know who’s who.
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