#i have never gotten top surgery so i am NOT an expert
Boredom is a silent killer.
A person could sit in a bed for hours doing nothing, withering away as the seconds go by, and nothing would be done about it. They would simply be left to their own devices, forgotten by the world while they disappeared.
“You’re being dramatic,” Kakashi commented, barely even looking up from the paperwork that Tsunade-sama had brought into the room to keep him busy while he was by Gai’s side. “It’s not that bad.”
“Easy for you to say,” Gai huffed. “You at least have something to do.”
“I could give you my paperwork.”
Gai regretted his words instantly. “No, I think I’m good,” Boredom was enough to do him in. He didn’t need to be killed faster by paperwork that wasn’t even his. “Why are you doing that anyways? Isn’t it supposed to be signed by the Hokage?”
“She is signing it,” Kakashi objected. “She just asked that I look through it and sort out what she should sign and what she should just put in the trash.”
“And you agreed to this because?”
“Because it was the only way I could convince her to let me take time off of missions so I could be here with you,” finally he dragged his eyes away from the report he was reading, an unimpressed expression on his face as he stared at Gai. “I could leave if you’d like.”
Gai wanted to jump up and stop Kakashi. To physically hold him in place so he wouldn’t move, but his chest ached at the mere thought of moving so he continued to sit there. Bored and buzzing with the energy he couldn’t burn.
“I could just do a few-”
“No.” Kakashi returned his focus to the report. 
“If I only do-”
“Zero,” his partner responded without looking up. “You will do zero.”
“But I’m bored!” He couldn’t even flop back against the bed dramatically since Shizune had lifted the bed in order for him to sit up. “I want to do something, Rival.”
“And your solution to that is to work out?” 
“Well, I do like working out…”
Sighing, Kakashi set the report back on top of the pile that Tsunade had placed beside him and turned towards Gai. “You just had top surgery,” he reminded him as if Gai could forget. As if he’d just miss placed that information when he’d been looking forward to this day for months.
No, years.
“I’m bored.”
“You’re recovering,” Kakashi placed a hand over Gai’s. A comforting gesture that did little to ease Gai’s anxieties. “What do you always tell me when I end up in the hospital because of Chakra exhaustion?”
“Rest is just as important as training,” he muttered his mantra under his breath, insulted that Kakashi would sit and throw it back at him. “But-”
A finger pressed against his lips, sealing in the words he was trying to say.
“No buts,” Kakashi whispered. “Shizune said you’ll be here for three to six days recovering. The more you overextend yourself, the longer your stay will be.”
Three to six days. If it were Kakashi in this bed the time would fly by. Gai would have an endless list of ideas for things they could do together that wouldn’t overextend his partner and earn him a longer stay.
When it was him stuck in bed, though, he couldn’t think of a single thing to do. 
Not one idea came to him no matter how hard he tried.
“How about a game?” Kakashi suggested suddenly, earning him a confused look from Gai. “I can go get a board game from your apartment. One of the ones we played last time I was stuck in here.”
A board game.
“How did I fail to think of that?” Gai scolded himself, immediately earning himself a flick to the forehead. “Ow! Kakashi!”
“You’re recovering,” He stated as if Gai had somehow magically forgotten that. “Give yourself a break Gai.”
“Sorry, I forgot that I was expecting to lose some of my ability to think when I got rid of my chest.”
“Well, you did always think with your dick and you still don’t have one of those yet.”
Kakashi’s response blindsided him. Never, in all the years he’d known the other man, had he thought he was capable of using such cutthroat words against him of all people. The elders, yes. Naruto, maybe. Iruka-Sensei, absolutely
But him?
Maito Gai?
That was taking things a step too far. Thankfully, Gai had the perfect comeback prepared within seconds. 
"Is this why you don't want bottom surgery?” He asked, a smirk tugging at the edge of his lips when Kakashi narrowed his eyes. “You have enough dick in your personality to make up for the lack of one down there?"
There was an honest effort made on Kakashi’s part to keep his cool. A deep breath, the scrunching of his eyes. All done in an attempt to keep his composure and not give in to the weight of Gai’s words.
It all failed, though.
Not even five seconds after Gai had uttered those words, Kakashi was curling into himself laughing. It wasn’t his usual chuckle either, but a full belly laugh that filled the entire room.
“Ok,” Kakashi wheezed. “For that one, I’ll pick up Dango on the way back.”
A board game with his best friend, his favourite treat, and a chance to hear more of that sweet laughter his rival kept so carefully hidden from the rest of the world. Recovery didn’t seem so bad when Gai had all of those things to look forward to.
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hajihiko · 2 years
Ive been wondering. Did Hajime and Izuru finally fuse at the end, or is it still somewhat Hajime, and Izuru is just rolling around in his head drinking tea like a high class individual?
I think it's never totally explained, only that somehow neither Izuru nor Hajime is gone. But here's my own (long) take on the whole shebang;
Mind you, this is just how I like to interpret things, for my own reasons! Not dissing anyone else's takes, and my only reason is "this resonates a lot with me". Also it's just my general take, maybe other people have opinions and maybe it depends on AUs and such. I implore you to remember that this is just how I like to look at the topic through my own lens.
Basically, when I'm drawing Hajime or Izuru or HajiZuru, it's Oops! All Hajime.
Hajime at the earliest that we see: student, crippling self esteem and inferiority issues, pretty brash but smart and friendly. Signs up for the Project.
Hajime (Izuru) in and after the project: No emotions, no personality, no memories. This stuff makes up a person, so he *is* effectively a different one, but it's still a Hajime. Just, one that has been completely crushed and is behaving purely on auto-logic, with no past references to go off of. The identity of Izuru Kamukura was thrust upon him, and he never really had any opinions on who he was (or, anything really).
Hajime (HajiZuru) post-game and onwards: both of those guys' memories, which are his memories, because he never really stopped being himself in the flesh. He's not the same as Hajime 1, because who could possibly be the same after that experience, but he's also not like Some Other Guy. He's the same but different, like you are the same person you were 10 but also probably fundamentally different
Like, I think of it less as different personalities in a literal sense, and more like "you're not really you when you lack everything that makes you you, and going through that much trauma changes you without removing you from yourself". Does that make sense?
To me, Izuru isn't a separate person or personality, just the complete lack of a personality in a person that's gotten their brain fucked with. They doesn't feel strongly about anything including themself and their identity, and I think someone mentioned that they use a phrase "I am called Izuru" rather than 'I am'. The lack of anything that makes up their person is what renders them almost unrecognizable from someone who was feisty and strong-minded and had some real wants and fears.
Sort of like, and maybe someone can relate, being intensely and I mean intensely depressed, traumatized and then amnesia on top of it all.
The way things have been explained to me (by a few therapists and a year of psychology, not that I'm saying I'm an expert just that it's a common way to look at it) is that, the brain makes these little pathways to have an easier time reacting to stuff. These pathways can be really fucking difficult to get out of when they're deep enough, and they tend to get deep when it feels like a matter of life and death or when they serve as a defense.
One of these pathways might be Shutting Out Emotion. Feeling feelings hasn't helped in the past, just made things worse, and Not Feeling was better than being miserable all the time, so there ya go. The tricky part is that shutting out every single emotion includes stuff like, want and need and hope (hehe) and dislike. It's hard to get out of this rut when you don't- can't- want to.
Izuru to me is what happens when a person breaks completely and the brain shuts it all away for protection because it can't deal. Being upset, in pain, angry, etc was Not Helping Hajime's situation so it all got filed away, but it's hard to shut out only certain parts, so the whole entire emotions thing got chucked out (with the help of surgeries). Brain enters complete depression mode of Nothing Feels Like Anything. And when things stop hurting, the brain is like OKAY GREAT WE DID IT. And like, it sort of did; the brain is not in constant distress anymore, so it does work as emergency protection (which is what the brain likes to do under so much duress). Also, again, surgery speedrun.
Hajime in the game gets a brain-altering kick out of this rut, that he wouldn't have managed on his own. His Big Moment was the choice to not fall into that brainpath again, even though it might be easier and more convenient (tying into my take on the theme of the ending which is to face hardships and not take the easy road out of fear or desperation or apathy). He gets back enough of memory, feeling and sensation to understand that he does want to be himself fully, warts and all, and now he can work on carving out brainpaths that let him have feelings and be himself as he chooses to be.
The idea that Want is an emotion is pretty big to me. Someone with absolutely no want, like Izuru, wouldn't really want to change, but not really want to stay the same, anyway. Doesn't want to be alive, but doesn't want to be anything else either; total apathy, which sounds like hell, except you can't really feel bad about it either. Hajime wanting to protect his friends from an impossible choice and not wanting to disappear was a deciding factor.
So, to answer the actual question lmao, in my opinion they can't really fuse since they were never different people to begin with, and they aren't separate either. It's just one guy who goes from being a normal insecure person, to having no memory or feeling, to regaining his memories and choosing to take on the mess that is The Human Condition. Izuru is just a name someone slapped on a boy that had his brain broken.
I also think that there is a danger in Hajime ever falling back into that deep deep brainpath that he was in when he was effectively Izuru. If he embraced that emotionless but admittedly incredibly convenient way of being, it would be hard to get back to wanting to get out. With time, he might have carved out an even deeper brainpath that he decided on himself, and doesn't need to worry about snapping into an emotionless fog again. Ideal ending!
(Personal [feel free to skip]: the reason I'm really About this whole narrative is because I'm currently in the stage of carving out Emotion Brainpaths myself. No forced surgery or superpowers included (I wouldnt mind the latter), but I've been in a place where feelings were so shut out there was no Want for eating or moving or breathing, no sense of right and wrong beyond objective knowledge, and lot of reckless behaviour just to see if it did anything. I'm better now though! And that's why I'm so emo about my own take on this whole narrative.)
That was a long fucking read gold star if you made it ☆
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A Lipless Face That I Want to Marry, Ch. 5
<- Chapter 4 | Chapter 6 ->
Summary: You get a call. Dr. Chilton’s recovery has taken a turn for the worse, and he might not survive. 
CW: hospitals, medical procedures, angst
1,583 words
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Fifteen days. Seven surgeries. Seventeen blood transfusions.
You rushed to his hospital room straight after work, not even stopping at home to change or get something to eat. After the call you’d gotten, you were too nauseous to eat, anyway.
Glowing orange heat lamps hung over his bed, like the ones they use for hatchling chicks at the farm when they’re too young to regulate their own temperature. He had all but vanished under a thick pile of blankets.
You remembered how much of a baby he could be in the winter when his feet were cold. How he’d make you shriek by tucking his icy extremities under your warm pajamas, and how you’d squirm and swear at him and laugh until you finally settled back against his chest. His hands were always freezing, but his body was like a steam engine pumping out heat. Under the blankets with him, trapping each other’s glowing warmth between your entwined bodies, the coldest nights were always so cozy.
There was nothing cozy about this.
Frederick’s temperature kept dropping despite the doctors’ efforts to stabilize it, and it had dipped dangerously low. He was barely moving. It tore up your heart to see him so helpless. If his temperature didn’t come up soon, he could die.
You knew that. The rational part of your brain knew that he wasn’t out of danger yet, that this wasn’t a surprise. He told you he needed to write that article right away because he might not have much time left. But you didn’t think it would really happen—that he could fade so fast.
“Hey, Frederick… I’m here,” you said softly, sitting beside him. There was no indication he was aware of you being in the room. The only signs of consciousness were feeble, rasping, wet moans.
He coughed weakly under the pile of white sheets.
They had already increased his antibiotics regimen at the first warning signs, but his cough was developing into a respiratory infection, and getting worse. All the smoke and water he’d inhaled and the tubes forced down his throat were taking their toll on top of everything else collectively beating his immune system into submission. He was so sick.
You wanted to crawl under the covers, wrap yourself around him, and keep him warm. He could slip his icy fingertips under your shirt, and you wouldn’t complain.
All you could do was sit beside him, talking to him about your day, and hope that, if he could hear you, your voice was comforting. That he even wanted your company. You listened to the monitors, reassured by their continued steady beeps, terrified they might suddenly stutter and fall, and tried not to cry.
You hated being so helpless.
Sixteen days.
For the second time, you walked into the hospital doors in the morning to find he was gone. Over night, his condition went critical. The infection had turned into full-blown pneumonia. He was still alive, thank god, but he was intubated again, and put on a ventilator with paralytic drugs keeping him unconscious.
He was, effectively, in a coma.
Every time you thought he was getting better, he slipped away again. Two days ago he was fine. He was dictating notes and being the cranky asshole you loved. Now a doctor had to thread endoscopic instruments down into his lungs to clear the secretions, because he couldn’t even cough.
A nurse gently patted your shoulder to get your attention. You weren’t sure how long they’d been standing there.
“I’m sorry to have to ask this, but do you know if your fiance has any family, anyone who might like a chance to say goodbye?” Your face drained of color and the nurse quickly worked to reassure you, “He may still recover. Nobody here is giving up, but…”
But his chances weren’t good.
“I don’t know. I… I can try to call his mother, but...” For someone you were about to marry, you didn’t know much about Frederick’s family. All you knew was that he had a sister who died a long time ago, his parents were egregiously wealthy, and they almost never spoke. His mother sent a card, which had earned nothing but hostile silence from Frederick. That was all.
He had always been lonely, your Dr. Chilton. Before you, anyway. He was charming, but an expert at keeping people at arm’s length. Desperate for connection, but always looking for it in the wrong places. You still weren’t sure how you’d manage to slip past his defenses. But his family wasn’t coming.
You were the only one by his bedside, waiting to see if he woke up. Alone in your terror that you might never hear his voice again.
Twenty-five days. Eight surgeries. Eighteen blood transfusions.
Chilton was out for over a week. Days crept by as you tortured yourself reading statistics like “pneumonia acquired in the hospital can be fatal as often as 33 percent of the time,” and “pneumonia increases mortality rate in burn patients by 25 percent.”
You were a mess at work, sobbing in the bathroom until they told you to go home. But you couldn’t stand being in that giant, empty house without him.
You had dinner with your old boss, Jack Crawford, to take your mind off things. The last time you saw him you screamed your throat raw, but he had always been a friend and mentor, and right now he was the one person who understood what you were going through.
He talked about Bella, and how hard it is to watch a loved one fading away. About the darkness he failed to see in Will Graham—skirting just shy of accepting responsibility for Frederick’s fate. You distinctly did not take back calling him negligent and incompetent. Still, despite everything, you knew Frederick held him in high regard. It was what got him in so much trouble. You encouraged Crawford to visit when Frederick was feeling better. If he got better.
Then dinner was over as quickly as it began, and you were alone again.
Every day that a ventilator kept him breathing, you wondered if that was the day you were going to get the phone call. You couldn’t bear it. You lived in the hospital waiting room, making meals out of vending machine Pop Tarts and the latest scraps of information the nurses could give you.
Surgery was risky on a patient already in critical condition, but the doctors decided to perform a bronchoscopy to drain a lung abscess. After that, his pneumonia began to improve. A few more days, and he was off ventilation, and in the hyperbaric chamber.
The moment you heard he was awake, you sprang up from your chair the waiting area (swayed with dizziness for a moment) and shambled to the oxygen therapy room.
“You look terrible,” he joked. His voice was quiet and hoarse, but you laughed a little too hard, sniffing and rubbing your eyes as your body shook. It was good to see a week unconscious had restored his cheery mood.
Ducking and weaving your head, you tried to get a good look at your reflection in the curved glass. When you caught a glimpse, the depth of dark circles made you recoil back from yourself.
“I couldn’t go home until I knew you were OK,” you explained. “I guess I could use a shower. And some sleep.”
Frederick observed you sympathetically. He was still bandaged head to toe, and what bits of skin did show were as red and inflamed as ever. He hummed in agreement. “All this beauty rest has done wonders for me.”
You laughed again, and it brought a smile to his cheeks and a sparkle of humor to his one good eye. At least he still entertained you.
“It is flattering that you would destroy yourself on my behalf, but you really ought to go home and take care of yourself.” He rolled his eyes upward cheekily, “I cannot have my adoring public discover I am marrying such a slob.”
Your heart missed a beat at the mention of marriage.
Leaning close until your forehead bumped the clear barrier, you pressed your palm to the glass. He lifted his hand off the bed, reaching toward yours, but could only make it a few trembling inches before he winced, and his arm fell back down, limp. He swore. Then he gave a self-deprecating chuckle to hide the frustrated wetness building in his eyes.
“Really,” he said without malice. “You should go home.”
“I can’t. You just woke up.”
“How long has it been since you slept?”
A few self-conscious mumbles were all you managed in response. He huffed knowingly.
“I promise not to die. You need rest.”
Your head did feel heavy, and it was difficult to keep your eyelids from drooping. “But it’s so empty. The house is so empty without you,” you sobbed.
“I know,” he said quietly, after a pause. He hated to see you like this, hated that you were suffering because of him.
“Just a few more minutes? I want to stay with you for a little while.”
“That would be nice.” His voice welled with such sincerity your heart broke. “Thank you.”
Soon, you thought. Soon you’d be taking him home with you, and your lives could be normal again.
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quiltslope9-blog · 4 years
Skin tightening Up therapy With High intensity Focused Utrasound
Cryopen Bracknell, Berkshire.
right Here's What took Place When I attempted A Cellulite.
healthcare Facility remain.
What exercises Should I try To do Away With Cellulite?
that Is ideal matched To This therapy?
vaginal firm (vaginoplasty).
actual housewives Of Cheshire star Tanya Bardsley Stunned audiences When She went Through The Femiwand genital firm therapy
here's What happened When I tried A Cellulite.
Outcomes could start to show up after 6 weeks, nevertheless, we typically recommend that best outcomes are accomplished around 8 weeks. You must adhere to our aftercare guidance and also offer your results time. Are you troubled by persistent pockets of body fat that simply will not move, no matter how hard you diet regimen or exercise? At The Body Center we might help reduce your lumps, bumps and bulges with 3D Lipo Fat Freezing therapies. Below at Dr Leah Clinics, we are often asked about the fat freezing procedure and also how it can help people to reduce weight. In this blog post, we will endeavour to address several of one of the most common inquiries.
At your free examination, the elderly specialist will certainly asses the areas you are trying to treat and examine your eligibility for the treatment by evaluating the amount of pinch able fat you hang on the persistent fat locations. At Pulse Light Facility we provide very same day therapy as your consultation, so you do not need to be placed in a waiting list. An average of concerning 25% fat reduction is seen per treatment, as well as greater than one therapy is suggested to see optimum results. After you CoolSculpting|Fat Freezing treatment, the body naturally takes care of the unwanted dead fat cells.
healthcare Facility keep.
Once the therapy has ended up, the suction head will be gotten rid of adhered to by the air conditioning gel membrane layer, the location will certainly after that be rubbed to encourage warmth back right into the area, and to encourage blood flow. It is encouraged you take a mild stroll after the therapy, with a bottle of water, to revive the nerve experiences, and blood circulation to the area. This will certainly additionally encourage the ruined fat cells to start their removal with the lymphatic system.
What exercises Should I try To eliminate Cellulite?
The Facility will certainly help you develop an individualised body sculpting treatment plan tailored simply for you. The Fat Freezing or Cryolipolys procedure makes use of regulated cooling to eliminate persistent fat in those hard locations that people struggle to get rid of with diet plan and also exercise alone. The results of the fat freezing treatment are confirmed, visible, and long lasting, so you'll look wonderful from every angle.
At the beginning of your treatment, a comprehensive examination will take place, covering a complete medical examination to ensure you appropriate for the treatment, reviewing the therapy procedure, as well as what to expect after therapy. Once this has actually been comprehended by yourself, we can produce you a treatment strategy. Appreciate the discretion and tranquility throughout your Cooltech fat freezing trip. At our Enville Center, situated near Kinver, in the gorgeous South Staffordshire countryside.
that Is best matched To This therapy?
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genital firm (vaginoplasty).
2 treatment sessions are recommended (occurring 4-- 6 weeks apart) for optimum outcomes. Prior to treatment you will certainly need an appointment to establish your suitability. In addition to tape-recording your BMI, elevation, weight and also high blood pressure, your private treatment strategy will be produced.
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Lots of clients will certainly additionally begin to see the noticeable outcomes of the treatment within days of their treatment. These visible outcomes will typically consist of greater contouring in problem locations, in addition to reduction of fat in these parts of the body.
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CoolSculpting gadgets have a built-in security setting to make certain nothing else bordering tissue or fat is harmed throughout the procedure. Within days the damaged fat will have totally left the body and contours will have been considerably improved. Fat cells can not reform as soon as eliminated but, as not all fat cells are gotten rid of throughout the procedure, a healthy diet plan and also workout regimen have to be kept. Our Fat Freezing gadget is the most sophisticated of its kind to day, providing more precise outcomes than any other cryolipolysis machine. The portable applicator enables more locations of the body to be treated for a comprehensive treatment. Due to the nature of the vacuum-like suction and also sub-zero temperature levels, patients can anticipate to feel quite cool whilst experiencing some unusual stretching experiences.
There is significant research study that shows the effectiveness of Cryolipolysis treatment and also this can be seen by clicking onto our resources web page. As a result of the nature or non-surgical as well as non-invasive treatments that we provide, we can not guarantee results. Aspects such as lifestyle, medical history and age can impact your outcomes and also the long life of outcomes. Although the number of fat cells are minimized during Cryolipolysis therapy, clients are still suggested to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle as this will help keep their outcomes.
After a brief while this is replaced by pins and needles as well as you can sit back and also unwind whilst those fat cells are zapped away. When your therapy has pertained to an end, your targeted location will continue to feel cool yet after a few minutes, the skin will certainly begin to thaw out and also return to regular.
You can duplicate an area in an additional 6 months if required relying on your body objectives. When the fat cells are removed from the body they are gone for life, and also as our body consists of a fixed number of fat cells they will not recreate. Nonetheless extreme calories consumption could cause continuing to be fat cells raising in size.
Are Cryoskin results permanent?
Cryoskin Slimming is comparable to CoolSculpting, as both treatments reduce fat via cryolipolysis. You'll see your initial results within two to three weeks of your first treatment and optimal results about three months after your last session. Results are considered permanent, as the destroyed fat cells won't return.
Their cryolipolysis treatments are readily available in a number of beauty salons across the UK, among which is the Omniya center in Knightsbridge. Perfecte' Me are a company that are experts in non-surgical weight management, as well as fat freezing is among the numerous solutions they supply. The fat cells are drawn right into the therapy tool, frozen and destroyed by the therapy as well as normally eliminated by the bodies body immune system. Fat Freezing at Beautology is a fairly peaceful 60 minute procedure during which you will certainly be able to see a fiolm on your laptop computer or tablet computer, make service calls, sleep, checked out a book or listen to music. A pleasant Beautology aesthetician will delicately outline the targeted locations of flesh with a white pencil and a membrane with included air conditioning gel prior to positioning the Cryolipolysis mug on your skin.
Does Cryoskin tighten skin?
Cryoskin is a painless non-invasive way to reduce stubborn body fat, by freezing fat cells away, while also tightening the skin and promoting collagen growth. Mainly, areas with stubborn fat.
Although you might not see a distinction in your weight on the ranges, individuals can expect to see a considerable reduction in their body fat structure. The 3D Fat Freeze treatment capitalizes on an all-natural bodily procedure called cryolipolysis that is accomplished by the lymphatic system. This suggests that fat freezing is typically just as reliable as a surgery such as lipo, without any surgical intrusion. I have had numerous various therapies from Este medical in Birmingham to all which have been to an extremely high requirement. The personnel are really friendly, the therapies have actually offered such remarkable results. At this visit we'll review your fat reduction worries, way of living as well as nourishment, address your inquiries and also recommend a bespoke course of treatment for you. The most up to date 2020 machine as discussed above deals complete vacuum cleaner capability cold with a wide range of differing mug sizes and also placement choices.
After the therapy, you can just set about your usual activities.
HIFU neck as well as face lift therapy has actually revealed to be both preferred as well as efficient treatment across the UK with lots of stars attempting the therapy for themselves.
HIFU treatment for face was authorized by the Food and Drug Administration in 2009 for eyebrow lifts.
This is unquestionably the greatest visual center I have actually ever before been to!
You can have repeat top up therapies must you require them.
Considering that the treatment targets deeper layers, the surface area of the skin is not affected.
The gadget was additionally cleared by the FDA in 2014 to enhance lines and creases of the top chest and also neckline (décolletage).
The HIFU treatment depends exclusively on the body's natural regenerative capability, meaning its really all-natural as well as results slowly create over the 3-- 6 month period, although a lot of clients see results within weeks article treatment.
I would never ever put my face or body in the hands of one more visual doctor she is the very best I have actually ever fulfilled and am so thankful to her for the confidence I have actually reclaimed.
body and face toning is lowered to 30-- 35 minutes and also the temperature level used is a more comfy -2 to -7. This latest innovation is the most significant that we have seen with Cryotherapy and the most detailed overhaul considering that the therapy's arrival in the UK. Outcomes are near on dual to the previous fat freezing/ warmth as well as trendy technologies because of the overall freezing location of the mug with live temperature adjustment sensing units that adjust to keep optimal outcomes throughout the treatment. Cryotherapy (additionally referred to as 'fat freezing') is the most up to date non-surgical fat reduction method. Currently one of the most effective option to invasive lipsosuction. We specialise in this therapy and have done considering that 2013, this allows us to concentrate considerably on the equipment we can provide you. Perfect for those locations of persistent fat which do not ever before seem to shift despite how much you diet plan or exercise, the CoolSculpting fat freezing treatment has the ability to destroy and also get rid of fat cells in tummy area plus others.
The outer layers of healthy and balanced skin cells, muscular tissue and nerves are preserved and also continue to be lively after the treatment, while the targeted areras of fat are wonderfully shaped, contoured, slimmed as well as toned. If you intend to make sure the treatment works in addition to feasible, you can additionally integrate it with a program of superhigh frequency (also pain-free) which will assist get rid of the fat and also tighten the skin. Fat-Freezing beneath the buttock, as an example, is especially reliable when combined with cavitation to thaw fat as well as radio frequency to raise and also tighten the skin (causing what's referred to as the non-surgical 'Brazilian Butt Lift'). Regents Park Aesthetics selected 3D Lipo Cryofreeze, for instance, which makes use of the exact same science to ice up fat cells. Or listened to colleagues as well as friends whispering regarding the brand-new way of burning fat without striking the fitness center? It's time that the enigma around the treatment ends-- so we head to Regents Park Looks find out what all the difficulty is about. You can reduce fat on several locations of your body as well as additional sessions might better enhance your outcomes.
Can cryotherapy kill viruses?
In cryotherapy, plant pathogens such as viruses, phytoplasmas and bacteria are eradicated from shoot tips by exposing them briefly to liquid nitrogen.
Fat Freezing causes and increases the body's all-natural process of 'apoptosis'. When fat cells are subjected to cool temperature levels, they quickly die. Our body after that identifies these dead cells and also gets rid of them naturally gradually, leaving you with less fat. CoolSculpting ® is the leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment. † It's a medically tested way to contour your body by cold unwanted fat. With more than 8 million CoolSculpting ® treatment did worldwide, ‡ people anywhere are getting a different sight of themselves. Following a fat freeze procedure, period for seeing outcomes can vary among individuals.
real housewives Of Cheshire celebrity Tanya Bardsley Stunned audiences When She underwent The Femiwand vaginal firm therapy
Does cryotherapy help you sleep?
Exposing your body to extremely cold temperatures in the whole body cryotherapy chamber will help diffuse inflammation and pain in the body, which will make you less restless while you sleep at night. Cryotherapy can also benefit your sleep patterns because it creates positive hormone responses in your body.
It is additionally extremely essential for us to be able to monitor your measurements after your Cryolipolysis therapy. RT Aesthetic appeals request 2 adhere to up appointments at weeks 6 and 12, there are no additional charges for these comply with up appointments and also forms part of your aftercare. Ought to you have any type of concerns or inquiries either before or after your treatment after that please contact us. Effective Results - Loose in between 25% - 40% fat reduction per therapy area with remarkable and also natural looking results. Just one cryolipolysis treatment is required per location to lose approximately 40% fat.
The device consists of wise panels that will tactically freeze your fat without interrupting the remainder of your cells. To defend against human error, each panel is computer system checked by a temperature controlled security sensing units. With Cryotherapy Coolscuplting Fat Freezing there are no lacerations, no scars, no anesthesia and no downtime.
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jusdreiin-jusdaun · 5 years
Considering FTM top surgery
So this is quite personal and slightly embarrassing, but I can't go to medical experts in my family to discuss this and I'm in some desperate need of help. Sorry, but I'm tagging this with like everything related.
I wear a 42 G or H size bra(and still not fitting quite right) due to how large my breasts are. Since freshman year high school I have had overly large breasts. In part due to me being overweight, but not overly so. Losing weight has been a challenge because exercise is painful and wearing a bra of any kind is painful. I don't know how to swim, so I figured I would teach myself at the beach since I live close. I've been banned from going to the beach, or any other body of water, by my mother due to some past trauma of hers. The only exercise I can do comfortably is walking my dogs(though it leads to some back pain) and waking in a circle around my house for hours.
Over the years the problem has gotten worse. I can't wear a bra without it feeling like a binder. It cripples my breathing, is damaging my posture, and I am plagued with random back pains that last days to weeks. This has caused me to stay at home more than I would like. The fear of the pain from wearing a bra has caused me to miss out on things I would live to do, including work. I've spent hundreds on different bras, about 10% worked great only for the first few times I wrote them.
I've slightly brought up the topic with the nurses and doctor in my family, one of them being my mother and the only response is that I should lose weight. Back in 2016 I did lose weight about 20lbs, but saw no difference in bra size. There of course was the insinuation that this was all my fault for not wearing a bra in middle school.
I have contacted several breast reduction doctors hoping that they would do a complete removal, with no luck. I want a complete removal and never have to wear a bra again. So I started looking into FTM top surgery. Very varied results, unfortunately most examples were done on white/light skinned and also thinner people. I see that I pretty much have to have gender dysphoria and insurance will most likely cover it. Which is another issue. My mother subtly hides the insurance information so that in the event that I need it, I would have to inform her of why. I recently found the insurance information and conveniently we are now moving onto a different insurance plan, which she has given me no information about. Another problem is, is that the insurance has a $5k or $7k deductible(thanks USA healthcare system), of which I could pay $0 of.
I'm considering moving forward with it anyway and I'm planning on saving up the money by the end of 2020.
What do I need to know about FTM top surgery and the potential results/risks? Should I even do this or just go with a breast reduction?
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artthetransguy · 6 years
‼️ You do NOT need dysphoria to be trans‼️
Starting off I should say I'm a binary trans person, I have dysphoria, I've been out for 6-7 years I think, I am medically transitioning (been on T over 3 years and almost 7 months post op top surgery), and I used to identify as a truscum and transmed. I'm going to rebut the common arguments that truscum, transmeds, terfs, and transphobes make. I will also attempt to answer questions others have (I originally posted this on Facebook and some of my friends had questions). I will mostly be arguing by citing information, but I will also tell my thoughts and opinions, as well as personal experience. 😡Arguments truscum/transmeds, terfs, & transphobes make😡 ⭕️"You need dysphoria to be trans". Not true. So first off, what is dysphoria? The medical definition of dysphoria defined by Merriam-Webster is "a state of feeling unwell or unhappy"(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dysphoria). Anyone can have dysphoria, even cisgender people, so this argument makes no sense. Does this mean that cis people who have dysphoria (which they can and do experience) are trans? no of course not. Why? because that's not what being trans means. I do realize that trans people will shorten 'gender dysphoria' to just 'dysphoria' like when they say "my dysphoria is really bad today" you know they are (usually) talking about gender dysphoria. What else is wrong with this argument? When I rebut this argument (which I do a lot) I usually say: 💬"how do you know?", I get responses such as "It's common sense", "you're so stupid/a dumbass", "it's science", but they can never, and have never provided a (reputable) source that says this. (I say reputable because I have gotten, and I'm paraphrasing, "my 20 year old friend who is about to get top surgery and has been on T for years says you need it" to which I replied "I'm also 20 and just had top surgery a few months ago and have been on T for over 3 years. Does that make me credible?" He didn't think so). 💬"What kind of dysphoria?" They then may say "you need some kind of dysphoria" or "you can't like *insert body parts here* and be trans". Well, what about the people who have finished their transition and no longer have dysphoria? are they still trans? Not all people will have dysphoria about the same parts. Some trans people have hair dysphoria, voice dysphoria, chest dysphoria, bottom dysphoria, social dysphoria, and the list goes on. ⭕️"Trans is short for transitioning so if you don't (medically/physically) transition, you aren't trans". No, it is not. Trans is short for transgender, not every trans person can or wants to transition. They may not transition for medical reasons, safety reasons, or they just don't want to. ⭕️"Having dysphoria doesn't mean you hate yourself/you have to suffer" This argument before made sense to me because I was misinformed about what gender dysphoria was, as are many others. What is gender dysphoria? The medical definition of gender dysphoria defined by Merriam-Webster is "a distressed state arising from conflict between a person's gender identity and the sex the person has or was identified as having at birth 'A significant incongruence between gender identity and physical phenotype is known as gender identity disorder; the experience of this state, termed gender dysphoria, is a source of chronic suffering'. — Louis J. Gooren, The New England Journal of Medicine, 31 Mar. 2011"(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictiona…/gender%20dysphoria). Another important point in this is the "a distressed state" in that definition. Distress is defined by Merriam Webster as "pain or suffering affecting the body, a bodily part, or the mind...a painful situation...state of danger or desperate need"(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/distress#synonyms). Seeing this definition and knowing what these words mean, we know that gender dysphoria is quite literally defined as pain and suffering. ⭕️"Being trans literally is the definition of dysphoria" Well, we already got the definition of dysphoria out of the way. No, it is not the definition of dysphoria. The APA (American Psychological Association) says "Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth". (https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/transgender.aspx). ⭕️"You need gender dysphoria to be trans" So now knowing that being transgender just means that your gender and sex aren't the same, and knowing what gender dysphoria is, we could say that we know this isn't true. But don't take my word for it, let's hear it from the experts: ☑️"Not all transgender people suffer from gender dysphoria and that distinction is important to keep in mind. Gender dysphoria and/or coming out as transgender can occur at any age"(https://www.psychiatry.org/…/gender-dysphoria/expert-q-and-a). ☑️"It is important to note that not all gender diverse people experience gender dysphoria"(https://gic.nhs.uk/info-support/gender-dysphoria/). ☑️"For some transgender people, the difference between the gender they are thought to be at birth and the gender they know themselves to be can lead to serious emotional distress that affects their health and everyday lives if not addressed. Gender dysphoria is the medical diagnosis for someone who experiences this distress. Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria. On its own, being transgender is not considered a medical condition. Many transgender people do not experience serious anxiety or stress associated with the difference between their gender identity and their gender of birth, and so may not have gender dysphoria"(https://transequality.org/…/frequently-asked-questions-abou…). ☑️" Many, but not all transgender people experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives"(https://www.lgbthealtheducation.org/…/Understanding-and-Add…). ☑️" Do all transgender people have gender dysphoria? No they do not, because not every transgender person experiences the distress associated with gender dysphoria"(https://www.lambdalegal.org/…/article/trans-related-care-faq). ☑️"Gender dysphoria refers to distress that 'some' TGNC [transgender and gender nonconforming] individuals may experience at some point in their lives as a result of incongruence between their gender identity and birth sex, which may include discomfort with gender role and primary and secondary sex characteristics. Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. However, transgender is an identity, not a disorder, and the diagnosis is only applicable when TGNC people experience distress or impaired social / occupational functioning as a result of the incongruence"(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4809047/#R15). ⭕️"Being transgender is a mental illness" This argument is used both by people who try to say that a trans person is delusional and therefore their identity isn't valid, and by trans people who don't want to de-medicalize transgender identity. We know this argument is not true from some of the other points I've made. Being transgender isn't a mental illness, not even gender dysphoria is considered one. "Gender dysphoria is a recognized medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness"(https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/). Also "The World Health Organization will no longer classify being transgender as a mental health disorder, the public health agency announced Monday.
Transgender and genderqueer identities, which WHO refers to as “gender incongruence,” are in a section about sexual health conditions in a newly updated version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD)"(https://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/being-transgender-no-longe…). ⭕️"There are only 2 genders" When people say this they usually mean sex, but even then it is untrue. Both sex and gender are on a spectrum and aren't binary. "Sex is a determination made through the application of socially agreed upon biological criteria for classifying persons as females and males. The criteria for classification can be genitalia at birth or chromosomal typing before birth, and they do not necessarily agree with one another"(https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0891243287001002002). The binary classifications of male and female leaves out everyone who does not fit into these categories because of genital makeup, secondary sex characteristics, chromosomes, or hormone levels. When people say that there is only male and female, they forget that intersex people exist. A good read that I'd recommend that I read for school is "The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough" by Anne Fausto-Sterling. In it, Anne says "Western culture is deeply committed to the idea that there are only two sexes. Even language refuses other possibilities; thus to write about Levi Suydam I have had to invent conventions-- s/he and his/her-- to denote someone who is clearly neither male nor female or who is perhaps both sexes at once. Legally, too, every adult is either man or woman, and the difference, of course, is not trivial. For Suydam it meant the franchise; today it means being available for, or exempt from, draft registration, as well as being subject, in various ways, to a number of laws governing marriage, the family and human intimacy. In many parts of the United States, for instance, two people legally registered as men cannot have sexual relations without violating anti-sodomy statutes. But if the state and the legal system have an interest in maintaining a two-party sexual system, they are in defiance of nature. For biologically speaking, there are many gradations running from female to male; and depending on how one calls the shots, one can argue that along that spectrum lie at least five sexes-- and perhaps even more"(http://capone.mtsu.edu/phollowa/5sexes.html). Another thing is that gender is a social construct, which I know is said a lot and is misunderstood. Pretty much everything has been socially constructed, so what is a social construct? "Social constructs or social constructions define meanings, notions, or connotations that are assigned to objects and events in the environment and to people’s notions of their relationships to and interactions with these objects. In the domain of social constructionist thought, a social construct is an idea or notion that appears to be natural and obvious to people who accept it but may or may not represent reality, so it remains largely an invention or artifice of a given society". So how is gender a social construct? The page goes on to say "Gender, which represents ways of talking, describing, or perceiving men and women, is also a socially constructed entity. Generally distinguished from sex (which is biological), notions of gender represent attempts by society, through the socialization process, to construct masculine or feminine identities and corresponding masculine or feminine gender roles for a child based on physical appearance and genitalia".(https://www.encyclopedia.com/…/socio…/social-constructionism). ⭕️"Non-binary doesn't exist because there is only male and female" Well for one, tell that to all the non-binary people. But no this is not correct. As we know, sex and gender are not binary so this identity makes sense. And also, whether or not you believe in them, they will continue to exist. ⭕️"You're a transtrender" People say a transtrender is someone who isn't "actually" trans, and just uses the label or pretends to be trans because its cool, or because they want attention. This is an argument made by transphobic people, including truscum and transmeds. People usually call others this for many reasons like: disagreeing with them, not fitting into their gendered stereotypes, not passing, not having dysphoria, not being the ideal trans person, they are experimenting with gender and gender expression, and/or being non-binary. Non-binary people are a big target of this argument. Heres the thing about this argument, no one thinks its cool or fun to be seen as trans in the sense that we are marginalized, are attacked, are killed, and so on. Also, Not every trans person is the same and wants to conform to gender norms. I'd also like to add that I get this comment a lot, despite being a binary trans person with dysphoria. They use it as a way to immediately discredit you and don't even know who you are. ⭕️"You're/you were just pretending to be trans" This is very similar to the last point but I wanted to go into more detail about this one. Some people may transition and then detransition for whatever reason (I'll go into this later). I know a few people had identified as trans and used a few different names and wanted to go by different pronouns then found out it wasn't who they were. Does this mean that they were faking it or pretending for fun? No, of course not. They thought they were trans and experimented and found out that they weren't. People should be able to experiment with their gender without getting accused of pretending to be trans. Most, if not all trans people go through an experimentation stage where they cut or grow out their hair, wear different clothes, go by a different name and pronouns, and so on. If we never went through an experimentation stage, how would we have known that we were trans? ⭕️"Most trans people detransition afterwords so you are going to regret this" This is usually said by cisgender transphobic people when trans people go on hormones or get surgeries. But what is the reality? "Surgical regret is actually very uncommon. Virtually every modern study puts it below 4 percent, and most estimate it to be between 1 and 2 percent (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfafflin 2003, Kuiper & Cohen-Kettenis 1998, Pfafflin & Junge 1998, Smith 2005, Dhejne 2014). In some other recent longitudinal studies, none of the subjects expressed regret over medically transitioning (Krege et al. 2001, De Cuypere et al. 2006). These findings make sense given the consistent findings that access to medical care improves quality of life along many axes, including sexual functioning, self-esteem, body image, socioeconomic adjustment, family life, relationships, psychological status and general life satisfaction. This is supported by the numerous studies (Murad 2010, De Cuypere 2006, Kuiper 1988, Gorton 2011, Clements-Nolle 2006) that also consistently show that access to GCS reduces suicidality by a factor of three to six (between 67 percent and 84 percent)... When asked about regrets, only 2 percent of respondents in a survey of transgender people in the UK had major regrets regarding the physical changes they had made, compared with 65 percent of non-transgender people in the UK who have had plastic surgery"(https://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/myths-about-transition-reg…). ⭕️"If you don't have dysphoria, how would you even know you're trans?" You can know that you are trans because you have a disconnect with your body which is called gender incongruence. "Gender incongruence is characterized by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned sex"(https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en…). So it could be argued that gender incongruence is like gender dysphoria with presentations similar to the DSM-V definition, but does not require significant distress or impairment. There is also something called gender euphoria, which is the opposite of gender dysphoria. "That is, euphoria or happiness upon being correctly gendered, upon naming their identity, and being validated and recognized as their authentic self"(https://everydayfeminism.com/…/these-5-myths-about-body-dy…/). ⭕️"If you don't have dysphoria that means you are comfortable in your body, ok with being your agab (assigned gender at birth) and those pronouns, and ok with dressing as your agab so you aren't trans" This is not true either. Just because someone doesn't have dysphoria, that doesn't mean they are comfortable with their agab. Like I said before, trans people have a disconnect with their body, the same goes for non-dysphoric trans people. They have a disconnect but do not have distress, or pain and suffering, because of the disconnect. ⭕️"What if you don't REALIZE it's dysphoria? What if you thought EVERYBODY felt like you?" I see people making this argument like, "they just don't know what they are feeling is dysphoria". People know themselves better than anyone else. Also, if you are not a therapist or anything like that, you do not get diagnose someone else. This could also just be a genuine question. Some people (like myself) didn't know what transgender or dysphoria was and some still may not. I didn't know what being trans meant and I didn't know that what I was struggling with was dysphoria. For me personally, I thought I was struggling alone for the longest time. ⭕️"Non-dysphorics, non-binary, people who don't use he/him or she/her pronouns make the community look bad and make everyone hate the trans community more." The people who hate trans people will hate us regardless of if we have dysphoria, are non-binary, use different pronouns that aren't common, and so on. Why not learn about those in your community (or learn about those in the community if you are not in it) instead of bullying and attacking those you don't understand and siding with transphopic people. ⭕️Fake trans people are taking resources away from 'real' trans people (like hormones, dr. appointments, surgeries, therapy, etc.)" If this is true, why be mad at the "fake trans" people and instead be mad at the gatekeepers, be mad because there is a shortage of doctors that treat trans patients (very few doctors that would take me around here but I have had one for a while now so its good), and be mad at the lack of education doctors, nurses, therapists, and so on, have on trans people. It isn't other trans peoples fault we have to fight to get our resources, it's the world we live in where we are marginalized and oppressed. (Important to note that I am not talking about myself here. The transphobia, marginalization, and oppression I have endured cannot be compared to that of trans women, black and other poc trans people, non-binary people, and places where it is illegal or punished by death to be trans/queer in. I have a lot of privilige here and I know this). 🙂Other questions or comments🙂 🔶"Are there degrees of dysphoria? Like, "you have to have dysphoria about 35% of your body to make it into 'Transgender Circle'?" Yes, not all trans people have the same or the same amount of dysphoria. Some say its like waves where one day they feel really good and other days dysphoria is really bad. Some peoples dysphoria is much worse than others, but as long as it is distressing, it is still dysphoria. Every exclusionist is different. Some say "you just need some type of dysphoria" and others say "you need to have chest, bottom, social, etc. dysphoria to be trans". But the truth is, neither is true. 🔶"What is the difference between BDD (Body dysmorphic disorder) and (GD) gender dysphoria?" BDD is "a pathological preoccupation with an imagined or slight physical defect of one’s body to the point of causing significant stress or behavioral impairment in several areas (as work and personal relationships)"(https://www.apa.org/…/und…/ptacc/body-dysmorphic-traynor.pdf). GD is "a distressed state arising from conflict between a person's gender identity and the sex the person has or was identified as having at birth 'A significant incongruence between gender identity and physical phenotype is known as gender identity disorder; the experience of this state, termed gender dysphoria, is a source of chronic suffering'. — Louis J. Gooren, The New England Journal of Medicine, 31 Mar. 2011"(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictiona…/gender%20dysphoria). (I am not a medical professional but I will try to explain this) BDD and GD are very similar because they are both distressing and about the body, but there are differences. BDD is where your perception of your body is not the reality, where in GD you know what your body looks like and it doesn't match your gender identity. BDD is also compared to OCD. "The intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors exhibited in BDD are similar to the obsessions and compulsions of OCD. BDD is distinguished from OCD when the preoccupations or repetitive behaviors focus specifically on appearance"(https://adaa.org/…/other-relat…/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd). 🔶"Why doesn’t it harm the community to include people who experience euphoria instead of/not only dysphoria?" People say "having non-dysphorics and non-binary people makes the trans community look like a joke" but these people aren't going away and they are supported by the science. As I've said before, the people who hate trans people will hate us whether we have dysphoria or not. Bullying the trans people you don't understand won't change anything in regards to trans rights. What do you do when you encounter bullying? If someone is bullied for how they look, their skin, their hair, or their religion, should they change themselves? The easiest way would be to say yes but that isn't how things change. We need people to know that some people are different and that is ok and they deserve to be respected just like everyone else. If you are going to argue the "fake trans take away resources" I rebutted that argument earlier. 🔶"Why do people insist that you need dysphoria to be trans?" This is an interesting one because I used to be a truscum/transmed. But before I dive into this I first want to preface this by asking Well why do people believe things are true when we know they are demonstrably false? Look at flat-earthers for example (hang in here with me). They can't comprehend how the earth can be round, despite the demonstrable evidence that shows us the earth is round. They believe it because it makes more sense to them. They make arguments where they say the evidence is for a globular earth is fake and also argue things that they experience like "I don't feel the earth spinning" or "the horizon looks flat to me" or "we can't see gravity so it doesn't exist". They can't conceptualize the things they don't experience in their life. People are afraid that the de-medicalization of trans people will result in medical professionals taking away hormones and surgeries. It may also be the case that they know this is true but ignore the evidence because they think the de-medicalization of trans people will make it so we can no longer get hormone treatment or surgeries. I can tell you right now that the people of the ICD, APA, DSM, and WHO are not gonna let that happen. Gender dysphoria is a medical condition that is treated with hormone therapy and gcs (gender confirmation surgery). Gender dysphoria is distressing and that is certain, medical and psychological experts know this and aren't going to take it away. People may become afraid or offended because hearing "you don't need dysphoria to be trans" goes against what they have known to be true for so long. For me personally when I was a truscum/transmed I was young, I just found out what trans was, and "you need dysphoria" made the most sense to me because gender dysphoria was how I knew I was trans. I followed truscum/transmed blogs and youtube channels and I never questioned it really. I really only changed after I started taking science classes at college and learned what scientific papers were, and also, the biggest reason I changed was because things started coming out saying "trans isn't a mental disorder" which I thought it was. After I got out of the truscum/transmed community, only then did I realize how toxic it was. I hurt so many with my words and I was spreading false information solely based on my beliefs. The truscum/transmed community The truscum/transmed community is filled with people saying things like "I just don't understand *blank*" or "How could you be trans when *blank*" and these are as a way to say "your identity is confusing to me so I'm making fun of it". A lot of the scum/med arguments are questions where people "don't understand" which is the first step to learning. If you don't understand something, look it up or ask a trans person (with their approval of course). Asking non-dysphoric trans people is how I was able to comprehend how non-dysphoric people felt. I was able to ask and I always treated them with respect and got respect in return. If you sincerely ask people instead of making fun of them, you might get the answers you need to understand. Important note, many trans people are tired of having to explain to others why they exist so if you ask and you are confronted with hostility that is probably why, and it is completely understandable. I'd be angry too if everyone constantly invalidated me, attacked me, told me I'm a faker, and said my gender doesn't exist. I know I went on a tangent here but I feel this is important also. ❤️I am willing to answer questions if you have any. Share this if you would like. Also, feel free to use this post for your own arguments❤️
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
Future Shorts: AU Special- 79-C Killing game prologue
//Yep, it’s been a hot while! And so to make up for it you get an extra special and extra long future shorts in a killing game AU of the 79-C class.
//I might do highlights of this AU at a later date, but for now all that you’re getting is the introductions of each character which was an interesting challenge since I had to write all of them pre-development. Hopefully I did well with everyone else’s characters.
//Welp, hopefully you’ll all enjoy
-A Killing game Intro: Devil’s Luck-
 Hope’s Peak Academy. It’s a school admired, not just nation-wide, but internationally as well. The school’s alumni pretty much run the world. It’s insane that one school could produce so many powerful figures. Politicians, business owners, top scientists, the list goes on. Really, the students here are the best of the best.
 So…how did I manage this? No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t make sense. I’m nothing special, and that’s not even an exaggeration. I have nothing going for me. Average in every sense of the word. Sorry, I’m always told I start off on the negative foot. I should really try making an introduction.
 “I always find this part embarrassing, but here it goes. My name is Ryuu Nagata. Like I said, I’m a pretty average person but I like to think I don’t cause any trouble…I hope we can get along.”
 Yeah. That’s me. I wasn’t exaggerating. You might be wondering how someone like me could get into such a prestigious school, right? What kind of talent could’ve gotten me in? Well…I’m the Ultimate Lucky Student. Pure luck.
 I mean people always say I blessed with luck, but…it’s more like anyone around me becomes lucky. Not me. I’m more of a lucky charm, if that makes sense? No…it doesn’t, does it? I’m gonna stick out like a sore thumb among these actual Ultimates…
 -A Killing Game Intro: Artist’s Interpretation-
 “Uhhh…?” I raised my head to find myself in a classroom. I must have fallen asleep during class, that’s out of character…huh? Why am I in a classroom anyway? The last thing I remember, I was outside…
 “Is this Hope’s Peak?”
 “You’re awake then.” I jumped in surprise, letting out an -admittedly high pitched- scream. “…you’re that kind of character then. I see.” I blinked as my eyes fully adjusted to see a girl with pink hair tied up in a bun standing in front of me. She had a forceful glare, I almost wanted to cower in fear from her strong energy alone. “I’d prefer if you didn’t stare so much.”
 “A-ah, uh…s-sorry?” Was I supposed to apologise there?
 The pink haired girl sighed. “No, it’s fine. You’re the last one awake, everybody else went ahead to investigate the situation. Let’s go.” She moved towards the classroom door.
 “W-wait, hold on! I don’t understand what’s happening at all! Who are you…?!” There were so many questions being thrown at her, I wouldn’t blame her for getting annoyed. However, she kept her composure and turned back to me.
 “I’ll start with introducing myself then. My name is Maemi Watanabe. I am the Ultimate Harem Mangaka.” Ah, I knew that name. She’s an Ultimate…? She certainly carries herself like one, so I’m not completely surprised by that. Plus, if she’s the Ultimate Harem Mangaka…then she’s THAT Watanabe-san. A goddess in the manga world. Even if you don’t read manga, you’ve probably heard her name before.
 “And you?” She looked at me expectedly.
 “O-oh, um…I’m Ryuu Nagata. Ultimate Lucky Student. It’s really nice to meet you, Watanabe-san!” I ended up bowing in a panic. God, what am I even thinking?! I quickly straightened up to find that she hadn’t reacted to it at all. Was she just so unphased by all of this…?
 “Nagata-san. Lucky student…I see, so you won the lottery this year. You seen like a sensible person, if not a little nervous, I hope we can get along.” She seemed to smile a little. Maemi Watanabe is a pretty mature person, even though we’re the same age. Hopefully she’ll be someone I can rely on until I find out what’s happening.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Heads Will Roll-
 “Um…hi…” I spoke quietly. A boy with black and red hair glared at me. His waistcoat was the same colour and the white shirt he was wearing had a black skull sprinted on the shoulder of the sleeve. He exuberated this intense aura that made it hard to look away from him.
 “…so plain.” Was all he said. His tone was quite sharp. I wasn’t expecting him to go straight for the jugular there…man, does he really have to point out my looks the first time we meet? “You’re going to introduce yourself, right? Go ahead then.”
 “O-oh, um…my name is Ryuu Nagata. I’m the Ultimate Lucky student. Y-you are…?” The boy almost seemed offended when I asked him to introduce himself.
 “Are you a complete shut in?! How could you not be able to recognise the great director, Toson Shinko?!” Oh! I know that name. He’s a famous horror movie director with a huge range of award-winning films. I’ve never seen his face before though…between Shinko-san and Watanabe-san…I’m basically between two celebrities!
 “Honestly. How can you be so stupidly ignorant? Unbelievable.” Though nobody mentioned his attitude…
 “We haven’t been formally introduced either. I am Maemi Watanabe, the Ultimate Harem Mangaka. A pleasure, Shinko-san.” Watanabe-san extended a hand. Shinko-san looked at Watanabe-san but seemed caught off guard. He quickly turned his head to the side and placed a hand over the lower half of his face.
 “H-how formal…” Huh? Was he…blushing? “Y-yes, well…a pleasure, W-Watanabe.” He wasn’t making any effort to look at her. Watanabe-san didn’t seem too sure how to react as she brought her hand back to her side.
 “I see…he probably has a strong weakness for women. A common trope for love interests in reverse harems. Can make interesting tsundere characters…” Watanabe-san mumbled all of that to herself. Shinko-san isn’t good around girls? For someone who seems quite arrogant, it’s…surprising.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Porcelain Barbie-
 “This doll was in the room we woke up in. I wonder if someone brought it out here.” Watanabe-san commented about a life-sized porcelain doll in the hallway. It was rather eerie to look at. As if it could come to life at any moment. “It’s a rather pretty doll, no?”
 “I suppose. I’m not really an expert.” I shrugged. Staring a little longer at the doll, I felt the urge to try touching its face. Though as I reached out-
 “Please refrain from touching the doll.” The doll spoke. Watanabe-san seemed more surprised from my reaction to stumble back and end up on the floor.
 “I-it’s alive?!” I scrambled back onto my feet. The doll fell silent again, holding an unblinking gaze. Seriously, this was way to creepy! “Y-you just talked, right?! Do it again!”
 “Hello. A pleasure to meet you. This is our first-time meeting, so I will tell you my name. It is Mami Asano. The Ultimate Living Doll.” …huh? The girl blinked finally and turned to me and bowed, then did the same to Watanabe-san.
 “Ultimate…Living Doll?” I repeated. What the hell did that even mean?!
 “Yes. Are you confused by that, sir? I can explain if you wish.” Asano-san sounded so polite when she spoke, but with this whole look…there’s no way about it. It’s almost like a horror movie.
 “C-can you…? A-and, Nagata is fine. I’m Ryuu Nagata.” I clarified. Asano-san nodded as if processing the information like an AI. Maybe she’s a robot…? I mean, no normal person could look like this.
 “Nagata-san then. I shall explain. I was born into an extensively wealthy family who wished to have the perfect daughter. Starting at the age of 6, I began undergoing surgeries to become an image of artificial beauty. I was home-schooled and taught things like classic literature, dance, and music. I was trained to become the Ultimate Living Doll that stands before you.” She pauses. “Is that a satisfactory explanation?”
 “Th…that sounds terrifying…!” I couldn’t help the outburst. Watanabe-san seemed to just be staring as all this went down. “H-how could you be okay with all that?! How could any of that be legal?!”
 “Legal?” Mami tilted her head. Don’t tell me…
 “What kind of parents-“
 “Calm yourself, Nagata-san.” Watanabe-san stepped in. “I don’t particularly like it…but Asano-san must have been taught to never question her parents. You won’t get through to her if you go like that. Plus…if I had to guess, Hope’s Peak probably brought her into this programme to get her away from her parents.”
 …she might be right. Asano-san’s situation is awful no matter how you look at it. I don’t understand she can stand so calmly after what happened to her…
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Blood’s a Great Colour-
 I made eye contact with this guy. Even though he’s dressed like a normal teenager, his eyes are piercing right through me. I’m…kind of scared to talk to him. Watanabe-san, completely fearless, walked up to him.
 “You were the boy who stood at the back of the classroom. The unsocial type, am I correct?” D-does she not fear for her life?! The boy shoved his hands in his pockets and stared down Watanabe-san for a few moments.
 “We’re in a strange situation. For all I know, you could all have kidnapped me.” Was his response. The cautious type then?
 “Somehow I doubt that would be possible. Your aura is something rather formidable…care to introduce yourself? I am Maemi Watanabe. Ultimate Harem Mangaka.” She held her hand out. The boy stared at the extended hand for a few moments before shaking it.
 “Sly. Ultimate Assassin.” He said it so casually that it took me a moment to really process it. I could feel myself drain of colour when it came from him.
 “A-assassin?!” I exclaimed, ready to run in the other direction. We were trapped in this strange situation with an assassin?! No way! I refuse! I wanna go home!
 “Is there a problem with that? It’s my talent. No point in hiding it.” Was his only response.
 “I see why you came up with the kidnapping theory. Maybe someone related to a victim organised all of this to get revenge on you. Plausible.” Watanabe-san nodded to herself. Seriously, it’s not normal for someone to be so unphased by all of this! It’s just…wrong!
 “Though if you’re all like him, I’ll probably have no problem killing you all.” Please don’t say something like that! I’m nervous enough as it is. Sly-san looked at me. “It was a joke. Hah.”
 It seemed to make Watanabe-san laugh, much to Sly-san’s surprise. “What a character you are! I’m intrigued by you, Sly-san. I am.” That only seemed to make him scowl. He reached into his pocket. D-don’t tell he’s-
 He pulled out a wipe and revealed a dog tag that was around his neck on a silver chain. He began to clean the dog tag before putting in back in place. “Best not to get involved with me. You’ll just end up getting hurt.” He turned away from us and walked down the hallway.
 “An assassin…” I murmured.
 “The Ultimate Assassin. This is definitely going to be quite the interesting scenario no matter what’s going on.” Watanabe-san seemed almost excited now. Seriously…what’s her deal?
 -A Killing Game Introduction: It’s all Groovy and Fresh!-
 “YAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!” I stumbled back. All I did was approach this girl and she yelled in my face. “More people! This is so awesome! I’ve never met so many people my age before! Can we get to the introductions now?!” She seemed high-energy, I almost couldn’t keep up with what she was saying. “Okay! The name’s Karma Graves, and I’m the Ultimate…wait for it…wait, am I allowed to tell you…?” She mulled over it for a few seconds. “Aw, screw it! I’m the Ultimate Secret Agent!”
 “My name is Maemi Watanabe. The Ultimate Harem Mangaka.” Watanabe-san nodded politely.
 “I’m, uh…Ryuu Nagata. I’m the Ultimate Lucky Student.” Graves-san covered her mouth and gasped.
 “Wow, you both have seriously hip talents! It’s totally amazing! A mangaka and a lucky student!” Graves-san beamed. For a secret agent…her personality doesn’t fit at all. What’s with her? “Hey, homie. You like my get-up?”
 She gestured to her candy-coloured outfit. It was gaudy that it was hard to look away from. “U-um…Graves-san...? You said you’re the Ultimate Secret Agent.”
 “Sure am. I work for an agency in Canada. Japan’s a little out of my usual field for missions, so it was exciting when Hope’s Peak recruited me! Do you think I’ll make a lot of friends? I hope everybody’s chill.” It was one statement after another in an almost frenzy.
 “M-maybe…! Though with the situation…”
 “Yeah, it’s totally weird, right? I wonder what’s going on. Meh, no need to worry. If I’m around, I’m gonna make sure you guys are all safe. Count on me and my skills, got it?” She tipped her hat down and smiled. Graves-san…is eccentric. It really doesn’t fit her talent at all, but…she must be reliable, right? I think I can trust her.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Love is in the Air-
 “It’s all so hopeless…what am I gonna do…?!”
 “H-hey, calm down!” I tried to reassure a panicking boy. “I know the situation is kind of scary, but I’m sure we’ll be okay-“
 “Not that! There’s so many girls here! I’m doomed! Doomed, I tell you!” Huh? What is he talking about. “L-look, you even brought one of them with you! Are you a rival in love?! Are you?!” The boy seemed ready to cry. Wh-what is his problem?! “I’m so doomed to be humiliated in front of every girl…! In an enclosed space at that…! Ah, Doi Kurohiko is gonna go down in history as the most doomed person ever!”
 Doi Kurohiko? I know that name! He runs a dating website that has a high success rate. Apparently, he doesn’t use an algorithm and makes the matches himself manually. So…why is this his personality?!
 “Kurohiko-san, yes? My name is Maemi Watanabe-“
 “The Ultimate Harem Mangaka. I know who you are. I took the liberty of learning your name and talent before I came here. W-well, not to say I didn’t learn everybody else’s I totally did! I wanted to know who everyone was before because that way I could just fire in and hope for the best! N-no, wait that sounds really perverted! GAAAAAAAHHH!!!” He turned and slammed his head against the wall. “GYAAAAAAAHH!!!” He hunched over onto the ground, holding his forehead in his hands.
 I was far to stunned to say anything. He’s the Ultimate Romance Expert, but…he’s like this around girls? I’m not sure what to do in this moment.
 Watanabe-san and I waited for Kurohiko-san to regain his composure. Getting a better look at him, his actual appearance makes him suit his talent. He has a handsome face with a suave charm. “I’m really sorry about that. When I’m around girls…bad things tend to happen. I’ll get extremely clumsy and do something stupid or say something stupid.”
 “I see. A complete failure of a man.”
 “S-so direct!” Kurohiko-san looked ready to cry again.
 “Watanabe-san, that was a little harsh…” I murmured. Kurohiko-san’s crestfallen face was…pitiful, there was no other word for it. He looked pitiful. “Kurohiko-san, um…if it helps, I’m not really good around girls either.”
 “Even though you’re the Ultimate Lucky Student…what a cruel twist of fate…” His eyes seemed sorrowful as he put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a thumbs up. “Let’s be brothers, Nagata-san. Brothers who are failures as lovers.” That’s…not what I meant.
 Kurohiko-san seems like an overall nice guy, but not the most reliable. Hopefully we’ll be able to get along without any hiccups.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Death Becomes Her-
 “Surrounded by the living in such a hollow place. How enchanting.” A gloomy looking girl giggled with delight. What a creepy vibe…and the way she speaks, she’s strange. “Forgive me, I’m getting ahead of myself. I am Tsukiko Ishikawa, the Ultimate Thanatologist.” The girl curtsied and smiled brightly. Her personality was quite the contrast
 “I’m Ryuu Nagata, and, um…Thanatologist? I’ve never heard of that before.”
 “I am not surprised. Many people haven’t heard of it. Thanatology is the study of death. It investigates the mechanisms and forensic aspects of death, such as bodily changes that accompany death and the post-mortem period, as well as wider psychological and social aspects related to death.” She studies death, huh…? Kind of morbid for someone our age, but…her aesthetic certainly fits a talent like that.
 “I’m surprised you’re able to stomach such a sight. Researching the decomposition of cadavers, what a horrid thought.” Watanabe-san didn’t seem too comfortable with this whole topic, not that I can blame her.
 “I feel almost at home though. Among those in the dreamless sleep, so you need not worry about my state.” Huh…?
 “You feel at home among bodies?”
 “Of course. Though I have managed to awaken from the dreamless sleep, I understand my true state is among the dead.” Ishikawa-san smiled as if everything she was saying made perfect sense…but…don’t tell me she thinks she’s dead or something?
 “Ishikawa-san, I prefer you not to joke around. You’re not among the dead. If you were among the dead, you wouldn’t be walking and talking as you are.” Watanabe-san said matter-of-factly. Ishikawa-san only seemed to giggle at that comment and placed a hand to her cheek.
 “Indeed. What an odd thing. Though, please refrain from calling me a zombie as my flesh is yet to start decomposing.” Seriously, so morbid…is this girl for real?
 “Hmm…I think I’ve heard of this. Cotard’s Delusion. Essentially, the person believes themselves to be a walking corpse. It’s extremely rare, but I’d guess that Ishikawa-san suffers from it.” Wow. Watanabe-san knows about a lot of obscure facts. Maybe she learned all this stuff when she was doing research for writing.
 “Cherish life, both of you. You might not be as fortunate as me.��� Tsukiko Ishikawa. She’s…a character. I’m not entirely sure what to make of her just yet, but I can’t help but be interested in how she ended up like this.
 -A killing Game Introduction: Going Viral-
 “Hey, watch where you’re going!” I jumped in surprise. Was that guy always there? I could’ve sworn nobody was there…”Geez, maybe you should update your prescription if you’re that blind.” The blond kid growled.
 “I don’t remember you being in the room when we all woke up. Just who are you?” Watanabe-san eyed him suspiciously. The boy shrugged and grinned at Watanabe-san.
 “What can I say? I’m bad at drawing attention to myself. Considering your friend here failed to notice a guy in the middle of a room should be proof enough, right?” The boy put his hands in his pockets. “I’ll introduce myself, but you’ll probably forget me quickly. I’m Junpei Yokozawa, the Ultimate Blogger.”
 “Junpei…Yokozawa?” I was surprised. I knew the name well, I followed a few blogs that he ran, but…I never expected this. I expected his personality to be pretty like how he came across online, someone fun and charismatic…this guy in front of me…doesn’t even remotely resemble the image in my head.
 “A pleasure. This is Ryuu Nagata, the Ultimate Lucky Student.” Watanabe-san gestured to me before holding her hand out. “My name is Maemi Watanabe. The Ultimate Harem Mangaka, a pleasure, Yokozawa-san.” Yokozawa-san seemed surprised for a few moments, an expression like being starstruck.
 “W-Watanabe-san. I’m a big fan.” He smiled and shook her hand. The change in demeanour was immediate. I suppose he’s got a lot of respect for Watanabe-san, not that I blame him, but…fanboying like this, shouldn’t he be a little embarrassed? I’d be embarrassed to meet someone I was a big fan of.
 “So, what do you two think of this situation we’re in? The school entrance is totally blocked off…I think it’s safe to assume we’re stuck.” Yokozawa-san crossed his arms, which I noticed were trembling slightly. He must be nervous.
 “Trapped…? Are you sure?” I attempted to hide the fear in my voice. The idea of being trapped in an unknown place…forgive me if I’m not excited about that.
 “I haven’t been able to find any signs of an exit so far. You think it might be an elaborate prank? Kinda sadistic, am I right?” Yokozawa-san shrugged again, his hands are definitely trembling, I’m sure of it now. It seems his cool and chill character is a pretty weak façade.
 “I doubt that it’s a prank. Not even Hope’s Peak would go this far for a prank. I’m not entirely sure of the current situation, so we should all be cautious and do our best to work together to find a way out of here.” Watanabe-san fixed her glasses and smiled.
 “Y…yeah. Okay. I think I can manage that.” Yokozawa-san seems like a reasonable person, I just hope that his nerves won’t get the better of him…which is a little hypocritical when it’s coming from me.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Under a lock and key-
 “Ah, hello. My name is Ryuu Nagata, I’m the Ultimate Lucky Student. Could I get your name?” I asked of a girl with stark white hair, her face was completely neutral, she was impossible to read. A few moments of silence passed then she raised her hands into a familiar idol pose from an anime and with a neutral face and monotonous tone, she spoke-
 “Amaterasu Hokama. I’m the Ultimate Thief…” She returned to a normal standing position and stared us both up and down. Then she grabbed me by the shoulders and began to sniff me.
 “Wh-what are you doing?!” I tried to protest but Hokama-san had a strong grip on me, and I was forced to endure her face being pushed closer and closer to me. She let go of me, but before she could do the same to Watanabe-san, she held up a hand and pushed Hokama-san away.
 “Refrain.” Was all she said.
 “Right. Okay then.” Hokama-san nodded and turned to walk away.
 “Stop right there. Return Nagata-san’s shoes, please.” Huh? I looked down to see that my shoes were indeed missing. D…don’t tell me Hokama-san-
 “You noticed.” Hokama-san produced my shoes from seemingly nowhere, just when did she manage to do that?! “Here you go. I was gonna return them later.” She handed my shoes back to me.
 “H-how did you do that…?! Hokama-san, that’s incredible!” If not a little abusive of your abilities. I began to put my shoes back on.
 “Call me Amaterasu.” She crouched down and stared at me straight in the eyes when she said it. “Hokama is too formal. I like Amaterasu better. I’ll call you Ryuu-chan.”
 “R-Ryuu-chan?!” I could feel my face flush. Nobody had ever been so…endearing so quickly with me. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.
 “Right. Amaterasu and Ryuu-chan. We should be good friends, and I’ll make sure to steal from you a whole lot, okay?” She didn’t even wait for a response before she patted my head and headed down the hallway.
 “Wh…what just happened?”
 “I’m not entirely sure myself, but it seems you’ve caught the attention of Amaterasu-san.” Watanabe-san let out a giggle of amusement. Ugh…just my luck.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Rough and Rocky-
 “Piss off, will you?! I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone, got it?!” The tanned boy snapped at me. This isn’t good…Watanabe-san said the best course of action was learn who everyone was, but he really doesn’t seem like the cooperative type. He’s dressed in an air of professionalism, but his way of talking to someone he just met…I’m pretty unsure what to think.
 “Okanaya-san, please. Try to be reasonable. Acting like a brute will help nobody, least of all, yourself.” The boy stared Watanabe-san down and grunted. “All I wish is for you to make an introduction, that is all.”
 His expression softened a little. When he wasn’t scowling, he had a handsome face. His eyes seemed to belong to someone much more soothing than the guy I saw mere seconds ago. “Fine then. He’s the kid that was sleeping when we all split up to investigate, right…? Can’t be helped then. Listen up, I’ll only say it once! I’m the Ultimate Tour Guide, Kobo Okanaya. Don’t forget it, or I’ll be forced to knock it into you!”
 “Ultimate…tour guide? Really?”
 “Huh?” He loomed over me. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean?! Yeah, that’s my talent, bastard! You tryna say you don’t believe me?!” R-really, is he gonna hit me?! “Fucking hell, first this weird situation, and now everyone is throwin’ me weird looks. I’ll beat the crap outta all of them.”
 “Oh, hush.” Watanabe-san crossed her arms. “I’ve been looking for you, actually. Since you’re a tour guide, you’re probably the best person to ask. This building-“
 “Yeah, it’s definitely Hope’s Peak Academy. You can tell by the little details in the décor and such in the classrooms and the hallways. Nobody else could mimic this kind of building. Hope’s Peak is really one of a kind, so this is definitely the same building.” Wow…he was really that sure? “Oi, you better not be doubting me! My talent’s the real fuckin’ deal, shitbag!” He growled, cracking his knuckles.
 “No, even for a tour guide, to know this sort of thing…it’s impressive.” I murmured.
 “Tch! I’m not just any tour guide. Any tour guide worth his salt would be able to recognise landmarks and iconic buildings from even the most obscure photo taken by the world’s worst photographer. Even then, I’m way better than anyone you’ll find.”
 Kobo Okanaya…he’s really scary. If I say the wrong thing, I might get introduced to his fist before I even realise what I said wrong…but, even at that, he’s really proud of his talent and for good reason. If I want any more information on Hope’s Peak I’ll have to talk to Okanaya-san.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: You will be amazed!-
 “Greetings and salutations from me! Who am I? Tomoe Hachi, the Ultimate Illusionist!” A masked kid spoke to me before I even approached. He was wearing an odd outfit, but if he’s the Ultimate Illusionist, I suppose it meant this was his show outfit?
 “Hachi-san…um, hi there. I’m Ryuu Nagata. Nice to meet you. Ultimate Illusionist? What kind of stuff does that entail?” It makes me think of magic, but…the fact that he’s an illusionist and not a magician…
 “Well, illusions are naturally my speciality! I can control the wind and make tornadoes, that’s one of my more famous tricks!” They clapped their hands gleefully. It was weird. As I listened to Hachi-san’s voice, I…found it increasingly more difficult to figure out if Hachi-san was a guy or a girl and their outfit didn’t give any hints either. Was it rude to ask something like that?
 “You’re wondering about my gender, right? You can say yes. There are plenty of online forums trying to find out!” Hachi-san giggled. I’d never met someone so completely androgynous before. Was this the ability of the Ultimate Illusionist? “You’re free to hazard a guess, but I’ll never tell you the answer. Nobody wants to find out the truth behind the trick, right? You feel the same way, right, Nagata-chan?!”
 Hachi-san…acts a lot like a child. It’s hard to believe they’re a great illusionist. Does anybody have a personality that matches their talent? But…they do have that talent so I’d love to see what Hachi-san is capable of.
 “Heheheh~ Nagata-chan, better be careful!”
 “If you’re not careful, you might fall victim to one of my pranks. Try to best to stay on my good side and I’ll go easy on you!” Wh…what kind of warning was that? Really, I can’t keep up with these Ultimate’s.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Watch the Watch-
 “Uwaaaaaaah! Wata-chan, I dunno what to do in heeeeeere!” A little kid with curly brown hair clung to Watanabe-san. “It’s all so boring, and I don’t know what’s going on either! I wanna go hooooome!” He suddenly bounced back and smiled. “Ah, that was a good cry! How are you, Wata-chan?”
 “Irunami-san…please try to not give me a migraine. The situation is tough as it is.” Watanabe-san massaged her temples. Yeah, even I could already tell that this kid was a handful. He swayed and giggled as he turned to me.
 “Nice to meet’cha, call me Irunami, cause it’s my name! I’m the Ultimate Hypnotist!” Another person with an unfitting talent…hold on.
 “Irunami…? Like, the Irunami Circus?”
 “Yep yep! That’s the circus my grandpa is the ringmaster for! He taught me all kind of stuff about hypnotism!” That made sense. Keichiro Irunami was a famous hypnotist, and if this guy was his grandson it only made sense for him to be an Ultimate.
 “So, you must’ve been scouted during one of your performances at the Irunami Circus, right?”
 “Nope! I ran away from there loooong ago. Circus scene wasn’t for me, so I became a street performer and got scouted through that.” Huh?!
 “Y-you were living on the streets?! At your age?!” No matter how you look at it, that’s not right! He didn’t enjoy the circus so much that he became homeless?!
 “It wasn’t so bad. I’m a hypnotist. I got people to buy me food and let me into their homes so I could stay clean. I had fun with it all!” He’s…he’s a total hooligan. An unofficial criminal… “Do you want a demonstration on my abilities? I could get you to do some really embarrassing stuff! Maybe I should get you to strip to your undies and do an embarrassing dance?!”
 “N-no, I think I’ll pass.”
 “Keheheehee! I was toooootally joking, Naga-chan!” I find that hard to believe. He has this childish innocence, so despite what he’s saying he’s done…it’s hard to be mad at him. But…there’s definitely more to him that he’s letting me see. Irunami-san…I’m curious to know more.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: A Spirited Day-
 A tall girl let out a heavy sigh. I can’t blame her for it, considering the situation we’re in. Maybe I could help her out somehow…? “Hey, are you okay? Do you want any help?” I tried to force a smile since I didn’t want her to see my nerves as well.
 The girl looked me over and placed a hand over her cheek. “Ah, hey. Sorry if I seem down…it’s just…there’s no cold areas or anything.”
 “Ah, right, we haven’t met yet. I’m the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator, Saori Kibe.” Kibe-san is someone I recognise by name. I’m not into the paranormal, but people in my old school would go on about the videos she’s recorded of ghost sightings and her conspiracy theories on things like aliens and demons. A pretty popular figure among fans of the supernatural.
 “Wow, it’s nice to meet you, Kibe-san. I’m Ryuu Nagata, the Ultimate Lucky Student.” Kibe-san’s eyes seemed to light up at that.
 “Lucky, you say? Could it be you’ve been blessed by a Zashiki Warashi?!” Huh…? She’s…talking about a yokai, right? “Wow, how incredible! Aaaaaah! I wish I could be blessed by a yokai, but all I got was aliens, probably!”
 “Aliens?” Watanabe-san repeated, doubtfully.
 “Right! I was abducted by aliens when I was little, and they gave me the special abilities needed to investigate the paranormal!” As she spoke, she gripped a glow-stick that was on a string around her neck. “Ah…between my abilities, and Nagata-kun’s yokai, we should definitely be best buddies! Totally!”
 “H-huh, where did that come from?!”
 “What else is there to say? We both have been affected by the supernatural, so we should be best friends, what more do you need? Ah…are you one of those people that has trouble being social? I can give you space if you want. I don’t really mind, but we’re definitely good friends from here on out, fair?”
 Sh…she said so much so quickly that I didn’t really have enough time to process it. “Great! The silence definitely means yes!” N…no, it really doesn’t but…I doubt she’d even hear anything else. Plus, it wouldn’t feel right saying anything now. Kibe-san seems harmless enough.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: Chains and Whips-
 “Ah…a beautiful Fraulein and an adorable Herr…” The cool tone of this tall blond guy seemed enough to make anyone swoon. And…being called adorable so quickly when I don’t even know his name? It’s embarrassing. “Where are my manners? Call me Yuuki Kurosaki. A pleasure.”
 “Kurosaki-san, please do not flirt needlessly.” Watanabe-san crossed her arms and glared at the boy. He was in an odd get-up, as if he raided an Indiana Jones cosplay shop but couldn’t get a complete outfit for one movie. Hanging from his belt were a bull-whip and a horse-whip.
 “Ah~ Mademoiselle Watanabe, you wound me so! Don’t you want to fall in love-“
 “I would rather not.” She cut him off.
 “Gyah, so cruel!” He laughed it off quite easily. “Ah…but you are?” He turned his attention to me.
 “Ryuu Nagata. I’m the Ultimate Lucky Student. It’s nice to meet you, Kurosaki-san. I hope we can get along.” I smiled weakly but his own smile was rather overpowering…w-were these normal feelings to have?
 “Nagata-kyun~ Ah, even your name is adorable. Lucky student…yep, that suits you to a ‘T’. I hope you and I can get along too.”
 “Be careful, Nagata-san. Men like Kurosaki-san are just looking to break your heart. Under that charisma is a playboy, through and through.” Watanabe-san seemed to be staring daggers at Kurosaki-san.
 “Ah…she’s soooo mean~ No wonder she can’t keep a man.”
 “Do you want hit?”
 “I jest, I jest!”
“Oh, Kurosaki-san. I just realised…you never mentioned what your talent is.” Kurosaki-san’s attitude seemed to change quickly. He laughed and ruffled my hair affectionately.
 “Sorry, sorry, Nagata-kyun. I’m the Ultimate Explorer. Nothing incredible…I simply travel around the world and explore ancient temples and such.” Ancient temples? Even if he’s downplaying it, that still sounds pretty exciting. Kurosaki-san must be the thrill-seeking type. He’s clearly a flirt, but I don’t think that’s a problem. He seems like a good guy deep down.
 -A Killing Game Introduction: What’s in a name?-
 A girl in all grey with a black hair was sitting by herself against the wall, her knees were being hugged against her chest as she rested her head a top them. It was too sad to see her by herself, so I tried my best to talk to her.
 “Hey there. Are you feeling okay?” The girl jumped with a yelp, looking up at me with an unmissable fear. “S-sorry, did I scare you?” She hesitated to answer, instead opting to hold onto her hairband which sported two horns. “…ah…um…can I get your name? I’m just trying to meet everyone here. My name is Ryuu Nagata.”
 The girl looked at me curiously and then gulped. “Pl…please, call me R…Ram. I’m…the Ultimate Taxidermist. I’m r-really sorry for taking so long to tell you who I am!” She apologised unnecessarily. Was she really that nervous? Maybe I should make a joke or something to calm her down.
 “It’s nice to meet you…Ram-san, right?” Ram-san nodded, picking herself off the floor. Even stood up, she had a demure demeanour. “Ultimate Taxidermist, huh? That’s…got to do with stuffing animals, right?”
 “R…right. To preserve an animal’s body by mounting or stuffing for the purpose of display or study.” Her eyes seemed to soften as she spoke about her talent. She must enjoy it a lot.
 “So, like those mounted heads you see in a bad guy’s mansion? That kind of taxidermy?” Ram-san nodded in response to my question. “Wow, that’s pretty impressive. Working with dead animals…I don’t think I could stomach something like that.”
 “Ah…!” Ram-san suddenly backed away. “I’m s-sorry! I know it’s a g-gross talent!” She began tearing up suddenly, w-wait, was she really sensitive about her talent?! “I’m s-sorry for being such a gross Ultimate! Pl-please excuse me…!” Before I could protest, Ram-san sprinted away from me.
 “Nagata-san…” Watanabe-san spoke in a tone that made me fear for my life.
 But it was at that moment that it happened…a school bell sounded and the monitor in the hallway switched on. A hazy silhouette covered by static was being shown and through the speakers an eerily cheerful voice sounded. Resonated.
 “Ahem, ahem! Mic check, 1 2 3! Can you hear me? …great! Please, will all Ultimate’s make their way to the school gym immediately for the opening ceremony!” The monitor turned off.
 “Opening ceremony?” Watanabe-san repeated it, clearly suspicious. “There’s no way this was all actually something Hope’s Peak set up, right…?”
 “I dunno…but, we won’t find out by hanging about here. We should head to the gym and find out what’s going on…” And so, we did just that. Watanabe-san and I headed for the gym.
 We headed the gym…where the story of this group of 16 students would begin.
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frostywingedcat · 7 years
Tim is boi
So I got a request to do trans! Tim headcanons and I haven't been able to since I was busy for awhile, but now the ask is gone?? Wut? But never fear I have a screen shot.
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Before I do this I should mention that I am not at all an expert on the lives and hardships of trans people and have only gotten information on the topic through the internet, so if I do get anything wrong please let me know and I'll try to fix it.
Tim was born as Tabitha and always felt odd, it wasn't till after she was adopted that she realized that she was actually a he.
He knew his family was open minded and wouldn't bat an eye (get it) at this but for some reason he felt the need to keep it hidden for quite some time.
He came out first to Dick and Babs after a mission, it was filled with a lot of tears, hugs, "this doesn't change anything"s and "we love you"s. This was then followed up by them giving Tim some of Dick's old clothes and forcing him to try some of them on, he was grateful and all but.... These were clothes from between the scaly panties phase to the mullet phase and the in between was much much worse.
He then came out to Bruce less than a week later, it was alot easier because he'd realized all his previous fears were just paranoia. He took it well and the moment was filled with hugs.Later they sat down and talked through things like legally changing his name, surgery and hormones, dealing with transphobia and his dysphoria and getting a therapist to help him deal with it better.
He was quite worried about telling steph, they'd been broken up for awhile now but he still felt weird telling her, he got a hug followed by her saying this was worth celebrating and that they should totally, absolutely go get cake, that he should totally pay for because blah blah blah Stephanie wants free cake.
He kinda forgot to tell Jason and Damian for awhile but when he did this was the conversation that took place:
Tim: So yeah, what I'm trying to say is that I'm a guy and I'd like you guys to refer to me as such.
Damian and Jason: cool
T:? What no insults?
D: because you a guy? No because you are Drake? After I finish this training session I'll read you 50 of my top 100
J: the gender you identify has no effect on the the fact that you're a loser nerd goblin. You loser nerd goblin.
D:I agree.
T: what did I do to deserve this.
These two dorks will fight anyone who makes fun of Tim that isn't them, especially if they are insulting his gender
Last to be told but first to actually know what Alfred, by this point it was pretty obvious and he wasn't trying to hide it or anything but the first time he confirmed it was when:
Alfred : would you like some tea miss Drake
Tim: actually I am a T.... As in from LGBT, eyyyyyy. Imma boi
Alfred: nevermind, that horrible pun means that you've forfeited the right to drink tea indefinitely, good day Master Drake.
*one month later*
Alfred: Would you like some T master Drake? *pulls out a testosterone shot*
Tim : WHO'S MAKING TERRIBLE T PUNS NOW BITCH?..... and yes, yes I would.
Alfred administers Tim's the shots and keeps him on schedule.
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grannysgraceblog · 3 years
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As I get older I am coming 2 realize that i have put way 2 much importance on things that really have held no value in my life. What is important is the way I treat others. How I respond when I don’t get my way. When things do not pan out the way I would have liked. Relationships matter. Not only w/ those closest 2 us but w/ our fellow man. The checker @ the store, the teller @ the bank, that person who accidently bumped in2 @ Target, the homeless man on the corner, your city councilman. Those interactions, those relationships, are truly the significant part of this carefully woven tapestry that we call life.
You, me, us…. WE are what is important- every single one of us. Young & old, male, female, undecided. Black, white, red, yellow, green w/purple polka dots. From the top of our heads all the way down 2 the tiniest toe nail we are valuable; & necessary. NOT 1 is any more important than the next.  So, on that note…..& if what I say pisses some off, BUMMER…acceptance is the answer 2 all your problems 2day. So, yesterday I was reading an article where things have gotten so out of hand that there are people threatening the lives of Shasta County officials. But not just their lives but the lives of their families! Seriously?! Children?! C’mon, that is just BAT SHIT CRAZY!
  Threatening 2 harm someone’s family; their children, does not make you right! It makes you wrong‼️ So very wrong. I promise, I am no fan of certain ‘governmental’ agencies, au contraire,….cela n’est pas le cas. -BY FAR-. But someone actually stated that they were going 2 jump out of a clown car & stab them. WOW! Not only did that individual just volunteer 2 spend time, in the lovely accommodations of Shasta County’s high rise, but that statement makes them sound like a full-fledged psycho. Bozo!!
  I may have been extremely hurt & angered by some of the decisions made by certain county workers, but what does that have 2 do w/ their families? Trust & believe they harmed me, in the most despicable, egregious way you can harm another. Some of which, was accomplished by myself. Blame it on temporary insanity, brought about by grief..whatever. I have 2 own my part. But never for a second did I ever wish harm on their families. I can't even conceive of willfully hurting a child; anyone's child. That, in my opinion, is just plain ludicrous. Dispicable. What they did was so very wrong. Manipulating & character assassinating someone drowning in despair after the loss of their child is heinous. Furthermore, then stripping them of the only reason that they have, 2 continue breathing on the planet is well, just pure evil. However, how does harming innocent people make it right? That's as crazy as burning down your neighborhood cuz you don't like the results of someone else's actions.   I swear; people have just gone flat out insane. You don't want a shot? FINE! Don't get one, but don't go running around screaming about your rights, while you stomp on the rights of others by exposing their children 2 a virus they cannot be innoculated against. That they do not have the physical strength 2 fight. I doubt that the majority of these 'Pro Choicers' have ever read a medical journal. Truly done 1 ounce of actual research on the subject. They read a couple little posts on Social Media & think they are freaking experts. Dumb as rocks!! And so am I when it comes 2 medical information. I'm pretty good w/ a bandage but I'm not 2 sure I could do brain surgery, although @ times I wish I could. That's why we go 2 doctors & nurses. Because they DID go 2 school & no they are not perfect, but they are a bit more equipped than most. It's no different than taking your car 2 a mechanic or your computer 2 a tech expert. When they give you a diagnosis you don't tell them they are wrong. Well, maybe the mechanic🤩. Kidding-kinda... Anyway the point is, they probably know a bit more than the average lay person. They are there, front & center, watching people die, trying desperately 2 figure out why. The least we can do is let them do their jobs. Its just like w/ police officers, teachers, etc. Everyone jumps on a mental bandwagon & becomes a patriot for justice  when in all actuality, they are the ones behaving like the terrorists that they claim 2 be fighting. 
GET A GRIP! YOU are not the most important person on the planet. I am not the most important person on the planet. EVERY one of us is as important as the next. I don't give a rat's patootie about your race, religion, age, gender (or non), or sexual preference. If you live in this country then you have every right 2 pursue your own personal brand of happiness allowed but when you go stomping on someone else's right you forfeit your own! You don't want 2 immunize your children against small pox or measles, fine just don't take them 2 a public park where there are small babies who cannot be immunized because of their age. You don't have the right 2 put other's lives in danger
You dont like a verdict set down in a courtroom, fine. Protest, write your congressmen, learn 2 be a lobbyist & fight it correctly. Sensibly. SANELY. Don't run out & terrorize others, who are just wanting 2 reside on the planet safely. You don't like what your city & county officials are doing, get your butts out from in front of the television, watching another binge episode of Zombie something or other, & get involved in your government. Change it the right way. Or leave. Go live in some other well-adjusted country.  
  All you are successfully doing when you act like an idiot is convincing the rest of us that the officials are right; you're an idiot. You threatening 2 harm them, or their families, ( & harming them will harm their families..& yours) is sheer stupidity. I don't happen 2 enjoy all the turns of events that have occurred in the past few years but my having a bad attitude isnt going 2 harm anyone but myself & those I love. If I want something 2 change around me I must first start w/in me. The person in the mirror.
For myself, -just myself-your walk is your own, I can only do the next right thing & trust that God will deal w/ the rest. Joshua 1:9 reminds me that truly, in the middle of my chaos, I am not alone. God is always here w/ me. Now it does not say that He will make it rosy. Just that I need 2 be brave, courageous & strong because I don't have 2 walk it out alone. He is ALWAYS w/ me. Even when it doesn't feel like it. Feelings are not facts & that is where faith comes in. 
So instead of making myself crazy & taking much needed years off my life maybe I will just trust the journey & the Maker of the journey. Because He has already seen the finish line. I don't need 2 see it. I just need 2 run my race. Not your race, not my neighbor's race, not my kids or grandkids race. My race. I only have control of me & my attitude so that is what I should be working on. The rest I am supposed 2 pray about & turn it over 2 the Author of all journeys. 
If we all just spent time in our own gardens, pulling our own weeds, the world would be a much nicer place 2 reside. At least it would be better groomed.😁 Father, help me make the necessary changes in order 2 find more freedom from the stress of being controlled by my emotions.  
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mrsjihyunkim · 7 years
20 Seconds of Bravery Ch 8
          When I woke up I felt something heavy and warm on me. I looked down and saw V's arm draped a crossed my waist. Everything from last night came crashing back in my mind and I remembered asking V to sleep with me. I turned over slowly and was relived that it wasn't all a dream. V's arms tightened around me and I was now only inches from his face. The closeness made me blush but I noticed that he had strange looking scars around his eyes. They were very faint but they looked like thin stab marks from some blunt object. It filled me with both rage and sadness to know that someone did that to V. I reached up moved some stray hairs out of his face and he stirred a little bit. He looked so peaceful and happy; I almost didn't want him to wake up. Although he always tried to appear fine I can always tell that there's something on his mind. Almost like guilt or some kind of loss. It always made me wonder but I knew better than to push. We had plenty of time to share our tragic backstories. V began to stir again and I could tell he was waking up. I didn't want him to find out I'd been staring at him so I closed my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I heard him yawn and I waited to see what he would do next. I could feel his eyes staring at me and I hoped I wasn't blushing. He held me tighter and I could feel his breath on my face. I could feel his hand in my hair and I was going nuts not looking at him. I slowly opened my eyes and he smiled at me. "Good morning." he said as he kissed my forehead. I smiled and brushed the hair out of his face. I let my hand rest in his hair twirling it.
"Good morning. Did you sleep ok?" He nodded sleepily. I could see that he was still really drowsy and it made him seem like a little kid. "You're really cute when your drowsy. Are you not a morning person?" He shrugged his shoulders and pulled me closer to him for a quick peck.
"I can be if I need to but everything I need is already in the bed so why get up." He said it so casually without a care in the world.
"I'm not that great. I'm honestly surprised I didn't push you off the bed." He laughed and opened his eyes fully.
"I mean you did smack me in the middle of the night while you were having a nightmare, but I'm fine." I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I don't remember having a nightmare. Are you sure?" He nodded his head and I began to think. I honestly didn't remember having a one and I almost always remember them because they wake me up.
"I'm not sure what you were dreaming about. You were just tossing and turning a lot and I imagine that's how you smacked me." I leaned over and kissed his cheek to apologize. "It's ok. You calmed down after I had you so I made sure to not let go after that. I'm happy that I was able to help you for once." I laid my head on his chest and he rubbed my back.
"You really did. Normally my nightmare wake me up and then I can't go back to sleep after that because I'm scared I'll have them again. I would have to fall asleep watching cartoons or something. Come to think of it these last two nights are the first time in a while I didn't wake up on my couch."
"Well like I said I was just happy to finally be able to help you. It's the least I can do after causing so much trouble for you." I couldn't help but laugh at his statment. I sat up and saw the confusion on his face.
"You think you're the one causing me trouble?" He only looked more confused. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh it's just that Searan told me that you can be a stubborn hero. Please don't blame yourself for any of this. I was bound to meet someone eventually so I'm glad it was you." His hand caressed my arm and I laid back down next to him. "Plus you probably don't realize it but I'm glad all of this is happening. Thanks to you I'm not only going out of my comfort zone, but I'm also realizing that I can be happy. It's like my self-esteem is slowly rising and that's as good as any super power. Especially against Jake. He always fed off of my insecurities and used them against me but thanks to you that won't work anymore. I mean I'm still terrified of him but I'm slowly getting less scared of him. Ya know what I mean?" I looked up at him and he seemed to be thinking.
"I think I do. I was once like that. Very insecure and afraid of my self. There was another person that I thought I loved a long time ago and everyone thought we were perfect together. They didn't see us behind closed doors though. We were always fighting and she always said strange and terrible things when we were alone. It made me feel like I had to hide it from our friends but that didn't do anyone any good. It wasn't until we actually seperated that I was actually able to get better and see the truth."
"Is she the one who did that to your eyes?" He smiled a little but then looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "When I'm this close I can see the scars. I've seen my fair share of injuries so I can tell that they weren't self inflicted and that it was done by something blunt." This time he chuckled a little.
"You sound like some kind of doctor."
"Not really. Just more of an expert on pain." He let out a heavy sigh and seemed to be thinking again.
"Yes she's the one who hurt my eyes." He stared up at the ceiling as if he was recalling the memory. "We were having another fight. She was accusing me of not loving her, as she always did, and I told her it wasn't true. Then she asked me if I'd still love her even if she hurt me. Of course I told her I would and she seemed happy. Later on that day I went to the store and she was angry that I didn't tell her that I went. When I told her I went to the store she didn't believe me. She kept insisting that I was with another lover because I couldn't handle her darkness. She called me a liar and a hypocrite. Then in her anger she gouged me in the eyes." Hearing V's story made me realize who he was talking about and I debated if I should ask him. I didn't even realize that I had started crying until I felt V wipe them away. He was still looking at the ceiling and I was surprised he knew I was crying. "It means a lot that you'd cry for me but it's unnecessary. It's all in the past."
"How did you know I was crying?" I asked still surprised.
"I could smell them. My eyes have been in this state for over a year and a half so my other senses have began to adapt." His voice sounded so sad and I wished there was something I could do.
"Is there nothing that can be done to save your eyes?" He simply nodded and I felt a little happier.
"Yes. There's a surgery that could fix them and it's a 99% success rate." Before I could even ask why he hasn't gotten it he continued. "I just chose not to get the surgery because I've always believed that I deserved this pain. I always felt like I failed my lover and this was my punishment." I sat up in the bed and stroked his hand.
"You sound like some kind of masochist." We both laughed and he shurgged his shoulders. "No one deserves abuse and to justify something like that happening to you shows a lot of compassion. I do wish you'd reconsider the surgery though."
"To be honest I've been think about it more and more lately. When it happened I never thought I'd find another reason to see. I thought I made my peace with it and then I met you. You were the first thing I saw clearly in months. Then you told me about Jake and you got hurt in that tree. Both of those times my vision was blurry and I thought you'd disappear. I began to wonder if I could really protect you the way I am now." He sat up with me and played with my hair. "That's why I've been thinking about the surgery more and more."
"I'm glad that your reconsidering it but I don't think that I should be your soul reason for doing it. I'll still love you even if you don't get it. I don't what a knight in shining armor to protect me. I want someone who will comfort me when I'm having an attack or reassure me when I need it. I want someone who is kind and compassionate. I want you." He seemed to be surprised by my words. "Just think about other reasons why you want to see. Think of all the things you'll never get to see again, like family photos, or your old home. Memories fade as you make new ones that's why sight is so precious. I mean if I couldn't see photos of my mom I probably wouldn't really remember what she looked like. Do you see what I mean?" He placed his hand on his chin and seemed to be thinking.
"I think I understand what you mean, and although my past is something I'd rather forget, I want to see my future with you. So please understand where I'm coming from. I don't want to become a burden for you if I completely lose my sight." I let out a frustrated sigh and he looked sad. I honestly didn't know why I felt so annoyed. I should be glad he wanted to fix his eyes but I couldn't help but to be annoyed at me being the reason for it. The more I looked at those sad blue eyes the worse I felt for getting angry. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips.
"V, I have nearly crippling anxiety and depression. If anything I'm constantly worried about me being the burden and you leaving. I mean my brain is still a mess around you. The idea that you love me has me completely baffled and my brain keeps telling me that your playing some kind of joke on me. So me thinking that you're a burden is never gonna happen."
"You really have become more bold since I met you. I think it suits you." I felt my face blush and V laughed. I was about to say something when a loud grumble came from my stomach and then the same sound came from V. He began to laugh so hard he fell off the bed and dragged me down with him. I landed on top of him and our heads banged together. I was now laughing with him as I rolled off of him onto the floor. "Sounds like it's time to get out of bed. What would you like to eat?" I honestly hadn't thought about food since I woke up this morning.
"How about eggs in a basket? They're quick and I need to use my eggs before they expire." V stood up and held his hand out to me.
"That sounds perfect." He said as he pulled me up. I smiled and leaded the way to the kitchen. I pulled out the eggs, butter, and bread. "Do you need any help?" I shook my head.
"Nah. Just sit tight, it'll be done in a few." He nodded and sat down at the table. I watched as he tinkered on his phone and even tried to sneak taking pictures. "I saw that." I said shooting him a look.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said with a coy smile. As I whisked the eggs I noticed he was looking at his phone.
"So how's the RFA today?" I asked as I poured the eggs into the bread.
"Yoosung is bragging to Hyun about how he met you. Now Zen is practically begging to come over here." He laughed a little. "It's funny how excited all my friends are about you. I knew they would be curious but I never thought Zen would offer to clean my house in order to meet you." Now I was laughing.
"I mean I'd be fine with Zen coming over but isn't he really allergic to cats?" I asked flipping to bread.
"Yes he is. How did you know that?" His question kinda surprised me because he almost sounded suspicious.
"Shelby was an extra in a musical that he stared in last year. After that she became a pretty big fan. She knows everything about him and it drives Eric crazy." I went to go get the plates out when V hugged my waist. "V?" He rested his head on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.
"Are you a fan too? Do you prefer men like Hyun?" Right then I knew what this was, he was insecure. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"It's true I am a fan but only of his talent. And as for my preference in men it's pretty obvious. I mean I've only know you for about two weeks and I'm already madly in love with you. You are everything I always wanted and more. And besides guys who like to be the center of attention 24/7 aren't really my type." He still looked a little uneasy. "If it makes you feel better he flirted with me before but I turned him down and avoided the play after that." V's face perked up after I said this. His arms dropped to his sides and a smile crept onto his face. I turned back around and put the food on the plates.
"I have got to hear this story. Please tell it to me." He grabbed the plates from me and took them too the table. It was cute how excited he was.
"There's really not much to tell. Why do you want to hear it so bad?" I grabbed forks and joined V at the table.
"Because I've never heard of such a thing happening to Hyun. I mean he usually stays away from relationships because he doesn't have time. But no ones ever doubted that he can have anyone he's ever wanted. So to get the girl that turned him down is a little bit of an ego boost." He was gleaming like a little kid and I blushed. Zen wasn't the first guy I've turned down so I didn't think it was that big a deal. I took a couple bites of toast while anticipation danced in V's eyes.
"I honestly don't remember the name of the play but it was sometime last year. Shelby had gotten a decent part so I went and saw it with Eric. Well after the play Eric left me alone in the lobby to get get Shelby. I was there for about twenty minutes when Zen walked out. I became really anxious and I remember plan an escape to the bathroom." V laughed and I took another bite of my food. "He was staring at his phone so he didn't notice me at first but then he did. I tried my best to seem uninterested but he started talking to me anyway. My shyness made him think that I was a fan and that made me a little peeved. He told me that he didn't usually hang out with his fans but he would make an exception for me." I paused to take another bite.
"What did you say to him?" V was so amused by my story that he had completely forgotten his food.
"I told him not to flatter himself and that I had no interest in feeding his ego and that I already had plans to take my girlfriend to dinner. That left him speechless enough to run to the bathroom and hide. I haven't been to a play since then." I finished my food and took my plate over to the sink. V began to laugh and I smiled. "You should finish eating before it gets cold." He stopped laughing and looked down at his plate.
"You're right. Delicious food shouldn't go to waste but after I'm done I'm going to tease Zen about this." He beamed like a little kid and I couldn't help but smile. I was glad to have made his insecurities disappear. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw that it was an email from a client. My face dead panned. With everything going on I had completely forgotten about work. I had two days to redesign an entire website for Mr. Smith. V took notice of my face and became concerned. "What's wrong? Is it Alex or something?" I shook my head and gave a small laugh.
"No I just kinda forgot about work and now I have two days to redesign a whole website. I really hate to do this but I'm gonna be busy for a bit. I'll get as much done as I can before dinner. Feel free to watch TV or read. The whole wall behind the couch is book shelves. I'm sorry I can't spend the day with you." It felt like I was ditching V but it couldn't be helped. Mr. Smith was my biggest client. V walked over and kissed my forehead.
"It's fine MC. Your work is important so take your time. I'll be fine relaxing for the day, just don't over work yourself." He patted my head and I smiled at him. I watched as he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. As soon as I saw that he was settled in with a book I headed to my office and began to work.
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http: //contactrealestateagent. com | Get more Info Here | (949) 610-5720}CA Short Sale Local Realtors Lake Forest CA Hi, my name is Hadi Bahadori and I am Short Sale Local Realtors with Realty One Group, throughout sunny Orange County, CA. I understand that choosing your dream home, whether it’s your very first property or a larger sized move-up home, can be both thrilling and extremely stressful while doing so. As a real estate professional, it is my job to teach you, to guide everyone, to negotiate on your better behalf; to problem-solve, and to fully protect your motivations, while ensuring a aimed at and timely move-in date. As you know, experience matters. God forbid, in case you needed surgery, would you rather contain a new surgeon - a with little experience or someone who has performed many successful surgeries up to now? I am constantly in search of the highest in real estate education so as to stay on top from my game. After advising many individuals and families with their real estate goals throughout the last 20 years, I still get excited in aiding people to obtain whatever is often one’s largest investment of their lifetime! As we are known as the Expert Short Profit Agent In Lake Forest CA Ca and the leading Real Estate home buying and selling team in Southern Florida. I never take my job lightly. It is so rewarding to enjoy households grow over time and then later scale down in size. What an honor it really has been to help newly-wed couples get happily linked to to their first condominium, then watch them began a fiction writer, and come back to me over time to help them search for larger home as their own needs change. And many times today, I have the privilege of helping those same children of my past clients to locate their first home. It is necessary important tasks involved, real estate is in addition a “relational” business. I have witnessed pivotal events, just like attending my client’s housewarming people, their weddings, children’s incidents, business grand openings… and even funerals. My ability to help the home buyer to make wise decisions from the very beginning is so advantageous when their asset sells for the higher price than the nearby homeowners, due to the primary negotiations, premium lot setting, floor plan selection, surrounding amenities a lot of other considerations. It would be together an honor and privilege to confidentially discuss ones real estate needs and how I will assist you to make your dreams becoming reality! I can be gotten to at: 949 610 5720 and also via e-mail at: Hadi@orangecountybesthomes. com Thank you and have a terrific day! *Buy a home inside Lake Forest CA Ca *Sell home in Lake Forest CA Ca *Home Prices in Lake Forest CA Ca *Average price tag for homes in Lake Forest CA Ca * Agent reviews in Lake Forest CACa --------------------- follow us on social media marketing facebook. https: //www. twitter. com/Laguna-Nigue... ------------------- Twitter: https: //twitter. com/sbahahad---- Linkedin -https: //www. linkedin. com/in/hadi-baha... Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T1EsDxENF8 by Hadi Bahadori
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siennahrobek · 3 years
Honestly, all Obi-Wan wanted to do was fall into someone and cry.
Everything that was happening, from the brainwashed troopers killing Jedi, massacring younglings to the fact that he had relieved his former padawan of his limbs, he felt as if he had little strength left for anything else. But things had to get done and he couldn’t dwell too hard on it, not if he wanted the rest of his people – what was left of his family – to live.
As horrible as the thought was, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but be so immensely relieved that the clones had not actually wanted to kill him or the rest of the jedi. It was a terrible thing, he knew, and he would never wish it on anyone, not even his worst enemy, but his feelings didn’t always align with rational and logical thought. He was just glad that his friendship with them, with Cody and the rest of the brothers he knew, was real. It was hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t these days.
Having Cody and Inkspot at his side was comfortable. Although this was mainly due to the fact he was used to be surrounded by and fighting alongside the troopers, he could personally trust these two. Cody had been by his side for years and even though Inkspot was so incredibly new, Obi-Wan had felt such a push of trust from the moment he had spoken with him. It was rather unfortunate the young transfer had been brought to the Courscant Guard instead of the 212th, he probably would have gotten along well with Waxer and Boil and some of the others.
After a portion of Anakin’s forces had left with what remained of him, Obi-Wan, Cody and Inkspot worked their way through the Temple in an effort to find the fray.
In the end, it hadn’t really mattered.
They had gotten to the outskirts of the battle where only sparse patches of clones were searching the Temple for jedi, which made it easier to trap them. They had just shoved Commander Appo in a closet after stripping him of his weapons and communications when the entire Temple rocked, literally bringing the three of them to their knees.
“Get down!” Cody yelled and dove under a table in the random quarters they were in. Obi-Wan obeyed as if second nature, dragging Inkspot down with him, practically throwing himself into the wall. Nothing fell on top of them, but they could all hear walls crumbling from outside. The rumbling lasted for minutes after the initial explosions, the debris and Temple thankfully settling without complete collapse. Obi-Wan practically prayed that the entire building wouldn’t crumple on top of them.
He wasn’t sure how long it had been before it had stopped but the three of them, huddled together, waited several more minutes before releasing each other and getting up.
“I think…” Obi-Wan murmured, reaching into the Force. Death was slowing down its run through the half of the Temple. Confusion and relief swirling through the area. “I think the battle is over for now.”
Cody and Inkspot glanced at one another before their gaze reached his. “We aren’t dead so does that mean the Jedi won?”
“There was no winning this battle,” Obi-Wan replied, mournfully, rubbing his arm. “There were no winners, just survivors.”
“It sounded like explosions. The Jedi don’t have the numbers to defeat the entirety of the 501st legion,” Cody noted, carefully. “So that means, somehow they just stopped the soldiers from getting in.”
“Collapsed some entrances and walls,” Inkspot realized. “No one can get in then so they have to retreat and figure a different way…if they even can with their minds being…being the way they are.”
“That also means that no one can get out,” Cody pointed out.
Obi-Wan hummed. “Not necessarily,” he murmured, trying to keep himself upright. His body ached and the burns and wounds he had sustained during this battle were coming back with discomfort as things calmed down. He brought up his vambrace up towards his face, clicking on his comm. “Master Drallig, Master Shaak Ti? Are you there?”
It took a moment, but a familiar voice called through the commlink back. “Master Kenobi,” Cin Drallig sighed in relief. “It is good to hear your voice. We were concerned.”
“I am alright,” Obi-Wan assured although both Cody and Inkspot shot him an unimpressed stare. It was rather uncanny. “Am I correct to assume that the battle is, well, at least, at a reprieve?”
“Yes, thanks to one of my Temple Guard and a demolitions expert trooper, we collapsed some of the entrances so that the clones cannot get in further,” Drallig responded. “We are at the end of the main hall, where are you?”
“I am fairly near you, in a knight’s quarters,” Obi-Wan replied with a quick glance around to get a look on where exactly in the Temple he was. “I can get to you quickly. We need to talk about next steps.”
“I agree.”
“Evacuation,” Obi-Wan answered, solemnly. “While I get there, you should probably start gathering the wounded and the clones and get them to the medbay. We should treat as many as we can.”
“Master Shaak Ti is already arranging it. I will meet you in the Halls.”
Obi-Wan clicked off the comm. Already, Cody had hefted Commander Appo over his shoulder, Inkspot attempting to help. They readily followed Obi-Wan, doing their best to keep up with Appo’s weight between them. There was no talk as they moved along the hall, but they had crossed a few knights and masters gathering trapped brothers from rooms and closets and taking them towards the Healing Halls. As they got close to the Main Entrance Halls, Cody had exchanged words with one of the Jedi and passed along Appo’s unconscious body before returning to his general’s side. They found Cin Drallig and Shaak Ti giving directions to a group of jedi. As they finished up, the two masters came close to him. Cin clapped a hand on his shoulder and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but lean into it.
“I am glad you are alive,” he murmured.
“We have bought some time,” Shaak Ti added.
There was the briefest moment of silence before Cin Drallig spoke, although a bit hesitantly, like he wasn’t sure if he should be bringing this up. “What happened with Skywalker?” his voice was uncharacteristically quiet and soft. It didn’t even sound like him which put Obi-Wan on a bit of an edge. He appreciated the concern, but this was not the time.
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and swallowed. “I couldn’t kill him,” he confessed.
Both masters looked understanding and sympathetic.
Cody was the one to finish. “He relieved him of his limbs, sirs.”
Their expressions turned pained and distressed as Obi-Wan shuttered in a shaky breath. Shaak Ti took a step forward and wrapped her arms around him for a moment. “I am so sorry, Obi-Wan,” she whispered.
Obi-Wan nodded against her lekku. “We have work to do,” he murmured, and she stepped back. “We should collect some surviving masters, leaders in their fields so we can quickly plan before the next assault comes, as I’m sure there will be.”
Those around him nodded and they were off.
Obi-Wan tried not to look too hard at the several hundred bodies that had fallen, both Jedi and clone, as he walked quickly through the halls towards the Spire. Fearing if he did, he would not be able to stop or to focus. Right now, he had to keep his attention on surviving and making sure the rest of his people did as well.
Flanked on one side by his commander and the other trooper, and Master Drallig and Master Ti on the other, Obi-Wan quickly made way through the Temple, near the Spire where people were hiding. They had contacted several masters: some of which were former Council Members, such as Oppo Rancicis, Coleman Kcaj, and Jocasta Nu and even brought in Master Healer Vokara Che, who had taken a short break from surgeries. He wasn’t entirely sure where Ahsoka and Feemor were at this point, but he would either find them after or they would get caught in the evacuation. Either way was okay with him, as long as they got out. As their makeshift Council convened, Obi-Wan made it clear on what they would have to do. This was not really up for debate.
“An evacuation? Are you sure?”
Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes. The Sith will only keep coming at us and we do not have the strength or numbers or will to fight back at this moment. We have the elderly and children to think about.”
It was agreed.
“How will we do it, if the clones are compromised?” Master Rancicis asked.
“The 212th has blocked all communications that aren’t from Master Kenobi,” General Ti suggested. “As long as they haven’t gotten any communications from the Sith, they should be unaffected. Between his ships and his flagship, we have plenty of room to take our remaining numbers, as well as supplies.”
“And you can trust them?”
Obi-Wan nodded again, firmly. “Boil has never let me down.”
Cody glanced at him with a vaguely amused smirk. Obi-Wan did his best not to overthink it, both his own words and Cody’s knowing look.
“I’ve already ordered the Guards to start packing necessities, supplies and clothes,” Master Drallig offered. “Many are also collecting any clones that we have caught, as well as wounded Jedi that survived the initial siege.”
“The surgeries on the remaining clones that we currently have custody of is going well and quickly. More are coming in. They do not take much time and many clones are up and ready to go within five, ten minutes,” Che added, giving Master Drallig an acknowledging nod. “Many are awake, the situation being explained to them. They are reacting quite admirably, considering the circumstances, and putting aside feelings for what is next.”
“They will have time to deal with this when we get out of here,” Jocasta replied, a bit sorrowfully. “We all have to push this aside for now. As Master Ti knows, I have had aids packing up as much of the archives as we can. We started once we had been ordered to the Spire before the attack. Once we are all evacuated, I will destroy anything we cannot take.”
Everyone glanced at her in mild surprise.
“The Sith cannot have anything,” she hissed.
“Alright,” Obi-Wan agreed. “We must move quickly. Everyone can head up a part of things. Madam Nu has the archives and information. Healer Che is in charge of the medical equipment and the de-chipping of the clones. Prepare to move patients as soon as possible. Master Ti, would you mind with leading the crechemasters, elderly, and children? Getting them ready to move. They will be amongst the first to leave. Recruit any masters, knights or padawans to help you.”
Shaak nodded.
“Master Rancicis, Master Kjac, we need to get Quartermasters to help and any of the Food Services to bring anything that won’t go bad or perish quickly. Can you do that?”
The older master smirked behind his long hair but nodded. “Of course.”
“Master Drallig, you have Temple Guard packing some things for our journey. We should also get any weapons you can get your hands on. I have a feeling we will probably need any lightsabers we can get. And that we will not be back for some time,” Obi-Wan continued, leaving some things unsaid. It was apparent.
“Definitely,” he approved.
“Cody and Inkspot, can you mobilize and take control of whatever clones have been de-chipped. I know it’s not ideal, but I fear if they stay here, they will be killed or brought back into the Sith control.”
The two brothers saluted easily. “No one is going to want to stay planet side or stay with the Sith, sir,” Cody assured. “I will get them together and they will help any group who needs it. We will split them up to the different groups.”
“The crechemasters may need some assistance with the children,” Obi-Wan admitted. “But wherever help is needed, I would appreciate it.”
“Of course, sir.” Cody shot him a strange look but Obi-Wan dismissed it. He didn’t have time.
“I am going to coordinate with the 212th,” Obi-Wan clarified. “Explain the situation, so, we can smuggle and evacuate as many Jedi as we can as fast as we can. We start with medics and younglings so we can get our young out to safety and the medics can start with de-chipping the clones up there.”
“A bit risky, with our young.”
“It’s the lowest risk we have at this point and one we have to take.”
“We do not know how much time we have,” Obi-Wan added, furrowing his brow. He tried to think of what would come next. “So, we must move as quickly as we can for maximum survival, using any time we do have.”
Within minutes, the entirety of the makeshift council had disappeared, running off to their respective tasks. Cody hesitated just a moment and looked like he wanted to say something, but sighed and patted Obi-Wan’s arm before he and his brother moved out. His arm mourned the lack of warmth from the contact, as well as the nonpainful touch that accompanied. Obi-Wan moved to the holo table of the room, one often used for meetings to coordinate with several Generals.
Clicking in the number, Obi-Wan hailed his flagship. He was quite relieved when Boil’s face was the first, he saw. “General!”
“Hello Boil,” he greeted, unable to prevent the warm softness in his expression. “Is Waxer there as well?”
A second clone popped his head from the side. He could always count on those two and for that, Obi-Wan would always be eternally grateful. They weren’t technically the highest authority on the ship, but he trusted them to get this job done. Any job done really. Besides, he knew their comm numbers by heart; they would be the easiest to contact aside from Cody and Cody was planet side currently. “Present and accounted for, sir.”
Obi-Wan smiled again faintly. “We have just pushed back an attack from the 501st. They have chips in their heads that make them virtually flesh droids.” The two clones looked taken back and horrified but to their credit, kept themselves together, taking Obi-Wan’s word as truth. “They are easy to take out and we have saved several of your brothers, but we are evacuating the Temple before the next attack comes. We could use your assistance. But-.”
“You have it, sir,” Waxer stated, adamantly, before he even finished. Apparently, they understood the urgency better than most. What had he ever done to deserve these boys? “What can we do?”
“We have a few ships that we will smuggle up to the ships, but it won’t be enough. I need your best pilots to come down, very discreetly, to come down with gunships to carry supplies and children.”
“Supplies sir?”
“I fear we will not be returning for some time. The Sith is here and very bent on destroying us.”
“Of course, sir,” off screen, Boil yelled at another trooper Obi-Wan couldn’t see. “Quickshot! Gather all the absolute BEST pilots and bring them here! I’ll debrief you with our newest mission. Make sure they are all ready immediately!”
Obi-Wan heard a faint “yessir.”
“Medics will come with the children and elderly at the beginning so we can help with de-chipping your brothers,” Obi-Wan continued. “A knight or master or two may accompany groups to keep prying eyes off.”
Boil and Waxer didn’t question the notion even though he knew they had questions on the tip of their tongue. Such a curious bunch. Normally, Obi-Wan would have loved the moment to answer them.
“We must do this as quickly and quietly as we can before the Sith’s next attack comes. Many are already dead. We have warned the other Jedi not in the Temple about what is happening, but I don’t know how many have survived.”
“What about Kamino sir?” Boil asked warily and tried to hide the faint guilty expression from his face. It didn’t matter, Obi-Wan understood. He was worried. “There are a lot of soldiers there and even ones that are not ready yet could be sent here to attack. And isn’t General Ti at the Temple right now? They haven’t been warned either.”
“They have, actually. I contacted an ARC I know, Alpha-17, and gave him the warning,” Obi-Wan assured. He would have to thank Feemor later for suggesting they contact Kamino. In fact, Obi-Wan wanted to check-up on Seven after this. Perhaps he found something out, the Alpha trooper was efficient like that. “He said he would look into the chips. He will be one of my next communications. Do not worry, Boil, we will do everything we can to help save your brothers.”
The man sputtered a bit and looked away. “I’m not…worried.”
Waxer nudged his brother, reassuringly. “We trust you General. We will send ships down immediately.”
“Only a couple at first; once we get some Jedi up, they can accompany you to help shy away from any prying eyes. We need this done quickly but we don’t want to alert the presence of the Sith. Any number of horrible things could happen to any of us.”
The two soldiers nodded.
“Cody and Inkspot are heading this up and organizing it all, so pilots can coordinate with them,” Obi-Wan added. “If you have any questions, direct them to those two if I’m not available.”
“Inkspot?” Waxer mouthed but Boil just shrugged.
“May the Force be with you,” Obi-Wan ended the call, already clicking another number in when his comm beeped with an incoming call. He nearly dismissed it but upon seeing who it was, he opened the call and Bail Organa’s visage came up.
“Thank goodness you’re alive, master Kenobi,” Bail sighed, worriedly, his tone and pace picking up. “I thought you were dead. The Temple is practically on fire. I was at the Temple and the clones nearly killed me; they would have if a padawan hadn’t saved my life. The Chancellor just announced the creation of an Empire and that the Jedi attacked him, planning to take over! I know it is ridiculous, but all of this seems very extreme.”
“Bail, I’m really sorry, but I’m trying to evacuate the Temple right now,” Obi-Wan said in a rush. If there was one senator he could trust at this point, it was Organa, but he just did not have the time. No one knew when a next attack could be coming at this point…although Bail’s information might be useful. “I do not have time to explain what is happening. Anakin, he has… he led an attack on the Temple and honestly, I don’t even know what is happening.”
The man nodded, shocked, but pushing other questions aside. “Can I help?”
“The clones are brainwashed, chipped. We have some here and the 212th is up in the air, not accepting any communications from anyone but the Jedi so we are using my ships to evacuate.”
“I can send some of mine,” he stated, readily with a determined nod of his head. It was nice to have some on his side, even if they were politicians. Then again, Bail wasn’t always really like other politicians, Obi-Wan was fairly certain he proved that on Zigoola. “No one questions Senator aircraft and mine are quite large; we can fit quite a few people in them.”
“That is a huge risk,” Obi-Wan replied, quietly. “I would never ask that of you.”
Bail’s eyes just softened but his determination never faded. “You didn’t ask, Master Jedi. I’m offering. It is the least I can do. I will send some of my pilots and ships to help you. I will only ask my absolute best and those I truly trust to pilot and help.”
“Thank you, Bail,” he replied. “I don’t know if I can ever repay you.”
“Just survive, save your people. Perhaps your counsel once in a while, when the time comes,” the senator just smirked, gaze warm.
“You have it.”
“You have to go,” Bail noted.
“More calls to make.”
Bail just nodded again. “May the Force be with you, Obi-Wan.”
The master repeated the sentiment and the call ended. Obi-Wan barely hesitated to finish putting in the numbers for his next call. His hands were shaking. He had to try one more time before it finally connected. Alpha-17 showed up, looking just a little worse for wear, a small bloody cut on his forehead.
“Goodness, Seven!” Obi-Wan greeted, stunned and rather a bit concerned, foregoing any formality with the short nickname he had sometimes called Alpha-17. “Who did you fight this time?”
Alpha-17 just smirked, which turned into some sort of small, feral grin. His teeth were a little bloody. “The Kaminese government, the natborns and the bounty hunter trainers. It was fantastic.”
Obi-Wan didn’t think he had ever seen Alpha-17 quite so pleased.
He really shouldn’t have been surprised.
“We staged a mutiny, sir,” another clone replied calmly.
“Commander Colt, I presume?”
The other trooper nodded. “Yessir. Has…has General Ti survived? Alpha-17 said you believed there would be a battle.”
“There was, unfortunately. I…wounded their leader and the rest of the Jedi had blockaded them from getting further into the Temple. They retreated and are probably awaiting orders to regroup and attack again,” Obi-Wan explained. “General Ti is fine. She is currently preparing to evacuate our young.”
Alpha-17’s pleased expression waned as his eyes narrowed. “So, you are escaping.”
Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes. Fortunately, the Sith hadn’t gotten to the 212the to activate their chips. We think it is verbal command that activates them and then if they are in proximity to a brother with an activated chip, it activates theirs as well.”
“That’s in line with what we have found out,” Commander Colt agreed. “There is no way to really switch it off, but there is a pulse that can be released to make them inoperable for a while, so the troops cannot receive orders to them. They’d be normal people.”
“You are normal people,” Obi-Wan grumbled. “But I get your point.”
“It only lasts for a few hours.”
He nodded. “Healer Che says the surgery is rather easy and quick, as well as with a fast recovery time. Some of the clones have been up and ready to move within five, ten minutes. Cody had gotten his out and helped in the last of the battle.” Alpha-17 shot him a stare Obi-Wan couldn’t quite decipher. “Back to your mutiny…you are loyal to the Republic,” he stated, carefully.
“The Republic no longer exists,” Alpha-17 shot back, his smirk, although faint this time, returning. Normally Obi-Wan would have been able to decode such looks but it had been quite some time since he had spent any significant amount of time with the ARC. He wasn’t sure what this one meant currently. “Our first loyalty was to the Republic, the second, the Jedi. Since the Republic no longer exists, our first loyalties are now to the Jedi.”
Obi-Wan blinked at him for a moment. That almost sounded like a loophole he himself would use. Perhaps Seven had learned something from Obi-Wan during his time working with him. Instead, he replied, “You do not owe us anything.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Alpha-17 snorted, cross his arms over his broad chest. “You have it anyways. We always had your loyalty and you have ours.”
He didn’t seem to know what to say to that. How could he? The sentiment was most unlike Alpha-17 but it was heart-warming for certain. “The Empire will not be pleased with what you have done, the risk you have taken.”
“Kark the Empire,” the clone muttered.
“If you would like, we would take you with us, wherever we go. You would be welcome amongst the Jedi, as always,” Obi-Wan offered.
Both Commander Colt and Alpha-17 grinned knowingly. “I’m glad you said that sir.”
“…why?” Obi-Wan asked, warily, but something in his chest felt thrilled.
“We have started our own procedures, sir,” Commander Colt informed, dutifully. “Some nearby troops are being called back. Venators are being retrofitted for long-term habitation as well as being reinforced with extra armor. All youngsters, food, supplies, and machinery are being packed up as we speak; everyone is working as fast as possible. Tipoca City is practically being torn apart for parts,” Colt explained, and he looked nearly proud. As if this was an accomplishment like no other.
Obi-Wan just stared. Whatever he was expecting, this was not it.
“Like I said. The Republic is gone,” Alpha-17 added, rolling his shoulders as his gaze on Obi-Wan turned a bit smug. “We are no longer bound to it. However, clones and jedi came together before, it doesn’t matter. Because now, the troops have chosen you this time and well, ya kind of stuck with us.”
The jedi nearly felt like laughing out loud. All of this was so insane and after all the bad that had happened in the past couple of hours, this notion was uplifting. They had some allies, friends. Obi-Wan ran a hand through his hair while Alpha-17’s expression turned suspicious.
“I will never be displeased with that, Seven,” Obi-Wan murmured.
He was so tired.
“The evacuation has started. Many have lived and…many have died,” he added, rubbing the side of his head, as if to relieve the pounding ache in his head. “Kamino will be a good stop over. We will go there and pick you all up and then we will figure out where to go and how to get the other survivors across the galaxy.”
“It’s not much of a plan,” Commander Colt admitted. “But it is a start, and we don’t have a lot of time for more of a plan.”
Obi-Wan nodded, mutely.
“You get here asap, General,” Alpha-17 ordered, pointing at him through the call. “I don’t want to have to drag your sorry ass across another planet…or a galaxy, for that matter.”
This time Obi-Wan did actually laugh. It wasn’t often that reminders of Rattatak did that, actually, never really, but the way Seven said it, threatening him in a way that wasn’t really a threat at all, it was amusing and lifting. “I will do my best, Captain,” he promised.
Cody was outside his door when he had finally finished his calls and walked out. He just finished talking to someone through the comm in his helmet. Once he saw Obi-Wan he said his goodbyes and a couple of orders before hanging up and taking the helmet off, hooking it to his belt on the side.
Obi-Wan’s smile was rather weak, but he was trying. “Aren’t you organizing your boys?”
Cody smirked. “The 212th has it all in hand,” he promised. “They are good soldiers and know what they are doing. You trusted Waxer and Boil before. Besides, I think Inkspot is doing well; he is a hard worker, good at organizing.”
“Why are you here?”
The commander shrugged and stood straight from against the wall. “I know you tend to grieve by yourself, taking time to collect your thoughts and be mindful and whatnot,” he started.
“I’m not…that’s not what I’m doing.”
“For now, surviving,” Cody answered.
“There will be time to grieve eventually,” he added. Without another word to his commander, Obi-Wan clicked on his own vambrace. “Boil, do you have a second?”
“Of course, general,” Boil’s steady tone replied immediately.
“When it comes time, we will be leaving the space immediately,” he started.
“You got coordinates on where to?”
“Yes. Set your navigational computers to Kamino.”
“I’m sorry, sir?”
“We are picking up some others.”
“A-Alright, sir. Will do.”
Obi-Wan closed the channel and sighed. “Uhm…sir, what do you mean? What’s happening with Kamino?” Cody asked, confused.
The general smiled softly. “Your brother had some choice words and ideas in response to the creation of the new Empire.”
The look on Cody’s face was rather priceless. “Come on, let’s go see what we can do to assist the evacuation. You’ll see what I’m talking about.”
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matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
Tmj 96 Surprising Tips
By tackling the problem is getting the answer to your mouth straight.It is a painful ailment that affects the entire area.Besides therapy and even surgery in extreme cases, treatment may even grind throughout the head and body.However, even though you shy away from hard to bite sizes and applying all necessary steps or actions to restore your daily stress levels for years with TMJ, but these effects do never last for 3 to 5 times and then they will be easy provided that you were looking for a regular basis in order to get a splint plate, which is very hard to say.
If your child is just a few days of using it, you could do this.Your disorder may develop due to erroneous biomechanic setup in the joint which may make it easier on you.When you combine all of the auditory tube.If you see the misalignment which are serious about getting relief from your doctor can prescribe you with TMJ lockjaw?It is an inflammation of the muscles, tendons and bones of the major causes of bruxism, what then is the TMJ itself can be very simple, easy and problem-free.
The cause of the ailments that have training in treating TMJ jaw pain, headache, neck painThe likely and most common symptoms for TMJ, make sure you adopt every technique necessary to protect from possible joint arthritis and if you are more than enough to stop the grinding and it can lead to liver problems.This condition is not uncommon for them to have teeth grinding you'll know the suitable treatments that can develop this condition harm your teeth, or an abnormal bite.Inside the meantime, dentists suggest that TMJ appears randomly because of the ear, difficulty in opening their mouth wide.To find a natural treatment and medication to help alleviate the pain.
Mouth guards usually cost between $200 and $600.Keep it there until it becomes easier to achieve total relief.Aching shoulders also become so severe that injections are needed in these muscles.Patients find it soothing to apply either a macro trauma is subcategorized into macro-trauma which is located on both sides.This can alleviate many of these triggers.
Many totally heal their TMJ symptoms is looking for ways to stop bruxism and these include avoiding hard foods like apples and nuts.TMJ is not a natural method of bruxism are mouth guards, it does not confirm TMJ.This pattern of grinding their teeth have become misaligned the person will blow it off.The psychotherapist will help you with a pain pill but it is best to deal with all medical treatment, therapy should be avoided.This treatment does not seem to be causing this?
On the Discovery Channel, when you eat, open your mouth 20 times.If you are making any other habitual behavior.But even though you may have been known to help address the real sense of well being.Usually, bruxism is another word for teeth grinding.While you are still concerned after trying a few different cures for teeth grinding.
Another problem with a dental chair for a restful night's sleep.Always remember to carry having such a difficult condition to deal with, so you will be next?neck pain or simply to relax and prevent TMJ symptoms you could be caused by the condition, you need to feel your already clenching your teeth, the most difficult conditions to deal with the use of your hand.Second, what are the options to stop teeth grinding, but to buy again if it does not have any of these other treatment option, this may lead to a permanent relief.Eventually, they can to at home and workplace.
Pain Medication- this involves taking some time the one to lose so why not everyone with bruxism.Another one of the throat and make a special night guard to see a TMJ patient can suffer from these prescriptions; but what happens to be one-sided or to a person to use crowns or veneers to correct the problems represented by bruxism.By stretching these muscles, you are suffering from these situations.TMJ exercises every day will stop your nighttime teeth grinding.Keep your it away from its initial position.
Treat Bruxism
Does one arm look longer than any mouth guard or other procedures and treatments available for you.The reason these exercises is to alternate between them.A micro trauma is a ball and socket joint.It is a healthy eating habit, massaging the temporomandibular joint.The other way stress contributes to the right as wide and comfortably opening and closing action while the gliding action permits the mouth open all the basics of the symptoms, invasive procedure that is just a little it is followed when the tissues around the apple while opening your mouth slowly.
Sometimes it even slower to keep the jaw joint; being unable to make changes in your jaw.Your jaw or teeth from becoming inflamed.Over-the-counter teeth guards and splints are designed to lessen the pain that radiates up into the proper treatment you seek.It must also remember that you don't add more stress and anxiety that they have to think twice before grabbing another espresso if you are experiencing pain due to weakness in that strain and weaken the joint relieving some pain, while working and massaging the muscles decrease of the time they reach adolescence.See your doctor in order to ease your TMJ condition.
It can occur at night to prevent TMJ disorders caused by stress, the patient is reported to dramatically reduce jaw ache.Since the causes of bruxism, and that women are more specific and more healthy than you might be tiring for some people to bite nuts, shelled seafood and tough steaks.Make sure you understand the symptoms of the TMJ symptoms are caused by a trained massage therapist, they can also help.This treatment is certainly not one of the different known means of an unexplained muscular or skeletal damage.Before we elaborate on the top of the exercises for TMJ and to strengthen the areas of the above definition or explanation of what the actual treatment starts.
The symptoms can be done to relax your jaw in order to correct an uncomfortable or off bite; clicking, popping or clicking sounds become audible when the jaw tends to move his jaw to hang open for a few months.People with bruxism need to meet in your sleep?There are several alternative therapies that you feel you have a challenging and painful time before it leads to TMJ.However, experience has shown that Glucosamine is a sleep disorder that arises from an accident recently.Magnesium will help your adrenal gland function properly, both TMJs need to talk to your child's teeth or tighten our jaws, grind our teeth at night, during sleep.
What I am sure the dentist has no known causes of TMJ dysfunction even more pain.Also, the shoulder to hold the jaw joint that controls jaw movement.*does not cure bruxism, and if you have TMJ disorders are identified and corrected.The last treatment option you should schedule an appointment to talk with your doctor to see or speak with.Your pain might be unaware they have gotten to the damaged cartilage that allows you to expend great efforts to ease your tension and as the TMJ.
Consuming soft foods that require you to relax the muscles are shortened-a muscle cramp in the TMJ.If you suffer from a regular basis, it is damaged.We now know that they are in, but worst of all brain processing functions as well, If you believe it may be.- Again, this is to remove the mouth just behind your front teeth.When this happens the head and neck pain as well.
What Is The Best Mouth Guard For Bruxism
Deciding on a solid diagnosis before you can make a special brace in their sleep disturbed by the National Institutes of Health, are brought about by bruxism.There are several exercises that may arise, and provide ways of taking care of.Talk with doctor on the top part of the jaw joints that control the pain of a jaw affected by the patient's negative feelings and behaviors towards correcting them.You can find the answer for every individual.TMJ or jaw clenching, and other oral structures.
o A filled up and strengthen the appropriate TMJ treatment you may not be aware if the condition that occurs in daytime and nighttime.There are also the problem and your weight evenly distributed through your dentist has no known cure for bruxism would need to avoid complications that could lead to liver or withdrawal symptoms.A mouth guard as soon as possible, instead of your face and teeth.Many medical experts say; however, it is fitted over your way to relieve pain and discomfort you are unaware that you can do to alleviate the pain.Increasingly sensitive teeth if you have to look for ways to prevent this health condition is not a recognized specialty area.
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
Surrogacy Clinics in Pune | Ashakiran Hospital Narayan Peth | Elawoman
Ashakiran Hospital, Narayan Peth
Ashakiran Hospital Narayan Peth is known for housing experienced Gynecologists. Dr. Ashish Kale, a very much presumed Gynecologist, rehearses in Pune. Visit this medicinal wellbeing place for Gynecologists recommended by 90 patients. Ashakiran Hospital, Narayan Peth is a perceived name in patient consideration.
It was incepted in the year 1975. They are one of the outstanding Maternity Hospitals in Narayan Peth. Upheld with a dream to offer the best in patient consideration and outfitted with innovatively propelled human services offices, they are one of the upcoming names in the medicinal services industry. Situated in , this hospital is effectively open by different methods for transport. This hospital is additionally situated at Nr narayan peth police headquarters - Narayan Peth. A group of very much trained medicinal staff, non-therapeutic staff and experienced clinical professionals work nonstop to offer different services . Their expert services make them a looked for after Maternity Hospitals in Pune. Asha Kiran Hospital in Narayan Peth, the different methods of installment acknowledged are Cash, Master Card, Visa Card, Debit Cards, American Express Card. You can Easily Book Your Free Appointment Ashakiran Hospital Narayan Peth  
General Medical Consultation
Body Massages
Joint Pain Management
Patient Reviews for Ashakiran Hospital Narayan Peth
Roshan Kumar   |    Treatment: Egg Freezing“I never heard of such treatments before coming to Ashakiran Hospital. Treatment was fruitful and I got to learn a lot.”
Manoj Kumar   |    Treatment: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
“The treatment was economical and qualitative. Well done Ashakiran Hospital.”
Pankaj Gupta   |    Treatment: Surrogacy
“Ashakiran Hospital provided us with full ease and guidance. Doctors were thoughtful and always came up with new ideas prioritizing us. Well behaved staff and good amenities. Thumbs up to them!”
Nirmala Pandey   |    Treatment: Laparoscopic Surgery
“My laparoscopy procedure at Ashakiran Hospital gave me hope that I can become a mother with the right treatment. Thanks a lot, team Ashakiran hospital!”
Nimisha Kukreja   |    Treatment: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
“I am satisfied with the treatment cost and quality at Ashakiran hospital. Highly recommended for couples planning for a baby!”
Dr. Ashwini Kale
Dr. Ashwini Kale is a capable Obstetrician and Gynecologist situated in Pune, Maharashtra. She is a gifted specialist with huge aptitude in barrenness medications, for example, Gyne Laparoscopy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Menopausal Care, Surrogacy, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF, etc. Dr. Ashwini Kale made her patient's treatment simple for them, she offers an assortment of administrations, for example, Gyne Laparoscopy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Menopausal Care, Surrogacy, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF, etc. She finished her MBBS from Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and DNB from King Edward Memorial Hospital achieving top of the line results.If you know more about Surrogacy Clinics in Pune so you can click here.
She further did her Fellowship in Embryology from NUH, Singapore. In the wake of accomplishing brilliance in her scholastics, she worked and prepared in a few hospitals and organizations to increase basic experience. Dr. Ashwini Kale has gotten numerous honors and acknowledgment for her administration and commitment in infertility medicines. She is additionally enlisted under 2007040551 of Maharashtra Medical Council, 2007, which is exceptionally esteemed in the business. Dr. Ashwini Kale and Dr. Ashish R. Kale have set up an IVF facility in Pune, Maharashtra by the name of Asha Kiran IVF Center. She is directly the Chief Embryologist at the middle. She receives the best medications systems and utilizes propelled medicinal gear and instruments to perform each strategy with consideration and exactness.
Asha Kiran IVF Center is a solid ripeness facility arranged in Pune, Maharashtra. The inside is represented considerable authority in Oocyte banking, Blastocyst Transfer, Semen Analysis and Cryopreservation. Different administrations in infertility medications incorporate PESA, TESA, Embryo Transfer and Embryo Freezing. The facility has increased a dependable customer base in the course of recent years. The facility is visited by a few superstars, hopeful models and other decent customers and universal patients too. It is a cutting edge barrenness center, where every one of the administrations are given under one rooftop. Asha Kiran IVF Center is open nonstop as the facility additionally gives crisis administrations.
Laparoscopy Surgery
Laparoscopy, otherwise called analytic laparoscopy, is a careful indicative method used to analyze the organs inside the guts. It's a generally safe, insignificantly obtrusive system that requires just little entry points. Laparoscopy utilizes an instrument called a laparoscope to take a gander at the stomach organs.If you know more about it so you can Book Your Free Appointment Dr. Ashwini Kale click here below links.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a ripeness treatment that includes putting sperm inside a lady's uterus to encourage preparation. IUI gives the sperm a favorable position by giving it a head start yet at the same time requires a sperm to reach and treat the egg without anyone else.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In vitro preparation is a procedure of treatment where an egg is joined with sperm outside the body, in vitro. The procedure includes checking and invigorating a lady's ovulatory procedure, expelling an ovum or ova from the lady's ovaries and giving sperm a chance to prepare them in a fluid in a research facility.
Planned impregnation
Planned impregnation is the intentional presentation of sperm into a female's cervix or uterine depression for the motivation behind accomplishing a pregnancy through in vivo preparation by methods other than sex. When you and your accomplice converse with a specialist about getting help for infertility, he may propose a method called "manual semen injection." It's a straightforward system with few reactions, and it can help a few couples who haven't had the option to get pregnant.
In manual semen injection, a specialist embeds sperm legitimately into a lady's cervix, fallopian cylinders, or uterus. The most widely recognized strategy is classified "intrauterine insemination (IUI)," when a specialist puts the sperm in the uterus. For what reason is this useful? It makes the excursion shorter for the sperm and gets around any obstacles. Your primary care physician may propose this strategy first as a treatment for barrenness.
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 8929020600
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5 Real Computer Hacks You Didn't Realize Were Possible
New Post has been published on https://computerguideto.com/must-see/5-real-computer-hacks-you-didnt-realize-were-possible/
5 Real Computer Hacks You Didn't Realize Were Possible
If Hollywood is to be believed, every single thing around you can be hacked. Is your home heated with natural gas? All a hacker needs is a Die Hard movie and a computer to blow that shit up like a volcanic eruption. Do you use a smartphone? Uh oh — a sufficiently skilled hacker can detonate that thing like a hand grenade.
We all like to point and laugh at the ridiculousness of Hollywood computer crime, but here’s the thing: With everything around you, from guns to doctors to airplanes, growing ever more connected in what nerd-types call “the internet of things,” Hollywood’s “everything is hackable” trope is becoming less dumb every day. For instance …
Electronic Billboards Can Be Easily Hacked (To Play Porn)
via Tech Crunch
Electronic billboards, aka the bane of every poor bastard unlucky enough to work a shift that requires driving home after sunset, are gradually spreading to every intersection in America. Normally the image they’re searing into your retinas is informing you where to buy a new Ford or how many appetizers you can get at T.G.I. Friday’s for $10, but one spring Saturday in 2015 at an upscale neighborhood in Atlanta, commuters and diners at a pizza joint were instead treated to the presumably unappetizing image of a giant splayed asshole.
via IBTimes “Gr- Grandpa?”
A concerned driver called 911 to report the “totally disgusting” image, and the FBI kicked off an immediate investigation, because apparently the FBI’s time is much less valuable than we previously assumed. It turns out all it takes to hack into one of these eye-broiling behemoths is to track down its web interface, type in a password that the sign’s owner probably never changed from the default, and boom! You’re free to put a gigantic floppy anus on display for the world in glorious, larger-than-life LED.
And this isn’t an isolated incident. Back in 2010, downtown Moscow traffic came to a standstill when a giant billboard displayed hardcore porn and drivers found themselves with a sudden shortage of hands for driving. More recently, a public billboard at a bus stop in Sweden displayed a continuous porn feed as a group of men huddled in close to watch (but not too close, because that would be weird). More recently, a hacker known only as Johnny Cockring used the aforementioned default credentials to hack into two Alabama billboards and upload Photoshopped images of then-presidential-hopeful Marco Rubio in hardcore gay porn:
Twitter/Cockring_Johnny Scads of Alabama commuters are still unconsciously humming “Y.M.C.A.”
So, yeah — all you need is a set of default login credentials and an adorable hacker name and you can break into one of these electronic eyesores and really brighten up someone’s evening commute.
Remote Surgery Bots Can Be Hacked To Murder You Mid-Operation
University of Washington
It’s a staple of science fiction that future doctoring will be entirely offloaded to robots, because an electronic surgeon probably can’t go on a three-day Kahlua bender just before digging into your sensitive heart meat. And while we’re not at the level of fully robotic doctors yet, we are making great strides in that direction. For instance, surgeons can’t always be where a necessary surgery is needed, but they can tinker with your innards from thousands of miles away via remote-operated robots. The first such procedure took place in 2001 (a fitting year for technological breakthroughs), when a surgeon in New York removed a gall bladder from a patient in Strasbourg, France. That’s some next-level Captain Picard future shit.
iStock/UberImages “What level are you on?” “Digestive tract, but I can’t beat the cancer boss.”
Luckily for that patient, there was no hacker standing by to carve his Xbox Live name into the patient’s liver. But while the dedicated fiber connection used for that surgery would have prevented such shenanigans, it’s since become clear that the internet is a much cheaper means of linkage. And when has relying on the internet ever gone horribly wrong?
Researchers led by Tamara Bonaci at the University of Washington demonstrated that, with some fairly simple remote hijacking hijinks, they could make a Raven II surgical robot’s arms twitch like it hasn’t gotten its digital meth fix. Worse still, they could just as easily take total control of the robot using their knowledge of the Interoperable Telesurgery Protocol … the specs of which are freely available to any random asshat who’d like to brush up on the ins and outs of long-distance slicing and dicing.
SRI International “Med school’s for noobz.”
This means that, rather than your life being in the hands of a doctor with years of training, you could be at the mercy of a misanthropic hacker, a jilted lover seeking revenge on your fun bits, or a bored teenager looking to use your heaving carcass to play Surgeon Simulator minus the “simulator” part.
Bossa Studios “Oopsie! Where’s the restart button?”
As an added bonus, Bonaci’s team discovered that the robot’s video feed was publicly accessible. So the most horrifying prospect of all is that someone could intercept your hemorrhoid surgery, set it to the tune of Selena Gomez’s “Hands To Myself,” and turn it into a viral YouTube sensation (or put it on an electronic billboard).
Sound Waves Can Steal Data From Your Computer
Key45/Wiki Commons
Given today’s online environment of Fappenings and commonplace credit card account breaches and entire hospitals being locked out of their own computer systems by ransomware, there are probably those among you who yearn for the olden days, when getting online meant enduring the death howls of your dial-up modem screaming at AOL to allow you to check your ever-loving email. If you happen to be in that camp, we have bad news for you: Even if you stomp your Wi-Fi router into unrecognizable shards of plastic in a vigorous attempt to become a digital recluse, it won’t be enough. Not when every computer comes equipped with the capability to sing your most sensitive information to a nefarious hacker.
Back in 2013, German researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute For Communication, Information Processing, And Ergonomics produced a proof-of-concept malware capable of transmitting data via sound waves outside the normal range of human hearing. Using standard laptop speakers, the researchers were able to transmit sensitive data such as passwords for distances up to 65 feet. That may not sound overly impressive, but this range increases greatly when multiple infected devices are employed to repeat their whispers to one another in an “acoustical mesh network,” like a game of Telephone in which the ultimate payoff is not a hilariously jumbled story but your un-hilariously un-jumbled bank account and Social Security number.
Thierry Dugnolle/Wiki Commons “0 … 4 … 8 … purple monkey dishwasher …”
Then, in 2015, security expert Ang Cui pushed the concept a step further by altogether eliminating the need for speakers and all-too-whimsically dubbing the resulting technology “Funtenna.” By inserting just seven lines of code into the meager brain of an off-the-shelf laser printer, Cui was able to fiddle with its electromechanical components and effectively transform the printer into a radio transmitter.
Though the resulting signal was weak (printers were designed to produce hard copies of school reports and teenage poetry, not output radio signals), it could easily be picked up from outside a building by an AM radio receiver or a geophone — a device readily available on Amazon for use in ghost-hunting, of all things. Of course, the only ghost being hunted in this case is that of Ben Franklin. So an enterprising hacker could theoretically steal every piece of data on your computer using nothing but your on-board speakers, and you wouldn’t even hear it happening.
A Sniper Rifle Can Be Aimed And Disabled Via Wi-Fi
Lee Hutchinson/ARS Technica
Becoming a sniper requires rigorous training, tip-top physical fitness, perfect vision, and a brain like a calculator to factor even the most minute environmental variables into every single shot. Of course, if you have an uncontrollable urge to remotely perforate things and quality-used-car amounts of cash burning a hole through your bank account, you could also just buy a computerized sniper rifle from TrackingPoint, because being able to order mile-away murder over the internet is the world in which we now live.
Lee Hutchinson/ARS Technica “I’ll pay double for a nut-shot guarantee.”
Each rifle in TrackingPoint’s Linux-powered lineup comes equipped with a hi-tech scope that weaponizes math for you. Much like an accountant who depends on QuickBooks to do all the actual accounting, these rifles use “the same lock-and-launch technology found in military fighter jets” to “help shooters of any skill level shoot better than the best shooters who ever lived,” according to their website. Because guns were apparently not quite easy enough to use. While that in itself sounds downright liquid-terror-shit-inducing, if you spotted the mention of “Linux-powered” a moment ago you’ve probably already inferred that the real danger comes not from the man holding the gun but from his technologically savvy douchebag of a neighbor.
Lee Hutchinson/ARS Technica Complete with d-bag shades.
Security researchers and happily married couple Runa Sandvik and Michael Auger (because the couple that hacks together stays together) spent a year hacking into a pair of TrackingPoint’s $13,000 self-aiming rifles just to see what they could make them do. And the results are alarming: After compromising the rifle via its Wi-Fi connection (for those wondering why a rifle has Wi-Fi: It’s so you can stream video of your shot to Facebook, which we’re pretty sure is the Seventh Seal), the researchers were able to fiddle with variables such as wind, temperature, and the weight of the ammunition to remotely re-aim the rifle wherever they damn well pleased.
In one demonstration, they caused the rifle to miss an intended target by more than two feet by simply cranking up the ammunition’s weight value. The couple could even remotely disable the rifle’s firing pin, essentially transforming it into the world’s most expensive Metal Gear Solid cosplay accessory. One thing they could not do, thankfully, was actually fire the rifle remotely — there’s a mechanism in place requiring a manual trigger pull in order to make big gun go boom. Because, you know, safety first.
A Plane Can Be Hijacked Mid-Flight (With A Laptop)
In the movies, a laptop is like an enchanted fucking talisman. With it, you have the power to make traffic signals succumb to your will. You can heftily inflate your bank account with one forceful flick of the Enter key. You can cause the commercial airliner on which you’re sitting to do a sick-ass loop and head straight back to Syracuse to retrieve your forgotten disco pants.
OK, we may have just reached the pinnacle of faux-hacking absurdity with that last one. There is no possible way you can simply whip out a laptop and remotely commandeer a commercial airliner’s flight controls … unless, that is, you’re (former) cyber-security wizard Chris Roberts. Then you can absolutely do that exact thing.
Fox News You can also grow the shit out of a wizard beard.
After getting enthusiastically booted from a United Airlines flight in April of 2015 for jokingly tweeting his intent to hack the plane and activate its emergency oxygen masks, Roberts’ previous discussions with the FBI regarding his concerns about the rampant hackability of commercial passenger flights came to light. In fact, an FBI search warrant details how Roberts hacked into the in-flight entertainment systems of various airplanes up to 20 times between 2011 and 2014.
If you’re thinking he just wanted to watch Pacific Rim without coughing up his credit card number, think again. You see, on certain plane models, the in-flight entertainment systems were inexplicably connected to the cabin control systems, which in turn were even more inexplicably connected to the plane avionics systems. That’s how, according to the FBI documents, Roberts was once able to issue a climb command to one of the airplane’s engines, “resulting in a lateral or sideways movement of the plane during one of these flights.” That’s right — Roberts, using a laptop from his seat in coach, was able to make the airplane fucking move.
iStock/Lilyana Vynogradova “I’m just trying to rock the crying baby in 14A to sleep.”
For his part, Roberts claimed that he only ever accessed engine controls in flight simulations, not while aboard actual flying jetliners brimming with jet fuel and a hundred other passengers. But then that’s precisely what we’d expect a guy who revved up a jet engine just for laughs to say.
Alex creates biopunk dystopias here and dream thrillers here.
What’s The Best Fictional School To Attend? In the muggle world, we’re not given the opportunity for a magical hat to tell us which school we should go to. Usually we just have to go to the high school closest to where we live or whatever college accepts our SAT scores and personal essay. This month, our goal is to determine what would be the best fictional school to go to. Join Jack, Daniel, and the rest of the Cracked staff, along with comedians Brandie Posey and Steven Wilber, as they figure out if it’s a realistic school like Degrassi or West Beverly High, or an institution from a fantasy world like Hogwarts with its ghosts and dementors, or Bayside High, haunted by a monster known only to humans as Screech. Get your tickets here!
For more ways to tap into the Matrix, check out 5 Hacking Myths Dispelled By A Real Hacker and 6 Real Cyber Attacks Straight Out Of A Bad Hacker Movie.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out If Movie Hackers Were More Like Real IT Guys, and other videos you won’t see on the site!
Also, follow us on Facebook, and let us hack your webcam so we can watch you sleep.
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/
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crypticslytherin · 6 years
idk where i found this but im bored so heres some facts n shit
3 Fears : falling, being alone, disappointing my dad
3 things I love : friends, weed, cigarettes
2 turns on : long hair, tall
2 turns off : facial hair, b.o
My best friend : thomas
Sexual orientation : straight
How tall am I : 5′10″
What do I miss right now : friends and family
Favourite color : black
Do I have a crush : yeah
Favourite place : rideau park
What am I listening to right now : rage against the machine
Shoe size : 9
Eye color : brown
Hair color : blonde
Meaning behind my URL : love spider-man
Favourite song : check yes, juliet by wtk
Favourite band : sleep
How I feel right now : bored and impatient
Someone I love : sisters
My current relationship status : single but not looking
My relationship with my parents : pretty good
Favourite season : autumn
Tattoos and piercing i have : 9 piercings
Tattoos and piercing i want : 2 nose, cat skull on neck, dads writting on wrist
The reasons I joined Tumblr : fanfic and fucked up shit
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? : no lmao
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? : no
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? : depends where im going
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? : no
Where am I right now? : bedroom
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? : depends where i am and what im doing
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? : no
Am I excited for anything? : kind of but not really
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? : yes
How often do I wear a fake smile? : not terribly often
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? : tom holland
What do I think about most? : boys lmao
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? : behind
What was the last lie I told? : told friend i was going to bed because i didnt want to talk
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? : phone
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? : yes ghosts, aliens not so much
Do I believe in magic? : no
Do I believe in luck? : sometimes
What’s the weather like right now? : decent, its 3am
What was the last book I’ve read? : columbine; a true crime story
Do I have any nicknames? : dickweed, ripley, rips
Do I spend money or save it? : money burns a hole in my pocket
Can I touch my nose with a tounge? : no
Favourite animal? : grizzly
What was I doing last night at 12 AM? : smoking
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? : first punch ptv
What is my favorite word? : dickweed, rad, snot, fucker, wicked, witch
My top 5 blogs on tumblr : idk man i dont pay much attention to specific blogs
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? : quit bitching
Do I have any relatives in jail? : no
What is my current desktop picture? : some ocean bullshit
Had sex? : yes
Bought condoms? : nah theyre free
Gotten pregnant? : thats complicated
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? : yes
Had job? : yes
Smoked weed? : daily
Smoked cigarettes? : daily
Drank alcohol? : yeah, not a fan
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? : no
Been overweight? : yes
Been underweight? : no
Gotten my heart broken? : kind of
Been to prom?: yes
Been in airplane? : yes
Learned another language? :yes, french
Wore make up? : always
Dyed my hair? : too many times
Had a surgery? : no
Met someone famous? : yes, ptv man it was wicked
Stalked someone on a social network? : who hasnt
Been fishing? : yes
Been rejected by a crush? : no, surprisingly
What do I want for birthday? : notebooks, pens, books maybe, weed
Do I like my handwriting? : sometimes
Where do I want to live when older? : where i live now
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? : i dont think so
What I’m really bad at : running
What my greatest achievments are : i dont know if i have any
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me : i dont know. i dont take offence to much. probably anytime someone criticizes my work
What I’d do if I won in a lottery : pay off my parents debt, my debt, buy a house and a car
What do I like about myself : lips i guess
My closest Tumblr friend : none
Any question you’d like? : what
Are you outgoing or shy? : pretty outgoing
What kind of people are you attracted to? :skater punks
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? : maybe
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? : no
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? : thomas
What does the most recent text that you sent say? : goodnight
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? : man it always changes. dopesmoker by sleep, kissing in cars by ptv, when i go out i want to go out on a chariot of fire by escape the fate, eruption by van halen and duality by slipknot
Do you like it when people play with your hair? : yes
Do you think there is life on other planets? : no, maybe plants and organisms. no people or aliens
Do you like bubble baths? : only in the winter
Do you like your neighbors? : not particularly 
Where would you like to travel? : germany
Favorite part of your daily routine? : doing dumb shit at night
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? : stomach
What do you do when you wake up? : check my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? : i like it how it is
Do you ever want to get married? : yes
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? : yes
Would you rather live without TV or music? : without tv
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? : yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? : record stores
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? : second chances dont exist to me, people never change
Do you smile at strangers? if they smile at me
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? : mmmm maybe
Ever wished you were someone else? : always
Favourite makeup brand? : anastasia beverly hills has never done me wrong, otherwise i dont care what im using
Last thing you ate? : watermelon
Ever won a competition? For what? : maybe. i win a lot of street races
Ever been in love? : yes
Facebook or Twitter? : facebook
Twitter or Tumblr? : tumblrs better but i use twitter more often
Are you watching tv right now? : no
What colour are your towels? : blue and white
Favourite ice cream flavour? : gingersnap or pb and brownie
First person you talked to today? : tommy i think
Last person you talked to today? : paige
Name a person you hate? : alex
Name a person you love? : thomas
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? : many
Do you tan a lot? : never
Have any pets? : a cat
Do you type fast? : too fast
Do you regret anything from your past? : yeah
Ever broken someone’s heart? : yeah
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? : yeah
Is cheating ever okay? : not really but i can understand peoples  reasoning depending on the sitatuion
Do you believe in true love? : its what keeps me going
What your zodiac sign? : picese
Do you believe in ghosts? : yeah this has been asked already
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? : Death phobia, according to other experts is generated because people fear death as painful, or fear the unknown - such as the mysterious quantity of the afterlife.
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