#when it is a professional photographer taking pics it's understandable 'cause they know how to catch the best angle
star-girl-247 · 3 years
What are all your soft Thaluke headcanons? In canon and any and all AU's that you and we have done so far?
Oooh this is going to be fun!
This is in my Thalia's alive AU
Thalia and Luke love to braid each other's hair. It doesn't matter if it's super long or short just enough for braids, they are going to do it.
They cook together all the time and if one of them can't do something the other helps.
They shop together in farmers' markets and stuff.
Both of them are creative people. Luke writes, while Thalia paints. Sometimes she can do sculptures and is fairly good photograph.
I totally ignore the no-technology rule cause it just doesn't make sense, so often Thalia has these random photo shoots with Luke. Most of the are for her photography club, but she posts some of the on Instagram, where it's basically her worshipping him and just being confident in her relationship. Though she one time posted a photo shoot inspired by the Greek gods with a caption "daily reminder that my husband is a God and I have him all for myself" bc one of her coworkers tried to get him to cheat.
Luke's profile is much calmer but it too consists of photos of Annabeth and Thalia. They are just being happy in the pics, so there is almost to none of these professional looking photos on Thalia's profile.
They slow dance in the kitchen whenever they feel like it.
Alternatively, they also rock out randomly while being in the kitchen.
Luke can't express his feelings very easily bc of trauma in canon and also in there from what I learned in his diary his love language is acts of service, so showing his love is hard, but Thalia understands by the way he cleans the apartment even though he had a hard workday just like her or when he has the bath ready with all the things she loves and so on.
Luke always carries an extra jacket for Thalia.
Thalia does Luke's piercings and she helps him take care of them.
Thalia is the kind of person to hit someone they love accidentally and then shower them with kisses. She does it both to Luke and Annabeth.
Luke learned to do the girls' favorite desserts.
I feel like I already mentioned this, but after Luke's quest Thalia cooked him soups and puddings(bc the scar goes through his cheek i think there is gonna be some damage in the inside of his mouth too). When he could eat solid food she did cook some other stuff too.
It was the first time Luke cried in front of her that wasn't in anger. He got lots of cuddles.
Their wedding isn't a traditional one, but the one thing they still had is a first dance. It was to "when you come home" by mree. Annabeth cried bc they looked so in love.
Luke wanted to try a little bit more feminine style, but didn't know how or why he wanted it. Thalia helped him buy more stuff and help him find why he feels like this.
Luke loves to play with Thalia's hair when he talks. His hand is always at the back of her head, with her hair in between his fingers. She grew it out more once and it was heaven for him
Okay this one is for that superhero AU, but u know when he was able to actually get up and is not dying, Luke wanted to cook dinner but couldn't get something right, cue very cute scene where he feeds Thalia.
I have more but I feel like this is getting too long already, so I'm going to stop for now xjdhshe
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
I've been reading that when you happen to grow doubts about your appearance, maybe thinking that others don't want to deal with you because of your looks, you should remember to differentiate facts from opinions. Saying "I have brown curly hair" is stating a fact, but "Brown curly hair are the worst" is an opinion which many may disagree on. I found that writing down and differentiating the two is of help as well in understanding where I am just spiraling into unreal thoughts. After this, I try again with the two-qualities sentences I explained before to reinforce the concept. e.g. I have a big nose but who said it's that awful? Some singers and actresses have it too, so what? I might be the only one minding it. Not to mention my eyes easily capture the focus on my face. People might not even notice my nose at first. Or not care. So why should it matter that much? Do I like it? ...I don't have an opinion on it, I only know it's not a very cute little perfect nose. Seen all this, should I keep worrying about it? I don't think so. I'll try not to.
Those studies says that if you get to a point in which you feel more confident, chances are more people will be attracted to you exactly cause of your positive and confident vibes. There's a lot more than looks, chemistry is important as well and vibes (positive ones, someone smiling instead of being grumpy) are even more. This said, those doubts and insecurities you have generally originate from opinions (and you'll notice as soon as you'll make your list) or comparisons you are making with random beauty standards that would just make you look exactly as any other people. As a photographer, I love to take photos of different beauties (even if we sometimes don't see it cause of those beauty standards we grow up into, we are all beautiful our own way). And trust me, if you shine from the inside it shows a lot in every pic.
Ofc if it really bugs you, you're free to decide to opt for a surgery, but please think about it well and get infos before going all way there. Go to a trusted professional. In the end, I believe we're born to be different and even imperfect, so to stand out in our own way whenever we gain confidence. But again, in my heart I know how hard can be for many, so... just do what makes you (and only you) happy. 
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famej · 4 years
Mammon x Reader
Camera flashes filled the room, capturing the demon’s face. Poses after poses, from cute to extra hot and with or without clothes, every little patch of Mammon has been immortalized.
I was sitting on a bench, far away from all  the lights, on the side of the shooting spot. Mye yes were glued to the handsome demon, unable to understand how this man who always made bad decisions for himself and getting himself in trouble most of the time, coudl also be a model for the most famous fashion brandin all the devildom.
Apparently, his thirst for money could make him do anything and «  anything » meant becoming hot to the point he’d make you wanting more.
The flashes died down and the photographer put his camera down.
-«  Five minutes break and we’ll do the swim suits » he said before the crew scattered around in the studio.
Mammon looked in your direction and waved before leaving his spot and trotted twoard you.
He stopped right in front of you with a bright smile, you stood up.
«  How was it ? Did I make your heart melt with my beauty ? » he teased, flexing his muscles exageeratingly.
After rolling my eyes and chuckling at his antics, I answered :
You were really good ! Honestly I have trouble admitting that the Mammon I kno can be that good looking and charismatic »
«  Ah thanks ! I knew you… Oi ! What does that mean ? I’m always good-looking and charismatic ! And you forgot smart as hell ! »
«  Sometimes more than others… » you teased «  Want some water ? » you asked, grabbing the bottle of fresh water you’d kept especially for him.
He accepted your gift and took a big gulp ; he didn’t even finish drinking that a member of the staff came to take him to get changed.
«  See you later, MC, don’t take your eyes off me  or you’ll miss one of my glorious pose » he shouted through the room before running off.
I shook my head and let myself fall back on the bench.
While Mammon was in the changing room, the background completely changed . The color whent from white to night blue  and on the floor was a sort of low pool of water . Going with this set up came hoses placed above the water. Only with the materials before your eyes, you had a brief idea of what could be the incoming photoshoot.
Next thing, Mammon re-appeared, wearing a white swim trunk, matching his hair and fitting perfectly i ncontrast with his tanned skin. Oh and were those abs I was seeing ? Yeah they were ! It definitely wasn’t the same person you were living with ! The one doing stupid things, who stole his brothers’ stuff to buy ridiculously luxurious items, and who ended more often than not hung by his feet from the chandelier. But this Mammon walked past you, throwing yo a wink over his shoulder before settling in his previous spot. He stepped in the water while the photograph ordered two of his minions to work the hoses.
 « This one will be for summer, you’ll make all the girls fawn over you and the other demons will be crazy jealous ! Give it your all and you’ll be our next face, Mammon » he told his model
The staff turned the hoses on and the avatar of greed received the water from above, switching to super model mode. Arms extended and head lighlty thrown back, eyes closed with a satisfied smile. The water poured down on him, drops glistening on his exposed skin.
«  Yeah ! Just like that ! »
Mammon brought his hands to his hair, pushing his wet mane back, then gave a seductive look at the camera. Followed, was a cliché of him sliding his hands from his neck down to his lower belly, stopping a few seconds on his defined abs. The photographer was capturing every bit of his sexiness as, well as you, trying to immortalize this image in your mind forever.
«  For the last one, be sexy as hell, we want our readers to drool »
The demon grabbed the hem of his swim trunk and lowered it enough so the white hair of his happy trail was exposed. He lowered it even more to show off the very last few of his pubes before his engine. V-line perfectly shadowed and garanteed to please all Majolish fans.
The photographer let out a bunch of satisfied noise and obscene onomatopeias before putting his camera away.
«  Perfect ! Mammon, dear, you will be Majolish next man model, you’re amazing ! »
The latter looked at you and gave you thumbs up, punctued by a wink, with an exaggerated mouth movement. Yeah, usual Mammon was back.
I waited quietly until he came back from changing, all the previous sights of Mammon clear in my head.
« Y/N are yo uready ? »
I shook my head, chasing my impure thoughts away and followed him out of the studio, eager to got my hands on a copy of that magazine.
Two weeks later, Majolish had published their new edition of their ashion magazine and on the cover was an unknown handsome demon.
Knwoming the release date, thanks to that unknown demon who kept throwing hints your way, in case you forgot, you decided to wait for the morning opening and buy as much as you could.
When you left, a bunch of girls were gushing over Mammon’s pictures and you thanked yourself for being so well organized, ‘cause the news had spreaded and all the copies have been sold out within the first minutes of the shop’s opening.
The house of Lamentation was rather quiet at this hour, weekends meant that the inhabitants, except Lucifer would sleep in, leaving the household in utter quietness.
So, itw as easy to trottle back to your room without been seen. Arrived there, you sat on your bed and spreaded all the copies on your blanket. Your took one and admire dit. The picture was beautiful, Mammon’s skin was wet, his hair pushed back and trunk low on his hips. Sooooo hot !!! You couldn’t refrain a squeal of happiness. Yo uhad to keep those copies somewhere safe where no one especially the second born, who has the curious habit to rummage through your stuff like a raccoon, would find it.
Speaking of the devil, he bursted through your door, screaming, terrorizing you in the process.
«  MC ! Have you seen the cover ?! I received the picture by e-mail a minute ago. I’m so hot ! »
He speed walked to your bed, not caring that he was still in his pajamas, his hair looking like a bird’s nest.
Before you could do anything, his eyes fells on the numerous magazines.
«  Ugh… »
None answer came to your mind due to the embarrassement you were feeling.
«  How many of these did you buy ? Damn, this picture is amazing ! What do you think ? »
He looked at you intently, his self pide evident on his face.
«  Why do you think I bought some many ? You look marvelous ! »
It was too much to look at him, you kept your eyes on the magazine, hoping that not seeing his face would prevent the incoming blush. The silence became heavy, normally Mammon would blabber nonsense to fill the blanks.
«  AHAHAH Of course I am ! I always look fabulous , I’m the great Mammon after all ! »
It shoulve have sounded so confident but the stutter and blush didn’t make it very convincing.
«  You’re right. I’ve seen you during the photoshoot and it’s not surprising, you’re a really good model. Here, take one as a souvenir, I keep one for myself and distribute the others to your brothers, I bet they’ll be proud of you » you smiled at him, handing him one of the copies.
He seized it and looked at the cover, before lowering the magazine, and looking at the floor.
«  Do…you really think that ? »
He looked adorable when he was flustered. Oh Mammon…
«  Of course ! And if you ever get the other pics I can make an album so you’ll have you own professional book that we can look at whenever we want »
He perked up at your words and dared to show you his flushing face.
«  Well, thanks, I’ll think about it. But… you know, you have the real me to look at right ? »
That made you get off your bed and walk up to him. And got on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek, which made him blush even more than he already was.
«  I know that . But I’m just showing how proud of you I am, Mammon »
And then you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
The avatar of greed was speechless, his arms laid at his side,  under  his disbelief. But he slowly  encircled your little frame, letting himself slump against you, even burying his face in the crook of your neck.
«  Thank you » he whispered , holding you thight
«  Don’t thank me for pointing how amazing you are, Mammon »
That was the only thing he need to start tearing up in their embrace, thanking whoever decided to send you to him.
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missmentelle · 4 years
TW Suicide Attempt
Hey, I don't know who else to ask. I'm seeing a new therapist and I want to start fresh. I'm particularly haunted by my last relationship, and I'm not sure if I was abused, but I'd like to mention it to my therapist first if I was.
My ex started out normal, but after a while he asked me to delete pics with my exes. I thought nothing of it, because I didn't care if I had the pictures or not. I also used to be a model, and he asked me to delete nudes, and I did. Then he said I should stop modeling, and I agreed, even though I wanted to model. And then he made me take down non-nude modeling photos, and made me delete them off my hard drive. And would get mad if they were on a USB that I forgot to check, or if some were online because photographers didn't want to take them down (as was their right per our contracts). He'd stress me out, tell me to talk to everyone who had my pictures, etc. Then he asked me to throw out things that were my exes (presents, stuff that was theirs originally but they gave me, my stuff that I had left over at their houses), and after that, all my modeling clothes and prints. I didn't want to and we got into a huge fight. I generally don't raise my voice at all (actually I speak so low most people have trouble hearing me), but I did that time and every time it came up until I finally threw everything out. And then one day I found a sex toy his ex had left over (she had left over all her stuff and never picked it up, but he swore he'd thrown everything out), and I flipped out because it was in the nightstand we shared, just buried under stuff. And I felt gross and used, and well, he made me throw out all my exes stuff, even silly stuff that had no feelings attached and was just nice to have. And we had a big fight. We used to fight a lot at first, and it's all blurry, I just remember once he pinned me down, and choked me so I wouldn't leave, so the next time when I wanted to leave, I hit him with a perfume bottle (he was fine, didn't even get a bruise or anything).
And after he agreed to move to another place (a neutral location), things kind of calmed down, although we did fight once and neighbours heard. I don't know what to think because everyone says I abused him, and his family even blocked me after the break up.
Everyone thought I was unfair and treated him badly. I definitely don't see that, but I'm not sure if he abused me or not.
Most of the time I complied because I didn't have any place else to go, and didn't want to be homeless. When he broke up with me I attempted suicide and ended up hospitalized and later homeless anyway.
We had some happy times though, bug I just don't know what to think. I just feel weird and haunted and anxious after this relationship, and I'm scared to ever be in one again.
Oh, and I'm the anon who just asked if maybe I was abused by my ex. I forgot to say he didn't want to go to my parents house because he knew one of my exes stayed over when I was alone, and he didn't want me to go visit them often.
He also made me cut out everyone on my life who I ever dated, kissed/made out with, or had a crush on.
And he'd get mad if my family displayed my model photos, or photos with a vintage family dress that I wore as a model in a photoshoot with my ex.
He'd also complain if I made plans with friends, because I was going to spend too much money, or stay out too late, or walk home late at night (which I did frequently before).
He was abused by his previous girlfriend (or at least that's what he told me, he said I could look at the messages between them if I wanted, but I refused).
He also made me throw out my favorite top because he knew it's what I was wearing the last time I had sex with my ex before him (we were friends before and I told him, and he had seen me that night, so he knew what I was wearing, and it was a very very specific top).
For starters, I need you to know that what you’ve described is an extremely abusive relationship, not just a “possibly” abusive relationship, and I think it’s important for you to know exactly why that is:
He got violent with you. This alone is enough to make the relationship dangerously and severely abusive. Your ex pinned you down and choked you when you tried to walk away from an encounter. That’s an actual felony; people do prison time for that. Choking is a particularly dangerous form of abuse - he could have very easily killed you or caused some permanent damage. 
He couldn’t handle the fact that you had exes, and he dealt with it in the least healthy way possible. Your ex-partner’s obsession with your exes was beyond unhealthy. Forcing you to throw out perfectly good clothing or non-sentimental items because they had some association with your ex is unhinged. In a healthy relationship, both people understand that their partner is not with their ex anymore, and trust that the other person isn’t going to fall madly in love with their ex again just by using a toaster that the ex once used to make breakfast. Being able to cope with the fact that your partner once loved and had sex with someone else is a bare minimum requirement for a healthy adult relationship. No exceptions. It seems clear that you were never going to reach a point where he felt you’d done “enough” to purge your exes from your life - he was going to keep obsessing and keep whittling away at your life, without ever being satisfied that you were truly “his”. 
He was dangerously jealous. The level of jealousy that your ex showed was abusive, and potentially life-threatening. As I’ve already mentioned, it’s not normal for a partner to be fixated that hard on a partner’s ex. It’s also alarming that he was so obsessed with the fact that revealing photos of you might exist somewhere. You are allowed to have photos of yourself on your own hard drive, nude or otherwise. That’s your fucking business. You don’t have to justify keeping those photos - no one has a right to tell you to delete them. Not even a partner. You did nothing wrong here. It sounds like he couldn’t handle the fact that other men found you attractive, and he decided to punish you for it. That’s not okay. 
He was controlling. In a healthy relationship, you are allowed to wear what you want. You are allowed to decide which possessions you want to keep - even if that includes hanging onto old gifts from an ex. You are allowed to meet with friends, spend your money, and stay out late sometimes if you want to. You are allowed to model if you want to, and you are allowed to have photos of yourself on your own personal devices and give others the right to use and display those photos. It’s a bare minimum requirement that a partner treat you like an adult and respect your choices, even if they don’t always agree with them. The level of control that your ex tried to have over your life was absolutely unacceptable, and it was abusive. 
He intentionally sabotaged your career. You had a career as a model, and you enjoyed doing it. He made you stop. That’s not acceptable. Your partner couldn’t handle his own jealousy and insecurities, so he made you stop doing something that you were good at, something you did professionally. That’s another form of control, and it’s abusive. In a healthy relationship, partners support one another’s careers and passions. They don’t intentionally derail the other person for their own selfish reasons. He had no right to tell you to stop modelling, and he had no right to demand that you delete the products of your work. 
He socially isolated you. He kept you away from your friends and controlled how often you could see them. It sounds like he might have intentionally turned some of your loved ones against you. That’s a common tactic of abusers. When you are cut off from friends - or when they are no longer on your side - it’s harder for you to leave the relationship, because you no longer have someone to turn to for help leaving. In a healthy relationship, your partner encourages you to have friends and to make them a priority in your life. 
He made you responsible for his emotions, and held you to a double standard. Whenever HE was upset, YOU had to drastically change your life to suit his feelings. When YOU were upset at finding his ex’s sex toy in the nightstand, he got angry with you for being upset - he didn’t make changes to his life for your comfort, but expected you to do it for him. That’s not okay. A partner who is unwilling to take responsibility for their own emotions is a dangerous partner - and sure enough, he turned violent when you got upset with him. A healthy partner recognizes that their emotions are their responsibility, and they deal with their insecurities without taking it out on their partner. 
He trapped you in a situation where you could never win. Your abusive ex was fixated on things that you could never change - the fact that you had exes, the fact that you modelled, the fact that other people had old modelling shots of you. There was no way for you to ever change those things; you couldn’t go back in time and un-date your exes. So he just kept holding those things over your head, forever. He found a way to keep you in check by permanently trying to hold you accountable for things you did in the past that could never be changed. He made sure he always had the moral upper hand in the relationship, as a way to keep you down. 
Moving forward, I think it’s important for you to understand that you didn’t do anything wrong here. You are allowed to have exes. You are allowed to own things that you exes once touched. You are allowed to model. You are allowed to have photos of yourself. None of those things make you a bad person or a bad partner, and you should never have to apologize for any of them. If your ex had a problem with any of those things (and he clearly did), it was his responsibility to either deal with those issues on his own, or leave the relationship if he knew he couldn’t handle it. He did not have the right to stay and mistreat you. This is on him, not you, and there is absolutely no excuse for what he did. 
Whether or not your ex was abused by his ex-girlfriend is irrelevant here. It might not even be true - many abusers feel intensely victimized when their actual victims resist their control, and it’s very common for abusers to falsely claim that they were “abused” by the partners they terrorized. But even if it is true, it doesn’t matter. It’s not an excuse. There are no excuses for abuse - not mental illness, not addiction, not “anger issues”, nothing. There are no “get-out-of-being-a-good-partner FREE” cards. If someone is in a place where they are at risk of harming their partner, it’s up to them to get therapy and to avoid relationships until they are prepared for a healthy one. 
I think it would be a good idea for you to talk to a professional about what you experienced. If possible, look for a therapist who specializes in helping survivors of domestic violence. If you don’t have access to a therapist, contact a domestic violence agency or hotline, and see if they can find you some resources for free or affordable counselling. A professional can help you unpack what you experienced, work through the trauma, reach a deep understanding of how relationships should function, and prepare to move forward with healthier boundaries and self-esteem. 
You can also find online support groups for survivors of domestic violence - these groups can help you connect with other people who have had similar experiences and understand what you’ve been through. It can be a great place to get support from others and share advice for working through it. You can look for groups through Google, or on social media platforms like Facebook and Reddit. 
It’s also okay if you need to take some time - or a lot of time - to work through this before you feel comfortable dating again. That’s normal. That’s okay. Focus on building a life that is comfortable for you. If you want to return to modelling, that’s an option you can explore. You could pick up some new hobbies, look at going back to school, or reconnect with the friends who’ve been supportive of you through this. Some people find that art or journalling can be useful for working through these feelings - you could give that a try. Spend some time focusing on rebuilding your self-esteem and comfort in your own skin, and don’t feel pressure to start dating again until you feel ready.  Best of luck to you, MM
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Importance of Dental Marketing
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When you focus solely on aesthetics, you miss a key pattern – that is, that users view their computer screens far in a different way than they used to. Our social media content material provides the assets and best practices required to build an engaging social presence. An active social media presence builds patient groups and aids new patient conversion.
These are simply some of the results we’ve helped our purchasers achieve. In this fashion, you all the time understand how your marketing is performing. Instead of by no means understanding the ROI on your advertising spend … you will know, to the dollar, the exact results. First, there's the hurdle of managing multiple distributors. Second, each vendor has its very own agenda, making it troublesome to seek out the weak hyperlink when issues go awry. When your new affected person numbers take a tumble, there is usually a whole lot of finger-pointing. You could provide tips about how to handle dental anxiety.
Dental Marketing Melbourne - Steep Dental Marketing Marketing has been a game-changer. DFM has assisted in practice development by attracting new sufferers by way of the professional use of assorted forms of online marketing. It has been a great aid to have found a team with the information required to provide my staff with the right steering when navigating the online advertising world. The Dental Marketing Melbourne - Steep Dental Marketing team has simply accomplished our new web site. Our website was quite old and was in want of a makeover.
The first sort of patient will likely walk in on their own accord. These patients’ primary concern is eliminating any pain they're in or fixing something that's broken. Revenge – a previous affected person was so dissatisfied together with your service that they're motivated to take revenge on you by leaving a bad evaluation thus warning a potential new patient off. Make sure that each affected person is offered the opportunity to take part in a short video where they could talk about their experience and provides suitable compliant permission for it for use in advertising.
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neverbeenawriter · 5 years
An Ode To Phil’s Arms. Phanfic. G: no warnings/triggers.
Dan couldn’t remember the day he’d first noticed Phil’s arms and how they perfectly filled out the sleeves of his t-shirt. He knew they’d both been working out more often now that they weren’t on tour and had time to actually live their lives. He supposed it must have been so gradual that he hadn’t seen the change. But when Phil had showed him all the pictures of his new merch and asked Dan to help him pick the best ones, Dan definitely noticed.
 Dan had of course been at the shoot with Phil, although they’d hired a professional photographer and Dan hadn’t been needed for the shoot he still came along for moral support and so that Phil’s smiles didn’t seem fake. Dan could always make him smile and laugh without much effort, they had that affect on each other.
 But seeing the photos like this, touched up and edited, zoomed in close, he was completely distracted by Phil’s arms.
 “I don’t think I like one,” Phil mused as he looked over Dan’s shoulder as he flipped through photos on his laptop.
 “Why not?” Dan asked, finding it hard to pic photos since he truly believed Phil looked beautiful in all of them.
 “I don’t know; don’t you think I look…. I don’t know, weird.” Phil shrugged and gestured vaguely.
 Dan chuckled. “No Phil, I don’t think you look weird,” he replied making the same gesture Phil had.
 “I think I’ve just sent too long looking at pictures of myself and now they are all starting to look strange, like, what even is my face?” Phil muttered. He’d been working on merch a lot and Dan could see he was tired.
  “Go to sleep Phil,” Dan replied. “I’ll pick some of these and send them to you to post in the morning.”
 “Okay, thanks Dan,” Phil replied, leaning down over the back of the couch to kiss Dan’s cheek. “Don’t stay up too late,” he added.
 “I won’t,” Dan replied, lacing his fingers with Phil’s for a brief second. They said their goodnights and Phil headed off down the hall and into Dan’s room to fall asleep, hoping Dan would join him soon.
 Dan went through all the photos again, picking his favorites and moving them to a different folder, although it was hard to pick when he liked them all he narrowed it down to the best fifteen or so and went from there. He knew Phil would need one of each design so he separated them by design. It was easy enough to pick the ones he liked the best, but there was just some small part of him that wanted his favorites to only be seen by him. Selfish, he knew. Childish and silly also, but he couldn’t help it.
 His eyes were again drawn to Phil’s arms; did he have an arm kink? He didn’t think so, but at this point he was comfortable enough in himself to admit he pretty much had a Phil kink. No matter what it was if it had to do with Phil he was probably into it. Which could be seen as kind of weird, but lucky for Dan, he knew Phil was the same about him.
  Dan picked out three pictures, one of each design, and sent them to Phil. Getting up and getting ready for bed himself.
  The next morning when Dan awoke, Phil wasn’t in the bed anymore, clearly having woken earlier and start on work. Dan stayed in bed and browsed his phone, seeing a notification that Phil had added to his Instagram story. Of course he had notifications on for Phil, he was still Phil’s biggest fan, he always would be.
  He clicked tapped on the notification and seen the pictures he’d picked the night before, emoji’s obscuring the designs. Dan laughed and smiled to himself. Phil was adorable. Dan replied to Phil’s story. “Looking good ;)” he sent. He heard noise from the other room and then feet padding down the hallway before the door swung open.
  “Good Morning,” Phil said cheerily, his glasses perched on his face and his hair a mess.
 “Morning,” Dan replied. Smiling softly when Phil climbed into the bed and pressed their lips together.  “I see you went with the ones I picked,” he mused.
 “You know what looks good for me,” Phil replied.
 “Damn right,” Dan agreed, grinning. “How’s the reception been?” he asked, not having had time to browse through twitter yet. Phil blushed and ducked his head. “What is it?” Dan questioned. “Do they not like it?” he added, sounding angry. He was protective of Phil and if someone hurt his feelings he would have to have a word with them.
 Phil chucked. “It’s not that,” he replied. “I think they like the colors, and are excited to see the designs, it’s just that…” he muttered and let his words trail off.
  Dan sighed going onto twitter to check himself since Phil wasn’t answering. It didn’t take him much scrolling before he seen why Phil was acting the way he was. Although Dan didn’t follow and Stan accounts he was tagged in enough things to see the situation.
 “I would happy be choked to death by Phil” “OMG his arms <3” “Guess we understand Dan’s choking kink” “Crush me with your arms please, mr. amazing” “Choke me daddy” “he could spit on me and call me disgusting and I’d still thank him!” “When these images come out someone call 911 for me cause I won’t survive”
 Dan burst out laughing, dropping his phone on the bed. “Is every comment just about your arms?” he asked. Phil nodded shyly. “Oh my gosh, Phil,” he laughed some more but tried to compose himself when he seen that Phil didn’t seem to find it as funny as he did. “What’s wrong?” Dan asked.
 “It’s just weird to have a bunch of strangers commenting on my body,” Phil replied. “And why are they all acting like I’m mean? I couldn’t crush or strangle anyone, and spitting on people is gross…”
  Dan chuckled and leaned over kissing him gently. “You know they’re not serious, and no one actually think you’d do that,” Dan assured. “Also don’t kink shame, some people are into that,” he added teasingly.
 Phil smiled and sat beside Dan resting his head on his shoulder. “It’s still weird.”
 “Mhhmm” Dan made a noise of agreement. “But can you blame them?” he asked, his voice quiet since he didn’t need to be loud.
 “I don’t blame them, I mean, it’s fine, and I’m glad they’re excited,” Phil replied.
 Dan laughed. “That’s not what I meant Phil.” Dan shifted his arm out from under Phil, making him sit up, and reached for his phone. “Look at this,” he said, showing Phil pictures he’d sent him, before they were covered in emoji’s. Zooming in on Phil’s arms.
 “I just see arms,” Phil replied with a confused chuckle.
 “Well then you’re missing out,” Dan replied. “Look Phil, you look so hot,” he added. “I know you’ve been working out but this is a whole new level.”
 Phil flushed. “You’re just saying that,” he muttered.
  “Fuck no,” Dan replied. “Look at this,” he insisted again. “I mean, damn; you can’t blame them for thinking I’m lucky.”
 Phil just laughed again but he seemed more comfortable this time. “I think I’ll just avoid Stan twitter for a bit.”
 “That’s normally a good idea,” Dan agreed. “Does that mean I’m not allowed to make comments about how I’d willingly let you choke me?” He teased.
 Phil flushed. “I don’t mind it as much from you,” he replied. Dan put his hand on Phil’s cheek and kissed him properly for the first time that morning.
---------- Notes-----
I blame twitter for this entirely, don’t judge me ^^;
You can find me on twitter as NoelKagamine
Or on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/NeverBeenAWriter/works
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noelwiese452-blog · 5 years
Breast Augmentation: How To Talk To Your Daughter About Your Surgical Procedure
After your session, the physician rinofiller Naples will give you some guidelines for what to do in the days prior to your surgical treatment. Follow them perfectly! Plenty of issues are caused by individuals disregarding their surgeon's guidance. After that, you receivedt extravagant to appear at the online the evening prior to the major working day the surgical method and obtaining the precautions you may need to have to acquire. Our experts usually are a kind of an agenda you, and they will just bear in mind to are information of all of the safeguards that you must have to acquire and of training course the steps you could comply with previously than in addition to during and lastly when operation. This need to aid that enable you to add as large as you can for about the achievement selling price no issue what the surgery who is going to take spot. Our professionals help solve all your queries and questions in advance of surgical technique so that you receivedt sweat it about something. If you are merely curious and trying to find details, have a couple of inquiries you would like to have answered or chirurgo plastico napoli seno would like to move ahead with therapies, this function is a single you will not want to pass up. The professionals and surgeons which work with us are immensely experienced and skilled, and they are also linked with the clinical affiliation. We maintain you informed about no make a difference we are executing intimately by way of surgical technique using the system, that we both equally know that trust is what you genuinely want in between some body and also a medical doctor. Members' info is also essential to make sure they can mentally in addition to bodily put collectively you. We comply with all the pointers issued by their health care association triggering us an excellent alternative when it arrives to plastic surgeries. If you are merely curious and searching for info, have a handful of queries you would like to have answered or would like to go ahead with solutions, this occasion is just one you will not want to miss out on. Before getting the surgical treatment, make positive you are supplied a total physical evaluation. Be sincere with your medical professional about any health care issues in your previous, even if you concern they may well conflict with the surgical treatment. Like any other form of medical procedures, breast augmentation does arrive with dangers. You can lessen individuals risks by being open and frank with your surgeon. If you are taking any form of medication, make completely certain you disclose this information. Some medicines may result in issues. Permit your surgeon make these decisions and don't get an unwanted danger by retaining this variety of facts to by yourself. Your expectations are yet another significant element of thinking of your breast augmentation Naples. Some folks could go into this surgical treatment with a image of themselves as a supermodel when every little thing is carried out. You will of study course glance different. With any luck , the surgeon you select has a way to display you what you will glance like with diverse cup dimensions alterations so that you will not have improper expectations. Today, in 2009, if you have been to journey to the Japanese elements of the entire world, Asia, you would speedily understand that the men and women in their society that are thin and tanned are the people that are regarded lousy and harmful. In addition to breast augmentation processes, there are many other kinds of processes that are connected. A breast carry is one of these and it is created to carry sagging chests. This is often wanted for ladies that have large chests or for females that are more mature. This process is typically combined with the other treatments, and it benefits in more substantial, firmer chests for ladies. If your upper body is also huge, you might also want to have it reduced. This is also achievable, and it is a very normal technique. If you want to have this method, your physician may well advocate that you hold out till you are accomplished getting children. You will obtain greater final results mainly because your entire body will not go by means of the trauma that being pregnant leads to. If you undergo the process, the doctor will insert implants. These are uniquely designed for a girl, and enable a female to decide on the specific measurement that she will stop up with. Before and after photographs enable plastic surgeons to showcase their ideal function. When you do need to have to understand that these depict the best of the best the surgeon delivers, they can nevertheless be an superb way to see the medical professional's techniques. Most doctors will have a collection of prior to and right after pics of the techniques they supply. Question to see these so that you can get an concept about the medical doctor's capabilities. There are numerous factors to contemplate as you appear into breast augmentation Naples. You will of program need to have to select a plastic surgeon. Ahead of you have operation, you and your surgeon will probable examine whether your wellness will let you to even have the operation. As soon as you have a surgeon and are authorized to have surgical treatment, you will want to make positive you have the right expectations for the outcome.
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 04
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language.
Words: 3,598
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, “She-Bang”, with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps “She-Bang” realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
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I walk back to my hotel room with only thoughts of J-Hope for the third time time this week, which meant I had that stupid ass grin on my face while stumbling down the halls of the sixth floor. I held the key card up to the lock on the door and walk in, in the hopes of hitting my bed headfirst. I was surprised to see my band members, Darren and Kyle sitting on the beds in Leyah's and my shared bedroom. They each stop talking and whip their heads in my direction as soon as I walk in.
"Oh. Hey...Everyone. What's up?" I say awkwardly, making my way to my bed that Carrie and Vicky are already sat on. Leyah, Darren and Kyle are perched on Leyah's bed. Vicky begins to speak.
"Uh, nothing. We were just talking about-"
"Where were you?" Darren cuts her off monotonously. "O-kay..." Vicky says to no one in particular. Carrie proceeds to rub Vicky's back in comfort.
"Why?" I question defensively, my bubbly, good mood ruined. Leyah groans as if she can already see where this is going, but doesn't comment.
"Well, you just left the group all of a sudden and we were worried." Darren looks me in the eye, raising his voice slightly. My face scrunches up in confusion and disbelief. Even if the group hadn't known where I was, Darren certainly could have told them, he saw me leave after all. I decide to leave that part out in my response.
"It wouldn't be the first time I 'left the group' Darren." I say using air quotes. "It's no big deal."
Darren's eyes go wide with accusation. "Yeah, but it's different this time because-" He stops himself. Leyah spares him a brief apologetic glance from the side. Kyle mirrors this expression.
"Because what?!" I urge, getting impatient.
"Ugh! Because you left with that strange guy!" He shouts. My shoulders slumped in disappointment.
Are you kidding me?
"Is that what this is about?" I nearly whisper, still trying to wrap my head around this situation.
"Yes--No!" Darren stumbled. His breathing picked up noticeably. "I just don't-"
"What Darren means to say is the band is a little bothered that you skipped out on us, especially when some hotshot photographer approached us and our leader wasn't there and Darren is pissed for God knows why." Leyah explained in one breath, which didn't seem to phase her.
Well, now I understand the intervention like setting, but that doesn't explain Darren's  resentment.
Back up.
"So wait. A photographer approached you?" I said, wanting to get to the bottom of this and avoid another one of Darren's outbursts.
"Yeah." Leyah continued. "Offered to make those posters and pics for our website we been wantin' so bad. Also talked a big game about getting us in touch with some 'important people'." She explains with heavy lidded eyes and air quotes.
Oh wow. This could be great. A push in the right direction without the help of Evan whatsoever. I originally took "official" photos of the group and posted them to our website, but I'm no professional and this could benefit us in a variety of ways, especially if they get us in touch with these 'important people'.
"Well. Did he sell you? Did you all like him?" I look around at my members for confirmation, avoiding eye contact with Darren.
Leyah nods. "We exchanged information. By that I mean I gave him your number." She spoke in her usual monotonous drawl. I can't tell how she feels about the situation.
I sigh. "Well, that's good. I'm glad...Um. I'm sorry I wasn't there guys. Really." I say trying to get back on their good side, but I noticed the only face that was actually bothered was Darren's.
"It's okay Char, I handled it. Plus you couldn't have known." Forgiveness actually seeping into her tone, but she glared in Darren's direction while she spoke.
"And that's why you're second in command." I replied happily. She looks away form Darren to salute me causing the girls and I to laugh lightly. "So...Are we cool?" I look at the girls with hopeful eyes.
"Of course."
"Okay. Cool. I'm gonna get ready for be-" Before I could finish, Darren exasperatingly made his way out of the hotel room, slamming the door for good measure. Kyle stands from the bed instinctively, but doesn't move to follow him.
"What. The. Fuck. Is his problem?" I don't bother to control my volume, being utterly shocked by Darren's behavior.
"I don't know. I'm going to bed. Night." Leyah sighs and goes to lie down and browse on her laptop. Kyle moves closer to the door and out of her way. "Night I guess." I say.
"Oh and Char?" Leyah turns to me. "Don't let him get to you okay?" Her eyes were serious. They were sympathetic, but they sent a warning. I just nod absentmindedly, not being able to tell if she was talking about Darren or J-Hope. Or both.
Kyle hesitates in front of the door before locking eyes with me. "I'm glad you're okay Char."
"Thank you."
"Goodnight everyone." He leaves silently, unlike his furious best friend next door.
"Night guys." Says Vicky as she moves into the family room and Carrie, surprisingly, follows her. "Night." I change and take off my makeup, change into my pj's, slide into bed and check my phone before going to sleep. I saw a heap of messages and missed calls from my band mates, Darren and Kyle.
Okay now I feel a little guilty. Maybe just wandering off was a bit much. But it was kind of worth it.
I see a text from J-Hope and my face immediately lights up.
J-Hope: Hey. I know I walked you to your hotel, but I just wanted to make sure you got up to your room okay.
Me: That has to be the lamest excuse a guy has ever made up to talk to me. *laughing face emoji*
J-Hope: I know lol, but it took me 15 minutes to come up with, gimme some credit. *crying face emoji*
J-Hope: Also is it working? *winking face emoji*
I laugh out loud and try to control my volume when Leyah whips her head at me because I startled her. "Sorry." She nods and continues her browsing.
Me: OK, good job J-Hope. I'm fine and maybe. Did you get in okay?
J-Hope: Yup not to long ago. Now I can sleep soundly, knowing you're okay.
I literally have to roll my eyes, but I end up smiling like an imbecile.
Me: You're so lame...But thank you for caring.
J-Hope: No problem. Hopefully when we do this again I can do more than just see you off and text you if you're alright. *winking face emoji*
I could just hear the vibrations of his deep voice as if he were standing in front of me right now.
God the devil is tempting me again.
"Don't let him get to you."
What can I do? Do I flirt back or do I let him down easy? There is no easy, we are in too deep. But Leyah's words and the promise we made with Carrie and Vicky a year and a half ago kept echoing in my head. The promise we made never to get involved in relationships or romance.
"Love is just a distraction." I said to them with a bitter bite to my voice. We sat in a circle on the living room floor of Leyah's parent's house. Carrie and Vicky came here because it's where we would rehearse, I came here because it's where I stayed.
We had just been enjoying a romantic movie after a successful rehearsal when I began to get emotional and start crying. Memories of my previous relationship haunting me the longer I watched this couple on the screen interact.
The girls, of course, comforted me and I ended up telling them my whole life story, the parts I hadn't already shared with them.
"It distracts you from your goals and being all that you can be. It makes you weak. We are not weak." The girls look at me like I'm an anomaly they have to figure out even though they've already known me for seven months. "We will be successful...right?"  I look around to see thoughtful eyes and caring expressions. I could tell they took what I said to heart. They each started to nod one by one. Leyah reaches for my hand and mine latches around her's for strength. I can feel more tears begin to fall. "We will be successful Char. Thank you." She said, her eyes never leaving mine. I nod once.
"Let's make a promise from here on out. That we will not get mixed up in silly relationships or romance until we are where we belong. At the top."  I say strongly. You wouldn't be able to tell I had been crying if it weren't for the tears streaks on my face.
The girls think it over. "I'm down. Promise." Leyah says first, smiling me. It gave me immense comfort seeing as she doesn't do it often. "Yeah, I guess that's fine." Vicky piped up. "As long as I can still have sex, you got yourself a promise Char." She chuckles. We all turn to Carrie. "Well, I've never really been in relationship anyway so...sure. I promise."
"Don't let him get to you." I whisper to myself. He already has. But I really don't want to let my girls down or make them feel like I'm going back on my word. I could tell him I'm not looking for a relationship right now and tell him to wait for me.
This man does not wait! He's off meettin' bitches in Dubai! Men like J-Hope, with so much to offer, don't wait, they take what they want. They either settle down or move on to the next.
Are we ready for that? To be a one man woman again and try the romance thing one more time? I know I haven't laughed the way I laughed tonight in an incredibly long time and J-Hope was the reason for that. He made me feel wanted and happy and appreciated. Shit I sound like air supply again.
But the fact that all of that can be felt on one not-date is remarkable to me. It took me five months to completely warm up to my last boyfriend, the shithead, and J-Hope managed to crack the code after three days for Christ's sake. I mean if J-Hope had leaned in any closer before he played the shit out of me and walked away, I 105% would have let him kiss me. God help me.
Maybe this is a sign that I should probably try again. Maybe I don't have to be so afraid of love anymore.
I just thought that word...and didn't cringe. Progress.
I was just a shell of a girl back then. Not knowing which way was up, just that I would get there. I had my heart torn apart and shredded and wanted nothing to do with bonding with new people or creating relationships in the slightest. So I didn't let anyone in for two years, had meaningless sex to fill the void, drank myself blind and wrote depressing songs to expel the painful thoughts.
But now...what was the point? It's been two years. Do I really want to be alone for the rest of my life? Can I force my friends to make the same sacrifices I did? I should never have done that to them, it wasn't right. I just hope they can forgive me for what I'm about to get myself into.
J-Hope: No problem. Hopefully when we do this again I can do more than just see you off and text you if you're alright. *winking face emoji*
Me: What if I told you there might be a strong possibility of that happening?
J-Hope texts back immediately.
J-Hope: I'd say what are you doing this Saturday? I snicker at his reply gaining a suspicious look from Leyah.
Me: I don't know. You wanna decide for me?
J-Hope: Yes please. *smiley face emoji* How about dinner and drinks? Gary Danko?
Dinner and drinks? At Gary Danko?! That's like a five star restaurant! I should have known he had this kind of money. I do a little squeal causing Leyah to turn to me once again. "Char please. Silence is key." Silence is the enemy.
"I'm sorry." I say and reply to J-Hope.
Me: That sounds great actually.
J-Hope: Great. I look forward to it.
Me: Me too. Goodnight J-Hope.
J-Hope: Didn't we do this already? *crying laughing emoji* OH god here we go.
Me: Yeah except this time I don't look like an idiot. *flat line mouth emoji*
J-Hope: You're the cutest idiot I've ever seen. I roll my eyes and let out a giggle. Fuck you Jung Hoseok.
Me: Goodnight J-Hope.
J-Hope: Goodnight Charlotte.
Lord what did I get myself into?
I wake up the next morning knowing I had nothing in particular to do today.
Should I even leave the bed? Yes. I get up and get ready for the day, whatever it may bring. I get dressed and lounge on my bed once again, scrolling through social media on my phone. Our fans left some nice comments on different outlets.
Should I text J-Hope? I toss the question around in my head and decide that it wouldn't be smart. I already allowed him to get an idea of how I feel about him, I don't want to text him 24/7 and seem desperate. Maybe I'll make him wait until the weekend. That'll teach him for playing me.
But I hate not having anything to do, I need to stay busy. I can't just sit here and wait for my band mates to pester me about why I wandered off last night and tease me about where I was. I respond to a few fans online, then I grab my wallet, phone and camera and head for the door not knowing where I was going.
But when I open the door I'm met with  Darren preparing to knock on the door, fist mid knock. He's almost as dumbfounded as I am when we face each other each other. "Uh, hey." He said in a low, unsure tone. His fist reaches up to the back of his neck and scratches nervously.
"Good morning." I reply strongly. "Excuse me." I say moving out of the room and trying to avoid this conversation. He moves further into my path and I glare up at him quizzically.
"Actually can we talk?" No. "Yeah, sure." I sigh. "They're sleeping, let's go somewhere." I move out and close the door behind me. "Okay. Where to?" He asks following me down the hallway to the elevator. "I don't know. You wanna get a drink?" We step into the elevator once it arrives.
"It's a bit early to be drinking Char." He drones in a judgmental but sarcastic tone.
He's not wrong, but-
"I meant like Starbucks genius."
"Oh! Sorry." Darren let's out a laugh and I follow suit. At least it's not as awkward in here with just the two of us now.
"But yeah that sounds good." Darren says looking down at me, meeting my eyes finally. I smile softly at him in turn and look away. We silently walk two blocks to a cafe near the hotel. We order separately because Darren knows my policies on letting other people pay for me. We sit with our orders and take a few sips each before Darren clears his throat.
"So I wanted to apologize." I just raise my eyebrows and nod once, gesturing for him to continue. "I'm sorry about last night. I acted out of turn and you didn't deserve that." I nodded not really knowing how to respond. Darren was behaving like a child last night and it wasn't appreciated, but he's usually a hot head and I wasn't expecting something like this.
"Um. It's okay, I guess." I left it there, not wanting to get into the actual dispute, knowing where the conversation would go.
"Good, I just-" Oh no. "Like I said, I was just worried because you walked away with that-that guy." He said the last word in disgust. Let's get this over with.
"I did apologize to the girls for that." He makes a face that suggest I might be mistaken about the topic of discussion. "I wasn't talking about-"
"Lemme finish, yeah?" Don't let him bring it up.
He pauses and nods and sits back in his seat. "I have to apologize to you as well. I'm sorry I ditched you guys at the concert last night and it won't happen again." He nods, still obviously bothered by something.
"I appreciate that, really." He says thoughtfully. "Of course." I take a sip of my coffee. Can I go now?
We sat in silence for a few moments when Darren opens his whore mouth.
"So are you dating the dude?" Fuck.
He looks at me hesitantly, like he was afraid of my answer. I would like to be, yes.
"No. Uh. He's just a friend. Why?" "Well you don't have many friends." "Well he's one of them." "Okay." We go back and forth.
He becomes flustered all of a sudden. He clears his throat and fiddles with  his napkin on the table. At this moment I can see J-Hope enter the cafe looking from side to side. Is he sure he's not stalking me?
Should I call him over to get me out of this mess? Would that make matters worse? I mean we have to deal with Darren sometime anyway. We've been skirting around this for so long now. The fact that we were obviously attracted to each other. If Darren asked me to sleep with him a week ago and any time before that I would have obliged, but I'm starting to think Darren has something more serious in mind than a one night stand because of the way he's acted these past couple of weeks. And I've decided to give J-Hope a chance so that's been put on hold.
"Uh, I was wondering, since you're single, uh, I'm single, ha..." I'm cringing please help. Send help!
"And I know you don't date, but...is there any possibility that, uh, maybe w-we-"
"Charlotte!" Thank you God.
J-Hope ended up being my savior anyway. A sign?
J-Hope bounds over to me excitedly. He rests his hand on my shoulder. "Hey Char! We just keep meeting each other like this. Oh I'm sorry, I'm J-Hope, hello." He says turning to Darren and holding  out his hand. Darren openly glares  at J-Hope, but takes his hand. The knuckles on J-Hope's hand go almost white and he winces from the intensity of the handshake.
J-Hope frees himself from Daren's grip and I send Darren daggers with my eyes.
"J-Hope, this is my friend Darren. Sorry about him, he's had a tragic day so far." I say emoting contempt in Darren's direction.
"Yeah, it's uh, nice to meet you." J-Hope muttered composing himself. "I remember you from the blues hall." J-Hope quickly pointed at Darren at his epiphany. "Likewise." Darren interrupts his glare at J-Hope to send a suggestive glance at me. I can practically hear the gears turning in J-Hope's head judging by his expression. He keeps looking back and forth between Darren and I and I can see a look of regret on his face, probably for intruding on this 'moment' between Darren and I.
No no no no no no!
"Okaaayyyy. I'm gonna go now. It was nice meeting you Darren and nice seeing you again Charlotte--Oh! We're still on for Saturday right?"
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
Darren's eye brows touch the ceiling and his eyes go wide. J-Hope is turned away from Darren and thankfully cannot see this. "Uh--Yes. Yes we are...yup." I say looking down at the table. "Okay. See you then. Bye guys." He walks away to get his coffee leaving me in this shit stain of a predicament. I watch him exit as Darren watches his own fiddling fingers.
"Just friends huh?" He grunts with a sick to his stomach look on his face.
Hold the fuck up! He's mad at me again?!
"Hold on! That's none of your business anyway! I don't have to prove myself to you!" I say raising my voice, blinded too much by anger to remember we were in public.
"I just don't understand-!" He shouts back. Darren's volume matches mine, but he stops himself, huffs out a huge breath I didn't know he was holding and plops his hands down on the table loudly.
"You're right Char." He says calmly. "I fucking know." I say still full of adrenaline. Darren let's out a bitter chuckle. What the fuck?
"I'm just gonna go. See ya later." He takes his coffee and leaves the shop.
Well shit. We came here together, now I have to sit here with this crowd who just witnessed my public 'domestic argument'. Plus he looks pissed and a little hurt. I have to fix this somehow before things get awkward. But I also don't feel like making even more of a scene than we already did by following him. I also just don't feel like doing this.
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alifeenrouteblog · 6 years
i want this bitch's life: my obsession with lifestyle bloggers
Full disclosure: I took this title from The Cut's series, I Like This Bitch's Life.
My high school was all-girls and Catholic. Throughout my freshman year, I was fixated on a group of senior girls. People called them The Barbies or The Tan Clan. Most of them were blonde. But they were all tan and beautiful. Even in school uniforms, they were fashion forward. They had UGG boots before I knew what they were. On free dress days, they sported Juicy Couture sweat suits before anyone else. They were so beautiful. They didn’t wear make up and their hair was always in a perfect messy bun. All of which just impressed upon me how much more beautiful they were.
I loved them. Quietly and from afar. I could not tell my friends because a lot of them were their sisters or knew them from grade school. They did not share my infatuation. I found out their screen names and looked at their AIM profile. I stared at them when I passed them down the hall, taking note of their new handbags. They were so perfect. I wanted to be them.
Flash forward to 2015. I joined Instagram, late to the game, and did not really understand how to use it until late 2016. This is when I found lifestyle bloggers. It took me awhile to understand who these women were. I started following them because one of their beautiful photos was recommended to me.
At first, I didn’t get it. But I slowly started to realize these women were a part of an elusive club, much like my Tan Clan. But instead of seeing them in the cafeteria, I watch their lives through a series of high quality photos of their perfect kids, gorgeous homes, exquisite outfits, and an unbelievable amount of beautiful travel. Supplemented with the periodic #ad post.
I follow about two dozen women, who identify as lifestyle bloggers. The term lifestyle blogger is ambiguous and almost anyone with a blog can identify as one. But who I am talking about today are the women with followers amounting somewhere between half a million to over one million. They post perfectly curated photos of their daily life: their families, vacations, outfits, and other things that are mostly mundane from anyone else.
They are all different and I’m not here to make any generalizations about all women bloggers or lifestyle bloggers. For the most part, they grew their strong following by starting as something more specific, i.e. hairstyle tips, mommy life, or photos of their toddler take naps with their new puppy went viral. But they’ve all evolved.
When I’m in bed late at night, I stare at their gorgeous photos on Instagram, long after I’ve double tapped. Most often their posts feature themselves. The women are always white, beautiful, thin, and have perfect skin. When they show off a new outfit, it always looks good on them and I always like it – even if it is not my style. I find myself admiring their fit bodies in bikinis, then I look to my right at my night stand and see my glass of wine and the clean plate from whatever I just binge ate.
They are always married. The younger ones are engaged. Their husbands are always very handsome. If I have found out their husband’s profession, it is always a professional and prestigious job, like finance or doctor. When I find this out, I take a big gulp of my wine thinking about how the only men who seem interested in me quit college because he “makes so much money at his serving job/selling weed”.
Usually they have kids, if not, they will soon. And their kids are gorgeous. Blonde and tan babies in diapers at the beach. I don’t even want kids but this shit is freaking cute. The aesthetic is too much to hate.
Something else they all have in common: they travel a lot. Weekend trips to Hawaii with their husband and three kids. Two weeks in Australia with the whole fam. Couples getaway to Paris. Japan. Europe. Jamaica. They can afford to go anywhere. I have traveled a lot the past couple years, so I don’t know want to sound like I am bitter and jealous because I’m not. I want them to travel – travel more, please! I want to see more photos. I love gazing at their family photos, they look so happy. The scenery is beautiful and she looks great in a bikini or a beach maxi dress, holding a baby on her hip, all of them ankle deep in the ocean.
The women I’m talking about are not posting photos of anything resembling my life. They aren’t posting day drinking pics, or making jokes about being broke, or mention anything about their love life other than their “perfect hubby”. I can’t relate to their family life, and I only aspire to pieces of it, but I love looking at it.
All of the photos, the babies, the beaches, the hairstyles, along with strategic branding, creates beautiful imagery. This is why I love these women so much. Most of the time they are not selling me anything. They don’t do “unboxing” or “hauls”. They might have started out blogging about organization or makeup tricks, but they don’t do that anymore. Their content is purely for my eyeball’s pleasure. Their #ad or #partner posts are sparse and always done well. I can never tell it’s an advertisement unless I read the whole caption. They are legitimately showing me their beautiful lives.
Only 2% of the time do I stop to think, who took this photo? This type of thinking pulls me out of the fantasy I fall into when I look at their feeds. Their lives are magical and I don’t want to know how they pull it off.
While I appreciate the veil they provide for me, I know these photos and captions are their jobs. They work hard. I am often impressed with a women’s hustle, strategic vision, and passion. They started with a simple blog, years ago, and grew it. Like the blogger who got her start doing hairstyles on YouTube, after six years, she has launched her own hair extension line, which I know is doing very well because the product line expands every month. She is crushing it. And of course, I look at her Instagram stories updating me on the new stuff she’s launching, with no intention of buying her extensions.
Other times, I’m confused at how/why they make money doing what they do. Their pics are fine. But they don’t post much on their blog anymore. And it wasn’t anything super interesting. Generic takes on food, family, fun. I’m hating a little. Don’t get me wrong though, I thought a lot about this. Some of these blogs are just not interesting enough to deserve the kind of partnerships they are getting, in my opinion.
Most of the lady lifestyle bloggers I stumble upon are truly impressive to me. Yes, their photographs and seemingly perfect lives are great. They also just have a hustle and entrepreneurial spirit I don’t see in a lot of women I know. They work hard to expand their brand.
And they make a lot of money. This is not hard to figure out based on their lifestyle. Companies pay handsomely to #partner with. They don’t worry about money like I do. I know they don’t share the same anxiety I have when I hand over the gas station attendant my credit card to buy cigarettes. One because I know they don’t smoke (their skin is too good) and two, because they don’t worry about their credit limit when buying a $7 product.
 Either way, I look with some envy. But the envy does not come from hate or anger. At least not focused on her. It’s on me. I’m mad at myself for not having a successful business. I’m mad at myself for not getting into this game earlier. For jumping around careers. For not being successful at all. Luckily, I shut that part of me off and continue to scroll, getting to more pics of floral bouquets on top of a Pottery Barn dining room table that costs as much as one year of my grad school tuition.
I envy everything I see that they have. Except the kids. But I envy the joy and stability they find in having kids and how it adds to the image of the perfect life. I want that. I want their bodies. I want their husbands. I want their outfits and make-up. I want their houses. I want their vacations. Yes, I travel, but I want their trips. I want their photographs of the trips. I want their money! I want their lives. More than I’d like to admit.
Why though? I so clearly don’t fit that life. I’m kind of a mess. Clearly, I can’t land a dude like they can. I definitely don’t have their bodies. I don’t want kids. I blog about depression and figuring out what I am supposed to do with my life. I drink too much. Their lives are so clearly not me.
Sometimes, I wonder if I torture myself going on deep dives into their lives. Why am I so obsessed with them? Do I secretly want that life? Do I secretly believe deep down I don’t deserve it? Do I just like to see that life like the other one million people who follow them?
I don’t know. I don’t have the answer. Just like I can’t answer why I was obsessed with the Tan Clan 15 years ago. Except back then, I can probably attribute most of it to teenage pressure to conform to beauty and popularity. But maybe now I’m facing the same thing. I am still aspiring to be thin, beautiful, rich, and perfect. Don’t get me wrong. I love myself and my life. But I am realistic about feeling self-doubt and not always feeling confident compared to our society’s standards.
I know that these women are problematic and can perpetuate racial/gender stereotypes that are not helpful/terrible. I also know that they can be kind and loving, to their families and the world, and advocates for humanitarian causes. I know that their images can tell women all sorts of shitty things, (be skinnier, richer, a mom, more successful and a mom). But I also know that they can be inspiring to women aspiring to be entrepreneurs or working moms. I could go on and on.
Am I going to continue to follow these women’s lives? No. Do I like their pictures? Yes. Do I want to be mindful of how it impacts me? Yes.
Like anything else in life, it’s not black and white.
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Recap of Ika’s IG Live 3-17-18
Ika went live and added Dem shortly after. It was constant laughter and stories; so much joking and sarcasm. Sabrina was in the live almost the whole time and was constantly commenting.
Link to screenshots.
Ika was supposed to go out tonight. But Dem called and they were on the phone talking for like 2.5 hours, talking about relationship stuff, “serious stuff, that you guys won’t know about.” (she says in a joking/sly way.) So she thinks it’s too late to go out now.
Scary doing a youtube channel without Dem. It’s just her and the camera and it’s so scary.
She needs help with an intro. She wants it to be sleek and classy.
Ika says she’s winning out here in these streets, with the gifs, with her channel, with her relationship.
Says that she loves that we get her sense of humor, and she doesn’t want to get to know new people. With youtube it’s hard because there’s new people and they have to get to know her and get to accept her.
Ika sees Dem in the chat but doesn’t recognize his new pic yet. She adds him.
He says he watches her lives all the time and he always sees the comment that’s “boobs” and mentions how it’s so weird that it’s not even a full sentence just the word. He says he’s the only one allowed to say “boobs”. He makes note of how inappropriate the comments are.
Dem asks where her green is and she says that’s only for Caucasians.
Ika even did her makeup on facetime with Dem. Ika said she was going to do a live and do her makeup but he wanted her to stay with him. “I kept her to myself.”
Dem says his favorite thing about live feeds is when they’re off and there’s the picture of Ika. Dem: “There’s my baby!” He’s only turned on feeds a bit. Ika hasn’t turned them on.
It’s hard for Dem because he wants to be in the house, he doesn’t like seeing people on his bed and having fun.
Ika doesn’t think any season will top season 5 and she’s not just saying that because she’s biased. Dem says it’s because Ika was on it, she made it.
Ika says she wants Robyn to ask potential HG if they will go with the house or go with their gut and if they say go with the house they’re gone.
They talk about Hamza’s HOH a bit and the noms. She says she doesn’t understand how people are stanning someone so early in the season. She goes on a little rant again about this.
Ika tells Dem how Paras said she wanted Heather brought back rather than Ika and Dem is shocked and confused lmao
Dem says how no one liked him when he was going in the house, he’s not even sure his friends and sisters were stanning him before his season.
Ika says she doesn’t believe anyone that calls her a queen anymore because everyone’s calling everyone a queen now (in reference to bbcan6).
She said people calling her a bully isn’t going to do anything to her, she still has a man and a life.
Ika just wants people to play the game so she can do the recaps. Dem said her recap was great, says it very excitedly. Dem says bbcan6 is slow now because people are going with the house and playing safe, it should get better.
Dem tells her nice shirt, it’s his denim shirt.
Ika says whenever she has to login to a social media account she has to reset it because she can’t ever remember. Dem says he can never remember either.
Ika says Dem has no filter and she’s worried about what he’s going to say on lives. Dem says he has a filter around people, just not around Ika.
Dem says he likes like 3 people, and all the people in the live of course except the guy commenting “boobs”.
Sabrina is in the live, Ika says hi to her. Sabrina continually comments throughout.
Dem says he’ll post more pics from the photoshoot in due time, he doesn’t want to waste all the good ones. Ika says Demetri took the photos and is amazing and  is a great photographer. Dem asked Demtri to take pics for him and he brought all his equipment and took like professional pics, Dem was just going to give Demtri his phone.
Demetri is technically Demetri Giannitsos II and Dem is the third. Their grandfather is the first, they’re both named after him. Dem says the third is on his driver’s license and he shows us his license. Ika yells at him not to show us his license because it has his address on it. He says it’s his old address in Edson but Ika says it’s still his property and she doesn’t want thirty people to show up cause then she’ll show up. Sabrina is laughing in the chat.
Somehow that reminded Dem of a story about being at the grocery story with Brad. He’s scanning his bags at the self checkout at the store. The clerk had to come over and she told him a story about a guy who was stealing jewelry by putting it with the produce. This leads to Ika talking about jealousy and other girls.
Ika says that she doesn’t trust the girls out there, they’re thirsty for her man. Ika says girls are weird. She says maybe it’s because he brought her to Edson, “not hating on Edson girls”, but she feels like Alberta girls have no chill. Ika says that girls in Toronto are made to be side chicks, they know how to act. Ika is used to those types of girls, whereas the Alberta girls act differently.
Mention of Chris Brown following Ika and they joke about it.
Ika says she is that girlfriend that will take his phone and delete inappropriate comments about how hot he is, “I tell him, he knows!” Dem: “Well, yeah!” when talking about deleting the comments.
Ika says guys respect their relationship more than girls and Dem says he disagrees. Ika says she’s seen the disrespect, she’s not playing any games. “No, he can’t get you the muffin on the top of shelf. Not my boyfriend!” She trusts no one out there in the streets. They laugh hysterically. Ika says she’s joking, she’s not like that in real life, Dem says she’s not. She says they have never argued over another girl before.
Ika says that if she side-eyes a girl, she won’t let it out on Dem, but she’ll call Karen because Karen still gets the same way with Bruce. Ika: “Karen will be like ‘why did the girl offer Bruce extra whipped cream?!’” Ika makes similar jokes about stewardesses offering Dem water or extra peanuts. Whereas Dem tells Ika right away, he tells her when a guy is hitting on her; she’s never told him if a girl is hitting on him. There’s been a couple times when he’s told her someone was hitting on her and the guy has been gay lmao
Ika says Dem only has one side chick. It’s his xbox.
They argue about if xbox or PS4 is more expensive. Ika says PS4 and after Dem googles, she is right. But Dem says xbox is better. Ika says Dem loves video games but he’s not good. Dem says he’s getting better and goes on about how he just did well, he seems so excited.
Dem says he beat Brad and a ton of other guys at gokarts yesterday. Dem wants to see her in a gokart.
Ika says deep down she is a competitive and athletic person. Dem says she is not good at or allowed to drive. Dem reminds her of when she drove his truck for and they both felt scared for their lives. It was apparently a windey, narrow highway. Ika says she was driving for like 10 minutes. Ika says there was a big truck he wanted her to go around and that was not a good idea. They joke about how she didn’t go past 80km an hour and he couldn’t let go of the handle because he was scared and she kept telling him to let go of the handle. Dem said he would win gokarting. Ika says she can beat him at bowling; they haven’t gone yet. Ika says she can beat him at swimming and long distance running because of the endurance factor. Dem says she was walking up stairs the other day and was tired but he isn’t good at swimming. Ika says she always wins at bowling and Dem asks if it was Elijah and Rashaud (aka kids) and she says it was her friends.
Ika says this live did not paint her in the best light and she needs to campaign to us before we send her home lmao
Ika makes Dem tell us she’s not crazy and he keeps asking how much time they have left.  He literally says “Ika is not crazy” and the live ends with them hysterically laughing.
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Scrapbooking Research
taking a photo of something impairs your memory of it
we give less attention to the experience because we are more focused on taking the photo - and we know the memory/ experience will be safely stored in a photo
photo taker’s memory will suffer when they take a photo whether they expect to keep it or not
longtime partners or friends will distribute memory demands between them so one will remember thing the other doesn't need to
cameras force us to disengage from properly taking in the stimulus as our attention flows to the mechanics of taking the photo
‘pics of it didn't happen’
selfie generation implies that its a new phenomenon, but tourist have always found people to take photos of them
psychologist Sigmund Freud wrote “I only have to bear in mind that place where this ‘memory’s been deposited and I can then ‘reproduce’ it at any time I like, with the certainty that it will have remained unaltered and so have escaped the possible distortions to which it might have been subjected to in my actual memory”
the irony of photography is that it is just as vulnerable to distortion as any other record.
memories of our experiences are called autobiographical memories an they rely on a brain region called hippocampus
without the hippocampus, you would be stuck in time and memories of new experiences would rapidly fade
photographs act as memory storage and viewing a photo can activate memory recall
vision is the strongest and most influential in memory formation - through memory and anatomical studies, the neural pathways from the eye to hippocampus have been well mapped out
if you are in the image you're looking at, you become more removed from the image - as if you're an observer
if you're not in the image, you return to first person and relive the experience though your own eyes
Cognitive offloading
“if you snap a shot and share it, you're going to be able to relive that experience with other. if you don't, its going to be isolated to yourself”
Collaborative memory benefits
new info is prompted be a chain of conversation through 2 parties
richer, more vivid description of events incl. sensory info
info from one person showing things in a new light to the other 
method of preserving, presenting and arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box or card
typical memorabilia include phots, printed media, and artwork 
often decorated and contain extensive journal entires or written description
scrapbooking stared in the tUK in the 19th century
commonplace books
popular in England in the 15th century - emerged as a way to compile information incl. recipes, quotes, letters, poems - unique to creator’s interests
friendship albums
became popular in the 16th century - similar to modern dar yearbooks where friends would enter names, titles, short texts or illustrations. created as souvenirs of European tours, would contain certain local memorabilia incl. coat of arms or works of art by local artists 
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friendship scrapbook examples from approx 1795-1834 (wikipedia)
In 1775, James Granger published a history of England with several blank pages at the end for the owner of the book to personalise with their own memorabilia 
practice of pasting engravings, lithographs, illustrations, or taking books apart and inserting new media became known as extra-illustration or grangerising
when photographs albums provided images, students used to them to create unique representations through scrapbooking
during 19th century, scrapbooking was seen as a more involved way to preserve one’s experiences that journalling and writing based forms
printed material such as newspaper, visiting cards, playbills and pamphlets became a main component of peoples scrapbooks
until the 19th century scrapbooks were seen as functional rather than aesthetic 
advent of modern photography allowed the average person to incl. photographs
modern scrapbooking
Marielen Wadley Christensen of USA is credited with turning the scrapbook form ages-old hobby in an actual industry devoted to the sake of scrapbook supplies
how to booklet Keeping memories alive by Mariele and Anthony Jay
scrapbooking provides a strong social network, hobbyists are known as ‘scrappers’ or ‘scrapbookers’, get together to scrapbook together 
book/album, CD case, background papers, photo corner mounts, scissors, paper trimmer, art pens, glue, eyelet setter, heat embossing tools, rubber stamps, craft punchers, stencils, inking tools, textured scissors
embellishments incl. stickers, rub ons, stamps, eyelets, lace, wire, fabric, beads, sequins, ribbon
digital scrapbooking 
with scanners, desktop publishing, page about programs and advanced printing options, its easy to create professional looking layouts in digital form
greater diversity of materials, less environmental impact, cost savings, ability to share, easy to adjust
not limited to digital storage and display
where 2 or more scrapbookers gather to work in a social circle on their books, cards, or other projects. similar to quilting bees
photos are easier to come by now more than ever
if the photos aren't organised and explained, they quickly become a mass that's not meaningful and too overwhelming to look through
scrapbooking appeals to story-telling, photo cataloguing and crafty nature
5 basic scrapbook elements - photos, journalling, title, embellishments, the canvas
scrapbooks can be - on and of actual paper, digital rendering of the traditional scrapbook page, a blog post, slide in a slideshow, anything and any size and any medium you want
how to scrapbook 
photos - moment or event that you like looking at and are thinking about right now
journalling - info you need in order to recall - who and what. why do i like looking at this photo right now? you are telling a story, if someone looks at this in a few years, will they understand in a meaningful way
title - cue to deeper meaning, label of place, event, people
canvas - could be a piece of paper, digital canvas, blog post, slideshow 
embellishments - decorations that add charm 
scrapbook to record stories, because memories lie
people remember things differently to how they happened
through scrapbooking you can remember exactly how something happened and how you felt
taking the time to make a scrapbook causes you to reflect and feel thankful for good memories 
good hobby to do to relax
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yogaburn5-blog · 5 years
The Top 5 Tips For Discovering a superb Headshot Photographer
The best 5 Tips For Finding a superb Headshot Photographer
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headshots la Discovering a headshots photographer throughout Los Angeles can be quick but finding the RIGHT shooter can be a daunting task. Here are a few tips to help anyone find a new photographer who also takes brilliant shots which will help you enhance your career and get considerably more work. 1 . Find a photographer with the perfect balance of technical and individuals skills Photography is definitely not just some sort of science rapid it is also a skill. A photographer must include complex skills in purchase to take fantastic pics but he/she requirements have got people skills so you truly feel comfortable and accentuate your best features. Find a Mis Angeles headshots photographer who have is personable and who also you feel at alleviate dealing with and check their own perform samples to assure that he/she has got the complex skills necessary to consider great shots. headshots la 2. Get someone whose style you actually admire When searching with regard to a headshot photographer throughout Los Angeles, make sure to find someone whose type a person admire. Of course it is best to only consider photographers who have websites in this day and age because it testifies that they are specialized along with take their job very seriously. The shots published on photographers' websites usually are most likely their finest ones. If you had been a sending your line director, would likely the photographs grab your own attention? In the event you admire a photographer's perform and feel that their photographs stay out, it's a very good wager that they'd end up being able to take sorts of headshots you're searching for. a few. Make confident you "hit it off" with your photographer Several some sort of Los Angeles headshots photographer offers the skill and also experience necessary to create excellent shots although that only is not sufficient motive to hire someone. You have to feel comfortable and find along very well with your current photographer because that may create a huge difference within the way your current photos turn out. A wonderful photographer must know just how to get you to help rest in order for you to bring out your very best characteristics. If you may feel comfortable, your photos will look stiff as well as insufficiency personality. Spend moment talking to photography fans as well as gauge how you really feel before hiring someone. While you feel at ease during some sort of shoot, you will be able in order to experiment a lot more with different movement along with feel more confident, causing shots that are intriguing and also unique. 4. Have a tendency work with a photographer based entirely on price It's easy to understand that many involving us want to spend less when we can but headshots are not value the hazard. Don't get the cheapest Are usually headshots photographer you can get as you will get exactly what you pay for as well as regret your decision in the future. Basic your decision on the how you experience whenever you talk to a photographer, what their opinion is actually of their job trials, and how much knowledge they have. If anyone choose the cheapest photography, you will end upward spending more money ultimately because you will possess to get your photos re-taken. Furthermore, mediocre headshots could potentially cost anyone your career. Headshots usually are your #1 marketing tool as an actor so using the services of an excellent photographer is actually worth the investment! 5 various. Choose a expert shooter, not a hobbyist With LA, there are several actors who else pick way up cameras and have headshots on the side with regard to extra earnings. While that is not to point out which actors don't have fine photographs, someone who also makes their own entire dwelling from digital photography is much more likely to place all their all into each chance and take typically the best possible photos. Following all, their reputation in addition to career depend on that! Look for a headshot photographer in Los Angeles who is encountered and skilled - a new professional is more likely to provide the skill expected to take great photographs that have the attention regarding casting company directors and realtors.
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renoquotes · 5 years
The most notable 5 Tips For Getting a first-rate Headshot Photographer
The most notable 5 Tips For Discovering a brilliant Headshot Photographer
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photographer headshot Obtaining a headshots photographer within Los Angeles can be uncomplicated but finding the RIGHT professional photographer can be the daunting task. Here are a few tips to help anyone find some sort of photographer who takes excellent shots in which will help you enhance your career and get a lot more work. 1 . Find a photographer with the best balance of technical the ones skills Photography is certainly not just any science -- it is also a craft. A photographer must have got technical skills in get to take wonderful photos but he/she requirements have got people skills to cause you to really feel comfortable and accentuate your very best self features. Find a Mis Angeles headshots photographer who else is personable and also who have you feel at relieve working together with and check their do the job samples to assure that he/she gets the technical skills necessary to have great shots. best photographers in los angeles 2. Find someone whose style a person admire When searching for a headshot photographer inside Los Angeles, be sure to find someone whose fashion you admire. Of course it is best to only consider photographers who may have websites in this morning and age mainly because it shows that they are specialist and also take their function very seriously. The shots posted on photographers' websites are most likely their best people. If you have been a illuminating director, will the pictures grab your personal attention? In case you admire a new photographer's perform and consider that their images endure out, it's a very good think that they'd always be able to make forms of headshots you're seeking for. three. Make confident you "hit it off" with your photographer A lot of some sort of Los Angeles headshots photographer offers the skill along with experience required to create good shots although that alone is not sufficient explanation to hire someone. You have to feel comfortable and acquire along well with your personal photographer because that may help to make a huge difference inside the way your photos turn out. A fantastic photography must know the way to get you for you to unwind in order to help bring out your greatest functions. If you no longer feel comfortable, your injections will look stiff and absence personality. Spend period talking to photography lovers and also gauge how you sense prior to hiring someone. While you feel at ease during the shoot, you will end up being able to help experiment much more with different expression along with feel more confident, resulting in shots that are eye-catching along with unique. 4. No longer employ a photographer dependent altogether on price They have easy to understand that many connected with us want to lower your expenses when we can although headshots are not value the hazard. Don't work with the cheapest La headshots photographer you can get since you will get exactly what you pay for and also regret your decision later on. Basic your decision with the how you sense whenever you talk to the photographer, what your opinion is actually of their job selections, and how much knowledge they have. If anyone choose the cheapest digital photographer, you will end right up spending more money over time because you will include to get your photographs re-taken. Furthermore, mediocre headshots could potentially cost an individual your career. Headshots tend to be your #1 promotion as an actor so selecting an excellent photographer is definitely worth often the investment! a few. Choose a specialized professional photographer, not a hobbyist With LA, there are many actors who all pick upwards cameras and acquire headshots on the side to get extra salary. While this specific is not to state which actors don't take great photographs, someone who makes their entire existing from photography is considerably more likely to place their own all into every picture and take the actual best possible pics. Immediately after all, their reputation and career depend on the item! Get a headshot photographer within Denver who is experienced and professional - a new professional is more very likely to possess the skill required to have great images that find the attention connected with casting owners and agencies.
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The Top 5 Tips For Discovering a first-rate Headshot Photographer
The highest 5 Tips For Discovering a highly skilled Headshot Photographer
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best headshots los angeles Obtaining a headshots photographer with Los Angeles could be easy but finding the RIGHT photography can be some sort of daunting task. Let us discuss a few tips to help anyone find a photographer who have takes spectacular shots that will help you enhance your job and get a lot more work. 1 . Find a photographer with the best balance of technical and people skills Photography is certainly not just the science - it is also an art. A photographer must have technical skills in order to take excellent images but he/she should also have got people skills to cause you to feel comfortable and accentuate your better features. Find a Mis Angeles headshots photographer who is personable and who all you feel at easiness working together with and check their own perform samples to assure that he/she has got the technological skills necessary to have great shots. actor headshots los angeles 2. Come across someone whose style a person admire When searching for a headshot photographer throughout Los Angeles, make sure to find someone whose model you admire. Of course you must only consider photographers who may have websites in this morning and age because it attests that they are specialist along with take their job critically. The shots submitted on photographers' websites are generally most likely their very best types. If you had been a sending your line director, might the pictures grab your attention? If you admire some sort of photographer's do the job and believe that their pics endure out, it's a good think that they'd become able to do the varieties of headshots you're shopping for. three. Make guaranteed you "hit it off" with your photographer Many any Los Angeles headshots photographer has got the skill along with experience essential to create good shots but that solely is not suitable explanation to hire someone. You should feel comfortable and receive along very well with your own photographer because that will help to make a huge difference inside the way your personal pictures turn out. A great photographer must know how to get you in order to unwind in order for you to bring out your greatest attributes. If you don't feel comfortable, your photos will look stiff along with lack personality. Spend time frame talking to photography enthusiasts in addition to gauge how you really feel ahead of hiring someone. When you feel at ease during a shoot, you will end up being able to help experiment more with different expressions as well as feel more confident, contributing to shots that are eye-catching in addition to unique. 4. No longer work with a photographer structured completely on price Really easy to understand that many associated with us want to lower your expenses when we can but headshots are not really worth the chance. Don't hire the cheapest Denver headshots photographer you can come across because you will get precisely what you pay for in addition to regret your decision after. Bottom part your decision upon the how you truly feel when you talk to the photographer, what their opinion will be of their job selections, and how much experience they have. If you actually choose the cheapest photographer, you will end up spending more money in the long term because you will have got to get your photographs re-taken. Furthermore, mediocre headshots could potentially cost you your career. Headshots tend to be your #1 advertising tool since an actor so employing an excellent photographer will be worth often the investment! 5. Choose a expert digital photographer, not a hobbyist Within LA, there are several actors who pick way up cameras and have headshots on the side regarding extra income. While this kind of is not to state this actors don't have fine photographs, someone who also makes their entire dwelling from photography is significantly more likely to put all their all into each one photo and take the best possible images. Following all, their reputation in addition to career depend on the idea! Get a headshot photographer inside La who is experienced and expert - a new professional is more very likely to receive the skill needed to consider great photographs that obtain the attention associated with casting administrators and providers.
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iintemporalis · 8 years
What I think about the Laucy photoshoot, the MTV article, Laucy, Camren and Lauren’s tweets
I am aware that as part of the big audience we are constantly fed by the information they provide us, and as we don’t know what happens in real life we ​​can easily believe what they want us to believe.
All of this things like the photoshoot, the MTV article brings media attention, gossip, headlines, the fandom freaking out on social media… Come on, we can’t forget that THEY know our patterns and way of thinking (in general as a fandom, as a mass, not as individuals, of course) a lot better than we know THEIRS simply because it’s THEIR work, they are professionals that know how to work with an audience and get inside our minds to achieve what they want, to sell whatever they want us to buy.
But hey, don’t you guys wonder why ALL of this is happening right now? Because I do, I wonder why are we seeing the photoshoot now, why are we reading the MTV article now, why is the photographer supposedly giving her point of view as some kind of insider according to some laucy-live-interaction she witnessed during that photoshoot… I notice how conveniently the article ends with the phrase “She added, ‘I did not stage that, I did not tell them to do that. A lot of the moments were very real. Very candid” and now after all of that stuff, as the dessert strawberry, we read Lauren’s tweets. It’s all a big WOW.
I’m not going to talk about what kind of bond Lauren and Lucy have in real life or what kind of relationship they had, have or may have in the future. It’s none of my business. It’s their life and I respect them. But I do and will talk about laucy in the sense of being PR because for me it was used for it.
If we ask ourselves why would Lauren be open to a PR like laucy and being shipped with Lucy, I think the answer could be that she was doing it for many reasons like she was promoting Lucy whose singing skills started to show up (and if I’m not wrong I believe she has an album coming up or at least it was a rumor at that moment) and the focus was on “laucy” as a ship and not on “camren”.
I’m pretty sure the laucy kiss had a purpose because it happened right before Lauren came out and the pics were staged and in HD (not like those camren leaked pics in potato quality). I mean, Lauren wrote a letter to Trump supporters in which among of all the important things she said, she mentioned that she was a bisexual Cuban-American woman. With that being said, if the media searched about Lauren’s love life just for gossip, what would have they found? That laucy kiss was the perfect cover to get Lauren out of the closet without involving Camila and to create an imbalance in the attention they give to the band because at that moment Mila was still in 5H.
I think laucy was carefully planned. Every single pic or interaction we’ve seen… everything that reached our eyes or ears… all planned for PR and I think it still can be used in the future – just like this MTV article says “they dated on and off for a few years. So they’re good friends over everything else”, so if it is needed again all they have to do is have some laucy social media interaction and some people will believe that laucy is back on the game again.  
I repeat, I’m not talking about laucy as the real relationship Lauren and Lucy had, have or might have, I think it’s fair to say that actually no one but them knows what is really going on between them. I’m just talking about laucy being used for publicity regardless their personal relationship, just that.
I think about why this kind of information comes to us right now. One of the many things we have to consider is timing, that’s one of the many things we’ve learned after reading all those mind-blowing posts the wise people of this fandom made explaining how this crazy industry works and sharing what they’ve searched and discovered and letting us know their mature and well-formed opinions. We know that nothing is random, nothing happens just by coincidence or casuality. Like if we see or hear or read something it’s because they wanted us to see it or hear it or read it at that precise moment. That’s why I say it’s very clear that timing is the key that allow us to connect one fact with another and make our conclusions. There is always a cause and a consequence, we can see it.
Now talking about Lauren’s tweets, well… I can say that I understand her – of course, if it was actually Lauren herself the one writing and replying because we all know their social media accounts can be controlled, I think that’s a possibility we have to keep in mind.
I think the “killing-camren-campaign” had always been a main project for the label and management and all those teams that work with the girls and now Lauren’s tweets bombarded the ship, I mean, we can say that she made herself clear.
But we can’t ignore that it had to be done so this narrative can continue with a single Lauren open to any relationship in the future and a Camila who seems straight to her potential audience and new fans apart from all the fans she already has who love her unconditionally, so time will pass and some camren shippers may jump to a new ship – just like it happened with laucy – and this will take the focus away from camren as the audience will see both Camila and Lauren walking in different and separate ways following their dreams and dating other people.
As it is a fact that a huge part of this fandom seems to have short memories, I’d say that in this way camren might remain as a ship inside this fandom, a ship that was never real, a ship that was just in our camren shipper’s delusional minds. So following this kind of logic camren will sunk for good like the Titanic in the deep ocean with the passage of time. And I think this is what it is needed for the label to keep this story going. It is convenient. 
Now, if it was Lauren the one who wrote all her tweets and she meant every word she said, I understand that she needed to do it and why she used those words. I get it. I get her.
I know social media, especially twitter, is a warzone. Some people are so toxic that their bad vibes are almost palpable, so I get why Lauren could probably be done with all of this hashtags and comments and stuff. I understand her, honestly. Her life is being exposed because she’s a celebrity, and she is a reserved person so I can’t imagine how hard it might be to be in her shoes.
It’s a shame that a part of the fandom always found a way to put one of the girls as a villain and the others as pure saints. It’s a shame how because of some rude and disrespectful people that don’t know about boundaries, everyone tends to put us all in the same “annoying fans” basket. It’s a shame, really. Being a harmonizer is beautiful and this kind of things in a way ruin the good parts that we as a fandom have.
But I want to say something: Shipping is ok. There’s nothing wrong with it. We can ship all we want but one thing is being a low-key camren shipper and another completely different thing is to be one of those people who comment “camren is real” under their tweets and photos the girls post, tag them in pics, edits, gifs and manips and bother the them with the ship thing… Come on! Not all camren shippers are the same! Don’t judge us all for shipping camren just because of the crazy, rude and aggressive part of the fandom’s behavior. It’s silly to just generalize, really.
As I trust body language and unscripted moments, the ones we can consider spontaneous actions or interactions, it’s hard, very hard, for me to believe that camren was just a product of our imagination, just a ship that our delusional minds created and that was never real.
Now, I think that there is some trouble with the term “real” when it comes to ships, especially ships like this one, camren. I, personally, consider that a ship is “real” because I talk about feelings being real, not because I say that the people I ship are actually married and have children and live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere with a cat and a golden retriever. Real, for me and maybe for some other people, means that there is chemistry between them, feelings involved, looks, touches, smiles and candid moments that demonstrate that there is a special bond and connection between them, a romantic one to be precise.
So even though I love and respect Lauren I find it very, very difficult to just believe that what she tweeted it’s the complete truth.
I feel that there are things like feelings and emotions that we as humans can’t hide even if we try to control them. Love is one of those things. Eyes don’t lie, they speak and scream what we’re feeling just like our gestures do and we certainly didn’t imagine it all.
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kingoftabor-blog · 7 years
photographer reviews
fotograf "That's a great image, you need an exceptionally nice camera!" This sort of is the perception of most who don't actually know anything at all in regards to photography. It's approximately the same logic as expressing "which had been an excellent food, you need to have a good cooktop!" After you have been a shooter for a long time (as well as promoting digital photography equipment for some time) I've heard this affirmation many times. As I was selling, shoppers would regularly show up if you ask me and say related assertions. One I likely observed one of the most was "My good friend Tom carries a [insert digicam label right here] digital camera and that he becomes good pics so I would like to buy the exact same 1. Virtually with out be unsuccessful a similar stated purchaser would come lower back a couple of weeks later on complaining since "one thing need to be bad with all the digital camera you distributed me for the reason that pics aren't as good as Tom's." I would personally constantly response with "might I see the digicam?" and would then inquire if they minded generally if i got a few pics. I would personally placed the digital camera in both aperture consideration setting or manual, adapt the settings in accordance with the picture that we wished to create, press the shutter option, after which present the consumer the photo. They could usually follow-up with similar to "Amazing, seems excellent, the reason my photographs don't appearance that excellent?" To which I would start off the extended talk on how I take advantage of a digicam to be a device to build the appearance I want as an alternative to becoming dependent on a video camera to carry out the many thinking for me personally. As a consequence of peoples, generally erroneous, beliefs about photography I've chosen to produce a set of 101 causes that many of us really need to hire a expert wedding photographer instead of depending on their "close friend which has a wonderful high-end camera." This checklist - in no certain purchase - is mainly aimed at photography but they can include things like virtually any picture taking. An Expert Professional photographer 1. creates photos, he doesn't require a image and "believe it comes out." 2. has devoted several years studying every facet of creating a shots. 3. is familiar with which zoom lens to use in which circumstance.
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4. knows how to set the camera for your steady appear irrespective of position (wedding, reception, outdoors, and so forth.) 5. understands how to effectively make use of a flash for smooth, even illumination. 6. is familiar with the best time to use a number of flashes to develop a stunning scenario. 7. is able to come up with a picture appear "all-natural" but not like he was with a display by any means. 8. knows what aperture to set his lenses to for your search that can make you gaze the perfect. 9. is aware what shutter velocity setting to grab the background light-weight, produce the sense of motion, or hold an object available. 10. will occasionally devote several hours retouching just one take pictures of to ensure it is excellent. 11. is familiar with when you use off digicam lighting (strobes) to make a selected search or smoothly light several individuals or possibly a bedroom. 12. owns specialist devices. 13. has expended approximately the same sum if not more for *each individual* lens which he owns than he do for his video camera physique. 14. is the owner of multiple digicam body in case of products breakdown. 15. is aware to support his pictures to many areas to prevent personal computer crash issues. 16. has put in much more on accessories Backdrops , Light Appears , Remote Controls for Flash , Storing Cases , Umbrellas , Tripods , Tripod Heads , etc.) than he managed on his digicam(s). 17. usually spends a good deal of money and time creating a web site, advertising and marketing, and marketing. 18. will happily shell out many several hours reaching with you, answering questions, emailing, dealing with all the info of the wedding day, scouting out your spot(s), and so on. to guarantee that it is all totally completed the way you want to buy. 19. will talk about a "picture collection" to you in order that nothing at all, or none of us becomes neglected. (You will know you've have an granddad Joe, yet your photographer doesn't except if you notify him.) 20. are going to be professional about using pictures with the precious bride and bridesmaids since they are getting prepared. 21. is able to strong groups of customers to be photographed to ensure most people appears to be good (no sealed eyes, yawns, people invisible at the rear of other individuals, and so forth.) 22. won't be drinking with the wedding party like granddad Joe. 23. knows how to catch the moment. (not when you're taking beyond the first kiss but right since your lip area touch) 24. understands how to created a marriage album so that it not simply reveals great pictures, but informs a terrific tale. 25. understands how to match colour of his display illumination for the hue of the background mild (tungsten, luminescent, outside the house inside the hue, etcetera.) 26. retains up with the most up-to-date tendencies in taking pictures types so that he will be able to offer everything that a person may well want. (imagine green vino eyeglasses by using a grayscale background ) 27. maintains up with the most current computerized enhancing resources to create exclusive and customized art work that you can appreciate. 28. can capture motion picture. 29. does this prior to. He's not at the wedding ceremony to "exercise his picture taking" 30. will allow your visitor be described as a visitor. Granddad Joe would actually be able to take pleasure in the wedding event rather than becoming stressed out about making certain that he gets each of the photographs that they thinks you must have. 31. will generally invest approximately 5 several hours Just before the wedding event when preparing, and among 40 and 60 hrs Right after the wedding party modifying images, generating pictures, framework, creating slideshows, developing wedding albums, confirming orders placed, discussing with the clinical, etcetera. Did you think you were shelling out numerous 1000 money only for 8 many hours on the special day? 32. knows that the normal expense of a complete wedding event is just about $20,000 and that the sole thing which you will keep (other than the dress) is definitely the photography. 33. recognizes that the common cost spent on catered foods service is all around $3000. 34. understands that the normal value invested in plants(that will result in the trash is focused on $2000 35. will gladly let company get photographs during the entire wedding. 36. will conform to all rules relating to flash digital photography throughout your marriage ceremony. Most spots of worship will never permit flash picture taking during the ceremony. How can you get great pics in a very dimly lit cathedral with out a display...? Employ a specialist! 37. is able to make great pictures while simply being discreet and unobtrusive. 38. is aware that it is considerably cleverer to economize by skimping around the roses, meals, music and songs, position, and so forth. rather then to skimp on one and only thing that you have to have from your wedding day (your images). 39. is familiar with what it's enjoy having a bride-to-be (who didn't seek the services of him mainly because her granddad Joe got a wonderful video camera)call up him in tears requesting if you have in any manner he can "fix" grandfather Joe's images. 40. has learned the significance of not trying to keep his buyers patiently waiting on his or her pictures for a few months at the same time. 41. will concentrate on recording good thoughts rather then discussing with his close friends within the wedding ceremony (eh hmm...uncle Joe...) 42. is able to pose the bride and groom (in addition to bridesmaids, groomsmen, loved ones, etcetera.) so that you will search your absolute best. 43. is familiar with what angles to capture which means that your photos are definitely the most perfect. 44. is aware that the cost of your camera has practically nothing concerning the creative excellence of the wedding photographer. 45. will "begin to see the chance" before he enhances the digital camera to his eyesight. 46. will prepare for the second ahead of time to ensure that he or she is available whenever it occurs (the kiss, the wedding cake getting smeared with your new hubby's encounter, etc.) 47. has seen wedding ceremony procedure many times and can happily work together with you (or even your coordinator) to make sure that everything proceeds as sleek as you possibly can. 48. are going to be filled with good suggestions to help you along with your wedding day far beyond just using the photos. 49. can take objectively and won't be as sentimental as a family member or friend. 50. can seize the feelings of everyone in addition on the wedding event. 51. knows how to organize and assist other specialists within the affair (band, Disc-jockey, wedding event coordinator, minister, and so forth.) 52. features a vested fascination with causing you to search your greatest. Not simply have you ever compensated him for his products and services but he also is aware that if you enjoy what he does then you will be advising him to your entire pals. There's a vintage expressing amid photography addicts that moves "in the event you mess up a portrait you must apologize, when you screw up a wedding you will need to abandon area" 53. understands that you will hardly ever regret possessing appointed a professional and obtaining expert outcomes, however, you will be sorry for, from now on, looking to "lower your expenses" and achieving your buddy end up being the professional photographer. 54. doesn't make use of the "vehicle" setting up on the camera. Possibly. 55. understands that recommendations is the perfect advertising and can just be sure you are looked after so that you will distribute a great phrase. 56. can position men and women confident who aren't use to becoming in front of the video camera. 57. has a "case of techniques" up his sleeves to make one of the most marvelous encounter entirely possible that you and your wedding ceremony. 58. makes it enjoyment. This isn't a career for him, it's a enthusiasm! 59. won't just supply you with a CD or DVD of photographs straight right out of the high-end camera, and may painstakingly move through every picture to appropriately boost them while using most up-to-date electronic digital computer software. 60. knows about personal time management and definately will capture so as to maintain your big day going properly.
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