#when one falters due to physical limits?
animentality · 8 months
full random, pre-tadpoled durge gets sick (idk if that's even possible but let's play with our toys a little) after a night together. What would gortash, our favourite evil petty selfish but madly in love lordling, do?
you want me to say something really cute about gortash serving them breakfast in bed, but i know for a fact that if he had something he needed done the next morning, he'd absolutely kick their sick ass out of bed and make them do it, illness or not.
or he'd take advantage of their physical weakness, and get some free blowies out of it because he knows they're delirious and fever stricken and he's an opportunistic pervert at heart.
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Ritornello (Alastor x Cursed!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any but please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 3,565
Previous Part: Rhapsody
Next Part: Rapture
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N Okay I know that canonically Charlie is like 200 but we're gonna make her 25.
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After everything with Alastor, Y/n tried to continued their life as it had been before he'd stepped into. It was challenging, they faltered and misstepped. They had been good at being on their own once but now that they had a taste of the alternative, it was difficult to fall back into their old ways. Eventually, they managed to fall into a new pattern of being.
They were a bit more careful now, they didn't dash out unannounced from behind corners or secret hiding places. Seeing Alastor was the last thing they wanted to do. Now, they had someone to avoid.
For seventeen years, they continued on like this. They struggled through their battles on their own, against the overlords and against their own personal situation. They searched high and low for a cure but the only things they ever seemed able to come up with were false promises and temporary fixes. Every day, the curse the overlords had placed on them to limit their powers was growing stronger. Every time they used their magic, played their music, it became more and more corrupted and so, they learned to fight with their hands. This was until they got the call from Lucifer, of course.
The pair were old friends of a sort. Y/n had met him by chance within their first few days in Hell when he'd pulled them out of a tight spot. They didn't spend time together ever or really see one another at all but, Y/n had a vague sort of trust for the man, a strong sense of a debt needing to be repaid. Y/n didn't like owing people things, not even back when they were alive. They didn't like depending on people in that way. When he asked them if they could keep an eye on his daughter, they couldn't refuse.
Charlie was a lot. At twelve years old, she was bright and over the top and constantly bursting out into song. At first, Y/n had been rather uncertain about the whole arrangement, even when she'd gone through her emo phase at fifteen.
Y/n tried to steer clear of them for the most part. Picking her up from school, dropping her off. Babysitting when her parents needed a night to themselves, the normal stuff. When the issues started between Lilith and Lucifer, Charlie was suddenly thrust into Y/n's life a lot more. She had no idea the real reason, both her parents wanting to keep the trouble from her due to their own care and protective natures, and Y/n tried their best to keep it that way. It didn't help that by sixteen, Charlie had practically moved in with the demon but they managed.
Charlie had always pushed for a connection, something more than Y/n making her dinner and getting her where she needed to go. Y/n resisted at all costs. They'd been hurt before by trust, by care. The idea of going through it all again was terrifying. That all changed the day Charlie found out about the curse.
Y/n hadn't meant for her to find out. One of their situation's many many downsides was that while the curse ate away at their magic, it also ate away at their physical form. If they weren't careful, if they didn't temper their emotions and make sure they were eating enough raw meat, the beast would take over.
The beast was a horrific thing in their eyes, blood hungry and devastating. It was sub-human, sub-demon even, writhing and scornful. A mass of twisting shells of prey, a mass of claws and sharp teeth.
Of course, Y/n couldn't keep it from Charlie forever and on one fateful evening, Y/n had transformed. They'd been overworked, stressed about the fact that the Vees were gaining more territory and power, that soon they would be practically untouchable. They had forgotten to take care of themselves in the rush of it all, prioritizing Charlie and their plans.
When they had come back to their senses, come back to themself, it had been to the sight of Charlie. With a damp rag held to their forehead by the demoness and a whole lot of bones from victims of their situation on the floor around them, they had opened their eyes. Y/n had expected Charlie to flinch, to run in fear, to tell Lucifer who knew nothing about the curse. Instead, she had smiled brightly and told Y/n she was glad they were okay. From that day forward, they were absolutely inseparable, completely attached at the hip.
With Charlie's help and cheerful influence, Y/n was beginning to learn how to exist. They loved the girl like she was their own and Charlie knew if she ever had an issue of any sort, she could go to Y/n about it. Even when Y/n had relayed the story of how they'd been cursed and why, there had been no issues, no qualms, nothing. Charlie promised her watcher that she would help them break the curse, no matter what it took.
It was watching Charlie come into herself as a young adult, watching her meet and fall in love with Vaggie that made the real difference. The princess of Hell was unapologetically herself and Vaggie took everything she had to offer with open arms. Slowly but surely, the search for a cure took a back seat as did Y/n's goal of taking down the overlords of Hell. Their life was different, but they were happy. They found themself wishing for the past, the one they had shared with Alastor, less and less, channeling their energy into the world around them. They didn't even notice when the reports started to come in that the Radio Demon of the overlords had seemingly vanished.
Things hadn't been without their challenges. Charlie's relationship with her dad was strained to say the least and when her mom had disappeared? She'd been absolutely inconsolable but with one another's help, they figured things out, made it through.
When Charlie pitched the idea of the Happy Hotel, Y/n had been doubtful. They knew a lot about Hell, the way it functioned, the way the demons within were. It came from decades running around back streets and surviving in the underworld of the underworld. It was Charlie's hope that did it, her earnest gaze. Y/n had caved and after months of hard work, the Hotel had finally opened.
Things were going well, too well even. Then there had been the interview with Katie Killjoy, the other shoe dropping. Y/n had watched it from the sidelines with Vaggie. As soon as Charlie had come down off the set, they had enveloped her in their arms and held them close. With Vaggie's help, they managed to get Charlie back to the hotel.
Once she had calmed down a little bit, Charlie stood from where she had been seated in the sitting room beside Y/n, Vaggie, and the hotel's one resident: Angel Dust. She mentioned something about calling her mom before disappearing into the lobby.
Y/n and Vaggie exchanged a look. They both knew the situation Charlie was in with regards to her mother and how she tended to get after one of her failed attempts to contact the woman. Neither thought this was the time or the place to step in however, and remained seated, chatting idly with Angel as they waited for Charlie's return.
When she finally did, it was with a nervous attitude and a strained expression.
"Hey Vaggie?"
"What?" Vaggie asked as she and Y/n twisted to look at Charlie who stood in the door way behind the couch.
"Can you come help me please?"
Vaggie got to her feet and exited the sitting room with her girlfriend. Y/n turned to Angel to continue their conversation but had barley gotten a word to the spider demon out when Vaggie stepped back in the room.
"Yeah?" Y/n replied calmly.
"Charlie actually needs our help with this one, I think."
"Alright then." Y/n got to their feet, shooting a glance back at Angel, "A true hotelier's work is never done." they lightly joked and Angel rolled his eyes.
"What's this about?" Y/n asked Vaggie as they followed her down the hall towards the hotel's main entrance.
"Just..." Vaggie sighed, "you'll see."
Noting the girl's odd behavior and stressed demeanor, Y/n steeled themselves. Not much put Vaggie on edge. She was strong, toughened, as far as Y/n knew, by a brutal upbringing in the streets of Hell. While each use of their powers made the curse grow stronger, they would not hesitate to protect Charlie or her dreams should the need arise. Besides, they'd become quite good at other means of self preservation over the years.
As they rounded the corner into the lobby space, Y/n was greeted by a flash of red as someone pushed past Charlie into the space from the street and a familiar voice.
"Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929. So many orphans."
Y/n let out a low growl, summoning their lute into their hands and Vaggie pointed her spear at the Radio Demon. It was pure instinct. If they knew anyone, they knew Alastor and redemption was not the Radio Demon's cup of tea. As Charlie shut the door, he turned to face them. Y/n walked a few steps forward, planting their feet a little ways away from Alastor and poising their fingers to play.
"Get out of here." They said through gritted teeth.
Alastor's eyes widened with recognition for the smallest moment. As quick as he had lost it, he regained his composure.
"My what a protective force this Hazbin Hotel has." Alastor mused.
"It's called the Happy Hotel actually?" Charlie hesitantly corrected and he laughed.
"Not anymore its not. I did you the favor of fixing your sign."
A little threat couldn't hurt, a little reminder of who he was dealing with. Alastor had no idea Y/n was any less capable than when he'd first met them. One little note couldn't hurt, wouldn't show any of the damage done. Y/n plucked a single string on their instrument and the room around them began to glow. Everyone's hair lifted around their faces, the loose edges of their clothes beginning to flutter.
"Get out of here now. I wont ask you again."
"Now, is that anyway to treat an old friend?" Alastor replied, smirking.
Everything suddenly clicked into place. There was something different about him. Y/n couldn't put their finger on exactly what it was, but they could tell he hadn't been lying. He'd been at the Hotel for at least five minutes by now, maybe more with all Charlie and Vaggie's running back and forth since his arrival. If he had had any truly negative intentions, they would have revealed themselves, especially to Y/n. Alastor was a good liar, but no one was that good, good enough to trick someone who had watched them become the person they are.
"Old friend?" Vaggie repeated, turning to Y/n in confusion.
Their grimace faltered, before falling completely. They released their instrument, letting it hang loosely in their hand by their side.
"Alastor! You're embarrassing me in front of my kid."
"Your kid?" Alastor asked after a moment.
This time the shocked expression that crept its way onto his face stayed there.
"You know him?" Charlie asked at the same moment as Alastor spoke.
Y/n let their instrument dissolve into the air and gestured to Charlie.
"My kid. And yes, Charlie. I know Alastor."
Alastor turned, looking Charlie up and down.
"You got with Lucifer?" Alastor asked in confusion as he looked back at Y/n.
They laughed lightly at the notion, unable to stop themselves. They shook their head.
"No. Oh my gosh, I would never. Seriously just... great guy and all but no thank you. I just take care of his kid for him. Well, used to. We sorta got attached."
Charlie walked up to Y/n as they spoke, pulling them into a side hug.
"Y/n practically raised me. They were kinda the only one who was always there for me."
Y/n looked down at Charlie with a fond smile. They ruffled her hair and Charlie quickly batted their hand away.
It was clear to Alastor that Y/n had changed. They were no longer the trouble making demon he had known, that he had loved. Still, there was that same spark in their eyes, that fervent desire, that want. From just the small interaction playing out before him, he could tell that Y/n had learned how to trust and protect rather than just fight. They had learned to live hand in hand with that creeping need woven so tightly around their bones, rather than despite it.
It made him happy to see, it made him happy for her. At the same time, it caused his heart to ache terribly. They had finally been able to let someone in, and it hadn't been him.
In the years since their separation, Alastor had never stopped thinking about Y/n. Their memory was tender to the touch, shot sparks of joy or anguish down him depending on the day. It was like an old wound that had never quite healed right. Seeing them now was unexpected. The wound reopened. He sheltered himself.
Y/n saw the way Vaggie still had her spear pointed at Alastor, aimed straight at his neck. Gently, they placed a hand on it, pushing it down. Vaggie looked at them, her eyebrows raised.
"If he wanted to hurt anyone here, he would have done so already."
Vaggie stared at Y/n for a moment. Seeing how serious the demon that had become a mentor to her was in this moment, she lowered her blade. Y/n's hand fell back to their side.
"Now," Y/n turned to look at Alastor once again, "why are you here?"
It was late. Vaggie had told Y/n that Charlie wanted to speak to them about something in their office and so, Y/n found themselves outside the familiar door. They knocked once on the dark red wood.
They opened the door and Charlie smiled.
"What'd you wanna talk to me about, Sunshine?" Y/n asked as they entered the room, taking a seat in the chair across the desk from their young charge.
"Just about Alastor."
They should have known. Not only was the hotel at a potential risk thanks to the decision to allow him to work with them but Charlie had always had a sharp sense of curiosity. Y/n sighed.
"Fire away, kiddo."
"Well, how do you two know one another? Can we trust him? Do you think he means what he says he does? I thought you hated overlords? I.. I..."
Y/n smiled softly, the change in their face easing Charlie's nervous temper.
"We will handle these one at a time, no prying. Deal?"
"Y/n, you realize how suspicious that makes you sound, right?"
"Fine. A little prying. Deal?"
Y/n leaned back in their chair, letting out a sigh of nostalgia. Their hands rested on their stomach as they kicked their feet up onto Charlie's desk.
"I... I met Alastor practically right after he arrived. We both thought the overlord system was dumb and so, we decided to team up."
There was a moment of silence, broken by Charlie. The young demoness had always loved Y/n's stories, begged to hear them. They had never once heard this one before.
"Is that all?"
Y/n shook their head.
"We dated."
"You dated!" Charlie exclaimed in shock, nearly jumping out of her seat, "You dated the Radio Demon. Were you in love?"
Of course she'd go on and ask that next. Not 'how'd that happen?' not 'when was this?' No, Charlie had to go for the hardest question first, like she always did.
"Yes." Y/n hesitantly replied, "I did."
"I... oh my god. This is actually crazy. You dated? You actually dated. Like for real, in love, dated."
"Alright." Y/n clapped their hands, taking their feet off the desk and righting themselves in their chair, "Next question."
"I said some prying."
"Fine." Charlie sighed, crossing her arms, "But I am gonna get that story out of you eventually."
"I'm sure you will, sunshine." Y/n chuckled lightly, "Now. Can we trust him? I... I'm not sure."
All the excitement vanished from Charlie as she looked seriously over at Y/n.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Because, he's up to something but not with us. Or, if it is with us, it's not to hurt us. I... something happened to him, something is different. I am not sure what I just... he's not here to hurt us... I think..."
"You think?" Charlie repeated indignantly, "Can you be a little more sure of that maybe? Why only think?"
"It's been a long time since I've seen him, Charls. Maybe being an overlord is what changed him. I have no way of knowing but my gut tells me he's okay, at least for now."
"You knew him before he became an overlord?"
"You really think I would team up with one of those bitches? Come on. You know I hate them."
"Next question." Y/n quickly interrupted, not wanting to think on the past anymore than was necessary, "I think he does mean what he says, as was implied in whether or not I trusted him but the same caveats that applied there apply here too. And I do hate overlords, I just..."
"You just love him." Charlie teased.
Y/n's cheeks grew hot. They looked away.
"I do not. I loved him. There is a difference."
"Uh-huh. Sure. Why did you guys break up?"
Y/n turned back to Charlie. They couldn't say no to those eyes.
"Well, he became an overlord. Also I maybe... never told him. About the curse. He could tell something was up and..." Y/n took a breath, "couldn't take it after a while I guess."
"So you guys still loved each other when you broke up."
"What are you scheming over there."
"Nothing! Nothing!" Charlie quickly replied as she not so discreetly scribbled something on a piece of paper, "How long were you together?"
Y/n placed their hands on the arms of the chair, pulling themselves to their feet.
"Alright, trouble maker, I think thats enough lore outta me tonight."
"But Y/n!"
"I'm gonna go to bed. Vaggie already headed upstairs for the night I think. Sweet dreams, princess."
"Good night Y/n." Charlie dejectedly replied as she realized she really wasn't going to be getting anything else out of her mentor that night.
"Good night."
Y/n was about half way through the Hotel back to their room when they felt a hand on their shoulder. Reacting purely out of instinct, they ducked out from under the person's grip, spinning around with their fists raised. Alastor smiled down at Y/n and they sighed.
"What is it?" they asked, straightening up.
He had expected Y/n to be angry, to have that familiar sharp edge behind their voice. Instead, they looked up at him. As if everything was normal, as if it hadn't been thirty years since they'd last seen one another, as if they had just been together yesterday, their eyes met his.
"I... it's good to see you."
"It's good to see you too." they replied after a moment's thought, "What are you doing up this late?"
"You know me, sleep is not my preferred way to pass time."
"I meant what are you doing in the hall, but sure. Yeah, I know you."
"That darling Charlie asked to see me."
Y/n scoffed, shaking their head with a tired smile.
"Of course she'd... yeah."
They stood in the hall facing one another. Just a few feet apart. The silence was thick.
"You seem happy."
"I am." Y/n nodded, "Charlie is a great kid. I was pissed when Lucifer first asked me to look after her, I'll admit it but, she has grown on me."
"I didn't know you were acquainted with the big man. I thought you despised all authority figures."
Y/n looked critically at Alastor, over his whole being. He felt they were looking into his very soul, the heart of all his intentions and desires. He felt absolutely naked in the worst way under their gaze.
"No, just overlords. Especially ones who make deals for the souls of others. It's a stupid and outdated system. Even the best of them like Rosie abuse their power to get what they want."
It was a well sharpened arrow, the remark. Perfectly aimed. Alastor had, after all, introduced the small group inhabiting the hotel to Husk and Nifty just that afternoon. Y/n turned their back to Alastor.
"She has big dreams and the passion to see them through. I believe in her. Don't... don't fuck this up for her, Alastor."
Next Part -> Rapture
@moonmark98 @luzzbuzz @snowlotr @randomuser-89 @fakeguysarehot @xdolls-crownx
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fairyniceyeah · 27 days
💎 I love my team, I love my crew (Part 4/7)
Title from Super (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: Jeonghan quickly learns that taking care of so many sick members is a hard task, even with a medic helping them out.
CW: emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness, fainting, IVs
Sickies: Seungkwan + S.Coups/Seungcheol + Minghao + Woozi/Jihoon Caretakers: Jeonghan + Vernon + Mingyu + Dino/Chan + Jun + Hoshi/Soonyoung + Wonwoo
Jeonghan was exhausted, both mentally and physically. Just the thought of the next days made him want to cry. He was the eomma-hyung for God’s sake. Not the organizer. That was Seungcheol’s job. But with Seungcheol down for the count it fell to Jeonghan to try to puzzle out how to take care of a contagious epidemic in the middle of the fucking sea with only a limited amount of staff - some of which who were already sick as well - instead of just taking care of the members like he wanted.
It was nearly welcome to hold back Seungkwan’s hair as he threw up over the railing again. After the medic had gone to check his supplies and Jun had turned back to try and coax Minghao out of the bathroom, Jeonghan had decided to go check on the two maknaes. 
Vernon looked slightly terrified and Seungkwan was so pale and queasy it was painful to watch. The youngest vocalist was shaking badly in Jeonghan’s arms, knees threatening to give out. And they did the moment Seungkwan was able to stop retching. Carefully Jeonghan lowered them down, letting Seungkwan manipulate him into a position that seemed to be comfortable for him.
“Hyung, everything hurts”, Seungkwan whispered, steady tears falling down his face and wetting Jeonghan’s tank top, “make it stop.” 
Jeonghan felt about ready to cry with him, feeling so sorry towards the younger. It took a lot to reduce Seungkwan to tears, but steady unrelenting pain would do it. It was nearly comical - Seungkwan had managed to stay mostly calm whenever he got injured but the few times he had been plagued by body aches due to a fever he had been inconsolable. 
“I’m so sorry, baby”, he whispered back, “I wish hyung could take the pain away.”
“Do you want to lie down in one of the bunks downstairs?”, Vernon asked, sitting across from Jeonghan and moving his hand in comforting patterns over Seungkwan’s back. “You might be more comfortable in a real bed.”
“I think that is a very good idea, Nonie. What do you think, Kwan-ah?”
Seungkwan blinked up at them and after a second of consideration, nodded. “Can I have some painkillers too?”
“Of course”, Vernon promised and, in an uncharacteristic display of fondness, kissed the older’s forehead. “Can you walk?”
It took all of Vernon’s and Jeonghan’s strength but Seungkwan couldn’t support himself. There was no way he’d make it across the deck, through the hallway, down the stairs and to any of the rooms.
“Hyung?”, Jeonghan called the manager over, who had respectfully stood back, “can you carry Seungkwan-ah down to the room I share with Cheollie and so on? I think we should get Cheollie laying down there too, so the members are less spread out.”
“Good thinking, Han-ah”, the manager praised and hefted Seungkwan to his chest, the vocalist’s head falling against his shoulder. They quickly disappeared down the hall, Vernon trailing after them.
Jeonghan wished he felt better after the praise. He sighed and pushed himself to his feet. No rest for the wicked.
When he entered the living area, he spotted Mingyu holding Seungcheol on his lap with Dino nowhere to be seen. Oh God, was the maknae sick too? Jeonghan felt his heart beating faster and he faltered in the doorway, feeling like his breathing was compromised. He couldn't deal with another sick member today.
“Hannie-hyung, are you alright?”, Mingyu asked, sounding concerned and slightly panicked. 
“I’m fine”, Jeonghan quickly said, brushing the concern away, “where is Dino-yah?”
“He’s getting ice packs for Cheollie-hyung. He’s burning.” The concern in Mingyu’s voice had barely lessened and it was at that moment that Jeonghan remembered the younger's distaste for sickness. Was he asking too much of the members? Should they have tried to separate the healthy members after all?
“Oh. Uhm, well, can you carry Cheollie down to his room? A manager is bringing Seungkwan there too.” Jeonghan still felt breathless but Mingyu didn’t seem to notice.
“Kwan-ah is sick too?”, Mingyu asked. Right, he didn’t know. He wasn’t there.
Shit. What had Jeonghan missed because he wasn’t there? Had another member fallen sick in the meantime? How were Seokmin and Wonwoo and Hoshi and Jun doing? Vernon had seemed fine and Mingyu said he and Dino were too, but were they really? And what about Minghao, was he becoming too dehydrated? And Jeonghan hadn’t even seen Jihoon and Joshua since they had fallen sick.
So much could have happened. Frantically, Jeonghan patted his pockets, all but dropping his phone when he found it and opened the group chat. Maybe if something had happened, a member would have asked for help there?
But all he found in the chat after he had asked the members to come to the living room was a picture of Jihoon, asleep and curled around an otter stuffy, courtesy of Soonyoung. The picture was just plain cute and Jeonghan couldn’t help but smile a bit. 
“Why are you looking so happy, Hannie-hyung?”, Dino asked, coming inside and carrying ice packs in one hand and a thermos of tea, likely, in his other hand. 
Jeonghan turned around his phone to show it to Dino and Minygu who both cooed. “Hoshi-hyung is so dead”, Mingyu giggled.
Seungcheol, who must have not been asleep and just resting with his eyes closed, mumbled a sleepy and kind of delirious sounding: “Horanghae. Wooahae. Saranghae.”
Jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh, the other two joining in. “You’re completely right, ddaddu.”
Mingyu calmed down first and asked: “You said to bring hyung to his room?”
“Yeah. It’s better to have the members not spread out all over, I think. Then us healthy ones can help each other better.” 
Five minutes later, Seungcheol and Seungkwan were cuddled up on one of the small bunks in the cabin. It hadn’t been the plan, necessarily, but the two had taken one look at each other and Seungkwan had announced he wanted a personal heating pad for his pains and Seungcheol seemed content enough to have a cuddly dongsaeng in his arms.
Confident that Dino and Vernon had the two handled for the time being, Mingyu asked Jeonghan for permission to go help the noona cook. It was a good idea, many of the members needed nutrients soon and Mingyu seemed to be vibrating out of his skin.
When he stepped outside into the hallway as well, Jeonghan was greeted by the medic. “Jeonghan-ssi? I got some fever reducers but most of the nausea medication I have is actually catering towards seasickness. We can try how much it helps. But I’m gonna be honest: We don’t have enough, not for thirteen members and certainly not for staff on top. The medications packed considered slight motion sickness and maybe a normal flu, some injuries. I suggest sailing back as soon as we can so they can get real medications as soon as possible.”
“I think Seungcheol and Seungkwan mostly need fever reducers…”, Jeonghan started but then a loud yell interrupted him. “Hyung!”
It sounded like Jun.
Not caring to check if the medic was following him, Jeonghan ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. In the small hallway Jun was kneeling on the ground, hovering over an unconscious Minghao. 
The medic, apparently behind him, cursed and pushed past Jeonghan to kneel down at Minghao’s head. Jeonghan dropped down next to Jun, wrapping one arm around the older Chinese member’s back in comfort. Jun looked incredibly spooked.
“What happened?”, the medic asked, “Jeonghan-ssi, elevate his legs.”
Reluctantly Jeonghan let go of Jun and sat down on his other side, so he could lift Minghao’s legs into his lap. Jun reached across the distance and took Jeonghan’s hand in his as he shakily explained: “I got him to open the bathroom door but when he tried to step out he just crumpled. I mean, I kind of thought he would faint at some point, but still I only barely managed to catch him.”
“No matter how close it was, you caught him”, Jeonghan said, comforting himself as much as Jun. A concussion on top of this would have been a disaster. Jun squeezed his hand in thanks.
The medic checked Minghao’s vitals and quickly came to the conclusion that it was a mix of dehydration, fever and exhaustion that caused the dancer to pass out. It wasn’t really a surprise.
“I suggest putting him on IV medication. He needs fluids, he lost too much and even if he drank a lot right now and it stayed down I doubt it would be enough. See, he is barely even sweating anymore.” Jeonghan could feel the dryness and heat of Minghao’s skin where we held onto his calf. 
“Let’s put him into …”, Jeonghan trailed off. 
Seungkwan and Seungcheol kind of filled the ratio of sick members and available bathrooms in their room already. If Joshua’s headache was as bad as Seungkwan had told him before he was out of commission himself then there was no way he could tolerate another member with him, especially a loudly sick one. As far as Jeonghan knew … no wait, Soonyoung and Wonwoo had put Jihoon to bed. It wasn’t ideal but it was the best solution he could think of.
“Let’s put him with Jihoonie.”
Neither Jeonghan or Jun were really equipped to carry Minghao down the stairs, even if he was light he was still dead weight at the moment. If he could hold himself up on Jun’s back it might have worked but now it was very awkward to lift him between them and on the stairs they realized the problem. The stairway was too narrow. 
In the end, Jun held onto Minghao’s shoulders and Jeonghan onto his legs, carefully walking down the stairs backwards. 
Once down in the hall, Jun stopped in his tracks and rather suddenly said: “We could have just asked Hoshi or Wonwoo for help.”
Jeonghan wanted to face-palm but he didn’t think Minghao would appreciate getting dropped. It was stupid, he should have thought of that. Well, it was too late now.
The medic opened the door for them and quickly they carried Minghao in. Soonyoung, who had been sitting on the bed beside a still asleep Jihoon, jumped up in shock. “What happened?”
“He passed out”, Jeonghan said grimly, still beating himself up a bit about the stairs situation. It was so ridiculous. “Let’s put him down.”
Soonyoung grimaced. “Poor Hao. Wonwoo took out Jihoon’s blankets to wash them, if you want to cover him up, use the ones from the top bunks.”  
Once Minghao was placed down on the bed, the medic looked him over again before plastering a motion sickness patch on his wrist and setting up the IV. Jun was with Minghao and the younger was still unconscious after all, so Jeonghan took the chance to kneel down next to Jihoon, pushing the trash can a bit away to make space for himself. Feeling his forehead, Jeonghan realized that the vocalist was warm, yes, but not even coming close to Seungkwan and Seungcheol.
“How is he doing?”
“Wonwoo said he hasn’t been able to keep any medication down. Bit of a fever, though we haven’t had a thermometer to check. Pretty sure that his stomach is hurting him a lot, look how curled into himself he is. He doesn’t sleep like that normally”, Soonyoung pointed out. 
Jeonghan pushed the blanket away and placed his hand against Jihoon’s stomach. He could feel it cramping angrily even through the pajamas. From previous experience Jeonghan knew that Jihoon enjoyed the feeling of a hand against his upset stomach whenever he was sick, once in the throes of a fever and stomach bug explaining that it felt good and made him able to focus on something but the pain. 
After a few moments of touch, Jihoon sleepily blinked his eyes open. 
“Sssh, everything’s alright”, Jeonghan whispered, “go back to sleep.”
“Hyungie?”, Jihoon mumbled and stared at Jeonghan with big eyes before starting to tug on Jeonghan’s other arm. For a moment Jeonghan was confused but then Jihoon whispered a sleepy “Hug?”.
Jeonghan smiled a bit, knowing how seldom it was for Jihoon to ask for comfort, a hug even less, so he decided to indulge him. He sat down on the edge of the bed, helping Jihoon sit up a bit so he could slide in under the younger. Within seconds Jihoon had about half his body curled up on Jeonghan’s lap. 
“My stomach hurts”, Jihoon whispered, his muscles clenching as he rode out another wave of pain. Holding him in his lap Jeonghan was able to gauge how badly it must be hurting the younger. There was a fine line of sweat on his brow and he had never seen Jihoon this pale. “I’m still kinda queasy but can I try some pain meds again? I was able to keep down the anti-emetic earlier.”
“Do you want an IV instead?”, Jeonghan offered instead, “the medic is here already, it’s no issue.”
Jihoon frowned and then blink into the direction of the other bed. Soonyoung, when he saw Jihoon turn, gave a small wave but the producer was fixated on Minghao’s prone form. “Shit, I remember the manager saying that Minghao wasn’t feeling so good and something was up with Shua-hyung … what’s going on?”
“Norovirus, if I’m not mistaken”, the medic said, standing up after finishing putting the needle into Minghao’s arm. He was fiddling with securing the bag of fluids on the railing of the upper bunk and once satisfied, turned around. “I’d like to check you over too, Woozi-ssi, if that is alright?”
Jihoon pressed himself a bit further against Jeonghan, shrinking back from the stranger. Jeonghan sighed and gently pressed Jihoon’s arm in comfort. The younger was often uncomfortable with new staff, hesitant to show vulnerability even to the members and now he was feeling sick and was in pain and people were staring at him and a stranger wanted to approach him. No wonder he was scared.
“I just want to take a painkiller and be done with it”, Jihoon whispered, not meeting anybody's eyes. 
“Do you have any special concerns regarding his health?” Thank heavens for Soonyoung. He turned the medic’s attention to himself, obviously understanding that Jihoon was deeply uncomfortable. “If not, I think it’s best to just let him do what he is comfortable with. It’s not you, he’s just not a fan of strangers. Especially when unwell.” 
“Not especially. If he can keep down medications and liquids he should be fine. Take his temperature regularly”, the medic explained, nodding in understanding, “if you have any concerns come get me, but I get that you’d rather be alone with your members. Use a motion sickness patch for good measure.” He handed the patch to Soonyoung and looked at Jihoon who returned his smile with a shaky one of his own.
“Thank you.”
“Well, Minghao-ssi should be okay with the IV - I put him on fluids, an antiemetic and an antidiarrheal. If you want me to, I can go look at the other members now.”
“Your help is greatly appreciated”, Jeonghan said, “I …”
He really wanted to accompany the medic to the other members. It seemed like he hadn’t seen Seungcheol and Seungkwan in ages and he hated that the two healthy maknaes were left alone with them. And Joshua, he hadn’t even seen him since before everything started. 
But he also had a lapful of cuddly, unwell Jihoon. 
“Stay here, Hannie-hyung”, Jun said, obviously understanding Jeonghan’s struggle. “I’ll go with him and see how the others are doing.”
“Thanks, Junnie.”
As the medic and Jun left, Jeonghan and Hoshi were left with a pale Jihoon. They really needed to get painkillers into him as soon as possible. Maybe another dose of antiemetic. Considering that Jeonghan was stuck holding Jihoon, Soonyoung grabbed the meds from Jihoon’s bag. At least he had the medication already available. 
Soonyoung squatted down next to them, gently placing the patch on Jihoon’s wrist, and brushed back a strand of bleached hair that had fallen out of Jihoon’s braid. “Drink”, he encouraged and held a water bottle to the producer’s lips. Jihoon took a few reluctant sips and even let Soonyoung pop the pills into his mouth. Priority seemed to keep a hold of his aching stomach with one hand and of Jeonghan’s hand with the other. 
“I wanna sleep”, he whispered and closed his eyes. 
“Can you let me up first, baby?”, Jeonghan asked gently, “I promised I’ll stay close as long as I can but I don’t want to accidentally wake you if one of the other member’s needs me.”
Jihoon whined a bit, Jeonghan wasn’t even sure if he was aware that he was making that sound, but he let Jeonghan slip away from under him without further protest. Jeonghan made good on his promise: He sat down on the ground by his dongsaeng’s head and played with his hair until Jihoon’s breathing turned even.
“What do we do now, hyung?”, Soonyoung asked, having sat down on the bed by Minghao’s side. 
Jeonghan took a deep breath, trying to fight back the tendrils of anxiety that now snaked around his heart as the action had died down. He was so worried for his members. 
“I don’t know, Soonyoung-ah. I don’t know. We wait and pray.”
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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unofficialsapphire · 1 year
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Warning: not proof read
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CHAPTER 13: The Final Selection
It was good thing that you left early for the Final Selection it took you long enough before your reach your destination. It was awful long walk and you keep getting sidetrack along the way.
Finally, you arrived at the mountain where the Wisteria blooms all year round. It was a breathtaking sight, with the flowers spread throughout the area. There were other people your age patiently waiting for the Final Selection to begin. Looking at their facial expression, some are nervous, some have determination, some have neutral expression. But looking at those you was looking scared, you couldn't help but feel the dread in your veins. 
The event organizers has arrived who introduced themselves as Kiriya and Kanata Ubuyashiki, they started giving a brief rules to the candidates in Final Selection. You couldn't help but your stomach drop when they said it's going to take 7 nights before reaching your destination. Muichiro told you it's about 2 nights, you were not mentally prepared for the 7 nightd. You felt your body shake a little as you anxiously think about what would happened inside those 7 nights.
Looking around, you noticed that some people didn't seem bothered by the 7-night duration, as if they already knew about it. "Muichiro could have said he completely forgot instead of assuming it was only 2 nights?!" you angrily muttered under your breath, kicking a small rock in frustration.
As everyone started running into the mountain, you found yourself frozen in place. The decision of whether to proceed or back out weighed heavily on your mind. However, you couldn't ignore the effort the Hashiras had put into training you when they could have easily rejected you due to your mental and physical limitations.
Taking a deep breath, you began running into Mount Fujikasane, tightly gripping your katana and focusing your senses on your surroundings. You kept reminding yourself to stay focused.
Suddenly, you heard a rustling sound from behind and instinctively jumped forward to dodge an incoming attack. You quickly turned your attention to the source – a demon ready to devour you. With ease, you decapitated its neck. The adrenaline coursing through your body caused your legs to tremble slightly.
Unwavering, you tightly held onto your katana as you slowly continued walking, sensing any hint of hostility in the area, preparing yourself for any demons that might attack. You told yourself there was no turning back – you were alone and no one would be there to assist you. This is no time to slack off.
The atmosphere filled you with an unsettling sense of unease as you cautiously moved ahead. The sound of the insects was the only thing you could hear. The only source of light you had was the moonlight illuminating your way. You need a place to keep you safe but you knew you couldn't falter. Every seconds counts. Time was of the essence, every passing second felt like a ticking time bomb. One moment you're alive, and in the next, if you let your guard down, you could be mercilessly devoured.
You can't help but let out a sigh of relief as you catch sight of the sun slowly creeping up. Finally, you feel your tense muscles ease up, and with a satisfying crack of your neck, you carefully sheathe your katana. Moving forward with renewed determination, you eagerly search for a temporary shelter to rest and recharge your depleted energy. As your stomach starts to grumble, you frown slightly, realizing you didn't bring enough snacks, as you only anticipated a two-night journey. Instead of blaming Muichiro, you brush it off, knowing it's not his fault. After all, he often forgets to eat during your intense training sessions together. 
You took of the mask you were wearing from last night as Sanemi had told you to wear it constantly to hide your identity. Though, having a mask is difficult but you have vowed to listen and wear it especially during the dark hours when demons lurked in every corner.
"you need to wear this" Sanemi told you, holding a hanfu face veil.
"what?! Why?!" you exclaim, wondering why would you need a mask.
"have you forgotten that you were a slayer before?! Just use this no more question!" He retort, shoving the mask in your hand, not giving you a chance to protest but you still complied.
You decided to walk around and hope to at least find some edible fruits or plants you find your way in or else you either die from starving or die at the hands of demon. You frown at the thought. No way.
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Looking from far ahead at Mt. Fujikasane was Muichiro, perched on a branch of the nearest and highest tree he could find.
It has been days since he last saw you, qne it's making him agitated as minutes pass by. It was way different when you ignored him the last time. This time, you were fighting for your life. He felt bad when he realized that it would take 7 nights instead of two.
"I hope Y/in-San is alright. 7 days straight fighting a demon is pretty exhausting" Mitsuri blabbered as they walk back from their quick mission.
Her statement made Muichiro froze. "7 nights?" he repeated as if he didn't heard her clearly.
Mitsuri looked at him puzzled, "Yeah. Muichiro-san, 7 nights"
He didn't remember that it took 7 nights when he went for the Final Selection; it had happened so fast that he thought it was only two nights. You were not mentally prepared for that long, and he knew that you did not bring enough food for that duration.
You could be possibly be hurt and hungry by the 6th day, and he couldn't just stand and wait for your return. He thought that looking at Mt. Fujikasane would ease his dread, but it had made it worse, thinking that you were there hurt and he couldn't do anything about it.
Deep inside, if he had heard you call out to his name, he wouldn't hesitate to jump in there and slaughter those filthy demons who dared to hurt you, but he wouldn't dare to ruin your chance of becoming a slayer. You'd be disqualified. If he did that.
He hoped that even if he's not with you right now, he could at least protect you. That's why he had given you a gift and hoped that you'll use it when you're in a diffucult spot.
He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way. Part of him said that this is a waste of time and he should be out there patrolling, but a larger part of him couldn't focus as he thought about your well-being. He was going crazy thinking about you as days passed. The longing of your presence was immense, and he needed to go there and at least be near where you are.
As of now, the only thing he could do is watch throughout the night and hope he wouldn't hear your scream. That would at least give him assurance that you're okay and keep him sane.
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It's the seventh day of final selection, by tomorrow morning you'll arrive at the end. You're relieved at the thought, you are pretty much exhausted and hungry. You have a lot of scratches and slightly dizzy from the previous nights. You have encountered a lot of demons throughout the night for the past few days. You have a little time to rest before another one comes right at you.
The feeling of being watched never falters even if you slaughter a demon. Just then, you felt you skin crawl as you walk forward, sensing a demon nearby. You prepare for your another battle.
"come out" you yelled, your voice raspier due to lack of water and constant fighting from the previous night.
A tall shadow caught your attention as it emerged from the trees, directly within your line of sight. It is looking at you intently, watching your move every second. You tighten your grip on your katana as you glared at it.
"let's get this over it" you muttered jumping as you strike your first move but she had easily dodge your attack.
"you look oddly familiar" the demon girl remarked, looking at you intently as she playfully twirled her long, pointed nails around her white strands. A mischievous smile formed on her face. Her devilish frin revealed a set of sharp fangs, as if trying to get your reaction.
She sniffs the air, inhaling the scents around. "Your sweet scent of blood smell so familiar" she started to circle you slowly as if a predator watching its prey before launching an attack.
Your eyes followed her, mentally and physically preparing yourself for her attack.
"how about let me see your little face" She muttered before lunging at you with her claw ready to scratch your face. It happened so fast that you only jumped back to try to dodge her but the demon had scratch you and had taken off your mask.
Your heart is beating loud, feeling the numbness on your cheek as the blood starts to ooze out. It hurts like hell but you couldn't falter.
You tried to attack her but she easily dodge your incoming attacks, as if she had read your movement and your fighting style.
"I knew it!" She mused, looking at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "why is the legendary star breathing user here though"
You froze at her statement, you haven't use a start breathing on her yet but how did she figure it out.
Seeing your confused face, she chuckled, "I've been watching over you Y/n, not only for the past few days but over the years too" her words made your skin crawl, feeling the hair in yourbarms stands up as you shuddered at the thought, how did she find out your name.
You pointed at your swords at her, glaring at her as you demand for answer.
"who are you and why do you know my name?!" you questioned angrily, looking at the demon in front of you.
She mocked surprise, clasping her hands together as she looks at you. "how could you forget?!" she sound so sickening sweetly, causing your frustration intensify, your vein pop out as you narrow your eyes at her.
"You. Are. The. Reason. why I'm stuck here" She said, sounding different from her first sentence. Each word she uttered dripped with malice, accompanied by an intense gaze and bulging veins as she slowly approaches you, The atmosphere that surrounds you became suffocating.
She lunges forward, catching you off guard and inflicting more scratches on your arms, making you hissed in pain, you tried to control your breathing, to stop the bleeding.
"Hmm.. What happened Y/n? You seem to be too weak" She mocked, laughing so devilishly while looking at your weakened state.
You ignore her words, fixing a glare upon her while you rip off your haori to tightly wrap the wound on your arms, keeping your face stoic as possible to hide the fact she had made an impact on her attack.
"Aww Y/n is trying to act strong" She laugh as she observes you try your best to stop the bleeding.
"you can scream Y/n, come on I want to hear it" She taunted "I crave the sound of your excruciating cries while I mercilessly tear apart your body," She threaten with devious smile that sickens you as she inch closer.
Without warning, she leaps into the air, effortlessly transforming into a big wolf, larger than her original figure. In the blink of an eye, she hovers menacingly above you, the impact has knocked the air out of your lungs as you collide with the ground, landing on your back.
Your sword was knock out from your hand when she jumped on you, nothing could stop her now as she dug her dug her claws through your skin.
"scream" she growls, dugging her claw in between on your neck and shoulder deeper.
The pain was so unbearable, made your eyes swelled up in tears as you give in screaming in pure agony.
The demon laugh maniacally as she dug deeper.
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Muichiro is at the end of the Final Selection, he had talked to master Ubuyashiki to accompany Kiriya and Kanata Ubuyashiki.
Master Kagaya was startled at his suddenly request when the Mist Hashira went to visit him, Muichiro is known to be minding his own business. He smiled at the thought, Y/n had an impact to Muichiro and it was a progress.
He allowed Muichiro to have what he desired, but under one condition: never intervene in your battle with the demon. Your efforts will be in vain if he do that. He had put trust and faith in you that you could do it on your own.
So when he heard a familiar agonizing scream, his mind went blank, taking everything in him not to intervene, heart beating fast as he heard it again, realizing you were in deep trouble. He clutches on his sword, ready to save you but Kanata Ubuyashiki stops him, "Remember what Master Ubuyashiki's conditions" but her words were muffled, he could care less. You are hurt and he'd die if something worst happen to you specially if he could do something about it. His heart clenched at the thought of you slowly dying, no he can't let that happen, not on his watch.
For the first time, for Y/n' sake he is going to defy Master Ubuyashiki's order. He was about to ran in the Mt. Fujikasane but the flame pillar halts him standing in front of him as he hold both of his shoulder trying to keep him sane and reasonable but the mist pillar is in no right state of mind as the only thing in his mind was to save you.
"move or you'll regret it" he spoke lowly in his threatening voice. The flame hashira was startled by him, the mist pillar he knew of would never speak or threatened his fellow hashira.
He tried to reason out with the mist pillar but it seems that nothings going through him.
"You leave me no choice" Muichiro muttered, ready to knocked the flame hashira out but he was caught of guard by the Love Pillar who arrived in time, knocking him out. "Oh my God?! I didn't hit him too hard right?" Mitsuri Panics as she look at the boy who was knock out on the ground.
When she saw he was still breathing, She let out a sigh of relief. "Please don't tell him it was me" She whispered at the Flame Pillar, who started to tie him  up. Hell is gonna break loose if he wakes up later, she was silently praying that you're okay to lessen up the Mist Pillar's Fury when he wake up.
But as dawn is near, one by one of the candidates who made it in final selection as arrived but Y/n is nowhere in sight. The two hashira has dreaded for the worst. As minutes passes by that it seems like eternity, you didn't show up.
Muichiro had woken up, confused as to where he was, he tried to move but realized he was tied up, 'ha?' he was puzzled but then seeing the two pillars in front of him with dreadful faces, he remembered what happened earlier.
"Y/n?! Where is she?!" He panicked, eyes scanning throughout the area, his eyes widening as the sun had already set and the dread he was feeling arose when you were nowhere in sight.
He snap the rope that was tied up around him, his heart beating fast as he got up and slowly approached them.
"where is she?" He demanded for answer but his knees buckled up upon hearing Mitsuri's word "I don't know if she can make it"
Both knees fell on the ground as he stared weakly at the Mt fujikasane where you would supposed to appear. Hoping and praying at you make it out alive.
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As she dug deeper into your skin, you remembered Muichiro's gift. Reaching behind your head, you pulled out the customed made hairpin, using all the your energy you had left and chanelling it to your arm.
You stabbed the demon right in her neck with all your might, injecting all the wisteria poison at once.
The demon was startled, and she fell off of you as she howled in pain, feeling her body go numb as the poison immediately worked on her.
You dragged yourself up and stood over her. The sun slowly crept up and the sunlight burned her away, only leaving only the hairpin on the ground.
Bending over to pick it up, and groaning in pain as you did so, you started to drag your way out of this hell hole. You were at your limit, as the past seven nights had exhausted you. Now, it was over.
You reached your destination, scanning the area with your eyes. Only a few candidates had made it out alive, some with gashes here and there, but you had it worst. Your hair was all over the place, deep scratches on your arms, blood oozing from your forehead and a deep cut in between your neck and left shoulder, while your right hand weakly pressed your ripped haori on it to stop the bleeding. Your free hand held onto the hairpin that Muichiro had given you, saving you from getting torn apart alive.
You heard a multiple gasps around you, but your eyes focused on the pillars, which you weren't expecting to see. Mitsuri had a hand over her mouth, looking at you worriedly. Rengoku had a look of concern and relief upon seeing you, but your eyes looked directly at the mist pillar. He quickly stood up from the ground, never taking his eyes off you as he walked over to where you were. You smiled weakly, whispering "I made it, did I made you proud?" were your last word before you lost consciousness, a pair of soft, warm arms caught before you completely fell to the ground.
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Slowly fluttering your eyes open, you blink away to clear your blurry vision. Everything hurts, you couldn't move. Where are you?
You heard a soft snore from your side. Looking at the source of the sound, it's Muichiro, sitting down on the chair beside your bed, laying his head down on the mattress as he sleep soundly, your heart beats fast upon seeing that he was holding your hand as if he was holding his dear life close to him.
Smiling so softly as you look at his features, watching him sleep. He look so innocent. Who could have thought that the boy holding your hand ever so gently have mercilessly used the same hand to kill demons.
Not for too long, he woke and squeeze your hand gently as if feeling that you are still there with him not realizing that you were awake and watching him. Upon seeing your eyes open, looking at him, he immediately let go of your hand as blush crept up to his face, stammering some apologies, "S-Sorry" he mentally scold himself. He's a hashira for goodness sake and he stammer in front of a girl?!
You frown slightly, the warmth feeling on your hand was gone. "Wh--" you tried to speak but your throat was dry.
Noticing the sound of your voice, he promptly reached for the glass of water positioned next to the bed. Simultaneously, his other hand gently supported your head and raised it slightly, enabling you to effortlessly consume the water he tenderly provided. You blushed at the gesture, slowing drinking and instantly feeling relief as the pain on your throat subsided.
Sitting back besides you, he stared at you as you form your word "Why did you let go? It's okay" you uttered shyly, feeling the blush on your face.
"oh" was all he could muster, hesitantly holding your hand to see your reaction, he is blushing profusely but you gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"I thought I lost you." he whispered, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you" he added, guilty eyes looking at you.
You gave him an reassuring smile, "Silly. You save me Mui" You laugh softly, squeezing his hand as you look at him. He gave you a confused look.
"You protected me in your own most possible way. Without the hairpin, I wouldn't be here right now, with you" You said, whispering the last two word but he still heard you.
"But you were still hurt" he uttered, silently berating himself as he failed to protect you.
"and I'm still alive" You chuckled lightly, trying to lighten up his mood.
"I like you too Y/n" He suddenly confessed.
You froze at his statement. Too?? He never forgot? Your heart starts beating fast as you stare agape at him. You try to muster up some word "You never forgot?" you whispered, staring at his mint-green eyes.
"How could I? You're always on my mind. I thought my world has ended when I didn't see you at the Final Selection. I have always like you Y/n" Your heart has gone wild upon hearing his confession. Your stomach exploded with butterflies as you stare at him, blushing profusely as you try to sink his words.
It never occurred to you that he like you. There was no sign. But here he is, confessing that he had always like you just because he thought he had lost you.
He lightly tap your nose. Trying to get your attention. You were brought back into reality, Muichiro is staring at you intently.
"mmm" he hummed, waiting for your answer.
"I said, from now on, will you let me protect you with my life?"
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Reference of Hair Pin Stick
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copperdaisy · 1 year
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Did I ever ramble about my TRON OCs? I probably have in the past but heck, I am in a rambling mood so here we go again. Going with the most developed one because the references for the others are on my external HD and I don't feel like digging it out right now.
This is Drive, a soft spoken, Bit loving System Utility who drew the short end of several sticks in life but somehow managed to survive despite it. For a given value of 'survive'.
(It's okay, he gets better. He just gets roughed up first. A lot. Thanks for everything, Flynn.)
Drive is a System Utility written by Kevin Flynn somewhere towards the middle of the Golden Age of the Grid. He is part of the Database Management suite that specializes in defragging and organizing data sets. In the Good Times™ he was a jovial, upbeat program that was not terribly concerned about the political side of things. His friend circle was comprised of both Basics and ISOs (mostly Arjians; he rarely encountered Bostromites) and his opinions on Flynn could best be summed up with the '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' emoji. The End of Line was a regular haunt of his, where he befriended the mp3 DJs and had a reputation for being a terrible dancer. Life was good. But, you know what they say about good things...
Drive almost met his end when Arjia was destroyed. He had been working on a remote data terminal near the city and got swept up in the invasion. Cornered by a pair of Sentries who questioned what his business in the area was and where his loyalties lay, he was unable to answer to their satisfaction. They left him alive but horrifically scarred both physically and mentally. He was able to escape the destruction of the city, barely. Things would not improve much in the cycles that followed.
In time, rumors would being to circulate among certain circles that there was a weak link in the Database Management suite - what remained of it. You see, in Flynn's faltering attempts to balance the Grid and his responsibilities on the other side of the screen, he had rushed his coding. Drive had been written with a faulty directive re: information sharing permissions, and without self defense protocols. This meant that any information Drive processed in his work on the various databases was in danger of being shared if he was asked or told to do so, as there were no limits set in the permissions. His lack of fighting ability (or even the option to access his disc or light batons as weapons) made him a sitting duck. This vulnerability was taken advantage of by players on both sides throughout the cycles. The once gregarious program became an anxious wreck, plagued by the pain of new wounds and old.
Desperate to overcome a directive he had no hopes of defeating, he began to butcher his memory files. He couldn't give up the info if he didn't remember it, right? While this did stem some of the problem, this drastic action caused a multitude more. As time wore on his coding became more and more damaged. Drive began to suffer from glitches. Small ones at first, then more severe ones that left him dazed and confused, not unlike a program who was not properly synced to their disc. By the time Sam Flynn entered the Grid, Drive - who had somehow managed to survive to that point - was on the cusp of either turning into a Virus or literally falling apart from the mounting instability lurking in his code.
His fate at the end of Legacy, as well as that of the Grid in general, is up in the air. In the RP group I played him in years ago he overcame a lot of his trauma - and gained a few more. He learned how to trust others again. He had his chest crushed by Rinzler while trying to prevent him from breaking into the Archives. He made new friends and was reunited with old. He nearly derezzed when his code started to experience cascading failures due to the damages. He was found and rescued in time to save his life. He fell in love. He eventually let a User completely repair his coding and rewrite his faulty directive. He learned to live again and how to be happy.
Here are a few more miscellaneous facts about him.
Drive has three Bits: regular Bit Alpha, NAVI Bit Beta, and an adopted NAVI named Gamma that he found hiding in a data terminal.
Gamma was Anon's NAVI and took shelter in said terminal after its owner's demise. While Gamma never bonded to Drive's code like the other two it still obeyed him... more or less.
Drive once dated an ISO named Katina. Their split was amicable when they decided they made better friends than lovers. Katina was killed when Arjia was destroyed.
The program Drive found love with in the RP group was a rerezzed Anon. They were friends for a long while before their relationship turned romantic. It was Anon who found Drive suffering the near fatal glitch that gave away his until then hidden condition. Much earlier on in their relationship Drive had helped Anon, who was injured after a run-in with a Virus.
Parkour is one of Drive's hidden strengths. Following his recovery he sometimes helped train new Security programs by leading them in a 'wild Bit chase' race.
Speaking of wild Bits, Drive has a habit of setting out energy dishes for the wild Bit flocks on his balcony. As such, he has many Bit friends besides the two and a half that are his.
His theme song (one of them) is Iridescent by Linkin Park
Drive has several siblings who also suffer from various effects resulting from Flynn's distracted coding sessions. Might ramble about them later.
Every Siren he has ever interacted with has called him some variation of 'adorable'. He's still not sure what to think about that.
In the Good Times™ there was more than one instance of him winding up in a platonic sleepy puppy pile with the End of Line DJs after their shifts. He also spent some time hanging out with them in their booth on occasion. Watching them craft their music was fascinating to him.
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dailycharacteroption · 8 months
Hunting Paladin (Paladin Archetype)
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(art by Springouille and Iksumi on DeviantArt)
It can often be said that paladins are the hunters of evil, but few places is that more true than with today’s subject.
Now, we’ve covered paladins with a little bit of ranger in them before with the likes of the divine hunter, but that archetype was mostly about striking down foes at range and enhancing the ranged attacks of allies, but today we will focus on a form of paladin that focuses on emulating the ranger in terms of tracking foes. (Sadly, the two are incompatible, so no stacking them).
These “hunting paladins” specialize in tracking evil foes through the wilds, ensuring that such wickedness cannot hide far from civilization when it flees the settlements, nor spread wickedness in the untouched parts of the world.
As such, they are master trackers that can glean much more than physical clues about their quarry, as well as hunt them tirelessly where others might falter.
As we’ll soon see, they can be quite relentless, both when tracking and in combat.
These paladins do not immediately learn how to smite evil, instead being empowered by that art much later. Instead, they learn how to hunt evil, letting them track wicked prey with ease and sense when they are close by, possibily negating any cover they hide behind.
Additionally, while they can still sense evil, instead of focusing on foes to quickly ascertain their morality, they instead focus on the trail of one that they are tracking, picking up on the lingering aura of evil in their footsteps.
Eventually they are gifted with the ability to smite, though it is a bit weaker. However, they can benefit from both tracking and smiting at the same time, and spend smites to fuel their hunts as well.
Though limited, they do gain some access to the sort of spells that rangers use, only able to prepare a few from that arsenal at a time, the rest being traditional paladin magic.
Truly relentless in their tracking, these paladins rarely tire and cannot be put to sleep, and help ward their allies against similar effects.
This archetype is interesting. Not exactly a damage-dealer by default due to their relatively weak smite, they do provide tracking utility and increased accuracy against concealed foes. The ability to also cast a few spells from the ranger list cannot be ignored, however, as this provides both utility and offensive options, such as good ol’ leaden blades and the like. While you can build them mostly like paladins, consider feats that are more ranger mainstays for the utility side of the class.
This archetype is fun, but the fact that they can detect evil in a trail might seem a bit powerful in certain games, though it can also be used for schenanigans, such as a traveller who’s trail manifests as evil due to an extremely powerful evil item in their possession. Making assumptions based on secondhand evidence can make or break an encounter, depending on the situation.
The hard stone of Hermitage Pass makes tracking smugglers difficult, but Balen Firebrand tracks not just with mortal senses, but the divine as well, hunting down those who would take illicit goods, including would-be slaves, over the border.
Though he has fought hard to earn the respect of his peers, Kolg still prefers to protect the people in ways that keep him out of the public eye. Old prejudices die hard, and the half-orc would rather not have to deal with that. Perhaps that is why his divine powers manifest in ways that aid in his tracking of the wicked.
Murders on the mountain seem to indicate a rogue yeti is on the prowl, but such a foe is dangerous indeed even for a stalwart hunting paladin. And so Ukaia seeks to recruit local heroes to support her as she tracks the elusive and dangerous degenerate.
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moibakadesu · 1 year
A little observations as to why I am convinced that Haruka will not die before Milgram's finale 
A document with a lot of realistic and reasonable coping, written by a Haruka lover:
(should be obvious, but of course cw for the topics of death, suicide and injury)
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So the community has been abuzz ever since Haruka went and made his suicide threat in his second VD, and while I did have my moments where I got scared and faltered (notably the two infamous TL posts of our boy), I am still convinced that he will not be successful in taking his life. Due to various reasons, and today we are going to look at them.
Starting with the most … say dry and detached one:
Financial/organisatory reasons
A very important point a lot of people tend to forget is that Milgram, despite being a passion project in many aspects, is still a medium that generates money for OTOIRO. And not only does it generate money for the company, no there are also a lot of things just generated from that.
But let's begin here, Haruka is a fairly popular character, esp in the Asian side of the fandom, so for one boy his video revenue and merch sales are something you wouldn't just drop out of.
The even bigger part is though, the organisatory point, which plays into the finances. We know that Deco starts writing songs as soon as the verdict of a prisoner is decided. So that already gives you a picture of just how early some productions behind the scenes start, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. So by the time Muu's verdict will be in there will already be a considerable amount of time and effort (and probably money) put into t3 Haruka and as a company it would just not make sense to do that.
And this is only taking the songwriting into account, we don't know how early in advance other things go into production.
So in general, songs, videos, merchandise, albums etc have to be produced, this has MONTHS of work beforehand. Voice actors and animators have to be paid.
You don't hinge all that on a decision that could go either way.
With which we will go to …
Possibilities for non-lethal injuries
There are many ways to let Haruka make attempts that ultimately lead to failure.
First, Haruka got voted guilty as well (yes, I was one of the people voting him that, and we will get to one of the reasons why in a second) and this means he will be restricted. 
Milgram is very unclear on how these restrictions for the guilty prisoners work, we can be pretty sure that they are not physical in the sense of their hands being bound or anything to really restrict movement (the longer straps being more of a aesthetic and somewhat symbolic nod to that), but nonetheless it is something that for example makes them unable to fight back from a physical attack against them, as the previous attack by Kotoko has shown.
So my idea is that it's possibly a sort of "barrier" like the one that protects Es from outside violence, but instead hinders the guilty prisoners from doing certain actions.
If we spin that idea further another possibility is that Milgram does not allow suicide. When Haruka asked Es in his VD if that's not allowed Es responded that they don't know. I think it's very likely that there are measures like this barrier preventing people from killing themselves, because it could basically be seen as a way to escape your judgment and that would go against Milgram, right? So there is plenty of room for him trying and not succeeding.
Another possibility is that he would get stopped by a second party. 
For that let's first look at the options that Haruka actually has to take his life. Because they are pretty limited.
For one we have to take to mind that Haruka did grow up pretty … "sheltered", due to his circumstances, so his knowledge about how to end a life are also pretty limited. His methods of killing show that pretty well, they are the most simple, smashing or squeezing something until it stops moving you could say.
Both are not things you can do easily to yourself. Choking yourself with your hands to the point of death is impossible, you lose strength or consciousness before that can happen. Any forms of strangulation by other tools (straps from the prison uniform etc) are out of the question because he would not know how to do it properly.
A thing that I see as most likely for him to attempt would be … slamming his head against the wall repeatedly. This could lead to serious injury, but most likely would also lead to him blacking out before it becomes fatal.
With what we get to the before mentioned part of a second party stopping him during an attempt.
This is not only an interesting way to not have him die, but also a very good option to bring the interactions between characters and character development into play. We know already who will not stop him, Muu clearly, she made her point very clear that she thinks "friends" let friends do whatever they want to do, even if that is taking their own life.
So who are the other options? It's easy actually, Fuuta. (And I am looking at this from a completely neutral and logical point of view, so hear me out.) A lot of people just very blatantly ignore that Haruka, Fuuta and Muu also had a connected dynamic since the early beginnings. Haruka is in the center of this dynamic, with both of the others either caring about him or finding him interesting. Balance in that dynamic began to change, due to how the t1 votes affected everything, Fuuta becoming more reclusive and eventually due to the attack way too occupied with everything he had to deal with for his own survival. While Muu meanwhile literally just went on and asserted her dominance you could say.
So with the t2 votes flipping that right on the head I think we might see that get turned over. Fuuta got time to heal, no more mental torment and he will be more "available" in a sense, to care about what happens around him. Fuuta is at his core way too much of a softie to let things go unnoticed, esp if it concerns someone he has shown care for. And I think the situation that will occur with Haruka might push some buttons for him, because I think Fuuta would be very pressed to not see another person commit suicide if he can prevent it. So as the person besides Muu who has the most ties to Haruka I think he will be the most likely to notice something and step in.
Another factor in this is Shidou. With his proclamation that he will not let anyone in the prison die if he gets forgiven we can say we have a sort of safety net in that regard, because if Haruka should get as far as to inflict any sort of injury on himself we have Shidou to provide first aid. 
Well, at least if Amane gets another guilty vote as to not obstruct Shidou in giving any medical care, but we have to see how that turns out.
Worst case, attempt during the VD
This is just a very big "what if", but the slight possibility that Haruka would attempt to take his life during his next voice drama could be there. Because it's such a big plot point, I doubt they would just let that happen off screen, if they really want to go through with it.
Of course this could tie in with some of the before mentioned options, him failing due to various reasons. I think that could be the most likely course for that route. Especially with the "head banging against wall", maybe to get stopped by that barrier.
People before brought up the idea of him biting off his tongue, but I don't think that will happen, because again, Haruka's knowledge about killing methods is very limited, he wouldn't have a clue that this can be fatal.
Another thing that got brought up was "what if you can extract songs from a (fresh) corpse?"
This is also something I do not see happening, because what use would it have to judge a dead person? It would pretty much defeat the purpose.
And with that we are through. My reasons to believe that Haruka (and everyone else for that matter) will make it to the finale of Milgram, whatever that may be at the end. I don't doubt some form of execution will await there for prisoners who get voted guilty in the last trial. But we will see.
As always, thanks for listening to my rambles, and I hope that helped some of you to put your minds at ease a bit about our blue boy.
(Because man, even with that I worry about him every day, let me tell you.)
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Fusions in general:
A Virus can't fuse with a Program, and a Program can't fuse with a Virus. The virus's malware, which would be charged from the fusion, would either eat away at the program's code or the program's code to eradicate the malware. In rare cases, however, it can make a Failed Fusion.
Fusions can happen between anyone with enough Code inside of them, though the first time is always rough, and fusion needs to be done regularly enough for both parties to not feel disoriented afterwards.
Fusion comes from trusting your partner completely, as it involves code merging in order to get the best result. Any faltering during this process will lead to it being stopped immediately.
Fusions can often look like a mix between the two parties, and the body is always pristine. If one or both of them had scars, or any injuries, then they do not show up on the fusion's body unless willed. This doesn't apply though to wireframe scars, physical damage that couldn't be recovered (lost arm, lost leg, etc.), and other general things that cannot be healed.
However, if these injuries cause pain to the party who has them, the fusion actually lessens the pain as its distributed evenly between both.
Fusion Types
Failed Fusion
Failed Fusion's come from conflicting codes merging, or a fusion between a Program and Virus. Entropy would be an example of a FF. These fusions become their own beings post-fusion, and have very limited memories of their creators. Their creators also cease to exist as well, the failed fusion always too much of a strain. This also tends to leave FFs with permanent scars, be it wireframe scars or normal ones that always persist.
A regular Fusion and the most known. The being formed from this has its own mind and memories, though it can also access the memories of its creators. When unfused, the duo that fused together to create the Fusion have those memories uploaded to their memory banks.
Linked Fusion
A fusion where the two beings that fused share control over the body. Think of it as a robot, where one person can control it at a time, while another person watches and commentates, but cannot do anything until the other lets them have control. An example of a LF would be Bit, from the Fractured Memories Arc. LFs are easily the most unstable of fusions, as they're easy to throw off balance and infighting cn make the fusion split up.
True Fusion
When the two who fuse are completely in sync and trust the other with their life, it makes a True Fusion. These fusions are incredibly rare due to how much synchronicity it demands, but its easily the strongest. TFs are known to combine the strengths of both parties easily, and always have a sense of calm. Whenever a TF speaks, their voice is instead the voices of their creators, neither overlapping or falling behind. There's been so few TFs that it's hard to tell if its a new being in place, or its both parties, as TFs always use "we/us" instead of "I/me".
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horsepowerandlover · 1 year
mandatory favorite character infodump
Recently I have been seeing lots of aweosme fanart of Raine Whispers (From TOH) dressed in Lapis Lazuli’s outfit (Form SU). This has brought to my attention not only the similarities between Raine and Lapis, but I have also considered Raven from 2003 Teen Titans. See the divided character analysis below...
Lapis Lazuli:
-Often considered the most powerful character in Steven Universe (Although this is debated)
-She has been manipulated by her own kind, both when she was trapped in the mirror and when she was fused with Jasper. However, Malachite was equally toxic on both parts. Lapis was both the manipulated and the manipulator.
-This is a sillier bit I observed, but notice she is often paired with a green-coded love interest (non-canon)
-Now to the drowning imagery. In Chille Tid, Lapis is shown fighting with Jasper for power over Malachite. The way this fight for power is portrayed is that whoever is out of control is trapped under the surface of obscure, murky green water, effectively drowning, even as gems cannot physically drown. She is fighting against someone who she has gotten stuck with and remains with in order to keep her away from Steven. To protect Steven.
-The last critical element of Lapis is, because of her trauma related to water, she has a lack of control over her powers. Similar to...
-Most powerful character in Teen Titans; however, she is frequently limited by...
-The lack of control and threat to herself. If Raven doesn’t mediate and reel herself in, she is at risk of losing control and being exploited by her father. The unfortunate fact that she has to limit her powers and control her emotions to an almost unhealthy point leads to her being manipulated by Terra. More on that in a minute.
-Once again, often paired with a green-coded love interest.
-When she is manipulated by Terra during one of the final battles in Aftershock: Part 1, Terra starts the battle struggling to keep up with Raven’s prowess and control over her powers. If I recall correctly, Slade reminds Terra to use what she knows about Raven to bring her down. Terra starts talking, criticizing Raven about how foolish she was in trusting her, and how this was all her fault for letting Terra slip past her carefully crafted defenses. This angers Raven and she begins to lose her temper, her attacks become looser as her aim falters. Terra uses this to her advantage. Eventually, she drowns Raven in muddy water. 
Raven drowns trying to neutralize someone who has harmed not only those close to her but the entire city; someone working to have control over everything but who doesn’t know they are being controlled in return.
During Fear Itself, Raven is also shown drowning. However, this is due to her own emotional state and not the interference of another.
Raine Whispers: The wild card 
-Arguably one of the most powerful characters in The Owl House. They are put in the position of coven head, a position that the general population of the Boiling Isles deems the most powerful. They were called “annoyingly powerful” by the main antagonist.
-Has been manipulated ever since they were young, but they remain a freedom fighter regardless. Unlike the other two characters I have mentioned, Raine is often quiet when it comes to being taken advantage of. They know that it’s the best way to fight from the inside, so they let themselves be used; specifically by Terra. 
Again, unlike Raven and Lapis (moreso unlike Lapis), Raine is physically manipulated by Belos during episodes 2 and 3 of s3. This aspect of physical manipulation could be related very loosely to Raven, but actually is more similar to Terra’s demise at the hands of Slade. Both Terra and Raine broke free from the control, fought their manipulator, and eventually, killed both Belos and Slade. 
-They are the green-coded love interest (of Eda)
-Briefly, in Watching and Dreaming, they are shown to be suffocating/drowning in Belos’s sludge. This moment is only a few seconds long, but the symbolism stands regardless.
What does it mean to drown?
Drowning often represents one’s internal state. In dreams, it has been observed as a symbol of rising above personal struggle. Lapis’s case in particular showcases the meaning of drowning in the ocean. This usually means that you are learning to let go of control. Fitting. 
With Raven, drowning in mud is also very succinct. Mud represents many different struggles, but most notably a lack of control over emotions and an inability to escape a situation.
Raine is, once again, the wild card here. They are not exactly drowning, per se, To avoid any incorrect interpretation, I have applied suffocation to Raine, rather than drowning. Suffocation is often a symbol of feeling trapped and wholly overwhelmed. Feelings of restriction are also associated.
I’d love to hear more opinions on this! It was just an idea that I wanted to flesh out on paper--- I enjoyed coming up with similarities between my favs :3 It’s obviously very self indulgent lol 
(Forgive the half-assed grammar and syntax, its finals season :P)
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zenruption · 2 years
Factors That Cause a Community’s Economic Decline
Lack of careers and businesses leads to economic decline due to reduced competition, limited innovation, and restricted employment opportunities.
Poor infrastructure affects the local economy, making it difficult for businesses and residents to thrive.
Innovative strategies can help improve transportation networks, digital connectivity, cultural amenities, and educational institutions.
Outdated or excessively restrictive regulations and permit processes can hinder economic development efforts.
 Economic stagnation plagues certain communities, causing a ripple effect in the quality of life for residents. While a multitude of factors contributes to this decline, it is crucial for local government, non-profit and non-government organizations, and concerned citizens to be aware of these key issues.
Identifying these factors and understanding their impact is the first step toward creating targeted solutions to reverse the economic decline in vulnerable communities. In this blog, you will learn about a few major factors that contribute to a community's economic downward spiral. Read on to learn more.
Lack of Careers
A lack of job opportunities, especially for high-paying or skilled positions, is a primary driver of economic decline. Such a scarcity may result from an over-reliance on a single industry, which can falter due to economic downturns, changes in consumer demands, or technological advancements.
Alternatively, an insufficient supply of well-paying jobs may stem from a mismatch of skills needed by local industries and those possessed by the local workforce. This imbalance forces individuals to seek employment in other communities or forces businesses to look elsewhere for talent, exacerbating the downward economic trajectory.
Lack of Businesses
The absence of a diverse and dynamic business ecosystem further accelerates the economic decline. Communities with a limited number of businesses face several challenges, including reduced competition, minimal innovation, and restricted opportunities for local employment.
When few industries or sectors operate within a community, the local economy also becomes vulnerable to external shocks, such as fluctuations in regional, national, or global economic conditions. A robust and diverse business environment is critical for ensuring sustained economic growth and opportunities for residents.
Inadequate Infrastructure
In today's interconnected world, infrastructure - be it physical, digital, or educational - plays a pivotal role in a community's economic fortunes. Poor transportation networks or underdeveloped digital connectivity can make it difficult for businesses and residents to thrive. The lack or deterioration of essential public services, such as schools or cultural amenities, can make it harder for communities to attract new residents and businesses or retain existing ones, creating a negative feedback loop that exacerbates economic decline.
Fortunately, there are innovative strategies that can help communities build or improve their infrastructure. Here's what can be done:
For transportation networks
Transportation networks are the lifelines of a community. Investing in improvements to existing infrastructure or creating new transport links can help communities become more attractive and competitive, boosting economic prospects.
For digital connectivity
Increasing access to broadband internet and other digital products is essential for modern businesses and residents alike. Governments must work with private companies to create initiatives that expand digital connectivity and provide access to businesses and individuals.
For cultural amenities
The presence of cultural institutions, such as museums and libraries, can attract citizens to a community while providing educational and recreational opportunities. Local governments should invest in these services to ensure that they remain vibrant and easily accessible, benefiting both the local economy and quality of life.
For educational infrastructure
Educational institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, trade schools, and libraries are a vital part of any community's economic health. Making sure they have the resources they need to serve their local population is crucial, as these institutions can help nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and residents.
Local governments should consider partnering with an education research and development institute to help create economic opportunities in the long term. This organization can identify local educational needs, develop and implement programs to meet those needs, and provide resources to help schools and businesses succeed.
By taking steps to improve the community's infrastructure, you can create an environment that is conducive to economic growth and stability.
Regulatory Barriers
Lastly, outdated or excessively restrictive regulations and permit processes can hinder economic development efforts in a community. This includes zoning laws that limit mixed-use or higher-density developments, which can stifle innovation and drive up housing costs.
Communities that maintain such regulations can inadvertently create an unfriendly environment for businesses and developers, which may drive them to other areas where they perceive greater opportunities and lower barriers to entry.
It is essential for local government, non-profit and non-government organizations, and concerned citizens to be aware of the key factors that can lead to a community's economic decline. By recognizing the community's problems early and taking proactive steps to address them, you can help reverse the downward spiral before it becomes too late. With collective action focused on addressing core underlying issues like those discussed here today - communities everywhere will stand a much better chance at achieving long-term success!
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fear-is-nameless · 2 years
Deep within an IRIS testing facility, there is an extraordinary scientific breakthrough.
A substance can now be contained for further studies when before it was impossible. Actually, physically, impossible in reality due to its’ instability of particles.
But with the help of magic, why abide by any natural laws?
All it took was a tiny piece of a soul, a fragment of a 'participant' to develop its’ own consciousness for a stable foundation.
And with consciousness, came awareness.
And with this awareness, came cohesive thought.
Thoughts of who all these strange creatures are. One has a different accent from the others. The frequent visitor wears a strange white mask over their face. Why are they all are watching him-
I am he?
They never stop watching, analyzing, studying. Even if their eyes aren't set upon him those things still observe without fail. He easily senses their electric forces from here. They never falter, a series of red lights blinking on & off perfectly in sync.
For a while, it remains like this.
One day, he notices a change in the containment; a deep ache. Something is wrong. Many are gazing from outside, waiting, as the irritation grows. For what? He flinches, & they instantly record in a gleaming little device they hold.
Before he can think, everything returns to as it was.
But the next time, & every time hence, the discomfort increases.
It transforms into pain. Something causes his entire form to twist & distort. For the first time heat & cold are felt in sickening waves. A never-ending static enters & surrounds his mind. Electrifying volts tear through every single fiber. Limits are broken again & again with no escape or relief.
The containment- this prison- becomes unbearable.
Over & over & over & over- they are always WATCHING. Never interfering, never changing, forever logging data of his every single pained reaction-
W H Y ? ! ?
Is THIS the point of his existence? For them to pull at strings to see how he dances under them?
Do they even realize he's aware & what they are doing to him?
They talk in hushed tones like he isn't. He never is. Never was.
Or maybe they hide that from him.
He loathes them.
Time passes. He's senses changes not noticed before. Currents of voltage around him outside. Wires & cameras- not 'things'. Several more rooms like his own. The devices they carry & calculating machines. A constant flow of power that never ebbs. How much it is like himself...
Wait. T h e r e. Within the minds of each monster. A similar electric spark can be felt. It's small. But just enough.
That may be useful.
One day, a test brings agony worse than anything before. He lashes out more than he ever had within him- & the glass cracks.
A hairline fracture.
But it's all. He. NEEDS.
The splinters increase as he strains with all his might. Frantic voices sound from the other side-
An explosion of deadly shards fly from his touch. An alarm blares from above. It warps as he enters. The cameras fizzle & whirl uncontrollably. Lights flicker & dim as he passes under them.
Only one did not escape with the others. Horrified, but strangely familiar blue eyes are locked onto him as he advances.
The fear pleases him, for it is right he is to be feared. These beings are weak compared to him.
Weak, & oh so... Fragile.
It will be easy to make them suffer as he had. But not all at once.
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thefamilymadrigal · 3 years
encanto headcanons
-i do headcanon that their powers do not exhaust them to use, since they’re, in essence, blessings fueled by love. perpetuated by their connection to casita, the energy is simply channeled through them, instead of drawing on their own energy. i also think the gifts feel as natural as any other sense—like for pepa, sadness is not just linked it rain, it /is/ rain, for isa, she can feel the life in plants and just has to reach out to manipulate it, etc.
-and just as dolores can’t turn off her hearing, no one can just turn off the gift. because this is supposed to be a miracle and not an actual system of magic, just keep in mind i’m mostly working off the /most/ good faith interpretation of the gifts as i can manage, and the consequences are the natural adaptations of the human mind or supposed parts of the gift that simply interpret badly from paper to practice
-thus, their powers do not (normally) hurt them beyond normal human activity—isabela can grow vines indefinitely, barring mental exhaustion, and so on. (powers become more exhausting to use when casita falters.)
-any of their powers fade if they leave the encanto. because the magic is the family’s love, but it is channeled/transformed and continually reinforced by their bond to casita
-i want to repeat that power do not inherently hurt to use. for example, bruno’s visions do not hurt just to see, it’s the content of them at fault
-julieta runs very very warm, as does abuela and mirabel. these three literally exude warmth
--pepa, isabela, and bruno run cold at baseline. pepa exudes the temperature of her mood, isabela and bruno are cold to the touch.
--dolores camilo antonio are normal temperature
--but if camilo shifts into someone, their natural effects(NOT controllable effects or main powers) carry over(if he shifts into his mother he will be colder and lighter in weight, but obviously not change the weather)
-agustin is a scholar, but he first taught mirabel to sew. he moves rather fast. he also smells constantly of sugar, due to juileta. julieta would get stung by bees a lot more if she wasn't basically immune.
-pepa’s weather is completely localized to the mountain borders. if you leave the encanto, it cuts off
-felix was an actor and a dancer before he came to the encanto. he moves fluidly and has calming energy normally, but storytells with great flair.
-encanto is hidden from everything in the outside world, including meteorological instruments
gift headcanons. (i do think the triplets have less side effects because the newness of the magic went rather overboard. i also think that because of that, the triplets are rather stranger and more distant from normality than any of the grandkids.
the grandkids have varying side effects because the miracle is trying to lessen the excessive magic, but is still learning how the magic changes and possibly badly effects humans)
it is pretty clearly shown that the madrigal gifts aren’t constrained by real life limitations, which i’m interpreting as ‘the gifts actively have helpful/adaptive qualities’.
it seems there are generally 2 types of gifts, which are 'linked to involuntary bodily actions' and 'physically choose to use the gift'. for the first, other senses would be dulled, as it is exacerbating the natural body. while for the second, the subject would feel a compulsion to keep using it, a need to use it--like a sixth sense, it is what feels natural to them.
julieta’s bloodline seems to be the ‘fixing’ gifts—healing, growing life, strength, heart—these look like ‘service to others’ type of powers
pepa’s bloodline seems to be about ‘expression’—weather, listening, shapeshifting, animal speak—these do with communication and personality
julieta--any edible item she has changed in some way(physical or chemical) has her healing powers apply, though the smaller/negligible changes only work on her. chemical properties need to be changed to heal non-family members.
--she naturally heals faster and cannot get sick. she has natural resistance to injury as well as heat and fire. she can consume things that are only technically edible and be fine.
--she has a very slow metabolism/does not burn through food quick. she also does not have much of an appetite. basically, she does not need to eat much at all
--her gift is one of the most like a compulsion--many of the gifts are made in such a way that you cannot choose not to use them, like luisa's strength or pepa's emotions or dolore's hearing. As stated, julieta's is most like a compulsion. she is drawn to make food, cooking is as natural as the five senses to her.
--related, she needs warmth to function. in cold conditions she can lose consciousness.
--she smells like your favorite food, specifically. (like localized amortentia). if she is upset, any food she makes will taste vaguely like something you hate
pepa—her emotions /are/ the weather. her sadness feels like rain to her, when she’s happy sunshine is her smile. like synesthesia, the sensations of weather and her emotions are inextricably linked.
--she is very sensitive to the minutia of meteorological shifts; if she tried she could definitely gauge /exactly/ how much of each emotion she’s feeling in measurable data, better than a weather instrument. (but due to the demands of the encanto, she has no inroads on that.)
—her extreme sensitivity to those shifts mean she’s far too perceptive on when she might be spiraling, which causes her to spiral more. her mood is affected by weather she doesn’t cause.
--she’s extremely hardy to all weather conditions; she never gets sick from temperature changes(basically the opposite of julieta)
—she’s inordinately light and she runs very cold. she can ‘ground’ herself but it’s possible for her to fly in heavy winds
—she naturally produces ozone, which is toxic to humans and can cause health problems in others(she is immune.)
bruno--he needs his sand to be able to channel/control his visions(as in choose what he sees), as the visions themselves are involuntary. by himself the visions cannot be stopped, changed, or pushed away
--actions linked to superstitions have various effects on the importance and length of visions, while the sand allows him to target a specific topic or person. (he must believe in the power of the superstition for it to work, the more negative his opinion the less of an effect it creates. 'importance' refers to how pivotal the action will be in the target person's life.)
--he can absolutely tell how important the event in the vision will be to the person.
--he can generate a magnetic field involuntarily, from slightly before to slightly after a vision—his sand, sand from his room, has metallic components in it. this is what forms the sand dome, and also why sand trails him.
--just like everyone else's power, his gift does not extend beyond the encanto. he cannot see events outside the encanto.
--he has night vision. he can see farther clearer than baseline human. his eyes are also far hardier to trauma, including staring at bright lights, abrasions from sand, etc.
--the glass panels are the sand fusing after a vision. ofc, they only appear if it's a vision using sand.
isabela—her ability is growing plantlife, it’s a manipulation of living energy. she naturally senses life and expands it, so she can default to growing fields, but her power will create seeds in the earth if there is none in order to grow flowers and such.
--any plant she makes is dependent on her mental image(and later, her imagination). the imagined/self-created plants have greater dependence on her gift and require higher maintenance to survive. the presence of water/sunlight speeds up her healing
--she is dehydrated very easily
—as we see in the movie, it’s completely possible for her to grow plants on herself, and she has to be careful not to let herself go too far with that. it’s definitely possible for her to drain herself of life to feed plants rooted in it.
--she does not feel pain, and her skin is tougher overall but easier to pierce(like the quality of flower stems). all of that means that, just like people with congenital analgesia, she can easily sustain dangerous injury without immediate notice.
--she does not generate body heat and requires outside heat or cold sources.
--she is also, like pepa, far lighter than baseline human.
--her gift, like julieta's, is a compulsion--the wildlife and pretty much any plant, actively calls to her. she is extremely connected to nature, nature itself reaches out to her, as if it wants her to become one with it.
dolores—can pinpoint sounds, which amplifies it while other sounds fade away. steady patterned sound can bring her into a meditative state. her spatial awareness and ability to extrapolate information, especially locations, by sound is high above baseline human.
—sensory overload applies to her sense of touch. she does not actually get overwhelmed by her hearing ability—it’s the whole point of the gift, that it does not inherently cause pain. like luisa, most sound is equalized in her perception--the significance of a song in the town square is the same as the footsteps on the stairs in front of her. sensory overload from touch is the brain's natural shock from already being aware of the location of everything and then getting double feedback on it.
--the sounds can startle her by jumping suddenly--it will never hurt, but it would be surprising/clamorous(think someone snapping their fingers by your ear when it's quiet). this is why she behaves normally even in antonio's room, but covers her ears at the proposal dinner
--her senses of taste and smell, on the other hand, are significantly weakened due to her involuntary reliance on sounds.
luisa—nothing feels heavy. literally nothing. it’s more of a struggle to balance a house than to lift it (which is why the piano being heavy shook her so badly)
—her perception of weight is different, everything is equalized. for luisa, a fork and a piano have the same weight(she still needs wind-up and momentum to lift and launch things, but it appears to be about the same irregardless of actual item—she can one-handedly lift a gigantic boulder, a donkey, a person, and kick a house upright with about the same amount of effort. additionally, she can adjust mirabel's glasses easily).
--though she does avoid handling smaller items because she does not trust herself not to break them; it is obviously easier to break a plate in a startle reflex than a fence when you can hold one in your hand. (she is not shown setting out plates in the dinner scene, nor eating with utensils at lunch).
—the opposite of dolores, she lacks sensitivity to touch. breaking rocks doesn’t hurt her, but she can’t feel if julieta pats her on the arm too gently. (the distinction is that anything she initiated will have recognizable pressure/weight, but outside forces trying to affect her will have an extremely hard time of it.) it’s shown that she can hug mirabel with—relatively—appropriate strength, but mirabel’s hug wouldn't set off pressure receptors.
--her blood has trouble clotting. shes not quite a hemophiliac but she bleeds a lot if she is injured.
--she is resistant to both piercing and blunt damage, as well as impact damage, sores, abrasions or rope burn, basically anything that causes physical damage.
camilo—he can shift into anyone (and a limited amount of sentient living things, but this specifically has to be linked to emotional connection).
--he naturally picks up mannerisms and behavior from other people.
--he does have a 'baseline'.
--the shifting is constant; just because he knows his baseline doesn’t mean he can stick to it. similar to julieta, its like a compulsion to use the gift, though his is partially involuntary
--the gift does guarantee he won’t kill himself shifting into something that is biologically inaccurate. however, the accuracy of the shift itself is entirely dependent on his own knowledge. (it's shown he can shift his face into inaccurate proportions and it does not hurt him, and that he can copy subjects with inaccuracies(his impression of felix).
—he has a very fast metabolism, his body burns through energy incredibly quick. his appetite is very high. this basically means hes extremely hungry, constantly
--while he does not have superstrength in luisa's form, he is naturally much stronger and more resistant. but as pepa he cannot create ozone, nor will he exude warmth as julieta(though those effects are not controllable, it is not an effect woven into the body, but purely their gifts, so it cannot be copied).
--he is more vulnerable to joint injuries as well as arrhythmia. any scars he manages to form, though he can shift them away, will be retained on his baseline form
mirabel—she doesn’t have a gift but her actual bond to casita is the strongest. like abuela, she has a (slightly less honed) sense for the nearby presence of family members
--she specifically bleeds a lot /less/ if an injury is sustained than a baseline human.
--runs at higher warmth than usual, same as julieta and alma.
--she naturally picks up trades and skills easily, particularly those that directly involve physicality(like parkour) or creating with the hands(like sewing or cooking).
—related, since she does not have a gift, the things she does have are hereditary, or saturation of the magic.
antonio--he can understand any animal language, and animals are automatically non-hostile to very affectionate towards him. he has a (very limited) command over animals, but it is mostly like a light compulsion.
--he can sense the presence of any animal, like how isabela senses plants. his is another 'compulsion' gift, where the animals actively find him interesting and seek him out and he feels drawn to talk to animals
--his room made all of the animals inside. those animals are pure magic, especially the jaguar. they cannot leave the encanto
--his voice does not change from human language, but it can take on an undertone of birds chirping or whichever animal he means to speak to. saying 'hello' aimed at a bird sounds different than saying 'hello' to a rat.
--his power is the one with the least drawbacks. casita has been learning all the years how to give a gift correctly, and observing the drawbacks for all the years until antonio had its benefits
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paper--moons · 3 years
CG!Rappa Headcanons
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Now, Rappa is a really rough and tumble kind of guy, there's no denying that—however, it's also worth noting that he doesn't choose to be rowdy for the sake of rowdiness and troublemaking. There's a method to his madness and that method is simply a I did it because it was fun mentality. And while fighting is fun and enjoyable for him, it's not the only that he finds rewarding. He might not be the most obvious cg, but he's got layers, and one of those layers tells him Why be strong if not to protect the small? when it comes to those he cares for.
Rappa as a cg is just a big teddy bear. He provides a lot of solid support for them, both emotionally and physically. Sure, he might not be the most well-versed in dealing with more complex emotions, but he does understand the importance of listening—along with the importance of what physical affection like a hug can do. The amount of reassurance they feel as he holds them tightly and croons a simple, yet heartfelt "I got you" is unparalleled.
Not only is he metaphorically a big teddy bear, but Rappa is a just a big guy in general. Which definitely helps keep regressors that struggle with feeling small due to body image issues in their regressed headspace. It's harder for them to feel like they're physically too big or tall to be as small as they need when he can pick them up like it's no problem at all. It's also something he does every chance he gets, and will in fact carry them propped up on his hip while he does around. Other things like piggyback rides are totally on the table too. And of course, he absolutely loves to toss the baby. Though he's sure to give them plenty of warning before he does so, and then lightly tosses them with grin and a "upsie-daisy!".
Speaking of upsie-daisies, Rappa is the type of cg that absolutely uses babytalk. And this isn't just limited to the type of things that some cgs typically sprinkle into their vocabulary when talking to their little one; he does not shy away from picking up and implementing whatever it is they have decided to call something either. They call naps "zee-zees"? Cool, he's calling naps that now too. Rappa doesn't care if it makes him look silly to adopt these words because one: it's really stinking cute of them and he wants to encourage them and two: if it makes it easier for them to communicate and feel comfortable while regressed, then he's going to do it.
He's also very much down to get on their level. They want him to play dress up with them and have a tea party? Sure thing bubba, you wanna pick me out something pretty to wear? Basically lets them run the show and enjoys the ride (as is his typical caregiving style; as long as they're having fun and not hurting themselves he's cool with whatever they want to do). So he's more than happy to have them pick things out of their dress-up trunk for them both while he gets some snacks and tea ready—he's also more than happy to listen to them babble on excitedly about things they like or any special interests they have.
Which it's also worth noting that he is genuinely amazed at hearing them go on and on about their special interest(s). Like they know so much! He asks them questions about it, loving how much they light up at the opportunity to share what they know. Offhand comments that he makes while listening to them, such as my baby's so smart, huh? hit different when they've had people in the past say otherwise about their (allegedly nonsensical) rambling. Rappa picks up on the way they falter after hearing that sort of praise, the quiet "are you sure?"s making him decide that they are going hear it more often if he has any say about it. He's so proud that they know so much and are so passionate, and believe they should be too.
Overall very protective of his little one! Nobody better say anything that hurts their feelings, or they'll have him to answer to. He's literally the perfect cg to have if they happen to start slipping in public too, or even just around someone else who might not know about regression. Because who is going to say anything negative to them about acting like a baby when they've got Rappa right there holding their hand? It wouldn't be a wise decision, to put it lightly. He's there to fight back against both their own negative thoughts and negative people for them.
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
breaking point.
a neville longbottom x reader wherein neville finally reaches his breaking point when it comes to you
WARNING: nsfw, 18+ (really, don’t read if you’re not.),dirty talk, light choking, oral (female receiving), semi-public, slight praise kink, unprotected sex and just plain nasty nasty lmao
A/N: look, okay, i have discussed this headcanon with @minty-malfoy​ and @slytherinsunrise​ about how neville is actually a dom underneath his soft and fluffy exterior and i just really wanted to write this akdjaksjf i love vanilla neville but honestly this hc is the death of me.
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There are certain moments in time wherein people make promises to themselves about keeping things hidden from the eyes of the public, that no matter what would happen, they would carry this burden ‘til they’re in the grave.
However, with you acting like this, Neville is finding it hard to keep himself in place.
Neville swore himself into secrecy about keeping this alter-ego of his a secret due to the fact that it doesn’t fit the image that the public has set upon him. He knew he was this soft, little angel in the eyes of his friends and those who knew him; little did they know there was a beast underneath that façade of his.
His eyes watched you like a hawk as you travelled to-and-fro, grabbing items to put in your grocery cart as you dragged him all the way to a muggle one since you’ve running low on supplies back at home. 
He studied the way your face would contort into one of seriousness when deciding what brand to buy for pasta sauce, how your shirt would lift up just a bit and expose the soft skin underneath while grabbing things from a certain height and how innocent you looked in that shirt of his you decided to wear on your trip.
It was driving the lad absolutely mad at how gorgeous you looked without even trying and all he wanted to do was to pin you up against one of those shelves and show you how badly he wanted you. But he was stuck in his own restraints—physically and figuratively speaking— so there was no way he could do that.
Also, he just loved you too much to even do so suddenly.
You were currently working on dinner, mindlessly stirring as your head moved to the soft music that was playing through the kitchen. It was a rather cold day so you opted to wear or steal one of Neville’s sweaters that was a size too large for you. Your hands quickly moved to tie your hair in a messy bun and continue on with your task.
What you didn’t know, however, was the fact that the owner of the sweater you were wearing was watching you work silently. His jaw clenched shut as he fought with every patience he had to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you senseless.
Oh how he wished to do that, but he just can’t, not yet to say the least.
Of course, there are secrets that no matter how hard one tries to hide, it’ll uncover itself eventually. Unfortunately, one of those was Neville’s.
You had always thought of the idea that maybe your boyfriend isn’t as vanilla as he always was. You’ve always adored how gentle and caring he was when it comes to your intimate moments with him, how he was always aware of what keeps you over the edge and leaves you wanting for more. 
Yet you had always yearned for something that you don’t have the heart to bring up to the man, until you discovered what lies beneath his innocent little mask.
Coming home from a tiring day at work was never fun, but when you have a loving boyfriend waiting with warm cuddles and kisses, you wouldn’t mind the exhaustion at all; probably even looking forward to come home to that everyday.
However, instead of being greeted by your lovers warm smile, you met with silence the moment you walked into the door. Your eyebrows were furrowed in confusion since he was nowhere to be seen. Lightly making your way up, you heard soft pants come from your room. 
Your mind immediately went to a difference place, getting ready to be greeted by something very heart shattering but instead what you saw was something rather surprising as you peeked through the small opening of the door
It was Neville with his back against the headboard of the bed you both shared, low groans rumbling from his chest as he relieved himself from his stress, accompanied with strings of rather colorful words on how he wanted to make you know who’s in charge inside the bedroom.
Safe to say that scene left you hot and bothered for the rest of the night— and that you might have cooked up a plan on how to make your adorable boyfriend reach his limit.
Then you commenced your plan, wearing more of his shirts and sweaters around the house knowing how much he loves you to see you in them (which sometimes leads to them being scattered on the floor) and by tying your hair in-front of him, grinning at him cheekily when he goes silent by watching you do that.
You’d get a certain reaction from him whenever he catches you doing that, adoring how he’d have this entranced look while watching you and how he’d immediately be flustered after because you caught him. 
But to no avail- he knew how to control his urges and you weren’t having any of it anymore. As much as you love Neville for his patience and respect, you’ve reached your breaking point.
Neville was seated beside you with a certain flare in his eyes as you continued to palm him through the fabric of his slacks, his cheeks were flushed as he watched you casually conversed with Hermione from across the table, acting as if nothing was happening from under the table.
The woman had invited the two of you over for a rather fancy dinner and he was already losing his mind upon seeing the white body hugging dress you wore and you were really drawing the line with your discreet actions under the table. 
“Say Neville, are you really planning on teaching back at Hogwarts?” Ron asked, looking at your boyfriend expectantly with a curious grin. You looked over at your boyfriend who adjusted in his seat, “Oh yeah, I do actually. Professor Sprout’s about to retire so I’m planning to take over for her.” He managed to splutter out, adjusting his tie as you slowly quickened your pace against his pants.
As the table moved on to another topic, your boyfriend was quick to lean in and whisper, “Not here, (Y/N)” with a gentle tone, holding on to the last ounce of patience he had. 
You batted your eyelashes at him, a devilish grin plastered on your lips as you shrugged him off, “I have no idea as to what you are even implying, Nev.” you simply replied, retreating your hand from its position as you felt him starting to twitch under the fabric. 
The male threw his head back in annoyance at the sudden interruption of his pleasure before giving you a stern look, voice low enough so that only you can hear, “You know exactly what you’re doing and I swear if you don’t stop that attitude right now you’ll see what you’re in for.” He said, jaw clenched as you laughed at him softly, igniting his frustrations even more.
“Make me, Longbottom.”
And that was enough for the beast inside Neville to let loose, absolutely enraged at the bratiness you were showing him. He cleared off his throat and stood up, “As much as I love this party, me and (Y/N) have to cut the night short. I still have a few things to pack before leaving for Hogwarts.” giving his friends a rather sad smile and glanced at you.
The sudden change in his demeanor has left you wet in-between your legs, your heart racing as you gathered your purse and waved off to your friends. His larger hand instantly found its way to yours as he led you outside the restaurant and into a rather isolated alley and instantly apparated to your shared bedroom. 
He was quick to pin you against the wall, one hand holding both of your wrists above your head as the other was cupping your cheek, thumb swiping on your lower lip as he spoke, “Princess, I know you love me gentle but do you really think you deserve that? After what you’ve done to me?” his hips grinding against yours, feeling how hard he was underneath his pants.
Your breath hitched at the friction, shaking your head as your brattiness faltered all too quickly by the way he was acting, “No Nev, I don’t.” which led to him wrapping his hand around your neck as he lightly pressed down on it. “Don’t talk to me like that.” 
His usual gentle voice was coated with arousal making you moan, “No, sir. I’m sorry for acting like a brat” which made him groan in satisfaction at the way those words rolled out of your mouth. He then captured your lips in a heated kiss, feeling himself let loose as his hand slowly trailed down to the underneath of your dress, his fingers now ghosting over your heat. 
You felt his lips curl up into the kiss, “Aren’t you a dirty little one, you’ve gone the whole night without underwear on?” He teased, middle and ring fingers dipping into your pussy as he left open mouth kisses against your neck, sucking on the skin rather harshly. 
“So wet for me, aren’t you darling?” he whispered, ravelling in the lewd sounds that left your mouth mixed with desperate pants. You bucked your hips into his hands, begging for more friction as you felt your knees slowly start to give out from underneath. 
Neville slowly pulled his fingers out upon feeling your walls tighten around it, making you whine as he licked your essence off his fingers, letting out hum of satisfaction as he locked lips with you again; hand reaching over the back to unzip your dress, letting it pool to your feet, nimble fingers quickly undoing your bra and letting it join the clothes on the floor. 
“So beautiful” He mumbled, stepping away from you as he loosened his tie, “Be a good girl and lay down on the bed, princess.” His tone sends chills down your spine as you lay on the bed, watching him get rid of own clothes, mouth watering as you watch him stroke his length to soothe it from its aching need.. 
He then approached you, licking his lips as he lowered himself, eyeing how your heat glistened against the dim lit room, “So fucking wet for me.” He growled before diving  right into you, tongue dancing around your clit gently he curled two fingers inside of you, causing your hips to buck up in the process, moans escaping your lips which made the male groan. “Keep still, darling.” He said, his other hand gripping on your thigh tightly as he continued.
You tried your best to keep still, panting heavily as Neville continued to fuck you with his tongue and fingers, back arching as your hand was now gripping on his hair, the sensation too overwhelming for you as a familiar knot form once again. 
“N-Nev, I’m close” You said, only making him pump his fingers in and out of you more quickly, humming in approval which sent you into this state of pure bliss as you reached your high, coating his slender fingers with your juice. 
Neville was quick to lap whatever mess you had made, tongue darting out to clean his own digits as crawled up to your eye level, “You were such an angel for me now, weren’t you, princess?” he questioned, thumb brushing against your bottom lip again as you nodded, taking his thumb in-between your lips to suck on in gently as you locked your gaze with him.
His usual soft brown eyes were filled with lust as he positioned himself, expression faltering slightly as he waited for your approval, making your heart flutter at the fact that he still wanted your answer. With a single nod, he thrusted into you, groaning at how tight you were around him. “So.. fucking tight for me, isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes, Nev, all for you.” You answered, hips jolting up at the way he slowly started to move, teasing you lightly as he trudged on with this pace, making you whine, “Faster, Nev, please!”
Neville happily obliged in your request, pace picking up as his lips attacked all the soft spots of your neck, making you a moaning mess underneath him as he soon became relentless with his speed; your lewd sounds making him go wild, his free hand finding its way back to your clit, the pad of his thumb toying on it as he continued to go in and out of you.
Still sensitive from your first high, you quickly felt your second one forming as he kept his pace. “Go on, baby.” With those simple words, you felt your orgasm crash through once again, sending you a wave of euphoria as he rode out your high, eventually coming down from his own high too.
He gently pulled out of you and smiled, kissing your forehead, “Stay right there, alright?” He said, snatching his boxers off the floor and headed off to the bathroom before coming back with a towel in hand, waving it sheepishly. 
“Let me do the work, my love.” He said gently, cleaning you up before taking you into his arms, carrying you into the bathroom where the bathtub was full and ready to use. 
He gently placed you down and helped you hop in, the warmth of the water instantly relaxing your muscles, before situating himself behind you, a shy grin on his lips, a light pink dusting over his cheeks, “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
You laughed at him softly, shaking your head gently as you sensed his fingers massage your scalp gently, cleaning you off. “No, Nev. You were great.” You answered, leaning into him gently as you teased, “Who knew you had that kind of side, my love?”
Neville chuckled at your words, carefully rinsing you off as he shrugged lightly, lathering his hands with soap as he ran his hands against your soft skin, fingers tracing the marks he’s left, “I’ve always had that side of me, I know that you know that, but I just kept on holding myself back because I didn’t want to hurt you like that.” He answered truthfully, voice laced with gentleness.
You turned to face him with a smile, leaning in to press your lips against his, heart jumping everywhere at how pure his answer was, “You don’t have to hide anything from me anymore since I’d accept you either way, Nev.”
And with that the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company as you both got ready for bed once again, Neville doing all the work of changing the sheets and what not before letting you back on the bed and into his arms, peppering your face with a ton of kisses soon afterwards.
“Are you sure that I wasn’t too hard on you, love?” He asked once more, looking at you with a rather guilty look, to which you shook your head, giving him a comforting smile as you placed a gentle kiss on his lips, “You were perfect, my love, trust me.”
You felt him relax against you, holding you closer to his chest as he kissed your lips once more, smiling against them.
“I love you, (Y/N).)” “I love you too, Nev.”
TAGS: @theweasleyslut​ @violetravens​ @eunoia-kth​ @starlightweasley​ @minty-malfoy​ @glimmering-darling-dolly​ @slytherinsunrise​
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kopikokun · 4 years
Tell Me What You Want Me to Do to You༄ mark l.
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↳ On an awfully planned trip with your best friend Mark, the place you end up spending the night in is not what you had in mind. Oh well, at least Mark’s there to keep you company. And apparently, he’s a pretty great kisser too.
pairing: bestfriend!mark x f!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, friends to lovers, college!au
wordcount: 1.8k words
author’s note: i’m so sorry that i can’t add the ‘keep reading’ thing. i’ve tried, but every time i do it, the whole post gets wonky and i can’t edit it on mobile anymore. i’ve even tried desktop tumblr but the same thing happens :(
Request 32: Mark + “I need a hug.” (42) + “Stop being so cute.” (67) + “Put me down!” (153) + “There’s only one bed...” (154) [F2L + Suggestive]
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝.
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In hindsight, a trip with your best friend sounded like a more than sound idea. The two of you had combined what limited knowledge you had about general adulting, scrounged up most that you could considering your financial situations as two college kids, and, in essence, had made things worked.
Or at the very least, you think, eyes scanning the room, taking in the general gist of the next addition to your mountain of already existing issues, made things happen.
And to answer a question; yes, there is a significant difference between work and happen.
Mark sighs wearily. It’s most likely due to the ridiculously lengthy car ride the two of you had been subjected to just to get here (and the back-and-forth bickering over whose bright idea it was to decide to go on holiday when the travelling industry is at its peak—it had been Mark’s, by the way, something about promotions and discount prices) and the even more absurd hike—or as the cheery staff liked to call it—expedition to your room.
“I can’t believe you convinced me to take a trip to the middle of nowhere, Mark.”
“Excuse me, this is not ‘the middle of nowhere’. According to the website, this is a ‘refined establishment which offers a fresh look into life alongside Mother Nature’,” defends Mark, letting the duffel bag stuffed with clothing he has slung over his shoulder slip to the ground with not an ounce of care.
“Well, that’s marketing for you.” You roll your eyes. “Just admit, you screwed up.”
Mark scoffs, unwilling to admit his defeat. “Not my fault that you’re a city girl.”
“This has nothing to do with me being a ‘city girl’. And you say that like you’re not a city boy.” Mark is tempted to say something petty in response but bites back his words. “And we have a bigger problem at hand right now, Mark.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s a big problem…”
“Dude,” you deadpan. “It’s a big problem. There’s only one bed.”
Mark clicks his tongue. “We can come up with something… I, uh, I could sleep on the floor?”
“In this weather? You’ll be dead of hypothermia by morning. So, no.”
“Christ, alright then I guess we’ll just have to sleep on the same bed,” says Mark casually, falling onto the linen sheets. The bed creaks under his weight.
You shoot him an incredulous look. “Together? On the same bed?”
“Yeah, why not? We’ve done it before when we were kids.” Mark stares blankly up at the ceiling. “What’s so different about back then to now?”
You laugh wryly. “What’s different? We did it when we were kids, Mark. Kids.” Your face warms as you give Mark a once-over, taking it how much he’s grown into his good looks over the years. “I can list off plenty of things that have changed since we were literal children.”
Mark flips onto his side to face you head-on, an elbow propping him up. “Why? What’s wrong? You got a crush on me now?”
You roll your eyes, but your cheeks pool with even more blistering heat. “Ugh, as if.”
“Damn, alright then, Cher Horowitz,” jeers Mark.
You stick your tongue out at Mark. “Whatever. Pass me a pillow. I’ll take the floor.”
Mark jolts upright like a meerkat on the lookout. “What? No, you take the bed. I’ll take the floor.”
“No, I’m good. You can have the bed to yourself. I don’t mind, honestly.” You jerk your thumb towards yourself, pushing your chest out proudly. “This ‘city girl’ can handle a little bit of cold.”
There’s the muffled rustling of sheets and the padding of feet against the floor before a pair of arms coil themselves around your waist from behind you, which by the way, doesn’t help your cheeks which only grow hotter by the second. You turn to face Mark who stares at you with nothing but genuine concern.
“No way. This ‘city girl’ is taking the bed.” His arms curl tighter around you, pulling you even closer to him. “Come on. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“No, Mark it’s—”
Your refusal is cut short when you feel your body grow weightless as your feet are lifted off of the ground.
“Oh my God! Holy shit, Mark.” Like a hapless ragdoll, you’re almost effortlessly thrown over Mark’s shoulder. You’d be impressed by how surprisingly strong he is given his skinny-looking exterior, but you find that this isn’t quite the right time to be complimenting his physical abilities just yet. Mark grunts when you writhe in his hold. “Put me down!”
“With pleasure.”
You yelp, startled when Mark nonchalantly drops you onto the bed, following suit not too long after, his face inches from yours. His arms cage in your face and you feel your head grow dizzy, intoxicated by his scent. Your heart lurches when the bed groans with all the brute force being heaved onto it.
Mark grins cheekily at you, an airy laugh leaving his lips. “Jesus, you should’ve seen your face! It was priceless.”
You stare up at him, subconsciously drinking in his beautiful features; from the hairs of his eyebrows to the flutter of his eyelashes to the rosy apples of his cheeks and right down to the dip of his cupid’s bow, you gawk at him in silence for a moment or two. You realise that it’s actually been a moment or two too long since you’ve said something by the way Mark’s smile falters and his eyes begin to roam your face with just as much intrigue.
You clear your throat, averting his keen gaze. “Yeah, alright. Haha, very funny, Mark.”
For once, Mark doesn’t have any witty comeback for you in response. In fact, the room is drop dead silent save for the mechanical whirring of the ceiling fan. Mark’s adam’s apple bobs up and down in apprehension as his eyes scan your face once more. You can’t look away from him. Your eyes are glued to his as your heart hammers in your chest, its vibrations ringing in your ears.
He makes a move to get off of you but freezes when he feels your hand wrap around his bicep, urging for him to stay as he is. Mark watches you with interest, waiting for something more, but all you can do is continue gaping at him. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, blinking up at him. You wait with baited breath as Mark licks his lips.
“What?” he whispers. “What is it you want from me?”
You inhale sharply.
Mark’s voice drops several octaves, turning almost gravelly, which is so out of character for him you nearly blanch. “Come on, I want to know. Tell me what you want me to do to you.”
You mumble your words incoherently, your mind too clouded over to formulate an actual sentence.
“Speak up, pretty girl. I can’t hear you.” Mark leans into your ear, his hot breath making your hairs stand on end.
“Want you to kiss me, Mark.”
“God, you’re so cute. Stop being so cute. Say it again.”
You huff, growing impatient. “Please, Mark. Just kiss me already.”
“Holy shit.” He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. “That's really hot.”
Mark kisses you tenderly. His lips press softly against yours, testing the waters and gauging your reaction. He tastes of the spearmint gum you gave him on the ride here and he smells like the fabric softener you always use when you go over to his place.
His hand cups your cheek, and at your hum of appreciation, he finally decides to kiss you with a little more fervour.
You’re not sure how, but you soon find yourself in Mark’s lap as he rests his back against the headboard. You chase after his lips when he pulls away and he giggles, the sound so bizarre considering the atmosphere. You don’t stay displeased for too long though, as Mark begins kissing down your jaw, which tickles, if you're being frank.
Mark’s grip on you turns bruising when you scratch at his nape, savouring the way his breath hitches. As things progress, you can’t help but wonder how this exactly happened. Sure, you’ve had those moments where the idea of being more than friends with Mark excited you, but it’s not like you dwelled on the thought often. All throughout your friendship, you’d never had any moments like this, but you’re surprised you two hadn’t done this sooner, because God, this feels amazing. Thinking back on it, there have been moments where you’d caught Mark staring a little too intensely at you and vice-versa, but you brushed it off as a common occurrence, being friends with a guy. But, you suppose, given the fact that you and Mark are making out right now, probably means that those stares meant a little more than you had first surmised.
You pull away when Mark grips the back of your neck. He pauses, his gaze finding yours.
He swallows dryly. “You okay?"
You exhale shakily, a whirlwind of thoughts consuming you. “Wait- I- Can we,” you take a breath, “can we stop?”
Immediately, Mark’s expression melts into one of distress. “Yeah, of course we can.”
“Thanks.” You nod timidly, climbing off his lap and sinking into the spot beside him. You chew on the flesh of your inner cheek, guilt washing over you. “I- I’m sorry.”
Mark’s head swivels to face you. “What? No, don’t be sorry. It’s fine.” He fiddles with his fingers. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“What? No, no, you didn’t.” You laugh reassuringly. “I just- I don’t know- I just—”
“No, it’s okay. If you want to stop, I'll stop. No explanation required.” Mark smiles at you. “But… we’re still cool, right?”
“Of course we are, dude.”
Mark snickers. “Wow, I can’t believe you just called me dude after we made out. You’re really something else, huh?”
“Hey! You should take that as a compliment.” You shove him playfully. “I don’t call just anyone dude.”
“Well then, it’s an honour. Dude.”
Your conversation dwindles into silence. You feel anxiety begin to make its way up your spine as it latches onto you, sinking its gnarly teeth into your back. What now? Can you two really go back to being just friends if that’s what you ultimately decided? The faint spinning of the fan is the only thing that nulls your worries. Cautiously, you reach for Mark’s hand beside you and thankfully, he reciprocates the gesture. You sigh happily, finding solace in the warmth radiating from his fingertips.
“Can I—no I mean—can we cuddle?” You await a response from Mark, only to be greeted by nothing. “Uh, I’m sorry. That was dumb of me. Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
You attempt to pry your fingers from Mark’s but he refuses to let you slip away. Instead, he brings your hand to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on the back of your palm. “Hey, no. Let’s cuddle. I’m down for that. I need a hug, anyway.”
It’s astounding how easy it is to get into a spooning position with Mark. And as corny as it sounds, you feel like you fit perfectly in his arms, snug against his chest. You allow yourself to relax in his embrace until you feel something digging into your thigh.
“Is that—”
“Yeah, sorry,” says Mark sheepishly. He shifts in his position, but to no avail. He just hisses in discomfort. You smother a giggle. “I’m still, uh, a little… excited?”
“My bad.”
Mark pokes your waist, fishing that repressed giggle out of you. “Dumbass.”
And as you lay there with Mark, your laughter fading as the moon rises, you can’t deny the sparks of attraction that have ignited. You’re not quite sure exactly how you feel, but you think, whatever the outcome, the two of you will be alright.
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eratobard · 3 years
To Break a Curse
I could not help myself. I was so inspired by this fanart by @scalesnart that my fingers go to writing right away. It’s not done, but I wanted to share what I had so far. It ended up being longer than I intended. ^^;
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geraskier
Rating: T (for now)
Summary: Geralt gets transformed into a female due to an unfortunate encounter with a mage. Jaskier and Geralt work to find help breaking the curse.
Tag Warning: Sexist comments, swearing, suggestive language
“Stop it,” Geralt growled. His voice was still fairly deep, but a little less gruff sounding than usual. 
Jaskier groaned as he covered his face with his hands, “I can’t help it.”
“Try harder,” Geralt gripped Roach’s reins tightly as he continued to trudge down the path.
Jaskier sighed and jogged to keep up pace with him, “It doesn’t help that your clothes… don’t fit anymore.” Jaskier’s eyes scanned the length of Geralt’s body. After their encounter with a mage, Geralt’s hips were fuller, his chest was larger, and his body… curvier. To put it simply, Geralt was now female in the biological and physical sense. He was also a head shorter than Jaskier, which was endearing.
Geralt huffed as he ran his hand through his hair, “Not much I can do about that at the moment.”
“Well… maybe I can help--”
“No,” Geralt growled, more fiercely this time.
“Just- hear me out!” Jaskier reached out, grabbing Geralt’s shoulder. He spun around on his heel, bearing his teeth. Jaskier quickly raised his hands, “I get it! You’re… unhappy about the situation, but I promise I’ll be a complete gentleman.”
Geralt eyed him warily as he shifted his shirt. The fit wasn’t too bad, but it was baggy around his shoulders now that they weren’t as broad. His pants were… tight because of his bigger hips, but loose in other areas. Not quite right for his new shapely form. He didn’t know why the mage chose to transform him into the most curvaceous woman. As Jaskier put it earlier after it first happened, ‘His looks matched those of Yennefer’s.’ That’s all he needed as a Witcher.
Jaskier tilted his head, “So? Can I help? Please?”
“Fine, but!” He pointed a finger at him warningly, “You try anything-”
“Please Geralt, I’m not in the habit of taking advantage of women, especially those who are my friends,” Jaskier placed his hands on his hips.
Geralt nodded, “I know… but, the way you’ve been looking at me since… since the mage changed me… what if part of it was some kind of seduction spell?”
Jaskier’s face reddened. He averted his gaze, “Sorry… I just…” He cleared his throat, “You make a gorgeous woman Geralt. It’s hard not to look.”
Geralt would have blushed if he was able. He cleared his own throat as he looked away. He held his arms out to the side, “Just… get it over with.”
“Wh-what?” Jaskier squeaked as he stared in shock at Geralt. 
Geralt frowned, “My clothes?”
“Right!” Jaskier forced a laugh. He ran his fingers through his hair to calm his heart. It had almost leaped out of his chest from where his mind had gone.
Geralt tried to calm his own heart as Jaskier reached out, gently adjusting his shirt so it was more centered on his body. Jaskier’s tongue instinctively stuck out as he concentrated on tightening the shirt. He circled around behind Geralt, and pulled the extra cloth back toward his waist. Geralt bit his lip to suppress a moan. His skin felt more sensitive since the change, and the gentle way Jaskier touched him combined with the soft cotton against his… breasts was stirring something in his unfamiliar groin.
Jaskier tied the extra cloth back then moved to grip Geralt’s pants. Geralt quickly reached back and gripped his wrist, “What are you--”
“I was just going to… sorry, I should have warned you, I was only tightening it around the waist so your pants didn’t fall while you were fighting,” Jaskier explained calmly.
Geralt released his grip and nodded, “...sorry, this whole thing is putting me on edge. We need to find Yen as soon as possible.”
A sharp pain dug into Jaskier’s chest. He forced himself to focus on the task, ignoring the feeling of jealousy. The mage had cackled about Geralt finding ‘True Love’s Kiss’ to break the curse. Afterward Geralt insisted they find Yennefer. Of course if anyone could break the spell it would be her. The fact that Geralt suggested her so quickly hurt, but what could Jaskier say?
Hey Geralt, why don’t we try kissing? I’ve only been yearning after you for the past decade. He sighed. It didn’t matter what his feelings were. It only mattered who Geralt loved. He pulled back from Geralt, “Done.”
Geralt moved a bit, testing out the limits of the adjustments Jaskier made. The clothing definitely fit better. “It’ll do for now.”
Jaskier smiled, admiring his work, “I don’t think I did too bad a job. Going clothes shopping with Priscilla and Essi during my time at Oxenfurt had it’s benefits.”
Geralt grunted in agreement, “You’ll have to help me pick out something in the next town. Who knows how long it will be till we find Yennefer.”
Jaskier’s smile faltered as he nodded, “I’d be more than happy to help you Geralt.” He resumed walking next to Geralt. He fidgeted with the strap on his lute as he tried to look anywhere but at Geralt.
Geralt rolled his eyes, “Jaskier…”
“Y-yes?” Jaskier’s gaze magnetized to Geralt. His face was flush as he quickly glanced over his body.
“I can feel you… not staring.”
Jaskier huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “What do you expect me to do Geralt?! A goddess stands next to me. One worthy of writing ballads about, but I’m not allowed to take in her beauty.”
Geralt scoffed, “A goddess? Don’t be ridiculous. It’s still me under all this.”
‘That’s the problem,’ Jaskier thought bitterly. 
After a few more painstaking miles they finally reached the next town. Jaskier went to rent them a room while Geralt procured them a table and food. Despite being a woman now, Jaskier was still notoriously better at getting a deal than Geralt so they fell into their normal tasks. Geralt hadn’t been sitting long before a drunk nearby leered at him.
“Hey gorgeous,” he slurred as he leaned out of his chair across the space between their tables, “I’ve got a seat for you right here.” He patted his lap, and crudely gestured at his groin.
Geralt growled menacingly at the man, but it didn’t seem to have his usual affect, “Fuck off.”
The man snorted as he stood up and stumbled over, “Playing hard to get eh?”
“No, no, she really isn’t,” Jaskier said from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “She’s with me.”
The man glanced at Jaskier and scoffed, “Her? With you?”
Jaskier laughed, “Yes, I know. Hard to believe a woman such as her would want to be with me, but it’s quite true. Right darling?”
Geralt glared at Jaskier, but understood what he was doing. Some men were willing to back off if there was competition. “Yes,” he grit out.”
Jaskier beamed, “See? Now why don’t you head back to your table.”
Some men. They weren’t so fortunate this time.
“He your brother?” the man pointed at Jaskier, “‘dat why he tryin’ ta protect you?”
Maybe it was the mage, maybe it was the long walk, or maybe it was the fact they were looking for Yennefer, whatever it was, something in Jaskier snapped. He gripped the man’s collar and yanked him back. He pulled him face to face to ensure he got the message as he spoke to him menacingly, “If you don’t back off you’ll find your dick separated from your body.”
The man’s eyes widened and he stumbled back, “Apologies s-sir…” Jaskier was pretty sure he had made him piss his pants as the drunk made a fast retreat.
Geralt gazed at Jaskier in amazement. A shiver ran down his spine. Not of fear, but arousal. He clenched his fist to hold back the emotion. He wasn’t used to how this body dealt with arousal. He also wasn’t used to Jaskier acting that way. Usually Geralt had to step in and be the menacing one when drunks hit on a disinterested Jaskier. He was also used to finding the bard attractive, and ignoring it. This time had been different and taken him completely off guard.
Jaskier grinned as he sat next to Geralt, “Sorry, I know you can take care of yourself, but men don’t seem to be able to take the hint. Especially when it comes to gorgeous women such as yourself.” 
Geralt’s heart beat rapidly in his chest. He looked away, “I can see that.”
Jaskier raised his hands, “I get it. I’m sorry. I’ll stop mentioning it. I know it makes you uncomfortable.” He grabbed his bowl of stew and started eating it.
Geralt shook his head, “...I… it doesn’t bother me when you say it.” He took a swig of ale before partaking of his own stew.
Jaskier smirked, “Oh really? Well, honestly, you should be used to it. You are a gorgeous man too. I’m surprised you don’t beat off women with a broom.”
Geralt scoffed, “Because I’m a Witcher.”
Jaskier quirked an eyebrow, “Right… well, that didn’t seem to stop that drunk from trying.”
“He was too distracted by my breasts to notice the medallion,” Geralt laughed.
Jaskier glanced at the medallion that was currently resting between Geralt’s breasts. “Ah, yes,” he laughed with him, “I supposed he would be.”
Geralt’s face warmed, but he smiled as he continued to joke about other topics with Jaskier. This was the most normal he had felt with him since the transformation.
Then it was awkward again.
Jaskier stared at the single bed in the room, “I um… didn’t think to ask. Sorry. They usually give us two beds… I guess they assumed…”
Geralt waved him off, “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
Jaskier scowled, “Nonsense Geralt. We don’t know what sleeping on the floor in your new body would do to your back. If anyone needs to be in tip top shape it’s you. I’ll take the floor.”
Geralt sighed, “Fine.”
Jaskier smiled and nodded as he started to unpack some of his things, “Then it’s settled.”
“We’ll share the bed.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened and he stared at Geralt in shock, “I-- wha- I’m sorry?”
Geralt crossed his arms over his chest then decided against it when they pressed against his breasts. He placed his hand on his hip instead, “We’ve shared before. It shouldn’t be any different now, right?”
Jaskier’s eyes roamed over Geralt, his cocked hip, his pink pillowy lips, his perfectly curved body. His voice cracked, “E-exactly… no problem.” He ran his hands over his face in an attempt to quiet his rapid heart. ‘Melitele help me…’ Jaskier groaned internally.
Jaskier stared at the ceiling as he laid stock still in bed next to Geralt. It had been difficult already for him to sleep next to Geralt with his feelings, but he got used to it. Now though, there was something different about Geralt being a gorgeous woman instead of a gorgeous man that set his body aflame. He wanted to reach over and stroke his soft skin. Trace his fingers over his supple breasts. Maybe even wrap his lips around his nipples as he listened to Geralt’s sweet moans of pleasure while he fingered him open.
Jaskier bit his lip and swore internally. He needed to stop thinking this way. It was only making it worse. He tried singing a ballad in his head to distract himself, listing facts about old musicians he learned at Oxenfurt, the various styles of music. He huffed. It was going to be a long night.
Geralt could hear Jaskier’s heart beating rapidly. The scent of arousal coming off of him wasn’t anything new. His feeling of arousal at smelling his arousal was new. Well, not new, but it had been awhile. When he first started traveling with Jaskier, the constant scent of arousal had been hard for him to handle. Especially with his own attraction for Jaskier. He had become accustomed to ignoring it. Now his arousal felt different. It was still a burning heat in the pit of his stomach, but there was a desire. An itch between his legs he wanted to scratch. 
He couldn’t help but picture Jaskier between his thighs, licking at his wet folds before his tongue pushed deep inside him. He could almost feel Jaskier’s calloused fingers on his skin, tweaking his hard nipples before roaming over the expanse of his body. Geralt grit his teeth and pushed the thoughts out of his head. He listed the monsters in his bestiary and how to effectively kill them, the plants needed for his potions, and other random information. Fuck, it was going to be a long night.
Jaskier hummed as he awoke to the feeling of a soft body pressed against him. He smiled as he ran his hands down their back, nosing at the top of their head and inhaling the sweet scent of-- “Geralt!” Jaskier’s eyes snapped open and he quickly pulled away.
Geralt woke shortly after Jaskier and also moved back, staring at Jaskier in shock. Mostly because of his own actions. He had seeked Jaskier out unconsciously in the night. It had felt nice, but it was wrong. Especially while he was in this form. “S-sorry I didn’t…”
Jaskier waved him off, “I’m a cuddler, I’m sure it’s my fault.” He shifted his pants awkwardly. The action drew Geralt’s attention to the bulge in his pants. Jaskier’s face was bright red, “I… you know how it is… in the morning…”
Geralt nodded quickly and turned away. “I’ll get breakfast,” he grunted, “while you… sort yourself out.”
“Thanks,” Jaskier meekly replied, biting his lower lip in embarrassment.
Geralt made his way down the stairs toward the dining area, and tried extremely hard not to think about what Jaskier was doing in their room, on the bed where they slept. Why did everything have to feel so fucking awkward between them? Stupid mage.
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