#when really it's long enough stop it moon raccoon
captain-mj · 4 months
Bad dog
Been a while since I did something with muzzles and had an idea
Ghost had come back from a very successful mission, the captured creature had been locked away and catalogued. Another win for him and the fucking scientists.
He lit a cigarette and watched the... things in their rooms and cells. The scientists assured them that none were human, but he wasn't sure he completely believed them. Some were very good at mimicking people.
His personal favorite was A21987028. Or Soap. Scientists liked spouting off that long string of numbers, but Ghost preferred the nickname given. It was like how the dog like creature in cell 483 was named "Riley" because of the collar it had on when it was found. And while yes, she was a little maneater, Ghost still snuck her biscuits and things to eat and she liked him better.
Soap was interesting. Brimming with intelligence, perfectly mimicking a Scottish man, and friendly.
Ghost went to his room and sat with him, likely he usually did. He sat across from him and Soap perked up. The brown leather across his face was the only grim reminder of what he was. Otherwise, he looked normal. Even his clothes were nice, of the latest fashion.
"Hello, Simon." Soap said with a smile, teeth flashing under the brown leather. Same one Riley wore. Same one everything in this building wore but the guards. "Come to chat?"
Ghost shifted, legs spreading to fill out the chair. He looked at Soap. "Another mission. Caught a thing that looks like a mix between a raccoon and a sparrow. Its wings are too small to fly."
"How did you catch it?"
Ghost had speared it like a fish and held it down, blade causing yellow blood to gush out until it had the good sense to stop fighting. He had thrown it in the cage and heard the useless wing snap.
"Used one of those loops on the poles. It hooked around it's neck and i dropped it in the cage. No harm, no foul."
Soap nodded and walked over. There were strict rules on most of the creatures, but Soap was different. Intelligent enough to know that fighting back was futile. Friendly enough to be able to play nice. In the fifteen years there, he had never once caused an incident.
The muzzle stayed, so did the chains around his ankles, but his hands were freed. His room decorated. Books were given to him. A tv. He had plenty of enmities.
Ghost still felt guilty. If he could, he'd let Soap leave. But Soap was not truly Soap. He was A21987028. A thing that had appeared out of the sky and ate flesh.
For now though, it wasn't feeding time. Ghost could be here, with him. In this space.
Soap leaned down and brushed the muzzle against Ghost's mask. Like an animal.
"Simon. Do they listen to our conversations?"
"Don't necessarily listen, but they do record them. If there was ever a need, they'd review them. But you won't do that. You're a good boy." Ghost meant it as a joke. A fucked up version of one, but a joke.
Soap looked at him, that brilliant blue was wrong. It happened occasionally. Soap wouldn't look like Soap. He'd look like someone or something else. Usually they were so subtle, Ghost would be unsure if they really even happened.
"Shame. Sometimes, I want to tell you things. Tell you secrets. But I can't. Things listen."
Ghost had no doubts in his mind that Soap didn't mean the microphones.
"I apologize, Soap. Lights out soon, I'm on night duty."
"Will you come say hi to me as you pass?" That wasn't what Soap really wanted. He wanted Ghost to sneak him food.
“Maybe.” Ghost smiled at him.
Soap brightened considerably. “I’ll wait for you.” He smiled and went around the room, a sway to it.
Ghost left, as always, wondering what Soap would feel like if they could touch without his gloves between them. He’d show Soap the sun. The moon.
Instead, he had to have a picture of them on the wall.
Ghost thought of the dozens of documentaries over space and human history and war. Soap requested to have a documentary over bombs, but they denied him immediately.
He'd do wonders in the human world. But it wasn't human. It was hard to remember that at times.
Ghost made sure before he went back by Soap that he had a candy bar to slip into his cell. A candy bar that was grabbed by a hand with too many fingers.
"Yes, Soap?"
Soap looked at him, eyes glowing enough so Ghost would surely see him. "I appreciate the time we spend we spend together."
Ghost smiled at him and he could tell, despite the mask, that Soap could see. He pulled away and kept walking through the yard. Creatures tried to get his attention. All hoping that he'll be the one to slip up and let them free.
The night ended like all nights ended. With him turning into his own bed in a different barracks. With Simon laying down and remembering that he's doing good for the world.
He couldn't have been asleep long when the alarms went off. He assumed it was Protocol L at first, a common break they had was that particular one. But then he heard the numbers that followed and realized more than just one had escaped. He grabbed his gun and checked his gear, happy he hadn't taken much of it off, and got out the door.
Ghost put the majority of the creatures back in their cages, safe and sound. Most were intimidated by him, despite being able to grow much bigger than him.
Then his gun came face to face with Soap.
The muzzle was still securely on, but the chains had been broken. "Simon. Don't make me hurt you."
"Think you have the nerve?"
"Come with me. We can go somewhere else. Somewhere just the two of us." Soap grabbed his hand and moved closer. "I promise, I'm really not like the others. I don't want to hurt you.""
Ghost put his gun under Soap's chin. They had about five minutes to leave. "How can I trust it? How do I know you weren't playing the long con?"
"You know me. You love me. i love you. Let's go." Soap squeezed his hand tight. "Please. I want to see the world. See everything."
Ghost squeezed his hand back and made a decision.
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
*whispers* blind!Iggy and one-handed Ravus without prostetic doing daily routine and helping each other
Aaaaaah,anon, you have to know that when I received this I absolutely freaked out and Iliterally said aloud “DUDE, YES”, because hnfgndgf, it’s a wonderful scenario! 
It speaks alot of being domestic! A domestic life for Fleurentia. That’s so soft and peaceful.The two of them are very tragic characters, so to give them a domestic andtranquil life is one of my greatest weaknesses. It lets them be happy and calmfor once, and it feels soft, as if they don’t have to worry about the worldanymore. 
And thisscenario is awesome on its own because while it keeps the domestic and peacefulair, it still remains tragic, as both have already gone through part of theirtragedies; Ravus losing his arm, and Iggy losing his sight. 
Let’s seewhat I can do with this. I don’t have much experience with handicapped people,so I’m not sure I can come up with many scenarios, but here I go. 
I tried towrite a “let’s explain how this is a chill universe”, but nah man, let’s skipexplanations and just keep it there: it’s a chill universe where they had nomore duties or prophecies to follow, even though they (whether you want it dueto the canon story or for alternative universe reasons) lost the arm and sightrespectively.
Ravus andIggy have managed to get a house of their own.
It’s not anapartment, because they both really adore their personal space, and becausethey found that easier than living in a building shared with more people, beingtwo handicapped, and not that they can’t adapt or can’t find it easy, but ifthey could afford for the decent house where they get more comfort plus moreprivacy plus an easier lifestyle as handicapped, then why not?
Ignisdoesn’t have much time since his injury (a year, more or less), so he’s not theDaredevil we know he becomes at age 32. He still struggles for the simpletasks. On his own, that is.
Ravus isguiding him into his new lifestyle as best as he can.
Ravus alsois not used to not having two arms; after they found a way to remove the armwith no risks (the arm is what contained the Magitek that, when removed, wouldturn him into daemon), he too is struggling to adapt.
Ignis wasused to analyze every detail of every situation; now he can’t. Ravus was usedto have full control over everything; now, in a way, he can’t. So the two tryto complement each other as best as possible.
Let’sfollow them in a normal and wonderfully domestic day, shall we?
Why are youspying these men that’s a crime
Goodmorning, you wonderful men!
Youwouldn’t believe how oddly comfortable it is for Ravus to sleep now, actually?No left arm lets him sleep on his left side without getting his arm numb, orhaving his partner use it as a pillow until it turns to torture. Ravus now isable to lie on his left side and hug Iggy no troubles.
Unless he’ssleeping on the right side; it’s usually Iggy spooning him, then.
There’smany other ways as they sleep, that doesn’t matter, I just like thinking aboutit.
Iggy sleepson the left side of the bed; that way, Ravus has it easier to reach for thingson the right bedside table, and Ignis reaches for things on the left.
The lamp ison the right bedside; the clock, opposite to what we would think, is on theleft.
Ignis nowrelies heavily on listening; finding a clock and shutting the alarm off is notroubles.
Ravus isthe only who needs light in the early morning or night, so that’s where thelamp is.
Ignis is incharge of removing the bedsheets and throwing them onto the mattress; Ravus isin charge of accommodating them so they’re correctly placed.
Ravus isgetting better at doing it himself, but Ignis helps him unbutton his pajamashirts.
Ignis isgetting better at it, but Ravus is still there to help him with taking themorning shower; the floor gets slippery, so there’s the risk Ignis may fall.While he learns to do it himself, Ravus is there to make sure he doesn’t falland to hand him the things he needs.
So they shower together.
They have aspecific place for things so Ignis knows where they are and doesn’t have toblindly look for them; a place for his shampoo, one of the soap, which isusually in a shelf that has it for sure it won’t fall down (unless heaccidentally drops it), and another place for the sponge.
While hegets used, Ravus helps him tell him where the things are or, if he’s too lost,will guide him to reach them; Ravus also tells him when it’s enough shampoo, orwhen the sponge needs more soap. He’ll help clean Iggy in spots that keepshampoo or soap that he can’t see are still there.
It has goodsides; Ignis helps him clean his right arm mostly, sometimes his right side ingeneral. He’s also in charge of massaging Ravus’ head at times to spread andget rid of the shampoo; Ravus can do that on his own, but it’s helpful andcomfy and very nice, so he never complains.
They putthe towels in a hook right at a side of the tub/shower; that way any of themcan reach for them.
They have acurtain rather than a glass door, just in case there’s any little slip there’sless risk of breaking something or to get injured.
Ravus isfirst to exit, usually with a hand to the wall (now that he’s beginning to getused, remember), so to be extra sure he won’t fall; once outside, he helps Iggyout so he won’t slip.
Just likethe hair thing, Ravus can dry himself on his own, but Ignis sometimes helpsbecause it’s more comfy.
Ravus helpshim to get dry.
Now let’ssee these boys get dressed (no cameras, please)
Youwouldn’t believe it’s much easier to have both hands to put briefs and pantson, but it is.
Usually,Ravus makes sure which is the front, and Ignis helps him pull the underwear up.Ravus later adjusts it as he pleases, but Ignis is who puts it in its place.
Ravus helpsmake sure which is the front of Ignis’ underwear, but that’s it; the man willput them on himself.
Ignis willhelp pull Ravus’ pants up as well and button them, like his own (and like theunderwear, Ravus just makes sure they’re not inside-out and that the front isfacing the front).
Ravus hassome struggles choosing what to wear mostly, if buttons or non-buttoned pieces;on a side, many buttons is struggles, but not impossible, and put-on clothingis a bit messier. He still sticks to mostly buttoned stuff, though.
Ignis willhelp tie the loose sleeve; Ravus verbally guides him into the knot, unlessIgnis is struggling too much, then Ravus will get his hand close to guideIgnis’ into where to go so he can make a knot. They don’t stay tied after thefirst knot; they wash and iron clothing, so yep.
I mean, itcould stay tied while in the washer machine, but they prefer to untie it so itgets properly cleaned.
Ravus helpsmostly to check that Ignis’ top clothing is not inside-out and facingcorrectly; he also helps tell Ignis if he’s buttoning the wrong button in thewrong hole.
Ravus alsoadjusts Ignis’ collars (if the shirt has one), and if Ignis needs or wants it,Ravus will help him make sure that when Ignis tucks the bottom into his pantshe doesn’t miss a part by accident.
If any ofthem need, for whatever reason, to wear a tie…ohboy.
It was bigstruggles at first, but they’ve been learning and getting better at it.
Ravus triedon his own, but the struggle was stupid, so Ignis offered help.
Now, Ravusputs the tie in place, and Ignis ties it under Ravus’ guide and instructions.
Ignis tyinga tie is very slow and careful. Ravus doesn’t blame him. He doesn’t even mind.He even finds it moving.
Ravus makessure the socks match and Ignis puts them on. Ravus can put his own himself, butsometimes Ignis helps just for comfort, Ravus just adjusts them.
Ravus makessure Ignis puts on the right shoe on the right foot and such; Ignis ties bothhis and Ravus’ footwear if they need to be tied.
Ravus helpsIgnis comb his hair, but Ignis’ hands play a big role there, too.
Ignis likesbrushing Ravus’ hair, another thing that Ravus could make on his own but ismore comfy if Iggy does it.
It’s notdaily, of course, but Ravus is in charge of helping Ignis to shave.
Ravus,lacking a hand, also struggles with that, so rather than shaving Ignis, heguides Ignis into re-learn to do it; Ravus still forever guides him to makesure he doesn’t miss a spot and that stuff.
When theygrow older, Ignis even learns to shave Ravus.
Please,Ignis, he desperately needs to stay shaved.
Breakfast!Or any eating time.
Ravus isguiding Ignis into cooking.
If cuttinga vegetable or something, Ignis will hold an edge with a hand and the knifewith the other; Ravus, using his only arm/hand, will use it on top of Ignis’right one to guide it into decent slices, and so that he doesn’t cut himself.
That’spossibly their most usual treat; Ravus using his hand to guide Ignis’ intodoing the cooking right and not harm himself in the process at the same time.
Ignisserves the coffee and other liquids; Ravus tells him when to stop so the cupwon’t flood.
If the foodis something that needs to be cut (like meat), Ignis will cut the pieces for Ravus’dish. Like always,under Ravus’ verbal and sometimes physical guide.
You know what’s manageable but can betroubles? Jars and containers with screw lids. For Ravus, of course. Ignis isusually opening them.
Ignis is incharge of washing the dishes; Ravus is in charge of putting them in the dryingracks, and hand any that’s still dirty back. He’s also in charge of handingIggy some dishes if he misses them (it’s usually utensils).
Remember thatteeth care is important, people.
Ignis iswho puts the toothpaste on their brushes; Ravus verbally guides him.
Ravus canand will clean windows.
Ignis is incharge of sweeping; Ravus guides him so he doesn’t miss a spot or hitsanything, and so he doesn’t misstep somewhere.
Thoughthey’re learning to do it, they have someone that comes a day a week to helpthem iron things; Ravus can see, but it gets a bit messy with only one arm;Ignis can use both hands, but can’t see what and how he’s ironing. It’s a bitcomplicated.
But they dofold their clothes. Like usual, Ravus makes sure they’re not inside-out, andIgnis folds it under Ravus’ instructions (though both are learning and gettingbetter at doing it alone).
You knowwhat Ravus has found sort of therapeutic after such a tragedy of a life and theloss of an arm? The garden. There’s something soothing about taking care offlowers. In some way, after being abused for so many years, taking care of alittle creature that’s not a human or a dog that needs much attention and carehe doesn’t feel prepared for, flowers are pretty.
He’s beenlearning to do a few gardening things on his own, mostly because it’s calmingrather than necessary. But you know, his hand gets awfully dirtied when heworks in his flowers.
Have youever tried to wash a hand without the other? As in wash it thoroughly?
Ravus atfirst was pretty embarrassed, mostly because he couldn’t believe he couldn’t dosuch a simple task on his own, but Ignis, like always, is too understanding andloving and now Ravus doesn’t mind asking him for help to wash his hand.
Ignis helpsclean it, and Ravus tells him when it’s clean enough.
Ravus iswho writes the notes they need to take.
Ravus alsowrites the e-mails they need to write, but they mostly stay away of e-mailingand texting; using one hand is not impossible, but it makes the task superdifficult. So if they want to communicate, they’ll mostly phone whoever theyneed to phone.
Ravus makessure Ignis’ phone is updated and charged; as side note, it works through voicerecognition for Iggy.
Ravus hasno troubles handling the TV remote; he usually puts musical channels on, forIggy, or sometimes describes him what’s going on if it’s necessary, but theybarely ever watch TV. They prefer a miiiiiillion times to put music on or to bein the quiet. They love the quiet.
When theygo out by feet, Ignis will grab Ravus’ arm.
They triedto keep Iggy on Ravus’ left side, which is the most vulnerable one, so in a waythey have a hand on the right and one on the left to not be off guard and tonot have a blind side.
Oh. Uhm. Nopun intended up there…sorry.
Turns outthey couldn’t; the blind side stays a blind side very literally, and Ignis hadnothing to grab other than Ravus’ clothes or shoulder, and it wasn’t working.
Besides,these boys learned that they have no more reasons to keep the guard up; they’reliving a normal life, not war any longer, so there’s no need to have thatmentality of “how do we work best as a team in case someone tries to kill us.”
So theyswitched to the logical; Ignis grabbing Ravus’ arm.
Ignis isstill using the cane, normally.
Eventuallyand as years go, he’ll learn to walk more confidently without the cane and onlyRavus by his side.
He’s alsolearning to go with cane and without Ravus.
Ignisverbally guided him about some questions he had about Lucian driving rules andsuch (slightly different than Tenebraean’s), but Ignis already knew how todrive; he made sure to re-learn in low-risk places with one arm only.
As you cantell, their car is automatic.
Some yearsinto it, sometimes Ignis helps with the gear shift, as he’s got it memorized.Of course, under Ravus’ instructions.
They dohave their stamp that signals the car carries with and/or is driven by someonedisabled, but Ravus barely uses it to park in the signaled spots; he finds nosense on parking there when “I lack an arm while someone out there may lack aleg; they should have priority over the spots that are closer to the entrance”,and Ignis is in favor because he doesn’t mind walking longer distances (because“he’ll never re-learn the world if he never lives it like usual”).
They do,however, sometimes use it, mostly when they feel they need to or for comfort.
I mean,they do have the rights to do that.
Ravus is incharge of writing the lists of what they need, just like any other kind ofnotes, but both usually go together. Ignis keeps company and guides the cartunder Ravus’ indications, and constantly does the math or remembers things theydidn’t list, and Ravus grabs the stuff.
Igniscarries the most bags into the car; Ravus makes sure to accommodate them in the trunk.
I like tothink they have a cat.
Ravus makessure to tell Iggy where the kitty is, just in case Ignis was about to sit onher or something.
Ignis, relyingon touch and sounds, adores petting the kitty; like Ravus started his flowercare, Ignis’ ‘haven’ is the kitty. She feels nice under the touch, is superaffectionate, and purrs.
Why did Iinclude that? Because it’s fluffy and I love Fleurentia domestic fluff.
You knowwhat’s the prettiest “helping each other with routine” that’s actually not ‘helping’and it’s not routine but shut up this is my post and I want fluff?
The easiestway for Ravus to read is usually if the book is on a table, and he can keep thebook open with his one hand, but sometimes it gets kind of uncomfortable. Sothere’s Ignis to help.
Ignis willhold the book and turn the pages, and Ravus will read.
This oftenhappens in a way so Ravus is sat, usually against the bed’s headboard or an armof the couch, and Ignis sat in his lap, with the silver haired looking fromeither above his head or shoulder, depending on how Ignis is resting againsthim.
Thing is,Ravus is reading aloud, of course.
Ignis hasswitched to audiobooks while he learns braille, but Ravus can see and willread, and that’s how Ignis helps him while getting to bond over something atthe same time.
You shouldsee the scene that it makes; Ravus sat against the headboard, legs to the sidesso Ignis can sit in his lap, his one arm around the Lucian’s torso, Ignis’ head against the Tenebraean’s tummy rather thanhis chest, holding the book slightly up for Ravus to read aloud, and the kittycurled on the other side of the bed.
Theirroutine to finish the day is basically the same than that of waking up, except onreverse.
Ignisunbuttoning, helping with pants, Ravus making sure things are not inside-outand such, etc.
Once intheir pajamas, they go to bed together, which doesn’t need more science thanpulling blankets down.
Ravus mayread a little more for himself sometimes, then turn the light off, and snugglenext to Ignis.
This hasnothing to do with “helping each other with what they can’t” but it’s routine:
Ravus, punctualand every day like a clock, always give Ignis a kiss in the space between hiseyebrows to wish him goodnight, caressing his hair with his one hand.
Ignis, onhis own ritual of response, always kisses one or two of his own fingertips, andtouches Ravus’ lips with it, staying there a few seconds as if to feel them andmemorize them by touch.
“Sleep tight,Ravus.”
And the catcurls up at their feet.
  And that’sa usual day in the life of the Scientia & Nox Fleuret house.
I hope youenjoyed!!
Thank you so much to whoever dropped this entry, in case you’re still around. I know I’ve taken months to answer, and I apologize. Still, thank you greatly for this; it was super enjoyable and heartwarming to write. ♡
Leave Coona tip, please? ( ˙꒳​˙ )
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Hello! May I please request something with a reader who's hosea's daughter and she starts a romantic relationship with either Charles or Arthur? (I can't decide I love those both those boys too much)
AN: Hi babe! I chose Arthur for this! 
Warnings: implied smut
The moon hung high in the night sky and thousands of stars littered the empty space surrounding it. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. 
Cicadas and crickets chirped. Raccoons chattered from high up in treetops. Occasionally there was the sound of a coyote as it strayed too close to camp then scurrying away upon realizing that there were people nearby. 
You made your way through camp, finishing your braid over your shoulder. 
Everyone was settling down for the night after having a few drinks. 
You moved towards the tent you shared with Karen and Sadie when a hand suddenly wrapped around your mouth from behind. An arm latched around your waist. Panic was just about to set in when you heard his voice in your ear. 
“Easy there, pumpkin.” Arthur whispered. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
He let you go but held on to your wrist as he tugged you around to the backside of the wagons. 
“Arthur Morgan!” You whispered his name loudly, hitting his arm. “Don’t you do that again! I almost had a heart attack!”
“Shh.” He chuckled, holding a finger to his lips. His hands found your hips and he backed you up against the wagon. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him down to kiss him. He pinned your hips against the wagon with his own then brought his hands up to cup your face. 
“Let’s go for a ride.” Arthur pulled away from you, his hand finding your wrist once more. He started to pull you away from the wagon but you stopped him. 
“What has gotten into you tonight, Arthur?” You asked him, a little smile playing on your lips. You enjoyed his playful moods, but they were rare and it wasn’t often that they came about. Usually it only happened when he was drinking. 
“I just wanna spend time with you without worryin’ about anyone, pumpkin.” He tugged on your hand. 
“And you wanna go for a ride?”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“How much could you taste?” He countered. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’ll only go with you if you let me control the horse.” 
“Oh, pumpkin. Come on. I wanna take you somewhere.” 
“You can tell me directions.”
“Fine.” He grumbled. “Come on.” 
Arthur guided you across camp to his horse. He helped you up onto the saddle and then got up onto the back of the horse himself. 
Slipping past Bill on guard duty was easy. 
The place Arthur took you to was just on the other side of the border of Lemoyne and New Hanover. The spot was along the shore of Flat Iron Lake. 
“What’s special about this place?” You looked over your shoulder to Arthur as you brought the horse to a stop in the grass. 
“You said the spot was special. What’s special about it?”
“Well…. it’s away from camp.” He held his hand out for you. You got down from the horse and passed him the reins. He tethered the horse to a tree so it could eat grass while the two of you went closer to the water. 
Arthur held his hand out for you again, making a grabbing motion. You furrowed your brows together before putting your hand in his. 
He walked alongside you with your fingers laced together. 
“I been doin’ a lotta thinkin’.” 
“Uh-oh.” You giggled. “Should I be worried?”
“Yeah, probably.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
Arthur was silent for a few moments, so you looked over at him. He was looking out over the lake. 
“Arthur, what is it?” You stopped walking and turned to face him. 
He shook his head, eyes flickering down to his boots. 
“It-It’s nothin’. Just stupid thoughts.” 
“It ain’t stupid if it’s got you thinkin’ so hard I can see the smoke coming out of your ears.” You reached up to cup his jaw. You brushed your thumb along his cheek. “Come on. It’s just me. You can say whatever it is you’re thinking to me.”
His eyes met yours and he nodded, a little smile tugging at his lips. 
“I…. Y/N, I want whatever it is we got…. I want it to be real.”
You furrowed your brows together, tilting your head to the side a little. 
“I thought…. Well, I guess I thought it was real.” Your voice was quiet. 
“No, not like that.” He shook his head. “I meant that I-I want to be real. To have a real…. a real thing with you.”
A smile spread across your lips as you realized what Arthur was struggling to say. 
“A real relationship, Arthur Morgan?” 
He nodded his head. 
“Now I-I put a lotta thought into it. Even talked it over with Charles. He’s a smart feller.” 
“He is. You want this?” 
“I want you.” Arthur slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. “I ain’t felt that way about somebody in a long time.” 
“Only if you’re sure–,”
“I am sure.” He cut you off, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation, holding his gaze. “Yes.”
“Okay then.” He grinned, large hands slipping down to your backside. 
The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when you and Arthur returned to camp. You parted ways where the horses were hitched, leaving with only murmurs of goodbyes. It was bad enough you’d spent the entire night out. You didn’t need to risk being caught just yet. You’d tell everyone when you were ready. But neither of you saw Hosea Matthews–your father–watching from the opposite side of camp as you slipped into your tent. 
Arthur wasn’t very fond of romance from the get-go, and being that you were Hosea’s daughter made him ever more hesitant to start anything with you. However, that changed when he got to know you better. 
Being that you didn’t grow up in the Van Der Linde Gang, you didn’t know the outlaw the way everyone else did. 
Though Hosea was your father, he didn’t raise you. He and his late wife and your mother, Bessy, had agreed that the life they had wasn’t suitable for a baby. So they gave you to Bessy’s sister and brother-in-law so that you could be raised in a proper setting and have a chance at a good life. Hosea and Bessy made sure to visit you when they could, and even after Bessy passed away Hosea continued to visit you and let you know that he cared about you. He wanted what was best for his only daughter. He didn’t want you to have the same life as him or to be subjected to the horrors he had faced.
But here you were, the newest member of the Van der Linde Gang. 
You managed to only get a couple hours of sleep before Karen nudged you awake, warning you that Susan would be by to raise hell if you weren’t up soon. 
You got dressed and went out to get a cup of coffee. You spotted Hosea sitting at a table reading through a newspaper, so you decided to join him. 
“Good morning, Hosea.” You greeted. 
“Good morning, dear.” He gave you a smile. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Not too bad. I’m getting used to the nighttime noises so I’m not waking up so much. Anything interestin’ in there?”
“Not yet.” 
“Mornin’, Hosea.” Arthur crossed through camp, heading for his tent. “Mornin’, Y/N.”
“Good morning, Arthur.”
“Good morning, Arthur.” You smiled just a little before looking down at your coffee. 
You wanted to tell Hosea about you and Arthur. Now that things were serious between you two, it felt like you needed to tell him. Before, you were just flirting and messing around. There was no need for anyone to know what was happening because it was just two grown adults keeping each other company. But now…. Now it was different. 
You sat with Hosea for a bit, chatting about what was in the newspaper. 
Then you noticed a group began to form around the horses that consisted of Javier, Charles, Arthur, Sean, and John. 
“What are you staring at, sweetheart?”
You turned your head look at Hosea. You didn’t realize you were staring. 
“Nothing, Hosea.”
He looked in the direction you had been staring in. 
“Which one is it?”
“Which one of them numbskulls were you gawking at?”
“None of them.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He shook his head, eyes lingering on you. When you made no effort to carry on the conversation, he reached into a pocket on his vest to check the time. “Your mother used to get that same look in her eye when she saw somethin’ in a shop window she wanted.”
Curious, you glanced up from your coffee which you had been staring at rather intently. You weren’t really reading anyways. 
“She would?”
“She would.” Hosea nodded, a fond smile coming to his lips as his eyes left you to look out over the lake behind you. “And usually, I’d go back to the shop some time later when she wasn’t with me and steal it for her.”
“How romantic.”
“She thought so.” He chuckled. “She certainly knew how to put up with me and my antics. But she was about as good of a liar as you are, my dear.”
You put the book down on the table.
“I really wish you’d stop reading me like I’m one of your marks.”
“I can’t help it, sweetheart. It’s a bad habit. A very bad, nasty habit.” Hosea turned his head to look at the group of men gathered around the horses. “I don’t think it would be John. He’s far too dim for you. But if we go by brains, I don’t think any of them have a lick of sense. Well, except for Charles.” Hosea paused to gauge your reaction. You kept your lips pressed together in a firm line, adamant on not giving him any reaction. “If it was Bill Williamson, I’d be disappointed in you.”
“Ew, no.”
“Good girl. Javier?”
You didn’t answer.
“Hmm. Arthur perhaps?”
You shifted in your seat and took a small breath. The actions didn’t seem that big, but apparently they meant something to Hosea. 
The con-man leaned back in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out a little sigh. 
“That dimwit, Y/N?”
“He’s not a dimwit, Hosea.”
“I swear, Y/N, I’ve seen fish with more sense than that boy.”
“I’m serious. Me and Dutch were real concerned about him. Well, that was until John came along. Made Arthur look a goddamn genius.”
You stood up and picked up your coffee cup. 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Hosea put his hand out to stop you. “I know you’re sweet on him. I saw you coming back into camp together this morning.” 
Your eyes immediately met his, panic finding its way into your veins. Then you looked over to Arthur. Did your father know what you were doing with Arthur while you were gone? 
“I’m a little hurt neither of you told me, but I know why you kept it to yourselves. This camp ain’t the place for romance.”
“Hosea.” You whispered, eyes meeting his once more. “Don’t…. Don’t let Arthur know that you know, okay? I-I think he wanted to tell you himself. We just…. We didn’t want everyone here to know, and he’s…. Arthur’s a funny guy when it comes to being sweet on a lady.”
“Oh, I know. He’s had his heart broke real bad before. Don’t you think about breakin’ it, you hear? You’re my daughter so I’ll be sure to tell him the same, but he’s like a son to me, you know.”
“I know, Hosea. Don’t worry. I have no intentions of hurting him.”
Taglist:  @winterwolf @doggone-cowgirl @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @nonodino @krenee1drful @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284  @kashasenpai
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
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Me: *receives this request*
Me: *sips my 3rd coffee of the day from my raccoon mug in the pitch dark of my room* 
Me: My time has come...
Pillarmen (separate) with a coffee addicted, sarcastic, career focused s/o (who doesn’t get enough sleep)...
(under the cut for length!)
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"Have you eaten today?" The Pillarmen questioned you, looming over your desk in the dark of your Office.
"Yes." You answered simply, not bothering to tear your eyes from the laptop screen or the sea of words it held sitting before you. Kars however knew better than to leave it at just that, folding his arms across his chest as he cocked an eyebrow.
Kars frowned to himself as his eyes took in your workspace, trying not to focus on the fact that was littered with disorganized papers, food wrappers and a few empty mugs.
He would never let his desk degenerate into something even close to this mess.
"Alright. What did you eat?"
Kars clicked his tongue, letting out the sigh he knew he was going to make upon making the decision to check in on you in the first place. He had known very well this conversation would be steered into a direction like this.
A silence fell over the room, your the clicking of keyboard keys stalling for the briefest second before resuming.
"Coffee." Came the answer.
"Coffee is NOT a meal." He said curtly.
"I know it's not a meal, it's a vegetable." You replied without missing a single beat.
He pursed his lips, "Now what makes you say that?"
"It came from beans."
"Something to eat first, then you may finish your work. And then it's straight to bed with you." He ordered, carrying you downstairs to the kitchen. It was late and he knew that if he didn't set these boundaries you would be hunched over, typing away at your messy little desk all hours of the night.
Without another word you were picked up out of your office chair like nothing more than a common house cat and thrown over his shoulder, the massive man rolled his eyes as you whined that you had only a couple more pages to do and you were trying to finish.
He ignored your protests as much as he disregarded the sluggish pounds of your fists on his backside.
Needless to say, he didn't want a repeat of last time that happened. Coffee and redbull brew was a potent mixture he wanted to keep out of your reach from now on, no matter how tired you claimed to be.
"Ok, Mom." You bit back, finally giving up on your futile squirming for the night. You shot him your best glare as he set you down on the kitchen counter, the rings under your bleary eyes only becoming more prominent as he once again ignored your words and your stare, getting right into fixing you something quick to eat.
Kars wasn't a person to be spoken to in that way by anyone (they never usually lived long enough to get such remarks out) but you were much different of course. In fact, your sharp tongue was easily matched by his quick wit; it only made you an even stronger pair to be reckoned with in his opinion.
With only a quirk of his lips as a response to your sarcastic quip, a cookie was shoved into your mouth.
"Here. Perhaps this will sweeten up your sour, my child." He said, now fully getting on your level as he busied himself making you a sandwich.
A smile curled at the corners of your full mouth as you chewed away, your demeanor just a little lighter as sweet chocolate goodness tickled your senses. However, chocolate did little to coat the silver of your tongue.
"Bite me." You spat playfully, a few crumbs escaping your lips along with the words.
"You know better than to threaten me with a good time, dearest." Kars responded, not even lifting his eyes from the cutting board as he sliced away at a cucumber.
You nearly choked on the sweet you were savoring as you doubled over in laughter, making Kars smile to himself in triumph.
"What are you doing?" Esidisi watched you with curious interest as you began to depart from the kitchen, just seconds after making your entrance, the entire pot of black coffee he had just prepared in your hand.
The steaming pot of rich and buzzing Caffeine was snatched from your grasp in a fraction of a second, you blinked to find squirming tendrils of veins spiriting it away back to your Husband.
"I'm flipping oyster burgers for the King of Spain, what does it look like?" You asked without even a thought, an impressive feat as it seemed like you were mere seconds away from falling over.
Disheveled wasn't even a word to describe your appearance. Your hair in disarray and wearing the same clothes as you had yesterday; you looked like you had been put through the ringer not once but a few times.
"Hey!" You cried, fully turning on him. It only made the smirk at the corner of his mouth grow as you advanced on him, stomping angrily as you went; inevitably you were only making yourself more adorable in his eyes. "Give that back! I need to get some work done!"
Taking the entire pot with you was the most elegant solution in your eyes rather than coming back downstairs every so often to refill your mug. You definitely needed the quantity of this pot if you wanted to stay awake any longer to complete your workload.
"Ah ah ah, not so fast little oyster flipper!" He laughed, holding the pot far out of your reach and pushing you at arms length as you attempted to make a grab for it.
Esidisi was always amused by your fiery determination when it came down to your work and the lengths you went through to get it done but he knew when enough was enough.
"What I want to know is, did you get any sleep last night?" He questioned, a bare brow raising; a look betraying his genuine concern for you in the midst of his jest.
The Pillarman was not going to let you take the pot of coffee all the way back to your office to chug like an oversized movie soda as you pushed through more piles of papers. You had been up there practically three days straight, basically just surviving on the stuff at this point.
If you weren't going to take care of yourself, he supposed he'd just have to do it for you.
"Er... uh..."
You blinked slowly, the raw stinging of your eyes didn't quite help you in forming a convincing response.
You could've swore you nodded off once, maybe twice, at your desk sometime in the middle of the night but you weren't sure for how long exactly. It probably didn't even come close to qualifying as "sleep" in terms of rest.
"Mm-hmm. That's what I thought." He hummed, putting the pot of coffee back in its rightful place. A sound of surprise managed to escape your lips as he picked you up, carrying you out of the kitchen like you were nothing more than a toddler.
"Wh-Where are we going?" You questioned, blinking stupidly and trying to recover from your slight shock.
"Hmm, not Spain. Sorry, you won't be flipping any burgers today, my little spit-fire." He responded, his tone fluid enough to rival your second-nature sarcasm.
Your lips came together, squirming in his hold as you connected the dots. "I can't go to bed! I still have woooork!" You whined, pushing against him as if that would do anything in his powerful grasp. "I'm not tired!"
"Really? Oh, you could've fooled me." He chuckled, the rumbling of his chest against yours only making sleepy shivers dance through your body.
"I just need some coffee! That's all, c'mon!"
"No more coffee for you. You drank enough to last you a fortnight, yesterday."
He was so warm and comfortable, a much better feeling than any sized mug of coffee you could guzzle down would leave you; your fidgeting had come to a complete stop without you realizing it.
"I just..." You were cut off by a yawn forcing its way out of you. "...just a few more... p-papers..."
"Not today you're not." He chided softly, a hand rubbing tender little circles into your back with heated fingers. You knew that he knew it was only making you more sleepy (not to mention more frustrated) by the second. "You're having a sleep, something proper to eat later and a shower and then you can work and drink all the coffee you want."
Just a few more papers. Just a few more papers.... Just a few more papers.... Just... a few... more...
By the time Esidisi had reached the top of the stairs, your struggle had ceased all together and you had fallen limp in his arms; completely and utterly asleep.
The litany in your head fell silent as your eyelids drooped, losing yourself in the warmth of your Husbands embrace as the swaying of his movement rocked you as he walked along.
So many cheeky things you wanted to say died like flickering embers in your brain, unable to escape your lips this time.
"Beloved?" The Warrior pushed open the door to your office, peering into the dark room with a frown. "Are you in here?"
"No. I'm on the Moon." Your voice (sounding a little worn but still holding that familiar pinch of playfulness) cut through the dark, coming right from your desk where you were hunched over and drawing away; the dim light from your tablet was the only thing cutting through the shadows of your cave.
He couldn't help but notice it was the exact spot he had left you when he departed early this morning to go do some training.
Warm, golden light shrouded you and your cluttered desk area, making you blink in surprise. You hadn't really realized that it had gotten dark at all and for the briefest of seconds you wondered how late exactly it had gotten; you shook your head quickly as you regained your focus on your work.
Nonetheless, Wamuu smiled softly and entered your workspace. It was an easy feat for the Pillarman to make his way through despite the darkness cloaking the room as he had most excellent night vision.
However, upon reaching your side, he reached over and flicked on your table lamp. He knew that the dark wasn't exactly doing your Human vision much good.
"Thank you." You mumbled, swiping your digital pen across the screen with slow and careful movements.
Wamuu hummed softly, leaning over you with a curious eye to see your work better.
"That looks very nice." He commented, the corners of his full lips tugging into a sweet smile as he admired your handiwork. You never ceased to amaze him with your little drawings and sketches.
You needed to get this piece done by the weekend and you wanted it done today so it could be out of your way. Each slip up of your hand or a line only made you feel more exhausted and more picky, lines overlapped and blurred and you could no longer take in the picture anymore; just your mistakes and its flaws.
A tired sigh escaped your lips, "I just can't get the shading right. I think I've had to redo it 8 times now..." you grumbled, only getting increasingly frustrated at the setback, a hand unconsciously reaching up to scrub at your eye.
Your eyeballs were starting to burn from focusing on the screen too long, a feeling much akin to being rubbed raw with sandpaper.
"Have you been drawing all day?" He questioned, turning his gaze down to the crown of your head with worry.
The Warriors smile fell as he took in your awry state more closely, he definitely didn't miss the umpteen mugs of coffee littering your space (some of which were only half-finished and long gone cold by now).
Did you even move at all while he had been gone? When was the last time you showered? Ate? Changed your clothes?
Really it was the best answer you could give, all you knew was that it was dark and you were sore and tired and your hand was cramping... so it was more than likely you had spent the entirety of the day working.
Once again, your movements stalled before slowly regaining focus, your movements slothy and lacking your usual grace.
"I guess..." you answered lamely.
Wamuu shook his head, you had been drawing all night last night and you had promised to go to bed after he kissed you goodbye this morning. It was obvious you forgot your promise and kept working.
The drawing tablet was easily plucked from your grasp, making you jump in surprise and reflexively make a grab for it.
"Wamuu-- wha--?!"
"This won't do." He said, quickly hitting the save button on your piece of art as he pulled the tablet further from your reach. "You're done for today."
"What? No! I--" You made an attempt to snatch it back but the hulking man wasn't having any of it, gazing down at you with stern double-ringed emeralds.
For now, he was taking matters into his own hands.
"No. You've worked far too long. Look at you beloved, you've become nothing but a shell!" He chastised, walking past you and placing your tablet on the highest shelf of your office; far, far from your reach.
You would only get it back once you were rested and cared for.
He pushed open the bathroom door with careful ease, not even struggling as he held you and set you down on the toilet.
You were picked up with ease, cradled in the Warriors arms like he was rescuing you from the battlefield as he marched out of the room. Your whines and cries and pleas to be put down went ignored, even as you pounded weakly on his chest.
You had originally thought he was taking your straight to the bedroom to put you down for a sleep but no, he walked right past the room without even a passing glance.
"Sit there." He told you, pressing a tender kiss to your head; the softness of his actions rendering you silent. "Let me handle this."
Your previous protests, your frustrations and any and all thoughts to your work had died all together by the time you two had stripped and were sitting comfortably in the warm scented water.
You blinked, watching him as he puttered around the bathroom; filling the tub with warm water and adding a generous portion of your favorite bathsoap, making a luscious and soothing scent fill the air and your senses.
A warm bath together would do you both some good, he was a little rumpled from training all day himself and you were worn down from your own work. Wamuu always enjoyed washing your hair and bathing together was always a good de-stressor in his eyes.
"You're too persuasive," you remarked, the words coming out as more of a sigh as he combed his fingers through your damp hair.
You hated to admit it but this was just what you needed; you could literally feel all the stress and overwork just washing away with the water rolling over you.
Wamuu chuckled softly, squeezing some of your favourite shampoo into his huge palm. "And You're negligent of your own needs. But don't worry, that's why I'm here..."
"You are tired."
"I'm not tired!" You groaned, the exasperation in your voice was short-lived as the corners of your lips quirked up into a teeny grin. "...I'm y/n."
Santana tilted his head, pursing his lips. Usually you would chuckle at his obvious confusion (Santana still couldn't quite grasp puns and dry humor like sarcasm well, despite it being something you used more than often) but today you were too busy to sit down and explain it, let alone spend any time with him.
You still had work to pick at upstairs and judging by how things were going, you weren't going to be done anytime soon.
It didn't help the fact that Santana was becoming increasingly worried about you; he had caught you pouring yourself a bowl of orange juice and a glass of cereal this morning when you begrudgingly trudged downstairs for breakfast. The growling of your stomach neglecting its needs had become too unbearable.
Either way; you weren't going to let the fact you haven't seen a bed (or a fresh change of clothes) in days stop you.
"I just need to get some work done, Santana..." you sighed, emptying the pot of coffee into your mug. "I have a deadline at the end of the week."
"Sleep is for the weak." You replied, bringing the steaming mug to your lips for the first sip.
"You have not slept in days." He pointed out, the deep timber of his voice rumbling around the room. You could feel his eyes staring into your back as you fumbled around the kitchen.
Damn him for being so perceptive.
"Your kind is very weak." Came the immediate and factual response. "You require sleep to function and survive."
Like it or not, he was spitting straight facts.
You nearly choked on the gulp of hot liquid, it burned in your throat as his words hit you. Your mate watched as you opened your mouth and fumbled with a response to conteract that statement; ultimately having nothing.
It was always hard to argue when you felt so sluggish, your brain running just as well as an old windows computer, let alone when Santana stood there blinking so innocently.
You groaned, shuffling out of the room; mug in hand and the migrane you had been trying to rid of slowly regaining its pounding pulse in your temples.
"Oh honey, I'll be fine..." you whined, trying to ignore his eyes still watching you as you began your slothy trek up the stairs. "I may be a 'Primitive lifeform' but I can handle a little work."
The Pillarman watched you go, frowning to himself as you disappeared up the stairs; the hard shut of the door to your office the only sound following your exit.
Your energy was very low, he had only seen you eat a handful of times and it seemed like you were running into walls and doors more often than the average Human lately.
Santana was getting worried.
The hours of the morning ticked bye, eventually Noon rolled around and then passed and you didn't come down for lunch (or more coffee). The primal instincts of protecting you as his mate inevitably kicked in and Santana found himself at the door to your office, peering in with a curious eye.
There he was met with the sight of you slumped over at your desk, your back rising and falling slowly and rhythmically. The sounds of your soft breath hit his sharp ears, even from all the way across the room, and he found himself wandering in, coming right up beside you where you lay crumpled.
You stirred slightly, making his hair stand on end as a groan barely passed your lips before you settled down again, resuming your quiet snoring.
Upon further inspection he found your eyes were closed, cheek smooshed right against the wood of the desk and papers sticking uncomfortably to your face. Even your pen was still gripped in hand.
His eyes skimmed over some loose papers, nothing but meaningless words and numbers scrawled across the white without rhyme and reason to him but always it held some deeper meaning to you; your supposed work.
Your coffee had barely been touched, gone cold and sitting quite forlorn among the foodwrappers and empty water bottles and papers scattered across your workspace. Santana reached for the mug, sniffing curiously at the coal black liquid sloshing around inside. Throughout all the time he had known you, you always had a strange attachment to this drink; you claimed it was what kept you functioning.
Curiosity got the best of him and he brought it to his lips for a taste, wondering the exact appeal of it. He shuddered, growling, almost spitting the shallow mouthful of it out and turning his head away as the bitter and cold liquid overwhelmed his senses as it slipped down his throat...
He brought the mug to his mouth again, unable to stop himself as he dove in for his second taste; doing the very same thing as before.
Not bad, actually.
The red-haired Pillarman pulled the mug close a third time, throwing his head back gulping back the liquid as if his life depended on it. Licking his lips and blinking rapidly, he cradled the now empty mug to his bare chest as his nostrils flared and toes curled, riding out the waves of it overpowering his senses.
It was so terrible but so good at the same time; so good he didn't want it to end but so terrible he wished the bitter and overpowering aftertaste would leave his tongue.
He turned his attention back to you, with a tilt of his head. You were still sleeping, nonethewiser to his very presence; it was likely you would stay that way for some time.
With only a moments thought he shuffled out of the room quickly, returning just moments later with a blanket and pillow in tow.
You needed your sleep to function, as he had told you, so he would leave you to it as he went downstairs to prepare more of that delicious "coffee" for when you woke.
With all the carefulness in the world, a massive hand slipped under you, lifting your face just inches off the had desk as he slipped the cushy pillow under you and let you down softly.
Gently, he draped the blanket over your back before leaning down, smoothing your hair and pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
He planned on having another mug himself.
Or two mugs.
Or five.
Or maybe three pots worth...
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sintreaties · 3 years
midasaya - date night
I was always very open when it came to my dislike of Midari's character in almost all the media in which she's portrayed. Gotta be honest though: with the right prompt, she's pretty fucking fun to write.
Consider this a sequel to this.
The choice to meet this late was already questionable on its own.
If you take the bus from Chiyoda it’ll take you no more than twenty minutes to get downtown, take a left at Hirabayashi and see the lit-up windows of the Burger Queen on the boulevard. Time can double or triple up if you decide to stroll hand in hand along the thronged sidewalks.
But Midari had insisted on meeting long after the buses had stopped running.
“I would really, really like to know where we’re going, Midari,” bristled Sayaka as she fought to see where she was placing her feet.
“Mind yer business,” replied Ikishima, a few steps ahead, “And watch yer eyes! Nah, just kidding. You were too short for that one.”
It was the third time she made the same joke. Sayaka sighed and lowered her head anyways as she passed below a jutting branch. The black pines of Hyakkaou’s woods were silent and eerie in the dark. Sayaka wondered if this was the kind of place where House Pets came to die peacefully, like stray cats. Somebody had definitely died here at a certain point. It couldn’t be otherwise, with the creepiness in the air.
“I don’t understand why we went through the trouble of jumping the gate.” Sayaka’s breath labored through her teeth. “The janitors are waiting for us, I need to get back to the dorm!”
Midari muttered under her breath. She mustn’t have shared Sayaka’s idea of a good-bye in front of her dorm room — perhaps with the pleasant surprise of a goodnight kiss.
Sayaka huffed. “You didn’t bring me here to do something indecent, right?”
“Are you dumb? I wouldn’t get it going with you in the damn woods,” replied Ikishima. She was walking like some kind of goblin in the dark, long-legged and back-bent. Fitting enough. “Just keep it down and follow me. This is the prime hour, aight.”
“The prime hour for what? To have the night guards call our parents on us?” Sayaka lowered her head to avoid another jutting branch.
Ikishima raised a hand. She turned, slowly, a finger pressed to her lips, the other hand coming to touch her ear. Her eye and teeth glimmered in one, big grin.
In the silence, something rustled in the woods up ahead.
Reaching for Sayaka’s hand, Midari signaled once more to be quiet as she led her on through the vegetation. The shrub lashed at their leg as they quickened their steps: the moon shone in dotted shadows through the trees.
Midari gasped. “Do you see ‘em?”
Squinting, Sayaka came to a stop at her side. She held her breath: the rustling, again. In the dark, something squeaked.
Sayaka’s face scrunched in disgust. “Rats…?”
“Sayaka, you ignorant slut. Rats! What the fuck is your problem?” hissed Midari
Sayaka held back a groan. Little by little, her eyes got used to the dark. She made out little, black hands, and chubby flanks, and a few stripes. A black, wet nose shivering in the air.
“Oh,” Sayaka went. “Oh, I see them now.”
“Beautiful, right?” Midari pulled her closer, to let her see better. “This is the best time, 2:20 am sharp, baby. They go at it like flies.”
“How did you know?”
“Why do you think I sleep so much in class? I like watching ‘em at night. It relaxes me.”
The raccoons were fighting over an empty container of ramen. Long, whitish noodles dripped from their paws like monstrous hair in the feeble light. One of the animals bared its teeth, hissing. Another snarled. Sayaka dug her fingers in Midari’s arms. Could raccoons get rabies?
“This could be us,” said Midari.
“No. No, I don’t think it could.”
Sayaka glanced at Midari: her whole attention was on the animals, on the little hands clawing at the remnants of food. She had forgotten the arm around Sayaka’s waist.
Sayaka smiled. Warm pink dusted her cheeks as she lifted herself on her tip-toes and left a kiss on Midari’s jaw.
“You truly are an idiot,” she said.
Midari grinned. “Love ya too, my little rat.”
As she kissed her lips and pressed her closer still, Sayaka could still taste her smile. Ikishima’s eye softened looking at her. The breeze blew between them, carrying on the musty scent of animals and of spicy ramen.
“Now that we’re like this—“ said Ikishima.
“No, Midari. We’re not making out in the woods.”
Midari shrugged. As they went on looking at the family of raccoons, Sayaka rested her head on the other’s chest and let her embrace keep away the cold of the night.
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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It started out with a package.  
Roses really, neatly tucked away in plastic and a glass vase that nestled into loud styrofoam.
Or at least that's when you started to notice it.
Actually it started with a phone call didn't it?
Just a few days ago the old rotary phone,  the one you bought for nostalgia, rang. This in itself was not odd, you picked up the aged yellow receiver and pressed the cool plastic to your ear.
But you did not speak, waiting patiently for the other line to come to life. After a few moments of silence you figure it to be a telemarketer, the automated type that doesn't start its spiel until it hears a tone, a voice. So you hang up.
The random call lost to both time and thought.
But you cannot forget this package that acted as a catalyst, to what you were not sure.
You just knew it was something.
The white box with the flower company's name on the side of the cardboard sat on your concrete steps, just past the waist high fence. You were returning from a run, huffing as you bent over, you figured it was most likely for your neighbor but it had your address. The recipient's name had been worn off from the poor handling of the package, you had figured the contents to be broken. Despite the state of the box the roses were perfectly intact. Crystal vase sparkling even through the opaque wrapping, a note on top that read.
I'll love you always.
Ah so this was not for you. You scoff, this was meant for your neighbor as you first originally thought. It made more sense that way. What with his boyfriend being long distance, it was obvious. He most likely remembered his address wrong and put yours in error. As you're haphazardly closing the box, keeping the note in hand, your neighbor waltz from his door.
"Ah, um Denki-kun" You call,  a bright smile beams on his face as he makes his way to meet you at your shared fence.
"Love!" He greets, strong hand giving your bicep a soft squeeze, "Ah flowers? Spill!"
"Well they aren't mine. I...I think they're yours. Here." You shove the box and note into his hands, stupid tears trying to prick your eyes.
Why? You were unsure.
Maybe you were a bit jealous. Thinking back you couldn't remember the last time you had even had a flirtatious comment or cat call sent your way. You lived a normal quiet life with your "abnormality". Quirkless. You worked from home, spoke to a select few and hardly left your house. It contributed to your wait gain thus adding to your small list of places to go.
The grocery store.
And the gym Denki invited you to or around the block for a run.
After a gurgling amount of time you finally achieved your dream body. Now all that was left was to maintain it.
"Wait!" Denki calls, "This isn't my boyfriend's handwriting."
Furrowing your brows, hand on the handle the answer comes to you.
"Probably just one of those fonts meant to look like handwriting."
"No, come look. It was made with a ballpoint pen." Nothing escapes his pro hero trained eye, his finger slides beneath the words, "He seems passionate! Lucky duck look at how deep love is."
He passes the card to you, giving you a wink as he passes the white box. Sure enough there are divots in the card stock, love is the deepest. Deep enough it almost ripped through the thick paper. You swallow thickly racking your brain, your job requires you to have answers to every question. Logical answers. So it's no surprise your mind wanders until it comes up with something. Your eyes shift to the right, you were lucky enough for your little house to be on the corner of the block.
The delicate roses must have been intended for your neighbor diagonal from you. You wait until Denki is halfway down the block before you rush across the quiet street to set the flowers up neatly on the porch. Throwing the box and wrapping into the trash before you speed walk into the safety of your sanctuary.
Your cats prance to the door to greet you and then sprint to the kitchen to be fed. As if you hadn't just fed them before your run a little less than an hour ago.
The rest of your night is uneventful. You curl on the couch, nestled deep within an old cardigan and the comfort of your leggings with a pile of work to be analyzed. To find the devil in the details and solve what seemed unsolvable.
The answers were always there, under your nose. Found easily by your trained eye but how could you not see the obvious answers when you had the luxury of a bird's eye view. The luxury of knowing the whole story from the shakey beginning to the bitter end.
A luxury you would not have for your own story.
The shrill ring cuts through the comfortable silence causing you to jump from your skin, the cats perk their heads up lazily to see what disturbed them before tucking their head back down.
You tell yourself it's a wrong number, a telemarketer but curiosity is beginning to get the better of you.
And curiosity is a deadly, loud thing. Louder than reason. Reason you had learned from the safety of your home, from other people's mistakes. The same very mistakes that sit on your lap with harsh red ink labeling them C L A S S I F I E D.
It rings a fourth time as you stand, the bell calling out for your attention, demanding you speak. You lift the receiver, again there is silence on the other end.
You wait patiently, is this another automated telemarketer? Had you entered your real number by mistake for one of those stupid store discounts?
You must have, still you resist the urge to tap the speaker of the phone to see if it would trigger the recording.
Instead you drop the receiver onto the base, rattling the hidden bell.
And that was that, you return to your work. Pouring over the details to find the pattern, to build a psychological profile to avoid a tragedy in the future.
Ironic how you cannot prevent your own.
It isn't until a few weeks later does the first letter find its way into your mailbox.
It seemed harmless enough you thought it to be an accident, just neatly looped words proclaiming their love. But it was never fully addressed to you and when you tried to pass it off to Denki, again he denied that the letter belonged to him.
Still, those looping letters twist into your memory, coming to the forefront of your mind every now and again. As if the paper that lies on your dining room table reads itself aloud, from beginning to end at the top of every hour.
As if the ink doesn't want you to forget.
"I am not sure when it started, but it did. I had fallen for you despite my efforts not to. A half of a year I've told myself to forget it, to forget you. And yet I cannot bring myself to stop, the more I try the more you come to mind. And the more I find myself near you. It's as if you're a bad drug I can't quit. I've been watching you. Everything you do is done in such cautious beauty. Please answer next time my dear."
Silence for weeks after that, at least as far as the rotary phone and the mailbox were concerned. You would occasionally get a text from an unknown number.
A transposed number, an error on the sender's end. Or so you assured yourself, especially when they would seem a bit too coincidental. When you were out for a jog or out at the gym at a different time than usual a text would come through.
For a second your mouth would go dry, your blood ice cold as you read the black letters atop the white screen. Huffing as your lack of breath came from a psychological response as opposed to your physical running.
Why aren't you home?
See you soon?
But these couldn't be intended for you. How could they? You could list the people you knew outside of your family and work place on one hand.
And only because he spoke to you first!
So these texts, these little messages laced with concern could have been for an estranged spouse, a forgetful spouse or some partner who lacked the ability to properly communicate.
You just knew they weren't for you.
Or so your new mantra goes.
Paranoia didn't begin to sink it's sharp teeth into you until you noticed your cats' odd behavior.
In an immeasurable amount of time they went from lazy, happy go lucky animals to hostile even aggressive creatures. As if they were suddenly feral.
Oddly enough they only acted this way during certain times, mainly at night. Their moon eyes saw things you could not, their enhanced hearing heard things you could not, things you labeled, rat or mouse.
Would a mouse or rat cause a cat to hiss at shrouded corners? To claw at the wall with a howl that sounded more like a scream? Would it make them avoid the closet door in your room?
Maybe it was bigger? The floorboards above did groan more often than not lately. Maybe it was a raccoon even.
Yes, that had to be the cause of their behavior.
And yet there was still that one time, that one instance you sometimes dream about waking in a cold sweet.
The thing you cannot explain away, nor label as mouse, rat, not even a raccoon.
A cocktail of a tired mind and a trick of the eye but simply not vermin.
It was overcast, a sickly grey as the day wept deep into the night. The weather, naturally, caused you to melt into the plush material of your couch as you consumed comfort movie after comfort movie. You were given a reprieve from your worry as your cats seemed normal, sleepy just as you were that day. Even Nyx chose to laze on your chest as a temporary throne. Your couch is flush against the arch way that leads into the dining room and kitchen, giving it's back to part of the hallway towards the main bathroom and your bedroom at the back.
This angle always caused you great anxiety but there was no other way your luxury couch could fit in the small living room and so you always sunk low into the cushions.
Suddenly Nyx's ears twitch and her eyes snap open, waking only a cat knows how. On high alert to a sound totally lost to your draft ear. Her eyes widen, pupils dilating to adjust better to the shadowed room. The glow of the TV casts such a glow on the objects around you, flicker in soft and harsh lights. Slowly Nyx cranes her neck to see what exactly disturbed her sleep, just as her eyes lock on whatever is behind you, you see it for just a fraction of a second.
In the reflection of those moon eyes you see it. Distorted only from the curvature of her lens and the grain of the TV but there is no denying its shape.
A crude outline of a man, broad shouldered and faceless in the dark.
You freeze, mirroring your cat. Breath held as you watch the figure in the pitch black pupil. Wishing, hoping and praying that what you see is not really there.
After an eon of a moment, Nyx begins to shrink in on herself before silently slinking from the couch to find shelter beneath it.
You are not brave enough to move, to crane your head just as your cat did before you to confirm if what you saw was real. And in the milliseconds that the TV goes black you avoid the corner the figure should be standing in. Goose flesh breaks out over your skin, making you feel vulnerable and cold. While your feet burn begging you to get up.  
To run.
After a lot of mental reassurance and silence you begin to settle down. Easing yourself back into the rational world. Even becoming brave enough to stare into the TV, into the corner where the figure should be reflected in.
Each passing second as you wait for that small moment of blackness sends your heart into an irrational pace. Finally it happens and when you see nothing you sigh with relief.
Mentally giving yourself an "I told you it was nothing." talk.
That is until you hear a sound, a thump and a click from the back bedroom.
Your bedroom.
But the sound seems as if it came from within, as if it were your closet door.
Your heart explodes into frantic erratic beating.
The shrill ring of the old rotary phone rips through the dialogue of the movie but it can be barely heard over the hum of your blood.
Tonight you are frozen in place, whether that be from petrifying fear or sheer stubborn denial you cannot say. You just know one thing.  You do not want to deal with the automated telemarketer who never seems to speak.
It rings four more times before it stops.
You chalk it up to coincidence. To nothing.
Late evening turns into late night and sooner rather than later you find yourself in the mouth of the hallway. Staring down your bedroom door as your mind plays on repeat the sound of a door closing from earlier that night.
You cannot let the boogie man keep you from sleep. Slowly you enter, flicking on all the lights.
Everything seems to be in place, the small pile of laundry still lies abandoned by your hamper, your bed neatly made, pillows haphazardly lying about the comforter. Hell even your inherited diamond drop necklace still sits snugly in the jewelry dish on your night stand.
The townhouse makes an odd sound, you jump out of your skin. Clutching your phone so hard the lock and volume buttons imprint into your palms.
No longer can you ignore the elephant in the room as the silence from this particular space screams at deafening volumes until you dare to look. Your eyes flicker to your left and there it is.
Your closet door, seeming to yawn and stretch even in the harsh hue of the overhead light. A closet is always an ominous, odd place and the sounds it may or may not have made cause a great twisting in your stomach. The shine of the knob calls to you with deadly wonder. Begging you to turn the gleaming metal to reveal the darkness behind the bland white door.
It should be inspected shouldn't it? If you ever wanted to sleep soundly you would need to reveal what may lurk in the dark.
Creeping towards the door with baited breath until finally your hand hovers over the knob.
"Open me." It seems to whisper in delighted glee, elated to see your stressed, scared features distort in its polished brass. You retract your fingers as if burned, biting onto your lip as you scrape your large armchair against the wood. Shoving it into place against the closet door.
You sit on the edge of the bed, staring at the door until your eyes burn. You turn off the overhead light but keep the soft light of your nightstand lamp on.
You dream fever dreams of flashing lights as a storm passes overhead. Dream of the closet door laughing in the night, of cool fingers pressed into your skin.  
Jolting awake you reach for your phone as your senses slowly come to you. Your eyes fly to the armchair in the mid morning light. It rests in the same spot you left it ominously staring at your bed.
Something seems off about it or maybe you just imagine that there is a deep divot in the cushion, as if someone or something sat in the armchair most of the night.
You close your eyes and go over rational explanations. Always bringing back to yourself the same question.
Who in the world would want you?
Bringing you back full circle, that you were getting ahead of yourself. The cart before the horse in a sense and letting your mind race without restraint.
Letting the season of Fall try to creep into your bones and cause an artificial fear.
Still it's not too long after that do the cats avoid your room altogether.
While you choose to do what you've always done, push the problem aside and explain it away.
The phone rings as you're lacing up your running shoes. You pick up the receiver without bringing it to your ear and place it down gently.
It's just a wrong number anyway.
Tonight air bites at your nose, leaves crunching underfoot as wind whips around buildings and trash, carrying with it the promise of a harsh winter to come.
Your feet carry you slowly back to the direction of home as they beat down your normal, safe route.
A right from your little townhome, straight for two blocks before you would find the winding black pavement. It would snake past the backs of homes through some small trees but never a path that was fully hidden.
Always out in the open but giving you the ability to peer into people's lives as you passed. Witnessing dinners, arguments and heated moments of passion. Silently you thanked Kami you were not positioned on this route.
You keep your eyes focused ahead, the music in your ears low to listen for possible passers such as a bike or a better runner than yourself.
You pass a tree that seems thicker than normal, your phone buzzes on your arm band.
An email, it has to be an email.
Yet your mind wanders to those worried texts, lingers on the thoughts of if that tree had always been that wide, if the quickly setting sun had always cast the path in blood red. The maroon leaves flutter overhead, falling to the ground.
More crunching than what you think your feet should produce has you running faster. Forcing yourself not to glance over your shoulder. Your breathing becomes rasped as you borderline sprint home, still the crunching comes closer.
It isn't until someone brushes your shoulder as they pass do you let out a blood curdling scream. Huffing to catch your breath as you take a step back.  The jogger, your neighbor from across the street that you occasionally run into, removes his earbud.
"You okay?" He addresses you by your name and suddenly you're embarrassed that you do not know his. He takes your silence as an answer, his brow furrowing.
"I thought you'd be less skittish since your new boyfriend's been coming around." Your mouth goes dry.
"Yea he seems so sweet. He always checks the windows to make sure they are locked at night." He takes in your response and shrugs, "It's getting late. Since I didn't see your boyfriend there yet, I'll jog you home."
The jog home is agonizing,your mind racing far faster than your feet can go.
What did he mean he saw him checking the windows? What boyfriend?
Maybe, maybe he mixed up your house with Denki's again. It's happened once before when he was returning mail. So there was a good chance he was mistaken again.
Still the closer the two of you get to home the worse you feel. A brick sits in your stomach as he jogs in place before your fence. He gives you a knowing smile and a wink as you wave him goodbye.
It isn't until you turn to face your home do you notice it, the white rectangle stark against your black door.
There is an envelope taped to the thick oak, addressed to no one but "My beloved".
You rip it from the wood with ragged breath as you bring it inside. Already you can feel the contents squirming, fidgeting as it waits to be read.
Polaroid photos fall to the hardwood floors, pictures of you running down your favorite path. Blurred images of you walking down the aisles of the grocery store, and even a photo of you taken between the cracks of the fence in your front yard.  
There are no more photos after that, at least not this time. Just that fucking letter written in long looping ink  You feel the words tighten around your throat as horror wraps its spindly fingers around your guts and yanks them towards the floor.
Your knees threaten to buckle as your eyes rapidly move along the page.
"In these moments you are the most beautiful. Blissfully unaware of prying eyes. In my time I've come to care for you I've noticed I'm not the only one watching. People gaze at you with whispered murmurs, with pitying eyes as they spin tales of your life. Speculating gossip as you prance about the neighborhood. Flaunting in those tight running shorts that hold every godly curve of your thighs and ass. Of the light jacket you leave unzipped so they can get a better view of your bouncing breasts tucked in your black sports bra. I wonder, would they bounce like that when you ride on my cock? Would your hair stick to your forehead like that as I rail you from behind. Would that angelic voice squeak out for more? For me? Ah I'm salivating thinking of it, harder than I've ever been. Please do not wear those out while running. In fact you don't have to run anymore Doll. You just need to let me take care of you God damn it. You little fucking whore. You seductive vixen with your God damned doe eyes. Just...just fucking answer please."
Rage and fear fight for control as you reread the letter for the fourth, fifth time before you finally move. Rage, for once, wins. You slam the door behind you locking the deadbolt before running to the back bedroom. Throwing the heavy chair from the closet door and ripping it open.  
Nothing lies within it, just clothes that begin to smell of neglect. Of old running shoes you didn't have the heart to throw away.
Of relief that whoever was sending these letters, these ones that weren't meant for you. Wasn't currently in the house.
The floorboards overhead groan and for a moment you have half a mind to tuck your cats away into their carrier, buy a one way train ticket to bumfuck nowhere and set your house ablaze.
Instead you move the chair back in front of the closet, grabbing things from your back bedroom to start your new life on your couch.
Time passes as the trees become more bare, their spindly fingers reaching out to tap the roof at odd hours of the night.
Tomorrow you promised yourself you would run.
And yet you find yourself dressed, lacing up your shoes before slowly opening the door. Your jacket is zipped all the way up, your hair neatly tied back and just as you step foot out the front door a heavy wind rips through the yard causing Denki's unlatched gate to slam. You jump back startled as your fear clings to you like a second skin. The letter begins to overlap in your head and the polaroid photos you had trashed a few weeks ago burn into your retinas. A faint snap and a whirl comes from close by and suddenly your stomach churns. Bile rushes up your windpipe too quickly, slamming the door shut and running to the bathroom. You barely make it as you dry heave into the porcelain bowl, huffing in the air of fresh toilet water. The smell starts a vicious cycle of nausea until finally your clammy skin begins to cool, pressing yourself to the side of the tub. In your panic your skin becomes sensitive, hyper aware of each stitch in your jacket, your sports bra and your jogging leggings. Your rip at your clothes until you peel them off of you, huffing as you scramble to get into the shower.
It does not matter that the water is not yet hot. Hell it isn't even lukewarm still you find yourself in the stream as it becomes scalding. Scrubbing at your skin with soap over and over and over. Nails pulling away already raw skin until that burning water begins to cool. A floorboard creaks overhead causing your head to snap up. The ceiling holds no secrets and yet no answers until you see it. A small hole, one you aren't sure if it's always been there, gaping from the attic over your shower and bath. It's too dark to tell if there is someone peering down at you from above or not.
Instead of freaking out your head slowly tilts away from the haunting discovery. Turning off the water, opening the curtain and wrapping yourself in a towel. As if it were every day you see something like that, as if it were nothing more than a spider lingering that you'd wish to forget.
It's fine It's always been there
But that would be the last time you would take a shower in that house.
Even though you hardly left your couch, things would still go missing in yourself. Things like the remote or one of your hundreds of phone charger cords. Even documents to cases but you didn't care, couldn't care. Otherwise you would break. Shatter.
Your days consisted of lying on the couch and consuming an ungodly amount of television. Doing so until your eyes burned although you begged them to stay open. Sadly everyone needed sleep and so you did. Giving into exhaustion as your eyes fluttered closed and your body weak, relaxing into the comfort of the couch.
Hours are lost to you so you dream and dream. Of a better time or of yourself in one of your files to dissect. Giving yourself that perfect bird's eye view and wondering how the victim never saw it coming.
In your dream you feel something along your face, smooth fingertips trace down your cheek over and over at a lulling pace.
"So perfect." A whispered serenade melding in with a snap and a whirl. A flash of lightning from a passing storm.
Except there was no storm coming in.
Your eyes snap open as you jerk to a sitting position frantically looking around the room.  When your eyes find nothing you allow your beating heart to settle back into your numbed state, more than ready to melt into the couch.
Until your stomach growls forcing you to focus on a new problem.
When was the last time you ate? Your stomach had long forgotten about food, choosing to conserve energy in case you needed to run from whatever the hell it was in your head.
Forgoing dressing you place your hand on the knob, wallet in hand. Two sets of glowing eyes watch you from beneath the couch. Twisting the metal to yank the door open you are greeted with cold fall air. The wind whips hair into your face as your mind quickly wanders. You half imagined a man to be standing in the middle of the street. Mouth stretched too far over gleaming teeth, lips parting enough as the wind brings with it the sound of your name.
Frantically you move your hair from your face, eyes searching up and down the street to find no one, nothing.
As it should be at 10am on a weekday. Suddenly the weight of going outside sits on your shoulders, despite the convenience store being a ten minute walk both ways, the thought of you going alone scared you.  Slowly you shut the door, falling to your knees before lying face down on your floor openly sobbing.
A creaking board sends you back to high alert, you remove your jacket and decide to order take out instead.
The knocking at your front door jolts you awake, the TV drones in the background with hazed over words as you quickly come to. Heart slamming into your chest before your stomach growls loudly. Right, food.
Your hand hovers over the knob as if suddenly you cannot move, as if the person on the other side of the door is an imposter lying in wait. Another knock comes at the door, he announces who he works for which eases your phobia a bit. You swallow thickly before finally opening the door, hands sweating as the anticipation of the identity of the stranger on your porch.
He seems to check out, his outfit covered in logos for your takeout restaurant of choice, car labeled as such as well. He holds the receipt towards you. His eyes wander over the face of the house, giving you sudden chills.
The question falls from your numb lips.  
"D...do you see anyone in the windows?" The delivery guy visibly jarrs, eyes darting to the windows of your room and the living room. Suddenly his face changes as a knowing smile spreads on his lips.
"This is a prank isn't it? For Halloween right?" He chuckles, but when he sees the pen shaking in your grip his face goes stone cold. Eyes darting to your left, to the bedroom windows. He taps the paper, indicating where you need to sign, you take a moment to do so.
The old rotary phone screams from the living room, making you both jump.
"Guess I better get that." You gesture, grabbing for your food. He nods affirmation before stepping off of your small porch a little too quickly.
You slam the front door, appetite washed away by each shrill of the small bell. Hesitantly you reach for it,  you have to know, need to know who could be on the other side.
The receiver is cold against your ear, the other line is quiet, although you can hear something soft in the background.
Talking, it sounds familiar, like an echo or almost as if there is a delay. It almost sounds like the same commercial that's playing on your TV right now.
Gently you set the phone down, the soft click echoes in the space around you. You sit on the couch before lying, covering yourself in your blanket as your takeout sits by the door, forgotten.
It wouldn't be too long before it begins to rot, almost as quickly as you.
The phone rings
And rings
And rings.
Nightly in fact, for the next few weeks as you cry silently trying to ignore the sound. Turning up the TV as loud as it can go, 24/7 until finally the speakers blow and you are left with nothing but that shrill shriek. The demand of the small plastic item that was meant to bring to a comforting memory from the past comes more often. Every four hours, every three hours, every hour until finally when it comes to an end it breathes again.
Screaming into the night tearing away your hearing, your sanity until finally you get up from your spot on the couch. Clothes falling away from your frame as they had grown in the time you sat. The time that you watched.
Each step is agonizing as sobs rack through your body, shaking hands making it hard to reach for the cool receiver.
You press it to your ear and for a final time your mind attempts logic. It is just an automated telemarketer, a glitch or determined program but the thought crumbles as your ears strain to hear the soft breath on the other line.
"Please…please stop." You sob into the receiver when no one speaks. The silence deafening as your mind can no longer keep with the charade.
That everything is okay and has always been okay. That the red flags you studied for a living were never there, washed away by your feigned ignorance.
"Finally got a response out of you." A velvet voice chimes, agitation lacing his syllables, "Gods, I just cannot wait to have you. It was worth it you know? Living in your walls for months."
"Why are you doing this?" Your voice barely a whisper, a soggy huff more than anything.
"I'm glad you asked." You body goes rigid, a haze blankets your mind and smothers the scream tearing up your throat.  
"Now walk out the door to me. Don't worry I'll bring your cats back to our home later."
You hang up the phone, body moving on it's own as you walk towards the front door. A door you had chosen to avoid and for good reason. But you should have known the danger lied within these four walls. Although your body feels heavy it moves normally despite you trying to fight it. Or as best you can with your worn down mind.and will. It is not as joyous as a moment for you and it is for the man in the street. His lilac hair is illuminated in the moonlight while his amethyst eyes glow iridescent. His smile is as you imagined, twisted and screwed up in such a way it makes your stomach churn. Lips stretched out almost too far over gleaming white teeth. Your face does not reflect your horror as it stays neutral, only your eyes give you way as tears fall from your cheeks.
The answer was there, under your nose, the devil in the details that you normally saw with your bird's eye view. One you didn't have the luxury of for your own story.
"Come now pet. It's time I finally teach you about what it means to be mine."
Everything is hazed over and slow, as if watching an old silent movie through the static and snow of the screen. Trying to read their lips to figure out what they are saying only for the text box to come too late.
"Perfect. Now get on your knees kitten. Open wide." You follow his orders numbly body moving on it's own as he smiles down at you. "God, you're so so perfect."
Long fingers tug at his belt before the shrill of a ring tone cuts through the silence. It is the same sound of your rotary phone at home except with an added element. The foreign sound of your whimpers and pleads for the phone to stop can just barely be heard. He looks down at the cell phone and answers.
"Denki, Baby I know I said I would come tonight. I'm just running late okay?" Amethyst eyes rove over to you and it is then that it hits you. The horror of the realization is like ice water dumped over you as you put two and two together.
The first time you saw him, visiting your neighbor over a year ago. It was such a quick exchange, eye contact and nothing more as his lips were pressed to Denki's.
Your mouth goes dry as it hangs open, slowly it becomes uncomfortable.
He changes his voice to sound like someone else's, someone with a gruff deeper tone.
"Oi quit talking to dunce face so we can finish this shit!" He removed the device from his mouth
"I'll be home after this patrol. Love you bye."
He tosses the phone before gripping your chin to spit into your mouth, his hand rests on the hem of his pants.
"Now...where was I?"  
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 3 years
We’ve got Each Other (A New Wild fic)
The bros huddle together on Martin’s bed and listen to the shouting match down the hall. 14-year-old Martin is holding a crying, 10-year-old Chris and trying to calm him down. 
Chris, sniffling: This is the third time this week. Why do they keep doing this? Did we do something?
Martin, wiping away his little brother’s tears: No, no! not at all! remember what Mom said yesterday?
Chris, trying and failing to stop crying: That it’ll never be our fault?
Martin, trying to smile to cheer up Chris: That’s right! We haven’t done anything.
The bros sit in silence for a while as the Screaming continues. About fifteen minutes later, the bros hear a door slam, putting a stop to the yelling. 
Martin, getting up and opening the door: Okay, I think it’s safe to go out now.
Chris nodded slightly and quietly followed his brother down the hallway. Martin felt something crunch under his shoe, and looked down to see broken glass scattered along the floor. 
Martin, looking behind him: watch out Chris, there’s glass on the floor. 
Martin could see the light in his brother’s eyes die a little when he said that. Chris simply nodded and they continued on. 
The bros stepped into the kitchen and saw their mom hunched over the counter pouring herself a glass of vodka. Martin didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t really sure why he’d come out here to be honest. Their mom didn’t seem to notice their presence, already drowning herself in alcohol. 
Martin, just trying to break the silence: Uh, hey mom.
Mama Kratt, jumping a little in surprise and turning to regard her boys: Oh, hey kids! I didn’t see you two there! haha... 
They all stared at each other for an uncomfortable couple seconds.
Mama Kratt: So, how much of that did you hear?
Martin, looking at his shoes: Enough. Where’s dad?
Mama Kratt, staring into her wine glass: He left. Again. Probably to go pay that skank a visit-
Martin cleared his throat and gestured to himself and Chris.
Mama Kratt, catching herself: *ahem* what I mean is, he probably won’t be back till morning. 
Martin’s gaze shifted around as he thought of what to do or say next. He looked to Chris, who’s eyes hadn’t left the floor. He decided that they both needed some fresh air. 
Martin, heading to his room to grab his backpack: I’m going for a nature walk. You wanna come, Chris? 
Chris, nodding: Yeah. Yeah I’ll come. 
The bros grabbed their stuff from their respective rooms and headed out.
They walked around their house and into their back woods. they walked in silence for the most part. Martin couldn’t really think of anything to say.
Chris stopped and stared up at the moon through the trees.
Martin, stopping and looking back to make sure Chris is alright: You OK bro? 
Chris, not looking away from the moon: This isn’t gonna get better, is it? 
Martin, looking down at the grass: I... I don’t know bro. 
Chris, looking his brother dead in the eyes: You aren’t going to leave, right?
Martin, shocked: What!? Of course not! 
he ran back over to Chris and hugged him tightly.
Martin: No matter what happens I’ll always be right by your side bro, you hear me? Mom and Dad could tear the damn house down and I’d still be right here!
Chris smiled a little and hugged him back. That didn’t stop the tears welling in his eyes, though.
Chris: Thanks, bro. It, It means a lot. 
Martin, changing the subject to try and cheer the both of them up: Hey! you wanna go check the creek? There’s usually raccoons out this time of night!
Chris, his smile slowly growing: Yeah! Do you think we’ll see Bandito again? 
Martin, smiling: Well let’s go find out! What are we waiting for? Last one there’s a rotten egg!
Chris, smiling fully now: Oh, you’re on!
The bros run off deeper into the forest laughing together. They knew they could smile through anything as long as they had each other. 
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Congratulations on almost 150 love! So I just recently watched Suburban Gothic and I fell in love. So I was linking maybe you do a Raymond X Reader? Raymond and reader get a case but Raymond doesn’t know Reader is pregnant ((they are married for about 2-3 years)). Raymond is confused as to way every ghost he encounters is over protecting his wife the reader, becuase I like to believe spirits can sense things like souls of babies and such. So when the evil spirit goes to harm Reader the spirits block and protect her. After they finish she finally admits she’s 1-2 months pregnant and wanted to surprise him. The baby will be born on Halloween and gets Raymond’s abilities. Maybe Reader and Raymond also get a black cat? If not Halloween then I was thinking maybe reader gives birth on Friday the 13th under a blue moon in October? Just a thought!
Tumblr media
Little Pumpkin
🎉150 Follower Celebration Day 5!
Raymond x fem reader
Pure Freaking FLUFF
Warnings: mentions of spirits/hauntings, pregnancy and birth related topics
A/N: due to the timeline covered in the request I couldn’t fit it all in but would be willing to consider covering the rest in a part two if you’re interested and enjoy this one. I hope this is what you were looking for and that you enjoy it!
The first time it happened, Raymond thought nothing of it. It was a normal house call, and the family had been haunted for months. The house had a chill, but this was expected in February weather. Y/N had descended into the basement first, per their usual routine with Raymond following cautiously behind, peeking over her shoulder in a child-like fashion. That’s when it started. Lights flickered, their candles blew out by a mysterious draft, and just spooky business in general. They knew immediately there were dark spirits residing there. A dark tendrils of smoke emerged on the steps, creeping their way towards Y/N and wrapping around her legs. What they didn’t expect was the second presence that appeared. The smoky fingers quickly withdrew. They couldn’t see much, but they could hear the fight occurring around them. They waited on the basement steps until things calmed down, before a faint figure of a young woman appeared, shooting a quick wink to Y/N before disappearing back into the darkness of the basement. Raymond and Y/N shared a quick look of confusion before checking the basement and the rest of the home for stragglers and were surprised to find it now “ghost-free.
As they walked out hand in hand, Raymond commented “you know I can honestly say that was a first for me.”
“What? Having a ghost wink at you?”
“Oh no. I was quite the phantom’s man back in my single days. It was just my first time going into a dark, spooky basement without screaming like a little girl.”
The sincerity in his statement only made Y/N giggle harder. She loved her quirky, charming husband.
Raymond was lucky enough to have a family business, which meant he and Y/N always worked as a team. A few years into the marriage and they had really hit their stride. He would do a lot of the research on the location, past owners, local legends, etc. and whatever else he could find to figure out just what it was they’d be walking into. But Y/N, she was the “muscle” so to speak. She was much braver than he, and he loved her for it. They would take time to sit down with the owners together and do their best to determine just what was plaguing that home. Sure they’d find the occasional raccoon in the attic or something of the like, but surprisingly most of their calls were genuine. Together they ran a very successful and popular business.
The second time it happened was around the end of March. It was starting to warm up again, which mean Raymond was back in his rompers and boots, which Y/N loved. For some reason unbeknownst to him, she could not keep her hands to herself when he wore them. They had just begun to ascend the stairs of a very worn down home. Y/N kept teasing him, turning around to blow kisses or wiggle her hips a bit more than usual with each step. She got a little too distracted, tripping on a loose board and falling straight back. Before she could topple straight into him, she seemed to stop in midair, before slowly returning to an upright position.
“Was that- did they just catch you?”
She nodded, speechless.
They shared a look of surprise before continuing up to the attic. An hour or so later they had helped the spirit to find a lost heirloom it simply could not move on without.
That night in bed, Raymond simply couldn’t shut his mind off. Something was going on and it seemed to center around Y/N. He curled up tighter in his alien bed sheets, which he insisted on keeping despite a few eye rolls from the missus. Raymond turned on his side to find his wife also wide awake.
“Can’t sleep huh?” she asked, reaching out to stroke a thumb over his cheek.
He closed his eyes and hummed and the sweetness of her touch before opening his eyes again to meet her gaze.
“Yeah there’s just a lot on my mind lately. The ghosts have been- weird around us. Well, around you really. The kind ones never harm us but, they seem to be going out of their way to help you. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though. You’re absolutely wonderful.”
He says the last statement so matter-of-factly there’s no doubt in her mind of his sincerity. She scoots closer until their noses are touching, as she continues to rub her hand across his face and through his hair.
“I was waiting for the right time to tell you” she whispers, a mysterious twinkle in her eye. She takes his hand and lays it gently over her belly, his long delicate fingers splayed over her skin.
“You’ve got a little one on the way.”
His brows knit in confusion. Surely she can’t mean…
“Raymond, you’re gonna be a daddy.”
His eyes grow big as his mouth opens, but no words come out. His face reads of pure adoration and joy, as he looks down, rubbing his fingers across what is soon to be her baby bump. When his eyes return to hers, they both share laughter of pure joy and disbelief.
“You’re sure? There’s really a baby in there?”
He stares at her belly with such awe. Y/N already knows he is so in love with their child. She couldn’t ask for a better father for her baby.
After much kissing and many giggles, Y/N rolls over as Raymond pulls her back against his chest, snuggling into her shoulder. He grabs her hand and places it back on her belly, before sliding his gently on top. They fall asleep together with sweet dreams of a future family.
Now that the secret is out things have gotten quite interesting. The spirits have been much more blunt with both of them. They were getting unsolicited but much appreciated advice from the most unexpected places.
An old woman haunting her granddaughter's house told them all the best foods and vitamins to help nourish the baby while still in the womb.
The spirit of a farmer’s wife told them all about the best birthing positions.
Spirit’s of two young ladies, sisters, helped teach them about the different options between breast feeding, pumps, and formula.
Several delightful young girls haunting a school have them lots of good ideas for names.
They found out from the doctor that they’d be due in October, and the couple was absolutely ecstatic. A Halloween birthday for their first born. They couldn’t ask for a more perfect way to start their family.
Raymond began shopping accordingly as soon as he received the news. This included baby onesies which read: wicked cute, little pumpkin, and baby boo. Y/N just knew he’d go even more overboard with the newborn pictures.
“Look at this one though!”
“Raymond we have more baby clothes than they will ever be able to wear!”
He held up a little hat, knit look like a pumpkin, with a little green stem and leaves on top. As he held it up to his face, he gave his wife the saddest of puppy dog eyes.
“The hats pretty cute.” She leaned in and kissed his nose. “But you’re cuter. This is the last one though, Raymond. I mean it!”
It wasn’t.
Then one day it happened. They were helping with a haunting of a local business owner. Once again, the spirit was giving some input on what to expect, since they’re expecting.
“Oh and don’t worry, it shouldn’t take too long before you’re able to tell them apart.”
The wide eyed and confused glance shared between the couple told the haunt all it needed to know.
“Oh I’m sorry. I thought you knew… you’re having twins!”
After the initial shock and excitement wore off, Raymond turned to his wife with the biggest smirk.
“Looks like we’ll need more baby clothes after all.”
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the-void-writes · 2 years
ROYGBIV Color Game
So @adie-dee had an open tag on a neat writing game where you find the colors in your wip(s). I’m leaving this tag open, as well, for whoever wants to join.
I had to substitute indigo and violet with purple and pink. (there’s also a slight bit of body horror in “blue,” so if that’s not your thing, then skip it.)
RED // Paradise: Land of Rebirth
The stylists placed the headdress down on Ruhi’s short, frizzled hair, while a few others adorned her with the traditional jewelry. She had to admit, they made her look amazing. Her red saree flowed like the sea itself, and as she turned, someone gasped from the doorway.
She turned and smiled at Avir, her greatest friend. He had his hands to his lips in a gesture of excitement. Unable to contain herself, she ran to him, and he spun her around the way he used to when they were kids.
ORANGE // The Freaks of Preston
“What, you think Maddie took the time to shave a raccoon’s tail before taking it home?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her.”
Lydia sighed and ran a hand through her very-short orange hair. “I still say possum.”
“Suit yourself,” Will said with a shrug.
“Really, you’re just giving up?”
“I don’t feel like arguing with someone who thinks the Earth is bigger than the sun.”
Lydia glared at him. “Hey, I was young. I understand now.”
Will couldn’t help but smile. “You do?”
She posed triumphantly. “It’s the same size as the moon.”
YELLOW // The Freaks of Preston
The beeping of the heart monitor stirred Jason from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he was met with white fluorescent lights and a yellowed ceiling. It felt like an airplane was parked on his chest. His left leg was hanging in a sling just above him, but a fiery ache still ran through his muscles. There were frantic voices outside of his room. As he regained his senses, he finally noticed the three other men in the corner.
GREEN // The Freaks of Preston
As his boss mumbled to himself about wasting time on another lecture, Jason strolled further behind with Rio, linking their hands in a way that wouldn’t immediately be recognized by their coworkers. They stayed that way, perfectly content with their shared silence… until a loud buzzing plunged the entire building into darkness, followed by the soft green glow of the emergency lights.
BLUE // The Freak sof Preston (possible tw for body horror)
He collapsed to the ground. Jason spun around and dashed towards him. He propped Will back up as he continued to cough. A thick blue substance dripped from his mouth, hitting the floor with a sickening splash. Every chair, desk, and cabinet in the room grinded against the wall as they floated towards the ceiling, until the three men were surrounded by furniture. Will’s convulsing grew worse as he slid back to the floor.
“Please,” he hissed, “make it stop.”
PURPLE // FOP part 4
She watched Gazali as he argued frantically into the communication device. Finally, he let out a relieved sigh and waited outside for a long while. Eventually, his mysterious contact arrived, a dark man in a purple suit-vest, like some kind of billionaire. Unlike Gazali’s warm, amber eyes, this person’s eyes were a bright gold, the same way Sophie thought a crocodile might look.
PINK // The Freaks of Preston
He turned to Will and stretched out his arm like a real-life cartoon. “Nice to see you again, Will.”
Will took his hand, staring at it in awe. “Wow, does it hurt?”
“Not at all, hon, just a good stretch. It’s like permanent yoga.”
Kevin’s grin made him look more like a fashion-savvy alligator. His hair was covered in dozens of pink highlights, a stark difference from his dark bug-like goggles. They hid his eyes well enough, but not the red marks surrounding them.
RAINBOW // Our Side of Paradise
The first thing Sophie saw when she woke up was a large park. The trees were much livelier than back home, and its leaves looked more like a rainbow cluster of gemstones. The sky above was the color of a sunset, even though it was midnight when Sophie had left, but stars and planets still shone, clear as can be.
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vampiresuns · 4 years
Aelius Anatole Radošević De Silva
Anatole has changed a bit as a character since i was around the first time, so he’s getting re introduced. His open to make friends.
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art by @elizastarkart​
Name: Aelius Anatole Radoševic De Silva. He has two surnames because his mother is latina. He is a mixed Latine-Slav, with family that is all latine, vesuvian, and slavic. People he’s friend’s with call him Anatole (russian/greek pronunciation, he doesn’t acknowledge the French one). Only people he has a strictly professional relationship with, and his uncle call him Aelius.
‘Aelius’ means sun, while ‘Anatole’ means sunrise. He’s fully aware of this, he chose his name himself.
His nicknames are:
‘Nana’ is the most common nickname, and the one most people use.
His mother calls him Lilito, Nana, Nanito, Toly, Tolito, Tortolito.
His father calls him Lily or Lilu.
Toly, Tolytoly or Tolito are nicknames used by his maternal grandmother, his aunt, and his Vesuvian family.
He will not mind if you want to call him Toly, but you cannot call him Lily/Lilu if you’re not his father.
Asra came up with Nanatole, which he doesn’t like but lets Asra call him anyway. Asra also came up with Nana Banana and that is absolutely forbidden.
Family: on his father’s side both the Radošević, who are slavic (yugoslavic, specifically), and the Cassano, a prominent Vesuvian family who has had a hold of the Consulship for years.
On his mother side, the De Silva.
His father’s name is Vladislav, but everyone calls him Vlad, he’s an alchemist, a polymath, and works in what is most similar to biochemical engineering. He has one bother, named Valeriy, who you, however, might now as Valerius. Vlad’s biggest personality trait is being head over heels in love with his wife, and adoring his son more than he thought it was humanly possible to care about someone.
His mother’s name is Louisa De Silva (if you want to add her mother’s surname, it’s Lascal). The L-o-u spelling was a registry mistake she never changed. She moved half across the world while her native country suffer a military-civilian dictatorship to study Medicine. She swore never to go back as long as vestiges of said dictatorship remained in the country. She has two sisters: Paris, who lives in Vesuvia, and Alma, who remained with her parents out of her own choosing. Her medical experience include having been a volunteer war doctor. She didn’t change her surname when she got married.
The Radošević (pronounced Radozheveech) and the Cassano have been entangled families by friendship for generations upon generations, with some marriages between them. Notoriously: Vlad and Val’s father married a Cassano, Matilda, and his bother Mircea, Anatole’s great uncle, also married a Cassano: Florentino. Mircea’s brother and Matilda Cassano died when Vlad and Val were children still, so him and Florentino brought them up.
The Radošević are an overall eccentric family (think the european Addams family), whom are noted for: one, their self-sufficiency/self-preservation, which comes out in a very ‘eccentric people of the world unite’ manner. They appreciate people with character. Two, their leanings towards trades/professions, they do not conceive not doing anything (work hard to play hard). The Cassano, while sharing the quirk, they add the zest for life. It’s like they grabbed the Radošević and told them “you have forgotten how to live and we will remind you how.” Both of them are ridden with racially ambiguous bastard you cannot kill in any way that matters. They simply refuse to. Someone (either the courtiers or Lucio) compared them to roaches, they took it as a compliment.
This will tell you a lot about Anatole’s character.
On a last note, Anatole’s an only child. He has a good relationship with his parents, albeit marked by a sense of distance, solely because he was privately tutored from age 15 and on, which required him to travel a fair share. He was an argumentative teenager, but always cherished whenever he could see his parents. The older he gets, the closer they all become.
Favourite Food: Cake
Favourite drink: Coffee, in general.
Favourite Flower: Iris
Birthday: Nov 1st
Age: 29 (I calculate his age as if he had been born in 1991)
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Virgo
Rising: Libra
Mercury & Mars: Scorpio
Venus: Virgo
Patron arcana: Strength & Ace of Swords
Upright: inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus, Reversed: self doubt, weakness, insecurity      
Ace of Swords
Upright: breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind, Reversed: confusion, brutality, chaos
Gender: Transmasculine, but Nonbinary. Uses He/Him pronouns only
Orientation: Identifies as NBLM.
LIs: Julian, Muriel, @ilyamatic​‘s Andrico, @thelazaretmakesmesad​‘s Vishal.
“The sun-like strategist with a solution for everything, and a whole lot of hope in the future.”
More details under the cut!
Physical appearance:
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art by @lesbianarcana​
5′4. As you can see in the sprite down below, while he’s slim but with muscle, out of doing a moderate to high level of physical activity. The man has a nice waist and inherited his mother’s hips, which he’s very proud of. He likes his legs and his butt the most about himself
Dark brown eyes, long eyelashes. His hair is naturally black, but he dyes it blond.
Has a mole over his right eyebrow, on the left side of the bridge of his nose, and on his left jaw. He has freckles.
An horizontal scar on his nose, which he got by getting hit with a wooden scaffold square in the face. His nose wasn’t broken out of sheer dumb luck. He has a smaller cut on his cheekbone, which was done by a fencing sabre which lacked the proper tip protection/button. It was done onto him by someone else.
The nose scar is how he met Julian before the plague, as he was the doctor which cured his face.
He has several tattoos:
Right arm: A rapier on his inner forearm. Over his elbow he has a black work band, and over it the words ‘THE SUN IS MY UNDOING’ in all caps, circling his arm.
Left arm: a snake wrapped around his forearm, near to the wrist. The Odyssey quote ‘let’s have a toast to the incompetence of our enemies’ under the inner crook of his elbow, and a floral half sleeve.
Chest and Torso: AMOR OMNIA VINCIT over where his heart is supposed to be. He has laurel leaves on the base of his waist.
Legs: ‘o serpent heart hid with a flowering face‘ in his upper, inner thigh, like really up his left inner thigh. A floral anklet on his right ankle.
Languages Spoken: Too many. He speaks nine languages.
Magic Specialities: His magic is connected to both light and languages (it is a play on words with ‘logos’) so he is both adept in photokinesis — he is able to create and manipulate sources of light — and language related magic — which includes incantation and language manipulation. He learns languages as a faster rate than most people, and while he cannot speak or literally understand a language unless he learns it, his magic allows him to intuitively grasp the meaning of words that are being spoken to him.
This capacity also makes him very good at recognising hidden intentions in people. This is not an ability that he broadcasts having, and when he later succeeds Valerius as the Consul, it is something which aids his diplomatic work but he keeps private.
His words tend to carry more weight sometimes because of his magic, something which he can’t always control — it depends on many factors — so he tries to choose his words carefully and with consideration.
His familiar is a Raccoon, named Antu.
Occupation: While he did study magic and is in touch with his magic, he studied politics, diplomacy and international relations. By trade, and out of will to help people, he is a political analyst and, later in life, a Statesman.
Willpower or Stubbornness? Depends how you look at it. Passionate, generally devoted, hopeful, independent and sometimes defiant. He is a people-oriented introvert. Competitive, but not aggressively so.
Smarter than he gives himself credit for. Overall charming, even debonair.
Curious by nature, hates having his decisions taken for him.
He is proper, sometimes even distinguished, but he is feral. A firm believer in being kind and compassionate with people, until you cross him one too many times, then nothing will make him taint his vindictive wrath.
Is he humble? For the most part. His humbleness comes from knowing his own limits and knowing he’s not infallible. He does have, however, a good deal of pride in himself and trust in what he can do, and he doesn’t like being underestimated.
He’s not particularly loud, though when the chatterbox is on, then it is on, specially if he’s nervous. He is often never still. 
He’s known he has ADHD since he was seventeen.
Likes dancing.
He fences, almost every Radošević fences/sword fights, and he will let you know at the slightest chance. Which can be either him simply being hyper-fixated in fencing, him flirting, or him letting you know that if the occasion rises, he’s armed.
Friend shaped, lover shaped if you’re daring enough.
He wrinkles his nose when he doesn’t like something.
Speaking of which: he doesn’t like abuse of power, the Court, injustice, supremacists of any kind, unkind, hurtful and selfish people in general; he doesn’t like red meat (he says it tastes like metal or dirt), narrow minded people, incompetence, specially when displayed by people in positions of power, and purposeful apathy.
A mastermind archetype, but he draws his power from connection. He does not conceive a life not lived with others.
A bit of a bastard, he enjoys a good laugh.
He plays the piano and the harp, he sings, he cannot draw, he’s a lightweight when it comes to alcohol (which doesn’t really stop him), he likes the opera because he likes watching other people’s drama without being dragged into it, and his favourite season is winter. Also likes playing chess, reading, coffee, flowers, a well tailored outfit, learning, languages, the sea, mysteries, winter, a well laid argument, collecting quills, music, winning, knowing he loves and is loved in return.
When he was 7 he bribed his dad for more dessert, and he ate so much he vomited. His sweet tooth hasn’t gone anywhere, it is alive and well.
Perceptive little bastard, will knife cat you for the sake of it. He has a way more present sense of humour than what he comes across.
Would call himself a ‘trans masculine Mary Poppins’.
He is closest to his parents, his uncle, my other ocs Leonore, Medea and Sabine, his cousins Amparo Cassano and Milenko Radošević, Natiqa, Asra, Portia and Nadia.
If he liked women, he would be paired with Nadia. The possibility both terrifies and fascinates me.
@ilyamatic​, @viviae​, @gaybirdwrites​, @arcanaprentiss​ @apprenticeofcups​
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jacscorner · 3 years
Sol Rush Reversal: Marine & Blaze
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Once upon a time, a long time ago, I drew this pic.
I proposed the idea of a role swap between Marine and Blaze; if Marine was the hero of the Sol Dimension and Blaze her sidekick. So, if Marine was the Sonic of her world and Blaze her tails. I think it looks better and shows a bit more into Marine and Blaze's dynamic: Marine is smug and confident, Blaze is a worrywart. Like I said before, I don't really think Blaze is that good of a character when held purely by SEGA's hands. I don't hate her, but to summarize what I said before two years ago and standby today; >Blaze's story was handled well enough in the Rush Games, but it's generic. Her personality of being stoic and standoffish isn't unique; we have three other characters who do this, four if you count Omega, five if you count Gamma. Her Fire Powers are unique and her game's having a focus on vertical ascension is as well. >And then Sonic 06 decided she was in the bad future with Silver. Is it a soft reboot? Are the hand-held games a different continuity from the console games? Oh, and Blaze died, but not really cause time travel? Sonic 06 is a can of worms that really mess with where in the multiverse Blaze is supposed to be from. >In the comics, Blaze is much more fleshed out and a better written, both Pre-Reboot Archie, Post-Reboot, and the bit I've seen in IDW, but I shouldn't need external media. And now Blaze is just kind of a part of Sonic's gang of friends when she should have her own business going on. She's pretty much just waifu bait now, only being brought along to keep her fanbase coming. >Blaze is ANOTHER counterpart of Sonic, but is supposed to be OFFICIALLY his counterpart. But, like, she feels more like a counterpart to Knuckles then to Sonic, from her mechanical role as a Princess and guardian of the Sol Emeralds to her personality and relationship with Sonic. >Alternatively, I think Marine has the foundation of a GOOD character, it's just that SEGA didn't let her do anything. A chatterbox character could've totally worked if she had some unique gameplay and could actually back up all her talk. She's superfluous, but makes for a better foil to Sonic than Blaze does. And so, to back up all my talk, allow me to spin you a story for this would-be game, if the Sol Dimension got a reboot in my vision;
In the middle of the night, when the two moons are out over the sea; it's the night Princess Blaze the Cat's coronation as the new Guardian of the Sol Emeralds, a position that's been passed down traditionally from mother to daughter of the royal family. Sadly, Blaze is a 10-year-old without a mother or father; she's been forced to grow up faster than any child should have to. But she shoulders this responsibility. And then boom! Pirates attack! Out from the shadows is the nefarious Captain Whiskers, and his robot crew! The palace guards are overwhelmed by his Wingnuts (the Badniks of this world) and he's prepared to take the Sol Emeralds! Blaze tries to fight him off, but his first mate, Johnny, easily holds off Blaze and swats her away. Her fire abilities do nothing to really stop Johnny. Just as Captain Whiskers is going to snatch the Emeralds, Blaze releases a big wave of Sol Energy. The palace brights up like the sun! When the light dies down, the Sol Emeralds are gone and so is Blaze. Days later, Captain Marine the Raccoon is lounging on South Sun Island. Her ship, the Banana Sunday, is docked, and the Coconut Crew are stocking up for their next voyage...wherever that may be. Marine is casually laying around when her first mate, a Koala named Tabby, shouts in her ear. "Captain! Captain! I see somethin' floatin' in da watah!" Marine, awakened from Tabby's shouting, looks and sees a dingy not too far from shore. Rolling her eyes, Marine goes out and pulls the boat in. And there she is, lying there, is Blaze. She's sick, unconscious, and barely breathing. Tabby gasps and says that they need medicine, but the herbs needed for her are on the other side of the island! And so, carrying Blaze with her, Marine races off. "Tabby! Tell da crew I'll meet 'em on the South side of South Sun Island! Oh, and tell 'em they better pack those nuts I like! The good ones! And stop snickerin', ya nut!" Cue the tutorial level. I'd imagine Marine's 'speed' would be propelling water from the soles of her boots. Perhaps instead of water manipulation or whatever happened in that infamous scene, she has to keep track of a water gauge and needs to refill it every so often in order to use various water gadgets. Like, say a 'Flintlock'-like water gun that acts as a Megaman-styled pea shooter with a charge shot, or a shotgun-like Blunderbuss that can be charged and turned into a grenade projectile. Can't go wrong with a sword though. Just a fun, cutlass to slice up robots and other enemies. Meanwhile, after Blaze wakes up, and maybe after a few levels cause of story progression, you get Blaze as an 'assist'. She can occasionally give you a boost of speed and a jumping boost thanks to her Fire Powers (acting like something of a rocket booster) As for that story, I'd imagine that Blaze wouldn't trust Marine for a bit. After all, Pirates ruined her home and forced her on this quest to track down the Sol Emeralds again! Marine is a pirate! How can she trust her not to just run off with those emeralds. And in a level without Blaze, you should feel just how big a help she is. Gotta suck when part of your move set has a mind of their own.
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Holiday | Part 14 |
Description of Part 1: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | You’ve been friends with Alex Turner and the other boys from Arctic Monkeys since you were 13. You never for a second thought that Alex would release a song about you though. From late night phone calls and almost constant texting and teasing, you’ve managed to stay close with him over the years. When a pact is established and a holiday is arranged, life seems to be treating you very well. But a month in LA will either make or break you.
Word Count: 13.7K
A/N: Yayyyyy we have another part of Holiday! Sorry it’s slightly later today. Been a long day and I couldn’t really focus when editing it so I’m sorry about the inevitable mistakes. Really hope you all enjoy though! (Note: I’m sure Rita Ora is lovely really. Don’t come for me please) Taglists are always open. Thank you for reading x
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Flying back to LA was an emotional experience. On one hand you were devastated because you were leaving your comfortable life and your family, but at the same time you were excited to go back and start a life with Alex.
At the airport you were emotional because Y/B/F dropped you off. You said goodbye to your precious car, which was an emotional experience in itself. But obviously saying goodbye to your best friend hurt a hell of a lot more.
You probably hugged each other with tears falling down your face saying you loved each other over and over again for like 5 minutes. For on lookers you both probably looked crazy but to you two it wasn’t long enough.
You found it funny though when you both released each other to wipe your faces and she gave Alex a hug goodbye too.
She started crying on him too which was funny to see as you could tell that they had actually bonded in the time together in your flat. But you felt a little bad as she was now losing two friends instead of one.
Alex tried his best to calm her down and he did pretty well. But her tears stopped completely when he distracted her with information. He tried to sooth her by saying that you’d both be back before she knew it, as you were both coming back home for Christmas.
It seemed to settle her a bit and she was over the moon when Alex told her that he’d already booked her plane ticket for the following summer so she could come and stay with you both for a month.
He also told her that as soon as she knew when her school’s Easter Holidays were, to let him know so he could get the ticket booked so that she could come then too.
So, it was needless to say that you definitely be seeing her a lot and there was no way she’d be forgotten.
After she’d thanked him for all of that, she kissed him which made Alex pause but you laugh at his reaction. It was only a peck on his lips, but you could tell that she was just completely overjoyed that she just needed to thank him.
It was just funny that Alex wasn’t expecting it.
She then gave him the talk that a father would usually give his daughter’s boyfriend, which was extremely comical. She told him that he better take care of you, or he would have her to deal with and she would not hesitate to batter him despite him being a part of her favourite bands.
Alex didn’t doubt her for a second. But he had no intention of ever hurting you, so he was glad he would never have to feel her wrath.
Because he knew she was being deadly serious.
So that was emotional but the night before was on another scale completely. Saying goodbye to your family was really hard.
It was foolish of you to think beforehand that you could handle saying goodbye to your family. It was really difficult, and you wish you hadn’t put eyeliner on beforehand.
But you didn’t want to look like a tramp when you went to say goodbye to Alex’s Mum and Dad before you went to see your family. So that ended in you looking like a raccoon when you inevitably cried.
Thankfully your Mum had some make up wipes and you sorted yourself out before your face got out of hand. Thankfully your sister hadn’t shown up to dinner, so you didn’t have her to say goodbye to.
You’d happily never see her for the rest of your life. You were glad you’d be halfway around the world from her.
But saying goodbye to Zoe was a heartbreaker.
She’d seen you get upset when you gave your brother a hug goodbye which made her a bit upset to whilst she was giving Alex a cuddle. She started tearing up on Alex’s lap which for the first few minutes you didn’t even notice because Alex was handling it so well.
It was only when Alex waved you over when he needed you to confirm for her that the both of you wouldn’t be gone forever. You held back your own tears when you saw the tears in her eyes.
She said that she didn’t want you to go which broke your heart, but you told her that she could FaceTime you whenever she wanted. That you’d be back for Christmas and that you’d promised to take her to the cinema when you got back so you could both see the new Disney films.
It made her really happy when Alex said that she could come and see the both of you in the school holidays at some point next year. Alex suggested that everyone in your family (Not your sister) could come over at the end of summer which you’d spoken to him about a few days before.
And you were pretty excited for it because he suggested that his Mum and Dad could come over too and have a week overlap which you thought would be a great idea. You knew both your Mum’s got on because there had been multiple times in school where the both of you had parent’s evenings and they would chat for ages.
Something which you and Alex never minded about because it meant that you could chill out with each other for a while longer. From what you could remember both your Dad’s got on well too, so you think that a summer holiday where everyone came over would be a great idea.
It wasn’t like the house wasn’t big enough for you all to coexist peacefully.
Thankfully Zoe was happy again by the time that you were leaving to go back to the flat. You said your goodbyes to your Mum and Dad at the door and let a few more tears fall but you hid them away from Zoe.
You wanted to leave with everyone having a smile on their face. And thankfully everyone did, it was just that you had tears in your eyes.
Your Mum and Dad were excited for you and that made you really happy.
So, when both you and Alex got into the car and got waved off by your family you felt a bit better. Still emotional but who wouldn’t be in the same situation.
Alex was the best too he was there any time you needed a hug or any sort of comfort so that was definitely a bonus.
Alex had elected to drive back home because he didn’t want you driving upset which you thanked him for. As you both made your way back to your flat, you had to pass his parent’s house again and you also had to pass the park that once upon a time you used to spend every evening you could at.
So, as you started to approach the gates of the park, you asked Alex, “I know it’s really weird, but can we walk around the park?”
The sun was just setting so you thought it was a beautiful time to have a little walk. Clear your mind after your emotional afternoon.
“Yeah course” Alex says and so he pulls to the side of the road and parks up. Back in high school the unspoken rule was that after you finished school at 3:15pm, all of your friendship group would reconvene at this park for 4:30 or 5 at the latest, before you all moved on to another spot further into the park.
Then you would all sit and chat the night away until your groups started dissipating because people had to venture home to have their dinner. Thinking about it, that was probably the reason why you and Alex liked having dinner late now.
That being because your subgroup of friend tried their best to stay out later so you could be in each other’s company for longer. That was the only reason you didn’t like going to your Mum’s for Sunday roasts now, because she serves the food at like 5 and you were used to eating around 7 or 8.
Both you and Alex got out of the car and made your way into the park hand in hand and you couldn’t help but smile, seeing everything was exactly the same as you remembered.
“We going to our spot?” Alex asked you and you nodded.
“Where else?” You grinned.
You both remembered the way to where your group used to spend their spare time surprisingly well. They were some of the best days of your life, some shit too but you did love being around all your mates.
As you walked, Alex asked you a question that took you by surprise.
“Are you sure you wanna come back to LA?”
You looked at him immediately your eyes wide. He just had a sad smile on his lips.
Shocked by his question you tell him quickly, “Yeah. God yeah. If you want me there anyway”
“Course I do, I just understand if you don’t want to leave your family” Alex told you truthfully.
He felt bad that it was basically his fault that you’d been upset all afternoon. He just didn’t want to anyway force you to do something that you’d regret.
You smile at him, “Well I always knew it was going to be difficult, but I definitely want to go.
“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to because I asked you too. Like I don’t want you to come because you feel like you have to” Alex tries and explains to you.
You smile at him and give his hand a squeeze before telling him, “No I promise I do. I’m ready for that another adventure… And I wanna be wherever you are”
“Why’s that?” Alex asked you with a cheeky grin on his face.
He felt a little better knowing that you did actually want to move.
You rolled your eyes knowing that he was only asking because he wanted to hear you say it again.
“That would be because I love you” You say with a grin.
“I love you too” Alex chuckled, before he dipped his head, so his lips caught yours.
You kissed him back for a second before you had to pull away because you were both still walking towards the hidden field you spent most of your youth in. It wasn’t a long walk to the field that was mostly surrounded by trees, but it was a fair few minutes, so you just spoke your mind as you walked.
“I’m so glad that you’re not leaving before me and that we’re on the same flight” You told him.  
Alex looked at you curiously and asks, “Why?”
“I don’t like it when you leave here” You say as stop for a second to zip up your coat.
“How come?” He wonders.
“Reminds me of a bad day” You say as you link Alex’s arm this time as you begin to walk again.  
He looks at you slightly confused, not really remembering a bad say on this park.
You continue to explain, “The day you were all going down to London and then you secretly told me that you’d be heading to New York”
Alex remembered that day. It was after the Whatever People Say I Am tour.
You’d all come home, and he remembered telling you that him and the lads were only having another month back home before moving down to London. So, you all decided that the day before they were going to leave, you were going to do everything that you all usually did.
At that point though, the group had just dwindled down to you, the boys and Andy too, because he was still mates with them, despite leaving the band.
“But the last day here we all spent it together. Did everything we usually did but just said our proper goodbyes at the end. And then I walked you back home like I usually did” Alex asked you, double checking he remembered correctly.
“Yeah” You nodded. “But that day was up there with the worst ones of my life”
Alex looked confused at that revelation. He remembered it being a really good day, so he didn’t know what had happened to make you think that.
“But I thought that w-“ Alex started but you thought it was best to interrupt and explain.
“I was losing all my friends… I was losing you” You tell him.
Both of you then turn onto the path that isn’t really a path that will take you to your field.
You continue on as you do so, “And I know I couldn’t have been with you like we are now, because you were with Alexa, but that was still a hard day for me”
You smile as the field opens up in front of you both. It was like it hadn’t changed at all.
The only difference was that it wasn’t full of teenagers anymore.
“But I swear you said how much of a good day you had?” Alex said sceptically with furrowed eyebrows.  
“Yeah, the day was good, but in the evening, I wanted to cry for most of it... As we were all messing about all I could think is that I wasn’t going to get this ever again” You tell him as you both sit down on the grass where you used to.
And you weren’t wrong. That was the last time you’d come to this field.
“You don’t know how much effort I put in to keep smiling that day” You smile down at the grass and pick at a few strands of it with your free hand.
Alex grabs your attention again and says, “Y/N, you’re too strong for your own good. You were allowed to be upset. God knows we all were. Do you not remember Matt’s mini breakdown?”
You smile and look at him when you say, “Yeah but I had to be more positive after that. He wouldn’t have gone easily if I had a breakdown, would he?”
“Probably not but that doesn’t mean it should have been down to you to stay happy for us all” Alex throws his arm around your shoulders as you say that.
“Al, I think I would have cried the whole day away. I was so proud of myself after I hugged you goodbye at my door that I’d actually got through the day without slipping…” You tell him as you lean into him and look up to the sky that’s turning a deeper shade of orange.
“Because god knows I cried when I got inside” You smiled at the embarrassing memory.
“Noooo” Alex looked round at you.
“Oh yeah. Like cried myself to sleep sort of crying” You laughed at yourself a little bit as you looked into Alex’s brown eyes.
“Come here” He says and practically pulls you into him to give him a sideways hug.
“I’m sorry” Alex murmured before kissing the top of your head.
“Don’t be sorry” You say as you release him from the hug. “I was happy for you all, like so unbelievably thrilled that you’d made it. I was so happy for you”
“But you were still upset” He pouts which makes you smile.
He was so cute feeling bad for something that had happened years before. You’d never resented him at all for it at all.
He was doing what he needed to do to be successful and you were happy it all paid off for him in the end.
“Well yeah. Isn’t everyone when their world changes completely?” You say looking at the pretty man beside you.
“You’re making me feel worse” Alex says as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Stop feeling bad” You chuckle before nudging him with your shoulder. “You were living your life. God knows if I had the money coming in that you’d all had; I would have moved too”
Alex grabs your hand again and gives it a squeeze, “But that can’t have been nice for you”
“It wasn’t but it was for the best in the end. I ended up not being obsessed with you anymore and found a decent job to get me through Uni and I got myself a boyfriend” You smile at the memories of what once was.
It was mad how things changed over time. Yeah, you’d always fancied Alex but not for a second did you ever think that you would end up with him.  
“Mad how we both fancied each other but kept it to ourselves for so long, ain’t it?” Alex has a little chuckle before looking at ever changing colourful sky too.
“Not like we could have aired it at certain points” You can’t help but smile.  
Alex chuckles at what you said too, “Nah, I think our other halves would have been a bit annoyed to say the least”
“I’m so glad we drunkenly arranged that holiday” You say as you look back around at him.
He’s already smiling at you when you turn to him. You grin when he says, “Literally the best decision either of us has ever made”
“I’m so glad Matt got Bre preggers too, or I’d have been at Matt’s” You say as you lean your head onto his shoulder.
You feel him shrug his shoulders just before he says, “I think Matt would have wing-manned me and got you to stay at mine anyway… He was literally trying to get us together the whole time you were over”
That was a revelation to you.
You hadn’t picked up on that at all.  
You asked with furrowed eyebrows, “Wait Matt knew before anything happened?”
“Yeah” Alex says like it was obvious, so you pick your head up to look at him as he spilled the truth.
“Y/N I’ve been on the phone to you almost every night for the last two years. Everyone knew” Alex tells you with a smile as he tucks your head behind your ear.  
You needed a full second to process that.
You thought back through the entirety of your holiday and still didn’t quite see Matt wing-manning him. But it definitely made Miles’ actions a bit more understandable.
The constant innuendos, the trying to get you to reveal things that you definitely didn’t want to. Even him silently suggesting you kiss Alex at the bar.
“I guess Miles’ jokes make a bit more sense now” You shake your head with a smile on your lips.
“Yeah, he was trying to get under my skin, not yours. Especially when we watched Fifty Shades” Alex nudged you with his shoulder and you laughed.
“Well I got the best outcome, so I’d go through it again” You tell him with a grin.
Alex looked from your beautiful eyes down to your lips as he said, “So would I” before he kissed you.
How was it that you still felt nervous kissing him after all this time? You’d definitely had your fair share of kisses at this point but the way he made you feel when he took over your lips with his was like nothing else.
When Alex pulled away you lent your head down on his shoulder for a few minutes in silence. You both savoured the feeling of being home for a while longer.
You liked that you were sat in one of the places that you both felt most free. Other than your friends, there were no prying eyes to the shenanigans that you all got up to.
And you were all always so happy here.
Well maybe except for one time.
“Want to know something funny?” You ask your boyfriend as your head still rests on his shoulder.
“Go on” Alex says as he kisses your head.  
“Last day of high school, I had a meltdown right there…” You say pointing just to the left of you, to a spot about 5 meters of so from you.
You continue, “Because I saw you and Jennifer get off like just in front of me”
Jennifer was just some pretty girl in school. You didn’t mind her usually but after you saw that interaction, you went right off her.
“You’re joking?” He says and you can hear the shock in his voice.
“No. I so upset” You smile at your childishness as you pick your head up to look back at Alex. “Millie had to pull me to the side and make sure I was okay”
Alex asked you, “I’m assuming Millie knew you liked me?”
Millie was your best friend throughout the whole of high school. You both told each other everything back then.
You were gutted when her parents moved down to London after she’d finished high school.
You still spoke to her sometimes. Always messaged each other on birthdays and sent each other little presents.
The last time she’d messaged you was when you announced that you and Alex were official on your Instagram. You’d had a good catch up with her that night and you were happy that she was happy for the two of you.
“Yeah” You confirm, “And I remember that she’d been telling me all that night that you’d been looking over at me, so she reckoned you liked me too… But then I saw you get off with Jennifer and I was gutted”
“Aw Y/N/N” Alex smiles at you and gives your hand a squeeze.
“It’s alright though because I joined in that game of spin the bottle and got my first kiss with Max” You grin a little proud of that.
Not everyone could say that they had their first proper kiss with the fittest guy in their school year. It certainly made you feel better that night.
“That was your first kiss?” Alex asks you and you nod at him with a smile on your face.
Alex furrowed his eyebrows at you followed up with, “Why are you grinning?”
“Because he was fit at the time” You admit.
Alex scoffs at that which makes you laugh. He starts chuckling too, only faking disappointment in you, until something clicks in his head which makes him stop laughing.
“Wait, so your telling me you had your first kiss to spite me?” Alex asks you.
You press your lips together having been caught out, “You know I’m petty like that”
“I can’t believe you got off with my mate because you were fuming at me” Alex shakes his head at you.
The faking disappointment may have worked better for him if he didn’t have the smile creeping onto his face.
You just shrug and giggle a little bit. Alex then throws his arm back around your shoulder and you think he’s going to kiss your head again but your surprised when he starts speaking.
“Just as good that I kissed Jennifer to make you jealous then, wasn’t it?” He whispered in your ear and your gasped the loudest you ever had.
“You didn’t” You look at him completely shocked.
You could see on his face that it was true.
He nods and tells you, “Matt suggested that to see if you liked me at all to kiss someone else to see if you’d be jealous or not afterwards”
Well that was a fucking stupid idea. You didn’t get jealous though, so that was a stupid idea.
“Well that was pointless. You could tell if I liked you or not by you kissing me and see if I kissed you back”
“Same could be said for you” Alex fairly points out.
You go a bit shy on him when you admit, “I was never that brave”
He then smirks at you, “So, something changed in fifteen years then? Because you had no trouble doing it at that bar”
“Yes Al, it’s called growing up” You giggle.
At that though, Alex stands up and offers you his hands so he can help you stand up too. You grab his hands and he pulls you up with a big grin on his lips.
“What are we doing?” You question.
“We’re doing what we should have done back then” Alex says as he drags you over to the spot where you had your meltdown years ago.
“Stay there for a second” Alex says patting your shoulders before walking into the field a few meters.
“I think I was somewhere over here, right?” Alex estimates and spins himself back round so you can confirm it for him.
You chuckle and nod at him.
“You’ve got to be your old self. You can’t be cocky mister confident even when we’re messing about” You tell him.
Alex raises his hands in an innocent way which makes you giggle. You then watch as he sits himself down onto the grass and gets himself into a relaxed position.
He acts for a minute and looks around the field and pretends he’s chatting to people. You hold back your laughter as you watch him. After a few seconds of that he looks over to you and a smile immediately makes its way to his face.
“Y/N/N come over here?” He calls.
You see that he’s literally got all his defences down as you see the cheeky grin that he used to have on his face all the time is back. Just how you remembered him in school.
You press your lips together to hold back the smile on your face and walk over. Once you reach him you sit down in the same way that he was sat but so you were facing him instead.
Your faces were about a foot away from each other and you smiled at him innocently, waiting for the little sketch to carry on.
“Why aren’t you playing spin the bottle?” Alex asks you, nodding to somewhere behind you as if there actually was people playing it.
You shrug your shoulders. You think what you back then would have said and end up coming up with, “Because I don’t want to kiss any of them”
“Not even Max?” Alex asks you with a smile sneaking onto his face.
You let out a little giggle before you regain your composure and shake your head, “No, not even Max”
“That’s a shame” Alex says before brushing off his jeans but not making any attempt to move away from you.
“Why’s that?”
Alex says as he looks down to the little bit of grass that was between you as he says, “Because maybe I could have kissed you if we played”
Smooth fucker.
You doubted he’d say that to you back then, but you went with it anyway. When his dark eyes flicked back up to meet yours, you held back most of your smile, so you weren’t grinning like an idiot.
“Well, there’s nothing stopping us right now?” You say as innocently as you can.
And then Alex proceeded to lean forward and kiss you sweetly for a few seconds before it progressed into something more heated. Which you were sure would have made you completely obsessed with him back then.
“That was fun” You say just after you took a deep breath.
“Yeah it was…” He says before looking back to you with a full smile now. You know he’s leaving the charade behind when he says, “Maybe we could do it again sometime?”
“Yeah… Maybe in a pub in LA thirteen years later” You offer with a grin.
“That’s a bit too long” Alex says before he grabs your face and pulls you back in for round 2.
You’d been back in America for just over a month now and you’d settled in nicely just like you did when you originally went. You settled into a routine over there which was pretty fun to get used to but there wasn’t really much difference from your holiday.
So, in the free time that you had before you had to start work you got used to driving over there. You would need to be comfortable heading into the city for work in just over a month’s time, so Alex was coming out on little drives with you.
He definitely helped you out as you were initially nervous about everything being the opposite way around. But you seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly.
You even ended up dipping into some of your savings so you could get yourself a car as you definitely did not want to be driving Alex’s fancy ones around all the time. He initially was against it saying you could just use one of his because he obviously couldn’t use them all at one.
However, you twisted his arm and made him take you to the Mini garage and you got yourself a Mini with a convertible roof. Because if you were going to live in a country where it was sunny most of the time you may as well make the most of it.
You loved your little car and you loved your first month living with your boyfriend. And you were having the best time.
For the moment you were all hanging out together in each other’s houses because Alex and Miles had pretty much finished their album. Matt was going in and helping them on occasion to do backing vocals and Breana was resting herself as she was getting close to her due date.
So, for the first 4 weeks you were over there, it was all very relaxed, and you were enjoying it. You’d spent a lot of time with Breana who you really loved, and she was already becoming a really close friend.
You both gossiped with each other a hell of a lot which was always fun. And you both had serious chats as well which was good because you knew you could trust her with anything that you’d say, and you could tell her in confidence.
Most of the time though you were listening to her worries about the baby, but you had every faith in her, and you knew that she was going to be the best Mum. If she could take care of Matt, she could definitely handle a baby.
It was about a week into October when you and Breana were having a day to yourselves whilst the lads were in the studio adding some extras into their songs. Matt was with them to add more backing vocals, so you and Breana were making the most of their absence and glamming each other up.
You had lazily driven down the long road to Matt and Breana’s with your makeup bag and a bag of nail polishes. You ended up trying out different eyeshadow looks on each other which was really fun.
You’d given her a really cute pink look that she seemed to love. And she’d given you a darker look but with a pop of colour under your eye.
After you’d done each other’s nails and make up, you both just have a relaxing afternoon. You watch some shitty TV that the boys would never let you watch without complaining the whole way through and you gossip a lot too.
Breana had just gone out of the room you were both set up in when you heard her shout you. You thought nothing of it and got yourself up heading just into the other room where you saw that she was stood.
“Yeah?” You said.
She turned to look at you and her eyes were completely wide.
“My waters just went… I’m gunna have my baby Y/N/N” Breana smiles at you, shock clear on her face but also happiness was radiating from her.
“You are” You giggle before you give her a hug because you can see that she was excited as well as being nervous.
“Right come on. Let’s get you to the hospital” You say and take her hand and lead her towards her front door.
“Wait I need to get the bag I prepped that’s in the nursery” She says pulling back a second.
“You get in my car I’ll run up and get it” You say before fishing your keys out of your pocket and hand them to her.
Once you were running up the stairs to grab the bag for her, you were also immediately calling Matt. You called him about 3 times before you made it to your car after getting the bag and locking up their house and there was no answer.
So, at that point you tried to call Alex as Breana was next to you trying to phone Matt. You were both getting annoyed as the ringing carried on for ages and you were going to bollock them about having their phones on silent when you saw them.
In the car Breana also had her first contraction, so you also had to keep an eye on the time to see how long they lasted for and how fast they were occurring. So needless to say, it was the most stressful car journey that you’d ever experienced.
After you’d called Alex another 10 times you decided he was useless and decided to give Miles a call instead. And thank god he answered his phone the second time you called it.
“Hello” You hear the Scouse accent come through your car speakers.
At that point both you and Breana released a sigh of relief that you’d got through to them.
“Miles, thank fuck. Tell your fucking mates to answer their fucking phones” You say absolutely fuming.
“What’s up? Is everything okay?” He questions hearing how frustrated you sounded.
You nod even though he couldn’t see you and start to explain, “Yeah everything’s okay but we’re on our way to the hospital. Bre’s waters have gone. The baby on the way, so get your arses to the hospital now”
Miles stupidly then asked you in shock, “Are you being serious?”
“Why would you think I was joking, you melt!? Get in your cars now!” You almost shout over the phone.
You knew Alex had picked Matt up this morning and you also knew Miles would have driven himself like usual.
There is no hesitation when you hear Miles sternly tells your boyfriend, “Al get your car keys now”
“Why what?” You hear him say through the phone.
Miles ignores him though telling the soon to be father, “Matt you’re having your baby mate”
“What? Is that Bre? Is she okay?” You can both here the panic in his voice.
“It’s Y/N but Bre’s with her. Her waters have gone” Miles calmly tells him as you turn into the car park for the hospital.
Matt can be heard panicking saying, “Let me speak to her”
“Bre, baby, are you okay?” Matt’s voice then becomes clear on the phone
“I’m okay Matt. I need you” Breana tells him.
By the looks of her, you think she was just relieved to hear his voice.
He’s a little flustered when he says, “I’m coming, we’re just leaving”
“Okay well were at the hospital now. Get here quick” She instructs him.
“I’m on my way” Matt tells her reassuringly.
Breana asks him, “Call my Mom and Dad for me Matt please” as you park up the car in a spot.
“I’ll do it now. I love you Bre”
“Love you too” She tells him, and in your peripherals, you can see her smile.
Once she’s finished her declaration of love, you interrupt with, “Right Matt I’m taking her in now. Tell Al to hurry the fuck up”
“Keep her safe for me Y/N/N” Matt tells you and you smile.
“Always. Now hurry up” You say before you end the call and get the both of you out of the car.
The longest half an hour of probably all of your lives then took place whilst you waited for them to get to the hospital. You try and keep Breana as calm as you can though throughout her contractions.
Thankfully they were still pretty far apart so she definitely wasn’t going to be giving birth just yet, so Matt had time. But of course, she would want him here over you.
But that didn’t mean she didn’t make the most of you being with her.
“You know Y/N, I thought I was going to be coming into this hospital looking like a pig when this baby was coming but thanks to you, I feel pretty glam. Or I did before I was put in this gown” She had a little giggle which you joined in with.
You tell her honestly giving her hand a quick squeeze, “Bre you could have walked in here with your hair in a messy bun, no make-up or nail polish or anything and you would still have looked beautiful”
“Wow can I marry you instead of Matt?” She jokes with a smile.
You just giggled. But then you see someone run past the window and you both could tell that it was Matt.
“I think he’s excited Bre” You giggle to her as you stand up.
“Thank you for getting me here Y/N/N” Breana says as she gives your hand a squeeze.
You smile at her before you lean down to give her a hug. “It was my pleasure. You’re going to do amazing Bre. And I can’t wait to meet little Helders soon”
“Neither can I” She giggles as you pull away.
“Right, I’m going to go slap our men and tell them to never put their phones on silent ever again before I send him into you” You joke with her as you make your way to the door.
She laughs at that and says that she’ll do the same once her little boy or girl has made an appearance.
“Love you Breana” You look back to her as say with a big smile.
“Love you too Y/N” She tells you and just before you leave the room you smile at her and blow her a kiss.
You find Matt and Alex a minute later where Matt traps you in a quick hug thanking you loads of times. You tell him that everything fine and explain what’s happened which in truth wasn’t a lot, but you were all thankful for that because at least Matt was here for her now.
You and Alex then go to the private waiting room as you were in the private section of the hospital and you both wait there for further news. Matt asked if you would both wait, which you of course would do for him.
In that time, you and Alex were in contact with Matt’s parents and Breana’s parents making sure they could both get here okay. Alex had booked Matt’s Mum and Dad them tickets to get on the next plane over here so they could come and meet their grandchild.
Breana’s Mum and Dad were in a different state so they were driving over as quickly as they could. They said they would be with you in about 3 hours or so.
When you and Alex sorted all of that stuff out there wasn’t much left to do but sit and wait. And as you did that you’d got chatting.
He informed you that on their way to the hospital Miles got a puncture in the tire of his car, so he’d had to stop and wait for breakdown to come and get him. So, it was it was lucky that they both went in separate cars after all.
Then you got chatting whilst you were both waiting. The conversation went from you jokingly telling Alex to never but his phone on silent again which made him laugh but also apologise.
He then commented that you looked very nice and gestured to your eyes which made you laugh. You forgot that Breana had given you like a smoky eye shadow look but then added a touch of teal under your eye which made your Y/E/C stand out.
The teal also matched your nail polish which you applauded Breana for coming up with. You weren’t that observant usually, but you really liked the vibe.
After she’d done your make up to match your nails, you ended up doing her make up to match her nails too. She’d chosen a baby pink nail polish so that was what you’d gone for with her eyeshadow. You did a soft pink look on her which came out really well.
After you explained that you were doing each other’s make-up just before Breana’s waters had broken, different topics of conversation arose. And unsurprisingly you chatted about the situation you were both currently in came up.
You both started talking about the both of you waiting and how important it was that they both had the two of you there as support if they needed it. Especially considering none of their other support networks were around them.
“Yeah definitely, I’d want him to be here if it was the other way around” Alex tells you with a smile, even though he knows you couldn’t see his face because you were resting your head on his shoulder.
He continues, “Makes me happy thinking about the possibility of us going through this at some point”
“You want kids?” You ask him, picking your head up off his shoulder to look at him.
“Well not right away, but yeah I definitely do” Alex tells you and that was a relief to you.
The one thing that you wanted in life was to be a Mum. So, him saying that made you so happy.
You ask, not being able a keep the smile off your face, “Really?”
“Yeah” Alex nodded and asked, “Is it that hard to believe I wanna have kids with you?”
You’re beaming at that, “No. I’m just happy that you actually do”
The grin that breaks out on Alex’s face was like nothing you’d seen before. “We can wait a while though, right? I want a bit more than just the three months alone with you”
You giggle but nod, “Yeah. I want another album out of you at the very least before we even think about it”
“Well the next Puppets album gets released next year” Alex grins at you.
You laugh at his efforts. Absolutely not.
You shake your head, “Nope I want a Monkeys one. You’re not just leaving me with AM. I know you’ve got songs in that head of yours already written for it”
“Okay okay” Alex laughs.
“But yeah I’ll have your kids Alex. It’s a cross I’ll be willing to bare” You joke, and he chuckles before kissing you quickly.
You kiss him back and the grin at him stupidly for a moment. “Oh my god. Jamie’s, Nick’s, Matt’s and our kids will be called the Little Monkeys. Oh my god. Call Domino now” You joke.
“I hate you” Alex laughs shaking his head at your sense of humour. You’re so easily impressed it never fails to make him laugh.
“But you want my little monkeys?” You furrow your eyebrows at him playfully.
Alex nods chuckling, “I really do”
After that you and Alex just sit in a peaceful silence for a few seconds just grinning like idiots as you look around the room.
After staring into space for a solid minute Alex turns back to you and asks, “Can we continue practicing trying for kids though?”
You burst into giggles and nod.
“Yeah we can practice all you like” You laugh before kissing his cheek and resting your head on his shoulder again as you intertwine your hands.
About two hours later Matt walks into your private waiting room and he has the cutest smile and the glossiest eyes. You’ve never seen Matt close to tears before, but you can tell they are happy tears.
“I’ve got a baby girl Al” Matt says as soon as he makes eye contact with Alex and you both stand up.
Alex is over to Matt in mere seconds and you watched as they gave each other the biggest hug. And because of this emotional day you started tearing up just at that, if you got to see the baby today you didn’t even want to imagine your reaction.
“Are they both okay?” Alex asks him as they still hug each other.
“Yeah they’re amazing” Matt is smiling, and you can see the tears running down his face.  
“She came about fifteen minutes ago…” Matt starts explaining that she was healthy and that she came quickly once it was time and how much she weighed.
You were just getting emotional hearing that both Breana and their baby girl were okay and from watching as both men just looked at each other with massive smiles on their faces.
You can hear Alex’s smile as he gives Matt another hug telling him, “I’m so happy for you mate”
“Thank you” Matt gives him a tight squeeze before letting him go when he makes eye contact with you.
Matt smiles at you, telling you, “Don’t you cry, you’ll set me off even more” as he wipes away his own tears.
“They’re both okay?” You double check with tears still brimming your eyes.
“They’re great” Matt nods and he pulls you into a hug.
“I’m so happy for you” You say into his shoulder.
Matt chuckles and says, “Thanks Y/N/N”
He hugs Alex again once he’s lets go of you, and it’s like he’s clinging to him for dear life. They were such fucking cute best mates.
“I’ll come and get you when you can see her” Matt says sort of excitedly.
“Okay” Alex says as Matt heads back to the door but then he remembers to ask.
“You heard anything from Bre’s Mum?” He asks you.
You inform him on the conversation you had with her about 20 minutes ago, “They are stuck in traffic. The motorway is at a standstill, but they are on their way”
“I’ll get someone to tell you if they show up. And you’re Mum and Dad are on a flight over too” Alex tells him.
Matt nods and says, “Thank you” and has a second to himself where he looks like he doesn’t know if he should stick around here a bit longer or go back.
So, you make the decision for him.
“Go and see your baby” You tell him as he’s hovering.
“Okay” Matt smiles at the both of you, “Love you guys… Thanks for staying”
“We love you too, now go” Alex says as Matt’s obviously itching to get back.
You turn and hug Alex and let out a breath as his arms go around you. You were so relieved everything was alright.
You ended up meeting the gorgeous baby girl that was Amelia Helders about 40 minutes later. She was gorgeous just like her Mum and Dad.
Both you and Alex got a little cuddle of her which was amazing. You don’t think that you’d ever been the fourth person to hold someone’s new-born baby before.
As Alex held her before you did, you chatted to Breana telling her how amazing she was and even playfully scorned her for looking just as beautiful after childbirth as she had beforehand. She had done absolutely amazing.
You were holding little Amelia in the chair just next to Breana’s bed, Matt was on a chair just in front of you and Alex was on the chair to the side of you. It was like you were all forming a protective circle for the little angel that had just graced you all with her appearance.
As you were looking down at the beautiful little girl, Matt took up your attention by asking his best mate, “Al, how would you like to be her godfather?”
“Really?” Alex asked, completely taken aback.
“Yeah we were talking about it the past few months and think you’d spoil her rotten like a good Uncle should” Matt grinned at him.
Alex’s smile literally couldn’t get any bigger when he said, “I’d be honoured”
You watched with a massive smile as he gave Matt another hug and then gave Breana a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him before she then said, “Right so her Uncle Alex is going to spoil her rotten, so I think that her Aunt Y/N/N should be the more responsible godparent”
“Are you?” You had to double check looking between the both of them that you weren’t reading into anything, but Breana started nodding at you.
“Are you sure?” You ask completely shocked.
Never for a second would you have thought that you would have been asked to be their baby’s godmother.
“Y/N/N the amount you’ve helped me over the last few months was enough for me to know that you’re going to love her just as much as me and Matt” Breana speaks honestly.
She adds on the end in jest, “And as long as you promise to tell me if she comes to you to asking for condoms when she’s a wild teenager then you’re definitely the perfect candidate”
She had you laughing at that. It was funny as well when Matt almost gasped saying, “Don’t want to think about that just yet, thanks Bre”
That makes all of you have a little giggle, but you start welling up again. God you didn’t think you were this emotional.
“Stop or I’m going to cry on your little girl” You say tilting your head back, so no tears fell.
The whole room had a good little giggle at that, and you handed Breana her beautiful little Amelia back.
After that day, life seemed to get a bit more hectic for everyone. You were prepping for work in the week that followed and also going around to see Matt, Breana, and Amelia when you could. However, you did want to give them some space because they did have a house full of people as both Matt’s and Breana’s parents were staying there.
Eventually the time came for you to start work and you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t excited. Because you really really were.
Literally the only productive things you’d done the past month was arrange your wardrobe how you wanted it, get your own car, and shag Alex. And whilst all that was fun, especially the latter, you were really excited for getting creative again.
And even after your successful first week in work you got to be just as creative on the Saturday following it because it was Halloween. Alex had arranged your costumes and as it turns out you were all going as DC characters.
Alex was being The Riddler which you never thought you would find attractive but as soon as he put that suit on you were extremely turned on. Especially when he asked you to put on his eyeliner for him.
Alex had got you a full-blown Cat Woman outfit, which was skin-tight for a start, but you had to say he chose well because it made you look good. You had on leather heeled boots and leather gloves too, along with the eye mask, ears and the utility belt.
Needless to say, when you walked out in its Alex’s jaw dropped to the ground.
It was definitely the sexiest you’d ever felt on Halloween but also at the same time you were in an expensive costume for it, so you didn’t think that you were being a slut. Your suit was zipped all the way to the top and it would be staying that way until Alex unzipped it for you when you got back home.
You’d done dark eyeshadow for it with a winged eyeliner to add to the overall look and you’d also straightened your hair and styled it back like Anne Hathaway’s was in the film.
Miles had come round dressed as Heath Ledger’s Joker which was fun, and you had a little giggle at. Both suits looked really good on them.
Matt was meant to be going as Superman and Breana was meant to be going as Poison Ivy but of course they had Amelia to look after now and she was only two weeks old, so you didn’t blame them skipping the party.
You ended up having a really fun night. It was even amusing when Miles kept handing you joker cards all night thinking he was funny and Alex telling people, but mostly you, riddles all night.
Some of the riddles Alex was telling you were mostly innocent ones that you hated yourself that you didn’t get. But you put it down to you drinking doubles all night.
You did pick up on a few of his riddles though, some which you were pretty proud of. Others you wish you didn’t get as they were whispered to you because you knew the answer was suggestive.
“I have four legs and a head but can’t walk, what am I?”
“Tell me the place where we confirmed we were going out. It’s a place where the lights are sometimes turned out”
“Some people prefer being on top, other prefer being on the bottom and it always involves a bed. What am I?”
Bunk bed.
But then he was teasing you to a new extreme when he started with the dirtier ones.
You were stood at the bar with Alex’s hand around your waist watching as the bartender who was dressed as a zombie poured your drinks. You were paying attention to the guy serving your drinks instead of Alex which made him pull you into his side unexpectedly.
You weren’t exactly shocked by what he did, but you also weren’t expecting it which made you turn to look at him. You could already see the mischief in his eyes before he lent towards you and whispered into your ear, “Riddle me this love… What’s long and hard and has cum in it?”
Immediately something comes to mind and you look to him with your eyebrows raised suggestively. Alex runs his tongue over his bottom lip which you later realised was a ploy to make you look at his lips which you really fell for.
You see his lips twitch into a half smirk before you look back up at his dark eyes which looked even darker because of the eyeliner you’d done earlier. You were practically drooling for him at this point and picturing how you were going to undress him later on.
“Darling, the answers cucumber. Don’t look at me like that” Alex tells you and the smirk on his face gets bigger.
You shake your head at that and pay the bartender before only grabbing your own drink off before you go and dance with Miles on the dance floor. You made sure that you strutted away in a way that would make him look at your arse.
If he was going to tease you, you would tease him right back.
The next time he does it was about two hours later, so you weren’t expecting it again. You were watching him smoke his cigarette as you were hoping to cool down.
You were leant back against the wall of the building, willing the coolness of the bricks to seep through the material you were wearing. As you did that, you were looking at that beautiful suit he was wearing and shamelessly looking at his arse.
It wasn’t your fault though it just looked so good. Whoever had fitted him for that suit needed a medal because wow.
“Hey” Alex caught you looking at him which made you press your lips together coyly.
“You know I never thought I would be attracted to the Riddler. But here I am?” You say with a smile as he stubs his cigarette out and walks towards you.
His hands run up your body like he’s tracing the outline of it before they eventually rest on your hips. He stands that close to you now that your forced into the wall which made your smirk get bigger.
You brought your hands up to wrap them around his neck and as you did, you fixed his hair as a few strands were coming loose which you knew he would hate. As you did that for him, he told you in a low voice, “Well you know, when I watched Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman, I didn’t expect the character to get any better but here you are proving me wrong”
It was at that point that you laced your fingers in the back of his hair and pulled in towards you because you needed your boyfriends’ lips on your own. And like you expected he wasn’t holding anything back. He was fully taking on the role of a villain and he was torturing you by pressing you into the wall, tightly gripping your hips and biting down on your lip until a quiet moan slipped from your mouth.
It was like you both forgot that other people surrounded you. But you both didn’t seem to care at all.
Especially when he broke away from your lips and started kissing down your neck. You made an effort to keep silent when he started doing that because he knew exactly what to do to make noises slip from your lips when he started attacking your neck.
He started nipping at it your skin and you tried to distract yourself by saying between ragged breaths, “Shouldn’t it be me biting your neck? You should be telling me a riddle”
“I can do both love” Alex says before he looks back up at you taking your breath away once more when he attaches his lips back to yours.
He doesn’t keep them there for long though as he then kisses down your jaw until he’s teasing the other side of your neck. You almost miss his riddle as you were struggling to hear him over the sound of your heart thudding in your ears.
“What four letter word begins with F and ends in K, and when someone can’t get one, they use their hands instead?” Alex says in a suggestive voice before he kisses just underneath your ear in that way that he knows you love.
“Something we’ll be doing later?” You hope.
You can feel him smile against your skin before he pulls away and you get to see that smirk again. He cups your jaw and tilts your head up, so you’d be looking into his eyes.
He was such a tease though because his were staring at was your lips.
“Such a dirty mind love” Alex shakes his head as his thumb runs over your bottom lip. “The answers a fork” He tells you looking from your lips back up to your gorgeous eyes.
“You’re a prick” You say as you catch your breath back.
Alex cockily says back to you, “You love me”
“I do” You smile because you couldn’t lie about that at all.
“I love you too” Alex gives your lips one last kiss before you’re both shouted back inside.
You hoped that the previous riddle would have been his last, but you were incorrect about that. He decided to throw you one more when you’re practically pressed together on the dancefloor.
Alex grins at you when you turn around to face him and he says into your ear, “I go in hard but come out soft and I never mind if you want to blow me. What am I?“
You were taken aback by what he said but before you even get a chance to guess he puts a finger over your lips, “Before you answer if you get it right, I’ll give it you”
You looked at him fairly innocently, but Alex could feel you trace the top of the waistband of his trousers and he smirked at you again. He had you exactly where he wanted you.
“No, my love” Alex said before kissing you quickly.
You kiss him back but when you try and carry it on, he pulls away. He shakes his head at you before he dips his hand into inside his blazer pocket and pulls out a packet of chewing gum.
Fuck. That was the answer. Chewing gum.
He takes one out of the packet and puts it in his mouth that is again smirking at you with the most mischievous look you’d ever seen on his face. He then proceeded to wink at you before he innocently went off and started laughing with Miles and a few others.
You end up doing shots at the bar and dancing with Lana Del Rey who had come as Morticia Adams. She looked amazing like usual and you ended up having a really good night with her and her friends.
When Alex stole your attention again about an hour later you decided to tease him back and make his mind dirty just like he’d been doing to you. This time he was getting your drinks at the bar and you stood close to him taking up his attention.
“I have a riddle for you” You say as you pull him closer by the lapels of his blazer.
“‘M listening” Alex responds to you confidently smiling at you.
You ask him, “What’s the difference between sin and shame?”
He thought about it for a second, but he ended up shaking his head at you, having no idea.
You smirked and kissed just under his ear before telling him, “It’s a sin to put it in, but it’s a shame to pull it out”
When you move back to look at him then, his eyes had turned darker in lust and you saw that he wasn’t playing anymore. The smirk on your face stayed as you picked up your drink that had just been served to you.
You don’t give him a second thought as you move out of his grip and head back over to your new friends.
About an hour later you’ve gone back outside with Alex and Miles so they could have another cigarette where Miles was teasing him because he couldn’t think of anymore riddles.
You smiled at the pair before saying, “I’ve got one for the both of you”
“Let’s hear it then” Miles smiles at you as you take a sip of your drink.
Once you swallow the strong liquid in your mouth you tell them, “Why is air a lot like sex?”
Miles immediately smiles at the topic of riddle, but you again see that Alex narrows his eyes at you. You just smile knowingly at him because you were giving everything right back to him.
“Erm” You hear Miles wonders out loud, but you’re just focused on your man in his green suit, watching as he puts his cigarette between his lips. You had no idea how such a bad habit like smoking could look so fucking good when he was doing it.
It made you want to be a cigarette.
“I’ve got no idea Y/N/N” Miles tells you, drawing you back to the real world. “Al, you got any ideas?”
He shakes his perfect head and says in a voice that sounds disinterested, “Nah, why don’t you enlighten us Y/N” but he couldn’t take his eyes off your lips, so you knew all his attention was on you.
“Air is like sex because it’s no big deal unless you’re not getting any” You say, and Alex’s face then holds the cockiest smirk you’d ever seen.
“Suddenly I’m jealous of Alex” Miles laughs giving you a cheeky grin.
You decide to wipe that smirk right off Alex’s face by walking up to Miles saying, “Just because he’s in a relationship with me Miles, doesn’t mean he’s getting any”
“Oh” Miles smirked at you and you smiled back before kissing his cheek.
You then didn’t give Alex a second glance when you started to walk away, and you could immediately hear Miles start teasing his best mate.
Miles knew you were joking but he was all for getting Alex worked up.
2 hours later was when you told Alex your third and final riddle of the day. Since you’d said he wasn’t getting any when you got back home, he’d done his best to tease the fuck out of you and succeeded.
You were sat on Alex’s lap in a booth full of people around 3am and the party was still going on. You’d just about had enough though because you were too warm in what you were wearing and really wanted it off.
So, you lent down and gave Alex your last riddle, “What’s the difference between light and hard?”
“Riddle?” He asks you and you can see that his eyes are getting to that drunk tired stage. Yet they still looked as beautiful as ever.
You nod at him keeping your cool just running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. After a minute of thought Alex gives up and tells you as your kissing his neck that he didn’t know.
“You can sleep with the light on” You tell him the answer and you feel his hands grip your hip and thigh tighter.  
You were pleased that he understood that it was a dirty riddle and you gave him a little hint as to what you were after.
You playfully bite his earlobe before seductively saying, “Take that as a warning unless you take me home in the next ten minutes”
It was needless to say that when he saw you were stone cold serious about what you’d just said, he immediately started saying bye to those around him.  And that night you were both awake till daylight fooling around.
And Alex made it very clear who was in charge.
Everything was going amazingly well in LA over the next few months. It felt like you were meant to be over there.
Everything seemed to be slotting itself very neatly into place and life was really really good.
The Helders household was doing amazingly well. Both Matt and Breana were giving little Amelia the best welcome to the world a little baby could ask for.
She was being spoilt rotten left, right, and centre, as every baby should be. She had so many toys and clothes now, thanks to all of her family, that their house was slowly being taken over.
Matt was doing an amazing job as being a Dad. You never imagined him so relaxed doing everything, but he’d taken to his new role extremely well which you think was amazing because it definitely gave Breana a chance to relax when she needed it.
You knew her pregnancy had been a difficult one from a lot of morning sickness to a whole load of other pregnancy related issues later on. Nothing which she didn’t handle expertly though.
You could just tell that she was thankful her beautiful little Amelia was here now, so all her struggles had been worth it.
You and Alex definitely spoiled her rotten too. You got her loads of toys and clothes and your favourite item of clothing that you gave them was a pink top that read ‘Little Monkey’.
Alex laughed when you showed him that you’d bought that, and Breana and Matt had the same reaction too. Nothing better than a little music humour when you were mates with the people in the band.
Life seemed completely perfect with no complications or upsets at all. You were loving work over there as even though you were doing the same job, everything was exciting and new.
You were on your little adventure and you were loving it.
The only thing that marginally ruined your time in LA in the first 5 months of your relationship was when you both had an unexpected visitor knocking at the front door.
You were fast asleep in your spot on the settee when Alex heard knocking start. Alex got himself up quietly from the other sofa as you were stretched across the one you normally shared.
Before heading to the door though, he kissed your head on his way past which he absolutely adored doing every chance he could. God, he loved you so much.
Alex made his way to the door where there were now endless knocks, so he moved a little faster so they wouldn’t wake you up. But when he opened it and saw who was there, Alex wished he’d ignored it completely.
The door opened to reveal a face that he could have happily gone the rest of his life without looking at again.
“Hey” Rita Ora said cheerfully as she moved around Alex, so she was stood in the foyer.
It was needless to say she did not get the welcome she was expecting.
Alex’s reply was, “What are you doing here?” And it wasn’t in a pleasant tone.
She just smiles and ignores his question though and talks about what’s on her own agenda.
“You didn’t say bye the night of my party” She says as she takes off her jacket and throws it over her arm.
The coat revealed that she was wearing baggy ripped jeans and an extremely low cut V-neck top that was obviously meant to be eye catching.
“Yeah there’s a reason for that. Get out” Alex instructs, still holding the door open.
Rita looks back at him extremely confused and says, “What? Why?”
“Are you having a fucking laugh?” Alex says, now getting annoyed.
Who the fuck did she think she was turning up to his house after saying all that shit about him?  
“Oh Alex, what’s got you all agitated?” Rita asked sweetly seeing how annoyed he seemed.
“You being here” Alex says outright as he gestures towards her being stood in his house.
“I’m only here to see why you didn’t come to mine last week. You missed my birthday” She pouts at him.
Alex had to process what he was hearing for a second.
Had she actually drove all the way here to ask why he didn’t attend her home on her birthday as if she hadn’t said all those nasty things?
“Why for a second would you think I’d come to that?” Alec asked her.
His brown eyes showing no remorse for his tone of voice. He was getting angrier by the second.
“Because were good friends” Rita says like it was obviously common knowledge.
Alex just chuckles to himself before shaking his head saying, “No were not. That friendship ended the night of your party”
“What? Why?” She asks him, her expression showing she was hurt by what he said.  
“Because I don’t associate myself with backstabbing people. I don’t have time for it” Alex tells her completely seriously.
Rita again looks hurt by what he was telling her, and she asks Alex in an innocent voice, “What have I done?”
“You really think that I wouldn’t find out what you’d said?” Alex asks in a challenging way.
He actually wanted her to lie to his face now. Just so she wouldn’t have a leg to stand on when he revealed the truth.  
“What do you mean?” She asks.
“Oh, you know, all the shit you spouted about me basically fucking around” Alex says, and she can see the anger bubbling on his face.
So, Rita again innocently asks, whilst faking confusion, “What?”
Alex just ends up scoffing and asking, “Did you really think that your conversation with Y/N would just stay between the two of you?”
“Oh don’t listen to whatever shit she’s telling you” Rita shakes her head sounding annoyed.  
She then pointedly says, “You know I wouldn’t say anything like that…”
Rita concluded her mini rant with the statement, “She’s just jealous of our close friendship”
‘Wow. She’s deluded’ was all Alex could think.
“So, what you’re calling my girlfriend a liar?”
“Yes, because you know I wouldn’t say something like that” She again lies like it’s second nature.
“Get the fuck out of my house” Alex says absolutely fuming now.
He let the door stay half open and just moves away from it as he begins to pace back and forth.  
“What why?” He hears Rita ask again as if it wasn’t fucking obvious at this point.
“You’re lying straight to my face, and even worse you’re lying about my girlfriend” Alex says as he points to himself.
“Girlfriend Alex… Really?” Rita then asks pulling a face at him. “Are you seriously that attached after a few fucks?”
Alex was ready to blow after that.
An infuriated Alex then tell her in a firm voice, “She is not just some fuck! How dare you even say that, I love her”
“Love, really?” Rita laughs as is he’d just told her a joke.
“Yes” Alex states. “I don’t know whether it’s a concept that you don’t grasp but I love her, and you need to go right now”
She just completely disregards him telling her to leave though and asks him with raised eyebrows, “How can you love her? You don’t even know her”
“Are you fucking real?” Alex laughs as he rubs his temples. “I’ve known her since we were twelve and like she told you on the fucking night Rita, she’s been my best friend for half my life”
“You don’t need to lower yourself to the standards of a nobody” She came back with.
“She isn’t a nobody! She’s everything. She’s my girlfriend, my best friend and she also wouldn’t ever say the shit what you said about me, even if she was jealous like you are” Alex ends up calling her out.
Rita just rolls her eyes and calmly says, “Whatever she’s told you I said was a lie”
“I fucking heard you say it” Alex snaps and shouts at her.  
Rita just scoffs and laughs, “How has she tricked you into believing that we were there when we chatted?”
“All we chatted about down by the pond was if she’d enjoyed the party” She continued on.
“You are a fucking piece of work” Alex says before taking a deep breath.
He wasn’t a violent person but right now he wanted to go upstairs and beat the shit out of the punching bag in his gym.  
“Why? I’m telling you the truth”
“You’re telling me the truth?” He asks her.  
Rita nods, “Yes”
“Swear on your life” Alex says, wanting to see how long she’d lie for.
“Yes, Alex I swear. I’ve literally got nothing against her, I don’t know why you’re this angry”
“Nothing to say about me cheating then?” Alex asks with his arms folded, ignoring what she’d said.  
“Alex I would never say that about you. I don’t know what she’s been saying but you know me, I would never say that…” She says looking straight into his eyes.
Rita continues on to paint you in a bad light when she says, “I honestly can’t believe she’d even made that up. You know if someone could make that up then that usual means they believe it, so I would watch your back if you keep her around for any longer Alex”
“You’re actually a horrible person” Alex blankly states.
“I can’t believe you’ve just lied to my face like that” Alex shakes his head absolutely seething, “Maybe you should just stick to being an actress”
She starts, “Alex I don’t und-“ But Alex very quickly interrupts her.
“I was on the phone to her. When you said all that shit, I was on the phone to her” Alex reveals the truth and he watches as her hard face slowly falls away.
“Yeah got nothing to say for yourself now have you” Alex says almost triumphantly.  
“Fuck off and don’t come back here” Alex says before pointing towards the door. Rita goes to move towards the door that was still wide open when they both hear you in the kitchen.
“Hey Al, is everyt-“ Your words die in your throat when you see who’s stood in you in your doorway.
You just woken up from your nap feeling a little bit cold as the weather was slightly cooler than you were now used to over here. But it was early December, so you weren’t completely surprised by it.
You’d sat up from your position on the sofa and when you tuned back into real life, you were certain you could hear voices coming through the house. And they sounded like they were coming from the front door.
You didn’t know you were expecting any guests, so you got up so you could politely say hello to your visitor. As you got closer to your front door though, you could hear that the voices you were hearing seemed to be in a very heated conversation.
Which was why you started to ask before you’d even turned the corner to the foyer if everything was okay. You could clearly see that it wasn’t though.
Alex looked fuming, like he could tear his hair out at any given second. Rita looks like she was about to cry until she saw you walking towards Alex.  
“Oh, so the whores still here?” Rita says, her expression now holding one that screamed that she was appalled to see you here.
“Call me that again” You dare her and change who you were walking over to.
You headed straight towards her instead. She could say that to your face now.
If you were willing to cut ties with your sister for calling you shit like that then you would sure as hell make someone else that you despised look into your eyes and say it to your face.
“Y/N/N” Alex catches you by your waist so you can’t get any closer to her. He was quite literally holding you back.
You try once to get out of Alex’s grip, but it proves useless as he just holds you back tightly with one arm.
“No come on, call me that again” You egg her on because you were ready for a scrap at this point.
“What are you going to do?” Rita asks you smugly as if she held the upper hand.
“Whatever I fucking like because you’re in our house and there’s no cameras watching our every move here” You say absolutely fuming that she had the nerve to come to where you both lived and call you that.
“‘Our house’?” Rita asks you. She obviously wasn’t expecting that one
“Oh, so your ears do work, good to know…” You sarcastically smile at her.
You continue to say, “So you can hear me when I tell you to get the fuck out”
Her ears must have just magically lost their ability to pick up audio as she doesn’t move at all. She just looks from you to Alex, who was still holding you from behind.  
“Are you joking?” She asks him. “You’re really going to let her scrounge off you after being with her, what, five months?”
“Rita, just fuck off” You hear Alex tell her and you can hear the anger in his voice. You didn’t even want to imagine the expression on his face.
“No Alex, are you actually deluded?” Rita shakes her head at him.
“No Hun, that would be you” You interrupt.
She sends you an evil glare as she says, “Can you just fuck off. I didn’t come here to speak to you”
“No evidently not. You came here to try and get with my boyfriend” You call her out on it.  
“But from the way he’s told you to fuck off numerous times it seems like he’s not really that into you, is he? So, I’ll do him a favour, so he won’t have to tell you again” You say, and you break through Alex’s grip on you and walk towards her.
Something which seemed to surprise both him and Rita and she took a few steps back towards the door with wide eyes, as you walked towards her.
“So out you go” You say watching as she turned around and made her way out of the door.
You encourage her to keep going through, “Yeah that it, just a little bit more so the door doesn’t hit you on your way out”
You hear Alex chuckle a little from behind you then. You hadn’t even done it for humour purposes though. You were literally just seeing red.
“Oh Rita, forgot to tell you something” You call her just before she steps off the entrance to the house.
She turns back to look at you expectantly which makes you smirk because you know that she’ll regret doing it completely.
“Just to make you aware, after this door closes, I’m going to do something you’ve never done and never will” You tell her.  
She glares at you again before saying, “What’s that? Finding someone else to beg and steal from?”
“Oh no, I’m sure you’ve already done that. I mean something you won’t ever do…” You say as you hold the side of the door so you can close it when you want to.
She looks to you expectantly at that point then. You’re surprised she wasn’t tapping her designer heels, waiting for you to speak.  
“I’m going to fuck Alex Turner” You say victoriously.
And just as she’s about to say something else, you slam the door in her face.
You’re fucking raging when you grab Alex’s hand and drag him back through the house.
“I fucking hate that witch” You say as you practically speed walk through the kitchen to get to the lounge. Alex hot on your heels.
“Where are we going?” You hear him ask you.  
“You’re going right there” You say before you push him down, so he’s sat in your usual seat on the settee.
“Y/N” Alex says as you straddle him. He helped you down onto him where he knew you were usually comfortable, but he could see how worked up you were.
“Alex, I’m gunna fuck you right now, so would you like to undress yourself or let me rip your clothes off like I want to” You told him and you felt him grip your hips that bit tighter so you knew he wanted this too.
You saw his Adams apple bob before he just nodded at you. You then attached your lips to his and start to shed off items of clothing.
After you had the most possessive shag of your entire life, you felt completely satisfied. Making Alex tells you that he was yours and halfway through, when he got his brain back into gear and flipped the both of you over, he was making you tell him that you were his.
Something which neither of you would ever forget and the fact that the sex ended with ‘I love you’ kisses just made everything better.
You loved him with everything you had, and you were glad even someone toxic like that could never come between you.
You knew you were endgame, and nothing made you happier.
Taglist: @the-girl-before @murderousginger @minigranger @turnertable @bastillewolf @slothgiirl @billskarsgard-is-gorgeous @watashi-no-namae-wo-yonde @fookingsummertime @marvel-avengers01 @shibuikelsi @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo @gretavanbobatea @chocolatecig @iamnotjesha @rachaeljayne15 @edgythought @when-the-darkness-comes @angelicnobody @marveious @liviasaugusta @boysinskirts @musicmania100 @he4rtbre4khotel @innocte @beckauhhh @whoknowswhatimeant @tony-starks-ego @tobarmaidswhodontcount @elektranxtchiios @bettyschwallocksyee @alexsvacuumcleaner @cornerstqne @halfofwhatisayismeaningless @juicebox-baby @yousuck-marina @nrldswita @dot-writes @skullag @arctic-bloe @babyhoneystvles @timchalamxt @writingismybiggestlove​
Other parts in Masterlist in bio x
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probablyjustamagpie · 3 years
So I wrote this last October, and figured I’d share. Hope you enjoy!
The Witch’s Brew
Inkblot, my raven, perches on my shoulder as I close the door to the dorm, cooing softly to the  rhythm of my roommate’s snores from where she lays among a tangle of blankets. Our morning walk is quiet and uneventful, with the city just barely awake. The autumn air fills my lungs and I feel good despite the rather dreary weather of the morning. The rain patters gently as I walk, and I resolve to make myself a mocha when I get to the store to warm myself up.
The Witch’s Brew is only a few blocks away from the dorm, and is still technically on campus. Nora is already there when I arrive, getting the register ready. Inkblot swoops over to the ornate metal tree that many bird familiars like to inhabit when they come in. Occasionally, the odd raccoon or squirrel familiar will find their place there too.  Nora and I smile at each other, but we don’t talk much unless it’s about work.
As I’m placing the last of the blueberry muffins in the glass display case, the first of the morning coffee rush begins to trickle in. The day always starts the same way, with the early morning regulars hurrying in to get their caffeine fix, off to their office jobs. Nora and I rush to get all the orders out in time; macchiato with a luck enchantment, plain black coffee with a joy enchantment, a regular cinnamon bun, the list only goes on and on and the rain only drums harder and harder on the windows.
The morning coffee surge is still in full swing nearly an hour later, but now it's more tourists and travelers, bright eyed and bushy tailed, sometimes literally. The full moon was last night, so tired werewolves are commonplace this morning.
It’s yet another hour and a half before Micha and Cecily wander in. They'd promised that they were going to stop by, just like every week. By now it was just another part of our routine. Cecily always orders iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and two pumps of vanilla, while Micha likes to switch it up. Neither of them ever asks for an enchantment on their drink.
“What will it be, oh-indecisive-one?” I ask Micha as he stares helplessly at the menu. 
Alphonse, his familiar, peers at me from the pocket in Micha’s hoodie, before scrabbling up his arm and curling his long ferret body around Micha’s shoulders like a fluffy, living scarf.
“Uh, Chai tea? With extra cinnamon?”
“Hot or cold?” “Hot. Seems too late in the year to get it iced.”
“Lame,” interjects Cecily, “It is never too cold for iced coffee!”
“You are a living stereotype,” Micha tells her.
I make their drinks quickly, as they head off to find one of the unclaimed tables among the crowded coffee shop. The Witch’s Brew is a popular place, big windows and lots of seating, though most of it is now taken. Along one side of the main counter, there is a bar of sorts, where people can sit, order drinks, and chat with the baristas as they zip around. It’s there that Micha and Cecily inevitably find themselves..
“It’s only because we don’t want to take up a table. We definitely wouldn’t want to distract you.”
“Mmhmm, somehow I don’t believe you, Cess,” I say, handing them their drinks.
I turn back to the door in time to catch a flash of bright red hair, a smiling face, and a denim jacket coming through the glass doors. My calm demeanor cracks for a moment and I’m certain my mouth won’t close all the way.
There is one girl from school who I am absolutely terrified of talking to, and that's Blaine Rynn, the owner of that bright, soft hair, that kind and stunning smile, that fur-lined and pin-covered jacket. I’ve never seen a pride pin on it, though, and thus is the endless torment of a gay girl.
I whirl back to Micha and Cecily, who snicker. As my best friends they, of course, have been subjected to my endless pining for the one girl I can’t muster the guts to talk too. But Nora is helping someone else, and I shall never cease suffering, so I make my way to the register.
“Hello! Welcome to the Witch’s Brew, what can I get you today?” My brain goes into autopilot, and I plaster on my best customer service smile.
“I’ll get an iced caramel mocha - for here, please.”
That only reminds me of the mocha I never made this morning, and suddenly I wish I was making that instead. Nevertheless, I try to make some semblance of conversation, though my voice shakes just a little.  “Squeezing out the last few days of the season?”
“It's never too cold for iced coffee.”
I laugh a little, finally look Blaine in the eyes, and smile. Tamping down the little flare in my chest, I try to return to the task at hand. Iced coffee year-round does not mean she’s gay, despite to jokes Micha and I make.
“Anything else?” My voice comes out an octave too high.
“Uh, maybe a blueberry muffin too. Luck enchantment on the coffee, please.”
I nod, and ring her up, silent. I no longer trust my voice.
“I like your glasses by the way. They’re cute.” Blaine says, before finding a table.
“Thanks!” I say, and  in that moment, my face gets oh-so-very warm.
Her order shouldn’t take much time, but it takes longer for me to make than normal due to Micha and Cecily winking at me and making faces. The sigil for the enchantment is easy enough when I cast it on her glass, and using my magic steals something inside me, easing the stormy sea that is my stomach.
I place it delicately at her table, and she smiles so brightly when I give it to her that I almost ask her out right there, but I hold myself back. You hardly know her, Tia, I try to remind myself. Well, you know she volunteers at the aquarium, and takes bio with Iris, and that she’s a selkie. You know Blaine has the best smiles and her choppy bob is perpetually messy in a stylish way, and she always steps on the crunchy leaves, and-
I shake my head a little as I make my way back to the counter. That line of thinking never leads anywhere good.
“Have you asked her out yet?” Cecily asks.
“Just do it! What could go wrong?”
“So, so much. She could be straight, she could be homophobic, she could just plain not be interested!”
“But do you know that?” Micha adds.
“No?” I despise his voice of reason.
“Then ask!” they say at the same time.
“I - no. Too much could go wrong.”
Cecily grabs a pen from the counter, and scribbles a note on the just slightly coffee-stained napkin next to her.
He swoops over, and lands at her side.
“Give this to the selkie over in the window, please.”
In a traitorous swish of black feathers, he does. 
“Cecily!” I say, loudly enough that a patron or two gives me a look.
I look over at Blaine, who seems perplexed at the bird now trying to drop a napkin in her drink. When she grabs it though, and reads it, her face turns a light shade of pink. It's a really cute blush, in all honesty, and her freckles contrast against the red of her cheeks.
I watch as she stands up, and Inkblot flutters back to me, like he didn’t sign my death warrant. As she makes her way over, I swear someone must have done a time freeze spell, because even the rain seems to stop.
“Was this yours?”
“Yeah, the little traitor bird belongs to me.”
Blaine laughs a bit, and the full force of her smile shines on me, rendering me somewhat speechless.
“I think my luck enchantment worked. I’ll, uh, call you tonight?”
“Yeah, tonight works.” I give her a smile too, and the little flare in my chest turns to a blaze.
As Blaine walks back to her table, Micha gives me a ‘I told you so’ look, which Alphonse mimics. I can’t help but laugh at how easy and simple that was, and how light I feel now. 
“Perhaps, just maybe, I should listen to you two more often.”
Cecily and Micha leave soon after, coffee finished and homework looming,  and I find the rest of the day passes in a blur. When I leave the shop in the late afternoon, there’s a spring in my step and I practically float, despite not casting any spells. Inkblot soars above me, enjoying the clear sky. The leaves seem a little brighter in color on the few trees along the sidewalk, the sky a fresh, bright blue after the morning rain.
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foryouthegays · 4 years
Nothing goes wrong. [Dream SMP] liveblog
ok im not gonna say anythin abt before 20 mins in bc its p standard but i will say that as SOON as phil messages techno chat spams blood for the blood god and it barely stops the entire time, its incredible 
kills: 00:37:25, 00:37:40, 00:55:20
i LOVE his ‘if theres no other way, I CHOOSE BLOOD’ line at 00:37:00. its just,,,,,it shows his new justice system where he treats others how they treat him even before he makes that speech i love it so much. also he spams potions like how he does in skywars and it makes me happy. honestly a lot of this stream reminds me of skywars like how he went through quackitys stuff and ran nd stuff. maybe ive been watchin too much techno skywars
also durin that first fight, techno only looses half a heart. against FOUR PEOPLE hes too powerful
does techno saying “bs” count as swearing (00:39:40)
techno insultin his kidnappers is the funniest thing to me like hes outnumbered outgeared and he still makes fun of them and theyre still scared of him asdjkfsdalkfj
00:55:00 I HAVE A PICKAXE, AND I’LL PUT IT THROUGH YOUR TEETH i need some fanart of that right now wljdflkasjf also durin that fight techno looses  2.5 hearts at the end. in iron armor. against a diamond axe. using a netherite pickaxe. with a bad fov. why is he like this. 
techno on his horse by the ocean gives me big ‘beating minecraft with tnt falling on me every 10 seconds’ or w/ever vibes. if u havent watched that stream, u should, its great, he has a horse named rocket w diamond horse armor and i love him. 
just realized my head hurt bc i was clenchin my jaws so much. whoops
techno literally has a boat in his inventory when hes like “theres a boat!!!! :D” skdfjlksajf (01:02:20)
the whole raccoon innit thing starts at 01:08:20 btw :)
techno gettin distracted w the skeletons killin each other is so funny to me hfdgksal (a min or so after raccoon innit happens)
01:09:45 tommys scream is so funny to me can someone find how many hearts he looses from that bc i am crying ghfdjksla 
i think techno has the alphabet memorized. not like, the alphabet song, but like he knows what letter are around each letter without going through the alphabet and idk why but it makes me laugh. i think this bc at 01:16:11 tommys like ‘what, f?’ and techno says, not a second later, ‘no. close to that, though.’ and that is NOT enough time to go through nd find f in the alphabet nd then find where e is compared to it. therefore, he is a nerd. also i love him
01:20:00 this is everything to technoblade: Phil, Carl, and then his items. 
im so gay for technos yelling voice. like. hhgnng he
“if we’re being serious, for a millisecond, dickhead,” :LDSFJLKSDJ I LOVE TOMMY 01:22:25
technos ‘join me.’ at 01:23:25 is SO GOOD AHHHHHHHH
vault/welcome home theseus is at 01:27:10 :D i might start calling it theseus’ vault bc that sounds cool to me
ALRIGHT so in the vault techno has 167 skulls on display. thats 56. withers. they r gonna cause SO much chaos i love it. AND thats probably not all of them ahhHHH I LOVE TECHNOBLADE SO MUCH. LMANBURG IS SO SCREWED A;LDKJFALK 
also thats only if i did my math right a;lksdfjaslk
i have decided that the best trio is techno, tommy, and ranboo. they all just jump all over the place with topics and i thin the convo at 01:56:25 shows it p well
Tommy: Technoblade, why havent you face revealed yet? 
techno: I-I have
Tommy: well, answered that quick
ranboo: *laughs* that answers that question
techno: that was resolved really easily!
tommy: why don’t you do it again?
techno:....what would be the point?
ranboo: yeah, what would be the point??
tommy: because then it would be like -stutters- it would be, you know, easy, good video because there’s so many people who dont know what you look like
techno: ehhhh ill find a good moment at some point
tommy: you could face reveal with me, bro!! we could face reveal together!
techno: ahhh finally, we’ll know what tommyinnit looks like 
ranboo: -laughing- thank god! that was one of the unsolved mysteries of the world
techno: unsolved mysteries of minecraft, what does tommyinnit look like 
ranboo: what does tommy actually look like? 
tommy: hey! speakin of unsolved mysteries, lets talk- lets talk psychology. what- what would be- you know, not the worst one you know, but just the worst word?
ranboo: I’m going to- I- if i hear this question one more time i’m going- i dont know what im going to do. i can’t do anything at this point
techno: ....cactus. 
tommy: ????cactus??? 
ranboo: that is a bad word, i cant believe you said that, 
tommy: -unintelligible- it is cacti, my friend, not cactusus 
techno: I’m sorry
ranboo: how could you say that on stream? 
techno: I’m sorry
tommy: it’s not cactusus, technoblade, its cacti
techno: i- i am aware  
ranboo: you- you gotta stop sayin it.
tommy: cacti almost sounds like a terrible, terrible slur right now
techno: please, please stop saying that- please stop sayin that word
tommy: what, cacti?
ranboo: AHHHH cmon, cmon tommy
techno: you cant use that word!
techno: WOAHHHHH WOAH WOAH -laughs-
techno: thats just not how this works, tommy!!!
tommy: eyyy man im just me, im just me- OOOH i have a novel to write!
ranboo:....where did that come from??? 
techno: i thought you were already...done with that? 
god theyre so chaotic i love them so much
also yall are WRONG abt eret soundin like techno. ranboo sounds like techno. not in like, a really big way, but when theyre both monotone they sound similar and i love it. this is great
this is actually the most ive laughed at the smp in so long PLEASE go watch the entire techno ranboo tommy interaction its so funny technos just *long, long sigh* ranboos just ???????? and tommys just !!!!!!!! its amazing im crying 
technos such a dad to these kids oh my god his voice at 02:12:40 was so disappointed just ‘do not do that.’ he sounded like a parent on a trip to disneyland and his kids r like, hanging out the window of the car or smthing adjfaslkfkadsl techno :handshake: phil [being tommys dad] and also ranboo is bullying him its so funny i love it
“in the small event that your internet goes off or you get hit by a car,” TOMMY THAT IS NOT A SMALL EVENT WHA T 2:21:30
this is so fuckin funny this end of stream stuff is gonna be a comfort stream 
“what does the moon make you think about?” “it makes me think about the moon” ALSFJDSKJFDSL 2:32:10
techno makin fun of ranboos defense of bein peer pressured,,,,,,,m’dude that was the reason u killed tubbo how is that ANY different (2:33:50) (yes i know he mentions it but FHGJKSDL)
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killherfreakout · 4 years
i’ve got the touch placebo
elu au / 5.2k words
“You don’t remember a lot of things.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas’ voice cracks slightly when he asks, those oceans looking like high tide. Eliott’s heart drops to his stomach at the question. Does he tell him, or does he keep that kiss locked away as the secret they didn’t know they were keeping?
or: Lucas kissed Eliott after a few too many one night; three times Eliott almost brings it up, and the one time he does.
It all started by accident, really. Eliott falling for Lucas, that is. He’s always had a little crush on his best friend, but one night changed everything. 
It all started when Lucas kissed him. But, you see, that’s the problem - that was months ago. Lucas kissed him, and absolutely nothing was different between them. Eliott doesn’t know if Lucas just regrets it and pretends it didn’t happen, or if he’s waiting for Eliott to bring it up, or worse: he doesn’t remember.
Sure, Lucas may have had a few too many that night, but was it really enough to make him forget? Enough to have absolutely no memory of something that completely turned Eliott’s world upside down?
If a drunken kiss was all it really was, Eliott doesn’t know what to do. But if it was more, he wouldn’t know the first thing either.  
Sometimes Eliott thinks he’s got enough love for the both of them, and perhaps that is enough. Or at least he’s trying to convince himself that it is.
Eliott is perched on the edge of Emma’s balcony where he slipped out of the party going on inside, opting for some fresh air and a smoke. The gang and the girls are celebrating the end of terminale and Eliott comes to join the fun even though he has another uni exam before he’s finally free. It’s a warm summer night and a slight breeze offers some relief from the muggy air and crowded apartment. The moon keeps him company until he’s joined by another warm body in search of his.
Lucas nearly trips over the lip of the balcony door and giggles at his own misstep. Eliott tries his best not to laugh, but a small chuckle escapes, earning him a retort from the other boy.
“Hey! Are you laughing at me?” Lucas asks after he tips back the rest of the bottle of vodka he’s holding, his voice higher than normal and cracking towards the end. It’s way too endearing for Eliott that he smiles around the rolled paper between his lips.
He doesn’t respond, and next thing he knows, Lucas lunges forward and snatches the joint right out of his hand in retaliation. Eliott looks at him in disbelief and Lucas has a devilish grin on his face, again way too endearing to be taken seriously. 
Lucas tilts his chin and chest out with pride and brings the joint to his lips. He takes a long hit, breathing in deep and feeling the strength of the weed. He coughs and hands the joint back to its owner as he recovers.
“That is good shit, fuck,” Lucas adds when he regains his breath. “And expensive, I bet.”
Eliott does one of his signature shrugs. “I know a guy” is all he says to that.
Lucas scoffs at his smug reply and comes to join him on the edge of the balcony. He sits on the ledge with his back against the wall and hugs his legs close to his chest. Eliott’s heart skips a beat at how small he looks.
Lucas unwraps his arms and reaches one out to Eliott, a gap between his first and second fingers in a silent plea for the joint again. Eliott obliges and transfers it to him, hands touching for a fleeting moment - the weed is nothing in comparison to the high he gets from moments like this.
There’s a wrinkle in Lucas’ brow when he notices something. The joint in his hand points to Eliott’s, specifically a faint smudge of black on his right hand. 
“Otteli strikes again?” Lucas is amused at himself and Eliott tries not to indulge him. “I’m best friends with a famous urbex artist, I might have to use that as a pick up line someday.”
The words cut deep coming from him. Sometimes Eliott forgets about his enormous crush on his best friend because everything is so easy with them, but other times - like this - it’s hard to forget. Eliott hides behind the smoke, hoping his face doesn’t give him away.
“I‘m not sure how effective that will be, but...” he raises his hands in acquiescence. 
“Of course it will work!” Lucas’ voice is wet and nasaly and still fucking adorable. “I mean, you’re basically the French Banksy.”
“I wish,” Eliott laughs. “They’re rich and not just tagging places with their spirit animal.” He picks at his cuticles and stares at the remnants of spray paint on his skin, suddenly insecure and words sounding more bitter than he planned.
Something changes on Lucas’ face. “Your tag is fucking cool!” His face goes back to before, features softened by the weed and alcohol aglow in the city lights and embers of the joint. 
Eliott’s heart keeps skipping a beat at every compliment, but especially at the adorable declaration of the love of his silly signature raccoon tag.
“And need I remind you that you’re rich? I mean,” Lucas pinches the joint between his thumb and forefinger, raising it to prove his point.
Lucas hops down from the ledge and stumbles a bit; he finds the vodka bottle again and frowns when he realizes he already emptied it. 
“I may need to marry rich, what with the way my bac went, to be honest.” Lucas is walking across the balcony, bringing the heel of one shoe in front of the toes of the other, wobbling with each step.
He looks extremely focused even though his movements are lazy and slow. And suddenly he gasps as a lightbulb goes off in his head, face lighting up -  both Lucas and Eliott’s. “I know! I’ll just marry you if it doesn’t work out. There, problem solved.”
And no amount of warning could prepare Eliott for a sentence like that coming out of Lucas’ mouth. This time his heart drops straight down to the street two stories below.
Lucas nearly faceplants when he steps on his own shoelace, but Eliott slides off the ledge in time to catch him before he falls. They lock eyes for what feels like the first and only time ever; Lucas’ intense, big, blue doe eyes meeting his and quite literally steal his breath away.
Lucas retreats from their embrace for another hit, the joint burning shorter and shorter.
Eliott sputters, trying to think of a way to change the subject before he melts into a puddle. “We won’t be getting married if you keep smoking all of my weed,” he tries as a comeback. 
Lucas looks up at him like a deer in headlights or a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar. He looks down at the joint that has about one hit left in it, then that devilish look grows on his face once again.
Eliott swears that time stops just for them as he watches every move Lucas makes like it’s at half speed. The joint is closed between Lucas’ bitten lips, and suddenly Eliott feels the smoke in his lungs when the other boy leans forward and presses their lips together.
It’s so sudden and unexpected that it makes Eliott’s mouth open wider in a gasp, and Lucas takes it as an invitation to test the waters. He slips a tongue into Eliott’s open mouth, and Eliott thinks he is in both heaven and hell. 
Eliott instinctively reciprocates the kiss until he gets a grip and tastes the alcohol on Lucas’ tongue, reminding him of the fact that Lucas is not sober enough to warrant this. He pulls back, cheeks flushed, but Lucas looks unaffected - like nothing earth-shattering just happened.
Eliott’s phone rings in his pocket; turns out Idriss left his keys at the apartment and needs Eliott to let him in.
Lucas notices the interruption and, with a gravelly voice, says, “Sorry about the weed,” before stepping inside, tripping on the threshold again.
Eliott stares at the moon high in the sky who was witness to his entire world being flipped upside down. He takes a deep breath and walks down the stairs to retrieve his heart from the ground. 
Eliott is sitting on the dock of the lake with his feet dipping into the crystal blue water below, weight held up by his arms outstretched behind him. The remaining droplets on his tanning skin quickly evaporate into the warm summer air, leaving a cool sensation in their wake. 
There’s some shouting and splashing from the far side of the lake where Basile, Arthur, and Yann are jumping off the neighbor’s dock and trampoline. Eliott had his fun with them earlier and went for a cooldown on his own while he watched the guys perform backflip after backflip.
The usual suspects have all traveled to Arthur’s beach house to kick off the gang’s last summer before they go separate ways for university. The girls are here too; they went inside to fix dinner for everyone while the boys spent the sun’s dying hours out on the water.
Lucas is swimming his way back over to Arthur’s dock and Eliott sits up in anticipation of his return. 
It’s been a total of 72 hours since the night of the party. The night that the love of Eliott’s life and best friend of over 10 years had kissed him. Not so accidentally, but also not quite on purpose.
He hadn’t even had a full conversation with Lucas since that night - the day after the other boy had the world’s worst hangover, the next Eliott was taking his last final exam of the semester, and then they were at the lake. Lucas had fallen asleep against the window for most of the car ride and every other waking moment was full of Basile’s ill-timed jokes and Emma’s ramblings over her recent Tinder dates. 
In other words, there was no appropriate time or place to bring up the situation. No opportunity to ask, hey, remember when you kissed me haha? And Eliott didn’t want to say it like that, so nonchalant and in sing-song with a poke to the ribs. Because it meant something to him, more than he ever thought a drunken kiss could, and because it would kill him to make Lucas think that it meant anything less. 
It’s like that night Lucas gave him this enormous heavy feeling but in a physical form - held it in his hands and said here, hold this and left, but not without Eliott’s heart. And Eliott was left holding on to it, this thing he couldn’t quite find the word or feeling for, and a hole where his heart should be. And it’s softened now, melted, turned to liquid and still losing shape. And with every glance and hidden smile more and more slips from his hands. 
Eliott is violently brought back to his senses when everything in his vision is darkened by the shadow of Lucas climbing up the ladder of the dock and blocking the setting sun. Eliott’s eyes involuntarily rake down the boy before him, all sun-soaked skin and water dripping from every pore. He catches himself after a second too long, obvious even under the sunglasses he has on. He tilts his head back up to Lucas standing at the edge of the dock - taller than him for once - and the sight makes Eliott’s insides shift. 
Eliott’s eyes adjust to the lack of direct sunlight, squinting up at him. He watches as Lucas brings both of his hands through his wet locks, putting his skin on display as the water that Eliott swam in returns to the air, reflecting what’s left of the day’s rays as they go. Eliott feels a shiver run down his spine - be it at the sight in front of him or the now dry surface of his own skin.
“You coming?”
Before he realizes, there’s a hand being offered to him. Eliott’s brain is a few steps behind and he takes the hand when it catches up. Lucas pulls him up and he’s back to being the taller one, although he still feels at Lucas’ mercy. 
Lucas leads the way back to the house, leaving wet footprints on the dock and concrete of the patio. Eliott follows and uses the prints as relief from the scorching surface. Lucas grabs the towel hanging on the patio chair, rubs it into his wet hair, then lets the damp material hang around his neck. 
And there it is, finally: a moment where he could bring it up. A chance to give back the heavy, shifting feeling he’s been holding since. Ask him if he remembers, if he meant it, if he regrets it. The shapeless thing he carries starts to move again, starts to form into something akin to the shape he was given. He can give it back. 
Eliott stands there looking at Lucas, eyes flicking down to the lips he can’t stop thinking about on his own. They’re red and chapped now, a product of sun and salt. He holds in a breath and forces his eyes up to Lucas’, which are darting around the patio looking for something. 
The moment is there and then it’s gone - and the thing starts to slip yet again, just as the water had off of Lucas’ back. 
“Hey, did you bring any chapstick, by chance?” Lucas asks when he can’t find what he’s looking for.
That’s another thing that happens sometimes: Eliott thinks about something and the next minute Lucas brings it up, or vise versa. Like noticing his chapped lips conjured Lucas to search for relief. 
“Uh, yeah.” Eliott walks over to the bedroom he and Lucas and Arthur share through the back door and returns with it. 
He hands it over to Lucas; the gesture feels strangely intimate given the context of Eliott’s feelings toward him, the context that their lips have touched now. It feels coded with something more than a favor for a friend, and hurts more than it should. 
“Thanks,” Lucas says before removing the cap and pushing the balm onto the split skin. 
Eliott can imagine the minty balm stinging the cracks in the other boy’s lips and swears he can feel the same tingly sensation on his own, even without having used it all day. 
It’s entirely innocent, but it gets Eliott’s heartbeat to quicken at the thought of using the chapstick after him. It doesn’t have to mean anything - Lucas borrowing his chapstick - but it does. It’s as if the tube of balm is a placebo for the real thing - having his lips pressed to Lucas’ again - but still just as effective. 
And technically another moment presents itself: the topic of lips, specifically both of theirs, sharing something like the lip balm. 
Think, Eliott, think. He could casually comment on the party, ask how bad the hangover was, anything to get the ball rolling. But the second Lucas returns his gaze and places the tube in his hands again, all rational thought leaves his mind at once. 
The silence is starting to grow uncomfortable until Lucas breaks it.
“How was your exam, by the way?” He shoves some hair behind his ear and rubs his lips together to spread the product.
“Uh, it was fine,” Eliott answers, watching the movement. Something blooms in his chest at Lucas asking about it, the genuine curiosity present on his golden face.
Say something, anything about the party. 
He gets an idea. 
“You know—” He stops when Lucas puts the towel back on the chair to dry. The remaining sunlight hits just right, the balm on his lips shiny and intoxicating. Eliott swallows and starts again. “You know, if college doesn’t work out I could always marr—” 
“Lucas, there you are!” Arthur shouts as the trio come walking through the patio to get inside.
The look on the younger boy’s face turns bright at the sight of his friends, high points of his cheeks dusted pink with sun and stars sprinkled on his nose in the form of freckles. Yann shoves his shoulder and the skin turns white before returning to the pinkish tan. The skin is soon covered in cotton when Lucas shrugs his shirt on. 
Lucas bites the corner of his bottom lip and gives Eliott a glance over his shoulder when he follows the guys inside - a glance that could be saying something, but Eliott’s not sure what.
Eliott makes his way to the kitchen and pours some drinks and thanks the girls for preparing the meal. Everyone sits around the counter and some at the table nearby; Lucas takes the seat across from him. 
There’s chatter between the girls and the gang that Eliott feels slightly disconnected from, but he focuses on filling his empty stomach with food. 
“Eli, what were you going to say, outside?” Lucas inquires, not in a whisper but not loud enough to draw attention towards them.
And there’s another moment, right there for the taking. Lucas literally asks about it - possibly without even intending to. 
Lucas looks at him while taking another bite then puts his fork down to take his napkin and wipe the pasta sauce - and chapstick - off his mouth. 
Eliott’s chest feels tight again, the heavy feeling still there but no longer physically. No way he can hold it and give it back now. The moment is gone like the sun for the day, only leaving what it has touched behind.
The placebo burns a hole in the pocket of his boardshorts. “It was nothing.”
Eliott hates drinking. He’s not a fan of the taste of beer, wine is okay only if it’s expensive, and liquor is gross unless mixed with so much sugar that makes the hangover even worse than straight alcohol.
He finds himself in a gay bar with Lucas celebrating Mika’s half-birthday because Mika decided that ‘6 months is too long’ to celebrate.
It has now been two months since the kiss and neither of them have said a word about it. The unnamed thing Lucas dropped into his hands has vanished, no way of returning it to its owner. Every day is harder to pretend and even harder to speak up. 
The birthday boy is already on his way to being wasted living it up on the dance floor and Eliott sits next to Lucas at the bar. Lucas is on his second beer and Eliott has a melting vodka tonic in front of him. The DJ takes a short break and the music changes to quieter radio jams through the house speakers instead of the mixing table.
“So?” Lucas asks behind his beer bottle, tilting his chin in the direction of a handsome guy across the bar. “Aren’t you gonna go over there and talk to him?”
Eliott looks at the sweaty glass on the countertop and quickly glances over to the him Lucas refers. He picks up the glass and raises it in the guy’s direction as a thank you and sips the thin black straw. It’s strong but watery and makes his lips pucker.
“Isn’t he the one who’s supposed to make the move?” Eliott answers Lucas’ question with one of his own and flags the bartender for water instead.
Lucas points to the drink. “Well, technically, he already did.” Eliott huffs. 
The music picks up again as the DJ puts on another mix, volume even louder than before, or perhaps it’s just loud in comparison to the radio.
Eliott raises his voice and leans into Lucas’ ear. “What if I’m not interested?”
When he pulls back, they share a look similar to the one at Arthur’s lakehouse with the same indescribable meaning. There’s also something different this time in the way Lucas intentionally keeps his gaze. 
It’s dark on this side of the club but when the flashing lights hit the side of Lucas’ face he notices the contrast of his crystal eyes and his blown pupils. Eliott thinks if he stares any longer he’ll drown in their oceans.
To stay afloat, Eliott turns back toward the mirrored wall behind the bar and grabs his water to sip. The second the liquid touches his tongue he realizes it’s not the water he reached for, but the vodka soda. He winces in reaction and shoves the glass toward the lip of the counter out of his reach.
He can feel Lucas’ eyes on him and then in the direction of the sender of the drink. Eliott gathers the courage to look again, but he shouldn’t have - the determined scowl of his brow hurts more than the back of his throat when he puts together what Lucas plans to do.
Lucas reaches for the drink at the edge of the bar and brings it to his lips, tongue darting out to catch the thin black straw he closes his lips around, downing as much of the concoction as he can stomach. 
Still looking at the guy across the bar, Lucas says, “Then I’ll tell him you say thanks for the drink.” 
Eliott’s soul is soaked when he sees the blue of Lucas' glance as he makes his way over to the other end of the bar.
Over the next two hours Eliott nurses his glass of water from his seat and tortures himself by watching Lucas dance dangerously close to the stranger that hit on him with a new drink in hand.
Eliott directs his attention to the glass Lucas emptied when it gets too much to bear. The black straw sits in the glass of ice staring him down and he gets a new urge to drink the remnants of alcohol from it. Perhaps it’s a new prescription of placebo that would work better than the drink itself.
Eliott steps out for a cigarette later, in need of the fresh air more than the smoke in his lungs, but it gives him something to do instead of sulking in a room of dancing strangers. 
Lucas comes to find him minutes after, no handsome stranger on his arm. 
“Okay. My head hurts so bad I can’t stay a second longer,” he says instead of a greeting, words slurred and movements wobbly. 
“Where’s Mika?” Eliott asks, helping him stand up straighter.
Lucas giggles. “He went home with a guy like two hours ago.”
“Oh,” he hadn’t even noticed. “What about the guy and the drink?” Eliott clenches his jaw and looks around expecting him to show up.
Lucas giggles again, and the sound makes Eliott’s heart flutter - it flutters then stops at what he says next.
“Don’t worry, Demaury, no one is coming between our eventual marriage.”
Eliott trips on a bump in the sidewalk and Lucas falls into his side. 
And just like that, he’s back at the lake again – the sting of a moment there and gone – and he’s sinking deeper and deeper.
Everything seems to happen by accident ever since the night on the balcony. 
Eliott hadn’t even planned on going back to Lucas’ flat, but after the party was shut down prematurely, Lucas asked if he wanted to come inside for another beer. And it’s not like Eliott had the heart to say no. He definitely didn’t plan to stay this late, but he also doesn’t want to leave.
“I thought you said you were going to lay off the weed now that you’re ‘taking your studies seriously.’” Eliott grins as he watches Lucas light the joint hanging from his lips. 
“I don’t remember saying that,” says Lucas, leaning his head back on the couch and releasing smoke from his lips. 
His pursed lips carve out the hollows of his cheekbones and plants a rather dirty image in Eliott’s mind. The movement also makes his hair bounce a little; it’s messy and fluffy from when he shrugged his hoodie off when they came inside. Eliott has to busy his hands with the frayed edge of his jeans so as to not reach out and touch.
Eliott pivots from his stare and instead laughs at Lucas’ nonchalance and the irony that he said that while high.
Lucas’ eyes stay closed for a moment before slowly blinking them back open. His long lashes fan over his cheeks like that of a renaissance painting as he’s bathed in a muted golden light from the kitchen. The eyes underneath them look tired, probably due to the lack of sleep that comes with the first year of university Eliott knows too well. The oceans of blue aren’t any less breathtaking, though; Eliott has to look away before he drowns in them once again.
Eliott takes a sip from the plastic cup he filled with water once it was empty of beer. He feels his heart shift and twists in his chest like it does when he looks at Lucas too long, performing a somersault when he feels the ghost of those lips on his. 
Eliott’s words just slip out, his mumbling echoes in the plastic pressed to his lips. “Yeah, you don’t remember a lot of things.” 
It’s almost quiet enough that he could have gotten away with it, but not quite. He can tell he’s been caught by the furrow of Lucas’ brow and the confused tilt of his head - which is way more endearing than it should be.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas’ voice cracks slightly when he asks, those oceans looking like high tide. Eliott’s heart drops to his stomach at the question. Does he tell him, or does he keep that kiss locked away as the secret they didn’t know they were keeping?
Lucas slowly wets his lips and worries one between his teeth in anticipation. It’s like a knife to Eliott’s gut, piercing through his heart where it rests there. 
Eliott scrambles for an answer, panicking and lacking the courage to tell the truth. “I mean maybe this is all going to your head.” He makes a vague gesture to the smoke wafting the air between them. Not like he meant anything else.
Lucas takes a page out of his book and gives him a one-shouldered shrug before sitting up and putting out the joint in the ashtray on the coffee table. He takes a moment like he’s trying to decide his next move, then gets up and runs a hand through his hair. God, that hair.
He goes to the kitchen and cleans up, leaving Eliott to sit in the awkward space he left. Eliott takes his phone out of his pocket and checks his notifications, noticing it’s already almost 4am. As in, no buses back to his place at this hour.
“Maybe you’re right. I’m super tired so,” Lucas turns his body in the direction of his bedroom indicating he’s going to turn in.
“Yeah, um,” is all Eliott can find in response, shifting on the couch to settle into a position for sleep.
“Come on, Eliott, I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.”
“No, it’s fine—”
“You’re literally too tall and don’t even fit on that couch. Come on,” Lucas insists, cracking a smile.
And what is he supposed to do, deny him? 
So they fall asleep in Lucas’ bed — without bringing up the kiss. Eliott doesn’t know how much longer he can breathe under the pressure. 
Eliott startles awake with Lucas too close for comfort; they’re facing each other in the middle of the bed even though there’s plenty of room on either side.
Lucas is wearing an expression he’s never seen before, although he never seems to be able to read him these days. Eliott wants to ask about it, but gets lost in those eyes again, looking tired but somehow refreshed like he’s been awake for a while.
And Lucas does that thing again, bringing up what he’s thinking without fail.
“We’re okay, right?” Lucas asks softly, like the words burn on his tongue as he says them.
Eliott studies his face again, an openness to it that wasn’t there before – like he wants to talk about it seriously this time, no more dancing around.
“Yeah, of course,” he takes a breath and lowers his tone, matching the sincerity of Lucas’, “Why wouldn’t we be?”
 Lucas twists his mouth and answers, “I just, I feel like things have been weird between us since Mika’s half-birthday. Is there— did I do something?”
And do something he did - he brought up their wedding talk on the way home and basically confirmed he remembers that night at Emma’s, and maybe the kiss. But Eliott can’t find it in him to ask, but can’t stand not asking any longer.
Lucas looks expectant now, an adorable wrinkle forms on his forehead and those eyes are crystal clear. If it’s his eyes that pull him in, it’s his lips that pull him under.
Eliott removes his hand from under his pillow and slowly raises it near Lucas’ face resting in front of him. Eliott’s gaze is drawn to those lips again, the ones he can’t ever seem to stop thinking about in the phantom touch from months ago. Lucas’ tongue peeks out to wet them followed by teeth trapping one, which makes Eliott sink further. 
His hand tenderly brushes Lucas’ rosy cheek and thumb rests near the corner of his mouth, the touch causing Lucas’ breath to hitch and release the pillowy flesh from his teeth.
Eliott quickly looks up at Lucas again, only to find the other boy’s eyes trained on Eliott’s lips now. It’s enough confirmation Eliott needs to do what he’s been wanting to since the day at the lake. And he doesn’t want to swim around it anymore, it’s finally time to reveal the truth.
He delicately strokes his thumb over Lucas’ red bitten bottom lip. “You really don’t remember?” 
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Lucas speechless before, at least not like this. Perhaps absentmindedly Eliott strokes his lips again, and it’s the closest thing to a kiss he’s had since the one on the balcony. It’s too much and not enough, and also the closest placebo to the real thing.
Eliott suddenly gets nervous that Lucas has no idea what he’s talking about, and that the breath caught in the other boy’s throat is not a sign of remembrance but of surprise to the incredibly intimate touch without the context of that night.
He hopes he hasn’t misread Lucas’ mind, for that would be the first time they’ve been on different wavelengths in years. Sure this whole fiasco was push and pull of avoiding the truth, but there was always some unspoken understanding present even so. Eliott feels he’s in too deep and Lucas is just floating, too much darkness and pressure between them. 
Eliott retracts his hand like he’s caught flame, silently begging for forgiveness as he meets Lucas’ eyes again. 
And this time it’s Eliott who can’t breathe. Lucas inches even closer, eyes flicking back down to Eliott’s lips once more. He whispers hotly in the limited space between their lips. “Make me remember.”
After days and weeks and months of waiting, dying, drowning, Eliott gets his fix as Lucas presses his sinful lips in a kiss – a completely and intentionally purposeful kiss. A kiss that pulls Eliott up so quickly he gets the bends, muscles and bones aching from the speed of his ascent, head and heart feeling lighter than ever.
“Lucas—” Eliott sighs, everything this means dawning on him.
“I know. Me too,” Lucas interrupts before locking Eliott’s lips again.
They indulge in the taste of each other with nothing to hold them down, eager and wanting like all kisses should be. He’ll never have to refill the script for placebo ever again, too busy getting high on the real thing.
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years
The Great Marriage License Mystery
Read on AO3
Magnus groans, back feeling like hell. He lifts himself up and immediately falls off the couch landing directly on his back onto a stack of red solo cups.
“Fuck,” he shouts out as he rolls to the side to lift himself up, a party mask on a stick digging into his side.
“Stop being so loud,” a female voice he knows well grumbles from above. Magnus finally lifts himself up into a sitting position to see Isabelle lying face down surrounded by a nest of multi colored feather boas on the couch opposite the one he’d just fallen from.
Magnus finds the inner strength to stand looking around the room. It’s his apartment, not that he remembers coming home at all, and it’s a wreck. Cups, half empty bottles of liquor and an array of party favors from the evening’s festivities cover every surface. His paintings on the walls are crooked, the strip of photobooth pictures that he and Alec had taken on their trip to Tokyo for their one-month anniversary are sitting sadly in a puddle of something. He walks over squinting his eyes against the sunlight streaming in and pics up the photo strip shaking them out best he can.
He sniffs them confirming the liquid to be vodka and not something worse. He pins them back up on the corkboard where they belong smiling at the happy looks on their faces despite the fact his head feels like there’s a tiny gnome with a hatchet running around inside of it.  
Isabelle shifts on the couch lying on her back now.
“Did we die?” she asks eyes still closed.
“Unfortunately not,” Magnus says picking up a pink cowboy hat from the chair nearest to him and plopping down into it heavily.
“What time is it?” she asks pulling a few of the feather boas around her like a blanket.
Magnus looks down at his watch about to answer when his bedroom door suddenly slams open. A flash of long red hair streaks across the apartment headed straight for the bathroom.
Clary shuts the door behind her and an unfortunate heaving sound follows. Izzy sits up quickly eager to get to her fiancée, a decision she clearly immediately regrets if the way she woozily lies back down is anything to go by.
The bathroom door swings open a moment later, Alec steps out looking disheveled as hell wearing a Hunter’s moon t-shirt he definitely hadn’t been wearing when the night before had started.
“I don’t recommend sleeping in a bathtub when you’re 6”4,” he says voice gravelly from misuse. He squints his eyes grabbing a pair of sunglasses laying on the table as he walks past it and slips them on. “You might want to check on your fiancée, she’s throwing up half her body in there.”
Alec sits down heavily on the couch beside his sister patting her on the shoulder. She nods, takes a deep breath and centers herself standing up slowly. This time she makes it picking her way through the trash littering the floor her 8-inch heels somehow still secured to her feet.
“Your weddings in like four hours, just a reminder!” Magnus shouts and wishes he hadn’t. Judging from the way Alec plugs his ears and Izzy flips him off no one else does either. Hangovers all around it seems, a sign of a good bachelorette party.
Magnus listens for a few moments to Isabelle softly reassuring Clary, heels clicking on the tile of the bathroom floor. He looks over at his boyfriend once again heaving himself to stand and flop down beside him on the bed of boas.
“Good morning baby,” Alec grumbles lifting his arm and wrapping it around Magnus’ shoulders. Magnus hums reaching up and entangling his fingers with Alec’s. He shifts enough to toss his legs over Alec’s and looks down noticing a piece of white paper sticking out from his pocket.
He raises his eyebrows leaning back enough to pull the paper from his pocket. He unfolds it and practically jolts up from the couch. In looping script that looks like Isabelle’s is his name and what appears to be one half of a marriage license.
“Ummm Magnus!” Isabelle yells rushing out of the bathroom and directly to them on the couch. Alec shifts seemingly having fallen back asleep. She shakes a piece of paper in his face almost identical to his half. “This was in MY pocket.”
Magnus takes it from her lining it up with his. A piece of the full sheet is still missing only the last name Lightwood on Isabelle’s section the first name missing. She falls beside him seeing the almost full document.
“There’s no way,” he says laughing nervously. There’s no way.
Isabelle is just as alert as he in now, eyes in a panic. Alec sits up taking off his sunglasses. He looks from the papers to Magnus’s eyes, his eyes just as wide as his sisters.
“I also have this,” she says holding up her left hand revealing a diamond band on her thumb. “It’s stuck.”
“That’s one of mine,” Magnus says looking down at one of his empty fingers. “Oh, shit that’s one of mine.”
Alec falls back into the couch, no longer pressed into Magnus’ side.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Isabelle says dropping her head into her hands.
Clary comes out of the bathroom, eye makeup resembling a raccoon with a huge bottle of mouth wash in her hands. Chairman Meow appears circling around her socked feet trying to trip her up, she takes it in stride and steps over him easily.  
“Just in case,” she says when she notices Alec judging the bottle. “So, I’m guessing from those repetitive oh my gods it’s not us that got married last night.”
“No,” Isabelle moans dramatically throwing herself on the ground, arms tossed over her eyes. “I married my brother’s boyfriend probably as a dumb joke or something the night before my wedding. Jace will never let me live this down.”
“We don’t know that. It just says Lightwood, it could be us!” Magnus argues looking at his boyfriend uncertainly. Alec looks a little bit like a deer in the headlights so Magnus scrambles. He’s not really sure what’s the better option: accidentally marrying your boyfriend of two months in a drunken stupor or marrying your boyfriend’s sister as a joke in a drunken stupor. At least he hopes it was a dumb joke if it’s the latter, the former well he’s not sure if he and Alec are ready to get into that no matter how quickly their relationship has progressed. “Or you know it’s fake, fake is an option.”
Clary steps over inspecting the paper.
“Paper’s too high quality for a fake,” she shrugs sitting down on the coffee table. Magnus gives her a pointed look, making it clear she’s not helping this situation.
The four of them sit there silently for a while. Alec is the first to speak up.
“Okay, what does everyone remember from last night? Let’s piece this together,” he says reasonably opening the floor to whoever wants to start.
It takes about twenty minutes but they get a vague timeline from memory and other evidence pulled from their pockets. They scour the apartment as they talk making hangover remedies while desperately searching for the missing piece of the license.
So far they’ve determined things started here, pre-gaming with cocktails and dinner then it was the Hunter’s Moon where Magnus absolutely demolished Alec in a series of pool games. That’s when Alec lost his shirt as well, a beer spilled on him by Jace who’d already had far too much to drink. Magnus had forgotten the detail, but Alec recalls it with annoyed clarity.
After the Hunter’s Moon, Jace had been sent home in a cab, Maia, Bat and the rest of their friends had come along with them to Pandemonium and that was where things got blurry. By 11:30 their friends had all called it a night, but the four of them had hit the dancefloor. Dancing then turned into competition when Izzy had challenged Magnus and Alec to a couple’s tequila shot off. Magnus assumes they won considering how Clary handles her liquor.
Then it all goes well and truly blank for them all. Clary’s phone is missing entirely, Alec’s is dead and seemingly has been since at least midnight. Izzy’s phone is just a series of back and forth drunken texts with Jace that are increasingly sarcastic and misspelled.
Magnus is the only one with a possible lead. There’s evidence of a Lyft being called that took them to the venue where Izzy and Clary are getting married in mere hours and a 15-minute call with Raphael somewhere around one in the morning.
Magnus dials his number immediately hoping for answers.
“You asked me to go through the whole ceremony,” Raphael says after five minutes of making fun of them all. Magnus’ childhood best friend never did finish the process of becoming a full-blown preacher, not finding it for him in the end, but he’s ordained for weddings and had happily offered to do the ceremony when Clary and Izzy still hadn’t found someone two weeks before.
“Why?” the four ask in frustrated unison.
“Dios, I don’t know. You were all trashed but you insisted, so to get you to leave me alone because some of us who are involved in this wedding wanted to get a good night’s rest, I went through the whole thing, start to finish,” he explains.
“Did vows get exchanged or anything?” Alec asks.
“Not really, but you did all say ‘I do’ at some point I couldn’t tell who though, I’m pretty sure you were all outside,” Raphael answers. “Which in theory I guess would mean someone got married, but not that it matters I mean ordained or not without a license it’s not legally binding.”
They all sigh.
“That’s the problem,” Magnus grumbles. They end the call after that saying goodbyes and see you soons.
“Alright,” Alec says sounding the level headed big brother and leader he always is. “Here’s the plan’ everyone needs to shower first. We’re short on time so that means couples, no funny business though. Raphael said we were outside, so that probably means we couldn’t get into the venue when we decided to go. Magnus and I can ask around while the two of you get ready since we have to be there anyways.”
Everyone nods their heads in agreement.
“And what do we do if it was us that got married?” Magnus asks gesturing between him and Izzy.
They’re all silent. Clary is the first to pipe up, taking this whole situation surprisingly well. Maybe throwing up half of one’s body weight brings clarity.
“I mean only the four of us saw it, it hasn’t been officially filed, just signed and if we give Raphael permission to mock us about it for the rest of our lives he won’t say anything,” she reasons.
She grabs Izzy’s hand pulling her to the shower leaving no room for argument.
Magnus blows out a long breath leaning against the kitchen counter where they’d all gathered. Alec joins him, crossing his arms.
“Are you mad I may have accidentally married your sister?” Magnus says quietly.
Alec snorts.
“No, we were all beyond drunk last night and knowing you and Izzy it was some competitive dare that went a step too far.”
Magnus chuckles, that does sound like them.
“And what if,” he pauses a little worried. “What if it was us that accidentally got married?”
Alec turns reaching up to pull a piece of confetti from Magnus’ hair. His hand slides down brushing Magnus’ cheek.
“Then we got married,” he shrugs.
Isabelle’s phone rings breaking the moment, on today of all days he’s fairly certain she’d appreciate them picking it up. It’s the caterer and the call takes long enough that he and Alec have barely five minutes for a shared shower before calling a cab to get to the venue. They don’t get to talk about Alec’s casual shrug about them being married like it wouldn’t be a big deal.
Once they’re at the venue people start filing in Maryse and Maia take charge of Isabelle while Clary is drifted away by Simon and Jace. They both lock eyes with Magnus and Alec trusting them to get answers or burn the pieces of marriage license before the days over.
Alec is the first to be fully ready so he heads around to ask the staff some questions. He eventually is led to the night security guard who simply shrugs saying he’d fallen asleep on the job. The only evidence that they were even there is in the form of Magnus’ Lyft history and a feather boa exactly like the ones in Magnus’ apartment tangled in a bush outside. Alec sends him a picture of it attached with the message, ‘I have a feeling we’re going to be finding these around New York for the rest of the year.’
Everything goes by in a rush after that. Magnus never gets the chance to bring up anything to Alec as they take their places as groomsmen.
The wedding is beautiful, Raphael does an excellent job so much so that Clary’s stepdad bursts into tears only two lines in. Clary and Izzy exchange vows that make everyone else cry and Izzy dips Clary as they kiss to everyone’s delight. They look the happiest they’ve ever been, clearly no longer thinking about the possible mistake marriage that was.
Magnus however can’t think of anything else. The sun has fallen and the cake has been cut by the time he gets a moment alone with Alec. He steps outside for some fresh air just beside the bushes where the feather boa still flaps in the wind and Alec slips out behind him. Two long arms wrap around his waist and Magnus leans back into a strong chest.
They stand there quietly, the muffled sound of music behind them.
“You know,” Magnus says eventually. “You were pretty casual about the concept of us being accidentally married this morning.”
Alec once again the picture of nonchalance just shrugs.
“I mean at first it was a lot, but once the worst of the hangover subsided I realized if it was us well, that’s not the worst thing. I love you; I have intentions to be with you for as long as you’ll have me so that works.”
Magnus shifts so that Alec is standing in front of him eyes a little glassy. Alec takes the tears to be a bad thing.
“I get it though if it’s way too soon to be thinking or saying anything like that, or,” Alec freezes as Magnus puts a finger in front of his lips.
“I feel the same way,” he smiles. “I mean it’s not ideal and like Clary said it’s not official till it’s filed, but I do feel the same way. I have no doubt in my mind we’re heading that way one day.”
Alec smiles kissing the tip of Magnus’ finger where it still rests against his lips. He pulls Magnus into a hug. Magnus rests his chin on Alec’s shoulder eyes still open and that’s when he spots it. The feather boa shifts in the wind and a small white piece of paper is revealed skewered on the prickly end of the bush.
He pulls back from Alec leaping down the two small steps to pick the piece of paper from the bush.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he says snatching up the sliver of paper and flipping it over. The missing piece of the license. Alec steps over, joining him.
“Is that?” he starts looking over Magnus’ shoulder.
Magnus nods holding it up for Alec to read. Alec smiles, pulling the Lightwood piece he’d been holding onto from his pocket as Magnus does the same with his part.
Alexander the missing piece reads in Isabelle’s looping script.
“Guess your stuck with me now,” Magnus says with a smirk.
Alec rolls his eyes fondly.
“Technically it hasn’t been filed, so not officially,” he jokes, pulling Magnus in by the waist. “Plus it’s in three pieces I don’t think the courthouse is going to accept it.”
“Pfft, just needs a little tape,” Magnus says gathering the three pieces of paper and folding them carefully before placing them in the inner pocket of his wine-red jacket a compliment to Alec’s black one and Isabelle’s deep red dress. “Plus, Clary’s stepdad is the Mayor, we can totally get some strings pulled.”
Alec laughs shifting to drape his arms over Magnus’ shoulders.
“You mean it?” he asks.
Magnus nods. “We have to have a party bigger than this one at some point though,” he says gesturing back to the reception hall. “I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Of course,” Alec says seriously.  “So we’re gonna be Mr. and Mr. Lightwood then?”
Magnus hums tapping a finger to his chin in thought.
“I was thinking Mr. and Mr. Bane actually.”
“I like the sound of that,” Alec says before pulling Magnus into a kiss.
They never do piece together the night exactly. Eventually Izzy gets the ring off her thumb and it fits Alec’s ring finger perfectly they discover, Magnus in turn realizes he has an exact double of it that he starts wearing himself. Why Isabelle filled out the license or if they kissed after they said I do or even actually said it is never truly answered.
Their actual marriage will be a mystery for the rest of their lives, but Magnus does get his party an acceptable six months after Clary and Izzy’s.
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