#when the author shelves your fav
mirrorofliterature · 11 months
oliver wood is, canonically, very intelligent
not emotionally, not necessarily academically, but stragetically - he’s like ron, in that way - I’m sure there are more parallels with their characters, given that they’re both keepers and whatnot
being able to think stragetically is such a useful war skill he should have been used in the war more I have OPINIONS
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midnightorchids · 1 month
Hey babe- I wanted to know how you felt about booknerd!reader x Jason. Because it's been rotting my brain forever now and I need to know what someone as genius as yourself thinks about it. So like- We know Jason is a book girl. He's got huge floor to ceiling shelves in his apartment filled with non-fiction, historical fiction, classics, and maybe a few Si-Fi titles. I feel like he would love Toni Morison, Maya Angelou, Henrik Isben, Margret Atwood, and maybe even Harukai Murakami. He has this beautiful collection of leather bond additions of the Iliad Bruce gave him when he was 16. And when he finally invites you over, he cannot contain his excited smile as you start gushing over his home library. He makes you guys coffee and you spend hours talking about your fav genres, authors, online author drama - and after he's walking back to his apartment after dropping you off, he's smiling down at his phone at the message you sent. 'I had so much fun today! Ur library is so so so cool, was wondering if you would be ok going with me to Chapters next week? Wanted to pick up the new Skyward book' He's kicking his feet and hiding his face in his pillow. So deeply overjoyed that his crush shares in his immense love of literature. After you guys officially get together, he buys you so many fucking books. He fallows your goodreads wishlist religiously and surprises you almost every month with a new addition to your growing collection. He usually collects used paper backs, but for you, he splurges on the hardcover special additions. Of course it's because he loves you but it's also so that, maybe, you'll be more incentivised to move into a different apartment. One with floor-to-ceiling book shelves and a shared bed... just saying.. He branches out into more genres and authors he wouldn't usually read from just so he could talk about your favourite books with you. You do the same - your book collections getting mixed together in the process. Library dates, bookstore dates, used-bookstore dates. Your first couple of dates and realisations of love happened in and around books. You would always leave little messages inside the first page of the books you give him. So that if your every away or he's on a mission and he takes a book with him, he'll have one of your small messages of love as a reminder of something to return home to.
Hi hon!! I’m so sorry for the late response, I’ve been dying with uni and just life in general recently, but I’m back and ready to write again!!
I fully agree with almost everything that you said, like you’ve written it out so well and it’s just so cute! I was literally giggling and kicking my feet at the last one omg.
I shall try to add more stuff!!
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Jason’s go to present for his loved ones is annotated copies of his favourite books. He only does this when he feels comfortable with a person because sharing his thoughts feels raw and vulnerable sometimes.
Having a significant other who loves to read and appreciates these types of gifts would make him feel happy and very emotional. It’s not often he gets to share this side of himself with people.
When he gifts his copies to his friends or his partner, he feels like he’s leaving a piece of him with the person, so he only does this when he trusts you.
He leaves detailed little messages on the margins of his books. He draws little smiley faces on the cute parts and angry faces on the parts that made him upset.
In the books for his significant other, Jason leaves little notes around the quotes that remind him of you. He highlights them in a different colour and makes sure his notes look extra tidy.
He sucks at wrapping things, so sometimes you’ll get a very poorly wrapped, tape covered novel. You’ll look at the wrapping and laugh, you’d pinch his cheeks teasingly and tell him he did a good job. He’d turn his face away in embarrassment, which leads to you placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Then, there would be times where he doesn’t have the energy to deal with the horrible wrapping paper. So, you’ll be gifted a plain paper back with a sticky note on the front cover that reads ‘for you,’ in squiggly lines.
It’s honestly sweet and he gets very shy about it.
Also, Jason’s taste in books is very diverse, he reads anything from the classics to romance to gothic horror. He reads anything and everything and because of that, I think that it would be very easy for you to share your thoughts and recommendations with him.
Even if Jason hasn’t read the book, he listens intently with a huge smile on his face. He loves listening to you talk. If he doesn’t know the author or the book, he will try to familiarize himself with what you’re reading and branch into different genres.
There would be lots of reading and bookstore dates. You’d browse through the different aisles with his hand in yours, only letting go when a particular book catches your attention. He watches you in awe as you gush about the different series.
(Side note, my friends and I always go to bookstores and just point out the worst books we’ve read and I think Jason would do that too.)
As you search through the shelves to find your next read, he’ll come to you all excited, rambling about the book in his hand. From the looks of it, it seems like he loves the book. His hands are moving around, he’s smiling and giggling, but if you pay attention, he’s actually just cussing out the author.
This becomes a tradition in your relationship. You both bring up books that you hate instead of the ones that you really enjoy. You’d spend the next hour of your bookstore visit just giggling at the random passages that the author thought were good enough to share with the world.
I think this would also lead to a book club of reading awful books sometimes just for shits and giggles. There would be weeks where you would read amazing, well written stories together, but then there would be times when you guys would pick up something bad just to make fun of it.
Overall, Jason would love having a book nerd significant other because he finally has someone who he can geek out with.
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brandogenius · 4 months
HC - julien x famous author reader
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- has read all your books more than three times
- you dedicate every book to jb
- “want to help me write a chapter? i’ll give you options and you tell me which one”
- if your favs are crying because their favourite character got killed off, blame julien for that one
- sends photos to you of your books in stores whenever she’s away on tour
- “LOOK!! ITS YOU !”
- you like to make side characters based off julien.
- when one of your books turns into a movie / tv series you have julien play an extra. “you helped me write this book so obviously you get a part in it” like a cameo
- one of the most surreal moments was both of you meeting a fan and signing their copy of your book but also asking jb to sign it. she was over the moon
- has a dedicated shelf in the house for your books.
- “i think you need your own genre or section at bookstores cus they are all amazing”
- ends up shoving your books to the front of the shelves at bookstores
- literally was the first one to buy your upcoming book
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daydream-cement · 1 year
on my knees BEGGING for more of your phasma content, I absolutely love the way you write her. maybe a continuation of sparring practice? that’s one of my fav fics of yours 😭😭
In The Shower (NSFW)
Captain Phasma x Fem!Reader
Authors Note: THIS IS ANOTHER COLLAB FIC BY ME AND @bri-sonat. i cant say it enough, i LOVE writing with you, dear. and im so excited for everyone to see the other wonderful works we have written together!!!
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The final time Phasma threw you down on the mat, you thought all of the air had left your lungs. It always seemed that towards the end of these private lessons, the captain would take advantage of your exhaustion to punish you for showing such weakness.
After the last sparring practice, which had ended with Phasma grinding down on your thigh, being pinned by her once again brought back such pleasant memories, memories that only made the heat between your legs grow.
You watched as she glowered down at you, her chest heaving from the way she was exerting herself. Moving an arm to prop yourself up, you were waiting for Phasma to tell you to get up once more for her to only throw you back down again. With a sigh, the captain shook her head and turned from you, “We are done for today.”
The captain released her grip on you, rising to her full height and once she had, you darted up from the floor. “Yes, Captain.” You acknowledged her order with a courteous bow before leaving the sparring room. Almost running down the hallways to get to the showers.
The showers were fairly empty due to the timing of your sparring practice taking place in the middle of most troopers’ shifts. Grateful for the few moments of peace, you make your way to the farthest shower in the row, turning on the water before undressing in an attempt to get some type of warmth from the typically frigid water.
Padding down to your locker, you pull fresh underclothes out, leaving them on the nearby bench to be thrown on after you bathed. You then stripped, tossing your clothes in the large communal hamper to be laundered, and snatched a towel from the shelves nearby. Hanging the towel outside your shower, you hold out a hand to the lukewarm water, knowing it will have to do. Warm or not, the sensation of the water hitting your skin pulled a long sigh from your lips.
The echo of the locker room door shutting made you furrow your brows, no one was supposed to be here at this time, and you found it strange that there was. It remained in the back of your mind as you resumed your shower, the footsteps of the intruding being sounding before they stopped, yet the door didn’t close again, the person was still inside.
After a short time had passed, the steps continued, this time much quieter, no longer making the same amount of noise without the boots on them. They got closer and closer until they eventually stopped right outside the closed shower curtain, and you couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit uncomfortable. The person clearly there for you. Until, a familiar hand pulled the curtain aside, and stepped into the continuous stream of water from above.
The pacing of your breath quickened from the anticipation and mild fear you felt for the woman standing before you. Captain Phasma had interrupted your shower and now stood before you completely naked with what you assumed to be sinful intentions.
Phasma didn’t seem to care when your eyes drifted down, raking over her body, in fact, she seemed to like the way you drank her in like a tall glass of water on a hot day. She was clearly proud of the fit form she had judging by the tiniest of smirks on her lips.
Your eyes went from her boobs to her abs, to her biceps, and finally, to her legs, all defined perfectly by the uninterrupted, ruthless training regime she had kept up over the years, and it was obvious that she took great care of her body, “Do you like what you see, FN-2156?”
You wished you could have hidden your eagerness and appreciation for the woman before you, but you nodded quickly, still remaining entirely silent. What could you say to your fearsome and ruthless captain? Your mind moved quickly, remembering the events of the steamy sparring session from weeks ago. Would you be getting a second chance at pleasuring your superior?
Phasma took a step forward, causing you to take a step back, and continued doing so until your back hit the tiled wall of the shower, “You know I like a verbal answer, but I’ll take it. I’m not here to talk anyways… Get on your knees. I want to use that pretty mouth of yours. See if it can’t be used in a more… productive way.”
She suddenly flipped you around, her back leaning up against the wall for support as you got down on your knees in front of your captain. You said nothing, only wanting to please her in any way she would allow you to.
Your mind was reeling at your current situation. Knees pressing into the tile floors, you reached out tentatively, placing your hands on either of her thighs. Leaning forward, your eyes scan their way up Phasma’s body, landing on her face which was staring down at you in the most intense manner. Her eyes bore into you while her lips contained a smug smile, pleased with herself for having you on your knees before her.
There was a small amount of hesitation in you as you crept closer to her center, waiting for her to offer further instruction or verbal degradation for your current position.
Phasma cocked her head to the side slightly as she stared down at you, spreading her legs slightly to offer you a better view of your future meal, “Well, don’t you look pretty on your knees for me… Such a good little slut, following my orders without a second thought. Good to know that you know your place.” The captain reached down a hand to comb through your wet hair, bending slightly to grab your chin in her hand, “Make me cum with that sharp tongue of yours, will you?”
“Yes, captain.” You nodded, your voice somewhat subdued, but at least you were offering the verbal confirmation she wanted. When she released your chin, there was no more hesitation left within you. Pushing your face forward, you were now centimeters from her core. Being close enough to her heat, you could smile to yourself in pure satisfaction that you were the chosen one to please your captain.
The captain hummed, pleased with how obedient you were being today, knowing that this served as a perfect reward for your good behavior. Phasma hadn’t taken her eyes off of you, watching as you inched closer to her cunt, groaning before she used her hand to push your head the final centimeters, grunting when your mouth closed around her clit.
You circled her clit gently, wanting to savor the moment and take your time as you knew your performance would indicate if Phasma would use you once again. Listening carefully, you were looking for any indication from the captain as to the level of your performance. Pushing your tongue deeper between her folds, you lapped at her cunt, enjoying Phasma’s taste.
Rolling her head back against the wall, Phasma used her hand on your head to hold you in place as you used your tongue on her, the only thing muffling her noises being the sounds of water hitting the tiled floor. Her mouth was open in silent pleasure as she stubbornly held her moans back, her voice shaking slightly as she croaked out more vulgar words, “You’re such a filthy little thing… If you keep using your mouth like that, I might have to use you more often.”
This was exactly the encouragement you needed to continue your movements. You slid your tongue back to her clit, circling it gently before beginning to suck at the sensitive bud. The tile flooring caused your knees to ache, but you persisted, hands gripping her muscular thighs to keep yourself upright.
She spread her legs even more, giving you even more access as she groped her breast with her free hand, rolling her hardened nipple in between her thumb and index finger, your continued offense on her pussy driving her closer and closer to her eventual climax. At the added stimulation, Phasma released a growl, mostly muted by the loud noise of water against the tile.
You glance up at the captain, the blissed-out look on her face accompanied by the way she teased her nipple caused you to release an involuntary groan, sending additional vibrations against her clit. Switching from sucking to licking, you swirl your tongue around her clit once more, making Phasma tighten the hold on your head as she started grinding your face, chasing her orgasm that was fastly approaching.
The grinding against your tongue caused you to moan again, the wonderful filthiness of the interaction making the ache between your legs grow. Your jaw was beginning to ache, but the discomfort was well worth the experience of making Phasma cum.
The vibration from your moan was enough to send the captain over the edge, her entire body tensing up as she remained silent, not wanting a single noise to spill out in case anyone had entered the locker rooms during your shared shower. Her thighs clenched around your head as she let the pleasure rip through her body, her breathing heavy.
You continued your lapping against her core, knowing if you stopped without a formal order, you could jeopardize any further sexual encounters with your captain. It was a calculated risk, but you allowed your hands to slide upwards to grip her hips, maintaining a hold on Phasma while you fought to lap up every last drop of her juices.
When Phasma had regained her breath, she ripped your head away from in between her legs, so aggressively that you had to catch yourself by placing your hands behind you on the tiled floor, unless you wanted to end up on it.
She took one final look at you, sitting down on the floor, looking up at her with her wetness covering your chin before walking past you, stopping right before the curtain, “See you next week, FN-2156. Don’t be late.”
And with that, the captain had left; the sound of the shower curtain shutting behind your back followed by her footsteps moving away from you. Leaving you sitting on the tiled floor, water hitting your head as the neglected throbbing between your legs only grew stronger, the taste of her still lingering on your tongue.
Her words played over and over in your mind, and you allowed yourself the hope that when she said ‘see you next week,’ she was referring to another experience such as this.
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lakecountylibrary · 1 year
Anon who had asked about donating a series, the series is Chronicles of Alsea by Fletcher Delancey; it consists of 10 books, the finale of which was published in 2020. It’s a sci-fi series mostly taking place on the planet Alsea where the inhabitants are empaths (they have various strengths of ability, but it’s very rare for them to not have any empathic ability). They discover they’re not alone in the universe when a space ship crashes onto their planet and find out that besides not being alone, there’s basically two factions of humans that are in the middle of a war. I think the world building is really impressive, and I really appreciate how much thought was put into thinking about how much being an empath and being able to sense if someone was lying could shape a society. Also, I’m always a sucker for characters who have really strong senses of right and wrong and do their best to stand up for what’s right and protect those weaker than themselves. It’s been a while since I’ve watched it so I may be misremembering some of the details, but I saw an interview with the author where she said she was inspired by Star Trek’s Prime Directive; she said it always bothered her because you could have an advanced civilization who just hasn’t quite figured out faster than light travel who were just as advanced, if not more so, in other areas, but since they weren’t quite there with one aspect that the Federation deemed necessary they couldn’t join and therefore the gap in knowledge between them and the Federation would only expand since everyone else was sharing info. Anyway, while Alseans don’t have faster than light travel, both their healing and nanotechnology are more advanced than either of the groups of regular humans, which causes them to have to reassess their assumptions and prejudices they hold for the worlds that aren’t part of their groups. Also, in later books, Alseans end up questioning their own assumptions/traditions regarding empathic strength and castes (basically their career options of which there are 6 but high level empathy only have an option of 2 due to “need”). I’ve probably rambled enough for the middle of the night, and while part of me thinks I should have waited til morning so it would be more coherent/well thought out, the rest of me knows that with how excited I get about this series, more coherence is definitely not guaranteed. I hope you all have a swell day!
Well, there you have it folks! Empaths! Space wars! Inspired by Star Trek! Who's going to give this series a shot?
Also, just because I know our audience here on tumblr dot com: I took a look at the first book in the series on Goodreads and people do have it shelved in queer, lgbt, and lesbian. Having not read it myself, I can't speak to how big a role that rep plays but 👀
Thank you for the ask, anon - we love seeing readers passionate about the books they love.
(Here's the previous ask, for anyone else wondering about donating/purchase requests/getting your fav books in the library.)
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valentine-writes · 2 years
 monty + staff reader hcs !
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↳ ft. montgomery gator
「 gn! staff reader, platonic relationship <3 」
author's note: I DELETED THE ORIGINAL REQUEST OMG IM SO SORRY- but aaa i luv monty sm!! i could nvr have a fav outta the glamrocks but whwhej monty iz so beloved by me- anyways! ty 4 this req and again, super sorry anon </3 grammar errors and spelling mistakes will probz b here sorry :(
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▸ monty's probably a little more calm unglitched- but like. still a bit hot tempered, so when you befriended him, your coworkers were suprised that you managed to do that. especially considering he very specifically doesn’t get along with staff very well.
▸ you two are now a duo and kind of a ragtag team, but who knew an animatronic gator and staff worker just trying to pay rent would end up being an unlikely friendship with an inseparable bond?
▸ literally. you’ve probably been restocking the shelves in the gift store only to turn around and realize monty had followed you in there. you know, to chat and stuff. he didn’t miss you or anything, no way.
▸ you’re probably cool in his eyes. granted, he doesn’t say it often, and prefers friendly teasing over compliment giving- but he legitimately thinks you’re amazing. won’t stop him from some poking fun at you. he’s just playing, he swears
▸  anytime he gets routine checkups or maintenance, he wants you to be the one doing it. he’ll say it’s because your coworkers aren’t as competent as you, but it’s mainly because you’re a lot more patient with him and he trusts you more
▸ and when he’s performing on stage doing his whole thing with his bass he’ll see if he can find your face in the crowd. he just needs to know you’re watching him- and if you’re elsewhere, he gets a little bummed out
▸ if you are in the crowd? he’s motivated to make the performance even better than usual, giving all his best efforts in that show. he really wants to impress you with his sick bass skills
▸ if you’re working the closing shift, he’ll insist on hanging out with you for a while. chilling in his green room, playing minigolf at gator golf, jamming out to some music- anything to get you away from your work for a little bit. you gotta have a little fun after doing all that responsible stuff, no?
▸ do the animatronics get to listen to any other music other than the stuff they play at performances or in the plex? probably not. which is why when you came into work with headphones and a good playlist on your phone, he asked if you could take out the headphones so he could hear it too.
▸ turns out, he really likes your music. if he sees your phone on you he’ll ask you to “blast that one song” (it’s never the song you’re thinking of and when he further tries to clarify it gets more confusing- so you just play a different song everytime he asks. he always ends up jamming out to it with you anyways)
▸ tons of inside jokes that make you burst into a fit of laughter when one of you bring it up. no one else gets it but the way you and monty laugh about it make it seem like the funniest thing in the world
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haksluvr · 3 years
Books Galore.
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✎ headcanons: his s/o is a avid reader.
✎ ships: black! gender neutral reader x shoto todoroki. ~ keji akaashi.
✎ tws: none!
✎ a/n: inspired by me and my recent visit to barnes & nobles.
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፥ Shoto Todoroki.
Like very supportive.
He himself never got into reading much, so watching how enthusiastic you about the hobby makes him happy.
He enjoys listening to you talk about your favorites and tries to add as much commentary to show you he’s actually listening. he likes listening to you talk period but moving on.
He actually wanted to get into it himself judging how happy you get when and while you read so he asked if he could barrow a book from you to which you happily obligated to.
He seemed pretty happy and finished your book pretty quickly 🧍🏽‍♀️.
“I really enjoyed that book y/n. Do you have anymore?”
You’ve sucked the boy in now. It’s too late.
That’s what books do to ya smh.
Y’all literally made like a little library section in your dorm so when he comes over, he picks out a book and “checks it out”.
you even have matching bean bags that are right next to each other so you both can sit close.
Don’t let this mf see your to-get-book-list tho.
He will, i repeat, he will buy every single one of them with endeavor’s card.
Now depending on how many you have is how much you’re going to get.
Technically speaking, it’s not totally bad but i mean it is at the same time??
Either way, if you need some more books, let him know.
፥ Keji Akaashi.
A avid reader himself. (i believe so anyway.)
Y’all literally have a little book club, just the two of y’all. cute
Book shopping + Cafe are very frequently dates you both go on.
You are more into black authors and bookstores (like me!) y’all try and find some to go shop out.
Matching bookmarks. Thats it. Thats the tweet.
Although you would most likely be the talker out the two, you both rant about favorite books, scenes, characters, etc whether you both are reading the same book or not.
Y’all would hold hands while reading. yes i’m jealous, moving on—
Would most likely like to watch movie/show recreations of your favs.
If y’all ever do marry and move in with each other, you would literally have a whole library room. Filled with shelves upon shelves of books, couches with box filled with blankets and pillows snd even a latter that moves side to side if you need to get certain books off of a top shelf.
you’re literally living the dream life </3.
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✎ taglist: @vanteyves @angiebug101 @katsumiiii
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orlissa · 2 years
Bookish ask: 16,29,39,44
16, If you could bring three books to a deserted island which would you bring and why? How to Escape from a Deserted Island--isn't that the right answer? :P Um... Shadow of Night. All Souls is my happy place, and the second one is my fav in the series. And... I don't know. I want to say something witty or poignant, but nothing comes to mind.
29, How do you short you shelves? Okay, so a big portion of my books is at my parents', and their placement there is pretty much dependent on availability (meaning: I've long grown out the actual shelves and like half of them are on the tops of wardrobes). Mostly I have a "favorite authors" section, and "English section" (I have about the same amount of books in English and Hungarian), an two Hungarian sections. The latter two are mostly organized by publisher (at least the newer ones, like the ones published in the last 10 years or so), because books by the same publisher are usually the same size. In Budapest, I have an IKEA Kallax bookcase (the one with the cubicles), and right now it has a cublicle for comics (TBPs and hardcover collected editions; single issues are in crates), one for books on comics/my research, one for mostly historical fiction, one for All Souls (I have all four books both in English and Hungarian, plus the World of All Souls, which pretty much fills up the cubicle), and three that are... mixed. Whatever's left, but mostly organized by size and/or topic (like my Marvel novels are not the same size, but they are next to each other).
39, Name one of your favorite childhood books I don't remember the title, but it was a collection of short stories featureing the Flintstones. And it was in Hungarian. Why is it important to note that it was in Hungarian, you might ask? Because the whole text was in rhyme. For some reason the guy who translated the Flintstones cartoon thought it would fun to make it so, and thus the whole thing was full of impossibly witty and near-impossible the pronounce puns. And I delighted in making my mom read it to me.
44, Do you like to listen to music when you read? I will, sometimes, especially while on the bus (you need to drown out the people around you), but that's not my default mode.
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manyreblobs · 3 years
Thank you @mollyinthewater and @thefinalityofita11 smooches for both of you dears i love you <3
nickname: Many! or one that i actually made up a couple weeks ago Mad! (it really hum fits me both personality wise and name wise lmao)
zodiac: I am nothing but a tiny crab with deadly hands :)
height: hum around 5′2? (157 cm was my height last time i mesured myself)
hogwarts house: I do not like harry potter. I honestly never put thought into this kind of thing, and I’m lazy, so no google search to find out. There is your answer.
last thing i googled: twitch... I am hyperfixating on block man ok, i need to have the lore up to date.
song stuck in my head: Icarus by bastille (It won’t leave)
number of followers: On this blog 131! wow damn.... that’s more than i though and on my main i haveeeeee 230 which is..... also a big lot.
amount of sleep: Hmmmm depends on the day of the week really. Yesterday i went to sleep at 2 am and woke up at 12 pm (since i’m home and all that). I can sleep up to 15 hours when I’m in vacation mode. But in school days (If insomnia does not hit me like the motherfucker that it is) I sleep around 7-8 hours. And on normal weekends I tend to go to sleep around 2-4 am and wake up at like 12-1 pm. 
My sleeping habits aren’t.... very good to say the least.
lucky number(s): 2 is like my fav.
Pairs, i also love pairs (is that how u call them?)
dream job: To be an illustrator :D! I would love to start like illustrating children’s books and then make my way up to be the illustrator of my own books! Both written and drawn by myself :3
wearing: Humm a white t-shirt i got at like comicon that says “Try Me” and a pair of pink, square patterned, pj botoms, basic. OH also some very fluffy socks that do absolutly nothing to warm my freezing feet.
favourite author(s): Alice Vieira, (honestly need to re-read the books that i do have of her bc damn it makes me want to go back to be a tini tiny child) and can’t think of anyone else...
favourite instrument(s): I have quite a few but Acoustic Guitar, ukelele and Kalimba are atm my big favs
aesthetic: I guess cottage core? Anything that radiates softness and comfort really. Shelves of books, giant comfy blankets, warm sunlight fletering through big windows, window sills, earthy colours, baggy but extremly soft and comfy clothes. that type of stuff. Is- is that cottage core or does it have another name...?
favourite song(s): I don’t really have them since my brain is like a radio station but;
-Icarus by bastille
-Achilles come down by Gang of the youths
-Heather x eyes blue by Fran Vasilic
-Breezeblocks by alt-J
have been, like, on my mind rent free.
favourite animal noise: The little ‘hrumps’ that cats make? the tiny mews they make? Music to my ears.
random: Head empty no thoughts. May i just dump what comes to mind? Mind wishes to draw block man but body lazy ;^; the never ending cycle of suffering. Streaming sounds fun and I wish I could do it :( also boy howdy have i been yearning for a friend (It’s hard to explain but it’s like forpeoplewhowatchmcytyaknowdreamandgeorgetypeoffriendshipbutlikewithoutalltheromantictesionlmao? yeah that type of friendship, like really close and intimate and stupid I dunno ): I’m yearning for fwiends ) HUhhhhhhhhh i’m tagging @ashthedeviant @allegedlyanandroid @drinks-ink and huhhh can’t think of anyone else 
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applesandbannas747 · 3 years
hi! what are your favorite books?
Hi friend!
Oh man that is a tough question, I’ve got so many!
Right off the bat of course I’ve got to say Stormlight Archive, as it’s probably my favorite series. Basically everything I’ve read of Sanderson’s qualifies as a favorite, but the other one I want to mention specifically is Skyward 
My childhood favorites and the series responsible for getting me into reading novels are Harry Potter (fuck JKR though), Septimus Heap, and Artemis Fowl and will always have a special place in my heart, and they still hold up marvelously during rereads even now (though I recognize there are problematic elements in HP and JKR’s vile beliefs do tarnish the books to an extent)
I’m gonna get side-eye for this one but Lightning by Dean Koontz is forever one of my favorite books, and his Watchers also makes the list 
Definitely The Underland Chronicles (because I’m hipster), and also The Hunger Games (because I’m basic)
The Leviathan series. This one slaps so hard sometimes I will reread it several times in a row. beautiful art and also the author told me i can 100% read my fav character as genderqueer, which delights me to no end
Looking at my favorites shelf, I also have The Raven Cycle, Fablehaven, Percy Jackson, Virals, Princess Academy, Goose Girl, Book of a Thousand Days, The Rithmatist (another Sanderson lol), Cruel Prince, and The Sea Wolf shelved there
Also worth mentioning To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and Noteworthy since those are audiobooks I’ll put on when I want something easy to listen to 
I am sure I am forgetting some because I just have so many books I love lmfao thank you for asking, this was way fun to answer! And I’d love to hear some of yours because, looking at my list of favs, I clearly need to diversify my reads a little and would love any recs if you have them!
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literaticat · 3 years
I read a lot of books but I don't always remember the titles, authors, story, etc. I'm not sure if this is a general modern life thing or if I am leaking my brains. I worry that if I chat to an agent about books and my brain goes all Snowdon on me they will think I'm not well read or, well, stupid. Some authors in interviews seem to know everything and answer so perfectly. I'm like, HTH do they do it? On this topic, do you think it's normal to SOMETIMES forget what you're reading as you read it?
Ah, well, if it's not normal, then we are in the same abnormal boat. I keep track of what I read with an app, and if I accidentally forget to log it IMMEDIATELY, probably it is lost to the mists of time. And whenever people #OnHere ask me for book recs, I have to physically GO TO THE BOOKSTORE and look on the shelves to remind myself of what exists, or just text one of my bookseller friends, because I can't remember a got-dam thing. (What did I have for breakfast yesterday? I have no idea when YESTERDAY even was!)
I would suggest that you write down things that you know you might want to say. Like, if you know that you are chatting with somebody and they are likely to ask you something like "what are some comp titles for your book" or "what are you reading!" or "What are some of your fav authors?" or some such -- WRITE IT DOWN AHEAD OF TIME!
You can also always go for Radical Honesty: "Wow, that's a great question. But honestly, I've still got Pandemic Brain and I can't remember anything I've read lately unless I'm looking at it - I'll email you a list after!" -- I bet they will sympathize. ;-)
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mediawhorefics · 3 years
15 and 29 for the bookish asks, that pleases you! If not, pick what you will!
i actually LOVE these so thank you for sending them <333 
15: What book changed your life?
you know, it’s funny. i usually really really struggle with questions like this because it’s so hard to pinpoint and pick when so many books have influenced me. not only that, but i think sometimes you don’t really see the impact straight away and it’s only years and years later that it hits... but! that’s kind of no longer the case because last autumn i read ‘the letters of vincent van gogh’ and i’ve never had a book so clearly fall into my lap when i needed it most and give me so much so instantly. it’s super dumb i feel because while he had a wonderful brain for literary images and a great depth of feelings and sensibility, and a big heart filled with love for the world...  there’s nothing inherently revolutionary in vincen’t words. his ideology that love is in everything, most importantly art, and that it is our redemptive force and what brings us comfort in the most dire of circumstances is a pretty basic one... but in 2020 when i was in a really really low point and felt incredibly lonely, there was solace for me in that vision. not only that, but the way he wrote about mental illness and depression hit so close to home in ways that removes distance across history, which i found fascinating to think about. i share nothing with this man who lived at the end of the 19th c except i am also an artist and i also struggle with mental health issues. and yet, reading him made me feel seen. because he knew.  and that makes history, the past, so fucking tangible. it makes it feel so close i could touch it. because people have always been people. and there’s something so comforting in that. 
29: How do you sort your shelves? (i.e. by color, author, title etc.)
ok so this is actually an exciting question because i repainted my room last summer (pale pink with nice black accents, it looks gorgeous thanks for asking ❤︎) and my main bookcase is within the walls so i got the opportunity to redo the whoooole thing. i used to give myself headaches with separating them in genres and languages, but now i have all my fiction together in alphabetical order by author. and my extra bookshelf has my most prized lit studies books/fav non-fiction (mostly lgbt stuff & linguistics, the rest is top shelf on the fiction bookshelf)/poetry/drama/my lgbt novels & my printed fics. 
bookish asks
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phdmama · 3 years
for the bookish asks: 17, 28, 29, 32, 49 <3 (feel free to ignore any duplicates or ones you don't want to answer! they just all seemed so good!)
Oh my gosh, thank you, friend! I’ll try not to ramble on too long, I know I’m guilty of that. SO. MANY. THOUGHTS.
17: If you owned a bookshop what would you call it?
Oh my gosh, I can just see it in my mind’s eye! It’s cute, a brick storefront with big windows and planters with flowers and a cafe and a great big cat, somewhere in England (which will be a tricky commute because I live in the US but okay). 
I’m terrible at naming things, but I’d either want some wonderful pun or something like “The Bookworm” because I always got called a bookworm when I was a kid!
28: How many books have you read so far this year?
Not.... that many honestly. In part, I’ve been on a fic re-read binge, and I’ve read a LOT of fic, I’m needing that comfort and familiarity.  I just bought two books, one on R programming and one on quantitative social science and I’m working on a book on Causal Inference because I’m going to grad school next week. Last year I did a HUGE Nora Roberts binge read and realized why I both love and hate her. That was fun.
29: How do you sort your shelves? (i.e. by color, author, title etc.)
Oh god. I should take a picture. It’s horrible. I’m, sadly, a bit messy (thanks ADHD) and I have those shelves that are stuffed full with everything, nothing is sorted, and it’s a mess. Theoretically, I sort by genre loosely and then alpha by author. We have a big shelf upstairs for all our sci-fi and fantasy books. Looking at my personal bookshelf (6 shelves), I’ve got such a wide variety. I’ve got my fantasy and fiction, poetry, helpful books (like cookbooks, self-help, nonfiction essays, that kind of thing), all of my high school yearbooks ha ha, and some books that were my dad’s that I took after he died and my mom sold the house (big glossy art books and an ancient Complete Works of Shakespeare). Oh and a bunch of calculus workbooks and some textbooks.
32: Who’s your favorite fantasy author?
Ooooffff. that’s a tough one, there are so many greats! I love so much about LotR, and reading the Hobbit when I was like... 8 or so? Changed my life (that and Star Wars: A New Hope), sent me on my nerdy life path. Also, I loved Anne McCaffery when I was a kid, but she’s not... aged well in my mind. I haven’t reread Elizabeth Moon in ages but I loved her books, and the Deed of Paksenarrion trilogy was instrumental to me in my own healing. I loved the Honor Harrington space opera stuff. Sherri Tepper is fantastic - Family Tree is for sure one of my all-time favs. I love so so much about Harry Potter (though there’s absolutely things to be critical of) and I’m profoundly disappointed in where JKR has landed. So she’s on my shit list. So is Patrick Rothfuss. 
49: When is your favorite time to read?
Any time I can? I love reading so much, and I’ve always been a voracious reader. I will say, one of my favorite things is sliding into bed at the end of the day, clean sheets and jammies, knowing there’s nothing else I need to be doing right then... that’s pretty blissful, not gonna lie!
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mego42 · 4 years
Make Yourselves Forget That The Plague Is A Bitch: Book Edition
Tagged by: @foxmagpie and @jazillia007 💖
What’s the most recent book that you’ve read and absolutely fell in love with?
the starless sea by erin morgenstern. erin morgenstern is hands down one of the most incredible authors i’ve ever read. her writing is literal magic, she transports you to these lush, rich, fantastical places that you want to live inside of and never come out. the starless sea is also a story about the nature of stories so it’s got this brain puzzling meta element to it that gives me such a raging brain and craftsmanship boner i have to go sit in the corner and face the wall until i calm down.
Do you keep track of how many books you’re reading every month?
lmao no. i used to have a goodreads that i would sporadically update with varying degrees of accuracy but i locked myself out of it last year and found out the email it was attached to no longer exists so i can’t get back in.
What’s your stance on the debate as to whether or not we should dissociate the artist from their art (artist = writer in this case)?
I’m pretty unilaterally camp to each their own. everyone has their own lines in the sand and it’s not anyone else’s call where those lines fall. I will say, though, generally when people are terrible, their terribleness is reflected in their work to some degree so that’s often where i turn off. but at the same time, sometimes you fall in love with someone’s work at a stage in your life where you don’t notice/have issues with it (for me, joss whedon and jk rowling immediately jump to mind) and it’s not like that love just like, turns off like a faucet when you stop liking the artist so much, you know? buffy’s my forever girl and always will be. Idk, it’s complicated.
What do you do when you can’t focus on a book?
usually put it down and do something else, half the books on my shelves have book marks tucked away somewhere from when i started and then decided i wasn’t in the mood
Paperback or hardcover?
EBOOK BITCHES!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA listen i love being able to read anywhere and i can read ebooks on my phone. that said, i prefer hardcovers for the aesthetic but paperbacks for the cost/weight. i’m p unfussy tbh, i just like books.
Which language would you like to learn just to be able to read its untranslated literature?
literally any of them, i’m hopelessly bad at languages, it’s a disgrace.
Pick up the book that is closest to you. convince me to read it in less than 10 sentences.
it is super handy that i pulled out one of my all time fav books the other day to look up a quote so i can actually say the book closest to me is froi of the exiles by melina marchetta.
melina marchetta is an australian author who writes hands down the most engrossing, beautiful, real family dynamics that will haunt me until my dying day. she’s also very much about home, community, and culture, both the ones we come from and the ones we build, and the indelible mark they leave on ourselves and our worlds. not only that but she writes literally the most poignant, evocative romances i’ve ever read. froi of the exiles is the middle book in her epic fantasy trilogy the lumatere chronicles and while it is technically fantasy, it’s incredibly grounded in real world themes (iirc she said somewhere it was originally supposed to be a refugee story set in the real world but she ultimately swerved to fantasy so people wouldn’t get hung up on real world baggage). literally every character is a fully realized person and i would die for approx 87% of them.
honestly i don’t really know how to sell this trilogy, it turns me into a drooling idiot every time i read it bc it’s so good it melts my brain. i absolutely 100% seriously weep for the entire second half of the third book, even though i’ve already read it at least 7 times, it makes me feel that much that strongly and it never wears off. if i could read nothing else until the day i die it would be this trilogy and that’s not even a little bit hyperbolic.
i have no idea how long this has been going around or who has been tagged so consider yourself tagged if you want to play!
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mother-of-a-murder · 5 years
Get to Know Me Meme
Hey folks! The lovely @icybluepenguin tagged me in this fun lil survey thingy so here’s some random knowledge about lil ole’ me :3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag the peoples you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: Jessie, Jessifer
Zodiac sign: Standard: Taurus, Chinese: Year of the Snake.
Height: 5’3”
Hogwarts House: Gryffinpuff
Last thing you googled: Dollar General hours
Favourite musicians: Hard to pick x_x Currently, Marilyn Manson, Linkin Park, Boy Epic, HEALTH, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, Depeche Mode, Cazzette, I could go on and on 😅
Song(s) Stuck in Your Head:
“Burn It Down” by Linkin Park
“Wolf” by Boy Epic
“POP/STARS” by K/DA feat. Jaira Burns
Following: 462
Followers: 172 (use to be almost 900 but the Tumblr purge forced me to start over 😢)
Do You Get Asks? Sometimes :3
Amount of Sleep: 8.5-9 hrs.
Lucky Number: 4
What are you wearing? Green button up blouse, canary yellow tank top, black dress pants, black shoes.
Dream Job: Full-time Furry Artist or Erotica Author
Dream Trip: Germany or London.
Instrument: NONE XD
Languages: Just English, with tiny flecks of knowledge on various greetings/farewells/yes-no’s in a few other languages like German, Japanese, & Russian.
Favorite Songs: (Why ya’ll gotta make me choose music like this? My current my favs are...)
• Aces & 8’s by Uncle Kracker
• The Way We Get By by Spoon
• Run for Cover by Cazzette
• Simply Being Loved by BT
• Pepper by Butthole Surfers
• Crusher by HEALTH
• Rosetta Stoned by Tool
• Graceless by The National
Random fact: The reason my username is mother-of-a-murder is because I’ve befriended a murder of crows at my workplace over the years :3 They’ve come & gone but they generally recognize me, my car, and some will even come when I caw to them. ☺️🖤
Aesthetic: It kinda depends on how I’m feeling. On one hand, I love hippie/boho aesthetics, like beanbag chairs, trippy vibrantly colored tapestries, lil water fountain type decor, lava lamps, beaded (or lacey/rope) curtains, black lights, hanging hammock chairs, fairy-lights/paper lanterns. Theeeen on the other hand, I love gothic aesthetics too. Lots of black with splashes of orange, red, purples; coffin-shaped shelves, dragon figurines/statues, coat hangers that look like skeleton hands or crow feet, black antique candle holders
If you folks wanna play, be sure to tag me so I can read yours too, or reblog from here, whichever! :3
@slytherin-pixie @dystopian-dez382 @adamcansuckme @inkededucatednnerdy @angryschnauzer @pedeka @nuggsmum @wolfsmom1 @izhunny @adarkprincereborn
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firethatgrewsolow · 5 years
Swiss Time - Chapter Fourteen
**The adventure continues after a bit of hiatus. You may want to brush up on the ending to the last chapter or the very beginning of this one might not make sense. On the other hand, you may want to skip this one altogether as it’s definitely sfw and fluffy! :-) Thank you to @squeezemylemon for taking a look at the mess I presented you. Hopefully this doesn’t resemble it in any meaningful way ha! And as always, thanks for reading.**
“Quit looking down, Robert. You can’t see anything.” Natalie stifled her smirk. “Well, not much, anyway.”
“That’s it. I’m changing my trousers.” Robert stopped mid-stride and spun around, pulling her along.
“I was only joking.” She pointed to their reflection in the store window beside them. “Have a look for yourself.” Her brow lifted as he squinted, ambling closer. “Told you. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m the one with wrinkles all over my dress.”
There was a hum in the back of the singer’s throat as he recalled how each and every one had come to pass. “Perhaps you need a new one, then?” He cupped his hands against the glass, peering into the dimly lit shop. Long oak shelving lined the walls, covered in dog-eared paperbacks and periodicals that had seen better days. A network of clothing racks lay in the middle, draped in peasant dresses and flowy blouses. Sprinkled among them were weathered wooden tables offering everything from Tiffany style lamps and tapered candles to crystals and dried flowers. The full sized cardboard cutout of Marilyn Monroe that flanked the entrance completed the picture. “Christ, what is this place?”
“It’s called Le Papillon Pourpre. It’s been here forever.”
“Isn’t that butterfly something?”
“It is. Papillon is butterfly, and pourpre is . . . well, it doesn’t really exist in English. It’s sort of reddish-purple.” Natalie clutched the door handle. “Come on, let’s check it out.”
“But I thought we were going to-”
“They have vinyl.”
“Lead the way.”
As they entered the shop, the world outside receded, giving way to the serene strum of acoustic guitar. A melange of white sage and lavender wafted through the space, not quite cloaking the unmistakable aroma of cannabis. “I like it here already,” Robert drawled, his vision adjusting to the muted glow from the dozen or so chandeliers affixed to the rafters. “Hey, they’re playing The Incredible String Band. That’s one of my favorite groups.”
“Their collection is supposed to be pretty eclectic. Even Christian buys here.”
Robert scanned the cavernous room. “So, where do they keep the records?”
“They’re in the back to the right. Near the . . . t-shirts,” Nat finished quietly as he scampered away. “Guess I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
The minutes slipped by as Natalie sought to busy herself. Robert was in his element, surrounded by vinyl, flipping through the albums with machine like precision. He was clearly absorbed, having taken up residence in the corner of the shop. Resigned to her fate, she found a spot to while away the time in the form of a threadbare but surprisingly comfortable settee near the used books. As she reclined into it, one in particular caught her eye, and she smiled at the well worn cover. The Female Eunuch. Unable to resist its lure, Nat reached for the hardback, thumbing through the pages. How many times had she devoured it? Enough to have memorized virtually every single word. It had been a birthday gift from Susan, signed by the author herself, a woman Nat admired and longed to emulate. Maybe I’ll get to meet her when we go to . . .
“What the bloody hell is a female eunuch?”
Natalie glanced up. “Something I intend never to be.” She snickered as Robert tilted his head, looking very much like the shaggy Golden Retriever she’d had as a child. “It’s a book by Germaine Greer. She’s the famous Australian feminist that-”
“Feminist? Say no more.” Her smile vanished, a familiar frown taking its place, and Robert grinned. “Just kidding. I’m all for it. Keeps you busy.” With a yelp, he jumped back, narrowly avoiding the tip of her boot. “So, what’s it about?”
Nat stood, sliding the book onto the shelf. “Well, it’s kind of a call to arms, in a way. It argues that traditional roles for women leave them unfulfilled. That we should be questioning authority and break free from the monotony of marriage and children. Maybe even monogamy in general.”
“Oohh, I do like the sound of that.”
“I thought that might sell you,” Natalie replied, rolling her eyes.  
“I’d say you’re off to a pretty good start, yeah? I don’t know too many little girls that could do what you do.”
“Little girls? Really?”
Robert cleared his throat. “Young women, I meant.”
“You know more than you realize. You just don’t think of them that way.” Natalie pressed her finger against his chest. “That’s part of the problem.”
“Have I told you how cute you are when you’re miffed?”
Her hands flew to her hips. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about, Robert. You’re so condescending. You’d never say that to a guy.”
“You’re bloody right about that.”
“I’m serious!” Nat groused, stomping her foot. “Stop taking the piss.”
“What did you just say?” Robert burst into hearty laughter. “Stop taking the piss?”
Nat nibbled her lip. “Did I . . . did I not say it right?”
He wrapped his arms around her, pecking the crown of her head. “Oh, my girl, you make me smile.”
Natalie nestled into the cozy warmth of his chest, the mere action coaxing a web of comfort around her. She’d never known someone who could provoke her so, then sweep it all away with a simple embrace. She closed her eyes, lost in his scent and the feel of him. Lost in his very aura. You’re falling in love with him. Her pulse ignited as the realization raced through her, fueled by a mix of fear and fearlessness.
“You okay, babe?”
The hint of a smile on his face belied the concern in his slightly wrinkled brow. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re not usually this, ah, snuggly.” Robert tightened his grip as she tried to step back. “I like it, Natalie.” He cupped her chin. “I like it a lot.”
Nat swallowed, taking in his sun-kissed glow. He was so handsome, so impossibly him. She wasn’t falling. She was already there. Get your shit together, girl. You’re in dangerous territory. Her gaze flickered to the rear of the shop. “So, um, did you find any records?”
Robert remained silent for moment. The wall was back. She was good at constructing them. Any time things got a bit too close or a bit too personal, boom, she’d change tack. Sometimes with a joke, sometimes with a distraction. It was subtle, but it was always there. “As a matter of fact, I did. Let me show you.”
They wound around the apparel to the music corner, and Robert tapped a stack of albums piled next to a bright orange psychedelic t-shirt. “This one I’ve been trying to score for a couple of years.”
“Jill and the Boulevards? Who’s that?”
“A band from London that formed in the early 60’s. They didn’t make it very far, but their sound was so cool. Kind of like, um, Jefferson Airplane meets Fairport.” Robert slung the shirt over his shoulder and scooped up his new treasures, cradling them with the reverence of a man clutching his first born child. “Speaking of, I may have a surprise for you when we get back to the hotel.”
“Oh, really? A surprise at the hotel? Dare I ask the nature of it?”
The corner of his mouth curled up. “A melodic one, I promise.” He deposited his stash alongside the register, folding the tie dye on top.
Natalie eyed its garish neon swirls. “Wait, you’re actually going to get that?”
“I was planning on it. Why shouldn’t I?”
She clasped the garment, scrunching up her nose. “Maybe because it’s ugly.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“It’s hideous, Robert. But I suppose it works. If the vibe you’re going for is stoner with really bad taste.”
He swiped the shirt from her grasp. “Well, as my sartorial superior, what would you suggest?”
Natalie padded to a rack of blouses near the center of the shop. “These seem promising.” She rummaged through the various pieces, dismissing each one with a flick of her wrist. Undeterred, she plowed on to the next rack, and then the rack beside it, gradually losing hope. “I guess I was wrong. There’s nothing here that . . . “ she trailed off as a soft cotton tee came into view, the color of the summer sky. A spectacular bird graced the front of it, emblazoned in white, red and blue. The detail was superb, down to the slight sparkle in the crimson tips of its wings. It was absolutely . . .
Nat narrowed her eyes at Robert’s proclamation. “It is perfect. For me.”   
“I thought we were looking for something for me.”
“You’ve got your vinyl.”
“But I like it. And blue’s my fav-”
“Mine, too, and you know it. Besides, I found it first.” She cocked her head, and Robert did the same, making it evident that he wasn’t giving in. A beat passed, then another. His tiny pull on the fabric was nearly imperceptible, but his burgeoning smirk was not. She peered behind him, gasping mightily. “Oh, no, Robert, that man’s taking your records.” His split second of alarm was all she needed, and she snatched the shirt away.
Robert froze mid-whirl, pursing his lips as he slowly turned back to her. “You’re very sneaky.”
“I thank you,” she replied, beaming at her flawless imitation of him. “It’s just another thing to love.”
His dimple deepened. “You always get your way, don’t you?”
“Not always.” Natalie winked, dangling the tee in front of him. “Just most of the time.”
Robert shook his head. “Right.”
“Oh, come on, you know you’d rather have something more dramatic.” She nodded toward a row of jackets. A black bolero fronted the display, its edges covered in thick ivory embroidery, exquisitely stitched. “How about that? I’ve never seen you in something like it.”
Robert fingered the rich material. “Not bad. Do you think it will fit?”
“No, but has that ever stopped you before?” She chuckled as he made a wry face. “Try it on.”
Sliding it over his thin black tank, he lumbered to the mirror. “Well?”
Natalie snorted. It was at least three sizes too small. “It’s just right.”
Robert stood a little straighter, tossing his hair back. “It is, isn’t it?”
She exchanged a look with the woman behind the register, who was observing them with amusement. “I guess that means he’ll take it.”
“Oh, yeah, about that,” Robert began, scratching the stubble on his chin. “It seems I’ve, ah, forgotten my wallet.”
Natalie’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious? You forgot your wallet? Again? You seem to do that a lot.”
“Now, now, you know I’ll pay you back.” The singer kissed the tip of her nose. “Or maybe . . . it could be my birthday present.”
“How is it we finally go shopping for my birthday, five months late, incidentally, and you’re the one that ends up with most of the stuff.”
“Ah, the scowl is back. I adore it.”
“That’s fortuitous. Because you’ve mastered the art of eliciting it.”
“You use fancy words when you’re cross. I adore that, too.” He leaned closer as she crossed her arms, his lips gliding to her ear. “But you know what I love best? The sound you make when I do this.” He nipped her earlobe, savoring her squeak as she stumbled back a half step. A faint blush crept onto her cheeks, and he grinned, nuzzling his nose against hers. “Yes, that’s definitely the best.”
“Would you like me to box it up for you?”  
Natalie’s eyes darted toward the shopkeeper as her heavily accented English filled the air. “No, thank you. He’s going to wear it out, I’m sure.” They flashed back to Robert. “Delayed gratification is not his forte.” Dropping her t-shirt on the counter, she motioned to the records. “We’ll take those, too.” As she fished the wallet from her bag, she canvassed the case underneath the register, which was teeming with glittering baubles and beads, all expertly crafted. She stilled as she spied a sparkling butterfly clipped to a braided gold rope. A kaleidoscope of shimmering stones formed its wings, enveloping the body, which consisted of two dual toned gems that she’d only seen in books. It can’t possibly be. There’s no way.
“It’s very special, isn’t it?”
Natalie’s head snapped up. “Yes, it is. Is that alexandrite?”
“Yes. Would you like to see it?”
Nat’s eyes widened. “Please.” As the clerk passed her the piece, she expelled a breath. “It must be terribly expensive.”
“It’s not for sale, just on display. It’s very old. And the namesake of the shop.”
“Robert, did you hear that? It’s the namesake of the shop.” Natalie swung the pendant over the trio of candles along the edge of the counter. “See how the color changes in the light? Pourpre. This is pourpre,” she murmured, entranced by the brilliance of the jewel. “It’s incredible. How much would it cost if it were for sale?”
The woman clicked her tongue, finally shrugging. “I do not know. I would imagine quite a lot.”
Robert smiled, admiring the fiery hues of the stone, but most of all, the sheer wonder etched on Natalie’s face. “Let me put it on you. Lift your hair, love.” He clasped the chain, carefully fastening it around her neck as she gazed into the mirror. “You look like a princess dressed for a ball.” He traced the lines of its wings with the tip of his finger. “My princess Natalia.”
“Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour.”
Robert glanced to the shopkeeper. “That’s very pretty. What does it mean?”
“Nothing is real but dreams and love.”
Robert stole another peek at Natalie. “That’s nice. Beautiful, really.”
Nat’s heart skipped a beat as their eyes met in the glass, the tender gleam in his nearly too much to bear. Their attraction was undeniable, the chemistry inescapable, but it ran deeper than that. How much deeper, though? The rumble of voices broke the reverie as a cadre of kids stormed into the shop, ushering in rich, sweet wisps of smoke and patchouli. They were outfitted in feathers and fringe, their banter ceasing abruptly upon their discovery of Robert. As they stared in stunned silence, Natalie hurriedly unclipped the necklace, passing it back to the clerk and taking her change. The silence wasted no time morphing into excited chatter as an autograph was requested and then another. Robert held his own, basking in the adoration of the horde now encircling him, but Nat was all too aware of how scenes could flip from convivial to confrontational in an instant. There was only one Robert, and there must have been twenty-five or thirty kids and counting. Natalie cased the rear of the store, searching for a way out that didn’t include traipsing through the middle of the throng. As if she could read her mind, the shopkeeper leaned into her, her tone hushed.
“Behind the records, there is a door that leads to a hall. Follow the hall until it ends. That will bring you out on the street behind us.” The woman gestured toward the growing crowd. “I will take care of them.”
Natalie flinched as a steely peal of French burst forth from the clerk’s lips. Immediately, the mob was rendered mute, each bell bottomed and peasant bloused body stiffening at her command. Nat quelled her giggle as she clutched Robert’s hand to make their stealthy escape. The sleepy Swiss town was about to become decidedly less so. The invasion had begun.  
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