#when you try to befriend your best friend’s boyfriend but he doesn’t have a sense of humor
cod-dump · 1 year
Teen!Rudy visiting teen!Ghost: How many swords do you have?
Teen!Ghost: Sword of a lot
Teen!Rudy, immediately turning to leave the room: Blocked
Teen!Ghost, jumping in front of him: Parried!
Teen!Rudy: *stares intensely with his eye twitching*
Teen!Ghost: Uh-
Teen!Gaz: Ale, do you think it was a good idea to leave Rudy and Si alone?
Teen!Alejandro, focused on his switch: Rudy can defend himself
Teen!Gaz, hearing a yelp: Yea, that’s what I’m concerned about
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therealcocoshady · 6 months
Recovery - Chapter 34
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Reader is planning Talia and Jamal's wedding when unexpected news happen.
Tags : Angst
TW : Mention of drug use - Mention of pregnancy
Author's Note : I hope you enjoy the chapter ❤️
Ever since Marshall had informed you that Kim would be there for Thanksgiving, you were a little bit freaked out. However, you didn’t really bring up the topic, and neither did your boyfriend. After the conversation, you spent a few days pondering whether or not you should try and escape the situation. Not being American, Thanksgiving wasn’t important to you anyway so you wouldn’t mind skipping it or celebrating it the same way you had done since you came to the US - with Talia and Jamal. 
When you moved to Detroit, you quickly befriended Talia at the beginning of the school year. You were planning on spending your first Thanksgiving in your dorm room, on your own, watching a crappy movie and eating ramen, but she wouldn’t have it and invited you to spend the day with her, her boyfriend and her family. At first, you declined the invitation but she basically forced you to go and that’s how you met Jamal, as well as Talia’s mother and her three sisters. You got along with everyone and had an official, standing invitation for every holiday, your best friend’s family being just as warm and welcoming as her. Even when you were with your ex, you spent Thanksgiving with Talia. This year would be your first time celebrating it with someone else. When you told her about the change of plans, she was happy for you but made it clear that you would be missed. To be fair, you would miss them too. You didn’t know too much about how everyone else celebrated Thanksgiving, but Talia’s family certainly made it fun : everyone would spend the day cooking together in a relaxed atmosphere, making jokes, dancing to some 80s tunes and playing board games. 
You didn’t mind skipping this in order to celebrate with the man you loved, but knowing his ex-wife would be there certainly made you reconsider. However, he made it clear that he was looking forward to celebrating with you and told you how important it was for him that you be there. 
It’s a family holiday, he said. We’re officially living together, it doesn’t make sense to spend it apart, Y/N. We’re family, now. 
We’re still very new, you reminded him. What will your family think ? 
As far as they’re concerned, you can do no wrong, he chuckled. Apparently, they’re all relieved that my grumpy ass found someone who is actually willing to put up with me. And they all know and like you already. 
Except for your ex, you pointed out. 
Is that what it’s really about ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
You sighed and did not reply. Part of you thought that it was a good thing that Marshall and Kim were on friendly terms, for the sake of their daughters. It was a proof of maturity on their part and you had heard enough stories from your friends with divorced parents to know that it was actually a good thing. Everyone would like for their parents to be able to get along after a divorce. But being the partner of someone who was divorced made it a little challenging. After all, no one expected to spend a holiday with their boyfriend’s ex-wife, let alone relished the idea. 
I told you it will be fine, he said as he hugged you from behind while you were doing your skincare before bed. And it’s not just her, anyway. Everyone else will be there. 
Yes but she’s the only one I haven’t met yet, you said sheepishly. What if she hates me ? 
Why would she hate you ? He scoffed. 
Because I’m your girlfriend… Duh ? 
Look, Y/N, he said as he took your hands in his. Yes, Kim is my ex, and yes, we have a long and complicated history. But any form of romantic feeling between us is long gone. There won’t be any jealousy… On her part, at least. 
The end of his comment made you raise an eyebrow. 
You think I’m jealous of her ? You asked. 
I don’t know, he said with a smile. Are you ? 
I guess not, you shrugged. I do have many questions, though. 
So we’re gonna have that talk, huh ? He asked with a sigh. 
Do you mind ? 
No offense, babe, but even if I did… I know you well-enough to know that you’d toss and turn all night, and you'll drive yourself crazy and me as well. I love you, and I want to get some sleep tonight, so for both our sakes, let’s get this over with, he chuckled. 
Thank you, you said shyly as you felt your face redden a bit. 
You both sat in bed and you were nervously tugging on your nightgown, not really knowing where to start. 
I don’t have all night, though, he said playfully. Just ask your damn questions, babe. 
Did she sleep here ? You asked, as it was the first question that popped into your head - hell, maybe you were in her spot ! 
In this room or in this bed ? He asked. This is the master bedroom, so yeah, we slept here. The bed and mattress are new, though, if that’s any comfort. Next question ? 
Do you miss her, sometimes ? You asked nervously. 
He glanced at you and shook his head with a smile. 
What kind of question is that, Y/N ? He simply asked. Really ? You’re asking me if I miss her ? 
Can you blame me for wondering, though ? Everyone knows she’s the love of your life, your high-school sweetheart and stuff… 
Everyone also knows that our marriages were utter failures and that we drove each other crazy, he stated with an eye roll. 
So you never think about her ? You asked. 
That’s a different question. Of course I think about her often. 
Often ?! What the hell did he mean by that ? As he saw the expression on your face - that probably resembled that of a deer in headlights - he let out a laugh. 
I told you, babe, we have a history and three daughters, he said. Of course I think about her, whether it’s something about the girls or simply memories. I can’t erase twenty-plus years from my brain, you know ? But it doesn’t mean I miss her. I used to, for sure, but I don’t. Not anymore. You can think of the good times you had with someone without missing the relationship. 
I guess, you said. How do you feel about her now, then ? 
I mean… She’s the mother of my children and that will never change. In that regard, I respect her, because she’s doing her best to be a good mom, too. I might not always agree with her, in fact there’s a lot of shit we disagree on, but she’s high in my esteem. Also because she put up with a lot of me and my shit, he said. 
Do you have feelings for her ? You blurted out before you were able to hold back the words. 
As soon as you spoke these words, he frowned and shook his head. He sighed and took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers. 
I just told you I don’t miss her, he said. So no, I don’t have feelings for her. Not romantic, at least. I do have affection for her, though, in a way. I care for her and I don’t want anything bad happening to her. If she ever needs me, I’m here. I told you before - whether we like it or not, Kim and I will always be family. So I will always be there to support her. 
You nodded, a bit lost in your thoughts. He pulled you in his arms and leaned in, his forehead resting against yours while his piercing blue gaze held yours. 
I need you to understand something, baby, he said. Nothing I’m saying here affects the way I feel about you. Just because I care for Kim doesn’t mean I don’t love you. You are the woman I love and the one who makes me happy, and no one will change that. 
Ok, you said as you nodded softly. I love you too, you know ? 
And even if she did hate you, which she won’t, you’re the one person I chose to share my life with. Whether anyone likes it or not, you are my girl and they have to respect that. And I know she does, he said. 
Ok, you said. Does she know that we live together here ? 
She does, he  nodded. 
And that I’m… You know… Younger ? 
Yes, that too, he chuckled. I mean, I told her about you before so she knows a couple of things. She knows your name, your age, what you do in life, part of our story and, most of all, she knows I am head over heels in love with you. 
When did you tell her all that ? You asked, a bit surprised. 
I talked about you on a couple of occasions, he explained. When we got together, and a couple of months after our breakup, too. We don’t speak or see each other too often, but we keep up with each other’s life. 
He was smiling, which was sort of reassuring. His transparency made you feel at peace and, even though you were still a bit anxious, you eased up. You smiled back and kissed him on the cheek. 
Thank you for reassuring me, you said softly. I think you got yourself a night without me tossing and turning. 
Good, he chuckled. I get how weird it must be for you, you know ? But I’m sure everything will be fine. It’s just Thanksgiving. 
You smiled and nuzzled his neck as he held you in his arms, tracing circles on your shoulder. 
I love you, Marshall. 
I love you too, Y/N. And I’m really happy we’re celebrating our first holiday together, he added. 
That’s a milestone, you said. 
The first of many, many more, he said with a smile before pressing a kiss to your temple. 
So… What does a typical Thanksgiving look like in the Mathers household ? You asked. What should I expect ? 
Just classic Thanksgiving stuff, you know ? He shrugged. 
Well I only ever celebrated at Talia’s family’s, so… I don’t know, you chuckled. In my experience, it involves Talia’s mom preaching about how good God is and the blessings he gives, lots of cooking, lots of eating, board games and Talia’s sisters arguing over who Jamal prefers ! 
Sometimes I forget you’re not from here, he chortled. No preaching here, but lots of eating, just hanging out together, talking, watching movies, playing games… And I have my basketball tradition with Nate. 
Let me guess ? You usually win ? You asked with a grin. 
I lost the last one, actually, he chuckled. But I’ll definitely humiliate him this year. I have a lady to impress, I can’t lose. 
If you win, I’ll give you something to look forward to, you said teasingly. 
Like what ? He asked with a smirk. 
Win and you’ll see, you replied with a wink. 
I have an entire week left before the game, he said. Believe me, I’m going to train for victory. 
You giggled and kissed him softly before turning the lights off. You were a little reassured and figured that, even though your first Thanksgiving with him would be a bit stressful, you would get to admire him all sweaty on the basketball court and that would be absolutely worth it. 
In the week leading up to Thanksgiving, you were busy with wedding stuff and maid of honor duties. Talia and Jamal had yet to set a date for the wedding but that didn’t prevent your best friend from giving you tasks such as browsing ideas, looking at dress designers and searching for venues. You gladly obliged : you had sent out a few applications for jobs but you hadn’t gotten any answers yet and you were starting to get a bit bored. You would have gladly taken care of the house or garden, but there was staff hired for that and the only thing you could do to help around the house was to cook dinner for Marshall when he came back from work. You enjoyed it but it was clearly not enough to fill your days and you were starting to feel like one of those rich, bored housewives. Helping Talia with the wedding was a welcome distraction and you took the task with the utmost seriousness. You had always been a sucker for weddings and you knew full well it would be the only one you would get to organize so you decided to enjoy it. Every day after she got off from work, your friend would come to your place and your living room was soon filled with bridal magazines and moodboards for what was set to be the wedding of the century. Jamal’s work as a renowned beatmaker allowed them to have a very comfortable lifestyle and he had made clear that, whatever Talia wanted for the wedding, she would get. And she happened to have expensive taste, as well as a never-ending guest list. 
I will never find a venue, she loudly complained. I either hate the places we’re looking at, or they’re simply not big enough. 
You let out a sympathetic laugh. With the immense guest list they had, it was no surprise that finding a venue would be challenging. It seemed like every single person they had ever met would be invited. 
We will find something, you said with a smile. Or maybe you could try and shrink the guest list ? 
Jamal put you up to this, didn’t he ? She sighed. He keeps on telling me that we should keep it small. If it were up to him, we would elope… 
That could be super romantic, you know, you said tentatively. I mean… How many people on your guest list do you actually keep in touch with anyway ? 
I want my princess wedding, she said. You don’t know what it is. You’ll see when you get engaged ! 
I’m not getting married, you reminded her. Marshall doesn’t want to get married. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. 
I can’t believe you’re willing to accept that, though, she said with an eye roll. You, of all people, not getting married ? 
You know I’m a sucker for weddings and all things “traditional family”, you chuckled. But I’d rather never get married and be with Marshall than the other way around. He means more to me than a dress I’d wear for a day. 
You know I love Em, but I just don’t get it, she shrugged before munching on a cupcake you had baked earlier. He’s old, so I get the “not wanting kids” part. But you moved back here for him and you decided to give up on kids to be with him, so the least he could do is put a ring on it, you know ? 
We just got back together, you giggled. And don’t get me wrong, if he asked for my hand, I would say yes. I mean, he is the love of my life. But he seems pretty adamant. And as long as I’m with him, I’m good, so really… Doesn’t matter. 
Still… I never thought you would be ready to renounce marriage and children for any man. 
You could absolutely see where Talia was coming from. You had spent countless hours talking about wedding stuff, since the two of you had met. You had actually bonded over your love of romantic movies and series and watched countless wedding-related TV shows. But you had made your choice and you understood that Marshall didn’t want that. And after all, he was right : you didn’t need to sign a piece of paper to be in a loving, committed relationship. As long as you got to experience life with him and make great memories, you were happy. And as for the fun you would have had planning your own wedding, you would live vicariously through Talia, who would be the most beautiful bride. The conversation shifted and you got back to your order of business : the wedding. You looked at venues while she took a fun break and looked at the Vera Wang website.
I’m going to be sick, Talia muttered after a while. 
Come on, you chuckled. The bridal collections can’t be that bad… 
No, I’m really feeling sick, she said before running to the bathroom. 
You heard her puke profusely and looked at the plate of cupcakes. She had eaten about half a dozen. You had eaten a few yourself, though not nearly as much, and you were feeling fine, so you doubted that your baking was actually to blame. When she came back from the bathroom, she looked rather ill and tired.  
Do you want some tea ? You offered. 
Yes, please, she said in a croaky voice. 
Lay on the couch, I’ll make it. Do you think you caught a stomach bug or something ? 
I don’t know, she said in a small voice. Maybe it’s my period ? I’ve been waiting for it to actually come for a while. 
Wait… You’re late ? You asked with a raised eyebrow. 
You stared at her in disbelief and started to put two and two together. In the past days, she had complained about being tired and bloated, but you didn’t think too much of it. However, now that you knew she was late, it made you think of your own symptoms, from when you were pregnant. That’s how it had started after all : feeling tired, hungry and bloated, with a bit of morning sickness to top it off. 
I can’t be pregnant, Talia said with a terrified look on her face. My mother gave me enough shit about living with Jamal before being married, she will kill me if I have a baby out of wedlock. 
Maybe it’s just a false alarm. You’re using protection, right ? You asked as you tried to reassure her. 
Of course, she said. I mean, except once, but what would be the odds ? 
When was that ? You asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Hum… The night we got engaged ? She said nervously. 
You opened big eyes. The night they got engaged was the night Jamal brought condoms to your room. And doing the math, it would make sense and explain Talia’s period being quite a bit late. On some level… You were the one who stopped taking the pill after your breakup and your best friend might as well be the one who ended up pregnant. You convinced her to take a pregnancy test and the two of you ended up driving to the nearest pharmacy, buying one from every brand. When you got back home, Talia was shaking with nerves. 
You’ll be fine, you said as you gave her a hug. You guys have been together for ages and you guys have talked about having kids before. You know he will be supportive. 
I know but… Right before the wedding ?! She asked nervously. That was not the plan, Y/N. I wanted to look good in my dress, I wanted to show off my figure in a bikini on a Hawaiian beach for my honeymoon… 
Only one way to find out, you said. Now, go and take the test ! 
In true bestie fashion, you sat on the tub while Talia was peeing on the stick. She handed it to you during the mandatory three minute waiting period. You had been there before and you knew damn well how she might be feeling. You held her hand and started to feel overcome with nerves, as well as many other emotions. You were probably a bad friend for this, and you would never confess to feeling this way, but deep down, you were feeling envious. You were content with your life, but some shameful part of you felt like you would have been in her place, if you hadn’t broken up with Simon. You would most likely be engaged, maybe with a rainbow baby on the way. In a way, you were envious. Of course, being with Marshall was everything you wanted and you loved him more than hypothetical plans of having kids or getting married, and Talia was more than deserving of these things, but it was stronger than you. When the alarm on your phone rang, both you and Talia took a deep breath. 
I can’t look at it, she said. 
You sort of have to, you pointed out. You have to know, right ? 
You look at it and tell me. 
You nervously took the stick and looked at it. Two lines. Positive. 
You’re… pregnant, you said in a blank voice. 
She gasped and looked at it herself. She freaked out and refused to believe it, trying to convince the both of you that it might be a false positive and she ended up guzzling almost a gallon of water and taking another test. Then another one. And another one. Of course, all of them had the same result : your best friend was definitely pregnant. 
I’m pregnant, she said in disbelief. I’m really pregnant.
How are you feeling ? You asked. 
I… I can’t believe it, she simply said. I am pregnant. 
She stared at the numerous tests on the sink and put a hand on her belly. She stared at you as tears welled up in her eyes. 
I’m pregnant, she repeated. 
Look, if you don’t feel ready, you can absolutely…, you began. 
No, she said. I think… I’m happy. I’m having a baby with the love of my life. I’m so happy. 
She took you in her arms and held you tightly as she sobbed with happiness. You were emotional - for a lot of different reasons - and you felt a tear roll on your cheek. Talia was the kindest soul you had ever met and you had absolutely no doubt that she would be an amazing mother. She was already so good at taking care of people. 
You’re going to be a splendid mom, you said softly. That baby is going to be so lucky. 
You’re going to be the best aunt, she said emotionally. 
And Jamal is going to be the greatest Dad on earth ! 
Oh my God, I have to tell Jamal ! She said. And my mom ? Do I call my mom ? And the wedding ?! What do I do ?!?! 
You could see her go through so many emotions at once. You tried your best to reassure her and walked her through what she needed to do. First, you told her to go home and break the news to Jamal before telling anyone else. Then, she would have to make some medical appointments to ensure everything was alright with her pregnancy. As for the wedding, you assured her that, whether they wanted to elope or wait until after the baby was born, you would do your best to make sure her dreams came true and that she would have the most beautiful wedding. Whatever she needed, you would be there for her. She hugged you tight before leaving your place, making you promise that you would not tell a soul, not even Marshall. 
Marshall sighed in relief as he drove past the gate of his property. The past few days at the studio had been pretty rough : nothing seemed to be going right and it was starting to get on his nerves. The week had started with an artist postponing a recording and writing session they were supposed to have together, as well as a sample clearing issue. However, there was a bigger problem : whenever he wanted to write, he couldn’t bring himself to. Whenever he jotted down some ideas or words on a page, everything felt insanely corny or simply wrong. He knew that was to be expected, though : whenever his personal life was peaceful, that’s when he found it harder to write and, right now, things happened to be going great at home. Every morning, he woke up with the biggest smile on his face, happy to be with the woman he loved. She was truly amazing and he loved living with her. She was easy to get along with and she took care of him by cooking, baking and providing him with comfort whenever he needed. There was literally nothing for him to complain about and, deep down, maybe it was what was lacking. When they were broken up, he was hurting and felt like shit but at least, it was a familiar feeling. As hard as it had been, he had learned to thrive on sadness, hurt, anger and resentment. Happiness, on the other hand, felt foreign to him, especially when it was this peaceful and domestic. There was always this irrational part of him that felt like it was too good to be true and was in panic mode. When he was with Kim, this kind of calm, peace and happiness only meant a storm was coming and that he was about to be brought to his knees. Same when he was a teenager living with his mother : when things were going great, it always meant drama was coming their way. So, obviously, he had developed trust issues and always felt odd when things were going good. Of course, he loved being with Y/N and he would not have it any other way. But at the same time, he couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety. 
When he got home, he found Y/N reading yet another bridal magazine on the couch while a documentary was playing on the living room TV. He immediately joined her and pulled her in for a hug. Her presence was just what he needed. However, she seemed a bit more distracted than usual. 
How was wedding planning today ? He asked as he settled and pulled her legs over his knees. 
Eventful, she replied. 
Really ? What happened ? Did you argue about the color of the bridesmaids dresses ? He chuckled. 
No, no, she said. I mean, whatever, it’s not really interesting. 
Are you alright ? He asked. 
Yeah… How was your day ? 
She seemed a little nervous and preoccupied, but he figured that Talia was probably to blame. Jamal’s fiancée was amazing, but she did keep Y/N busy with wedding planning and he knew that she was definitely the type to turn into a bridezilla. He told his girlfriend about his day and a meeting he had about upcoming performance dates. He was set to be a headliner for Lollapalooza, not only in the US but also in Europe and South America. He tried to focus on the positive and keep his writing struggles to himself. 
How would you feel about coming with me for Lollapalooza ? He asked. 
I don’t know, she shrugged. 
Come on, he said with a smile. It could be fun. I don’t want to be away from you for too long. And you could also enjoy the festival, see concerts, and we could travel a bit between the performance dates and make it romantic. What do you think ? 
That could be fun, she agreed. I don’t know if I’ll be free, though. 
I think Talia can do without you for a little while, he chuckled. 
No, I meant… From work, she corrected. In case I find something, you know ? But maybe Talia will need me too. I don’t know. 
We’ll see, he said with a smile. Are you sure you’re ok ? You seem… Gloomy ? 
I’m fine, she shrugged. Sorry. I guess I’m just under the weather. 
You’re working too hard for this wedding, he said as he took the magazine from her hands and pulled her closer to him. Come here. 
She hummed and buried her face in his neck. They cuddled in this position for a while and he started to relax. The warmth of her breath on his skin was doing a good job soothing him and making him forget about the frustrations of the day. From the day she walked into his life, she had been a peaceful presence for him and getting to come home to her in the evening was a blessing he was definitely grateful for. He enjoyed being in a bubble with her and being able to forget about the pressure of his work. They didn’t need to speak, her mere presence in the room and her touch were enough for him to be able to ease up. 
I missed you today, he said as he kissed her temple. 
I missed you too, she replied. 
If you didn’t have that appointment tomorrow, I’d take you to work with me, he continued. I could use your hugs throughout the day. 
What appointment ? She asked, seemingly confused. 
Your OB/GYN appointment for your contraception. Isn’t that tomorrow ?
Oh, right, she said sheepishly. I forgot about that. 
Are you ok, babe ? He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. I mean… If you don’t want to take the pill, it’s fine, we can stick to condoms. 
No, no, it’s not that, she replied. 
What’s wrong, then ? 
Nothing, she said. Sorry. Mind if I go lie down before preparing dinner ? I don’t feel too well. 
No, of course not, he said softly. Do you want me to come with you ? 
Don’t worry, she said. You can stay here. 
She got up and kissed his cheek before heading to their bedroom. Something definitely seemed off. Ever since they got back from Europe, she had been in a rather good mood, even considering the situation with her Dad. Now, she almost seemed depressed and he had no idea why. He decided to let her rest, figuring that she was probably just tired or that her period might be on the way. A couple of hours later, he went to see her and ask if she was hungry. She immediately offered to cook something for him, even though she didn’t plan on eating, but he told her not to bother. Y/N was laying in bed, wearing one of his tee-shirts, doom scrolling on her phone, the preoccupied look still on her face. He kissed her and went to the kitchen for a quick sandwich and a can of diet coke. When he was done, he threw his can in the trash and saw three sticks that looked all too familiar : pregnancy tests. Ever since he got back with Y/N, they’d had protected sex and, on one occasion when the condom broke, she had gotten emergency contraception. There was no way she could be pregnant. So why the hell had she taken these tests ? In a matter of seconds, his heart had started pounding in his chest. He nervously grabbed one of the tests, hoping it was negative. But there were clearly two lines. Positive. So were the two other ones. He felt terrified and dizzy. That had to be a nightmare. He could not have a baby. Not at fifty-two. Not when he had sworn that he would not have any more children. If anything, he was the last person on earth that should have kids. He loved his daughters, obviously, and even though raising them was his biggest accomplishment, it was also the hardest thing he had ever had to do. Seeing the two lines on the pregnancy tests gave him flashbacks of all the sleepless nights he’d had, tossing and turning, doubting himself and being terrified to mess things up. There was no way he would be able to do it all over again. Now that his daughters were grown-up and out of the house, he wanted to take it easy, enjoy life with Y/N and be able to do whatever he wanted. The last thing he expected was to change diapers, get up in the middle of the night and just struggle all over again. He took his face in his hands. He could not do this, and especially not with Y/N. She had not even been sober for two years. He had been there with Kim and he knew what it was like to see the mother of his children relapse and struggle with sobriety. No kid ever deserved this and he was simply not strong enough to raise a kid with another addict. Not again. He tried to pace himself but he couldn’t. He had to talk to her. He did not understand. Why hadn’t she told him she was late ? When did she take the test ? Why didn’t she tell him she was pregnant ? He had so many questions. He grabbed the sticks and walked to the bedroom to confront her.
Please tell me it’s a prank, he said as he walked in. Please tell me it’s not true. Please tell me they’re fake. 
Fake what ? What prank ? She asked as she looked up. There’s no prank. 
So it’s real ?! He blurted out. How long did you think you could hide this from me ?! 
Hide what from you ? She asked as her eyebrows knitted. 
THIS ! He yelled as he threw the pregnancy tests on the bed.
He was livid. His anxiety had simply turned to anger. The idea that she could have the audacity to pretend not to know what he was talking about was driving him crazy. Had she even taken the plan B pill ? He couldn’t think straight anymore. He felt betrayed and trapped. He could see her face change as she saw the pregnancy tests. Her face started to crumble and tears started to roll on her cheeks. But if she thought he would fall for it, she was wrong. No amount of crying would work and she was not getting away with it. 
Don’t even try that shit with me, Y/N, he said coldly. You don’t get to pretend you have no idea when I’m talking about when I just found these fucking pregnancy tests. And you don’t get to cry when you’re the one who tried to hide that shit for me. What were you fucking thinking ?! Were you waiting for the legal delay for an abortion to be over ? For an ultrasound to soften me up ?! 
W-What ? She asked. No, Marshall, it’s not… 
What is it, huh ?! Fuck, we talked about this, we fucking broke up over this, so don’t tell me you didn’t fucking know how I feel about having kids, he continued. I’m not having another kid. Especially not with you. When you get to the doctor tomorrow, you better ask him to point you to the nearest abortion clinic ! 
She stared at him in shock. Her mouth was slightly open, she was still crying but she looked in disbelief. What was she thinking ? That he would jump up at the news ? He shook his head and headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 
It’s Talia, she said. She…
Of course it’s Talia, he scoffed. Of course your stupid friend put you up to this. Do you know the number of times she told me to suck it up and agree to marriage, babies and shit and get you back ? I gotta hand it to her, she’s fucking persistent. Though I must admit I didn’t think she would put you up to this. 
At this point, he wasn’t even thinking about what he was saying, just spitting his words in a spiteful way. As seconds went by, he was getting more and more worked up. He didn’t care about this pregnancy. He did not want to. He simply refused this possibility. There was no way he was having another baby. He loved Y/N but there was no way he would have a kid with her. 
You’re not the first person to try this with me, you know ? He spat. I should have known better. But you’re the last person I would have expected to try and fuck me ovI- 
I’M NOT PREGNANT ! Y/N finally yelled before throwing the tests back in his face. 
You’re not ?! He asked in disbelief. Whose fucking tests are they then ?! 
He felt a sudden wave of relief wash over him. He didn’t realize he needed to breathe that much, but it felt like he had a whole bottle of oxygen poured into his lungs. He felt at least thirty pounds lighter. Y/N, on the other hand, looked absolutely livid. And why wouldn’t she ? He realized he had basically insulted her, blinded by anger. As his mind got a little clearer, he recognized he might have gone a little overboard. 
Thank God, he sighed. Babe, I…
Cut it, she said as she got up from bed and started to leave the room. 
Wait, he pleaded as he grabbed her arm. 
She jerked her arm and groaned before going to the corridor. He followed her, trying to apologize and get her to talk to him. 
Y/N, I’m sorry, he said sheepishly. 
Please, she scoffed. You’re not sorry. 
I am, he assured her. Nerves got the best of me. I’m really sorry. 
Well, at least I got to know what you really think of me, she said. 
Where are you going ? He asked as she went down the stairs. 
On the couch. I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t sleep in the same room as people who think I am capable of betraying them, she spat. 
I didn’t say that, he defended himself knowing full well he had, indeed, said that. 
You did, Marshall, she said coldly. You literally said I tried to fuck you over. And not only do you think I am a terrible person, you also insulted my best friend. 
You’re not sleeping in the living room, it’s stupid, he said. 
Well I would have appreciated waiting until tomorrow to gather my things and figure out my next move, she pointed out. 
Your next… Y-You want to… leave ?! 
She did not answer. She only shrugged. Her demeanor and gaze were cold. She was clearly pissed, understandably so. But… Leaving ? She couldn’t leave him. He couldn’t lose her. He had promised to himself he would do everything in his power not to. The idea of her leaving put him in a state of panic and brought him back to their breakup, to that fateful Saturday morning, over pancakes, about seven or eight months ago. 
You can’t leave. 
Why should I stay ?! She spat. Why should I stay with someone who thinks I am capable of betraying them ? 
I didn’t mean that, he pleaded. I panicked, I’m sorry. Babe, I love you. I know you’d never… Fuck, I… Don’t leave me. Please. 
Let’s be clear, she said as she looked at him dead in the eyes. The only reason I’m still standing here is because my best friend is telling her future husband that they’re having a child and there is no way in hell I’m ruining that moment for her. Otherwise, I’d be over there and back in my old room already. 
Don’t do this, he said on the verge of tears. Please don’t leave me. I just… You seemed a little off, today, and you said it had been eventful, and when I saw the tests, I… I don’t know, I panicked. 
The reason I was off is because my best friend just told me she was pregnant, you dumbass ! She yelled. I was off because I had to stand in my own bathroom and hold these fucking pregnancy tests and see that they were positive and they’re not mine ! 
She was starting to cry again. She mumbled something in French and went to the living room, as he followed in her step. She sat on the couch and brought her knees to her chin. He stood there, watching her. 
Just leave, she said. 
No, he replied. I want to talk about it. I want to make things right between us. I’m so sorry… 
You want to talk ? Let’s talk then, she said sarcastically. You said you’re not having another kid, especially not with me. What was that ? 
I just don’t want more kids, he said evasively. I’m in my fifties, I’ve had three daughters, I don’t want more. 
I know that, she said as she rolled her eyes. And I respect that. But answer the damn question, Marshall. What did you mean about me ?! 
It doesn’t matter, he pleaded. It really doesn’t. You don’t want a kid, do you ?! 
Believe me, the last thing on my wish list is to have a baby, especially with you, she replied. 
Then it doesn’t matter, he simply said. I was out of line, I shouldn’t have accused you and I’m sorry. Let’s go to bed, I’ll make it up to you. 
Just say it, she said firmly. If you don’t, I swear to God, I’m packing a suitcase, calling a cab and booking a hotel room. 
I meant addicts like us don’t get to make that kind of mistakes, Y/N, he sighed. Addicts are shitty parents. I should know. 
Wow, she simply scoffed. 
She was staring at him with a look of both pain and disdain. He had obviously struck a chord. She closed her eyes and sighed. 
Why do you even bother with me ? She questioned. Why did you take me back ? 
What do you mean ? He asked nervously. I love you, I want to be with you. 
Why would you want to be with someone who you obviously think is not good enough ?! That’s just stupid, she pointed out. Why bother ? 
What ?! No, Y/N, I don’t… Of course you’re good enough. 
You know, I’m fine with your choices, she said with a hint of sadness. I respect that you’re done with marriage, and that you’re done with having kids. But you thinking I shouldn’t get to have children ? That fucking hurts. 
I’m sorry… 
STOP ! She screamed. You’re not sorry. I was ready to renounce having kids. Because I love you more than any unborn child. But do you even realize how much it hurts to know that if I had actually gotten accidentally pregnant, the person I sacrificed everything to be with would not support me ?! 
He felt his heart strain a little. Seeing the pain on her face made him feel like the worst asshole in the world. To be fair, if she had actually been pregnant, he would have supported her. Sure, he thought abortion would be a better option, but he would never force her. If they had been in that situation - and thank God they weren’t -  he would have stood by her side and supported her to the best of his abilities. He had simply been mean and stupid. Once again, anger had gotten the best of him. 
I would have been there, he said. Of course I would have been. I love you, Y/N. 
But you think I would be a shitty mom, she pointed out. 
I’ve seen addiction ruin families, he explained. It certainly ruined mine, in more ways than one. 
You still think of me as an addict, don’t you ? She asked on the verge of tears. No matter how long I can stay sober, you think I can’t be trusted ever again ? 
I-I don’t know, he replied honestly. In my book, an addict is an addict. I still think of myself as an addict. It doesn’t mean people can’t improve or recover but… It’s tricky. But I love you. I love you more than life itself, baby. 
She looked at him and simply shrugged. No matter what he said, he got the feeling that it would not matter much. He hated that angry side of himself. It wasn’t the first time that his anger got the best of him and ruined everything. He had been to therapy for his anger for years but, right when he thought he had made progress, it had to come and bite him in the ass once again. 
Please talk to me, he begged. Please say something. 
I have my appointment tomorrow morning, she simply said. I’ll pack my things when I get back. I will be out of here by the time you get back from work tomorrow.
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seoafin · 11 months
please free to ignore this if you’re not comfortable talking about it but i saw in a previous post you mentioned in the tags that you got into a huge fight with your best friend last year because you felt she didn’t put in enough effort on her end and i feel like i’m on the brink of going through this right now 😭
i’ve been friends with this girl for over 13 years now and love her to death but sometimes i feel as if my presence gets taken for granted. i feel like she believes she doesn’t have to put in much effort into our friendship anymore because i’ve been around for so long so there’s no way i’m gonna leave…and i HATE it!! there’s so much i have to say but i don’t even know where to start.
this is also semi related to my feelings on this but we have a third friend as well who we consider our best friend (corny to say but we’re a trio) but i feel this way towards her too sometimes. these past few months she got in a relationship and she while she definitely talked to us, she talked to us less and less in favour of her boyfriend (uni def played a part in this but she talked to him daily while we were lucky if we heard from her) but this past week lots happened and they ended up breaking up. this is genuinely the most i’ve heard her talk about her life with us in MONTHS and while i’m glad she did i’m a little bitter that she realized she should break up with him after some guy she befriended told her how trashy he is while i’ve been telling her that for MONTHS for it to fall on deaf ears.
it’s so annoying and i feel so stupid constantly putting in all this effort into these friendships giving all this advice for it to be ignored and be reciprocated back in lazy ways (they both give horrible lazy advice to me the rare times i have asked for it and it ends up just making me feel stupid).
i actually don’t know what i wanted out of dumping this in your asks but i just feel a little insane currently and think i’m crazy and care too much about little things. i feel so obsessive over these friendships and every little thing that happens while i know those two don’t think twice about it 😭 i guess i’m asking for advice on how to be less co-dependent? idk but you definitely don’t need to answer this if you don’t want, i know it’s A LOT to unpack and ur not a therapist…it’s very weird i’m dumping this here i sincerely apologize…
i do hope you’re having a fantastic day!!
i think what helped me the most was the realization that (cue that tumblr post) you can't force reciprocation. sometimes relationships and friendships will fizzle out. in the end all you can do is look back on and appreciate the time you did spend with them. there's no such thing as a wasted relationship. the only thing i can say is talk to them! i know how exhausting it can be to continuously be the one reaching out and how sad it is thinking you're the only one with any stake in the relationship
if you decide that this is a relationship worth preserving then you need to sit them down and talk to them. if they still don't understand then it's not worth it. let them go! i will say upon talking to my friend she did promise to try more and do better. and while she hasn't completely done that 100% i think i was at a point in my life where i recognized that our friendship wasn't going to be the same as it was when we were constantly seeing each other almost every day in hs. i can't keep on holding on to the past when we're completely different people! i'd say we're in a good place now. not as close as we once were but close enough that i don't need to rely on her when i go through life crises. i also don't harbor any resentment towards her anymore. as for being less co-dependent i think it's important to still be able to talk about your problems to a friend but i wouldn't look for emotional fulfillment in them if that makes sense? either find another friend or acknowledge that the advice they offer you comes from a place that doesn't necessarily have your best interests. rant to them but don't hinge your hopes on emotional reciprocation or a resolution. sometimes, just talking helps! you don't need to seek out an answer. also taking up a hobby doesn't hurt.
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 days
Saw someone say this about 1x11. Thoughts?:
Stefan stresses the importance of Elena wearing the necklace so she knows she's making her own choices and not being manipulated, then because she's upset about looking like Katherine, she takes it off. The show was trying to show Elena “severing ties” with Stefan but her leaving his room after they had sex and Katherine’s picture on his desk SHOULD BE ENOUGH, she doesn’t have to be an idiot and leave the necklace that will protect her. It was a stupid way to setup DE and his whole “I wanted it to be real”. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS. Stefan, a vampire can't hear Elena leave his house while he gets water? I’m aggravated by the scene where she stops Lexi’s partner from murdering Damon. HE MURDERED HER. I can see her being like “ok let me try SOMETHING so that Stefan isn’t mad at me. But that’s IT. Because upset or not at Stefan, Damon murdered his brother’s best friend ON HIS BIRTHDAY. Then he absconds with you after you’ve been in an accident and MUST have a concussion bc ur acting crazy. Everything about this episode was a pathetic attempt to set up DE and it annoys me because it’s sloppy. If Elena is supposed to be so great, why is her answer to being upset at her boyfriend to befriend up his brother like the DAY AFTER he murders his best friend? You’re trash for that Elena. in 1x9 he had tried to kill Bonnie. So basically in the past 11 episodes, Damon has killed two random people we didn’t know the names of, abused Caroline and tried to kill her twice, killed Tanner, turned Vicki and then sent her to the Gilbert house to cause mayhem and then put the responsibility of killing her on Stefan, oh and he killed Vicki’s friends, then tried to kill Bonnie so Elena should actually want literally nothing to do with him. When Stefan calls her, whether or not she’s mad at him, she has been abducted by a psycho vampire, she should be like I don’t care for apologies right now just pick me up and take me home. Her being calm around Damon makes no sense, it was a sloppy way to set up them and what I find hilarious is during 1x11, they hardly spend any time together! Damon is flirting (badly) with Bree and Elena is playing pool with random bar people, they have one conversation about pickles and Damon is blatantly manipulating Elena about Stefan and Katherine’s relationship and that’s the extent of their “bonding”. Which brings me to this, the show wanted Elena to see past Damon’s facade which is why in 1x3 she calls him out for shit-talking Caroline and yet in 1x4 and now in 1x11 when he’s clearly manipulating her, she’s like cool, you’re an OK dude? The inconsistency with their narrative is aggravating. I find it telling that in 1x11, the way Elena and Damon bond is by Elena deciding to get drunk. Bree makes them awkward by mentioning how he is in bed…as if somehow that manufactures sexual tension when she got back from fucking her ACTUAL boyfriend. This is the problem with TVD. Elena should actually be in fear of her life. Damon has proven that when things don’t go his way he lashes out. That’s how Vicki ended up as a vampire. He got bored and wanted to spite his brother. Matt is supposed to be her friend. She should be scared if she steps out of line. Or at the least, she should agree to having this beer but also using a payphone to call Stefan the second she gets a chance. This whole episode is nonsense. They undermine other characters to force DE and if you have to do that then your ship doesn’t work.
Most fans view the necklace as one piece, but it's not. It's two pieces. It's the necklace and it's the vervain. The necklace is for Damon. "But how do I make him see it?" The vervain is for Elena. "And how do I protect her?" Stefan chose the necklace for Damon because of what it respresents for himself. "And you said when you made it through, that that necklace represented hope." That's why Lexi spoke about it in Ghost World, and why you get a "hope" dialogue parallel. "There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother. Somewhere. I keep hoping." All three characters view the necklace differently, but it was ALWAYS a Delena thing, and it was Stefan who made it a Delena thing. Stelena fans would like to believe it's a Stelena thing because Stefan gave it to her, but no. The "why" always matterered, Stefan's journal entry always mattered. So if Stelena fans wanna be mad about the necklace becoming a Delena thing, they should direct their anger at Stefan's character because it was always a Delena thing. Stefan was the one that made it a Delena thing. Elena doesn't need Stefan to protect her. If she wants to protect herself from vampires, she can get her own vervain, she doesn't need to wear the necklace for the sake of protection. That's why she left it behind. Let's not pretend Elena is 12 years old, incapable of going out and getting her own. Girl could totally turn to Damon and ask him for some of Zach's vervain. Elena isn't so helpless that she needs Stefan's necklace.
Honestly, the vast majority of this sounds like the childish rantings of a stan. Damon is good with people when he wants to be. He not only sees them, he understands them. He took Elena to Georgia because he knew she found out about Katherine, and he knew she needed time away from Stefan. He took her to Atlanta for the sake of release and for the sake of bonding with her on a human level. There's nothing wrong with that. Elena wouldn't stand there and watch Lee kill Damon because that's not who she is. Even when she hates him in the second season, she STILL wouldn't let anyone kill him. How the hell can any fan honestly believe that a woman who loves Stefan would stand there and watch someone kill his brother? Sorry, but Elena isn't Katherine. She knows what Damon's death would do to Stefan, so she'd never let anyone hurt him.
Elena wasn't suffering a concussion, she wasn't acting crazy, and nothing about the episode was a pathetic attempt to set up DE. I know fans would've liked nothing more than to see Elena isolated and completely dependent on Stefan, but no. Mad as fans wanna be, she's allowed to have friends outside of her relationship with Stefan. The beautiful thing about Elena is that she's not "exactly" like Stefan. She doesn't hold Damon's past against him the way Stefan does. She sees no reason for it. Elena is about seeing the best in people despite the horrible things they're capable of. Everything about Elena in the episode makes sense. It's not like she immediately jumped in his car and took off with him. She was terrified of taking that trip with him, and she did question whether or not she could trust him. Elena quite simply took a leap of faith by taking that trip. I wouldn't say that Damon deserved it, but Elena isn't always about what people deserve. She gave Damon a second chance to show her who he is, which didn't require manipulation. Elena is quite capable of giving people second chances without needing to be manipulated.
1x11 is about Elena seeing Damon acting human, about seeing him as she sees Stefan, and the two of them bonding on a human level. It's about a vampire and a human finding common ground. If Stelena fans can't even handle DE building a friendship, then I'd say their ship doesn’t work.
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fandom-smut-shots · 3 years
Keith Kogane - I’m Not Going Anywhere
Not Going Anywhere
A/N: Modern life AU.
Also, any genders and pronouns are acceptable to request. If not specified, I default to female, because that’s the majority of reader inserts in my experience.
Summary: You’ve been dating Keith for about six months, but you’ve only recently met his group of friends. He’s worried that they each have more to offer you than he does, and his insecurities eat away at him until you calm him down.
Words: 2,063
           “Your girlfriend is coming to the party, right?”
         Keith froze, glancing up at Shiro where the older man stood beside the stove, preparing a pot of spinach artichoke dip. He was a disaster at cooking actual food, but he’d managed to learn to prepare dips like a boss.
         “Uh…” was all the black-haired boy managed in response, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
         “Come on, Keith,” Shiro chided gently, employing his best Older Brother voice. “You’ve been seeing this girl for, what, six months now? I think it’s time I met her. And what better time to introduce her to the gang than at your birthday party?”
         “Do I have to introduce her to everyone?” Keith whined, glaring down at his breakfast. “Can’t she just meet you and be done with it?”
         Shiro sighed, turning to argue when he caught sight of his brother’s expression. Keith wasn’t one for expressing his emotions, so Shiro had learned early on how to read the arch of his brow and the shine of his eyes. Keith currently looked crestfallen, which given the circumstances meant that insecurities were buzzing around inside his head.
         “It’s going to be fine, Keith,” the older boy commented, taking a seat across from Keith at the table. “Everyone is going to love her, and she’s going to love your friends.”
         “That’s what I’m worried about,” was all Keith murmured before he stood, setting his cereal bowl in the sink before turning to skulk down the hallway towards his room.
           “I’d love to go to his birthday party!” you squealed into the phone, balancing it between your ear and your shoulder so you had free use of your hands. “I’m almost done decorating his cake. I could bring it with me!”
         “He’d love that,” Shiro chuckled on the other end. “We’re not a baking-inclined family, so it’s always store-bought cakes for us.”
         “He told me he just wanted to do something simple to celebrate with me,” you returned, swirling icing atop the cake to add calligraphic decoration to Keith’s name. “I wonder why he didn’t tell me you were throwing him a party.”
         “He doesn’t like being the center of attention,” Shiro reasoned.
         You hummed in agreement. “That’s true.” Setting the piping bag on the counter, you paused, a frown forming on your lips. “It’s not… He wants me to come, right? He won’t be mad that you invited me?”
         Shiro sighed into the receiver, and you bit your lip nervously. “He’ll be upset that I went behind his back, but I know him very well, and I think he’d enjoy the party a lot more if you were there. He’s just nervous about you meeting his friends. They can be a handful.”
         “If you’re sure,” you replied. The last thing you wanted to do was upset your boyfriend while trying to celebrate his birthday. “I’ll be there. With a cake.”
         “Perfect,” the man on the phone replied. “I’ll see you tonight. It’ll be great, I promise.”
         You hung up the phone and set it on the counter, admiring your handiwork on your boyfriend’s cake. Exhaling softly, you tried to believe Shiro’s words. Everything would be fine.
           Your heart hammered in your chest as you approached the front door of Shiro and Keith’s shared house. Carefully balancing the cake with one hand, you raised the other to knock on the door, waiting patiently but anxiously for someone to answer. The door opened to reveal Shiro, smiling widely upon seeing you on the other side.
         “(y/n)! It’s so great to meet you!” he greeted enthusiastically. “I’m Shiro, Keith’s older brother. I apologize if I startled you with that phone call earlier – I wasn’t sure Keith would actually follow through and invite you.”
         “He didn’t,” you giggled. “I don’t mind at all. I’ve been wanting to meet you for months.”
         “Let me take that for you,” he offered, easing the cake out of your hold. He headed inside, nodding for you to follow him. You closed the door behind you, following the tall man- like seriously, how was he that tall?-  into the kitchen. There stood a thicker boy, nearly as tall as Shiro, stirring and chopping like a professional chef.
         “That cheese sauce smells amazing, Hunk,” Shiro complimented the cook, placing the cake on the counter.
         “It’s almost done- ooh, where’d the cake come from?” the cook inquired.
         “Keith’s girlfriend.”
         The spoon being used to stir the cheese sauce fell to the floor with a clink, gooey cheese splashing all over the tile.
         “Keith’s what?!”
         The tall, tanned cook spun on his heel, a grin splitting his lips as he caught sight of you. “She’s real!”
         Shiro laughed softly, stepping closer to you. “Hunk, this is (y/n). (y/n), this is Hunk, our resident chef. He shares a few classes with Keith.”
         “I’m an engineering major,” Hunk explained, offering his hand. You placed your comparably tiny hand in his, giggling softly.
         “It’s nice to meet you. Keith has mentioned your cooking.”
         Hunk’s eyes sparkled at the confirmation that the emotionally constipated raven appreciated his food before he turned back to the stove.
         “Hey, Shiro, what-“ Keith stopped in his tracks as he entered the kitchen, his eyes widening as he stared at you. “(y/n)? What are you doing here?”
         “I invited her because I knew you wouldn’t,” Shiro explained.
         “It’s okay that I’m here, right, babe?” you questioned, brows furrowing with worry as you took Keith’s hands in yours.
         “Babe?” teased an unfamiliar voice. “Keith lets someone call him babe?” A tall, thin brunet sauntered into view, resting his elbow on your boyfriend’s shoulder. “Hey, who’s the hottie? She’s- ow!”
         Keith’s elbow collided with the brunet’s rib, and he stepped away.
         “Yeah, it’s okay,” Keith murmured, lacing his fingers with yours, but you could hear the uncertainty in his voice. You stood up on your toes, pressing your lips to his, and he melted into the gesture despite having an audience. The brunet from before whistled at the sight, and Keith pulled back with a glare in his eyes and a blush on his cheeks.
         “I’m (y/n,” you introduced, offering your hand.
         “The name’s Lance,” the tan brunet grinned, taking your hand in his and lightly kissing your knuckles. You simply raised a brow in response, unsurprised when Keith ripped Lance’s hand away from yours.
         “She’s taken,” he growled, wrapping an arm around your waist. You giggled softly, resting your head on Keith’s shoulder.
         “Is that everyone?” you inquired, looking towards Shiro.
         “Hunk!” another voice called from the hallway. “Are the nachos done? I’m starving- oh, hey.”
         Finally, someone not insanely tall.
         “I’m Pidge,” they offered, lifting their hand to their head in a salute. “You must be Keith’s girlfriend.”
         “(y/n),” you countered. “Are you another friend of his?”
         Pidge stole a chip from the bowl on the table, popping it into their mouth. “If that’s what we’re calling it. I’m friends with Lance and Hunk, and they kinda forced Keith to join the group.”
         “I encouraged it,” Shiro replied. “My brother needs social skills.”
         “I have plenty of social skills,” Keith grumbled in response.
         Lance snickered loudly, Pidge choked on a ship, and Hunk chuckled from his place at the stove.
         “I got myself a girlfriend without your interference, didn’t I?” your boyfriend defended, his grip around your wait tightening.
         “How did you two meet, anyway?” Pidge questioned.
         “I’m an art major,” you replied. “We met in Interpretive Painting.”
         “Keith takes art classes?” Lance gasped, his voice raising several octaves.
         “Makes sense,” Pidge shrugged.
         “Interpretive Painting?” Hunk repeated. “That sounds like fun.”
         “Ah, someone who will encourage my brother to keep working on his art,” Shiro smiled. “I already love her.”
         Keith used his hand on your waist to guide you away from the others, leading you to the living room. He sat on the couch, pulling you onto his lap, securing his arms around you. Your own arms wrapped around his neck, your fingers toying with his thick raven hair. His nose nuzzled into your neck as he inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of your body wash.
         “Why didn’t you want me to meet them?” you inquired softly. “They seem nice.”
         “Too nice,” he murmured against your skin. “They’ll take you away from me.”
         You pulled away from Keith just enough to lift his head, caressing his jaw with your hand, gazing softly into his violet eyes. “You don’t really think that, do you?”
         His gaze dropped somewhere behind you – a tell that the current situation made him vulnerable and insecure.
         “You heard them in there. I’m not social. How many times have you told me I suck at texting back? If you hadn’t been so friendly, I wouldn’t have even been able to ask you out.”
         “So?” you questioned, brushing your thumb across is cheekbone. “I’m dating you, aren’t I? If you being anti-social was an issue, I wouldn’t have said yes.”
         He sighed, dropping his forehead to your shoulder. “Lance is better at romance and dating. Pidge is smart, and you like a lot of the same games. Hunk can cook actual meals. They have more to offer you.”
         Your heart broke at his honesty. You knew how hard it was for Keith to be so open, even with you. He must have been dreading the day you met his friends if he was this concerned about it.
         Taking his face in your hands, you lifted his head until you can access his mouth. You gently pressed your lips to his, pouring your emotions into the kiss. He sighed softly against your lips, his arms tightening around your waist. You let one hand slide back to tangle in his hair, gently tugging on the strands.
         “I’m not going anywhere,” you promised between kisses. “I love you, Keith. Befriending your friends means I get to spend more time with you and learn more about you. They’re not going to take me from you, I promise.”
         “Dinner is done!” Hunk’s voice called from the kitchen.
         You slid off of Keith’s lap, much to his dismay, and offered him a hand. “Come on, babe. Let’s go eat.”
         He took your hand, lacing your fingers and squeezing softly as he followed you into the kitchen. Chips, cheese, meat, and vegetables decorated the table as a homemade nacho bar for everyone to dig into. Keith’s amethyst eyes danced around the kitchen, landing on an unfamiliar container on the counter.
         “What’s that?” he inquired, turning his gaze to Hunk.
         Hunk grinned. “(y/n) brought it.”
         “It’s your cake,” you replied, shoving a fully-coated nacho into your mouth.
         “You made me a cake?” Keith questioned, his eyes softening as he looked at you.
         “The plan was for us to have a private party after you were done here,” you shrugged. “When Shiro invited me, I figured I might as well bring the cake.”
         Keith dipped his head, pressing a loving kiss to your lips. Lance and Pidge cat-called from somewhere behind you, but Keith didn’t seem to mind. Shiro smiled from behind Keith, shaking his head softly.
           After dinner and cake were thoroughly enjoyed, you followed Keith and his friends to the living room to watch movies. He sat on the couch and you reclaimed your place on his lap, snuggling into his chest. His hands intertwined with yours, his fingertips brushing your knuckles, and you peppered soft kisses to his jaw, reminding him that you were his.
         While everyone was enthralled in the movie, you turned to face your boyfriend. You untangled a hand from his in order to lift it to his face, cupping his cheek. He turned his gaze from the movie to look at you, a soft expression in his eyes that only you were allowed to see. You shifted in his lap, pulling his lips down to yours. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, gently nipping at your lower lip with his teeth. You were tempted to give in until you recalled your company, reluctantly breaking the kiss and settling back against his chest.
         “I’m not going anywhere,” you murmured softly, squeezing his hand as you watched the movie. The kiss he pressed to the side of your head told you that he understood, and while you knew his insecurities wouldn’t be magically washed away, you also knew that he was trying and that was more than enough for you.
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kallikrein · 3 years
— with imaushi wakasa.
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contains. gn!reader, manga spoilers and poor grammar as usual.
word count. 0.9k.
note. i am his and he is mine. that’s it. that’s the note loljk. this is my headcanon okay? i am well-prepared to put on my clown face if some crazy revelation is, well, revealed. so i am begging you, please ken-sensei, please put wakasa in the next chapters /lh ;_;
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To start off, Wakasa is very much the definition of a laid-back person. 
He’s the type who doesn’t give much effort to mediocre things, even for his close friends and Black Dragon co-founders.
Though he’s readily there if the situation calls for him but other than that, you will never see him involved in some sort of drama.
So if the news of your little crush reaches his ears, he’ll be very indifferent about it, saying he’s already used to that familiar yet bizarre attention to which Shinichiro points out he’s quite jealous of.
While Benkei, who is a softie despite his giant build, will frown out Wakasa’s aloof attitude, exclaiming that he should give you a chance because to be honest, whatever could go wrong? Wingman Benkei!
And then there’s Takeomi, who sees everything in a larger picture and tells him that he has to concede to make the other two shut up and that it doesn’t hurt to try and get to know you.
So Wakasa will put that into a really hard consideration before deciding for himself, and you thought you’ll be forever hopeless until Wakasa, the man himself, comes to you.
He’ll sneak up on you, as silent as a mouse, but surprises you by asking you tricky questions he pulls out of nowhere.
You’re baffled, but of course you’re more than eager to answer (you’re his simp after all) and he’ll take that valuable time to get to know you, just like what Takeomi advised him.
But only for a minute or so before he’s quiet again. Because, like I said, this guy isn’t one to start things and that’s just how he usually is with most people, so you’re not an exception – yet.
And it’s not because he’s naive when it comes to romantic relationships – he’s had a fair share of them but starting a genuine one will always be his silent struggle.
So after befriending you, he will settle with the small things from observing you in the sidelines to offering you his handkerchief if he sees fit to expertly noticing the change in your voice whenever you’re upset – he’ll take a mental note of it all, as best as he could.
And after some time of sorting out his thoughts and emotions, and you convincing yourself that his simple actions are still platonic, Wakasa will drop a fact bomb on you by uttering a flat ‘Let’s go on a date’ when you least expect it.
As a boyfriend though, Wakasa is a legit walking paradox of comfort and frustration.
Simply because he is pragmatic as hell. 
Like he couldn’t make sense of why everything has to be romantic. Why does he have to take you on a fancy date every anniversary or why does he have to get you chocolates every Valentine’s?
He’s boring simple. So suck it.
Though he does adore you, even when he isn’t as expressive as you want him to be. 
Yet you want to be romanced and he isn’t an enthusiastic guy so this will be the most common reason for your fights.
You being fixated on cliché scenarios and him being reserved is like asking for a turtle to run.
But Wakasa will never start a fight with you, no. He’ll try to understand where you’re coming from, why you need what you need and why you have such annoying principles before deciding on his next step.
Though if your argument is indeed beyond his comprehension, he won’t doubt to speak his mind and he won’t care if it will hurt your pride as long as it would make you realize how stifling your demands are.
He will not come to you and say he’s sorry if he knows it’s not his fault, but he’ll never put more fuel to your anger.
With that being said, jealousy doesn’t exist in Wakasa’s vocabulary, unless it is something he should really pay attention to, say if you’re purposefully cheating on him.
But other than that, he won’t be bothered with a few little doubts. It’s not enough that he would feel the need to beat someone.
And speaking of beating someone, he will try to keep you away from the rough business he’s currently in. 
He will tell you how he got his injuries, if he does have them, but he will never tell you as to why he got it.
You are his personal business and the gang is his professional business. Therefore, the two must never mix up. Though he will try to teach you some sort of basic defense, just in case.
And Wakasa actually prefers it if you keep your relationship status private because of that. He doesn’t mind letting his close friends in on though, as long as they keep their mouth shut from everybody else, especially to sketchy people.
And as a bonus (since this is getting really long), public skinship with Wakasa is frustratingly minimal. Though he’ll let you initiate it – whether it’s holding his hand, touching his forearm, rubbing his back or wrapping an arm around his waist – but he much rather prefers doing it behind closed doors.
So when the two of you are alone, don’t act so surprised if he quietly reaches out for you – for an embrace, a chaste kiss on the lips or if he’s somehow really feeling it, a really soft cuddle.
And he will never try to do more than what you’re comfortable with but know that he’s quite vocal about being open to other ideas as long as it’s secluded.
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
his delinquent phase ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki // cherry blossom
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navigation | music
➣ genre: fluff
➣ warnings: adam’s existence 
➣ request: can i request a one shot where you’re cherrys s/o and like childhood best friends with joe and cherry and adam and you’re gushing over cherrys old bad boy look with piercings and everuthing and cherry one day goes to S with his piercings and hair the same way as before just to see you fawn over him skjfks
➣ a/n: this took me three times to type up because the first two times i did it, tumblr thought it would be funny to delete it. i’m not sure if i love how this came out, but it’s still better than my original plan. hopefully this was correct to what the anon requested. enjoy!
ps: i’m also going to be going on a trip for four days tomorrow, so i’m not sure if i’ll be able to post. i’ll definitely try to start working on my other requests!
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You had known Joe, Cherry, and Adam ever since the four of you were in high school. Out of the three, you had met Joe, first, not soon before you met Cherry.
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You were walking down the eventful streets of Okinawa, admiring the sights and getting accustomed with the area. You had moved to the city not too long ago and already were growing attached to the place. In your defense, the city was your perfect and desired location to live in. 
A gentle breeze blew through your hair, rustling the leaves of the green trees. You sighed at the feeling of the cool breeze tickling your warm skin. Not long after that breeze had gone, another, harsher breeze blew past you. You flinched at the abnormally sharp wind, snapping your head to the side, in its direction. You were met with honey red eyes and short, green locks, swaying. 
The male slips past you, stopping abruptly.
“Sorry about that,” he smiled, embarrassed, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You were in awe, seeing what the boy was standing on, and on alert because you had always been taught to be cautious around strangers, especially when you were walking alone. 
“Um, no. I’m alright, just shocked,” you shrugged, replying quietly.
Another harsh, but gentler than before, wind blows past you, revealing a pink-haired male. He had three piercings on his ear and one on his lip. Half of the boy’s face was hidden by his long bangs, allowing your focus to lock on his golden eye.
“Watch where you’re going,” he snaps at his green-haired friend. “Sorry about him,” he apologizes, giving you a polite smile.
All the sirens were going off in your head.
He has so many piercings! Is he a delinquent? Are both of them delinquents? If they are, I can’t fight them off on my own. What do I do?
“I’m Kaoru,” the bubblegum-haired male suddenly said, “This is Kojiro.”
Kojiro nodded at you, an embarrassed blush still grazing his cheeks. 
“Hey, aren’t you the new kid?” Kaoru asked, finding your puzzlingly familiar.
“Oh, that’s why I felt like I’ve met you before,” Kojiro spoke up, nodding his head when he realized who you were.
Awkwardly, you shyly respond, “Sorry, I can’t seem to remember seeing you guys at school. Are you in my class?”
Until dusk, the three of you talked, getting to know the each of you better. You were also able to befriend the boys you were so afraid of, becoming your first two friends in the city.
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You met Adam in the dark of night, beside Cherry and Joe.
They had brought you along, one night, wanting to skate with you. You already knew the basics of skating, nothing more, nothing less. Therefore, as your closest, and only, friends, they wanted to get further acquainted with you in something they loved. 
“Who’s the sweet cheeks?” His hoodie-covered eyes left an eerie pressure on you, causing goosebumps to emerge from your skin.
“This is our close friend, Y/N L/N,” Cherry spoke up.
“She goes to school with us, and we wanted to bring her skating. Mind her tagging along?” Joe asks his hooded friend.
“Not at all, just as long as she can keep up,” he spoke in a cocky tone.
The pretentious attitude the unnamed face had was irking you in the wrong way. He seemed too mysterious for your liking. A third of the boy’s face was hidden in the shadow of his hoodie, leaving you only able to see the blue tips of his hair and his structured nose. 
He must’ve noticed your timid stare because he looks at you, under his hood, “Call me Adam.”
 Cherry and Joe look at you expectingly.
“Just call me sweet cheeks, for now,” you reply, distantly, not ready to let your guard down just yet.
You hear your two friends sigh, chuckling to each other.
“Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you, soon,” Cherry told Adam, “We know firsthand how she is with meeting new people.”
You blush, remembering your first encounter with the pair.
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Thinking back, you still regret letting your walls down and accepting Adam as a friend. Not a day goes by that Adam doesn’t linger in your mind, as much as you’d hate to admit. 
You despise that man with a passion. From your first interaction, you should’ve known that there was something off about the blue-haired male, but pondering on these frustrations now wouldn’t change anything. As much as you’d like to curse the man for hurting your friends’ and your feelings, you knew you had to move on.
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You sat on the soft mattress of your shared bed, scrolling through old pictures stored on your phone. You saw pictures taken by Kaoru when you guys went on dates. Majority of the photos were candid, seeing as he always had told you that you were the “most photogenic woman” he had ever met.
You remember the day he had told you that. You also remember your laughed reply.
“Then you’ve got the whole world to explore, my love.”
Although, honestly, you thought Kaoru was quite the photogenic one himself. His gorgeous, sorted, pink hair matched with his golden eyes and perfect face never looked bad, not even at the crack of dawn or in the late of night. 
Speaking of which, you scrolled upon a photograph of Kaoru sitting all pretty with his piercings on display. Those piercings brought back many memories, humorous and lustful.
Ironically, the thing that brought you fear before now brings you yearning.
Honestly, once you had befriended Kaoru and came to trust him, the piercings no longer frightened you but instead, fascinated you. Those metal hoops further increased your attraction to the ponytailed man, leading you to the relationship you were in now.
Obviously, Kojiro played a big role in setting the two of you up together because both of you were completely oblivious to the other’s feelings. It got to the point that Adam almost had to step in and wack some sense into the both of you.
Anyways, ever since Kaoru had started working in the calligraphy business, he removed his piercings to maintain a professional image. You detested the idea, but you also knew that it was the best for his business. 
Now that you were looking back at photos of Kaoru as a teenager, you began to crave seeing him in those metal rings once more. You missed the “bad boy” look your boyfriend used to have, not that you didn’t appreciate how he looked now. It’s just that there’s a different vibe to his current and past aesthetics.
As you stalked through more pictures of teenage Kaoru, you were unaware of the very man you were thinking about watching you. He noticed the longing and craving in your gaze. Then, he caught a glimpse of what was being projected on your screen: it was him but in his teenage years. 
Suddenly, everything clicked for Kaoru, and he had the perfect plan in mind.
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Something was off. Usually your boyfriend would insist on bringing you to “S” himself but not today. If anything, he was urging you to go with Kojiro.
“He’s been your friend for the same amount of time as I. You should take this time to your advantage and catch up,” was Kaoru’s excuse.
First of all, catch up on what? It’s not like you haven’t talked to Kojiro in months. Actually, you talked to him a day ago, at “S.” Secondly, what’s up with the sudden lenience and weak excuses?
Joe, who was also in on the plan, tried to help his friend out, making a feeble attempt to lure you with free food.
“I can get free food from you whenever I want,” you replied, squinting suspiciously at your friend.
“Not with that attitude, you can’t.” That pulled a raised brow from you and a regret-filled face from the muscular man.
Though you weren’t fully convinced that nothing was off, you still left with Joe, caving into their terrible attempts of covering up whatever they were hiding from you.
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You had arrived at “S” with Joe for about ten minutes now, but there was still no sightings of your beloved, Cherry. Joe caught glimpse of your searching eyes and reassured you that he would be coming, be it later than usual.
Reki, Langa, and Miya had made their way over to you, sparking up a conversation with you, making you forget about the missing presence of a specific male. 
Miya was explaining the new training regiment and diet he was to use in order to advance his strength, leading you to worry for the small teenager. If he didn’t eat enough, it could become fatal to him. You didn’t understand why a child was being treated so harshly by his managers, forcing him to eat barely anything and train long hours of the day. 
You were concernedly asking Miya if he was feeling alright and offered him an energy bar you carried around in case of emergencies, which he gratefully accepted, when you heard the cheers of fangirls behind you. Knowing they weren’t meant for Joe, you turned around to meet the golden eyes you’d fallen in love with.
This time, there was something different. His face wasn’t hidden by his mask. You could see the pale skin of his cheeks and the pink of his lips. Besides the absence of the black cloth, you noticed metallic rings decorating your boyfriend’s lip and ears. Also, his hair wasn’t whipping behind him, as per usual, but laid low, drifting in the wind.
For a hot moment, you had thought you had finally lost it, but when you blinked your eyes, looking at Miya then back to Cherry, you realized you were still sane and your boyfriend still looked like he aged back into his high school days.
“Is that Cherry?” Miya asked from beside you.
You nodded, speechless.
You heard someone let out a loud laugh beside you, “Since when did he have piercings?”
Ignoring the redhead’s outburst, you were mesmerized by the Cherry you had been obsessing over a couple days ago. It felt like one extravagant dream that you didn’t want to wake up from. In your defense, as he stepped of his skateboard, coming to embrace you, he looked straight out of a fantasy. His skin was practically glowing, and his hair gently floated perfectly onto his shoulders.
“Hello, darling,” he spoke in a sultry voice, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as he held you in his muscular arms.
“K-Kao—” you quickly realize your soon-to-be mistake and fix it, “Cherry.”
His eyes shrink as he laughs, endearingly, admiring the flustered and confused look you were portraying.
“Is this why you and Joe were being so weird earlier today?” You asked, cheek pressed against his slim, toned chest.
“Indeed, my love. What do you think? Definitely brings back some memories of the old days,” he lifts your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“I love it. It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” you smile brightly, eyes lustrous. Pushing yourself up on your toes, you whisper into his ear, “You also look really hot.” You quickly pull away, turning a vibrant red.
“I think you broke her,” Joe told his friend, placing a heavy hand on the pink-nette’s shoulder.
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After the supposed one occurrence surprise, you began to avidly ask him to wear his piercings, loving how attractive and domineering he looked in them. If he denied, you would ask him to, at least, tie his hair in the relaxed half up half down hairdo. He didn’t mind the different hairstyle as much as he did the piercings so it became a normal look for him. The only times he would willingly put on his piercings were when he was going to “S” or when the two of you were safe in the comfort of your own home, for research purposes.
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random1amfics · 3 years
Demon Tyrant of France (2)
Lila had a great week. The class was wrapped around her finger and that baker's girl can't do anything about it as Adrien seemed to be keeping her in line with that promise. Poor girl was desperate to do anything for her crush. Today, she will spin some tales of how Marinette was really mean to her offer of friendship and maybe get her so call 'friends' to punish her bad behaviour by destroying the girl's phone for her awful texts. As she skipped to the school, she didn't notice the tense air the other students seemed to have. She saw Alya, her ticket to increasing her fame, arguing with her boyfriend, Nino. He could be useful when she needs music for a party.
"I don't care if this Demon Tyrant person is powerful. We don't need another Chloe Bourgeois in our class. I am not going to stand for her tormenting us."
"Babe, listen, the Demon Tyrant will mostly ignore us because according to her, we are just mere insects. As long as we don't provoke her or anger her, we will be fine. The only thing I am worried about is whether or not you would get into trouble, you did some bad things to her recently and I really hope she is feeling generous."
"I couldn't have done things to someone I have never heard of until today."
"Oh, she had been in our class for the past 2 years. Apparently, she and a friend of hers had a bet on who can be kind for the longest. The bet was over last night. Chloe sent us about it last night."
"I never read what Miss Bully says."
"Excuse me," Lila cuts in, "What are you talking about? Who is the Demon Tyrant? She sounds bad."
"I will tell you on the way. Classes are about to start. But whatever you do, under any circumstances, do not, I mean, absolutely DO NOT talk to her unless she permits it."
The more Lila hears about the Demon Tyrant, the more she begins to envy the power she has over the school. Lila wondered which of her classmates was the Demon Tyrant. Could be Chloe but she can't be it, she had not been nice to their classmates at all. The one with the Roller Skates? She seemed to fit the Demon Tyrant name with the pink hair and roller skates but sometimes she didn't act nice. The Pink Blondie? She acts so nice and sickeningly sweet that she wouldn't be surprised if it was a facade.
She walked into the classroom, as confidently as she can to impress the so-called Demon Tyrant. Whoever she is, might want connections to spread her sphere of influence and they can rule together.
Lila and Alya saw Marinette with a complete makeover wearing a golden 'crown' that looked legit, looking down on the class like they were peasants from her high seat in the back. Their mouths hung open as Kim and a few others came, bearing offerings which they presented to her.
Lila gritted her teeth. Of course, that goody-two-shoes were the Demon Tyrant who ruled the school. At least now it will be easier to take all her friends away. She plastered a concerned face.
"Marinette, what are you doing? Demanding things from your friends? Friends shouldn’t expect things from their friends like that, especially something as expensive as that crown.” “First of all, Rossi, don’t call me by my name, I only allow certain people to call me that and you are not on that small list. Second of all, I didn’t ask for anything from them. They are called gifts. It was rather hypothetical of you to tell me not to expect free stuff from ‘friends’ when just last week, you basically demanded free pastries from the bakery. And lastly, this diadem ”-she gestured towards it-“is actually mine. I paid for it full price with my hard-earned money. I have a receipt if you don’t believe me. Since you are still new, I shall let it pass this time. But you will not speak to me unless necessary or with my permission.” Marinette said with a cold, icy voice.
“I can’t believe you are so mean to me. I just want to be friends and I am so worried about you when you are dressed like that.” Lila faked a few tears to sell the act. It’s perfect. She didn’t have to try so hard now that Marinette is doing a nice job by herself.
“I believe I have told you not to speak to me. Another word to me and I will make you deeply regret it.”
Alya spoke up, not liking Marinette’s new attitude, “Girl, Lila was just looking out for you. Don’t brush off her concerns and stop being so mean. I will admit I am worried about this new look too.”
“Cesaire, I will give you the same warning as Rossi there. You aren’t allowed to speak to me unless I say otherwise. Why should I change based on some people’s opinion of me? I am not mean, I am indifferent and cold to people. Haven’t you heard I am the Demon Tyrant? It’s part of the package. Life isn’t a fairytale and they all live happily ever after. Lila should be used to hearing cold, hurtful truths. After all, the famous deal with them all the time.” Marinette said with a bored expression on her face, already deeming this a waste of her breath.
Lila burst into tears and Alya was the only one to comfort her as the others were frozen in their seats and made no moves. Terrified for the backlash of helping the 2 girls. Even Nino, who loved Alya very much but prayed to every deity he knew to grant his headstrong, stubborn, justice-seeking girlfriend some common sense. She was playing with fire now and she was going to get burned badly.
Lila sobbed loudly, ”But I am not lying.”
“Marinette! Stop this at once. You can drop the act now. I don't know what you are trying to prove. Being a better Chloe? And we are best friends, we don’t need permission to speak to each other. Lila doesn’t lie. How could you say those things? Just because you are jealous, doesn’t mean you should do it. She is very sensitive.”
The Demon Tyrant grinned. It instinctively made everyone move away from her and Alya, who took a step back.
“Oh. Alya. Alya. Alya.” The first name means that the reporter had poked the Demon too much and now, she was annoyed. The Tyrant walked down, towards the two girls.
“You poor naive girl. With your strong sense of Justice and morals. I thought that we could have actually been friends. But you chose the wrong side when the time came. You should have listened to your boyfriend’s warnings when you had a chance. Let’s hope this one will get through to you. When I started this year of college, I had put up the perfect act of a sweet, kind and selfless girl all for a bet. You saw Chloe bullying that girl whom you protected and befriended. I remember many of our classmates pulled you aside to warn you of my true nature to spare you the heartache when the time came. I also told you one myself. That girl back then was not me at all and I tried to ease you into understanding that. But you were too excitable. You immediately put yourself into the category of ‘my best friend’ even though that title already belongs to my dear thief. You saw the various pictures of Gabriel’s design with Adrien as the model on my wall and decided that I have to get together with him when my heart had already been stolen by another. (Chloe fist-bumped the air. It was confirmed that her ship had sailed.) When Lila Rossi came with her grand stories, you chose to believe her over me. I will usually not admit something like this because I am too proud but it hurt when you went to her instead of me. The point is that you never stopped and listened, just going on ahead. Because if you did, you would have known that I was never your best friend. That I was never jealous of Lila over Adrien because I don’t even like him. That Marinette Dupain-Cheng isn’t even my real name and she doesn’t exist. And the lying. I haven’t accused her of anything like that. I am just calling her out for assuming the worst of me.”
The Demon Tyrant’s voice was like snow. Soft and melted easily. And so very very Cold. So much of it will knock one’s breath out. The room felt colder after the speech.
Alya stood as still as an ice statue, face-to-face with the Demon Tyrant. Her eyes averted as the blue eyes were so piercing like it could tear her soul to pieces. Lila had stopped her fake crying, thinking about who exactly had she declared an enemy of. She didn’t know if she wanted an answer or not.
“Cesaire, Rossi, I have many connections before I was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I have even more now. With a word from me and your careers will be destroyed before they even take off. If you have common sense, you will stay out of my way.”
“Is that a threat?” Lila asked.
The Tyrant lets out a laugh and meets their eyes, “No. It’s a promise.” She turned around and walked back to her seat like a regal Empress after giving out an execution order.
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writella · 4 years
Dating Luke Patterson
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Luke Patterson x reader
World count: 3.8k (yes, for a headcanon, let’s not talk about it. Or is this normal? Idk.)
A/N: I made this WAY too long but hopefully you can think of this as your ultimate guide because of it, enjoy!
• Luke is a VERY affectionate and loving boyfriend, both physically and emotionally.
• Physically:
- This boy would want to touch you anywhere and everywhere and be around you all the time.
- He’d caress your face, stand behind you and rub your shoulders and arms, hug your waist or shoulders from behind, play with your hair, fidget with your bracelets or whatever accessories you’d have on, play with your hands, have his hand on the center of your back...
- Even if he saw an eyelash on your face he wouldn’t hesitate to get it for you instead of telling you about it.
- Anyway to touch you, he’d go for it.
- He’d like to kiss your nose or your forehead when he says goodbye to you.
- When you’re alone he’d like Eskimo kisses.
- He just basks in being in your presence.
- Whether you liked to receive / give physical affection or not, you always have to remember to be a little extra affectionate with him because he really enjoys it.
- He likes knowing you’re there and that you care. He does that for everyone else, so if you do it, he’d really appreciate it.
- He likes the lingering touches the best, like intertwining your fingers together, or when you play with his hair (even though sometimes he doesn’t want it to get messed up), or you rubbing his shoulders like he does to you.
• Emotionally:
- He would be your number one supporter.
- He’d push to try new things or to speak your mind even if you’re afraid.
- He’d compliment you all the time. Saying that the band would be hopeless without you, or by telling you how beautiful he thinks you are, or how talented you are, or by marveling at your artistic or scholastic accomplishments.
- Tell you uplifting stories or give you words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
• You love that he’s always so smiley and how his nose crinkles and eyes get all squinty when he’s cheesin’ hard.
• You think he’s sunshine personified by the way he is able to brighten up not only your day, but everyone’s day.
• He thinks you’re an angel because of the way you lighten up everyone’s life. Not to mention how you are the first to help, listen, or give advice to anyone in the band.
• Before you start dating, his heart would beat frantically when he saw you.
• After you’re together though, that would fade, but not because the excitement he feels when you’re around would go away, but because you’d become his safe place. Knowing that the person he could confide to always was around would bring a warm and content feeling all around him.
• Luke would be a romantic. We see this because of the way he always sees the bigger picture by constantly looking on the brighter side of things and by the way he writes poetry within his song lyrics, so he would treat your relationship the same way. He’d write you notes or make the band throw you a private concert or play an acoustic cover or original song just for you.
• He’d let you wear his chains or bracelets from time to time or you’d steal them.
• You’d like to play with the rings on his hand.
• You would probably get him some rings or chains to add to his collection.
• Getting a reaction out of you is his favorite thing.
• No matter how far into your relationship you are he’d still like to flirt in order to make your blush.
• If you were a writer / singer / musician he would ask you what you think of some lyrics he’s written or is thinking about writing down, but even if you weren’t, he would ask you anyways because he values your opinions and ideas.
• He either let you take or you’d steal some of his band tees. He’d get major heart eyes seeing you in them. Thinking you looked gorgeous in. his. clothes.
• He’d always give you a wink when he was on stage and saw you in the crowd or backstage.
• If you didn’t know how to play an instrument, he would want to teach you to play guitar. He just wants to share his passion.
• He’d introduce you to music you’d never listened to and you’d introduce him to 2000s + recent stuff that you think he’d like.
• When he’s in your room he’s be so nosy and look through all your stuff, but honestly, when you were in his room (if this was 90s) you’d do the same (he’d have so many CDs and other weird interesting stuff.)
Dating Ghost!Luke:
• So you can see him!
• Maybe you’re Julie’s close friend or sibling.
• You’d really enjoy that you and Julie get to have such special friendships with all three of the guys.
• Perhaps you’d never had a sense of belonging like that, and now you had a group of people you could always rely on to be there for you and understand you.
• I think it would make you and Julie closer.
• Luke would obviously be a goner for you right when he saw your face, but since he just loves to be close to everyone you couldn’t tell.
• You’d probably think if he had a crush on anyone it was Julie because of how great they look when they sing together despite how sweetly or flirtatiously he would talk to you. 
• You’d just assume he was like that with everyone.
• Julie, Alex, and Reggie would see how much he liked you though.
• You and Julie would teach the guys about the internet, different innovations, etc.
• Luke’s way of getting to talk to you more, other than pestering you with questions about yourself, would definitely be asking you about how to do this and that online, or just to talk to you about how things have changed so you can put it into perspective for him.
• He’d really like listening to your voice. He would hang onto every word.
• And you really liked his voice too, both singing and speaking, so whatever questions he asked you, you would always forward them back to him. You liked how passionately he spoke about everything. You also, hung onto every word.
• If you couldn’t touch, despite knowing that there was obviously more than friendship going on between the two of you, you’d be reluctant to tell each other of your feelings.
• When the truth comes out however you decide to make it work.
• But if you could touch, Luke would of course be the happiest guy on Earth and never let go of you.
• The band remembers to give you guys alone time in the garage or in Julie’s / your room sometimes, so you can just speak freely with him.
• But you guys also take walks on the beach or the park while you pretend you're on the  phone or have your headphones in so you can have a change of scenery.
• You would be the glue of the group / band.
• If you weren’t a part of the band (like singing / playing an instrument specifically) it would probably be easiest for you to see their band spats in an unbiased and reasonable manner.
• You’d make sure to ask Alex how he’s doing because you know he’s always got something on his mind, but doesn’t always share unless asked.
• You’d make sure to always find something fun to do with Reggie from time to time, or just start up a conversation with him about mundane things.
• You see how he likes to watch Ray and Carlos all the time, so you wonder if maybe he just wants some kind of familial connection, and you decide that it’ll be you.
• I think he’d appreciate how you take the time to ask him questions and listen to his answers seriously, despite how he says things in such a humorous tone, and you’d appreciate how surprisingly observant he is (e.g. he noticed Ray was worried about Julie by how he had been stress eating all week. Reggie is a sweet boy who cares, guys.)
• You realize you both have hidden traits that no one gives you credit for except each other.
• Luke would like how you had a unique relationship with everyone and truly put in the effort to make sure each one is personalized between you and that person. It reminded him of himself— Always trying to give a little love to everyone — It would make him that much more fond of you.
• You’d settle arguments between the guys.
• Or maybe even little arguments between Julie and Luke. Although neither could stay mad at each other for long (honestly being “mad” at each other wouldn’t even be the word), but sometimes they took opposing sides to different situations like where to add a certain verse or about a poor decision Julie felt the guys made (like haunting Bobby or going to Caleb’s), so you’d be there to give an outside opinion or to calm the heated moments.
• He’d like to stare at you whenever he could. When you were in the garage talking to Julie or Flynn or if it’s 90s!Luke he’d do it in class or in the hallways. 
• Either Julie or Alex would say he’s a creep for staring but Luke would say he’s just admiring.
• Little did he know you did the same.
• And now, speaking of 90s Luke...
Dating Alive!Luke:
• Okay, so we’re in the 90s and he’s in high school.
• He either met you because you share a class together and he thought you were pretty (and you thought he was beautiful, of course) or you and Alex shared a class together and he befriended you.
• Let’s say it’s Alex: you guys would bond over the fact that presentations are stupid and only done to make people feel uncomfortable and ultimately humiliate themselves.
• When Alex didn’t have a class with Reggie and or Luke he’d feel lonely but if you were there, you could now be a person he could go to, so you two could be lonely together.
• Even if you guys didn’t have much in common the fact that you were easy to talk to, always decided to be partners with him, or help each other out in class gave him comfort, so maybe one day he’d ask you to sit with him at lunch or see a gig his band managed to get.
• You go (You can choose which, I’m making it a choose your own adventure for about a whole second. Enjoy.) and boom enter Luke and his sunshine eyes, pretty hair, GORGEOUS arms, a muscle tee, along with his classic vans and you’re like , WHOA, but you try to hide it.
• And Luke is like, WHOA, but he tries to hide it.
• And Alex is like, “Of course.”
• And Reggie is like, “Hi I’m Reggie. We’re Sunset Curve, tell you friends.”
• And you’re like, “But I don’t have (m)any friends.”
• And Alex is like, “That’s okay I only have three (3) friends and before that I had none!”
• And Luke is like, “I’ll be your friend 👀”
• And Reggie is like, “By the way he’s looking at you, I think he wants to be more than just ‘friends’ 😏😉”
• And Luke is like, “🤡”
• And Alex is like, “🤡”
• And Reggie is like, “🤠?”
• And you’re like, *internally SCREAMING*
• Here comes that mutual pining.
• Alex starts to bring you around more often which helps you to get closer to all three of them, but especially Luke, who will ask you a series of never ending questions about yourself.
• You think Luke is just really nice and that's why he's so friendly when you’re around, but in actuality he just wants to know all about you.
• Alex and Reggie would bother him about it when you’re not around.
• One day, after he just couldn’t take it anymore he’d finally ask you out, or just kisses you unexpectedly because Luke acts before he thinks sometimes.
• The rest is history.
• Anyway...
• He’s a sweetie and probably wouldn’t really talk crap about teachers, but I know he’s not into school either.
• That being said: he’d totally get you to skip one day or quite a few days if he gets you to agree saying “please, please, please,” or telling you that you can afford to miss because you’re so much smarter than him, or just giving you so many kisses you can’t think straight.
• Skipping activities would include:
- Finding some random coffeehouse for him and the band to play impromptu while you watch.
- Adventures in the park or woods: he’s find a grassy place and sing songs to you on his guitar or you’d do something silly like play tag because Luke is a child.
- Sit on the trunk of Alex or Reggie’s car (let's say one of them has one) and have a quick make out session or just talks out life (probably his parental issues) it depends on how he’s feeling that day.
- Or finally, you guys would explore around the school and find rooms you’d never been in or see what the back of the auditorium looked like for the first time. If you guys ever get caught he’d either tell you to hide or run or find some way to get you out of it. He would take full blame, never wanting to get you in trouble.
• Once again, being the romantic he is, he’d probably take you to your first concert, write you cards, come by your locker after every period, take you out on weekends or weekdays whenever he could.
• He’d try to be a gentleman in front of your parents, really wanting them to like him, and he’d try to respect your curfew if you had one, but sometimes he would like to be rebellious (e.g. when he tells Julie to sneak out the window for their first gig) and try to get you to sneak out, especially if it was for something really special he planned. Ex. a moonlight serenade. But again, sometimes this boy doesn’t think, so he’d probably just get you to come out so you could kiss, or talk, or talk and kiss.
• All around, you guys would just have a blast together because Luke’s mission is to bring joy to your life.
• He genuinely loves seeing people happy and if you two were in a relationship, your happiness would definitely be a top top top priority.
• He would burn you CDs.
• He’d love to listen to them with you because he just loves sharing music with you and he just wants to see your reactions right then and there. 
• He’s introduce you to new things and you would talk for hours about music you both liked or movies you loved.
• He’d like to hold your hand in the halls.
• Send you notes in class or even throw them at you or if you were sitting too far apart.
• He’d even tell someone to tell you he had something to say. Down the chain his call would go till the last person closest to you tells you that Luke is asking for you. You’d look and all he’d say is “hi” with the goofiest smile.
• You’d either have no choice but to smile back because of how infectious he is, or if you had enough willpower, you’d roll your eyes and look away. If the latter, he would try again and again till he got you to give in.
• He’d mimic or make faces when the teacher or a classmate said something stupid.
• He’s a little needy that way. He just wants your attention and affection.
• Again, he’d do anything to see you smile and equally as important, bothering you is the only joy he gets out of class whenever he’s not in a class with the guys.
• You’d proofread his essays or any writing that was for any type of English class because when he’s really feeling up to it, he actually puts in effort in his writing assignments.
• You tell him that he’s a good writer and that if the band thing doesn’t work out he could always become a music / poetry teacher.
• “Too bad the band thing is going to work out,” he’d assure you.
• You believed him, but you always just want to let him know he has far more talents than what he, or his teachers, for that matter give him credit for.
• Despite his major confidence in his musical abilities he feels like he falls short in other aspects, something you were surprised to learn about him, so you do your best to compliment him and encourage him.
• But especially in school since he already thinks of it in such low standards.
• When his parents fight with him about the band, you're his safe space. Sometimes he doesn’t like to tell Alex and Reggie about all the gritty details because they have family issues too, but he can always vent to you.
• You like hanging out in his room. His personality is written all over it. Band posters, movie posters, ideas for songs as well as song lyrics he loves taped up to the wall on scrap pieces of paper and sticky notes, it’s a little messy but it’s mostly just clothes and crumpled paper on the floor.
• Unfortunately, you don’t hang there too much because Luke doesn’t always like being around his parents.
• His parents like you though and enjoy when you’re around the house because it means Luke is actually around too.
• They know you encourage him at school and his mother specifically knows he needs that extra support and appreciates you for it.
• She’s told you that she wishes she could show Luke that she wants to give him that, but sometimes Luke gets too preoccupied with his music and has the notion that just because she is concerned about his career choice that she is totally against him.
• Speaking of that, despite how much Luke loves being your boyfriend and tries his best to show you how much he loves you, he’s not always perfect.
• Sometimes music and the band comes between you two as well.
• When he’s really driven on a song idea, whether it be working on the lyrics to a song, composing the music to it , rehearsing it with the band, etc., it will take all his attention.
• When he gets a fixation on something, he can be very single minded.
• All he’ll want to do is be with his thoughts and guitar or with the band that he forgets to check in with you.
• Once you tell him though, he will feel terrible about it. Not seeing how his passion can make him so blind at times.
• “I just get really into it, you know? I’m sorry! I can make it up to you.” His bottom lip would jut out and his eyes would drop dopily. He always looked like such a puppy, you could stay mad for long.
• “How are you going to prove you’re really sorry?” you’d ask knowing this wasn’t the first nor will it be the last time he gets “really into” his music.
• “I’m dropping everything today. It’s just you and me. Promise.” And he’d mean it.
• When Luke knows he’s at fault he will always try 110% to make it right. He doesn’t like it when he hurts people, especially you. He feels like he’s failed in a way.
• He’d show you new snippets of new songs he’s working on.
• You guys would talk endlessly about favorite bands and he would introduce you to ones you’d never heard before.
• You liked when he talked about his favorite musicians. Seeing someone talk passionately about something they loved was always beautiful to witness, but when Luke did it, it was next level.
• He’d literally buzz everywhere, talk super fast, and bounce around. He vibrates happiness and those are the moments where you knew for sure why he was so determined on his goals to make the band work. The love he has is so intense, so undeniable, so unbreakable. You hoped you could find something you loved like that one day. Other than him, of course.
• Oh, wait? Is that how you figure out you love him? For his passionate and brave spirit that did nothing but put a smile on your face all day, everyday? You couldn’t even compute the thought. It felt right, of course, but it was scary.
• You didn’t tell him. I think he’d say I love you first anyway and you’d happily say it back, finally releasing the beautiful realization you held inside for so long.
• He’d want you to go to every gig they got.
• “I can’t do it without you,” he’d say.
• Sometimes he knew you couldn’t though, because he and the band would only get slots in the middle of the night sometimes, or they’d do all-nighters around the city playing on the outsides of clubs just to get noticed.
• Sometimes they would get in trouble, or even ban from some places and he didn’t want you to be a part of that. He’d tell you that he wants you to get your sleep.
• But if it was the weekend, or the summer, or just a day you decided you have the time to be rebellious, you’d love to cheer them on, or maybe you would even be the getaway driver when workers would try to kick them out.
• You’d help Luke and the boys with their homework or school work a lot.
• Whether you were smart or an average student they’d think you were a genius and appreciate how you remind them of assignment deadlines from the classes you’d share. They only went to school to spend time together and outside of school was for music, so they’d probably fail without you.
• Luke would be the first to thank you every time.
• You would be there for him when he ran away. You’d tell him that maybe he should go back and talk to his parents or that maybe it would be best to at least finish high school, but he dismisses both as options immediately, saying that he knows what he wants. That school nor his parents are going to give it to him, so why bother.
• You support him and believe in his dream, but you still worry from time to time. You decide that it's his choice and that you love him, so you just make sure that he is eating, sleeping, and that you’re there for him if he needs someone to talk to or just someone to hug.
Now back to the general stuff:
• He’d give you a nickname. Personally, I think he’d try to shorten your name in some way that hopefully no one else calls you yet so he can feel special.
• Alex and Reggie would probably start calling you by that nickname sometimes too soon after that.
• As for usual nicknames, I think sometimes when he greets you he’d call you “beautiful”
•  “Hey beautiful, how you doin’?” Lets pretend that he watched the first season of Friends in ‘94 and then watched the rest on your laptop after he comes back and be obsessed like Charlie.
• He’d make your laugh a lot. Sometimes because he’s flirty or silly but other times it was because he could just be really dumb (in a sweet way, of course.)
• You would wonder why everyone would call Reggie the clueless one. It seemed like all the guys shared one braincell and Alex just hogged it most of the time.
• He’d love kissing. I don’t think he’d do full on make outs in the halls or in front of the band (not because he's shy though), but when you two were alone, in the garage or in each other's rooms he would be so down, there is no stopping him, and he’d try to make them last as long as he could.
• He would ask for good luck kisses before a show just to get you to touch him, as always.
• When you saw him shirtless for the first time your breath would be taken away. You knew he was probably toned because those sleeveless tees but you still couldn’t predict just how GORGEOUS and HOT he would look, whew.
• He’s probably get cocky for a second because of your speechless reaction.
• But that confidence would go right out the door whenever he saw you without a shirt, his eyes would be blown, totally star struck.
• He’d like to cuddle or rest his head on your lap, especially when he needs to relax from the stress he’s feeling due to his home life or from writing. You’d gently stroke his hair. It would soothe him.
• He’d also like it when you rest your head on his lap too. In those moments, he would take it as full permission to touch you and kiss you up, no complaints.
• Overall, Luke would just love you up and write you pretty songs forever and ever. Best boyfriend.
Thank you for reading! Who else wants to have this boy as their handsome and adorable ghost boyfriend? I love him.
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
Today in "Elliott's Niche AF AUs": one (1) person asked me about this, sooooo...
Lupin III Discworld AU crossover headcanon pile thingy!!!
For those who don't know: Discworld is a flat world held on the back of four giant elephants on top of a giant turtle, floating through space. That world has magic, as well as trolls, dwarves, goblins etc... but in a way that's meant to subvert typical fantasy tropes.
Ankh-Morpork, the biggest city on the Disc, is a hotbed of crime, innovations, and innovations in crime. It is run by a council of guilds, and by a Patrician (a lifelong tyrant; he's elected by the guilds but he has the final say in everything). Notorious for having an Assassins', Thieves', Beggars', and Seamstresses' (sex workers) Guilds. Also notorious for its Watch (the police), which is actually surprisingly good at solving crimes. It's also the biggest immigration destination on the Disc.
Character backstories/situations:
Lupin : half-quirmian-half-agatean (Quirm being the DW equivalent of France), grew up in the Agatean Empire (DW equivalent of China/East Asia). He moved to Ankh-Morpork to follow Fujiko, and/or to escape Zenigata. He’s an illegal thief (meaning he's not registered with the Thieves' Guild), and his favourite hobby (besides just stealing in general) is screwing with the Guild. Commander Vimes, the head of the Watch, is supposed to catch him (or at least help Zenigata catch him), but he's secretly rooting for him because he dislikes the Guild slightly more than he dislikes Lupin.
Jigen : son of a couple of Agatean immigrants in Ankh-Morpork, grew up as a street urchin in the Shades (the most crime-ridden neighborhood of the notoriously crime-ridden Ankh-Morpork). He joined the Assassins’ Guild later in his life as a (mostly self-taught) sharpshooter, with a talent that outshone that of the Guild's best students. He later quit the Guild after he met Lupin (possibly had a contract to kill Lupin, and decided “screw this I’m going with him”). He can use any kind of shooting weapons, but favors crossbows. He’s tried stealing and using the gonne (DW's first and only firearm); it didn't go well. He somehow managed to learn one single spell from the wizards, the fireball, by becoming pals with Arcchancelor Ridcully (wizard, head of the Unseen University, and famous for his unfortunate passion for crossbow shooting).
Goemon : agatean immigrant/fugitive, master swordsman. He left Agatea because Fujiko stole his Zantetsuken and fled to Ankh-Morpork, so Goemon had to follow her to retrieve his sword. He then met Lupin and Jigen and decided to stick around. The Zantetsuken is a talking sword, and its personality is basically the embodiment of Bushido. It's extremely annoying (like all talking swords), but Goemon loves it. (it was probably his only friend back in Agatea)
Fujiko : agatean immigrant/fugitive. Ran away from the Agatean Empire chased by Goemon. She joined the Thieves’ Guild, but everyone confuses her for a seamstress because her technique usually involves seduction. She tried it on Vetinari once. It failed spectacularly.
Zenigata : agatean immigrant, part of the Empire’s police force, who came to Ankh-Morpork chasing Lupin. He only brought his assistant Yata with him, and has to cooperate with the Watch to have resources to catch Lupin. Vimes doesn’t particularly like him, but he’s good at his work so he can’t say anything (they're both too stubborn to get along).
Yata: Zenigata’s assistant, came to Ankh-Morpork with him, rapidly became great friends with Rufus Drumknott (the Head Secretary of the Patrician, Lord Vetinari). He has a bad influence on Drumknott. He also befriended Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson, but then again Carrot befriends everyone.
Ami: She's a clacks operator. Clacks are basically the DW equivalent of telegraph. There's a group of clacks hackers called the GNU, so she might have joined them.
Albert: He's part of the Patrician's Dark Clerks (they're the secret services of Ankh-Morpork)
Rebecca: She's from Quirm. That’s all I have about her for now. (Quirm's the equivalent of France, but in the french translation it was made into an equivalent of Italy)
Random-Ass Headcanons
Lupin gets along like a house on fire with Moist von Lipwig (former conman and current postmaster, notorious adrenaline junkie), both figuratively and literally. Lupin and Lipwig sometimes team up on heists and rely on each other’s help, when they’re not busy competing against each other because Lupin keeps daring Lipwig to thieving competitions.
One of the contests’ goal is to steal Vetinari’s manuscript, The Servant. Fujiko wins. She wasn’t even in the race.
Fujiko quickly became friends with Adora-Belle Dearheart (Moist von Lipwig's rather explosive girlfriend), they get together every now and then to trash-talk their respective boyfriends.
For some reason everyone thinks Lupin is a werewolf. (it’s actually Jigen)
(maybe. I haven't yet decided whether or not he is. That would be a very good source of angst, considering what most werewolves are like, and also a very good source of domestic fluff if the whole gang has to adapt to the moon cycle and Jigen's transformations. Idk. Might be fun.)
Fujiko owns a horse golem (a gift from Adora-Belle or something she stole, we may never know). The Gang also owns a carriage, modified with a spell so it will drive faster, and they drive it completely carelessly. It has been destroyed and rebuilt countless times. (actually a bunch of spells, Lupin probably found a way to blackmail Ridcully so he could mod the shit out of his carriage. Or they rely on Jigen’s friendship with Ridcully)
Lupin uses swamp dragons as firearms (dialogue courtesy of @marquise-de-clarabas: Jigen: You stole a dragon??? Lupin: I didn’t steal him! He’s his own person and can make decisions himself! Dragon: I wanna steal). He has an alias and disguise entirely dedicated to visiting the Sunshine Sanctuary For Sick Dragons, and somehow became friends with Lady Sybil Ramkin-Vimes (Commander Vimes' wife, and the greatest expert on swamp dragons in the city, probably on the Disc). Vimes doesn't know about it, and Lupin finds the whole situation hilarious. He constantly makes jokes about how he’s playing with fire.
The Thieves’ Guild and the Watch are competing to catch the Gang, but secretly Vimes is rooting for the Gang (the Guild just hates them). That said, Vimes also hates Lupin (only slightly less than he dislikes the Guild), because he's always a little shit whenever he gets put in jail, and then he immediately breaks out.
Rincewind (famously bad wizard with a shit luck and a tendency to run from problems) once got arrested by Zenigata, because he got startled by him yelling LUPAAAAAAAAAN! and started running for the hills, making Zenigata believe he was Lupin in disguise. Rincewind is terrified of Zenigata.
Zenigata is actively trying to stop the Thieves' Guild from catching Lupin and Co, both because he wants to catch them himself, and because he knows what the Guild does to illegal thieves and he doesn’t want it to happen to Lupin.
Lupin stole Ridcully’s hat (custom wizard hat with a bunch of pockets, drawers, a crossbow, and a tiny flask of alcohol) as a gift for Jigen’s birthday. He also stole Lipwig’s hat (golden cap with dove wings), after which Adora claimed she didn’t recognize Moist (dialogue courtesy of @marquise-de-clarabas: Moist: C’mon babe, it’s me, your boyfriend! Adora, knowing full well who he is: I have never met this man in my entire life). He also raided the Assassins' Guild's armory/museum to get a birthday gift for Goemon.
About Jigen and the gonne (spoilers for Men at Arms) : basically, the gonne being such a dangerous and destructive weapon compared to crossbows, it has a nigh-magical attraction on people, and awakens and strengthens whatever lust for power, vengeance, blood etc they have. It basically controls its user and feeds on their convictions, addictions, wants, etc. The only person known to have resisted it is Vimes (because he's a stubborn mofo with a sense of morals you could bend iron on), and even he came damn near to losing his mind. (And Carrot, because... he's Carrot.)
Assuming the gonne didn't get destroyed in this AU: after they steal it, Lupin tries to use it, gets completely possessed/cursed (again) and accidentally tries to murder his friends (again), prompting Jigen to take it from him. Jigen then gets possessed as well, and they start fighting for the gonne, until Goemon just walks in, takes it out of their hands and takes it away. Goemon's completely unaffected by the gonne because 1) of his ascetic training and 2) "it is a filthy morporkian artifact and cannot compare to the noble art of the sword."
Zenigata often teams up with Angua (resident werewolf of the Watch), they get along very well. The Gang is very easy to track, they smell like a tobacco factory that has caught on fire.
Yata and Drumknott (Patrician's head secretary, and confidante, sort of) get together after office hours, and argue about whose boss is the best (because as we all know they both have a crush on respective bosses). One day Drumknott accidentally calls Vetinari “Sempai” after he heard Yata call Zenigata that all the time.
Lupin follows Lipwig’s example and steals all of Yata’s pencils every time he visits the Pseudopolis Yard (the Watch's HQ). Drumknott is fuming when Yata tells him about it.
Leonardo Da Quirm is butt-naked, because Part 4.
Something with vampires, probably.
tagging @carriagelamp and @mad-whoman-with-a-book00 because I know you may be potentially interested in this AU ^^
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junicai · 4 years
Relationship with NCT 127
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➣ Taeil ☾ taria 
taeil is the Sole Protector of aria’s sanity 
taeil loves his maknaes so much, but he literally looks at her like she put the stars in the sky 
the Proud Dad smile :’)
when aria first debuted, czennies thought that she was the same age as jungwoo - because she acted older than her age - but with taeil she lets her inner kid come out 
highkey dependent on his approval for things in relation to singing
“was, was that ok?” “perfect, ari.”  “ (O_O;)  - (◕‿◕)♡”
she will fight mark and donghyuck for his attention, and she will win
for a while, the two had shared a dorm room before they were rearranged, and taeil let her slip into his bed when she was feeling homesick 
the offer is still open, but aria takes him up on it less and less
taeil is NOT sad about that. absolutely not.
he’s vehemently against any and all diets she tries - saying that if she gets any smaller he’s going to be able to pick her up with one hand
que him dragging her out for ice-cream after a promotion, paying no mind to her protests
aria helps taeil with translating a lot of things into english during lives and interviews - so much to the point where he’s picked up a bit of an irish accent and the others never fail to clown him for it 
taeil still has the small braided bracelet that aria gave to the members on their first anniversary of nct (he keeps it in the drawer beside his bed)
aria is his self-professed happy virus. he told czennies in a vlive once that her smile makes him feel really happy and he wants to protect it to the best of his ability
aria always fixes his micpack before they go onstage if its crooked, because she comes out after him in the lineup
they have monthly movie nights and they alternate who chooses the movie / show (taeil normally goes for mystery or drama themed ones, while aria enjoys making them both sob miserably)
aria and taeil singing “I See the Light” from tangled for the NCT Music channel, and the tears that were shed by both moonis and realtai alike. sm really popped off with the staging and the lighting of the whole video - between the smiles that were on both of the singers faces and the whole ambiance created, its a cinematic masterpiece 
no one was surprised when it hit 2 million views in a day, and a lot of solo stans were born from that video
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➣ Johnny ☾ johria
indisputable siblings 
there is not a single czennie who ships these two romantically, and that’s because they’re just too wholesome 
johnny is one of the few members that aria calls “oppa”, mainly because of the age gap and sm wanted her to appear respectful, but also because he thinks she looks so cute
very chill, excellent vibes
their vlives are either chaotic messes or the closest thing to therapy since ice cubes 
the blanket on aria’s bed? that was a gift from johnny - she had been complaining to mark about how cold she always was anemia tings
czennies are begging for sm to allow aria to open up a solo instagram account, becuse they see the amount of pictures johnny takes of her
in the park? he’s making her pose in front of the flowers. backstage before a show? the lighting, c’mon.
big big bear hugs - the height difference make nctzens want to die 
185cm vs 158cm? p l e a s e she’s so tiny in comparison  (/ =ω=)/
when she gives him backhugs it looks like a little kitten trying to wrestle with the family dog 
play fighting about vernacular:
very vocal about her wellbeing, and has asked fans before to remind her to take better care of herself and get to sleep sooner
aria, starting a vlive at 3am: hi hi~
the comments: NO GO TO BED
johnny helped her a lot when it came to the style change in choreography, as aria was used to soft, flowing movements and not the powerful, sleek style that most nct dances have 
consistently forgets the fact that she is not the fourteen year old he first met, and is, in fact, an adult now. “you’re a child” “im 18″ “...no”
is the person to get angry on her behalf when interviewers belittle or ignore her 
during a fansign, a fan asked aria who did she think was the most comforting when she was stressed (besides mark and donghyuck) and aria said johnny. “he’s so, constant? like nothing seems to knock him or throw him off, and that’s really comforting when i feel unsteady.”
johnny is now known as aria’s weighted blanket. 
that is all. 
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➣ Taeyong ☾ ariyong
taeyong took one look at aria the first time she showed up for group practice and immediately adopted her (not literally, but he would if he could)
eomma meets highly protective older brother meets life coach type beat? 
so so soft for her its sickening 
says he doesn’t have favourites and will then spend an hour cooking for aria because she’s been in the studio for the whole day and he knows she hasn’t eaten yet
when aria was given a duet to do for the sm stages, she had to pick another member to do it with and her first choice was taeyong
she always has said that taeyong is one of the pillars keeping her upright and sane - without him she wasn’t sure if she would have been able to complete her training
because of all the schedules they share together, if aria isn’t rooming with mark then she’s definitely rooming with taeyong
whenever she does his makeup (more often than you’d think) she point blank refuses to cover his scar, even when he asks her to 
“please? i don’t like it.” *gasp* “how dare you.” 
sleepy aria! snuggling into taeyong’s shoulder when a schedule ran late! 
he gets uncomfy when the stylists put her in too revealing clothes, and has spoken to them on numerous occasions about dressing her in age-appropriate attire, no matter how “sexy” the concept might be 
he keeps little bags of sugar-dusted strawberry sweets in his bag incase she forgets to eat and feels faint after the last time (they used to be blueberry flavoured, but he heard donghyuck throwing out any and all “blueberry-contaminated” food one evening)
taeyong doesn’t tolerate hate towards aria, especially in person, so he always makes sure to sit down the line from her so that he can see when people skip intentionally her
taeyong had just been awarded the solo bedroom on the last night of the Mtopia series, and was staring off into the corner looking rather uncomfortable. aria, who was meant to be rooming with baekhyun looked over and saw his mouth curled downwards slightly. 
“baekhyun-oppa, is it ok if i room with taeyongie-oppa tonight? i ran out of my tablets, and he has some in his bag..” 
baekhyun looked down at her with a small smile and agreed, while on the video edited captions appeared with the words, “a cute maknae, asking to room with a younger member...”
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➣ Yuta ☾ nakamiya
the president of realtai 
this man is absolutely, completely and irrevocably whipped for aria and she is not afraid to use that to her advantage
she beat him at arm wrestling because she pouted at him - she’s too powerful 
aria.exe stopped responding when yuta started to playfully flirt with her the first few times
*winks* “hu-wha-”
one of the most outwardly protective members of her, because he feels a sense of responsibility for the younger girl
he was one of the trainees she first befriended, aria’s korean not being good enough to hold a decent conversation, and yuta happy that there was another japanese trainee 
9 times out of 10, when the members are making their way through crowded areas like airports yuta is always behind or directly beside aria
during a fansign one of the fans asked why he did that, and he said that he needed to keep her in his line of sight or else he’d get anxious that she’s so small that she could get swallowed in the crowds 
yes aria hit him for the short comment 
yuta, 50% of the time: you’re not allowed date until you’re 35
yuta, the other 50% of the time: bro where’s your boyfriend
he complains that she isn’t as sweet as she was when she first joined, and that hyuck must have corrupted her (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
he let’s her braid his hair when its longer, them both sitting on a bed with yuta in front and aria kneeling behind him so she can reach 
he was the first person to take her home for the holidays, because ireland was too far to go back for a week over christmas 
“what do you mean you’ve never been to japan???” 
bitching about the other members in japanese? more likely than you’d think 
when aria turned legal in korea, yuta took her out drinking and made sure to post pictures of her with her flushed cheeks on his instagram story with the caption “aish, i told you to pace yourself....” “happy birthday riri”
you know that one clip of the sasaeng getting absolutely trashed by nct’s bodyguard and taeyong jumping 7 feet into the air? 
well taeyong wasn’t the only one startled; standing beside yuta, aria was closest to the wall of fans when the girl ran forward towards the members. aria jumped in fright, while yuta barely made a face (#unbothered). he simply wrapped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her around to the other side, tucking her underneath his arm.
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➣ Doyoung ☾ dori
*ahem* WHIPPED *ahem*
doyoung adores aria so much 
was he unsure about a girl being added to a group of boys? yes but it was moreso concern about how he was going to make sure she wasn’t accidentally trampled
they bonded over a night in the recording studio when he found her sitting on the floor with music sheets scattered around her 
a whole mentor when it comes to singing 
aria always turns to him after singing - especially when it wasn’t planned, like at a fansign - to see if she did a good job
doyoung has yet to tell her that she hasn’t but sue her, she appreciates the validation
the original mother and Will Not Let Taeyong Forget It
doyoung, dragging aria out of the studio: now listen here young lady-
kitten and bunny friends RISE
no seriously sm released merch of a kitten and bunny plushie and it sold out in a day
when aria had the accident that led to her two month hiatus, doyoung was the one who rode in the ambulance with her after refusing to let go of her hand 
“i’m sorry sir, only family are allowed in at the moment-” “we are her family” *nurse looks around the room at the 14 other boys sitting anxiously*
he is a weak, weak man he will crumple on any decision if she smiles and slash or whines at him even slightly 
carries band-aids and support strapping in his practice bag because he knows that she gets really bad blisters when she hasn’t practiced while wearing her heels in a while, and he makes her wrap her ankles for the first few sessions incase she falls 
NCT 127 Take a Friendship Test (Glamour - 2020)
“ahh, my first impression?” *laughs* “actually, we first met in a recording studio, at like. 3 o’clock in the morning? he stuck his head in the doorway and i was so tired that i thought i had died and an angel had come to save me...”  (*μ_μ) 
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➣ Jaehyun ☾ jaria
you know how cheetahs in the zoo get emotionally support puppies?
this is the same type of vibe
very snuggly together? but only in specific scenarios, like when jaehyun is too tired to move after a movie night, he’ll just kinda engulf aria in a hug and make her sleep on the couch with him 
any back hug she gives him turns into a piggy back, its non-negotiable 
likes to randomly compliment her to see how red he can make her face go
did she have a crush on him when she first moved to korea? yes, but who didn’t
that faded really quickly though once she started into the group officially - now they are more like siblings
they don’t interact that much on camera? rip to the jaria shippers
but that doesn’t mean they aren’t close with each other its just that a lot of their interactions happen off-screen
naturally, jaehyun began to think of her as a younger sister over the years they performed together 
jaehyun will end anybody who lays a hand on aria 
a little bap bap if you will 
he asked her to take him ice-skating one day, and the entire time was spent with aria laughing her ass off as he ate the ice nearly fourteen times before getting the hang of it 
he takes her out for food when he notices that she’s been put back on a strict diet plan (aria thinks she’s good at hiding those pieces of paper, but she forgets that when she puts it on top of things, that other people are a lot taller than her and have a higher vantage point)
the prince and princess of nct? check 
head pats
he likes to pat her head and she’ll swat it away immediately until she gets tired and just lets him do his thing 
jaehyun was wearing a flower crown placed carefully on his head as he bent down slightly to run his hands through the damp grass. a soft shutter sound went off, before he heard a hum coming from behind him. “jaehyun-ssi, could you take off the flowers? we can’t see your face clearly because of the shadow.”
jaehyun glanced backwards at aria’s retreating figure, being chased by donghyuck with hands still stained green from the grass she had shifted through to find the fallen flowers. she stopped and waved at him before resuming her run.
“i’d rather not, if that’s alright. i think it fits quite well with the theme.”
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➣ Jungwoo ☾ ariwoo
oh my god someone please stop these two
once jungwoo taught aria about the power that aegyo holds for persuasion tactics against the older members of 127, they were unstoppable 
you should be afraid of them
100% have plotted someone’s murder before (and have succeeded, czennies always wondered where that last manager went after The Incident)
aggressively cute together - to the point where your teeth will rot 
jungwoo will intentionally flirt with aria just to fluster her because its “so easy to do”
not very physically affectionate, but jungwoo has no hesitation calling out “uri fighting haeyadwae!” to her when she looks like she needs a little encouragement 
jungwoo is the reason she wants to do a bachelors degree after finishing high school 
he used to help her with her maths assignments after school when she was struggling with managing her time 
they’re called the “aegyo duo” of the group, and there has yet to be an outright winner of the competitions to find the cutest member (its aria. jungwoo said it himself, its aria but we been knew)
they have an odd dynamic of looking like best friends the first second, evil masterminds the next and then siblings who want to murder each other but they make it work 
will and has flopped down on her while she was laying on the practice floor and then whined when she tried to get up 
he spilled the tea that aria gets super emotional and affectionate when she’s drunk 
cutest shit ever that made ariwoo shippers lose their absolute minds was the clip that got released in the behind the scenes filming of Kick It, where jungwoo was half asleep in the corner and aria just pops up out of nowhere to shove a folded jacket under his head and made sure to prop it in a way that he wouldn’t get a sore neck when he woke up
jungwoo is the reason she knows korean curse words (dont tell doyoung)
aria wobbled in her heels slightly as she stepped out of the van, trying to hold a blanket up to protect her legs while she slid off the seat onto the ground. jungwoo extended an arm around her waist, gripping the blanket in his other hand and carefully holding her to make sure she didn’t trip on the cobbled stone.
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➣ Mark ☾ mari
1/2 of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny 
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable 
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible 
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired 
mari being confused in foreigner: ??? 
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?” 
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi 
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile(tm)
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it” 
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself 
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc. 
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합... 結合..... le chéile.... le... le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”
and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ Haechan ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together 
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long 
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely. 
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night 
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else 
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates 
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat 
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever 
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Any Jurota relationship headcanons? (Sfw/nsfw your choice!) I’m really curious how the gentle king is when he’s with s/o!
YES YES YES!! I love this guy so much!! Thanks so much for requesting this!!!!! AHHHH!!!😫😩🥰
This man is a feminist and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Jurota SFW-
• He is a gentlemen in every sense of the word. He’s super sweet and very romantic. He’s also super chill. Honestly he’s probably one of the most nontoxic partners in the Kengan universe. He treats his S/O with so much dignity, respect, and love. He’d be an amazing partner.
• Honestly he treats his S/O like a King/Queen.
• Jurota has absolutely no interest in hollow flings or one night stands. He’s only here to court. He’s only here to find true love.
• Jurota is very traditional when it comes to romance. He’d bring his S/O their favorite flowers on the first date, he’d open the car door for them, pull out the chair for them at the restaurant, then walk them to the door and kiss their cheek goodnight.
• He doesn’t really like texting, though he’ll call his S/O often. He likes to hear their voice. He prefers to see them face to face most of all.
• He’d probably catch feelings first. He rarely ever catches crushes, but he finds himself wanting to get closer to them. He eventually asks them out on a date. They accept fo course.
• But if they reject him he won’t be mad at them. He’ll be a little heartbroken of course- but he’d like to befriend them and have a strictly platonic relationship with them.
• He’d take them to one of their favorite restaurants. He makes reservations. He spends a generous amount of time getting ready. He dresses in his nicest traditional Japanese outfit. He had probably picked his outfit out the night before- ironing it and taking time to pick all of the lint off of it.
• He probably bought new cologne for the date specifically- probably a scent his crush likes. He might shave his facial hair, or at least clean it up to look nice and not messy. He does his hair nice as well.
• He honestly wants to look good, he especially wants to wow his crush. He’s got butterflies in his tummy just thinking about going out on a date with his crush.
• During the date he is completely himself. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything and is completely honest with how he feels. He wants his crush to do the same. He’d hates being led on or lied to, he wants his Crush to be honest and open.
• He’d have a gentle smile and tender look in his eyes the whole night.
• Like I said, at the end of the night he walks his S/O home. He’d ask them if they’d like to go on a second date with him. If they say yes he’d be SUPER happy and relieved. They’d probably catch him with a wide smile on his face- he can’t hide his goofy grin. He’d kiss their cheek then wish them a good night. Nothing more nothing less.
• If they were to say no to the second date he’d thank them for the wonderful night. Then he’d wish them a good night and he’d be on his way. He’d likely want to remain friends with them afterwards. He’d be very respectful of them and their feelings.
• He’s quite traditional, he’d give them a chaste kiss on the mouth on after the second date. He wants to move slowly, he’s in no rush. He wants to get to know his S/O emotionally, physically, and romantically, all at a slow and steady pace.
• He’s quite physically affectionate. His love language is well.... everything. He wants to show his love in as many ways as possible.
• He’ll tell his S/O that he loves them very often. And he shows it too. He kisses them before he goes to sleep every night and again in the morning when he wakes up. It’s the last thing he does every day and the first thing he does when he wakes.
• In the household he’d want chores will be split evenly. Though he probably does everything himself- especially if his S/O works full time. He’d be such a cute little stay-at-home-house-husband!
• He’d wait by the door to give his S/O a hug and a kiss when they get home. He’d hang their coat and then he’d want to hear every detail of their day.
• If he truly loves his S/O then he does definitely want to get married. He’d be heartbroken if his S/O doesn’t want that. He wants to he bound to his S/O forever. He wants to be by their side forever- only if they are his soulmate of course
• He’d pick out a simple set of matching silver rings. He’d have a saying or an inside joke between him and his S/O engraved on the inside, along with their initials.
• He’s a very gentle kisser. He’s slow and passionate. He loves taking his S/O’s breath away. They’d be able to feel his facial against their skin. His breath catches in his throat when his S/O surprises him with a kiss.
• His favorites are forehead kisses- giving and receiving. But he also adores deep passionate kisses.
• Though sometimes he does enjoy making out with his S/O like a teenager. It makes him feel all warm a fuzzy.
• Likes pressing his forehead to his partner’s and he just relishes being close to them. He’s content just standing by their side. He just enjoys being in his S/O’s presence.
• Jurota is a 1000000/10 boyfriend! SUCH a good HEALTHY relationship. He’s such a giver. He just wants his S/O to be happy. So good! Yes!! Jurota is the best!
• Consent is very important to Jurota. Everything he does he wants his partners permission. He’d never ever ever EVER want to do anything to make them uncomfortable or anxious.
• He’s definitely a giver in the bedroom.
• Knowing his S/O wants him just as much as he wants them is a HUGE turn on. He loves knowing that his partner is attracted to him, Because he’s SUPER attracted to them. He loves the feeling of being wanted and also pleasuring his partner.
• In the bedroom it’s all about his partner. He focuses on them before himself. This man only knows how to make love.
• He holds his partner’s hand during the act. He’d gaze into their eyes while thrusting deep into them. He loves eye contact and watching his partner’s face twist in pleasure. He wants his partner to be very vocal.
• The only thing he WON’T do is inflict any type of pain. He gets nervous to even spank his partner. He’ll probably just pat them on the ass lovingly. He won’t do it, He can’t bring himself to. He’ll barely get rough. He’ll just thrust just a little harder into them, but it won’t be enough.
• He’s in fear of hurting his S/O or potentially doing something they don’t want. He knows his own strength and he’s confident with his power- but still.
• The only way to get rough in the bedroom with Jurota is if his partner is on top. He’s hands would be clenching his S/O’s hips as they ride him wildly. He can’t help but grunt and moan beneath them. He’d be a sweating mess watching them have the time of their life.
• He’d try so hard not to cum quickly. He might make his S/O hop off so he can catch his breath and control himself. If this is a regular occurrence he might spend some money on a nice cock ring. He might do some training too, Just so he can last longer for his lover.
• He actually likes it if his partner is more dominate. He loves being ordered around and commanded. He’ll literally do anything his S/O wanted him to. They wanna tie him up? Okay! They wanna sit on his face for hours? Sounds good! They wanna peg him? He’s excited!
• When he’s in control he’s much more Vanilla. He’d maybe tie his partner up. But every few minutes he be like “is this okay?” “Are you good?” “I didn’t tie you too tight did I?” He’s such a worrywart.
• He actually tends to talk a lot in the bedroom. “You feel so nice.” Or “you look so beautiful.” “I love you very much.” “May I cum inside please?”
• If his S/O were to bring up toys he’d be down to try them. His S/O being pleasured is his ultimate goal, so why not use some tools for the job?
• His favorite to use would probably be a Hitachi vibrator, For both a AFAB or AMAB partner. He’s probably got all the attachments for it as well.
• He’d tie his partners legs apart and just hold the vibrator onto their sweet spot. He’d control his partners pleasure. He’d fuck them with his fingers or cock. He loves watching his partners face contort and all the noises they make. He’d try so hard not to cum so soon.
• He wants his partner to be fully satisfied. He won’t stop till they tell him too. He’ll go as long as possible all for their pleasure.
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joheun-saram · 4 years
The Back of Your Car (myg)
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Summary- How would you deal if you were stuck in the trunk of your best friend’s car with your new crush?
word count- 3.3k
pairing- undergroundrapper!yoongi x recentgraduate!reader
rating- R
genre- fluff, smut(ish?), friends2lovers, collegeau
warnings- nothing too bad, just making out and dry humping to orgasm lol, oh and swearing.
a.n- my first Yoongi fic? Yes sirrrrrrr. I be simping for this man all day everyday. Also, yes the premise is dumb but also who doesn’t wanna be locked in a trunk with Yoongi. Just me? Okay. Coolcoolcool.
This was written for the ‘A Long Hot Summer’ project by @thebtswritersclub​. The member I picked was Yoongi and the sense I chose was touch, because when you can’t see you can only feel. 👀  Hope you like it!
Feedback much appreciated! 💕
gif is not mine! :)
“Really guys? Really?” You sighed as you stared at the small trunk of Jin’s sedan. You were so done with your friends. The audacity of them to ask you to jump into the trunk for the two-hour-long ride. 
“What? We cleared all the junk for you! Plus it’s not like you’ll be alone.” Namjoon stated matter-of-factly, his hands on his hips.
Your friends had been planning this week-long trip to Jin’s cottage for the past month as the last hurrah before everyone really started working in the real world, and somehow everyone had missed the fact that two cars would not be enough for your group of ten and all your belongings.
You had been friends with most of them since at least the start of university, over five years ago, but you’d be lying if you said they still didn’t annoy you at times. Well, you had been friends with everyone except Min Yoongi, the person you were being forced to now share this tiny trunk with.
“Why can’t Jungkook and I share the trunk?” You looked pleadingly at your closest friend. Jungkook and you had been friends since childhood and his bunny smile was present in almost all your pictures. Although you had been introduced when he and your younger brother became friends in fifth grade, it soon became evident that he and you were a better friendship fit as after middle school his appearances at your house soon turned from gaming with your brother to watching movies and arguing over anime in your bedroom. He had seen you madly in love with your first boyfriend and then seen you ugly cry, wasted at 2 am after your first breakup. Whereas, you had been there to buy him a cake and blast Lonely Island in his dorm when he lost his virginity in his freshman year of university. Jungkook was comfortable, Jungkook was easy. Plus, your habit of platonic cuddles made you far more comfortable spooning him for two hours than the mysterious Yoongi, who you met four months ago and may or may not be harboring a massive crush on.
“Noona, I can barely fit in there alone! You and hyung are the smallest of the group. It just makes sense!” Jungkook looked proud of his logic, patting your head smugly as you glared at him. You hated that he was now the muscle-bound version of the scrawny kid you used to know but more so you hated that he was entirely justified in his logic.
“But what if we get rear-ended? I will die! Do you want me to die?!” You were exasperated as you stared at the group with wide eyes. This was not how you imagined the end of your summer before the real world to be - with Hosoek’s car filled with all your supplies, taking up most of the backseat, leading to your dilemma. Who had thought it was a good idea to bring an icebox that won’t fit in the trunk? Well, none other than the host, Jin, who insists his steaks needed ample room to breathe in the ice for the ride up to the woods.
“You can get in first, so if we get rear-ended my death will cushion you,” Yoongi spoke softly, looking at you as you blinked dumbfoundedly at him. Although you were sure this was part of his dark humor, you felt a flush creep up your neck at his attempt to dissuade your worries.
Yoongi was introduced to your friends through Namjoon. Your tightly knit group of friends barely talked to anyone else but Namjoon was the social butterfly, always at parties or networking for his Soundcloud growth. He was an amazing rapper, selling out most small clubs he performed at. That’s where he had met Yoongi, befriending him when they performed together, and slowly integrating him into your clan. At first, it didn’t seem like his quiet, introspective persona would fit in your group’s dynamic, what with Jimin and Taehyung’s constant platonic PDA, Hoseok and Namjoon’s rap battles, and Jin, Jungkook and your bickering, but he seemed to have found a groove, seamlessly integrating himself. His deadpan comments whenever Jimin and Taehyung got too much, his addition to the rap battles, and his role as a mediator over your arguments had slowly made Yoongi a solid part of your dynamic in a short amount of time. Even Namjoon and Jin’s girlfriends who had been a part of the crew for over one and two years, respectively, hadn’t gelled in this fast, still feeling like they were eight-wheeling a giant polyamorous group.
“Umm… thanks? But that’s not the point. We shouldn’t have to ride in the trunk because Jin’s precious icebox stole the seat!” You tried to play it cool, ignoring the amused smirk that Jungkook threw your way as he spied your face heating up. He was all too aware of your crush and would take every opportunity to make you feel awkward around Yoongi.
“Okay tell you what. If you guys ride in the back, we’ll give you guys the best room in the house. First pick and everything,” Jin negotiated, clearly annoyed at the situation and wanting to get on the road.
“Alright. One more condition though. You all are buying mine and Yoongi’s drinks for the whole trip.” You acquiesce, because to be honest the master bedroom at Jin’s cottage was the most coveted spot, usually not even up for discussion. It boasted a king bed with the softest mattress imaginable, not to mention the ensuite bathroom consisting of a jacuzzi. You were beyond excited to snag that baby to yourself for the week. Plus, with your alcohol tolerance being among the highest of the group, you were excited not to drop any money on alcohol.
With hums and cheers of agreement, the party started moving along. You climbed in Jin’s trunk first, opting to face Yoongi rather than spoon him awkwardly. He climbed in with much less resistance than you, curling up as far as he could. Space, however, was smaller than you had anticipated and in this position, even though you both crossed your arms, your knees and arm were touching. You were happy when Namjoon abruptly shut the top, engulfing you both in darkness since it hid how red your face had become at the proximity. Your skin felt like it was on fire where it touched his, your heart speeding. You wondered if he could hear it and if it was healthy if it kept this pace for the next two hours.
Surprisingly you could barely hear what was happening in the car, voices coming through in muffled and music barely audible, drowned by the hum of the engine that roared through as the car started moving, slowly jostling you.
“You okay?” Yoongi asked tentatively after a few minutes. “You seemed a bit nervous about getting in.”
“Yeah, it’s just a little claustrophobic.” You weren’t lying, although it felt more so because of your feelings for Yoongi. Although you routinely hang out with him and your friends, practically every day this summer, if you were really counting, you had never once hung out with him alone. Even when he requested to record your vocals for one of his songs, Namjoon had been there. Now just sitting with him alone you felt extremely awkward, unable to deal with your feelings.
“Here, let me turn my flashlight on,” he said as he dug around for his phone in his pocket, one of his calves now between yours. “I heard that light can help with that.”
You were suddenly blinded as he turned on his flashlight. As your eyes adjusted to the onslaught of photons, you saw Yoongi’s face, much closer than you had thought it’d be. Although you had found him attractive since the first time you met him, you had never seen him this close. His cheeks were squished by his shoulder, his long black bangs swept haphazardly across his forehead as his lips pursed in a little pout. You didn’t think you could find him more attractive but he took your breath away. You don’t know how long you just stared at him but your trance was broken as you saw his lips move, registering what he was saying far more slowly than usual.
“I’m sorry you’re in here with me. I’m not the best company, I know.” He averted his gaze opting to look above him.
“What? Why would you say that?”
“I don't know. You wanted to be in here with Jungkook. I understand though, he’s much nicer than I am.” Your heart fell at that. You didn’t think he would be bothered by your insistence to be with Jungkook and you were starting to feel guilty.
“I only said that because I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“You don’t have to say that. It’s fine I get it. You don’t really like me.” He looked into your eyes, trying to search for any dishonesty.
“Of course I like you. What?”
“Oh? It’s just that you never talk to me.” Oh if only he knew the reason why you never talked to him was that you were scared you were going to stumble over your words and make a fool out of yourself.
“I… You never talk to me either!” You tried to move further away from him so he couldn’t make out the flush that was creeping up with your neck, finding you had nowhere else to move to. 
“I always try to talk to you. You either answer in one word or just walk away.” Yoongi didn’t know why he was being so insistent but he needed to know. He had found you interesting the moment he met you. Every joke you made had made him laugh and he would be lying if he didn’t listen to the vocals you recorded for him almost daily. “It’s okay… I’m sorry. You just make me nervous.”
“Me? I make you nervous?” You tried to control the giggle that arose at his comment but were unsuccessful. Why would you make Yoongi of all people nervous? 
“You’re intimidating!” He laughed, smiling at you.
“Sure… Whatever you say Yoongi.”
Soon your conversation moved to a comfortable one, sharing anecdotes about your friends and laughing over their antics. You hadn’t realized how easy it would be to talk to him once you were over your nerves. You hadn’t even thought about the constant voice in your head that made you spaz every time you saw him. However, that was short-lived as suddenly, you were thrown into the darkness, the light from Yoongi’s phone cutting off.
“Ah. Sorry. I think my phone’s dead.” He reaches between you to tap his phone to no avail, his fingertips lightly brushing your skin, making your skin tingle and reminding you again why you were nervous.
“It’s okay.” You don’t know why you whispered, but somehow the dark changed the entire atmosphere - your nerves kicking into high gear again. You could feel the hum of the car, each little bump on the road overtly noticeable. If you didn’t know any better you’d say you could feel his breath on your face. Yoongi felt it too -  the comfort dissipating into tension, making his heart beat faster.
“Careful!” He hisses as the car hits an exceptionally big bump, his hand instinctively reaching out to hold your head to ensure you don’t hit it at the back, while his other goes to your waist to pull you closer. In the cramped space, there was nowhere to go and you could feel your skin heating up where he touched you, sending sparks down your spine.
The air seemed to have thickened between you - the jokes of earlier fading away to make room for whatever this tension was as your heart pounded in your chest, his breath now definitely on your face. Suddenly there’s another bump, and Yoongi takes the opportunity to pull you closer, his jean-clad leg moving further between your bare ones. You suddenly realize how close this leg is to your core, and a slight whimper escapes your lips. His eyes go wide. There’s no way that sound was for him, was it? Regardless of all the times he had dreamt of having you in his arms, surely his mind was playing tricks on him. There was no way you were actually into him like he was into you.
“Y/N…” he says softly as he tries to unsuccessfully make out your eyes in the dark. You feel your face flush as you realize that you didn’t imagine the whimper, you actually made that noise, out loud. Panicking you rack your brain for an excuse, but all you can do is say his name, speaking it breathlessly into the small space.
He feels his heart accelerate when he hears his name from your lips. If he didn’t know any better he would think it almost sounded like a plea. It’s taking all his willpower not to crash his lips against yours, to hear more of your whimpers. Before he can get too lost in his thoughts another bump on the road sends you forward, your hands fisting in his shirt, faces only a hair length apart.
You don’t know who leaned in first but soon your lips are against each other. He feels your soft lips on him and it’s like he’s in a trance. The dark seems to have heightened his senses and it's like he can feel every single movement tenfold. You move your hands from his shirt to the nape of his neck, wanting him closer and it seems that he wants the same as his hand moves from your waist to your hips, pulling you closer.
You feel his tongue on your lips and you oblige, feeling sparks of electricity flow through you as you taste him. He tastes like mint and coffee, a combination that you would have found abhorrent except right now it felt like the sweetest nectar. The kiss is desperate like if you stopped the other would disappear, and it leaves you panting. 
In between kisses, Yoongi grabs your ass, groping it and making you moan in his mouth. A smile makes its way across his face as he relishes your sounds. He can’t believe this is happening. He kisses down your jaw to your neck, wanting to taste every bit of you.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since I first saw you.” You pant in between moans as he sucks on the sensitive juncture where your neck meets your shoulders, the dark igniting a boldness in you. Hearing you say that makes him stop. He wishes he could see your face to see if you were joking, but before he can get too much in his head, he hears you whine his name.
“Me too. Fuck.” He says as he continues kissing your neck as he starts moving your hips, making you grind against him. Even through layers of clothing the friction from his thigh on your clit is palpable, making your breath hitch, your hand holding on to his sleeve at the shoulder. “Is this okay?” 
You can only moan in response as he abandons your hips now that you found a rhythm and moves his hand up towards your chest, moving it under the hem of your shirt. Your skin is deliciously soft as he strokes your stomach gently before he moves to your back in search of a clasp, only to find none. You weren’t wearing a bra and that only made him harder as he cupped your chest, feeling your nipples under his thumb as he grazed over them. The sensation was unbelievable, making you soak your panties, it was like his hands were barely there, making you arch your back, chasing his touch. You could feel your orgasm building as you felt the tension in your stomach build. He had barely even touched you and you felt like you were going to lose your mind. Each sensation felt new. You finally understood what Madonna was talking about in that song.
You pulled his face close to you mewling a “please” against his lips as you crashed your lips against them. You melt into him, the passionate kiss igniting more pleasure in both of you.
“Are you going to cum baby?” He asks, his breath mingling with your pants, the nickname warming your heart, as he pulls your head back gently by your hair, giving him more access to your neck, sucking and kissing, driving you closer to the edge. “Go ahead. Cum on my leg baby.”
The pressure inside you grows as you grind faster, the friction against your clit simultaneously too much and too little. He finally increases the pressure on your nipples, rolling them between his fingers as he ravishes your mouth with a deep kiss, making you come undone. Your legs shake, your hands grabbing at his shirt and hair, walls clenching around nothing as you cum. 
“Fuck. Yoongi” you whine as you come down from your high, his lips still on your neck, your panties sticking to you.
“God. You’re so hot.” Your moans are still ricocheting through his mind as he takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers and kissing the top of it. Even though he didn’t get any relief and his boner still painfully lies against his tight jeans, he doesn’t mind, enjoying your scent as he nuzzles your neck.
“Yoongi, I have to tell you something.” He wishes he could see you. The way you began your sentence makes his heart ache in anticipation as you pause longer. “I like you.”
“I’m glad you don’t kiss people you hate like this.” Yoongi is elated, pulling you in for another kiss, different this time. It’s gentle and he wants to put all the emotions he’s been feeling in it. He wants to show you he likes you just the same, if not more. You pull him closer as you return the kiss, mirroring his tenderness.
“No, I mean I don’t want this to be a one-time thing.” It makes his heart race. He can’t believe how lucky he is.
“I’ve been dreaming about you since I met you, do you think I’m going to let you go now?” He chuckles as he kisses your forehead and here cramped in the back of Jin’s car you think you’ve found heaven. “We should really thank Jin and his obsession with steaks, eh?”
You laugh as you feel the car come to a stop, giddy with endorphins, your four-month crush finally coming to fruition. The sunlight is bright when the guys open the trunk, blinding you momentarily before your eyes focus to see Yoongi smile at you, wide with his gums on display. It makes you giggle like a lovestruck teenager when he tucks your hair behind your ear. To Yoongi at that moment, you’re the most beautiful person he’s met. He climbs out of the car, helping you out as well.
“What the fuck? Did you guys make out in the back of my car?” Jin yells as he looks at the two of you and both of you go red at being caught.
“Umm… no. Why would you say that?” You avert your gaze from the broad-shouldered man bashfully as he looks at the two of you wide-eyed.
“Noona, hyung has your lipstick all over his face.” Jungkook supplies, a cocky smirk on his face, and that’s when you register Yoongi’s lips and jaw painted your signature red, making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Whatever. It looks good on me.” Yoongi says with a drawl and an eye roll as he holds your hand in his. “Let’s just go to the cottage, okay?”
He leads the group, your fingers intertwined. That week you make sure to take advantage of the room you both won. The jacuzzi does wonders to heal your soreness from your adventures in the king-sized bed, much to the chagrin of Hoseok who had the unfortunate luck of sleeping in the room next door.
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kekoma · 4 years
— konoha as your boyfriend.
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sigh... can’t resist him for long. tsk tsk. hope you enjoy
waiting for konoha world domination.
PATIENTLY waiting because how could you not fall in love with this man?
anyways, it’s about that time for boyfriend konoha to make his debut here.
won’t get too deep with the crush phase but let’s talk about it for a second.
aki is the kind of guy who’s bold when it comes to crushes, or you in this case. 
doesn’t believe in giving mixed signals since he knows what he wants and clearly it’s you.
also isn’t the type who starts acting funny/avoids you or struggle with trying to befriend you (if you two had been strangers and konoha had one of those ‘love at first sight’ moments.)
yet in this route, you two are actually good friends and he found out had a crush on you when thoughts of you kept clouding his mind along with how he no other person could keep his interest romantically except you.
didn’t rush himself on telling you how he felt towards you. rather, he decided to let things flow just in case his mind and heart were playing a trick on him.
when konoha is ready then he’ll most likely dropped the biggest hits that he wants you.
definitely made more time for you whenever you asked to hang out, didn’t hesitate to reject others and make it known to them that you had his full attention either, and always complimented you more as well.
he finally asked you out when going out to watch fireworks together.
the confession wasn’t tooth rotting sweet yet it wasn’t dry as the desert either. konoha had planned his words perfectly and told you exactly how he felt towards you before asking “will you be mine?”
of course that night led to you two being together now~
which brings us to how the relationship is like.
for starters, i firmly believe akinori is the kind of boyfriend who wears hair ties/scrunches on his wrist for you.
he never knows when you might ask or text him about needing one so he keeps it on him just in case.
doesn’t care if some dudes get on him for it either. same with friends.
in aki’s mind at least he thinks what he does is normal and deems himself as a good boyfriend for it.
most definitely likes getting his nails done with you or by you.
if you mention going to the nail salon, best believe your boyfriend is tagging along and getting his done.
although the first few times he went with, aki went for clear nail polish because he wasn’t ready for color yet.
only started going for it for when you jokingly said you two should get matching nail colors and he was like “yeah. sounds good with me.”
and didn’t mind it. actually fell in love with the concept.
as for home, if you’re bored and just want to play pretend nail tech then aki is already sitting at your little set up ready.
“make my nails look extra pretty, princess. i want to show them off later and brag about how you did them.”
“of course~ since you said that, i’ll add a design on them. my initials.”
“sounds better than doing plain. think i can get a heart too?”
i FIRMLY believe he’s also the kind of boyfriend who lets you use his face to do makeup looks you saw online.
although he may complain sometimes, deep down he actually loves it since he gets to stare at you up close and find amusement with how focus you are about making sure the look comes out just like the picture.
“close your eyes aki. please”
“then i can’t see you.”
“you’ll see when i’m done. now close your eyes unless you want eyeliner in them.”
“fine fine.”
vvv  supportive and uplifting. konoha loves and i mean LOVES the idea of being there for you, helping you out whenever he can as well.
the relationship is filled with jokes. mainly a lot of inside jokes that outsiders find it so odd— even going as far to question what some mean, but ofc none of you talk about it.
konoha wasn’t into face care/didn’t think much of it before he met you.
so if you’re someone who LOVES face care or generally taking care of your skin then you definitely changed his mind.
dude will indulge in your little spa nights at home. asking you what each products does for his skin and what some do to yours (assuming you two have different skin types).
will definitely take pictures of moments like those and make them his lock screen because he finds its cute even those the face mask on you both looks hella weird.
loves LOVES spoiling you. 
whether it’ll be with actual gifts, physical affections (which is limited) or his words— he’ll spoil you without hesitation.
konoha enjoys the concept of making it known he’s truly in love with you and doesn’t plan on stopping either.
also loves when you spoil him too.
something about you doing it makes his heart and mind do about 2937748 backflips and laps around the track.
don’t know if this will make sense, but aki still likes to woo you over as if you’re still in the beginning stage of dating when you two aren’t anymore.
suppose this can be labeled as him just being extremely affectionate which i strongly agree that he is but it’s only around you.
it’s been hinted at during the crush part, but i’ll make it known now— he’s extremely loyal to you.
ever since aki decided to commit himself to you. 
which is rare due to the fact that commit to him is something that shouldn’t be handed to just anyone. even in previous relationships, he never really gave much of it since he’ll either notice things about that partner that were hidden (by that partner), he just isn’t into them anymore due to lost of feeling or things seeming boring.
so any thoughts of konoha cheating or looking at anyone else is impossible. his heart belongs to you and only you <3
something to quickly add.. arguments with him are extremely rare.
aki isn’t into conflict so he’ll do everything in his power to avoid.
however, if it still occurs then he’ll end up speaking his mind without filtering himself. now that can either put out the fire or fuel it even more. truly depends on how you take it, but if it gets worst then apologizes will be issued in a means to fix it.
anyways— can’t convince me this man doesn’t binge watch those weird videos that are recommended to you on YouTube or any of your favorite shows and/or movies on Netflix with you.
sticking by that statement because it’s true.
now let’s quickly talk about nicknames, pda, and dates.
starting with nicknames, i’ve mentioned one but aki main nicknames for you: princess, my love, gorgeous, juliet (after romeo and juliet. it started off as a joke to call each other that but now it stays), and peach.
pda with konoha isn’t much.
in public and private, it’s just the basic. private may be a little more ahead depending on how aki is feeling, but it’s not much.
not because he doesn’t like your touch since he does yet physical affection just isn’t something that gets his interest most of the time.
so don’t take it personally when he doesn’t want to do much, but i’m sure if you beg a little then he’ll give in.
with that out the way— time to talk about dates.
dates with him range from almost anything and everything.
konoha is someone that is adventurous and likes change once in awhile so of course that’s going to incorporate itself within dates.
although do except picture to be taken while on those dates. aki finds it heartwarming to capture those moments together and he can always look back at them if you are far each other. 
can’t think of much so i’ll call this the end.
overall: a relationship with konoha is enjoyable. things are always changing within the relationship so it never turns boring.
you’re the luckiest person ever to date this cutie <3
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butgilinsky · 4 years
tension // rc
warning; language, underaged drinking, mentions of cheating, mentions of anti depressants but not rly depression, mentions of smut but nothing descriptive, hella angst
summary; you find out the real reason kiara doesn’t hang out with you and the kooks anymore. 
word count; 4.5k+
rafe x reader, platonic!kie x reader, and a sprinkle of rafe x kie
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you had been friends with kiara for years. back in middle school, when kiara sat at a table by herself, you shocked your friends by placing your tray directly across from hers and asking her why she chose to sit by herself. 
you knew people that liked kiara, so you knew she wasn’t forced to outcast herself, but you quickly learned that she didn’t like the people at your school. she’d rather save turtles that caught in a plastic bag rather than talk about which swimsuit fit her body the best. 
she wasn’t like your other friends, and you liked that about her. you liked that she didn’t stray from her genuine personality to fit in, like most people on figure eight did. she was authentic and real, and she wasn’t going to jeopardize that for a surface level friendship. 
kiara used to blame her kook year on you. if you hadn’t befriended her in middle school than she wouldn’t have felt so lost when you moved onto high school and she was stuck to finish seventh and eighth grade. the age difference - only two years - never made a difference before, but after spending an entire year with you, her last two years in middle school were hard to swallow. 
the pogues didn’t go to the same school, and with you in high school, she had no choice but to turn to sarah. sarah had been a mutual friend between the two of you, and provided a sense of comfort and familiarity that kiara couldn’t find anywhere else. 
kiara was excited when she began high school. she could start hanging out with you again, coordinating her elective classes to spend more time around you. it was everything she had been looking forward to for the entirety of eighth grade. 
she looked up to you. a girl two years older than her that didn’t care when her friends ragged on her for spending so much time with a freshman. you took her under your wing and made sure nobody gave her shit in high school, and she’d never forget that. even when she spent the entire next year swearing off any and all kooks. 
you never understand the switch she had flipped, thinking she had gotten comfortable with her makeshift life on figure eight. you thought you proved to her that kooks weren’t all that bad. you showed her that for every time topper made a crude remark, kelce was there to interject with a light hearted response. you tried to make her comfortable there, treating her like the younger sister you never had. 
then she flipped on you. when her and sarah had a falling out, you were caught in the middle of it. you’d been dating rafe at the time, which made you biased in a way you wished you didn’t have to be. you couldn’t throw sarah in your rear view mirror like she didn’t mean anything. she was in the heart of your friend group, and despite what you wanted, you were around her too much to cut her out entirely. 
losing kiara hurt. you’d opened up to her about things that nobody else knew about you. you’d slept at her house when things with your parents got rocky. she was there when your brother moved for college, and offered a sense of comfort you couldn’t find in your other friends. 
she didn’t ask you to choose, she simply left without another word. she told you that she’d see you in school but that had to be the extent of it. if she was swearing off all kooks, that had to include you, no matter how much it hurt her to walk away from you. 
your last summer on the island was supposed to be the best one yet. sure, you’d be back for small breaks during the semester, and an entire month between fall and spring, but you were going all the way to south carolina in august. you were determined to have a good time. 
leaving rafe would be hard, seeing as he had just gotten back from his first, and last, year at college, but you were prepared to face the battles, no matter how tough. 
something about this summer felt off from the beginning. you didn’t know what it was, but you tried to shrug it off anytime it came up. you did your part in trying to keep your boyfriend and his goons out of trouble, though that proved easier said than done. 
it didn’t help when sarah dropped off the radar, beginning to sneak around and disappear for long periods of time. she had blown it off every time you asked, despite you promising her that she could trust you with every fiber of her being. you had been her honorary older sister for years, and you dating her older brother only heightened that. 
when she blew off your plans to go to the movie night, you made a mental note to dig into what exactly deemed more important than sneaking drinks during the movie neither of you cared about. 
“hey, kie.” your head turned to follow your boyfriend, eyebrows pulled together when he stepped up to the concessions stand to stand beside the girl you hadn’t spoken to in - you don’t even remember how long. 
you picked up on kiara’s annoyed expression quickly, sensing a small amount of discomfort in the way that she quickly ignored rafe. he didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he just didn’t care, but it captured your interest fairly quickly. 
topper tried to grab your attention, mentioning something about the bottle of burnett’s he scored from his plug earlier that day. you waved him off quickly, eyes firmly locked on the two that stood just a few yards away from you. 
“how are you?” kiara spared you a short glance before practically rolling her eyes, trying to mentally map out an escape plan, no doubt. 
“i’m fine.” rafe nodded, swinging his weight from the balls of his feet back onto his heels. 
“good, good. um, tell your boy that we know what he did.” kiara’s expression stood steady, despite the confusion clear in her eyes that you were sure rafe didn’t pick up on. 
“sorry, what boy are you talking about?” her eyes found yours again, but she could tell you were just as lost as she was, so she looked back at rafe quickly. 
“uh, he’ll know.” kiara rolled her eyes one final time, though the eye contact between the two last just long enough for your fists to clench at your sides before she turned and walked away. 
“bye.” you watched rafe watch kiara walk away from him, his hands shoved in his pockets and back turned towards you. 
there was something in the way that he watched her leave. the way his gaze lingered on her longer than normal. the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek when he spun around to face you. how his eyes were locked on his feet for a short second before he was offering you a bright smile as he returned to the same smiling rafe before he’d seen kiara. 
“what the fuck was that?” you didn’t notice topper pinching the bridge of his nose behind you, shaking his head at rafe’s lack of subtlety. you didn’t see the way that kelce was shaking his hand back and forth, telling rafe to completely deny whatever the hell just happened between him and kiara. 
sure, to anybody else watching it was just rafe and kiara talking. two people that supposedly didn’t like each other, despite their shared title of a kook. two people talking about something very vague and somehow secretive. 
but to you, it was your boyfriend talking to a girl he often didn’t associate with. it was rafe talking to your ex best friend who had left you high and dry after a fall out with your other friend, which you had no hand in. it was the girl who had deemed you guilty by association after sarah had turned her back on the girl. 
it was obvious there was tension between the two of them, but you had no idea why. 
“what was what?” rafe wrapped an arm around your neck, trying to pull you into his chest but you planted your hand flat on his chest to stop the collision. 
“that whole interaction, the tension, what the fuck was that about?” rafe rolled his eyes and moved to press a quick kiss to your forehead, something he knew calmed you down without fail.
“the only tension between kie and i is the same tension between her and the rest of figure eight. she hates me, ‘cause i’m a kook and i mess with her dirty pogue friends.” you wanted to push it further, wanted to say something else, but you couldn’t stop yourself from melting into the boy’s embrace when he pressed another, longer kiss to your forehead. 
“stop stressing, baby. let’s go sit down.” you nodded, accepting the kiss rafe moved to place on your lips. 
the next time you noticed something being off was midsummers. your mind had already been racing when you’d stood beside topper, eyes locked on sarah and john b less than a mile away. you were confused as to why she wasn’t being discrete about it, kissing him during one of the biggest events of the summer. 
your hand found topper’s arm, squeezing it gently before leaning into his side to provide a sense of comfort that he surely needed. you were confused, hurt for topper, and you knew it would inevitably become your job to get to the bottom of it all. 
you were upset that rafe wasn’t ravishing you in your dress, like you had originally planned. he had made a few comments in your ear as the night progressed, especially after the slit in your dress rode up while you crouched behind kelce to hide from your parents while you downed a glass of wine. 
his eyes had been glued to you almost all night long, and while you were drinking it all in and enjoying every minute of it, he’d disappeared at some point and you were now left to comfort a confused and hurt topper. 
when the commotion between jj and the head of security erupted in the middle of the crowd, your eyes found rafe. you knew he had something to do with it. you would’ve blown it off as a casual kook v. pogue rivalry interaction, but the way his eyes were trained on kiara when she began sticking up for jj made your blood boil. 
“you okay?” topper nudged you with his elbow, but you shook your head gently, eyes burning into your boyfriend’s back as he watched kiara run off, despite her parents’ protests. 
“do you know something i don’t, top?” his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, not catching on to what you were asking him. “what’s going on between rafe and kiara?” 
you knew you’d hit something when topper’s face fell. his lips parted as he tried to come up with something. a diversion, a distraction, an excuse, anything. you could tell he was digging through his brain for something to say to you. 
“topper, what the hell is going on?” he started stuttering, falling over his words as he shook his head slowly. 
“n-nothing. why would you- what makes you think that anything’s going on with them? kiara and rafe? pfft, that’s ridiculous, y/n.” your jaw clenched and you put a hand flat on his chest, pushing him back and away from the people stood around the two of you. 
“topper. spill. now.” your voice dropped to an octave you never used with topper. he’d seen you use it with rafe on multiple occasions, and the one time that kelce lied to you about the wine stain on your carpet. he knew it was a tone that you only used for specific situations, and he knew it meant he had no way out of this. 
“what’s up with you two?” your head turned towards kelce, the bright smile he held once left his face at the sight of your tensed muscles and hand still pressed against topper’s chest. 
“what’s going on with rafe and kiara?” kelce looked panic, eyes looking over at topper who was shaking his head quickly to say he hadn’t told you anything he was supposed to. “kelce.” 
“okay, okay-”
“kelce, no!”
“top, we can’t hide it from her forever.”
“we can if you shut up!”
“she’s clearly catching on-”
“only because you’re giving her ammo!”
“shouldn’t we tell her the truth if she thinks it’s still happening-”
“still happening? how many times has it happened?” topper let out a heavy sigh, mentally cursing kelce for saying too much. kelce always had a soft spot for you, and that proved to be a weakness in more situations than not. “someone tell me what the fuck is going on, right now, or so help me god-”
“rafe and kiara slept together, okay? they slept together when you two were going through one of your spats.” your hand fell from topper’s chest, an uneasy feeling flowing through you as you tried to process the given information. 
“it happened once when you drilled into him too far and he kind of flew off the rails a bit. he swore it was a one time thing but then they fell into a bit of a routine. it only happened a few times, but-”
“when?” your eyes flicked between the two boys, who were sharing eye contact to decide who was the one who ha to break it to you. “i don’t care who says it, someone just fucking say it!”
“right before rafe graduated.” kelce rushed out, almost out of breath from how fast the words fell off of his tongue. 
you were still friends with kiara then. you’d been dating rafe for over a year at that point, and you were finding out about all of this over a year after it all happened. 
“how long?” topper sighed heavily, hating the position he was currently in. he was friends with both of you, but rafe was his boy. he’d been sworn to secrecy for over a year now and it would’ve been fine if you weren’t so observant, and kelce wasn’t so guilt ridden. 
“a few months, i don’t know. like three, maybe four.” 
you wished the ground would swallow you whole then. you knew it wouldn’t have come to light if you didn’t dig so far, but the damage had been done. you knew now, and there was no way around that. 
everybody had been lying to you. your boyfriend, who you loved more than anything. your ex best friend, who you still cared for immensely. the two boys who had stood up for you for years. the two boys who you cared for like they had been siblings born into the wrong family. 
your eyes stung, maybe from the tears that didn’t often come to you, maybe from the pressure of holding them back. you weren’t entirely sure which caused the burn in them, but it was uncomfortably present. your head started nodding, and your hands found the fabric of your dress, lifting it enough for you to bend your knees and slip off your shoes. 
“what are you doing?” kelce started moving before you could walk away, worried he had just ruined seemingly everything with a simple conversation. a conversation he should’ve steered clear of. 
“i’m going home, kelce.” you turned around, almost running right into the last person you wanted to see. 
“you’re going home?” he spoke gently, eyes locked on your shoes in your hand before looking back up and cupping your face in his hands. “hey, what’s wrong?” 
you grabbed his wrist gently, pulling his hand away from your face and setting it back at his side. he was confused, watching you summon every ounce of self control you possessed in order to stay calm in this moment. 
“i’m going home.” you said one more time, walking around rafe and towards your car, but you felt a hand on your elbow seconds later, only a few feet away from your previous spot. 
“baby what’s going on? at least let me drive you home-”
“why don’t you drive kiara home, rafe?” rafe rolled his eyes, letting out a low groan at the name that slipped from your lips. 
“we’re back on this kie bullshit? there’s nothing going on between kiara and i-”
“there was though, wasn’t there?” rafe paused, his movements stuttering as he stared at you with an unreadable expression. “c’mon, rafe. tell me nothing happened. tell me that you didn’t cheat on me with my best friend.” 
“who told you? was it kelce? son of a bitch. i knew his soft spot for you was going to bite me in the ass-”
“the only thing that bit you in the ass was your inability to keep your dick in your pants, rafe.” you ripped your arm out of his grasp then, eyes wide and filled to the brim with tears that you refused to let surpass your waterline. 
“baby, just listen to me-”
“no, you listen, rafe. i have never loved a person in my life the way that i love you. i have never done anything to hurt you and i would never think of doing something like what you did.
“i have never spent my time thinking about a person the way that i think about you. i never asked you for anything, never asked you to promise me a single thing. i never forced anything onto you, and you couldn’t do me the decency of just staying loyal to me. i would never disrespect you like that.” 
he knew you were right. he’d been at the boneyard when tourons approached you at a kegger. he’d seen you turn every single one down before they wasted their breath on asking. he’d seen you duck and dodge every person’s efforts in any situation, just before you came back to him with an amused smile and another story to tell. 
you kept him out of trouble that way. you were honest and transparent. you could’ve easily turned them down and pocketed the experience, but you told rafe every time. you didn’t know he saw almost every time, but you did it because you were loyal. you didn’t see anybody else the way you saw rafe. you’d do anything to assure him that he was the only one you had eyes for. 
and the icing on the cake was that kiara was involved. meaning that your entire junior year that was spent juggling time between your best friend and your boyfriend, they were spending their free time with each other, behind your back. you would’ve done anything for either of them. you still would. 
“y/n, i love you-”
“i wish i believed that, rafe. i really wish i did.” you shook your head gently, looking back at the other two that were watching with guilt building within them. “i’ve been loyal to the three of you to a fault. i’ve never kept anything from either of you, and-”
you shook your head, looking up at the sky to fight the oncoming rush of tears that continued to build. you refused to wipe them before the fell, but you also refused to let them fall. topper and kelce had never seen you cry, and rafe had only see it a few times. 
“i expected better, which may be my fault. i just- for fucks sake. topper i just watched your girlfriend cheat on you and comforted you for the last hour! how in the hell is that not enough motivation to say something to me about this?” you were screaming now, but there wasn’t anybody around to hear any of you. 
“y/n, i’m sorry-”
“just, forget it. i just want to go home-”
“we’re done, rafe.” his shoulders dropped, along with his jaw as he stared at you in disbelief. “it’s done. whatever this was to you,” you moved your hand between the two of you, gesturing to you as a couple. “whatever the last two years was is over, rafe. we’re over.”
your voice broke, pitching up in the middle of your words. rafe felt his airways constrict as a lump formed in his throat. he felt tears burn his eyes, much like yours had been for a few minutes at this point. he saw you slip through his fingers as you started taking steps back from him, not daring to show any sign of weakness as you squared your shoulders. 
“don’t fucking follow me, any of you.” you threatened lowly, spinning on your feet and walking off before any of them had time to process everything that had just happened. 
you tried to find your car, heavily disappointed and frustrated when you remembered you’d come with kelce. you were supposed to come on your own, given that rafe was being dragged along with his family. 
the frustration was enough to let the first tear slip out of the corner of your eye, falling down your cheek at an excruciating pace. once the first slipped, it was as if the floodgates had been knocked down. 
they came faster than you could wipe them away, which led you to leaving your cheeks a stained and wet mess on your walk home. 
you tried to think of all the times you’d blindly trusted the pair, never questioning their actions or motives a single time in the past. you never questioned people you trusted. it had been one of your faulty traits, being loyal to a fault. you blindly trusted people, but it had never come back to bite you this intensely. 
you rolled your eyes when you saw the pogue’s van on the same road you had been walking down for longer than you could remember. you were sure it’d pass until it didn’t, slowing to an excruciating pace on the road beside you. 
“y/n!” you sighed heavily, fully intending on ignoring the group of kids piled into the van beside you until kie stuck her head out of the passenger side window. 
“y/n, why are you out here all aone?” you turned then, facing the van that then came to a stop, kiara’s eyes locked on your tear stained cheeks. “holy shit, y/n, what happened?” 
kiara had only seen you cry once. it was the summer before you were going into high school, and you’d fallen off of your surf board. you were frustrated, having fallen more than succeeding that afternoon. the pent up frustration tipped you over the edge you’d been teetering on for months. 
you told kiara about the problems you’d been faced with, anxious about starting high school and seemingly losing all the friends you’d had your entire life. you didn’t know what to expect, and you were scared, but you never told anybody that. 
nobody expect kiara. 
“you were my best friend, you know?” you spoke gently, watching as kiara’s face twisted in confusion. “you were my best fucking friend and i trusted you with things i’d never tell anybody else. i told you about my parents almost getting a divorce, and how i almost had to move in with my brother all the way in maine. 
“i told you about almost being put on anti depressants, and confessed every secret i ever had to you. i told you everything. i trusted you with everything. never in a million years did i ever think you would’ve gone behind my back and fuck my boyfriend.” 
kiara’s face dropped, her eyes widened while a chorus of gasps erupted from inside of the van. she moved to step out of the van, pushing the door open after struggling to unlock it and stepping in front of you on the dark and empty road. 
“y/n, you have to listen to me-”
“no, i don’t. that’s why you stopped hanging around, isn’t it? that’s why you ran to the cut, because you went behind my back and slept with my boyfriend for months-”
“y/n, it wasn’t like that, i swear.” 
“then what was it, kiara?” you screamed, your shoulders falling further than they already had while you stared at her with defeat evident in your features. 
“i fell in love with him.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes while a sarcastic laugh dripped from your lips. 
“that’s amazing, kiara. i’m so happy for you. i’m so happy you found love in the one person on the entire island that held my heart in the palm of his hand.” she sighed heavily, anger bubbling inside of her. 
“it’s not my fault i fell in love with him, y/n!”
“did you love him the first time you fucked him? is that why you slept with him, or was it only after you’d snuck around behind my back for months that you started to fall for him?” you raised your eyebrows, your patience for this conversation wearing thin. 
when she didn’t respond, you nodded. you smiled softly, despite the fresh tears rolling down your cheeks as you stepped away from the van and kiara. 
“y/n, wait-”
“get back in the van and never fucking speak to me, ever again, kiara. i don’t want anything to do with you for the rest of my life.” 
kiara felt her heart shatter in her chest. watching you walk away with every ounce of the truth hurt more than the day she’d walked away, shielding you from this heartbreak. 
she knew it was wrong the first time she slept with rafe. she’d been vulnerable, and seeing rafe vulnerable somehow helped. she didn’t love rafe then, but it didn’t take long for her to fall into it with him. their time together had been brief, but it was something kiara would never forget. 
falling in love with her best friend’s boyfriend was never something she intended on doing. she told rafe it was wrong and that they could never be together again after the first night, but she had trouble following her own rules. she’d been heartbroken when rafe broke things off for good. he didn’t want to hurt you anymore than he already had, and kiara had to respect that. 
that had been the leading factor in kiara’s hatred for the kooks. she knew kelce and topper knew. she knew rafe would never tell you, and you’d get to live the perfect life by his side. she hated rafe for stealing her heart and crushing it in front of her eyes. she hated you for living the life she wanted more than she’d care to admit. 
she hated herself for hurting you, even if you didn’t know. she’d covered it up with the story of sarah’s party that night. though that wasn’t a lie, it was dull compared to her betrayal towards you. sarah was never her best friend, you were. you just, unfortunately, loved the same boy. 
you both were in love with rafe cameron, and he chose you. 
but none of that mattered to you as you walked home, tears in your eyes and on your cheeks. you had lost everything in one night, and you didn’t know how to process it. 
one thing you knew for sure is that you couldn’t wait to move off of this island. 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Single (Jeno x you)
a/n : i may forgot how to write (?) anyways this is a jeno piece I work quickly today for @neopalette
hope this is entertaining enough and to all dream stans out there this is for you :D 
setting is all dream members considered to be in the same age as you. 
People have been pestering you with the same question, “Why are you still single?”
Well you cannot really answer them and say, “I don’t know why don’t you date me?” As much as you want to shut them up with those words, you knew it’ll only turn awkward.
Well to be honest, you've been asking yourself that. It's not that you're unattractive or unsocial. You're the total opposite! Cute, caring, and fun.
You have friends or a group of school's princes as your hang out friends. It's just a lucky coincidence. You're the childhood best friend of Jeno and that guy’s really like your brother (despite the same age you share). He always brings you to his outings and you slowly develop a good friendship with the boys.
What irks other people is that the fact you're in a position every girl is willing to die for. Standing on the side of the class, leaning to the wall while laughing with a circle of the most popular guys in the school.
Now their question is, why are the boys so attached to you and why are you not dating anyone of them? Well, first you do want to date anyone of them. Literally anyone because you feel so chill and relax around them. They make you feel save too! But what is this? Friendzone? Maybe. Or “I see you as my sister.”
One day as you walk through the hall with one of the boys, Jeno, both of you overheard a group of girls talking.
“I know right, there's no way she is not leeching over them. Did she use some magic? She's so usual like us why do they choose her?”
“You're right its either she pays them, or she buys them with money. She came from a quiet decent family. No way she is not crushing anyone there. If she does not, she's crazy.”
You try to ignore them, but your heart is sad. No, you do not “buy" your friendship. They even treat you more than you did to them.
Jeno heard them and apparently, he was riled up and he went to the group of girls who looked shocked but tried to act normal.
“Excuse me pretty girls,” he nicely greets them with his smile and friendly composition. You close your eyes, knowing this will just give you trouble.
They look struck by Jeno’s close presence and melt into his charm. “I am here to remind you, what you’re doing is making false rumor and that is not good. It doesn’t suit you.”
Jeno forces a deadly smile and turns his heels back to you when the girls nod their head like they heard him clear. Their eyes found yours and you already gulp down the heavy lump in your throat when they send you a death glare.
“What are you doing?” you question Jeno once he returns to your side and starts walking as if nothing happens.
“Just reminding some girls what they’re doing is not good.” He shrugs his shoulder “You should speak up you know. You’re a great listener to us and what they said were wrong, so you should speak up.”
You nod “I know, it’s hard Jeno. I’ll let them think of me that way, besides you guys know my real side, why do I have to bother them.”
That actually makes a little bit of sense according to you and Jeno, but when you meet the gang during lunch break and Jeno told them what happened, well the boys cannot keep it low.
“I’m not going to help them anymore.” Renjun scoffs when he hears the story.
“You should really speak up (y/n)! You’re our amazing friend and we cannot let them think of you this way.” Jisung chimes in, which is something rare.
You smile and laugh “Thanks guys, but this doesn’t sound like you at all. I am the one getting judged, why are you the confused one? Besides what bothers me is not that, but something else.”
“And what exactly is that?” Haechan suddenly pops into the discussion. He surprised all of you, well earlier Mark and him were called for a help in the teacher’s room, and you guys were sitting on the backyard (a rare meeting place) so it’s a surprise they found you.
“I cannot tell you now. I promise I’ll tell you once I am ready.” You fiddle with your uniform skirt.
“Okay, we won’t push you.” Jeno smiles at you and you thank the others as the bell of the last quarter rang.
You spend the last quarter lost in your own mind. You keep on questioning yourself, is it true you look like that in other people’s eyes. Of course they do not know what happened between you and the boys behind their back.
You listened to every single problem they have, they share it to you through messages at the middle of the nights. Each slowly opening up to you, showing their vulnerable sides. You never judge them, instead you comfort them by staying with them. Just listening and being there for them. They like you because of that and you never share their secrets to the other. It started with Jisung opening up to you, then Chenle, then the harder shells to read like Jaemin Jeno and Renjun. Mark and Hyuck also lately come to you for sharing sessions.
You know people do not have to know that to clap and give you recognitions, you did this out of empathy and care. Plus they make a good gang to play and have fun with. Having a friendship bond with boys is less dramatic and more fun.
You push a smile back to hide your own emotion and luckily they bought it when you say “Let’s not bother or mind what others think about me. As long as you know the real me, I am glad with it.”
“You should stop acting like you’re fine.” Your longest best friend says when both of you have parted ways with the others and walk side by side on the empty road.
You look at Jeno and he doesn’t have his friendly smile on. His face looks serious.
“I am fine, but I could probably use a boyfriend card to take care of me and make me finer.” You joke around a little bit. Teasing the boys about you wanting a boyfriend is always fun.
They always say no but they never cross the line because they are afraid that being in a relationship with you may cut the nice friendship if things go wrong (break ups!)
“You’re still questioning that?” Jeno sighs, you’ve been talking about this to him. You always code him that you want to know what it’s like to be in a relationship, but Jeno just says “You’ll regret the drama”. He did date a few girls but finally settle on being single until he is ready for commitments. You, on the other hand, are single from birth. You always befriend boys to the point where they’re too comfortable with you to see you in a romantic way.
“Well I always wonder why and where did I do wrong.” You shrug your shoulder
“I want to be in a relationship! I want to know what it’s like to  have someone take care of me, or me taking care of them. I want short goodnight and good morning texts. I want to walk with them home and maybe grab some bite along the way while we discuss small things. Oh and I want to just you know sit together, listen to a music from a shared earphone and act like we’re the main characters of a movie!” you have stars in your eyes and as Jeno stares into the sky, he notices the beautiful sunset.
“You’re being single for too long. I tell you, that did not always happen.” He mocks your ridiculous idea and playfully ruffles your hair “You read too much fantasies.”
“I never read them.” You glare at him and he nods “Now that explains why you also sound so clueless about relationship. Look, it’s not as simple as saying I love yous and holding hands in public. There’s more and as much as I hate to tell you this… I have to.” He pauses and you stop walking.
You look at him. Waiting for Jeno to continue “Look, you don’t need a boyfriend right now. You’re taking care of so many people and that’s great, but that is time consuming already. If you have a boyfriend, then you will pay more attention to them and counting the time you spend taking care of us, will make you neglect your life and study and fail school. Which is something I do not want to happen.”
Your eyebrow raise “Conclusion?”
“You don’t need a boyfriend, or at least right now you should focus on taking care of yourself. You did a lot to us, let us take care of you in return.” Jeno whispers, and deep inside his heart he adds “or maybe let me take care of you in a way you always wish to get. You don’t know how much I love you and seeing you want a boyfriend only pains me. Will I be ready to lose you?”
“Fine. It’s not like I can buy one from a store.” You start walking again and Jeno follows you.
“Silly idea, ignore that okay.” You feel shy about saying that to him, what will Jeno think of you? A creepy freak.
“Alright, this is it, good bye and good night (y/n)” Jeno waves as you enter your porch and open the door. You look to the house right next to yours, separated just by a wall. Yes he is your neighbor.
“Good night Jeno! Thank you for accompanying me.” You disappear behind the door and continue your lonely life.
“Hey Jaehyun hyung-“ you greet your brother who is amazingly already homed already at this time.
“Oh hey, dinner is on the table.” He juts his chin to the dining table and your eyes fall to the set of plates.
“You’ve eaten?” you ask while washing your hands, getting ready to change and eat.
He nods “Boss was awful today, I got home quickly and was hungry. Sorry I left you to eat by yourself.”
“Any news about mom?” you ask when you’re back on the table ready to eat.
Jaehyun still sits in front of the TV, looks like he is having a bad day and is afraid of lashing emotions to you, thus he avoids you.
“She’s probably with that man again. No news.” He sounds bitter. Well, after father left mom also left to find another man. You were left alone with your brother, who has to work hard for you and him.
“Help me with some clothes will you?” Jaehyun asks when you’re done cleaning up and washing the dish. “We need to deliver the laundries to the neighbors.” Jaehyun stands up from his seat and goes back to you with a packed fresh clothes.
You and your brother run a small laundry services for the neighbors here. Well, your family left both of you with the house and utilities inside them, one of which is a laundry machine and a dryer. So for additional income you and Jaehyun did laundries.
“It’s by the end of the road, can you please drop this tomorrow morning? I am taking the one on the other side.” He shows you which packages should go where and with that you leave to your room.
You’re glad your father still pays for your tuition, but you have to keep your scholarship going or you’ll be in trouble. Right as you finish studying and doing your papers, your phone vibrates and Jeno’s name appear.
“Good night (y/n), sweet dreams!”
You glance to the window and look into the window across yours, it’s Jeno’s room and you can see his silhouette sitting on his desk probably still gaming. You smile a little and text him back and the next thing you see is his room going dark. Oh he really is sleeping!
You set your alarm and also take the long awaited sleep you needed.
“Good morning (y/n) oh and Jaehyun hyung!” Jeno greets you and Jaehyun on the front of your house. Jaehyun’s locking the door and taking his bike to work.
“Morning Jeno.” You feel happier with this kind of small acts. It’s not new, but something about his smile and genuine happiness is making you energized.
“Don’t forget to drop the laundry.” Jaehyun said after hugging you goodbye.
You don’t forget. With Jeno on your side, you walk to the house on the edge and knock on their door to deliver the package and receive the money. It’s nothing big, but definitely enough to buy you lunch and safe some for the piggy bank.
“Still running the laundry business eh?” he looks surprised, guess you usually deliver them not in the morning or he’d known already.
“Yes, usually I send them near evening, but today is special. Imagine if the school finds out I am doing this, maybe they’ll stop saying I bought my friendship, right?” you try to liven up the mood but Jeno is in pain.
“Let’s just enjoy the day!” Jeno boldly hugs your shoulder from the side and drags you with him into the school.
“Woah what’s with the sudden closeness??” Jaemin interrogates once he saw you and Jeno entering the school in an uncommon way, which is Jeno bringing your bag and having you on his back.
“She fell on the way here, and I guess she has to check her ankles and clean her wound.” Jeno shuffles you up on  his back and you hide your face from the stares.
“Oh hurry then! I’ll help with the bags. Leave it here, Renjun can help me.” Jaemin takes over your stuffs and Jeno makes a run to the nurse office. There is still no one on duty, but he knows basic help.
He washes the blood carefully and puts disinfectant to your scrap, you almost kick him but his reflects are quick.
“I think your ankle is swelling. I am no professional but that is not normal.” He points to your ankle and right, its not.
“Do you want me to stay here? We can skip the first quarter and wait until you feel better. You fell hard earlier, did you black out?” Jeno sounds worried. Well he remembered how you suddenly wobble, lose balance and fell before Jeno could catch you.
“Forgot breakfast I guess.” You bite your lips and Jeno in a dash of an eye has fled from the room and return with a pack of milk and sandwich.
“Eat, or you’ll faint again.” He gently opens the wrapper for you and like his promise stays with you there.
“Want to listen to this?” he suddenly hands you one earphone piece and you pick it up carelessly. Not realizing that Jeno has been doing the things you wish to receive from a man.
“Nice song,” you comment as you focus with your left ear to the music playing. You don’t feel anything weird until break time comes and Renjun surprises both of you.
“Oh sorry for disturbing! I was just going to check on you but I guess I came in the wrong time.” He chuckles nervously and disappears before you can call him and say nothing is happening.
That’s when you lock eyes with Jeno, one piece of earphone connecting both of your ear and he was near to you. Oh now you understand.
“He thought we were in a moment?” you giggle
Jeno smiles, he loves seeing you this happy. He laughs too and brushes your hair away “This is it right? Something you want to experience. Getting taken care of, doing cheesy things like this.” He teases you
Realization hits you late and you laugh until a tear escapes your eye “You’re right! This… oh gosh! Jeno are you trying to let me feel this sensation?”
“What sensation?” his heart suddenly beats faster.
“Like I am treasured and getting taken care of? I feel loved??” you sound so happy and that makes Jeno both happy and sad. Happy to see your genuine laugh and sad why hasn’t he noticed this sooner.
“You deserve this (y/n), and I am stupid for not realizing this sooner.” He holds your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
You suddenly feel butterflies in your stomach, Jeno’s close body doesn’t help your heart beat slower and the music playing in your ear is no longer clear. You can only hear your heart beating faster and your eyes are only locked inside Jeno’s deep warm eyes. Why did you not notice this? His eyes are warm and comfortable. You never want to cut this moment.
“I’m going to break the rules, why don’t we try to step further like more than friends?” he turns red and you are sure your cheeks are also red.
“Guess we can try and see where it leads us to,” you sing song give him the green light.
“Okay then, from now on, don’t be surprised if I change into your dreamy boyfriend type.” He winks and you laugh. Life’s great and you’re happy whenever you are with Jeno.
Maybe you both did not realize that life brought you together for a long time not just to be friends but something more.
That something, is going to be decided when both of you are ready to find out!
For now, you’re glad that Jeno took the first step into getting to know you as more than friends, and you are more than ready to share what you’re dealing with to Jeno.
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