#where the fuck am i supposed to find comprehension
sugaroto · 1 year
I dont know if it's just me but-
Whenever there's a movie or TV show that mentions or takes place in Greece I'm always interested to see what role "Greece" plays
I'm interested to see, will I recognize the place the movie is taking place? Will someone speak Greek? Will they have a good accent? Did they just used Google translate? Is this going to be like "Καλημέρα Καλές noches" all over again?
Like glass onion says on the description they're going in Greece, ofc I'm intrigued
But They're on a private island, literally that could be anywhere in the world
They just wanted to show that the rich guy could buy an island and show of the sea cause it looks beautiful on screen
The only time I was like "Ah yes. Greece" was when the police showed up like hours later
And ok fair. There wasn't much of Greece to see there
But now I remembered there are a bunch of movies that are like "oh yeah I've been leaving in Greece for the past 15 years" and MC can't even say Καλημέρα like- even tourists try to say that
Yeah sure half of the time they're saying Καλαμαριά but they're trying
Also PS: on the good place there was a scene in which they were like in Greece eating koulouria and I re-watched like millions of times trying to hear the conversations of the background characters and I'm pretty sure I heard someone saying "love"? Or something- idk if I just heard it or if it's a mini Easter egg on purpose but I liked it
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nightprompts · 2 years
&. 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  non - halloween  themed  dialogue  prompts  for  all  your  slashers,  final  girls,  and  other  horrors  beyond  your  comprehension.  trigger  warning  for  dark  themes.  feel  free  to  edit  as  you  seem  fit.  ) 
❛ it’s the silence that scares me. ❜
❛ i’m every nightmare you ever had. ❜
❛ i want to see your true face. ❜
❛ one way or another, you’re going to die tonight. ❜
❛ just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not already here. ❜
❛ by the time anyone finds your body, they won’t be able to identify it. ❜
❛ you’re playing a dangerous game here, girl. ❜
❛ i’m playing the villain, just like you wanted. ❜
❛ i won’t give up on you, i know you’re worth it! ❜
❛ scream all you want. no one will hear you. ❜
❛ what are you going to do to me? ❜
❛ there you are, my darling! ❜
❛ i knew you would come back to me. ❜
❛ don’t you want to be consumed by what loves you? ❜
❛ i’m going to send you back to hell where you came from! ❜
❛ you can’t keep me here forever! ❜
❛ how are you still alive? i killed you! ❜
❛ sometimes human spaces make inhuman monsters. ❜
❛ please. why don’t you just let me go? ❜
❛ this missing poster has your face on it. ❜
❛ that wasn’t so bad, was it? ❜
❛ what’s wrong, you don’t trust me? ❜
❛ i know a lot about you. more than you think. ❜
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜
❛ we could have been beautiful together. ❜
❛ when you think you’re alone, someone watches. ❜
❛ rest while you can, because i will hunt you and eat you whole. ❜
❛ what you want is very wrong. ❜
❛ you look so pretty all tied up like this. ❜
❛ what, you like to watch? you goddamn sicko. ❜
❛ god isn’t here. god doesn’t even know about this place. ❜
❛ there is something at work in my soul which i do not understand. ❜
❛ i am the devil, and i am here to do the devil’s work. ❜
❛ you know what they say, an eye for an eye. ❜
❛ why don’t you scream for me? ❜
❛ are you... smelling me? ❜
❛ we’re going to die out here. ❜
❛ i’m not afraid of anything. not anymore. ❜
❛ we will be what everyone wants to be. perfect. ❜
❛ no offense, but i think you might be just a little too crazy for me. ❜
❛ we all go a little mad sometimes. ❜
❛ the harder i try to escape, the further i get into this awful place. ❜
❛ this was not how it was supposed to go! ❜
❛ this is the end of your little game. i win. ❜
❛ don’t leave me! i can’t be alone! ❜
❛ no one is coming for you. ❜
❛ you hide. and i’ll try to find you. sound fun? ❜
❛ fuck this place. seriously, just fuck this place. ❜
❛ what’s the matter, honey? you’ve barely touched your dinner. ❜
❛ don’t be afraid. dying is much easier than living. ❜
❛ i won’t let them kill you. i won’t let them even touch you. ❜
❛ let’s get you some clothes before i get too turned on. ❜
❛ you weren’t putting that tongue to use anyway. ❜
❛ shall i drink your blood fresh, or slice your neck and spill it out first? ❜
❛ dying keeps moving lower on the list of worst things that could happen to me. ❜
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sgiandubh · 10 months
The sound of silence
With the end of August already in sight - somebody, please, tell me where did this botched summer go, all of a sudden? -, a somewhat different landscape is slowly emerging, on the S&C front.
Dare we hope? The new normal seems to be a mix of latergrams, sibylline tweets, ultra-muted innuendo (most of it the result of a couple of pundits' sterile speculations on meagre hints dropped on purpose) and secondary (even third-circle) players being conveniently called to the rescue. A low budget, almost homemade solution to keep the prayer wheels of this fandom spinning. A fandom both of these two know, by now, like the back of their hands.
For months and months in a row, I tried to understand something that puzzled me constantly: not the messages being ventilated in here, but their circuit and lifespan, if you want. For what is worth, the rinse and repeat image is fine in my book, but in no way comprehensive, nor intellectually satisfying. And then, a couple of weeks ago, I started to suddenly figure it out.
I am not going to insult you with savant jargon or Venn diagrams, rest assured. However, I need some arrows. I called it the 4 R Circuit and here we go:
(an information is being) Released (via Anons or DMs exclusively: it's never sheer luck, that is a bloody lie and a poor one, at it) -> (it then prompts a couple different) Reactions -> (followed by an almost immediate) Retcon (by the other side of this very antagonistic fandom) -> (in response, an old information is being) Recycled (thus effectively keeping the chatter alive, but re-oriented until ) -> (a new or old/new information is being) Released
Historically, the lifespan of this news cycle was never shorter than 24, but seldom (if ever) longer than 72 hours. This summer is a resolute break off this pattern, but old habits die hard: the collective attention span has been also conditioned accordingly.
And how could it be otherwise? Because neither of them had any consistent A-list level gossip history, the emerging fandom had to resume itself to their social media accounts, for a start. And boy, were we copiously spoiled, with banter and innuendo and double-entendre galore, and then with voluble Anons being simultaneously directed to the main players of all the factions. I bet it was elating. I am sure it was also great fun: a merry, sunny age of innocence. Until it wasn't and the ugly manipulative streak began its inglorious march in here. The thirst grew, and so did the stakes. Pictures, pictures or it did not happen. And when we got them, we started to immediately diss and hiss and hum and drum. In the Real World (you know, out there, where we all go every morning and are civilized, amiable people), this kind of behavior would be more than uncanny: it would be uncalled for and drastically sanctioned as such. But, I digress.
The result of this disco inferno by design is a pattern of reactivity I have never seen in my entire life. Nano-inquisitors immediately spring out of their chairs once you dare write something: why did you say that? how dare you speak your mind, you are supposed to be a stupid, stupid shipper? In the meantime, almost nobody bothers connecting the dots, finding a solid background for arguments, placing facts or speculation in a logical context. It's frowned upon. Yet, the whole experience would be way more enjoyable, if instead on focusing on idiotic and obviously doctored details, we could bring some perspective to all this hubbub.
Last case in point, this freshly baked imbecility:
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We all know who the fuck Brave Heart is: the kilt obsessed, once Mightiest Troll of Mordor. The one who invented by herself the grotesque story of the Hôtel Costes Rash sightings, last April, via Anons written in painful English. Also, the one who spun, based on a friendly snap at a sportive event, the Ellenwood Innuendo, promptly ditched - it didn't stick well enough- now reactivated. A sample:
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Calling all stations: there is no side exit at the Hôtel Costes' restaurant, you fool, who's been to Paris as often as I went to Oahu, which is to say never. There is a back exit, through the kitchen, madam: next time, do your damn homework properly! Unlike you, I often went there (I preferred other, less nouveau riche playgrounds, that being said), back in 1996-2002, when it still was the boldest celeb' spotting venue in town. Not anymore. And who in their right mind would bring luggage or shopping bags in a very peculiarly laid-out French restaurant, without immediately taking the risk of being a conversation stopper, a bull (heh) in a china shop?
The "have seen it with my own eyes" gave you away, this time. A classical, by the book way to spin a cheap lie.
Also, C's witty latergram, via a tertiary player. I am sure (and I will film myself eating my socks live, if proven wrong) that back in Mordor someone already came with the agit-prop retcon: "it's irrelevant when the picture was taken".
It is very relevant. July 31. One day before August 1st: I always admired her humor. But who would take the time to tell 1+1= 2?
If I could gift this fandom anything, let it be this: context is always important. Manipulation starts exactly when you stop questioning and let your brain live the 72 hours news cycle.
The only real sound of this August, on the S&C front, is the sound of silence.
I rest my case.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
reading your (amazing) writings got me thinking about like, a fuckboy/playboy(? im sorry idk the gn word for this? slut maybe lmao?) yandere who’s rich, doesn’t even need to study, always gets to any party where they can get some action. they never had a romantic relationship before bc they thought it was just stupid and unnecessary foreplay. basically everyone is either horny for them or hate them.
so imagine their surprise when they see their (future) darling staring at them while they were talking to their friends. yan thinks they’re cute enough and talks to them, starts flirting their darling up and when they ask what darling finds attractive about them they start listing things like “your smile, its really pretty” or “you’re so smart, and you’re fun to be around” instead of something about how their body looks sexy or some shit they always get instead.
this leads to confusion, because someone never acted like this for yan before. how were they supposed to react? that moment was when their heart truly skipped a beat because of someones words, their darlings words felt so warm and genuine it made them shiver.
id also like to think theyd have a huuuuugeeee ego, also really possessive. but once they get close to their darling or just see them they turn into a golden retriever type, ready to do anything and everything, kill anyone and everyone for you.
sorry if its not comprehensive its 3 am, i dont have my glasses on and im just really excited after reading ur writings 🧍‍♂️
broski. i love this.
just an absolute player (i think???) of a yandere and uber rich (LOVE yanderes with money) and a massive slut
one night stands every night, always getting their ego stroked, always sexualizing themselves and others and then they meet... you <3 you compliment their smile, their laugh, the things they say, everything and it makes them completely fall for you and when you refuse to have sex with them because theyre obviously drunk and well, you're an ethical person, that just makes them want you more.
finding you is easy, throw enough money at a problem and itll solve itself. and being a rich socialite is hard and they completely lack in the 'social' part so they just.. show up. work, school, where ever and follow you around, questioning you and if anyone makes you do something, the brattiness comes out.
"y/n! you were suppose to finish this ages ago! would you please stop talking to your friend and get to work on this? c'mon! we can't keep letting you slack off!"
"ah, sorr-"
"no, no, who is this? who are you? you know what, i dont care, you are no longer important to me, leave." they make a shooing motion, turning back to you with a smile. "you wanna go shopping? have lunch? travel? anything you want, its on m-"
"hey! you cant just ignore me! im gonna have to ask you to le-"
the yandere turns around, standing at their full height to properly glare at your boss/teacher. "cut me off again and i will cut out your tongue." they snap their fingers, summoning the person thats always following them around. "escort whoever the fuck this is out, im talking to someone and theyre being a bitch."
as the curses and yells of your boss/teacher rapidly fade, the yandere turns back to you, grinning. "so! did you decide yet?"
ohhh, i hope you love getting spoiled because this socialite will do it constantly. food, jewelry, perfume, clothes, companies, electronics, anything you want? its yours as long as you keep giggling when they say stupid shit.
and just imagine how cute they look when they see you! beaming, glowing with love, desperately trying to impress you all of the time, just so so cute! and if you praise them, i can already see them struggling to hide their moans of pleasure and spend the rest of the day on cloud nine
if you work, theyll get you fired so you can spend all your time with them. if you go to school, theyll get enrolled to or enroll you in online classes and you will rarely spend a moment without them at your side, willing to do absolutely anything for you.
now, i dont think this yandere would be possessive like others! they demand others to praise you, to compliment you, acknowledge you constantly and appreciate your beauty but one wrong comment and theyre tied up in a guest house, being hunted like a drugged up tiger. they post pictures of you near constantly, showing off how amazing you are, forcing everyone to basically bow to your feet and yeah, they get a bit culty with it sometimes but hey! it could be worse!
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alexanderpearce · 9 months
ooh i would absolutely love a media rec list from you (im a different anon but 👀)
omg u flatter me.. here are some pieces of media that i really love that i consider to be somewhat lesser known outside of my circles.. i do have lots of favourites not mentioned here that are far more mainstream (my favourite book ever is, embarrassingly, still The Secret History) but it's nice to shine a light on the more niche. i'll add content warnings but they're not comprehensive because i am just going by memory. im also not tagging gore because To be honest with me that's a given.
books and plays
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) by Anonymous/Francesco Colonna; very strange book where the author (who is actually revealed in an acrostic poem in Latin made by the first letter of each chapter) clearly has a sexual fetish for buildings and architecture. cw misogyny.
Seneca's Phaedra (1st century AD); i live here. Seneca's tragedy about doomed fatal diseased love. sorry i don't have a translation to recommend but you will be able to read mine one day i promise. cw pseudo-incest, misogyny.
The Pepsi-Cola Addict (1982) by June Alison Gibbons; vanity-published in the 1980s and only existing in five libraries around the world (until i suppose its republishing this or last year), this is a fascinating and very weird little book, and the story behind it too is very sad and interesting. i have a pdf if anyone wants it. cw predatory relationships, incest references, suicide.
The Doloriad (2022) by Missouri Williams; strange and swirling little debut set in a post-apocalyptic future, some really incredible prose. cw incest.
Geek Love (1989) by Katherine Dunne; What if the mother of sideshow freaks was purposefully consuming poisons and alcohols and cetera while pregnant to engineer her kids to be attractions Would that be fucked up for what. cw incest and the ableism inherent in the sideshow "freaks" scene.
Equus (1973) by Peter Shaffer; just read this fucking play man (or watch the 1977 movie!). cw animal death
Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) dir. Darren Lynn Bousman; sorry not sorry but this is my favourite movie ever. i've seen it 17 times. complete garbage trashy 2000s comedy-horror-gore-musical. insane cast. literal genius.
Caligula (1979) dir. Tinto Brass; Do you want to watch a two and a half hour long porno filled with torture and gorgeous costumes and conversations on power. well do i have the movie for you. cw rape, incest, i know i said i wouldnt tag gore but this one does have explicit penis mutilation so.
Van Diemen's Land (2009) dir. Jonathan auf der Heide; a pretty good movie adaptation of alexander pearce's first descent into cannibalism!! my main real criticism is that they desaturated the gorgeous green and vibrant west coast to grey doomy fakeness. cw beautiful gay love
Żywot Mateusza (1968) dir. Witold Leszczyński; incredible little Polish movie set in a rural village, on youtube with english subtitles.
May (2002) dir. Lucky Mckee; literally the most relatable movie of all time to me. socially awkward (super autistic) girl has trouble with love, you won't Believe what happens next
The Lair of the White Worm (1988) dir. Ken Russell; peter capaldi and hugh grant's earth shattering gay love story... super campy phallic lesbic homoerotic vampiric wyrmesque weirdo horror. peter capaldi wears a kilt and plays the bagpipes. you MUST watch this movie.
Ravenous (1999) dir. Antonia Bird; can cannibalism represent manifest destiny AND homosexuality? find out now!
And Then There Were None (2015) dir. Craig Viveiros; Agatha Christie could only dream of writing Burn Gorman's gay homophobic character in this. transcends the book hundredfold and if you disagree you genuinely have shit taste.
At Least For Now by Benjamin Clementine; just listen to this right now i mean it this shit is fucking phenomenal. incredible voice and lyrics and piano and strings.
Stygian Bough Volume I by Aerial Ruin and Bell Witch; gorgeous atmospheric doomy metal
Ludevo by Ifi Ude; Polish folk with a modern twist as well as influences from Ude's Nigerian background, songs about death and drunkenness and love and ancient pinewoods
Songs About Teeth and To The Dark Tower by Cake Bake Betty; the vibe you have created is so freaky and awesome
Juniverbrecher by The Indelicates; something something brexit punch and judy isn't englishness awful etc etc. seriously underrated.
Bath Time by Maija Sofia; super atmospheric devastating album with lots of songs focusing on specific female figures throughout history. her recent album is also great.
honourable mention to The Thick of It (2005-2012) which if you follow my sideblog you will know ive been spiralling into depravity over for months now. you may ask, if you compare my posts to what the show is actually like, What on earth is she talking about and to that i have nothing to say
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ratcandy · 6 months
do you have tips for writing eloquently?
I have started and scrapped and rewritten this post so many times because my confidence level is not working with me here sdhgkJSDGH
Well! Um! To be bluntly honest, I only write Zote's dialogue like that (assuming that is where this question stems from) because I read and reread his dialogue again and again over the course of a year back when I was writing CoGR!,,,
And then once you write like that for a year straight, it sort of becomes second nature to you hdgKHSKH
So if you've got a muse that you'd like to reference the word choice of, honestly, drenching yourself in their speaking mannerisms for a while can help you pick up on the subtleties of how they talk pretty well! Like genuinely! Just sit down and listen to fancy old english for a while, if that's what you're going for. Listen to it for hours and pick apart how things are said and why.
But um! Aside from that, the one big point of advice I can give is to not make it sound forced. The point of eloquence is that it's supposed to flow and feel natural. You can use as many fancy words and syntax as you want, but if it feels stilted and strange, the effect will be lost.
When it comes to the Big Fancy Words, so long as you're using them properly and not over-using them to the point of sounding pretentious (unless that is in-character), you should be fine! I would think, anyway!! I abuse the hell out of wordhippo to get my fancy words, for example. But I try not to fancy word too much, and I make sure those words make sense in how they're used and where. Because the last thing you want is for it to be super obvious you're taking from a thesaurus as you go.
Also, of course, a good rule of thumb: I double/triple-check every word I use to ensure I'm using it properly, even if I'm 99% certain I am. Because otherwise you look Real Silly for it. Check how it's supposed to be put into a sentence. Check the definition. Check alternate definitions to make sure you don't accidentally say something you don't mean!
(This is how I found out that saying "in of itself" is wrong, and it's actually "in and of itself." Which is fucked up and evil, yes, but grammar is bitchy and horrible! Something else I recommend coming to terms with if you're gonna abuse that grammar to sound prettier hgkjH)
I find the best way to check that something sounds natural is to read it out loud yourself. Can you follow along with what you're saying, or do you keep finding yourself tripping over the wording? If you have to read a sentence ten times before it sounds comprehensible, it might be time to modify that sentence a little hdgkJH
And if just reading it aloud doesn't help, try recording yourself reading it aloud. Then listen to yourself and see if it makes sense. A trick I found online to check for grammar/spelling mistakes is if you're using something like Microsoft Word, there's a "Read Aloud" option under the Review tab in which it will read what you've written back to you. You'll notice if something sounds funky pretty quickly when a text-to-speech is reading it ghkjshSDG
[Another quick tip: Rationalize how eloquent you want a scene described/dialogue spoken, and think about whether it fits. Or if it would sound better less eloquent. Genuinely, sometimes a character spitting out "fuck you" has a much harder hit than a long spiteful monologue! Especially if that character has been nothing but eloquent up until that point!]
Otherwise, um. Well! It really is just a lot of practicing. Which is the worst advice ever yes I know, but most people can't fling themselves effortlessly into writing immaculate prose. Which. I AM NOt clAIMING I DO. FOR ONE. Just putting that out there!! It takes getting the hang of. It takes noticing where you slip up and noting how to fix it. It takes a lot of reading other stuff/listening to how people talk to get a grasp on it.
At least For Me. That is what I Do. And I am just Sitting Here. I started CoGR when I was 16,
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oopsallshane · 1 year
More to discuss! (Part 1) Marnie!! And more specifically, how much I fucking despise Shane's Heart Events!! I will be blunt and say, I do not like how Marnie is written. I feel like her character is all over the place, she really is just treated like some background character. Which would be fine if they didn't also imply her entire personality is just being a woman Lewis blatantly uses and disrespects. Once again, people can have their own understanding and comprehension of Marnie - you can have your own interpretation of her and Shane's relationship and yada yada. I don't really care; I get my mind doesn't work the same as yours. Disclaimer is disclaimer. Same with if you like the drama that ensues when it comes to Shane's heart events, if you're entertained by them that is you. But I think they're very shittily written and blatantly disrespect and disregard his attributes. To each their own. However, My issue with her likes within the vagueness of what her and Shane's relationship is.
Because Marnie is coded to be this very friendly face, her design depicts her as always smiling and cheerful - she is very empathetic towards animals, and she is welcoming of Shane and Jas into her ranch. She is also a bit naive and a bit of a pushover, when it comes to her relationship with Lewis. Clearly, she is a woman going through some things of her own. But she is choppy. Other than being a simple NPC you can interact with via shopping at her ranch, and also her side plot with Lewis, I myself have failed to see any other smidge of her personality. And the impression I get of her is in the heart events with Shane... and they are not good impressions. The first of Shane's heart events where Marnie is featured is at 4 Hearts - where she finds Shane passed out and clearly intoxicated within his room. This is where I blame the writing rather than her - but her reaction is very... stale. She comes in and is mildly uncomfortable before dragging you into the situation. Now, I am not knocking the idea of people accidentally budding into business that is not theirs - events like these have happened in front of me in my lifetime and it is always awkward. Plus, you're the main character anyway - but some events happen without you being present (one with Shane as well??) though that's not fully the mark I'm trying to hit at the moment. Why I knock the writing for this scene is because it just doesn't make any sense, and Mechanics Vs Storytelling start headbutting... Because as she's confronting Shane, she says something along the lines of: "All you ever do is sit in your room and drink." Which is... not true? Visually, Shane is actually never home unless it's on the weekends. Shane is constantly working, that's sort of the point of why he's spiraled into this mess (among other things that aren't touched on that nudge his depression, like the loss of his best friends who were Jas' parents that he never truly touches on.) And when he does drink, he's always seen drinking at the Saloon specifically - or outside, as seen in his first heart event you get with him. But that's just the point of looking at it more literally again. Mechanically, Shane is never at home. But the story is trying to convince me that Shane is a drunken slob at home at all hours. Story wise, I'm supposed to just embrace that as a thing that we just don't see. It's a narrative that you're not supposed to think too deeply about and just take it at face value. But I am... autistic-- So, it rubbed me the wrong way hearing her say this. She could have clarified that she meant whenever he is home, this is what she catches him doing. She could have rephrased herself a lot of different ways, but the specific line implying "this is all you ever do." is a complicated one. That's more so the writing rather than her, as said. She goes on to prod him about his issues as she can clearly see Jas is coming into the room. Once again, this is a realistic event - children coming in to overhear things they really should not have. I can't really complain about this part, as heart breaking as it is, it is a real thing that can happen and has also happened to us. Not pretty.
But the focus is on how much Shane fucks up in this moment.
Because everyone knows Shane goes on to imply, he is off the deep end when it comes to his depression. That he can no longer see a future for himself and heavily states in a sloshed way that he just doesn't want to live for much longer anyway.
His back is turned, and he has no idea Jas is here - but Marnie does. As Jas is... literally standing next to her.
While I don't think Shane should have said something like that - he literally had no idea Jas was there. And was airing things out thinking we were all in solitude. And it's not really his fault, he was being confronted on the spot and also... drunk. And depressed. He's not going to say pleasant things during the confrontation.
Again, the focus is on how much Shane has messed up and it's saddening. He's clearly upset by this and regretful, and Shane being the focus of a scene where it's literally his event isn't what bothers me.
It's the fact Marnie could have also handled things differently.
But my beef is not with this heart event, this one was a mild irritation.
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late new year's resolution: giving myself permission to yell without art
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Will transforming is always so good but it's fuckin impossible to search because there's no single word/tag for "in which Will looks physically fucked in various UD ways"
(I was specifically looking for someone's vecna!will art recently and I can't find it because I can't search tags with a ! since every post that includes Will and Vecna shows up....byler was just sitting there on the ground and Will was all tall and gangly and had his vines wrapping around Mike (as always) with Mike touching one....like a cursed finger boop......anyway if you know what I'm talking about, send me a link I'm begging)
ngl more than Will transforming and Mike comforting him, I like to think about fucked up Will comforting MIKE. consider:
4-5 — the monster under Mike's bed has gotten good at navigating the Wheeler's house when no one's home/everyone's asleep, but Mike can hear it sometimes and one day he decides "I AM GOING TO CATCH WHATEVER IS IN MY ROOM!! MOM SAYS THERE'S NO MONSTERS BUT I KNOW IT'S HERE!!!!"
Mike is constantly throwing things under his bed when he doesn't wanna clean up so Will has gotten used to Mike just reaching around for whatever he needs and going back to his human business so he like....deadass doesn't even attempt to hide when Mike Does look for him while setting a trap. his mistake. he panicked and wanted to calm Mike down but he overcompensated and destroyed any threatening vibes he might have had.
anyway now he's Mike's cryptid imaginary friend for the forseeable future and they have a sort of Sully/Boo dynamic, in which Mike is just fucking thrilled with this giant cute monster and Will is panicking about a human trying to be all clingy and gross because this is Not how it's supposed to go what the fuck is happening
6-8 — a friendless Mike is having a bad time and his extreme negative emotions yeet him into the UD and demoWill has to wordlessly calm him down and try to figure out how to send him back to wherever he came from. now he has this little human menace riding on his bony shoulders everywhere because Mike's self-preservation skills are nonexistent and he kept almost getting strangled by vines or pissing off packs of demodogs and also Will has to keep him alive without letting him get more contaminated than he already is from breathing the air.
when Mike does get back home, and sort of explains where he was and what was happening, no one believes him and they try to make him process it as a near death experience. I mean he eventually lies and tells people what they want to hear but like he can see evidence of Will following him around on the Other Side sometimes, in the present, not as a trauma filter or waking nightmare but just...flickering lights, temporary marks on the walls, a general feeling of no longer being alone and friendless. when Will is older and stronger, or if Mike has another particularly Bad Time, they'll see each other again.
9-12 — sentient horror Will Byers isn't supposed to be here but he doesn't have good control over his powers yet and he's not sure how to go back and he was spotted by someone while considering his options....which immediately narrowed his choice down to "do not permanently damage this human's brain with my incomprehensible form" so Mike just has a mysterious cloaked friend in the woods for a while (a really shitty cloak!! his wizard robe is pathetic rn but he will eventually gain more control and take a more comprehensible purposeful form, so he can face Mike looking fancy as fuck) eventually Will is gonna walk out looking like a background character from one of Mike's favorite fantasy movies and Mike will lose his entire shit. his ghost friend is cool as hell and he is so glad his mom forced him to go outside that day.
13-15 — Will is in the human world on purpose, has a human appearance on purpose, makes emotional connections on purpose......but it can't last forever. he has to take frequent trips to the UD to get the proper nutrients/energy to survive. if he doesn't return on time, he'll start losing his appearance or just sorta melt out of this dimension. which isn't really a threat to his physical health or anything, but having someone Witness it could definitely be detrimental to that Emotional Connections thing.
anyway Will often gets a lil too caught up in spending time with Mike and has to make a quick escape. one time when he realizes it's time to go Mike interrupts, Will blatantly fails to come up with an excuse, byler get in a mild argument about lying which wastes even more time, and then they faces the consequences of their affection (affection meaning Will not wanting to explain in order to keep Mike's mental health intact, and Mike wanting to know what's wrong because Will always seems like he's in fucking peril but never explains)
not that Mike ends up caring after he starts to understand the situation, but bro he thought Will was fucking dying or getting abducted by aliens or some shit in the middle of having an actual fight about Will "disappearing" like he was just not having a good time. Will chilled him out tho. and also now he can show Mike more of his capabilities
I will type about aus until my hands fall off......
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butchniqabi · 2 years
slavery tw, rape tw, and pedophilia tw just thinking on something that i once wrote about and to this day am appalled and angered by
so probably like 5-ish years ago i got so furious with my history textbook's "good slave owner" angle that i willingly wrote an entire paper (which i turned into my teacher to look over) about the dynamics between slave owners and the enslaved. title was "Romanticization of Slave Narratives: Why Slaves Couldn't Consent to Their Masters." looking back it wasnt the most comprehensive but doing the research for it was so fucking miserable because of how ubiquitous the belief that there were good slave owners is. the most fucking anger and rage inducing is the recorded life and depictions of Sally Hemings, a woman owned by thomas jefferson (yes the "i oppose slavery" thomas jefferson who btw at one point owned over 500 people). like the reality of her position and status as an enslaved girl to an increasingly more politically powerful man is so often fucking ignored? theres an instance where jefferson sent for Sally (who i should mention is also his wife's half-sister) to accomopany his daughter to see him in france. at the time slavery was illegal in france, which left a great many idiotic white people to ask "well why didnt she leave? 🤨 if she really didnt want to be with him she would have left and not gone back to america with him". conveniently forgetting that at the time she was 14 years old and returned to the states pregnant.
a child who has spent her entire life enslaved, who now finds herself pregnant is supposed to run away in a foreign country to "prove" that she wasnt okay with being regarded as fucking property? like the narratives around this are so fucking disgusting because so many sites and books and biographies say "was this rape? who knows..." in regards to her "relationship" continuing until his death. but how is it not fucking obvious that it was rape?? we have like. laws and stuff (maybe youve heard of them) where we say that a child cannot legally consent to intimate relations with an adult even if they say they were willing because of the power dynamics at play. a 14 year old supposedly can consent to having a relationship with a man 30 years her senior (who legally OWNS her) that would result in multiple pregnancies and being essentially confined to one room in a house for the rest of her life?
like even IF he didnt legally own her (which shouldnt be ignored considering even if she was an adult at the time he first assaulted her my argument is the same that she could not consent) their dynamics would obviously be considered grooming. she had no fucking agency at any point and the question of "did they love each other" DOES NOT MATTER! it doesnt matter if he loved her or she loved him, because at the end of the day she was his slave! she couldnt actually consent because her safety was no guaranteed if she refused. she also couldnt consent because once again she was a child. white americans want sooooooo desperately for the image of the founding fathers to be squeaky clean and their faults minimized that they just ignore obvious evidence that suggests the contrary. and theyll rewrite history to have people believe that they were good, moral men. did you know that there was a miniseries called "sally hemings: an american scandal" that used to be called "...an american love story"? real great stuff, thanks for that sam neil
like for gods sake the fact that is still to this day even a debate as to whether or not it was consensual is getting tiring because it views consent in this context as just whether or not Sally said "yes" to him. viewing consent as just a "yes or no" situation is 1. an enduring part of rape culture and 2. so incredibly, astoundingly ignorant of the true nature of slavery. many historians and creators of media are so willing to let their adultification bias shape their view of the situation. a white girl in her position would undoubtibly be viewed today as a victim, but a black girl? she was mature enough, surely. and then to add insult to injury she gets victim blamed for not leaving or ending the relationship! god! the misogynoir is astounding really!
the lies white people tell themselves about chattel slavery have just become tiring at this point. how did i, as a black child, have a better understanding of the dynamics of slavery better than a white historian?
(the question is rhetorical, we all know why)
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Omfg, you're so right I totally forgot about the Klinklangs!! Which, lmao, you can also get in chargestone cave and it evolves at level 38. This is so funny for them if these are like, their first five pokemon, and they got four of them at the same cave, and litwick you can get pretty much right next door to it if I'm remembering it correctly. I don't know why, but this is so funny to me. Maybe they got their klinks because their starters were just way too squishy, so they needed something that could tank a few hits and of course they were going to pick steel types for that because they love them.
God, grinding litwick, tynamo, and joltik from level 5... they are very hard workers and had to have been good at strategy to make it work the whole way through. They're definitely more dedicated than a lot of trainers, who just want whatever is strongest. I know that like a blitzle probably would have worked out better in terms of power levels, but when has that ever stopped them from just using their faves? Their team comps are terrible as adults, but they clearly are just ones that they like best, screw getting ones solely to make their teams more comprehensive.
And yes!! They were definitely already sharing pokemon, probably pretty much from the start. As you said, they're a team, and more than anything else their absolute specialty is multi battles. (I like to imagine that Tate and Liza really look up to them lol)
Which... makes me have a lot of feelings suddenly about that fight in Ounce of Prevention?? If Ingo, despite not having any memories of it, was subconsciously training his pokemon to work well in multi battles. You know how in the game, when you fight him he actually says Emmet's lines, not his own? What if he was also training them sometimes the way Emmet would his own? And that's why they worked so easily with him, because they already knew his signals. They share pokemon so much that Ingo just automatically started preparing them to work like they would if Emmet needed them for a double battle
"You know how in the game, when you fight him he actually says Emmet's lines, not his own?"
ok kind of addressing the last thing first but you have no idea how fast i ran to check this in my pla copy when bulbapedia didn't have the training grounds quotes and oh my fucking god he does... "Follow the rules and drive safely! We're headed for victory! All aboard!" it's not 1:1 but those are so obviously emmet's lines. SPECIFICALLY his multis lines! i'm going to cry how am i possibly supposed to handle this! ingo!!!!
...i actually was about to type the rest of this post but i decided to actually finish the battle against him, just for the hell of it and to see what he said afterwards, and guys. fucking. "Sometimes I find myself saying things without knowing where the words come from... yet those words seem to fill me with power. But returning to the matter at hand: I hope you'll challenge me again sometime." INGO I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS
anyway ahem. normal again. what were we saying. oh right, starters. yeah, klink are still not really on the level of the other pokemon you'd generally be facing in the 30s-40s, being a first evolution, but they're at least sort of defensive (as much as anything can be with that bst, lol) and they have the steel type's nigh-comprehensive type resistance going for them. so yeah those two probably uhhh Carry for a while i'm betting
yeah it's like. they're like these, once-in-a-generation strategy-minded trainers, and they use that power to do whatever they want and use their favorites forever. and honestly good for them. and YEAH THEIR SPECIALTY IS MULTIS... ok tate and liza looking up to them is adorable.
and yeah in ounce of prevention,,, for ingo it was just like he was given some pokemon to train, mostly free rein, and no actual memories to guide him, so he was just like. well, This Is How You Train Pokemon. to respond to all these cues, in a wide variety of strategies, in multiple different battle formats (...battle whats, now?) you teach them to... recognize these signals that you rarely, if ever, use... because it just feels like The Thing To Do... it feels important, for some reason...
...god i'm sorry i'm still not over the fact that ingo says emmet's actual lines and then proceeds to muse that those words seem to fill me with power. how am i POSSIBLY supposed to deal with this. lies down on the floor
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
* I USED TO HAVE IMP3CCABLE [[Speech - 100]] * BUT ALAS, [[take a look at me now]]!! * ALL [[File corrupted]], NO [[Hyperlink blocked]]. * I'D ASK FOR YOUR HELP, BUT LET'S BE REAL K1D. * THERE'D BE NO [[Get to the point...]] * YOUR HEAD'S JUST NOT [[In the game]]!
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition, you can find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route Requirements on Google Drive! The logo for Time's End was designed by @bittybattybunny. She's an incredible artist, be sure to check out their work here on Tumblr and over on Twitter!!
Moonjumper replaces Gaster. After escaping the Horizon, they're just barely holding on to their existence. Glitchy as anything, their form phasing in and out of view, distorted speech... the works. MJ desires to finally get a proper foothold in this world once more, but needs Bow Kid’s help... help that they'll never get on the Pacifist and Neutral routes, as it requires Bow to do things that she'd normally never do. But as much of a fool's errand as it is, Moonjumper fights Bow on those two routes anyway when she encounters them at the broken giant hourglass. You aren't really able to lose to them, as they heal you right when you would be about to die, but hey! No pain, no [[game]], am I right? ...If nothing else, it gives time for em to get some cryptically cynical thoughts off their chest. Having to leave your thoughts to fester while constantly being mere inches away from non-existence, and corrupted beyond comprehension, kinda does that to a guy lmaoooo. After the fight however, Moonjumper says a few more things that SEEM indicate the tiniest amount of hope, then just fades away without a trace, their grasp on existence being weakened just enough for it to slip completely... for a while at any rate. =)
Oh It's You + Your Contract Has Expired (modified)
The Badge Seller
"You're not supposed to be in the game!" (6:20 - 6:28)
That's right folks, I finally bothered to do a NYCTBA counterpart for the string bean! I was originally going to just not have one, since there wouldn't be a place for it to play, but then I realized... that's fucking dumb! So here we are; figured it was worth fleshing out a lil more to "complete the sentence," so to speak. ;) (Also I might do a Dialtone but idk for sure at this point so uhhhh S K I P) Anyhow ye, retooled and "backdated" the BIG SHOT's transcriptions to fit the NYCTBA format, changed the pitch and implemented the new vocals. Not much else to say here, hope you guys enjoy! (P.S. My hours and days off at work are going to be changing fairly soon, so my posting times/rates are going to get a LOT more irregular. Stuff for this AU isn't going anywhere, but I just wanted to prep y'all for that fact.)
You can also listen to this track in high quality on the AU’s SoundCloud here!
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spikeinthepunch · 10 months
well i got baldur's gate the other day bc someone i know wanted to play it w me and like, i was gonna buy it eventually. i just wanted to put it off to wait for some bug fixes. but hey, whatever, theres been 4 bug patches so i imagine they prioritized the biggest one right?
well. i think the game is fun, i love rpgs, this isnt a jab at what the game is. but i am appaled by the blatant bugs i faced, even in the first goddamn cutscene. where my guy who was supposed to be laying down in a pod, was standing entirely upright, clipping. jesus christ? like. thats bad. thats an awful first impression for me to have.
finding things like an enemy not moving, an item clipping, some rubberbanding... common first release bugs, theyre minor enough to ignore. but the super blatant in your face bugs??? aside from that first one, i also made my character vanish in talk scenes. right now Astarion is stuck in combat mode (crouching, whispering, cant talk to him). every hat changes your hair color/style.
another pretty awful issue from this new hotfix is it stopped people from going back to their saves... all of them. people feared they were corrupted, luckily not, but no one could fix it. they rolled back the hotfix but, people need to do specifics to uninstall that hot fix, and most ppl are not going to see that news post.
worst part about taking back hotfix 4: the post says "we’ll make sure that any change made to future version candidates - no matter how small, or innocuous - will always go through our full & comprehensive QA pipeline". you mean to say yall arent properly doing that?? i get its a quick bug fix but practically corrupting people's save data is a BIG issue.
i dont blame the coders in the sense i imagine theyre working as hard as they can. but i also dont think the scale of the game excuses this. so like, what the ever loving fuck is going on??? i mean we know, its crunch and all. but this game had a VERY long early access. so why the hell is it like this?
im glad the game itself is fun and something i am eager to play. but even if i did wait some weeks for more fixes, i shouldnt even have to do that, right??? the game is out and this isnt the quality i should be playing on release.
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
What makes me human
[Cyberpunk! America x reader] 3
Word count: 2, 318 Rating: M for strong language Chapter synopsis: Alfred tries his best to get you on board with his cause, but he runs into a hurdle. It only took one day for your disappearance to be noticed. He starts to resort to extreme means to keep you under control. 
The company’s resident mercenary
“That doesn’t exist.” You told him point-blank.
A frown worked into your face as you processed how fictitious it sounded. Even in this day and age, immortality wasn’t feasible. Extending your life was perfectly doable, but not permanently. Nothing could protect someone from doing what they were born to do; to die. And yet, Alfred was so sure of this something that he went out of his way to find you.
“If it didn’t, I wouldn’t be here, talking to you.” He stared at you through his brows. There was that look in his eyes again, burning with credence. But his certainty couldn’t compare to your experience.
“I don’t know where you heard about it, but you’d have to be crazy to believe it.” You breathed out.
Without missing a beat, he said this.
“Then I guess I’m crazy.”
“Nothing we have in the present can somehow let us live forever unless you kept replacing your organs.” You explained, pausing for a good few seconds when Alfred refused to acknowledge you. “But even that won’t keep up. What could a chip do?”
“I don’t fucking know. I’m not a scientist.” His eyes glowed electric blue as he searched through his data.
“Well, I am.” You walked over, casting a skeptical gaze his way. “And it’s just physically not possible.”
He projected a hologram, a model of a long, thin chip of energy. It pulsed a menacing red before him.
“Then what the hell is this?”
The design resembled a USB, but the hardware didn’t matter. What sold you was that it belonged to your company—the description, logo, and name.
“How did you not know about this?” He stared at the dingy ceiling as he lay on his back. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, turned from him, struggling to process everything. “It’s your company.”
“I don’t know,” You uttered. “But I should’ve.”
“Yeah. Should’ve. That only proves my point more.” He raised his brows, rolling his head to you. He could only see the side of your face, but it was more than enough to gauge your emotions. “This was such a big secret, even you didn’t know about it.”
You didn’t answer him. You could only sit in silence and listen to the echo of spokespeople outside, repeating the same slogans over and over. But there was no comprehension, only sensation.
“That means there’s something out there. And I’m here to find out if it’s what I think it is.”
A spinner floated outside the balcony, shining a beam of light over your face. It was deathly still and perturbed. Everything Alfred just said made more sense than you wanted to make of it. He spoke nothing but the truth, no matter how you looked at it.
Your father was hiding secrets from you, and it would start with this mind-bending conspiracy.
Allen never liked following rules. The idea of being berated for doing something the ‘wrong way’ was stifling. There was no wrong way so long as he got the job done. But rules were rules, and he liked having his head intact with his body.
If he had to drive this boxy vehicle around, so be it. But not tracking you? Over his dead body.
“Safety first,” Allen grinned, glancing at a device in the passenger seat. It pulsed light red, indicating that the target had changed locations. “Hm.”
He stared long and hard at the tracker.
“Eh. Probably a toilet break.”
He put it in his pocket and left his car.
Allen promised himself he would stop checking you at obscure times during the day. Nine times out of ten, you were wandering the house to do whatever it was that people did in the middle of the night. If not, there was that slight astronomical chance you were somewhere you weren’t supposed to be.
He wasn’t about to assume the worse case scenario.
“I’m home, bud.” He entered his room, letting the door shut behind him. A Roomba glided up to his feet and beeped contentedly. “I missed you too.”
It had a pair of roughly-drawn dog ears stuck to the top. The building only allowed fish, but he couldn’t play with them, could he? Dropping his keys on the kitchenette counter, he opened his mini fridge and brought out a jug of cold brew.
He poured himself a glass and opened a granola bar.
The Roomba returned, watching him eat quietly.
Allen picked off a corner and dropped it on the floor, which the robot promptly sucked up. After his snack, he’d go to his private gym and work out, boxing a sandbag, skipping, doing push-ups and sit-ups. These were the loneliest hours of his day, but it was nothing some exercise couldn’t help.
“Oh, yeah...” He sunk into the hot spring and let the warm water take him. “That’s the stuff.”
The onsen in the penthouse was only used by him nowadays. It was a shame to see such a haven go unused; stones bordered the pool, and vibrant green bamboo fenced off the outside. There was even a water spout that tipped periodically, creating a hollow knock every time it did.
What should’ve been the perfect paragon of peace became a reminder of his deepest woes. He used to come here with you more often, but that was when you still lived here. While he lingered on the fact, he glanced over at the bamboo fence that divided the men’s section from the women’s.
He liked to think of his relationship with you as a double-edged sword. Great for his job, but not for anything more—taking bullets for you he could do in a heartbeat, but he was forbidden to pursue anything meaningful. Out of all the things he could lose his head for, this was a sure guarantee of it.
Allen took the towel off his head and laid it over his eyes. Your tracker pulsed a gentle blue, breathing next to him as if to humor his every thought.
“So, what do you say?” Alfred asked, pouring himself a cup of tea. Without removing his lips from the rim, he turned to you from the minibar.
“Why should I help you?” You stood by the curtains and stared out the balcony. A police spinner drifted by, pulsing red and blue between buildings. “You could be a terrorist for all I know.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
You spun to him, fast.
“Who isn’t in a world like this?” He put his cup down and folded his arms, gaze heavy with bitterness. “We’re all angry about something. The difference is whether you act on it or not. And I, for one, am not sitting around with something like that out there.”
“And what are you planning to do with it?” You asked faintly, watching him light up with a wicked smile.
“I’m still working on that part,” He approached the other side of the bed and slid himself under the covers. “But so long as it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, I’m off to a good start.”
“Who decides who’s right or wrong?”
“You do,” Alfred folded his arms behind his head, closing his eyes. “I do. Everyone. But sometimes, you gotta shut everyone else out. ‘Cause other opinions don’t matter, and you’re gonna help me steal that thing whether you want to or not.”
“That’s not up to you.” You glared, fists tight.
Trust was not the word you would use for him, in his person or otherwise. He was forcing you into theft, treason, and countless other crimes, yet, he couldn’t do you the kindness to explain himself. Alfred was many things, but cocky looked like most of them.
“It won’t be up to me when I’m dead,” He rolled over, showing you his back. “Which I’m not.”
“—and wait, who said we were sleeping together?” You huffed, feeling a pang of annoyance. He didn’t respond, and instead, pulled the blanket further up. “Let’s ask the reception for extra blankets and do rock-paper-scissors for the bed.”
“You really wanna battle it out for these cum rags?”
“I just don’t wanna share with you.”
“Why, ‘cause I’m a guy?”
“Among other things.”
“Even if I slept on the ground, I can just get up and attack you while you’re asleep.”
“I really needed to hear that.”
“I was just making a point,” Alfred sunk his head deeper into the pillow. “My sex drive died ages ago.”
Allen woke up at 6AM on the dot. It was still dark out, but that didn’t stop him from starting his day. Reaching over to his bedside table, he picked up your tracker and squinted at the screen. Regret never felt so instant; seeing the location made his nostrils flare.
“What the hell are you doing there?”
He shot up, scrambled out of bed and raced to the door. Not a second passed before he backtracked to the kitchenette where his keys were.
Alfred never fell asleep. He stayed up all night, planning his next move. Striking now wasn’t on the table. Your disappearance had to set off some false alarms first, giving rise to chaos. Little did he know, your position had already been realized.
“What are we doing?” You asked, voice faint as he pulled you through a busy, open-air food court. His grip on your wrist was tight, but not enough to hurt. Either way, he was making it a habit to drag you around like one of his personal belongings.
He stopped in front of a greasy, hole-in-the-wall burger shop. The air that wafted out was thick with heat, oil, and salt. He never struck you as a junkie, though his flawless appearance was probably to blame. You guessed he was making the most out of his inhuman body—to eat like he had free healthcare.
“Breakfast,” He glanced at you. A teasing smile lifted at the corner of his lips. Your wariness wasn’t surprising, but as of now, it was all for naught. “Hopefully my taste isn’t too shabby for you.”
“It’s fine.” You shot him a heated look. He didn’t have to say it because it was written all over his face. Alfred thought of you as royalty, but that was no compliment from a person like him. “I just thought we’d eat in a more discrete place, you know?”
“But this is the most discrete place we can be.”
His definition of discrete was one of the hottest shopping districts in the city. This was one among numerous streets that sold fast, cheap, and tasty food, making for a popular spot for many locals. It was bustling with life, but that meant nothing could leave your mouths without another soul picking it up.
“This is where nobodies go. This is where I go. So if you’re here, you’ll blend in with the crowd.”
“It’s weird I’m more careful about this than you are.”
“I’ve been on the run for a while,” Alfred tapped away on a self-service machine. “Haven’t caught me yet.”
He collected a tray from the vendor. Two messy burger meals sat on top. One of the buns was barely covering the filing, but that was nothing a little adjusting couldn’t fix. Holding it with one hand, he used the other to keep a firm grip on you.
And it would’ve stayed that way if it weren’t for what you both saw in the distance. Or rather, who.
“Allen?” You whispered. While your heart burst with joy, Alfred’s sank to the pit of his stomach. He knew that name from somewhere. But that face?
It was unforgettable.
There he was, through the thick of the crowd, was the Mizumoto company’s resident mercenary. Your father’s most trusted aide, and to you, a personal assistant and bodyguard. But to Alfred, the foil to his plans and the one to kill him.
He set the tray down on a nearby table. Pulling out his gun from his jacket pocket, he cocked it.
But he wasn’t aiming it at him.
He was aiming it at you.
“You were being tracked?” He hissed, training the barrel at your forehead. Just like that, any warmth he had before was replaced by biting coldness.
“I wasn’t—” You let out, breath shaky and chest tight.
“Like hell you weren’t.” Alfred glared. “Go up to him and say you’re with a friend. Do it.”
What should’ve been more frightening, a live gun ready to go off, was nothing compared to the look in his eyes. Anger, disdain, and sincerity. He meant every word, even the ones he hadn’t said yet.
You stood up and did exactly as told. While you approached the tanned figure with tattoos all over, a sure fire sign of home, it hurt to realize you were going anywhere but. The gun was still pointed at you, whether you saw it or not. Alfred had you in the palm of his hand, done in by fear and anticipation.
“Hey! There’s my girl.” Allen grinned, picking you up off your feet for a tight embrace. “Where did you run off to without me? You’re not here seeing a secret boyfriend I don’t know about, are you?”
“No, actually. I’m here with a friend.” You squeezed him back tenfold, unable to swallow down the anguish that came from his comforting smell. And his smile, which did more for you than he could ever imagine. “I don’t think I’d have a chance at dating with you around me all the time.”
“Yeah, you don’t say,” He hummed, lowering you to the ground again. His arms found their place around your waist, and God forbid him to let go.
“Allen, I—”
“It’s okay,” He whispered, watching everything behind you attentively. A six-foot blonde man was on the run, and just disappeared around a corner. His face darkened as he pulled out his particle blaster.
“Not that asshole again.”
Next chapter: The emperor’s daughter
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astros-turf · 28 days
So, just as an aside based on my last post that I probably will delete if it continues to go off the rails... If you think like this:
Tumblr media
Then please consider a few things:
People come from a variety of educational backgrounds, and some people (like myself) were never taught *how* to research.
"Common knowledge" to you may not be common knowledge to others.
People who are actively asking for help in finding out *how* things work shouldn't be berated for simply asking questions.
If you don't think where you are seeing a question being asked is the right place, you are free to redirect them to the correct place to ask that question if you know of somewhere better, but insulting people doesn't help people learn.
Plenty of very smart people are on tumblr, and while we may all be losers lmao, I have learned a lot of very important things on here from people that enjoy sharing their knowledge and sourcing their information. (Those are the kinda people I was looking for on my post because I am struggling to find them via tumblrs broken AF search lmao)
If the lovely person that commented that thinking I'm some idiot is reading this, my dear, I *have* researched the candidates. Im best friends with vote411.org and progressivevotersguide.com and I do my research and vote according to what I think is best at the time. However, that was not the point of the post.
The point of the post is that I am trying to find out: "is the correct option to vote for still Biden even tho I fucking hate how he's handling shit? What else can I do as a voter to help make the right changes? Is there any more I can do except for just voting for people who have similar values to me when an election comes up? Can I actually trust their campaign or is there a better resource out there?"
Because personally? I was homeschooled by abusive conservative Christians with a heavily bible influenced homeschool curriculum that my parents barely helped me with. I taught myself basically everything I know from researching shit myself and just googling stuff until it works. I still am not very good at math, my concept of sciences are fucked. I can read very well, but the comprehension of certain things still evades me just because I was not given proper building blocks to learn from and have no idea how to find beginner information for so many things.
I have tried many times to research how the presidental election system works, even wrote a 10 page paper on it in high school because I knew I didn't understand it and wanted to devote my time to learning it, but even then it was "corrected" by my parents that *also* don't know how the system works so they basically took whatever my 15 year old self wrote as fact so long as my punctuation was okay. I sorta can grasp it, but in a situation like our current one, what I am curious about is who the hell people like me are going to vote for. Because the way the electoral college works means we basically only have two options, even though on paper we are supposed to have numerous options.
Because my brain feels like there has to be a secret third option that I just don't know about because I'm not googling the right terms because I don't even know what to Google. And replies like the one I screenshot and shared above are EXACTLY the reason why most people don't ask questions. So I will say again,
If you want people to be informed on things you're already informed on, INSULTING PEOPLE DOES NOT MAKE THEM LEARN.
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Tavros Nitram, Dave Strider
Act 3, page 1099
-- adiosToreador [AT] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: oh my god you type like a tool
TG: this is so weak im almost getting tired of wasting good material on you guys
TG: its like
TG: youve got nothing
TG: its always one of you sprouting up and ranting about how hard im about to get trolled
TG: with no ensuing substance
TG: you dont even know anything about us
TG: one of you fuckers thought i was a girl
AT: oK, yEAH, bUT,
TG: sorry i wouldnt cyber with you dude
TG: in the future or whatever
AT: oH,
TG: human innuendo
TG: so at what point in the future am i supposed to look forward to you whipping up this titanic hankerin for my knob
AT: uH,
TG: be honest with me
TG: cause im busy
TG: and i want to know exactly when i got to clear some space in my calendar for when some fuckwit blunders out of a magical phone booth and makes a ballad-inspiring play for my throbbing beef truncheon
TG: no man
TG: look
TG: i just need to know when to be there
TG: when the stars come into alignment and your flux capacitor lets you finally sate your meteoric greed for crotch-dachshund
TG: i wouldnt want to miss it and cause a paradox or something
TG: itd suck if the universe blew up on account of you missing your window of opportunity to help yourself to a pubescent boy's naked spam porpoise
TG: jesus you are such a shitty troll
TG: oh no
TG: no dude
TG: you sassed me up
TG: we are in THE SHIT now
TG: together
TG: for the long haul
AT: i,
TG: we're motherfuckin entrenched in this bitch
TG: you and me
TG: welcome to nam
TG: now grab my hand and shimmy your soggy ass off that muddy bank before charlie gets the fuckin drop
AT: uHHH, wHO,
TG: hes the guy whos gonna read our vows
TG: im feeling pretty friggin MATRIMONIAL all a sudden
TG: take a look down by your foot see that little bottle
TG: stomp on that shit like its on fire
TG: noisy ethnic dudes are flipping the fuck out and waving us around on chairs til someone gets hurt
TG: im your 300 pound matronly freight-train
TG: and my gaping furnace is hungry for coal so get goddamn shoveling
TG: bro look in my eyes
TG: that twinkle
TG: that be DEVOTION you herniated pro wrestlers sweaty purple taint
TG: sparklin like a visit from your fairy fuckin godmother
TG: thats what you see
TG: a kaleidoscopic supernova of all your hopes and dreams all swishin together
TG: radially effevescing arms of more little boy peckers than you can imagine
TG: turning out insane corkscrew haymakers of a billion dancing vienna sausages strong
TG: this is how we do this
TG: this shits more real than kraft mayo
-- adiosToreador [AT] blocked turntechGodhead [TG] --
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
Hey how are you doing
oh anon....that is truly a complicted question... long story short..im fine. generally. im alive. i have a roof over my head. food. and a cuddly cat whom i love.
and this is where i am going to get brutally honest. tw for gun violence (nothing explicit just a mention of recent events) this is by no means a comprehensive complete list of everything, just the most prominent on my mind rn.
the real answer is that i am constantly conflicted.
constantly feeling more and more helpless, angry, frustrated, and confused. i am watching the world and the country I live in only get scarier and scarier. whether it is seeing my friend in turkey continually beg for attention toward the destruction that their home has faced in the wake of a devastating earthquake. to watching as politicians claim to protect children by banning drag shows and eliminating reproductive and gender affirming medical care all the while doing NOTHING as three 9 year olds, and administrators, were shot in school this week. another on a list that is too fucking long. and I sat in my cubicle today and listened to one of my co-workers brag about how many AR-15s and AR-10s he owns (yes, plural), and how he got on a waitlist for something that bypasses "loopholes" and call one of our magazine restriction laws stupid and annoying. and i am supposed to sit there and care about processing payments. i dont. i really fucking dont. but i do it anyway. this is the space in which i am not seen, and i do not let myself be seen because i truly do not give a fuck if i get she/her d all day, called girl, and miss, ma'am on the phone because i do not care and i do not correct them because i do not care about the space we are holding together. i correct when i care. and i dont at work. it's also a safety measure. but despite this, it still wracks me to my core some days, hollows me out and makes me bleed, and want to scream because i feel as though i am losing myself, the self that i spent years finding and healing, because i am spending a majority of my time in what feels like hiding and i hate it. i really do. i crave to loud and comfortable again. so yeah, i wanna quit my job. because i dont feel safe or seen. and wanting to quit makes me feel like i am failing. so yeah... maybe im not fine. or im as fine as i can be right now.
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