#whew i like pointing out flaws in things
chemicalbrew · 1 year
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@elendsessor listen, I love your blog and the way you curate stuff!!! that comment was honestly self-defeatist on my part, and I'm sorry if it made you doubt yourself, you're one of my absolute favorite mutuals at the moment (even though we don't talk, your blog is so awesome!), and I was genuinely worried you'd not follow me back when you remade, wahhh (mostly because I barely post fandom lately, and all I do is lazily scroll my dash and scout the katana zero tag, and I am so self-conscious about how much i love kz these days... i gotta stop with that)
ANYWAY!! back to your original inquiry, at full force
9. worst part of canon
stealth levels in games that are not otherwise about stealth tend to be quite ruinous. off the top of my head, two examples I am forever a little salty about are Ghost Trick and Katana ZERO (though it's partially optional in the latter - I always opt to kill my way through the prison on replays)
For Ghost Trick, that's legitimately the only issue I have with it. For Katana ZERO, however... the ending stretch of the plot is somewhat poorly paced\unsatisfying compared to everything else + hard mode is genuinely unbalanced to the point where I actually gave up on it last month (but god, the itch to play more has not left)
SMT4: rapid-fire complaints from someone who hasn't played other SMTs yet: most of the plot after the Tokyo reveal felt weak, the game needed to be a little more obvious early on about how your choices matter, I wish Flynn had a bit more personality, just to match his companions, the Isabeau twist in particular sucks ass, Burroughs turning out to be a goddess sucks even more, App Point costs were unbalanced, they could have afforded to use multiple asset sets for Domains, I didn't like the prospect of endgame grinding.
I said Chrono Trigger is perfect, but that's only if you ignore what follows after (especially the tie-ins attempted in CTDS). I still do not have it in myself to wholeheartedly love Chrono Cross
Pyre is a wonderful game, but the second half of it was a huge drag and could stand to be less repetitive
Hades has an ending that basically ruins the rest of the plot and it's BAD. also, endgame grind is way too tedious and the progression system can break in places
Brandish 1: the remake doesn't have speed options like the original game did, Tower is a bland-looking stage with awkward music, boss music in this game is uninspired outside of HEADLESS Brandish 2: literally nothing important to the larger narrative happens in this game when you think about it, endgame is not fun and absolutely ridiculous (I get why, but this is truly old school game design at its worst), boss music still sucks (most of the OST outside of the opening hour is honestly weak), there's a different Tower and it sucks for different reasons (backtracking yay) Brandish 3: the fact that the translation isn't out yet (serious answer: this game, iirc, has more backtracking than the others. Sanctuary was a really gimmicky stage in particular) Brandish 4: for fuck's sake, who decided the Temple stage was acceptable? it's literally an assault on the senses
Trails series: awful with ships. awful. the main ship of the first arc of the series is a case of adopted incest lol there's some other really gross tropes like this all throughout and I really don't feel like reciting them right now, so... I'll list other stuff: the games weren't intended to have multiple difficulties, so playing on anything that's not Normal will suck in some way you have to be extraordinarily meticulous to 100% or use a guide as the series went on, it became easier to break the difficulty into pieces with how ridiculous skills get despite that, superbosses and scripted losses that you have to win to 100% are a tradition of the series and can be really annoying to deal with as the series went on, it also started using more modern anime tropes to appeal to more people and it UNFORTUNATELY has been working
Ys series: modern games suffer from trying to be more like Trails, which they shouldn't <3 end of story
Xenoblade 1: battle system as a whole was unrefined and unsatisfying, worst sidequests in the series, female party members are all suffering in some way (Sharla's arc was cliche and unsatisfying, she sucks to use, her design is awkward; Fiora's situation was not explored deeply enough and she got fridged; Melia suffers in the story so much it almost turns into comedy and suspends disbelief) the only antagonist that resonated with me was Zanza.
Xenoblade 2: (DLC fixes most of this) The obvious: there needed to be less titties; The obvious again: Tora's introduction sucks ass (and he doesn't get truly better ever :() AND Tiger! Tiger! can go fuck itself; The introduction in general is slow and is why I won't replay this even though it's a GOAT; I actually like the gacha being around (I got lucky and the only real trouble I had was getting KOS-MOS imo), but it should at least become infinitely more generous in NG+. AT LEAST THAT. The infamous roadblocks to 100% like Ursula's affinity chart; The UI issues that everyone harped enough on; The maps got so much worse in this game compared to 1 like? I had so much trouble navigating here compared to other XB games.
Xenoblade 3: (DLC fixes most of this) literally the worst antagonists in the series; not a great party either (RIP Sena); Noahmio was kinda boring for half the runtime; in general the messages made by the game are not interesting to me and did not resonate like 2 did; the class system ruins every good change made to battle system; chain attacks suck, and not just their music - they're worse than 1's; weakest soundtrack (same issue as Brandish 2, where it starts strong but as a whole is eh); probably the only XB game that I do not ever intend to actually finish, because it's such a slog somehow.
The only sin Kid Icarus Uprising committed was its control scheme. Might have been justified, but it sucks.
Ace Attorney has too many issues to count <3 I'll just mention that: The series as a whole sucks at guiding you when you get stuck Big Top sucks, we all know this AA6 ruined Athena and Apollo and has questionable setting\design choices AAI2's last case dragged on for too long even if it was hype
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim's battle system as a whole really sucks if we're being honest, and nowhere is this shown off better than the final battle.
VA-11 Hall-A often goes overboard with humor, but its worst offense is the optional bullet hell minigame they put in
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md-confessions · 3 months
you know what, I lied in my reply to that post talking about Doll. I DO have the will to write out something. (this is tired me for the record, so if I end up coming across as super aggressive or like I'm talking down to them, I apologize)
So, basically the way you talk about rewriting the story is that you just want an almost completely different story than the one we got. Getting rid of the school elements? Say goodbye to episode 3 and 4. 2 can still happen but there's some stuff that needs to be cut and stuff to fill those gaps. but 3 and 4 not happening AT ALL like they do, that would have serious ripple effects. And episode 5/6 would probably go down differently as well since Doll wouldn't be there to steal the keybug.
And Doll just being a plot device and not a character? Don't even get me started on that. She's one of the most tragic and well written characters of the show and I LOVE her. Her flaws especially.
She's very much a mirror to Uzi. Both had their parents (or parent in Uzi's case) get killed by disassembly drones, both are infected with the Solver, and both want to figure out what the hell it is and how to fix themselves. The difference between the two, is that Doll SAW V rip her parents apart while laughing. Uzi was likely only a baby when Nori died, and even if she wasn't she didn't personally see her die. That was what let her get over her grudge, because she had a grudge against a concept, while Doll had a grudge against a person.
Doll continuously decides to work by herself as a result, unable to overcome her hatred for V (very understandably mind you). This ultimately ends up getting her killed because she alone could not take on the Solver, a threat we time and time again have seen to only be stoppable when people work together against it. When Uzi and N work together in ep 2, Doll protecting Lizzy in the same episode, in ep 4 when N helps Uzi regain control, in ep 7 when Nori and N fight back against possessed Uzi. Then think about all the times it succeeded. In ep 5 at the Gala it had Tessa alone, in ep 7 it had N and Uzi on the ropes when they were alone, in ep 4 when Uzi was on a rampage and V was trying to kill her rather than help her.
Doll's death doesn't ruin her character, it IS her character (might be overexaggerating there but I really liked that sentence). Tragedy and bad choices stemming from reasonable thinking. A result of her going alone, trusting nobody.
Also, we don't even know that she's dead! Yes, it's likely she is, but Cyn only swallowed her core. It's possible it gets thrown up in ep 8 and she gets to continue living. Don't judge her before the season is done.
If you like the series how it is, Doll and the school elements are VITAL. Irreplacable. And if you really don't like how the series went, as it seems you do considering you think it'd be better if the entire thing was rewritted, make a fanfiction
Whew, that was...a lot. I think you can tell I really like this show. Again, I apologize if I come off as rude or pompous or whatever. I'm just very passionate about the show. I don't think it doesn't have flaws, it is rushed and Liam isn't one for super fine worldbuilding details, but ultimately those barely affect it for me. They dock like, half a point combined for me.
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tw: I’m horrible at trigger warnings and am not good at wording them, but just know that I discuss a lot of really frustrating and harmful points made by Hetlors and horrible insults directed at Gaylors. Take care of yourselves.
Alright folks the time has arrived to cry and sob and scream about Hetlors, specifically the Swiftologist. His reaction video to the NYT article: https://youtu.be/9Pd9KWKKxfE?si=ByMrJSbyNJOD1T3t
I’m going to go through each of his points and point out the flaws of such points.
*gets out notes*
Okay, so. The first thing he does is call Gaylors conspiracy theorists. Anything Gaylor-related is a conspiracy theory, in his view. Not only that, it’s a conspiracy theory comparable to QAnon and other far-right conspiracy theories, a conspiracy theory with “no merit or factual basis,” a conspiracy theory that is “delusional” and “meth math.” Gaylor theories are “based on misinformation and false beliefs,” according to him.
Whew. This is a very strong reaction. First of all, comparing Gaylor to QAnon is so ridiculous. I mean. Come on. Really? Second, we know that Gaylor theories do have evidence. There is so much, even just within that article. I reblogged just before this a list of all the evidence made in the article. Also, what is the “misinformation” that he mentions? Gaylors just point out the evidence that we have and let people draw their own conclusions. We aren’t misrepresenting anything (most of us, anyway).
Alright let’s continue. Swiftologist then argues that Gaylors have a distrust of the narrative Taylor has created and the “many times she has stated she is not part of the community.” Gaylors apparently do not respect Taylor or her songs and aren’t really Swifties at all—just people who are trying to prove that she is gay.
Okay I really want to know this….WHAT ARE THE MANY TIMES SHE HAS SAID THAT SHE IS NOT PART OF COMMUNITY?! SHOW THEM TO ME! She said that once. *Once*. And that still doesn’t mean she is saying that she is straight. Furthermore, we do trust Taylor. If she says she’s straight, we’ll believe it. I mean we’re the ones looking at all the tiny details of her songs. We’re the ones drawing the connections. Hetlors doesn’t do that, and yet Gaylors are the ones who don’t trust Taylor’s narrative? Like??? What kind of argument is that?
Then he says that Gaylors are trying to out Taylor.
But we aren’t. We really aren’t. We’re just looking at what TAYLOR HERSELF has said and done and connecting the dots. We’re not trying to spy on her personal life or anything like that…we’re literally just looking at her OWN lyrics that SHE put created, knowing what the reaction would be. It’s just. This argument from Hetlors makes me laugh every time.
Okay so THEN he lists a bunch of crazy stuff Gaylors have done. I don’t want to get into them because I agree with the Swiftologist that they were crazy. But, at the same time, it’s not like you can blame the entire Gaylor community for a few Gaylors’ actions and use that to debunk Gaylor theories. That’s just not how it works.
He continues by listing different…logical fallacies you might call them? Different things that are common with conspiracy theories: false pattern recognition, confirmation bias, etc. I won’t get into that right now, but this is a large part of his argument later, so keep that in mind.
He makes a critique of the way the article compares Taylor to Chely Wright. He says it’s a “false equivalency.”
I would say that the author, Anna Marks, was simply pointing out an example of closeting and the effects of staying in the closet on one’s mental and emotional health and an example of coming out and the effects of coming out. I personally don’t think she was saying that Taylor is very similar to Wright…
Then Swiftologist talks about some Gaylor evidence presented in the article. He doesn’t actually give a reason for why they are unconvinced but simply states that it is “so delusional to me that people think this is true.”
He mentions the YNTCD music video and claims that only a straight person could have made it and that it was cringey and even that it portrayed LGBTQ+ in such a stereotypical way that it was “deeply offensive.” I mean. It was definitely cringey. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that only a straight person could have made it. It’s honestly just so odd that he attacks Gaylor theories for their lack of “merit or factual basis,” and yet he literally uses the cringy-ness of a music video to say that Taylor must be straight? I know it was largely a joke, but he was also serious, and for some reason it just bugged me.
Marks talks about how the YNTCD song and music video were mostly perceived as performative allyship but she raises the question of whatever they were genuinely expressing herself. Swiftologist responds to this by saying that this is a false binary (performative allyship vs. Taylor is gay) , but I don’t really think so. If Taylor is straight and she wrote that song and made that video, she probably came at it from a decent place, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t performative. (Honestly if Taylor is straight, a lot of the stuff that she’s done I would consider to be very iffy, so I think Marks raises a good point here.)
Swiftologist then goes on another rant about Gaylors, asking why they don’t just believe Taylor and literally calling them “delusional 9/1 truthers.” Look, I get that he’s upset, but he doesn’t have to insult and name-call and be generally immature. As Taylor would say, why you gotta be so mean?
He continues to simply state that all the evidence provided is not proof and that Gaylor theories are delusional, but he does also say that the Cruel Summer lyrics—“I don’t wanna keep secret just to keep you”—could easily be explained by the fact that Taylor CHEATED ON JOE and/or was desperately avoiding the paparazzi.
Like. Lemme get this straight. He would rather that Taylor be a *cheater* than be gay? He thinks that saying she is a cheater is perfectly fine but saying that she might be gay isn’t. I have no words.
*manages to regain my bearings*
Alright, so then Swiftologist (oh my god I just realized that I could simply call him by his real name, Zach, instead of typing out that long name, but now I’m committed) says that he has an OPEN MIND and is open to different interpretations versus the author of the article, who is a “crazy person,” who is completely close minded, apparently. He says, “point me to one piece of solid evidence in this article.” He then continues with his point about open-mindedness, saying that he agrees that Taylor songs COULD be about women (they probably aren’t, but there is a potential there) and because he believes that it means he is a generous and intellectual and open-minded human being, according to him. But Anna Marks, on the other hand, like all other Gaylors, is *completely* close-minded and has not even THOUGHT of the possibility that Taylor could be straight.
Like jeez. Does Swiftologist not see the hilarity of this argument? I”m seriously starting to lose it.
In fact, I’m going to take a break and continue where I left off in the morning. I don’t even have the energy to revise this so hopefully there are no glaring mistakes.
Thanks so much for anybody who read this! Have a great morning/afternoon/night!
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asfearlessasamango · 7 months
here i ammmmm i hope this isnt the longest ask ever lol but i cannot overstate how GORGEOUS i find your prose. the phrase “tiredness curls up in each joint like old cats in old corners” is so absolutely evocative and paints such a melancholic, beautiful, rich picture in my mind every time i remember it. i could actually get it tattooed thats how seriously beautiful i find it. most of all i loooooooove the amount of social norms, architectural details, cultural differences etc etc you infused in the story to fill in the gaps of the canon universe. the choice of using of rice paper vs. glass and all the reasoning behind it is the example that comes to mind, but im sure that if i knew more about east asian cultures, i could identify more and more details you scattered throughout the plot to turn this make believe world into a truthful parallel of the real one we have. i can only say bravo. and if you have any recommended reading for homework, i’d love to know more about these references! now back to your writing! one of thee strongest points of the story, for me, is how believable these characters are as people. they feel so fully fleshed out that sometimes it was like intruding on someone’s most private thoughts - even a little painful to keep going, and i mean that in the best way possible! i especially loved the subtle addition of zuko’s ingrained sexism and prejudice against other nations, things that ofc he’s never had reason to unlearn in this universe. he is compassionate, but can be very unkind - seems like a delicate balance, but in your story, it just flows naturally. you inhabit their heads, strengths, flaws and life experiences so well, like sokka’s blind defensiveness when he thinks of himself as helpless, his brashness and ingenuity when he sees zuko more as a puzzle to solve than a person. that goes even people who haven't gotten that much plot attention yet - like azula wearing blue lipstick (!!!!) foaming at the mouth from the thought. OFC she would!!! shes bold, shes confident and shes here to shine + now she allows herself to have fun! do “ugly” and “imperfect” things for fun! and all the parallels between this redeemed azula and the canon zuko we know. your oc who is zuko's guardian, who he calls grandma, hasn't even shown up yet and i already love and miss her. uncle iroh!!!! zuko assuming malice from uncle iroh who only wants the best for him - but ofc he doesnt know that! but we do, and it hurtssss katara and aang!!! the bath scene with aang, zuko’s forced vulnerability, their honesty, aang’s absolute grace towards zuko. suki and the kyoshi warriors! i trust they will get their turn to kick some ignorant prince ass. and the thing that draws me the most to this genre: the exploration of trauma in its aftermath. your storytelling is wonderfully brutal here. like… you draw a white picture by filling in all its shadowy contours…. if that makes sense. all the ways zuko’s life was affected by his father add up to the shape of his hurt. him not eating fatty foods to stay fit and "bend better". recognizing azula in his own reflection instead of himself. wearing his mom’s night clothes. im going feral feral feral whew! in my heart all this would’ve been a very pretty glittery letter sent to your author p.o. box. i love your story and it lives constantly in my imagination - thank you so much for sharing it with the world!!!
ohhhmg.... thank you for this!! i sat on it for a whole minute to respond right! i'm so glad you like it!! i love that you love all these characters' new lives <3 <3
there are so many Very Careful Lines to Walk in doing an ATLA au bc the original characters and cultural stories are really so complex. and i am FAR from an expert on east asian history / cultures but here are a few sources that I found helpful / interesting:
jinian qian's writing for The Millions, especially the articles "The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight: On East Asian Narratives" and "Light in the West and Shadows in the East"
chaoyang trap, which is not at all about ancient china but about very modern chinese cultural existence, especially on the Internet / social media / fandom. I can't say this has directly provided me with a lot of relevant info but it does help me figure out attitude / approaches / how things "translate" into western contexts
and of course there are so many A:TLA blogs that really keep the analytical conversations going and make ao3 as vibrant as it is-- @atlaculture, @boybff, @volkswagonblues, @azularedemptionarcwhen, @chitsangenthusiast, @azulasnailtech, @visit-ba-sing-se, @marriedzukka, @bleekay, @ash-and-starlight, @sokkagatekeeper, @azulapropaganda, @zukkababey, @comradekatara, @ofherlionheart, @chaoticsandstorm
okay i will stop blasting this post into all of atla tumblr's notifs but the above blogs are total Gs, 10/10, would not be as deep into my MFA in a:tla without these trailblazing scholars who went before me
have a lovely vintage kermit meme, mwah
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marciabrady · 1 year
Hi, I loved all of the points you made with 2015 Cinderella. I haven't watched the original one in a while, but you reminded me of do many lovely things, and I completely agree with your take on her character! And I was wondering if you could write a little about all of the other live-action remakes, which one is your fave and which one is the worst (after Cinderella ofc) and why - compare the princesses' personalities a bit, and maybe say what was better than in the oryginal (if there was anything?). I'm thinking about Aladdin, Mulan, TLM and BatB - oh, and Maleficent, if you count this one :) I must say I haven't seen the new TLM yet, but Disney's remakes have been letting me down since Cinderella, so I'm in no rush and don't worry about spoilers! Love your opinions and blog in general, btw ❤
Thank you for being complimentary to one of my last posts! This question yields a lengthy response, though, so I'll try to be brief while covering all of the topics you inquired about:
In terms of favorites, I wouldn't say I'd rewatch any of these films? They're generally uninspired and bad rip-offs of a superior property that already exists. If I had to rank them though, BATB and Aladdin were the least unenjoyable to me, TLM and Maleficent really were not for me and didn't understand their source material, and Mulan was unforgivably bland.
To compare their personalities is a difficult assignment because the live actions essentially show us the same character, meaning all the live action Princesses are the same to me? They made them all display strength in the same way, made them broader/softer to appeal to more people, etc, so I wouldn't really say that Emma Watson's Belle and Lily James' Cinderella or even Halle Bailey's Ariel are different characters from one another. In the process of "fixing" the Princesses, they just stripped the characters of any individuality...but, if we're comparing the live action characters to their animated counterparts, there are quite a bit of differences.
Emma's Belle leans more into the snobbish vibe that we see from the animated Belle but also feels more vulnerable in certain moments? I've only seen this movie once, and it was six years ago, but I remember Emma's Belle having a one-off with the Beast about how the villagers think she's odd and I thought that was nice. Belle in the animated film never really questioned herself, though she did have a similar scene with her father near the beginning of the movie so...I don't know, I'm really not a good judge on Belle lol Naomi's Jasmine feels somewhat true to the animated counterpart? I think the difference here, though, is where animated Jasmine was locked away her entire life the first time we meet her, Naomi's Jasmine is someone we meet out and about the Palace grounds. So I guess Naomi's has less restrictions on her? I can't think of another difference. Halle's Ariel isn't really a character, it just feels like Halle Bailey starring in The Little Mermaid to me? That might be a marketing thing, because they pushed her pretty aggressively for years, but the best way to explain it is that she acts the way Emma Watson sings. She doesn't really emote, she sings along in Under the Sea when it doesn't make sense for her to, she just doesn't really feel fully emersed or like she's acting. And honestly it's not really fair to judge her on this factor because she's even admitted she's not an actress? So...I'd say Halle's Ariel is just a nice, agreeable girl that's generally palatable and can sing well. The original Ariel has more fire to her, a feeling of being marginalized, is definitely more flawed and nuanced, fully realized, fiery, emotional, realistic, and headstrong. Elle's Aurora and animated Aurora...whew. Elle's Aurora is a child- she's giggly and naïve and innocent and doesn't understand the world around her. She doesn't have the presence or the grace or the charm of the original Aurora, nor any of the romanticism that is so central to the character. Where, in the original, I had no doubt that Aurora was competent and essentially raised herself, I don't know how Elle's Aurora got by lol I think the original Aurora had a sense of love and duty and loyalty, where Elle's Aurora is more withdrawn generally but also blindly reactive. Mary Costa's Aurora is introspective and intelligent, with so many gears turning at all times, but also dripping with enigma and essence while Elle's Aurora is simple and assuming. The remake Mulan is written to be perfect, while the animated Mulan is loyal, persistent, determined, sometimes negative, humorous, with a hazy moral compass on a practical level but a very sound higher self that she taps into.
You mentioned what was done better...I'll challenge myself to say nice things about each, which will be easy since Lily isn't included lol it's a minor detail but I loved that Emma's Belle got the snowball thrown in her face- and I don't even mean that in a shady way. The animated Belle was beloved by everyone and the smartest and the prettiest and treated incredibly by everyone, so the fact that she also threw snowballs at the Beast while he kept missing her was too much lol the fact that the Beast was allowed to be more athletically inclined and get her back, so that they met more as equals, even in such a fleeting moment, was welcome by me. I like the inclusion of Jasmine having a female friend. The original Aladdin is down BAD for female characters, and while I would've preferred the older maid that Jasmine has in the spinoff books, the fact that we got more women in general in that universe is a win. I think it was nice that they gave Halle's Ariel more vocal screentime. In the original, there were so many moments I wish I could've heard Jodi's Ariel speak more (when Ariel doesn't have a voice), and while I think the scenes are incredibly effective in the 1989 film where she is voiceless and I support the creative decision, more Ariel is always a good thing. With Elle's Aurora...it's nice we get to see her at different ages? The live action Mulan...doesn't have Mushu? Which allows for a more grounded story??
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kindofblue28 · 1 year
I found your post recommending Faust the other day when I was looking for recent posts about the Gadget games, then went ahead and watched a playthrough, and I’m glad I did even if I don’t fully understand the story. That GameBoomers forum thread did help to clear some things up, at least. I don’t know where the hell the Wikipedia plot summary describing Marcellus as the Devil got that idea from, that doesn’t seem to be the case at all, somebody should change that.
Man, that final part with Giselle hit pretty hard, though it’s undercut a bit by that sitcomy ending. This game has a tone problem, that’s for sure. Do you think it’s an exaggeration on my part to call Geoffrey Bateman (I think that’s him?)’s performance as Mef one of the best vocal performances for a video game character? The character displays a wide range of emotions and he nails it, when he laughs it sounds like he’s laughing for real. I’m so glad that the voice of Loge/Loki from RLOTN got to be in the spotlight for something somewhat better.
I think Drowned God and - to a lesser extent - Gadget have already filled up too much real estate in my brain for me to want to dive super deep into the lore and stuff, but I’ll be looking forward for your fan website to see the concept art and all that! As one of the very few people on this Earth who has bothered to document Drowned God’s completely absurd story and try to explain it, plus Gadget’s too a little, I get how kinda lonely it feels to want to reach out and tell others about such a weird thing that has interesting ideas despite its faults.
I’ll be busy for the next several days, but maybe in the near future I’ll make a TV Tropes page for Faust, and if I have any questions about characters and story elements. I feel like that site can do quite a bit to spread the word about these types of media and help clarify stuff.
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for sending me this ask!! I'm very glad that post helped you find that game, and really happy to see another Gadget fan too. I can understand being confused about the story- I was very confused on my first couple of playthroughs too, if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them about this game. Wasn't even aware of the stuff with the Wikipedia article- I'll try and look and see what I can do about that, because… whew, that's VERY wrong! Also completely agree with you on the part with Giselle. Really hits me hard and like, 9/10 makes me cry whenever I play thru that part- its message really helped me. Though yeah, I agree on the ending too. I feel like this game has such an issue of like, going way faster than it needs to be. I feel like a lot of the messages don't have enough time to really sit and get their point across, like, you just immediately get thrust into the end stuff after that, and doesn't even let the horror element of what happened sit? It stinks, and even if I hold this game in a really high regard, it's VERY flawed and all over the place.
Also, I definitely think Geoffery Bateman did FANTASTIC as Mef. I've listened to his roles in other Arxel games and this definitely feels like one where he got to shine- I feel like his other roles he's stuck in ones where he just sounds monotone and disinterested, where his performance of Mef sounds like, super believable and not forced at all :)
Also, can understand not wanting to dive super deep into the lore, I mean, it's been like that for me with Gadget, Faust took up too much of the braincells for this year and even if I own most of the supporting material for Gadget I just don't think I have the brain energy to dive super deep into it right now, so I totally get ya. Also cool you're a Drowned God fan- I meant to play that sorta soon, it's a game that's been on my list for years, if you took the time to play Faust, I got to at least give you the time with Drowned God too. More of these small games like these really need to be remembered- they have something to say! About the site, I hopefully should have SOMETHING up eventually. I've been kinda conflicted on the stuff in regards to Faust though, as I've debated having it moved to a wiki framework- and that might just be too much effort for one game, and I wouldn't want to be the one to make a wiki on Arxel Tribe games, as I haven't played most of them. I was planning to host the website on Neocities but my website building skills are VERY poor and that's just been stopping me from doing the pages themselves, I have the info, just not the skills :(
Either way, thank you for your ask (and your time!), you've been very kind. If you want to talk about the game at all I'm here on tumblr or on Discord (same username) :) Peace!
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My favourite fic of yours: RIDE OR DIE. It has THE best worldbuilding I’ve ever seen in a fic, it’s genuinely like reading a canon novel in second person and I love it so much
My favourite chapter: 27 absolutely 27 need i say more
Something I remember vividly: Ya I’m with Angela, you take reader inserts to a whole other level - normally I’ll read them but it’s always hard for me to get invested if it’s just a blank template, Y/N just draws me out of it so quickly. With the way you write them I feel so immersed, each protag has something different about them and ughhh it’s just so fucking good
Sßssssssdsdff thanks! I have very much enjoyed creating my own distinct alien culture and ecosystems, its one of the things I wish Star Wars was braver about. The prequel trilogy had flaws, mostly in that many of the cultural aspects were borrowed without credit to the peoples they came from, but from a world-building perspective the planets and species they created were a fantastic building point. I think it speaks a lot to the creativity of people like Doug Chiang that so many of the cultural and geographical elements of places like Utapau mesh so well together, and it makes an excellent sandbox to unleash my own creative thoughts.
I am soooo proud of Chapter 27. It was a beast to write but worth it, a standout chapter in this work that simultaneously fits with the themes and messaging, but is so jarring in its perspective and time shift. Appropriately a big impact moment. It was definitely a long-term pay off that I'm glad waited until now to put in. Like you have to really understand Talion and Theo's characters for this chapter to hit so hard. We had to be sort of questioning Tsino's place in all of this. We had to seed previous imagery, the handprints in the tent, the necklace, the incident with the dactilsword, for us to really understand WHY those things were so important to his past.
I'm finally recovered enough that I've started back up on Chapter 28 recently but whew, it was something to jump back to the present after ending with THAT.
And again, I'm so overjoyed y'all love my reader characters. They are each their own, and since their physical descriptions are blank canvasses, I use their personalities to shape them. How do they dress? How do they speak and think? How do they react when they've been frustrated or embarrassed?
I would encourage anyone who considers reading or writing x reader fics to really challenge the pre-existing notion of what that means. See it as a genre with its own unique challenges and rewards. People project themselves onto existing characters or OC's wildly different from themselves all the time, so long as that person is relatable to them somehow. Who hasn't wanted to be a character in the Star Wars Universe? And you don't necessarily want to be you, you want to be someone who fits in, with a role and history and relationships. Part of the tapestry of the world.
I like challenging my characters, thinking about who they are and how they came to meet the Inquisitor, because he's not exactly just out there shaking hands and kissing babies- for you to come across him usually means something has gone terribly wrong. It's my job to tell those stories. Try to find unique scenerios that might put these characters together, and different outcomes that might result from their personalities blending. All while trying to find creative solutions to the ever present name/description problems.
But hey, we don't have a name for the Grand Inquisitor either, so he lends himself to these stories so well!
Thanks so much for the ask!
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quarra · 2 years
LOLOLOL don't worry, I DO enjoy your Caskets and Cookies series!
My first and truest love in Tropes is WEREWOLVES, and while A/B/O is Not the Same, I find I enjoy a lot of "non traditional" type takes on it in the same kind of way that I enjoy werewolf stuff. This is very true of the Casket and Cookies stuff. Give me extremely ALLLLLL the "i don't really get why my body is doing this OH SHIT" sensory stuff. :3
Re: Dooku more generally, I really, really love sci fi that talks about "how do you go on after you went a little Evil? what does repentance look like?", as well as "what does forgiveness look like? How do you get to a point where you CAN forgive someone?". I feel a lot of those Vibes in your work in general, and in your Dooku stuff in specific. Don't even get me started on "THEIR FATAL FLAW WAS ALSO THEIR STRONGEST STRENGTH" stuff, which is a really easy theme to improvise on from the various Star Wars Canons Characterizations we have of Dooku.
anyway, (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Oh WHEW. Lol, good, I'm glad that worked out.
A/b/o is definitely hit or miss with me. Once in a while it scratches an itch, especially when I play with with what's expected from those situations and see what shakes out. Knotting is hot! But wow sometimes the social meta built into the stories makes me sigh, lol. That just means i have to write it myself! :) Be the change and all that, you know?
The Caskets and Cookies series does that a lot and it tickles me to no end. It plays with expectations a little bit. As with all of my fics, I love the fine mix of crack, humor, and feels/angst. Crack treated seriously is the best genre.
I also agree with the redemption stuff. I love a certain type of villain and I *love* a good redemption arc. I love giving Dooku some options on what's going on with him and how, or even *if*, he can come back to the Light. I feel like he is one of the characters in Star Wars who could have made such a difference in the canon story line if only he'd stepped two spaces to the left, you know? Jango Fett is the same way; he's involved in so many galaxy shaking events. I've got a wip where I explore more of him, too. How does one try to come back from doing to many terrible things? (Sorry, its a later au of an au kinda thing, set *after* the currently partially-written next story arc of 212th guide, so it won't be posted until that stuff is done and posted, which means it likely will be a whiiiile before anyone sees it.... but let me tell you I am *so happy* about the stuff I have for Jango in that fic.)
I think in the end I just don't like Star Wars canon very much and I'd much rather change it to be less grim. Ultimately, Star Wars is a series about hope and good triumphing over evil, which is great!! ... it just seems like too often the evil has to destroy 99% of everything good first. I'd like to see how things could go if they aren't totally fucked. I like seeing people figure their shit out *before* a billion people die, though sometimes after very painful mishaps caused by poor choices or bad luck or both, and then see Good succeed.
Because, really, humans are like that. Everyone ever has done shit they regret. How do we move on from that? *Can* we move on from that? What does that look like?
Setting these themes in an extremely grand way (sometimes) makes them paradoxically feel more real. A real person might agonize over being thoughtlessly cruel to an acquantance (for example), or maybe regret a certain poorly thought out choice, even years after the event. The guilt, shame, and anger that builds up around the event can feel disperportionate to the offence. Same with suffering. A person may be in mental agony but have no way to externally justify that their pain is real, especially if they have no emotional support.
But a character in a story can do the worst things imaginable. They can suffer more than anyone could reasonably survive. And their pain, guilt, and anger are real (in the story, you know what i mean), their offences and injuries are very obviously awful and thus their guilt, shame, and pain are justified. From that place of authenticity, we can explore a story of redemption or recovery. How *does* that work, especially for the worst of the worst?
Such stories are catharitic to read and if done well can be satisfying on a very visceral level.
These are such exciting ideas to play with! More so if the basic story premise is wacky, because then I get the most amazing comments that are like, "why the fuck is this weird thing so great??"
This is why I fanfic, lol.
...... also, Christopher Lee as Dracula was hot and he has a phone sex voice and i am weak.
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leovely520 · 7 months
Duke, I’m Going To Live as a Shepherdess! - Chapter 1
Princess Freesia Liz Raelica.
She was called the Evil Lady.
If she didn't like something, she would get angry and break whatever it was because she couldn't have it.
Her biggest flaw was her overwhelming pride, and had even bullied the female lead who wore a more expensive dress than her.
So much so that it drove the female lead to the point of considering suicide.
However, the female lead met the male lead, the crown prince. The miserable silhouette of the female protagonist under the moonlight made the crown prince, the most powerful person in the world, sympathetic towards her.
Not long after the bullying incident, Freesia was found dead. A corpse, torn into pieces beyond recognition!
I hate this!!
It was someone else's problem, so why did it now become mine?! I hate it; I hate it so much.
Tonight, I can't seem to stop kicking the blankets off. I can't fall asleep. It's already been a month since I've transmigrated into this damn book.
"I'm going to find a way out today."
I bit my lip and clenched my fists.
After finishing the novel, I woke up the next morning and suddenly found myself in it. If I had known I'd wake up in this disgusting world and possess Freesia, the character that dies so violently, I would have never accepted this.
That's why I decided to not do anything that would worry Freesia's family.
In the first place, the "i" in Freesia stands for "I don't have the guts to hurt anyone".
Maybe I died from my terrible diet of eating ramen 6 days out of a week.
"Freesia, are you alright?"
"Are you sure there's no problem?"
"Has someone been bothering you?"
I didn't realize this when I read the book from the female lead's point of view, but Freesia Liz Raelica's family cherished her a lot. Every day, my (now) mom, dad, and brother went back and forth, inquiring about my health. They seemed worried because I wouldn't come out of my room.
Reality is, I just couldn't bear to look at their faces. I haven't figured out what I should do next as Freesia, but there's no way I can pretend that everything is fine.
Because by the time I possessed Freesia, she had already bullied the female lead!
There's still half a year left until the ball where the female lead and crown prince meet.
It feels stuffy in the room, so I pull the window wide open and lay on the bed that's even softer than that of a five-star hotel, staring at the ceiling.
And then I started counting sheep.
"One sheep... two sheep....... seven sheep...."
I stayed up all night with my eyes wide open for so long that I started feeling dizzy. If I counted sheep, I thought I would be able to fall asleep. If I got good sleep, then I could come up with ideas to survive.
But when I had reached a hundred sheep, my eyes widened. I finally thought of an idea.
My eyes sparkled at finally coming up with an idea.
"Sheep! Yes, I can raise sheep!"
After yelling out loud, I jumped out of bed.
Before, I lived in a rural area on my grandma's farm. I had been splashing in streams and playing with the dogs. And of course, it was only natural for me to have fed the sheep and cows on my grandma's farm.
The country was far from all of the city, full of glamorous and nice things.
It would have been more appropriate for me to dance in pants, rather than fancy dresses. Getting muddy, instead of staying clean and proper. Carrying a rake, rather than a nice purse.
"Let's see... Where should I go, then?"
Invigorated by the thought of sheep, I rubbed my palms together and looked at the map of the empire on my room's walls.
"Ah hah."
After a while, I suddenly let out a strange laugh, and raised my head.
Now that I had made my decision, it was time to visit my family.
"What did you just say?"
A little while before, I found myself standing in front of my parents, whose faces were pale from worry.
Their pupils shook, in disbelief. But I can't give up on my plan.
I don't like living the life of a villainess, and I for sure don't like living the life of wearing skimpy dresses like this.
I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to say something again.
Word by word, in a cautious tone, I said:
"I'm going to move out."
It was a sentence that would turn the whole dukedom upside down.
My parents immediately tried to stop me, but it still couldn't break my will. I had always dreamed of raising my own farm full of sheep!
I spread my hands wide to show my determination to my reluctant family.
"It has to be a sturdy sheep, not a pet sheep. If it can be milked, even better."
"Ah, but if I'm going to herd sheep, I really need a shepherd dog. Aren't there some smart ones out there?"
As I frowned, deep in thought, the duke laughed at the serious question.
The butler standing next to him quickly held out a handkerchief, and the duke wiped away his cold sweat.
"Well, I'll think about it."
"I love you, Dad!"
It wasn't until he said that I could do anything I wanted that I smiled broadly.
The duke's expression, however, immediately darkened.
"I like houses with red roofs, Dad."
"There must be a stream flowing nearby, and the pasture must be large. Are you sure you'll be able to buy me a place like that?"
But there was no need to worry about money or unwanted attention, so I gently smiled and blurted out what I wanted.
"You don't want jewelry or anything like that??"
"No, that's fine. I'll let you know if I need anything else!"
"If you really want it that much, I'll give you it. People say I could even grant the wishes of the dead, so why wouldn't I be able to grant your requests?"
Squirming with joy, I nodded my head up and down enthusiastically.
The country life of my dreams is just around the corner.
Actually, in reality, you can't have everything, no matter how much you want it. But it isn't a bad idea to grab anything when you can.
'And I'll live like this. Far, far away from the original plot!!"
The original male lead, the Crown Prince, the villainous duke, and the female lead!
I won't meet anyone!
I can get apples from the farm next door and give cheese in exchange, and strawberries from another, in exchange for milk!!
Ah, I can't believe I can have as many sheep as I want.
Being a rich, unemployed person is the best!
No, being a gold spoon is the best!
That night, an emergency response meeting convened at Duke Raelica's residence.
"Well, you all know why I called everyone like this."
The meeting table was a long table that could seat a total of twelve people.
At the head of the table sat Duke Raelica, with a grim expression. There was also the Duchess, Terwin, the heir and the brother of Freesia. The rest were filled by vassals.
The duke set the mood with his solemn and serious expression. As for the rest of the people, they had equally stern faces. The atmosphere was so heavy that anyone would think it was a meeting discussing war.
The duke finally spoke.
"Our Freesia has declared independence."
"Oh my!"
"The princess is independent?!"
Somehow, it was clear that the voices held other feelings than regret, but the duke paid them no mind and spoke again.
"She even said she wanted a farm."
Sighs came from all over the meeting room.
Most of them thought, 'The duke will go on a rampage because he can't see his daughter anymore!' But some also thought, 'Finally, that little devil is gone.' They all sighed excessively to hide their joy and relief.
Fortunately, the duke, who was deep in thought, was unable to read the mood of his vassals. Rather, the duke wiped his eyes as if he was reminded of what had happened earlier.
In fact, after reaching puberty at the age of 15, Freesia was a child who was always irritated by her parents. No matter what the duke did, Freesia was not happy at all, so much so that the Duke's wish was just to see his daughter smile.
But only a few sheep and dogs on a farm was enough to make her happy.
The duke realized that he had been mistaken all along.
'My daughter needed nature, not jewels.'
Even though he came to that conclusion, the feeling of uneasiness still remained. The fact that Freesia, who cannot be replaced by anything in the world, is being sent away to live all alone.
"So I command you, Wing Knights."
"Yes sir!"
"I entrust you with Freesia's safety. Guard her at a distance where she won't notice, and don't let any dangerous things enter her farm. Specifically, males, men, and boys are strictly prohibited."
The duke clenched his fists, angry at just the thought of it.
The knights trembled in fear, seeing the duke's anger.
"We have sworn loyalty to you. Don't worry, Your Excellency."
Their leader, Lord Jackson, saluted quickly.
In fact, they didn't like Freesia, who was always causing trouble as she pleased. However, since she's the beloved daughter of their master, they would protect Freesia for his sake.
Even so, the duke was still not reassured, and shook his head.
"If I think about it, it's still best not to let her go. Or maybe we could all move next to Freesia..."
The vassals flinched at his idea. Of course, his idea also included them having to move, too. It would be as if the whole dukedom itself moved.
'No, it can't be allowed!!'
Now that they were finally free from the tyranny of Freesia, what kind of nonsense is this?
The vassals were hitting and fighting each other with their elbows to figure out who would try to stop their lord.
"Father, that's unreasonable. More than anything, if Liz finds out, she'll hate it even more."
In the end, Terwin was their savior. The same platinum hair as Freesia looked divine in that moment.
The clothes he wore looked as if he was the embodiment of purity, wrinkle-free with buttons fastened all the way to his neck. It looked so austere that it made you want to undo all of it at any moment.
He persuaded the duke in a calm voice:
"Freesia is a child who finally has something she wants to do. Sometimes, the only answer is to let her go and watch from afar."
His judgment had no mistakes.
The duke, who was muttering underneath his breath, eventually raised both of his hands.
"Yes, my son is right."
His daughter wouldn't feel any pain if he could look out for her, but he couldn't tie Freesia down. She wouldn't like it.
As the Duke's face became somber, the Duchess smiled and patted his hand.
Thus, Freesia's departure was confirmed.
......And ten minutes later, the duke summoned his aide without anyone knowing.
The aide, who was just about to leave work, felt reluctant and hesitated.
Of course, as soon as the duke raised an eyebrow, the poor aide had no choice but to stay.
"Well, I need something."
"W-what is it...?"
The duke looked outside his office, wondering if anyone could overhear.
"What I need is...."
His voice gradually lowered, quieter than the sound of a mosquito. The aide was forced to come closer to the duke. The duke muttered in a way that was unsuitable to his stature:
"I need a pair of binoculars."
"Get the most expensive ones you can find, with the farthest range of sight."
The aide could not hide his bewildered reaction to the order, which felt like 345 slaps on the cheek.
"Your Excellency, that is an invasion of privacy..."
"....I know it is, but it won't bring any harm to the princess, so bring it."
The aide couldn't figure out what was so important about that troublemaker, but decided to just nod.
Sometimes it's better to just give up.
That was the truth handed down from ancient times. 
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9.13.23 Wednesday
4:57 am
I'm home but thank God still here... Just got back from the floor of Iqor... Still, have windblow trap for 16 years... Yeah! I'm here, I'm here already in Iqor...
There are so many things to share and many angles to point out... I'm somehow tired but still kicking and I keep on going and doing this show... No matter how hard life these days but thankful in a way... But wishing and praying for a good twist in God's time...
Like what "Paulo Coelho" said we are all artist of God... There are 2 kinds of people in this world either good or bad...
2 kinds of friends as well, genuine or fake...
We went out together me,Mia, Ramil and Rodel, ( ooppss Rodel wasn't with us today using the exit stairs ) we used the stairs... As usual we always wait for Champi then Lexa next... Ramil is always with us coz Ramil,Mia and Champi will go on the same direction at the end of the SM pathway going to the main hi-way...
At the baggage counter I saw the dread-locks guy and I just said hi and how's Bella? He said who is Bella? I was thinking... Hmm... Bella is your friend? He asked what is the surname??? Mia was at my back coz we were on the line to get our bags... So, I turned around and asked Mia what is the surname of Bella??? Mia said Jarmin something... I turned again to Miles ( the dread-locks guy ) I said Jarmin?... He said I don't know ( he can't remember ). I just realize now probably Bella is using other name coz she changed her name into "Bella Peters".
On "fair friendship angle" Mia is my sis almost all of my thoughts she knew lately about our job and some sensitive issue... Oh! I have issues as well...
Champi and Lexa are our barkadaz or friends plus our son Ramil...
So, anyways we waited for Champi then Lexa then me,Mia and Ramil with Champi and Lexa walked together going to the SM shed pathway. While walking Lexa said she will stay in Iqor for awhile and I said yeah! It is ohkay nobody actually sleeps there, it is very seldom coz I checked the room.... I just figured out that Lexa is carrying a super heavy load, it is about money but the most important thing is to save the life of your beloved or saving someone's life that is precious for you... I know the emotion that you are almost giving-up, a feeling that tearing you apart or it feels like your world will crumble... That you still need your friends to hear you out but you are melting inside that you wanna cry but you can't show it...
5:54 am
I can't sleep angels... But I wanted to sleep coz I need to sleep and rest... Whew! I need a sleeping aid or pills again, if my system can't sleep that I have to sleep...
10:17 am
Thank God for today... I paid some of my personal creditz and stilĺ I have to pay...
I just sent a water bill on Uncle Jun to follow-up on Uncle DD...I still have to pay my own personal creditz... I need time to recover.
But our food is still continuously a paid and pending and creditz on Ate Liza...Everytime I will get a food there it needs an approval on Uncle Jun.
I'm not that confident, this job is really strange for me though if I master everything, it will be more easier...
I will try to put some important angle here about call center... Iqor is a company, it is about the character of people. Iqor is a building but it is known coz of the people who run it...
These things are difficult to explain verbally... So, diary or doing a journal or making a letter for someone is the best way to explain everything...
I'm already one month in Iqor, Coaches are good but there are some flaws on everyone there... But I have to respect it coz of the word "professionalism and maturity on professionalism and bending coz of maturity and knowing people with heart and with full maturity".
People are having different deep within... The face is not the soul of a person's heart... Facè is a shield of what is inside of a person's soul... You know what I mean angels...
What I meant on the flaws, some coaches are reacting on the new people that we keep on asking and we didn't search on the documents. Some coaches are commenting on us as if we are not giving our best. ( But probably just to challenge us, probably... ).
I don't know,knowing call center is different on other industries that I had, pin-pointing of mistake this is the first time I experienced... But again it is not my heart to compare...
Even one workmate named Irene is weird coz she always made a comment on me.... But I'm professional and I have maturity... I bend down coz I respect people, I respect my coaches and I know etiquette... Irene approached me twice about our work, that if I was the one who approved it on the system but how did it happen?? The code is supervisor? She sounds as if it was my big mistake that I did something on the system. Well, I just calmly told her that probably it wasn't me before I reacted I confirmed everything with coaches approval.
Then,yesterday Irene Okubo approached me again in the pantry this is about work issue... I told you that my etiquette is so high like the tower of Eiffel, the height of Mount Apo or even Taal Volcano.
Me,Mia and Roby were eating in the pantry... I told you angels lunch is bullshit coz everyone is synchronize, meaning super crowded...
Then,this Irene Okubo suddenly approached us and most specially me the 2nd time around about my past customer that requested a supervisor that I didn't put any memo... She sounds the she was blaming me for it... But she didn' know how my transaction started with that particular customer...
Yeah! It was a mistake not putting memo but it was ugly to confront a workmate for a particular mistake on the job but as a professional worker and having a maturity, it shouldn't be that way...
Hmm... This happened few days ago,it was the first time I handled this weird issue that the customer was already irate or shouting on me, that supervisor Gian was there at my back and I nicely approached him... I told supervisor the customer wanted you and I tried to do probing but the cx was blocking me if I asked her something...
11:47 am
Just wanna say thank you, Cebu Pacific Air for their Sita and Gabriel and Skyport System...
I'm not comparing but being with the higher position or employees ahead of me time that I was there, thank you coz I never feel that I was the weakest and they never smash me but they let me grow and bloom... I know it is a different system and nature of job but still somehow the same... They never rush us to learn things... They told me to practice "you'll get used to it or you will get there"...
I was able to get there when I reached my 1 year and yeah! It just a snapped of my finger, my job is done! It was a good memories...
12:38 noon
I still have plans to do my breast implants and my collagen on my feet, hands and down there...
1:25 pm
I nees to do my priformis/sciatica/pelvic massage. Whew! On my free day...
My s-bones are still aching...
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lunarconjure · 1 year
First Post... Shit that's on my mind.
Whew... 24 going on 25 in just a few days and the trauma KEEPS popping up. I really thought I'd dealt with most of this shit, but if I'm being triggered then I guess not.
To start this blog off right, I should do a basic proper intro yeah? I'll introduce myself as Red. Age 24 (25 on 7/16). Black. Male.
I don't know how to describe myself these days other than eccentric, yet strangely grounded. I decided to start this blog because... well... niggas need to express themselves. And I, for one, have not been able to properly cultivate that space for myself in my life. In fact, this blog is the start of a new journey of self-acceptance and shame-ridding for myself.
I think the typical Black queer boy growing up in the South has had similar experiences to mine. I wasn't totally rejected by my family when it came time for "coming out", but I definitely wasn't accepted either. I spent most of my life being the smart, quiet kid with a small circle of friends who knew me to be anything other than quiet. I was the odd child in my family that was strangely obsessed with esoteric topics & books from a YOUNG age. I think my first "witch awakening" came with either seeing that one Scooby Doo movie with the Wiccan gworls or seeing bad bitch Raven knocking these hoes out with a quick "AZARATH METRION ZENTHOS" you feel meee. My first gay awakening came when my neighbor's son and I were in his room watching porn together and I noticed I was paying way more attention to him & his lighter-skinned meat than the videos on screen.
Obviously, being both gay AND an aspiring witch was a big fat no. It very much gave "Bitch ya already going to hell, you just WANT to do the absolute most huh?!"...and did! But it's not like I *wanted* to be disobedient... it's just that I've been able to see through the flaws & holes in organized religion from a young age and I've BEEN had questions! Like firstly... y'all really feel comfortable with the idea that after dying we'd be in either Heaven OR Hell for ETERNITY? Like... forever? Forever, ever? All depending on what we "did" during our measly (if even) 70ish years on Earth? Didn't sit right.
And so... I grew up feeling somewhat detached from my family & others around me. It was as if I'd already lived this part of my life and I was waiting on others around me to "catch up", but that never came. I explored different spiritual avenues on & off throughout my adolescence and experienced some good & some downright spooky shit (and since this is MY blog, I'd love to talk about that woowoo shit more). At some point, I was so fearful that I'd "never have a normal life" (cue Normal Girl - SZA) and thus began to denounce some of my more esoteric ways and leaned more into Christianity as a safety blanket from the world I was drawn to but didn't quite understand. I'm sure if I had a guide back then to help me understand my gifts and natural inclinations, then things would have progressed much differently for me... but I didn't.
It's always ironic though how the things that you need to be doing? The things that your soul craves & constantly sends you lil reminders? They will find a way back to you.
And so, my spirituality did return.
And that was about 3 years ago that I started rediscovering that part of myself. I stumbled across Hoodoo and my world began to open up & ancestral memories began to flow. I began to remember the power that I've always held & lowkey feared using.
No journey comes without it's trials though. And in true spirituality, you must come face to face with your shadow. Modern spirituality will try & tell you that your shadow is something to be conquered, smothered out. No, your shadow is meant to be heard, seen, and validated. You know... kinda like how you weren't as a child? Exactly. In fact, I believe that if we could literally bring light to the face of our "shadow", it would resemble a younger version of ourselves. The you who wasn't heard when you tried to express yourself. The you who learned from emotionally absent people how to mold & craft yourself to be worthy of love & acceptance. Your shadow is there to remind you of the wounds you still carry, ignoring them doesn't make them go away.
And one of my greatest wounds is that I've never felt like my voice mattered. Expressing myself came with the threat of the absence of love. So now, with my disorganized attachment style, INFP, type 5W4, and all other things I've researched and researched to better help me understand why I feel so broken... I'm coming back to claim myself. To reclaim my power. To reclaim my motherfucking voice.
As to not drag this first post out, I'll leave y'all with these last couple sentences. I'm a firm believer that until the blood runs cold in my veins, I am VERY much capable of making change in my life. And you are too. This is a step for me, and I want to hold myself accountable to continuing this online journal of sorts... if not for me then for someone else like me.
We'll chat soon. <3
~ Red
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 years
Genuinely don’t think I should have kids unless they’re boys bc every woman in my matrilineal line slowly but surely becomes the woman who came before and I really think the cycle should end with me
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the-nysh · 2 years
While it was heartearming that Saitama cares for Genos, but taking a step back, everything about Saitama's situation is 800 levels of fucked up and disturbing.
While there are other factors, Saitama is the most prominent on whether or not the earth survives the next seconds, provided he doesn't lose his shit or whatever. Like he's a genuinely heroic guy, but this fight only proves just how heavily flawed he is and just how terrifying the consequences be if he fucked up one way or another.
Like, there are times Saitama is straight up myopic with the lives that are affected with his actions. While there are times he can be empathetic, I do think his level of strength had reached a point he doesn't (if not, can no longer) empathize with others (his takedown of Garou could be done much, much better if handled it delicately rather than someone so aboce that he treats it as someone throwing a tantrum). Plus, with his rather co-dependent attachment to Genos, if he lost that tether, he is far more culpable of slipping up bc he's not infallible to his emotions (that Serious Punch was def out to kill Garou and he didn't care if the earth imploded bc of it, he just calmed down a bit later). And finally, being so strong made him too damn complacent.
I can't blame him but at the same time I do. If there was any other person in his shoes, they'd last a whole lot less longer than he did and would be far more maniacal in wielding that power. While it's a heavy hurden, he has one hell of a control over it. And it's not like Saitama asked for these godly powers to begin with. But the consequences of his attitude resulting of being on such an entirely different level are still, well real. And since he's actively choosing to be human despite losing all physiological needs, he can't be devoid of accountability bc of it.
The worst part is the mechanics of how Saitama's powers work. The greater his strength, the more apathetic and less sane he becomes, and the less control he has. Heightened emotions speed up that process. In other words, the same things that makes him human makes him lose what little humanity he has left even faster. There's eventually gonna be a point where him merele existing would just destroy the universe as we know it.
Nothing good is in store for Saitama.
Many hot truths laid out here. "Saitama is the most prominent on whether or not the earth survives the next seconds, provided he doesn't lose his shit or whatever." Cause even Garou realized that after he saw Saitama literally destroy Jupiter with a sneeze, that even he was like 'WTF a being that dangerous can't be allowed around on earth; I am leaving this insane monster out here!'
That, even for the earth's continued survival sake, it was probably...necessary to rewind time, otherwise that same overpowered Saitama roaming freely around earth would likely casually destroy it upon any of his next careless gestures or accidental bodily functions. D: Even beyond his usual restraints of control; the possibility becomes that absurd and terrifying.
That the more powerful he exponentially evolves, the more detached he gets from accounting for his surroundings and gauging the relative safety/vulnerability of other people's lives through his 'invincible' perspective. That yes, without anything grounding his sanity or keeping his control/perspective in check, it would be horrifying and permanently disastrous to think of what would become of him otherwise.
"There's eventually gonna be a point where him merely existing would just destroy the universe as we know it." Whew. Well, it seems the other point of the ch was that thankfully he'd been around no one else (beyond Garou at this point) even remotely comparable to either observe or kickstart his strength's evolution like that to such absurd heights before, that for Saitama to forcefully evolve even more to the point where even him breathing could destroy the universe...that would take either a confrontation with actual god himself or worse. D: I dread to think of that, OR what could potentially happen to Genos or the rest of humanity again in that case to be able to surge his emotions. We'd probably need another perfect storm of factors for that to even escalate to worse extremes. That I'm not even sure the story intends to actually go there, since Saitama found no exciting thrill or positive outcome (beyond his grief/rage) upon facing a 'worthy' opponent. Facing anyone worse still won't make Saitama happy or give him what he actually seeks. :')
But even @theomnicode figured Blast & friends might catch wind of his dangerous potential and feel it necessary to gauge how much Saitama's a future threat to the earth. D: Which could definitely happen, especially when they're fighting to contain god-level threats as it is. Who knows what misunderstandings or binds Saitama could find himself into if others take his strength the wrong way if he's not 'cut out to be a hero' careful! 
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dattebae · 2 years
Dear Mrs. Dattebae, how are you? I hope you're always in great health!
I just wanna say that I really really love your TMG fanfiction and your writing is just.. chef kiss. The way you write the dialogue or interaction between characters flows really well I can pictured it clearly in my head, the interactions and Sixty's internal monologue feels like I can really 'see' two or more people interacting and imagined how Sixty felt throughout the story (My boy be needing a LOT of hugs and therapy :") )
I also love how you write Sixty's character arc and how he struggled with grief of losing Hank and how he copes with…well, drugs :') the part that really gets me about this was every time Sixty's really out of it, what he remembered was his past like Hank, Sumo, etc (His body was burning and his pulse was through the roof, and suddenly he could hear those familiar tunes again: Sumo’s happy barks, and the morning sun.), once again highlighting the part where he struggled with his grief imho..
Another thing that I absolutely love from Sixty in your work was that despite his addiction and struggle he still genuinely cares about his partner, owning his stuff (admits his mistakes) and put a whole damn effort to be better, grow, and make up for it in the end (even though it almost, almost cost him his life and the relationship he has with his loved ones..but hey, gotta give credit for his efforts regardless, you know? :"D).
And the part where he was finally let himself be open and vulnerable and re-connect with his family…. man it was so so good I teared up TvT
I mean these parts right here:
"For the longest time I wanted you, I wanted this"
A wife, a family.
“There is no drug or substance in this world that will stop me from looking after you or that baby, and I’d rather die ten times over than to lose you again, do you understand?”
Aand finally the ending: “I think we finally did it, dad.” Sixty finally said, looking down at his father’s grave with a crooked smile.
“I think we found the middle ground.”
Excuse me for a moment to sit in a corner bawling my eyes out because MY MAN FINALLY GOT WHAT HE WANTED YESS
Also.. Cain, Nines, Richard (Idk what to actually call him at this point :'D)…He absolutely need some vacation after the event, man's been tired inside and out and in desperate need of many hugs
Lastly, as a fellow reader, I find that your first fic really incredible and I hope I can read more of your work in the future! <3
Okay, whew, I didn't think it would be this long and I hope I don't disturb you :"D Anyway, thank you once again for writing TMG and have a lovely day!!
I seriously spent so much time just recovering from this ask because OH MY GOD!!!! 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️😭😭😭 I’ve always said it and I’ll say it again: TMG was a raw, gritty movie inside my head and I was just dying to share it because I seriously fell in love with it? I’m not the writer type, but I am definitely a director type so reading your thoughts on certain scenes being so CLEAR in your head is giving me an overbearing amount of joy and I WISH I had better words to express them but AH H H 😭😭😭
The finale was about healing. I didn’t want a story where the reader is the reason he’s good because?? That’s so unrealistic and also kinda overdone in my opinion. People need to learn how to heal for themselves before they can be good for anyone else, and that’s exactly what I wanted for Sixty. I just love the elements of reminding people that life will never be perfect, and I think Sixty realized in the end that he can’t be perfect either: and he accepted that. Him having this black and white view of the world was one of the biggest reasons he spiraled so badly, but after realizing that even Connor (the perfect, golden child) had his struggles and flaws, it sort of cracked his reality…..gosh I could go on forever, but the point is this: Life isn’t about reaching perfection. It’s about finding a middle ground, and Sixty found it with himself, with his life and with his family. Love that for him ❤️
Nines definitely needs some longggggg vacation somewhere hot and far away from everyone 🤣🤣 I won’t be giving him that too soon, but stay tuned for chapter 2 of his little fic😏 He will always be Cain or Nines to me!!! I actually despise the name Richard for Nines 🤣🤣
Lastly, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You have not disturbed me the slightest: this made my day!!!
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codenamesazanka · 4 years
Warning: Rant, character bashing, lots of opinions
I'm saying it outright. I hate Deku. He is entirely underwhelming as a character, much less as the main character, the shonen protagonist of the series.
It's a 'different' type of dislike, though. I feel like I could've like his character. There's nothing greatly disagreeable about him, he's as inoffensive as can be, he's an optimistic, considerate, and polite boy, he's as plain as he is said to be, and that's fine.
My issue is that he's not the character he's said to be. I, personally, just don't buy that he "possesses a drive to save others that eclipses all common understanding", or that he's super intelligent with great analytical abilities that he actually applies on the battlefield, or, in general, he's as amazing or heroic or compassionate as he's apparently supposed to be. How can he be inspiring if he barely challenges any aspects of the society he lives in. Deku is a super good example of the terrible use of "Tell, Don't Show". We're told about his amazing traits, but he rarely follows through; when we do see hints of it, it's lauded but frankly I think it's typical behavior and (this though is not quite his fault) written so stiffly and awkwardly I'm not convinced.
(Honestly I might even call him a Canon Mary Sue. He has no interesting or distinguishable flaws, unless having a shit for brains attitude is one but that's not acknowledged by the narrative. Breaking bones is not a personality trait. If he has a Hero Complex, it's not even the interesting ones where he fucks things up even more; or carries crippling guilt about circumstances beyond his control; or focuses completely on saving people to the point of rejecting almost all human connections and keeping deadly secrets - which is All Might's big flaw.) (Well fair, he does this in the most recent chapter but did it need to take 300+ chapters? Plus I sense the way it's framed is that it's the radical, but right course of action.)
Say what you want about Villains and redemption/shouldn't be redeemed/too evil to be saved/justice/etc, but I think this 'Incredible Drive To Save' should've included Villains from the start. Why does Deku want to "Save people with a smile on his face"? Assuming it's empathy, he should have felt some towards everyone he encounters, whether it's sensible or not. "Why are you so angry?", "You shouldn't go about things this way", "What caused them to be like this?", "Why is there evil in the world?" even. I'm still fuming over his Mall Encounter with Shigaraki, where Shigaraki pretty much reveals his damage: "All Might acts like there's no one he can't save"; but ultimately Deku goes "Wow, that sure is an opinion."
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What kind of inane response is this??? There's little pushback from the narrative either, so this isn't pointed out as a failing of his (because, again, he has no big flaws). And he's supposed to be smart and caring. Yes, he does ask All Might right after the Mall Encounter, "Was there anyone you can't save?"; but essentially the replies he gets is "Don't worry about it" and Deku immediately largely puts it out of his mind "Oh whew, I was about to do some introspection and reflection". There isn't even the daunting, kinda-existential anxiety that people get when they realize it's impossible to save/help everyone - which is something, like, medical workers have to learn to deal with - that sharp sense of the inevitably of death, of loss, failure, guilt. I'm not asking for him to come to the conclusion that everyone should be saved - he could've decided nah, Shigaraki is too ugly to be saved and I would've been fine with that, it's part of the character role and potential development - just that he should've had a conclusion at all.
There are the latest chapters where Deku decides he wants to try saving Shigaraki first (though killing him is still on the table), true. Him wanting to save Shigaraki after seeing AFO merged with him, after seeing The Crying Child - but see, I don't think it qualifies because I think it's the bare minimum about of consideration, the typical response to seeing the body horror of warped, fused flesh, to seeing a small sad little boy. I think it shouldn't require "You look like you needed saving" for a true Hero to consider saving someone. Not for someone who is supposed to be unique and special in this regard.
I've complained about this before, but the trouble with Deku was evident from the very beginning.
Again, Deku wants to save people with a smile on his face, and again, I’m assuming it’s empathy. We're shown this on the very first page, as he attempts to protect a friend(?) from bullies, but imo like it felt groundless because who was the kid he was protecting? We never see him again. Did Deku's standing up to Bakugou work, and the kid was saved? Or did they both got beaten up; but afterwards, being the kind boy Deku is supposed to be, he still gets to his feet to help the boy, to apologize for failing.
But more significantly, this theme of saving was overshadowed immediately by his focus on superpowers - that he was quirkless. Next page, his focus was on ‘Woah, giant villain and superpowers!’ Instead of like. Helping people. (Though I chalk this up to early installment weirdness)
What should’ve happened if the theme was ‘SAVE PEOPLE’ Is something like: The opening sentence being “People are not born equal. This is the harsh truth I learned when I was four. I knew that... but despite my powerless, I still wanted to help. That was my first and last setback.” And the panels/images themselves (of little Katsuki and his friends) implies that people on the world thinks you need power to help people.
When he saw the villain attack on way to school, Deku can be wow’ed by the spectacle! But then he notices a kid crying and offers to help find his mom. He can be interrupted by a Hero saying he (the hero) will take over, he can find the mom and realize he’s late for school (and so that shows he’s willing to sacrifice something of his to help others! Because of his altruistic nature!). A scene like that, of him helping the lost kid, we would know that he wants to help *anyone*. At school, though, he still gets bullied for not having powers. So he’s mulling over that when he meets All Might, and asks the question.
It proceeds as usual for the next few events: When the sludge monster attacks Katsuki, he can still go gawk at the scene. He can still hesitate. In canon, it's only when he realized the victim was his friend that he jumps into action, which I thinks undermines the theme of 'wanting to save indiscriminately'. IMO, it would've been better that Deku sees it’s his friend, but he still hesitates. “There’s nothing I can do right? All Might himself said so...” But when he sees Katsuki’s *face* of fear, he runs to help. Instead of seeming like he helps only because he realizes it’s his friend, he helps because he feels too deeply about trying to save Katsuki.
Admittedly these are minor, personal critiques; but all in all, the first chapter fails to establish Deku is the willpowered, champion of wanting to save people he's supposed to be.
--Which is fine, if it's acknowledged in the story later, that maybe he wasn't the True Blue Hero he's supposed to be at first, but he can change and still become one. But it's not - Deku is apparently special, without anything special to show for it.
I read the one-shot "My Hero" - the prototype for this series - that Horikoshi published years ago, before My Hero Academia was created. I also found it underwhelming, but that was due to personal tastes (I wanted more explosions and dumb violence); as a story on it's own merit, the logic and progression was solid.
The Villains Heroes fought were 'Aberrations' - true inhuman monsters that showed no sentience that would eat people - so the focus could be solely on saving humans. The main character - Jack Midoriya - his original goal was less 'save people' and more 'become a cool hero', before learning that saving people is what true heroism is about, hero license unneeded. (Moreover, he really did 'save' someone without being a hero - by working hard, he was preventing the company from becoming ruined completely, which the CEO had confessed and thanked him for. )
This version of Midoriya didn't exactly needed deep empathy or compassion for that, just a strong willpower, which he effectively demonstrated by chasing after a childhood dream even as an adult salaryman in a tanking company, even though he had anemia and no training and no license. He insisted on this, to the point of getting hurt by being dumb, of being petty over someone dissing the Hero who inspired him in the first place, of skipping out of work and going vigilante. Not the most upstanding guy, but he came through in the relevant themes of the story, in being the character the story needed him to be.
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Jack Midoriya was an unimpressive, weird-looking, weak, pitiful, somewhat selfish, awkward salaryman with no great aspects that 'eclipses all common understanding'. But he was a far stronger character than his incarnation Izuku Midoriya could ever be (so far).
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pigeonsatdawn · 3 years
law school ep 15 (and solhwi overall)
gonna put in my two cents for the line that singlehandedly caused the solhwi nation to implode.
(apologies in advanced because my thoughts are too messy for me to neatly put it in a post but i want to say it anyway—also this is just the way i view solhwi so please don't come screaming at me if you disagree!)
i'm a diehard solhwi shipper and i love their relationship, and think they have one of the best relationships out there in the fictional world, and also definitely one of the healthiest. but to me, their relationship extends far beyond the romantic relationships we so often see portrayed in media.
kim beom said in one interview that this relationship between HJH and KS is kin to that of a soulmate relationship that's not necessarily romance, and i find myself agreeing with that notion. while soulmates are typically used to describe romantic partnerships, it doesn't necessarily have to start with romance. (many people have pointed this out in other posts so i won't go further down the fact that HJH x KS's relationship is a friends-to-lovers slow burn but you get me.)
but in fact, this bond between soulmates (or at least how i define it), in my opinion, is far beyond what we usually see in romance. as in, it's not just someone you like, but it's someone whose changed your life in a certain way. i know some may be averse to the idea of having to change for the one you love because loving is the notion of accepting someone in spite of the person's flaws, but what i mean is that when you love someone in this way, you want to change because of them. you see them, and they inspire you, and you grow in your own way. once again—growth is a very subjective idea, and even for HJH and KS we can see them grow in different directions—but we can clearly see how they have impacted each others' lives.
it's quite obvious, imo, how KS's life has been impacted by HJH's. she's,, not the "smartest" out there, and we can't deny that. we know she probably won't make it through law school if not for HJH's help. HJH is always there, a step ahead of KS, but he's not just being proud about it, instead opting to help her understand what the laws are and why they are the way they are, which KS especially needs, being a particularly empathic person. but we've also seen that HJH has helped KS beyond simply academics. he's always been there to protect her—almost all their interactions have proven that (the camera outside her house, the hungover soup, the switching seats—i think literally everything?..?..?.??). maybe she doesn't necessarily need protection, but surely thanks to his protection she's much better than she might've been without, especially knowing her terribly miserable life.
but i often wonder why HJH is so heart-eyes of KS of all people. i mean, i know love is love and sometimes you just catch feelings, but i believe there's more meaning behind their relationship than meets the eye. like you don't just look at someone so lovingly for it to be just a crush, y'know? the first reason that comes to mind is clearly simply KS's amicable personality. she definitely stands out: she's not that intelligent, struggling and barely surviving, but she has insane passion to pull through even despite truth attacks (like SJH saying she should reconsider her life decisions, saying that a chance of passing isn't something to be proud of, etc). she treats everything with such a positive outlook, and, well, KS is just an adorable human, so it's hard not to have a little crush her.
what makes KS stand out most, the core of her personality, is that she has hope, despite everything. she's been through shit because of her circumstances—left by her twin sister without a word, been in juvie, has no money to deal with it—you know, entire backstory. but instead she fights her weakness, even though she feel like it should've been her sister, even though she's not smart enough, because she has to do this. she keeps going, even though things keep turning out for the worse for her, holding hope when circumstances are most dire. but why? because she strives for justice. she doesn't want to be wronged. she wants the law to own up its mistakes, wants to make sure the law gets its own revenge. that's why she wants to work in law, yeah? and so she keeps fighting, even when hope seems lost.
okay but why did i mention this? because i think this is what HJH sees in KS. why? because this is what he needs.
HJH had lost hope. in an episode (i don't remember which), he mentioned he doesn't trust anyone, and it's obvious why: his uncle. it's the worst kind of betrayal that causes your ideals being burned down. he realized that even people who work in law can be corrupt, people who he thought he could trust above all others, people who seemed utterly good. and then he just begins to regard everyone with baseline amity, and no further. many have pointed out he doesn't have real friends (other than KS), even though he looks outgoing and friendly. it's not quite shown, but it must've been lonely. and a lonely fight, trying to prove that he will be a better prosecutor than his uncle was. and we know that HJH's nature as a person is to be calculating, objective, seeing things through facts and statistics; it's what makes him so intelligent. what that also makes him is realistic, and more often than not, that is almost equal to pessimistic—because reality just... sucks, as has been proven by the betrayal of his uncle. and further into the drama we see only more corrupt people in the business, so we certainly don't get out hopes fueled.
there's scarcely anyone in what we see who's actually pursuing law because they're passionate about the law, or if they are, they're not often very... human in doing it. examples: YJH, SJH, KSB are all very cold and indifferent types, people who really just come and do what they do, focus on studies (in the case of YJH, his teaching), and interactions with others are treated as "lesser". SJH and KSB in particular—they're good at the law, sure, but they seem to prioritize their position in law first and foremost. SJH and KSB don't hesitate to call out their losses, and even would rather not intervene for justice if it meant their position would be compromised. not that they're bad characters, not at all; i mentioned them simply to compare them to KS, who, despite not having the brains to do half the things she's supposed to do and earning herself nosebleeds everytime she tries, still does what she does for justice, passionately, hopefully, all for righteousness.
okay this was longer than i intended WHEW so i'll cut to the chase: long story short, HJH needs KS because KS gives him hope. hope of a humanity where people actually work in law and choose to fight for justice against all odds, even if the system itself is infiltrated by filth and corruption. KS is someone who, in her first lecture, was grilled the fuck out by Yangcrates, yet the first thing she does after she nearly throws her guts out is ask HJH whether he can tutor her. she does not ever lose hope, and that, truly, is what stands out to HJH, what he needs.
and KS needs HJH because he is her hope as well! hope by itself does no good if you can't actually do something about it, and KS knows this. HJH, despite seemingly just being someone to help her in her studies, is someone she needs if she wants to achieve her goals, if she wants to get back on the law the right way. which is why, in the end, KS and HJH are, while independent in their own way, dependent on each other in terms of their growth—KS gives HJH hope in humanity, HJH helps KS realize (make real) her hopes that would have been dreams if not for her.
oh my god i've rambled on this long without stating my point: THE DAMN LINE.
HJH saying he owes her makes sense in this light because, indeed, KS's positive outlook in everything keeps him going. it gives him a reason to keep wanting to work in law, because she is a reason to believe in goodness and justice, that there will be people who keep fighting for justice against all odds. he owes this to her—and perhaps that is why he goes all out to help her achieve that hope, perhaps that's why he goes out of his way to care for her. because they are each other's missing puzzle piece, the other half. soulmates.
sigh ok this was long ONE FINAL POINT. everyone has their own opinion on a solwhi ending, so i might as well chip in mine.
certainly, as a solhwi shipper, i want them to end up together. i believe they're really the best of soulmates, two people who just complement each other so well. but in the current timeline, them having a romantic relationship out of the blue would be,,, simply unnecessary, imo. they're still very much in the stage of friendship, and are both dealing with their own personal baggage, that shoving a romance would just take away the focus from their growth. i personally think even this platonic relationship is already a beautiful one, one that outshines many of the romances i've watched, even without having to flood everything under the romance light—which i think many can agree with me, seeing as how solhwi is shipped so much. i still want to see them end up together, though, so SEASON TWO LAW SCHOOL MANIFESTATION. please please please directors writers make it happen i am begging you. thank you.
sorry for this long ass post, thank you if you do read it and leave any thoughts! again this is just my opinion, you're free to let me know if you think differently or anything, or shoot me a message if you want to scream about solhwi or whatever i'm just solhwi brainrot 24/7 🤸🏻‍♀️
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