#which can result in her being rude lots of times but for this situation she could be nice b/c she just wants me to get it right?
rekino2114 · 22 days
Hmm, how about Asa mitaka being asked out on a date by one of her male classmates. And she overprepares like she did with Denji, though this time it goes better cause the Reader is an airhead that marches to the beat of his own drum, so he ends up dragging Asa to multiple different places and she ends up having fun.
First date with asa mitaka
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Pairing:asa mitaka x male reader
A/n:I decided to do this in a non devil au cause my girl needs a break (sidenote but your relationship in this is literally the definition of black cat/golden retriever love. Just something I noticed)
I didn't realize i wrote this much until I reread it to color it but that should tell you how much I love asa and want her to be happy
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Asa is an anxious person in general, especially in social situation and especially when it comes to romance. She never had a boyfriend and never really thought about having one, and she's very clueless to love as a result, so when one of her classmates (who she admittedly had a crush on too) asked her out on a date she freaked out incredibly hard.
Literally, every minor thing became a concern for her. What would she wear? Should she put makeup on? How much? Should she plan the date or leave that to you? Should she try flirting with you? (She quickly dismissed the last idea as she had no idea how to flirt, and it would make things awkward very fast)
She eventually figured out what she was gonna do and went to where she was supposed to meet you, which was a street near school. When she was there and didn't see you, her anxiety kicked in very fast. It felt like everyone was staring at her. Did you stand her up? This was probably all a prank, and she should have never accepted. After all, who would love someone like her? She was ready to go home and cry herself to sleep when a masculine voice interrupted her thoughts
"Asa! You came"
You quickly tackled her into a hug making the black haired girl blush intensely
"Y-Yeah obviously.....to be honest I thought you were gonna stood me up"
"Why would you think that? That's so rude I would never do that let alone to such a pretty girl"
Asa's cheeks basically caught on fire the moment she heard that and her brain struggled to think of a response
"T-thanks y-you look......h-handsome too"
"Aww thanks ok let's go now, we have a full day ahead of us, I promise you'll have a lot of fun"
As soon asa answered, you held her hand and started dragging her around, which made her blush even more if that was possible
After a while, you two arrived where you wanted to go, which was an arcade.
"An arcade?"
"Yeah, you don't like it? I wanted to play some games with you but if you don't want to we can do something else"
"Oh no it's fine"
"Great let's go then"
You walked inside and started running around and looking at everything until you arrived in front of a cabinet and pointed at it
"Look they have DDR come on let's give it a try"
"Oh no I-I don't know how to dance"
"Neither do i, don't worry, you don't need to know how to dance to play, just step on the plates"
Asa started to think: if she said yes, there was the possibility she was gonna embarrass herself, but if she said no, then you would probably think she was boring and wouldn't like her something which she really didn't want to happen
"A-alright, I'll try"
"Great! I know you can do it"
You two started playing with asa actually having fun, the game was dumb but seeing you get so excited over getting a high score made her want to smile too, you eventually finished playing and continued going around
"*gasp* a claw machine! Do you want a plushie?"
"Oh no thanks, those things are a scam anyway"
You put your coin in before she even finished the sentence
"Come on it's fine, what kind of guy would I be to not get you anything, I'm a pro at this anyway"
"Whatever you say"
You spent.....way too much time and way too much money but eventually managed to get a cute plushie of a cat
"Yay!!! Finally"
As you grabbed it and held it to your date you quickly realized something
"O-oh sorry I never asked which plush you wanted.......do you like cats?"
"Yeah actually I love them"
"Oh thank god"
You gave asa the plushie and she spent a bit staring at it happily before turning to you
"If I may ask, why did you get me this in particular?"
"Well you just seem like a cat person, if that makes sense like your whole vibe screams I like cats"
"........is-is that a compliment?"
"Yeah I love cats, they're really fluffy and adorable"
Asa smiled and hugged the plushie tighter
"I agree, they're really cute"
".....you look cute when you smile"
"I mean you look cute in general but your smile is extra cute, it makes me happy to see you happy"
The black haired girl felt her heart flutter once more at your words
"T-thank you"
"Don't mention it, now let's go, the date is not over yet you know"
You two went (you dragged her) to a bunch more places to have fun, which asa actually did, which was a surprise to her because she usually felt more comfortable alone but in this instance she genuinely felt happy to have said yes when you asked her out, your positive attitude made her forget all about the worries she had before, she felt like she could just relax and have fun with you.
Eventually evening came and the date ended so you started walking asa to her home
"Ah that was great I had so much fun"
"Yeah me too........thank you"
"No thank you for accepting, I don't know what I would have done if you said no"
"......you cared this much about me?"
"Of course, you're so pretty and cute and fun to hang out with, I had a crush on you for the longest time, denji was pressuring me to ask you out for a while"
"Wow really? I-i just-it's still kinda hard to believe someone can like me like that"
"Don't say that, you're awesome asa and don't let anyone tell you otherwise not even yourself"
Asa felt like crying a bit, you actually loved her.......she had struggled with actually loving herself, the fact that someone else could say that to her with a smile on their face and with nothing but truth made her smile so brightly
"......thank you, thank you so much"
"It's nothing. Do you wanna take a selfie?"
"I just wanna get something to remember this day. If we do actually become a thing, I would hate to have nothing of the first date with my amazing girlfriend"
"Y-yes alright"
"Great. Say cheeeeseee!"
You pulled out your phone and did a peace sign to the camera while making sure to get asa in the shot too, you saw her smile like she did earlier and you loved it
"This looks good, great smile, I'll keep it, but tell me if you want me to delete it ok? I'd hate for you to be uncomfortable because of me"
"Oh no it's alright"
"Amazing, oh hey isn't this your house?"
"Yeah it is, thanks for accompanying me"
"It's nothing soooooo.... second date when?"
Asa giggled at how enthusiastic you sounded
"I'll text you when and where"
"Great so we are having a second date"
"Of course, like I said, I had a lot of fun and would love to hang out with you again"
"Thanks so much, I'm really glad you think so"
You got close to asa and kissed her cheek which immediately got red, asa put her hand on the place you had kissed before looking back at her date who in the meantime was already walking away but turned back to wave at her
"See you at school tomorrow!"
Asa smiled before waving back at you
"Yeah see you"
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soothedcerberus · 7 months
Erik!! I keep seeing your adorable centaur OCs and I always wanted to ask what's the story behind them??
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Plushi!! Sorry for the mega-late reply… 🥺I was so happy to get this ask but I didn't know how to explain my silly ocs…I will try now-more under the cut.
Dael Braam (dwarf) is a cooped up farmhand looking to see the world, but being immune-compromised from birth it took a lot of persuasion to convince her parents to let them go. They relent under the condition that she finds a capable and strong person to travel with to keep her safe… Just so happens that a strong and capable centaur knight is visiting in town…
Rembrandt (horsey) was created from a dark fusion spell by an amateur mage, who had intentions to construct a powerful warrior to do his bidding.
However, the spell cast did not result in a powerful and fully-armored warrior…. but instead a frail baby knight centaur, with only its top half made of living armor. The mage, not wanting to raise any kind of child, promptly abandons his creation. He can always try to make another one after all.
Into adulthood, Rembrandt still carries a lot of pent-up abandonment and self-esteem issues. You wouldn't know that from the proud facade he puts on though, lying about being a royal knight yet helping all those he comes across with a smile, but never staying long. When the opportunity of having a long-term travel companion (and perhaps a friend…?) arises from Dael requiring a bodyguard, his craving for companionship and affirmation outweighs his worries about her seeing eldritch elements of himself.
Dirk (beefy dragon thing) is the second (and more "successful") attempt from the same mage to create a powerful monster. Think Rembrandt's "big evil" brother. Except he's quite a bit younger. Dirk emerged fully-developed except for his wings-which remain as little nubs. Despite his brawn and warrior-appearance, Dirk was mostly a glorified errand boy, using his impressive strength to terrorize the nearby towns and their land-collecting resources for the mage.
Dael and Rembrandt meet Dirk after hearing word of a giant dragon-knight ravaging villages (and their livestock yum yum).
(I also like the idea of the mage sending Dirk to capture Rembrandt + Dael when he recognizes is his first attempt is not only alive and strong, but also quite proficient in battle.)
One way or another Dirk ends up roaming with the two. At first, Dirk is over-confident, rude, and stubborn... Overall a huge pain for them to travel with. After being shown kindness for the first time and being subject to more than a few humbling situations, Dirk allows a protective, loyal and softer side of him to emerge.
Lots of found family shenanigans and adventures occur-and yeah! This was rambly but thank you for reading about my guys! 💖
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AITA for telling my mum she’s overreacting?
🦶🏻 🪴 🤢
today while we were eating dinner my (16) brother (20) injured his toe by getting it stuck in the chair and it bled. this caused him to have a panic attack, which i assume is because of the blood. i thought he was being dramatic at first but i heard him hyperventilating on the stairs and then my mum told me that he had vomited on the stairs. this made me really freaked out and it made me feel nauseous as well, i know my mum can’t handle sick either so she was very freaked out. she then told my brother that he had to clean it up himself. it’s fair that he’d have to clean his own vomit up but he asked if he could have 5 minutes to calm down before cleaning it because he had just had a panic attack and was really distressed from everything that happened. and that seemed pretty fair as well.
when he started to try and clean up his mess, he wasn’t doing a great job at it. obviously because he was still mentally very, like.. idk frazzled??? and the smell and look of his vomit can’t have made it any easier. my mum then started to get really angry with him for not doing it properly and things like getting a bit of sick on the toilet seat or using the wrong cleaning supplies and stuff. besides everything going on he also doesn’t have much experience with cleaning stuff let alone vomit. so yeah he wasn’t doing great and i felt bad for him. my mum kept getting agitated with him and he started to get angry as a result. he’s autistic so that contributed because when people shout at him he gets really really aggravated and can lash out a lot. at one point when my mum was shouting at him he told her to piss off, then she slapped him on the leg. i remember being in the other room i shouted ‘mum what the fuck is your problem?’ and was basically saying she went too far. her son had just had a panic attack and was struggling to clean up after himself and she just kept yelling at him. she told me she was sick of me defending people who she thought had done something wrong.
it’s partially triggered by earlier that day when my younger brother (15) accidentally knocked over her plant pot. i told her she may have been too angry at him because he didn’t do it on purpose. i didn’t blame her for being mad at his response, cus he was being bitchy all like ‘it’s your fault for putting it in that position’ so he was wrong for that. but my mum was calling him stupid for not using his common sense to not knock the plant over. i basically said ‘mum it’s already happened now it was an accident it’s fair to be mad at him for being rude but i think you’re getting too riled up’ and she was angry with me then as well.
a lot of the time when there are arguments i try to be a kind of middle man and get both people to understand each other, but if i show any kind of criticism towards my mums reaction she just gets so enraged to an extent i find totally irrational. she’s like ‘you don’t get to tell me how to react to situations!’ even though i criticised her for literally slapping my brother after he’s just had a really sucky experience just because she was frustrated.
whenever me or my older brother particularly criticise her parenting or how she reacts super angrily she just gets super upset, and she keeps having outbursts all the time. the reason it annoys me is because i never do anything that bad besides basically say ‘jesus why are you so mad’ when my little brother is the one laughing and making fun of the whole situation.
anyway AITA for telling her she’s overreacting and making things worse?
What are these acronyms?
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cburambles · 3 months
My favs bits of 7R! Elena is how they subtly hint at how calculated she is and that her cunning side could be almost as equal as compilation!Rufus in her group & how also the group dynamic often foils her.
Her first scene has her pondering about their orders & what is actually going on.
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Elena reitere that point on Mt Corel as well.
In their situation, you need to be clear & share as much intel to your subordinates so they can understand the nature of this mission which Tseng doesn't (if he even knows). & we know Rufus knows the black robes might lead to Sephiroth, which could caught the Turks out of guard & potentially lead them to their death (see what happens to Tseng in the temple).
The scene also immediately establish that Elena thinks they shouldn't follow orders blindly tho it seems she's still willing to do what she thinks Tseng would do in some situations due to her idolization of him.
During her boss fight in the mines, Elena only uses stun grenades
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But during the next cinematic, a vicious smile start to appear on her face as she switches her grenade to an explosive one.
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It's the only time it happens during the game & the explosion is strong enough to blow off the cliff they were standing on. She was ready to decimate the party there by taking them by surprise. if it wasn't for Red parrying the grenade. It's a good plan that get foiled by the fact Elena isn't aware of Rufus' plans of letting Cloud & Avalanche walk away to find the Promised Land & kill Sephiroth & her lack of awareness towards the way Tseng feels about Aerith.
Next we get GS & Under-saucer chapter. During this, we learn that Cloud, Tifa & Barret are now officially wanted. Dyne then appear in the GS & kill some of Palmer's men.
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Elena is seemingly the one who is sent to track him down & likely found his location with the help of Gus' intel (who likely hidden from her that he had captured Tifa & sent Cloud to run in the race so he can get his money)
But instead of capturing the culprit, Elena restrained Dyne & waited for Barret & the rest of Avalanche to show up since she & Rude sent up ambush them with a whole motorized brigade & Palmer's mech,
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Elena probably put that plan in place likely in the hopes to make herself look good in front of her superiors by not only capturing Dyne but Avalanche as well. And she's willing to go as far as to jump from a crashing helicopter on a moving buggy to accomplish that goal.
But once again as in the next scene, we see Reeve change the wanted posters portraits under the eyes of Tseng and we discover Rufus decided to let Aerith walk away in the hopes that she will go find the Promised Land while remaining under Shinra surveillance via Cait Sith. Goes to show that once again, her plans diverge from her superiors because she lacks the necessary infos.
As a proof of that, In chapter 12, she state she took the initiative to study what the Promised land is & compliment the whole plan with Aerith
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The way she approves about the plan is interesting as well. She talks about it with a lot of enthusiasm, which goes to show that she may be naturally inclined to delve into that type of manoeuvers & calculations. The only character in their group that has been clearly depicted as being the same type until now is Rufus.
Then there's the temple of the ancients. When they discover Avalanche is on the way, Elena immediately bring the idea of ambushing them which is actually smart: They still have troops at their disposition & the advantage to know the terrain better than Avalanche by that point.If they don't take them out now, they might end up in trouble later. (Which is what happened since Reno & Rude end up being outnumbered by monsters & Tseng understimated how ready Elena was to throw down to show herself off, which result in Tseng getting wounded & Elena having to do a sacrificial stand so he can accomplish the mission)
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& this is her reaction when Tseng refuses.
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Reno, who seemingly had a similar idea as Elena & likely couldn't wait to have a revenge match react as well, which goes to show that it would have been the right course to take but Tseng as his own agenda as he wants to protect Aerith by avoiding her.
Elena can be brash & vicious but it's interesting to note that through the whole game, the devs keep showing us constantly the gears turning in her head & her independance & how some of the mistakes & "bad" decisions she makes could be avoided if her superiors weren't so secretive about things.
It makes me wonder if it might be a set-up for the events of Wutaï, knowing the Turks were there in OG & that there's now this new plot with Glenn's Avalanche cell & Sarruf/Rufus.
With the way they are hiding informations, it's really likely she & maybe even Rude & Reno as well are not aware about Rufus' role in all of this & I wonder if Elena inquisitve & calculated side could have an impact on it & maybe potentially lead him to share his secrets but also connect with his Turks, with the way they emphasize that he is lonely & isolated, which make it easier for Sephiroth to manipulate him. In OG timeline, it always felt to me that the Turks loyalty to Rufus was emotionnally not worked enough & un-earned post- Meteorfall (in particular knowing that the text emphasize who they are in a way a group of friends in all but name because they're seemingly afraid to get rid of that company hierarchy they've always known) so hopefully they are put in the works in 7R.
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Was musing on the "Aware of Abuse" AU for the Sad Rich Kids Trio and ho it influences their behavior, or how their perspective has shifted, from least to most detailed:
Adrien: He is not overtly super different, in canon he was already expressing frustration with his father and ducking out from under his control to do what he wanted.
The main shift is rooted in his perspective. Namely that if his father does love him (Doubt) then his love is so toxic Adrien wants no part of it. He deems any concession Gabriel makes suspicious at best and deems any lingering affection on his own part as a childish thing he needs to outgrow.
Beyond that he's simply more blunt, he doesn't make excuses for his father and is a bit more aware of how the other kids parenting sucks. This ironically may actually make it harder for he & Marinette as she'd struggle to see what was wrong early on and presume him kind of a brat or rude for disrespecting his father so much.
Kagami: As one might expect given how heavily controlling and authoritive Tomoe is, Kagami has very little wiggle room to openly defy her or act differently without risking being trapped or extremely harsh punishment,
As a result the shift is more in subtle things and how she communicates and views the relationship. Namely, she does not love her mother and only pays lip service to respecting anything other than her material skills as a combatant. She also feels that given what her mother does to her is largely indistinguishable from hatred (The physical nature of sparring sessions & training are deeply unpleasant) that Tomoe's feelings don't matter.
Thus she's more overt around others in her disregard for her mother and already prone to trying to sneak off or undercut her. She has burner phones and secret social media accounts for example. In this regard she likely does not become Riposte.
Instead her emotions would be mostly fear of her mothers reaction & anger at the situation and what this costs her in general. Thus she likely turns into something intent on seeking her mother out and attacking her, or otherwise trying to force her mother into her shoes. I had a name for this I think, Aku-Gami? Anyway its basically a signal flare to Adrien & Chloe of "One of us! One of us! One of us!"
Chloe: Like with Adrien her shift would be fairly recent. Mostly in response to the clusterfuck handling of Adrien after Emilie's disappearance & her parents being their worst selves about it. She was on her last thread from keeping Adrien's head above water then being booted and so she explodes at her mother over the phone & rejects her father out of anything but necessity. After which she doubles down because she can't un-dig this hole but she can sure as fuck make it big enough to engulf them all.
Put simply, Chloe's ingrained "Fight" mentality has now been turned on her parents in full. She'd still struggle to articulate most of the things they did wrong, or why they were wrong. But she is angry, rebellious and good at lashing out so she does that and only concedes when she has no other choice or legitimately terrified.
Despite this her changes are less overt, her fight mentality is a survival mechanism like Adrien's people pleasing so she can't just turn it off. She's still been actively taught a lot of terrible things like its moral to cheat to win, & un-learning that is hard, especially if doing so makes you feel weak. & She's been mimicking Audrey since forever, that doesn't just go away over night.
At the same time though she has more freedom than the others & any overt issues she can identify she can try to address for good & ill. Her dad thinks she shouldn't hang around with people "beneath her station" Well screw that she's throwing a party in the ballroom for the class/school before the new school year starts & Adrien can come too.
This likely means she doesn't rip up Rose's letter cos that was like, peak Audrey. She might be tempted to do the social media thing with Kim cos that is something someone might do, but she'd also be more able to apologize for it. She may indeed still lock Juleka in the bathroom, unless they are like, actively friendly at this point.
A lot depends on how well her shifts in behavior are taken by the class as she's not gonna suddenly be super self aware or easy to get along with in many regards. Though given S1 still had Kim get a crush on her & Rose trust her with a letter, I tend to feel it makes more sense that not everyone had a bad impression of Chloe going into the year. So it'd vary.
Regardless, Chloe would be both the most extreme in shift, while keeping a lot of thorns. But she'd be more open to changing in general if able to contextualize a negative reaction as tied to something her parents would do, letting her aggressively reject it. If she feels 'she' was in the right though, she'd not shift her behavior at all but dig in deeper.
Fucking hell I do go on don't I?
Oh I love all of this though!!
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mikuchan · 5 months
bonus short piece (850 words)...where Alfira once again has to tell Minthara to just be nice already
taking place between chapter 4 (Lakrissa leaving the Elfsong table) and chapter 5 (Alfira approaching her the next morning) of Something to Play For
because @gaeldricge and I were talking about it!
Words, Alfira thinks, can solve a lot. Poetry, songs, long deep talks…even arguments have their place at times.
Her brother once told her she should go into law. With her mind and her social attitude, she’d be a pip of a trial lawyer. She could even, he’d said, become a magistrate like their uncle – but that sort of thing has never interested Alfira. She’d rather write ballads about a person’s daring deeds, not use it against them in some stuffy court. 
Still. It’s thoughts of her uncle that circle her mind now, and she emulates him as best she can. Shoulders squared, chin held high. Firm logic, fair results. No singsong silliness now. It’s time to lay down the law.
“Minthara,” Alfira says, “you can not be rude to Lakrissa like that.”
Minthara’s sitting in bed, one leg crooked at the knee. A book’s propped against it: an undercommon novel Wyll found her at some shop or another. She looks up sharply at Alfira’s approach. “I don’t recall being rude. The wine was fine. Your company was enjoyable.”
“Lakrissa’s company was enjoyable, too.” This comes out less judicious and more childish, and she shores up her voice. “She’s important to me, Minthy, and you hurt her feelings. We hurt her feelings. It was unacceptable, and we need to do better going forward.”
“Lakrissa’s feelings are not for me to concern myself with.” Minthara’s tone is casual, but the words needle Alfira’s heart.
Ugh. She’s being awful – but she’s right. Kind of. Alfira was so glad to have them both with her, hands firm and warm and safe in hers, she didn’t stop to think about their relationship. If she’s being honest, she kind of didn’t want to.
Of course Minthara wasn’t going to be pleasant. Of course Lakrissa was going to raise her hackles and throw up every emotional wall she has. They’re practically strangers. (And, to be fair, their introduction was…less than ideal. But the Grove situation wasn’t really Minthara’s fault, because it wasn’t really Minthara. It’s all in the past now, anyway.)
Alfira’s the only tie that binds them now, and she’s somehow been taken as object to fight over instead of delightful bard who brings everyone together. She recalls Lakrissa’s face – grinning and warm, then so shuttered as she left the table – and her chest constricts. No, that can’t go on.
“I’m your concern,” Alfira says strictly, “so Lakrissa is too. You have to be kinder. No more antagonism.”
Minthara rolls her eyes, and Alfira frowns. They’re two peas in a pod, honestly. Her prickly, stubborn, temperamental women. 
They’re both smart, too, which Alfira admires – but sometimes they’re a little too smart. Lakrissa’s always getting in her own head, and Minthara forever thinks she alone knows best. Wish all she wants, Alfira can’t force them into getting along.  
But she also can’t let Minthara run roughshod over everything. 
Minthara has ostensibly returned to her book, but she’s not really reading it: she’s been on the same paragraph since Alfira approached. The bard joins her on the bed, settling herself cross-legged on the comforter. 
“What’s it about?” she asks, nodding at the novel. 
“A fictional House,” Minthara says. “Their Matron has been granted the ritual of Zin-carla, but struggles to wield it effectively.”
“Ooh! Exciting. I hope she figures it out.” Alfira lets this hang in the air, then says: “Lakrissa loves adventure novels.”
“You could talk to her about them.”
Minthara finally flips the page. Huh. Maybe she is just a slow reader. “I doubt we have the same taste.” 
“Well, you both like me.” Alfira says. “She’s really wonderful, Minthy, and so are you. Just give her a chance, and be nice. No name-calling, no squabbling, no making her uncomfortable on purpose. I’m serious.”
Minthara frowns. “I do not intend to play nicely with the opposition.”
“Gods, will you just stop!” Several others glance over at Alfira’s raised tone. She takes a deep breath, and continues in a lower voice: “That’s my point. Lakrissa isn’t your opposition, Minthara, and I’m not some housegirl to be fought over.” 
Minthara arches one eyebrow. 
“I’m not,” Alfira says firmly. “Minthara, please. You didn’t like me either at first. You thought I was silly. You said you’d toss me to the spiders.”
“I’m still considering it,” Minthara says. Alfira ignores this.
“I’m not saying you have to love her,” she says instead. “You don’t even have to like her, I guess. But I do, Minthara, and I’m telling you: be polite. Don’t play big-scary-drow with me, I know you’ve got it in you. Be nice.”
Minthara’s eyebrows crease, and her lips are turned down in displeasure – but Alfira holds her gaze, and eventually she nods. “If you insist.”
“You’re lovely,” Alfira cries. Shifting onto her knees, she leans forward and kisses Minthara’s cheek. “You really are a sweetheart, you know.”
Tomorrow she’ll find Lakrissa. She’ll apologize, they’ll talk, and everything will work out just fine. Before long, it’ll be just like old times again – except it’ll be even better, because now Minthara’s here too. 
Everything will be good, in the end.
She knows it.
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
Hello hello ophe 👋😇
How are you doing so far?
So yeah I have an another crack idea
Lindsay and Alejandro rivalry
That it’s that’s the ask
Alejandro is over there losing how someone as dumb as Lindsay dear can outsmart his ass
While Lindsay is here doing all that shit by accident and crap
-Ass Stars anon
Hello hello, A.S. Anon! 👋😁
I'm still pretty sick though I'm slowly getting better, but otherwise I'm doing well! How are you?
NOTE: I'm gonna put this under a Read More because I got a bit wordy with my reply. 😅
I like the idea of a one-sided rivalry between Alejandro and Lindsay, where Alejandro is just dumbfounded by how someone so objectively dense can "manipulate the competition" as efficiently as she does.
Meanwhile, Lindsay is just A Nice Person so people actually like her and as are willing to do things for her/do as she asks. There's no hidden meaning to it; Lindsay's just a kind and friendly person (she doesn't have an intentionally mean bone in her body). Alejandro, however, interprets this as her using her looks and 'feminine charm' to 'beguile the competition' or something because Of Course He Does.
So he seethes over how she must be some sort of hidden genius, with how her dumb blonde 'act' always seems to generate results in her favour (it's not an act, and things working out in Lindsay's favour are always just happenstance), and he hates how he's being outplayed in a battle of wits by someone so outwardly ditzy even if he knows it's all a façade (again, it's not, but Alejandro doesn't know that).
And he spends a concerning amount of time scheming between/during challenges, trying to figure out a way to expose Lindsay for the mastermind she is (she's totally not), but she always seems to find some way to dodge his carefully laid out plans- yet more proof that she's outwitting him! (It's all coincidence.)
Lindsay is oblivious to this whole situation, our Unbothered Queen. 💅
It could be a mutual rivalry between the two of them, but for different reasons?
Alejandro still has his "Lindsay is a secret mastermind whom I must outplay for the million" mindset, but Lindsay also just Can't Stand Alejandro because he's (seemingly) effortlessly well put together.
His hair is so healthy and glossy whilst hers is still kind of straw like from all the bleaching, and in all the time they've shared on the Jumbo Jet he's never looked anything less than perfect, even when he'd just woken up? Not even the slightest bit of acne on his naturally tanned (which Lindsay, who goes through a bottle of fake tan a week, is so jealous of), perfectly smooth and even skin? It's so unfair! Every time she's tried asking about his skincare routine he's shrugged her off- which, rude! She's so mad about how he's gatekeeping his beauty tips that is eventually evolves into the two of them beefing for completely different reasons.
Of course, Alejandro sees Lindsay's shared animosity as her acknowledging a fellow Manipulator™ and disliking how he has 'seen through her bluff', meanwhile Lindsay thinks Alejandro is just kind of a jerk who hates her for trying to 'steal his beauty secrets', so any attraction she might've felt for him plummets into nothing because she Doesn't Like Mean Guys (further proof of this is the fact that Tyler is a sweetheart who has done nothing wrong, and she was immediately infatuated with him).
Side note; She also probably doesn't get along with Justin for this same reason, as I can't imagine him humouring Lindsay with all of the restrictions and beauty routines he has to do as a model, which she'd also interpret as him gatekeeping industry secrets from her. (Man's got literal contracts outlining what physical activities he can and can't do in order to preserve his looks. That's wild.)
I like this idea a lot. Any idea that has Alejandro near enough tearing his hair out by being 'outplayed' by someone who presents themselves as a nonthreat/incompetent whilst the person in question really is just Some Average Joe who isn't even trying to ruin all of Alejandro's schemes, has me hooked. He's totally paranoid enough to always assume the worst in people, even when they're totally innocuous.
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maremartinelli · 4 months
Billy Russo X fem!reader
Summary: They met in the navy, and from then on they became best friends. However, there was always an extra feeling within the two of them.
Words: 1.6K+
Warnings: Mentions of sex, harassment, navy, injuries, but cute and protective Billy.
Author: Always remembering that English is not my first language, I apologize if there are some errors in the middle of the story. And second, I made this story just before bed, I hope you like it🥹
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Billy and Y/n had been friends since they went to the navy together.
Of course, at first the man kept hitting on her and that irritated Y/n deeply. Well, she was there to save the country, not have sex with a man in her platoon.
As much as she found him terribly attractive and even hot.
She didn't have much interaction with him in the first few weeks they went to serve. It was a few exchanges about the service and other than that, Y/n avoided talking much as she was the only woman in the group that was assigned.
Which made her life very complicated.
However, there was a day when Y/n had injured her rib and had to remove the top part of her uniform to see how the injury was. Thus, having to just keep the black top he wore.
Which caused some stares from the men who were in the tent with her.
Billy Russo was also in the tent that day. But he was avoiding looking at the woman, or making any comments, as he knew the woman needed space and was tending to the wound.
And it would also be rude to joke about this kind of situation.
"Nice waist, Y/n!! I bet she has a lot of mobility in bed" One of the guys from Y/n's squad says when he enters the tent and looks at her shirtless trying to bandage her rib.
"Shut up, Thompson!!" She says through clenched teeth.
The last thing she wanted right now was harassment.
Billy, who was organizing his supplies and helping Frank with his bandages, turned around, ready to tackle the man if he said anything else.
"Calm down sweetie, I'm just praising you" the guy comes closer to Y/n and she shrinks.
"Will you please stay away from me?"
"Stop, don't you love it?" He gets closer to Y/n.
"SHE ALREADY SAID TO LEAVE!!" Billy appears behind Y/n and says loudly to Thompson.
"Look, look. It looks like the female in the group has already found her male to take care of her."
Billy tries to lunge at him, but Y/n drops the bandage and punches Thompson in the face.
"I ALREADY TOLD YOU, SHUT UP" she says and then flinches. "Fuck..." She falls to her knees on the floor and sees more blood coming from her rib.
The other guys forcibly remove Thompson, while Billy kneels next to Y/n on the floor.
"Hey, hey. It's okay!! Let's take care of this" he says softly, helping Y/n get up so they can take care of the wound.
After that, a beautiful friendship between the two was born. Or maybe, some more feelings too.
Right after they got out of the navy, Y/n helped Billy found Anvil and he made her the vice president of the company.
Both grew up in the company and their friendship had lasted for a number of years. They became practically inseparable.
They went out drinking every Friday night, one Saturday a month they would have lunch or dinner at their favorite restaurant, there was also a movie night, and sometimes they would even go out in similar clothes. Anyone who didn't know them would bet they were a couple.
What one of them always wanted, after that day in the tent when they were in the navy. But seeing Billy parade around with a new woman every week made her suppress her feelings and keep them under lock and key.
Until one day, drunk on a Friday night. She ended up falling under the CEO's charm and sleeping with him. The next day they were both confused, but admitted they liked it. Which resulted in them being best friends with benefits. Every time one needed the other physically, it was just a matter of making a call.
However, besides Y/n. Billy also had feelings for her and after that night, everything blossomed even more.
Well, for the moment. It was a Saturday morning and Billy was in his office at Anvil. While Y/n was in her apartment, preparing for a hearing.
Because, before she was vice-president of Anvil and before volunteering to work in the navy, the woman had a degree in law and worked in the New York forums.
Billy was still dealing with paperwork when the office door opens and then closes. Thus, feeling a presence there.
"No one asked if I could authorize you to go up" Billy says, with a smirk, already knowing it was Y/n, who had entered the room desk.
"No need for that, everyone loves me." She says and then sits down in the armchair in front of Billy's desk. "Besides, I'm the deputy owner. I don't need anyone's authorization" She says carefree, while going through Billy's desk. Taking some papers and reading or messing with decorations.
"Damn" Billy looks at her laughing. "You're attacked today, right?? Is it a lack of sex? I'll sort that out" she says, lining up some papers and standing up.
"Ha.ha.ha. Very funny you Billy Russo. But as much as I want to" She puts her hand on her chest. "I don't need sex today. I'm just mad because my car broke down and I had to take it to the mechanic. It's going to be there for the whole next week" she plops down in the armchair and turns to see Billy walking around the room.
"Ah, that's why you came here then. You want a ride to lunch" he smiles.
Y/n gets up and stops in front of her best friend.
"What do you think, honey?" Y/n says patting his shoulder and whispering close to Billy's mouth.
He smiles his mischievous smile and Y/n walks away laughing.
"Let's go, I'm starving. Not to mention the stress that this hearing is putting me through" Y/n says walking to the door and Billy stops behind her.
"hey, hey, hey!!"
"What it was?"
"Are you wearing jeans??" He asks holding back a laugh.
Billy knew the woman hated wearing jeans. She got so used to wearing dress pants due to hearings and attending forums, that she ended up hating wearing jeans.
"Ahh. Yes, I had to use it" Y/n complains, throwing her head back and making room for Billy to walk through the door and out of the office. "All, but ALL, of my formal clothes are due for washing and all I have left are these jeans and a long-sleeved shirt." She says walking to the elevator, with Billy following behind. "I don't know how I'm going to go to the hearing in the afternoon"
"That's your problem, because you look hot in those pants." He slaps her ass with his hand and she laughs, entering the elevator.
"Wow, this helped me a lot. Thanks Bill!!" She says holding back a laugh and then they move on to another topic, until they arrive at Billy's car.
“But then…” Y/n begins, as she buckles the passenger seat and Billy starts the car. "How are you with Madani...?" She says more seriously and Billy notices.
"Ah. It's going..." He says with the car running, but still not driving. "I kind of broke up with her..."
Y/n quickly looks at him, scared.
"What? I thought I was in love with her." Y/n says looking at Billy, who had both hands on the steering wheel. "I know you said it was just for work. But lately you've been talking about her so much, I thought you were falling in love."
"I've never fallen in love with anyone" He says looking at her.
Y/n feels a pang in her chest. As if someone had put a knife to the heart and turned it around.
"Ah..." She looks away.
"No one until they see you" Billy says and turns to her. Y/n looks blankly at Bill. "Ever since I saw you in the tent, when we were assigned to work together in the navy, a part of me fell in love with you. Even though you hated me and fought with me for the annoying flirtations" he says laughing. "However, after that day that I saw you vulnerable with the wound on your rib and with Thompson on your foot bothering you, I realized that I was feeling something for you. There I realized that I was in love. And in those years that we spent together as best friends were the best I've ever had. And when I knew I loved you, that's when I saw you wake up next to me, after that wonderful night. And I also knew that I couldn't tell you because it would be ruining our friendship and I don't want you. away from me. So yeah, I used Madani to try to forget you. But girl, you're not easy to forget" Billy says with a laugh and some tears in his eyes. Which was rare to see.
Y/n had been crying softly for a while now and that last sentence made her laugh, relieving the tension.
"Billy, I love you" She says and then he looks into her eyes "I've loved you for years, and I didn't know I felt the same way. That night in your apartment made it all blossom even more in me."
Billy smiles.
"I feel relieved" he smiles awkwardly. "I thought I would lose you forever"
With that, the car was off again.
"You'll never lose me. I'm here, right here. And all yours if you want" She says running her hands over Billy's cheeks.
"And I want you" He says and then breaks the space between them and gives Y/n a completely passionate kiss. A different kiss from the one that happened that night in his apartment.
They separate as soon as they run out of air. But Billy puts his forehead against Y/n's.
"What are we now? Best friends? Friends with benefits and lovers? Boyfriends??"
"I don't know..." She says. "But we can know. Take me on a date first. Let's start from the beginning"
Billy smiles and moves away from her.
"Okay. From the beginning..." he smiles and puts one not on the steering wheel, but still facing her. "My name is William Russo and I'm completely in love with you. No, better!! I'm loving you"
Y/n laughs at the phrase and Billy looks even more in love.
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Author: I can't see any hot men, which I already want to write about😚🪄
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deadendtracks · 8 months
final response to this post by @divinekangaroo!
“some of these might be considered trauma responses but my preference is to think he is/was always going to be this way *somewhat*#because he is this way.the particular traumas he went through were able to be framed in ways that allowed him to continue…for a while Also curious about this -- what do you think are the characteristics he has that were "always going to be this way" The key ones:  - That he struggles with actually connecting deeply with people, reading sexual cues/flirtation, because he actually connects too deeply – he holds back to avoid embarrassment if he’s misread something. Some of this leads to an inclination to prefer sex that is openly a transaction (prostitutes) because it relieves any dialogue around intimacy or connection. He can treat sex as a physical need without having to think about the other.
I can see him possibly struggling to read sexual cues/flirtation as a young man though I don't actually think he has that problem at all as an adult, post-war. I think he's just very blunt about bringing things out in the open -- and can be awkward about it in his bluntness (or doesn't care if he's being awkward/borderline rude). His reasons for doing so (with May, for example) are interesting to dig into. He does not misread the cues that Mosley is giving him; but in this case he does *not* bring it into the open bluntly.
In May's case he absolutely knows she wants to fuck him, it's not in question. He's more about putting it out there on the table as something he doesn't want to dance around (since they're alone and there's no worry about propriety). There's a lot of class stuff going on there, I think; all the talk about working class cock from his brothers and from Ada. What he isn't sure about is *why* she wants to fuck him and what she wants to get out of it. Which is why he asks if he represents something to her.
I'm not sure about him struggling to deeply connect with other people as a young person pre-war. One of the ongoing themes of the series (especially in s1) is how drastically he's changed by the war, how unrecognizable he is to his family and the people who knew him before -- it suggests this inability to connect is a result of the war and not something that was present before. At the same time I can see him being more shy around people outside his family and friend circle as a kid/young man, so I don't fully disagree I guess! Maybe it's that whatever struggle he had before the war it became terribly compounded after when he couldn't really feel anything period, which puts up a barrier when trying to connect to people. The idea Knight and CM talk about Tommy "thawing" throughout the series comes to mind. He's so emotionally frozen (and the strength of this isn't consistent; he thaws a bit and refreezes in reaction to circumstances).
Part of his aversion to connecting to people this way has to do with this 'traumatic freezing' I think -- by s5-6 when he seems unable to prevent himself from thawing, the result is increasing instability, anxiety he can't control, moral injury he can't ignore, and spiralling mental illness. So the 'freezing' of the earlier seasons served as protection even as it kept him more isolated from connecting to people. He's not really able to connect well even after he starts 'thawing' because by then he's feeling totally out of control.
Sorry that was a digression, I think.
Either way I don't think he holds back out of fear of misreading something; I think he's quite good at reading people and situations and that doesn't seem like something that wouldn't have been present pre-war.
I do think the way he treats sex as a transaction was most likely not the case before the war.
- Deep connection is unrelated to sex, and that he’ll always look for deep connection with someone over the sex. If both, ok wonderful, but if the sex makes the connection complicated he’ll ditch the sex and find that elsewhere. (I really think of Alfie in this space.)
Yeah I think this could work both pre- and post- war.
- Connection comes before physical/sexual attraction. People are physically neutral to him until he feels something for them first. For example, he couldn’t be seduced by a hot woman into a vulnerability in the way, say, Arthur or John probably could?
Yeah, absolutely.
I think of both Grace and Tatiana here. With Tatiana and no or limited connection, he pretty much flips her attempted seduction on its head and notwithstanding the essentially of them having ‘sex for the cause’, his sexual participation instead forges that double (is it triple by this point?) cross with her instead for their mutual benefit, rather than her sexual seduction exposing vulnerabilities in him for her people to exploit. With Grace, the connection comes well before the sex and it’s connection which exposes him/makes him vulnerable, not the sex.
Yeah. Any potential subtext about sexual trauma aside, I do think it can be difficult to untangle how he may have been prior to the war from how he was after -- it's such a profound impact on him, including on his sexuality and his ability to connect to people.
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oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Hiii, I hope you're having a good day ^^! So, what about James (Smiling Friends) with an OC? It's not a romantic relationship. It's all platonic (i'm not repulsed by borderline romantic tones. Feel free if you think it adds spice!). He starts out more awkward and even kind of aggressive, but this friendship ends up showing (somewhat) good results! If we ignore James low-key latching onto her later on.
I have this tall critter here who is the leader of a band (I like to think James listens to their music hehehe it would be something like Machine Girl) which also kind of is a bike gang. She’s the one who hands James some money and food from time to time so he doesn't starve since nobody really feels safe around him in a proper working place, but she ends up trying to """rehab""" him regardless, eventually just carrying his ass around with the rest of the gang in the process. The other girlies don't understand what really makes him notable for her, but they just assume she knew him when they were younger (and that's right! They got separated after James’ dad murdered his mother when he was 10 or sum).
Last specific thing about them is that James, sooner or later in this situation, would think of or even try to harm her like he did with Charlie, he only doesn't or stops right away because she makes it pretty clear that the other members of her group would torture him cartel style for it.
Also yeah she tries to not remind him of how hard he fumbled with that Charlie thing because she's ass at romantic advice.
Sorry if it's like, so long I ended up letting no room for elaboration, I just wanted to give context to ask for some possible hcs in the “James is starting to get too clingy to her that he starts to resemble a lamprey” stage ^^’
This one’s fascinating to me! Sorry it took me so long to write, thank you for being so descriptive about your OC!! I also got ur other request which I will be answering later :33
James + hammerhead
Wow! James is an interesting guy, hmm. He is violent, rude, demanding, antisocial, everything you’d want in a best friend!
Everyone in James’ building is SHOCKED, that hammerhead somehow befriended him. Let alone just being around the guy, he’s violent and unpredictable.
No one wants to be around James so, hammerhead is literally his only friend. The only person he can stand to be around for five minutes without trying to freak them out
A lot of the stuff he does is due to self entitlement and also he just thinks it’s funny. Ask for a glass a milk even though he hates milk, that’s just his way of joking around. Hammerhead made him learn real quick she does NOT find that shit funny(it’s just a prank bro)
He sighs and obligates, mainly because of the whole childhood friend thing. He also genuinely wants to get better and learn how to socialize
So yeah, because he literally had no one in his life he does cling to Hammerhead which, she doesn’t mind, she just wished he would just try and make other friends.
Kinda follows her around everywhere, if he isn’t alone, he’s with her. Kinda like a silent(very violent) shadow. The other girls don’t, enjoy, his presence. Because his favorite punchline is to literally punch
Kinda wants to control Hammerhead, especially at the beginning. It’s mainly a fear of abandonment but also, he just is high key very selfish. Tries to isolate and manipulate her before she talked some sense into him
He behaves though, after a little talk. Now he just sits and kinda just watches her. James is just quiet, observing people around him. He doesn’t really know how to socialize other than demanding and threats. So he just becomes quiet
Still gets REALLY jealous though, of everyone in hammerhead’s life. Like, crazy jealous. After the talk of course he kinda just festers in his own misery of self doubt and anger. It’s hard for him to open up so hammerhead had to kinda pester him about it
It isn’t all bad, James really does care about hammerhead. It’s very much like a sibling bond. He’s fiercely loyal to her, and very very clingy. He may follow her around but it’s mainly just to protect her
The two are able to confide in each other they wouldn’t be able to if they weren’t, weird besties. It actually comforts James a lot that he’s able to confide in his fears, doubts, and stresses.
Hammerhead takes James out on bike rides which he loves. He loves anything thrilling, exciting. So going to their concerts and going on bike rides is his #1 favorite thing to do
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bpd-blorbo-bracket · 9 months
Blitzo Propaganda
He meets these diagnostic criteria, in order of intensity: pattern of intense and disorganized relationships (a huge part of the plot is about his complicated situationship where he has feelings but doesn't want to be vulnerable with someone), impulsive behavior (MAJOR one. spends money recklessly, off-the-cuff insults people sometimes, sleeps around, gets himself into messy situations with other people because he accidentally led them on), emotional instability (all over the place), issues controlling explosive anger, frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, it's implied he used to be a lot more unstable before the start of the show but has mellowed out quite a bit and stopped being quite as on the fritz. He had a rocky end to a previous friendship as well as a separate toxic relationship as a result of a lot of trauma. He has some pretty fierce daddy issues. Despite all his setbacks, Blitzo is a very independent and empowered individual who has a good relationship with his adopted daughter that only continues to get better as the show progresses. He's shown great progress in apologizing and owning/taking blame for his fuckups while also acknowledging when other people are being awful to him. He's got a lot of issues and insecurities revolving around relationships and himself as an individual because he's been stepped on so much growing up and undergone a lot of abuse and trauma. He's midway through learning some valuable coping skills and means a Lot to me as a person with BPD that struggles with the same symptoms as him
okay okay okay i think it goes without saying his moods are opposite of stable luna is his fp. she will get away with whatever she wants and Blizo WILL enable that damn near every single time. despite that, his attachment to her was instantaneous and he very much sees himself in her, especially regarding the abandonment. she is HIS blorbo the way he avoids abandonment is by extremely skewing his perception of the situation (e.i. stolas just asked me to watch a movie and have wine with little intention to fuck and i still made it about that anyway as a cop out). he chose to abandon first (stolas and verosika are good examples). he pushes others away (moxie) by degrading them regularly. cant make a connection if they hate you thats science impulsive dangerous behaviors is his middle name self harming behavior? try uh drinking an entire BARREL of giggle bee juice to escape the Bad Feels tm and regularly (implied by luna) giving himself alcohol poisoning. intense unstable relationships is his other middle name. at one point he trips really fucking hard on some truth gas and theres this visual of moxie who spends his entire time degrading blitzo, a really key insight on how he feels about himself. he does not think highly of himself. after the fizzbot fight, he really got bothered with the insecurity of dying alone and being abandoned by the people he genuinely cares about.
every physical photo of himself, hanging on the walls of his apartment, has his own face crossed out with black which signals and unstable sense of self.
also notice how he'll defend the people he cares for with his life and even tears himself emotionally about it, but instead of like idk venting it out by showing his appreciation, he gets self absorbed about it (he can be in your business but if you get in his, its gunna be your problem for sure), rude (lashing out and sometimes even manipulative
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mfjenks · 1 year
I've finally watched One killer question, and there are some moments that I love and some moments that I'm a bit angry about
In fact, I still think that Oliver's "selfishness" is sort of overestimated. Yes, he acts selfishly sometimes, yes he seems to be self-centered but mostly in his jokes than in the things he really do. But he is not too selfish. Yes, he cared about his show more than the fact the person died, but he was also the only person who tried to reassure Ben and see his real personality during the first production. The point about "replacing Charles with MB" is not actually accurate: the first thing he did when he saw Charles can't do a song without having a panic attack was giving him a glass and a soft talk about the importance of being himself, and actually Oliver was the one who figured out that the real reason was Joy. The replacement happened after - when Oliver had to face a dilemma, was on edge and cornered, when he found out he didn't know a shit about what happened backstage and that Charles didn't tell him anything. And Charles quitted himself. I mean Oliver DID say a lot of shit to his friends and that sucks, and actually I'm really annoyed by the fact he still haven't apologised to Mabel properly, cmon man you knew you screwed since the very beginning, you were ready to apologise, you proved many times that you actually CAN apologise and more often the difficulty is finding the proper words than pride, so stop being childish. But he erased the mirror to protect the woman he loves. And I don't understand why in fact he must be the part of the investigation, there is no clue that someone from the cast can be in danger too, everyone knows Ben was a prick, Ben is not someone really close to Oliver's friends (well he is an important part of Mabel's childhood but it's about his TV image not his personality he's not a friend or relative and she actually spoke about it with Charles mostly, not with Oliver), it's not his job, he investigates when he is really interested in the case, so actually there is no need to place the investigation above his real job. Why is it considered to be so selfish?
Andrea Martin is right: it's more about "survival mode" than selfishness and indifference to his friends. He always comes into denial when the situation is really bad and he actually understands it: the way he jokes at the hospital before doing DNA test, lies about its results, doesn't tell anyone about his heart, says that "maybe Loretta is just quirky", erases the mirror. Not very healthy copying mechanism, but not so selfish. He's not an ideal person and he does screw sometimes, but he is not so narcissistic and selfish as he may seem to be from the first view, he's actually caring and warm-hearted (well not until episode 9 is aired for this week it's stopped between life and death SORRY) and I believe he would do anything for Charles and Mabel, for Will if they really need it.
Also Andrea telling Charles should come back to Joy? Meh, he really owes her an apology as the way he said he didn't mean to propose was very rude and hurting, but nothing more. He did hurt her terribly, but he isn't obliged to be with person which makes his stress every time and push him to change
Ryan, being here for the second episode in a row and defending his character's dad>>>>>everything
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AITA for kicking my little brother out after a fight?
yes, the title is catching, so bare with me please.
my family and I (19NB) live like cottage core folks. we have separate sheds here and there that are modified to be tiny houses, whilst there are actually 3 houses placed and modified on our land. I switched many houses to find the most comfortable one, and that I have. Our aunt (M, dunno her age) is visiting us currently, and because we have no proper space for her to sleep, she's sleeping with my mother (R, mid 50s) as her husband (C, late 50s - early 60s) is forced to sleep at my house for the time being. There are many reasons as to why I'm uncomfy with this choice, a lot of them are personal, but one that stands out the most is that I'm uncomfortable with sleeping together with other folks, unless I trust them the most. I took some of my belongings to another house, along with one of the wifi motors we use (we have two) and tried to sleep in a house that my brother (N, 18) occasionally visits to cook his food. The first night was doing fine, until the second night kind of got worse, and where I would be called the asshole.
N has level 3 autism, as I have level 2. he doesn't understand not like change, and so do I. I was invading his space where he should be cooking, yet I try not to get into the middle of his process. he noticed I slept there now and decided to force me to cook for him, and I simply calmly told him he could do it himself. that part, I know he can understand, but he chooses not to do so for some benign reason. after trying to bother me several times, he decided to grab my stuff and use them without my knowledge, which quickly made me furious and aggressively told him to get back to whatever he's doing. that wasn't the right thing to do, admittedly, which resulted to throwing a Yeti stainless cup at my head and computer. that was where I drew the line entirely and have forcefully kicked him out of the house where he was cooking, all because he wanted to be rude and abusive towards me.
I called C to handle him momentarily as N was beating on the windows and yelling bloody murder, we were lucky that we didn't live in an urban neighborhood. C accused me for starting all of it when I calmly explained what was happening, and he kindly took it and left me be. on the other hand, R barged in and yelled at me for 1. taking the wifi motor to another house and 2. kicking N out. I was already exhausted and told her the same thing that happened, yet she refused to listen and still has blamed me for the troubles that happened. I told her why I was here, that was not relevant for her at all. I told her I needed space and a place to sleep since the other houses were not best suited for me, that was not relevant either as she looked at me stupid since her two options were let C sleep in her house with M and have R sleep in her car, or have C sleep at my house whilst M and R continue their shenanigans late at night.
not that this is too relevant, but to add damage to the situation is that this has been an occurring thing with how R treats N and I, with no little respect or freedom at all. every boundary that has been established has been either bent far beyond repair or blatantly crossed and ignored selfishly. This is not the first time she's acted this way towards us, and will probably never be her last. Instead of working through the situations that are brought up, she refuses to take accountability and let everything fall into her own hands, which never really works out at the end for everyone.
After the argument, I slept at an old house that was completely trashed, absolutely stunk, and did not feel comfortable at all. I do not have enough spoons to handle this on my own, and I refuse to help my family through the mess to avoid unnecessary consulting and other comments.
I will admit fault about not thinking through this situation, but I still need an opinion on this.
AITA for kicking my brother out for throwing a cup at my head? AITA for trying to find a place to sleep peacefully at my own comfort place?
(paws, in case something happens)
What are these acronyms?
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chelseadagger · 22 days
things just feel so heavy right now. i’m struggling to get any work done. however, i’m great at masking so it appears as though i’m doing well even though i’m struggling to do even the bare minimum. the restaurant has been absolutely awful. i have not been able to get through my shifts without actually crying the last two weeks. people have been increasingly rude and confrontational. i’m tired all the time. i pretty much spent the entire weekend laying or sleeping. i know i need to reach back out to my therapist but it’s been a few months since i’ve seen her and the idea of reaching out is giving me a lot of anxiety. and i know i would feel better getting back into it! being extremely self aware but also extremely mentally ill is so fucking exhausting.
my grandmother is still hanging on. hospice is giving her morphine every few hours to keep her comfortable. i miss her so fucking much and i just want her to be at peace. she was a professional astrologer at one point and i while i’ve always been interested in astrology, i’ve been getting much deeper into it. i wish i could talk to her about it. my gram was always so full of life. she was eccentric and funny and kind. she lived such an interesting and full life. we met when i was five and she was always so welcoming to me and my mom. she paid for our family vacations to maine when we were dirt poor. i felt both her presence and my uncle’s everywhere when we went last month.
my mom is having surgery in a week. she’s decided to get a full mastectomy and will then need multiple reconstruction surgeries over the next year or two. once this surgery is over they can determine if any further treatments are necessary beyond regular follow ups. she’s really struggling, obviously, and the timing of all of this just fucking sucks.
it was also my uncle’s birthday this week. he passed away about a year and a half ago and i really fucking miss him. we were not on good terms before he died and it kills me that i never answered his last text. he has always struggled off and on with addiction, which led to pretty significant neglect of my grandmother when she started to get sick. obviously that caused the huge rift in the family. he was a large and charismatic presence. he was always the first person i would look for at every family event. he was loud and so, so full of love. i miss our big family gatherings. we always came together for fall activities and spent every thanksgiving and christmas together so this time of year hits me harder these last two years. actually, because of covid it’s really been closer to four years since we were all together. it has always been my favorite time of the year so i’m going to try to still enjoy what i can of it. it also kills me that my dad has lost his entire family in the last year and a half.
my bio dad passed about two years before my uncle, almost to the very day. they both passed as a result of their addiction. my bio dad was alone and was not found for a few days. i hate that we also were not on any sort of speaking terms. i hate that his family only spoke to me until i signed off on all the necessary paperwork for his cremation arrangements, as i was the next of kin. i hate that they did absolutely nothing to even acknowledge his death. they didn’t even write an obituary for him. i know i was better off without his selfish, bitter, and mean family but i still hate that i can’t even get to know who he was aside from his addiction. from what i do know i think we were very similar in a lot of ways. it’s been almost 30 years since my mom left that situation and i’ve only scratched the surface of processing everything that went along with it.
i’m just angry and sad and overwhelmed right now. thankfully i recently moved into a very nice apartment and i’ve done a nice job so far at decorating and making the space feel cozy and safe. it’s bigger and there’s much more light as well as an outdoor space. if all of this was hitting while i was still in my old apartment i know i would be so much worse. my best friend lives downstairs and she has been really great at checking in on me. she’s come up just to sit and say hi for a bit and we also went on a walk today. i’m trying to find the balance of needing my alone time and isolating from the world.
i’m going to attempt to get some actual work done right now. we’ll see how it goes.
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analysisn3rd · 11 months
Despite being an Angel, Aziraphale is not wholly good. I don’t think it’s possible for an Angel to even be entirely good, considering what they’re typically like. Aziraphale, much like Crowley, would be in the light grey area of the morality scale, and I shall explain why.
Aziraphale is a good being. This is a simple and known fact that cannot be debated. However, as I previously stated, it is impossible for any being to be entirely good, or entirely bad, and this presents in Aziraphale in a rather mild way, which I will explain.
One of the reasons why Aziraphale’s a good character is because of his never-ending kindness, which shows up many times during the show and within the book, like when he helped Anathema after he and Crowley crashed into her, when he told Maggie that it’s alright that she didn’t pay her rent, helping Gabriel, and many other instances. One of the reasons why he’s so kind, a reason that I consider the most prevalent is that he genuinely cares about people and about the world, and he genuinely wants to help. It makes him feel good when he helps people; he loves it. That’s not only because he knows that it’s a good thing and that he’s succeeding at his job, but it’s also because he’s able to understand people’s situations really well, as he’s hyper-empathetic, so he’s able to realise just how much he’s been able to do, and how much he’s been able to help.
As I briefly mentioned, Aziraphale has a lot of empathy. He’s able to understand people’s situations very well and this compels him to do good. He cannot just sit there and watch people suffer while knowing what their pain is like. This has been evident several times, throughout the show especially, with Adam and Eve, with Job, and with Adam Young, among many others. Even though he’s hyper-empathetic, his empathy is slightly selective at times, where it’s evident that he’s able to understand this person’s situation and that he’s able to “feel for them” or “put himself in their shoes” sometimes, because he’s been in similar situations or he has seen similar situations before, and some other times he absolutely cannot. This has resulted in him acting horribly and treating people in ways that they do not deserve.
Another reason that factors into his being good is his naivety. Despite being quite intelligent, Aziraphale is horribly naive. This is something that I will expand on in the following section, but it’s due to this that he thinks that everyone wants the best for everyone else; that everyone genuinely wants to do good to one another. It’s what he lives by, essentially.
In spite of all the traits I mentioned above, Aziraphale isn’t entirely good. He’s a bit of a bastard sometimes, like Crowley said, and he can be quite rude and he doesn’t really like people (or any beings really) and interacting with them all that much. He’s also a bit selfish, where he likes to indulge in the things that he likes, such as good books, good plays and good food, while ignoring or not paying much mind to others and how their lives are like. 
To put it simply, Aziraphale is a good character, but he’s a bit of a bastard sometimes and that means that he’s not completely good.
I find Aziraphale’s personality to be quite remarkable and distinct; I don’t think that there’s a character quite like him, or even similar to him.
One of the things that I see as the most characteristic about him is his idealism. Aziraphale is an idealist, and it shows quite clearly in how he talks about Heaven to Crowley. He always says that they’re the “good guys”, he’s talking about how they do good things and help people, but what he’s talking about isn’t actually Heaven, it’s what Heaven would ideally be like. It’s what he wants Heaven to be like, not what it really is, and he knows that, but he likes to pretend like it’s not actually what it’s like. This is part of the reason why he accepted the Metatron’s offer. He saw it as a chance to make Heaven into what he thinks it should be, a place that’s ruled by kindness and wanting to help others, not power-hungry, cruel people that don’t care at all about others. He wants to make things right, he wants to turn Heaven into what he thinks it should be, but the issue is, and what he’s currently unable to realise, is that this is how Heaven was meant to be. 
Another memorable thing about him is his naivety. Despite being so incredibly intelligent that it’s one of the first noticed things about him, Aziraphale is quite naive and acts rather stupidly at times. This isn’t because of his lack of experience or something of the like; it’s because he’s too wrapped up in his ideals to see what reality is like, where this shows evidently in how he thinks of Heaven and of Angels. He thinks that all they care about is helping people, doing good and thwarting wiles, when, in reality, it’s very different from that. Gabriel even said it, Aziraphale, and Angels in general, are supposed to be “lean, mean fighting machine”s and not kind nor soft, which is what Aziraphale thinks that Angels should be.  It’s also quite clear that they don’t care about kindness or anything of the like because of how they treat Aziraphale himself. They show very clearly and very evidently that they don’t like him; they want him to see that they think that he’s nothing more than a naive idiot and a poor excuse of an Angel. They don’t even bother to be fakely-polite with him, because they don’t care about being kind. They don’t care about respect. They don’t care about others to begin with. All that they care about is power, and winning the Great War. Due to his naivety, he thinks that everyone wants to do everyone good at heart. He probably has a hard time wrapping his mind around the idea that people can, and will, deliberately harm one another. He also always sees the good in people, preferring to overlook the bad, where this is evidently seen with Heaven (though his relationship with Heaven, especially, is far more complicated than that). 
One of the things that’s noticed first about Aziraphale is his intelligence, as mentioned in the book. This is because he’s very experienced and he knows a lot about the world, as he’s seen a lot of it, and read a lot about it of course, and it’s also because it’s just naturally how he is. I think that it shows up a lot in his overthinking, which is usually a result of him thinking too deeply about things and that’s a trait associated with intelligence. Another characteristic that’s linked with intelligence that he has is being attentive to detail, where this is shown in how he’s always able to remember the minor details about events, like the Job minisode, and in how detailed his drawing of Gabriel/Jim was.
He’s also quite curious, and he loves to learn about new things, but only when they’re to do with his interests, which is why it seems a lot more subtle compared to Crowley’s. He does, however, have a thirst for knowledge, and it’s one of the reasons why he likes to read. Due to his curiosity, he asks a lot of questions when it comes to practically anything, as he wants to know and understand more, but he doesn’t do that with orders coming from Heaven because he’s seen what that would result in when Crowley Fell, he knows that they’ll react poorly and that he, too, will Fall if he did that, and because he fears his higher-ups. 
As mentioned before, he’s incredibly kind and empathetic, and, usually, characters with the same traits would be extroverted and bubbly. However, Aziraphale isn’t. He’s quite introverted, and it has, at some point, gotten in the way of his doing good deeds simply because he didn’t want to interact with people. He probably finds it tiresome and pointless because he doesn’t really enjoy people’s company for longer than a few minutes, with the exception of Crowley. 
One of the most remarkable things about him is that he’s quite fussy. He’s very specific and particular about the things that he likes and dislikes, where he finds modern music weird and insists on calling it “bebop”, usually drinks tea or hot chocolate only and absolutely adores crepes and sushi. He’s very passionate about his interests and the things that he likes, such as books, humans and classical music, where he knows a lot about them. He also despises change, which is shown in how he refuses to change his style and his way of talking despite the world changing around him.
One of his more negative personality traits is how he’s too nice to people. This is due to his naivety, and how he thinks that everyone, deep inside, is good one way or another. He doesn’t see any reason to be less than nice to people, and his niceness, on its own, is a bit excessive to begin with, where this causes him to end up in awful situations, like one of the cut scenes and most of his dealings with Heaven, where Crowley has to rescue him (or he chooses to let Crowley rescue him because he probably has a plan). As a result of this, he probably has a hard time setting boundaries with people, because he’s afraid of being too mean or rude to them by asking for anything.
Another negative trait of his is that he bottles up his emotions and thoughts a lot, especially those regarding Crowley. This is mainly because he’s scared and ashamed of them; he shouldn’t be thinking this way, and he developed this mindset because he’s afraid of Falling, of failure essentially, so he doesn’t want Heaven to find out anything about what he’s truly like. This results in him pushing Crowley away a lot, although he really doesn’t want to. 
Insecurities and fears
I would say that Aziraphale is evidently a nervous and worrisome character; he basically frets about everything that happens in the show, but the fears I’m going to list are the most prominent ones.
His most obvious fear is losing Crowley. To put it simply, Crowley means a lot to him and he really meant it when he said that he needed Crowley. Crowley’s the only person who’s always been around Aziraphale, humans die, but Crowley, whom he always understood (to a degree really but that’s a discussion for another time) and who always understood him, has always been there. Crowley, who he shared countless experiences with. Crowley, his best (and probably only) friend. He wouldn’t be able to handle it if he lost Crowley, which is why he’s so afraid of that. He wouldn’t be able to stand it.
He’s afraid of failure and of disappointment. I think it’s rather evident in how he would always deny his and Crowley’s friendship just to please Heaven because he doesn’t want to disappoint his higher-ups, as he’s scared of Falling, which he would definitely consider a failure. He does, however, already know that he’s somewhat considered a disappointment to Heaven, and he even thought that he was going to Fall in the Job mini-sode because he’s so scared of it that it’s all that he can think about. He knows that Heaven is strict, he knows that he’s already a disappointment and he’s slowly inching towards failure, and he feels so terrible about that because he doesn’t want them to think of him in that light. He doesn’t want to Fall. He doesn’t want to fail. He wants their approval and their praise, which is so hard to get, and that shows how he’s insecure; his self-esteem is inherently tied with how useful or how good he is, both in general and to Heaven. This appears a lot within the series, but the most prominent example is in Eden, when he told Crawly that he was worried that he wasn’t doing the good thing. It’s something that’s so seemingly simple, because he’s an Angel of course he’d be doing the good thing, yet it means a lot to him because if he’s not good, then he’s nothing. What is he, if not an Angel? And what is an Angel, if not good? (Because he wants Heaven’s approval, he accepted the Metatron’s offer. He saw it as a chance to right the wrongs within Heaven’s system, and as a chance to prove himself to be worthy to God and all the other Angels, who always undermined him.)
Differences between the book and the show
I wasn’t going to make a section for this, initially, because I didn’t think that the differences were that grand, and, in a way, they really aren’t. They’re just minor character changes, but they make everything else incredibly different, especially when it comes to Aziraphale. Everything that I’ve written before can be applied to the book character as well, and the differences are the following:
The book character isn’t naive at all. He’s very experienced, he knows what humans are like and he knows that beings, whether they’re human or not, can be malicious and they could purposefully want to harm others, and he uses this experience that he has, which makes him seem a lot wiser and smarter than the show character. 
He isn’t hyper-empathetic, he’s far more selective with who he gives his empathy to, and he’s not as kind. He doesn’t really care about others, aside from Crowley, as long as they’re not directly bothering him.
He’s a lot less insecure, and nervous, because he’s a lot more confident, where this confidence is the reason for the majority of the differences mentioned above. The show character can become like the book character, but it will take him a while to reach that point; the show character is far too scared of Heaven and what they’d say about him, unlike the book character, who knows that he’s powerful and doesn’t care in the slightest about Heaven.
I love Aziraphale. He is certainly my favourite character out of all of the wonderful characters within the show/book. I see myself a lot within him; he’s so much like me, it’s kind of hard to wrap one’s mind around. Because of all of these reasons, I was so scared while writing this analysis because I did not want to get anything wrong; it simply wouldn’t do. Hopefully, I did him justice because he’s truly a wonderful character. I really admire how he’s written and how he’s so complicated and human, really. I just love everything about him honestly.
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sueske · 1 year
I think the point was that Naruto later mentioned that he and Sasuke could have been in each other’s shoes if it weren’t for their circumstances, which in Naruto’s case include a lot of Sasuke guiding and inspiring him to push forward. Yes, Naruto has those qualities but his love for Sasuke help him in his convictions as well.
The interaction with Hinata in canon that we know of first and how it happened also was after the land of waves which had a big impact on him already. I may be wrong bc it’s been a long time since I read it but I remember Naruto’s atitude towards people that just cry over what happened to them instead of doing something about it not being the most empathetic (the boy from LoW that I can’t remember the name). I think it changes bc Sakura cries a lot and can’t do much about it and he’s never rude to her specifically bc of that.
Idk, he becoming more empathetic bc he was touched by sasuke’s kindness makes sense to me. And then further develop into other positive reinforcements, such as devotion, confidence, and the ability to reach people’s heart etc...
I think the point was that Naruto later mentioned that he and Sasuke could have been in each other’s shoes if it weren’t for their circumstances, which in Naruto’s case include a lot of Sasuke guiding and inspiring him to push forward. Yes, Naruto has those qualities but his love for Sasuke help him in his convictions as well.
I never said that he didn't. the point is that the previous anon said 'isn’t wild that Hinata’s admiration and love for Naruto was made possible because Naruto loved Sasuke first?' implying that the naruto hinata fell in love with was the result of him loving sasuke only. but that's solely not the case as I explained in the previous ask. after saying their roles could've been reversed naruto cites both iruka and sasuke as the first bonds he had.
The interaction with Hinata in canon that we know of first and how it happened also was after the land of waves which had a big impact on him already.
So what if their first interaction happened with Hinata after the LoW? I included Hinata's flashback during her confession when she's giving the reasons for her love for naruto for this very reason - to show that the basis for hinata admiring naruto stemmed for even before sasuke's more notable influences over naruto, that caused him to build on what he had.
I read it but I remember Naruto’s atitude towards people that just cry over what happened to them instead of doing something about it not being the most empathetic (the boy from LoW that I can’t remember the name). I think it changes bc Sakura cries a lot and can’t do much about it and he’s never rude to her specifically bc of that.
the point of my bringing up the kakashi/inari bit in the LoW is because of naruto himself - he got tired of moping and crying around because of his situation and circumstances and with his own strength decided to do something about it. and this is important because hinata likes this aspect of naruto because she too has 'struggles' she too 'mopes around and cries' and 'would like to do better'. basically hinata saw naruto struggling and she was happy she wasn't alone in her suffering and naruto's attitude to getting stronger inspired her and she wished to be like that too, though she just drew happiness from his misery and did nothing to actually help him all that time (but I digress). it has to do with naruto's innate personality, not him being empathetic to characters like sakura when they cry.
Idk, he becoming more empathetic bc he was touched by sasuke’s kindness makes sense to me. And then further develop into other positive reinforcements, such as devotion, confidence, and the ability to reach people’s heart etc...
again, I never said sasuke didn't have a profound effect on naruto. obviously. but I don't think you can say hinata's love and admiration for naruto happened ONLY because naruto loved sasuke first. also don't misconstrue, hinata's love for naruto is very selfish I'm not defending it. but naruto is naruto first.
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