#which ends with tim simply leaving the reader a photo of them that says thank you
batboysandgirls · 5 years
Tim Drake x Reader - Explosions And Other Saturday Morning Activities - PART 4 - FINALE!
PART ONE HERE, PART TWO HERE, and PART THREE HERE! Title: Explosions And Other Saturday Morning Activities - PART 3 Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader Summary: You’ve made it out of Black Mask’s lair alive, and it’s time for you to have dinner with the batclan, including Bruce Wayne himself (who you still can hardly believe is Batman).  After the dinner, you know you’ll have to decide to make your move with Tim... or let him go.  But you’re not one to give up easily! Notes: Canon-typical descriptions of violence and injuries. Words: 5.4k Taglist:  @silentwhispofhope, @ashfromthesol, @oh-no-my-ravioli, @katelynkargol, @rhymeswithrason, @grincheveryday, @ivysfaves, @hanliz2211
You awoke in a very nice bed that was not your own.  You should be terrified, but the well of terror in your heart was empty.  Now, you were just tired.
You slowly sat up.  You were wearing a silk white nightgown, which might be the softest thing you’ve ever worn.  You were also laying a king sized bed, which might be the first time you’ve ever had a king sized bed to yourself.  It was a large bedroom, sparsely decorated.  There was an empty desk, a mostly empty bookshelf, and a dresser.  The dresser was against the far wall, and you could see your clothes folded and washed on top of it.  To your left, there was a set of glass doors leading to a balcony.  They let in an enormous amount of light, making the whole room bright.  It almost seemed like a dream, although you were pretty sure you were awake.
Looking around, nothing had clicked for you as to where you were, but, somehow, you felt pretty safe.  At this point, if someone was going to kill you, they probably would have succeeded.
You swung your legs over the size of the bed, and there was your phone on a side table.  You almost reached to check your messages, but you didn’t.  Instead, you walked out to the balcony.  The wind blew gently, and you took in the view of beautiful gardens.  You didn’t seem Gotham, and you couldn’t even hear it… had to be pretty far out from the city.
Huh.  Maybe this was a dream.  Or, since you were all in white, was it… no.  No, no, no.
(You probably weren’t dead!  You’d know!  Right?  You’d know if this was the afterlife… right?)
You turned back to the inside, and there was Tim standing in the doorway.  OH!  Thank goodness.  Tim was here… okay, so this must be Wayne Manor.  Pretty house, pretty gardens, way outside of the city proper.  Made some sense.  Still not sure how you got here, but that wasn’t much of a concern.
(You weren’t dead!  Hooray!)
“Tim,” you said, your voice coming out a little soft and a little hoarse.
“How are you feeling?  I was afraid you’d wake up confused about where you were.”  He walked over next to you, and you smiled.
“I first thought this all might be a dream.  Then, I thought I might be dead and this is what happens after.”
Tim raised his eyebrows, alarm on his face, and you laughed.
“But I saw you and thought—that’s right, Tim lives in a mansion outside of Gotham.  I’m alive.”  Tim looked like he was about to apologize, and you shook your head.  “No, no.  That’s just how my brain works.  I assume you guys took me back with you after you stopped Black Mask?”
“Yeah.  They were going to drop you at your apartment unconscious.  You passed out from exhaustion and stress apparently.  But I said you were my girlfriend, and they let me and Bruce take you home with us.”
“Do you think the police officers had read the Buzzfeed article?”
Tim smiled.  “Well, one officer giggled as I explained so I think she might have.”
“Our accidental celebrity relationship coming in handy, for once.”
“For once.”
The conversation lulled, and you found yourself gazing at Tim unabashedly.  He was looking out over the back gardens, thoughtfully.  He was so handsome, it was really unfair.  All you wanted to do was to have him hold you, to run your hand through his hair, to tell him how incredible he is.  But it wasn’t really the time.  And though you were pretty sure Tim did like you a tad, you weren’t sure if he was thinking of anything serious.  Fate had drawn you together once, and you’d been tangled together since then.
You were hoping the Black Mask incident would be the last of your brushes with Gotham’s heroes and villains, but your heart ached a bit at the odds that meant this would be the last of your brushes with one Tim Drake.  Would Tim really be interested in a random intern who had a few freakish experiences that drew you closer to him?  Would he have any free time to dedicate to a girlfriend totally divorced from his duties helping run Wayne Enterprises and from crime fighting?  Probably not…
For now, though, you took in Tim standing before you.  You let that be enough.
Tim finally turned to you.
“Well, I know Alfred’s made an amazing brunch for you.  You should eat something.  Then, you can just relax until we have dinner tonight.”
Dinner.  Right.  Dinner where Bruce Wayne, Batman, which is still weird, will tell you not to reveal the whole Batfamily’s secret identities and probably terrify you in the process.  You should be worrying about that.  Instead, you’re caught on something else.
“Alfred is the family butler, but he’s more than just that.  He is family.”
You nodded and slowly realized how hungry you were.  “Does he, um.  Does he make good pancakes?”
Tim grinned from ear to ear.  “The best.”
✹ ✹
“Maybe I was wrong earlier,” you said, mouth full of chocolate chip pancake, “Maybe I did actually die and this is some sort of heaven.”
“Wait, you thought you died?” asked Dick Grayson, eldest Wayne child and also Nightwing.  Of all the superhero identity matching you’d done in your head, that was a no brainer.  The butts were basically identical.
“A death joke!  She’ll fit right in,” Jason said.  Jason Todd, second Wayne child, also the Red Hood.  Just from this pancake brunch, he quickly was becoming your favorite after Tim.
(You weren’t sure what he meant by the death joke, but you smiled anyway.  That seemed to make him even more on your side.)
The youngest child, Damian, didn’t say anything to you, other than a few displeased huffs.  Odds were he was Robin.
Cassandra, who was around Tim’s age to your understanding, didn’t say much either to you, but her eyes and smiles were endlessly kind.  You weren’t sure of her identity… maybe she was just a normal person.  That would be lovely.
(Tim told you that Duke, another brother a couple years younger than him, was out “on patrol,” which meant that he was probably the Signal.  The lone daytime bat.  Wild.)
Bruce Wayne did not appear at brunch, but that was probably for the best.  You needed to work up the emotional strength to face Batman’s scrutiny tonight.
Alfred was working on that by fueling you with pancakes and calling you “Miss _____.”  You called him “Mr. Pennyworth,” and he kind of seemed offended by the formality—but you didn’t give in.
Tim was definitely watching you the whole meal, amused and a little pleased.  It was nice to know someone was paying attention to you, and nicer still to be able to tell they liked what they saw.  You regaled the group with a humorous retelling of the Wayne Tower accident, as well as some weird encounters you’d had as an intern.
After brunch, you returned to the room you’d been in, getting dressed in your somewhat tattered clothes from the previous evening.  You looked in the mirror, a little disappointed.
No, it wasn’t any insecurity about your body.  You thought you looked pretty good, generally speaking. It was just that you looked more put together in the nightgown these people provided than in your own clothes.  There were a lot of holes and tears in the fabrics from the glass exploding onto you.  You hadn’t gone ham on your outfit with a pair of scissors for fun, but it kinda seemed that way.
Someone knocked at the door.  You poked your head out and saw Cassandra standing there, holding a box.
“Hello,” you said, poking your head out.
“Hi,” she said, before handing it over to you.  “Alfred made these.  Adjusted my old things.  Should fit.”
“Oh!  Thank you!  Currently, my clothes are a bit, uh, compromised.”
Cass just smiled with a nod and vanished down the hall.  You put on the clothes and were delighted they fit perfectly.  Did Alfred take your measurements when you were brought to Wayne Manor?  That was a little weird, but very helpful.  It was just a simple black sweater and a pair of jeans.  No holes or rips or tears!  And you looked good.  Perfect.  You wanted to look nice for this dinner, so you could come across as professional.  Someone to be trusted with the batfamily’s secret identities.
(Not for Tim.  No, certainly not to look good for Tim.  Mhmmm.  Nope.)
You spent the following few hours getting a tour of the Manor from Tim, who did compliment your outfit, which was not notable or anything, and just hanging out with him and his siblings playing Scrabble.  The tour was cool, and Tim only blanched once when you asked where they kept all the bat stuff.
(“Um, Bruce didn’t kill me for having you find out my identity, but if I showed you the Batcave, he’s definitely freak.”
“So it’s a cave?  Must be under the house then. That’s pretty sweet.”
“Is that aspect a secret?”
“Just don’t tell him you know that.”)
As you walked the Manor and played in a Scrabble tournament with the Wayne children, your eyes kept meeting Tim’s.  You would both look away, but it was never long before you found the other’s gaze again.  It made your heart weirdly full but also made you weirdly nervous.
(This dinner is the last thing directly tying you to Tim.  It’s why you got lunch and the whole dating rumor started.  After Bruce Wayne gets his say with you, Tim doesn’t have a reason to reach out to you.  You could reach out to him, start something more, but does he want that?  That look when his bright blue eyes find yours… you hope it’s not wishful thinking to imagine he wants that.)
Duke showed up midway through the Scrabble tournament, but he got to join in.
“It’s round-robin style,” Tim explained as he spelled out l-u-n-a-r off your r-a-t-i-o, “You can join in with whoever finishes next.”
“Only Dick and I made jokes about the fact Robin is literally in the name of the playstyle, if you’d like to immediately hop on that train while you wait,” you added.
Duke laughed at that, and you definitely liked this kid, too.  Honestly, other than Damian being a little stuffy, this strange hodge-podge superhero family was quite wonderful.
Tim and Jason won the tournament, tied for most wins.  Then Damian, then you, then Duke, then Dick, and then Cass.
“Words are hard,” Cass concluded as you all packed up the boards, and you couldn’t agree more.
“Dinner is about to be served,” Alfred said, stopping in the doorway. “If you all would please head to the dining room.”
You felt yourself tense up a bit at that announcement, and, suddenly, Tim was right next to you.  He put a hand on your shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.
“It’s going to be fine.  Our secret identities are much less secret than Bruce wants, but there’s not much he can do about you knowing.”
(You felt more tense about this dinner being over and having no excuses to see Tim than the actual meal itself.  But that’d be a bit odd to tell him that, probably.)
✹ ✹
Dinner began uncomfortably normally.  After you and the rest of the batkids sat down, Bruce Wayne entered and sat at the head of the table.  Everyone went quiet as he took his seat, and then he smiled at you.
“Hello, _____.  It’s wonderful to finally meet you.  How are you?”
This was not the “attempt to reveal our identities and we’ll make your life hell” angle you were expecting.
“I’m, um,” you said, “I’m quite well.  I slept great here.”
“I’m glad.  It’s been a stressful week, hasn’t it?”
You found yourself laughing a bit too loud and too long at that.  When you realized everyone was staring at you—
(Facial expressions.  Dick: “oh god, Bruce.” Jason: “lmao.”  Tim: “BRUCE THAT IS THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR.” Cass: “The shirt really does look lovely.” Duke: “Don’t smile, it’s not that funny, don’t do it, Duke.” Damian: “Ugh.”)
—you closed your mouth.
“Um, yes.  Very stressful.  I’m honestly looking forward to doing intern-y stuff again, without my life being threatened.”
“Would you mind reminding me what your internship is like?”
So you began to explain your Wayne Enterprises internship to Bruce Wayne, which was very strange.  He was paying attention as you explained, asking some questions here and there.  Alfred brought out the first course, which was tomato and cheese soup, and, by the time everyone had finished it, you had exhaustively detailed your intern duties.  You snuck a glance over at Tim as Alfred took away your soup bowl and placed down the main entrée, fettuccine alfredo with chicken.  You were afraid he’d look bored or worried, but he had an easy smile on his face, almost like you were a good dream he was having.  That made your heart flutter a bit.
You fiddled with your pasta a moment before looking up to Bruce.
“Mr. Wayne, are we going to talk about the whole Batman thing, or…?”
You could see Tim’s easy smile fade a bit, and the table instantly became a bit more tense.  Bruce’s gaze was a little heavier now, and you held up your hands.
“Look, I don’t want to cause any problems.  I do not want to get involved in what is your little family activity.  I won’t tell anyone your secret identities.  I’m not even sure of Cass’s alter ego, honestly, but the rest of you—my lips are sealed.
“I guess I was thinking this dinner was going to be you grilling me on how important it is to keep all this secret and threatening to, like, pull my life apart if I try to tell someone.
“And I’m glad you haven’t done that!  Don’t get me wrong.  But, uh.  I was a little puzzled,” you finished.
Bruce Wayne put down his utensils.  He didn’t look angry, but he did look firm.
“_____, I want to make it very clear that, while I expect you to keep our vigilantism a secret, I invited you to dinner primarily as thanks for your help at Wayne Tower.  My only plan to mention keeping our identities a secret was to take you aside before you left, after dinner, and remind you of that.  I would not threaten you or your life in any way.”
“Oh.  Right...” was all you managed before looking sheepishly at your fettuccine.  You felt like the limp noodles before you.)
“I understand why you thought that.  The safety of my family is more important to me than any secret identity.  We’ve lost people before in this line of work—”
(You tried not to think of being eleven years old and hearing Robin had died on the news.  You tried not to remember being, what, fourteen, fifteen, and seeing the report that the female Robin seemed to have died in the huge gang wars.  Most clearly, you tried to not see the footage of the current Robin, his body bloodied, impaled a year or two ago.  Someone draping a blanket over him, and the reporter choking up on camera.  You tried not to think of those images.  You tried, and tried, and failed.)
“—and the most important thing to me in all of this is that Tim is alive because of you.  And I might have lost that fight with Black Mask save Nightwing and Robin coming to help.  We owe you a debt, as does Gotham.”
For the second time in the past twenty four hours, you felt tears well up in your eyes.  You sniffed and wiped them away, chuckling a little to yourself.
“Can I ask you something, Mr. Wayne?”
You looked at him, his eyes cool like steel.  Set, determined.  “Does it ever go away?” you asked.
“Does what go away?”  Bruce didn’t even look confused or unimpressed at your remark, just ready to answer once he understood.
(You squeezed your hands together.  You could feel the scars from that day at Wayne Tower.  The superficial burns were not fully healed, they probably wouldn’t be for months.  And after you’d have these swaths of skin on your hands that were wrinkled, lighter or darker than the rest of your hands.  And you were going to see those scars every day.  For the rest of your life.)
You hoped he would understand.  “The fear.  The weight.  Of all of it.  Of everything.”
“No.  You can’t stop being afraid, and you can’t ignore the trauma and the pain you’ve experienced,” Bruce said. “But you can, and you will, heal.  You’ll learn to not let fear rule you.  To accept your past and your pain, to know how to think about it and feel about it without being sucked in.”
(You wondered how much he was speaking to your experience, and how much he was speaking for himself.)
“It’s not easy, it’s not linear.  But you’ll get there.  With people who care about you supporting you.  And if you ever need anything, and I truly mean it, anything, you let us know.  Because we will help you too.”
You weren’t sure when you started crying as he spoke, but you were also smiling.
“Thank you, Mr. Wayne,” you said, voice only a little hampered by the tears.
Bruce Wayne smiled at you.  Batman smiled at you.  “Call me Bruce.”
✹ ✹
You were thirteen years old.  You were walking in the Downtown Plaza after getting pizza for dinner with some friends.  The entrance to the Downtown metro stop was maybe two hundred yards away when a storefront across the street exploded, as did a couple other buildings around the Plaza.  Oh.  Oh no.  A bunch of gunmen ran out from it, grabbing people.  There was screaming and dust and smoke and you tripped on something and there’s a man grabbing your arm—
Someone takes your other arm, grabbing your hand, pulling you away from the man as a silver stick (?) came down hard on the man’s shoulder.  You leapt back, a vice grip on the person who pulled you away.  When you turned to see who it was, you almost jumped again.
Robin—the newest Robin, he’d only been spotted a few times—was holding your hand in his left hand, and a bo staff in his right.  The man who’d been after you was collapsed on the ground in front of you, and Robin, without letting go of your hand, tied the guy’s hands.  He collapsed the staff, stuck it on his belt, pulled out some kind of little cord which snapped around the guy’s wrists automatically.  Woah.
“Hold on, I’m getting you out of here.”  He put an arm around your waist, and grabbed a grapple gun from his belt.  You had no idea how he could see, but suddenly you were flying through the cloud of smoke.  Then, you burst out of the smoke and you landed on the edge of this dust cloud.
“T-thank you,” you managed to say.  Robin grinned at you.  He looked like he was almost having fun.  You guessed that made sense—superheroes liking superheroing!
“No problem.  You aren’t hurt, are you?”
“No, I’m—” you gasped as you saw a silhouette in the smoke, towering over Robin’s figure. “LOOK OUT, ROBIN!”
Robin heeded your warning just in time, ducking down as a man swung a metal bat right where his head had been.  His reach was so wide it passed a few inches in front of your nose.  You leapt back as the man stepped out of the smoke, and you watched as Robin managed to strike him with the bo staff.  However, this guy was huge, must be close to seven feet tall, way bigger than the guy who grabbed you earlier.  He grimaced a bit as he got hit, but it was going to take a lot to knock the guy out.  The tight frown on Robin’s face seemed to confirm that was the case.
Since the giant man was occupied with Robin, you looked around behind you to see if there was anything you might be able to grab to defend yourself.  Or…  well, that seemed incredibly dangerous.
(But this all was pretty dangerous already, wasn’t it?  What’s a little more?)
There was a shattered piece of concrete a few feet away.  A piece of rebar from inside it had broken off.  You grabbed it, and there was the man’s back, turned towards you.  Well, shoot your shot.
You swung the stick right into the man’s groin, and, WOW, that man screamed.  The metal bat clattered to the ground.  Robin did some super fast jabs, and the guy collapsed.
“Oh my god,” you whispered.  “I can’t believe I just did that.”
“I’m very grateful you did,” Robin said, “But I should go rescue other people.”
“Yeah, no—I mean, no, or when—you—that’s probably—uh, yes,” you struggled to get out.  You cleared your throat and tried again.  “Um, yes.  You should.”
(Not that it really mattered, but GOODNESS, could your brain work for this once?  So you don’t sound like an inarticulate rebar-wielding madwoman?  Particularly in front of a very cool superhero?  PLEASE!)
Robin smiled at you throughout your efforts to agree with him, taking his grapple gun out again.
“Wait,” you said, taking his hand once more, “I just—thank you.”
He gave your hand a friendly squeeze.  “Of course.  Thank you.”  Then he let go and grappled off, waving to you as he re-entered the cloud of dust and vanished from your sight.
You felt a little star struck after all that, but you turned away from the cloud and started to walk home.  Life goes on.
✹ ✹
It had been a week since the dinner, and you hadn’t spoken to Tim.  He dropped you home after you finished eating, and you desperately wanted to ask him if he would like to go out sometime or if he wanted to get lunch with you again.  Instead, you said “Thank you” as the two of you exchanged very intense eye contact.  You didn’t see Tim at work, either, which was to be expected…  Different floors and all.
(It didn’t stop a part of you from being disappointed.)
You had tried for an hour to go to sleep and failed.  You mind was too awake.  It was a relatively nice evening out, so, at one in the morning, you wrapped a blanket around your shoulders and went up to the roof of the intern housing.  The roof door was always open, and you let out an impressed breath as you took in the view.
Old Gotham was one of the prettiest areas in the whole city.  Wayne Tower, the Clocktower, the city cathedral, the GCPD headquarters… all within your sight.  You pulled the blanket a little tighter.  There was the distant wail of sirens, music from a club a few blocks away, but it still seemed quiet somehow.
(You knew why you were up here.  You knew.  Silly, stupid, and deeply sad.)
You didn’t see anybody, didn’t hear anybody distinctly.
(There was a part of you that thought, maybe, he’d happen to be swinging past your building, that Red Robin would stop as soon as he saw you.  He’d rush up to you and hug you tight.  It would be nice.)
You pulled out your phone.  Opened your messages.  Scrolled for a second to find who you were looking for.  It was worth a try, right?
You This is random but
You If you happen to be near Old Gotham tonight, I’m on my apartment’s rooftop
You I’d say I was stargazing or something but we live in a city, and I’m just staring into space and thinking
You Couldn’t sleep
You So if you want a break and some company, I’m around
You watched your screen for a second, eager to see if you could see the little “Tim-Drake Wayne is typing…” message to pop up.  It didn’t, not even after two minutes of staring as if you could will it into existence.  You put your phone away and just looked out again.  In many ways, Gotham was an objectively terrible place to live.  Like, you know, your workplace exploding and being kidnapped.  You’d always dreamt of moving away after college.  To another city.  Maybe Metropolis, New York City, Boston—somewhere.  But moments like these, alone on a Gotham rooftop with the city’s lights all around you, made you want to stay.  It was home, after all.
“Can I join in the art of staring into space?” a voice said from behind you.  You turned around and couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across your face at the sight of Tim.
“Oh, certainly!” you said.  Tim sat down next to you, removing his mask.  He looked tired, weary.
“Long night?” you asked.
“Yup.  Two burglaries, a mugging, and a bomb defusal.  All in an evening’s work,” Tim said, rubbing his eyes.  “You texted at the right time.  I needed a break.”
“Are most nights like this?”
“No.  Well, I don’t always patrol.  Sometimes I sit in the cave and work on a case, or I go out but just look for evidence.  That’s usually a little less hectic.  But when I’m out stopping crime normally, today is pretty par for the course.”
“When do you sleep?” you asked, and you raised your eyebrows as he started to chuckle.
“Sleep is…  not a thing I do with much regularity.  I try to get four hours in between patrol and waking up.  Sometimes, if I’m really exhausted, I take a nap later in the day.  It depends.”
“That’s deeply concerning,” you said in response, and Tim shrugged.
“Yeah, I know.  It’s on my to do list.  ‘Get a normal sleep schedule.’”
“‘Save Gotham (ongoing),’ ‘Get a normal sleep schedule,’ ‘Run a multi-billion dollar corporation…’ What don’t you do, Tim?” you said with a smile.  “My to do list is currently ‘My laundry’ and ‘Intern stuff.’”
“There is one thing I meant to do that I haven’t,” Tim replied.  You waited for about ten seconds, and he didn’t elaborate.  Um.  Weird.
“Uh, what would that be?” you prompted.  Tim looked… nervous?  He was looking at you, and something in his gaze made the whole situation feel a little less goofy and a little more intimate.
“‘Kiss _____,’” he finally said.  “That was the last thing.”
You smiled, and then you leaned in and kissed him.  At first, you just gave him a quick kiss, pulling back to see his slightly surprised but delighted face.  Then, he pulled you closer to him and you kissed again.  And again.  And again.  You ran your fingers through his hair, and his hands traveled down your back to your waist.  You were acutely aware of just how strong this boy was when your hands danced across his chest.  He was wearing this armored suit and still.  Like, damn.  You could feel that muscle.  The boy was as kind as he was smart as he was ripped, and he was making out with you.
(This was even better than your fantasies.  Real life is better.  Who knew?)
You weren’t sure how long the two of you sat there, letting out what could only be described as an enormous amount of romantic tension, but eventually, you stopped making out.  You just leaned your head on Tim’s shoulder as he wrapped your blanket around him as well.
If you looked closely, you could see the sixth floor of Wayne Tower across the street, where you’d stumbled upon an unconscious Red Robin about two weeks ago.  That day had ended with you both covered in dirt and blood leaning against each other.  With the stars above and blanket around you both, you had to say you preferred this current arrangement.
“Hey, Tim.”
“Hey, _____.”
“I really, really like you.”
“I really, really like you too.”
✹ ✹
bzfd.it/TimWayneGF-proof-twitter PROOF!  Tim Wayne IS Going Out With That Intern, And She Pulls No Punches
Despite repeated denials of a relationship, Tim Drake-Wayne, adopted son of Bruce Wayne and the crush of many young Gothamites, is definitely going out with Wayne Enterprises intern, _____ ______.  In an amusing tweet, ______ confirmed their relationship.
_______ @_______ me: should I say something about the #timistaken now that we’re actually going out tim: why me: because I’ve had so many things I wanted to tweet that involve you but couldn’t bc we weren’t public tim: sure I guess tim: wait what are you going to tweet 4:29 PM  •  7/26/__ 5K Retweets    20.2K Likes
But that’s old news now.  What’s fun to watch is her interactions with Drake-Wayne on Twitter.  Let’s just say she’s enjoying her newfound public presence.
_______ @_______ guys @timdrakewayne keeps a skateboard in his office at wayne enterprises and has used it to get across the street to get lunch four times this week 5:31 PM  •  7/29/__ 7.1K Retweets    30.2K Likes        __________ @_______        Replying to @_______ the cafe we eat lunch at is 180 feet away from wayne tower. he uses. the skateboard. EVERY   👏 SINGLE 👏 TIME 👏  5:31 PM  •  7/29/__ 896 Retweets    10.2K Likes
_______ @_______ me, frantically googling this morning: “should I be worried or endeared when my boyfriend texts me the title of a book he thinks I’ll like at 3:06 am” 8:02 PM  •  8/3/__ 1.1K Retweets    10.6K Likes        __________ @_______        Replying to @_______ Both?  Both.  Both is good. 8:02 AM  •  8/3/__ 302 Retweets    3.3K Likes
Tim Drake-Wayne @timdrakewayne I feel like twitter was a kinder place for me before my girlfriend started exposing me on main 11:03 AM  •  8/5/__ 5.1K Retweets    32.6K Likes        __________ @_______        Replying to @timdrakewayne  @ me next time 11:15 AM  •  8/5/__ 6.1K Retweets    15.8K Likes        __________ @_______        Replying to @timdrakewayne  also 11:15 AM  •  8/5/__ 321 Retweets    5.2K Likes        __________ @_______        Replying to @timdrakewayne  I love you 11:15 AM  •  8/5/__ 7.5K Retweets    16.8K Likes
They’ve got a great dynamic.  The couple was spotted seeing the new Star Wars movie together last weekend, which gives this last Tweet quote tweeting _____’s reply of “I love you” an extra special meaning...
Tim Drake-Wayne @timdrakewayne  I know @_______ 
__________ @_______ I love you
11:21 AM  •  8/5/__ 3.4K Retweets    11.6K Likes
You chuckled at the article Emily had sent you.  Buzzfeed was actually amusing for once.  You had no idea how they wrote that article so fast.  It was noon!  The last tweets were from a half hour ago.  Had to hand it to them for immediacy.  You slurped the last noodle of your lunch.  You were eating your at your desk today, some leftover pasta from the spaghetti dinner you’d cooked up for yourself yesterday.  No lunch with Tim today, you were both too busy.  Still, the banter on Twitter had more than made up for it.
Putting away your tupperware in your bag, you checked your phone before finishing your lunch break.  You tapped the home button to see your alerts and smiled softly.
(Oh, how much you loved this boy.)
MESSAGES                11:22 AM Tim Drake-Wayne: I don’t know if you’ve seen my tweet
MESSAGES                11:22 AM Tim Drake-Wayne: but that was a jest because in all seriousness
MESSAGES                11:23 AM Tim Drake-Wayne: I love you
(THAT’S IT!  The end.  This is so long.  I can’t thank you all enough for sticking with this fic, for all the support and lovely messages...!!  I hope you’ve enjoyed this.  If in the future you’d like to see more of my fics, feel free to follow me or maybe if you’d like to be on a general tag list for Tim fics of mine, reply or dm and I can do that too???  I’m new to reader inserts on here but people do seem to do that.  I have an idea for a fic about Tim and a reader who becomes a vigilante… one that involves time travel shenanigans… and some Jason fics too…  ANYWAY!!  I RAMBLE!!  Worse than the reader in this fic’s own thoughts.  Thank you so, SO much for reading!  All my love to you guys ♡ )
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
The Shadow (Batkid!Reader x Bucky Barnes)
Requested by Anonymous for #19 - Bucky Barnes x Batkid!Reader where after escaping Hydra, Bucky meets the Batfam who help him recover, and he falls in love with Bruce’s eldest son.
Warning - very long length! - I’d be willing to do sequels if anyone has ideas!
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“Watch out, everyone. I see something.” you say over comms. Barbara’s hacked you into the CCTV system all over Gotham, so it takes only a second for you to find a better angle. “Oh, no.”
“No? What’s the problem, Brother Eye?” your father asks.
Brother Eye was your codename, like Barbara was Oracle.
“It’s the Winter Soldier. I had heard he escaped the Avengers in Germany, but...”
Bruce sighs. The SHIELD and the Avengers have been a thorn in the side of the Justice League for quite a few years now, their careless actions turning the public against metahumans and superheroes in general.
“He’s dangerous. Prepare to engage.” Damian says, but you stop them.
“No. Something’s different.”
You can hear Damian rolling his eyes. “Brother, there is nothing different. The Winter Soldier is here in Gotham.”
As loathe as you are to argue with Damian (he just started calling you Brother, after all), you point out that he hasn’t attacked yet.
“Oracle, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” you ask.
Barbara’s already hacking and pulling up footage of the interrogation of Bucky Barnes in Vienna, where a dark-haired man uses Russian phrases to turn him into the Soldier. She’s also run facial recognition and determined the photo used by the authorities is of someone wearing a face-altering mask.
“It would appear, Master Bruce, that Sergeant Barnes was being framed, likely to have him collected at the facility so this man could retrieve the Winter Soldier.” Alfred says dryly, uploading the evidence to Bruce’s cowl.
For his own good, it is decided that you will all bring him in.
Bruce allows you to do the talking through comms. After all, you’re the best with people, except for Alfred and maybe Dick.
“Sergeant Barnes? James Buchanan Barnes?”
The Soldier doesn’t look at the source of your voice, but instead at the nearest camera, as if he can see you through it the way you see him.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Y/N Wayne. I want to help you. I know that you are not to blame for the U.N. If you go with Batman, he can protect you and bring you to a safer location.”
“Why should I trust you?” he asks. It’s a fair question, and you pause before answering. You decide to be brutally honest.
“You shouldn’t, yet. I could be lying about everything. All I can give you is my word that I have the ability and desire to help you.”
“Because that’s what I do.”
The Soldier allows Batman to lead him to the Batmobile
“He your boss?” he asks Bruce.
Bruce chuckles. “My son. My oldest.”
“This is a... family business, then?”
Bruce nods. “Yes it is.
Upon reaching the Batcave, the Soldier’s eyes come to rest on you. You walk up to him, analyzing his every move as has come to be your habit. “Hello, Sergeant Barnes.”
“Bucky. My name is Bucky.” 
You and your father decide together to house Bucky in the Manor for the time being, while Batman brings the evidence you and Barbara collected and shows it to the Justice League
Just take a minute to bask in the glory of solving in two minutes what it took the Avengers and global police several days to even consider.
You have to wrangle Damian and Jason away from him most of the time, because they keep asking him for his top ten ways to kill someone, and it’s starting to make him uncomfortable. Surprisingly, Damian is the first to get better, and introduces Bucky to his many animals, almost like the child he is.
“This is Titus. Titus, say hello to Barnes.”
“Heya, pal.” *pets Titus*
*puts down sword* “Good. You have passed the test. Titus likes you.”
Dick is the best at helping Bucky recover his old memories, simply because it’s so easy to talk to him that Bucky responds without thinking and remembers a whole year of his old life.
Tim helps remind Bucky of the past by doing extensive research.
Of course, it isn’t long before Bucky asks to join the Batfam on patrol, wanting to help.
Bruce is surprisingly welcoming, and has you and Lucius Fox manufacture a new arm for Bucky to replace his Hydra one. It’s in matte black, and Bucky likes it because it looks almost as if he’s wearing a skintight sleeve and glove.
Jason helps Bucky train, because Bucky hasn’t really had combat training over the years, just, well, “punch and repeat.”
Bucky doesn’t wear a cape, but he gets a domino mask and tacks on a Bat-symbol to his mechanical arm.
He becomes known as “the Shadow” by Gotham criminals because unlike the Bat, he won’t talk. He’ll just appear, beat them up, and vanish again.
But Bucky’s favorite person to spend time with is you. Mostly because you make him feel like a living, breathing person, and not a convalescent or a living diorama. 
You’ll ask him lots of questions about his personal likes and dislikes, and he’ll be completely stunned.
But he’ll come up to you a few days later and answer, after you’ve already forgotten that you asked.
“Excuse me?”
“You... you asked me what my favorite drink was. It’s lemonade.”
You always smile at him proudly and thank him. He’s not sure why, but it makes him feel like he’s glowing from the inside.
Bucky doesn’t know exactly when he fell for you.
Maybe it was seeing how protective you were of your family. And the way you immediately became protective over him. Despite the fact that he’s the assassin and you’re not a fighter, he feels safe under your watch.
Maybe it was when you, Dick, and Bruce took him shopping for new clothes to celebrate his newfound freedom after the Justice League exonerated him. It was decided that he stay at Wayne Manor (because, of course, the Waynes were the main sponsors of the League), and you found him clothes that were practical and comfortable.
Maybe it was seeing your tactical brilliance. He sees how you and Bruce work together on the fly to build impenetrable combat strategies. Bucky learns to follow the others’ example and unhesitatingly obey when you bark a direction, even when it seems impractical.
Maybe it was when you invited him to join in on the family night movie watching session. You had fallen asleep, slowly drooping over until you were cuddled against him. He stiffened in surprise, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy how comfortable you were with him. 
But by the time he came to seek you out in the Manor, he was gone.
You were correcting one of Damian’s school essays, or rather, censoring it of violent content. Leave Damian to go into detail about battle wounds in a essay on the American Civil War.
“Uhhh... I was hopin’ maybe I could talk to you.”
You look up and notice he’s dressed in a nice suit. His hair’s slicked back, and he looks so nervous.
“Sure, Buck. What’s up?”
He holds out his hand to you. “I was wonderin’ maybe if I could take you on a date.”
“Yeah. Uh, although, you might have to be a little patient with me. I haven’t taken anyone out in... a while.”
You take his hand. “I’d like that. A lot.”
He takes you out to an old restaurant about an hour away in New York, which is still around because it advertises itself as “Captain America’s Favorite Diner” and has since the end of World War II. As a bonus, Bucky gets to eat free there.
You have a classic meal of burgers and milkshakes in your fancy suits, and then Bucky asks you to dance with him to the tune of old 40′s hits. 
Of course, there’s tabloid news about it, but it doesn’t matter. Because everyone sees that Bucky’s happy with you, and you’re happy with him.
So when Bruce finds you two passed out on the couch after a night of dance and laughter, he decides to reserve his “if you ever hurt my son” spiel for another day. Tomorrow, perhaps. He simply takes a picture on his phone to send to Alfred and walks away.
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
Newbie in town [ Ben Hardy x F!Reader]
Words : 2, 500 K +
Warnings : angst, fluff
Summary : Ben move into in a flat with two roommates. He started to crush on Reader but he is afraid she already have a thing with Joe.
Note :  Not as angst as I plan to but anyway, requested by a lovely ano, hope u like it babe !!!
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Ben had move into his new shared flat a little over three months ago. Things were going good, even great. The flat wasn’t too far from the center, the rent was correct and his roommates where really nice. There was Joe, born and raised here, in New York City, he was such a cool guy, hilarious and mostly in a happy mood. And there was (Y/N). She was a bit shy but once she was comfortable with people, she was very friendly. And she was pretty. Maybe too pretty because since day one Ben found himself having a crush on her. And it was getting bigger every day.
But the thing was, (Y/N) and Joe were close, like really close. She spent a lot of evenings with Joe, both of them messing on the sofa during whatever was on the TV. The blond was invited every time but he couldn’t help but felt left aside. Like he was intruding between his two roommates. They also had lunches together when they were both on break during work. Or the private jokes, probably what Ben hated the most. Ben wasn’t sure if Joe was flirting or just being nice. It was hard to say with him, always joking and being serious wasn’t his thing, so it was quite confusing. (Y/N) was as equally confusing. She was timid and blushing easily, so Ben couldn’t tell if she was into Joe or just being herself.
"Joseph ! Hurry up we’re going to be late !" Ben swallowed nervously at the sight of (Y/N), all dolled up and bouncing on her feet, seeming in a very good mood. "Sure you don’t want to come Benjamin ?" She looked at him with her sweet smile, her fingers putting her hairs in a plate.
"I have other plan but thanks" Ben said, a stupid smile on his lips, like every time he was speaking to her. She was very charming.
"Ordering a pizza and play Fifa all evening it’s not a plan Jones" Joe exclaimed when he entered the living room, he was well dressed too, straightening his white shirt casually.
Ben’s ears reddened at his words as (Y/N) giggled softly, giving him an amused glance. His heart melting at the happiness sparkling in her eyes, it was pretty rare to see her so care-free and simply joyful. School was kicking her ass, making her anxious and overwhelmed with so much work, it wasn’t easy everyday and you could see that on her face. She also had some family problems that was weighing on her but she wasn’t one to complain, preferring keeping quiet about whatever was bothering her.
"Should we go mister Mazzello ? Or should I call Mister Director now ?" She teased with a goofy grin, matching Joe’s one.
"Sir, it’s good too" Joe joked back and Ben took a big sip of his beer, watching his two roommates giggling at each other, his stomach twisting with jealousy.
"Dork" (Y/N) slapped playfully his shoulder. "I’m really proud of you Joe, you really deserve this promotion" The pride and happiness for her friend was dripping from her sweet tone and, once again, Ben felt sick.
"Thanks bub" He winked at her and dropped a soft kiss on her hairs and her smile was now reaching ear from ear. "Ready ?" (Y/N) nodded eagerly and slid her arm on Joe’s, her bag hanging on her other shoulder. "See you later Benny"
"Bye" He replied with a forced smile, his heart beating roughly against his rib cage, painfully aware that the girl he liked was probably already taken.
Weeks went by and Ben weren’t feeling better, it was ridiculous because his little crush was now something more, he was dangerous falling for his roommate and nothing could stop that.
"Ben ! Careful, you’re putting dough everywhere !" Ben blinked furiously, stopping his pure contemplation of (Y/N), to see that, effectively, he was throwing dough on the counter with his distract movements. "Give me that Benny" She giggled, taking from his hand the bowl and poured the dough into the dinosaur shape.
They were making a cake for Joe’s birthday and the man had a strange fascination for dinosaurs, they opted for the diplodocus shape, (Y/N) claimed it was the cutest of all.
"You’re so easily distracted, Ben" She added and gave him an amused grin behind her shoulder, making Ben’s heart fluttered. She was too damn pretty for his well-being. "What were you thinking about this time ?"
The blond chewed his lower lip and debated between telling her the truth or lying like every time. He opted for the third option, which weren’t really a lie but not the complete truth either.
"A girl"
"A girl ?" (Y/N) frowned her brows and slid the dough into the oven, before licking the remaining of the sweet dough from her fingers. Ben had to repress a moan at the sight. "I didn’t know you were seeing someone Benny"
"I’m not seeing her. Not really. We...are friends but I hope we could be something more one day" He said and stared intensely in her gaze, trying to make her understand who was this girl.
Of course she didn’t get the hint, he never even flirted with her, she couldn’t have a clue he was into her. Before she could replied, Joe entered the flat and all her attention ended up on the red hair, making Ben sighed deeply.
This was probably the worst Christmas on Ben’s life. He was maybe being a bit dramatic but seeing photos of (Y/N) and Joe all across his Instagram was killing him. Ben went to his family for the holiday and (Y/N) went with Joe, spending two all weekday together, having apparently the time of their lives.
And Ben was only thinking about her. How much he was in love with her now and how painful it was to live with the both of them. He was seriously considering to move in another flat, hoping it would calm his feelings until they disappeared in ashes.
Before opting for the most extreme solution, he wanted to ask Joe to confirm his relationship with (Y/N). But he was scared. Scared to ruin everything. Joe would immediately picked up that Ben had feelings for (Y/N) and if they were really together, it would be horribly awkward. Maybe he would be mad. And Joe was a dear friend to Ben, perhaps he should keep his mouth shut.
But when few days after coming back from holidays, he saw (Y/N) exited Joe’s room early in the morning, he felt his heart dropped. Crushing completely in tiny pieces. He was back from the gym and he stayed quiet, watching the girl he loved going back in her room, probably after fucking with Joe. For a split second he hated the red hair, jealousy burning his face but it quickly went away, knowing it was completely childish. Instead he was just sad. Deeply. He wiped the only tear which managed to escape his glossy eyes and went back to his room, decided to move out for good.
"Come on, Ben. Tell me what’s wrong ?" Joe was sitting on the blond’s bed, watching him packed his things. "(Y/N) already visited the new place you are going before moving here and she almost fainted when she saw a family of rats leaving in what was supposed to be her room. Why are you so eager to leave us ?"
"It’s not that bad and I told you, it’s closer to my work, mate. Doesn’t mean we can’t hang out together anymore" Ben gave him a tired smile, hoping the red hair would just drop it. The new place he was supposed to move in few days was horrible, a real shit hole but that was the only flat he could afford to stay in the center. And staying here, watching (Y/N) and Joe making doe-eyes to each other wasn’t a plan. He couldn’t stay here anymore, it was crushing him.
Joe sighed deeply and grabbed the box from Ben’s hands, putting it on the floor.
"Come on, the truth Jones, I’m not stupid, you’re lying. What is going on ? I thought you like our flat ? And we are nice roommates, so I don’t understand. And (Y/N) is going to kill you if she now you are moving out. She really likes you" Ben rolled his eyes, (Y/N) liked him, awesome but that wasn’t the problem.
"It’s just...alright, promise you won’t be mad at me ?" Joe raised a brow but promised anyway, surprised to see Ben ready to speak. The blond took a deep breath and decided he had nothing to lose anymore. "I’m in love with (Y/N)"
He swallowed nervously and watched Joe’s eyes widened at his words.
"You’re in love with her ?" He repeated with a high-pitched voice.
"But I know she is yours man, no worry, I didn’t try anything" Ben quickly added, anxious to see his friend kicking his ass.
"She is mine ? What do you mean ?" Joe scratched his beard as he processed slowly the informations.
"You’re together right ?" Joe stayed silent, his brows deeply frowned. "I saw her walking out of your room the other day, in the early morning. And you took her with you for holidays with your family so...yeah, you weren’t very discrete" Ben explained with a sad smile, folding a pants in the clothes box to avoid his roommate’s gaze.
"Oh. No, no, no" The red hair chuckled and shook his head. "We are not together, not at all!"
Ben grimaced. Right, even better, they were sex friend and strangely it was even worse for him.
"We are not sleeping together either Benjamin. Never" Joe added, seeing what Ben was thinking on his face. "We are just friend, close ones but that’s all we are. I swear"
The blond felt a weight lifted from his shoulders and he let the cloth fell on the ground with a low thud, feeling deeply relieved. They weren’t together.
"But...you...she is always glued to you, going with you everywhere and...I think she have feelings for you" Ben was confused now, the way they acted together...one of them must had feeling for the other. (Y/N) had probably.
"No she don’t, trust me, she don’t" Joe replied with a little smile. "I know what it look like but none of us have feelings other than friendly ones. (Y/N)...she is new to the city okay ? She don’t know anyone except her roommates, and before you arrived it was only me and her. That why we are so close, she is fucking lonely and she hates that. And did you see how timid she is ? It’s hard for her to meet new peoples, she missed a lot her friends from home and sometimes it’s just too much to handle" Joe confessed with a sigh, remembering how many time he comforted the poor girl.
Ben stayed silent for a good minute, his heart beating loudly in his chest.
"But why she never came to me then ? We’re friends too but she always go to you" The blond murmured, feeling envious that (Y/N) felt comfortable enough to go Joe but not him.
"I’m not supposed to tell you" The red hair mumbled, biting his nails as he thought intensely. "Most of the time you saw us cuddling or being close, you didn’t see what happened before. You didn’t hear how hard (Y/N) cried against my shoulder because school was breaking her. Or how miserable she is every time she speaks on the phone with her parents. The other day when she was out of my room ? She just had an anxiety attack because the day before she lost her part time job and was freaking out about paying rent. She...have some depressing moments and she don’t like to seems weak so she tried to keep it for her but sometimes it’s just too much"
Ben’s throat was tight with sadness and remorse. He was so preoccupied with his feelings that he didn’t even notice how his friend was not doing good. She was probably a better actress than himself.
"And no Ben, you couldn’t have guess. She made sure you didn’t pick up on her distress, she would rather come to me because I’m her friend and she don’t care if I saw her crying and wiping her nose on my top. Trust me, the romance is completely dead during these moments" He added with a little laugh.
"So she doesn’t see me as her friend ?" He replied with a bitter tone, even being friends with her he didn’t make it.
"Not really. She saw in you more than a simple friend Ben" The blond arched a brow, not sure what his roommate was trying to say. "For god’ sake Ben ! She likes you, alright ? And she would never cry in front of you, precisely for that reason ! She don’t want you to be embarrassed and make you run away. She really likes you, man"
Ben’s mouth was agape, his mind too clouded to form a coherent sentence. He felt a wave of relief and excitement rolled on him. She liked him. (Y/N), the beautiful (Y/N) had feelings for him too.
"She likes me ?" Ben repeated with a giant smile, nervous laughs leaving his lips.
"Yes, she does mate !" Joe joined his laughs, happy to see his friend so excited by the new. "Ask her out when she comes home, you will see, she waiting for you to make a move for months now"
"But...she could have too ! How could I guess she likes me ?"
"Benny, come on. She is freaking shy and you are mister sociable, you could have a full conversation with a fucking dinner table" The blond giggled and shook his head, not fully believing what was going on. "Trust me, she’s gonna say yes. She don’t have enough confidence to ask you out first"
And that exactly at this moment that (Y/N) echoed into the flat, greeting happily her roommates.
Ben exchanged a glance with Joe who shooed him away in her direction. The blond practically ran to the living-room, smiling like a mad man at the sight of (Y/N). Joe followed close behind, watching the interaction with a fond smile.
"Hi" Ben let out as he came next to (Y/N), his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Hi there Benny" She replied and blushed a bit at his intense staring. "You’re okay ?"
"More than okay" He smiled and cleared his throat. "In fact, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tonight ?" He blurbed out and Joe swallows back a snort, amused by his nervousness.
(Y/N) turned into a blushing mess, batting her eyelashes furiously as she was processing his words. She noticed Joe’s thumbs up behind Ben, in the corner of the room and she nodded eagerly, a timid smile curling on her lips.
"I would love too Benjamin"
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trashcanmarvelfan · 5 years
Best. Job. Ever. 11/13
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com. (Legal) alcohol use as well but since it’s legal do I really need to tag it?
Word Count: 1339 for chapter 11.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: I’ve added a separate epilogue, so there will actually be 13 chapters total!
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
The next morning, when Y/N knocked on Tom’s door he answered it looking much more refreshed than he had on Monday, so Y/N chalked it up to Tom simply having been tired or under the weather. They got back to their normal routine of eating dinner and hanging out together afterwards, although Y/N noticed that Tom didn’t sit quite as close to her as he had been. Must still not be feeling well and doesn't want to get me sick.
The rest of the week flew by and the next thing Y/N knew it was Friday, the last official day of filming. While they were at lunch Y/N received an email about the cast & crew wrap party, which Jon was throwing on Saturday night at the warehouse they were using for the green screen filming.
When she mentioned it to Tom on the way back to the hotel after filming wrapped he nodded. “Yeah, Jon throws a huge party to celebrate the end of filming. It’s his way of getting everyone to let off some steam and to kind of thank everyone for all of their hard work during the shoot. He hires a DJ and basically turns the space into a nightclub.” He paused. “Are you planning on going?”
Y/N shrugged. “Yeah, I mean I guess. My flight doesn’t leave until Sunday afternoon so I don’t have anywhere else to be.”
“Maybe I’ll see you there, get to tell you goodbye before you go?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“Good. Yeah. Great.” Tom nodded firmly, as if in decision.
“Great,” Y/N echoed.
“Okay.” Tom pulled out his phone. “Oh wait, I should post something to Insta about wrapping on Far from Home. Didn’t you take some photos after we wrapped?”
“Yeah, you want me to send them to you?”
Tom nodded, so Y/N texted a few of the shots she had taken -- a candid of Tom giving Jon a bro-hug, one of Tom & Jacob together, a few of Tim, Jacob, and Zendaya, and several of Tom, Jacob, Zendaya, and Jon all together.
Tom posted a few of the shots to his Instagram. And that’s a wrap on #SpidermanFarFromHome. Thanks to jnwtts marvelstudios sonypictures and all of the cast & crew for such an amazing experience.
“We should take a selfie to commemorate the last day of filming too,” Tom said.
“Sure,” Y/N agreed.
They leaned close together and Tom snapped their photo as the car pulled up to the hotel. “James, it’s been a pleasure,” Tom said. “Thank you so much.”
“You’ve been terrific,” Y/N added. “Thanks for shuttling us back & forth to set.”
“It’s been my pleasure. You take care,” James replied, shaking both of their hands before rounding the front of the car back to the driver’s seat.
A pang hit Y/N. It was really over. After tomorrow, she’d go back to her normal, boring life.
They walked through the lobby, stepped onto the elevator, and ascended to the 10th floor.
“So, I’ll see you in a bit?” Tom asked as they stepped off of the elevator.
“Yeah, see you in a bit.” Y/N replied.
Tom turned back towards her as if to tell her something else, then shook his head before disappearing into his room to shower before heading over to her room for dinner.
Okay, that was weird, Y/N thought before going into her own room to order sushi for delivery and to take her own shower.
She dressed in some comfortable clothes and was sorting all of the various photos she had taken over the past 3 weeks into folders on her laptop when Tom arrived.  
“Hey, sushi’s not here yet,” she said.  
Tom joined her on her bed, smiling at the selfie that he & Y/N had taken on the first day of filming.
They turned towards each other at the same time and their eyes locked. Y/N’s breath hitched as Tom's eyes drifted down to her lips, then back up to her eyes. She subconsciously licked her lips.
“You know, Y/N, I--” Tom began.
A sudden knock interrupted them.
Y/N heard Tom mutter something under his breath as she got up to answer the door.
She tipped the delivery driver and brought in the bags of food. Tom was typing something on his phone but put it away when Y/N set the bags down and helped take everything out.
“Haz says to tell you hello.”
Y/N smiled. “Tell him hi back for me.” She dipped a piece of sushi in her eel sauce. “So what's next for you?” she asked.
“Taking some time off before I start filming The Devil All the Time. What about you? Don't you start your new job after this?”
Y/N nodded. “I've got a week in between. I had all my stuff shipped to my new apartment in L.A., so when I get back all I need to do is to unpack everything and get settled in.”  
Tom nodded as he chewed thoughtfully.
They finished their dinner and picked up their containers, then Tom suggested scrolling through the rest of the pictures that Y/N had taken during shooting and reminiscing.
Y/N & Tom both smiled at the selfie Harrison had taken of the three of them at the nightclub the previous week.
“You made quite an impression on him,” Tom said with a grin. “I think he likes you more than he likes me.”
Y/N laughed. “That’s doubtful.”
“I honestly wouldn't blame him though,” Tom said sincerely. “You really are amazing. I wouldn't have gotten through the last 3 weeks without going absolutely bonkers had you not been here.”
Y/N blushed. “Thanks. You're pretty great yourself.”
Tom grinned, then stretched. “It's getting late. I better go.”
They got up and walked to the door.
Y/N grabbed Tom’s hand as he turned towards the door. Hey, wait a second.”
Tom turned back towards her expectantly.
“I just want to say…” Y/N took a deep breath. “In case I don't get a chance to tell you tomorrow, I just wanted to thank you for everything. I've had a wonderful time being your assistant.”
Tom just smiled at Y/N sadly and gently kissed the top of her head. “I'll see you tomorrow evening.”
“See you tomorrow.”
Y/N closed the door behind Tom. Her heart ached.
She thought a minute, then typed out a text to Laura. I really screwed up with Tom, didn’t I?
Less than a minute later her phone rang. Y/N hadn’t even gotten the ‘hello’ out when Laura’s voice came over the speaker. “You’re damn right you did.”
Y/N groaned and fell back on her bed. “Gee, thanks for being so brutally honest, Laur.”
Laura laughed. “When is he flying back to London? Tomorrow?”
“No, actually tomorrow night is the wrap party, so he’s not leaving until Sunday afternoon.”
“Well then see, it’s not too late to fix it. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and if being with Tom is what makes you happy, then you deserve him. Screw what anyone else thinks.”
“Thanks, Laur. I appreciate it.”
“You know I’m always here for you.”
Oh, hey, want to meet up for a drink or twelve when I'm back in L.A.? Maybe Monday evening?”
Laura laughed. “Of course. My place?”
“Yeah that's good.”
“Look, I’ve got to run, but I still think you should talk to him, tell him how you feel. It’s not too late.”
“Thanks, Laura. You’re the best.”
“Later, Y/N.”
If someone had told Y/N a month ago that she’d not only be working on the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home, but working as the star’s personal assistant and attending the cast & crew wrap party, she’d have told them that they were crazy, but yet here she was. As she drifted off to sleep that night, she thought, even if I never see Tom again after tomorrow night, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.
Taglist: @laureharrier @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
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Fandom Newsletter #2
Today is Friday, October 5th of 2018 and welcome back to another Fandom Newsletter! You’re provider for all things fandom! 
Writers: Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, YoursTruly 
Editors: Fyne and YoursTruly 
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.”
- St. Jerome
Let’s get started! 
First to YoursTruly with the Hannibal, Horror, Tim Burton, and Marvel fandoms-
Hannibal: Thomas Harris, author of the Hannibal Lecter books, is releasing a new book on May 21st of 2019! The book will not feature Hannibal or any of the characters from that series. This new book will be the first book he’s published in over a decade, his last book being Hannibal Rising which was published in 2006. The book’s cover and title have not yet been released, but it can still be pre-ordered on Amazon and other sources. 
Horror: Horror fans are awaiting the next installment in The Conjuring series. The next movie is set to be released next year, the title being The Crooked Man, a character from The Conjuring 2. 
Tim Burton: Tim Burton fans are ecstatic about Freeform’s 13 Nights of Halloween being changed to 31 Nights of Halloween! During this time period, Freeform plays many popular Halloween movies, including The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Corpse Bride. 
Marvel: Marvel fans are debating the quality of the upcoming movie Venom. It seems there’s a clean split: You either love it or you hate it. A lot of controversy is spreading over one particular scene which won’t be spoiled here, but many people who have already seen it say it’s amazing and accurate to the comics. The movie is not part of the MCU and exists outside of the Spider-Man universe, setting it up for the perfect Venom solo movie. The movie hits theaters this Saturday. I personally think it will be an incredible movie, what about you? 
Next to Blackpurrl with the Harry Potter, World News, and Animation fandoms-
Animation: New clips are out for Vivziepop’s Hazbin Hotel!
Harry Potter: The newest movie, The Crimes of Grindelwald, is set for release on November 6th this year. Just one month to go!
World News: Spiked Reports on Sexual Harassment in France. Follow the link to read more.
Now to Fyne with the Supernatural, Sherlock, YouTube, and Spooptober fandoms- 
Supernatural - The wardrobe on Supernatural has become a trademark for so many of the show’s favorite characters. Early on, things like Dean’s leather jacket took on a life of its own, playing an essential part of the Winchester storyline. Dean inherited it from John, turning his staple style into a sentiment of how much he idolized his dad. For the first five seasons, the brown leather jacket (which we first see in the pilot episode) was almost thought of as Dean’s superhero attire. Then, in season 6, without even an explanation, the jacket was just gone. Where did it go? Well As it turns out, there was a very real reason for this vanishing act. When the cast was in Los Angeles for a photo shoot, their wardrobe was flown over from Vancouver. In the process, a few items were stolen. Among them was Dean’s iconic jacket, which was worn in so many memorable scenes. Who stole it? To this day we do not know. Since then, Dean’s look has undergone a few subtle changes. At first, there was somewhat of a “normal life”-looking coat that appeared at the beginning of season 6. Thankfully, that fad didn’t last long. Eventually, it changed over into an evolving selection military-style jackets, each perfectly-suited for his character. It’s now hard to imagine Dean without his current signature style.
Sherlock - Did you know Matt Smith auditioned to play Watson? Yes our beloved less down to earth Doctor was almost our very down to earth John Watson. He may be best known for playing a less down-to-Earth Doctor, but before he got the keys to the TARDIS, Matt Smith auditioned for the role of Dr. Watson. Although he can do less eccentric than the role he's best known for, Smith himself admits he'd probably have been a little too skewed to work as Sherlock's foil. Why Smith didn't get the role is kinda obvious when you think about it. Before Doctor Who he had only a handful of TV credits to his name, with his only big screen role. Martin Freeman may not have been the blockbuster leading man he is now, but he was at the very least recognisable to a British audience thanks to The Office.
YouTube - Art YouTubers are currently confusing fans as, unlike last year, the ones participating in inktober aren’t making daily videos. We can’t help but wonder if this is because of the ad-pocolypse and shrinking revenue, or if it is because they simply don’t feel up to it. What are your thoughts?
Spooptober - It is officially Spooptober! Expect creepy fun facts, stories, and tidbits throughout the month of October! This weeks fun fact is - did you know that the average high school student prefers Halloween over Valentines day? Who woulda thunk?
Lastly to Atlas with the Voltron, Movies, And Celebrities fandoms-
Voltron: An interview with Josh Keaton was posted on YouTube. In the interview, he was asked about what he thought about the show ending. He replied, “All of us really love the show. We’re sad to see it go. As for me, I don’t think I’m ready to stop being Shiro.”
Movies: So, um. Live action Teen Titans anyone? No?
Celebrities: Lin-Manuel Miranda is going to play a small role in Mary Poppins Returns.
Now to your weekly movie review by YoursTruly- 
Movie review- Spider-Man 3
I’ve seen this movie many times before, and it’s my favorite in the Spider-Man franchise. The movie has a great plot and is throughly entertaining in general. The movie features Toby Maguire, who many people consider to be the best Spider-Man. 
Now to Blackpurrl with the weekly trivia fact- 
Trivia: A cricket's ears are on its front legs, just below the knees and they have four acoustic inputs. The openings in the crickets exoskeleton that act as ears, lead into chambers inside the legs, which connect to either side of the cricket, allowing sound to pass completely through the cricket.
And back to Atlas with the weekly book review- 
Book Review: Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart is a modern day/not-so modern fantasy that will leave the reader on the edge of their seat. With a fantastic plot line and lovable characters, this book is hard to put down!
The comic at the end of the newsletter is brought to you by our very talented Blackpurrl. It’s titled “Atlas Initiation”. That’s all for this week, we’ll see you next week with another Fandom Newsletter! 
Signing off, 
Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, YoursTruly 
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