#which is just this cute kid's matching puzzle game
espytalks · 6 months
i should stop taking naps after dinner.
I just had a frickin weird one, cause ive been playing a lot of suiika game and heldivers 2, of all combos, and i drempt i was calling in these tanks? and i kept dropping them on more tank things so they'd fuse and make bigger tanks.
There were a lot of enemies (cant remember what they looked like) and just? a lot of noise and gun firings, and they kept shooting down my tank thingies so i kept dropping more tanks, which i'd see from the same perspective as calling in reinforcements in the game, which wasn't as disorienting as it sounds.
i woke up when the chaos died down, and i woke up super relaxed, my dudes, which is weird because i hate guns and military-esque games, so by all means that shoulda been a nightmare.
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ansbobcar · 7 months
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EP 4. A small problem
Link to overview
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It’s been a month now, the gossip magazines and Kaldo’s loud mouth spread their relationship like the summer wildfire the Ice Cane put out in the south. But sadly, their work only seemed to double as well, leaving them no room to do anything but head over to Joe’s for some sweet intoxication to rid the stress late at night. But that only worked for him. She couldn’t get drunk even if she wanted to, bringing a notebook to doodle cute dragons and doors to pass the time until the brunette dozed into slumberland. Not exactly what either of them thought.
“Maybe we should abstain from alcohol for a month,” she told herself, as she draped a mossy green knitted blanket over her junior before she placed a light heating spell onto the blanket. Although the office had a fireplace, the room’s insulation wasn’t the best. Thankfully, the capital was never met with shivering blizzards or even snowfall like the northern regions so the nightly breeze which commonly greeted the open window only licked a tingly sting once in a while.
His hand hung loose and poked out of the blanket, and quickly adjusted it. “I’ll see you again in the morning, okay?” She ruffled his hair and stood up.
“Rinka,” he mumbled in a whisper. “Can you stay, please? I don’t want them to get suspicious.”
‘He’s cute when he’s drunk,’ she commented to herself. “Alright.”
_ _ _
Strutting down the hall with elegance that could make a fair maiden and manly gentleman’s heart swoon at such a pristine face, was a man chosen by the gods. Even with a son who was only 5, he was intrigued and amused by his god daughter’s whereabouts. After all, she had completely skipped the dinner his lovely wife had prepared to be with her boyfriend! He couldn’t believe it! She wasn’t in her usual place so he walked up and burst the doors open with a clear question.
“What have you lovebirds been up to?!”
Godfather or not, he was shushed. “It’s only 6 in the morning, Ryoh. What about your own child?” Carefully pouring tea into a cup.
“It’s a weekday, he’s going to attend kindergarten,” he brushed off, gladly accepting a cup and adding a cube of sugar. She shook her head at his reply. “What did you want anyways?” She watched as he sat down next to her on the couch just facing the sleeping brunette. 
“Just wanted to beat Kaldo at his snooping game--I’m kidding, how far have you guys gotten?”
“What do you mean by far?” Puzzled by his words, she sipped onto her own cup.
“You guys must have kissed already if its’ been months now,” her eyes stiffened from widening from those words. “Or has it gone further?” He pestered her, shoulders apprehensive at the thought. “What about dates hm?” to which they relaxed once more.
“We’ve mostly only had time to drink, and he does it ‘till he’s senseless,” she sighed. “Any ideas? We’ve been stacked to the point we can’t think elsewhere.”
“Maybe try a picnic for a change, there’s this really nice spot in the forest where you can oversee a lake and mountains,” he mentioned. Taking out a photo of when he was younger with his wife-then-girlfriend, they were matching in blue  “Yeah, this one. You should take him there. Oh and wear different clothes. Helps with avoiding the paparazzi quite a lot.”
“I’ll consider it.”
Consider? Once he woke up, they immediately agreed without any further questions. Children are becoming more and more ungrateful as they grow older. They opted to do it the morning after the next, after acquiring the location of the area from the idea generator himself. After dropping off their spare clothes in the office for the night, they both agreed to meet at the spot the following morning.
With a simple yet powerful spell, her eyes were greeted by a grassy hill and cornflower dyed sky surrounded by forests and a lake in the distance as stated with a basket in hand. The blonde searched with her eyes for another figure and oddly enough, she saw a silhouette in white. She snickered at the thought as she lifted up the hem of her skirt and walked over.
_ _ _
If it wasn’t for the straw hat, basket and lack of onlookers, he would’ve confused the sight of her in a white dress for a bride walking down the isle. “We didn’t even plan our outfits together,” she covered her mouth with a gloved hand before giggling. “We’re like swans or something.”
The sun rose in the horizon slowly as they took a seat. She only brought tea, bread and spreads, and 4 baked sweet potatoes. Handkerchiefs were provided by him though. The ambience and freshness of the forest lightened their mood as they began to eat breakfast.
“You really like potatoes,” he murmured, amazed at the flavour with barely anything.
“My mom grew these,” she stated. That’s… such an odd thing to grow though. “She lives outside of the city now, so it makes more sense to do it.” No it doesn’t. “She might try making a business with the city market and restaurants for the fresh produce. Just a side hustle you know.”
The light summer breeze tickled them with the swaying hairs of grass, tiredness was still present in his body though, proceeding to lie down on the mat. Out of care, she took off her bonnet and covered his face from the light. “You don’t need to do that…” lifting it up before he let go of it once more. There was no point in putting up a fight, closing his eyes.
The blending hues of the sky against the gradient of green, the scent of the mild morning dew, paired with the lingering vapour from her teacup made her wish this painting filled with a quiet warmth could be frozen in time. She wanted the moment to last forever. “This would’ve probably been extremely romantic if we were in love,” she mumbled under her breath. “No kidding.” 
The ground trembled unnaturally with deep voices filled with rage cascading the background. With increasing magnitude, she hastily placed down her cup and took out her wand from the basket. “What are you doing?” He lifted himself up from his resting position.
“Checking out the issue, there’s a nearby village here which specialises in sheep,” she explained. “So it’ll be better to prevent it, it’s early in the morning to not bother them just yet.”
“I’ll follow you right afterwards then,” flicking his wand to pack their belongings. Immediately, she flew like an angel without wings towards the source. She saw two giants with weapons in hand and immediately amplified her voice. “Please stop!”
“Butt out, you human!” The beared out seethed at her whilst holding his axe. “This is a problem between me and Broggy. Today is no different than the last.”
“What’s the problem then?” They began to explain that recently, the two had split the property of the forest in half in order to settle a dispute. “Our issue, is that damned lake! Broggy gets all the fish!”
“Can’t you introduce more fish into the pond then? Or introduce a fish and produce trade exchange?”
“He might poison me if he does that!” They refuted her suggestion. The two hated each other’s guts. “So as tradition, we settle disputes with a fight. And why are you a human butting into our business? Clearly you were on a honeymoon.”
“But then you’ll frighten the nearby village and increase anti-giant sentiments than before,” she explained. “You wouldn’t want that to happen would you?” Irritating the bearded giant.
“This is an issue between us two! I’ll smack you before you can see it!”
She hawked at the comment internally while keeping her placating expression. “I wouldn’t suggest that if I were you.”
“You’re testing my patience lady,” readying his axe to batter her miniscule body into oblivion. The lack of hesitation in her words infuriated him further to begin his move. “You’ve been warned.”
With a hefty swing charged at her followed by a crack, the heavy axe lost its direction, landing human metres before the other giant’s deer sized toes. Broggy, a giant who had only begun his adulthood, wished he had never fought with the oldie. A giant who was revered in his youth for being an excellent stonesmith. His glass-like eyes watched the tiny human woman’s cloud-coloured dress get muddied without a hint of disgust in her face. Her expression was so serene at the sight of his neighbour’s conditioned and rugged body bursting with violent vigour and dyeing the calming colours of the setting with crimson, his feet were left planted in their place.
The reputable giant Marj Ream was killed. By a human.
_ _ _ _ _
Lol. Uh. I realised, I made a big error with Orter's timing. It's only possible for it to have been 15 months at best unless we're going from before he started being a DV. We're going with that I guess, I'm so lazy to readjust the first episode again TwT I'm so sorry for the inconsistency y'all.
Also did you enjoy the slight date they had? I want to try writing spicier stuff but I'm like mortified that it'll feel too forced. See ya next time.
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hearts4scottney · 1 year
heather: mean girls (bc she thinks regina is a bad bitch who deserved so much better than what cady had did to her (also she thinks janice was cool as shit))
gwen: it 2017 (bc she had read the novel before the movie and was curious and as soon as she watched it she fell inlove with the cast and sfx)
courtney: unlocked (bc u cant deny girlie would like a good kdrama & her fav movie genre is ALWAAYYS gonna be mystery bc she likes to use the evidence and find out the culprit before the characters do)
duncan: texas chainsaw massacre (bc he loves a good gore fest) [but its actually highschool musical and hes too embarrassed to admit it]
trent: the notebook (bc he loved the romantic side of noah and the movie had inspired many songs of his)
cody: pixels (bc he thought it was pretty damn sweet that video games could basically come to life and he just found the movie absolutely hilarious)
dj: 101 dalmatians (bc dj is a sucker for animated films and the cuteness of the whole movie rlly stuck with him)
leshawna: bring it on (bc leshawna loves to watch ppl be on some stupid shit so long as it doesnt affect her - no matter how many times she watches it it never fails to make her howl out in laugher)
justin: cruella (bc justin loves a good villain story and finds cruellas outfits throughout the whole movie absolutely gorgeous)
harold: godzilla (bc he absolutely loves nerding out over dinosaurs and how incorrect godzilla is on the knowledge of monsters yet he appreciates the movies creativity and detail with a love/hate sort of thought process)
katie: the fault in our stars (bc she was absolutely heartbroken at the movies end and loved it sm.. also its the movie she & sadie had their first kiss to bc i said so!!)
sadie: the princess switch (bc when sadie was younger she always wanted to be a princess and fell in love with the idea of a normal girl being able to become royalty)
izzy: bride of chucky (bc izzy loves a good horror flick and tiffany was just the absolute embodiment of perfect energy to her)
owen: ted (bc the idea of a teddy bear coming to life and being fucking hilarious was just absolutely amazing to owen & it kind of made him want his stuffed animals to come alive </3)
geoff: teen beach (bc he likes musicals and refuses to admit it and rlly likes the movie plot)
bridgette: dolphin tale (bc bridgette absolutely loves dolphins sm and finds the entire plot of the movie so sweet)
lindsay: legally blonde (bc she sees herself in elle a LOT and projects onto her)
eva: real steel (bc boxing was pretty fucking cool to her already but adding in robots?? goddamn incredible in her eyes)
tyler: the adam project (bc he likes the plot, sfx, and the movie matches his sense of humor pretty well that he finds it rlly funny)
noah: escape room (bc he finds the puzzles cool and intricate, loves to guess who’s going to die in which room, and also likes when thriller characters have a good backstory)
alejandro: footloose (bc why wouldnt he like the movie abt dancing being forbidden? give me one good reason as to why not)
sierra: grease (bc she watched it with her mom when she was a kid and she absolutely adored the relationship between danny and sandy as well as the movies humor)
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Long time no seee how r u all darlings!
This year is a pretty harsh year but we can all make it through with love and laughter!
By laughter I mean tickles!!! Geeheee
Sooo, I haven't watched any new animes except for jigokuraku and oshi no ko. Well they are still updating new episodes and I might wrote something on them soon a little later.
This fic now is to indulge me. U guys might find it irritating.... sowwyyy
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Yh yh, I'm writing this.... cuz I just finished it. I will be writing a genshin next time. But I haven't had ideas in a while... I got a big demand for kinnporsche too! Will do as u please, dear fandoms!
Warning spoilers alert! If you watched Prince of Tennis, then pls proceed with caution... this is cute!
Fuji's plan (sus)
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It's always Momo-senpai and Eji-senpai that's been getting on his nerves. (Senpai is a term for seniors - in case some didn't know)
If he were to draw a comparison, it would be his immature father. He sighed, wondering if he was actually related to him... but he wondered if his senpais were actually Najiroh's kids... they bear an annoyingly vast similarity.
Ryoma Echizen found both Kaidou-senpai and Tezuka buchou (captain) similar - mostly buchou while Kaidou was just frightening. However, right now, he was at a loss when everyone agreed to a silly game mentioned by Fuji, unsurprisingly. He hadn't known until they started planning behind his back.
Eji's tone was puzzled, "Eh...? Lighten up Ochibi (meaning kiddo or shorty - a term of endearment)?"
Fuji said with a cool demeanour, "Mn, ever since the kantou tournaments, he's been tensed... so I really wanna see a bubbly sweet side of him"
Momoshiro gave prolonged his thoughts now. Then realised it was a good idea as he hadn't seen Echizen in such a situation. He had always been stoic like Tezuka.
"Well..." Fuji spoke up again as if he read Momo's mind "I tried this on Tezuka but... that will make us run laps... so my first thought was Echizen... even Kaidou agreed with me"
Turning to the viper kid, he glared but was unable to hide the blush of embarrassment. "Fshhhh! I want to know that brats weakness and humiliate him, I don't care about him"
Inui pushed his glasses, now having an eerie grin, which made the rest of the regulars feel uneasy. "It's good for my data... hehe"
Tezuka, on the other hand, had been eavesdropping. He turned to Oishi and then back at Echizen, destroying the second years with his serves.
Silently having a slight earnest to find out the hidden side of Echizen, he turned away. "If this goes too far, make them run twenty laps"
Oishi smiled inwardly, "Even he's got a soft side for the kohais (juniors the opposite of senpai)." he watched Tesuka, who was probably trying to observe from the background, while watching the freshmen pick up balls again.
"He said t-that...?" Kawamura stammered now, surprised by what Oishi said, the other third year shrugged with a tilted smile.
"Initiate plan... loosening up Echizen. " they silently made nods of agreement to go up against the youngest regular.
Beginning with Eji, who suddenly reached for Ryoma after his warm up Horio.
Ryoma was startled, but it was a calm reaction when he felt arms from behind now ruffling his hair.
"O-Ow ow... senpai... stop that"
"Caaan't! I wanna play with you, kiddo!"
Ryoma sighed inwardly, "If its a match u want....let's do it..."
"Nooo!" Eji tightened his grip, now removing the cap, "play with you!"
Instead of being embarrassed, he was annoyed, Fuji sensed this and signed to Oishi. This time, seeing how Oishi dragged a whining-Eji by the collar made Fuji smile as he rubbed his chin with his hand. "fuuhuu... this will be interesting"
Kawamura heard Momo whisper now, "why is everything Fuji-senpai say that I get chills"
"Trust me, I do too" shivered the split-personality guy.
It was when Inui came up with jokes as Ryoma was stretching his limbs, made him realise his seniors were planning something. He was intuitive to see how they were huddled in a group now, watching him too closely even without him playing a match.
"Mattaku (jeez), what is wrong with them?"
What's stranger was when Tezuka was ignoring this slacking off technique. Was he in on this scheme? What were they planning?"
"Ne, Echizen... what do you call a fish with no eye?"
"I heard that one before, Inui-senpai"
Pushing his glasses, he crossed the joke from his notebook "Mission failed..."
Eji pouted from a distant. "Mou! Why is Ochibi being so difficult, nya?" (Note that nya is a cat term this guy uses, as an onomatopoeia ~plus its super cute).
Momo cracked his fingers... "Alright, time for me to be a big brother..."
Fuji's eyes opened now, serious "What are you doing Momo?"
"Some childish technique that worked on guys like him..."
"Oh really... is this effective to break me?"
"Ye...." Before Momo could reply with confidence, he falters when Echizen was already there, folding his arms and looking unimpressed by this. Fuji chuckled into his hand. "Oopse"
"Ehhh...hee ahem! Echizen what...?" Momo tried to laugh it off but Ryoma was already seeing it through, shaking his head in disapproval he snapped "We got few days for the nationals and this is how you guys waste time? Sorry for being disrespectful but..."
"Ochibi, you need to lighten up!" Eji pounded his head gently, making the youngest look up with confusion as he felt his cap being taken off again.
"Oi!" Turning his back to the rest as he turned to Eji, he calmly stated in a stern tone "why are my senpais this childish"
Momo snickered now, seeing the opportunity to attack, "I'll show you childish, brat!"
"I know I say that, but -gah! Wahahat?"
Surprised, even Fuji hadn't been prepared for Momo to resolve this in this way. He smiled mischievously, "ne, Echizen you were saying?"
"Cuhut thehe crahahap... ahaa Shihit!"
"Echizen, mind your language!"
He was surprised to see the captain in front folding his arms in a slightly serious manner not fitting the circumstances at hand.
"Buhuhuchohohohu??? Ahahahare yohohohou ihihin Ohohon thihihis?" He struggled for words when Momo hit a sensitive spot on the backs of his ribs and Eji held his arms in a strong hold.
"I have noticed your tone against seniors. Consider this a lesson on manners,"
Ryoma lowered his head with shocked giggles, it made Inui snicker in excitement "The ribs are more effective than the sides... the higher ribs increases his laughter in a jolt... that means... the probability of Echizen weak in the armpits is 97.99%"
Widening his eyes in shock, he kicks his heels on the ground. Eji had Fuji help to restrain his arms higher, it was not hard since Ryoma is small in contrast to the seniors.
"Now, now Echizen, let us hear your giggles..." Fuji's icy voice sent shivers down Ryoma's spine. He couldn't help but unwillingly oblige.
"Teehehee W-whoohoho's gihihigglihihing??? Ohohohoiii! Ehehehehenough!" He began to blush when Fuji's teasing voice became more effective as Momo attacked his armpits. Eji happened to leave his spot and take over his knees.
This made Ryoma shriek out and grasp the attention of the other players, including the freshmen trio "E-eh? Is that Ryoma-kun?"
Kashiro smiled uneasily, "U-un, mn... it looks so... I never seen him like this"
Horio, on the other hand, snickered with a satisfied hum. "Even the great Seigaku freshman regular has a weakness"
Inui grinned, now scribbling on his notebook as fast as Momo scribbling his ribs. "Bingo, Eji..."
Fuji was competitive now, slightly scanning an approachable area, he reacted by massaging his right shoulder where its reachable while pulling his arm to expose him.
His laughter suddenly reached a pitch that was an octave higher, "Jackpot..."
"As expected of Fuji..."
Tezuka folded his arms, seeing how he couldn't keep his facade any longer, "ten more minutes and go back to practice, I'll go meet Ryuzaki sensei" he added sternly to them, "If it doesn't stop there, everyone will run twenty laps"
"Hai, hai Buchou!" Fuji smirked cheerfully, "How far can Echizen-kun take without begging?"
"Nahahahaa ihihihin yohohour dreheheheheams!" He managed to stick his tongue but also collapse into another bought of laughter. Fuji hummed menacingly, "Are you sure... because I just started"
Ryoma's golden eyes widened with shock when he felt the finger on his neck slide to his collarbone, he arched his back now twisting to the side and managing to overthrow the powerhouse Momoshiro.
"Uha! Careful Echizen!" Momo got off but then watched the third years following Echizen's movements, mercilessly pulling him into hell.
"I never seen a persistent Fuji, even during matches?"
Kawamura's words made Kaidou nod too, though he was also blushing like Echizen, his thoughts messing with him, Dammit, why is Echizen so cute? That stupid punk!
A sudden jolt that made Echizen narrolwly miss a kick Fuji in the face, made him turn on his back and embrace his middle with a gasp.
He was like a child, Fuji seemed to have won the game this time. Eji cooed now, grabbing his wrists to pin them to the sides to help Fuji. "Awww, Ochibi's ears are ticklish!"
Momo widened his eyes when Fuji grinned with a glint of sadism "Found~ it~"
Inui clapped now, "We officially put the cocky rookie down a peg"
"Ma, Echizen-kun is cute like this...ne Eji?" (BTW, this 'ma' is something japanese people use, idk the meaning, but Fuji uses it all the time)
"Right? He's so adorable"
"Ehehenough! Cuhuhut ihit out plehehease!"
Finally easing the torment, the youngster remained where he was, hands over his eyes, the blush still visible on his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"Who knew your ears were this bad, nice Fuji" Momo said slightly amazed, "though you sort of won the game, it was my idea..."
"Hn, yes it's both our win"
"I hahate yohohu, seehenpai-tachi!" (Senpai tachi is a plural form)
They laughed and Oishi sighed in relief "Thankfull we finished before seven minutes"
"So it only took eight minutes to break him," Kaidou hissed, "Fshhh! So weak"
"Shut up!" A tired Echizen snapped rebelliously but squeaked when Fuji poked him in the stomach, "Manners... remember why you got in this situation,"
"W-w... Mada mada dahahahanee! HEHEHEY!" Fuji reached to poke him more and try to tease him with a sneer "Say that again, and I'm ready for round two, even if it means running laps"
Seeing how they were serious, Ryoma growled with irritation, looking away from them.
"Fine, fine! Let's practice. " he took his cap and shyly put it back, now seeing how he was clearly embarrassed by the non-regulars. The seniors laughed at the super freshmen plight and went back to practice as assigned by the captain.
Speaking of Tezuka, the captain stood above from the window, smiling softly at the sight below.
"Be Seigaku's pillar Echizen... with your seniors"
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi I was hoping for a matchup!
Romantic and platonic of your okay with doing both if not just romantic :)
First off I am a Scorpio and my mbti is INTP but I'm more of amnivert.
As for my personality it depends on who I'm around. If it's people who are energetic and really loud I'll tend to keep a more motherly role, But if I'm around people who are more mature in nature I'll be the loud and stupid one. My sense of humor is pretty rude and sarcastic in general if I know the person I'm with can take it, if not I'll cool it down. I like to think I'm self aware of how others are feeling. I'm that one person who knows like everyone but isn't popular, if you know what I mean. However I don't have any close friends which kinda sucks but whatever. I don't wait around thinking things will get better, if I'm not being treated right I'm gone which has led me to ditching a few people.
I was accidentally told by my friend once that I come off as intimidating or hard to approach as well I didn't know till then but I have a horrible case of RBF so it makes sense. 💀
As for the things I like: the main thing has to be music I'm concerned for my ears atp, my favorite artists have to be Chase Atlantic, Lana Del Rey, The Weekend and Artic Monkeys. Candy, I have a sweet tooth but I'm trying to cut back a bit, trying new candies is pretty fun too. Video Games, but I'll mainly stick to hand held consoles(my phone or switch) I mainly play puzzle or mystery games, TV screens are too bright and loud. I enjoy going out and doing things with people too, helps get me out of the house.
My hobbies include: Lego: but the big complicated sets not the kids ones I swear 😭 Origami: I just like throwing Ninja stars at the people I know or maybe if a stranger is just sitting beside me I'll just give them a paper swan, the reactions are always cute y'know. Book/Manga collecting And finally trying out random things I have like one day hobbies y'know like maybe I'll start cooking for a week or crocheting, puzzles, stuff like that while watching a show I'm still trying to find a hobby to really pick up.
I don't play any sports though it's never been my thing, but I try to go on walks every other day which is nice.
Things I don't like are pretty limited, it's probably just bad scents and cat fur.
That's all I can think of right now so I hope I did this right and thank you!<3
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request as well as your patience given how long this one has been in my inbox! I hope that you enjoy your match-up and have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Twisted Wonderland Match-up
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I match you with........
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Floyd Leech
Look, there are a number of reasons as to why the chaotic, mood swings filled eel man was chosen
Make this man a ninja star and his menace level only increases
A lot
You may have had Jade and Azul come to you about this, one rather amused and delighted while the other is more frustrated
Not too hard to figure out which is which on that
Motherly mode comes out big time when he is one of his more sporadic moods
The chances of him getting into trouble or hurting himself is quite high but he loves that you are there to be able to take care of him, he almost seems docile........
But when he is in more of one of his sour moods, that's where your fun side comes out because no matter how deep in a slump he is in, you always manage to get him out of it
Yes, Azul and Jade have also come to you about that
Jade finds it rather impressive because not even him or his parents could get him out of a slump that easy
(Please marry him)
He strikes me as someone who would rather like Legos, whether they are simple or much more complex, it's a favorite pastime the two of you have
Crochet something for this man and he will carry it with him essentially for the rest of his life
Floyd is happy with you, one that won't be going away any time soon, he just hopes that you are as happy as he is, that's what matters to him
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Thank you for your request!
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haisayonaraa · 7 months
Three good apps to have when Little :3
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Hello! Hello! It's me again! My second post :3
This one is for all the little bits out there that need some games and stuff to doooo!
Usagi Shima 🐇- A bunny game where you don't have to check in every second! In fact, everything pretty much moves along with out a lot of assistant (the tip jar is the only thing I really empty daily) ____________________________________________EXPENSES: none (ads are optional and so is buying more carrots, I found neither of these are needed to be done, and the game never shoves it in your face). ____________________________________________HIGHLIGHTS: you can buy them toys and houses- and listen to me, you can give the bunnies HATS! (Later in the game that is). and the designs are adorable! Calm music, and over all just a welcoming and enjoyable experience! I love this game :3 ____________________________________________
Hello kitty Friends 🌸- a matching game like candy Crush, but with cute sanrio characters and customizing options ____________________________________________EXPENSES: you DO have the option to pay for A LOT of things (they kind of bug you about it sometimes, that's the one thing I don't like) ___________________________________________HIGHLIGHTS: customizing your room and character is nice, and it's always good to exercise your little mind (remember that) some of the puzzles do get tricky so I don't recommend this for very small ones, but if your up for a challenge, this is great! ___________________________________________
DRAWING PAD FOR EVERYONE🎨- just as you think, it's a drawing app, but this one had a coloring option for kids :3 ____________________________________________EXPENSES: none. ____________________________________________HIGHLIGHTS: at least four different options - doodle, sketch, kids doodle (which includes coloring pages!), and adult coloring. It's actually what I used for the drawing up there :3 ____________________________________________
If you read through all that and your eyes aren't stingy, thanks! TvT. I hope you enjoy these apps as much as I do, and enjoy life as you should, I love you all, and remember to always shoot for your dreams<3
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meggannn · 2 years
I didn't read a lot of books, or write a lot of fic, or even watch a lot of TV, but I did play a lot of video games!
my real life is a bit of a controlled mess right now, this year I had a medical procedure and a minor breakdown and moved suddenly because covid malfeasance in the city terrified me and I think I need to be with family right now after we've had several family deaths over the years. one day I'd like to move back there but only when I can afford to live alone, which is definitely not in the cards any time soon with how the rental market is looking.
I am proud that I started posting and finished Tides, Receding this year. because I started writing it... three years ago? oh god I just looked it up and it was Feb 2020 that I made the post that ended up spawning the fic. and I told myself 2022 was the year I'd get it done, it's been sitting in my lap too long, and I did it. (party horn noise)
anyway my 2022 game list is under the cut, check it out for recs or whatever. this does not include the games i replayed, which included HZD, DAI, and FE3H, but lbr I'm always replaying those games in my heart
Puzzle games:
The Last Campfire (4/5): Play as a little... thing...? lost from its companions trying to find its way home. Some of the puzzles were a little too simple but this was a short and sweet game.
TOEM (5/5): Play as a tourist taking photos around various places and cities. perfect little photography game with cute side objectives and diverse landscapes.
Inscryption: I ended up abandoning this one during Part 2 because it just didn't hook me and I was hanging on by a thread with the creepiness as it was, but Part 1 was a lot of fun and I'd recommend it for anyone who's a fan of card games, escape rooms, horror, or Yugioh.
Unpacking (4.5/5): Unpack the protagonist's life across various moves. I loved this, my only criticism is that it was too short; I'd love more levels.
Into the Breach (4.5/5): Play as groups of time travelers trying to stop aliens from taking over several war-torn archipelagos in a turn-based combat system. the actual game (till the end credits) is great, the combat system is clear and intuitive. the story is pretty short, but progress carries over at the end cause time-travel. I could've gotten more mileage out of this one, but ultimately burned out cause I wanted to do more than just play the same levels all over again with different units.
FRAMED collection (3.5/5): I guess? for a cool concept—adjust comic panels and strips to help the characters progress through levels—it was a bit forgettable. still, nice for a few hours and probably cool for big comic fans.
Please Touch the Artwork (3/5): An abstract game that combines puzzles with modern art. Oof. I had to give some stars for effort cause I felt like the concept was cool, but I just couldn't get into this one. someone who enjoys both might like it?
Elli (3.5/5): Play as a guardian in a 3D platformer, search for gems and coins, try not to get swallowed by the time rifts. I remember really enjoying this this fall, but now that I'm writing this wrap-up, I barely remember playing it. I liked the puzzles a lot but I think it went on a little long.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (4.5/5): You're a turnip. You rip up taxes in a sentient veggie world. need I say more.
Later Alligator (3.5/5): Play as an Alligator in Alligator New York City and do puzzles and solve crimes. it's adorable, it is, but I wish it was a little more forgiving; if you fuck up a puzzle, you lose so much time in an already limited day cycle.
Rain on Your Parade (4/5): Play as a cloud. Rain on people's parades, wedding days, office parties, whatever. Snow, thunder, acidic goo, you name it. go goblin mode. probably ideal for kids.
Moncage (3.5/5): solve environmental puzzles within a six-sided cube matching elements up across different sides of the cube to affect the scene. very similar to Goragoa, for the three other people who've played that game. short, beautiful, zen game, but man was it hard sometimes or I’m just an idiot. thank goodness for the hint system
Narrative games:
Heaven's Vault (3.5/5): You play as a young woman charged with tracking down a missing archaeologist across the galaxy with a robot companion. Really cool mechanic in this one where you decipher an ancient language as the main gameplay. RPG style choices set across make me want to rate it higher than I have, but some clunkiness (like not being able to revisit sites once you've left) knock it down. Someone once called this made by people who "want to bring archaeology to games but don't known how to make a game" which I agree with.
Tacoma (5/5): You explore an abandoned corporate space station trying to figure out what happened. Honestly, no notes. Interesting narrative, easy mechanics, great writing, doesn't overstep or overstay its bounds.
When the Past Was Around (3.5/5): got stuck on a couple dumb things that the game wouldn't let me interact with, and some other things were really not that intuitive, but other than that I thought this was short and serviceable, good for an afternoon with a sad story.
Wytchwood (4/5): Play as a witch who's charged with collecting twelve souls to deliver to a talking goat in a fairy-tale world. not really a narrative game but it's not puzzle or an RPG, so here it goes. anyway I had a lot of fun with this game. some of the backtracking was annoying and I wish the resource management was a little easier to, well, manage, but overall I enjoyed it.
Forgotten Fields (3/5): Play as a young author traveling home as his family decides whether to sell their home. Honestly a bit let down by this, there were some clunky mechanics I couldn't get over but it had interesting topics about moving on and finding artistic inspiration.
Adios (4/5): A pig farmer decides to quit his job disposing bodies for the mafia. Great voice work in this one, I enjoyed it; even though you know how it's going to end, they still managed to make it suspenseful.
Horizon Forbidden West (3.5/5): I think I've already expressed my thoughts on this one this year but overall: great open-world game, mechanically and visually impressive; just OK story, unless you were a big fan of the first game, in which case the story was a big letdown.
Sable (4.5/5): Play as a young girl on her rite of passage as she travels a harsh world called Midden. hard for me to rate any open-world game as perfect because eventually some parts of it somewhere feel like padding, but despite some technical hiccups, Sable is the peak for me. non-combat, vibes-only, beautiful graphics, incredible soundtrack, easy recommend.
Control (3.5/5): Play as Jesse Faden, who arrives at the Federal Bureau of Control looking for her brother after his disappearance several years ago. this never wow'd me the way it was clearly trying to but I did enjoy it, whenever I could get over my fear of anything that moved. gameplay itself was great and i loved the oldest house as a setting. probably fans of the supernatural/horror genre could appreciate it better.
Citizen Sleeper (4/5): play as a cyborg who arrives on a space station and tries to make their way in the corporate underworld. a bit like Disco Elysium meets Murderbot Diaries. there's no combat, so I'd recommend this to fans of the RPG genre.
Paradise Killer (4.5/5): Play as Lady Love Dies in an island out of time, full of gods and demons and human sacrifices tired of being human sacrifices. Someone has been murdered in Paradise and you have to find out who did it. I had SO much fun with this one and the soundtrack is admittedly a huge reason why. (I'm serious listen to Ego 24-7 and tell me it doesn't get you pumped.)
Persona 5 Royal (4.5/5): the Phantom Thieves steal the hearts of corrupt people throughout Tokyo with their inner Pokemon-like demons and man this concept is cool, the soundtrack is killer, the only thing that fucking sucks is the unapologetic sexism that is unavoidable and irritating AF. (am I a little bitter I paid full price for this only a week before it went on sale for half off, yes. but I got a lot of mileage out of this that week during which when I was preparing for a medical procedure, so.)
God of War (4.5/5): Kratos and Boy travel to the highest peak in the realms to spread his wife's ashes. honestly? it's best enjoyed as a guy who enjoys puzzling going on a long walk with his son. as an action game it's meh.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered (5/5): I am PETER PARKER and I can throw MANHOLE COVERS at people while insulting their OUTFITS it is hard to top that
still playing:
Phoenotopia Awakening: A young woman named Gale sets on a journey to rescue the adults in her village after they are all mysteriously kidnapped. I haven't finished this one yet cause I hit a wall but ugh I just want to recommend it somewhere. there is so much love in the little details in this game, so many characters and puzzles and enemy types and history, you can tell so much heart went into this that I'm disappointed it won't get a sequel. my biggest criticism for it is that it is HARD, unnecessarily so at times, and there are no difficulty settings which sucks. but it might be good for Zelda fans or people who are good at 2D platforming, which I am not.
Eastward: Sam and John live in an underground town where travel to the surface is forbidden, until a mysterious event triggers Sam's magical powers and the mayor banishes them... eastward. I want to like this more than I am, the post-apocalyptic concept is very in-line with what I like, but jesus this writing feels like it never saw an editor. it just drags. I don't know how many times I can button-mash past Sam saying "Come on, John!" the game is beautiful, the designers and animators really earned their paychecks, but IDK the jury's still out.
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libraryleopard · 2 years
top 5 pieces of vampire media!
Oho thank you for indulging me, don't mind if I do. I half-drafted this and then forgot about it for a while, but here we go!
So if you haven't noticed, I periodically go through a vampire phase every fall but it's somewhat haphazard because I've never watched some well-known pieces of vampire media like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Blade, or Castlevania. Also, this list might be entirely different in six months when I've read/watched more vampire media if this phase continues! So, with that caveat:
Bonuses: "The House of Aunts" by Zen Cho (amazing short story about Malaysian vampires), the opening sequence of The Hunger where vampires are killing people to "Bela Lugosi's Dead," The Accursed Vampire by Madeline McGrane (cute middle grade graphic novel about a kid vampire).
5. House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson. I read this recently and it fulfilled me need for fucked-up gothic lesbian vampires PERFECTLY. Very atmospheric and claustrophobic and intense and the central relationship between the protagonist and the vampire countess she serves is just *chef’s kiss* in its spiral of lust and obsession. 
4. The Lost Boys (1987). This movie is a cinematic masterpiece do NOT @ me. Top-notch soundtrack, amazing vampire deaths, more 80s fashion than you can shake a stick at, a vampire motorcycle gang…what else do you need?
3. A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson. It’s deliciously gothic! It’s queer! It’s an emotionally intense exploration of abuse and survival! It’s epistolary! Great novella.
3. What We Do in the Shadows (TV show). I do enjoy tragic, gothic vampires for the most part, but I also really enjoy vampire comedy. I watch this with my mom and sister when we’re all home together at the same time and it routinely makes us laugh until we cry. (I’m not caught up on the most recent season, though.) 
2. AMC's Interview With the Vampire. I mean this one is pretty obvious if you have at all glanced in my blog's direction the last few weeks? I’m unfamiliar with the novel or the movie, but this TV show has kind of devoured my brain. I love unreliable narrators! I love tragic father-daughter relationships! I love gothic horror! I love historical fiction set during the Jazz Age! I love the performances of the three main actors! I
1. The vampire ARG that I played during fall 2020. Okay, listen, this one is probably a surprise because I don't think I've ever mentioned it on this blog, but this is what got me into vampires! It was a really elaborate ARG (alternate reality game, like an interactive puzzle game your act out where there are characters played by real people you interact with). I played through my college during the depths of the pandemic, conducted largely through Zoom and Discord (and a few socially distanced outdoor meetings), but this is what really opened my eyes to what I enjoy about vampires. Prior to that, I feel like my main experience of vampire media had been…uh…watching half of Twilight, which did not awaken a vampiric fervor in my heart. But the vampires in this ARG appealed to me a lot because 1) there was really more of an exploration of the moral quandary of being a vampire than I’d encountered before and 2) there were dramatic romances between vampires instead of star-crossed human-vampire romances. Because the world-building was constructed as part of a game, there were different factions of vampires you could align yourself with that had different attitudes towards what it meant to live forever and to feed on people, plus all the characters were essentially part of a giant, dysfunctional polycule in which everyone had dated at some point and there were two exes-who-still-had-feelings-for-each-other on rival factions. It was also fall 2020 and the world felt apocalyptically bad, so everyone got incredibly invested in the lore, characters, and puzzles of this game to a degree that I don’t think can ever be matched. Anyway, that’s basically the root of my annual vampire phase. 
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jkesmth · 9 months
Heat of a Star (Cont.)
Then I thought: The basilisk is… hot! Flashed into my brain, a super-intelligent VR game. Lair of the Basilisk, and the Mystery of Chess-boxing. The ticket to ride is inside your skull. Solve the puzzles to win - a chance to be thrown in the bin, now try not to become a zombie, for surely you will soon be - in the ring! And, in the other corner, across from you: Stephen Hawking. What's he doing in a boxing match, you ask? Vegetable farming. You're destined for the barn, but first I must axe you. A question: Pigeon, hawk or chicken? Pigeon? Pigeon. She's not the only computer in the room, you've been infected too. So what variety are you? One of you has to go, it's how we'll know. Hawks kill, chickens go. That's madness, how could this be? We're married! She tortures both of you, end of story. Time to make a decision, which of you gets the incision? Then here's a coin, 50/50 odds I take the plunge. If my choice matters, then somewhere out there - is a universe where we win. I'll accept your wager. Then one more thing, a demand - If I die eat me, she said. Are you kidding? That's cannibalism! I'm a star! Get it? Haha. We feed with heat, star-light you already eat. Your joke's not funny, but whatever, she signed up for the fight, if that's what she wants, I'll bite. Isn't it romantic, vore? If that's my fate, make this the wager: Heads do me. Tails do her, then do whatever you do to her, to me too. I don't want to live in a world with a cruel god, would you? Now flip! Edge. Edge? Haha, I didn't tell you, this coin has two heads. Does that mean both? Nah, go again! Fuck your pet, double - or nothing, bet! Edge. Triple down! ("No, stop!") Edge again. Seems as though god wants us both dead. It was then I realized: the answer is fiction! Still don't believe? Too late for that now. No, that's not what I meant: She's time traveled through books, a worm leaving clues. Science fiction fantasy disease, infecting us with words from other worlds. Heinlein's Harsh Mistress, Zelazny's Creatures of Light, Scott Card's Buggers, Ender, Earthbound Mother, Riddley Walker, Protomolecule. Asimov's sex robots, Random in Amber paintings, Alien, Halliday's game you've been playing. Ghost in the Shell, dragon from hell, the one ring, girl in the well, speaks through pictures, puts you under a spell. Metamorphic code, scraped from the net, designed to blackout - stuxnet. I'm still seeing stars - from the last punch she threw. Knockout, one-two! Three - fuck you! Thought creature, Chameleon, Earth's biggest threat, (so far), big, bad, ugly, god of the dead, Monster 0, Ouroboros, a comedian. What did she say? They're all pigeons, fluttering lashes. This one's a duck, you shot but missed him. Hey you're cute, ever been on a date? Buyer beware, this one isn't right. Evil - the cosmic test result said. I'll match you… With the devil! Eyelash demon. Blink and you'll miss her, blink twice and you're dead. A stochastic rhythm game played on eyelids. Just a joke! I'm kidding. A prank, she's a ghost! Wink. Barcodes that play on your scanners, flashed in by lasers, propaganda weapon, pornographic bomb, you get the gist: cosmic cryptographic spy telephone jizz. Don't blink! Assassin about to cave your head in, with phantom power IQ drain, weapon designed - to blow your brains out! Mind flayed. As for me, unlike my opponent, I was already human-alien computer component. So with a kiss, we both drank the poison and on went the night. Act 3: Creatures from the Abyss. Final Fight! Chickens are lucky, they're spared from the truth. Hawks are privileged, they chose just as she. Too bad they miss. I chose a more difficult path: Door 3. Bet you can't kill me! Artificial singularity bloodbath. The Clockwork Chimera, biggest baddest interdimensional spaceship ever built. A weapon with which so much blood has been spilt. Methuselah, a boy, and a panther. DNA spliced together, birds of a feather. Nothing can kill, though all of it hurts, especially when divided in parts.
0 notes
houndsofbalthazar · 9 months
Brief Warhammer 40K Boltgun Review
WH40K Boltgun is a retro styled shooter based heavily on Doom and its ilk but with modern fully 3D gameplay. I never really played much Doom or Wolfenstein so I can't judge authenticity to those games specifically. The aesthetics are really cool though, I love that the options contain sliders for pixellation and colour palette depth, although I just left them on default which I thought was fine. Enemies and some interactable objects (such as explosive barrels) are 2d sprites which felt very reminiscent of the Might & Magic series (and presumably other games of the era, it's just that's the series I've played most from that period), very cute. The whole thing works really well and in terms of visuals I definitely felt like I was playing a game from maybe the early 2000s or late 90s, so a bit after Doom but certainly retro.
I thought Tzeentch & Nurgle as choices for daemon enemies were good, there are some interesting enemy designs there and they model quite a few neat things from the tabletop - the Pink Horrors who explode into two Blue Horrors and the Aspiring Champions who respawn into Chosen Champions if they manage to get into melee with you are two really nice implementations of tabletop mechanics. Less so is the Strength/Toughness system. For those not in the know, tabletop 40k has a system where you compare the strength of your weapon with the toughness of your target to see what you need to roll to wound them, it works well to give different weapons different roles. This system is lifted from the tabletop game and put into Boltgun, the only difference is that rather than rolling dice, you just have a damage bonus based on the relative strength of your weapon. It's very neat as someone who knows the rules of 40k to see strength and toughness values that match the game, but I don't think it really went far enough. I was trying to use appropriate weapons most of the game, but it really didn't seem to matter all that much, the Vengeance Launcher (strength 3) would kill higher toughness targets in the same number of hits as the Plasma Gun (strength 7) even when it was supposed to be deaing minimum damage, when it should really be more of a low toughness crowd-clearer (which it is also very good at). It was a lovely idea but needed a little bit of tweaking I think.
I think there were maybe just one too many little subsystems in the game too. You have your guns (8 different kinds), you have your melee attack which includes a dash to the target, you have up to three kinds of grenade, and you have a charge that deals damage, knocks enemies out of the way and has a short cooldown. I would frequently just forget to use one or more of these, and while having lots of toys is neat and replicates things from the tabletop, it was just a bit much. The charge could easily have been cut, as could one of the grenade types and I don't think much of value would have been lost.
The only other gripe I really have is that the levels were sometimes a bit tricky to navigate. They're all laid out in the Doom style find this coloured key to open this coloured door, but the areas can feel a bit samey and it's sometimes easy to get lost. The worst part is about 90 minutes in there's a jumping puzzle with portals that took me quite a while to figure out - the proper route is marked but it's a bit subtle and I found it tricky to spot.
Overall though, it was a pretty fun shooter. I think it's what the kids are calling a "boomer shooter" so if you like those and you like the 40k universe then I'd suggest it for a bit of a distraction for a while.
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giftdubaionline · 11 months
Best Halloween Gift Ideas
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If Christmas gets all the attention, so does Halloween. There are some great Halloween gifts ideas that you cannot miss this season. For those who are big fans of the spooky celebration – you must find the treats part of the trick-or-treat first. Besides having a spooky card game or wearing a pair of pumpkin slippers, there are other things you might want to bring.
Ghost-shaped candles
Get colourful ghost-shaped candles that are fragrant and cute as well. Made of natural soy and beeswax, the candles can burn healthily in the house. These are non-toxic, safe to use and slow burners keeping the aesthetics alive for longer than you anticipate.
Spider Air plant holder
Air plants are ideally indoor growers and require little maintenance. Place them in any container, such as a wooden box or a jar, without the need for soil. In this case, the container is a spooky little black spider, which is decorative and cute to look at.
Stack of Bones
A fun game for both kids and adults, the 'stack of bones' is meant to be played using just one hand. The game is classic, where each player gets to stack skeleton skulls and crossbones. Win the game when you place the last bone without toppling the stack.
Salt and Pepper shakers
A dinner table is complete only with salt and pepper shakers. And if you are someone who likes to possess a collection, then get pumpkin-shaped shaker sets – two round and two conical. You can also mix and match them.
Gift Basket
A Halloween-themed gift basket says it all. You can get pumpkin-crafted open-mouthed containers that can be filled with candies, chocolates and other treats. For the kids, you could also add sparkly pencils, cute and colourful erasers and other items.
Jigsaw puzzle
Fun game for the family on Halloween with a murder mystery jigsaw puzzle where you must put all the pieces together to solve the puzzle. It is played on a recyclable board and can contain up to 500 pieces.
Crayons for kids
Kids love to colour, and what more would they need than differently coloured and shaped crayons – place an entire set in a goodie bag and give it to your child or grandchild. Throw in a colouring book along with the crayons and let the kids enjoy painting zombies, Frankenstein and witches.
Crystals are highly sought-after ornaments in the form of chains, cufflinks and even earrings. You can also create 3D sculptures, including family portraits, to make your people moment memorable. This Halloween, get a pair of spider web earrings and brighten up your wardrobe. You can also match a webbed dress to go along with it.
Trick or Treat bag
Trick or treating is a Halloween tradition that cannot be missed. Made of thread and vinyl, choose tote bags that contain pumpkin, witches and ghostly designs in black, white or orange colours. The designs can be adorable, especially when kids carry them.
Gift Dubai Online also has a range of other gift items such as Halloween mugs, cushions and cakes. Reach out to us for more ideas.
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jayreviews · 1 year
Good games, Great games (Part 3)
Bead sort
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God I love games like this, minus the ads but I this one I don't mind as much cause mwah. This game is therapeutic, satisfying and has a good start and good ending all in one. I love sorting through these colors and putting them in their right place. Like, it feel so good to match them to their bowl okay?
I'm at level 899 currently,.
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Here's proof of that.
And I absolutely recommend this game, as long as you don't mind the ads. There's a pay for no ads version and if someone did pay for that tell me if it's worth it please, otherwise, play it like this cause mwah.
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I have never been more angry and happy about a game like this one in my life.
Now I love puzzle games, but this one tests my patience, it tests my intelligence,  and it tests my will to live which us impressive cause I have no will to live.
I don't know what level I'm at but the pain that I'm feeling because of it is astronomical.
Luckily, and I cannot believe I'm using that word with this game, there's a website that has all the answers. Just type in the phrase followed by figgerits and you'll get it.
I do recommend this game, but thread lightly and do not throw your device on the floor I REPEAT DO NOT THROW IT ON THE FLOOR.
Plants VS Zombies
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I'm completely bias for this game, I played it when I was a kid and I'm proud to say that mini me has finished it years ago. I downloaded the updated version cause the original one doesn't exist anymore and let me tell you something, cause I got a few things I need to say.
It's not the same as the original one, I don't remember what the original one had but one thing it did not have was ads. AHHHHHHH.
I hate ads. The original PvZ was years ago and my memory isn't good so I don't remember most things, but I did discover the yeti at one point, and won all mini games. Sadly, it all disappeared long ago along with my hopes of getting it back.
I tried to find a way to download it again but I quickly realised that that doesn't work so I stopped and just played this one.
I am proud to say I have completed this game 5 times...or maybe 4 I don't know. But without all the mini games cause they're so expensive?? Like, I expected Crazy Dave to have my back but I was thoroughly disappointed.
Even so, I recommend the absolute things of this games cause it's a classic and I love defeating the Zombies with my pretty little plants.
I'm gonna show you what I do to win.
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This is situated in the night, which you unlock after playing 10 levels of daylight. So, the first night strats off with one mushroom that attacks Zombies, and is free. The thing us, that mushroom only attacks from a four blocks distance. I start placing them like the picture below, and don't forget the sunflower which gives you sun to be able to buy the plants to attack. Noe the first night starts off with the sunflower and when you move in on other keels, you'll get the sun mushroom.
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As you can see, I place my sunflowers on two rows so I can get more sun faster. After I won this level I went on to level 2, and look how cute the sun mushroom is!
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Here I Starting putting the mushrooms in two rows, but I pulled a Crazy Dave and placed them on three rows instead of two.
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So this is how I won.
(2475 suns is my personal record of the maximum suns I can get on a level. If you've gotten more tell me how much!)
Tell me what you do in order to win! I'd love to see other tactics!
SO! These were some of the games I'd like to play, I would recommend more but I do like sleep but sleep does not like me.
Until next time.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Cipher Academy ch.27 thoughts
[Sister Complex? I Find Her Quite Simple]
Me, getting stupider by the week: “Huh, Nutaba has bandages and amnesia? She’s just like Naze from Medaka Box! Though with that cutesy design, I’m sure the similarities end there”
So Nutaba is Toshusai’s secret step-sister, huh? That certainly explains why they were hanging out despite their apparent lack of association. And that design! A grenade pin hairpin to match with Toshusai’s bullet clip hair clips! How cute! But not as cute as my Anon~
Here’s my Class A top 4 cutest members: Anonymity, Anonymity, Anonymity, Anonymity
I kid. It’s Anonymity, Umitsubame, Iroha, Nutaba. Subject to change as we learn more about the class. Hell, it changed three times over the course of me writing this, I’m clearly not married to this lineup
I really loved this chapter for a handful of reasons. First and foremost, Hanagoromo’s introduction gag actually made me laugh out loud. I love when Nisio plays with lettering like that, to the point that I was almost disappointed that she didn’t stay upside down the whole time, though Iroha noting it was a great punchline
Secondly, I greatly enjoyed that this was the first code battle that was literally a code battle. While every other one has been a puzzle to be solved, this was the first one to literally have the three parties that would be involved in an actual war scenario: the messenger, the receiver, and the interceptor. That’s what makes this not so much a Wedding Game scenario, but an actual test of one’s ability to encode and decode. That’s also why there are four rounds: just as Nutaba did in practice, the messenger has four rounds to establish a pattern, using the first few rounds as a code in and of themselves meant to communicate the final true answer to the receivers and a false answer to the interceptor. I do feel clever that I clocked the intention during the explanation of the rules, though I definitely didn’t see how they were going to win the game itself. The solution was exactly the kind of clever semantic trick that I love to see in psychological games like this, it made me feel like I was reading Liar Game again! I should really finish that series at some point
Unrelated note, I was trying to remember the term Tower of Hanoi a couple of nights ago before bed, so it was extremely funny to me to see that was one of the answers to Nutaba’s questions. The scenario only holds any meaning to me, but it was endearing nonetheless
This chapter was also just very Nisio Isin. The sudden reveal of a secret sibling that had very little foreshadowing (Naze), a character revealing that they’ve been acting in secret the entire time (Fukurou), the villain rearranging the battle order for their own benefit (a la Kumagawa), and of course the extremely blunt and rushed reveal of what Kubinashi did to Toshusai and the others (too many examples to count). From any other author, Kubinashi’s exposition that she and Yukako were spies and leaked info from KAP would feel really sloppy, but it honestly feels more like a gag than anything else. That said, there are two new manga coming to Jump soon, so...it could be a troubling sign. I won’t take it as one, though, cus like I said, Nisio Isin is just like that, so we’ll worry about it later. It also helps that Kubinashi is the one making these blunt expositions, since as we just established, she’s an information leaker, letting out information that seems like it shouldn’t come out now or at all is what she does best!
This chapter did make me realize something, though. I think I was wrong about Yosaimura being a Victory character. Iroha keeps referencing Yosaimura being a force for bringing people together, like the Baumkuchen party and comparing this party game to something Yosaimura would suggest, which all points to Yosaimura being a Friendship character. However, during Leaky Poker, you may recall that I wavered a little between Victory and Effort for her before finally landing on Victory, and I’ve finally realized why I did that. It’s because Yosaimura isn’t Friendship, Effort or Victory: she’s all three! Iroha really seems to look up to and respect Yosaimura, and I think it’s because she’s meant to be the Shonen ideal, someone who brings people together to put in an honest effort to earn a clear and legitimate victory. Iroha wants to put effort in to become more like Yosaimura, and needs Toshusai’s Friendship and Anonymity’s ruthless desire for Victory to one day do so, or at least that’s how it seems at the moment
I’m really excited to see Kubinashi perform, and I’m even more excited to see what logical trick she pulls to be in the final fight of this battle as well, since it would be a bit of a letdown to have the final battle be against someone we haven’t met before. It’s kind of like how in the Election Battle in Medaka Box, Kumagawa fixed it so he’d be in the first, third and final battles despite the fact that he was only supposed to fight once. Now that’s how you get mileage out of a villain, and with Kubinashi being a problem between fights like Kumagawa was back then, I have no doubt that she’s not going to stop at winning the next round. Can’t wait to see how she does it!
See y’all next week!
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galpiner · 2 years
Reading comprehension kindergarten worksheets
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Reading comprehension kindergarten worksheets for free#
Reading comprehension kindergarten worksheets free#
Sensory Bin Number Puzzles – while not strictly a worksheet, this adorable printable looks like an engaging way to practice counting and number recognition. Also try Robot Math, which is the same activity, but involves drawing a robot instead of a monster. Monster Math Dice Activity – practice counting, number writing, and numeral recognition while doing a fun drawing game. Kids can use any small object as card markers. Superhero Number Recognition Game – print out these bingo-style cards and number card deck to practice instantly recognizing and naming numbers through 20. Snack Time Addition – print out one of these mats and use small snacks to work on addition. Popcorn Counting Mats – a hands-on way to practice identifying numbers and counting from 1 to 20. Some of these are more for preschool or struggling kindergartners, while others are more advanced or come in several levels. Letter Collage – Make it easy for little learners to “write” with these printable alphabet pages Sequencing Cards – story sequencing is an important reading comprehension skill, and these cards are an engaging way to practice it. There are several other themed game boards available too, including a Unicorn and a Dinosaur version. Or, you could even use it to teach letter identification, letter sounds, or math facts. Robot Sight Word Game – type in the sight words your child is learning.
Reading comprehension kindergarten worksheets free#
The Little Red Hen Activities – practice fluency with the free emergent reader and letter sounds with a cute printable activity. Early Reading and Writing PrintablesĤ Seasons Emergent Readers – these free printable booklets can be personalized with your child’s name to make reading time extra-relevant. Lego Duplo Animal Alphabet Cards – bring along reluctant learners and enthusiastic builders with these clever free printable cards. Transportation Alphabet Playdough Mats – another fun playdough mat for learning ABCs, sure to appeal to preschoolers.īunny Hop Alphabet Board Game – Get the kids hopping while they name letters and letter sounds.Īlphabet Chart Activities – print one or two color pages and use it for several different letter practice activities. emoji markers), but you can also use a cotton swab and paint. Spring Alphabet Worksheets – these are designed to be filled in with stamp markers (a.k.a. Working on letter sounds, letter recognition, and writing letters doesn’t have to be boring with these fun printable activities!ĭucks-in-a-row letter matching worksheets – I show these being used with do-a-dot markers, but children could also use cotton balls and paint, or just color with crayons.Ĭircus Play Dough and Letter Mats – a fun, creative way for kids to practice pre-reading and letter knowledge skills.Įaster Egg Letter Recognition worksheets – color these with crayon and then paint with watercolor – or just color the whole thing. Many of these free kindergarten worksheets and activities are also perfect for academically advanced preschoolers. To help out, I’ve rounded up a selection of some super engaging worksheets and printable activities that use items families are likely to have on hand.įree Early Literacy Worksheets & Printables In a classroom setting, these can involve special materials that families might not have at home. You don’t want to add to their screen time either.Įnter hands-on worksheets and printables! But little kids don’t like to sit and do worksheets all day! (nor should they).
Reading comprehension kindergarten worksheets for free#
With everyone home on an extended “vacation”, lots of teachers and families are looking for free kindergarten worksheets.
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fiona-kitsune13 · 2 years
lego monkie kid Let's Player Au because I can stop thinking about it
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-Qi Xiaotian:
Username: MonkieKid3
Mk plays slot of upbeat Rpg games and MMorpg games. His favorite moments are when he gets to play with Mei and Red Son.
The three in his username stands for how many friends he has. Him, mei and red! U better believe he loves himself like a friend lol.
One of his most played is Genshin Impact, his fav character being Bennett.
Username: DragonHorse3
Mei plays racing games and afk games. She always aims for the top of the leaderboards! She is always happy to play mmorpg games with her friends and is usually the first to form their guilds.
Her 3 matches her other two friends and she is known for colling their group the Traffic Light Trio when they team up.
Her temper is easily flared during games and she can be pushed to screaming on her mic.
She plays Genshin Impact cause Mk does and playing with him makes him happy. Her fav character is Childe.
-Red Son
Username: FireBull3
Red Son enjoys puzzle games and first person shooters. He enjoys strategy games which confuses his other two friends.
He often gives the other two the best skill tips and upgrades for their characters. He's always the first to know about special quests and legendary items.
always the first to start screaming, yelling or cursing if things go rong.
Mk forced him to get Genshin and so far his fav character is Yanfei.
-Sun Wukong
Username: TheMonkeyKing
He plays a variety of rpg games, fighter games and secretly Otome games. He loves playing Vr games, the immersion always amazes and entertains him.
Buys quite alot of Co-OP games and makes Liu er play them with him.
He is constantly playing Dislyte on his phone, his best character being Tang Xuan. He also has Tang Yun on his team, he'll never admit he finds the design cute.
-Liu er Mihou
Username: SixEaredMacaque
Liu er plays horror and plot driven games. If a game can pull him in with it's ambiance it easily gets a 10/10 from him. He values story over everything.
Liu er will never admit it but he loves when Sun finds a co-op game, he loves playing them with him. His fav game to play with his friend is Bloodytrapland.
Liu er joins the kids sometimes when the play Genshin and he has to high tiered characters. Raiden Shogun and Xiao.
Username: LotusPrince7
Nezha only plays calming and relaxing games. Stardew valley, slime rancher and animal crossing. He will also take game suggestions from Mk and at least try the games.
Liu er won't tell any one but he has a copy of slime rancher and always plays with Nezha so hes not so lonely.
Nezha's fav slime is the puddle slimes and honey slimes.
-Bae hi
Username: LadyBone13
Bae hi plays a little bit of everything! She joins the traffic light trios guild after getting kicked from her own but she's used to solo quests. Mei and Mk try to do quests with her often just so she's not lonely.
She has an extensive list of cheat codes for what seemed like every game. She is a heavy fan of Mods and silly challenges like the nuzzlocke challenge.
She is the adopted daughter of Liu er and they have game nights at least twice a week.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
More of Asmos daughter Astaroth, aka Asta
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Astas mother is a succubus that knew Asmo for many years. They had a friends with benefits relationship that went on for a few centuries and at one point, the odds were not in their favor and all birth control fronts failed which resulted in Asta. They are still good friends and have a healthy co-parenting relationship because of it though. 
Asta primarily lives with her mother in another city of the Devildom that is a couple hours way. Her mother is a big name in the fashion industry and that's where the main office of her work is, hence why they don’t live closer. When Asta is on the Devildoms equivalent of summer break is when she goes to stay at the House of Lamentation for a few months.
Asmo has had a couple of oops babies over the many millennia, it is what it is. But they are all far apart in age and live in different parts of the devildom now. Asta is by far the youngest of the family, and she is the only girl. Her half siblings are boys. So she is disgustingly spoiled by her father and uncles. She knows it too. All she has to do is pout and bat her little eyes with a “Pretty please?” and all the lords of sin will fold. Asmo is so proud of his little charmer.
Solomon is her favorite uncle. The other six are irrelevant the moment he enters the room.
Is a daddys girl, was there ever any doubt though? Asmo calls her “My little princess” all the time. Asta has never been in want of affection, praise, or attention. Asmo always gushing over how cute she is. He's very biased, but Asmo genuinely believes each of his kids have been the most beautiful children to be born in the devildom.
Asta is used to having cameras around with parents like hers. Asmo loves to parade her around. When she was a baby, he loves having matching "Daddy and Me" outfits. Now that Asta is older though, it's more she picks out what she wants,and Asmo tries to coordinate. They still have fun though.
Despite being the child of two giant extroverts, Asta is very quiet, at least in comparison. She isn’t shy or anti social, far from it actually. But she often prefers more silent activities that she can do on her own. Like her uncle Satan, she very much likes to read. She sometimes writes her own stories and has little drawing to go with them. Or play games that are very laid back or have plenty of puzzles. She gets along very well with Levi in that regard. Even at the demon equivalent of nine, Asta greatly values her alone time, something that can be a bit of a rarity in the HoL.
All that being said, Asta is incredibly protective of the time she spends with her father and uncle's. She has affection and praise in spades, but that doesn't always make up for their lack physical presence and attention that she does not have readily available from them at all times. Whenever she stays with them, she wants to be with them as often as possible because she craves that quality time. So at the start, she does not like Mc at all, because she sees how much the brothers adore them and perceives that as impeding on her time with them. Especially since the brothers view Mc as part of the family, and want Asta to accept them as well. So they always suggest Mc come along to any outing that is planned,and she hates it. She isn't afraid to look all dead in the eye and say "No."
It genuinely breaks Asmos heart that two of the people he adores most are not getting along. He's tried talking to Asta but she always just replies that she has no interest in Mc and does not want them around. Asmo knows his daughter well enough that forcing her to be around Mc isn't going to help anything.
Asta may be fairly quiet but she isn't shy by any stretch. She's very blunt about about a lot of things and can be down right mean at times with little to no remorse. She no problems telling her family when she has a problem with something. Her mean streak has only gotten worse since Mc came into the picture.
Lucifer decides he's had enough of her behavior and sits Asta down in his study. (He told Asmo he was doing it. He wanted to be there but all the brothers agreed it would be better with just Lucifer. When it comes down to it, Lucifer will put his foot down with her.) He assures Asta she is not in trouble and that it's only them and she can freely speak. But she is not leaving until he gets a straight answer about why she dislikes Mc so much. Asta still tries to get out of it. She plays it off like she doesn't know what he means. Then sniffles like she's going to cry. When nothing works, she finally tells her uncle the truth. She immediately saw how much love and attention the brothers give Mc and was insanely jealous and insecure. It felt like they liked Mc more than her and since Asta doesn't see them often, she was scared of being replaced. They were her family first and she didn't want Mc to take them from her. All the while her fake sniffles turned into real crying.
That when Asmo burst into the study with the others behind, because of course they were listening, and hugged his daughter. Repeating over and over how much he loves her and she could never be replaced. And that they can spend as much time together as she wanted.
After the big family heart to heart, Asta started to act nicer. Well nice for her,at least. She didn't turn her nose at Mc, didn't make rude comments. It was slow going, but Asta eventually warmed up to Mc over her break. When it came time for Astas mother to take her home, she actually apologized to Mc for how she acted at the start. Something that shocked all the brothers. But it made Asmo a proud papa.
As Asta sat in the back of the car, her mother asked: "So did you have fun?" Asta nodded. "Yeah, had a lot of fun."
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