#which is no one’s fault and v much don’t need like. cheering up or whatever
viinas · 2 months
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Next set of cards!! Once again, explanations below if ya wanna know about my kids~
III THE EMPRESS: Avril Zyll Fruitfulness, initiative, action, long days, clandestine, the unknown, difficulty, doubt, ignorance Reversed: Light, truth, the unraveling of involved matters, public rejoice, vacillation  Avril brings a sense of levity to the group through her cheerful demeanor and charisma but one of her defining characteristics is how she uses humor as armor. Avril deals with trauma by not-dealing with it. She buries her old blood family under her new found family without properly dealing with her own baggage. She pushes Kithara away instead of embracing her when she returns because of fears she doesn’t quite understand. All of this stems from her abandonment issues and being made to feel like she should have never been born. In her desperation to make herself useful, she, a shapeshifter, takes on different personas, losing the Avril at her core. She begins to define herself through clandestine bonds with both those around her and herself. Who is Avril? What does Avril want? Is she brave enough to take it? Her story is about self acceptance as much as it is about facing your own demons to find the light and truth that exists at the center of her vacillation.  
V THE HIEROPHANT: Stephen Craddock Marriage alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inspiration, the man to whom the Qucrent has recourse Reversed: Society, good understanding, concord, over-kindness, weakness
Stephen was bred to be expendable, like all the other pack orphans. A seat filler. A messenger. A human shield. Whatever Lyptic needed him to be. When the story begins, the pack needs him to be a killer. A compliant weapon. But by nature, Stephen is not a killer. He isn’t even violent. He’s a protector. He speaks up for those who are too afraid to speak for themselves and is empathetic to a fault which often is to his own detriment. He is the very picture of Caros’s vision of werewolves’ silent servitude to society which clashes head on against Lyptic’s warped ideals. He represents a thread of goodness persisting in darkness, be that through his protectiveness of more vulnerable orphans like Costanza to his loyalty to Ellard, his very best friend even after defecting. When he meets Helena and fights alongside her, he does it in part because his love for Ellard extends to those Ellard loves too, but also because her mission of creating a kinder world aligns with his ideal future. 
X WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Mason "Ace" Spade and Penelope Oliver Destiny, fortune, success, luck, felicity  Reversed: Increase, abundance, superfluity 
Our gang goes to Ace and Penelope after acquiring a memory from the Prophet. The two of them plus Kithara are able to read and decrypt it, thus, telling the crew how to negate the blood ritual that is the central conflict of the story. Their success hinges entirely upon their knowledge and the secrets they are able to uncover. Ace and Pen are, in a sense, the catalyst for that. Through their divination and intervention, our protagonists’ odds increase by leaps and bounds. Psychics are and have been invaluable allies to the spell casters in this war. Ace and Penelope, who don’t really have any interest in the war itself and just want to live normal human lives, enter the fold because of Charity’s involvement and a desire to keep her safe. For them, the stakes are high and very personal so they will contribute their power in whatever way best illustrates an ideal destiny. For their friend and for the world.
XVII THE STAR: Luna Griam Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope, bright prospects in the future Reversed: Arrogance, impotence, haughtiness
When Luna died, her parents lost their child, Ilum lost his twin, and Luna lost all prospects of a future. She exists in the After World for ten years, unable to let go of her own losses, afraid of what awaits her on the other side. She feels helpless watching Ilum destroy himself and just as he deals with survivor’s guilt, she has to confront her own misplaced guilt for having left him. Both of them were named after light, Luna for the moon, Ilum to illuminate. Luna, true to her name, lights a path for her brother in his own darkness, acting as his True North. To a certain extent, she does the same for Charity. She is a poltergeist and is able to bail them both out of ostensibly hopeless scenarios, becoming a hero in whatever capacity she’s able to be. Through Luna, Ilum is still the child he never got to be. Through Ilum, Luna lives the life she was robbed of. Crossing over for her means no longer being his guiding light when they both still need each other.
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
7 notes · View notes
mybiasisexo · 2 years
Entangled - Part 5
Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader
Chapter Warning: Language | Alcohol Consumption
Word Count: 5.3k
Author’s Note: Just a heads up... shits hitting the fan yall and its going e v e r y w h e r e 🔥! i feel like the story is going so fast haha. The wildest part is we are still only on day 2 in the story!!! so much happening in 2 days, could you imagine irl🥵? oh girl needs a long rest after this vacation is2g 😴!
Autumn is slowly approaching and I am so glad! I got my pumpkin candles LIT and my sweaters OUT lol 🍁. And who is excited for Minseok's solo??!??? lets goooo 🏃‍♀️!!!! ill enjoy whatever he does, but i am begging! Kim Minseok!! Give us cunt! Give us whips and chains! body rolls!!! I want to be devoured 😩
Enough with the babbling, I am sooo excited and nervous for this chapter. Its one of my favorites, so I hope you enjoy it! As always, reblogs and replies are always appreciated! I LOVE feedback and your thoughts and theories on the plot! Also lmk if youd like to be tagged!! Cheers to seeing our soldier boy soon 🥂! Much love! Have fuuUUUUuUuuuuun~~!
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Twenty minutes later, you rush into your suite with three bags full of soju of various flavors.
Yerim sits at the island, head in her hands. You catch her shoulders bouncing slightly, but can only hear the occasional sniff. Seulgi sits beside her, rubbing her back consolingly. Her head turns towards you once she hears you enter, relief evident in her whole body.
Without saying a word, you tear open a bottle and lay out three shot glasses, filling them up to the brim. The sound of the tiny cups hitting the counter catches Yerim’s attention, and she reaches over for a glass with a slightly shaky hand. She gulps the contents down and you pour her another one, which she empties as soon as it’s full again. You take this one with her, but Seulgi only takes a sip of hers before placing it gently back on the table, her focus solely on her sister.
You’re throwing back another shot when Yerim finally speaks.
“I don’t even know why I’m crying like this.” Her voice is nasally, eyes bloodshot, face blotchy. “He had been practically ignoring me since we touched down and it’s not like we were official or anything. I just… I just really liked him.” 
Chanyeol did have that effect on people, you knew all too well.
Yerim sounds so broken, you can’t help but sympathize with her. You find yourself tearing up as well.
“What did he say exactly?” Seulgi asks slowly, as if she’s afraid she’ll trigger her.
Yerim sighs and cradles a bottle to her chest, letting the coldness calm her. “He told me that being here was putting a lot of things into perspective for him, and that he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship with me. I told him that it was okay, that we could go slow, pick this up again once we were back in Seoul, but he told me no. He said…. He said he didn’t want to continue this at all. That he didn’t want to be with me at all and that–that bringing me here with him was a mistake!”
She starts sobbing, and her wails make your shoulders drop. You feel helpless, standing there watching your friend’s heart break. That helplessness makes you restless, makes you overthink. You want to do something, want to protect her. You want to storm right over to the guy who did this and make him suffer for hurting her. But, being that the man at fault is Park Chanyeol–-the same man you can’t seem to be alone with for two minutes without wanting to suck his face off, disrespectfully–you remain still, contemplating your options.
He did mention that he was taking her out to ‘make things right’. Now that you’re thinking about it, you should have seen this coming. He practically told you what he was planning on doing. You can’t help but to think that yeah, Yerim is suffering right now, but it is for the best. Could Chanyeol have gone about it in a better way? Absolutely. But Chanyeol has never really been one with great hindsight. He goes with how he feels, worries about the consequences later. Clearly. 
There is one thing though, that you believe he still has failed to tell Yerim. The true reasoning behind his rash decision. 
“I can’t do this anymore,” you mutter. It’s time Yerim knew the truth. You take another shot of soju for courage, knowing there are a few ways Yerim will take the news, and some of the options are not pleasant. You sit the glass down with slightly more force than intended, startling the sisters, and cutting of Yerim’s cries.
“Yerim.” Your voice is the most serious it has ever been. You lock eyes and hold it, making sure you have her full attention. She holds your stare, albeit with confusion. “I have something to tell you, something I should’ve told you sooner.”
“What is it?” She asks hesitantly. 
“It’s about Loey,” you reveal. “The truth is, well, him and I–”
“Knew each other in college.” Seulgi loudly interrupts.
Her outburst startles you and you blink at her in surprise. She shrugs, curling her palms up and widening her eyes, helplessly. You know her well enough to gather what she’s trying to say. Now is, in fact, not the time.
“You…did?” Yerim asks, pulling your focus back to her.
“Yeah,” you let out in a huff. All the urgency leaves your body and you slump over the counter in defeat. “All of us did. He’s Baekhhyun’s best friend.”
“Why would he lie about that?” She asks, voice small.
“Because he’s an asshole,” Seulgi says. You nod in agreement.
“So, you were all friends in college?”
“Yes.” You supply. “That’s why he’s a groomsman with the rest of them. Chanyeol was pretty close to all of us but… was closer to some more than others.”
Both you and Seulgi squint your eyes and lean closer to the clueless girl, watching to see if she catches your drift.
“Oh.” She simply says. You both lean back with large sighs.
Her eyelids flutter rapidly before she’s going back for more soju. Once she’s got her fill, she’s gazing up at you. “His name is Chanyeol?”
You nod carefully, still trying to gauge her reaction.
She does her iconic deadly scoff and it’s enough reassurance for you. Your Yerim is coming back. “He didn’t even respect me enough to tell me his real name. He didn’t respect me at all. Was anything he told me even true? Is he even a producer?”
“No, he actually does do that,” Seulgi admits with a wince.
“I need another shot,” Yerim says. You don’t hesitate to fulfill her request.  
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“The boys should be back soon,” you say, laying your slightly spinning head against the back of the couch. Sehun texted you about fifteen minutes ago, letting you know that they were heading back. The plan is for the boys to come to your suite and drink a bit more before heading to their respective rooms to get some sleep for the big day tomorrow. Luckily, the wedding is going to be around 2pm so that you all can get some rest.
You asked Yerim if she was okay with the boys hanging out at your suite, and she said that as long as Loey–’oh yeah, that’s right, it’s Chanyeol’–wasn’t going to be here, she had no qualms. Plus she likes Sehun.
You don’t think she’s going to make it. She polished off three bottles of soju and is absolutely wrecked at the moment, making you from last night seem sober in comparison.
She’s sprawled out on the couch, head resting on Seulgi’s lap. Seulgi runs her fingers through her hair dotingly. Yerim’s eyes are already closed, breath evening out. You’re about to suggest hauling her off to bed when you hear a bunch of voices outside your room.
“Looks like they’re here!” You cheer, excited to be reunited with your favorite people.
There’s a loud bang and a bunch of people exclaiming. You share a confused look with Seulgi before you’re rushing to the door to further investigate. Seulgi lags behind, having to slip from underneath a snoring Yerim.
What greets you is the furthest thing you expect.
Jongdae and Baekhyun are a door down, struggling to carry a deadweight Chanyeol. His arms slung over their shoulders, feet barely touch the ground as he stumbles towards his room. He’s very obviously drunk, if his loud deep voice echoing through the halls is any indicator.
Jongin and Sehun lean against the wall across from you, quietly watching the shit show in amusement. 
Curious, you venture out into the hall, leaving Seulgi to hold the door. She takes in the scene wearily.
“What’s going on?” You ask in a hushed tone as you greet Sehun. He looks agitated, but as soon as he sees you, he’s standing up straight, fear in his bright eyes.
He hisses your name. “Get back in your room. Hurry before he sees you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t question, just go. Go!” He starts pushing you back to your room, but you’re too confused and defiant to oblige to his request. Instead, you fight back, making it difficult for him to shove you away.
Unfortunately, this draws the attention of the others, and as soon as Chanyeol notices you, you realize what Sehun was trying to prevent.
He wails your name, louder than he had been a second ago.
“Fuck,” Sehun mutters.
“Too late.” Jongin whistles lowley. 
“Mel!” Chanyeol cries. Baekhyun and Jongdae struggle under his shifting weight, scrambling to keep him above them. “I fucked everything up. I should’ve never brought her. Now you hate me for good.”
Now is a good time to take Sehun’s advice and run for the hills, but you can’t feel your legs to make an escape. Your breath hitches at his words and your heart starts beating so hard you can hear it in your ears, nearly drowning out his next words.
“It’s my fault,” he continues. His legs buckle beneath him, giving out and dropping him to his knees. Your heart shatters at how broken he sounds, how defeated he appears with his head bowed in shame. “I didn’t fight for you. I thought that’s what you wanted, so I didn’t. I’m sorry, Mel. You have to believe me, I’m so sorry.”
Each word that leaves his mouth chips at your heart, creating cracks on the wall you have built to hold in the dam of your emotions. Slowly they leak through, causing you to shake, your throat to itch, your eyes to burn–all a telltale sign of tears. You have to clench your teeth together to keep the sob in your throat from spilling out.
“I wish you didn’t hate me,” he continues in a broken whisper. “I wish you never left. That’s why I brought her. Because you left, and I couldn’t…. I couldn’t do it, Mel.”
He looks so small, like a lost child. It makes you want to walk over and drape yourself over him. Makes you want to pull him into you, feel the soothing softness of his hair between your fingers, his hot breath at your neck, and tell him that it’s okay. You can forgive him. You will forgive him.
Taking a shaky breath, you go to do just that. You shift your weight so that you can take that step–
“Who’s yelling?” You stiffen at the voice and catch in your peripheral Yerim squinting beside Seulgi, yawning as she scratches her head, very obviously just waking up. “Who’s Mel?”
That’s enough to shatter the illusion, bring you back to your senses. Fear quickly takes over as you realize the situation you’re now in. You want to tell her to go back inside like Sehun did to you earlier. You want to tell her to not worry, to ignore everything and go back to sleep, but before you can say anything, Chanyeol gets a bout of energy and tears away from the guys holding him.
It’s almost in slow motion, the way Chanyeol comes barreling towards you, hands outstretched for you. You can hear the others’ rejection, but their voices sound muffled, as though you’re underwater. Jongdae and Baekhyun rush to try to catch up to him, but his legs are too long for the shorter men.
Chanyeol’s massive hands cradle your head, tilting it back enough to give him the leverage he needs to press his lips harshly against yours.
He’s kissing you.
The shared contact speeds up time, making everything happen so quickly, you can hardly process anything going on. All you are aware of is a blur of warmth and nostalgia and hurt and regret and pain and love–so much fucking love.
You don’t even have time to close your eyes or succumb to the kiss you’ve been secretly craving all this time. No time to react before Chanyeol is being torn away from you with a loud wet pop.
Jongin has jumped in this time to drag Chanyeol back to his room. He’s fighting the whole way, trying to slip out of their grip, begging them to let him go because he wants to be with you. When he realizes his pleas are falling on deaf ears, he turns his attention back to you, reaching out as he gives you the saddest puppy eyes you think you’ve ever seen.
“Come with me,” he pleads urgently. “I want you to stay with me. Mel, please. Please! Give me another chance. You have to give me another chance!”
You can only watch as Baekhyun opens his door, throwing you an apologetic glance as they all tumble inside.
The silence that follows has your ears ringing, but the sound–or lack thereof–has you remembering yourself. Quickly, you spin around to your door, immediately locking eyes with Yerim. She doesn’t look an ounce as drunk or tired as she had before.
“Why did he just kiss you?” She asks, voice dangerously calm.
“Yerim,” you start, but find you’re at a complete loss for words. Your brain is still trying to possess the last few minutes.
“Why did he just fucking kiss you?!” She finally explodes, face red and shaking from the power of her vocals.
You all wince at her volume and guilt swallows you whole, smarting your eyes. You’re just so overwhelmed, everything’s happening so fast and you have no idea what is going on.
“I–I don’t know–”
“You don’t know?” She asks mockingly. “You don’t know why the man I brought here as my date, who just fucking dumped me, ran up and kissed you as if he wanted to be with you the whole time?”
Her words seem to connect some dots, you can practically see the light bulb spark to life over her head as she straightens up, eyes far away as realization dawns on her.
“Holy shit,” she mutters to herself. “It’s you.”
Her wide knowing eyes take you in. It’s almost cruel, the disgust now coating her face as she acknowledges you. “You’re the one he was talking about. The ex-fiancee. Aren’t you?”
“Yerim, please, just let me explain,” you plead.
That’s enough confirmation for her. She takes a step back, away from you. “So, all of you have been lying to me, not just him? You’ve all been in on it. How hilarious it must have been, watching me fall for a man you all knew loved someone else. You probably got together after dinner last night and shared a laugh over how much of an idiot I am.”
Her voice thickens as she speaks, lips quivering and eyes sparkling in the most devastating way. “I know I’m just Seulgi’s little sister to you all but this…. Isn’t this a bit too far?”
“It’s not like that at all.” Seulgi finally speaks. Yerim turns to her and she flinches at the anger aimed her way.
“And you,” Yerim vilely spits. “You are my sister! You’re supposed to protect me! Why didn’t you say anything?”
Seulgi attempts to answer her question, but is also left speechless, unable to conjure an answer that would appease her sister.
Yerim scans all of you. Jongin and Baekhyun have returned, leaving Jongdae to babysit Chanyeol, and silently watch the fight, trying to catch up on what has transpired so far in their absence. “What is wrong with you people?”
“We didn’t say anything because Chanyeol and I are over,” you reveal in a rush, pushing through the tears coating your esophagus. “Yerim, please, he’s just drunk. The wedding is messing with his head, making him nostalgic. I doubt he’ll even remember any of this. We were wrong to not tell you about our connection sooner, and I’m sorry about that. It just took us all by surprise and we didn’t know how to bring it up.”
She glares at you, but it doesn’t hold as much fire as it had prior, so you continue.
“And your sister wanted to tell you. She was pressuring me the whole time to do it, but it never felt like the right time. God, Yerim, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this trip to become such a mess.”
Your body is shaking again, and your voice wobbles as you push through that damned lump. God you hate this. Hate that Chanyeol had to go around and kiss you, hate that your connection to him is causing someone you care deeply for to hurt. Hate that despite everything, a part of you is wanting to answer his call and run to his room, to apologize for everything and wrap yourself into his familiar embrace. 
As if one of your friends could tell you need comfort, hands are pulling at you, spinning you around to crush you against a firm chest. The action calms you, allows you to focus on your breathing.
“You should have told me,” Yerim continues coldly. “You’re the reason why he kicked me out of our room, the reason he broke off whatever this was we had. If you had told me I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t have….”
She finally breaks. A sob leaves her body involuntarily, and she covers her mouth in an attempt to hold them in. Seulgi takes a step towards her to comfort her, but she holds up a hand, warding her back as she tries to calm down. 
The urge to cry has passed and you think you can stand on your own. Lifting your head, you see Baekhyun gazing down at you sympathetically, one of his hands rubbing your back soothingly. You give him a small smile as thanks, and he matches it in reply.
“I want to go home.”
The statement makes everyone’s head turn to the little girl breaking down in the doorway.
“What?” Seulgi is the one to ask.
“I said I want to go home. Now.”
“But the wedding….” Sehun starts.
“Who gives a fuck about the wedding!” Yerim shouts. “These are your friends, not mine! You’ve made that perfectly clear! I don’t want to be here anymore! I don’t want to see any of you again!”
“Let’s go inside,” Seulgi offers, voice gentle and calming. “Let’s just sit down and think through everything, okay?”
“Fine,” Yerim huffs before stomping back into the suite, having everyone share a glance before tiptoeing in after her, piling around the living area.
Yerim slouches on the couch, arms crossed defiantly, eyes on the floor, refusing to acknowledge any of you.
Understandable. Hell, you can’t seem to meet anyone’s eyes either as you slide onto the floor, leaning against one of the large windows, far away from the girl, guilt gnawing at you.
“Seulgi,” Yerim starts, everything about her exhausted. “Will you please search flights for tonight?”
“It’s too late,” Seulgi argues. “And you brought such a beautiful dress for the ceremony. How about I find something for later? You can leave after the wedding, before the reception.”
Yerim lets out a long resigned sigh. “Whatever.”
Taking a deep breath, you draw up your legs, resting your chin on your knees. The silence is overwhelming, and you need to fill it. 
“Chanyeol and I met in our first year of college.” Everyone’s head whips over to you, but you don’t notice, eyeing your knees as though you just discovered them. This is not what you thought you were going to say, but now you have to continue. “We met through Baekhyun. That’s how I met pretty much all of them, actually. How I met Seulgi. Sehun was the only one I knew before. Anyways, I’ve dated before but Chanyeol was different. He always was. I knew. From the moment we were introduced, I knew that he was the one. We both did, I think. It didn’t take long for us to start dating, and it was easy to be with him.”
You take a deep breath and try not to get lost in the past. “We were together all four years of college, and it was at the end of our senior year that Chanyeol proposed, right before our graduation.
“That’s when everything started falling apart,” you reveal in a small voice. “There was just so much we were juggling. Finals, graduation, careers, and now planning a wedding. We were fighting a lot, and I started to doubt the strength of our relationship. I also started to doubt myself. A part of me always felt like I was never good enough to be with Chanyeol. That he would grow tired of me, or find someone more beautiful, someone who understood his interests more, who didn’t call him stupid whenever he made a joke. And because of that fear, I just became Chanyeol’s Girlfriend. For four years, I was constantly by his side, trying to be perfect for him, and I lost myself along the way. Once I realized I was planning on doing that forever, I started panicking. The ring around my finger started feeling like a trap, like it was constricting me. I needed to discover myself, find out the things I, as an adult, as a woman,as me, enjoyed. I needed freedom. So… I called off the engagement.”
You hear numerous gasps throughout the room and remember everyone else. Well, it’s about time the others knew anyway. Neither you nor Chanyeol ever revealed the true reason behind your separation. You did it out of selfishness, afraid you’d be labeled a villain and lose everyone over your decision. When it comes to Chanyeol’s silence, well, you don’t know for sure. But, knowing him, he probably did it for the same reason you did. He was always protecting you.
“That was three years ago,” you press on, lifting your gaze to Yerim so that she knows you’re now addressing her. “Yesterday was the first time we’ve spoken or seen each other since. I’ve had zero contact with him. I had no idea he was bringing a date, let alone that it was you, and I doubt he even knew your connection to us. This wasn’t some elaborate plan to hurt you, Yerim. None of us would ever do that to you, especially Chanyeol.”
“He may be an asshole,” Baekhyun speaks for the first time tonight. “But he’s not cruel. If he ended things with you, it was because he didn’t want to lead you on. Knowing him, it was probably an attempt to protect you from himself.”
It’s eerie how Baekhyun’s statement mirrors your thoughts, but it’s truly just a testament of Chanyeol’s character.
He’s not a bad guy. Just a big idiot.
Now that your story has been told, all eyes are on Yerim as she absorbs all this new information. 
“Okay,” she says so quietly you nearly miss it. “Okay. Thank you for telling me.”
You can only nod.
She goes to stand. “I’m going to bed.” She points at you. “I don’t want you here.”
Your shoulders slump for the nth time today, but you understand. Just because you finally confessed your past affair with her ex whatever-he-is doesn’t mean you automatically gain her forgiveness.
“She can stay with me,” Sehun says.
“And you.” She turns her attention to her sister. “You can stay in her room.”
Seulgi deeply frowns, but nods nonetheless, aware of the role she played in all of this.
“Night. See you all at the wedding, I guess.” Yerim shuffles out of sight, softly closing the door behind her.
“We should get going also,” you say. “Big day tomorrow.”
You head over to your room, changing into some pajamas and grabbing your purse and phone charger, the essentials. 
When you’re back in the living area, the boys are all hovering by the door, waiting for you, while Seulgi slumps on the couch. Her legs spread wide, arms limp at her side, and head tilted over the back of the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling.
You call her name and she turns her head down to gaze blankly at you. “I’m sorry. I know, I should’ve done this yesterday.”
She waves off your apology. “You were going to tell her earlier and I stopped you. It’s my fault just as much as yours. See you tomorrow.”
You all give your farewells and exit the stuffy room. You take the few steps to Sehun’s, he opens the door and you’re slightly surprised when the other boys trail in after you.
You crowd around Sehun’s island.
“So….” Baekhyun purses his lips as he fixes you with a knowing look. “The mystery is finally solved.”
“Do you hate me now?” You ask quietly. You trace random patterns into the cool marble face of the counter. 
“Why would we hate you?” 
“For not telling you. For being the one to break Chanyeol’s heart. He was your friend before I was, I understand if you want to be on his side now.”
“Hey now,” Jongin starts gently, rubbing your arm. “We have always respected your relationship. It’s none of our business why you ended, which is why none of us asked. I mean, of course we were all devastated, and have told both of you as much, but at the end of the day, we aren’t the ones dating. I’m just glad cheating wasn’t involved. That’s what I have always thought happened.”
“Yeah, and about tonight.” Baekhyun shakes his head. “That’s all Chanyeol. We told him to stop drinking the whole time we were out, even going so far as to hide the bottles from him, but he kept finding them! Tonight isn’t your fault, this trip isn’t your fault, so don’t beat yourself up over it, alright?”
“Why was he so drunk anyways?” You ask, leaning more heavily onto the counter.
The boys all share a look.
“He ‘broke up’ with Yerim,” Sehun explains. “And everything started hitting him. That Myeon is getting married and that, well, he didn’t.”
“I think a lot of things he had been shoving down just came out all at once and he didn’t really know how to handle it.” Baekhyun shrugs.
That doesn’t make you feel any better. Another ball of sorrow grows in your throat and you clear it, not wanting to cry, especially for other people. Licking your lips, you swear you can still taste him there, the bittersweetness of nostalgia and your own neglected feelings. 
“Are you going to be okay tomorrow?” Jongin asks, knowing you’re also going through the same thing as Chanyeol.
You nod. “Of course. I’m happy for Junmyeon, I’d never miss this.” Speaking of Junmyeon…. “Is…is Myeon okay?”
They all nod in affirmation. “He understood. Kept telling us to just let Chanyeol drink. He had a fun time, besides all that.” 
“Good. I’m glad. If Chanyeol had ruined his bachelor’s party, I’d have no choice but to kick his ass.”
“We’d have to jump him, for sure,” Sehun agrees.
You chat for a little bit longer. There’s a soft knock and Jongdae slips in with a rather large bottle of soju. You all drain it as you catch him up on all that he’s missed. The shock on his face from your revelation is enough to bring out a chuckle from you, which only grows when he holds a hand out to Baekhyun, demanding him to pay up. Apparently, Junmyeon will be getting some winning money as well. Assholes. 
Once the bottle of soju is empty and the boys are satisfied with the smile on your face, they take their leave.
The couch is large and comfortable enough to use as a bed, and after some back and forth with Sehun about your sleeping arrangements, you climb into your makeshift bed with the intention to finally give into the urge and cry yourself to sleep.
Sehun has other plans.
He crawls in after you, slipping soundlessly under the blanket he had room service bring up, and faces you wordlessly.
“Sehun,” you whine with a yawn. “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you don’t beat yourself up over what just happened.”
“What would make you think that?”
He rolls his eyes. “You can fool the others, but you can never fool me.”
“True,” you relent. “You know you were the only one that knew the truth, right? Not even Seulgi knew I was the one who called off the engagement.”
“Of course, I was. You can’t hide anything from me. I’ll admit, I did get a kick watching the others scramble and try to solve the mystery. Though, I’m shocked Chanyeol never told Baekhyun, even after all this time. It makes sense though. He’ll always put you first, even if that means ending things with his wedding date the day before said wedding.”
You bury your head into your pillow. Drunk Chanyeol consumed your mind. His desperate need for your forgiveness, the way his voice broke and his eyes searching for you as though your presence alone was enough for him, and that kiss…. 
“I can’t believe he kissed me.”
You wish he hadn’t. Not just because it exposed your shared secret to Yerim, but because of the implications of it. With that kiss you are forced to admit that Seulgi was right, that Chanyeol still has deep feelings for you, and that you—
“It was bound to happen.” Sehun breaks your train of thought. “He was fucked up. Like, he would not shut up about you. As soon as he got a little tipsy, it was you this, you that. How much he missed you, how proud he was of you. ‘How is it possible that she’s gotten even more beautiful since college? Baekhyun, didn’t you tell me she got fat?’ Junmyeon was like ‘she’d still be just as beautiful if she had gained weight’ and this fool goes, ‘god, I know’ and takes two shots back to back. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so damn pathetic.”
You let out a breathless laugh at Sehun’s terrible impersonation of Chanyeol, but peek up at the man. “He really said that?”
“Yeah.” Sehun says your name. “I know we had this conversation earlier, but you have to talk to him. All the things that were holding you back then don’t apply now. You both have grown a lot and are in better places. It’s never too late to start again. Chanyeol wants it, and I know you do too. You’re just latching onto a grudge you created against him to keep you away. It’s baseless, you know? And it’s a lie. You’re very obviously still in love with him. Soulmates work that way.”
“Soulmates,” you repeat skeptically, before sighing. “You’re right though, as you always are—”
“Finally, some gotdamn recognition around here,” he interrupts.
“Anyways, I should have talked to Chanyeol earlier. Really talked to him, not this back and forth dance we’ve been doing. But, there was no way I was going to talk about us when he had a girlfriend, who just so happened to be my friend. The best option was to just ignore him.”
“That was smart of you, but he doesn’t have a date anymore. We’re going to be here for three more days, the two of you still have plenty of time to talk. Get your closure and figure out what you want with him. If there is one thing the past couple days have shown, it’s that both of you have a lot to get off your chests.”
“You’re right.”
He smirks. “I know~”
“Ugh.” You finally settle into the blankets and close your eyes, expecting Sehun to head back to his bed, but he makes no point to move. “Are you going to stay here all night?”
“Are you going to cry soon?” He counter asks.
You check. To be honest, you feel a lot better after talking to Sehun. Your mind is a lot clearer. “No.”
“Either way, I’ll just stay here until you sleep. That way I know for sure.”
You groan. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep with you watching me?”
And he is right. Once you’re comfortable, you’re out like a light.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Our Song (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
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Request: alyssa naehex reader thats set during quarantine w/ “Shy” by Alexander Stewart. I just kind of think it’s cute since she’s an introvert and that it would be fitting
Author’s Note: Speical Thanks To @literaryhedgehog​
Alyssa knew she should just say it, that admitting it out loud would finally put an end to this madness. She ran a soothing hand through your hair when you sniffled loudly into her chest. 
God, she should just tell you how she felt. But, she also didn’t want to overstep. That would make being roommates really awkward. Especially since neither of you were supposed to leave the apartment right now except for essential purchases. And she didn’t want to lose her best friend. That would really suck. 
But she wasn’t afraid to say what no one else would- you had a terrible taste when it came to partners. You chose people who didn’t value you, and you always ended up hurt. 
This time was no different, well, it was slightly different considering you couldn’t leave your shared apartment to cope like you normally would. Alyssa didn’t know if that was better or worse, considering that you had adapted your breakup routine to just be endless cuddles with her and your favorite stuffed animal.  
She had already spent the last hour making comforting noises. You had stopped shedding tears 15 minutes ago, so Alyssa decided it was time to go for some humor. “Hey, so now you and Taylor Swift have something in common!”
“Hmm” You hummed in acknowledgment, your eyes never leaving where Supergirl was playing on screen. 
“Well, she was broken up with over text. You were broken up with over text. I think this is the perfect opportunity to listen to her re-recording of Fearless, and really channel those emotions!”
“No, Joe broke up with her in a 27-second phone call,” You lifted your head up off of her very comfortable chest to raise your eyebrow at the woman. 
Alyssa was a great keeper, and amazing at crosswords, but she always needed your help when it came to Taylor trivia. 
“Then Joe showed more consideration as an 18-year-old child than your 32 year old wanna be soccer star. It doesn’t change the fact that I think listening to Mr Perfectly Fine would be cathartic.” 
“It’s kinda funny that she wrote Forever and Always, Mr. Perfectly fine, Better than Revenge and Holy Ground all about the same guy, they’re all so different from each other,” You mumbled, settling back down on her chest. At least she didn’t say that you had as many breakups as she did. That was a rude joke. (One Alyssa wouldn’t dare make. She was more cultured than the media asshats that chased your team around). 
“Woman’s efficient,” Alyssa shrugged. “No reason why you can't recycle the same emotion into a different song genre.” 
“At least she could make millions off her pain. All I seem to be able to do is kick the ball harder,” You grumbled. Your landlord complained about you practicing in the street because of how hard you sent the ball careening into his precious brick wall. It wasn’t your fault Alyssa was too slow to stop the PK. 
“Darling, considering you’re one of the strongest kickers on the east coast, I’d say that pain is going to a worthwhile cause. But you do kind of have the worst taste in relationships.” 
“Hey! Savannah wasn’t a bad choice, just bad timing,” You huffed indignantly. 
“So that would be one out of…. How many bad relationships?” 
“At least one for every Taylor Swift album,” 
“Okay, here’s a fun idea, choose an ex for each album,” Alyssa said brightly. Thinking about music would definitely cheer you up. “Wannabe soccer star is obviously your Joe, so represents the Fearless album. Which relationship is your… Drew?”
“You already know the answer to that question,” you said, already picking up your phone to add Teardrops on my Guitar to the music queue. You then quickly added Forever and Always and started scrolling through Speak Now for the next song inspiration. 
Alyssa nodded. It was a well-known fact that you had a massive crush on one Hope Solo growing up, and you had been absolutely enamored with her the second you set foot into camp. But Alyssa also knew that Hope was very faithful to a certain veteran. 
The veteran keeper had tried to let you down easy, and Kelley was still one of your best friends, but it had hurt in the moment.
“Kristie was my Haunted,” you said, smiling slightly. Dating her felt like a whirlwind, one that took your breath until you never thought it would end. She made butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you were so desperate to say the right thing, to be the perfect partner, that you always felt like you were walking a tightrope. Floating on air, but desperate to keep your balance. “At least she had the decency to wait until we were in the same city to end it.” 
“Aren’t the two of you friends now?” Alyssa looked down at you, watching as you scrolled through songs from your comfortable place on her chest. 
You nodded with a small smile. “Hmm, we are much better off that way anyway.” 
“I bet you I can guess who your We are Never Ever Getting Back Together person is,” Alyssa trilled, reaching down to take the phone. 
You playfully snatched it away from her. “Who’s to say I wasn’t going to choose I knew you were trouble?” You raised your eyebrow at the woman, who simply smirked in response. 
“I can tell you who that is too if you like,” Alyssa reached for her own phone and took over control of the speakers, adding both songs to the music queue. 
“Alright, I’ll bite. Who?” 
“You definitely knew Sam Kerr was trouble, and I think it took you 4 breakups with Leah to finally call it quits,” 
“I was going to say Leah for 1989, it took me forever to realize how fucked up our relationship was after we finally broke up,” 
“I’m sure the distance didn’t help.” With her in London and you in Chicago things just kind of fell apart. 
“Maybe,” you hummed, noncommittally. 
“Okay, so for Reputation. I’m thinking Don’t Blame Me,” 
“You did go a bit crazy for Jane…” Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes. You had almost moved to Houston for that girl, thank god you didn’t. You sunburned like nobody's business. 
“Oh come on. You just didn’t like the idea of me moving. And considering how long we had been dating at that point it did make sense!” You argued. 
“It was 3 months Y/n,” She deadpanned. 
“I was in a wlw relationship. That’s like practically three years, it’s not like I brought a u-haul to our first date.” 
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow up at you. “Didn’t you have one of those the first time we met?” 
“Yeah, because I wasn’t moving into my college apartment without any furniture!”
“Whatever you say, babe. Who's your Folklore?” She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
“I think you skipped an album,” you said. This was weird because Lover was one of Alyssa’s favorite albums. “But, since you asked. I think Kelley is The 1.” 
“Ah, our favorite squirrel,” Alyssa’s lips ticked up. You and Kelley had dated in college (something that should have made her jealous), but Kelley was the one pushing her to admit her feelings now. 
“We were just too young and dumb,” you said, smiling. “We had a great time together, and it would have been fun if it worked out. But at some point we just realized, we were friends, but there wasn’t anything romantic there.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Alyssa said, like a liar. 
“I’m not. Her and Emily are like made for each other,” You snorted with the shake of your head. “And at least she wasn’t afraid of the world knowing we were together,” 
“Well, yeah,” Alyssa smiled. She had loved seeing the way being publicly out with Kelley had brought out the best of you. “ Okay moving on! Next, we need to narrow down your No body, No Crime.” 
“I take offense. Alex is still alive, so that doesn’t count,” You huffed. 
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I know you didn’t kill any of your significant others,” Alyssa said, laughing. “Though if you listened to the song you would know that’s my job… ”
“Alex was my Champagne Problems,” You mumbled sadly. That relationship had been the hardest for you, as had the breakup. She was terrified of the world even suspecting she wasn’t straight. 
You had everything, except the freedom to be yourself, and In the end, you couldn’t take the hiding anymore. 
“You did your best, love. But people come out at their own pace. And it was before Obergfell v. Hodges was decided. Being queer was still more likely to be presented as a scandal in the media then.”
“She cheated on me with Serv. She doesn’t get a pass,” You grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“I’m pretty sure you were on a break dear,” Alyssa said, though she was inclined to agree with you. Being on a ‘break’ but not officially breaking up didn’t seem like a reason to start dating other people. Still getting over some of the semantics might theoretically help you move on. “BUT maybe we should move on. Who is your Lover?”
Your eyes squinted thoughtfully, a light pink shading your cheeks. “The only person who hasn’t ever left me is you. You let me leave the Christmas lights up until May and dance around the kitchen when you cook.” 
Alyssa looked away, not able to meet your eyes. ”I mean, the lights can change color, so they can be thematic all year. And you’re the one who chooses the music to listen to while I cook. I can’t help it if they’re all great for dancing.”
“You can dance to anything. I’m pretty sure you turned a Hosier song into a salsa dance last week.” You giggled. 
“The only person I dance with is you, Y/n,” Alyssa said, finally meeting your eyes. She could feel her body start shaking slightly, as the adrenaline kicked in. She was going to do it. She was going to tell you. “I don’t want to dance if I’m not dancing with you.” 
“I’d dance with you in a storm in my best dress,” 
“I have tried so hard to be supportive about your last several relationships. But seeing you dancing to your favorite song with anyone else… I’ve loved you for three years now and I couldn’t bear it.” 
The air was suddenly charged between you, and you realized your faces were just inches apart. It was hard to breathe. You never dreamed your best friend would return your feelings (maybe that’s why you had so many bad relationships). 
“Kiss me,” you breathed, slowly moving around so your heads were at the same level. 
“That’s not a Taylor swift Lyric,” Alyssa said. In her brain, there was a loading sign currently whirring in little circles, as she attempted to process what you just said. Did you mean what she thought you said?
“Baby just say yes,” You said, feeling so happy that tears were coming to your eyes. You leaned forward getting inches from her face, so close you could feel her breath hitch. “Please kiss me.”
“Yes,” was all Alyssa had time to say before she closed the distance and kissed you. 
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gaeasun · 3 years
I’ll Rest When I’m Dead
Commander Fox Week 2021
Prompt(s): Forgiveness (out of order but whatever)
Warnings: Major Character death (don't worry its not really sad)
Relationships: Fox & Thorn, Fox & Fives
Characters: Fox, Vader, Fives, Thorn, tiny little bit of Dogma and Tup
Additional Tags: I’m pulling a Risk Riordan, Fox needs a hug, Fox needs a nap, and he gets BOTH. Fox gets closure. Clone Heaven, hurt comfort but more comfort than hurt for once
Summary/Description:  CC-1010 is killed by Vader. Fox wakes up and sees brothers he’d never thought he’d see again
@loving-fox-hours @amikoroyai cause it’s Fox related
“You have failed me for the last time, Commander.”
Vader reached out his hand, towards Fox, who never had a choice or a chance, who stood helpless while his neck jerked of his own accord.
A single crack sounded, and Commander Fox slumped to the ground, lifeless.
No one who was there mourned. No one could.
Fox opened his eyes. Strange. He could have sworn he was dead.
Then everything came rushing in, more clear than in years. Fox shot up and began hyperventilating.
“Woah there vod. Easy.”
That voice… the slightest inflection that Fox was able to pick out from the rest. Something Fox had never though he’d hear again.
“Yeah, vod. Come on, breathe. You’re safe.”
“I’m dead,” Fox choked out. “I, Vader, he-”
“Shhh,” Thorn said soothingly, and hugged Fox close. “Yeah, you marched on. But hey, nothing worse can happen now. You’re safe, vod, I promise.”
Fox panted into Thorn’s shoulder, until his breathing slowed and he’d stopped panicking. Which happened faster than usual.
“Thorn,” he said suddenly.
“Yeah?” “Thorn.”
Fox sprang up and tackled Thorn. “You slimy son of a shabuir, if you ever do anything like that again, I will having scrubbing the refreshers until-”
“Until what?” Thorn said all too cheekily.
Until the day you die, Fox was going to say. That didn’t exactly work here.
So he just tackled Thorn and pinned him to the ground, and draped himself over him.
“I missed you too,” Thorn said, from underneath Fox. Fox grunted.
After some time, Fox rolled to the side and allowed Thorn to breathe (did they need to breathe?). Thorn flopped an arm across Fox’s chest.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Thorn laughed. “Not that I wanted you to die, but you know how you’d always say, ‘I’ll rest when I’m dead’?”
“I’m dead, why do I need to sleep?” Fox pointed out.
Thorn groaned. “Because you can you di’kut. You finally can rest. No more paperwork, no more working yourself under the waves trying to help everyone around you.”
“No more Palpatine?” Fox said softly.
Thorn flinched, then shook himself. “No more Palpatine,” he promised. “Now come on. You’re taking a nap.”
Standing, Thorn offered a hand to Fox. He accepted, and let Thorn lead them deeper into the forest. Why were they in a forest? Fox had no idea. He’d never even seen a forest. It was nice.
Too nice. In all honesty, it didn’t feel real.
Fox froze.
“What’s wrong?” Thorn tilted his head.
“This can’t be real,” Fox whispered. “It’s too nice. I never get nice. This is all some crazy dream, isn’t it?”
Thorn sighed. “This is real Fox. I’m real. You’re here. Just please, sleep. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”
Fox had already let his mind wander. He numbly moved with Thorn to a large and gnarled tree, where Thorn sat down and pulled Fox down with him.
“Sleep, ori’vod. You’re safe now.”
It went against Fox’s instincts, but he so badly wanted to believe Thorn, he closed his eyes and let Thorns warm presence lull him into sleep.
When Fox opened his eyes, he felt refreshed like he hadn’t in a long time. Night had fallen, but light from a large moon above gave enough visibility in their surroundings.
Thorn stirred underneath him. “How you doing?” he yawned.
“This is real,” Fox’s voice trembled. “This is too good to be a dream. I don’t have good dreams.”
“Aw vod.” Thorn sounded so sad. “Come on. Let’s go find the others. They’re probably at the fires now.” Others?
All the shinies he’d failed, all the brothers he’d watch march on. Here.
“I can’t do this.” Fox found himself hyperventilating again. “I can’t, can’t face them. I let them down, I let them die.”
“You did all you could, and more Fox. Please. Let them tell you that they don’t blame you.”
Fox wanted Wolffe or Cody so badly. But they weren’t here, were they? They were still fighting. Or still trapped in their own heads, more likely. Fox’s fault. He could have stopped it. If only he’d-
“Breathe, Fox.” Thorn pressed his forehead against Fox’s, and patiently waited until Fox had calmed.
Once again, Fox let himself be led, like a tooka kit. Soon Fox heard noises, happy noises. Laughing and banter and cheering. Sounds he hadn’t heard in a long time.
One vod stood above all the others, shouting out a story.
“And then, you know what Tup did? He taunted Krell, may he be dead in horrible agony, and the besalisk fell right into his trap.”
“Kriff Krell,” shouted a vod with a v-shaped tattoo, while a long haired brother laughed in delight next to him. The cry echoed around the vode with much gusto.
“Krell died on his knees, like, like…”
The orator trailed off as he made eye contact with Fox.
Fox tore himself away from Thorn and ignored his shouting as he ran deeper into the forest, further away from the reason he called himself vod’kyramud on the nights where self-pity and shame threatened to drown him.
Someone was chasing him, Fox could hear the rustling behind him.
Fox ran faster and harder, until all the trees blurred together and too fast for him to really dodge-
Fox ran face-first into a tree and collapsed to the ground.
“I don’t think that was your finest moment, vod,” panted someone behind him. Not Thorn.
Fives hoisted Fox up, but Fox let himself fall to his knees, too ashamed to look his, victim, in the eyes.
“Aw jeez,” Fives muttered. “Please, just, don’t.”
I’m sorry, Fox wanted to scream, but his throat was all closed up. I’m so sorry, you were just trying to do your job and I had to do mine-
“Stop,” Fives said firmly, and Fox realized he might have indeed said those words out loud. “It’s ok. You’re right, you know. You never did have a choice.” Fives pulled him up again and held him so he couldn’t fall. “Honestly, I don’t know if Palpatine told you to do it, or you were just trying to protect yourself and your men. But I don’t care. We each just were trying our best, you know?”
Fives chuckled, and pulled Fox so his forehead was against his own. “I’ve had a lot of time to think. To wonder what I was going to say to you, what I was going to do. And even though you don’t need it, you have my forgiveness anyways.”
“I, don’t, deserve it,” Fox sobbed out. If it wasn’t his fault, then why did he feel so painfully guilty?
“It doesn’t matter. I’m giving it to you. Here, take it.” Fives pretended to hand something to Fox, so ridiculous that it pulled a half sob, half chuckle from him.
“Palpatine messed with your head, vod. The more you keep trying to blame yourself, the more you let Palpatine stay there. We were both victims of something so much bigger than either of us.”
Fives turned and pulled him towards the distant fire. “Come one. Why don’t you meet my aliit? They’re a good bunch.”
Fox shuddered. “You’re a good man, Fives. You don’t even need to call me vod. I’m so, so sorry.”
“I know. It’s ok. I forgive you.”
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sweettodo · 4 years
I need longer than 7 minutes ⟿ Eren Jaeger x femreader [pt . 1]
Includes : swearing, making out, alcohol, lime, consumption, insinuation of marijuana [small reference].
Word count : 3,1k
This’ll be a few parts, this is my lil re-creation. I tried to make it original, but I give creds to the person who originally wrote 7 minutes, she surly will be with us forever; I’ll never forget that story :D
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You run home from your last lecture in the English building; bag swinging and hitting your back while you sprinted across campus.
You didn’t expect to be held back twenty minutes after class; all because you got a B- on group work, your incompetent ‘buddies’ who had to help- didn’t. You did it all, in a week. Thankfully your professor had kept it somewhat short with you; letting you know you weren’t going to have to redo it.
That was besides the point though; you needed to get to the fraternity house, now. You had promised Jean and Connie you would help clean the house before people arrived. As you near the house, you pant, throat dry and your chest burns from running, your leggings made you sweat like a madman.
Running up the porch and fumbling with the doorknob, you swing open the door and see Connie, frantically grabbing cups from shelves and coffee tables, throwing them in a giant black bag and he begins shouting when you’re tossing your bag on the couch and tying your hair up, “What the fuck y/n!” He whines, “you know I don’t clean for shit!” He hollers, you snag the bag from him and he smiles childishly and plops onto the couch. Little shit. You pick up where he left off, dragging garbage by the arm into the bag.
“Maybe if you knew how to clean-” you start, Jean comes down the stairs, only in a towel, you roll your eyes, looking back at Connie, “maybe if you two got off your dead asses, you wouldn’t need me to clean for you.” You growl, steam practically flying from your ears, looking back at Jean, with that silly smile on his stupid face.
“You live here too.” Jean teasingly cackles, you huff and charge towards him, shoving a finger in his face. He looks down at you with a smug smile on his face.
“Used to- it’s not my fault I had no idea college relationships don’t work out.” He sticks his tongue out at you and ruffles your hair, stepping back and strutting away in his low hung towel.
‘I don’t get paid enough for this.’ You mumbled under your breath.
He turns a head before walking towards the staircase, “pshh, you used to be over here every day with Connie! doing whatever toxic couples do. And look at you, still here for him.” He teases, Connie laughs, throwing his head back and standing up, walking towards the kitchen.
“That’s because she still loves me.” He sneers, you drop the bag on the floor and head towards your bag, swinging it over your shoulder. The boys start towards you, begging for you to stay, “I didn’t mean it! Please help.” Connie begs, you comply and place your bag down once more.
“Yeah let me get dressed and I’ll help! Don’t leave us! Please.” Jean implores, quickly running up the stairs, followed by hearing a door shut. You continue cleaning up the downstairs rooms, cleaning what needed to be disenfected so on so forth. Jean did in fact help you, while Connie prepared the bar, and drank half of it while he was at it.
Finally stepping in front of the door, taking a gander at the clean and organized house, surfaces cleaned and dusted, the garbage needed to be emptied a total of twelve times by the time you were done.
You though- you were proud at the work you’ve done, disappointed at the fact you knew it would only stay like this for not even two hours, knowing this house would be full of kids like every weekend, “let me go back and get ready, I’ll be back in a little.” Before they get a chance to say anything, your ass is out the door and walking down the sidewalk to the neighboring dorms, the sun slowly disappearing, the skin turning a milky pastel pink and orange. Students walked, groups of people skateboarding, while most conversed amongst each other. You scurried into the dormitories where you resided and headed for the elevator, pressing it a few times before quickly opening, you step in and slam your two fingers on the floor of your room.
Finally reaching your floor, your feet quickly move down the hall, unlocking your door and slipping in, Historia sits in her desk chair, doing work, “hey Historia, wanna tag along?” You’re throwing your shirt off your head followed by your leggings, you two had changed in front of each other so many times, neither payed any mind.
“No, I’m behind on an essay, I’ll come next weekend I promise.” She pleads, you smile and wave your hand in the air dismissively while standing there half naked.
“Please! You know it doesn’t hurt my feelings, I just don’t want you crammed in here all the time by yourself, it’s unhealthy.” Hands deep in your drawers, you’re looking for a dress, she lets out a sigh of relief and drops her pen on her textbook, standing and walking towards me, opening another drawer.
“I know what dress you gotta wear!” She sings, you follow her hands, fingers strolling down the neatly folded clothes within her clothes drawer. She rips out a black bodycon dress which wasn’t longer than mid knee, with a nice dip in the v-line.
Graciously taking it from her hands, a small gasp and smile planted on your mouth as you slip it over your feet and thighs, shimmying your arms into the strings. Historia had quite a delectable taste of fashion, she had worn and worked every style she’s come across, “you look hot.” She places a love tap on your ass and you stick your tongue out, taking a good look at yourself in the mirror, turning around to look at your body.
Releasing your hair from the hair tie, you shake your hair out and brush it. Being cautious you’d run late again, Historia is picking out a perfume and matching lotion, spritzing you and you take the lotion out of her hands, squeezing the sweet flower smell into your legs and arms, “thanks roomie, please, reconsider; come with me.” You plead one last time, she shoves me playfully and points to her textbook.
“Next weekend, go. Don’t make Connie mad by being late.” You groan and slipping your feet into black platforms.
“You’ll regret saying that, I don’t like Connie.” You shut the door behind you. Walking back towards that elevator.
The sky was pretty much dark at this point, the party was twenty minutes from starting, and you had just walked through the front door as Connie was swinging it open, letting people know they could come in, a few boys sat on the couch. Jean could be seen pouring drinks for himself and probably his friends. “I knew I heard y/n!!” Jean cheers, jogging over to me and scanning his eyes up and down my figure, “looking- uh, sexy.” He coughs, shaking his head and the little bit of pink brushes his cheeks, handing me one of his drinks.
Marco leaps over the couch and jumps towards Jean, leisurely throwing an arm over his shoulder, “maybe you’ll finally get a piece tonight,” he nudges, you smack Marco upside the head and he mutters swears under his breath, pulling off of his friend, Jean rolls his eyes and takes a gulp of his drink, cocking an eyebrow.
“Who says I haven’t hit already.” Before the boys can even react, your knee meets his groin, kicking him, he screeches and falls to his knees, the room stays silent for the most part besides laughing, “alright! I haven’t hit it yet- Jesus y/n!” He hissed, rolling back onto his feet and practically limping out of the room. I turn around to see if the others got the warning, but instead see two boys standing at the front door, both staring at me with wide eyes and interested looks.
Both were tall; one blonde haired which covered his forehead, keen blue eyes, the other wore baggy sweats, a black short sleeve shirt, his hair was messily pulled back. You stand there like a ditz, kinda humiliated.
“Here- Eren, Armin.” Jean is coming from behind you, handing these men drinks, patting Eren’s shoulder all ‘buddy - buddy’ as they walk deeper into the house, you shake off the intense vibe you felt from the two and drink more of the flavored vodka. Your ears suddenly perk up like a dog when you hear Jean’s loud mouth from the kitchen, “oh that’s y/n, isn’t she just a gem? my nuts still hurt.” He laughs, the slight hint of sarcasm in his remark, you swing around and walk into the kitchen, interjecting yourself in their conversation; the three chat it up, Jean’s eyes land on yours and smiles like a brat.
You poke Jean in the side and smile at whichever Armin and Eren were, “Isn’t Kirsten so peachy, this is why I love him.” You giggle, the boys in front of you laugh; both absolutely stunning bright smiles, you could get used to their faces around here. You also wondered where they came from.
“Oh, to be Jean’s nuts right now.” The dark haired one jokes, arising laughter amongst the three boys. Your eyes practically fall out of their sockets, an immediate halt of poking Jean’s side, the little ball stood out, you were absolutely thrown off any train of thought you had. People start filling the kitchen, you were so frozen in feelings you looked so ridiculous, shaking it off with a little smile, you needed to flirt back, he started it.
“And don’t I wish I was that tongue piercing.” It was now their turn to be frozen in shock, the blonde one turning his head to look at the other, a little ‘Eren’ could be heard from his lips; ‘so that’s his name, he kinda looks like an Eren.’
The loud chatter and booming music has overtaken the house, it was getting harder and harder to hear a single conversation as more and more people filled the house.
Jean wraps an arm around me, “I love it when she’s bold, she only gets worse the more she drinks, be careful.” Jean gives me a tight side hug and you down the rest of the liquid in the cup, I had stunned Eren into silence, Armin broke that silence with a small laugh. What Jean said was true, I had a small track record of flirtatious behavior when I had enough liquid courage.
Eren smiles at you, “so intense, let’s get them a room already.” Your eyes peel off Eren’s, Sasha stood there with a bottle in her hand, a huge smile on her face, “it’s like a staring contest over here, what’s happening guys?!” She hollers over the music, poking my boob a few times, you swat her finger off your tit and she giggles, hiccuping, she was much more intoxicated than yourself.
“I was just getting more to drink, gimme gimme’” you snatch the bottle out of your friends hand and pop open the cap, “I hope to see you all later, I plan on us all playing a little spin the bottle or something.” You swallow, Armin tilts his head and looks at you.
“Isn’t that for high schoolers?” He asks, a smile on his face, you lean in close, your head right between both Eren’s and Armin’s ears, they subconsciously lean in to hear what I have to say.
“With a twist.” You hum, pulling away and following Sasha towards the basement stairs, personal tequila bottle in tow and ready to drink.
An hour later you’re faltering towards the couches and sliding down onto your wobbly knees, Connie and Jean rounding up the people we are closest too in the basement, dizzy and laughing at practically every little thing in sight, Sasha and Mikasa sat to your left and right, equally or less drunk as yourself.
Our friend group sits on the floor in a giant circle and you stand, “okay my friends, I figured we could do a little something different this weekend.” You announce, the room falling somewhat quiet as they listen to you, “we’re gonna play spin the bottle, but instead of just regular old spin the bottle, if one spins and it lands on the other, they can head into the closet for seven minutes, but when your turn comes again, or that person that you went into the closet with previously, you go into the bedroom for a timed thirty minutes. No backing out.” You didn’t even catch Eren making himself comfortable next to Jean and Marco, Armin sitting on the couch behind Connie also planning on participating.
Eren had noticed you though, standing there with that half empty bottle and your tight dress, your messy makeup which he found beyond sexy. He couldn’t stop thinking about how you told him you wished he was his piercing, no girl had ever been so outgoing and bold. Although he was slightly stoned, and definitely drunk, he couldn’t rip his eyes off you; he sat on the ground intrigued, “I’ll do the first spin.” Sasha gushes, grabbing the empty beer bottle and giving it a strong spin.
It spins and spins, you sat pretty on your knees and wait for it to land on someone; an eternity later it’s pointing between Mikasa and Jean. He was jumping onto his feet in an instant, you knew Jean so well that it was impossible for him to act cool, he was freaking the fuck out. Mikasa stands and pushes Jean towards the closet, he stumbles, drunkenly tripping over his feet and we all laugh at him, they go in and I set a timer, starting it immediately.
We all talk and laugh, Connie and Marco had their ears pressed against the door like perverts, “hey pervs! Quit it you two!” Sasha shouts, they leap away from the door and soon enough the ringing plays to signify the end of the long 7 minutes, you stand and knock on the door, Jean comes out first, dizzy and face flustered, totally beyond repair. Then Mikasa following behind him, perfectly fine but with a domineering smirk plastered on her face. We cheer and Jean plops down on the ground, the boys patting and laughing, congratulating him.
I go, spinning the bottle and anticipating the stop, when it finally comes to a stop, my eyes follow the top of the bottle stopped right between the legs of Connie and Eren, seeing both staring at me, ‘ooh’s’ and laughing fill up the room, there was no way I was going into that room with Connie. “Rock paper scissors!” Jean shouts, I slap my hands over my face in embarrassment, my luck I’d be stuck with Connie who would probably just start a fight with me.
You peek your eye through your fingers and see the two boys play it out to see who would get to go into the closet with me.
Connie one- Eren two.
Your hands drop into your lap, feeling lightweight, almost like you were floating, a mixture of both anxiety and excitement flickering in your stomach, he was so intimidating and you felt tiny in front of him- in all honesty, flirting was one thing. You stand up hesitantly and walk towards the closet, his body blocking you from being able to see your friends one last time. He shuts the door and wastes no time looping his arm around my waist, pulling me into his rock hard chest, looking up at him and begin to gnaw on your bottom lip as he cops a feel of your ass; his strong hand groping your ass, hand rubbing and squeezing, “eager are we?” You tease, he hums and continues.
You were spiraling under his strength. He walks both of you backwards until your back is hitting the wall, dipping his head down to your ear, “what happened to the tough guy act?” He purrs, you shiver, his hand moving from your ass and down your thigh slowly, “you wanna kiss me?” He asks quietly, forehead pressed against yours, you respond with a little nod, his lips instantly meeting yours, your eyes shut and it only becomes more messy as seconds pass, his hand that was once on your thigh was now separating them, sliding his thigh in place between your legs; pinning you. While his thigh sat between yours, you could feel the growing erection poking your leg; which he paid no mind, this was about you. His left hand behind your neck, thumb caressing back and fourth on your jawline softly whilst fixing his right hand back on your ass, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
His body was warm, nose drinking up his vanilla scent, he tasted good, vodka completely soaked your tastebuds, the faint aroma of weed could be tasted in your nostrils from his clothes. Your hands loosely around his waist feeling up his back muscles only slightly.
The metal bud on his tongue keeping you enticed, colliding with your own tongue, it was like a little magic ball that could instantly have you on your knees; sparking these new and mysterious sparks within your body which you wanted more of. It was fun to play with.
He slowly pulls away, a string of saliva dragging from his lips to yours, he licked his lips, you kept your eyes on that piercing like an owner holding his pets treats in his hand, “I need more than seven minutes.” He grunts, your swollen lips begging for his again.
You were going feral, the tips of your fingers teasingly touching the hem of his sweatpants, feeling his boxers underneath, “you’re a good kisser Eren, wonder what else you’re good at, hm?” You whisper in his ear, he was tense, body still latches onto yours so you could feel the flexing of his muscles.
“I would tear yo-” our heads snap to the side, the knocking on the closet door, that was seven? Already? He pulls off of you, immediately feeling cold, your hand coming to your mouth so you can wipe it and somewhat look composed. Like nothing happened, he’s swinging the door open and cockily walking out, you walked out beside him, the girls overwhelmed with cheery grins and jaws hitting the floor, the boys ‘oohing’.
“Was it good?” Mikasa questions, tugging at your arm so you could sit in your spot, you look at her with devilish eyes.
“I’m taking that as a yes, he looks high and mighty don’t he?” Sasha chuckles, you glance at Eren who is looking at you with low, seductive eyes. You gulp and explode, looking at the floor and feeling like all eyes were on you.
“Next person!” Jean shouts. We all prepare for ourselves for the next round.
Fifteen minutes later, after Marco and Sasha had completely demolished each other’s necks in the closet, plus Connie and a random girl spending an odd eleven minutes in the closet after we all pounded on the door to get them out; God knows what they did in that closet. You look for who’s turn it was next; it was finally Eren’s turn to spin.
You were rather... irritated; he was gonna get to please some girl with his mouth the same way I was so blessed to have bestowed upon me. You drink from the bottle, drowning your new attitude. Now everyone is shock, leaping to their feet and jumping around like teenagers, you look around and Eren is walking towards your sitting body, your messy and drunken eyes looking up at him confused, “looks like we get our thirty minutes.” He smirks, your eyes bulge and you quickly stand to your feet, what luck!
Walking down the small hall of the basement, your back only barely touching his front side as he’s pushing himself through the doorframe, you push the door shut with your foot and pick up right where you left off.
“I’ll need more than thirty minutes.” You stand in shock at him ripping his shirt off his head. His finger touching your chin before being able to stare at his body, “get on your back princess.” He starts, gently pushing your back onto the bed.
“I need to taste you, please.”
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shirophic · 3 years
relationship alphabet with fuyuhiko kuzuryu
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here are some relationship headcanons with fuyuhiko kuzuryu for @iateyourdoggo-part2​ ! enjoy! (2/3)
tw: gn reader, 
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A nnual - what’s something they and their s/o do together every year?
You two have a day where you both buy each other 5 to 10 things you think the other will like, and then after that whatever you guys want to! But you both have to be free on this day!
B ashful - are they shy in the relationship?
Most people would expect the bold and young yakuza to be the fierce one, but in reality he’s just a little softie. In public he doesn’t talk much - keeping a stern face and standing by your side. But in private he’s much more different. If he’s not busy he’ll slightly demand ask for cuddles. And once you get started theres no end to it! He’s shy in private but tries to keep a bold stance in public - proud yakuza things
C aptivating - what catches their interest in their s/o?
His interest started when you kept trying to speak and communicate with him. He’s only ever had peko, so he doesn’t expect anyone to try and be his friend. He’ll constantly deny hanging out with you until it’s been a while and he gives in. Reluctantly, he began to enjoy your presence and sometimes even asked to spend time with you! 
D omestic - do they plan to settle down/start a family?
He never really gave any thoughts to it, but I think he would. Maybe a kid or two, after he’s retired from his yakuza state. Most people, again, thinks he’s some apathetic guy - and again, that's not true. So yea, maybe he would but he never really gave any thoughts to it.
E mpathetic - do they understand their s/o well? are they good with emotions?
He would have a rough time understanding unless you tell him your feelings directly. Some obvious movements he can tell what’s up - some others he cant. He also has a hard time saying his own feelings, he definitely tries to practice communicating with peko
F ight - are they willing to forgive their s/o after a fight? if so, how? (slowly, quickly, etc.)
Well if you two ever fight, he’ll always be the first to apologize. It’ll take some time,  so he’ll apologize but slowly. He’s very stubborn, it’s basically canon ASJFJDF. But he’ll probably go up to you and apologize, he’ll probably blush though. Very very tsundere like.
G ift - do they spoil their s/o? if so, what kind of gifts do they give?
He definitely does! His wealth is very high, so if you ever want something, it’s at your door! Like that new merch that just dropped? At your door. You mentioned how you’re too broke to get any manga/books/movies? He bought all the editions. Etc. etc. 
H onesty - are they honest in the relationship? do they keep secrets? if they do, do they plan telling their s/o at a point?
He is honest, but he keeps some secrets to himself. He does plan to tell you, don’t worry, it's just that it's hard for him to communicate like I said before. Definitely more far into your relationship, even though its risky.
I nspiration - does their s/o inspire them? did their s/o help them over some obstacles?
Yes! You definitely did. You probably helped him soften up more and let his emotions flow. Thanks to you, he’s definitely relieved of some of his problems. As for obstacles, you helped him with anything he needed help with along with peko. You and peko are like his cheerleaders!
J ealous - do they get jealous? if so, how easily? what are their actions when jealous?
Yep, he does. Pretty easily, but he has his trust put into you as you two grow your relationship. He’ll make up some excuse and then as you two turn around he’ll glare at the person. Of course, you’ll have to communicate with him and explain yourself.
K iss - who initiates the first kiss?
You, definitely you. He’d be way to shy to do it, maybe he’ll ponder on it but he’s to shy to make a move. After the kiss he’ll blush and stutter a bit, but after it becomes a regular thing for you two, he’ll initiate the kisses.
L ove - who tells the other “I love you” first?
Again, you. It’s also likely he’ll blurt it out accidentally. Whichever you prefer ig. He’ll be in shock no matter which scenario, and probably will try and deny it a bit.
M arriage - do they plan to propose? if so, how and when?
Maybe, making your relationship official wasn’t a thought on his head. You were his boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other, he thought they’d already made it clear? But marriage would be nice, going along with settling down with a family.
N icknames - do they have pet names for their s/o?
when he’s comfortable, he’ll call you stuff like “dear” and “love”. But he’ll be a bit hesitant and will ask you weather you’re okay with it or not.
O bservant - do they observe their s/o often? what do they do if their s/o is happy/sad/angry/scared/etc.?
He does observe you often. He’ll notice some things like little changes in your attitude and actions. When he sees you happy he’ll slightly smile (if you two aren’t in public, and or if no one was watching)
when you’re sad, he’ll quietly come up to you with whats going on. If it was something/someone he’ll send his gang to them. If it was something like work/social media/etc. He’ll give you some cuddles and reassurance (if you’re comfortable with it), and if you’re not he’ll give you your space.
when you’re mad, he wont interfere, since he can get mad easily as well. After you’re calm again, everything would go back to normal as if nothing happened.
when you’re scared he’ll reassure you nothing bad was gonna happen and that he’d always be at your side. He’ll try and cheer you up with things you like/things that can make you happy.
P layful - are they playful? if so, do they pull pranks?
He’s not that playful, but he’ll tease you a bit. For example: if you fall he’ll snicker slightly before helping you up, and reminding you to be careful.
Q uaint - what’s something their s/o got them that makes them feel happy?
Well, for one, he’ll be happy with anything you get him, especially if it's something he’s wanted for a while. Due to him being rich, he could buy anything he wanted. But it’ll mean a lot more when from you, even if it was a little lopsided. 
R emembrance - what was their favorite memory with their s/o?
It would probably when you two had your first kiss. The kiss was a bit awkward but it was both of yours’ first kisses. After the kiss you two had cuddled and made your relationship official with each other. 
S ober - what would they say when drunk but not sober?
“Hey s/o, you dooo know that you mean the world to me riight? Like i cant even explaain how much you do. Your face is really pretty and you’re really kind! You’re amaazing!”
T idy - are they the messy one or the clean one in the relationship?
He is the clean one! Unless you’re also clean, he is definitely the clean one. Messy work spaces distract him and bother him. 
U pset - do they get upset easily?
He does, but not with you unless its something major. Like if his coffee machine wasn’t working, he’ll probably try numerous ways to get his coffee but none of them seem to be working - so he took the easy way out and shaked it vigorously. Yep 
V aluable - how valuable is their s/o and relationship to them?
Precious. Very very precious. Ever since you stepped into his life he sworn to not let anything bad happen to you. And if anything did, he’d think he’d be the one at fault for not protecting you and his and yours relationship. 
W ild card - any hc or scenerio! (up to the author)
Whenever you two cuddle, he’s always the little spoon! Unless you’d prefer being the little spoon, he is! He likes it because it makes him feel safe and protected that way, instead of the other way around.
X enolaila - do they have a special way of communicating with their s/o? language, gestures, etc?
You guys have a special way of communicating with your eyes! Whenever you/fuyuhiko needs help or is uncomfortable or just any feeling, theres always a special look in both of yours’ eyes.
Y earn - how far are they willing to go for their s/o and their relationship?
Very far, he’ll go to far, far (but reasonable) lengths for it. But unless you want to quit this relationship, he will very much die for you to keep you safe.
Z en - what is their s/o and their favorite place/time to relax together?
Whenever he’s done with work he loves to either cuddle/do something fun with you! He can’t catch a break with his duties, but for you he’ll try to make time for! His favorite is when trying to bake with you, that either causes the house burning down or you two actually getting the hang of it
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sailor-manga · 4 years
“Caught” Part Four {Shouta Aizawa}  [FINAL PART + 200 Follower milestone!!]
A/N: So I got a little carried away with it, but I honestly love how it turned out. I would like to personally thank Prisim [ @royal-after-dark​ ], Cece, and Allie [ @queensynderella​ ] for giving me pointers and suggestions, if it wasn’t for you guys, I would still be stuck on this!. Either way, I hope you guys liked the route that I took. <3 
**Side note: I’m working on using mainly last names, as you’ve noticed I’ve used both in this piece but I intend to try and starting doing it the other way unless Reader is close to them. 
Word count: 8,041
Warnings: Smut, Teacher kink, angst, mentions of alcohol, awkward grinding?
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You felt like shit, you were so glad you didn’t have to go to classes today.. The only good outcome of all of this was that you were able to make a friend. You had texted Eijiro last night and you two stayed up pretty late just talking and exchanging funny photos, probably why you were so sluggish. Sitting up in your bed, your eyes would read over the messages sent, a tired chuckle emitting from your lips that slowly curled into a smile. Thankfully, those were the only messages you saw, none from Shouta. In the back of your mind, it kind of hurt- But you couldn’t blame him, you ignored him all day yesterday. 
Getting out of bed, you would let out a stretched yawn and go to your closet, since you had the day to yourself, you figured it would be best to at least get out for a while. Despite making a friend, the whole Aizawa situation was still very much implanted in your head, it made you feel like a high school girl all over again, pining for your teacher that made it VERY clear he wanted nothing like that with you. 
Slipping on a black pleated skirt with some black tights, you’d finish the outfit with a simple black V-neck shirt, showing your cleavage in a classy way. You honestly didn’t know why you were getting so dressed up, probably because you just simply wanted to feel better. Sitting at your vanity you would do some intricate makeup and sigh “Why am I doing this” you’d mutter to yourself, you looked great- but you still had nothing to do. As you brushed out your hair, you would pick up your phone and eye Eijiro’s number, would it be too forward to see if him and Bakugo wanted to hang out?
Biting your lip, you would take the chance and shoot him a quick text- Seeing him and Katsuki would like to meet you at your favorite cafe. Tucking your phone into the pocket of the skirt, you would wander out of your room and into the bathroom for deodorant and a quick teeth brush. It wasn’t until you were heading into your living room area when your phone would buzz. Pulling it out, your face would light up in a soft smile. 
Eijiro Kirishima: That sounds great! We’ll be leaving here in just a moment! 
You would let out a soft sigh of relief to see that your advances for friendship didn’t scare him off. Kicking on your creepers, you would snatch your bag from the counter and leave the apartment. 
To your surprise, Eijiro and Katsuki would have beaten you there, already sitting near the window and talking among themselves. You would smile to see Katsuki was slightly more relaxed. 
Entering the shop, Eijiro would happily wave you down, and you would walk over and sit in between them. Katsuki would simply grunt out a hello and Eijiro would pat your shoulder “How are you feeling today?” he asked cheerfully, which caused you to shrug “Still fresh, but I’m making it I suppose” you would say with a light smile. 
You three would idly chat and sip some coffee, Katsuki would occasionally yell profanities at you, but you knew it was just him. “So” Eijiro said with a smile “I don’t know if you remember Kaminari, but he’s having a party. His birthday was a few days ago and of course wants to be the center of attention- Would that be something that interests you?” he asked with a head tilt.
Looking down some, you would ponder- You remembered Denki Kaminari very well, he was always the life of the class, and a bit of a pervert- but hey, he was a high school boy. “That sounds cool, but I never really got acquainted with him” you’d say with a light frown. Kiri would wave his hand dismissively “Oh pshh, As long as you wish him a happy birthday he’ll be glowing. Come on, Y/N, come with us! We want you to come, right babe?” he asked, looking towards Bakugo who was more occupied with the muffin in his hand. Glancing up, he would shoot you a death glare before softening a bit “Yeah, it’d be cool or whatever” he ruffed. 
You couldn’t help the smile that crept up on your lips, you weren’t one tease- But you’d say that Bakugo was definitely okay with you hanging around them. “Well, I suppose it would be fun.. I’ll do it” you said with a grin. Eijiro smacked his knee and huffed out a happy sigh “That’s great! If you would have said no, Katsuki would have no problem dragging you” he joked, but it still caused a blush to paint the top of your cheeks. 
Eijiro was quick to shoot Kaminari a text “Wow, this is going to be like a whole 1A reunion” he said with a smile. That kind of put a pit in your stomach, Shouta wouldn’t be invited right? It was probably just the students.. Trying to calm those thoughts in your head you would pull out your own phone “wanna send me the address?” you ask quietly before Kiri waved his hand at you “No need! We’ll come pick you up” he said with a bright smile “Just make sure you’re ready by nine pm sharp” he said before looking at Bakugo who was idly staring out the window “Ready babe?” Eijiro asked, which made the blonde snap out of thoughts and stand up “Finally” he grunted, taking his boyfriend by the hand. 
Waving a quiet goodbye to them, you would slump into your seat and take another drink of your coffee, the thought of a party was definitely nice, but the subtle fear of Shouta being there almost wanted you to make some kind of excuse not to go. You really didn’t want to, you just started making friends, you didn’t want to ruin that because of your own paranoia. 
Finally standing up, you grab your bag and coffee before heading out. You had quite a bit of time to kill before the party so you figured you could get some school work done and maybe re apply your makeup. After all, you wanted to make a good impression on your old classmates, it could be a huge opportunity to possibly make a few more friends. You kind of felt bad that you didn’t before, Eijiro was so great- who else was as nice as him that you just never gave the chance. It wasn’t your fault though, back in high school and even now you always had socialization issues. 
Shouta was idly typing away on his laptop at home, trying to get some work done before he napped. As the male read over essays, he would raise a brow when his computer chimed, indicating he had an email. The male would stifle a yawn before opening up a new tab and starting to read. It was from Denki Kaminari, one of his old students. Rubbing his chin, he would study the email closely. The writing stated that it was his birthday a few days ago and they were going to celebrate that, and also that it would be really cool to have a little reunion, and it wouldn’t be that unless their awesome teacher attended. 
Hitting reply, he was going to decline- But then it hit him.. If it was a reunion, then surely you’d be there right? He fought with his thoughts for a moment.. Would it be a good idea? 
Quickly typing that he would attend, he would close the laptop and run a hand through his locks. At this point he didn’t care what was right or wrong, he needed to see you, needed to make things okay between the two of you.
Once nine came around, you were sitting in your living room fumbling with your fingers. You were pretty nervous, but hey.. At least you looked great. You had wiped off your makeup and did a whole different look. You also changed your shirt into a tank top, something to hug your curves and show off a little more, why? Because you were so sick of being a wallflower. You were going to stand out tonight and make friends!
Your phone buzzing snapped you from your thoughts and you would pick it up to see that Eijiro and Katsuki were waiting outside for you. Standing up quickly, you would sling your purse around your shoulder and shove your phone in there before zipping it up and rushing out. 
As you closed the door to your complex, Eijiro would honk his horn and wave “Over here, cutie! Let’s go” he cheered out while Katsuki sat on the passenger side with his arms crossed. 
Hopping over, you would slide into the backseat and Eijiro would turn around, eyeing you up and down “Wow, Y/N.. You look really. Sexy” he breathed, the cheerful smile still painted on his face. Katsuki would growl out and snap his head to the side, bending over to look behind the seat. You could tell he was about to say something rude, but his eyes went right to your perky breasts. 
Turning the color of Eijiro’s hair, he would huff “Y-Yeah.. You might look good, but don’t forget you’re just a fucking extra” he grunted out, quickly averting his eyes and sitting in his seat. Eijiro would chuckle and you would soon follow. A compliment.. Kind of? 
“Thanks, both of you.. I really wanted to stand out tonight, and thanks again for inviting me” you would say in a soft tone. “Ah shush, we wanted you to come!” Eijiro would muse before finally pulling out of the spot and heading towards their destination. Leaning back in your seat, you couldn’t fight your smile that didn’t seem to want to leave your face. It felt good to be seen. 
When they pulled up to the house, there were students still filtering in. You recognized most of them, but the question was.. Would they recognize you? Getting out, you would smooth out your skirt. Katsuki would get out with a huff and Eijiro would practically jump out, very ready to party. “Let’s go!” he chimed out, the beat of the music reaching all the way to the car. Eijiro would grab Katsuki by the hand and surprisingly, he would do the same to you. With him in the middle, he would yank the both of you towards the home. 
As soon as you guys entered the house, a blast of heat from the number of bodies would wash over you. Immediately the two males were greeted by multiple people. Standing behind Eijiro as everyone exchanged hugs, you would feel a tight embrace. Blinking frantically, the stranger would lift you up and swirl you around. Once you were set down, you would look up through your lashes to see Tenya Iida “My goodness , Y/N! I wasn’t expecting to see you here!” he boomed with a large smile on his face. Blinking a few more times, you would give him a shy smile “I-I didn’t think you’d remember my name” you’d say sheepishly.
Tenya would let out a loud laugh “What kind of president would I be if I didn’t remember the names of my classmates!” he said, patting your shoulder warmly. 
Before you could answer, another hug would swarm in. Letting out a gasp as the mystery person seemed to squeeze the life out of you, you’d finally see Denki Kaminari “Y/N! I tried to invite you personally but no one had your number, I was so thankful that Kiri had your number” he said with a bright smile. You felt like you were going to cry, but for once.. It was happy tears, here you thought that no one would know who you were, but everyone seemed to remember you “Happy birthday” you’d say shyly, earning a laugh from Kaminari “thanks! Don’t just stand there, come on” he said quickly hooking his arm around yours and pulling you further inside. 
Turning your head, you would see Kirishima and Bakugo stay back to talk to Iida for a moment, Mina slowly walking up to greet them. 
“Let’s get you a drink, we can’t have anyone being too shy now” Kaminari mused before grabbing a red solo cup and starting to mix you a drink. You would laugh nervously before rubbing the back of your neck, you still couldn’t get rid of the warmth inside you upon discovering your classmates actually knew who you were. 
Your thoughts were cut off by Kaminari holding the cup to your face “Here you go!” he chimed. Taking the cup from his hands you would take a sip and immediately make a face of disgust “Jesus.. This is so strong” you’d mutter “Duh! That’s how it’s supposed to be” he yelled over the music. 
A dry, unpracticed chuckle would come up from your throat as you attempted to get used to the strong taste of alcohol flooding your senses. Kaminari would pat your back with a snort before pointing over across the room “Ooh! Uraraka is here! I’ll be back” he said quickly, leaving you alone at the table. 
Tapping the side of your cup, you would look around. Everyone was chatting with someone, and you were here.. Being the wallflower you swore you wouldn’t be. Letting out a sigh, you would bring the cup to your lips and chug it down, resisting the urge to cough it back up. 
The contents in the cup were soon gone and you found the room already spinning. Letting out a sigh, you would hold your stomach.. Maybe that wasn’t such a great idea. Licking your lips and setting the cup down, you would find a group that wasn’t too occupied. It wasn’t long before your eyes fell upon a messy head of green hair “Midoriya” you muttered, you remembered him being very friendly, so that couldn’t go wrong could it? 
Pushing yourself off of the wall, you would walk straight towards him and offer a smile “Hello, Midoriya” you’d say bowing your head to him. Izuku would glance over and his eyes would go wide “Y-Y/N? Woah! I didn’t think I’d see you here” he muttered out shyly before opening his arms. Unlike Iida and Kaminari, Midoriya would hug onto you gently, patting your back softly “How have you been?” he asked as he pulled away. 
Licking your lips again, you would give off a slight shrug “Oh, you know.. Just college, college.., and more college” you said with a soft chuckle. Midoriya would nod with a friendly smile “I understand that, I’ve been cramming for an exam I have next week, thought this would be a nice break- It’s great seeing everyone again” he said shoving his hands into his pockets. You would nod in agreement, blinking your eyes a few times.
You knew now that it was definitely a bad idea that you chugged that drink. Not only did you have a severely shitty alcohol tolerance, but it was probably even worse now since you barely drank in the first place! 
“Y/N, you okay?” Midoriya asked with concern “Oh, um.. Yeah, I’m fine” you said with a giggle, turning a slight shade of rose. Before the male could offer you a bottle of water or something, Kirishima would quickly wrap an arm around you “There you are! Oh, hey Midoriya!” Eijiro said, tipping his cup to the other. Izuku would nod a hello and offer a smile. “Look at you, did you already start drinking without me? No fair!” Eijiro chimed out before turning you around and leading you back to the table.
Shaking your head some you would hold up your hands “I-I don’t think I need anymore alcohol, Kaminari made sure I got a good intake” you would say with a hiccup, your words slightly slurring. 
Grabbing two more glasses, Kirishima would look over at you “Come on, just one shot with me- To celebrate you coming tonight! I promise I won’t bug you to drink anymore and I’ll watch you to make sure you don’t do anything foolish” he said with a pout. 
Rolling your eyes, you would grab the cup and hold it out while he poured a portion-able shot of vodka inside. Capping the bottle, he would pick up his own cup and tap it against yours “To my manliness- and your amazing looks” he said before tipping the glass to his mouth. You would quickly do the same and make the same face as disgust as before. 
“What a face” Kiri commented with a chuckle, using his thumb to wipe some vodka that had dribbled down your lip. The tips of your ears would flush as the song would shift, upbeat, techno, perfect for dancing and Kirishima caught onto that quickly “That’s what you need, you need to dance!” he chimed. Quickly lifting your hands, you would quickly shake them “No, no.. I don’t dance” you claimed. Kirishima would stare at you for a moment before pouting “Would you dance if it was Bakugo?” he asked with a smirk. 
Raising a brow you would tilt your head “W-What is that supposed to mean?” you muttered out. Kiri rubbed the back of his neck “You both seem to not be having a good time is all” he said holding up a hand and dashing through the crowd, he was back as soon as he disappeared but his time he had Bakugo in hand, chugging down a beer. “You two, go dance” he urged, which made both of you glance at each other “What are you trying to do, shitty hair” he grunted with a soft slur. 
Kirishima would roll his eyes and lean towards his boyfriend, whispering something that made the blonde flush “S-Stupid dumb ass” he growled before setting his bottle down and grabbing your wrist “W- huh?” you’d mutter out with a slur. 
As you two got swallowed in the crowd, he would growl out “That idiot doesn’t listen, can’t you see that?” he huffed, his free hand taking your other wrist and resting both of them on his shoulders. You would look around shyly to see that other classes were arriving too, Shinso in particular was someone you noticed right away, chatting with Kaminari on the side lines. Your attention snapped back to Bakugo when his hands traveled to your waist “Don’t say one fucking word, you hear me dumb ass?” he hissed. 
You immediately closed your lips into a tight line as Bakugo pulled you close to press up against him, the tips of his ears growing red. “Y-You don’t have to do this, you know.. I know I’m awkward, but I can manage” you muttered, trying not to keep the male there if he didn’t want to be. 
Bakugo was quick to let out a grunt before one of the hands that rested diligently on your hip moved to the small of your back “If I didn’t want to be here, I would have told shitty hair to fuck off” he barked, causing you to flinch. With the way he was swaying you around, the alcohol seemed to be mixing further into your system, causing you to lean your weight onto him “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he muttered out, hooking his arm further around you to make sure you didn’t slip and fall onto the floor. 
“Mn..” you groaned quietly, which made Bakugo scoff “You’re trashed” he slurred. Looking up at him through your lashes, you would giggle out “So are you” you noted, which actually roused a smile from the angry male. You two went quiet as you awkwardly ground on each other, to anyone else you two looked like two young adults just having the time of their lives, but in reality, both of you were quiet and simply moving to the beat, not quite sure on what to say to one another. 
You didn’t know if it was a curse or a blessing when Kirishima hopped over and leaned in between you two “Mind if I cut in? I think I’ve tortured you enough” he said to you with a soft smile, helping you stand “You want to go over there?” he asked, nodding his head to the couch where Midoriya and Iida sat. Shaking your head, you would lightly pull yourself from his grasp “I got it” you slurred “You two enjoy yourselves” you said with a drunken smile, sauntering off back to the table in hopes you’d find some water. 
Pushing through people, your sights would be on the refreshments, but your feet wanted to betray you. You found yourself stumbling into people and drunkenly muttering sorry every five seconds. 
You had just made it to the table when you were soon to realize that the other bodies were what was helping you keep your balance. Falling forward, you would quickly feel an arm around your waist, quickly pulling you up to stand up straight. You would mutter a drunk thank you but the arm didn’t seem to loosen. 
Turning your head, you would freeze.. It was like time itself frozen as you stared into the eyes of a frustrated and concerned Shouta Aizawa. Once you were able to come to your senses, you would quickly attempt to struggle from his grasp, but it only tightened “If I let go, you’re dropping” he warned. 
Not listening to his reason, you would continue to squirm in his grasp, letting out small whimpers as you did so. Aizawa would grab a bottle of water and let out a growl “Come on, we’re going outside for a moment” he said before pulling your body into his and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, making sure to guide you carefully through the crowd. The male was actually really attentive to you, making sure that no flying arms would smack you, or making sure another body didn’t stumble into you to make you lose your balance. 
The second you two got outside, he would lead you to the porch. The cool nights breeze would caress your flushed cheeks and now that you were getting some fresh air, you didn’t feel like you were going to knock out. Drunkenly pushing him away now, you would stumble and quickly find your balance by leaning against the wall “What are you doing here? Why are you still bothering me?” You spat out, hints of drunken venom poisoning your tone. 
Shouta would stare at you for a long moment before he took a tentative step closer as he lowered his tone into a deep command “Why didn’t you answer me”. Staring at him through your lashes, you would scoff “Because you’re an ass hole, because you hurt me, and I don’t owe you the pleasure of answering your texts” you spat back. 
His arms were quick to cage you in, keeping you pinned against the wall “I was worried about you, Y/n.. I..” he choked on his words for a moment “I made a mistake okay? It was wrong of me to drive you away” he admitted quietly, his eyes going soft as he gazed upon your drunk, angry expression. 
You didn’t want to hear it, you immediately began to push at him, trying to get free of the kabedon. Aizawa didn’t let up though, he towered over you and let out a soft sigh “Please, Y/N.. Just hear me out? Stop..” he muttered, pressing his broad chest closer to you to give you a little less wiggle room. You still weren’t having it, letting out a frustrated grunt, you would place your elbows on his chest and shove as hard as you could but your legs seemed to buckle out from under you, causing you to quickly pull away to keep yourself up.
Letting out a gasp, you would feel another panic attack coming on, you had to get away “G-Get away from me” you blurted out, your hand quickly coming up and connecting to his cheek with a loud ‘SMACK’. Shouta let out a soft hiss, and squinted an eye closed, but he didn’t budge “I deserved that..” he’d mutter out, his hands slowly sliding down the wall to wrap around your waist “Shh, please Y/N.. Calm down, I’m here.. I know you hate me right now, but please..” he cooed into your ear. 
Turning into a puddle of mush in his arms, your face would bury into his chest as you broke out into a loud sob. One of his hands was quick to trail up and down your face “I was wrong about you, Y/N.. You’re different from the others, and I know that now.. I’m so sorry I hurt you, but I need to fix this, I want you” mused quietly into your ear as you dampened his shirt with your tears. 
You so badly wanted to keep pushing at him, even wanted to hit him again- But those words.. Those words washed over you and seemed to melt your panic away as if it was nothing. Shouta said nothing, he just let you cry, he comforted you the best he could. “Here” he finally said, pulling you away from his chest and uncapping the water he had grabbed, putting it in your hands. 
Trembling, you would lift the bottle to your lips and take a few strong gulps before pulling it away with a gasp. The male would quietly take it from your hands “Let me take you back to my place, you can barely stand right now” he whispered. 
Letting out a shaky breath, you would give a minuscule nod. That was all he needed. Tucking the water into his pocket he would bend over and hook an arm around the back of your knees, lifting you up with ease and into a bridal style carry. 
Quickly latching your arms around his neck, your head would slump against his cheek “It’s going to be okay, Kitten” he muttered, taking you to his car. Carefully he would strap you into the passenger seat, making sure to place the water on your lap before closing the door gently and circling the car to get into the drivers side. 
As the car took off, you would slump against the door. The drive wasn’t easy, bile kept creeping up your throat but you would wash it down with water. It wasn’t until the male actually parked when you would push the door open and practically hang out as you released the vomit that you had forced down. 
The only thing that was holding you was the seat belt, and you were thankful for that. Letting out a whimper, you would feel your hair slowly raise from your face “Let it all out, Kitten.. It’s okay” Aizawa would muse quietly, his free limb rubbing your back in soothing up and down motions. You two would stay like that for quite a moment before he unbuckled you and carried you into his house. 
When he got you inside, he would close the door with his foot and take you to his room. Laying your body down on the plush comforter, he would push more hair from your face “Look at you..” he said softly before letting out a soft breath “Stay put, okay? We’re going to get all that makeup off your face and some more water” he said softly before making his way out of the room. 
When he left, you would roll onto your side, inhaling his scent on the blanket.. You had never felt so secure and safe.. You never wanted to leave this spot. Sprawling your arms forward, you would gather the bedding and press your face up against it, letting out a soft whimper as you went in and out of a dozed state- If you even remembered, you’d have to find Kaminari’s number and scold him for getting you so drunk, of course Kirishima had a play in that too. 
You didn’t know how long he was away, but soon his strong hands would slowly roll you back onto your back. Feeling a lukewarm cloth on your face, the male was gentle with wiping off the streaks of makeup that tainted your cheeks. “Think you can drink some more water for me, Kitten?” he asked quietly. Your eyes would flutter open to see him gazing down at you with a frown “Yeah..” you’d mutter in a soft slur. 
Propping you up a little, you would lazily grab the water bottle and uncap it, taking some small swigs before licking your lips “Thanks..” you’d say quietly, handing the bottle back to him. He would nod some and set it on the nightstand in case you wanted more. “I’m so sorry, Y/N” he growled, causing you to look at him with a frown “I will make it up to you, if you let me, Kitten.. I want to take care of you” he confessed, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. 
“I-I’m still mad at you..” was the only thing you could get out. The male would chuckle and nod “You have every right to be” he mused softly before standing from the bed and grabbing his blanket, pulling it over your body “Rest now, okay? We’ll talk more in the morning” he said, turning his back to walk out. 
Biting your lip quietly you would reach out and quickly grab the back of his shirt. Shouta would turn around and you would suck in a breath “Stay in here.. It’s fine.. I don’t want to take your bed” you’d mutter out. He would stare at you for a moment before nodding “Very well, as long as you’re okay with it” he said softly before blinking and looking down at your feet. Reaching down, he would carefully remove your shoes and place them on the floor and reach over to flick off the light. 
You could hear the light shuffles of him stripping off his clothing and soon you would feel the other side of the bed sink in. He was respectful, he kept his distance from you and even used a separate blanket to cover up with. The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was trying to get in your pants, not after what he did the first time. 
He did reach over to pet you though. Soft and slow his fingers would slide through your silky locks, causing your eyes and stomach to flutter. You didn’t know when you actually fell asleep, but it was pretty hard not too with the soothing touch of Shouta. 
When morning rolled around, you would immediately groan at the light invading the room. Covering your eyes, your throbbing headache would remind you of where you were. Quickly sitting up, you would look next to you to see an empty spot. Looking down to see your clothes still intact, you would sigh out and glance over at the water bottle and snatch it, chugging it down greedily. Crinkling the plastic, you would set the now empty bottle back on the nightstand. 
It was then when Shouta came in, granola bar and aspirin in hand “How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting at the edge of the bed “F-Fine.. I suppose” you muttered, taking the aspirin from his hand and popping it into your mouth, using your saliva to swallow it down. “Eat” he suggested, placing the bar in your lap. Picking it up, you would start to open it “Where is my bag?” you asked quietly. Reaching over as you started to nibble on the granola bar, he would carefully place your bag on your legs. 
Fishing out your phone, your eyes would widen.. You had over thirty texts from Kirishima, and a number you didn’t recognize, but you soon found out it was Bakugo. You felt so guilty.. You left last night without a word. The last time Kirishima saw you was when you were drunk and stumbling away. Quickly opening the messages, you would shoot him a text explaining how sorry you were and that someone had brought you home because you wound up getting sick. 
Letting out a sigh, you would feel the grip of his hand resting on your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze “Y/N.. we need talk about this sooner or later, will you please hear me out?” he asked quietly, gauging your expression to see if you would run again. 
Sucking a deep breath, you would gaze up at him “I-.. I’m willing to give this a chance, don’t think I’m not still mad at you, but last night you showed me that you wanted to fix things” you muttered out, glaring at him “And if you ever fucking do that to me again, there will be no second chances, you wi-” you were cut off by the rough eagerness of his lips. You hated how he had this weight over you.. You melted into his kiss, the simple gesture alone sending jolts throughout your whole body. 
Shouta would break the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting you two “I swear to you, Kitten.. I will never fucking do anything like that to you again, you’re mine now.. And I intend on keeping it that way” he breathed out, his hand slipping behind your neck to bring you into another kiss. Lifting your arms, they would make quick work to hug around his neck to pull him closer. 
Breaking the kiss, Shouta would smirk some “You’re welcome to use my shower and kitchen if you’d like” he noted softly, his body leaning more forward, but you would seem to perk up at the thought of the shower “Actually, a shower sounds awesome” you’d mutter out. Aizawa would lean away and let you get up from the bed. Taking the half eaten granola bar from your hands, he would point to the door “It’s the door right on the left” he instructed.  
Lifting yourself up, you’d smooth out your now wrinkled shirt and quickly shuffle away. Once you were in the bathroom, your face would heat up and you would cup your cheeks into your hands. He doesn’t deserve to be forgiven so quickly, yet all he has to do is whisper sweet nothings and you’re like putty in his hands. He seemed serious, he wouldn’t have cornered you at that party if he wasn’t serious, and if all he really wanted was to fuck, he wouldn’t have cared if you were hammered last night, he would have done it. 
Sighing softly, you would strip out of your clothes and lay them neatly on the sink counter, stealing some of his mouthwash to get the disgusting taste off of your tongue. Turning the water on hot, you’d twist the cold knob only a little so you wouldn’t burn your flesh off. As steam started to fill the room, you would hold your hand under the water before letting out a soft hum. You weren’t in there long, you really just wanted to wash your body and hair, rubbing and pushing through those sweaty bodies last night left you with a gross feeling. 
Turning off the shower, you would step out and push the wet locks from your face. Looking around, you would bite your lip- the whole bathroom smelled like his cologne, hit drowned your senses and made you step forward, sneakily opening the medicine cabinet. Your eyes went right to the little back bottle with some kind of fancy name on it. Plucking it from it’s spot you would uncap it and inhale it’s scent, causing your head to spin and your knees to buckle slightly. 
No matter how much you wanted to dislike him, it was clear that you were still head over heels for the guy, so much you were sneaking through his cabinet just to take in his scent. 
Drying off best you could, you would put your clothes back on, minus the thigh highs. Clutching them in your hand, you would dry your hair a little before exiting the room and going back to the bedroom where Aizawa laid, dozing softly. Biting your lip, you would stand at the door for a moment to take in his sleeping features, he looked so sweet, so relaxed..
“Why are you staring at me like that?” the words slapped you in the face to snap you out of your daydream state to stare at Aizawa who now had one eye open, gazing at your figure. The tips of your ears would flush and you would quickly shake your head “S-Sorry.. You just looked so peaceful is all” you admitted, which caused a deep honey coated chuckle to leave his throat. 
“Come here, kitty” he ordered quietly. It seemed like your body was more compliant than your mind because right when his sentence finished to linger in the air, you would move forward and take a seat at the edge of the bed next to him. 
His strong hand was quick to come up and rest against your lower back “Kitten, is it too soon?” he asked in a low rumble. Meeting his gaze, you would purse your lips innocently at the question “Too soon for what?” you’d ask tilting your head some. Grabbing the back of your shirt he would pull you to lay on top of him “You know what I’m talking about, kitten.. I want you” he purred. 
Though you were laying on him, you would cross your arms and let out a soft huff “Yeah? Just because I gave you another chance doesn’t mean I’m going to immediately let you fuck me” you breathed, still enjoying his warmth caressing your body. “Oh?.. But what if I could.. Convince you?” he teased, causing your thighs to squeeze together. Slick had been pooling in your panties since he pulled you on top of him, you knew he would win- But being the competitive girl you were, you would huff “Fine, if you think you can convince me, then go ahead and try” you’d say with a firm nod. 
Aizawa wasted no time with grabbing his capture scarf from his neck, the fabric immediately going around your wrists and pulling them to your chest “O-Oi, wouldn’t that count as cheating” you breathed out as the male shifted himself out from under you “Hm? We didn’t state any rules, kitten..” he trailed off with a smirk.
The tightness caught you off guard, looking down you would watch as the scarf made itself comfortable around your plush skin. Aizawa was quick to crawl on the bed, his hands slowly prying your thighs apart so he could get in between “Do you know how hard it was for me to not bombard you last night? This cute little skirt and those sexy fucking thigh highs.. You were driving me mad” he growled, his fingers slowly kneading into your upper thighs, his nails just barely gazing you, sending jolts of shivers throughout your entire body. 
He was doing this on purpose, massaging you so close to your dripping cunt. You already wanted him to cave, but something in you said that you’d be able to hold out just a little bit longer “Mmn.. Kitten, your skin is so soft” he groaned, itching himself down so his face could press against you. Letting out a shaky breath, you would quickly let out a soft mewl as his stubble grazed against you, and that mewl became louder when you felt his teeth sink in. 
“What are you doing?” you’d gasp out, going to move your hands to his hair but the fabric would tightly hold you back. The male didn’t answer for a minute, he was sucking on the inside of your thigh, his tongue lapping at it eagerly. With staggered breathing, you would lay there to take it, your legs twitching around his body. When the male finally came up, he would look you in the eye with a mischievous smirk “I was marking you” he growled, his hand moving to brush against the now purplish pink mark that painted your thigh “M-Marked me?” you’d ask in a hazy state “Yes, my pretty little kitten.. You’re mine now, I had to make it official” he said with a chuckle before lifting himself up just to grab a hold of your skirt, raising it slightly to see just how wet you were. 
“My, my.. Look at that pussy, I can see your folds twitch through your panties.. Mn.. and that damp spot?” He’d muse, his eyes occasionally glancing at your face to see just how red it has gotten “A-Aizawa.. Please” you muttered out embarrassed, but his hand would quickly cut you off “No, no kitten.. Is that anyway to speak to your old homeroom teacher?” he asked sternly, which caused your breathing to once again irregular.
“Mr.Aizawa?” you’d ask sheepishly, which earned you a firm smack against your ass “That’s a good girl.. Right now, you will address me as Mr. Aizawa” he said before dropping your skirt and deciding to just get rid of it altogether. Watching as the fabric was sent flying, you would attempt to close your legs, but he was quick to place his hands on both of your knees to keep them from denying him such a lewd sight. 
“Now, Kitten.. Do you want me to stop? By the look of that sopping pussy- I’d say it’s a no” he said with a smirk before moving a hand to press against your clothed slit, rubbing up and down painfully slow “A-Ah..No..M-Mr. Aizawa” you would quickly groan out. “Then what is it you’d like me to do?” he asked
You didn’t want to admit it, you caved when all he did was give you a hickey! It wasn’t fair that this man had such a hold on you “I want.. Your cock, Mr. Aizawa” you’d stutter out quietly, which made the male smile, his hand quick to shrug down his pants and boxers. You would watch as his length sprung free, already dripping with pre cum “Okay, Kitten.. But where do you want my cock, hm?” he continued to press. 
Letting out a loud whine, you would throw your head back onto the pillow “I want you to fuck me, Mr. Aizawa!! Please!” you’d beg, rolling your hips forward against his finger moaning from the touch against your almost naked core, protected only by the thin fabric of your sopping panties. 
The male would let out a primal growl at your words, his finger hooking around the fabric and pushing it aside, his eyes narrowing in on that sloppy pussy “Mr. Aizawa is going to take good care of you, kitten” he growled, his capture scarf loosing from your wrists “Get undressed, now” he ordered in a low domineering tone, shaking your core. 
Quickly sitting up, you would lift your hips and discard the ruined panties before quickly taking off your shirt and bra, he would do the same, though his gaze never left you. When you had both completely rid of your clothing, he would put his hands on your hips, staring down at you with such a scary gaze “W-Why are you looking at me like that?” you’d ask quietly, which made that gaze meet yours. “I’m just thinking about all the filthy things I’m going to do to this sexy body of yours, kitten.. Mm” he said in a hoarse tone before caging you in his arms and trapping you underneath his naked body. His breath would hit your face as one of his arms trailed to one of your breasts, roughly grabbing onto it and starting to roll your erect nipple in between his finger tips. 
“M-Mr. Aizawa.. P- ah! Please.. I can’t wait any longer” you would moan out, your legs raising and wrapping around his waist to try and pull him closer. He didn’t answer, he only met your lips to lock into a feverish kiss, his tongue quick to demand entrance. Parting your lips, you would find his dominant wet muscle easily pinning yours down so he could explore the depths, his hand leaving your breast cold and sensitive and it reached down to grab onto his cock, stroking it a few times and rubbing it against your drooling slit. 
Moaning into his mouth, you would buck your hips forward, causing his swollen head to push against your clit. Breaking the kiss he would growl at you “Patience kitten, you’ll get what you want..” he warned, causing you to bite your lip. 
It was within seconds when you felt his thick, long shaft pushing inside of you. Stretching you out to fill his cock. Velvet walls were quick to cling around his cock and his head would hang forward. 
You would let out a loud moan in bewilderment, absolutely astonished by the way Aizawa made you feel as he buried himself in that needy pussy. The male kept inching himself in until his base was at your folds, his engorged cock head easily kissing your womb. He would let out another growl and lift his head slightly to nip at your lower lip “I’m going to make sure nobody is going to be able to pleasure you like me, you won’t ever be able to get off to another man” he said possessively, which made your walls constrict around his throbbing cock “Oh? You like that Kitten? You like it when your teacher claims you?” he moaned, which resulted in a minuscule nod on your end.
Thankfully, he didn’t make you wait much longer. Soon his hips began rutting against you roughly, earning a moan from the both of you as your sweet cunt continued to suck him in “So..fucking tight, kitten.. God damn, you’re fucking perfect” he said breathlessly as he met your lips once again. Continuously moaning against his lips, the feeling of every vein rubbing against your walls was noted, sending waves of pleasure through your core. Before you could even say anything, you would break the kiss and practically scream as your first orgasm ripped through you, causing you to clench further on his cock, which he plowed right through, hitting that G-Spot over and over. 
“That’s right, Kitten.. Cum all over my fucking cock, destroy my bed sheets with your slick.. So fucking good” he growled, his hips still moving. 
By this point, Aizawa had bottomed out in you, his balls were slapping roughly against your folds and the male held you so tightly you felt short of breath “Mn, fuck yeah.. Gonna fill you baby girl, you want that? Tell me you want me to fill you up to the fucking brim” he grunted, which made your lips part in a moan as you could feel your second orgasm nearing “Y-Yes, Mr. Aizawa! Cum inside of me.. Please, I’m begging you!” you pleaded loudly, which resulted in one last rough thrust before you could feel searing hot ropes of cum start to coat your walls. Arching your back, you would feel another orgasm ripping through you, clenching so hard on his cock that you made sure you milked him for all he had. 
Collapsing on top of you, his stubble would tickle at your neck as he placed small kisses up and down “F-fuck, Y/N.. Your pussy is marvelous” he groaned out. Biting your lip and stifling back a blush you would giggle out “Your cock isn’t that bad either” you’d pant. 
“I can’t wait to do so many filthy things to you, Kitten.. You’re mine now” he whispered into your ear, his teeth grabbing a hole of your lobe, causing you to gasp out.
“Y-Yes, Mr. Aizawa.. I’m yours” you’d mutter out. 
The male would roll off of you, making you whine and feeling your use hole feel so empty. “Good girl, now come here” he whispered, pulling you against his side. Cuddling into him, you wouldn’t be able to control the smile on your face. 
I guess shit like this really does come true..
Tag list: @hipster-merchant-of-death​ @nighthoodhawk​
222 notes · View notes
johzenjei · 4 years
May I request Hinata with male reader who’s shorter than him where nobody knows Hinata has a boyfriend and they follow him to see where he goes to after practice?
I spent multiple days on this idec the word count at this point but it's A Lot and I'm v proud of myself. I owe a great thanks to my friend Lily who saved me when I had no clue how to start writing this
Hinata Shoyo
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“And then he hit the serve, and it was so fast, nobody could even react in time! It was so cool!” Your starry-eyed, orange haired boyfriend cheered, waving his free hand around excitedly. His other hand, however, which was holding on gently to yours, didn’t move an inch. You squeezed his hand gently, and smiled. “That does sound cool! Did it make a cool sound?”
“It did! It was like ‘VWOOSH’, and then when it hit the floor is was like ‘BAM’!”
“Woah!” You exclaimed, “A ‘vwoosh’ and a ‘bam’? That’s insane, Shoyo! Must have been a really impressive serve!” “It was! I thought my arms would come off if I tried to receive it!” He shivered visibly, before looking at you with a grin. You laughed a little at his antics.
Most people who sat nearby this animated conversation would only see Hinata Shoyo and his good friend (L/n) (F/n) talking about volleyball in the remaining minutes of class, and that was probably all they cared to see. Why look for anything else, right? It was a good thing for the pair though, as if anyone decided to look closer, they would notice the sweet looks, the hands clasped together, hiding between the desk and the wall beside it, the gentle pink tints shading the tips of your ears.
Your mission to keep your relationship on the downlow was going as planned, and had been going as planned since your relationship had begun. As awkward as it had been at first, you had fallen into a routine, and your relationship had become known to your friends and classmates only as a very close friendship. You hadn’t discussed making your relationship public yet, but it wasn’t exactly like either of you you knew a good way to bring it up, anyways. Heck, even his teammates didn’t know.
“Hinata!” Two voices sounded from the doorway to the classroom. At the sound of the shout, Hinata released your hand. You pulled your previously occupied hand back into your lap, but your boyfriend raised both of his hands high in the air, as though he were being threatened, pushing his chair backwards with a screech. Your boyfriend was many things. A believable actor was not one of them.
At the door of the classroom, two guys poked their heads in. One was bald, and the other had a spiky hairdo, with a noticeable shock of blonde hair in the front. You didn’t know them personally, but from the many stories you’d heard, you could only assume these were Shoyo’s teammates. You had heard these two came in a set. This appeared to be true.
"Uh! Hello! Tanaka, Noya!” Hinata yelled back, a little quieter, obviously sweating bullets from what he considered a close call involving you.
The upperclassmen in the doorway cocked their heads and raised their eyebrows at his reaction. This was not a usual reaction from the redhead, something they recognized immediately as his nerves getting to him. It wasn’t like this didn’t happen often.
“We came to come get you and Kageyama for practice!” Tanaka said with a grin. His shorter companion nodded. “We were passing through anyways!”
“Ah, okay! I’ll be right there!” He said, standing from his seat. He picked up his bag, and went to move his chair back over to his own desk. Afterwards, he went back to where you were still sitting. “I’ll see you in our usual spot after practice!” He whispered with a grin. You reciprocated his infectious smile. “Definitely. Have a good practice, remember to stretch!”
“Will do!”
“Hinata, come on. Don’t make us wait.” Your classmate, Kageyama, asserted from the door. He was already standing alongside their teammates, his bag slung over his shoulder, ready to head out. In that moment, the school bell rang, and your classmates began to stand up, their chatter becoming louder.
You traded quiet “I love you”s with Shoyo, before he all but sprinted out the classroom door to join his friends. You watched him go with a small smile, before gathering your things and preparing to leave.
As they traveled the hallway, Nishinoya looked curiously at his underclassman. “Hinata, who was that guy you were sitting with? The short one?”
“Oh, him?! Ah, nobody really! Just a friend!”
“Does your friend have a name?” Tanaka continued the line of questioning, not quite ready to let him off the hook until they had at least a few details.
“D-does it really matter?”
“His name is (L/n) (F/n).” Kageyama spoke for him, his stone face never changing, as he didn’t really seem to care about the topic at hand, and yet felt the need to make a comment. Perhaps it was a subtle jab at Hinata.
“I’ve never heard of him.” Nishinoya said. “Must not be the type to get called out for things, huh?”
“Called out for what?!” Hinata asked. He wasn’t quite paying attention to the whole question, all he heard was ‘called out for things’.
“Like, being popular and having people talk about you. Or being a troublemaker. Usually even the third years hear about those kinds of underclassmen.” Tanaka answered. 
“(L/n) is very mild mannered and doesn’t seem to like to stand out much.” Kageyama, again, commented. ‘Why is he answering for me again?!’ Hinata wondered, annoyed.
“Well, we’re here! Time to get changed for practice, right? Right!” Hinata said, a little hurriedly, before immediately bounding up the stairs to the club room. Kageyama followed, shouting things after him. From there, it turned into a mild argument, per usual. Tanaka and Nishinoya took a moment to pause and look at one another, slightly confused. This behavior was odd.
And this hadn’t been the only odd behavior from their dear underclassman as of late. For a while now, he had seemed to rush a little while cleaning up, and was almost always the first in and out of the club room. After he changed, he cared about how he looked, about if his hair was in place, and would sometimes ask if he looked okay. Then, instead of walking past the Sakanoshita store with them, he’d travel in the opposite direction. This change was seemingly unprompted, but nobody really seemed to care all that much. They had figured he was just changing it up a little, and besides, they weren’t entitled to know everything about their teammates, right?
During one of their brief breaks, Tanaka and Noya decided to talk to the third years to get their thoughts. “Hinata’s been acting weird lately, right? Especially after practice!” Tanaka started the conversation, his white towel draped over his head. Noya nodded along as he spoke.
“I guess so.” Daichi said. “With the way he runs around afterwards. That didn’t start till a short while ago, right?” He looked to Sugawara for confirmation, who nodded. “Yeah. He seems like he’s in a big rush to leave. And he heads the wrong way to be going home.”
“Is that really any of our business, though?” Asahi asked, a little pointedly, handing a water bottle to Sugawara, who thanked him quietly. “It’s his personal time. I don’t think we need to pry. As long as he’s taking care of himself and showing up to practices, I don’t see any reason to worry.”
“I agree.” Daichi nodded.
“I mean, I’m a little curious. But not enough to go question or follow him. I know it doesn’t concern me.” Suga turned his nose up a little, his eyes closed, but a small grin tracing his lips.
Tanaka and Nishinoya looked at one another in sync, as though they had the same thought at the same time. “Are we doing it?” Nishinoya asked, a devious grin playing on his features.
“Oh, definitely.” Tanaka replied, an almost identical, if not more mischievous grin gracing his face.
Before Daichi could warn them against that course of action, they were off on the other side of the gym, talking in hushed tones.
“What was that about?” Asahi wondered aloud, messing with the cap on his water bottle. “They seem like they’re up to no good.”
“They’re gonna go follow Hinata and spy on him, obviously.” Sugawara looked smug, bringing his hand up to his mouth. “Daichi, you should have told them off. They shouldn’t spy on people. It becomes a bad habit!”
“It’s your fault for putting the idea in their head! I feel like you do this on purpose.”
“Maybe a little.” He shrugged, trying to look innocent. “But you know what this means, right?”
“What does it mean? Eh?” Asahi looked between the captain and vice captain repeatedly, making small sounds of confusion. “We have to follow Nishinoya and Tanaka to make sure they don’t run interference with whatever it is Hinata does after practice.” Daichi crossed his arms, heaving a sigh.
“Ah, of course.” Asahi smiled gently. Although he already looked older, the look of exhaustion that that proposition inflicted on him almost gave him the energy of an elderly man.
Practice went without a hitch for the rest of the afternoon. When they had finished, the sun was setting, and the sky was painted in oranges and yellows.
As had been the norm for a while now, Hinata rushed through cleaning in the gym, and hurried into the changing room. He fussed over himself, before leaving the changing room with a huge grin and a tight, excited grip on the strap of his bag. He happily traveled in the opposite direction of Sakanoshita store and his route home, unsuspecting of his upperclassman following him.
However, those upperclassmen were also unaware that they, too, had a tail. The third years walked a little ways behind. 
But wait, there was more. It got worse. 
The third years were also being pursued, by the three remaining first years. Kageyama had noticed all of their seniors headed in the wrong direction, and in his sudden decision to follow after them, had dragged a disgruntled Tsukishima along with him. And of course, as they are a pair, Yamaguchi followed along as well.
“Why are we doing this? I have better things to do.” Tsukishima grumbled, although he spoke quietly and followed after Kageyama anyways.
Meanwhile, in his excitement, Hinata remained oblivious. He walked down the road, humming lightly, before he reached the park. The rolling hills by the playground were dotted with picnic tables and trees, and the grass grew a little long. The lack of buildings in the immediate vicinity made it the perfect place to watch the sun go down and the stars come out. And that was exactly what you and he had done every day.
He reached the park and stopped, taking a minute to look around, before spotting something and all but bounding towards it. His teammates chose various vantage points nearby. Tanaka and Nishinoya observed Hinata closely, and the third years observed them, while also being observed by the first years. Makes a lot of sense, right? No, I didn't think so either.
As he approached, he called out gently. “(F/n)!” He said, in a sweet tone of voice that only you had ever had the privilege of hearing him use. Upon hearing your name, you looked up from the book in your hands, before smiling brightly and placing your bookmark in the center, shutting it gently and setting it down on the tabletop. “Shoyo!” You greeted him back, before getting to your feet.
Once he was near enough, he hugged you, which you returned. He pulled back to peck you on the lips, before grinning.
Now, the third and first years had been too enveloped in the scene before them to notice Tanaka and Nishinoya until they were halfway to the sweet couple. But upon noticing this, the third years quickly dashed out of their hiding spot in pursuit, the first years following suit. 
“Hinataaa!” The two second years called out. Daichi and Suga had to grab them before they could jump on the frightened pair.
At the sight of almost his whole team approaching himself and his boyfriend, he was almost so shocked that he forgot to release you. You stood there in his arms, visibly confused as a chorus of statements rang out.
“Is this your boyfriend?”
“You got a boyfriend before me? This is unfair.”
“I’m so proud of you!”
“I really didn’t want to come.”
“Oh, are we intruding on something?”
It was Asahi who managed to calm all of the voices, before turning to Hinata, who had since let go of you. “Sorry, Hinata, we didn’t mean to bug you. A lot happened. Again, sorry.”
Hinata sighed slightly, a little bit irritated. You brushed his hand with yours, locking your pinkies together, causing him to look down at you. “Maybe it’s time.” You said, tilting your head slightly.
He looked at his team, and then back at you, before smiling softly and nodding, shifting to hold your whole hand in his.
“Everyone,” He began, “This is my boyfriend, (F/n).”
You waved with your free hand, smiling at the gaggle in front of you. “Hello! It’s nice to meet you all. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
The first person to speak after that was Tanaka. “Geez, you’re short, huh? Even shorter than Noya. How tall are you?”
A couple people were about to comment on how that statement was a bit rude, but you answered first. “151 centimeters.”
“Wow!” Noya said. “It’s kinda cool to be taller than someone.”
After that interesting conversation, introductions happened. You learned the names and positions of each person in the circle, most of whom seemed happy to meet you.
“You should come watch our practice sometime!” Sugawara suggested, Daichi nodding along. “It would be nice to have you.” He affirmed.
“I’d love to!” You grinned, causing most of the team to grin back in return, before Tsukishima looked at his watch and spoke up. “It’s getting late. I’d like to go home, if I may.” He glared at Kageyama, who glared back in response.
“Yeah, we should leave these two to their date! Come on, come on! Let’s go!” Sugawara prompted, before ushering everyone towards the entrance to the park. A few people shouted goodbyes to the both of you, which you met with equal enthusiasm.
After a short while, it was just the two of you once more. The sun was mostly set, and the sky was beginning to darken. One singular star shone in the sky. You sat side-by-side on the bench together, your head resting on Hinata’s shoulder. It was quiet for a moment, before you spoke. “I like your team.”
“And I’m glad you got to meet them.” He smiled, turning to plant a kiss on the top of your head. You smiled wide at this, snuggling further into his side. What an odd day, what interesting people. But what more could you expect, dating an amazing guy like Hinata Shoyo?
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
He’s Helpless
so i saw @betrayedtraitor ‘s post about Donella being the ultimate mom at the varigo wedding and couldn’t resist writing some supportive Donella :)) enjoy! I’ll try to link the OG post but ya!
Donella was happy.
Sure, Hugo had fucked up royally and betrayed her in order to help his boyfriend open the Eternal Library and, consequently, get possessed by her old partner, but he had found his happiness. She wasn’t one for sappy shit like soulmates or changing yourself at the last minute for the one you loved in order to make them happy - she used to despise it and think it was some bullshit trope for lonely people to indulge in, but somehow her son had well and truly proved her wrong.
She’d trained him up since he was a child to be the exact model of what she was - a thief. She taught him how to defend himself from attackers if he had to, how to steal and remove any trace that he was ever there, hell, she’d even trained him that the world was cruel and unforgiving, and that any hope you had would be crushed in an instant. She taught him love was simply something that people used to build you up and make you think you had purpose before they revoked it almost immediately. She really thought he’d accepted her ideals fully.
And then Varian came along.
Of course it would’ve been Ulla’s son to change her son’s mind. He’d inherited the moonstone blue, wide and curious eyes that his mother had, and her obsession with alchemy that she’d also passed on to her son. Maybe that’s why Hugo had gotten so attached to him, having someone so similar to his age and with the same interests, of course after years of having just Donella around him who was interested in alchemy, he’d instantly connect with someone else with that very interest. 
It didn’t surprise her when Hugo had told her that he and Varian were together romantically. In fact, she had a bet going with Cyrus to see how long it was taken (which, by the way, she’d won, thank you very much) and supported the couple endlessly. They were adorable together, the pair clearly loving each other more than anything else in the universe and willing to do anything for each other.
What did surprise her was how long the proposal took. It took far too long for the pair to finally decide to propose, Donella was sure she’d turn to ash before they even decided to bring up the option to each other. So when it happened, needless to say she celebrated silently and tore into Hugo as though she were a starving animal and he was a piece of meat.
“I am very disappointed in you, Hugo. Very very disappointed.” She declared, pacing across the marble floor in the hallway, the heels of her boots clicking against it as her son gripped onto the hand of his now-fiance. They must’ve been scared, both boys shaking in each other’s arms before she turned her head to look at them. “I mean, really. You’re my son and you didn’t even propose first! I seriously can’t believe it! You seriously took so long that he had to take matters into his own hands!” 
“Oh my g-Mom, you literally had me terrified!” Hugo complained as he leant forward, frowning at Donella and kissing Varian’s forehead as Varian cackled from laughter. Donella smiled softly and subtly as they held each other, nodding in approval towards her son-in-law before turning her back to them.
“All jokes aside, I really am happy for you two. I’m just disappointed it took you so long considering how many hours I’ve sat through you gushing about Varian and how he’s the ‘only person in the world for you’.” Hugo’s face flushed at that comment, his fiance smirking as Donella chuckled. “Anyway, get back to the party.” She ushered them back in with a smile before the widest grin in her life appeared on her face and she headed back in.
It was her proudest moment for her son to come to her for advice about her vows, though she’d never expected for his original draft to be so...long. She swore he’d been going on and on about the boy’s freckles for a whole month before finally moving on to something else. It was her fault - she’d tried and tried and tried to stop the boy from talking too much when he was a child, though it was a habit he never broke out of. He made a massive deal about a lot, and though it was useful in their previous line of work, they were good, (mostly) non-thieving people, and the need for an overbearing and..very weirdly specifically detailed explanation of something was no longer a necessity. 
“You’ve been talking for 40 years about freckles, Hugo. Just-come here and let me show you how to do it.” she complained, leaning forward and taking a quill, dipping it generously in some ink before proceeding to examine the speech. Editing and crossing things out left,right and centre, she finally settled back with a sigh and looked at her son. “I know you love him, Hugo. I can tell. But seriously, some of this is just...not needed at all.”
“What do you mean?” the blonde asked cluelessly, sitting beside her and fixing his tie, “I think all of it is quite relevant.”
“You talked about how he snorts when he laughs and how many freckles he has, followed by a detailed description about their shapes, sizes and if they join together to make a constellation. That..it’s sweet but I felt like slamming my head into a wall and praying that it knocked me out completely for three days. Just...try something like this.” She began, picking up some parchment from the table and beginning to scribble down some notes, handing the sheet to her helpless son. “That can be your starting point.”
Hugo took a glance at the paper, cringing at the monotonous words on the page. “I...okay, these are truly something else. I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.” He muttered, before something flashed over his face. “Oh ma. That reminds me. Me and V have been talking and uh..we wanted to know if you want to officiate the wedding. We thought you’d be the best pick for it so...what do you think?”
Donella’s heart soared at the prospect, though her face would never reveal the true extent of her emotions. Her son was really giving her the honour of officiating the wedding after everything that had happened between them. A tear must’ve welled in her eye, as Hugo’s face shifted into a frown. “Ma, are you okay? You..you don’t have to do it.”
Hesitantly, she pulled her son into a tight embrace, the boy seeming stunned before reciprocating the hug and holding onto her. “Yes-yes I’ll do that for you, Hugo. It would be an honour.” Donella declared, her face buried in her son’s shoulder as she let a few stray tears loose.
She was so proud of him when he read out his vows without a hitch, the abridged version of the original speech was marginally better thanks to meticulous planning from their combined efforts. “Are you crying, ma’am?” Cyrus questioned as her son stood hand in hand with his husband at the altar, their fingers intertwined and looking picture perfect, almost as though they were in a dream.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Cyrus.” the woman declared as she raised a tissue to dab at her eyes while the ceremony continued in front of her. Hugo’s eyes shone with pure joy, matching his husband’s gleeful expression as they finally exchanged rings and shared a kiss with each other. She could even hear their friends, notably the Queen, King, Star princess and Firecracker (as Hugo had declared them) cheering and laughing out loud as they finally tied the knot.
And though she would later deny it, she still indulged herself in a few glasses of wine and rambled on and on about how Hugo was as a child, despite his pleas and begs for her to stop. She couldn’t help it - she was a mother after all and she was sure Ulla would’ve done the same if she were here.
Still though, as she looked at her son and the way he shared his first dance with his husband, he knew the pair were destined to be together, and that fate truly did exist as well as soulmates and all that lovey dovey shit she had been so quick to deny prior to their meeting. So as Donella leant back against the body of her once-henchman Cyrus, whose other arm was wrapped around his wife, she accepted the fact that she was content with whatever the future had to hold for the pair.
Donella was happy.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Sober (Symnali) - Pazinae
Summary: College girl Symone and her house love throwing parties. Denali loves a fun time, and finds herself there every weekend. Just to get drunk and party of course. No other reason. (AKA pretty lesbians in denial)
AN: a drabble inspired by denali coming over to the house of avalon a while ago, getting v drunk and dancing w symone (the outfit symone wears in the fic is from that day www.instagram.com/p/CODlQtnp-KM/ denali is wearing the pink dress from one of her older posts). also the time they streamed and were just drunkenly complimenting each other is the absolute Cutest and symnali is underrated. i have a lot of ideas for this so if yall are interested ill write a whole thing of what happened that night <3. my first fic and concrit is very much welcome!! song is sober by lorde :>
//Night, midnight, lose my mind
Night, midnight, lose my mind
Night, midnight, lose my mind
Night, midnight−//
They called themselves House Of Avalon. They had all pitched in to rent a house near campus over the summer, and a place leased for a year consisting of young 20 year olds can only go as well as you can imagine. Yet getting ready for their parties surrounded by constant noise and the dozens of paintings, framed photos, and tchotchkes lining the wall, was a comfortable kind of chaos. As chaotic as they may be, they undeniably threw the best parties. Not to mention their outfits never missed, especially not Symone.
The madness of creative, raging queers all shoehorned together to form the most disorderly harmony was a type of home Symone wanted to bask in forever, and, quite honestly, the driving reason to stay in the boring hell hole that is college. The obligation of finishing this shit for a flimsy paper and bragging rights was a little more grounded when it’s the only reason her friends are currently living with her. One day this will all be done, and they can find a job with their degrees. Finish college like everyone wants her too, make everyone proud that yes, she did it, and together the House Of Avalon can buy a huge house with 5 guest bedrooms so everyone and their mama can visit. Throw the biggest parties, a pool in their backyard with an outdoor kitchen, a huge patio out front by the house gates, and they could even install a stripper pole in the living room. Until then she’ll be up at 7:30am to ride the train for her morning class. 
The thought of the a certain dimpled blonde helped make the week bearable because at least on the weekends she can fly to somewhere else. With someone else. 
Symone, Gigi and Rosy hung around the sofa together, getting tipsy as they waited for more people to pour in. They chattered mindlessly, the comfort between the three was an indescribable kind, so effortless and familiar. But in between each pause in conversation, when the laughs and talk of annoying professors and ugly hair trends came to a brief end, Symone couldn’t help but scan the room. Peeking out the corner of her eye for a certain pair of hooded eyes hopefully lingering around. A girl with the most distinct, beautifully symmetric face that can charm a room, and a sugary voice so addictive to listen to even without a sweet tooth. She could listen to Denali talk and ramble as much as she wanted about anything in the world, and she’d eagerly nod along. Her hazy tone when she’s slurring and half awake, to the chirps and goofy grins at the height of the night. The adorable glint in her eyes of passion and excitement when she drunkenly goes off about some kpop group Symones never heard of before, but might just happen to start coming across more. Her dancing like a duck that makes Symone squeal, and cheer, and hide her face in her shoulder so no one can see the smile she’s unable to bite back. She dawdles around with her infectious giddiness and smile so comforting it eases the absurdity and rushing high Symone constantly lives with. And it helps that she’s built like some athlete godsend with the prettiest arms and perfect curves and the most stunning thighs and calves and soft warm blonde hair with icy blue tips to frame her angelic face. She’s been drinking and it’s definitely just the alcohol that makes her head waiver and ramble. 
Time rushes by wedged between her sisters, and soon Symone holds an empty cup for the second already. The house has certainly been getting fuller and fuller. Glancing around, she finds the only person she could (and frankly would) look at for all of eternity, staring at her. Denali’s hair is scooped into two high ponytails at either side, and her body’s fit into a little off the shoulder pink mini dress that hugged her body all too well. Symone wanted nothing more than to just hold her, dance the night away until the jumble of noises and bodies fade out. Seeing her just standing there, perfect and still, a toothy grin is plastered on Symone’s face without her consent. She barely even knows Denali but her sheer presence brightens the room, sends butterflies to flutter around like she’s having some cheesy school girl crush. She can’t tell you what Denali’s favorite TV show, movie or season is, or how she likes her coffee. But if the world were to close in on them right now, have the walls disintegrate, ceilings crumble and the heaps of flesh around them melt into the floorboards under them- they’d still be yelling out the wrong lyrics while they twirl against the counter tops. Rush outside and run in the pitch black where nothing exists but each other in their hands- and that’s good enough for her. 
Denali just likes Symone because she wants to have fun, and Symone’s good at that. It’s okay that she won’t ever like Symone when she’s sober; When she’s quiet, and wrapped in a blanket over her hoodie starring at the ceiling. When she’s fidgeting with her nails and playing with her the tips of her hair instead of talking. When she burns mac and cheese and decides to have a bag of ketchup chips for lunch. Whatever it is they have; it’s still good enough for her. 
Damn maybe Symone does think a little too much. She winks at the dumbstruck skater. The night’s just begun, and the only exit signs in the labyrinth in her sinkhole of a mind is alcohol and/or Denali. Symone wants the and version. 
//Oh, God, I’m clean out of air in my lungs
It’s all gone, played it so nonchalant//
When Denali came through the door she not-so-subtly headed straight to the living room. She had barely glanced in their direction- but she saw her. She was laughing, in her little squad of pretty girls. The clique of long legged doe-eyed queens stand in the center of the living room in their mini skirts and low waisted pants- lifelike statues seemingly taking up all the air in the crowded room. She can’t help it if she stares a bit! They have cute outfits and Denali just wants some inspiration. Everyone’s gawked at the trio anyways. She looks at Symone, because of the cute fuzzy blue bucket hat adorned on her head. No other reason.
 But it’s hard to look away when her face- her makeup is so stunning. With a shimmery pink cut crease, and glossy lips, and dabbles of pink brightening her cheeks. Lashes that make her eyes pop, and the highlight on her glistening skin matched with her flimsy silver spaghetti strap crop top that made her shine even more like a radiant disco ball. The backless top is tied together behind, with a thin string leaving the space between her neck to ass as exposed skin. How could a person be so perfect? And addicting to look at? Unzipped jeans hung at the curve of her hip to show her pink thong, which rose to hug her waist. Pink wedge heels lie under her painted toe nails, and fuck was she a living bratz doll. It wasn’t Denali’s fault that she was objectively so head to toe stunning. It wasn’t her fault that she bit the inside of her lip a litte. It wasn’t her fault that her heart skipped when she was bent over in laughter and cupping her manicured hands over her mouth. It wasn’t her fault that she forgot to look away. It wasn’t her fault that when Symone caught her gaze she stood there frozen  (if the options are fight, flight or freeze, which do you think the ice girl is gonna do?). It wasn’t her fault that she forgot how to breathe when the enchantress gave her a wink. She smiles and waves in return. Someone taps Symone’s shoulder for her attention, and she looks busy. 
Denali pushes away, swimming through the sea of humans swarming the halls until she can identify the way to the kitchen. She needs a drink. It’s early and she’s far too sober for this.
//It’s time we danced with the truth
Move along with the truth//
There’s no reason why she’d be into Denali. She could literally get anyone she wanted, with her gleaming smile and cute laugh, and the way she can make you smile and feel important and wanted. The way she stops sipping in her red solo cup to look at you, to nod at every word and stare like you’re beautiful and matter. The way it’s impossible for her to not be the prettiest in the room. Denali takes a shot, the burning taste a welcome pain at the back of her tongue.
Five months ago when Denali took a sharp breath outside the main door, she made Rose come with her because, fuck, she wasn’t going to a party by herself. Not back then, at least. When she was a flustered freshman in October who didn’t know how to have a good time. Back when she first met the party throwers, and a certain captivating spirit with braided honey gold hair in a skimpy black dress took shots with her. Complimented her wispy hair dyed blue at the ends. Told her she looked amazing in slurred giggles. Because she was tipsy. The truth is the only time this will mean anything is when the world starts spinning, the room gets hot, and their minds start to blur. 
//Ooh (Hey)
We’re sleepin’ through all the days
I’m actin’ like I don’t see
Every ribbon you used to tie yourself to me// 
“You good diva?“ 
"Nnnm, gimme uh ‘nother few minutes"  Symone’s head is pounding, and the only thing on her mind is the dazy blanketing warmth of sleep. Her mind is a knotted, jumbled up mess and trying to think about anything other than passing out makes her head throb. Natural light from the outside pours through the windows, and through her squinted eyes, the wooden table across the room is glowing from the suns heat. A vague need to eat, drink water, and vomit creep up on her. She turns to lay on her side, wedges the blanket between her arms, pulls it higher up and tucks her hands under her head.
"You sure?”
“You still have your makeup you want to wash it off?”
“We can take it off”
“Girl its 2pm" 
"Let her sleep!" 
Half asleep, all the different voices mesh as one blob of noise. Indistinct chatter fades as Symone slowly luls back to sleep. Until-
"Where should I put the polaroids of Symone and Denali making out?” Peaceful slumber is very quickly forgotten when realization is drawn. 
“What the fuck happened last night?” Is the only thing Symone can muster out before throwing her head deeper into the pillow, all of a sudden quite awake. Focusing on the vague mist of memories from the night before, she replays it through her head starting from when she went up to Denali, taking shots in the kitchen.
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Okay so here is part two of this promt of mine to thank my now almost 250 followers. First part here. Enjoy!
Remus had a lot of fun stating the facts to the others. When they finally put everything together their faces will be even more hilarious! For now the others remained clueless though. For a little while Remus thought they'd all be old and grey by the time anyone figured it out.
Luckily they did get a clue about a week after Remus learned the exciting truth.
It was the evening before the premier of a project they'd been working on for ages. Roman was going over everything in the common area with everyone else as practice audience. Remus was playing heckler. No one asked him. He just did. He probably should have noticed Virgil tensing up with each comment. But he didn't. After Remus shouted something about a possible wardrobe malfunction Virgil shot up. "We have to cancel. We're not ready!"
Everyone looked up at Virgil in surprise. It'd been a long time since last he demanded skipping or postponing any type of commitment. It was always an option to him, but this wasn't a suggestion. It was a demand so strong that Thomas actually was thinking of what to tell Joan already.
No one knew what brought this on or how to resolve it. But Roman was still going to try.
"What do you mean? I'm sure we can see to any doubts you have and blow everyone away tomorrow."
Virgil balled his fists and shook his head. "Too much can go wrong..." he hissed through gritted teeth.
"Certainly. But we mustn't let down our audience for mere chance of failure.," Roman countered gently. "You think I'm being paranoid?" Virgil snapped accusingly.
Roman looked taken aback. "Virgil you are overreacting. I am merely trying too help!"
Virgil huffed, threw his hood over his head and stormed off to his room.
"Virgil!?" Roman called after him, but he didn't follow him up the stairs. He remained behind until they all cringed at the sound of a door slamming shut.
The prince's shoulders slumped and his head lowered dejected. "I'm... I'm going to reread the lines again..." he muttered before heading to his own room.
Patton reached out to Roman's retreating frame but came up short on things to say. The silence remained until a gentle click signaled that Roman had entered his room.
"That was fun," Janus muttered sarcastically as he got up, intending to talk to Virgil.
"Snakey, he just had his first fight with his boyfriend. He isn't up for 2 lies and maybe a truth," Remus pointed out. "Just like how my bro isn't going to appreciate playing tag with me."
Everyone stared at Remus, surprised he was capable of such insightful comments.
"Well that leaves us Lo," Patton observed looking up towards the private rooms tensely. Roman and Virgil argued a lot. Even now that they were all friends. Such was their nature. But those arguments were usually loud and full of Virgil's quips and Roman's dramatics. This one was unnervingly quiet in comparison.
"It would appear so. You should check on Virgil, I shall attempt to reason with Roman," Logan suggested. Patton nodded and together they headed to the opposing rooms. "Good luck," Patton smiled at Logan before knocking on Virgil's door.
"Virge? Mind if we chat for a bit?" A moment of silence before the door was opened. Patton hadn't heard him walk over... had he been by the door?
The question was forgotten when Patton saw Virgil's make up was running.
"Come in Pat..." he whispered softly, though he wasn't looking at him. Or rather past him at Logan.
Once more that puzzle was put asside in favor of cheering up his kiddo.
They sat on Virgil's bed, V curled in on himself Patton Indian style.
"I know I shouldn't have ran off... and that Roman wasn't calling me paranoid. So if that's all you wanted to say..."
"Actually," Patton started, interrupting Virgil before he could even start whatever self depreciating train of thought he was starting.
"I wanted to ask why you are so worried about this performance. It's not a big event and we are well prepared. Remus was only trying to get Roman of balance you know?"
Virgil dug his fingers in his hair in frustration. "I know! But what if it happens for real!? Roman'll get hurt!"
Patton blinked in surprise. He expected Virgil to be worried about Thomas first and the rest of them second. Prioritizing Roman like that... was Remus onto something? Patton always thought Virgil and Roman would make an absolutely adorable couple.
Virgil sighed and wrapped his arms around his legs to pull them tightly against his chest.
"Ever since you guys accepted me... I've been patching Roman up when he got 'bruised'. And even before I tried to check up on him... it's my fault when he gets hurt Patton. Because I didn't push Thomas hard enough, or too hard... anything I do wrong ends up hurting him. He was right to hate me. And when he realizes that I'll lose him and then you guys will stop talking to me and..."
"Kiddo hey... you're spiraling buddy." Logan said it's important they tell Virgil when he's trapped by his own head and how. "Breathe."
Virgil nodded and took a few deep breaths while wiping at his eyes.
"Virgil, none of us would ever blame you for trying your best."
Not even Roman. He knows you always act with our best interest at heart. And if you tell him you were worried for his safety, the whole thing will be forgotten," Patton assured the anxious side gently, secretly hoping that getting Virgil to open up towards Roman this way might help them get closer. Prinxiety just might set sail after all.
"You think so?" Virgil asked, not convinced.
"I know so. Take it from your old man kiddo. Roman cares about you. He has a funny way of showing it sometimes, but he does."
Virgil's face relaxed his eyes softening and his lips pulling into the tiniest smile.
"Yeah... I'll talk to him," Virgil nodded getting up and walking to the door with Patton. 
Logan frowned, confused by the strange look Virgil had cast at Roman's door. Fearful yet almost longingly...
He must be mistaken. Emotions were not his area of expertise after all.
Instead of pondering the question any further, he turned and knocked on Roman's door.
"Roman? I wish to discuss something with you,"
A moment passed. "It's open."
When Logan entered he found Roman sat at his desk, his notes in front of him and his hands in his hair.
"I... can't figure it out Logan... I turn the conversation over and over in my head... what should I have said?"
When Roman looked up it was evident to even Logan that he'd been crying though he was doing his best to hide it.
Logan sat down on the bed his body angled towards the desk.
"Virgil was not mad at you Roman. It would seem something triggered a negative thought process in his mind which he tried to hide as not to disturb us. In doing so though the thoughts were not addressed and instead were left to build up tension which got released all at once. Even if you said exactly what he needed to hear, he was not in a mindscape to accept any of it. I am sure Virgil regretted what he said as soon as he said it. I theorize that he took distance in order to calm down before talking to you again," he explained.
Roman nodded allong to that. "So... I haven't ruined everything?" he asked almost timidly.
Logan shook his head. "You know I am not good with feelings. But i have observed that you and Virgil have grown close since he got accepted. Especially in recent weeks he is calmer and less prone to negative thinking when he interacts with you. Likewise he has clearly helped you be more focused and keep a level head, some of the time at least. You two have built something strong. And one fight like this won't end that."
Roman was tearing up again, but this time he was smiling.
"Truly? You believe I am good for him?"
Logan nodded his head, eyeing Roman curiously. He might be wrong but it almost seemed like...
"By Neptunes swimtrunks!" Roman exclaimed wide eyed. "I thank you for your aid Logan but I must make myself presentable and talk to my Emo post haste!"
His emo? Logan almost wished he was wrong. If Remus was right in any capacity he'd never let any of them live it down. But Roman and Virgil finding happiness with each other might just be worth it.
Logan let Roman push him to the door and let himself out as Roman was already hurrying to his bathroom. In the hallway he found Patton being led out of the opposing room by a nervously shifting Virgil.
"Is Roman mad at me?" he asked nervously.
"Of course not. He is worried about you," Logan assures his friend warmly.
Virgil relaxed at that. "Thanks guys. I think we'll be fine," he told them as he headed to the door. Logan got the hint and led Patton down the hall. He heard Virgil knock at the door an call out Roman's name. If he or Patton had turned back they would've seen how Virgil kissed Roman as soon as he opened the door.
Roman kissed his boyfriend back as he walked them both inside and closed the door.
"Not that I'm complaining but... what if someone saw?" Roman wondered quite happy actually with the bold gesture of affection. Virgil's role usually made him extremely cautious, which made his bouts of impulsivity even more surprising and delightful.
"Well if they did then I get to take you out to make it up to you," Virgil shrugged.
Roman chuckled. "You have nothing to apologize for mi corazon. But the thought is greatly appreciated. Want to talk about this over pizza and Disney?"
Virgil smiled and nodded. "You pick the first movie." 
Logan and Patton voiced their suspicions to one another as well as Janus. All three agreed to wait with intervening and giving the two a chance to figure things out for themselves.
The tipping point came when they had a scheduled meeting with Thomas to discuss an upcoming colab he was nervous about.
First Roman and Virgil weren’t to be found anywhere. And then when Thomas pulled called them up by force they looked… disheveled.
“Good timing Thomas. One second later and… I honestly don’t want to think about that,” Virgil muttered as he straightened his hoodie and hair out.
Roman looked rather sheepish as he tugged at his sash and combed trough his hair.
“Where did you two come from?” Patton asked astonished.
“Imagination,” Virgil huffed as he turned to Roman, avoiding everyone else’s eyes subtle enough to be considered a coincidence.
“I told you we should have waited until after the meeting,” he told him, though he didn’t seem to be as mad as he was trying to be.
“I didn’t think we’d take that long,” Roman tried feebly.
“I did! You have no self control! Always have to go the extra mile don’t you?” Virgil pointed out. Roman looked back at Virgil now, a lot more confident.
“I didn’t hear you complaining,” he pointed out with a smirk.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down. “I was kind of distracted,” he admitted.
“It’s no matter, we are here in one piece and there are more urgent matters at hand. Shall we, my stormy knight?”
Virgil sighed dramatically. “You are lucky you are so cute.”
Everyone in the room looked on incredulously. How were these two so clueless?
When the meeting ended, Roman and Virgil picked up their hike where they left off. On a blanket on top of the hill, ignoring the sunset in favor of making out.
“They need help Logan. Desperately! I am all for letting my kiddo’s take their time but this is too much! They are obviously in love!” Patton pleaded.
“Even I can’t stand watching them make eyes at each other any longer. Virgil is… taken with Roman. And Roman appears to be returning those feelings,” Janus admitted reluctantly. Virgil’s eyeshadow had been lilac more often than not when around the creative side. Only a complete idiot would keep denying it at this point.
“Told ya!” Remus grinned.
“Okay, fine… So how do we go about ‘setting them up’?” Logan relented.
Remus giggled manically. This was going to be so good.
“We make them spend time together! They have to realize they are meant for one another if they spend time one on one!” Patton exclaimed.
“But they are already together most of the time?” Logan objected.
“They are always working though. We have to pull them out of their comfort zone!”
Janus and Logan exchanged looks. “I’ll give an example,” Patton decided.
“Kiddo’s will you come down please!”
Roman and Virgil appeared almost at once, side by side, smiling brightly at Patton, Virgil’s eyeshadow bright and shiny as any of them had ever seen it.
“s'up pops? Virgil asked casually.
“Family picnic. You two take care of deserts!” Patton grinned brightly. “me and the others are going to put a basket together. Kitchen is all yours.”
And before either of the happy couple could respond Patton had pushed Janus and Logan out, followed closely by Remus. “have fun you two,” the green twin winked before rounding the corner.
“Are they seriously setting us up?” Roman whispered in astonishment.
“That’s hilarious,” Virgil grinned before turning to the kitchen counter where a cookbook laid open on a cake recipe. “Think you can handle this clever scheme o unconquerable prince?” he teased.
“Oh ye of little faith. It is I who shall thaw thine frozen heart with true loves kiss,” Roman grinned back.
“Do you think they've confessed yet?” Patton wondered as he placed nervously in Logan's room ten minutes later. The room calmed him down mostly but not near enough to be considered calm.
“Let's find out!” Remus exclaimed. Before anyone could stop him he was gone.
“That'll end well.” Janus groaned as he followed behind with Patton and Logan. To everyone he’s surprise they found Remus watching the kitchen rather discreetly. They joined him and were left speechless.
Roman and Virgil were both wearing aprons and chefs hats that matched their styles perfectly, both disregarding their usual top attire for simple t-shirts. Which was a good thing because there was an abundance of flower, chocolate and egg all over them.
Virgil was currently scolding Roman who was  trying to take the mixing bowl from him. Neither was cross with the other though. In fact, both were nearly dying of laughter.
“Truce! Truce!” Roman called out as he managed to get a hold of himself. “Let’s compromise. Lest we get poorly mixed batter added to  our canvases. How about I show you what I mean?”
Virgil relaxed his protective hold on the bowl and let Roman step behind him. Roman adjusted Virgil’s grip and laid his hands over his aligning their arms. He gently guided Virgil in mixing the batter.
“See?” Roman asked softly after a bit.
“um… wait almost. Show me that last bit again.” Janus quirked a brow. That was a lie. And if that was a lie, then Virgil just wanted… Oh boy his ray of stormshine had it bad.
Patton was nearly vibrating. Surely they'll realize…
“and there. Now it can be baked and we can get clean!” Roman declared satisfied as he stepped away. Virgil nodded and sighed in relief. “Finally, I’m more beat than the batter,” he joked. Roman snorted but he wasn't the only one.
“Oh hey Padre!” Roman greeted innocently. “ The cake will be done soon!” 
Logan was up next. He reasoned that the key was physical proximity. He had observed that as light as the two acted about it afterwards it had clearly gotten to them. Remus suggested locking them in a closet until they ‘made out’ but Logan was sure he could be more subtle than that.
“What? But organizing the thoughts is your job!” Roman complained.
“It is and I apologize. I've been falling behind on my duties. Please, I am sure that if the two of you worked together it will be done quickly.”
Both Roman and Virgil sighed. They knew this was a set up, so they'd get away with more flirty behavior. But it was also work. And the room where the thoughts were being kept was so full of cabinets and boxes that it was near impossible to move around on your own let alone… oh.
If Logan thought he was being more dignified than Remus would be by disguising it as an accident he was wrong.
Roman wasn't even surprised to hear the door click shut as soon as Logan was “out of ear shot".
He was surprised to find that Logan had arranged the cabinets and boxes in a manner that would make them topple over and trap him and Virgil on the ground. Virgil on his chest as he'd pushed Roman to the ground and his arms wrapped protectively around his body to cushion his fall as much as possible.
They were stuck in that exact position for as long as Logan seemed necessary.
“Do you think either of those schemes would've worked if we weren't already dating?” Virgil wondered. Roman thoughtfully played with the hairs at the base of Virgil's skull for a bit.
“Not sure. We can both be stubborn. I’m kind of glad that I’ll never know,” he confessed.
Virgil sunk deeper into his embrace. “Me too.”
It wasn’t as fun as the baking scheme, but it was nice to cuddle with nothing else to do. Virgil usually got fidgety after a few minutes, even if he wanted to stay forever.
Roman wasn’t much better at staying still. But this… This might just convince the both of them to do this more often.
“I don’t hate this,” Virgil sighed after laying in silence for a while.
“I do make for a handsome pillow,” Roman joked as he pulled Virgil in closer.
“You do. But I mean… Usually silences are terrifying to me. But this? I don’t mind. I don’t worry about what you’re thinking. Or that I’m supposed to say something. It’s just… us and that’s enough. You know what I mean?”
Roman thought it over for a moment. “Yeah… I do. This is… As close to perfect as life is going to get,” he sighed contently.
It was something close to 30 minutes before they heard the door open and a moment later the room rearranged itself. “Tell me this isn’t something we could’ve done this entire time!” Virgil groaned as he got up, not showing his reluctance to do so.
“This is Logan’s domain. He maintains order in here. I have no power,” Roman huffed pretend offended, he was less successful in hiding how perfectly content he‘d been with their predicament.
“Indeed I do,” Logan agreed, flanked by Janus and Patton who both saw the look on Roman’s face. Again almost but not quite. What would it take?
Logan apologized for their predicament and assured them that he would complete the task. If they’d bought into the ruse for even a second this would have definitely tipped them off. But they let Logan think he was successful at least in hiding his intentions.
Janus initial idea was to simply impersonate either of the boys and using that form to get the other to confess. He never tried. And if he did he wasn’t found out almost right away.
So his second attempt he didn’t disguise himself or his intentions. Not to Roman at least.
And so the theater was left to fade away. It’s purpose fulfilled in an unexpected way.
“What exactly are your intentions with Virgil?”
Roman looked up from his vanity comb still in hand.
“After what you tried to pull yesterday, I’d say you know what my feelings are. As for my intentions… I won’t do anything that’ll make him uncomfortable. Don’t you worry,” he said as he returned his attention to the mirror and hummed ‘Once upon a dream’.
“So you are in love with him,”  Janus drawled studying his nails. Though he glanced up to see Roman’s face flush. “Well…” the prince hesitated for a moment but then a blissful smile broke free and he leaned back with a sigh. “Yes,” he confessed dreamily.
“So tell him.” It was not that hard! He was the romantic side wasn’t he? Shouldn’t he be all for grand gestures like this?
Roman pursed his lips and shook his head, sitting up again and returning to his beauty routine.
“I’m waiting for the perfect moment.” Their first official date actually. If the other’s hurried and put the pieces together, they might be able to go on one for their 2 month anniversary.
He might already have something planned out. He had little doubt he’d be the one to crack first.
“I thought you’d say that. Come on, he’s waiting.”
Roman shot up. What was Janus planning?
The serpentine side led him to the imagination where a theater was set up. They entered stage right where Roman saw Virgil was waiting on stage.
“What is this about Jan?” the emo growled, eyes darting towards Roman and to the audience. Patton and Logan who looked about as confused as Roman felt. Remus was behind them just munching on popcorn.
“Remember the valentine’s episode?” Janus asked, everyone nodded, still confused.
“Well Virgil never got around to showing you all how he’d go about wooing someone. So I figured he could show us with Roman as an example crush. Thomas is getting ready to ask Nico to be his boyfriend. Might as well have all the possibilities out there. Direct, from the heart, grand gesture… You two have already shown that my methods of evasion and deception won’t work on Nico. He seems to find Thomas charming when he’s honest about his flaws, so we aren’t even going there.
Virgil, you have the floor,” Janus smirked smugly before getting of stage and joining the others in the audience.
Virgil took in a deep breath and glanced up at Roman as he let it all out.
Clearly he was nervous.
“Okay… So first…” He took hold of Roman’s hand. And it wasn’t the first time, this shouldn’t be a big deal. But doing it in the open, with this unexplained tension in the air, and his own confession in his head, it made Roman beyond flustered.
“Is this okay?” Roman pulled his eyes away from their joined hands as Virgil gave his a squeeze, looking at his boyfriend’s face instead. He looked so nervous.
“Of course,” he sighed breathlessly smiling warmly at the boy who completely owned his heart.
“Good… Roman… You know I blow at putting my thoughts in words. But this is something I need to say. Because just showing you feels like it isn’t enough.” Virgil took a deep breath and tugged at Roman’s arm, turning them to face each other.
“I like you,” he murmured, looking down “I like everything about you even the parts that drive me nuts. I like the way I feel around you. I like arguing about stupid things and laughing about it later. I like making messes with you and not worrying about cleaning it up. I like how you make me forget how scared I am sometimes. I like being myself with you, and feeling like that’s enough. I…”
Virgil might have a lot more to say than that but Roman wasn’t giving him the chance.
He pulled Virgil in and kissed him soundly. Virgil didn’t even pause before returning the kiss.
There was a loud wolf whistle, Remus clearly, but other than that complete silence.
After an infinite moment they pulled apart and smiled at each other.
“You can’t say things like that and expect me to just not kiss you mi amor.” Roman could hear the loud gasps from their audience.
“Wait! Are you saying…?” Patton started.
“We’re official,” Roman confirmed excitedly before returning his attention to Virgil.
“And that means, I shall be planning our first date. Be ready at six this evening, wear something semi-formal. No ties no monkey suits. But something nice. Understand?” Roman checked, not wanting Virgil to worry too much about what to wear, but needing him to not wear the hoodie just this one time.
Virgil nodded. “I think I can do that.”
Roman turned back to their audience. “I’d almost forget. Padre, may I take Virgil out?”
Patton was still  in shock but nodded. “Of course, um have fun.”
“Told you all!” Remus shouted satisfied.
“How long?” Janus demanded, not a fan of secrets he isn’t privy to.
“Almost two months,” Virgil smiled making everyone go back in their head and see their interactions in a new light. They could see the moment they thought ‘How did we not figure this out,’ crossed their minds. Oh they’d been right. This was hilarious.
Roman chuckled fondly at their friends’ faces, before gently gazing down at Virgil and stroking his bangs out of his eyes/
“As much as it pains me to part my darling. I must prepare our evening.”
“Wait! Wait! You two… You two are boyfriends!” Patton exclaimed vibrating with excitement as that discovery finally registered. He jumped out of his seat and rushed over to the stage to hug them.
“Oh my goodness I’m so happy and proud!” he gushed. Both of them chuckled.
“Well, while I wish we had not wasted time on attempting to help you, I too am glad you have found happiness with each other,” Logan allowed.
Janus remained stubbornly silent, realizing Remus had known and had not told him at the very least.
“Thanks guys, that means a lot. And we were just messing with you guys, we weren’t keeping it a secret cause we didn’t trust you,” Virgil assured them as Patton finally let go and Roman put an arm around his waist, both excited that they could now do this in public.
“Oh you rascal! You really had us good. You have to tell me how you got together now though!” Patton insisted.
“Perhaps, once we return from our date Padre. Which I’ll have to start preparing for,” Roman reminded them reluctantly. He let go of Virgil’s waist and took his hand to place a kiss on it.
“I will count the minutes,” he muttered to his knuckles and exited stage left.
It took everything Virgil had not to start squeeling.
“Oh M G! We are going to pick out an outfit!” Patton giggled dragging Virgil along.
“I’ll lend you a hand. Obviously I have the most style,” Janus insisted as they too left the theater.
Logan sighed as though resigning himself to his fate. “Roman is bound to skip over practical details. I better ensure the date is a success or we’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Just admit you want to be part of it Nerd. That’s what I’m doing,” Remus grinned as he pulled Logan along.
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starrybethany · 4 years
Kirby Dach: If I Can’t Have You By Shawn Mendes
Tumblr media
Word count: 2629
Music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTJ-oqwxdZY 
Lyrics video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_9CF1ucoI
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
I don’t drink often. I tell my friends that it’s because I’m afraid to lose control and I don’t like the feeling of waking up with no idea of what happened the night prior. That’s part of it, but really, the main reason I don’t like to drink is because of Kirby Dach.
Everytime I drink, all I can think about is Kirby. What is Kirby doing right now? I wonder if Kirby scored tonight. What do you think Kirby ate for dinner? How long do you think Kirby’s hair is compared to the last time that I saw him?
I can’t get Kirby out of my mind as soon as a drop of liquor is in my body.
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
He and I decided to keep it lowkey. We decided that since he’s going to be focused on hockey in Chicago and I’m going to be focused on school in Toronto, it wouldn’t be good for either of us to enter a committed relationship.
That was eight months ago. And slowly, text by text, FaceTime call after FaceTime call, my feelings towards him have started to change. I feel more attached to him, I want to hold his hand and pull him around Toronto and show him all of the landmarks.
I want to tell him about my classes and hear about whatever stupid thing Adam said today, but it’s too late. This ‘no strings attached’ situation has set in by now. He thinks we’re both content where we are, so I don’t want to rock the boat.
I’m in Toronto and I got this view
But I might as well be in a hotel room (Yeah)
It doesn’t matter ’cause I’m so consumed
Spending all my nights reading texts from you
Toronto is a beautiful city. From the needle to the towering buildings to the bustling streets, there’s so much activity and always something to look at. And I remember that  once in a while, if I’m not too busy looking at my phone.
I’m either waiting for a text from Kirby, which is far and few between these days, or reading old conversations that I’ve had with him. Some of them still make me laugh. Most of them just make me miss him even more.
Oh, I’m good at keeping my distance
I know, that you’re the feeling I’m missing
You know that I hate to admit it
But everything means nothing if I can’t have you
Kirby: We’re in Toronto for a game soon. Do you wanna go and hang out after? ;)
I bite my lip, trying to find the best way to let him down. I can’t see him in person, I know that if I do he’ll see all the love in my eyes and that can’t happen. So I just need to slowly cut him out of my life, and that starts with the hookups everytime he comes into the city.
Y/N: Can’t
My phone instantly vibrates with an incoming call from him. I hold it in my hand, watching as it buzzes. It stops just to start again with another incoming call. I want to answer, everything in my bones is screaming at me to answer, but my brain is telling me that I shouldn’t.
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
“He’s been calling me forever,” I whine to my friends later that night, the fourth or fifth or  sixth alcoholic beverage in my hand.
“Just answer already, tell him how you feel!” Another friend just as sloshed as me tells me.
I nod, clicking the answer button as soon as Kirby calls again. “Kur-bye, you-ou keep calling me.”
“Yeah, I’m trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with you,” he responds. “Are you drunk?”
“Wasted,” I laugh.
“Oh my god,” I hear him groan.
“Well I wouldn’t have to get drunk if you just, if you would just, date me,” I stumble through the sentence.
The familiar tune of a song that I’ve had on repeat blasts through the speakers of the nightclub that I’ve been spending my time in. I gasp in excitement, “I love this song! Bye, Kur-bee.”
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
My head is throbbing when I wake up and I groan, reluctantly reaching for my phone. I just want to check and see if my school or boss sent me anything that I need to respond to immediately before burrowing back into my sheets, but I freeze when I see the multiple texts, phone calls, and voicemails left from the one person I was drinking to forget.
Kirby: Can you answer your phone? We need to talk about this
Kirby: I’ve called you five times now please answer
Kirby: I’m guessing you went to bed by now. I’ll call you tomorrow to talk
The last thing that I remember about last night was coming back from the bathroom to the girls giving me my fourth drink of the night. What do we need to talk about? What the hell happened last night?
There are two voicemails so I nervously click the speaker button on the first one, noticing it’s only a couple of seconds so it can’t be too bad.
“Hey Y/N, just answer your phone. I just want to talk things out with you, please. Come on.”
He sounds like he’s almost pleading in that one. I must have said something really wrong to get Kirby to sound like that- he’s usually a very confident and cheerful person.
Then I click on the next one. “Um, so I don’t know if you’re avoiding me or sleeping or if you’re sleeping with someone else… we really should discuss what you told me on the phone tonight. I know you sounded drunk but uh, you know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts. Call me back, or I’ll probably call you back, but please come to the game when I’m in Toronto so we can talk about what happened tonight. Okay. Bye.”
My heart breaks word by word. I have no recollection of what I said to him while plastered last night. What did he mean by drunk words being sober thoughts? I wonder if I told him about my feelings for him that he doesn’t return and he just wants to talk to let me down slowly. That’s probably it, he just wants to tell me, “It’s not you, it’s me.”
But it is me. It was me who had to catch feelings for him. It’s me who has yearnings to explore Chicago with him and sit with the other wives and girlfriends at the games.
So I don’t need to hear his excuses. There is no need to talk to Kirby Dach anymore.
I’m so sorry that my timing is off
But I can’t move on if we’re still gonna talk
Jay is not Kirby. Jay has some similarities to Kirby- they both like the Edmonton Oilers and having sex with me. But Jay is far from Kirby. He doesn’t ask me about my day like Kirby did or listen to the stupid jokes I would tell just to hear his laugh.
But Jay is enough right now. He sits beside me on the couch, watching a YouTube video with me on my phone. It’s two weeks into our relationship and slowly, Kirby has taken my hint of not wanting to talk to him. He called multiple times a day for the first couple of days, then it slowed to once a day, and now it’s every couple of days.
I’m waiting for the day that the calls stop.
But I’m not waiting in a good way.
The video suddenly stops as an incoming call from ‘Kirby Dach’ pops up. It definitely doesn’t help that the screen is of a picture I took cozied up with him after a great night.
Is it wrong for me to not want half
I want all of you, all the strings attached
Oh, I’m good at keeping my distance
“Why is Kirby Dach calling you?” Jay asks sternly.
I shrug, avoiding eye contact with him. I feel like it’s too personal to tell him- my relationship with Kirby was always very personal. “We’re friends.”
“You can’t be friends with a Blackhawks player,” his tone is laced with disgust and I lift my eyes, narrowing them at him.
I’m already pissed off by the fact that he thinks that he can tell me who I can and can’t be friends with, but I decide to entertain him. “Why not?”
“The Blackhawks are such a dirty team. DeBrincat laid that dirty hit on Bear…” He drones on and I stop listening to him. This conversation is ridiculous, Jay is ridiculous, this relationship is ridiculous, this whole situation is ridiculous.
“Get out.”
“What?” He asks in surprise.
“Get out. You’re not going to sit here and talk about him and his teammates like that,” I holler. I think we’re both shocked by the amount of rage that my voice holds. “He was drafted third overall, he’s very talented, he’s playing for a team packed with Stanley Cup winners. Get out if you’re going to disrespect Kirby like that.”
Jay leaves with little protest. And funnily enough, all that I want is Kirby’s arms wrapped around me.
I know, that you’re the feeling I’m missing
You know that I hate to admit it
But everything means nothing if I can’t have you
It’s been a month. Kirby hasn’t tried to contact me since he called me while Jay was there. I know it’s my fault for losing him- I should’ve answered his calls, returned his texts, and FaceTimed him when I needed him.
I should have gone to his game. I regret staying home and eating ice cream instead.
When the Hawks are playing the Leafs, he likes to see me in the crowd. He likes to see the one red jersey in the sea of blue, he likes to pass the puck with Alex in front of where I’m sitting, he likes to look at me with his eyes sparkling whenever he gets a goal or assist.
I avoid seeing the score of the game. In fact, I avoid social media as a whole. I don’t want to see how happy Kirby is without me. I don’t want him to be miserable, of course, but I’m just not ready to see that beaming smile on his face that should be directed at me.
That would be directed at me if I didn’t stop talking to him. But it wouldn’t be in the way that I want him to be smiling at me.
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
A warm bath and a glass of wine have always helped me relax. I’ve used it as a way to clear my mind, a way to discover how I’m truly feeling about everything.
The wine in my glass tastes bitter as I stare down at the burgundy liquid. I feel like I’m always drinking. If I’m not drinking to forget, I’m drinking to feel something.
And all I can feel right now is longing. I miss Kirby. Even if I would be friendzoned it would be worth it just to have the brunette in my life. Kirby gave me so much more happiness than I realized he did- through ‘good morning, how are you?’ texts to funny memes he would find on Instagram. I would always smile when I saw his name on my phone.
Now I feel like I just have my phone and a missing piece of my heart.
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
It’s two months too long without Kirby. And he tried to reach out to me for a month, so how much longer do I have before he forgets me completely? Before he finds another girl to make smile or laugh?
How much longer do I have to win Kirby’s heart? My eyes widen in horror at the thought of it already being won by someone else. My heartbeat picks up and it’s then that I know.
I’m in love with Kirby Dach. And I need to tell him. I need to woman up and stop ignoring him. I need to communicate and tell him my feelings like an adult, even if it might crush me in the end.
My wet hand reaches over the side of the bathtub for my phone, ignoring the fact that I’m getting water all of it before pulling up Kirby’s contact. It rings and rings for what feels like years. He never answers.
I know what I need to do. I need to go to Chicago.
I’m trying, to move on, forget you, but I hold on
Everything means nothing, everything means nothing, babe
I stare out the window of the airplane at the vast blue sky and the few clouds in it. I just know my friends would call me crazy if they saw me right now. They would tell me that the best way to move on is to get under someone new, and I tried that with Jay, but I can never get over Kirby.
At least not without closure.
I don’t think I want someone new. Kirby is familiar but he’s comfortable. I know who I am with Kirby and I know who he is too.
I’m trying, to move on, forget you, but I hold on
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
He gave me his address once when I wanted to send him a care package. I found some socks and soaps that I thought he would love, so he told me the address of Brent and Dayna Seabrook’s house and opened the box on FaceTime with me.
I remember his cheer as he saw the pug faces on the socks and the satisfied sigh when he smelled the vanilla of the soap.
I smile at the memory, nervously fumbling with the seatbelt of the Uber I’m taking from the hotel I’m staying at to the Seabrooks’ house. I should’ve checked the Hawks schedule before even booking my ticket, but I remembered to do it on my flight and was relieved to find that they had two days off starting today.
So if all goes well, Kirby has two days to spend with me. If all does not go well, I have two days to explore this city by myself.
I hope it’s the first option so much I cross my fingers so tight that they’re white.
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
I knock on the front door anxiously, balancing from my heels to my toes as I wait for someone to open the door. I hear footsteps and a beautiful brunette pulls the door open, giving me a questioning smile.
“Um, hi, um, is Kirby here?” I inquire, shoving my sweaty hands into my pockets.
“Yes, he is. Who are you?” Her tone sounds more curious than accusatory, so I’m assuming Kirby doesn’t have many girls around here. I’m relieved about that fact.
“Y/N,” I answer.
“Oh! Yeah, I know you, Kirby’s talked about you,” she connects the dots and her smile fades a bit, “Why aren’t you in Toronto right now?”
“I need to tell Kirby that I love him in person,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. “Oh, I’m sorry-”Her giggle cuts me off. “No worries, I’ll go get him for you. Please, come in.”
I wait in the foyer of their gorgeous house, looking around with wide eyes. So this is where Kirby spends most of the year. He eats in this kitchen, plays with the kids in the living room, and practices stickhandling in that backyard.
My thoughts get cut off by the sound of feet coming up the stairs from the basement. I feel my eyebrows twitch and I bite my lip in anticipation. It’s now or never.
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
Can’t drink without thinking about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can’t have you
“Y/N?” His hair does look longer. It’s covered by a hat put on backwards, and a baggy sweater that I’ve worn a time or two before covers his torso. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a big project due next week?”
My heart swells at the fact that he remembered that. “I do. But I need to tell you something.”
“Okay?” He urges me to continue.
I take a deep breath. “I love you.”
A wide grin spread across his face. That sparkle that I’ve been dying to see returns to his eyes and he takes a step closer towards he then stops, like he’s in disbelief. “Really?”
“Really,” I breathe out. Unable to stop myself, I take a few steps forward, closing the gap between us, and lift my lips to meet his.
Even though we’ve kissed before, this kiss is different. This kiss holds so much meaning, so much passion. We know how we feel about each other now, we no longer have to hide it.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he whispers against my lips.
“Me too.”
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captaindaddykru · 4 years
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☆for emily☆
today it’s @keiraknighted‘s birthday. i wanted to finish this before today, but everything is flaming garbage, so a preview will have to do. no, i will no be giving out more details. happy birthday to my musical soulmate, the kinkiest queen of them all, em. my ol’ cobber. my favorite drongo. quite the spunk you are. you’re a classic. and you live in the worst possible timezone imaginable. here’s some best friends, pining, sexy, below <10k hopefully. also, sorry for the ugly temporary moodboard???? i was getting desperate at this point and am no grapic designer. i just needed something to distract from what you’re about to read. cheers!
So, by the time their holiday break rolls around, Clarke isn’t only sexually frustrated, she’s also kind of desperate. Which only intensifies when a few days before they’re all flying back to their hometown, Wells casually lets it drop he’s now in a relationship with a girl from his old chess club and things are ‘heating up fast’, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. She’s just more aware than ever she’s running out of time. 
Clarke doesn’t even know why it’s such a big deal to her. Maybe it’s her competitive streak coming into play, or the fact she really just wants to get the whole awkward virginity thing over with, maybe it’s the dark inexplicable pang in the middle of her chest whenever she sees the constant rotation of girls on Bellamy’s Instagram and Snapchat. She figures it’s a healthy amount of jealousy, courtesy of their very codependent ways, sharing everything with each other since childhood. They’re all apart for the first time in a decade, going their own ways, perhaps even growing apart. 
She doesn’t think about why Wells’ honest to God girlfriend doesn’t bother her as much when in reality that should make her feel even worse. A girlfriend could screw with their dynamic, a bunch of one night stands rationally speaking won’t. It could be that she knows Wells too well to know there’s still a very big chance he won’t go through with it, that he’ll let the girl down easy before Christmas even rolls around. 
But. Then she finds herself thinking of his jacket covering her shivering body, drenched from the rain, her left arm throbbing with pain, his hand wrapped around hers as he told her it was all going to be okay. She thinks of that time he left Gina’s birthday party early to come pick her up at a friend’s house after almost having a panic attack, the nights he spent sleeping in her bed after her father died, how he never once complained about getting her coffee from the drive through that was more than his hard limit of three dollars, and that one throw-away moment at the end of summer. That goodbye hug that lasted just a little too long, his arms tight around her waist, the intense look mirrored in both of their eyes as they pulled apart, the way she was afraid to say anything in case her voice gave out, before she got into her mom’s car and watched him and Wells disappear in the rearview mirror. 
It’s hard to explain, even to herself. It’s why she never thinks about it for too long. 
Which all brings her to tonight. A new year’s party at the house of someone who went to the same high school as them, that has all the charms of a bad hang-over in the making — terrible beer, music that’s mostly EDM and completely shit-faced people plastered across every surface.
She hasn’t seen Wells since his father’s Christmas party. Clarke finally met Luna there in person. She’s beautiful, easily talked to her about the non-profit she’s interning at for half an hour and had nothing but love in her eyes whenever she looked at Wells. He’s with her at her parents’ ski cabin right now, and from the way Bellamy was clapping his shoulder before he left early in the morning, Clarke figures he’s probably losing his v-card to her there which means that she’ll be the only one out of the three of them not to complete the pact. There’s no way she’s finding someone before midnight that she’d both feel comfortable with taking hers, and is even willing to do so in the first place. 
To make matters worse, Bellamy has totally ditched her to play beer pong with Bree, which she isn’t even sure isn’t code for hooking up in the coat closet. He knows she hates parties, especially when she doesn’t know anyone else there, and that she’s horrific at first impressions. She’s forced to make small-talk with Murphy, the loser who still hangs around their high school parking lot and she used to share one Culinary Arts class with before he got suspended. 
All of it combined has put her in a sour mood. And a drinking mood, but since all there is fucking shitty beer that might as well be toilet water she can’t even get drunk, so that just makes her even more unreasonably upset at nothing in particular. Maybe at the fact she’s so high strung and obsessed with controlling every little detail, that she didn’t just get it over with back on campus with some frat boy she never had to see again after, or that Wells and Bellamy managed to make it happen without even trying. It’s probably because she’s trying way too hard, people can probably tell.
It’s not fair that both of them beat her to it. Clarke wants to just be done with already, too. She wants to get it over with so she can get to the good, non first time stuff like them. She wants to be flirting with boys and girls at parties, or ask for someone’s number at a coffee shop without having to worry about having to explain it’s her first time doing any of it when they eventually invite her over to their room. She wants to be free and nonchalant and spontaneous, not constantly weighed down by the fact that she’s a virgin. It’s not like she’s asking for much. 
Half an hour to midnight, she pushes her way outside to the porch for some fresh air. It’s there where Bellamy finally bothers to leave Bree and her attention-seeking ways behind and come find her. 
“What’s up with you?” He asks, half a chuckle in his voice as he leans his forearms on the railing, mirroring her. 
Clarke grits her teeth together, then slowly exhales through her nose. She keeps her eyes on the tree swing in the distance, swaying softly because of the wind. “Nothing.”
He elbows her playfully, although his tone is serious. Of course he sees right through her. “Come on. Don’t give me that.”
She just grumbles something indecipherable, pushing back her hair from her face with one hand. She still doesn’t look at him, scared she might give anything more away. From inside, there’s the muffled beat of a hiphop song playing joined by the distanced tumult of college kids getting drunk and having fun. Except for the couple making out on the other end of the porch and one stoner sprawled over the grass smoking and staring at the sky, they’re alone. 
“I’m sorry about leaving you for Bree—” Bellamy starts, straightening back to his full height, and before she knows it, a flare of anger rises within her, burning white hot. She doesn’t recognize the feeling, but gets too lost in it to analyze it for very long.
Her head snaps to the side to glare at him, fingers tightening around the railing until her knuckles turn a pale white. “It’s not about Bree and her pathetic fuck-me eyes.”
“Okay,” he replies, sounding a bit too amused for her liking. He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. It makes his biceps bulge in a way that’s completely unfair when she’s been perpetually turned on since Halloween, and it sends a surge of want pulsing from her core. “Then what’s it about, princess?”
Has his voice always been so deep? She hesitates, not sure she even wants to share this with him. He might be her best friend, but it’s embarrassing on a level she can’t even try and start to describe. “I’m annoyed, okay?” She bites, heated, which immediately makes her feel guilty. It’s not his fault nobody wants her. “I expected that I’d at least beat Wells to it. And since it’s all I can think about all the time now, I’m constantly horny.” A blush forms on her cheeks, down her neck and all over her collarbone, but she refuses to let that or the way his eyes widen slightly stop her. It’s only awkward if she lets it be. “I just feel so stupid. I mean, I had five months to get it over with like both of you, and here we are. What the hell is wrong with me?”
A tense silence wraps around them for a moment, Clarke’s heart pounding loudly in her chest as panic claws up her throat. She’s such a fucking idiot. She shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place. She’s sure neither of them would’ve actually held it against her if she didn’t lose her virginity before new year’s, they’re better than that. She knows they are. Clarke is just so — frustrated.
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and she finds herself entranced with the movement. “I didn’t know you were so upset about it,” he starts, tentatively. Her blue eyes snap up to meet his, a smirk breaking across his face. He’s teasing her, the asshole, when he says, “I mean, if you’re that desperate, I’ll do it.”
Her eyes narrow, finally pushing off the railing. A gust of wind greets her body, bristling her hair and making tiny goosebumps appear over her arms. She’s seconds away from angry tears, she can tell. “Don’t make it sound like it’s such a fucking chore.”
Bellamy just kind of stares at her dumbly, his whole body grown tense, making her even more furious. Did he lose his tongue all of a sudden? He’s never had a problem sharing his opinions on her, no matter how negative, before. “What?” She snaps, roughly brushing  a strand of hair behind her ear before tucking her hands back underneath her opposite armpits.  
“It wouldn’t be a chore, Clarke,” he corrects her, his eyes still slightly widened as if alarmed by the sound of himself speaking. He swallows visibly, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down in the low glow of the Christmas lights draped across the ceiling of the porch. Bellamy lifts one of his shoulders, casual, even if the movement is stiffer than it usually would be. “I just — I didn’t realize I was an option.”
Her heart trips over itself as silence stretches between them for a moment. She wants to ask him a million questions, but the best thing she can come up with is, “So you were serious?” Clarke raises her eyebrows, trying to figure out if he was just being nice, taking pity on her or if it was something much more dangerous than that. “You’ll do it?”
His jaw clenches briefly, his nostrils flaring. Another second, and he asks, rough, “Do you want me to do it?”
She considers it. This is Bellamy, her best friend. He can always make her laugh, and there’s no one else she feels as much at ease with, and he’s definitely attractive, even she has noticed as much. She likes his stubborn curls, his smile when someone catches him off guard, the sharp line of his jaw. And at the very least he would know what he’s doing. She trusts him. “Yes.”
Now that she’s aware it’s a possibility, she refuses to want anything else. It’d be kind of perfect, actually.
He clears his throat, blinking hard as he tears his eyes off her for a second, scrubbing his face with one of his hands. It’s very big, and Clarke finds herself wondering for the first time if it means the rest of him is big as well. Bellamy sniffs when his dark eyes land back on her. “Have you been drinking?”
“Just half a beer,” she answers, maybe a bit too eager, her hands dropping at her sides after smoothing down the bottom of her glittery top. She doesn’t want to give him enough time to talk himself out of it. “And I think someone diluted it with water so it barely counts.”
He nods, once, then nudges his head to the side. “Want to get out of here?”
Taking one more look around the porch, Clarke worries her bottom lip pensively, shooting him an apologetic look. “My parents are having friends over, so my house is definitely not an option.” 
Besides, she doesn’t want to risk them finding out and making it weird. Especially not if the consequence is going to be an open door policy whenever he or Wells are over. Nothing has to change after tonight.
“Thelonious is out,” he offers, then flinches when he seems to remember something else. “But Octavia might show up with her friends.”
Clarke nods, giving him another long searching look before she makes up her mind. It’ll be fine. This is Bellamy. She’s a pro at compartmentalizing and he’s sleeping with a different girl like every other night. It can just be sex. “Upstairs then?”
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meetmeatthecoda · 4 years
TBL finale tonight
i just... wanted to type out my feelings in preparation for tonight cause... idk what to think tbh. 
the animation... i mean, it’s a wild idea but graphic novel stuff has never been my style so, naturally, it doesn’t appeal to me. but i’m grateful that the cast and crew worked so hard to come up with such a creative solution to bring us a satisfying finale!! they easily could have been like 🤷‍♀️ #sorrynotsorry and left it at 7.18. but they went out of their way to give us something more and we should definitely all be thankful!! ❤️
i guess i’m just sad that - as a result of the world situation - we won’t be able to see the full effect of all of james’ nuance and expression in his acting and how megan plays off of him and the beauty of their interactions and whatnot. *especially given the animated scene in the trailer where red drops the wine bottle and collapses and liz drops to her knees next to him???? if u need me, i’ll be over in my corner being FOREVER BITTER that we will never see that in live action. i mean seriously. (also, that’s a sentence i never thought i’d type. who knew we should have been grateful for actual real live actors in our fav tv shows?? crazy fuckin’ world.) BUT my bitterness stems only from the world situation that jipped us of that potentially incredible real-life Lizzington content and not from the cast, crew, or writers. i would  o b v i o u s l y  much rather everyone stay healthy and get back to filming only when it’s safe to do so!! we can wait ❤️ still sad tho, for what we’re missing, and i think that’s okay. everyone’s allowed to be sad for the things they’re missing as a result of this situation (even tho most people have actual real life things like graduation or trips or some shit and i have... a show. but whatever. this is my life and these are my choices lolololol)
lastly, i just... i don’t trust the writers. speaking from a strictly lizzington perspective, i’m afraid of what they’ll put red and liz through, the toll that stupid fucking kat is going to take on their relationship, and the state they’ll be left in over the hiatus and going into season 8. i just SO DESPERATELY want to see them getting along and working together, after so long with only aNImOsiTY and sEcREtS, it would be so satisfying to see them just working as a blacklist-busting team. partners. friends. as they should be. (not to mention this would clearly lay the groundwork for something more to develop but whtvr, i’m biased) and idk. the spoiler-y article i just reblogged had some... things in it that i wasn’t expecting - which isn’t surprising since we knew next to nothing about the plot they’re wrapping up, mostly bc they didn’t either until a short while ago - but IDK i’m just nervous. i’ve certainly been fucking burned by this show before (my own fault for sticking around, i know, but it’s only bc they keeping reeling me back in with coffee dates and libido salmon and wine & footsie dates??? like, catch me screaming in the club, nbd) and finales are usually the ones that hurt the most. so i’m just scared. of the unknowns. mostly that they’ll take red & liz somewhere unpleasant and we’ll have this interminable and uncertain hiatus to wallow in all the pain.
but the thing that gives me hope?? we’re in this together!! this lil ship has been through so much and we stick together out of loyalty and love and i adore that about us!! and, whatever happens, we’ll use fanfic and art and theories and speculating and straight-up good ol’ fashioned ranting to get through it all together, just like we have in the past!! cause, y’all?? this journey isn’t over yet ❤️ so, in the face of not knowing what the actual fuck is going to happen tonight, cheers and i’ll see y’all on the other side!! ❤️
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keiishin · 5 years
boyfriend!oikawa hcs
hi i’m back lol continuing with the bf headcanon series feel free to send in requests for who you want next in this series!! sorry this is kinda long lol bb tooru is my fave so i got a lil carried away 🥴
being in a relationship with oikawa would be a lot of work tbh but it would be WORTH IT
like the two things he loves the most are volleyball and you and he would really love it if those two things could be together as much as possible
if you play volleyball then he’d LOVE to just like play pepper with you whenever there’s a stray ball lying around like just goofing off and chatting while casually passing the ball back and forth like omg he would love that
for this reason there’s always a ball lying around whoever’s house youre at so even if you aren’t at a gym you can play as much volleyball as possible (although sometimes when you’re playing just like in someone’s room one of you accidentally loses control of the ball and it breaks something or knocks something over which prompts the two of you to jokingly argue and blame the other person like “maybe if you hadn’t tipped the ball so short i would’ve been able to play the BALL” “that ball was perfectly playable!!”) (the “arguments” dont last long tho bc one of you always breaks and starts laughing and everything’s all happy and playful again)
the two of you would watch games together as a date night like you’d just curl up on the couch together with popcorn or something and just put on games from the other schools so you could analyze their plays together and talk about strategy
or sometimes he’d put on a seijoh game (ofc one where they win) just so he could talk about how good he looks and brag about his team (not like he needs to bc you already KNOW)
if you DONT play volleyball that’s totally cool too don’t worry!! he’d still love you uwu
of course he’d wanna try and teach you a couple things hehe yes he’d make sure you at least know all the terminology and stuff
also you better come to watch all of his games !!! he expects you to be front row watching and cheering for him !!
if you can’t come to a game for whatever reason expect him to be v pouty and whiny for the rest of the day (you can make it up to him with cuddles and kisses though)
when you come watch he’s extra flirty and shows off way more than usual and his team low key hates it lol but they love you so it’s fine
when they win you’d better be there as soon as they leave the court and he’ll give you a big sweaty hug and an even bigger kiss like he’s so happy and you’re happy for him and you don’t mind that he’s sweaty (his teammates think it’s gross lol and iwa always makes fun of him for how clingy the two of you are when you’re together)
the rare times they lose....oh boy
he’d be pretty cold and brush you off at first like “it’s fine,” and just cooly walk out straight faced and not showing any emotion
as soon as you’re back home tho and out of sight of his team mates he’d just come to you and break down in ur arms :( he’d feel like it’s all his fault and you’d have to constantly reassure him he did his best AHHH okay i’m gonna stop here i don’t wanna get all sad and angsty
ANYWAYS volleyball aside whenever he’s not at practice he’s with you
if you go out for a date you guys like to do cute quirky little things like go to a board game cafe or go stargazing or something or honestly ?? just going for a walk together hehe he likes to be in public together so he can show you off
oikawa is all about pda omg like nothing gross but like he Wants other people to know you’re together mayhaps he rlly loves leaving hickies on you in visible places oop
but if you decide to stay in guess what there’s not a moment you aren’t touching each other like you thought y’all were clingy before?? when it’s just the two of you it’s even MORE
cooking?? he’s got a hand around your waist of youre hugging him from behind or something. watching stuff together?? you’re all tangled up in each other’s limbs. so much affection hehe
also lots of time spent in whoever’s room together if u know what i mean hehe
too often y’all will be just innocently cuddling or kissing softly or something then someone’s hands start wandering and like the flick of a switch things are more passionate and urgent and heavy i mean it’s bound to happen when you can’t keep your hands off each other
this leads to so much teasing in the change room mostly from the other third years lol like more often than not he’ll be all marked up from you sometimes in places he doesn’t even know and there’s sO much giggling and teasing (he loves the attention tho so he doesn’t mind)
the two of you would have little arguments fairly often but usually it’s nothing serious and you’d resolve it very quickly too and no hard feelings it’s good your communication is v open and that’s how you guys can be so close y’all understand each other so well
anyways yeah in summary having oikawa tooru as ur bf would just be full of affection and goofiness and fun and it’d be so nice ;—;
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