#which is responsible for fight or flight
mrtheinsatiable · 1 year
Starting to realize I've been unnecessarily resistant to a lot of ideas because I was just looking at them from an angle I didn't like
The idea of a "purpose driven life" is one of those things. The whole "I was Created for a Purpose" thing didn't vibe with me and also kind of pissed me off and that was pretty much the only context I had for the idea for a long time. And even the more secular version where I create my own purpose didn't work either because I've never felt like I had any particular calling or thing I Have to Do. It also feels dehumanizing to think of it that way, to a certain extent, to have a specific purpose or use like a tool or an object.
But actually a purpose driven life doesn't have to mean Having a Purpose it can just be "doing things on purpose." Life becomes a lot easier and also more fulfilling when you act with intent instead of just letting yourself loose in the day. It's hard to get your shit together when you're winging every second. A sense of purpose doesn't actually need to be deeper than that, I think, to positively influence your life
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
"Kingdom Hearts is so complicated" "Nomura made it up as he went along" "KH makes no sense" Have you considered that Riku is 15 and autistic and gay bc if you do I think itll change things
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Kendra, inwardly: Omg I am so scared right now. I’m going to die here. This freakyass magical creatures about to do me in. And could do so easily, which I am imagining very vividly right now. Those are huge teeth. I am fighting god to hold it together right now. I don’t want to die. Why am I here? Just to suffer, every night I close my eyes and—
Kendra, outwardly: I cast vicious mockery.
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I think the funniest part of jaehyun being leader is that in a lot of other groups it’s often the members flustering the leader but with bonedo you end up with
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like boynextdoor leader myung jaehyun is also their chaotic “what will he do/say next?” member and I love that for them
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mars-ipan · 8 months
overcoming anxiety (through practicing the things that scare you) is so interesting. i used to be horrified of taking up space or alerting other people of my presence. now i'm compelled to tell strangers i like their outfits or hair or earrings- on bad days i tell maybe a quarter of them. do i still overthink it? absolutely. but i call attention to myself to tell someone else my opinion. and with the way they tend to smile and tell me "thank you!" i'm pretty sure it's taken to heart.
i used to be horrified of making phone calls as well. this is one i'm still getting over- i just Don't Like Doing It. i used to have a phone call routine that i still joke about- realize i need to call someone, cry, avoid it for a few days, suck it up, write a script, memorize the script, cry again, final script read, make the call with the script in front of me. and i would be Exhausted by the end of it. i don't cry when i need to call people anymore. i'm even needing scripts less and less- i've found out that people actually won't kill me if i talk a little too fast or stumble on my words. i doubt i'll ever like making phone calls- i especially hate robots (i'm afraid they'll mishear me and direct me wrong or a person will suddenly show up and i won't be prepared)- but i can make them now.
i get overwhelmed really easy. just a thing that happens to me. my brain is really really good at taking one task and breaking it up into thousands of little tasks and it feels like i'm drowning. if i try to make it fewer larger tasks then it starts to feel insurmountable. i was completely lost on how to deal with this (other than avoid until you get that panic attack and can do work in the post-catharsis calm until 6:00 AM) until one night when my dad (who i often meet late at night due to overlapping mental illness symptoms) asked me how to eat an elephant. i looked at him, confused, and he said "one bite at a time." that was way more effective than any other analogy i've seen has been. "light at the end of a tunnel"- i don't feel like i'm moving forward, i feel like i'm scaling a wall. "steps on a trail"- i can see my destination, but it feels impossible to move forward. but eating an elephant? that sums it up perfectly. this huge task which seems impossible at a glance. but it must be done. so you eat the elephant, a bite at a time. every time i'm overwhelmed i repeat that phrase to myself. it hasn't made any major changes yet, but it keeps me calm enough to start before i hit the panic attack, which i'll take.
i was such a perfectionist growing up- i actually thought it was a good thing (school always taught me to strive for perfection). but it made me scared to try new things- if i wasn't immediately good at them, then it clearly wasn't for me. i'm still not great at starting new hobbies, but i try a lot of new things within the hobbies i already have. i test out different ways of making art, i try new puzzle games i don't understand, etc. and the feeling of steady improvement reminds me that i don't need to be good right away. some of the most satisfying moments don't come from immediately being good- they come from achieving that skill over time. i'd like to try to learn to sew soon.
idk it's interesting. i rewire my own brain's fear response by doing the Horrifying Thing enough times for me to understand that no i will not die. and while i'm doing it it feels like nothing is changing. i get so stressed every time- it can actually take a lot out of me (turns out fight-or-flight burns a lot of energy). but i look back at then vs. now and i realize how far i've come, and i can't help but think "huh. neat"
#marzi speaks#this post has no point. i am simply thinking out loud#i think understanding the root of where the anxiety comes from helps a lot too#like. my mom feels most secure when she's in control#she doesn't like situations in which she can't control how she responds or what happens when she does#it makes her feel helpless. and that's how her GAD affects her#it's also why her fear response is 'fight'- she stress-cleans and expresses authority because those are things she can control#it's a self-soothing technique#but for me it's different. i'm most at ease when i know where i am and what's going on#this could be for plenty of reasons. i'm bad at directions and time blind so i feel lost easily#i had to learn to do a lot of things by myself growing up because my brother needed a bit of extra attention#my parents used to sometimes forget to tell me about things- i wouldn't know we were going somewhere until they asked me if i was ready#or even just that i was always surrounded by so much information and i love learning with my whole heart#when i can't know what will happen next or why something's happening in the first place i get disoriented and frightened#i don't need to have a say in what will happen. i just need to know. then i can roll with the punches#this is why MY fear responses are flight and freeze#i self-isolate because i know environments like my room and my mind#other people are unpredictable. i know what i will do#i like puzzles because they're something i can learn and figure out. once i understand it's a matter of patterns#and they take my mind off of the unknown i'm worried about#my mom will engage in a lot of conflict behavior. i engage in a lot of avoidant behavior#yes this caused arguments growing up lmao. i'd be freaking out abt smth and she'd be confused as to why i wasn't just going and fixing it#or she'd be freaking out abt smth and i'd be confused as to why she didn't try to just get all the facts#but we're better communicators abt that now teehee#it's interesting though. we have the same illness (generalized anxiety disorder) and are similar in a lot of ways#but because our root fears are different our responses to them are different#this could also be learned#my mom grew up poor and didn't get to do a lot- she worked her ass off to have financial freedom#i grew up comfortable with every question i asked entertained by two very smart parents. when a question can't be answered i feel dissonant#it's probably a bit of both in some cyclical manner. still nifty to think about
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ink-asunder · 11 days
Im glad that the dragons dogma community is so positive and patient this time around. I mean, DD1 players weren't particularly unkind (they were hands down a pretty chill group in my experience), but it was a videogame in 2012, which means every forum thread had at least one person saying "get gud loser" no matter the context. At least now most forum posts are filled with comments of people not just commiserating, but like admitting to crying about stuff and other people saying "yeah it's frustrating, no shame in letting the tears flow." Like yeah I'm gonna celebrate a less toxic community environment. Hooray for love in a fandom for a game that is canonically about love.
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mutalune · 11 months
I’m not a fan of “well this character had it worse actually :/“ opinions tbh, esp when you’re lowkey making that judgment call based on what you personally think would be worse rather than by any objective measure (as there is no objective measure of suffering nor can there ever be if u ask me)
also b/c it ain’t gotta be the suffering Olympics babes it’s 2023 everyone’s out here suffering and it’s all valid and even little-t-trauma can fuck some ppl up whereas Big-T-Trauma can be brushed off by some ppl, it’s really up to the individual’s perception of “how bad” something was and their own responses and resiliency.
if u ask me it really doesn’t benefit anyone to belittle other people’s suffering (Aziraphale’s) just b/c you think another person (Crowley) had it worse, ESPECIALLY when that Another Person (Crowley) would probs be the first to comfort the first person’s (Aziraphale’s) suffering and give them a big cup of cocoa and a soft blanket ☕️
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bucky-boychik-barnes · 6 months
Planning on spending the workday researching fight or flight behaviors in Jackson Galaxy videos, while simultaneously listening to a Moby Dick audiobook.
Gonna be an interesting day.
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toastsnaffler · 7 months
I was on the wikipedia page for phobias just for fun but just discovered theres an actual word for a fear of being touched.. 🥹
#haphephobia.... and they list guts from berserk under pop culture references 😢😢😭😭 thats my guy....#not gonna lie i teared up a bit i didnt realise it 'counted' as an actual phobia#i find it really difficult to talk abt but i have a complicated relationship w touch/physical contact (likely trauma babeyy)#and while i do crave it a lot i also have a very physical reflexive fear response especially if its intentional + i dont expect it#which can sometimes even get triggered just being in proximity to ppl bc like. even the possibility sets me on fucking edge#it would be nice to be as physically affectionate as i naturally want to be without dealing w my fight/flight/freeze but alas#its weird bc there are some random situations where it doesnt get triggered at all but its so unpredictable every time#and varies wildly person to person for seemingly no reason. there r strangers im innately more comfortable with but also friends ive known#for years and will never be comfortable around. i think part of that depends on how strongly the other person communicates and whether-#i feel as if theyre demonstrably able to respect boundaries not just mine but their own too + understand theyre not always fixed#ideally i need to have had this conversation with them so i Know they understand. which is rly difficult i find it so hard to admit#and i have a complicated mental block where i need the other person to naturally bring it up which very very rarely ever happens#idk just an atmosphere of safety yknow. i think its intentional touch that specifically makes me panic bc im usually fine w like-#bustling crowds or even expected social rules like handshakes at interviews. bc its not like they're Trying To Touch Me its just rote idk#hopefully eventually ill reach a place where im able to unpack it and reduce its severity bc man sometimes its fucking heartbreaking to me#bc i do genuinely really like physical contact im an incredibly physical person its my main way of interacting w the world#and the way having to force myself to avoid it meshes w my rsd too augh.... its a clusterfuck#even just having one person im completely comfortable with. maaaaan.#almost makes me miss my ex. at least i was mostly cool around them#god its sucked lately ive been having weird vivid dreams related to it. but whatever its so far down my list of problems to prioritize#and at least i dont get it w my familys dog so i can cuddle her :^) i miss her i cant wait to see her next month :D#anywayyyy thats enough im so tired goodnight every1...#.diaries
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sickmachete · 1 year
no mulder a common stress hormone being found in the victims body is not proof of alien abductions .
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t-lostinworlds · 1 year
oh my god Please watch daredevil matt murdock is *chef's kiss* also I love frank castle so much and also billy russo even though he's [redacted spoiler] (russo is a character in the punisher which spins off from daredevil)
i knooooow. i've been meaning to i swear but i need to be in the right *mood* (as with every show/movie i want to watch ksksks) but i just know i'm going to add him to my list of murderous baby girls when i do watch it LMAO. i also saw gifs of those two! but gosh the category of fictional men is starting to get specific isn't it sksksks
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so do y'all know that i supressed my reflexes once
#like my fight or flight reflex#its only happened once and i sort of never completely got out of it#but like#i was in middle school on a family vacation. it was diwali. heads up almost everyone related to me sucks ass and shit#so anyways i was deadly scared of firecrackers#one burst off and i would jump so hard i literally actually landed on the floor screaming and cowering#and like. i am not exaggerating one bit.#but the fucking assholes kept making fun of me and treating it like it was a freak show and pressuring me and i just.#simply stopped. like in a couple of seconds. one second i was responsive and the next it was like i was a robot?#like i didnt even flinch at loud sudden noises and violence and whatnot. not even blink.#i stayed like that for days#it was draining and i needed like three naps a day to get by but it happened#it was like. i had never seen my brain so weird before it was like unlocking ten nee levels of survival instincts at once#i have. not seen a single. single person who has experienced this too.#so like i could probably be written up in a medical journal somewhere#which is like a weird flex i know but yeah#i have supressed panic attacks by sheer force of will before okay this is not it this was different#like normally i would startle at someone banging the door open but then i just sort of#took in input and acknowledged it without giving any outward response#slowly turned my head toward the door like a robot#yk how people who are present describe sudden depersonalization or derealisation or hallucinations or whatever as.#completely off the charts from what they're used to? this was like this#ive never felt anything even close to it#so ik im basically speaking in a void but can you like. repress outward rxns to fight or flight instincts#whenever i received an input that would trigger a sharp response i just had a shiver tremble go down my spine that was unnoticeable#to outsiders#like a deep shock#instead of letting the response out i was internalising its effects and it felt like shockwaves if that makes sense#ik i joked about that medical journal bit but i really dont wanna be the spiders georg of men tall ell ness please tell me this has a name
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Slightly long, ramble vent-ish post but also some negative observations of the wider self ship community that has been bothering me a little bit.
sometimes I don’t want to be in the self ship community anymore (not that I considered myself part of it from the beginning) because said the community creates these small pocket communities of the same people interacting with each other and that’s fair and totally fine!
It’s just that up to a certain point, these pocket communities start to create an isolating and alien environment for newcomers and this is not helped by the community’s genuinely bad communication skills. Like I genuinely wonder how many blogs have deactivated due to lack of interactivity (a whole can of worms no one likes talking about apparently. HI REBLOG:LIKE RATIO) and the overwhelmingly intimidating environment for younger folks (teens - early 20s) to navigate, especially people who may not be as critical or conscious of the media they consume (and don’t understand how they could be harming people through consuming specific pieces of fiction). I remember one person straight up left due to the lack of communication and it really, really sucks because just an open conversation can really ease peoples fears and worries. People just should not have to feel like walking on eggshells all the damn time in the community and if they feel that way then there is something SEVERELY WRONG with this community but no one cares to address it
Like I’ve already left a few self discord servers, and blocked some users, and now I just don’t see any point really being in the community anymore, because there’s been multiple occasions when I’ve interacted with a user and then it turns out that said user probably has some personal issues they need to sort out, but constantly deflect blame or disregard anyone’s advice to change their actions/attitudes for the better or that they really need to get actual professional help. Like obviously we should call out bad behaviour but also know that you should encourage these people to change saidd behaviours for the better.
Idk maybe I’m cursed on tumblr to interact with people who turn out to be not that great or I’m just too naive because I believe that people are inherently good. Maybe I’m a fool for wanting to see the good in people and wanting to support them, all at the cost of me ignoring all the red flags that are obviously in front of me. Which to be fair is probably reasonable; fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me for not knowing better I should have heeded the red flags when I saw them. /serious
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roobylavender · 2 years
but also what ends up being the problem in lrb is not only the bias against the external third party but the fact that the relationship actually being written is written terribly. what is most confusing to me about why people enjoy db and bc as they’re written currently is that the writing utterly sucks balls and doesn’t even do service to the characters involved, esp the women, who exist as nothing more than props
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djungleskogs · 7 days
found out literally like most of my coworkers have been friends outside of work this entire time….
#i wasn’t invited to my coworkers 22nd birthday party#which in and of itself is fine#but i found out that MOST OF THE STORE was invited#including my 63 year old coworker and the department manager#and i wasn’t#and i thought i was kinda friends with him too…..#i found out because said 63 year old coworker was like oh what are you wearing to his party btw#and i was like… party?#this was a few weeks ago#and he’s posted the photos today and literally so many people from the store were invited#i don’t get what im doing wrong#we all started working at the same time but none of them ever like. asked for my social media or tried to talk to me in a friendly way#and i just kinda thought it was bc it’s Work#i never realised they were all actually friends#what am i doing wrong why do none of them want to like. talk to me#and whenever i try and start a conversation with any of them it’s always so awkward#it’s even worse when like. the casuals who work at the store once every 3 months are invited#and i see these people multiple times a week#i just get the vibe that none of my coworkers actually like me at all#also on an unrelated note of them (who def doesn’t like me bc i kept making mistakes when he was my manager)#needed something from the office the other day while i was working#and instead of knocking like a normal person decided to bang the door like crazy#it activated my fight or flight response so bad#i thought i was getting robbed or raided by the police or something#like why did he do that 😭😭
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