#which is such a whiny thing to say but it’s TRUE
sesamestreep · 10 months
my brain cells trying to think of an argument that would get me to finally post those TWO complete fics sitting in my drive that maybe need a few minor edits but are otherwise READY TO POST
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inkskinned · 4 months
most writing advice is good as long as you know why it is good, at which point it is also bad. the hardest thing (and most precious thing) about being an artist is that you gotta learn how to take critique. i don't mean "just shut up and accept that people hate your work," i mean you need to learn what the critique is saying and then figure out if it actually helps.
i usually tell people reading my work: "i'm collecting data, so everything is useful." i ask them where they put the book down, even though it's too long for most people to read in 1 sitting. i ask them what they thought of certain characters. i let them tell me it was really good but i like it more when they look a little stunned and say i forgot i was reading your book, which means they forgot i exist, which is very good news.
sometimes people i didn't ask will read my work and tell me i don't like it. and that is okay, you don't have to like it. but i look at the thing that they don't like and try to figure out if i care. i don't like that you don't capitalize. this one is common, and i have already thought about it. i do not care, it's because of chronic pain and frankly i like the little shape of small letters. you use teeth and ribs in all your work. actually that is very true. i don't know what's up with that. next time i will work to figure out a different word, thank you. you're whiny, go outside. someone said that to me recently and it made me laugh. i am on the whine-about-it website as an internet poet. you are in my native habitat, watching me perform a natural enrichment behavior. but i like the dip of whiny, how the word itself does "whine" (up/down, the sound out your nose on the y), but i don't know if i want to feel whiny. maybe next time i will work on it being melancholy, like what you would call a male writer's poetry.
repeated "good" advice clangs in a bell and doesn't hold a real shape, dilutes in the water. like sometimes you will hear "don't use said." you turn that around in your head and it bounces off the edges of your brain like it is a dvd screensaver. it isn't bad advice, but it feels wrong somehow, like saying easy choices are illegal! sometimes i will only use "said." sometimes i will just kick dialogue tags out to the trash. sometimes i make little love poems where the fact that i do not say "said" is very bad, and makes you feel bad in your body, because someone didn't say something. i am a contrary little shitbird, i guess.
but it is also good advice, actually. it is trying to say that "said" sometimes is clutter. it makes new writers think about the very-small words and very-small choices, because actually your work matters and wordchoice matters. "i know," you said. "i know," you sighed. "i know." we both know but neither of us use a dialogue tag, because we are in a contemporary lit piece.
it is too-small to say don't use said. but it is a big command, so it gets your attention. what are you relying on? what easy choices do you make? when you edit, do you choose the same thing? can you make a different choice? sometimes we need the blankness of said, how it slides into the background. sometimes we don't.
i usually say best advice is to read, but i also mean read books you don't like, because that will make you angry enough to write your own book. i also mean read good books, which will break your heart and remind you that you are a very small person and your voice is a seashell. i also mean you need to eat books because reading a book is a writer's version of studying.
my creative writing teacher in the 7th grade had a big red list of no! words and on it was SUNSET. RAZORS. LOVE. GALAXY. DEATH. BLOOD. PAIN. I liked that razor and love were tucked next to each other like birds, and found it funny that he believed we were too young to know the weight of razor in the context of pain. i hated him and his Grateful Dead belt, where the colored teddy bears held up his appraisal of us. i hated his no list. it is very good/bad advice. i wasn't old enough yet to know that when you are writing about death you are also writing about sunsets and when you write about love you are tucking yourself into a napkin that never stops folding.
back then my poetry was all bloody, dripped with agony when you picked it up. i didn't know there is nothing beautiful about a razor, nothing exciting about pain. i just understood sharpness, which he took to mean i understood nothing. i wrote the razor down and it wasn't easy, but it was necessary. that's what i'm saying - sometimes it's good advice, because it's not always necessary. and sometimes it is very bad advice, because writing about it is lifesaving.
hang on my dog was just having a nightmare. i heard that it is a rule not to write about dogs - in my creative writing mfa, my teacher rolled her eyes and said everyone writes a dead dog. the literature streets are littered in canine bodies. i watched the rise and fall of his ribs (there is that word again) and had to reach out and stop the bad dream. when he woke up he didn't recognize me, and he was afraid.
it is good/bad advice to say that poems and writing have to mean something. it is bad/good advice to say they're big feelings in small packages. it is better advice to say that when my dog saw where he was, he relaxed immediately, rubbed his face against me. someone on instagram would make fun of that moment by writing their "internet poetry" as a sentence that tumbles across a white page: outside it is sunset and my dog is still in a gutter, bleeding a galaxy out of his left paw. or maybe it would be: i woke the dog up/the dog forgot i loved him/and i saw the shape of a senseless/and impossible pain.
the dog is alive in this one, and he is happy. when i tell you i love you, i know what i said. write what you need to write, be gentle to yourself about it. the advice is only as good as far as it helps. the rest is just fencing. take stock of the boundaries, and then break them. there's always somewhere else you could be growing.
i love you, keep going.
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gobblinggojo · 11 months
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"Say my Name."
summary: y/n l/n and inumaki toge have been together ever since they were first years in school together. now, as second years y/n has begun to grow distant with inumaki, instead opting to grow closer to inumaki's best friend, yuta okkotsu. Warnings: NSFW, Threesome, Voyeurism, Rough Sex, Porn With Plot, Impact Play, Inumaki Uses his Cursed Speech, Cheating, Switch Yuta, Dom Inumaki, Sub Reader, Reader Is Written With Female Anatomy, Slight Angst, Overstimulation, Cursing, Slight edging.
Truthfully, you did not know when your feelings for Inumaki had shifted. Honestly, it was hard working on a relationship where there was absolutely nothing to love about the other. Don't get me wrong, Inumaki gave you beautiful feelings of love for days on end--but you couldn't help it; your feelings just, disappeared. Much like water after a drought.
No matter how hard you tried to keep your feelings for Inumaki, you just couldn't. Every little thing he did had started to tick you off after about five months--and for almost a year now you had been putting on a mask in which you hid your true feelings for the beautiful boy behind. You supposed that this is how you found yourself in your current predicament. In the arms of your boyfriends best-friend; Yuta Okkotsu.
You knew it was wrong, that this would just hurt Inumaki more in the end, but truthfully, you couldn't help it. You've sent so many signals to Inumaki, that your feelings were long gone; it was his fault that he didn't seem to pick up on them, right? It couldn't have been your fault; it just couldn't have been. Yuta was a sweetheart, he treated you so well despite betraying his best-friend. You've spent nights in his arms, crying, begging him to help you break the news of your infidelity to Inumaki.
God, why couldn't he have helped you?
You were an awful human-being, and you were aware of it. Maybe that's why you were currently allowing Yuta to absolutely ravage you in your boyfriend's room, atop of his bed.
Loud moans echoed around the dimly lit room as you bounced up and down on Yuta's thick cock; your slick coated all around it, dripping down onto the satin bedsheets atop of Inumaki's bed. No matter how badly you knew you needed to stop, you just couldn't. It felt so goddamn good; his cock inside of your tight cunt--and the way he let out shaky moans against your ear as he helped you bounce up and down.
"F-Fuuck, Y/n--" His words were cut off as he let out a rather loud moan, throwing his head back as you took him all the way in. He felt so fucking good, his cock hit all of the right places inside of you, and you felt so fucking good around his cock. "R-right there! Fuck Yuta, right there!" He slammed you down harder against him, his hips lifting up slightly to reach deeper inside.
"Right there?" His voice was so whiny; so husky and whiny. A moan left your lips as you nodded, your left hand coming down between the two of you to rub at your clit in quick circular motions. "Yesss!" Moan after moan left your lips; you were practically seeing stars.
Yuta fucked you so much better than Inumaki, he hit all of the right places--it just felt so fucking good. Truthfully, you couldn't remember the last time that you came as hard as you did with Yuta; sure, Inumaki gave you orgasms, but they were never as good as the ones Yuta gave you.
A slap to your hand rubbing your clit brought your attention up to Yuta; who grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers together. "Y-you're squeezing me too t-tight, baby, don't wan' you cumming yet-" His voice was so hot as he leaned in to whisper into your ear. Just the sound of his whiny moans against your ear had you squeezing so fucking hard around his cock.
"Can't help it Yuta, fuck..I-I'm gonna cum-," You let out a high-pitched whine as Yuta stilled his movements completely, thin eyebrows furrowed as he gazed up at you. You panted, trying so hard to catch your breath before Yuta started up your movements once again, slamming you up and down on top of his cock once more. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed around the room as his movements grew quicker. God his cock was so fucking good.
"Fuck, quit squeezin' so hard, y/n."
"I can't stop," you moaned out, his dick was just so fucking good; reaching all of the right places inside of you. You couldn't help but squeeze around Yuta as he continued to pound up into your cunt, slamming you down to meet his movements. It wasn't long until Yuta let out a loud groan, sitting up to bury his face into your neck and biting down as he slammed up into you one more time, groaning loudly as spurts of his cum shot up into your cunt.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head at the warm feeling enveloping your insides; gasping loudly as you felt your cunt tighten more around Yuta's cock, milking him for all he was worth. Fuck, you were so fucking close to your end, you just needed a little more time. You slowly continued to bounce up and down on Yuta's cock, trying so desperately to reach your end, all while overstimulating poor Yuta who let you do as you pleased--using his cock as your personal fuck-toy.
"I-I'm so close!"
Yuta only moaned in response, his thighs shaking slightly, muscles spasming, as he laid back on Inumaki's bed, allowing you to continue to ride his overstimulated cock to reach your end. You were so fucking close, your bouncing never once ceased as you chased your high, eyes rolling back into your skull once more and mouth hanging open as you felt yourself coming undone.
"Don't cum."
Your eyes shot open as you felt your release slowly fade away; you were so fucking close. Yuta shot up; eyes wide as he looked over your shoulder at who had spoken. You knew all-too-well who the familiar voice had belonged to--you could feel yourself freeze as you slowly turned your head, face turning red in complete embarrassment at the realization that you had just been caught by Inumaki, fucking Yuta in his own bed.
The male stood in his doorway; his silhouette barely visible in the dim light that came from his now opened door. His usually zipped-up mask unzipped revealing the markings on his face. Purple eyes stared right at where you and Yuta laid, narrowed and holding nothing but anger and betrayal inside.
"Fuck- Toge, it's not what it looks like!" You pulled away from Yuta, trying so hard to rise up from his cock. "Don't move." Instantly, your body slammed back down on top of Yuta, a loud moan left your lips and Yuta's at the feeling of his cock going back inside of you.
The door slammed shut, and all you heard was footsteps as Inumaki walked towards his bed. Yuta's black eyes were wide as he watched hopelessly as his best-friend walked to the edge of the bed, stopping as staring at the both of you, two people that he was supposed to trust, fucking. "I-Inumaki, I swear Y/n had nothing to do with thi-" Yuta was cut off. "Don't speak."
Purple eyes moved to stare right at your fucked-out face, slowly, Inumaki moved to the chair resting in front of his desk. He sat down, hand resting on the visible bulge under his clothes. "Fuck her." He was now staring right at Yuta, his left hand coming out to point at you as if he needed an indicator as to who you were.
You gasped as Yuta shot up, his hands wrapping around your waist and moving you off of his cock, only for a moment before he had you pinned under him on the bed, his chest flushed against yours as he slammed right back into your abused cunt. Your mouth opened in a silent scream of pleasure, eyes rolling into your skull as Yuta began to pound away at your cunt.
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the room, moans and whines leaving your lips, and groans leaving Yuta's, as Inumaki watched his best-friend fuck you. Having someone's eyes on you in as your cunt is being rammed into over and over again was such a turn-on that you didn't even realize you liked. Not once had you ever thought about having someone watch you as you were being fucked, not with Inumaki, and certainly not with Yuta. But fuck, did you regret it. Your head slammed back as your body was used as nothing but a fuck-toy for Yuta, mouth hung open in a silent scream as your eyes interlocked with Inumaki's.
Fuck, he was touching his own cock, staring right into your eyes as you were being fucked.
"I'm close again-" Yuta's voice broke your gaze away from Inumaki, your eyes shooting up to gaze at Yuta once more. Black orbs stared right into your own e/c orbs; his face was flushed red, sweat coating his forehead as he continued slamming in and out of you.
Not once did Inumaki stop watching, he was silent as his hand stroked up and down his cock, his pre-cum helping with his motions, watching your fucked-out expression closely as Yuta fucked you so good. "Cum on her," Yuta's head shot up, turning to stare at Inumaki with wide eyes as his body pulled out of you against his will, his cum shot out in white ropes all over your lower stomach and your cunt, coating it in his cum.
Your mouth hung open as you panted, revelling in the feeling of Yuta's come dripping down your pussy and your stomach, Yuta was panting, gasping for air as he moved to lay down beside you. You heard footsteps once more, and before you knew it, Inumaki stood over you.
"Get on your hands and knees; ass up."
Your body moved against its will; coated in sweat and cum as you shifted onto your hands and knees; your back arched, ass up and in the air. You could feel your cunt clench around nothing and fuck, you were sure Inumaki saw.
"T-Toge I swear... I didn't mean it-" A harsh smack to your behind caught you off guard. A loud gasp left your lips; eyes widening as you turned your head to gaze over your shoulder at Inumaki, who stood behind you, lining his cock up against your opening. Your mouth fell open once again in a silent moan as he rubbed his thick cockhead against your cum-coated pussy.
His tip bumped against your clit every now and then as he continued to rub himself up and down on you; a soft moan leaving his lips at the feeling, before his free hand came down on your ass once more, slapping it roughly. Another loud gasp left your lips; your eyes half-lidded as you turned your head and stared towards Yuta, who was watching both you and Inumaki with half-lidded eyes, his hand lazily ghosting over his half-hardened cock.
Inumaki continued to rub his cock against your pussy for another minute or so before finally, he slammed himself right into you rather harshly. "Fuck, Toge!" You screamed out as he began to relentlessly slam in and out of you; his cock ramming against your g-spot over and over again as he fucked you roughly.
His hand came down on your ass multiple times, slapping it over and over again and leaving multiple red marks-- and fuck, did it hurt. You could feel tears welling up in your vision as the pain and pleasure that were overflowing your senses. Fuck, you needed to come so fucking bad.
"Toge plea-" You were cut off by another slap to your ass. "Don't speak." He groaned out as his hips slammed against your own once more. you could feel your arms giving out, forcing you to fall face-first into the bed, ass still up as Inumaki fucked you so fucking good. Almost as good as Yuta, who was still rubbing his overstimulated cock slowly at the sight of you getting used by your now possible ex-boyfriend.
You could feel Toge resting his chest against your back, his hips slamming over and over against your own in a continuous assault of your cunt. Everything felt so fucking good; your body felt like it was on fire as Inumaki continued to fuck you over and over again.
The continuous pattern that Inumaki kept up of him pounding away at your cunt slowly began to turn sloppy, indicating that he was close to his release--You felt like you were going to burst; you really needed to cum. Another loud moan left your lips, eyebrows shooting up as Inumaki's hand came out from behind you, going down and beginning to rub quick circles on your clit; your wetness dripped down onto the bedsheets as Inumaki continued to slam in and out of your cunt-- the added stimulation and Inumaki's words; "Cum" was all you needed before your back arched, body shaking as you came, hard, all over Inumaki's cock.
A loud moan left Yuta's lips as well as he came once more all over his hand, watching as Inumaki slammed one final time inside of you before he came deep inside: his warm seed mixing in with Yuta's from earlier.
A moment passed as all three of you sat there, trying to catch your breaths before Inumaki slowly pulled out, groaning as he watched both his and Yuta's seed dripping out of you.
You turned your head once more, face flushed as Yuta sat up.
"Inumaki, Im so sorr-" Inumaki held a hand up, purple orbs staring at Yuta as he reached over to his nightstand, grabbing his medicine for his throat. "I don't care." His voice was so soft as he spoke, uncapping his medicine and taking a swig of it before setting it down on his nightstand once more. He soon turned his head to look towards you, eyebrows furrowing as he watched your fucked-out expression closely.
"We'll do this again, tomorrow. I'll show you how much of a whore Y/n can be, Yuta."
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kamiversee · 3 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 34 || The Degrading Era (part 2)
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language, smut, & a tinge of fluff.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 3.5k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——THREE TIMES. THREE TIMES IN A row did Sukuna manage to make you squirt. Again, this wasn't completely unusual because Choso had that ability too but it was alarming how quickly Sukuna was able to do so.
Sukuna's so mean with it too. He'd force your back into this arch that allowed him to fuck so deep into you, leaving you gasping and moaning beneath him. Then, he'd move to pull your hips back to meet his every thrust which made the loudest and filthiest clapping and squelching sounds.
Not to mention the way he began to shift every now and then. At one point, he had one leg up and thrust into you at an angle, making you see stars as his hand would come down on your ass over and over and over again.
Other times, he was drilling his cock into your soaked pussy, his hands pressed down into the arch of your back, thumbs pressed into your spine hard enough to leave a mark while he simply beat you down into the bed.
There was a point where he had your arms behind your back, one of his hands holding onto them tightly as his other snaked around your body and he dipped two of his fingers into your mouth just because.
You were a mess. He meant it when he said he'd ruin you because that's exactly how you felt.
Sukuna even pressed your face down into the mattress while his dick slammed into your sweet spot over and over and over and over again. Your moaning was so loud and whiny, drool was leaking out of your mouth, and your sounds could be heard even with the muffling of the bed.
You cried out his name so many times and he'd throb and twitch inside you in reaction.
Then, there was that damn mouth of his. Sukuna was so mean but you thrived off of it. Even when he praised you for making an absolute mess of him, he still managed to throw in the use of the word whore or slut, sometimes even brat when you didn't cum fast enough for him.
He'd have his large hands on your ass, squeezing the fat hard enough to leave marks as he watched his thick cock stretch you open. Sukuna loved the mess of it all, seeing his cock smothered in white because of the number of times you came on him.
The sight was so sexy-, you were unbelievably sexy.
Evidence of how rough he was with you was plastered all over your body; scratch marks covered parts of your back and your arms, both your ass cheeks had large and noticeable hand marks on them, and there were a few bite marks and dark hickeys left around your shoulder area.
"H-Hhnngh... aah, 'k-kuna-," You couldn't even say his name properly but he liked that too, it was cute.
His body was glistening in sweat and at this moment, he had a hand pressed onto your head, keeping you pinned down to the bed, "C'mon, one more... Cum on my cock one more time f'me," Sukuna encouraged.
His words reminded you of Choso so much, that fact alone being the true reason you obeyed him so quickly.
Sukuna smiled at the feeling. Nothing could compare to the way your pussy gripped around him as you came, fluttering and sputtering around his girth due to his words. He thinks he was growing addicted to that feeling.
You had no idea how he went so long without cumming inside you, or at all for that matter. You were too fucked out to realize that the man would occasionally pull out and prolong his orgasm on purpose just because he liked making you cum.
It was dangerous for him to grow so addicted to such a thing but, did he care? No. Especially not when he was currently making you cum for the nth time of the night.
His sheets were soiled at this point but he liked that too. He enjoyed the whole thing, the entire process of completely ruining you.
"So... fuckin'... pretty," Sukuna moaned at the sight of your liquids glistening around his cock, "What a pretty slut you are..."
He'd never admit it but, he was pussydrunk-- hazed with lust and drenched in you from the waist down.
His thrusting grew calculated all of a sudden, pinpointing that specific spot inside you that made your entire body clamp up.
"Ohmygod-," You breathed out, "R-Right th-there.... Fuuuck p-please-, aaghn..." You begged and pleaded for him to continue, completely lost and fucked dumb.
Sukuna grunts, "Yeah? Right here?" He mocked you, only drilling into that very spot harder and harder.
You nodded dumbly into the sheets before his hand pushed your head further down and his pounding grew slow and impossibly harder. Oxygen was being fucked out of your lungs and you were choking on what little air made it into your throat.
"Could' fuck you like this all night," Sukuna grunted as your walls pulsed around him, "You want me to?" He chuckled, "Hm?"
Your eyes rolled back like they had plenty of times beforehand and your mouth was just open with breathy moans leaving your throat. "Ha-ah... Mhm... Y-Yeah..." You whined quietly.
The man tilted his head, "Louder, slut, I can't hear ya'."
You moaned and your voice came out louder as requested, "Y-Yes."
Does that satisfy him? For some reason, no. "Yes what?" Sukuna's voice was husk and rough with you by this point.
"Yes, S-Sukun-na..." You stammered out amid his thrusts.
"What do you want me to do, say it." He ordered.
You both hated and enjoyed how he wanted you to be so vocal, "F-Fuck me... ah, a-all ngh... night..." You babbled, your words not entirely true since you were growing lightheaded and you were sure to pass out any second now.
"Mmmh..." He hums deeply, his throat vibrating. "I would but," There's a faint thump in the bed as he moves and then his hand eases off your head, "You're about to tap out on me." Sukuna points out.
He's not wrong. Your eyes were barely open and your body was twitching as your legs trembled violently. With a heavy sigh, Sukuna's thrusts finally slow down and he eases out of you.
You felt the weight of his cock on your ass, followed by the sound of a groan from him as he came all over your ass and your back. You took that as your queue to go limp, your legs falling and your eyes finally shutting.
Your breathing was ragged and you were even sniffling from the way you sobbed out his name in pleasure for what felt like forever. Sukuna felt like he'd accomplished what he wanted to and once he was done, you felt the bed move as he got out of it.
Your own cum was felt against your inner thighs, along with the dampness of the bed, and Sukuna's seed was decorating your back. You just laid in the mess, too out of it to realize, too fucked out to think, too tired to speak or even move.
You don't know where Sukuna went or what he was doing as the room went quiet but you didn't care, you were fading from consciousness, and all your sexual activities caught up with you all at once-- leaving you knocked out cold within seconds after Sukuna parted from you.
The male had gone to the bathroom and got himself roughly cleaned up, returning to you after about five minutes to find you slumped. He chuckled at the sight and reached for his earlier discarded phone that lay on the bed near you.
Raising it to his face, he let out a yawn, realizing you took more energy out of him than expected, as he unlocked the device. Sukuna glanced up from his cell and to you, debated something for a long moment, and then shrugged the thought away-- it wasn't necessary, he thought to himself. He already got what he needed.
After sending a text to someone, the man shuts his phone off and then places it back down.
It was on to the next task for him...
Cleaning you up. Rumors depict Sukuna as a coldhearted asshole who liked to create disasters for fun but, he's not heartless enough to leave you a complete mess. He has morals and fucking you also gave him respect for you.
The man was surprised you even lasted as long as you did, laughing to himself the more he thought about it.
As he goes to clean you up, he strokes the side of your face with the back of his hand, "You poor thing," Sukuna hums, tilting his head to the side, "There's so much fun I'd want to have with you... But..." His eyes narrow and he holds his tongue, not saying what he truly wanted to just in case you were awake, "You couldn't possibly handle all of me."
You halfway heard what he said, most of which was contorted in your sense of acknowledgment and remembered in pieces. Either way, his touch goes away and he begins to clean you and the area up, ridding all evidence of what's been done.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
When you come to, you're wrapped up in a blanket, your head resting on a pillow comfortably. You're no longer in the room you'd been in before and it's... it's the next day.
There's a thin slip of sunlight hitting the back of your head and you have to blink a few times to adjust your eyesight to where you are. You don't remember anything after you passed out and you're surprised you were out the entire night.
You shift to get up and notice that the bed you're in is absolutely massive. The room is so clearly freshly cleaned, large, and decorated in white, black, and red furniture. Not a picture is in sight as you glance around so you really weren't sure what room you were in.
On your body was this large t-shirt and... your underwear? Except, it was freshly cleaned? Holy shit, how long were you out for?
Rubbing your eyes, you look over to one of the many shut doors in the room, spotting a light on. Just as you wonder if Sukuna's in there, the man emerges from behind that door shirtless with a towel hanging around his waist.
Water drips off his bright pink hair and onto the floor as his eyes meet yours. The slip of sunlight hits his body just right, causing the water rolling down his chest to glisten.
His voice is shockingly lower than it was the night prior, "Plan on gawkin' at me all morning?"
You take your eyes off his body and your face flushes at the sound of his morning voice, "N-No..."
Sukuna chuckles and makes his way over to the bed, the fresh shower scent exuding off his skin as he nears you. You back away slightly while Sukuna bends toward you, placing his hands on either side of your body and bringing his face close to yours.
You struggle to keep eye contact as he nears you, "Why're you so-"
"How do you feel?" Sukuna cuts off, uninterested in your questions as to why he's so close to you.
With a huff, "I feel fine, I think." You tell him.
"Can you feel your legs?" He questions further.
Your brows further and you open your mouth to respond but as you shift a leg beneath the covers, you feel a sharp pulse and a terrible ache in your muscles. "Mhm," You hum, frowning at the soreness that begins to thrum all throughout your body.
Your back hurts, your ass hurts, your legs are shaking a bit, and even your throat is hurting. God damn this man fucked you up, literally.
Sukuna arches a brow, "They hurt?"
"Everything hurts," You whisper.
He chuckles and leans back away from you, standing up straight, "You asked me to go slower, then faster, never softer."
A pout pulls at your lips, "Would you have listened if I did?"
Sukuna thinks for a second, "Probably not."
You roll your eyes and he laughs.
"Here," Sukuna tosses you a bottle of pills and then nods his head to the nearby nightstand.
You notice a cup of tea sitting next to a full plate of hot food, your eyes widening at the sight. Your mouth opens to say something, probably asking a stupid question but, Sukuna answers before you can even get it out.
"Yes, it's for you." He grumbles, turning away and heading toward, what seems to be. his closet, "Eat up so I can take you home."
He then disappears into his closet before you can get any type of argument out. With a shrug, you move to take what he's given you and also chow down on the plate of food.
As you did so, you realized you were in his bedroom and that it wasn't messy like he'd previously described it was. Your nerves about it and your skeptical emotions died down the more you glanced around, realizing that his bedroom had recently been cleaned.
By the time you were done eating, Sukuna was moving around his room, still readying himself for the day as you went to grab your phone that'd been plugged up for you. When you opened the device and went through it, you noticed your notification from your bank, a lovely deposit of six thousand USD having been sent to you within the last hour.
You're not surprised that Gojo paid you so quickly, he knew you were meeting with Sukuna so it's not shocking to you to see him pay you. Even so, the sight of more money never fails to make you smile.
"Someone's happy," Sukuna comments, his voice closer than you expected it to be and making you flinch.
He was right next to you all of a sudden, reaching for a bottle of water on the nightstand. You click your phone off and look up at the man. How long had he been standing there?
"I just got paid," You beam simply. He wouldn't think anything of it, it's not like he knows you're jobless.
Sukuna swishes down a gulp of water, swallowing it down and sighing afterward, "Yeah?"
You nod, "Mhm."
"Hmph," The man hums, almost as if he mentally noted the words you've just told him, "Paychecks make you that happy?"
Your brows furrow, "Uh, yeah? Pretty sure everyone gets happy because of paychecks."
He shrugs, "Depends on number."
"Fair point."
"Yours seemed to be pretty hefty," Sukuna comments simply before placing the water bottle down and then turning away.
You chuckle wearily, "Did you see it or something...?"
The man strolls toward his bathroom, "Saw more zeros than I was expecting to," Sukuna states.
You can see him straightening up his bathroom counter. "Oh..."
"Must be some job," He comments, glancing toward you, "What do you do?"
Your heart skins into your toes. How the hell are you supposed to respond to that? If he said he saw a bunch of zeros, you'd have to have an expensive job-
"I'm a therapist," You voice out calmly.
Lying has become something you're all too good at. But, technically you were just stretching the truth. After all, that is the job you've been looking to get after school so, you're completely lying... in a sense.
Sukuna pauses. Then, he chuckles lowly, "A therapist?"
You swallow, not liking the way he laughed or the sound of his voice. He doesn't believe you. "Yeah."
"Mmh." He hums, snickering to himself within the bathroom, "How humorous."
"Humorous? How so?" You ask, shifting the covers off of your body and moving your legs off the bed.
"Just uh," Sukuna clicks his tongue, trying to hold in another laugh, "Didn't take you for a therapist is all."
You try to lift yourself from the bed, your legs shuddering as soon as you move. You then flop right back down and shake your head. "What'd you assume my job was?"
He scoffs and then turns the bathroom light off, exiting and heading toward you, "A whore," He comments, clearly joking but his words make you uneasy.
That's oddly specific. You didn't think much of when he called you a whore last night, since, y'know, you like being degraded. But, something about that being his assumption for your occupation is a crazy coincidence.
Especially considering how hellbent Gojo was on telling you not to call yourself that. The more you think about it...
Gojo got upset at something from Sukuna's party, he didn't want you to call yourself a whore all of a sudden, Sukuna seems to have believed that was your actual job, and you remember how pissed Gojo seemed as he thought about you sleeping with Sukuna-
Holy fuck. Are the two connected somehow? Is something going on? What does Gojo owe Sukuna? Does Sukuna know you only slept with him as payment to clear Gojo's debt? Is-
A finger pokes into your forehead and you blink out of your thoughts.
Sukuna's chuckling, "I was joking, woman. Calm down." He utters, "I actually thought you worked at one of those beauty stores."
You raise a brow, still feeling uneasy with the man. "Beauty stores?"
"Sephora, Ulta," He shrugs, "Wherever the fuck, I pictured you being one of those cute little cashiers."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment...?" You murmur.
"Or working at McDonald's, I don't know, I didn't think too hard on it-- jus' wanted to fuck you," Sukuna admits honestly.
Your expression drops, "Oh..."
His hand goes to your chin and tips your face up, "Do you want me to want something more from you?"
His gaze is intense like always, causing chills to slip down your back. You shake your head, "I mean, no... I only wanted you to fuck me."
"We could keep doing this," Sukuna suggests with a shrug, "Make' it a weekly thing."
You blink, "You're joking, right?"
"What reason would I have to do so?" He asks plainly, "You've got the kinda' pussy men pay for. Hell, I..." He shuts his mouth for a second, almost getting carried away in complimenting you, "Ahem, I almost didn't give you a break, you're lucky I pitied you."
Truth be told, he was about to say he almost spilled his cum into you within the first few minutes and that in order to last so long he had to edge himself. But, Sukuna is too prideful to ever admit that out loud.
Your eyes narrow, "You're not good with complimenting people..."
"Excuse me?" He scoffs, finding your comment humorous, "I've complimented you enough already."
"They're shitty compliments..." You murmur with a slight pout as you look away.
Sukuna rolls his eyes, "If you think pouting like that is gonna' earn a better compliment from me, you'll be very disappointed."
"Whatever." You sigh, moving to sit back in the bed.
He moves to fold his arms, "What're you doing?"
"Uh, I can't walk so... I'm lying here." You say casually.
With a little annoyed groan, Sukuna suddenly moves toward you. Your eyes go wide as he hooks an arm under your legs and another behind your back, soon lifting you bridal style.
You're quick to wrap your arms around his neck as you're lifted into the air and Sukuna carries you to his bathroom.
"Do not get used to this." He says sternly.
You've got a big smile on your face as he assists you with readying yourself for the day.
The man helps you to brush your teeth, cleanse your face, get dressed in your clothes from the night prior that have been washed, and then he basically carries you everywhere around his house.
After which, Sukuna says he's driving you home and you end up spending a lovely morning receiving princess treatment from the man.
It was oddly nice seeing the way he'd help you put on your shoes, getting down on one knee in front of you and lacing your footwear for you. You silently enjoyed how he helped you get your coat on, zipping it up and making sure you were nice and warm before he picked you up and carried you outside.
Then, you also noted how he got you into his car-- which was just as expensive and fancy as his home, making sure to buckle you in even though you could've done that yourself.
And thus, the time you spend with Sukuna steadily comes to an end.
This leads you to start planning for your next, and final goal; Nanami Kento.
After all you've been through, this should be a breeze.
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GOJO SATORU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
GETO SUGURU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
TOJI FUSHIGURO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢
KAMO CHOSO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 / 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ZEN'IN NAOYA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ITADORI SUKUNA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮???
NANAMI KENTO ☐ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: ???
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
I love big, mean König who behaves like the worst dog when he's horny :(( but he can't help himself! He's so pent up, balls are achingly full, he sometimes has to lift and kick his leg a little to reloeve the uncomfortable tension. He'd be so cranky and fussy too, barking out orders, looking at soldiers like they just offended him in the worst way possible and the moment he gets you, his precious girl, shoved into his cabin in the alps he's simply awful :(
He's mean and aggressive, manhandling you and treating you like his personal, warm fleshlight, even mocking your whines when his tip hits your poor cervix as if trying to get in :((
Everything changes when he's close to cumming/cums bc suddenly his low, growly voice gets so much higher, almost whiny and like he's howling with pleasure and his orgasm is punctuated with a loud scream, not groan or moan, a scream :(( after that he's the sweetest guy alive :(( he hadn't fucked in years and now he has you!! All his precious, potent cum can be inside you so now it's bonding time!
Once he comes down from his powerful high he's fussing over you, his cock still right up against your cervix but his boyish charm you fell in love with is back, his blue eyes crinkle and his slightly crooked teeth are bared with a broad grin as he pants and looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky :(
Blue balled König is the worst König :(((
He hasn't seen his woman in a while and he's making it everyone's problem! It's a good thing that he can pump lead into his enemies and bark at everyone in the base because otherwise he would simply go mad. Masturbating twice a day isn't helping much because it's just not the same as easing himself into his warm, wet, sweet girl ❤️
But of course it's you who's needy when you two meet, not him :( He has self discipline and control: you're the one who's embarrassing yourself with shaky moans and sighs. The horniest girl he has ever met, surely, can't even handle herself for a few weeks when he's away, doesn't know what to do with herself when he finally bullies his cock inside you. He has an important, dangerous job you know, he can't be here pleasing and stuffing you full even if he wanted to (and god has he wanted to...) But you don't seem to care, always driving him to madness with your loving eyes and hungry arms and wet heat. It's like you want him to put a child in you, and it's driving him crazy.
Which is why he loses all his precious self control – your fault, of course, for dolling up and looking so beautiful and lovely and cute – and cums right after you. He's sounding like a pathetic, hormone-driven boy, too, which makes him want to bury his face into your neck and stay there, at least for a while. He's still inside you, and you caress him so nice and soft, saying that you missed him – Gott, he's not going to cry like a baby, for fuck's sake...
He almost lost himself for a while there, must be because he had a too long work patch and wasn't able to even call or text you enough. He's always so proud of making you cum first, but sometimes, he comes dangerously close to nutting inside you without warning… You just feel so good.
And afterwards, everything's suddenly kind of ok in the world. Nothing irritates him at all, and you look like an absolute angel. You smile back at him, and he swears right then and there he will knock you up one day. Life isn't too bad when he has a warm, sweet woman in his arms. You look so happy with his cock still deep inside your warmth – the perfect woman, if there ever was one. He can't believe you're his…
He can finally think more clearly and ask you how your day has been, confused as to why you burst into laughter. Women are strange creatures for sure, but he is starting to get used to you and your antics. Someone would probably say that he's in love, and it might be true: he simply has to either cuddle you for an hour or two or make you a sandwich. Women like sandwiches after sex, right? (He certainly does.)
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transmascsub · 4 months
i want to have a 'friend', my roommate, convince me to get top surgery which keeps all my nipple sensitivity and bottom surgery that keeps my cock all small and sensitive and keeps my hole to 'avoid complications in surgery'. i'm so breedable right now that i have to be on oestrogen blockers and i want her to tell me to switch to the pill so i get all nice and round and plump.
then i want her to convince me that if i have a pussy still, and i can't get pregnant from it, it should be fine for her to use it? after all she's done for me. it's such a small thing, letting her use my pussy if i'm not even using it myself, and we're just friends, it's not weird. she does all the washing up so it's fair.
so she starts fucking me with her huge cock and it's so much and i'm so sensitive and i don't want to like it but all the hormones make my brain all swimmy and my cock all twitchy and i cum on her girlcock every time and hope she doesn't notice. i get all whimpery and whiny when she stuffs me and i just say it's because i'm uncomfortable but it's because it's so so good and i hate it so much.
she starts fucking me all day and night. if i'm doing work on my laptop she'll just pick me up and sit me back down on her cock and tell me to keep going. if i'm in the kitchen to make breakfast she'll ask if i don't mind awfully if she could get some help with her morning wood and she'll gently but firmly press me over the counter and stuff me so so full.
her friends come over and she casually brings up that i still have a pussy and they all ask for a go, and when i'm uncertain, they say that it's not fair that i get a pussy when they don't (they're all women) and the least i could do is let them fuck me and they're so firm and they push so hard that i just let them to avoid conflict. then they just keep casually talking to each other about nothing in particular like magic the gathering whilst wrecking me with their girlcocks. at one point one of them points out one of their cocks is making my tummy bulge each thrust and they record it and show the girl thrusting into me and they laugh or call it cute and i turn pink with embarrassment. of course i'm left with cum leaking out of me.
eventually she doesn't stop there. she knows i'm a breeding boy, and she's made me into a breeding cockslut. she swaps my birth control for a fertility med with aphrodisiac side effects and of course doesn't tell me. she leaves me to stir for a few days, getting plumper and more sensitive. my nipples feel teased by any clothes i wear. my cock is hard all of the time. she packs my schedule which exhausts me so i never have a second to touch myself.
after four days of being constantly teased and tortured, i break. all my objections are overcome by need and she's already fucking me anyway so what's the harm in asking if she'd like to do it now? and so i ask her if maybe she could fuck me. she probes me with questions and she makes me tell her that i enjoy it, that i cum on her cock every time, that i'm constantly moaning in pleasure when she's inside me. she makes me agree that i feel empty without it, that i'm desperate to please her and be stuffed with cum.
she makes me prove how much i love her cock, and i'm just so needy and desperate that i'd do anything. she makes me suck her off, and it's so so humiliating. she makes me watch her as i bounce my mouth on her cock. it's so thick and just a fraction of it fills my mouth all the way up and tears start spilling from my eyes. she calls me pathetic, that i'm so desperate for cock that i'd suck off my best friend, and that i must just be a total cockslut. she says i can't think of anything other than cock and being stuffed. she gets bored with my weak attempts and starts fucking my throat. she says that pleasing women is what i'm for, and that it's just uncomfortable because i'm not used to it, and once i understand my true purpose it'll get easier.
she doesn't cum in my throat. she forces it out, dripping with my saliva and her precum, and makes me beg her to breed me. i didn't think that she was being serious - i haven't been fertile in years - so i comply and plead with my fogged-up mind for her to cum inside of me and that i'll be good for her and that she can use me whenever she likes and i don't mind. i don't know or care about what i'm saying, i'm just saying anything to have her inside me. i'm too swimmy to think about anything but her cock.
she pulls out her phone and tells me to look up to the camera and say that i need her to breed me full. and i do, just not having enough brain to think about how foolish i was being. and she says i'll take you at your word, and finally, finally, she bends me over. she leaves her phone recording us but i don't notice. she rubs the tip of her cock against my opening and tells me how wet i am for her and how much of a pathetic slut i am. how she bets i can't think of anything other than cock. how she thinks that it's probably all i'm good for. it's torturous, her tip just so so close to what i need, and she just keeps teasing me. i just… adjust my angle, to make penetration easier for her, and she laughs at me for presenting myself, and how i'm just a dumb cockslut, and how she doesn't think there's much brain in there anymore. that i'm basically just a toy for her and her friends to pass around each other, and that i wouldn't mind. she says that they're going to fill me up with cum soooo nicely. that they'll take care of me so well. that my womb will be bulging with cum. that it's what my slutty body was made for: being bred over and over.
i'm squirming on her cock, desperate for her, but she's pinning my hips firmly to the bed and i just can't get it in me and i need it so much and i'm crying a little and i just start moaning please over and over. and she just looks at me and smiles and pets my hair and says, alright boytoy, and she pushes all the way inside me at once and i just. break. and then she starts thrusting and oh my god nothing has ever ever felt this good and she knows it and she asks me doesn't this feel nice and that this is what it could be like every day and i could just be a toy for women to use as they like. she tells me that i'm made for being bred. she grabs my thighs and my ass and tells me how they're all plump and lush and that's the way of nature telling everyone that i'm breedable and she's touching me all over and telling me how sensitive i am and how i wouldn't be so sensitive if i wasn't made to be touched like this. and i'm moaning so much that she can just assume that i agree with every word she says. and i can't think but i know it feels so good and that i need it so so so much and everything she says can be true as long as she never stops ever because nothing else will ever compare.
but i'm wrong. she tells me to beg her for her cum. i let out a string of pleases and moans and she gives me a spank and says properly. and i try so hard to concentrate and say that it'll feel really nice and i want it so much and she's right about everything and that i need it and i'm built for it and please please please. she makes me call her mistress, and i'm so deep in that i don't think about the fact that she's my best friend and we've been friends for years and i'm going to swap all of that to be her cockdrunk toy. and i just say please, mistress, please give me your cum, i need it, i need you, please, i'm so so desperate for it, i can't, i can't do anything but think about it, i'll do anything just please please please come inside of me.
this seems to, just about, satisfy her. she calls me her pathetic cuntboy, and that she'll fix me the cuntboy i was always meant to be. and she starts touching my cocklet and my nipples and i'm so so so close and she's going so fast and i can't and my whole body is overcome with pleasure. my cock is all pink and twitching and leaking and her fingers are magical. and then, pistoning in and out of me, she cums all the way inside me, filling me up, and it's the greatest moment of my life so far and it's so much and it's everything. and i cum but i don't even really notice.
she gives me a kiss on the forehead and tells me that i've done so so well for her, and that i'm going to make such a good toy and be so useful for the community. little do i know that she's planning to use me as an incubator for lesbian couples struggling with fertility so after a month of being fertilised she plans to take out the embryo from me and breed me again. i'm just a breeding machine to her. and she owns me, and that much i already know.
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ballisticswife · 7 months
omg hii !! can you write a clapton smut where the reader (a girl) turns him into a pathetic whiny mess ? like overstim or violently riding him im begging you 😭 ik he seems to talk a lot when hes around ppl but i think he would be sooo obedient during intimate moments 😵‍💫
no ur so true say it with UR CHEST !!!! FUCK !!!!!!!
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Clapton davis x Fem.Reader
tags: Whiny Clapton (😋), Blowjob/Handjob, Dom Reader (MUAHAHAHAH), Edging, Overstimulation, Begging, Cum eating.
Always let me know if i forgot anything!!
Clapton Davis was probably the most popular guy in school, Already naturally gorgeous, Laid back hipster with no fucks to give, Kind and charismatic, it’s hard not to be when it comes to him naturally, Bold and optimistic, usually just confident all around.
He knew all of this about himself but. Here he is out of breath, tears threatening to leak out of his eyes, gripping onto your forearm as you’re repeatedly swiping your thumb across his already pleading cock head. Whines and whimpers, Pleads and cries for you to just let him cum as he’s doing everything in his will not to twitch and thrash around.
He remembers how he got here, he remembers hearing the teacher praise you about how you have the highest test scores of everyone in the class. How his ears rang when Mr.Kendall said Clapton should start taking after You.
At the time he was too busy trying to make Ione laugh and trying to impress her. Lighting the beaker in front of him, just for the fire alarm to go off and soaking the entire class in water.
At first he just laughed. It was a bit silly even if he knew something stupid, Then a bright smile etched his features as their teacher placed the graded test on his soaking wet desk. A blocky A was shining directly in his eyes. “Woah an A, Thank you!!” However as soon as he spoke those words the teacher leaned down to erase it into an F.
A defeated look replaced his features. His eyes lingered over to you as you try to wring out your jacket and save your homework and papers.
Another smile fell onto his face, The bell rang and he skipped his way over to you, a slightly startled expression he was met with.
Conversing with you, his mind was stuck on one thing. This was going to be too easy.
Yet here he is, Notes and practice tests scattered across the bed and floor as he’s staring directly at you. His mouth was completely soaked from his own drool, No matter how bad he wanted to cum it felt so fucking good being edged.
You’re cooing in his ear about how good he was doing and how gorgeous he looked being this slutty mess for you, your free hand wiped his drool away placing a kiss on his mouth and on his face.
Immediately he had reciprocated but stuffed his face in your neck, gripping onto your waist and your arm. “Mmmfmf Fuck Please. I wanna cum. I wanna cum so baddddd! Please please p-please let.” interrupted by his own loud whimper hiding his face deeper into your shoulder. “Y/N. Please ffuck. Please let me cum.”
His voice was strained, his neon teal shirt was soaked in his sweat. You’ve been at this for hours. He genuinely can’t believe he’s losing his mind over someone who he initially wanted to convince to cheat off of. You were pretty, You had the nicest voice ever, You were sweeter to him than any other girl he’s met. Easily he was slipped into this sort of submission after he kissed you. Felt your hands gently pawing at his chest and arms. Which lead you to your current situation.
“Clapton you’re doing so well for me.” You purred into his ear. Another swipe at his tip and he gasped grabbing at you tighter, if he even could. “You’ve held out for so long I think I can spare a bit of mercy.” you teased which made him feel even more light headed if he even could.
He felt you remove your hand off of his dick and he whined softly at the loss of contact. You gave him a small kiss on his nose and whispered. “Lay on your back.” he was at the start but he has found himself on his side trying to buck his hips into your hand.
Doing as he was told he felt his face get hot. He was still hard. It didn’t help to see you moving between his thighs which made him whine at just the sight. His body shivered as you started to place kisses against his length. One of his hand moved to hold your head very softly, just petting your hair and moving it out of your face. You were very pretty and he couldn’t help but bend to anything and everything you did.
Your hot mouth had encased itself around him and he let out a loud yelp. Your tongue softly flicked and moved around his weeping tip. “PleasePleasePlease Fuck.” he cried covering his eyes with his arm as his grip on your hair tightened. Tears spilled from his eyes, This feeling was too much but he didn’t want it to stop.
Your head bobbed lower taking in a majority of him in, with every move of your own he let out loud moans and pants, he doesn’t know how much more he could take.
You could tell, the way his hips bucked into your mouth out of instinct and his dick twitching and leaking unholy amounts of precum against your taste buds wasn’t unnoticed. You pulled your mouth off of him for just a second, soft kitten licks against him. “You can cum anytime you want gorgeous.” you whispered loud enough for him to hear, your mouth instantly wrapped back around him.
Clapton wasted no time, Gripping your head with both of his hands his eyes shakily stared at you as his bottom lip quivered, “Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Oh my god!” he basically shouted out as he finally was able to finish. he threw his head back and let out a soft whimper almost filling your mouth too much.
Wiping away your drool you swallowed before pushing yourself up to lay right next to him. He was still breathless. you wrapped your arms around him which he, without a second of doubt shoved his face between your chest and curled into you.
This made you giggle softly, stroking the back of his hair you kissed him all over his head which he leaned back to let you kiss his face, placing a million everywhere he just smiled at you lazily obviously exhausted from the relentless teasing you gave him.
“Can we study tomorrow? I’m so tired dude.”
Another giggle.
“Of course Clapton.”
i need him so fucking bad chat i want him to skate across my mouth with HIS.
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
Hello, my dear!
Mr. Puzzle definitely deserves princess treatment. He deserves his ass to be lovingly eaten out and have his soul affectionately sucked straight out of his cock.
Imagine being his first though? (I am foaming at the mouth gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure please please please plea-) Baby boy probably cums quick and rises back up quicker, a true trooper as one would say.
- 🍆 anon
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You guys are so gaga for this man oh my god i’ve gotten TEN requests today (keep them coming)
Ugh, I can always count on you for solid ideas and rambles, penis anon. Anyways, being his first is very likely and very cute. Because he doesn’t even seem like the type to jerk off a lot so his experience is at literally zero.
You like have to do your job to pamper him, holding his hand while you get ready to peg him, telling him you can stop whenever he feels like it. This man absolutely loves and expects this for his treatment.
He would do a lot of gasping and moaning rather than whimpering and whining, I get that vibe from him. Not to say he’s not whiny, he very much is. But more in a sense where once you actually start fucking him, he’s whining for “more” “faster” “slower” or any way he particularly desires.
You could oblige and be nice or tell him to be patient, which is makes him more whiny and frustrated because, he said it himself, patience is not a virtue.
It’s also very fast. The overwhelming pleasure would have him close after a dozen thrusts, moaning and panting “Ah, goodness, close!” And he’s already hard again, ready to continue being ravished by you.
As for the eating out thing, he’s such a fucking bottom, yes he’d be gasping and writhing under your tongue. Suck his dick, you’d have to slam his hips back down very roughly after he continuously bucked back up into your mouth. He’s never had this much lack of control, so he’d try his very hardest to be absolutely perfect for you.
But it’s be so hard when you’re making him feel so good.
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which you are jungkook’s religion and he wants to be your passenger princess.
> fluff / wc: 3k
> warnings: there’s like a three second earthworm cameo lol, jk is living his best life in this bicycle date <3
note: i loved writing this + it reminded me of this drabble i suggest reading it too :( pls tell jk to stop being so cute my heart can’t handle it :( oh and imagine the current jungkook with his long hair and pretty bangs btw <3 reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated :]
“hmm?” you hum in question when jungkook’s tattooed hand pushes up your elbow. the book you’ve been reading uncovers his head lying on your lap, acting as a paperweight for the pastel yellow summer dress adorning your figure.
“humor me, okay?”
in the midst of his pensive facade, his lips are curved into a lazy smile, almost undetectable if only you aren’t so close that you can vividly see the scar on his cheek and the texture of his honey skin. his face is a little puffy and his eyes are hazy, adorably so, courtesy of the nap he woke up from ten minutes ago.
there are scattered speckles of sunlight painted all over the two of you, in the shape of the gaps between the leaves of the tall tree supporting your back. the wind gently blows through his hair and the edges of the blue gingham picnic blanket spread out beneath you, as if the earth is sighing dreamily at the han riverside scenery.
“would you still love me if i became a worm?”
you cover the lower half of your face with the book when a snort bluntly escapes you, and uncontrollable giggles racking your body follow soon after. they prompt the thin strap of your dress to fall off the curve of your right shoulder, and your boyfriend swiftly swoops in, slipping his index finger through it to put it back into position.
“would you still love me if i became a worm?!” he repeats the question louder in faux irritation, but he can’t conceal a toothy grin because your laughter is contagious, a melody that brings him unfathomable joy. an echo that will remind him he was once here, with you, a moment in time locked away in the palace of his most precious memories.
he grasps your wrists to his chest to confront you, and you completely lose your weakened grip on the book. unshed tears gather at the corners of your eyes as your laughter refuses to cease.
“listen- you’re cute, but i need to take the internet away from you.”
his doe eyes grow rounder, whiny voice with a lisp tugging at your heartstrings because you never not find every little thing about him painfully endearing. “baby, stop avoiding the topic. i demand honest answers!”
“of course i would! love doesn’t go away that easily!” you yield to his stubborn need to pry the answers from you. “but it depends on my mood that day, and maybe how you even became a worm in the first place? uh, i’d build you a garden and a little house. oh! and even crochet some cute little outfits for you according to the seasons, keep you warm and safe so you don’t have to hide in the soil . . .”
it’s true that you’ve been dipping your toes into crocheting nowadays, one of your works in progress being a sweater for bam in early preparation for this year’s winter. however, the stars in his eyes ignited by your sweet rambling transform into a dull glimmer of disappointment when he hears the horrifying continuation of your sentence.
“or if it’s a beauty and the beast situation and you got cursed for being bad, then i’d put you in a bucket and go fishing.”
he abruptly sits up, sending your book tumbling down on his lap and . . . you lose your page number just like that.
“fishing? fishing?! isn’t that too harsh? what happened to for better or for worse?” dumbfounded, he frantically shakes his head. “what are you going to say when bam goes looking for his daddy?!”
you tilt your head to the side, highly amused at the man who turned out to only want a sweet response from you despite spitting out the question in a joking manner.
you look at him with wide, innocent eyes. “that you went fishing?”
he pouts somberly, staring into the far distance, where the blue sky stretches endlessly. “bro, you’d expect to know somebody because you live with them and you raise a dog together.”
he heaves a dramatic sigh as he raises both arms to push his hair back, long fingers smoothly gliding across the dark locks. the sleeves of his oversized black t-shirt bunch around his shoulders to reveal more of the tattoos covering the entirety of his right arm, but then his bangs fall back into place like dominoes, and he does it all over again.
“oh, my baby. come on.” you inch closer to hug his waist, planting a kiss on his cheek before leaning your chin on his shoulder. “you’re really just going to ignore the garden and crochet part?”
he overtly ignores your words with a scoff, but he puts a hand over your interlocked ones so he won’t slip out of your embrace as he reaches out for a stick among the lush green grass. your loud gasp beside his ear makes him snicker as he scoops up the earthworm that has crawled dangerously close to his white and washed denim nike air jordans. aside from the cover of ‘the seven husbands of evelyn hugo’ hovering above his face, he was also greeted by this unwordly creature when he woke up from his nap. still sluggish as his body and brain gradually recovered to their full functions, he quietly watched it crawl around the spacious picnic blanket, half out of his mind. well, that was until he got bored.
“go- you need to go. get away from here and travel far where you won’t be found. you’re not safe in this place!” he cries out with his roleplay mode turned on, garnering a weird look from a passerby.
“that’s not far away. at all.” you remark teasingly as he gently sets it down behind the tree, less than two feet away.
“i only showed it a new direction. it can manage on its own. the lessons in life are sprinkled along the treacherous journey.” he scrunches his nose as he chuckles, placing back the stick exactly where he found it. “okay, i’m awake! let’s go ride a bike now!”
“i’m already on chapter 40, though.” you sadly mumble to yourself, having enjoyed the inner peace that enveloped you a while ago, when you finally overcame your month-long reading slump with the meditative aid of nature’s generous spring.
your arms automatically drop down to your sides when he energetically springs up in excitement. he picks up the handwoven picnic basket, opening one of the lids and pushing aside the emptied lunch boxes to safely tuck your book inside.
“baaabe, move.”
“huh?” he makes a noise of confusion when he feels the fabric get tugged underneath his feet. “oh- right, wait.”
he walks backwards at your command, allowing you to remove the rest of the picnic blanket off the grass. he patiently waits as you fold it into half, and half, and half, until it becomes small enough to fit in the basket he’s holding open.
he’s been unable to keep his eyes off you since this morning— glancing, looking, admiring your facial features and the way your eyebrows furrow in the slightest when you’re focused on a task (he doesn’t think you know this at all); down to your neck, and your chest exposed by the low square neckline of your dress. you were pouting in the car because you forgot to wear a necklace, exclaiming ‘i knew i forgot something!’ but he thinks your bare skin under the sunlight is priceless compared to gold. he loves your legs in shorts, dresses, skirts; hell, his boxers— loves how you carry yourself with grace and finesse wherever you go. past the walls he built around his heart, didn’t have to make them crumble because you are the key.
his lips have touched every inch of your body a couple million times that it has become more of a religion, putting mere familiarity into shame.
he puts down the basket on the grass after you slip the blanket inside, whispering a tender “baby, come here,” as he guides you towards the tree, pinning your back on it.
“why?” you gape at him in curiosity, hands grasping at his hips because you subconsciously trust jungkook to keep you steady more than a tree deeply rooted in the earth.
“the straps won’t stop falling off. i’ll fix it.” now that he’s speaking in a hushed tone, you can hear the roughness around the edges of his voice caused by sleep.
he deliberately towers over you to shield you from strangers’ eyes, pulling at the strings wrapped around your right shoulder to undo the ribbon sitting on top of it. he maintains a secure grip, wary of the neckline of your dress sliding further down as he makes a knot, and then another to finish off the ribbon.
you gaze at him lovingly, an affectionate smile lighting up your face. sometimes you forget how attentive your boyfriend is. you confess that you meant to tie the straps a little loosely, but you didn’t intend for them to fall off so often.
“thank you.”
he responds to your lively chirp with a kiss on the lips, your mixed berries flavored lip balm staining his. his tongue instantaneously darts out to give it a taste, the mole under his bottom lip making an appearance as he separates the straps of your tote bag from the second pair of strings.
the wind blows once more, three times stronger than the last, and jungkook tightly twists the strings around his two longest fingers as he waits for it to pass. you squeeze your eyes shut, forehead colliding with his chest to hide from the dust that could potentially blind you.
the wind eases, and he clicks his tongue as he continues fixing your dress, repeating the same steps with thoughtful precision. the back of his hands graze your skin every now and then, soft and smooth from the skincare products he smears on them to apply to his face.
“ah, this is insane. good thing we already had lunch before it got this windy.”
“i kind of love it. the earth feels so alive.”
your breath hitches when he ducks down to press a chaste kiss on where your neck and shoulder meet. the warmth of his lips contrasts the coldness of the ring pierced at the corner of his mouth. the intimate sound chimes in your ear, the sensation sending tingles to your lower abdomen.
“mhmm, know you do. you always see the good in things.” in me, the words he wants to add hang unbalanced on the tip of his tongue.
by the time you decide that you want to rent an electric scooter instead of a bicycle, jungkook is already paddling towards you while wheeling one by his side.
he enthusiastically shouts, “let me be the passenger princess today!”
and a wave of flashbacks from two years ago wash over you as he draws nearer— when he poured his blood, sweat, and tears into eight tortorous days of teaching you how to ride a bicycle because you forgot how to. you’d expect him to take that as a very telling sign not to ride one with you, but the man standing infront of you seems enraptured by the idea alone.
“sure, but give me a kiss first.” you bat your eyelashes coyly, and he doesn’t waste time in granting your request. he pulls your face closer by the back of your neck, lips crashing against yours for a kiss that robs the air from your lungs. and what a heavenly way to die.
“happy? or more?” he raises an eyebrow flirtatiously.
“greedy boy.” you scold him, lightly pushing his cheek to the opposite direction, and he dryly chuckles at your choice of words. fuck, you know him too well.
“you carry this, love.” you transfer the basket hanging on your forearm to his tattooed one, and your thumb briefly skims across the indents on your skin left by the pattern of the handles.
“i thought you wanted to ride one yourself, though?”
“changed my mind when i saw there’s a backseat.” he sticks out his tongue playfully, laying hold of your tote bag and putting it in the basket between the handles infront.
you roll your eyes as you climb on the seat, putting one foot on the pedal and anchoring the other on the asphalt road. you release a heavy sigh. “made myself all pretty today not knowing i’ll end up sweaty and gross.”
“aish! my butt! it hurts!” his moans and grunts of pain are accompanied by cackles as he shifts on the metal seat behind you. once he deems himself comfortable enough, he wraps his arms around your waist for . . . hopefully, obvious safety reasons. “damn, okay. there we go. i’m ready. sweep me off my feet, baby.”
you swat his hand lightly. “be careful what you wish for.”
“you’re cute when you try to be mean.” he squeezes your sides as an alternative for your cheeks.
“aren’t you scared that i might drive us off into the river? not even a little bit?!”
instead of pressuring you into not making an uncalculated mistake, he simply says “so what? i can swim.”
“shit, shit, shit! i feel like i’m falling! b-babe- are you doing this on purpose now?!” jungkook erupts into another fit of childlike giggles and high-pitched squeals as you glide across a curve and the bicycle tilts slightly to the side. your hips occassionally rises from the seat so you can push down at the pedals with more effort, spurring moments of him loosely clinging to you.
“maybe? you enjoy stuff like this!” you grin mischievously to yourself.
his long legs are starting to feel sore from having to keep them lifted off the ground, but this is infinitely better than putting them on either side of the bicycle and risking the possibility of getting his balls smushed. besides, he is enamored by the fact that he is face-to-face with the perfect view of the dancing trees, the babbling river, and the bustling city life on the opposite side.
he taps the circle button on his phone screen to end the panorama, swiping to the left to switch to a video. he allows the camera to capture the rest of the beautiful scenery before flipping it to the front.
“i’m having so much fun! i’m never sitting at the front of the bike again- never!” he yells at the reflection of himself, hair covering almost his entire face. the sight makes him laugh heartily. “ay, i look ridiculous with the wind slapping my face. fuck, what is this? my hair- it’s driving me crazy-”
he aggressively shakes his head to get them out of the way, regretting not tying up his hair before you took off.
“then what about me?! i’m fighting against it!” you yell back, squinted eyes persevering the ruthless gusts of wind. the only difference is that you can feel it sweeping through your hair, through your dress, as if you’re soaring and you’re free, not running away but heading somewhere.
“but you’re going to enjoy it when we go back and it’s behind you! trust me!”
this is the first time jungkook is the bicycle passenger since god knows when. he doesn’t remember it being this marvelous, thrilling in its most wholesome form. meanwhile, this is the first time you’re riding a bicycle with a passenger. perhaps you made the same mistake you kept on making two years ago: kicking your feet as if you’re in a race, thinking speed equals to balance. he had to remind you to calm down, slow down, stop looking down all over again. that was at the first minute. your anxieties have been long gone, quelled by your boyfriend’s sheer delight radiating for miles and miles. his happiness is a bubble expanding in size as the wind blows relentlessly.
his phone is returned to the confines of his deep pocket after he deems himself satisfied with the memories he recorded in the device. he properly hugs your waist again, resting his head on the expanse of your back, thin cotton against the apple of his cheek. his heavy eyelids flutter shut. he breathes in, chest rising and pushing against the tough handles of the basket hanging pretty on his forearm, and he breathes out. with his sense of sight idle, it almost feels like you’re flying him to outer space.
“jungkook, you better not fall asleep there. i’m serious.” you sternly remind him, panic meter going up when you notice more of his weight gradually limping against yours.
“yah! you- i love you; i won’t do that to you. don’t be scared.” he chuckles, heart swelling with fondness for the concern lacing your voice.
you melt at his charming reassurance. “i love you too.”
“did you just bite me?” you whip your head to the back in suspicion when you feel a faint sting blossoming on your shoulder.
he innocently looks at the bite mark he left on your skin, and when he tilts up his chin to catch a glimpse of your face, your eyes have already refocused on the bicycle path. ”i did . . . you taste like what i imagine the sunshine would taste.”
“is that a good thing?”
“yeah, good. like honey.”
“thank my body wash for that.” you giggle, and jungkook yearns to see your face, but he shall marvel at the rows of pink and white flowers approaching ahead in the meantime.
“no, that’s not it.” a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he corrects you in a voice so soft it almost breaks. “it’s you. just you.”
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask / dm if you want to be added or removed :D
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izvmimi · 7 months
cw: language. one (1) reference to a rico nasty song.
The sudden clatter of a knife being dropped on a cutting board should have surprised you, but you’re too focused on the screen of the laptop before you to notice that Izuku has stopped chopping vegetables. He looks up over at you carefully, but you continue to type furiously on the other end of the kitchen island, not registering the set of eyes focused on your person.
Clickity clack, clickity clack, goes the keyboard.
He sighs.
His voice is stern and just loud enough that you do somehow hear it, and pulled out of your flurry of vitriolic thoughts, you look at him quizzically.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
You grimace, then smile and scoff in just the way that concerns Izuku even further. He could tell from the pressure on the keyboard and the small noises of frustration that slipped out of you indiscriminately that you were clearly upset about something, and he could name a couple things that had popped up recently in the news to make you feel that way, but whenever you got to typing for this long with this level of focus, it could only mean one thing.
“I’m just drafting a response to a few criticisms I’ve seen online recently.”
His lips press into a thin line.
“Love, you promised-“
You frown at him and raise an index finger. “First of all, I did not make any promises-" He raises an eyebrow and you look at him sheepishly, then look away. “Fine.”
“Let me see it,” he insists. Before you can even consider closing your laptop, he’s behind you, one hand resting softly on your shoulder. His eyes scan the top half of the reply in the comments and you watch his response attentively, taking in how his frown deepens the longer he reads.
“Baby.” He rubs your shoulder gently, but you can tell he’s between irritated and disappointed with you immediately. Defensively, you shrug him off softly then cross your arms over your chest.
“I’m just communicating my discontentment.”
“Really?” He highlights a sentence at the end, and clears his throat before reading it aloud. “If I see you in the street, bitch your ass is done? That’s discontentment?”
You can feel your cheeks burn.
“It’s a quote!!! From a song!”
Izuku places a hand atop your head and squeezes gently. “It’s also a threat?”
“___, you’re a professional Hero. This person could be Quirkless.”
You pause, consider, and then let out a sound of frustration, raising your hands in the air before placing your forehead to the desk.
“Look, I’m just tired of unkind things being said in the media. I don’t mind if they say mean things to me but we’re gonna have a conversation if you’re gonna attack my friends so viciously.” Your voice is muffled and whiny, which means you’re in your inconsolable mood, but by now Izuku is practiced and can get through to you. Izuku’s hands shift from your shoulder to your back and he pulls the stool beside you to sit down.
“I get it, but people say stupid things all the time. Think about what people say about me daily.”
Your head turns to face him.
“The media literally adores you, what are you talking about?” Izuku gives your a cheeky half-smile.
“True, but they didn’t always.”
You give him a soft punch on the shoulder. “Show-off.”
He laughs, and pulls you to him. “You know what it was like when I was a kid though.”
You frown again, thinking about the punches she still thinks she owes Bakugou despite the fact that he’s redeemed himself, and rest your head on his shoulder.
“Can I delete it?” he asks.
“Sure,” you agree. 
“Good girl.”
You feel your cheeks warm but don’t say anything as the angry text disappears. He kisses your cheek and gets up again to finish preparing the meal he’d started. You get up as well and wash your hands before joining him.
You work side by side for a few moments before Izuku bumps you gently on the hip. 
“Are you gonna save a bit of the feistiness for bed?” he asks, eyes twinkling.
You bump him back on the hip.
He beams. “For you? Absolutely.”
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lunicho · 6 months
thinking about sub!anton who gets so needy but isn't very vocal about it, and he tries to express it subtly by looking at you with his pretty doe eyes and playing with your hands. the way you'd catch on to what he's doing because he isn't as subtle as he thinks he is, but you'd tell him "use your words, anton" and he's just so shy and his cheeks are tinted pink and he's looking at you so desperately, "you know what i want" but poor baby isn't getting touched until he speaks his truth
— 🪨 (ur favorite eunseok enthusiast who loves anton on the side occasionally sungchan!!)
(send riize asks to @angeltsan)
u wanna be special so bad bro like u just wanna be different so bad 🙄 also sungchan is MINE. (this is my bestie guys im not being mean to a random anon i promise)
ughh this is so true like i can vividly envision this playing out. he's definitely the type to give u the "fuck me" eyes from across the room instead of just telling u what he wants. he'll look at you with those desperate eyes and he'll hope u know what he wants which ofc u do because he's not slick fr. he'd keep coming to u and just lingering around, randomly playing with your shirt or your hands and he'd keep looking at u with pleading eyes.
when u finally do say smth to him and it's not you just fully giving in he'll get a little more whiny honestly. like when u tell him to use his words he'll whine (quietly) about how ur so mean because you know what he wants and he shouldn't have to say it but its more of a reason for him to directly ask for it! anton needs a dom with some backbone fr cuz he's pretty bratty and needs someone to really make him do things cuz he's really such a princess. he gets desperate and frustrated quite quickly so it won't take too too much to get him to say what he wants.
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tipsy. ~ morpheus x fem!reader
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Summary: Morpheus takes care of you after you get drunk with Destiny and Death. II fluff
Words: 531 Warnings: mentions of alcohol use Pairing: Morpheus x female!Reader
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„And then I said to him – whoops!” The chair on which you currently stand to dramatically tell your story suddenly … tips. You fall, arms flailing, drink crashing to the ground but instead of following the glass, you land right in the arms of a certain more or less annoyed Dream Lord.
“Oops, didn’t see you there”, you giggle as you look up to him. In the background, Desire and Death are laughing.
“Hmm, I figured”, Morpheus says and you could swear that he sounds a bit amused. But maybe that’s the alcohol talking.
“You got her drunk?”, he asks, voice much colder now as he addresses his siblings. “Whose idea was that? Desire?”
“Don’t blame me!” Desire lifts up both of their hands, a wide grin on their face. “It was her idea!”
“That’s true, Dream”, you come to their help but he ignores you.
“I expected better from you, Death.”
“Ah, come on, don’t be such a buzzkill, brother,” Death exclaims, rolling her eyes. “It’s all in good fun.”
“See,” you repeat, giggling again. “All in good fun.”
Desire snorts, Death grins, Dream sighs.
“Let’s get you to bed then,” he mumbles and lifts you up, full-on bridal style. A second later, your surroundings have changed and you’re in his personal chambers.
“Technically, I am already sleep, aren’t I?”, you wonder as he carries you to his bed.
“Still, you need rest. Alcohol in the Dreaming can affect you just as much.” He lets you down carefully. The sheets feel nice and cool against your heated skin. Morpheus sits down next to you and reaches for the covers. You however have different plans – you sit up, the world spins, and reach for him. You actually manage to grab him by surprise and as you press his mouth to his, you feel him smile against you. He breaks the kiss quickly, holding your hands tightly by the wrists.
“We will do no such thing.”
“Why not?”, you whine.
“Because, my love, you are very, very drunk.” Slowly he pushes you down to lay down again.
“So?” You pout. “I want you. Sober or not sober.”
Dream chuckles. You love it when he does that. “Then surely you can wait until you are actually sober.”
“You’re being mean.”
“I am not. You’re being whiny.”
“Pff.” Suddenly your eyes begin to feel heavy. You hardly even notice that Dream begins to pull off your shoes.
“Besides, you stink of alcohol”, he continues. “What did they give you?”
“Did you just tell me I stink?” Slightly offended, you open an eye.
Dream nods, dead serious. “I did.”
“And here I thought you loved me.” You sigh dramatically. The blanket feels heavy on your shoulders and you already feel yourself drifting. “It was fun though”, you mumble into the pillow. “Your siblings are nice.”
“Mhh”, he murmurs. The mattress dips and he pulls you into his arms.
You nuzzle your head against his chest. “I loved hanging out with them.”
“And I love you.”
The smile appears naturally on your face. “I love you too.” You yawn. “If you change your mind about … you know. Let me know.”
His body vibrates as he laughs. “Rest now, my Queen.”
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thank you for reading! masterlist
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kanansdume · 8 months
What's crazy and really shows off how impeccably awful this show managed to be is how DIFFERENT Anakin feels between the Kenobi show and the Ahsoka show, despite the fact that he's being played by the same actor probably within a year of each other if that.
And it's so clearly not the fault of the performer, Hayden Christensen is doing the absolute MOST to give an authentic and familiar performance of Anakin in the Ahsoka show and on a STRICTLY acting standpoint, I think he succeeds. People have pointed out that the Anakin that Hayden is playing in the flashbacks, despite being in the TCW costumes, does not at all feel like TCW Anakin. There's nothing suave or charming about him. When he tries to joke and Ahsoka pushes back against it, he immediately gets defensive, which is perhaps one of the most in-characters thing about the entire performance. And obviously his performance as Sith Anakin is pure perfection.
But it's not just the performance that creates a character. It's the way other people discuss the character, it's the way that character impacts the world around them, it's what we as the audience are allowed to see of them.
In the Obi-Wan show, Anakin at his best is still a whiny little asshole. In the flashback scene, he's arrogant, he's overconfident, he's a little bit of a bully, he's stubborn, and he's a sore loser. It's left a little ambiguous as to whether this scene was a true flashback or something Else, but the dialogue of the scene and who is currently "winning" the match clearly are intended to parallel what's going on in the actual plot between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Which means you can just as easily interpret this as saying that the whiny little asshole you remember from the prequels is still the person behind that mask. Yes, he's got a vocoder changing his voice into something more menacing, his expressions hidden behind an emotionless mask, but that whiny teenager is still calling the shots here. That's precisely what motivates him. Even if it's intended as a more legitimate flashback, that's supposed to be Anakin at his BEST and he's... whiny. He's arrogant. You can say he can grow out of it at this point and that's clearly what Obi-Wan believes in the moment, but the best he's got is... still this.
And he never grew out of it, he never left that arrogance and entitlement behind. He decided to let it define him instead. He might've had promise if he'd chosen to outgrow his more negative traits, but he didn't. He just stayed forever in the mindset of that annoying little 19 year old asshole.
And at his worst, Anakin's a literal unhinged MONSTER. He's casually walking by and murdering innocents just to get Obi-Wan's attention, he's stabbing Reva just because he can, he's ripping open ships, he's burning Obi-Wan alive out of vengeance. His face when that mask comes off has a manic GLEE as he talks about having "killed" himself just to try to manipulate Obi-Wan and the way he screams Obi-Wan's name at the end is so intensely disturbing. So many people saw that moment as Anakin having this moment of mindfulness, but I didn't see or hear a single sane moment in the entire scene. The whole thing is off-kilter and it feels pretty intentionally off-kilter, both in the writing and the acting and directing. Anakin's made his choice. This is it.
In the Kenobi show, Anakin might've once had promise. But he also had immense potential for monstrous evil, that was ALSO there as well. And whatever promise used to be there is now squandered in favor of the arrogance and cruelty and entitlement, which means that it's not worth Obi-Wan's time and effort and energy continuing to wonder what if about it. Because, quite honestly, it doesn't MATTER. Obi-Wan isn't fighting for Anakin anymore by the end. He's not fighting to destroy Anakin, but he's not fighting to save him, either. And the whole point of his relationships with Luke and Leia is that he has to learn to care about them for who THEY are rather than because he cared about their biological parents. He has to see them for who they've become and allow them to grow without worrying about how much like Anakin or Padme they might end up being. They're not Anakin and Padme, they're Luke and Leia, and his relationship with them is ultimately better for letting go of seeing them as anything other than who they actually are.
The people who were in charge of the Kenobi show clearly understood that in order for Obi-Wan to stand on his own as a main character of his own story, they needed to clearly differentiate him from Anakin and FREE him from Anakin. Yes, Obi-Wan is built to be Anakin's narrative foil and has been since day 1. Yes, Obi-Wan's story is very tied up in Anakin's. But this was OBI-WAN'S story and just for this one moment, they could let Obi-Wan be more than just someone who revolves around Anakin. He's his own person who makes his own connections and relationships that have nothing to do with Anakin and he only truly starts to feel like himself again when he walks away from Anakin and leaves him behind and accepts that Anakin has chosen to be someone that Obi-Wan cannot change. No one writing the Kenobi show wanted Obi-Wan to be more IMPORTANT to the narrative than Anakin, but they were able to allow Anakin to take a back seat so that Obi-Wan could actually grow and develop into his own character.
The same cannot be said for the Ahsoka show.
In the Ahsoka show, Anakin is portrayed IMMENSELY positively. At his best, Anakin is a wise powerful sage watching over someone he cares about and pushing her to be better. At his worst, he's... pushing her a little? They MENTION he's intense, and we see visions of him as a Sith, sure, but if that was Anakin at all, then it leaves you with the impression that he only pushed Ahsoka because he cared about her and she needed it and he was ultimately right to do so anyway. Was it tough? I guess, but nothing that would ultimately truly hurt her at all. Anakin's worst sins aren't touched on at all. Anakin is constantly remembered as someone who was GOOD without really acknowledging that while he might've been good at times, he wasn't always. Even when Ahsoka remembers him as a good master, he was still someone who believed in fascism and had massacred an entire village down to the last child. That person Ahsoka remembers was still a bad person and this show desperately wants you to forget that any of that is true about him.
And via proxies like Sabine and Ahsoka herself, this show DEFENDS Anakin's choices across the board. It's not even just that he was a good master, but that he ultimately did the RIGHT THING by choosing Padme over the galaxy because he did it out of "love," turning the genocide of the Jedi into something that was caused by their OWN failures instead of Anakin's failures.
There's zero recognition that Anakin was, ultimately, a failure. He was a failure as a Jedi, a failure as a master, a failure as a husband and a father, and a failure just as a generally good person. Anakin was a bad person who did bad things. Maybe he wasn't always, maybe he had his moments, fine, but overall? What's the legacy he leaves? What are people going to truly remember him for most? Despite his choice to save Luke in his last moments, his impact upon the galaxy is still a net negative.
And Ahsoka can have good memories of him and still recognize that Anakin's impact upon the galaxy was a bad one. She can choose to focus on the good memories she has without pretending like he was in actuality a good master who did nothing wrong. It's not like those two things can't co-exist and that is, in essence, exactly what Obi-Wan has to do. It's why he can say honestly and genuinely tell Leia at the end of the show that her father was "passionate, fearless, and forthright" even though just a day or so ago he'd accepted that Anakin himself had chosen to be an evil person now. He can remember Anakin as the friend he'd cared for AND recognize that the person Anakin is now is not that person anymore. Anakin NOW is evil, Anakin NOW doesn't deserve Obi-Wan's time or focus or grief, Anakin NOW needs to just be let go of. They aren't two separate people, obviously, but people do grow and change, and Obi-Wan once loved Anakin, but the boy Obi-Wan loved is gone because Anakin has chosen not to be that kind of person anymore. He's not kind, he's not compassionate, he's not merciful, or thoughtful or any of the good qualities he used to have. The Kenobi show forces both Obi-Wan and the audience to recognize that no matter how good someone might once have been, it's important to recognize when they're not acting like that person anymore and it's better to let them go and walk away.
And the reason Ahsoka can't do that is because the writers can't. The people in charge of writing Anakin in this show see him so differently than the people who wrote Kenobi. The the writers of the Ahsoka show, Anakin is "the greatest of all of the Jedi," not even just for raw power reasons, but because he understood what love was all about and felt it so deeply. So instead of that love twisting him and being in so many ways his greatest flaw, it turned into his greatest strength, something the Jedi just didn't understand. They're coming at Anakin from a WILDLY opposite direction here and so the way he gets depicted and spoken about comes across so unnervingly different.
You CAN see it as Ahsoka just... viewing Anakin differently. Obi-Wan knew Anakin as a child and was a Jedi Master before the betrayal, so he is more capable of viewing Anakin as the whole of what he was and letting him go. Whereas Ahsoka was a lot younger, she barely got any training before the betrayal, so her perspective on him is intensely skewed by this. She can't truly conceive of Anakin as both the good master she remembers AND the nightmare monster she knows he became, so she just... picks one. She chooses to see him as a good master and that's it. Nothing else he ever did matters. She never has to think about the genocide, the murders, the enslavement, the betrayals. He was a good master, and that's the end of the story. This is the best way she can learn to cope with this particular trauma is to just... ignore it and decide it didn't happen and so her version of Anakin is the ONLY version of Anakin.
But the narrative itself sort-of presents this as the honest truth of Anakin rather than just Ahsoka's perspective on the matter. It's not that Ahsoka just can't cope any other way, it's that this is, legitimately, who Anakin was. Anakin WAS a good master and the fact that he abandoned Ahsoka to die and tried to kill her and genocided her people and desecrated her home apparently doesn't change that at all. Because he did all of it for love. And the fact that Anakin was the "greatest of all the Jedi" because of this means that Ahsoka gets exalted even more so because of that.
But Obi-Wan doesn't need that. He doesn't need to be exalted as better than everyone else, he doesn't need to be made important by manipulating the narrative. He already IS important and the people writing his story know that. He's not important because he's better than Anakin, he's important just because he is. He's baked into this story and can't be removed from it without completely undoing it and telling a totally new story. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are, in some ways, total opposites. Obi-Wan is a massively important character to the narrative who's never been the main character of his own story before the Kenobi show, while Ahsoka spent a long time as the main character of her story but has never and will never be that important to the narrative. She can be added to it and give some extra dimension to it, but she can be pretty easily removed from it, too.
And their relationships to Anakin in their respective shows seem to reflect the way the writers feel about those facts and their understanding of the characters themselves.
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nr1chaedickrider · 6 months
'Christmas gift'
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this is basically just smut, felt silly <33 early christmas fic!!!
for the one and only @pinkytrl ilysm pookie!! also for 🐨 anon but you know who you are
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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" a voice screams the moment you enter your and lily's shared apartment. The high note making you yelp in surprise.
"I think you like christmas but im not sure.." you say while hanging your jacket on a hook thats drilled into the door, a little laugh leaving your mouth. Your comment makes Lily laugh along with you as she comes closer and puts her arms around your neck, pulling you closer and kissing you softly.
You hum into the kiss as you let yourself relax more and more, your hands travelling to her waist and holding it firmly.
After what felt like minutes, both of you slowly let go and breathe heavily while a small and almost non-visible string of salvia connects you two. Saying Lily's cheeks are just a little red would be a lie, the way she is looking right now looks more like a ripe tomato..
But the way she looks at you, eyes lidded, hot breath that hits your skin every now and then. You feel like falling in love again. Her hands trail down your body, stopping at your waist to pull you closer. Her mouth right next to your ear, whispering something that sounds like a dream come true:
"Ruin me."
She looks at you with a innocent smile, you smile back at her.
Your lips connect again, a heated and sloppy kiss, nothing like the one you shared when you entered the apartment and she greeted you like a puppy.
Your hands find their way back to her waist, pushing her in the direction of the bedroom while trying not to trip over anything.
You slam the door of the room closed while almost throwing Lily on the bed. You look down to her while she looks up to you. Her cheeks flushed and her body propped up by her arms, looking up to you in need and lust.
You sit down on her lap and start to kiss her neck, her hands grip the fabric of your t-shirt and soft moans leave her mouth. Crimson colored marks appearing on her neck, like a work of art.
After kissing her neck (or rather making out with it very roughly..) you start to tug at her oversized shirt, she helps you and pulls it off, throwing it somewhere on the already messy bedroom floor.
The sight infront of you is problably the best thing ever.
Lily looks at you with a grin, the red lingerie on her body saying more than any words couldve said. You feel your face heating up emberrassingly fast. Did she plan this?
"A little christmas present. How do you like it?" she asks in a teasing voice which makes you chuckle.
"I love it" you answer, your hands slowly roaming around her body.
"This is the best thing ever, fuck" you breathe out, kissing her again and slipping your tongue into her mouth, your fingers toying with her already hard nipple through her thin bra.
Whimpers leave her mouth while she grips the bedsheets under her. You slowly start to move down on her body, leaving a trail of marks and even bite marks here and there. You stop with the kisses right infront of the cute little ribbon on her panties, giggling a little at the sight of her. You look up to Lily and see that she has her brows furrowed as she looks at you.
A whiny "please.." comes out of her mouth, and who were you to say no to her?
You take off her underwear and throw it to the other clothes on the floor, moving a finger through her folds, making her breath shiver.
"You look so pretty like this.." you mumble against her thighs as you place kisses everywhere, except her throbbing core.
Her hand moves to your head, trying to move it closer to the place she really needs your lips on. "So desperate?" you ask as you look up to her, and she nods.
"Please.. I need it." Lily looks at you in that needy look you have seen so many times, but everytime she does it, it feels like the first time.
"I mean if you're asking so nicely.."
You latch yourself on her clit, licking it. She immideatly starts to moan, her head thrown back in pleasure as her hand grips your hair. You hum against her, the vibrations sending shivers down her spine as you move your tongue inbetween her folds in an unusual pace, making her curl her toes into the mattress.
Her moans are getting louder and louder as you eat her out like an wild animal that finally found its prey. You hold her thighs in place due to her squirming around so much.
"So riled up already.." you mumble against her core, knowing how close she actually already is.
"Please.. Im so close oh my god-" her thighs start to shake as you fuck her core with your tongue and your nose bumps into her clit, you smirk against her as she cums and her juices are starting to slowly flow out onto your tongue, almost drinking her up.
Lily breathes heavily as you sit down properly between her legs while she comes down from her high. You watch her in anticipation and she smiles at you, her cheeks still flushed. She takes your hand in hers, your thumb slowly caressing her skin as she looks down on your fingers.
She slowly leans forward, propping herself up with her other arm as she comes closer and closes the gap inbetween your lips, a slow and lovely kiss.
Which changes to a sloppy one pretty fast.
Moans and groans leaving both of your mouths as your other hand gropes her waist, moving them to her back to unclasp her red lace bra - finally freeing her tits.
You both part when you almost arent able to breathe anymore, looking at eachother with lust and red faces as Lily and you breathe heavily.
You want to let go of her hand but she holds it with a rather strong grip, taking her other hand to your wrist to hold your hand. She moves it closer to her mouth, looking at you with a smile before taking your fingers into her mouth.
You watch her in surprise by her sudden action, but saying it doesn't turn you on would be the biggest lie in history.
You can feel her tongue going inbetween your middle finger and your ring finger, moving it in circular movements. Your fingers get wetter and wetter after she sucks on them.
You slowly pull them out of her mouth, making a little 'pop' sound. She looks at you with a smile before laying down again, spreading her thighs.
You look at her, tilting your head like an confused puppy, but the teasing look in your face says something else.
"What do you want from me?" you ask, trying not to laugh.
"Come on... You know what I want.." she says, her hand holding your wrist with the fingers she just sucked on some moments ago, some of her saliva dropping on her naked thigh.
"I don't, I can just stop right here and there Lily" you say, trying to stand up but she pulls you down really quick, making you fall on top of her. Her mouth is right next to your ear, her hot breath hitting your cold skin, making you gulp.
Was she always like this?
You decided to not think about this now while waiting for her to talk,
"I want your fingers inside of me, I did you a favor and already wetted them for you.." she whispers in a deep voice.
You can feel your cheeks heat up as you slowly prop yourself up, smiling a little.
"That's what I wanted to hear" you run your finger through her folds, making her breath quiver as your slowly put it inside her hole, watching her bite her lip as you start to move.
"T-two fingers.." she moans out, not letting you answer,
"I prepared two fingers for you.." she adds, making you chuckle at her needyness.
"If you say so" you pull out, just to slam to fingers inside of her, making her yelp and lean her head back into the silk pillow. The volume of her moans increasing immideatly.
You lean forward and start to place kisses all over Lily's chest, running your tongue over her erected nipple. Your fingers never stopping thrusting in and out of her insanely fast.
"F-fuck.." she keeps moaning, cursing inbetween as her thighs try to close, but you hold them open, not letting her stop you in any way.
"Please..." she whimpers, her bangs sticking to her forehead because of the sweat, her chest rising and sinking rapidly.
"You wanted it so bad and now you're too exhausted baby?" you tease her while your fingers curl into her g-spot again.
Small tears leve her eyes and roll down her cheek.
"You look so pretty like this..." you say and kiss her cheek, tasting the slightly salty water drops. She looks at you while gripping the bedsheets.
"I know you're close, just one more" you add, thrusting your fingers in and out while playing with her nipples with your other hand. She nods fast, closing her eyes and letting you ruin her.
A sound similar to a scream leaves her mouth as she cums - again. You help her ride out her high as you pull out your fingers, laying down next to her.
"You did so good" you say with a smile, hugging her waist. She smiles and breathes heavily, looking at you.
"What is your gift for me?" she asks, you laugh a little, making eye contact with her.
"You can do anything to me baby" you answer, cuddling into her and closing your eyes.
"Trust me I have something planned." she whispers in a low tone.
You wake up in the morning, looking at the clock next to you, showing '10:00' in a bright red color.
You look to the other side, some of the light shines through the almost closed blinds. Your eyes wander around the room and you start to notice Lily sleeping next to you, her body covered with marks from the night before, her plump lips parting a little everytime she exhales.
She looks so cute when sleeping, you think while admiring her features.
You slowly get out of the bed, trying not to wake her up and leaving a little handwritten note.
'At the practice room, love you.
Dont forget to cover up the hickeys ;P'
Lily lets out a little laugh while reading your note. A cute thing you both started doing when the other one was asleep.
"Okay lets have a 20 minute break" Chaeryeong calls out while you lie down on the floor exhausted.
"Finally" Ryujin says, dragging Yeji with her.
"What are they doing together?" you ask lia and yuna and they laugh.
"Lets find out!" They say and pull Chaeryeong with them out of the practice room, leaving alone.
Atleast you were alone, for like 2 minutes??
"Missed me?" Lily asks as she closes the door behind her, looking at you with a smile.
You start to notice the marks all over her neck and collarbone as she takes off her scarf.
Oh god.
"Didn't I tell you to cover them up?" you look at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Mhm" she nods, walking to you and sitting down next to you, her lips immideatly latching onto your neck.
"Lily- the others could come in any second" you let out a small moan, trying to push her away playfully but it's like she doesn't even listen, continuing to suck on that special spot.
"I'll be quick." she whispers against your neck, her hand travelling inbetween your thighs.
You nod, spreading your legs a little so she can have better access, her hand goes under your underwear and your sweatpants in a quick move, rubbing small circles on your clit.
You bite your lip to muffle your moans, which is pretty hard with Lily teasing you like this.
"D-don't tease.." you whimper, gripping her thigh, she looks at you and chuckles.
"Okay okay.."
Her fingers dip into your hole, making you let out a little yelp while she thrusts them in and out fast, her thumb not stopping rubbing your clit.
You throw your head back, your teeth still on your bottom lip.
"Hey- I forgot to grab my phone, Ryujin was pinning Yeji against a wall- WHAT-" You look to the door of the practice room.
Chaeryeong stares at you both, slowly closing the door behind her.
Lily tries not to laugh, but her being here doesn't stop her as she continues curling her fingers into your sweet spot.
"H-hey Lily.. fuck..." you moan out, trying to stop her, but damn is it turning you on when Chaeryeong watches.
She doesn't move at all while watching you two, you look at her and she blushes, even panting a little??
Shes holding onto the table in the practice room, her hand seems like its gripping it.
"Come on.. Keep looking at her." Lily whispers seducingly into your ear, then going down to kiss your neck, marking you up like you did with her yesterday.
"Mhm-" you moan, your legs closing themselves on their own since you're so close. Trying to look at Chaeryeong but you notice how she is struggling to look at you too.
"Keep them open." she says, spreading your legs, wet sounds filling the room as you try to be quiet while your orgasm washes over you. She slowly stops moving her fingers, helping you ride out your orgasm.
Chaeryeong just stares at the wet spot on your grey sweatpants.
"It isn't that emberrassing come on..." Ryujin says while taking a sip from her beer, Yeji sitting next to her and nodding.
"Look... atleast you saved us from Chaeryeong taking a pic of me being all messy..??" Yeji says, scratching the back of her head.
"Yeah yeah..." you finish your drink and look at your phone.
'Lily: Come home.'
"You know.. its kinda late, I should get going" you say and leave some money to pay for your drink. Ryujin nods.
"See you tomorrow at practice!" Yeji says and waves at you while you walk (rather run..) out of the bar.
"Im so fucked oh god.." you say to yourself while walking back home, being glad that the apartment is not far away from the bar.
You think about everything that couldve happened to make Lily so mad that she wouldnt use any of those weird emojis, especially ending her sentence with a dot???
You close the door behind you, looking around in the living room, but it's empty?
"Lily..?" you walk around, going to the bedroom, but when you open the door, you're greeted by Lily standing there in a black silk bathrobe?
"On your knees."
"I'm not joking. On your knees, now." she says.
You slowly get on your knees, seeing her walking towards you. She grabs your chin with her hand and lifts it up, making you look up to her.
It's silent. So silent that you're afraid she could hear your heart beating rapidly.
"Told everyone how you fucked me, hm?" she asks in a deep voice. Images of you talking to your members proudly of how you ruined her as a christmas present.
"I-.. How do you know-"
"Is that important? No, I don't think so.
You know, people that behave like you should learn some manners." she says, going down so her mouth is next to your ear.
"Maybe I should teach you some, how about that? Hm?" she whispers. You feel shivers running down your spine.
"I-... I dont know.. uhm-"
"Stuttering now? You didn't sound so shy when you told everyone how I whimpered." she says.
"Get on the bed, face down, hips up." she says, you immideatly stand up and walk to the bed, doing as she says.
You look over your shoulder and see Lily in her underwear (or to be exact, a sports bra that shows of her biceps and abs so well, and a pair of panties), a black strap put on. "Like what you see?
You know, you dont even need to answer, I bet you're already so wet." she says and chuckles, getting on the bed and taking your pants off, looking at the damp spot on your underwear.
"Nope, not surprised." She takes your underwear of too, aligning herself with your hole.
"W-wait no prepping-?" you ask, your voice hinted with a little fear even though this turns you on so bad.
"You're wet enough." she answers, slowly inserting her strap as she watches it dissapear completly.
You try not to moan out loud because the stretch feels just so good. Your nails dig into the pillow you laid your head on.
"You're so tight baby..." she says, laying down on top of your back, her chest pressing against it as her strap reaches even deeper, moving herself inside of you, her hot breath on your ear as she groans inbetween thrusts.
"Fuck Lily..." you moan out, eyes rolling back as she keeps fucking you in a fast pace, not caring a little bit about how you feel.
And oh god, it's emberrassing how fast you are close to your orgasm.
"I'm gonna-" "Mhm. I know" she says, kissing your neck and moving even faster, if thats even possible.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you cum, head falling on the pillow as you try to relax after your orgasm.
She pulls out, you hear another 'Click' as she takes off her strap, turning you around so you lay on your back.
You're panting as you watch her get on top of you, looking at some of the marks she left when you did it in the practice room.
She starts to kiss all over you again, sucking, biting, licking at every spot, all over your collarbone and neck, your breasts, literally everywhere.
She places a small kiss on your clit as her hands play with your nipples. She starts to move her tongue through your folds, teasing you by going to every spot except the one spot you really need her tongue on.
"Please.." you say, looking down to see her looking up to you with a grin.
"Will you be good? No trying-to-be-cool acts?" she asks and you quickly nod.
"I kinda wish they could see the way you're right now, begging the soo 'submissive' girl to tongue fuck you.." she says, then immideatly going to your hole as she starts to eat you out, making you moan immideatly.
You grip her hair, trying to push her in deeper, her hands still toying with your nipples. You squirm around as she eats you out like a wild animal, looking like there will be no end of this.
And there is no end of this.
After some times of cuming into her mouth, it seems like she just cant stop.
"Lily-" you whimper, pussy swollen while she continues to eat you out, too pussydrunk to stop, overstimulating you obviously.
"One more baby. Be good." she mumbles, the vibrations against your core making you squirm more, moaning about how close you are, how it hurts in such a good way..
Your hands grip the bedsheets, your toes curl into the mattress, your head thrown back, your back arched, your mouth repeating her name like a mantra.
"Lily.. fuck im gonna-.. Lily-!" you moan out loud, almost like a scream as you cum in her mouth again.
She slowly leans back, watching you breathing heavily, your eyes still closed. A sight she loves to see. Maybe a bit too much.
If you werent too exhausted to notice Lily taking a picture of you in your current state, putting it in a hidden folder immideatly.
She puts her phone away, laying down next to you as she covers you both with a blanket.
"I should top you more often" she says and chuckles a little while you are already asleep.
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rygujis · 6 months
⊹˚. ♡ what are we? draken x f!reader . 592 wc . crack, feat. hina & emma, draken's a tease, i might make another part of this
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for months now, you and draken have been "seeing eachother". it's hard to explain. he's been taking you on all these cute dates, you've been flirting with one another, the two of you hold hands in public without even realizing it, and your friends have all assumed you're dating, which has made you start thinking,
"what are we?"
neither you or draken have asked eachother this, nothing has been made official, and frankly, you're afraid to ask. it seems like a dumb question, but could you really be blamed for asking it? you didn't know, and you aren't quite sure he knows either.
with encouragement from emma and hina, bless their hearts, you go ahead and pick up your phone. reluctantly, you dial his number, before hitting the big green button, you look up at your friends, whom both give you a nod and thumbs up. you shake off your worries, and call draken.
the phone rings for what feels like eternity, making your foot tap impatiently. suddenly, you hear a, "hello?" you nearly hang up right there. the whole pep talk you'd just gotten seems to of went right out the window, and you start to shake. "hi."
"what's up?" you realize how late it is, checking the clock on your nightstand. it's 12 am.
"i didn't wake you up, did i?"
"i was just 'bout to go to sleep, but don't worry about it."
"cool, cool."
"so.. why'd you call?" draken sounds confused, usually something like this would irritate him, like, if mikey had called him this late and just stayed quiet he'd be pretty ticked off, but he has a godly amount of patience when it comes to you.
"i wanted to ask you something."
he stays quiet.
"what- uh... what are we?"
more silence.
"ain't it obvious?" you freeze. seemingly. you turn a very deep red, because emma starts to giggle into hinas shoulder.
"what do you mean?" you can't help but laugh nervously, filled with anxiety. what does he mean? is he saying that in a "we're nothing more than friends, obviously!" kind of way or in a "obviously we're together!" way? it's hard to read his tone, that's right in between sounding playful and confused.
"tell me, what do you want us to be?"
oh, he wants you dead. that's basically impossible to say out loud with your two snickering best friends in front of you. you point to your door, mouthing "get out." at the two girls, resulting in hina scurrying out, dragging a whiny, nosy emma out with her.
"i- uh. i guess i was hoping we could be. y'know."
"no, n/n, i don't know."
you sigh, pouting dramatically. "y'know.. official. girlfriend 'nd boyfriend." you nearly throw up in your mouth out of sheer embarrassment, but you were proud of yourself for finally getting that out after questioning your relationship nonstop for the past week.
"hmm.. i suppose that could work."
"you suppose?!" he laughs, making you smile.
"i'm just kiddin', y/n. i'd love to make things official."
like a teen girl in one of those corny movies you watch, you fall on your back and kick your feet out of excitement. it almost felt like a dream come true, you've finally made it to the next base after months of build up.
"see you tomorrow?"
"sounds great."
the phone is still snug against your ear as you squeal in excitement, the que for the girls to run back in and bask in the excitement with you.
i might make a "part two" for this.. in quotes bc it could techically be a standalone but yk
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
perhaps some angst?? reader and jamie break up but fluff at the end because he wins her back 🥹
I’m sorry this took me so long 😭 Not always the best at writing angst. Thanks for requesting!
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can’t really say i’m enjoying it now
“What the fuck, Jamie,” you say. “What the actual fuck.”
You’re in Richmond’s boot room after training. You’d been upstairs with Rebecca which is a bit of why you’re even in this mess. 
After all, she’s the one who told you he’d changed.
She’s the one who told him to just go for it.
She’s the one who showed you the interview clip.
You might be on the offensive, but Jamie’s on the defensive.
“I don’t get why you’re so fuckin upset, babe,” he shrugs, attempting nonchalance. His eyes, however, are just as fiery as yours. “It’s not that big a deal.”
“Not that big-not that big a deal? Then what is a big deal, Jamie? And don’t ‘babe’ me, you are in absolutely no place to pull that shit after that shit you pulled.”
In another circumstance, that turn of phrase would have made Jamie laugh. Would have made him comment on your command of the English language.
Would have made him kiss you.
Now however, he just throws his hands in the air and says, “It was just an interview. Those are things you say in an interview. ‘Case you forgot, I’m a fucking famous footballer.”
“How can I forget?” you shoot back, arms crossed, “it’s all you ever fucking talk about.”
“At least I’m not a self-absorbed grad student who thinks she’s all that because she ‘makes her own money,’ and ‘has a real job.’” Here Jamie mocks your voice, high pitched and whiny.
All you can see is red. “Damnit Jamie, that is a far cry from telling the entire world about how grateful I am that you decided to date me, and then bragging about how fucking out-of-my-league you are. I’m not some goddamn charity case! And then you had the audacity to make jokes about our private life on live television. Live television, Jamie. Do you know how many people saw that? And are going to see that? It’s not just a joke about yourself anymore. It involves me too.” 
Jamie looks at you, eyes narrowed. He knows he should back down, but he won’t. It’s not in his nature to surrender a fight. “It’s not like anyone’s going to fuckin care, anyway. You’re not even famous, so who gives a shit?”
That catches you off guard. You weren’t famous, that was true, but there were a few more results in a google search of your name these days. Because of Jamie. Some were kind, some were not. 
You knew you had been prickly about it, because you wanted people to know you for you, not as some footballer’s girlfriend. You wanted to be known for your graduate research, for helping people, for something that mattered. 
You had been lashing out as a result, flexing your presumed intelligence in a less-than-graceful manner.
You had seen Jamie bottle up every retort, but now it was all coming out.
He was wrong, but so were you. You know you should back down, but you won’t. It’s not in your nature.
You whisper, “I give a shit, Jamie Tartt. I do. It’s my name but it doesn’t even belong to me anymore. It’s always tied to yours and I can’t get it back.”
You glare at each other in silent anger. The air feels so thick that you could reach out and put a piece in your pocket. There are hot, angry tears in your eyes, and Jamie’s face is red, eyebrows knit together. Your arms are in fists at your sides, and Jamie’s are tightly crossed. Each of you sending the message, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
Finally Jamie speaks up. “You want your fucking name back?” he asks, far too calmly. “You can have it. We’re done.”
For a moment, all you can hear is roaring in your ears. Then- “Fuck you. Fine. You think I’m a self-righteous bitch? At least I know who I am, and I’m working on it instead of pretending to be something I’m not. Have a nice life, Jamie,” you reply, icy voice cooling the fire in your veins. You turn sharply on your heel and walk out of the boot room. You don’t slam the door. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Jamie kicks a bench and lets out a single, “Fuck!”
That was three months ago. You booked the first flight you could find back to your parents’ house before you even told them you were coming home for a visit. They were overjoyed to have you, despite the circumstances of your return. 
You managed to keep it together right until the moment you saw your dad’s face at baggage claim, and then you felt everything fall apart. He hugged you as though it was the only thing keeping you from shattering into a million pieces, and you just sobbed.
You spend a month on their couch, slogging through schoolwork and binge-watching tv. Your mom walks with you every morning, claiming she needs someone to keep her from cutting corners. In reality, the fresh air is good for you. She lets you walk in silence, and squeezes your hand the exact moment before a tear falls from your eye.
“He’s just a young man,” she says, “They do dumb things. He’ll learn. I’m sorry he had to learn through you, but you won’t feel this way forever.” 
You tell her once this feels like taking his side. She laughs and says, “Having grace for someone is not the same as taking their side. And anyway, which one of you have I let live in my house for the past three weeks?”
Your dad is less forgiving. You hear your mom talking him out of buying a plane ticket to London. “Violence is not the answer for this,” she says.
You can’t hear your dad’s reply, but it’s something along the lines of “Just wanted to talk to him.”
Your mom laughs. Your dad is downright frightening when he wants to be, violence or no. You catch a snip of “Poor boy, his father- can’t be expected- not excusing-” before you put in some earbuds and slip off to sleep.
Your mom is on your side. She just has the unnerving tendency to understand both sides of an argument. You’re grateful that she doesn’t make any snide comments about Jamie like your sister does, because there’s a part of you that just hurts because that part still loves him, and it feels like slander on his name is slander on yours. 
You try not to note that your name is still inextricably intertwined with his.
Back in Richmond, Jamie is throwing himself fully into football. He doesn’t talk or joke so much anymore, just silently goes through training. He plays better, if anything. He kicks the ball with such precision during matches that the game is won if he’s even remotely near the goal. He is vicious, unforgiving, vengeful toward himself. The team leaves him alone, except Roy and Ted.
Roy still takes him for training every morning and Ted comes over to Jamie’s house with lunch every weekend.
Jamie is still silent.
You spend the next two months in Richmond, trying to make new memories in the places that only remind you of Jamie. It’s almost impossible, because all you can think about is his smile, and how his sharp canines glinted in the light. How his hands would catch your waist and thumbs would draw circles on your hipbones. How he could bring you to tears of laughter in a single sentence or well-timed look.
You’re almost at a point of forgiveness when you see a tabloid. You don’t even register the picture because all you can focus on is the bolded name in the headline. It’s Jamie’s name.
You’re sure it’s about some girl he’s with, because what else would be in a tabloid? You roll your eyes and scoff. Typical. Leave it to him to bounce back. You suppose long-term relationships mean nothing to him.
After that, you stay in your flat. You only leave during times you know are impossible to bump into him. 
Things start to get better. If Jamie’s moved on, so can you. You begin going on runs again. You stop by Mae’s now and again to chat with the regulars. She slips you free chips with a wink and a pat on the hand.
You still think about Jamie. He’s on your mind and you wonder if you’re on his. You remember the tabloid and shake your head.
You’re one semester away from graduating, and your research has started to mean something. You google your name once and see your name in a singular footnote in a research paper you helped write. It’s the first result. You smile. 
You are so close to having your first Jamie-free day. He hasn’t been the first thing on your mind for two days. You don’t have that feeling of falling, or of guilt. It is a beautiful Thursday morning, so you get up, put on your jogging clothes, then head out the door for a run. It’s a little cloudy but you swear that’s the best weather to exercise in. Less sweaty. You are three months out from your breakup and you are beginning to feel joy again. You turn a corner, thinking about a nice coffee, when you ram straight into something warm and solid. You lose your balance, but strong arms reach out to catch you.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” you cry. “I should have looked where I was-”
Words escape you as you look up into the blue eyes of your rescuer. 
“Hi,” he breathes. “I’ve missed you.”
You’re trapped in his gaze for a minute before-
You’ve stomped on Jamie’s foot. 
“What was that for?” he asks indignantly. 
“Oh I don’t know,” you reply, “maybe for being a complete asshole? It also could be for snogging whatever model you were with in that tabloid? Real stellar move, showing that much remorse. I’m glad it didn’t take long to get over me. Guess the phrase ‘long-term relationship’ means something different to footballers than it does to us little people.”
Jamie opens his mouth, shuts it, then opens it again. 
“Look, you’re right, I’m a fuckin’ arsehole, but what are you talking about? What model?”
You’re a little thrown off by his admission to being an asshole. “What do you mean, ‘what am I talking about?’ I saw your name show up in some headline and you’re only ever in there for some girl, and I get it, it’s fine that you’ve moved on, it just feels really fucking quick.”
Jamie has the audacity to chuckle. “It weren’t about some model. It was about you.”
You go cold. This can’t be happening again. Jamie Tartt, spilling his guts in some sleazy interview, painting you in the worst light.
He sees the look of absolute horror on your face so he hurries on, “Look. You were right. I shouldn’t’ve said what I did. But I did, and I can’t take it back. So I’m doing me best to make it right. It were about a tv interview where they asked about you, and I said we’d broken up. Told them I was a complete prick about everything and I let you slip through my fingers.” For the first time, you take a good look at Jamie’s face. He looks truly awful. Hair floppy (and not in a good way), bloodshot eyes, dark circles. 
He continues, “I know I shouldn’t have been a prick about being famous. It’s just, I get in me fuckin’ head about shit like this. Did the same thing with Keeley. Got scared of something real and knew I’d fuck it up eventually, so I thought I might as well get it over with. And anyway, you’re way out of my league. Figured I might as well let you go before you figured it out. I’ve been- I’ve been getting better. Less dick-like. You can ask anyone, Roy, Coach, whoever. I’m really trying, here. And I know I fucked things between us, and you don’t have to forgive me, but I’m just trying to be better for me and whoever fucking has to put up with me next.” 
You have no words. All you can do is stare at him. You hear your mom’s voice saying, “He’s just a young man. He’ll figure himself out.”
You hear Keeley saying, “he’s grown so much, really, he almost isn’t even the same person anymore.”
You hear Rebecca, as you sat in her office right before Jamie asked you out, telling you, “He’s a shockingly fast learner. Only has to be told something once, and it’s in his head forever. Give him a chance.”
You open your mouth and what comes out is: “I’m sorry too.”
Jamie looks just as shocked that you said that as you are, but you keep going. “My mom talked to me a lot about- about deciding what you can forgive. And I guess, I know I wasn’t blameless. I pushed you away on purpose, and I was aware of every single word that I said that hurt you. She also talked about ‘age-appropriate mistakes.’ She said both you and I made them, and that doesn’t mean I should take you back but that I should at least consider forgiveness. It’s easy to forget that we’re really young, you know? We both have a lot of responsibility, and I forget that it’s ok if we make mistakes. And you being you, your mistakes are more public. I- I needed to figure out if I could deal with it or not. I’m still not sure if I can. I don’t want my life to be on display.”
Jamie nods, expression intent. You take a breath and then continue. “But I guess that I need to figure out which I want more. Privacy, or you. I mean, if that’s even something you want.”
Jamie’s eyes have never left your face. He says, “Always knew I liked your mum,” and then he’s pushing a strand of hair our of your eyes, hesitantly, giving you time to pull away.  
You don’t.
You let him run his fingers through your hair.
You let him kiss you, softly.
You let him back into your life.
I missed you, he had said.
You pull back, smiling. “By the way, I missed you too.”
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