#which is too bad cause she was gorgeous and very charismatic
cresent2003 · 1 year
Adult dreams.
Seth Borden x Fem! Reader x Nate Hardy
Her heart was racing as Lilly looked at the old Harriette Manor from the car as everyone unpacked and got set up.
She looked at every small detail and thought the house itself was gorgeous but something about it made her shrink in her seat.
Suddenly the door beside her open.
Someone tapped her shoulder causing her to jump.
You ok?" Seth said as their eyes met.
Just a little freaked out" she said.
"I can drive you home if this is all too much" he said.
"Hey the tour guide just got here" Nate walked to Seth.
Hey I might be a little late.
Lilly isn't sure about all this" Seth said.
Nate's face softened as he looked at her.
"I'm ok Seth" she said.
"It shouldn't be too bad.
This place is pretty tame compared to other locations" Nate said as he smiled softly at her causing her face to heat up.
"Yeah im just getting weird vibes.
You don't mind if I cling to the both of you right?" she asked.
"Not at all" Nate said with a smirk.
"Yeah it's fine.
Remember my offer still stands" Seth said.
She smiled before getting out of the car.
"Hey, you alright?" Colby asked.
"Yeah" she said.
Lilly never went to haunted locations with her friends.
She was invited as Sam was out of town and she was good with cameras.
She didn't mind though as she knew that nothing was keeping her here if things got too overwhelming.
Nate put his arm around her shoulder as they filmed the intro to Colby's video.
She blushed as he pulled her close.
She tried not to show her attraction to Nate and Seth as one slip up and it would be plastered everywhere.
They were her best friends but deep down she wanted more then that with both of them.
Once the into was filmed they walked into the house.
Lilly was blown away from how beautiful and preserved it was.
"Hello everyone.
Welcome to Harriette Manor" the guide said as she walked into the room.
She was a middle-aged woman and seemed very kind and calm.
"Hey im Colby.
This is Seth, Nate and Lilly" Colby said.
"Nice to meet you" the guide said.
"Do you mind being on camera?" Seth asked.
"Not at all.
We get a lot of YouTubers here" she said.
"So what's the backstory of this place?" Nate asked.
"Well it was built by Ignis Harriette after his parents mysteriously disappeared.
See once they were missing her got all of their riches and everything so he built this and filed it with women of the night and the upper-class.
He was quite the ladies man as well.
He was charismatic and kind which at that time was the two qualities you would want in a husband.
He had three wives in his youth.
Each of them was gifted with the best of the best and after they had fallen for his charm he would then do some rather questionable things.
He would tie them up in bed for hours and use a very strong aphrodisiac on them so they physically begged him to help them.
He was what you would call dominant but he was also very sadistic.
He would cut them and cause them a lot of pain but because he used an aphrodisiac they would let him.
But then tragically one-night Ignis and his current wife went missing and years later they were found buried in the garden in pieces.
So a lot of things happened here and not many of them were good" the guide said.
"He drugged them?" Lilly asked.
"We think so" the guide said.
"Have you ever experienced anything here?" Seth asked.
"I haven't but a lot of our guests do.
I've lived here for seven years now with my husband and the ghosts leave me alone when he's around" the guide said.
"What kind of things did they experience?" Lilly asked.
"Well it was more the female guests.
The men usually see and feel spirits.
You'll get a lot of Ignis trying to mess with you tonight but for our female guests they report being touched usually around your waist but it can be anywhere and the one thing you need to pay attention tonight.
We've had a lot of female guests that sleep in the upstairs master bedroom.
The covers get ripped off, they feel something beside them or watching them and the one thing you don't hear a lot about.
You will be at risk of more adult dreams so pay attention to that" the guide said.
"How often does that happen?" Lilly asked.
"It's our most reported occurrence.
Women that come here experience a lot of things that Ignis would do to his wives.
When you're walking around he will touch you and usually like I said it's the waist of other more innocent places but other times it's not like that so I recommend keeping these three close as Ignis won't do that unless you are alone" the guide said.
"Don't worry we'll protect you" Colby said.
Lilly looked at the guide as she struggled to believe what she was hearing.
"I've been to a few haunted locations but they've never been like this" Lilly said.
"You don't have to do this" Colby said.
"It's ok.
I'm curious now.
A little worried but if these things do happen it would be cool I guess to see if they really do happen" she said as she leaned into Nate slightly as her heart pounded in her chest.
She was curious, yes but she was still scared.
Hours passed as Lilly sat in the living room in the Manor as Colby set up in the basement.
She kept thinking about what the guide said and thought about if she should annoy the spirits when she was most likely there target.
Suddenly Nate walked into the room.
"Hey you coming?" he asked.
"Yeah im just thinking" she said.
"You ok?" he asked as he walked to her.
"I think im going to miss out on what you all are planning and go to sleep early.
It just makes me nervous" she said.
Nate sat next to her "No ones forcing you.
If you want I could join you so you feel a little more safe" he said.
She looked at him.
"Thanks but im ok.
I know where you'll be just in case" she said.
"I'll tell Colby and Seth.
Sleep well" he said.
Lilly smiled at him as she looked into his angelic eyes.
"Thanks Nate," she said before walking to the only spare bedroom.
The master bedroom.
She felt uneasy but the other two free rooms weren't safe enough and the third was the boy's room whenever they decided to sleep.
She got changed into a baggy shirt before getting into bed.
The bed wasn't the best but the sheets were soft and the room was surprisingly warm.
She went on her phone for an hour before drifting off.
Lilly cuddled into the sheets before groaning as she felt something get into bed with her.
She fluttered her eyes open to see Seth.
She jumped "Sorry.
We're done for the night are we wanted to check on you" Seth said.
Lilly looked around before seeing Nate in the doorway.
"I'm ok.
This bed is surprisingly comfy.
Did you guys find anything?" she asked.
It was awesome.
Wish you could have joined us though" he said before brushing through her hair with his fingers.
She let out a sigh before looking at him.
"Don't get ahead of yourself" Nate said as he stood on the other side of her before placing his hand on her stomach.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"We wanted to give you what you've wanted for a while.
We know you like us angel" Nate whispered into her ear giving her chills.
"I'm sorry.
I thought it wasn't that obvious" she said.
"It was.
I can see when you blush from a simple glance or touch and when you rub your thighs together when we're around you" Seth said before kissing her forehead "We know you touch yourself while pretending it's our fingers in your pretty pussy darling" Seth whispered.
"I never..." she said.
"Don't lie angel.
We know" Nate said before kissing her causing her heart to nearly break her ribs from how fast it was pounding.
She broke from his as her face turned fully red.
"So beautiful.
Want us to fuck you angel?" Nate said.
She gulped before nodding "Words love" Seth said.
"Yes" she said.
Seth chuckled darkly before kissing her.
He was softer than Nate but more passionate.
Nate tore her baggy shirt before squeezing her breasts feeling her lacy bra.
She whimpered into the kiss before breaking from Seth.
Seth began to kiss her neck as Nate tore her bra releasing her breasts.
Nate then took one of her breasts into his mouth causing her to gasp.
Seth stopped kissing her neck before taking her other breast into his mouth causing her back to arch.
It was overwhelming but euphoric.
She let out a moan as she grabbed the bed.
Nate slid a hand down her body before slipping her hand into her panties.
He looked at her "Open your legs" he said before licking her nipple.
She opened her legs as far as she thought they would go before moaning as Nate slipped two fingers inside her causing a slight burn to surround her dripping entrance.
"You're so tight" he said before kissing her.
She then threw her head back as he curled his fingers causing him to hit the spot inside her that made her see stars.
"That's it.
Lat it swallow you" Nate said.
"Beautiful" Seth as he took off her panties before rubbing her clit causing her eyes to roll back.
She had never felt anything so amazing.
Lilly could feel her abdomen warm up as she got closer and closer to her release.
Her eyes filled with tears as Seth and Nate watched her.
"I'm gonna," she said before moaning loudly as the pleasure got more intense.
She then screamed out as her whole body began to shake.
"Good girl"
Lilly shot up as she panted.
She looked around before rubbing her face.
She had never had a dream that intense.
It felt so real that she questioned if she was reliving a memory.
She got out of bed before walking into the bathroom.
She looked in the mirror before washing her face.
It was just a dream.
She walked back to the bed before questioning if she should really test if the ghosts could mess with her again.
Lilly put on some leggings better walking across the hallway to the boy's room.
She knocked on the door hoping one of them was inside.
Lilly then felt her heart stop as Nate opened the door.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
She blushed at his half asleep appearance.
It was four in the morning and she didn't even realise.
"I can't sleep" she said.
"Come in" he said before shutting the door.
"Can't sleep?" Colby asked as he sat in bed on his laptop.
She nodded as Seth continued to sleep.
Lilly got into the largest bed in the room with Seth and Nate as Colby would only cause her to stay awake until six.
Nate got into bed behind her as her heart pounded.
Her mind wandered to a place where that dream laid as Nate wrapped his arms around her causing her to melt.
All that dream did was make her realise how much she wished it was reality.
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randomdeinonychus · 2 months
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So last night @chimericaloutlier and I finished watching the SyFy Channel show Vagrant Queen, based on a comic book neither of us have read, which I had been wanting to watch for a while now. The show only got one season back in 2020, so I knew not to get too attached.
What I didn't anticipate was that I was going to agree with a lot of the users on the IMDb. This show is very, very bad.
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It's kind of a perfect example of what people mean when they say that we don't just want representation but that we want GOOD representation. Because here is a show led by a queer woman of color (playing an alien) who gets to have an onscreen romance with another woman (also an alien), but that's all in service of a show that reminded both my wife and I of nothing so much as Cleopatra 2525.
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Mind you, at first that cheap cheesiness was part of the charm. But as the show wore on, the "syndicated adventure show from the late 90s vibes" became a lot less charming. Worse, like a lot of these kinds of shows the politics ended up being astonishingly bad.
As the title implies, our heroine is a deposed child queen who has been living in exile, hiding from the revolutionaries who overthrew her monarchy. And the revolutionaries are portrayed as Very Bad Guys, while every time we learn ANYTHING about the monarchy we begin to realize the Villains Were Absolutely Right. By the time the show ends on a cliffhanger centered on the remaining monarchists doing something evil it is clearly less of a "heel turn" and way more of an inevitable outcome of their true nature.
The season also hinges on a totally inconsistent MacGuffin that causes me no end of irritation to think about; every episode contains one "bullet-time freezeframe" that I think is meant to imitate a comic book splash panel but just looks dumb every time; the constant location subtitle "Another Galaxy. Not Yours" is not even funny the first time and they use it EVERY TIME they do establishing shots; and one filler episode is just an extended homage to Clue: The Movie that just shows that if you don't have the right cast and crew to handle screwball comedy you should not attempt it.
Also, it just made me wish I was actually watching Clue instead.
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It's a real shame, too, because Adriyan Rae as the titular queen, Elida, is so great. She's an absolutely stunning human being, for one thing, but she's also charismatic and instantly sympathetic--even when the show lets her down. It's definitely not her fault that you start really rooting for the "Bad Guys" by the 50th time she casually murders a generic storm trooper.
And, again, she is a gorgeous human being. I need to emphasize that.
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I guess it's kind of unfair to heap criticism on a show that fizzled out back in 2020--which was somehow 4 freaking years ago--but I think I should still express disappointment even when nobody could possibly care any longer.
I also suppose it is good that the show that only got one season was not some amazing lost classic, but the missed potential still hurts.
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from-beyond · 2 years
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Jeffrey Combs as John Reilly in Castle Freak, 1995 
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quindolyn · 4 years
Please can i request a smut with young sirius black where the reader is very insecure and dosen't think she deserves him. Where he praises her and shows her just how pretty he thinks she is. Could you include daddy kink, praise kink and pet names if you are comfortable with that?
(also thank you for the sympathy Chinese food)
Worthy || Sirius Black
Word Count: 3,654
Notes: Not quite sure how I feel about this, I feel really out of it and have felt like that for a couple of days. I hope you enjoy it though anon, usually I post the request then the piece but doing that makes my blog kind of cluttered and I know I think it’s cleaner when people answer requests like this but I don’t know if I’m going to stick with it.
Warnings: insecure!reader, mad Siri for like 2 seconds, oral (female receiving), praise kink, daddy kink, petnames
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“Siri we need to talk.” Yes, be blunt, be straightforward, no beating around the bush. You weren’t going to prolong this any longer than necessary. It was time to set Sirius free, he didn’t need someone like you holding him down, holding him back. And it was time you told him that.
“Yes, poppet?” He quirked an eyebrow, setting his book next to him on the plush couch of the Gryffindor common room. 
“I-I was hoping we could have this conversation in private, in your dorm maybe?” You shifted your weight from foot to foot, your anxiety causing bile to rise in your throat, threatening to make you sick all over Sirius’s shoes.
“Everything okay (Y/N)?” He asked you, his eyes swimming with concern as he ushered you up the stairs to his dorm, a hand resting protectively on the small of your back. 
You didn’t answer him, instead going to sit on his bed once you reached the dorm room, toeing at the fringe of the worn carpet that had probably been there for decades, keeping your eyes on your feet instead of meeting the raven haired boy’s eyes. Leaving them instead to gaze at the top of your head. 
“(Y/N/N)? Are you okay? You’re scaring me.”
Breathing in deeply you steeled yourself, straightforward, get this over quickly, “We need to break up Sirius.”
“What?” You winced, he sounded angry and you were sure that had you been able to meet his eyes they could’ve portrayed his anger as well.
“I said that we nee-”
“No, I heard you!” He growled, his hands balling into fists, “What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t want to break up with you, don’t I get a say in this?”
“Well I want to, Sirius, and last I checked it took two people to make a relationship work, we can’t make this work if I don’t want to!” You yelled, finally raising your head to meet his visage and your heart broke.
Sirius looked heartbroken, betrayed, horribly sad, and angry. And for a second you regretted telling him that you wanted to break up in the first place.
Because you didn’t want to, you had to, for Sirius.
“That’s bullshit (Y/N)! Who is it?”
“Sirius?” You asked incredulously, what did he mean ‘who’?
“Who have you been cheating on me with? Who the fuck?” In his anger he picked up a book abandoned on your nightside table, throwing it onto the floor.
“W-What?” You stuttered, trying to keep your tears at bay.
Sirius growled, literally baring his teeth like a feral dog, “You heard me, who the fuck are you cheating on me with? Diggory? Snape?”
“I’m not- I didn’t- I-” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in attempts to calm yourself before continuing, “I didn’t cheat on you Sirius, I would never. This is just what’s best for you.”
“How can not being with you be best for me? I don’t wanna not be with you! Why can’t you get that through your head?” He sounded more desperate now than he did angry now, almost as if he could tell that there was something off with you and your motivations behind your hurtful words.
“You are so much better than me Sirius! You’re wonderful, and you’re smart, you excel in our subjects without even trying, you’re charismatic and witty and just plain funny! Not to mention that you’re drop dead fucking gorgeous, and I’m- I’m not. You’re everything Siri, you’re my moon and my sun and my stars, you’re the whole fucking galaxy and you deserve at least that much. And god damn it, Sirius! I’m nothing! You deserve someone half as wonderful as you are, I’m barely a fraction of a percent.” Your voice broke more at the end than you would’ve liked.
You watched as Sirius’ face fell, his bottom lip wobbling as tears flooded his eyes, which once swam with anger were now drowned in guilt and sorrow. “Puppy,” He sniffled, pulling you up into my arms as he buried his face into your neck, “Puppy, I never meant to make you feel like that. You’re everything, my love, you’re wonderful and perfect for me. I love you so much, I’m so sorry I wasn’t good enough at showing you that.” His grip tightened on you with each word until you could feel him constricting your blood flow.
“S’not your fault Siri, you’re just so much better than me. I feel so bad holding you back.”
He pulled away from you, finally allowing you to properly inhale, cupping your face in his strong hands, tilting your head up so he could look directly into your eyes. 
“You, my love, do not hold me back, you propel me forward every day and make me strive to be a better man for you. Please don’t leave me, baby, not because of this, not because you think I deserve better. I don’t even deserve you, especially if I haven’t made you feel as great as you are.”
You were an idiot. This man loved you, maybe almost as much as you loved him. You couldn’t just leave him, but you also couldn’t stay and continue to hold him back. What the fuck were you supposed to do?
“Siri,” A sob tumbled from your lips as you threw yourself at his toned chest, letting your tear stained cheeks rest against the soft material of his shirt, “Siri I- I’m so sorry I love you so much I just- I just…”
“I know love, I know,” Sirius soothed you, petting your hair with one hand, his other arm wrapped around your waist pulling you flush against him. “But you are wonderful, you are the light of my life. Let me show you how stunning you are, how beautiful and gorgeous I think your body is. Let me show you how much I love you.”
“Okay,” You responded, knowing that Sirius would require verbal consent before so much as touching you.
He walked you back until your knees hit against the edge of the bed, easing you down onto the mattress, then pushing your back down so that you were lying on your back, staring up at him through your water logged lashes.
“Look at you baby girl,” He cooed, standing in between your legs, looking down at your form, long curtains of ink black hair falling into his face. 
Feeling heat rush to your face you moved your hands to cover it from the intense gaze of your boyfriend. 
“Hey there pup,” HIs large hands reached for your wrists, gently pulling them away from your face, pinning them to the bed on either side of you, “There you are pretty girl, don’t hide from me please, wanna see my pretty girl.”
“Sorry,” You murmured.
“Don’t have to apologize to me darling, just want to see you.” He began unbuttoning his black button down, his nimble fingers worked quickly, pulling the buttons out of their holes. As he shrugged his shirt off of his body, revealing the entirety of his upper body to you, you felt your mouth go dry, how were you supposed to compare to that?
In your panicked haze, you didn’t notice Sirius’ fingers dipping under the hem of your shirt until you felt the warm pads of his fingertips dancing along the supple flesh of your stomach. A small gasp escaped your parted lips accompanied by a small wince.
“You’re so soft baby, so soft in my hands,” Sirius praised, allowing his rough palms to slide to your waist where they squeezed gently, “Can I take this off of you?”
After a moment’s hesitation, you nodded your consent, raising your arms above your head so that Sirius could slip the garment off of you, letting it drop to the floor next to his feet. You resisted the urge to fold your arms over your now bare torso as Sirius took his time ogling you, he swallowed repeatedly, sure he’d seen you naked before but your body would never cease to take his breath away. 
“Baby,” He crooned, his eyes flying up to meet yours, “Your tits look so pretty in this bra, pretty color on you too, did you buy it for yourself?” Slowly, giving you time to stop him, one of his hands wandered to your clothed breast, giving it a nice squeeze through the lacy pink fabric. 
“Uh huh, bought it over the summer with Lily and Marlene,” You answered, watching his face as he observed your heaving chest, feeling suddenly very courageous you spoke again, “You um, you can take it off if you’d like.”
This brought Sirius’ attention from your chest up to your visage, “You sure m’love, don’t have to take it off yet if you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine,” You gulped, eyes wide, mouth dry, “I want to.”
“Arch your back then for me pup,” Sirius’ deep baritone commanded to which you promptly obeyed, allowing Sirius’ hands to slip between your back and the mattress as he expertly undid the clasp in what must’ve been record time before slipping the delicate straps off of your shoulders.
Not giving you time to be embarrassed at your progressing state of undress Sirius surged forward, slotting your lips with his, drinking from you like you were a canteen of water and he had just hiked through the Sahara. He braced himself on his forearms which rested on either side of your head, letting his tongue trace trace the seal of your lips once, twice, three times, he then plunged deep into the velvet of your warm mouth. He was gentle as he mingled his tongue with yours, brushing against yours with his. 
You let out a small moan into the kiss which had Sirius’ eyes rolling back in his head, “I wanna show you how much I love you (Y/N),” Sirius murmured into your neck as he pulled away from your lips, instead leaving small kisses down the column of your throat, “We can stop if you want to, but if not I need to show you how special you are. Can I show you?”
You managed a small “Yes Daddy,” as you felt him grin into skin.
He looked up at you, eyes twinkling, “Such a good girl for me pup.”
Much to your vexation Sirius pushed himself off of you but you were settled slightly when you saw him start on the button of his pants before doing the zipper and pulling them down his legs leaving him only in his boxers. 
He resumed his position on top of you, gently taking your hand from where it lay on the bed to place it over the soft material of his worn boxers, “You feel that Puppy? You feel how hard my cock is?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“You did that to me!” He beamed down at you, his hair only slightly obstructing his view of you, “That’s how much I love you, how fucking hot you are, got me so hard so quickly, no time at all baby girl and Daddy’s already desperate for you.”
You were unable to prevent the rush of heat to your face at his comment, hoping he wouldn’t be able to tell just how flustered he could make you.
With your agreement Sirius finally pulled down your leggings and panties in one fluid motion, gently pulling them off of your feet before he rid himself of his boxers.
“Fuck, love,” He swore before kneeling before you and pressing a kiss to the inside of your ankle, “So sexy all splayed out for me on your bed, these legs,” His hands ran up and down your calves before venturing up past your knees to your thighs where they gripped the flesh, not hard enough to bruise but just enough to convey his emotion through his loving touch. 
At his repeated praise you felt your wetness beginning to gather in your pussy, a small knot beginning in the pit of your stomach as he traced his lips up your calves, just barely grazing your flesh tickling your skin.
Once he got to your thighs his small kisses became open mouthed, and wet, leaving trails of saliva in his wake as he started leaving dark bruises on your legs. “I love your legs darling, the way they look in your uniform skirt, your leggings, jeans. Love them so much.” He left a soft kiss on the top of your thigh, taking note of the shiver that ran through your body.
Pushing your thighs apart he inched you closer to the edge of the bed, throwing your legs over his broad shoulders allowing him to face your pussy head on. “Gonna make you feel so good baby, you deserve to feel good.”
He moved his arms to pin your hips to the bed, giving him more control in what he was about to do. He parted your folds with his nose, allowing him to inhale your scent.
“You smell heavenly Puppy, one of my favorite things about you, your pussy smells like heaven, and fuck does it taste good.”
As if to prove his point he leaned forward, licking a broad stripe from your hole up to your clit, letting out a moan at your taste. The vibrations from his moan sent shockwaves through your clit, feeding the knot growing in your stomach you clenched your thighs around his head.
He took it as a sign of encouragement and began sucking on your clit, pulling the sensitive nub between his lips he released hums reveling in the way they made your thighs clench around his head.
You clasped one hand over your mouth in attempts to muffle your moans from spilling out into the dorm room. And though it did do a fine enough job at it, not good enough for Sirius not to hear an especially loud whine when he nipped lightly at your clit.
“Puppy?” He raised his head from between your legs, cocking his head to the side like the puppy that had become synonymous with your name, “Wanna hear you please, want to hear the pretty little noises you make when I eat your cunt.” 
As he spoke he inserted a single finger into your quivering hole, wanting to stretch you out for his cock which was aching and desperate to be buried deep inside of you. With his other hand, he reached for the wrist of the hand covering your mouth, pulling it away from your face to lay on the mattress where he interlaced your fingers with his, squeezing your hand comfortingly.
Hoping you would follow his instruction and let him hear you he ducked down to return his mouth to your clit, sucking on the nub again without stopping his finger which was still making its way in and out of your hole. Not satisfied that he was making you feel good enough he inserted a second finger into your cunt, stretching you out even more.
Sirius smiled into your pussy when he heard you moan, “Fuck Siri!” 
“Come on Puppy,” He pressed a kiss to your hip bone, “That’s not my name, you know it, tell me what my name is good girl.”
“Daddy,” You gasped, thrusting your hips further onto his fingers which still continued their agonizingly slow pace, “Daddy, feels so good.”
“I know baby, I know,” Sirius pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, letting his cheek rest against the soft flesh as he looked up at your writhing, perspiring form, “Gonna stretch you out on one more finger then you should be ready for my cock Pup, one more then I get to be inside of this beautiful cunt.” His gaze drifted to your pussy, which was beautifully swollen for him.
“Please Daddy,” The whimper left your lips with you barely noticing, “Please want your cock.”
“Want to give it to you my love, just gotta get you ready.”
Suddenly feeling the need to be inside of you now, no doubt caused by your begging, he added another finger inside of your cunt, trying not to pay too much mind to the way you clenched around him, afraid that if he did he wouldn’t be able to think straight.
How could someone’s fingers feel so good? The knot in your stomach continued to get tighter and tighter but you still craved more, you needed him inside of you. 
Simultaneously you breathed both a sigh of relief and released a bereft whimper as he pulled his fingers from your cunt, making a show of bringing them to his mouth where he licked them clean, closing his eyes in pleasure as your taste bled across his tongue. 
“You taste so good Puppy, like candy,” Seeing that you obviously didn’t believe him he leaned down so his body was pressed to your and gently eased your mouth open before collecting spit in his mouth and spitting it into your’s. “See? See how good you taste? My favorite taste in the whole wide world. Swallow for me Puppy,” He grinned as you obeyed, “Good girl,” He praised with a kiss to your forehead.
“Now can you scooch up on the bed for me?” Once you were carefully rested further up on the bed, your head lying on a pillow, Sirius climbed on top of you, lining the weeping head of his prick up with your opening. 
You couldn’t stop the moan that left your lips as he fully sheathed himself inside of your heart, the head of his cock prodding at your g spot thanks to the slight curve of the member.
Sirius smiled down at your face which was contorted in pleasure as he guided one of your hands to the base of your stomach, “You feel that? That’s me, that’s how good you take my cock love, I can feel it in your tummy.”
“I can feel it Daddy,” You answered feebly, Sirius’ grey eyes shimmered with adoration and pride as he looked down at your stomach before coming back to meet yours.
“You have the prettiest eyes darling,” He cooed, leaning down to kiss the outer corners of your eyes. He began thrusting in and out of you, his strokes, slow and deep as he took his time pulling out and then pushing back in. 
“So wet for me, slid right in because you were so ready for me baby, and now you’re squeezing me so good.” The praises fell from his lips one after another, wanting to broadcast to you his every thought about how perfect and wonderful you were, hoping that maybe something would be able to get through to you.
The feeling of Sirius inside of you was absolutely heavenly, it was a full feeling unlike any other. His width was just enough to stretch you but not enough to cause too much pain, you wrapped your hands around his neck, burying your face in his chest as he continued moving inside of you. 
“I love you so much, I love you (Y/N), you are my everything darling,” He slowed down his strokes, taking his time with each, “I’m so sorry I haven’t shown you that, but I love you more than I could ever properly tell you. Love you so much that you’re going to make me cum in an embarrassingly short amount of time.”
The both of you giggled at that, knowing that Sirius was usually able to go for multiple rounds, and the slight clenching around his prick as a result of your laughter did nothing to help matters. 
“Could you go a little faster Daddy, please?” You asked timidly, needing more stimulation as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten both at the feeling of Sirius nestled deep inside of you and the flattery he kept serving you. 
“Such good manners Puppy,” He took the note quickly, speeding up his thrusts just enough, “Such a pretty girl taking my cock, your pretty hair all splayed out around you, like a halo. Makes you look like the angel you are.”
For some reason his comment had tears ebbing at your eyes, you barely noticed as a few escaped and rolled down your cheeks.
“Puppy, does it hurt? Why are you crying?” Worry was etched across his features as he gazed down at you, ceasing his thrusts.
“I don’t deserve you,” You blubbered, willing the tears to stop, “You’re just too good for me.”
Sirius leaned down, resuming the movement of his hips, kissing the tears off of your skin, “No I’m not, you deserve me Puppy, you deserve me. And I’ll keep telling you until you believe me.” 
You used your arms to pull his chest against yours as he sped up his thrusts, trying to convince you that you deserved this, “I-I’m going to cum Daddy, gonna cum. Can I cum Daddy?”
“Of course Puppy, cum for me, be a good girl and make a mess all over my cock. Be my little messy bunny, gonna cum with you.”
He rocked his hips against yours three more times before he exploded inside of you, rope after rope of cum coating the inside of your walls as you released around him. Making a mess just as he’d told you to, feeling the knot in your stomach unravel, perhaps not as intensely as usual but so much better.
Your whimpers of “Daddy” quieted as your pleasure overwhelmed you, drowning you in your orgasm as you continued to clench around Sirius’ cock, hips still bucking to meet his.
In his release Sirius repeated “I love you”, over and over again, chanting it like it was a prayer, like a promise.
“I love you,” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cupid's bow as you unclenched your eyes, “And I’m going to spend the rest of my love showing you just how much.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete
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hops-hunny · 3 years
What’s in a Name?
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Pairing: Blaise Zabini x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.6k
Request: N/A
Summary: When two beautiful people fall in love, everything can go right. Or, the one where Blaise gets the girl of his dreams.
Warnings: None?? Mentions of past self hate, positive use of the word fat.
A/N: I had so much fun writing this. Enjoy!
Fat. It was a word (Y/n) had thrown at her from a young age but had grown to become neutral with as she got older. See, the (y/h/h) was fortunate enough to grow up in a household with her dear aunt Marlene who brought her up on the principle that ‘fat and ugly were not synonymous’ which she found herself quite fortunate of. You see, Marlene herself was an extravagant woman. She never stepped out of the house unless she was runway ready, long acrylic nails, hair curled in the prettiest of waves, and a face of makeup that could put anyone to shame. Marlene found her niece to be reminiscent of herself when she was younger. But, she also knew no matter the great example she showed her and the encouragement she’d give her, the world around her would affect the way she viewed herself until she reached a certain age.
However luckily for (Y/n), that age was when she hit the ripe age of 14. She was sick of it. Sick of feeling like a prisoner of her own body. Sick of hiding from mirrors, sick of wearing clothes that fit her like potato sacks just to hide the figure that she was naturally born with. Why should she have to feel bad because the world wasn’t ready to accept her for who she was? Why should she have to hide away due to a bit of extra weight and fat? So, after a long night of crying she decided from that day forward she would do her absolute best to at least accept her body for what it was. She didn’t wanna skip meals anymore just to make everyone around her comfortable. She didn’t want to avoid clothes that made her figure less of a figure. She wanted to live and be free in the body she was currently in.
If she could go back to where she was when she was 14, she’d tell herself she had exceeded that limitation. She was far beyond just accepting herself for who she was, she loved who she was. (Y/n) found herself falling in love with a new thing about herself every time she found herself blessed with the fortune of time to look in a mirror. Whether it was the way the rolls of her back reminded her of the ocean or the bumps and lumps around her hip area that were reminiscent of clouds, she loved every bit of herself. Even though it took her time to get there, she didn't regret it one bit.
Her confidence and demeanor attracted a lot of positive attention wherever she went. Her friends adored her and so did many other people around the castle! There was always a few wronguns here and there but that goes without saying. Even if you change your outlook on life, in a society where fat is a sin there will always be your self proclaimed saints. The more popular opinion shared throughout the castle though was ‘if she could find love in herself, why shouldn’t I be able to as well?’. Although it’s hard for one girl to change the world, she came quite close to it, always offering a shoulder to anyone in need and a helpful word of advice to anyone on the path of self acceptance and love.
There was one person who noticed her much more than that. Some would say it was a crush but no, it went quite deeper than that. He found himself being absolutely enamored by her. Her confidence, her positivity, her ever radiant beauty. All those things he found to be addicting, entrancing. Never had he come across a woman of any sorts who was so sure of herself, so proud to be in the skin she was born in. (Y/n) knew who she was and honestly? It was fucking hot. Blaise Zabini wasn’t one to make wild claims which is why when he thought about how he felt, he was very sure of the feeling. He absolutely adored the goddess that was (Y/n) (L/n). So why was it so hard to say it to her?
The way she made him feel had him in a whirlwind of emotions. A lot of the times, he was infuriated. Not by the way she made him feel, but the way she made him act. Blaise was always a hit with women from all houses around hogwarts. Why wouldn’t he be? When you’re a tall, dark, and handsome man with oodles of charismatic charm and yes, a fat load of cash, who wouldn’t wanna be yours? He could have any woman he wanted wrapped around his finger before he even opened his mouth. But around her, around her? His mouth would close as soon as it opened. He’d feel a rush of heat move to his face and his ears would start ringing. What was this feeling? This feeling that made him act so idiotic. This feeling that had him awake late at night, wondering what it would be like if he only said-
“Hi.” his head snapped up at the sound of a familiar warm voice. The same voice that made his heart race wildly, the same voice that made him act like one of those stupid fucking Hufflepuffs. All nerves and scurrying to find something, anything to say. There she was right in front of him, looking uncharacteristically shy. She had her arms behind her back one hand gripping at her other wrist as she looked up at him through thick lashes. “Have I wronged you in any way?”
“Hm?” he hummed out, still dazed as he looked down at her with a soft look present on his face. He cleared his throat slightly, pulling at the collar of his shirt that was suddenly too tight. Too constricting, too-
“Have I wronged you? I always see you staring at me quite a bit.” she repeated, gaining her confidence back some. God was he always this bloody gorgeous? Well, to her he was. She had her eye on him ever since she’d ran into him on the train back in first year. “I know I’m quite pretty, but I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate that. No?” she questioned, taking a step closer to him. She felt her hands grow sweaty at the smell of his aftershave, a sharp smell in comparison to her own strawberry body mist.
Was she flirting with him? He couldn’t tell. Why couldn’t he tell? He always could tell. Many upon many times he found himself rejecting women before they could even get the chance to confess how they felt. So why now, why with her could he not? Was this- was this nerves? “My girlfriend wouldn’t appreciate that. I-I mean I don’t have a girlfriend!” he stumbled out, cursing under his breath slightly. He felt himself grow quite warm as he heard her giggle. He looked up at the sound once more wishing he hadn’t. She looked radiant in the glow of the late evening sun. Her round cheeks prominent as her face turned up in a smile before she quirked a brow at him.
“Ah I see then. You don’t have a girlfriend but you were staring?” she questioned, feeling a bit guilty about how she was enjoying the usually calm and collected boy lose his composure. His face fell straight before processing what she said. (Y/n) could see a whirlwind of emotions happen behind his eyes in such a short period of time. ‘Isn’t it funny that only a few years prior this would have been me? I can’t wait to tell Rose-Marie about this later.’
“I-I.. you know what? Yeah I do stare at you quite a bit. More often than not, I find myself staring at you.” he closed the distance between them, her soft frame pressing against his tone one. He lifted two of his fingers up to her chin, lifting her head softly. “How could I not? You’re an absolute work of art. Only the most worthy of men should be able to gaze at such a rare beauty and I find myself to be very worthy.” he whispered softly, his dark umber eyes staring into the (h/c) haired girl’s (e/c) ones.
It */was crazy how with such few words, he could make her feel so breathless, so woozy. Was she awake right now? The moment she had been waiting for since first year was currently right in front of her. The years spent dreaming, pining from a distance all gone in a few words. She smiled up at him, placing a soft hand on the man’s toned chest. Even through his clothes she could feel that he had a nice build to him. “I suppose you’re worthy. I mean look at us, we’re both beautiful. Imagine the gallery of art we’d be together.” she said, confident in her words as she bat her eyelashes. (Y/n) would be damned if she was the only one left breathless and flustered after this exchange.
“Well, why imagine dear? I’ll be taking you to Hogsmeade this weekend.” He said, turning around as he began to walk off. She was stunned. Was this the infamous charm she had heard him having? As much as (Y/n) had heard about how charming and suave Blaise was, she had never heard of him asking anyone out for a date. Knowing this gave her her own boost of confidence.
“You will be? What makes you so sure I’ll be there?” Blaise froze, turning his head back at the girl’s teasing words. He smirked. She really was something else.
“Oh I know. I wasn’t the only one staring all this time, I saw you too.” he winked laughing some before turning around walking off. (Y/n) felt herself smiling some as she shook her head before her eyes widened.
“Wait, what am I gonna wear?!”
There was exactly 30 minutes until Blaise was meant to arrive and (Y/n) was nowhere near ready yet. See, she had planned on being ready early, even going as far as to get up at the time she usually did for class. However, after an impromptu dance session in her underwear her luck had run out. She wasn’t completely unprepared though, her hair had been done the night before and her makeup not taking much time, the main cause of concern was her outfit. 
The problem wasn’t a lack of clothes, it was quite the opposite. She had so many clothes that she had absolutely no idea of what to wear! She frustratedly slammed her fist on the pile of clothes in front of her letting out a few choice words. In a moment of defeat, she looked up at her empty wardrobe- wait a second. (Y/n) quickly scrambled to her wardrobe, slipping and sliding on the sea of clothes that lined the way before quickly yanking out the clothes covered hanger. On the hanger was a two piece set.
 The top was a wisteria purple crop top with puffy short sleeves, the skirt the same exact shade with a ruffle hem. “This is perfect! Where did this come from?” she said, checking herself out in the mirror. The outfit clung to her plush body, every curve visible and apparent. The girl smiled, smoothing her hand over the outline of her stomach that was apparent through her skirt. Years ago she would’ve been bothered by the entire concept of the outfit but now the outline of her figure made her smile like an old friend. She quickly put on a pair of white chunky sneakers, accessorizing the outfit with a few necklaces and rings as well just in time to hear a knock on the door. She did another once over in the mirror before quickly running to the door pulling it open to reveal Blaise standing there. She felt her face grow warm at his appearance.
He wore a form fitting maroon sweatshirt that he had rolled up to his elbows, a pair of jeans that weren’t skinny but fit to his figure in the most flattering of ways, and a pair of expensive shoes from some brand she couldn’t even begin to try and pronounce. In his hands were a bouquet of flowers composed of forget me nots, baby’s breath, and daisies. Blaise was in awe. He had seen her outside of her uniform a plethora of times but knowing that she had dressed up so nicely just to go on a date with him made his heart soar. “Wow, you look breathtaking. Look at you!” he hyped her up, grabbing her hand. He held their entwined fingers above their heads, signaling for her to spin around. “Lovely, absolutely divine. I can’t believe I’m going on a date with a deity.” he said, smile growing more as (Y/n) grew shyer.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Zabini. You look great, maroon is definitely your color.” she gushed, closing the door to her room. She looked down at their still entwined fingers, squeezing his large calloused hand with her small chubby one before bringing her gaze up to his face. Unsurprisingly, he was already looking at her.
“Thank you, dove. Let’s get going shall we? I’ve got a ton I wanna do with you and such a short amount of time. Let’s get to it, shall we?”
“We shall.”
The first place they arrived at was a building she had seen many times during her visits to Hogsmeade but had never been in. It was an old brick building with a paintbrush on an old rusty sign above it.
“An art store?” she questioned, looking up at him confused but not against his choice. They both walked in, a sound of a bell dinging as they did so. She looked around in awe at the abundance of supplies. The store was sort of stuffy and crowded but that was a part of its charm. Blaise scratched at the back of his neck nervously as he watched her roam around.
“Yeah I don’t know if I mentioned it before but I enjoy doing art in my freetime. I thought I’d take you to one of my favorite places first.” He said, walking up behind her as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “A-and well, everytime I imagined going on a date with you, I always pictured the two of us showing each other our favorite hidden gems. We can leave if you wa-”
“That won’t be necessary. This is really cool and I’ve always wanted to learn more about art! I’m more of a reader and writer myself.” she said, grabbing his hand. Blaise let out a huge breath that he didn’t even know he was holding in in the first place before dragging her off in the direction of his favorite brand of oil paints. The two walked hand in hand, exploring his favorite parts of the store. When he’d see something he used himself or was familiar with, he’d explain it to her, rambling off about it excitedly.
Blaise wasn’t normally the type of guy to speak many words but being around (Y/n) brought out that side of him. It wasn’t that his friends were bad per say, they just weren’t very fond of listening to things that didn’t pertain to them which he was more than fine with. However, it was nice having an outlet to share his interest for once. He loved that she would ask questions about things and even let him talk about his own work. Most girls he talked to never really cared to listen to what he had to say, often spending more time kissing him breathless than listening to the words that flew from his lips. But (Y/n) was very attentive, listening to everything he had to say, eyes full of the same excitement he held.
“Alright, I think I’ve bought everything I’ve needed from here. Your pick, where do you wanna go?” he questioned, grabbing the girl’s hand again as they walked out of the small art store. He offered the old man behind a small smile before turning his attention back to his date. (Y/n) thought about it, humming as she tried to figure out before her eyes lit up.
“I have the perfect place! Come on Blaise, you’re gonna love it.” she exclaimed before taking off down the street, dragging him along with her. He smiled fondly at her letting her lead the way.
“This something I could get used to.” he muttered, trying his best to keep up with her pace.
About 10 minutes later, they arrived in front of what looked to be a bookstore. Blaise looked around, swiping his fingers across the dusty books. “Welcome to the place where I spend most of my time when coming to Hogsmeade. It may look like just a bookstore but you’ll see why it's not in just a minute.” she said. Blaise watched as the girl got on her hands and knees and began to crawl making a ‘spspsps’ noise. He was confused, rightfully so but he didn’t question her actions. All of a sudden, a floof of white fur came crawling over to the girl purring as she scratched behind its ears.
 “It’s a cat bookstore! How cool is that? There’s a bunch of these little guys just running around here.” she said, standing up with the kitten in her hands. Blaise’s heart beat wildly at the sight. She looked too cute with the kitten in her hand, holding it gently against her soft chest. He was brought from his thoughts as he felt something brush against his leg. He had to stop himself from losing it at the sight of the little calico cat brushing against his leg.
“Hi there little guy.” he cooed softly, reaching a hand down to pet the cat’s head. The cat jumped up to meet his hand before it could land, nuzzling its fuzzy little head against the boy's head as he purred loudly.
“That’s not the only thing. They also carry some muggle literature too! Don’t tell anyone though, it’s a secret.” she said, placing the kitten down as she began to browse the books on the old wooden shelves. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” he promised, eyes never leaving her curvy figure. She looked right at home in the book store, reading the titles like they were old friends. “I’m a bit of a muggle literature fan myself. Ever heard of Shakespear?” he asked. (Y/n) looked at him with wide eyes before nodding. She would’ve never expected that from the man, knowing how against all things muggle related purebloods slytherins were. He walked over to her tilting her head up as he looked into her eyes. “ What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” he whispered, dragging his thumb along her bottom lip. Her breath hitched slightly as she began to scowl as he walked off laughing some.
“Jerk! That was not funny.” she said, punching him in the arm as she glared up at him.
“Wasn’t supposed to be, love. You just look too cute when you’re nervous!”
It had been a few weeks since their date and (Y/n) was starting to grow nervous. She and Blaise hadn’t been on another one and it confused her deeply. She had an amazing time on their date, in fact it had been the best one she had ever been on! Did he not feel the same? Maybe he had commitment issues? It couldn’t have been her. No, she had done everything right. She spoke well mannered, bantered back and forth with him, and she looked bloody amazing.
She sighed, opening the door to her dorm. It had been a long week. She threw off her robes before turning to her dresser before gasping. On top of the dresser laid a huge painting surrounded in a beautiful antique golden frame. She hesitantly walked over to it, brushing her fingers along it before looking at the note attached. Opening the wax sealed envelope she began reading the note out loud.
“My dearest rose, how are you? I apologize deeply for my lack of presence. Not being near you for so long deeply hurt me so but it was not in vain. You see, after spending such a lovely time with you that day, I felt extremely inspired. Your beauty deserves to be captured in something far more grand than a simple photograph so I painted you this. I hope to see you soon. To my greatest muse, Blaise Zabini.” she smiled as she read the words, goosebumps going up her arms. Blaise was indeed a talented artist. In photo realistic detail was a large painting of her smiling with the white kitten from before in her hands. She was lost for words. Never had someone done something so amazing for her. “Do I really look this beautiful? Is this how he sees me?” she asked no one in particular.
“It is and you are. You’re absolutely gorgeous.” she jumped at the sound of the deep voice. Turning her head she saw the man she had been thinking of for weeks. Slowly she walked over to him, smiling before wrapping her arms around him hugging him tightly. Blaise froze for a bit, not used to receiving such gentle forms of affection. He pulled back before placing a soft peck on her lips.
“Let me take you out again tomorrow, yeah?” he asked her in a soft tone. She simply nodded before standing on her tiptoes initiating another lovely kiss. Blaise wrapped his arms around her soft waist, bringing her closer to him.
“I really am one lucky bloke.”
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sankyeom · 4 years
he loves me, he loves me not | c.sb
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pairings: choi soobin x reader, some choi yeonjun x reader genre: college!txt, best friend!soobin, best friends to lovers trope, reader is pretty blind to soobin’s obvious feelings for her, you’re going to be team soobin 100% of the time summary: in which your best friend soobin tries to help you get your mutual friend yeonjun to like you back, despite the fact that he’s in love with you word count: 9.9k i got really carried away oops  requested: by anon 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
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You can still remember the first time Soobin introduced you to Yeonjun. During your and Soobin’s first year of college, Yeonjun and Soobin had met in their dance class and immediately clicked. Yeonjun had been a sophomore at the time; he was a year older than you and Soobin, and the dictionary definition of perfect. You were convinced that if you opened any dictionary to the word, a picture of Yeonjun’s handsome face, thick lips, and bright eyes would appear on the page. Topped off with the sweetest smile in the whole wide world, and a gorgeous everything, you were instantly infatuated with Soobin’s new friend.
Soobin had been surprised when you and Yeonjun hit it off so well instantly; you often took time to really befriend people apart from Soobin, but you and Yeonjun shared a similar sense of humour and enjoyed being loud and boisterous the point that Soobin felt second-hand embarrassed around the two of you. And yet something about the way you gazed at Yeonjun had made this experience of his two closest friends getting along bittersweet.
You liked Yeonjun. The same way you liked Park Seonghwa in high school, when Soobin would have to watch you stare at the older boy during lunchtime when you were supposed to be finishing your math homework.
Since Soobin had observed your behaviour when you had a crush many times before – having been your best friend in the whole wide world since preschool – he could tell the signs easily. Even two years after knowing Yeonjun, your eyes still lit up with excitement every time you saw him. Your gaze would be glued to the older boy the whole time he was around, paying careful attention to his expression and hanging on to every word that came out of his mouth. Soobin could see you smiling at Yeonjun any time you thought nobody was looking at you; you would smile at him as if you were seeing an angel for the first time and you wanted to capture the image in your mind forever.
It made Soobin’s chest ache.
After so many years of friendship, Soobin had always thought that his crush on you would go away. Surely the fact that you were the only person he ever had romantic feelings for should have ended in high school at the latest. But it had been eight years since he started liking you – his very first crush – and he hadn’t liked anyone else since. And even though Soobin knew that he wasn’t the one you liked, it didn’t stop his affection for you from growing. Every time you gave Soobin your attention, his heart sped up a little bit; he had to actively work to make sure he didn’t blush when the two of you made eye contact.
He was ridiculously, stupidly, exceptionally and completely in love with you.
But you liked Yeonjun.
Why wouldn’t you like Yeonjun? He was a senior, the highest ranked dance student at the college, and he had an effortless charm about him that everyone around him was drawn too. Soobin was drawn to him too. This was why the two of them had become friends. Yeonjun was undoubtably handsome and charismatic, and because he and Soobin were such good friends, Soobin could understand why you liked Yeonjun so much.
It didn’t make it hurt any less, though.
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“You have to help me,” you had said with a pout, facing Soobin with puppy-dog eyes and a desperate expression. You and Soobin had been at a party thrown by one of the fraternities at your college for over two hours now, and yet you had been in a bad mood the second the two of you arrived.
The reason to this was clear to Soobin. Yeonjun was always surrounded by people during parties, but during this particular party, he seemed to be in deep conversation with Chou Tzuyu. Not that you had anything against Tzuyu herself – she was sweet, beautiful and kind. The problem was that she was being sweet, beautiful and kind right in front of your crush of two years.
“I don’t know,” Soobin said slowly, trying to distract himself from your puppy-eyes by searching the crowd for a familiar face. He knew that Beomgyu had to be around somewhere, and his presence would be the perfect opportunity to get out of this conversation.
“But you’re my secret weapon,” you told Soobin, grasping his hands in yours. Soobin jumped slightly at the sudden contact, feeling his breath catch in his throat as you gently laced your fingers together. Swallowing deeply, Soobin had no choice but to slowly trail his eyes back to yours. “Nobody knows me as well as you, and nobody knows Yeonjun as well as you!” You concluded, feeling happy with the connection you made.
“And?” Soobin said in a cracked voice, trying to keep his heart rate down enough to focus on your conversation.
“You can find out what kind of girls he likes,” you explained to him. “And you already know what kind of guys I like.”
“Yeah, guys named Yeonjun,” Soobin muttered under his breath.
“You do know,” you teased him, grinning at Soobin’s sarcastic addition. “C’mon Soobinie, I’m not going to ask anything super personal that he wouldn’t want me to know. Just what kind of girls he likes, how he likes his girls to dress and things like that…” you elaborated, trailing off as your gaze shifted to where Yeonjun and Tzuyu were moving closer.
Noticing your distraction, Soobin followed your eye line and saw that Yeonjun was simply leaning closer to Tzuyu to hear what she was saying, but he could see how you would think that the two of them were getting closer in the romantic sense. Seeing the downtrodden expression on your face, Soobin frowned. The last thing he wanted was for you to be upset or to feel as though you weren’t good enough to go after your crush.
“I don’t want you to change, though,” Soobin said quietly, causing you to glance back at him. “I like you the way you are.”
You felt yourself unable to stop a smile from appearing on your lips. You were certainly lucky; Soobin was the best friend in the entire world and you knew it. “You’re an angel, Choi Soobin,” you complimented, which made Soobin look at the floor shyly, dimples appearing on his cheeks. “And I don’t want to change my whole personality or anything. Just to make a few adjustments that would take me from friend-material to girlfriend-material,” you stated. “But if it makes you uncomfortable to ask, I won’t make you.”
Great. Soobin wanted to say. Because this makes me really uncomfortable. Not because I’m awkward around Yeonjun but because I’m deeply in love with you, and the thought of helping you and Yeonjun get together breaks my heart.
“Of course I’ll help you,” Soobin said instead. Stupid. You’re stupid, he thought. As your eyes lit up with excitement, however, Soobin couldn’t find it in himself to take back his words. You were always beautiful to him, but when you smiled at him like he was the solution to all of your problems, Soobin thought you looked utterly ethereal. “If I can help you then I will.”
“Soobinie!” You cheered, wrapping your arms around your best friend in a hug. “You are the best friend any girl could ever ask for and I love you,” you told him, standing on your toes in order to reach his cheek – which was significantly higher up than yours – and press a soft kiss to it. “You’re my favourite,” you added with a wink, feeling a swell of pride and love for your friend.
“Oh, am I?” Soobin teased, rolling his eyes. “I thought Yeonjun was your favourite,” he stated, raising an eyebrow in a challenging manner.
You grinned back at him. “You’re always going to be my favourite, Soobinie,” you retorted. “No matter what.”
Soobin was surprised by this answer, and felt that he had nothing to say. So instead, he gave you a dimpled smile and held out his hand for you to take. “Let’s go dance,” he suggested. You accepted, allowing his much taller frame to push through the crowd and get towards the living room area that doubled as the allocated dance floor.
“Hey!” you called suddenly. “Why didn’t you tell me I’m your favourite?!”
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Three days later, dance practice had ended later than usual, mostly because Soobin and Yeonjun stayed back late to practice together. Yeonjun could tell something was messing with Soobin’s head to the point where his dancing was impacted, so he decided to help Soobin out a little bit and make sure that he got the new choreography so he wouldn’t be scolded by the teacher.
“What’s up with you?” Yeonjun asked in between gulps of water, leaning back against the mirrored wall to observe his younger friend. His expression was less lively than usual; Soobin never believed Yeonjun when he told him that he had that sort of shy, charming, boy-next-door type of personality that made people like him. Today, Soobin was completely devoid of his usual charm and enthusiasm.
Soobin slumped in his place on the floor, running a hand through his slightly damp hair with a sigh. “It’s nothing,” Soobin lied. In reality, the girl I’m in love with likes you and I agreed to help her, didn’t seem like an appropriate answer to such a casual question. “I just have a lot going on,” he made an excuse.
“I told you that double majoring was going to be hard,” Yeonjun teased, but his concern didn’t waver at Soobin’s excuse. “Can I help with anything?” he offered.
“I’m good, thanks,” Soobin waved it off, closing his eyes for a moment to gather his courage. “Hey hyung?” Yeonjun perked up, glancing over at Soobin in order to give him his attention. “What kind of girls do you like?” he inquired, trying to sound as curious as possible.
Yeonjun rose an eyebrow at the question. It seemed pretty random, but Yeonjun considered that Soobin might be having girl problems and made his way over to sit next to his friend. “Well,” he began, thinking it over. “I don’t know. I guess I like girls who are confident? About themselves, I mean. If they know what they want and go after that, I think that’s attractive,” Yeonjun said. “Why do you ask?”
Soobin’s eyes widened. It was a question he was expecting, but he had yet to come up with an answer. “Oh, ah-“ he paused. “Just curious, I guess.”
Yeonjun frowned. “Are you having girl troubles or something?” he wondered.
“Not really,” Soobin denied. “I’m just- I’m trying to figure out what kinds of girls are out there. What I should be looking for, what kind of looks I like…” he trailed off awkwardly.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed,” Yeonjun said. “Be honest, do you need sex advice?”
Soobin turned bright red, surprised that this was the conclusion that Yeonjun had come to. Oh Lord help me. “What!” he exclaimed, eyes wide and brain going into overdrive. “No! No, no I do not need- that kind of advice!” Soobin declared loudly, causing Yeonjun to burst into laughter as Soobin sat there, enveloped in his own embarrassment.
“Just checking,” Yeonjun said cheekily, giving Soobin a smile. “You were asking about looks?” Soobin nodded shyly, cheeks still flaming and unable to speak. “I guess I like girls who dress kind of girly and feminine?” he said, sounding like it was a question. “Not that I should dictate how anyone dresses, I just think that it’s really pretty.”
“Right,” Soobin nodded.
“What about you?” Yeonjun asked.
Soobin paused for a moment. “I guess I prefer a more casual style,” he said, thinking of the way you dressed. “Nothing too fancy or feminine or whatever, just something that’s comfortable and simple.”
“Like Y/n’s style?” Yeonjun suggested innocently, unaware of how perfectly on-the-nose he was with his diagnosis.
“Uh, kind of,” Soobin tried to play it off. “I don’t know. I don’t really pay that much attention to what she wears,” he lied easily. He had been hiding his crush on you for so long that it was easy.
A knock sounded on the practice room door – perfectly on time, in Soobin’s opinion – and the door opened shortly after to reveal you standing there with a takeout bag and a sweet smile. You were dressed in light-wash blue jeans, a long-sleeved black crop top, and a pair of white Adidas sneakers to top off the casual look. “Am I interrupting?” you asked innocently, holding out the takeout bag as bait.
“Not at all,” Soobin said before Yeonjun could utter a word, standing up to greet you with a nervous smile. “I didn’t know you were coming by,” he added, feeling his heart beat climbing as you gave him a wink.
“Well I remembered Yeonjun saying that he was craving chicken recently, and I figured my two favourite boys would be together anyway so…” you trailed off happily, not realising you were breaking Soobin’s heart as you mentioned that you had two favourite boys.
“You’re a saint,” Yeonjun sighed happily, pushing aside the takeout bag in favour of pulling you into a hug. You shrieked, yelling about how he was sweaty and gross as you tried half-heartedly to get away from him. Soobin watched as Yeonjun began chasing you around the practice room as the two of you giggled together, unaware of Soobin’s dropping mood.
“Just eat!” You eventually said, giving up and falling to the floor next to where Soobin had made himself comfortable. “Hey,” you added to your best friend. “You doing okay?” you asked, helping him unpack the food and and nudging him gently with your elbow.
Soobin nodded, slapping a smile on his face and wordlessly handing you the fries that you had ordered with the chicken, knowing that you didn’t actually eat chicken and had just bought it for your friends. “I thought you had an essay due?” he asked instead.
You sighed, rolling your eyes. “That stupid essay took me forever and I knew it would, so I stayed up late last night to finish it in favour of sleeping in until the afternoon today,” you announced.
“That’s going to mess up your sleep schedule,” Yeonjun said through a mouth full of chicken, having joined you and Soobin on the floor moments ago. You stuck your tongue out at him in retaliation, causing Yeonjun to giggle.
“Hey,” you whispered to Soobin as Yeonjun got distracted by something on his phone. “Did you get anything?” you asked hopefully, eyes shining.
“Sort of,” Soobin whispered back. “Just what kind of style he likes on a girl? And a really awkward conversation about- I don’t even want to tell you,” he shivered, making you raise an eyebrow in confusion.
“Okay,” you said, shrugging off the fact that Soobin had something he didn’t want to share with you. Usually, the two of you shared everything, so this was new. “Thanks so much, Soobinnie,” you changed the subject. “I’m sorry it made things awkward, I didn’t mean for it to.”
“I was the one that was awkward,” Soobin corrected quickly, realising you hadn’t been the cause of Yeonjun thinking he needed sex advice. “It wasn’t the conversation, so don’t worry about it,” he assured you.
You beamed. “What would I do without you?” you asked dramatically, biting into your fries before attempting to get Yeonjun’s attention away from his phone.
Soobin huffed quietly, watching as you and Yeonjun began playfully bantering as you got into a footsie fight from your positions on the floor.
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“You said feminine, right?” You asked unsurely, biting your lip as you observed yourself in the mirror. You were on the phone with Soobin, making sure that he recapped everything that he and Yeonjun talked about during dance practice.
“Right,” Soobin’s voice rang through your phone. “And remember to act confident! He says that he likes girls who go after what they want,” he added.
“Okay,” you nodded, even though Soobin wouldn’t be able to see it. “I’m just not sure this outfit suits me. I want to wear something that he’ll like but I don’t want to look like an idiot.”
“Nothing you wear could ever make you look like an idiot,” Soobin assured you. “I’m sure it looks great!”
“I guess we’ll see,” you sighed. “Hey Soobinie, you’re pretty good at this whole wing-man thing. After Yeonjun and I get together, we should go on a double date!” You realised excitedly.
Soobin chuckled. “No thanks, I’m good,” he said, waving the idea off immediately.
“Aw,” you pouted. “Why? That sounds like fun! You’ve never wanted to date anyone ever since I’ve met you.”
“So what?”
“I met you in preschool,” you reminded your best friend. “You’ve never even had a girlfriend or a crush!”
“Yes I have,” Soobin argued with you.
“Oh really? Name one.”
That stumped him. “I’m just not really looking for anything like that,” Soobin said instead of admitting his feelings for you.
“Maybe you just haven’t found the right person yet,” you decided, going to your wardrobe to look for the perfect pair of shoes to match your outfit. “I’m sure that I could set you up with someone who you’ll really like! Someone sweet who loves music, and bread, and adorable boys with sweet smiles and dimples,” you said firmly.
“Ah, you’re really over-selling me there,” Soobin said modestly.
“Are you kidding me?” You exclaimed. “Soobin, you’re gorgeous. Like, gorgeous. A 6’1” prince charming with a beautiful voice, gorgeous. And you’re really funny in a cheesy way and you’re an amazing friend. Anyone would be lucky to have you, you hear?” You told your best friend, trying to see him in the way that you and everyone else around him saw him.
“Well when you say it like that, how can I disagree?” Soobin asked, smiling with reddening cheeks as he lay onto his bed, covering his face with his pillow to muffle his squeals.
“Great!” you sighed happily. “Okay, I’m almost ready. Meet you in the library in fifteen?” you asked.
Soobin said his affirmative and the two of you hung up the phone as you began to put on the lace-up espadrille wedges that went with your outfit. In order to achieve the more feminine look that Yeonjun liked, you had decided to dress up a little for your study group with Yeonjun, Soobin, and Beomgyu. You wore a sleeveless, white dress with a lilac floral print and threw a purple cardigan over it to cover against the cold library air-conditioning, and left your hair down in order to achieve a more feminine aesthetic. They were all things that you already had in your wardrobe, so you didn’t feel like you were necessarily changing your style too much. Rather, you were picking parts of your style that you knew would appeal to Yeonjun and wearing them more often.
After packing your charging laptop into your book bag, you made your way out of your dorm and walked to the campus library where you would be meeting Yeonjun, Soobin and Beomgyu. Usually, the four of you occupied one of the private rooms in the library so you could be as loud as you wanted while still staying productive.
When you arrived, the three boys were already waiting for you in the room you usually used; they all glanced at you when the door opened and found it difficult to look away.
“Y/n,” Yeonjun said as you took your usual seat next to Soobin and opposite Yeonjun. “You look beautiful,” he complimented, eyes scanning your outfit before meeting your eyes and smiling.
“You do,” Beomgyu agreed from his place next to Yeonjun. “It’s kind of different, though,” he observed, tilting his head and looking at you with knowing eyes.
“Just trying a new combination of clothes I already own,” you shrug off the attention. “And thanks, Yeonjunie,” you add sweetly, giving the boy your full attention as you share a look.
Seeing Soobin’s expression, Beomgyu cleared his throat. “Okay,” he said, clapping his hands together once. “Confidence Intervals: the hell is that about,” Beomgyu asked, referring to the Statistics class that you all shared and what your semester project was about.
You grinned. “It’s a bunch of busy work,” you sighed, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“We better get started if we still want to go to that party tonight,” Beomgyu suggests.
“Are you going, Y/n?” Yeonjun asks, seemingly unable to take his eyes off of you today.
You smiled at the interest he was taking in your whereabouts for the evening, nodding as you motioned over to Soobin. “We’re both going to be there.”
“Great,” Yeonjun breathed out, a wonderful smile gracing his features and lighting up his eyes.
“Great,” you agreed, nodding and returning the smile at the same capacity.
“Great,” Soobin sighed, gently tossing his pencil on the table in front of him and frowning.
“Oh boy,�� Beomgyu mumbled, opening the page he needed in his Statistics textbook.
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“What about this one?” you ask Soobin, modelling a rose gold slip mini-dress for your best friend and giving him a twirl. “The silky material is really comfy, and I really don’t feel like trying another dress on,” you added for emphasis, sliding on a pair of black ankle boots on to match.
“You look great,” Soobin said. He was lying on his back on your bed, head hanging off the end so he was looking at you upside-down. “You looked great in every single dress you tried on, Y/n. I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Then we’ll go with this,” you shrugged, no longer interested in looking perfect and more conscious of arriving on time to the party. You started applying a dark red lipstick to your lips before carefully blotting the colour and making it more natural and subtle.
“I hardly think you can say we considering all I did was lay here and let all the blood rush to my head,” Soobin mumbled to himself, getting up and straightening out his clothes.
You glanced at your best friend, scrutinising his outfit and beaming. “You look so handsome,” you complimented. The unexpected comment made Soobin flush red and scoff, waving his hands as if to tell you to stop. “You do!” you insisted. “We’re finding you a honey, tonight,” you told him happily. “You look hot!”
“Let’s just go,” Soobin protested, grabbing his phone from your sheets and stuffing it into the pocket of his black skinny jeans. “We don’t want to keep Yeonjun waiting.”
“No we do not,” you agreed, grabbing your phone and making your way into the living room space that you and your dorm mate shared. Luckily, your dorm suite had individual rooms for everyone and a shared living room and bathroom. This meant that you and Soobin could have as many sleepovers as you wanted without bothering anyone else. Smiling at your suite-mate Sihyeon, who was sat on the couch frantically typing on her laptop. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with?” You offered.
“I’m a STEM major,” Sihyeon said instead of answering your question. “We don’t write essays. I’m going to be here all night finishing this,” she sighed, glancing up from the screen and smiling at you. “You guys have fun, okay? Don’t worry about me,” Sihyeon assured you. You went over to give her a one-armed hug before making your way to the party with Soobin.
“She seemed stressed,” Soobin mused, causing you to laugh.
“That poor girl is cool as a cucumber unless she has to write an essay,” you explained as you walked through campus. Suddenly, you gasped and stopped, causing Soobin to bump into you. “I should set you up with Sihyeon!” you exclaimed.
Soobin’s eyes widened. “No,” he said as you spun around to face him excitedly, walking backwards to keep up with him as he tried to get away from you.
“Why not?” you whined. “She’s super smart and she’s like, model pretty for sure! Besides, she’s a senior and I always felt like you’d like more mature girls,” you thought aloud.
“I’m not interested in your suite-mate,” Soobin declined your offer.
“Fine, fine,” you gave in, pouting before turning around and walking the right way, nudging Soobin every once in a while to tease him.
When you arrived at the party, you immediately started searching for Yeonjun. This wasn’t anything unusual, and yet it still made Soobin feel more uneasy than usual. Your eyes lit up when you saw the familiar blue-haired boy mixing drinks with Wooyoung and Yeosang. “Yeonjun!” You called, pulling on Soobin’s shirt sleeve so you wouldn’t lose him in the crowd.
“Y/n!” Yeonjun said, sounding happy to see you.
“Holy- gorgeous,” Wooyoung told you, causing you to laugh and cover your face shyly.
“You exaggerate,” you told him, cheeks burning.
“He does not,” Yeonjun denies. “You look amazing, Y/n. You always do, of course,” he added, just in case you thought he was giving you a back-handed insult.
“Thank you guys,” you said, feeling bashful at the sudden attention. “I have to give credit to Soobin, he helped me pick it out,” you added, causing the boys to greet Soobin happily.
“Hardly,” Soobin denied, accepting the drink from Yeosang and cringing after taking a sip. “Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the camel!” he exclaimed. “How much liquor is in this?” he asked, pointing down at his cup.
Yeosang made an apologetic face. “Sorry, I can make you something lighter?” he offered.
Soobin caught sight of you leaning forward to hear Yeonjun better, placing a hand on his shoulder and placing your face impossibly close to Yeonjun’s. “It’s okay,” Soobin thought better of it, downing the cup in seconds. He made a face afterwards, trying to ignore the burning sensation that now filled his stomach and smiling at Yeosang. “I’ll take another.”
Yeosang was all too happy to comply, making Soobin another drink until he was more than a little tipsy. “I’m going to find Beomgyu,” Soobin slurred slightly as he informed you, causing you to nod and giggle as he walked away.
“For someone so tall, he gets pretty uncoordinated when he’s tipsy,” you commented, causing Yeonjun to laugh and agree.
“I can’t really hear you well,” he admitted to you. “Let’s go somewhere a bit quieter,” Yeonjun offered, taking your hand and leading you out of the kitchen and towards a corner of the living room, where people had taken to playing games instead of dancing and it was easier to have a conversation.
Soobin found Beomgyu playing a game of Truth or Dare with some familiar people – he felt a little nervous playing with little devils like Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai but he decided to join anyway – and more unfamiliar people.
“Newcomers take shots,” Beomgyu told Soobin, passing him two shot glasses. Soobin sighed, downing the shots despite knowing that he would regret it the next day. “Excellent,” he said happily. “Kai, truth or dare?”
The game was more of a way for Soobin to pass time than it was for actual entertainment, so when it was Soobin’s turn, he jumped in surprise. “Truth or dare?” He recognised the speaker as Mina, a friend of your suite-mate Sihyeon’s.
“He’ll take a dare,” Beomgyu said for Soobin. “He really needs to let loose a little.”
“Okay,” Mina smiled, glancing around the room before landing on the corner and grinning. Soobin followed her gaze and felt his heart drop at the sight. You were leaning against the wall with Yeonjun standing in front of you. The two of you were in deep conversation, and Yeonjun had placed his hand on the wall beside your face to get even closer, if that was possible. “I dare you to kiss your crush,” Mina said, causing the group to make teasing sounds.
Soobin wasn’t sure if it was jealousy or the liquor that made him do this (he would decide the next day that it was a combination of both, and a moment of utter insanity), but he got up from his seat and stumbled over to you and Yeonjun.
When he neared, you met eyes and opened your mouth – most likely to greet him – but before you could say anything, Soobin leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You gasped into the kiss, surprised, before pulling away. “Soobin!” you exclaimed startled by his actions. “Why did you do that?”
Soobin only grinned goofily at you before giggling. “I-“ he cut himself off by bending over and throwing up on the floor, only centimetres away from your shoes. You cringed. Partially because you knew that he was far too drunk to remember any of this the next day, and partially because you could see Beomgyu filming everything from his seat on the sofa.
“Oh, Soo,” you cooed, pushing your hair behind your shoulder and gently rubbing Soobin’s back. “It’s okay, Binnie, just get it out,” you said, trying as best as you could to stabilise him when he finally stood upright again.
“Is he okay?” Yeonjun asked, wide-eyed and bewildered by the many things that had happened in such few seconds.
“He will be,” you reassured him. “I should probably get him back to his dorm, though.”
“Do you need any help?” Yeonjun offered. Knowing that Soobin was too tall for you to carry, you accepted his help. Soon, the both of you were doing your best to distribute Soobin’s weight and carry the boy back to his dorm. After tucking Soobin into bed and making sure that he was safe, Yeonjun offered to walk you back to your dorm since it was late.
“Drunk Soobin really is a lot crazier than I thought he would be,” Yeonjun mention, causing you to giggle.
“Yeah, he gets pretty wild,” you admitted. “Thanks for walking me,” you acknowledged once you reached your suite.
Yeonjun looked shy all of a sudden, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing at his shoes. “Yeah, of course,” he said, finding the confidence to look back at you.
Confidence, you reminded yourself. He likes girls who are confident and go after what they want.
“Would you want to go out some time?”
“Do you want to go on a date?”
The two of you asked at the same time. Upon realising this, you both let out nervous chuckles. “How about a movie and dinner?” Yeonjun suggested.
You could hardly hold in your excitement. “That sounds perfect.”
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It had been days since you had seen Soobin. You had texted him multiple times to see if he was okay but had yet to receive a response. At the one week mark, you knew something was really wrong when you went to your weekly study group with Yeonjun, Soobin and Beomgyu, only to find that Soobin was absent.
“Is Soobin not coming?” you had asked, taking a seat next to Yeonjun instead, since Soobin’s seat was vacant.
He looked surprised at your question. “I thought you would know,” he replied. “I haven’t seen him all week.”
You sighed. “You should go see him,” Beomgyu spoke up, looking at you with a look you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
“I’ll visit him after we study,” you agreed, worried about Soobin. You hoped that his drunk encounter with you at the party wasn’t the reason that he was being distant.
After you wrapped up your study session and were packing up your book bag, Yeonjun grabbed your attention. “Is tomorrow night good for our date?” he asked.
Beomgyu stopped what he was doing to stare at you and Yeonjun in shock.
You quickly thought of your schedule and any assignments you had due. “Tomorrow night should work,” you smiled. “Just don’t pick a trash movie,” you warned him.
“Are you kidding?” Yeonjun asked. “We’re definitely going to watch Little Women. I’ve been dying to see it and you read the books as a kid, right?”
You were touched that Yeonjun both wanted to see the film and had remembered a small detail about your childhood that you mentioned once in passing. “Yeah,” you said, your heart swelling. “Yeah, I did.”
“Perfect,” Yeonjun smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then!”
You said your goodbyes to Yeonjun and Beomgyu and made your way to Soobin’s dorm for the first time in a week. After knocking at his door, Soobin tiredly opened the door to you. “Hey Soobinie,” you greeted before noticing his tired demeanour. “Were you sleeping? I’m so sorry,” you apologised, feeling bad that you had ruined his rest time.
“I wasn’t sleeping,” Soobin denied, opening the door wider for you to come in. “I haven’t been sleeping,” he corrected with a sigh.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” you asked him, taking a seat on his bed next to him. “If this is about the kiss then it’s fine.”
Soobin glanced up, narrowing his eyes slightly. “What’s fine?”
“Well, you were drunk,” you reminded him with furrowed brows. “People do crazy things when they’re drunk.”
Soobin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, not wanting to say anything rash or upset at your words. “I didn’t just do something crazy,” he said in a hushed voice. Somehow, the quiet tone started making you nervous. “I’m going crazy,” Soobin breathed out, resting his elbows on his legs and running his hands roughly through his hair.
“Hey,” you scooted closer, putting your hand on his back. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is that I’m going crazy,” Soobin repeated, throwing his hands down. “I feel like I can never be honest with you!” he added, voice increasing in volume and frustration.
Ouch, you thought. Well, that hurt. You cleared your throat. “What do you mean?” you felt confused. “Have you been lying to me about something?”
Soobin laughed, though it was void of any humour or joy. “Yeah, I’ve been lying to you,” he sighed. “I can’t share my real thoughts or feelings with you. Not about this.”
“I don’t understand,” you confessed. “What can’t you share with me? I’m always honest and open with you because I trust you and I love you. Do you not trust me?”
“No,” Soobin denied. “It’s not that I don’t trust you or anything like that. I just- I can’t talk about this. And the more I can’t talk about it, the more it hurts and I hate this feeling.”
“Then why don’t you just tell me?” you suggested. “Maybe if you share it with me then-“
“I can’t,” Soobin almost wailed, sounding like the was on the brink of crying. “I can’t tell you this because it’s going to ruin our friendship and you’re going to hate me.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. “Soobin, you’re scaring me,” you confessed. “What’s going on?”
“I think you should go,” Soobin replied instead of answering your question. “I don’t want to fight and I don’t want to say anything that I don’t mean.”
“Please.” the desperation in your best friend’s voice was enough for you to sit beside him for a few more moments before reluctantly getting up and leaving him be.
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You were less excited for your date with Yeonjun than you expected to be. After two years of crushing on the boy, you figured you would at least feel butterflies or some kind of excited nerves while you were getting ready. Instead, all you could focus on was Soobin and how you felt like you had done something to hurt him. What did it mean, feeling like you couldn’t be honest with your best friend?
“You look beautiful,” Yeonjun complimented when the two of you met at the cinema for your film. You were dressed in a pretty blouse with jeans and heeled boots for the occasion, but even the cheerful pattern on your shirt didn’t make you feel better.
You smiled. “Thank you. You look great, too,” you replied, accepting the popcorn from Yeonjun before making your way to the theatre that was showing Little Women. Yeonjun was adorably excited about the film, raging about how Greta Gerwig was absolutely snubbed at the Oscars and how amazing Saoirse Ronan really was the perfect Jo March.
It was rather odd. On any other occasion, you could have written an entire essay on how beautiful Yeonjun looked in his outfit and how the fact that he was slightly shyer than usual around you was perhaps the cutest thing that you had ever experienced. But instead, your head was filled with thoughts of Soobin. Soobin sounding like he was about to cry because he couldn’t share his feelings with you. Soobin burying his face in his hands out of frustration with you or about you, you couldn’t remember.
The film was great.
Or, at least, you assumed it was great. There were few scenes of the film you could really remember, even after the credits rolled and you and Yeonjun made your way to his car to go to the restaurant you both picked for dinner.
When you arrived, you managed to banter with Yeonjun as usual while waiting to be seated and then waiting for your food. All the waiting was making you anxious and only further reminded you of how you were waiting for a text from Soobin.
Yeonjun had enough of being too shy to ask you if everything was alright. “Are you doing okay?” he asked you as you stared blankly at your pasta.
“Hm?” you hummed, blinking before realising that your food had arrived and Yeonjun had asked you a question. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you were okay,” Yeonjun repeated, brows furrowing together in concern. “But it seems pretty clear that you’re not,” he added.
You smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “I guess I’m just in a weird headspace. I’m sorry for making this date really boring and weird.”
“It’s not boring and weird,” Yeonjun contradicted your statement. “What’s wrong?”
You sighed, picking up your fork. “What does it mean when your best friend tells you that they feel like they can’t be honest with you?” you inquired. “And that if they reveal the truth to you, they think it will ruin your friendship?”
Yeonjun was startled. “This is about Soobin,” he mused quietly. “I guess it means exactly that. He’s keeping something from you because he doesn’t want to lose you.”
“But I’m losing him,” you retorted. “He’s distancing himself from me. So either scenario means that he and I aren’t the same anymore,” you sighed, eating some of your pasta and chewing on it slowly. “If that’s the case, isn’t it just best that he tell me?”
“I can’t answer that, I don’t know what he’s keeping from you,” Yeonjun reminded you.
“I just feel like a failure of a friend,” you disclose your feelings. “The one thing you should be able to do as a friend is be honest and share your feelings. I can’t even make my best friend feel comfortable doing that.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” Yeonjun acknowledged her feelings. “If it helps, I don’t feel that way about you.”
You smiled. “Thanks, Yeonjunie,” you paused, thinking of his words, and the most ironic thought popped into your mind. “On the basis of being honest, then… Is it just me or does this not feel like a date?”
Yeonjun gave a small giggle. “You’re right,” he agreed. “I think you’re beautiful, and smart, and funny. But maybe we’re better off just being friends,” he admitted to you.
“I was thinking the same thing,” you said, surprised at how truthful the words really were. “Huh… I spent two years of my life having a crush on you but as it turns out, we’re better off as friends.”
“You couldn’t have liked me for two years,” Yeonjun exclaimed in surprise. “No way!”
“It’s true!” you insisted, joining in on Yeonjun’s laughter. “Maybe it was just a small crush but it was there.”
“Well, I had a crush on you too,” Yeonjun smiled prettily. “But I’m actually okay with this whole being friends thing.”
You smiled back at him, pleased that the date had gone in this direction. “I completely agree.”
With this in mind, the rest of your date turned into a friendly hangout, which both took the pressure off of the both of you and made for a much more fun evening.
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y/n: hey soobinie
y/n: i’m sorry
y/n: i’m sorry for whatever i did to make you feel like you can’t be honest with me
y/n: i don’t ever want to fight with you
y/n: let’s just talk it out and solve this
y/n: please?
seen by soobin at 10:52pm
soobin is offline (10:55pm)
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You always knew how much you loved and needed Soobin in your life.
From the very first time that you were in preschool and one of the boys had stolen your packed lunch, all you could do on your own as a significantly smaller human being was sit there and cry. Until Soobin came. He was your knight in shining Converse, telling the boys that stealing was wrong and mean and demanding that they give your lunch back to you. From that day onwards, you had a lunch buddy, a protector, and – most importantly – a best friend to always support you.
And you supported him too. Throughout middle and high school you went to every one of his performances and cheered him on until you lost your voice. Soobin would go onto stage, a nervous bundle of adrenaline and hormones, but the moment he saw your face in the crowd he would feel completely at ease. You helped him with his english homework while he helped you with math, and you always came to each other when you felt sad.
Being without Soobin felt like you were missing part of your personality; jokes passed without being laughed at, study sessions were far quieter and more lonely, and you walked back to your dorm at the end of class alone.
Sitting in your room in the library with Yeonjun and Beomgyu still went on, but it didn’t feel nearly as fun or productive with the empty chair next to you.
Hearing how your date with Yeonjun went, Beomgyu was reluctant to keep coming the study sessions. When he realised that you and Yeonjun remained good friends on amicable terms, however, he was persuaded to continue joining you. That and the fact that he was completely lost on Statistics without you guys.
“Do either of you have the answer book?” Beomgyu had asked during one study session. You and Yeonjun had been defacing university property by doodling all over the tables in pencil while Beomgyu stressed about his Statistics grade. Noticing how inattentive you two were being, Beomgyu looked up from his textbook and made a face of disapproval. “Seriously?” he asked rhetorically. “Can one of you make yourself useful and get the answer book from the Stats section?”
You and Yeonjun glanced at each other and Yeonjun – being just a moment faster than you, and a whole lot smarter – placed his finger on his nose and declared loudly: “Not it!”
You whined, feeling cheated by the situation. Still, you put your pencil down and got up to look for the book Beomgyu needed in the library. Sifting through the Statistics section, you pulled out a few books from the same company as your Statistics textbook and read the titles to see if any of them matched the answer book you were searching for.
A familiar giggle pulled your attention away from reading book titles.
You knew that giggle anywhere.
You ducked slightly in order to look through the shelf closest to your eye-line and saw Soobin at one of the tables in the library, talking to Mina and Sihyeon and laughing. Your suite-mate and her best friend were seated by the tables in the middle the library while Soobin stood next to them, backpack slung casually over his shoulder.
Something in your chest ached at the sight of your best friend whom you hadn’t seen in almost a month now. It was obvious to you that you would miss him, but this feeling was different. This feeling was fierce and unexpected and burned deep in your belly, causing your eyes to narrow and your jaw to clench.
The green monster. Envy. Possessiveness. Jealousy.
You were jealous of your suite-mate for talking to Soobin. But really, did you have any excuse to be jealous? It was was your idea to set the two up when you were swept up in Yeonjun-land and only had eyes for your blue-haired friend. And Sihyeon was amazing, you would be first in line at the Sihyeon fan club meeting, declaring your love for your suite-mate and her funny and nurturing personality. In fact, she was probably perfect for Soobin.
But the jealousy went deeper than just seeing Sihyeon and Mina interact with Soobin. You were jealous at the idea of Soobin and Sihyeon flirting. You didn’t want Soobin to be flirting with anyone, nonetheless someone you loved and admired.
“You okay?” you jumped at the sound of Yeonjun’s voice right next to you. “Geez, Y/n, why are you so jumpy?” he asked, far louder than you would have liked.
At the sound of your name, Soobin turned in your direction and the two of you made eye contact through the gaps above the books in the bookshelf. Quickly, you turned around to face Yeonjun and avoid Soobin. “I found the book,” you declared, grabbing it and placing all the other books back. “Let’s go,” you said, pushing Yeonjun in the direction of your private room and pushing your feelings for Soobin even further down into yourself.
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To prove to yourself that you were okay with Sihyeon and Soobin dating, you decided to invite Sihyeon to the party that you were going to that evening with Yeonjun and Beomgyu. “It’ll be fun!” you convinced her happily as you curled your hair and picked out an outfit. You decided on a pretty lace bralette top and a pair of black jeans in order to be comfortable but still cute and even helped Sihyeon pick out a pretty dress.
I guess Soobin likes more feminine styles like Yeonjun, you thought to yourself as you admired how beautiful Sihyeon looked in the body-hugging, off-the-shoulder dress that she was absolutely rocking. And she’s far more confident than me, so I guess he’ll be into that too.
You tried to act like you were proud of yourself for being a neutral party in the whole ordeal, but in reality it felt like your world was falling apart. Everything that you thought was a universal truth – liking Yeonjun, being best friends with Soobin – was no longer true. And everything that seemed like a good idea before – dating Yeonjun, setting Soobin up with Sihyeon – were now a nightmare waiting to happen.
“You look really pretty, Y/n,” Sihyeon complimented.
“Not half as pretty as you,” you replied, meaning every word of it. “C’mon, let's get going."
The two of you linked arms and made your way to the party. In order to get through this party, you would need to do it the way that Soobin did last time; hopefully minus the sudden vomiting. You knew that Mingi and Yeosang made the strongest drinks in the ATZ fraternity, so you and Sihyeon made a beeline for the kitchen the moment you arrived at the house.
“Mingi!” you said happily when you spotted him. “I need a drink as strong as you can make it,” you asked him, giving him a pout and puppy eyes to convince him.
“You're kidding,” Mingi said in a monotonous voice. “I can’t give you that, you’ll pass out straight away.”
He probably had a point. “Then as strong as you can make it without me passing out,” you corrected yourself. Mingi saluted you playfully and got to work on your drink as Sihyeon accepted a much milder drink from San. “Have you guys seen Yeonjun?” you inquired.
“Are you guys still heart-eyed for each other?” San replied, making fun of you by imitating what you assumed was the way you used to look at Yeonjun when you were infatuated with him.
“No,” you sighed. “Didn’t you hear? We went on a date and it was weird as hell so we’re just staying friends,” you explained.
Yeosang nodded. “Good, I always liked you with Soobin,” he mused, making you glance at him with wide eyes.
“What?” you asked, bewildered.
“Me too!” Sihyeon raised her hand enthusiastically, nodding along with Wooyoung, San, Mingi and Hongjoong. “Mina and I always thought you guys would be really cute together.”
“Yup,” Mina agreed, appearing in the kitchen and giving Sihyeon a hug. “That what lesbians talk about when their straight roommates aren’t around,” she joked, causing everyone around to laugh.
Oh my god Y/n you’re a god damn idiot for trying to set your best friend up with a lesbian who already has a girlfriend, you thought to yourself, resisting a face palm.
“Your drink, madame,” Mingi said, passing you a drink. You took it wordlessly and immediately chugged it, feeling like the evening had already been eventful enough to warrant an excessive amount of drinking.
“I’d love a refill,” you announced, handing the cup back to Mingi. He and San cackled at your behaviour but did as you asked.
“You’re a messy drunk, Y/n,” you heard Beomgyu’s voice remind you. He was staring at you with a disapproving look on his handsome face. “Don’t be messy, I beg you.”
“Hello to you too,” you teased with an eye roll. “Yeonjun around?”
“He’s talking to Soobin,” he admitted. Your heart jumped at the mention of the boy’s name, and your reaction must have been obvious because Beomgyu grinned. “You’ve finally caught on, have you?”
You sighed. “Has everyone been hardcore shipping Soobin and I since day one?” you asked sarcastically. A loud chorus of affirmatives chimed in the kitchen, prompting you to actually face palm this time. “Great. I love being a blind idiot. Thanks for the heads up, guys.”
“It’s not our fault you’re ridiculously oblivious to your feelings,” Taehyun commented, having appeared with Beomgyu and Hueningkai.
You narrowed your eyes. “You babies are too young to drink.”
“Don’t worry,” Hueningkai raised his hands in defence. “Taehyun and I aren’t drinking, we’re just here for the drama,” he added with a grin.
You observed the younger boy for a moment before shrugging. “Seems fair,” you allowed, chugging the second drink that Mingi had made for you. “Wow,” you said afterwards. “Is it just me or did you say you didn’t want me to pass out?” Mingi gave you an innocent expression, causing you to shrug and decide to join Yeonjun where he was sitting with a larger group of people.
“Hi there,” Yeonjun greeted as you took a seat next to him. “You look nice,” he flattered, giving you a once-over that no longer made your heart leap into your throat.
“Thanks Yeonjunnie, you’re a peach,” you sighed happily, feeling the effects of the drinks Mingi had made you already.
Yeonjun giggled. “You’re tipsy. You only ever call me a peach when you’re tipsy.”
“Y/n!” Changbin, another friend of Yeonjun’s – since the boy was beyond popular – chimed. He seemed just as buzzed as you, but you knew he was already confident enough to stir up some trouble without the liquid courage. “Truth or dare?”
“This again,” you sighed. “Dude, I don’t know. What are the options again?” your brain was beginning to be fuzzier and fuzzier by the minute.
“Dare it is,” Changbin laughed. “I dare you to… kiss the guy you would most like to date in this room,” he declared before facing Yeonjun. “Pucker up Junnie,” he teased, making a kiss face at your mutual friend.
Everyone in the room hollered, seemingly all knowing about the crush that you had on Yeonjun over the course of time you knew one another. Amidst all the chanting and cheering, you glanced around the room to find the only person that was on your mind at the moment.
You found Soobin sitting a few seats past Yeonjun, nursing a small drink with a distinct pout on his lips. Soobin always looked good. You had always told him how handsome he was, but in this moment – perhaps enhanced by how drunk you were, or the fact that you hadn’t seen him so closely in so long, but most probably a combination of the two – Soobin just looked ridiculously, out-of-this-world hot.
You got to your feet, slightly wobbling as the cheers turned into howls and cat-calls as you neared Yeonjun. Their voices hushed when you passed Yeonjun and took a seat in the empty place next to Soobin. The last thing you saw before closing your eyes and pushing your lips against Soobin’s were his wide, surprised eyes staring into yours. Screams sounded around the room as you and Soobin proceeded to kiss, lips moving comfortably against one another as if you were born to kiss each other. Something like fireworks erupted in your body, except faster, louder, and hotter; with a ferocity far stronger than anything you had ever felt with another boy.
It was you who pulled away, forcing some distance between the both you before you couldn’t stop.
“Why me?” Soobin had asked, just loud enough for the others to hear.
“You know me best,” you replied. “You care for me above everyone else and have always been there for me, since the first day we met when I was four years old. You know what I like and you know what I hate and you would do uncomfortable things like help find out what kinds of girls Yeonjun likes just to make me happy,” this revelation made everyone glance at Yeonjun, who held his hands up to show his innocence in the situation. “That’s why you would make an amazing boyfriend.”
Your words seemed to have sobered you up even more than the kiss, and you realised the weight of your actions. “Excuse me,” you muttered, getting to your feet and tossing your empty cup in the trash by the kitchen. Beomgyu stood there, holding an unopened bottle of water out for you with an expression similar to pride painting his face. You accepted it, unscrewing the cap and taking sips of water to sober up even more as you exited through the kitchen and into the back yard of the ATZ frat house for some fresh air.
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you sat outside, but at one point the bottle was empty and you felt almost completely sober again. The weight of your actions crushed your shoulders and the crisp evening wind felt sharp against your bare arms. You shivered, trying to use your hands to rub warmth into your arms until you felt a jacket drape over your shoulders.
Glancing up, you saw Soobin standing next to you, no longer wearing the flannel shirt he was wearing before. You thanked him quietly, slipping your arms into the warm fabric and relishing in the smell. “Are you sober?” Soobin inquired, taking a seat next to you and raising an eyebrow. His eyes were playful, but a hint of concern existed there nonetheless.
“Sure am,” you replied half-heartedly, unsure if you still wanted to be drunk so you could avoid this conversation.
Soobin hummed, nodding to himself. “Did you mean it?” he asked. You almost wanted to play innocent and ask: Mean what? in the most clueless tone but you decided against it.
“I did,” you confirmed. “I do,” you corrected as an afterthought, knowing and feeling that everything you said while you were drunk was still applicable.
Soobin paused for a moment. “I heard that you and Yeonjun went on a date,” he told you. “Beomgyu mentioned it to me the other day.” The fact that Beomgyu and Soobin were in close contact was not something that you knew about, but you were glad that Beomgyu didn’t feel like he had to pick ‘sides’. “Why didn’t you pick him as the person you would most like to date?”
You laughed lightly. “I guess he didn’t tell you much, then,” you mused, mustering up the courage to properly meet Soobin’s eyes. It almost took your breath away how close you were to his gorgeous brown eyes; appearing deeper and darker due to the low lighting in the back yard. “Yeonjun and I… The feelings I had for him were more physical attraction than anything else,” you explained. “The feelings I have for you are… different. More emotional.”
Soobin took a sharp breath of air in. “Does the mean that you aren’t physically attracted to me?” his voice cracked halfway through his sentence, a tell-tale sign of Soobin being nervous.
Amused, you gave Soobin a knowing look. “Did that kiss in there not feel like physical attraction to you?” you wondered, causing Soobin to get shy and blush. “I just meant that Yeonjun and I had very base-level attraction. You and I have history and over a decade of emotion and love for one another. It’s like we punched a hole in the roof and created a completely new level.”
Nodding to himself, Soobin was silent for a moment, thinking of what to say next. “We’re best friends,” he began. Oof, you thought to yourself, here comes the rejection. God, this hurts more than I thought it would. “And you’re right. We have history and friendship and love and I don’t want to ruin that,” Soobin told you.
You nodded as well. “You don’t have to make excuses,” you reminded him. “We’re best friends. And this is the first time we’re both being honest with each other and ourselves about our feelings, so if you don’t like me then you should just say s-“
Soobin cut you off by leaning over and pressing the softest, sweetest kiss to your lips. It was something like a long peck; beautiful, too short, and wonderful in every way imaginable. He pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. “Don’t you dare think that,” Soobin said. “I’ve been in love with you for eight years. Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you, okay?”
You nodded, agreeing with him before wrapping your arms around his waist in a hug. “Will you be my boyfriend, then?” you asked, feeling cheeky but also really, desperately wanting Soobin to be yours forever.
“I’m not sure,” Soobin joked, hearing your laughter ring in his ears like the happiest song he’d ever listened to.
“Fine then,” you teased back. “I can always ask Yeonjun if he-“
Once again, Soobin cut you off with a kiss, this time allowing himself to take his sweet time with you and making it as long and rough as he wanted. “Don’t you dare,” he stated firmly. “I only just got you. I’m not about to let you go.”
You grinned. “That’s a really nice way of telling me to shut up.”
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my first txt fic officially done!! i got very inspired by this request and got kind of carried away and i honestly really love this fic and i hope you guys do too!!
also sorry if you’re not straight lol i’m not trying to be heteronormative (i’m literally bi lol) but i feel like your college roommate’s girlfriend might not know your sexuality?? so she just assumed anyway bye thanks for reading
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Jason’s Room — Jason Todd x Reader (+ Dick Grayson)
SUMMARY: “Yeah?”You hear music; it’s loud, deafening probably, but you don’t have to worry about waking up your partner.Dick is out patrolling, and the bed is now cold. You try and warm yourself up in the duvet. Still doesn’t help, but there’s a rush that slowly burning up your body.No one talks, but you’ve seen the caller ID; enough to make you worry after checking the time, see if it was an emergency. But Jason seems to be frozen.“Jay, I saw it was you. Everything alright?”
TW: Angsty, toxic relationship implied. Some cheating can be read, but is not acted on. Jason Todd is not portrayed as a good person on this one.
A/N: I have no excuse for writing this, other than really wanting to, which I think it’s a good step, seeing as I’ve abandoned writing for my own pleasure completely. So yeah, just have this.
Bitches in my old phone
I should call one and go home
I've been in this club too long
 He’s really so fucking drunk. He shouldn’t be allowed to go out on nights like that, but he still does.
(Maybe clinging to the idea that someone will call him up and say “hey, don’t go, I know you’re bad, let’s talk?”.
 He’s stupid, really stupid. Stupid enough to-)
 No, he’s already drinking up another shot, from that lined up column of alcohol in front of him. Jason’s pretty sure he’s at a new club, but he can’t say for sure: nothing is familiar and yet everything echoes in him for a reason: faces, blurred-out expressions of joy and a world going too fast around him; music beating too hard in his chest, making his heart almost leap out of it; laughter that he’s not sure that’s coming out of him really, even as he feels his smile growing, a charismatic and cocky attitude coming out of him.
He could have anyone he wanted; Jason knows he doesn’t have the suave attitude of the family, and yet “the bad boy” always attracts a certain crowd of girls he feels like he could go in for that night.
Jason knows he could, but doesn’t. His hand moves up and down this gorgeous girl at her side, a bronzed goddess, but his eyes move to check up his phone: no new messages or calls.
It’s obsessive really. It must have been the third time he’s done that since his last shot, but… It’s infuriating to know he’s not needed.
 (He is; there’s always that stupid booty call, the fucking vigilante stuff he feels less and less like going in for – it now means something different, something that wrecks him up inside – or the casual reaching out he’s not really interested in deepening.
Just not by that one person he hasn’t heard anything from in the last weeks.
And you said you’d call by now (“in a week or so”), and yet--)
  The woman that I would try
Is happy with a good guy
But I've been drinkin' so much
That I'ma call her anyway, and say
You hear music; it’s loud, deafening probably, but you don’t have to worry about waking up your partner.
Dick is out patrolling, and the bed is now cold. You try and warm yourself up in the duvet. Still doesn’t help, but there’s a rush that slowly burning up your body.
No one talks, but you’ve seen the caller ID; enough to make you worry after checking the time,  see if it was an emergency... But Jason seems to be frozen.
“Jay, I saw it was you. Everything alright?”
“Fuck, I-Fuck, no, I’m-Agh, I’ave to get out of ‘ere… Excuse YOU!” He drags out the vocals; tone is sleazy, lazy, and you would recognize that anyone, of course.
“Are you drunk? Jason?”
You feel incredibly naked, even with your thick pajamas out; you’ve lived this out too many times, and you can almost see him climb your bed.
It’s been a long time since he’s done that, but it’s something you will always remember: the creaking of the wood, springs of the bed, rustling of sheets as he tossed sheets here and there all night.
(The stupid “I love you’s”, the lazy and very drunken make-outs, while groping each other).
“Jason, are you okay or not?”
I know you still think about the times we had
I say fuck that nigga that you think you found
And since you picked up, I know he's not around, oh oh
I'm just sayin' you could do better
 Cause even if those VERY BLURRY nights that you can’t almost remember were nice, there were also the others; those which kind of made you hold onto Dick tighter in bed, at dawn when he sneaked in, cold skin, occasionally bruised. He felt so precious and delicate under the first rays of sun, as his dreams started to die under his eyelids, barely any movement in his body save the soft breathing out of his mouth. Too precious, and too yours.
You loved him entirely and completely. He made you feel so happy you wanted to cry at times; there was nothing lacking, not the sex, not the affection.
 But Jason doesn’t think the same.
What about the rush, what about the times you’ve had?
“Why you pick up?” I know he’s not there, he implies, but doesn’t say. She knows too. “It’s late. Thought you were now reformed; no phone after 2AM or something like that, right?”
“Some of us have jobs. Unfortunately, I don’t have a fortune to fall back on”.
It’s very easy to just talk. They laugh, and she gets up on bed; Jason can picture her, duvet up to her chin, propping up her pillow (the best he’s had), to talk better, while still charging the phone. He hears the rustling on her side, meaning she’s staring at the side he used to sleep in. She always loved to sleep tucked into his chest.
“You still haven’t answered.”
“Right back at ya’. Are you okay?”
A really difficult question for a drunken and very honest man at 3AM in the morning.
If he was a better man, he would wish her a goodnight and hang up; no more talking, no more suggesting, no more playing with fire. If he was a better man, he probably wouldn’t be drunk-texting girls to “cheer him up” after this call, and he would just go home, sleep it off, and go at it again another night.
But he really is not, and it’s too late to go back now. That’s at least what he tells himself, what he tries to entitle himself into: he feels too much, he’s had it bad the last couple of weeks without you. So, he is owed that.
And that is his mistake, for no one is entitled to anything over anyone, no matter their own personal suffering.
“I guess.” Vague; but enough to let her get out, not dig in. Which is really a trap when he knows of your good nature, but he tells himself that it’s your choice (your fault!) for asking about it.
“That’s… Comforting, I guess. Friend calling at 3AM, probably lost and unaware of where he is right now, fucking drunk and in a completely safe neighborhood, I’m sure…”. There’s a sigh. He hates hearing you sigh; it’s always cause you’re so tired of him, he knows, he knows. And he hates himself for it, makes him feel so useless. “Just send me your location, I’ll guide you home.”
‘But aren’t you on Blüdhaven?’, he naïvely wants to ask, just to almost punch himself right after. She means the safe house or whatever place is near, that she might have still saved as her favorite or most usual locations at Gotham.
Tell me, have you heard that lately?
I'm just sayin' you could do better
And I'll start hatin' only if you make me
 “So, why you pick up?”, he asks again, just enough sober. His stomach is in knots from the alcohol (and not waiting for your answer, just hearing your voice and talking to you). He’s on a taxi, and the yellow lights on him are making him sleepy. “I answered.”
It’s 4.38AM. Sending a cab there was easy enough once you had his location and Jason swore he wasn’t moving anymore. Bless technology, you think to yourself now a bit irritated for wanting to sleep and not being able to. Your lids are heavy, and the sheets too soft.
“Obviously cause’ I’m an idiot who forgot to silence their phone.” It’s a half-joke. If you had done just like Dick had suggested, you would not be having that conversation. You change sides in your bed, now looking outside, to the window; Jason’s sigh is audible. You almost feel a heavy and ghostly arm bracing you from behind. “If the info is correct, you should be arriving home soon. Wanna hang up?”
“I miss you.”
A beat.
Breath knocked out of your lungs and silence only interrupted by your dramatic mouth breathing. You literally forgot to breathe; that’s how being with Jason used to make you feel.
As exciting and exhilarating every night out or in with him was, it was not good for you. The nights that were good, but the bad ones, really made your feel like shit. And if someone loves you, they will never hurt you. You know, you so know, how bad he’s had it: but that’s not an excuse for his shitty behavior, his stupid harmful jokes or the way he made you feel.
“Jason, it’s been a long week, I know.”
“No, I know, I know-I’m not-I’m not trying to-“. A sigh. His sighs always broke you: too tired, too broken. Jason always had a way with words, but you managed to sometimes kill that off too. “I don’t want to start out anything. I just want to say sorry. I wanted to, but I know-fuck, I really KNOW-“
“Don’t scream, please.” Firm. Cold.
He’s losing you.
“No, I’m sorry. I’m an ass.” He laughs; it’s self-deprecating and you hate it, but you really don’t have the energy right now. “I…”. Nothing comes out. There’s a long silence. Inhale, exhale (“Jason, just breathe, please”): “I love you. Probably more than I would ever admit to do, and you mean so much to me, but I fucked up big time. And I know, I know-” He emphasizes, without elevating his tone. “-I know you’re so happy with him, fuck! It’s disgusting. It’s fucking bizarre to see you two together.” Poison that he spits, that’s eating him out; acid destroying everything inside, every little nerve of sanity still inside. “And yet, I can’t stop-I really think I don’t want to stop thinking on whatever we had, on the kiss we shared-“
“Jay, that was not-“
“No, I know. I know, but we shared it, and it brought me memories, and you closed off! Fuck, I had you to myself, we were-fuck.”
He curses out for a bit. You let him vent, sighing and putting your hand over your eyes, as if to stop everything from happening. No more 3AM calls.
Had it been pretty shitty of you to get with his “brother”? Maybe, but it wasn’t on purpose or with a malicious intent. It really had been pure coincidence that you had hit if off on one of the galas where Jason stood you up, with a considerable hangover and too sick to move anywhere. That, with the argument you had been having more and more often… Jason wasn’t sure you were even going to show up, but there they had met, and he regrets it every day.
 (But sometimes…
 Sometimes they look so perfect that he thinks they might just have been destined to happen, one way or another. If it was not in a gala, maybe a rescue, maybe a touch on the street, a crush, a rude Gothamite exchange of words as you clashed onto each other.
 Whatever. It just happened and now you two were together.)
 “Jason, I was never… “Only yours” to have.”
“On that we can agree. We never really settled, and I didn’t ever treat you nice.”
Not like she wanted; he knew. They were just… Casual friends who fucked every two weeks, who occasionally kissed and got jealous over the other receiving attention from the opposite sex (sometimes same sex). Despite what everyone else thinks, he is quickly to see others social intentions; her whispers on his skin, the brightness on her eyes whenever they would do it with such intimacy, the cuddling… No, he knew, of course he did, that she wanted more.
Jason just wasn’t ready for it. He might never be, but it’s not your fault; never was, never will. And he might just have lost forever the one thing he wanted.
But that’s the thing: everyone wants the chocolate scoop. But what they might need for a change is something they’ve never tried before.
“I don’t know what you’re babbling on about ice cream, Jay. I really…”. She’s tired, he knows. From him, from Dick and his waiting (she never really liked him going on rounds); from just having to bear with all the weight of the world on her naked and frail shoulders. “It’s not the time for this conversation. Can we… Talk another time?”
A beat.
Inhale, exhale.
“Yeah.”. Tired, so tired. Lids closing off,. “I’m here anyways, so I’ll hang up…”. Silence; insufferable silence. He closes his eyes for a second. “Have a goodnight.”
“You too, Jason.”
He’s not there, but he will be soon. He hopes for that, at least; everything will be easier.
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dwtsfun · 3 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 30 PREMIERE!!!
Hey everyone. Welcome back! We are here for the monumental 30th season of DWTS. Can you believe it? It's wild. Tyra is back as host and she was much better than she had ever been last season. Len and Derek are both at the judges' table with Bruno and Carrie Ann. And I actually liked what Tyra had on. I also thought everyone but one person did a good job. Okay, so now, let's move onto the recap/ranking thing.
As we know, when we have this many people, I tend to rank the couples instead of trying to format an entire recap. The same will be true for this season.
1. Kenya and Brandon- Okay so let me get this out of the way. I have been watching Kenya on RHOA for about a decade and I do not like her character on that show at all. I'm gonna try my best to separate her character on there from how she is on here (which I hear is how she is in real life). I just wanna get that out the way so I don't have to deal with any claims of bias. That being said, this dance really stuck with me more than any other dance from Monday night. I think watching just how natural she was, seeing how much musicality she has and Brandon's choreo really blew me away. I was not expecting her to be that good. Her lines were gorgeous and I felt her hold was actually mostly good. She is one of two women that I felt really gave enough to their performance without going overboard. I'm very excited for these two for the weeks to come.
2. Matt and Lindsay- Another shocker for me! I saw that viral clip of Matt dancing on The Bachelor last year and I got so much second hand embarrassment from it that I did not have any hopes for Matt and rhythm. But listen. Matt shocked me. Lindsay actually got something out of him. So much so that I maybe feel like he's actually got potential to be good. He's gotta loosen up his hips and get that footwork together, but I'm actually excited for these two as well. And I was not expecting that.
3. Amanda and Alan- I wasn't shocked to see what these two did on the dancefloor as Amanda is a dancer and Alan has worked with a big dance ringer before (Heather). So I knew that they were going to be good. And they delivered on that end for sure. I thought her attention to detail was great (almost too good cuz it caused her neck to get wonky). The thing that made me really fall for them is that they are really fun together. Amanda also dances through the floor and not on top of it. So I'm happy that we will have one major ringer that really brings it this season.
4. Mike "The Miz" and Witney- These top 4 are here because they all surprised me the most of everyone and they were the most enjoyable. I think Mike (or The Miz, not sure how I'm gonna refer to him just yet) was shockingly good. Like good to the point that he could be a legit contender if he just works a little more on his technique and reigning in the energy. He's very charismatic. He's got the right attitude. And Witney seems to be working well with him. Actually, I'm seeing little bits of her partnership with Chris Mazdzer coming through. I'm liking what I'm seeing from these two and I hope they improve like I think they will.
5. Jojo and Jenna- So I really liked Jojo a lot more than I thought I would. I thought I would roll my eyes every few seconds, but I wasn't. And she made me actually enjoy Jenna as well? Hell is freezing over right now lol. Anyway, I thought this was a great dance. I don't think it was the best of the night score wise, but it was up there. Once Jojo reigns in all that energy, she's going to be great. That was her biggest issue for me.
6. Suni and Sasha- I really wish I could've put these two higher. But I just couldn't justify it. Suni might be the best technician on the cast this season (like most gymnasts have been). Everything move was excellence. Her transitions between each move was also really nice as well. I don't notice that too often but I noticed it with her and I really appreciated that. My issue is that she's not really performing right now. She's in her head and I just want Sasha to figure that piece out sooner rather than later. I want her to stick around and that's gonna be her Achilles heel.
7. TIE Jimmie/Emma and Christine/Pasha- I feel bad for everyone that got a tango on Monday. It's a terrible week 1 dance. I also hate that these two both got pop songs from 2007 to dance to. Pop songs that should not be anywhere near a tango. It just made for two really weird routines. That being said, both were able to show some strengths that will bode well for them in the coming weeks. Jimmie has a really solid frame and good posture. Christine has a very flexible back. I'm a little more worried for Christine than I am for Jimmie as far as fan support is concerned, but I think she'll be good this week.
9. Mel C and Gleb- I hate having to put Mel all the way down at 9th place. I love her and while I think she had some of the best technique of the night, I wanted more from her and I felt like she had more to offer. I can only blame Gleb's choreo for that. While it was fine, it just didn't make a statement to me. It fell flat. He's gotta step it up because Mel has what it takes to make it to the end. And I actually would want to see her there. But in this season, where everyone is at least good (well everyone will be after our first elimination), you have to stand out with the choreography.
10. Iman and Daniella- First of all I want to say that this dance was underscored. Iman needs to work on his feet for sure. That being said, he's got great control of his limbs, he's got great musicality and he can just legit dance. I think this could've been 1 or 2 points higher. I hope he can be a basketball player that makes it far. Also, I want to say that the tall and long men this season have great control of their limbs and are not afraid to move true to their size. That's really nice to see.
11. Cody and Cheryl- I definitely expected these two to perform a lot better than they did on Monday. I'll chalk that up to first night nerves and having a difficult week 1 dance. When Cody let loose, you could tell that he is a really good dancer. Even some of the more technical things showed off his experience. I fully expect them to come back next week with guns blazing. The one pro whose knowledge of the show rivals Derek's, is Cheryl. I think she knows that they may not be in the safest spot right now and that that needs to change, stat.
12. Melora and Artem- I thought this dance was good, but forgettable amongst a sea of other good to great dances. There wasn't anything that Artem or Melora did wrong. It's just that type of season. Melora is definitely a performer. And she's got some of the basics down really nicely. She needs to find her balance though. She lost it quite a few times during that tango.
13. Brian and Sharna- Okay, this is low. But it is not indicative about how I feel about them as a (dance) couple or how I feel about his dancing. I thought he did a good job. I think they're great together. I just didn't care for this foxtrot. And that's okay. They are only going to go up from here and I can't imagine them leaving anytime soon.
14. Olivia and Val- Olivia was good as well. However, she is kinda stiff. I also didn't really like Val's choreo. I don't have much else to say here. She didn't really make too big of an impact imo. I also hated the outfit that production put her in. It was so unflattering and looked like they threw a pair of curtains on her body.
15. Martin and Britt- This was the one bad performance of the night. And it was bad. I had heard rumblings of him not rehearsing very much and that was so obvious in that paso. I think it was smart for Britt to throw that talking part in at the beginning to minimize any dancing he had to do. But yeah, it was bad. I hate that I have to say this because I love Britt, but these two should go next week. I just can't take anymore weeks of this dancing when everyone else is leaps and bounds better already.
So that's it. Sorry I'm so late. I was going to get this up yesterday but I had a terrible day and said "fuck it" to work, school and this blog. Let me know what you all thought about the show and I will talk to you all soon!
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jaarimasheng · 3 years
My Favorite Grey’s Anatomy Characters (FEMALE)
I vaguely remember hearing my mom talk about Grey’s Anatomy when I was young. I then thought about it as an “adult show” (not in the pg18 sense, but like the shows that adults watch), so when Netflix put the show up, I decided to give it a try. The least I expected out of this show was to get attached to the characters and the show itself. But then it gives me so many emotions every time I watch. I have cried, laughed and fell in love again and again. 11 seasons in, and here I am, dedicating a whole blog post (AND MORE TO COME) to the show.
Not only that but the show showcases some of the strongest female characters in television history. They featured women with tragic and very traumatic backstories, and turned them into very inspiring ones.    ⁽ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵃᶦⁿˢ ˢᵖᵒᶦˡᵉʳˢ ᵉˢᵖ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ʷʰᵒ ʰᵃᵛᵉⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵃⁿʸ ᵉᵖᶦˢᵒᵈᵉˢ ʸᵉᵗ⁾
1. 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝔂
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Who doesn’t love a heavily traumatized lead character? Merdith Grey is not only a badass for overcoming her traumas despite ignoring them for years, but she’s also a badass for taking them as her life lessons and learning from her past mistakes. 
Some of Meredith’s traumas:
She unknowingly has seen her mom with her lover (at such a young age)
Saw how ruined her mom got when both her marriage and the extra marital relationship didn’t work out
Suffered the consequences of her mom's ambitious nature
She had to live with her mom’s expectations and had to live in her shadow after following her footsteps
Became a mistress without knowing and was humiliated by Derek’s wife
Has seen her friends on the deathbed
Almost got herself killed a couple of times
Suffered from miscarriage
Got cheated on
Lost her sister on a plane crash she was also in
ABANDONMENT! Literally almost everyone she loved has moved away or died
And many more. But then, she kept going. She proved her mom wrong. She proved her traumas wrong. She went on to build a happy family despite coming from a very broken one. She has forgiven people who did her wrong so many times. She took on the career that had stolen her mom and her childhood away, (and she’s rocking it). She became the mom she never had to her kids and the wife her mom never was. She has done it all with her humility intact.  She’s literally an icon of being a bad bxtch: a badass, tough, and classy queen. 
“𝐹𝒶𝒾𝓁𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒, 𝓊𝓃𝒶𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒹𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒. 𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓁𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓃𝑜 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝓈𝓌𝑒𝓇, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉’𝓈 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝒩𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓃. 𝒩𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓊𝓅. 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓊𝓅. 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓊𝓅 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉.”- Meredith Grey, Season 10 Episode 12
2. 𝓛𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓮 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝔂
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Being raised as an only child, I couldn’t really blame Meredith for reacting the way she did when she first met Lexie. Not to mention she started off as someone who **almost flirted with Derek when he was being unstable with Mer. She isn’t Meredith’s only sister, but they share the same dream and passion: medicine. She was known among the residents as “Lexipedia” because of her photographic memory. Not only am I very much attracted to intelligent characters, but Lexie was also quirky and funny. She easily forgave Meredith and tried her best to understand her. They were able to work past their issues and be the best sister duo in the show, and Derek’s best neuro student. She’s someone who’s filled with so much love, and therefore gave as much love as she had in her. 
At first, I couldn’t understand why she decided to let go of Mark instead of being open for discussion with him in regards to Mark’s children. they were literally perfect for each other and seeing her evade the topic on hand was somehow disappointing. But then, I remember her talking about being young and not being able to accept being a grandma. And it was something she had to accept even though Mark didn’t ask for her to. Because it was a part of who Mark was. And like she mentioned on the show, it’s not something someone so young can process right away. She needed time. Realizing how much she loved Mark and how ready she is to take it all in, she got brave and was ready to try again. I miss seeing her on the show. I wish her and Mark got their happy ending together.  “𝐼𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒. 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝒷𝑜𝒹𝓎 𝑒𝓁𝓈𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓂𝓈 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝓏𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒.” - Lexie Grey, Season 7 Episode 16
3. 𝓐𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓰𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓻𝔂
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Derek’s legal wife and someone who made sure Meredith knew where she should be standing especially in Derek Shepherd’s life. Other than getting tired of her husband’s passive aggressiveness especially after she cheated on him with his bestfriend, Grey’s Anatomy didn’t show us Addison’s back story much. However, her character made such an impact. She remained classy: she worked with her ex-husband and his “mistress”, and tried her hardest to keep things professional, acknowledged her mistakes which caused her marriage demise and gracefully moved on. I think I’ll be watching Private Practice as well because of her. 
“𝐼 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝓊𝓅 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔.”- Addison Montgomery
4. 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓰
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We all need a bestfriend that brings us back to the ground when we’ve flown too high, who understands us more than we probably understand ourselves, who won’t judge us based on the decisions we make but won’t also hesitate to correct us when we’re taking the wrong way. We all need someone we can call our other half: our person. Meredith was lucky to have Cristina, and Cristina with Meredith. They started seeing each other as rivals, but grew to love each other more than like sisters. Both are strong, goal oriented, smart and gorgeous. Their opinions may clash at times, they’ve gone through countless misunderstandings, but things will always work out between them because they’re each other’s persons. She proved herself to be a main character on her own. Definitely not your “asian sidekick”.  To some, Cristina may come off as arrogant, obnoxious and a know-it-all. But she’s like that because she has always walked her talk. She knows her capabilities and she’ll stop at nothing for the sake of improvement and expanding her knowledge. She’s an independent woman who tends to forget how much of a bad bitch she is at times, but before things get out of hand she goes right back to her self. 
“𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝑒. 𝐵𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅𝓅𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒. 𝐵𝑒 𝒶 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓃𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒. 𝐵𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒹𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝒹𝒶𝓂𝓃 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓈. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜 𝓉𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝓃𝑜 𝒷𝓊𝒹𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈. 𝒴𝑜𝓊’𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑜𝓌𝓃. 𝐵𝑒 𝑜𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑜𝓌𝓃.”- Cristina Yang, Season 4 Episode 15
“𝒟𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝑒𝒸𝓁𝒾𝓅𝓈𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹. 𝐻𝑒'𝓈 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓎, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝒽𝑒'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓃. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒.” - Cristina Yang, Season 10 Episode 24
5. 𝓐𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓵 𝓚𝓮𝓹𝓷𝓮𝓻
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She started off to be annoying, especially with the Mercy-Westers trying to “replace” our OG residents in Seattle Grace. With her unnecessarily high pitched voice and her obsession with faith, I did have a hard time watching her at first. Not to mention her clumsiness that almost cost the other residents’ job. However, not loving April Kepner is impossible. She grows on you, with her amazing character development.
She’s sweet, funny and kind. And she never forces her religion to other people, instead she inspires others using it. She proves that her charming appearance hides a charismatic strong and opinionated woman who never backs down especially when she knows she’s right. She never lets other people influence her decision and she sticks by with what she believes is the best. It’s also right to mention how well she manages the ER and how amazing of a trauma surgeon she is. She has her fair share of wrong decisions, a fair amount of people she has hurt, but that didn’t hinder her from giving the love inside of her around. She’s an amazing surgeon, an awesome friend and a very inspiring woman.
“𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝒻 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓂𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓍𝑒𝒹, 𝒹𝑜𝑒𝓈𝓃'𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒷𝓇𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓃.”- April Kepner, Season 12 Episode 11
An honorable mention to this list: 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼
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Mousey! My favorite post plane crash intern. She was more of a background character, but she was too cute not to notice. Not to mention she’s always been quirky, weird and pure. She rarely spoke bad against her attendings and her co-intern and Derek Shepherd treasured her so much. She could’ve been an amazing neurosurgeon. 
AND THAT CONCLUDES this list (so far) I have 8 more seasons to catch up on and maybe someday, I’ll be able to edit and add more on to the list. Currently, Amelia and Jo are growing on me. Arizona has disappointed me so many times, Callie is starting to annoy me, Bailey is becoming less of a teacher like she’s always been and I’ve just started knowing Maggie Pierce, hence I didn’t include them. I can’t wait to write more about Grey’s. Weirdly enough, it has been my pandemic comfort show-- along with The Twilight Saga.
UPDATE ON THIS LIST: I have finally finished the 15 seasons in Netflix (still waiting for the last 2 seasons I AM BEGGING NETFLIX TO PLS UPLOAD IT NOW) and I have another addition on the list.
7. 𝓐𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓭
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She’s known as the Shepherds’ trouble child, a black sheep, the disturbed daughter. However, I believe we can all agree that Amelia is an amazing woman who’s misunderstood because of her unresolved childhood trauma, abandonment and daddy issues. Aside from her wit and skills as a neurosurgeon, I think she’s a great teacher and an awesome friend. She wasn’t the best wife to Owen, but I think she knows that she did her best. I have yet to see how her story with Linc unfolds but let me just put how amazing she is out here.
She has the funniest dark jokes and seeing her around is just a joy. Her sisters are truly missing out by shutting her out.
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juiceboxman · 4 years
Thoughts on the Snyder Cut of Justice League
Watched the Snyder Cut a few days ago, here are my thoughts. SPOLIERS AHEAD:
1) Characters are presented WAY better. Batman is less goofy, Wonder Woman has more kick ass scenes, as does Aquaman. Snyder REALLY got Mera right, woman straight up nearly gave Steppenwolf an aneurism which I applaud Snyder for showing because it shows how much of a BOSS Mera is. Cyborg has an actual story arc which is great. Flash is still quite awkward but he has a good heart so once you get used to his awkwardness he’s pretty good
2) All the footage is original Snyder film plus reshoots he done. You can tell which is reshoots depending on quality of CGI and Green Screen. Martian Manhunter was very obviously one of these editions, which I’ll get to later. Most of Whedon’s scenes are gone, which is good for the most part cause outside of the ethical issues that taints those films with Whedon’s behaviour on set, they just straight up conflict with the tone. So less quippy jokes and weird creepy scenes (like the one where Martha was talking how Clark referred to Lois as “the thirstiest girl he’s ever known” like...have you met Clark Kent? What on gods green earth would make you think he would say ANYTHING like that let alone to his MOTHER??? Also that weird scene where Flash was lying on top of Wonder Woman, cause Whedon is weird) however there was one scene (with Bruce and Diana touching the mouse at the same time) which felt quite Whedony. One scene I would have liked to see that would have gotten kept in was Batman’s whole “save one person” speech to Flash. Think that solidified Batman as a veteran hero and makes him look like a person who actually wants to help people rather than punch people, which a lot of batman writers tend to forget to mark on. Without that, nobody gives Flash any guidance in this film and I was disappointed in that
3) Cyborg was great. His powers are clearly and well defined, honestly the way Zac presented his abilities made this dude look super scary. But he has a good heart and Ray Fisher CRUSHES IT. Honestly when Victor teared up in the car with his mum, I was sold. Like this big charismatic quarterback being brought to tears...you just don’t see that in a lot of films, with men typically being presented so stoic and tough. I’m glad we got to see that. Fisher is a fantastic actor and I’m happy he got way more scenes in this movie. Hope to see his Cyborg show up again some day
4) Movie looks stunning. Snyder really has a great visual style. Like the whole scene where Vic is playing football is just gorgeous. Also the Flash’s powers look really cool, love his running scenes
5) I don’t think Martian Manhunter should have been in the movie. Narratively doesn’t really fit and it creates some serious plot issues within the universe. Questions like “why didn’t he do anything in MoS?” Or “why didn’t he do anything in BvS?” having him in this movie kind of feels off. Like how he imitated Martha to give Lois a pep talk, like thats a very serious moment for Lois- do you not think she’s going to bring that up with the real Martha??? Also, the ending with Martian Manhunter was just so weird. Like just showing up to say “Good job, Bruce. Oh, here’s my superhero name. Call me!” felt quite fan servicey and the CGI for him looked bad imo. Think in future should try full body makeup if they wanna do Manhunter in the future
6) I don’t think the Cut had to be four hours, there was just a lot of pretty shows, a lot of slow motion (seriously, like way too much slow motion. Reminds me of that bit from Garth Mangenari’s Darkplace where they talk about how because episodes were 8 minutes shorter than they should have been they just made everything non dialogue slow motion to drag out the time) and a lot of information is repeated. Think with a good editor this could be cut down to three hours, which I think would make a more concise and better film
7) Villain’s are more compelling. Steppenwolf is more interesting, we actually get to see some Darkseid and I think Snyder does a great job at showing the threat level they pose. Also actually gives a reason why Darkseid is interested in conquering earth, which is pretty neat. All in all the lore in the movie is pretty tight
8) I don’t buy how Superman will turn evil. Like you’re telling me this good little farmer’s boy loses his fiancee and then decides to nuke the world? Nah, I don’t buy it. I would however have bought it if the resurrected Superman showed some emotional development complications. Which I initially thought they were going for as Clark had issues remembering who he was, but after five minutes he was back to normal so crisis averted. Shame cause I think that would have been interesting, see a Clark Kent who on paper is the same guy but now he has no empathy. Would have been really tragic and would have shown the price of ressurection
9) I would have liked an explanation in the movie as to why Superman had a black suit. I know Snyder has said in interviews about how the suit is a call back to his homeworld, because at the time of its destruction everyone was basically dressed in black. However there’s no explanation as to why t is this case in the movie. In the comics, Superman had to wear the black suit because it was part of the ressurection procedure. Not so much in the movie, another case of fan service that didn’t make much sense
10) Epilogue stuff was interesting. At that point in the end I felt like Zac was just pitching movies. We get Ben Affleck’s Batman movie with Deathstroke. We get this super weird apocalypse movie with a rag tag justice league which I would honestly love to see. Also throughout the movie you get a lot of set up for the Flash’s movie, referencing the time stuff so I think that if the Flash movie ever gets out of development hell it’ll be Flashpoint. A lot of it did feel a tad fan servicey. Snyder said he put the joker in there at the end cause Ben and Jared never played off one another, seeing them on screen together I think Jared is definitely the perfect Joker for Affleck’s Batman. Think he could dial it down a little- like don’t be sending used condoms or rats to you co-stars please and then years later denying you ever did that shit
All in all, the movie was too long but I found myself enjoying it quite a lot. Fare better than the Frankenstein movie Whedon and WB cut together four years ago. I really don’t think they should have rushed into Death of Superman story so quick, or try to rush into a shared universe quite like in BvS either. That said if you don’t like Snyder’s style, you’ll probably not like the film. I personally like his style and I really enjoyed it, though I can admit it is a bit flawed.
Its actually quite remarkable that this movie got made in the first place. I think if it wasn’t for the massive fan pushback and the fact that a worldwide pandemic occurred, this movie would have still been a pipe dream. I don’t think we’re getting any of the movies pitched in Snyder’s epilogue. 
Like this movie going to streaming is not going to break even the $70 million dollars pumped into it and the audience that wanted this movie in the first place is too small to justify making more movies like this. There’s also the fact that WB put little to no money in marketing for the movie, so they’re trying to bury it for whatever reason. Like most people had no idea this movie was happening, but they know about all the Star Wars and the Marvel Shows. That’s bad marketing and you can’t help but feel its deliberate
In conclusion, I really liked the movie. I thought Zack did a great job under the circumstances and I’m glad he got to finish it. I know he had to step back because of a family tragedy so I’m really happy he got to finish his movie
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qsdblogging · 4 years
10 More TV Shows You Need To See
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This is the second installment of my recommendations of shows for you to add to your own lists. I watch a lot of television and I’ve got, what I consider to be at least, a wide variety of shows under my favorites. 
If you haven’t seen the first list, you don’t need to unless you want to see another list of ten shows you may want to check out if you’re looking for anything new to watch.
Warning, though, some of these don’t end the best way and may end up more as a disappointment. I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
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I. Warehouse 13.
Pete and Myka, U.S Secret Service Agents, are deployed to South Dakota’s Warehouse 13 with a new assignment from an authority above and outside the government. 
With the Warehouse comes assignments regarding objects that hold some sort of abilities that can cause people to do wild and crazy things. It’s their job to find the artifacts (as they all hold significance to history) and bring them back to the Warehouse for safe keeping.
Things get wild and some serious topics get handled, but the show isn’t alone. It’s connected to another on this list, Eureka. More on that when you get to Eureka.
Some familiar faces are Eddie McClintock who played a part in Bones, one episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Joanne Kelly who played a role in The Dresden Files television series, Allison Scagliotti who played roles in Stitchers, The Vampire Diaries, and Drake & Josh, Aaron Ashmore (twin brother to Shawn Ashmore, who has been in the X-Men movies alongside appearing in The Boys, and voicing Conrad in Man of Medan) from Killjoys, Lost Girl, and Smallville, and Jamie Murray from Castelvania, Gotham, The Originals, Once Upon a Time, Defiance, and Dexter.
I highly recommend, especially because the dynamic of the characters is really interesting and covers a lot. 
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II. Eureka.
As mentioned above, this is connected to Warehouse 13. But only in the last two seasons of this show are the two connected. 
Eureka is a town full of geniuses and advanced technology that the government funds, and when a new sheriff comes to town, he’s exposed to all the daily occurrences the locals get up to. And maybe a couple instances of time travel that may or may not have to do with the connection.
The town is full of faces you may recognize. Colin Ferguson who has roles in Haven, The Vampire Diaries, and Maytag commercials, Erica Cerra who has roles in The 100, Supernatural, Deadly Class, and the first Percy Jackson film, Felicia Day who has roles in The Magicians, Supernatural, Con Man, The Guild, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Trevor Jackson who has roles in Grown-ish, and a couple Disney productions.
It’s a huge science fiction show and if you’re into that, give it a watch.
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III. Alphas.
Now, like the two above is, Alphas is a science fiction packed drama. And it’s rumored to be connected, like be in the same universe, as Warehouse 13 and Eureka. It’s never been confirmed, but there is one character (same name and job) that plays a part in both Alphas and Warehouse 13, which is the stem for the theory. (Plus, some other ideas floating around). 
But Alphas focuses on a team that investigates people with supernatural abilities while they, themselves, have abilities. These powered people are referred to as Alphas, due to their nature.
Unfortunately, this show ends on a cliffhanger in its second season.
Yet, I still recommend giving it a shot because it truly is an interesting show and it’s got some people you may recognize. 
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IV. Haven.
If you’re a fan of Stephen King’s “Colorado Kid”, you’ll most likely enjoy this show since it’s loosely based off of it. 
Set in the coastal town of Haven, Maine, FBI Agent Audrey Parker comes to town to find that the residents have dormant curses, or rather troubles, that can be triggered at any given moment. She, along with the Sheriff and the town’s black sheep, must deal with the troubles’ deadly effects. And a few things may be revealed about herself too along the way.
It’s pretty interesting and I enjoyed it quite a lot when I first watched it. I’m not the biggest fan of Stephen King, and the connection seems to barely be there, but I wouldn’t know given my dislike for King. 
I highly recommend giving Haven a shot, however, especially if you’re a crime and fantasy fan. 
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V. Lost Girl.
Lost Girl focuses on the gorgeous and charismatic Bo, a supernatural being called a succubus who feeds on the energy of humans, sometimes with fatal results. Refusing to embrace her supernatural clan system and its rigid hierarchy, Bo is a renegade who takes up the fight for the underdog while searching for the truth of her own mysterious origins. (Taken from IMDB). 
Plus, there a lesbian romance or two. 
Now, the show itself is pretty strong holding in its own storyline and lore, but the last season does get a bit rocky feeling. It could’ve been better, and it definitely feels a little rushed, but it wasn’t too bad of an ending. However, it’s not a show that got cancelled before it could wrap things up and it leaves things pretty open-ended.
In my books, that’s a point. I highly recommend this is if you’re a fan of fantasy.
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VI. Almost Human.
Unfortunately, this is one of the ones in the list that only has one season (that seems to be out of order and frankly I’m not entirely sure of the order myself, so rely on googling it yourself and hopefully you find the right order) and was cancelled not long after airing. 
BUT, it’s a good watch. It’s set in the distant future, where cops are assigned an android partner to protect and serve. Things get pretty wild and I’m quite sure there are some bombs involved at some point, but there’s a bonus to all the madness of Almost Human.
Minka Kelly and Karl Urban. Two incredibly beautiful human beings.
I highly recommend bingeing this single season show. 
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VII. American Gods.
This shows feels very confusing. But it’s still a good watch. 
It centers on a recently released ex-con named Shadow Moon. He runs into a man full of mystery named Wednesday (and you’ll later come to find out who he really is, or you may already know given your knowledge on the book of the same name or just how well you know mythology) who seems to know more than Shadow about his own life and past. 
There are Gods, mischief, and a lot of crazy shit in this show. So far it’s on it’s third season as far as I know (I have to rewatch the first two before I pick it back up).
You should give it a shot, but I won’t blame you if you feel way too confused about the whole thing.
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VIII. The Boys.
Now, there’s a lot of controversy regarding this Amazon Original Series, but honestly, I think everyone should at least give it a chance. I know a lot of Tumblr users were put off on trying to due to the advertisements on the site. 
If you don’t know what this series is about, it follows a group of vigilantes set on taking down the corrupt superheroes that are abusing their powers and status.
It covers a lot of ground. Murder, sabotage, terrorism, capitalism, and a lot more. Feminism and sexual harassment occur, but there are warning before each episode for what you may see in the contents.
Some familiar faces include Karl Urban, who’s known for his roles in Thor: Ragnarok, the newer Star Trek movies, Almost Human, Lord of the Rings, and more, Erin Moriarty from Jessica Jones, Laz Alonso from The Mysteries of Laura, Chace Crawford from Gossip Girl and The Covenant, and Jensen Ackles from Supernatural has been confirmed to be joining the cast for its third season.
The Boys is currently on it’s second season, being released on a weekly schedule. So, if you like superheroes and graphic content, this show might be it for you.
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IX. Chuck.
Chuck is the result of when a twenty-eight year old computer geek inadvertently downloads critical government secrets into his brain, the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. assign two agents to protect him and exploit the knowledge, turning Chuck Bartowski’s life upside down. (Taken from IMDB).
This is one of the shows I cannot recommend enough to people. It’s the right mixture of action and comedy, plus a little romance. Spies, love, and murder, oh my! What more could you want? 
Plus, Zachery Levi plays Chuck. If you don’t know him by name, you probably would recognize him from some of his roles with the most recent being in Shazam!, Fandral in the second and third Thor films, voicing Eugene Fitzherbert (or Flynn Rider) in Tangled, and Heroes: Reborn. 
If Zachery Levi playing a lovable computer geek turned spy doesn’t interest you, maybe some more familiar faces will. 
Yvonne Strahovski from The Handmaid’s Tale, The Astronaut Wives Club, acting as Daenerys in a Princess Rap Battle on Youtube, and Dexter. Adam Baldwin from Firefly/Serenity, Bones, Angel, The Last Ship, and Independence Day. Brandon Routh who plays Ray Palmer from the DC Shows. Matt Bomer from Doom Patrol, American Horror Story, White Collar, Magic Mike, and True Calling.
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X. Deadly Class.
Unfortunately, I have a truly bad streak with new shows. Deadly Class, like others that have been mentioned in these lists of mine, got cancelled and on a cliffhanger no less. However, that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the action-packed coming-of-age story set in the 1980s. 
Following a new recruit for a high school training assassins, things get pretty wild when you pair death and teenagers. 
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kchuarts · 4 years
Flowers in Blood
A/N: PLOT TRAIN ROLLS ON CHOO CHOOOOO. This one took a bruiser on my wrist so Idk if i’ll write tomorrow. Also, the greek is “little mouse” 
Summary: The Gala takes place but alas, things go awry. 
Warnings: Slight non-con
Taglist: @lucywrites02​ *(Let me know if you want to be tagged!!)* 
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Chapter 4: Red Rose 
The sun's morning light seeped through the tiny slit between the curtains. In the light's path lay two peacefully sleeping spies. Jonathan had his back facing the window and one arm wrapped around Katie’s resting form while the other was under his pillow. It was inevitable that this sort of thing would happen and although Pine did promise he wouldn’t end up in this position, the odds were against him. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open as his body had told him it was time to wake up and he inhaled sharply. He panicked a little as he realized what position he was in and carefully removed his arm from over her. Much to his sheer luck, Katie woke up with a gasp as he did so and felt an odd poking at her backside. “I-I’m so sorry.” He blushed, looking away from her and getting up from the once comfortable state he was in. “Biology. I can’t help it.” He tried to explain further, stumbling over his own words and exhaling loudly. This was humiliating. She probably thought he was a damn pervert after all that work they’d done to get her comfortable with his touch… 
“It’s ok. I uh… Actually woke up a bit before you and I forgot what it felt like to be held.” Katie’s cheeks matched Pines as she looked down at her own hands. “It was nice.” She added quietly and coyly flicked her gaze up at the dark blonde man. 
Jonathan’s blue eyes widened slightly at her confession and felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest. “Really? I mean, that’s great.” He laughed dryly, pressing his lips together and nodded his head. He continued to chastise himself internally at his sudden dumb school boy antics. This woman had him feeling all giddy and tingly inside for some reason. She was much too young of course, wasn’t she? No, she was definitely in the appropriate category of a possible hook-up. Pine mentally smacked himself for letting his hormones think for him and sighed through his nose. “How long do we have until the gala? I was kind of wanting to maybe look around for a cafe and grab a coffee.” Katie’s question brought Pine out of his internal struggle and he looked up at her. “It starts at 5 PM sharp and it’s 9 AM right now. I suppose we’ve got a bit of time for leisure, I’m going to stay up here and give Angela a call for the plan of action. If anything bothers you or you sense something suspicious, come back right away and keep your phone on you.” He watched the girl rummage through her suitcase before pulling out a nicer set of clothing. “Ok! I won’t be gone for very long as I do want to doll up… I haven’t worn makeup in a long time.” She smiled bashfully, pushing her bangs from her eyes. “Oh! Do you uh, want anything maybe?” She shook her head and raised her brows at Jonathan. “Earl Grey tea if they have it, otherwise no thanks.” 
Nodding, the young woman shut the bathroom door and changed into something more appealing. Katie figured a cute pink cardigan over a tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans was acceptable. Her sneakers were out of the question and she opted for a pair of flats. As she brushed her teeth, she couldn’t help but wonder what sort of dress Angela had picked out and prayed it would fit or at least be somewhat nice. Giving her messy hair a brush through and putting deodorant on, Katie came out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone, wallet and room card. “I shouldn’t be longer than like ten minutes. If I am, I’ll let you know.” She gave a wave to Pine as he stared at her before waving at him again. He blinked and shook his head, “Sorry, er yeah. See you then and be careful.” He cleared his throat as the door to their suite shut. Despite their short time together, Pine never took Katie for the pink type. He found that he rather liked her in that color and how her ass looked in her skinny jeans- Jonathan groaned, smacking his forehead as his morning wood thought for him just as he hoped it went away to save him some embarrassment. 
The lobby was massive to say the least, and Katie was just now taking in how grand the place truly was as she hadn’t last night. “Stunning, is it not?” A woman’s thick accented voice caught the brunette off guard. Her green eyes locked with sharp amber orbs with bright red lips to match her pale complexion. “Y-Yeah.” Katie stuttered out, blushing a little as this woman was gorgeous. “Sorry, this is my first time out of the United States.” She rubbed the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly. The woman raised her eyebrows, yet gave her a charming smile “I can see that. No offense, dear but you do look a little lost. Were you by chance looking for somewhere or someone in particular?” She inquired. Katie nodded, “I was hoping there was a cafe around here so I could grab a coffee and a tea for my f-fiance.” She blushed hard thinking about Pine and fiddled with the fake engagement ring on her finger. “Ohh how sweet!!” The woman swooped over, placing her arm gently around Katie’s shoulders. “Come, come dear. I’ve been here thousands of times and I will show you the best spot for coffee. Oh how rude of me, my name is Abbey.” She gave the brunette’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. Katie was about to reply but her brain suddenly clicked at the name and her appearance. Dark curled hair, piercing eyes and slender form. She had to assume that Abbey was short for Abbadon. 
“Oh jeeze, I’m sorry. I really need that coffee, I’m Natasha Romans.” she smiled, holding her hand out and shaking Abbeys. “You’re a funny one aren’t you.” The auburn haired woman chuckled, leading her new friend over to the cafe. She ushered Katie to sit with her and gave a genuine smile. While she did deal in the underground business and committed unsavory crimes, it was nice to have a casual and harmless conversation with the public from time to time. It reminded her of the life she had wanted over the life she lived. “So since you said you are from America, I am from Greece. I come from a large wealthy family but the status of my wealth does not compensate for who I am as a person. In fact, I prefer the little pleasures in life over the vast amount of wealth.” Abbadon picked up her menu and skimmed over the options. Katie couldn’t tell or not if this woman truly meant what she said as her appearance was saying otherwise. However, just because one is in a world of crime does not mean that they would like to continue to be in that lifestyle. “That’s really admirable of you. I like that a lot actually. Uh…” she gulped a little as she had mistakenly picked up a menu that was strictly in Russian. Her sudden panic brought Abbadon’s attention back, “Oh I apologize. Here, allow me to read the options for you as I’m fluent in speech and writing… And thank you, it humbles me so that you think alike.” She flashed the young woman a smile before translating for her. “You see, the finest gems are often the little places that no one goes to often. Unfortunately, 90% of the time these places do not have any English as it is universal, but that is exactly what I like about these corner delights.” She nodded, placing the menu down. 
For a crime lord, Abbadon was extremely smooth and charismatic with her way of words. Her accent did not pose any hindrance to her English, which made Katie feel a bit better knowing she could understand her properly. “You’ve got a point! There is a little cafe where I’m from except further up north. I come from Michigan, I can point the place out really easily seeing as I can use my hand as the map.” She chuckled, seeing no harm in a little mindless conversation. Abbadon laughed softly at her gesture and nodded, “That is extremely useful!! Mm, yes I was right. You are a funny one indeed.” She smiled and listened to Katie give details on the cafe she had mentioned. Abbadon had a rather wistful look in her eyes as she listened further. She would be lying to herself if she said she had zero envy for such a mundane life. The drinks finally arrived with Abbadon ordering something fancy while Katie stuck to a regular Caramel Macchiato. “Ah, hold on one moment, I need to text my fiance and tell him I’ll be occupied for a little longer with a new friend.” The brunette woman beamed, shooting a quick text to Pine. 
O’Connor - Soooo I think I just may or may not have made buddies with our main lady. 
Pine’s eyes widened upon seeing this and he furiously tapped away. 
Me - What do you mean by that? You’re not in trouble are you? 
O’Connor - No! I accidentally made friends with her. Don’t worry, I’m not spilling anything. She seems really genuine though. Makes me feel bad she’s on the wrong side of the law. Anyways, I’ll let you in on more later. 
“Fuck.” Jonathan bit his lip and ran a hand over his face. At first, he was going to call her on one of the worst rookie offenses she made, but this gave him an idea. He had to get on Roper's good side, and that was a rookie move he did so why not let her get on their target's good side. Perhaps, Abbadon would even slip up about her true work. 
“Sorry about that, Fiance’s worried and all. He thinks we aren’t going to make it to the gala on time tonight if I keep chatting.” She saw Abbadon smile widely and clasp her hands together. “Why my dear! I hadn’t the faintest idea you were attending, oh how exciting!! Today just got better.” she spoke truthfully, taking a sip of her coffee. “I am ever so curious as to what you will be wearing. I can see the vixen in you.” She winked and took another sip. This caused Katie to blush hard and chuckle, “Thank you! You’re stunning as well, Abbey. Honestly, you’d make anything look good.” Both women chortled at the image and carried on about the Gala. “I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Abbadon lowered her voice, “Some of the artwork that is being shown tonight is fraudulent. Now, being in the business I am something like that shouldn’t bother me. Oh but it does.” She rolled her eyes, giving a huff. “You see, I have an eye for the arts and I do not care how much the fake may resemble the actual piece! I could never steal art. Not for money or for false identity. Art is meant to be admired and inspire great minds. I am a painter myself in my downtime.” She pulled her phone out and showed Katie a few pieces of hers. Either she was the best bullshitter Katie had ever met, or she was truly talented. All her doubts were proven wrong as there was a picture of Abbadon posing by a work of hers with a little boy. She smiled fondly at the picture, sighing. “My little Nikolai. He is my greatest work of art and my business trips have me missing him so. His birthday is coming up soon and it breaks my heart that I cannot be there for him.” her voice saddened. This was something Katie was sure of that Abbadon wasn’t lying about. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She placed a comforting hand on the other woman’s and smiled. “How old will he be turning?” At this question, Abbadon perked up again and smiled softly, “He will be ten! He is turning the double digits. Ohhh I remember when he was but a tiny peanut.” She wistfully reminisced fondly over her baby boy. “He was the fattest little chunk, so many rolls! But he was so precious. He will always be precious to me. I call him each night to tell him he means the world to me and we recite a tale my grandmother told me growing up. It is of love and that no matter what, the stars will shine for us.” She gave Katie’s hand a squeeze back. 
“That’s beautiful, Abbey. Truly. It makes me think if I want kids one day or not.” She bit her lip, looking to the side. What would her life be if she ever had children? Katie hadn’t ever really thought about it as Travis had ruined any sort of blossoming question leading to that reality. However, now it was a different story with Pine helping her overcome her fears and finally break the shell she had hidden behind for so long. “I keep all of his drawings too and make sure each time he draws, he sends me a picture if I am away.” She showed Katie a file of the drawings. “Well he certainly takes after his mother in regards to talent! This is incredible. I could never draw anything like this.” She saw Abbadon give a sad expression. “Why Natasha, of course you could. We all start from some place, do we not? All you have to do is just pick up a brush and let your imagination go wild. My grandfather always told me that when I was down. I tell my son the same thing and the more he draws or paints, the more his talent blooms. Do not be so hard on yourself, you are young and have plenty of time!” She gave Katie’s hand a firm pat and then released it. “Oh! I’ve had so much fun I’ve forgotten to check the time. It’s nearly noon. You simply must let me have a look at you when you arrive! Thank you so much for this, Natasha. Your heart is true.” She smiled sadly at Katie before getting up and bidding her farewell. The sad expression remained on Abbadon’s face as she made her way back to her room. How she wished she had a life like Katie’s, so mundane and relaxed. She would spend every waking moment with Nikolai painting all that they would ever dream of in the remote hills of France. There, she wouldn’t be a part of this wretched family and would start life new. No more controlling brother, abusive husband who never loved her, and cursed family lineage. 
A feeling in Katie’s gut told her that Abbadon wasn’t as evil as the papers led her out to be. She was true to her word in loving life and the artistic side of it. “I hope you get to see your son soon, Abbey.” She said under her breath before getting up and making her way back to the suite. 
There wasn’t much to tell Jonathan about Abbadon, except for the fact that she didn’t seem like she even wanted to be a part of whatever organization she was in. While slightly disappointed, Jonathan went with her information and hoped they would snag a lead at the gala. 
Checking his watch, Pine tapped his foot as it was almost 4:15. He knew the building holding the event was only a ten minute drive, but it didn’t help his nerves. For his attire, Jonathan donned a simple black suit without a tie and his button down popped open, exposing a bit of his chest hair. His hair was slicked back and face freshly shaved, leaving no stubble. “Sorry! I know I’m not the best, but I had to remember how to put on makeup!!” Katie called from behind the bathroom door, feeling her cheeks heat up once she got a good look at herself in the mirror. The red mermaid shaped dress was close fit and complimented her curves in all the right ways. Her face was made up perfectly as she carefully contoured and shaped her face. She gave herself a vixen-like look as Abbadon had mentioned earlier, and didn’t turn out hooker like at all. Her brows were plucked and shaped accordingly and lashes full and long. A highlighter made her cheekbones shine and she even placed some on her collarbone. To top it off, she adorned a seductive red shade to her pouty, kissable lips. Her short hair had been straightened to a pin with some of her bangs dusting over her brow. Thankfully, she had brought a pair of gold dangling earrings that were delicate enough just to add to her look. The only thing she hated was the ampleness of her bust and how the dress seemed to make her breasts show off. 
She cracked the door open, seeing that Jonathan had his back facing her. Quietly, she slipped out of the bathroom and turned the light off. “‘Kay.” She muttered and saw Jonathan’s body turn around and come to a complete stop. Any breath that Pine had left in his lungs subsequently left upon seeing her. His lips parted and he struggled to find the words to say as he was floored by how elegant the brunette appeared. Her hair sort of reminded him a little of his past lover Jed Marshall’s, which warmed his heart. “What? Do I look bad?” Her face dropped and she grimaced, panic settling in. “No! N-No. You-” Jonathan covered his mouth, still taking her in and basking in her beautiful form. “You look amazing. Sorry- It’s just… Wow.” He nodded, shyly glancing away and chuckling to himself. “You’re not too bad yourself.” She retorted, her cheeks sporting a similar shade. After a few more awkward moments, Pine cleared his throat and could not stop himself stealing glances. She was truly more beautiful than she had initially led on when they first met. What a steal she was, such a vixen hiding underneath the cutesy shy young woman. “I don’t suggest taking phones, so we will have to find a common meeting ground should either of us get lost.” Jonathan spoke, setting his phone in his suitcase, only taking with him his wallet and fake ID. “G-Good idea.” Katie replied quietly, taking her phone out of the small clutch that came along with the dress. 
“Katie.” Jonathan’s voice was quiet speaking her real name. 
Her green eyes, now standing out more than ever from her makeup, flitted up to his blue gaze. 
“I mean it. You’re stunning.” 
His continued compliment made the brunette feel special, wanted… Something she never thought she would ever feel again. 
She gave him a smile and took his hand as he held it out to her. “I’m glad I have such a beautiful woman on my arm… And hey, those heels made you a bit taller!” He jeered, earning an elbow to the ribs and a snort. “Jerk.” She laughed, making her way out of the suite with Pine hand in hand. 
Just as Angela had promised, the ride was relatively short and the two were at the gala in no time. Jonathan felt Katie tense up at the sight of all the people inside and cautiously wrapped an arm around her waist. Her response to his gesture was to actually grab onto him and get closer. “It’ll be ok, I won’t let anyone touch you in ways you don’t want them to.” He whispered into her ear, giving her side a squeeze. Katie didn’t want to let go of Pine as she felt safe with him and he smelled incredibly good, even with the hint of smoke. “S-Steven?” She stuttered a bit as she was thinking of saying his actual name. Pine turned to her, raising a brow as he handed the guard their ticket and guided Katie over to their designated table. “I would like to dance with you at some point. If you’re ok with that.” Her lips were graced with a soft smile. “I’d love nothing more.” He admitted truthfully, placing a kiss to her hand. The young woman’s heart raced from his action and she wondered what his lips would feel like against her own… 
“Natasha!!” A familiar voice called. 
The two looked up to see Abbadon scuttle over while in a gorgeous black and gold gown, a man with similar features to the woman following in short. 
“Abbey!” Katie got up, going over to Abbadon and giving her a hug. 
“I was right!! I was absolutely right!! You are a catch! Just look at you! Red is your color, my dear!! Oh you look like the most beautiful rose.” Abbadon clasped her gloved hands together in delight. Her smile faded as she snapped her fingers, “How rude of me! Danny, this is my new friend Natasha. I met her in the lobby today and we had the most wonderful time over coffee. Natasha, this is my older brother Daniel.” She nodded at her with a smile, noticing Jonathan lingering close behind. Her eyes narrowed slightly as this man was handsome yet oddly familiar. Katie held out her hand to Daniel only to have him snatch it and swiftly place a kiss to the back, “The pleasure is mine. My sister has such a wonderful taste in finding the most beautiful of friends.” His amber eyes gleamed with hidden intentions. Katie swallowed hard and her nerves began to act up from the sudden gesture. “It’s an h-honor, Daniel.” She froze up as the strange man continued to hold her hand. “Please, call me Dan-” 
Jonathan cleared his throat, placing a comforting hand around Katie’s waist and smiled at Daniel. “This must be your fiance you told me about!! My, my…” Abbadon winked at Katie and batted her eyelashes at Pine. “Y-Yes! Yes this is my fiance. He proposed last m-month in my hometown.” She lied through her teeth and placed her own hand over Pine’s lacing her fingers with his out of a need of comfort. Daniel did not look the least bit amused at this and huffed, adjusting his tie when he stopped, noticing what his sister saw earlier and scratched his beard. “Sorry to cut things short, but I need to discuss something with my sister. I do hope we cross paths again, Ms. Natasha.” He gave the brunette one last wicked smirk before grabbing Abbadon’s arm and muttering angrily in their native tongue to her. Katie watched as Abbadon was yanked away rather brashly from them. “Are you alright?” Pine gently turned Katie and looked at her in worry. She nodded and gave Pine’s hand a pat, taking a deep breath and calming down. “I-I doubt we’re gonna get anything right now, so we can just enjoy ourselves yeah?” She looked hopeful and much to his dismay, Pine agreed. “Yeah. I’m a bit famished anyways so we might as well get something to eat while we’re ahead.” He relaxed a bit more and sat down at their table. Once they had placed their order, Jonathan looked at the brochure of items that were being auctioned. “She did tell me one thing.” Katie took a drink of water before continuing. “She said half of the paintings are fakes and was very adamant about how even she wouldn’t be so low as to steal a painting. She likes art a lot.” She took another drink. Pine nodded and continued to skim the items, looking for anything that could possibly stand out as suspicious. 
One thing that did stand out however, was the name of the family hosting the gala printed on the back. Pine had seen them before during his time under Roper and just passed them to be another crime involved family. Whatever the case was, they had seen Jonathan as well and now the game would be a bit more tricky. If he was spotted, he would be accused as the man that framed Roper and ruined any chance at bringing Abbadon down. His eyes scanned the crowd, searching for the faces of the family when he soon spotted them in the very back where Daniel and Abbadon were. The latter of the two actually did not seem to be having a good time and looked rather miserable. Perhaps Katie’s intuition was plausible, but he couldn’t afford to be relying on her heartfelt feelings when the supposed leader of the crimes was right within eyeshot. Making a mental note, Jonathan turned back to face a curious Katie who looked around at the surroundings, awed by some of the structure. Their food was shortly brought to their table and was obviously exquisite but also too small in proportion. This wasn’t some sort of fancy dinner party anyhow. Jonathan took a swig of his whiskey and smacked his lips before turning his attention to Katie, “Do you still want to dance?” He gave her a soft smile. The brunette gleefully nodded and took his hand as he led them both to the dancefloor. 
Naturally, the song choices were classical and slow paced for those like Katie with more restricted dresses. One of Pine’s large hands rested upon the small of the young woman’s back but looking at her to make certain she was ok with it. She gave him the go ahead and blushed as she placed her hand in his free one. Within minutes, the two became lost in each other's eyes as they danced. They moved gracefully on the floor and seemed to have a fire ignite within them both. Others looked at the pair with a certain degree of envy or admiration at how unified they seemed. Jonathan spun Katie around, pulling her close to his chest just as the song ended and gave a boyish smile. “Not bad. Of course, I assume Cameron forced you to go to military balls.” He winked and caused Katie to giggle and blush. “Yeah, he might have done that a time or two.” She bit her bottom lip, noticing that her hands were still resting upon his chest and his arm wrapped around her frame. Something inside of Pine told him to lean in and kiss the girl as he was ever so curious to how her lips felt. His blue eyes glanced down at her lips then back to her face with her eyes half lidded. Katie’s heart began to beat fast, her breaths shaky with anticipation as she wanted him to do what he was thinking. She wanted him to do it more than anything and only him. What the hell was wrong with her? One minute she hates his guts and now… Now she’s smitten. 
Before Pine can go through with his plan, the music starts up again and his face falls. This song is well known for partner exchanges and apparently Katie knows of it too. “Stay calm and breathe-” He quickly tells her before they are separated and onto the new dance. Much to his luck, Pine’s partner happens to be Abbadon who is not looking very amused. “Hm. I wonder what one of Roper’s men is doing here? It would not possibly be to rat my family out would it?” She spoke lowly, her gaze full of venom. Jonathan grit his teeth and tightened his grip on her waist, “That easy? Tsk, some agent you are.” Her words caused his grip to loosen and suddenly be pulled down so she could whisper in his ear. “It is not me you want, Birch… Or should I say, Pine? Do not play stupid with me, I know exactly who you are and what you’re here for.” She suddenly shoved something into Pine’s blazer. “It is my brother that you want. I never wanted any part of this family business! The only reason I am telling you is because he is keeping my son hostage.” Jonathan’s heartbroken to hear her words and his mind immediately thought of Jed. “He knows that I am faking my fidelity and it is only a matter of time before he kills me. Remember these names, quickly! Belladonna, Poppy, Bloodroot, Daphne and Wisteria. You already know my branch, Wolfsbane. Keep your friend close, Pine. Her heart is true.” Her grip released and tears shimmered in her eyes. “Please. Save my boy.” She whispered before moving onto the next person. 
Abbadon’s words shook him to the core and he had no idea that there were four other branches within the organization. As it turned out, he didn’t need to look for a head start at all as Abbadon was a double agent and just wanted to live a life free of crime and be with her son. Katie was right and it made him feel bad for initially judging her. 
“Mmm, we meet again, little rose.” Daniel’s accented voice sent a chill down Katie’s spine as she felt his fingers dig into her hip. She yelped softly at his touch as she was pulled to his body tightly. Her green eyes were wide with fear as she was forced to dance with Abbadon’s creep of a brother. Alarms were blaring in her mind but her past trauma would not allow her to do anything further but comply with Daniel’s touch. “What happened to the vixen my sister told me about earlier?” He whispered into her ear, his scratchy beard tickling her skin. “It seems that we have a shy little mouse instead. Mm, no matter. You are still very beautiful μικρό ποντίκι.” 
Daniel selfishly shoved the next person in line to dance with Katie. “Please.” She felt her voice fail her as tears burned her eyes, fear taking it’s hold. Daniel mock cooed to the young woman, wiping a tear from her face. “Tears do not suit you, μικρό ποντίκι. At least, not right now they do not. Perhaps they are better suited when I have you screaming, begging for your lover's life as I hold it in the palm of my hand.” He flipped her around, his hand travelling up her body and coping an unconsented feel of her breast. Katie felt lightheaded, her breathing choppy and anxiety clouding her mind. “Mmm yes. Such a beautiful rose you are, my dear Natasha~ If that is your real name of course. I wonder if you are aware of Steven’s true identity? We know why you are here.” His fingers came around her throat and his lips placed a kiss upon her bare shoulder. The young woman let out a silent sob, her body trembling hard and breathing hard. “Shh, shh, shh… Fear not. You are too pretty to waste, μικρό ποντίκι. Oh no, I will not have you be a prostitute. I’ll make you one of my wives.” He nipped at her ear, his hand grabbing a handful of her breast again. 
All Katie could think about was Jonathan and how badly she wanted him to come to her rescue. She was rendered useless by her crippling despair from this man running his hands along her body. She knew how to fight back, but not in a situation like this where old memories surfaced. Katie shut her eyes tightly and whimpered as she felt Daniel press his groin and obvious erection into her backside. “I thought you would have squealed by now. What an obedient mouse. Maybe I don’t have to kill Pine tonight but I will leave you with something to remind you of what happens if you continue your pursuit. He suddenly whipped out a pocket knife and sliced down Katie’s inner forearm, causing her to yelp. Jonathan’s head whipped around at the sound of her yelp over the loud music and he stopped dancing with his now rather upset partner. “Bastard.” He growled as he saw Daniel firmly holding Katie against his body and began to shove through the dancing crowd. 
“Aww looks like our fun here is over for the night.” He put the stem of Belladonna berries he had into his pocket before he could squeeze the juice into the wound he gave Katie. “Rest assured, I am most positive we will meet again my rose.” He chuckled darkly and slithered away into the darkness, leaving Katie stunned and having the absolute worst panic attack she has had in a long time. Everything was spinning and she couldn’t tell what the hell was happening as hands grabbed her. Just as she was about to scream, Jonathan’s familiar scent entered her nostrils and she leaned forward, hugging him tightly and sobbing on his chest. Pine stared down at the hysterical girl that clung to him tightly. He had enough evidence to present to Angela tonight, right now he needed to get Katie the hell out of here. “Hang onto me, sweetheart.” He whispered, hoisting her bridal style into his arms and rushed through the massive ballroom to get out. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” Daniel pulled out a remote, pressing the button on it and setting off fire alarms. The family that had confirmed Daniel’s suspicion earlier were suddenly ambushed with the women and children’s vision being cut off with bags. Denizens of the party began to scream in terror as gunfire went off and finally, an explosion that left the men of the family dead. Abbadon glared hatefully at her brother, makeup running down her face from tears and water from the emergency sprinklers. 
Outside, Jonathan turned on his heel as he heard the awful sound of the explosion followed by horrified and gut wrenching screams. There was nothing more he could do at that point but get back to the hotel, check them out and find somewhere else to stay. It was too dangerous to be in the same vicinity as Daniel. “Fuck this-” Pine muttered and set Katie down gently, flagging a car down before pulling his gun out and threatening the driver to get out. He did not have time to continue risking his and Katie’s lives and hijacked the car. With the young woman resting in the back as she had passed out, Jonathan sped back to the Metropol as fast as the car would let him. In sheer dumb luck, he had not caught any officers attention and parked the car sloppily in the parking lot. “Shh, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” He whispered to a stirring Katie who made panicked noises. Once she realized who it was, her arms wrapped around his neck and she buried her face into his blazer. “We’re leaving here tonight.” He muttered as he entered the lobby, rushing to get to the elevator. A few people looked up from their activities and began to murmur at what could be going on. A sense of unease laced into Pine’s gut as he finally got into the elevator and anxiously waited for their floor. It felt like forever until he finally reached the room. “Jonathan-” Katie whimpered as he set her down, tears coming back and broken sobs wracking her body. The dark blonde haired man furiously packed their belongings as best as he could and turned back to the sobbing woman. His heart sank at how scared she was and how defenseless she appeared. “Kate..” He spoke her other nickname softly and walked over to her, hugging her tightly, tears of his own burning beneath his eyelids. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, I promise. We’re getting out of here right now but I need you to stand up and walk, can you do that?” He released her but kept his hands on her cold arms, gently rubbing them up and down. Pine removed his blazer and noticed the cut on her arm that Daniel had given her. He would have to deal with that later as he helped Katie put his blazer on her to give her some warmth. He took her heels off, shoving them into her bag and helped her stand. “I promise you, I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Without thinking, Jonathan pulled her forward and kissed the top of her head before giving a once over to make sure he grabbed everything. 
The pair tried to look inconspicuous while rushing out of their suite and making a detour out of the back. Too many people would be witness to seeing them rush out like that and it would only add to their woes. Finally, they reached the car Jonathan had stolen and hastily packed their belongings. With a quick hot wiring, Jonathan stepped on the gas and peeled out of the parking lot with the tires squealing. A sense of relative safeness came over them as they sped off into the night in search of a place to rest. Unfortunately, it seemed their luck ran short and would have to spend the night in the car. Jonathan’s eyes peeled out for a hidden area he could park and eventually spotted a patch of thick woods as their temporary haven for the night. “We’ll give Angela a call tomorrow and ask what to do next as I frankly don’t have a fucking clue. What matters to me right now is your safety.” Jonathan pushed Katie’s bangs out of her eyes and gave her a sympathetic expression. She nodded and proceeded to climb into the back with some difficulty due to her dress but managed. “J-Jonathan?” She spoke quietly. Pine turned his gaze to her, nodding up as a signal he heard. “Can you hold me? Like you did this morning?” her voice was shaky again as she sought comfort. Jonathan nodded and turned the car off before climbing into the back. They both knew it was a tight squeeze, but didn’t care at the moment. Katie found herself laying on Jonathan’s chest instead and she closed her eyes, nuzzling against him. “I swear to you, I will never let anything like that happen to you again. We’re in this together now and I’m not about to break my promise.” Jonathan said before wrapping his arms around the young woman and letting sleep take him.
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bonesgadh · 4 years
Each finalist’s pros, cons and key to winning the crown according to yours trully:
Jaida Essence Hall
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Jaida is an amazing performer, she dances, she sells her act, she is a very good designer and seamstress, she is polished, funny and overall a very complete queen. Most pageant queens who have been on the show are one-note queens, which is not Jaida’s case. Her looks are always on fucking point and she is simply gorgeous. There’s nothing else I can say about Jaida that hasn’t been said already.
Only Gigi had a better track record than Jaida. She won three challenges and although she was in the bottom two once, she was always a good and strong contender.
Gigi had a strong start but fell flat and Crystal woke up during the second half of the season, but Jaida was always a good queen (except for the second-to-last challenge). She didn’t really get a chance to put herself in the frontrunner position during the first half of the season because Gigi was dominating the competition, but she was patient and it paid off. It’s true that she failed at the one-woman show, but she quickly recovered and she proved it had been nothing but a slip. Ru likes stability, which can help Jaida’s chances.
Public image
Jaida is a very popular queen amongst her fellow queens and fans. She is charismatic, she has a likeable persona, she is an activist, she stands for diferent causes, and an altruistic queen is always a very good choice for a winner.
Although Jaida is a very talented queen her main style is something we have seen before, and one of the things Ru looks after in her winners is uniqueness, so that could play against her. 
Relatively slow start
Jaida won episode two, and after that she kind of fell into the background. Sh*rry P*e and Gigi won the next five challenges and Gigi’s domain of the competition didn’t allow for anybody else to shine, including Jaida. Her presence didn’t feel that much until after episode 8, when she started to win again.
Ru is known for choosing young queens as winners. Raja and Bianca are the only queens above 30 to have won the competition, and that was because they were something else. Jaida is 32, which statistically speaking can affect her.
Snatch game performance
With the exception of Bebe (there was no Snatch Game in S1), Tyra (who had inmunity), Yvie (who was in the bottom two) and Violet (who was safe), every other winner has placed either high (Raja, Sharon, Bianca and Sasha) or has won the Snatch Game (Jinkx, Bob and Aquaria). Jaida’s impersonation wasn’t bad but it wasn’t memorable either.
Gigi Goode (honestly I don’t think Gigi stands a chance after her fuck up from yesterday. Not a single one. Even if her performance is flawless there’s no way Ru will crown her)
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Strong start
From the moment she entered the werk room you could see there was something special with her and with three main challenge wins by episode 8 she was the obvious frontrunner. At that point, you didn’t imagine any other queen taking the crown away from her. 
Gigi is a very versatile queen, which is not very common. She is a skilled seamstress, she serves looks, she sings, she acts, she dances and she is an amazing performer. Her win in the Snatch Game proved she is quick-thinking and can be goofy, her win in the Ball challenge showed she is creative and skilled and she also did very well during the improv/acting challenges (World’s Worst and Gay’s Anatomy), which proves she is not a one-trick dog.
Challenges won
She won the Snatch Game which usually serves as the turning point of the season; it can either propel you to a frontrunner position or send you straight to the bottom. Like I mentioned above with Jaida, winners historically do good at the SG. She also won the Ball, another challenge winners have won (Bebe, Tyra, Sharon, Violet and Aquaria all won the Ball and, if you ask me, Bianca should have won it too).
On the other hand, no winner has ever won the Rusical/Lip sync extravaganza.
Performance skills
Although she didn’t have to lip-sync for her life she could benefit from the lip-sync for the crown format because she won two Rusicals and came very close to winning a third one, which proves she knows how to sell an act. Also she has already performed at the Werq The World Tour so she has an advantage when it comes to lip-syncing from her home.
Track record
Gigi has one of the finest records in Drag Race herstory. She won four challenges, a remarkable feature since she is only the third queen to achieve it (after Sharon Needles and Shea Couleé). However, contrary to Sharon and Shea, Gigi never placed in the bottom two—and Shea shared two of her wins with Sasha—. Tyra, Bianca, Violet, Sasha and Aquaria won their season without having to lip sync for their lives.
She rises up to the challenge
Gigi admitted she was not a particularly good dancer and struggled whenever she had to perform in a dancing challenge, but she delivered and excelled at them. Also during the Madonna Rusical she wanted to be cone bra Madonna but she gave up the part and still won the motherfucking challenge. I hate it when queens who don’t get their way just complain and throw tantrums and come up with excuses to justify why they did bad in the challenge, but she simply trusted herself and did and excellent job. 
When picking the season’s winner, Ru leans towards younger queens. Except for Raja (36) and Bianca (38) every single winner won their season when they were less than 30 years old, and Tyra (21), Jinkx (25), Violet (21), Aquaria (21) and Yvie (25) were 25 or younger. Gigi is 22, which gives her a slight advantage against Crystal (29) and Jaida (32).
That tweet and the controversy that came with it
For those of you who didn’t hear, yesterday relatively early in the morning Gigi tweeted about her excitement for the season 12 finale and she literally used the words: “I can’t breathe”, which was a horrible thing given the murder of George Floyd. 
Now here’s the thing: Gigi did what she did because she clearly had no idea of what had happened, which is worse than the tweet itself if you ask me. But then she comes with a long-ass statement to adress the issue and she only digged herself into a deeper hole. As a mexican woman I have experienced racism and I hate it when people just look the other way because they are acting from their own privilege, the privilege of knowing that the decision made by those in power won’t affect them, but the rest of us can’t afford to shut everything out or to blame it on our anxiety. 
Political issues were a big thing this season and the truth is you can’t aspire to become America’s Next Drag Superstar, a title that demands you to be politically and socially aware, and come up with excuses like: “oh, I don’t get into politics because I find them awful.” Gurl, when Aquaria came to Mexico a day after being crowned and I was lucky enough to see her, she adressed the presidential election that was happening the next day and threw shade at her own country. She had no reason to know there was going to be an election but she encouraged us all to vote because we needed our voice to be heard. She was the same age Gigi is today and she was never in the need to use the anxiety card to justify her political ignorance, and although she has also screwed up many times before she has tried to educate herself because she is aware of her privilege, and I respect her for that.
I’m very sorry for Gigi, I’m pretty sure she ruined her chances of winning which is a shame because I don’t think she is either a racist or the devil with human form, she made a terrible mistake and I hope she learns from this and bounces back. She owes it to her fans and to herself to do better next time.
Lost momentum
By episode 8 she had won three challenges but things went south for her after that, which allowed other queens to rise (especially Crystal and Jaida). She went from a 10 to a 6.5 in three episodes and it was painful to watch, and although she bounced back to win the final challenge the truth is she lost a ton of momentum, which can really hurt you during a competition as tough as Drag Race. You can’t allow yourself to lower your guard.
Just like Jaida she is not a particularly unique queen, and one of the things Ru looks after in her winners is uniqueness. Although she is very versatile, her main style is something we have seen before. Personally she reminds me of Aquaria, although if you ask me—and here’s where a probably unpopular opinion quicks in—Gigi has a wider range than her. There are also traces of Raja and Violet, so that could play against her.
Gigi showed she can laugh at herself and be goofy, and given her good performances at the improv challenges and the snatch game I was surprised to see her fail the way she did at the commercial and debate challenges. Her performance at the one-woman show was “fine” and her make over challenge was mediocre, which is kind of unforgivable for a look queen because you expect them to excel. Sometimes it seemed as if she was trying too hard, but my guess is after performing so well she thought Ru and the judges wanted more, and her fear of failing is what brought her to fail. She chose to put her silly side aside, completely forgetting Ru likes it when queens just let go and have a good time.
Crystal Methyd: She needs to bring her A+ game to the lip syncs. If she manages to channelize her charm and uniqueness into friday’s performance then watch out, because it won’t matter if she is not as polished as Gigi and Jaida. Ru will choose a queen with a heart over a pretty face, as long as said queen gives her all.
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Although her style is similar to other queens, she injects her performances with her own sense of humor and fashion. It is always amazing when a “different” queen does good in the competition and it makes you root for her.
Crystal is one of the most kindhearted queens to have ever been on the show. She is likable and has a heart the size of the world and she won over all of us. If there’s one thing I like about Crystal is she enjoys what she is doing and she is obviously having so. much. fun. It is not common for queens to have this approach to the competition.
No queen grew during the season as much as Crystal did. Period. The glow up she had was just impressive and extremely pleasing to look at and it makes you feel proud of her. She listened to the judge’s critiques without altering what made her unique and Ru likes that. No choice but to stan.
I don’t really like it when fans talk about queens getting the “villain edit” or the “winner edit”, what I do think is queens have a storyline because Drag Race is a tv show after all, so you have to be able to see the queens’ journey from start to finish. Having said that, out of the three finalists Crystal has the best storyline. She is the underdog, the queen you thought was going to leave first, and she fought her way to the top against all odds. 
Just like I said with Gigi, when picking the season’s winner Ru leans towards younger queens. Crystal is 29, and although she is older than Gigi she is the same age Bebe, Sharon, Bob and Sasha were when they won (okay Bebe was 28 but in order for this to work I’m gonna say they were all the same age).
Like Ru said, charisma and uniqueness can only take you so far. Obviously Crystal is a talented queen (she wouldn’t have reached the top if she weren’t), but objectively speaking I think Jaida and Gigi are on a different level than her. She grew a lot, yes, but with her there’s still room for improvement while both Jaida and Gigi are already excellent. I see her more as the lovely runner-up than as America’s Next Drag Superstar.
In terms of record Crystal is the weakest out of the three queens. She came close to being in the bottom a couple of times, she had to lip sync for her life once and it took her a while to warm up, but once she did she stayed in the top. However, her weak start could play against her.
Odd queen
I doubt Ru will have odd queens winning back-to-back seasons, especially since I think Yvie was a better queen than Crystal.
Snatch Game performance
Tyra and Yvie are the only queens who went on to win their season despite performing poorly at the Snatch Game, and although Crystal didn’t have to lip sync for her life she was in the bottom three.
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sifeng · 5 years
Review: Bloody Romance
oh my god. I just finished this show and I’ve got a LOT of feels. Honestly, I hadn’t finished a drama since July 2019 and now I can finally add this to my list. A very underrated show that deserves more love.
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A story about a young woman who was exploited in the past, having gone through hell and back to become an assassin.
During the chaotic period towards the end of the Tang Dynasty, Qi Xue accidentally enters a mysterious city and was given the name Wan Mei. Tasked with dangerous missions, she puts herself in danger for each task but gains the protection of Chang An who is a man mysterious as a shadow. The two become embroiled in greater conspiracy involving a deadly struggle for power.
Li Yitong (李一桐) as Wan Mei (晚媚)/Su Qixue (苏七雪)
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Qu Chuxiao (屈楚萧) as Chang An (长安)/Xie Huan (谢欢)
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My Opinions: 
The plot and pacing of this drama was very good. I loved how we are introduced to Wan Mei when she is innocent, kind, and naive, and how we then follow her through thick and thin to understand why she becomes the way she is. I loved how we got to see through the perspective of an assassin, and how this show invited us to consider the morals involved in killing. Everything happens pretty fast at first so you are never bored. And even if you are annoyed by Wan Mei’s ignorance and inability to kill good people, you can enjoy the badasses Liu Guang and Yue Ying instead. 
Towards the end, the show gets kind of obsessed with political scenes, and I warn you, there are a bunch of them. However, usually they are rather interesting and easy to understand. This show also involves a good amount of melodrama and tragedy. It also ends in a tragic, but rather open way. 
One complaint I do have though, if how Chang An got so little scenes. He is the male lead for goodness sakes and yet I swear second-lead Gong ZI, or even villain Cha Luo has more scenes than him. In the last episode he literally got one scene. ONE SCENE. 
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The actors here were really good. Like almost every character, including the minor ones, did extremely well with their role. Li Yitong was AMAZING. The scene were she was mute, disfigured (okay not like not really, she still looked beautiful), sick and feeling betrayed by Chang An was so powerful. I can’t believe she managed to do so well with no lines! Everything that needed to be said was conveyed through her eyes, her tears and her attempts to form words. The scenes where she uses the 13th skill of the sword skill (something like that), was amazing too. You can feel her desperation and depression at having to leave Chang An. I loved how she was able to portray the innocent Wan Mei and also portray the Wan Mei who had lost hope in life both wonderfully. Every scene she was in, you could feel her emotions, be they happy or sad. I
Qu Chuxiao was amazing as well. He always looked calm and cold on the outside and yet he told his emotions through her tiny movements. The little details make it all. Second-lead Wang Duo did good too. He did well with a role that is supposed to be cruel, cold and uncaring. He definitely did best in the scenes with Li Yitong.
I’ve got to give some love to one of my favorite characters in the show - Liu Guang and even more for her actress Guo Xuefu. She portrayed this charming and lovable badass killer so very well. Also her voice is so nice and fits the character perfectly. It has the tone of sass and confidence that perfectly matches Liu Guang. 
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I like Wan Mei’s character. Unpopular opinion, I know, but I do. I like how she wants to rule Gui Hua City not because she’s selfish, but because she wants to help others and save them from being corrupted. Yeah she’s a little too innocent, kind and trusting but the fact that she can maintain morals, ethics and the ability to forgive after going through hell shows that she’s a good person. And I also love how she has unwavering love for Chang An. No matter where he is, where she is, she will love and support him.
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I love Chang An. His loyalty to Wan Mei is my favorite thing ever. He is willing to do anything to help Wan Mei, including sacrificing his life. He doesn’t require anything in return for his love, only for Wan Mei to be happy and safe. This kind of love is usually seen in a second lead (which causes second lead syndrome for me), and I’m so glad he was the lead. 
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A lot of people love Gong Zi but like... I don’t? He’s okay of course I don’t hate him or anything but I don’t think of him as this godly presence that deserves the world, including Wan Mei. He is cruel, and treats people like chess pieces instead of human. I mean its good that he loved Wan Mei, but he kept on forcing her to love him back, and would consistently get annoyed when she preferred the selfless and kind Chang An over him. But he is very similar to the main leads of most dramas - proud, arrogant, cold, with a miserable backstory, but loves with a true heart. 
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I LOVE LIU GUANG AND YUE YING! They are so badass and when Yue Ying fights, she looks like a literal goddess. She literally took on like a hundred soldiers all by herself and walked out without a single scar. Liu Guang is so charming and charismatic too, and I really wish we got to see more of her being badass.
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The villains... I hated Cha Luo. I mean I pitied her for her backstory but her actions throughout the show just... she’s insane. Forcing Chang An and Wan Mei through so much pain just because the one she loves has to suffer pain too? Killing this innocent little girl just because.... because? Lashing out at the only person who loves her for having a humane idea? Insane. In comparison, her loved one, Xing Feng, I felt bad for him. He was clearly a good person who had gone through a lot of pain, and yet, unlike Cha Luo, he maintained some morals. He refused to put the “anti-sex” in Chang An because he knew how painful it was and did not want Chang An to become the next him. He begged Cha Luo to let Liu Guang die an honorable death and for her umbrella to be put in the hall because he knew Liu Guang only wanted the city to be better and her fellow assassins to be treated better. He was a good person, pity the person he loved was horrible and insane. 
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The OTP:
Here I also have to talk about the chemistry! Ah! Even with no kissing scenes, the chemistry between our leads, Wan Mei and Chang An was amazing. You could see their love and their passion even when Wan Mei claimed she hated him or when Chang An left to become Liu Guang’s shadow. In every scene with them I just felt my heartstrings being tugged. The swing scene was TOO CUTE!
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Music: The music was used wonderfully in this show. All the songs are beautiful and fit the show extremely well. The scene in which Chang An set fireworks as a parting gift to Wan Mei, the song played in the background, One (一), fit the tone wonderfully. Its soaring climax and powerful vocals matched the powerful emotions Wan Mei felt in that scene. The main theme, Waiting For You is also extremely beautiful and when it plays during Chang An and Wan Mei scenes it just adds another layer of tragedy. The version Qu Chuxiao sang is better honestly though. Li Yitong’s vocals in the closing theme are beautiful as well. 
Cinematography: This show is beautiful and Gong Zi’s house is probably the best of the best. Its green and calming walls are so lovely.
Costumes: Oh my god, Liu Guang’s purple dress is GORGEOUS! And Wan Mei’s dresses are beautiful as well. 
My Rating: A
Recommend For: People looking for a drama of empowered females struggling to survive. People who to see want a relationship of love and trust and don’t mind some melodrama. People who don’t mind following a lead as they mature. 
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
what happened in chicago ll eden & aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron and @wtf-eden
Mentions: @romanbeckett @davieslandon @alison-haynes
When: July 3-4, 2020
Description: Aaron goes with Eden to her mother’s funeral in Chicago
Trigger Warnings: death of a parent, funeral, nsfw
Eden had arrived in Chicago on Thursday morning, and had spent the day at the hotel that Aaron had gotten for her. Her father knew she had arrived, but she hadn't reached out to see him yet. Her mothers services were on Friday and truthfully she was unprepared for them. She didn't know how she was going to face her father, yet alone the rest of her family members who hadn't seen her in years. Now, it was Friday morning, and she had sprung out of bed quickly, and knew Aaron had arrived that morning. She was going to need his support to get through the day, that was for sure. She spent an hour, changing from black dress to black dress, trying to pick the perfect one to impress her family. So her family would know she was doing just fine on her own. She took a deep breath, before walking to the room next to hers and knocking on the door lightly, waiting for Aaron to open up.
the businessman had gotten into town very very early and had time to take a solid nap before getting ready for the services. These sucks. He hated funerals. They always reminded him of his dad. Not to mention, they were just unpleasant in general. But Aaron was determined to stay strong today for Eden's sake. He knew she needed him, and he understood that completely. He had brought three suits; because he wasn't quite sure haw many he'd actually need. He took a quick shower, shaved, and changed into his suit just in time for Eden to knock on the door of their conjoined rooms. Marissa had set them up in a gorgeous hotel. He opened the door and looked down at the petite woman. He hadn't seen her since the reception. He could tell just by looking at her that she was nervous; and she looked fucking stunning. "You look great." he told her. "You ready?" he asked apprehensively.
Eden was appreciative that Aaron had agreed to come to Chicago with her. She didn't want to face her father alone. Even though the two were split, it was nice to have a familiar face by her side. It was something she knew she was going to need for this weekend. She pushed a stand of her brunette hair behind her ear as she stood in Aaron's door way. "Thanks," A small blush appeared on her cheeks. Even though he had hurt her, he could still get her going with three simple words. Eden awkwardly shifted her weight on her feet, "Honestly? No. I don't think I'll ever be actually ready." She told him, gently linking her arm onto his. "How does someone prepare themselves for something like this?"
Aaron made a line with his lips as he watched her shuffle her feet nervously. He wished he could take some of her nerves away, but he wasn't sure how. Aaron gently squeezed her towards him when she wrapped her arm in his. He felt like she needed a strong grip to carry her through the day; literally and metaphorically. He shook his head and took a big deep breath before answering. "I don't think anyone is ever prepared for a death of a parent...not like this." he said, referring to how her mom died so suddenly. "I dunno, it's like...you grow up with your parents being there to support you and you think they're invincible. Then one day when you're older, you realize they aren't. And that feeling's a fucking bitch." he told her.
Eden felt a bit of relief when Aaron gave her a squeeze. She knew that Aaron had lost his father, so he knew what she was feeling, though the only difference was he had seen his dad. She hadn't seen her mom in three years, she could barely remember how her mothers voice sounded and she would never get a chance to hear it again. Maybe she would make up with her father, but she doubted it. She wanted too, as this was far too painful. "I fucking hate it." She told him, as they walked out into the Chicago air. "After the services, --you'll get dinner with me, yeah?" Aaron had come out here with her to support her, but she didn't want to overstep anything, and she wasn't sure she'd want to see her family anymore then she had too.
“of course.” He assured her. With one hand in his pocket, and the other tightly gripping her to his side, they somehow managed to get through the service. It was weird. Meeting Eden’s family that she hadn’t seen in a while. Most people assumed Aaron was Eden’s partner, to which they just shook their heads. No sense in explaining the whole story. He held her when she cried, was a buffer when she was speaking to her family members...He was charismatic and used that to take a little bit of the pressure off of Eden. He stuck by her the entire time; never leaving her side once. “I’m starving.” He said, as the funeral-goers dispersed. “I’m only doing this because we’re in Chicago and i want to cheer you up, but how about some of that deep dish pizza you drool over?” He mused, leading her away from the crowd. He smiled down at her then stopped once they were far enough away from the crowd. “You okay?” He asked with a sympathetic smile.
The services were awful, for every reason why a service would be awful. It was closed casket, as they said there was too much damage in the accident for an open casket. Eden felt bad everytime someone asked Aaron if the two were partners, as they weren't. If it had been a week earlier, the answer would be different. It had become clear to Eden that her extended family never got the story on why she had disappeared from the families life, but she knew this wasn't the time or place to explain it. As it came to an end, Eden felt relieved. She had been dreading this day all week. Eden sadly nodded at his question, "I'm fine. Just glad that it is over with." She admitted, rubbing her hands together quietly, "I can tell everyone was expecting to not see me." She admitted. It seemed as though her father was the only one expecting her, which made sense, as he purchased her plane ticket. "But, yeah, deep dish pizza would be great." Eden said, "You're going to love it." The girl did her best to push a real genuine smile.
it was hard for Aaron too, but he was trying not to think about it; just trying to be there for Eden. Still, Aaron found it hard to keep a straight face. He kept thinking about the last time he stayed at a funeral and wake the entire time; everyone expressing their condolences like the were to Eden for hours straight. Exhausting. The businessman thought several times that it would be easier to tell her family that they were, rather than leaving them wondering who he was. But he wasn’t sure what Eden wanted. Aaron frowned down at her and pulled her in for a warm hug; something he was good at. “I think you did great.” He told her confidently. “You’re really brave for going in there.” He told her. Aaron had support from the family he loved at at his dad’s services. this, however, was a completely different ballgame. The time time she had spoken to many of her family members wasn’t...well, pleasant. “Yes pizza.” He said, taking a deep breath and giving her a big grin. “What’s the best spot?” He asked.July 4, 2020
Eden felt out of place at her own mothers services. It was something no child should ever feel, she should have felt welcomed and family should have been offering her casseroles to help her her over the pain, but instead they had been shoving questions about her own disappearance down her throat. It hadn’t been a pleasant situation, for anyone. She was sure it was probably worse for Aaron, being a bystander, so that made her extra appreciative of him being here now. She wrapped her arms around him in the hug, “Thanks, I tried. Not going to lie, I wanted to punch almost every single person we spoke to.” She mentioned, as she pulled from the hug. “There’s a local pizzeria called Donnys, it used to be my favorite.”July 5, 2020
Eden's family did kind of seem like the asshole he had pictured them to be. Then again, his family wasn't perfect either. When his family found out that Ali was pregnant, they weren't initially happy with their 21 year old having a child but they didn't react in a way that would cause him to run away from them. "Yeah, some of them seemed like real assholes." he agreed. "It's over with though." he reminded her. "Lead the way." he began. "You should document this, but me offering to get deep dish pizza is never going to happen again." he mused.
Eden wished if for just a moment the people in her home life could show a bit of compassion for the girl. Sure, her mother and here hadn't been on speaking terms for the last few years of her mothers life, but that didn't mean she didn't love her mother. She did. It hurt that not a single person could seem to find it in them to care that she had lost her mother. "They are all assholes. Their too good for me." She said sassily. "I'm not the doctor my parents bragged I'd be, so I'm just a piece of trash now." She mentioned, grabbing onto Aaron's wrist lightly and pulling him down the street. "Oh, I'll be sure to take a picture of it when we get there."
Aaron shook his head. He wondered what his family would think of him if he decided to go down a different career path; the one he wasn't destined to have. He was entirely sure of what it would have been like but he knew it wouldn't have been like this. "That's the spirit." he said, forcing a smile. Aaron didn't know why, but when she grabbed onto his wrist, he slid his fingers between her's so that they were holding hands the entire way to the restaurant until they were seated. Aaron was truly shocked at how much he actually liked the pizza. "Nothing compared to New York." he would say several times throughout their dinner, but really did enjoy it. He hoped showing her that he was enjoying a little slice of her life would cheer her up.
It had surprised Eden when he had slipped his fingers into hers. There was a good chance that he was just doing it to comfort her, but she was in no state to not enjoy it. She needed life to be simple, like it had been just a couple weeks ago when the pair was in Paris. This reminded her of that, and she would take what she could get. Of course he liked the pizza, it was delicious. Still Eden's favorite, so she enjoyed every bit of it. After dinner, she slid out from the booth, thanking Aaron once again for the day. She felt a lot better after eating pizza, though still there was a dark damper over her shoulder. "I'm glad you came out here with me."
Aaron had forgotten how easy things were with Eden. Their conversation flowed easily and he felt that they still had a connection. On top of that, no one seemed to be against them like people were with him and Roman. Aaron knew he made the mature choice but breaking up with Eden, but this was a little reminder to him about why he had wanted to be with her in the first place. “Me too.” Aaron said, wrapping arm around her petite shoulders. “I’m exhausted though.” He told her. “You cool if we call it a day?” He asked her as they started their walk back to the hotel. It was a gorgeous night for a walk.
Eden leaned into Aaron slightly as the two headed for their hotel. Under other circumstances, Eden would want to show Aaron the best local places in Chicago. She was sure the businessman had been to Chicago before and seen tourist things, but sometimes there was only some things locals could show you. But tonight, she just wanted to go back to the hotel. The day had felt long. “I’m ready to call it a day.” She agreed, leaning into him as they walked. “Maybe later this weekend I’ll show you the best places of Chicago.” She said, figuring he wouldn’t want to stick in the hotel all weekend. And she knew she’d need to be out and distracted.
he was relieved she agreed. Aaron smiled. “I would be honored if you showed me all the best local spots tomorrow.” He mused. When he traveled, he loved living like a local. It was just the best way to travel. His flight out didn’t leave until Sunday morning and he had a local with him so there was no excuse not to enjoy his Saturday in Chicago with her. The pair sluggishly made their way up to their conjoining hotel rooms, chit chatting as they went. He walked her into her room, and said goodnight as he started to his room. He paused. “You sure you’re okay?”
Eden: “I can show you the best places.” She told him. She knew when she first moved to New York, it had been nice to have Aaron to show her the best local places there, so she would do the same here. Eden started to unzip her dress, even though Aaron was in the room. It was nothing he hadn’t seen before, “I mean — no. But I’ll try and be okay.” She mentioned, heading towards her suitcase to find some pajamas. If they were in Paris still, the two would be sharing a room, so it was disappointing he would be leaving her for the night.
Aaron leaned against the door that connected their rooms as he scanned her body when she got undressed. “Okay. Goodnight.” He said, looking away to give her privacy. He went back into his own room and put on comfy clothes. He didn’t want to be lonely tonight. He was hurting. He had put on a brave face for Eden all day, but between his fights with Roman, Alison and Landon, he was hurting so deeply. He just wanted to be held. He slowly made his way to the door between their two rooms and knocked. What was he doing? “Would it make you feel better if I stayed with you?”
“Goodnight.” She said as he headed out of her room. Eden slipped out of her uncomfortable dress, and threw on a big shirt. She pulled her long hair into a ponytail before heading into her bathroom to take off the makeup on her face. To her surprise, there was a knock on her door. Hearing Aaron, a small smile appeared on her face. She walked over, opening the door, “I would like that.” She mentioned softly.
the night was a lot better with Eden by his side. He was still restless and it hadn’t stopped him from going out to the balcony when she was asleep to text Roman like an idiot. But he knew deep down he was going to do that regardless. “Morning.” He said with a smile as she stirred awake and he turned over to face her.July 6, 2020
Edens eyes flickered open when the room was filled with sun. She smiled when she heard Aaron’s morning voice. She turned over, smiling at Aaron. “Good morning.” She mumbled.
It was almost like there was no time lost between them at all. Like they were waking up again while they were in Paris together or at his penthouse in Kingsboro. It was weird because a lot of the feelings he had had waking up next to her all those times came flooding back. He knew he was feeling these things because he was heartbroken over Roman and trying to pushing those feelings down inside of him and replace them with happier, less painful feelings. He didn’t know he was leaning in to kiss her until their lips had connected and Aaron’s hand was on her waist.
Things were easy when Aaron was around. And Eden had come to realize she was in love with Aaron and that was why it pained so much when he broke it off with her. But she had pushed those feelings aside as much as she can. But suddenly, his lips were on hers and she had no urge to fight it. Instead, she leaned into their kiss.
Aaron knew that he and Eden had once had potential to be in a serious, committed relationship. He could tell that that was where that was going with Eden before he chose Roman over her.  Now, he kind of remember why. The businessman brought her hips in to meet his when he felt her deepen their kiss. He found himself grazing his tongue along her lower lip, begging her for entrance. Okay, so was this actually happening right now? He knew it was wrong. He knew that doing this would only end up hurting her even more, but he didn't actually have the desire to stop.
Eden hated that Aaron had broken up with her, and how abruptly he had done so. She had fallen for Aaron, something she had never let herself so in the past, so why did he capture her so easily? She wasn’t too sure. But now, as she allowed his tongue to enter her mouth, she could feel all those feelings flooding back in. Her tongue playfully made her way around his, before she pulled away. Eden licked her lips before climbing on top of him gently.
When she pulled away, Aaron bit his bottom lip and watched her crawl on top of him. A coy smile covering his face. The businessman rolled over onto his back as Eden crawled on top of his. His arms wondered down her side to grab at her waisted. He pushed her hips into his, causing a little moan to escape his lips. "Hmm..." he hummed as they made out. He was suddenly really fucking horny; things had escalated so quickly.
This wasn't what this trip was supposed to turn into, but this felt right, so Eden wasn't going to stop it from happening. "Mmm," She mumbled as he moved his hips along her. After another couple minutes, she found herself peeling his shirt off his body and pressing kisses to his bare chest. It was just like Paris, if you could forget the whole breaking up part - and well, them being in Chicago.
Aaron knew he would probably regret this. He knew what this would do to him...and Eden. The friction between their hips caused Aaron come to life as he made out with the other woman. He was relived when she finally started peeling off his clothes. He loved the foreplay, but he needed to get fucking naked. “Fuck, Eden...” he gasped at the touch of his lips against his bare chest. He gripped her shoulders, pressing fingers into her skin.July 7, 2020
There was nothing stopping them now, as she felt him bulging up in his pants. She groaned quietly as she pressed her lips along his chest. After another moment, the girl got off him just enough so she could help him out of his pants.
Aaron made an attempt to undress the woman while she was sliding his pants down. Tugging at her shirt until he got half of it off. He sat up to finish peeling off her clothes until they were both completely naked. He brought her in for another sloppy kiss before kissing and sucking her skin down her neck.July 9, 2020
Eden loved the feeling of being naked with Aaron.  The feeling of their bare skin touching was exactly what she needed this morning. A small moan escaped her lips as he sucked down on her neck. Her lips smacked against his skin lightly, as her hand cupped him, moving her hand around his thickness. The last time they had sex, she hadn't expected it to be their last, so this time, she wanted it to be the best sex the pair had ever shared.
Low hums escaped the man's lips when he felt her hands around his hard. He ran his hand down her thigh and slow inserted two fingers into he dripping core, pushing them against her G spot. "You like that?" he whispered. Fuck, the wetness dripping onto his fingers felt fucking amazing. "Jesus, you're so wet." he beamed.
Eden could feel herself get more excited than she had already been as his fingers made their way into her. A moan, louder than her last escaped her lips. "Fuck, Aaron." She mumbled, as her hand sped up around his hard.
"Fuck, babe." he moaned at her touch. The businessman took his fingers out of her slowly then flipped her over to that she was on her back. Because he just couldn't take this anymore. He was too eager to be inside of her. He hands fumbled over the bedside table, reaching for a condom before he realized that he was in her room. "Eden, do you have a condom?" he paused, looking down at her and raising his brow.
As groaned as he flipped her over. She was desperate to feel him inside her again, she had been desperate for that feeling since the two had broken it off. A condom. Of course she had a condom. She hadn't been planning to have sex on this trip, as they weren't together, and they were in town for her mothers services. But she always had condoms, "Mmmm, yeah--." She pushed him off of her for a moment, jumping out of the bed and running over to her suitcase and tossing a condom over to him, before getting back into the bed.July 10, 2020
He watched at the piece of rubber landed next to him on the bed. He crawled back on top of her when he finished stretched the rubber over his length. He teased her again, running his hands up her thighs as he kissed her. He stuck two fingers inside of her to open her up to him again - fuck, she was wet. When he felt she was ready, he slowly slid himself inside of her moving in and out of her slowly and letting out a low moan.
Eden craved him, she usually did when he was around. She had a lot of sex with different people in her life, but having sex with Aaron was great. A small moan escaped her lips as he ran his fingers along her, but the second he pushed into her, the moans got louder. "Fuck," She mumbled against his lips, her tongue sliding against them.
The businessman put his body weight on his forearms as he moved in and out of her, slowly at first but he picked up his pace when she felt her opening up to him even more. His lips moved from her's to her neck, letting hot breathes melt onto her skin. He moved his hand to her thigh and wrapped his around her thigh, pulling it up towards his shoulder so he had more access. Fuck, she felt so good.
The sex was good. It was always good when it was with Aaron. After the two finished, she laid beside him, wrapped up in the blanket. “Thanks again for coming to Chicago with me.” She said after a moment of catching her breath.
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get-your-fics · 5 years
Violent Delights - Chapter One
Too Much of a Bad Thing
Summary: Bruce Wayne is addicted to a lot of things to distract from his dark urges, but his addiction to you might only increase them.
Pairing: dark!Bruce Wayne x reader
Series warnings: Violence, language, smut, rape/non-con, stalking, kidnapping, underage drinking, drug use, torture, abuse
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I hated the color red.
Mostly because it reminded me of blood, which reminded me of other things, but I especially hated when the lights in my club the Towers turned red. The air felt ten degrees hotter, the music sounded louder, and the sweaty, gyrating bodies on the dance floor looked like demons drowning in a sea of crimson. It looked like hell.
Well, if this was hell, maybe it won’t be so bad after all.
Grace Blomdahl sat on my lap, raunchily grinding her hips against mine while she sucked the same hickey on my neck she had given me a week ago. I took a sip from the martini I was holding, the burn of the gin no longer stinging my throat, and rolled my eyes, not the least bit hard. I put my free hand on her shoulder and pushed her back. “That’s enough,” I grumbled.
She straddled my hips and looked at me like a kicked puppy. A string of saliva dripped from her swollen lips, and her brown irises were mere rings around her dilated pupils. That was probably due to the Adderall she had taken earlier. “What’s wrong?” She pouted.
God, not this again. Anytime I denied her what she wanted, she played the pity card and made me look like an asshat, and the last thing I wanted people to think was that I was some sort of buzzkill. I drained the rest of my martini and held the empty glass out to her. “My drink is gone. Mind getting me another one?” I forced a smile.
“If a drink’s not strong enough for you, Bruce, I don’t mind sharing!” Tommy Elliot shouted over the music next to me and gestured to the lines of white powder on the glass coffee table.
Grace groaned. “Ignore him.” She plucked the glass out of my hand and climbed off of my lap. “I’ll get you your drink, and when I come back, we can pick up where we left off.” She winked before retreating into the crowd surrounding the bar.
I slumped in the velvet booth the second she disappeared from view. “You two are chummy, aren’t you?” Tommy teased.
“Anything but.” I ran a hand down the side of my face. “I sleep with her a few times, and all of a sudden she thinks we’re an item. I mean, how many times can you fuck a girl before you just get bored?”
He hummed in agreement. “She’s getting too comfortable. You need some fresh meat.” He pointed towards the packed dance floor. “There’s plenty of girls here tonight. Why don’t you go snag one?”
I nodded before my gaze drifted down to the neat, white lines on the table. “I will. But first, I need a pick me up.” I extended my hand to him with my palm facing up. “Give me a dollar bill.”
One line later, I was on the dance floor, moving to the music along with the rest of the intoxicated club-goers around me. It was hard to think with the alcohol in my system and the bright lights and the blaring music, but I didn’t want to think. I wanted to get lost, to forget about everything for a while, and it was easy to do so as my vision blurred, the colored lights running together like a watercolor painting left out in the rain. The music sounded canned and muffled to my ears, and my head felt clouded, like it was stuffed with cotton.
Then, everything came into focus when I spotted you across the room. The air was sucked from my lungs as my gaze raked over your form. You wore a skintight, red dress that clung to your curves and moved elegantly in your four inch heels. Your body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, making your skin shine under the lights, and your complexion was flushed, probably from the heat and the crowd. You had a face that looked like it was carved out of marble by Michelangelo himself. You were the epitome of red, and I was starting to think I didn’t hate the color as much as I thought I did. Maybe too much of a bad thing was good after all.
I immediately started shoving my way through the crowd to get to you, catching glimpses of you between the writhing bodies as I did so. You were dancing on the edge of the dance floor by yourself, which was odd because usually girls came to the Towers in flocks, but I didn’t mind. In fact, it would only make you easier to catch. I snuck up behind you and gently placed my hands on your hips, pulling you flush against me. You leaned into me and allowed me to move you to the beat. This close, I could smell the sweet scent of your perfume and feel the warmth radiating off of your skin. It was heavenly.
You looked over your shoulder at me, and the bright lights made your eyes sparkle. “I was wondering when you’d come over to me.” Your voice was smooth and sweet, like honey or molasses. It was playful and flirtatious, but had a low, sultry undertone to it.
That caused a smirk to spread across my face. You had been watching me? Though, I couldn’t say I was surprised. It was no secret that I was good-looking, and girls usually tripped over each other to get a chance with me. But it still made me excited to know that you had noticed me, too. “You’ve been watching me?”
“Don’t let that inflate your ego.” You winked. “You were watching me too.”
I leaned down to whisper in your ear so I could be heard over the deafening music, “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
You laughed, and it was like the peel of bells. “Is that a fancy way of asking if I come here often?”
I ground my hips against your ass. “What if it is?”
You went with it and rolled your hips, your ass rubbing against my growing erection. “Then, I would tell you that it’s my first time here.” Suddenly, you whirled around and placed your hands on my shoulders. You were quite the little minx, weren’t you? You knew exactly how to tease a guy.
“Well, since I am the owner and all, maybe I should show you around.” I pulled you closer so your chest was pressed against mine. “My name is Bruce Wayne. What’s yours, gorgeous?”
You quirked a brow, and an amused expression came over your face. “You mean you don’t remember me?”
I furrowed my brow, but I tried not to let my confidence be shaken. “I think I would remember meeting someone as beautiful as you.”
You pressed a hand to your heart in mock offense. “I have to say, my pride is wounded. Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne doesn’t know who I am.”
“Why don’t you tell me where I’d know you from then?” I wrapped my arms around your waist and swayed to the rhythm.
You pursed your lips. “No, I think I like the air of mystery I got going for me.” You draped your arms over my shoulders. “You’ll just have to figure it out on your own.”
“Can I at least know your name?”
You smiled. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Ring any bells?”
I shook my head and noticed your empty hands. “Can I buy you a drink, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” I liked the way your name rolled off my tongue. It suited you very well.
“No, thanks. Don’t drink.”
I raised my brows. “You don’t drink? What are you doing here then?”
You shrugged. “Maybe I just came here to dance,” you wrapped your fingers around the lapels of my blazer and brought my face down so it was barely an inch from yours, “or maybe I came here to meet someone.”
My cock twitched in my pants at having you this close to me. “I think you just met him.”
My eyes flitted over your face, from your cherry lips pulled apart to reveal pearly, white teeth to the red blush blossoming across your cheeks from the humid air in the club. I leaned forward, wondering what your lips would feel like against mine and how you would taste. Maybe it was too early to go in for a kiss, but something about you made me not care.
At the last second, you pulled away. “You keep forgetting; we’ve met before.” You laughed, airy and light. “How about that tour you promised me?”
Your hand ran down my arm until your palm slid into mine. You intertwined our fingers, and yours fit perfectly in the spaces between mine. Your skin was soft and smooth, and you had a fresh manicure. French tip; classy. Not like the girls who picked flashy, neon colors. You were polished, sophisticated, sensible.
My lips curled into a lopsided smirk. “Right this way, gorgeous.”
My grip on your hand tightened as I made my way across the cramped dance floor, dragging you behind me. If it had been anyone else, the crowd would’ve given us dirty looks as we pushed our way through, but the club was full of regulars tonight, and everyone who came here often knew who I was. Hell, I spent most nights here myself. The mass of surging bodies parted like the red sea, creating a path to the crush velvet booths at the side of the dance floor. Heavy, beaded curtains hung down in front of them, concealing the curved booths and reflecting the flashing lights, though some of them were pulled back so the occupants had a view of the dance floor.
“These are reserved for my high paying guests when they want a break from dancing.” I purposely led you away from the booth Tommy and Grace were at. I didn’t need them ruining my chances with you. “Or if they need some privacy.” I winked one dark eye at you.
A giggle escaped your parted lips, and the sound was like music to my ears. The bright expression on your face faltered however when your eyes scanned over the gray curls of smoke drifting from some of the booths. There was no denying the overpowering, strong scent of cannabis in the air. “Your patrons sure do like indulging in recreational activities, don’t they?”
“Gotta keep the customers happy.” I flashed you a charismatic smile. You offered one back, but there was something fake and forced about it. I tugged on our interlaced fingers. “Come on.”
The only spot in the club more packed than the dance floor was the bar. Scantily clad girls with sweat smearing their caked on makeup leaned on the bar, pushing their tits up with their arms in a desperate attempt to gain the bartender’s attention. No doubt they already had a few glasses in them, for they were teetering on their high heels. The boys seemed to be there more for the girls than the drinks themselves, picking out which one they would try to woo and seduce next. I held your hand tighter and shot death glares at any boy who even glanced in your direction. I wouldn’t hesitate to kick out anyone who made a move on you.
“Next stop is the bar.” I gestured to the multicolor lights shining down on the bottles of alcohol lined up on the shelves behind the bartender. “Which, by the way, my offer for a drink still stands.”
You chuckled. “Really, I’m okay, Bruce.”
“Suit yourself.” I pulled you through the crowd surrounding the bar until we made our way to the front. I leaned one elbow on the bar and raised my hand to catch the bartender’s attention.
He glanced in my direction, and his countenance shifted as realization set in. He immediately set down the cocktail shaker he was holding and rushed over to me. “What can I get for you, Mr. Wayne?” he asked with a polite smile.
“Two martinis, please.” I held up two fingers to emphasize the order.
“I’ll be back in a second, Mr. Wayne.” He nodded and scurried off to begin making the cocktails.
You playfully swatted my arm. “I told you I didn’t drink!”
I turned around to face you so my back was to the bar. “If you’re worried about the cost, you shouldn’t be. I get as many free drinks as I want. I am the owner, after all.”
“That’s quite the business model.” You crossed your arms over your chest, and my gaze slipped down your body just a second to appreciate the swell of your breasts before snapping back up to your miffed expression. “And it’s not that. I’m underage, and frankly, so are you.”
I scoffed. “Don’t worry about getting in trouble. I make sure the GCPD overlooks what goes on at this establishment.” You drew your brows together at my statement, and I knew I had to say something else before I completely lost your interest. “Besides, I bet you’d like a martini. You should try it.”
Your visage shifted, and you took a step closer to me. “Why’s that?”
“You seem like a martini girl to me.” I tilted my head to the side as I allowed my gaze to comb over you again freely. “Classic, put together, straight to the point, but still likes to have a bit of fun.”
You quirked a brow. “I bet you think you’re really good at reading people, huh?”
I crossed one ankle over the other. I didn’t miss the skepticism in your tone, but chose to ignore it. “It’s a skill that comes in handy, especially as a club owner.”
My attention was drawn from you as I heard glass clink against the bar behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see the bartender setting two martinis down in front of me. The clear liquid sloshed from the hurried manner in which he put them down, nearly spilling over the rim. “Here you go, Mr. Wayne.”
“Thank you.” I flashed him a smile and grabbed the two glasses by the stems, the green olives bobbing up and down like buoys at sea in the process.
“You’re welcome, Mr. Wayne.” He gave another firm nod before scampering off to cater to the other agitated customers.
I whirled around to face you again and watched your eyes follow the bartender as he left. “Mr. Wayne,” you repeated in a mocking tone. “I’m surprised you even said thank you.”
“Hey, I still have my manners.” I held a glass out to you. “Now, take a sip for me.”
You eyed the glass in my hand suspiciously. After a moment of hesitation, you took it from me, your fingers brushing against mine as you did so. “Why don’t you get on with the tour?”
I grabbed your hand again, and it was warm compared to mine. Skin to skin contact with you sent shivers down my spine each time, and I could only imagine what it would be like when I fucked you later tonight. I started to haul you away, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw you place your martini back down on the bar. I stifled my discontent until we were midway across the dance floor. I stopped suddenly, causing your chest to nearly crash into my back, and spun on my heel to face you.
“I saw that, you know.” I gestured to the martini in my hand and the lack of one in yours.
Your eyes widened slightly before a teasing smile toyed at the corners of your lips. “All well. I guess someone else will just have to enjoy a free drink courtesy of club owner Bruce Wayne.”
If it was anyone else, I would’ve immediately ditched them for directly disrespecting me, but the longer I stared at the taunting look on your face, the more my displeasure simmered and eventually faded away. “I guess so.” I took a step backwards. “This way.”
I led you to a winding staircase stemming off of the dance floor at the back of the club. We ascended the stairs, squeezing by couples embracing each other and shoving their tongues down each other’s throats. The railing dug into their lowers backs, and they were so enthralled with each other that they didn’t notice how far they leaned back, threatening to fall over the side and land in the crowd below. We reached the second level which had a perfect bird’s eye view of the wriggling bodies bathed in saturated light on the dance floor. From this height, they looked like puppets on strings being forced to dance and drink and smoke until they died.
I took you past the overstuffed, tufted sofas to a clear, glass door at the end of the hall. My fingers wrapped around the metal handle, and I pulled it open. I let go of your hand and stepped to the side, allowing you to pass through. I bowed slightly and gestured through the doorway to you with a smile on my lips. “After you, gorgeous.”
You curtsied mockingly. “Thank you, Mr. Wayne.” My nerve endings felt like they were set on fire at hearing you call me the title, even if it was jokingly. That definitely gave me ideas for tonight...
I snuck a glimpse of your ass as you passed me and was not disappointed by what I saw. Just before I followed you outside, I set my untouched martini down on a nearby side table. I had enough in me already.
I stepped out onto the rooftop patio and let the door fall closed behind me. I inhaled deeply, fresh air filling my lungs, though the summer heat made it just as hot outside as it was inside the club. Even so, it was still a beautiful, summer night. The sky was a pretty shade of indigo, accentuating the neon lights of the towering skyscrapers. The high tempo music blasting from the DJ booth downstairs was slightly muffled now, but I presumed it could be heard loud and clear even blocks away. There were a few other couples outside with us lounging around the fire pit or chatting with drinks in hand, but they hardly paid us any attention, too engaged in whatever meaningless conversation they were involved in.
Your heels clicked against the concrete as you headed straight for the edge of the rooftop, I not too far behind you. You pressed your palms flat against the ledge and leaned over, staring down at the cars on the street and pedestrians on the sidewalk several floors below us. The ever-present sounds of sirens and car horns could be heard in the distance. “Nice view,” you mused.
I stopped just a step behind you. “So, do you like it?”
You turned around and leaned your back against the ledge. “Like what?” you asked, confusion written all over your features.
“The club.” I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jeans.
You looked up, and the strings of warm yellow lights hanging above our heads reflected in your eyes. “I do.” Your gaze drifted back down to me, and your eyes locked with mine. “Do you?”
My thick brows furrowed slightly. I was sort of perplexed by the question, but I gave a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders. “It’s worth the trouble. I make a hell of an income off of this place.”
You scoffed. “Not that you need it, being the owner of Wayne Enterprises and all.”
“Well, I’m not really involved with Wayne Enterprises.” I rubbed the back of my neck.
That caught your attention. “Really?” You cocked your head to the side. “Why not?”
I rested one hand against the ledge and shifted my weight to rest on one foot. “It wasn’t really my thing.”
“It was your parents’ thing.”
My expression suddenly darkened at your words, and I stood up straight. “I’m not my parents.” My tone was grave and serious, a warning.
A heavy silence settled over us, and you avoided my gaze. You rubbed your arm awkwardly and gave me a sheepish smile. “It’s getting late.”
Shit. I didn’t mean to scare you off. “Wait, there’s one more thing I want to show you.”
Your eyes lit up with naive curiosity. “What?”
I stepped closer to you, closing the distance between us. “The exit.” I raised a hand to gently caress your cheek. Your skin was warm and soft under my fingers. “How about we get out of here, go back to my place?” The corners of my lips lifted into a suggestive smirk.
You laughed slightly, like I had said some sort of joke. “You don’t know me.” You backed out of my grasp, my hand slipping from your face, and I silently mourned the loss of contact. “We barely talked.”
“Well, according to you, I do know you. You just won’t tell me how,” I taunted, “and I’ve been talking to you all night.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I think I should go.” Your gaze shifted over my shoulder to the glass door behind me.
“Can I at least have your number?” I moved so I was blocking your escape.
“I don’t have my phone on me.” I searched your face for some kind of giveaway that you were lying, but I found none.
“Then I’ll give you mine.” I tried to mask the desperation and frustration seeping into my voice.
“We both know I won’t call,” you stated frankly.
“Then how am I supposed to see you again?” My lips twisted into a deep set frown.
“Maybe you won’t. Air of mystery, remember?” You strutted past me, your shoulder knocking into mine as you did so. “But you know my name. If you want to find me, you will.”
I spun around, growing more frantic as you drew closer to the door. “(Y/N)?”
You skidded to a halt at the sound of my voice. You slowly turned around and looked at me expectantly with your hands on your hips. “Yes, Bruce?”
I swallowed roughly. “If you really did like it here, don’t hesitate to come back.”
You took your plump, bottom lip between your teeth, deep in thought. “We’ll see.” It wasn’t a promise, just an acknowledgement. “Goodbye, Bruce.”
I regained enough confidence to give you one of my signature smirks. “Bye, gorgeous.”
That made you smile, and you spun back around. I appreciated, possibly for the last time, the sway of your hips and the way you crossed one leg in front of the other when you walked towards the glass door. The music from the club became more coherent for a second as you pulled it open, and then you practically vanished in a puff of smoke as you stepped inside, the door slamming shut with an audible click behind you.
Disappointment and exasperation settled in my gut when I no longer had you in my sights. Sure, I loved a good game of cat and mouse, and flirting with you had been fun, but in the end, there was no payoff for my efforts. I clenched my fists, my blunt nails digging into my palms, and my jaw ticked in annoyance. It felt like every hair on my body bristled, and I could feel my face turning red with anger.
Not long after you were gone, Tommy and Grace burst through the door. They spotted me across the patio and made their way over to me, Grace tripping in her high heels. From the frazzled looks on their faces, they had been searching for me for a while, and Tommy had my discarded martini in his hand because of course he did.
Grace beat Tommy to me. “Hey, where have you been? I came back with your drink like thirty minutes ago, and you had totally disappeared!” Her eyes flashed with jealousy. “Who was that girl we saw you talking to?”
“Yeah, does she have something to do with why you went missing on us?” Tommy caught up to us, panting slightly. “I don’t blame you, man. She was so hot. A complete smoke show.”
Grace shot him a look. “She was all right.” She tried to sound unimpressed, but there was no mistaking the envy in her voice. She twirled a strand of dark brown hair around her finger. “Kind of plain-faced, don’t you think?”
My hawklike gaze switched back and forth between them. I didn’t like the way either of them were talking about you. I needed to put a stop to it. “Shut up, both of you,” I snapped in a tone that threatened not to be trifled with.
Both of their eyes widened, but Tommy laughed it off. “All right, Bruce. We won’t pry.” He ran a hand through his shaggy, chestnut brown hair. “But why’d you let her go, though?”
“I didn’t.” I settled my gaze behind both of them at the glass door, almost like I could still see you the moment before you walked out. A red glow emanated from inside the club. They had turned the lights red again.
Tommy noticed my stare and looked over his shoulder at what I was so transfixed by. “Goddamn it! How many fucking times do you have to tell them no red?” He huffed. “Whoever isn’t fucking listening to you is about to get an earful.”
“No, Tommy.” I clapped a hand down on his shoulder before he could go anywhere. “It’s all right.” I tilted my head to the side. “I don’t mind.”
I knew I had to have you the moment I saw you, and one thing about me: I always get what I want.
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