#which means he DOESNT get pushed to that breaking point a lot
oddly-casual · 3 months
Gaap Goemon appreciation post/ Character Analysis
because I need y'all to hype him up as much as I do.
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I was a fan of the Mairimashita Iruma Kun anime many moons ago, and just recently I got back into it. Finished the manga. Walked away loving the entire Misfit class. Most of all, I see a criminal lack of Gaap content. So, here's why I love Gaap and why I think you should too.
By all accounts, there isnt a whole lot of focus or information about Gaap that goes beyond the depth of a kiddy pool. (It's like that for most of the misfits tbh...) Still, Gaap gets more focus than most.
Kindness and care:
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The thing about Gaap that stands out the most, is how much of a natural caretaker this kid is.
He greets everyone he meets with respect. Often using the honorific "Dono" Which google tells me translates to "Lord" or "Master". Almost every time he greets somebody he always has an offer of Hell tea and onigiri. He always makes sure to take care of his guests and his friends. This kid has no shortage of manners. So polite.
In the Harvest Festival arc, Gaap is the one who goes out to save the other students even when Agares has valid points about why rescuing a bunch of demons they dont know wouldn't benefit them in any way. In the festival, where the entire point is to be a cut above the rest, what did Gaap do?
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We see little examples of Gaap's kindness. How he defends his friends and is usually on the front lines whenever someone's well-being is cause for concern.
This boy is the mom friend who always had a painkiller and a stack of bandaids on hand. He's such a mom friend that he canonically fights with Jazz when it comes to taking care of their classmates. (They both have a caretaker complex.)
It's also the way Gaap responds to stress! In the Heartbreaker arc, Gaap is paired up with two first-years who won't stop fighting. This obviously stresses the boy out, because he had high expectations of getting along with his first years, but it didn't turn out that way.
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The first thing Gaap does is try to offer them food, something we see Gap do to Agares when he snaps at him. When the offer of food doesnt work, he instead tries to assure the first years that everything will be fine. Even if Gaap isn't confident, his first instinct is to try to appeal to and take care of people. Even if that's not what they want.
It’s interesting, because Gaap doesn’t physically get in between them, like you would expect him to do. He avoids conflict when it gets physical, despite being such a capable fighter. (Though when it comes to saving others, he has no problem acting.)
Friends and Habits:
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We get to know Gaap the most when he's around other people. Obviously, because he's a secondary character. I think another aspect of this is because Gaap is a social creature, he thrives around people. We rarely see Gaap standing alone and this makes sense because his goal is to have 100 allies.
In the demon world, we know that demons usually dont care about saving or helping others if it doesnt help them. Nor do they have the drive to see their efforts to the end, because they get bored rather quickly. Gaap breaks out of this status quo, along with the rest of the Misfits, by stubbornly pushing towards his goal even when the fruits of his labor dont bloom right away.
The biggest showcase of this drive is the person Gaap takes care of the most, that we know of.
Chapter 111 shows us that Gaap came to Agares' house every day. check it, every day. Gaap would go out of his way with breakfast and pick Agares up so he could make it to class.
Agares clearly doesnt want to go, but Gaap takes him anyway, refusing to leave him behind. From what we can guess, he's been doing it before they started training together. Which could mean Gaap didn't know this kid, but saw he wasn't going to class and went to go take care of him. (Classic extrovert adopting their introvert friend).
We see how that kindness affects Agares as a result. Agares feels guilty when he snaps at Gaap and goes out of his way to visit Gaap when he doesn't show up for class. (This could also mean Agares went to class on his own, without Gaap having to force him.)
Agares was also willing to help the people Gaap saved. Even when telling Gaap not to go out and save those people, Agares still houses them, keeps them safe, and even plans an escape route for the other students when things look bad. It's a lot of hassle for a character who hates being bothered. Gaap's kindness is contagious, even if it's not obvious at first glance.
Oh, Maybe He's Kinda Fucked Up?
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No one escapes childhood unscathed.
Gaap is a caretaker, he does it happily. Even so, when you put yourself in the position to take care of others, there are parts of yourself that fall into neglect that you dont realize.
After the Heartbreaker arc (Chapter 272), Gaap is noticeably absent. We find out later, what happens when you fuck with the nice guy too much.
Maybe it was his crushed expectations, the stress of failing and losing, or maybe Gaap was just tired of being nice but he goes apeshit. Accidentally slipping into his Wicked cycle and nearly driving two students mad with his fucked up face.
We learn that showing your true face is a big no-no in the Gaap household. It's literally written on the walls, and Gaap feels immense shame and embarrassment that he broke a family rule.
He hides his face in his hands, and puts a bag over his face when Agares comes over. He's afraid of hurting someone again, even though the stress of those events have passed.
We dont know his parents' reaction, (because aint no way they dont know) Whether Gaap was disciplined by his parents or not, Gaap put this huge weight on his shoulders. Not blaming the stress of the situation, but blaming himself for losing control.
Gaap specifically said, “I panicked”. Which could mean that with all the stressors, he snapped and just lashed out. Gaap didn't willingly enter his wicked phase, I think he just gave in to his instincts. His bloodline originally started by warding off predators with their maddening appearance. What is panic if not your brain responding as if your body is in danger?
Despite Gaap reasonably getting upset, he still feels terrible for the trouble he caused and the students he hurt. The first thing he did after waking up was to ask if he could apologize to the first years for mentally scarring them.
Gaap’s ambition is to make 100 allies. It's pretty sweet. When a teenager says it(Gaap looks 17 yrs old), It just sounds like he wants to have friends. Pair this up with the fact that Gaap rarely asks for anything in return, and suddenly his wanting a ton of friends makes sense for someone who looks his age. Gaap takes care of people because he wants them to like him. (Even if he can drive them away with how much he cares.)
I have no idea where this desire comes from. If it's something his family drills into him, to be sociable and network, or if it's just a personal goal because of his ugly ahh face.
Regardless, this moment makes me want to lie down on the road while it rains:
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Despite how much his ambition means to him, he is willing to isolate himself as long as it means no one else gets hurt. This speaks to his good intentions. It isn't just about the popularity or all the favors he could have from knowing so many demons. It's about forming genuine relationships with other demons and providing them a soft place to land and build community.
Look at my son, he tries so hard.
My final point:
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Look at how cool he is. This is Chapter 76, my boy came out the gate swinging with powerful bloodline magic. He's got the position, he's got technique, he's got flare. What more could you ask for?
Gaap started out as rank 2, and since then has had no problem leveling himself up. Gaap always stays on his feet (Hence his nickname Busy Body), not letting himself fall behind his classmates. He aced his training and had since learned to use Wind as a companion and not as a tool. He even developed a full-range attack where he can pick which targets get hit by his swing and which dont. He is leveling up in the world. Dont hurt em now Gaap.
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I'm the equivalent of those parents who show off pictures of their kids from their wallet.
Gaap as a character, in the story he's in, isn't anything really new or groundbreaking. Even still, in a story like Mairimashita Iruma-Kun, the Misfit class are demons that are different. We get to learn why they're different, and how they learn to overcome these challenges despite how they threaten to hold them back.
Gaap is a good kid that you watch succeed from the background. We see him struggle and fall apart, but he never stops caring about others in that process. He's that good-natured kid in your life that you hope succeeds because in a cruel world, they make the decision to be kind.
If anyone made it this far, slay. Even if you never noticed Gaap before, I hope you have a new appreciation for his character. Nishi took time and love to write him out, I think that deserves attention too.
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
what do you think on people saying four doesnt have much of an arc?
got an hour? /silly I say SMG4 does have an arc going for him personally i feel it has to do with his weird need to be number one let me explain SMG4 has to be number 1, now the reason i say this is there are some episodes that have shown that four tends to get jealous when someone gets close to his popularity of course i mean SMG3 during the youtube arc SMG3 just wanted to make videos for entertainment he for once wasnt planning anything evil. The moment SMG4 saw that Three was getting lots of views suddenly the other man was planning something evil.
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then he goes out of his way to destroy snitch which push SMG3 to the breaking point causing the youtube arc. Another moment when SMG3 becomes a twitch streamer
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he was so sure no one was going to care about SMG3 stream even called the man to tell him how to do the stream like if SMG4 knows what people want to watch (Twitch and youtube are different there four) SMG3 being more sure of who he is rightfully told Four who asked and did his own thing. The next day SMG4 sees the views in the 3millions in shock charges into Threes home to accuse him of doing something to get them views
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even tho SMG3 is showing change Fours need to be on top when it comes to content creation blinds him into seeing SMG3 as the villain/evil pulling something to be popular on twitch
Present day they are friends officially and he opens his cafe i feel is another moment where even tho they are friends his need to be the more popular one makes him a huge asshole to SMG3 who just open a business and wants to share his love for bombs and coffee
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he pushed SMG3 yet again to a breaking point, but since three isn't the same person he use to be ran to his room to cry making Four notice that he crossed the line realizing he doesn't know how to balance being a friendly rival. But then their is Three who treats SMG4 more as a friend then a rival these days yeah they have their moments but Three really does see four as a friend while four who isnt use to at all sharing the spotlight is struggling a bit with the friendship part of their relationship.
his fear of losing his friends i feel also plays into it when you remember the last episode
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SMG4 saw he was about to lose his friends to SMG3 party and emotionally manipulated them into going to his party instead by reminding them of who SMG3 use to be which SMG3 points out
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SMG3 has grown so much the past doesn't bother him cause without it he wouldn't be here with his new friends and learn who he is as a person if he didn't attempt to kill them. But SMG4 getting jealous at the fact his friends were more interested in Threes party made him pull this move just to win i feel that SMG4 arc has to be him getting over this need to hog the spotlight cause it really feels he has to be on top and we only see it come out with SMG3 cause Three is the only friend in the crew that is a online content creator like him and has the skill to be just as or even more popular then him. Four also needs to stop making Three the villain when things don't go his way cause that's sure is a way to ruin a friendship with someone lucky for him SMG3 is able to wave away what Four says since he understands the other man more then the crew.
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
can you write about how thomas would react when reader is on their period? like how would he take care of them and everything
pampering them with gifts or pushing the family away especially hoyt because he doesnt want them near in fears youll break yk?? anyways, ty! i love ur writing
(male or female reader im not picky!)
Honestly... I don't think it would happen that way.
See, the thing is, the Hewitt family is extremely self sufficient, which means that everyone has to pull their own weight to keep the farm running smoothly. That includes when you're on your period. They've got that "if you can walk you can work" mentality. And they really mean it. Unless your cramps or pms are literally debilitating (i.e. you are literally bed ridden and cannot walk due to the pain), you're going to be expected to work. Cramping and bleeding or not, the hogs still need to be fed and the eggs need to be collected. None of that's going to change, and Luda Mae, Hoyt, and even Monty aren't going to excuse you lacking off just because you're on your period. (Again, unless it's literally debilitating).
And as for Thomas, I've said it before, I'll say it again, Thomas will not stand up to his family for anyone. He's not going to pick fights with them, or argue with them, or anything really. He's not a confrontational person. And, again, this is a small southern town in the 1970s, Thomas doesn't even know what the hell a period is. Luda Mae is very obviously a proud woman, and even to this day, a lot of older women won't talk about their periods because they see it as a private and shameful matter, so I doubt Thomas has any idea of what a period is, except for maybe having heard of it in passing.
So, when you tell him you're on your period, he's not going to understand what that really means. And after you explain it to him, he'll be sympathetic, sure, but... If most women have a period and continue to function in their normal everyday lives, why can't you? (Again: unless it's LITERALLY debilitating)
He'll be happy to help in whatever way he can, whether that be through getting you medicine in the mornings, or being your personal heating pad at night, but I don't think he'd really pamper you. After all, he still has his chores and work to do, which take up a large part of his day (depending how recently the last batch of victims came through, but even then, he has regular chores as well), and if you are bed ridden due to your period, he'll have to pick up your chores as well.
He's not mean, or mad about it, he loves and cares about you, and he's happy to do things for you when you need them, but he can't throw his responsibilities away just because you're on your period. I mean, think about it, periods last for one week out of every month, that is a HUGE amount of work lost now not only on your end, but his as well. That wouldn't fly over with any of the Hewitts. Especially Hoyt.
And on the topic of Hoyt, I mentioned this in my post about what it would actually be like to start dating Thomas, but Hoyt is like a father figure to Thomas. Thomas looks up to him, and respects him, and actively seeks his approval, he isn't going to force Hoyt to avoid you in his own house. If you're really that afraid of Hoyt hurting your feelings while you're on your period, you're going to have to avoid him on your own terms. But Hoyt isn't going to become more of an asshole just because you're on your period. Maybe a few misogynistic jokes or comments, sure, but Hoyt is always like that. That's just something you're going to have to live with to be with Thomas, because I don't think Thomas would ever move out his family home. Not unless something dramatic happened like I wrote about in one post a long, long time ago, where in the drabble Hoyt had left the stove on while watching Thomas' baby, which led to them being severely burned and scarred to the point that Thomas' s/o told him they were leaving and taking the children and he went with them because, again, Hoyt literally almost killed his baby and gave them severe and traumatic scarring. But even then, I don't think he'd move much farther than down the road. And that's only because of his child's safety and well being.
(And just a quick side note while I think about it: Thomas is also like a son to Hoyt, and I don't genuinely believe he'd ever attempt to put his hands on Thomas' s/o for the pure fact that he respects Thomas and wants to see him happy just like Luda Mae does. Do I think he'd make the occasional flirtatious or sexual remark? Yes. But it's a different culture and time, those things are considered a lot more normal than they are now, but Hoyt wouldn't attempt to touch Thomas' s/o.)
So, yea, I think that just about sums up what it would be like. Life would continue on as normal unless you were bed ridden, in which Thomas would pick up the chores you could no longer do.
Thanks for sending in the ask! <3
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prismasnotebook · 1 year
hiiii i loved your nolan fix sm ahhh ❤️‍🩹 i was wondering if you could write another one where the reader is nolan’s gf and filming with mrbeast crew or something like that? thank you!!
Summary: competitive Nolan and gf have to compete in a couples challenge video
CW: light hurt/comfort, low key dramatic
“What,” Nolan asked with a nervous laugh of disbelief as he finally realized what the video that Jimmy invited the two of you to be on under the pretense of ‘you’ll know more when you get there’.
You on the other hand felt a little bit of excitement bubble up inside of you at idea.
“I don't want to compete with her,” Nolan stated, and your face scrunched up at the response and Jimmy grinned some.
“Why not? I know guys that would love to compete their girlfriends.”
“Maybe know different guys,” Karl commented and you snorted.
“Okay, no. Not like- okay, Nolan why don't you want to compete with your girlfriend?”
“Because if I win her feelings are going to be hurt and if she wins she’s going to rub in my face.”
“Oh, so if she wins you're feelings are going to get hurt,” Jimmy clarified with a satisfied smile.
“Hey, no,” Nolan started to defend but Jimmy waved for Tareq to follow him as he swapped over to you and you couldn't help but laugh at his predicament.
“You seem like you're feeling a lot better about this competition than Nolan is,” Jimmy noted, and you shrugged.
“Well, its not difficult to feel good about an easy win,” you commented and Jimmy’s eyes widened some as Karl let out a laugh.
“Yoh hear the Nolan, you're girlfriend said you're a loser, she doesn't think you stand a chance. Ouch.”
“Okay, yeah, I heard her I’m right here,” he said and Tareq panned them camera from Karl to Nolan before back to you and you just shrugged before Jimmy moved on too one if the other couples he invited that we're in another room.
“Tense in here,” Karl commented and Nolan went over to push him out the door and he complained the entire way very lightly fighting back.
“I have to be in here so we know you two aren't conspiring,” he finally whined.
“What do you mean conspiring were competitors?”
“Okay winning team gets a prize, but the person on each team with the most points gets a different prize.”
“Jimmy would do something like that wouldn't he,” you commented before crashing onto a beanbag in the room and Nolan fell somewhat on top of you.
“Well, this is the last time you guys can be nice to each other until the end of the challenge. Anything you want to say,” Karl asked after switching on his camera.
“Good luck, you're going to need it,” Nolan said and you let out a laugh wrapping your arms tightly around his waist as he sat on top of you.
“What ever helps you sleep at night, baby.”
Not long after the two of you were split up and brought to the first challenge, foam pit fist fight. To be clear their we're giant square foam gloves over both your hands, and well as multiple pieces of foam armour. It was ridiculous to say the least.
And, it was all a fun and fine friendly competition until the round four- lovers quarrel.
You were each given lines, some of which were text from your phones and some which were fake the goal was to guess based on the others persons personality and expressions during the game which were real and which were fake.
“-’I mean I don't know sometimes I just wonder if we should break up’” Karl read and you let out a small laugh.
“Fake,” you answered and the buzzer went off, and your eyes widened as you looked to Karl and his own eyes widened as he looked between you and the person who had each of the real fake inputs programmed into his computer.
“Doesnt matter, that was my last one right,” you asked and Karl nodded and you got up moving to the love conquers all obstacle course and powering through it just enough to hit the buzzer.
“And, like that the girlfriends are one up on the boyfriends,” Jimmy yelled and he went to film a small bit with you but you waved him off as you stepped away from everyone while still being in the room, trying to use everything in you not to cry before the buzzer went off again, and then a third time, and then a fourth and by the fourth time, you could here Nolan.
“Hey,” he called with a warm laugh and you turned around toward him trying to keep the devestation off your face.
“Do you ever think we should break up,” you asked, fishing for honesty, but his smile just dropped some.
“Just, do you ever think that? It's okay if you do, I just I don't know, do you,” you asked and everything you were feeling was beginning to leak through onto your face and in your movements and voice.
“I- do you want to break up?”
“Do you,” you asked again, with so much more force this time and his eyes ran along your face and no words followed. Not a no. God, he wasn't saying no.
And, shit it would've spiraled so far if Karl wouldn't have started yelling your name and sprinting toward you, “It was a machine error! I talked to the guy and it was a machine error. Your answer was right. It was fake.”
“It was you asked,” your voice cracking in a little bit of relief, even though you drill werent confident.
“Yeah, okay, this is the screenshots of text used, and this is the list of fakes that AI came up with. It's just- the machine fluked. He never sent that anyone, okay?”
“You never texted someone that you want to break up,” you asked, voice and eyes watery as you looked back to Nolan.
“No, I would never. I love being with you.”
“Why didn't you say no when I asked then?”
“Because, I thought that was what you wanted and I was trying to change your mind,” he said and it only made you cry a little harder. You felt like a jerk. He said you name quietly pulling you in a hug. “I love you. I don't want to break up. In fact, I want to watch you go win your big prize and then I want to go home and I want to do whatever you want to celebrate your victory.”
“I’m so sorry,” you muttered over and over and he rubbed your back. “I’m a big dummy.”
“It's okay. You were upset and hurt. I would've been too.”
“I love you,” you finally muttered, pulling yourself together and moving so you could look him in the eye.
“I love you more.”
“Yeah, probably,” you agreeded and he let out a slight laugh along with his complaints, as you used needing to film the last bit of the video as an excuse. But, with the way you heart swelled when he could do nothing but compliment you when being interviewed about losing, you doubted that he could truly ever love you more than you love him.
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misfithive · 1 year
Thank you for the way you handled that ask about Wille's and Simon's drama. Because that sentence 'On the other hand, Simon needs to have a bit of more drama thrown at him' made me so furious. It was so insensitive! The fact that he suffers in silence and alone in his room not to bother other people doesn't mean he doesn't suffer enough and needs some more! The fact that he didn't jump on the table or say he feels like dying doesn't make his experience any less traumatic than Wille's. What he needs is to process his trauma rather than brushing it aside, not to get some more.
Once again thank you, you put it all beautifully.
Yes 😭 this is a very common hope for Simon to get pushed to the point of a breakdown but it’s like .. at what cost?😩 He has been thru enough trauma for a lifetime and a half. And the thing is, most people cannot actually stop and process the trauma if they are constantly being hit with more. I think we are more likely to get simon opening up if he is able to find safety which he did not really have. he is expected to be the strong one by everyone in his life. His friends try their best but still, telling him to rebound is the same message him mother gives him of “you are strong”. Bc they dont want him to sit with his feelings and cry (it’s uncomfortable and not the norm for them), they want him to forget about the Prince and move on. Up until s3 he has not had someone to cry to- thats why he writes his songs and holds wille’s sweater. Even when he is talking to Rosh and Ayub in the kitchen if he was actually crying to them i feel they would show it- it appears he probably cried on the way home before they came (this is my hc if yall think he cried to them u can believe that if u want)
i think Simon’s character is very accurate to what a lot of men, people socialized as men, and also people of color experience and how we deal with our emotions. I get that for a lot of people it is cathartic to sob but for many of us, crying like that especially in front of someone else is terrifying. we are conditioned that letting other people see u in that vulnerable state is a weakness (puts you in danger or will be used against you & that anger is safer). I know some men who have not cried since they were children and told me they dont even remember what it feels like to cry or how to actually let the tears fall from their eyes. It is messed up. Is that fair? No. Is it true that it is a weakness? No. But not everyone learns that. The patriarchy sucks and harms us all lol i wish people would understand that and have empathy for the deep sadness that simon is carrying and hiding whether he lets it out or not.
Not to mention everyone deals with their trauma differently and i think it is cool that the show is realistic and shows people dealing with things in different ways. Simons character is relatable bc of this and instead of people saying “it’s not fair that Wille gets to express himself in this way and Simon doesn’t” i want people to think about WHY Simon is not be able to. I know wanting simon to cry comes from a good place but it does upset me a little bit bc even if he doesnt have a breakdown s3, that doesnt mean that the writers hate him and arent doing his story justice which is what people say abt s2. At the same time, if he does have a break down, that would be totally warranted. i'm just saying that if it doesn't happen that's valid too.
THAT BEING SAID. I think s3 is a great opportunity for Simon to hear from Wille that he doesnt always have to be strong and that Wille can be a reliable safe space. I think Wille’s tenderness is something that Simon sees and now that they are on good terms and Wille has worked to rebuild the trust, I hope Simon will turn to Wille for emotional support however that looks.
Ermmmn I’m very sorry that this turned into a dump but i had to get it off my chest.(made a few edits for clarity and spelling mistakes bc i posted this in the middle of the night)
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You know what I think would be interesting about Charlie and Alastor's dynamic? It would be in how they influence each other going forward. Alastor is slowly pushing Charlie to becoming a more assertive and inspirational princess as part of his plans to "pull all of the strings" and get out of his deal. Under his tutelage, Charlie will become much more willing to use her abilities in defense of the Hotel and her loved ones, potentially developing something of a ruthless streak as the threats to the Hotel continue to pile up. I also imagine she will start using his philosophy about using smiles to project power and confidence to hide her personal pain and growing trauma (which knowing this show will no doubt be a lot) to the point of becoming self-destructive and somewhat isolated from her inner circle, potentially even Vaggie to avoid weighing them down with her burdens (which would be ironic since it would be similar to how Vaggie hid her past as an Exorcist out of guilt and fear of her girlfriends rejection). Taking a level in badass in exchange for a drawn-out mental break down.
As for Charlie's influence on Alastor, Charlie's compassion is already rubbing off on him enough for the Overlord to risk his life fighting Adam and the Exorcists for them, something that he found so out of character that he had a villainous breakdown over this realization. While resistant to this growth of character at first in the name of preserving his dreaded reputation, Alastor will slowly becoming less withdrawn and more willing to engage with the crew even when doing so doesn't help his goals, even becoming less antagonistic towards Husk and Lucifer who in turn will actually enjoy his company to a degree. He will remain a ruthless bastard committed to his personal goals, and likely won't be redeeming himself anytime soon, but he'll still become a member of the family all the same. Whether this will resolve his existential crisis or drive him even more mad I can't say right now.
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Good to hear from you again,
I been meaning to respond quicker but apparently I'm not allowed to sit and think for more then three minutes at a time. :( So my thoughts/ respond may seem disjointed as I was writing small bit at a time.
To be honestly, I haven't really consider Alastor influence on Charlie beside the standard of nudging her in the direction towards his own agenda. You are correct, now that it's pointed to me. He would have a great influence on her beyond the manipulation. TBH his manipulation might not as nefarious as we think (I still think it because of his contractor) but it can be just that he made to guide her to reach her full potential and power. Which would still align with his own goals with breaking his deal of his soul.
We already see Charlie being influence and episode 7 after they made their deal and Alastor told her about the power of a smile. She took that advice. When Vaggie was made aware of the deal, and Alastor suggestion of meeting his friend to gain numbers she agreed with "What was that about smiling?"
Charlie will become much more willing to use her abilities in defense of the Hotel and her loved ones, potentially developing something of a ruthless streak as the threats to the Hotel continue to pile up.
I wonder why she so hesitate to use her powers in the first place. Like, would she even need Alastor if she simply just use it to begin with? To fix her own hotel? There must be a reason for it. Its either, she cant control it as she doesnt practice it, or it effects her morals/personality, or just the general fear of innocents being caught in the crossfire. It could be all three. But her powers probably tie in more to option two as we only see her demonic powers come out when she upset/annoyed/angry.
Maybe why she so chipper is because as child she more likely threw a tantrum or possible from her teenage ansty emo phase lol...I hope because of her emo phase because emo goth Charlie is entertaining...and hurt so many people from it when her powers manifested in anger and lost control. After that, she swore to herself to always be chipper. So in a way she always used a smile as a mask. But after Alastor, she learn that she can do a lot more with a smile. If this is a backstory that happen, I can see her following Alastor guidance much more easily as she start to see that they may be similar in some ways.
Charlie will definitely become more confident with her powers in season two after the battle. We saw her stop Adam punch. We know she blames herself for everything. Sir Pentious death, Alastor being wounded when it comes to light, Dazzle death, Vaggie taking a bit of a beating from Lute to protect Charlie. She is stronger then all of them, but here they are or harmed as they attempt to protect her. She may take this as a lesson to just just suck up any reservation about using her power to prevent more of her friends from getting hurt when she could have easily stopped it before. I wouldn't say she become ruthless, or at least consciously. Alastor ruthless and wants to be. Charlie "ruthless" is she momentarily lost herself, overwhelmed by the influence of her power.
Charlie seeking Alastor mentorship over guidance from her father would be possibly Alstor has a great sense of self control and discipline then Lucifer. Lucifer would also be too gentle that it be too dismantling. Lucifer training is, swim wings, training wheels, or end up doing things for her to save her the trouble, while Alastor would be blunt and throw Charlie in headfirst to learn. You know Alastor the type that throws a kid in to learn to swim or push someone off a cliff to learn to fly. Everyone in the hotel, when giving advice or bring up issues, tip toes around charlie feelings about thing. Alastor doesn't. Alastor doesn't factor feelings into decisions. He does, calculate how people would react because of feelings, but the issues themselves he does factor them in. Which may be another reason why she would seek his advice.
I also imagine she will start using his philosophy about using smiles to project power and confidence to hide her personal pain and growing trauma (which knowing this show will no doubt be a lot) to the point of becoming self-destructive and somewhat isolated from her inner circle, potentially even Vaggie to avoid weighing them down with her burdens (which would be ironic since it would be similar to how Vaggie hid her past as an Exorcist out of guilt and fear of her girlfriends rejection).
There be definitely be something she'll hide from Vaggie, I just don't know what. Lack of ideas currently, I'll go with keeping Alastor injury a secret or he used their deal for something but has to keep quiet. Or Charlie undergoing demonic power training under Alastor guidance-which Vaggie would hate so much. Vaggie is super suspicious and frustrated by this. Vaggie feels like she failing Charlie somehow, but forcing herself to trust and give Charlie her space while trying to support her while keeping her in the dark.
As for Charlie's influence on Alastor, Charlie's compassion is already rubbing off on him enough for the Overlord to risk his life fighting Adam and the Exorcists for them, something that he found so out of character that he had a villainous breakdown over this realization. While resistant to this growth of character at first in the name of preserving his dreaded reputation, Alastor will slowly becoming less withdrawn and more willing to engage with the crew even when doing so doesn't help his goals, even becoming less antagonistic towards Husk and Lucifer who in turn will actually enjoy his company to a degree. He will remain a ruthless bastard committed to his personal goals, and likely won't be redeeming himself anytime soon, but he'll still become a member of the family all the same. Whether this will resolve his existential crisis or drive him even more mad I can't say right now.
I am so looking forward to whatever direction the creator will take Alastor. But I am hoping and looking forward of Alastor growing and eventually accepting the soft spot he has for the hotel and its people.
There's something I been thinking about a lot, it was the night before the battle when we witness Alastor and Niffty share a moment.
That was the real Alastor and his thoughts and feelings. His facade was dropped there. Think about it, With Rosie, we saw him relax and generally be happy. But he still had to put up a front, and a mask. He has to act like the overlord that he is. He had to be confident to ensure everything moves forwards as plan. So, as much as he less acting when he around Rosie, he still has halls and acting in some parts. But why would he need to put up a mask there with Niffty? He not going to confine to Niffty of all his plans and agenda, But he also didn't need to put up as much of an appearance in a near private, quiet moment, alone with Niffty, . What he spoke there was 100% honestly. He admitted he enjoying his time there and and like the idea of continuing it.
The other real moment he had was his break down. Grappling with the idea he nearly died. Even as mortals we know we can die any given moment, yet act invincible despite the facts. Now imagine, being immortal soul and a powerful one with near complete control....Dieing seem so improbable yet...here Alastor, freaking out that that near improbable thing nearly became true. Now on top of that, greatly injured and cane broke in two which will have consequences. All because of...he grew to care and want to protect the hotel (outside of a possible forced to by contract)
Alastor will slowly becoming less withdrawn
I think he will be more withdrawn and reclusive...at first anyways. He will want to hide his wound but also distance himself from developing more feelings for the hotel that nearly gave his life for. He be more cruel and ruthless to make up for growing soft, gain distance from the hotel as well make the radio demon feared again, especially if the video gets leaked. He going to be alone. Not willing or wanting anyone in.
The last 10minutes showed the little factions.
The vees.
Charlie and co/hotel including her father
Emily/Sera/Sir Pentious (Tho I think there be tension between Sera and Emily)
Lute and Lilith
Alastor was alone. (break down) But align himself with the hotel but hes not with the hotel. Its like when a group of adventures pick up someone because they are heading in the same direction. They will provide aid to each other but their missions are different. Alastor going to provide aid to the Hotel but he going to be too seclutive to appear that he needs any himself. Nor will he show or admit it unless he absolutely force too.
The thing is, being alone will end poorly for him. Just like how the battle went. The hotel fought together and more or less, made it out. Alastor fought alone with his pride and ego and he lost. lost badly.
So Alastor will be alone until he backed into a corner and just about to lose badly once more but Charlie and co will come to his aid. Quite possibly when he thought he possible burnt that bridge from something or betrayal that happen a little earlier.
That's when he accepts them that's beyond territorial and contract obligations. They saw him at his weaken and vulnerable and not took advantage of it. Despite everything. He'll finally learn to accept them because they already proven time and time again that they accepted and care for him. His walls will slowly start chipping away. Unfortunately he still hiding things so he can't full embrace the idea...but it a start.
He still going to be the Radio demon, generally being a prick and Alastor hiding behind a mask, but we get to witness Alastor slipping it off occasionally.
What would be fun is the idea of Charlie rubbing of Alastor, is that perhaps Alastor against his instincts and to his surprise....showed compassion. It be to Vox of all people. Shocking them both. Vox ending whatever Vees had plan that surely would not bode well for the hotel because of it. That Vox and Alastor end up having a truce and possible rekindle their old friendship.
Tho, I be laughing if Alastor showed compassion for once because Charlie got in his head, only for it to backfire terribly. Then Alastor grumbling that he was a fool to show mercy.
*Alastor limping away after killing the sinner who took advantage of Alastor showing mercy for once while clutching a gaping hole in chest. "It's important to show compassion she said," Alastor scoffs before poorly imitating Charlies voice. "It doesn't hurt to show some kindness!" Alastor laughs mirthlessly and winces from the sharp pain it caused. "Well, tell that to the gaping hole in my chest!!!!"
But in the case, Charlie did need to train her demonic power, I can see how Charlie end up influencing Alastor while he trying to mentor her. Not just the growing fondness hell have for her as his protege. But they probably end up having topics of discussions that arises as she trains. Alastor obviously mocks her point of views, but her words will sink into mind unconsciously. And those words will whisper at him, showing their disapproval at what depravity he trying to act out. Frustrating him that she getting to him
HE may even not go through the acts, not wanting to disappointed Charlie if she was to find out.
Or surprisingly more, maybe after training, Charlie able to control her powers outside of anger. We only see her demonic powers when shes mad. But Alastor witness, Charlie is noticeably stronger when she fighting for something she loves and care for. Which may leave a door open to a path for Alastor to consider to follow.
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andy-wm · 1 year
My thoughts on SEVEN, both the song and the MV, and what it says about Jungkook.
About the song:
My biggest take away from the song is that Jungkook has total confidence in his ability to keep his partner satisfied and entertained. Daily. He also has a good reason to do heaps of laundry.
Also, he gets to say Fu@k a lot (always fun) and his pronunciation has really improved since he collabed with that disrespectful a$$hole who's name i won't bother to mention.
Seriously though, i hope his adulthood will finally sink in for the people who still try to keep him in babyville.
From a musical point of view, he does get to use those magnificent pipes he has, and use them well. The song flexes his vocal range and has lots of dynamic movement. And he gets to rap. I can see why he would have wanted to sing it.
About the MV:
I have a few observations about the mv and the relationship represented. I know it's meant to be lighthearted but that doesn't mean it shows us a healthy relationship so i'm gonna say my piece. Sorry if it's a downer, feel free to skip.
The power dynamic between JK's character and Sohee's character is what i find interesting.
She's totally in control of their narrative the whole way through.
At the start, she's angry and berating him and he's just listening, his head down. Very submissive. Most of the time his hands are in his lap or on the table while she's gesturing to herself and even throwing her hands up. The only time his energy is up. Is when he pulls her away from the falling debris.
She's getting up to leave halfway through his response, too. She doesnt really give him a chance to respond.
Even though he tries and tries to talk to her, she's dismissive, rolling her eyes, ignoring him, constantly walking away before he can finish what he's trying to tell her. At one point she pushes him so hard he falls backwards. He's repeatedly risking his personal well-being to get her to hear his side, but even then, he's still completely submissive. He brings her flowers, he walks three steps behind her, he tries to make her laugh to break the tension so she will listen.
Theres only one point at which he is assertive and that's at 2.55 when he gets around in front of her.
When he does eventually get her to stop and hear him out, he takes the role of a supplicant. She is very much in control of the outcome. She eventually offers her hand, and then basically hauls him along behind her. He is trotting along behind her like a scolded child.
I found it a little hard to watch because JK isn't an actor. Not because his acting is bad but becuase it's really him.
I could be way off, i admit that, but i honestly feel that his character is responding exactly as he himself would respond. He's soft and sweet and gentle, but dammit he believes in them! He's trying his best to placate her even though she is giving him NOTHING back.
I hate that it reminds me of that damn hamburger incident (he's is a sponge cake. Pls dont hurt him, world.)
My take away is 2 things.
First one is, throughout the MV his character is "fighting *for* the relationship", which is different from fighting within the relationship. He wants this problem they have to be solved, and he's prepared to do the work. Go, you Jungkook’s alter ego.
Second one is, despite a lot of people seeing this as a,stalker situation, the power balance is very heavily weighted towards her. Also, she treats him pretty disrespectfully. If these gender roles were reversed, the comments would be very interesting...
Other than that i loved the aesthetic, the humour, and the energy.
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But what does this overtly hereronormative MV tell us about Jungkook's sexual orientation?
I'll say it does not tell us anything about who he likes to do the horizontal boogie with.
He liked the song, and wanted to record it. I have no idea if he had any hand in the MV storyline. If he did, awesome. It's fun.
But let's be real about the likelihood of him coming out to the world through a MV. I'd say it's ZERO. Reality dictates that whatever his own orientation, the MV needed to represent the Jungkook (most of) the world WANTS to see. Dont forget, this song is more of a business decision than a creative decision for Hybe. We know SB had a big part in the processs, and that man is all about the dollar bills.
It's certainly not a personal statement from JK. Its a fun, summer song and he gets to say F◇CK a lot and flex his vocal chops. That's it.
Do i personally think JK is gay? Hell yeah. With bells on.
Do i think he would risk it all?? ('it' being a huge entertainment empire, his own and his friends' careers, social damnation, personal freedom, and the loss of his contact with ARMY)
No, absolutely not. Not for a song that he didn't even write. Not in his solo debut. Not in today's America (sorry American readers, the USA isn't a safe place to be queer right now).
An unrelated question:
Do i think he will show us something more substantial with his album?
I think he will. I truly hope so. I dont think he's going to sing about his orientation but i do think the songs will be meaningful and personal and I'll be quite suprised if there isn't a fair bit of queer subtext.
If he includes a hidden track and Jimin features on it, I will throw a party and sprinkle glitter EVERYWHERE.
Just for fun, here's some JK looking gorgeously gay...
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Living his best life in the Butter MV
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His gestures... so pretty
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No words for this one (cr to photographer)
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I mean he's not wrong...
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sunny6677 · 9 days
How W! Tom would be! + Some facts.
(Wicked Month AU created by @mayisgoingnuts )
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1. In this AU, her personality is still the same as ever and she has a similar relationship with the kids that Lila does to Skid in this AU. She doesn't realize that they're not innocent little angels who just wanna have fun—though she usually doesn't baby them exactly. She just doesn't think they'd do anything wrong, so she helps them with whatever shenanigans they do as a result. She's also just as crazy/energetic as they are anyway and let's them do what they please, so they like her.
2. Skid and Pump are very protective of her secretly and will wreak havoc on anyone who acts like a dick to her, specifically Kevin though.
3. Kevin was already a jerk to her in Tom's canon AU at first, but in this AU, he's a straight up asshole to her at first. He either isn't aware that she doesn't know or is aware that she doesn't but is frustrated due to that, so he constantly acts rude to her and actually insults her sometimes. Tom doesn't like him at first since she knows him as 'The Shopkeeper Who Takes Out His Temper On The Innocent Youth' (in her own words by the way), but an incident ends up occurring where he does something cool or saves her, and she ends up liking him. She basically develops even more of a Spongebob-Squidward type dynamic with him, thinking he's her best friend—but he always pushes her away. Somehow though, she never gets that he doesn't like her and always tries getting him into her shenanigans.
4. ...ehhh I said Tom and Kevin canonically are supposed to fall for eachother in every universe, but that doesn't mean in a way that isn't complicated. So I imagine while Kevin really REALLYYYYY doesn't like her at first, he's more protective of her than he'd like to admit since he has to save her ass constantly, and always seems really intent on convincing her that the kids aren't innocent angels. He also kind of does have a crush on her already since he just finds her kinda pretty (not like he'd actually admit that)—but he doesn't completely fall in love with her until she does stuff like helping him our anytime he gets into trouble or healing him whenever he's injured etc etc.
5. Kevin ended up maybe going a bit too fsr one time, and actually made Tom cry, which he immediately felt bad for since he didn't mean to get that mean with her. And Skid & Pump got so pissed off by this that they nearly burnt his store down in an attempt to force him into apologizing or just making up for it somehow.
6. Skid and Pump are kinda confused by her whole princess bit, though Pump is a little more chill with it and gets mildly pissed anytime someone berates her for wanting to be a princess.
7. Tom still has her emotional repression issues, but it's even worse because of the kids sometimes stressing her out and just people being rude to her for reasons she doesnt understand in general, and actually ends up breaking down crying in front of both Kevin and Radford at some point.
8. Like in her canon AU, Kevin still scoops her up a lot, but he usually does it more forcibly when he's trying to get her away from something or protect her or just take her somewhere—and always slams her back down onto the ground.
9. Gregor is either a little more harsh with her in Hollow Sorrows, or actually really feels bad since she's visibly not having a great time.
10. The people who are given trouble by the kids usually either dislike Tom or full on hate her because she somehow likes the kids (most of them being unaware that she doesn't know of what they do)—and Tom is oblivious to people being mean to her, but as the rude remarks get even more intense, she becomes aware and doesn't even know why people are so damn mean to her.
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greenshi · 2 months
alright tell me about YOUR current favorite guy now
I AM FINALLY DOING THIS i have been. so distracted lmaooo. BUT I decided to do the guy in my icon, fifth member of weezer and best FE character, Python <3. He may not be the Number One guy in my brain right this moment, but that spot and most after it are all taken by OCs, so. We're doing him instead. Also because of this tag because I think you'd like this guy jort
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ANYWAY, Python. My guy. He's a character from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, a recruitable archer early on in Alm's route.
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Now, in Echoes, the class discrepancy between nobles and commoners is a prominent theme, especially in Alm's route. This is something that comes up in a lot of FE games, unsurprisingly, seeing as princes and thieves fight together side by side. And the games (at least those I've played, which is only FEA-FE3H. I know.) tend to handwave a lot of the more unsavory points of that topic. A lot of the time, conversations or supports that delve into that topic end in "yeah, being poor and starving sucks, but you know what also sucks? Being royalty! It's really hard :[" which, like, yeah, it is, but also one party here has the means to help the other, but is choosing not to instead say how their life sucks too, actually. Idk, these conversations always rubbed me in the wrong way a bit.
ALL THAT BEING SAID, Python is a commoner. And he doesnt buy any of that "being rich is hard too guys :[" shit for a Second. In his support with Clive (a nobleman knight who's opinion on the whole situation is "well some people have to be poor so I can be rich") he straight up tells him that his ideas on how society should be run are wrong and that his view on common people are condescending at best.
Python doesn't fight for honor or any sense of duty, he fights for his paycheck and his childhood friend who does feel that duty, Forsyth. Even if he and Forsyth disagree on many things, there's a mutual respect between the two, an understanding of their station, and a small rivalry between how to best navigate said station. Forsyth encourages Python to get out there, try things, put some effort into life. But Python just, doesn't see much of a point. But it's not for any depressive reason, or even straight apathy. Python just prioritizes rest and relaxation. He doesn't live to work, he has no dream job (which Forsyth takes as having no dream at all, not that Python would disagree), he just wants to enjoy his life; sleeping in the sun, having a few drinks, spending time with friends, and sharing stories and gossip.
Speaking of friends and gossip, I'm going to drop my favorite support of his, maybe even my favorite support in the whole game (even though its locked behind a dlc map like seriously what was up with this games dlc why is a support between two base game units behind a paywall-)
Going from this support, and the fact that neither of them have romantic endings, (Lukas' even saying he 'never wanted for companionship') this is a pretty clear attempt by FE at writing two aroace (or at least just aro) characters. And, idk, I think its really special. Neither are framed as missing out or needing another to be happy, the conversation is to the point and respectful, and they are both allowed to be full characters beyond this detail of their lives.
And that's a common thread through Python's character that I admire. In any other story, the character that had no want for big dreams, constant improvement, or romance would be framed as an empty person, someone deeply unhappy without anything to strive for. But, even as the other characters try and impose that narrative onto Python, that's never actually the case. He is happy as he is, doing just enough to be as comfortable as he can, taking rests and shortcuts all along the way. He will not sell his time more than he must, he will not work harder than he has to, he will not allow those who push themselves to breaking for those above them to guilt him into doing the same. He has nothing to prove, nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, the one time he could push himself, in his bad ending after Forsyth dies, *THAT* is when he is empty and miserable, fighting like his friend once did until his early, untimely death.
Python is just such a breath of fresh air. He was the one in my brain telling me say no to my boss long before Chilchuck, he is a character that not even FE has been able to write like that again (even when writing for him specifically, like his Heroes characterization is so off and bad augh). He is one of the very few canonically aro characters I can find, and I'm proud to have him napping in my icon for the foreseeable future.
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
i see a lot of talk going around about how the team were terrible to daisy after 5x14 and one person even said that it was basically a darvo situation, and i want to add my opinion to the pile, cause i disagree with that a lot. i also generally have a problem with how people tend to defend their favourite to the absolute while villainizing almost every other character in this discourse. they all deserve equal amounts of empathy.
lets get a few disclaimers out of the way first: from my perspective, what happened wasnt anyones fault, they were all victims in this situation. fitz cant be blamed for having a psychic split, daisy had every right and more to react the way that she did, thats not even a discussion. it was also just absolutely the right decision, fitz wasnt trustworthy anymore after that. he absolutely did care about what he did though, he mentioned how he was scared by how he still thought he did the right thing at least twice. thats not the same thing as being horrified at what he did exactly, but the reasons for his split didnt go away just because it happened, and this is about as close as you can get in this situation i think. i also think his whole " i didnt have a choice" shtick was more about him trying to make sense of what happened rather than trying to deflect blame, because he generally lacks empathy for other people a bit and getting defensive and not considering whether that is appropriate right now is perfectly in character for him (still terrible on his part despite all that though, and this is probably where the darvo thing comes from as far as it concerns him). now:
the way i see the aftermath of that episode is that with everything still happening, coulson gone and possibly (definitley, its hydra) being tortured for intel, the end of the world still fast approaching, and daisy still being convinced its somehow gonna be her fault (especially after having her powers restored), none of them could allow themselves to break right now. and crucially: noone blamed daisy for the way she reacted or attacked her for it. may thought she wasnt ready for coulsons job after literally just being tortured, and she was right about that, that was way too much pressure to put on her after that (despite that, i still think daisy did a good job, but she shouldnt have had to). mack agreed with daisy fully. simmons was definitley not okay anymore after what happened and acted increasingly irrationally. she just watched her husband torture her best friend while being held at gunpoint by a robot he programmed, after which daisy had no time to talk to her and fitz was locked in a cell and disillusioned about who he was. she was essentially alone to deal with the situation.
it doesnt excuse what she did, but i also dont think she wouldve acted the way she did if she was fully sane at that point. i mean, she risked swallowing literal acid because she thought she was invincible due to knowing she makes it past the worlds destruction. before this, she was very, starkly different. those are not the actions of someone whos secretly a sociopath like many regularly accuse her of being, theyre the actions of someone who has been pushed completely past their breaking point. as for yoyo, she lost her goddamn arms and was absolutely convinced that daisys path was going to lead to the entire worlds destruction. and that was what she was mad at daisy about.
this was the entire tragedy of that situation: its not a question of fault. they all acted terribly towards each other, and they all had good reasons for it, even if they were being unfair or vicious. it just happened.
so they all pushed what fitz did aside for the moment to focus on the mission, but its literally the main factor of what drove the team apart for the rest of the season, because daisy was focused on her interpretation of the prophecy and wasnt gonna trust fitz or anything he said anymore, simmons and yoyo were convinced he was right and felt daisy wasnt listening to them, and then they managed to scrape themselves back together as a team, just barely, and saved the world, losing both coulson and fitz in the process. in my headcanon the team patched up most of their differences after 5x22, based on how it ended, flashbacks and mentions from season 6 as well as the team being friendly with each other again, and the fact that this show isnt the kind to just ignore events like this, if things are radically different between seasons its safe to assume that stuff happened off screen, not that the writers were lazy. losing two members of their shared family probably also provided them with some perspective and reminded them of how much they all mean to one another.
and this hit all of them very hard, and they all dealt with it in their own way without involving the others. all of them, not just daisy. mack focused on his job 100%, may and elena helped him, simmons went to space to find fitz and daisy came with her because everything reminded her of coulson and theyre each others best friend. when they all came back together, they had managed to somewhat move on from what happened and probably werent to keen on bringing it up again. i mean we saw how sarge had them all bent out of shape because he had coulsons face. they were not over it. nevermind the fact that they had another alien invasion on their hands at the time.
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voiceofsword · 2 years
Psssst. If you have any headcannons to spare, how do you think Crazy: B is at handshake/fan events 👀 Ever since Mika mentions a fans itabag I’ve been obsessed
OK this one wont be super long bc ill be accompanying it with doodles but, u know the drill, under read more so i dont stretch people’s dashboards out
im gonna start with rinne i think he is VERY enthusiastic. he’s so happy to be there man. like he’s usually loud and kind of obnoxious regardless but this brings it out even more, most fans eat it up bc thats just his persona now, right. if any older fans show up he gets a bit softer/quieter to accommodate for them because he trusts them. 
if he notices fans being too shy/awkward he’ll try his best to hype them up and make them feel welcome i.e everybody be nice to this fan or i’ll blow this whole place up! but at the same time it’s like the second he sniffs out that they’re nervous he becomes a bit more pushy (WELL-MEANING OFC) AND IT CAN GET TO BE ALMOST SCARY… HE WILL EITHER GET SOFT AND UNDERSTANDING OR HE WILL EXPLODE ON U AND TRY TO MAKE U EXCITED WITH HIM THERES NO IN-BETWEEN… he will point out that ur nervous and ask u why that is. maybe poke a little bit of fun. obviously not enough to make you cry or whatever but enough for you to shake a little bit, so that after you leave you can look back at the pictures and memories like damn im actually glad rinne amagi helped me out of my shell
hes like an apex predator he can sense fear but instead of k wording you he forces you to do peace signs with him in photos
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niki like always is super friendly and welcoming. he tries his best to make fans have fun! he isn’t nearly as pushy as rinne and doesn’t really pry. he makes small talk and if he thinks you smell nice he Will point it out! he will compliment and laugh a lot and overall be very silly. 80% of any event he’s playing footsie with rinne under the table and occasionally during fan meets they’ll start play bickering both for The Bit and also because they cant go too long without doing it it sustains them. 
one concerning thing about niki is that regardless of the circumstances he will always ALWAYS accept food, even though he is not supposed to. he sneaks off to eat snacks to prevent hunger pangs and if any fan catches him while offering food he will most assuredly be like oh hell ya, which is why the other guys are constantly on the look-out for him. while almost all fans do it in good faith i can imagine he’s gotten sick from at least one instance of this happening but he never learns because he cannot for the life of him turn down stuff he can eat. kohaku and rinne literally always have an eye on him to make sure his breaks stay short and to haul his ass back to the table 
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himeru is perfect. like as a meet and greet idol he is exemplary. it’s almost scary. he gives the perfect amount of small talk, compliments you just enough, smiles the whole time. holds your hand for enough time, brushes his hair behind his ear acting all handsome, laughs at anything and everything that might be a joke….it’s like he has a mental checklist for every encounter. he studies this shit every night before an event so he has it down to a T. he makes meeting the others feel like youre talking to the teletubbies 
like rinne he senses fear and while he doesnt push like rinne does it’s almost like. he’s smug about it. he knows he’s that good! HE’S SO RADIANT YOU CAN’T LOOK AT HIM FOR TOO LONG…
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ok lastly kohaku! kohaku i feel like would definitely try his best to copy himeru. he thinks the other two are not good examples, so partly himeru’s trying to show off because he knows kohaku is watching. being good friends with aira also has him practicing this a lot with him, too. but on his own kohakuchan is good at talking to people, slightly less good at maintaining eye contact or handshakes but he’s working on it! you can tell he’s new to it but he’s trying his best so it makes it all the more endearing. 
the other three point it out a lot when they think he or the fans can’t hear. not in a malicious way theyre just happy to see kohaku’s having fun. his encounters definitely feel a little more rushed but not because he necessarily wants it to be over you can tell hes just a bit more nervous to be 1 on 1. sometimes the other guys do something stupid in the sidelines so he can get angry and have him let loose. anyways Be nice to him 
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cowboypossume · 8 months
the swing and cinderella 2015
ok hi :3. i got a hyperfixation in art history last year because i had a rough go of it teacher wise and had to basically teach myself and entire ap course! yippie!! (i did have a lot of fun but AH). so i'm going to take what i loosely remember from that class (alongside being an aide for it this year). and ive had a specail interest in cinderelaa 2015 sense 2015. so we get to put these ideas together into that one scene in one of the best live action cinderella.
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in art history i learned this painting.
the swing.
i saw a post calling out disney for always using it, and if i find it i'll credit it here, but in Cinderella 2015, I think it's actually referenced to quite well.
Before i get into how, a brief context on some of the themes in this painting (we think. this is art history and almost everyone is dead so what can't ask if this was how they intended it or pretentious people reading too much into things):
a woman in a vivid pink dress is married and is having an affair
pink pink dress + floofy skirt + swing = wealth and class (historical context)
husband is kinda hidden and affiar is "brought to light"
the swing is breaking so maybe marital troubles? finical stress? both?
ankle exposed = sexual
she's looking at not the husband so odds are she doesnt like him that much. especially because she's doing this in FRONT OF HIM
but disney takes this idea and flips it in a way that really works for these characters.
if you want to watch the scene here you go
(sorry for the quality i am eepy and not gonna find better photos)
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"I've never shown this place to anyone." "A secrete garden? Oh I love it."
instead of like a 'secrete' affair the original painting is trying to show, there's more of an innocent wonder to it in the movie. this is the price's space. his. in choosing to let her in and let her see this, he's choosing to show cinderella parts of himself so maybe he'll get something from her, like a name even.
he shows her his space, and she reciprocates by looking back and forth between him and the space saying "i love it." because she loves him!! and he loves her, and they're figuring out what that means.
which is why the eye contact here is so important here and the painting. because it's showing who she (the subject) chooses, and in this moment, cinderella chooses the prince.
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"I shouldn't" "You should" [it repeats for a bit] "I shouldn't." "You should." "... I will :)"
look at her little smileeeeee. you kind of see this in the painting, but here it feel so much more genuine. she is choosing to get on the swing. she is choosing him and his lifestyle, the wealth, the support (literally. that swing is not going ANYWHERE) which is so much different than what she has, that it takes a second of reassurance that she's not a burden for wanting this nice things.
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she looks at him !!! "may i?" "please"
they're literally infatuated with each other are you kidding me. look at how dgew6g6qud adg6ew7udhjawosdk'sl
this isn't something she's ashamed of or trying to hide. he is taking up more of the screen than her (unlike the painting) and you can tell she doesn't mind
also. he asks for consent. he doesn't assume it's his right to push her or support her or anything; he wants this to be as much her choice as his, and with the 'please', it is. so he does.
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the camera changes showing that he is The Pusher
if we were back in the painting it's meant to show that the husband is kind of clueless. some might argue that in this scene he really doesn't know much about her, so that's why the shadow is next to her, and i will!!
he's going into this kinda blind, hoping to learn about her, but in this moment he doesn't.
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the shoe falls!!
so the movie is shot here to more focus on the emotional beats of their faces, so this is the best we're gonna get to get my point across. this part helps to do three things.
the first is kinda a "duh": its cinderella so obviously a shoe's gotta fall or something (an ipod) is gonna fall. secondly, the shoe is flying in the original painting, which is an ohmage to what this is referencing my most favorite though: we get a transition!!!! he's established that he likes her, she's shown interest by making eye contact with him and giggling, so now he's taking a dramatic step. he's going to try to have a relationship with her.
it's small, and they have a cute little banter, but then The Moment comes to make his move and...
[there's not a good screencap you have to just trust me]
"wont you tell me who you really are"
GAH I JUST DSAIFGERWDG they SO could have made this a wink wink sexual thing (that's literally the painting) but like! they didn't!!! she swings towards him, kinda laughs and blushes, and when there's a pause that almost any other media would have!
its all the right beats and all the right pauses, but instead he wants to know her. he doesn't want to rush ahead, as we saw with the idea that pushing the swing and putting on the shoe requires moments of pause and a "is this ok?", kissing would be too much. it's too soon. not without some kind of opening up first on her end. so i think that's part of the editing of this scene.
he's NOT the guy "ruining a marriage" or having a casual affair with a married woman. he's a man of honor trying to become at least freindly with a woman he likes
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he sees them as equals and he's smiling !!!! he got something !! it makes no sense but he knows a little more now
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atlaskrr · 9 months
So i went to pbd and typed tecchou cause ppl are so wrong abt him. hes clearly sp/sx 9w1 so wrote a defense for it:
i dont understand why so/sx is his most voted instinctual variant. in what universe would he be sp blind. i understand that hes disregard his safety for a mission/comrades but that stems from his sx imo. hes shown behaviours of a sp. he literally eats on missions and has done push ups in a meeting. he shows little care for so related things like trends and gatherings. his only percieved community is the hunting dogs which can be taken more as an sx thing than so. him caring for the civilians stem from his sx as he has a passion for his justice philosophy. while caring for others is an so thing he doesnt care much for others opinions on him as far as we can see. he doesnt care to change things others find odd and hes even blind to a lot of social cues so how would he be so? even if he shows many signs of being and so making him sp blind when hes clearly an sp9 just doesnt make sense.
also just because he values justice doesnt make him a 1. i think hes a 9w1 with a strong wing cause unlike a 1 hes been seen much more willing to take a break from his pursuit to justice (as seen in sleeping after the fight with kenji). 1s are also much louder about their values than 9s. 9s, like tecchou, will preach there values but not push them to the point of an argument esp to those close to them. while tecchou always preaches justice, he doesnt force his view of the world onto others harshly and esp not to jouno who shows a lot of resistance to it because they are close. he also, unlike 1s and more like 9s, disregards his rigid right and wrong to fight kenji because jouno disappeared. jouno's disappearance is a disruption to his peace (as unpeaceful as life in the hunting dogs can get) because its out of comfort to not have his partner there. he would much rather disregard his principles than have something changed. 1s often resist their instincts to stick to their principles and be “good and righteous” but tecchou did not. it seems like his principles might be something caused by past trauma or something taught to him so maybe to him thats all he has ever believed/the only way to stop trauma from happening again so rather than realigning his world view which could be wrong (what a 1 might do) which would disrupt his inner peace, he chooses to leave it unchanged.
he also seems very hard to type enneagram wise as theres a lot of debate which is such a 9 thing since its the crown of the enneagram. this means 9s can have a lot of the qualities of other enneagrams while still being a 9. he can also be extremely simple minded. many 9s tend to choose the simplest/easiest option to maintain their stasis of peace. tecchou has demonstrated that by always taking the “fastest way” by cutting down the trees to fighting kenji. a 1 would take the longer way if it meant doing the right thing but tecchou rarely stops to consider whether his decisions are the right thing to do outside of justice. this same justice view is also like the 9s rose tinted glasses. to him the world is simple. black and white with him being the thing able to keep it that way, good rewarded and evil punished. but he also shows against that in a very 9 “the world is good way” when it comes to other hunting dog members, especially jouno and this is sort of shown when he was going to agree to kenji at first. he sees the world as good so as to not be upset/have his mindset changed which is a very 9 thing.
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llycaons · 10 months
rightt i love the cql ending i think it was needed for them to go their separate ways. soo many cql haters bring up the ending as their main point for why it sucks. its as if they forget they reunite at the very end. also ive seen soo many weird fics where they hate on lz for “leaving wy and abandoning him” when thats such bs 😭 there was a fic summary where it was like ‘novel lz sees cql wy traveling alone and they get together’ like huh?? wy doesnt know that man and he loves HIS lz get over it
literally get OVER it lmao wwx didn't literally say 'WHEN I come back I want to hear the name of the song' (meaning he knows its significance and plans to RETURN and confess/hear lwj's confession) and lwj didn't say "I have long since known it' (meaning he's been in love w wwx for many years and knows it/plans to tell him) for wwx to LEAVE his star-crossed beloved of over two decades in order to shack up with some yellow-eyed weirdo who already has his own wwx who's into the same shit as he is? like. we HEAR lwj say wwx's name at the end, SEE wwx turn and smile. not to be rude but did these people watch the finale to the very end? are they stupid? what do they think is about to happen? lwj is going to say "oh it's you. I don't want to see you again, wei ying. being cc is more important to me than you are. I reject you and I will never have sex with you. that's why I came out to this cliff where you're playing the song I wrote for you. bye' and then leave??? lmao. please. PLEASE
plus it was a mutual decision based off of temporarily incompatible needs - lwj didn't abandon him! and if these fans are mad he 'let him go' then all they're saying is they're mad he didn't, what, imprison wwx somewhere he didn't want to be? clearly wwx wanted to travel and couldn't stay at CR, and clearly lwj needed to return to his home and help them all readjust to a shattered lxc and no cc. no it was good they each had time to breathe and they each as individuals needed to deal with things before they could be together
to be completely honest I think I would have liked the finale less if they HADN'T separated. postres, they slowly did become closer and started breaking down the barriers between them, but it was a process with a lot of stops and starts that seemed to stagnate at times. separation was a huge change that felt like it pushed their relationship into something new and resulted in an event so significant it was like they couldn't even show it. it was a really powerful choice!
to be fair if people don't like cql or think it's not gay enough or the censorship worked too well that's their business and I'm not going to lecture anyone into liking something they don't like, that's fine. there are little things about the performances and writing choices that annoy me too. but if the separation was written bc of censorship then they still got back together in the end and if the separation was an independent decision, then it was made to serve the story, which as a whole was a genuine and sincere attempt to convey a gay relationship even while being censored. and I do think it served the story and the characters very well. I know people also dislike cc lwj, which I can't fault them for since it's so far from the 'run away from the cultivation world' finale in the ending, but as someone who never read the book my first time watching, it made perfect sense to me. like....canonically wwx planned on returning and canonically lwj was there to greet him. if that hadn't happened, yeah it would have sucked. I would have been miserable. but it didn't! they got their ending together!
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mintytealfox · 11 months
Hellooooo, its me again uwu.
A bring more Nortalice/Alicenort content! This time its AU releated stuff! Hope that is alright
-Modern AU, they are like Shaun and Ryan from Buzzfeed Unsolved with a mix of Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo thrown in. Lots of hijinks and breaking into restricted and or forbidden areas. Sometimes they are actually solving cases, other times they broke into a gas station left to rot from the 1980s because Alice swears she saw something in there and it results with Norton rushing Alice to the doctors because she ate expired Cosmic Brownies. Not like Norton will complain, because him and Alice agreed on 50/50 on the money that comes from the cases and beats working his dead end job.
-Fantasy AU, Norton is the king of the demon realm, and Alice is the queen of Paradis (the one seen in LG and Orpheus's essences). Their kingdoms have tension with each other. Orpheus the Novelist urges war while Nightmare (yes they are two separate people). Alice however is like "Nah, imma talk to the king" and goes to the demon realm, so the two can work on some sort of peace treaty. Nonsense ensues and the two slowly fall in love, it ending with Norton asking for Alice's hang in marriage, which at first she thinks its so their kingdoms dont fight and his response being "...no you dumbass i love you. Thats why im asking to marry me"
Oletus Manor Doesnt Happen AU, aka what if Norton and Alice never went to the manor but still met each other. Can imagine its because Alice is doing a report on Golden Caves, what happened, why it shut down and interviews Norton, the only survivor from the accident. The two just seem to click and neither know why. Norton at the start tries to use this to his own personal gain, since in his state, he knows damn good and well, he will not be able to get a job again, forcing him in poverty so he tries to butter up Alice, get close to her in the hopes maybe he can marry into money. Alice also tries to use this connection to her advantage, hoping Norton's ties to the mining industry can give her access to more secretive information (like how they treat their workers). They do end up falling love properly though, and Alice uses the money from her family to help push Norton out of poverty and help him start a small jewelry business with the only catch being "Before you even dare spend a penny on clothes or luxurious things, I want you to spend the money I give you to go see a doctor in the chance to save yourself. I care too much about you Norton". Which in turn breaks Norton, but like a good break, like a "Holy fuck, she really does love/care about me, this wasn't an act, i wasnt dumb to let her into my life"
HELLO 🫡You're always welcome!! 🤣 AU stuff is ABSOLUTELY ALRIGHT 👏👏👏
LOOOL I saw Shane and Ryan and 80s and my brain went STRANGER THINGS LOL Like it starts as Norton: 'lol ghost hunting, those aren't real at least these people are paying' while Alice: 'ghost hunting, can you imagine the stories ghosts could tell if they could speak easily?? How thrilling!' But it turns into running for their lives LOL followed by eating expired cosmic brownies like nothing happened but they are all covered in dirt and grime and trauma LOL
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OH F A N T A S Y A U S are ALWAYS BANGERS IN MY EYES AAAAHHH YEESS! Gives me strong Persephone and Hades vibes and that has me SO HYPE OH MY GOOOSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! AND This reminds me of the theory I saw who knows where by this point lol but it was about the one Alice skin 'Eternity' and FG's skin 'Infernal Sin' and it went something like him being the dragon of the apocalypse to deal out the punishments that Eternity laid out. Something like that, I wish I could remember it cause it was dope as hell LOL
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10000000% using each other until Alice falls first and Norton falls HARDER MUAHHAHAHA Recently my brain keeps going to the quote from 'Our Flag Means Death' and they say "you wear nice things well" and just seeing Alice saying that to Norton when he finally gets to get all dressed up for something and him like 'oh woah' but the magic fading pretty quick at the realization, 'this is not comfy at all' and then waiting until at the gathering to say something out of pocket like "I feel like I have a pickaxe shoved all the way, right up my--" -Alice slams her hand over his mouth- 🤣🤣🤣
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doomed-era · 8 months
crashes through your window!! points at you like an anime supervillain HELLO!! how does gaffen view the champions and/or how does alt zelda view everyone we’ve met so far (unless thats spoilers?). or how would revali and zelda interact do you think
screams and hides under the table there is glass all over the floor my chickens are running everywhere (joking I am fine and completely immune to glass)
oh thats a fffffun question.....!!!! I have thought a great deal about this. I will start with pre-calamity because honestly it is simpler
revali is just...weird. gaffen doesnt get what the guy's deal is (mostly) so about half the time he just. tunes out everything revali says. honestly he does that with a lot of people including zelda. he works 15-hour shifts and just dissociates when he isnt on lunch break. he did pay attention once. and that was when revali said horses were smelly dumb animals and gaffen pushed him off a cliff (they were both fine revali's reaction was more or less just surprise and gaffen cooled off almost immediately cause he's Like That at this point.) he thinks revali's archery skills are really impressive but he'd never actually say that to him because Why.
urbosa is incredibly intimidating and he's pretty sure she doesn't like him. however he thinks she is cool. her loyalty is fascinating to him as he doesn't remember any other gerudo chieftains being...like that? in a good way. like he considers it a triumph for Hyrule At Large that the gerudo and Hyrule at on such good terms and he's deeply inspired by Urbosa's own loyalty not really understanding that it is in some ways a facade. he doesn't avoid her though, I think he'd just. stand there with the hairs on the back of his neck prickling. maybe at some point he would try to use the gerudo words he knows to try and impress her. or maybe he could give her a nice bottle of wine or something she would like as a Present
mipha is. complicated ? hes gotten vague vibes that she might have feelings for him past a certain point. however he doesnt really want to think about the implications of that or what that might cause. he'd rather just stand there and force himself to not think about it.there is a good chance if he was asked about it he would play dumb. mipha is also actively trying to figure out what his Deal is and generally tries to present herself as someone he can talk to so he's spoken to her briefly a few times. i couldnt even really tell you if he reciprocated its like that one post where a character is too tormented by the narrative to exhibit sexuality or attraction. he likes her, he trusts her more than a lot of people but yea.
im trying my best to not sully this with his rp interactions with them because those were done under Specific Circumstances(tm) (and i dont even think he knows the whole mipha has a crush thing for a bit) but when he actually opens up and turns his brain on there he starts making little jabs at revali for fun. he also gets like. mmildly scared of talking to revali before that bc again he turned his brain on and hasnt ever actively tried talking to him. so yea. he also ends up trying to force mipha to reveal more about herself bc mipha never really reveals anything which he thinks is hypocritical. this ends with him getting...mildly pissed/confused. him and revali also set up a time where they could practice archery together teehee
OK DARUK. I havent thought too much about them admittedly. but im tempted to say that their relationship is the friendliest and the most uncomplicated. im a "link ate the rock sirloin to be polite and not just because hes ok with eating rocks" truther so. yea. they're not super close by any means but they're just bros. guys hangin out. daruk would toss him into the air for fun and he'd like it. when hes off work gaffen would probably talk to daruk but when he is at work he'd probably just turn into gromit from wallace and gromit half the time. gaffen realizes he should probably respect the guy more but half the time he just kinda perceives him as like. the team dad and not a respected member of the gorons
that was longer than I thought. oops
post calamity is weird and I have thought about it a little more I think its not something I've roleplayed much so it just kinda sits there in my head and Rots.
but basically i'd describe gaffen's relationship with the champions at first to be highly parasocial. the memory you get from mipha's statue is his first acquired memory and it is.jarring? to say the least. gaffen understood that he was missing large chunks of his memory after rhoam told him that but he didn't really process it fully and he certainly didnt think he had a personal relationship with the people rhoam was talking about. plus when he does get those back he in a sense re-experienced them it was Very Strong Very Overwhelming and it kind of freaked him out. but the zora all seemed to paint a specific picture of who he was and mipha's relationship with him so it really hammered in the importance of his past self and those memories. the problem is because of how important he thinks they are he. pictures himself having a closer relationship with the champions and zelda than he actually did. like they were besties. totally. he loved mipha and they were gonna get married probably maybe and revali could be mean sometimes but it was okay they eventually got along fine and had some respect for each other daruk was the best friend anyone could ever ask for and urbosa was like his mentor who helped him out and was cool. did he have any evidence for this absolutely not he just kinda made up what the champions were like based on the snippets he got and since. well. everyone who knew most of the champions personally is dead. and the zora really dont have a good image of what mipha was like because she didnt really reveal much about herself. these go unchallenged and spiral out of control. the champion abilities do not help. they are not actually the champions in my au they are abilities that look like them. but gaffen thinks they are the champions. he spent a lot of his time wandering around alone and they brought him a lot of comfort and. yeah they were basically his best friends except they were fake
then he almost gets beaten to death and mipha's grace heals his leg wrong and he feels betrayed by them personally so he gets mad. thinks they hate him. refuses to talk about them. stops using the champion abilities because he blocked them on socialmedia. eventually he gains some perspective on it and calms down. realizes he just made everything up. but it still hurts like hell and he refuses to use the abilities anymore. however he still will get incredibly pissed if you insult them. maybe they arent his friends anymore but you will respect them dammit they died for your COUNTRY!!!
OH...hehe I cant reveal everything about alt zelda's impressions of ppl but some things I certainly can!! it is very colored by a few things that have happened to her. that are spoilers. but.
ok so link first cause hes easy. she thinks hes dumb. but she also feels sorry for him because she knows that a lot of the people around her and just the government/military in hyrule are. manipulative and exploitative. so. she really wants him to stay out of this honestly but in some ways she's happy to see him
Lance? she does not know who he is. blasse is complicated and spoilery but basically when she was younger she saw him one time and called him the "lazy old soldier guy" and everyone was confused
ciless (true mage of spirit) is incredibly complicated but basically ciless used to be zelda's mother figure. they hate each other currently and often try to sabotage each other
pike she just sees as ciless's crony and mostly dismisses him
fen she would actually have an. interesting? reaction towards. she'd act like she recognizes him somewhat. she would refer to him as link's father even if link didn't like it. she might ask him if he feels like he's missing something
lepy she would just think is a crony again im sorry lepy you deserve better
and packard she would also basically ignore
MAN. you got me thinking about a tangent about alt zelda and revali oops i am not sure if thats what you meant. but its a funny hypothetical to me. honestly zelda would be fascinated by revali. like at first shed think he was some sort of monster thing but then she would be like. wait you can talk. and revali would be like scoff yes of course. what does it look like.
"you look like a large bird or a monster"
"let me make it known that I am not a bird, and I refuse to be called a bird. I am revali of the rito tribe. it's--" and he looks VERY annoyed -- "not exactly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but I seem to have lost my way."
"...that is very strange." and she just looks amused
i imagined this weird au where shes like "ok i really like you youre my friend now" and she tries to get him to help her with Stuff I think it would be funny
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