#which would confuse the FUCK out of Ryuga
snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
uhhh gimme,, opinion on ryukyo,, pleaseee
OOoooooOOOo this is one I like talking about brACe youRseLF
Don’t ship it
Why do I not ship it?:
I’ve kinda went back and forth on this one a couple times, but I settled on the conclusion that Ryuga and Kyoya just make better friends (???) than a couple. Like I can understand where the ship comes from. They’ve both been through a lot, and on some level with how they express and hide their emotions from others IS something that they could connect with on a deeper level and maybe relate to each other about, but personally I’ve never seen that as going past being platonic. I do headcanon that when Ryuga is trying to process big complicated emotions and isolates himself without giving a lot of fight, one of the people who would seek him out and actually try and try to get him to talk about his problems is Kyoya. Just the idea of Kyoya recognizing and saying ‘You’re a jerk— I couldn’t like you even a little bit— but this isn’t you. This isn’t how you react. What’s going on?’ Is very— for lack of a better word— tender to me. It’s a concern for each other based on the mutual respect they have for each other’s strength that only shows it’s face on rare occasions, but other than that, they just annoy the shit out of each other and it would probably lead to a lot of fist fights that have no indefinite end. I also head canon that Kyoya might help him out with explaining romantic feelings and how to navigate those (or the lack of those emotions as for the most part I canon Ryuga as Demi/aromantic) as he is the KING of BOYFRIENDS and probably has a lot of experience with romantic attachments and emotions.
What would have made me like it more?:
Personally, I’m a sucker for headcanons, art and fanfiction. I think if the right fanfiction came along with the two of them growing up and healing and maturing I might consider standing by this ship, but so far I’m just comfy with the whole platonic relationship.
Despite not shipping it, is there anything positive I can say about the ship?:
Again, I DO really love the idea of them coming to each other for help for complicated and sometimes painful issues based on mutual respect. I think if both of them learned to control their anger and aggressive feelings then it might work out, but I feel both of them are too chaotic to be paired together and they need a more calm counterpart to help them be their best selves.
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curedeity · 3 years
The Dragons Scale
Summary: (metal fury spoilers) Ryuga is dead, shouldn't Yu be sad?
He was going to smash the clock on his wall. Yu didn’t know why Tsubasa had gotten him one of those circle-clock things when digital clocks existed! All it did was tick-tick-tick annoyingly away and keep him awake.
    Well, that was a lie, it wasn’t the clock keeping him awake, but maybe if he threw it out the window he’d be able to sleep. All he’d need to do is launch Libra, just a teeny-eenie bit. But no, Tsubasa didn’t like it when Yu broke things around the house, so awake he’d remain, listening to that clock’s counting clicks. 
    He and Kenchi had called earlier that day for their weekly chat. Or was it yesterday? When the clock passed midnight was it earlier or yesterday? Time was confusing and Yu didn’t like it. It was supposed to make sense because it was linear, but it was too circular to be comprehensible.
    Yu also didn’t like the conversation he and Kenchi had. Not that he didn’t like talking to Kenchi, Yu loved talking with all his friends! They were all really annoying though with how rarely they answered, it was really rude that no one ever seemed to have time.
    Yu ignored his own tendency to forget phones existed.
    Kenchi and him had been laughing over training methods. Tsubasa was such a pain-in-the-ass about having to train the proper and uptight way. He was all about movement and grace and doing perfect launches a hundred times. Yu tended to pour water on his head and then run away giggling as he was chased down by an angry Eagle.
    Kenchi had complained about how Hyoma’s training seemed to amount to taking him out into the forest and seeing what happened. Yu got the feeling that if he and Kenchi switched mentors, they’d both have better times, Yu liked just exploring!
    Then Kenchi had started comparing it to Ryuga’s training method, and Yu had ended the call shortly thereafter.
    The name still sent shivers up his spine, very annoying because Ryuga was dead-in-a-ditch and there was nothing to be scared of, except maybe the concept of death but that wasn’t very creepy, just kinda boring. And shouldn’t Yu be sad, like everyone else was when Ryuga was mentioned?
    With a sigh, Yu pushed himself out of bed and softened the squeak of his socks against the wooden surface as he tippy-toed out of his room. Of course, Yu wasn’t supposed to leave the house in the middle of the night, but Tsubasa wasn’t the boss of him, and they’d agreed that leaving a note worked well enough.
    So Yu scratched some meaningless words against a post-it note, and wandered out of the house.
    It was a nice night outside, Yu supposed. If he looked up he could probably spend the rest of the night-morning connecting constellations, and falling asleep outside sounded like a nice idea.
    But his skin was still crawling, and his brain was too full of thoughts of Ryuga leaving and Ryuga hurting them and then Ryuga dying to really care about some stupid tiny stars right now.
    Yu brought out his phone and dialed it the number of the one person who seemed still more fearful of Ryuga than himself: Hippity-Hop.
    She arrived at the house half an hour later, wearing sweats instead of the fancy outfit she had while working. That was nice, because when she wasn’t wearing her fancy clothes she was much more willing to play with him. He hadn’t brought out anything to play with though, except Libra, and Hippity-Hop didn’t seem to be in the mood to battle. She rarely was.
    Yu skipped ahead, stopping every block to let her catch up. Because she was slow there wasn’t really much time to talk, unless they wanted to be calling out to each other, so Yu let the chirping crickets crackle through the air.
    The burger place they arrived at was completely empty, floors shining from a recent cleaning and tired employee glaring. They got their soda-pop and food and sat down at a booth, far away from the only pair of prying ears.
    Yu liked the sugary-sweet rush of soda-pop. Tsubasa didn’t let him have a lot because water was better for their health or something, so Yu had to go out to get his own most of the time. At least he had his own money he could spend on whatever he wanted, instead of having to ask Tsubasa like he’d had to ask Doji-
    He slurped on the liquid sugar drink he’d gotten, coughing at the fizz.
    “So, Ryuga,” Hippity-Hop began, swirling her straw in her drink. It wasn’t as interesting as doing it with coffee. When she drew stuff in coffee, the swirls would remain for a while, and Yu loved watching that. Soda-pop was much more boring in that singular way.
    Yu hummed, swinging his legs back-and-forth, back-and-forth. “So, Ryuga,” he echoed.
    Hippity-Hop sipped her drink, a long pause stretching out between them, before she lightly slammed the soda-pop back down on the table. “He’s a bitch.”
    Yu cackled, laughing as he fell over in the booth. Sure, her voice had trembled when she’d brought up his name, and he’d seen the breath she’d needed to take. But it was a relief to hear someone just say that.
    And it was a tragedy, because Yu didn’t know which way to feel about him.
    “He’s a bitch who didn’t deserve to die because he was just a used kid, but a bitch is a bitch nonetheless,” Hippity-Hop nodded sagely. It wasn’t often she swore around Yu, having prescribed to Madoka’s ideals that Yu was too young to know the fuck words, but this was the singular subject he could always draw profanity out of her with.
    “The others don’t really talk about him to you, do they?” Yu asked, poking his straw at her.
    “Not really,” Hippity-Hop shrugged, fully aware of the reasons why. They both were, he’d called her for this conversation after all. “Sometimes Kyoya, Tsubasa and I gather up and discuss him, but then I kinda end up wanting to punch them sometimes.”
    “I want to punch Kenchi when he brings up Ryuga sometimes, which isn’t really fair because he’s really sad when he brings it up and I don’t want to make Kenchi sadder,” Yu nodded in understanding, bobbing his head up and down very grown-up like.
    “Truly, the struggles of all of us having valid viewpoints and trauma of the man,” Hippity-Hop slurped her soda-pop.
    “I just don’t want him to talk about Ryuga to me sometimes!” Yu threw his hands up in the air. “He and everyone else are always so sad when they talk about Ryuga, and then I have to be sad when I don’t feel sad sometimes, just angry!” 
    Hippity-Hop hummed. “Maybe you ought to tell them.” It was her turn to point the straw at Yu.
    Yu pouted at her, “But they are really sad and I’m supposed to be there for Kenchi, right-”
    Hippity-Hop cut him off. “Nope, no. Yu, you’re like 5-” Yu squealed at that, ready to tackle her for that comment. “-you have no obligation to be able to deal with anyone’s feelings. Especially because of your own experience with Ryuga. The reason no one talks about him with me like that is because they all know I can’t handle it sometimes, because, for better or for worse,” Hikaru’s face twisted into something indescribable, conflicted. “My trauma over Ryuga’s actions was incredibly fucking obvious to absolutely everyone. What most likely happened is that everyone forgot how complicated your feelings about him were. You just gotta remind them.”
    Yu took the first bite of his burger. It had pickles in it. He picked them out slowly. He didn’t look at Hippity-Hop.
    “I want to be sad,” he whispered, and was this ok? Was this okay to tell her? He shouldn’t be discussing this in the first place with her, even though she was the most understanding maybe what he wanted is what he should offer her-
    “Yeah, I want to be sad too,” Hippity-Hop sighed, and dug into her own burger.
    In the morning, Yu would talk to Tsubasa and try to figure out why he was still so scared and sad and angry at Ryuga. Tomorrow, he would call Kenchi and explain that he couldn’t talk about Ryuga, not yet. Tomorrow, Tsubasa and Mr. Phoenix would once again put a list of therapists in front of Yu. 
    Tonight, he and Hikaru ate terrible burgers and insulted a man neither wanted to be dead. Sibling bonding.
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ventylatte · 5 years
15/06/19 - 3:08am
i wanna try replicate my mind yesterday when i was doing the dishes at 10pm because it was really racing lmao
as mentioned prior, dan’s video on his sexuality really made thoughts that already swarm my mind way louder than usual, paired with the empty shelf that’s been left empty in my mindscape that had once been FILLED with a-level knowledge and stress. it’s now home to a bunch of loud questions about my identity, ranging from my nationality, religion, where i belong (maybe i’ll rant about that some other day, but i’ve made it vocal to people before) to my sexuality. i’m not sure if this was a ‘realisation’ of sorts but a couple months ago on a walk home from school, i remember declaring ‘if i was white, i would have probably come out as bisexual a long time ago’
and yeah i still believe that, 100%!
because despite my coconut-exterior that i seem to project (i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i feel devalued), i am brown: i do still have asian-indian parents that wouldn’t be thrilled about their son or daughter claiming they’re gay (i say ‘claiming’ because that’s what it would be to them. i know it. ‘such a typical claim in this weird society. bound to happen, it’s a trend these days’, etc.)
i remember asking my mum what she thought about the lgbt, and if i remember correctly, she didn’t mind it, but didn’t want it in her family or ‘circle’.
now i ain’t criticising my parents. many would, but i really can’t. because they were born in a different generation, in a different time where the lgbt community wasn’t exactly as prominent as it is today.
but good god. one day an advert for that reality tv show, ‘the bi life’ i think its called, popped onto the tv, and my dad was all ‘what the hell is this? … freakshow’ (he muttered)
AND I FELT? HURT? no, ‘hurt’ is a strong word. just a bit… prodded at?
and i still can’t decide the reason. was it because i was wondering where i should draw the line with my dad’s remarks towards the lgbt community? i’ve always had this internal debate with myself about whether i’m sort of ‘silencing’ my dad by taking a stand in issues he doesn’t really believe in (primarily the lgbt community, he’s cool with feminism… to an extent lol). he always has a shout about how people can only say what they’re really thinking behind closed doors. would i be taking this away from him? where can i really draw the line in this whole counter-argument of my parents simply being born in another generation? i mean, sure, they aren’t hurting anyone outside (i really hope), but his comments do affect me.
that’s reason 1 i felt a bit disorientated. society’s a bit mad with labels, and i couldn’t find it in me to label my parents a pair of homophobes. BUT AT THE SAME TIME THERE ARE ADULTS THEIR AGE THAT ARE WAY MORE ACCEPTI- i need to stop before i get trapped in this circular argument that i’ve had 19218839 times with myself before - this is already so much longer than i thought it’d be lmfao.
reason 2? and here’s where i feel fake and dumb. something in me resonates with bisexuality.
JESUS, my hands TINGLED and my FACE tingled and it’s starting to heat up right now because i never, ever, ever got that in words, let alone WRITING. because that would make it a real, concrete argument. and maybe no i dont think so elina, stop right theeree duedddeee
i dont know.
i dont know.
i dont.
referring back to ‘if i was white, i would have probably come out as bisexual a long time ago’, i know that i would have come out as bisexual if i was white because i feel they have way less to consider when doing so. that’s not to assume that all white people have caring, understanding and liberal parents (but let’s face it dude, white parents are more likely to come around to the idea and other ideas in today’s society that rigid, asian parents would not. might just research into that, lol). a white girl can and will marry a girl if they feel like it, and that’s amazing, that’s so good, that’s so cool that they don’t have maybe other questions that halt this process like: - okay but HOW willing am i to marry a woman? - how plausible is a relationship with a girl? cause, ladies and gents and everything in between, these questions are always pinned under ‘what percentage of me would be with a man rather than a woman’ because fucking damn it, weddings are MAN an d WOMAN AND BITCH IF I AM WHAT IM SCARED TO BE WHAT IF MY HEART LEADS ME TO A WOMAN AND NOT A MAN. think of all the disappointment. white families aren’t as extended as asian families - the news would spread like a vicious wildfire. the prospect of bisexuality for an asian person or a person of colour generally is always pinned with this disgusting, self-denying statement that they really don’t want to think:
‘even if i am, there’s like a bigger chance i’ll marry a man so it doesn’t really matter, right?’
that bigger chance will forever stem from these expectations set by their families, i think.
and it’s always that question that makes them think ‘WELL shit i guess i aint then considering i practically negotiated my sexuality: u cant do that rookie, sexuality is SET IN STONE, so there’s no way you’re that sexuality. you’re only saying it because it’s a thing in society to be.’
it’s just why i dont believe in labels in general, and i love dan’s video so much for dedicated a section towards the matter. sexuality to me is fluid. the only thing that kind of makes it concrete are those labels. labels are great for some people: it gives them a name, a sense of normality in such a heteronormative society. but there’s a negative in that no one can simply just. be.
i wanna.
i dont wanna really.
sigh, am i just trying to align myself with society today? this label-filled society where your worth comes from how many labels you have slapped onto your blazer? it’s like those little patches those sporty, intelligent girls got in assemblies for being leader of the netball team or for excelling in ‘resilience’ or whatever that heck that means. those patches, except they have ones for ‘brown’ +1 point! ‘female’ +1 point! ‘sexually-confused’ +1 point! unless u think ur str***ht, in which case -2 points! where was i going with this AGH my brain isn’t being cohesive it’s just spitting shit everywhere.
another thing that makes me deny it all is my friend. let’s call her peach: she’s brown, muslim, pakistani, has very strict parents, but is still happy to identify as ‘gay’ to the world, and that’s amazing. but it sort of makes me wonder why i haven’t done that yet = thus suggesting ‘yeah im not REALLY, i would’ve felt it like she did in year 8, felt more passion for it - and i dont even have parents as strict as hers, so i can’t be!’ but her sexuality has also been generally fluid: she’s dating a guy at the moment, and has practically abandoned labels for the time being. goals lol.
what the fuk am i saying oh my goddddddd i can’t even make sense of it because i feel like im being super insensitive towards white people sigh forget it im going to bed, maybe i’ll string together something that makes bloody SENSE. its 3am egghj.
EDIT: I POSTED THIS ON RREI-CHAN AFHIAFAHIFA it wasn’t up for long, could’ve been so much worse, could’ve been on ryuga-zuki
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Alright, you know what?...
... I’m gonna go w/ the devil I know here. And right now? That’s original Woz.
Oh, yeah, and I watched a raw of Zi-O 17.
In no order at all.
Also, note that from here on out, I will refer to ‘original Woz’ simply as Woz, and New Woz as just that:
He can change the future by writing in his Nook? That seems kinda OP. I’m assuming there are constraints on it.
My hunch feeling rn is that the original quartet is gonna be ‘squad’ and that New Woz is gonna be... Not squad?
Hmmm... Things I’d most likely love: everything repeatedly going on about Geiz and Sougo killing each other/having to fight and them never doing that bc we make our own future here; someone pulling a loophole; not having the Zi-Ot3 turn on each other at all, despite everyone telling them they will (kinda related to the above); Woz getting backstory (that’s a given); learning what Woz and Geiz’s history is; Woz getting a redemption arc if he needs one and not being a manipulative meanie; the Zi-Ot3 deciding that they want to make their own future where none of them have to kill each other and things are happy; Woz deciding to humour them and play along, then one day realising he’s become the mask and gotten suckered in; Woz fighting New Woz for the others’ sake (like if New Woz is against the third timeline idea, or something) and getting his Driver; hell, we could move up to Zi-Ot4, I would be down for that.
And the award for realising when there are two of someone goes too... Not Tsukuyomi. Seriously girl, get your eyes checked?
Oh, yeah, and the boys are still super in sync. See? Proof that they’re meant to work together.
I feel like KR Shinobi’s henshin had references, but it’s been too long since I watched Ninninger. The frog. Definitely the frogs, I remember the frogs.
I’m waiting for Geiz to be like ‘Two of Woz? Just what the world needs!’
Yeah, seriously. No way he’s going to trust some random version of Woz just bc he’s got a beret.
Hey, Toei, please don’t make Geiz into a villain? Please? For me? Oh, what am I saying, Toei doesn’t care about me. But I would love if everything is about how they’re going to fight... But then never do, except maybe at the end where they decide they’d better fulfil the prophecy--by having  pillow fight or something.
Confession time, though: I know I whine about him a lot, but I am actually quite fond of Woz. I just wish he’d, you know, stop trying to force Sougo into becoming something he doesn’t want to be (aka murderous tyrant)--or if he’s not doing that... Well, then I’d love to know that, so that I can stop holding it against him.
Also if he could not be a manipulative bastard. Though it hasn’t been quite as bad since that one ep...
Another thought, though... Except when he’s openly obnoxious and pushing the Ouma Zi-O card, Tsukuyomi seems quite civil with him... Which might indicate that part of the issue between him and Geiz is personal. I mean, I do like the brothers theory, but I’m open.
God, would they be twins? Or would one of them be older? My first thought would be Woz, but who knows?
But this could hit all of my darlings--all the friendship, from reluctant to friends-enemies-friends again, us against the world, emotionally awkward, very earnest boos who are too good and honest to be assassins--seriously, honey, what are you doing here?
Okay, I’m very tired and getting nonsensical. But also Keisuke looks like he’s having the time of his life, and I respect that.
Ugh, this Nook! Geiz, tell him to stop, apparently he likes you.
I feel like the last thing Geiz wants is a Woz following him around.
The tentative squad breakdowns are Geiz/Sougo and Woz/Tsukuyomi and that is kinda hilarious to me. XD
(Tentative bc I’m still unsure about Woz)
HE HAS A HOOD. WHY ARE YOU WEARING A BERET. Also I don’t like his laugh. Woz, kill him and take his stuff! But... Leave the beret.
Also, I think Tsukuyomi has been wearing a sweater and skirt all this time, and honestly, cute.
A big thing here is that Geiz and Tsukuyomi don’t know New Woz at all--like, Woz is the one they’re familiar w/. I really hope the show has them do the same thing I am--stick w/ the Woz you know.
Seriously, I feel like Keisuke is deliberately making New Woz seem as untrustworthy as possible and it’s working.
Sougo, stop getting distracted, and look where you’re waving that! It’s okay, Geiz, he doesn’t mean it. He’s just dumb. ^^
Alright, time to see if Geiz can pass the spot the difference test. Tsukuyomi failed, Sougo passed, and person who's double it is isn’t allowed to play. You’re up, sweetie. You get a pass on last time, bc you were out of commission, but even though you’re my son and I love you dearly, I don’t have high hopes.
No, wait. Oh, come on, guys, at least give him a chance to guess!
He was just plain ready to fight him, oh my god. I love my son so much.
This part of why I’m so excited to see him and Ryuga together. Bc while Geiz is like, very intense and serious ‘we must go fight things’ Ryuuga is all cheerful ‘Yeah! Let’s fight things!’ Both of them respond to stuff by trying to fight it, just in different ways.
Also, Woz looks vaguely concerned there? Might just be general concern for the situation though. Watch it, dude, I might start to think you’re worried about Geiz.
Accidentally paused at a moment where New Woz looks like he is attempting to take flight. Would not put it past him in that outfit.
Not sure what the outfit has to do with this, but I’m too tired to delete anything now.
And thus, everyone was very fucking confused.
Woz looks offended. Pretty sure Geiz has even less clue what’s happening.
Like, we can’t see him through the helmet, but he really seems like he’s considering backing away slowly or something.
It’s like that ‘I’m not sure what x is and at this point I’m afraid to ask’ thing.
I think Geiz is literally in shock. Actually, I think everyone is in shock. Like, they’re all just standing here staring. Honestly? That’s what I’d be doing.
So... Did alternate future Geiz send New Woz, or is New Woz just... Here on his own?
New Woz be like ‘hey, bitch, I can transform!’ But now I’m also wondering where he got the Driver.
Also, like, I know my mind control fic was spawned from a thought I had, but... Like, that’s a way I could accept it. Like, if someone--maybe New Woz, maybe someone else--tries to enforce one of the timelines by using it on Geiz or Sougo or both to make them fight? That I’d take. I just really want this to be ‘started out as enemies and became friends’? Like w/ Spectre.
Oh, my, I do like his Henshin, though...
Also, the freaking Ride Watch does sound confused, that’s hilarious.
The beret still looks weird, though.
Also I... I do still like the suit. I like it. I mean, I like it in a different way than I love Cross-Z and Geiz’s suit (and get me started on the beauty of RabbitDragon in Be The One!), but... I love it. I love goofy suits. I love glowy. I love the neon. I love it. Just don’t think I love the person inside of it atm.
Well, that’s a justification for why everyone just stands and watched the tertiary fight. They’re all too shocked to do anything.
I love how Tsukuyomi’s like ‘O.o Woz transformed!’ while standing next to Woz.
That’s cheating, you.... Glow stick!
Oh, I do like this suit actor, though. Love the motion style.
One the other hand, though. This is proof the future can change. So they could decide to try changing it more.
Also kinda hope Geiz is just like ‘Well, he didn’t say I had to do it right now...’
Seriously, though, that’s a very evil laugh. It’s making me uncomfortable. Keisuke, why are you good at your job?
Preview: Please, Toei, don’t go where I am slightly afraid you will go w/ this. You did right by me before, do it again. I mean, Geiz didn’t sound to happy about New Woz, there? And it played over a clip of his looking annoyed? So.. Hope? Maybe New Woz is what ends up driving the squad to be come a squad? Though... are they just gonna pop into the future to get Kinji, like... How are we  doing this? Woz is probably gonna use this to jump in and be a nasty manipulative jerk face again, hope he grows out of that. But despite that, in terms of something like trust, I prefer him to New Woz. Call me crazy, that just... Unnerves me. And think he’s meant to?
Whelp, that’s all. Internet pizza for anyone who read all that nonsense.
I am very tired now, so I’m gonna go to bed, but that was interesting. Hope this ends up bringing my kids together even more instead of pushing them apart, though can’t be sure from the preview. Well see...
But also, I know Shocker is on the table, but anyone remember Foundation X? What if they got involved somehow? Would it be the first time those two worked together? I feel like no, but I could easily be wrong, my memory of Shocker’s extensive history isn’t great. -_-;
Until then, a good night.
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casuistor · 7 years
Fic Questionnaire for Writers and Readers
I was tagged by @all-my-lovely-fics​, thank you :)
Number you favorite characters from one fandom ( in any order you want ) 1-12 Fandom choice : Death Note (this is a DN blog after all, heh)) I don’t think I actually have 12 “faves” from DN, so I’ll keep this list to characters from DN that I would write fic about.
j1) Light Yagami 2) Sayu Yagami 3) Naomi Misora 4) Shuichi Aizawa 5) Teru Mikami 6) Kiyomi Takada 7) Halle Lidner 8) Kyosuke Higuchi 9) Misa Amane 10) Yamamoto 11) Beyond Birthday 12) Soichiro Yagami
If you wrote a fic about Four, what song would you use to inspire yourself?
This is hard, ack. I think “Believe” by Yellowcard. It’s not perfectly applicable or anything, but it kinda works with his feelings about Ukita and such.  
One/Nine and Six/Ten. Which pairing is happier?
Oh EASILY Kiyomi and Yamamoto are happier together. Light and Misa set a hilariously low bar for happiness as a couple. Kiyomi and Yamamoto probably aren’t even all that compatible. 
Have you ever read a fic about Seven/Twelve?
Nope! I’m not even sure fic centering around Soichiro and Halle even exists?. 
FMK, but with extra options (to finish off the remaining numbers). The choices are: Fuck, Marry, Kill, Adopt, Live With, and Fight.Choose from numbers One, Two, Three, Five, Eight, Eleven.
Light, Sayu, Naomi, Teru, Kyosuke, Beyond. >_o. 
Fuck -- .....I guess this goes to Teru by default because I refuse to even consider living with Mikami and I was left with Light and Mikami as my last two choices. Like I just don’t want to come home at the end of a busy day and have an asshole lawyer glaring at me like I spit in his coffee because I left a plate in the sink that morning.  Marry -- Naomi seems like the most intuitive choice here. Naomi is lovely ok. Kill -- Beyond Birthday. It’s not even because I dislike him. It’s just that he’s probably the character out of this bunch who would mind least if he were killed.  Adopt -- Sayu seems like the most sensible choice going by age. :/ I can’t actually imagine being Sayu’s mom figure though that’s weird.  Live With --  Light by default. We would politely ignore each other and have obligatory civil conversations when called for. At a minimum, Light wouldn’t really get under my skin as a roommate because he’s tidy, not he sort to flip out if something is out of place in general, plus he’s not the sort to throw obnoxious parties on weekends.. Fight -- Duh, Gucci. 
Any favorite fic moments for Four?
This would be easier to answer if I actually read fic that featured Aizawa in any meaningful way, uh...
What tags/warnings would be included in a One/Twelve fic?
BUCKETS OF ANGST seems like the obligatory warning for any fic centering around Light and his dad, incest or not.  . 
What would Eight say if they saw Six and Nine kissing?
...the question is does Higuchi even say anything or does he just watch creepily and hope Misa and Kiyomi don’t notice he’s there.... Presumably if they were making out in his office and he was trying to get shit done, he’d tell them to get out. 
Last Question! Make up a summary for a fic including Two, Three, and Eleven.
Naomi and Sayu are somehow friends. Naomi talks about the LABB case. As Naomi describes “Rue Ryuzaki,” Sayu is confused by the odd similarities between “Rue Ryuzaki” and the “Ryuga Hideki” that attends Light’s university. 
 Tag 10 followers, friends or writers !
Sorry, I’m bad at this tagging people thing. Anyone who feels like doing this can fill this out and say I tagged ‘em though!
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Special Valentines Day Post...
... Zi-O 22 subbed.
Okay, maybe special in name only.
... I’m kinda scared, actually.
In no order:
GTFO Kuro Woz, I’m mad at you right now.
Poor Sougo gets Rider Kicked out of the Mirror World. Poor baby. DX
GEIZ! HONEY! BABY! You’re fine, stop it! God, why are you like this? I mean, I love you, but... Honey. Stop. Tsukuyomi, smack him. Actually don’t, that wouldn’t help.
God he’s so dramatic, though. I mean, it’s Geiz. Can’t do anything by halves here.
Okay. Wow. That was... Actually kinda a jerk thing to say, Tsukuyomi. Talk about not helpful. So he was wangsting a little, you didn’t have to go there.
Like, Geiz is upset bc he was looking at things purely as a, well, soldier, and briefly considered going through w/ Shiro Woz’s idea to stop the attacks and other people getting hurt, and is clearly being like ‘I’m such a terrible person for this.’ He expresses this to Tsukuyomi, and her response is ‘Yeah, Sougo didn’t even think about it.’ Like... I’m sorry, what? He’s clearly hurting over this already and all you say is basically imply ‘yeah, you’re not as good as Sougo’???? I will totally buy that she didn’t actually mean it that way, but that was very much how it sounded. You really couldn’t say something like ‘Sure, maybe you thought about it, but you didn't go through w/ it, why don’t you consider that?’ Man, no wonder he’d turned away from her when they camerawomen pulled back...
And then she just follows it up w/ asking about if he thinks Sougo will become Puma Zi-O. Tsukuyomi, how about comforting your friend a little? You’ve apparently got enough compassion to save the life of the person who murders your father in the future, but you can’t be bothered to show any for someone who is allegedly your childhood friend? Sweetie, I love you, really, but... Really?
Especially since it’s immediately followed by Ryuga attacking someone else. Like... Yes, I don’t agree w/ Shiro Woz’s plan, it probably wouldn’t work and sacrificing an innocent person is never a good course. But I can totally understand Geiz, esp given his background, thinking about it, given the circumstances (since there’s apparently no other way to beat Ryuga w/out a Kamikaze attack). He deserved a better response than essentially being told Sougo was a better person.
Again, I absolutely want to think she didn’t mean it that way. But that was what it sounded like to me.
Speaking of Sougo... Eh, he’s fine.
Alright, I may been a little annoyed at Tsukuyomi rn, but her and Geiz’s reactions in this scene remain gold.
Geiz just closing his eyes like ‘someone please shoot me...’
Also, the urge to punch something is just emanating from him in waves...
Sougo’s just lying there giggling like ‘whelp, no way out of this one...’
I... I thought you guys established this in the previous ep...
Oh, I’m sorry Tsukuyomi, you care now? Okay, okay. I’m being overly critical, I know. That earlier scene just really hit a nerve for me.
Sou is really cute, and also really good at the ‘sad puppy’ kind of look.
Geiz teleports to the front door again.
THANK YOU SOUGO. See? THAT’S a good response, Tsukuyomi. Not something that’s basically a guilt-trip. You want to mention it after, fine. It’s something to consider in the ‘will Sougo become Puma Zi-O’ brainstorming, absolutely. But you could’ve at least tried to reassure him a bit first, so it doesn’t, you know, come across as you telling him he’s a bad person compared to Sougo.
Again, I’m really sorry for going on about this one little thing. Like I said, hit a nerve.
Has Sougo tried to sacrifice himself at this point? Like, I don’t doubt he would, but... I guess she’s just saying theoretically? Or she’s referring to the ‘take me out if I go evil thing?’
Oh, wait, I guess he did try to kill his future self. I don’t know if that counts, though.
This is sweet and all, Tsukuyomi, but I’m still mad about what you said to Geiz.
I think ‘subjects’ is just gonna be Sougo’s little cute-though-also-obnoxious personal tic...
Now really starting to wonder if the ‘reason’ Sougo becomes Puma Zi-O was just... Always destined to be tied to Geiz somehow? I have wild and unlikely theories, but...
Angry puppy is yelling at sad puppy.
Seriously, as long as it’s also Sou I can’t feel threatened by Mirror¡Sougo.
Still trying to get used to Shiro Woz.
So... Did he write that, or... Did it appear? If you wrote it... Well, like I said. He’s strangely tolerable for this episode.
Oh, yeah, and:
Make up your mind, dude. Are you for helping, or not?
I still say bring back Woz.5.
Well... Technically he’s Kamen Rider Ryuki... Was... You know what, not gonna go into it. I already spoiled Ryuki up the wazoo in my Raw post.
I’m not even listening, I’m just watching him make the Shinji faces. XD
dude, it’s literally an evil, warped version of you. I’ve met the real you, he’s a sweetheart. Even Ron liked him. And Ron didn’t like anyone.
I love how every time we see this fight now, it’s just Geiz sitting down somewhere watching Shiro Woz get blasted. Which is a valid pastime.
Puppy debate! ^^
Mirror¡Sougo has the cutest ‘evilly confused’ face ever.
Still hoping for the thing to be that being a king doesn’t necessarily mean ‘ruling over’ people? If that makes sense? Like, he could be called the ‘King of Time’ bc he’s got powers over time, and it’s cool, rather than ruling it? Like, and I know many people didn’t like it, but, the way Daigo was nicknamed ‘King’ in Kyoryuger? He wasn’t a ‘king’ King, but he got called ‘king.’ If that makes any sense whatsoever.
 See, I definitely believe she cares about him very much, but she really choose her words poorly in that scene, and I feel like she should apologise for that. Just a ‘I wasn’t trying to imply you were a bad person or Sougo was better than you, I was just considering what this meant for him in regards to Puma Zi-O.’
Aaaagh! There I go again! Man, that one line just really got under my skin somehow...
Love how it does, like, a little laser-pointer effect.
In my defence, I wrote the most recent chapters of It Is The Clock’s Pendulum before this episode came out.
This scene is very serious, and heartbreaking, and sad. Geiz is my favourite.
I am losing it at Another Ryuga just chilling over by the tree.
Shiro Woz.exe has stopped functioning.
Weird sound effects when Sougo shows up???
Still wish they coulda given him more of a reaction. He does kinda do the sad puppy look, I suppose. Still.
Also wish Tsukuyomi could have had a better response to Geiz earlier... Can I just pretend those things happened?
How did he see the future? Did he just... Turn into Zi-O II on the way over? What does that even MEAN?
Sougo: ‘Fuck this timeline!’
The brief Woz-Fight is still funny. during this episode, I’d actually prefer that Shiro Woz win. But just for this episode.
I would always prefer that Woz.5 win.
I love how Geiz just... Doesn’t deHenshin. Like, He and Tsukuyomi are trying to follow this battle, but he just... Refuses to drop his transformation. For whatever reason.
Seriously? Your sword has your face on it and it compliments you? Who made these?
Yeah, Geiz is just literally blaming himself here. What do you mean ‘this time’ though? I guess... You mean all the times it was Woz? I actually think we can totally blame this on Woz, too. Though the Kamikaze stuff might have been a trigger, I’ll admit.
No, wait. What am I saying. This is obviously Decade’s fault.
The fact that it literally is is the best part.
Tsukuyomi, would it kill you to not let Geiz blame himself for everything this episode? -_-
Though I guess this is the ‘Tsukuyomi is suddenly weirdly angry’ scene...
Like... I’m really starting to think this is personal. I guess this is the power he used to kill her father? Pity we never brought that up before.
Though now that I think about it, that could be it. Puma Zi-O did use some sort of time-stop-manipulation ability when he dusted Dad, so that might be why she’s reacting like this.
Geiz, on the other hand, is really unsure.
Tsukuyomi, are you really that shocked that people have darker sides to them? You never met Kisaragi Gentaro, you have no excuse for (apparently) assuming Sougo has no traits that would ever lead to him becoming Puma Zi-O in some way.
Though I am admittedly not clear on what exactly those traits were... I guess his habit of being wily and the fact that wanting to be ‘king’ comes w/ wanting power? So... Ambition is evil here? I dunno.
I guess it’s all or nothing w/ Tsukuyomi. Though she could specifically be referring to ‘We have to actually decide whether or not we’re gonna kill him’ rather than saying ‘we should kill him.’ TV show cliffhanger tactic, make everything round more threatening than it actually is.
It’d be interesting if she and Geiz do switch up, though. Bc he’s the one who was super black and white (no references to any Wozes intended) about it at the start. ‘If I even think you’re going to turn into Puma Zi-O, I’m taking you out,’ and how quick he was to go for it in the Genm arc. But here... He seems really uncertain still (probably not helped by the fact that Sougo did this to save his life), while for Tsukuyomi, a line has clearly been crossed. It’d be an interesting way to twist things up if they do go that way.
Oh, yeah, and the two times Tsukuyomi talks at the camera this ep are still creepy.
I’m winder if the look Geiz just gave her was meant to be a ‘wtf?’ look. Bc it kinda looks like one? It also could be something else, I dunno. Maybe he’s just looking serious.
I love how we don’t even see him, Kamen Rider Kikaider just freaking steals the shot.
Also, hi Kikaider!
Why is he punching me, though?
Freaking Zi-O II Watch is freaking huge in the end cap.
Kamen Rider Zi-O takes notes from LuPat and only schedules this actor for two episodes.
Man, he’s very good looking, though. Even in that outfit. Bet he uses the wrench to transform.
The fact that this ep ended w/ Tsukuyomi, of all people, apparently saying they need to kill Sougo (like I said, could just be a cliffhanger scare-tactic), then it goes to the preview of Sougo running around w/ some sort of ‘studying’ bandana on (I assume it’s studying bc the summary said he’s cramming for finals, essentially. Or midterms.) talking to some dude in a yellow turtle neck and a denim jacket that’s just a little too short. Whiplash.
Oh, wow, he’s from 2121? So that makes him the first/only future Rider we’ve had that’s from after the year that Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and the Wozes come from (in any timeline)!
Also interesting, bc it means he definitely won’t be around in any way in 2019. Not even as a baby.
Oh, hey, Sworz. I... Honestly almost forgot about you. Sorry!
This preview is trying to make me think the boys are competing, and I refuse to accept it until proven.
Or if it is, maybe it’s friendly. Or maybe it’s just ‘let’s both fight this thing, and, I dunno, one of us can take it down.’
My guess is Sworz is talking to Shiro Woz, but my knee-jerk reaction was ‘no, I don’t want to play a game w/ you.’
That’s all, folks! Virtual pond cake for anyone who read all that.
Anyway, I’m sorry I had such a reaction to that one line (well, two, kinda) of Tsukuyomi’s. It reminded me of a bad experience I had once and just really got on my nerves. I promise I still love her, and I know she does care about Geiz. I think some of her reaction to the Zi-O II power may have been bc of (well, I at least presume he was) her father? Bc remember, Puma Zi-O used the time powers to vaporise everyone, and he pushed her into the trench to protect her? So this may be her being like ‘I want to believe in him, but that’s the power that I literally watched kill my father, so now I’m freaking out.’ Also, it’s a beloved style of cliffhanger for any sort of tv show to make things sound more threatening than they really are. I dunno if Toei even remembers that (WHO IN TIME IS GOGGLES THE DEAD PERSON?), but that’s my initial thought.
Geiz looks super unsure, though? Like I think a line was crossed w/ Tsukuyomi now, but the line started crossed w/ Geiz. And I feel like it’s been getting... Uncrossed? Like, he started this so certain of what he needed to do and what was going to happen (I still think his plan was to go back, do it as quickly as possible, then get out before he had a chance to think about the fact that 2018 Sougo was still technically innocent, bc he knew he’d be too conflicted if he did), but he’s been steadily becoming less convinced of it? So, like, even now, he’s the one who’s still thinking they can still change things? Oh, well. We’ll see.
Special treat for anyone who actually read all this way (or just skipped to the bottom; in that case don’t read any further! No JK, you’re fine, I ramble a lot, I’m sorry), is a random concept/theory I had: What if Sougo’s recurring dreams when time is ‘altered’ (Shinobi, and now Kikaider no I will not stop) indicate that he’s somehow... Super connected to time? Like... If it were electricity, he’d be a conductor, or something? But then, like, Geiz and Tsukuyomi aren’t like that, but they’re like... ‘Anchors.’ Like, there are people who are sensitive to time, and kind of ‘flow’ w/ it, but then there anchors who keep them/it moored/grounded or something? Feel like this was a thing in Den-O, but I don’t remember the details. But, like the reason Sougo is able to get all these ‘time powers’ is bc he’s so sensitive to it? But it also means that it’s really easy for him to get... I dunno, absorbed by the time flow? And, like, Anchors can’t get all the wild powers, but they also are either impossible or significantly more resilient to the time flow? So, like... The wouldn’t get erased/absorbed (at least, not right away/as fast) if they like... Fell into the time stream? Augh! I’m bad at explaining. Point is, Sougo nearly gets absorbed into time stream, but the other two pull him back bc they’re anchors and they ground him in a particular time/location/time plane.
I don’t think that made any sense.
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