#Kyoya has too many boyfriends
snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
uhhh gimme,, opinion on ryukyo,, pleaseee
OOoooooOOOo this is one I like talking about brACe youRseLF
Don’t ship it
Why do I not ship it?:
I’ve kinda went back and forth on this one a couple times, but I settled on the conclusion that Ryuga and Kyoya just make better friends (???) than a couple. Like I can understand where the ship comes from. They’ve both been through a lot, and on some level with how they express and hide their emotions from others IS something that they could connect with on a deeper level and maybe relate to each other about, but personally I’ve never seen that as going past being platonic. I do headcanon that when Ryuga is trying to process big complicated emotions and isolates himself without giving a lot of fight, one of the people who would seek him out and actually try and try to get him to talk about his problems is Kyoya. Just the idea of Kyoya recognizing and saying ‘You’re a jerk— I couldn’t like you even a little bit— but this isn’t you. This isn’t how you react. What’s going on?’ Is very— for lack of a better word— tender to me. It’s a concern for each other based on the mutual respect they have for each other’s strength that only shows it’s face on rare occasions, but other than that, they just annoy the shit out of each other and it would probably lead to a lot of fist fights that have no indefinite end. I also head canon that Kyoya might help him out with explaining romantic feelings and how to navigate those (or the lack of those emotions as for the most part I canon Ryuga as Demi/aromantic) as he is the KING of BOYFRIENDS and probably has a lot of experience with romantic attachments and emotions.
What would have made me like it more?:
Personally, I’m a sucker for headcanons, art and fanfiction. I think if the right fanfiction came along with the two of them growing up and healing and maturing I might consider standing by this ship, but so far I’m just comfy with the whole platonic relationship.
Despite not shipping it, is there anything positive I can say about the ship?:
Again, I DO really love the idea of them coming to each other for help for complicated and sometimes painful issues based on mutual respect. I think if both of them learned to control their anger and aggressive feelings then it might work out, but I feel both of them are too chaotic to be paired together and they need a more calm counterpart to help them be their best selves.
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, intro 3: beware of physical exams
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host club! jjk x fem!reader x ohshc
final intro details the last thing to check off before the start of the exchange event!
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
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in preparation for the upcoming days, ouran had required the attending schools and its own school clubs to complete their physical examinations. everyone knows that physical exams are just for the niceties, no matter where you go. it was also just a show for the students especially those who are fond of the host club. (y/n) was well aware of the popularity physical exams went for the guys, which is why she and ieiri always opted to do their exams the day prior to manage the sea of girls and help them when they need it (there was only a single time where she genuinely saw a flash of immediate help from them).
"(y/n), i didn't get to pre-pump my muscles, it would be such a bad first impression if my muscles aren't at its greatest," satoru said but he had been using his water bottle to do bicep curls.
"pump or not, girls will still find you attractive," (y/n) rolled her eyes, knowing that they would still come flocking to him, shirtless or not.
"i don't know, satoru-senpai, but you still look great," yu showed him a thumbs up in which the white-haired male grinned and threw him a thumbs up as well.
following the crowd of students into one of the grand halls, the sight was filled with many doctors and nurses on staff. in contact with kyoya, he mentioned that nurses will categorized my schools and would recognize their patients. no further actions were needed
"gojo-sama, please follow me this way."
"haibara-sama, please follow me this way."
soon, each member continued to get picked out until ieiri and (y/n) were left. a nurse showed them to seats near the changing tent for jujutsu academy to wait for the guys. the nurse looked at them, "front row seats just for you both, i'm sure your boyfriends will be out in a second."
a shiver went down ieiri's spine while (y/n) almost felt her lunch come up. ieiri laid her head on her manager's shoulder, popping a lollipop into her mouth. the rush of foot traffic dulled down as patients found their rooms or finished up their check up. sounds of cheers and squeals would be heard from a couple of hundred meters. they watched the ouran host club each get their chests measured for the exception of the munchkin and the androgynous one, only to for them to burst out chuckling every time the girls screamed.
one of the things (y/n) most enjoyed about her time with ieiri was how they can just enjoy the silence together, occassional words, but just getting each other as they people watched. this type of calmness only came so often for them both, seeing who they were surrounded by on a daily basis. great appreciation found for each other without being said.
"if you all can follow me, we will end your check up with chest measurements. feel free to change in the tent," the nurse directed them. there was no way they would be changing behind the curtain. sukuna's shirt was already unbuttoned all the way, chest tattoos on display. (y/n) scanned each of the boys, the walk as they followed the nurse, each were already undressing their button up except for kento. he was the only one who undressed behind the curtain, for the reason that he would be able to hang the shirt on the hanger.
the crowd from the few hundreds immediately formed, causing (y/n) and ieiri to lean against the wall with their feet on their chairs to avoid being trampled.
"he has tattoos at this age?!"
"he's so muscular!"
"they're shaped like volleyball players!"
"their uniforms hide their bodies too well."
something that the jujutsu academy host club prided themselves in was sports. it was the perfect getaway to escaping the baggage of the expectations of their life. one of their favorite ways in integrating club activities with sports is holding philanthropy events such as a baskteball tournament or baseball, their most recent one. the highest bidder got an individual date with their favorite host.
with this, their constant activity has led to their in shape physique, training together during gym time and volunteering their time with the sports teams when they can.
the two female members' face dropped in distaste, watching satoru take the show with his poses. though even if it was only their president actively changing his stature to appease the girls, it was obvious that the other four enjoyed the attention, smiling for them as their name got called to take a picture from someone's phone (ieiri, by (y/n)'s orders, snapped a couple pictures to upload for their online fan cafe).
"look at them, just casually taking my customers, again," was heard, knowing that it was tamaki once again. at least, he wasn't clawing at the ground this time around.
"alright ladies, make sure to come to our club specialty on thursday and our friday morning popup," satoru mentioned about their upcoming events, buttoning his shirt, while smiling for a photo.
"we also can't wait for your support during our sports days," suguru smiled, as he led the group. the crowd parting as they exited, (y/n) and ieiri making sure to keep up on the sidelines.
cue a lightning struck for the dramatic effect.
the two host clubs faced a showdown once more in the crowd, tumbleweed making its way.
the jujutsu academy host club president stepped first with certainty in his every step, as he leads his people through the doors, pushing through the ouran members.
satoru was feeling confident after accumulating all of this new attention, a plan of slowly reeling these students little by little, making them question their loyalty to their enemy. even if it was no stakes, the club pride is on the line, he'll do everything to protect it.
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in music room 3
"tama-chan, what are you doing with those pictures in your phone?" honey peered over his kouhai's shoulder, who was deeply interested in his phone.
tamaki's face reddened, caught red-handed. in his defense, he wanted to study what made them so popular with his ladies other than good lucks and perfect physique. however, there was one trait that he probably could test. he flipped his phone towards his members, showing a certain pink-haired male, "what do you think if i got these tattoos?"
"boss, you have to look as tough as he does for it look good," kaoru tried to say through his fits of laughter while hikaru couldn't even manage to get a word in.
"hmm... how do you think they got this muscular?" he pressed the right button on his phone to show geto and haibara.
"but what if i want more of like a slimmer but muscled build like them?" tamaki continued with showing gojo and nanami.
"well, scientifically, you would more likely have a build closer to those two if you were to work out," kyoya pushed his glasses, leaning forward to examine the last picture better.
hikaru pressed the left button twice to comment on sukuna's picture, "there's no way he looks like that. it's like a 25 year old body."
"maybe, he's on steroids." the twins shrugged.
"what is that?"
"if you don't know, then you don't know."
"itadori-kun is super skilled in what he does with kendo, as well as gojo-kun, isn't that right, takashi?" honey questioned as he sat on his cousin's shoulders.
"yeah, that's right."
"alright, men, it seems to me that we are lacking in the athleticism department, and apparently the ladies really like an athlete type. for the rest of the day, we need to exercise to the fullest," tamaki commanded.
"sir yes sir," the twins and honey saluted.
"hold on, senpai, we have less than a day to prepare for the athletic events, and we shouldn't tire ourselves out the day prior," haruhi recommended, it would put them more of a disadvantage than they already in for day 2 and 3.
"have some faith, haruhi! we just need to have enough work in to get whatever this pump is," tamaki pumped his fist in the air. twins already attempting to do pushups, meanwhile honey sat on mori's back with usa-chan as he completed full reps of pushups. she questioned where the gym machines came from, clanking of metal sounded as tamaki also attempted to complete such arm exercises. kyoya watched, as he always does.
'we're definitely losing this week.'
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all intros completed.
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tulip-room · 6 months
Kyoya ootori x black!Reader (Headcanons)
A/N: I hope I did this justice, let me know some things I can work on. I’ve never written for a black reader before so I’m sorry if this is insensitive <3 most of the info I use like hair products and stuff I got from my bestie so shoutout to her <3
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If you’ve been together longer he’ll pay for you to get your hair done whether that be braids, locks, straightened, dyed, etc.
He asks a lot of questions because he doesn’t want to accidentally do or say something to make you uncomfortable
If someone is racist towards you they’re going to wish they were dead. They will be losing their job, getting kicked out of school, and blacklisted in the career path they wanted to go in
As much as he doesn’t seem sentimental he most definitely has photos of you two hanging all around his room
The first time you come over you’re surprised by the items in his bathroom
You had come over and the two of you were having a great time. You were watching movies and playing games. At some point he had started playing with your hair. It felt so nice. “Sorry, is this okay? I heard recently that you should ask before touching black hair.”
“It’s fine, that’s more for strangers not for my boyfriend.” You smile at his thoughtfulness. Unfortunately your bladder had other ideas. No matter how many times you’ve been to his house you still have trouble remembering which door is the bathroom and what’s just a closet.
He laughed at you still not being able to find the bathroom and pointed to the door by his bed. “The one closest to the bed is the bathroom.” As you walked in though you were shocked to find various curl creams, mousse, leave-in conditioner, and a spray bottle with water.
“Kyo? What’s all this?”
“Ah, you found them. Good. I know that you usually bring your own hair products from home but I thought it would be more efficient if I just bought some to keep here for you.”
“Thank you, I love you.”
“I love you too.” And you’ve never believed it more.
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kinky-pen · 13 days
Plush (Pt. 6)
Rating: Explicit Pairing: KyoKao Summary: Having just come home from the supermarket, Kaoru finds his fat kitten of a boyfriend has already taken it upon himself to get stuffed that evening - without him. (Inspired by this) Contains: Weight gain, chubby kink, stuffing, soft dom, caretaking kink, mentions of pet play/catboys. Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
The bags were heavy in Kaoru's hands as he nudged the front door open, grunting a little with the effort of keeping everything balanced and not throwing the cartons of eggs on the floor in the process. He didn't know how Milord still found this entertaining, if his Insta was anything to go by. The thrill had well and truly worn off now, nearly a year into cohabitating with his boyfriend, and only one thing made it truly worth it:
Picking out the most fattening snacks that Kyoya would just love to stuff his face with.
At first, Kyoya had gained a little weight of his own accord - having an appetite only second to Haruhi and discovering more and more food he actually enjoyed eating. Then, they'd had that talk oh so many months ago, and here they were - Kyoya binging on junk to his heart's content and looking sexy as fuck doing it.
He was going to thank Haruhi one of these days, for introducing Kyoya to his """shameful""" love of burgers and fries.
The drawback, of course, was more things to carry. Kyoya usually came in to help him balance everything, but his boyfriend was nowhere to be seen as he heaved the overfull bags onto the counter. Strange.
He checked around the apartment: Kyoya wasn't having a shower, nor was he working in the study. The only trace of him in the living room was a couple of empty packets that he seemingly forgot to throw out. Bedroom it must be.
He probably should've known from the packets on the coffee table, but he still wasn't prepared for the sight he was met with when he entered their bedroom.
Kyoya was laying on top of the covers, surrounded by the empty wrappers of whatever edible snacks they had left when Kaoru went out. Chocolate, chips, cookies... It all lay devoured, the only thing remaining being the scant amount of crumbs at the corners of Kyoya's lips.
The shirt Kyoya was wearing would've been a tent on his high school self, used to be baggy when they started this foray into gluttony, but that certainly wasn't the case anymore. A mere XL was no match for all that luscious, flabby belly, distended from God knows how much food and thousands of calories. Now, it was practically a crop top, the seam that would once reach his hips now caught under the soft peaks of his chest, showing off pale flesh, stretchmarks attesting to how fast the man in front of him had blown up.
That was to say nothing of the boxers and long socks. Kyoya's belly was fully out, waistband pulled under it, but they rode up due to the sheer girth of Kyoya's thighs. Speaking of, the socks came up to midthigh, the elastic moulding the fat there into adorable muffin-tops. Kaoru was so lucky to have access to a plus size boutique that did them big enough.
God, he was getting so, so fat. So big, just for him.
Kyoya stirred, shifting a little and rubbing a chubby hand along his stuffed belly, looking oh so cute. His other came up to rub at his eyes, free of his glasses, and the movement of his squishy cheeks made Kaoru want to bite them.
The double chin looked delectable on him, too. Plump and thick. It just solidified how big he looked, couldn't even hide his massive weight gain with photos only showing his face.
Not that Kyoya wanted to hide it, but this was certainly breaking beyond the limit the other man had instated at the start of this all. Only a little, he's said, so confident that he'd only gain a little pudge to play with. That he'd only get a bit of a stomach and more ass. Now look at him, glutted and gaining like no one's business.
Because it wasn't, really. Kyoya said he needed to stay below outright obesity to look the image of the CEO of a healthcare company, but in Kaoru's opinion, that shouldn't matter. KO was more than healthcare, for a start, but even then, Kyoya was so happy like this.
"Mmm... Kaoru...?"
"Sleeping Beauty finally awakes," Kaoru smiled, eyes soft as he took in Kyoya's dazed, pretty face, "I see you were busy while I was out."
"I just got... A little hungry..." He explained, hand still massaging his gorged gut as it gurgled.
"Aw, my pretty thing," Kaoru crooned, "I don't think you even know what being hungry feels like any more. I think you just weren't stuffed enough."
"Same thing," Kyoya pouted, an overfull burp punctuating the sentiment, and Kaoru chuckled a little at that.
"You really are just my overfed house cat," He remarked fondly, thin hand contrasting beautifully with the thick, cellulite covered thigh it was stroking up, "Should get your cat ears out, it'd really complete this look. A cute, fat kitten who's managed to get into the treat cabinet. You love being my little kitty, right Kyo?"
"Yes, I do," Kyoya huffed, breath quickening and fluffy cheeks turning pink, "I just want to be your overweight kitten, master..."
"I think obese is more like it, look at your poor shirt!"
Kaoru pulled the aforementioned fabric up, freeing his plump chest from confinement. It was one thing for Kyoya's belly to stretch and warp a shirt, but just his tits alone? And on an XL to boot?
He leaned down, taking a rosy nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking at the sensitive flesh. All Kyoya could do, trapped by his own overstuffed stomach, was moan and arch, gripping onto ginger hair like his life depended on it.
"Ka-! Kaoru!"
"Don't pretend like you didn't know what you were doing, Kyo," Kaoru teased as he freed his lips and tongue with a pop, "Wearing such a tight little shirt, those pretty socks that make your thighs look huge, eating everything we had left in the house so that your belly was even more glutted than usual. You're such a tease, you know that?"
"I know you love it," Kyoya had the audacity to smirk, his puffy hands going to his still groaning belly and playing with it, moulding and jiggling the ample plushness there, "I wonder how many pounds this binge is going to add. I lost track of the calories after two thousand, I couldn't even think about it after I chugged the last of the heavy cream. I was just a mindless pig at my trough, wanting nothing more than to just keep eating and eating. I can't stop anymore, I'm just going to keep getting even fatter."
Kyoya Ootori could be a cruel, cruel man. He knew exactly how every person around him ticked, could out-negotiate satan himself. But still, what Kyoya loved about Kaoru was that he could meet him there every time, and they'd go toe to toe. It was pretty sexy, seeing how much they could rile the other up. How sexually frustrated the other would have to be before all hint of pride and decorum slipped out of the window.
But Kaoru was Kyoya's dom, and as such, he could handle Kyoya when he wanted to be a brat.
"Wait here a moment, kitten," He smirked, prying himself away from Kyoya's bloated side, "I'll be back soon."
There were a couple of half hearted entreats to stay, to fuck, to feel up Kyoya's swelled figure more, but he ignored it. If Kyoya wanted to stuff all on his own, that was fine by Kaoru, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't wanted to see him do it in person.
He returned with armfuls of his shopping spree, the foods as rich and calorie laden as he could think to grab in his haze of lust.
"Just knowing you eat thousands of calories, all on your own, is certainly very attractive, darling," He began, setting the packages down and opening one at random, "But I want to see you make such a glutton of yourself. If you're teasing me like this, with enough wit still in you to toy around with me, I think you aren't stuffed enough."
He held the cookie to Kyoya's lips, and the man opened obediently, letting himself be fed.
"I can barely sit up," Was his half hearted plea, though Kaoru knew Kyoya was more than happy to eat yet again.
What a cute little fatass.
"Then I'll help feed my little kitten until he's too full to even think," He soothed, watching as Kyoya's lashes fluttered, plump lips opening further and inviting more inside.
All Kyoya did as the feast drew on was open, chew and rub his swelling belly. Occasionally, he paused to allow some air to come up, just to release a little pressure and cram even more sugar and fat in its place. He was like a spoiled piece of livestock, being fattened so big by its owner; meat tender as it softened from lack of exercise and abundance of fat.
Kaoru was hungry just looking at the blissed-out man. Kyoya overthought everything, so it must be pretty nice to just turn off his brain and be a pet for the evening, his only job being to eat and be spoiled. All Kaoru could think of doing was sucking bites onto gargantuan, seam-splitting thighs, that button-breaking gut that hung down so sweetly over Kyoya's obviously hard dick.
Every now and then, with visible effort and grunting, Kyoya would shift a little, adjusting his thick rolls and trying to get a little reprieve from how stuffed his stomach was. It was weighing him down so deliciously, his distended stomach pushing on his diaphragm and making it difficult to breath. Still, his good, fat boy pushed on.
They'd have to upgrade the name soon, with all Kyoya was managing to put away - how much he'd probably gained in just this week alone.
His good, obese boy.
"Kao... I... I can't... eat anymore..." Kyoya panted, cheeks red and eyes glazed over, looking just a bit sick beneath the pleasure he was obviously feeling.
His good, obese masochist.
"Okay, Kyo, just go to sleep," He smiled, brushing through black hair, "I'll see you when you get up."
Kyoya awoke from his food coma feeling heavy, still rather stuffed, but immensely sated. The pure decadence of being waited upon in such a manner, the thought of how much fatter he would get as a result of all that food. He couldn't have picked a better boyfriend, a better feeder.
"Kyoya, I made dinner!" Kaoru called from the kitchen.
Despite still being stuffed, with all the smells coming from the other room, along with the steadily growing impulse to always have food in his hand, Kyoya's stomach gurgled.
Oh well, he had a little room now, and wasn't that just too close to hungry for a good, obese boy like him?
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andro-dino · 2 years
May I request some Kyoya with his many boyfriends hcs for my mental health por fAvoR—
- Hyoma and Kyoya are one of my favorite dynamics to think abt, ESPECIALLY in the early days of their relationship. Hyoma definitely caught feelings first and I think that caught him off guard initially because at first he thought he was just jealous of Kyoya, but when he realized he was also interested in him, he got very giggly about it. Hokuto and Gingka were the first people he told about it and both were very surprised. Hokuto’s overprotective dad instincts immediately flared up meanwhile Gingka was just kinda shocked because he hadn’t expected that at all. He was very ready to support Hyoma in any way he could though.
- Kyoya is very iffy about physical affection and he finds that a lot of the times, if his partners are cuddling with each other or smth, he won’t directly join, but he’ll still hang beside them.
- Kyoya does not like kids very much but he’s had to endure them many times because of his partners. Occasionally he’s gotten stuck babysitting Yu for Tsubasa (and after fury, that occasionally includes Tithi too) and Kyoya hates every minute of it but puts up with it because it makes Tsu happy (he doesn’t admit it but sometimes he does find Yu’s antics kind of amusing).
- Also love to think that like, during the shogun steel era, because Benkei has basically adopted the entire main cast, Kyoya is like their lesser second dad. Sometimes Benkei will invite him over if he’s doing something big for the kids or to help with training or something. He secretly gets very bashful about the things the kids say Benkei has said abt him.
- I think eventually, when Kyoya stops being such a butthead and starts thinking about other people more (and also starts going to therapy or something), he works on showing affection more openly. He’s still super stubborn and weird about it, but he has his own ways of showing his different partners that he does care about them, despite all his usual buttheadness.
- it’s funny to think that no one really realizes Kyoya is a rich kid until he starts offering to pay for expensive dates and stuff and they’re just like “now hold on a second here”
- If he ever does something nice, he never explains at any point what he’s doing. Despite what he seems, he is very attentive about his partners’ needs and will do things for them but never acknowledge it at any point. It’s really simple stuff like offering to do Tsubasa’s hair if he’s been really stressed or slipping in some subtle affirmations to Benkei when he needs encouragement. It doesn’t seem like much, but they always take note of it and appreciate it a lot, even if Kyoya himself refuses to acknowledge it ever.
- I like to think that Hyoma and Nile are the ones able to throw Kyoya off the most. Usually he’s very self assured but the two of them can keep up mutual banter with him and tease him more than anyone else can.
- Actually, speaking of those two, this is an idea I’ve been wanting to draw for months but just have never gotten around to, but I like to think that Kyoya eventually introduces them to each other and he doesn’t expect much of it, but they actually hit it off really well with each other. I think Hyoma is the one who was initially really intrigued by Nile and wanted to meet him, but Nile ended up really interested in him too by the end of it.
- This is so dumb but I think it’d be really funny if most people didn’t realize just how many partners Kyoya has at first, and so when he just keeps introducing all of them as another one of his boyfriends, other people tend to get really thrown for a loop. Part of it is also people just not understanding how Kyoya of all people somehow managed to date anyone, let alone more than one person.
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lady-lazagna · 1 year
sooo opinion on kyoya/tobio?
Oooooh I do like them
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? I do like thinking about their dynamic, though it's always platonic in my head (also that's pretty much the only time I think about Tobio... rip him). Also Kyoya just has,, too many boyfriend already. He's reached his limit in my head.
What would have made you like it? Idk tbh. Like I said, I already like thinking about their dynamic and expanding on their relationship anyway, I've just never thought of it in a romantic way. Maybe seeing some content about their relationship would get me thinking about it.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I like their rivalry in the show and the little callback to it when Tobio shows up in the Destroyer Dome tournament, so I reckon they definitely have the potential for a really good ship.
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honeysunai · 2 years
Hostess| Kyoya Ootori x reader
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Part six -  The Perfect Boyfriend List
Pairing : Kyoya Ootori x reader
General rating : Fluff, enemies to love vibes
Word count : 2k+
Summary: As only heir to your family you are bound to an arranged marriage with the third son of the powerful house Ootori. His cold behavior is only a mask for you to uncover when you stumble into music room number three.
A/N: I’m so sorry for the long wait and the short part. I have been through a lot these past few months especially with the quarter life crisis. I hope you’ve been all doing great. I promise that the wait will be worth it for the next few parts coming up (spoiler alert: some angst and some sprinkle of spice)
It took ten minutes before you had the guts to get out of the room. You took your sweet time to change into a cute silk pajama your mother made, you brushed your hair and even put perfume on before you left your room. He was waiting for you downstairs and you smiled when you descended the staircase as you saw him lost into a painting.
“Pilgrimage to Cythera, by Jean-Antoine Watteau. 1717. The real one is in Paris, but I have to admit it, it’s a rather convincing replica.�� His head snapped to you as you made your way right next to him. “It’s the birthplace of Venus, but the real one has angels flying in the background for love and sensuality of the painting.”
“I didn’t know you were an art expert.” He was rather shocked by your talent. 
“You don’t know a lot of things about me, Kyoya.” You smile and so does he. “When I was younger, I traveled a lot with my mother and she took me to the most glorious art galleries and museums you could ever think of. I met some great artists and got to learn more about the making and the philosophy behind art. The irony is that I know too much about paintings and so on, but I can’t draw for the life of me.” You laugh and he chuckles at your confession.
“I could teach you if you’d like.” You look up to your side and he was already looking at you with sparks in his eyes, one you only saw when he was being competitive. “I am no Watteau or Rambrandt, but I manage just fine.”
“I’d love that! In return I could teach you about some history.” You giggle and he breathes loudly, content with your response. 
“I’d love nothing more.” He says and in his eyes, it felt like he was surprised by his own words. He suddenly starts walking towards one of the many corridors of the mansion and you follow him to stand by his side. 
“Why did you ask for me?”
“To check up on you.” 
“Like I told everyone multiple times today, I’m alright.” Your smile was slowly fading. “I’m tougher than I look.”
“Why didn’t you call for my help?” 
“I just dealt with Tamaki’s little tantrum about Haruhi being careless and all that blah blah blah, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m not talking about them, I’m talking about you.” You stopped in your tracks and you pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance. 
“I’m fine. It’s not the first time I have to deal with rude assholes.”
“But one of them grabbed you–”
“I said I’m fine, Kyoya.” Now you were pissed off.  “I was trained to fight back those dipshits, I clearly wasn’t at the top of my class, but it helped me fend off my opponents long enough so security could come and get whoever tried to get in my way.” You took a step forward and looked up to meet his gaze. “I’m not afraid, I am not helpless and I am certainly not weak.” Your words were firm. He smirks as he looks down on you, but you see sadness in his eyes. “Are you okay?” He looked out the window and took a deep breath. You took his hand and tried to smile warmly at him. 
“I just need real vacations without all the trouble that we always seem to get ourselves into.” He admits and you giggle lightly. 
“We could go visit Seoul together for summer vacation. I could show you the best restaurants and secret spots I found over the years.” His smile was finally showing. “We could go just the two of us, so we don't bring all the trouble with us, but just enough so it stays interesting.” He chuckles but still looks in the distance. Thunder and rain still fills the silence in the night. You wonder if it would be a good time to ask him why he’s always shutting you out, why he’s so repulsed by a relationship with you, why he’s so good to you and then becomes a rude person– “Mori told me I was pretty today, even with all the bandages.” You snort and when he turns his head to meet your gaze you look away and start to walk again. “He said that it was a shame you couldn’t tell me I was.” A long deep sigh escape your lips
“Why?” It was quick and sharp. 
“Because he knows.” You simply answer. “I had high hopes that you would change your mind about this arranged marriage, but for weeks I’ve been disappointed with mixed signals…”
“Why do you want us to be a couple so much?” He sounded annoyed by your simple answer. 
“Wouldn’t it be better?” You said it as if it was obvious. “I thought that you enjoyed my company, my person, enough so that you and I could… maybe make this arrangement a little more real.”
“I can’t give you that, y/n.” He stopped in his tracks and sighs disappointed. “I can’t give you what you want.” Your smile faded and something inside of you broke a little. 
“Why not?” It sounded more like a plea. He doesn’t speak, he only gives you a sad look. He can’t even give you a made up excuse for why he doesn’t want to be with you. You swallow your tears and your pride. You straighten your back and become this cold proper persona you’ve always put up in front of everyone. “I see how it is, Kyoya. I apologize for trying to cross the line you put, it won’t happen again.” You walk past him trying to go back to your room, but his hand catches your wrist stopping you next to him. “We made it clear, I won’t ask anything from you other than a business relationship.” Your voice was shaking and you didn’t dare to look at him. “You told me you didn’t want a friendship and to start over but I pushed you and I’m sorry. I will still take part of my bargain and boost your little numbers and keep Haruhi’s secret if you were about to ask… I won’t be a problem to you anymore, I promise.”
“Y/n–” You walked out of his grip and slowly made your way to your bedroom. You hadn’t realized you were crying until a loud sob escaped your lips a few corridors away.
You tried to not make any more sound, keeping the sobs and sniffles inside, but you choke up on your own sadness. Damn it, Kyoya! Damn you! You were so angry and sad, after him, for not wanting you. And after yourself for believing he could ever want a relationship.
A soft creek echoes in the corridor and light shines through the dark. As if you needed any more attention right now…
“Are you okay?” Renge asks and you snort. The question of the hour. “Get in here.” She yanked you inside and made you lay on top of her bed sheet. She sat next to you as if she was your therapist. “What did he do?” “What do you mean?”
“You never cry unless it’s because of four-eyes.” She snorts and so do you. She’s right. You could’ve cried and panicked when you were cornered with dangerous strangers earlier, but you didn’t. But now you’re crying because Kyoya refused you.
“Do you cry in front of people, Renge?” Her ceiling was pearly white, but she put a poster of some video game character above her bed, internally you laughed. 
“No, not unless I’m comfortable or I’m too overwhelmed and can’t help it anymore.” She admits as she starts playing with your hair. 
“I think I got comfortable with Kyoya.” You let out a soft sob as you came to the realization.
“Is that such a bad thing?” She gestures to your tears.
“No, I’m not crying because of that.” You chuckle lightly. “I messed up.” You start. “We’ve been seeing each other everyday for the past few months and I thought that he started to actually like me, the real me… But I made a fool of myself… I thought we were on the same page, but I was in another library, I think.” Renge gives you a tissue and you dry your tears with it. 
“What’s so special about him that you let yourself be comfortable with him?” 
“I don’t know. He’s infuriating, aggravating, always trying to prove a point to annoy me… Always getting on my last nerve– But deep down, he’s caring–” You stop yourself. “I like the competition, the bickering and nonetheless I love that we bother each other… I love that he’s there, even if it’s to say something annoying or to hold my hand… He’s there…” You meant every word that you poured out to Renge. It wasn’t love, but it felt like it. You knew it couldn’t be love, true and simple love because Kyoya didn’t want to be yours, not even close as you wanted to be his. “I tried to force him into a real relationship he, oh so clearly, doesn’t want.” You started to cry again. 
“No you didn’t.” She sounded almost angry that you were thinking this way. 
“I– I just want to be enough for him, you know? I’m enough for his family, his stupid brothers, but I’m not enough for him.”
“You know what I think?” She tells you and you shrug. “Fuck him.” You snort. “Right? Fuck the guy, he’s not interested, fine, but make him regret ever messing with your feelings. You are enough! He clearly can’t see it, but I do. You’re funny, smart, sweet, you have a pretty face and a rather sexy body. You’re talented, hell you speak four languages for Christ sakes! You are awesome and never let anyone tell you otherwise, not even Kyoya. Because he’s the one that doesn’t deserve you.”
“You’re right.”
“I know I am!” She smiles proudly. 
“Fuck him and fuck all of this stupid arrangement!” You were feral. You were both laughing like the devil possessed you both. “I make my own stupid choices! I will find a husband that I will see fit for me, not for anyone else.” “That’s my girl!”
“Kyoya will be free of me and will do as he wishes and I’ll be happy.”
“Monday, it will be my personal mission to find someone for you. You won’t have to lift a finger.” You laugh deeply. “How about Asahi?”
“He is cute, isn’t he?” You buried your head in her pillow as you blushed over his tanned body. 
“Talk to him tomorrow, maybe you’ll even get some action.”
“Gross.” You were laughing so hard, you were afraid you’d wake up Haruhi, who’s bedroom was next to Renge. “Thank you, Renge.” You smiled at her. “You’re a great friend.”
“That’s what friends are for, lift each other up.” She slumped over you and hugged you with all of her strength and, oh god, was she strong.
You spent the rest of the night together in bed talking about your super plan to get another future husband. The Perfect Boyfriend List had six requirements: 
1.  He had to be rich
2. Handsome
3. Kind and generous 
4. Funny
5. Obviously interested in you 
6. Not be Kyoya
It was going to be easy, right? The list of rich handsome guys at school was long… Excruciatingly long, but not impossible! You and Renge were going to be the perfect team for that.
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After the terrible morning in Renge’s room where you both jolted awake by her alarm at 8 am on a Sunday, you were quietly eating lunch with the other hosts, not bothering to look at he who shall not be named.
“So you and Renge–” Tamaki quietly starts. 
“Don’t even start there you pervert.” Tamaki gasps. “I heard about your BDSM with Haruhi, stay out of my business.” A soft smirk appeared on your face when he was lost for words. 
“That’s not what was going on!” He retorts. “And I wasn’t insinuating anything! I’m a gentleman! I heard loud crying, then laughter, I was just curious.”
“You were crying?” Mori asks, concern shown in his tone. You look up from your plate seeing him glare at Kyoya. 
“We were having a girls night, we would’ve invited Haruhi, but she was busy.” Renge snorts, Haruhi rolls her eyes, but giggles. 
“That’s not what happened!” As the two of them kept arguing loudly over breakfast, you felt his intense gaze on you. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of looking at him, for him to feel the reassurance in your eyes. He deserved it, the ignorance, but a part of you wanted to look at him.
A distant laugh rings in your ears and you recognize him immediately, Asahi! You stand up quickly to go meet him in the corridor leading to the main entrance.
“Asahi!” You called out and he stopped in his tracks to smile at you. 
“Y/n! Hi! How are you?” You finally catch up to him, panting from the sudden rush of adrenaline. 
“I’m great, how about you?” You wanted, tried, to act as casually as possible. 
“Good! I was about to go on an early swim with some friends, want to tag along?” His smile was so bright and so gentle. 
“Maybe later today?” He nods. “Look, yesterday I had a great time at the beach with you as my guest and I think you enjoyed my company a lot too… What I’m saying is that I’d like to go on a date with you.”
“Oh wow! I am super flattered that you asked me out. You’re a great girl and I’d love to hang out after school.” But… “But it’s going to sound shitty, but I don’t like you romantically, I really like Renge.” You gasp in pure shock. When? What? Where? “I’m so sorry!”
“No! Oh God, don’t be sorry at all!” You laugh nervously. “I didn’t know, but I’m glad you told me, I’ll put in a good word for you.” He chuckles. “But I would really like to hang out with you too, as friends obviously.” He nods and you rush back to your table where Renge was already waiting for what you were about to tell her. “He said no.” It was plain and simple. 
“That jerk.” She wasn’t happy. Not a great start.
“He likes you.” It sounded less confident than you planned to. 
“Even a bigger jerk.” She was pouting.
“You asked someone out?” Kaoru asked, quite interested. 
“Yep and got rejected, no hard feelings.” You chuckle nervously. Renge was plotting something in her mind, she’s been quiet on the subject for far too long. “He’ll regret rejecting you.” She mumbled. 
“No, Renge, I don’t care I got rejected.” You laugh patting her on the back. “Besides, you could get yourself one heck of a boyfriend with Asahi.” 
“You asked Asahi out?” The group exclaimed, all of them were in shock as for Kyoya… He was silent.
You felt guilty for asking another guy out right after you got rejected by your fiancée, but it was what you had to do to get out of this union. Be someone else’s fiancée and be happy… You finally looked over at Kyoya and he felt cold and distant as the group were all yelling at each other over why you had asked Asahi out. He quietly stood and exited the room just as he did at last night’s dinner. You'd hurt his feelings, but so did he. It wasn’t fair play, but he didn’t want you that way, might as well find someone who would. Someone who would love you the way you deserve to be loved. After all, The Perfect Boyfriend List had six requirements: 
1. He had to be rich
2. Handsome
3. Kind and generous 
4. Funny
5. Obviously interested in you 
6. Not be Kyoya 
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— 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐬
✧ @gay-noble @vanicogh @hopeless-romanticnamed-s @idktbhloley @p1nkliquor @hellokittykuroo @batboob @kisskissshutmydoor @lemonrolls @hoku-killer @sunukissed @jessiegerl @lunalily19 @i7zha @asrainterstellar @arimoony24 @simp-lythebest @fan-g0rl​ @randobeetlehouse​​ @glomp-me @yeeyeebabe @maackiimoo @kaelysian @noendingtolove @luminaaz @thewendyslogo @eri0-0 @arielbillyboy16 @aangsupremacy​ @yuriklol​ @lillunna @lostsomewhereinthegarden @chocorenchin  @sukcama @bratb1tch @topmeyelena
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soupbabe · 3 years
Hi how are you what’s up? Mwah <3
Host Club Relationship HCs
Anon I love your energy I hope you're doing well! Also fair warning since this is the first time I'm writing for Ouran! <3
Also, I will be using They/Them Pronouns for Haruhi !
Tamaki Suoh
Oh be prepared to get SMOTHERED in affection
Literally he's so clingy there's not a chance someone would see you two apart (aside from Club hours)
But with him being known as the princely type, he's quite the master at romance !
He'll be celebrating all the small anniversaries and holding candlelight dinner dates for the both of you every time
Also remember the weird Tamaki is the Dad thing? Yeah, the position of Mommy (regardless of gender) goes to you now
So expect your ever so loving boyfriend to drag you into the Host Club's antics frequently
Kyoya Ootori
In all honesty he can be rather detached and seem like he doesn't care, but he makes it up with his reassuring words and and actions
He's very observant, so much so that it's nearly impossible to get anything you want to hide by him
If you're ill? He's getting you the best doctor there is stat. See a clothing item you want while you're around him? It'd arrive on your doorstep the next day with a loving note attached to it
To onlookers, it might seem like Kyoya might be buying your affections, but it's not really the case
Although he's in a host club, Kyoya isn't the best at maintaining his romantic endeavors due to his cold demeanor
Behind closed doors he is trying to be just as loving as you can be and it's easier that way too. When it's just you and him he could finally have a chance to relax and spend more quality time with you
Haruhi Fujioka
In all honesty, your relationship with Haruhi is as normal as it can be
I can also imagine them going for more low key dates like simple movie nights and dinner at their home
Plus Haruhi is like the perfect partner omg-
They can actually be so comforting when you're stressed and someone who you could easily be vunerable with
Haruhi isn't one too be touchy and clingy, but they'll gladly settle for holding hands with you if you ask
Hikaru Hitachiin
Although he's not as clingy as Tamaki, I put him in the top 3 for the clingiest people in the host club
He always likes having you nearby him whenever it's possible and he'll always be attached to you when he spots the opportunity
The boy just has attachment issues don't mind him
Also I see him being the more jealous one of the entire host club
He gets moody if he gets jealous, making passive aggressive remarks to the other person
If you point out that he was jealous after his mood is better, he'd immediately get flustered and act like it didn't happen
Kaoru Hitachiin
He's another host to give you the most normal relationship (as normal as he can be when involved in the host club)
He's less clingy than Hikaru and (in my opinion) the best host to manage a relationship with you
I'd imagine him being afectionate still, holding your hand to classes and leaving you with a small kiss before you two leave
He's also more understanding, being a great listener and a decent source of comfort
Takashi Morinozuka
First thing: you will be carried. Like all the time
It doesn't matter how big you are, Mori loves carrying you around
Mori is a man of little words, but his actions are enough for you to know his affections
He leaves lingering touches and small kisses, all soft and gentle with you
When he does choose to speak, his words towards you are filled with so much love
He's also very protective of you, intimidating anyone or any fangirls who would give you trouble for dating the silent host
He's so soft for you omg
Mistukuni Haninozuka
The clingiest host out of all of them (unexpectedly)
If you are taller than him, there's no escape from being climbed like a tree and have Honey latch onto you like a koala
He loves gifting you Usa-chan privileges and encourages you to stop by when he's working as a host
He also loves gifting you various sweets and cakes to try ! He loves picnic dates and brings in so many cakes for the two of you
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literally-inlove · 3 years
hi!!! can i request the ouran hosts+ kasanoda with an pop star s/o?? thx!!
Of course!
OHSHC is so underrated now with all the new anime it's sad. It's still in my top 10 to this day.
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
Ouran Hosts + Kasanoda With Popstar s/o (✾)
Haruhi Fujioka➛
Probably one of the only people to take in the news in a calm manner.
She knew you were a Popstar, but the fact you're now dating her? She was happy. But not because someone who was famous was now her s/o. Rather because someone likes her for her, no matter their status.
She has the hidden talent of singing and you love it whenever you two do duets of other songs.
And your fans love her as well, even though they've only seen her on your social media, and mistaken her for a boy. That's okay. What matters is that you're both happy.
She can't attend a lot of your concerts due to helping out her dad, but she goes with you whenever she is free. Not that it's needed. You give her private concerts.
When she broke the news to the rest of the hosts that she was dating you, let's say it didn't go... Too well... *Cough cough* Tamaki *Cough*
Tamaki Suoh➛
Man is IN LOVE.
An s/o? Who can sing? And play instruments? Love songs for life.
Would probably try and join in whenever you're singing to yourself, but let's just say he isn't... Greatest at singing...
He's so supportive of you whenever you have to leave the country for tours and promises that he'll be by your side constantly. As in he goes on the tours with you.
Kyoya sometimes has to drag him back to Tokyo thanks to how protective this guy is.
People may see him as this massive flirt on the outside, but he's really a boyfriend that can't go two seconds of being out of your presence.
The hosts are thrilled to know that someone else can put up with his shenanigans. They're even more thrilled to find out that he tends to be more quiet around you.
That is until he tries to show off his... Singing skills...
Kyoya Ootori➛
I swear this man is somehow more overprotective than Tamaki. But not in that "I can't let you go" type of way. It's more "Make sure to take one of my professional bodyguards whenever you go" type of way..
As we all know, Kyoya is in charge of practically everything in the host club. So he always puts on your songs for the time and forces everybody to listen to your immaculate voice. It ain't torture. It's a form of love.
He sadly can't attend any of your concerts, but he's tries to be supportive at home.
He can probably sing, he just doesn't like to. And fair enough. It can make your throat dry after some time.
Which is why he always has cough drops on hand for you. He is always prepared.
He's also in charge of your concerts. He buys the stage, the props, the lights, the employees. He wants the best for the best s/o.
And if people want your signature at school, he makes them pay for it. No matter how many times you beg him not to charge people.
Hikaru Hitachiin➛
He can't sing.
But he can play the guitar.
He loves to have you sit in his lap where he stretches the guitar to be in front of you, and plays it from there. He can also hear you singing perfectly.
He's grateful you're his s/o because you also help promote his family business. You wear a lot of the outfits his family makes to concerts.
Also extremely supportive and goes to all your concerts. Doesn't care if the other hosts need him back in the music room. He and his brother will go to your concerts.
Yeah. You heard me. Him and his brother. It's okay though. Koaru is a massive fan. Music wise and relationship wise.
Overall, good relationship. Doesn't help that the boy gets jealous easily.
Kaoru Hitachiin➛
He can't sing nor can he play an instrument. But he can write surprisingly good songs. The majority of your songs were written by him.
Like his brother, he's literally so supportive of you. He's the more emotional one out the pair and it really shows.
He wants nothing more than for you to love him. You're his s/o afterall.
Someone requested for the person who writes your songs, and all you responded with was, "He is nothing more than a highschool student who I had fallen in love with". Yeah. That started a lot of controversy.
Everyone wanted to figure out who this mysterious highschooler was, when he really was quite popular.
When Koaru told the news to the other hosts, they had apparently already known. Probably cause of Kyoya but yknow. Nine times out of ten, your manager is probably someone who works for the Ootori's
Everyone is overall super loving to see that Kaoru has found someone else he can count on.
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka➛
This one is gonna be short as all we know is that this guy is a massive, quite teddy bear. That is all.
He LOVES your music. It's something I tries to listen to a lot. If he's alone? Your music. If he gets to pick the song on the radio? Your music. If he has the off chance of picking the sing to play in the music room? Your music. He loves it.
He also loves to pick you up and dance to quite a few songs.
And allow to me admit this but just because he's quiet doesn't mean he's good at singing. I'm sorry. But he probably sucks at singing. He has a nice voice, but he can't understand pitches and tones properly.
He's like your own personal bodyguard instead. A tall mysterious man that's so damn quiet. Not mention handsome.
Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka➛
Despite Honey-Senpai being my favorite character in OHSHC, I don't know what to write.
He loves cake and being cute.
A lot of people underestimate him whenever you're out together that it shocks them when he drop kicks people to ground. Quite literally.
He is a black belt for a reason.
Another personal bodyguard except less intimidating. You know?
A lot of people mistaken him to be your little brother, to the point he has to make it known to the world that he's "s/o's boyfriend".
Overall, a lot of people just see him as this cute bean, when he's more than that.
Yes. He's an adorable bean. But he's also the devil in disguise.
Ritsu Kasanoda➛
This man does not know how to feel.
He tends to be caught up in his own Headspace so he didn't really realize that his s/o was a Popstar. But when he does find out, all he can listen to are your songs.
He's glad he found out. He lives for your taste in music.
He's another personal bodyguard. He's so tall and scary. But then you get to know him and he's soft and squishy with trouble socializing.
There have been a lot of people that admired him for scoring such a hot shot like you, and he can't help but love this attention, but it can be much. He has a private life.
He does all he can do to protect you. You're famous. He has to make sure that you have the best time in your youth.
Overall, all he wants is admiration and to be respected. And while he does get that from a lot of your fans, there have been quite a few who hate him because he got with you. Not that he cares.
All that cares to him is that you admire him. To which you do. He's so strong but a baby on the inside.
Quite possibly the most jealous one out the bunch here.
That's it. I wasn't sure if I should add Renge as yes, she's in the Host club. But she isn't a host nor a hostess. There were a few characters that I had trouble writing for as you can probably tell, but overall they would all be extremely supportive of you.
Only 3 of them would get jealous. Tamaki, Hikaru, Kasanoda.
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writers-block246 · 4 years
Can you write a Kyoya ootori x fem! Reader smut where Kyoya has a knife kink ? Thanks!
Authors Note: Omg I am so sorry I haven’t uploaded in a hot second. Senioritis has been kicking in lately lol. But yes I can write this, (especially with how hot that is omlll 😳) but yeah anyway, TW: knife kink, degrading
You woke up to the slam of your front door, causing your body to jolt upright. Looking around the room, you see the silhouette of your boyfriend. You shuffle with the blanket in your lap as you yawn.
“Hey, baby,” your voice still scratchy from your prolonged nap, “how was school today?”
You can feel the anger radiate off of him as he grumbled to himself, trying to loosen his tie. It has been a rough week for Kyoya. Though, you didn’t know what was going on, you had a feeling it wasn’t anything he normally handles at school. He didn’t answer, so you didn’t push the issue. When he finally got his tie undone, he glanced at you before heading towards the stairs.
“Upstairs. Now. I don’t wait.”
And with that, his footsteps echoed upstairs and you hear the door shut. You knew exactly what that meant: he was going to have his way with you tonight, whether you liked it or not. And you were gonna like it.
You made your way upstairs as you prepared yourself for what Kyoya was going to do to you. He had always been stern, but secretly soft. But there were some times where you didn’t know if you could even stand up, let alone walk. You had a feeling it was going to be one of these nights.
Normally for a night like this, you would make sure that you have on something strappy, black, and little. However, after a long day at home, you feel the need to at least change into a matching set. Kyoya has made it clear there’s not even time for that though so you stick with your floral Victoria Secret thong and no bra.
The door creaks open as your right foot peaks in, your whole body enters the door.
You suddenly felt yourself push against the door, closing it. As your head tilts up, your eyes come into contact with Kyoya, his left arm was leaning against the door. Your faces just inches apart. Your breathing hitched as your eyes darted to the sharp knife in his hand. The sleek black design along the ridges on the blade caught your attention first. It was easily meant for tearing the flesh.
He gave you a smile before slowly putting the blade against your throat.
“You see, there’s been some rumors flying around that we have a little thing, and the club is not happy with me,” he pauses before moving the tip of the knife to your chin, tilting your head up slowly.
He smirked.
“We can’t have that, can we?”
You subtly shake your head, careful to not slit any skin.
“That’s what I thought,” the blade moves back to your throat, “so tonight, you’re gonna be a good girl for me or this knife is going to slit across your throat. Do I make myself clear?”
His breath was hot against your skin. A blush  rises on your cheeks and you swear you feel the hot flashes all over again. Who knew he could be this... demanding yet so hot?
You barely managed to let out a “Yes, sir,” before he pounced on you. His lips meet yours in a passionate kiss, his hand firmly gripped on the knife against your throat. His other hand playing with the waistband of your pants. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip in hopes to gain entrance, which you gave him. Your hands made their way under his pants, and grabbed his cock, hardening at your touch. He roughly pulled away from the kiss before he started on your neck, giving you a chance to prep. You spit into your hand and work your magic. His grunts of pleasure only motivated you to double your efforts. You gasped as you felt a nip at your neck before Kyoya’s saliva quickly soothed the pain. He repeated the motion a couple of times before he suddenly pulled away.
You felt the blade push slightly against your throat.
“Now, get on your knees like the good little slut you are.”
You did as he said and started to pull his dress pants and boxers down, his fully-hard cock sprung free. You blushed slightly. You never got used to the fact he was so big. With that, you look into his eyes as you began placing kittenish licks up his shaft. His breathing halted and his left hand made its way into your hair, gripping softly. The knife resting at his side, as your tongue swirled around the tip, pretty little moans and grunts coming from his lips. It only encouraged you to break into a sweat, taking him into your mouth and bobbing your head up and down slowly. Your eyes meet with his lustful face. His head tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth slightly open.  Deciding to use this moment to your advantage, you slowly stand up. Your hand carelessly, yet so gently pushes Kyoya against the bed, as you now straddle him. You lean to kiss him, not noticing the smirk that rested on his face. Suddenly, you felt yourself being flipped onto your back, and the knife clear in your view.
“Not so fast, pretty girl,” he chimed. “You know what happens when you don’t behave.”
At which point, you felt the blade push deeper into your throat, a quiet and breathy moan broke loose from your lips. His low chuckle was like music to your ears, your panties already soaked at the thought of what he was going to do to you. He seemed to pick up on this as he reached under the bed, pulling out a set of ropes. The mischievous look was etched on his face as he bounded your wrists against the bedpost. The anticipation was killing you. You wiggled your needy clit against your thighs, desperate for some and any kind of friction. The whimper that escaped your lips was suddenly cut off by a burning sensation lingering on your wrists.
“Too tight,” you muttered softly, looking up to the grin smeared across his face. His hands made their way to part your legs slightly, and his thumb nearing your inner thigh.
“I know,” his thumb slipped under your panties, landing on your clit as he began to run slow circles against it. His touch alone already made your stomach build up those familiar knots you have felt many times before. His quickened his movements, earning him a low moan. Your toes started to curl before the sudden loss of pleasure overtook you as Kyoya pulled his hand away.
He looked at his finger, visibly covered in your liquid.
“So wet for me already, aren’t you, love?”
You nodded quickly, anxiously waiting for him to continue. He smiled before bending down so his face lined up with your pussy.
“You want me to help you? Even after all this trouble you caused me today? Do you even think a bratty little bitch like you deserves it?”
His tongue licked a stripe up your pussy slowly, sending a shiver down your spine. The words “No, sir,” barely uttered out of your mouth before he repeated the action.
“That’s right. Now you’re going to be a good girl and keep quiet, understand?”
You hummed in response before his finger ran along your slit, and pushed inside of you, pumping in and out. His mouth and tongue quickly worked on your clit, swirling and sucking on the bud with such intensity, you don’t know if you could hold it in. Juices threatening to spill at any second, his other hand kept him steady on your thigh. Your whimpers and moans grew slightly louder before he was now hovering above you.
“I said keep quiet.”
You swear you almost saw the gleam in his eye before you whispered: “Make me.”
He did, in fact, as his left hand was now wrapped around your throat, and gave it a light squeeze. The newfound pressure forcing you to arch your back, making his erect cock graze against your core, almost as though he were teasing you. At this point, your patience was wearing thin, and he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“You like that, you needy whore? You want my cock inside you? Tell me.”
You struggled to get your words out as the tip of his cock pressed against you, as he moved slightly up against your clit. You whimpered against his touch.
“Please what, babygirl? Use your words.”
His cock now lined up to your entrance as he lightly squeezed your throat again, his other hand reaching for the blade inches away from you.
“F-Fuck me so hard I c-can’t walk, sir! P-Please!” You begged him, instantly fueling the fire inside of him. With that, his cock that was previously teasing your entrance a few moments ago plunged into you.
The breath was pushed out of your lungs from the force of his thrust. You couldn’t help but moan.
“Now, now, darling. I need you to be quiet for me. Can you do that?”
You nodded shakily.
A rough thrust that hit your g-spot broke that promise. A loud shrill escaped your lips.
You didn’t even register him moving, as you were caught up in your pleasure, so when the knife was pressed to your throat you gave a sudden jolt.
“What did I say?” He questioned with a teasing  lilt to his voice. You could feel his cock twitching inside you as he quickened the pace. He was close and you knew it. Deciding to use that to your advantage, your eyes rolled back into your head as another thrust to your g-spot caused you to let out a loud moan.
“I.. just can’t.. be quiet when you make me feel this good, daddy.”
His thrusts suddenly became faster, grunts and groans flying out of his mouth as each thrust hit your core. His grip tightened around the blade and pressed against your throat to suppress your moan.
“I-I’m close, Kyoya,” you panted.
“That’s what I was intending, babygirl,” he joked as you felt his cock twitch inside of you again.
As you both were near your orgasms, you sped up your motions, your moans escaping your lips was easy encouragement for Kyoya. He let out a low groan as you felt the hot rush of come fill you up, not long after your orgasm arrives, and your juices rush out and onto his shaft.
With that, he collapsed on top of you, and you held him close as you both tried to get your breathing in check. The sound of your heartbeat echoed in his ear before he looked up at you as if you were made of glass.
“You okay, love? Did I hurt you at all?”
You smiled softly. You loved the sweet side Kyoya has, though he barely showed it. Especially after how it contrasts to how rough and demanding he is.
Your legs slightly shaking as the aftershock settled in, you shook your head as a reply.
“Oh no, you did quite the opposite.”
-Admin Maddie
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floraltypes · 3 years
Kyoya Comforting His GF
it’s kyoya x fem!reader just because they wear a dress, but if ur fine with that then it can be gender neutral . (hope that makes sense)
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Outside of the prestigious Ouran Highschool, it was raining harshly. It looked like no one was going to be leaving the building too soon, anyone who had any after school activities were commanded to stay longer.
The school couldn’t risk these special heirs to get hurt, offering food for if they were hungry while waiting for the rain to stop.
The Host Club were having a off day, just joining together after school to discuss next weeks theme. But because of the students staying, they decided to open up last minute, causing more stress onto Kyoya. He was able to make Tamaki and the others dress up in costumes from musicals, making that the theme with things the twins found in the music room.
You had just finished your theatre practice, pulling up your coat and staring out of one of the larger windows, almost admiring how gorgeous the rain looked on this day. Contemplating on seeing how your boyfriend was doing.
Kyoya and you met through his father. Your father was a owner of a very successful technology company, so with new projects the Ootoris and L/n worked closely.
Somehow, you and Kyoya just clicked. You had a certain presence that set him at ease, that felt he could truly trust you and confide in you, he could take a breath and be himself.
You felt that you could be more of yourself, being a shyer person he made you feel more confident. Kyoya always encouraged you to work towards your dreams, not stressing on your future as a heir and more as yourself. (He can’t talk much since he mostly does the same, but it’s the thought that counts).
Kyoya didn’t tell people about you, as of your request. For a long time you went to a different school, just recently transferring, and having a lot of nerves with being new and having a famous father. You decided to hide yourself a bit more, taking on your mothers last name, and not yet telling everyone your dating a powerful mans son, maybe the next heir.
Putting in some earbuds, turning on one of the songs you had been practicing for the show. You started to hum to it a bit, picking up your books and walking away from the window to try and find a empty space.
Soon a fellow classmate appeared from behind the doors, quickly catching your presence and rushing your way.
When you first joined the first year class, she befriended you, realizing you were much kinder than others were in the beginning, and after chatting more, she realized you really were a fun person to be around.
“Y/n-san!” She exclaimed, rushing over to you with flowers in her hand. “How was your theater club?”
“It was nice, practiced my song today,” You nodded to her, a small smile present on your face. “Are you still in that one club?”
“Yes, actually, do you think you could help me find a radio? Tamaki-senpai wants me to play some music and I don’t have anything,” She complained and you agreed. The both of you travelled to the music room, finding a radio that worked well and could play the music wished.
When coming upon the Music Room 3 doors you decided to go in and try to help her set up the music system. Haurhi was very grateful for all your help, thanking you and offering to get you some tea.
“No, no it’s fine,” You shook your head, waving you hands. “I think I’m just going to go and get some extra practice in,”
“Hey, isn’t that the one girl,” Hikaru nudged his brother, pointing over to where you were talking with Haruhi.
“Oh, yeah, she’s so shy,”
“Mhm, do you know what I’m thinking?” Hikaru turned towards his brother, both of their lips lifting into mischievous smiles.
“Haruhi!” Tamaki called, giddily skipping over with a large smile. “Is this your friend, she’s so cute!” He walked over to you, pinching your cheeks while Haruhi tried to push him away. “You could have just asked, it will be fun, the twins already picked out a outfit!” He smiled and the twins rushed over, grabbing you and shoving you into a changing room.
“Y/n!” Haruhi muttered, truly confused at what Tamaki was saying. “Tamaki-senpai, what are you talking about?”
“They told me your friend wanted to dress up as one of us, since she’s in the theater group herself and that’s our theme today. They said you were to shy to ask- Oh I swear, those devils!” His face morphed into a angry expression, going to go give the twins a piece of his mind before you stepped out of the dressing room.
You were wearing a beautiful purple gown, somehow it made you look amazing, hugging you in all the right places. You loved the dress, but not all the eyes that fell on you.
“Wow who’s that?”
“Are they adding a female host?”
“Takashi look at her!”
“Y/n?” Kyoya questioned, looking up from his notebook and standing up. You were frozen in place, not expecting all this attention, forgetting how many people really were in the room.
“Tamaki-senpai!” Haruhi yelled, now sticking her finger in his face. “She’s really shy, doesn’t like all the attention, tell everyone to give her space,” Haruhi scolded, moving over by you.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” Kyoya asked, walking up to you and having a somewhat softer expression.
“Kyoya-senpai, I know she shouldn’t have dressed u- wait how do you know her?” Haruhi wondered.
“How could I not?” He asked back, almost as if it was obvious. “Are you feeling okay, dear?” He looked back at you, taking your hand in his.
“Dear?!” Haruhi repeated, looking as if she would have a heart attack.
“Daddy has a girlfriend?!” Tamaki waltzed over, clutching his heart as if he was heartbroken.
“How does he even have one?” Hikaru inquired.
“The guy doesn’t even have a heart, how could he love someone?” Kaoru added.
“She’s so cute Kyo-chan!” Honey commented, a bright smile on his face. “Want to have some cake with me?”
“I was just trying to set up some music, not get dressed up,” You commented, still trying to calm yourself with all the people that were now surrounding.
Luckily for you and the group, a announcement was made that the rain had let up and families were sending staff to pick up their children. So everyone was to report to their original club rooms.
Kyoya was able to walk you over to a empty table while Haruhi made some tea, the both wanting to try and help calm your nerves. You accepted the tea graciously and the other club members slowly made their way over to you, now understanding and wanting to be careful.
“That was truly rude of you twins, and Tamaki,” Kyoya commented, sitting by you on the couch.
“Please don’t kill us!” The three yelled.
“It’s okay Kyoya,” You smiled at your boyfriend, placing the teacup down. “They didn’t know, I have to build up my courage anyways for the performance,”
“You should still proceed carefully, it hurts to see you scared my dear,” He told you, his voice soft, and hand intertwined with his while you moved closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Thank you. It’s still nice to be introduced to all of your friends!”
“You should’ve come around sooner,”
“Theatre practice has been very busy, I was able to get the lead so their has been a lot more work to do,” You mentioned.
“You do theatre, I like to think I’m a amazing actor!” Tamaki beamed. “Look at my costume and looks, I truly do fit the part,”
“Uh, sure,” You laughed. “I also have to do this one part with a classmate, it’s a sweet part,”
“Well I’m looking forward to seeing it,” Kyoya smiled to you, kissing your forehead sweetly. He did it without thinking, without remembering his surroundings, and quickly felt his face flush.
When it came time for your performance. You were all dressed up, makeup and hair perfectly fitting the character you were portraying. The Host Club were all overjoyed to see you up there.
Throughout the weeks that followed the day you met them you all became close. They all tried to make you feel comfortable and gain more confidence for when you were to preform.
Seeing you on stage brought a smile to all of their faces. You looked like you were really being yourself and having fun, they clapped and cheered at all the appropriate moments. Kyoya even was a bit more ecstatic than usual.
It was nearing the end of the play and you were onstage with the other love interest throughout the story. He moved closer, wrapping hands around your waist and pulling you closer, than reaching a hand to cup your cheek and placing on long kiss onto your cheeks. The curtains closed and all of the Host Club members were looking at the scowl present on Kyoya’s face, scooting away a little.
After the play, the seven hosts were invited backstage, to meet the cast and celebrate the successful performance with them. Kyoya quickly made his way to you, giving you a large hug and seeing you talk to the love interest in the show. He then kissed you, the other boy running off and you laughing afterwards.
Little did this jealous Kyoya know was that this was only the first performance, you still had five more to go!
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empathisex · 4 years
a/n: i got lazy and only did three members instead of 6, :/ however, enjoy these headconons.
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• Tamaki is extremely flirtatious with women in general, however when it comes to you it’s a different story.
• Expect Tamaki to take you on dates, spoiling you with many goods and treats since he has enormous wealth from his family. He treats you like a princess like you are someone he has known for years. Tamaki truly adores you and cherishes you like a treasure.
• “Even with all the gifts, I give you, [Name]. Even with all the hugs and kisses we share, those things can’t explain how much I love you.”
• However, Tamaki can be overprotective and dramatic. He doesn’t want any outsider or stranger putting his hands on you. Meaning if he has one of his special kicks or punches to prove his point. He usually doesn’t want you to see that side of him but otherwise, he has no choice.
• “Nobody dares to touch my beautiful princess! Don’t you dare put your dirty mitts on her, understood?”
• His charm and his good looks even caught your attention, you can’t even deny that. Plus, he’s very persuasive with his wording. Undoubtedly, he’s seductive! Tamaki will give you his undivided attention and affection when you want it. He makes sure aren’t uncomfortable of course.
• Tamaki also LOVES to have some alone time with you. The host club can stress him out from time to time, so he claims that you calm him down when you’re around and you’re just so adorable.
• “Ugh..Daddy’s little princess always knows how to make her beautiful man happy. So cute!”
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• One word to describe Kyoya in a relationship: dominant.
• Whether you guys are getting down and dirty, or just hanging out enjoying each other’s company, Kyoya always shows some sort of dominance. He can be a bit demanding, since he could be stern with his serious glares, besides that he is truly a sweetheart and he has no intention to hurt you.
• Restaurant dates, drinking tea together and having deep conversations are both regular things you both do. You two help each other with classes and assignments, you and Kyoya truly make a great team.
• When Ootari isn’t working on the host club, he occasionally sleeps on your shoulder or your laps since you give him warmth. He loves putting his arms around, embodying you like a teddy bear. Honestly, you remind him of a plushie.
• “Kyoya-Senpai, please wake up so I could help with the host club calculations and supplies.”
• “Mmh..later, just once in a while.. I need some rest.”
• When you guys first started dating, he was scared that you would deny him touching you. Slowly it started with hugs to kisses, and so on.
• Kyoya felt you wouldn’t take him seriously since he’s the youngest out of his brothers. He was looked over and he thought you’ll do the same.
• “I have to say, [Name].. even though I thought you will never like me. You grew interested in me and you decided to give me a chance. I love you..”
• Over time you both start to communicate better by expressing your love for each other with affirmation.
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• These two are double trouble, what’s better than just one? Two!
• Both Hikaru and Karou love you dearly. Before they had to fight for your love however it ended with you being a poly relationship. You couldn’t stand their bickering and chattering about you. They even got into a whole quarrel over you..jeez it was bad.
• “Hikaru, we both love [Name]-Chan right? How about we tell her how we feel!”
• “Karou..you really think you’re slick?You are just trying to get closer to [Name]-Chan, you clown!”
• “Hikaru, that isn’t nice! You take that back this instant! It’s only a suggestion, no need to be mean.”
• This ended up with you coming between them and trying to know what’s going on.
• Anyways, when you started dating the twins Hikaru and Karou liked pulling pranks and playing games with you, like how they do with Tamaki, but they’re more cautious and gentle.
• Both of them can be extremely sarcastic, they like to tease you since you blush and get embarrassed when they do. Usually they never mean it, still in rare occasions they’ll be honest.
• Karou makes sure that your feelings aren’t hurt with what Hikaru says, if your feelings are hurt Karou ignores him until he apologizes.
• Everything balances out in the end, Karou keeps his brother in check, Hikaru makes sure that Karou isn’t too selfish over you, and you make sure they don’t kill each other while competing about you.
• Besides them being goofballs, you enjoy their presence and comfort. After all, they are twins meaning they have each other’s backs. Even yours! Hikaru and Karou make you feel safe, together they both mind throwing hands on someone if they potentially harm you.
• “Even though me and my brother can be complete assholes to [Name]-Chan, we can't afford her to get hurt!”
• “Hikaru...”
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hannahlily · 3 years
Can I have sum fluff for Tamaki where his S/O makes fun of his voice in front of the other members? <3
A/n: of course, I love getting requests, especially from mutuals!
Title: A Simple Day (530 words)
Warnings: None, all fluff
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👆🏻Not my gif
“There you are my dear, how lovely you look today” was the first thing you were met with then you entered music room 3 shortly after the club was done entertaining its last visitor. Your every dramatic boyfriend Tamaki had been in your face in seconds with a compliment, still is his club persona and not yeah transitioned back to his usual clingy boyfriend behavior.
“Hello mi amour, how did the club go today,” you ask, knowing you would need to get the proper run down from Kyoya later.
“Just swell, though I missed your every so beautiful smile,” Tamaki says leading you over to the couches where Honey, Mori, and Haruhi were sitting. Tamaki say you down and threw an arm around your waist, something he did whenever the twins or anyone for that matter were anywhere near.
“So y/n what’s up with you recently,” Hikaru asks popping his head up from behind the couch.
“Yeah how’re classes been going, English has been giving me a real run for my money lately,” Karou asks, joining his brother's head in hovering over the couch.
“Math is kicking my ass but other than that everything’s good” you responds just waiting for Tamaki to tell the twins off.
“You two should leave them alone, they don’t wait to deal with your pointless questions,” Tamaki says trying to sound intimidating but falling flat on his face. You let out a small chuckle which only Haruhi, and probably Mori, notice.
“What we were just being polite” Hikaru responds.
“No your being annoying” Tamaki pouts, already stepping away from his princely attitude and into his pouty, needy, adorable self you had come to love.
“Tama stop pouting, you sound ridiculous trying to intimidate people” you joke, giving to hand resting on your waist a little squeeze. Tamaki looks taken aback and pouts more, everyone else chuckles, even Kyoya hiding in the corner table cracks a smile.
“Y/n right, you're not threatening at all” Honey says with his usual level of cheerfulness. Normal you would have made the sarcastic comments of look who’s talking but the prospect of Honey being woken up from a nap genuinely terrified you. The smallest boy could pack a punch. So instead you responded by trying to pull Tamaki out of his mushroom-growing state behind the couch.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I think your voice is cute, going from my manly prince to my adorable boyfriend”. At this Tamaki turned bright red.
“Don’t say this in front of everyone” Tamaki whined.
“But it’s just so darn cute,” you say leavening a kiss on Tamaki’s cheek before standing and walking over to Kyoya.
“So what are our actual stats for the day?” you ask.
“Well if our client could see that they'd be a lot higher” Kyoya joked.
“No way, the host club gets a private show” you joked back. It when on like this for a while. Honey and Haruhi eating sweets, Mori making sure they didn’t eat too many, the twins plotting their next prank, Tamaki being dramatic and you and Kyoya organizing the financials of the club. A simple day with friends, a truly good day.
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Okay, I can give you two if you want. Both for Ohshc. How about the host club finding out that Honey has an extremely tall boyfriend and the second is they meet Kyoya's fiance in an unexpected way. Sorry, I'm not good with scenarios. And both can be male reader💜
Kyoya Ootori x male reader
Y’all didn’t see that last post, okay?
Sorry, I don’t feel like I could write for Honey. Cause he’s like, y’know, lolita and I know he’s a third year and can beat my ass into next week but it feels… wrong. Sorry
Requested: Yes
Headcanons of the host club meeting Kyoya’s fiancé .
Now, I don’t know if this was an arranged marriage or if you just started dating and then your families were like, “Oh, time to capitalize on your relationship, join our business. Let’s go!”
But either way, you’re happily in love~
So, you had an innocent sleepover with Kyoya.
You wake up with Kyoya in your arms, but since he’s a heavy sleeper and a low blood pressure lord and you’re hungry, you decide to get up and start your day.
You do all your bathroom necessities and realize that you’ve forgotten your clothes outside the bathroom.
So you decide to change inside Kyoya’s bedroom, you’ve seen each other naked, and Kyoya’s not the type to get horny just by seeing somebody changing.
No harm, no foul, right?
Wrong, sort of.
As you’re changing, really you’re just shirtless and mid-way through pulling a shirt over your head, the host club walks in.
Utter silence as the hosts stare at you.
You awkwardly put on your shirt and then Tamaki just screams
Waking up Kyoya
The low blood pressure lord rises, an intimidating aura surrounding him.
Tamaki screamed again, hiding behind the twins, who are trying to hide too.
After being scolded by your sweet fiancé, they explain they wanted to do another one of their commoner mall explorations.
Kyoya slumps back into bed, but he can’t fall back asleep because now that Kyoya’s not the priority, you are.
They’re shouting questions now, making you slowly retreat over to Kyoya’s side.
He rose again with another, “Tamaki…” even though he wasn’t the only culprit now.
“He’s just my fiancé.”
He was about to slump down again before Tamaki shrieked again.
There was no going back to sleep now.
Kyoya goes to do his morning routine, bringing his clothes into the bathroom but not locking it because he knows sometime you’ll try to take refuge there.
But you have pride, so therefore, you sit in a chair in the room, nervous to all hell.
And they’re bombarding you with questions again, so many that you can’t even answer them. They’re all coming out in a jumbled mess.
After a few minutes, you’ve had enough.
You’re gone.
Into Kyoya’s bathroom.
“Have you had enough of them, darling?”
You nodded.
When he’s done changing he takes your hand in his and gives you some words of encouragement.
“They’re simple-minded idiots, and they’re the people I call friends. They won’t judge us, and as long as I’m there, I can make them ask you questions properly. But in the small possibility that they do judge us, I won’t hesitate to drop the host club, I love you.”
And you walk out to face them together.
Kyoya certainly put them in their place, they were being proper now. He answered most of the questions, seeing as these were his friends.
The host club doesn’t judge you, and you’re such a wonderful person that they pick you up as their friend straight away.
They do feel a little betrayed that y’all didn’t tell them though
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falling-pages · 4 years
A Weight you were not Meant to Shoulder: Kyoya x Tamaki
I DEFINITELY CRIED while writing this. But I love them so much. They have their own flaws and issues, but they deserve the world.
- “You don’t have to do this.”
Kyoya shrugged as Tamaki wrapped his arms around him. The funeral had ended less than an hour ago, but the will reading had ended even before that, leaving Kyoya in a state of shock during the burial. His heart had thumped wildly out of his chest as he watched his father’s casket lowered into the ground, surrounded by his brothers and sister and Tamaki. Yes, even Tamaki. He had held him close throughout, and Kyoya drew strength from his arms he knew he did not possess at the moment in himself.
He was barely 24. And he had been willed the Ootori Group.
“It’s what my father wanted,” Kyoya said. They were walking back to the car. Tamaki hadn’t let go of his hand since the will reading. “Clearly. He thought I deserved it.”
“You do deserve it,” Tamaki assured him. “But the question is, do you want it?”
Kyoya stopped, letting the dew soak his new shoes. It didn’t matter. He could buy new ones. He could buy as many pairs of shoes as he wanted, now that he owned the Ootori Group.
He looked back to the tent, where his brothers were talking with the funeral director. He didn’t know what they were discussing, but he knew they wouldn’t tell him. He couldn’t tell what they were thinking about this whole situation--they didn’t speak after the will reading, and none of them had ever shown any strong interest in the family business. And they all had handsome inheritances, but none quite so bountiful as Kyoya’s.
“I thought he hated me,” Kyoya mumbled, forgetting Tamaki’s question. “All my life he would pit me against my brothers. For years he would torment me with talk of their accomplishments like I wasn’t just a child. How many nights I lost sleep researching and doing work and slaving away for that man to just seem worthy of his love--”
He stopped and gripped his lover’s hand, the only thing keeping him from falling into the abyss he was teetering on the edge of. Tamaki slung himself around him, cradling his head to his chest and petting his hair. He began to coo, and though ridiculous, Kyoya found comfort in the steady compassion and love he had often taken for granted from his boyfriend. 
“I thought I wanted the Ootori Group,” Kyoya sobbed, unleashing the tears he was too shocked to spill during the ceremony. “But I just wanted his love.”
Tamaki guided them to the nearest bench in the cemetery, where he sat against the fine wood while Kyoya cried into him. Normally they didn’t do PDA, but Tamaki felt a resolve grow in his core. There is no way Kyoya would ever feel this sad again. Not if he could help it.
He’d lasso the moon and all the stars if it made him happy.
“Kyoya,” Tamaki hummed, pulling his boyfriend tighter into his arms, “you are worthy of love. You are worthy of every kind of love, every filling, deep, romantic, familial, platonic, sacrificial love. You are worthy of every good thing the universe sees fit to give you, and even then that is not enough--I’ll wrangle it until it gives you every good thing it has to offer. I’ll squeeze it out one blessing at a time until you forget any mention that you are not good enough--because you are.”
He tipped Kyoya’s chin up and between each phrase laid a kiss on his cheek. “You are. You are. You are. You are. You are more than I could have ever imagined.”
Kyoya wiped his eyes and stared at his love, his thoughts shifted from how he deserved the Ootori Group to how he deserved the beautiful man kissing him now. What did he do right to deserve this life with his soulmate?
“The Ootori Group,” Tamaki began, taking a deep breath, “it is a weight you were not meant to shoulder. If you do not want it, don’t take it.”
He kissed his forehead, and a tear fell from his eye. Kyoya reached up and brushed it away. “You don’t have to please your father anymore. You can do what you want.”
You can do what you want. 
Kyoya considered the phrase, and a smile crossed his lips for the first time since his father’s passing. No more traps. No more slaving away for a man too greedy to be satisfied. No more high strung meetings, no more resentment in his belly whenever his father spoke. 
He kissed Tamaki, imprinting the word of thanks onto his mouth. And when Tamaki gave an excited “oomph,” smiling into his lover’s lips and dragging his hand through his hair, Kyoya felt what must be peace, for the first time in his life.
He was Kyoya Ootori. He owned the Ootori Group. Under his own control, no longer bound by the expectations of his father.
And for the first time ever, he was free to do what he wanted.
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ootori-sibs · 4 years
Kyoya's second shot
Episode two: The shadow council
The week passed without anything notable happening, Haruhi and Tamaki were a lot better with public affections, and it truly disgusted Kyoya, Haruhi didn't even seem to care that much about the king's affections- always seeming so disinterested in her godly boyfriend.
But that would soon change, he could get Tamaki the love he deserved. It was Friday after all, and everyone he'd emailed had agreed to show up. He watched the other hosts gathering their stuff to leave after he'd gone over the budget and weeks profits with them, he felt a fizzy sort of feeling- excitement. It was the first time in literal months he'd felt like this, usually he just felt sickened or hollow. He was almost excited to feel excited! He knew being evil would make him feel better!
He only had twenty minutes until everyone arrived, so he quickly made his way down into the second hall, it was still huge, but a lot more modest then the main hall. He set up a table, with a chair for everyone, making sure to set seating arrangements that would be the most efficient for how each person could contribute to the discussion. He set up his whiteboard, read to present his ideas in slideshow format as he was used to with the hosts- it truly was the best way to convey information to dummies. He even lit candles instead of using the chandelier, he knew the first thing to being an effective villain: presentation, and he knew that candles would go a long way to presenting his plans- especially considering his demographic. Of course he needed to accommodate the more morally correct party that would be attending, and the best way he saw to do so were via the snacks served at the meeting; chocolate chip cookies, small garlic crackers, apple slices, and some watermelon treats he'd picked up from a commoner store- specifically for the commoner.
Before he knew it, there was a shadowy figure in the corner of the room. Kyoya sighed, staring right at it. "Step out of the shadows would you Nekozawa, I hope you're not planning to usurp my title." He joked calmly, causing the mage to jump, not expecting to have been spotted so soon.
"My, my, Ootori-san, awfully perceptive aren't you?" Nekozawa sculked out of where he was hidden, heading slowly towards the table. "I'm intrigued to know what you have in store for this meeting of yours, not to mention finding out exactly who else you've invited." He sits down in his designated seat, looking over the snacks that had been presented.
Kyoya chuckles at that, inspecting one of the watermelon treats he'd picked up. "Well-"
"The president of the black magic club meeting with the school demon lord? Now this is a scoop." Ah, Komatsuzawa was here. Kyoya glances towards him, nodding curtly.
"You were looking for a conspiracy, were you not?" He questioned, knowing all too well the answer. "Sit down," he invited, gesturing to the designated chair set out for the head of the newspaper club. He watched as the Akira took his seat, looking around curiously and clutching a little clipboard. "You don't need to take notes, I will provide transcripts after the fact."
"Yes, well, I would like to take notes of simple details I note during the meeting, I know you'll be doing the same Ootori, I don't doubt the hypocrisy but I resent the businessly attitude towards your scandals."
"It's not a scandal until it's published, Komatsuzawa." Kyoya raised an eyebrow at him, knowing too well how he would have to reign this boy in. Akira wanted nothing more than to expose Tamaki for whatever he could, and Kyoya refused to let that happen.
"I hope you know I lied to my brother's face for you, why didn't he know you'd invited me to a meeting, what are you planning?" Chika Haninozuka stood there, still in his karate outfit, hands on his hips. When he noticed all eyes were on him, he began to walk towards the table, looking around.
Kyoya smiled. "Thank you Chika, I appreciate the lie." He gives a small bow of his head, knowing that lying to an older sibling was nowhere near the pain Chika made it out to be. "To answer your first question; your brother would be highly disapproving of my plans. He- and that goes for all the other hosts- cannot know what goes down at these meetings. Understood?" That last part was spoken to all of them, and it was a clear threat. He had mirrored the tone he'd heard his father use on his own underlings many many times.
Clearly it worked, he saw all three of them freeze in place, eyes like frightened animals. Kyoya felt something, a rush of… power. This must be how his father, even his brothers, felt every day- Kyoya had to have more. He felt a smirk resting on his face, going to grab his black book when he heard the door behind him open.
"Oh, uh- am I late? Sorry I had to get changed first!" Here came the commoner, Arai was running just a little late, but Kyoya was just glad he was here. He watched in amusement as his other guests' expressions turned from surprise to confusion at the sight of the commoner they'd never seen before.
Kyoya himself just smiled and gestured to the commoner's seat. "Not to worry Arai, we wouldn't start without you." He watched the poor boy take a seat and went straight for the watermelon snacks as predicted, Kyoya took a quick note before the meeting.
19:19 - Everyone has arrived, the meeting shall begin. The commoner was late. Chika made Honey aware that he was staying late, but did not provide the real reason.
"So," Kyoya began, hands tucked behind his back, "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you all here today?" There was a resounding murmur of curiosity and Kyoya continued. "Well I'm sure you're- nearly all of you at least, are familiar with my-" he coughs a little pointedly at that, "interests?" He watched both Umehito and Akira exchange a look, almost looking concerned, and he sighed, before turning to Chika and Arai, who both have no clue what he means. "Well to put it lightly, as much as I see her as a friend and equal: Haruhi is my enemy." That was the most honest Kyoya has ever verbally been, and he watched in what was almost fear, as each and every one of them clocked on to what he was saying
"Oh now that's one hell of a scoop!" Akira really couldn't keep his damn mouth shut could he? Kyoya shot a simple death glare at him, but was quickly distracted by the sight of Umehito pulling out one of those little wooden cursed dolls. Kyoya sighed for a second time.
"Look, I didn't want it to come to this, but something must be done-" -or he was going to lose his goddamn mind, that part stayed silent. "So I've come up with a plan, one that will benefit all of you in both the long and short term." The moment their own benefit was brought up, each of their eyes went wide, greedy for more than they had- all except the commoner. Typical.
Arai had frowned, crossing his arms slightly. "I'm sorry, could you explain how Haruhi is your enemy? Sorry again if I sound dumb, I'm not quite understanding..?" Oh of course, Arai couldn't have any way to be aware
"Well you see, Haruhi has a boyfriend. That boyfriend just happens to be-" Kyoya attempted to explain, being completely interrupted by Nekozawa, rude as usual.
"- Souh-san, president of the host club and the person Ootori-san's been in love with for the past...year? Year and a half?" He pondered the maths quietly, Arai's eyes widening with every word.
He turned to Kyoya in mixed shock and indignation. "You want to steal her boyfriend? If you knew him longer why didn't you ask him out?" ...commoners are so daring…
There was complete silence from the other three, hell- even Kyoya himself was shocked into silence. His rage was very quickly reaching it's point, fists clench. "Oh. Oh I'm sorry, why don't you go up to the guy that never shuts up about 'making every woman happy' and tell him you've been in love with him from the day you met him? See how that goes?" He let out a hefty sigh, taking his glasses off and running a hand through his hair. "I didn't even know he was bi until he started asking for advice on how to confess to her." That was probably the most painful of Kyoya's life that evening, that stabbing pain was unbearable yet he couldn't say a thing to Tamaki about it.
He put his glasses back on to see poor Arai shaking like a terrified feral cat, maybe he'd been a little snappy with his words… he looked around to see everyone else wide eyed too. "...my apologies, I'm not sure what came over me just then." He coughed awkwardly, switching his slideshow on and pulling out a pointer to help demonstrate. "Let's just get to the matter at hand shall we?" He smiled.
The plan was simple and they all had a part to play, poor Arai clearly had a lot of objections but was too shaken to voice any of them, Kyoya would have to discuss it with him afterwards. The snacks were gone pretty fast, luckily Kyoya managed to take a couple for himself between explanations, surprisingly the watermelons were the most popular- most folks there never having tried commoner's food before. Akira seemed more than excited to have so many opportunities to publish articles that were sure to go viral across the school and maybe further, Umehito was definitely up for some spooky happenings, the moment Chika heard he got to fight Honey and win he was on board, and Arai… if Kyoya was honest, Arai was probably just too frightened to object. He was definitely the weakest party there: Chika could kill him easily, Nekozawa had more than enough 'power', Akira had all the connections he could ever want, and Kyoya… was an Ootori- not to mention being a high ranking person in Ouran if his own volition. Even one of them had enough money to completely ruin Arai's life, and enough spite to do so if pushed. It really wasn't all too fair on him.
Two hours had passed by the time Kyoya finally finished laying out the details of his plan, at least the main overview. Turns out, without Tamaki to reel him in, Kyoya's plans can get a little over detailed- that was where the devil was after all. He smiled, putting his pointer away. "-and that would be where we part ways. Any questions?" He looked at the four of them, waiting for someone to say something, Chika visibly frowned, raising his hand.
"How does this help us at all?"
Kyoya knew this question was coming and he relished in its arrival, clicking to the next slide, with a picture of each of them, labelled with what they would get. "Well it's obvious what I get, but what you get, Chika, is both victory over your brother, but the knowledge in which you'll be annoying the crap out of him." As a younger sibling himself, he knew full well what that sparkle in Chika's eyes meant, the tiny Honey clone was more than on board. "For Nekozawa; to chance to exercise your powers and befriend Tamaki like I know you've been failing to do, trust me- it's alright." He chuckles a little, they were in similar situations, albeit Umehito's was a platonic one. "For Komatsuzawa it will be publicly, I know how you've wanted it so much, not to mention you're finally getting permission to cover the host club- isn't that what you'd asked me for?" He knew he was right, and he knew that Akira knew he was right. He was giving the boy what he'd previously denied him. "And for you Arai…" he chuckled, "our little commoner friend here gets his childhood sweetheart. It's clear you still have feelings for her." He couldn't help but smirk as Arai's face turned pink.
"I still respect her more than that!!" He squeaked out, still trying to pretend he had pride. All Kyoya had to do was raise an eyebrow and he sank into his seat.
Kyoya gave a curt bow. "Alright then, that would conclude our meeting. We're all in agreement of what we're doing, those of us with tasks will complete them by next week, when we will meet again- this time over video call." He watched them all stand up and prepare to leave, staying silent until they were all almost as the door. "Farewell then, I'll see you soon."
21:46 - The meeting has concluded, everyone has agreed to their parts. I will now stand by for Nekozawa's part to be completed.
He made his way home after clearing up, or rather, he made his way to the limo. His bodyguards wrapped him in his blanket the moment he sat down, making sure he was alright. He appreciates that someone cares about him, even if they're paid to do so, so he let them have the remaining snacks from the meeting. They seemed happy with that, so he let his mind wander on the journey home.
Next thing he knew he was laying in bed, it was late at night, he must have fallen asleep. He looked to his side to see a bowl of commoners ramen with a note explaining that the cooks had already left for the day. Kyoya sighed, taking the bowl over to his sofa, slowly eating his food. It was a cold night, but this cheaply made food was strangely comforting to him.
He gazed out his window, the moon was high. He was usually awake at this time, sure, but it felt different now- it felt almost lonely. The dawn of a new day felt so far away now, and the arms of his beloved friends felt further. He knew he was doing them wrong, but he couldn't see any other way to keep himself afloat. He had to be happy again, he had to. This was just how he was going about it. But the sinking guilt, the swallowing loneliness enveloped him gently but mercilessly, and he couldn't breathe for realisations.
His friends might never forgive him, he may become ostracized from the only community he's ever really had, and for chasing happiness no less. His methods were underhanded and his motives were wicked, his family might finally be proud… but Fiyumi at least would not. His loving, caring sister… would she be mad at him? For being unable to sacrifice his own happiness for his friends? Would she call him stupid? Selfish? Would she tell him he deserved all the pain and guilt he felt? He felt she would be right. He's done nothing but plan yet, he hasn't hurt his friends in the slightest. But he still felt incredibly guilty, incredibly empty…
He looked down at his bowl of ramen, it had gone lukewarm. He sighed and put it down on the table, laying on his side. He could turn the lights off, he could turn the heating off, he could turn off so many things, but he couldn't turn off his own thoughts, he couldn't turn off his tears.
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