#while people that meet him in restaurant and stuff tend to be people who just want a pic with someone famous and not necesseraly proper fan
albonium · 8 months
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another day another non sense bullshit lie by leclerc fans, seriously get fucked
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cottoncandy-cult · 9 months
Trafalgar Law x Reader
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(Y/n) sat on a beach at the edge of the water, the heart pirates had stopped at a tropical island to restock and take a break at the little beach side town. The people were friendly and the weather calm, the water was the perfect temperature to relax in. The captain was still aboard the polar tang as the others had gone out to restock and buy their personal stuff. They had stopped here before on a few occasions, (Y/n) preferred the after dark side to the village. It was still the same peaceful and welcoming place, it was just that shops, restaurants and other businesses changed. Shops would break out merchandise they only sell after the sun goes down, restaurants change their menus and there are even little public parties for people to hang out and have fun.
Of course, everyone usually partook, well except for the captain. He never really went into the towns, not unless they were staying for a while, or they found something they think he would be interested in, so they tell him. The crew was his eyes and ears on the inland, and for some reason this bothered (Y/n). She liked her captain, but he didn't really do much, she actually has only a few memories of seeing him off the sub. She quickly stood from her spot, setting out on a mission to pry Law's shell open even if it was just a little. Once inside she made a B-line towards his lab, a skip in her step at the thought of getting to hang out with the captain. She wanted to know more about him, she felt like she knew everyone else on the sub but him.
When she reached the heavy door she knocked, knowing he could easily hear her without having to bang on the door. It was only a few seconds before the door opened, revealing the dark circled captain. He always looked so tired it made her want to take a nap, especially when she sees him busy with something. "Is there something you need (Y/n)-ya?" His deep voice reflecting curiosity, after all she wasn't just a pretty face as her enemies would tell. So, she didn't usually seek him out unless she was in need, be it to tend to injuries or answer questions. She gave him a bright and sweet smile, crossing her arms behind her back. "I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me into town tonight, I don't really wanna go alone since the others are waiting for tomorrow." This was in fact the truth, the others wanted to spend the day relaxing tomorrow before going out that night since today they had things they needed to do. "After all, you always tell us not to go alone." This was a rule of his, everyone went in pairs or more. It was how they stayed safe when going about their day, you never know when trouble might find you.
"I may as well, I'll meet you on the beach at sunset." He crossed his arms, nodding his head slightly with his eyes shut. "I need some stuff anyways and no one is going to want to go out once they get back." This made (Y/n) excited, she had convinced her captain to come to town with her. "Thank you, I'll meet you on the beach Captain!" She giggled and rushed off to her room as the captain closed the door, she decided to take a short nap so that tonight she could show the captain the glory of the night life on this beautiful island.
When (Y/n) woke up it was about an hour before sunset, giving her plenty of time to get ready. She quickly got up and put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top, brushing her hair out before rushing to her safe. Law had given everyone their own little safe to keep their berri in, each got a specific amount each time the crew completed a job or adventure. But each member also has the chance to get a bonus based on their contribution, (Y/n) was one of the ones who would do little jobs on the islands they stopped at, so she had plenty of berri for tonight. She grabbed one of the black silk bags, it was full, and she knew would be more than enough to show her captain how to have fun tonight.
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pixaho · 5 months
White Rascals With Girlfriends
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♥ Pairing | White Rascals and girlfriends :> ♥ AU? No |
♥ Warnings | Mentions of violence, drinking, smoking, and NSFW stuff ;)
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Rocky met you when he was doing dangerous jobs before forming White Rascals. You had been walking when you noticed a young man fighting a group of black-clothed people. Thinking he was in trouble, you grabbed a near by officer and pointed him to the group. Rocky would later thank you with a coffee and or tea.
His date choices are usually a restaurant, a picnic, or at home dinner date. He knows how to cook so majority of your dates are at home. He only settles for a restaurant if its a special occasion or a picnic if its a nice day out.
Your first time together was magical as Rocky made sure that everything would go to a decent plan. His mistake was honestly not all bad, as he forgot to turn off his phone while you guys were at it and it lowkey drove him insane with the absurd amount of texts from others.
You and Rocky argue from time to time. This is typically about him overworking and spending more time fighting, which usually left him injured beyond your eyes. This can also be about him taking his anger out through other ways, such as using a punching bag and not noticing when you were there.
Rocky doesn't get really jealous but rather annoyed when he sees someone flirting with you and possibly making you uncomfortable. His whole motto is that the White Rascals don't harass or hurt women so he makes sure that the person who is making you seemingly uncomfortable, doesn't get to see the light of Club Heaven ever again.
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Surprise, you meet Koo at Club Heaven. You thought he was a butler until he introduced himself as the subleader of White Rascals. The only actual reason he had introduced himself to you was because you were drunk and asking questions, but you still remembered everything about him.
Unlike Rocky, Koo isn't that great at hosting dates. This leads to him asking Rocky to then asking Kizzy and then finally just asking you what you wanted to do for date night because well he's not the brightest for dates.
Koo is one of the only people to not make an entire mistake but rather a little one. He also doesn't rush around to make sure everything is comfortable and good because he prefers comfortable stuff anyways. His tiny mistake was breaking his hand before you guys did it. He had a cast on for the whole time.
Arguments between you and Koo are rare but he has a calm personality and will search for any points to make things right. If he's wrong, he's quick to admit it. If he isn't, he tends to sit down and explain it. Bonus, if he is wrong, he'll let you paint his finger nails (only white but a pale pink or blue can be painted). (KOO IS BBG YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE)
Silent jealousy type of person. He'll just death stare the person he's jealous of and then remember that he doesn't need to be jealous of them and they should be jealous of him because he has you. He will not let the person know he's jealous.
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You ran into Kizzy whilst at a Library doing research for a paper. She was with Kaito and they seemed to have been getting something for Rocky. You already knew Rocky, you just didn't know the others so you strike up a conversation with them. You guys seem to get along even if Kaito seemed uninterested.
Kizzy is the one who makes the dates and has the help of Kaito. Although they are very different people, they seem to coordinate everything very well, even with you. If they can't come up with an idea, they usually ask you what you want to do. If you keep your relationship a secret from the other gangs, they'll settle for movie cuddles. This is where you have a movie night and cuddle. <3
Kizzy and you actually did it in a hot tub. You were both sober and just flirting, plus giggling. Kaito wasn't there for it but he didn't hear the end of it from Kizzy. She did make a mistake which was knocking the temperature a few degrees higher which made it feel like it was boiling hot. With Kaito, it was after you got home from a long day at work. He was in the bed room reading when you walked in and dropped everything to help you relax. Let's just say a massage went from a massage and turned into you guys fucking.
Arguments between you three happen half the time. This is typically because of them getting hurt or leaving a container in the fridge that is empty. Kizzy is the first to apologize and make things right with Kaito being more stubborn, but Kizzy always makes him apologize somehow.
If you are even flirting with another person, Kaito is quick to grab you away and bring you where people won't flirt with you. He's the more jealous one out of the two as he doesn't like others touching what's his. Whereas Kizzy doesn't care as much, just as long as you are being safe.
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(Couldn't find 3 people sleeping so just imagine it's Kaito, Kizzy, and then you.)
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Kizzy ^ Kaito v
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I know a lot of people might be upset by this, but I didn't include the last few White Rascal members because 1. You don't get much on them and even though we get to see Aizawa, Enari, Bito, and Shimura, you don't get enough of their actual personalities for me to write on. 2. As for the others (Heidi, Marco, Lassie, and Cosette) again not much information and I also didn't know how to write them with girlfriends. Maybe at some point I'll end up coming back and editing this or I'll make a part 2 where I finally come back and put Heidi, Marco, Lassie, and Cosette, but as for now I think I'm not going to do that. I don't mean to make people whose favorite characters are those 4 feel like I'm not showing or caring for them, it's just with characters with little screen time where you don't get much about them makes it hard. Thank you for understanding.
♥ Mutuals; @talusional @dillpick (since you like stalking my page haha! <3)
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sllowshow · 2 months
jameson and orla :)
how did they meet? it's not incorrect to say through their siblings dating, but they weren't technically introduced by zoë and monty. while maybe it was their being together that had made jameson follow zoë on instagram. it was fate, something bigger than all four of them that compelled him to check his instagram stories while he was waiting in a fortnite lobby, and get his first glimpse of her: a picture of orla and her sisters, at the beach, all tagged. she sat on the edge of their picnic blanket, sunkissed with curls peeking out from beneath her hat. he shut his xbox off after a minute or so of scrolling through her grid. it was simply time to lock in and slide into her dms posthaste. and he's got the game of a man who's too dumb to care if he sounds cringey. the rest was history <3
who is more affectionate in public? in private? probably jameson for both. i think he's kind of touchy and like will not be stopped just because they're in public versus private. within like reason (although i'm sure her parents would disagree. sure they've probably seen more than they'd care to one year after the sun went down at aaron's famous fourth of july party.
who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly? i think orla both. i think jameson claims loverboy status but like. i dont know i feel like his love is very of the moment if that makes sense. but orla's got a more romantic view of like the world at large. like she's got the heart for beautiful spring days and fresh fruit and im maybe too high to be doing this. it's okay.
who is more likely to plan something big for valentine’s day? not to immediately pull a Both but both.... i think they get excited about planning stuff like that together. like orla's researching restaurants they can try and get a seat at, jameson's all excited to take her roller skating or something corny like that. like i think they loveeee a good date night. and trust they're all well documented. these people have the most massive digital footprints.
who is more likely to initiate hand-holding in public? handholding specifically? probably orla. i think that feels sweetie and fun and her style. jameson's more inclined to like arms around the waist or shoulders.
who is more likely to make huge declarations of love in front of other people? i don't think either of them would like particularly struggle with that kind of thing. but i do think jameson is one of those guys who gets wasted and feels the need to give a speech about the girl who changed everything. so do with that what you will.
who developed a crush on the other first? jameson he was simply down bad from square one. because he's been generally stupid and impish in the past, i think they were a pair that raised some brows at first, but she literally held all the power there babey.
who is more likely to send cutesy texts to the other? orla. jameson lacks the reading comprehension. but again i cannot stress enough she is adorable.
who spends time reading their zodiac compatibilities? orla again! mama's in tune with the universe. she's keeping an eye on what the stars have ordained. jameson will proudly claim he is aries, the bull.
who tends to get sick more often? who is better at taking care of the other? jameson gets sick more often which works because orla is better at taking care of him. he's well intentioned but ultimately would need to be like. explicitly told what she needed in the way of care when i imagine she'd already have the perfect soup in mind from the first sniffle.
who believes in soulmates? they both do and i mean it. i think in their own ways they share a very similar philosophy and part of that is having always believed their was someone they were meant to be with, someone that makes them a better version of themself, someone they can share life with. like corny on purpose what they believe. and i think its beautiful that they found each other.
who cooks the dinner, and who washes the dishes? orla cooks ^^ jameson has never eaten this many vegetables before in his life. its overwhelming sometimes. he will wash the dishes tho.
who does the majority of the driving? jameson simply insists that is his job. and she's his darling passenger princess.
whose family do they celebrate more holidays with? orla's. the hanna's have a massive gravitational pull. but for real, i think like the reids are decently close but definitely not as tight knit as the hannas and their web of family friends who all want to celebrate together. i think for a number of holidays, they're happy to invite his parents to join them as well, but i think they've staked the claim on hosting.
do they have any personal holiday traditions together? they're matching christmas pajamas people and they're gonna stay in those pajamas for as long as physically possible whenever they're celebrating. its that, cookies from the hanna family baking sesh, and cartoon christmas movies all day.
if they get married, what was the wedding vibe? summer wedding. ceremony maybe even on the beach. i think she wore some gorgeous drapey gown and he probably didnt wear a jacket or maybe even a tie. twinkle lights at the reception energy. i dont think they really stressed on it much. like i think they were mostly just excited to be doing it and having a party with all the people they loved so the details didn't matter as much.
how did they decide what to name their child(ren)? i think jonas and emmeline were both proposals from orla. i think jonas pretty closely aligns with jameson's sesnsibilities, but he is the culprit behind calling her emmy.
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ransprang · 8 months
[Ko-Fi Request] Hey there, Thank you very much for your awesome work, it is always appreciated <3 I decided to come back but this time for a chosen character from jjba which is Oingo (also called Zenyatta)
I'm a pretty tall girl, I would also say muscular and fit I have long fuchsia dyed hair, pretty pale skin and brown doe eyes (I also look tired all the time) 
My sense of style is pretty one of a kind,I really like skirts and turtleneck sweaters. I usually wear a lot of jewelry and chains in my outfit and I have a HUGE love for hats, all types of hats.
I may come off as cold and tense at first glance but I'm a big sweetheart which tend to make people confused I'm very shy and hardly open up, I'm also not talkative but a great listener, I love hearing about any types of stories. Still,once I open up and trust someone I would give them the world, I'm a very caring person, always up to cherish the ones I love.
I love animals and nature as well as art and painting which is my favorite hobby but I'm also extremely adventurous, and love traveling and discovering new places. 
Also have a big interest for the unknown, mysteries and out of the common stuff as well as a soft spot for gory stuff sometimes I'm not easy to scare at all, only people can freak me out.
Good luck with it and thank you again for putting so much effort into your work :3
Thank you anon for your support :)
link to our ko-fi for anyone who wants a match up too!
Oingo Match Up
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Oingo Backstory: The Oingo Boingo brothers came from a broken home, like most small-time Jojo villains. Neglected by their parents, Oingo had to grow up early, and be a parental figure for the young Boingo. When Oingo was young, in a bout of teen angst and hatred for his parents, he rejected the names they gave him. Instead, he named himself and his brother from the broken CDs lying around their house. While wearing a tiny hat, he held Boingo’s tiny face and said, “From now on my name is Oingo, and you’re Boingo.” A few months after you start dating, he sometimes calls you Joingo.
How they meet: Oingo and Boingo were browsing a comic book exhibition, a regular pastime due to Boingo's deep interest in comics. The exhibition featured a wide range of art, from major brands to lesser-known indie artists. While walking through the aisles, Oingo noticed a beautiful painting that caught his eye, signed by an artist named "[Your Username]." Loving the name and the art, he decided to purchase it. Meanwhile, you were wandering through the exhibition, when suddenly your phone rang. It was your friend, the one who had a stall open at the exhibition and had begged you to put your art on there. You answer the call and they tell you to run back to the stall. When you reach, you meet a tall, hat-wearing Oingo. Your friend introduces you both to each other and sparks fly.
Since you both have a shared love for hats, he’d be down to go thrifting for some new hats to add to the collection. Matching hats and rings would totally be up his alley too. 
He tells you not to talk to strangers, just like he tells Boingo. He knows with your personality you probably won't anyways. When you’re both at restaurants ordering food he’ll be the one talking. 
He may not be too interested in horror movies, but he’d be down to watch some with you. He’d probably like the ones where there is some amount of strategy being executed by the villains and not brainless slashers.
Oingo will make Boingo use his stand to tell you stories about peoples’ futures. Sort of using Boingo like an entertainment pet. He’ll throw lil snacks at Boingo after every story. If Boingo isn’t around he’ll tell you of his previous adventures.
Sometimes when you get tired, you ride on Oingo’s right leg while Boingo sits on his left leg. You and Boingo chit chat as Oingo walks. Since you’re a lot taller and more muscular than Boingo, one of his legs gets way more buff.
Oingo would introduce you to some of his little hobbies like his small cactus collection and making you listen to some songs on his record player. Get ready to jam out to R&B and EDM.
Since you love adventures, you would never be bored with Oingo, since being stand users they are always attracting all kinds of trouble. 
Oingo would use his stand to disguise himself and rob multi-billion dollar corporations, and bring you little presents and souvenirs. Since robbing the same place multiple times gets boring, you guys would also travel around a lot.
As much as he loves your personality, Zenyatta would be drawn to your striking figure and fuschia hair cascading down your back. He can’t help but imagine pulling on your hair while you’re giving him a sucky sucky. 
When you sit on his lap, Zenyatta likes using his big thighs to tease you. He rubs your clit with his leg. As he would use his hands to guide you waist to grind on him. He gets a kick out of it especially in public.
When you kiss Zenyatta he loves it when you suck on his thick lips, he prefers french kissing and when you bite his lower lip.
Zenyatta loves to use his stand by disguising himself in the bedroom, and different role plays turn him on. He likes acting like a biker who dominates you in bed. 
Oingo loves it when you wear skirts, he loves pulling you in to sit on his lap. As he feels your thighs all the way up to your panties, slowly sliding them to the side. His face lights up when you greet him wearing new skirts.
He pulls you closer to him by tugging on your necklaces making your chest touch his. He likes feeling your supple breasts against his muscles. It would get him so hard to feel you breathe against him. 
Zenyatta likes it when you taste his pre cum. He gets hard so easily around you, till he's dripping. “We wouldn't want to waste it now would we?” As he asks you for just a lick.
Zenyatta loves backshots, he would pull on your hair while gently placing his hand on your neck pulling you head back. He likes it rough, and loves fucking in front of a mirror so he can see your beautiful form.
He loves it when you loudly moan, screaming his name. Zenyatta gets super close, heat rises through him, when he knows it's risky and someone might find him pounding you. 
Zenyatta likes experimenting with different items around the room as toys. He loves spanking or tying you down. He also has a collection of handcuffs, and likes it when you whimper beneath him. 
yours boingly,
admins sar, sav & san
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Frostsage Ship Questions
How did they meet?
Yukito and Sarubia met just like how any good hero couple do: dealing with a criminal. Yukito was chasing a villain that was on a crime spree and had recently landed in Ibaraki (a mistake on the villain's part). Sarubia, who was not happy with this villain causing chaos and destruction in her family's homeland, teamed up with Yukito to take him down. They eventually did after an intense 4 hour standoff.
Sarubia tended to Yukito's wounds and told him that he shouldn't be so reckless when it comes to his health after he pulled out a cigarette while she was healing him.
How did they fall in love?
They encountered each other again at a hero convention, which allowed them more time to talk than their initial meeting (which they ended up learning they had a lot in common). Yukito learned that Sarubia's birthday was coming up in a few days and he wanted to get her something. After a talking a bit more, he learned that she liked cooking, medical books, and tradition.
With those three things in mind, he pondered over what he could get her that'd be all three things. That's when it hit him: he'd get her a cookbook of traditional recipes. Now the question was which kind. He then learned from one of her associates that she's part Quechua from her father and often cooks things from that culture.
Fast forward to her birthday and Yukito presents her with his gift: a cookbook of classic Quechua recipes he bought from Peru.
Sarubia is shocked because not man she's dated before him has ever gone to these lengths to get her a gift like this. All in a day nonetheless. Both of them felt a warm, tingling sensation in their hearts in that moment.
How did their family & friends react?
Sakura, Hanako, and the rest of the Yamaniwa sisters encourage Sarubia to pursue Yukito while both Fubuki and Sol pressured Yukito into asking her out on a date saying "You can't just drop a gift like that on a woman and then not date her."
How did their first date go?
During their first date, they realized they were more compatible than they initially thought, making their feelings for each other stronger. Yukito likes that Sarubia is his equal in every way: career wise, personality wise, and more.
Their first date was at a restaurant that Sarubia frequents because she likes their green tea.
What's their relationship like?
Yukito and Sarubia have a very healthy long-distance relationship. They communicate frequently, share their feelings, and respect each other. They're both fairly busy people so they don't really have time to meet up as much as they like, but during the times they do they show why they're meant for each other.
Who takes the lead more in the relationship?
Definitely Sarubia and Yukito has no problem with it.
What does their future look like?
A few years after the war against AFO (and during a new fic I have planned), Yukito and Sarubia get married with him taking her last name. He moves into the Yamaniwa house and becomes a member of their clan. Somewhere down the line they have two children, daughters Yukihana and Aobara Yamaniwa.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @redhoodzuko
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More I'm caught beneath BTS? Plz? 🥺
Of course lovely anon!
Lauri drove them to his home, a big penthouse in the wealthy part of the city where Aleksi had never been to before, noting the long way home he had to make while he watched outside the tainted window of an expensive car.
Some good comparison to what Aleksi doesn’t have and how big the contrast between them and their lives is. It’s nothing Aleksi thinks he could ever achieve and of course he’s impressed by it.
He had even ordered dinner from a fancy restaurant, Aleksi could tell because it was nothing like the stuff he got for takeout. He hadn’t expected any food or more care than necessary, merely a quick shag and go but over dinner Lauri had said he could pay for a whole night if Aleksi wanted, and Aleksi didn’t doubt that Lauri was able to. Everything in his home looked fancy and there should be enough money to pay a cheap prostitute.
Ah yes, Aleksi and his believe that he doesn’t deserve anything more than the necessary, he’s nothing special or worth spending money on. And it’s always lovely to talk down on yourself, Aleksi really doesn’t see himself as more than other people let him believe he is.
And it had sounded too tempting as to refuse. Especially when he was promised a nice breakfast as good as their dinner and the option of using the bathtub.
The bed was as big as everything else in the apartment and while Lauri may not have been as careful with him as the last guy it was by no way unpleasant. Or Aleksi just got used to getting treated like that, but he forbade himself thinking in that way. What he wanted and needed was not important.
Aleksi may only see it as ‘not as careful’ but I would say he’s rather rough and probably has no conscience in bed either and would disregard any safeword too because hey he’s paying for it so he should get what he wants. It’s definitely also important what Aleksi wants but I think even if he had voiced it Lauri wouldn’t have given it to him because he doesn’t care for other people at all. (I hope Joel had a good talk with Aleksi and his needs and that he isn’t just there to please Joel but should enjoy it too).
In the end Lauri gave him more money than agreed. “For your good behaviour.” He had said. “For being even prettier than in the videos.”
Needless to say Aleksi met up with him again. And again. Lauri gave him more than his cam shows ever could.
How lovely of Lauri to give Aleksi all this money, right? He’s not only doing that as a gift because Aleksi was so good you say? You’re so right! How best to train someone to put their own needs aside and think they’ve done good by ignoring essentially red flags and making sure they will come back to you than by giving them the money they so desperately need and sweet words they otherwise never get to hear. A+ behaviour, first night Aleksi is with Lauri, and we already know he’s an asshole.
Even though Lauri tended to him well Aleksi couldn’t miss the cold stare he mustered him with. But Aleksi had by no means expected any love from this, it was just unsettling at times. Lauri had seen everything of him, touched him everywhere, but for some reason he pierced Aleksi with this gaze and let him feel more naked than when he was without clothes in his bed.
But Aleksi didn’t let it be noticed that he was feeling nervous or wary around him. Money was money and if Lauri liked to look at him then he was free to do so.
I wish I could have given Aleksi one good thing but no, instead he gets to meet this sorry excuse of a human being who has no idea what loving and caring for a person is or even how to treat someone and just sees an object in Aleksi that he can make do what he wants. And Aleksi thinks Lauri is tending well to him but that just means he’s covering the basics. Again Aleksi: YOU DESERVE BETTER!
To Aleksi’s delight there was a piano in his apartment and when Aleksi stayed over Lauri allowed him to play on it. He had learned on the piano in school, staying after school hours were over, not having any place to be, not one person waiting for him.
He wanted to think that he impressed Lauri with his talent. At least one thing since he couldn’t maintain any talk about politics or demonstrate any knowledge about the paintings and books that were found in the penthouse. What did he know about authors or artists, painters or designers? Easy: nothing.
Therefore they didn’t have much to talk about, Lauri wasn’t exactly asking him about his life so far or what he did in his free time besides acting as a camboy. They weren’t a couple or having an affair, so Aleksi didn’t expect him to, but despite their strict work relationship Aleksi enjoyed the company. He didn’t have anyone else he was meeting, the only person he was seeing was Lauri and even though he wasn’t the most kindhearted person Aleksi was happy about every rendezvous.
How to make that person you already want to feel small feel even dumber? Only talk about topics that don’t touch any education or interests of Aleksi and make him think it’s his fault for not knowing anything about it or like it’s a character flaw that he’s more interested in cooking and videogames than the latest political scandals. But maybe praise him a bit for his piano playing so he thinks you’re proud of him and will hold that emotional bond with you even tighter.
Lauri is just the first person who fakes interest in Aleksi, and he latches on to it because he’s lonely and would take everyone who pays him attention and besides Robin he never had any real friends or another healthy relationship, so he doesn’t know what to look out for, so him thinking that Lauri is alright just shows how twisted his world view is and his opinion of himself.
At one of their meetings - Lauri had ordered dinner again as he apparently never cooked himself, at least the kitchen was always spotless, but then again so was the whole apartment as Lauri’s appearance on its own - Lauri offered him a position at his company. As his secretary. 
Chapter number too many of Aleksi’s miserable life begins. But honestly if he had said no to the position and went back to his usual cam shows and occasional meeting people for sex, I bet something else would have happened to him because no one is there to protect him and he’s very vulnerable with this job and as he doesn’t know what an abuser looks like people would have it very easy to exploit him. So maybe saying yes to Lauri was a bad decision, maybe not because at least it leads to him meeting Joel, we really can’t tell.
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jodilin65 · 17 days
I was reading about how easy it is to meet people online these days compared to when I was young. I've often wished it had been this easy to meet other women back then, but at the same time, I'm glad it wasn't. Otherwise, I might never have met Tom. I know some people believe you're either gay or straight, but I don't think it's that black and white. Many have questioned how I could like a guy when I've been attracted to many women in my life. It's kind of like this: say your favorite color is red, and you're looking for a red dress. You find five that are appealing, but then you see a couple of green dresses, and one of those has everything you want, from style to price to comfort. Tom was that unique green dress. That's the best way I can explain it to anyone who doesn't have common sense. ;) I’ve been attracted to dozens of women in my life, but none of them have compared to Tom, especially in personality.
Speaking of hubs, I was a little annoyed last night because I lost a few hours of alone time when I had plans to do certain things I do better by myself. One of us with a wacky schedule is bad enough. However, the day he gives plasma tends to drain him, and he fell asleep early and woke up early. It turned out okay, though, because we had fun golfing, and then he went down for a nap for a few hours.
Some of the tiny houses I've seen pictures of that are right on the ocean are so cute. I joined a tiny house group on Facebook and even made a Pinterest board for them. I would never want to live in one unless I was single and didn't have much stuff, but they are adorable. The view is to die for no matter what you're living in. Anyway, maybe I will use Pinterest a little more often than I have been. I have nearly 23K pins!
I woke up super tired today because I woke up a few hours after crashing, needing to use the bathroom, and I couldn't get back to sleep for two hours. When I finally fell back asleep, I kept waking up. Then, I stupidly napped for a couple more hours. While this helped give me a little more energy, I've got to really try not to let my schedule jump ahead too much because I still have five days before my appointment, which is early in the morning.
For some reason, I thought I was having about 1600 calories a day. But for the last several days, I actually started counting them without limiting or changing how I eat, and I'm actually closer to 1100 to 1300. As a postmenopausal woman who no longer has the hunger of PMS or perimenopause, if I ate like this back when I had a normal thyroid/metabolism, I would definitely be skinny. In my 20s, I used to swear that all fat people stuffed themselves and anyone could lose weight. How I've learned my lesson!
I've been having tummy issues the last few days, and I'm wondering if I'm sensitive to Ezekiel bread. The research I just did suggests it certainly could be the cause.
At least I can still eat Chinese! I don't think I'll pick it up today, but I'm going to try a restaurant I picked out soon. I'm gonna start with their house platter and some beef fried rice.
I got my patchouli incense yesterday, along with the incense matches and my VR lenses. Not sure things are much clearer, though, because I swear the last eye doctor we saw gave me a bad prescription. I haven't used them enough yet to really make a judgment.
Leave it to Facebook to remove a post of mine from 2010. Really, guys, why now??? This was on my main account of course.
Finally, I came up with a good idea for the bedroom windows. They have these sticky foam tiles used for sound dampening. It's black foam and not a decorative textured vinyl tile with foam inside like what we're going to get for the walls. They're ugly, but the curtains would cover them. I decided we should put them on both the upper and lower panes of the back window and then stick them on the bottom pane of the front window. Then we'll take something with a little bit of flexibility so we can fit it in snugly yet remove it to open that window when we air the place out after bombing, and stick the tiles to that. Maybe a piece of cardboard just a little bigger than the pane or something like that.
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kiwicopia · 5 months
Hello! I saw you are doing a Valentines Event and I just had to join this! I hope your having a nice day (: anyways, here I go!
FANDOM: Could I have a Male (Adult) Matchup for Jujustu Kaisen and Honkai Star Rail please?
My name is Jaxrel! People know me as either Jax or Albert, I also use other names, l'm a trans man who's pansexual, he/him, I have disorders and mental illnesses I do not wish to share atm.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues", I get a reallyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. Also here’s this if you wanna add more.
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, l'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), l'm approximately 5’8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair but if you see more closely there's some streaks of blonde-ish brown, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to looking like l'm going out to a party. I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
What I like to do on Valentines Day: I really love receiving gifts a LOT. I also like to go out to eat during Valentines Day too, I usually watch a romance animes/or shows during that day, I also love eating chocolate during that day as well.
I hope this is good enough :,) thank you again!
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You love receiving gifts? Nanami has that covered. The man will absolutely spoil you with gifts the morning of before cuddling with you and watching your favorite shows. Then, when it rolls around into the late evening, he'll take you out to eat at a restaurant that he noticed you had been eyeing lately. Gentle touches and soft praise will end the already special day on an even more special note as he shows you just how much he loves you.
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This man's love language is gift giving, but he takes it up a notch on that special day. Whether or not the gifts are legal, well, that'll be his little secret.~ Sampo will do everything in his power to make the day as special as he possibly can, while also trying to be on his best behavior. He'll take you to a special spot and just sit beside you, arm wrapped around you with his head against yours as he listens to your philosophical talks. If you don't mind, he'd like to end the day with a special kiss, and he won't say no if you'd like more.
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henryhallows · 11 months
The Rooms of Nephilim
The day was lazily passing by for Brandon Smith. He was trying not to fall asleep in math class, and was terrible at it. The only thing keeping him somewhat awake was the anxiety that the old witch was going to check the homework he didn’t do. All in all, another early winter day. Brandon hated that he went to school when it was dark, the sun sprinted through the sky while he suffered through math and geography, and then back to dark again once he came back home. 
Finally, after a couple dozen eternities, the bell rang, signaling the end of his last period. He met with his friend Liam before the High School’s entrance. After exchanging how bored both were, the teens started walking to their usual direction for friday afternoons; The Pancake Place.
It was a little restaurant situated in the basement of an apartment building, although the owners didn’t complain about the lack of customers. It was THE place for the kids who couldn’t afford junk food but still wanted to hang out with friends, and that’s what Brandon and Liam did. 
“I’m telling you man, all this biology stuff? Straight into the garbage after I graduate.” Liam said in-between biting into his pancake. 
Brandon nodded and took a sip of water. The room was barely illuminated, but clean. The wallpaper was torn up here and there. The tables were older than some patrons and could use a sweet release of death, but it’s not like anybody complained. You don’t want to be the guy whining to the owner who can barely make ends meet that the furniture isn’t first class, especially if every client carries around a knife at all times. People from all walks of life visited this little diner and the rule was you pick a table and mind your own business. 
“Totally. Like, I’ll give college a try but you know how it is: my grandpa worked construction, my dad did everything he could to rise above it and now he’s depressed and working construction, the government is doing everything it can short of just giving me a drill and a box of screws.” Smith rolled his pancake to make sure none of the syrup spilled up. 
“Preach. Alright, gotta piss.” Liam stood up from the table and disappeared between tables.
Brandon was just about to dig into his meal, when he felt that something was amiss. He turned around and jumped in surprise when he saw a man in a brown trenchcoat glaring at him. He wore a fedora that didn’t help with his long, unkempt hair spilling out everywhere. Before he could speak, the figure intervened.
“Have you heard of the Rooms of Nephilim?” The man put a piece of paper on his table. 
“No? Who the hell are you? I’m not buying anything!” Brandon regained some composure.
“Well, you have now” The man tapped on the paper and swiftly left the diner. 
The teenager was stunned. He couldn’t grasp what had just transpired. He picked up the piece of paper, but the only thing that was on it was a crude drawing of an eye. Zigzag lines in red were drawn all over. Someone had a blast with a crayon, Brandon thought. He crumpled the paper and threw it into his pocket to throw it out into the nearest trash can. 
After Liam came back, the teen decided it was his turn on the throne. He did his business and was washing his hands, still thinking about the stranger he just met. Probably another crack addict, or a new age cult leader. These tend to pop up every now and then, convincing idiots that somehow they cracked the code. When he came back, he saw that his friend was holding a piece of paper.
“Dude, you won’t believe what just happened.” Said amused Liam.
The rest of the day went as usual. The boys finished their meals, had a good laugh about the weird old man, got back to their apartments, played some video games, tried doing homework, and retired to bed around midnight. Before the realm of sleep overtook him, Brandon’s mind came back to the piece of paper. He forgot to dispose of it, and now it lay in the pocket of his hoodie hanging on his chair. Oh well, he’ll take care of it later. 
He woke up. Something was wrong. For one thing, his nose was hit with an awful stench. The bed felt hard, and cold. He opened his eyes, only to realize he wasn't in his room anymore. He was laying on a wooden bed hanging from the ceiling by chains. The floor was made of steel grating, and under it was nothing but black void. No matter how much he focused and squinted his eyes, the boy couldn’t see the bottom. The walls were filthy and decayed, in certain places you could see them crumbling, revealing the cinder blocks. It was small, with a single door frame on the side of Brandon's feet. The room stank like a roadkill. 
When his mind caught up with his eyes, he started panicking. A second ago he was still in his room, checking his phone. His brain went into overdrive thinking of an explanation to any of this. Was he kidnapped? He lived on the tenth floor, that would be hard for anyone not to notice. There was something so unreal about all of this that he felt like vomiting. The teenager tried to get out of the contraption and landed on his feet with a loud thud. He was still wearing his pajamas, so that was a plus. The steel grating hurt to stand on, and even more to walk on. He punched a wall, and immediately regretted his decision. 
“Damn it.” he muttered under his breath.
The boy froze when he heard a scratch. It was coming from a place beyond the door frame. Then, a tapping of fingers and steps. It almost sounded like… someone walking on all fours? Brandon would have been skeptical if he wasn’t scared shitless. Looking around, there was no place to hide in the room. In desperation, he hugged the corner of the wall closest to the way out, and covered his mouth. 
He saw a giant, red hand appear out of the entrance. It was at least four times as large as that of a human, and the skin seemed to wrap around the bones, giving it the appearance of something between a person’s hand and a bird’s claw. It had a brownish-red color, with gradually redder fingertips. The rest of the body followed, and it was equally as nightmarish. The entire body of the thing was humanoid, only elongated beyond rational mind. Arms and legs were so long that the thing could not enter the room without bending every single body part. The torso itself was the length of a grizzly bear, and the limbs had to be at least twice as much. The entity’s head was wrapped in bandages, with two red spots where the eyes would be. It had two stubby appendages jolting out of its back, also covered in bandages. The teenager simply stared at the monstrosity. “It’s just a nightmare,” he told himself. That was the only thing keeping him from a breakdown. Every single muscle in his body told him to run, something else hit him. The abhorrent beast reeked like high hell. 
It moved toward the bed, horribly bending its limbs. Its hand met the wood, and the thing seemed surprised by this revelation. Every move of the beast made the teen’s skin crawl. The fingers moved erratically, as if they belonged to a crack addict, but with a scary amount of intelligence. It was clear enough to him that the entity was blind, but it didn’t make him feel that much better. It made no noise outside of its flesh moving around the room. The stubs on its back shuddered often. It frantically searched around it with its hands. Brandon knew it was now or never. Into position, and… now!
He sprinted out of the room, barely looking ahead. The red devil must have heard, because the boy heard shuffling after him. It still needed to squeeze through the doorway, so Brandon had a few precious seconds of a head start. He found himself in a large room with a hole in the floor. The steel grating was curved in many different ways, suggesting a forceful entry. Chunks of red meat were laying in the corners. The floor was slightly inclined towards the hole, as if something entered from below and bent the whole ground. 
Brandon hugged the wall, making sure not to touch any meat. The chunks were made into shapes of dumplings, and unused tendons littered the floor. Having some time for thinking, his mind fluttered to the old man earlier. Was this THING a Nephilim? From what Brandon could recall from religion class, they were supposed to be the children of fallen angels and human women. Or were they the fallen in the first place? He couldn’t recollect the details. Making it to the other side, the teen ran into the next area and was stunned. 
He was standing on a long bridge, without any walls or support. Looking down, all he saw was the same impenetrable void as always, but looking up revealed another bridge. And another. And on the horizon he could make out the walls of a room. This was a labyrinth. A trap. Very slowly, Brandon made his way across the narrow bridge. The only sound he could hear were his own footsteps. The grating still hurt to traverse, but he had more pressing matters at hand. He finally reached another doorway. 
He entered a long corridor. It looked exactly like the one he just left, but this one had hooks swinging on chains from the ceiling. He had to slow down and maneuver between them, when he heard the familiar scraping on the floor. The thing was crawling towards him!
He sped up, but the farther into the room he went, the more hooks he had to bypass. He moved his hand and felt the cloth. The boy’s gaze shifted. There was a body hanging from the hook. Its face was ripped off, revealing only a skull, with eyeballs hanging loose out of eye sockets. It was wearing pajamas the teen was holding at the moment. He couldn’t hold it in anymore, and he vomited all over the floor. Brandon was hyperventilating, hearing that the beast was closing the distance by the second. He couldn’t wait a moment longer. He pushed the unfortunate corpse aside and continued to thread through the valley of sickles. He saw a doorway at the end of the corridor. A couple of meters left, just focus on…
His left biceps was stabbed by a hook. The sharp end shredded halfway through the meat of his arm. The cold, metal claw was stopping the flowing blood, but it certainly didn’t stop the pain. He couldn’t move, if he tried to yank it out he risked tearing his arm into two. “This is it, this is how it ends,” he thought. Brandon looked back, and he saw nothing. Confused, he searched around the room with his eyes. He heard it, it must be there!
His heart stopped for a moment. He looked below. The Nephilim was pulling the grating apart! Brandon frantically tried to remove the hook from his arm. It hurt like hell, but after he screamed his lungs out, he set himself free, only for the monster’s hand to rip apart the floor and grab him. He was now in the grasp of the beast, both under the room, in the pitch black abyss. Its freakishly long fingers caressed his face. In one quick motion, the Nephilim hooked its foot to the grating, to free its hand. With both hands free, the thing started to pinch Brandon’s cheek forcefully. He screamed at the top of his lungs. 
“PLEASE GOD SAVE ME!!!” The boy screamed into the darkness. 
An alarm clock buzzed. Brandon woke up in a cold sweat. His heart was beating like a drum. The teen looked around, and found nothing but his bedroom. Was… was it all a dream? He sighed with relief, and then clutched his arm. A sharp pain went through his entire body.
He quickly ran to the bathroom and took his shirt off. It was there. The wound from the hook. It was bleeding profusely. He spilled an entire bottle of hydrogen dioxide on the injury and bandaged his arm. He knew he needed to go to hospital quickly, but…
God please no. 
Brandon grabbed his phone and dialed Liam’s number. No answer. 
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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This is Why Christians Tend to Be Hypocritical
They could not help it, really.
Sheng-Ta Tsai
Even Christians acknowledge that the church is filled with hypocrites. Many feel sad about the current situation and want positive changes. They try many methods. More Bible study, more prayer meetings, better worship songs, more frequent leadership training, or properly written church bylaws.
None of these will fix the problem because the root of the problem lies in the core teaching of Christianity.
Many of the lottery winners go bankrupt soon after getting millions of dollars deposited into their bank accounts. One source says 70% of lottery winners lose or spend all of the money in five years or less. This seems counterintuitive. People who purchase lottery tickets usually plan to be rich for the rest of their lives once they win the top prize. Spending it all in a couple of years and becoming broke again would not be any lottery winner’s goal.
Then why does it happen anyway? Because the whole rationale that supports or encourages a person to buy lottery tickets works against them keeping that money. The expected return of buying lottery tickets is negative. People who are knowledgeable about finance or investment are too smart to be fooled by the dollar amount of the top prize. Those who are fooled usually don’t have proper money sense, which makes them poor managers of a large sum of money.
When people get lucky the first time, would they try again? Absolutely! Hence lottery winners cannot help themselves but spend more money on buying more lottery tickets. What happens when you buy a lot of stuff with negative expected returns? You go broke!
It’s the same with Christianity. From the way this religion is set up, churches are bound to produce hypocritical and sanctimonious Christians.
The Root Problems of Christianity That Make Christians Hypocritical
1. Motivation in Conversion
What is the core message of Christianity? Most would answer: John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Sounds lovely, right? Who doesn’t want everlasting life? If all you need to do is to believe in Jesus, why not?
Of course, there is the “sin” part. We are all sinners, blah blah. That’s why we need salvation, so we don’t go to hell after we die.
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Just as people who buy lottery tickets usually are poor managers of money, people who are converted to Christianity because of this pragmaticism won’t be very interested in living a godly life afterwards. Even if they are motivated to live a God-pleasing life, they know that even if they mess up, Jesus is there to forgive their “occasional” stumble.
That’s why Christians can talk about purity all they want, but at the end of the day, the percentage of new babies born out of wedlock in Bible-belt states in the U.S. remains at the same rate or even higher than in other less religious states.
Christianity Is More About Fulfilling Wishes than Seeking Truth
Christians want it to be true, so they think it must be true
2. Afraid to Back Out
Even if Christians are tired of being hypocritical, of confessing one thing while acting out the other way, they would hesitate to ditch their belief. The threat of hell looms large.
But they are not going to admit it. They will do everything they can to hold on to the narrative they tell to themselves: “I believe in Jesus out of my free choice, because He loves me, not because He will send me to hell if I don’t believe.”
So they continue to go to church, but their poor attitudes to the waiters and waitresses and the meager tips they leave at the restaurant after Sunday service expose it all still.
They nod their heads sitting in the pews when their pastor condemns homosexuality in the pulpit, but after going home, they watch gay porn.
It’s not entirely the fault of Christians. The system of Christianity sets them up this way.
If a parent tells their child to obey them, or they will beat the child up, and then the child obeys, is that obedience out of free choice? If a young man asks a lovely young woman to marry him, but also tells her if she is not willing to marry him, he would kill her and hurt her family, and then she complies, is that true love?
We don’t need to graduate from college to understand that action performed under threat cannot be a free choice, but compliance.
We can’t expect people to behave consistently when they feel compelled to comply.
If Jesus Appears to Me, This Is What I Will Do
Nothing dramatic, just what a regular person would do
Some Christians find the strength to be honest with themselves and leave the twisted system. They are less likely to be hypocritical, but they are out of the church. The ones who have the double life problem are still in the church.
Simple. The church can tell people that Jesus wants to build a relationship with them but give them no promises. If people truly love Jesus, they don’t need the “extra incentive” of eternal life, do they?
Or the church can stop telling people they will go to hell if they reject God. It’s not really a free choice if you add a threat of hell in the offer, is it?
But no church will do that. Why? Because only very few parishioners will remain, and there won’t be enough donations to keep the church running. The church has to look after itself, you know.
So the church will continue to lure people in using lofty promises and keep people from exiting the backdoor using threats of divine wrath.
Sadly, we will keep seeing hypocritical Christians in the foreseeable future.
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quantumjumper · 1 year
(𝐏𝐄𝐍)𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: koji 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: he/him, though they/them is more than acceptable 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂: cancer 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 / 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍: single af
𝐢. i love gummy candies, and can probs be bribed to do a lot of things if given Haribo Happy Cherries (my absolute favorite) as payment.
𝐢𝐢. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these kind of memes so one of my favorite facts to throw out without context is that I once shouted “Lesbians!” into the night with Chris Sabat.
𝐢𝐢𝐢. I once met Sylvia of Sylvia’s Restaurant fame and was at said restaurant. Criminally, I didn’t get to eat anything as I was just passing through with my dad who happened to be friend with her son. We were in NY on the way to somewhere else and he just sorta went ‘Wanna meet Sylvia?’ so that happened and then we continued on our way while I was left starstruck and hungry lol.
I started writing waaay back in 2004 in Yahoo! Instant Messenger user created chatrooms. Eventually took it to dms for 1 on 1 stuff, then bounced around all over the internet; MySpace, various forums, Gaia, etc. Eventually stumbled onto the tumblr rpc in 2012 and I’ve been trapped here ever since.
I wouldn’t say it’s a conscious preference, but I do end up making a particular kind of character with considerable frequency: men with tortured pasts who have done things they carry a great deal of guilt for and have difficulty connecting to people while struggling to hold onto/recover some semblance of their humanity. I’ve got my outliers, but there are quite a few who fit that bill.
𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅: Often times, my ships are two damaged people learning how to feel whole with each other, so I get a great deal of satisfaction from fluff, but it’s gotta be earned stuff. Empty happiness doesn’t do much for me, but people stealing a moments respite from the jaws of chaos and having the opportunity to sit in those moments while cherishing their rarity, love that shit. It’s also, for me, nice to sorta escape into those sweet moments for a while when I could use a lighter headspace.
𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓: I haven’t written smut in many a year.  I’m not really against it, but I find it the most difficult topic to feel like I’ve written anything engaging. The times I’ve done it, I feel my phrases tend to get particularly repetitive and boring, and it just turns into throwing out some kind of reply until we get to the other side of it. On rare occasions, I’ve been able to use a smut scene to dig into a real, character driven expression of intimacy and vulnerability that furthers their conjoined story, but mostly it just feels like going through the paces. Writing smut in and of itself doesn’t do anything for me, so it’s not a typically enjoyable experience. That said, if someone else wrote smut involving our characters, I’d read tf out of it.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓: “this. this and action adventure are my bread and butter. “ (thank you hackett gonna just copy that bit) but seriously, they’re what I engage in most often. I love exploring the pain and guilt and the rage of my characters, to get to the heart of what drives them. I also adore the catharsis that comes from them managing to have moments that see them work through all those negative emotions. The rawness of it is really engaging to write, and even the muses of mine with the most sunny dispositions have some sort of pain underneath that I relish opportunities to focus on and work through.
So I am big on plotting, but I recognize not everyone is. I typically like to at least sort out why our muses are in the same place at the same time, but how heavy the plotting gets is on a case by case basis. If we’re totally new to each other and I’ve read through your info and have ideas for something really involved, I’ll likely toss those out but have no expectations of getting the green light. It just makes me feel better if I have at least some idea of what I’m doing/where things are going.
— 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃: nobody; reposting from an old blog — 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: You reading this
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blackbat05 · 3 years
A rainbow cake and boba
A/N: Gosh this is my last day of having to wake up at 6am and thank god I’m taking some time off next week to complete my assignments. But at least I don’t have to wake up early🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyways this was me writing on public transportation on a brain that was slowly loosing its energy. As usual do like and comment!
Genre: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff, Shangqi being a dork, Katy being the hype man. My lack of brain cells writing this.
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He looks so good with facial hair ^ at least for this gif? Don’t @ me 😩
Posting another Shangqi fic because I said so.
You finally did it. You had saved up money to open up a bookstore and a mini cafe that sold pastries and boba.
You were really nervous but with loyal customers and a good location right smack in the middle of Manhattan, business was steady. That’s all you needed. Besides, you were never one for a typical desk job. You wanted to be your own boss.
After tending to a customer who walked away with three croissants, you decided to read a book from one of your many shelves. Sitting behind the counter, you flipped open the pages, beginning your descent into another reality.
You were sure that you had lost track of time as the bell signaling a new customer rung. Placing your bookmark on the last page that you read, you stood up to greet them, only to find yourself face to face with Shangqi - the newest addition to the Avengers and a girl standing beside him.
‘Hello, how can I help?’ You tried to keep your composure. It must have been stressful for him to be recognized by people everywhere he went. Looking at the fact that he had stepped into your bookstore meant that he was looking for some solace. Most people do.
He stares at you for a while before the girl nudges him, ‘Sorry about that. My friend here had a rough night yesterday,’ she reaches her hand out for you to shake. ‘Name’s Katy!’ 
You took her hand, amused at her bubbly personality. After ordering two milk teas with pearls and a slice of rainbow cake, the two walked around the bookstore as you went to prepare their order. 
‘Dude,’ Katy punches his arm lightly, ‘the hell you doing back there? You looked like an idiot!’ 
Shangqi resists the urge to roll his eyes at Katy for stating the obvious. Ever since he became an Avenger, he found himself making more trips to the Avengers tower right here in New York. And that’s when he saw you. 
It was a hot Tuesday afternoon. Wong was held up in Kamar Taj which meant the meeting was delayed. He decides to explore the area, to see if there was anything remotely good to quench his thirst. Among the fancy restaurants, he sees a bookstore with a neon signboard that was currently switched off. Body moving like clockwork, he makes a beeline towards it.
As he opens the door, the bell rings softly, alerting you of his presence. You peeped out from the corner of the bookshelf. Hair disheveled and glasses at the edge of your nose, you greeted him happily.
‘Welcome! Gosh I just opened the shop,’ you rambled on, ‘I didn’t think there’ll be customers coming in so soon!’ Running your hands through your hair, you gave him a big smile, ‘Look around! Call me if you need help!’ Sun shining into the windows of your shop, it looked like you had a halo around your head - an angel.
Was it the heat? Yeah, it had to be the heat that short circuited his brain. Shangqi momentarily forgets to respond, settling with a small nod instead. He walks around the store before settling on an iced tea.
He would hover around your store whenever he was in New York for Avengers business. Every day was a different sight, entertaining his afternoons. Once he saw you dancing to the music playing in your store as you were cleaning up the cutlery. Hips swaying, you were completely oblivious to the avenger watching you.
How he wished to have more conversations with you. One that wasn’t just, ‘How’s your day?’ and talking about menial stuff. He wanted to know more about you - how did you open a cozy bookstore in bustling New York City? What music were you dancing to that day? Did you have a -
Katy shakes him out of the never ending loop of questions. ‘Come on dude if you don’t ask her, someone else will! She seems pretty genuine if you ask me.’ Being best friends with Shangqi for nearly half her life, she had seen girls who threw themselves into him for his looks and athleticism. But they never really liked him. Yeap, go figure - it was only to boost their popularity at high school and in university.
‘Wha- how did you-’
‘I saw this hot Latin guy flirting with her yesterday when I went to get Boba,’
‘They have Boba now?’
‘Yeah they always did bro, damn good if you ask me, especially the pearls - OK THAT’S THE NOT POINT HERE.’ Katy wags her finger at Shangqi. ‘If you don’t grow some balls, you can say bye bye to dream girl.’
Shangqi didn’t know whether to be offended or laugh at Katy’s plain honesty. She was right, she was always right.
So that’s how he found himself here. Katy had tagged along for moral support. Needless to say, he was failing miserably. He fought a mythical creature that nearly destroyed his entire planet! So why can’t he talk to a girl?
‘So, what Avenging business brings you here?’
‘Huh? Oh, getting up to speed on protocol and everything… now that Iron Man and Captain Rogers are gone, it’s time for us to take over.’
You nod, passing him his milk tea first. You left Katy’s at the side of the counter, figuring that she was exploring the mystery section. ‘Well, I couldn’t believe it, an Avenger visiting my humble abode,’ you joked trying to ease your nerves.
You had only heard about him on the news, to be more specific - bus boy. You secretly kept the fact that you watched his videos more than you could count. His movements were so effortless yet aggressive, you were captivated by how he had smoothly taken down all the attackers by himself.
And now? You were floored at how incredibly good looking he was. Yes, you had saw him the previous time when he came and almost barged in onto you dancing away to Hotel California. But you were so shy back then you didn’t keep eye contact with him for more than thirty seconds. You could never have a long conversation with anyone for more than that apart from your best friend.
‘I’m honored to visit your humble abode,’ you look at him, a feeling of delight creeping up your chest. Honestly, it took you a lot of confidence to start the conversation with the Avenger. Hell, you felt your mouth clamped shut when that tourist from Brazil was trying to chat you up when all you wanted to do was to make him his coffee so that he could leave you be.
Then, an awkward silence comes, with only the jazz music filling the empty conversation.
‘Hey you want to ask her out next year or what?’ Katy’s loud voice booms from behind one of the shelves. It took all of his energy not to yell every single curse word he knew at Katy.
Be a gentleman, be a gentleman.
You let out an airy laugh before composing yourself. Shangqi could only grin - it worked when he was trying to get himself out of sticky situations like this one. So it would right?
‘It’s ok,’ you smiled at him unabashedly, confidence suddenly increasing. ‘You know I was thinking the same thing actually. If you’re free in the evening… I mean there’s a noodle place a few blocks down - but only if you’re ok - like not busy saving the world.’ You refrained from snorting at your lame joke.
‘Sure!’ He tries his best to stay calm, to not freak you out with his over enthusiasm. Truth to be told, he was over the moon.
‘Alright! So when’s the date,’ Katy makes a timely entrance, chewing on the last bit of pearls. At this point in time, Shangqi pleads with her silently.
‘Tonight,’ you scribbled a few numbers on a piece of paper before passing it to him. ‘Here’s my number. Call me when you’re done.’
Katy notices how he takes extra care in folding the paper before slipping it into the pocket of his jacket. The two of you stand there quietly, not knowing how to proceed. It was time for Katy’s divine intervention.
‘ALRIGHT!’ She pulls her friend by the collar, ‘Time to go or else Wong’s gonna whoop our ass! He’ll see you later right in front of you store! I’ll make sure of it!’
Having front row seats to watch an Avenger being dragged out was amusing. You turned your attention back to the two empty cups, noticing a piece of tissue paper folded into a rose with the rainbow cake on a paper plate left untouched. On the plate had the words:
I promise I’ll get you nicer flowers. For now have this cake instead!
By the time you looked out of the window, they were already gone.
Shangqi’s unorthodox way of asking you out was endearing to say the least. Who knew that opening the bookstore of your dreams, boba tea and a rainbow cake would snag you one of the finest men that New York City had to offer?
A/N: That’s it! Gosh, was trying to do fluffy as usual but I don’t know if my two remaining brain cells did that. HAHAHA.
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akakeiiji · 4 years
HI!~ (THIS IS MY FIRST TINE REQUESTING AND IM REALLY EXCITED) Can I request a scenario where their smol s/o (I'm like 155 or 5'1 for reference) gets easily lost? Like they just wonder off on their own cause they think that he's still with them and she tends to leave her phone with him so calling to find her is out of the question??? (Me honestly IM SORRY FRIENDS AND FAMILY) She likes a lot of things so sometimes its hard to find her cause they never know where she is? Ushi, Tsuki and Bokuto-🌼
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-`,✎ Ushijima, Tsukishima and Bokuto losing their short S/O in a crowd
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THIS REQUEST IS JUST TOO ADORABLE AND IT HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME!! We’re the same height nonnie 🤧🤧✋ Short gang, where ya’ll at? 
Also I apparently don’t know how to read because I thought you requested for headcanons at first despite you clearly asking for scenarios so I decided to keep the hcs since I was already halfway done with them~ hope you don’t mind, nonnie! 
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The man is literally built like the empire state building, he just towers over everyone, it’s insane
And then there you are behind him, all tiny and stuff, it’s so friggin adorable
He doesn’t really notice your height difference at all
Whenever people point it out, he just cocks his head with his eyebrows furrowed and is like “Yeah, I’m tall?? And they’re short?? Why are you reacting like that?”
He’s genuinely confused and doesn’t see why it’s a big deal at all
When he looks at you he doesn’t really pick up on itty bitty details like your height and stature; he just sees you for the whole you and sees you simply as this perfect deity that he loves
But he does appreciate the perks that come with it such as the way you feel when he hugs you after a match or the way you look up at him so adorably when you’re trying to get a kiss
He also didn’t realize the cons that came with having a tiny s/o
There are many but we’re focusing on the fact that it’s so easy to lose you in a crowd
He’ll literally look away for 0.5 seconds and when he looks back at you, you’re suddenly gone
He probably won’t notice for a bit but after a while, he’ll wonder why you aren’t holding onto his sleeve or hand anymore
Whenever this happens he usually goes about it in two ways; he’d either stay still where he is and let you find him (which isn’t hard, he sticks out like a sore thumb) or if enough time passes, he’ll retrace his steps and look for you himself
He’ll have a tiny little frown on his face since he gets so worried about you, like you’re so tiny what if you get trampled??
When he does find you though, the wide smile on your face when you catch sight of him honestly makes the search worth it
can you tell that I miss ushi so friggin much
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The streets in downtown Tokyo are always so packed at this time of day. There were hundreds of people rushing to and from work, tourists taking in the sights, and busy shoppers such as yourself and Ushijima; you two had just finished shopping together and were heading to your favorite restaurant in the area as you always do to end your date night.
Your hand remained tightly wrapped around the hem of your boyfriend’s coat as you two made your way down the busy streets, struggling to not get pulled away as people continued to mercilessly push past you. You would have much rather held Ushijima’s hand but he insisted on carrying all your shopping bags and was rather preoccupied with them at that moment.
He marched on, oblivious to your struggles behind him. It was during times like this when you hated how short your legs were, you were practically jogging to keep up with your boyfriend who, to him, was only going at a leisurely pace.
Before you knew it, your hand had loosened and you suddenly lost hold of his coat. You looked up, hoping to find him just a few feet away, but he had disappeared into the sea of people all around you.
Ushijima hadn’t noticed anything at first, he was too focused on where he was going to realize that the little tugs on the hem of his coat throughout the journey were suddenly gone. He looked down at both his hands and placed the shopping bags on one of them to the other so that he could use it to hold your own.
He held out his free hand behind him, calling out your name, and motioned for you to grab it. A few seconds went by of him gesturing like this only to be met with no response.
He looked back, eyebrows furrowed, only to find no sign of you.
Ushijima immediately stops in his tracks, eyes widening ever so slightly as he did a little 360 turn in his spot, raking over the crowds rushing past him in hopes he’d find your familiar head of hair bouncing about.
He stood motionless where he was, forcing people to walk around him—most wanted to tell him off for standing in the middle of the street but no one had the balls to.
A few minutes went by and he began walking down the direction he came from looking everywhere for you. Worry began to bubble in him when you were still nowhere to be found but suddenly he saw a figure waving at him from afar.
You were standing on top of those small cement blocks on the bottom street lights, waving your free hand that wasn’t wrapped around the lamp towards your boyfriend, grinning ear to ear when you met eyes with him.
Ushijima smiled in relief, shoulders relaxing as he made his way over to you. You met him halfway, immediately wrapping your arms around him in a hug, burying your face into his chest.
“I’m never letting go of your hand next time.” He said, pressing a chaste kiss on the top of your head before interlocking your fingers together. You laughed, nodding in agreement. “Definitely not.”
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We all already know this: Kei is fucking ruthless
It doesn’t matter that you’re dating. It doesn’t matter that you’re literally his favorite person in the world tho he’ll never admit this to you you will not be free from his savageness
No one is more hyper-aware of your height difference than he is and no one teases you more than him
Tsukishima is literally the type to steal your things and hold them over your head or he’ll purposefully stand at full height whenever you want to kiss him just so that he can watch you struggle
“Oh, babe, I didn’t see you from down there.”
Is the type to purposefully put things you use all the time up on the top shelves in cupboards and cabinets
He says that he does this to annoy but really he does this so that you can call him to help you since he banned you from climbing the counters 🤧✋
He really loves your height though as much as he likes to tease you for it
He loves how easy it is to wrap his arms around you and how you burrow into his chest whenever you hug
His favorite thing about your height is probably the fact that it’s so comfortable being the big spoon with you since you fit so snuggly against him 🥺
again he’ll never tell you this, my man is tight-lipped
However he can get very protective over you, it’s like he developed this idea in this head that small = fragile
So whenever he loses track of you in a crowd (which happens a lot, it's honestly embarrassing) he immediately drops everything and searches for you
He’ll have this permanent pout on his face as he retraces his steps, going back to wherever you two were and keeping an eye out for either you or places that would catch your eye
Once he finally catches you, he’d sigh in relief and immediately put up his “i’m annoyed right now, give me attention” face and head over to you, knocking your head with his knuckles lightly
He’d lecture you a bit about staying close to him and he’d spend the rest of your time out with his eye on you and with his hand tightly wrapped around your own
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The mall was always so crowded during the weekend especially now that Christmas was just around the corner. Tsukishima told you that you two should visit the mall later during the week but you were just so excited to see this new movie, he simply couldn’t say no; he cursed himself for being so tightly wrapped around your finger.
The building was already pretty full when you two entered the cinema but when you two emerged, it was as if the number of people there seemed to double in just a span of a few hours.
As you two made your way through the tight-knit crowds of people, the frown on Tsukishima’s face never left as people kept pushing and rushing past him. He called out your name behind him and said, “See, I told you we should have come after the weekend, it’s like half the city is here right now.”
He waited for your usual giggle or scoff, maybe a light smack on his arm as you tell him to brighten up but there wasn’t any of that.
“(Y/N)? Did you hear me? I—(Y/N?),” He turned around, worried that you may have been upset at him but instead was surprised to find that you weren’t trailing along behind him like he expected you to be.
He turned around fully, hands coming out of his pocket as he raked his eyes over the crowds of people around him. It would be nearly impossible to find you here, there were probably hundreds of people in the mall now.
Tsukishima groaned slightly as he ran a hand through his locks, his other hand going into his pant pocket to ring your phone only to realize that it was with him as well, right next to his. This elicited a second groan from the blonde.
Knowing you, you probably got distracted by something and wandered away from him.
He retraced his steps, keeping a close eye on his surroundings. He had no idea when you wandered away from him so you could have been anywhere. He stood at full height, towering over the majority of the crowd, and scanned the entirety of the floor and the shops on it.
He entered a few stores he knew you’d most likely visit; the bookstore, the pet store, and a shop that was having a 50% sale but he found no traces of you.
Tsukishima was about to give up and head to the information desk and ask them to announce something on the loudspeaker to grab your attention—probably something along the lines of “To the small gremlin wandering around floor three right now, please meet Tsukishima Kei at the main exit.”—when he spotted a bright store on the other side of the floor.
You were there. He just knew it.
He rolled his eyes as he made his way to the anime store and low and behold, there you were, crouching as you stared at the shelves of anime merchandise, a wide ear to ear grin on your face.
Tsukishima sighed and lightly smacked you, tearing you away from your thoughts and making you look up at him in shock.
“You are such an idiot, (Y/N).” You only laughed in response and wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your face onto his chest. “Aww, Kei! Were you worried about me?”
“Of course, I was. How do you expect me to feel?” He said with another roll of his eyes. He brought his hand up and placed it on top of your head. “I was worried someone thought you were a child and kidnapped you.”
You let out an indignant gasp and started to smack him but he only laughed and took your hand in his, dragging you out of the store behind him ignoring your protests.
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Nobody in the whole entire world thinks you’re more adorable than Bokuto
He adores the fact that you’re so tiny, he likes you call you his pocket-sized s/o  
He never really teases you, instead he always coos and coddles you
He especially loves lifting you up in his arms and twirling you around, he always does this after winning a game and it always leaves you feeling dizzy
But you never complain bc who would complain about being hugged by Kou like that 🤧✋
However, as much as Bokuto loves how smol you are, he always kinda forgets that you’re short??
It’s because he’s always surrounded by tall people; his friends, the volleyball team, etc.
So he always forgets to adjust when he’s with you
And you know how some people just naturally walk really really fast, like they can’t help it, it’s just how they walk normally??
Yeah, that’s Bokuto
And this paired with the fact that he is literally 6’1 means he practically travels at light speed
Your tiny legs can barely keep up with your excitable boyfriend and you’re always practically jogging to keep up with him so if you take your eyes off of him for even just a few seconds he’ll probably run off somewhere and disappear 😔✋
This occurs so often when you two are out that you’re never shocked whenever it happens
It takes a few minutes before Bokuto realizes that he’s suddenly alone in a crowd and that you aren’t beside him like he thought you would be
Everyone around him would give him looks but he wouldn’t care, he just needs to find you fast or he’ll start panicking tho he lowkey already is
Some people would think that he’s looking for his kid but nah, he’s just looking for his smol s/o who would show up beside him after a while with a disgruntled look on their face
It never takes long for you two to reunite when you get separated, you just have to wait for the distinctive voice of your boyfriend yelling for you somewhere
When you two find each other, the first thing he’ll do is pull you into a tight hug, usually lifting you up from the ground as he presses a few kisses on your cheeks in relief
He’ll remember to walk slowly for the rest of the time you’re out, usually with his arm over your shoulder or with his hand tightly wrapped around your own
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It made absolutely no sense to you that Bokuto literally grew up in the city yet has never visited the amusement park in the area before. You’ve visited the park countless times before but for your boyfriend, it was a first.
Bokuto was practically bouncing with excitement ever since you proposed the idea of visiting the amusement park together and it only got more intense as the day of your visit grew closer and closer.
You somewhat regretted not pushing your date to a later day in the week so that it didn’t fall on the weekend since the park was so packed but that feeling quickly dissipated when you glanced at your beaming boyfriend beside you.
What you did regret however was the fact that you didn’t wear more comfortable shoes, ones that were more fitting for exercise rather than leisurely walks since you were practically running around the park just to keep up with Bokuto.
His hand remained tightly clasped on your own as he sprinted all around the park, looking at all the rides, food stands, and gift shops around the place. He wasn’t really running, he was simply walking at a quick pace but this coupled with his long legs made it so difficult to match his pace with your significantly shorter ones.
You two had just gotten off a rather intense roller coaster and you felt your head spin from how dizzy it made you, you halted in your steps as Bokuto was about to begin running towards another ride making Bokuto stop as well as he was pulled back by your hand which was still holding onto his.
“Koutarou, let me rest for a bit,” You said as you sat on a bench in the shade, Bokuto immediately nodded and took a seat beside you, he handed you a bottle of water from his bag. “Sure babe, here drink this.”
After a few minutes of talking and resting under the shade, you stood up, reinvigorated, and filled with more energy. “Okay, let’s go, I’m feeling much better now,”
Bokuto immediately jumped onto his feet and beamed at you, more than ready for another round of rollercoasters and thrilling rides. He held out his hand for you to take and you two headed farther into the park.
“Let’s go on the Viking ride next—wait, hold on, let me fix this.” You let go of your boyfriend’s hand and began adjusting the overpriced headband on your head; Bokuto insisted on buying matching ones at the gift shop despite their ridiculous price (“Look, it’s just so adorable!”)
When you looked up, ready to grab ahold of his hand again, Bokuto was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
You whipped your head all around you but you couldn’t see the familiar head of hair of your boyfriend in the horde of people around you. You stood on your tiptoes, craning your head to get a better view but that didn’t do anything to help. You feel back on your feet and huffed; curse you and your short stature.
You walked down the direction you two were originally headed at, raking your eyes over the crowds of people you walked past when you suddenly heard a familiar voice yelling out your name from a distance. You whipped your head towards the direction of the voice and began to jog towards it.
Bokuto was standing on his tiptoes, his hands cupping his mouth as he called out for you over and over again, oblivious to the looks of shock from the people around him.
As he was about to scream out your name for the dozenth time, you suddenly pushed your way through the people around him and grabbed ahold of his arm, an exasperated yet also relieved look on your face.
Bokuto’s face immediately lit up, the small frown on his lips turning into a large smile as he wrapped his arms around you. He pressed you into his chest and lifted you off the ground as he usually does when he hugs you.
You giggled and flailed around as he did this, when he placed you back safely on the ground, he placed a small kiss on your forehead.
“Sorry for leaving you behind,” Bokuto said as he laced his fingers onto your own, “It won’t happen again,”
You scoffed playfully and let yourself be dragged along by him, “That’s what you said last time, Kou.”
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for chuuya having a crush on someone who's dense? like he could ask them out in the most straightforward way possible and it would still go over their head?
yes, yes of course you may!
sorry this took so long! my computer was out of commission for abt a week (or two..??)
but this is also my birthday writing piece for chuuya!! (4/29/21) i even added a small drabble thingy in addition to the hcs for the occasion hehe
from where i am, it is about fifteen minutes past midnight so it’s officially chuuya day here!!
happy birthday chuuya i love you! you deserve the whole world and everyone is willing to fight tooth and nail to ensure your happiness! we love you! 💗💗
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! i kinda had some writer’s block but it was still a lot of fun to write! there might be some mistakes, but i’ll scan over it again later. reader is gender neutral! have fun!
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chuuya having a crush on a dense! reader
nakahara chuuya x gn! reader
im cackling somebody help him
he’s frustrated bc you can’t take a hint or a thousand but he can’t even be mad bc he’s whipped
“look at you all dressed up today, wanna go out later? my treat?”
“oh really? thanks chuuya-san! you’re such a nice friend. i’ll go invite the others right now, i’ll see you later!”
fast forward to later in the evening and he finds himself at a little restaurant with the black lizard + higuchi and akutagawa
in unison all of them go, “thank you for the meal chuuya-san!” (except aku and hirotsu are quieter & and gin just a nods hehe)
“no problem” (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
gin only pats him on the back in sympathy
he spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make it absolutely and undeniably clear that he has feelings for you
he always fails
“(y/n) i like you”
“i like you too chuuya-san”
“t-then will you—”
“you’re a really great friend! and superior too”
“oh were you saying something?”
“nah, just forget about it”
tachihara is laughing in the corner of the corridor
dont worry, chuuya made sure to get back at him
chuuya’s been pinning after you for years and frankly, his failed attempts to woo you has lead everyone to the breaking point
and i mean everyone
yes, even aku
hell even dazai
but dazai also thinks it’s funny, so he doesn’t mind all that much
okay bye bye dazai-san this headcanon set isn’t abt you rn
they knew even if he kissed you, you still might not get it
so they decided to help him
super secret mission get chuuya and (y/n) together is a go!
they’re still working on a proper mission name, don’t mind them
they had a super secret strategy meeting!
you can bet your ass that they nearly got nothing done
akutagawa & kaiji weren’t much help, neither was higuchi, mori, or elise
tachihara nearly got killed for a thoughtless comment
“just tell them chuuya-san!”
“i already fucking did you ass!”
gin, hirotsu, and kouyou were the most helpful !!
hirotsu and kouyou both agreed on the idea that chuuya should try courting with bouquets of flowers instead of flat out asking you bc they knew you found them pretty
(even if you don’t identify as a female, flowers are for everyone no matter gender or sexuality! so let’s normalize giving flowers to everyone <33 )
gin didn’t speak but she used cards to communicate
everyone knew that you weren’t stupid (you wouldn’t have survived in the mafia if you were) but they did know that you were only stupid when it came to all this lovey dovey stuff
i mean, if chuuya gave you flowers every so often, there’s no way that you wouldn’t piece it together at some point
but kouyou assured him that even though you wouldn’t get it right away, you’d appreciate the gestures and that he’ll stand out more
she even said that if someone gave her flowers, she would appreciate it, whether or not she reciprocated their feelings
it takes guts to be so up front with your feelings after all
gin and hirotsu only nodded with her explanation
once again, this only provoked a reaction out of tachihara
“what do you know gin? i get the old man and kouyou-san, they’re grown, but you? what do you know abt courting? or flowers? what are you a girl?”
akutagawa choked on his cough, higuchi on air, and on the other side of yokohoma at the ada, dazai is cackling
yes, dazai somehow placed a listening device onto chuuya’s hat and was listening in
don’t ask how, it’s dazai
the next day, chuuya did what was barely discussed and for once, things actually started to look up
until they started look to down again
at first, it actually looked like you understood his intentions after he gave you a bouquet of flowers
literally everyone was leaning against the opposite hallway you two were in and then they got excited !!
especially chuuya !
but then your expression sort of changed...??
and then in their heads they simultaneously went, “oh no”
they knew that expression
it was very familiar when you tended to friend zone chuuya
but boy let me tell you what you said next made them facepalm and or make their jaws drop
“ah, so you really are friend zoning me huh chuuya-san; what a shame, i really did like you”
you liked him??
him of all people??
he wasn’t complaining, no of course not, but he still couldn’t believe it
but that wasn’t what he was really focusing on right now
what in any form or language did it say he was friend zoning you?!
flower language apparently
chuuya chose to buy the bouquet of yellow roses, pink carnations, and yellow carnations bc he thought you would appreciate the brighter colors, and so that you’d remember them better (because remembering them, meant remembering him)
but ooh boy
altogether, they meant the exact opposite message he wanted to send
someone help him pls
“you see chuuya-san, yellow roses mean friendship, pink carnations mean gratitude, and yellow carnations mean rejection; sooo in a nutshell, these pretty much say ‘thank you for being my friend, but im rejecting you”
no one can tell if tachihara is crying or wheezing
and dazai is having the time of his life
yes, he started listening in on him again
and chuuya is just stunned
like speechless and unmoving stunned
is he just bad at this whole courting/dating thing?? it’s only been one day and of it and somehow he was the one doing the rejecting??
“thank you for the flowers chuuya-san, i’ll be going now; i’ll make sure to let this affect our friendship. i’ll see you tomorrow!���
you passed by the not so subtle group of people
“tachihara-kun..?? are you alright?”
just for context, he was leaning his forehead against the wall using his forearm
again, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or wheezing
“i-im okay (y/n)-san...i think c-chuuya-san has it worse than me”
he’s still frozen poor baby
but it’s okay bc after like 5 more seconds he’s chasing you down the hallway you were walking in
kouyou, with a knowing smile on her face, ushers everyone away towards the opposite direction
she received some whines (ahem, tachihara and mori) but silenced them by summoning golden demon
but it’s okay
if they run fast enough, they can see what happens through the security cameras
chuuya caught up with you and tried to explain everything but he was exhausted
emotionally, physically (bc since when did you walk that fast??), and generally just tired with the whole situation
he just wanted to call you his; was that too much to ask??
as explosive as he can be, he can be calm and collected too
and he really did try to be that way as he talked with you but it was very difficult at the moment
the dumbfounded and confused look on your face his face twitch with annoyance and his heart started beating faster bc god you were cute
thank goodness after what seemed like years, you finally somewhat understood what happened
you didn’t understand completely but it was something
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The two of you stood in the middle of the unusually empty hallway facing each other, you with the bouquet still in hand. It was quiet as you and Chuuya assessed the situation.
You looked at him skeptically and he stared right back you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“...So you do like me Chuuya-san??”
“And you were trying to court me just now, not friend zone me??”
You got most of your questions out of the way, but there was something that you’ve been wondering about for quite a while.
“...So you’re not gay for Dazai-san??”
“Yes, im not wait—GAY FOR DAZAI?? THAT MACKEREL??”
Chuuya did a double take. What in heavens name made it seem like he liked that suicidal maniac?? Why would he choose him if he had you?
Like he would choose him anyways; or ever consider him as a possible romantic partner.
“Oh, so you are?”
“Well yeah, but I thought you liked Dazai-san too. As annoying as he is, he can be quite charming—”
He was out of patience at this point (nope definitely not because you were talking about Dazai who told you that?) and just decided to kiss you.
You immediately melted into the kiss and kissed him back with the same amount of love and feeling.
Letting the bouquet fall to the ground, you wrapped you arms around his neck and his put his on your lower back and brought you closer to him. After a few more moments, the two of you broke apart for air.
The two of you, slightly out of breath, leaned your foreheads against each other and just basked in each others presence.
Chuuya looked into your (e/c) eyes and asked you just a little bit above a whisper, “Now do you get my intentions and feeling?”
You blinked at him before breaking out into a grin, “Hmm I’m not sure; do you wanna do that again Chuuya?”
The red head only blinked back at you before rolling his eyes, a smile present on his handsome features, his heart fluttering at you using his name with the honorific.
Smiling cheekily at him, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and started dragging him towards the lobby to take a walk around the building perimeter, knowing that the two of you can’t be too far from work.
The way down to the lobby was mostly in comfortable silence until you said something that made Chuuya want to bash his head against the wall.
“You know, you could’ve just told me you liked me Chuuya. It’s not like I would’ve said no.”
Once again, as the rest of the more power mafia members watch from security cameras, it is hard to tell whether Tachihara is crying or wheezing of laughter.
omake !!
The two of you just started making your way around the building when suddenly a very familiar voice came from Chuuya’s prized hat.
“Chuuyaaaa!! It was about time you stopped being a chicken, Chibi!”
Removing his hat from his head, he started yelling at it not knowing exactly where the listening device was planted.
“And (y/n)! I would congratulate you, but I think I would rather offer you my condolences. Why him?! He’s just a slimy slug. OOH OOH how would you like to join me in a double suicide?! A shame it won’t be a lover’s suicide but it’ll annoy Chuuya so I think it’ll be worth it! ”
“And please don’t kiss while I’m listening in. You made me lose my appetite! And it was such a shame! I was eating crab using Kunikida-kun’s money! Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”
“Ah! Kunikida-kun is here! I have to go!”
You can hear something is the background that vaguely sounds like, “DAZAI YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES STOP USING MY MONEY”
The click sound from the hat revealed that Dazai disconnected.
Chuuya twitched and glared furiously at his signature hat hating that the voice he hated the most came out of it.
“Aww, I didn’t get to talk to Dazai-san”
Chuuya whipped his head towards you, a look of mock (or real) betrayal showing on his features.
You laughed at him before taking the hat out of his hands and placing it on his head.
He shyly looked away before muttering a thanks making you smile wider. Just as the two of you were about to start walking, a small explosion erupted from his hat; it was likely that Dazai made the listening device self destruct.
At the Armed Detective Agency, a certain suicidal maniac hid from the wrath of his current partner as he thought about the wrath his old one.
“Hmmm I wonder if Chuuya would finally stop wearing his ugly hats if I blow all of them up...”
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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amimimi · 3 years
hii! can i request sugar daddy!cherry blossom x reader? i feel like he'd be a super romantic type of sugar daddy who would totally make the sugar baby fall in love hahahah
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hi! cherry as a sugar daddy is the sexiest thing i’ve heard all week omfg. also! i went light on the nsfw content bc i didn’t know if you wanted to explore that? i apologize in advance for spelling/grammatical errors!
warnings: nsfw (towards the end!) , sugar daddy/baby relationship
pairings: cherry blossom x reader
word count: 977
sugar daddy!cherry
we all know cherry is rich af
he has his own calligraphy company and he has a skateboard that plays lullaby’s for him at night...yea he got that money
i don’t think cherry initially wants or even thinks about having a sugar baby
joe is the one who brings it up to him at their weekly dinners
he’s teasing cherry about the fact that cherry’s romantic life is dead and telling him that AI cannot replicate human affection
and cherry calls joe a whore, and joe’s like “and what about??”
but that whole interaction does have cherry thinking
intimacy...sounds intriguing....
but cherry doesn’t want to date/have a partner, he thinks it’s messy and time consuming
he figures a sugar daddy/baby relationship might be the way to go for him? It requires laying boundaries out on the table beforehand and it just seems less messy in his head
so y’all meet on an arrangement app and congratulations, you now have the most romantic, sexiest sugar daddy in all of okinawa
cherry is canonly romantic af and strategic about it too—like he does not do parked car talks or ask you to come over just because
he’s constantly mapping out your dates with your interests in mind, like full day planned
which is great if you don’t wanna do sh*t
in the beginning, cherry is very formal and while it is romantic, it feels a lil impersonal
he’s just kinda stiff with you and he doesn’t mean to be!
like you’re cute! you’re charming! you’re sweet! it’s just that cherry feels a little out of his depth
he’s only been intimate with carla...a skateboard...so everything feels a lil strained for him in the beginning
but cherry begins to realized how fun it is to woo you
he finds himself planning out beachside picnics (catered of course), he’s trying to figure out what kind of shoes/clothing to buy you (yeah, he could just take you to a mall and let you go crazy, but the challenge of picking out the perfect outfit is just too fun)
so after a month or so, cherry gets into the groove of things and you’re allowed to experience him in his full glory
takes you out to expensive ass restaurants you didn’t even know existed and if you wear the dress he gifted to you, his eyes will twinkle and the most gentle smile will grace his face
no...no because imagine the both of y’all seated across from each other, but you’re both leaning toward each other, whispering over the gentle music of the restaurant.
and he brushes the back of his knuckles across your cheek and YO HE’S WEARING RINGS AND YOU JUST LET YOUR FACE REST THERE
will send flowers to your apartment just to let you know he's thinking of you <3
you send him cute selfies or screenshots of funny tweets you saw and he eats that shit up
when you sneak and take pictures of him, he shakes his head and rolls his eyes—you don’t miss the small smile on his face
he just finds everything you do so endearing
during their weekly dinners, joe catches cherry grinning at his phone several times and he's like "aww, lil kaoru took my advice, huh? >:)"
instantly ruins cherry's mood
but cherry knows it himself that you've gotten to him
he feels lighter since the two of you had met
i feel like cherry is one of those people that thinks they have self-control over their emotions
key word is thinks
even if he does end up developing feelings for you, he won’t cross any of the boundaries the both of you laid out—he’d only speak up if he was sure that you felt the same way
sometimes, though, when he watches you talk about your wacky day or when you look at him with a familiar sense of adoration shimmering in your eyes— he thinks about asking if he could be your boyfriend right then and there
yea yea, but ANWAYS let’s get to the sexy stuff
i feel like it would also take a while for cherry to start to feel comfortable enough to be physically intimate with you
he makes sure that even sex with him is romantic
you know, rose petals, a lil champagne, candles—the whole shebang
atmosphere is key!
he’s thee most unselfish lover
he’ll eat you out until his jaw locks and baby, his mouth is divine. he will purposefully moan and hum against you because the squeals you let out make his brain feel all fuzzy
he just gets off on showering you with love and gets so caught up in ensuring your pleasure, he kinda forgets about his own
he will make you cum multiple times, back to back, and you have to stop him because you wanna make him cum too
when you give him head, he prefers to be laying up against the headboard with you lying between his thighs, ass up
he’ll let his hand rest against the back of your head, gently guiding you and encouraging you
or he’ll push your hair back from your face so he can properly see your face
or he’ll just gently caress your face as he watches you, eye glossed over and full of lust
even if y'all don't do anything "extreme", he just wants to tend to you
"what do you need, love?"-he literally just offers himself up to you
he'll have water ready in one of those sexy ass vase's (?) and will pour you a cup regardless on whether you ask
runs you a warm bath with your choice of essential oil
he'll give you privacy if you'd like, but if you want him close, he'll bathe with you, letting you rest against his chest
you're his baby and he won't let you forget it
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notes: the quarter just started so I apologize for the lag!
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