#while we're on the subject of the x files though
romansmartini · 1 year
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favorite phenomenon of all time is media inception. for example in midnight mass riley has an x files poster in his bedroom and midnight mass features annabeth gish notable for her role as monica reyes in the x files
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acradelius · 3 months
Can I request some 049 x female Reader headcanons where the Reader is pregnant with 049’s child?
"We're Expecting! Don't Tell The O5 Council!"
Fandom: Secure. Contain. Protect. (SCP)
Pairing: SCP-049 ("Doctor") x Female! Researcher! Reader
Rating: Lime [🟢] - (Equivalent to PG-13)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: Human! Reader, Researcher! Reader, Human x SCP, Human x SCP Relationship, AFAB! Reader, Female Pronouns Used For Reader, Unexpected Pregnancy, Most Likely Post! Contaiment Breach, Slightly Overprotective Doctor, Very Involved Parental! Doctor, Internally "Paranoid"! Doctor, Limited "Normal" Pregnancy Customs.
Word Count: 873 Words
If you'd like to be tagged for all posts, certain fandom posts, or certain character posts then feel free to message me!
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There wasn’t much doubt that amongst the scale of ‘Definitely Not Human-Like’ to ‘As Human As Could Possibly Be, But Still Not Actually Human’, Doctor was more so teetering towards the edge of being more human-like than majority of the other S.C.P. beings that were also residing within the containment site, even still after the initial breach. That didn’t stop the researcher, (Y/N), from initiating a relationship with the Doctor, and eventually it became as intimate as it possibly could have. Despite that intimacy, there wasn’t necessarily ever a thought that a pregnancy between Doctor and (Y/N) could possibly happen, at least until viewing the results of the pregnancy tests that (Y/N) had taken. While there was some initial anxiety when it came to telling Doctor, he was actually pretty excited about the news! 
While within the early stages of their relationship Doctor had respected (Y/N)’s boundaries for space and privacy, now that she’s carrying their child, there’s not really such a thing as space and privacy anymore. (Y/N) couldn’t even make the five steps from Doctor’s desk to the bathroom within his laboratory without him jumping up to assist her. “Are you doing well, Chère? Do you need any assistance? Is there anything concerning the baby?” With that being said, the security around the laboratory is increased as well. There’s also more reanimated subjects that are placed around the laboratory, and even the most common places that (Y/N) typically ventures to and from, for an extra form of protection. It had gotten to the point that Doctor had to venture through the site looking for something, but didn’t want to disturb (Y/N) from their nap, so he had one of the subjects lay in the bed with her for protection.
Doctor is absolutely involved with the baby, ever since the moment that (Y/N) had revealed to him that she was pregnant with his child. He would spend literal hours just reading out loud to her and the child, whether it be his own research papers, random magazine pages found strewn across hallway floors, or would even spend time reading the files based on his other S.C.P. companions. It’s the same thing when it comes to listening to music, even if it’s various languages that (Y/N)’s unfamiliar with or hasn’t even heard of before. Doctor swears that while he hasn’t had any children before, that he’s done his fair share of research when it comes to pregnancies and even early childhood education, though (Y/N) is a bit unsure since it’s been quite some time since Doctor has been within the general public, especially in today’s day and age. He claims that it’s critical, and a long term benefit, that a developing baby experiences these things.
This pregnancy is definitely something more than just a generic pregnancy for Doctor, but he’s not going to make that known to (Y/N) unless he absolutely has to. As stated above, he’s never had a child before, and hasn’t came across anyone else like himself, so he’s unaware of what to actually expect when it comes to someone like him having a child within someone such as her. He’s not just monitoring the basic and typical pregnancy symptoms and such when it comes to watching over his beloved and her pregnancy. Secretly, he’s also monitoring for any abnormalities, anything that could end up becoming alarming or dangerous for (Y/N) or the baby, and even both. He doesn’t want to lose either of them, and therefore he would rather be able to take the risk of doing this part of the monitoring in secret if that means making sure that (Y/N) and their baby is doing well. While he was alone for the majority of his life before she had come along, Doctor isn’t sure if he would be able to continue on if he was to lose her.
Whenever (Y/N)’s due date, or at least an estimate of when the due date would be, there’s only a certain few other S.C.P. beings that Doctor is comfortable with her being around, even if she’s interacted with them for quite some time before the initial breach. He doesn’t want to take any chances with something happening to (Y/N) or the baby, especially with how sporadic and violent some of them can be. He only wants those that he can absolutely trust to be around them, at least at first, those that he knows will also do their best to make sure that things are going smoothly and stress-free. (Y/N) mentioned how this was slightly unfair once and therefore (Y/N) was only allowed to interact with who he didn’t deem safe enough through the intercom to his laboratory, or writing to each other with erasable markers on the window. This even means creating a whole different room or section of the site that Doctor’s located within to treat his “patients”, as he wants to make sure that the environment is going to be safe and sterile, or as sterile as it can be, for a safe, healthy delivery of his beloved little baby to be.
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queenshelby · 9 months
Our Little Secret (Part Seven)
Pairing: Dark! Cillian Murphy x Virgin! Reader
Warning: Smut, Age-Gap, Daddy Issues
Notes: This will not be a love story. It will be dark, twisted and kinky. Cillian is portrayed as totally off cannon.
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Several days later...
The somber air in the church gradually dissipated once the ceremony concluded. You stood beside Cillian, watching as mourners filed out, many offering condolences and sharing memories of the deceased. Although still dressed in black, an undercurrent of sexual tension simmered beneath the surface, drawing the two of you closer together.
As the last of the guests departed, the group gathered in the reception hall attached to the church. Cillian offered you a glass of wine, which you accepted hesitantly just as your stepfather approached.
"Don't give her too much to drink or I will be in the doghouse with Sarah," Frank said, trying to lighten the mood after the saddened events took place.
"You worry too much, man. Last, I have checked, she was already nineteen. Besides, we're here to celebrate the life of our dearly departed, so I am sure Sarah will understand," Cillian retorted, chuckling.
Frank shook his head, knowing well that there would never be a perfect balance when it came to dealing with a stepfamily dynamic like this.
"She is nineteen, but she is still my stepdaughter," Frank exclaimed while Cillian raised his brow in mock disapproval, sipping his wine just as his brother disappeared into the crowd to spend some time with his parents.
"I fucking hate funerals," Cillian muttered, casting a longing glance at the bar.
You looked down at your glass, still not quite sure if you should continue drinking it. But the mood had changed slightly from solemnity to resignation, and it seemed fitting to carry on with the day's activities.
Seeing Cillian's discomfort, you offered him your glass, suggesting he could finish it instead. He flashed you a grateful smile and took a swig before placing the glass back on the table.
"I have never been to a funeral, you know," you pointed out to him
casually, your tone light-hearted as you attempted to break the awkward silence that had settled upon the two of you.
Cillian shook his head in response, taking another sip of his wine, the glass of which was almost empty. "Funerals can be depressing affairs," he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "But then again, they serve as a reminder of our own mortality and they most certainly become more frequent events as you get older," he explained while staring into the crowd. 
You nodded, understanding that he was struggling with the loss of his aunt, who had played a significant role in both of his and your stepfather's lives.
"So, we will be staying at your holiday house tonight," you then mentioned to him casually, changing the subject back to less somber matters.
Cillian raised an eyebrow at you, slightly surprised by your forwardness. "Well, yes..." he replied, his voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension. 
 "Don't you think that this will be weird, us being in the same house together for the weekend, with your wife and my parents?"you questioned Cillian with a hint of concern in your voice.
Cillian shrugged casually, appearing unfazed by the idea. "It won't be a problem. We all know each other, and no one knows about us. We just need to make sure that we keep it that way," Cillian pointed out and, despite his seemingly nonchalant attitude, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness.
"So your wife has absolutely no idea that you are sleeping with me?" you asked, testing the waters.
"No, she doesn't," Cillian confirmed confidently, taking another sip of his wine. 
"That's good," you nodded, thinking of the consequences if anyone were to find out. It wasn't something you wanted, but somehow, being with Cillian felt wrong yet irresistible.
"Do you mind me asking though, are you still being intimate with her seeing that you are having sex with me almost every second day now?"
he blurted out suddenly, his voice lowered, almost as if he was afraid someone might overhear. It was almost like you had too much to drink which, considering that this was your third glass, was probably the case.
Cillian chuckled softly, his eyes darkening with lust and desire. "Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" he wanted to know, and you shook your head, biting your lip nervously.
"No. I am just curious," you said as you felt a warm sensation rush through your body.
"I just want to know how you manage to juggle your relationship with Danielle and our affair, at the same time," you pointed out, causing Cillian to sigh.
"Truth be told, it's complicated," he admitted quietly, his gaze piercing yours. "We still have sex occasionally, but we barely talk anymore. Our marriage is just going through the motions," he admitted you nodded slowly, processing the information. 
"It's like living with a stranger sometimes," he continued, his eyes boring into yours and you understood that their marriage was a facade, a front put up for appearances. And it made you feel a mixture of pity and arousal for Cillian, caught in a loveless union while pursuing an illicit affair with you.
"I don't want to lose my family," he said softly, a pleading note in his voice. "But I also can't stop myself from wanting you," Cillian then explained and you took a deep breath, understanding the complexity of their situation.
"You see, you make me feel alive in a way that Danielle doesn't anymore," he confessed, his voice filled with desperation while you felt the heat rising within you. You leaned closer to him, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest.
"Then why don't we go somewhere private, where no one will disturb us?" you suggested in a low voice, daringly bold.
Cillian glanced around, making sure nobody was nearby. Satisfied, he smiled, his hand reaching out to brush the hair away from your face gently.
"I know just the place. Come on," he whispered, a spark of desire burning brightly in his eyes.
You nodded, feeling the butterflies in your stomach take flight as you followed him towards the back entrance of the function hall. 
"Where are we going?" you asked, your heart racing wildly in anticipation. The thrill of secretly meeting your lover behind closed doors was exhilarating, leaving you craving more.
Cillian led you through a maze of corridors, the dimly lit walls adding to the sense of intrigue and desire. He stopped outside a door, its keyhole marked with a sign that said, "Staff Only".
"This is a place I used to hide in during Sunday mass, especially when I was too hungover to face my parents," Cillian chuckled as he opened the door, revealing the small space within. With a slight laugh, he turned on the lights, illuminating the small, dimly lit room.
"Goodness me, you are such a naughty boy," you teased him, causing him to laugh some more.
"I've always had a thing for this place," Cillian explained, leading you inside. "It used to be a storage room for the church with a ton of books inside," he pointed out as you stepped inside the dark room, letting your eyes adjust to the dim lighting.
Intrigued, you looked around, noticing a dusty couch against one wall, a small wooden table, and various storage boxes scattered across the floor.
"Come on, take off your panties. We have to be quick," Cillian said, his voice husky with desire.
Shaking with anticipation, you swiftly reached beneath your skirt and pulled them down.
"Give them to me," Cillian ordered, taking them gently from your trembling hands. He inspected them intently, his eyes lingering on the delicate lace covering your private parts.
"Why am I giving you my panties? Am I going to get them back?" you wondered aloud, referring to your lost panties.
Cillian laughed softly, his eyes dancing with mischief. "No," he said before trailing his hands over the soft skin beneath your skirt.
"No?" you asked surprised and Cillian chuckled again, a wicked smile playing on his lips.
"No, because I want my cum to leak down your thighs for the rest of the evening," he replied, his voice deeper than ever.
"You do realise that we are still at church, right?" you giggled as his words sank in and a shiver ran down your spine, your heart racing faster than ever.
"Yes, but we've already sinned, so none of this matters," Cillian told you as he pushed you gently toward the storage box closest to the door, encouraging you to sit down on it. He followed suit, positioning himself between your legs, his hands gently cupping your hips.
The air in the small room was filled with tension, almost palpable. Your body felt alive with excitement, your breath coming in shallow gasps.
He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his suit pants revealing his hard cock.
"Spread your legs like a good girl for me," he demanded confidently, his eyes piercing into yours. You complied eagerly, lifting your skirt to expose your bare ass, while your heart raced with excitement.
Gripping your waist, Cillian pulled you closer, bringing your mouth to his ear. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.
You nodded frantically, your cheeks flushed with anticipation.
Without further ado, Cillian lifted your leg, positioning it over his shoulder.
He expertly guided your foot with his strong hands, spreading your legs even wider, leaving you completely exposed.
As his hard cock pressed against your wet entrance, your whole body trembled with anticipation. "Tell me how much you want it," he commanded, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I want it so bad!" you cried out, your voice quivering with need.
Cillian chuckled darkly, his gaze burning into yours.
"Good girl, now you need to be quiet, hmm. Your parents are just next door and so are mine," he whispered, his lips inches away from yours.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the anticipation building as he leaned in to kiss you gently. His tongue teased your lips, enticing you to open for him.
Your body responded instinctively, opening up to him as he explored your mouth with his tongue, moaning softly when he slid his fingers between your labia, finding you wet and ready.
"That's a good girl," he whispered hoarsely, his voice full of lust. Your heart raced wildly, but you couldn't help but revel in the feeling of being wanted, desired, and touched in ways you'd only dreamt of.
Slowly, Cillian lowered his cock towards your entrance, his movements purposeful and controlled. As he began to penetrate you, your body tensed with anticipation, feeling the first thrusts deep within you.
You moaned softly, welcoming his cock into your tight passage. Cillian held your hips firmly, his eyes locked onto yours, giving you all the control you needed.
"Fuck, that feels so good!" you cried out, unable to contain your excitement.
He grinned wickedly, increasing the tempo of his thrusts. "That's right, let it out. You feel so tight, just like I imagined," he whispered, his breath hot against your neck.
"Oh, God! Don't stop," you pleaded, your body arching into his. The intensity of the pleasure was unlike anything you'd ever experienced, and the knowledge that Cillian was the source of such ecstasy left you yearning for more.
"I am sure God can hear you baby," Cillian groaned deeply, driving his cock harder into your body. "Your cunt is so hot and wet, it feels amazing," he growled, his fingers digging into your hips, holding you down. Your own fingers dug into his shoulders, desperate for any semblance of control.
Cillian held your hips, pushing himself deeper into you, making you moan loudly in pleasure. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, mirroring your own.
"You are taking me so well, even in this holy place" he growled, gripping your hips harder, plunging his cock deeper into your wetness. You clenched your muscles around him, eliciting a low moan from his throat. Your entire body tingled with the exquisite sensation of being filled and claimed by Cillian.
"Now, are you going to take my cum like a good girl?" Cillian murmured against your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"Yes, yes, please! Please, fill me with your cum!" you whimpered, your body writhing in sheer ecstasy.
Cillian growled, his thrusts becoming even more forceful. "That's it, you're such a dirty little slut!" he whispered harshly, his voice gravelly with passion. Your pussy gripped him tightly, your cries growing louder as your orgasm approached.
"Please, don't stop! I'm so close!" you begged, your fingers digging into his shoulders. Cillian growled, picking up the pace, his thrusts deeper and faster.
"Take it all, baby! Let go!" he groaned, filling you with his cum.
You screamed out in ecstasy, your body trembling with pleasure as he emptied himself into you. Cillian continued to hold you tightly, kissing you tenderly, his hot breath caressing your cheek.
"Thank you, baby. I think I needed this," he whispered softly, a soft smile playing on his lips as he helped you to stand up.
As you stood, your knees slightly wobbly from the intense experience, you couldn't help but marvel at the way Cillian had taken control of the situation. His dominance had been both exhilarating and incredibly arousing, leaving you craving more.
Gently, he helped you pull your skirt back into place before tucking your underwear into his suit jacket. 
"Now let's get back to the wake, shall we?" Cillian suggested, his voice deceptively casual. "You wouldn't want your family to worry about you," he then teased, and you nodded, still somewhat shaken from the intensity of what had just happened.
As you walked through the gathering, your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you indeed felt Cillian's cum run down your thighs It was an odd mix of shame and thrill that coursed through your veins, knowing that your parents were mere steps away. Your heart raced, and you found yourself glancing discreetly at Cillian by your side, who looked equally smug with satisfaction.
"Where did you go?" your mother asked, standing next to Cillian's wife Danielle, her brow furrowed with concern. She glanced subtly at Cillian, who gave her a reassuring smile.
"We just got ourselves a drink," Cillian explained smoothly, his tone nonchalant while you tried to deal with the stickiness between your legs. 
"Really? Then what took you so long?" Sarah questioned curiously; her eyebrows raised.
"Well, you know how it is. The bar tends to get busy," Cillian answered lightly, giving you a sidelong glance and, luckily for you, this was enough explanation to satisfy your mother's curiosity while Danielle leaned in and gave Cillian a tender kiss.
"You don't have a silly little crush on my husband, do you?" she then asked bluntly, seeing how you were always somewhat smitten by Cillian's presence.
"Me? A crush on Cillian?" you stammered, trying to hide your embarrassment. "Oh, I... It's nothing like that. He's family and more than twice my age," you forced a laugh, feeling your face flush with heat. Danielle narrowed her eyes, studying you closely while Cillian furrowed his eyebrows in dislike of your comment.
"Relax Y/N. I was just joking," Danielle told you, a small smile curling her lips and just as Danielle and her mother had a quiet chuckle, your cheeks flushed once again, remembering the intimate encounter you had with Cillian just minutes earlier. 
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imeternallylove · 1 year
Just don't ask me to make pancakes - Cpt. Price
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Cpt. John Price x Reader
genre: angst but end with fluff
warning: traumatic stress disorder of miscarriage
word: approx 970
(gif belongs to me)
main mastetlist | request | prompts
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It had entirely depleted you. You were not just tired but also uneasy. Blutcer making you resembled a young boy who had lost his father and died inhumanely at the embassy. Even taking the shot in front of his child, Amon.
Everything reminded you of your own child, who will haunt you for the rest of your life as a result of your work of recent. 
Even though you attempted to forget about it, the ideas kept returning. And you were on the brink of a panic attack.
Not only were you nervous, but so was the rest of the team, notably Gaz, who looks very similar to you.
Everyone was dissatisfied with the mission because nothing was getting done in a timely manner. You stayed so you could go over the evidence you had on one suspect in your pursuit of The Wolf.
“When you take the gloves off, you get blood on your hands. That's how it works.”
"We get dirty, and the world stays clean. That’s the mission."
Price, your boss, entered the base and came to a halt at your workstation. He gazed at you, noticing your erratic breathing. He took a step closer to your desk, standing off to the side. "Is everything all right, Y/N?" Your captain questioned softly.
Price wasn't hostile in any manner, but it was enough to tip you over. While clutching yourself, you looked to snap like a pine needle. Tears flowed down your cheeks as you closed the file.
"No, boss, I'm not okay," you wept. "How can I ever be happy? How can we possibly be okay? We apprehended him, but the fight is far from done." Breathing in becomes increasingly difficult for you. "So, that little boy at the embassy has to die, subjected to the same torture that my child endured when we fell from the helo because of that fucking RPG. And I-I... some nights I'm continuing to fight the same struggle."  
Price grabbed your arm and swung you around when you tried to brush by him. He drew you into an embrace, his arm around your shoulders. He ran his fingers over your hair, attempting to calm you down.
"Shh... Y/N," he said quietly. "Listen, it's all fine.  We're going to track out these jerk's hideout."  
Price seated you in your chair and reached for his phone. He couldn't have everyone on his team on edge like this, even you. He considered releasing you from your responsibilities, but he knew you couldn't. It meant more to you than simply apprehending another murderer. You wanted to wash away the guilt of killing Blucher in front of innocent people, as well as the miscarriage that took place while the team was attempting to apprehend Blucher.
When your boss observed you were still crying, he reached out a hand to you. "Come on, Y/N," Price simply offered.  "You're coming with me."
The moment you looked up at the Captain, you raised an eyebrow. "Where are we going," you stated, while your voice was quivering.   
He grabbed you from your chair, wiping your tears away with his hands. "I'm going to make you the best steak you've ever had, Sergeant." In the very dimly lit room, his tiny smile and wrinkles are still visible. "If you still want to talk about what's bothering you, we can do so."
You followed the captain to the base kitchen, which looked nearly identical to the last time you came. There was one change this time: instead of Gaz, your boss would prepare the steak for you.
You stood there watching as he effortlessly lit the fireplace. Then he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a couple of steaks.
"Price, why are you being so nice to me?" You spoke quickly, catching his attention.
"Are you saying that I'm not nice?" He asked lightly and laughed as he saw you shaking your head. "Now call me John," he replied lightly returning his attention to the steaks. "I just want you to be okay, Y/N."
You nodded and kept silent as he cooked the steaks in his fireplace. You're not in a war zone in the kitchen right now. He finished by slipping you a plate with your steak on it. You took out your trusty knife and chopped into the meat with ease. You hummed as you ate the delicious steak. "You make a mean steak," you added with a small smile on your face.
"Just don't ask me to make pancakes," Price muttered, his lips smirking. His distinct distinctive grin.
"Thank you, boss," you said softly, and after hearing his grunt, you looked over to his slightly troubling stares. "Thank you, John?"
"No need to thank," he mumbled, a slight smile back on his face.
After you finished your steak, Price took your plate and placed it in a sink full of soapy water. He sat next to you on the couch, waving his hand at himself.
"Oh? Did he want you to sit closer?" 
You decided to move in closer, looking for any signs of dissatisfaction.
You nestled against your boss's side as he wrapped his arm over your shoulder. "You smell nice," you mumbled to the soldier as you looked up.
"That would be the smell of ciga," he laughed.
"What if we don't find it, John?" You mused. "I don't want that, and we-"
Price stopped you, squeezed your shoulder, and kissed your brow. "Don't worry," he assured you calmly. "We will find them. We're a team, we've got Laswell, and we're going to succeed."
Finally, your captain followed through on his promise. You did locate the flat where all of The Wolf were staying. After the task was finished, you stayed with Price for a few days; his orders.
And those two days were the most memorable of your life.
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fischlcatgirl · 1 month
ok so in this au there exists a branch of the x files fbi made up specifically of children. this is useful because though one can certainly get a ways going up to people and saying hey. we're the fbi. let us in. there is a different kind of infiltration for which literal children work most effectively. if an fbi agent comes to your evil church and talks about investigating everyone is going to be on high alert. but if you have a highly trained small child sneak out of sunday school they'll have probably at least ten minutes before anyone goes looking for them. and even then when theyre found in the records department they say oh im a child. i got lost. whoops.
naturally its a very small department. very niche. very need to know. especially because the cases entrusted to these Literal Children tend to be very weird in nature.
so the main characters of this au are Nahida and Scaramouche NOT IN A SHIP WAY. I NEED THIS TO BE ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. i may be an msr lover but this is an AU with DIFFERENT CHARACTERS you have to UNDERSTAND.
Nahida is the department's agent with the highest efficiency. She is maybe 8 years old and has been a part of the department for as long as she can remember. As long as she can remember is actually only since she was like, five, though. anything earlier than that is a complete blank. this is because, and she does not know this, she is the product of a human cloning experiment done using the combined dna of both the fbi's now deceased actual best adult agent, Rukkadevata, and AN ALIEN. This was done with the INTENT of creating a second functioning adult agent but there were complications and Nahida had to be taken out early, so naturally Nahida is considered a failure for reasons she does not know and thus cannot explain. She is incredibly focused and serious as an agent because she is trying to get people to like her. ITS NOT WORKING.
The cloning project's name is PROJECT BUER. There are still attempts being made at it, but Nahida was their best shot so everyone involved is still kind of pissed at Nahida.
Scaramouche was taken out of a military experiment to see how far they could take mechanical enhancements to the human body. He is 14, and was chosen as a child (10) specifically to see how his regular human growth would impede the enhancements. He and the Raiden Shogun are Makoto's children, and though he was volunteered by Ei following Makoto's death, Raiden was allowed to stay because she was older and less of a kind of. handful. He only cares about completing his missions well because he's been threatened with being sent back to the project if he doesn't. He actually knows about Project Buer on account of some snooping around he did when he was first introduced to the department of literal children, but again, he was threatened with being sent back to the project if he told anyone, especially Nahida.
The project he was part of was run by DOTTORE. Collei and Niwa were also a part of it, and the three of them met while inside, but Collei and Niwa managed to escape. Katsuragi was part of this escape attempt, but Dottore actually managed to capture him. He was terminated, and Dottore told Scaramouche that Katsuragi had said he was involved in the plan, and that he would be punished accordingly. This was. a lie. Dottore just knew the two of them were friends and didn't want Scara to get any IDEAS about escaping as well, and also wanted to take out the fact that two of his other subjects had escaped on someone. The boy who was Scara's friend had basically the same thing happen as in canon, except instead of being in some village in Inazuma, he was part of this project. Afterwards, Scara patently refused to cooperate in any sort of test. They could have kept going, but it would have been more difficult, so he was pulled.
Basically, Scaramouche (the department's "problem agent") and Nahida (not a problem, but still largely low within the pecking order for reasons out of her control) start getting sent on sham missions as an excuse to get both of them out of the department. These are the X Files. Unfortunately for the department's head (Azar, probably), this DOES NOT WORK. Nahida and Scaramouche KEEP SOLVING THE CASES.
Scaramouche's original plan is to keep doing the bare minimum, but he realizes at some point that even then they might deem them to not be doing well enough, and while yeah, he definitely doesn't want to go back to the project, he also realizes that he doesn't know what will happen to Nahida if she gets kicked out of the department? and he doesn't want to admit it but he definitely doesn't want to be responsible for the death of this eight year old girl who puts on her most serious faces but is secretly. deep inside. very silly. SO THEYRE FUCKING KICKING ASS.
Eventually they start getting really hard cases. Ones which, you know, turn out to be really bad for them. Nahida gets trapped inside a computer and lives out a false life that is. unbeknownst to her. Rukkadevta's life. She's reaching out from beyond the grave. And Nahida just kind of has to. Deal with that. They get assigned to a case where they inadvertently run into Raiden, because she's dating a police chief (Sara) in the small town they're in. But they can also tell that they keep brushing against some truth, some hidden scheme, and so they keep going, they keep giving it their absolute all.
But before we get to that and because if you've gotten to this point in the post you're really in it now, let us go over some of the other characters involved in this au.
Alhaitham takes Azar's place after he is dismissed for not being able to get rid of Nahida and Scara. He takes a kind of interesting role, where he does not support the x files, believing the reports Nahida and Scara give to be ridiculous fabrications even when they get results, but also being forced to acknowledge that well. they GET RESULTS, and also that it's very strange that the higher ups are trying to get rid of Nahida and Scaramouche. He's aware of Scara's background, but not Nahida's, and his primary goal is The Truth, so he keeps them together and keeps sending them on x file cases.
Kaveh is Alhaitham's former partner (in an fbi way) who also functions as the department's stand-in Parent Figure, so when they need to pull a kid out of a situation fast they send Kaveh in to go "oh my poor child has been on the run im so glad that theyve been found anyway goodbye" he's there because he and Alhaitham keep getting put in the SAME DEPARTMENTS. they both HATE IT. Kaveh is conflicted about his role but ultimately he's actually in a ton of debt and needs this job, so he stays on until later when he and Alhaitham join up with Tighnari.
ON TIGHNARI. you may have noticed earlier when I mentioned that Collei escaped from Dottore. Well. She is technically currently on the run from the government. But she is in fact. Right underneath their noses, because Tighnari (also an fbi agent) took her in and keeps redirecting any attempts to find her. His primary goal is to take down the experiments Dottore is running, and then once that is achieved, to take down the Literal Children Department so they can have Normal Lives. Cyno is a part of this effort, but he mostly appears in conjunction with Tighnari. They're like. Co-heads of this attempt, which is. Naturally. Secret.
Collei is slowly dying because the older she gets the less her enhancements "fit her". They're all kind of jerry-rigged into working still, but it's definitely not a lasting solution. Something needs to be done about it, but obviously she doesn't want to have to go back to the military, especially because now since she's been out of containment and observation for so long there's a good chance they'll just kill her.
Faruzan is a Deep Throat (normal name) sort of character for Nahida and Scara. She secretly helps them in cases while also being frustratingly vague. It's her who eventually leads Nahida to the Project Buer stuff, which is when Nahida really starts going like ohhh nooo i need to get out of here. She's found out and made to vanish by the higher ups once they find out she's been helping, and then replaced by Kaveh, who is really there to take the fall for the person who is telling him to help them, Dori.
THE KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS. The knights make up a much normaller section of the fbi EXCEPT for Jean and Kaeya, who are Basically Scully and Mulder (AGAIN NOT IN A SHIP WAY). They take care of different X files, and due to some mix-ups regarding how secret the Literal Children Department is, keep getting assigned to the same cases as Nahida and Scara, which makes them go hey. why do these two children keep showing up.
Jean is kind of the Mulder of the two of them, because Barbara was abducted by aliens when they were kids, and when she came back she became the puppet figurehead of a cult. Jean wants these invaders GONE and is very upset by the fact that everywhere she turns it seems like the government is COLLABORATING with them???
Kaeya is an alien. That's all there is to it really. Diluc found out and tried to kill him. When that didn't work he tried to report him to the fbi. when the fbi was like "yeah we know" Diluc quit. And now he's trying to expose the fact that the government is working with aliens but mostly he just gets dismissed as a freak.
Albedo is Jean and Kaeya's Deep Throat (again, normal name) and his main goal is really just revealing the existence of the Literal Children Department to them, mostly because he was the product of the same kind of cloning Nahida was, and he wants her to be able to live a normal life. Also because the head of his project, Alice, has started talking about volunteering her daughter Klee for the Children Department. And Albedo, who was raised basically as Gold and Alice's son (this has created unique problems for him, as being raised by two women who will sacrifice not only their department(the hexenzirkl)'s freak chalk baby but also Alice's flesh baby to the FBI might), cares deeply about Klee. He thinks that Jean and Kaeya are uniquely suited to this because 1. they both care about children (Jean because of the Barbara thing, Kaeya because of his own thing) and 2. They both have a unique sort of untouchability within the fbi, because Barbara's cult is actually generating a lot of revenue for the fbi (alien and government partnership) and because Kaeya. um. (alien and government partnership)
Nahida discovers the Project Buer thing. Faruzan starts contacting them and helping them on cases. Both her and Scaramouche find out about the Tighnari thing, because Scaramouche recognizes Collei while they're out on a case and they follow her back home because they think it might be relevant to their case. And also for personal reasons. They agree to help.
They actually aren't doing well on a case because of Government Alien Nonsense and Alhaitham comes up to them like hey. youre not doing well on your case. And Nahida blows up in his face about Project Buer and Scara backs her up (they are close at this point). Alhaitham says. Hey. What. What are you talking about.
Alhaitham starts trying to help them figure out what's going on with this whole alien thing. Naturally they are trying to be so stealthy and fly under the radar, but it does not work and eventually he and Faruzan both go missing. He's replaced by an officer from the military, Arlecchino, who actually joins that which is under her purview (also literal children, but this time they're child soldiers instead of child fbi agents) with the fbi one.
Kaveh starts acting as both the kids' informant as well as Tighnari's. He's Nahida and Scara's man on the outside, and Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno's man on the inside. He also wants to know what exactly happened to Alhaitham.
Nahida and Scara get a name for what it is they're chasing: PROJECT CELESTIA, and find that it's connected to Project Buer. Basically. It's aliens.
Jean and Kaeya find out about Scara and Nahida by basically cornering them and saying HEY. WHATS GOING ON. But Albedo shows up and hes like "no.... it isn't time yet... it will be Bad if anyone finds out you met and talked in person". And Jean says NO. WHAT IS HAPPENING. But after everything gets explained to them and everything seems like it's going back to normal Kaeya disappears. And Jean goes to the kids and is like. "I hate to do this but I need help to find Kaeya".
So they find out Kaeya has been basically kidnapped and is being held hostage at one of the Project Celestia like. Stronghouses. Government. Buildings. Whatever. All three of them go to rescue him and they find out he's an alien. It's crazy. But ultimately Jean decides to put her hatred of aliens aside because like. that's her partner (in an fbi way).
They all keep investigating Project Celestia together but separately so that the fbi doesn't detect that they're working together. It's like both the knights' department and the Literal Children Department are working in tandem. But then things seem to be going a little too well?? Like, it seems like they keep getting new evidence that actually turns out to be nothing, like they're being strung along.
AND THEN. Through a massive group effort the Children Department gets SHUT DOWN. Diluc's credibility has been slowly rising because he's been getting fed the results of the cases from Kaeya (begrudgingly), and he's threatened to expose the Literal Children Department if it doesn't get disbanded, with the extra backup of the article ready if he happens to mysteriously vanish because of it (the backup is in Tighnari's possession, not that the fbi knows that).
So Nahida and Scara get put in like a special sort of fbi containment orphanage (lead by Arlecchino still, who may or may not have been part of this plan it's unclear) where they can lead Kind Of Normal lives (it's not ideal) except now they're not agents anymore. So they can't investigate Project Celestia anymore. And all of the adults in their lives are like "that's good!!" but they hate it.
So Nahida, Scara, Collei (who is also a part of the orphanage as part of the deal to not publish the expose about the Children Department), Klee, and Lyney & Lynette & Freminet ALL run away and Try To Get Answers. They are all on the run. They contact Jean and Kaeya, who, with the help of all of these. children. are able to sneak into the government facility where the Project Celestia files are being kept.
if you made it this far. i hope you enjoyed this post. i'm sorry it was 1 million miles long and if you have any like thoughts or ideas or whatever i would love to hear them.
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Uncanny Icon Chapter 2: Dossier
Kurt Wagner x Original Female Character (Adrian Grey)
Rating: M
Chapter Summary:
We're gathering the team!
While the Professor is out gathering new recruits, Adrian and Scott are taking a look at who their new teammates will be, with some interests questions, comments, and concerns along the way. Including a special addition: Adrian Grey's own Cerebro file!
Our last chapter pre-Giant Size X-Men 1, but references to the story, particularly the origins of the new team members.
[this is chapter is extra special thanks to fantastic art by @lazywrites of our Indelible Icon!]
‘The Professor is currently out collecting our teammates, and since your telepathy isn’t compatible with Cerebro, we’ll have to make do with the paper files,’ Scott says as he slides the pile across the dining room table towards Adrian. ‘Each was handpicked by Xavier to best help with the mission, though I will say, they are… well, you’ll see.’
‘I’m going to ignore that dig on my powers, Slim, otherwise I might be offended.’ She frowns at the files, pulling them towards herself. ‘But seriously, what’s so bad about them? They’re just mutants, how much worse than us could they possibly be?’
‘You’ll see,’ he repeats, crossing his arms.
Grabbing the first file, Adrian flips it open, ‘Okay, talk me through what we’re working with.’
File 1: NIGHTCRAWLER [Kurt Wagner, 20, Germany, teleportation]
‘Xavier got a psychic warning that Wagner will be attacked by an angry mob, so he’s the first stop,’ Scott explains as Adrian pulls the papers out of the file.
‘Angry mob? What is this, the 1800s, why would they…’ she looks down at the photo pulled from the Cerebro database. ‘Oh.’
Adrian always knew that there were mutants with more explicit mutations. Her own powers cause her eyes to change colour, Warren’s wings could only be hidden with a specific type of harness, but this?
This is something completely different.
The face that looks back at her is a dark blue, almost indigo, with heavy shadows around golden eyes, a solid colour with only the faintest sign of a pupil. Black hair curls around pointed ears. A half-open mouth reveals sharpened canines. That mouth is soft, sly, contrasting nicely with a sharp jaw and defined cheekbones, a strong brow reminding her of a classic Hollywood hero, just in different colours, of course. According to the file, he was completely blue, with hands and feet each with three digits instead of five and…
‘A tail?’ she exclaims, looking between the file and Scott.
‘Yeah, I know, it’s a bit much but…’
She holds a hand up. ‘Well, hold on, it’s not a bad thing.’ She quickly notices his disappointment. ‘Hey, I’m not calling him hot, but, you know, kinda cute, I guess.’ Another look. ‘Okay, okay, fine. Is teleportation his only non-physical mutation?’
He nods, ‘Only primary mutation. Some ability to stick to walls and hide in shadows, but also trained in acrobatics and swordsmanship. Grew up in a circus, apparently.’
‘Hm,’ she closes the file with a little smile, ‘blue Errol Flynn, sounds fun. What’s next?’
File 2: WOLVERINE [classified, unknown, Canada, healing factor*]
‘Well, great, we went from a devil to a non-entity, that’s helpful.’ Her eyes then bug wide as she reads the footnote.
*note: mutant subjected to experiments that resulted in an adamantium coating on entire skeleton, including three claws on each hand (unknown if claws present pre-operation)*
‘I’m sorry, adamantium?’
‘My reaction exactly,’ Scott confirms, pushing over the photo. ‘Apparently he was part of a project called Weapon X headed by a sector of the Canadian government, but there aren’t a lot of details.’
‘And here I thought Canadians were supposed to be nicer than us.’ Adrian looks down at the photo of the Wolverine. It’s a photo in uniform instead of civilian garb, and she immediately makes the connection between the name and the image of the man with a spiked mask. She looks up in disbelief. ‘Scott, this is the guy that fought the Hulk! We want this guy? Seriously?’
Scott shrugs. ‘Well, the Professor wants him. Though, he may technically be government properly, so I’m not sure if the Professor will be able to get him.’
‘Wait, a person is government property?’
‘His skeleton is.’
She leans back in her chair, rubbing her forehead. ‘Jesus Christ.’
File 3: BANSHEE [Sean Cassidy, 38, Ireland/USA, sonic scream]
‘Oh, okay, its Sean, that’s fine.’ She tosses the file without another word.
Scott raises an eyebrow.
‘What? I pay attention to the people we interact with on one-off missions sometimes.’ She rolls her eyes at his continued disapproving glance. ‘What? He’s a ginger Irish guy who calls himself Banshee, I think I get the gist.’
‘Well, he was also part of Interpol and –’
She waves it away, ‘No, no, I get the gist, its fine.’
File 4: STORM [Ororo Munroe, 27, Kenya, weather manipulation]
Adrian lets out a low whistle. ‘We’re recruiting goddesses now, huh? Finally giving the Avengers a run for their money?’
The woman is beautiful, probably one of the most beautiful women Adrian has ever seen. Deep skin contrasting with blue eyes and a mane of white hair. Her nose is regal, lips full, the turn of her eyes reminding Adrian of a cat. She was also naked, her top half shown in the photo only covered by her hair.
‘We’re not calling her a goddess,’ Scott says, distracting Adrian from the photo. ‘She’s worshipped by a tribe in Kenya, but she’s still just a mutant. Manipulates the weather.’
She raises an eyebrow, ‘That sounds suspiciously like a goddess, Slim. Like that’s a lot of power and if she actually has control over it enough for people to worship her? I’ll call her a goddess at that point.’
‘Well, I suppose the problem is going to be convincing her that she is really just a mutant and she should help us. But the Professor apparently met her as a child, so is convinced that he can sway her to join.’
Adrian hums, only half listening to his explanation as an idea comes to her. ‘Hey, if that’s the case,’ referring to her previous point, ‘Could Jesus have been a –’
‘No,’ he answers sternly before she can finish her question.
File 5: SUNFIRE [Shiro Yoshida, 28, Japan, solar radiation manipulation]
‘Oh, you don’t recognise this one?’
Adrian looks up at him from the photo of a Japanese nobleman that’s she’s pretty sure she’s never seen before. ‘What?’
‘Well,’ he starts, leaning back in his seat, ‘since you said you were so good at remembering people that the team has interacted with before, I just assumed…’
She throws the file at him. ‘Don’t be sarcastic,’ she retorts as she grabs the next one, ‘it doesn’t suit you.’
He laughs at her and, despite her annoyance, she’s at least glad he’s able to joke around, considering the circumstances.
File 6: COLOSSUS [Piotr Nikolayevich Rasputin, 19, Siberia, metal mimicry/super-strength]
‘Fucking hell, dude,’ she barks out as she reads the specs on the next mutant. ‘Six foot six in regular form but when mutation is activated, Rasputin’s skin turns to a form of organic steel, increasing his height up to seven foot five?’ She stares at Scott in disbelief. ‘We’re the same age, I didn’t know we even came this big!’
‘Don’t be childish, Adrian,’ Scott crosses his arms, tone sharper than before.
Adrian picks up on the switch instantly, as per the nature of her powers. With Scott being the only other person in the mansion, all she could focus on were those subtle changes in his emotional state. ‘What? You don’t like my jokes? Or you don’t like the idea of a Commie on the team?’
He shrugs, ‘I’m not against it.’
She gives him a look.
‘I’m not,’ he says with more conviction. ‘I’m just wanting to make sure we don’t have any members that could jeopardize the mission, that’s all.’
Adrian does a quick look over the files so far, ‘So what, you got a problem with… a German, a Russian, and someone from Japan? You do realize it’s not 1942, right? The Professor is bringing in mutants. It’s not like we’re getting a Nazi, a KBG officer, and an imperialist on the team.’
‘That isn’t what I meant.’
‘No, no I know what you meant.’ Scott, along with most of the original X-Men, always had a problem with full accepting that being a mutant wasn’t just the same as being different. Just like people could hate others because of their race, gender, sexuality, or religious beliefs, they could also hate mutants. But it was often forgotten by that first generation that these things could overlap. There could be black mutants, gay mutants, Soviet mutants, anything and everything. This new team is a testament to that reality. And even if they disband after this mission, it’s a step forward. Adrian has always felt the need to hide the stranger parts of herself even among her classmates, but the last thing she wants is for these new members feel the need to do the same thing just to placate Scott and the others.
She closes the file on the young man, whose face already reveals a kindness that few people can ever hope to achieve. ‘We’re mutants, Slim. Just remember that we don’t all get to have a happy little childhood and not all of us only have problems when our powers manifest. You know that, I know you do. The Professor gave us a chance, give it to someone else now.’
And then she pulls out the final file.
File 7: THUNDERBIRD [John Proudstar, 26, USA, super strength/speed/agility]
Even Adrian isn’t immune to some hypocrisy.
She frowns.
‘What’s wrong? He’s a good addition. Professor says he’s looking to prove himself, needing a cause to fight for. And since you said we deserve to give everyone a chance…’
Her eyes flash gold for a moment, his patronizing tone reminding both of them that just because they’re the only ones left, doesn’t mean they will always get along perfectly. ‘Don’t put words in my mouth, Summers.’
Scott leans forward on his elbows, gaze never wavering. ‘So what’s wrong with him?’
‘Nothing’s wrong with him. I’m just thinking logistically. This would make nine members on the team and there’s a good mix of offense and defence, good range of power sets. Is it necessary for one more who’s powers are just… improvements on natural human athleticism?’
‘You don’t want me to complain about some of the other members, you don’t complain about this one.’
She raises her eyebrows, eyes returning to brown as she smirks, ‘Why, Slim, are you compromising with me?’
He holds his out to her.
The smirk turns into a full smile and her hand finds his, shaking it.
As she stares at the files spread out across the table, the photos of soon-to-be teammates and allies, Adrian can’t help it as her face begins to sour. Her hands tug at the roots of her ginger curls, jaw tightening as stress starts to manifest. They had already lost so many people, what if it just happened again this time around. As Scott places his hand on her shoulder, she feels the wave of calm wash over her, pacifying her mind long enough for her to ask, ‘Are we sure this is a good idea?’
‘The Professor thinks so.’
‘I’m not asking about Xavier,’ she leans back in her chair, looking up at Scott, brown eyes meeting ruby quartz glasses. ‘I’m asking you. What do you think? Because I just… I just see more lives we’re just throwing away, I see more people who don’t know what they’re getting into, I see…’
‘Soldiers.’ Scott finishes for her, his hand now weighing heavy on her shoulder. He doesn’t like to question Xavier, and Adrian knows it. Scott Summers is team leader, the first mutant brought to the mansion, the perfect soldier, perfect student. He knows how to take action, carrying out the steps necessary to achieve Xavier’s dream. But now? He feels as Adrian does, that distrust gnawing at their hearts, the possibility that all they are just soldiers in a war they are too young to fight. Adrian is nineteen, Scott twenty-three. Is that meant to be enough? Old enough to go out on death missions but young enough to follow orders without question?
But they both know they’ll do it.
They always do it.
And in this case, the reward isn’t just saving humans that will hate them the next day, it’s to get their family back.
Adrian sighs. ‘You want Jean back.’
‘I want all of them back,’ he says.
She looks at him again, ‘Tell her you love her this time. You both deserve that. Don’t let her get away again because you’re scared she’ll say no. She won’t.’
He nods, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. No matter what he says, he’s never liked how easily Adrian can read people, how easy it is for her to unknowingly pick at wounds that haven’t been properly healed.
She’s right, though. She always ends up being right.
He ruffles her hair. ‘We’ll get them back.’
She nods, staring at the files once more. ‘A second genesis of X-Men.’
‘Second genesis,’ he repeats. Then he holds out a final file for her to take. ‘Welcome back, Adri.’
She flips the file open, seeing a photo of a familiar young woman with mid-length ginger hair curling wildly around a round face with strong brows and large, expressive brown eyes. A sharp, slightly crooked nose, soft jaw and cheeks dotted with freckles, a mouth turned down in a frown, making dimples appear on her chin.
File 8:  ICON [Adrian Louise Grey, 19, USA, empathic telepathy/psychic manifestation]
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Name: Adrian Louise Grey
Known Aliases: n/a
Known Name Derivatives: Adri, Addy
Codename: Icon
Age: 19
Birthday: 9th June
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’4”
Identifying Features (scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc.): stab scar on right shoulder (front and back) 2 inches long; circular scar on left hip 0.5 inch diameter.
Body Modifications: two lobe piercings on each ear
Known Medical Issues: hypermobility, allergies to mangos and strawberries, extreme intolerance for alcohol
               Primary Mutation: Empathic Telepathy*
               Secondary Mutation: Psychic Manifestation**
               Age of Activation (Primary): 4
               Age of Activation (Secondary): 12
               Any External Cause for Activation: n/a
Identifying Features (Primary or Secondary): psychic energy and constructs manifest as a yellow-gold colour; activation of either mutation causes a change in eye colour from brown to gold.
*empathic telepathy: the ability to understand and influence the emotions of others through an initial manipulation of one’s own emotional state. Differs from empathy due to the communicative element indicative of telepathic ability. Higher levels of empathic telepaths have the ability for illusionary visions, control of masses through joined emotional state, and potential reality-altering states.
**psychic manifestation: the ability to create constructs of psychic energy, limited only by the imagination and will of the user. Constructs last only as long as user focuses on their creation. Higher levels of manifestation may have the ability to construct semi-permanent images. Currently limit of size is dependent on the strength and mental fortitude of the mutant.
PERSONAL HISTORY [notes by Professor Charles Xavier]
Adrian Louise Grey is the youngest child of John and Elaine Grey [human] (Annandale-on-Hudson, New York). Two older siblings include Sara [human] and Jean [see separate file, MARVEL GIRL]. Raised in a single income home, father being the provider as a professor at Bard College. Current 50/50 split between mutant and non-mutant children in the Grey family – potential mutant ancestors indicated by the similarity of powers of Adrian and Jean?
Powers seemed to manifest early, but naturally. According to the family, there were no traumatic events associated in Adrian’s childhood to the activation of her primary mutation. As they described in my first discussion with them, it was her fourth birthday when she suddenly burst into tears and every time another human touched her to calm her down, she transferred her emotions to them and vice versa. Since that point, Adrian has constant surges of emotional data in her mind, unable to tune it out in the same manner psychic telepaths are able to.
Due to concerns about both Jean and Adrian, I arrived to assist the Greys in understanding their daughters’ specific needs. Began with Jean for several years before I was allowed to meet with Adrian, as the family believed that her mental health was far more severely damaged than Jean’s. By age 12, when her secondary mutation had developed, parents had pulled her out of school and were considering institutionalization due her increasingly troubling and erratic behaviour. I was then given access to Adrian. Any new emotional patterns triggered her. I was able to reach her through telepathy – naturally communicates on through psychic and body languages. To provide structure in her mind, psychic blocks were placed in key areas of the brain to act as temporary scaffolding until Adrian proves herself mentally and physically able to handle the full capacity of her powers.
Originally assumed that Adrian’s primary mutation was traditional empathy, but abilities are baser, more instinctual, and thus are far more difficult to control. Her abilities lie on the primal level of the human brain, sensing the chemical changes of different emotions. The current theory for this is due to the existence of a “heart-space” in her mind separate from traditional “thought-space”, which operates on a more instinctual level and thus unable to control with typical telepathic methods. Prior to intervention, Adrian was prone to emotional outbursts, meltdowns, and periods of psychosis. With correct training and positive reinforcement, has extreme potential for power increase, control and evolution.
Brought to Xavier’s School at age 13, but not put into duty as an X-Men until age 14 and not given full membership until age 15 due to concerns over power stability. Youngest of the original class of mutants and as of current update, youngest student I have taken on. Left duty at 18 to pursue an Art History degree at Barnard College.
*note: as of latest update, only two psychic blocks have been removed. Check-ins occur every six months to adjust and remove as necessary*
*addendum: as of April, Adrian has been put on indefinite academic leave from Barnard, due to several incidents of mental trouble and poor grades*
*addendum: back in active duty*
extreme potential but concerned about mental ability to achieve it
shows great skill in secondary mutation, only two known instances of any problems with psychic constructs due to mental distress
mental health continues to be a concern, but diagnosis proves difficult due to mutations
social anxiety in human-dominated spaces, behaviour is far improved around mutants (potential difference in emotional outputs?)
capable of co-leadership but should not be given sole leadership on any missions
currently little contact with non-mutants, no contact with parents, no known friends at college. Known human associates include:
Sara Grey-Bailey (Sister)
Peter Parker (former boyfriend, current acquaintance)
Piper Parker (Peter’s sister, roommate)
thrives in structured environments, but continues to have issues following direct orders
skill in martial arts and swordsmanship – primary weapon in battle is a psychically constructed sword (should pursue further?)
skill in sculpture and pottery (physical manifestation of secondary mutation?)
interest in musical theatre (soprano)
[see the rest and to stay on top of new updates, as well as fun facts about references and comic book lore here at my AO3!]
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: Crackfic...? almost? abuse victim, nsfw jokes. please be warned
Pronouns: They/them
Summary: Y/n L/n the unhinged genius of Vyn's patients. A mentally unstable being, the result of the Flora X testing. The same unhinged being that was let into the NXX to lead the searching for the drug.
Prompt: This post by @papellie (Ty for the prompt bestie <3)
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Vyn did not have any patients he considered impossible. Well, almost none. He had Y/n L/n, the very unhinged chaos that considered his hardest patient. Someone whom one of his old friends had dropped into his hands because they were an impossible case.
Vyn only took the hardest cases, and you seemed to be the worst of his patients.
"Vynnie!" The patient grins at the sight of their favourite doctor. "Vynnie are you here to shove my medicine down my throat again? How about this time you shove your fingers down my throat-"
"Good afternoon Y/n," Vyn ignores your question. "We've changed your medication to a liquid."
"A liquid?" They tilt their head. "But water isn't a medication?"
"There are many more liquids other than water," Vyn smiles while pouring your medicine.
"Do bodily fluids count?"
"They do,"
"So like cu-"
"Drink up," Vyn shoves the cup to them, and they gag at the smell.
"It smells like the flora drug my previous doctors used to force down my throat," they mumble before downing it in one gulp. "You should really add some sugar or honey to the medicine Vinnie, it tastes disgusting."
Vyn freezes at the familiar name.
"What did you just say?"
"That you should really add some sugar or honey Vynnie," They grin.
"Before that."
"The medication smells like the flora drug I used to be forced to take as a child?" They tilt their head.
"Do you know what that drug was called?" Vyn raises a brow.
"Flora... X? Flora X," You mumble. "FLORA X!! Vynnie are you proud of me?"
Vyn's eyes widen in realization. No wonder you were so unhinged, you had been taking the very medication that was made illegal years ago. Which meant you were a lead into one of the dark pasts of Stellis.
"Say Y/n... if I were to let you out of the ward every once in a while... would you be willing to behave?"
"Vynnie I'm about as stable as a paper clip standing up straight." They blink innocently.
Vyn sighs. He would need to discuss with the NXX team about it.
"Which is... why I suddenly think we have a lead on the medication." Vyn concludes.
"Well that sounds reasonable to let her in," Rosa is the first to speak up. "She does have the lead we need,"
"But she's unhinged," Artem cuts in. "She might cause chaos."
"I mean as long as Vyn keeps her calm I think she could give us some useful information,"
"Why can't you just ask her?" Luke asks.
Vyn sighs. "I can't force anything out of her unless she says it herself."
"Is it in the contract?" Marius raises a brow.
"Then just let her join," Marius shrugs. "It's always so serious in here, having someone unhinged might crack some jokes every now and the...n?"
The other three glare at him.
"Well I think we can try meeting her in my office once to see if it works," Rosa pipes up.
"Let's meet her in her psych ward," Vyn sighs. "I don't want her to trash your place."
Which brought us to today.
"Vynnie!" Thye grin. "You brought your friends!"
"They're associates," Vyn sighs. "Y/n meet MC, Luke, Artem, and Marius."
"That's second gen richie, law boi, and bestie," You point at Marius, Artem and MC. "That last one looks like a golden retriever."
The four look at Vyn and he sighs.
"Y/n they're here to discover more about the drug you took when young. Apparently it stops brain growth and has depressive side effects."
"OOOh is that why I tried to kill myself with a plastic cup last time?"
"She did whAT-?"
"Perhaps. It could also explain why you're my patient." Vyn smiles.
"That's right! Vynnie only takes the worst of the worst! ...You have really bad taste Vynnie. I'd rather be with the mentally stable," they shrug.
"Ah so Y/n?"
"Yes bestie?"
MC flushes a soft pink. "Do you remember much about the drug you used to take?"
"Uh so I think the tablets were pink at first, and then they successfully changed it to white... I could recreate it for you if you want? But only for you bestie, Vynnie is too mean." They pout.
Vyn sighs and the other three turn to look at him.
"re...create it?"
"Well they recruited me as a scientist first so I know the basic components of the drug but then they locked me up to force the medicine down my throat. It tasted ok but I think I lost control each time I had some-" They mumble. "Oh and of course I ran away and then some random man caught me and sent me to Vynnie's. He wasn't that bad though, he fed me some good food-"
"Wait wait," Vyn steps forward. "You know the components of the drug?"
"It tasted like the medicine you fed me the other day Vynnie," They grumble. "I also remember that the lab had really pretty water next to it. I think I ran down a hill to escape them."
The five look at each other and then MC speaks up.
"Yes bestie?"
"If we let you come with us, will you help us gather information?"
Artem frowns and you catch it.
"Law boi doesn't seem very happy about me coming along."
"Your mind works incredibly but the drug seems to have limited you." Vyn steps up. "I'll give you a nice room to live in."
"Idk Vynnie, sounds like bribery to me," They shrug.
"I'll bake for you-"
"Sold." they're glowing.
'... that easy?' they all sweat at your quick response.
"So all I have to do is gather information right?"
"We need to find out where the village is-"
"Up on a hill. Really tasty fish... uh crystal clear water and then I think I bumped into a crashed car on my way down the hill." You mumble. "I think the place started with O-"
"Opaline Village." Luke speaks up. "Is that it?"
"I think so~" you smile. "So Vynnie... when do I get to move out?"
"If you behave well the next three days I can get you out by the end of the week."
Your eyes glimmer.
You're an incredible actress, and an even better hacker apparently. Luke gave you three lessons on basic hacking and you broke into the Pax firewall quicker than he could.
"Ok so what now?"
"Can you get the locked files?"
You even printed them out.
The group could only call you an unhinged genius from that point on.
"Your codename will be Flora."
"Wow you really named me after a drug huh Vynnie-" That earned you a smack in the head.
"King I can you order takeout?"
"Not to here-"
"Then to somewhere nearby! I'm hungry!" You reach for the knife in your drawer.
"ADJUCATOR!" Marius calls before you can end him.
Vyn shoves a pastry into your mouth and you continue working.
"We're heading to Opaline village today," MC and Luke tell you.
"Samples are in the third drawer in the fourth room after you turn left bestie~!" You sing.
What the hell?
"Vynnie what's for dinner,"
"What would you like?"
"Revenge," You blink.
"Rosa's working on that." He hums. "Food wise?"
"I'm not edible," He deadpans.
"No but your-"
"I'll order pizza," Marius groans. You had been pulling all nighters in the office to crack down the firewall to the other files.
"Artie can you grab me a coffee on your way here?" You're on the phone with Artem now.
Vyn snatches the phone and sighs. "Don't get them any. They've been awake for nearly 72 hours now. I want them to crash asleep before they crash dead,"
"AWW VYNNIE CARES FOR ME!!!" You grin cheekily.
Artem brought you hot tea instead.
Then MC and Luke came back. You stood with the others as they watched MC get kissed by Huey. The child then ran up to you and hugged you.
"Thank you for teaching me how to break the firewall..."
The other five turned to you in shock.
"Love you Huey. Remember not to hack anyone unless you absolutely have to," You kissed him on the forehead. "Be good in school alright?"
"Okay..." He smiles.
Since when were you good with kids??
"So uh... we found the files," MC handed you papers and you grinned.
"My medical notes!"
What kind of Harley Quinn shit is this?
"So... what kind of abuse did they exactly go through?" Vyn stands next to MC as they watch you fight Marius.
"The files we read said that apparently at first they were fed the drug inside of their meal. Eventually they were locked up in a prison cell and turned into a complete test subject. They skipped three meals before they ran away." MC mumbles. "It's really sad."
Luke pulls you off of Marius and Artem hands you your morning coffee.
"Only you're dependable out of you all Artie..." You sigh blissfully after a sip. "Only you..."
Vyn's eyebrow twitches at the comment. MC can only look in amusement.
"Y/n you need to take a break." Vyn sighs.
"I get a break when I get revenge on that bitch who started drugging my food," You hiss.
"Even if I bake?"
"Depends what it is," You continue clicking, and you're focused.
"Then..." Vyn can't get himself to say it.
"Let's bet then," You mumble. "I break the firewall in the next hour you go on a date with me, if I don't then you can drag me to bed."
Vyn sighs. "Deal." He was really powerless compared to you.
Sure enough in 30 minutes, a cheer erupted in the headquarters. It sounded like your voice with Luke's.
"WE BROKE IN WE BROKE IN RAVEN WE BROKE IN!!!!" You screamed, your voice was hoarse from the lack of water.
The two of you are in an embrace, and Vyn's eyebrows twitch again.
"The all nighters..." Luke cries. "We did it..."
Vyn can only sigh. "When would you like to go out?"
You stand up, and you make your way to him.
"When I wake up." You proceed to crash dead onto the bed next to him. The NXX team then panicked for the next ten minutes because Marius thought you stopped breathing.
You slept for three days.
The NXX thought you died. Then you woke up and acted as though you didn't just die for 3 days.
"Good morning bestie," You're back on your computer again.
"Y/n you shouldn't be back on your computer after dropping dead for three days." MC panics. "Besides, Y/n you're going on a date today with Vyn right?"
"Yeah," You yawn.
"Do you want to dress up?" You strut to your closet.
"Oh look," You throw your closet door open. Lingerie and t-shirts and shorts. "Ah here's a decent outfit."
You toss together some clothes, and MC smiles. "Would you like me to help you with your hair?"
"Sure. Thank you MC," You smile.
The epitome of gender envy. Damn bestie you looked hot.
Vyn arrives a couple minutes after you finish getting ready.
"It's... been a while since I've seen you dressed up," Vyn smiles. "Shall we go?"
You grin as he leads you to his car.
"What would you like to do?" Vyn peers at you.
"Can we bake at your place?" you fumble in your seat.
"Sure," He smiles. "What would you like to make?"
"Those are pretty hard Y/n... you sure?" He raises a brow at you.
"If I can hack a firewall then I can bake macarons." you grinned.
So turns out that was a lie.
"Vynnie ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ " You whined. "Help me!"
"You didn't beat the egg whites enough," Vyn grabs the bowl from your arms and you rest your head on your palm.
"Vynnie the male wife..." You peered at him. "Vynnie would you marry me-?"
Vyn's caught off guard and drops the metal bowl. His glasses slide down slightly, and his lips are parted in shock.
"Sorry Vynnie," You reach over the counter to help him fix his glasses, and you beat the egg whites yourself. "Must've scared you out of your mind."
"No no," Vyn regains his composure and smiles.
"Dedication is hard," You mumble. "People change after time, and changes vary from person to person... betrayal plagues a person, and people that you once loved no longer love you back. Which is why Vynnie doesn't want to date right?"
Vyn pauses, and you hum in satisfaction.
"Ooh the egg whites are stiff." You turn the bowl upside down on top of your head and grin. "Shall we mix the two together?"
"Let me," Vyn folds the mixture in, and you hum. "Vynnie do you like MC?"
Vyn nearly drops the bowl again. He just couldn't get a break from your remarks. "Why are you asking?"
"When you came to pick me up your pulse was quicker than usual." You mumble. "Then when we got in the car and out of MC's sight your pulse slowed"
Vyn stops to stare at you now. "Is that why you were holding my wrist?"
"Luke taught me," You mumble. "To read people better."
"Unfortunately your hypothesis is wrong," Vyn smiles. "My heart did not quicken because of MC."
"Huh," You mumble.
"Could you help me put the batter in the piping bag?"
"Sure," You open a piping bag, and you open it for him to put the batter in. "Can I do the piping?"
"Sure," Vyn finishes filling in the bag, and you pipe the batter onto the tray.
"Vynnie why did your heartbeat go up then?"
Vyn stares at you. "Because I got to see you dressed up,"
You stumble and nearly mess up on a macaron shell.
"Vynnie teasing me isn't funny," You pout. Vyn smiles as he rests his cheek on his hand.
"But I was being honest," He beams at you.
"Alright two hours"
"Siri please set a two hour timer-"
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COSMIC - S1:E3; Chapter Three, Holly, Jolly - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘠/𝘯, 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭. 𝘈 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Hopper pulls up to the library, thankful to get a spot up front. He steps out of the vehicle and makes his way inside, Powell behind him.
Hopper takes off his hat as he enters the building, making sure to send a big smile to the librarian.
"Hey, Marissa. How you doin'?"
The disapproving look on Marissa's face never left as she spoke.
"You have a lot of nerve showing up here."
"You could have at least called, said, 'Marissa! Hey, it's not gonna work out. Sorry, I wasted your time. I'm a dick.'"
Powell was unsure of what to do; he looked from Marissa to Hopper, waiting.
Hopper only stares ahead for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, with a subtle smirk, he mutters,
She looks to him, shaking her head expectantly. He seemed at a loss for words again as he shook his head.
"I'm sorry. Uh... Maybe we could go out again next week?" He offers, hoping for the best. She slowly turns her head to Powell and gives him a 'is he for real?' look. In turn, Powell slowly looks over to Hopper awkwardly. Hopper, already knowing he chose his words poorly, visibly cringed, and was eager to change the subject.
"Newspapers? You guys got newspapers around here?"
Marissa had shown them over to the filing cabinet and started pulling out drawers, naming the selections.
"We have the New York Times, the Post, all the big ones. Organized by year and topic. You can find the corresponding microfiche in the reading room." She briefly gestures behind her.
"Okay, we're looking for anything on the Hawkins National Laboratory."
"Well, shouldn't you be looking for that missing kid?"
"Yeah." He states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We are."
She nods her head, suspicious.
"Uh, so, why don't you start with the Times, and we'll check out the Post."
Marissa scoffs and looks behind her to Powell, unsure if he's serious. She turns back to Hopper and lets out a soft 'hmph!' before strutting away. Powell steps forward and lowers his voice in a questioning tone.
"The librarian?"
Hopper shrugs wildly before diving into the drawers of files.
The two men had gathered a handful of files and set to work in the other room. Each at their own microfiche, reading every column.
Hopper scanned another column that caught his attention.
"Terry Ives' legal case against embattled research scientist Dr. Martin Brenner suffered another setback today when the district attorney's office formally refused to press criminal charges against Brenner, his fellow researchers, assistants, or the project's sponsors, citing lack of evidence. Local law enforcement executed a search..."
Next column.
"The trust of the American people has been shaken to its core as a special inquiry into a covert CIA operation, code-named MK ULTRA, has exposed the extensive details about that which has been haunting the nation for the past decade. Six subjects have come forward..."
This particular column was accompanied by a negative of seven people. Five of which were slightly disheveled, in hospital gowns. A man in a turtleneck and blazer stood obediently in the back. A man in a fancy suit and tie, holding a clipboard stood front and center. A man with whom Hopper guessed to be Brenner.
Next slide.
"Senior researcher Doctor Martin Brenner and seven other staff researchers have been named in a new lawsuit filed today on behalf of former federal research study participant, Terry Ives. Dr. Brenner's attorney in conjunction with the Department of Energy has asked the circuit court to seal the details of the lawsuit until the attorney general's office can determine that no federal..."
Hopper found himself more engrossed and confused as he read.
"...her newborn daughter for scientific research. Following an investigation, the district attorney has already declined to press criminal kidnapping charges against the research facility and staff, citing lack of evidence. Dr. Brenner's attorney called Ms. Ives' allegations baseless and tragic, citing Dr. Brenner's excellent reputation, his twenty recent peer-reviewed scientific papers..."
The next slide was a short column with another accompanying photo. Although the picture was small and blurry, it wasn't hard to see the grief-stricken features on the young woman.
TERRY IVES SUING - 'They took my daughter' by Benjamin Buck
"After the district attorney's office declined to press criminal charges citing lack of evidence, local resident Terry Ives is not giving up her search for justice for herself and her daughter, and this morning filed a lawsuit against research scientist Dr. Martin Brenner and his staff.
Ms. Ives' suit seeks unspecified damages against Dr. Brenner and his facility, alleging physical abuse, sleep deprivation, malnourishment, and multiple allegations of kidnapping; both attempted and successful..."
Hopper sighed, trying his best to swallow all of this new information.
'What the hell has been happening in this damn town?'
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Three. One. Five. The numbers on the strange new bracelet read three one five.
Thankfully, El was able to find her way back outside by the large telephone pole where Mike told her to meet them. But El was still nervous. She just hoped no one had spotted her.
El couldn't find it in her ability to stay still. She couldn't stop pacing and she was subconsciously shaking out her hands, her nerves shot.
'What if someone saw her?'
She eagerly checked the bracelet, muttering aloud to herself.
"Three-one-five. Three-one-five. Three-one-five..." her voice turned soft as her confidence wavered. The only thing that was able to take her attention away from the bracelet was the familiar sound of meowing next to her.
Shocked, she looked over to see a scrawny orange cat staring at her from the other side of the fence. It began to meow again and panic and guilt crashed over her as once again another terrible memory resurfaced.
The white cat in the cage before Eleven let out a terrible hiss at her. Her head began to shake as she strained her ability. The combination of the cat growling and hissing and the frantic beeping of the machines was enough to push her even further.
She didn't want to. She never wanted to hurt this poor creature. But she knew that if she didn't, she would have to face the consequences. She would have to go back there. The cat gave out another deep growl and Eleven tried to the best of her ability not to cry. Not to break.
The cat began snarling, and it quickly turned to whimpers of pain. Eleven was freely crying now as she looked between the frightened cat and Papa. She gave one final look at the cat before yanking the wires off her head in defeat.
No. She couldn't.
She wouldn't.
She looked at Papa defeated. She shook her head in defiance, though her sobbing gave away her true feelings. He only stared at her in disapproval.
"No! No!" She struggled and kicked. She fought back with all her might while Papa stood at the end of the hallway. Doing nothing.
"Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!" She screamed her throat raw as the men dragged her away, yet as always Papa only watched it happen.
"No!" Her shrieks grew more violent as she neared the room.
She couldn't go back in there.
She couldn't.
The men tossed her inside and began closing the door.
She wouldn't.
Eleven stood to her feet and before they could close the steel door, she threw it open in a fit of rage, her attention quickly shifting to one of the men doing this her. In the very next instant, his back was thrown into the ceramic just behind him. His limp body slipped to the floor, leaving a large hole in the tile.
The second man spared a second to look before turning to her to try and restrain her.
Before he could even step foot in the room, he was dead on the floor, his neck snapped. All with the flick of her head.
Overwhelmed with exhaustion, she collapsed against the wall, her nose and ears bleeding.
Papa appeared. He took one look at the cracked wall, to the collapsed man, and then at Eleven. Yet she couldn't move. She was completely drained, all she could do was stare at him. He slowly stepped towards her, staring at her.
She looked up at him in fear of what would happen next, and what did was not something she could have anticipated. He slowly reached his hands out, cupping her face. Sobs wracked her body, and he stared at her in awe.
He reached down, hooking an arm under her legs, th arried her like an infant. He carried her out of the room and down the hallway, staring at her sobbing form as if he hadn't been the one to cause it.
El turned her head to see Mike, Y/n, Lucas and Dustin. They were walking their bikes across the muddy grass in her direction.
Mike looked to her concerned as he, as well as the others, turned their bikes around.
"You okay?"
Relieved to see her friends, she nodded her head.
Mike gave the seat of his bike a few pats.
"Hop on. We only have a few hours."
Hesitantly, she walked forward. But she complied nonetheless and got on Mike's bike, and the five of them peddled off.
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The five us were walking our bikes through the woods. Dustin and Lucas were in the back, while Mike and El were just a few steps in front of me. El was looking around as she walked and suddenly I felt her eyes on me. I suddenly became very self-conscious of my cut.
I got it to stop bleeding eventually, but I don't know how I will ever explain this to Mom. She worries so easily. And, I don't think I have ever had a cut this big but I'll survive. My thoughts are cut short when I become very aware of the fact that El had fallen back next to me and was now looking at me with concern.
"Why did they hurt you?" Her voice came out very soft but was laced with concern.
"Huh?" I asked surprised.
El extended her arm out and pointed to my chin. I looked down, upset with how things went today.
"Oh, that. I uh, well... I was tripped. By this mouth breather, Troy."
Her face scrunched up in confusion.
"'Mouth breather?'"
"Yeah. You know, a dumb person,"
I suddenly grew quiet, and El noticed.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
I paused. "Yeah. Yeah, it'll be ok." I said.
I knew what she meant but I didn't think it was noteworthy to bring up how I was feeling.
"Y/n." I turn to look at her and she is giving me a knowing look. "Friends tell the truth."
I began to fight tears that were stinging my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall.
"I just... I just miss him. Will, I mean. And the things Troy was saying..." I began feeling myself get worked up again at the mere thought of it. "They were awful. Truly awful, and I just... I'm tired. And worried. And I just want to find my friend."
There was suddenly a somber silence over the group that was quickly broken by El's soothing tone.
"Y/n," she said sternly, pulling my eyes to her. There was a soft demand behind her eyes, willing my gaurd down. "I understand."
I looked at her, a grateful smile on my features and my voice came out in a weak whisper.
"Thank you, El."
She gave me a warm smile in return. It very much resembled the one I gave her the first night we met. It was at this moment I knew. I had just found myself a very unique and powerful friendship; one that stood out from my friendship with the party.
El and I have a lot more in common than I thought.
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krakenartificer · 3 years
When I got my ADHD diagnosis, I looked at the questions on the screening form and thought, "If this result comes back positive, then I'm definitely not the only person in my family who has it." Questions like
"Have difficulty finishing one activity before starting another one" and
"I finish others' sentences before they can finish it themselves" and
"have trouble staying on one topic when talking"
...I thought were just weird quirks of my family, but no. When I got my results, I contacted my cousin, and she contacted her sisters and mother, and .. .. yeah. Basically everyone in my dad's side of the family is ADHD.
Now there are some problems with that, obviously, (getting family reunions to stick to a schedule is lol no) but there are some really fantastic perks. For one thing, no one in that family minds if I interrupt them while they're talking ... everyone's happy to keep 3 conversations going at the same time .... and no one minds if you fidget constantly.
But the best perk -- at least that I've found so far -- is that all of our parents have coping mechanisms, and passed them on to us. When I found myself unable to handle tasks with more than one step, my father didn't say "WTF are you talking about? It's easy! Just do the thing! Stop being lazy!" No, he could relate completely, and he sat down and taught me how to handle that.
So today, I'm going to pass on to you the coping mechanism my dad taught me for handling the "cannot put tasks in order / cannot get started / forget what I'm doing" problem. You'll need to adjust it for your own needs and your own struggles, but hopefully it'll be helpful in setting up your own process.
I'm going to walk through it with a big project I'm doing at work, just to have a concrete example. That will make some of the discussion specific to computer programming and technical writing, but I do the same thing for all my projects, so hopefully it'll be generalizable.
So to set the stage:
I was supposed to modify this piece of code -- we'll call it "Rosetta" -- to make it handle call data as well as what it was already doing. I did that.... but we now need the code to be able to handle calls (if that's wanted) but also to be able to handle NOT having calls (if THAT'S wanted).
Which is just .... ugh. So much. SOOOOOOOO much.
So. Break it down.
Step one is to get some recording mechanism - pen and paper, whiteboard, blank computer document, whatever
(Technically, this is a different coping strategy, so we'll just take a quick detour: WRITE THINGS DOWN. Your brain is shit at remembering things, and anyway you've already got limits on your working memory; why would you choose to tie up some of that limited resource in something that could be accomplished with literal stone-age technology? Don't even try to remember things. WRITE THEM DOWN.)
I like sticky notes: they're readily available in all offices, they're pretty cheap, and (most importantly) they can be rearranged if it turns out that I forgot a step or put the steps in the wrong order (which, like, let's be honest, I am definitely going to do). But they kill trees and create unnecessary methane emissions, so I've recently switched over to using virtual sticky notes. That's the format I'm going to use for this example, but you can use anything that meets your purposes.
So, you've got something to write with, you're ready to start.
The first question is: what are you trying to accomplish here? What would "done" look like? What is our goal?
I need to end up with a version of Rosetta that will make the correct results if you don't want calls, and will also make the correct results if you do.
The goal here is that you end up with a statement that you can definitively say (a) Yes this is what I wanted or (b)No this is not right because _______
In this case, in order to do that, I'll need to define "correct results" for both call- and non-call versions. But if I have that nailed down, then this statement meets that criterion: I'll be able to say "Yes, this is what I wanted: see, it makes the correct result for calls, and it makes the correct result for not-calls". Or else I'll be able to say, "No, this is wrong: see, it makes the correct result for calls, but on not-calls it does X and we wanted Y."
I have a clear, definitive standard about what I need to do and whether or not I've done it.
But there was a prerequisite there: I need to define "correct results".
So that goes on a sticky note: Create test that will compare my results to existing call!Rosetta-results and to existing not-call!Rosetta-results.
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[ID: Two blue boxes, one on top of the other. The top one says in white text "Create test to compare my results to call!results" The bottom one says "Create test to compare my results to not-call!results"] OK. So now we know what we want. The second question is: what do we need to do in order to get that? Here's where the sticky-note recording system really shines, because you don't have to answer this question sequentially. You just start writing down every single thing that is not the way you want it to end up.
I need it to remove commas in the python script, not the bash script
I need to delete the first part of the get_runs() function, which doesn't do anything
I need to delete the rest of the parameters passed to build_query_script() function, because runs encompasses all the others
while we're on that subject, runs doesn't even need the group_variable, so let's pull that out of the parameter document
we also have a dmf defined, which the bash script demands but doesn't use; let's change that demand
since we're changing the structure of the parameter document, we don't need to pull new metrics for each run, so let's move that outside of the runs() loop and only run once
right now the parameter document is ALMOST but not quite "one row per template". Make it so it's actually one row per template.
among other things, that's going to require making it possible for a template to be followed by nothing at all, since it's the assumption that a template will have a metrics block after it that makes it not quite one row per template. So make it possible to publish a template with a null block
the other thing that's weirdly hard-coded is the definition of what a block looks like. Would it make more sense to separate that out into an input file, like the parameters document? On the one hand, that would make it much more flexible; on the other hand, that's another piece that can break. Don't know. Put a question mark on it.
Here's what it looks like at the end of this step:
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[ID: A black and white background showing many boxes in two different shades of blue, all with white text. Some of the boxes are overlapping each other.]
As you can see, at this phase you don't need to worry about any of the following:
ordering the tasks. Just stick 'em right on top of each other for now
how you're going to do any of this. Right now we just need to know what, not how
sticking to only one project. As I was working on this, it occurred to me that this whole process would have been a heck of a lot easier if someone had just made a user manual for this, and since I have to go through all the code line-by-line anyway, I might as well write up the documentation while I'm at it. (To help out future-me, if nothing else.) So I put those tasks on another color of sticky note.
making notes that make any ***ing sense to anyone else. This process is for you, and only you need to understand what you're talking about it. Phrase it in ways that make sense to your brain, and to hell with anyone else.
on that topic, also don't worry about making steps that are "too small" or "too dumb" to write down. This is for you. If "save document" feels like a step to you, then write it down.
You also don't need to get every single step involved in the project right now. Get as many as you can, to be sure, but the process is designed on the assumption that you ARE going to forget important steps, and is designed to handle that.
When you can't think of any more steps, then the third question is: what order does it make sense to do these in? Are there any steps that would be easier if you did another step first? Are there any that literally cannot be done unless another step is complete?
This is also a good place to group steps if they fit together nicely. When I used physical sticky notes, I used two different sizes; digitally I can of course make them whatever size I want.
So I have several documentation steps that (a) do need to be written to make sense to other people and (b) I really need to know what's going on before I can do that. I could write them now, but if I did, I'd just end up re-writing them based on things that change as I'm coding. So we'll move those to the end:
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[ID: Three dark blue boxes with white text. They read "Create step-by-step instructions for creating your own metric agg", "Create step-by-step instructions for modifying a metric", "Create step-by-step instructions for modifying a query."]
These parts, though -- if I had all the variable structures written down, I could look at them while I'm coding. Then I won't have to keep scrolling back and forth in the code, trying to remember if it's an array or a dictionary while also trying to remember what part of the code I was working on. Brilliant. Move that to the front.
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[ID: Seven dark blue boxes with white text, three large, four small. The first one is large and says "Write up explanation of how Rosetta works." The second one is large and says "Document structure of all variables." Attached to that one are four smaller boxes that say "All_blocks", "Runs", "metric", "New_block". The third large one says "Document what qb_parameters.csv contains"]
Also, while I'm at it, I should get the list of variables I need to document -- then I won't have to keep scrolling to find them. Make those sub-steps.
I definitely keep needing to look up what's in the parameters document, so I should write that down, too. For the user manual I also should write down what's in the metric document, but I don't need that for myself, so I can send that to the end.
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[ID: The same three dark blue boxes from two screenshots ago (create step-by-step instructions for metric agg, modifying a metric, and modifying a query), now with another dark blue box in front of them with white text that says "Document what granular_metrics.tsv contains."]
These five are all small steps, and are all related in that they don't actually (hopefully) change the functionality of the code; they're just stuff left over from prior versions of this code. So we can lump them all together.
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[ID: Five light blue boxes with white text that say "Delete first part of get_runs()", "Have build_query_script only receive the "run" parameter" "Delete dmf" "Move metrics=get_metrics() outside build_all_blocks (all the way up to the top level?" "Delete group_variable from qp_parameters"]
My brain likes this better, so that I can keep track of fewer "main steps", but that's just a peculiarity of me -- you should lump and split however you prefer to make this process easier for you.
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[ID: The same five boxes from the prior screenshot, now all made smaller and attached to a larger box that says "Remove Legacy Code"]
Keep going, step by step, sticky by sticky, until you've got them in order. If -- while you're doing this -- you remember another thing you need to do, write it on a sticky and slap it on the pile; you don't have to stop what you're doing to deal with it, because it's written down and it's on the pile and it will get processed; you can just keep working on the thing you're on right now.
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[ID: All the same boxes from the first screenshot, now in a neat row. Some of the original boxes have been grouped together. The ones that were said to be at the beginning of the process are on the left and the ones that were said to be at the end are on the right.]
Step four: for the love of all that's holy, SAVE THIS LIST.
Write it on your cubicle whiteboard where it won't be erased
write it on a piece of paper and tape it to the office wall
send an email to yourself
take a picture with your phone
I don't care but save it.
When I used physical sticky notes, I kept them all on the hood of my cubicle's shelf. Now, as you can see, I use Powerpoint, which is irritating af but does allow me to keep everything in a single document, which I can write down the path of.
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[ID: White text on a black background says "open ~/Documents/Rosetta\ Modifications\ and \Documentation.pptx" The next line says "Notes in Rocketbook pg 10-12, 16" The next line says "Turn that into documentation that can be used for making modifications."]
And now (finally) you can answer the question "How would I even get started on that?" You look at the first thing on the list, and you treat it as its own project. You can hyperfocus on this step and completely forget about everything else this project requires, because everything you need to remember for the rest of it is written down.
If, as you're working a step, you think of something else you need to do for the big project, write it on a sticky and slap it on the pile. Don't even worry about trying to order it or identify sub-steps; as long as it's not blocking the thing you need to work on right now, you don't have to care. Just stick that bugger anywhere at all on the list, and go back to what you were doing. When you un-hyperfocus and come back to look at your list, there'll be a big sticky note stuck sideways across all the rest of the steps, and you'll remember to file and order it then.
Other benefits of this system
1) The first question really helps with unclear directions from your boss. You can take whatever they told you to do, and translate it into a requirement that is clearly either met or not-met, and then run it back by the boss.
If they say, "No, no, we want ______" then phew! You just saved a huge miscommunication and weeks of wasted work! What a good employee you are! What an excellent team player with strong communication skills!
If they say "Yes, that's what I want," then you know -- for sure -- what it is you're trying to accomplish. Your anxiety is reduced, and your boss thinks you're super-conscientious.
(And if your boss is a jerk who likes to move the goalposts and blame it on their subordinates, then have this conversation over email, so you can show it to their boss or to HR should it become necessary.)
2) Having this project map means that when you spend an hour staring at the requirements and trying to figure out how to get started (which, let's be honest, you were definitely going to do anyway) ... When your boss/coworker comes by and says, "How's it going?" Instead of having to say "I haven't even started 😞" You can say, "Pretty well! I've got all the steps mapped out and am getting ready to start on implementation!" and show them your list, and they think you're very organized and meticulous. 3) Sometimes, especially in corporate jobs, you and your coworkers will run into a problem that's too big for even Neurotypicals to hold all in their heads. At that point, the NTs will be completely lost -- they've never had to develop a way to handle projects they can't just look at and know how to get started. So then you pipe up in the meeting and say, "OK, well, what exactly are we trying to accomplish?" and everybody at the conference table looks at you like you're a goddamned genius and you don't have to tell them that you use this exact same process to remember how to make a sandwich 😅
4) Having this project map makes it so much easier to stop work and then start it up again later, but this post is already really really really long, so I'm going to address that in a separate (really really long) post.
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marvelmusing · 3 years
Making Time
Mobius M Mobius x Reader
Part 3
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist
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“Here we go.” You whisper, looking between Mobius and Loki, then up at Mount Vesuvius.
“Shh, any minute now.” Mobius adds.
“Until this entire town is wiped off the face of this planet. Imagine. All that volcanic ash-“ Loki starts.
“I know. We don't want to get too giddy.”
“Oh, come on! It's cool.”
“No, it is cool, but it's just not in good taste because...”
“They're all gonna die anyway.”
“I know. Now listen, I'm gonna watch the TemPad for any variance energy.” He says, pulling the device out from his pocket.
“Okay, because we gotta be careful.”
“If you're wrong, and there's a good chance you are, anything we do can create a huge branch.”
“Oh, Mobius! You make even the end of the world sound boring.” Loki complains.
“Listen! Okay, we're not meant to be here.”
“And we don’t need Minutemen rushing here to arrest and delete us, okay?” You tell him. He nods,
“Anything we do can impact the course of history. Do you get that?”
“Yes. Yes.”
“So we're gonna start with very small disturbances. Very small. Can you make bird noises?” You both frown at Mobius.
“Bird noises?”
“Yeah. Bird noises. Like some, like whooshing noises?” He begins to imitate a bird call. You roll your eyes,
“Moby? I was on the side of caution. But we’re going to need more than that.” Mobius continues his bird impressions to the disdain of Loki who groans and runs off.
“Loki!” You hiss. He doesn’t go far, standing on a nearby cart and proclaiming to the people of Pompeii that they are all going to die. On a positive note you’ve come up with a new scale to rate nexus events: starting with bird noises and ending with prophesying the future. Loki then decides to release a hoard of goats. Fantastic. Loki halts his Latin monologue to look over at you and Mobius for a fact check,
“We are from the future, right? What is the TVA? I mean, it's from the future. It sounds from the future. It's pretty futurey.” You’re about to answer him when you realise you don’t actually know. You’d always assumed the TVA just existed outside of time. Though you’re not sure how that would work. You’re about to ask Mobius when the volcano erupts. Loki then proceeds to have what looks like an existential crisis. “Nothing matters! Nothing has any consequence! Dance while you still can!” You lean over Mobius’s shoulder.
“How’s it going?” You ask, nodding towards his TemPad.
“I don't believe it. Zero variance energy. No branching in the timeline.” He tells you. Overhearing what Mobius says, Loki approaches you,
“The TVA would never even know we were here. If it were me, this is where I would hide.” A colossal cloud of ash rolls down the hillside, quickly approaching the three of you.
“Erm, Loki, bud?” You say, concerned that he hasn’t noticed. You point over his shoulder, “You got a little something-“
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On your return to the TVA, the three of you head to the archives, searching for all naturally occurring disasters. Turns out there’s a lot of them. Mobius hands you a pile of events from before you existed, which you appreciated. Whilst you were curious about what happened to the world after you left it, you’re not too eager to see the long list of apocalypses. After what feels like hours of searching the three of you decide to take a break.
You and Loki are sat in one of the TVA cafeterias, waiting for Mobius to return with some food. Two hunters pass by your table, and you keep your gaze on the papers in front of you.
“Why do they look at us like that?” Loki asks suddenly. You look up at him.
“Like what?”
“Don’t act like you haven’t noticed. You and Mobius don’t get the looks that you and I get.” He observes. You sigh,
“That’s because when it’s me and you, they see two Variants possibly plotting to overthrow the TVA.” That shocks Loki.
“You’re a Variant.” He states, and you nod,
“I was set to be deleted, until Mobius stepped in and saved me.”
“You must be very grateful to him.”
“I am.”
“So you believe in the all powerful lizards which dictate the existence of trillions of people?” You smirk, looking down at the papers in your hand.
“I didn’t say that.” You glance up at him, recognising the look on his face immediately. He was scheming. “Look Loki, I may not be a hundred percent loyal to the TVA, but I am to Mobius.”
“Mobius, who is a part of the TVA, who you don’t fully trust. How can you know he has your best interests at heart?”
“I don’t. I’m just hoping, that he does.” Mobius soon joins the two of you. After a brief discussion about jet skis the conversation quickly turns far too philosophical for your poor ‘I’ve just read about a million case files’ brain.
“I don't get hung up on believe or not believe. I just accept what is.” Mobius says with a sigh. Loki looks at him incredulously.
“Three magic space lizards?” Mobius nods,
“Created the TVA, and everyone in it?” Mobius nods again. “Including you?”
“Including me.”
“But not me.” You add. Loki laughs softly,
“Every time I start to admire your intelligence, you say something like that.”
“Okay, who created you, Loki?” Mobius asks.
“A Frost Giant of Jo
“And who raised you?”
Odin of Asgard.
Odin, God of the Heavens. Asgard, mystical realm, beyond the stars. Frost Giants. Listen to yourself...
It's not the same. It's completely different. No. It's not the same.
It's exactly the same thing. Because if you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kinda ridiculous. Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I'm just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this... My own glorious purpose. Cause the TVA is my life. And it's real because I believe it's real. “Fair enough. You believe it's real.”
“So everything is written. Past, present, future. There's no such thing as free will.”
“Well, I mean, you know, it's an oversimplification...”
“But practically, yes.” You say, not wanting to hear the in-depth workings of the timeline.
“So, in fact, in a way, us three here at the TVA, we're the only ones who are actually free.”
“Where are you going with this, Loki?”
“How does it all end?”
“That's a work in progress.”
“Those lazy Time-Keepers. What are they waiting for?”
“Au contraire. Because while we protect what came before, they're toiling away in their chamber, untangling the epilogue from its infinite branches.”
“So when they're finished, what happens then?”
“So are we. No more nexus events. Just order. And we meet in peace at the end of time. Nice, right?”
“Do we get to live in peace or do we just disappear because we aren’t needed anymore?” You ask, suddenly concerned that he mentioned the end of time. Loki continues his own questions,
“Only order?” Mobius hums in response. “No chaos? It sounds boring.”
“I'm sure it does to you.” Loki suddenly changes the subject,
“You called me a scared little boy.”
“I called you a lotta things.”
“You did. You're wrong, though. You see, I know something children don't.”
“What's that?”
“That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.” Well that was deep. Mobius looks down at the table in front of him.
“Scared little boy.” He repeats.
“Yes, it was quite patronizing. I thought it was a bit too far, actually.” Loki admits. Mobius looks up, an idea dawning on his face.
“You're very clever.” He tells Loki as he stands up.
“I know.” Loki makes a ‘well obviously’ face as you stand and follow Mobius as he makes his way to the archive.
“The Variant left something behind at an old crime scene. A cathedral. A candy box. An obvious anachronism. I gave it to Analysis, but they couldn't find anything real.”
“Why does that matter?” Loki asks. Mobius unlocks a box on a nearby shelf, before opening it up.
“Cause now we have two variables. Apocalyptic natural disasters and... Kablooie.” He pulls out the candy box.
“What's that?”
“Candy. Do you have candy on Asgard?”
“Yeah. Grapes, nuts.”
“No wonder you're so bitter.”
“There’s a massive vending machine near Renslayer’s office. One time, I’ll buy you one of everything.” You tell Loki as the two of you sit down at your desk. Mobius returns with a huge stack of files.
“Okay. Kablooie was only sold regionally on Earth from 2047 to 2051. All ya gotta do is cross-reference that with every apocalyptic event.” The three of you sit, sorting through the files for sometime. Mobius looks up at you,
“Well, it's not the climate disaster of 2048.” You tell him, flicking the page over.
“Or the tsunami of 2051.” Loki adds.
“Let's go. Let's go. Come on.”
“2050. The extinction of the swallow. Is that a thing?”
“We killed off the swallows?” You stare at Loki. “How the hell did that happen?” Mobius shrugs,
“Completely screwed up the ecosystem.”
“Krakatoa erupted in 2049 as well. No Kablooie.”
“God, it's just one damn thing after another, isn't it? Cyclone, famine, volcanoes, floods...” Mobius lists, and you can’t help but agree.
“Got him. That's where he is.” Loki pulls open a case file before offering it to you and Mobius. The two of you peer at the papers inside.
“Alabama, 2050.” You read aloud. Loki looks at you both, seeming rather pleased with himself. Mobius grins,
“You're gonna take my job if I'm not careful.”
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My Red Right Hand
Pairing: Harry Styles x Fem!OC
Warnings: kidnapping, germ phobia
Summary: It was just a normal day for Rosario Martinez, until it wasn't.
A/N: thank you for all of your patience and enthusiasm. I absolutely loved writing this. Please let me know your thoughts. Enjoy!
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It was almost too perfect of a morning.
Rosario's twenty third birthday. She'd woken up to so many 'happy birthday' texts, a missed call from her mom. It was a nice gesture, but she didn't really care about it that much. She had to work still, so it was just another day to her.
She left her apartment with a bit of pep in her step, not noticing the jet black 1958 Plymouth Fury starting it's engine and following behind her.
If Rosario had her way, she would always work from home. She wasn't a people person and am extreme phobia of germs had always kept her at arms length from others. It was something she was tackling head on in therapy, but still the thought of the messy break room, crumbs and soda pop stains and the bathroom at work....it made her shudder.
"Good morning, the sun is shining and it looks like it's going to be a nice day in the seventies...." she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel of her car as she made her way downtown to the gas station. It was near enough to her job she could always pop in, grab some snacks for the day and head off to work on time. She pulled into the station with ease, noting the warning light on her dash, indicating she needed gas.
The day would be busy enough for her though. A few team meetings, she would spend most of it at her computer, filling out paperwork and filing things away for her boss. Tonight she would go home and eat dinner alone, possibly curl up on the couch with a good book or watch a movie on netflix. Yes, that sounded like the perfect birthday actually.
She went to step out of her car when a shadow came over her, clouding her in darkness as she looked up.
A man stood in front of her partially opened car door. He wore a black bandana around his nose and mouth, sunglasses, black hoodie and sweats, even though it was hot out. Before she could open her mouth to speak his hand shot out, wrapping around her upper arm and yanking her from the car.
Everything moved in slow motion.
She felt herself being dragged from her vehicle, her phone clattering to the pavement, the sound like thunder in her ears. The man wrapped an arm around her waist as she jerked, lifting her up and away from her car.
"Help m-" she started to scream but he pressed his hand to her mouth. She screamed against the sweaty palm, thrashing and bucking as he struggled to get her to his car. This cannot be happening. She thought to herself. No way. In broad fucking daylight!? Just as he brought her to the driver's side door she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. She had collided with the doorframe as he opened it, trying to get her inside. The pain was white hot, black spots dancing across her eyes.
And then nothing.
Floating. It's her first conscious thought. Her head pulses, throbbing with pain as she feels herself coming back around. She doesn't open her eyes, not yet. She can feel the soft vibration of a road beneath her feet, the leather upholstery of the car she was in. The air smelled like cheap cigarettes, old whiskey and gasoline. Not unpleasant, but not her favorite smell. She could hear the radio, a fleetwood mac song playing through the speakers and she could hear a voice, softly humming along to Stevie Nick's as she croaned 'Gold Dust Woman.'
"You're awake." Rosario flinched, her eyes opening slowly. It took her a moment to remember exactlt what happened, her head was hurting her so much. She reached back only to realize she was handcuffed.
"He-" she started to scream. A hand shot out from the driver's side of the car, slamming down on her lips firmly. She squirmed, stomach turning in knots at the thought of all the germs on those hands.
"You're in my car and we've already left town. No one can help you." She noticed he had an accent, it made his voice sound even more dangerous. He took his hand back, placing it on the steering wheel. "Jus' relax an enjoy the ride."
Rosario tried to sit up as best she could, turning her head to look at her captor. From the side she could see be had a chiseled jaw, perfect eyebrows, green eyes, long lashes and pink lips. His hair was brown and curly, falling down along his shoulders. He reached up to run a hand through his hair and she could see how defined his muscles were. He glanced at her quickly, smirking.
"Enjoying the view?" She shook her head, her head was still throbbing.
"Are....are you going to hurt me?" She asked. He only gave a half hearted shrug, which didn't make her feel any better.
"Not as long as you be good."
"Why did you take me?" Thus was the question she really needed answered. Why? Why did this man take her from the mall. In broad fucking daylight. He had balls. She'd give him that.
They came to a stop light, the red light glowing in the fading sunlight ever so slightly. He turned his face to her for the first time, locking his green eyes with her brown ones, his tone low and serious.
"I get lonely sometimes." They stare each other down for a moment, neither one willing to look away from the other. Only when the car behind them honks, does he break his gaze, moving forward through the green light.
"Wha's ya name?" He asked. She could tell by his tone he was trying to change the subject. She would play along. She had to get out of here.
"R...Rosario. Rosario Martinez." She said quietly.
"Rosario." He said, as if tasting it on his tongue and not liking the flavor. "That's kind of a mouth full innit? Think I'll call you Rosie." She shrugged.
"Sure." He smirked, throwing her a quick glance as he drove. "What's your name?" She asked him.
"'M Harry....Surprised you haven't recognized me."
"Why would I?" She asked, genuinely confused. Harry perses his lips, as though debating whether or not to tell her something. He chooses not to.
"Never mind. Forget it." He clears his throat hard. "So. How long's it been since you had a proper vacation?"
"Not sure you could call kidnapping a proper vacation." She snapped. How dare he talk to her like they were friends. But the glare in his eye and the set of his jaw when he looked at her sent a chill down her spine.
"Be careful." He whispered slowly. "How you speak to me."
They drove on in silence for a while, Harry only speaking up again when they crossed stare lines. He could see Rosie stiffen from the corner of his eye.
"Relax." He said in a calm and commanding tone. "We're just goin' on a little vacation."
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Forms FORM-29827281-12: Test Assessment Report This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Aperture Science We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us. Except the ones who are dead. But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake. And the Science gets done. And you make a neat gun. For the people who are still alive. Forms FORM-55551-5: Personnel File Addendum: Dear <<Subject Name Here>>, I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now. Even though you broke my heart. And killed me. And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire. As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you! Now these points of data make a beautiful line. And we're out of beta. We're releasing on time. So I'm GLaD. I got burned. Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive. Forms FORM-55551-6: Personnel File Addendum Addendum: One last thing: Go ahead and leave me. I think I prefer to stay inside. Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe Black Mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE. HA HA. FAT CHANCE. Anyway, this cake is great. It's so delicious and moist. Look at me still talking when there's Science to do. When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you. I've experiments to run. There is research to be done. On the people who are still alive. PS: And believe me I am still alive. PPS: I'm doing Science and I'm still alive. PPPS: I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive. FINAL THOUGHT: While you're dying I'll be still alive. FINAL THOUGHT PS: And when you're dead I will be still alive. STILL ALIVE Still alive.
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noviceaoiryusei · 4 years
「 Dance Square vol. 36 」 Johnny's Jr. Tettei Kaibou file 23 - Daichi Imae
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I won't loose to my friends, I want to live a life that's not ashamed (with others)
I liked the dance rehearsal more with Yara Tomoyuki!
I don't remember too much of my memories as a kid. When I started to dance, I remembered it's during my second year of middle school when I unwillingly joined Johnny's. (laughs) When I've heard it from my parents, until then I'm always playing soccer. When I was in sixth grade, I saw people dancing on the tv, I suddenly said "I want to do something like this". So I started learning the dance (because) I wanted to dance at tv but, I thought it was impossible. At that time, my relative's grandmother has been hospitalized, to liven up (the mood) I danced in the hospital room. My relative's grandmother said "join Johnny's", so that I won't give up, my parents seemed to have applied for an audition. I felt it and said "it's impossible", it seems like I had received my intention. (laughs) At that moment, I joined Johnny's, it was around after I've finished first grade of middle school.
The audition was at Hey! Say! JUMP's Osaka Jo Hall concert. On that day, I was called that I passed the choreography and stand on the stage as it is. How many people we're there but they will reduce the persons during the three day production.... The choreography increases gradually as you pass. The third day's song was very difficult, I somehow remembered that I couldn't dance at all. But because I love dancing, (I'm) glad that I danced Gamushara. Johnny-san said "you're liveliness is good" and so, I survived the three days. (laughs)
Then I started working as (part of) Kansai Johnny's Jr. but honestly, I just remembered what choreography was taught just by standing on the stage. I remembered my consciousness had clearly changed when Yara (Tomoyuki)-kun chose me in the audition for Yuma-kun's concert (Nakayama Yuma Chapter 1 "Utaoze! Odoroze! YOLOze! Tour" / 2015). Yara-kun is accurate, it's not yet over if you remembered the choreography, you need to pursue more and more from there. Understanding the points that you're not good alone I said, "I'll do it until I can"; I'm that kind of person. And because the rehearsal was hard, I thought that I'll properly look at it. (laughs) I'm so happy that I became to like dancing more. I thought I've met a good person, that's why it's called a turning point; that's where you've come up the most.
The pleasure awakened in the play "Takizawa Kabuki ZERO"
We often worked together at Yuma-kun's concert but we're not an official group. Because it was also divided into a tour group and a stage group, everyone somewhat felt that these members are not good enough to do it together. With my personality, I originally thought "let's do our best at a given place". When Naniwa Danshi and Ae! group was formed, I didn't particularly thought that it's regrettable. During that time at Kyocera (Kanju Yume no Kansai Island 2020 in Kyocera Dome Osaka / 2020), it made me feel a little frustrated for the first time. For persons like me, the feeling of wanting to do you best was greater.
I think I'll do my best in (this) place because the play is getting a lot of fun. Earlier (days) I had experienced to work on stage during "Shounentachi", the role is something like a "square frame" because there's an image, I have to act properly. But during the time of "Takizawa Kabuki ZERO" (2019), I was told to do things freely so, even though everyone is standing, I just sat down. (laughs) I acted selfishly. Then, Suezawa said "I saw Imae's eyes" well, it might be noticeable (eyes) but it's a national (thing). (laughs) Aah, such freedom in the play is nice. Because of the experience, I was able to try lots of things while consulting with Kong Kuwata-san who is the chief warden during the stage "Shounentachi (Seishun no Hikari ni)" / 2019. The first external work for me is "Boukenshatachi Hotel (~Dragon Quest X ni Tsudoishi Nakamatachi~) / 2019, it's a very fun play! Takizawa Kabuki is I think my another turning point.
Dancing and doing play are fun so, I have decided that I'm going to do this work but, I said I wanted to quit. When I entered university, I was going to quit. It'll be long when I tell the story. First, I became interested in space when I was in third year of high school so I said "I want to be an astronaut!". After consulting it in school I did a literary but the teachers gave me individual classes for math and science. A teacher who supports people was a great existence. Aiming to be an astronaut is impossible for now even if I study on my own so, I thought I also wanted to be a teacher. The subject that I'm really good at is physical education so, I have decided to get a teacher's license for health and physical education. The university was drawn based on that (exam). So, when I have received it, I really wanted to leave Johnny's and become a teacher.
But during that time, my friends had stopped me, I've decided to try it for 1-2 times. Everyday from 1 to 4, sometimes until 5 I have classes before I went out in a performance. I think I'm honest and worked really hard. (laughs) When I became third year, I can always become (a teacher) if there's a teacher's license so, I thought that it'll be fine by now. Now, I'm not yet thinking of becoming a teacher someday but I've thought that it's good to have a teacher's license. There are lots of people who have became a Jr., I felt that it's also a proof.
The time that I was active with my friends is an important memory of a lifetime.
Until now I have been working with the feeling of "I'll do my best at a given place". It may sound as positive but, that's why there's no individuality. (laughs) From now, I want to have an appetite, I thought I should be aggressive in believing what I can not (do). I think what I want to do right now is (being in a) play. I have been sent and during the practice of "Ponkotsu Bushou Retsuden ~Tonari no Shiro no Aitsu~, Sano (Mizuki)-san said "the one who's growing the most is Imae". That's of course because I don't have valued experience/s. (laughs) That's why I thought I should absorb more and it's also fun. I said "it's also important to study" but I honestly don't know much. After all, I think it won't work if I doesn't stand on the stage. Right now, I want to accumulate experiences.
If that's the nearest goal, then the next big goal is to establish a new path in Johnny's. An idol has an image of singing and dancing, there's also a path to plays just like (Ikuta) Toma-kun. "______ Imae", I also want to find something like that to say. Because I'm still obscure, I'm (being) honest now. I'm doing my best on the rails that has been laid by Toma-kun. (laughs) Because I have lots of hobbies, it's making me lively so, it's going to be interesting. Ramen, anime, universe, soccer, fishing, marathon, there's also a teacher's license, it could be a weapon someday.
Let's say that it's an alley by ourselves. (laughs) Because there were many fans who have supported the members who were together at Yuma-kun's concert, I think there are people who have felt uneasy about being separated. But for us, that time is an important treasure of our lives. I've always had a sense of friendship, in fact, the reputation of my stage play was made by everyone. This time, I went to watch the play "Aoki-san Chi no Okusan" / 2020 starring (Ohashi) Kazuya, Jo (Fujiwara Joichiro), Suezawa and Richa (Kusama Richard Keita). The following day, I went to the theme park with Suezawa and Richard. (laughs) We are connected, we're facing each other now. From now on, I don't want to loose! I want to live my life not being ashamed (with others)
I would like to establish a new path with my hobbies as my weapon
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COSMIC - S1:E3; Chapter Three, Holly, Jolly - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Gender Neutral!Reader Series
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘠/𝘯, 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭. 𝘈 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳.
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Hopper pulls up to the library, thankful to get a spot up front. He steps out of the vehicle and makes his way inside, Powell behind him.
Hopper takes off his hat as he enters the building, making sure to send a big smile to the librarian.
"Hey, Marissa. How you doin'?"
The disapproving look on Marissa's face never left as she spoke.
"You have a lot of nerve showing up here."
"You could have at least called, said, 'Marissa! Hey, it's not gonna work out. Sorry, I wasted your time. I'm a dick.'"
Powell was unsure of what to do; he looked from Marissa to Hopper, waiting.
Hopper only stares ahead for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, with a subtle smirk, he mutters,
She looks to him, shaking her head expectantly. He seemed at a loss for words again as he shook his head.
"I'm sorry. Uh... Maybe we could go out again next week?" He offers, hoping for the best. She slowly turns her head to Powell and gives him a 'is he for real?' look. In turn, Powell slowly looks over to Hopper awkwardly. Hopper, already knowing he chose his words poorly, visibly cringed, and was eager to change the subject.
"Newspapers? You guys got newspapers around here?"
Marissa had shown them over to the filing cabinet and started pulling out drawers, naming the selections.
"We have the New York Times, the Post, all the big ones. Organized by year and topic. You can find the corresponding microfiche in the reading room." She briefly gestures behind her.
"Okay, we're looking for anything on the Hawkins National Laboratory."
"Well, shouldn't you be looking for that missing kid?"
"Yeah." He states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We are."
She nods her head, suspicious.
"Uh, so, why don't you start with the Times, and we'll check out the Post."
Marissa scoffs and looks behind her to Powell, unsure if he's serious. She turns back to Hopper and lets out a soft 'hmph!' before strutting away. Powell steps forward and lowers his voice in a questioning tone.
"The librarian?"
Hopper shrugs wildly before diving into the drawers of files.
The two men had gathered a handful of files and set to work in the other room. Each at their own microfiche, reading every column.
Hopper scanned another column that caught his attention.
"Terry Ives' legal case against embattled research scientist Dr. Martin Brenner suffered another setback today when the district attorney's office formally refused to press criminal charges against Brenner, his fellow researchers, assistants, or the project's sponsors, citing lack of evidence. Local law enforcement executed a search..."
Next column.
"The trust of the American people has been shaken to its core as a special inquiry into a covert CIA operation, code-named MK ULTRA, has exposed the extensive details about that which has been haunting the nation for the past decade. Six subjects have come forward..."
This particular column was accompanied by a negative of seven people. Five of which were slightly disheveled, in hospital gowns. A man in a turtleneck and blazer stood obediently in the back. A man in a fancy suit and tie, holding a clipboard stood front and center. A man with whom Hopper guessed to be Brenner.
Next slide.
"Senior researcher Doctor Martin Brenner and seven other staff researchers have been named in a new lawsuit filed today on behalf of former federal research study participant, Terry Ives. Dr. Brenner's attorney in conjunction with the Department of Energy has asked the circuit court to seal the details of the lawsuit until the attorney general's office can determine that no federal..."
Hopper found himself more engrossed and confused as he read.
"...her newborn daughter for scientific research. Following an investigation, the district attorney has already declined to press criminal kidnapping charges against the research facility and staff, citing lack of evidence. Dr. Brenner's attorney called Ms. Ives' allegations baseless and tragic, citing Dr. Brenner's excellent reputation, his twenty recent peer-reviewed scientific papers..."
The next slide was a short column with another accompanying photo. Although the picture was small and blurry, it wasn't hard to see the grief-stricken features on the young woman.
TERRY IVES SUING - 'They took my daughter' by Benjamin Buck
"After the district attorney's office declined to press criminal charges citing lack of evidence, local resident Terry Ives is not giving up her search for justice for herself and her daughter, and this morning filed a lawsuit against research scientist Dr. Martin Brenner and his staff.
Ms. Ives' suit seeks unspecified damages against Dr. Brenner and his facility, alleging physical abuse, sleep deprivation, malnourishment, and multiple allegations of kidnapping; both attempted and successful..."
Hopper sighed, trying his best to swallow all of this new information.
'What the hell has been happening in this damn town?'
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Three. One. Five. The numbers on the strange new bracelet read three one five.
Thankfully, El was able to find her way back outside by the large telephone pole where Mike told her to meet them. But El was still nervous. She just hoped no one had spotted her.
El couldn't find it in her ability to stay still. She couldn't stop pacing and she was subconsciously shaking out her hands, her nerves shot.
'What if someone saw her?'
She eagerly checked the bracelet, muttering aloud to herself.
"Three-one-five. Three-one-five. Three-one-five..." her voice turned soft as her confidence wavered. The only thing that was able to take her attention away from the bracelet was the familiar sound of meowing next to her.
Shocked, she looked over to see a scrawny orange cat staring at her from the other side of the fence. It began to meow again and panic and guilt crashed over her as once again another terrible memory resurfaced.
The white cat in the cage before Eleven let out a terrible hiss at her. Her head began to shake as she strained her ability. The combination of the cat growling and hissing and the frantic beeping of the machines was enough to push her even further.
She didn't want to. She never wanted to hurt this poor creature. But she knew that if she didn't, she would have to face the consequences. She would have to go back there. The cat gave out another deep growl and Eleven tried to the best of her ability not to cry. Not to break.
The cat began snarling, and it quickly turned to whimpers of pain. Eleven was freely crying now as she looked between the frightened cat and Papa. She gave one final look at the cat before yanking the wires off her head in defeat.
No. She couldn't.
She wouldn't.
She looked at Papa defeated. She shook her head in defiance, though her sobbing gave away her true feelings. He only stared at her in disapproval.
"No! No!" She struggled and kicked. She fought back with all her might while Papa stood at the end of the hallway. Doing nothing.
"Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!" She screamed her throat raw as the men dragged her away, yet as always Papa only watched it happen.
"No!" Her shrieks grew more violent as she neared the room.
She couldn't go back in there.
She couldn't.
The men tossed her inside and began closing the door.
She wouldn't.
Eleven stood to her feet and before they could close the steel door, she threw it open in a fit of rage, her attention quickly shifting to one of the men doing this her. In the very next instant, his back was thrown into the ceramic just behind him. His limp body slipped to the floor, leaving a large hole in the tile.
The second man spared a second to look before turning to her to try and restrain her.
Before he could even step foot in the room, he was dead on the floor, his neck snapped. All with the flick of her head.
Overwhelmed with exhaustion, she collapsed against the wall, her nose and ears bleeding.
Papa appeared. He took one look at the cracked wall, to the collapsed man, and then at Eleven. Yet she couldn't move. She was completely drained, all she could do was stare at him. He slowly stepped towards her, staring at her.
She looked up at him in fear of what would happen next, and what did was not something she could have anticipated. He slowly reached his hands out, cupping her face. Sobs wracked her body, and he stared at her in awe.
He reached down, scooping her into his arms. He carried her out of the room and down the hallway, staring at her sobbing form as if he hadn't been the one to cause it.
El turned her head to see Mike, Y/n, Lucas and Dustin. They were walking their bikes across the muddy grass in her direction.
Mike looked to her concerned as he, as well as the others, turned their bikes around.
"You okay?"
Relieved to see her friends, she nodded her head.
Mike gave the seat of his bike a few pats.
"Hop on. We only have a few hours."
Hesitantly, she walked forward. But she complied nonetheless and got on Mike's bike, and the five of them peddled off.
The five us were walking our bikes through the woods. Dustin and Lucas were in the back, while Mike and El were just a few steps in front of me. El was looking around as she walked and suddenly I felt her eyes on me. I suddenly became very self-conscious of my cut.
I got it to stop bleeding eventually, but I don't know how I will ever explain this to Mom. She worries so easily. And, I don't think I have ever had a cut this big but I'll survive. My thoughts are cut short when I become very aware of the fact that El had fallen back next to me and was now looking at me with concern.
"Why did they hurt you?" Her voice came out very soft but was laced with concern.
"Huh?" I asked surprised.
El extended her arm out and pointed to my chin. I looked down, upset with how things went today.
"Oh, that. I uh, well... I was tripped. By this mouth breather, Troy."
Her face scrunched up in confusion.
"'Mouth breather?'"
"Yeah. You know, a dumb person,"
I suddenly grew quiet, and El noticed.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
I paused. "Yeah. Yeah, it'll be ok." I said.
I knew what she meant but I didn't think it was noteworthy to bring up how I was feeling.
"Y/n." I turn to look at her and she is giving me a knowing look. "Friends tell the truth."
I began to fight tears that were stinging my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall.
"I just... I just miss him. Will, I mean. And the things Troy was saying..." I began feeling myself get worked up again at the mere thought of it. "They were awful. Truly awful, and I just... I'm tired. And worried. And I just want to find my friend."
There was suddenly a somber silence over the group that was quickly broken by El's soothing tone.
"Y/n," she said sternly, pulling my eyes to her. There was a soft demand behind her eyes, willing my gaurd down. "I understand."
I looked at her, a grateful smile on my features and my voice came out in a weak whisper.
"Thank you, El."
She gave me a warm smile in return. It very much resembled the one I gave her the first night we met. It was at this moment I knew. I had just found myself a very unique and powerful friendship; one that stood out from my friendship with the party.
El and I have a lot more in common than I thought.
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