#whip & neigh neigh
the-way-astray · 30 days
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boy toy: i don’t know what meandering means, but it sounds like something you would do..
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alexprime · 3 months
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The episode 'Plato's Stepchildren' is such an amazing episode, but I don't see it get talked about nearly often enough. As a Hurt!Spock fan, Amok Time is THE episode for whump, no question about that. But I'd say second place goes to 'Plato's Stepchildren'. (Also on this list: This Side of Paradise, The Naked Time, Operation - Annihilate!, and Journey to Babel.) Features some amazing Spock moments: - Spock being forced to display emotions. - Spock emotionally and mentally shutting down as a result. - Jim sitting at Spock's side to comfort him. - Spock confessing to feeling hatred. - The way McCoy jumps to Spock's defense when he's forced to laugh. - The tender way Jim says Spock's name as he gets up off the ground. - Gems of dialogue like this: — "Then you must release it, gentlemen, as I must master mine. I might have seriously injured you, Captain, even killed you. They have evoked such great... hatred in me. I cannot allow it to go further." — "That may be, Doctor, however I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently very unhealthy for those closest to you." But Spock aside, it featured the first interracial kiss on TV, which was so massively daring for its time. The resulting influence it had on culture cannot be overstated. Also Kirk's empathetic, compassionate treatment of Alexander, who is among my top ten favorite non-crew characters in the show. It is also one of the few episodes that is difficult for me to watch. It is legitimately uncomfortable for me to see Kirk being forced to crawl around like a This episode broke all the goddamn rules. It is genuinely difficult to see Kirk being forced to crawl and neigh like a horse. The severe humiliation is just gutting to watch. Jim Kirk is such a disciplined, confident, strong man, and to see him be brought so low in such a degrading manner is painful The entire time it's happening, I feel almost sick. It's not played for laughs, it's not amusing to watch it happen. In 'Patterns of Force', even when Jim and Spock are getting whipped, it's followed up by moments of light amusement (Jim straining to hold Spock up). There is no amusement following Jim and Spock's humiliation. Just rage and hatred. Spock and Jim have been tortured, interrogated, shot, beaten, drugged, and pretty much any other kind of harm there is. But I'd say this episode really takes it to another level, and demonstrates that physical pain is not the worst kind of hurt a person can suffer.
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twola · 1 year
im just wondering if you could do a short story with arthur getting ‘jealous’ of you at a bar for flirting with other men? 👀 and he later makes you regret pissing him off? *wink wink*
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Learning The Hard Way
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
In which Arthur needs to teach you a lesson.
CW: There’s a bit of back and forth in this one… that devolves into physicality. Obviously, I do not condone any type of domestic violence. So we’re gonna go with that this type of play is consensual.
Many thanks to my meowdy pardners - @verai-marcel, @shootybangbang, and @redwritr - for helping me shine this one shot until it gleams!
Your voice rings out in the night through the camp, where Lemoyne’s heavy humidity hangs low. “You ain’t my husband, you ain’t my daddy, you ain’t anyone to tell me how to do my job!”
“You listen here- ”
You burst out of the tent and stomp toward the lakeshore, away from the orange firelight glowing toward the center of camp. Fortunately, the night is loud enough, and your voice doesn’t jar the entire camp, drowned out by cicadas and the rumble of men drinking after dinner.
Not that you’re particularly concerned about making a scene. No, you couldn’t give a shit about that. Your temper flares and your boots slap against the muddy grown as you clench your fists, skirts swishing at the speed of your gait.
But even with your artificially elongated stride, the loud footsteps that follow you eventually catch up to you as you reach the wood line away from the glen. 
You’re yanked back by your elbow and turned around to come face to face with an equally aggravated outlaw, wrinkles set deeply in his frown as his eyes narrow under the brim of his dark hat.
“I’ll damn well tell you when you’re bein’ stupid about a job. Coulda got yourself picked up by the law on that last stage,” he hisses, and you scowl in return as you yank back your arm from his grip, “Ain’t no way you’re doing this one.” 
“No, Arthur. Just because we’re sleepin’ together doesn’t mean you can order me around like some little housewife.”
Arthur Morgan’s scowl deepens. “You ain’t comin’ on this job and that’s final.” 
“Fuck you.” You seethe, turning on your heel before he grabs at your arm again, yanking you backward.
“Get your ass back in that tent, you little-”
He doesn’t see the whip-fast arc of your other hand before it connects with his cheek. It sends his hat flying to the ground and he immediately lets go of your arm, reeling from the blow.
“It’s over. I’ll get my things out of your tent and back to my own. You ain’t gonna treat me like I’m some prissy little thing. I don’t need this and I don’t need you.” You enunciate the last word with venom in your tone, spinning on your heel again to walk in the other direction, along the wood line, skirting the edge of the camp toward where the horses are hitched.
You needed some kind of outlet to quell the hotness of your blood after the fight, and stomping around camp wasn't doing it.
Hiking your skirts, you hurry toward your spry little gelding, dapple coated and one boy you know you could always count on. He neighs softly as you untie his rein frm the hitching post. You run your hand through his black mane.
“C’mon now boy. Let’s get outta camp to blow off some steam, sound good?” 
As if he can understand you, he nudges against your shoulder with his nose and you laugh as you move to pull yourself up into his saddle. You tighten the strap on the holster mounted on his saddle, your repeater at the ready should you need it.
Without a look back, you guide him into the freshly-borne night, at a gallop before you even hit the main road.
But alas, breathless riding through Scarlett Meadows can quell your aggravation but so much. As the moon rises in the sky, you slow your gelding down upon the red-dirt path leading into Rhodes - the Parlour House in the distance is lit up, beckoning visitors with its warm glow.
A drink or two. That would certainly help you unwind. 
Laughter and music waft into the warm night as you slide down from your horse, hitching him to the post right outside the main porch. You straighten your skirts before tucking back stray hairs along your temple as you step onto the porch and push your way through the door.
Indeed, the saloon is full of people tonight gaily drinking away their wages. You weave your way through the crowd to the bar, where you order yourself a whiskey from the bartender, tossing him a few coins when he slides the glass to you.
The drink goes down far too quickly to alleviate your frustration. Barely takes the edge off. It’s not the first time you and Arthur have gone at it - but you know, you know you were right. You were robbing stages before Arthur was your bedmate, before you joined the gang. He’s just going to have to learn to give you your space to do your work.
Hell, no one ever told him not to go on a job. Damn double standards.
Though… you can’t lie to yourself too much. There is a corner of your heart that is warmed by the fact he’s concerned for you - that he wants you safe. No one has wanted that for years.
No. You were an outlaw first. And damned if Arthur Morgan makes you some camp filly to warm his bed.
“Why, ma’am, you look like you could use another drink.”
You turn your head toward the man. His cheeks are flushed with drink and the starched collar of his shirt is unbuttoned at the neck. A silken waistcoat. Probably a Gray or a Braithwaite cousin. Pomaded dark hair and a clean-shaven face. All of the trappings of a feckless rich boy who had never seen a hard day’s work in his life. 
Completely the opposite of Arthur. 
You give a smile, leaning on your elbow, “Suppose I could…”
He nods to the bartender immediately, and a glass of whiskey appears in front of you at the bar.
You sip at it slowly as he steps closer, his elbows nearly touching yours. A subtle air of fancy cologne; of bergamot and southern jasmine, wafts off of him as he begins to engage you in conversation. 
One drink turns into two. Turns into three.
The man’s arm wraps around your waist, landing on your hip, pulling you to near sit in his lap on the barstool. “Pretty little thing like you - we don’t get that much here out in Rhodes.”
You lean into him. Who knows where this could lead. Maybe you could have a little fun tonight. Maybe you could rob him after. Maybe he was just what you need to get a certain brooding outlaw out of your system.
“What do you say about headin’ upstairs for the night?” You whisper as you toy with the lapel of his waistcoat. The golden chain of his pocket watch glints under the lanterns. A sly smile creeps across your face.
He can barely contain himself, grinning from ear to ear, and leans in to nip at your jaw. You giggle in response. He helps you slide off of his lap and presses his lips to your ear, whispering things he wants to do to you all night as he squeezes your hip.
“Just you wait here, sweet thing - I’ll get us a room and we can continue on.”
You smile a roguish, knowing grin that betrays your intent as you return to the barstool. The bartender pushes another glass of whiskey in front of you, which you down quickly, sucking air between your teeth as it burns on the way down.
You tense up as you feel a body moving too close behind you, a man with a large frame leaning into the bar behind you, crowding you in.
The tang of tobacco and whiskey wafts into your nose before you’re yanked from your seat.
By the time you’ve regained your bearings and your footing as you’ve been dragged out the side door of the Parlour House, you recognize what’s going on.
Just like you recognize that black hat.
“Get off me, Arthur.” You yell but are fairly helpless to do anything but be dragged along the path to the empty stable.
The outlaw gruffly snorts in your direction, his large hand clamped on your upper arm. As you reach the stable, your shoulders slam against the wooden wall of the workroom he had cornered you into.
“Your goddamn mouth - I need to remind you who you belong to.” Arthur hisses, groping roughly at your breast with one hand. The other grasps at your skirts and starts hiking them upward. You’re forced face down on the workbench, Arthur’s hand across your back to hold you down, your bucking unable to move against his strength. You squawk indignantly as your bloomers are yanked down your thighs and puddle near your ankles.
“Sure as fuck, ain’t you-”
The loud smack of skin on skin cuts you off, and you yelp in painful surprise at the sting of his palm on the bare, pale skin of your behind.
“Wanna try again?”
Your ass throbs as he removes his large hand from your skin, but with his other placed down hard against the small of your back, you’re unable to move from where he has you pinned to the table.
“I said, sure as fuck ain’t you-agh!”
You cry out, louder, as he swings again, hitting you square across your rear with a searing smack.
“Honey, ain’t making me happy to do this, but you gotta learn your lesson, and seems like this is the only way to get through that thick head o’ yours.”
You hiss at him, glaring daggers. 
“Changed yer mind yet?”
“Fuck you.”
After the fifth blow, tears start to leak from your eyes as you clench your fingers on the table. You aren’t going to be able to ride for a week at this rate - your ass is red and hot, but you also can’t deny the moisture accumulating just below, starting to trickle down your inner thigh. Goddamnit.
“You belong to that man you were battin’ your eyes at?” He seethes behind you, and you growl in response, unwilling to give him satisfaction.
The eighth blow makes you cry out in pain, and Arthur falters. When he removes his hand from your rear, he slides his palm down to trail over your thigh for a moment. He pauses, pulling back up and rubbing his palm over your behind almost tenderly. But you know, you know, that he felt your slick as he swept his fingers across the backs of your thighs.
“Y’ready to stop all this nonsense?” Arthur drawls, softly, slowly, as if he were trying to calm a skittish horse. The circles he’s gently rubbing on your sore ass feel almost pleasant, and you don’t clench your fingers nearly as hard on the edge of the table. Your tears have stopped, leaving a drying trail down your cheeks.
You don’t respond - you can’t - because at that moment, he slips his hand down, down between your thighs to caress your glistening folds, and you gasp in surprised pleasure as he presses his knuckle against your clit. You widen your legs without thinking, giving him more access. 
“Think you are…” he rasps, and gently moves his fingers against you, placing one arm on the table next to you to lean over your frame. His large frame smothers yours, clothed hips brushing against yours gently.
You whine and shiver beneath him. You know you’ve already lost.
“What d’ya need, sweetheart?”
“I-I… agh- I need-” You stumble over your words, your knees shaking as he pushes that finger within your cunt, suckling on your earlobe as he leans further over you. You can feel his thickening cock against the back of your thigh as he gently presses his hips forward against you in time with the strokes of his finger.
Arthur presses a second finger inside you and a needy cry escapes your throat, your hand shooting forward to grab his, forcing your fingers through his free hand. His breath is warm against your ear and he chuckles, curling his fingers as you moan. God, his hands are so big, his fingers filling you so much better than your own.
“F -fuck …” you stutter out, pressing your hips back against his hand, “A-Arthur… I need you.”
The outlaw extricates his hand from between your legs and you whine in dismay at the loss. Strong hands encircle your waist and lift you from where you are laid out on the table, and through no small feat, he turns you and winds his hands under your thighs, guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist, your arms wound around his neck. 
It’s then that you look at him, for maybe the first time all day, caught drowning in the pools of his blue eyes. You can barely feel him stepping forward, carrying you, his hands firm under your thighs, careful not to touch the inflamed skin of your rear.
Your back is pressed against the wooden wall of the barn, but he doesn’t crowd you in at all. He leans in, and uncontrollably, you do too. When your mouths meet, you give a little sigh, opening your lips and permitting him to enter, his tongue pressing against yours as a rumble bubbles up from his chest.
“Shouldn’ta yelled at you,” he breathes against your lips, and as much as you can, you shake your head at him.
“Shouldn’ta run off,” you whisper in between kisses, the wet sounds of lips meeting nearly drowning out your low reply.
“Shouldn’ta hit you.” 
“You know I liked it.” You whisper with the hint of a smile ghosting across your lips.
“Little spitfire, you are.”
Arthur presses his hips forward into yours, and the long, full column of his cock in his pants presses against your bare folds, and you moan and throw your head back, gyrating your hips against him. He swears under his breath, one hand leaving your leg and furiously working the buttons of his fly as he retracts his hips just enough to work his pants open.
It's only a moment more before you feel the hot head of his cock press against your weeping opening, and he presses his lips to yours desperately as he juts his hips forward, greedily swallowing your moan as he quickly pushes himself inside you.
Your hands fly to his hair, fingers interlaced with honeyed locks, and his hand returns to your thigh as he starts to retract his hips and thrusts them upward in a slow rhythm, the wet noise of skin joining loud and stark in the night.
“ ‘M yours, Arthur.” You breathe as your eyes flutter with the slow, languorous rhythm he’s set. He leans in and takes your lips in a passionate kiss as he presses himself deeper within you.
“Was never a question,” he replies with a smirk, as he draws back enough that his forehead still leans against yours as he rolls his hips upward.
You frown slightly, but Arthur leans in for another kiss that steals your breath away. He’s a natural, of course, in the art of stealing. Your breath, your heart. Everything.
“You’re mine, Darlin’,” Arthur whispers against your lips, “You’re mine, ‘nd I’m yours.”
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
Despite Twilight's coaxing and having successfully pet Epona, Hyrule remained leery of horses. Warriors couldn't blame him. Loftwings were supposedly safe, friendly beasts as well, and Sky's Loftwing still disturbed Warriors a little. Not frightened, no matter what Legend said. Disturbed. It didn't help that Sky's Loftwing seemed fascinated by Warriors and often tried to groom his hair and wanted to eat his scarf.
Sky said Crimson was only trying to groom the scarf, too, since it was so important to Warriors. Warriors called bullshit.
Warriors knew Hyrule, though. He knew the boy would love the feel of the wind in his hair and the feeling of freedom only a horse could provide.
Well. The feeling of something horse-like could provide.
"Are you sure this is okay, Warriors?" Hyrule asked. He wrung his hands and rocked from foot to foot. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
Warriors snorted and tossed his mane. He watched Hyrule's gaze settle on his horn and his golden hair. Hyrule kept his hands to himself, though. Silly boy.
"He's fine with it," Wind insisted. He reached out and stroked Warriors's mane. With Warriors on the ground as he was, he was both accessible to Hyrule and Wind's greedy hands. Wind loved his mane and was almost as bad as Twilight about braiding it. "You'd know if he wasn't."
Warriors snorted again and nodded in agreement. Nodding in this form required far more dramatic motion than his other form, and Wind laughed as Warriors's hair went flying again. If they didn't get moving soon, Wind would absolutely start braiding his mane.
"If you're sure..." Hyrule bit his lower lip and let his hand hover over Warriors's back. Warriors refused to accept a saddle, but he wouldn't need one to keep Hyrule from falling off. "This won't hurt you?"
"C'mon, Rulie!" Wind hopped on Warriors's back. Warriors barely managed to not grunt and frighten Hyrule away. That was not how anyone rode a horse. Or shifter, in his case. "I'll help you!"
"And if Wars drops you," Legend called from his sprawl in the grass, "I'll light his tail on fire!"
Warriors whinnied in protest. He hadn't dropped anyone so far! Including Legend!
"You can do it!" Twilight cheered from atop Epona.
Wild and Time sat astride two horses from the stable, cheering Hyrule on, too. Sky smiled encouragingly from the grass beside Legend. Four stretched out beside them both, content just to relax in the sun. He didn't look like he was paying attention, but Warriors knew Four better than that. He was always watching, always assessing.
He possibly was overdue for a ride, too. Warriors made a mental note to follow up with him later.
Hyrule still looked nervous, but after a soft neigh from Warriors, he slowly slid on behind Wind. Wind cheered. "Let's go!"
Warriors eased himself back to his feet. Hyrule's breath caught and he kicked his legs. Warriors swallowed back another pained grunt. These boys were going to kill him.
"Let's go!" Twilight called. His bright grin lit up his face, banishing the ever-present shadows. Time grinned at them, and Wild whooped and urged his horse forward. Everyone else immediately followed with a thud of hooves.
Warriors meant to go at a trot, get Hyrule used to it, but everyone else was galloping and he instinctively followed. Hyrule shrieked and Wind cheered. Despite the boys' lack of balance, it was easy for Warriors to keep them steady on his back as he ran. The wind whipped through his mane and his tail flowed behind him, and if Warriors had the breath and the right vocal cords, he would have laughed.
It was fine. Hyrule's startled yelling quickly changed, and he laughed when Warriors couldn't.
Wild and Time led the way, and Warriors ran alongside Twilight and Epona. Twilight grinned at them, bright and free. In response, Wind whooped and almost unbalanced himself and Hyrule. Warriors steadied them both without the pair ever noticing.
"Isn't it great, Rulie?" Twilight shouted.
Hyrule's tinkling laughter was almost lost in the wind. "Yes!"
"Faster!" Wind hooted, and what else could Warriors do but obey?
By the time they were done, Warriors was exhausted and Wind and Hyrule were sore from the unusual exercise, but no one minded. The sun was warm and the wind was perfect and carried their laughter for miles.
For that afternoon, they were free.
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sunshinegallery · 1 month
I desperately want for there to be a moment in the show when Percy and Annabeth are walking and talking and they pass a group of horses. Suddenly Percy stops dead - his head whips round and 'She said WHAT?'.
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He jogs back to the group of horses and Annabeth has left staring. Only to hear him say "She said that...about your mother?" *Neighing noises* "I mean no you're not a foal, you weren't born yesterday but still that kind of language - calling someone an ass surely that's too far?"
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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headlessHorseman!eddie x Reader
Welcome back to The Nightmare Factory
I had a request from @thiswaytoinfinity for a Headless Horseman version of Eddie, and this is what happened. Reader is AFAB and this chapter includes a surprise guest. Much love. wc: 3.3k
This is part of a collection of blurbs and short fics about Eddie only being able to communicate with you through your nightmares. It can be enjoyed as a standalone, but there is a story being woven through each chapter. Chapters with smut will be marked nsfw, but most of these are just pure silliness and yearning.
"None shall escape the horseman's sight! On your guard, the time is nigh! The Headless Horseman darkens the sky! No matter the realm, it's all the same; I will sear you all with burning flame!"
You’d been marked by the Headless Horseman.
That much was obvious by the carved jack-o-lantern with a lit candle inside that appeared on your doorstep on that morning, the first of October.
A group of kids from town snickered and pointed at you, knowing that your demise was near, but you held your head high.
You didn’t believe in the Headless Horseman.
It was a fairytale woven by firelight to frighten gullible fools and babies—and you were neither.
You were a teacher now, and a good one at that.  Your students did not hate you like they had the schoolmaster before.  They didn’t hate you to your face, anyway.
You attended the fall festival behind the church that Saturday night, and Jesiah Smith would not leave you alone.  He kept refilling your apple cider, which was nice, but you had no interest in him outside of friendship, and he didn’t seem able to take the hint.  
The guy was standing way too close to you, Eddie observed from the shadows.  
Eddie was patiently awaiting his scene in the dream as if he were an actor waiting for curtain call, but now the extras in your nightmare were getting on his nerves.  It was impossible for Eddie to get to be in all of your nightmares, but he took the opportunities when they came.  
Thank god he could tell you were already getting bored with the people around you; even in dreams you preferred to avoid mundane chitchat.  He slipped back through the dark thicket of forest and mounted the black steed with ease—almost as if he’d paid attention in class this time. The horse with a long silky mane and red eyes exhaled hot air from its nostrils, and in the cold darkness, it looked like it was breathing smoke.
The wind picked up, scattering dead leaves, and you rubbed your arms to warm them up.  Above, the moon was so round and big, and it glowed a pale yellow—in the distance, a wolf howled.  You swore you heard noises from the forest over the sound of the fiddle that people were dancing to.  Horse hooves trotting, a crow cawing, and the low moan of the wind through tight fissures in the trees, singing like a warning.
Jesiah offered you his jacket, but you told him it was time to grab your shawl and go.  
He said he could walk you home, but you said no thank you.
He took hold of  your arm to pull you back, to keep you from moving away, and a horse neighed loudly from somewhere deep in the woods, making everyone’s heads whip around to look in that direction.
“I’m fine,” you assured, snaking your arm away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jesiah.”
There was a blip in time then, and suddenly you were in the middle of the forest, and all of the villagers from the festival were gone. 
 You were all alone.
The air felt cold and damp all at once.  Above you, the tops of the trees made a canopy way over your head like intertwined fingers that carved out a perfect slot for the mood between their knuckles.
You shivered again, but not from the cold this time.
You had no idea which direction to walk in order to get home.
An owl flew off of a branch near you and screeched as its big wings caught the air.
You turned on your heel, noticing a thin path that led into a denser part of the forest.  “That must be it,” you whispered to yourself, taking a few cautious steps in that direction.
Your legs felt like you were walking in quicksand; you kept moving, but were still in the same spot. 
There was a long silence filled with nothing but the chitter of crickets, the type of silence that pounded in your ears, and then you heard a branch snap nearby.  You tried to jump from the spot you were in, but your legs felt like jello.
It was then that you felt the hot, wet snorts of breath on the back of your neck.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the huge body of a horse with a man sitting atop it.
You went to step and tripped, falling to the ground as you actively scurried back and a scream caught in your throat, choking you, making you gasp for air.  
The man was dressed all in black with pale skin and long, curly dark hair.  A long coat, and riding boots that came almost to his knees.  The black horse he rode was one of the biggest you’d ever seen—-and there appeared to be actual fire flickering in its eyes.
You noticed a thick, jagged line like a railroad track around the man’s neck.
“Are…are you the Headless Horseman?” You stammered, feeling like your voice was coming from somewhere outside of your body.  
He cocked the head in question, his voice was deep.  “Do I look headless to you?”
“No,” you managed to whisper, licking your dry lips.  
Eddie’s heart was racing.
He felt like in every dream, the two of you had to start all over, but this time—-your eyes were soft as you gazed up at him.  Almost as if  you found him…familiar.
You watched from a tuft of dead leaves on the ground with your knees pulled to your chest as Eddie dismounted.  
He dropped the reins and took a few steps toward you.  “Listen,” the man cleared his throat.  “I’m supposed to chase you out to the meadow and scare you, but I don’t really want to.”
 “Why don’t you want to?” You stared at him blankly.
Eddie kicked something invisible with his boot, rolling his tongue between his lips. After a beat, he squinted and dipped his head, crossing his arms over his chest.  “You don’t remember me?”
This was starting to feel surreal.  Did you live in the town nearby, or was this a dream? This couldn’t be a dream—-he was standing right in front of you.  You could feel the air moving in your chest.  
You furrowed your brow and tried to think, but then shook your head, disappointed that you could not place him.
With dramatic flourish, the man threw his hands to his chest as if he’d been shot and fell to the ground, catching himself in a push-up position before rolling onto his back in front of you and flopping there.  Orange leaves fluttered against him like lifeless butterflies.
You snorted a confused laugh and looked on, amused, searching his dark eyes as he got on his side and propped his head up on his hand.
“Wait,” you bit your lip.  The memory of him was like a pinprick of light at the end of a long tunnel, but you reached out through your brain as hard as you could for it while Eddie held his breath.
You lowered your gaze to the ground for a second and then returned your attention to him, about to let something out of your mouth that didn’t make any sense.  “Something to do with a ferris wheel?”
Eddie sat up and clapped, giving a fist pump of excitement.  “Yes! Ferris wheel!” He got to his knees and craned his neck to get his head closer to you.  
He was so close to you now, it wouldn’t take much effort to lean forward and kiss him; you had this deep swell of confidence that the two of you had kissed before. 
His rich chocolate eyes were in quite a bit of contrast to his chalk white skin, and his plump lips were pale too; a tiny blush of pink against flesh that refused to warm.  His dark hair was almost black and it matched the thick stitches that clamped down over the gash that seemed to go all around his neck.  
Eddie released a heavy breath and took your hand.
“I want to tell you everything,” he said.
You squeezed his hand back, silently asking him to continue.
There, on a blanket of leaves, under the unblinking, watchful eye of the moon, Eddie told you that he was from another dimension, a place where they created nightmares for dreams.  After a moment of hesitation, while he broke a dry leaf apart with his fingers, he raised his gaze to yours tentatively and admitted that he’d developed a crush on you the first night he saw you.
Nothing about this seemed strange to you, in fact, he might as well have been telling you that he worked for Foot Locker at the mall and was asking you out for a soda.  All perfectly normal stuff.  
A gust of wind brushed back his hair, and a murder of crows took flight.
“It wasn’t just the way you looked; you know.  Even though you are beautiful, don’t get me wrong.  Very, very beautiful, but it was…” he drifted off, a smile breaking his laugh.  “...the little people you made out of potatoes that sat on your desk, and the heavily worn paperbacks by your bed, and the way you slept with every body part under the covers except for your feet.”
You dipped your head shyly, self-conscious that he’d seen you in such a vulnerable state—but you were not at all horrified like you would be if a guy in your world told you he’d been standing over your bed while you slept.  Your reaction was that of someone who was familiar with Eddie and not at all bothered by the information he was admitting.  
Things feel so different in dreams.
He hesitated, trying to get a read on your expression. “Is this too much? Am I saying too much?”
“I..” your thought trailed off as you looked around at the dark shadows that loomed in the clearing.  “Is this a dream? Am I dreaming right now?”
Eddie brought his knee up and circled his elbow around it. He had picked the leaf in his hand clean, down to the vein, and turned the delicate piece over in his fingers.  “This is all we have, for now,” he said softly.
In the distance, a dark rumble of laughter—a menacing cackle—broke the cricket song of nature’s silence and all the birds scattered.
You turned to Eddie with wide eyes.  “W-what was that?”
“Crap,” Eddie lowered his lids for a long breath.  “I can’t believe it’s time already.”
“Time? Time for what?” You mimicked his movements as he stood and dusted himself off.  
The evil laughter continued to bellow as horse hooves pounded in the distance.  Through a break in the trees, you could see something or someone thundering along on horseback.
“Quick, take my hand!” Eddie shouted to get your attention.  He was already up high on the horse, but the ice grip of fear made you freeze.  You caught his hand and stepped into the stirrup, swinging your leg over the saddle behind him at his instruction.  
“Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight,” he shouted over his shoulder as the horse took a few steps, bobbing its head, eager to get a move on.
You did as you were told, pinning your cheek to the tight back muscles that were flexing under his coat.  
Delilah, the horse, was fast and strong and she took off like a shot at Eddie’s command.  “Just don’t look back!” Eddie told you as the wind blew his hair back into your face; it smelled like honeysuckle and campfire.  
Eddie crouched down a bit as he spurred her on, and you kept your body glued to his, your tailbone hitting the back of the saddle.
Delilah bounded into the air to avoid a huge tree that had fallen, and you squeezed your eyes shut for what felt like forever until her hooves met the ground again and you were bouncing behind Eddie to the beat of her strides.  
That was when you made the mistake of looking behind you.
Not too far back and gaining at paranormal speed, was an actual headless man atop a mean-looking horse that was even bigger than Delilah.  He wore a long, dark cape that flew out behind him, and he was barreling down on the three of you with a knife in his hand; the blade was long and curved and the steel glinted in the moonlight.
You gulped, knowing instinctively that it was your head he wanted.
“He’s gaining on us!” You screamed into the wind.
“I told you not to look back!” Eddie responded just as Deliah caught air over a fence and landed in a wide open meadow.
“Who is it? What do they want?”
“It’s another headless horseman,” Eddie said through gritted teeth, squinting into the velocity of the escape.  "And he wants you."
“There’s more than one??”  you took the chance to peek over your shoulder again, only to see that the headless man in question was gaining on you.  “Why do you have a head and he doesn’t?” you yelled as Eddie kicked his heels and urged Delilah on.
“I sewed my head back on just for you, baby.”
Eddie coaxed Delilah in a sharp right, bolting across the other side of the field.  Straight ahead in the distance was an old, covered bridge, and Eddie was telling Delilah to beeline right for it.
“Once we get you across that bridge, he can’t touch you,” Eddie said.
“But what about you?” Your voice cracked as the words left your mouth.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll find you again.”
The other Headless Horseman was right behind you now.  He cackled loud and brandished the knife high in the air to let you see that he was serious, and it glinted in the moonlight.
You never doubted for a second that he would use it.
“How is he laughing without a head?” You chanced to ask.
“Oh, he has a head,” Eddie shouted.  “It’s just not on him right now.”
Perfect sense, all of it.  
You were so close to the bridge…so close
But then the other horseman was coming up beside you—
He sliced his blade through the air, missing you both by a hair.
Eddie threw him a dirty look.  “What the hell, man?”
More evil laughter.
The blade came down again, this time, it would’ve clipped your arm if Eddie hadn’t made Delilah swerve in the other direction.
Now, you were headed away from the bridge.
“New plan!” Eddie yelled. 
“Yeah what’s that?” The last word that came out of your mouth was a scream as you saw that the other Headless Horseman was suddenly blocking your path, swinging his arm back, ready to chop Eddie’s head off.
Eddie cursed and Delilah reared up on her back legs as if to protect the both of you with her hooves.
You let out a high pitched wail that pierced the night as you and Eddie toppled from the horse.
You landed in your bed.
Eddie landed in the alfalfa meadow.
Your mouth was dry when your eyes flew open to reveal the calm, familiar bedroom setting, while your hands made tight fists in the sheets.  
It had only been a dream…but how could you still smell the campfire wood of his hair?
You’d never bolted from bed as fast as you did in that moment, scrambling for your pen and journal on the nightstand as you propped yourself up against the headboard.  The tip of your tongue darted over your top lip as you concentrated, writing down everything you could remember from the dream…things he said…the way it felt…
That morning, you drew your very first sketch of him, too.  It was rough, but you got the shape of his mouth correct and his hair, you even put in the details of the thick stitching around his neck that held his head on.
A couple nights went by before you saw him again, and when you did, it would be groundbreaking, because you would remember him for the first time.  
Back in the dream, Delilah resumed a small trot before pausing to snack on some of the grasses.  There was no more tension in the air, no more work to be done, now she could take a break.
On the ground, Eddie rolled onto his back with his arms out and groaned. The clouds gathered in the shape of a hand and cupped the moon in the dark blue sky.  
The other headless horseman was snickering as he dismounted and sheathed his weapon at his side, slapping his leg with the flat of his hand for emphasis on how hilarious it had been.
“Smooth moves, Munson,” Headless Horseman Steve chuckled, his shoulders bouncing.  “I only meant to scare you back in the forest, not start a hot pursuit.”
Still on his back, unwilling to move, Eddie grumbled,  “I should’ve never vouched for you when you came looking for a job, Harrington.”
When Steve finally found the willpower to swallow his amusement, Eddie sat up, patting his arms to release puffs of dirt from the fall.  “What the hell is wrong with you? Did you space out during safety training or what?”
Headless Steve stepped over to offer Eddie his gloved hand to help him up, but Eddie knocked his arm away and stood on his own.  
“Why are you so salty?” Steve's head had been tucked under his cape this whole time, but he procured it now, cradling it in the crook of his arm. “You used to get a kick out of fucking with them.”
“Yeah, well, not anymore,” Eddie mumbled as he picked a piece of grass out of his hair. He turned his back on Steve and strode over to Delilah.
“You want to go back to the factory together?” Steve called out to him.  “Maybe get a drink after?”
Eddie just shook his head before he got up into the saddle and kicked his leg over.  “I’ll catch you later, Harrington.  I need a minute,” and then he clicked his tongue and Delilah moved toward the bridge, to the portal that would take him back to the dream simulator.  
“Sure, man, okay,” Steve said weakly, his mouth moving on the head he had under his arm.  “Good talk.”
Eddie released a heavy sigh as he bobbed up and down to the sway of Delilah’s stride.  He felt like he really got through to you this time, and he wasn’t about to give up.  Even if he had used up all of his chances to appear as himself to you, he’d find a way.  
A big Sasquatch named Saul had ventured out of the woods to see what was going on, and now he stood next to Steve, watching Eddie go.  
“What’s the matter with him?” Saul asked, his enormous body towering above his coworker.  He was covered head to toe with brownish-red hair or fur, so much so that the only way you knew he had eyes was due to the fact that the hair on his face moved when he blinked.   
“Beats me,” Steve scoffed. He was a little hurt that Eddie hadn’t responded the way he’d expected.  It’s almost as if he…cared about the person who was having the dream? But that was silly.  Nightmare workers weren’t allowed to have any connection with their clients.
Steve collected his horse’s reins in his free hand.  “You feel like a beer?” He asked Saul.
“I am thirsty,” Saul responded, twisting to crack his back.  “Just need to let a few more people get a glimpse at me through the trees, and then I can’t meet you back at the lockers.”
Thank you for reading 🧡
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
Horse riding with cowboy Hobie!! it’s in my mind now imagine the sunset and you two are racing! Cowboy Hobie my beloved
Cowboy Hobie my beloved 😍 thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Cowboy! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Cowboy AU, Western AU, established relationship, FLUFF.
Hobie's ungloved hands are gentle on your waist as he helps hoist you up on your horse. The sun bathes the whole field in its ethereal orange glow, wild flowers scattered at his boots, hands warmer than the sun kissing your cheeks.
“Y’know I can get up on Honey by myself.” You say through the thick fog of affection rolling off you like tumbleweeds.
“I know you can,” he smiles, a smile that could rival the brightness of the ball of fire above. “What purpose do I have if I don't help my girl get on her horse?”
You lean down, almost folding yourself in half to reach his face. Flicking the brim of his hat, you press a kiss so sweet it has the cowboy in front of you to almost melt. Hand on your waist to keep you still, the other holding your face so gently, he welcomes your surprise kiss.
“You have so much purpose,” you peck him one more time to get your message across. “Like being my favourite lips to kiss.”
He chuckles against your lips, “I have two purposes then.” Tapping your cheek, he kisses you on your soft skin before helping you sit up. “Giddy up, sweetheart or we'll miss the sunset.”
“Continue later then?”
Hobie expertly gets on his horse quicker than you did. His spurs clink against the stirrups, leather gloves shoved inside his hands. You mumble a ‘show off’ under your breath. He hears it, hiding an amused smile under the brim of his hat.
“If you win we can continue later.” He teases, green eyes aglow with mischief.
You scoff with a smile. “And if you win?”
“Let's find out shall we?” With a swift kick, he rides off, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey! No fair!” You giggle as you race off after him.
Hooves thudding loudly, wind whipping at your cheeks, and the sun in your eyes, you follow close.
“Slowpoke!” Hobie yells above the noise.
“You cheated!” He laughs loudly at your playful jab.
The race is close, so close that you can reach him with an outstretched hand.
His dark horse finally reaches over the hill a split second before you could. Horses huffing, you pat Honey on her snout for a job well done. She neighs, eyes staring daggers at the laughing cowboy next to you. You do the same.
“You two are startin’ to look similar—” Hobie jokes, grin spread across his chiseled face.
“Continue and you'll be sleeping next to your horse tonight.”
“Just jokin’” he laughs, scooching his horse closer to yours. Knee to knee, he loops an arm around your waist. “I think you won, sweetheart.”
“If you think this is enough to forgive you for what you said—” he gazes at you softly, orange and pink rays bouncing off his emerald eyes. “Fine, yeah, I won.”
“You gonna claim your prize or not?”
“Shut up and kiss me yourself, cowboy.” Holding his face hostage, he lets out a guffaw before smashing his lips on yours, kissing you against the backdrop of the soft pink sky.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Hello there saw you wanted some requests for Gavriel so here it is, could you right something with a reader who loves horse back riding and often goes alone to explore the woods for fun or just to decompress after a long week, but on one of these rides reader gets ambushed and when they dont come home Gavriel knows somthing is wrong and eventually finds them( if you could also add the Cadre helping Gavriel find reader).
Hope this request finds you in good health happy writing!
Light in the Dark
Gavriel x reader
A/n: I added Aedion as part of the Cadre lol. I love the relationship between Gav and Fenrys and imagine that he and Aedion would be like brothers so I threw that in there too. Thank you for the request anon!
Warnings: angst, fluff, and unedited lol
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You love going horseback riding through Oakwald Forest. The fresh air helps you think and calm your anxieties from the day. Sometimes Gavriel would go with you as a silent companion. Sometimes he’d walk beside you in his lion form. He could feel when you were stressed through the bond and reminds you to go on rides.
He always encouraged you to take breaks, saying you wouldn’t get good work done if you couldn’t focus. And as always, he was right. Throwing your pen down on your desk you stand and stretch. You had been working for too long and policies have started blending together.
You tug on the bond to get Gavriel’s attention, sending a message to tell him you were going for a ride. He flooded the bond with love. You could distantly hear him say, “Be careful, my heart. I’ll see you soon.”
Approaching your horse’s stall you heard Clara huff, scrapping her hoof against the hay that lines her stall. Peeking over the door you smile at her. “Hi girl, I brought you a treat.” You hold out an apple in the palm of your hand that Clara chomps down on immediately.
While she’s busy with her snack you start to brush Clara’s golden mane. She’s so beautiful, you could just stay here and brush her silky hair. The stable boys always insist on prepping her for rides but you like doing it yourself. It makes you feel like you did something productive.
Clara was a gift from Gavriel when you first started working in Aelin’s court. She’s well taken care of in the stables at the castle. And you love that you get to visit her whenever you want.
Strapping the saddle on her back you lead Clara out of the barn to the courtyard. Mounting her you lightly dig your heels into her sides to get her moving. Starting off at a walk you head off for Oakwald.
An hour into your ride you pull on Clara’s reigns bringing her to a stop. You look around confused. You should be at the lake by now. Where are you? Clara knows where she’s going, so why were you lost? You slip off the saddle to look around for landmarks that might tell you where you are.
A groan that sounded like a tree breaking echoed through the small space. You covered your ears waiting for it to be over. Darkness rolled in above the tree and the wind howled. Clara tensed, throwing her head back letting out a neigh that was practically a scream. She turned on her hind legs and started booking it out of the forest.
“Clara! No! Come back!” You start running after her until an invisible force hits you square in the chest knocking you to the ground. Gasping for breath you sit up on your knees. You whip your head around wildly looking for the source of your attacker.
A misty dark mass takes shape in front of you. It’s only discernible feature two white glowing eyes. Your eyes go wide, watching the darkness swirl in and out. You feel frozen. The darkness moves forming an arm, extending it toward you. Fingers separate and close around your throat. A chill runs through your body before your vision blurs and you fall into a deep sleep.
As Gavriel’s meeting with Rowan and his advisors, he pulls on the bond. It’s quite on your end. He tugs harder and floods the bond with concern and love. No response again. Worry takes over his features as he leans back in his chair, Gavriel’s knuckles turn white from how hard he’s clenching his knuckles.
He jumps a little at the feeling of Rowan’s hand on his shoulder. “What is it?” His tone hushed as the rest of the Cadre file in. “It’s y/n. She’s there but…I can’t feel her.” Rowan bites his lip in thought, a small frown forming.
Lorcan sits on Gavriel’s other side. “I have a bad feeling. Y/n never does this.”
“Do you want to ask if anyone in the stables has seen her?” “Please, thank you Fenrys.” The white wolf nods, leaving the room at a hurried pace. He’s like a son to Gavriel, meaning that he’s very protective of you. Aedion and Fenrys were the first two people Gavriel introduced you too. He knew both would go to the ends of the earth to protect you. You were growing to be a mother-figure for both of them so gods forbid any harm come to you.
While waiting for Fenrys to return Rowan and Lorcan talk him through where you could possibly be. He lists them all, talking through the steps you take and what you like to do.
Taking a break, Gavriel looks out the window and notices the late afternoon sun. It’ll be dark in a few hours. He wouldn’t be able to do anything if you weren’t home for dinner. He’s considering going out in his lion form to search for you when Fenrys comes barging back into the meeting room.
The young pups face is wild with rage and worry. “No one has seen her. And Clara isn’t in her stall.” He growls out. The three males turn to Gavriel, waiting for orders. Aedion comes flying into the room seconds later, slightly panting, his chest moving quickly. He could smell the fear and anger rolling of Fenrys as he ran through the castle.
“What’s going on? I saw Fenrys running and knew something was wrong.” “Y/n is missing. We don’t know where she is and no one has seen her.” Aedion’s eyes meet his father’s. Worry simmering in those Ashryver blue-greens. He stands straight, his hands clasped behind his back. “What do you want us to do dad?”
“Follow me.” He said storming out of the room and down to the stables. The Cadre followed, ready to follow his command.
The plan is to split up to search different sections of Oakwald that you like to explore. Lorcan and Aedion mounted their horses and headed east. Rowan transformed into a hawk to look overhead and covering as much ground as possible. Fenrys transformed into a wolf and headed west while Gavriel headed north to the lake.
He didn’t transform yet, he was just focused on getting as far as he could to find you. Gavriel squinted as he approached a clearing. A wall of darkness between trees separated a section from the rest of the forest. He heard rustling from all sides and drew his sword.
Rowan landed first, then Lorcan and Aedion emerged, and then Fenrys holding the reins of your horse. “Clara?” He whispered, reaching out to stroke her snout. “I found her wandering then she noticed me and pulled me back here.”
“My shadows found the wall a half mile that way. I sent them in to try and find her.” Gavriel felt the blood leave his face. His eyes went wide as he turned back to the swirling mass. Reaching out a reluctant hand, Gavriel touched the darkness. He expected resistance but his hand fell through. Stumbling a little he righted himself, taking a deep breath he formulated a new plan.
The bond was glowing making his protective fae instincts kick in. His mate was in danger and he had to go in there.
“Gavriel,” Rowan says cautiously. Before they could talk Gavriel out of his new plan he leapt into the darkness. Without thinking Fenrys and Aedion followed, leaving Rowan and Lorcan to keep watch.
Fenrys and Aedion flank Gavriel, drawing their own swords. “We stick together.” Gavriel says as he steps further into the woods. It feels like hours before there’s any sign of you. Gavriel sniffs the air picking up your scent.
He starts running until he’s skidding to a stop. Dropping to his knees Gavriel pulls you into his arms from your spot in the brush. He presses his ear to your chest to make sure your heart is still beating. The bond humming with joy at the fact you were reunited. Gavriel’s only focus now is to get you back to the castle.
When you came to your head was pounding, your vision swimming in and out. You let out a groan and you hear Gavriel scramble to sit on the edge of the bed. “My heart, are you alright? Can I get you anything?” “Water,” you croak out. He moves to grab the glass of water from the bedside table.
Helping you up Gavriel holds the glass to your lips. You gulp the water down like you’d never have any again. Letting the glass go you slump into Gavriel’s side.
“What happened?” Gavriel lays you back down, fluffing your pillows. “We aren’t exactly sure. Lorcan and Rowan found that phantom-thing and chased it down. They lost it but the guards are on the look out for it and Aelin has the little folk keeping their eyes out too. The healers checked you out and your ok, just cold for a while which scared me.”
You gave him a small smile, bringing your hand to cup his face. “I’m sorry I scared you.” “Hey, you don’t need to apologize. I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner.” “But you did find me. And brought me home, like you always do.”
He let out a breathy chuckle, “Yeah, and I will for the rest of our lives.” You pull him closer to you for a kiss. You break apart at a soft knock on the door. Gavriel sighs, tilting his head back in annoyance. You giggle at him. “Fenrys and Aedion want to see you. They’ve been worried about you and want to see you.” You let out a small aww.
When you and Gavriel first started dating you jokingly called and treated Aedion and Fenrys sons. You are older than both of them so they viewed you as a mother figure, always coming to you for advice over Gavriel and hanging out with you when he was out on missions.
When you accepted the mating bond you asked Aedion if he would be ok with you officially adopting him, even though he’s an adult, you just wanted him to know that he was part of your family. Since the bond the two boys have been very protective of you.
“Let my boys in.” You sit up as Gavriel begrudgingly opens the door. You heard him give them a stern warning before they entered quieter than usual. “Hi y/n.” “Hi boys. Come, sit with me.” You pat the bed and they happily jump up.
Gavriel slides in next to you, a gentle arm, wrapping around your shoulder. You love moments like these where your family is together and safe. You squeeze Gavriel’s hand as a thank you. For bringing you home and always looking out for you.
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helloalycia · 1 year
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the king’s ward [four] // morgana pendragon
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summary: now that you've left Camelot yet again, you and your brother figure out what to do next, but things don't go to plan...
warning/s: mentions of blood, injury, fighting and kidnapping.
author's note: and here’s the final part! this was a fun one to write so i do hope you all enjoyed it :)
one / two / three / masterlist / wattpad
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"We could offer to help out on a farm in some outlying villages," Y/B/N said thoughtfully. "Might be a nice change of pace."
I groaned quietly as we rode slowly through the forest. "That's so boring. The last time we did that, I literally fell asleep guarding the chicken coop. It was a pointless job."
He chuckled. "That was too good. But I guess you're right. We've got enough supplies to last us the week, so for once, we can take our time with it."
I hummed, grateful. "Maybe we could go to the–"
Suddenly our horses neighed in unison, coming to a halt and throwing us off. Out of nowhere, a small group of bandits came rushing towards us, having hidden in the tree line. Y/B/N and I forced ourselves off the ground and grabbed our swords, moving to defend. But he was still weak and I worried for him, staying next to him to keep him safe.
There were too many bandits, enough to surprise and overwhelm us anyway, and with Y/B/N's injured shoulder, we were pinned down quicker than we'd ever been. They grabbed Y/B/N and pressed a dagger to his neck, making me pause as I had my sword raised to strike.
"Don't," one of the bandits warned me. "Give me your sword. Now."
I squeezed the hilt, stressed and worried and unsure how to respond, but they squeezed Y/B/N's injured shoulder, eliciting a groan, and I had to drop the sword, kicking it towards them. One of them scrambled to pick it up as the leader looked to me.
"Your mask," he ordered, motioning to my face.
"Y/N, don't–" Y/B/N started, but they punched him in the gut, silencing him.
"You can take the horses," I said, tugging off my mask. "Just let us go."
The leader laughed dryly. "So you're a girl. I knew it."
I wondered how he knew who we were, since we never showed our faces nor left anyone alive to make enemies.
"Your brother here dies unless you give us back our prize," he stated. "The King's Ward. Right here. Tomorrow night."
I tried to hide my surprise, but that's when I recognised the bandits' outfits. These were part of the same group who orchestrated Morgana's kidnapping. Maybe Y/N and I didn't get them all like we'd thought. And now they were back and we were screwed.
"I can't," I told him, trying not to give anything away. "She would never follow me. Especially not so soon after a kidnapping."
"Figure it out," the leader snarled. "Maybe next time you'll stay out of affairs that aren't yours."
I clenched my fists with irritation, but he didn't care. Instead, he nodded to Y/B/N.
"You and the girl, alone," he added. "Or your brother dies."
Y/B/N began to shake his head, eyes meeting mine. "Don't do it, Y/N. It's okay. Just don't– dnfffuff–"
They pulled a cloth around his mouth, muffling his words, and all I could do was stay frozen, watching as they dragged him back, stealing one horse and whistling for their others. The leader looked to me with a warning stare before leaving, my brother sat behind him, tied up.
As soon as they were gone, I grabbed my sword and immediately mounted my horse, turning around to race back to Camelot. It hadn't even been a few hours – just our luck that we'd been ambushed. But there was no time to dwell on it, not when Y/B/N's life was on the line. I couldn't even dare to think about what would happen if I left it too long.
Of course I wasn't going to give Morgana to those sickos, but I couldn't fight them off myself. My only hope was Arthur, and I desperately hoped he would help.
With tears whipping from my cheeks as I rode swiftly through the trees, I tried to focus on what I could do rather than what I couldn't. And within the hour, thanks to my intense riding, I made it back to the centre of Camelot.
Almost falling off my horse in the process, I dismounted and sped up the staircase towards the castle. I knew where Arthur's room was, but there was no way I'd be allowed there without being escorted out. Thankfully, I didn't need to think of a way to find him as I soon saw Merlin roaming the halls. As soon as he saw me, he approached with confusion. And then he must have seen my red eyes as his expression dropped.
"Oh, no, what is it?" he asked, looking between my eyes. "What happened, Y/N?"
I couldn't help it. I frowned as more tears streamed down my face. "They took Y/B/N, Merlin. I need to get him back. I have to speak to Arthur."
He didn't understand, not fully, but he nodded anyway and led me to Arthur's room as quickly as he could. Without knocking, he walked in and I followed after him.
"Merlin, do you not know how to–!" Arthur started, but stopped once he saw me. "Oh, Y/N. You're back so soon."
"She needs your help," Merlin explained. "They took her brother."
Arthur stood up from his desk, expression hardening. "Who?"
"The bandits who tried to kidnap Morgana," I told him, voice more hoarse than I wanted. "They ambushed us in the forest and took him, threatening his life if I don't return there with Morgana tomorrow night. Arthur, I can't do that, but I can't lose Y/B/N. I'm pleading for your help."
I anticipated much more begging and, potentially, deal-making, but Arthur was already rounding his desk and grabbing his jacket.
"Come with me," he ordered, already walking to the door.
I glanced at Merlin with confusion, wiping my face. He was as confused as I.
"Well?" Arthur called when we didn't follow him. "We're going to have an audience with the King! We can't just leave Y/B/N there. We don't have long."
Both surprised and relieved, I followed after Arthur as he led Merlin and I to the throne room. The knights guarding it immediately parted to let us in, and Arthur walked briskly down the centre of the room, towards his father who was talking to Morgana. Gwen was stood the side and a few more knights were guarding the interior, and when the doors slammed close accidentally behind us, everybody looked our way.
"Arthur," the King acknowledged, before his eyes fell to me. "And you... I thought you left."
"Y/N," Morgana muttered, already sensing the discomfort. "What is it?"
I would have preferred if she didn't know at all, but she was here and it was inevitable. I merely gave her a sad glance before letting Arthur lead the conversation.
"Father, I'm asking your permission to take some knights and help rescue Y/N's brother from some bandits," Arthur began, and the King tried not to laugh.
"I beg your pardon?"
With a sigh, Arthur began to explain what the situation was, but the King didn't seem the slightest bit sympathetic. Exactly what I'd feared would happened.
"Look, Y/N," Uther began once Arthur had finished, and I knew it wouldn't be good. "I'm grateful for you saving my ward, both you and your brother, but I cannot help you."
"My Lord!" Morgana interrupted in protest, but he ignored her.
"The Lady Morgana is worth much more to me than your brother is," Uther stated.
"I would never wish to endanger her," I reminded him with a bitter tone, because I'd literally said that and he just wasn't listening. "I'm only asking that you can send some of your knights to assist me in rescuing Y/B/N. Together, I have a chance of getting him back. Alone, it's suicide."
"I'm sorry," he said without consideration. "It's not a risk I can take."
I clenched my jaw as I met his gaze. "Surely you would want to find out who is so badly wanting to kidnap your ward? This would be the perfect opportunity to do so."
This seemed to turn a cog in his brain as he frowned with thought, finally considering it.
"Father, I can spare a few knights," Arthur tried to convince him. "Let me go. We can be in and out in no time."
"No way," Uther decided, making any hope of mine dwindle. 
Sighing, I closed my eyes with defeat. I should have known better than to ask King Uther for help.
"My Lord, please," Morgana begged him. "They saved my life! The least we can do is return the favour!"
"It's asking too much!" Uther said with finality. "I have made my decision. That's it."
The hall fell quiet as Uther's echoes ceased. I opened my eyes, feeling nauseous at the thought of having to attempt a rescue by myself.
"Thank you for your consideration," I said to the King once more, before bowing and leaving before he could say anything. The last thing I needed was to waste what little time I had left to make a move.
Once I left the throne room, I walked up the steps with the intention of the leaving the castle and making a plan of my own. I barely made it to the hallway when Morgana's voice called for me from behind.
I couldn't ignore her, so I stopped and turned around to see her catching up to me with a worried expression.
"Don't leave," she pleaded immediately, hand clutching my arm in case I tried to walk away. "It's me they want. Let me help."
I scoffed. "Morgana, I'm not trading you."
She didn't know what else to offer, I could see it in her desperate attempt to cling on to me before I gave up and left.
"It's okay," I tried to assure her, not wanting her to feel guilty. Resting my hand on hers, I squeezed it gently. "I'll think of something."
She shook her head. "I'm going to talk to Arthur."
I frowned at the reminder. "You saw what happened in there. The King said no. There's nothing more Arthur can do."
"Just let me try," she said, mirroring my frown. "Please. He'll help. I know he will. He isn't like Uther."
If I hadn't seen firsthand how considerate Arthur could be, I wouldn't have believed her. But with Morgana's help, maybe the crowned prince could come around.
"I don't have long," I reminded her. "If I have to do this myself, I'll need the time to find the bandits. I can't wait all day."
"You won't have to," she promised. "Wait in the citadel. I'll find you soon."
I nodded, believing her. Her green eyes lingered on mine worriedly before she left to keep to her word.
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It was barely an hour later when Morgana found me in the citadel, trying not to chew off my fingernails. Judging by the expression on her face – an attempt to stifle her smile – I assumed it was good news, but the knot of anxiety was still pressing on my heart.
"What did he say?" I asked her as soon as she was close enough.
She fixed me with a reassuring stare. "Arthur will meet you outside the city walls tomorrow midday. You're going to get Y/B/N back."
Exhaling with relief, I pressed a hand to my chest. "I don't know what to say. Thank you so much, Morgana."
"Don't thank me," she said, before pulling me in for a hug. "He'll be okay. Arthur is the best."
I returned her hug, appreciative of her help. She owed me nothing, but she was still helping me out and I couldn't have been anymore grateful.
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Just as promised, Arthur found me outside the city walls the next day with my horse and sword. I was surprised to see he'd slipped away from his father's hold, and with a couple of knights, too. Merlin was at his side also, though I couldn't imagine the two ever being apart.
"How are you holding up?" he asked once he dismounted, looking over me with a hidden concern.
"Better now that you're helping," I admitted, before meeting his gaze. "Arthur, I'll owe you forever. Disobeying your father isn't what I–"
"Consider us even," he interrupted, offering a small smile. "You did save Morgana and Gwen after all."
I sighed, knowing it wasn't exactly the same, but there was no point arguing it. We needed every minute we had before the bandits expected my arrival.
Ready and already equipped with a plan, Arthur introduced me to his fellow knights before explaining what would happen. I would have laughed at how ridiculous it sounded if I didn't have any other choice. He wanted one of his knights to wear Morgana's cloak and I would pretend to make the trade, making sure to request Y/B/N's presence. And once the bandits were fooled, we'd strike. A surprise attack that I could only hope would work.
After choosing the shortest knight, Arthur and I watched as he stripped down to his shirt and trousers and wore one of Morgana's finest cloaks, pulling the hood over his head and looking down so his face wouldn't be revealed. Surprisingly, he played the part well and, from a distance, looked like someone from royalty. As long as the bandits brought us Y/B/N before studying 'Morgana', we'd be okay.
Once everybody had their positions marked out on a map Arthur had brought, we ventured into the forest and took to our roles. I waited where Y/B/N and I had been ambushed yesterday, holding the arm of the knight dressed as Morgana. The others were hidden amongst the trees, trained to be out of sight and to make no sound. I assumed the bandits would have their own back up plan, so I kept my eyes peeled, though I was sure Arthur had it all under control.
Not even minutes later, horses galloped towards me, skidding to a halt when they saw who I had. The bandits dismounted, swords raised, and amongst them was my brother. I held my breath as I looked over him – aside from the few bruises he'd sustained, he looked okay.
"Well, well, well," the bandit leader announced with shock. "You actually did it."
I swallowed hard, sneering at him. "Just give me back my brother."
He grinned, before attempting to lower his head to look at 'Morgana's' face. Thankfully, the knight embodied his role well and shivered, moving to hide behind me. The bandit leader bellowed with laughter.
"What is it? Is the Lady Morgana suddenly shy?" he asked rhetorically. "That's not what the rumours have suggested." His fellow criminals laughed as he continued, "She better liven up when we take her. Hengist wouldn't want her to put up a fight."
Hengist? The warlord, Hengist? No wonder they were so desperate for Morgana. They wanted to ransom her! How awful.
"My brother," I repeated firmly.
He rolled his eyes. "You're no fun. Fine." He nodded to another bandit. "Make the trade."
They dragged my brother forward, his wrists bound and a rag in his mouth. I reluctantly led the knight forward and we made the switch, with the bandit taking ahold of him in seconds. I quickly moved to untie Y/B/N and yanked out the rag, making sure he was okay. And before I could even check to see what had happened with the others, the knight pretending to be Morgana had stabbed the bandit holding him in the neck.
Their complete and utter surprise was the perfect opportunity for Arthur and the others to yell out a war cry and run from their hiding spots, engaging in combat. One knight stayed behind, firing arrows from a distance, and I unsheathed my sword before defending my brother and I.
The element of surprise only lasted a few seconds before the bandits jumped into the fight, slashing and stabbing and parrying with eagerness. Alone, they would have been a challenge. But with the infamous knights of Camelot on my side, we handled them in record time, leaving behind only their leader.
Arthur had him grovelling on the ground, his sword at his neck.
"I want you to deliver a message to Hengist," he spat down at him, seething with anger, no doubt from the way they had spoken of Morgana earlier. "If he ever tries anything again, I'll go over there myself personally and kill him on the spot. Understood?"
The bandit leader nodded repeatedly, scrambling to find words. "Y-yes, my lord, o-of course."
Arthur clenched his jaw as he lowered his sword. "Get out of here! And don't let me see your face again!"
He nodded once more before jumping up and running away, out of sight and out of mind. Relieved, I sheathed my sword and turned to face Y/B/N.
"You're okay?" I asked with a lump in my throat. "Tell me you're okay."
"I'm okay, Y/N, I swear," he assured me with a weak smile.
I ignored him and pulled him into a tight hug, practically squeezing the life out of him, but I couldn't care less. He was alive and okay and we'd bloody done it!
Before I could properly acknowledge that fact however, I saw one of the supposed-to-be dead bandits on the ground behind him, moving slowly. Realising he was standing up with a knife and heading straight for Arthur, who was talking to a knight, I let go of Y/B/N and yelled out, before shoving Arthur out of the way. Unfortunately for me, the bandit landed a lucky blow to my abdomen, the knife piercing straight through my skin. A sword came down on the bandit, but I felt a hot pain as I looked down.
"Oh, no," I mumbled, my hand coming away with fresh, deep red blood.
"Y/N!" Y/B/N shouted, before helping me to stand as my weight was suddenly too heavy to handle on my own.
As he lowered me to the ground, Arthur kneeled down next to me, looking bewildered. "Why on earth would you do that?!"
I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry. "I didn't really think it through."
"Give me something to cover her wound with, now!" Y/B/N yelled out to the knights.
I heard a ripping sound and then Morgana's precious robe was being folded and pressed to my stomach area. It didn't feel good, the pain sharp at first.
What happened next, I couldn't exactly recall. There was a lot of shouting and jostling me about, my eyes opening and closing with glimpses of faces and trees and the blue of the sky on this clear summer's day. Thoughts drifted in and out, my brain not focusing on anything except the relief that Y/B/N was safe.
I must have been brought back to the castle, recognising the ceiling of Gaius' quarters and Gaius himself. Again, I was in and out of consciousness, never awake long enough to say anything, but there were glimpses of Gaius, Y/B/N, Merlin, Morgana and even Arthur. It couldn't have been good, I knew that much.
And finally, when I came to without immediately drifting off, I saw Y/B/N and Morgana sat beside my bed, their saddened expressions just about visible between my tired, blurred vision.
I sucked up a breath, a whine escaping my mouth. "What happened?"
At my voice, they both looked to me with surprise, tears in their eyes.
"Gaius... I need to get Gaius!" Y/B/N suddenly said, before squeezing my hand and almost tripping over the stool as he ran to leave the room.
I furrowed my brows, confused and not quite acknowledging where I was or what was happening. Then my eyes fell to a staring Morgana, her wet eyes widened.
"Why are you crying?" I asked, mouth drier than ever. "Is Arthur okay?"
She began to smile, snickering as she wiped at her eyes. "Yes, you idiot, it's you who isn't."
I didn't understand, not straight away, and then I began to remember the glimpses of faces, the forest, the bandits, Y/B/N being hurt, the blood. Instantly, my hand felt for my abdomen, relieved to feel a bandage covering the wound.
"Okay, it's starting to hurt now," I mumbled, before wincing when the ache was becoming recognisable the more I woke up.
Morgana took my hand between hers, earning my attention again. "Y/N, you saved Arthur's life. And mine. And Y/B/N's. You're a hero."
"I really don't feel like one," I said jokingly, a terrible attempt to both lighten the situation and take the attention away from my actions.
She smiled softly, though it didn't reach her eyes, and then pressed a kiss to my hand, making my brain short circuit.
"Everybody thought you weren't going to make it," she said quietly, reluctantly.
I swallowed hard, pulling my gaze from her lips and forcing myself to meet her eyes. "Well, here I am."
She didn't let go of my hand, merely smiled with relief. Before either of us could say anything more, Y/B/N returned with Gaius in tow, eager and excited.
"You're awake," Y/B/N said, as if he still couldn't believe it.
"I'm pretty sure I told you not to get hit by arrows," I chastised lightheartedly. "Look what good it did? Now I'm bedridden!"
He was smiling hard, unbothered by his teary eyes. "You're so stupid."
I rolled my eyes playfully, but a ghost of a smile was on my lips.
"It's good to see you're okay, Y/N," Gaius said with relief. "I feared you wouldn't wake up after how much blood you lost."
I opened my mouth to answer, but was interrupted when another figure entered through the door. It was Arthur, followed by Merlin, and they both looked to me with surprise.
"For God's sake, can everyone stop looking at me like their dog died and I'm the dog?!" I said, attempting to sit up to prove that I was fine, but it hurt more than I could disguise.
"You need to stay put," Gaius ordered lightly.
I sighed deeply, before looking to Arthur, glad he was alright. He smiled at me gratefully.
"I owe you," he said. "You saved my life."
I waved my hand dismissively, hyper-aware of the warmth in my face.
"I must ask that you all give Y/N some space," Gaius said politely. "I need to check her health and it's too crowded in here. You can visit later."
They all nodded, sending me friendly smiles. Morgana squeezed my hand once more before leaving with the others.
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Being bedridden was not ideal. In fact, I was very much hating every second of it, apart from when the others came to visit. I wasn't a fan of being stuck with my thoughts, nor having absolutely nothing to do or being unable to move.
Y/B/N stayed with me most of the time for the week I couldn't get up, thankfully, and the others visited when they could. Arthur came once, to make sure I really was okay, and another time to remind me that I owed him a fight. Merlin and Gaius were also there a lot considering they lived there and were keeping me alive. And Morgana stopped by regularly, sometimes with Gwen, to make sure I had everything I needed. Having that many people who actually cared about my well-being was strange, since I was so used to only having Y/B/N around. But I didn't hate it. I only worried I was getting too attached...
One afternoon, Morgana came to visit and I was a little too glad to see her, mostly because I was getting very bored staring up at the ceiling. As soon as she sat by my side, I propped my head up so I could see her better.
"Don't get me wrong," I started with a small smile, "I love the company, but I get it can be boring. You don't need to be here."
She shrugged. "It's my fault you were hurt. I do."
I lifted a brow, surprised she believed that. "It really isn't, Morgana."
She gave me a knowing look, disagreeing. "They took Y/B/N because they wanted me. You saved Arthur trying to get him back. I'm the cause."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh, how far that is from the truth. People like those bandits hurt because they can. They get greedy. I was only doing what was right. Even if it wasn't you in danger, I would have reacted the same way."
She smiled with amusement, eyes meeting mine. "I don't doubt that."
I pressed my lips into a smile. "My point is, either way, it's not your fault."
She tilted her head, eyes staring off ahead, and I knew she didn't quite believe me.
"Anyway...," I tried to change the subject, missing her attention, "tell me about your day."
It seemed to work as she chuckled, looking back at me. "There isn't much to tell."
Laughing now, she gave in. "Okay, well I went dress shopping with Gwen earlier..."
I was very much content just laying there and listening to Morgana speak, even if it was about the simplicity of her day so far. The glimmer in her eyes, how soft her voice carried itself, how animated she became when talking about stuff she enjoyed... it was a sight to behold, or maybe I was just super infatuated with her. Either way, I wasn't complaining.
Unfortunately, the hour in which she kept me company was apparently a lot more than I could take as I soon grew tired, unable to stay awake for too long a time, especially with the medicine Gaius was giving me to numb the pain. As much as I tried to disguise it, Morgana wasn't blind.
When she fell silent, it took me a moment to realise she was just staring at me. I blinked, about to speak, but she beat me to it.
"You're tired."
"I'm not."
She quirked a brow, and it was impossible to lie to her, even though I really wanted her to stay.
"Okay, maybe a little," I admitted. "But I'm okay. Please, stay."
She shook her head, smiling softly. "You should rest, Y/N. I've been here long enough."
"You don't have to–"
"I'll return later," she assured me, already pressing a hand to mine. "I promise."
I exhaled quietly, nodding. Her smile widened, eyes flickering between mine. Leaning down, she gave me a hug the best she could, and I lifted my arms to return the favour, eyes threatening to close because of how comfortable I was. But then she let go. And I barely blinked when her hand cupped my cheek and suddenly she was pressing her lips to mine in a tender kiss.
I couldn't even react, too surprised to acknowledge it, before she'd pulled apart and I was submerged in green.
"Sleep tight," she whispered, completely unaware of the fire that was spreading over my face.
Words escaped me and then she let go and flashed me a smile before leaving. She kissed me? Me?
And I didn't do anything?!
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A few days later, I found myself stood before King Uther, the third and hopefully last time in my life. I was finally well enough to stand up, so Arthur insisted I speak to the King, especially since he obviously knew about Arthur's disobedience. I was certain I was going to get yelled at, but surprisingly I didn't.
"I'm not impressed that Arthur left to help you," Uther was saying, "but you did save his life. You're constantly proving to be a skilful and honourable swordsman. Woman. Whatever."
I pressed my lips together, unsure what to say as he frowned to himself, like he couldn't quite believe what he was saying. It would have been amusing if it weren't aimed at me.
Arthur cleared his throat a little obviously, bringing Uther back to his point. and Y/B/N and I exchanged nervous glances.
"I would like to offer you a job in Camelot," he finally said, making me raise my eyebrows. Had I heard correctly?
"I'm sorry, you– you want to what?" I asked, though the hidden smile on Arthur's face behind him made me think I'd heard correctly.
"It seems that everybody keeps trying to hurt my ward," he said with regret, before sighing. "And everyone seems to underestimate your talent. It would put me at great ease if Morgana had a personal bodyguard of sorts, and you're the perfect person for the job."
Unable to hide my shock any longer, my mouth opened slightly. Glancing over his shoulder, I caught the Morgana's eyes, seeing her smiling at me hopefully. Was this her doing? Arthur's? Or did the King finally deem me worthy of something other than being a peasant woman?
"You look like a handmaiden, but you're not," Uther continued to explain. "If you're always with her, I know she'll be safe. Anybody who even tries to lay a hand on her will have you to answer to."
I swallowed hard, still reeling from his offer. A bodyguard? For Morgana? That would mean staying in Camelot permanently. Living here. I'd be with her all the time. And I hadn't even properly spoken to her alone since she kissed me the other day... there so much to think about it. And I told the King exactly that.
"I appreciate the offer," I said with a nod, "but I would like to have a think. Discuss it with my brother."
Uther nodded. "Of course, of course. Try not to take too long though. We'd like to have you start as soon as possible."
I nodded curtly before Y/B/N and I bowed once more, then left the throne room. My thoughts were still playing catch up, but we barely made it into the hallway when Y/B/N came to a halt and stepped in front of me.
"Did you hear what he said? He must really be starting to respect you!"
I scoffed quietly. "I wouldn't go that far..."
He gave me a knowing look. "So, you're obviously going to do it."
I looked up at him. "What?"
Expression softening, he said, "I'm sick of constantly moving around and I know you are, too. Camelot is nice. The people here are lovely." He glanced around at the empty hallway before adding in a quiet voice, "And you obviously like Morgana. She seems to like you, too. Why don't we stick around?"
I breathed out tiredly, meeting his eyes. "You make it sound so easy."
He laughed, pulling me close by the shoulders. "It is!"
I rolled my eyes and shoved him away, a ghost of a smile on my lips. "But what if we don't like it here after all? What if we're not cut out for this life? Working for noblemen?"
"I'd hardly call being Morgana's bodyguard working for noblemen," he said with amusement. "Besides. If we don't like it, we leave. That's the point. To try new things."
"I suppose you're right..."
"I always am."
I rolled my eyes again, beginning to walk away. "You wish."
His laughter echoed down the hall as he joined my side. "This won't be a mistake, Y/N, I just know it."
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I pressed my hands down my dress before knocking on Morgana's bedroom door. After a moment, it opened to reveal Gwen smiling at me.
"Good morning," she said as she stepped to the side to let me in. "Morgana, your new handmaiden is here!"
I groaned quietly at the new job title, making Gwen laugh as she left the room. Morgana spun around from her position at her dressing table before stifling a smile as she looked me up and down.
"Don't talk about," I said knowingly, referring to the awful dress I had to wear. "It's to blend in."
She stood up and approached me, a chuckle escaping her lips. "Blend in it does."
"If anybody dares make a move against you though, I'm ready," I said with confidence.
"Oh, really?"
I pulled up the hem my dress, showing her where I had a knife strapped to each knee, making her laugh at the sight.
"Ah, yes, I feel perfectly safe now," she said, with a hint of sarcasm.
"That's the plan."
Her smile widened, eyes flickering between mine, before her expression softened. "Thank you for agreeing to this job, Y/N. I know it's not ideal. If I could, I would have made you a knight. God knows you deserve that honour, and it would have been much more respectable than the Lady Morgana's second handmaiden."
I shrugged, hoping she knew I didn't mind as much. "It's okay. I chose this. And at least I can be sure you're safe now. No more surprise kidnappings, right?"
She smiled with amusement, eyes not leaving mine, and I found myself getting distracted by the gold flecks in her irises. We still hadn't mentioned the kiss – I was starting to believe I'd imagined it – but I couldn't let it go amiss anymore. I was head over heels for her, allowed or not, and I needed to know how she felt. It was now or never.
"So now is probably the wrong time to bring this up," I started, attempting to disguise my nerves, "but the other day when you visited me at Gaius', you, er, you kissed me. And I'm just– well, I'm not sure if it was like a friendly kiss or–"
Before I could finish, she leaned forward and kissed me yet again, only a short kiss that barely lasted a few seconds. I was certain my face was hot as I remained as confused as ever.
"Okay, so either that was another friendly kiss or a complete accident," I said, clearing my throat.
Her eyes lit up as she laughed, shaking her head. "Neither."
My heart fluttered involuntarily. "Neither?"
She rested her hands on my shoulders, pulling me closer. "I like you, if that wasn't obvious."
I exhaled softly. "It was, but I couldn't be certain."
Her eyes lowered to my lips as she smirked playfully. "Be certain."
I found my eyes lowering to hers too, enticed by her red lipstick. Well, if she liked me, what was I waiting for?
Finally gathering the courage, I cupped her cheek and leaned in, pressing my lips to hers. She hummed contently, relaxing against me and sending shivers all down my spine when she rested her hands against me for support. Kissing her was unlike anything I'd imagined and when we pulled apart for air, my lips were craving hers instantly.
"I've been waiting for you to do that for a long time," she admitted, words ghosting my lips.
I tried not to scoff playfully. "Easier said than done, my lady. You can't just approach a royal and kiss them, even if you do think they like you back. And especially not if they're a girl also."
Her lips curved into a smile as she stifled a laugh. "Fair enough. You have no excuse now though. You're my handmaiden slash bodyguard, remember?"
I gave her a teasing glance. "I don't recall that being in the job description. In fact, it's the opposite."
She met my gaze with her challenging one. "Good thing you're not much of a rule follower then."
I smiled, unable to hide it any longer, admiring her dark lashes, the slope of her nose, the slight smudge of her lipstick. "Yeah. Good thing."
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hey Hii I love your writings!
Could you write something about Druig and the fem avenger (maybe black widow) reader? If you don't write Druig, it could be Shang-Chi. I love both of these guys so much! Thanks in advance~
A/N - THIS IS GREAT! Sorry for not writing this soon, but I do hope you like it, Anon!
Summary - After the Emergence, Druig get a call from an old flame
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Warnings - Just some fluff with a HINT of angst
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The phone rang at least three times before Druig could answer it, fishing out the phone from the bottom of his duffle bag he packed from his village in the Amazon.
“ ‘Ello?” He asked, Instantly he was going to be bombarded by questions on the other end of the line.
“Druig?!  What in the hell?!  Why is there a Celestial coming out of the Indian Ocean?”
“Sweetheart, can you take a breath for me?”
“How can I take a breath when there’s a massive Celestial statute sticking out of the Indian Ocean!  That has you name written all over it!”’
“Stop!  Stop and take a breath for me please,”  Druig finally Said into the phone, looking up from his spot in the kitchen to see the rest of the Eternals outside the farmhouse and at the horse corral, talking together and laughing at something Phastos said.  Druig could see the inventor look over at Druig through the kitchen window, raising an eyebrow at him as if he was silently asking who he was talking to on the phone. 
Druig shook his head and walked back to the living room, plopping down on the couch to rub his face as he heard you on the other line.  You were taking a few long breaths, trying to calm yourself down as Druig was patiently waiting on the couch.  Finally, after what seemed like a good minute or two of you breathing and calming yourself down for Druig to hear, Druig finally spoke.
“Druig, that Celestial is on every news channel all over the globe, and my boss is looking for answers,” You explained to him on your end of the phone, “You need to explain some things to me, as much as you can,”
“Your Boss, as in the Winter Soldier?” 
“More as in the new Captain America,” You replied, “Sam is not keen in not knowing what is going on around the globe, especially if it’s extraterrastial related.
“I’m sure you can whip something up from your Black Widows days, bein’ an ex-spy at all,” Druig said in almost a tease, you inhale sharply.
“Druig, this is not funny. I’m worried that something else is stirring up and you have something to do with it,” You explained wholeheartedly.
“I know, luv,” Druig replied, “I don’t mean to make it light.  But it was a near Emergence that we had to stop before the end of the world,”
A pause was heard on your end.
“Emergence?” You asked him.  Druig sighed heavily.
“It’s a lot to explain,” He started to explain to you, but the house suddenly started to vibrate.  Druig had to paise, feeling the walls and floor shake beneath his feet as he slowly stood up.  It might have felt like an earthquake, not as big as the one he felt a week prior when Tiamut became active under the earth’s surface.  After hearing some of the horses from the corral neighing in agitation, the soft sounds of what sounded like a jet high in the sky were coming towards the farmhouse.  
But this didn’t sound like a typical jet.
Phastos and the others came running into the farmhouse, Druig shot up from the couch and looked over at him as Phastos was pointing towards the front of the house, “You hear that?”
What is it? Makkari signed as the rounds of the jet were coming closer and closer within seconds.  Druig was just as confused at first.  Yet it only took him a few longs to recognize the sounds of the jet, he’d heard it all too well many times before.  His own heart both dropped and seated faster at the same.
“Honey….please don’t tell me I’m hearing your jets out here in South Dakota,” Druig said slowly in the phone to you as the Jet was now sounding beyond loud, almost right above the farmhouse as Phastos shot him a look.
“Honey?!  Who in the hell is Honey?” He asked as Druig walked out through the front doors hastily, the others hot on his heels.  Right in front of the farmhouse, a Jet was lowering down onto the grass.  It looked sick, black in color, and almost decked out with plenty of firepower to boot.  To anyone else, it would seem threatening and intimidating since there was no way of knowing where the jet came from and who was flying it.  
But to Druig, he knew exactly who it was.
“Is that an Avenger’s Jet?!” Phastos son Jack yelled out in excitement as the jet finally touched down on the ground, the wind dying down and the jet turning off slowly.  
“Jack, get in the house!” Phastos huffed at his son as the ramp was lowering slowly.  Druig was watching the ramp with steady eyes, turning off the call on the phone as he saw boots descending down the ramp at a rapid pace.  
Light brown hair in a high ponytail, braids embedded in the locks as bright green eyes were drilling into Druig's blue orbs.
You, in your ex-widow outfit, walking straight to Druig with no signs of slowing down.
"Who in the hell?" Phastos asked as Thena stood in a protective and threatened stance, Makkari looking in confusion. But you were not focusing on them, only on Druig who was giving you a sincere look and a small smile.
Once you were nose to nose, Druig's smile briefly widened.
"Hello Sweetheart," he hummed to you, though you were simply giving him a hard stare
Within a second, you punched him hard.
The others gasped as Druign grunted and took the blow, ducking a bit as you glared at him with clenched fists. Makkari was about to run over at you when Thena grabbed her arm to stop her. Druig reluctantly held out a hand to the others at the porch as he grasped his nose.
"It's fine...I'm fine," He called out, inhaling sharply as he looked back at you with a sigh, "I deserved that one, didn't I?"
"That is for keeping me in the dark with this Celestial, and for not calling me back in a whole month! I was this close to flying out to see if you were still alive in the Amazon!" You huffed at him as he grasped part of his nose. He squinted in pain.
You rolled your eyes, reaching over to move his fingers to the right spot on his nose.
"Don't worry, I didn't break it. It'll bruise and that's it," You mumbled, Druig grinning as you through the same pain he was feeling along his nose, "Druig, you scared me, and I know deep down this Celestial has something to do with you,"
"It does, luv," He replied as he then gestured to the group that was watching from the porch, "These are the other Eternals,"
You looked over, seeing the three of them watching with a hint of amusement on their faces from your punching the mind controller in the nose. Your eyes went wide, Phastos awkwardly waving while both Thena and Makkair just grinned and nodded in your direction.
"Your family?" You asked Druig as you looked back at him.
"Some of them. We lost some along the way, but we're all that left with two others," Druig explained as he took your hand in his, "We stopped the Emergence and saved the world,"
"Oh...okay," You sighed and rang your fingers over your face, "This is a lot to take in,"
"I'll say," Phastos muttered under his breath as Thena walked over a little bit with her intense eyes on you.
"You know Druig?" She questioned you, you were about to say something when Druig reached over to lace your fingers together, palm to palm. Your fingerless gloves against his own calloused hand were a natural feel for you two to have, and you've had this sensation for some time as the others finally realized what was going on.
"You're dating.....and Avenger?" Phastos asked Druig, Makkari grinning from ear to ear and almost bouncing on her toes.
I have questions! She signed rapidly as you felt a tint of blush on your cheeks.
"Technically she's an ex-Black Widow who was recruited to the Avengers," Druig explained, Makkari was now running over in a blistering pace as she was beaming so bright at you from the news of your title. You were taken back slightly, but the smile on her face was warm.
Black widows are the stuff of legend! Please tell me all you know! She signed to you so quickly her fingers were literally dancing in front of your face. You were smiled and signed "Yes," Makkari giggled and looking at Druig.
I like her! She said to Druig as he finally fully smiled.
"Yeah, I like her too, Kari,"
The End
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deanoheartspie · 1 year
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Pairing: Cowboy Sheriff Dean x City Gal Reader
Summary: After your family cut you off, your great-aunt Laura invited you over to her ranch you often visited when you were just a child... You drive through the beautiful town until you accidentally graze a horse that just so happens to be the sheriffs...
Warnings: None
A/N: Y/h/c (hair color) tell me what you think!
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•°Y/N POV°•
My whole life depended on my parents, even though I wanted to leave they made me believe I couldn't do anything on my own and it was in my best interest for me to blindly follow what they wanted.
But... What about what I wanted?
After I ran out on my wedding day because everything was set up and my family was money-hungry greedy whores. I decide to leave and start fresh...even though that meant going to my Aunt Laura's house whom I haven't seen in years.
Driving through the cute little town, while people talked on the sidewalks and had conversations with people without their phones in hand.
Slamming to a complete stop, I hadn't seen the horse due to the distractions. Noticing a man on it and his head whips around practically glaring at me while he walks over to the car knocking on the window
“What the hell is wrong with you sweetheart?” He asked with his gruff deep voice, that had a hint of an accent.
“I didn't mean to... Is he okay?” I looked up at him, getting a good look at his bright green eyes and freckles on his face.
“She. It's a she. Nope, she got grazed by a woman who couldn't pay attention to the road. Oopsie daisies” The man grumbled placing a hand on his hips, the sun perfectly shining on him to show all his facial features.
I look at him and cross my arms, he sure was a grumpy man. “500 dollar ticket here ya go sweetheart. Damages and all” he said with a smirk sliding the ticket over.
“I grazed the horse not murder it!” I shout out handing him the ticket back, he slightly glares as he tosses it in your car.
“Oh, honey you should be happy that it was my horse and not my car.” He huffed out, walking away and gently pulling the horse to the sidewalk.
When I have the chance, I drive past him and start driving up to my aunts. Fields and fields of grass, cows, and horses scattered around I couldn't help but scrunch my nose. If I'm being quite honest... I've never been a big fan of animals, but I guess I'll have to deal with it while I'm here. Let's just hope they don't get too close.
Pulling up to the driveway, of the beautiful farmhouse that was a little old but sure as hell something you wouldn't find back in the city.
“Oh my! Y/n! You got so big!” before I could even register the person I got squished into a hug that ended by an older gruff voice chirps in.
“Laura, your going to squish her to death” He crosses his arm with a smile, my favorite uncle well...it was either between Daniel my dad's older brother who was a pain in the ass, or Clayton who was just chill. So of course, clay would be my favorite.
“Auntie Laura and Uncle Clay! How have you both been?”
They both have smiles on their faces, the last time I had seen them I was a kid who loved it out here... Times have changed.
“Wonderful! We had to get a ranch hand since this oldie is getting frail even though he doesn't want to admit it.” Laura teasingly mutters tugging me up the creaky porch and handing me a sweet tea.
Scrunching my nose at the sweetness, but I had to admit it was one of the best I've ever tasted so I'll give her that. I ran a hand through my y/h/c hair with a sigh slipping out, as I grab the ticket out of my pocket.
“Oh, dear! Did you get pulled over? What for?” My aunt asks curiously, with a head tilt.
“I accidentally grazed a horse... But you can barely tell, the guy was an ass.” I mutter under my breath, Leaning against the white chipped pillar.
My uncle looks at me with a raised brow, while crossing his arms with a grin. I look at him confused when I turn around to see who he looking at.
“Well hello darlin.” The green eyes look down at me, with a smirk.
Well fuck.
Chapter 2
----Tag list----
@deans-spinster-witch @leigh70 @mrsjenniferwinchester @ladysparkles78 @hobby27 @khaleesihavilliard @foxyjwls007 @lucidlivi @globetrotter28 @beskarfilms @jc-winchester @screaming-les-bean @jas-loves-stitch
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insanitybl00m · 6 months
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree
Chapter 7 - Don't go near the water
When Missa woke up he noticed that it was still early hours of light. He didn’t want to wake Philza but if he could go get them fresh water from the stream he mentioned last night…
That would be helpful. And after everything Phil did for him he really wanted to do something nice in return. Even if it was just getting them fresh water. So he got up and grabbed their canteens. 
Yesterday Phil made his way west to the stream, so Missa would go west to find the same stream. Right? He sighed. He never was the best at navigation. 
Probably an hour later he stumbled upon the inlet. Where the stream he was looking for rushed into a loch. Or was it a lake? Missa was never good at telling the difference. But he filled up their canteens with the fresh water pouring into the lake.
When Missa looked up he was face to face with a horse. Not Cielo. If you could call her a horse since she was technically a unicorn.
No. This horse had a shimmery blue-black coat. Probably a magical horse. Missa was enthralled with its seemingly glowing eyes. 
“Hi there. Aren’t you pretty?”
It neighed. Showing off it’s mane a little. 
“Are you a water spirit? A water nymph maybe?”
No response, just the glowing eyes shining a bit brighter. But that was probably Missa’s imagination.
“Is there anything you want? I left my oats back at camp but otherwise I’d offer you some.” The horse bowed down, almost encouraging Missa to ride it. “Do you want–” A neigh, seemingly encouraging it. “Okay…” Missa sat on the horse’s back. It took off, straight into the river. What the hell was happening? He tried to get off to swim to the surface but he was stuck. He was stuck. Oh no. The horse was magical.
It was a Kelpie.
Phil woke up with a start. His chest was throbbing. Almost pulsing with pain. 
He looked to his left. Gone. Fuck.
“Missa!” He yelled. Nothing. No response. All his stuff was still there, he couldn’t have gone far. Where would he have gone?
The stream? It was the only thing he could think of. He tried to make sure there was nothing else off with camp. Where was his water? He needed water. Missa must have gone to the stream to fill up their water. That was the only reason both their water and Missa would be missing. He needed to go.
So he transformed into a crow. His wings still stung with the harsh pain of pulled muscles but he continued flying, faster, faster. 
When he transformed back he noticed the canteens, water spilling out onto the ground. No Missa. “Missa!”
Again no response. His chest felt like a thousand stabbing knives. Magic. Magic was what was hurting Missa. 
Water. Water spirits. There must be water spirits in this water. He looked down. A serpent whipped its tail in his face. And so he dived into the water. A serpent-like horse bared its sharp teeth. 
Kelpie. Of course it was. Missa was the kindest soul he knew, of course a Kelpie would trick him.
“Let him be.” Stabbing pain again. His charm wouldn’t keep Missa safe for much longer. 
Well. Phil should have assumed that would be the answer. He had no weapon. Everything was back at camp. He had to get Missa off the kelpie. Kelpies wouldn’t just let their prey go so easily. He spotted a shard of glass at the bottom of the river. Humans polluting the wild might just aid him for once.
He threw the shard of glass as hard as possible at the Kelpie. It stabbed it right in the eye, giving Phil enough time to grab Missa while the Kelpie was distracted. 
He swam as fast as possible up to the surface. Missa would live but how would he get the water out of his lungs? That would kill him right? He really should have learned more about how to save a human’s life. They were so easily killable, how was he supposed to know how to save a human from countless deaths? Luckily the charm he put on Missa yesterday would be enough. 
Human lungs were in the chest like fae’s, so if Phil was to push on his chest then maybe it would force the water out? 
He was rapidly trying to figure out how to get the water out of Missa’s lungs when all of a sudden he heard sputtering. Coughing. Missa was coughing up the water. 
Holy shit. Missa was safe.
He was safe.
Before he realized what he was doing he was kissing Missa. His anxiety rushed away as he felt Missa breathe before pulling him into another kiss.
Something happened. He fell unconscious in the water. And when he woke up he was on the surface. He took a gasp of air before soft lips were pressed against his. Desperate. He opened his eyes and saw Phil. Philza was kissing him. 
Philza was kissing him like he had nearly died, which I guess was true. He tried to sit up and Phil pulled away. That wasn’t happening. Missa pulled him back, continuing the kiss. 
A neigh distracted the two of them. Phil was ready to fight. Missa stared up at Cielo.
“Oh uh hi!”
Blood red poured over a deep blue flooded Missa’s brain.
“It will never stop being weird to see emotions, but is something wrong?”
More red. Phil had pulled himself off Missa and leaned against a tree.
“Danger?” A nod from the unicorn. “We’re fine. Trust me, Phil saved me.”
Green, sour green, mixed with the sweetness of a touch of pink. A mint green almost. Almost like…
“Concern? You’re concerned for me.”
“You’re getting better at reading her emotions.” Phil said, his voice was rough.
“I’m ok, Cielo. I promise you.” Missa stood up and reached out to pet her. He didn’t really notice Phil standing up behind him. 
So when Cielo nudged him hard enough to make him trip backwards he was not expecting to fall into Phil’s arms.
“Got you.” 
Despite the fact they were literally making out before Cielo showed up Missa’s face went red. If unicorns could laugh Cielo would be laughing. Instead it was just a neigh that mimicked a laughing sound. 
“Our clothes are soaking wet.” Missa said. Changing the subject when he was embarrassed was a habit of his.
“That does happen when you try to befriend a Kelpie.” Cielo whinnied and disappeared on the spot. “Huh, that’s weird. Did she say anything to you?”
“Nope, she must hate kelpies.”
“I do too, especially considering one tried to fucking kill you!” Missa looked away and scooped up the canteens. “Missa…”
“It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry I yelled, but I was terrified when I woke up and you were just gone. I could feel that something was wrong.”
“I was just trying to get us fresh water, do something simple to make up for the fact that you washed my hair yesterday.”
“I did it because I wanted to, not because I wanted something in return. Wisteria. I—“
“It was just meant to be something nice.”
“I know. I just want you to know that anything I do for you is never with any expectations of something in return.”
“We should probably get back to camp.”
Missa was silent the whole walk back. Man, Phil messed up. “Can you talk to me please?”
“Hi. Sorry. I was thinking.”
“You want to hear stories about my kids?”
“You have kids?”
“I never told you? I thought I did. I could have sworn I told you when you were telling me about your son.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“Oh. Well I have two kids. My son is probably about seven—“
“Probably?” Missa seemed horrified.
“He doesn’t really care about his birthday, if he did I’d start celebrating it the second he suggested it.”
“Oh, I guess that’s different.”
“My daughter is six. She really loves celebrating her birthday on the other hand. But she really only celebrates it for the gifts.” 
“You have a daughter as well? How do you manage?”
“Well my son is studying abroad right now so that makes it a bit easier for me.”
“Oh, but what about your daughter?”
“She’s staying with her godmother for a bit. She’s a witch and my daughter loves her garden. She’s always helping her grow flowers.”
“You know a witch?”
“She helped me out ages ago, got myself stuck in a situation with some creatures of the fae. She was nearby getting something for a potion she needed, got me to safety and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Wow, I didn’t know witches were still around. I thought fae stopped blessing humans with magic after the war.”
“Fae still bless humans with magic. But to be a witch you have to be raised with magic infused in your blood from a young age, most new witches are still kids. And most older witches are gone. She’s the only living witch from before the war that I know.”
“Wow.” Missa paused as they were standing in the middle of their camp. “Should we pack up camp?”
“If you don’t mind then maybe we should stay here, our clothes are going to need to dry.”
Spending a whole day at camp with Phil. Oh boy. This was different. Phil was sketching something, leaning against a rock and letting his wings spread across it. He had changed to dry clothes but he said that he needed to wait for his wings to fully dry before putting on a shirt again. Which left Missa trying his hardest not to stare as he pretended to read the book on fae that Phil had left him.
Eventually Phil got up and made his way over to Missa. “What are you doing pretty boy?”
“Mhm.” He said, almost with a knowing laugh. “What’s one thing you learned about nymphs then?” Missa looked down, oh. The page on nymphs was open. Well obviously he had been reading it right? 
“Their life force is tied to an element, like dryads and trees.”
Phil sat down next to Missa. “Yep.” He leaned his head on Missa’s shoulder. “You didn’t read, did you?”
Missa sighed. “I didn’t.” 
“Distracted by something?” Stars above, Phil was a shameless flirt. 
“You’re a bad liar, you know that right?” He said with a laugh, leaning back so that he was spread out on the ground next to Missa.
He huffed before turning around to look at Phil. “You’re all grumpy.”
“I’m tired. Despite the fact I literally just woke up.”
“Yeah but you nearly drowned, that would make anyone tired.”
“I’m fine. I made a mistake again but it won’t happen again. I’m too trusting and it won’t happen again. I’m going to be stronger.”
“What do you mean M-Wisteria?”
“I wasn’t strong enough, I’ll be stronger.” Missa repeated the phrase in his brain, over and over.
“What makes you think you aren’t strong enough?” Phil had sat up and he took Missa’s hands into his own.
“I couldn’t fight off the Kelpie, I trusted it without a second thought. Without you I’d be dead at the bottom of the river. Actually scratch that I’d be dead in the dragon cave. I’m meant to be going on this elaborate quest but I’m really just doing nothing and you’re saving me every single time.”
“Oh Wisteria.” Phil pulled Missa into a tight hug. Missa wasn’t crying. He promised he’d be stronger. He had to be stronger. “You are so, so strong. You don’t need to change anything. Kelpies are notoriously good at tricking people and they aim for ones with pure souls. They aim for those who won’t doubt their intentions.”
“You keep telling me my soul is so pure but that’s bullshit. I’ve killed people phil. Hundreds. Not all by my own hand but nonetheless. I’ve killed people.”
“There’s a difference between killing people with malicious intent and killing those out of necessity.”
“People died.”
“And you lived. You kept those you loved safe, even the universe can’t fault you for that. It’s noble. And this quest? You’re risking your life to save your son. You doubt yourself but everyone around you can see that you are full of good. You are good.” Missa was officially crying at this point.
“Oh darling.” Phil murmured. He placed a light kiss on Missa's head. “It’s alright.” He couldn’t stop himself from crying a little bit too.
“Why are you crying?” Missa asked when he heard Phil sniffle. 
“God this is so cliche but seeing you sad makes me sad.”
“Clingy.” Missa muttered as he adjusted so he was still wrapped in Phil’s arms. 
“You should get some rest.”
“I’m not moving.” 
“Never said you had to, just that you should close your eyes and try to sleep.” 
“But then you’ll be stuck while I nap.”
“And get to hold you the whole time? Sounds great to me.”
“Of course you’d say that.” Phil kissed the top of his head again.
“Just sleep. When you wake up you’ll feel better.” Missa sighed but Phil could swear that he drifted to sleep in minutes. 
When Missa woke up he was groggy. He was warm though a soft blanket had been wrapped around him. Wait, those were wings. All the more reason to just go back to sleep.
“I know you’re awake Wisteria.”
“No I’m not.” Phil laughed. 
“Ok then, I’ll just go back to admiring you then.”
“Stop.” Missa hid his face in Phil’s shoulder. 
“So you are awake?”
“Yes idiot.” Phil started peppering him with little kisses.
Missa giggled and lightly shoved him away. He heard ruffling from a bush nearby. “What was that?”
“Probably a squirrel or something. Maybe Cielo.”
“No, I'd know if it was Cielo.”
Then like a blur a humanoid popped out of the bush. She pulled leaves out of her jet black hair before beaming at the pair. 
“Hi Papa Phil! Is he my new Apa?”
New Apa. 
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6emo6zombie6 · 10 months
hii!! I was wondering if I could request a reader who is hurt with either Dutch or John? maybe from an animal attack or just getting hurt by someone who now has a scar across their face?
If not its totally okay! have a great rest of your day <3.
Thanks for requesting! I hope this is good (And not all too graphic lol)
Clawed ~ Hurt gn!reader x John/Dutch
“Where’re you headed?” Dutch asks, his voice rough as usual as he walks up behind you.
You pay him little mind, humming in his direction as you fasten your horse’s saddle, ensuring none of the straps are too tight.
“Huntin’?” He asks again, now walking up beside you to lean against the hitching post that your horse, Runar,  is hitched to. He’d clearly referred to the bow on your horse.
“Yeah,” You breathe, nodding as you glance at him. “Pearson mentioned we were out of meat, so I figured a little huntin’ trip wouldn’t hurt.”
“You’re not takin’ Charles?”
“No,” You shake your head. “He taught me enough, I’m all set to go on my own.”
“hm,” Dutch chuckles. “I’ll take your word for it.”  
You know he’s worried about you—he has been ever since he pulled you out of your situation and took you refuge in his camp. You’d been taken by a different gang, beaten up, and starved for their sick sense of entertainment.  
You tut at Dutch, unhitching your horse and clumsily climbing up on the saddle.
“You know,” He watches you. “You ‘oughta get a smaller horse. You can barely get up on this one.”
You roll your eyes, adjusting your position. “But I like Runar, he’s calm and loyal.”
“I’m just jokin’, I’m just jokin’.” Dutch chuckles. “You be careful now,”
“I’ll be back by sundown.” You put on your hat, nodding once more at Dutch before taking off and leaving the campgrounds.
Your ride wasn’t all too long, you headed up north from Strawberry. Charles had taken you there twice, and both times it had been crawling with deer and some smaller animals. You decided to stall your horse in the trees, grabbing your bow and carefully making your way through the woods. You peered up into the tree to see if there were any squirrels, though you couldn’t find any.
You wandered around for a while, missing tons of shots on little animals. It was clear you weren’t experienced enough to successfully get an arrow in any rodents. You got bored after that long while, making your way back to your horse and riding it through more of the trees.
You rode through the woods and out of the trees, and you were quickly met with an open field. You smiled upon noticing a group of deer, grazing peacefully. You felt bad about killing the animals at first, but you quickly concluded that hunting meant life or death.
“Slow up, boy,” You murmur to your horse, getting him to stop right where the trees ended. You get off of him and draw your bow together with a few arrows.
“Stay here,” You command, patting your horse on the shoulder. Slowly, you gain on the deer, focusing on them as you prepare to shoot your bow. You pick a spot slightly right from the deer, crouching in the grass as you lift your bow, drawing the string and aiming at the fattest of the group. You internally cheered, thinking of how proud Charles would be if he heard you hunted your own deer for the first time.
Suddenly, you heard Runar neigh loudly, his high-pitched screech alarming both you and the deer. Your head whips around, scanning the edge of the forest.
“Runar!” You yell out, seeing him gallop off into the foliage. “Damn that horse,” You grunt, looking the other way again, watching all the deer scurry away. You look at your bow, then at the sun that is starting to set. You sigh, making your way south toward Valentine in the hopes of catching a stagecoach there.
Only a minute had gone by, and you were nowhere near the edge of the field when you heard a blood-curdling growl.
Now you knew what had spooked Runar.
You turned around swiftly, only to be met with a large, female cougar charging toward you. You knew she was out for blood—seeing the hungry look in her eyes. You froze for a second, then whipped around and started sprinting, running as fast as you could.
Once you looked around to check where the cougar was, she had already jumped at you. You shrieked as she pummeled you to the ground, her nails digging into your hip and waist. Your heart raced as your mind went blank, only concerned with staying alive. The large cat nipped and scratched at you, one of her paws dashing across your face as you struggled under her impressive stature.
You were half aware when your hand shakily reached to your belt, your hands gripping your knife to bring it up and plunge it into the animal’s heart. She struggled a little longer before collapsing, her blood spilling all over your chest. You gasped for air as you pushed her off, her body lying limp in the grass.
You got up, your body trembling from all the adrenaline in your blood. You felt a faint stab in your abdomen, as well as the taste of copper in your mouth. As you stumbled forward, you looked down, your shirt ripped to shreds and blood seeping from two large gashes.
“Oh, no,” You breathed, the shock washing away, making you feel the painful sting from your wounds. You frantically press your hand up to the gash, breathing heavily as you start to panic. It all went by so quickly, your blood kept dripping as you walked, hoping to make it to civilization before anything else went down.
Alas, you never made it out of the field, collapsing halfway through as your vision started to flicker. You saw flashes and stars, then everything went black.
“Don’t die on me, now,” You heard in an echo. The raspy voice sounded familiar, but you couldn’t seem to put your finger on it. Your eyes opened slightly to see the stars in the pitch black sky, then when you looked to the right, a dark-haired man, his face illuminated by a lantern on the ground next to him. You finally recognized the face.
John exhaled, an expression of relief washing over his face. “What-“ He grunted. “what were you thinking? Out here on your own. You’re lucky I found you.”
He seemed to be only wearing his jacket, his shirt currently wrapped around your wounds.
“I’m sorry,” You breathe, wincing at the pain of your wounds. “How—how’d you find me?”
“That horse of yours, he ran back to camp.” John shoveled his arms under you, lifting you up while you groaned in pain. “I followed his tracks back here.”
“You kill that cougar?” He looked around at the animal’s carcass.
“yeah—” You keep moaning out in pain as John places you on the back of his horse, getting on himself. You hold on to his jacket weakly, the world spinning around you.
“Dutch is worried sick about you, you know?” John shook his head, speeding through the woods. He grunted, frustrated by your lack of planning.
“God—i—,” He stammered. He seemed almost angry at you. “You could’ve died!”
“But I didn’t,” You murmur. John ignores you, riding back to camp with haste.
He helps you off his horse once you’re there. Charles, Dutch, Susan, and Arthur crowd around you, all with worried faces as you stumble along to your tent. The rest of the gang members watch from all over the camp.
“What—” Dutch walks up behind you on one side, Charles on the other side to help you walk. “What happened? My dear child,” His thick eyebrows knit together in worry as he successfully helps you lay down on your cot. He stands over you as he inspects you, your torn clothes, the gash on your face, all the blood.
Before you can answer, Miss Grimshaw is already in your tent, bandages in hand.
“I’ll handle it,” Dutch sternly says, taking the supplies and ushering the woman out of the tent. You watch, confused as he closes up the front flaps and lights a lantern in the corner of your tent. Something in his expression hints that he feels guilty.
“I—” You grunt. “I almost had a deer, all on my own…” You murmur, Dutch looks at you, still confused. “A cougar attacked me after Runar ran off.”
“I was a fool to let you go alone,” He sighs, bending down to take John’s shirt off of your wounds. You grunt at him peeling the fabric away, the cold air stinging. He looks at the gashes on your abdomen and waist, pained at the sight of his loved ones hurting.
“God,” He took a long look at your face, inspecting the ragged gash that ran from your cheek to your forehead. “Hosea’s gonna have to stitch that up,” He murmured, pinching your chin between his thumb and index finger affectionately. “That damn animal, ‘went and tore up your beautiful face…”
You look away, feeling guilty about bringing Dutch this much distress. he gently caresses your cheek, then kneels by your cot and grabs the roll of bandage.
“Sit up for me, darling,”
You struggle to sit up, grunting and moaning in pain as you move slowly. The waistband of your pants digs into the gashes on your skin, so you slide your suspenders off of your shoulders and roll your pants down. Dutch pushes up what’s left of your shirt and begins carefully bandaging up your wounds.
You suck in a sharp breath through your teeth, feeling the pressure of the fabric on your stinging skin. You’ve never seen Dutch this precise and careful, let alone his visible worry as he tends to your wounds. You look down at the mess, part of your pants had torn up and lots of blood had seeped into your clothes. Dutch sighs, constantly looking up at you to make sure you’re not in too much pain.
After a few minutes, he’s done bandaging you up. He gets up and takes another look at your face before silently walking out of the tent. You watch him with confusion, eventually forcing yourself up and out of the tent to see what he is doing.  
You look across the camp to see him filling a bowl of stew, he looks concerned once he notices you out of your tent. You ignore his gaze and walk over to the main campfire. John stares at you silently, and Reverend looks at you with remorse.
“Shouldn’t you be resting?” John asks, his concern hidden by a mask of frustration. You hum at him, sitting down against a log with a groan.
Dutch walks over, shaking his head as he sees you by the campfire. The rest had already gone silent.
“Here,” He murmurs, handing you a plate of hot stew. You smile up at him and take the plate. “I want you to rest after you’re done eating, understood?”
“Okay…” You murmur, looking up at him as he pats your head quickly before walking off to his tent. The conversation sparks up again around the campfire after that. You watch John as he gets up and walks away, disappearing behind Pearson’s wagon. He comes back a minute later with a bottle of whiskey, not making any eye contact as he puts it down beside you.
“Should help with the—with the pain.” He murmurs, sitting back on the crate that he had previously been sitting on. You smile softly in his direction, taking the bottle in hand and gulping at it.
“Heh, you and Marston are matching,” Bill barks out a laugh as he walks by, referring to your bloodied and scarred face.
You and John mutter a synchronized “Shut up.” At the man.
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joelmillerisapunk · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tags @sawymredfox @mermaidgirl30 and @milla-frenchy
I have 2 new current wips stewing and I can never just give a small snippet so sorry. We got ranch hand and Austins most eligible bachelor below for your perusing:
Ranch hand Joel
I'm working on many things. But then I fell off a horse yesterday and was inspired to write this ranch hand Joel fic:
"Easy there, easy," a familiar voice drawls as strong hands gently roll you onto your back. Joel's face swims into view, his brow furrowed with concern. "Looks like you had a bit of a tumble, darlin'. Can you tell me where it hurts?"
His voice is deep and soothing, cutting through the haze of pain. You manage to point to your side, wincing as he carefully probes the area. "Just bruised, I reckon," he says after a moment, his touch surprisingly gentle for such calloused hands. "Your arm too. We should get you back to the house. Might need to go to the doctor."
You'll be damned if you involve any more people than necessary, you never fall off the horses, why did it have to happen in front of the hottest cowboy alive.
As he settles you onto his horse, he keeps a steady hand on your back, making sure you're secure before he swings up behind you. The closeness is overwhelming; his body is a solid wall of heat at your back, and you can feel the muscles in his thighs as they grip the horse's flanks. It's a strange mix of vulnerability and safety, being so close to this man who just days ago was little more than a stranger.
The ride back to the ranch is a blur of sensations—the rhythmic sway of the horse beneath you, the scent of leather and sweat mingling with Joel's unique aroma of woodsmoke and something undeniably masculine. You find yourself leaning into him without thinking, seeking comfort in his strength.
"Almost there," Joel reassures you as the house comes into view. His breath is warm against your ear, sending an unexpected shiver down your spine. "We'll get some ice on those bruises and take a look at ya."
Austins Most Eligible Bachelor
The DJ's voice booms through the small kitchen speakers: "Good morning, Austin! Are you tired of the same old dating scene? Swipe left, swipe right, and still no luck? Well, hold onto your cowboy hats because 'Austin's Most Eligible' is saddling up for another season of love, laughter, and maybe even a little bit of lassoing!"
[Sound effect: Horse neighing and whip cracking]
"That's right, y'all! 'Austin's Most Eligible' is back and better than ever, bringing you the finest catches in the Lone Star State. Here's your chance to give that special someone the recognition they deserve. Nominate him today, and he could be crowned Austin's Most Eligible Bachelor, winning a luxurious date night and a feature in the Austin Chronicle!"
[Sound effect: Cowboy yeehawing]
"Join us every Friday night at 8 PM on K-AUS 99.5 FM for your chance to meet some of the most amazing bachelors Austin has to offer. From entrepreneurs to musicians, from tech gurus to cowboys with hearts of gold – we've got 'em all lined up just for you, but remember only one can be Austin’s most eligible.
Don't miss out on the fun, the flirting, and maybe even finding your forever love. Mark your calendars for 'Austin's Most Eligible,' every Friday at 8 PM, only on K-AUS. And remember, when it comes to love, Austin's got the beat!"
[Background music fades with a harmonica outro]
"Keep it weird, keep it romantic, and keep it tuned to K-AUS, your source for Austin's Most Eligible!"
[Sound effect: Fade-out with a guitar strum]
"This is K-AUS, signing off. Y'all come back now, ya hear?"
Sarah nearly chokes on her eggs as she giggles uncontrollably. "Dad," she says between laughs, "you should totally enter this!"
Joel raises an eyebrow at her suggestion but can't help chuckling along with her infectious laughter. "Me? Nah, I think I'm a bit too old for that kind of thing." He shakes his head and focuses on finishing his breakfast. But Sarah isn't easily deterred; she has that look in her eye – mischievous yet earnest – that tells him she won't drop it so easily this time around.
NPT and im sorry if youve all been tagged so im tagging a bunch of you <3: @syd-djarin @sixhours @mountainsandmayhem @aurorawritestoescape @missannwinchester
@ameerawrites @ace-turned-confused @604to647 @frenchiereading @fhatbhabiee
@oonajaeadira @ovaryacted @thundermartini @laligraves @pascalssbabyy
@freelancearsonist @josephquinnswhore @proximaamidnightt
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beebeeazzy · 2 years
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WHIP AND NEIGH NEIGHS they are the super party ponies but i also think they should <3 rest and SLEEP RAHHH i like them ALOT SNIFFLE
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