#who do you dare to say someting like that
muxas-world · 6 months
Sorry for rating on my page but the candidate for president in Mexico saying that the numbers of femicides went down when they kill 10 women a day in this country, my god, the nerve and disgrace i want to ahhh 🧍🏻‍♂️🔫
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Fangs and Fractured Hearts
Chapter 21: Preparations
Summary: After embracing eternity as a vampire spawn under Astarion's wing, the Crimson Palace becomes a haunting symbol of the man he once was. As his personality unravels into a dark abyss, you flee. A year of hardship unveils the harsh reality of existence as a vampire spawn.
Just as all hope seems lost, a twist of fate reunites you with Astarion, revealing a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows. As you navigate the complexities of your relationship, you must confront the unsettling truth behind the Rite of Profane Ascension and the devilish secrets it holds.
In a race against time, you embark on a daring quest to save Astarion from his descent into darkness. With each choice you make, the stakes grow higher, testing the limits of your courage and determination.
Will Astarion find redemption, or is he destined to succumb to his own inner turmoil?
Word Count: 4k
Pairing: Ascended Astarion x female!Tav Spawn
Warnings: [Will try to continue to add more, but in general expect explicit content for mature audiences]
Possible spoilers. Eventual Explicit Content. Slow Burn. Thoughts of Suicide. Violence. Blood. Injury. Mature Content. Self-Harm. Mentions of in-game content. Completely fabricated camp events. Mentions of Astarion's Trauma.
If you notice a very critical tag missing, please don't hesitate to let me know
Rating: Explicit 18+ - [Meant For Mature Audience]
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Astarion weaves Illyria through the streets with her hand in his. He keeps a close eye on her but is rather proud to see his beloved is starting to become a tad more comfortable around the living. She does not squeeze his hand with quite the same ferocity or tug on his clothes at the sound of beating hearts nearby.
He leads her to the Wide, an area in the upper city where merchants set up their stalls to peddle their wares to the patriars and nobles that call the Upper City home. The first stop is a jeweller’s stall, the same one from which he commissioned her ring. She eyes the selection while he chats with the jeweller, who shows him various pieces. He holds up a pair of earrings with large sapphires.
“You know your ears are not pierced, right?” She teases him with an arched brow.
“Perhaps I will get them pierced just so I can wear them. They are quite fetching,” he taunts her back with a wry grin. “Not for me, little love. Do you like them?”
She lets her fingers run over the stones, which are perfectly polished and sparkling. “They are pretty, but they look… expensive.”
“We’ll take them,” Astarion says, handing them back to the jeweller to place in a box. He returns his attention back to Illyria, who looks rather uncomfortable, though he cannot fathom why. “Love? Is something troubling you?”
“Oh, no. Not really.” She looks askance, her splintered, crimson eyes darting away from him. “I’m—” she trails off, shaking her head, and corrects herself. “You don’t have to buy me things. You know that, right?”
“Have to?” Astarion’s brow arches.
He reaches for their bond, and she lets him access most of her mind freely, but there is something she keeps blocked and hidden, like running into an invisible barrier. It rankles him slightly. He should be granted full access to her mind, no? They are to be married, after all, and now she decides to hide things from him? Astarion takes a deep breath and tries to let it go. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that she’s keeping some things under lock and key after his most recent episode.
Astarion worries that she’s not as okay as she says. There have been times when he’s reached out to her, and she’s reflexively jumped back or grimaced as if she expects pain to follow. Every time is like a barb to his heart. He deserves it; he knows this, but it does not stop it from hurting him nonetheless. She refuses to discuss it, preferring instead to continue reaffirming that she is fine.
But how could she be? He, her husband, her lover, who is supposed to protect her, held her down and carved something into her flesh, and he’s not even sure what. The other version of him might know, but all he can work out is that the symbols are not random and they are not infernal. Astarion is glad he cannot remember it, but he feels guilty for that gladness. If he had to live with the memory of hurting her like that… Gods. He does not know if he would be capable of it.
It makes him feel weak.
“Illyria,” he says, lowering his timbre to something meant to reassure and soothe. “I want to. I want to give you everything.”
She smiles at him, closed-lipped so as not to show her fangs. She places a hand on his chest, patting him gently. “As long as I have you, I already have everything. You are enough.”
Astarion’s heart swells. He is enough. These are not words he ever thought he would hear. “Thank you. But you will indulge your husband in his wishes to buy you gifts, won’t you?”
She sighs with a small chuckle. “I will indulge my husband in whatever makes him happy.”
“Splendid. Nothing would make me happier.” Astarion smiles, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Now, get over here and pick out my ring, will you?”
He’s already commissioned her wedding band. Wedding. Married. Gods. A notion that once filled him with dread. He cannot remember if the mortal man he was ever had any aspirations of marriage, but he is certain that in the last two centuries, he’d never pictured it would happen to him. He dismissed the idea as another dream stolen by Cazador and undeath.
So many years spent in the boudoir, an endless parade of warm bodies, and the resignation that he would spend eternity alone. Until she came long and breathed new life into his inert heart. She made it remember how to feel, taught it how to love, and then restored its beat.
“You want me to pick it out?” Illyria glances at the display. “Are you sure? You can be very fussy.”
“Fussy, am I?” He crosses his arms and feigns irritation, although he cannot wipe the smug smirk off his lips. “Darling, I can make anything look good. I’m positive whatever you pick will be perfect.”
She nods and starts pursuing the various styles of rings staged and offered. He steps behind her, watching over her shoulder as she pursues. He lets his body press into her back slightly, carefully, to see if she will jolt away from him like she does sometimes, but instead she presses her ass into him further and undulates her hips against him.
He’s pleasantly surprised, allowing her to continue until he can feel himself hardening, and then his hands slip down to halt her. He would love to bend her over this stall, vendors and patriars be damned. She catches his thoughts and shoots him a heated look over her shoulder that almost looks like a challenge.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I might just do it,” he projects into her mind. “To Hells with them all.”
She doesn’t miss a beat, asking the jeweller to show her something more unique and answering him back at the same time. “You want all these people to see me come?”
He snorts, answering back with an immediate. “No!”
“I didn’t think so.”
Illyria turns around. “Try this one on, will you?”
Astarion is pleasantly surprised when she holds him an obsidian-coloured band with a fire-opal inlay that glitters underneath an intricate pattern etched into the center of the ring. He slips it on, eyeing the ring now wrapped around his finger. The cool metal feels strange between his fingers, but also right, as most things do when it comes to her.
“I like that one. What do you think?”
“I… I love it,” he glances back at her with soft eyes to let her know that his sentiment is genuine.
Illyria smiles carefully and returns to speaking to the jeweller about alterations, with her main focus on engravings. Astarion loses himself in thought while she speaks, and his fingers smooth over the metal. What will he do if they cannot complete their objective in the Hells? Is marrying her truly fair to her? Is he dooming her by tying her to him in this way? If he cannot be saved, he will have to force her to get away from him before he loses his sanity entirely.
“Ai armiel telere maenen hir, Syolkiir, salen thiramin,” Illyria recites what she wishes be engraved into the inside of the band.
His mind translates his mother tongue into common. “You hold my heart forever, Wild Star, my soulmate.”
Thiramin. Not even merely a soulmate. Not for Elves, at least. A thiramin is someone you are intertwined spiritually with. It’s a love that’s prewritten into the stars and promises eternal devotion. Though it’s not often unrequited, when it is, it’s disastrous. Elves often go mad, ending their lives if they lose their thiramin.
Astarion is too stunned to speak as he takes the wrapped earring box, and they walk away from the little stall. He did not even hear when the jeweller estimated the ring would be done and ready to pick up.
“You don’t have to say it back, Astarion,” Illyria whispers, interlocking her fingers with his. “You don’t even have to feel it back. It won’t change anything.”
He swallows hard. “When did you know?”
“Before the tadpole linked our brains together,” she admits casually.
“I felt it too,” he confesses. “… I feel it too.”
She gives his hand a squeeze, looking at him with concerned eyes, and he shakes his head to dispel his whorling thoughts. Thiramin. Gods. He stands to lose so much; they stand to lose so much. It’s a terrifying prospect.
“There’s one more stop we have to make,” he says, finally coming back to himself. Shoving the panic and fear somewhere deep. He can worry later. Right now should be a happy time for them. “Are you alright, or would you like to go home and have a snack?”
“You’re a very generous juice box, Astarion,” she taunts, trying to lighten his mood.
“I am feeling rather gracious today, thiramin,” he teases back, watching her eyes light up at the word, and the affection she feels spreads through him like sunshine through his veins. “Is that a yes?”
She smirks. “How could I say no?”
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Astarion removes his chemise as soon as they enter the manor and ascend the stairs to their room. His consort, no, wife, he reminds himself, is typically good at not spilling as long as she’s not ravenous, but blood hardly ever comes out of white, so it's better to be safe. He throws the shift over the back of the lounge in their room and sits on the bed with his back pressed against the headboard.
He grabs her hips as she crawls up on him and settles in his lap. She places her hands on his shoulders, and a shiver runs down his spine. “Gods. You’re cold.”
“I’m dead, genius,” she laughs lightheartedly.
It makes him smile, but it also sends a shock of remorse through him in equal measure. Where this used to be a sore topic for her, she seems content with the fact that he killed her. Astarion cannot say he regrets doing it, because that would be a heinous untruth, but it does not stop him from feeling a little bad. Even if she did give him permission to do it, he hadn’t exactly given her much of a choice in the matter. It was either be turned or end the relationship, and he was pretty sure she loved him too much to do that.
Which means he really didn’t give her much of a choice at all.
“I’m sorry I did not give you much of a choice,” he says, though it pains him to do so. Sorry is not something he is particularly good at saying. “I look back on it, and I am ashamed of the way I acted.”
She cups his face tenderly with a small smile. “I wanted this, Astarion. We talked about this when you were a spawn, and we had no idea what would come of the Rite.”
“I could have at least given you the choice to wait until you were sure you were ready,” he laments. “As it stands, I did not."
She sighs. “You could have, but my choice would have been the same regardless. I’ve only ever regretted becoming a spawn—“
“Bride,” he corrects quickly. “Spawn is an ugly word.”
“Fine. Bride,” she acquiesces. “I only ever regretted it when you weren’t you. If the Rite had no consequences, I would never have looked back, and I don’t look back on it now. I am fine with what I am. Plus, it’s a little amusing to be the one making you cold now.”
“Cheeky,” he tuts, clicking his tongue. “You do not make me cold. I can just cool my body temperature down on a whim.”
“Bragging, are we? Confidence looks good on you,” Illyria giggles, running her fingers through his hair. “You are magnificent, Ascendant. I will concede that much.”
“Feed, little love,” Astarion instructs, offering his neck. “Or we will be late.”
Illyria rains kisses down his neck, earning her a whine from him. The tingle runs straight to his cock, and he grinds into her involuntarily. Her fangs find their mark, popping through his skin with an icy pinch that dulls quickly into a rather arousing ache. He glances at the window, trying to judge if he has enough time to take her before they must go. To his great disappointment, there is not enough time to make love to her properly.
Even though they’ve decided on having a small affair, there is still some planning that needs to be done, and Astarion does not have a lot of experience in this sort of thing. Where does she want to get married? Certainly not a church. Perhaps the villa where he proposed to her? He purchased the property some time ago on a whim. Who can they get to marry them? Should he invite her friends? He knows she said just them, but is that truly what she wants? Elven marriage ceremonies typically go on for weeks with poetry recitations, musical performances, and a host of other theatrical events.
Is she embarrassed by him? Scared he will lose himself and hurt or kill them at their wedding? If this is what being nervous feels like, he fucking hates it.
She unlatches from him rather abruptly. “Hells, Astarion. You know you can simply ask me these questions, yes? The villa would be perfect. As for who, we can just hire someone. It matters not who officiates as long as, by the end of it, we are married, and not in this weird vampiric way. Our friends, not mine, ours,” she accentuates. “Can come to the great soiree I am sure you will throw as soon as we return. It is not because I am embarrassed or I think you might kill them.”
She pauses for a second, contemplating how to word whatever is coming next. “I want it to be you and me, because that’s how we are going to spend the majority of our lives. Our friends will grow old and die. It is just a fact. Once they are all gone, it’s just us. There might be other friends along the way, and they too will die. In the end, it will always be us for eternity. That is the reason I want it this way.”
Astarion smiles, thumbing some blood away from the corner of her lips and popping it in his mouth before kissing her with an ardent passion. He coaxes her lips to part and tastes himself on her tongue. “As you wish, little love, so shall it be,” he breathes. “What about your parents? Would you like them there or to at least let them know you’re getting married to a very handsome, powerful, and influential lord?”
She giggles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “We’ve never discussed my parents, have we?”
It's true. Despite spending all this time together, they’ve rarely spoken of her past. When he was attempting to seduce her, he did ask her the typical insipid questions one would ask to appear genuinely interested in a person. They were always met with an offhanded comment or her using her silver tongue to cleverly switch topics so seamlessly he did not realize she was avoiding the questions.
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “We have not discussed much of your past before the nautiloid.”
“I’m an orphan,” she finally says, her gaze dropping to her hands pressed against his stomach as if using him to bolster herself. “I don’t have any parents to invite or inform.”
“I’m sorry,” Astarion coos, taking her hands in his. “I did not know.”
“You couldn't have known,” she shrugs. “I didn’t tell you. My childhood was not… good. It’s not something I like to think or talk about. Truthfully, if I thought you would, I might request you compel me to forget it entirely.”
Alarm bells go off in Astarion's head. She would request that he compel her to forget large parts of her life? He could. He could do that for her, but it would be to her detriment. He sincerely hopes she never asks him for this, because he would find it difficult to say no. If only because he would do anything for her.
“I would not do it even if you asked,” he lies. He would do it if she begged him to, because he can deny her nothing. “Your past made you who you are, and I love who you are. I will not pry, but I do hope you will tell me more someday.”
“Thank you for not prying.” She leans down and licks the last bits of blood off his neck. Astarion’s wounds are already healed over to pristine ivory skin.
“Now that you have had your snack, we really must be going.”
“Where are we going that you’re in such a rush to get to?” She arches a brow at him.
“You’ll see, little love. Indulge me once more for today.”
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The Lower City is much busier than the Upper City, and it makes sense to you now why Astarion offered to stop and give you a snack before heading down this way. He seems to know exactly where he’s going, pushing through the crowds with purposeful steps, but you decidedly don’t. You allow him to drag you along through the torrent of bodies that are brimming with blood.
Astarion opens the door of a shop for you, bows shallowly with a sly grin, and ushers you inside. “After you, my love.”
You arch an inquisitive brow at him, but enter the shop as instructed. The outside appeared rather nondescript. A small, worn sign was all that indicated it was a shop at all. It didn’t strike you as somewhere Astarion would frequent. Once you get inside, the space opens up to an opulent foyer that is empty except for the two of you and, to your great surprise, Shadowheart.
She comes up to you slowly with a guileful grin. “Fancy seeing you here.”
When you look at her, all you see is her blanched, chalky complexion, the only colour afforded to her by her own blood smeared and leaking from her neck. You can hear her pleas gurgling in her throat, feel her hands raking across your skin, and feel her tugging on your clothes. You grimace, remembering the sweet succour of her blood circulating through your veins, easing the coils in your stomach and the webs of confusion in your brain. Without realizing it, you start taking steps backward, away from her as she nears, and jolt when your back bumps into Astarion. His arm wraps around your chest in an almost protective gesture, while his other hand gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“Shadowheart,” he says formally. “I see you got my summons. Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice.”
“Summons?” She snorts, crossing her arms. “Am I even able to counter that haughty attitude anymore, Astarion? Or will you go lose your mind and kill us all?”
Astarion doesn’t show it, but there is a sting that prickles through the bond as her barbed words settle. You nearly scold her, but he’s quick to riposte her cheek. “Darling, don’t be silly. I would be more than happy to kill you. I needn’t lose my mind for that.”
Shadowheart laughs jovially, and Astarion’s grin is crooked and boyish.
“It’s good to see you, Astarion.” Shadowheart says warmly.
“And you,” he replies coolly.
Your brows pinch as you look between them. Have you slipped into some alternate dimension where they actually seem like friends, or is it you who’s losing your fucking mind?
“And it’s good to see you, Illyria.” Shadowheart smiles. “You look much cleaner than when I saw you last,” she teases.
“Shadowheart,” your voice comes out in an uneven croak. “I… Gods. I don’t know what to say. I…”
She waves her hand flippantly, as if almost draining her dry is so minor that it’s not even worth your apologies. “I did offer to help, though next time, could you perhaps waste a little less?”
Hells below. You don’t know if your body wants to pale or flush. Thankfully, it’s incapable of both.
Astarion waves over a woman, who you didn’t even realize was waiting in the wings of the establishment. “Expense my account for whatever she decides on, Lorne, and do not tell her the cost,” he instructs while giving you a small shake. You grumble under your breath at him in a slurry of elven curses that makes him chuckle.
“As you wish, Lord Ancunín.” Lorne replies tonelessly, shrinking back to wait for you.
He presses a kiss on the top of your head. “Have fun, my sweet. You know how to reach me when you’ve finished up.”
You whirl quickly, grabbing his arm before he can leave, panicked. “You’re not staying?”
“No, but I will remain close by. You need not worry.” The rest of his message is in your head. “About the sun. You’re safe. I will keep you safe. Always.”
It’s not the threat of your sun protection that has you terror-stricken. It’s being in the presence of two living people without him around to stop you should your restraint fail again.
“Compel me,” you say, but make sure it’s loud enough that Shadowheart hears it. You want her to know that you’ve asked for this before she gets any bright ideas about scolding him. “Compel me not to drink the blood of thinking creatures.”
Astarion’s eyes widen, his smile failing as he processes your request. His discomfort is noticeable in the tense set of his shoulders. “I would really rather not.”
“Astarion,” you grab his coat, tugging on it slightly. “You know I can’t be trusted with them, but I trust you. Please.”
He sighs, shaking his head slightly, but you feel the order come through in your head as clear as day, but he adds another in. “You do not feel hungry. You will not feed on the blood of thinking creatures.”
Relief from that unrelenting itch in your throat and the ache in your stomach as soon as the order is passed. It’s been so long since you haven’t felt hungry that it feels strange. Why haven’t you been asking him to do this the whole time? Because it makes him uncomfortable, you remind yourself, and you quickly feel sick for making him do something he told you he didn’t want to do.
Astarion nods, though the look on his face is rather grim, and he kisses your forehead and walks out without another word.
“I hear congratulations are in order,” Shadowheart says. “Gods. Why didn’t you tell me he asked you to marry him? I’m so happy for you!”
Her genuine mirth is a surprise. A welcome one, but a surprise nonetheless. “I… You’re not mad?”
“Mad?” Shadowheart smirks. “I do wholeheartedly believe you could do better, but alas, you were always sickeningly in love with him. The way you two used to eye-fuck each other in camp. Gods.” She makes a dramatic expression of disgust, pretending to shudder. “You could have been more subtle about it.”
It’s the first time you’ve been able to be around her without wanting to eat her in a long while, and you rush up to her quickly, but stop short when you realize she might not want to get this close to you. She scoffs and closes the gap, wrapping her arms around you.
“Gods. You’re as cold as you are pale,” she laments mockingly. “Come on. Let’s find you an atrociously expensive dress, shall we?”
The woman fitting your dress seems unconcerned that you have no reflection. Did Astarion compel her to completely miss that? Likely. The woman brings in dress after dress, which Shadowheart helps you into because you don’t want Lorne to see the scars on your back. Every dress is beautiful, you suppose, but nothing you would actually wear.
As Shadowheart undoes claps and places pins in yet another one, she asks, “Why didn’t you tell me, Illyria?”
You sigh. “I should have. It just seemed like a bad time to say something. At best, I was worried you might try to talk me out of it. At worst, I thought you might go down there and try to stake him.”
“That’s surprisingly accurate, actually,” she laughs, standing and turning you around.
You’re letting Shadowheart be your eyes for this. Her brows pinch, and she rotates a finger to make you spin, but it only makes her nose wrinkle up worse.
“I take that expression as a no.”
“Definitely not,” Shadowheart snorts. “That woman is bringing up the worst of the worst. I am sure of it. I’m going to go back there and pick some for you, okay?”
“I don’t think you’re allowed to do that, Shadowheart.”
Shadowheart winks. “I have my ways.”
She disappears while you snicker and ease out of the bulky fabric. You stare into the empty mirrors, letting your fingers crawl over the surface. If there was one time you wanted to be able to see yourself, it’s now, but you will never see your reflection again. You couldn’t possibly have understood it at the time — the sorrow and anger he felt, the mourning of his reflection — but you understand it now.
You understand him now.
Shadowheart steps in with an armful of dresses she’s procured. Lorne squalls in the background, scolding Shadowheart, saying that this is extremely unorthodox.
Shadowheart waves her out of the room with a grin, and she giggles hysterically. “I hope she complains to Astarion.”
Shadowheart helps you slip into a few more dresses, which are vastly better than the ones Lorne was bringing, but it’s not until you slip into the last dress that you think you feel something other than a desperate need to get back to Astarion.
The gown defies the boundaries between clothing and art. The champagne-coloured bodice shimmers with a constellation of the finest diamonds. Each stone sparkles like a thousand stars, casting your form in an ethereal light. The neckline plunges temptingly low, giving you a generous allure.
As the bodice meets the hip-hugging skirt, a cascade of lace descends in a mesmerizing train, as if a waterfall of gossamer had been captured in time. The pattern of the lace is reminiscent of swirling firestorms, and the edges are adorned with a delicate trim of moonstones that appear to glow as if imbued with silvery moonlight.
“I think I like this one,” you say, but glance up at Shadowheart.
Shadowheart’s eyes look wet. “You look otherworldly, Illyria. It’s perfect.”
Shadowheart helps you out of the dress, and Lorne comes to collect it, her face still screwing up into a scowl when she looks at Shadowheart, who smiles politely at her.
Before you can leave the dressing room, Shadowheart stops you and asks tentatively. “Do you think marrying him is a good idea?”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s a good idea or not. I’ve dreamt of it since I met him. Even in his darkest hours, I could never bring myself to stop loving him, and I tried, Shadowheart. I tried to let him go, begged for love to turn into hate, but he’s far too tangled in my soul. For better or worse, I love him, and this is what I want.”
Shadowheart squeezes your shoulder. “As long as you’re happy, I support you. Always. But I think you need to be careful. Astarion will always do what it takes to survive.”
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Big thank you for everyone who takes the time to read/reblog/comment, and all the other magnificent things. As with most fic writers, I am a WHORE for comments. We appreciate even just an emoji. Please feed your fic writers the sustenance of comments 🥰
AO3 [Crossposted]
Master List of Chapters: Fangs and Fractured Hearts
If you're interested I write another fic with Spawn Astarion x Tav called - Shadows of the Past
Small Notes:
Sorry I've been MIA guys. Life has gotten in the way, and my writing time has been significantly cut down recently. I'm hoping that it will recover, but it might be another month or so of spotty and shorter updates. Also, when patch 7 releases, you know I am DIVING head first into it
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aqua-dan · 3 months
hello!! Do you have any Garth comic recommendations for someone (me) who has never read a Garth comic outside of a handful of TT issues before?
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Hi!! I definitely have some recommendations! This definitely isn't a comprehensive reading list by ANY means (although I do want to make one eventually!), but rather a small smattering of Garth centric comics that I think are fun or noteworthy! (These are also not in any particular order, just written out as they come into my brain lol)
Tempest (1996) - Obviously the Garth holy grail! There is no better Garth comic than this. It is peak and honestly one of the best books DC has ever put out. It's short, too (only 4 issues), so it's not too intensive of a read.
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Adventure Comics #269 - "The Kid from Atlantis" - Garth's first appearance! Don't get too hung up on the lore here, as it changes later on, but it's a sweet issue and obviously important!
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Adventure Comics #270 - "The Menace of Aqualad" - I love this issue for a multitude of reasons-- including the fully unintentional foreshadowing,-- but mainly I love it because it showcases what a sweet person Garth is and always has been.
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World's Finest Comics #133 - "Aquaman's New Partner -- Aqua-girl" - Again, the lore needs to be disregarded, but this issue fascinates me as an early iteration of Garth's insecurity about where he stands with Arthur/feeling useful.
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I probably shouldn't list everything individually so this post doesn't end up being a mile long, haha! So I'll start putting some groupings together:
Aquaman vol 1 #14, 18, 23, and #33
The Brave and the Bold #54
Teen Titans vol 1 #11 (not particularly Garth centric but just especially fun to me lol), #17, #19, #28, #29, #44-end of series. (Side note that @ttwasteland has a really good podcast covering volume 1 of Teen Titans! Actually, they have a lot of Teen Titans podcasts! Which is really useful for those who struggle to read Silver Age comics + I am immensely pleased with Hub's Aqualad enthusiasm!)
The Brave and the Bold (vol 3) #10
Death of a Prince (Technically, I recommend reading all of it, since it'll help you understand how things got to this point. But especially Adventure Comics #452 and the Aqualad stories in #453-455.)
Tales of the Teen Titans #85 & #86 + Teen Titans Spotlight #10
Teen Titans Spotlight #18
Teen Titans Spotlight #21
Aquaman vol 5 (Yes, all of it lol)
Showcase '96 #1
Teen Titans (Vol 3) #12-16
Titans (vol 1) At least the Devin Grayson portion, but I don't dislike the later stuff either!
There are also storylines that I think are fun or important that happen in across various books/stories (Obsidian Age, Aquaman vol 6, other (Teen) Titans stories, Blackest Night, CoIE, dare I even say Sword of Atlantis...), but I'll save those for a more in-depth reading list some other time! These ones are just popping up in my head rn.
If you want N52/Rebirth stuff, there are also a few stories that are pretty good. Sadly, they're pretty few and far between since canon changes and DC tossing their character bibles have left poor Garth in an odd, largely OoC limbo for years. Although I don't /love/ these stories as much as others, they still manage to vaguely pass the vibe check:
Nightwing & the Titans in Team Building (Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular) It's not super Garth centric, but it's fun!
Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “It’s a Family Affair”
Aquaman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “Lady in the Lake”
World's Finest: Teen Titans & DC's Spring Breakout "Relay for your Life" Garth's characterization in these... isn't right, but I feel like it has the spirit more than the vast majority of things published in recent years.
Titans (2023-) I... don't totally feel right putting this here, but I feel like slowly... extremely slowly... they are starting to fix Garth's characterization. We're not quite there yet-- and it is sadly written by Tom Taylor,-- but I feel like it's going to lead to something that's actually good for Garth again. (Aka so many hints towards a potential new Tempest mini-series or one-shot have been dropped lately, and I feel like this series will be context important.)
Ok, to try to finish this out: Also consider watching some stuff with Garth in it like Aquaman (1967) TV show / DC Super Hero Girls (2019), or reading some cute, non-canon series such as Tiny Titans! It's just good fun!!
Anyways, thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this helps!!! (And thank you for allowing me a chance to ramble lol!)
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hirik0 · 23 days
Desiered by the Gods part 3
What ever they forced him to drink, is seting his blood on fire. He feels like he's burning from the inside out. The old priest looking at him, how hes kneeling in the temple of the war god, waiting for something. He dont understand what is happening or what they are waiting for. His mind still blanc, he feels like he's just floating around in his head, first sensations returning to him. The pillows are cold against his heated skin, making this a littel better. He trys to get as moch of his unclothed body against a pillow. Then he feels the slick running down his legs, whining confused and distressed. A constant flow of slick is running out his hole. He reaches for it and it feels wrong, his slick is never like this. The consistency is just wrong. The priest are closing in.
They collect some of his slick and why are they doing this again? He knew ones, but his memories are fare away. One of them is saying something to him but he cant understand it. He never felt this empty before, never felt so desperate for an knot, but all the priest are also Omegas how is he supossed to get breeded now. He whines again, a high pitched miserable sound. The priest are leaving the room, locking him in the temple.
Roach notices it first, the smell, he never smelled anything like it before. How can someting smell so good, he needs to find the source. The smell of ambrosia honey and some flowers makes him hard. Ghost notices it next and he's getting angry. Roach looks at him questioning, but Ghost is just storming out the room. He follows him, with every step the smell is getting stronger. The only think Roach knows is he needs to breed the Omega smelling like this. Fill him up, till he knows they will carry his babies, till its leaking out the Omega with his knot still in him. For the first time in forever he wants to fuck an Omega so badly. Hes glad it will be such a special one. Ghost is using some magic and they see the most prettiest Omega, Roach ever played eyes on. Ghost is only getting angrier at this, looking at Roach an sees the erection he is having. Anger fils him, they are lucky Roach is now with him so this poor Omega will not die a painful, slow death. He hates to that Roach, who is his, will touch somebody else, but he hates to let him suffer even more as he already does. When Roach knots the Omega properly it should get better. May become enjoyable for the Omega when other gods go down there. But what to do with an Omega when Roach knots him up first?
"Go down if you want to", Ghost is telling Roach, struggeling to keep the disgust out of his voice, just wanting the smell out of his temple. Everything elese they can figure out later. Mortals are disgusting him. How dare they, doing that to an Omega? In his temple non the less. Ghost walks back to what he did before they sacrificed an Omega to him, he will not help them win their war, he would consider if they would have sacreficd simething else, anythingthats not an Omega. To him of all gods. know to only be intrested in Alphas. Who ever allowed this to happen will pay for it, they will suffer the rest of the war.
Roach patron of wounded soilders steps into the temple. Hearing the whines the Omega is making, something is not right. He walks over to him, looking him over. His body covered in sweat and part of it in slick. The slick looks, way to thick. He touches it and recoils at how slimey it feels, that's not normal.
"What did they do to you, pretty one", Roach is wispering to himself. The Omega opens his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, look like a deep lake, but the lust the Omega must feel can't cover up the pain. Perfectly contrasting the red of his clloth and the jewels. He looks at Ghost statue for a moment hoping to get his attention or an explanation. Even with these blue eyes on him, he don't think the Omega can see him. Roach carefully kneels down, touching the chin of the Omega.
"Please", the Omega forces the plea out of his mouth, tears in his eyes. If he had jnow how bad this is he would have told the King to ho fuck himself. Pleaing to be put out of his misery, the burning is getting so bad its not only his blood its also his organs now.
"Please what, pretty one?", Roach needs the clarificationhe cant fuck this Omega, the hand not touching the Omega trambeling in anger. Tears filling his eyes, hating everythink about this.
"Kill me." Roach heart breaks, because he finally understands better.
"Of course pretty one." Roach pulls the dagger out. Putting it at the throat of the Omega.
"Rest pretty Omega", Roach is telling him, before cutting his throat, the blood feeling to hot against his skin, what did they do to this pretty Omega. He sits beside him till his eyes are becoming empty and he closes them and kisses his forehead. Rage is filling Roach, he will figure out what is happening here and who's fault this is. He hides his present waiting by the dead Omega so he's not alone. It feels wrong to just go back home. Tears running down his face this is so unfair. The door is opening and a group of people is sneaking in the room.
"Soap?", one of them is asking into the room. He sees the fear and worry on all their faces. He also feels another godly presence in the room. Seeing the goddess of birth and family Helena in one corner of the room. Her eyes burning with hatred and Roach can only hope its not towards him. The group is aproaching the dead body. He steps back giving them space.
"No", the woman gasps when she sees the blood and all three are rushing towards their dead friend. One is falling to their knees tears running down his face, as he holds Soaps hand. The other two are hugging each other also crying.
"The King will pay for this, Soap I'm promising it to you.", the woman says, voice heavy with tears and rage. Its time to let them grieve in private and expalin himself. He follows Helena back to the home of the gods
"He asked me to do it", Roach tells her the bloddy blade still in his trembeling hand. Helena smiles sadly at the minor god, honestly he did what they never even considered, killing the Omega instead of using it as a hole to fuck like they please. Disgust is filling her at her own past actions.
"It's cruel what they did to him. Causing a heat in an Omega not even a divine being can resist, but it kills them." She explains to Roach, who wants to throw up. The only reason he gone down was to fuck the Omega for his own pleasure. He looks at the floor ashamed by himself.
"You didn't do it, you gave him mercy. I need to talk with Ghost. There's a King to punish."
Roach cleans his dagger, still seeing the Omegas blood on it. What's not true because he cleaned it of hours ago, the sensation of the blood still burning his skin. He dont notices that Ghost dropped next to him, till he takes the blade gendly away from him.
"Why?" Roach asks the god. Tears filling his eyes again.
"It's an really old ritual. Where to honor us they would sacrifice an Omega with a pure heart and who ever wanted to could fuck, claim, enslave the sacrefice. The worst is when nobody wanted them, they died a slow painful death. The mortals started to do it only in a time of crisis, when all their other ways to honor us failed. The war is non such situation, everyone was honestly relieved when they stopped doing it. Some have so many enslaved they don't know what to do with most of them." Ghost explains disgusted heavy in his voice.
"What happens to his soul?" Roach asks, sniffing looking in Ghost eyes.
"I dont know, you're the first to kill one." Roach nods at this crawling into the gods arms. Hurrying his face in the others neck, breathing in the calming sent of fire, metal and blood. Feeling Ghost runnignhis hands up and down his site in a soothing motion. A kiss presst against his hair.
"What's happening to the King?" Ghost is places another kiss in Roachs hair, holding his favorite minor god in his arms.
"Aunt Helena, is taking care of it." Picking up the minor god and carrying him back in.
Nik walks in to make sure Soap drinks some water, it's his job could not imagin to not do it himself. He sees Farah, Alex and Gaz all kneeling on the ground. Something is wrong. He rushes to them seeing Soaps dead body and more importantly the cut along his throat.
"What did you do?", he asks the three they aren't even suposed to be here. Anger is filling scent. They all look at him sarrow in their eyes, a deep grieve.
"We found him like this, we just wanted to say goodbye", Gaz explains tears running down his face.
"What do you mean you found him like this." Nik demands to know.
"His throat was cut before we sneaked in." Farah answers.
"Only you three?" Nik asks and all of them nod. They are in deep shit, something went seriously wrong. Did a spy this?
"The blade?" Nik asks, they have to inform the other priests soon.
"We haven't looked yet." Nik frowns it's not that he thinks Soap could gave done it himself. All four of them have the same thought looking up at the statue.
"I need to inform the others, you stay here, your jumped head first in a pile of shit." Nik order before leaving. How do they get everyone in here with out Graves men noticing? They are protecting the area for the night. Nik walks in the room all the othe priests are in his face telling.
"Hes dead, the Omega is dead." He says and 5 panicked Omegas are jumping out of their chairs. Together they rush towards the temple they are stoped by a of Graves men.
"What is going one?" He asks them it was not expected for all of them to enter the temple this early.
"We need to check if everything is right, it was so long since we performed this ritual and we are told the slick is strange." Nik lies on the fly. The Beta thinks about it before he lets them pass.
"What are those three doing in here?", they oldest high preist demands to know.
"They just wanted to say goodbye to their friend and found him." Nik explains.
"Say goodbye? They murdered him!" One screams in rage. They can only hope Graves men didn't hear them.
"We found him like this and if I lie so may the war god himself strike me down now." Farah conters. They wait and nothing is happening. It makes all the high priest go in an even stronger panic. If these three didn't do this who did? They look through the temple looking for any clues. The only blood is around Soap, no drops anywhere. They move every cushion and blanket no blade to be found. Gaz notices it the faint smell of burned flesh, the blood smell to heavy. He goes closer to the cut and he is sure he smells burned flesh.
"Gaz", Farah hisses, because what is he doing?
"The cut smells like burned flesh" Gaz says the whole room gathering around the body. They carefully wash the blood away and see that the edges of the cut are burned. They all look up at the statue, no clearer sign of rejection needed.
"What are we telling the King?" One of the high priest asks, because what do they tell him. Panic is spreading between the high priest who knows what the punishment is for this.
"That we think it worked." Alex answers totally calm, as if its this simple, having thought about it for some time.
"Does this look like it worked?" Somebody screams. Some hushed he lost his mind echoing through the building.
"The King don't need to know what happend to night, no Alpha can see Soaps body, right?" Gaz picks up Alex train of thought. Even in dead the smell meant for the gods is lingering on Soaps body. The risk of triggering a feral rut still present.
"And we can claim that we respect the burring customs of Soaps home region, because he's an outsider." Farah finishes. So they can get the body out of the kingdom as fast as possible. No body no crime. The high priests wisper to themselves, Nik having a proud smile on his face. Price could not have choossen a better adoptive son, Farah being like a daughter to him and Alex proven on and off the battelfield how fast he can adapt. Nik was sceptical towards Price plans of a revolution, but with these three not on the site of the King they may have a chance.
"We also have to thoroughly clean the temple for days, so the blood on the floor would not be a problem and we need to burn all the nest material." Nik reminds his colleagues. It's perfect, if they all keep it together towards the King, he will never know.
"This could work." The first agrees. More wisper, the first nods.
"May the sea goddess protect us all, but this could work." The agreement is finally reached.
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romqnticstylez · 1 year
hmmmmmmmmmmm um some of this si gomna be the same as urs okay so
irst rhis or that ALEX OR HENRY
thus ir that andrew garfield or leonardo dicaproo
titanic or oror orrrrrr um tfatws
tfatws or pjo series
pjo or hoo
og trio or leo jason piper trio
piper or annabethg
leo or percy HEHEHE EVIL LAUGH
chai or coffe
hindi or wneglish
if u coudk kill soneine and like u woudlnnot have consequences etc u knwo u would qalk free but only ine person who woudl it be
prev wasnot this orthat questib but do i care no
if u were acat wgat breed wouldu wabt DONT SAY ORANFE
umumumumum the idiotsor rge marauders
wolfstar or jegulus
jegulus or flowerppot
flowerpot or marylily
dorlene or marylily
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hMMMM ok idr anything since i never finsiehd the books and all. you know. ubt im gonna say alex bc he reminds me of leo
OK well wlell wel they r both soooooooooooo 👀👀👀👀 however. only one of them is cool. so andrew 😻😻😻babygril
titanic imSORRY a sayr ofrgive me plspslpsl
ok pjo no hesitaiton. forgive me for my sins a. also sary
THATS SO HARD STOPP um ok lers see UHAISJDASKJD BRO FUCK YOU 😡😡😡😡😡 this is so hadr ughhghhklklg pjo is just. PJOOO and we got GORVERROROOR but no lost trio. and hoo has the lost trio..........but no grover...FUckukfc ok okosaodk im imsdun m it has nico and wiwlwllw too bro so muchslad pain and suffering ok im OGING TO SAY hoo..............................................................................because mark of athena and house of hades and the seven and percabeth is togehter ??? BUT PJO NO I CANT CHOOSE OSJSDAKSJLK BRO WY WOULD U ASK ME THIS 😡😡
umuumumum og trio. becuase. tlt forever<3 I SITLL LVOE U PIPER JASON LEO
annabehtj but piper is still my wife its ok
HOW DARE YOU 👊👊👊👊👊🔪🔪🔪🔪 lets see hmmmmmmmmmmmmm leo is Literally Me but percy is also Literally Me..........................i am ocnea garal.....but i am also builindg silly goofy things garal.....................sceience garal...?..................aftermuch thought. i will choose................................................percy. BECAUSE U KLILELD HIM SO MANY TIMES HE DESRESVES TO BE CHOSEN AT LEAST ONCE wait i was gonna say someting else too umm ok fuck i forgot lol oops I WILL BRING LEO BACK WITH THE POWER OF ACATS Its ok
chai i am ANTI COFFEE sometimes. i dontliek
english 1021i3021391% hidni is alwys cHANGING its fcjkcgnin i DONT KNOW so many weird words. english ez. or maybe im biasde why is it so much easier to speak the first language u ever learend
hmmmm ok ok lets see i dont really have beef w anyone except my games teacher but hm. i could kill someone whos actively killig the earth or someting but idk whos doing the most damage hmmm ok ykw im killin g the games teacher SHE MADE MY BEST FRINED CRY and she has been. anti meowing at her for like ayear. so. bye woman
so real of u
ASKDJKASLJD ok o kolets see i dont acutally know the breeds of animasl very weell um exposed but ok anyways im going to take a uquiz hang on ok ok so at first i got norwegian forest cat but it was NOT me tbh butthen !! i got abyssinian and omg. yes. it's me. the desc is so real tbhbtbh ALSO hwen i searched it up the google image cat was orange lol so def fits
ts alwys but laufey so cool
THE IDIOTS we r ebtter no offesne maraudersgaiz
wolfstar bc i lovekjily<3
si flowerpot jily ???/????/? if yes then flowerpot heueh
dorleene bc jily yes and also their fanart is so. yes
okokok GODOBYE mewo mewo
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pacifymebby · 2 years
the peaky boys with their own personal nurse/cheerleader that can handle violence but doesn't fight themselves just patches them up and tell them how good they did with a smile on their face
Loved this idea thank u for sending it in anon ❤️❤️❤️
🌿 Not used to having a woman encourage him to violence? The first time he hears you say it "You are gonna kill em aren't you Tommy?" the "Aye love, I am gonna kill him..." he breathes, is almost incredulous. And when you say "Good," with a satisfied little smile his lips actually part and he's speechless.
🌿 He always discourages you "Shouldn't wish violence upon others angel, it goes against god..." but secretly he enjoys hearing you mumble "Fuck god," likes the way you cross your arms defiantly. "Atta girl,"
🌿 But he does always question you, he can't understand how a delicate creature like yourself could be so impressed by the violent things he does
🌿 You are though, it turns you on, being with a dangerous man, makes you feel dangerous yourself.
🌿You did once ask him to teach you how to shoot but before the sentence had fully left your lips he'd covered your mouth with his hand.
🌿"no, fuckin no... Don't you dare finish that sentence and don't you ever ask me again..."
🌿You could tell from his sharp tone and the knife like look in his eyes that you would regret defying him, so you accepted your place beside him, cheering him on but never committing an act of violence yourself.
🌿And over time Tommy grows to appreciate your violent streak, the way you never beg him to spare someone, the way you never cry when he says he has to go away... You're never scared he won't come back because you have complete faith in him.
🌿 And he especially appreciates that your fearlessness means that no matter what state he comes back to you in, you're always ready to stitch and patch him up. The sight of his blood doesn't make you feel faint or sick.
🌿"Bloods just evidence you put up a good fuckin fight," "Aye angel, reckon i did..." "That means you won doesn't it," he likes the devilish little smile which tugs on your lips whenever you find out the details of a fight.
🌿 But Tommys still Tommy so he doesn't share all the details with you.
🌿And if he didnt "win" and hes come back to you pissed off and all bloodied up you still patch him up with a smile on your face, telling him next time will be different, next time they wont be so lucky.
🌿He likes having someone believe in him so completely but he worries that one day he'll let you down.
🐻 Isn't going to tell you about what happened, is going to tease you about the fact youre so interested.
🐻 "now what youve got me wondering here y/n, is... Right... Is why someone like you ey... Someone who's good and sweet and... Pure" "Not pure," "yeah alright alright sweetheart... Not exactly pure.. But still good right... why would someone as sweet as you want to know about somet as rotten and bad as all that..."
🐻 Enjoys the fuss you make over him, likes that youre his personal nurse, definitely pretends it doesnt hurt as much as it really does, but definitely always pretends hes youve missed somewhere you havent just to keep you there a little longer...
🐻 "well hang on a minute sweetheart what about here right? Whst about here?" pointing to his cheek, or his crotch...
🐻 But he's done so well and you think he deserves rewarding for all his hard work, even if he is a bad bad man.
🐻 A lot of these patching up sessions become intimate... You trailing your hand down his chest, past his now packed up wounds, to his trousers, nimble fingers unbuttoning and slipping inside.
🐻 All the more passionate if the trouble had anything to do with you...
🐻 Youre always telling him how proud of him you are and he loves to hear you say things like "My Alfies so strong and mean, he can do anything he likes..."
🐻 "Is that right sweetheart is that right... What if what i like... Is you?" hands on your hips pulling you back towards him.
🐻 Hes your big strong teddy bear who's mean to everyone but you and you know youre always safe with him, because he always wins a fight, one way or another he'll never lose.
🍂 Doesnt need encouraging really does he...
🍂 For so long he was terrified of you seeing him be violent, he'd hold himself back in front of you for fear you'd be disgusted by the 'monster' he felt like he became.
🍂 But one day youre with him down the Garrison and a fight breaks out. You can see Arthur desperately trying to withold his animalistic instincts...
🍂 So you squeeze his hand, stand on your tiptoes and whisper in his ear
🍂 "Don't hold back on my account Arthur Shelby, know you want to kill him... This is your fuckin garrison eh?"
🍂 So he lets loose and he does exactly as he wants to... Restores peace in the most violent of ways and you'd be lying if you said it didn't excite you just a little seeing how formidable and fierce your man can be
🍂 But when he comes down from the adrenaline, he feels that familiar shame again, the guilt of what he's done, questioning whether he really is just a good for nothing animal. He tries to get away from you, out of your sight because hes so ashamed but you rush to him
🍂 "Arthur Shelby where do ye think youre going?!" you grab him by the shirt collar and before you do anything else you plant a passionate kiss on his mouth, holding onto him like your life depends on it.
🍂 "Did so fuckin good arthur, bastard had it coming, you did so fuckin good."
🍂 Patching him up involves struggling to keep your hands off him, taking his face in your hands, deep kisses.
🍂Fucking him slowly to calm him down
🌼 You've been patching john up after scrapes and tumbles since you were both just kids so you're both used to the routine by now.
🌼Even if the injuries are somewhat more serious now... You were never one to squirm at the sight of blood. Only change from your childhood is that now when John comes back with a bloody lip, he doesnt have to beg you to kiss it better.
🌼 You arent averse to violence but you do get scared when you see a fight break out... You've guns and knives to worry about, youre not kids anymore.
🌼So youre always relieved to be cleaning him up after a fight, at least youve got him there with you to clean up.
🌼 You get worried one day he'll bite off more than he can chew but whenever you tell him that he just makes a joke out of it... "what with this big mouth? Nah love" gnashes his teeth at you to prove the point and make you laugh.
🌼His adrenaline from the fight and your adrenaline from worrying leads to some passionate scenes once hes bandaged up.
🌼 You think hes a fucking idiot but hes your idiot and you wouldnt change things for the world.
🌼 And you always tell him youre proud of him, hes never going to let you down, youre sure of that.
🌼 Your voice has been heard on more occasions than one to be shouting from a crowd of onlookers... "come on John boy, where it fuckin hurts!"
🌼And sometimes youre the reason he decides not to hold back... "I'd throttle him for that if i were you..."
🌼So half of small heath fears youre just as wild as him...
🌼 And you might have a wild flame burning inside you, but for the most part youre a gentle soul who always takes care of her man with a smile on her face.
🍀You just couldnt be a fighters girl if you got upset over a bit of blood... Thats something youve had to remind Bonnie of many times
🍀Because he always expects you to wince when you see him after a fight, or get scared when you watch him in the ring, especially when hes fixing a match for tommy and hes practically letting himself get hurt.
🍀But no, youre not bothered by a bit of blood, you're a gypsy girl and youve seen worse..
🍀And you're the loudest voice yelling encouragement for him from the crowd, youre always bursting with pride for him and you wouldnt miss one of your boys fights for the whole world.
🍀 Its your voice which really gets him riled up, gives him that extra shot of adrenaline to get him through a tough fight.
🍀You always patch him up after a fight, he won't let anyone else do it. Likes how careful with him you are.
🍀 "youve got healing hands little dove,"
🍀Pretends to be more hurt than he is because he enjoys how you spoil him with affection and sympathy.
🍀The other reason youre the only one who is allowed to patch him up, is that no one quite stokes his ego like you do. Telling him how amazing he did, how proud of him you are. How good he looked up there in the ring.
🍀Aberama thinks you're daft and tells you as much "That boys got you wrapped round his little finger love..." and you know its a little true.
🍀But after awhile Bonnie will send everyone else away, leaving just the two of you alone... Because all your careful little touches and your sympathy makes him needy for his little dove.
🍀" show me how proud of your fighter you are dove..."
🍀Its different if its Peaky Fighting though, that does scare you a little. You are scared he'll get himself killed one day and you don't like Tommy Shelby, you dont trust him and you don't think Bonnie should either.
🍀It doesnt stop you giving him that encouragement though, it just sounds a little different. "You're not gonna let em get you Bon..." "Make sure you come back to me in one piece," and when he does come back to you and the injuries aren't too serious and hes definitely alright, you put your head against yours, all relieved smiles and say things like "thank you, thank you for coming back to me,"
🍀You're very proud of him/to be his and youre always reminding him that you're his girl. "My fighter boys gonna be the most famous fighter in the world,"
🐀You knew what you were getting yourself into dating a peaky boy so youre not shocked when he comes back to you with the odd split lip or brow.
🐀Most of the time youre there to witness the fighting anyway, you never flinch when you see him getting hurt, you never scream or make a fuss, you wouldnt want to distract him from his work
🐀Youre not a violent girl but youre supportive of your mans work and if theres peaky enemies on the streets its him you trust to get rid of them, you make no secret of that amd you tell him all the time.
🐀"Don't show em any mercy," "You show em, you don't fuck with the peaky blinders..."
🐀If Isaiah isnt worrying then you don't either, no matter how many cuts and bruises there are, unless he tells you to worry you never will. You dont know if that means youre just as reckless as him, or whether it means you just trust him completely and without question.
🐀Either way, he doesnt have to worry about scaring you and when youre patching him up he tells you he's proud of you for being such a brave/strong girl. He loves that youre fearless.
🐀He also loves knowing he wont get into trouble with you for fighting, that you'll want to know all the details.
🐀He enjoys telling you exactly whst happened, your excitement inflates his ego and he might even exagerate his own role in the fight just to impress you more.
🐀Is very cheeky to you, "Aren't you going to thank me for keeping you safe from all those bad men..." and by thank he means fuck.
🐀And youre always happy to oblige, you especially like getting down on your knees and taking him in your mouth.
☘️Between you and his mother he's sick of being fussed over actually. He rolls his eyes at the two of you and is sullen the whole time youre patching him up
☘️Mostly because his mother is going mad at him for even being involved in the kind of peaky business that gets you shot at.
☘️But youre not mad at him, youre proud of your man for making a name of himself as a blinder.
☘️When you first rush to him youre smiling, you want to know everything that happened and hear him tell you about how good he fought
☘️But one look from Polly shuts you up and wipes that smile clean off your face.
"Silly girl! Michael don't you listen to a word that child says, you don't fuckin get yourself into anymore of these bloody fights alright?" "Aye alright mum alright"
☘️But he shares a look with you, a cheeky little smirk which tells you to be patient, thst he'll tell you everything just as soon as his mothers gone.
☘️Polly doesnt leave until shes satisfied he is alright, "And don't you go putting any ideas in my sons head, no encouragement!"
☘️Youre scared of Polly Gray but not scared enough to stop you asking questions the second she leaves the room.
☘️ He tells you everything but he definitely exagerates his part in the fight and how well he did just to impress you and get you excited.
☘️Whilst hes telling you hes touching you, carressing you, trying to excite you in more ways than one. Takes you to bed and fucks you hard, taking all his frustrations out on you.
☘️Afterwards you straddle him, looking down at him, begging him to tell you again about how good he fought, how strong he is.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere! Rarity Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Marking (in a way), Jealousy, Forced companionship, Kisses on the cheek.
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Rarity can be a very needy yandere towards her darling.
She has a tendency to want to be the center of attention and can be surprisingly obsessive and possessive towards her darling because of this.
Rarity would be Obsessive, Possessive, Clingy, Invasive, Easily jealous, and a bit Forceful towards her darling. 
Rarity is a fashion designer that always pays close attention to detail, she’d also want to know just everything about her darling.
While Twilight studies everything about her darling, mostly personality, Rarity studies things like your figure along with your personality.
It just comes with her profession, honestly.
She’s a fashion designer, since she first met you she’s wondered what you’d look like with one of her outfits on. 
Rarity would also stalk her obsession, making sketches in a notebook about you.
She seems like she has a knack for art due to the amount of sketches she has to do for dress making.
In that notebook of hers she’s drawing you in all sorts of outfits.
Something that screams you yet at the same time it’s obvious to tell SHE made it for you!
She gets obsessive over getting things just right, both in her relationship and in the gifts she gives you.
She works effortlessly, day and night, just to make sure she makes things perfect for you.
If she adores you, expect many different gifts in the form of clothing.
“Here you go, darling! I made sure it fits you nicely and matches your colors. May I… put it on you?”
Rarity would get all giggly about you when she’s around you.
It’s partly because she’s nervous about being around you.
Rarity can also get possessive of you if she’s feeling jealous.
Even when seeing you wear what she made for you… it irks her when you talk to someone not her.
You’re like a jewel she refuses to give up and is willing to throw a fit about it.
She even feels betrayed when you don’t wear something she makes for you everyday-
“Oh… was that one not to your taste? I can make so much more! Would you wear any of these!?”
Out of all the Mane Six, she’s probably the quickest to be deranged.
A twitch in her eye, a forced smile, she’s the easiest to lose it mentally over her darling.
The constant stress of her work certainly doesn’t help.
She’s also nervous about you finding out just how much you affect her life.
Are the constant requests of you going to the spa with her too much?
Is inviting you over so often too much!?
You don’t think she’s too clingy, do you!?
Her jealousy when you’re not around her can actually make her confrontational.
She’ll insert herself in a conversation and make some excuse about why you can’t speak with that young stallion/mare over there.
“They don’t need to talk to you, sweetie. I say we should go… do something else.”
There’s points she can get genuinely mad when you’re not around, snarling at people who even dare call themselves close to you.
She tries to hide it when you’re around, however.
She’s yet another yandere who cares about her appearance, especially when her darling’s involved.
If you think about it, her dressing you up is akin to a doll.
It can also be her form of being possessive over you, marking you as hers without any cuts or bruises.
Even better if she makes an outfit signed in her name!
She can get so clingy and invasive about her darling.
You may want alone time, but Rarity is always there to fill your empty home with her company.
Rarity isn’t as clingy as Pinkie, but she wouldn’t mind a hug.
She prefers a kiss on the cheek, both in the friendly greeting way and the romantic way. 
It fits her style more, plus she feels blessed when she feels your lips on her cheek.
She may just faint...
Rarity is forceful if you don’t agree with her on something.
Like, maybe her clothing is too flashy on you and you want to wear something more casual.
She’ll disagree with you and try to convince you why having her flair on you is a good thing!
Then there’s an argument, usually resolved by her making you something casual to appeal to you still.
She’s a manipulator and will definitely control what her darling does.
After all, you’re her most precious doll.
She must make you shine in the world!
She’ll never share you, however.
You’ll always only be hers to stylize and love.
“Darling~! We’re on a strict schedule today, I have so many more outfits for you to try!”
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anoiaa · 2 years
Time for regret 2
The next morning you stood outside your class, unable to open the door on your own. Your moment was cut short by the footsteps of aw certain teacher who was headed your way. You quickly opened the door to leave but it was too late as she had, long gone noticed your presence. “Good morning.” A simple introduction, yet you stuttered as you answered. “G-Good morning, sensei!” 
what’s wrong with me today? you thought as Chiyabashira-sensei passed and entered the class. You took in your surroundings, quickly noticing your close friends smirking at you. You gulped. Hard and dry. 
You calmly reached for your seat as the teacher instructed. “Today’s lesson will be...” You were unable to concentrate as the fear of the clock striking twelve ran through your veins.
“So? How did it go?” Satou reached to your table before you could run for lunch. A small crowd had started to swarm around you and you got even more nervous. So this was what it was... You gulped, as if swallowing the words “I got rejected”. You couldn’t bring yourself tp say it. One of the popular girls in class, the girl with beautiful looks, was rejected by a guy like him. Never.
“He said yes, obviously.”
Satou and Shinohara exhaled in disappointment as they realized that they lost the bet. Karuizawa didn’t seem to care as she heard the conversation whilst scrolling through her phone, Matsushita smiled apologetically at the two girls who were dramatically diving the 100,000 points that they would pay you for wining. 
“But, that means that you’re like, a couple now?” Karuizawa glanced at you from her phone, disinterested. 
You shook your fear and smiled at her, “It’s okay, It’s not like I like him or anything.” you announced. Matsushita’s eyes sparkles as  new challenge arose, “Then, I dare you to keep the relation going for at least two months” You felt your knees drop.
“Two months?” You repeated, hoping that it was just a mindless joke, but Matsushita looked serious. 
“Think about it, new couples are born every now and then, but the hardest thing in a relationship is maintaining it. So I say, you get the other part of the reward if you keep dating him for at least two months”
“I-I don’t think I want to date Ayanokouji-Kun for even a day.” one reason being that you weren’t actually dating. “He’s so boring, I would get embarrassed if people know of it.” and the fact that, you weren’t actually dating.
“Come on~ Me and Shinohara-san’s points barely add up to 100, 000 points anyway” Satou complained.
“And we can keep a secret, you can trust us right?.” Shinohara begged with her hands.
“I don’t know guys, I don’t want to do it.” You said with an apologetic tone.
“Well, it would be weird if you suddenly break up with him after confessing how much you love and want to date him, no? I would find it weird if I was him.” Karuizawa said. 
“Right? You don’t really have  choice~” Matsushita chimed in. “Besides, I would like to date a pretty girl longer than a day.”
“You’re really?...ugh, fine I guess.” You said as you couldn’t bring the thought of losing your friends over a simple bet.
“Hey, Ayanokouji-Kun~”
For the first couple of weeks you had been chasing after him after class every day, hoping that he would t least look at you differently. But this guy, you have never seen him smile even once. It brought a feeling of anxiety in you. How could you ever win the heart of a man who doesn’t let himself out to smile. He was so mysterious, almost as if he didn’t exist when he sat in the corner of the class. 
He turned to your figure, his eyes revealing nothing but darkness. “Um...where are you headed to?” You asked, almost scared that his stare would eat you up. 
“Do you need anything?” 
Maybe it wasn’t even worthwhile to ask him out again. You could somehow convince Horikita to lessen everyone’s curious questions by telling them that the two of you were really dating, but then again Horikita being Horikita could never agree to it.
“Can we talk again? If you have time, I want to tell you something.” You did well not to stutter under that gaze. He waited, as if taking something in consideration. Maybe he would reject you again, but you couldn’t let that happen twice.
“Look, I might not be your type but my looks are beyond average. I can even give you popularity, points, whatever you want just name it, but please, date me, only for two months...please.” 
You waited as you stood in the empty silent hallway. Nothing came from him for the first lord-knows-how-many seconds
“If you can beg like that, you might actually be of good use.”
You shivered at his words, 
“What?” leveling up your head to look at him clearly, you lost sight of the usual Ayanokouji.
“Fine, I’ll date you if that’s all you want, and In return, you will do every thing I ask of you. fail, you can forget this conversation ever happened.”
Wait, what!? was he actually making this all about himself now! Does he think I'll die if he doesn’t date me? All your life you had met arrogant guys who thought they were better off without you after rejecting them, but he’s going to boss you around because he thinks he has the upper hand?
Well, you do need him to be your pretend-boyfriend, so it’s a fifty-fifty situation and you won’t have to owe him anything after two months.
“As long as it’s not anything risky, it’s a deal.” You wanted to shake hands in mutual agreement, but part of it disgusted you so you just passed the hallways and left through the stairs.
Those two months would be the longest you ever lived.
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ben-talks-art · 5 months
You know what's a big shame about Star vs the forces of evil?
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There were actually a lot of really good messages being talked about in this series, and it's unfortunate that nobody ever brings them up.
I know it's mostly been associated with how much of a letdown its finale and management of the constant shipping and switching was, but... There were a lot of other things that were really good and well-handled in this series
I like how in the season 1 finale Star loses half of her wand and needs to re-learn how to control her powers, in fact, every season basically ends with her losing something and having to learn how to deal with it.
She loses her magic, her mom, her home, her best friend, her throne... She's always dealing with the consequences of the challenges she faces and the choices she makes, and that's very important to note cause the entire premise of episode one is her needing to learn responsibility and about the weight her power holds.
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I also like how Star seems to form actual friendships with her cast of characters. In many series the main lead will just bond with a character in one episode and then we will only see them again in the background until the finale when we need everyone to come together for some big epic battle or something... But here, she's constantly hanging out with Buff Frog, Janna, Tom, Eclipsa, her parents, and the members of the magic council.
And a lot of these friendships start off so weird that it makes you think they wouldn't work, but they somehow always do.
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There also tons of episodes with some really good lines where characters throw some concepts that I don't see often in other series, even today.
Like there is one episode where they play some weird magic version of Truth or Dare and Star mentions how the things they say aren't really lies cause sometimes people just don't know how they feel. That's such a great line!
There is another where Star tells Tom she doesn't even know what teens her age do anymore cause she's been spending so much time just working on trying to fix her kingdom for the last two or three seasons.
It's actually crazy to hear that and realize how much this girl changed from episode 1 to who she becomes in season 4. Star from episode 1 would NEVER say a line like that.
One of my favorites though is at the finale of season 1 when Star's parents just exchange a worried look and go "I don't know if we're doing the right thing." once they let Star go after losing half her wand. It sets a nice tone of "Where are we going with this...?" that carries through the rest of the show.
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The show also tries to subvert a lot of old tired tropes by throwing some very interesting ideas like making Star's love interests become actual friends early in the story, have the weird bird bad guy from season 1 go through a self-discovery journey where he has to start from scratch after losing everything, and while they do pair up Star and Marco in the end in a very underwhelming way, I like how both of them go through their own series of love interests before arriving there.
It wasn't just "Oh, he/she is the one!" They actually try out things with other people before realizing what they really want.
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And a lot of the plot twists are legit fascinating.
The story behind Meteora is my favorite part of the entire show. Again, they take this joke villain from season 1 and turn it into this massive conspiracy where the people in charge strip a mother from her child in order to keep the power in the hands of those they want.
I don't even know what might go through a kid's head while watching this.
There also lots of other cool twists like Toffe's plan to end magic, the identity of Eclipsa's husband, the meaning behind Star's butterfly form and how they handle it by just allowing it to run free and observe where it goes.
I don't know, this show just had a ton of fun ideas, and they handled them, most of the time, in fun ways.
A lot of other times they were handled in super clunky ways, yes, and sometimes the build-up to certain events could be way too slow, the shipping teasing got annoying after a while, and some resolutions were a tad anti-climatic...
There definitely are a lot of problems in Star vs. Foe, but at times it feels like when people talk about it, they treat it like there's nothing good, like they wish this never existed, like the Marco and Star endgame is the only thing worth talking about and... no there are tons of things worth talking about in here.
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It had low lows, but also some really good highs, and I'm glad I saw it and glad it existed.
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twsted-princess · 2 years
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"Oh!! I'm sorry I didn't see you there, do you need someting? A snack maybe?"
(Artwork done by @unidraky!)
Name: Chimlim Niran
Nicknames: Chim, Catfish, (Floyd) Little One (Lillia)
Voice Actor: Yuki Kawahara
Gender: Demi Female (She/They)
Age: 17 (about 90 years old)
Sexuality: Demi/Bi
Height: 5'3
Race: Vampire (Krasue)
Homeland: Dawn Peninsula
Birthday: 11/15
Starsign: Aries
Family: Mother, Father, Younger brother and sister (adopted, her birth mother is trying to find her)
Occupation: Student
Based off: Original character (taken inspiration from Demonic Beauty)
Professional Status
Dorm: Amourn (@unidraky)
School Year: Second
Class: 2-E
Best Subject: Music
Club: Track & Field
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Sticky rice with mango
Hated Food: Blood
Likes: Flowers, Warm days, The beach, Sharing a meal with friends, The Leech twins, Family and friends
Dislikes: Having to drink blood, Fire, Bullies, Daytime sleeping, Strong smells, Getting pricked
Hobbies: Cooking, Being at the beach, Making beaded bracelets
Talents: Able to smell things from ten miles away
Unique Magic: Doesn't have one (Can't remember)
One of the more shy members of Amourn, Chimlin tends to keep to herself but that doesn't mean she's willing to lend a hand. She's a little jumpy but can be extremely friendly to those who earned her trust. Often you can find her with her bag filled with snacks. Chips, jerky, candy, fruits, sandwiches, the works. She says that it's a medical issue that she needs to eat something every hour but she's more then happy to share. Really she prefers to live her day in peace since when night falls her true self is revealed. Splinting her head from her body, she stalks the night for blood but she wouldn't dare attack a human. She mostly sticks to cows and other livestock since she genuinely needs it to survive. She hates that she has to hurt others so she's kept it a secret from everyone. Though strangely she had flashbacks to something from her past. A jungle on fire. Someone calling her name. A tree landing on her but then....she's in the hospital with the scar she wears to this day.
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lesser-mook · 6 months
WORST pixar movie ever made
Turning Red is just  pedophile-coded propaganda to try to make children seem independent so they can pass laws that 12-13 year olds can make their own decisions, this shit is just a proxy for creeps in power trying to push a direction on the vulgar masses.
And if you don’t want to take it that far? Fair enough.
Look at it’s execution as a movie by itself.
The whole womanhood coming of age angle is not even treated with respect or sensitivity, it’s a gimmick. Hence the Panda form being a gimmick; Womanhood is either something of one’s body to hustle out to people for gain or some demon curse to lock away.
WOW what a way to illustrate to children the state of being born a girl, THANKS for the overtones PIXAR.
And if your daughter is out of control, god forbid you say anything or correct the child: Ie. Damned is ye who dare to be a parent and do your goddamn job.
Spirited Away is a leagues better coming of age story, without the maxi pad cringe.
Having children in  this culture is a serious hazard, American society is corrosive as fuck. Innocence is to be destroyed & corrupted  as early as possible by western culture, not honored or respected. Let alone protected. 
There’s no way in just over 20 years you go from The Incredibles to Turning Red, the decline of quality of writing is bizarre, it got worse and worse and worse.
And it’s only going to get worse. 
Anyone with a lick of sense would see a concept like this would’ve been better executed as 2min PIXAR Short, with more mature writing. It would’ve been leagues better. 
Codename: Kids Next Door is still ahead of the game in so many ways by showing kids being on the level of adults without being weird about it. Back when everything wasn’t about “pushing someting” 24/7
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tinywitchgoblin · 3 years
The Bad Batch Find Out You Have a Praise Kink
based on this textpost from @neon-junkie​
Link to pt 2
​a/n: I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, but I finally got around to writing it, hope you don’t think it sucks. Also, I don’t know how to write lap dances for the life of me, so sorry in advance. 
Warnings: implied smut, swearing, kinky talk, drinking, lap dance, Tech and Crosshair being little shits, I think that’s it?
“Wrecker, truth or dare,” you said. You and the boys had a night off and decided to play a little game of truth or dare, drinking style. You could truthfully answer the question/do the dare, or you could take a shot. Most of you had taken at least 1 shot, with the sole exception of Wrecker. He was determined to do every dare and answer every question, regardless of how embarrassing it was. 
“Dare!” he shouted. Not one to waste time with words, dares were typically his go-to. “I dare you… to do as many consecutive push-ups as you can with me sitting on your back,” you challenged. 
“Deal! Are you ready?” he said. You climbed up onto his lower back and gave him confirmation. He began doing the push-ups, all with you counting out loud, and the others taking bets as to how many Wrecker would be able to do. It took him a few minutes, but he finally wore out and collapsed to the ground. Crosshair won the bet, and his brothers handed him a couple of credits each, none of them looking too pleased. Well, none except for Wrecker and Crosshair, who high-fived, Wrecker still a bit tired. However, he recovered quickly and took his turn. “Tech, truth or dare?
”Tech thought for a moment before choosing dare. That was unusual; he was typically more a truth person- the opposite of Wrecker. “Tech, I dare you… to give (y/n) a lap dance for a whole minute!” he shouted, looking very pleased with himself. You blushed, unsure of what to do, but also looking forward to the prospect of being so close to the goggled brother. He looked at you and asked if that was okay with you; you nodded shyly, a move not unnoticed by Hunter and Crosshair. He did the dare, all eyes on the two of you, and by the time he was done, your face matched the deep red that donned all of the boys’ armor. He returned to his seat, throwing you a wink in the process, which only made you blush even harder. He cleared his throat before saying, “I believe it is my turn to ask now. Crosshair, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” he said, not wanting to look weak in comparison to his brothers. 
“I dare you to…” he started, before looking to his datapad. 
“What, can’t think of a dare good enough for me?” Crosshair teased.
 “I think he just wants to humiliate you in the best way possible,” you jabbed. Crosshair threw you a dirty look before turning his attention back to Tech. 
“Oh, I have one! Come here!” Tech pulled Crosshair aside. 
“No no no, that’s not how it works,” Wrecker complained. 
“Technically, as long as Crosshair completes the dare, it doesn’t matter if we know right now,” Hunter clarified. After a moment, Wrecker backed down, and Tech whispered something to Crosshair, who grinned like the devil. The two sat down as if nothing had happened, which confused the rest of you. Wrecker was about to protest, but thought better of it. Crosshair turned his attention back to you, saying, “truth or dare, (y/n)?”
“Truth,” you said a little too quickly. Secretly, you were nervous that Tech and Crosshair were ganging up on you, and you weren’t too anxious to be caught up in the middle of all that. After a moment of thought, he asked you his question.
“What is your biggest kink?” he said with the biggest smirk on his face. That got the boys’ attention. They leaned forward in their seats, desperate to hear your response. You were tempted to take a shot instead of answering, but that would only make it worse for you in the long run. You thought about what to say. You didn’t want to say that you didn’t have any kinks; they would call you a liar. You were too afraid to say something too serious or too weird; you didn’t want to know where that would lead. Finally, you settled on one. 
“I would say that… Well, I like, um…” you sputtered, suddenly lacking the confidence you thought you’d had a moment ago. 
“Too scared, sweetheart?” Crosshair jibed. You gave him your deadliest stinkeye, which at the moment, wasn’t very stinky at all. Tech moved next to you, combing your hair to one side. 
“Don’t be afraid of us, cyare, all we want is a little information,” he whispered into your ear. 
“You of all people know the value that even a small piece of information can hold,” you shot back. 
“I know, but you’re already doing so well for us, you just need to give us those few words,” he cooed. Well, shit. Somehow, he already found out what you were going to say. Maybe it was a coincidence, you tried to reassure yourself. As you were thinking, Hunter came behind you and started rubbing your back, hoping to break down your resolve. After a moment, you finally gathered your courage. 
“I guess… It’s a bit weird, I know, but… I have a praise kink,” you whispered, not able to hold eye contact with any of them.
 “See, that wasn’t so hard, cyare, that’s all it took. You did so well for us,” he purred. “That’s what turns you on, hm? Do you need to hear us tell you how good you’re being for us? That you’re our good cyar’ika?” Hunter whispered into your other ear. As he spoke, Crosshair came and knelt in front of you. He slid his way between your legs. You let him, unable and unwilling to stop him. 
“Well, you have been good for us tonight,” Crosshair said in a tone that had your heart racing and your stomach clenching. “Want to see how we reward good behavior?” All you could do was nod rapidly. Wrecker stepped forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. It took you by surprise, but once you figured out what the hell was going on, you kissed him back. The others kept affirming you and your behavior, which only made you blush harder. They took no time getting to work on relieving your stress, and you thought to yourself that you could totally get used to this. 
When the five of you were finally done, you looked at the clock and realized that you’d been going at it for a couple of hours. Since you were having difficulties standing, Wrecker helped you into the refresher, and the two of you taking a much-needed shower. Even after all this time, he was still calling you “good cyar’ika” and complimenting you. It meant the galaxy to you that these boys cared so much about you, and you were determined to make it up to them soon.
Thanks for reading! Why don't you go check out pt 2?
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
do you think c!Dream ever physically lashed out at c!techno while they were in prison together? I mean like if he got too close, would he swing at him as a reflex? I’d imagine c!techno would either take a single punch like a champ as c!Dream’s already weak or like,,catch his arm before his fist makes contact. The later would probably lead trigger only more trauma responses from Dream. How do you think Techno would handle it?
/dsmp /rp
Yeah. And on top of what you’re saying, I think Dream probably lashed out at him intentionally, too, in addition to unintentionally.
Dream hasn’t been able to fight back against someone without terrible consequences for a long time. He misses fighting, the physicality of an even playing ground.
Dream doesn’t want Techno to think he’s weak, or soft—he wants Techno to believe he’s capable of violence. He’s strong. This place hasn’t broken him.
Dream is angry at Techno for being trapped here, and for seeing him like this, and for messing up the plan. He knows this anger is mostly irrational—in fact, it’s really Dream’s fault, he knows, he’s the one who was weak enough to write the damn letter, but that just makes him madder. (Hell, the first thing he did when Techno arrived was punch him.)
Dream is used to playing into everyone’s worst assumptions about him. Techno dares to think he’ll be reasonable? Well, he’s got another thing coming.
Techno’s irreverence and minimizations, while typically the type of optimistic sarcasm Dream can understand and see through, sometimes really sting in ways Dream isn’t prepared for. Sometimes Techno saying, “come on, this place isn’t that bad, cheer up, roomie, quit complaining!” sounds too similar to what Sam tells him, how Quackity mocks him, what Sapnap clearly thought of him. Sometimes it hurts to hear that he’s whining for no reason (even though Techno’s right; things are so much better now.) Sometimes it feels too much like he’s just being ordered to keep sucking it up when all he wants to do is scream.
Dream’s been forcing himself to be rational and controlled for so long. He can’t afford to lose control with his abusers. He can afford to lose it at Techno.
Dream’s privacy in one of the most stressful and vulnerable times of his entire life just went from limited to NONE. There’s nowhere for Techno to go; they can’t get out of each other’s hair. If Dream cries, Techno sees it. If Dream gets furious, Techno sees it.
Sam and Quackity and Tommy, and even Bad and Sapnap, have all treated him like he’s a wild animal, one that bites. He doesn’t really feel very human right now.
The last time Dream had a sincere fight was with Tommy and that ended… not well. That was also an example of Dream lashing out physically against someone he thought he could hurt safely, but it was also a lot more sour than with Techno, obviously. I’m not sure Dream is able to articulate to himself the reasons he killed Tommy.
It’s not like he actually wants to kill Techno, or even hurt Techno. He likes Techno, likes him even when he’s getting on his last nerve. Techno’s kind to him. Techno’s funny. Techno’s entertaining. Techno tells him to eat. Techno tells him he’ll protect him from Quackity, that they’ll fight together. (Techno’s arrival made the torture stop.) Not to mention that Techno is an invaluable ally and his only (maybe, maybe, maybe) ticket out of here.
I think Techno would usually handle it with good grace. He’d try to divert Dream’s attention to less destructive outlets. He’d take a punch and laugh it off, and the lack of reaction would sometimes be enough to defuse the whole thing. The fact that Dream obviously isn’t a threat and is obviously posturing is, well, both kinda funny and kinda sad. Dream can tell, which sometimes just makes him angrier: he doesn’t want to be treated with kid gloves.
But the cell is wearing on Techno, too. Sometimes he’s not in the mood to deal with Dream’s bullshit just like Dream doesn’t want to deal with his. Sue him, sometimes a dude just doesn’t want to be punched for no reason. I don’t think he’d hit Dream back, but I could see him overpowering Dream, pinning him or twisting his arm to make him stop—and it would be easy, way too easy. Dream would freeze and go very quiet, and Techno would quickly back off, let him go and try to shrug it all off, and feel awful when Dream retreats to his corner and doesn’t speak for hours. (And feel annoyed that he’s feeling awful for defending himself, but—hey. That’s what this cell does to people, he guesses. He’s not gonna lie, it’s pretty messed up.)
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thatonethimbo · 2 years
The Frost Bites With No Teeth (Route 14, cont, last part) [GN!Reader]
Oh dear, I long to be your warmth
Some day
When I'm gone away
We'll be all okay
song link
Req by @sleepytoby
I doubt I'm pulling any punches with this one, people. With that said, strap in and enjoy the ride, it's gonna be a long one. :)
He closed his eyes, as his feet carried him along. His shoulders were covered with a cloak of white, but he was colder than ever before.
How could he dare do this to you? All of this was never your fault, only his for accepting what he had to do. This wasn't ''saving the world'' because he wasn't saving you.
Putting distance literally between you and him made it all worse, so he did try to give you some comfort with his admin cloak, but your current state just made his mind be dragged deeper and deeper into the sea of emotions he was previously only a full ankle in.
Drowning. But he made no attempt to thrash around.
And thus, like a stone, he sank.
Your gaze flickered to the skies, as you heard the distant rumble of an engine.
There, you caught sight of the massive Eclipse Airship, which cast a shadow over the group, blocking out what could be seen of the sun.
you could say it eclipsed the sun
The grunts looked up, one elbowing Jake, who wasn't paying attention at all. But you ignored his current state, as the airship stopped midair, and what seemed to be people on Pokémon fly down from it.
A few unfamiliar grunts hopped off their Pokémon as they landed, one of which being an Aerodactyl. They snickered as they saw you, perhaps thinking about how pathetic you looked now.
Maybe if it was a happier time, when you weren't surrounded by reminders of your mistakes, you would've grinned foolishly and laughed it off.
Because then, you were able to recover easily.
Again, your arms were roughly grabbed by grunts, causing you to be annoyed. No wonder they're grunts...
''Hey, I'd appreciate it if you didn't grab them like that.'' Jake finally spoke up, glaring at the grunts, who withered under his intense gaze and loosened their grip.
You did feel like caring. A small bit though. However, you found it wasn't easy to forgive him in retrospect. Feeling his stare on you, a brief glance back showed he really was looking at you.
Though, being stubborn, you lifted your chin a bit. If he really wanted to mend his bond with you again, he would have to prove himself in your eyes.
The rope offered won't be helpful if the one at the bottom doesn't take hold of it and climb back to the top.
Engines whirred someplace nearby, their sound muffled, as you sat in the main area of the airship. A few of the Team Eclipse members sat nearby, some awkwardly standing up, holding onto straps attached to the ceiling.
''Approaching Eclipse Base, permission to land?" The pilot at the front requested, back turned to you and everyone else.
Some static sounded over the radio, too incoherent for you to hear it clearly. The pilot nodded at this, flicking a few switches and pressing a few buttons.
A grunt beside you with long, dark braided hair, and chocolate brown eyes looked at you, then to the rest of the group. ''Must've been a bad day for ya.''
''You think so?" You retorted, irritation clear in your voice. The grunt merely blinked at this, a frown evident, before looking away.
''Hey, don't be rude to xir.'' Another grunt insisted, who you look to. Xe looked back at you, and you sighed.
''Sorry.'' Was all that came out, before you lean back against the wall. Jake's silent, yet again, which wasn't surprising seeing as he was like that for most of the way to the base.
The engines began to slow their whirring, as the ones inside the ship with you began talking, a few getting antsy. Hearing a hiss of air, you look to the door as it opened, the ramp opening up.
You stood up yourself before anyone could force you to, walking out into the enormous hangar, occupied now by the Eclipse Airship.
Before you could go any further, someone grabbed your unrestrained hands, bringing them together, before something cold and metallic clamped onto both of your wrists.
Suppressing a groan, you kick backward, hitting a grunt that had done it in the shin. Ouch. Doing this didn't help the fact that now your wrists were handcuffed, but you felt a bit better about your current situation.
Jake went up ahead, leading your group out of the hangar. He then stopped soon after, as another one in admin clothing came up to your group.
You recognized the person to be Eclipse Admin Tyler, the one who you fought (and defeated) at the power core because of some planted explosives. Needless to say, someone wouldn't be too happy seeing you again.
Tyler looked past Jake, their expression growing dark at the sight of you. ''Hey... HEY! You're that kid who fought alongside that other kid at Anthian- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, HUH?!" They asked, yelling while doing so.
''They lost, you big explosion dummy.'' A grunt shot back, smirking as they looked at you.
''...what did you just call me?" Tyler questioned, sounding a bit angry as their eyes were directed to the offender. The grunt broke into a sweat, muttering under their breath.
''Nothing, si- I mean-'' The grunt stuttered, unsure how to address the admin before them.
Tyler simply rolled their eyes, a hint of a smirk on their face as the aggression melted away. ''..'Big explosion dummy'. It's better than what Gabe called me last Tuesday, that nerd has his ego so far up his a-''
''I think I'd appreciate it if you let us through.'' Jake interrupted, and Tyler looked to the boy, lowering their shades just a fraction.
''Hmm. Fine, bootlicker.'' The explosion-obsessed admin replied, adding the last part under their breath. Tyler then stepped aside, watching your group go past, chuckling with amusement. When you looked back at Tyler, you saw them standing in the middle of the hallway, looking at you, a large grin on their face.
All you had to do to see them disappear was to round a corner.
And the group did just that.
Unfortunately, the corner your group had to turn was right into a section before the hangar where the prison cells were located.
Two adults looked at you from behind the front plexiglass walls of the prison cells, which you realized were the archaeologists from Mitis. Both looked at Jake, the man, in particular, looking worried.
Jake drew in a breath, as he opened the door of the cell next to the archaeologists, placing his hand on your back as he made you go in it. The metal barred door slammed shut, and you turned to look at him.
Briefly, he put his hand on the bars of your cell door, before leaning his head on the bars as well, exhaling. Drawing away, Jake seemed to try his best not to make eye contact with you, but your gazes connected. He froze in place, before pulling away.
You waited for his footsteps to fade away before you leaned your back against the nearest comfortable wall in the cell, sliding down, you pulled your knees close to your chest as you buried your head in your arms.
You had lost.
You had no Pokémon.
So, you wouldn't be shocked if your friends hated you now.
That is if you had any left.
The sound of metal grating on metal woke you from your slumber, as you rubbed your eyes to clear them of sleep, a shadow fell over you. You had no time to look up as someone grabbed your arm, restraining it for a moment and making the handcuffs properly come off, before letting go.
''Come.'' A gruff voice sounded, and this time you had a chance to look, seeing the ridiculously red spiky hair of Eclipse Admin Harry, who was wearing his mask, as per usual.
Knowing you had no other choice, you followed his instruction.
Your hand landed on the doorknob, so you turned it, stepping in. The sight that greeted you wasn't the best, but you weren't hoping for that sort of thing so it didn't count.
A Decidueye standing nearby a desk had its leafy feathers stroked by none other than Cypress, the man who you had previously recognized as the region's Pokémon Professor, only to experience serious whiplash in the Anthian City Showdown.
To you, he was no longer a Professor when he walked down that ramp. He was a madman, commanding his followers to do whatever he needed them to, hardly letting his hands get dirty.
But here, you saw a small sliver of that side you experienced before Anthian. It was obvious he loved his Pokémon, evident by the way he was gentle to the Arrow Quill Pokémon, it still to his touch.
A smile was on his face, as he focused on the Decidueye, the Arrow Quill Pokémon then affectionately nipping at his fingers.
However, seconds after you came in, his gaze snapped over to you. Within the few moments that followed he returned the Pokémon back into its Pokéball and sat up straight in his chair.
As if you hadn't seen anything.
''I heard about the battle. I must commend you for your effort.'' He flatly stated, the second part laced with barely veiled sarcasm. His gaze did not meet yours, avoiding it.
Cypress then folded his hands together in front of him as he sat, not before taking a Rubik's cube on the desk off, and into a nearby drawer.
You sat down on one of the grey chairs in front of the desk, looking at the three monitors that sat on it, as well as the partially glowing Team Eclipse logo behind the man himself.
''Effort?" You snorted. You then glanced around in a fervent attempt to search for what could be your team's Pokéballs. Cypress seemed to take note of your gaze, holding something in his hand.
He then raised what was in his grip into the light, the Pokéballs clattering against the smooth metal of the desk. Your Pokéball belt, in all its glory, was in Cypress' hands.
You make a grab for it, but he tutted, pulling it out of your reach. ''Known you would've done that.'' His fingers curled over the Pokéballs, the fabric connecting each tightening as he held the central Pokéball with more force than the others.
''What do you want?" You questioned, carefully watching his movements as a smirk showed on his face within the blink of an eye.
''I want you to join Team Eclipse.'' He replied without hesitation, loosening his grip on the belt, but not entirely letting go. ''With you, Team Eclipse would worry about one less person getting left behind.''
He seemed guarded. His voice was flat, but the smirk seemed to only be a hallucination judging by its ephemeral existence. Still, he continued:
''But, I think in order for you to be truly satisfied with Team Eclipse, you would want your friends and close family to join us. This world is problematic and-''
''Well, that's only because you insist on leaving it behind. Have you ever tried to help fix it?" You shot back, heat bubbling up within you. But here wasn't where you stopped. No, you kept going. ''People and Pokémon can live together, but I guess you always have your head stuck in the sand, no wonder you weren't able to see differently!''
Cypress stared at you, his nose crinkled. For a moment, all was silent, before he pushed his glasses back up his nose, grumbling things under his breath. ''Always your type.'' He glared back at you, briefly meeting your gaze. ''Always, your type to say that. How could I ever expect something from you? It was always about the endless activism that ended in nothing.'' He spat.
''Have you ever tried?" You retorted, clenching your fists.
''Oh, yes, I have tried!'' Cypress cried out, narrowing his eyes. ''Many, many times. You can speak to a crowd to motivate them, yes, but it never has a hundred per cent guarantee that they'll do anything. Of course, doing anything in the dark doesn't help the greatest deal either.''
''No wonder, Cypress, that they don't like you, then!'' You retaliated, some of your bottled-up emotion spilling into your voice. ''You fail to see the progress made by those around you, even if it's small bits at a time, then complain about it barely working. Anthian City wasn't built in a day. Yet, your admin friend tried to blow it up in one, and see how that turned out?''
The man glared at you once again but bit his lip to prevent himself from going too far. A bit too hard though, as a bit of red leaked out. You averted your gaze, the door swinging open behind you.
Soon enough, Jake's shadow loomed over you. Cypress grabbed a nearby paper towel and wiped the blood off his bleeding lip. The boy then sat down beside you, looking at the Eclipse Boss.
''Make your choice, do you want to rot in a prison cell as deserved, or will you stand with us?" Cypress asked, his voice strained from the tension beforehand.
You looked to Jake, who met your gaze with worry. Both of the tensions you had observed in recent times were grabbing a different arm of yours. Pulling you in two different directions, like your body was to be split in half with an arm each if they were to have their way.
You could spite Jake and rot in that prison cell, which, the more you thought about it, sounded much more luxurious than staying in this room and arguing with a man who saw nothing other than his own views.
On the other hand, you could take up that opportunity offered to you. Cypress wouldn't be expecting it if you were to do it, perhaps you could twist the game a bit and play it your way.
Considering these options a bit more, you looked to the man as he awaited your answer.
The garments for the Eclipse uniform weren't the most comfortable, but the tailors were fit (and paid) for the job. Bigger, smaller, whatever was required, they made it fit your body type.
You would tell them about your thoughts on the grunt uniform, but since that wasn't within their paycheck you decided to keep your mouth shut for once.
Once you walked out into the cafeteria, a few stares came your way. Most were from strangers, but you saw one of the admins (not Jake, as he wasn't in there currently) look over at you and laugh. This was short-lived, fortunately.
Sitting down once you had your food, you had a moment's worth of heaven. Then, hell arrived at your doorstep as Admin Gabe sat down opposite you.
His hat was still on his head, so you were surprised it didn't fall off with all the extra bowing down to Cypress he did when compared to Jake. Still, the man with a hat was seemingly outclassed by the blue-haired boy in every way. Funnily enough, this appeared to infuriate him.
Jake could just walk by and Gabe could make all the faces he wanted in order to show his dislike for the admin younger than him. Unfortunately, this warranted some clearly unwanted feedback from others.
Laughing, a few catcalls, the one who was actually a full-grown man didn't act like one in response, instead, he made jabbing remarks in return. His brother always kept his head down while all this happened, eating his food or staying silent.
''What beach shore did you have to wash up on to be pitied enough to join our ranks?" Gabe questioned, snatching the knife from its place on the table as you're about to grab it.
''I would ask you the same thing, seeing as you got blasted off by Kyogre after insulting it.'' You returned the favour, grabbing your knife back. Gabe's silent. Then, his boots hit the seats of the table, and he's gone.
Chasing after trouble here wouldn't be worth it, so it was a good thing 'hatty' left you be. For now, you decided to just keep your head down and just eat.
The cafeteria food was terrible though.
The sleeping quarters for the grunts weren't that good, but heck, like you cared that much concerning the quality of things anymore. Or if you were a good person or not. What was the difference again?
Leaning against a bunk, the bottom one supposed to be yours (as another grunt already took the top), you just let yourself reflect on things leading up to this point.
It was a bit difficult to, though, with your thoughts in disorder and nothing really staying in one place for long. When they wandered to Jake, however, most of them stilled. However, an empty feeling resided within you when that happened.
Your shoulders tensed up as well. With a huff, you left the sleeping quarters, to find something to properly clear your blurry mind. All of a sudden, a hand latched onto your wrist, and you whipped around, facing the boy with golden-brown eyes and dark blue hair, pulling his hand off your wrist.
''You really have blended into the position well,'' You watched his face as he flinched, ''grabbing onto me? I guess things really have changed between us.''
''Look, I-''
''Cut the bull-crap, Jake.'' You interrupted, narrowing your eyes. ''You've been silent to me so much it causes me to wonder if you really care about me anymore. Moping around never really solved anyone's issues.''
The boy took a moment, looking to the floor, then turning his gaze back up to you with a sigh. ''It's really complicated, (Y/n).'' His hand briefly brushed against yours, causing warmth to spike up in that area. ''And I know you want answers but if I did give you any, I would be letting people down. This has gone too far for me to go back, so, please, do me a favour and let me keep going with it.''
He distrusted you. And you knew it. Shoving that thought down, and fighting back some tears that threatened to spill, you gritted your teeth behind a tight-lipped smile.
''Okay. At least let us have some time together, then.'' You half-heartedly mumbled. He nodded in response.
The admin rooms were much, much better than the standard grunt sleeping quarters. For starters, each admin had their own room, alongside the ability for each room to differ from the rest.
In Jake's case, his room was mainly coloured with different shades of blue, in one spot appearing to look like the ocean, and accents of gold accompanying it as well as gold-coloured patterns.
The Team Eclipse logo was less obnoxiously placed here than other times you had seen it, which just so happened to be the ceiling light. Nowhere else in the room did it appear, thankfully.
Shelves lined the walls in various places, each sporting a symbol of water, even the alchemic symbol for water. Then you spotted a photo frame with him and his Vaporeon, not in his Admin clothes. He looked happy.
Next to it was a photo of you and him, Jake putting his arm behind you whilst you were doing Buneary ears to him. Both of you were wearing smiles on your face.
A cry could be heard, and you turned to its source, seeing Vaporeon bouncing on the bed joyfully, as Jake tried to move it off without harming the Bubble Jet Pokémon so he could sit down.
Eventually, he gave up, instead, he moved away from the bed and towards what seemed to be a set of blinds. He pulled them open, and what you expected to be light coming in was replaced by the harsh reality of an underwater landscape facing you.
On the other side of the glass.
Vaporeon's eyes lit up at the sight and immediately hopped off. Jake, finally getting the opportunity, moved onto the bed and you did the same, sitting on it as well. You also removed your gaze from the underwater scenery behind the glass, not wanting to tempt your fears.
''What made it come to all of this, Jake?" You looked down as you asked. Jake shifted in his place on the bed, the sheets crinkling in places where they bunched up. ''Tyler was talking about you being a goddamn bootlicker, for Arceus' sake.''
Jake's eyes immediately went to the photo frames, more specifically the one with you and him in it.
''I wish I could say. If I was able to, I would tell you everything and more, (n/n).'' His hand went to grip yours, and when he did, he lightly squeezed your hand as he looked back at you. ''Things aren't as simple as they used to be. But I'm afraid they won't be like that again.''
''I worry about that as well.'' You lean on a pillow, exhaling. He does the same, turning on his side however to face you. ''We're older than we used to be. We used to be unable to reach past our parent's heights, but now we've exceeded them. So, I don't feel like 'that kid' anymore. I'm just someone else now.''
You turned on your side to face him as well.
''You're still (Y/n), and that's good enough for me,'' Jake replied, momentarily letting go of your hand to reach out and tentatively hover his fingers just centimetres away from your face. He then gently stroked your cheek, a small smile on his face. ''You were always enough.''
''Why destroy yourself while feeling that way for another person, then?" Your question came out quicker than it appeared in your head.
''It's easier to feel that way for someone else rather than feel that for yourself,'' Jake answered with a knowing look, drawing his hand away. ''Because I've seen my own flaws so many times it all comes up first when I think about myself. Not the good things, but all the bad things.''
''And then you see perfection in someone else. And instead of caring for yourself, you give it to that person. But if they turn around and hurt you, it's apparently all your fault, when in truth it isn't.'' You try to say. You're a bit worried things may not make sense.
You just wanted to feel like a kid again, not having to worry about people destroying your home world after leaving it behind, and you were sure Jake didn't want to either.
And yet, here you were in the Team Eclipse base, the uncertainty of the future lingering in your thoughts longer than you wished it to.
Silence fell between the two of you, but like what was in the past with you and him, this kind of silence wasn't uncomfortable. It was content. No noises to fill it, just an emptiness that for once was not unwelcoming.
This, however, was short-lived.
An alarm pierced like a dagger into the silence, making the two of you flinch. Overhead, the ceiling light turned red and began flashing.
Jake immediately got up from the bed, and so did you. He quickly strapped on his boots, grabbing his Pokéball belt and pulling it on. You did the same but soon found him helping you into your boots and Pokéball belt.
Opening the door, you held it open for him as he rushed through after returning Vaporeon, and you followed.
''Admins, grunts, gather at the assembly point, as well as the prisoners,'' Cypress spoke over the intercom. ''We shall prepare to leave!''
The assembly point was in the hangar, the Eclipse Airship readied, its engines whirring as grunts began entering it. The admins stood at the base of the ramp, looking towards the hallway entrance to the hangar.
Cypress rounded the corner, taking long, powerful strides as his clothes whipped about in the resulting wind. His gaze was set forward as he headed for the airship.
''Is everything in place?" He questioned once he had stopped close to the admins, his eyes sweeping around the small assembled group, never once meeting anyone's gaze.
''Almost, sir.'' Harry nodded. ''One of the grunts has gone to fetch the prisoners.''
''I saw,'' Cypress slightly narrowed his eyes. ''They seem to be putting up quite the fight.''
''Especially that Dragon-Type trainer girl.'' Gabe unhelpfully piped up. The boss scowled at this.
You look over as footsteps thudded nearby. The Archaeologists- and Tess, walked toward the airship. The purple-haired girl's eyes widened as they landed on you, looking you up and down. Then, she lowered her head, and shame washed over you.
The admins briefly parted to let the captive group go onto the ramp. ''Alright, we're all here. Let's not waste any more time.'' Cypress told you and the admins. ''I will not wait a moment longer to reach my new kingdom!''
''Please, stop this, you're making a huge mistake.'' The female archaeologist pleaded. In the distance, a loud crash echoed somewhere nearby, and a few screams soon followed.
Then, an orange light appeared in the hallway to the hangar, with a few embers flitting into the air seconds later. The group didn't seem to notice this just yet.
''It's true, Hoopa is far too powerful for you to control.'' The male archaeologist added on. ''It nearly destroyed Roria when it was first discovered.''
''I hold the bottle that grants me power over the beast.'' Cypress proclaimed. ''You and your silly warnings will not stop me.''
You watched as the hallway into the hangar burst into flame, sending fragments flying. Jake put his hand on your back and you quickly got the message, going up the ramp past the captives, and Tess.
The last thing you saw before you go into the airship is a Charizard flying into the air, trailing fresh smoke- with someone on its back.
Deep within the tomb, at the final chamber, lay the brick portal, with wires hooked up to the frame. In front of it, was an archway, with the symbol of Arceus at its height, then the Hoopa symbol above that.
Here, the admins, Cypress, the captive group and you stood, awaiting something. Or, rather, someone.
''How long do you think will it take for him to come, ey?" Tyler looked to the others. ''I'm thinking five minutes, tops, putting 15k on it.''
''15k? That's an amateur's go-to- Tyler, I thought you liked to live on the edge. So, I'm going for three minutes, and, make that 40k!'' Gabe piped up.
You sighed, looking to the entrance to the chamber. ''100k, and thirty seconds.'' Most of the admins looked to you with wide eyes, except for Jake, who kept his gaze ahead.
''Holy s***, they're crazier than Tyler.'' You heard Harry muttering underneath his mask.
''There's probably some method to my madness.'' As you said this, an explosion sounded off in the distance. A quick glance over at Jake proved that he was keeping a timer, and right now it was up to ten seconds.
''I'm raising mine to 30k then,'' Tyler announced.
''80k, if yours goes over thirty seconds I automatically win,'' Gabe added. Harry looked at him, his frown evident from the top part of his (visible) face.
You then also turned your eyes over to Tess and the Archaeologists. All three of them are silent, with the Archaeologists keeping their gazes to the entrance of the chamber as more noises echoed through it.
Though not Tess. She's staring at you with dismay in her eyes. Unable to handle the piercingness of her gaze, you looked away.
Twenty seconds on the timer now.
A roar echoed throughout the final chamber, as the Charizard you saw before at the base soared into the air, its mouth emitting a stream of smoke as it went.
It did a flip midair before coming down, its rider then jumping off. Broze, the one who had been flying on the Charizard, slowly rose to his feet, glaring at Cypress.
In the corner of your eye, Harry had briefly pulled down his mask, showing his face in awe. He then quickly put it back up.
The admins who bet on him quietly handed over their due money to you as Cypress looked back at the Holder of the Bronze Brick. He then started to laugh sinisterly, the beginnings of an unhinged smile on his face.
''You never do give up, do you? You just don't know when to quit. I knew that about you, ever since that little incident with Linda in Gale Forest.'' The Eclipse Boss told the boy, who still glared at him, not knowing what else to say. ''Your parents thought they could hide that precious key from me by giving it to you."
''We were right to do that.'' The male archaeologist crossed his arms, who you now thought to address as Broze's father. ''We knew after we had shown you the key, your fascination with it was too serious. By sending it with Broze,'' His gaze flicked to his son. ''it would be far away from your hands.''
''And so it was, for quite some time.'' Cypress nodded as he looked back to the Holder of The Bronze Brick. ''You see, there was no easy way to steal it from you. As it turns out, it was easier to have you deliver it personally. And here we are, all gathered together, exactly as I planned.'' The boss then turned to Tyler, who looked at him. ''Hit it, Tyler!''
The admin sent their fist down on the keyboard of the computer that was hooked up to the portal. There was a moment as the cords touching the portal began to glow, to where they were white. Then, a flash, and you turned back to Cypress, awaiting his next move.
You heard a yelp from the direction of the Holder of The Bronze Brick and spotted the smirk on Cypress' face as he looked towards Broze. ''And she summons her missing piece.''
The necklace hovered above the poor kid, before zooming over the boss' head and growing bigger as it reached the top of the portal. When it was the size of the other pieces, it fell onto them perfectly, causing yet another flash.
With all these flashes, you were surprised you weren't blind yet. A loud crash and the rusted chains over the archway broke, with the stone behind them soon following, beyond, a tunnel into darkness.
Cypress then threw the Prison Bottle through the middle of the portal and past it, the artifact almost immediately shattering into pieces. You could've sworn you saw some type of spirit emerge from the remains, escaping into the pitch-black.
Something moved in that darkness. Your hand moved to your belt from the thought it'd give you some comfort, but what came out ruined these efforts.
The Dijin Pokémon was massive. Towering over your group, it emitted a sound that seemed like a laugh. You were all at the mercy of its power...
''I just love it when everything goes to plan!'' Cypress' unhinged smile finally makes its appearance, with him briefly spreading out his arms in what you thought was joy.
''You're making a huge mistake.'' Broze's father warned. ''You don't know what kind of power you're messing with.''
''Ah, that's where you're wrong.'' Cypress clasped his hands together, turning to the archaeologist. ''I have a pretty good idea of the power I'm messing with.'' He faced back to Hoopa. ''It's the power to travel to other worlds. The power to become the creator of my own reality. The power to control right and wrong.''
You watched as Cypress turned again, this time to face Broze, now holding a Pokéball in his grasp. ''Broze, I have no further need of you. I suspect that I will have to defeat you in battle to get rid of you for good.'' He told the boy. ''I'll try not to have too much fun with this.''
''Well, that's good for you, 'cause I might just ruin it!'' Broze finally retorted, pulling out a Pokéball and throwing it forward.
While the battle between the Holder of the Bronze Brick and the Boss went down, you moved a bit closer to Jake, flicking your gaze up to Hoopa as it intently watched the fight.
The blue-haired boy looked at you, then back to the battle as one of his hands gently grabbed one of yours that was nearest to him.
All of a sudden, you had to shield your eyes with your other hand from a light that was being emitted by the keystones of the two in battle.
Okay. You were seeing spots in your vision now. Thanks, Broze and Cypress. Thank. Youuuuu... Not.
The fight was brutal, both of the Pokémon getting beat up considerably, while Broze had a scowl on his face, the Eclipse Boss was silent and focused except for the times he commanded his Charizard. A roar and Broze's Charizard slammed Cypress' Charizard down, making it fall onto the stone ground and revert to its original form.
Cypress appeared to be frustrated but turned to look back at Hoopa regardless of his loss. ''...Hoopa! It is I who has awoken you this day! Grant me my wish, that I may discover a pure world in need of ruling!''
Hoopa hovered over the portal, all six of its arms moving in unison as the portal sparked, then in the middle, a purple spiral materialized, growing in size until it fitted the frame, the portal now activated.
''Isn't it glorious?'' Cypress questioned, gaze fixated on the Dijin Pokémon. Jake huffed beside you, letting go of your hand. ''You will all soon see that I'm not as mad as you believe. In fact, I am the most clever out of all,'' You almost wanted to tell him 'cleverest' was a word. ''of you. I am the only soul wise enough to devise such a plan and brave enough to carry it out.''
He continued, still, as you heard Jake mutter to you: "...Wish me luck.'' The boy's words caused your brows to furrow in confusion.
''-The almighty Hoopa, a Pokémon so talented and powerful... Ancient Rorians were so full of fear, they decided to imprison it here,'' Jake moved from the corner of your eye as Cypress still went on. ''And here it stayed, waiting for me to come along and- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Cypress' scream was heard as he was hoisted into the air by none other than Jake, who promptly threw the adult into the portal. Cue the shock and widened eyes, as the boy dusted his hands off.
You, however, had the biggest grin on your face. Internally, you were very confused, but heck, you had to admit that was quite a sight to see.
Jake's eyes were back on the gathered group, nonplussed by the feat he had just pulled. ''Am I the only one that's tired of that guy's monologuing?'' He asked, seemingly bored. ''I've been holding that in for a long time...'' Jake's gaze briefly landed on you, before refocusing.
''Jake, what is the meaning of this?" Gabe questioned disbelief showing on his face clear as day.
''It's the end of the line for Team Eclipse,'' Jake answered. ''nobody comes between me and my friends. Cypress made a huge mistake thinking he could take advantage of us like that.''
''You're making a huge mistake if you think you've stopped Team Eclipse. Cypress is on his way to our new world as we speak! This is only the beginning!'' Gabe fumed.
''You better join him, or you're next!'' Jake replied, looking to the admins.
''Say no more!'' Gabe barked in return, with him and the other admins- except Jake, of course, jumping into the portal after their leader.
Once they were all gone, the remaining group of you, Tess, Jake, Broze's parents and the Holder of the Bronze Brick himself gathered around a bit more closely.
''This portal will continue to grow out of control until Hoopa is defeated,'' Jake informed the group. ''I will stay here and fight. The rest of you need to leave now.''
Tess lifted her head at the topic at hand. ''Jake, we've fought for so long to rescue you and (Y/n). I'm not leaving your side now.'' She looked back at you, then at Jake again.
''The fight is not yet over.'' The boy replied. ''I need you to get to safety so that I can finish this.''
You crossed your arms, heaving a sigh. Jake spared you a glance, sighing as well. ''The ancient Rorians bound Hoopa because it destroyed their homes and way of life.'' He continued. ''If we aren't careful, the same will happen to us. Cypress planned to leave this world to be destroyed by Hoopa. Hoopa must be stopped before it's too late.''
His gaze was on you again, but he seemed to be looking at both you and Tess. ''Please go, Tess and (Y/n). This is not up for discussion. You must leave.''
The ground seemed to move underneath your feet, and the group turned to look at the portal. Anticipating it, you covered your eyes before you had the chance to be nearly blinded. Hey, it saved you from having to go to the optometrist.
Looking up, your heart sank, the portal now bigger than it used to be. ''The portal... it nearly doubled in size!'' Tess' surprised response came out.
''This... can't be good.'' You muttered to yourself as Jake faced the rest of the group once again.
''This is exactly what I feared would happen. The portal is only going to keep getting worse. You all need to run now!" He urged.
Broze's parents start walking away with their son, as they talked, but he soon stopped, with them quickly noticing.
Tess looked to you, and nodded, stepping aside as you took her place. ''Hey, you really need to stop doing this alone.'' You told him. ''I know how you were feeling over the course of this, but please don't let that stand in the way of things. We're supposed to do this together.'' Your back was turned, as you faced him.
Something hit the stone floor, and Jake looked at what it was, before yelling: ''LOOK OUT!'' As he pushed you out of the way, you felt the wind get knocked out of you. You watched on with horror as a wooden box slammed into Jake full force, sending him into the portal.
Too late, you scrambled to your feet, hand shooting out as the portal rippled- and he's gone. Tears gather in your eyes, but you're too broken to stop them as they start falling.
To add further insult to injury, Hoopa waved its arms, and the portal crumbled right before your eyes. A shout came from behind you, and Broze charged forward, a Quick Ball in his grasp. He cried out wordlessly as he threw it, full of anguish and loathing.
Miraculously, he caught it on the first try. But you don't care. All you do is stare at the broken pieces of the portal.
No warmth was left here in this world anymore.
And so, the frost returned, biting at your skin with no teeth.
Finally got this bad b**** outta the way, anyway uh, enjoy it lol
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haikyuuishete · 4 years
Heartbroken to moving on|| Headcanons
Synopsis: He breaks your heart and you move on
Oikawa and Kuroo
He loved you but to him everything was a game, he didn’t take you serious or the relationship
He dismissed all the love you gave him
Pushed you away (too busy for you)
Even though you supported him and his volleyball career (it wasn’t enough for him)
He met a fan girl at a game that you didn’t attend
She was pretty, to extent of her being confident to flirt with him knowing he was dating you
He forgot that he was dating you, she gave him his number to call her
Which he did after he got home only to end up in his room with her, together
In his self conscious he knew it was wrong but the girl he was with made it so good that it was just right
He told Iwaizumi who lashed out at him for doing that, Oikawa listened but he kept doing it behind your back either way
It was fun he said
He eventually told you, he acted so confident about it, it broke you that he never loved you
He did but he didn’t show it
He apologized about his actions but never told you to stay which you hoped he did but never happened
You didn’t break down in front of him but looked at him in disappointment, you cared and loved him only for him to do this to you?
You didn’t even say anything but walked away because if you did you would’ve broken down to the point of hitting him
You had to cry it out before shutting him out from your memories, forgetting that he existed
You were broken, he knew that but he would brush it off and go on with his life
You started to dislike him little by little, you just stopped loving him
You went to his games for the last time to fully move on from him, it was a very cold night
You forgot to bring your jacket, “hey do you want to borrow my jacket?” You turned around to me a volleyball player with silver hair who was smiling sweetly at you
“thank you” “no problem” he smiled shyly “can I get your name?”
It didn’t take long for Oikawa to feel the darkness that was waiting for him along the way
He felt cold in a way that you couldn’t describe it , the feeling of being loved wasn’t there anymore
He didn’t even realize that he kept thinking about you, missing you
He would secretly watch you pass by only feel the coldness radiating from you, almost like he never existed made his heart clench
He would be staring at your silhouette for too long
It didn’t take long for him to burst out in tears for you, crying himself to sleep when he realized how much he missed you
He needed your hugs kisses anything you could give him
He screwed up and it hurts to see you walk away not even acknowledging his presence
It took a month of pain to even function right, only to see you with someone else in the end
He watched you fall in love with someone else, watched you smile at this person who deserved it, watched how you held and kissed him tenderly, it made it worse knowing it was Sugawara; a guy that would treat you better, a person who would never dare to hurt you
Oikawa shut himself up in shame and in disgrace of what he did to you to the point locking himself in his room, Iwaizumi always got in and comforted his friend from crying to point his eyes was blood shut red
To gripping his phone as he stared at your picture
If he was a better person you would’ve been next to him
“Iwa do you think she could forgive me one day?” 
He was a good boyfriend that any girl could ask for
He treated you so well
Sometimes you felt like you didn’t deserve him, he was just perfect
It didn’t last long not until Nekoma’s new manager appeared
She was gorgeous every team and guy wanted her; she was nice almost pure
She caught Kuroo’s attention; not only she was the team’s manager but his classmate
He got closer to her and had more things in common with her than you
Their friendship blossomed to the point it made you jealous
He would always make sure you were happy telling you he loved you and she was just a friend
She got closer to him and he got closer to her to the point of hanging out, even at her house
He didn’t dare cheat on you, he would never do that to you
But he did fall in love with his manager, but never had the heart to cheat on you
He and his manager wanted him to break up with you so it wouldn’t hurt you; she was being nice about it
It took months for him to actually have the courage to break up with you; you weren’t dumb either you knew he fell out of love with you
When he actually told you the truth you broke down a bit, sitting on the pavement close to your house
“I’m sorry y/n I’m truly am” he kept holding your hands “I can’t ask you to stay when she’s waiting for you Kuroo, just go to her” you voiced out weakly
Weeks of crying and moping around, your heart kept breaking into so many pieces seeing them together, happily
Took months to finally calm yourself down, “hey do you need help?” You were trying to reach a textbook high on the shelf “can you?”
“Of course” Your classmate smiled beautifully
Your recovery of healing, your classmate was one of a kind to be honest, someone that was willing to take your pain away
Kuroo was feeling empty with his new girlfriend, to the point he would walk away from her
He would walk home alone, wondering if you already ate
Before realizing you weren’t his anymore which made him ball his fists in anger and in saddness
He wouldn’t get sleep either, which made Yaku scold him
He felt lonely, the warmth you gave him that would always make him blush and smile stupidly wasn’t there anymore
He missed you to the point of running back to you, to beg for forgiveness
It stopped him from doing it seeing you kiss your new boyfriend on the streets bidding goodbye to each other
Broke him to the point he could never go back
He was stuck in his own little world where you two were still together, to wake up next to you smiling and teasing each other
It was his fault for thinking he fell out of love with you
He would never show these emotions to his teammates; Kenma isn’t dumb he knows
It took something like losing a game to make him break
He couldn’t take it anymore, he wanted to be in your arms
“Y/n!” He shouted tackling you into a hug in the dark halls of the gym
He cried so loud whispering his apologies, begged you to stay to come back
“It wouldn’t be fair to him Kuroo, it wouldn’t be fair for me either” He trembled in your arms as he tried to make you stay
“Tell me that you love me” he whispered
“just this once” he asks in a broken voice
“Lie to me” he gripped on to your sweatshirt, the only thing he could hold on to at the moment
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iheartbookbran · 3 years
Ok so actually my biggest problem with the whole “Daenerys will burn KL” theory—not even the Mad Queen Dany theory, which is of course very sexist for obvious reasons, but just like, the idea that Dany will ~accidentally~ ignite the wildfire in the city, burning it all to the ground. That, at first, doesn’t sound that bad, but the longer I think about it the more I hate it because tbh it doesn’t do anything for her character? And also… that fate for her is just down right cruel.
Like, the most frequent argument I see on why this would be at all satisfactory for Dany’s arc is basically that it would be a sort of lesson for her about the dangers of unchecked power and the real threat the Dragons can pose on humans and that she shouldn’t use them to fight against other people. And that’s all well and good, excellent message… except that’s not something Dany’s ever really needed to learn? Not anymore that her fellow rulers, which I will touch on more detail later, but in general Dany has seen what the abuse of power can do. Starting with her conflicting feelings regarding Viserys and how she recognizes that even though he was her brother and she loved him, he also abused his power over her as her older brother, her only family and her king; she feels guilt about the atrocities Drogo committed to the lhazarene and tries to help them; she feels so much guilt about not handling things correctly in Astapor that she decides to throw away all her plans to go to Westeros and instead stays in Meereen.
And about not knowing the true danger that her dragons can pose? I mean, this is the same girl that literally agonizes across several of her ADWD chapters because Drogon killed a child, and then takes the extreme measure of caging Rhaegal and Viserion to prevent that from ever happening again. I think she’s at least a little bit aware that the dragons can be dangerous, thank you very much.
Ok so this got long...
Anyways, the only time Dany legit uses Drogon to harm someone and not just as bluff was at the house of the Undying, where she was being attacked, and in Astapor… and like, lmao, that asshole Kraznys mo Nakloz and the rest of his slaver buddies deserved it. Don’t at me. Also, Dany’s hardly the only one with a big magical and deadly beast at her disposal, why didn’t Robb had to go through some horrifying traumatic incident to learn he shouldn’t use Grey Wind in battle to tear his enemies’ throats. Bran will be learning about the dangers of abusing power, but that’s linked to his magic powers and an actual reprehensible thing he’s doing, not the use of his glorified prehistoric dog to kill, which he’s done, just like Robb. By all means let the narrative hold Dany accountable for her mistakes… but her actual mistakes and not shit she has no control over, because she doesn’t have much control over Drogon or the other dragons even though she’s trying to, and that’s very obvious in her last ADWD chapter where she’s delirious and Drogon could kill her at any moment, and she knows that.
The other big argument people make for Dany burning KL (even if it’s by accident!) is that it will teach her about the price of war, that someone as young as her shouldn’t be leading armies and conquering kingdoms, and that fighting for the Iron Throne is not a worthy cause, and I feel like that misses the actual point of her story by a mile. First of all because a) Dany is hardly the only teenage ruler in the story and b) this is a fantasy medieval story, a lot of the characters shouldn’t be doing the things they do, aaaand yet. Also speaking of other teenage rulers with far more power that they should have—Robb and Jon, being the biggest examples.
Granted, Robb and Jon aren’t exactly successful during their time as rulers, they’re literally betrayed and killed by their own men (even if Jon will technically come back for round 2 of bullshit he’s too tired for). But the moral of their stories is not that they lost because theirs was an unworthy cause and they were stupid kids wholly unprepared for their roles. And I actually partially agree! They are just kids, including Dany, and they shouldn’t be responsible for looking after so many others and going to battle, but their cause is still just and worthy, even with all the mistakes they make along the way. Robb didn’t loose because he was wrong in demanding justice for his family or trying to protect the riverlands from the Lannisters and their minions, he lost because Tywin Lannister was a giant coward who couldn’t take him out in a fair fight.
Likewise, it isn’t wrong of Jon to try to incorporate refugees from beyond the Wall into Westeros. He’s not too stupid and honorable to do politics like his father (how I hate when people insult Jon and Ned like that), and while he did some very obvious mistakes that inevitably ended in a coup and in him dying, this is more connected to his inability to let go of his ties with his family (mainly Arya or who he believes to be her), and in isolating himself from his friends and the people he could actually trust.
I’ve always thought that Dany and Jon share a parallel narrative within the story, so while Jon is struggling with that Dany is faced with similar problems. She cages her dragons, that to her represent the only family she has left, and she tries to compromise with the slavers, marry a man she doesn’t love, pretend she’s ok with reopening the fighting pit. While she tries her best to rule wisely in Meereen, it all comes at the cost of betraying herself and her beliefs, so it’s no surprise when it all crashes around her and she’s betrayed and nearly killed. Ironically, it is Drogon who comes to rescue her.
If they are monsters, so am I.—Daenerys II, ADWD.
This is hands down one of my favorite Dany quotes from the whole series, and I hate that it’s been given such a negative connotation in the fandom, when for me it represents Dany’s humanity and compassion at the fullest.
GRRM has a knack for humanizing the ‘monsters’ of his story, for showing the good in the outcasts and the ugly and the scary. He embraces their ‘otherness’ and makes them the heroes of his stories; Arya, Bran, Brienne, Dany, Tyrion, Jon, Theon and many others are all compared to monsters or beasts at one point or another in the books.
Dany sees herself in her dragons, literal monsters in every sense of the word. Later on she faces Drogon inside the pit, and in that moment you could say that she accepts that ‘monstrous’ part of her, and in doing so she’s saved from her fate of dying at the hands of the men who would crucify innocent children and gleefully profit off of the suffering of their fellow human beings while watching them fight each other to the death for their own amusement. Now tell me who’s the real monster in this situation.
But shortly before that happens, Dany is able to see the humanity in Tyrion, an outcast who has been branded as monstrous and unlovable due to his disability all his life, a man who has come to believe in his abusers’ rhetoric about him so strongly that he’s started to act cruel and detached. She saves his life. She sees value in his life when few others would, because she cares.
I’ve always find it funny that the “dragons plant no trees” is—another—example fans use to argue in favor of Dany’s descent into Darkness™ because the actual scene goes like this:
You are a queen, her bear said. In Westeros.
"It is such a long way," she complained. "I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war. I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow. I am only a young girl."
No. You are the blood of the dragon. The whispering was growing fainter, as if Ser Jorah were falling farther behind. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words.—Daenerys X, ADWD.
Now am I the only one who finds it at least a bit relevant that it’s freaking Jorah Mormont aka Jorah the Enslaver whom Dany’s subconscious, at her literal lowest moment, utilizes to represent this particular thought, which btw I’ve always interpreted as Dany’s own self-loathing manifesting in her, and this is something she’s actually always struggled with—the idea that she’s not enough and she’s failing. Because above all things, even Westeros or the Iron Throne, what Dany wants is peace, she wants to plant trees.
When Dany made her descent, Reznak and Skahaz dropped to their knees. "Your Worship shines so brightly, you will blind every man who dares to look upon you," said Reznak. […] This match will save our city, you will see."
"So we pray. I want to plant my olive trees and see them fruit." Does it matter that Hizdahr's kisses do not please me? Peace will please me. Am I a queen or just a woman?—Daenerys VII, ADWD.
But of course the world doesn’t work like that, and so long as there’s Jorahs and Tywins and Eurons out there, men who would take the freedom of humans and submit them to their will, Dany can’t have the luxury of peace, just like Jon can’t have the luxury of belonging and family so long as there’s people still beyond the Wall who need his protection.
And I think that’s fine. It’s fine that Dany failed, it will help her develop as a character and realize that there’s no room to compromise with slavers, the metaphorical monsters of the story who do far more harm than the other more literal ‘monsters’ of the story. So that when she has to face down Euron Greyjoy—who btw, there’s a high chance he will end up stealing one of Dany’s dragons via Victarion using Dragonbinder… y’know, as in enslaving one of her children and using said dragon to inflict god knows what horrors, yet not many people ever consider this for some reason?—she will know. When she has to face down the Others, the magical ice fairies with no regard for human life, she will know.
That’s why I believe that it would make absolutely no sense for Dany to have to go through such a tragic and traumatic experience like burning a whole city even by pure accident, over something that’s either never been a problem with her character or she’s well into her way of learning anyways, so it would just feel repetitive. As I have pointed out, she’s already reached one of the lowest moments of her arc. Not saying there will be no other blows for her, and probably the destruction of KL will be one of them, and knowing Dany she will feel responsibility over it no matter what, but that doesn’t mean she has to be the culprit, intentional or otherwise.
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