#who is going to pay for THEIR childhood ect ect
crabbunch · 1 year
anyways i think that danzo and hiruzen are like those two old heckling muppets. i want to dunk them in milk and throw them against the walls. i think that they should work together to commit new war crimes. to me their dynamic is very much NOT "hiruzen indulging an old friend in his evil acts cuz hes sentimental" and very much "hiruzen is in charge of propaganda so hes 'nice' and danzo does the dirty work and sometimes they try to assassinate each other for fun." thats romance babyyy!!!!
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loveemagicpeace · 3 months
Annual Profections
✨Annual profections are used to identify themes and focal points for the years ahead. Annual profections use a circular chart (similar to your birth chart) divided into 12 equal sections, with each sector signifying a certain astrological house and ruling planet (also known as a Time Lord). U also always have to look for a sign that u have in the house because shows the theme and also the ruler of the house is very important.
1st house profection year
The first house shows you, appearance, personality, world view, interests, body shape and complexion, body vitality and strength, early childhood impressions ect.. This year shows you and how you experience the world around you. You get to know what kind of person you are and what you like about yourself. Many times there is a change in appearance and you start to change your style. More love can enter your life. During this year, significant things may occur to your aesthetics or who you are as a person. You may grow or change in some way, or simply reconnect to yourself in a deeper way, coming into a truer sense of self.
2nd house profection year
The second house shows things related to money, finances, pleasures, food, luxury. You can spend much more time enjoying the good things. You are in a state where you are looking more for value in others and in yourself. You look at it, which values ​​are more important to you. You pay more attention to what you eat. You have greater contact with memory and memories in general. You lose something to gain something new. You can focus more on your inner feelings and how you feel about things. Contact with people is important to you. Finances may change, perhaps new opportunities for earning. You look more at how you give things and how you receive them. What you want to give to others and how much you want to receive yourself. The career path can be in the foreground and also long journeys related to work. This house can also represent some pleasure you find with another person. You can fall in love during this time or find someone you really appreciate or really care about.
3rd house profection year
This house has a lot to do with siblings. If you didn't have that much contact with them before, you will have more now. You can connect with them more and spend more time with them. Short trips (you can often go somewhere). A lot of driving. The rides can be related to a certain person or it can just be that there is more energy to travel a lot. You are starting to place greater emphasis on people's mentality, communication and intelligence. Conversations during this time are important. You're looking more for conversations with like-minded people. You can meet someone by chance. Your thinking can change. This year is also the year that shows the reason for moving away from home. Spouse's long journeys and his religious beliefs. During this time you can find yourself on a mental level and what kind of thinking you like. You look much more at how someone thinks and it is important to you that someone has good communication and you can also give a lot to it at this time.
4th house profection year
This year is related to home, family, mother, house, real estate. Situations after completed events such as (e.g. mood, attitude towards the situation, the outcome of things at the end of relationships, jobs, divorce). It shows the family tradition and how you maintain it. Conditions in later life. During this time, moving away from home is common, finding a new place in your life and a place where you feel safe. Financial situation of loved ones. During this time, you can put more emphasis on your comfort zone and how you feel somewhere. Where do you really want to be and where is the place you were looking for? It also shows the relationship you have with your family and how you maintain it. This house is also subject to love relationships, so it is more in the foreground.
5th house profection year
This house shows relaxation, fun, hobbies, children. During this time, you can focus more on your hobbies and finding relaxation. Gambling can be good. You can get money fast. If you are artistic, this may be heightened during this time, or you may discover a newfound sense of creativity. You may also desire to have children or come into focus with them in some other way. During this time, you and your spouse can spend more time with friends or be more social and go to parties. You are looking for passion more than usual and it is also much more important to you. You can also be more noticed for your work and have a larger audience. U can get a baby or become pregnant. The 5th house is like being young again, you feel like you can do anything you can imagine without a bad conscience. You follow yourself and follow the sun that is in front of you. This is the most shining house, because here you shine regardless of everything, regardless of what others think and what others expect. You can be selfish when it comes to your joy and hobbies A very pleasant house, because somehow you also feel more visible. Enjoy the things that the sun brings you.
6th house profection year
This house is related to routine and your way of life (the life you live every day). Maybe you can make a change in your life (for example, you start to live healthier, take care of your health and your body). It is also possible to change your job during this time, especially if you are not satisfied with it. Maybe you get a new pet or are thinking about getting one. But this house is also related to health, so you have to take better care of yourself. Maybe you can focus more on how your body works and how you take care of your hygiene. You can start using some body products or creams. Above all, this is the time when you are more focused on how your day works, what you would change and what you wouldn't.
7th house profection year
This house is related to relationships, marriage, and the general public. This year you will be much more focused on your relationships that you have with people not only romantic relationships, but in general the relationships, maybe you will be much more picky about it. But also with romantic relationships could happen that you can get married or engaged. This year can be future for love. and also for your partner you can also get a person who is the person of your dreams. A good friend can move abroad. During this time, you can also see all your conflicts with people (who suits you and who doesn't). Maybe you can have enemies or rivals. The outcome of the disease can also be here. You can also be invited to a wedding or one of your relatives is getting married. But there is a big focus on the relationship and how you get along with others.
8th house profection year
This house is an emphasis on depth, everything that is deeper and hidden. During this time, you can transform yourself internally and understand many things emotionally. Connections with legacies (which means it can be the beginning of something or the end). You can acquire some property. Because this house is also connected to others (you can gain a lot of others). You can get a lot of money through others. You can inherit something from your partner, or if you get married during this time, you will gain a lot from the marriage). The results of lawsuits are also shown here. You may encounter astrology or the spiritual world for the first time during this time. Short trips to work are also possible. You can find out some important secrets of people and at the same time the truth that you have been looking for for a long time. Maybe you will be more prone to seek the truth.
9th house profection year
This house is related to belief, path, spirituality in a different way. Lots of long trips to places you haven't seen before. You can go somewhere more spiritual. A lot of learning about the world and the people around you. You can finish the faculty, get a higher education. Or you start school again. Think more about what you are committed to and why. You are much more looking for optimism, happiness. It is also the house of marriage, so marriage can be more prominent. You are looking for more commitment into something. Things you can gain from spiritual and psychic experiences. You can connect more with your consciousness and find a higher part of yourself. It shows the health of the parent of the opposite sex to you. Enjoying love situations and finding new love. Many people do not realize that this house is also very prone to love, but in a different way and that marriage is manifested here. During this time you can learn a lot and get to know many things in life. Maybe you turn over a new leaf and start over. You go on a trip that gives you a new perspective. You learn that belief is the most important thing.
10th house profection year
This house is related to career and how you work in your profession. This year can be crucial in terms of your career and a lot can change. The connections with the father are more in the foreground and what is the relationship with him. Fame is also possible at this time. Many more karmic things can happen to you and everything that happens is more likely to happen. It is also the house of pride and how proud you are of yourself and how you show it in your voice. You want more respect from people. You work more on yourself and your ambitions. Spiritual resources and opportunities are also included. The rewards of karma. Money earned on long trips. This house teaches you a lot and gives you a lot. You become more mature and start to think and look at things more maturely. You are more dedicated to the thing you are working on and you are more focused on important things.
11th house profection year
This house is prone to friends, interests you have, dreams and hopes. This year you can be more focused on your dreams and hopes and have more expectations that it will happen. You become more rebellious towards some things and choose more for things that are really close to you. Maybe at this time you also have more considerations about who you are and who others are. Do you follow others or yourself. Fines and penalties are also associated with this house. You may think more about what you will spend your money on this year. You can also change a lot of friends and meet new better ones. This is the time when you work on your interests and dreams and when you meet a lot of new people. You get to know a part of yourself and how you function in society. You can also realize that many times you feel alienated from others. Or that you are very different from others. This house is usually related to how you do something differently than others.
12th house profection year
This house is associated with spirituality, the subconscious. Many unexpected and unforeseen realizations occur during this time. You start thinking about yourself more in an internal sense. You may also feel more alienated from others and spend more time alone. It is also the house of the hardest battles and tasks. Which means that during this time you can deal with many things that are foreign to you. It is a symbol of misfortunes, losses, enemies. You can also lose someone during this time. It can also represent the end of a romantic relationship. During this time, you can find new ways of relaxing and possibly sleeping. You can sleep better. Many things from the past can come up at this time and you also look back at how things were. You can also connect better with yourself and your soul.
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bkglovergirl · 5 months
Hi there! So I was wondering if you could make a fic about bakugou x reader, where she and bakugou were childhood friends similar to him and deku, but the reader has been obvious about her crush on him, always complimenting him, telling him she likes him, even going to UA with him.
He would always straight up rejects her but lowkey likes her, (moving forward to kats arc where hes being a better person lol) the reader still makes him bentos from time to time, always follows him but it doesn't seem to 'irritate' him as much (hes just so happy with her always taking his side), patching him up ect. you get the picture
that is until a girl from class B started taking a liking to bakugou as well and theres a senario where reader gets the wrong idea and think that they're dating class B bitch who always tries to get on her nerves, but in reality bakugou straight up rejects her
reader changing bla bla bla, bakugou being like "WHYD YOU STOP BABYING ME STUPID ASS??!"
readers like "wtf?" bakugous like, "if you we have a problem talk to me, im your bf after all"
sorry if its long. i had a wonderful dream id like to relive ❤️
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Bakugou X Reader
Childhood friends to lovers
I love the miscommunication trope, the ending is a little bit different.
Word Count: 2.3k
Ever since you could remember and much to Bakugou’s dismay you, Deku, and him have been childhood best friends. One thing is very well known between the trio. You have the biggest crush on Katsuki Bakugou. You make sure it’s known. The first time you realized you liked him, you told him almost right away. You both were around the age of seven and were at a playground fooling around. Neither of you guys had gotten your quirks and you “trained” at this particular playground every day whenever you could. You were running chasing the “villain” Deku around and around. Both your faces had dirt covered and you knew with how your clothes looked your mom was gonna be upset at you but who cares? You didn't.
“I’m gonna get you!”
“Nuh-uh!” Deku runs behind the slide and you follow after. 
“Boo! Huh?” He had disappeared, quickly you looked around and saw him running up onto the base of the playhouse and into one of the small tunnels that connect the two. You run after. Not paying attention you miss one of the steps on the stairs and fall. Bakugou close behind went to go catch you and it was right then and there his quirk manifested and burned your arm as he grabbed you. “Ow! Ow!” You whined looking up at Bakugou. 
“Are you okay?!” Deku comes running back down towards you both and you are slightly dazed so Bakugou asks again, “Are you okay!”
“Your quirk! Bakugou your quirk!!” 
“I KNOW STUPID BUT ARE YOU OKAY?” You and Deku both give each other a look before looking at Bakugou. 
“Yes, I’m okay!” you lied. “Bakugou, your quirk!” He smiled, and it was almost like you watched his ego form right then and there. 
‘Hell yeah, I got my quirk before you two!' He turns and puts his arm out away from you guys and gives a small blast. “Look how cool it is!” After some of the excitement dies down, you manage to beg Bakugou to give you a piggyback as he walks you home after you both drop off Deku. “I don’t see the point in this.” He adjusts you on his back a bit to make it more comfortable for himself.
“Think of this as payback.” You giggle as you hear him groan. “Hey Bakugou?”
“I like you.”
Years later you guys got into UA together and lucky for you and Izuku, in the same classroom as well. Confessing to Katsuki happens at least every other week, and him rejecting you happens every time. You both have gotten into a schedule. You’d walk to school and on certain days bring him a Bento box. You’d go to class and try and do everything with him if Mr Aizawa allows it. At the end of the day, Katsuki always walks you to your dorm before walking to his. 
You knock on Katsuki's door and hear some grumbling before he answers the door, “Why can’t I get you at your dorm? Why do you always come to mine?” You shrug and hand him the Bento box you made him. “You gotta stop making these.”
“You say that, but you love it!” he rolls his eyes and takes it out of your hands. You both start walking to class together. “So I was thinking you and I could pair up because I heard Izuku and Todoroki are gonna pair up.” 
“Why do you always wanna pair up together.” “To save you from the embarrassment of not getting picked.”
“I would get picked!”
“Absolutely not.” You go to open the door to the classroom but Katsuki quickly opens it for you, you smile and walk in. 
You follow him to lunch and sit next to him. He grumbles his small complaint but quickly eats the food he complained about. He never says thank you or compliments the food, but you know he appreciates it by how empty he leaves the bento once he’s done. “It’s cold.”
“Stop complaining, maybe you should have brought your jacket.”
“Alright asshole my fault I forgot it!” The bickering goes back a forth a bit before you stand up, “Walk without me I need to talk to Denki about something.”
You switch the song on your phone before putting it in your skirt pocket and walk to class. You smile seeing Katsuki ahead of you and run to catch up but stop quickly. Katsuki is handing a girl his jacket and she’s smiling at him. Your heart sinks and you feel nauseous as you watch him open the door for the girl. You look at his face. ‘Is he blushing?!’ you bite the inside of your cheek and walk into the classroom. You hear Katsuki call after you but you ignore him. The small banter between you two is non-existent and the whole class quickly takes notice because you are uncomfortably quiet. The notes Katsuki passes to you go unread and you push them off your desk. Katsuki is panicking in his head, he is going through every single thing he’s done today and he can’t think of anything he has done wrong. You were fine at lunch and if anything happened you wouldn't ignore him, if anything you'd whine and complain to him about it. To Katsuki’s surprise, he’s really annoyed you aren't complaining to him. The bell rings and you quickly stuff your bag with all your things and speed walk to the door. “Hi is Katsu there?!” of course, you would run into her and Katsu?! Who the fuck does she think she is? Everyone is staring at the two of you, you step to the side to let the girl in and she runs up to Katsuki. “Katsu!” Your classmate's eyes follow the girl and look at you thinking the same exact thing you are. You shrug and walk out.
The next morning you walk to the classroom by yourself. Denki and Izuku come to check on you but you wave them off saying you are okay. Before they both walk away you quickly ask Denki to be partners in training. He gives a look to Izuku before agreeing. Katsuki walks in minutes later, late. He tries to talk to you but Aizawa tells him to get into his seat and he obeys. 
Training starts a couple of hours later, and just like you guessed, no one wants to partner with Katsuki. He watched as you walked over to Denki when Aizawa announced that you all should grab partners. He’s crushed but shakes it off. His pride stops him from walking up to you. Kirishima takes one for the team and partners up with Katsuki. The training goes well, and surprisingly, you and Denki are a great team.
“I think we should be a team more often, Y/N!” You smile, agreeing with him. The next set of teams that are put against each other are You and Denki vs. Kirishima and Katsuki. During the whole fucking battle you manage to avoid Katsuki, you don’t know how you manage to pull that off and neither does he because he tried so hard to come after you specifically. By the end of the battle you and Denki come out victorious and Katsuki is pissed. Katsuki rips off his gauntlet looking at you and Denki walking off together and talking.
“Denki I-”
“Kaminari.” he corrects.
“Kaminari.” You smile. “I just don’t get it. Who the fuck is that girl?! Where did she come from? I’m with Katsuki so much how did I not notice there was another girl.”
“Doesn't he reject you all the time?”
“A part of me doesn't like it’s a rejection. He likes the things I do for him, but his rejection seems like a wait, not a no.” you put your hands up to your face, “I’ve liked him since we were little. The memory of me first liking him is imprinted into my body! How do you just get over that? How do you get over Katsuki Bakugou.” Kaminari puts his hand out to stop you from walking into a wall. You look at him and his face is looking at you with confusion.
“What do you mean by imprinted?” You roll up your sleeve and show him the big scar that was left on your body. 
“This happened when his quirk first manifested. It was by accident and instead of celebrating his quirk he made sure I was okay first.”
“That doesn't sound like Bakugou.”
“I KNOW!” You rest your back against the wall, and Kaminari leans against it facing you. You don’t know how long you talked, but at some point, the talking turned into scheming. Katsuki comes walking up and the girl is right next to him talking away and honestly, he’s annoyed. It takes everything in him not to scream in her face. He sees you first. Then he sees Kaminari leaning against the wall next to you. At the same time, you see him first. Then the girl walking next to him. He takes note that he’s changed and cleaned up after training, you guys aren't even changed out of your hero outfits and are still all messy. The training ended an hour ago. He stops walking which the girl next to him takes as a green light to wrap her arms around his arm. Kaminari notices and quickly stands in front of you to block your line of view.
“Don’t look it’s only gonna hurt more.”
“Come to my dorm.”
“Come to my dorm right now.” You grab his arm and drag him away aggressively. Kaminari has to stop himself from complaining your grip hurts.
Katsuki got up early enough to get to your dorm room. He knows this is the time you leave, he knows your exact schedule to the T. He knows your whole life and who you're close with so he’s honestly so fucking confused why you walk out of your dorm room and run up to Denki fucking Kaminari. On top of that, you hand him a bento box. His fucking Bento box. He’s stunned and stands there like a dumb ass watching as you walk away with him.
Class is giving him a headache. He just feels the need to take as many pain pills as he can. You and Denki have been joking around non-stop and it doesn't help that you sit in front of Katsuki and Denki sits in front of you. The class feels like forever. There is no training today so it is just class and he doesn't know how long he can just sit here and watch as you painfully ignore him. He concludes he’ll talk to you before lunch but that plan is quickly foiled as the girl from class 1B comes barging into the classroom like she owns the place and attaches herself to him. Katsuki watches as you stare a second before Kaminari puts an arm around your shoulder and walks you out of the room as quickly as he can. He makes a new plan that he’ll talk to you at lunch but that plan is also quickly ruined as the girl blocks him at his table so he can’t get up and go to you. So as your plan goes perfectly, he gets a perfect view of you and Kaminari sitting and having lunch together. He then makes plan number three, he’ll follow you around until he gets the perfect moment to yell at you. It’s perfect. He follows you to class with the annoying girl talking away. He sits in pain the whole rest of class as he watches you and Kaminari fool around the whole time.
“Why are you following me around.” You turn to look at him. You landed at your childhood park once you realized Katsuki was following you around. It’s cold and you hug yourself.
“So she speaks.”
“Don’t be an ass Bakugou. Why are you following me?” Katsuki’s stomach sinks. At least he knows how you feel now.
“Bakugou?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What’s wrong with me?”
‘Don’t act fucking stupid.” He takes off his jacket and gets closer to you, You take a step back. “See what I mean?! I’m trying to give you my jacket and you step away from me! What the fuck Y/N!”
“Sorry, I don’t want what another girl got.”
“What are you- oh…”
“Yeah oh! Kaminari told me I wasn't being stupid but maybe I am! Maybe I should have stopped liking you when you rejected me the first time! BUT NO!” you get closer grabbing his shirt, “You make it so fucking difficult to not be in love with you!” He stares at you and leans down, as much as you don’t want to, you push him away. “No this had gotta stop. I’m not gonna let you keep toying with me and I gotta stop being so delusional.”
“You aren't being delusional.”
“Really because that girl has gotten more attention than I have gotten from you in years. Every time I confess since we were kids you act like I didn't say anything!”
“I just wasn't ready for things to change.” you scoff at him.
“It was always going to change! Did you like dragging me along? Where did that other girl come from?” you sit down on one of the swings and kick some wood chips. Putting your hands on the chain.
“I just wanted to make sure I liked you and I wasn't just… I don't fucking know! You're the only girl who has been in my life that wasn't my mom!” you glare at him.
“Listen Y/N, I know it was stupid but I just needed to know before our relationship changed and I fucked everything up.” “So what was this conclusion from your stupid fucking experiment?” Katsuki takes this as a green light to come closer to you. You don’t say anything.
“That no girl compares.”
“Wow, Romeo it took you that long?” Katsuki stands in front of you and puts his hand on top of yours. You look up at him.
“Yeah, I know.”
“I’m not confessing again.”
“I know.” He leans down and kisses you. 
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k-tarotz · 9 months
Could you please make a post on how sunghoon would act around his crush??💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you for your request lovely, Also thank you for your patience it was quite busy around Christmas and new years but now I have energy to continue the "how does x act around their crush" series! 🩵
Temperance, 6 of wands, 2 of cups
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How Sunghoon would act around his crush:
First of all loyal! Like you know how some people are like "it's just a crush, I can still look at other people or even go on dates with others" that's like the exact opposite from sunghoon- (nothing against those people though!) Like this boy is committed even to his crush, without his crush even knowing that hoon has a crush on them, it's just in his nature. There is also high potential that Sunghoon didn't had many crushes yet, since he was pretty busy already since his childhood pretty much. But yes he is the kind of boy to have eyes only for his crush and no one else, his mind being with his crush the whole time too. Daily thoughts of his crush is nothing new to him, it might be a bit frustrating even
Jelly! He sees his crush linking arms with someone? (even if it's just a friend) boy would be incredibly jelly and sad and annoyed like a small little roller-coaster of bad emotions would go on. He would try to hide it the best way possible though, he doesn't want his crush to know and especially not to find out through his jealousy. But he would be quite often jealous, even little things like his crush eating dinner with someone else or even calling with a friend on their phone - he might subconsciously even pout and think "it should be me! I can treat them better!" (Shawn Mendes has such a song I think, this fits sunghoon so well lmao-)
Clingy! Yet try not to be, or at least hold it back if he doesn't know this person for long yet. But things like trying to read his crush's messages while they are texting on their phone next to him. Trying to spend more time with his crush of course! If he has his crush's number he would text nearly everyday - and expect an answer the same day of course, checking up on his crush is a must. He would physically be Clingy too but only if his crush is close to him, like if they never hugged before yet he won't just hug them out of nowhere, but if they already know each other well and already had (Innocent) physical contact then he would try to do more or at least for longer. Definitely holding hands, hugging and an arm around them. Maybe secretly smelling his crush's hair also! Sunghoon is definitely into physical affection, just with the right person, probably isn't into pda though
Insecure/Anxious unfortunately he would have self doubts about himself (even though he is literally such a nice person and handsome) like "maybe I'm not handsome enough for them" or get Insecure about simple things like a small pimple or an angle that could possibly make him look bad ect but also things like "wait hold up do I have something between my teeth?" Like he would quickly check up on things like that with a mirror before going to his crush and talking to them
Shy! He can try to hide it but would he success? Not really! If you pay close attention to him you can see him slightly blushing at times, he also giggles/laughs when he gets shy. He will get shy quite easily around his crush like they stroke their hair behind their ear while laughing at Sunghoon's joke? Boy would blush and giggle and be over the moon! Like legit it doesn't take him much to get shy!
Proud! Now Sunghoon is someone who will feel proud and acknowledged if he gets praised for things! By things I don't mean his looks, because that's not really something he did you know? He would get Proud if he gets praised for example for singing nicely, or for dancing good, or if he for example builds up something all by himself, if he cooks/bakes! He would genuinely feel so warm and loved by that, could subconsciously make his crush bigger
Feeling safe! Since sunghoon had quite a lot of responsibilities to carry on his shoulders for a looong time he would love it if he can just feel safe around his crush with no responsibilities tied to it, he could possibly prefer someone older than him by a few years because he seems to have the mentality of "Oh if they are younger than me then I have to take care of them" like you know? Especially since he is a big brother he is used to that feeling, so there is just thar potential of this preference. Aside from wanting to feel safe like that, he would love to make his crush feel safe around him too! Which brings us to the next chapter...
Trustworthy! Sunghoon is genuinely someone very trustworthy like you tell him a secret and he won't tell anyone else! He will keep everything private that should stay private! His friends, family and crush can trust him if he says something he will do it and stick to it. He is also not someone who would play with anyone's feelings at all, you can trust him with your heart and everything, he will also stick to all his promises!
Honest! You know those people who like.. sometimes lie or exaggerate stories that they tell to their crush or even friends to impress them? That's also the opposite of Sunghoon, he is humble and honest he will try to impress his crush for example by telling how many medals he won but its not to brag but literally yelling his story and hoping it's enough to impress. Of course he would be very honest in general with his crush! He would want the same honesty back as that and being loyal is very important to him
Humble! So as already mentioned he would be humble, like he already is but around his crush even more! Especially if his crush isn't in the same industry as him like if they aren't a public person at all, he would never say anything like "I'm an idol and you are just (..)" at all. He would always look at his crush as equal even if they don't have the same job at all. He would never put his crush down on purpose, not for anything in this world
Caring! If he notices that it's getting colder he would give his crush those small heatpacks that you can carry in your pockets, he would tell them to not catch a cold and he would even go out of his way and buy a scarf for his crush, gently wrapping it around their neck. He would be caring in many many more ways, this was just one example! He would genuinely care about his crush, their health, their feelings and more, always watching out for his crush
Secret Admirer! Alright so this one would especially happen if his crush and him aren't that close yet, but also some of those still after they are close. He would definitely watch his crush sometimes without speaking because he might be too shy or anxious at the moment, regardless watching his crush would make him happy. He would be the type to buy small presents and leave them at his crush's thingy wherever they can have access to it, but no no no not just random or simple presents like flowers or chocolate no! You know how you once mentioned months ago that you liked this one perfume and try to save up for it? Guess what he got... yes that perfume! Sunghoon is someone who pays attention to his beloved ones and he has a good memory, so he will remember such things and get them when the time is right (example: his crush's birthday, valentines day or any other important holiday but it can also be on a random day just not too close after they told him so it's not too obvious it's from him) and ge genuinely enjoys spoiling his beloved ones. He would possibly leave small sweet notes with them like "you are amazing "
Playful! Especially with jokes like he would try his best to make his crush laugh, especially with puns! He would feel so proud and good about himself if he succeeds and he would enjoy making his crush laugh! He would try not to overdue it with his jokes but also remember the ones that made his crush laugh so he can say similar ones. Laughing together with his crush would be the perfect bonding!
Nicknames! Sunghoon is someone who is quite into Nicknames so he would love to be called nicknames from his crush. His favorite nicknames are "Hyung, baby, oppa" (jay is older than sunghoon but sunghoon made him call him hyung and genuinely enjoyed that, so he might also like it if his crush calls him hyung/oppa even/especially in case they are older than sunghoon, it depends on his mood though) like he often says "I'm not a baby" but secretly he likes it, especially when his feminine side is out more - in one of his current lives he also said "you can call me whatever you want if you say I'm cute, cool or sexy.. I like it either way" so it all really depends on his mood a bit but in general he really loves nicknames and is fine with multiple ones, different kinds - especially if his crush is close to him!
Respectful! You know how some people just can't accept a no and especially not a rejection? Opposite from sunghoon again. If sunghoon ever decides to confess to his crush, it could take months or longer because he is someone with lots anxiety, and his crush rejects him then of course he will be sad and heartbroken but he would accept it and not try any further. Sunghoon is one of the most respectful idols we ever saw and on top of that we don't think ge would try to chase after anyone, especially if they make it clear that they have no feelings for him at all. He would still think about his crush, but regardless try his best to move on, not trying to make any moves on them at all. He might avoid his crush until enough time has passed because he would need time to heal
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Thank you everyone for reading this, possibly liking, commenting or reblogging this! ♡ it takes time and energy to write those kinda readings as I try to be quite detailed with those so it might take a bit until I answer the next request of this series - regardless its also very fun to do so feel free to request this with whoever you want and I will answer once I recharged my energy! Thank you everyone!
- Hun
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jadewolf22 · 26 days
Hola! First of all, just want to say that your Lady Jane fic was AMAZING!!! You captured her perfectly and your writing is just *CHEF'S KISS*
Second of all, I have a fic request for you if you're up to it. Larissa and reader are having a date night at a local bar when Larissa's ex walks in and she starts acting weird. The three get into an altercation (reader has no clye the guy is Larissa's ex) and when Reader and Riss get home they get into a argument bc Larissa wont tell reader what the altercation was about. Eventually, Riss caves in and reader goes full protective girlfriend mode (I'll let you decide exactly how)
Can't wait to see what you do with this promt!!😁😚
Her Guard Dog
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Larissa x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, fighting (verbal&physical), mentions of abusive ex’s, descriptions of abuse, death threats, threats of bodily harm, slapping & choking (in a non-sexual way), talk of going to jail, ect…
Summary: What started out as a simple date night quickly goes south when Larissa runs into an ex who isn’t fond of seeing her with someone else.
A/n: Hola, anon! Thank you for the request, it’s right up my alley of writing. And thank you for the creative liberty with deciding how reader was going to be the protective girlfriend, I had way too much fun with it. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,461
The bar was warm and crowded when you and Larissa had arrived and the atmosphere hadn’t changed since. Not that either of you would have noticed, you were both too engrossed in each other to be paying any mind to what was happening around you. Even after a year of dating, the two of you still looked at each other like it was a love-at-first-sight situation even though you’d met through work. With Larissa being the principal of Nevermore and you being on the school board your schedules had overlapped quite a bit and you two had hit it off pretty quickly. Since then, these little dates had become a weekly occurrence, a chance to abandon work and bask in each other's company over a drink at a local bar your friend owned. The two of you were laughing over a childhood story you’d told when Larissa glanced towards the door, her smile falling and her laugh dying in her throat as she caught sight of a man standing in the doorway. 
“Everything alright?” you asked, following her gaze, but the man had moved on so you didn’t see him.
“Hmm? Oh, yes, I’m fine.” Larissa said dismissively, turning back to you, “Just tired, I suppose. Can we go home?”
“Yeah, sure.” you agreed, watching her closely, fully aware that she was lying to you, “Why don’t you go out to the car and I’ll pay the bill then meet you out there?”
“Don’t take too long.”
You watched Larissa walk out the door before turning to try and grab your friend's attention so you could pay the bill, missing the man from before following Larissa outside. Your friend had just handed you your check when your phone pinged, the check temporarily forgotten when you saw the text from Larissa:
Riss: S.O.S
“Hey, Isabelle,” you called to your friend, ice flooding your veins, “Can you put this on my tab and I’ll pay you tomorrow? I’ve gotta go, right now.”
“Yeah, no problem.” your friend nodded as you gathered up your phone and purse.
“Thanks, Isa!!” you shouted rushing out of the bar towards your car. 
Rushing to your car, fear flooded you at the sight of Larissa arguing with the man from before. You didn’t recognise him but there was time to worry about who he was later, anger quickly replacing your fear as you watched the man grab Riss by her arm, seeming to try and drag her away.
“Hey!” you cried as you approached, pushing the man away and getting between the two, “Get out of here! Riss, get in the car.”
The man simply chuckled, brushing off his suit and slicking back his hair with a sneer. “Listen to your guard dog, Rissy.” he taunted.
“Get the hell out of here!” you growled, turning your head towards Larissa as you whispered, “Please, get in the car.” 
Larissa nodded, quickly climbing into your car as you turned back to the man, suddenly overcome with the urge to slap that stupid sneer off his face. He eyed you up and down, studying you closely as if sizing you up as a threat. 
“I’m only gonna say it one more time,” you warned, reaching into the pocket of your jeans for your switchblade, “Get. The hell. Out of here.”
The man chuckled and shrugged, calling, “See ya around, Larissa!” before heading off down the street. 
You sighed, making sure the man was well out of sight before you climbed in the car. You sat there a moment, rubbing your hand over your face and nipping at your fingers as you tried to calm down, anger and disgust still ebbing away at you.
“We can talk about this when we get home,” you growled despite your best attempts to keep your voice gentle, starting up the car and driving off without another word. 
The drive back to Nevermore was uncomfortably silent as you tried to process what the hell had just happened. You didn’t know who that man was but, clearly, he knew Larissa, and that scared you. You had the feeling he wasn’t going to leave her alone anytime soon but how could you prevent that when you didn’t even know who the little fucker was? And you knew getting Riss to tell you anything was going to be like pulling teeth. 
When the two of you returned to Nevermore you headed straight up to Larissa’s private quarters, the door barely closing before you started asking questions.
“Okay Larissa, what the hell was that about?!” you asked, fighting to keep your voice calm and already losing. The sight of him putting his hands on her had already made you near-murderous, “Who was that?!”
“I—No one… It’s nothing—” Larissa stuttered quietly, looking down at the floor as she paced and wrung her hands together nervously.
“Larissa, don’t lie to me. That was not nothing. Who. Was. He?” 
“N-no one—”
“Goddamnit, Larissa! Don’t try and pull that bullshit on me!” you shouted, slamming your hand against the wall and immediately regretting it when Larissa flinched. She clung to herself, toying with the collar of her dress as she fought to breathe, tears welling in the corners of her eyes.
“Riss, I’m so sorry.” you whispered gently, slowly coming forward so you wouldn’t startle her, resting your hands on her arms and looking up into her eyes, “I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have yelled. I want to help you, but I can’t do that when you shut me out…”
“I d-don’t want you to g-get in-involved…” she whimpered, her body shaking as tears began to slide down her cheeks.
Guiding her to sit on the foot of the bed, you hugged Larissa close, rubbing her back and speaking to her softly, “I’m gonna get involved, Riss, whether you want me to or not. My job is to protect you, and I can’t do that if I don’t know who’s hurting you… Please, tell me who that was.”
“J-James…” Larissa sodded, clinging to you tightly.
Your heart dropped into your stomach, the name setting of several alarms in your head. “James? As in, James Hacker? As in, your abusive fiance? That James?”
Riss nodded frantically, choking out, “H-he’s been f-following me… I-I didn’y say anything because I-I didn’t know wh-what to do… I was s-so scared…”
“Shh. Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” you consoled, continuing to rub her back, “The only thing you need to do right now is take a shower and get ready for bed. I’m gonna run out, but I’ll be back in an hour.” 
“Wh-where are you going?” Larissa asked as you stood up and threw on your jacket, trading your heeled boots for a pair of tennis shoes. 
“I’m gonna go have a talk with James.” 
“No!” Larissa cried, grabbing your wrist tightly, “Y-you can’t!! He’ll hurt you!”
“Larissa. It’s okay.” you assured, gently prying her hands off of your wrist, “I can take care of myself. I’m just gonna go over and have a little chat with him. I’ll be back soon.”
“Please, don’t.” she begged, clearly terrified.
“Larissa…” a part of you wanted to cave in and stay with her, to make sure no one else could hurt her. But another, much stronger part of you wanted to ensure that James never came near Riss again, and you wanted to get it over with while your anger was still fresh, “I need to make sure that James stays away from you. I’m not gonna wait if there’s a chance he might actually hurt you. I don’t wanna think about what he might’ve done to you if I hadn’t come outside when I did… I promise I’ll be safe.” 
“...Okay…” Larissa whispered, letting go of you, “Just… don’t be gone long.”
“Like I said,” you kissed her cheek, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, “I won’t be gone more than an hour.”
Larissa nodded, watching you go sadly. You patted your blade as you climbed back into your car, driving off practically on autopilot as your mind reeled with thoughts of how you were going to get James to leave Riss alone. She’d told you about him pretty early into your relationship but had only recently told you just how awful and vile he truly was. He’d beaten her constantly for anything from making a suggestion after he’d been clear on plans to simply feeling like it, he would drug her drinks and then have his way with her for hours, made her cut off all contact with her friends and family, even went so far as trying to get her to resign at Nevermore and become a housewife. That was when Larissa had finally called things off. She’d packed her bags and left while he was at work, cutting off all contact with him and never looking back. You were proud of Riss for being able to remove herself from him, but you would never be able to let go of the pure hatred you held towards James. He had scarred Larissa, possibly for life, and now, almost two years later, you were finally getting the chance to pay him back.
Having started stalking James after Larissa had initially told you about him, you knew exactly where he lived, finding yourself pulling into his driveway twenty minutes later. The house was secluded and you knew he lived alone so, the only witnesses you would have to worry about was a potential one-night-stand. Climbing the steps onto the porch you banged your fist harshly against the door, possibly hard enough to leave bruises in the morning—though, you were almost certain those wouldn’t be the only ones on yours hands you’d have by the end of the night.
After a minute or so, James finally came to the door, leaning up against the frame in nothing but a half-unbuttoned dress shirt and his boxers, sneering down at you like prey caught in a monster’s paws.
“I can’t believe this,” he chuckled, running and hand through his greasy hair, “She actually sent her guard dog on me.”
“I am not her guard dog.” you growled. Sure, you might have been half a foot shorter than him, but you could be far more intimidating then he would ever be. “But I am here to make sure you leave Larissa alone.”
“What are you gonna do, little dog?” James taunted, smirking when the muscles in your face twitched angrily at the name, “I’m sure you’re all bark, not bite.”
“For your sake, let’s hope you don’t have to find out.” you threatened, “Let me make this clear, the next time I find out you’re following her I’ll gouge out your eyes. You ever try to touch her again, and I will bury you. Nevermore has plenty of acres of land… they’ll never find your body.”
“You’re actually willing to go to prison for that bitch… She’s not worth it—”
Your body reacted of its own accord, his head reeling back as you struck him across the face.
“Do not underestimate the things I would do for her,” you growled, ignoring the way your palm stung from the slap, “Prison is a small price to pay to make sure you never lay hands on her again.”
“But, if you’re in prison, who’s going to stop someone else from putting their hands on her?” he taunted, massaging his cheek, “Bitches like Larissa are so easy to get.”
You slapped him again, grabbing his throat and pushing him up against the door, your voice murderous as you hissed through gritted teeth, “Call her that. One. More Time. And I will make sure you never speak again… You are going to leave Larissa alone. Am I clear?!” James nodded, eyes going wide as his face slowly started turning purple, “I swear to you, if I ever see you anywhere near her again it will be the last time you’re ever seen… Do we have a deal?”
He nodded again slowly and you released your grip on his neck, back up a few steps before giving him a honeyed smile and saying, “Good. Have a good rest of your night, Mr. Hacker.”
With one last warning glance his way, you turned on your heel and walked back to your car, a sense of ease over taking you despite the possible repercussions you could face if James decided to call the police. A large part of you doubted he would, for fear of his own life, and that alone made you smile a little. You were proud of yourself for restraining the urge to kill him on sight, knowing that Larissa would appreciate it, despite how much she hated him. 
Returning to Larissa’s apartment, you were a little unhappy to find her still awake, hoping to be able to bandage your hands and get a few hours of rest before she started asking questions. Nevertheless, you offered her a small smile as you shrugged off your jacket and kicked off your shoes, changing in the bathroom and wrapping your hands before joining her in bed.
“We don’t have to worry about James anymore.” you assured as Riss tucked herself against you.
“What did you do?” she asked, looking up at you with worried eyes, “Is he still—?”
“Yes, he’s still alive.” you promised, “But, let’s just say… I made it clear that he won;t be for much longer if he doesn’t leave you alone…”
“Y/n! If he reports this, you could go to prison!” Riss gasped, her hands tightening their grip on your shirt.
“He won’t.” you were probably being a little overconfident, but that was what was best for Larissa at the moment, “James is smart. He knows what’s good for him.”
“What exactly did you do?”
“Just roughed him up a bit and told him to stay away or they’d never find his body.” you answered honestly, becoming a little worried when Riss went silent. 
“I… thank you.” she finally whispered, burying her face in your chest. You could feel tears beginning to wet your shirt, wrapping your arms around her like a protective cage, “As much as I hate how you went about it, thank you…”
“You’re welcome, Riss.” you kissed her head, shutting off the lights with a flick of your wrists, “As long as I’m here, no one will ever hurt you. Okay?”
Larissa nodded, sighing softly as exhaustion took hold of her and she fell asleep in your arms.
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pyxilatezero · 7 months
Unpopular (maybe?) Mean Girls opinion: Cady should have broken up with Aaron and dated Regina.
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Okay, first of all, albeit I doubt this was Reneé Rapp’s intention (or maybe it was; nobody knows the mysterious ways of the Lesbian goddesses) the lyrics of ‘Not my Fault’ sound suspiciously like Regina is stating that she’s going to downright steal Cady from Aaron (“You came with her but she might leave with me”; “Kiss a blonde, kiss a friend”; “You gotta pay for what I get for free”, ect.)
I’ve seen a lot of fanfics depict Janis and Regina. While I don’t disagree, I feel like Janis sits more as a childhood crush than a love interest in the movie. Also, both are suitable candidates for a Friends-to-Enemies-to-Lovers but Cady just feels better, you know? Like they spent this whole time secretly fighting each other, and in the end they both drop the guy they’re fighting over and ride off into the sunset as Gay icons. (Because Cady gives off bisexual energy and Regina is literally irradiating Lesbian power)
Additionally, in the new movie, Cady’s only personality trait is that she’s in love with Aaron. This could give her more character depth- moving in from what is essentially a hyper fixation for someone she has, to be honest, better chemistry with. Mind you, I love the movie to death, but that is one thing.
(Also as a member of Gen Z shut up the outfits are fabulous, and be quiet to my friend who says Reneé Rapp ruined the movie, your face ruined the movie, I am a lesbian and that is totally objective)
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pepirfecin · 1 year
A rant about Shadow’s trauma
I am sick of hearing about Maria. Okay okay, bold statement and I'm being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic, but let me explain.
 No matter how you portray Shadow, Maria will most likely be mentioned, since it’s an important part of his character, motivations etc. I think we should pay more attention to the circumstances of his grief though; the real tragedy isn’t the loss itself, it runs deeper than that (I'm not saying anything new here). Let me break it down, the way I see it.
1.) Identity loss: When someone close to you dies a part of yourself dies with them. With your parents’ death you cease to be someone’s child forever. In Shadows case it’s even more extreme: not only did he loose Maria, he also lost his purpose by failing to do the one thing he was made to do. Imagine, your entire life stripped away from you in a matter of seconds, leaving you with absolutely no point to even exist. With his now non-existent purpose and identity as a whole he became a blank slate for someone else's revenge, a vessel powered by sorrow. Most likely only Maria saw her as a person on the ARK, so what is he with that one singular column gone? A weapon, a tool of destruction, the Ultimate Lifeforms made to destroy the planet. 
2.) Closure: When your abuser(s) die it’s a strange feeling. The person/people who made you miserable are finally gone, but what’s left is just emptiness. They made you the way you are, and now they’re gone, but you're still the same. He didn’t get revenge on any of those people. The fantasy of standing up against them verbally or physically (taking out years of abuse is now unreachable. So is the fantasy of it ever getting better. Now you can’t hope that someday they’ll do better. They now never will. Shadow’s left without any kind of closure in relation to his trauma he received on the ARK.
3.) Time to process: Presumably he was around 15-17 like the rest of the Sonic cast at the time of the incident. Almost immediately after seeing the most important person in his life die, he was put into stasis for 50 years. In both SA2 and ShtH 05 he woke up in a completely unfamiliar world with turbid memories, grief still fresh and pervasive. In the midst of world ending level threats constantly looming overhead in almost all games I don’t think he sat down with a psychologist and ever processed what happened. (If you age him up or make any kind of AU where he has time to deal with all this then let him process his trauma. Time heals all wounds pls let the guy leave some of his baggage behind.)
4.) Help: Childhood emotional neglect and other shit make it impossible for him to even reach out for help. Learned behaviour that emotions are not okay (to feel or show), difficulty connecting with peers, hard time asking for help, lashing out instead ect etc.
+This is why I think SA2 was a good, complete arc for him. He came to the planet with revenge and destruction in mind, a weapon that Gerald forged motivated by the immense sense of anguish. He died finally getting closure: He fulfilled his real purpose, his identity restored in some way. I like to think that he died peacefully partly because he knew his promise to Maria would continue to be fulfilled by Sonic. In the English version during the Final Hazard fight he even gave up the title he so desperately clings to in other games ‘The Ultimate Lifeform’. Unlike in other games here he doesn’t need that title and identity, it is no longer the only piece of himself that he has left, so he “offers” it for the person who he sees fit as an extension of his legacy. ("Sonic, I think I've discovered what the Ultimate Life Form is, it might be you!")
Okay all this ended up being a whole lot less cohesive than I intended and I just want to say I have more thoughts on this but I'm stupid dummy dumb dumb and can’t put it into words. (Analysing media is all fun and games until I have to explain then suddenly brain go mush.) This post is a pretty personal analysis, most of it isn’t factual in any way, I just want to provoke thoughts in others about this subject, since I often see his grief be reduced to “Maria is dead Shadow is big sad about it :(” which is fine, but there’s so much to explore. 
If you have any opinions on this, contradictory or other don’t be shy talk. I want. to hear everything. 
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fazbear-enterprises · 11 months
lore post for mike schmidt. all is up for change as usual bc i can never decide on lore for anything :3 -admin bob
im pretty sure ive said a canon age at some point but i CANT find it anywhere at all so hopefully im right and hes 24?
he graduated from highschool a year early, hoping to get a "head start" on college, however after his parents got too sick to care for his younger brother who was just a few months old, he gave up on college and instead decided to do various odd jobs around town while also taking care of his brother when his parents simply couldn't.
parents died when his little brother was nearing 4 years old so he took full custody, using the small amount of money their parents left them to pay for a babysitter while he took multiple small paying jobs (janitor, teaching assistant, grocery store employee, ect ect) working himself to death to make sure that his little brother could live a stable and as normal childhood as possible.
before settling on working at Fazbear's during the night and doing odd jobs around town if he needed some extra cash when he turned 23, since it paid better then part time jobs. and with his brother now being able to go to school, he has more time during the day to rest.
main reason why he switched from multiple jobs to just the night shift however is due to him overworking himself too much and getting physically ill, and his brother being worried for him. i like to think that his little brother (i really gotta name him omg), was like "...mike?, your sick right?" and mike's like "yeah lil dude, i am. what about it?" while being basically stuck to the couch bc his DRAINEDDD and his lil bro goes "....your not going to end up like mom and dad, right?" and THATS what makes mike realize, shit. not only am i hurting myself, im also hurting the kid, which he had promised his parents that he'd keep him as happy as possible, and mike doesnt break promises so he immediately looked for a "low effort, high income" job, and boom. Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria is right there, its a night shift. PERFECT and y'all can obvi guess the rest :3
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lasenbyphoenix · 6 months
get to know me 🌻
Thanks so much for the tag @strandedchesspiece 😁
do you make your bed? - almost never, my bed is only fully made when I've just changed the sheets. But I do always make the bed if I'm staying at someone else's house, that's just polite.
what’s your favourite number? - 8 & 18
what is your job? - I work for a security company and my primary job is to monitor alarms (burglary/fire/refrigeration/gas leak/panic buttons ect). I've also helped out on my bosses other businesses (guard patrols and an after-hours call centre).
If you could go back to school would you? - if paying rent wasn't a concern, happily! My ADHD would make getting assignments in hard but I've always loved being in lectures and learning.
can you parallel park? - Yes although I don't like to.
a job you had that would surprise people? - nude life model for art classes. I was in art school at the time and wished I was confident enough to do something like that, and figured the only way to get the confidence was to do it! I loved it, I was being turned into art which made me feel beautiful.
do you think aliens are real? - I think the universe is too big not to have other forms of life, in whatever forms they may take.
can you drive a manual car? - Yes! All my cars have been manual transmission, I prefer it.
what’s your guilty pleasure? - does sleep count?
tattoos? - Two, a family inspired one on my collar bone and a fandom/motivational inspired one on my inner forearm. And many more planned and partially designed.
favourite colour? - Purple and Silver.
favourite type of music? - Depends on the day! I like a wide variety of music, but two favourite genres are Jazz and Dad Rock.
do you like puzzles? - yes! They make my brain happy.
any phobias? - spiders, although I'm not as bad as I used to be. And being high off the ground like on ladders, wires or swing bridges.
favourite childhood sport? - basketball & dancing. I was never very good at basketball and our school was too small to have a proper team anyway so it was very casual. Then I took up line dancing at 14 and competed for a few years as a teenager, and since then I've tried out a bunch of different dancing styles and loved every one of them.
do you talk to yourself? - frequently.
what movie(s) do you adore? - Some Like it Hot, The Apartment, Romancing the Stone, Legally Blonde, The Holiday. (Specifically choosing with "adore" in mind. I also love ridiculous action movies but "adore" doesn't cover those)
coffee or tea? - both. This again depends on the day and what I've recently got the taste for.
first thing you wanted to be growing up - a teacher or a ballerina.
I'm not sure who's already been tagged for this so tagging @gaiahenshin @stupid-lemon-eater @mwfangirl @bladedweaponsandswishycoats only if you want to!
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jamasauruos-blog · 1 year
Story time. How my Ed started.
Since this is kinda like a diary for me. I’m gonna post about how my Ed started.
I was roughly about 9 maybe… idk my childhood was quite the blur. I was living w my mom at the time in hartwell ga. She had a few boyfriends since my dad had been gone. This one tho was violent n drunk n controlling. He may have done other drugs too. I vaguely remember seeing lil plastic bags w twist ties on their bedroom floor. At the time I was too young to know what it really was.
Back then my mom could hold down a job. But one night he had gotten mad n when my mom came out of the bedroom the next morning, her face was bruised. A black eye n a busted lip to match. She had tried to use make up to “even out” the black eye but it didn’t really work.
He hated that she was so nice to ppl at her work (I think she worked at a Murphy gas station). She was the kind of southern woman who called everyone “honey, sweat heart, darling ,ect”. N that was everyone. No matter if you were a young man or an old granny. But couldn’t stand it. He would actually sit at her job n watch her.
I think that’s one of the things that lead to the fight that night. Bc she didn’t go to work. He had gotten what he wanted; she quit her job out of embarrassment. She didn’t want ppl to see her. After this is when shit got bad.
Since my mom wasn’t working, he needed to find work. He found a job at a rock quarry n the bonus part was they had a house that could be rent free all we’d have to do is pay electric n water. Sounds awesome right!!! That is until i saw the house. The first impression I got was disturbing. There was no front door so a dog had made that his shelter. He slept on a mattress in the entrance. When he came out of the house he was sick looking. His skin was red in splotches covered in scabs. My mom said he had a skin disease called mange.
I thought to my self “gross this is gonna be my home?”. Me n my sisters refer to the house as the cement house bc that’s what the house was made of. Looking back this place was so gross. The floors were solid stone like the floors you’d see in sams. All the walls were made of cement blocks. It was a cold home. I distinctly remember there was no “normal shower”. The tub was gross. When you tried to run the water discolored mess would come up from the drain. But we made it work like always. We got one of those storage containers n stood in that for the tub. N as for the water (cause I don’t think there was a shower head just to spout) uuuuugh well we used a water hose. If you were the lucky one you got your shower first. Bc in the beginning there was 5 seconds of warmth. The water that was sitting in the hose all day was so warm. But the cold water soon snapped you back to reality.
I hated showers. I would try to do just my hair bc I didn’t want to be shivering all over. O wash my body while cupping water in my hands. I think one day my mom got a lil frustrated w me n she took control. This time it wasn’t slow n easy. Her way was to rip it off like a band aid. I hated her bc now I was shaking but relieved that it was over.
In that house is where to bad stuff started. One night while me n my two sisters were sleeping he came in n dragged me out on a blanket, half asleep. When we got to his destination, he started his work. He told me I was beautiful n that if I had sex w him then he would give me anything I wanted. He begged n pleaded while running his hands over my body. I was in shock like what did I even do. Then he proceeded. When he touched me w his “thing”, I jumped up. Thinking time was over. I needed to get away from him.
There were other times past that but I won’t get into details. I didn’t know what to do. Should I tell me mom? Or should keep it a secret? I didn’t know where we would live. In my mind it was this situation or be homeless. So I decided to keep it a secret.
Fast forward a few years n I still hadn’t talked to anyone about it. A friend here n there but not anyone who knew how to help me. My anxiety continued to grow. I became fearful of men. What were they thinking? Did they look at me in a sexual way? Were they secretly planning something? Going to the store was different now. Waiting in doctors office was nerve wracking. Teachers, uncles, n so much more were scary. I soon thought well they must be looking at my butt o boobs but if I lost them then I would be safer. I wanted to look stick thin. I wanted no more curves. Soon this ideal body was my new idea of beauty.
N that’s how the Ed started. Now when I relapse it’s not bc I’m scared of the men. Its more I need that figure. Bc that is what beauty really is.
For anyone who made it till the end comment your experience. Why did your Ed start?
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caerbannogmochi · 1 year
Random things I wrote in Reddit comments that I am currently deleting because Reddit is a hellhole and I’m trying to protest:
“Probably not, unless Avril Lavergne is secretly an axe murderer”
“If a woman sees spiderman and there's nobody around to hear it, is she a lesbian?“
‘"It violates MAH RIGHTS!"’
“The hospital's so expensive, they give you the minibar for free as they make you pay $10 per sheet of toilet paper.”
“The twilight zone [...] (I'm female)”
‘"This isn't inclusive. I'm female and a rapist, but this only lets me pick one!"‘
“No, and I probably wouldn't be writing "repair" ON it. Rather, I'd be trying to write above the claw for visibility and adjust the hitbox so you wouldn't hit the writing.”
“tea leaves“
“Inscription Corporation. Now with more of everything going to hell!”
“I know! They're magical things; that's the only explanation I've found for how boring writing assignments have become fun simply on the implement...“
“Has he never seen a cosplayer with colored contacts? How is it "racist" to have pink eyes or something?“
“Because I've spent my childhood clicking tongs, and I usually don't have to unclick them from the drawer before using them. At the same time as a musician though...“
“Maybe if it was savory oatmeal with ham and cheese...          But then again I'm weird and this concept might actually be a food crime.“
“My brother microwaved fish, tried to 1) defrost frozen burgers (ok I understand you never learnt why they're supposed to be frozen) then 2) proceeded to put them in the oven "to be finished off with a skillet", and tried to make serious candy with a silicone measuring cup and microwave...I love you bro, but I have to nominate you now”
“Start working at taco bell.“
“I'm now trapped in the payment page, behind the red banner of doom.“
“I'd wonder how much cheating, smuggling answer sheets, and left-wing right-wing whining would ensue before A. the system stabilized or B. it was canceled.”
“There would, in my opinion, be three halves of the population;
“How old does one need to be to count as a Child?“
“If they go murderhobo despite your best attempts, feel free to creshendo into the royal guard investigating and hunting them down (slowly), thereby forcing them to flee as well as making things even harder for them.“
“I'd lament my loss of the Monte Cristo.”
“They'd be cursed to speak (and read) my language as I've always known it. It gets really entertaining if they open it up 100ish years later, when English has new slang and accents but is still vaguely recognizable.”
“*looks at camera* [...] *Dabs*”
“[if caught littering] They have to become an honarary member of the park service, working tirelessly to clean the park, deal with the 'hey ranger' phone calls, deal with poachers ect. for a week... or until they catch someone else littering. They must work for at least an hour and while they aren't getting paid, their food and lodgings will be reimbursed while they do this community service.“
“Try to figure out who originally had it. They're probably still looking for it, and I should probably figure out if they're some kind of a megalomaniac before I am shoved into the back of a white van after thirty seconds of chloroform fails to knock me out and I am forced to listen to a villainous monologue while my friends team up as an unlikely superhero team to rescue me from above the acid pit.“
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dovesdreaming · 2 months
Hihihi!! This a kinda specific request that might not make sense but im gonna try anyway (ive like never requested anything so this also might be bad in general). Could you possibly make a Bucky Barnes or Tony Stark with a gn!reader with powers that are kinda like Hecate kids in the pjo universe (necromancy, umbrakinesis, bone control, ect) reader is like a kid who just wants their ded family back.
Family drawings
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Hi thank you for your request it was amazing don’t worry! I’m sorry if it doesn’t all sound like a kid reader I’ve never written for one before! I hope you enjoy it I feel like I could have written this better <3
Not proofread
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: talk of blood, violence
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It was your average low level mission for the avengers, raiding an empty hydra base for any files they had left behind. They were more careful going into these bases now as they have had one too many blow up on them. Steve was the mission leader as usual and he was the first to scope out the area before sending the rest in. Clint and Natasha searched the outer buildings while Steve and Bucky searched the two first floors of the main building. Steve sent Tony to search the basement while Bruce stayed in the jet, ready for any medical emergencies.
Everything had been going smoothly, the comms was filled with chatter instead of orders. No one had found anything yet but they hadn’t finished searching. Tony was still in the basement doing his usual shenanigans, listening to AC/DC instead of comms. He wasn’t paying much attention knowing this area never had anything in from previous missions. He thought this particular basement looked worse for wear than some of the others he had seen. Chills ran through him as he saw child like drawings on some of the walls, they showed families holding hands and some writing that he wasn’t able to make out. He was slightly more creeped out than usual but he carried on, he turned around and continued to look around. It was quite dark and most of the wall edges were covered in darkness so when he made a figure out in one of the car corners he thought he was just seeing things. Yet as he moved closer he started to believe it may be someone more and more. They had a smaller frame and looked quite malnourished. They were sat with the head covered by their knees unmoving. Tony approached and crouched down a bit as to not scare them. Yet it didn’t seem to work as they lifted their head they scrambled away from Tony as best as they could but he had affectively trapped them in a corner. He heard a quiet strained plee of “please don’t hurt me”. It managed to send a pang of hurt through Tony’s heart, which not many things did.
Your perspective-
You had a happy childhood up until you were seven when a heavy bang came from the front door of your house one day. Men in big protective gear that covered any defining features stormed in the house, your parents trying to shield you while telling them there must be a mistake, they hadn’t done anything. Yet nothing seemed to work they were adamant they wanted you and your parents couldn’t allow that so they tried to protect you which sadly cost them their lives. You had been carried away while crying and thrashing by one of the dark men. You didn’t have anything from your childhood your last memory being a glance back into your house, seeing your parents covered in red.
It had been a while since then, you didn’t even know how long. You hadn’t seen the outside world or the sun in years. Hydra had taken you as you possessed special attributes which lended to experiments they wanted to carry out. These experiments had turned you into a weapon, they were halfway through training you when you didn’t cooperate with them anymore. You had enough of their beatings and abuse so you used the powers they gave you against them. They abandoned the mission and left you there to starve. You could have gone outside the base but you were too scared to venture into the outside world alone. You didn’t know what the outside was like anymore. So you sat scrunched up in the corner with a rumbling stomach and heart ache from missing your parents. You had scared yourself a lot by accidentally casting shadows as you didn’t know how to fully control your powers yet. You sat there alone waiting but you didn’t know what for.
You had remained in the basement where they left you until now when you were staring wide eyed at a robot. Or what you thought was a robot until he opened his mask. He promised he would help you but you didn’t know if you could trust him he could just be another version of hydra. He just asked you to follow him outside at least to meet the rest of them. So you tentatively followed behind him, keeping your distance.
As you came up the steps you were met with sunlight for the first time in a while. You were also met with the faces of the other avengers they didn’t look mean like hydra did but you were still scared.
They had taken you back to the avengers tower and fed you a good meal, you felt safe for the first time in ages. You didn’t trust them yet but you thought they were better than hydra.
It had been a few weeks since you arrived at the tower and everyone had welcomed you like their own child. Tony took particular interest in you. You liked to sit in his lab with him, quietly watching him work. You had even danced to his music on many occasions which made him laugh. Most nights you fell asleep in his lab and when he turned around to ask you a question he would realise and stop what he was doing to carry you up to bed. This had helped him improve his sleep schedule aswell going to bed after tucking you into yours. Tonight after he tucked you in he noticed drawings on your table. He picked them up and looked through them noticing how they were similar to the ones he saw in the basement, drawings of happy families with disproportionate limbs. He sadly smiled until he looked at the last one. It was a drawing of a man in a robot suit holding the hand of a small child. Arrows pointed towards the man scribbled out Tony. His heart melted, something he thought he was incapable of. Tony vowed to protect you like his own from that day on and that he did. He trained you how to use your powers but not to be a weapon but to protect others. However every now and then your powers took control of you due to hydras faulty work and it led you to conjure evil shadows of hydra men and your parents. It pained him to see you in such a state afterwards, all he could do for you was hold you to calm you down.
You grew up surrounded by a loving makeshift family, while you still missed your parents you were grateful for everyone around you. Tony had become a father figure to you over the years and you still spent nights together in his lab, you now helping him work on things and even creating your own inventions. You also used your powers to defeat hydra with the rest of the avengers and any bone injuries the team acquired you were always called over to heal them. You were proud of how far you had come from when you were in that basement, you were seen as a protector now instead of a weapon and you couldn’t have done it without the help of the team but especially Tony. You were always grateful looking back on the day he found you in that basement.
Everyone had also noticed Tony soften over the years, he especially had a soft spot for you and the team would use that to their advantage. They saw how he became a better person because of you.
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Thank you for reading!
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whoreforhorror · 2 years
Hellooo friend! I hope your day is going well! I absolutely adore your writing style and therefore would love to make a request! You don't have to if you don't like it or simply don't want to! Can I have one with Hannibal, Brhams, Stu, Bo, and Bubba with a s/o who likes dressing like a clown and sitting in small places (closets, corners, ect)? Keep in mind that there is never any rush or pressure while taking requests! I appreciate you taking the time to read this, have lovely day!
I’m so glad you like the way I write! I absolutely love this prompt, and thank you for the support <3 Sorry in advance for any spelling errors, I’m too lazy to spell check.
Slashers with an S/O who likes to dress like a clown and sit in small spaces
Hannibal Lecter:
You’d definitely catch him off guard, at first. He had been out working with Will and was back a bit earlier than usual, walking in to see you putting on the final touches of your clown suit.
He’d defiantly try to discern whether or not this comes from childhood trauma… It probably does.
He’d be ok with you dressing up in private or in certain spaces, but if you’re around work colleges or nicer spaces he’ll ask you to store it away.
He’ll make sure that you have the highest quality makeup and face paint, and will pay for anything to be custom made for you, if you want. Even if you want to make parts of your outfit by yourself, he’ll make sure you have good materials.
With sitting in small spaces, he’ll also analyze the cause of your draw to them and will try to help where he can. 
He’ll keep track of what spots you enjoy the most, and you’ll find blankets or pillows near each of them. He prioritizes your comfort at all times, so you’ll have to tell him if you’d prefer them without.
He definitely wouldn’t be against you sitting under his desk while he works, given it’s either at home or when there are no clients scheduled. He loves to have you close and may keep a hand on your head or holding your own.
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms had seen you dressing up long before you knew he was there. The perfect opportunity had been presented to you after all, an entirely empty house with nobody to judge.
He quickly grew fond of your dressing up, because it made you stand out from his other nannies. 
He’d draw the makeup you do and hang them up in his room in the wall. You’ll find pieces of your outfit and makeup missing. He’s using them to make a doll of you… you’re not getting them back, sorry.
Once you’ve met him, he’ll probably have you do makeup on his mask sometimes. He wants to dress up with you! He’d love nothing more than you to help him create his own clown-sona 
He also knows about the small spaces because of his observations of you. 
He’ll (once you’ve known each other for a while) invite you into the walls. He’d show you around and sit with you for a while.
If you prefer to be alone, he would go a ways down the wall but he’ll keep watch over you. He doesn’t trust that you won’t end up hurt somehow, be it a loose floorboard or nail. Either way, he doesn’t want you in the walls without him knowing you're there.
Brahms would definitely try to sit in small spots near you, forgetting how big he really is and either knocking something over or pushing the furniture around as he wiggles in… He may wind up getting stuck once or twice.
Stu Macher:
Regarding dressing like a clown… oh boy
Stu would be absolutely obsessed. He’s not exactly the most traditional of dressers any ways, and he’d love all of the colors in your makeup and outfit
There’s definitely going to be a date night where you two make an outfit for Stu. His is either going to be bright and colorful or horror inspired like Art the Clown.
He doesn’t care when or where you dress up. He’ll take care of them for you <3
He loves you sitting in small spaces. While he’s goofy and laid back, Stu needs to be in control at all times. He has a need to be in power. You sitting in small spaces makes him feel bigger, more powerful… Not that you’ll ever hear about that.
Wherever you sit, he’ll want it to be near him. He loves being around you and holding you so the closer, the better.
If sitting in tight spaces is something you do when you’re upset, he’ll be less prone to letting the power go to his head. He’ll sit nearby and offer you a blanket or ask if you want to have a movie marathon.
Don’t expect to sit under a table or desk when he’s sitting there without Stu trying to get you to preform some… extra services.
Bo Sinclair:
It’s going to take Bo a long time to get used to you dressing like a clown. He’s been groomed into only knowing traditional (and toxic) ways of dressing and acting. It’s all new to him and he struggles with change.
Don’t let his initial reaction stop you. He can be harsh, and say rude things but, if you really get upset, he’ll prioritize your happiness over anything else. At the end of the day, he cares about you and nearly anything that comes with you can be adapted too.
Once he’s become accustomed to it, he’ll grow fond of it. Seeing anything clown related will remind him of you, and he may even get a little clown doll that he keeps in the mechanic’s shop so he has a reminder of you when you can’t be there.
If you get a tear or a hole in your outfit, he’ll help you patch it up if you ask. Of course, he’ll gripe and complain about it, but he really does take pride in helping you and you coming to him for help.
He’s got mixed emotions about you sitting in small spaces. He panics when he can’t find you quickly, so you’ll have to be sure you have your phone on you at all times.
He’ll sit next to you from time to time, when he’s not busy and in a more reflective and somber mood, he’ll sit in silence or talk about more serious things with you.
If you hide away when you’re upset, he’ll let you be until you’re ready to come out. If you’re tucked away and miss meals or it’s late at night, he’ll come find you and sit with you. He’ll bring a plate with him if you haven’t eaten, even if he knows you won’t eat.
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba loves when you dress up in your clown outfit and makeup, and will most likely have you do makeup on his mask as well. He loves all of the colors and he might even ask you if you will let him do your makeup.
Chop-top and Nubbins would love it too, but you might need to recruit Bubba to keep them from pestering to see you dress up all the time. Drayton, of course, would be absolutely against it. He’s mean, and looks for any opportunity to break somebody down. Bubba will do his best to keep you away from Drayton while you’re dressed up, but he’s willing to go so far as to getting violent towards Drayton to keep him from breaking you down.
Bubba will make you your own mask that resembles your clown makeup, and would absolutely adore if you wore it as part of your outfit. Queue the happy sequels and hand clapping!
He secretly understands your sitting in small spaces and is even a little jealous. He’s a large, large man and can’t fit in the spots that you can. He can’t get away from people, his family, like you can. Still, you won’t know that.
He’ll sit with you whenever he can, if you’ll let him. He’ll hand sew his masks or other projects, or draw with you. If he’s busy or you don’t want him with you, he’ll make you a trinket to remind you of him.
If you’re upset, he goes into panic mode. Blankets, food, water, headphones, anything you want, he can get for you. It doesn’t matter how mad Drayton or the others get, you are his top priority until you are feeling better and much longer after that.
If you’re up for it, he’d love nothing more than to hear you tell stories or vent to him while you’re tucked away. Interacting with him while you’re tucked away feels like him interacting with you when he doesn’t have his mask on. He sees you as more open, raw. He’d be over the moon that you were willing to be with him in such a delicate time, wether it really is that deep or not.
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tatestripedsweater · 3 years
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Dating Natasha Romanoff HC (GN!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of Intimacy (Not Sexual), Nightmares, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Death.
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Due to Natasha’s past, she would come across as emotionally closed off and sometimes cold when you two started dating. She’s wary about whom she opens up too.
But once she realises she loves you, she does open up somewhat, still keeping some things to herself that you may never know.
Natasha is protective over you, even if you could handle yourself she would still protect you with her life.
The first time Natasha knew she loved you is when your life was compromised, it was either save herself or you, and she chose you. Risking her own for yours.
She likes to watch you sleep, not in a creepy way, but just watching your chest as you breathe and the little noises or facial expressions you make, makes her feel content and happy.
Natasha leaves you small notes around the house for when she’s away, telling you how much she loves you and words of affirmation.
You started leaving notes in her lunch, even though the others usually bought their own, she liked what you made her and the notes kept her going for the day. Even if Tony did tease her about it.
Even though she tells you she loves you through notes and gestures, it takes a lot for Natasha to say it aloud. You were patient, but when she did say it, you couldn’t help but tear up. You both had a little cry.
Intimacy with Natasha is sweet, she likes to take care of you and make sure you’re comfortable with whatever you two are doing.
She may not look it, but the most intimate thing you could do with her is cuddling. Natasha loves it, to be held and have her hair stroked, you having to tell her she’s okay and safe now. Even if her ‘job’ did put her life at risk, she was away from the Red Room.
When you hold Natasha at night, she can easily fall asleep, but she does suffer with nightmares, which you try to help her through as best as you can.
This is most likely when she has her panic attacks, afraid that she’ll be brainwashed again and made to kill, Natasha fears she’ll be made to kill you if they get her again.
As much as you try to calm her down, all you can do is stay with her and give her words of comfort, telling her they’re not here, and she’s safe; you have to tell her that a lot.
Once she’s somewhat calm, Natasha feels weak at the fact she had a panic attack and a nightmare in one. Sometimes it could be one or the other, but it is mostly both.
Afterwards, she does end up crying in your arms and tells you how much she appreciates you. She also apologises for being the way she is, this is the side of Natasha no one sees. The broken woman who didn’t have a real childhood.
When she’s away on a mission, then she’ll call you before and after to let you know she is safe since you worry. Plus, Natasha just wants to hear your voice.
If for some reason she can’t get a hold of you, Clint calls you or another member of the team. If it’s Tony who ends up calling you, he’ll call you Mr/Mrs Romanoff.
Hearing Tony say and call you that would make you go hot in the cheeks, but Natasha liked the name even if she wouldn’t admit it.
The others taking a liking to you, but Clint does ‘threaten’ that if you hurt her then he’ll shoot at arrow at you. This earned him more than a slap from Natasha.
She has a security system on the house so no one could get to you or harm you, Natasha wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she knew you got hurt because of her.
Holding onto her shirts/blankets ect when she’s away, it smells like her and her perfume, and it helped ease you asleep just as much as your cuddles eased here.
Natasha caught you doing this once when she came home early, and she didn’t have the heart to wake you. So, when you woke up to breakfast being made, you knew exactly who it was and almost tripped from how fast you ran to her.
Goodbye and welcome home kisses and movie nights with her, curled up to one another but neither of you are paying attention to the television.
You were too busy focused on one another and being together.
Even though Natasha doesn’t have a womb or any reproductive system, she still wants a family with you, but the two of you would have to adapt in how you were going to do this.
A surrogate? IVF (if you’re a woman) or adoption, she would most likely go for adoption since Natasha wanted to give a lost child a home they could call their own.
Small nose kisses, either you're giving them to Natasha or her giving them to you, it was one of her favourite actions of endearment.
She never thought she’d ever want to get married, but as soon as the relationship you two formed she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you.
But the two of you never got to do any future plans, nothing, due to her sacrificing herself.
You knew she wouldn’t want you to wither away in sorrow, Natasha made you promise that if anything ever happened to her that you would move on and find someone, to not grieve.
You tried to keep that promise, tried so hard after what had happened. But there was only one person you had ever and will ever love.
And that would person is Natasha Romanoff
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Marvel Taglist:
@amourtentiaa @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess @kitsommers @elaineygrace @satanscomplex @mossybank @blackbat2020 @peterskindacool @multiyfandomgirl40 @billyhxgrove @theoriginaldoll87 @leyannrae @ikkleroniekins @fictional-people-that-i-stan @screamlover02
Bold = Cannot Tag You
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mistkissedmoon · 2 years
😀👋 Hey! Looks like we both love asking OC Rashida questions! Just wondering, what are some of your own OCs and head canons?
I don't have any damirae kid oc right now unfortunately. I have too many headcanons to count, so I'll put a few here. I'd love to hear about your oc and headcanons too.
I like the thought that Damian treated their courtship very seriously and tried to do things properly (probably because he was nervous and thought doing it by the book would lessen the risk that she'd find him an unacceptable suitor, haha). Raven probably derailed this by being her, and he can't act on propriety and decline while she wants to kiss him in public because he is just so gone for her. He does insist on a few courtship rituals he thinks are important: cooking her food, teaching her to fight, ect. So raven is helpless in the face of this very determined bird boy who clearly wants to marry her. She shyly tells him azarathian customs (I like to think maybe they plant a tree together, it symbolizing their relationship, and she makes him paintbrushes out of the wood when it's grown) and they fulfill those as well, him telling her he views them as just as important as his rituals.
They're a particularly devoted couple though private, so not many people know the lengths they'd be willing to go to for each other. They're frequently alone together.
Maybe raven gets cold easily, being half-demon. When Damian hits puberty, he's huge, so he offers to carry her whenever there is snow on the ground outside, even though she can fly. They cuddle frequently. They glare at anyone who teases them for either of this.
They're able to recognize each other at a glance no matter what disguises he wears or what illusions she casts.
She insists on healing him first whenever he's injured, and he insists on rubbing medicine into her injuries if she's too tired to heal them. He'll often massage her even after she's healed herself to relieve tension. She'll give him massages in thanks later.
He teaches her Arabic, and she picks it up quickly. He does this by reading out pieces of his culture (picking out letters in his name at first then moving onto words and sentences), reading to her his childhood recipes, stories and folktales, anything she finds interesting. He never stops reading out loud to her, even after she's mastered the language (usually love poems??).
He gifts her paintings. She hangs her favourite ones in her room, and after they're married, their house is filled with beautiful paintings he made.
Speaking of, after they're married, when someone threatens her or she feels seriously angry towards a criminal, he'll walk behind her and gently press the hilt of his sword against her palm. To show she can take his weapon if she needs it, he's on her side, she's not alone and to remind her (and their enemies) how good of a swordsman he is and how deadly she is. Dare to insult his wife? Either she can decide you're not worth any effort or she/he uses his weapon against them. Lol good luck.
They put on each other's wedding ring each morning.
He calls her habibti in private. It used to be always but when he saw someone trying to flirt with raven, he switched to 'my love' in public to let everyone around them know she is very much NOT available. She calls him habibi, or sweetheart.
When they have kids, Damian doesn't want them to have the experiences he did, but he does want them to be as knowledgeable as possible. He teaches them everything himself instead of hiring a bevy of tutors for them to learn from like he did. He's very close to them as a result of spending so much of their childhood paying such close attention to them.
Like lionesses pretend not to hear their cubs stalking them to give them confidence, both parents pretend not to notice their kids when they try to do a sneak attack (it's hilarious when raven watches her kid think he's successfully sneaking up on Damian, when he's been patiently looking the opposite way for 10 mins so it won't be obvious he's pretending not to notice them)
I have so many more but I haven't figured out how to make a read more so I'll end it here for now.
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myonepiece · 3 years
Got any Blackbread crew fluffy headcanons?
of course! 💕
now for the blackbeard crew i generally do blackbeard, shiryu, catarina devon, van augur, laffitte, avalo, burgess, and doc q, but there are other crew members so if you want me to add them please tell me 😊
blackbeard crew fluff headcanons
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-there is a surprising amount of deep talks, about dreams, fate, childhood, your relationship
-he's a total sucker for affection especially kisses, kiss him on the cheek and he'll turn red and start babbling, crawl onto his laps and wrap your arms around his belly nuzzling into him and he'll freeze mid sentence and stare at you like 😨
-so because of his size he can’t exactly cuddle with you to sleep, but you lay on his stomach up towards his neck so he can wrap his arms around you (he’s freaking tall)
-he’s very protective and gets jealous easily, except for the protective part he actually doesn’t get protective until he turns and sees you in trouble because honestly he doesn’t keep the closest eye on you at times
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-he’s not one for pda but if you sit on his lap he’s okay with that, similar for in private, except you can hold his hand or lay on him and he’ll return it simply
-he’s very protective, i mean being a former impel down guard he has some experience protecting things, and obviously killing people, he has absolutely no problem killing someone who hurt you
-when he comes in really late at night and sees you sleeping already, he’ll pull the blanket up around you and gently stroke your cheep before getting ready for bed himself
-he’s a fan of your kisses especially on his cheek, he got used to them and began expecting them so in public he’ll just look okay you until you give him one, in private he’ll lean down and gesture to his cheek
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-he freaking purrs 🥺 if you strikes his hair or caress his cheeks, when you cuddle or pepper his face with kisses, he starts purring
-he’ll take whatever you want, you see a necklace? you got it. you want those 5 dresses? you shall have it
-cuddling is his favorite, doesn’t matter what time of day he’ll go find you and pull you on top of him or lay across you and keep you there until he’s satisfied
-he loves having you sit on his lap while he eats, offering you bites here and there or chuckling when you open your mouth signaling for another bite
-he likes going on walks around whatever town you’re staying in, or on the island if you’re staying there, just walking around holding hands and chatting
-and there’s the lounging on the deck of the ship, standing by the railing with your hand on the would and avalo’s placed over yours
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-i have this one fic where he's just poking you wwith his cane, so. yeah, he loves annoying you by jabbing you with his cane. when you're annoyed with him like after you've had a fight and you're ignoring him, he'll reach out and poke you until you yell. at him to stop then he just smiles
-he loves telling you stories about his past, the "demon sheriff" who was "too violent"
-when he comes into your cabin on the ship to get ready for bed (because he insists on sharing a room) he'll take off his top hat and place it on your head then get undressed and into his pjs (which are silk btw)
-he will not hesitate to murder someone who gets on your nerves, someone is annoying you there for annoying him there for needs to pay
-you always wake up completely trapped in his embrace, his long limbs wrapped around you while he buries his face in the crook of your neck, nape of your neck, chest, shoulder, ect. like completely trapped, you don't move until he does, if you try to move his embrace tightens a significant amount
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-a lot, if not all, of the gifts she gives you are splattered with blood. it's just because she got it from the woman she killed, she thought you would like the the bracelet, ring, necklace, dress, shoes, etc
-she's definitely okay wwith pda, usually she'll have an arm around your waist or she'll carry you on her hip (she's tall okay)
-there's lots of kisses, makeouts yes but also little nose kisses in the morning, forehead kisses when you're having a soft quiet moment, kisses on your shoulder when you're cuddling
-she loves seeing you wear her clothes, especially her hat, whenever you walk into the room adorning the accessory she smiles brightly and points with an encouraging compliment
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-I couldn’t think of much for this guy
-he’s a cuddle bug but his hugs are always a bit intense, he forgets how strong he is and how small you are compared to him and he ends up hurting you but he apologizes
-he lives to show off, every chance he gets he’s showing off for you and when he loses or gets embarrassed he gets snappy and cranky
-he tends to move around a lot in his sleep so you’ll occasionally wake up being smacked across the fake or with burgess rolling on top of you and/or pushing you off the bed
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-i would say you could ride his horse with him but actually, he and his horse are incredibly sick and both of them barely have the strength to stand so you can't ride on the horse, you can however walk next to it while doc talks to you or holds your hand
-you can also feed his horse sugar cubes and doc always watches you like 🙂
-he either sleeps, or stays awake the whole night, if he sleeps then he's passed out on top of you or sprawled across the bed like a starfish, if he can't sleep he'll just lay in bed letting you sleep on him
-he likes to take you with him and give people the exploding apples for no reason except to see you smile at their suffering, he'll also show you how to make the apple if you want, he watches from teh. side while you hurry across a road dropping an apple and then the two of you giggle when it blows up on the poor person who picked it up
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-he taught you a bit about how he reades fates with the flight patterns of birds and sometimes. he'kl test. you by asking if. you see anything
-he also tried to teach you to shoot but he's at a war with himself because you might need to learn and it could be fun, but you could get hurt too
-he's not the biggest cuddler or pda person, but if you initiate something he won't exactly push you away unless it's extravagant and really lovey-dovey
-when ever the crew is sitting down somewhere, van augur will either pull you into his lap or let you sit next to him and lean your head on his shoulder while you use his cape as a blanket
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