#who's to say !
soldrawss · 1 year
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I am not immune to the Barbie meme
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inkyami · 5 months
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hellfirenacht · 2 months
I see your over dramatic and needy Eddie and raise you this; Eddie who's been hyper independent since he was a kid and never had anyone to lean in for emotional support. Eddie who's clumsy in a relationship because he can absolutely give you attention when you ask for it, but has no idea how to ask for it himself.
Eddie, who you have to have a talk about emotional needs and that sometimes you'd like some attention without asking, and Eddie has no idea how to do that. He barely knows how attention works outside of being loud and playing music and telling stories.
Eddie doesn't know how to ask for attention like this. He doesn't even know what kind of attention he WANTS in a relationship.
He starts asking if you want him to hold your hand. He asks if you want to go out to get food. He asks you if you want to cuddle, or watch TV or do anything with him.
At first, you think it's him putting emotional labor on you. But then you realize what's going on; Eddie has been so severely emotionally neglected, this is his only way of asking for attention. He's so used to being told no, to being blown off, to having his needs ignored. Asking if YOU want to him to hold your hand is easier than asking to hold your hand and getting shot down.
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bisexualfbiagents · 10 months
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Well, I wish I could help you out. You know, I’m just… on vacation.
🫧 Dana Scully in Chinga (5.10)
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avalonlights · 1 month
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90's Hargrove Mayfield siblings. <3
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andorshitdaily · 11 months
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It's not just Monday. It's not just Mon Monday.
Celebrate accordingly (submit your own best Mon Monday Memes)
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howlingday · 10 days
Jaune: (Facing a large Grimm, Overpowered) Guys, if this is the end, I just wanna say...
Jaune: You two aren't really the people I wanted to die with!
Ren: Same.
Nora: Actually, I had always planned on the two of us getting buried together in a tomb.
Jaune: ...
Ren: ...
Nora: ...
Jaune: Nora, if we survive this, you and I are having a serious talk.
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cerealforkart · 1 year
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I thought I would draw something Oakworthy for Pride but I could not shake this idea. Happy Pride, love is losing
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jeepersss · 1 year
still kind of insane to me the progression of ryan and shane's careers, in a good way. like, you gamble on this passion project that you started with a friend over conversations in a car and then that friend can't do it. like, maybe you think it's over and it's been a good run so you grab the guy sat next to you to run it with you for bit. like, it turns out that people recognise something with you and that guy but the company you work for is gunna pull the plug. like, you pull out all the stocks for that one last episode and it works, it pays off. like, its been seven years since then and you and that guy are still going, people still see that same spark in the both of you, still believe in you to do good. i don't know, maybe it's just a silly show on the internet but also maybe unsolved and now watcher are a beautiful success story about passion and hard work and never giving up. about the friends you make along the way or something. who's to say.
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Think the most objectively embarrassing habit I've picked up over the years is that I often emulate the sprite animations of Ace Attorney characters subconsciously and I just recently realized that there is not a single character I can think of from the first three games I don't do at least once a day.
I did not want this help.
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todd-queen · 10 months
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The Intimacy of Eating a Person
insp. by my Hannibal and TLT brainrot <3
John 1.20, Nona the Ninth // Poison Ivy (Wilson) #6 // The Unwanted Guest, Scene VI // Hannibal 1.10 Buffet Froid // Ch. 34, Gideon the Ninth // Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge // Ch. 48, Harrow the Ninth // The Four Loves, C.S. Lewis // Ch. 17, Nona the Ninth
maybe this makes no sense but I wanted to share it to get it out of my head (I'm slowly going insane)
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babykittenteach · 7 months
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jingle jingle
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sugarpasteltmnt · 19 days
I'm a bit confused about the timeline of TNV. When exactly did Leo get infected? Like at the start of the five years that he spent in the prison dimension, middle or end? And did Leo learn to teleport before or after he got infected? Or is it meant to be kept vague?
Unless you are gonna touch on that in future chapters
teehee i like to keep it a bit vague! though i'd say it was more towards the tail end of Leo's 'stay', after Krang One had plenty of time to blow off some steam with his new punching bag and began to realize the potential pawn in front of him.
Leo had the parasite just briefly enough that he still managed to keep it from consuming him, but long enough for him to have had a chance to figure out his new fun powers to fight Krang with. However long that was is free for interpretation 🩵
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shoshiwrites · 3 months
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matching icons for u and ur bestie
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goffilolo · 8 months
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returning from my hiatus temporarily only to drop this silly little au
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allthefakepeople · 1 month
fic idea
young royals au where wille, who has just told his parents he plans on abdicating, is looking for a summer job and finds an ad for a football assistant for kids. low and behold it's rosh and rosh doesn't understand what the rich crown prince is doing here but is in desperate need of an assistant. enter rosh's super beautiful, curly-haired best friend simon who comes to watch the kids some times or comes to pick up rosh to hang out. simon is originally unimpressed with the clumsy should-be prince but he can't help but fall for wille when wille is just so cute and is so kind to rosh and is so good with the kids and despite all his self-preservation telling him not to, he falls for wille.
(obviously wille is gone for simon from the moment he first sees him and spends the rest of the time trying to keep simon's attention on him)
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