#wholesome steddie
singmeyoursimpsong · 2 years
I’ve been thinking of Italian-American, culinary genius Stefano (Steve) Harrington. Thinking of him on the telephone with his nonna while he cooks, excitedly waving his chef knife around with the cadence of each Italian sentence - the blade an extension of his beautiful hands. (He’s so Italian, and his roommate (Eddie) is devastatingly, wickedly, breathtakingly in love).
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lazylittledragon · 11 months
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just realised i never posted any of the stuff i did for the alternative steddie dads au
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morganski-19 · 5 months
Steve seeing something on tiktok and trying it on Eddie
Steve: You know what I kinda really want right now, an orange
Eddie: Do we even have the oranges?
Steve: I’m not sure
Eddie: *getting up* Let me check. Nope, be back in ten
Steve: *to the camera* I was not expecting him to go that far
Ten minutes later
Eddie: *comes back to the apartment with a bag of oranges* Do you want peeled or sliced
Steve: Peeled
Eddie: Ok
Steve: *looking at the camera* I think he passed
Eddie: *handing Steve a bowl of peeled orange slices* Passed what?
Steve: Nothing
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minoriklh · 2 years
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'Touch Tank', but make it steddie 1/2
((Click for better quality))
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wormdebut · 5 months
@steddiemicrofic | PROMPT: hole | WORD COUNT: 404 | Rated: T | CW: Sad Boy Steve, Hurt/Comfort
It’s like a fucking hole in his chest, a weight that he can’t ever carry.
He’ll never be enough. He’ll never be smart enough for college, worthy enough for a scholarship, romantic enough for Nancy, good enough for his dad.
‘You’re going nowhere, Steven. You’ll amount to nothing.’
It was playing on a loop in his head.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
Sure, he helped save the damn world a few times, but you can’t put that on a college transcript.
Steve's eyes flick to the door. Someone’s knocking—he should probably get that. He should, but he won’t. Robin is out of town and Dustin can come back later.
He pulls the blanket over his head, turns into the couch—needs to turn off the noise.
The knocking stops, but to Steve’s dismay he hears the lock on the door clinking open.
He knew giving Dustin a key was a stupid fucking idea.
“Dustin. Go. Away.” Steve huffs from his blanket cocoon.
“Not Dustin.”
Steve flops over to face him, the top of his head barely popping out from under his blanket nest. “What are you doing here, Munson?”
Steve watches as Eddie clutches at his jacket, directly over his heart. “Reverting back to last names, Harrington? You wound me.”
If Steve cracks a smile, that’s between him and the blanket he’s hiding under. He rolls his eyes before pulling the damn thing away from his face.
“What are you even doing here, Eddie?”
He watches as Eddie’s gaze flicks to his shoes and then back up to meet Steve’s. “Dustin said your parents came back yesterday—I checked for another car before I stopped by and only saw the bimmer. I just—“ Eddie’s eyes flick up to the ceiling, as he runs a hand through his hair, “—thought you could use a friend.”
Well that’s—that’s not what Steve was expecting. He can’t hide the soft smile that creeps across his face this time.
They end up watching…something. Steve’s not entirely sure what it is. He’s too busy listening to Eddie go on and on about dungeons and dragons.
His ramblings only calm when Steve plops his head down on Eddie’s shoulder. He pauses, before wrapping his arm around Steve’s waist, pulling him closer.
“I’m sorry things are heavy right now.” Eddie says.
Steve hums. The hole in his chest shrinks just a little.
“It’s alright. I think things might be looking up.”
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piratefishmama · 8 months
Fake it Till you Make it | Part 17
And adorable.
If one were to ask Steve what he thought was about to happen, he’d be pretty fucking certain that he’d be correct in the fact that Eddie would have kissed him.
He’d have gotten up, crowded Steve against the closet door, and kissed him, and he’d have happily let that and whatever naturally followed happen, had watched in barely contained excitement as Eddie moved, then in deeply fond amusement, as Eddie got himself tangled up in the blankets on the bed and ate shit off the side of it in his haste to get up.
So now Eddie was just lying there, half off the bed, long hair dusting the shaggy rug on the floor, arms over the edge, fingers touching the floor, face down against the blankets, unmoving, wallowing in shame.
Steve adored him.
There wasn’t another word for it. It was a deep, all consuming fondness that warmed his entire being. A fondness that couldn’t allow him to just let Eddie wallow there in embarrassment, so he closed the bedroom door for a little privacy and lowered himself down to his knees in front of the bed. In front of Eddie’s defeated form. “Eddie?” The response was nothing but an oh so sorry for himself little whine. “Oh Bambi… look at me?”
“No. Nope, I’m good here.” Steve huffed a soft little laugh before he crouched lower, hands to the floor, body twisted so he could look up at Eddie from below, using one of his fingers to shift Eddie’s hair out of the way. “Leave me here to wallow.”
“But how will I get the kiss I’m betting my entirely wasted college fund I was gonna get, if you stay there and wallow?” At least that got him to lift his head, surprise flashing across his face as he took in Steve’s position below him “There he iiisss, wanna sit up for me?” It was like Eddie was some frightened animal, expression uncertain, as if expecting ridicule or insult, even as he slowly inched himself back onto the bed, sitting back on his haunches, fingers curled around his own hair holding the strands in front of his face. He looked so small for someone who was actually quite big.
For someone who had the higher position with Steve still on the floor.
So innocent, so perfectly pretty, all dark colours against the white of the sheets and the disarrayed blankets, Steve wanted to ruin him. And then keep him forever.
“You… you want the kiss?” Oh yeah, he was going to get that kiss. Could feel it in the air, the electricity, the calm before a storm where static built before lightning struck. Sure all of that confidence Eddie had momentarily built was now gone, but Steve knew it’d been there. Knew the desire was there. That was more than enough.
“I do if you want to give me one, yeah.” He lifted himself up onto his knees, hands on the edge of the bed, pushing himself up just enough, tilting his head just so, so that if Eddie could feel that same electricity, if Eddie knew to strike, he’d take that chance.
But Eddie didn’t seem as clued up as Steve’s usual hits tended to be. He wanted to, there was no doubt there, but just like in the trailer with their practice, which disappointingly enough they’d not actually needed thus far, Eddie needed coaxing. Needed to be shown that it was okay, he was allowed to want, allowed to take what he wanted, that it was freely up for offer and that all he had to do was take it.
Eddie talked a big game, but present him with a chance at actual intimacy, even something as casual as kissing, and he’d turn into a statue. Or trip over himself and eat dirt. “Can—Can you come up here?”
Steve didn’t miss a thing. One wouldn’t be wrong to call him a little on the stupid side at times, he lacked the intelligence of his small hoard of goblins, but he was observant, he knew what to look for, caught things that most wouldn’t, so when he braced himself, both hands flat on the mattress and pushed himself up, he didn’t miss the way Eddie’s eyes watched his forearms flex. Didn’t miss how he gulped a harsh swallow of gathering saliva, didn’t miss the slight pupil dilation, the flushed cheeks were already there but the rest?
That electricity crackled around them. Eddie didn’t move though.
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting it, you know that right?” Steve had to say it as he joined Eddie on the bed, Eddie tracking his every movement yet unmoving, doe eyes wide as if caught in headlights “I mean, I had a little freak out at first too but... remember in the trailer? How easy it became when you just let yourself go?” How he’d just melted into it, the desire was there, the want, bubbling beneath the surface, desperate to break free.
“It’s not that simple, Steve...” no, not to Eddie, it wouldn’t be, would it? Not usually, and certainly not now with the whole... it’s not real thing hanging over their heads. A hurdle they’d have to get over.
Steve caught Eddie’s chin in between his fingers just as the man tried to break eye contact “you’re thinking way too hard about this, Eddie, where’s all that gusto gone, huh?” He wanted those big brown doe eyes on him.
“Buried by shame.” Eddie pulled his head free from Steve’s grip and sat back on his rear. “And that’s probably for the best too, I mean...there’s no reason to, right? It’s just us in here so you—I mean, we, don’t have to pretend in here, do we?” No reason to get caught up in hormones that should have ebbed years ago. “I mean, in front of your parents, if we have to then—then sure, that’s fine, but... in here?” The bedroom was the safe zone, where they didn’t have to keep up the façade.
“Eddie... I’m going to say this once... just once... and then maybe again every single time you need to hear it because I’m very confident in the fact that you want me, very confident there, almost too confident, but that is mutual, the wanting thing, not the confidence thing because you’re clearly lacking that. The want thing? Very mutual, you’re very attractive and it’s very hard to keep my hands to myself, so if you want it, there’s no pretending here, I would—I mean, I also want that.” Steve had no problem going for things he wanted, even if that thing happened to be a very jumpy metal head he wouldn’t have been seen within ten feet of back in high school. “Why torture ourselves when we could be getting something we both want?”
High school Steve could and very much should go suck something long and hard. Probably blow his damn mind.
Eddie, sweet, innocent, somewhat feral Eddie, took a breath, “you uh... you use those lines on all the girls?” and dared a smile, just enough of one to dimple his cheek in that way that made Steve want to smush them with kisses.
“Never had any of em think this hard about it.” Even the ‘good Christian girls’ didn’t think that hard about it. Steve shifted a little in place, shuffling just a little closer to Eddie. “I’m gonna ask, and if you say no… then that’s that, I’ll respect your wishes” he’d respect the boundaries Eddie put in place no matter how tempting it was to cross them “Can I kiss you, Eddie? Not for this whole thing with my parents but… just to kiss you?”
“…You really want to?”
“Really not sure why that’s so hard to believe, man have you looked in a mirror?” Eddie had always been pretty, he’d always been attractive, he was just… also very loud, and argumentative, and he hurled abuse at the jocks like it was his job to do so. Now… he was quieter, still loud in his own way, but… not in the same way, the post-high school life suited him.
“So it’s strictly physical then, I see how it is” Steve snorted a laugh as he leaned in, butterflies flapping up a storm in his chest because Eddie wasn’t moving away, he was leaning in, didn’t pull away when Steve rested his hand on Eddie’s cheek, cupping his jaw.
“Oh shut up” The giggles puffed against his smiling lips right before they connected? Far superior to any lust-charged kiss, any day.
Part 19
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
Eddie Munson is the kind of person to do surprise trust falls 24/7. just flings himself at people to see what they’ll do. Steve and Billy are constantly at the receiving end.
Billy never flinches. he barely moves. he doesn’t even need to be looking at Eddie to catch him, he just senses that something is amiss and holds out his arm or braces himself for impact. Eddie tries so hard to catch him off guard but he is no match for Billy’s intuition and catlike reflexes.
Steve, on the other hand…panics. “Why would you do that?!?!” every. single. time. I mean, he catches Eddie. most of the time. but it is all very dramatic, much to Eddie’s amusement. (with Billy in the background, rolling his eyes at these idiots he’s now stuck with.)
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Flight Attendant: Now before we take off, please ensure that all small items are secured!
Eddie {6’0”}: *Looks at Billy {5’9”?}*
Billy: What?
Steve {5’11”}: *Whispers* Do you feel safe?
Billy: I will hit you!
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forestmossling · 1 month
as has been previously established (or hasn’t? if not, that’s just crazy, this is a fundamental part of my personality) i am an unhinged crossover slut. i just love and enjoy crossovers, even between the most far-fetched and unmatchable fandoms possible, an incredible amount.
and a while ago i had this idea of teen wolf/stranger things crossover (which i obviously never followed up on because i never finish my projects) because their settings just vibe with each other. i thought about older steddie moving from hawkins to beacon hills for a break from all the supernatural stuff (*laughing evilly*), eddie becoming an english literature teacher and steve becoming a counselor in their high school while also helping out the lacrosse team. and danny, as he is wont to do, gets the hots for steve and actually comes onto him, because steve is a young teacher still and danny has bad experiences with older men not caring about his age as long as he’s down to get laid. and obviously steve is terrified and calls eddie immediately because he admittedly can handle this better, considering his own experiences with driving out to indy for questionable hook-ups with older guys while he was still in high school. and at first danny’s like “omg it’s so dumb why are they making such a huge deal out of this” and also pretty embarrassed about the whole situation, but soon steddie become his pillar of support, because they’re two older queer guys!! married!! literally teaching in his school!! (although he never openly admits how much this means to him). but since steve is more of a kindred spirit to him, he comes to him for advice and just to bitch about shit from time to time and steve basically takes him under his wing like he did to the party.
and then there’s stiles (yes, this is a danny/stiles scenario. you can take this ship out of my cold, dead hands, they’re my favorite in tw) who is absolutely obsessed with his new eng lit teacher who is open about also being adhd, is also an absolute nerd while somehow still being undeniably cool, and who doesn’t get angry at his dumb questions in class or snap at him for getting distracted, so he’s got a little bit of hero worship going on. and then there’s eddie, who can sniff a lost sheepie from a mile away and can see how isolated stiles is aside from being friends with scott, so he keeps an eye on him and gets caught up in increasingly weird but incredibly interesting conversations with him after class and privately hopes to corrupt him into getting into dnd. and then he notices the way stiles stares at danny in his class without seemingly even realizing it, or watches him say the dumbest shit to danny trying to get his attention, and immediately goes “boy, do i know the feeling”.
so obviously he tells steve and they hatch a plan to get danny and stiles together, because stiles is such a good boy and maybe dating him would finally stop danny from going out with very questionable older people, and danny seems begrudgingly amused with stiles’s antics anyway, so maybe there’s something there, and their whole dynamic just reminds steve and eddie so much of themselves, makes them think of what they could have been, if they had gotten their shit together earlier, so obviously they can’t just do nothing about it.
and then steddie get dragged into the whole supernatural bullshit (because of course they do), and steve takes out his trusty nail bat. everyone just keeps thinking like “who the hell are these guys and why are they in any way involved in this??” and stiles and danny seriously reconsider their matching scars.
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
hi i’m home sick with a fever pls enjoy some porn (steddie + daddy kink, rated E, 18+, minors peace out now etc etc)
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie whines. “S-say it again.”
“Say what, baby?”
“Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me when you come.”
Steve slows his thrusts, smiling with his tongue caught between his teeth as he leans back to fold Eddie’s legs up against his chest and squeeze his thighs together. “Uh uh. You know better than that, baby, ask nicer.”
He pushes in with one long, slow glide, pressing in deep, making Eddie’s eyes roll back in his head before he resumes his brutal pace, lifting Eddie’s hips fully off the bed.
“Please!” Eddie cries. He feels like a ragdoll. Like a toy, a brainless thing built just for Steve’s pleasure. And he wants to please him, wants him to feel as good as he feels. “Please, Daddy. Been so good for you, please please please—“
“Yeah, you have,” Steve grunts, pumping his hips faster, “such a good girl, aren’t you? So proud of you. So fucking proud of you, baby, oh, shit—”
His hips stutter out of rhythm, his face twisted up in pleasure. “Feels so— fuck, I love you, baby,” he groans, his voice so low and sweet as he pulses deep inside, the words dripping like syrup from his kiss-bruised mouth, and Eddie comes undone. He wails and shivers and convulses on Steve’s cock, too fucked out to notice he’s screaming as he spurts between them, cum splashing warm and wet all over his chest, his ribs, pooling in his belly button.
Steve rocks him through it, petting his hair, squeezing his thighs, saying, “Good girl, good girl, that’s it, baby, come for me.”
“Oh, my fucking god,” Eddie laughs breathlessly when he finishes riding out the aftershocks. Steve pulls out with a soft pop, rolls onto his back beside him and groans in exhaustion, and Eddie fucking giggles as the cum drips out of him, kicking his socked feet in the air like a squealing school girl.
“Baby,” he swoons, totally overwhelmed, pawing blindly at Steve’s chest hair, “that was the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Steve looks over at him with so much naked love and affection that Eddie almost weeps. “Oh, so I’m ‘baby’ now, am I?” he teases, poking Eddie in the side just to make him giggle and squirm some more. “What happened to Daddy, huh?”
“Nothing,” Eddie smiles, soft and sweet. He nuzzles his way into the crook of Steve’s arm, tucking himself against his chest and planting a kiss right over his heart. “Thank you, Daddy, I love you.”
“Love you, too, baby. So much.”
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
For the dialogue prompts steddie #14
Ask, and you shall receive :) from the dialogue prompts found here
14. “I know you’re the president of the Anti-Social Club, but why don’t you join me?”
Steve couldn't believe he had agreed to this. He was in hell, for sure. Steve would take the Upside Down over being back here in Hawkins High. But he just couldn't say no to Robin. He had begun to think it was near impossible to say no to her. Especially when her voice got raspy and sad, and she did that fucking head tilt.
Steve honestly wasn't sure how Rob hadn't managed to get laid yet. She was charming when she didn't try. Steve wasn't even remotely attracted to her, the girl was his sister at this point, and yet she had managed to make him melt repeatedly. The only people who had managed to make him cave without romantic feelings involved were the kids, so she had to have some sort of game.
Still, Steve can't believe he gave in to the prom.
Robin had wanted to go so badly, though, which had surprised him. Very conformist of Robin, but Steve understood the need to fit in, even in your last moments. And Robin had told him if she didn't get to go with who she really wanted, if she didn't get to go with a girl, she wanted to go with her best friend. So sue him; he caved and went to prom with her.
"I'm not wearing a tie." He had told her.
He was wearing a fucking tie. Purple to match her dress.
The only thing that made it better was Eddie was stuck with him in his misery.
"Look at them." Eddie nodded to the dancefloor from his seat. Apparently, Eddie's weak point had been Nancy, of all people. And he wasn't even attracted to her (he'd insisted on the matter, in fact. And considering his own friendship with Robin, he was inclined to believe him). They had become weird friends over the past few months. So much so that Eddie came to the one place he swore would only see him for graduation. Steve had to admire Eddie's commitment to the friendship.
Steve was also pretty sure Eddie was terrified to say no to Nancy.
Steve looked in the direction Eddie pointed at. There, in the middle of the dancefloor, were Robin and Nancy giggling, dancing like maniacs. Ironically, maniac was playing.
Steve's early tension eased a bit at the sight. If Steve coming had gotten Robin to smile like that, it was worth the bad memories that came with the school gym.
"How long before Nance makes a move on her, you think?"
Eddie raised his eyebrows, and looked taken aback by Steve's question. "Bold to assume they are into each other, Harrington."
Steve snorted, "Not really. I know you know about Robs, so it's not like I'm outing her. Wouldn't do that. And sure, Nancy hasn't said anything. But I dated her for over a year. I know what she looks like when she's in love with someone."
"Aaah yes, the star-crossed lovers of Hawkins High. How could I forget about the lovebirds."
Steve looked at Eddie across the table, "No she never looked at me like that. I meant Jonathan."
"Oh," Eddie whispered. Steve wasn't hurt by the assumption; he was past that. Well, he was trying to be. He didn't love Nance like that anymore, but the way it ended had left its mark.
Steve felt a bit of envy as he looked at the two girls, now slow dancing. He wanted that. To dance with someone like no one was watching. To hold someone. He never got that.
"I think probably soon, to answer your question from earlier. I'm a little jealous, I have to admit. No one bats an eye at two girls dancing."
Steve wrinkled his nose in confusion, "What, you not gonna dance Munson?"
It was Eddie's turn to snort. "Um, no, Steve. I've never done it, and even if I could, the ladies aren't really who I would want to dance with. Believe it or not, my time with the bats was a one-off. I prefer to be alive, and this town wouldn't take too kindly to my dance partner preferences.
Steve's heart stuttered for a moment. Something ignited in his chest. Something that couldn't be confused with anything other than hope. "What?"
Eddie stared for a second, "Dude. I'm gay."
"No I got that. It's just, you've never danced with someone? Like ever?"
Eddie laughed, "C'mon man don't be surprised."
Steve suddenly stood up and extended his hand. "C'mon."
"Harrington, did you not hear a word I just said. Besides, I'm not going to give these assholes a show."
Steve let out an exasperated sigh, "Look, I know you’re the president of the Anti-Social Club, but why don’t you join me? I have an idea, and I promise nothing bad will happen to you on my watch.”
Eddie hesitated but grabbed Steve's hand. Eddie was stiff as Steve dragged him from his seat.
Steve walked them through the double doors of the gymnasium and out into the hallway. Eddie let out a confused yelp. "What—where are we going, Steve?"
"Just trust me."
Eddie stayed silent the rest of the way until they reached O'Donnell's classroom. "Are you seriously taking back here? Is this a joke?"
"No, I just know she's the only teacher who doesn't lock her door. C'mon." Steve walked Eddie inside the room and shut the door. Luckily, the desks had all been stacked and pushed to the sides of the room, so there was plenty of open space for his plan.
"Okay, so, put your hands around my neck. We are going to do this the easy way instead of the traditional way."
"Ooo, kinky Stevie. Didn't know you were into that." Eddie listened anyway and threw his arms over Steve's shoulders, connecting his hands at the base of Steve's neck.
A blush spread over Steve's face. "Shut up. You knew what a meant."
Eddie gave his first genuine laugh of the night in response.
Steve placed his hands on Eddie's hips. He took a moment to collect himself before proceeding. Steve could feel the warmth of Eddie's hips through the fabric of his black button-up. It was thrilling to be able to feel him this way. Steve had always imagined him to be cold, but he was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. It fit Eddie to be warm; the man was a ball of sunshine despite his outward appearance.
After a moment, Steve started to sway them back and forth. "Move with me, Munson. There is no one around."
Eddie obeyed easily. "Ya know, when you claimed me the president of the anti-social club, I thought, ya know, we were going to be social."
"You are being social, Eddie, just being social with me. Besides, you want me to stop?"
Eddie whispered, "No. It's nice." Eddie leaned his forehead against Steve's as they continued to sway.
Steve began to hum under his breath. The music from the gym was too far away to make out any sort of beat. He decided to make his own music, just for Eddie.
Eddie giggled, "Are you humming 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac right now?" He rubbed his thumbs against the nape of Steve's neck.
Chills went down Steve's spine at the contact. He would have to remember to thank Robin later on for dragging him to prom, for giving him this moment. "Yea, you got a problem with that?" Steve's tone wasn't mean but scratchy and raw. Vulnerable. He didn't want to do anything to break the moment.
"It's perfect," Eddie said as he looked directly into Steve's eyes.
"Good." Steve brushed his lips against Eddie's. Then he sang in a whisper against his mouth,
"It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams/And have you any dreams you'd like to sell?"
This was a cute one to write; thanks for the prompt. hope it lives up to what you wanted :)
Sorry if this feels rushed; I accidentally posted it before it was finished at first, so I panicked to go back and made the final edits.
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sidekickjoey · 2 years
New enemy is the tree that blocked the view of Joe and Joseph giggling, if I ever go to the Upside Down it's on sight 😡
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minoriklh · 2 years
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'Touch Tank', but make it steddie 2/2
((Click for better quality))
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steddielations · 2 years
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Lay All Your Love On Me
They don’t talk about it.
When Steve can’t stop touching Eddie, can’t keep his hands off, they just play with this thing, rattle its cage and let it grow wild between them.
Finally, Eddie just lets it slide right off his tongue, “You know, sweetheart, if you’re gonna keep rubbing my belly like this, you might as well put another baby in me.”
Then, all hell breaks loose between them.
Or, Steve and Eddie have baby fever.
Read On Ao3
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navnae · 1 year
I don’t know who will do it but know that I’ve seen what the “forced proximity” scenario looks like, Steve and Eddie would start out hating each other’s guts then get stuck in between like two walls I don’t know and while they’re there for hours bickering one of them gets “excited” by the friction that the other one is causing.
And that’s how things change for them…
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absentlurker · 1 year
ok hear me out: eddie is on the mend but he’s limited to his trailer because he’s about 78% mummy. wayne is back at work because bills pile up even when your nephew is lowkey dying in the hospital. everyone seems to be back to their normal routine and eddie doesn’t want to really mess that for them so…here he is. trying to comfortably sit on the couch outside and get some vitamin d before he actually turns into a vampire.
Eddie is cursing his existence as he shifts for the 56th time when his neighbor cheerfully opens her screen door and starts walking to her small garden in front of her blue and white trailer.
“Hey, Eddie!” She calls out when she notices him sprawled out. “How you doin’, honey?”
Eddie keeps his eyes on the cloudy sky as he replies, “Livin’ the zombie dream!”
Patty tsks softly before crossing the dirt path.
She stood over him with her hands on her hips, “Come on! Up, up!” She wiggles her pastel gloved hands at him.
Eddie eyes her like she was an actual predator, “Uh…” he starts.
Patty rolls her eyes, “Don’t look at me like that, boy. I’ve known you since you were a wobbly-kneed 12 year old.”
Eddie sputters, offended as though he didn’t draw breath in his lungs until he was a leather jacket wearing dungeon master.
Patty sighs and wiggles her fingers at him once more, “I know you’re bored to death, sweetheart, cooped up here by yourself and hurtin’,” she starts softly, “come sit with me while I spruce up my rosemary. You might even learn somethin’” Eddie stares at her for a minute and exhales loudly when her eyebrows raise.
He starts to slowly shift up and he allows Patty to gently take some of his weight as she helps him cross over to her trailer. She sets him up under her shade cover in a lawn chair at her small round table with a small glass of lemonade. She claps her hands softly when he gives her a thumbs up before she turns around, picking up a few things and brings Eddie three small plant pots that were full of soil and three what looked to be slowly dying plants in plastic beginner pots.
Patty hands him some gloves, “I found these little cuties at the store for a quarter! They’re lavender!” She chirps.
Eddie picks up on the plants as he says, “Patty, they look dead.”
Patty waves her hand as she crouches next to her small wooden plant bed, “oh people always think they’re dead. But you give those little babies a little TLC and they’re good as new!”
She racks up brown crusty leaves with her fingers, “can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought plants that people think are dead but blossom just beautifully if they’re taken care of.”
Eddie hms softly. Eddie creates a small hole in the soil as Patty instructs him how to plant the lavender. She gently pats him on the shoulder when he finishes.
She hands Eddie a small elephant shaped watering can and watches as he slowly waters the newly potted plants. Eddie exhales loudly once he sets the watering can back down and leans back in the lawn chair.
“That’s enough physical activity for me, babe.” Patty chuckles as she fusses with her older plants that are sitting seemingly randomly around the outside of her trailer.
“Well, I thank you for your assistance just the same,” she says before she starts into a story of when she was sixteen and pretty. Eddie sips the tart lemonade slowly as she talks and it isn’t long before he dozes off surrounded by potted plants and a chipper old woman.
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