#whoops i did a vent in the tags
bittersweetblasphemy · 10 months
physically i am here. mentally i have my face buried in the soft wool of a very patient sheep
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Btw sorry but unfortunately my mind is currently trapped between Shame™️ (over existing. Fuck being so socially anxious-) and Guilt✨️✨️(not doing said things) and Tireddddd (everything irl)-
Plus mother has decided to be extra homophobic nd shit the last couple days, and apparently me nd her *alone* r going to a fair together tmrw so. If I'm not responding 2 anything that is specificly plot/heavy/have to be somewhat mentally aware 4,, I'm sorry nd ill (probably. Hopefully??) be back on Saturday.
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kiok0r0 · 4 months
Every single time I think I haven't drawn in forever, I look at the last date I've drawn and see it's only been a couple of weeks. Like what do you mean it wasn't one or two months? It's been two weeks???
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blitz0hno · 4 months
I don't want to get off my phone I don't want to stay on my phone I don't want to pump gas I don't want to do deliveries I don't want to get ready for bed I don't want to write anything of substance I don't want to create I don't want to not create I don't want to be here I don't want to go anywhere I don't want to move I don't want to stay still my brain and body seem to simply want to sit here and Yearn
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ria-starstruck · 10 months
if i had a nickel for every time beach house's "irene" jumpscared me, i'd have one nickel, which isn't a lot at all but it almost became 2 just now
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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help nooooo i just realised that they butchered akechi’s character too
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watcher-wilds · 1 year
I fucking forgor my roommates are out of town this weekend and I have to take care of The Dogs
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shinguuji · 1 month
im tired of bad things and heavy news happening back to back. it's getting real hard to keep hanging on at this point
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aw-bean-s · 5 months
its 4am. i was going to go to bed 2 hours ago. however. for some fucking reason. my c:drive filled up while i was drawing. which is weird. because i swear to fucking god i had at least 50 gigs left. so i have been googling. and cleaning. and searching. and whatever the fuck for two goddamn hours. only for no one and nothing to have a solution for me. i am going to fucking scream.
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botboots · 1 year
Saw that your requests were open so what about TFP cons with an adorkable teen human reader? A really close friend (the emotional support bundle of joy™) that is really artistic, kind, understanding and just a pure cinnamon roll, what would be the bots reaction to the lil' human? Optimus, Ratchet,Bulkhead, Arcee, BB, and if you do the kids then the kids. If not the other bots, stay safe!
im back!! so sorry for the long ass wait, had so much going on in my life recently (graduating, going back home, etc.) but hopefully i'll be back to posting somewhat regularly! tysm for the continuous support :] love seeing the notifs pop up every day this is one of the first asks in my inbox (and i completely forgot that the prompt said reader was part of the cons... whoops) and i've wanted to get it done for a while now! have so many more to get through but will get them done eventually - this isn't the best but its cute <3 and you can 100% tell who my favs are lmao warnings: none word count: 939 (GN reader)
he finds your outlook on things is a nice change of pace compared to the more pessimistic views that some members of the team can have at times
values your compassion greatly, often turning to you as a confidant over the time you’ve gotten to know each other. a mission went wrong and he’s putting all the blame on himself? you’re there to reassure him in a heartbeat, reminding him that he did his best and there’s always another chance; you keep him grounded
has an innate interest in art and writing - he used to be an archivist, after all
so he enjoys watching you indulge in your hobby, your excitement about it reminds him of his younger years of being a clerk at iacon when he would become giddy over a newfound archaic text
he’s very fond of you and makes sure you know it, taking note of the small things you like and getting you whatever little gift he can manage to find - genuinely thinks you’re cute and likes seeing you happy :] 
while it may have taken him a little longer than the others to warm up to you fully, he grew to start looking forward to your company (despite his his best efforts to hide it)
he appreciates your quiet company; you’re much less rambunctious than both the other humans and his own team - you complain a lot less too, probably one of his favorite qualities about you
like optimus, your bubbly attitude gives him a much needed break from the dreary duties that come with being the autobot medic
you often find yourselves working in tandem, with you sitting on the couch working on your newest project while he stands at his terminal typing away. occasionally you’ll walk over with a nervous smile, and with a roll of his optics he’ll lower a servo for you to climb into and lift you up onto the corner of the console, huffing when you chirp a thank you before the both of you quietly return to your tasks (he enjoys it, really)
while he’s not one to vent his frustrations to you, he’ll always be open to listen to you vent about yours. even if he doesn’t respond with much, he’ll offer logical solutions and observations for whatever issue you’re having
the big guy loves art, having been exposed to his fair share of it by miko, and is very encouraging when it comes to your projects
he might not get some of the nuances or meanings of the things you make, but he tries - oftentimes making you laugh a bit at the sheer amount he misses. it’s endearing though, and you appreciate the effort
too fidgety to sit and watch you do anything for too long, but he’ll offer to drive you to a vista for some inspiration while he does his usual scouting routes, miko tagging along of course. she’ll probably bring her sketchbook with her and sit next to you and draw, chattering the entire time while blasting some music from her ipod, offering you one of her earbuds
similar to ratchet she takes a while to get used to you, a little cold at first to your attempts at friendliness
she notices how happy you seem to make everyone else and eventually makes a legitimate pass at being friendly despite how awkward it feels
but with how eagerly you accept it she doesn’t feel as bad, sighing in relief as you immediately start filling her in on how much you’ve enjoyed your time with the autobots
she’s not much of a conversationalist (especially when it comes to humans) so your chattiness is almost a relief - not having to keep up fake interest and energy with someone puts her in a more comfortable position; especially since you’re not one to comment on it like others tend to
will sit and watch you work on whatever your newest project is, a comfortable silence shared between the two of you
rambles about random stuff from her past sometimes - you turn out to be one of the few people she trusts enough to mindlessly dump her thoughts to, both good and bad
one of the first to get to know you, overly excited about having a fresh face around
super curious when he sees you working on something, a barrage of questions translated from mechanical chirps and whirrs with the help (and annoyance) of ratchet
he’ll actually try and mimic some of your art on the walls of hidden ditches where he and rafael hang out, excitedly bringing you along to show off his latest work and buzzing happily when you praise it
will eventually, with your encouragement, try and make something original - he ends up finding it pretty soothing and an easier way to feel understood; communicating his feelings without words can be unsurprisingly helpful for someone who can’t use any of his own
you’ll spend hours hanging out and working on your stuff - he likes when you help him with his own art, adding your own brushstrokes to the concrete wall
he’ll let you sit up on his shoulder just to watch him make whatever he feels like making, or even just taking you on joyrides in the desert where he doesnt need to worry about anything going wrong
while it’s usually you, him and raf hanging out he does enjoy spending solo time with you - usually in silence or one-sided conversations, but you understand each other well enough without words
will also figure out what your favorite songs are and surprise you with them; he loves when you get all giddy about literally anything
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shima-draws · 8 months
Well since the Mochi Mayhem DLC out. How did that go when it came to the Kieran Orgepon AU. Heck what about Indigo Disk since things are bound to go differently there?
HONESTLY probably not that different from canon except Kieran teams up with Juliana to absolutely whoop Pecharunt's ass LMAO
Originally I thought that the Lousy Three had been manipulated into working under Pecharunt (I mean they still kinda were? Technically?) but then I read up on their lore and realized that Pecharunt basically took their desires and made them a reality, so it was more of an even trade than anything. The trio got to power up and achieved what was previously impossible for them, and Pecharunt got their loyalty and could command them as it wished. Part of me wanted an arc where after defeating them they are released from Pecharunt's control and could then apologize and reconcile with Ogerpon, but I really think they did a lot of what they did out of free will. So they're still assholes lol
Anyway as for Mochi Mayhem, Kieran would most likely recognize Pecharunt right from the start and would be squaring the HELL up. Pecharunt manages to get a shot at Carmine and flees (like a COWARD!!) so Kieran calls up Juliana and asks her for help. Which starts the impromptu visit to Kitakami with Arven, Penny and Nemona tagging along ;)
Juliana's never seen her friend so angry before so she realizes this is probably smth important. Cue the trauma arc and Kieran revealing Pecharunt had been behind everything regarding his masks and the Lousy Three terrorizing him all those years ago. (He didn't recognize Pecharunt in its dormant form, but once it awakens he sees it and goes !!! >:0)
At first Juliana's a bit hesitant but once she hears what Pecharunt did she's just as angry as Kieran, if not angrier. The Paldea trio are like WHAT is going on rn why are you two so fired up. And then what commences is the most epic beatdown in history. (And is also pretty cathartic for Kieran, too, finally able to vent out all his anger at the mastermind of the whole situation.)
Juliana probably catches it to keep it under control, but as for what they decide to do with it after...who knows. I feel like Pecharunt has always been intentionally malicious, so training it to not be that way would be difficult, not to mention how uncomfortable Kieran would be with the whole situation. Idk it could go either way!
As for the Indigo Disk--hmm. I'll have to think on that one a bit more. It'd definitely be different since Kieran was never a trainer to begin with, so he's not the BB Academy champion. And for conflict, I'll probably ramp up Briar's obsession with Terapagos to make it a bit more spicy, bc I felt that her arc was too underwhelming. Make her the real villain, and make her even more unhinged when she finds out about Kieran >:)
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cometchasinglove · 22 days
#6 for the selfship ask, and your Starscream choice.
#6 - "A sigh of relief."
Ask Game
Warnings: Suggestive
Word Count: 554
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“And what does “surfing” entail?”
On the sand of a secluded beach, Starscream gazed at Juniper, his optic ridges furrowed in thought. Below him, the redhead held her “surfboard” at her side, the rays of light from the sun glistening across her wet, pale skin. 
“Oh, nothing much,” she said. “I just stand on this plank and feel the waves beneath my feet. Pretty much all there is to it.”
Starscream straightened his body, considering her explanation with developing curiosity. He smirked, finding her confidence to be almost contagious. Attractive, too. 
“Well then, my dear, I believe a demonstration is in order.”
He supposed that it wouldn’t hurt. After all, if Juniper desired to engage in some human tricks, then who was he to stop her?
She nodded, grinning, the curls of her short hair hovering over her shoulders. As she scampered towards the shoreline, he observed the way the pink ruffles of her swimsuit bounced off her chest and rear with great delight. 
Surfing was certainly not what Starscream expected when Juniper successfully coaxed him into visiting a secluded beach. Nonetheles, he grew to enjoy his time with her, even when he was forced to stare at her scar.
His wings gave a slight twitch, his bulky frame producing a slight shudder of remembrance.
It has been months since his latest arrival on Earth, months of him working through troubling feelings that he grappled with for years. He wanted her to like him. He wanted her children to like him. Well, his children, too. Hopefully, Bumblebee and his team of misfits managed to keep them occupied while they were gone.
“Oi, Starscream! Watch this!”
Juniper’s bell-like voice rang out from the ocean. She sat on her surfboard, her legs wrapped firmly around it. She waved at him before taking off, using her arms to propel herself forward towards the accelerating waves in the distance. Starscream refused to lie. He was a bit perturbed by the size and power of the waves, but he chose to settle his faith in her. 
From the moist sand, he watched her demonstration unfold with awe as she glided effortlessly across the glimmering, blue wave on her surfboard. She leaned her body as well as her limbs and hips, a smile spreading across her face as she whooped and cheered with joy. Quickly, the mech realized that she was correct. Juniper truly did feel the waves beneath her tiny pedes. Starscream felt a particular yearning in his spark chamber as he smiled, stepping forward to gain a better look at her.
But then, quite suddenly, while riding the same wave, she lost her balance and fell into the ocean, its watery maw swallowing her whole. 
A rush of panic coursed through Starscream’s internal mechanics as he rushed forward, crying out her name. Fortunately, within moments, she resurfaced with her head poking out from the water. She laughed, releasing a victorious sound as though she wanted the incident to happen.
“Wipeout! It happens.”
For a moment, Starscream blinked. And then, he vented out a sigh of relief.
“Oh, silly Mouse…”
He waited eagerly for her return. After Juniper retrieved her surfboard, however, she arrived upon the shore with her top missing from her body. A burst of heat streaked across his faceplate with the power of a solar flare.
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Divider Credit: @/plum98
Tagging: @m0thisonfire, @lishadra, @blancnight, @boredandwiredkitty, @2bagelsinatrenchcoat, @marveldragon, @jokerislandgirl32, @dizzying-faust, @boredandwiredkitty, @dancing-coyote, @monochromatictoad, @achillidiot, @not-a-moose-in-disguise, @anaghostiez, @001-mirage, @ghostclementine, @onewhobelongstotheforest-blog, @windydrawallday, @call-me-kitty, and @jourlinemaktan!
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Can you write the DMC boys with the reader having a date night by flying around the city with their devil trigger forms?
Just got inspiration from the scene in Across the Spiderverse where Miles and Gwen swing around the city catching up with each other : https://youtu.be/PPHxyyubleg?si=up2SBl2bQNFrqkfm
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Maybe they got bored then the reader decide “Hey why don’t we fly around the city at night?” but the boys just laughed, stating that she can’t fly ( that is before knowing she can devil trigger and she is a devil herself ) so she’s like….
Reader: Bet you didn’t know I can do this *cue jumping off the roof of the shop*
They obviously panic as they try to look down from upon, hoping she does not flat out die just to find out she’s standing stick to the wall of the building while in her Devil Trigger
Reader: You wanna come with me, handsome?
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And that lead to a whole date night scenario and them perching on the side of a building, hanging upside down talking about each other’s commotion, what’s been weighing them down recently and overall heartfelt conversations to vent their feelings out
P/S: If u don’t mind, the Reader’s devil trigger is similar to Sirene from Devilman because I can’t get enough of her design
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Ok, here you go!
Sparda boys + V x Reader DT!Date headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You and Dante were just hanging out in the city, walking around, seeing the sights and climbing on old buildings for no particular reason.
-It was fun, for a time, but you guys got bored pretty soon, and as you sat around wondering what you should do, an idea popped into your head.
-"Let's fly around for a while," You told him; Dante simply laughed. "You can't fly," He replied, still chuckling. "You're no devil."
-Snickering, you decided to prove him wrong by diving off the building you guys were sitting atop, laughing and whooping wildly.
-Dante was beyond surprised to see you do something so recklessly, and thinking you expected him to catch you, Triggered immediately and looked over the edge, thinking it might already be too late.
-Thank God, you were alright, hovering just a few inches away from the side of the building. Giggling, you held out your hand, which he took, his fears now evaporating.
-You guys flew around the city for a while, joking, teasing, playfully fighting and laughing the entire time. 10/10, he would do it again.
■ Vergil ■
-You and Vergil were just walking around, wandering the rock countryside aimlessly.
-Then you had the bright idea to suddenly launch yourself off of one of the nearby cliffs, a huge grin on your face the entire time.
-Vergil mentally panicked and Triggered immediately, wondering just what the hell would possess you to do such a thing.
-To his surprise, you were perfectly fine! You'd Triggered and were now flying around in circles, whooping and laughing. You caught sight of him staring at you like you were a ghost and brightly offered your hand out to him. "Come on, handsome!"
-Vergil took a minute to let his heart rate go back down, then let out a little half cough half chuckle. "Alright then." He mumbled, Triggering as well and hurrying to join you.
-You guys flew around for a bit before settling on an even higher cliff to talk, venting out your stress to one another and generally chatting about your lives.
-It was a rare moment of peace that Vergil rarely gets to experience with you. He wishes he could spend more nights like these with you.
□ Nero □
-You and Nero were goofing around in the city, playing a game of high stakes tag where you leaped from building to building.
-It was upon one of thse buildings where you began to grow rather bored, so you decided to spice up life by throwing yourself off the roof.
-Nero wasn't sure what the saw was real for a minute, thinking he just imagined that. A second or two passed before he realized that you really had done that--you did just jump off a building, presumably to your death.
-Nero's pseudo devil trigger activated immediately, and he rocketed after you, only to find you alive and well, floating around, waiting for him, it seemed.
-He was overwhelmed with this new information, discovering his girlfriend was a demon was truly jarring, so was learning she could fly.
-Of course he had to go with you once you offered your hand to him, because come on, who wouldn't?
-You and Nero had the time of your lives flying around and chatting amongst yourselves. It was an experience like no other, one Nero wishes to repeat sometime.
● V ●
-You and V happened to be sitting together atop a tall precipice, not really doing much of anything.
-You were in the middle of wondering what you should do, when an idea hit you. You would reveal the truth about yourself right now.
-Without a word, you tossed yourself off the cliff, presumably falling to your death. V let out a tiny little squeak of fear upon seeing you do this, and immediately had Griffon fly him out to see what became of you.
-Thankfully, you were alive, just flying around, waiting for him to join you. This was extremely frightening for V; he didn't expect to discover his girlfriend was a winged demon today, but here he was.
-Ah well, appearances don't matter to V, (Griffon begs to differ) so he readily joined you.
-You guys had a lot of fun soaring through the skies together and would have readily spent the whole night doing that, but Griffon got tired, forcing you guys to find a place to land.
-There, you guys chatted about your lives, kissed, hugged, cuddled, and watched the stars like the lovebirds you were. How adorable.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
The Demon Heads Hellhound
by AllusiveX5 (Noa_NovaLight) Recently Gotham’s resident bats & birds have been seeing an uptake in what appears to them to be assassinations coyly & expertly covered up to look like accidents. This has the League of Assassins dirty hands all over it. The big bat & his sons take to the League to find just what new player has step onto the board. But what they find is not what they expected. Or is it? Words: 4472, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of The Demon Head’s Hellhound Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Talia al Ghul, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne - Relationship Additional Tags: Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Good Person Ra's al Ghul, Bad Parent Bruce Wayne, League of Assassins Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Abusive Bruce Wayne, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, maybe???, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Implied/Referenced Abuse, poor timmy, Implied/Referenced Child Neglect, did I maybe vent in writing this??, you can’t prove shit, did I maybe make Bruce an abusive asshole, oh totally, whoops, POV Dick Grayson via https://ift.tt/QmHard6
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i forgot that "putting a post under specific tags" leads to "people looking at the specific tags will see your post". so uh, hi! im not great at writing or talking, but i hope those of you who followed will enjoy.
(very long ramble under the cut)
anyways, ive been exploring the east branch the past... week? i think? ive been absolutely enthralled by this area. im such a sucker for strange and nonsensical places. exploring the various random rooms feels like travelling in a dream. id love to get out some graph paper sometime and try recording my path like you would in an old-school dungeon crawler. i think itd be very funny seeing just how lost i can get.
the tape recordings in the vents are maybe my favorite part though. its always a joy clicking on a vent and having the brief russian-roulette moment of "will this be of relevance to what im seeing or will this be smash mouths all star?" ive been caught off guard by the louder version many, many times. it never fails to amuse me. i believe ive seen all of the logs, but with how much there is in this branch i wouldnt be surprised to find a new one.
the memories im still not done with. last i checked i believe i was at... 110 out of 294? im excited to find out if its possible to get all of them, and what happens if you do. it is very difficult to accomplish this im realizing, since the counter depletes seemingly at random. this might be an entirely fruitless endeavor, but im nothing if not always down for a good challenge :)
i think the most eyecatching piece of the east branch is the chatlogs between wodin and the intern. when i first read through the entire thing, and i was meant to descend into the coffin, i declined (there was a vent in the room and i wanted to get the popup out of the way to read the transcript) and was then unable to trigger that dialogue popup again... which left me stuck wandering the rooms until i refreshed. whoops. its alright though, just gave me another opportunity to collect some more memories.
on my most recent venture, the coffin was present in the center from the very beginning, and almost immediately after starting to explore, a window popped up with some messages to wodin from the closer. while i did very much enjoy reading the contents, it did take me... around twenty minutes to screenshot them all? it was slightly nauseating trying to scroll down, since it kept shooting me back up to the top of the log whenever i tried to read the bottom-most message :( i did manage to screenshot them all eventually though, so i was able to actually read them all. im still super curious what it mightve been that triggered those changes in that run! i dont think i did anything different, other than play on a friday. maybe that was it.
god, theres so so much more i could say, this might be my favorite branch thus far. despite how much ive seen, i still feel like i havent even come close to seeing it all!
oh whoof. i didnt realize how long this was, ill need to put all of this under a readmore. hm. tl;dr, ive been having a boatload of fun exploring the east branch. if you havent done so yet, i highly suggest venturing into it for yourself. its like exploring a kaleidoscope maze within a dream. 10/10 experience
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murphysketchs · 10 months
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Welcome to Deadcember.
What IS Deadcember?
Deadcember is an event that I made a few years ago aiming to make myself cry over my OCs with various different prompts. They were just small doodles but I also ended up killing some of my friends with them too. Thus, I made a prompt list aimed towards causing emotion distress to them <3333
Where is the prompt list and rules, you fool?
I don’t have the prompt list really written down anywhere except for on spare canvases and pieces of paper (I made this challenge during high school and am just very disorganized) so I’m still compiling all the prompts for this year. I do have Day 1 already at the ready though!
It's right here!! This is the "Official Deadcember Prompt List" that I made and have gathered up for your convenience.
As for rules? Well- This is literally coming off of the back of Huevember and NaNoWriMo, so it’s just a very low stakes challenge. You’re not meant to burn yourself out with this and you’re given multiple prompts to use or not use. The goal of it is just for some good feelings relief honestly, cause holidays are stressful as hell.
Now, with that out of the way, here’s the “Official Rules” of Deadcember!
You get a small list of words (some may have more than others honestly, whoops!) and you either draw, write, or create something in general that does or does not fit the theme(s) of the day. Like I said earlier, you’re just aiming to make yourself or your friends cry/die inside!
This is a very lax challenge, so there is no day requirement to hit to complete this.
You only did one day but it didn’t follow the list and still made you cry? Congrats! You “won” Deadcember! Very proud of you for finding the energy to do anything at all during this month <333
You did every single day and included EVERY PROMPT? Dude that’s just amazing! Genuinely so glad for you!
Remember to skip days when you need to and that this month is made as a brain relief. Holidays and stuff are stressful and sometimes can cause big feelings of dread or make some not so good memories resurface, so these are for you to kind of vent.
Don’t forget to properly tag your stuff with correct trigger warnings when applicable! While you may want to vent, that doesn’t mean you get a pass to show it off without some type of warning.
And it’s just for fun! You don’t have to feel the need to vent into the pieces you make, in fact, you don’t have to make sad stuff at all! You can cry over tooth rotting, cute, very fluffy art. Whatever you choose to do, just be safe, take care of yourself, and relax.
That being said, make sure to tag with #deadcember if you post these cause I want to see if you decide to post them (totally cool if you don't, I'm not your dad)
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