#tantrum mysteriously stopped after that comment
bittersweetblasphemy · 10 months
physically i am here. mentally i have my face buried in the soft wool of a very patient sheep
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In response to the Mile High Job post, I hate that Parker implies that poor flight attendant slept her way to a promotion/better shift. Her day is super weird but her cat is fine and her life is saved. That rumor, however, might stick and that didn't really feel like Leverage to me.
The thing with Leverage is that it's a show from the late 2000s; it feels contemporary, but actually it is a bit dated. And, like all shows, it had some problematic elements, which get a bit more Obviously Problematic as time goes by (I am just waiting for someone to write a lengthy call-out post in 5 years' time and for the Discourse to start.) For example, Tumblr loves to declare that Leverage has a "canon" throuple, but if anyone read that and then watched the show they would be profoundly disappointed - while it's a fantastic ship with a great many shippy instances, Elliot has a lot of onscreen No Homo moments, and frequently is shown sleeping with random women (I personally read him as aromantic). Similarly, there are two big relationships in that show: Nate/Sophie, and Parker/Hardison. And we all wax lyrical about the brilliance of Parker/Hardison and how healthy it is, and for good reason; but we gloss over how unbearably "I hate my wife/father I cannot click the book" Boomer humour Nate/Sophie is.
(He literally calls her a shrew in one episode. She throws a tantrum and sulks if he doesn't remember the exact details of how/where they met. She's stereotypically 'romantic' and he's stereotypically 'cynical' and she has to Save Him From Himself, and he self-deprecatingly says he should just know when to stop arguing because she's always right. Like... it is a grubby and uncomfortable dynamic; but, it's also aimed at a different segment of the audience that is older than me, and that's okay, actually. It just means I don't much care for the ship myself.)
Anyway, this is one other such instance. Clearly someone in the writers' room thought that was a funny joke, and not enough people disagreed, and so in it went. What's nice is that Sandi McCree, who plays the other flight attendant that stays on the plane, actually kind of saves that joke for me with her performance. When Parker first boards and declares that her co-worker is not coming in, McCree looks disgruntled at the sudden change to her staff list when she wasn't informed; she's annoyed at management. Then Parker makes the sleeping-with-pilots comment, and McCree looks disgusted and furious -
An expression she then pulls at Parker every time she sees her for the rest of the episode, even when Parker is technically not doing anything particularly weird. It's not necessarily intentional on McCree's part (Parker IS very weird in this episode, so it very much can be a response to that), but to me it means you can read it as "This woman is absolutely furious at the lateral sexism of this white girl because We Love And Support Each Other On This Plane." So, for me, between that and the aforementioned revelations of the day (the plane was brought down by the domestic terrorists of a Fortune 500 company, but saved by... a few unexplained Official People who snuck aboard??? And the other flight attendant was made to miss the plane after all under mysterious circumstances and was not promoted??? What???), I don't think Sandi McCree's character wouldn't put those pieces together.
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sashaisready · 4 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 7 - Make it up as we go along
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Bit of assault towards Bucky (but not enough to hurt him), a just a note that this probably isn't the healthiest dynamic...
Ah surprise chapter drop! Hope you enjoy. I probably won't be able to post again until monday now. As always, I appreciate your lovely reblogs and comments. I'm so glad people are engaging with this series and I hope you continue to enjoy it!! I’m afraid I don’t have a taglist for this series, I don’t use them as I’ve had technical issues with them in the past. Sorry!
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(gif not reflective of how reader looks)
You knew he was right – you needed to clear the air, and fix whatever the hell was going on between you both (if anything). But you couldn’t resist being petty, lashing out after his poor treatment of you earlier. Granny always said be the bigger person…but she was a far better than woman than you.
“Sorry. Can’t. Not on the clock,” you shot back at him as you unlocked the car.
You opened the car door and his arm moved to your shoulder, holding you firmly to stop you from getting in. You held strong, not letting his touch melt you.
“Fine. I deserve that,” he said gruffly, “but I really do want to talk to you. Please”.
The softness in his voice caught you off guard and you found you were annoyed by the sudden wobble of weakness you felt. No! STRENGTH!
You sighed heavily. “Alright. Step into my office,” you gestured to the car.
You slipped into the driver’s seat as he dropped his hold from your arm, then he followed suit by getting into the passenger seat alongside you. The Mustang’s passenger seat looked almost comically small with his big bulk spread across it.
He turned to look at you, face perfectly illuminated by the parking lot lamps. It wasn’t fair that anyone could possibly look so hot in fluorescent lighting.
“This is a nice car,” he said admiringly as he looked around the interior.
“I know” you replied curtly. “She’s my girl”.
“What’s her name?”
He blinked at you.
“Mustang…Sally? Really?”
You folded your arms defiantly. “Is that a problem?”
“No…no…it’s not…” but you could see in his face he was trying to hold back one of those stupid smirks.
“If you’ve come here to make fun of me you can get the hell out…”
“No! I haven’t. Christ. It’s just funny…that’s all. It’s…cute”.
“Shut up, James”.
“Ohhh…you found that out, huh?” he grinned wickedly. “Well joke’s on you, cos I like you saying it…”
You took a second to scowl and him, then stared ahead out of the windshield with your arms crossed, hoping you looked more mysterious stranger than you did tantruming toddler. The two of you sat uncomfortably in the resulting silence.
“I’ve been an ass,” he told you, his eyes intense.
“Yes, you fucking have” you growled back at him.
“I’m sorry…really-”
“Look…Bucky,” you interrupted him aggressively. “I get it, we kissed. It didn’t mean anything to you. Fine. Whatever. But you didn’t have to ignore me…you didn’t have to parade Amber around in front of me like-”
“No! I mean how hard would it have been to drop me a text? Or tell me you made a mistake? Literally anything…”
“Sug…can I speak-”
“I’m not some random girl in a bar, Bucky! You can’t just ignore me. We work together. You’re my boss. You can’t just lay one on me and act like I don’t exist and-”
“Sugar! I’m trying to explain myself here!!” he barked, but you seemed to be on a roll…the floodgates were open.
“And another thing! Why are you getting aggressive about me meeting guys?? I can date who I like! You don’t get to be angry, especially when-MMPH!”
Bucky had clamped his large metal hand over your mouth, quite literally silencing you. Your eyes widened in shock; his tactic must’ve worked because you were briefly stunned into submission.
“I’m sorry…that was rash of me, but I literally can’t get a word in edgewise…” he told you gently, his voice quiet as if trying to talk down a spooked horse. “If you’d just let me-”
You yelped and shrieked as you wrenched his hand from your mouth in disbelief.
“What the FUCK was that?” you squawked as you struck him on the shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt, if you even could hurt him, but hard enough for him to curse and utter your name in incredulity.
Suddenly you were climbing over the seat and swatting at him, your anger boiling over. The inevitable purge after holding everything in all night. You knew it must’ve looked funny as he was so much larger than you, but your anger outweighed any self-consciousness.
“What. The. Fuck” you cried out, punctuating each word with a thwack to Bucky’s torso as he swore and tried to shuffle back, but the lack of space in the car meant he had nowhere to go. He just bumped into the passenger window as he exclaimed at you.
He quickly became tired of your attempted assault and wrapped his arms around yours, trapping them at your sides and effortlessly pulled you over the seats. “Alright,” he said tiredly. “Enough of that!”
Suddenly you were incapacitated in his hold, essentially straddling his lap as you voiced your outrage and tried to wriggle out of his hold.
“Bucky! What the-”
“You wouldn’t stop hitting me and shouting in my face! Jesus! Do you have any idea what a menace you are?”
The two of you squabbled for a little longer, faces inches apart.
“If you would just listen…”
“You can’t just DO stuff like that!”
“Why do you have to fight me on every, single, thing?”
“Why can’t you just be upfront and direct with me for once?”
A sudden silence enveloped you both as if someone had flicked an off switch, the bickering now replaced with a shared penetrating stare between you the two of you. Almost nose to nose. It was as if you both realised your close proximity in the same moment.
You weren’t sure who went in first. But it didn’t matter. He freed your hands and they flew up into his hair as he kissed you roughly, and you kissed him back just as hard. It was heated, passionate but there was anger in there too. Pent up desire and rage, a deadly combination. You nipped roughly at his bottom lip with your teeth, and he hissed and retaliated by forcefully pulling you closer into him as the kisses became deeper and sloppier and your tongue was no longer yours but a separate force you couldn’t control. His hands made their way up your back, then moved back down across your waist, then he pulled you forwards and lifted your ass up and he squeezed fistfuls of it as he moaned into your mouth. Part of you wanted to slap him and call him a pervert but you were simply too caught up to do so. It was wrong but so right. You wanted to shun him and punish him, but you also couldn’t stay away from him. Damn him.
“You’re so annoying…” he murmured softly as he dotted kisses across your jawline.
“So are you…” you retorted as you rocked your hips against his lap and stretched to get more comfortable in the cramped car.
“I should’ve implemented a skirts-only uniform policy,” he growled as his hands explored the back of your jean-clad thighs.
“Stop talking,” you managed breathily before silencing him with another kiss.
He moved you further onto his lap again and you allowed him to. He was firm in his hold but never too rough. You leaned across him to pull the lever to recline the seat but in your urgency and ungainliness you managed to hit the horn with your backside, sending a loud tone that made both of you jump.
It seemed to snap you out of your stupor as you flung yourself back against the driver’s seat, your hands recoiling away from him like your fingers had been burnt.
“No…we gotta stop this,” you panted out as you regained your composure and smoothed down your mussed hair. The silence lay thick and heavy.
He sat back against his own seat looking a little bewildered. “Yeah…sorry. You’re right. I just…lost myself a little there,” he cleared his throat.
“You hurt me,” you told him meekly and unable to meet his gaze. “I feel really embarrassed. After we kissed…you didn’t get in touch. Then tonight you almost seemed annoyed I was there when you came in. And you spent the whole time with Amber, apart from when you got pissed at me for talking to another guy”.
You chewed your lip, mortified by your own vulnerability. But you were glad you finally said it out loud. It was the most honest thing you’d ever said to him.
You could see him nodding in your periphery. “I’m sorry, Sug,” he said quietly.
He took a deep breath. “That kiss…it did mean something to me you know”.
You finally turned to look at him, surprised by his admission. “What?”
He looked back at you. He seemed…smaller, somehow. “Of course it did,” he continued. “We both felt it, didn’t we? This thing between us. I feel a little crazy around you. You’re like this…brilliant woman. Smart and funny…makes the meanest spicy ‘marg for hundreds of miles,” he grinned.
Even you couldn’t stifle a chuckle at that.
“You also get under my skin in a way nobody else does. You make me so mad. But I can’t help being near you. And when you got hurt that night…I was so angry. Angry at myself for not protecting you. Angry at you for mouthing off and not getting help. I guess…I guess it sorta pushed me to finally make a move…and then Sam interrupted and…” he sighed “Fuck. I don’t know. I suddenly felt bad. I shouldn’t be hitting on my staff. Especially injured staff…”
“Yeah…but I wanted it too, Bucky. You know I did…”
“I know…But…I dunno, I wouldn’t want you to ever think I was taking advantage”.
You swallowed, absorbing everything he’d just told you. Yeah…that was reasonable. He was your boss after all and there was always going to be a weird power dynamic there, but you still had more questions than answers.
“Bucky…” you started quietly. “If you wanted the kiss…Why did you disappear? I didn’t hear from you…and then tonight…”
He interrupted you with a noise of frustration, but seemingly towards himself rather than you.
“Alright…look. This…well, there’s no way of spinning any of this that makes me look good here, alright? But I want to be honest with you…I’m not going to lie to you”.
You nodded, grateful for his candour but uneasy about what he might say. You stiffened but still turned to him and gave him your full attention.
“Okay…so. Like I said, I wanted the kiss. And I’m glad it happened. And I was gonna text…call…and I almost did so many times, I had your contact open on my phone and everything…but I guess…I panicked a little”.
“Yeah…I mean,” he sighed. “Because I really like you. And I’m not used to that. And on top of that, I’m your boss. And…you’re leaving town soon anyway. And…our relationship is sorta, volatile? I guess? I admit this is fucked up and chicken shit of me, but I kinda freaked out. I suppose I worried that if I jumped headfirst into something with you, it might be a mess. Or worse, I might fall hard, and it would be that much harder to see you go when the time came. I know you might think this is me taking the easy way out to give you the brush off…but it’s the truth”.
You sat in silence at his admission, eyes wide and lips parted. You were surprised at how open he was. The two of you had never really done ‘direct communication’ before…and it was eye opening to say the least. You knew deep down you agreed, you already knew that finally saying goodbye to him would be tough…you didn’t want to make it any tougher.
“I still shouldn’t have left you hanging like that. I’m sorry,” he told you with sincerity. “I’m not…good at this stuff”.
“And what about you and Amber? I mean the two of you…”
He sighed heavily, shaking his head. “Look…there is no me and Amber…”
“But-” you interrupted harshly. “I’ve seen you..”
“No. Seriously, it’s the truth,” he explained as he ran a hand through his hair. “Amber is cute. She’s fun. Again, I won’t lie to you – we’ve fooled around in the past. But I’m not interested in pursuing anything with her. She knows that, I’ve never lied to her about that. But she tries. And I do care for her. But it’s just messing around. We flirt and it’s fun, and I know it might look I lead her on, but I consistently remind her where I stand. I guess maybe she’s hoping I’ll change my mind? I don’t want to outright ban her from the bar…but she turns up…and some of the guys are involved with her friends…and I guess I’m too clumsy to give the situation the care it deserves because I don’t want to give her false hope, but I don’t want to be outright mean to her either. I know you probably think I’m just some meathead biker juggling girls, but I don’t like hurting people who don’t deserve it”.
You noted the concern in his voice. He really did seem to care about handling it right, even if he wasn’t very good at it. But you remembered the extent of tonight and rolled your eyes.
“C’mon Bucky…that’s all very well and good…but she was sitting in your damn lap this evening. So you’re not exactly taking a hard line with her….” You scowled.
“Yeah…and did you see the part where I rolled my eyes and moved her away?”
“Oh, come on…”
“It’s true! I told her to back off, but you’d disappeared…”
“Don’t insult me…”
“I’m not, it’s the truth!” He frowned. “Okay, fine, maybe I need to be stricter with her. We’ve just been doing this back and forth for so long I sometimes forget how it must look…”
“Poor little you…”
“Oh, don’t give me that. What about you, huh? Flirting and giving out your number in front of me?”
“That’s different! You were ignoring me…I thought you’d knocked me back!”
“I saw that message was from Wanda but you made out it wasn’t…I know what you were doing. You were enjoying me being jealous…And yes, obviously I was jealous, so don’t think make a whole thing of it”.
You stopped suddenly, your cheeks feeling hot as he’d caught you out in your game. “Oops. Um…okay. Fine…”
You both sat quietly until he spoke again.
“I guess both of us have played a part in this, not being upfront with the other about how we feel”.
“Yeah…” you sighed. “That’s true enough…I’m still mad, though”.
“That’s okay. I deserve it”.
He nudged you playfully and you couldn’t help but crack a smile. Damn him.
“Look…given how much drama there’s been already between us…Maybe we should just call it, put a stop to this thing and stay just friends and colleagues. Have quieter lives as a result,” you offered, unable to mask the melancholy in your voice.
He nodded. “Yeah…that probably is for the best”.
You felt sad…but you knew it was the right move. All this drama and angst and you’d only shared a few kisses. Imagine how much worse it would get? What if you’d slept together?? And he was right earlier, this whole thing did have an expiration date. You didn’t want to have to quit your job even if it was temporary. You didn’t want to leave on bad terms because you were banging your boss, or because you were insecure about who else he was banging. It all came back to the same bottom line…you didn’t need this in your life. Not now. Not with Granny’s house.
This was for the best. This was a mature decision. This was growth.
Why is he looking at you like that…?
What is he….oh.
Uh oh.
“Bucky…” you pleaded softly, but his mouth was already on yours.
“Just friends,” he mumbled into your mouth.
“Just friends,” you whispered against his.
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chiharuhashibira · 8 months
𝓗𝓲 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮!
I’m 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓾-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷 and I know some knows me already from my KNY fanfics! But here I am! Exploring Migi to Dali as I had seen a comment that there are only few fics for this wonderful anime.
As what I've said before, I will only write for adult Migi and Dali as I am not comfy writing about minor boys. So here we are!
Let's start with a simple HC for these wonderful twin XD emphasise on the WONDERFUL hahaha!
Tagging you guys as you commented on my Migi to Dali post before~ @ungovernable-corn-crab @jiya-beloved @dciphe-r
𝓝𝓸𝓷-𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑩𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None ^^
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(Images aren't mine. Credits to the rightful owners)
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» As you know how emotional your boyfriend is, Migi is always clingy. Yes, it might be funny, but the guy wants you to always assure him how much you love him.
» He never ceases to tell you how pretty you are. He loves comparing you to Sali-chan, who appears to be his first love and who also turned out to be just the persona of his twin brother, Dali. At first, you found it weird. But when you knew about his life, you understood everything and appreciated your boyfriend more.
» Sometimes you end up thinking that Migi's love languages are all five. He's very sweet and affectionate, especially with his words. He loves giving you his time. He is clingy and loves physical affection. Migi is also ready to give you his time, all the gifts in the world, and even all of him if you want to.
» But of course, not every day is sunshine and roses. When there are challenges in your relationship, Migi is the one who will try to approach you first to solve them. He hates fights. He can put up a tantrum sometimes, but after that, he makes sure that he'll make it up to you.
» Migi is very enchanting and enigmatic, especially with how he handles things. You can't help but be amazed at how he moves and solves things. He's smart, and yet, he really needs that push from you. But, of course, things will never change.
» Migi can be so silly but you know that he is the only one who can make you happy.
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» Dali is definitely the serious one in the relationship. He's the rational one. Although he is not particularly outspoken regarding his emotions, the way he looks at you could stop your entire world.
» He isn't the kind of boyfriend who will throw compliments at you. He would rather show it to you instead. Or sometimes, he'll just end up teasing you, even if he meant the other way around. Even without expressing it overtly, the individual genuinely adores your appearance and demeanour. You'll always find him looking at you.
» Dali doesn't believe in love languages. He thinks it is funny. But then, even if he won't notice it, he seems to have the physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. He's sweet but not too sweet. He'll steal touches and kisses, but not always. And yes, he'll make sure to give you time, no matter how busy he is with the university.
» But of course, not every day is sunshine and roses. Dali won't be the one to fix things whenever you fight. Yes, he can be hard on you, and that can be tough. But then, you know his weakness is you, yourself, and so you use that to get his attention again and make up. You'll end up talking about the "logical ways" to solve your issues.
» Dali is very enigmatic. Actually, if you don't know him, you'll think of him as the definition of a mystery. But of course, there are times when he can be vulnerable as well (even if you can just count it on your fingers). But the quantity doesn't matter; it's the quality of relationship you have, and you know you can be proud of him as a boyfriend.
» Dali can be so serious, but you will know that you won't ever be complete without him by your side.
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰!
Really hope you liked it!
There will be more non-KNY fanfics soon. So be on the look out!
See you on my next fics. Feel free to reblog, request, and comment!
Ja ne~
~𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓾-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷 🍑
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cas-skz · 5 months
Enigma Part 5
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Series Summary: Song Mingi is a mystery to you. A man with morals, to a certain extent. The method to his madness isn't typical: Violence, threats, and crime. After the first time you encounter him, he's got you locked in. The first encounter, wont be the last.
Warnings/Tags: Violence, Talk of drugs and alcohol, Mature language
Word Count: 1.8k
Written By: @littleforeignaffairs
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
writers note: trying to get back into the swing of things. terribly written draft...
“I told you to monitor the place!”
Mingi’s booming voice startles you from a deep sleep. Now that you’re working with Tiffany, its rare for you to get a good night’s sleep. She keeps you busy most evenings, while Mingi keeps you on a short leash during the day. Your days blend from one week to the next. It’s become monotonous.
“Are you all that incompetent?!”
The shatter of glass pierces your ears; you wince, hands quickly covering them. You sit up in bed, the commotion down the hall only getting louder. With your eyes barely open, you trudge your way to your door, opening it slowly. Patterns of various smashes, clatters and shuffles come from Mingi’s room. You step out into the hallway, your eyes on his door. It’s open, and you can see the items belonging to those patterned noises.
“Jesus Christ” Mingi comes into view, shoving passed one of his men. He grabs his jacket off, what you assume was a hook on the wall, and barrels towards you. You stand in silence. His eyes sharp, focusing on the hallway in front of him. He doesn’t even look at you. You watch as he glides by you, his men in tow.
“Put some fucking clothes on” He snaps. His comment barely registers in your mind before hearing the front door slam shut.
You look down at yourself; An old shirt, 2 sizes too big, and underwear barely cover your body. He woke you with his tantrum, so you didn’t bother putting on a change of clothes. Your attention shifts down the hall at the still open door of Mingi’s room. Unconsciously, you begin to walk towards it. Knowing full well the response he had given you the last time you went into his room. There aren’t any consequences this time though. Mingi is gone.
The room is a complete mess, though you expected nothing more after the ruckus you heard. You step over papers, pens and various files, making your way to the desk. A disorganized pile of photos catches your eye. You glance over your shoulder, almost expecting Mingi to be there. Though, you’re still alone. You hover over his desk, sliding the pictures around to get a better look.
You furrow your brows, quickly picking up the photos. Each picture filling more and more panic in you. They’re pictures of you. Some of them look older. You’re with Alise in most. Some of them are even you with Lee.
“What is this”
Angrily, you keep flipping through the photos, realizing that Mingi has been watching you for a long time. You toss the photos aside, revealing a new stack of photos. These ones are recent. You begin to get confused, seeing the photos are you with Mingi. It doesn’t make sense to you, why Mingi would have these photos if he were with you. You freeze, and your stomach knots. A photo of your home taunts you. The anger has dissipated, and fear has a replaced it. You’re petrified to continue looking through the photos, but you can’t stop now. Taking a deep breath, you move to the next photo.
Your front door busted open. And the next Your living room, completely torn apart.
Your throat stings. You understand now why Mingi had been so enraged. Someone had been following you still. Someone broke into your home, damaged anything in reach, documented it and sent it here. A threat? Blackmail? You breathe in shakily, continuing. Everything you own, destroyed. But that isn’t the worst of it. You come across a photo of you and Alise, a red strike drawn over Alise. A gasping sob leaves your lips. Quickly, you flip the photos, each one following are of Alise with a target drawn.
You drop the photos, running back into your room. You grab your phone with one hand, and a pair of pants with the other. You stumble, pushing your feet into your pants. Trying to see through blurry vision, you punch in Alise’s number. It rings.
Once. Twice. Three times.
“Alise. Please. Pick up”
Four times. Five times. Finally, it clicks.
You sigh, a sense of relief washes over you.
“Where are you?”
There’s no response. The panic begins to rise in you again.
“Alise…” “Try again..” You feel sick to your stomach. Lee’s voice dripping with pride.
“Where is she” You manage to choke out. Lee merely hums in response.
“Tell me!” Your sobs almost drown out your words. “What did you do with her?!”
“Find me” His whisper is unsettling. You feel dread. Panic. Anxiety. Chaos. Before you can say another word. He hangs up. Your phone falls from your hand and you blindly walk into the fire.
You struggle between the choice of Lee’s hideout and Alise’s apartment. Both places seem too obvious for him to be, but they’re the only places you can think of. Your instinct is to go straight to Lee’s place first. Any one of the crew could know where he is, or what he was planning with Alise.
To your surprise, it’s vacant. And the surprise is only more unsettling. You walk down the hall, scanning each open room as you do. The sound of silence has never frightened you before. It would be more comforting to hear the men fighting, screaming, anything.
After finally making it to Lee’s room, the dryness of your mouth has only gotten worse. The door is slightly ajar. It’s dark, and you can barely see inside. Touching just the pads of your fingers against the wood, you give a gentle push. The door creaks as it drifts open. The light from the hall breaks the darkness in pieces. But not enough for you to see.
A body presses up against your back. A hand lays at each side of your waist, pulling you back into him, moving you through the door frame at the same time. There’s no question as to who it belongs to. His face is too close for comfort, you turn yours to look away from him. He smells of dirty copper, or iron. His lips touch against your jaw before a strong inhale against your skin raises the hairs on your neck.
“How I missed this sweet smell”
You eye over Lee’s expression. His eyes are black, pupils dilated to the point where the irises have disappeared. Blood stains at the corner of his mouth, as well as around his nose. You finally realize he’s high.
“I knew I could get you here with promises of that slut” Lee’s words cut deep; anger begins to rise into your chest. You push against Lee, trying to shove him away from you. Lee tuts, pushing you back against the wall. He raises a brow, eyes scanning you over. Lee’s hand lands back on your waist. You feel the roughness of his fingers touching over your bare skin, inching up your shirt.
“You’ve always been fiery, that’s why I like you so much” His hand reaches at the back of his pants, the sharp reflection of metal pops into your vision. The blade of a knife trails over your jaw. “How I wish you came to see me. Things would’ve been so much easier”
Your breath sticks to your lungs. Lee has always been about games. Everything was about winning, and getting as much as he could. Right now, you know he wants you and your fear. You breathe out slowly, and catch Lee’s gaze. A slight push of pressure and Lee’s blade knicks your skin. The air stings the tiny wound. You wince a little, but refuse to back down.
Lee breathes through his teeth, stepping in closer to you. As his face draws near, your first reaction is to shut your eyes. It doesn’t help though. You can feel the heat from his face. Feel the gaze burning into you. He applies more pressure to his blade, sliding it from your jaw, over your cheek. The pain, this time, feels sharper. Though your eyes are closed, you can feel the tears forming.
“What do you want” you murmur shakily.
Lee’s hand grabs at your throat, his forefinger and thumb cradling your jaw. You open your eyes in a panic. Lee holds your face still. His nose touches against your skin. His chapped lips graze over your fresh wound.
“You. Of course”
His words make your stomach churn. Acid coats your esophagus, making you want to vomit. It’s at that moment you realize that you’re lacking oxygen. You grab at Lee; one hand on his wrist, the other at his chest.
“You’re hurting me” You force out
“And you hurt me!” Lee cuts off your words, ignoring your plea. Your vision darkens, but the flush on Lee’s face is clear through the haze. “You’re supposed to be mine. Remember?”
Your nails sink slowly into in wrist, hoping his own grip would release.
“My favourite girl” Lee coos in your ear. He breathes in deeply, taking in your scent as if it’ll disappear from his grasp again. “I’ve given you so much to keep you mine”
Balling your free hand into a fist, you hit against Lee’s chest, struggling still within his hold. Lee releases your throat, now grabbing the nape of your neck. You cry out when his fingers pull your hair; He could have easily ripped the strands from your head. Lee pulls you against him, holding your face still in his view.
“Are you not happy?” The snarl in his voice leaves no room for sincerity. “Hm? Have I not given you food.. a home.. a job? Hm?!” Lee’s jaw protrudes, his eyes bugging from his skull disapproving of your actions. “Every little thing you could ever want at your finger tips, and still..”  Lee stabs his blade into the wall by your head.
A heavy sob heaves your chest. Everything Mingi said about Lee floods through your mind. The manipulation. The lies. He's not who you think he is. You were a pawn. A mere object in Lee's little game. He treated you well, there is no lie in that. He treated you well so he could own you in the end.
Lee moves his face into your neck, carefully placing a kiss on your skin. You close your eyes, hot tears stain your cheeks. He plants kisses up your neck, to your ear; each touch making you feel like filth.
“I thought you were different” He sighs in your ear “I thought you were going to stay with me. I didn’t think I’d have to get rid of you too”
Before his words could begin processing in your mind, his grasp finds your throat once again. With the mix of adrenaline, exhaustion, and panic, you begin to really fear for you life. You're petrified Lee will snap your neck without hesitation.
Your lips part, trying to scream. Hoping for any sound to come out. But gags and coughs are not enough. The strength in your body drains; your limbs feeling limp. And Lee can feel it too. You raise a hand, pushing at Lee's face. If you were going to die right here, you'll be damned if the last thing you see is Lee's foul grin.
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twst-hanaya · 1 year
TWST Book 7 Chapter 5 Thoughts:
Spoilers under the cut, also I'm basically typing this out as I play so it's like a liveblog sort of.
Malenora is That Bitch
Sorry, ahem. Malenora is a QUEEN (technically a Princess but my point stands)
Absolutely loving her design aaaaahhhh! The horns! The headpiece! The DRIP!
Sorry, I'll try to stop simping.
You can see such an intense resemblance between Malenora and Malleus obviously in appearance but also personality.
They both breathe confidence and self assurance because they're so powerful, both are fairly temperamental, though Malenora seems to be more brash and lashes out with tantrums while Malleus - perhaps due to his father - tends to sulk more than he does explode with anger, though the lightning and bad weather happens with both of them.
Moving on, her relationship with Lilia is interesting. You definitely get the sense that he may have harbored romantic feelings for her when they were younger but at this point truly loves her as something even beyond that, and different.
I swear I nearly started crying in public when they were squabbling over Lilia taking the Egg and leaving Malenora to fight the Knight of Dawn and Lilia was like I can't love this baby for you, I've never loved anybody, I still need you, this baby needs you.
And Malenora fucking hits him with You love me. You love Levan - there simply isn't any way for you not to love our child when you love us so much.
Oh shit I'm crying just typing that.
And you know it really hit me in that moment that Lilia's earlier comments about not liking weak things like children - it isn't true, not even then. To love something powerless and weak and fragile means risking your own heart. Just as easily as they could lose their life, you could break your own heart. Lilia has always been afraid.
And when he lost Malenora - someone who he loved, who was the strongest person he knew - died anyway, and left her Love in and Egg, he had to accept that being hurt wasn't something anyone could live without risking.
Moving on, the Knight of Dawn is still a mystery to me, but he doesn't actually seem evil. Apparently he's an orphan who owes a life debt to the previous King, and is in a relationship with the princess Reia. And of course he helped the entourage escape with the Egg - an act I think ultimately saved Silver's life and Lilia's own humanity, among the other obvious things.
Henrik also needs to fucking die what a goddamn bastard KILL HIM MALENORA (I know she doesn't make it but I think she should still get to kill this dude AT LEAST)
Silver losing his shit is kind of understandable after all this, I get it. It hurts me to see him blame himself for literally just being born though he did nothing wrong he was an ACTUAL BABY PLEASE THINK RATIONALLY. Literally if anyone else were out in that situation you know this doofus would be like yeah literally none of this was your fault of course you deserve to live and be happy. But shits not that easy I get it.
Also I actually laughed a little during that scene where Lilia finds baby Silver and he's like STOP CRYING BITCH YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT
Like dude I get you're mad at yourself and all but your still yelling at a literal baby please stop 😭
Oh bonus points, I ALSO cried when I found out Lilia's Unique Magic is literally called Farcry Cradle. Like. This man who insisted for literal centuries that he wasn't capable of warmth or love and that he didn't like weak things or children and his UM called FARCRY CRADLE.
Also Silver was BLONDE???
Also Malleus being like Aw Shit, What Do I Do With This Thing with baby Silver was great. Love that.
Also totally forgot to just say I'm a bit shook that Silver was actually frozen in time for 100+ years and not a descendent. Was genuinely not expecting that.
Also got me FUCKED UP with the acorn bracelet being a gift from child!Silver like how much more emotional damage am I going to have to endure exactly
Sidenote child Sebek and Silver are adorable
Cackling at child Sebek having Zero Chill.
He'll yeah, Sebek Unique Magic! "Living Bolt" is very appropriate for him! Pimp slap that boy (Silver) awake!
Silver: Malleus and Lilia probably hate me.
Me, out loud: shut the fuck up. Stop letting your lizard brain control you!
Sebek: *proceeds to immediately deck him*
Good job Sebek!
Sebek is so baby honestly.
Sebek is so right, what a king. I really love how Sebek shows Silver that he's loved. Look at how strong you are - who gave you that strength (love?)
Also I'm always a sucker for that trope when a character who doesn't have any self confidence ends up accusing the people who love them of lying, and really their own self-denegration ends up hurting the very people they care about. How hurtful and insulting it is to have your own moral character and your heartfelt affection for a person be tossed aside in favor of propping up someone's self hatred.
When Silver was like they cant love me and Sebek really said don't you fucking disrespect me or Lilia-Sama like that again. Yeah.
Thankfully Silver regains some clarity and they move along shounen-style, very good.
Oh man the battles for this chapter were actually kind of a pain.
Also tbh I don't know how to feel about them using a recolored version if Silver's 2D rig for the Knight of Dawn. It looks off, personally.
Also in a separate post I made, I said Malleus was like an uncle in their quartet but this whole Book has made it fairly clear that he's more of an older brother. With how long it takes for fae to mature, especially long-lived ones like Dragons, it's clear that Malleus is more like a 16 year old whose parents suddenly busted out a new kid.
I'm tired Goodnight
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This post about discovering how a large vocabulary and eloquent speech makes you more likely to be misinterpreted because people think you're being a snob brought up an old, old memory for me--
I was the opposite of well-liked in middle and early high school, but a few kids in particular seemed to take enormous amounts of offense over my existence. I was fat and weird and dressed weird and sometimes kids would directly sneer at how I spoke, but a few of them were over the top about it and it was a mystery to me as to why.
In 10th grade health class, I had the misfortune to be seated next to three of this group. At that point I'd had a growth spurt and the kind of clothes I liked came into style (yay for 90s alt fashion); I'd stumbled into looking almost cool, so most other kids had stopped bothering me. Not this trio; completely unprompted they'd make nasty little comments about my dyed hair or my clothes. They were rich kids who wore the latest in expensive, trendy sportswear, and they had great fun snidely asking me if I got my outfit from the Salvation Army or Walmart. Well after other kids who disliked me stopped caring, they were still pissed off at my existence, and I still couldn't figure out why -- until one particular day.
For some reason, a few of us -- including one of that trio, S -- were getting our tests handed back later than the other kids had gotten theirs, and stayed after class to recieve them. Usually the teacher made sure that kids wouldn't casually see others' results, but this time S managed to get a glimpse of mine…
… and proceeded to throw a screaming tantrum about it.
He ranted and raved that there was no way I could have gotten a result that was better than his, definitely not that high, I HAD to have cheated. I just stared at him in confusion, because why on earth would I want to or have to cheat on a health class test?
But then the light switched on: he thought I was stupid.
His friends thought I was stupid. They thought I was stupid because I looked poor, and as Everyone Knows, poor people are stupid. I wasn't allowed to be smarter than them.
Eventually, I put the rest of it together: by being well-spoken, I was acting above my station. I was supposed to sound uneducated and stupid, and those three hated, hated, hated that I didn't.
(At least this little story has a happy ending: even though the teacher didn't particularly like me, he was not impressed by S's tantrum and told him flatly that I didn't cheat, and didn't need to cheat, and S's further attempts to insult my intelligence deflated when he found out I was in a higher math class than him (confirmed by the teacher; the algebra II teacher was his wife). I can't remember how that group treated me after that, only that after that pissbaby tantrum and my eureka moment, I wasn't intimidated by them anymore.)
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armpirate · 1 year
The Only One || JJK || Ch. 18
Tumblr media
Pairings: mafia!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, mafia, contract relationship
Warnings: Prostitution, torture, blood, use of drugs and weapons
Summary: You've always wished for a better life. Every single day at work, you were hoping something would change. Although you didn't think that change would come in the form of one mysterious man and a contract.
His controlling and selfish behaviour only wanted to keep you away from any other man that wasn't him, and you only had to wait for him.
Too bad you really thought you'd be smarter than Jeon Jungkook.
Previous || Next
Jungkook looked around, keeping his lips shut as he waited for any of the men present to speak up and give an update on the current situation on each one of their territories. Although he knew if there had been any problem, he'd have known about it as soon as it came up. He just wanted to make sure everything was working out as usual.
And it was like that.
The retro sound of the music outside the room they were in accompanied Jin's words on how everything was working perfectly fine in Japan. It was probably the territory that worried them all the most, dealing with the different mafias there, and being able to find some type of balance -even if that meant they didn't have absolute power, nor benefits- was pretty difficult at first. And it caused a fair amount of discussions and arguments about it. Almost being close to giving up the territory if it hadn't been for Jin and his contacts -and his strange charm that made one of the women go completely nuts for him.
—What about you? —Jungkook asked, looking over at Jimin standing next to Yoongi.
—Fine —he shrugged—. Everything's fine. You made sure of it, didn't you?
His eyebrows slightly furrowed at that poisoned comment. Jungkook wondered if it was possible that Jimin was aware of the deal he made with Pedro back in Spain, but he discarded it as soon as his blond friend stopped speaking. He was sure that, if Jimin was aware of what he did, he'd have exposed him in front of the rest of the crew.
It was just something in him. Whenever he wanted to piss him off, he brought up something that could make the others throw a tantrum at Jungkook. But that time he didn't. And he understood the reason behind that poisonous tone: his ego was still hurt over the fact that Pedro didn't take his word seriously, and still needed Jungkook to show up there and close the deal for him.
While the increasing heavy tension grew between them, the others just threw glances at each other, unable to understand what was going on between those two.
—What about you? —Namjoon finally interrupted— How's everything going with the Choi family?
—I'm keeping it as cordial as I'm able to —Jungkook finally looked at him.
—Doesn't seem like you're trying too hard —he snapped back—, I didn't see any of them at the party.
Jungkook twisted his pierced lips, throwing his head back before glancing at the tall bulked man that was stepping closer to his desk.
—I said I'm keeping it cordial, not that I'm licking their buttholes —he tilted his head.
Namjoon looked at the man in front of him, and tried to hold back the annoyance that was running through his body when that arrogant look came out of Jungkook's eyes after that comment. He'd known him since he was a kid, and he'd been a witness of every step he took until he became the man that he was in that moment, but it pissed him off to death when he entered that attitude. As if he was never wrong, and no one would do it better than him.
Because that was a lie. He knew he'd do it better anytime.
—I'm just saying that...
Jungkook didn't let him finish. He just stood up while buttoning his blazer again, a sign that the meeting was over for him.
—I know what you're saying —he commented, bending closer to Namjoon, who was now supporting the weight of his body on the tip of his fingers against the desk—. And I don't care about having a close relationship with that family. I don't want their noses in my business. Cordial and a good relationship is secured, but I don't want them near anything that has to do with me. Do you understand that? —he tilted his head.
Pressing his thick lips together in resignation, Namjoon nodded and stepped back. He knew Jungkook was making a mistake by trying to burn any bridges that could link them to the Choi family, he knew that party could have big consequences and the Bangtan clan would suffer them all only because Jungkook can't be able to deal with Sanhyuk after they almost fought for a woman.
—Joon, I'm sure he knows what he's doing —Yoongi's voice interrupted from somewhere in the room—. It's an anniversary for our clan, I see no point for the Choi family to be here.
Namjoon sighed at that comment. If there was someone that would come at Jungkook's defense out of the six, that'd be Yoongi -which was something that didn't really surprise him, he kind of expected it at that point in the argument. Yoongi always had a soft spot for Jungkook, not because he was the leader and the person who had power among them, but because their parents were the closest, something that led to both of them to basically grow together.
—You all should calm down —Jin stepped forward—. This is supposed to be a party, so let's just celebrate we're going strong for another year. Get some drinks, talk with some girls... Have some fun, you know —he clapped Joon's back, trying to cheer him up.
—Head out first, I need to do some things here —Jungkook mentioned, resting his back on the big chair.
Not wanting to get into a new argument, they all nodded and left the room slowly, leaving him alone back again. He rested his head over the comfortable fabric, losing himself in his thoughts, not surprised by the route those were taking. His head wasn't on the constant push and pull with Namjoon, or the thick silence that came from Jimin, but the dangerous woman that was hanging around his house as if it weren't a big deal. Not only that, but he was unable to get out of his head the way she kept looking for his attention the past week, and how she almost gave in to him after only a few words. He remembered the way her plumped lips parted as pleasure ran through her, how her legs parted as she expected more... and he blamed his pride for rejecting all that, only because he wanted to hear directly from her how bad she wanted him. If he hadn't been so harsh, he probably would've sunk deep inside in between her perfectly worked legs.
She was driving him insane, and she wasn't even there.
Jungkook clicked his tongue, and tilted his head. Maybe he should've invited her, and let the other members know about her existence. They didn't need to know how she got there, only that she would be around him -maybe a little bit too much. It'd definitely make things easier for everybody, especially for him.
And that was all he needed to convince himself to stand up and ask for one of his men to drive him home, so he could come and go fast. He was expecting to find her lying on the couch, or maybe in the library he settled for her only, but when he found his place empty and silent, his senses were screaming at him something was wrong. Trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, Jungkook headed upstairs, collapsing into her room just to find no one there. Wrinkled clothes that were messily all over her bed were the only sign of her.
—Where the fuck is she? —he asked annoyed, as soon as he got downstairs and met with the bodyguard at the front door.
—She left with Jihu a while ago —the tall man answered, confused—. Jihu said...
—Dead —his boss replied—. He just said out loud his sentence to death —Jungkook sighed, placing both of his hands on his waist as he tried to gain some autocontrol—. Where did they go?
—The party —his frown got deeper.
Suddenly, any hint of annoyance disappeared. And for the first time, after working with him for so long, the two men that were getting ready to handle the unleashed beast Jungkook could turn to see him worried.
✸ ✸ ✸
She didn't bother to get herself in fancier clothes after -basically- forcing Jihu to take her to Jungkook's hotel, but she regretted her decision when she saw some of the women at the party, right after the bouncer allowed them in after he recognized the man she came with. The swanky jewelry hanging on their necks, ears and wrists; or the flamboyant dresses they all were wearing while she was still on her jeans and a simple t-shirt. It wasn't like she was ever thinking of being part of the party -she actually just wanted to ruin it for Jungkook-, but the dirty looks that kept falling on her, following Jihu up close were making her uncomfortable.
—I'll look for Jeon —Jihu informed her—. You wait here —he demanded.
Aware that it wouldn't be enough with just telling her, his eyes pierced through her with raised eyebrows, waiting for a verbal reply from her.
—I will —she answered with a tired tone.
She sighed hard, resting her back on the wall while her arms crossed over her chest. While looking at the small groups chatting among one another, she wondered if all those people did the same things Jungkook did, or if they were normal rich people that were just hoping to get a boost in their social status.
It was so hard for her to tell.
—Wow, look who we have here —a male voice interrupted her thoughts.
When she looked up to the owner, she met with someone she didn't expect to find there. Sanhyuk was looking at her with a sided smile and his tilted head, while two gorillas watched his back behind him.
—Has no one ever told you how to dress for a party?
Considering he was the only ticket she managed to find to get her ass back home, she bit her tongue and clicked it, looking away from him.
—I wasn't invited —she mentioned—, I sneaked inside. So technically I have no reason to dress up.
—You already got enough... —he stopped for a few seconds so he could come up with the right word— attention by yourself.
She squinted her eyes, trying to get what he meant, but it only took her a second to understand what he meant. Her clothes weren't the only thing making some heads turn to her place. Y/n pressed her lips tight, trying to come up with something that could distract her from those curious eyes she had just been aware of.
—Met with Jungkook yet?
Her eyes were drawn back to him, smirk never leaving his face while his dark eyes kept looking her up and down.
—No, your snitch went to look for him.
That comment made him chuckle, head slightly falling back at the same time his eyes scanned the place. If there was a place where a war should be started, it was that one definitely. Just one mistake from Jungkook, and he'd be done.
His smile widened when he spotted Jin and Namjoon somewhere across the room, looking around while they chatted comfortably over the music.
—Come with me —he whispered.
—I need to wait for...
—Trust me, if you follow me, you won't even see his face again.
It was the determined tone in his voice that got all of her attention. It wasn't like she needed a lot of reassurance, or big promises, the fact that he was willing to help her was enough. She was desperate, and he seemed to have a solution.
It was simple.
Looking around, Y/n made sure no recognizable faces had their eyes on her before she started following him. The music kept getting louder with every step they took, and the vibrations from the speakers ran through her body. It was then when she realized they were near the stage.
—What are you planning?
—Claim you.
Sanhyuk said that so casually, that she doubted whether to feel offended or skip that to directly slap his face.
Claim her? As if she were an object?
—Don't give me that look —he warned her—. If I claim you, Jungkook will have no other choice but to give up on you.
Y/n, who still didn't understand anything he was saying, kept looking at him waiting for a better explanation.
—There are some rules among our families. One of them is not to steal. Territories, objects, women... —he noticed her clenched fists while she tried to hold back—. That would be enough to terminate all peace accords. He didn't claim you, which means that you don't exist for anyone in this room. If we step out there together, the contract will be over, it won't have any value.
—What do you gain from this? —she asked.
—Taking you away from Jungkook —Sanhyuk pinched her chin—. And knowing him, he probably won't stay still after his ego is hurt, which means I'll be able to fight for my territory as well. It's a win-win.
—If we step out there, will I be able to get back home?
—You have my word.
She was given two choices, but it wasn't like neither of them were better than the other.
Taglist: @kaiparkerwifes @sheylamc @amy2006jones
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I have a question,,
In white noise you say Juline and her mother haven't talked in centuries, but what about Edaline ?
Does she still talk to them ?
ty :)
Edaline and Juline’s mother was a “better” parent when Edaline was younger, and has a better relationship with their mother than Juline does because of that. which also means nothing, because of the fact Juline cut off their parents the second she and Kesler where engaged.
Edaline relationship with her was much more complicated. on and off and quite rocky, because she desperately wants to have her mother in her life
their mother had a fit when Edaline told her that she would not only be helping with Kesler’s and Juline’s wedding but hosting it.
because of that Edaline cut her off for several years but eventually gave her another chance. her mother would sometimes decide that she didn’t want to speak to Edaline for decades at a time
both of her parents made comments about her marrying a Memser, and Edaline quickly let them know that she wouldn’t allow them to make comment like that about Grady and to her surprise they actually stopped
then her mother said she wouldn’t talk to her anymore if Edaline invited Kesler to her wedding and Edaline did it anyways, causing her mother and father not to speak to her for more than a century.
When Edaline got pregnant with Jolie their mother decided that she wanted to have contact with Edaline. Juline tried to convince her multiple times to cut her off permanently but Edaline wanted to give her mother a chance to be a good person.
Edaline reconnected with her but kept her at arm’s length, only really seeing her once or twice a year, Jolie got to know who her grandmother was but as
Kesler and Juline constantly came over, for dinner or just to hang out, they where incredibly close with Grady and Edaline. as Jolie got older she got more and more stories of what she was like when Edaline and Juline where growing up, it made Jolie dislike her quite a bit
when Jolie and Brant where dating and Brant was well past the manifestation window, Edaline’s mother was extremely unhappy. and tired every she could to push Jolie into breaking up with him, to the point that Edaline had to intervene.
but was pleased when Grady and Edaline sent Jolie to the elite levels, assuming they where doing it so she could meet someone else, when it was just because they wanted her to have as much schooling was available to her.
when Edaline’s mother was informed about Brant and Jolie’s engagement she was furious and threw a tantrum, demanding that Edaline either stop the wedding or cut off her daughter because it was her or Jolie. Edaline, obviously chose Jolie.
When Jolie was killed, Edaline’s mother was at the planting, and surprisingly didn’t cause that any issues, didn’t even make comments to Kesler and Juline at their place at the front of the line with Grady and Edaline.
but after the planting she would constantly make comments in public about how long it was taking them to get over it, and made a huge deal when they didn’t take in Wyile if they missed Jolie so much,
she was a huge part of the reason they had such a hard time going out in public, because her gossip followed them everywhere
when they took in Sophie, Edaline’s mother asked why they took in some mysterious child that was probably some kinda weapon, if they wanted another kid they could have just conceived one instead of adopting some freak child.
she was very happy when she heard they where canceling the adoption and tried to convince Edaline to just have Sophie move in with the Vackers right then and there, which she didn’t, Edaline left their little lunch meeting right then and there
at Dex and Sophie’s planting she made some horrible comments about both kids that Grady had overheard, and that was the real last straw for Edaline, she refused to ever speak to her again, even when she asked to meet officially Sophie
Edaline had given her more chances than anyone else was willing to, more than she should have in the first place, and that was the last straw for her.
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Just imagine a kid Tony with wings. Born with them and they've only grown as he's grown. It's an extremely rare genetic that was basically bred out in these later generations.
So rare that Howard bounces between wanting to cut them off to give his son a normal life and to study his son, to watch him grow with them.
Howard being a single father, even with Jarvis and Ana's help is still confused on what to do with his son. He's thankful Peggy decides to step in and take charge.
She gets him to keep Tony's wings, talks him out of experimenting on his son, letting him be a normal boy, and not hiding them. If anyone has anything to argue against it in ways of a 'normal' child, they have to go through her and Ana.
She's already seen what Ana can do in middle of a grocery store with a loaf of bread after a stranger commented on baby Tony's little black wings.
Her respect for Ana just grows everyday.
Auntie Peggy who cherishes Tony and helps his wings grow, helps him grow into them. Auntie Peggy whose there for every tantrum and tears and loves Tony with all her heart.
Jarvis is the one to put Tony on a baby leash and let him practice flying in the play room. That's only put to a stop when Tony accidentally breaks the ceiling light.
They have to find new places to hide the sweets because top of the fridge doesn't work with the likes of Tony.
When Howard dies, under mysterious circumstances, Auntie Peggy steps in to raise her godson as her own. Not that she's ever loved him any less.
And maybe with time and the right questions, Tony can get answers to the mysterious scars along Peggy's back that look just like where his wings are.
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bishie-haven · 1 year
Happy Birthday Levi! Part 2: “Spooky”
Told ya I had more! The second story I wrote went into the topic of “spooky themes”. While it may seem light-hearted at first, there is eeriness and mystery lurking under the surface. Are you ready?
CW: mentions of blood, mentions of internal organs
“Come on, help a brother out, would you?”
“Sorry Levi. There’s a big game coming up. Gotta train.”
“Don’t you like this whole dressing up thing? Don’t you want all that attention?”
“I’m already getting attention as a judge, so no thanks. Besides, why would I say yes when you showed up like that?!”
“So…that’s a no?”
“If you value standing on your own two feet, I would leave this room, Leviathan.”
“It’s so unfaaaair!” The Avatar of Envy groaned in frustration, landing another fatal blow on the enemy party. As he got angrier, the clicks and snaps of his controller only got louder. “Why did Lord Diavolo have to make that stupid rule? I could have done it fine all by myself!”
“So tell me again,” Another voice next to him started to ask. “What was this about a contest you wanted to enter?” A certain exchange student was watching him play and listening to him vent, but even through it all, they didn’t fully understand the situation.
Taking a bit of a breath, another button was hit, and the pause menu appeared on the screen. 
“You know how Lord Diavolo’s birthday is a big celebration, right? Well, this year he wanted to blend in more customs from the human realm and help ‘relations’, or something like that. He said ‘let’s have a costume contest!’, and not very many people were into it. I wasn’t even really wanting to do it myself, lol.”
“So…why did you?” 
“Becaaaaaause then he had to mention the prize that could be won! Now half the Devildom’s signed up!”
“What’s wrong with that? I’ve seen your cosplays, they’re top-tier!”
Another frustrated groan left Levi. “The REASON is the rule he added! The entries have to be in pairs, single entries can’t participate! Something about ‘bringing us closer together’ or some fluffy normie talk. It’s almost impossible for an otaku to work together irl! Just asking is hard! I waited by the fridge for days, and Beel said no every time. Asmo turned me down just from the way I came in-“
“Was that why I heard noises in the vent and his high-pitched screaming?”
“NOT THE POINT! Even after being super nice to Lucifer for a week and asking him, he threatened to hang me by the kitchen chandelier! No demon wants to work with a disgusting being like me! The hero’s journey has stopped before he’s even crossed the threshold!” 
Wailing in despair, Levi threw his controller to the side, curling in on himself. Even through that long yet very quick explanation, the mortal next to him was able to process it all…and come up with an idea.
“Did they say only demons could participate?”
"Somethin's up, and someone's gonna give me an explanation!" Mammon was stomping through the House of Lamentation's entryway, glaring daggers through every single one of his brothers as they were about to leave for town. Interestingly enough, everyone looked some shade of distressed, whether through anger, fear, or just annoyance. 
"Don’t you think that one of us would if that was the case?” Lucifer rubbed his temples, trying to ignore the second eldest’s temper tantrum. He wouldn’t let any of them know, but he was just as wound up. 
As much as they would’ve normally enjoyed seeing the head of the house irritated, both of the Anti-Lucifer League members were abnormally engrossed in their phones. “I’ve tried sending messages every 15 minutes,” Satan exhaled, shoving his D.D.D back in his pocket. “Not a single reply, though.”
“I’ve done every 10. Nothing.” For once, Belphie was actually diligent and proactive about something.
And when it came to the topic of phones and messaging… “Not a single post on Devilgram in days! Not even a comment on one of my photos…how is this possible?!” Despite a couple of warped priorities, Asmo was arguably in even more distress than Mammon about the situation. 
There were only two of the brothers silent about the situation. Beel was quiet, however while he had the excuse of a roasted flame hog sandwich in his mouth, he was unusually stiff and more on high alert compared to how he usually composed himself.
Levi didn’t have that kind of excuse. While he had his D.D.D in his hand, he wasn’t checking for text messages or stalking social media feeds. Instead he was swiping his thumbs left and right across the screen, almost as if he was playing some sort of rhythm game. The strange thing about it was that he had no sound coming from it, and his headphones were around his neck.
“Levi,” Mammon soon was focused on the last of the older brothers. “You haven’t said a damn word since they went AWOL.” He soon leaned in close. “You got somethin’ to admit? Huh??” 
The otaku’s eyes didn’t leave the screen, even with a pair of blue ones boring holes through him. “Why would I?” He spat out, almost indifferent to the whole situation. “Maybe they’ve been busy with something. You never get worked up when I don’t show up to dinner for days.”
“That’s because it’s you, you shut-in!!” 
“OH, then maybe I should bring up all the times you-!” Levi was about to throw out some serious dirt he had stored up against his brother, but right at that moment a loud notification came from his silent device. “Eh?” 
Closing the game and checking the ping, his eyes widened. “Guys, it’s them!” He almost screamed. Almost instantly, his brothers surrounded him, asking question after question about the exchange student’s whereabouts. “They’ve been at…ugh…Purgatory Hall this whole time? Solomon got worried and wanted to let us know.”
With this revelation, the tension died down a bit. Their mortal guest was in a safe place, and no remains of them would be found at the front door. While many of them were still grumbling about not being able to see them, Lucifer was able to rein them all in, getting them out the door. They all had a deadline to adhere to, seeing as the week of Diavolo’s birthday was fast approaching, and the opening ceremonies had to be prepared for. 
Levi was among the group, albeit the last to exit the room. “They’d better show up soon,” He muttered, barely within earshot of the others. “We’ve gotta work on the costume design…”
A week before the anniversary of the prince of the Devildom’s birth, and the ballroom of the castle was absolutely buzzing. Any demon who knew better was there to celebrate, however very few were dressed in formal attire. The majority of the patrons were donning elaborate costumes, ranging from imitations of the realm’s vicious plant and animal life to cosplays of various idols and even some human realm-inspired ghouls and monsters. And of course, being in pairs allowed endless amounts of creativity between them all.
Levi was one of those guests in costume, and he was already shaking. He wanted to win so bad it was almost eating him up! After the party had gone into full swing, Barbatos had taken a mic to gather all the contestants to the front, lining them up in their pairs so they could display their results to the audience. He was the last in line (he might have waited a bit too close to the deadline to sign up), so he tried to tell himself that he had a bit of an advantage. 
It didn’t help much.
Even so, he tried to stay calm, watching entry after entry walk up, show themselves off, and funnel the next one in. Specifically, he tried to keep the prop he had steady. It was extremely fragile, and the most important part of all. 
On the other side of the entry stage, the panel of judges were watching every pair go through, writing notes and discussing with each other their opinions. There was Diavolo, of course, however others were recruited as well. Two of those judges were Asmo and Simeon, the former for his critical taste of fashion, the other for his discerning eye for effort and creativity. 
“Well, at least a few of the demons down here know about good costume design,” Asmo yawned, scribbling down some high points of the last entry. “Some of them looked like they just dove into a trash bag!”
Simeon laughed awkwardly. “I wouldn’t say they were that bad…” Setting his pen down, he turned to the strawberry blonde demon next to him. “Though I’m really excited about the last one. It’s your brother, right?” 
“Yeah, Levi’s been geeking out about this for weeks! Though before he found the exchange student I thought he wasn’t gonna even enter. Even now I don’t know how they did it, we haven’t seen them in days!” He crossed his arms, turning to face the angel. “Why were you hogging them, huh?”
“What? I haven’t seen them, either.”
The playful smile on Asmo’s face dropped to the floor. “Huh? But Solomon sent a message saying they were with you.”
“No, Luke’s started to get worried about them. They won’t answer any of our calls.”
“Wha…then…h-how did-” Asmo’s stammers were cut short as Barbatos announced the last entry to the stage. As Levi walked to the center, a smile was on his face. But this smile…it wasn’t forced, yet it wasn’t genuine either. It was unnatural, uncanny…but no one really paid any mind. 
Assessing the contestant, Barbatos raised an eyebrow. “Leviathan, you are aware that the young master wanted pairings in this competition, correct?”
Levi’s disposition didn’t change. “They’re here, I just have to explain our costume first.”
The butler was still confused, but he gave the mic to the fellow demon regardless. It wasn’t an issue that needed much explanation; he could be easily disqualified if his partner didn’t show up. “Well then, I look forward to the elaboration of your costume.” While he wasn’t a judge, he did appreciate the handiwork on the suit. 
Adjusting his tie, Levi quickly grabbed the mic, his demeanor changing almost instantly from stiff and rigid to dramatic and flowing. That smile still remained, and so did that large silver prop with a lid…
“Everyone here! I know a lot of you act as if demons who shut themselves off from the world live off of frozen meals and convenience foods, but I can tell you that isn’t always the case. There are times when we want to cook amazing meals for ourselves, and sometimes we even want to share. Hehe…that is the inspiration behind my portion of the costume. A simple shirt, pants, and apron, but all of these have the stitching and fabric quality of some of the greats. But, I think you’ll be most impressed by what I’ve made for you all. What I’m holding is something I’ve cooked with the freshest and rarest ingredients, that I bet none of you have ever tasted! Hmm…I guess you could say it’s rare in two different ways, really… ANYWAY! If any of you would like to try, go right ahead! It’s unique…yet also familiar. So now…BEHOLD!”
With the last exclamation, Levi removed the lid from his prop.
“And I thought the scream from the vent entry was loud!”
“Yeah, he totally fainted on the spot! Lol I think some of the judges weren’t far behind.”
“Oh he’s tooootally gonna kill y-HEY!” The next words about to be said were cut off by a splash of water. “Easy there, I’m not as used to washing this off!” 
“S-Sorry…” Hands went gentler, trying to get the stains of red and black off of the student’s face. “This makeup is really sticking.”
Shoulders shrugged. “Well, I guess the more real it looks, the harder it is to get off.” Rubbing their face with a towel, the mortal finally was able to see their face. “But no, I never thought that would work so well! I really looked like I was prepped by a crazy cook!”
“Yeah, the knife was kind of tricky to fit you without looking fake, and I don’t know how many spells I used to make the guts around you seem real…”
“Still, it was awesome!” The stained towel was quickly thrown into the laundry basket. “Really though, the plot to hide me away was genius, they really thought I was gone!”
“Took all my willpower to not laugh at how worried they looked. They never knew you were hiding the whole time!”
“No thanks to the pizza you kept giving me in here.”
“HEY, no one noticed the deliveries, and that’s what matters!” Hearing a beep on his phone, Levi started towards his door. “Speaking of deliveries, what I asked for is here!”
“Ooooh, whatcha get?” 
“Well, remember when I said that if we won the contest, we could ask for any item we wanted from Lord Diavolo…well, anything ‘within reason’? Well, I was originally gonna ask for the complete box set of all of Sucre Frenzy’s live concert recordings…but…I thought maybe instead to ask for something…w-we could both share together.”
The exchange student smiled happily, almost bouncing with excitement. “What is it, what is it?”
“Thought maybe we could get something themed after our costume.” He carried a large box into the room, right on a little table he had pulled out while cleaning the makeup off. “Ristorante Six was able to get it just like I wanted it. And…m-maybe…we could try making it ourselves sometime.”
And with that, Levi opened the box. What was inside was something the exchange student hadn’t expected, and frankly it turned their blood cold. 
Inside was a fresh havoc lamb, very rare and very messy, innards right next to the roasted body. Even the wool was used as a plating decoration, stained with patches of red as it circled the plate. And the only thing that was clean in the box? A shining silver carving knife…
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After the heartache of the Volume 8 finale, I would like to return to a happier point in the show and suggest some memes/jokes that I like to think the students at Beacon would have had. More closely inline with the RWBY Chibi-verse, than the actual show - where Nothing Bad Ever Happened.
"Who's child is this?" being used to refer to Ruby - the youngest student at Beacon - when she's left unsupervised and/or doing something odd.
"I'd let Glynda punish/whip me for one corn chip."
Every now and again "Missing - Have you seen this person?" posters for Professor Peach will pop up around campus. No one knows who it is that keeps making them.
Vomit Boy candids being taken and shared any time Jaune is Suffering™️ on some form of transport.
The Great One plush of Pyrrha exists in-universe... and becomes the go-to prize for any stupid competition between the students. There's at least a dozen of these dolls on campus now, owned by various people and won as "spoils of war."
There's a dedicated chalkboard in the combat room for tallying how many times Nora has launched someone into the stratosphere. Notable mentions are listed on the board alongside her of other people who have achieved this feat - including Yang, Yatsuhashi, and Glynda.
(She launched both Port and Oobleck one day when they kept annoying her. Sometimes, their screams can still be heard if you listen closely enough.)
"There's that old guy again..." "Oh, shopkeep? Yea, he's everywhere. Don't think too much about it."
This leads to "Don't think too much about it." becoming something of a slogan for every time anything unusual happens.
"Candy canes, kids! One for Sun Wukong, one for Yang Xiao-Long, ooh four for Coco Adel, you go Coco!"
Team STRQ having something akin to legend status at Beacon, whispered in hushed voices for fear and reverence of their names. There's a war between the students regarding team JNPR as their successors vs. the students who insist JNPR are not anywhere near worthy of such a title.
"How many team CRDLs does it take to beat Pyrrha?"
Blurry fancam-style videos of the Qrow vs. Winter fight out in the courtyard being traded around like baseball cards with other students. Some try and manufacture a "rematch" of this with the materials they've got - trying to get Ruby and Weiss to fight each other. 
That weird sing-song "HellOooOo~" that Yang sometimes does being mimicked by everyone. And I mean everyone.
Any time there's a significant lull in conversations or classes, someone often asks "Why are we here?" which never fails to make everyone in the vicinity groan.
"Ozpin is compensating for something" jokes about his office chair - including at least one popular response being "it's the war crimes", without them knowing just how accurate they actually are.
"On a scale of Ren-Nora, how excited do you want me to be?"
"Ladies Love Lavender" referring to Lisa Lavender having her own in-universe fandom mostly comprised of women. (Lavender being associated with lesbians irl, and I just think this would be funny.)
The sight of Ren just picking up and carrying Nora away from something is so commonplace that other people start doing it to their friends when they Need To Stop.
"Why is Blake's bow so big?" "Because it's full of secrets."
Blake being a closet faunus being such a poorly hidden secret that by the time she finally takes off the bow no one actually even notices. 
The betting pool surrounding exactly what it is in Ozpin's cup - coffee being one of the least popular options, and souls being the top choice.
Using Yatsuhasi as a unit of measurement. 
Photoshopping adorable images of Velvet onto various "cute" animal memes.
Everyone wanting to be spanked by Coco Adel. 
"I'd let Fox blow me up too."
"Why is Weiss' hair so long?" "To reflect the length of her father's crimes."
Everyone mimicking Pyrrha's memetic "I'm sorry!" anytime they apologise for anything. Even going as far to do it while apologising to things that don't require apologies - like inanimate objects.
"Are Port and Oobleck, you know... 💅?"
In fact, just that 💅 being used to refer to a large number of people at Beacon. Actual LGBT students picking this up and using it towards grimm when they're attacked to question the sexuality/homophobia of the grimm targeting them over their peers.
Threatening Neptune with water anytime he flirts with a girl who is clearly Not Interested in him.
No one knowing who, exactly, the other two members of team SSSN are - with wild theories abounding about who they may be. Popular choices include Shopkeep, Zwei, and Professor Peach.
This persists even after their tournament fights where they're shown. Scarlet and Sage are perfectly content with this, and participate.
"Arslan's/Pyrrha's back must be aching from constantly carrying her entire team."
And the respective responses of, "Reese/Nora are alright."
Similar jokes about Glynda also carrying the entire faculty/academy on her back.
The war between the "Irondaddy" fanbase, and his haters - who refer to him with various derogatory versions of his name. "Metalpenis", "Coppercock", "Chromeshaft", etc.
Anytime someone is doing something ~questionable~ donning a pair of glasses and/or imitating Oz or Oobleck pushing them back up their nose with accompanying menacing body language. (Kubrick Stare optional.)
Mercury having a foot fetish, courtesy of the people who caught him sniffing shoes at the festival.
"Did <character> just die?" "You know, it was really unclear." any time someone takes some insane damage in a fight and isn't seen for some time afterwards.
Everyone trying to locate and get a pic of the ~mysterious~ fourth member of team CMSN, who has only ever been spotted once - her tournament fight in the first round. Beacon's version of "Where's Wally?"
The Sympathy Fund for Emerald and her one-sided crush on Cinder. "She could honestly do so much better."
People offering themselves up as tribute to spar with Pyrrha/Yang/Coco/Sun just so they can be beaten up by the hottest people on campus.
"I drink milk!" being used as a defensive argument in wildly inappropriate contexts.
Naming grimm really boring names and attempting to keep them as pets. 
The innumerous times Port has allowed a "zoo-break" to happen under his watch and everyone having to assist in recovering his prized subjects.
"Where the fuck are all the fourth years?" "Ozpin's soul collection."
Candid shots of Glynda Suffering™️ being shared similarly to the ones of Vomit Boy.
Ranking people based on their Patience Levels - Pyrrha, Ren, Glynda, Emerald, and Fox being frequent top markers based on the bullshit they put up with from their respective teams.
"Saint Pyrrha" being a common nickname for her, and her neverending niceness towards people who absolutely do not not deserve it.
Weiss' "Hey!" being replicated amongst the student body and slowly growing more and more high-pitched in its replication until it eventually just becomes a shrill noise. Even so, everyone still knows what it means - and Weiss is absolutely unamused by all of this.
In fact, a lot of early!Weiss' comments being mercilessly mocked by everyone - "I'm a victim!" being one of them.
Renowned fear permitting amongst the student body regarding Yang's red eyes meaning Serious Business. Morphs into references of "going full Yang" to mean having rage-fuelled temper tantrums.
"Never miss a beat, never miss a beat" becoming a mantra for focusing on a task. This inspires several remixes of Neon saying it, and again with no one knowing who it is making them.
By all means, feel free to add any more that you all think of! I could use a laugh!
Also, check the notes for additions!
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
What if Mc was a person who don't take shit from anyone, demon human or Angel, and just was this small sassy piece of dynamite? How’d everyone react?
MC who takes no shit - brothers + undateables
Satans pact and chapter 16 spoilers
So you've chosen death
This man can't even handle the smallest sign of defiance
an actual bitch boy
"You are here because you were picked to attend, you were listed to be under my care, this is MY house! You follow MY rules-"
"hold that for a second, I'm calling Dia."
He's so easy to rile up
You feed off his quick temper, he makes it too easy
But he deserves it
Too many times he thinks he can just control you and his brothers
You've cut Mammon down from the ceiling, when faced to Lucifer you just handed him the rope
"If you want someone to hang so much, do it yourself, old man, it is your fault after all - if you didn't leave your cursed valuables lying around Mammon would of never tried to steal them and get himself cursed."
He both scared of you and in awe of you
He's surprise you're still alive at this point
Of course you're alive, the great Mammon is looking after you
You have definitely called him out for being a tsundere
"So, you wanna make out or do you wanna keep yammering on?"
"I- You can't just be saying that to demons!! Why would I wanna kiss some human-"
"Kay, I'm going to go see if Levi wants to-"
Whenever he steals something from you or the others, you go on a man hunt
"Sell your own stuff! You always have something new in there! or are you that scummy and bad with money you need to steal off others ?"
Please have some mercy with him
In general, finds your sassy attitude interesting, always wonders what the new comment or roast will be
Scared and in awe but times it by 10
Is mostly terrified because you make him upset
Didn't expect to be called a guilt tripping bitch
"You're busy? I get it, I mean - why would you ever want to spend time with someone like me? I'm just some nobody, a yucky otaku who no one wants to be around-"
"I get having a low self esteem but shitting on yourself at EVERY given chance and then go on to be about how yucky and worthless you are when I just wanna spend time with someone else?! You can fuck right off!"
He thinks you're a delinquent, has gotten you a cool jacket so you can put it over your shoulders
You can pat him on the back for at least being able to stand up for himself, he's always ready to brawl and never shys away from calling his brothers out
Always lets you wear his headset and just watches as you cuss and sass any petty player
It seems you keep choosing death
You wanna get sassy and back talk the literal embodiment of wrath????!
So - do you want be buried or cremated?
You take none of his shit
He respects it just as much as he hates It
We all know he has good control over his anger but there's a limit on how much of your attitude he can stand
"You're so petty, do you have to be a smart-ass about everything?"
"that's rich coming from the guy who threatened to cut off my limbs because I wouldn't make a pact wth him."
When he doesn't respond you just nod to yourself, checking your nails
"Yeah that's what I thought."
If he needs to come up with a good come back he always asks you
Sits back and watches you argue with Lucifer
He loves it until you call him out
Didn't expect to get psychologically profiled
"At first I thought you were just a narcissist but now I see you're just a Insecure man who placed his value on his looks and how people perceive him-"
" You can't seem to handle any type of bad press about you-"
"Oh? Did you make yourself look bad then blame it on someone else because they just wanted to do what they please? Oh boo hoo!"
You could end this man's career with a single word
But, if you're 'no shit' attitude is targeted to someone else? He's all over it
Will sigh dreamily and watch you chew Someone out
Unless you get super roasty and rude - he encourages you to talk to him with an attitude
"You're so hot when you talk like that~"
Knows you aren't all sass, he definitely enjoys your more softer side
Will invite you to a sleep over so you two can gossip and rant over a bottle of wine and do a mini spar
What prompted you to be this sassy? He's baby!
I mean, he did throw a fit when you ate his custard and destroyed your room
Sure, constant hunger is painful but he can survive without one custard
Yeah- he can be up for roasting and being chased out
"You've told me you literally want to eat me! How is that comforting?! You're hunger tantrums are already bad enough but now I know I could be on the menu?"
"No thanks! Do the hokey pokey and turn your goofy ass around!"
Has a habit of being your stool, he doesn't mind really, finds it pretty adorable actually
You're so small compared to demons so when a gym jock is being rude about you or Beel
You just snap your fingers and he'll sit down, hunch over and put his hands over his head
You'll just step on his palms (you take off your shoes angrily whilst telling the jock demon to not move an inch) and just go off
He understands where alot of your cusses come from, he agrees with you and feels guilty on his behaviour
Really likes it when you stand up for him; normally no one does that because he's such a big guy
Belphie does it but things can be abit disheartening when your twin Is the only one rushing to help you
You know what? Understandable, please, fire away
Just keep making jokes and references to all the bad things he's done
He needs to be put in his place
The dude has literally killed you! If you weren't going to give him an earful when you recovered then what was the point?!
This man is one of many bastards in this school
Either watches you go off on people or sleeps mid arguement to stop hearing you call him out
"I'm innocent, I haven't done a single thing wrong in my life."
He will always respect you for looking out for his twin, when he can't do anything he always looks to you to step in
Has held things out of your reach just to watch you get mad
You've chosen a fate worse than death at the cost of sassing a pure man
He gets upset but is very understanding, it's his companions who will handle your fate
I honestly, CANNOT, think of a reason you'd want to be sassy or rude to him
If it's just in general and not meant to offend him; he thinks it's very attractive
You've got a silver tongue and able to make a comment without much thought
Very impressive
His type is Lucifer very simple
You'd call him out for letting dangerous behaviour happen at the school and putting loads of faith into Lucifer
Perhaps point out how reckless inviting humans to a demon realm - who could easily be killed if they don't have an escort with them at all times
But other than that? He's safe
He is your executioner
He can handle a jab
But he will remind you he was the one who saved you if you get too out spoken with him
that only gets him more cussed out though
"So you're aware of pretty much every event that happens, Right?"
"You could say that."
"Then shouldn't you use those abilities to then help anyone and stop all sorts of tragedies?"
"My Lord has stopped me from using my powers freely."
In general, you just make comments about how vague he is
He's too mysterious that it's just ridiculous
You want to get to know him but he just gives you that smug look and amused laughter
Can you really be blamed for being Sus of him?
He's so suspicious, for what?! For what reason?!
He doesn't like being called old? Depending how disrepectful you wanna be, you like to use the nickname "Grandpa Solo"
"I'm surprised you aren't actually some evil Wizard trying to get the brothers pacts so you can be the most powerful human alive and take over the Devildom."
"Who says I'm not?"
He's witty and smug
You're sassy and explosive
You're a duo that should be feared
The two powerful humans banding together? I'm sure there's a website on the two of you with theories of your evil plans
Finds your attitude delightful!
Didn't want his kindness to annoy you but it did, sometimes it is a crime to be Too nice
His favoured company are all sassy bastards so it only makes sense he likes you very much
"You gave them bangles that made them into SAINTS! that's fucking weird! And you had them turn into angels despite the fact they have truama from heaven!"
as mischievous as Simeon can be
His angelic nature really does pop out alot
"aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you want to go ape-shit?"
"Of course not, there's no need but thank you for worrying about me, I know I can seem force and strange to you but I really do enjoy being kind to others."
Almost fought him during the TSL event; you didn't expect him to do a 360 and become super strict
Despite your hard shell you care alot about the people you're close with and can't stand to see them upset
It appears you're trying to throw hands with a 10 year old
He does seem demonphobic
Why are you always denying your true feeling??!! Just admit you like demons!
You try not to swear and be outwardly rude Infront of him
But sometimes this little boy really tests your patience
"Okay species-ist."
Is your main response when he's being a tsundere
He's the one who's the safest from your attitude
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immortal-family · 3 years
This is my secret santa for @nilefreemans who asked for an AU. I went for academia!AU because Andy and Quynh give me stressed-researcher vibes and I decided to put them in STEM because I am a bit of a nerd and I love science too much.
Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy!
As soon as Quýnh approached her desk, she realized something was wrong.
“Someone touched my stuff,” she murmured, more to herself than to anyone else, as she was alone in the laboratory.
“Someone touched my stuff”, she repeated in the break room of the laboratory, where Lykon was trying to drink his coffee in peace.
“Maybe the cleaning lady?” Nile suggested.
“They moved my samples!”
“Who?” he asked, while he waited for the caffeine to kick in.
“That’s the point, Lykon!” she yelled, in distress. “Some dickhead decided that it was a good idea to change the order of my samples. And yes, I am absolutely 100% sure that someone touched it.”
“A joke?”
“What kind of psycho would joke with a woman who is one month far from finishing her PhD?”
“Someone who is not afraid of death, I suppose,” Nile commented.
Quýnh marched back to her desk and sat in front of her samples, trying to understand why someone would spend their time re-adjusting someone else’s work. She had specifically set the samples by date but that fucker decided to split them into different groups based on the time of the day they were collected.
She was about to re-adjust them when she noticed it.
“There is… a pattern?” The samples had a pattern she hadn’t noticed before, but now she could clearly see how the samples collected in the morning had a different texture from those collected in the afternoon.
Had she been a maturer person, she would have admitted that the new disposition was actually very clever and that after all the mysterious desk-changer helped her. But Quýnh was a sleep-deprived PhD student and she had no desire to be mature.
The day after, as soon as she sat on her desk, she felt a shiver down her spine. Something was wrong. She faced her board and she immediately noticed that someone had written on it. Next to her scheme of a specific molecule, using a red sharpie, someone had added a small H connected to the rest and a note: “You forgot one hydrogen :)”
“I am going to kill them! How dare them!” she yelled at his very concerned housemate, that night, while pacing the floor in her pyjama, stress-eating chips directly from the bag.
“But was it correct?” Nicky asked.
Quýnh froze, arresting her tantrum, and said: “That’s not the point, Nicky! Imagine if someone added some salt to one of your recipes at the bakery,” she said and Nicky suddenly seemed to understand the point.
“Leave them a note,” he suggested. “Tell them to stop. Maybe they are in good faith. Maybe they will apologize.”
Quýnh evaluated the idea and nodded. “A note. Sure. Seems reasonable.”
Before leaving for a quick commission in the middle of the morning, she took a piece of paper and wrote: “For the entitled person who wrote on my board: keep your dirty hands off my stuff, thank you very much. Q”.
She attached the note to the board with a magnet and left for half an hour. When she came back, a note was attached under her: “I wasn’t the one missing one hydrogen from their molecule. A.”
That was the last straw. She grabbed the note and stormed into the cafeteria of the campus, where most of the other researchers were having lunch at that moment.
“Listen, I don’t know who thinks it is okay to touch other people’s stuff and mess up with their research. Whoever you are, you need to stop. You might think you are helping me but you are only ruining my day and at the moment I have enough stress on my own and you are kindly invited to fuck off.”
People were staring at her, confused and she felt the tears running down her cheeks. Lykon and Nile left their sandwiches on the table and reached her in a tight hug.
“We are going out for an ice cream,” Nile said, leading her away from the cafeteria and from the eyes of the others. “Lykon is paying for it.”
“We can go to that place with the liquorice ice cream that you love,” he suggested, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and letting her wipe her tears on his shirt.
“You don’t need to spoil me,” she protested.
“Shush! What are friends for if not to spoil you when you are stressed?”
Quýnh smiled, knowing how lucky she was to have them.
When she arrived in the lab, she immediately noticed the note on her desk and thought that she was about to go on a killing spree but then she noticed that something was lying under the note. A tupperware.
The note said: “I am sincerely sorry. I didn’t realize I had overstepped and I didn’t want to cause you any distress. I won’t touch your desk or your board anymore. I leave this as a peace offer. A.”
Quýnh opened the tupperware and inside there was a piece of baklava. Her first instinct was to throw away the baklava and leave a note saying “You can shove your peace offer up your ass” but her mom taught her not to waste food.
She took a small piece, the pleasant sound of the phyllo dough breaking under her fingers and the stickiness of the sugar on her skin. She took a bite and-
“I know where this baklava comes from.”
She slammed the tupperware in front of Nicky’s plate. “This is yours.”
He looked at the tupperware. “It doesn’t look like one of mine.”
“Not the tupperware. The baklava.”
He carefully opened the box and tasted some. “Yes, this is mine.”
“I knew it!” she shouted.
“When did you get it? You haven’t passed by the bakery in weeks.”
“You know the dickhead that moved my samples? And wrote on my board? They left this on my desk and they apologized!”
“Good! So now you know who they are,” Nicky commented, taking another fork of spaghetti from his plate.
“Actually, they left an anonymous note. Which is why I am here. You must have seen them! They came to your bakery, you sold them the baklava! It must have been yesterday afternoon or this morning.”
Nicky sighed: “Quýnh, we have a lot of clients. I sold this baklava to at least 10 people, I do not remember all of them.”
She took another bite of baklava and pouted. “I will find out who they are.”
“The baklava was nice. Next time, bring also some tea. Q.”
She left the note on the tupperware and went for lunch. When she came back, the tupperware was gone and another note was on her desk.
“Promise :) A.”
Quýnh brought the note to her face and found herself smiling.
They went on like this for two weeks. Every night, before leaving, Quýnh wrote a note and the day after she would find a reply. As promised, the mysterious colleague left her some tea that, the note said, came directly from Iran. It was delicious.
Her initial anger was washed away by the excellent beverage and she decided to leave something.
“This is the bánh khoai mì, a typical vietnamese sweet. I hope you like it. Q.”
To which the stranger replied: “I loved it. You must give me the recipe. A.”
And so on and so forth. Day after day it became a sort of routine.
“You are flirting with them,” Lykon commented.
“I am not.”
“You are 100% flirting with them,” Nile confirmed.
Quýnh snorted and looked at Nicky. “Totally flirting.”
“You guys are the worst.”
“You really have no idea who this person might be?” Nile asked.
Quýnh shook her head: “I have never crossed their path, they seem to be very good at avoiding me.”
“So, you don’t even know if they are a man or a woman?” Lykon asked.
“I only know they work in our department, they like sweets and their name or surname starts with A.”
At that last sentence, Nile jumped on her chair. Her reaction didn’t go unnoticed.
“Nile? Do you know who this person might be?” Lykon asked.
“No? Why do- I don’t-”
“Nile!” Quýnh grabbed her by the shoulders. “You must tell me!”
“I don’t know, okay! I have one idea but I might be wrong. Let me… let me talk to her and-”
“Her! She said HER!” Lykon shouted, jumping on the couch. “It’s a woman!”
“Everybody calm down!” She yelled. “I will investigate, okay? I will let you know if it’s her.”
That night Quýnh couldn’t stop thinking about the mysterious person… well the mysterious woman. Until that moment she had never really thought about the author of the notes. Of course, she wondered who they were, but she never actually investigated, nor she made suppositions. But in particular, she never hoped for them to be… someone.
In her mind, it was a faceless person with a silent voice and a big A printed on the forehead. But after Nile’s revelation, she tried to picture how this person could look like. If they might be something more than just an anonymous colleague she was flirting with on post-it left on her desk.
Because yes, she was definitely flirting.
Another week passed by and it was Quýnh’s most exhausting week of the year. She successfully completed her PhD, defending her thesis and getting her title. Her whole family came to celebrate with her: her parents, her two sisters. But also her two best companions from the laboratory, Nile and Lykon, as well as her housemate and friend Nicky.
She had never been happier in her life. But when she was celebrating with the people she loved, part of her was hoping that the mysterious colleague was there with her.
She took one week off from the laboratory, which she used to bring her personal life back on track after months of burnout. She was happy to have some time for herself, even though that meant that she could not communicate with the mysterious colleague. Nile was still on radio silence and not even three beers and two tequilas could make her spill the tea.
After her small vacation, Quýnh went back to the laboratory, ready to start her post-doc. She was expecting to find a note on her desk, something like “welcome back” or “congratulation for your PhD” or “I missed talking to you”, but she found nothing. Deluded, she spent the day trying to focus on her tasks, but her mind kept going back to the missing notes.
“Maybe they don’t know I would have been back today. Maybe the cleaning lady threw away their note. Maybe-”
At six, she decided to call it a day and packed her stuff to go back home. She was ready to leave when someone knocked at her door. She recognized the woman: she was a post-doc working in the evolutionary biology group. She had an uncommon surname she struggled to remember. Scynthia? Scythia?
“May I?” she asked from the threshold.
“I’m sorry, I was about to leave. How can I help you?”
“I won’t steal you much time, I just wanted to congratulate you on your recent achievement.”
Quýnh smiled: “Thank you, Dr Scythia.”
The other woman laughed. “Please, don’t make me feel older than I am. Call me Andy.”
Andy. Quýnh’s brain took a few seconds to realize. Andy. A.
“It’s you!” she shouted.
“Guilty as charged.”
Suddenly she remembered that Nile did an internship in Andy’s group the summer before. “You know Nile.”
“Again, guilty. Nile came to me ten days ago, but since you were so close to your thesis defence, we agreed that it was better to let you focus on your work.”
“But now you are here.”
“I am here.”
They remained in silence, not knowing what to tell each other. Writing those notes was so easy, but talking face to face? Quýnh suddenly felt as if she had completely forgotten how to speak.
“Listen, I want to apologize,” Andy said.
“You already did.”
“I wanted to do it in person. We didn’t start with the right feet and it was my fault. I’m glad we managed to solve our initial disagreements, though.”
“I was very angry, you know.”
“I figured after that day in the cafeteria.”
Quýnh covered her face with her hands, in embarrassment. “That was maybe a little too much. In my defence, I was sleep-deprived and I had drunk three cups of coffee that day.”
“Plenty justified,” Andy laughed. Then she cleared her throat and said: “Since now we have met face to face, I don’t think it is necessary to leave anonymous notes on your desk anymore. I was thinking we could… well, exchange numbers. If you want.”
Quýnh had to bite her lips to hold her beaming smile. “We could, sure.”
“And like… we could also go out once. Together. For a coffee and maybe a slice of cake. If you have time, of course.”
“Of course,” she teased. “I think I might be able to find a free hour in my agenda.”
“I hope you will.”
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
Obey Me! boys playing Among Us
Genre: crack? Warnings: betrayal lmao A/N: this has been sitting in my drafts for so long
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Is always dark blue
Is a GOD at the game
Everyone is kinda confused by it cause ????
He’s literally an old man????
He’s just really good at lying
And killing people
He blames Mammon every time even if he saw someone kill or vent
If he ends up being imposter with Mammon, he’ll find out where Mammon is, kill near him, and vent away. Then when Mammon or someone else finds the body, everyone is sus of him
Will second (or third) imposter if Diavolo plays and is the imposter
Is always ‘gold,’ to which everyone yells at him that it’s yellow
Is always the first to get kicked off
He gets heated and always yells into the mic to blow out everyone’s eardrums
He doesn’t know how to do some of the tasks only because he never does them because he’s sick of being kicked off first every time
Once his brothers realize he’s not doing his tasks to spite them, they stop kicking him off first unless they have proof
Everyone likes killing him first when they can though
He goes with orange
Is good at the game because duh he’s a gamer. He caught on quickly
He’s really bad at lying though so he usually just stays quiet and let’s his brothers yell at each other
He will almost second (or third) imposter for anyone, except for Mammon, because he likes having an alibi
Despite Mammon’s tantrums, he likes voting and killing him first
His go to sabotage move is turning off the lights because it’s the easiest way to kill someone and get away with it
He usually goes with dark green or lime, depending on who’s playing with them
Another brother who is a little too good at the game
He’s perfect at lying. He’s quick at his tasks. He has amazing deduction skills. He’s really good at planning kills. The list goes on about what he’s good at
The only thing he’s not good at is being imposter with Lucifer. The first time he was imposter with him, he ratted them out and lost the game
Now, he just claims to have seen Lucifer do a bunch of things he never did
If you kill Lucifer in front of him, he won’t report you and will second (or third) imposter with you
Has no idea what he’s doing
If it’s not Mammon, Asmo is always the one who dies first
“Why is my name red?” “Why are the vents red now?” “Why can’t I do my task?” “Why does it say ‘sabotage’?”
He also always goes to fix things when they go off because “I can’t work in these conditions!” which leads him to be killed almost every time
Will never kill Solomon when the sorcerer decides to play. Asmo always does second (or third) imposter with him
He likes being red
No one ever kills him nor do they ever vote him off, even if they know it’s him
He has no idea what he’s doing but he likes hanging out in the cafeteria because he hopes that his little space guy can get some grub
Everyone has to help him figure out how to do tasks
He always walks past and over dead bodies without realizing it
He likes following purple (Belphie) around
Always purple
Probably the best at the game
No one has ever caught him so far because he’s just that good at lying and killing
He always sticks by Beel and Beel will unknowingly be the honorary second/third imposter because he never reports Belphie’s victims (and doesn’t even know how to for a while)
When he and Lucifer or Satan are the imposters, oh, it’s over in just a few minutes. It’s the only time he gets along with Lucifer
He is always black. When he plays, he likes to claim the color makes him “more mysterious” and “easier for him to hide in the shadows”
Barbatos is always with him, just like in real life. So, if someone kills Diavolo, Barbatos is tattling on their ugly rat self
Surprisingly though, if someone kills Barbatos, Diavolo won’t tattle, depending on who it is (read: if Lucifer, Beel, Luke, or Simeon kill Barbatos)
After he plays a couple games, he actually gets pretty good at it
He loves how everyone is bonding with each other!!!
He only plays when Diavolo plays because Diavolo makes him
He doesn’t care what color he is so he’s either dark green, lime, or brown, depending on who’s playing
As I said before, he’s ALWAYS with Diavolo, which means they always second (or third) imposter for the other. Because of this, no one trusts them
If someone kills Diavolo in front of him, he will not hesitate to report. If the killer somehow gets away with it, he’ll remember it for when he’s imposter and will kill them first
If Barbatos gets killed, he will follow Diavolo around in ghost form
He likes the Polus map the best because it kinda reminds him of The Devildom
Is either brown, one of the greens, or white, depending on who’s playing. If Simeon isn’t playing though, he’s always white!!
He is quite clueless at first but quickly catches on
He’s quite the actor and can lie perfectly on the spot. It’s a little frightening
Asmo always follows him around but he’s a good alibi and he doesn’t tattle on the sorcerer when he’s the imposter
He discovers bugs and cheats to help him win but he doesn’t always use them because he likes the feeling of winning because he worked hard
Is always white!!
Just like Asmo, he’s a mess
“How come my name is red this time?” “Are you able to use the red vents for something?” “Why is there a diamond in the trash?”
He never kills, so his partner always has to do the work
If he does kill, one of two things happens
1. He kills, reports, and tells everyone it was him
2. If everyone starts complaining and even threaten not to invite him anymore, he gets serious. And I mean serious
Once the second option happens, there is no going back. He is ruthless and shows no mercy
He is always cyan!! It’s such a pretty color ᵘʷᵘ
He is also a huge mess and doesn’t really like the game. He only plays when Simeon does
He never kills Simeon or Solomon. He only ever kills the demons lol
He acts so innocent and clueless every time, so he always wins
Mammon always tries convincing the others to vote Luke out but that always backfires and gets him voted out instead
More with Obey Me!
Tag List: @mexicanmagick, @animefreak-247, @jungialo​, @fanfictwarrior​, @ohbbobeyme​, @zeldan7​, @otome-otakuwu​, @hyperfixationpastmidnight, @fandomsarepainful,  @azcela​, @niphredil-14, @gamelovers-posts, @virtualmemmecollector, @collarjessie, @officialdevorak​, @katelynwithpaint​, @buzzybeebee​, & @thesoftkittylexy​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
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What tv shows do you think Robbe and Sander binge watch on Netflix?
I am so utterly unqualified to answer this. 😳😂I can’t even—I mean I almost never watch what other people are watching, and I always show up way too late, like years after the show ended (I kinda need to know how it ends before I’m willing to spend the time on it; probably why skam appeals to me). I also prefer movies bc tv shows get cancelled or don’t follow logical plot or character progressions and end up hurting, angering, or disappointing me (case in point: wtfock).
BUT, I will give it a try. The only thing we know for sure is that Robbe watches Elite. So here goes…
When season 3 of Elite came out, Robbe convinced Sander to binge the whole series with him. Sander calls Omander by the 2nd episode, and he actually gasps and whispers, “no,” when they found out what happened at the pool. He secretly likes Guzman even tho his toxic masculinity can be a bit much. By season 3 he’s as in love with him as Nadia. When it’s over, he turns to Robbe and says, “you know this show is seriously messed up, right?” Robbe shrugs and says, “tell me you didn’t enjoy it?” And Sander just rolls his eyes and kisses him bc yeah, he did like it.
They’ve definitely watched Sex Education. Multiple times Robbe has to cover his eyes and cower in secondhand embarrassment, and Sander just howls, trying to peel his fingers off of his face. They’re both crazy about Jackson and would protect Eric at all costs (personal side note: French Horn rep, yeah!!!). They also yelled at the tv at the end of season two when Maeve and Otis don’t get their shit together. Sander couldn’t stop whining about how long they had to wait for the next season, and if they put it off another season he was going to boycott. Robbe makes fun of him for throwing a dramatic tantrum but secretly agrees.
They watched The Umbrella Academy as soon as it came out bc Sander had to know why there was a talking chimpanzee. Robbe was intrigued by the premise. Neither of them have a favorite character bc it changes all the time. Sander much prefers Diego’s season 2 look, and Robbe brushes back his long hair and rubs his hand over his several days of stubble and jokes, “I wonder why?” Sander teases that he sometime feels like “Five,” the old man stuck hanging out with younger idiots, but when Robbe attacks him and tickles him until they fall onto the floor, he takes it back and mumbles something unintelligible about the Broerrrs obviously being super mature.
They watched The Witcher bc of all the hype, and about halfway through, Robbe turns to Sander and says, “you know, I’m really not that into muscles. I mean, they’re not bad, but like, I dunno, they’re just not my thing.” Sander smiles at him teasingly and says, “oh I don’t know, I quite like muscles.” When Robbe frowns at him, Sander qualifies it by grabbing Robbe’s arm and then running his hands over his shoulders, back, and chest. “I like these muscles.” “San, you know I meant big muscles,” he whines back. Sander ignores him and removes his shirt, and they miss the rest of the episode. Neither of them care.
Sander convinced Robbe to watch The Dark Crystal, and he spent the whole series marveling and commenting on all the puppets and costumes and how amazing everything was, visually stunning, just beautifully done. Robbe expected to hate it, but ended up wanting a 2nd season more than Sander.
They’ve definitely watched Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, and Tiger King. Also, bc Robbe liked Elite, and it’s basically a sexed up murder mystery, I would think that maybe he’d like shows like Mindhunters, NCIS, or Criminal Minds. But Sander doesn’t, so after several nights of Robbe putting one on before bed, Sander asks him to stop bc they give him nightmares—just too creepy and realistic.
Robbe immediately changed tack, and instead they binged Young Wallander, Lupin, and Sherlock as a compromise. They are currently watching Zero.
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