#whoops this is long i'm so sorry
lazylittledragon · 3 months
what do you mean youre technically a detransitioner cause of terf bullshit?
it's a v long story but i detransitioned for a couple of years when i was 16/17, for multiple reasons but mostly because i fell into the blaire white/kalvin garrah chamber of "you have to be This way to be trans otherwise you're not real".
i was already Deeply insecure about myself and my 'passing' and i was led to believe that i couldn't want to wear makeup or skirts, and i couldn't choose not to have bottom surgery, and i couldn't do anything but bind for 12+ hours a day to the point that my ribcage is still misshapen. basically i thought that if i wasn't suffering enough doing 'feminine' things, i couldn't really be trans, so i should just go back to being a girl and suck it up.
the terf bullshit is because i'd seen a lot of terfs/detransitioners talking about the 'dangers' of testosterone and how it would turn me into a horrible ugly evil monster and how there was nothing worse than wanting to be a man. which combined with 'you need to fully medically transition to be valid at all' creates some very dangerous and upsetting feelings to cope with.
it also came from trying really hard to put myself in a little box before i realised that my sexuality/gender are very fluid and it's FINE for me not to have a label and just do whatever i want. when i was 19 or so i went back to using they/them (and eventually he/him) and changed my name again because even though i like doing 'feminine' things, i don't want to be seen as a woman.
tldr: i was conditioned by transphobic/terf rhetorics to think that i was being trans the 'wrong' way so i couldn't be trans at all, so i believed i must actually be a girl if i still wanted to do 'feminine' things. nowadays i am a transmasc who does feminine things because i don't give two shits about what any transmed prick thinks of me anymore.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Fishing Interlude
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if your still doing the prompt thing how about 17, 23, 25, 29 with power!bottom claire being stressed and intern!reader offering to help but don't have any sexual experience so claire teaches them
Thank you so much for sending this in! I'm so sorry it took so long to complete, life got very hectic, but I have it for you now! I hope I've done this request justice <3
Ship: Claire Debella x Reader
Summary: When you, an intern working at the governor's office, offer to stay with the governor while she works late into the night, you find yourself in a situation you have only ever fantasized of.
Word Count: 5.8k
Disclaimer: 18+ ONLY, minors dni
Warnings: smut, hints at dark!Claire, pet-names, praise kink, degradation kink, fingering, oral, first time, virgin reader, legal age gap, power imbalance, mommy kink, begging, implied subspace
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It's an open secret at the office that Governor Debella is paranoid.
If the extreme vetting process to just simply become an intern is anything to go by, the woman could use some relaxation time.
After all, a single intern hardly would have the ability to take down the political powerhouse that Governor Debella is.
Or, that's what you think anyhow.
You knew you had been lucky to land the job, the experience and credentials that will pad up your resume and qualifications that will come from working here, but some days, all you can think about is how stressed the top boss constantly is.
Being a people pleaser, being a people fixer, you started to stay late, wanting to get as much work done as possible.
Sure, you're only a low level entry personnel, but what you do helps free up time for those above you to focus on more important things.
After a few weeks of being the last one in the office, Governor Debella notices.
“Don't you have someone to get home to? A boyfriend, or a pet, or something?”
You nearly topple back in your seat, startled by your boss’s boss’s boss’s boss (seriously there's a chain of command here, and you're merely a bottom feeder) not having heard her approach from behind.
“Governor!” You gasp, trying to recover. “Uh- I don't- I live with a few roommates, but they never care if I'm there or not. We're all very busy.”
Governor Debella frowns, and crosses her arms.
“There's no reason for you to be staying so late. You're an intern. You don't get paid overtime.”
You shrug.
“I don't have much else to do. Call it volunteer hours.”
(And god, doesn't that sound pathetic, especially because it's true.)
Her frown deepens.
“It's illegal for you to stay and work without pay.”
“Are you telling me I need to start going home at quitting time?”
The words spill from your mouth before you can think them through.
There's a moment of silence, and for a second you could swear it's hesitation on Governor Debella’s face.
“No.” She says, after a beat too long.
There's another, much longer silence.
You hate the quiet, and you find yourself breaking it.
“Then, er, what do you want me to do?”
Governor Debella blinks, and it draws your attention to the dark bags underneath her tired silvery-blue eyes, her makeup must having had rubbed off enough for it to begin to show.
You suddenly realize that perhaps it's just as exhausting for her as it is for everyone else to deal with her stress and paranoia.
“Would you like some company while you work?” You offer, a gentleness in your tone that you hadn't made the decision to speak with. “I could clock out and then just… Sit in your office with you if you'd like. I know how empty the building feels when everyone has left.”
This time, you know you haven't imagined her hesitation.
“I'm under contract, anyhow, Governor. If there's an additional paper you need me to sign, for security reasons, well.” You shrug. “What's one more?”
Again, there's silence, and then…
“Call me Claire, if you're really willing to sit and do nothing for hours besides for staring at my office walls.”
You're a bit shocked she's accepted your offer, and you stumble over your response.
“I- oh. Uh… Okay, um. Claire.”
The governor’s lips twitch, as if she's hiding a smile.
“But not tonight. I was just about to head out, which means you definitely should too. Security won't stick around once I leave, and the night shift…” Claire scowls. “I need to remember to get them replaced.”
It's the most you've ever heard her talk without snapping at someone to do something, let alone to you.
“Isn't that what your assistant is for? To remind you or to arrange that on your behalf?”
“That's only if I remember to tell him.” Claire mutters, before shaking her head. “Shut your computer down, you're not staying if I'm not in the building.”
She waits, hovering over your shoulder as you listen, and she walks with you out to the front of the building.
“You didn't park in the lot?” She asks, when you start to head towards home.
You can feel your face flush.
“I uh… I don't exactly get paid enough to own a car.” You refuse to look at the older woman. “Usually I just walk back.”
“It's two in the morning.” Claire sounds incredulous.
“I have pepper spray.”
“No. You're not walking home anymore.”
Claire has her arms crossed again, and an all too familiar glare is being leveled at you.
Before now, you always thought it was an angry expression.
You're beginning to wonder if maybe it's a stubborn one instead.
You sigh.
“Well short of driving me home yoursel-”
“That's exactly what I'm going to do.”
You barely manage to keep your jaw from dropping as Claire turns, clearly expecting you to follow her.
You suppose if you don't, you won't get too far before she can find you walking.
Or if not, possibly fire you over it tomorrow.
You push down your anxiety.
Don't worse case scenario. You scold yourself.
Claire drives a nondescript silver minivan.
“I have custody every other month.” She explains your unanswered question.
Ah, right.
Sometimes you forget that Claire just recently went through divorce, that she has two little ones to care for.
You remember how the media had dug it all up, how they aired her very private life for the public.
For a minivan, it's pretty nice.
When Claire turns on the car, a few loud notes play, before she quickly slams her palm against the knob that turns the car music on and off.
You raise an eyebrow, but don't say anything about it.
Instead you ask, “how are they?”
“My kids?”
She sounds mildly surprised as she reaches for her seatbelt.
You click yours in as she replies.
“They're… They're okay, all things considered.”
She puts the car in reverse, and you rattle off your address so she knows where she's headed.
Her nose wrinkles, and you're willing to bet it's because you don't live in a particularly nice area.
“You had to hire shadows- uh, bodyguards for them, right?”
Claire's hands clench the wheel, turning her knuckles white.
“I don't know of any other governor who's had their children's lives threatened.” She practically growls. “It scares them, but they won't say anything.”
“I'm sorry.” You murmur.
Claire glances at your pale face, and she takes a breath, forcing her body to relax.
“It's not your fault.” She shakes her head. “They're my kids. I'm their mother. I'm bound to be a bit overprotective.”
You choke back an unamused laugh.
“You would hope.”
Claire gives you a quick look, before returning her full attention to the road.
“What makes you say that?”
Oh crap, you didn't mean to invite Claire to dig into your life.
“Er… My parents… They weren't the best.” You mumble.
Claire frowns, eyes still looking forward.
“How old are you again?”
Claire hums.
“And how much are we paying you again?”
You rattle off the salary.
Claire hums again, and then there's silence for the rest of the short drive.
When she pulls up in front of your apartment, you say, “this is it.”
You undo your seatbelt and open the door, moving to leave.
“I'll have the paperwork ready for you on your desk by lunch.” Claire says.
At your confused look she huffs.
“For your extended night hours.”
“Right, thank you. And thank you for the lift.”
Claire nods.
“If you don't have those papers past lunch break, hound my assistant. Don't take no for an answer, I might not remember to let Brian know to expect you to be a bother.”
The word bother echoes around your head, and you swallow down sudden anxiety.
“Sure thing. Good night, Governor-er- Claire.”
“Good night.” The other woman says, and you shut the passenger door firmly behind you as you sprint into your building.
You do have to bother her assistant the next day, and the stack of papers Claire presents you with is frankly ridiculous, but you pull out a notepad, read them through, and write bullet points of what you're agreeing to.
You sign, and initial, and date.
And then you binder clip it all together and drop it with a fairly solid thud onto Brian’s desk.
“Governor Debella will want these to be scanned and filed.” You say, even as an intern knowing the procedure for important documentation.
The man frowns at you.
“You're not done.” Brain says, and then seemingly out of nowhere, produces another stack of papers.
You groan, but your impatience quickly disappears as you stare at the sheet of paper, towards the end of the stack, that says how much of a raise you're receiving for signing on to be Claire’s personal intern.
Claire's personal intern.
That was $15k more than what you had been making.
What the fuck.
You sign the papers, and don't say a word.
Slowly, as the day progresses, people trickle out, until you're the last one in the main office.
Brain looks at you as he leaves, and nearly walks into a wall trying to maintain his stare.
You head towards Claire's office and knock on her door.
“Come in.”
She sounds frazzled, and you realize you haven't seen her flying around the office today as you normally do.
“Everything alright?” You ask, taking note of Claire's disheveled state.
“No.” Is the simple answer you get, and you don't push as Claire continues to frantically scribble something out.
You glance around, familiarizing yourself with the private office you so rarely see the inside of, and take notice of a little seating area, with two arm chairs and a very comfortable looking couch.
In addition, there's what appears to be a bar cart, but it's filled with bottled water and sports drinks instead of alcohol, as well as a giant TV screen and what looks like a game console hooked up to it.
Somehow, you can't quite picture Claire playing video games while at work, and you have to wonder if perhaps she has ever been forced to watch one or both of her kids while working.
You don't want to become an annoyance, so instead of pacing the space, you choose to settle into one of the armchairs, curling up with one knee to your chest, the other dangling off the side of the chair.
You stare at the ceiling and let your mind wander as you examine the embedded ceiling lights.
“This is fucking bullshit.” Claire suddenly growls, and the sound of a pen clattering against the plastic wood of her desk sounds through the room.
“What is?” You ask.
Claire’s head jerks up, and for a moment, she looks surprised.
“You're so quiet.” She says. “I forgot you were here.”
You shrug, and don't say I’m good at that, I've had a lot of practice growing up.
You do say, “I didn't want to be a distraction.”
Claire hums.
She does that a lot, you realize.
“Well, maybe instead I can bounce this off of you.”
She gestures for you to come around to her side of the desk, and you quickly skim over what appears to be a proposal for a bill.
“Is it even legal for me to be doing this?” You ask.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Claire shrugging.
“You work for the government office this will be coming out from. It's not illegal, just out of the norm.”
You make a noise of understanding, going over the contents of it, frowning.
“What’s the problem with this?” You ask once you're finished giving the proposal a once-over.
Claire viciously stabs a single digit at some handwritten notes laying next to her keyboard.
“This section, this sentence, this paragraph, this fucking word is wrong, but the thesaurus is being useless-”
“Whoa, whoa.” You slow down what was sure to be Claire spiraling into more stress. “What's the most important thing to fix here?”
Claire blinks, pauses, frowns, then flips through her notes.
“Here.” She finally decides. “This entire section needs to be completely rewritten.”
You scroll to the right place on the computer screen and read it over more carefully.
“I'm pretty sure we can bullshit what you want to say here.” You murmur half to yourself. “It shouldn't be too difficult, most of the framework is here, it's just about closing the loopholes and rewording things to be less polarizing.”
“You make it sound so simple.” Claire grumps, leaning back in her chair and frowning as she crosses her arms.
You shrug.
“I bullshitted my fair share of essays, the difficult part to it is having a decent outline, which you already have.”
The other woman grumbles something under her breath before sitting up, shooing you away with a flick of her hand.
“Alright, well if it's that easy.” Her tone is disgruntled, but her fingers are already clacking against the keyboard, and you take that as your signal to return to the armchair you had been lazing about in.
At the end of the night, she drives you home again.
It becomes a routine.
For the next few months, Claire uses you as a sound board during the late hours, and you've taken to bringing either a book to read or an adult coloring book to do while you sit with her.
And then something big must have happened in her private life, because Claire is an absolute menace even to you one Monday, tearing through the office morale like a hot knife to butter.
You don't dare say a thing, even when she snaps at you later that night for being incompetent, and you just sit and take it.
She doesn't mean it personally.
You know that.
But by the time Thursday rolls around, her attitude hasn't changed, and you've found yourself retreating, becoming as small and invisible as possible in an attempt to spare yourself from Claire’s wrath.
You hear shuffling from where you're curled up on the couch, and you look up, and find Claire downing a shot, a bottle of amber liquid sitting on her desk.
“I know I've been an ass.” She says when she catches your eye.
“You've been stressed.” You excuse.
Claire shakes her head.
“There are better ways of releasing steam.”
“Well what do you usually do?”
You think this must be the first conversation all week that Claire is having civilly.
“Get high. Or have sex.”
Your mouth drops open at her blasé answer.
“And I haven't been able to do either.” She complains.
“Well, er. I could- I could help. If you wanted. To- um. To destress, I- I mean.”
You don't know why those words left your mouth, and the moment they do, you can feel your face heat up.
Sure, you've begun to have the occasional fantasy or wet dream about your boss, but that wasn't the same thing as implying you'd have sex with her.
HR is going to have a field day with you.
You're going to be fired.
You bury your face into your hands, and when Claire gently brushes her fingers against your back, you jump.
You hadn't heard her move.
“Look at me.” She softly says, and you shiver at how low her voice is pitched.
“There's a good girl.” She smiles as you listen, and the pulse of heat that shoots down your spine makes you feel dizzy.
Her hand comes up to cup your face, angling it upwards and forcing you to meet her eyes.
“Do you mean it, baby?” She asks, and you shiver at the pet-name, biting your lip as you grow more aroused. “You'll help mommy destress?”
Your eyes widen at the title Claire has bestowed upon herself, and you flush with embarrassment as the whine you've been fighting to keep down slips out through your mouth and escapes.
Your boss chuckles.
“Such a sweet thing. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into, offering to stay so late with me, did you?”
You frown, confused, despite your ever growing arousal.
“Wh-what do you mean?”
Claire smiles, but it's a sharp thing that causes gooseflesh to erupt along your arms.
“Please, doll. I've seen the way you look at me. And we both know how aware you are of how… Lonely, I have been.”
Her hand reaches out, and she brushes her knuckles gently against your cheek.
“Say yes.”
Her voice is pitched low, and it makes you shiver.
“Say yes to mommy, and I promise, you'll never have to worry about a thing again.”
Perhaps it should be your sign to leave right now, the possessiveness that practically drips from the governor's tone, but all it does is empty your head of thought.
“Yes.” You breathlessly say. “Yes, I'll help mommy destress.”
“Good girl.” She purrs, and when your lips part to allow a moan to tumble out, Claire gently presses against your tongue with two fingers.
When you stay still, frozen and unsure of what the older woman wants you to do, she furrows her brow and withdraws her fingers.
“Have you ever had sex before, honey?”
Immediately you can feel heat rise to your cheeks as you shake your head, shame rising in your throat.
“I- I'm a virgin.” You whisper, tripping over your words. “This is my first time…”
You trail off, embarrassed.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Claire coos, her eyes sparking with something that makes you feel a bit like her prey. “Budge over.” She says.
Mindlessly, you obey, scooting all the way down, and Claire settles back against the arm of the couch, and she lazily smiles at you as she slowly, tantalizingly spreads her legs.
You had no idea a suit skirt could stretch so much.
You had no idea how well it could hide the fact that Claire wasn't wearing any underwear either.
“Teach me how to make you feel good.” You're flooded by a sudden need to please this woman spread out before you, a sudden desire to watch her come undone because of you. “Show me how to touch you.” You beg. “Please.”
Claire chuckles deeply.
“You're going to be so perfect for me, baby.” She husks out, and you can feel how your pussy pulses, leaking wetness against the material of your underwear.
Unlike Claire, you're wearing a pair.
A niggling feeling of regret bothers you.
You wish you were easily accessible for your boss.
You want her to ruin you.
“Come here, honey.” Claire beckons you with a single finger, and you're obedient, crawling until you hover over her.
She reaches her hands up, and oh so gently cups your face with her hands, guiding your head downwards until your lips are just millimeters apart.
One of her thumbs softly brushes over your cheek, moving back and forth in a soothing sweeping motion, and her silvery-blue eyes gaze deep into your own.
The moment stretches, and you grow impatient of waiting, and despite your heart hammering against your ribcage, you close the miniscule gap between your lips and hers.
They're so fucking soft.
Claire isn't your first kiss by any means, but you deeply wish it were.
You're moaning into her mouth like you're a slut, and when Claire enters your own with her tongue, it's all you can do to keep yourself from falling atop of her as your limbs go weak.
Languidly, you make out with your boss, and as you do so, one of her knees makes its way between the apex of your thighs.
When you instinctively buck into the touch, Claire pulls away, and breathlessly laughs at you.
“Remember, doll. This is about mommy, not about you.”
Your head is spinning from the lack of oxygen.
You whimper, and bite your lip.
Her expression softens, and she reaches up to tuck an errant strand of hair behind your ear.
“Didn't mommy say that as long as you're with me, I'll see to all your needs? Make me feel good, and I promise, you'll get a reward, sweet thing.”
You drop your head against her shoulder, and the whine that escapes you causes Claire to reach up and stroke at your hair.
“Let me show you how to touch mommy, baby. Let me show you how she likes to be pleasured.”
It's not fair, you think. No one woman should have the right to say things like that in such a husky sounding voice.
Your pussy throbs.
You lift your head up, and shift your weight, settling back so that you're straddling Claire.
“Please mommy, teach me.” You beg, and the older woman groans at the plain desperation that drips from your tone. “Teach me how to make you scream for your baby.”
At the word ‘scream’, Claire's eyes light up, something that simultaneously sends a shiver of fear through your body, but also a shiver of anticipation.
“You want to make mommy scream, doll? Get off, and I'll show you how.”
Gracelessly you tumble off of Claire and onto the floor, and she shakes her head as she laughs.
“You’re adorable, sweetheart.”
She stands, and as she walks back to her desk, she strips, carelessly leaving her clothes crumbled on the floor.
As she settles back into her leather seat, she spreads her legs wide in a clear order.
Her gaze feels intense as she watches you wobble over to her, before you collapse, dropping to your knees, your legs unable to continue to support your weight.
Your head spins as the scent of Claire’s arousal overwhelms you, and you look up at your boss with wide, pleading eyes.
She chuckles, and her hand comes down to pet your hair, before they tangle and tug at you.
“M-mommy!” You protest. “I still don't know what to do!”
Claire groans, but she doesn't stop guiding you forward.
“You're smart, doll. I'm sure you can figure it out.”
You whimper, but don't protest further, and then the older woman's cunt is directly in your face, and you're powerless as you stick your tongue out hesitantly.
You give her a taste test.
The wetness that is slowly dripping from Claire is a bit salty, but mostly, it just tastes musky.
It isn't bad.
It's just… New.
You give Claire’s pussy a few more tiny little licks, trying to acclimate to her taste, and she tightens her hold on your hair.
“I thought you wanted to make mommy scream.” She bites out, yanking you flush against her pulsing center. “So do it. Mommy needs to relax, and you're going to help.”
Helplessly, you do as Claire commands, and you start lapping at her earnestly.
When she lets out an unrestrained moan above you, you can't help but moan in return, and Claire gasps.
She yanks your head back, her chest heaving slightly, pupils blown wide.
“I never thought you could make such sweet noises, baby.” She breathlessly says.
You feel heat rushing to your face, and Claire's free hand grips your chin when you try to look away.
“Neither did I.” You whisper, ashamed.
Claire tsks.
“None of that now, honey, mommy wants to hear you again. Moan for me.”
Your mouth drops open, and your mind goes blank as you try to process your boss’s demand.
Her grip tightens.
“I said moan for me, bitch.”
It tumbles involuntarily from your mouth, loud and uncontrolled, and Claire's grip on your chin turns painfully.
“Does that turn you on? For mommy to degrade you like the little fucking slut you are?”
The noise you make in response causes Claire’s eyes to glint as she smirks.
“Who knew beneath all that innocence was a whore.” She coos, before jerking your head forward in a clear demand.
You eat her out for what feels like ages, the taste of Claire filling your senses, and you grow progressively lightheaded.
You find your thoughts slipping away as you become utterly focused on not letting one drop of your boss’s wetness to escape your tongue, and you find your hands keeping her legs spread apart as you become more eager in your ministrations.
You feel drunk as Claire begins to make higher and higher pitched noises until finally, she goes so high, it's a shrill thing that your ears can barely withstand, and there's a wetness soaking your face that isn't from how vigorously you had been pleasuring her.
She hasn't told you to stop, though, and you find yourself not wanting to regardless, so you continue to lap at her until she harshly jerks your head away.
“Enough.” She pants, eyes closed, chest heaving. “Enough.”
Your head spins, and you feel dizzy as you stare, memorized by the woman above you.
You open your mouth, aware there's something you want to ask, but you can't seem to conjure enough words in your mind to even speak them aloud.
Silvery-blue eyes open, and the most self satisfied smirk you have ever seen curls at the edges of Claire’s lips.
“How precious.” She murmurs, before sticking her heeled foot out.
You hadn't noticed that despite shedding her clothes, the older woman had kept her shoewear on.
“Why don't you make yourself feel good, and put on a pretty show for mommy, hm?”
You slowly close your mouth, becoming aware it's been hanging open, and give your boss a confused look.
Claire sighs.
“That's right, you really don't have any experience. Could have fooled me, with how well you've made me cum, doll.”
You flush, uncertain if it's from the praise or from the degradation.
You watch as Claire carefully stands, and you're startled when she hisses, her left leg buckling from how loose and relaxed her muscles have become.
“Strip.” Claire orders, her knuckles white from how hard she's clutching at her desk. “And then lay back on the couch.”
You scramble, tugging your shirt off as you simultaneously attempt to undo the button of your pants, and you wind up tripping, falling to the floor.
Claire's laughter causes your face to heat up.
“Looks like my baby needs my help, hm?” She giggles, toeing off her heels so that she can walk properly.
You whine, and can feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with embarrassment.
“Aw, sweetheart.” Claire pouts. “Mommy thinks you're cute for being so eager. No need to be so sad over it.”
You whine again, but slowly force yourself to sit up.
“Mommy.” You whimper. “Jus’ wanted to feel good.”
The older woman’s amused expression visibly softens, and warm hands reach for you.
You stand with Claire's help, and she almost reverently helps you undress, gently kissing each newly revealed piece of skin.
“Look at this beautiful body, honey. Just so perfect for me.”
Unable to bear the compliment, you choose instead to bury your head against the upper part of Claire's chest.
She coos, and runs her fingers through your hair.
“Oh, sweet thing. Is my baby feeling shy?”
You nod against her, noticing the soft smell of vanilla.
You've never noticed it before.
You had thought it was maybe the air refresher in Claire's office, but no.
It's her.
Your head spins.
And you're so wet.
Claire's laugh rumbles against you, and she easily guides you towards the couch.
You only grow steadily redder as she pulls your legs apart, kissing her way up from one ankle, and then kisses her way back down the other, over and over until you're squirming with your need.
“Mommy, please!” You cry.
Claire groans, eyes fluttering shut for a few moments, before she pulls you close, hooking your legs over her shoulders.
When she noses at your clit, your hands find her hair, and she tsks.
“No, doll. I won't reward you if you pull at my hair.”
Reluctantly, you release your grip, and bury your fingers against the cushion of the couch instead.
“Good girl.” Claire praises, and you moan softly in response.
When her tongue presses against you, you shudder at the new sensation.
It's wet and warm and slightly rough, and–
“Oh, fuck!” You cry out. “Fuck, mommy!”
Claire's hands harshly grip at the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, making you whimper, but she continues to lavish her tongue over your clit, and you begin to squirm in earnest.
You've masterbated plenty of times, and have a few toys in your bedside drawer, but that is nothing compared to the older woman’s touch.
Within a few minutes, you're already near orgasm, and you chase the release, fighting the urge to bring your hands back up to tangle into Claire's hair.
And then right when you're about to reach that high, the moment before the waves of pleasure can overwhelm you, she pulls away, and you loudly sob.
“No, please.” You gasp.
Claire smirks, and you whimper at how lustful her gaze is, at how your wetness glistens on the bottom half of her face.
“You want to cum, baby?” She mocks you, pouting. “You want mommy to let you feel good? Then beg for it. I need to hear my cute little doll ask for permission first.”
You whimper.
“Please, mommy.” You can feel tears start to gather with how badly you want this. “Please let your baby cum, I wanna cum for you, I wanna feel good, please, please, please!”
“Hm…” Claire hums.
“Please.” The tears start to roll down your cheeks. “I wanna to cum, mommy. I want you to make me cum, please.”
You let out a sob of desperation when a single digit finds your swollen clit, and lightly begins to circle it.
“Please.” You whisper, your voice getting caught in your throat.
For a moment, you think your boss is going to deny you, and you open your mouth to continue to beg, when instead you gasp, two of Claire’s fingers suddenly stretching you open.
You let out a high pitch noise when she curls the digits, pleasure burning through you, and you buck your hips.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy!” You chant, unable to form any other thought, let alone words.
“Cum for me, princess.” Claire softly orders, and as if your body was designed to obey her every desire, you convulse, a scream tearing it's way from your throat as she continues to finger fuck you, the gushing wetness weeping from your pussy causing a squelching noise, and you writhe as you ride the high.
“Fuck, baby.” Claire groans. “I want you to come for me again.”
You squirm desperately, the aftershocks still pulsing through you, but Claire is stronger than your now limp body, and she thumbs at your clit, sending electric waves up your spine, causing your back to arch painfully.
“FUCK!” You cry out, unable to control your volume, and you can barely hear Claire's responding moan over the static in your ears as a new wave of ecstasy crashes over you.
You're gasping for air with how it steals your breath away, and when Claire collapses on top of you, you gladly welcome it, despite how it further suffocates your lungs of oxygen.
She smells so good. You think as you start to come back to your senses.
The scent of vanilla is still prominent, but it's now mixed with the smell of Claire’s sweat.
Somehow, it's more appealing.
The smell of sex still hangs heavy in the air, and you throb as your body unfairly grows more aroused again.
“Mommy.” You whisper.
Claire groans, burying her head further against your neck.
“You smell so good, princess.” She says. “And you look so beautiful when I fuck your brains out.”
A whimper catches in the back of your throat.
Claire finally moves, shifting until she's sitting upright, and you don't think she's ever looked as enthralling as does now.
Her cheeks are flushed, and you can clearly see faint freckles that are usually hidden under a layer of makeup that Claire must have sweated off, and her hair has gone from stick straight to gentle waves, a halo of frizz framing her face.
You lose yourself in her eyes, at how she smiles so tenderly as she helps you up and to the private attached bathroom in her office.
“Let's get cleaned up, doll.” She says, and you grin goofily at her.
Your head is still spinning.
She giggles, a light sound that makes you join in once a light snort causes her to double over.
“You're so cute.” She smiles, and you obediently spread your legs when she taps your thigh.
She gently runs the wash cloth in her hand over the sticky residue of your arousal, and you flinch every time she passes over your clit.
“You’re still so sensitive.” She breathes out. “Did mommy not satisfy you, doll? Do you want mommy to keep going until it hurts for me to?”
“I- ah!” You cry out when Claire firmly swipes the cloth over your swollen bud. “I just want to be good.”
Claire peers up at you, and you hold your breath as she weighs your words.
“Next time then, maybe.” She decides, and you aren't sure if your shoulders slump with relief or disappointment.
She finishes cleaning you up, before moving on to herself, telling you to wait as she does so.
You watch as her back muscles move with her motions, and you can't resist the urge to kiss them, to nip at them.
Who knew the governor would have such fairly well defined muscles?
“Baby.” Claire warns.
“Mmm… Mommy.” You reply, before darting the tip of your tongue out against her warm skin.
“Baby, if you want to go home, you'll stop.”
“But you're so pretty. I can't help it.”
Claire turns around, shaking her head.
“You're adorable, honey. Come on, let's get dressed so we can head home.”
Claire has to help you into your shirt and pants, and you don't notice when she pockets your underwear instead of giving it back to you when she spots it under the couch.
Before you leave, your boss insists on watching you drink a glass of water, predicting you'll be too tired to do so once she drops you off at home, expressing how important it is to her that you take care of yourself.
By the time you get to her car, you're stumbling with exhaustion, beginning to crash as the endorphin high wears off.
You can't keep your eyes open once she starts driving, and when you let out a huge yawn, Claire glances at you.
“Go to sleep, baby.” She soothingly says. “I'll wake you up when we get home.”
You're used to listening when she asks you of something, and so you don't think twice as you finally allow your eyes to stay close, and you drift off, Claire's warm hand on your thigh.
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prettylittlcresources · 4 months
Happy 2024, everyone! Figured I’d start the year off sliding in with another large gif re-release post because I’ve been debating reposting these for awhile, and I’m sure someone could use them.
Due to the changes Payhip has made with free products, in the source link is a Payhip link containing a text file with links to download 3,258 gifs (varying sizes, but mostly 280x210px) of Dominic Sherwood in various projects. Specific projects and their exact gif numbers are listed below; all of these gifs were made by me (and are 100% free).
Billionaire Ransom (Take Down): 153 gifs (280x210px) Don’t Sleep: 269 gifs (270x180px) Eraser Reborn: 701 gifs (280x210px) Partner Track (Entire Season): 1,008 gifs (280x210px) Shadowhunters Season 1 (E01-04, E10): 902 gifs (280x210px) Social Media Videos: 104 gifs (mostly 280x210px, 2 gifs are from a gif set I posted on a side blog so they’re not) Vampire Academy: 121 gifs (280x210px)
Please read the gif rules linked in the pinned post on this blog before using the pack, thank you!
If you like my content and would like to support it, please consider donating to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. It’d mean a lot to me if you did! Thank you! 💕
With massive fc posts like this, trigger warning lists get super long. My recommendation is to look at the imdb content warnings, does the dog die, and google seizure warnings for each of the projects you’re interested in to make sure they'll be safe for you.
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soaringpigeonshovel · 6 months
AU idea where the eye Naruto gives Kakashi is accidentally a Perfect Magic Eye a la Hagoromo, capable of Sharingan and Rinnegan and all that jazz.
Kakashi has no idea until he wakes up from a particularly hellish nightmare to find a two-meter sphere his bedroom just. gone. A chunk of wall and floor and table have vanished like an ice-cream scooper scooped it out. It can only be Kamui. Except it can't because that was Obito and Obito is gone and his gift is gone and he doesn't have the Sharingan anymore.
He approaches the destruction. Almost absently, he reaches forward and performs a wind jutsu. It knocks him back against another wall, denting it too, but the job is done: the wreckage looks natural now, rough and splintered.
Sheepishly, he goes to fetch Tenzo. Back at his house Kakashi explains that there was a nightmare, and an accidental Rasengan, and he could really use a hand. Tenzo can tell Kakashi is lying about something. But he gets the specifics wrong, and scolds Kakashi about not developing dangerous new jutsu indoors. The room gets fixed.
Kakashi carefully doesn't think about the incident and moves on. Time passes. The Hokage rarely confronts incidents directly, so there's no opportunity for any skeletons to come tumbling out of closets. Kakashi almost forgets.
Then, on a journey, Kakashi and Gai stumble into an Incident. The ensuing fight against a gang of missing-nin would have been easier if there were no innocent villagers to defend. The fight is long and messy. One of the last missing-nin tries to take a hostage. Kakashi is too far away to stop him.
Gai alights back onto his wheelchair after an awesome backflip where he punched a missing-nin in mid-air to find the last opponent shrieking in agony, clutching a bloodied stump where his leg recently was. Kakashi further away that Gai is. The leg is nowhere to be seen.
Kakashi dashes forward and puts the missing-nin out of his misery. He desperately explains about, um, a new jutsu, long range, inspired by the Yellow Flash—it's still in it's experimental stage, see, which is why even Kakashi can't really say what just happened. Haha. Guy can tell something's up, but they're both exhausted, and there's a crowd of terrified villagers to reassure.
When they return back home, Kakashi tries to put this second incident out of his mind yet again. But Guy keeps bringing it up, excited and also somewhat concerned, and that triggers Tenzo's curiousity too. Kakashi can't escape it. Questions he can't bear to even look at directly weigh down on the back of his mind like a lead weight in his skull.
One night, Kakashi is alone. Cold rain is coming down. His eye doesn't hurt. The wrongness of that tips some scale inside him. After so long spent choking his instincts, avoiding the place out of some overwhelming emotion, his feet take him back to the memorial stone.
Kakashi stands. He can't find any words. There's nobody here—none of the living and none of the dead either, he knows that—but he feels like the stone is looking at him. Like everything is watching him. Suddenly, all he needs is to see what they're seeing. He yanks out a pocket mirror.
Both his eyes are open. One is grey, as it ought to be. The other is grey too, as it ought to be. It was a gift from Naruto, after all. Kakashi's not ungrateful. He's not. The eye is grey as it always should be with absolutely no possibility of red or black or anything else. He stares at the eye. His mind quakes.
There's a stab of pain in his eye. It shouldn't be, but it's a relief. Familiar. He latches onto it like a tether, grounding, letting the sensation fill his senses.
The sharp pain swells into burning agony. That is not familiar. But he's somewhere between sleep and awareness, operating on instinct, and agony feels appropriate here. He's at the memorial stone. He doesn't have the right to try and stop it. The agony is overwhelming, but he can't bring himself to stop clutching on to the sensation.
Something reaches it's apex. It's intensity whites out Kakashi's senses for a moment. Then he's on his knees, throat raw, scrabbling for his fallen mirror.
He cracks open the eye. Something violet stares back. The world stops.
He rips the eye out.
The pain of his eye being where it was not supposed to be, i.e. in his hand, is actually less than when it was in his head. It's funny. Comical, even. Luckily he knows a statis sealing jutsu, so he seals away his eye in a scroll and tucks it in his pocket. Now his eye is in his pocket. He giggles.
After some quick first aid, he pushes himself to his feet. He blinks himself into the nearby training ground. It's probably the shortest amount of time he's ever spent at the stone. It's a record. Gai would be proud.
He staggers home. Halfheartedly, Kakashi tries to convince himself that the bedroom would be the best place to sleep, but the room feels off-limits for now. He slips into the kitchen instead. He's slept on worse things than a cold floor, and the boxy cabinets felt strangely safe. And it never hurt to have the sink nearby.
The next morning, Kakashi pulls his forehead protector over his eye in his usual way. There's a surge of mixed emotions. He focuses on the comforting familiarity and makes his way to work.
There's a commotion. Of course there's a commotion. It's nearly as funny as everyone's obsession with his mask. It almost makes it all worth it. He jukes Guy's darting grab. Naruto's confused yelling informs everyone in a five mile radius. Even Shizune looks thrown for a loop. Kakashi brushes it all off with a teasing eye-smile. It's a fashion choice, see? He thinks it makes him look dashing.
But everyone knows there's something wrong. And they're not going to let it go until they get to the bottom of it.
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mieux-de-se-taire · 7 months
Early Sunsets over Monroeville - MCR Interviews
89.5 WSOU FM Interview - 7/11/02
14:12-15:33, 20:21-20:32, 21:20-21:28, 21:47-21:51
Interviewer: Do you think that added to the performance, that you had to actually get through the pain? Gerard: For Early Sunsets Over Monroeville, definitely. I was in-- It was like, I don’t know like 10-- 9:30 at night. We were just getting ready-- It was the last song we did for the day, and I was in so much pain. And I just-- you know Geoffy [Geoff Rickly] was like, “Alright, let her rip.” Interviewer: That’s the mellow song, right? Ray: Right, that’s the-- what’s awesome about that too is the last, I think it’s like the last 3 minutes of that song is just one take, no edits, no stops, no cuts. It’s just...It’s an amazing performance by-- by him and just by all of us, I think because we-- we wrote that song like a few days before we went into the studio. It wasn’t finished when we recorded it, so it was just us, you know, kinda letting all of us [unintelligible], you know? Interviewer: (Overlapping) It was your studio song. Ray: Right, we wrote it in the studio. Interviewer: Well since we’re hyping this up so much... (Ray laughs) We might as well play it ‘cause everyone out there’s going “Wow, sounds like a great song.” Ray: Hopefully Interviewer: “I wanna hear him crying.” (Ray and Gerard laugh) “I wanna hear that tooth.” (Continued laughter) So, I guess let’s go into a little bit background of the song, and then we’ll play the song for everybody, and everyone can hear. Gerard: Okay, Mikey does not want me to reveal-- Interviewer: He’s going “No! You’re out!” Gerard: (Overlapping) what the song is about, but if you-- there’s plenty of clues in it, so if you figure out, it’s-- I’ll say it’s about a film. Is that enough? Ray: Yeah, that’s good. Gerard: Okay, you can figure out-- Ray: (Interrupting) Horror film Gerard: Alright. (Pauses then laughs) You messed it up! (Arguing in background)
Interviewer: What are some of your favorite songs off this record to play live and actually-- or during the recording process? Ray: Um, I think recording process-wise, definitely “Monroeville.”
Frank: (Talking about his favorite songs) And “Monroeville” because I had no clue what I was gonna do. (Interviewer laughs) I wrote it in the van before we recorded, and I had like frostbite on my fingers so it kinda sucked.
Mikey: I like the “Monroeville” song. (To Gerard) It was fun watching you tweak out at the end. (Gerard laughs)
Noise Theory Interview - 11/13/02
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Interviewer: Even though ‘My Chemical Romance’ as a band have been together only a short time, the album displays some excellent and mature song writing skills. Were the album songs written after the band became complete? Ray: We started in October 2001, and had written 5 songs by January 2002. This was when the band was still a four piece. The rest of the songs came together a few weeks before we went to record. Honey This Mirror and Early Sunsets were written about a week before we left for the studio. We asked Frank to be in the band around the same time, so to get his input on those songs really helped them become what they are.
HardcoreNJ Interview - March/April 2003
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Interviewer: What was the inspiration behind "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville"? Matt: Musically there wasn't any inspiration, 2 days before the recording I happened to be strumming an acoustic guitar in our practice space, and the guys all seemed to like what I was playing (which is a rarity). Anyways, we knew we wanted something different on the record to reflect our softer side. I think it was the most magical part of recording process, seeing a 2 day old song kinda just work, we didn't even have an ending for it. We all just jammed it out improvising. Oh, and the vocals were inspired by a certain movie...
89.5 WSOU FM Interview - 7/3/03
8:25-8:31, 8:59-10:27
Interviewer: Alright, so, we’re gonna hear “Monroeville.” Ray: It’s a slow one. Grab your girl...and then shoot her in the head. (Laughter)
Interviewer: I remember a long time ago when you were recording this record that you had a problem while you were singing this song. Gerard: Yeah, I had a hole in my tooth and an abscess in the hole, and it was pushing against all the nerves in my face, and it looked like I had Parkinson’s, and it was (a?) drag, and it-- Interviewer: And your face was droopy, and-- Gerard: It was drooping, and I looked like a-- I went to hospitals the whole time we were recording, and they thought I had facial nerve paralysis, nerve damage, so I had to do that song, like basically with, yeah like the most intense pain and half a face. (Dramatically) Half a face! Interviewer: So, alright, everyone listening out there, now you know he did this song with half a face. Gerard: (After a pause) Half a face. (Laughter) Interviewer: How did you feel about the song after you played it? I know you must have been like, you know, “This can’t be the best I can do” because you’re all messed up and stuff. (Ray protesting in background) Gerard: It felt like that, but (Unintelligible as Gerard and interviewer talk at the same time) when I was doing it, but everybody was so psyched on it when I did it-- Ray: Psyched! People were crying-- Gerard: They were crying man (Laughter) Ray: It was amazing. It was the most amazing, definitely the most amazing-- Matt: (Overlapping) Yeah, we were definitely a bunch of wusses. Frank: Alright, correction, not a bunch of wusses. Ray and Otter (Matt) cried. (Laughter) That’s what happened. Ray: No no no, I will definitely say I-- Mikey: The red sea might have been parted when my brother did that part. Ray: I cried. I think Alex [Saavedra] might have shed a singular tear. Interviewer: A singular tear? Ray: It was definitely some crying going on. (Matt talking in background) Gerard: (Overlapping) I got a hug after that one Ray: (Overlapping) It was bad. Gerard: (Overlapping) I got a hug. I got lots of hugs after that. Interviewer: (After a pause and laughter) Alright, so how’d you feel about the hugs afterwards? Gerard: The hugs were sweet. (Laughter in background) The record was sweeter.
Punk It Interview - 10/29/03
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Sev (Interviewer): What are some of the biggest disagreements amongst yourselves? Gerard: We mesh really well musically and personally. We all have a good time, so there's probably not that many disagreements. The only thing I think we ever disagree upon is if we're going to play "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville" or not. We had a little thing tonight. Some guys wanted to play it tonight, but I'm not sure. It's an ad lib song - the first verse was written, but the last part of the song was freestyle. And I'm not fucking Eminem, so unless the vibe is right, I don't like to do it. I did it in Chicago because the vibe was perfect. It basically happens in the middle of the set. We feel the energy, and if they can deal with it, we can deal with it.
Life On the Murder Scene - 2005
Ray: And Frank played on 2 of the tracks off the first record, and one of them was “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville.” (“Early Sunsets” begins to play) Ray: He just plays some great, great parts. Frank: (Cuts to different interview) When we were doing “Monroeville”, Ray was laying down his parts, and as soon as he was done, I took the parts that they had recorded into a van, that had like no heat, outside the studio and wrote what I was gonna play. Ray: (Back to first interview) A lot of the melody that he plays during the verses and the choruses is just, you know, absolutely beautiful, and I think really makes those songs work.
Barcelona Live Stream - 3/5/11
Ray: (Reading a live chat feed) Ooh, would you ever play “Early Sunsets”? Frank: Oh, we have (turns to Ray while Mikey speaks in the background) this tour? I don’t know. Ray: I can’t even remember the last we played that. Frank: I think it was in Chicago. Ray: Yeah? Mikey: (After a pause) Oh yeah, we played it in the Metro. Gerard: (Unintelligible as multiple people speak) like “The End”? Frank: Yeah Ray: That would be a cool one to revisit. Gerard: It was a cool-- I think especially if we give it some structure at the end like, ‘cause that was the problem with playing that song. It has no definitive ending, like it kinda just keeps going and going.
Kerrang #1376 (alt) - 8/10/11
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Interviewer: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love” was released in July 2002. What do you think of it now? Ray: You can hear the nervousness and excitement. Every song speeds up which gives them a lot of character. I like the rawness, especially in the vocals. It sounds very true. I get emotional, too. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville is unlike anything we’ve ever done since -- it’s amazing.
Where Are Your Boys Tonight? (Chris Payne) - 2020-2022
Chapter 9, page 113
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Geoff Rickly: When we were in the studio, Gerard’s wisdom teeth were really hurting him, and he wasn’t able to sing, so he went to the dentist to have them out and afterwards they gave him a bunch of painkillers. He didn’t sing with the fire or the venom, so Alex took the painkillers away from him. Like, “You gotta sing in pain, fuck you! You gotta feel it!” I was taking the painkillers, watching him sing the record. I remember lying on the floor and coaching him through how to sing “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville,” the ballad on the record. I was saying, “You’re following the music, make the music follow you. More intense! The music will catch up to you.”
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lesbianpikachu · 8 months
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Daily Compendium Selections #10
A woman lies unconscious with an interesting shield.
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mechahero · 6 months
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@outofthiisworld asked-🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms? oc details (accepting!)
Physically? It's stuff like tilting his head, fiddling with whatever he can get his hands on to keep them occupied, his eyes also move around the place a lot too because he usually can't stay entirely focused on one place and he's kind of used to doing that? He also kind of zones out a lot. It's not unusual to see him sitting, staring off into space. (He's usually fine though, don't worry.) His speech pattern is kind of odd, as well. At least, compared to "normal" people. So what sounds like a completely normal statement to him might sound unstructured and a bit longwinded to most people.
Additionally, if he eats a certain type of cookie and only this certain kind of cookie, he eats it with his pinkie out. He's not sure why. He's kind of always done that. And sometimes, very rarely in fact, he'll shudder. Just shudder. It's never because he's cold or internally, it's just something that happens to him. Again, he's not sure why because it's something that's always happened to him.
Internally, it's a little weird. He has to choose the soda bottle with the most bubbles he goes out of his way to avoid touching things that he thinks might feel gross and has to try not to hurl when he ends up thinking of the perceived sensation he thinks it might have anyway.
He likes the idea of filing his nails but hates the noise that comes with it, as its enough to have him shudder in disgust. Listening to music or videos does not help in the slightest, as he claims to be able to hear the nail file over them. He also sorts his pens by colors he likes and their importance, with glitter pens being sorted near the top and reserved for what he sees as very important documents or things to write. Stuff like that.
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outeremissary · 10 months
If you have tagged me in something or sent an ask/request in the past. Say. Three months and gotten no answer. Know that I am probably working on it but also forgot it wasn't from literally yesterday because my sense of time is deeply broken.
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mhaynoot · 10 months
if yjh is regression, mandala’s guardian is reincarnation and jhy is also meant to be seen as part of this ‘protagonist trio’, wouldn’t she be ‘returnee’?
she went to the demon realm; she came back from the demon realm. when kdj returned from the altered 1863rd worldline he also became a returnee, and the first thing he had to do was communicate with his companions that he’s returned through a star-stream enforced communication barrier.
that situation was far more artificial, but i think some comparisons can be made on a thematic level too! when a person leaves the world as you perceive and understand it, and then they return, inevitably changed…. it’s already a struggle writing on that wall the first time, but it’s easier still when you’ve never done it before. but now you have to continue writing after some absence, so how do you reconcile those changes? being changed by a world that is not familiar to you, only to return and find that the world you came from has become unfamiliar as well…
lee sookyung was not the person kdj once knew, the same way biyoo was not yjh’s 41st sys, the same way epilogue!hsy and epilogue!yjh were not [incarnation] kim dokja’s companions when they had to graffiti on the fourth wall to help him out.
the same way 1864!jhy was no longer wos!jhy who kdj requested into existence too, isn’t it?
the answer to all of these, when it comes down to it… is to keep writing on the wall :’) over and over until your message reaches them. mayhaps that’s the gist of being a returnee, in the end.
(and that’s my COMPLETED essay to this 👍👍👍 also, i was very flustered when i saw your response to my previous anon ask with the ‘wos characters each embody a message for kdj!’ i’m very glad you liked the suggestion though :’D)
*slaps hand against thigh* fuck you're right she is returnee holy crap i forgot about that whole concept also isn't it neat that she's a returnee and kdj's white coat is the standard returnee uniform and isn't it neat that jang hayoung is the character that kdj was most directly involved in creating and his unending guilt in that ahahahaha like look at this dumb fool:
"Jang Hayoung, who was born into this world because of my greed, lived a life unrelated to me."
god i love him so much, he cares so deeply for all his kids in his fucked up little way.
okay okay so kdj is someone who kinda puts others into genres and classification. this person is the heroine, this person's genre is different, this is realism. it's a part of his coping mechanism and dissociation ala the fourth wall which made him very resigned to his own tragedy and unhappiness for a long time which is why he doesn't really cope well with changes. but through the course of the novel, he is forced to not only acknowledge but also understand change and it is particularly important in the industrial arc where he meets jang hayoung.
this is the basis of their wall writing talk as an extension of his revelation that adult or child, everybody changes. and he is horribly confused by it. confused by what he should do when the world and people around him changes constantly but there is this wall, this impossible wall that doesn't allow anyone to ever truly understand or know each other as we all change again and again as a natural occurance of living.
and jang hayoung, the returnee, his child, the one who he brought into this world more than any other, she points out straight away what he and every reader needs to do:
"Everyone has a wall and communication is impossible… that's obvious." I couldn't believe the friendly Jang Hayoung thought so. It was a bit surprising. Then Jang Hayoung continued, "However, we still have to talk. Even if there is a huge wall, there is a person behind that wall."
talk. we have to try and try again. always. even in the face of vast wall we keep between ourselves, continue to reach out.
Even if we can't reach each other, even if we can't meet each other, we should continue to pound away on each other's walls.
I think an important point is that it isn't about your messaging reaching the other person. because no matter how hard or how much we want it to, sometimes the message can never be sent, can never unchange the past, can never undo things. sometimes no matter how desperately we continue to write on the wall, that doesn't mean it will ever be read by the other person but that doesn't mean the act in itself is useless. because:
"It is just important that you left it." "The other party won't know so why?" "At least the wall has changed." I was speechless for a moment. Jang Hayoung spoke in a resolute voice. "Then one day, someone might read it."
because at the very least the wall has been changed. and you have returned differently. at least you have grown ever more couragous and strong. grown and returned with the strength to continue to live.
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This post is about lesson 15 of the original obey me game;
If you are new to the game, please proceed with caution in regards to spoilers. This is also a long ass post. Sorry.
I should also preface this by saying I've written this sort of in the order of the way I came to my conclusion, so I understand it'll sound a bit like I've talked myself in a circle at one point.
OK. So I'm playing through lesson 15, and in 15-7, we get from Lucifer the real story of what became of lilith. Now, it goes without much saying that the entire situation of the great celestial war and Lilith's not-quite death has put an incredible strain on the brothers as a family. But there are other, more background parts of this that are...... Maybe a bit odd an confusing on a second play though.
Allow me to elaborate.
Prior to 15-7, the brothers all chime in about how much Belphegor loved humans. Well, all except Satan, but I'm getting to him. The thing that struck me the most was what Leviathan had to say;
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*What time period did this all occur in??*
No seriously, for real. He talks about it like humans were at current, modern day levels of function and doing modern day shit. According to Google, the oldest known anime that still exists was made in 1917. And I'm of no religious background nor can Google give me a straight answer, but the fall according to real life was well before 1917.
Oh and I am *not* going to gloss over the fact that this disaster demon has been an Otaku since, like, "birth". Does Solmare really intend to look us in the eyes and expect us to belive, without ever showing us a serious side of him, that Diavolo saw Leviathan and was like "Yup, hand this man a navy!". #GrandAdmiralLeviathan, please and thank you.
On to my next topic; Satan.
In lessons 9 - 12, we go through the whole body swap situation, where we discover (to some extent) how Satan came to be and learn more about the troubled dynamics between him and Lucifer.
It is because of the, shall we say, interesting way Satan came about, that there is room for debate about how integrated the two were with each other prior to the fall. And with 15-7, now to comes into question *when exactly* did Satan come forth?
I ask, because of this;
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The body swap seems to give the impression that Satan began life almost as soon as the fall occurred, and yet here we see the younger demon has no idea what's being referenced. I see a few potential problems with this. One, being that we know from Satan himself that though he was no longer part of Lucifer, he retained the emotions felt for Lilith. How could the feeling of wanting so badly to save her and being successful by making that deal not have also been given to him? Should that not be the nagging voice in the back of his head saying something to him in this moment? I find it hard to believe that in all he inherited from Lucifer, that this didn't somehow pass on to him. Because if it didn't, and is was the most recent, most raw moment of emotion, then how has he retained any of it at all?
And this brings me to wonder just how 'conscious' Satan was while part of Lucifer. There seems to be plenty of general agreement that he was 'present' enough to know what was going on at any given point, but it's a headcanon at best Quick correction brought to you by the wiki, stating that Satan's memories of certain people are 'through Lucifer's eyes'. Thus far and to my best memory of my previous play through, it's not disclosed if Lucifer was even aware of Satan before he manifested.
But back to the timeline, I'd like to throw out another spoiler alert for the Devilgram "The search for the self", but keep in mind I'm only reading off the wiki as I don't currently have the card.
It's stated the Satan did not emerge until after Lucifer had torn away his wings my poor husbando, but in Lucifer's flash backs, he still had his wings. Granted, 4. Lucifer's own wiki page states that the removal of his wings happened *before* his deal with Diavolo. The question then becomes, if we take his 4 wings at face value, and the Devilgram as well as wiki into account, should Satan not have been here for the moment Lucifer made the deal to save Lilith?
The only reason Satan would have for not knowing at this point, was if he'd run off the moment he stabilized. And there's *no way* Diavolo would have let a freshly born and rightfully angry Satan terrorize his kingdom. So even if he had run away, either Diavolo or Barbatos would have caught him and he *still* would have been present by proxy of being freshly captured.
Satan not knowing about Lilith doesn't make sense, and I'm dying on this hill rn.
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pandoa · 2 years
Kinda unrelated but I remembered your eah post and before I was going to sleep, I was thinking about which eah character would be the twst boy's favorite. Like, for example, Cater really likes or relates to Blondie Locks in some way and Rook likes Hunter but his top favorite is Cupid because he's the Le Chasseur D'Amour! And things like that. What are your thoughts? (I have a monster high ver to this too)
i love the idea of Cater relating to Blondie Locks lol. and Rook. ROOK. my beloved hunter. loving another hunter but adoring a fellow romance enthusiast such as himself just fits (i will be honest tho, my memory of all the characters in eah is a bit hazy but this is a fun thought to think abt so i'll do my best at remembering-)
Kalim would definitely love Madeline Hatter. they're both just such cheerful and endearing characters and i feel like Kalim would find her positivity so sweet. he also appreciates her taste for tea and tea time
this one is kinda obvious but Riddle and Lizzie Hearts. yes. from the moment he heard the girl declare a passionate "Off with her head!" he knew who his favorite was. very much relates to Lizzie's character as they both strike people as individuals with head strong personalities and are quite by-the-book when it comes to instructions
Jack thinks Cerise Hood is cool. he was probably watching eah with the first years and refused to pay attention at first, but after seeing Cerise's wolf tendencies, the show caught his interest as it was something extremely relatable. still pretends to not pay attention tho, but he peeks at the tv screen every time Cerise is in a scene
respectfully, Vil absolutely hates Apple White. she's just so happy, generous, kind, perfect, and in his words, controlling. has been on Raven's side since the beginning and will remain there until the end of time. Apple also reminds him of a certain Neige Leblanche, though if you asked Vil to pick between the two of them, he'd regrettably choose Neige (just don't tell anyone tho). he just hates Apple that much
Deuce and Dexter Charming <33333 my adorable and awkward boys. am i being biased for this? maybe i am. but that will not stop me. Deuce severely relates to Dexter's awkwardness but also looks up to his character as Deuce wishes to possess at least some of his intelligent braincells
Malleus is just confused on Faybelle Thorn's logic. breaking into parties you were not invited to? that was an option??? anyway, along with Vil, Malleus is also a big Raven Queen fan. he empathizes with her as he, too, is misunderstood and feared by the people around him
Lilia showed Silver a clip of Briar Beauty falling asleep everywhere and said "look it's you". that's it.
Floyd and Jade, for rather obvious reasons, both find Kitty Cheshire as an amusing character. chaotic personalities intrigue the twins, could you blame them?
this turned out longer than i expected omg but my brain needed indulge in this for a bit jckdsckn
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spittingspite · 7 months
i would like to hear about the wip known as sigh 👀
Alas, sigh is not one of my erasermight fics hxfhcc (although maybe I should write an erasermight fic called Sigh at some point bc that might be nice. Idk what it would be about though). It's a broadchurch omegaverse fic that I started writing 1) to procrastinate on my important wips (sweats while trying not to look at lmbyw) and 2) because I looked in the omegaverse tag for that fandom and saw it didn't really have any. There's three, I think??? One of which has multiple fandoms tagged, and two of which are in another language. "Well," I thought to myself, "someone has to be the one to inflict omegaverse on this fandom, don't they?" They do not. It is a peaceful fandom. But I'm gonna do it anyway
The fic itself isn't really shippy, I'm going for a platonic angle between the two characters, and there isn't gonna be any smut, so I could be inflicting worse on this poor fandom. If you're interested, there's no deep or interesting reason it's titled as "sigh". The "sigh" is a reference to me sighing at myself in disappointment for starting yet another wip instead of writing any of the things I should be writing
“They’re taking me off my suppressants,” she says. “Thought you didn’t want to talk about it.” “Shut up, or you can get out and walk the rest of the way there.” It’s not an empty threat, and he knows it. Wisely, he decides to shut up.
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modernprometheuus · 10 months
“Oh, dearest Clerval...!! How I wish I could accept your unbridled kindness.” 
Victor holds onto his friend’s wrist with shaking hands, as if he’s on the edge of a cliff, clinging on for dear life. At first, his grip is far too harsh; crushing, but- suddenly afraid of hurting Henry, Victor’s touch quickly becomes gentle - like that of a ghost’s.
“Your words bring me comfort, even in my harrowed and unsightly state... even now, I wish to convey just how grateful I am for your company. No-one can match your loving spirit! But- I fear your love is misplaced!”
He’s near hysterical, and clearly out of his mind. The painful emotions that grip him are overflowing into his every word, and it’s clear just how much he’s hurting-  yet maybe that’s to be expected? After all, VIctor just lost his dearest brother, who was still only a child. But even with that in mind, somehow his pain seems excessive - his manner crazed, like there’s something more under the surface.
And all at once, unable to help himself, Victor suddenly cries out-
“For you see- it is my fault that William is dead! His death is on my hands!”
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 2 years
(I wish you'd write a fic where...) Silco and Strickler meet at a bar and talk about their families.
Nooooooo why would you ask this? It's been on my mind so long, can you read my mind??
Okay, so they meet in a interdimentinal pub, between universes, cause let's just say that's a thing, and hit it off because Silco was curious to know what Strickler was(for those who don't know, Strickler is a changeling shape-shifting troll from Trollhunters and resembles a gargoyle, wings and horns but green), since he was unlike any Vastaya species he'd seen. Its not too long before they start talking about family...
"My family history... Is complicated," Silco admitted, unsure what else he could possibly say about it, so instead he had another sip of his cold beer.
Strickler blinked his glowing yellow eyes at him, drumming his claws on the bar counter, "As is mine. If you can call it family. More like a bunch of people shoved together by circumstance. Who might try and kill you."
Silco grimaced, that sounded far too close to his past with Vander, "My... Brother attempted to. He was unsuccessful, but he left me with this," he gestured to his scar and amber eye.
"Hrm, I've... Tried to get my adopted sister killed. So has she though, and we're as thick as thieves." Strickler admitted.
Silco sighed, "My daughter has also come close to getting me killed. Accidentally, with one off her bombs."
Strickler ruffled his wings, "At least you didn't try and kill your child," he mumbled.
"Why would you do such a thing?" Silco asked, dismayed.
"Well, he was my enemy at the time. We were on opposite sides of a war. Only recently have we become truly father and son. And even that was after I died and my son time-travelled to save me and his other lost family members."
"At least you're all together now. Jinx was the catalyst for an accident that killed both of her adoptive brothers, that same night I killed my brother. And Jinx and her sister are on opposite sides now, as well as her childhood crush." Silco said softly.
"Family. They could very well be the death of us, but we wouldn't have it any other way." Strickler mused.
"I think I can toast to that." Silco grinned, and Strickler flashed him a toothy grin as they knocked their glasses together.
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greenwith-ivy · 1 year
my eyes have been opened to the world of wednesday shipping discourse. wow
this is so funny because the last time i engaged in shipping discourse was in like 2016 on a wings of fire forum. when people were arguing about moonbli vs winterwatcher vs qinter vs qinterwatcher (i actually didn’t really care but i felt like i had to have an opinion so i picked moonbli because qibli and moon were my favorite characters. and i remember that when darkness of dragons came out everyone was like “no spoilers!! i haven’t read it yet don’t tell me who she ends up with!!!!!” so instead people would say that their otp was canon. which was nice except they had their otp in their signatures which kind of defeated the point. oops that was kind of a tangent my bad). ANYWAYS i forget how strong of opinions people can have about this stuff
i think the main arguments i’ve seen against wednesday with either tyler or xavier are that it felt super forced. like no chemistry there the writers just wanted to shove a love triangle into the show. which i agree with totally agree with. i hated both tyler and xavier as characters so while i’m sure there are definitely great things about these ships i don’t see them
enid and wednesday is very popular, for good reason. enid is definitely queer-coded, especially with the whole lycanthropy as a metaphor for being queer thing. werewolf conversion therapy her poor relationship with her parents because she’s not “normal” like all of that. she was also the secondary character with the most screen time (i think. that’s what it seemed like when i watched the show) and the most interactions and chemistry with wednesday. this is understandable and i respect it
tyler and xavier i think is super funny. like they interacted maybe 3 times (which i know has never stopped shippers) but also. i can accept this i think. they both suck in different ways (in my opinion) but this is how everyone wins. pair them together and no one else has to deal with them. (that’s a joke btw. i do think this ship could have merit and i’d be curious to see what people have done with it.)
wednesday/no one: my otp. wednesday is aro/ace and you can’t tell me otherwise. the best ship in the entire show.
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