#whos dumbass idea was it?
cosmixsaystoast · 8 months
fuck youtube, man
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whos idea was it to block THE FUCKING VIDEO PLAYER after 3 videos cause i just dont wanna see 10 5 minutes ads in a row???
gonna look for a youtube compliant adblocker cause these shitsticks hate their loving community SOOO much that they want to take away THE GOD DAMN VIDEOS... FROM THE VIDEO SITE
we need to sue them or something its so bad that this shouldnt be legal
we must prevail in these trying times lads
2.12 People should be able to render web content as they want. People must be able to change web pages according to their needs. For example, people should be able to install style sheets, assistive browser extensions, and blockers of unwanted content or scripts or auto-played videos. Sep 6, 2023
People also ask
Is WCAG 2.1 a legal requirement?
The EU Web Accessibility Directive states that public sector bodies must ensure their websites and mobile apps abide by the WCAG 2.1 Level AA accessibility standard. By public sector bodies, it means state, regional, and local authorities, as well as bodies governed by public law.
i mean sure its not a LAW law BUT I MEAN LOOK AT THIS.
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Self indulgent ask but I would kill and die for t4t Itafushi 🥹🙏🧎
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kurz-qw · 10 months
hi guys sorry i haven't posted in fucking forever i haven't made much worth showing until a few days ago
i wanna post my rain world stuff here, it's definitely a possibility but for now it's all exclusive to twitter; if you wanna see what ive been up to the handle is @/qwiznoes
for now here's a few drawings from the last few days that i really like :
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alpacacare-archive · 2 years
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altocat · 3 months
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More cringe memes. Lucrecia Edition.
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dumbass-brunette · 5 months
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As you can see…
…I’ve been really normal this past week :3
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a-dumbass-jester · 8 months
I like to think that Mike grew up with Simon
Like I imagine when Mike got struck by lightning, when he was in the hospital Simon showed up and was like “Hi kid!! I’ve see you’ve been touched by the vast!!:D” and little 8 y/o Mike was sitting there like “who are you?!? Wtf is the vast?!?” and Simon helped him out with it
Simon taught him about the vast and the other entitys
Mike immediately LOVED it and wanted to become an avatar and serve it like Simon did
But because he was so young Simon wouldn’t let him because of the slow aging thing
Simons like 500 years old and it’s mentioned he looks to be around 100, I hc that he became an avatar at like 50/middle age. So that’s like aging one(1) year every ten(10)
So because of that Simon wanted to wait for Mike to stop growing before letting him become an avatar
Mike HATED him for it
He BEGGED him to let him connect to it fully in like middle school and high school.
And Simon was like “you don’t want to be 30 and look 16!!:(”
And I feel like it already slowed his aging down a bit too by being so close to it (by like a year or two)
I also think about Simon teaching him to feed
Going with him as he found his first victim and being so proud when he did it
There’s also a lot of angst potential
Like after Mike dies, Simon realizes how much he loved and cared about him
Simon being a very nothing matters and carefree person took Mike for granted, he’s also like 500 years old so he’s probably used to people coming and going, and a few decades didn’t mean a whole lot to him, and flew by
When he found out Mike was dead he realized how excited he was to see him grow over the next few decades/centuries now that they age at the same rate(and the past 2 decades) and that he’d never see him again. He was gone.
Since Mike dying and Simon showing up is like a year and a half apart he had time to mourn
But during the Eyepocalypse Simon wished Mike could’ve seen it
How beautiful the vast is
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draagu · 10 months
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wake up, new slugcat sona just dropped, ramblings under cut
heavily based off sea otters, miso loves swimming and collecting random things they find! though they don't sleep in the sea, because leviathans are terrifying
they also have a little slugpup they found named momo! they can do the sickest backflips you've ever seen and love blue fruit. they also love picking up spears and explosives, for some reason
(based off the sluppie i found in my rivulet playthrough)
they also occasionally have a blue lizard named ploink, who was unfortunately not pictured in this ref
miso themself is decently fluffy. they mostly collect cool rocks and pearls they find, they think the colored pearls look pretty. other than that, they just love swimming! they can swim about as fast as a jetfish, and they love racing them because of that! on land they are about as speedy as hunter, so water is where they excel.
they are mainly a wanderer, visiting the iterators every once in a while, but not often. they sometimes get lost but manage to get by nevertheless!
edit: completely forgot to add but they pick up rocks and sticks and draw on the ground sometimes
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 3 months
What’s with the trend in comics of Jason going on this long, insightful rant on Bruce’s behaviors and shortcomings only for B to respond like “but murder bad” and that’s considered a valid counter argument?
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nico-di-genova · 1 month
A Lesson in Braking
Chapter 1 Texts
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Sovi is the shortened form of South Village, which is where the freshman housing/dining hall/good gym are.
Pato is saved as Patio because when he put his number in Lance’s phone freshman year he was drunk and didn’t realize it had autocorrected. Lance thinks it’s funny, so it’s stuck.
Bonus: nsfw first texts with Fernando 🥰.
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thsc-confessions · 11 months
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"People seem to assume Ellie is the voice of reason in the Triple Threat (Due to the scene where she questions Charles' plan). But I don't think that's true."
"All three of them have made some pretty dumb decisions before. Ellie thought it was a good idea to jump off of the rocket right before it took off, Charles tried to aim a sniper rifle while still piloting his helicopter, and Henry's made more dumb decisions than I can count."
"My conclusion: They're all dumbasses who somehow get even dumber in close proximity to each other (and that's why I love them)." submitted by @jaytoons7
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no-light-left-on · 7 months
there is a copy of Young Prince of Tyvia in the Hound Pits Pub bathroom on the bookshelf right by the tub
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milimeters-morales · 7 months
i’m getting so many pro-israel propaganda commercials on my TV back to back and NONE of the coverage about what’s happening to Palestinians and not even the happier moments you’d think they’d try to twist as “Look at HAMAS forcing these HORRIBLE PALESTINIANS to say thank you after INNOCENT ISRAEL HOSTAGES were rescued by israeli troops” or “these kids are smiling and laughing it’s not that bad and all the photos you see of kids torn apart by rubble and missiles are fake”, they’re even using stuff the white house has literally walked back (but because Joe Biden keeps repeating it, that shit basically doesn’t matter to these people) and i’m not surprised in the slightest but damn the difference in what i’d see vs what my parents and grandparents would see is staggering. And the few family members that show me videos of children, covered in wounds and dirt and blood, saying “the jews did this to me” as a sort of “gotcha” on why supporting Palestine is antisemitic honestly blow my mind because you’re really going to focus on how a 6 year old, who lost so much in so little time, is using certain terms? You’re going to police this literal baby’s choice of words when they could die within the hour? You’re not going to focus on the adults who already think this way and already cause so much harm IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY??? You’d rather use a child’s possible last words as evidence that all Palestinians hate Jewish people and should be massacred??? You have NOTHING better to be doing??? Do you seriously only care about Jewish people when you can use them to further mass genocides???
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ollibeestuff · 2 years
Dumbass doctor who spin off show but its just two teenagers who happen to find a time vortex manipulator on ebay , buy it as a joke and now those two idiots are travelling the universe and taking selfies with random aliens and historic figures
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bohemian-nights · 3 days
another one of my issues with the whole michaela twist besides the lack of consideration for intense misogynoir that they’re forcing masali to experience, is that the season is YEARSSSS away. so we have to wait for a black female lead that’s so far removed from right now? so now we can’t ask for a darkskinned black female lead because we’ve already been promised one for a season that might not happen, who knows what the future of the show will be? also the book is going to shape shift so much already and i don’t trust jess one bit to be able to handle that. changing the gender changes a lot, and fine, whatever, but she is not capable of writing anything decent so.
Yep. She’s basically meant to silence us. While everybody else gets their rep and happily ever afters we have to wait until 2030 for a glorified stereotype who chases after a white woman married to her cousin(probably going to make her sex crazed too and call it “empowering”) whose “happily ever after” will consist of living in hiding with said white woman.
That’s supposed to be our representation, but you know we are jealous greedy bigots for pointing out the obvious….
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asterclaw · 9 months
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have a really early morning doodle of dreamberry
Dream belongs to Jokublog Blue belongs to the AU community
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