#whose cloak is that hmmm?
midnottart · 1 year
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⚡️🐍⚡️ • a storm is coming
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imaginative-joy · 7 months
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"You and the dragon are coming with us, Jedi." "Hmmm... my lightsabers say we're not."
Next in my series of Jedi Princesses: Raya! Raya is a capable warrior, so I envisioned her as a hardened Order 66 survivor, roaming the planet of Kumandra, searching for a fabled Force-being that will unite the land. In her efforts to protect herself from Inquisitors - which include her childhood friend from the Jedi temple, Namaari - I could see her scavenging old Clone Trooper armor and incorporating pieces into her outfit. I looked to prominent Order 66 survivors, Cal Kestis and Ahsoka Tano, for costume inspiration. Ahsoka’s live-action outfit is already very Asian-inspired, so it was easy to draw visual similarities between her costume and Raya’s. And Raya’s cloak translated well into a poncho, of which I hope Cal would approve! Also, her hat came from one that you can see Cast Members at Galaxy's Edge wear!
And I just realized that I’ve drawn the two Jedi Princesses whose actors were in Star Wars: Mulan for Ming-Na Wen, and now Raya for Kelly Marie Tran!
Fun fact: I thought about giving her blue lightsabers, which are typical of Jedi Warriors. But I settled on green because a) it fits her color palette and b) green is associated with Jedi Consulars, who are known to fight mainly to protect... and Raya's people are the guardians of the Dragon Gem.
Prints available here!
Merida/Prints Mulan/Prints Belle/Prints Moana/Prints Tiana
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kit-williams · 8 months
Happy Baby
Hey... who wants more angst? In the Husbandry tag?
Zharth Erenor looked around the warband as he was hearing a baby cry. "Slax." His brother in question looked to him and hummed, "Is there a Night Lord with us?"
"No brother Zharth... Shall you go collect it or I?" Slax said boredly as the two looked to the now empty drug den as in the distance were screaming humans or their bodies laid littered at their feet.
"I'll go collect it. Or kill it... who knows?" He said as they both laughed at the whimsy in which Zharth said it.
He looked around as he walked up the steps and heading to a back room seeing a body looking quite blue most likely dead before they even arrived. The screaming infant was in here as they cried for a dead mother. Probably would be more merciful to put it out of its misery but this would be a fine sac-
Zharth blinked as he looked down at the baby and something inside of him shifted. His thoughts stopped and changed from how the baby would be a good offering to the dark gods to... why was his charge cold... Zharth didn't even register what had happened as he delicately picked up the small human and looked around. Slax would be outside...
"Zharth?" The Black Legionary called inside now worried. He moved with slow steps heading up the stairs and looked at Zharth's back as he could hear Zharth's unmodified voice trying to soothe the human baby. "Not you..." Slax said with his shoulders slumping.
It felt like losing a brother to the zombie plague... it just happened sometime but Zharth and Slax had been together since they were Sons of Horus. Zharth spun around bolter drawn. "Slax..."
Slax looked at Zharth and there was a strange look in his eyes a sudden ferocity... a feral like quality to them... a madness blessed by Khorne almost... a tenderness brought on by Nurgle... he had Bonded as the Prophet was calling the madness. "Brother... give me the mortal." He said softly holding out his hand.
Zharth backed away holding the baby close, having half wrapped the fur cloak around the infant. "Brother... leave me be."
"I can't do that Zharth... give me the mortal." He pleaded before Zharth fled smashing through the wall with ease and rushing out into the snowy night. Slax got on his vox to the rest of the warband, "It's Zharth! He bonded! Please try not to kill him!" Slax ordered pushing his weight around with the warband.
It was a long night for Zharth as he limped along the side of the road as black blood dripped onto the concrete below him. He had already snarled and postured himself enough but he was getting tired and he had no idea where he was going just he needed to keep his charge safe.
"Brother." A voice behind him bellowed and he looked over his shoulder at the approaching Black Legionary, "You look like you've seen better days." The unknown Legionary said as he was wary having heard a feral was suddenly in his territory. "Don't you know whose territory you are trespassing on? Which Warband holds these lands?" He approached with a click of his tongue until the infant started to scream again. Zharth snarled getting aggressive again but the other held up his hand. "Come with me brother my charge will know what to do."
Zharth followed the other coming to a home as some woman came out and she looked to Zharth concerned till his charge was pointed at and she rushed over and Zharth's instinct was to grab his bolter but the unknown Legionary stopped him. "My charge is a human medic. Your charge looks unhealthy and must be cold... tiny ones do not survive long... you don't want to lose your charge?"
Zharth was in such a daze as he shook his head and turned over his charge to the woman. Zharth was in such a daze he didn't notice how he was being guided after his charge by two apothecaries and the warlord was prying information from the dazed brother.
Zharth lifted his head, "My battle brother Slax... do not kill him."
"Hmmm?" The warlord tilted his head, "What makes you-"
"Do not play a Slannshi's game with me." Zharth hissed as his black and bronze armor was taken off of him.
The Warlord sighed, "Fine I shall retrieve your brother for you. Rest brother and pray to the dark gods your charge survives the coming days. The Apothecaries will take care of you."
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vivacissimx · 1 year
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arthur dayne hours. obsessed with Him. famous for hanging up reduce reuse recycle!!! (❁´◡`❁) signs around his war camps. successfully union-busted by setting up his own better union. sadly his contribution to labor rights (dedicated weeks to months) was overshadowed by his fight with the smiling knight (tagged in for one hour, half the time was spent pouting and pleading this isn't you baby ik your heart isn't in this) which ended and immediately arthur was like yayy go team!!! who wants a gold star???
kills me that it's supposed to be a sexyawesome fight scene except it's no% phallic. honestly a bit paternal, notably jaime's sexual awakening. wow! even the kid whose sexuality tywin didn't fuck up, he still did!
equally taken by the Arthur to Jaime:: Rhaegar to Cersei square. of course this is nothing new but something i love to think about regardless. the white cloak soiled me (if only he'd been arthur dayne instead of the smiling knight) / she will never wash the stain away (if only she'd married rhaegar). jaime bleeding when dawn came / cersei flowering and becoming the rising sun. ARGHH. btw the jaime sept connections of cyclical bleeding where he bleeds in his plain white tunic from a pale white blade knighting him, mimicked by cersei's menstrual blood and her pale white legs, he never felt it / he never heard her, then next time he's in a sept he refuses to pray and do devotions. That boy had wanted to be Arthur Dayne / And Dayne, with Dawn in hand… 🥺 / the Warrior, with one hand on his sword / I thought that I was the Warrior, and Cersei the Maid / but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight / but all the time she was the Stranger. hmmm. jaime hating the Self (ever-shifting collection of identities and experiences) and hating cersei in tandem, the two of them entangled, is simply more compelling to me than ‘jaime has finally seen the truth of big bad cers and is escaping her grasp.’ oh sorry this is about arthur dayne right? okay well jaime coming of age (getting his period) and arthur waltzing in like don't be embarrassed! it happens to everyone!!! let's think positive *takes jaime's virginity*
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anonymergremlin · 5 months
Hmmm. . what am i? 🦋
My lady,
You are a puppet. A puppet that works in an art museum, providing people with certain details and information about the paintings and their creators. You are a lovely puppet, quite human in your appearance, with a gentle face and a cloak around your metal body with a pattern that reminds you of a blue butterfly.
Despite the madness, you are still at the museum. You do not want to leave this place that you obviously love so much. Is it perhaps because you are awakened one? Or is it because your ergo once belonged to one of the artists whose work is on display in the museum?
One day, Romeo's waves reached you and asked you if you wanted to join him. You politely told him no, you couldn't leave this place you love so much. You can't leave these fragments of emotions, sadness, anger and happiness, behind. He's proud of you for refusing. That your soul is strong enough to follow your heart.
Even P, who once saw you, could never think of attacking you. From the way you care for this museum, even he knew that you are a kind and carrying soul.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
Mother's Enchantment
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(A moment between Mary and her adopted daughter, set in @idiotwithanipad 's Gore AU)
"Oh no! Oh, you poor, sweet thing."
I hear my darling girl's lament and turn to look for her. She be crouched by the tiny spring that births the shallow stream, staring down at her hands clasped together, palms turned upward.
T'is rare that my daughter doth anything but fill the forest with her delightful giggles and song. The sudden intrusion of worry in her voice grabs my attention away from where I'd been soothing dear ally's head as he slept, my hands stroking through his mane as he curled upon the ground.
That should be enough to muffle the awful ringing that doth plague his head for an hour or more. With one last pet, I rise to my feet so I may see to my daughter.
"Silver? Come here, darling girl." I summon.
The child looks to me and then stands, keeping one palm flat while the other pinches at the air beside her knee, no doubt to hold the skirt of the dress she believes I gave to her earlier, instead of the same dirty scraps of modern clothing she cannot be parted from.
She rushes to me with her eyes wide, her lips nearly fighting against that permanent smile.
"Mummy, look!"
My little'en holds her palms out towards me.
"I found her by the waters. She must be a river fairy. But her wing is broken, see?"
Peering forward, I take a look at this 'fairy'.
Indeed, there be a delicate creature with a broken wing cradled in her hands. But where my girl senses a fairy, my eyes see the truth, that being a moth that appears to have been trampled to death. Dull brown wings, crooked anntenai, hardly a creature of beauty or significance.
And yet my Silver doth look upon it as if it were a star fallen from the heavens.
"We must heal her, Mummy. Help her to fly again." She says, looking to me, as if I had the power to fix such thing.
For in her eyes, I be no wandering husk of smoke and embers. I be no horrifying skeleton whose wails of torment echo out on the fields on the darkest nights. I be no monster or evil demon, not in those eyes, those beautiful pale eyes that see nothing. Nothing, except that which can be viewed through the lense of childlike trust and innocence.
How couldst I explain to such a sweet child that we do stays how we dies? That, as this moth did breathe its last with its wing crumpled like paper, it shall never be able to fly again? To cruelly snuff out such hope with the harshness of reality would make me a real monster.
Instead I smile, and lay my knuckles against Silver's cheek. Smoke cloaks my hand like a velvet glove so all she feels is the softness in a mother's touch, instead of hard bone and blistered skin.
"We can try our best, little one. The magic of the old ways runs through your veins as it doth mine." I remind her.
"But I'm not as strong as you, Mummy." She sighs.
"Tush and flops, little'en. You will never harness your gifts unless you try. Come."
With a wave of my mind, I cast a burst of flame into the air that doth not catch upon the dry leaves. Crackles of embers and invisible tinder sing through the silent night air. My dear ally grunts and stretches in his sleep but remains a'slumber, most likely feeling at home, reminded of curling up with his little ones beside the fire in his caves.
My fingers pass over my girl's milky blue eyes and cast an image of our cosy roofless cottage into her mind.
"Sit by the fireplace, darling. Do what you can to tend to the lost creature." I tell her, my fingers picking at the leaves in her hair; "Mummy needs to give this barnet of yours a good seeing to while you work."
She gives a bashful smile; "Sorry, Mummy. I was playing hide and seek with the gnomes again."
"Hmmm, I coulds tell." My finger poked her nose, "Did ye at least win?"
"Of course, Mummy. I always win at hide and seek! Yesterday Mr. Floof couldn't find me for hours and I had to look for him, he had fallen asleep by the lake. Silly beast."
Humming, I gave my dear ally a glance of narrowed eyes. I wouldst have a word with him when he wakes about letting my girl win too many games that involve him being separated from her.
Part of me doth feel sorry for him. I understand he wishes for peace and quiet in his mind, that the laughter of children irritates him grately, even my girl's precious giggles. It may be delusional of me to hope that spending time with my little'en causes that fatherly heart inside him to beat once more, just as her return did awaken the mother lost within myself. I cannot spend every minute with my daughter, much as I would like. The borders of the forest must be checked for dangers, both mortal and of the Other Realm. Witchfinders and Wicked Demons. I shall never allow either, or threats unknown, to enter My domain. And while I sees to that, I requires a babysitter, and there is none I place my trust in more than my ally.
Missteps aside, he puts up with more than enough to retain my respect and gratitude. For now I leave him to sleep and try to dream of happier times, while I sit with my girl by the fire.
"Don't worry, pretty one." Silver whispers to the twitching moth in her hand; "We'll have you right as rain again soon."
The log placed unevenly on the ground served as a rocking chair for myself, while my girl did sit on the ground at my feet, not caring at all for dirtying her beautiful gown. Then again, she perhaps thought us to be seated upon a well-worn rug beside the hearth.
Clicking my tongue, I begin to pick out the leaves and twigs that always seem to appear in my daughter's hair, as if they regrew from her own scalp.
"Honestly, I do nots know why I bothers getting your hair so pretty like when you just ends up rolling in the muck like some feral urchin!"
She knows my chiding be nowt but in jest. We both know the reason I so enjoy grooming her hair. For it be not but any eyes except mine own and how the girl imagines herself to be as she cannot glimpse her own reflection. And my ally doth not care if she were bald as an egg.
Silver's focus remains on her little patient, hovering her index finger above it, moving in the shape of an ancient rune that I taught her myself. One that my grandmother used to carve into candles and stir in the shape when brewing her remedies. A symbol of healing.
As my own fingers brushed through her hair and tried to tame all the loose strands and split ends, I observed her working over her shoulder, watching as the moth just continued to twitch.
"Ancient wells of healing, bring your power unto me. Blessed water from the womb of life, I ask thee to restore and rejuvenate, in the name of the Goddess. So mote it be." Silver chanted, softly.
No change. I wish I coulds say I was surprised.
She huffed; "It's not working, Mummy. Can't you do it?"
"No, lovely. My element be fire, remember? I can teach yous what was taught to me, but it be down to you to weild your own gifts." I try to encourage her.
Fire does not heal. Fire is what the world needs healing from. Fire destroys, fire kills, fire is a weapon, not a salve. That's what I be, what I has been for centuries past. A creature of destruction.
"Fire warms water to heal. Fire cauterises wounds. Fire heats up the cauldron." She reminds me.
Oh. For one so little, she has so much wisdom.
"I 'spose that be true." I concede, reaching to tickle her sides; "Yous can be my cauldren, and Is keep yous warm and bubbling."
She giggles at that, and a slight mist forms from the tip of her finger.
My girl gasps in wonder as it swirls and forms into droplets that fall upon the moth.
"Mummy, look! It's working!" She turned to me, milky eyes sparkling.
"Told you! Keep at it now." I grin, continuing to pick at her hair and braid the ends
Instead of chanting the spell, she continued to move her finger while singing the lullaby I oft' crooned to her on the approaching sunrise of her final night. The mist continued to spray from her hands and coil around us both where we sat.
"Did I ever tell you that it was your da who taught me that song?" I ask her, "I caught him singing it one-night at your cot."
"Oh...What was he like?" She blinked, "I'm afraid I don't remember him..."
"You wouldn't, sweet girl. You were barely with us a week before you..."
My hands stilled.
Cold. Her little body had been so cold. Floppy, like a ragdoll. A tint of blue. Quiet. So quiet.
"Before the bad fairies stole me?" She finishes when I hesitate.
Shaking my head, my memories correct themselves.
"Yes. Yes, exactly that." Only an effigy, a doll, had been placed in the ground. Not my little girl, not in troth.
"What was he like? My daddy?"
I took a deep breath; "He were the sweetest man in the entire village. Knew each other from birth near abouts. You has his laughter, I hear him in you each time..."
Silver let out another giggle, whether for my benefit or compulsed to do so, I did not know. But it warmed my once frozen heart.
"Did he love me?" She asked, a little nervous. My baby doth fear being abandoned or unwanted so.
I sigh, leaning to rest my chin on her head, putting my arms around her shoulders; "When I did place you in his arms on the day of your birth, his eyes released great waterfalls of tears."
"...Oh." She sounded disappointed.
Chuckling, I continued; "I thought he were sad too. Daughters were rarely a cause for celebration among menfolk. But when I asked him why he grieve so, he reply it not be grief. 'For a son may one day be my pride, Mary. But this here girl of ours, shall for evermore be my joy.'"
"Oh..." now she sounded happier; "That's...that's lovely..."
"As I said. He were a lovely man." I said, letting the memory of his smile come to me again. It had been so long since I allowed myself to think on him. My John; "When you....went away, it did all but steal the light from his eyes. He wouldst continue to smile, but never with that twinkle. Not even when I told him I was pregnant with your brother. T'were not enough to ease his pain. And when that cart did fall upon him, he were found with a smile on his face. I believed he thought he had found you in the afterlife..."
And that had turned out not to be true. Perhaps he had at least died with the delusion of being reunited with her.
"...I'm sure I'll see him one day. We both will." She tried to comfort me. Precious girl.
I nodded and squeezed her to me before letting go.
"I'm sure we will, little'en."
Not too long ago, I would not have allowed myself to hope for such ridiculous fairytales. Not after what I was forced to endure, not after how I was horrifically ripped from that old world. My God had abandoned me, so I abandoned him, as well as all thoughts of goodness and miracles. Only brief glimpses of light in the centuries of darkness had weakened me slightly. The companionship of my dear ally. The love of my....of Her. She who was also taken from me, leaving me to walk in the shadows once more.
Until her. Until my darling was returned to me, the sickly baby having blossomed into a stunning and charming maiden. I had paced in the darkest depths for four hundred years and now, finally, the sun had risen again.
"I was lucky to find a man as wonderful as your da to marry, short a time as it were." I said, removing the last few leaves from her parting; "Many of my fellow wenches were not as fortunate. Menfolk oft' be a cruel and dangerous breed."
"....Do you think I'll be lucky to fall in love one day, Mummy?"
"Lucky? My girl, it will be the luck of whichever man you doth fall for that be fortunate!" I tut, knowing there be no such boy worthy of her heart.
She stilled a little; "What if....I don't wish to marry a man?"
I smiled; "Oh, you'd hear no quarrel from me if that be the path you choose, little'en. No man to marry means yous gets to stay here with me."
"No, I meant...W-what if I wish to marry....a girl?"
My hands stilled, then let go of her hair. The trepidation her usually giddy voice scratched at my heart. She clasped her hands together to form a cocoon over the moth before she turned to me, a touch of fear in her eyes.
"Is that wrong, Mummy?" She asked.
I blinked at her. The way she felt the need to ask, the weariness and hesitation...It told me clear enough how someone had once reacted to this question from her before.
"You prefer the company of other women, over men?" I asked for clarification.
She nodded.
"Oh! Then you be just the same as me, my girl." I grinned.
"But...you said that Da-?"
"He were a wonderful man and a loving husband and father." I tried to explain to her; "But I did not...desire him, in the ways of the..."
This was an awkward discussion to have with ones own child.
"You didn't fancy him?"
That made me chuckle somewhat; "We were...comfortable enough to be intimate with each other, when we needed to consummate the marriage and create you and your brother. But....no. I suspect he was the same as I, only with other men. Not that it were safe for us to discuss it openly....Make no mistake though, darling. You were very much born out of love." I assured her, chucking her under the chin; "It just be the love of two best friends, as well as husband and wife."
She seemed comforted at that; "So...did you ever fall in love with a woman?"
This day was bound to come, but I hadn't expected it to be today. To share something as personal as this, I had not even confided in whispers to my ally.
"There once be a soul who ghosted here by the name of Annie." I told her in the manner of one of our stories; "She be the most beautiful and bravest woman I know. She couldst hardly talk after choking a loaf of bread, but that dids not keep her silent. She taught me the power in using our voice and refusing to let oneself be shut up and told to be quiet. I...loved her dearly..."
Silver watched me speak with a glimmer of sadness in her wide eyes. I reached to stroke her cheek.
"You do so remind me of her. She wouldst have adored you as her own." I say, earnestly; "Even though my John be your da, I do believe that Annie would have gladly been your godmum."
My girl grinned; "You think so...."
A crinkle formed in her brow, her sightless eyes glancing over my shoulder, almost in fear. I turned, quickly, not seeing anything other than the empty woods.
Silver dropped the moth to the ground.
"Little one? What is it?" I ask her.
She shakes her head, shuffling back from my touch.
"Wh-where am I?"
The sweet nativity and childlike wonder flees from her voice.
"You know where you are, sweetheart."
"No....I can't see. Everything's so dark, I can't..." her fingers fly to her temple; "Fuck, what's wrong with my head?"
Oh dear. Not again, I think as I watch the blood leak from her nose in thick clots.
It did always seem a wonder that she had been so eager to shed her memories of her life before, with the frauds who had claimed to be her real parents and siblings. She recognised me as her true mother before I saw the truth in her. Even without the images I was able to form in her mind with my powers, she was ready to shed all remnants of her past self, and accept her new life in the forest as my daughter.
That is except for these...'spells'. These moments where her wounded brain doth turn on her and ruin the lovely home I hath created for us both. The moments where she remembers. Or, rather, forgets.
"Easy, my love. Just sit down now."
"I don't wanna sit down! Tell me where I am! Who are you?"
"You know who I am, darling girl. I'm Mummy."
She shook her head and it broke my heart; "You...you sound nothing like my mum. Please. I need to call her, she's gonna wake up soon and realise I'm not home. I...I need to go home, which way is home?!"
"You are home."
I raise my hands and direct the tendrils of smoke up and around her head, just as her tears begin to fall. None of that. No tears for my little girl.
She whimpers and writhes in an attempt to resist her Mummy's efforts to fix things.
"No, no, no! Please let me go! I can't stay here, I have a family, a dog, I have work and...And...."
Poor baby doesn't know what is best for her. That's okay, Mummy does.
"Shhh. Don't struggle now, sweet child. Just breathe." I tell her, softly; "Open your eyes and see what's around you."
"I...I can't..." her eyes are wide open, but not as I need them to be.
"Yes you can. Listen to Mummy. Do as I say. You're such a good girl, aren't you, Silver Guppy."
"G-Guppy? That's not...."
"Yes, it is. You know it to be true." I remind her, smoothly; "You is mine, little'en. All mine. Now and forever."
She cringes, fighting against the growing urge to submit; "Fffuck, I...I..."
"Yes, you are. Yous my good and beautiful girl. My perfect witchling." I continue to praise, heaping on the compliments and affirmations she was starved off in her old life; "You don't really wanna go back to them, do you? Not to them who did ignore you and make you feel wrongs for bein' who you are."
Silver sniffles, shuddering as my smoke thickens and swaddles her like a weighted blanket. I can see her starting to lean into it, her eyelids fluttering weakly.
"That's it. There's a good girl. Mummy's here, Mummy's got you. Mummy who loves you without conditions. Mummy who accepts you." I reach my arms towards her; "Come now. Let Mummy make it better."
She stumbles forward and I catch her. I wouldst always catch her.
My skeletal fingers course through her hair as she rests against my ribs. My smoke seeps into her ears and begins to sooth her chaotic thoughts, just as it did to my dear ally. This was the healing gift my fire did bring. The healing of sweet lies.
Finally her breathing begins to even out and she raises her head.
"What just happened, Mummy?" She asks with a frown; "I feel cold..."
"T'were those awful winter sprites again, my love, trying to take you from me. We must be ever vigalent." I assure her, stern but gentle; "Don't fret, mind. Mummy took care of it this time. Mummy saved you. You is safe and home. No one will ever steal thee away again."
"Oh...wow. I don't even remember..."
She blinks and looks down at the ground, then gasps.
"My fairy friend!"
Silver falls to her knees and scoops the injured moth back into her palms; "I'm so sorry, sweetie! Come on. Let's get you better."
Sitting back down, I watch as she gets straight back to work, trying to heal the smallest and ugliest of bugs. Thus was the goodness of my daughter's heart. Her first priority was helping those around her.
After a few drops of mist falls from her fingers, the moth suddenly begins to glow a bright yellow. Then its tiny broken body begins to dissolve into golden ash and rose upward towards the night sky.
My girl gasps; "Wow! Mummy, it worked! Look, she's flying again!"
"Seems so. Well done, little'en. Well done. Mummy's so proud of you." I grin, not having to lie all that much.
Whether through a lucky coincidence or my daughter's genuine gifts, the little creature had flown, in a sense. Lucky little thing.
I watch as Silver does bounce and dance in joy at the success of her healing spell, laughing and twirling, singing praise to her pagan goddesses.
T'is hard to believe it has only been a year since she was returned to me, by the grace of forces unknown. A year of my existence having meaning again besides fear and resentment. A year where my dark woodland had been transformed into an enchanted forest through her eyes. A year where I knew what it meant to love again.
The ally grumbles in his spot as my daughter's skipping feet nudge against him and I have to guide her away, taking her hands in mine and dancing with her as best as I can on my burnt legs. No matter. Any pain I feel be worth it to laugh and frolic with my darling girl.
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 22 ARYA IV (pages 298-310)
Arya and her party go looking for Beric and Thoros in several places before stopping by Lady Smallwood's to catch up on the recent gossip and get a lead that's not colder than the Wall.
The sounds had scarcely died away when rope ladders unrolled from the limbs of trees. (...) They climbed to a hidden village in the upper branches, a maze of rope walkways and little moss-covered houses concealed behind walls of red and gold, and were taken to the Lady of the Leaves a stick-thin white-haired woman dressed in roughspun.
I love a good tree village, this one sounds hella cool. roughspun = 🥛
"Whose work was this?" said Lem Lemoncloak. "Mummers?"
lemon(cloak) = 🥛
"I'm not a squirrel," she said. "I'll almost be a woman soo. I'll be one-and-ten." "Best watch out I don't marry you, then!" He tried to tickle her under the chin, but Arya slapped his stupid hand away.
... "men of Westeros stop being gross to children" challenge 2023
Suddenly, a loose stone from the vaults ceiling dropped on Greenbeard's head, killing him instantly.
Kinghts were captured and ransomed all the time, and sometimes women too. But what if Robb won't pay their price? She wasn't a famous knight, and kings were supposed to put the realm before their sisters. And her lady mother, what would she say? Would she still want her back, after all the things she'd done? Arya chewed her lip and wondered.
Ironically, while Robb wasn't willing to pay the price when he thought Arya and Sansa were hostages of the Lannisters, now that Arya's the ransom for some outlaws, he actually might pay it out, call it a reward for her rescue rather than a price for her freedom, but still, a higher chance... if they ever got there.
"The old gods stir and will not let me sleep," she heard the woman say. "I dreamt I saw a shadow with a burning heart butchering a golden stag, aye. I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings. I dreamt of a roaring river and a woman that was a fish. Dead she drifted, with red tears on her cheeks, but when her eyes did open, oh, I woke from terror. All this I dreamt, and more. Do you have gifts for me, to pay me for my dreams?"
*rubs hands* okay, lets see how I go. shadow with a burning heart butchering a golden stag: Stannis' first shadow demon baby killing Renly faceless man on a bridge with an undead crow: hmmm, I'mma say Euron Greyjoy though. iirc in the show his first screentime was killing his brother on the bridge at Pyke. Faceless man did make me think of the faceless men, but the undead seaweed crow is making me think it's Euron. Does he have some eldritch thing going on that would explain the face thing? (I mean I know he has some eldritch thing going on, but does he have one that would explicitly explain the face thing?) fish woman dead in the river: the Catelyn>Stoneheart pipeline. (I'm a little bit excited for that, I don't want Cat to die, but they cut Lady Stoneheart from the show, so I've only ever heard of her second hand.)
"Dreams," grumbled Lem Lemoncloak, "what good are dreams? -"
Lemon(cloak) = 🥛
"- What do you like to do?" She scuffed her toe amongst the rushes. "Needlework." "Very restful, isn't it?" "Well," said Arya, "not the way I do it."
"Aye, and shear them too," chuckled Lem Lemoncloak.
lemon(cloak) = 🥛
... you know, for all the time they spent chasing Dondarrion and Thoros, Arya could have been at Riverrun by now.
... awww, Gendry and Arya are bonding again~ ... Gendry!!! the audacity!
Harwin took one look at them and burst out laughing, and Anguy smiled one of his stupid freckly smiles and said, "Are we certain this one is a highborn lady?" But Lem Lemoncloak gave Gendry a clout alongside the head. "You want to fight, fight with me! She's a girl, and half your age! You keep your hands off o' her, you hear me?"
Lemon(cloak) = 🥛
wait... when he says "half your age" does he mean Gendry is like, 20? legit? I though older teens, 16, 18 at most. Have i been picture Gendry as way too baby this entire time? Why did I think he was that young? Or is Lem exaggerating the age gap for effect?
"I'm sorry I tore the acorn dress too. It was pretty." "Yes, child. And so are you. be brave."
Finally, someone telling Arya she's pretty without being a creep about it. MVP Lady Smallwood!
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automaticdata · 9 days
HGCZ reaction-y thing part 5
"Ok hey, I have some time, let's do some more reactions!" *proceeds to get through a significant chunk of the first story before remembering I'm supposed to be writing stuff down* *then gets distracted by a video game* Um. Oops?
There's A Room Where the Light Won't Find You through Birds of Prey:
(warning, some UnOrdinary webcomic spoilers)
There's A Room Where the Light Won't Find You:
Kind of expected this to pick off where the last one left off, but it's tackling another aspect of the superhero stuff, so it makes sense it doesn't.
Did not expect Scar to get uncomfortable from the media, but it makes sense, especially if Pearl is getting close-ups and he isn't sure how.
Scour, huh? Hmmm. Can't think of anyone associated with the word Scour ...
Scar is now calling Cute Guy "Cutie" does he even realize he's flirting???
"hot stuff" does Cute Guy realize he's flirting??? are they both oblivious???
Swirling cloak of magic and a moon mask - yep, that's Pearl. Why is Pearl doing villainy things? Must find out more ... (also Scour makes sense as a name if she's collecting info - scouring for info, you might say)
The irony of HotGuy asking Pearl for an interview XD
Hart??? who? and does this mean Pearl knows who Grian is? What is the relationship between Pearl and Hart and Grian?
Pearl showing up at Scar's when he's still changing out of his HotGuy outfit? suspicious. She saw his cat in the window? very suspicious, she may have seen HotGuy inside, too.
(this is when I realized I was forgetting to write stuff down oops)
Ah, Pearl just moved in, that explains why she's there with no explanation. I was wondering if her cover story was interviewing actor!Scar or something, but "oh hey I just moved in" works, too. It does mean if she hasn't noticed he's HotGuy yet she probably will in the near future, especially if he's entering his apartment in his superhero gear.
Soup group reference ftw
"Hart was here, this is the Soup Group's doing" omg the Soup Group is the group of friends Scar was talking about earlier omg. My guess is Hart is Gem - we saw her have a heart on her jacket earlier, and she's associated with deer (aka harts). I wonder what Impulse's villain name is?
Wondering if the guy Scar fights, the runner, is Impulse, but it also sounds like there's other people they got to be lackeys because Cute Guy talks about catching a "stray," but he would have recognized Scour or Hart.
HotGuy nearly dies and Pearl makes it about the shop? Kinda cold, wow.
Okay so like. Side note, because collateral damage comes up in a lot of videos on youtube critiquing superhero movies, but I think it's important to note I think there's a difference between a superhero causing damage in order to get to the bad guy and a superhero getting caught up in damage that a bad guy causes. Unless I'm missing something, this was the latter. Scar did not aim at the flower shop; it sounds like it was behind him and he was flung into it. It would be different if he, like, missed a shot with an exploding arrow, but this was him being the victim, not the perpetrator.
Keeping that in mind, Pearl has managed to weaponize the Soup Group's attack the way the media IRL can distort things. I don't want to bring IRL politics into this too much, but I remember getting kinda aggravated with a particular popular news station because the network created drama between two primary candidates with separate views, just so they could get more eyes on the primary debate they were hosting. In that case, it was the network prioritizing profit above all else, but it did have the result of creating internal turmoil among the people who supported these two similar candidates, possibly splitting the votes for them and affecting the primary. And that was just when they were motivated by profit; technically, media can do a lot worse (and some media companies do.) By prioritizing the opinions of the shop owners whose property got destroyed and ignoring the fact that the superheroes were injured and didn't cause the damage by themselves, Pearl is helping construct a narrative which in some ways is just as dangerous to the superheroes.
One of the things in the UnOrdinary webcomic that's interesting is that the authorities have turned public opinion against vigilantes, and it definitely has a huge affect on the story. The vigilantes who see that the authorities are doing shady stuff are seen as foolish people motivated by glory by most people. The novel that is seen as "causing" the rise in vigilanteism is literally illegal, and being found to have a copy of it gets you suspended from school, put on a watch list, and the book confiscated. [UnOrdinary spoilers]When the author re-released the book on the internet, he was killed for it.[/spoiler]. It makes it so that helping people who are crushed by the system is seen as a bad thing by the general public.
(I spent a good amount of time trying to look up how to spoiler-text that and I don't know if I'll remember to HTML that up when I'm done with this (because HTMLing it and then returning to rich text editor deletes the HTML, apparently) or even if the HTML will work if I do remember. Sorry if I spoiled UnO stuff for people. Edit: the span tag did not work for hiding the spoilers and got rid of the read more, so ... yeah. =/)
What Pearl is doing here is actually kind of clever and really devious? It's making the media a tool for the villains, and turning public opinion away from the superheroes.
Okay, back to reacting.
Does Pearl feel guilty? or is something else going on? Hmmm ....
Miraculous Ladybug vibes with Scar wanting to go on a date do something as civilians and Cute Guy saying no. But instead of the ML trope being a recurring gag, it's used as an actual plot point that had emotional significance to both the characters involved. HotGuy desperately wants to hold onto his friend, and Cute Guy is scared of what happens if their identities are revealed. It works, and it works well unlike ML but that is very off-topic I'll shut up now.
Love the contrast between Cute Guy being cautious and thinking it would be better for the material to burn while HotGuy is like "screw it I'm saving the civilians." Inter-hero conflict caused by differing priorities/ideals - A++.
Honestly not sure what to think about the Scour/Pearl v HotGuy/Scar scene. Scar managed to remove her leverage over him by revealing her identity, but I don't know if he did the right thing letting her go. It could be good, it could be bad; I honestly don't know.
I do think it's cool that he cut her off before she revealed Grian's identity to him. Like, even though he wants to know who Cute Guy is, the dude respects his sidekick/partner enough that his gut instinct is to silence someone before they reveal his identity, even if the only person they're revealing it to is Scar himself.
Hmmm, sounds like it may have been a good thing letting Scour go free ...?
Love the art that follows it, both the very serious sketch and the contrast between happy civilian Pearl and Scour.
"why do social media founders turn to villainy" omg lol
Birds of Prey:
First thought on the cover was Etho (probably because of the mask) but then I realized it was Gem.
Grian being nervous about Hart and feeling the phantom pain of the gunshot wound D=
(.... and it was at this point that I got Baldur's Gate 3 which proceeded to consume my life for awhile, this the delay in this reaction being posted, sorry)
Grian beating himself up over losing Hart. =/
"Grian has always been confident as a vigilante" -- even during the chicken debacle? XD Sorry, not relevant to this story I know, but funny nonetheless.
Oh no, confirmation (sort of) that Jimmy's dead. It's possible the "no body" thing is significant, but I don't know if HGCZ is one of those "if there's no body don't assume death" stories, so ... considering last we saw it looked like Jimmy was shot in the head, I'm going to assume dead unless we find out otherwise.
Grian, man, you need to stop beating yourself up. You aren't going to be perfect, and no one expects you to be perfect. =/
My CodBros fan heart is aching for Grian. He feels so bad about Jimmy's death. D=
"Truthfully, he knows the exact moment Cuteguy started slipping" D= D= D=
The stakes are definitely higher, and they're taking their toll on our protagonists.
Oh boy, Hart found their hideout? That's not good. =(
The problem with taking a break between reading stuff is now I'm going, "wait, is the ticket thing they're talking about the same one we saw earlier from HG's POV?" but I don't remember details enough to say for sure without doing a reread. If it is (which is what I assume), it's really cool we get to see that moment in the context of everything Grian's going through and his POV.
It has not escaped my notice that Grian is more protective of HotGuy's identity than his own.
Grian, you need to give yourself a break. You need time to mourn Jimmy, to process the fact you got shot, and all the tangled emotions that go with that.
I can actually hear Hart's dialogue in Gem's voice, idk why it's so easy to imagine but it is.
Hart, how exactly did killing Jimmy do anything to attack the problem from the root? (Yes I'm still bitter about Jimmy's death so sue me).
Not sure what I think about the reversing mutations thing yet.
"Hope you don't mind that I've come to pick up my bird" XD
It's not professional therapy, but it's a start. Grian's taken a tiny step toward healing.
Okay so like. Reversing mutations. I think part of why I struggle with my opinions on that is because it's not something that we really have a basis in reality to form an opinion on? Like. Mutations don't work in reality the way they do in superhero stories, so reversing them would also not work the same way. The closest frame of reference I have for it is like the "mutant cure" in X-Men, which I don't know if that applies here.
Like, in X-Men, the mutations are spontaneous and genetic. People are born with them, even if they manifest themselves later. So "curing" mutations is like. Trying to "cure" someone of having blue eyes. It's something that's happening naturally through DNA, and "curing" it won't fix anything. It's just a bandaid on people's prejudice in the X-Men universe.
In HGCZ, if I'm remembering right and understanding correctly, the mutations were caused by an external element (skulk) being introduced to the environment. People who did not have mutations before suddenly got them. This means the mutations are less like IRL mutations and more like a disease/side effect caused by the skulk ... but one that doesn't actually harm its host body, most of the time? so like. I honestly can't think of an IRL comparison that works.
And I think that's what makes it hard to like. Get a sense of what the HG+CG POV vs the Soup Group POV is at this point. We've seen people complaining about vigilantes, but not really about the mutations as much. Are the mutations harming people? Are people getting sick from them? Do outside groups covet mutations and they're trying to impose them on unwilling populations or weaponizing them for military use?
I assume we'll get a better idea of what's going on with the Soup Group later, but the "reversing mutations" thing definitely has potential for an idealistic conflict that will be interesting. I just don't think we have enough info to know what's behind it yet.
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divineharc · 2 years
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@severedleft sent an inquiry : “ i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you. “ hmmm..... ━ ( meme. )
there was something romantic about his words . a tenderness cloaked in silk , shrouded behind shadowy eyes . as is spoken a whisper , a secret hidden within the pits of his soul . utter in moments of silence , where only they could hear . was he speaking from the hidden canals of his soul , the parts that she was yet to intrude and latch onto ? he was full of surprises . enough to leave her stunned .
eyes watching him from beneath willow-esque lashes . lips briefly parted , allowing his words to settle between them . she was speechless . the cool touch of hook along unscathed arm , trailing along delicate skin to hook under her chin . a delicacy in dangerous tool , a rarity even he admitted to . even then she was weak to such touches , practically leaning into cold touch . there was tenderness there too . her hands fidget before her , fidgeting with her fingers . how was she to respond ? to comfort with honeyed lies or harmed truths ? but how her heart fluttered at his words , such idle comfort it brought . it had been far too long since anyone made her felt protected , wrapped in a net of safety that allowed her to remove the armour she clung to . she could breath for once in centuries .
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❛ do you mean it ? ❜ her words were quiet , a mere whisper . remaining close to him at this point , hands desperate to reach out and pull him closer . fearful that he would be taken from her . a doomed tragedy to fall in love , a classic tale as old as priscilla was ageless . he protected her as if she were some priceless treasure , where many hands dared to touch if not for his nature . rather selfish , keeping her all to himself , but she dared not have it any other way . it was comforting . ❛ you speak so beautifully . ❜
hands shyly moved to fool with his shirt , gaze adverting from his own . how easy it was for her to get lost in the oceans of blue . how lucky he was to hold such an image of her , a woman whose pride matched her beauty . and he had rendered her to such a manner that was almost undreamt of . bashful , a tickling of a smile to her lips as thoughts wandered . this world and the next . what a delightful tale , a stream of beautiful visions flooding across her mind . he was her own knight in shining armour . ❛ i pity anyone who dares try to bring me harm . you'd have them on their knees begging for mercy ever so quickly . ❜
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 8)
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The third night had arrived in Hades. The gray flowers all deflated at once. Meta Knight only has one night before the flowers open again. If the red butterfly doesn’t appear tonight, Meta Knight may never be able to return.
As expected, Meta Knight was concerned. For the past three days, he hasn’t taken a rest and has walked without eating. However, he wasn’t tired or hungry at all. He was scared. He wouldn’t feel tired or hungry again if he stayed in the underworld.
Meta Knight began to ask Papi questions while they walked to shake his fears. “Papi. Do you have any favorite foods?”
“Eh? Food?” Papi replied.
“When you were alive. What did you like to eat?”
“Um… yellow!” Papi said in a slightly joyful voice, perhaps because his memories were coming back to him.
“Yeah! It’s refreshing and delicious. Pink is good, but it’s a little too sweet. The purple color has a nice taste. What color do you like, Meta Knight?”
“...I asked about your food preferences, not colors.”
“That is my favorite food. I like yellow flower nectar the most.”
“Oh, I see.” 
Papi is a butterfly, so when it comes to food, flowers fit his appetite.
Meta Knight replied, “I have never tasted flowers.”
“What? Really!? Why!?”
“Because I’m not a butterfly.”
“Oh… sorry. I’ve never tasted anything better than nectar. So what kind of food does Meta Knight like?”
He recalled various meals and desserts he ate with Captain Vul and his men. He was also often swayed by the gluttonous Kirby and King Dedede.
Would he ever be able to eat with them again?
Meta Knight shook off his sinister thoughts and looked at the trees growing along the road.
There were gray fruits.
They didn’t look delicious, but he wasn’t hungry anyways. He reached out to the fruit anyways. They could remind him of eating. It might give him the sense of the original world again.
He thought about it and tried to eat the fruit.
“Ah, ah, ah…?” Papi made anxious sounds.
Meta Knight looked at him. “What?”
“Uh… yeah… nothing...no… uh! Ehe!” Papi laughed brightly.
“You’re quite odd.” Meta Knight tried to eat the fruit again.
Then, Papi made a desperate cry. “...No! Don’t eat it, Meta Knight!” Papi slammed into his hand and knocked out the fruit.
Meta Knight was stunned. “What are you doing, Papi?”
“No… it’s…” Papi looked unprecedentedly sick. “Don’t eat it.”
“...Eh?” Meta Knight saw the fruit at his feet. “Don’t eat it…? Is it poisonous?”
“Sort of. Well, not really, but…” Papi folded his wings and explained. “If you eat something from Hades, you will never be able to return to the original world.”
Meta Knight was surprised. “What!?”
“It’s a rule. If you take a bite here, you will become a permanent resident. You won’t be able to return to the original world anymore.”
“That…” Meta Knight had a heavy heart. “Papi, you…”
“...Yup.” He fluttered again and stopped on a tree branch. “I didn’t know the rule. I came to the underworld and just tasted the flowers.”
“I wasn’t hungry, but I was wondering if I could eat something and get better! At that time, my body was still in the original world, still alive despite being seriously injured, just like you. So, if I had the chance, I might have been able to come back, but because I tasted the flowers of Hades… I had to stay here forever.”
“Is that so…”
Papi apologized. “I’m sorry, Meta Knight.”
“What are you sorry for?”
“I thought for a moment that you should eat the fruit, then you’ll be with me forever… I’m sorry…” HIs voice disappeared.
Butterflies don’t shed tears, but to Meta Knight, Papi seemed to be crying.
Meta Knight called out kindly, “But you stopped me. Thanks to you, I was saved.”
“But I…”
“You are my savior, my butterfly hero. Thank you, Papi.”
“...Butterfly hero! I like the sound of that! Ehe!” Papi laughed shyly and spread his wings.
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The night of the country of Hades quietly continues.
Meta Knight kept walking. The end of his time was approaching. The gray buds are bulging like they are about to open.
Meta Knight spoke, “Papi. Apparently, I have no hope.”
“...Meta Knight?”
“Soon, the morning of the fourth day will come. I’m out of time…”
Suddenly, Papi shouted. “Wait, Meta Knight! It’s nearby!”
“It’s the red butterfly! It’s nearby!”
“What did you say?” Meta Knight looked around, but there was no red butterfly.
Papi said. “I can feel it. It’s a butterfly thing. This is it!” He flew through the trees.
Meta Knight hurriedly followed Papi. Beyond the trees was a small fountain.
“Here!” Papi shouted.
The red butterfly was flying over the fountain. While Meta Knight was watching, Papi flew towards the red butterfly.
“He, he, hey! Red butterfly! Nice to meet you!” His voice was shaking.
Terrified, Papi put on a brave face for Meta Knight. “Listen to me! Um… um…!”
“Thank you Papi. I’ll talk from here.” When Meta Knight called out, Papi was relieved and fluttered back, hiding behind him.
Meta Knight called out carefully. “...Red butterfly. Can you hear me?”
It didn’t react at all and flew over the spring, fluttering.
“I want to go back to the original world. I want to know how to do it.”
The butterfly did not turn its face. As Meta Knight stepped towards the fountain, it fluttered away.
Papi screamed. “W-wait…!” 
Suddenly, they heard a voice from somewhere. It was a low voice, like a moan, like a growl. 
Papi said mysteriously. “Hmm? Can you hear me? What is this…”
Meta Knight looked around.
No reply. The voice grew louder and louder.
Papi was restless and panicked. “Somehow… I’m scared… I’m scared, this voice!”
It was no wonder Papi was frightened. The voice heard from somewhere was tinged with a dark feeling. Defeat, regret, hopelessness…
“This, no way…!” Meta Knight was stunned.
He didn’t know whose voice it was. However, he remembered hearing such a voice before. This was the voice of a person with tremendous power who had been sealed away. 
Somewhere, someone with overwhelming power was about to disappear. They were screaming for fate.
“The agonizing death scream…!” Meta Knight shouted at that moment.
Suddenly, the appearance of the red butterfly changed. Its wings began to shine in response to the cry. At that same time, the space around it was distorted. The butterfly gave off a fiery light and fluttered loudly. The space was twisted and a gaping hole appeared. Beyond the hole was darkness.
Meta Knight shouted. “The road has opened! Beyond that… the original world!”
It was a miracle. A hole in the sky of Hades was torn, opening the way to the original world.
The red butterfly disappeared as if it was sucked into the hole.
“Wait…!” Meta Knight enthusiastically jumped off the ground and chased the butterfly. 
However, he did not reach even slightly and fell into the fountain. 
Splashes rise. The hole made by the butterfly is closing.
Not enough time…!
At that moment, Papi jumped out.
He flew straight in and fluttered with all his might at the edge of the hole in space.
“Hurry, hurry, Meta Knight!” Papi shouted, desperately trying to widen the hole as it was closing.
“Hurry~! I’ll be crushed~!”
Meta Knight spread his cloak into wings and jumped out. 
He poked his head into the hole as it was closing.
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Papi was relieved and moved away from the hole.
“Papi!” Meta Knight turned around and shouted.
Papi fluttered over the fountain.
“Good~! You’re just in time, Meta Knight!”
“Papi! Papi…”
“Goodbye, I’ll be fine. Don’t forget about me!”
Meta Knight was sucked into a passage to another dimension with a strong force.
The hole was getting smaller and smaller. 
The last thing Meta Knight saw was a blue light, as small as a star.
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Kirby and King Dedede were taken aback.
The moment Galacta Knight fell, a red butterfly appeared out of nowhere. Butterflies fluttered all over the fallen knight. This wasn’t a good sign in the heat of a fierce battle.
“What, that butterfly… where did it come from?”
“How strange. Is there a flower blooming somewhere?”
As they were wondering, the red butterfly stopped softly on the tip of the lance.
Kirby said in a hurry, “He’s dangerous. Why would it go to him if he’s not a flower…”
The butterfly fluttered its wings and scattered bright light.
Galacta Knight’s body began to glow white.
“...What?” King Dedede’s eyes widened.
Galacta Knight disappeared as the light broke.
“Wa!?” Kirby and King Dedede screamed and fell at the same time.
“What was that!? Hey, where…!?”
A butterfly was left in the place where the knight stood. It stopped flapping and floating in the air. Its red wings were brighter and brighter, shining like flames.
Both Kirby and King Dedede finally noticed. This was not a normal butterfly.
“Watch out, Kirby. This guy…!” The king picked up his hammer back up.
The butterfly turned into a fireball, sparkling light. The fireball swelled greatly.
“Waaaah!” Kirby and King Dedede stepped back, afraid they were about to catch the sparks. However, the scattered lights were not hot at all. 
The fireball burst in front of the stunned two allies. What appeared was a knight with a fearsome, masked face!
“Ga- Galacta Knight!? Has he been resurrected!?” King Dedede shouted.
Kirby said, “No, that’s not Galacta Knight! The weapon and colors are different!”
It’s as Kirby says. Unlike the pure white Galacta Knight, the knight who appeared here held a new sword and wore a crimson mask. What he had on his back were not wings like Galacta Knight’s, but bright red, butterfly-like wings.
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“The red butterfly…! Then, did that red butterfly and Galacta Knight come together to look like that!?”
“I don’t know… but!”
They didn’t have time to think. The knight with the red butterfly wings swung the sword in his hand and attacked them.
“Waaa!” Kirby quickly held his sword and took the attack. It was a tremendous shock, he was about to drop his sword. “He’s… strong! Maybe stronger than Galacta Knight!”
“What…!?” King Dedede squeezed his face and swung his hammer up. His hammer hit the knight! The moment he thought he made the attack, the knight changed and countless red butterflies danced.
The king was blinded by a flock of butterflies and screamed.  “WAAAA!? Butterflies…!?”
The red knight appeared and rushed on the king.
“King Dedede-!” Kirby tried to help, but he wasn’t in time.
The red knight swung his sword down at King Dedede.
“GWAHH!” The king was blown away and struck on the stone floor.
The red knight turned to Kirby. Kirby glanced at his enemy. He didn’t know who he was, he didn’t even know where he came from.
However, the overwhelming strength that surpassed Galacta Knight’s could be felt.
Kirby held his sword and saved his strength. The red knight also seemed to see Kirby’s power. He didn’t try to slash right away, but was watching. Kirby unleashed his last-minute power.
Twister slash!
The red knight flew lightly and fled, holding his sword and saving energy. Meanwhile, the sword grows huge. Much larger than Kirby’s body.
Kirby drew back. “Eeee!? That’s huge-!”
The monstrous sword was swung down. Kirby desperately tried to avoid it, but the sword was too big. It was impossible to escape the attack range.
“Waaaaa!” After the strong blow, Kirby was knocked over.
With the hit, his copy ability was lost. Blade Knight had come out and Kirby returned to no ability.
Blade Knight was sitting on the floor, trying to get up. He shook his head, looked around him, and noticed Kirby lying down.
“...Kirby? What? What’s wrong, Kirby? What about Galacta Knight…?”
Behind Blade Knight, the red knight was preparing for a blow. Kirby raised his face and squeezed his voice.
“Ah… no… get out of there… Blade Knight!”
“Eh?” Blade Knight looked back, feeling an ominous presence.
But the sword of the red knight had returned to normal size, probably because it used up its energy in the previous attack.  However, the power of the sword was still increasing.
Blade Knight screamed. “W-w-waaaahh! W-what the heck is that!?”
Blade Knight hugged Kirby. Kirby looked at the red knight, but he couldn’t do anything anymore.
The moment when the red knight tried to slash at them, the space above Kirby’s head broke and someone rolled out.
Blade Knight was so scared he closed his eyes tightly, not even noticing.
Kirby opened his eyes and screamed.
“Me...Me...Meta Knight-!?”
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(Chapter 7 - Table of Contents - Chapter 9)
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newtsnaturethings · 2 years
10, 18, 29 for the art ask
10. Fav clothing to draw:
Full disclosure I DESPISE drawing clothes. Clothing gives me so much trouble with the wrinkles and folds and textures. But, if I had to pick. I do like loose cloaks and hoodies. Cause usually they have none of those things and hoods look cool AF.
18. An estimate of how many art supplies you’ve broken:
Side eyes the pens and pencils whose lives were lost on backpacking trips
Uhhhh….next question
29. Media I love that but it doesn’t inspire me artistically:
Hmmm that’s a tough one, cause my brain loves making goofy AUs and doing background redraws.
Probably Mad Max Fury Road. I do not want to put characters in the universe, nor do I want to draw it. But damn that movie is fun.
Thanks for the ask 🦎
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secret-engima · 4 years
Okay I KNOW I was gonna save this as a surprise but I cannot resist so here have the cliff notes of how Sondor is the Goodest Boi and saves Ruby’s mom.
-Sondor was not entirely meant to time-travel? They had no idea when he was “born”, and they didn’t want to drag him into painful oblivion if they dragged his memories back to a time period where there was no Sondor. But Sondor rushed in and insisted on coming anyway by all but tackling Oscar at the last second.
-Sondor crawls his way out of a specialized Grimm Pit several years earlier than he is meant to and hobbles his way out of Evernight in search of his pups. His body adjusts to what his mind insists it should be, so while he’s very sore he’s still lethal and functional and he wants his puppies.
-I agree with the fanon idea that Evernight has some kind of portal system to enable land-bound Grimm to get everywhere, even if the portals are likely static things that open up deep in old ruins in the wilds or straight up underground caverns. So Sondor hops through one of those to Anima and starts trying to find his pups. Along his way he gets into multiple shenanigans, but the one we’re focusing on is SUMMER.
-Sondor the Good Boi is tracking his kids’ scent when a mile or two away, bright silver light rises and burns like a sun on the earth, then snuffs out too fast to be normal. Sondor stares at it and he’s more interested in his Pups but- he knows that light. He knows ... that light is ... important. There was a girl that Oscar Pup loved dearly who made that light, and other people before her who made that light, and they were important. She was important. She was...
-“Silver. Eyes.” He rasps to himself, and this is important enough to temporarily stop looking for his pups. This important enough that he runs and when running doesn’t feel fast enough, he grows wings and surges into the air, the thought spinning over and over in his head. Silver eyes. Silver eyes. Silver eyes.
-Whether or not Summer Rose is conscious is up for debate, but you can imagine the short lived, all consuming *terror* that strikes the bounty hunters hired by Salem to capture anyone they can find with silver eyes when a Grimm hurtles down from the sky into their midst and starts throwing them like toys all while bellowing over and over again: “Silver. Eyes. Silver. Eyes. SILVER. EYES.”
-In the wake of Sondor thoroughly destroying the bounty hunters beyond all recovery, Sondor comes over and sniffs at the woman in a white cloak. She smells a bit like the Silver Eyed girl that Oscar Pup cared so much for, but not quite. The girl pup’s mother maybe?
-It is then Sondor realizes he has ... no idea what to do. He needs to look for his pups, but this woman is mostly unconscious (if not completely unconscious at this point) and he can’t just ... leave her?
-Hmmm. Maybe there’s a human place he can leave her.
-Oh wait a portal is opening. That could be bad.
-He swats the person who charges through out of the air, smashes through the person’s Aura in seconds and then pins her down, ready to bite her head off as a threat, only to pause and slowly take a deep breath, mouth still open to better analyze her scent.
-Why does this human smell like Bird Man whose death made Oscar Pup’s Silver Eyes cry.
-(aka Sondor was not the only person to spot that light, and Raven is about to have a very terrifying and confusing day)
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vivacissimx · 2 years
Hiiiiiii your reader from ao3 hera ✌First of all, i want to say i love “love doesn’t live here” very very much and want to thank you for writing such amazing story. Vaelon is my otp now ❤ second of all, Do u mind if i ask a few questions? When do you plan to post the sequel? No pressure, just wondering ☺ And can you spoil us a lil bit, like will Vaelon stay in Dragonstone or move to King’s Landing after they got married? Will we see some northern characters again? And if this happen, it because they go to King’s Landing or Vaelon visit the North? i saw some questions at the ao3 comment box and i’m curious too: when did desmond figure out that Baelon is gonna be Viserra’s husband, after she just told him she gonna wed again and she love this man? Afa i remember, Viserra did not told him anything about Baelon and her during the time she was in WB?
oh tysm! it's really nice that people are still finding that fic, cause ao3 does not really lend itself to older fics unless they have a billion kudos or whatever also i love fic questions hehe
well i'm not sure about when i'm gonna write the sequel, i have a multichap that i'm in the headspace for rn - ntm real life is very busy (cause my brother is getting married! exciting). whenever i feel motivation for it, i'll start it up again
hmmm well i posted a snippet here if you'd like to see, that said, baelon is part of. the government. and viserra is working with her artisan's guild in king's landing, so they will definitely spend time in both places as well as travelling a bit. i do have a northern subplot i'm workshopping in my head, i don't wanna spoil it but it will deal with characters that were important during viserra's time as the lady of white harbor.
for the last question... yeah, he figured it out around the time she told him she was getting married again. no, he doesn't know about viserra's failed seduction of baelon nor that she was #plotting on him when jaehaerys and baelon came to white harbor to negotiate around widow's law. at the time of viserra & baelon's reunion, viserra was actively going to desmond for affection and intimacy, so even if she was getting closer to baelon he probably just saw that as viserra being viserra, thinking she can wrap all the men in the world around her finger. that said - desmond also knows viserra is ambitious, clever, very selective when it comes to who she lets close to her, and not too keen on men who simp for her. baelon is the attractive unmarried heir to the throne who viserra always cared for (calling out for him in her delirium) & whose very own personal guard viserra travels with.
that, and viserra was literally wearing a man's riding cloak with targaryen imagery sewn into it when she spoke to him on that rooftop. 2+2 and desmond wasn't born yesterday.
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greenflower21 · 3 years
“I Sleep and Dream of Snow” (orginally on my Ao3 profile)  * Contains Spoilers for season 3 of “Attack on Titan”
The winter will be rough this year , thought Levi as he gazed out the foggy window onto the gray surroundings. The first snow was yet to come, but he doubted it would be far off. Wind was already screaming down from the mountains, sweeping across the sheltered valley where the small cabin nestled under the barren trees like skeletons in the mountain’s shadow. This was the same cabin where he had hidden with his new squad, a few months previously, before Queen Historia had claimed her throne, before they had regained honor for the scouts, and before retaking Shiganshina.
So much had happened, it was hard to believe only a few months encompassed the biggest changes to their world within the walls. A new Queen, a new squad, and now a new commander as well…
Levi’s eye twitched slightly as he thought of Erwin’s lifeless body, still in Shiganshina, blue eyes once so full of dreams, an icy fury that looked ever onwards, now just a memory. He shivered there before the window, the threat of winter already creeping into his bones.
“We can’t always carry our fallen comrades home, but we can carry their memories.”
The words he had spoken to a grieving soldier had echoed too many times in his head this past year. He was used to loss, but the words now sounded almost mocking, his memories laughing atop the mountain of bodies, lifeless eyes whose gleams were already fading from his mind. The cold ache had settled even deeper now, refusing to recede, winter’s cruel whisper brushing against the boundaries of his body and mind. He shivered again, whether from the cold or from the lingering echoes in his head, he couldn’t tell. The echo was turning into a headache now, dull pain behind his eyes making his limbs feel leaden and heavy, not helped by the bulky ODM gear that weighed him down under his cloak.
A shout from outside jolted him from his thoughts. He stepped away from the window calling out as he went, “Commander Hange is here! Get ready!”
A few shouts of “Yes sir!” echoed clumsily from upstairs.
Levi walked outside, his shoulders tensing uncomfortably when he was met with a chill wind. “Jean!” he called to the tall boy in the lookout tower, sandy-brown hair tousled by the wind. “Is it Commander Hange?”
“Yes Captain,” replied Jean. “They appear to be alone.”
Good, thought Levi. Good that no more than necessary see this. Too many soldiers and government officials resented Levi’s decision to save Armin instead of Erwin. Why was a timid boy’s life more valuable than their esteemed and experienced commander? And why had that pivotal decision been entrusted to an underground lowlife like Levi?
At first they had thought to keep the specifics of Shiganshina a secret from the populace, but that was impossible. That idiot Floch didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. Levi was glad at least that he had stayed behind to recruit more MP’s into the scout’s ranks instead of coming here with the rest of Shiganshina’s heroes. Isolating as it was out here, he was glad not to hear the endless complaining, making his guilt over Erwin’s death all the more painful.
Not that it isn’t painful already, he admitted as Armin’s small figure came slowly outside, followed by Eren, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha. Armin’s blue eyes were watery in the chill wind, blue and full of hope, just as Erwin’s had been long ago.
“Hey Connie! It’s your watch now!” said Jean, hopping down from the tower, wrapping his cloak tighter around himself.
“Ugh, fine,” said Connie, walking over towards the wooden tower.
“No,” said Eren, “I’ll take watch, you can go with the others Connie.”
“Um...okay…” said Connie, confused.
Levi furrowed his brow as he watched Eren climb up into the watchtower. Why does he want to be on lookout duty so badly? Probably just sulking. Eren had been in a bad mood ever since the memorial ceremony. He was sullen and withdrawn around the others, even with Armin and Mikasa. Levi shuddered. It's probably nothing. Not everything is a threat, he’s a teenager, they’re like that most of the time.
“How far is Hange?” asked Levi as Jean sauntered up beside him.
“A couple miles,” he replied. “They should be here soon.” Jean lowered his voice to a whisper, glancing back at Eren, “what’s up with him?”
Levi frowned, still uneasy but apathetic. The last thing he needed was to fuel Jean and Eren’s rivalry. They were good friends but sometimes even the faintest animosity could become irritating to be around. I’m too tired to deal with their childish antics today.
Sure enough, Hange’s steed galloped down the narrow path and jolted to a halt.
“Levi!” they exclaimed excitedly. “It’s good to see you looking cheerful as always.” Their hair was messy from the wind, and they hastily brushed it away from their face where it had tangled in their glasses and knotted under their eyepatch..
Levi grunted in reply. “I see you came alone.”
Hange nodded. “Now, are we ready to start?”
They glanced over at Armin, whose blue eyes were wide and unblinking. He looked incredibly nervous. Levi couldn’t help but notice how he tried to hide his shaking hands under his cloak.
Eren on the other hand, was expressionless beside him, green eyes downcast. Mikasa eyed him worriedly, but he paid her no notice as he walked over to the watchtower.
“Let’s go then,” said Levi, leading them down toward the cliff face where they had tried this same experiment on Eren earlier that year.
Levi pulled his cloak tighter around his shoulders, shivering still. Dark clouds were gathering at the top of the mountain. Levi narrowed his eyes concernedly, “Hange, I don’t like the look of those clouds.”
“Hmmm,” they said, narrowing their eyes. “We’ll have to hurry then.”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t just wait?” Levi replied.
“If it snows we won’t be able to do this again for awhile, and I can’t be away for too long. Besides...” they added, their voice rising to the pitch that Levi recognized as a signal that a theory was forming in their mind.
“What?” he asked, not sure if he was going to regret it.
“I’m interested to see how cold weather will affect the transformation, and if it rains or snows or whatever it does, it might have an impact on the titan steam….” they trailed off, clearly mulling over possibilities in their mind.
Levi sighed and glanced back at the squad. Sasha, Connie and Jean were chatting distractedly in the rear, Mikasa walking solemnly in front of them, glancing occasionally through her shadowy curtain of hair, backward towards where Eren sulked in the watchtower. Armin looked even more terrified than he had before. His eyes darted back and forth cautiously, like blue rippled under a sudden wind.
Levi slowed a bit to allow the boy a chance to catch up with him.
“Sir,” he squeaked, startled to see Levi beside him, looking away quickly. He knew that Armin also carried the guilt of Erwin’s sacrifice. The fault was far from his though, but Levi could understand how apprehensive he probably was. He had a large legacy to carry on his shoulders, and nearly the whole army blaming him for it.
“Don’t worry Armin,” said Levi earnestly. “Hange knows what they’re doing, you’ll be fine.”
“Th-thank you sir,” stuttered Armin, “i-it’s not Hange I’m worried about sir, it’s…”
“You have a lot of expectations to live up to,” finished Levi.
Armin hung his head. “Y-yes sir.”
Levi sighed again. “At the end of the day, it was my decision to make. You’re young, you have a good head on your shoulders, give it a chance to dream. That was what Erwin did best…” Levi stopped, for he could see the cliff face looming up ahead.
“Here we are!” said Hange, running ahead to look down.
Armin gulped. Levi gave him a reassuring nod, and they followed Hange to the cliff edge.
“Positions everyone!” said Hange. They all obeyed, leaping to their vantage points on the clifftop.
“We have to hurry,” pointed out Levi, glancing up at the clouds uneasily.
Hange nodded. “Yes. Ok Armin, we’re ready when you are!”
Armin nodded, pale and shaky. He closed his eyes, and took a run towards the cliff edge. He jumped off the side, ODM gear on.
Levi braced himself. Did it work? He wondered as a few silent moments passed. But he quickly retracted that thought, because a loud bang resounded upwards with a steam blast.
“Hange!” He shouted. “Can you see anything?”
“No!” they replied, eyeing the steam dangerously, the thrill in their eyes unmistakeable.
“I can’t hear him!” shouted Jean.
“It’s only steam, no titan,” added Sasha.
“Armin!” shouted Connie, “Can you hear us?”
Levi could see Mikasa perched on the edge, looking as uneasy as Levi felt. She was doubtless wondering why Eren didn’t want to see his best friend transform into the colossal titan for the first time, but equally worried about Armin below.
A loud boom sounded behind them. Levi smelled rain as a cold blast of wind slammed into him, almost sending him off balance.
“Hange…!” he shouted, a tone of warning creeping into his voice.
“I hear it,” Hange replied. “Armin!” they screamed. “Armin where are you?”
There was no reply, only more thunder as the steam rose from the ground.
Levi felt a few drops of cold rain hit his face. Not quite cold enough for snow yet but it still stung like blades of ice.
“Armin!” cried Mikasa, craning her neck to see through the layers of steam. The rain was getting heavier, sizzling as it struck the ground below.
“There!” shouted Sasha. Levi looked where she pointed, seeing a patch of red where the rain was clearing the steam. He narrowed his eyes and squinted to see better.
“It’s too hot to cut him out,” said Hange, “We need to let the rain cool it down first.”
Damn this would have been a great moment for Eren to stop acting like a moody brat and come help us out.
Levi frowned. “Was this your plan all along?” he didn’t even try to hide the annoyance in his voice.
“...Not exactly, but it is working in our favor now,” they replied, watching the steam clear below, revealing more of a pitifully misshapen red titan, miniscule in size in comparison to the colossal titan that had broken down Wall Maria.
“Armin,” croaked Mikasa nervously, about to leap down. Levi placed an arm in front of her. “No. It’s not safe yet.”
She hung her head, resigning herself to the truth in his words.
“Look! Commander, Captain!” Connie shouted.
“It’s Armin! He’s emerging!” added Sasha.
“Right, I’m going to retrieve him,” said Levi. It was dangerously hot down there, only he had the necessary speed to grab the boy quickly and get him out.
“I’m coming too!” insisted Mikasa.
“Fine,” grumbled Levi. She can manage, and it might be helpful to have an extra set of hands if we have to cut him out.
“Be careful!” said Hange, absentminded, meaning that their thoughts were clicking mechanically in their brain.
Levi and Mikasa leaped down, weaving between bilows of steam carefully. He could see Armin’s yellow hair glinting dully in the red mist of steam and drizzle.
They landed on the body, where the rain had cooled the surface enough so that he could cut Armin out. Armin’s eyes stared blankly upwards, red marks beneath them, tears welling in those pools of blue.
“Help me cut him out, quickly!” said Levi.
Mikasa sawed at the sinews with her blades while Levi lifted Armin out from the steaming carcass. His cloak had completely burned off, leaving only his thin shirt, burned and tattered in several places. The ODM gear was still trapped inside the titan.
“It’ll be damaged beyond repair; leave it behind” said Levi, sensing Mikasa’s thoughts.
“Right,” she nodded and focused on cutting Armin’s legs free.
The rain was coming down hard now, icy cold and stinging as it danced violently in the wind.
Mikasa finished cutting the sinews, and they leaped upward against the cliff-face with their gear, Levi carrying Armin’s limp form under one arm. They made it to the top, where the others were waiting anxiously.
“Wh-what happened?” asked Sasha concernedly looking at Armin.
“We can theorise later, let’s focus on getting out of this rain!” said Levi, removing his own cloak to wrap around Armin.
Damn this rain is cold.
“Hange come on!” They were still staring over the cliff edge thoughtfully.
“What?” They said. “Oh, right, let’s go!”
They all walked quickly back to the house, Armin being carried by Levi as the rain grew icier around them.
Levi was thankful in that moment for the titan heat radiating from Armin’s body. His face and hands were numb from the cold, and his clothes were becoming soaked through.
They made it back to the house.
“Eren!” shouted Hange, “Get inside! You won’t be able to see in this weather anyway.”
Eren leaped down from the watchtower, still brooding. Seriously, what’s up with him?
They all stumbled inside, dripping wet, slamming the door behind them.
Sasha let out a long sigh, “I’m soooooo hungry!”
“Ugh I’m too cold to be hungry,” complained Jean.
Eren ignored them and went straight over to the hearth to start building a fire. He half glanced at Armin, a pained expression in his eyes, avoiding Mikasa’s stare that followed him like a shadow as he placed logs in the fire.
Levi placed Armin down into a seated position in one of the chairs by the fire, removing his cloak and hanging it by the door. Armin’s tattered clothing had luckily remained relatively dry under the protective wool.
As everyone else hung their cloaks, Levi noticed that they, too, had avoided most of the icy rain.
Hange shook their head, scattering a few droplets and walked straight over to Armin.
I need to get out of these wet clothes, thought Levi. He shivered, his shirt stuck tight against his body, hair dripping icy water into his eyes.
“Captain you’re soaked!” exclaimed Sasha as she carried the kettle to the stove.
“Hmph, I hadn’t noticed,” he grumbled dryly.
“Someone needs to get some dry clothes for Armin,” said Hange.
“On it!” said Connie, sprinting away.
Levi stood, almost dazed, looking at how Eren was building up the fire. Something was definitely off with him, and he worried that it was something more than just teenage angst.
“Uh, Captain, are you ok?” asked Jean’s voice behind him.
“Hmmm…?” Levi blinked. “Yeah I’m fine…” his words were slow; numb along with everything else.
“You really should take those wet clothes off captain,” said Mikasa, arriving beside him carrying some blankets from upstairs.
“Hmmm, yeah…” he shook his head hazily and walked slowly towards his room.
His hands were stiff as he undid the buttons and endless belt loops that attached the ODM gear to his body. When that weight left him, he swayed slightly, dizzy with the release. He finally managed to remove the rest of his soaking wet clothes, which had stuck to his skin like ice, wondering if he would ever feel warm again.
He came back to the main room, wearing dry clothes, but still shivering. Sasha, Connie and Jean were laying out teacups and bread and butter on the table. Eren still stared moodily into the fire, ignoring the rest of them, while Mikasa sat next to Armin, wrapping him in a blanket and Hange scribbled in their notebook.
Mikasa stood and walked over to Levi. She handed him a blanket and he took it from her gratefully, hands numb and shaking. Not caring about anything else in that moment except warmth, he sat down in the chair between Armin and Hange, close to the fire.
Armin didn’t appear hurt, but there was a look of utter dejection on his face.
“It’s ok Armin, Eren had trouble his first time too! “ reassured Mikasa. “Right Eren?”
Eren turned at his name. “What? Oh yeah…” he quickly turned back around to stare at the flames.
Hange sighed quizzically, looking up from their notes. “It seems that mood clearly plays a role in one’s ability to transform. Eren always had trouble if he was feeling nervous or apprehensive, or unsure about something.” Hange directed their statements at Eren, but he didn’t look back in their direction.
“You’d better figure it out soon kid so we can get the hell out of this freezing cold bunker,” said Levi shakily, then he sneezed, quiet enough so that only Hange heard it. They narrowed their eyes at Levi skeptically but didn’t say anything.
“You have to be sure of yourself Armin. You have to envision the future you dream of, and you have to take hold of it with all your strength. If you hesitate, it’s all for nothing.” Eren’s voice sounded far away, even though he only stood a few feet away from Levi. It was the most he had heard the boy say for weeks.
“Well, yes…” said Hange, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “In less solemn terms than Eren just put it, you need to have a clear goal, and you need confidence!”
I know what’s wrong, thought Levi. It’s Erwin’s shadow. It’s still too tall for him to reach. That same tall, blue-eyed shadow echoed in Levi’s mind too. He knew what it felt like to be tasked with making someone’s life meaningful after they were gone.
Armin only sighed and shook his head. “I know, you’re trying to help and I appreciate it, I really do, but… I can’t help but wonder every day if you made the wrong decision Captain.”
Armin’s sad blue stare rose to meet Levi’s cold gray eyes. For a second, he thought he could see Erwin’s icy gaze, filled with stone cold-determination, but then the shadow faded to leave behind ripples in the terrified boy’s face.
“I didn’t make the wrong decision,” said Levi, trying to make his voice sound certain. “This is what Erwin would have wanted.” As he said this, he could almost see Erwin’s shadow again, nodding to his words behind Armin’s face.
Levi shivered and sneezed again, wrapping the blanket tighter around himself, feeling suddenly very tired. The feeling had started to sneak back into his limbs again, but now they were heavy with a dull ache that was settling deep into his whole body.
“Tea’s ready!” said Sasha.
Levi sighed and stood shakily to walk back over to the table, leaving the blanket behind. He poured himself a cup and sat down, still shivering. He held the cup in his hands, letting the warmth spread upward through his fingertips.
He was almost aware of the others clattering about chatting and eating all around him, but they were like shadows in the corner of his vision. I’m still so cold. Why can’t I get warm?
Hands shaking, Levi lifted the cup to his mouth, letting the hot liquid warm his insides. Someone pushed a plate towards him. He glanced over to see that it was Hange.
“You should eat,” they said, buttering a piece of bread for themself and sitting down beside him.
Levi ignored the bread and focused instead on drinking the tea in slow sips, willing it to make him stop shivering so visibly.
“The rain is turning into sleet,” observed Sasha, looking toward the window.
Levi looked and saw sheets of white slamming against the glass.
“Looks like you’ll need to stay the night here commander,” said Connie.
“Yes I suppose you’re right,” replied Hange. “I really did underestimate this weather didn’t I?”
Within the hour, the sleet had turned into snow, and it rattled relentlessly against the window panes.
Leaving his bread untouched, Levi washed his teacup and then wandered back over to the fire. Armin had fallen asleep, the red titan marks on his face already starting to fade.
“We should put him in bed,” said Levi, bending down to pick him up. His arms felt unusually weak though, which was strange. Why do my bones feel like they’re filled with ice. I hate rain...I’m too stiff to lift even this scrawny teenager!
“I can do it,” said Eren’s voice behind him.
“Go ahead,” said Levi, glancing at him sideways. Eren lifted one of Armin’s arms over his shoulder, and Mikasa rushed over to help. Together they carried their friend up to bed.
Levi sighed and edged closer to the fire. I hope I’m not this stiff tomorrow, there’s so much to do around here…
“You alright?” Asked Hange, kneeling down next to him. “You seem tired.”
He shivered again, picking up his discarded blanket from earlier. He avoided their question and said, “where will you sleep? With the rate of that snow outside, it looks like you might be stuck here for a few days at least.”
“Don’t worry about me! I always figure it out,” they replied. “Besides, I want to stay up a bit later to study my notes anyway.”
Levi nodded in reply and glanced over to the table where Jean, Connie and Sasha were still chatting. “Hey, make sure you clean up that mess when you’re done,” he remarked. Normally he would stay and do it himself, but Hange might have been right. He was tired. Even where he stood, he struggled to keep his eyes open. He would have to trust them to clean it properly, just this once…
“Captain can I have your bread?” Asked Sasha.
“Hmmm…? Yeah, fine…” he muttered, walking blearily towards his room. He sank onto his bed with a strange heaviness, shivering under the blankets, and let sleep take him.
When he was gone, Sasha exclaimed in a shocked whisper, “what? He never says yes! This is my lucky day!”
“Sasha you’re getting crumbs everywhere. We need to keep it clean or the Captain will freak out!” protested Jean.
Connie chimed in with, “Hey! Won’t you share?”
When the two had divided the bread between them, Jean remarked, “don’t you think it's weird though, Captain Levi never goes to bed early?”
Sasha was too immersed in her bread to hear him.
Connie shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s been a pretty long day, I wouldn’t worry too much.”
Jean frowned, looking out the window where the show was swirling out in the dark. “I hope you’re right.”
Levi woke groggily. His throat burned and there was a heavy weight in his chest that made every part of his body ache. He groaned and got out of bed, shocked when he had to sit down again because a wave of dizziness almost sent him reeling.
He sighed, and that sigh turned into a dry cough that made his head throb.
Damn it, he cursed to himself. He made the decision to ignore his body screaming in protest, and put a clean shirt on with aggressive determination, preparing to go downstairs. This is nothing, I’m just chilled from yesterday, I just need to wake up a bit. He coughed again as he went carefully down the stairs.
Hange had woken up sitting stiffly in the chair by the fire, notes open across their lap. The coals had died down to ash. Someone had thrown a blanket across them at some point, they weren’t sure who. They yawned, stretched, and stood, looking out the window.
Well, looks like I won’t be making it back to HQ anytime soon. Snow was piled almost up to the window panes, the inside of the glass covered with frost. They shuddered and put a log on the dead fire, attempting to blow some life into it.
The kitchen had been tidied from the night before, but it was nowhere near spotless. A few crumbs still littered the floor where Connie and Sasha had battled over the captain’s bread.
He won’t be happy.
While they waited for the fire to grow, they pondered their notes again. Something was definitely holding Armin back...they had a feeling it was the pressure. The poor boy had Erwin’s whole legacy to uphold. Damn it Levi, I can’t believe you put him in this position.
Hange heard light footfalls on the steps accompanied by ragged breathing that stopped suddenly and was replaced by a rough, hollow sounding cough.
That doesn’t sound good…
“Where is everyone?” asked Levi hoarsely as he slowly walked into the room. “Lazy kids, just because it’s snowing doesn’t mean they get a break.” He looked out the window, noticing the empty watchtower blurred by the blinding light of the heavy snow on the ground. “We should get someone on lookout duty-” he ended the thought abruptly as he shook with coughing again.
Ignoring Hange’s eyebrows rising in concern, he went outside to fill the kettle with snow, shocked when he opened the door to see that it came all the way up to his shoulders. He cursed under his breath and shivered, filling it quickly and slamming the door shut. He put the kettle on the stove, his chest burning, unable to stifle the shaky cough that shuddered through his body again.
“Levi, I don’t like the sound of that cough,” said Hange, not hiding the concern in their voice.
“It's nothing,” he retorted. His eyes stopped, noticing a few crumbs on the floor where the scouts had been sitting the night before. Damn it, I thought I told them to clean up… He sighed in annoyance, but it came out as a cough, more painful than the last one.
“Levi….” began Hange. “Don’t worry about the crumbs, and don’t worry about the lookout! The snow will be too thick to see anyway. Besides, no one will be out stalking us in this weather.” They took a moment to look at his face, which was shadowed by the usual dark circles, but they were deeper today, and he was pale, his dark gray eyes glassy and distant.
He ignored them and went over to get the broom in the corner. He swept the crumbs away and started to make tea.
Hange shook their head. He was too stubborn. When the kettle boiled, they sat down together to let it brew.
“Are they seriously all still asleep?” Levi asked, shocked at how raspy his voice sounded. He was grateful for the warmth of the cup in his hands. He let the steam float up to his face and briefly relieve the throbbing in his head.
Hange shrugged, “Not everyone is an insomniac like you.”
He glared at them and shook his head. “Any epiphanies in your late night research?”
They took a deep breath. “Armin won’t be able to control his titan ability until he can escape the pressure of Erwin’s sacrifice.”
Levi nodded, “well he’d better figure it out soon-” he broke off, coughing again.
Hange opened their mouth to say something, but at that moment Mikasa came downstairs, followed by the others.
“Armin is still asleep,” she said as she sat down beside Hange.
“How is he?” Hange asked.
“He seems fine,” Mikasa continued, “the titan marks have faded at least.”
“Good, good…” Hange nodded, pouring themself another cup of tea.
Levi shot Sasha, Connie and Jean a subtle glare as they sat down at the table. “I thought I told you to clean up after-” but he broke off again, another rattling cough shaking his chest.
“I’m so sorry captain!” said Sasha, eyes wide.
“Wait, uh Captain Levi are you ok?” Asked Connie tentatively.
He was barely aware of their responses, and he didn’t catch the worried glances that shot between everyone seated at the table. He ignored them and sipped his tea in frustration, willing his hands to stop shaking, hoping that the warm liquid would subside the deep chill that was making his whole body ache.
He started feeling progressively worse throughout the day. He tried to keep himself busy, ignoring the pain in his head by sweeping the rest of the floor, assigning odd tasks to the scouts, and pointedly ignoring the way they were all looking at him.
Jean, Eren and Mikasa managed to clear a way to the stable to check on the horses. Hange decided that they didn’t need to bother with clearing a way to the watchtower. No one would be able to find them in this snow anyway. Levi narrowed his eyes uneasily, but Hange out-ranked him, so their word was what the scouts followed. He knew they were probably right. It was too cold out to keep watch safely, and there was no point staring at gray fields of snow for hours with no real threat.
He glanced out the window, half expecting more snow to start falling from the gray skies. He still remembered the first time he had seen snow. Mesmerized and terrified at those sparkling white drops that froze on impact, and looked like stars turned to dust. Farlan and Isabel never got to see snow. It almost seemed like the gray sky itself was scattering cold ash for all those who had never gotten to gaze at its beauty.
While the others cleared the snow in front of the door, Sasha and Connie chopped vegetables for soup, and Armin slept for most of the day. Hange tried to be useful around the house, hoping that everyone at HQ wasn’t too worried about them. There was no helping it though. It was hard enough to clear a path to the horses, forget trying to clear it all the way to the road. Hange was starting to get worried though, worried about Levi.
His cough started sounding worse as the day went on. At one point, Hange caught him staring out the window, shivering and gazing at something in a distant corner of his mind that only he could see.
“Levi,” they said gently, “come away from there, it's too cold!”  
He didn’t respond, so they placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched slightly, but didn’t protest when they guided him over to sit by the fire.
It should have warmed him, but he still shivered weakly, spots dancing before his eyes, almost like it was snowing inside the fire.
He was aware of Hange looking into his eyes, “Levi…” they said quietly, placing a hand on his forehead.
He started to brush them away, “what are you doing?”
“You’re burning up!” exclaimed Hange.
He sighed again, he hated other people fussing over him, but regretted it instantly because it sent him into another painful coughing fit.
“Levi, I’m worried about you,” said Hange, “you’re not well!”
Levi knew they were probably right, he wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball in front of the fire and stay there forever, but he couldn’t possibly go rest; there was still too much to do, too much to think about, Erwin’s shadow was watching him, he needed to do it justice…
Erwin’s shadow walked down the stairs, but it was much smaller than Erwin. “Er, hello Commander, Captain,” he said.
Hange stood, “ah, our colossal awakens!”
Levi was puzzled. Erwin was tall, yes, but he was no titan, what was Hange talking about.
Hange noticed that Armin looked bleary-eyed from sleep, but otherwise fine. They were worried about Levi though. He looked at Armin with a pained, almost confused expression. He’s delirious…
“I’m so sorry,” said the small boy standing there with Erwin’s eyes. Yes, not Erwin, Erwin is dead Levi, get it together.
Levi opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn’t because his whole body was racked by shaking as he coughed again.
“Captain! Are you alright?” gasped Armin.
“He’s not,” said Hange. “Levi, I need you to go back to bed, and yes, that’s an order!”
Levi regarded them with dark gray eyes, misted over with a feverish glow. Too weak to protest, he stood up shakily and began to walk toward the stairs. Why is Hange giving me orders, he thought, confused, Where’s Erwin?  He stumbled and swayed where he stood. The whole room spun, and lights danced in his eyes, turning into shadows as he fell.
Armin and Hange reacted quickly. They caught him as he collapsed so he didn’t hit the floor.
“What happened to him?” Asked Armin, his voice high pitched with concern.
“What’s going on?” asked Sasha, peeking in from the kitchen, Connie close behind. They must have heard the commotion and come to investigate.
“I need you to bring me some cold water and a clean cloth,” said Hange.
Sasha’s eyes widened as she saw the unconscious Levi in between Armin and Hange’s arms. “Yes sir!” she disappeared into the kitchen to do what Hange asked.
“Connie, can you help me bring him upstairs?” said Hange.
“Yes sir,” said Connie, running over to take the captain’s limp form from Armin, who sighed with relief. He still hadn’t quite gotten his strength back from yesterday. “Armin, can you go check on our soup?” Armin nodded and wandered into the kitchen, glancing over his shoulder as he watched Connie and Hange carry Levi’s unconscious body between them up the stairs.
They placed him down on his bed. His eyelids fluttered slightly but he didn’t wake up. He was shivering weakly, but a thin gray sweat was coating the surface of his skin, sticking his dark hair to his head.
Sasha came back with cold water and a few dry kitchen towels. Hange took one from her and dipped in the basin, placing the cool cloth on Levi’s pale forehead.
Sasha and Connie lingered uncomfortably in the doorway, watching as Hange unbuttoned Levi’s shirt, which was plastered to his body with sweat.
“Is he going to be ok?” Asked Connie in a whisper.
No one answered him.
“Do you need anything else?” asked Sasha, breaking the tense silence except for Levi’s ragged breathing.
“No,” replied Hange, “just let the others know where I am, and keep that fire burning.”
They nodded and went back to the kitchen, leaving Hange alone sitting on the edge of the bed, looking more worried than the scouts had ever seen them.
They found Armin standing dazed before the pot on the stove, stirring mechanically, unfocused and clearly worried.
“This is my fault,” he whimpered. He looked up at Sasha and Connie, alarm in his eyes. “He gave me his cloak yesterday, and he must have gotten too cold, and now…” he looked like he might cry.
“No, Armin, it’s not your fault!” said Connie reassuringly. “He would have done the same for any of us, you had no idea that your cloak would burn off, or that the rain would be that cold!”
“But the experiment failed…. I failed! I’ll never live up to Erwin’s expectations.” Armin sank down in a chair at the table, utterly defeated.
“You need to stop blaming yourself Armin,” said Sasha, taking over at the stove-top, pouring a handful of herbs into the broth. “The decision was never yours, and you’re trying your best!”
“You just need to get used to it,” added Connie. “You’re only human so don’t beat yourself up!”
Armin sighed, looking toward the stairs with an expression of anguish. I really hope they’re right.
“I’ve had enough snow to last a lifetime,” complained Jean, entering the door, and hanging up his cloak, followed by Mikasa and Eren.
“At least we’ve cleared a path to the stable now,” said Mikasa.
“It only took us three hours,” grumbled Eren.
Jean sighed and sat down at the table. “What’s with you guys? You look like someone just died.”
Armin looked at the floor and Sasha stirred the pot on the stove awkwardly.
“Well…” said Connie, “It’s Captain Levi, he’s really unwell.”
Mikasa’s eyes widened in alarm. “Is he alright?”
“I thought he didn’t look too good this morning…” added Jean.
“What happened?” asked Eren.
“I guess…” said Armin, “the cold yesterday must have gotten to him, he just collapsed right in front of us!”  
Seeing Armin’s worried expression, Mikasa said, “He’s humanity’s strongest. He just needs to rest for a few days, he’ll be fine.”
Her tone didn’t sound convincing enough though, and the room fell into a tense silence, the only sound Sasha’s wooden spoon scraping the bottom of the pot. 
A few minutes after Sasha and Connie left, Levi’s eyes fluttered open weakly and he stared up at Hange, looking very confused. He tried to sit up, but he was seized by another painful coughing fit and was forced to sink back down onto the pillows, shaking.
“Shhh,” said Hange, pushing him down and drawing the blanket up to cover him.
“Hange what happened?” he asked weakly, his voice hoarse and strained.
“You fainted,” they replied, readjusting the cloth on his forehead. “Connie helped me carry you in here.”
He coughed again.“Damn it, how did this happen, I can’t-” but he couldn’t finish, his chest shaking with echoing tremors. He moaned softly and closed his eyes.
“Just rest,” said Hange. “You don’t have to worry about anything.” His eyelids flickered and closed as he settled into an uneasy sleep, wheezing gently and still shaking.
They watched his chest rise and fall for a few minutes, then replaced the cloth on his forehead, already lukewarm with the heat from his fever. When they were sure he was really sleeping, they quietly closed the door and went back downstairs.
Levi slept fitfully the rest of that day, and all the while, the snow still fell outside. Hange went back to check on him a few hours later, but he was still deep in a feverish dream, shivering beneath the blankets, chest rising raggedly and hair plastered to his head in lank strands.
Hange felt his forehead again. The fever was still high, possibly even higher than before. This worried them; they had never seen him this sick in all the years they had known him. They were trained as a field medic, first aid and emergency battle operations etc., but they were certainly no doctor. If this didn’t get any better soon….well, they just had to hope it would. Travelling would be impossible for at least the next few days.
For now, they kept the fever controlled by replacing the cloth on his forehead intermittently.
A soft knock on the door sounded and Mikasa entered the room, carrying a steaming cup of tea. “How is he?” she asked, setting it down on the table.
Hange’s brow furrowed. “Fever is still high and he’s struggling to breathe.” they watched the erratic rise and fall of his chest uneasily.
“Maybe steam will help,” said Mikasa, bringing the teacup close to Levi’s face.
“Good idea!” Hange observed, lifting his head slightly so he could inhale it.
He spluttered and coughed, then gasped weakly, but it did seem to give him some temporary relief.
“We need more steam,” said Hange.
“On it!” said Mikasa, turning to leave.
A few minutes later, she returned with the kettle and an empty washbasin.
They lifted Levi’s head again and held the steaming water up to his face. He gasped, then breathed in and out, coughing. He leaned back on the pillows, still shaking, but he breathed more easily, at least for a little while.
Levi dreamed of blue eyes following him. “Erwin, what do you still need from me?” But the blue receded into gray, drowning in snow.
“Wait!” cried Levi, “Where are you going?” but the blue eyes disappeared, and he heard nothing but his own voice, reverberating back at him.
He wandered in a directionless fog, steps heavy, his body aching with weariness as he trudged onward.
A roar resounded behind him and he flinched as something flew through the air. It landed at his feet in the mist and he almost screamed. Lifeless eyes underneath tousled red hair stared back at him. Isabel….
A familiar laugh echoed nearby. Farlan? He turned around, but the laugh faded and turned into a scream before disappearing into the fog completely.
He sank to his knees, utterly defeated. He could hear voices calling out his name, and they all flashed before his eyes.
He saw Gunther dangling from his mangled gear, half of Eld’s body strewn across the forest floor, Oluo’s head sawn off, and Petra... Oh Petra.
She called to him, but he couldn’t stand. His legs wouldn’t lift from the damp ground, and the mist suffocated him, drowning their voices until they disappeared. He was sinking into the ground, and then he fell, plummeting downward through tunnels of darkness until he landed with a thud in a dirty puddle, no stars here; it reeked of the underground.
A tall man with a face shielded by a black hat turned to look at Levi, lying in the muck, but he shook his head and walked away, until Levi could see him no more.
The puddle enveloped him like a blanket, and there was a woman in a white dress standing over him. Her black hair flowed down her back like rainfall on a window on a moonless night, and her cold gray eyes looked down on him lovingly. She brushed lank hair out of his face with pale fingers.
“Mother?” he croaked.
“Shhhh Levi, you’re safe now.” her voice was soothing, and he believed her, he let his eyes close, and darkness settled over him.
He wanted to stay there forever, but voices started to plague him again.
“Let me rest, please,” he begged.
“Levi. You must not regret your decision,” and there were blue eyes looking at him from the shadows again.
“Erwin…” he whispered.
“Do not regret. Fulfil your promise.”
“I’m so tired Erwin…” Levi protested. He wished that the blue eyes would close and leave him be. The woman in the white dress was still there, but she too, was fading, her hands translucent and eyes empty.
“No, don’t go!” he begged.
She grasped his hand one more time, and then disappeared into the shadows.
“Remember your promise,” said Erwin, but it wasn’t Erwin’s voice. Armin Arlert looked at him with sincerity in the mist, “Please stay with us Captain!”
“Please…” but he wasn’t sure whose voice it was pleading with him now.
“I promised…. I remember….” whispered Levi, and then he sank into shadows, many voices still echoing in their tendrils of mist around him, utterly incomprehensible.
The snow stopped falling after two days, but it showed no sign of melting. The scouts were trapped here until they could find a way to clear a path to the road, which was still several miles to the west of their isolated location.
Hange was getting increasingly more worried about Levi. He had been drifting in and out of consciousness, and the fever, like the snow, showed no signs of abating. Mikasa had been clever with the steam; when his breathing became too laboured, they brought a basin of boiling water to his face, and it seemed to instill a temporary respite to his pained struggle.
But he also wasn’t getting any better. Hange worried that he would need stronger medicine than whatever meager supplies they had here at the cabin; honey and hot water could only do so much. But in this snow, it would be impossible to go in search of anything.
Hange cooled Levi’s burning forehead with the wet cloth, listening to the erratic rise and fall of his chest with concern.
“You should get some rest,” said Armin, entering the room softly behind them. “I can stay with him for awhile.”
Hange nodded, knowing he was right. They didn’t like the thought of leaving him, but they felt their eyelids drooping heavily. They stood and stretched, then went to the bed they had set up down the hall. “Wake me if there’s any change.”
When Hange left, Armin sat down by the Captain’s side. His face was pale, his cheeks hollow and his dark hair dull and plastered to his face by sweat. A few incomprehensible words danced on his parched lips.
Armin felt an overwhelming sense of guilt as he looked at his sick captain. This is my fault. If only I had been able to transform properly, he wouldn’t have needed to give me his cloak. Better still, if I had died instead of Erwin. Erwin was a colossal human, even without the titan ability. I am nothing…
“No… don’t go…” whispered Levi feverishly in his sleep.
Armin inhaled sharply. “I’m right here Captain!”
“Erwin… no… let me rest, please…” his face twisted with grief and anguish, “can I go? The promise… I can’t…”
Armin’s eyes widened in alarm. He grasped Levi’s frail, sweaty hand in his own. “Please, stay with us captain, please!” begged Armin. He wrung out the cloth and dampened it again in the cold water, placing it on Levi’s burning forehead.
“I promised… I remember…” whispered Levi, coughing weakly in his sleep.
Armin heard the door open gently behind him as someone else walked into the room. He turned around, surprised to see that it was Eren.
“How is he?” he asked, still hovering in the doorway.
“Not good,” Armin shook his head.
Eren looked down at the ground and slowly walked over to lean on the edge of the table by the bed.
“Eren,” began Armin in a quiet voice. “Why couldn’t I transform?” A faint tremor of despair had crept up into his gentle tone.
Eren shook his head uneasily. He knew Armin would ask him this question. It was part of the reason why he had been avoiding the others this whole time. The strange sensation he had felt when he touched Queen Historia’s hand- well, he couldn’t shake the heavy weight of this immense secret he carried. He couldn’t shake the guilt, for being partially responsible for Commander Erwin’s death, and the legacy that Armin now had to fulfil. All he had wanted was to see the ocean, but this? I can see how tormented he is, the amount of anguish this is causing him, and it’s all my fault.
Eren hadn’t wanted to watch the experiment. He didn’t want to watch his friend suffer like that, a suffering that he knew all too well.
When Eren didn’t answer Armin’s feeble question, he sighed in resignation and looked away. It seemed even his best friend had lost faith in him.
The two boys were so wrapped up in their own thoughts that they nearly didn’t notice how quiet Levi had become
Eren noticed first. “Wait, Armin, something’s wrong.”
Armin shot up in alarm. Levi’s chest had stopped rising and falling, and the familiar pained breaths were silent.
“Captain Levi!” shouted Armin, shaking the captain’s frail body.
“I’ll get Hange!” said Eren, running out the door.
“Please hurry!” said Armin.
Armin lifted Levi, rubbing between his shoulder-blades vigorously. His skin was still emanating dangerous amounts of heat, which in this moment was actually a good thing, because it meant his body was still trying to fight, trying to live…
“Please Captain Levi,” begged Armin as he rubbed up and down, willing the breath to come back into his lungs.
The door banged open and Hange sprinted over to the bed. “Good Armin, keep rubbing. Levi!” they cried urgently, placing two fingers on Levi’s neck, where a very weak pulse was thankfully still fluttering. His lips were starting to turn blue.
Eren came into the room, carrying a steaming kettle. He poured it into the basin and handed it to Hange, who lifted it in front of Levi’s face.
Armin could feel the heartbeat weakening under his fingers, almost to nothing. A few tense moments followed, and then they all nearly jumped up in alarm as Levi gasped and coughed. He struggled for breath as his whole frame shook, but Armin lowered his shoulders with relief. That was close, too close.
Hange shook their head solemnly, reapplying the cold cloth to Levi’s forehead. “He’s not getting any better and there’s not much I can do for him without some stronger medicine.”
“But we’re trapped here…” said Eren.
Hange furrowed their brow quizzically. “Your father was a doctor wasn’t he Eren? Do you have any idea what he would have used to treat something like this?”
Eren thought for a moment and shook his head. “My father didn’t tell me much about what he did-he made all his medicines down in the cellar, where I wasn’t allowed. I think he planned to teach me one day, but he never got a chance…”
Think! Armin, Think, he begged himself. You can’t let the captain die. If he dies it's your fault. There has to be a way we can clear that snow and find him some medicine…?
He stood up suddenly, an idea forming in his mind.
“What is it?” Asked Eren.
“That’s the face of someone who’s just come up with a hypothesis,” remarked Hange observantly.  
“We need a way to clear the snow so we can somehow get to a doctor or an apothecary…” began Armin, “and we know that titan steam can melt it, so what if I transform into a titan, clear the way enough for someone to make it to the main road, and from there ride to the nearest town where there’s bound to be someone that has what we need!”
“A brilliant idea Armin!” replied Hange excitedly, “But can you do it?”
“There’s also the risk that someone could see us, we don’t want to alarm civilians,” pointed out Eren,
Armin added, “that’s why it would be better to just get the medicine directly from them rather than bridging a doctor here- we don’t want too many people asking how on earth we cleared the snow away- you know what he needs right Hange?”
“More or less,” Hange agreed.
Armin continued, addressing Eren. “You and Mikasa will spot me as I transform, and cut me out and bring me back here while someone-probably Sasha because she knows the terrain around here the best- rides on.”
“But what if it’s too hot to get close?” wondered Eren.
“Then you can transform too, and take me down.”
Eren sighed, looking slightly uncomfortable, but then he nodded. “Okay.”
“Hmmm,” said Hange, “It’s risky, but…” they looked gravely at Levi’s shuddering form beside them, “I don’t think we have a choice.”
Eren stayed with Levi while Armin and Hange went downstairs to brief the others. The plan was this: Armin would transform and clear away the snow, and Mikasa and Eren would follow at a safe distance to retrieve Armin when he had finished.
Sasha and Connie would ride to the nearest village with a note carrying written instructions from Hange, to be shown to the closest doctor they could find. Trost would be ideal, but it was too far to ride quickly on the icy roads. Hange would have gone themself, but they didn’t dare leave Levi’s side now.
Jean sat with Levi while Hange went to the roof with Armin, Mikasa and Eren to execute the plan.
Armin didn’t feel nervous for once. He was ready to repay Captain Levi for saving his life back in Shiganshina. He would make them all proud. He would honor Erwin’s memory.
“Are you ready?” asked Hange.
Armin nodded.
“Remember to jump outwards so that the house doesn’t catch on fire,” they reminded him.
Right, don’t screw this up.
He took a deep breath, and leapt off the roof, slitting his palm with a knife. Electricity rippled through his body, and suddenly he was very tall. He looked down and could see snow down below, melting at his feet.
“Armin!” someone shouted. “Get away from the house!”
Dazed, he turned around, seeing Hange, Eren and Mikasa standing on top of the roof, edging away nervously.
What am I doing? Confusion clouded his mind. It's so hot in here…
“Armin! Go! You have to save Captain Levi!” shouted Connie from the stable. Armin looked down at Connie and Sasha, edging cautiously backwards, horses stamping impatiently. That’s right, I need to clear the way so they can go and find medicine for the Captain.
Armin shook away the fog and stepped forward, surprised at the heavy thud his feet made when they hit the ground, snow sizzling upon impact. I have to save Captain Levi. That thought propelled him forward as he plowed through the deep snow, the path clearing as he went.
“Good, it’s working!” Called Hange. “Sasha, Connie! Make sure you wait until we retrieve Armin before you ride!”
“Yes Commander!” shouted Sasha.
“Eren, Mikasa, now it’s your turn!” said Hange, turning to the two scouts beside them on the rooftop.
“On it!” Said Eren, breaking into a run and biting his hand as he jumped off the roof.
As he transformed down below, Mikasa leapt onto his shoulder with her ODM gear engaged.
Mikasa observed Armin’s colossal making its way through the trees. It was still much smaller than Berthold’s titan, smaller even than Eren as he pounded through the melted snow after him. Despite its size though, it was accomplishing what it meant to.
They followed at a safe distance for about ten minutes. Please let no one be on the road, thought Mikasa, anxiety thrumming in her chest. This was not a sight that she wanted just anyone to see.
“Eren, we’re getting close,” warned Mikasa.
Eren grunted in reply, and he sped up behind Armin.
Armin seemed to be aware of his surroundings, because Mikasa heard a loud crash up ahead as the colossal titan sank to its knees.
Mikasa sprinted off of Eren’s shoulder and zoomed ahead to scout out the road. Armin’s titan body had collapsed, steaming in the snow, and the road, still snowy but clear enough to ride stretched south toward Trost. No one else was in sight, so Mikasa breathed a sigh of relief as she assessed whether or not it was safe enough yet to retrieve Armin from the carcass.
The steam was too thick for her to see anything though. “Eren!” she shouted. “I need your help!”
Eren rumbled towards them and reached his hand into the steaming body, pulling Armin out, cradling his in the giant hand. The body immediately disintegrated, leaving more steam behind.
“Quick!” said Mikasa. “We need to get out of sight before anyone sees us!”
She leapt onto Eren’s shoulder and they sprinted back to the house, Armin lying unconscious in Eren’s arms.
When Hange saw them returning, they called down to Sasha and Connie. “Go! Hurry and come back as soon as you can!”
“Yes Commander!” They both shouted in unison, and galloped away down the path that Armin had cleared.
Mikasa leapt onto the ground, and Eren gently placed Armin down. Hange joined her and they carried him between them inside to give Eren enough space to transform back again. Mikasa was about to go back outside and help Eren in, but he stumbled in on his own, and immediately collapsed into a chair by the fire.
Armin’s eyes fluttered open where he sat in the other chair where Hange and Mikasa had set him down.
“Did I do it?” he asked feebly.
Hange knelt down in front of him. “Yes! You’re a hero Armin! Erwin would be proud.”
At this Armin could no longer control himself; he shuddered and tears fell from his eyes.
“Armin,” began Eren.
“No, I’m okay,” he stuttered. “I’m just so relieved!” He glanced at the staircase. “I just hope we’re not too late…”
Hange and Mikasa shooed Eren and Armin to bed to rest, and then Hange went to relieve Jean.
“You look like you could use some rest too,” said Mikasa, noticing the lines of exhaustion tracing Hange’s good eye.
Hange shook their head stubbornly. “No, I’ll stay with Levi until Sasha and Connie come back.”
Mikasa didn’t argue.
Jean and Mikasa tried to keep themselves busy, taking turns on lookout duty. Mikasa couldn't focus though, no matter what mindless task around the house she assigned herself. Levi would almost be proud at how tidy the place looked. Too restless to think anymore, she filled two teacups and went out to sit with Jean in the watchtower. She climbed up and sat beside him in the cold as they both stared out over the muddy, mangled path that Armin had plowed through what had been deep snow earlier that morning.
“Thanks,” muttered Jean, taking the cup gratefully from her in his shivering hands.
They sipped their tea, eyes fixed on the horizon for any sign of Sasha or Connie coming back, tension in the air as the time trickled by slowly.  
“It’s weird seeing the captain this vulnerable,” said Jean absentmindedly. “He’s humanity’s strongest soldier you know? Something about seeing him like this just feels...wrong.”
Mikasa only nodded in reply. He spoke exactly what she felt.
“What will we do if he dies?” Continued Jean. “I mean, we need him. He can’t die!” she could hear the panic creeping into his voice.
Mikasa had no answer for that. She said instead. “I can take over lookout duty for now, you should go inside and get warm.”
He nodded grimly, “Maybe I can finally convince Hange to take a break.” He left, taking his empty teacup with him and leaving Mikasa alone in the tower. She stared into the gray abyss of broken trees, trying not to imagine the worst.
Hange was exhausted, but they refused to give in to sleep. Levi needed them now more than ever. The fever refused to drop and his breathing became weaker and weaker as the minutes ticked by.
“You can’t leave me Levi,” they whispered, grabbing his pale hand. “These kids need you, the world needs you, I need you. ”
They bent their head down and didn’t try to stop the subtle tears that fell from their eyes. Levi shivered weakly in his sleep. Hange moved their hand up to his chest, so they could feel the fluttering of his heartbeat under their touch. It was so weak, like a baby bird, so they cradled it there, willing it to stay and learn to fly.
There was a small bird chirping in the mist. Levi followed the sound of its voice and saw it on the damp ground, wings too small and weak to fly, crying out in a terrified high-pitched chirp.
He sank to his knees beside it. Isabel would have tried to save you… but it seems all I can do is die with you...
He lay down on the cold ground, letting the mist cover him.
He heard someone calling his name.
No...be quiet. I’m tired, just let me sleep please…
He closed his eyes and saw many faces beckoning to him. They were speaking but he couldn’t hear them. Isabel and Farlan waved to him. “Come with us!” they seemed to say. Oluo, El and Gunther called to him, but they were too far away for him to hear, and then there was Petra, smiling reassuringly.
“I can’t hear you!” he protested. The woman in the white dress from before, Kuchel Ackerman, reached out her hand, and he tried to grasp it, but there were Erwin’s hard, blue eyes, shaking his head.
“I need you,” said someone’s voice.
Levi tried to ignore it. He blinked and shook his head. Petra and the others were walking further away from him now.
“No! Take me with you!” he begged, but the mist stifled his voice, and no noise reached them.
The woman in white still beckoned to him, but her shape was blurry; he couldn’t see her face anymore.
“Remember your promise,” echoed Erwin’s voice.
“But Erwin, I can’t…. I’m too tired… Please! Take me with you!” He begged his mother, protesting Erwin’s last orders that rang in his ears even through the sifling mist. But Kuchel drifted back, out of sight, and the mist thickened, leaving him in shadows, the bird still chirping weakly beside him.
Mikasa shivered in the watchtower, her eyelids drooping. Please hurry, she silently willed, eyes fixed on the horizon. It was almost nightfall now, and the dusk glare cast a dusty glow on the path of mud, snow and broken trees. She considered going inside to wake up Eren or Armin to relieve her, or Jean. No, I have to stay, I have to keep watching. She knew despite her exhaustion she wouldn’t be able to sleep, so she stiffened her jaw and looked forward, eyes peeled for any movement on the darkening horizon.
Jean opened the door to Levi’s room gently, careful not to make too much noise. Hange had fallen asleep next to him, one hand lying on his chest. Jean could see it gently rising and falling, which brought momentary relief. He thought about waking Hange, but they looked so peaceful there, he figured it was better to leave them be.
Levi’s face was gray like shadows in the snow, and he coughed weakly in his sleep. Jean quietly tiptoed over to the bed and replaced the cloth on his forehead, careful not to wake the sleeping commander. He exited the room and peeked in at Eren and Armin who were both still fast asleep, before going downstairs to start another kettle. As he was filling it with snow from outside, he heard Mikasa shout.
“I can see them! They’re coming down the road!” The shaky desperation in her voice was apparent as she looked at Jean by the door. He almost dropped the kettle in relief. Finally.
Hange woke upon hearing Mikasa’s shout from outside. They sat up, surprised that they had fallen asleep, hand still across Levi’s chest that shuddered under their touch. Are they back? They stood up frantically and peeked out the door.
Jean was standing at the bottom of the stairs, halfway in the door, and Armin and Eren must have woken with the noise, because they both blinked drowsily into the hallway, observing intently.
“Mikasa spotted them!” said Jean. “They’re almost here!”
Hange breathed a sigh of relief and glanced back into the room at Levi’s sleeping form. “Just hold on a little longer,” they whispered.
Sasha and Connie leaped off their horses with urgency, not even bothering to take them to the stable before going inside. Sasha reached protectively into the satchel on her back, its precious contents bundled in her scarf. She and Connie had ridden without stopping until they came across a village. They knocked urgently at every door until someone could direct them to a doctor.
A grey-eyed man with foggy glasses opened the door, looking at the two of them with confusion. “Dr. Friedman?” asked Connie politely.
“Yes?” he said, raising an eyebrow.
“We are here on urgent military business, here is a notice from our commander,” said Sasha quickly. She thrust Hange’s note into the doctor’s hands.
“I suppose you’d better come in,” he said, ushering them inside.
They lingered just beyond the doorway while the doctor’s watery eyes scanned Hange’s instructions.
“I see,” he said, looking up at them gravely when he had finished.
Sasha and Connie both returned his glance, desperate and unblinking.
“So, it sounds like it is a quite serious chest infection, high fever, difficulty breathing, yes?” mused the doctor, walking over to a cupboard and taking out some bottles and a scale.
“Yes sir,” said Connie, shuffling his feet on the floor.
Sasha fidgeted with her hands behind her back. Please hurry.
After what felt like an eternity later, the doctor pressed a bottle of something into her trembling hands, along with a written note for Hange.
Connie hastily paid him and muttered his thanks.
Sasha nodded clumsily in gratitude, and they rode off quickly, Dr. Friedman watching them go with his brow furrowed. He was silently wondering why on earth the instructions in the Commander’s notice had said no doctor was to come to their location, only to send medicine. No matter, he thought, going back inside.
Now Sasha and Connie blundered into the house, not even stopping to remove their cloaks as they trundled up the stairs, meeting Hange in the entrance to Levi’s room.  
“Good work you two,” said Hange, taking the bottle gingerly from Sasha. They lingered anxiously in the doorway as the one-eyed commander scanned the instructions scrawled on the note. They nodded and went over to Levi’s side.
“Can one of you get me some water?” asked Hange, opening the bottle and looking inside.
Sasha muttered a hurried, “yes sir,” before sprinting downstairs and returning speedily with a cup of cold water. Jean entered the room behind her, with the kettle that had just boiled. Mikasa, having abandoned her post in the watchtower, hovered outside in the hallway, joined by Eren and Armin, still in their nightclothes.
Hange gently lifted Levi from the pillows so he was sitting semi-upright. “Jean, can you hold his nostrils shut?”
Jean pinched Levi’s nose while Hange cautiously measured some of the tonic into the lid of the bottle and poured it into Levi’s mouth. They gave him some water to ensure that it went down. His chest shook slightly, but he was too weak to cough, of which Hange was glad for once, because it meant that the medicine had a chance to enter his body.
“Hopefully this will bring the fever down, and clear the infection,” said Hange after they had laid his head back on the pillows, keeping him upright so that he could breathe more easily.
“Now what?” asked Connie, still standing in the doorway.
“Now we wait to see if it takes effect,” Hange replied in a whisper, brushing some of Levi’s damp hair back from his forehead.
Hange was so exhausted that they almost didn’t notice Jean’s steady hand on their shoulder. “Commander Hange, you should really get some rest, we can look after him.”
Hange glanced backwards to see all of the scouts standing in the doorway, worry etched deep on all of their faces. They smiled slightly. If Levi ever finds out that this many people were in his room at once, watching him sleep…. Well who says I ever have to tell him?
“Okay,” they said, standing and walking towards the door. Jean had already replaced them at the bedside, cooling Levi’s forehead again.
“Thank you, all of you for your help. I know the Captain will be deeply grateful when he wakes up. He likes to pretend like he doesn’t need anyone, but I know him better than that. He needs all of us, just as much as we need him…” Hange trailed off and sighed, looking once more at Levi’s sleeping form. They weren’t sure if they imagined it, but he already looked more at ease. Too tired to hear the scouts bashfully respond to them, Commander Hange walked to their bed, with limbs heavy, and was asleep within minutes.
By the next morning, Levi’s fever had dropped a considerable amount, and his breathing seemed to become less labored. The medicine thankfully seemed to be taking effect.
The scouts worked diligently to clean up the house the next day, ensuring that every corner, every surface, and anything beyond was tidy and spotless. They kept the kettle boiling, fire roaring and lookout manned. They would be fine.
The snow outside also started to melt on its own, signalling that Hange would have no choice but to return to HQ soon. They had already been away for far too long, and they had accomplished what they had come here to do, though not necessarily in the way that they expected. Knowing this, they decided to depart the next morning, after they were sure that Levi was really on the road to recovery. It made them uneasy, leaving Levi before he had regained consciousness, but they also felt reassured that he was in good hands.
Levi’s eyes fluttered open slowly. He felt warm, a heavy blanket on top of him. He stared upwards into shocked blue eyes. Erwin…? But then he blinked. No, it was Armin, who looked at him wide-eyed with an expression of pure relief.
“Captain! You’re awake!” he exclaimed, and placed a cold hand on Levi’s forehead.
“What are you doing?” he coughed, trying to sit up.
Armin pulled his hand away, breathing with a sigh of relief. “Fever is gone. You really scared us Captain!”
Levi groaned, sinking back down into the pillows. “What happened?”
“You had a fever sir,” stuttered Armin, “you were unconscious for about four days, we were really worried!”
Unconscious for four days? He thought in alarm.
He was aware of the door creaking open softly, and Hange entered the room, beaming. “I thought I heard right!” They exclaimed, rushing towards the bed and ensnaring Levi in a crippling hug. They broke away, muttering apologies when he started coughing again, his chest still echoing with the hollow sound, but no longer gasping for breath like he had been.
Hange felt his forehead just as Armin had done and smiled to feel that it had indeed cooled to a normal temperature.
“How are you feeling?” asked Armin gently.
Levi closed his eyes tightly for a second, opening them slowly. “Better now that you’re not crushing me anymore.” His voice was still hoarse. The fever had broken, but he was far from well. His face was pale and drawn, and his eyes were glassy and distant, carrying more shadows than they had before.
“You have Armin to thank for saving your life!” said Hange.
Armin shifted his eyes to the floor, looking embarrassed. “Well I…”
“Come on, give yourself some credit!” said Hange, slapping him on the shoulder with a little too much force.
“Oh…?” replied Levi, raising an eyebrow weakly.
“He transformed and melted all the snow so we were able to find you some medicine,” said Hange.
Levi widened his eyes as much as the strain in his head would allow, impressed. “Thank you Armin, it seems I owe you a great deal.”
“It wasn’t just me,” protested Armin. “Commander Hange rarely left your side, Sasha and Connie were the ones who ran to get the medicine, Eren and Mikasa retrieved me, and Jean made sure you stayed alive while we were gone: we all helped each other. You don’t owe me anything Captain. We’re a squad and that’s what we do. We need each other; at least, I couldn’t have done it alone.” Armin averted his eyes after his outburst of sincerity.
Levi nodded in cool agreement. “It seems I chose my squad well. Erwin would be proud.”
“I’m heading back to HQ in the morning,” said Hange, “but I feel better leaving, knowing you’re in very good hands.” They smiled at Armin.
Armin looked down at the floor again, not sure if he should believe the captain’s, or the commander’s words.
Levi shuddered and coughed again, wondering why he was still so tired if he had really been asleep for four days as Armin had said.
“We should let you rest,” said Hange softly, noticing his eyelids begin to droop with heaviness.
Too exhausted and weak to reply, Levi allowed himself to sink down onto the pillows, and within seconds, he was asleep. Hange adjusted the blankets once more before they quietly left the room with Armin.
Levi slept most of the next day, consistently and without strange dreams this time. Hange peeked in briefly before they left, careful not to wake him. They hadn’t ever seen Levi sleep this soundly before. However quiet they tried to be though, he still blinked awake and said hoarsely, “where are you going?”
Even when he’s sick he’s still the world’s lightest sleeper…
“I have to go back to HQ now,” Hange said. “I’ve already been away too long, and the snow is clearing, so I don’t really have an excuse anymore.”
“Good,” grunted Levi, “I’m starting to feel like one of your experiments.”
Hange laughed. “You’ll be in good hands here, try not to miss me too much.”
He nodded and then coughed. “Seriously though, Thank you Hange. I really do appreciate it.”
Their good eye widened. “What’s that? Captain Levi expressing his appreciation for me ? Do you have a fever again?” They felt his forehead just to be sure, grinning sideways when it was revealed to be cool and dry.
He shrugged weakly. “Armin was right, maybe we do all need each other.”
Hange smiled at that and said, “No cleaning when I’m gone, no training, no unnecessary exertion- you’re still very weak so I’m ordering you to stay in bed and let the squad take care of you.”
He rolled his eyes slightly, but muttered a quiet, “yes commander,” so Hange was able to leave satisfied.
The medicine and instructions were left on the bedside table for the scouts to administer. They all waved to Hange as they rode away down the muddy path through the broken trees.
Sometime in the evening the day Hange left, there was a soft knock on Levi’s door. He grunted, waking up slowly and sitting up, still a little shaky.
Mikasa came in with a steaming bowl that she set down on the table. “I brought you some food,” she said. “I mean- I don’t know if you’re hungry but you should probably eat something.”
“Thank you,” he said hoarsely, starting to try to get out of bed, but his muscles wouldn’t obey, and he laid back down, feeling drained as if he had just faced a titan headlong. Where is all my energy? I’m supposed to be humanity’s strongest soldier, but I can barely even lift my head.
“It’s ok,” reassured Mikasa, “Don’t try to get up. You’ve been very sick sir, so it’ll be awhile before you can get your strength back.”
Levi avoided her eyes as she brought the bowl closer to him. He tried to take it from her, but she withdrew when she noticed his hands trembling. “I’d better do it,” she said in a soothing voice.
Utterly defeated by the humiliation that he was too weak to even lift his hand to eat, he allowed Mikasa to feed him the warm broth. He wasn’t aware of it tasting like anything, but he could feel it warming his body and soothing the tremors in his chest.
He wanted to stop halfway through the bowl, but Mikasa looked at him sternly and made him finish the rest, “The only way you’ll get stronger is if you eat.”
The soup made him feel warm and sleepy. Mikasa’s face was blurring before his eyes. “Rest now sir,” she said, drawing the blanket up to cover him, but he didn’t hear her; he had already closed his eyes and sunk into sleep.
Levi woke the next day to dim light coming through his icy window panes. The soft glow came from the west, signalling that it was sunset. Did I really sleep all day?
He gingerly climbed out of bed. His muscles screamed in protest, and he still coughed roughly as he stood. Hange had ordered him to stay in bed, yes, but his body was stiff and achy, not from the feverish chill in his body anymore, but from lying in bed for 5 days straight.
Shakily, he put a clean shirt on and wrapped a thin blanket around his shoulders. He didn’t know where his jacket was and he didn’t have the energy to look for it. The house was still cold, but he was certain now that this was from the frost on the windows, and not from fever.
He stumbled out of the room, holding on to the wall for support.
“Captain, what are you doing!” Exclaimed Sasha from behind him.
He turned his face to see her eyes, wide-eyed with concern.
He coughed, “I need to get out of that room, I need some air.”
She was next to him in an instant, offering her arm for support, which he reluctantly took. “Commander Hange said-”
“Don’t worry, I won’t try to clean or do anything strenuous, I just want to go downstairs,” he croaked.
Sasha looked uneasy, “but Captain Levi…”
He narrowed his eyes at her and she nodded, allowing her to take hold of his shoulders and help him downstairs.
Levi almost gasped out loud when he saw the downstairs. His eyes widened in surprise. “What...it’s completely spotless!” Every surface had been dusted, cleaned and polished.
Sashsa blushed… “Er, we cleaned a bit while you were asleep.”
Levi allowed her to guide him into the kitchen, which was immaculately clean, not a smudge nor crumb in sight. A pot of soup boiled invitingly on the stove. He actually admitted that he found himself hungry, unlike yesterday when he had forced himself to eat to appease Mikasa.
The others were milling around the kitchen, setting the table and getting ready to eat together.
“Captain Levi!” They all shouted in unison.
“Enough already,” he grumbled, as Sasha helped him into a chair. “You can’t be that happy to see me.”
“Sir, shouldn’t you still be in bed?” asked Armin nervously.
“You still look a bit pale…” remarked Mikasa. She also noticed that he had visibly lost weight. His clothes hung loosely around his shoulders and his cheeks were hollow on his face, dark circles etched deeply below his eyes.
Levi glared at them both, “So? What is it to you?”
Well at least he has his attitude back, that’s a good sign, thought Eren.
Sasha poured him a bowl of soup and set it down in front of him. He nodded to her gratefully, trying to stifle the slight shaking in his hands as he lifted the spoon. Damn it, I can do this myself... His efforts weren’t enough to completely hide his struggle though, based on the expression of concern that they were all shooting in his direction. He ignored them and instead took another look around the room intently. “I have to say, I am impressed, I’ve never seen it this clean in here; I couldn’t have done a better job myself.”
They all widened their eyes and ate their soup, too shocked that Captain Levi was complimenting them to actually say anything. “Th-thank you Captain?” said Jean hesitantly.
They all stared nervously around the table, and it was Sasha who finally broke the silence. “We were just so worried about you sir!”
“We thought you were going to die!” added Armin.
“Uh yeah… it was really unsettling having you out of commission,” said Jean.  
“Please never scare us like that again Sir!” cried Mikasa.
Eren didn’t say anything but nodded vigorously in agreement, his green eyes directed across the table with determined intensity.
“Relax, it’ll take more than a stupid cough to kill me,” said Levi, ending his sentence in annoyance as he actually started coughing.
He ignored their looks of concern and said, “So, did anything interesting happen while I was asleep? I mean, besides Armin turning into a titan and Eren not being a sulky teen anymore and ignoring the rest of us.”
Eren scowled. Sasha giggled softly and Armin and Mikasa both averted their eyes.
“Pretty much sums it up sir…” said Jean, clearly trying not to laugh.
Just at that moment, the door opened with a gust of chilly air and Connie trundled in from the watchtower. He hung his cloak and said, without turning around, “Eren it’s your turn on lookout!”
He walked into the kitchen and broke into a huge smile when he saw Levi. “Captain!” He exclaimed, “Welcome back!”
“Thank you Connie,” he replied, his voice husky.
Eren stood up, eyes downcast and went to take up his post outside. Okay nevermind, he’s as moody as always.
Levi tried to help them clear away the dishes after they were all done eating, but Mikasa firmly stopped him. “Sorry sir, but Hange strictly ordered us not to let you clean.”
“Did they now…?” he sighed. There was no point fighting back over a few dishes, besides, he didn’t have the energy anyway.
Instead, he succumbed to sitting in front of the fire, subtly watching them clean up. He could hear Sasha and Connie splashing dishwater at each other, Jean complaining when it accidentally struck him, and Armin’s light footfalls as he swept the floor, Mikasa’s hands wiping down the table in smooth, polished motions…
The noises were comforting; the sound of their laughter and rhythmic working brought a warm feeling into his chest.
Someone brought him a cup of tea, but his eyes were already starting to become heavy. “Thank you,” he murmured, smiling slightly, and then feeling warm and content, he allowed himself to rest.
“I’ve never seen him look this relaxed!” whispered Mikasa, who had put down the teacup.
“Shhhh,” said Armin, covering him gently with a blanket.
They diminished into the kitchen, leaving him there with a peaceful expression on his face.
Levi slept soundly and dreamed of snow, but this time no blue-eyed shadows followed him, and he was able to watch glittering white flakes dance, laughing peacefully as they fell.
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peanutdoodler · 3 years
last toh s2 thoughts
-Love this eda design, I wonder whose flash back or perspective this is from. I think it’s from King’s perspective. Her hair is still red and it’s much shorter and owl looking. The character is also short and low to the ground so I’m fairly confident in that.
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-hmmm? Maybe that’s eda’s mom yelling at Lilith (she’s the eldest and maybe was given higher expectations), or her parents are fighting. The silhouette Is very similar to eda’s though
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-I think this is from episode 2 because of Luz’s tore uniform and the abomination coming after her.
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-belos destroying another staff
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-Lilith’s (inevitable) transformation into an owl beast
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-looks like another new character, very interesting cloak design (I wonder if it’s from episode 2 or 3)
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-Belos had made a new key for the door
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-the door looks almost finished, and belos has his mask off here, with sandy blonde hair(?)(similar to the spy’s hair. I wonder if their related or if it’s a complete coincidence. Also notice no witch ears are shown here. I know we can’t fully see his face but I think this is further prove of the belos human theory)
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-the spy now has king. I wonder which episode this is. I think it’s probably episode 3.
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That’s it, all my thoughts from watching season 2 trailer all the way through a 2nd time. I’m super excited, this is literally fro like the first 5 episodes and we’re already getting so many new characters, locations, mysteries and maybe answers. These were stream of conscious.
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Game of Thrones - 50 ARYA IV (pages 511-522)
Syrio Forel's lesson on seeing the truth despite what you're told is interrupted by Lannister men and Arya has to run the gauntlet of trauma, her first kill, and escaping a Red Keep under Lockdown.
"Hear me. The ships of Braavos sail as far as the winds blow, to lands strange and wonderful, and when they return their captains fetch queer animals to the Sealord's menagerie. Such animals as you have never seen, striped horses, great spotted things with necks as long as stilts, hairy mouse-pigs as big as cows, stinging manticores, tigers that carry their cubs in a pouch, terrible walking lizards with scythes for claws. Syrio Forel has seen all these things.
"oh nice, let's see... zebra, questing beast giraffe, what is that? like a hippo? manticores? like legit manticores? tigers that- terrible liz-
Screw the Jon Snow sequel spin off, gimme the zoo keepers of Braavos. NOW!!! (Tazzy Tigers and 'Raptors, gimmegimmegimme!!!)
ahem, I'm fine.
Lannister Guardsmen: haha! we are shielded from piercing damage! Syrio: not in your eyeball, and besides *+1,000 Bludgeoning Damage Buff*
Hang on, I just need a second to be envious that GRRM can write action scenes. ... Okay, now I need a second to appreciate how badass Syrio is... And now we're going to talk about this is how you do group fights! Hey, all y'all who've ever been given a sin on cinema sins for 'everyone attacks one at a time' this ^ Yes! Move your protag! Y'all ever played... what do they call it? chain tag? every time you tag a person, instead of them become 'it' they link hands and you're both 'it' and the team grows with each tag? If you've ever played you know exactly how hard it is to attack at the same time when the target is moving. Often when the 'sin' pops up in movies, the protag/target isn't even moving very much, but this? good stuff!
She pretended she was chasing cats... except she was the cat now, and if they caught her, they would kill her. ... A dozen gold cloaks in mail and plate ran past as she was edging across the bailey, but without knowing whose side they were on, she hunched down low in the shadows and let them pass.
A good call, and definitely the right one. She's doing really well setting her headspace to cope, but this is going to be so much for her to deal with when she has the breathing room to actually address it. (If she ever does, is GRRM the kind of author who sweeps character trauma under the rug? uhh... hmmm...)
Close to him was a dead man in the red cloak and lion-crest helm of the Lannisters. Only one, though. Every northerner is worth ten of these southron swords, Desmond had told her. "You liar!" she said kicking his body in a sudden fury.
Oop, her coping mechanism slipped. Understandable though, given the fresh wave of trauma and the increased intensity of it all. Up to this point she still thought there was some safe harbour in teh Red Keep left to run to.
Everything Syrio Forel had ever taught her vanished in a heartbeat. In that instant of sudden terror, the only lesson Arya could remember was the one Jon Snow had given her, the very first. She stuck him with the pointy end, driving the blade upward with wild, hysterical strength.
That's probably going to be its own trauma and guilt later, not just that she killed that boy, but that she blanked on everything but 'pointy end first.' It's hardly abnormal though. The internet is full of "If it had been me in that situation, I would have" types, and every single one of them is full of shit. No one can know how they'd react to fear and terrifying situations until they're in them. She did well just to defend herself. The point of training until you can do things without thinking is to form muscle memory, which is not memory that is stored in the muscles, but setting a series of actions so deep into the memory of the brain, that the brain will auto-fill the action without you having to consciously input each step. You are creating a 'natural' reaction. But that's assuming your 5F response is Fight or that you can bypass the others to create a Fight response as priority. (The 5 Automatic and Inherent responses to fear and trauma are Fight, Flight, Freeze, Flop and Fawn/Friend)
It was the scariest thing she had ever done. She wanted to run and hide, but she made herself walk across the yard, slowly, putting one foot in front of the other as if she had all the time in the world and no reason to be afraid of anyone. She thought she could feel their eyes, like bugs crawling on her skin under her clothes.
You're doing amazing sweetie. That's it, just like driving a stolen car under the speed limit, you've got this!
This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends. Arya held the candle over her head. With each step she tool; the shadows moved against the walls, as if they were turning to watch her pass. "Dragons," she whispered.
I like that Syrio started the chapter with advice on not letting your mind cloud your senses to the truth, and Arya revisits a place that was full of warped perceptions (fear and the dark) and sees it clearly, but at the same time it doesn't totally erase that idea that there's something not necessarily alive, but awake down there.
Fear cuts deeper than swords the quiet voice inside her whispered. Suddenly Arya remembered the crypts at Winterfell. They were a lot scarier than this place, she told herself.
Mental shields back up, fear under control! Time to skedaddle.
I am going to bring up, very quickly, that Arya's only thought about Sansa in this was part of the memory of her getting frightened in the crypts, at no point did Arya think about going to rescue Sansa (or Jeyne or anyone) and this was, while not a conscious choice, definitely the right choice. Arya is a nine year old girl who can't even protect herself, who was so terrified just getting herself to safety, even if she'd thought about it, not trying to save anyone else was the best option. As far as Arya knew, everyone was dead, and even though they weren't, Arya is just not capable at this point of doing anything more than saving herself. Any attempt she might have made at rescue would have ended in almost guaranteed disaster.
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