#why am i like the saddest person alive today
ianthoni · 1 year
I found This song by lav “ From Me, the moon” and it feels like it’ll fit Ianthony.
Like a break up song from Ian’s perspective.
Aaaa this actually made me tear up omg. First of all i love this song! Its amazing. Please send me more songs like that omg.
And the lyrics oh the lyrics 😭😭😭
Tell me if the years are all gone
Is the Moon still in love with the Sun?
Knowing Anthony thinks of Ian as the sun that's a perfect metafor for them. Asking Anthony if the love is still there. Or their 17/18 years of friendship is gone to waste.
Do you still keep count of my sins?
Will your heart ever forgive my skin?
Before Anthony left Smosh all he did was counting Ian's sins, wrong doings in this case. Because he wasn't feeling that friendship anymore, he was only seeing Ian like a bad person. Ian probably eat himself alive every day after Anthony left. Thinking he's the one doing something wrong. That's why he was waiting for Anthony to forgive him. Waiting for his heart to melt and love him again.
How many more first kisses?
Are you gonna watch me pick up the pieces?
I know you miss the furrow in my brow
And I could be in your arms now
After Anthony Ian found new cast members every year. Making the crew bigger and bigger. But it was not the same. Not without Anthony. We could literally see him going quieter and quieter every single video. But he knows Anthony misses him too. He shows it with tweets and comments he left randomly. He wants Ian back too. And Ian says if you take a step we could be together now. We could try again.
And how do I win?
To the first boy who lit me a flame
Does your heart still remember my name?
Aaaa the saddest part for me is this. The implication of Anthony being Ian's first love. Anthony is the first person to light a flame in Ian's heart. He's the first person to make him laugh, make him love, make him the Ian today. His first friend, first love. He's asking how he could get him back again. How could he win him back. And asking the real question. Does your heart still remember me? Or am I forgotten? Is it the end for us?
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maybellecc · 2 months
Choose to be happy.
Last night was tough, mood swings and I felt like I'm in my lowest point of my life again. Iniyak ko lang lahat.
Today is Vianna's birthday. I'm happy coz she's now 4 y.o. Very smart kiddo like her Auntie Bei bei.
I'm browsing some photos on my Instagram Account. OMG, I regretted doing that. The best memories were there kumbaga my core memories.
Nasa point nanaman akong asking myself, what happened to us?. We're fine and okay, until one day hindi na. So seeing photos from years 2022 and 2023 made me feel the saddest person alive.
Maybe not smooth sailing yung 8 years but we did a lot of memorable things. Bakit hindi sapat talaga kung ano man yung nalagpasan and what we had as a couple.
Love is a choice and decision talaga. It's a commitment and unending process. No matter how big or small things you have experienced within the relationship, when the other person decided just ended what you have built together, he/she is done loving and committing.
No matter how painful, you just have to accept it.
I will not blame anyone. I will just accept things. Kasi pag hindi I will never have my own peace of mind. I'm still in the process of moving on and healing. I hope one day I will wake up in my bed and say I'm fine now.
I am hopeful that as time goes by, the Lord will reveal the answers why it happened. I will be focusing on myself and not on some negativity. I will love myself with the genuine and pure love I gave on my previous relationship. I will promise myself I will never ever be the negative and bitter person. I will always be the most loving person one could ever have.
Happy Birthday Vianna, Aunt bei got your back always. Kahit malaki ka na. I love you always.
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carronpatrick · 1 year
Y'all I just. I'm gonna post the chaos here cause why the fuck not, they can kiss my ass if they don't like it. 😘 But unlike FB and IG, I can blissfully put a read more! 😂
So basically, I've had one shit thing on top of the other and I'm literally dealing with my poor mom needing brain surgery and I just. I finally broke down to the lowest I can go before I'm in the ground and stayed there for weeks and something added on top today and uh, yeah, absolutely the fuck not.
----- This was the public post, lmao. Enjoy I guess? Idk. I have friends here who I don't have on other socials and y'all all deserve to know what's been happening... For my entire fucking life tbh. 💀 -----
❗Access to my presence is a privilege. I accept the apologies you'll never give for my own peace, even the ones that are falsely given and full of excuses and lies and blame shifting to make yourselves feel better, but your access is still denied. ✌🏼
Perhaps if me expressing my feelings feels like an attack, you should reflect on why you feel guilty and why you refuse to accept and take responsibility for your actions. Y'all always told me to grow up - maybe you should do the same.
If you have a problem with me, don't call my mother to make her cry. (Not just the one person who called today because I reacted to a crappy behavior which excuses given aren't technologically possible, this goes for all of y'all who have done that since I was a child.) You've placed family members my age and in my same relation to you on your peer level, you can do the same for me. Come to me. I'll see messages in my requests box and will gladly give my phone number.
But also don't expect the same little girl who would keep the truth hidden to keep the peace. My peace isn't worth any less than yours. The little girl who was yelled at at age 5, taken off the will, and told I was not wanted, but my half sister was so she should stay. The broken teenager who cried and cried and begged God, please, I'd do anything, take years off my life, please just to change me into someone who y'all would deem worthy of love and attention and basic human decency.
I won't air y'alls dirty laundry, and unlike you, I won't make up lies or talk behind backs in refusal of my errors and imperfections - I am a human, I am flawed. I have made plenty of mistakes and God willing, I will live to make many more! But I also accept responsibility for them and learn from them. I simply won't accept being treated like an unwanted bug anymore. And that's truly how all of you have made me feel, every day of my 30 years so far.
You took enough, you destroyed enough, you have hurt me enough. I deserve better. And the saddest thing is you don't even see that. People who I should NEVER have had to EARN LOVE FROM. People I gave ALL my love to, unconditionally, endlessly. People who I will still love until I die, and still cry and mourn the possible relationship I should have had with. I will cry when you die, but sadly only because of the missed opportunity to be a real family and the apologies I learned to forgive but never received.
I will continue to pray for all of you every night, in hopes one day you take a look in the mirror and realize how far off the path you've gotten. I truly hope you are able to fix the poisonous parts of yourselves before you have to face God. I hope in Heaven, you'll be better, and maybe we can finally have the relationship you so easily gave everyone else but refused me.
I am finished with people who refuse to even care enough to ask my side of the story. For 30 years, I've accepted that I was the ONE person who you all deemed unworthy and unwanted and not good enough and I was doing something wrong, maybe I really didn't deserve to be alive. People who would rather coddle the person who physically abused me and taught me how to sink a blade into my skin and told me to kill myself and never has nor ever will apologize or even acknowledge it happened. Maybe you all are just stupid and honestly believe it, I'm not sure. But as adults, you damn well should know better and behave better.
You almost took my life from me at 16, you have destroyed as much as you possibly could for the past 30 years - I refuse to allow you to take and destroy the rest.
I hope your lives will be as joyful and Godly and fulfilling and wonderful as mine will be, but at this point there is literally not a thing you could say to be allowed back in my life. And sadly the actions that would allow it will never be done because you guys don't have the balls to stand up and ask questions and make waves.
----- and then I sat here listening to Look What You Made Me Do by TSwift and wrote this 😂😂😂😂 -----
I'm finally just... not sitting here, forced (just to clarify, not by Mom, but by her shitty family and most of Dad's as well) to stay silent and let the horrible attacks build up internally until I go off grid for 3 weeks in a dissociation zombie state because I have to go numb to survive and I cry myself to sleep and cry when I wake up and question if they're right and I'm useless and have no talent or intelligence and shouldn't be alive.
Nah, fuck that, I absolutely do. I deserve to thrive, not just survive in fear of the next bad thing they will drop. I'm not useless. I have plenty of intelligence and I think at least a little bit of talent. Not as much as my friends and Mom think I have, but. 🤭 LOOK, I have plenty of my own demons tearing me down, I don't deserve to have them become new ones on top of the old traumas they caused.
Oh my God, I never realized how suffocating it was to be an adult with my own social media and be unable to say even 50% of what I think or how I feel for fear of 'family' causing drama and fights and fear of not being the better person. I'll be the better person tomorrow, I deserve to vent to the few people who DO give a fuck about me. (Or just vent to myself, which is also fine tbh.) I knew it was stifling and damaging but like. I guess I just pretended it wasn't as bad as it truly was.
Like, I have Tumblr - which has been the one safe place for me for the past, oh, 15 years at least - but shit, dude, I deserve to have peace all over. No more secret 'close friends' posts, I can just.... Post.... And anyone who doesn't like it can just.... Not like it or delete me or whatever... 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can sing again with the normal fears that people won't like it, not that my song choice will create a power point discussion on what I did wrong by posting it at their family vacations to the lake or whatever.
Won't cause an entire war (which, FYI, they do NOT want to wage a war with me because all my skeletons are at my table in plain view and I accept and learned from them and know I'm not less for being honest, but theirs are buried so deep it'd basically ruin their lives. Never underestimate the quiet ones you abused for years, honey. We learn to become wallflowers and we remember every dirty secret.)
But, yeah. I can just... Be myself... Don't have to defend myself or Mom (or Dad, yeah, the dead man who can't defend himself now? Yeah.) against anyone because I said 'fuck' (the HORROR! A FULLY GROWN ADULT! 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN! USING A NAUGHTY WORD! THE SHAME!), cause none of them will ever see my posts again. I can post my songs/lyrics because I don't have to worry about the bullshit guilt trip over being hurt when someone hurt me. I can post just, songs I hear and like and want to share! Funny memes! Cute animal videos! Or nothing at all! Even my silence won't be dissected!!?! 😱
I can feel my feelings and like, y'all can disagree but you won't tell me I'm wrong for feeling that? And tbh if you do, you'll be deleted cause you can disagree with my feelings or thoughts or whatever, but you have no place telling me how I involuntarily feel or think is wrong. ((Not like, I don't have all the information and have a bad take on something important like politics or something. I absolutely welcome y'all educating me, just not for my personal stuff. I'm sure the whole 2 people still reading understand what I'm saying, lmfao.))
How wild, bruh. 💀
Freedom from 'family' feels weird, lmfao. Very very good but I'm just still expecting someone to screenshot my posts and send them to the family group chat I've never been in and talk shit about me and call Mom to yell and make her upset just to injure me. I'm like a rabbit just scared to death of every twig snap still, but I'll hopefully get over it.
Nothing like righteous anger to create spite to knock you out of a depression breakdown, right? 😂
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nataliesnews · 2 years
The week that was 17.12.2022
I have been going around with my friend, Karin, the last few weeks to various Xmas concerts and bazaars. I realised why I enjoyed it so. It took me away from the horrific reality of what is happening around us.
I think one of the saddest moment was when I spoke to a friend who is very involved with all that is happening here. She and her husband have two children who have been studying in Germany and have now decided to stay there. She says she and her husband have also decided to move there and then she said, "We feel that today we have more Nazis in Israel than in Grermany." Of course that is an overstatement. But for those of here who fight for human rights and see Israel deviating further and further from the path of  morality and who feel that, though we will keep on, ....well I for one will not see a better Israel I think. I hate to say it but I can see Ben Gvir and his ilk committing atrocities which we have seen not only in Germany but in other countries.  
We had a meeting at Imbala. No, not the Imbala of South Africa but our Imbala. Basically a meeting place for those on the left. I have been looking for the meaning of the word and cannot find it so if someone can enlighten me I will be very grateful. The meeting was called to direct those of us of the demonstrations and who go out with the shepherds, etc. what to do in case of a demand to search our belongings, to leave an area which has been declared a closed army area, if we are arrested....and if once I thought that my age would keep me safe, I no longer have that feeling. And here too one of the frightening things is that we were told that this was only according to the present situation and that it could well get worse in the future. Not, again, that I feel any of us have any doubts on that subject.
I have been listening to Roger Cohen....The girl from Human street.  I would suggest that South Africans who support Israel in every way should listen to this. What struck me was something which  the South African author,    Nadine Gordiner    wrote,  that South Africans are like people picnicking in a cemetery while around them people were buried alive..    I remember being shocked when I visited the family of the only person I knew from South Africa in the  first month that I was in Israel. I was shocked at what her small children had to say....that the Arabs should be grateful for whatever we give them. These , the children of a woman, who had spoken so bitterly about apartheid and had walked in the demonstrations for the Africans. I had not....but here in Israel I was given the first intimation that those who were so bitterly against racism in South Africa could so have changed their views. The Afrikaner was one thing to them....but Jews today here in Israel  are another. Maybe they should read this book to remind them of what they once thought.
He speaks of those in South Africa, Rabbi  Louis Rabinowitz. He said in a sermon at that time on Yom Kippur that there are some Jews in the community  who did try to do  something against apartheid and when as a result they fall foul of the authorities the Jewish community said that they were not really Jews and did not belong to the community....which reminds me of here in Israel where those like I am considered outsiders and not true Jews or Israelis but are anti-Semitic  traitors.  Today also I was at the bridges......such hatred as the cars come past us ....some even went round the roundabout a few times to curse us. I was very touched when two ladies had brought a green chair for me to sit on. And as I sat down, one of the men shouted, "The queen.": I have an harmonica chair but it is not easy to sit on it for an hour. And then one of the men brought me a winter jacket with the sign on it which says....looking the occupation in the face. I saw him taking money from others for the jacket but when I wanted to pay, he said," From you I don't take money." I would be a liar if I said that this does not make me feel good. The sign says .....enough of Jewish terrorism.  And Ben Gvir saying take down the bridges.
And on a happier note......Christmas cheer with Karin
and I eat a pizza in Bethlehem..... the first time in years that I have had one..it was Rumanian pizza and I would eat it again.
The week that was 17.12.2022
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reviews-22 · 2 years
Blog #3 - MCU
Welcome back to the blog where we discuss it all relating to movies and T.V. This week I want to discuss a very popular movie series or in this case it may be more appropriate to say universe. That’s right this week I want to discuss the past, present, and future of the MCU aka Marvel Cinematic Universe. Before I start, I thought we could switch it up a little and make this more interactive. Below is a quiz to tell you which MCU character you are internally and externally.
I have taken the quiz myself and I was surprised to learn that on the inside I’m like Captain America and on the outside, I’m like Ant-Man. I was a little confused at first but after reading the explanation I can see the similarities. Who did you get? Was it who you expected or totally off?
Coming back to the topic of today I’ll first be discussing the MCU phase 1-3. In my opinion and I might be a little biased these phases are probably one of the best cinematic masterpieces of my generation. In case you have forgotten what movies were in these phases here is a picture as a reference.
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The reason why I think these movies were so amazing is for several reasons. One of the main reasons is because of the writing and directing. I never realized how great the writing and directing were until I watched other movies or *cough* *cough* stage 4 of the MCU. In phase 1 were introduced to the main MCU characters like Iron man, Hulk, Thor, and Captain America. We also get to see our heroes fight together for the first time in the Avengers movie. Later in phases 2 and 3, we get to see more secondary characters and heroes introduced. Another main reason why I liked phases 1-3 so much is how refreshing it was to me. When the MCU introduced Iron man first I felt like that was a statement. They could have gone in chronological order and chosen Captain America who is the most like Superman. A superhero who is just, righteous, and courageous. But instead, they choose a character who is riddled with personality problems that would make him an unfit hero. My next reason is the movies were funny, genuinely funny. Which is something I feel is either not shown in superhero movies or not done right. My final reason (at least for today) is the details. I love that saying it’s all in the details. I feel like the MCU understood that perfectly. Accompanied by a great plot, writing, and directing it just took the films to a whole new level.
The next phase I want to discuss is phase 4 the current stage we are in.
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While the dates for some of these are off due to the pandemic, we are currently in phase 4. If I am honest and I always try to be I currently have a very strong dislike for phase 4. Now I don’t dislike all of it just certain aspects of it. For example, I really enjoyed Wanda Vision, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier, What If, Doctor Strange 2, and Spiderman 3. The rest of the movies and shows were a bit of a letdown for me. In my opinion, the biggest disappointment was Loki and Black Widow. I felt like these characters had a dark past that was never talked about in the movies. Furthermore, both had complex personalities. Considering both are no longer “alive” it would have been a great opportunity to explore their origin stories. In addition, most of the shows/movies felt cheesy in the writing and directing. The saddest part is you can see the difference in the writing and directing from the last phase to this one. A funny joke I saw on Instagram was comparing the writing in the past vs the present. For example, in infinity war (phase 1) Thor says bring me Thanos. While in Love and Thunder Lady Thor said eat my hammer. Rewatching both scenes just doesn’t give the same effect. On top of that, the plot didn’t always make sense to me. I’m often left feeling confused rather than excited at the end of a movie/show.
Kinda like this...
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The final stage I will be discussing is stage 5 and 6.
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After watching most of the content in phase 4 I strongly considered being done with the MCU. Stage 5 didn’t give me much hope that it was going to get better. The only movie I would be interested in watching is Guardians of the Galaxy. But even then, I’m unsure how interesting it will be missing one of the main characters, Gamora. However, just when I’m about to write off the MCU they release phase 6 and I see they added 2 Avengers movies. This is big news for any marvel fan because the last Avengers movie was in 2019 . Futhermore with a lot of the original crew dead, it seemed unlikely that there would be a new Avengers movie. I don't know what to expect but this gives me hope for the future of the MCU and I can't help but be excited once again.
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Thank you guys for tuning into this episode and I hope to see you guys again next week. Love you 3000.
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curlyhairedprince · 2 years
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Beautiful YA Book Quotes
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inspired by @enchantedwritingdesk​ - feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes- varied subjects of quotes all considered beautiful written by critics in the realm of Young Adult books of all genres
“You may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. Some you’ll discover you should put behind you. Others are worth every risk.”
“If you have two friends in your lifetime, you’re lucky. If you have one good friend, you’re more than lucky.”
“Don’t get stabbed. It makes everything awkward.” 
“We who have means and a voice must use them to help those who have neither.” 
“Broken isn’t the same as unfixable."
"Some walks you have to take alone."
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.”
“Ah coffee. The sweet balm by which we shall accomplish today’s tasks.” 
“Brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared. It means you go on even though you’re scared.”
“Don’t get stabbed. It makes everything awkward.” 
“You should eat a waffle. You can’t be sad if you eat a waffle” 
“Making a decision isn’t about knowing every potential consequence. It’s about knowing what you want and chasing a path that takes you in that direction”
“When I read, I feel emotion all on my own. Emotion no living person is making me feel.
“The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe.”
“I think that maybe forgiveness is like change—it comes in small steps.” 
“People really are like houses with vast rooms and tiny windows. And maybe it’s a good thing, the way we never stop surprising each other.”
“Even in its first faint traces, love could alter a landscape. It wrote unimagined stories and made the most beautiful, forbidding places.”
“I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed.” 
“If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system. That’s much more powerful than rebelling outside the system.” 
“The measure of a man is not how much he suffers in the test, but how he comes out at the end.” 
“Sometimes, when people get treated as less than human, the best way to help them feel better is to simply treat them as human. Not as victims. Just you as you.”
“We can’t know what’s going to happen. We can just try to figure it out as we go along.” 
“Books are easily destroyed. But words will live as long as people can remember them.”
“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”
“The funny thing about armor is that it doesn’t just keep other people out. It keeps us in. We build it up around us, not realizing that we’re trapping ourselves.” 
“Take care not to listen to anyone who tells you what you can and can’t be in life.” 
"Maybe some people are just meant to be in the same story."
“When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time.You’d be shocked at how many adults are really dead inside—walking through their days with no idea who they are, just waiting for a heart attack or cancer or a Mack truck to come along and finish the job. It’s the saddest thing I know.”
“Sometimes the best way to find out what you’re supposed to do is by doing the thing you’re not supposed to do.” 
“Our private tastes in books showed a hint of our secret selves.” 
“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” 
“I feel like I need to speak out, because if no one speaks out, if no one says, this is me, this is what I believe in, and this is why I’m different, and this is why that’s okay, then what’s the point? What’s the point of living in this beautiful, great melting pot where everyone can dare be anything they want to be?”
"The universe is bigger than anything that can fit into your mind."
“Time comes to us softly, slowly. It sits beside us for a while. Then, long before we are ready, it moves on.” 
"I can't seem to be a pessimist long enough to overlook the possibility of things being overwhelmingly good."
"You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if you only dared. And deep down, you know it too, and that's what scares you the most."
“Just because you can’t experience everything doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experience anything.”
"Things were rough all over but it was better that way. That way, you could tell the other guy was human too."
“Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.” 
“We are, largely, who we remember ourselves to be. That’s why habits are so hard to break. If we know ourselves to be liars, we expect not to tell the truth. If we think of ourselves as honest, we try harder.”
"Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels, but old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young."
“Words are how others define us, but we can define ourselves any way we choose.”
"I know that the whole point—the only point—is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go."
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
“I believed, and still believe, that you can build your dreams brick by brick. That you can accomplish anything with persistence.” 
”A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” I really hate this expression. I bet fish would totally want bicycles.”
“It was impossible to feel alone in a room full of favorite books. I had the sense that they knew me personally, that they’d read me cover to cover as I’d read them.” 
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good."
"Child, no one is ever ready for anything. I would never doom you to that. What sort of adventureless life would that be?"
"The words were on their way, and when they arrived, she would hold them in her hands like clouds, and she would ring them out like the rain."
Maybe who we are isn't so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it"
“She delighted in the smell of the ink, the rough feel of the paper between her fingers, the rustle of sweet pages, the shapes of letters before her eyes.” 
“It’s amazing how the more you read, the less you know.”
“Our private tastes in books showed a hint of our secret selves.” 
"It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys."
"As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.”
"Because sometimes chance and circumstance can seem like the most appalling injustice, but we just have to adapt. That's all we can do."
"Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life."
"I'm done with those; regrets are an excuse for people who have failed."
"Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it."
"Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live."
"We believe in the wrong things. That's what frustrates me the most. Not the lack of belief, but the belief in the wrong things. You want meaning? Well, the meanings are out there. We're just so damn good at reading them wrong."
"There's no shame in fear, my father told me, what matters is how we face it."
Why would you be given wings if you weren't meant to fly?"
"People never really died. They only went on to a better place, to wait a while for their loved ones to join them. And then once more they went back to the world, in the same way they had arrived the first time around."
"I wanted a love thick with time, as inscrutable as if a lathe had carved it from night and as familiar as the marrow in by bones.”
"You can never visit the same place twice. Each time, it’s a different story. By the very act of coming back, you wipe out what came before.”
"Goodbye, I say, goodbye, as I disappear little by little into the middle of the middle of my own spectacular now."
"People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right."
“You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you."
“I trust you to find the good in me, but the bad I must be sure you don’t overlook.”
"We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken."
“It's like being in love, discovering your best friend.”
“Sometimes there’s beauty in the tough words. It’s all in how you read them.”
"But if I'm it, the last of my kind, the last page of human history, like hell I'm going to let the story end this way...Because if I am the last one, then I am humanity. And if this is humanity's last war, then I am the battlefield."
"If there's one thing I've learned, it's this: We all want everything to be okay. We don't even wish so much for fantastic or marvelous or outstanding. We will happily settle for okay, because most of the time, okay is enough."
“I wonder what it’s like to have that much power over a boy. I don’t think I’d want it; it’s a lot of responsibility to hold a person’s heart in your hands.”
"Grief and love are conjoined, you don’t get one without the other. "
“You need to be yourself, but you also shouldn’t feel like you have to fight everyone, even yourself, to be it.”
“I bet you could sometimes find all the secrets of the universe in someone’s hand.”
“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”
"Doubt everything at least once. What you decide to keep, you'll be able to be confident of. And what you decide to ditch, you will replace with what your instincts tell you is true."
"Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark."
“There are times when the world is rearranging itself, and at times like that, the right words can change the world.”
“We all bear scars ... Mine just happen to be more visible than most.”
"But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there."
"Just as a river by night shines with the reflected light of the moon, so too do you shine with the light of your family, your people, and your God. So you are never far from home, never alone, wherever you go."
"You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present."
"When she jumped, she probably thought she'd fly."
"Things are rough all over."
“I think you can sort of slip out of your life and it can be hard to find a way back in.”
“To make a thing as simple as an apple pie, you have to create the whole wide world.”
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt."
"All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside."
“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.”
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ohnotoomanyfandoms · 3 years
This is probably farfetched but what is Matthew is actually alive now and there is only one person who knows and it may be Magnus. Now I'm not saying vampire or in fairie or whatever because all these theories have been discussed soooo many times but I am saying that one of them could actually be true.
The ending of tlh is kinda probably gonna be bittersweet (since Cassie said that it is gonna be the saddest series ending and it will have ties to twp sooo maybe not everything was resolved)
But about the Matthew being alive today thing is that when jem and Tessa were reminded of him in the land I lost their reaction didn't really seem like just grieving someone but almost like a crime to mention him and they hear about him for the first time in years while I'm pretty sure that jem and Tessa do actually talk sometimes about the past and in the same story Tessa talks about her children. It is full of grief but also peace. Very different to when Matthew was mentioned.
For some it could be said that he died young but the you also have time to grieve. It's almost as if they didn't get this chance. As if he just disappeared one day without any trace or something
Now why Magnus is the one who knows? Well in sobh he says that the people he knew and are dead now would pass on peacefully. He has mentioned some of the edwardian shadowhunters before but never Matthew. Whenever we are looking through his pov he does think about the people he cared about in the past and again never Matthew. Sure you could say they weren't close but you could say that as well for Christopher and Thomas and there were still mentioned by Magnus.
So yeah I think that Magnus either knows or thinks that Matthew is alive. Why not say it? Well why did Matthew disappear? Why did jem and Tessa have this reaction to Matthew being mentioned? It's probably something dangerous that could either be revealed in chot, twp or I am just overthinking things
It's all well and good to overthink, I do it all the time :)
Personally, I don't believe Matthew is still alive in present day. I am 300% sure he is not, but you should believe what your heart wants you to! Thank you for sending me your beautiful elaborate theory, maybe you'll find some kindred spirits through this!
To address only a couple of your points, I think that we don't hear much about Matthew (save in recent Secrets of Blackthorn Hall entries) simply because Cassie didn't want to spoil anything. Magnus never mentioned him because there wasn't much to mention. True, he mentioned Henry before and a bunch of Lightwoods, but that's because Henry and he literally created the Portal together, he must be reminded of him every time he opens one, and the Lightwoods he mostly thinks about in relation to Alec and Izzy. Magnus doesn't think about Matthew in relation to Clary simply because the last time one of those thoughts appeared in Magus's POV was maaaany years ago, before the plot of TLH wasn't fully established even in Cassie's mind.
It's true, Jem and Tessa have weird reactions when Matthew's name is brought up, but that's a plot necessity, because Cassie can't tell us exactly what happened, but we already know there is tragedy written all over Matthew's life. She can't spoil anything about his fate anyway.
Sometimes we overcomplicate things when they tend to be quite simple. I am guilty of that all the time. I believe Matthew's ending will be very straightforward. He will probably choose to leave the Shadowhunters behind and go on a grand mundane adventure.
I do agree with you that the ending of The Last Hours will be bittersweet. I'm guessing a happy ending for at least one Lightwood, plus James and Cordelia, and exile or self-exile for their loved ones aka Lucie and Matthew. Which isn't bad per se. They will still find joy in their lives, just not with their parabatai and family.
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clichesadmusic · 3 years
Ranboo Lore Recap (April 29)
The villain returned:
Intro piano music with black screen instead of his normal blue one.
Screen goes to complete black, is totally silent (no music) as he opens the game and goes onto the server, first words being “Oh, shoot.”
When he logs on he is still on top of L’manhole
“I’m seeing dead people again.”- Ranboo
(note: none of his usual stuff is on screen, he already stated that donos would be off but the subgoal, follower goal and even his watermark are gone which usually remain when he is doing lore)
Ranboo talks about how hard it is to deal with knowing that someone that made his friends' lives so terrible is back.
“Obviously I don’t like the guy.”- Ranboo
Ranboo tabs so he can see who is on and notices that Phil is there. Ranboo realises that he has to tell Phil, as he farms wheat by the community house he practices what he’s going to say to him….it doesn’t go great but there’s not really a good way to say it.
Ranboo makes his way towards their home and goes over what happened so that he can tell Phil.
“I shouldn't rehearse, I should say it naturally.”- Ranboo
Ranboo hypes himself up as he makes his way to Phil’s door.
He greets Phil and makes him a “chair” to sit down.
Ranboo tells Phil….everything. The plan for the prison, Ghostbur going in as cover with Tommy following, how Tommy came out with Friend and without Ghostbur.
Phil doesn’t put together that Ghostbur is “dead” until Ranboo says it, even then he doesn’t believe him because “Ghostbur is a ghost.”- Phil
“Ghostbur being gone is the good news….”- Ranboo
“....Wilbur’s back….he’s alive”- Ranboo
Phil seems very happy saying that it “changes everything.”
“I wonder if he’s any different.”- Phil
“He said that he was in a train station or something for like 13 years.”- Ranboo
Phil keeps looking up at his picture of Wil. “13 years is a very long time to be away, he might not be the same person. He certainly isn’t the same person actually. This changes a lot.”- Phil
Phil tries to get Ranboo to explain what Wilbur ways saying and how he was acting but this was Ranboo’s first time meeting Wil so he doesn’t really know.
Ranboo tells Phil that Wil thinks that the current state of L’manberg is his fault. Ranboo also tells Phil that Wil originally didn’t know him but then said he knew a lot about him.
“What I’m scared of now Ranboo is what has he been thinking about this whole time.”- Phil
Phil says that he needs to prepare for when Wilbur comes to see him, saying that they have a lot to talk about.
Phil says that he’ll talk to Ranboo later and leaves.
Throughout Ranboo keeps saying that Wilbur seemed happy and that “he didn’t seem that bad”. (Ranboo is def an optimist about how much people can change).
Ranboo looks at the blue in his inventory, goes silent for a moment before saying in the saddest voice “Ghostburs gone….I just realised that. I’m gonna miss Ghostbur.”
“I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf.”- Ranboo
Ranboo talks about how Wilbur seemed to be really fond of Tubbo. But he also knows how Wilburs actions have affected Tubbo. (He is very concerned about Tubbo, for obvious reasons)
Ranboo flips through his memory book to the last page where enderwalkboo responded to him saying “this is what I have to do” (aka stop conflict).
Ranboo says that he needs to keep a close eye on Wilbur and that there are only a few people who can help him with that.
“I know exactly who I need to go see”- Ranboo
“I just have to make sure...that he doesn’t do anything too bad.”- Ranboo
Ranboo runs through the nether, back through the main portal.
I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf cause if he hasn’t *pulls out axe*, then we are in for a wild ride.”- Ranboo
“Cause then Tubbo. Michael and Tommy will be safe.”- Ranboo
Ranboo jumps down to the hole where The Council has most recently reconvened (originally it was a joke about the 6 endermen holding grass block that had all gotten stuck in the staircase down to Ranboo’s strip mine, they were accidently let out because of a creeper explosion but Ranboo found another group of endermen in a different hole that he has redubbed The Council).
He asks The Council to keep an eye on Wilbur for him. “Let me know what he does. Make sure that if anything happens tell me. Just...let me know, okay?”
He leaves the hole. “The Council usually helps me out with that stuff. Especially since I re-learned how to talk to them” (confirmation that non-enderwalk boo can talk ender).
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Just wait for the letters. Oh! That means I have to make the mailbox for them.”- Ranboo (I love this, I love this so much).
“Is it my duty to tell people? What do you think particles?”- Ranboo (I love when he refers to us as particles, I don’t know why, it’s just so great)
“*reads chat giving him totally conflicting answers because it’s chat* *laughs* you guys are useless. ”- Ranboo “A lot of you guys are saying no…”
He goes looking for crying obsidian for the mailbox, going back to his place.
“Something tells me that I’m not gonna have to tell people honestly.”- Ranboo
Ranboo decides that he should put the mail box in the original meeting area (the entrance to his mine). He talks himself through building it as if there is a specific format it must be in (like a nether portal for example) in order for it to work, implying that this is something that he has either done before or has seen be done.
“Hopefully by the time I get back I will have news about what happened.”- Ranboo
He blocks off the mailbox room with dirt.
“Re-learning how to speak enderman was a fantastic idea. See that's a good thing about the experiments at least! Before I could kind of say hello sometimes...”- Ranboo
Chat/Particle: Explain the experiments?
Ranboo: No, I don’t think I will.
(at this point he turns the subgoal and dono alerts back on)
“When Tubbo described Wilbur to me he said that he really liked debates.”- Ranboo
(music comes back on)
Ranboo decides to fix up the courthouse a bit.
“We’re gonna fix Wilburs courthouse. Maybe he can warm up to me. Cause I hope he likes me. First impressions are everything. I just wanna get on Wilburs good side y’know.”- Ranboo (Ranboo’s need to be liked by new people is just a little too relatable man).
Ranboo says a couple of times that he is aware that Tommy didn’t seem to like Wilbur when he saw him but that Wilbur has been gone for a long time and has hopefully turned over a new leaf.
“I like to remain neutral in most things. But if the council comes back with bad news then obviously I’m going to protect Tuboo by any means and make sure Tommy is also good.”
“When push comes to shove I’m probably gonna be on Tommy and Tubbo’s side” *eyes emoji*
Dono: He did say that Dream was his hero
Ranboo: Yeah, he did say that Dream was his hero. Ohhhh….I forgot to mention that to Phil. Whoops….probably should have to Phil that he sees Dream as his hero…..probably a bad guy…
Ranboo says that him and Tubbo were playing chess while they waited for Tommy to kill Dream.
Ranboo realises that he needs to keep the knowledge of the nukes away from Wilbur.
He writes a note to Phil telling him about how Wilbur said that Dream was his hero. “Heya phil! Quick thing that i forgot to mention...Your newly revived son considers Dream his hero! So read into that what you want! Just thought you should know haha- Ranboo the Beloved”
He put the book and quill (not a signed book) into a chest he leaves in Phil’s house that he labels “Mail for phil”
Ranboo realizes that Wilbur doesn’t know about him and Tubbo being married or about Michael but decides that this is fine.
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ga-yuu · 4 years
Ikemen Genjiden ~ Ibuki 1st Birthday Story ~ “A Lewd Play”
(As expected, Kyoto is a beautiful city! Although its different from Kamakura.)
I was visiting Kyoto alongside with Yoritomo-sama and Kagetoki-san, for some business related matters....
After introducing me to some high officials and greeting them, they were kind enough to let me enjoy my free time this way.
Kid 1: “Are you sure?”
Kid 2: “Yes. I am.”
(Ah, these kids. Looks interesting.)
Few children ran past me while I was walking. While watching them with a smile....
???: “Hey, do you not want to hide?”
Yuno: “Hm?”
Suddenly I heard a voice and I turned around.
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Kid: “You have to hide or a demon will catch you.”
(....! How beautiful.)
(Maybe his face....no, his eyes are more captivating.)
Kid: “What’s with that look?”
His voice was surprisingly matured, considering the elaborated make-believe appearance.
Yuno: “Even if you warn me....I will be fine because I’m an adult.”
I looked at the little boy and smiled back.
(Anyway, where is he from?)
(He is wearing fancy clothes which means he is obviously not a commoner....Maybe you’re a son of some high ranking official?)
Yuno: “Hey, what is your name?”
Kid: “Ibuki.”
Yuno: “I’m Yuno.”
(I know its none of my business, but I feel like it’s dangerous for a child like him to be walking around by himself...)
Yuno: “Ibuki-kun, aren’t your family members with you?”
Ibuki: “No, I’m lost.” (With most deceiving saddest expression but at the same time its cute.)
Yuno: “....I have never seen a kid like you getting lost. Hmmm. Would you like me to help you find your way back home?”
I don’t want to leave him by himself and so I made an offer....
Ibuki: “Will you?”
His clear blue eyes stared at me, and the little red lips drew an arc.
Yuno: “Yeah. Let’s get you home before the sun goes down.”
Ibuki: “Okay. Let’s go.”
Ibuki-kun walked up right next to me and took my hand as a matter of course.
Ibuki: “This way.”
Yuno: ‘Eh? Okay.”
I followed Ibuki-kun, who pulls my hand and started walking.
(Although he’s lost, he walks without any hesitation,...)
Yuno: “By the way, Ibuki-kun. How old are you?”
(He looks like he’s ten or twelve...)
I asked that while feeling a peculiar heat from his his palm radiating my body.
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Ibuki: “I’m 1200 years old.”
Yuno: “Huh? Wait....Don’t make fun of me.”
Ibuki-kun laughed at my ridiculous response.
Yuno: “ If you’re like this from a young age, I’m worried about your future.”
Ibuki: “Heh, this is the first time someone is worried about my future. Also, I made a mistake. I’m aging one more year today.”
Yuno: “Is today your birthday?”
Ibuki: “Yeah.”
Yuno: “Congratulations! I mean......You’re not teasing me this time, right?”
Ibuki: “You’re a ruthless person to doubt an innocent child, Yuno.” (Innocent? huh!)
Ibuki-kun, lifts one end of his lips which didn’t seem innocent.
Yuno: “If it’s your birthday today, you have to go home quickly and celebrate.”
Ibuki: “Nobody lives with me. So it doesn’t matter.”
Yuno: “No one...”
(I know that’s not possible, but what’s going on?)
Ibuki-kun peeked at my face when I didn’t speak.
Ibuki: “If you’re going to look like that, will you celebrate my birthday, Yuno?”
When I stared back at him in dismay, I saw a somewhat amused color in Ibuki-kun’s eyes.
(Maybe because he doesn’t have a family, might be the reason to his matured personality...)
When I think about that, I feel like I can’t leave him alone.
Yuno: “Okay. I can’t stay long, but I’m happy if I can.”
Ibuki: “Okay.”
Seeing Ibuki laughing with satisfaction, I also relaxed.
(I have to celebrate his birthday properly.)
Yuno: “Oh, wait.”
After asking him to wait, I quickly ran to a nearby store. Without him notice, I bought him a small gift and then we made our way towards Ibuki’s house.
When the sky turned red, we made it------
Ibuki: “Welcome, make yourself at home.”
Yuno: “Um..yes.”
Ibuki guided me to a house in the outskirts of the town without hesitation.
Yuno: “.....So. Is this where you actually live?”
Ibuki: “Is it strange?”
Yuno: “Because, this atmosphere is different from any kid’s room.”
The room, that Ibuki-kun claims is his, had a somewhat lewd atmosphere.
Ibuki: “I’m the only one who lives here. But I did bring many guests before.”(But seems like no one has made it alive!!)
The light coming from the window illuminates Ibuki-kun’s cheeks. For some reason, I felt a shiver run down my spine at a mysterious premonition.
Ibuki: “What’s wrong?”
Yuno: “......”
(Something is wrong. Ibuki-kun looks much more.....frightening.)
I unconsciously backtracked to Ibuki-kun who is approaching me.
Ibuki: “It’s not wrong but don’t you think its too late to be vigilant.”
Yuno: “Eh.....”
That’s when Ibuki-kun rolled up his long sleeve and I saw what looked like a very old looking bracelet. The moment he took it off-----
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Ibuki (Daddy version): “That’s why I warned you before,didn’t I?. You have to hide from demons.”
Yuno: “You.....”
(What is happening.)
Ibuki-kun, who I thought was a small kid, is now transformed into a young man in front of me. He has two horns growing on his head and had bright blonde hair.
Yuno: “Oni....”
When I was surprised, the young man----Ibuki, laughed as if he was amused.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Correct.”
(No. I must not space out like this, I have to run away!)
My body moved as if it sensed danger and I ran to the door.
Yuno: “Eh.....Why won’t this open.”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Oh yeah, I locked the door with a magic spell. Do you think a human could leave safely after entering a devil’s den.”
I stared at Ibuki as hard as I could with my back to the door.
Yuno: “What are you going to do to me? Maybe this has something to do with the rebels...”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “I know one guy from the rebels, but other than that, this not has nothing to do with them.”
Yuno: “Then...?”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Don’t worry, I approached you because I have a personal interest in you. That’s it.”
(I’m pretty sure he’s hiding something....but what does he want....)
At least there is no murderous intent in Ibuki’s eyes. Even so, I can’t let my guard down and be weak....
Ibuki: “So. How long are you going to stand there? Don’t you want to celebrate my birthday?”
(.....How serious are you?)
I can’t read anything from Ibuki’s teasing tone.
Yuno: “I only wanted to celebrate your birthday, because you were posing as little kid.”
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Ibuki (Daddy version): “Isn’t it your fault for not checking in advance if I am suspicious or not? Humans only see the surface. That’s what’s so cute about them.”
I looked at Ibuki while being confused as he continues to speak with amusement.
Yuno: “I made a promise and I’m not comfortable breaking it. But.... I really don’t know what you’re thinking. What’s your purpose?”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “That’s simple. If you managed to satisfy me, I’ll let you go.”
His blue eyes gleamed dangerously and my heart pounds with an anticipation. He takes my hand invitingly and brings me closer.
Yuno: “Wait....”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “It’s okay. There’s plenty of time. For you, that is.”
As he sweetly bites my finger, my shoulders bounce.
Yuno: “Mm...why...why are you doing this?”
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Ibuki (Daddy version): “Say my name.”
Yuno: “Ngh........Ibuki!”
In the midst of my spinning thoughts, I reflexively called out his name as requested.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Well done.”
As if to maintain the anticipation...Ibuki’s fingertips slowly unties my hair.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Yuno. It’s just a for fun. So relax.”
A sweet dangerous sensation hits my body as he hugs me.
Yuno: “Mm.”
When I felt his lips touching me neck, my voice slipped out.
(This is not good.)
My body became numb at the feeling of his tongue. But then my body follows Ibuki’s words and I relaxed.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “You like this, don’t you?”
Yuno: “.....Let go. You’ve had enough, haven’t you?”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “No way. Demons are greedy. At this rate, I’ll have to devour you completely.” (No wonder your son is Kurama. You raised him just like you.)
Yuno: “ Are you saying that you’re literally....?”
Ibuki chuckled when I asked him fearfully.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “We are not little kids. Of course, you know what I meant.”
The touch of his fingertips at my throat tickled and made my body heat up.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Or do you want me to celebrate and please you in some other way?”
His fingertips slides down  from my throat, tracing the curves of my body teasingly.
(This is bad. If I don’t quickly satisfy Ibuki....then!)
When I tried to work my head, I caught something in the corner of my eyes.
Yuno: “Oh yeah, the gift!”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Hm?”
I pulled away from Ibuki’s body and picked up the gift and pressed it against his chest.
Yuno: “I bought this while we were in town....It for your birthday, so take it.”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “You are not very sexy in this kind of situation, are you? Oh well.”
Ibuki began to open the gift in a relaxed manner.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “If you are bothered to give it to me, that means you’re very confident about this, right?”
Yuno: “Well....”
(I gave it on the spur of the moment to stop his play. But the stuff inside is....)
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Ibuki (Daddy version): “...!”
Ibuki’s eyes widened as he sees the gift.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “----Cat figurine?”
It was a cute wooden carving cat that I intended to give to a small child.
(Please tell me you like it.)
Yuno: “Well, you see...actually---”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “You’ve got a good taste, I’ll give you that.”
Yuno: “Huh”
Ibuki happily looks at the cat figurine as if he was in good mood.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “The loveliness of the cat is well expressed.”
He continues to talk to himself while arranging the figurine on his shelf.
Yuno: “....Do you like cats?”
Ibuki (Daddy version)(pouting): “Is there anything not to like?”
(Well yeah,....cats are cute, though)
Yuno: “How surprising...”
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Ibuki (Daddy version):(Pouting) “Insolent woman.”
Having said that, Ibuki didn’t seem to be offended.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “Okay. I can’t help it, I was originally planning to play with you until morning.....but Yuno, you can go home.”
Yuno: “Eh!?”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “I promised that I would let you go when I’m satisfied, didn’t I?”
Yuno: “Yes, you did....”
(That was easy.)
Looks like he a disciplined type who keeps his promises.
(Forcible, dangerous, disciplined, cat-loving demon?)
I don’t know which is the actual Ibuki, but....before I knew it, my fear was completely gone.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “What’s wrong? You don’t want to go. If you want to do it, I’ll do my best to satisfy you.”
Yuno: “No no no! I’m fine.”
Before Ibuki changed his mind, I quickly touched the door.
(...! It really opened.)
Ibuki (Daddy version): “How rude. At least you could say ‘I’ll miss you’.”
(Being unreasonable, but ......)
Yuno: “Hey, Ibuki.”
While hesitating, I stopped behind the door and stared at Ibuki.
Ibuki (Daddy version): “....? What?”
Yuno: “I know it’s little late. Happy Birthday! I didn’t get to say it earlier.”
Ibuki (Daddy version): “...........”
In the faint light of twilight, I could see Ibuki opening his eyes slightly.
(Ah..... Ibuki can look like that!?)
Somehow that unexpected expression shook my heart....
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leechonspeeddial · 4 years
Midnight Shift: Of Whispers and Forbidden Buns
Word count: 1283 Read on ao3
"You're that Cullen girl, right?"
I ignored their barely suppressed giggles, but gave them an acknowledging thumbs up. Sadly, that only set them off harder. It appeared one of the downsides of working at this Burger King, besides the obvious reasons, was its proximity to the local high school.
Rather than roll my eyes in their face, I made the executive decision to give them the soggiest, saddest, smallest fries. It seemed that after my — truthfully anticlimactic — departure of East Ladle High, I had become an even bigger curiosity than my "siblings". Ever since word got around that one of those 'rich and gorgeous Cullen kids' had dropped out in favour of working a shitty customer service job, I had to deal with gaggles of teenagers showing up during lunch time to gawk at me.
"We'll call out when your order is ready, you guys can sit down" I smiled widely — fakely — and handed the assholes their soda cups. At least is was just the mean girl wannabe type today, dealing with the creepy admirers was nothing short of exhausting. If only because it made Edward even more unbearable than usual. I mentally grimaced at the memories.
When it became obvious I wasn't reacting to their bait, the girls finally walked away, whispering to each other, towards the tables — but as far from Jeremiah as they could manage. They clearly hated being here; they seemed to be specially disgusted over the omnipresent stickiness that plagued each surface in the building, but fuck them. No one made them come here, their choices were theirs, and they should just suck it up.
I'm not projecting. I'm not.
"Only two today, Res. Think you're becoming old news"
"That's Resentment Cannibal to you, old man," one of the upsides of working at Burger King had to be None of Your Fucking Business Kevin. Living with the Cullens meant being surrounded by people who mentally stopped developing before their brains were done cooking. The aforementioned Kevin — not to be confused with Gay Kevin or Straight Kevin — was forty-none-of-your-business-kid years old and the oldest person I regularly talked to ever since we left Forks over a decade ago. It was refreshing to spend time with someone who wasn't a teenager frozen in time and who was just so painfully human.
"Ok, cool it, Edgy Annie," he rolled his green eyes but still offered me some of his jalapeno cheddar bites. I gingerly grabbed a couple and munched on the mediocre and oily cheesy goodies.
"Thought you wanted to go on a diet," a particularly loud snort made me look towards the assholes who made my day worse. They were still whispering and glancing at me, as if I was something more interesting than a Burger King employee.
I mean. I was. But, like, they didn't know that. Couldn't know that.
"Ugh. Gross. No. I said I wanted to lose weight," I looked back at the man and raised my eyebrow.
"And how are you going to do that, if not by not devouring your weight in cheese?"
"You sound just like my little brother. He's a total granola freak. Eats kale and actually enjoys it," he shuddered and this time I rolled my eyes.
A soft thud signalled that the girls' order was ready, so I grabbed their meal and put it on a tray.
"Original Chicken Sandwich and Big Fish?" The blonde with glasses approached the counter and grabbed the tray. She didn't move away.
"Yes?" I asked hoping to convey how little I wanted to help her. If Gay Kevin hadn't already lectured me this week over being rude to customers, I so would tell her exactly what I'd do with her stupid stinky sandwich and exactly where I would shove that fish patty if she didn't fucking scram.
"Is it true?" I couldn't stop myself from looking surprised.
"Is what true?" Blondie quickly looked around the restaurant — pathetically empty, as always — and leaned slightly over the counter. I resisted the urge to also lean forward, because...because fuck her, damn it.
"That your brother knocked you up"
What the actual fuck.
I blinked and barely even noticed None of Your Fucking Business Kevin choking out of the corner of my eye. For the first time in my life, I was left speechless.
Blondie took my silence as an invitation to continue talking — clearly unaware of how easily I could murder her and get rid of the body.
"That's what everyone is saying. That you dropped out because your parents disowned you after they found out"
"Are you fucking high? Am I fucking high right now?" Were the cheddar bites actually Straight Kevin's edibles? Because there was no way this was a conversation that was actually happening in real life. Were Bella and Edward right? Was this Burger King really hell?
"Which brother?" I glared at the fucker. I was taking back everything nice I ever said about None of Your Fucking Business Kevin, the traitor.
Blondie's grin widened, revealing the most evil of dimples.
"Her brother-brother. Not the foster/step ones," my eyes widened and I barely managed to repress my gagging. Of course, my fucking father. Fucking Edward.
I wanted to die.
I said as much.
"So its true?" Blondie's friend, High-Pony, apparently was now at the counter too. Fantastic.
Blondie and High-Pony both stared expectantly at me.
"Let me get this straight. Apparently, my brother," I actually gagged this time, "knocked me up and my parents decided to only disown me? Is that right?"
The girls nodded in sync, like the demons they were.
"You get why that makes no sense, right? Why not disown Edward too?"
"The patriarchy" High-Pony shrugged. I closed my eyes and slowly counted down from ten.
"Ok, this is what's going to happen" I clapped between words, trying to keep my hands from strangling two innocent teenagers in front of my coworker. "You two are going to take your crappy food to go and I promise I won't spit on your food the next time you come here" the girls scoffed and showed no signs of moving.
"Jeremiah, buddy, could you please walk these girls out? There's a pie with your name on it if you can lend us a hand" Ok, the traitor wasn't so bad after all. But he was on thin ice.
Blondie and High-Pony didn't waste a second getting out the store after hearing that. It really was disgusting how some people reacted to Jeremiah.
"Am I still getting that pie, Freckles?" I smirked and heard None of Your Fucking Business Kevin sigh. No one here had any intention of using his real name.
"Of course, Jem. Your choice" Jeremiah's smile lit up his face, the room even.
"You're not so bad, ya know. Despite your crap taste in music" And now they were arguing about old people music again. A tired argument that no one won, but amused Jeremiah endlessly.
It was moments like these that reminded me why I dropped out and got a job here in the first place. I felt more alive after spending one day with Jeremiah and the Kevins than a decade with the Cullens. The Cullens were just...unreachable.
They were so detached of humanity, despite their proximity to it. But, just like in The Creation of Adam, the divine doesn't actually touch the human. They just gaze down, firmly on different levels from each other. They cared more to attain the aesthetics and the possessions than to develop actual relationships. Why bother living among humans, faking humanity, if you were going to keep them at an arm's length?
I shook my head and joined in the argument.
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bl1ndbraavosi · 4 years
White violet or huckleberry for kakasaku 🥺
eeeeep this was soooo much fun THANK YOU
ok tbh i wanted to do smth for each of these prompts but my brain is EMPTY so i offer u this piece for huckleberry - simple pleasures
send me a prompt!!
“We’re celebrating,” she said as she walked into his office, uninvited, unexpected, and unwarranted.
“I don’t have anything to celebrate,” he said shortly, sending her one of his patented Very Tired looks before returning to his mind-numbing paperwork.
“Well, I do,” she insisted, circling his desk and planting herself very inconveniently on top of his paperwork, the sound of paper and scrolls crunching beneath her weight. “Do you know how much work it takes to keep you alive and well? I’m celebrating another year I’ve kept you around,” she teased, swinging her legs out and kicking him in the shin far more viciously than he thought the situation called for.
“Maybe you should quit,” he muttered under his breath. She let out a deeply unhappy tut-tut.
“We’re going to unpack that some other time. Today, it’s your birthday, and I am determined to make sure you have fun,” she said with a triumphant grin. “Even if it makes you miserable.” He thought that sounded a little counterintuitive, but he knew from years of experience that there was no deterring Sakura once she was on a mission. She was the embodiment of do or die.
He had begrudgingly let her tear him away from his desk, which he could admit was a gift in and of itself, and now they were wandering aimlessly around the village. She had made it a point to teasingly parade him by the Hokage monument, where his big head was staring down at him, immortalized in stone.
“How incredible that it’s life-sized,” she teased. He nearly cracked a smile before he remembered that he was meant to be there with her against his will. He had a feeling she knew he’d nearly cracked, because then she’d taken her torture one step further and announced—loudly—that she was so pleased to be celebrating his birthday with him.
The villagers flocked unrepentantly. He was shocked her face didn’t split in half under the force of her shit-eating grin.
“I thought birthdays were supposed to be fun,” he complained once they’d made a daring escape from all the bowing well-wishers.
“I was under the impression that torture and melancholy was your idea of a good time,” she said, pouting in thought and looking up at him with mockingly wide, innocent eyes.
“Cute,” he said, not hiding how unimpressed he was with her. She giggled and held herself to his arm.
“Okay, fine. So what do you want to do?” she asked, smiling up at him with so much warmth he nearly burnt up from the inside out. He just shrugged. He had never really thought about it. “Well, what do you usually do?”
“Nothing,” he said plainly. She frowned.
“What about when you were a kid?” she asked, her lip jutting out in a genuine pout as her frown deepened. He shifted uncomfortably beside her as they ambled down a quiet road. Truthfully, there was really only one person in the village that ever acknowledged his birthday since the death of Minato-sensei. Gai was always available for a “celebratory competition”, and that was all he ever really needed.
“I don’t know, Sakura,” he said tiredly. “I was probably on missions most of the time,” he admitted with a shrug. He remembered Rin always bringing him dog-shaped onigiri on his birthdays. Minato-sensei had always been disgruntled when Kakashi’s one birthday request was a lesson in fuinjutsu, but he always complied. Obito…
Kakashi sighed and when he looked down at Sakura, who was uncharacteristically quiet, he was horrified to see her big green eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears. He flinched away from her at the sight, which thankfully dispelled the tears, but her tears had made way for annoyance, which she relieved by roughly punching his arm.
Physical violence was far less terrifying than being confronted with such an outward display of emotion, though, so he would accept this as a victory.
“I have an idea,” she said once she’d finished terrorizing him with her brute strength. He wasn’t sure what he found more daunting; her fists or her mind. He went along with her to spare himself the trouble for the time being.
Not long after, he found himself laid on a blanket at a park, staring up at the stars while Sakura snickered into the basket of goods she’d procured. He hadn’t argued when she’d pulled him around town, ducking into a couple of storefronts until she had gathered all her necessities. Now, they were sharing an itchy blanket in the middle of a park while she concocted some beverage in a couple of embarrassingly festive cups.
From where he lay, he couldn’t see much beyond her hunched back, shaking with her quiet snickers. Whenever he asked her what exactly she was doing, she told him to kindly shut up and let her surprise him. And so, he was staring at the stars. Not a bad end to the day, he supposed. Even if there was a madwoman at his feet, brewing up a surefire shit-storm.
When she finally decided to re-enter the realm of normal, human behaviour, she was brandishing two plastic cups, filled to the brim with some heinously green liquid that she said was guaranteed to get him “Kaka-shitfaced”. If that wasn’t bad enough, she’d also presented him with a massive sparkler sat atop the saddest baked good he’d ever laid eyes on.
“What is this?” he asked in distaste.
“A bran muffin; you need to watch out for your digestive tract at your age,” she teased. “Also, it was late and that was all the bakery had left in stock.” It was the thought that counted, he supposed. Still, he made her share half of it “for good luck”.
She was right about one thing, though. That drink was going straight to his head. He knew he was in trouble when the stars starting dancing above him. Sakura was lying beside him, her head resting against his shoulder and her arms tightly hugging one of his. She gasped, untangling one of her arms to point overhead to a star shooting clear across the sky.
“Make a birthday wish,” she said through her giggles. He peered down at her, pink-cheeked and gazing up at the sky, the silliest grin plastered across her face. He felt so lighthearted he thought he might just float away. His mind was shockingly blank as the star and its tail disappeared from the night sky. “Did you do it?” she whispered.
He hummed vaguely, and that seemed to be enough to appease her. He was grateful for that tight hold she had on his arm, because right now, he felt like that was all that was keeping him tethered to this world. He could have blamed the drinks, but honestly, it was a combination of things.
“You know, I had planned on making you play a drinking game with me, but I think we are both better off without it,” she said, giggling to herself. “But, just so you know, that is quintessential birthday behaviour.”
“For sixteen year olds, maybe,” he mocked.
“What do you know? You went straight from five to fifty,” she chided lightly. Then, her head was tilted back and she was gazing at him with the same intrigue with which she had been watching the stars.
“And is stargazing quintessential birthday behaviour?” he asked. She pouted in thought.
“Could be. It’s all very individual, you know,” she said with the confidence of a bonafide birthday expert.
“Except the drinking games. Those are non-negotiable,” he said.
“Exactly. You’re a quick learner,” she playfully praised him. “They really are essential.”
“How about one round, then? For the sake of tradition, of course.”
“Of course,” she repeated, a mischievous smile playing at her lips. “Truth or drink,” she proposed, and he agreed because he had absolutely no basis for refusal. He was entirely unsure of why he’d proposed this to begin with. She turned so she was curled up to his side instead of on her back, and it felt only natural for him to move his arm from her grasp to drape it around her. He didn’t dwell much on just how natural it felt to have her tucked under his arm that way.
“What was your best birthday?” he asked. She snorted, delicate as ever. He couldn’t help but smile at that.
“That’s a terrible question, Kakashi. You’re supposed to pick something that would be hard to answer so that I’d be tempted to drink,” she said, rolling her eyes as she laid her chin on his chest to peer up at him judgmentally and drunkenly. He thought that was a strange combination, but it worked for her. When he shrugged and made no effort to rectify his drinking game blunder, she sighed. “Fine, I’ll tell you, and then you have to recreate it with me. If you refuse, you have to down another birthday beverage,” she proposed with a wicked smile.
“I feel like you are taking advantage of my trusting nature,” he complained.
“You are the least trusting being in existence,” she said, waving him off. He didn’t argue; instead he agreed to her terms, curious to see where it would take them. So far, leaning into her ideas had landed him in a decent position. He couldn’t deny that this was the best night he’d had in a long time, birthday or not. “My favourite birthday memory is from when I was seven. Ino and I ate our weight in dango and birthday cake, and then we played on a swing set until we both threw up,” she said, giggling through the story as she recalled it.
“I’m not eating my weight in dango,” he warned. Her giggles intensified.
“I’ll concede on that,” she agreed.
“And I’ve never been on a swing set,” he admitted softly, sorry to see her giggles give way to a wide-eyed disbelief, tinged the faintest bit with sadness. So quick it made him dizzy, she was up on her feet and tugging on his arms until he was standing with her.
“That is unacceptable, Hokage-sama,” she said seriously, slipping her hand into his and towing him toward a children’s playground, her blanket and basket forgotten behind them. She presented the swing set to him with a flourish, pushing him until the swing was behind his legs, and then she was shoving him until he was uncomfortably sat on its band, his feet dragging sadly through the woodchips beneath him.
“I feel that I may have missed my window of opportunity,” he said as he stared down at his legs, seemingly too long for this endeavour to truly work out in his favour. She ignored him, sitting herself on the swing beside him and wasting no time in launching herself into a languid swing. Cautiously, he did the same. She laughed at him every time he miscalculated and kicked up a burst of woodchips mid-swing.
“You’re a natural,” she teased, leaning back and enjoying the breeze as she flew back to front, her hair billowing behind her, shining in the moonlight. “Isn’t this nice?” she called out as they swung in opposing directions. He had to admit, silly as it felt, it was nice. It felt good to finally have this small, seemingly inconsequential experience; even if it was coming a few decades late.
He wasn’t sure how long they did that, just swinging back and forth, higher and higher, mostly in silence, but for Sakura’s delighted giggles every now and then. A few times, he even laughed with her. Eventually, though, their swinging slowed until they were simply hanging side-by-side.
“I don’t see how that made you puke,” he said after awhile. He should have known nothing good would come of this when her mischievous snicker hit his ears. She hopped off her swing and grabbed each of the chains that hung on either side of him.
“Do you trust me?”
“In general, or right this moment?”
She didn’t bother elaborating, nor waiting for his final answer. Instead, she gripped those chains and twisted, link over link, until the chains were tangled and taut and he was deeply nervous of where this would lead him.
“Ready?” she asked, her voice lilting with palpable amusement.
“No,” he answered, but just as he did, she gripped his shoulders and pushed—he suspected with a hint of chakra strength—and sent him spinning furiously. The world around him was a total blur. He felt the chains untangle and re-tangle in the opposite direction, the force of his spinning too strong to stop. He felt her arms on his shoulders again, and he stared up at her to meet her green eyes, even though she had six of them.
He couldn’t get a word out before he was spinning again. Her uncontrollable laugher taunted him as he turned without end. Finally, just when he thought his head might fly off like a spinning top, he stopped.
“You feeling okay?” she asked softly, her laughter subdued but not departed.
“Never better,” he responded, as strongly as he could. He was pleased that his voice managed to sound deceptively even, but the effect of that was entirely ruined by his sliding off the seat and flat on his back into the woodchips, his legs dangling on the swing above him. “Ow.”
“Oh, gods,” she giggled out, falling to her hands and knees above him, peering down at him in concern, but her shoulders still quaking with silent laughter. His head was still spinning, and he was seeing stars, but this time, they appeared to be dancing in Sakura’s eyes instead of the night sky. He thought they seemed to belong there.
“I think it’s your turn,” he rasped out.
“I think our game of truth or drink has ended,” she said with a light laugh, pressing cool fingertips to his forehead. He shook his head and demanded she take her turn. “Well, we’ve already thrown the rules out the door,” she considered with a soft smile, her soft hands still sitting at the side of his face. “Would you show me your face?” she asked, her cheeks going pink.
He would blame the alcohol and the light-headedness, but he didn’t even hesitate before curling a finger into his mask and pulling it down. She stared down at him in surprise, her cheeks transitioning from pink to red.
“Does that mean you have to drink?” he asked stupidly.
“You have woodchips in your hair,” she responded, equally stupidly.
And then his hand was at the back of her head and he was leaning up to meet her halfway in a kiss that made him dizzier than all the swing-spinning in the world. She tasted like that vile green drink and bran muffin. With a contented sigh, he fell back down to the woodchips, leaving his hand lingering in her hair. She smiled down at him.
“Birthday kisses are also essential,” she offered. He hummed, agreeing wholeheartedly.
And then he was curled on his side, throwing up into the woodchips, Sakura’s laughter ringing loudly in his ears.
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A Wild Game Of Survival
Pairing: Dark Loki x Female Reader, Loki/Sigyn
Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence, Language, Dark, Loki (he is a warning). Each chapter will have individual warnings.
Summary: In a world where everyone is immortal until they meet their soulmates, I expect to have a nice life with them and I was so wrong.
Notes: yes, it has first person narration. It's an old one.
Chapter 6: The Story Behind The Beast
Warnings: Christians, violence, cursing, death, plague, grief.
Summary: and this is how the walls break
Notes: this is not the darkest chapter, but is the saddest. Please grab your water, blanket and tissues before reading it.
First chapter Previous chapter AO3 next chapter
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He agreed on getting some breakfast before he left. And that was the last goodbye.
When I woke up, not many hours after, Loki was awake and still staring. Did he even move? Probably not.
"Were you up all night?" I hid a yawn as I asked. Loki nodded a yes, still not moving. I sighed and got up, my stomach asking for muffins.
"I'm gonna get some breakfast, do you want something?" I looked at him as I put on my boots and checked at the cash I had. I had to get some money later today, but they were enough for breakfast. He made a tutting sound of no. I hummed an ok and left, deciding to let him on his thoughts.
"What is that?"
He got out of his bubble when I threw a paper bag of muffins in his stomach.
"Muffins. It only had raisins," I shrugged. He took out one and sniffed it before putting it back and leaving the bag beside him.
"What?" I eyed him. I guess that he's a killer but everyone likes muffins, even if they are with raisins.
"Lactose intolerant, can't eat them," I made an oh sound on this information. He didn't consider this as a poisoning attempt, did he?
"Anyway," I swallowed a bite and left my bag aside. It was kind of a dick move to eat in front of him. "What were you thinking about?" I asked, my eyes pinned on him.
"The answer," He said plainly. I swallowed thickly. Would he attack after he had it?
"Did you… did you get closer?" I tried to hide my anxiety.
"I think I have it," He sat back. Relaxed. He was probably about to murder me and he was relaxed. I felt my heart beating faster.
"And… What is it?" I basically stuttered, panic creeping out.
"It's a big answer," He tried to avoid it. It was about my safety, my life. I deserved to know if he would kill me.
"I have all day," I crossed my hands, holding myself from panicking.
"So… I was not always like that. Once, I was just a farmer's boy in a small village in Norway. And it was a simple life. Some farming, more hunting, even more raiding… Nice and simple and I liked it, even if it was hard and boring.
"And, my seiðr helped. I was well respected since I was a baby, I was considered a gift from the Gods. But, I had a big brother and he stopped all this from making me a narcissistic dick." I scoffed a bit.
"Got some bad news for you,"
"Shut up," He spat and cleared his throat.
"So… I was in a raid, basically a massacre. A man had me on the ground, too weak to fight back and with a sword about to slit my throat. And he got sliced in half by an axe. And behind him was a woman. She looked like you, you are almost a clone of her. She was with her armour and bloody and dirty, I didn't look better, but she was just stunning in my eyes. We fought together for the rest of the raid, and claimed each other on the boat home. She was from the village next to mine, a friendly one." His eyes got dreamy just by talking about that woman. I guessed she was the first soulmate.
"Her name?"
"Sigyn. Like in the mythos. We found out we were soulmates, we married and we had twins, Narfi and Vali. Good boys, but impossible to keep them out of trouble. But we were a happy family." His nostalgic look didn't change when he talked about the boys. I smiled at him, it was good to know he knew love.
"But, the Christians came. They thought of us as barbarians and Pagans for believing in the Tradition. I saw some men and women I knew getting burnt in the stake for believing in the Gods. It was frightening, but we were the wildlings." His nostalgic smile faded and got replaced with disgust. I completely understood it.
"They came to me and made me an offer. I had to abandon my belief in the Tradition and get baptized and me and my family would live. The boys were still babies and Sigyn was weak from the birth, I couldn't risk moving away or denying. And I agreed. I stopped the raids, became a hunter and they named me Luke. Hel, I was even going to the church every Sunday… But I still raised my boys as my father raised me, I didn't want them to change into this, just because I had to pretend to be a changed man." His disgust grew bigger. I nodded and waited for him to finish.
"I had to hide my magic to protect myself and my family, practising my belief and my power in secret. I hated hiding, especially since I was used to being proud of who I am. But I had no choice.
"Some more Christians came and brought this terrible disease, smallpox. I got sick, very sick. The best doctors, Norse and Christians, told me the same thing. "Pray for a fast death," I told Sigyn to take the kids, they were six, and go to her mother's house. I didn't want them to get sick or see me dying so terribly. And, when they left me alone and I gathered all the strength I had left, I healed me, with magic. They called it a miracle. And my family returned."
"Someone spoke of magic. Of a green light coming out of the hut as I healed. They suspected Sigyn and she was arrested for witchcraft. She didn't tell them I was the witch, and she died in the stake, along with my kids. I had to watch it. They forced me to watch my family burn…" His voice broke and tears fell from his eyes. I moved closer and grabbed his shoulder, making him turn to face me and wipe them away. Then, something odd lit up in his eyes.
"I was mad with anger after this. Since they came, I did everything I could to protect them. Everything. And they murdered them. I took Sigyn's axe and slayed the old bitch who accused her. Then, I fueled my magic with rage and burnt down the village. I didn't care if it was Christians or my own people, they were all traitors, all killers. They took my life away from me, and I did the same. The villages around saw the green flames. They said it was the wrath of a powerful God. Some knew I was a witch. So, they created the God Loki. I didn't give a shit about being a God, but I didn't say anything." His eyes glowed for a moment as he spoke, his whole body tight with the memory. The lamp near us broke, I didn't need to wonder why. He breathed down and managed to collect himself before he went on.
"After this, I was easy on losing control because of my anger. I even killed my next soulmate because of this, in an accident. I don't even remember what happened, I only remember the anger. People grew scared of me, I was a monster. I couldn't live there anymore. I started wandering around Europe, and soon, around the Earth. It took me a lot of time to take control again, but I did. And, my soulmates were different. They didn't look like her, or they reminded me of her. They were bringing back the pain, the anger, the sentiment. Once, I was sharing a bed with one and I remembered the smell of my family. I ran to the bathroom and cried so hard I vomited. I couldn't live with soulmates anymore, so I was getting rid of them, of the sentiment. And the killing began." He was still whimpering, fighting back his tears. I cupped his head and moved my hand along his hair, hoping he would be soothed down.
"It had become a habit. And easy. I needed ten minutes to get done with the next one and then I was free again. And I was easy on finding them. They reminded me of that smell. But, you were different. You had your magic, like me, and you fought back. I used to hate you for that, but now I admire you. And, everyone had small traits of Sigyn, enough to bring back the memories, the smell. You have traits of all three of them, but you don't bring back the smell. Just the feeling of family… I hated you for that too, it was foreign to me. But you made it familiar, with your kindness last night…" He held himself longer, but I started tearing up. He moved his cold hand and wiped them away, a soft smile on his face.
"And, I started thinking. I didn't sleep, because of the thoughts. Killing will never bring my family back, it will only make them disappointed. And you made me realize that, with your questions. I gain nothing from murdering, I only lose them. And I have to go back to them, I don't belong in this era. I belong with the dead, with my family. I was turned into a corpse that made more corpses just to prove itself that it's still alive. So, I won't hunt you down again. I will leave. I will let you live your life, with someone you deserve to. I will go back home and wait until I can go with my family again. I will let the Norns guide me to them," His voice was breaking, he was barely holding himself together now.
"This is it? Good-bye?" I cried out, unable to stop my tears. He nodded a yes, then he hugged me.
"I just want you to know that I thank you. I thank you so much for bringing light to my way, for helping me out. I owe you so much, my dear. So much… I will see them again because of you, I am alive again because of you." He let himself cry, his hands tangled around me and his face hiding in my shoulder. I weeped too, holding him tight.
I lost track of how long we stayed like this. But he let go, let me wipe away his tears and smiled at me before he blew a kiss on my forehead.
"Promise me to keep contact," I smiled. He grinned and nodded.
"Thank you, my love," He whispered. I cried again and he wiped it away, shushing the pain away.
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nyxabird · 4 years
The Arkana Magician is probably one of the saddest characters I’ve seen.
I am the weirdest person because I think too hard about tiny side characters that are basically there just to move the plot along, and today has highlighted that because I’m crying over one of the tiniest like... seriously depressed.
So talks with my friend turned to the Pandora Black Magician/Arkana Dark Magician today, because I’m playing Duel Links and getting summon animations and that’s one I was missing. And I basically made myself completely depressed over this.
Also Memory World spoiler(s?) because this is going deep into talks about a certain someone. Since the English translation is the best known, I’ll use the English names for the post. (I’m used to using Japanese so forgive me if I slip up.)
For anyone who doesn’t know or doesn’t remember, the “Arkana Dark Magician” is sort of the mouthful title for the fake Magician we see in one of the duels in Battle City. It’s also sometimes called “Dark Magician (Arkana)” or “Dark Magician (Arkana Version)”. Or just sometimes Arkana Magician.
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It’s this one, in the red armor.
Now the episode just seems like a typical throwaway copy fight whatever, tense and meaningful but nothing really new. Arkana is beaten, the story moves on, nobody thinks about him again.
Except. I started thinking about him. And where my mind went was really, really, sad. Most of this is going to be headcanon since this is barely if at all touched on in-universe, just fyi.
We have no evidence where he's from, but the most likely option is that he's a fake card. We have evidence for it -- Marik is making fake Ras, which seem to function fine as cards, it’s just their side effects boil down to “God is angry because fuck you for making copies”. And, you know, the art of the Arkana Magician is distinctly less quality than the other cards we see, hinting it’s not drawn with the same professionalism, hinting further it’s done by someone else.
You can actually see if you look at it carefully. It just looks off somehow, especially with the positioning of his arms and how the staff isn’t actually being held in his hand, it’s sort of... glued to his wrist. There’s just something very weird and not-right about it.
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On top of the evidence of fake cards being made, we never see this version of the card again. We see other versions, but the fact this is a one-off unique version likely means it’s not something produced by Industrial Illusions.
So, you have Marik make a fake Dark Magician. All’s fine and dandy, except not quite no, because the Dark Magician isn’t just any card. It’s a card that was made when the High Priest Mahad fused his human soul with his ka, the manifestation of it, and basically turned himself into a Duel Monster. So you’re already playing with fire just making a fake of that.
Arkana says this outright because his constant refrain is that you have to make your monsters fear you. He literally owns them, they’re his slaves, and he abused and frightens them. You wouldn’t do that for things you think are pieces of paper -- normal duelists believe in their decks and monsters but it’s like believing in your Roomba. You don’t think it’s actually sapient.
But Arkana does, he treats them like they are, and thus it’s pretty clear that his deck and cards are alive. (This is even further established by Yami himself, who tells Arkana his monsters are crying.) And thus the copy of the Dark Magician he gets is brought to life. Except it’s a fake copy, it can’t draw on the real Mahad’s spirit, so you now have this weird hybrid-Duel-Spirit-that’s-not-really-an-individual-spirit hanging around.
So the Arkana Magician is this brand new baby spirit, wide-eyed and (probably) innocent, and then he gets handed to a complete psychopath who literally abuses him and treats him like an unfeeling tool. Of course he goes psychotic under that sort of treatment. He’s been “alive” for not even a year most likely, and the only other people besides himself that he knows are his owner (who is an abusive shitbag) and the other monsters (who are also slaves, but considered under him). So he’s in this weird limbo of being worthless except as a weapon for Arkana to wield and yet somehow above the other monsters, meaning he’s basically isolated from the very start.
And what happens after this isolation and abuse? He gets pitted against Yami. With the real Dark Magician -- with Mahad. And he gets thrown into a duel where it’s made blatantly clear, with no room for misinterpretation, that he’s not the real thing. He’s a fake, a phony, a copy, an imposter. He’s beaten down, derided, and destroyed (sacrificed by Arkana himself, because he’s a tool, he exists to die for him, again and again). He existed to be a sword, that’s his purpose for being alive, and his blade just got shattered off the shield that is the real him. The real him who is loved by Yami, treated respectfully. It’s made, very painfully and bluntly clear, that he’s nothing more than a knock-off here, a thing that isn’t considered real or worth affection or care.
A knock-off that nobody actually WANTS. Because when Arkana loses, he goes insane, so of course he wouldn’t keep him. But Yami doesn’t take him either. We don’t know for sure why, though honestly, with what evidence we have, it seems very much like the Arkana Magician just slipped their mind. Arkana gets fucked over by Marik so he can’t free himself, so Yugi takes over and frees him, Marik shows up to flip them the double-bird, Arkana basically goes completely insane, and then everyone finally shows up and Yugi is just so done with all this insanity right now that it’s slipped him and Yami’s minds.
Which... honestly, I get. Yugi is a teenager, Yami only has a group of teenagers to model his feelings/handling of things on. I don’t blame them for forgetting. But even if I don’t blame them, even if I think no one’s at fault here, it’s still pretty heartless and definitely heartbreaking.
“But Nyx!” you say. “He was hostile and an asshole, why would they take him with them?” To which I ask you to remember that Yugi nearly lost a foot of what very little height he had in order to save Arkana. And also, why is Kaiba hanging around? How did Yugi befriend Jounouchi again? At this point it’s pretty clear that Yugi’s bar for “this person is too evil to be my friend” is set high enough I’m fairly certain that a giraffe wouldn’t have to do more than slightly duck to get under it.
We have no idea what happens after that, but like... knowing the card is real, the Spirit World is real, and yet he’s a fake made off a real monster the options we can see aren’t really good. It’s actually pretty likely that he’s just... trapped in the card forever, since he isn’t real on his own -- at best he’s a tiny fragment of Mahad’s soul (which seems like a very likely option since he’s inherited Mahad’s skin color and makeup), at worst he’s a false imitation of a spirit that isn’t any more real than the “Mexican” food at Taco Bell. Either way, it’s likely he can’t pass on to the Spirit World. Which means he’s just... stuck, in the card. Forever. Completely alone because Pandora can’t use him, Yami didn’t take him, and nobody wants him.
He’s “lived” for such a short time and yet everyone he ever met hated him. To Pandora, he was a tool to be used at Arkana’s whims, hurt if he ever did something “wrong”, and as the episode shows he was fucking terrified of Arkana for it (and likely hated him in turn). To Yami, he was an opponent, a fake of Yami’s beloved Dark Magician (or at the very least took Yami’s feelings to be that, if nothing else). We don’t know what Mahad thinks of him, but quite frankly I doubt it’s anything good considering Mahad strictly serves the Pharaoh and his reincarnations and here is this knock-off street bazaar him serving an insane asshole that’s trying to kill said Pharaoh.
This poor fucker was doomed from the very beginning. And it breaks my heart that in the end, even though he was a victim and never asked for this, he probably got punished just as much as everyone else because he got left behind to rot, trapped in a card in likely complete solitude until he goes insane himself or the card’s destroyed and he can die. Honestly, for as much abuse as he got from Pandora, rotting in solitude is a far worse fate for someone who never deserved it.
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S01E08 - Princess Prom
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After that mid-season plot reminder we seem to be going back to the princesses! Is this one going to introduce the ice princess or is it going to be about the princesses meeting each other? Maybe both! Let's do this!
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It definitely sounds like it'll be both!
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Can't believe that She-Ra has been living for weeks there and no one has thought about giving her a change of clothes. I imagine her going "Sorry guys, can't go meet a princess today, I need to do my laundry AND I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO WEAR" and they just ignore her subtle hints. Nothing like the horde symbol waving like a flag in a clothesline.
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Hm. Did Glimmer miss the last one?
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FROSTA, OF COURSE. I forgot "Frost” even existed as a possibility.
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Someone needs to make an "inhuman adora sounds" twitter acount, like https://twitter.com/animegirlnoises?lang=en
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ooh, problems in paradise
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Sorry, it needs to be "inhuman princesses sounds." What a shame I can't embed uploaded videos in a text post.
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Wow, these subtitles are really missing a lot.
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I can't imagine a better (and more frustrating) counterpart to Catra than Scorpia.
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I kinda doubt she'll be able to capture Adora so that's one objective down, but I'm intrigued by the way Catra mentions Shadow Weaver. Is it a title instead of a name? I thought SW had changed her name from Light Spinner (since they kinda mean the same)
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I can't believe how much this explains Scorpia's personality.
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I think Catra is not really talking about Scorpia anymore but it still fits. It's nice that she has someone who feels like her though.
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Scorpia is the best. The princesses suck if they discriminated her because of her claws.
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How can anyone mistreat her
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I thought she had sent her a message or something, not that she had asked him during the battle! It completely fits her personality though
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Aw, poor Glimmer. The b-side of growing up, everyone else is growing up too. It probably doesn't help that Bow is her only friend besides Adora, and Adora is new.
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This is 100% going to lead to Adora revealing she doesn't know how to dance, right?
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Wait, NEUTRAL? They can afford to be NEUTRAL?
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can't believe Adora is making a ship chart
Is that wing, Glimmer?
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I mean... she does, yeah.
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I feel blessed by this glimmer
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I hadn't realized that maybe _Adora_ is the one who doesn't want new clothes. Now I can't stop imagining everyone in Bright Moon subtly suggesting her to change clothes and Adora completely ignoring everyone.
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That’s a great look for Catra.
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Aw, Scorpia seemed kinda unsure and only laughed after Catra started laughing. That's sad.
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For some reason I feel this has a lot of Sea Hawk energy.
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This is incredibly cute for an episode 8 of a first season. It's a testament to the show's characterization that something like this can work so early. You need to know the characters to make a party episode work since they all need to interact together.
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I have to admit that dress _does_ fit her better than the fluffy one.
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...what's up with those two in the lower left being pulled by another woman?
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These people seem better defined, future characters maybe?
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Hey, that's Spinerella and Netossa!
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A lot of these characters look like they came out of the game Monster Prom.
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oh that's going to be fun
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This show is pretty good at showing perfect examples of "a mood"
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I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Someone in the discord told me that Entrapta is supposed to be in her late 20s and I still can't believe it. I thought everyone was in their late teens at most. Entrapta in particular feels like a feral kid.
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Entrapta should be a liveblogger.
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I'm not sure _that's_ what's going on but sure.
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I love everything about this, _especially_ Adora's smugness.
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oh no, the cringe has begun
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That explains why we haven't seen that sociopath horse lately.
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yup, fits standard "don't know what to do during a party" behavior
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Glimmer is being a bit dumb but everyone's been that type of dumb at least once.
I don't like seeing her sad though, I hope it all blows over soon.
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She also looks sad. Saddest prom ever.
I'm wondering if her parents are alive, it's weird that they aren't around considering she's eleven (and three quarters.)
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I feel like Bow when he introduced Spinerella and Netossa: "we're not really sure what they do" but they are definitely here.
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Well, the child has a strong personality. I expected her to say something like this but I thought she'd be more childish about it. Is her personality because of the weight of her crown or because of a tragic past (or both)?
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The slow music that just started is so on the nose that I'm not minding this weird jealousy plot.
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Aww, poor marshmallow. This show continues to impress me by the way it develops its characters.
That line about Bow being introduced to Castaspella last episode was setup for this, it wasn't needed since this scene would have worked anyway but tiny touches like that help a lot in making these characters feel real, with a life before the show.
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That was amazing.
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My respect for Princess Frosta has increased a thousand percent.
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Adora is the embodiment of the "if you know how I am, why did you invite me?" meme
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ooh, first contact with the horde
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Oh Princess Frosta, you were so right: "Teenagers"
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Even angry he's still a good boy. He's 100% in the right in this situation, he'd have a free pass if he wanted to get angry but he's just clearly stating what's up.
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Nooo, no one is allowed to make this marshmallow cry. Even if they are right and she's wrong.
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I hope this doesn't feed "no one is going to want me now that I failed the one thing my one remaining friend told me to do"
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Catra is being such a troll and I love it. I probably shouldn't like it so much considering Adora just went through some bad gaslighting and this feels like the continuation of that but Catra's personality softens the impact a lot. Which probably makes it worse, huh.
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That face screams "What is the Horde?"
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I _did_ say that she was probably pretty good at being bad when she was introduced, even if her personality is awesome.
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Oh, didn't expect this. Is that Scorpia's power? Mind control? It'd fit with the poison theme without being literally poison.
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When I started watching She-Ra someone tweeted me an screenshot of this with the caption "not as gay as advertised" and I thought "hey, that's neat fanart" but nope, literally an screenshot from the show.
Not sure what that guy was talking about because this is pretty gay.
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And this is how they both get kicked out for breaking the no conflict rule. Which probably fits Catra's plan since it gives her a way to escape.
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To think I believed these guys were going to be credible threats after Lonnie threatened Catra.
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Does every castle have a gem like this? Scorpia mentioned something about a Black Garnet...
Okay, I checked back and she says "rune stone" (that doesn't appear in the subtitles * shakes fist *) I'm guessing that's how the princesses recharge their powers?
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What a great way to differentiate her from other "child" characters. In other shows she'd need help from the heroes after being taken down a peg but not Frosta, she's saving everyone and is probably going to be _pissed_ at the Horde, angry enough to join the rebellion.
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still pretty gay
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Wow. This is _not_ what I expected to happen from an episode named "Princess Prom."
The somewhat episodic nature of the show so far completely fooled me, I thought Catra would maaaybe escape with the sword and leave Bow and Glimmer behind but nope, a literal cliffhanger ending, with Adora powerless, alone and crying.
Catra wasn't just talking when she said that the way to get to Adora, was to go for the heart. It's impressive how successful she was at doing _everything_ she planned to do. The one thing I could maybe fault her is that she attacked Frosta instead of just leaving, I'm not sure the distraction was _that_ needed, and it won her an enemy if Adora manages to convince Frosta next episode about how everything was the Horde's fault. It should be easier with all the exploding proof around.
I'm not the biggest fan of jealousy plots but this one was handled very well, it made me cringe only once and that's more than I can usually ask for. Glimmer being rescued by Adora and the other princesses next episode(?) is going to be so good for her. It'll show her that she's not alone and that a lot of people have her back now.
There was some interesting worldbuilding, with Scorpia being a princess, the mentions of Star Sisters, Sweet Bee and Peekablue, the existence of Rune Stones which I don't remember from before, etc.
I love how deceiving this show can be, in a good way. It _looks_ soft and cute, and it usually is but there's an undercurrent of complexity that shines. There are alliances, politics, neutral parties, everyone has their own motivations. Most characters _feel_ real, in a way that most cartoons don't.
Can't wait to find out what happens next episode, until next time!
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saramelcky · 5 years
Fragments - Chapter 1
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Bucky Barnes x Mom!reader
Summary: After five years since half of the universe turned to dust, Y/n is raising her child alone trying to move on her loss for the baby’s sake. After a rough morning, Y/n finds out everyone came back but when her husband sees her with a four year old girl, he leaves them forever. While trying to move on, again, Y/n and the baby meet a really kind guy but in an unfortunate situation. 
Word count: 2.8k
Chapter warnings: Language. Mention of missing limb. Abandonment. Mention of Depression.
A/N: All right, this first chapter is supposed to give a general idea of Y/n’s life after the snap (or the blip, I really don’t understand what’s the right noun for THAT) A lot happens here and I’m afraid it’s too much for a single chapter. In the next one I don’t think there will be this much time skips. I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter and the next ones too. Feedback and critique are well welcomed. Please don’t repost any of my stories without my permission but reblog if you want to!
Fragments Masterlist
“Mommy! Wake up!” A high-pitched voice burst in Y/n’s room. After some seconds she feels a little dip in her bed then a little hand shakes her shoulder
“‘Morning Grace” Y/n tightly hugs her four years old daughter “Why are you awake this early, princess?” She asks leaving kisses all over her face
“That tickles mommy!” Grace laughs squirming in Y/n’s embrace
“I wanted your hugs...and my arm hurts” she says nuzzling in her chest
Y/n sits up concerned, rolls up her daughter’s right sleeve, showing her above elbow stump
“Oh, you don’t like the new arm, do you?” She asks massaging it lightly.
Grace shakes her head
“Can you do a magic mommy?” She asks
“The one that makes me feel better!”
A smile grows on Y/n’s face
“Of course love but you have to be a good girl and stay still” she says leaving a kiss on the kid’s temple.
After a whole hour of massaging all the sore spots of the little girl, she is hungry. As Y/n is preparing pancakes, the little Grace is cuddling her stuffed bunny wandering around.
“Mommy?” Asks Grace “where’s Daddy?”
She stares at her mom waiting for an answer
“Why are you asking me this?” Y/n says feeling a knot in her throat “we already talked a lot about daddy” she feels a tear falling down her cheek and wipes it right away
“Violet always talks about her daddy at school” Grace frowns “I want my daddy back”
Flipping the last pancake, Y/n lets out a shaky breath.
“Grace put your arm on, breakfast is ready” She says trying not to cry
“NO! I WANT DADDY BACK!” Grace cries while stomping away to her bedroom.
As Y/n hears the door slamming she can’t keep it anymore and starts heavily crying.
Even if five years passed, she can’t cope with the grief and since Grace had started asking about him, she isn’t doing better.
Now sitting on the kitchen floor, she can’t stop crying and starts sobbing loudly.
She tries to stop the tears when she hears her little girl coming back after a while.
“Mommy I’m hungry” she said quietly leaning her prosthetic to her mom
Y/n stands up wiping away the last tears and helping Grace with her arm when the little girl hugs her really tight
“I love you Mommy” she says
Y/n can’t stop another sob leaving her
“I love you too...my little baby” she puts Grace on her seat to eat her breakfast while trying to fix her red and puffy face.
When she comes back her little girl is trying to put on her shoes herself struggling a bit.
“Mommy, can you help me?” The little girl asks
Y/n leans down to tie Grace’s shoes
“You know, I’m so proud of you” she says to her daughter
“Am I a grown-up now mommy?”
“Of course, you’re a big girl” Y/n says lacing up the second shoe
 Y/n stands up, takes her purse and her car keys, ready to take Grace to preschool
“Grace honey, we’re already late. Don’t you want to see Ms. Davies at school?” She tries to persuade her little girl
“Mommy I’m sorry” Grace mumbles
“For what, baby?” Y/n looks at her apprehensively
”Because I made you upset. Please don’t be upset anymore. I’m sorry” Grace puts out the cutest but saddest pout ever seen and Y/n holds and reassure her little daughter
“I won’t ever be upset anymore. I promise. You are the best girl I could ever wish for” she starts to rock her and laying little peaks on the little chubby pink cheeks that she loves so much and when everything was finally calm again, they leave home.
 “I know we’re really late, but can’t you make an exception? We had a rough morning” Y/n tries to explain her situation to the school receptionist
“I’m sorry Ms. Y/l/n, but children cannot enter in class after 9.30 am and it’s already 10:20 am. I’m really sorry ma’am”
Y/n nods, thanks the lady at the desk and finally exits the school with her daughter still in her arms
“Where are we going? I want to go to Ms. Davies” Grace wailed
“Ms. Davies is not at school, so you’re coming at work with mommy, okay?” Y/n lies
“Yaaay, will aunt Lucy be there too?” Grace yelled of joy
“Yes, but you have to be quiet you know.
After Mommy finishes her work we can go out with your auntie, alright?”
“YES!” That little girl was pure happiness even in the difficult world she was born in.
  “Hey Y/n, I see we have a guest today” Y/n turns her head to see her best friend Lucy speaking to her
“AUNTIE” Grace yelled at the top of her lungs
“Shhh! Grace, what did I say about screaming?” Y/n scolds the 4-years-old
“Oh, come on, she’s just a child. Come here little girl” Lucy says almost scolding her back while hugging her little niece.
Y/n sits at her desk rescheduling some appointments when she overhears her daughter laughing and talking to her friend
“What do you do here?” Grace asks Lucy
“You mean what’s my job here?” Lucy asks back
Grace nods with a big grin on her face
“Well, I and your mummy stay here and programs meetings for people who need to talk about problems; and when we have to do these meetings, we help the others” Lucy explains kindly
“Like superheroes?” Grace’s question puts a smile on Y/n’s face
“Exactly like superheroes! You know who works with us sometimes?” Lucy says and Grace shakes her little head
“Captain America” Lucy whispers in the kid’s ear making her smile even more than before
“Do you know him?” She asks still smiling
“Well not that much, but I see him sometimes” Grace continues to ask her things about their work and how they are helping people.
Y/n’s and Lucy are psychologists and have been working together for almost ten years. When Thanos came and half of the universe disappeared, including Jacob, they decided to help the rest of them with therapy groups and consults; even Y/n participates as a patient sometimes. They were really happy when other therapist and even psychiatrist decided to work with them creating one of the best clinics in New York. They also provided free meetings twice a month to help even more people. That’s how they tried to go on: helping others.
 After the little chat, Grace decides to play with her bunny while sitting next to Y/n.
Everyone is working hard, and Grace isn’t causing trouble yet, so everything is alright.
Then suddenly, Y/n’s phone goes off, not the office one but her private phone, she forgot to turn it off as it should be. The detail that makes her blood runs cold is that someone is calling her from her own house, that should be locked and empty.
She reluctantly takes the call hoping is just her phone glitching.
“Hello?” Y/n asks
“Hey, honey, where are you? Why you left?”
Y/n is feeling her chest tightening as she recognizes the person at the other end
“This joke isn’t funny okay? Who are you?” Her voice is shaking and Lucy can hear the distress from her desk
“What? It’s me, babe, it’s Jacob, your husband”
Y/n was shocked, it couldn’t be him, it must be some bad joke of some stupid kids
“N-no that’s impossible, you must have got the wrong number, I-I’m sorry” and she hangs up.
Turning around, a questioning look sees her waiting for an explanation
“Who was it?” Lucy asks
“I don’t know. He said...that he was Jacob. T-that can’t be, he’s gone” Y/n tries not to cry in front of her baby again on the same day
“Mommy, what’s wrong?” Grace asks
“Oh nothing, I’m fine little girl” Y/n reassures her
“Did you know the number?” Her friend questions
“It was my house telephone...but it must have been a bug or something” Y/n says
“Oh, that’s weird. You should go check anyway. I’ll cover your shift don’t worry” Lucy suggests
“I don’t know, are you sure?” She asks her friend
“Of course, Y/n! I don’t need to remember you that you actually don’t have any boss here so go check everything’s fine”
She picks up her stuff and her daughter, they enter the car and drive the longest way back home ever. Anxiety was eating her alive.
 She inspects her apartment building from the outside while keeping her girl quiet; when she sees that everything seems fine, she puts out her keys and enters. As she opens the front door, she hears a movement, someone was in her house.
Before picking something to hurt whoever was inside a voice resounds in the living room
“Y/n? Is that you?”
“Mommy I’m scared” Grace says almost crying but Y/n has already sprinted towards the voice with tears in her eyes
As the little girl follows her mom, she sees a really weird scene: her mom is hugging a familiar man, he was really similar to some of the photos Y/n showed her.
Her little stomping on the floor is catching the man’s attention
“Who’s this kid?” He asked confused
“Jacob, she’s your daughter. Y-you don’t know what happened but you...hell how do I explain this. You disappeared, it was five years ago, the day I found out we were expecting” she says while tears are freely streaming down her face
She expected a confused reaction, maybe a teary one too.
“That’s bullshit, fuck.” he curses with his hand in his hair
“What?” Y/n is disbelief “Grace, please go to your bedroom” the little girl goes away
“Who did you cheat me with?” He accused her
“Are you insane? She’s yours!” Y/n tries to convince him, but it was an unbelievable story even to her ears.
After minutes, almost hours, of fighting he leaves her. Alone again, and now she has to answer all the questions from her four years old daughter.
The call to Lucy is quick, Y/n just needs to see her, she doesn’t want to be alone.
Everyone is living something similar to Y/n’s situation but she’s missing the happiness of the moment.
As Lucy arrives, she helps her friend deciding what to do next and then offers to keep Grace with her until things settle down, Y/n is grateful for people like her and accepts.
She needs to talk more with Jacob, try to make him come back for her little girl and fix everything as five years before.
Needless to say, it is impossible, Y/n can’t even find Jacob that day and the last time she hears of him is when he sends her divorce papers.
Y/n is broken, in the inside and on the outside, some days she can’t even get up the bed, so she calls in her best friend to pay attention to Grace.
“Y/n, you can’t go on like this anymore” Lucy says as Y/n lies in bed with red and puffy eyes and heavy dark circles under them “you’re destroying yourself, and I cannot let you do it”
Y/n just turns in the bed to not face her
“You have a child for god's sake!” She shouts removing violently your duvet from the bed
Lucy knows how it feels, she didn’t lose anyone very important 5 years before but lost both of her parents back when she was just more than a teenager, she helped Y/n when Jacob disappeared but now, she can’t see her like this because he’s just an idiot.
“Now you’ll shower, you’ll have the breakfast I already cooked, and you’ll go to the park with your daughter” she asserts
Y/n just stares at her, but the cold from outside her bed makes her finally get up.
She takes almost a full hour to get out with Grace and as she steps out of her home she wants to go back, but she has to be strong, that’s what Grace deserves.
They arrive at the park after stopping at a bakery to buy some pastries. Y/n and Grace sits on a bench, eating together and cuddling a bit. At that moment Y/n forgets what happened with Jacob and only sees her happy daughter enjoining the sweets they bought before.
Y/n has finally time to see how the world changed again: there were more people around, more kids playing, more adults jogging and more animals. Grace was amazed by how many squirrels were around and when she sees a really big dog can’t stop herself to go there and pet it.
When the little girl runs back to her mom, she doesn’t see the man arriving from her left and bumps into him falling back
“O my God, are you okay little one?” The man says as he realizes what just happened
Grace starts crying and Y/n rushes to her side seeing the man kneeling down to check on her
“Grace! Crap I’m so sorry” Y/n tells him
“Oh no it’s nothing, although I’m worried about her arm it...shouldn’t be turned like that” he points to her right arm
“Shit” she curses under her breath, she detaches the prosthesis and sees the broken part. The man is still watching them as Grace stops crying
“Mommy, did I break it?” She sniffles
“It’s not a problem princess, we’ll buy another one” Y/n reassure her thinking she cannot afford a new arm, she will use the old one even if it’s too little.
“Ma’am, I’ll pay it” the man interrupts
“Oh no, you don’t have to, thank you” Y/n tells him kindly
“But I want to. I know what’s like being without it” he rolls up his tight long-sleeved jersey showing the metal arm.
That’s the moment she realizes: she looks at his face, then, again at his vibranium arm and back at his face one last time.
“You’re Bucky Barnes. Oh god. You definitely don’t need to buy it. I’m so sorry I’m bothering you” She picks her daughter up and put the broken prosthetic in her bag “you already did so much for our country and suffered so much, I don’t want to be a burden for you, god I should stop talking this fast shouldn’t I?” As Y/n finishes her sentence, she’s out of breath and makes Bucky giggles
“Paying her a new arm is not a problem at all. And you are not a burden either. I should have seen where I was going and dodge...Grace isn’t it?” You nod “Because I suffered, I know what it feels like not being able to do little things and surely a sweet girl like her should not go through all that” he says while looking at the little girl with a big smile.
Y/n is speechless, she can’t do anything but agree with him and let him pay the new arm. He decides to take them to the former Avengers tower, now functioning again as the compounds were destroyed against Thanos, to choose the new arm for Grace. She can’t believe what’s happening and why is happening to her.
 As the little Grace is amazed by the greatness of the tower, Y/n still can’t erase from her mind the little speech he gave before. He was so selfless and known his past she would have never guessed that part of him.
They arrived in this big living room where he makes the two guests sit on the couch, he leaves for a minute just to come back with a holographic projector. He puts it on the coffee table in front of the girls and a sort of catalogue shows up: there is every kind of prosthesis you can imagine, from the multitask one (with screwdrivers implanted), to the ultra-realistic one. Every kind of prosthetic shown there is a certain upgrade on Grace’s life; even the simplest one has all the joints connected to a sensor in its turn connected to her nerves by a little capsule inserted in the stump.
While getting emotional by all of this, Bucky rubs her shoulders trying to comfort Y/n
“This is what Tony wanted his technology was used to, help others. It’s the least I could do to you and to him” He says making her even more emotional.
“I...I don’t know what to say. Thanks for everything. I still think this is a dream, it’s incredible” Y/n was legitimately shaking for the emotions.
Grace, seeing Bucky so close to her Mommy, smirked and then jumped down the couch wandering a bit around leaving the two alone.
“I didn’t get your name” he says after she calmed down
“Oh, well I’m Y/n” she says before blowing her runny nose
“We should take some measurements of Grace’s stump so we can do the mould and then the arm” Bucky says looking at Y/n, who realized the girl missing
“Yeah we have a bigger problem” She says, “Where’s Grace?”.
@capandbuckylvr @queen-of-elves @dark-night-sky-99 @chubby-dumplin
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